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Share your tips and tricks and anything you feel important for our little community!
wow thanks for the very nice comment and request.
We put this on the next to do list but of course first have to finish the 4 other routes making the Vancouver Calgary to a collectible series.
Can you email me you Trainz username to keep your name private here.
If you like something see different on this website let me know also if it does what it needs to do and no overkill.
Any other subject feel free to talk about.
I'm having trouble with a couple of the turnouts in the Revelstoke engine terminal, specifically P01 Revelstoke C and P03 Revelstoke C. The points on 03 seem to be frozen; even though the indicator arrows switch from red to green, the points stay in the same position. Also, whenever I try to run a loco through either turnout, it derails! Close visual inspection does not reveal any immediately obvious reason for this to be happening, and I am moving at less than 10 mph with the points properly set, so I can't see that it's anything I'm doing, either. Help???
PlS NEVER feel bad if something is not working(lucky happen very rare!) as we all know very well certain things(N3V bugs) we have no control but can repair luckily at least so i feel good when i can help.
by tonight or tomorrow dec. 31st latest I will have a updated version of CPR Mountiain Sub and Rogers Pass both under release 1.0.2.
If you are interested to receive please email me on roystrainz together with information on your username so I can provide each one with a newer version.
update contains replaced corrupted switches, repaired textures dissolved left and right and also a new speed and signal update.
The signal update will cover Viktor Lake till half way Lake Kinbasket to Donald Station.
Please report any missing, corrupt or not working item so we can update them in the next version end of january 2013.
thanks for all the nice post and help to get this blog getting better and more lively. Please post any remark, suggestion, idea, wish, comment in general as llong as it is constructive and positive.
Many thanks again and happy, happy new year!!!
Ok this morning test revealed signal 1100S is flashing yellow top left. the V2 HUD is showing green. I consider this not to bad and would accept the HUD not to be correct. The more once the train passed the signal it turned yellow for S 1095S so proofed the HUD is little bit off. Your take and please do not be shy to post something here.
Trouble with the 1.0.2 download. I'm getting a file not found error. Possibly because the link says crp rather than cpr?
Happy New Year to all of you!!!!!!!!
I confirm that the download of version 1.0.2 and the installation in Trainz went as expected, ie. no problems at all.
Thanks for such good service and for such a superb route.
Thanks Gilles most other Roy's trainzers confirmed also good execution of the new release and yes works as expected, thanks for the ice comment.
Hi everyone! I want to thank Roy for an AMAZING route (I bought the 3-in-1 CPR Mountain Sub)!! The detail is ridiculous and I cannot even imagine the effort and time it took to create this route. Today I spent some time reading the new PDF instructions for the CMTM System (http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showt...7-CMTM-Upgrade) and was wondering if anyone else other than myself is crazy enough to attempt creating at least one session utilizing it. It seems like a daunting endeavor and I have no doubt that it would be an intense effort. However, I believe that a few of us dedicated enough may be able to team up and put something quite impressive together for this equally impressive route. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas? I especially would like Roy to chime in here too. Thanks!
Enough industries to do the first steps with lumber industries rolling stock and truck bringing the lumber from the forest..eg.
64WarHorse, yes, I think that there are enough industries, esp if you include the whole Mountain Sub. Not to even mention what Roy here has proposed (integrating it into his upcoming additional route(s)). CMTM does support all sorts of cool scenarios as mentioned by Roy, not just yard/switching duties specifically. I am in the process of learning the new CMTM version (v.4) and would gladly contribute as much time/effort that I can to developing some sessions if we do it in a team fashion. :) Maybe we can start small at first and make some very basic sessions/scenarios to see how it goes. If all works out well then we can collaborate and come up with some truly epic sessions for these awesome routes! This idea is very exciting for me and if some of you share my enthusiasm (esp Roy), I really think we could build something legendary here. Idk. Maybe we can pull DAP (CMTM creator) into this somehow too.
Okay, colour me intrigued. So where do we start? I suppose the first question would be, do we need to modify any rolling stock for CMTM?
This is the most expensive ad-on I have ever bought, but I consider it worth every penny.
Keep the spirit high. :) I really look forward to following the devlopment of Your project.
Steve i agree i will tell Ray to change the background in a neutral easy to read color monday! promise!
ChrisD yeeeehhh wow that feels good you like it as so many did already before you and yes it is a marvel and yes worth every penny you spent There is so much to discover it will take you a lot of time to find out and still not see it all,........that means yes i spent a lot of time creating this and hope to finish the next section soon.
Railworks user here that just had to see what Trainz was capable of in its most extreme! Picked up Trainz on 75% discount and bought the Rogers Pass route from your site. The level of detail in this route is amazing. Im a routebuilder in Railworks, and I know how long it takes to build anything. I cant imagine it being any different in Trainz.. Your work is really and I mean really fantastic! Its all in the details as they say and your route has it all. Take care all and thanks again for your hard work Roy!
Hello all! Sorry for the few days absence but I've been quite busy lately. Anyway, I am almost done reading and re-reading the CMTM documentation and would soon like to start collaborating with those of you interested in helping me out with some basic CMTM session ideas and subsequently creation. All of those interested should PM me on the main Trainz forums thread and send me their e-mail addresses so we can communicate more efficiently. Or, feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected].
saw that one too1 I did straighten a track segment and did not realize the signposts were separate and so got this cosmetic error. Moved the post and fixed already, thanks for reporting.
Thank you for this nice route it is wel very long to drive cpr mountain sub -)) my wife is killing me.
Guillaume, i cannot advice you what is a less of more painful death, killed by your wife or trainz excitement, lol.
Thanks 4 sharing, Ning laughs she understand.
Hopefully this will work in TS12, seeing errors as I install, previous versions errors, warnings. All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the routes!
all related to JVC grass items by author jankvis.
missing deps or unknown deps 99% of the time are caused by to many cdp's installed at the same time in Content Manager Program! So if jankvis has unknown ora ny other look for the author and reinstall that group like here for Jankvis go to group 3 dependencies you downloaded and reinstall the group J in there, should work flawless honest.
hmm working in my dungeon on Mount Stephens/Spirals/Lake Louise area Laggan sub.....sssst top secret.
"Roy, the screenshots of the Mountain Subdivision are phenomenal. Have you done the whole thing to absolute scale? What sources did you use (or are you a railroader)? What version of Trainz will this run on and are there related kuids included?"
Like Google real scale and detail as far as possible.
Running TS12 latest version 49922.
Thanks a million Roy! You are a wonderful and patient support. Everything is up and going, beautifully! Now for that latte, sit back, relax and enjoy.
Thursday Feb 27th I will upload release 1.03 of the CPR Mountain Sub. Claim yours by sending an email to me and i will link an upload for you. Have a great week!
did you have any succes implementing the CMTM system for our routes? let us know what the current status is ok?
Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates, but I was out-of-state enjoying Mardi Gras in New Orleans for a few weeks. :) But yes, CMTM DOES work with the routes and it works quite well actually. I had started to collaborate with another member here but he hasn't replied to my last e-mail. He had some VERY good session ideas which I was excited to work on with him. He had suggested doing multiple CMTM sessions, each one building upon the previous one(s). I will attempt to contact him again. Otherwise, I, myself, have begun testing CMTM implementation on the CPR Mountain Sub route (3-in-1) and am now trying to come up with some of my own session ideas. If ANYONE else here would like to help, PLEASE contact me via e-mail or PM on the forums.
Mardi Gras that has been a while for me.... very nice time!
Well CMTM that sounds good, let me know when you have something for me to test here and give ideas to you as feedback. If lucky not to long we have a connection to the Laggan sub to run real CMTM!
Keep up the excellent work and keep me in the pict.
CPR Mountain Sub release 1.0.3 is ready for dl.
email me and I open in your account for dl!
Hello all! I must apologize for the delay in providing any updates regarding implementing CMTM 4 on the CPR Mountain Sub. I am just starting to get over a nasty bout with bronchitis/upper respiratory infection and have not been able to devote much time to Trainz or much else aside from sleep (and coughing my lungs out). Steve (I am now unsure of his Trainz username here) contacted me awhile ago about his interest and desire to help me get some CMTM sessions thought-out and started. I will be contacting him later today to continue to work out the details of some of his ideas (which are really awesome btw!!). Not going to ruin the surprise or anticipation, but due to the route's huge size and unique layout of industries, yards, and portals to subsequent routes that Roy has mentioned, the sessions Steve has suggested as some possibilities really do a great job of taking those factors into account.
Roy, yes!, CMTM 4 can and DOES work with the route(s) and YES!, it should definitely be something you take into consideration for future updates, upgrades, and new routes/expansions. Steve and I both came to the same conclusion that adding CMTM to existing rolling stock is a very simple matter of just adding some lines to the config.txt files. However this poses a potential problem with the original content creators' licensing/hosting mandates. I am not sure what to do about this potential issue, but I am sure we will find a way.
kep up the good work guys, i work hard to get the daunting task of texturing over and over again certain areas to my liking but as i get older (like all of you) every day, day by day I get more picky and say to myself time is not of the essence, quality, pride of work and fun of doing it makes the difference.
if this continues I close the blog and concentrate only on supporting you guys my unbelievable nice cosy and great roys trainz family. SP1 is the door closer for me with trainz although I will support you guys to the end of the 5 major routes for the next years to come and look seriously for another alternative than N3V.
i not understand what fun they have spamming this blog. there is no financial gain nor fight or dispute of any kind related unless they show their face like we do.
ugly but it seems to make them happen.
Garbage not only fills our oceans and kills habitat.
I just finished testing a way around the grotesque bug existing for years far as TRS 2009 and now even blocking my routes from working with tunnels.
It is not a copmplete guarantee it should work now for you to so pls dl it and test it once I uploaded only CPR marked as 57720_CPR. i not upgrade any smaller route instead I will teach you how to spli them yourselves from a certain release for your own enjoyment. Kepp all routes updated is to much work right now and easier to split the biog one local at your desk.
Yess, they failed to block me here is a version that will work at least it does on my computer 57720! I will now start prep upload for the route with tunnels working but its new tunnels not the old one i did change little things in the config too of the tunnels.
Ok just uploade the latest CPR version working with big tunnels in 57720 SP1 and also uploade the 577203rdparty_fix for deps new tunnels you need to dl again. sorry for the incovenience but thank N3V for all the mishap and fuzz they create and deny.
I am not sure how to update my Rogers Pass to SP1. Please advise.
Niels send me an email and acc namr and see what we can do ok?
Maybe You should take a look at Open Rails when You get a few moments to spare.
This is where I have moved after giving up on TS12 and its "Service Pack".
This freeware Train Simulator (at 0.8 rev 1561) uses at present existing MSTS Routes, but is running on 4 cores and is revised several times each week.
Bug reporting and fixing is a breeze compared to N3V, and the team even works for nothing.
Visual range from the CAB, where I am supposed to be when I drive a train, is 4 Km´s and can be set even higher If You want to, but 4 Km´s is GREAT sustaining a 100+ frame rate.
The driving experience is CLASSES Higher than Trainz.
Sorry for rubbing salt in Your wound, but my wound is just as great thanks to N3V, and You said in a previous post that You might change platform.
Just wanted to let you know that after a fresh install of TS12 SP1 and CPR Mountain Sub 57720 I am simply amazed.
Never before have I been able to run with 5000MT draw successfully. Usually I cannot even open up the CPR as it locks up my computer. I have never been able to run it with all sliders maxed out but with TS12 SP1 and CPR 57720 I have no problems.
The graphics are a huge improvement as is the sound.
In fact the only minor issue I have is a slight stutter when the scenery detail slider is on normal or high with the other sliders at max value. Smooth as silk if scenery detail is on low. this is unheard of on my humble computer. I will play with the slider settings a little more as I am sure there is a better compromise re the stutter.
I have kept the TS12 pre SP1 install just in case, but I am really loving the 57720 version so much.
I will report back after testing in a heavy yard area and with other trains about.
That's all for now, Andrew.
sorry to hear you leave.
Well if Open rails has a modeller similar to trainz or better, if the dbase of 3rd party freeware objects to choose from is similar or better, if there is a way to "move" "recreate the same DEM, networks, road,splines and locations of existing objects ....what else.
I know the problem, and there is no easy solution.
As for the assets, there may be a way forward. Most assets are built with some kind of 3D modeller, and if the raw files (before export to Trainz) is at hand they can be exported to MSTS as well.
I am sure we will never get to a quater of a million assets, but right now N3V is voiding a batch of these, so..
I not need all dls items so far 400 are faulty in my trainz dbase. ouch but can live with it for the moment.
thanks for your support dear friend say hello home from all of us!!
New version of CPR Mountain Sub TS14 release 1.0.5 now available.
just uploaded the 1.0.5 release which runs very nice and is the best ever driver version so far in 10 years! Scenery and quality is beyond expectations and a complete surprise probably for N3V too they never check or report things anyway.
OGL is now finally the way to go and has better fps too when tweaking your Nvidia.
Personally I am most happy with driver as the speedtrees and my textures now do VERY well!!!
I just made a free roam around Your route and the memory usage peaked at 2,454,000 Kb, so Trainz definately uses more than the usual 2 Gb. And, no locking or long thinking pauses.
Roy, thanks again, I have donwloaded all 1.0.5, do I need all these if I have the previous version?
If you dl already earlier revs deps you not need to dl again same.
Chris thanks for the link it seems to work better than expected!
Is there a way to undo the 4GB patch? My trainz.exe file is changed, cannot apply patch #2. Thanks.
you run into the same booby trap too like me.
Currently i make some backups of older TS212 versions to an old HDD but a slow one. After done I will than carefully upgrdae another 57720 on my SSD and install same way you do.
I lost my major HDD backup disk incl my original TS12 files from trainz setup. Not in the mood now to see if i can dl them again from trainz... Maybe when we finished supplying N#V with all the bugs they will fix them for the next TS14 for sure and use us as their testers like always.
there is and never will be a rollback from them so when goes wrong you have to uninstall reinstall crazy but true as far as I know.
keep me us posted and you can post in roy doors thread so other can learn from it.
That is Your original file. Just delete the Trainz.exe and rename tha backup.
Ok guys this evening uploaded tons of kuids upgraded to trainz build 3.5 to be used in TS12 49922 and 87898.
If your interested dl the 5 groups on the deps page of your profile.
Roy, just found your website by chance, looked at your route pics. they are the best I've seen. You are an artist.
For all those using the CPR Mountain freeware route with s301 ZR grasses which unfortunately not do the job at all. I did replace them today but the route is not updated yet.
Here is a way to use replace assets and you can dl via your profile the Pofig-JVC frewware cdp with the grasses needed.
I did work on a proper replacement for the S301 grasses for the freeware grass version of the CPR route.
I thought that those from jvc in the pofig lib could do the job till one decides to change/upgrade to ST_2 grasses if he/she likes them more.
find near track following item "ZR~(Gr-1)Grass R-Dark green-2 mtr"
open in surveyor main menu replace assets and place this object in left side as assets to replace!
click current selection only to make it replace all in the route!
"3D1_Pg-JVC_gr1_22" is asset to replace with!
3D1_Pg-JVC_gr2_58 asset to replace with!
In case you are not familiar with I can make tomorrow a short video how to but bet you know this command how to use.
Roy, a query please. I am in the process of writing a Session for CPR to be uploaded (hopefully) to the DLS.
I have the freeware S301 grasses at the moment. If I replace them with the 3D1 grasses does your map still retain your kuid?
If I upload a Session with S301 grasses will other players with other versions of grasses still be able to download and play a Session from the DLS?
I not have experience with creating sessions to that level of detail how trainz would handle it bit from the surveyor handling this it should work as long as the other side has the same grass it will show that grass.
Most probably the session would have missing deps (grasses) if the other party not have those grasses in his/her dbase.
We have to test this and see or discuss with other more experienced session users on the forum.
The eeasiest and most forward way for you however would be to make these grasses Gr... now used mandatory to dl and install when someone dl your session.
I have never used Replace Assets before so I'm not sure if it also replaces your kuid with mine for the map. That would be no good to upload a Session to the DLS.
I'll play safe for the moment and keep to the S301 grasses until my Session is released. After that I can experiment.
I think you are right in that another player would have missing deps but that should'nt affect the playability of the Session.
BTW, what is the correct spelling. Illecillweat or Illecillwaet? Both are used in the map. I would like to know the correct one for use in html messages.
Before you release any session on the dls make sure that not inadvertedly parts of the payware route are linked or available thru the session on the dls.
I never used sessions in depth but I think i saw once a large route file linked in the sessions data file that was the major part of the route.
This we have to avoid you understand.
Replace asset is easy and handy so pls use it and let me now the new grasses do the job.
Illecillewaet is the correct name.
I understand your concerns about people getting hold of your route through other means. That will not happen with me. I shall be uploading 2 files to the DLS when ready. One is the Session and the other is a HTML file which will contain the instructions, messages, etc.
Nothing of your route is included apart from your kuid in the Session config.txt that gives the map being used. What this means is that if someone hasn't bought the route and downloads the Session, they won't be able to play it as the route will be a 'Missing Dependency'.
With your permission I'll add into the DLS description that the Session uses a Payware route only available from you at Roy's Trainz. You never know, it might bring in a few extra sales! If someone has already bought the route then everything is peachy.
I've started the Session at Revelstoke CPR Yard and have now reached Illecillewaet (correct spelling thanks).
I'll tidy up here and save a backup to external HD before I try replacing the grasses.
thanks for the nice post and agree with you.
Sorry for the late approval of the post.
My webmaster adviced me to go this cumbersome way to approve outside posts since hackers/spammers keep bombarding the website relentlessly what fun they think they have is unclear to me but this world has more unclear habits and things happening.
Thanks for the reply. I agree with you, these hackers are a menace.
I installed the grasses ok but what I feared would happen, did. I could only save them in a new map with my kuid. This of course is no good as I need to upload a Session for use with your map, your kuid.
What I think I'll do is to continue on to Wakely and stop there. I'll upload the Session and explain that it can only be played with your S301 map. I'll wait and see if there is any positive interest/feedback before deciding whether to carry on to Golden.
Don't bother replying to this post. I'll put future posts on the Forum and let N3V worry about the hackers.
If you go into the config of your session and change the route map the session refers to than, anyone who has the CPR in any form but different grasses eg should be able to run the route/session.
When you have a test for me i can proof what I say when you ready.
I have done this dozen times when a session linked to an older CPR version I wanted to link to a newer, changed the config map kuid the session has to run on and done.
I understand what you mean when updating Sessions but this is your own kuid on your own computer and Trainz recognises this.
When I replaced the grasses I can only save it in my kuid which Trainz gives me, like it or not.
For instance: your map 122860:100035, after installing and saving the new grasses has now become 90608:100027, the 90608 being my kuid.
This is fine as long as I don't want to upload the map to anywhere. It may now be in my kuid but doesn't belong to me.
I think the way to go is to release the Session with the default map 122860:100035. I will add an instruction on how to change the map kuid in the Session to whatever they have on their system. This will not infringe your copyright as any player must have bought your original map before they can update grasses.
All very complicated so I'll leave that for now until I get the Session finished.
I'll come back to you at that time to see about testing.
defying 58414 little critters and bugs the Rogers Pass passed my QA tests with "flying colors" after crashing first time after 2 hours without any normal reason than the exisitng Trainz bug.
The route is now ready for dl for those interested in a 58414 1.07 version of this section.
About wich trainz TS12 versions support my routes. Simple and straight forward ALL releases work 100% and dependencies of the route are all working and links for dl provided. It cannot be more simple and all in one place.If for any reason you feel well with the 49922 version dl this one from your account profile.I use the 58414 as the driver here runs particularly well, but earlier versions no problem.
Can i ask what the file size is for the whole Route please Roy ?, Like to download the whole thing mate i am on a limited wireless service here and it would take for ever to download if the Route and Deps is too big. And does it only come in a winter version ?. Loks pretty cool the whole thing.
sorry I just now checked the blog to see for comments that need approval. Many times hackers and sorts of try to ruin one's day and for unknown reason and sick pleasure that never works at least not with us.
Ok the size of the entire route is a cdp/zip 199 MB! not that big even for a limited internet connection and my site has fast acces so dl would work fine.
The deps are all grouped in smaller ones and also setup to fit as you said ltd acces internet connections.
I am very pleased to see you around here and we would be more than happy to welcome you to our community. You will love it and yes the winter/seasonal groundtextures for a auto pre and post winter experience is included.
Check my thread there are somewhere also winterpictures around.
This should get you on the tracks with Roy's trainz.
Thanks Roy i'll certainly grab it at sum stage mate, Few other projects i want to take care of first though so thanks again.
Hate to be a pain again mate sorry but can i ask one more question, If i have not updated to the latest patchs for TS12 can i still use your Route ?. Or would i have to patch to the latest build ?. Thanks Roy.
yes when you purchase my routes it will show you what to dowload for eg. 49922 WIN and MAC version and in case the 58414 release the coresponding CPR route working/updated for the version of TS12.
Also I did "update a lot of built-in and other used cdp's to actualize them as far as feasible to run well on 58414.
these routes look awesome, i'm currently downloading alot of stuff for other software and will buy CPR Mountain Subdivision in a couple of hours. I hope the download includes everything needed to run the route because i'm new to Trainz12. Thank You Roy for your work of Art :) Harry from Montreal, Canada.
you make my birthday a complete success. thanks for the very nice comment.
Welcome to Roys Trainz and YES there is one page containing ALL needed deps at your fingertips.
OMG, WOW! Roy you're awesome! I just finished installing "Rogers Pass" and I am in shock at how beautiful the route looks in TS12. Your payware even looks better than Railworks TS2014......BRAVO!
Do you remember if I have all the routes when I bought the $70 combo? If not, which one do I not have? Curious, thank you for all your hard work and beautiful creative things.
The 3 in combo means that you bought the CPR Mountain Sub from Ottertail all the way to west of Revelstoke.
I made for a limited time 3 separate "smaller" routes cutting/overlapping with the huge CPR MOUNTAIN connecting them via Iportals.
The "smaller 3 sep routes" where temporarily I want to allow people to taste at "entry" level before deciding to go for the big one.
Some users liked the smaller ones to run a few hours i.o. of 9 up all day.
99% bought and uses the CPR MOUNTAIN SUB.
I did not anticipate so much work due to several bugs in any trainz version when cutting. Imagine eg deleting a baseboard does not mean all data within and crossing is deleted and you and up with "invisble floating elements" ouside your cut route.
this morning Richard post on my trainz forum threads very touching post indeed!
"Hi Roy and everyone else who views this thread.
5 days ago I had been in Trainz exile for around 4 years. If I am totally honest I didn't think I would ever take an interest in Trainz again having drifted onto other things. On Sunday afternoon I stumbled across The Kickstarter Project "Trainz Simulator - A New Era". Initially I made a modest pledge, I liked the idea and the more I read about it, the more my interest in the future of Trainz was growing. The fire was lit and within a few hours I was back on the Kickstarter page increasing my pledge. At this point I was going to take a back seat and strap myself in for the ride and watch the next 4 weeks unfold. It didn't stop there though, I still couldn't stop at pledge number 2. I decided I needed a bigger slice of the action and pledge number 3 was made within 24 hours of me starting all this. Having got this far and making a commitment to the future of Trainz it was time to dust down my last version of the game Trainz 2009 and take a look. I had remembered fondly how much I enjoyed Trainz 2004 and Trainz 2006 along with Trainz classics, although if I am honest winding the clock back 4 years and looking at Trainz 2009 did little to enhance my new found enthusiasm for the Trainz Kickstarter project.
Taking the above into consideration it was time to research the current version of trainz and try and establish what the best available routes for Trainz 12 were. This is where I stumbled across Roys Trainz and after browsing his site and the forums I knew instantly I wasn't going to wait for my Get Trainz Now selection from the Kickstarter Pledge. I bought Trainz 12 along with CPR-Mountain-Sub TS14 and It's one of the best decisions I have ever made.
The Route is absolutely stunning Roy and is a credit to you.
I look forward to seeing your work hit new heights in future versions of trains.
ain't that something wow feels good and gives lots of energy.
The day after Dec.17th we all feel much better KS first step reached and more streched goals will make it for sure.
Thanks all the trainzers who supported vie my website and of course all those that pledged on the official KS and trainz website!!!
For those new to my website asking how come this blog is not very active, the reason is simple we use the main Trainz forum my trheads and thus reach at the same time other trainzers not part (yet) of the Roy's Trainz family.
If you like to share on my threads that you pledged also thru my routes please post over there and here of course.
I respect eachothers privacy and not publish a list.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Trainz year and 2014!
william asked me today in an email if my routes work on TS 12 he bought from steam.
Yes all my routes work on TS12 and all versions, see on this website when you click more on the CPR Mountain Sub it show TS12 version number and windows and or MAC version number.
Well, finally we did it the Laggan sub section West is ready to download.
further posts and comments we do as usual on the trainz forum in my threads Canadian rocky Mountains 2011 and others i opened there.
"I just downloaded the Columbia River Basin and it is the most amazing, most detailed route in trainz! It took me in a CP ES44AC running at track speed almost 3 hours to get done! of course I met 2 trains along the way and had to follow a northbound CN grain, but it was amazing! Super fun, super realistic, and totally worth the $25! Every person that has trainz 12 download this now!!!!"
Mid summer for most on this globe activity still high on roystrainz!! Most users know this blog is kind of sleepy as most activity blog etc is on trainz forum so please follow up over there to avoid double traffic.
At this moment i try to solve a mysterious bug on a beautiful very intelligent way of session automated traffic for CPR Mountain Sub created by my good dutch fellow friend Henk. His sessions works flawless on his computers but mine seem to love to bug a few AI trains so this and next week i will try to re-create his work from scratch and will keep you guys updated on the results. In case you are interested in the results email me or post on my threads on trainz forum.
Well we did it and cleared all winter tracks into Ottertail and further to Viktor Lake. Now ready for download is the all NEW CPR MOUNTAIN SUB SEASONAL with 4 seasons and much more and yes for future TANE use ready to migrate to that level when they are ready. In the mean time you can enjoy this gem the fullest in TS12 and maybe appreciate more now that TS12 with the so many shortcomings still is a nice piece of sim. It is sad to say how people ravage over TANE CE a not finished product (never should be released) as most trainzer have no clue what it takes to get a finished product until the final day of official release.
So i released yesterday some 300 plus seasonal assets. you will find them on the download page when you have bought the CPR Mountain Sub 1.0.9 look for the route 1.0.9 seasonal.
Still some more to do but that is for later now finish the TANE speedtrees first release for my routes.
Well at least the curtain starts moving in the TANE 3D theatre announcing wazz up and coming "soon". Yes they start with the Columbia River Basin followed by all the other one's all new routes so much bigger,wider,more details than ever before and much much more to come all in super realistic mode and not to forget protypical!!
Once all routes in TANe are out there the TS12 routes will fade out slowly and close an era we all enjoyed so much. You can post here but I prefer you do on my Canadian Rocky Mountains thread in the trainz frorum. A little bit more patience to iron out little critters and cracks by the N3V crew. they have a mountain of routes from me to get ready so give them credit and energy to get things done the soonest and well.
Glad Roy is still up and kickin'!!! | 2019-04-19T10:45:15Z | http://www.roystrainz.com/blog/post/so-here-we-are-ready-start-blog-division-roys-trainz/ |
Let ICIWorld do the advertising, marketing and networking locally and worldwide for you 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 356 days per year.
You just have to plant the seeds.
Place a Have and/or Want. Search from time to time! ICIWorld markets your information 24/7 on the Internet world wide until you delete or change it.
One Time – Order the ICIWorld Widgets of Listings for your website. They work 24/7 updating themselves in real time automatically.
Once installed, the very next person who visits your website and sees any one of these listings . . . has to call YOU for more information.
If you do not have these ICIWorld Widgets of listings for your website, you are actually missing triggering leads now for yourself and do not realize it.
When someone wants more information on any of 30,000+ listings . . . they would have to call you. One time setup by your website designer. Do business and do referrals.
And . . . promote your website.
Special global databases and information distribution services make your information available . . . globally.
Special events promotion, advertising, networking, conventions, conferences, expos, Realtor Quests, trade publications and much more drive traffic for your listings and the links in your listings drive traffic to your website.
Generate leads the rest of your life.
SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR THOSE CONSIDERING RETIREMENT. Do not give up your license. See www.retiredbrokers.com It is all about doing referrals from the leads you generate from a website that you keep running for the rest of your life. Have fun doing referrals! Would you mind doing the odd five minute referral and making $3,000 to $10,000+ when you are retired? One Re/Max agent has done fifteen referrals ie: 75 minutes of time and made $45,000 A N D provided a great service for people.
Recommended one time orientation 30 minute Webinar Workshop. Call 416-840-6227 and make an appointment.Within 30 minutes we make sure you are aware how to search, how to place listings and reasons to keep them up to date every 30-60 days, how to place exclusive information(75% of information on ICIWorld is unique), know the resources and services available to you, connect with social media to stay in touch with industry announcements, education, networking and events.See help videos: How To Add A Want. How To Add a Have, etc.Plant the seeds by placing your listings, Haves and Wants is like advertising to the world that works 24/7 on the Internet that triggers response from people. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION. Work your real estate board listings.Learn how to work exclusive information. This is something you can not do on a real estate board. Work what your buyers are looking for. Make all your opportunities available to the public on the Internet not just real estate board listings. Qualify the leads the way you normally do. Every member should have a minimum of fifteen opportunities on the Internet.This can greatly increase your revenue. If not , you are missing out and do not realize it. This service helps you to maximize your potential in real estate. Several hundred real estate brokers can’t be wrong. See 50 pages of testimonials of deals being done uniquely started on ICIWorld here on the Internet. This is all cutting edge technology built for the real estate industry world wide. compatible with the industry.
Widgets for your website. Order them. This is a one time sending of an EMail of instructions to your website programmer. That’s it!!ICIWorld Widgets trigger leads from your website. Install them on your website. Customers visiting your website have to call you for more information. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION FOR YOU. It is listings that trigger leads. People want more information.We send the instructions to install widgets on your website to you by EMail. You should forward them to your website designer. One call to our office 416-840-6227 and we send you the instructions.Once they are installed, call us and we can check them to make sure they are working properly for you. Handle all inquiries the same as you would from receiving a call off a classified ad from a newspaper. Setup showings, and do referrals, do business, make money.
No Website? No Problem! One Time Setup and it works 24/7 on your behalf while you are doing other things!See Samples.One time setup for a website completely setup to make you money – 90 minutes.We recommend everyone can have more than one website because they are like billboards. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION. They can all generate leads. Link them together.The workshop is usually done in two webinar workshop sessions, one of 30 minutes one of 60 minutes or vice versa. This design process requires your input for preferences so you can personalize it for colours, graphics, button selection choices, wording, listings, installing of IDX links from your real estate board (people can search MLS from your website), setting up a possible DDF Feed (when you hand in an MLS listing to your office it can automatically go on to your website), etc. We do it all for you, with you. We tailor it for your geographic area no matter where in the world you are located and we tailor it for the kind of business you would like to do and for generating referral opportunities.Websites are free for one month then $199/year if you want to keep it.They are mobile optimized so people can search listings from YOUR website, they send out new listings to your customers, they have residential and commercial real estate listings, MLS AND Exclusive, specially setup for your geographic area and specialties if any.Mobile websites are the new Internet Revolution on going now and you will have the absolute most powerful website on the planet. Ask for a demo and then you be the judge.
Add listings, Haves and Wants from time to time and search from time to time. We recommend updating your listings every 30-60 days. Never let them go more than 90 days old. It takes only two clicks to update a listing. Everyone should have a minimum of fifteen Haves and Wants on ICIWorld or you are missing out. Ask us in a Webinar workshop how every single licensed real estate salesperson in the world should have at least fifteen opportunities on ICIWorld. Keep your listings up to date. Only listings less than 90 days old appear in the ICIWorld Global Apps default settings.Make sure the widgets are working on you website.
If you have one of our distributed websites, you must log in to the web site a minimum of once per month for five or ten minutes and look after your To Do List and a quick checkup to make sure things are working properly. ie: all listings showing, etc.This includes approving new handshakes with new brokers who join the service. You should allow their listings to be on your website. Otherwise people visiting your website do not see all the possible listings and you can easily be missing doing a deal and not every realize it. Look after the renewal of your domain name. Check to see if listings appear on the buttons on your website, etc. Checking to see if there are new Widgets or services from ICIWorld that you can install. It is like a monthly checkup for your website to make sure things are working properly. All brokers should check their websites regularly. This is your office building and image to the public for all people in your sphere of influence and demonstrates how well connected you are in the marketplace. This is a tremendous Internet tool. One lead can make one a lot of money.
Promote your website and the content on it.Why? One inquiry off your website makes you a lot of money. With the ICIWorld Widgets people must call you for more information. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION. This gives you a chance to be of service. This is like your office building on the Internet. Let people know you have exclusive AND MLS listings on your website, residential AND commercial investment properties. If you get just one person going to the web site this week and they call you on a listing, you have a chance to make a lot of money. This is so important that we provide a once per month Webinar called How To Promote Your Website and we record them so you can see them at your convenience. See them in the Training Videos number 15.
How do you measure if the information tools on ICIWorld are working for you?
Every single member 90 days must and should be doing business, either generating deals or at the very least generating leads that you feel will lead to doing business otherwise you call us and let us do our 2 minute checklist.
If you are not doing business every 90 days, call us.
Click here and may we get you started.
And it can be very quickly if you wish.
Any questions, issues or for assistance contact us.
Post your information and reach 20,000+/- subscribers within 24 hours and . . .
40,000+/- people in 138 countries over time. Join Today.
Thousands now receive a daily digest of new listings by EMail . . . free.
For commercial real estate we recommend that you select the DIGEST METHOD for your state or province or general area like GTA. This way you only receive one email with all the new listings in it, whether there are 2 new listings or 10 new listings.
75% of the information is of an exclusive nature not on real estate boards!
For Residential in Ontario we recommend subscribe for your city!
Look for Business Category – Residential Estates to find EMail List Servers.
Select you own city or choose an overall area like GTA for just one email with new listings in it.
These list servers are being built for states / provinces on demand.
Unsubscribe directly from any EMail.
Information is placed by licensed real estate brokers and salespeople.
Information includes exclusive information not available on any other service.
Delivering Real Estate Haves and Wants daily to the public, to the industry . . . free.
For real estate and businesses of all kinds, including Industrial, Commercial, Investment and Residential Real Estate.
20,000+/- EMails deliver new real estate Listings, Haves and Wants to subscribers, to the public, to the industry . . . Daily!
Request an EMail List Server Can be by company, group, organization, association, city, country and more. See the List Server for the Central Canada CCIM Chapter. This can be built for any group to network Haves and Wants. When leadership of your group promotes it, it is inevitable for everyone to connect with others to do business.
75% of the listings are exclusive not available on any other service.
Power of Sales, and more!
Tenants looking for Retail, Office and Industrial space to lease, tenant mandates, and more.
You must be a licensed real estate broker or salesperson Executive Member of ICIWorld to have your Haves and Wants distributed to 20,000+ people daily and displayed to the world to 50,000+/- people regularly.
Reach new people interested in real estate for all your listings all year long distributed daily.
GMail places a lot of legitimate incoming mail into SPAM. So legitimate email from ICIWorld can be trapped in your SPAM FOLDER. Yet each EMail contains information for contacts for potential real estate transactions. The spam folder is is different from junk. Look for a column of folders one called “more.” You will find a spam folder there. You can put a check mark on the listing and click on Not Spam. If you have not done this before, you will probably find other mail that should not be spam. However marking mail as not spam does not seem to work all the time. Mail seems to continue to go to spam. So GMail has another option. Another way you can try to keep it out of spam you have to set a filter.
Gmail’s filters allow you to manage the flow of incoming messages. Using filters, you can automatically label, archive, delete, star, or forward your mail, even keep it out of Spam. There is a Filter Choice to choose Not Spam. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6579?hl=en&ctx=mail This is a work in progress to figure out how to get google to allow all our legitimate mail to get through to you properly without always going to spam.
Database 2 FSBO Area – Executive Members of ICIWorld can subscribe to receive EMail from the FSBO (For Sale By Owner) EMail List Servers. Buyers and sellers of real estate can add their Haves and Wants free. They are distributed to members. If you are a seller of real estate would you like a member to contact you if they have a buyer who could be interested? If you are a buyer would you like a member to let you know about a property that might match what you are looking for? All buyers and sellers should post their Haves and Wants here. It is opportunities to do business and the success can help free you up to get on with your plans. For all EMail check your spam folder if you are not receiving mail. Make it Not Spam. When you sign up for various email lists you should ‘whitelist’ @iciworld.ca because Digest emails can easily land in the Spam or a junk folder.
If I join and place my haves and wants do they get sent out by email and if so to how many?
approximately 20,000 EMails deliver information daily to the public and the real estate industry DAILY.
members can add as many Haves and Wants all year long and they get delivered to the industry by EMail.
How do members benefit from this service?
Your contact information is made available to them, phone numbers, links to your website, EMail, etc.
The listing is also sent out to the industry by email – 20,000+/- daily to the public and the real estate industry with all your contact information, website address, links, phone numbers and option to EMail you.
Members and the public are informed of new listings in Database 1, everyone can contact you directly.
Members only are informed of new listings in Database 2 – This is where all of the coveted FSBO’s are!
One member sold a $9M apartment building within 3 days. That is how fast it can work.
A few seconds daily scanning this email can be the difference of doing your next deal or missing out.
When you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
When: Register and if you can not attend, you will receive a copy of the Recorded Webinar by EMail after the event.
Who Should Attend: Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople World Wide.
Relevance: For all licensed real estate brokers and salespeople in the world.
learn how to have services similar to classified ads in a newspaper for your website where YOU get the calls.
learn how to send out exclusive information not on real estate boards . . . all automatically done by your website.
learn how to make your website a resource for your prospects, clients and . . . for your community.
A: Gary has enlivened me. Brought back the zeal I’ve had in my earlier days, before my car accident. Thankfully!.
A: A bit more about Meta Tags and their importance, please.
A: I haven’t met another person with such an abundance of knowledge in the Real Estate field willing to share such.
A: Thrilled with the knowledge that Gary infuses into me each time I have a meeting with him!
A: I heartily recommend anyone in the Real Estate field to join ICI World and gain the knowledge that I have from Gary. He overflows with enthusiasm and it is contagious!. After 36 years, I thought I knew a lot, but now I know I could learn so much more with the right leader!
This Webinar is included free for Executive Members of ICIWorld, for non-members the cost is $319 plus applicable taxes.
Real Estate provides the Highest Return On Investment (ROI) of any industry on the Internet. Why? Because one lead can make $3,000 to $10,000 in referrals alone! See testimonials of it being done!
What good is a website if don’t have any traffic? You might as well not even have a website!
The Power of a Real Estate Website is in the Listings – You should also promote this fact.
If you have thousands of listings; both residential, commercial choices, MLS AND exclusive, you can maximize the opportunities for the public and . . . more opportunities to provide service!
90% of people search the Internet for real estate and if you have a great choice, then you have a better than average chance of triggering interest.
We invite you to our How To Promote Your Website Webinar, it’s not just about Search Engine Optimization, it’s much more. Your website is your office building on the Internet! If you had 100 salespeople working for you and they all had websites generating leads for the company that would be great!
A salesperson can have more than one website because they’re like billboards. If you have a billboard at Yonge and Dundas and another on Lakeshore Road and they are all generating leads why not? You can link them together. You only need one domain name on your business card because when people visit that one, you will have a link on that one to your other one. They can all generate leads. We support all your web sites.
Call us anytime if you would like some feedback and recommendations for your website.
There’s is no charge, even for non-members! This is a free complimentary offer!
We have recorded several past sessions that Executive Members can see in training videos.
Real Estate Have and Want Information Is The Gold That Is On The Internet.
ICIWorld helps Real Estate Professionals market and network Real Estate.
Get an ICIWorld App for your smartphone. Go to the App Store or Play Store on your device and search the word iciworld and install it. It is information at your fingertips!
All devices including Androids and iPhones, Blackberries, Windows devices, etc. should also use your browser and go to https://iciworld.mobi Then add this link onto your home screen.
Apple and Android products will have two applications, the ICIWorld App AND the mobile version https://iciworld.mobi on their device. Let us know which you like better or use more.
On this page you will learn how everyone should be able to print a list of contacts for buyers or sellers for any kind of real estate literally within a minute.
You should be able to produce a list of contacts for buyers or sellers by Business Area and Business Category, use key words, all within a matter of seconds.
You should learn to search by date or age of listing and Status. We do not delete old listings. The buildings are still there. The people are still alive. Older listings are used for networking purposes. Make sure you know how to search the latest listings that in many cases provide for immediate showings and deals. See the age field and date of listing field.
Listings contain contact names and phone numbers that you can print out and to follow up.
Reply and send emails, visit a real estate salesperson’s website that contains real estate information that you can search and resources to serve you.
Request a short demo. Contact us.
Why is this important? Because if you miss a connection for one transaction you can be missing doing a deal and not realize it.
You will learn how to get a list of real estate professionals by geographic area, specialty, language spoken. All with contact names and phone numbers and websites, etc. Executive Members and Referral Network.
See the latest new search tools below such as searching the latest listings by date, etc. You can restrict searches by date, by status, by area, by property type.
If it is taking you any longer after you tried to learn, simply contact us. Before you can finish a cup of coffee, we should be able to answer questions, or any concerns that you may have. Some properties are sold within a few days. You will be plugged in. We recommend a demo workshop for one on one assistance.
https://www.iciworld.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/worldfingertip-1.pngOnce you learn, you will have the latest buyers and/or selling opportunities at your fingertips.
75% of the information on ICIWorld is exclusive not on real estate boards. So you will now have the best of both worlds through members on the service.
One contact, one showing and if they like it, one deal.
This is making a lot of people a lot of money, providing a great service to a lot of people, and helping the public achieve their real estate and investment goals.
Everyone makes connections to do business or you call us. See Our Pledge.
Database 1 Search over 18,000 Have and Want Ads placed by Executive Members who are licensed real estate brokers and salespeople. About 5,000 have publicly available contact information. For members, it is unlimited networking of Have and Want Ads for a year with a nominal membership fee. Members have full access to everything on the service. Readership and circulation is locally and to over 40,000+ people from over 100 countries plus 20,000+/- EMails deliver Have and Want information daily to the public by way of EMail List Servers. Free to subscribe.
Database 2 FSBO Area Search over 14,000 Have and Want ads placed by the public free. Limited View. Details. Full Contact Information is available and circulated to Executive Members only. Contact a member for more information on any listing in this area. Free for the public to post. Make your own arrangements for compensation.
This service is becoming one of the largest searchable databases of real estate Haves and Wants in the world. See just a few of the deals being done.
Readership is world wide with people from over 100 countries. See Statistics.
For the Public: Find the newest buyers and selling opportunities within 15-60 seconds with new search tools below or contact us. And there are four ways to make a connection otherwise if you miss one, you can easily be missing doing a deal and . . . not realize it.
Search the latest new Have/Want Age Field search tool in World Commercial with Ontario key words and cities and World Residential with Ontario Key Words and Cities, and more for the latest new real estate Haves and Wants.
Install the ICIWorld App on your mobile device for these information search tools.
Add https://iciworld.mobi to your home screen of your mobile device. Search your city, key word, etc. daily within seconds for daily new listings.
Search Advanced and use the Date of Listing Between Calendar Tool. Print the latest list with contact names and phone numbers within a minute.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe to a Digest of new listings by a daily EMail Contact info in the EMail. Be the first to know.
One transaction can make one a lot of money.
This service operates in real time with every listing dated.
We do not delete listings. You set your own search parameters for age of listings and status. All listings are used for networking and contact purposes.
Once you have searched, many members keep up to date with the new listings daily by EMail or click on the Latest listings for your city or property type and area or set the date field for just Active Status Listings within the last 30 days.
This applies whether you are looking for buyers or sellers.
Some developers for instance look for the latest tenants looking for retail, industrial or office space. Investors search the latest apartment buildings coming for sale, etc.
We recommend you set your own number of months to search. Many members make their contacts and do business with the older listings which identify people with whom they may be able to do business with.
We recommend every member update their listings every 30-60 days and in no event let them go longer than 90 days old. This is the new default setting on ICIWorld Apps now being rolled out for all mobile devices.
A real estate information service is more like classified ads in a newspaper unlike a real estate board type listing service.
In many cases, there is limited information to highlight the opportunity.
The advantage is that people who know about these opportunities can present them here for you in the marketplace not available on any other service.
More opportunities become available to you as a result.
There also can be a link to the full page of information on the brokers or salesperson’s web site if it is on MLS. Make sure you always check Internet Links in each Have or Want.
Sometimes the owners of properties or the Executive Member of ICIWorld who are mainly licensed real estate brokers and salespeople are not at liberty to give you an exact address.
This is because there are a lot of exclusive opportunity type properties that are not on real estate boards.
Sometimes an agreement to show the property has to be put in place first before showing you the property or divulging the address of the property to you or identifying the property.
So you might see Toronto Restaurant $350,000 Making money . . . and that’s it!
You must call the member of ICIWorld, develop and business relationship with him/her and go from there and give them a chance to put an agreement in place first.
They may have to put an agreement in place first to show you the property.
There are many search methods on ICIWorld to find information.
It is helpful for you to understand key word searching.
The letters otel are part of the word hotel and part of the word motel.
So search the subject line with these letters can find hotels and motels. Try typing otel here in the subject line. You get both hotels and motels because otel is part of each word.
Search the subject line and type in your city Try typing you city here in the subject line.
Naturally you can select a Business AREA along with it, as well as Have or Want.
And now with the age field you can select to search Haves and Wants 30 days old, or 60 -180 days and more.
Old listings might be old listings but the buildings are still there, the people are still alive hopefully so the contact information can easily lead to networking with the other person to do business. This is one of the true values of this service, is introducing you to people with whom you may be able to do business both on and off the service. Develop a good business relationship with people and it can easily lead to doing other business.
Haves are the properties for sale and for lease. Wants are what people are looking for.
If you are looking for a property, search the Haves. If you are looking for a buyer for your property, search the Wants.
Almost everyone in the world now has a mobile device.
You can do these searches on ICIWorld on any mobile device.
Click here for details and to install the ICIWorld App on you phone.
It is our goal to eventually to have everyone in the world interested in real estate to have this app and be able to search real estate on ICIWorld.
A greater degree of safety and competence of this information is achieved by having licensed real estate brokers and salespeople filter this information through their hands.
Brokers and salespeople are best positioned in the marketplace to recognize and display this exclusive information in a competent fashion industry wide.
We invite all licensed real estate salespeople in the world to join.
We invite all members of the public to visit a members web site in your area. Search Members and see their web site. They should have more local information available and resources available to you. Make sure you place your Wants with them as well as your Haves. They have industry wide networking power through the thousands of web sites that we have provided links for them to display your information.
Prepared searches can be found clicking on Search on ICIWorld.
A search matrix is something special. It can give you one page, make a choice and within seconds your results for your possible next deal are on the screen.
Search Advanced You Tube Video On our new iciworld.com site you will find Advanced Searches as a feature that you can click on.
If you are only interested in one specialty like a certain kind of business. There is a search that produces that result. If you add this to your home screen on your mobile device you can check it every once in a while for new Haves and/or Wants. That way you are up to the second knowledgeable. Send us an email of the result you would like to reproduce on your mobile device and then you can add it to your home screen. THIS IS A BIG TIME SAVER. CLICK ONE BUTTON AND SEE THE RESULTS WITHIN A FEW SECONDS.
Latest Shopping Centers (or any business category on ICIWorld) for sale in your province, state, city.
Latest buyers for Apartment Buildings (or any business category on ICIWorld) for your city, state, province.
Latest buyers and sellers for any kind of business.
Latest tenants looking for retail, office, industrial space to lease.
When we say Latest, this is up to the second in real time listings. If something was put on 10 seconds ago, you will see it if you have a Latest (for your city) button on your mobile device.
In some cases you will see Principals Only in the subject line. Click here to see how to understand what is going on and how to deal with it.
This is information at your fingertips. You are only one click away from seeing the latest listings!!! There is a no charge to help you set this up on your mobile device. This is complimentary for every person who is interested. We like helping you because it helps you connect our members to do business.
90% of the millionaires in the world today did it through real estate. Developing good business relationships makes it happen. Meet people through this service and qualify and develop your network of people to do business with. Get excited.
Designed as a self service, automatically operating system, with minimal ads.
This presents very exciting opportunities for the licensed real estate industry to do more business than they are presently doing. How many listings do you have on a real estate board? Everyone on ICIWorld should have a minimum of fifteen opportunities because it is information not just a signed listing. Everyone should get a signed listing before showing the property or divulging the address of a property when it is information.
Licensed real estate salespeople can trade in real estate information. We believe there is ten times more information that an individual salesperson can work on ICIWorld than can be worked on a real estate board. And in fact we will be making submissions to real estate boards to adopt and promote this service to all their members. ICIWorld can handle all the information that can not be placed on a real estate board. It can be done in a competent and professional manner as our members have been doing since 1994.
Many do not want to search the older listings . . . you do not have to if you do not want to. But for others this is a gold mine as well. So we give everyone choices.
There are also dates on every single listing.
Older listings and in fact all listings are used networking purposes. They help identify people with whom you may be able to do business. Develop good business relationships with them and you will find out about other properties not on the service, other properties that come for sale in the next couple of weeks, etc. They might call you back and say a property matching the description of what you are looking for has just come available, want to see it?
This service serves the world. There are five billion people who access the Internet in various ways and ICIWorld now makes all information available to the world to see. This brings traffic to ever single member from the listings and the links in the listings to members websites.
Real estate has so many intricacies that it is impossible to show one way to search. This is because searching residential is different that searching commercial. There are special ways to zero in on exactly what you wish to search. You just have to learn them.
There are also varying skill sets to search by the public and by the licensed real estate industry. Searching advanced is different that clicking on a prepared search.
Prepared searches are presented for you to be the fastest, easiest way to search. go to iciworld.com click on Search, click on a country or continent, make choices and bingo the results are on the screen.
However some people want to zero in on things a little more so an advanced search may be in order.
We have heard the comment that ICIWorld is too much information. It is true and we call it a gold mine of information. But you sometimes have to dig for the gold.
This page will help you get to the gold in the fastest possible way in the world today.
The following are examples. Can you do these searches?
How to do any of these searches within seconds.
With a view to doing business.
if no cooperation find out why, maybe if there is no commission from the seller, you should get it from the buyer.
There is a responsibility on the part of the members to update their information. Call or email ICIWorld and we will contact the member and see what has happened with a view to rectify the situation.
ICIWorld Provides Residential Marketing Exposure and Networking World Wide.
Most all of our members do residential as well as commercial.
Residential real estate brokers and salespeople have many advantages that help them serve the public and they make money doing it.
world wide exposure – people from over 100 countries of the world access information regularly.
advertise and network exclusive listings and opportunities not just real estate board listings.
includes luxury, estate properties, waterfront, condos, vacation properties, cottages, condo’s, townhouses, any and all residential type real estate.
includes links to your web site.
these listings will also appear on other brokers web sites.
members can include the links to residential on their web site.
exposure now on Apps for the iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry, Windows devices.
the residential web sites we supply are the most powerful on the planet earth and are used by 300,000 real estate professionals. They are powerful because of the extensive listings that are provided in links that are set up by ICIWorld. See sample web sites. It has residential listings with photos and virtual slide show displays in all areas of the world displayed for your prospects and clients in a way that YOU get the calls. Automatic delivery of listings by EMail that match the description of what your prospects and clients and looking for. It displays exclusive listings condos, residential properties that are not on real estate boards. We install the IDX link to listings for your real estate board or association if it is available. We also set you up with a DDF Feed, (Data Distribution Facility) which means when you add a listing to MLS it is also added to your web site. Includes SEO, search engine optimization and forty different ways to promote your web site. These are the most powerful web sites on the planet and suggest you see our presentation why. Do open houses and program buyers into your web site to receive listings and much more.
Install the ICIWorld App on your device (See Apps) look for the Business Category called Residential Estates, Single Family Homes, Condos, Cottages, Vacation Properties and more.
Executive Members of ICIWorld also have a residential buttons on their web site.
When you add a listing it is not just added to one web site but it is added to a thousand web sites. Now that’s marketing exposure!
On ICIWorld.com look for residential – there will be MLS AND Exclusive Listings Advertised.
You should place your Want with a member. The circulation is industry wide within hours.
You should subscribe to receive new listings from their web site. It is free and there is no obligation to buy from them.
You can zero in on neighborhoods, price ranges, types of property.
When a new listing matches the description of what you are looking for, bingo you get a copy by EMail.
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PROMAN is a leading international consulting company specialised in development cooperation. Created in 1986, PROMAN is providing services to international donor agencies, national governments, public institutions and development partners world-wide.
PROMAN has been awarded the ‘South Africa Sector Budget Support Technical Assistance’ contract. The project will provide support to the Government of South Africa, notably the National Treasury and relevant national departments, in the inception and the implementation phases of the Sector Budget Support provided by the EU. The project will start in April 2019 for a period of two years.
PROMAN (lead) in partnership with NIRAS and Particip has been selected to undertake a mapping of services for survivors of violence amongst women and children in South Africa. The specific objective of the assignment is to contribute to the implementation of the Improvement Plan by the Inter-Ministerial Technical Task Team for Violence Against Women and Children. The project will start in April 2019 for a period of 16 months.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Formulation of the Programme of Support to the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement in South Africa. The overall objective of the assignment is to enhance South Africa's trade and business opportunities by promoting the full implementation of the EU-SADC EPA in South Africa while advancing regional integration.
The consortium led by PROMAN has been successfully providing TA in Support of the Education Sector in Sierra Leone since February 2017. The service contract has been extended with another 2 years. The contract is now scheduled to be completed early August 2021.
AECOM International Europe in partnership with PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the assessment of the 2018 specific performance indicators under the Sector Reform Contract “Support to Police Reform”.
Since early 2015 the consortium led by Louis Berger with PROMAN as partner has been providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Social Assistance and Reinsertion (MINARS) in the framework of the Support Project for Vulnerable Groups. The contract has been extended with another 18 months, with completion now scheduled early August 2020.
PROMAN in partnership with B&S Europe has been awarded the contract for the final evaluation of the "Firkidia di skola" project and the identification and formulation of the 11th EDF education sector support programme.
The past months have been very successful. A total of 5 new long-term contracts were awarded to PROMAN as lead company (2) or partner (3) for a total value of €18.8 million. Turnover has now more than doubled over the past 5 years, and is projected at over €18 million in 2019.
PROMAN (lead) in partnership with Palladium International BV has been awarded the €2.8 million 3-year contract for the Support to the Office of the National Authorising Officer of the EDF in Zambia. PROMAN herewith confirms its position as market leader in the provision of TA to NAO structures in ACP countries. The past 5 years PROMAN has been/is supporting NAO offices in Chad, Kenya, Solomon Islands, Ethiopia, Swaziland, Zambia, Guinea, Comoros, Papua New Guinea, Namibia and Angola.
AECOM International Europe in partnership with PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Support to the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement in the field of maritime transport.
PROMAN has been contracted by DFID to provide an independent assessment of progress against DFID’s Jordan Compact Education Programme Disbursement Linked Indicators.
PROMAN has been contracted by the Ministry of National Education, Teaching and Research of the Union of the Comoros to assess the feasibility of the proposed AFD funded project ‘Performance and Governance of the Education Sector in the Comoros” with an indicative budget of €6 million, define more precisely the purpose, content and implementation modalities of the project and provide support during the start-up phase, as appropriate.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for consultancy services for assessors to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the VET TOOLBOX call for proposals on inclusion in Vocational Education and Training (VET). The call for proposals intends to fund new and innovative cooperation initiatives aiming to improve employment opportunities in the formal and informal labour market for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups (especially women, migrants and internally displaced people, people living in rural and remote areas, the poorest quintile and people with disabilities) through inclusive Vocational and Educational Training (VET). The VET Toolbox is composed by GIZ, British Council, Enabel, LuxDev and AFD, and co-funded by the EU.
AECOM International Europe in partnership with PROMAN has been selected to support the Vietnam Tourism Advisory Board to establish a Tourism Development Fund.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the ‘Promotion of Inclusive Education in Kyrgyzstan’. The specific objective of the assignment is (i) to develop and pilot pre-service and in-service teacher training designed to address inclusive education for children with disability; and (ii) to promote budgetary commitments enabling to address the inclusive education. The project will start in February 2019 for a duration of 20 months.
PROMAN is very pleased to announce it has been nominated implementing agency for the first phase of the Programme for the Relaunch of Economic Activities in the Region of Ménaka (DDM). The focus of the €1.5 million, one-year contract will be the realization of small infrastructures, favoring labor-intensive works in order to immediately revive economic activity in the territory; to conduct training/labour market insertion actions for young people; and to undertake feasibility studies for the construction of more substantial infrastructures and equipment to be carried out in Phase 2. This new contract further strengthens PROMAN’s important current portfolio in regional socio-economic development support programmes in the northern regions of Mali, in a difficult security context (3F, SDNM II, DDRG, DDRK IV).
PROMAN will provide social sector expertise on the team undertaking an evaluation of the Humanitarian - Development Nexus process in Mali, and providing technical expertise to relaunch the process so as to accelerate the achievement of concrete results. The TA team is co-financed by the EUD, Swiss and Luxembourg Cooperation.
We are delighted to announce that the consortium led by Cardno Emerging Markets, Belgium with PROMAN, Palladium International BV and the Spanish Association for Standardization-UNE as partners has been awarded the €8.9 million contract for the provision of technical assistance for the implementation of the ARISE Plus-Indonesia programme. The ASEAN Regional Integration Support - Indonesia Trade-Related Assistance (ARISE Plus - Indonesia) will be the first EU-funded trade related assistance programme with Indonesia that is closely linked to the ASEAN economic integration agenda. ARISE Plus-Indonesia aims to contribute to Indonesia's preparedness and enhanced competitiveness in global value chains through specific support targeting national and sub-national levels. By enhancing Indonesia's trade competitiveness and openness, the programme will promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, boost job creation and increase employment in a gender sensitive way. Furthermore, the programme provides country-level interventions closely linked to the regional programme ARISE Plus, supporting regional economic integration and trade in ASEAN. The project will start in January 2019 for a duration of 4 years.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the evaluation of the Inclusive Basic Education Component of Education Outcome of the Government of Mongolia and UNICEF Country Programmes 2012-2016 and 2017-2021.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Evaluation of UNICEF’s Disaster Risk Reduction Programming in Education in East Asia and the Pacific.
The consortium led by Linpico with PROMAN and Quarein as partners has been awarded the €2 million contract for the provision of long-term technical assistance services and training for the offices of the EDF NAO in the Republic of Angola. PROMAN currently implements similar TA to NAO projects in Comoros, Guinea, Swaziland, Zambia, Papua New Guinea and Namibia.
The consortium led by Integration with PROMAN and Oxford Policy Management as partners has been awarded the 5-year €3.6 million contract for the provision of long-term technical assistance to the National Authorising Officer (NAO) / National Planning Commission (NPC) Support Programme. PROMAN currently implements similar TA to NAO projects in Comoros, Guinea, Swaziland, Zambia and Papua New Guinea.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract ‘Monitoring, assessment and support to EU and other donors-funded Education and complementary programs implemented by the Ministry of Education to deal with the Syria refugee crisis’. The overall period of implementation will be one year.
The 3-year "Three Borders" (3F) program, with an indicative budget of €33.5 million aims to stabilize the border region of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. The programme will support socio-economic development and strengthen social cohesion in cross-border territories. PROMAN has been solicited to support AVSF to undertake a first set of priority activities during the 6-month start-up phase in the region of Gao.
PROMAN has been selected by UNICEF to undertake a meta-analysis of existing research to create a region-specific evidence base on the most effective strategies for improving learning among the most marginalized children in East Asia and Pacific based on existing scientific evidence from the region. Geographically the literature review can consider evidence from the 25 countries in EAP: Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, DPR Korea, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Timor Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Vietnam.
PROMAN will provide expertise on the assessment of grant applications received in the framework of the restricted Call for Proposals “Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities”. The global objective of this CfP is to promote integrated urban development through partnerships built among Local Authorities of the EU Member States and of partner countries in accordance with the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development.
PROMAN in partnership with EPOS has been selected to undertake the mid-term evaluation of the EU funded Northern Dimension Partnership on Public Health and Social Well-being and Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture. The Northern Dimension (ND) is a joint policy between the European union (EU), Russia, Norway and Iceland which promotes dialogue, practical cooperation and development.
PROMAN in partnership with Transtec has been selected to undertake the mid-term and final evaluation of the EU funded Culture Support Programme in Tunisia (PACT). The evaluations are scheduled respectively for mid-November 2018 and end 2021.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract to undertake a survey of class practices in primary education in Niger. The objective of the assignment is to undertake an analysis of the situation of class practices in primary schools in Niger and of the links between class practices and pupils' academic achievements to guide the content of initial and in-service training of teachers.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the mid-term evaluation of the Balochistan Education Support Programme. The overall objective of the programme is to accelerate and further increase the number of children (especially girls) enrolling in and completing quality elementary education in Balochistan.
PROMAN has been selected to conduct a Tracer Study (ex-post evaluation) of the EU funded TVET I project. The global objective of the study is to provide comprehensive information to allow the implementing partners and the European Commission to make an accurate assessment of the immediate and long-term value and contribution of the project to the employability of its graduates including the uptake of self-employment opportunities.
PROMAN will assist the EUD support the European Union Delegation to Ghana (EUD) with the preparation of the Terms of Reference for the tender dossier to award the service contract "Support to Communication and Visibility actions for the Ghana Employment and Social Protection Programme (GESP)". The GESP Programme funded by the 11th EDF is expected to contribute to enhance social protection services, notably for vulnerable population groups and to generate employment opportunities, with a particular attention to the youth in Ghana.
The consortium led by AFC, with PROMAN and I&D as partner, has been awarded the € 5.36 million TA contract for the Implementation of the AFAFI-NORD Programme. The main objective of the 6-year AFAFI-NORD program is to promote a sustainable agricultural sector, inclusive and efficient in the North of Madagascar. Its specific objectives are: (i) the improvement of governance of the agricultural sector, (ii) increasing household incomes by supporting the development and strengthening of inclusive agricultural value chains, and (iii) the improvement of food and nutrition security of rural households. The program is organized around two components: (i) support for project coordination, (ii) support to the Agriculture, Livestock Fisheries and Environment covering the three specific objectives. Activities will be in all three targeted regions of northern Madagascar (Diana, SAVA, Analanjirofo). This award further consolidates our solid reputation in the country, in the Indian Ocean region and further reinforces our growing portfolio in local regional development.
PROMAN in partnership with EPOS Health Management and AECOM International Development Europe has been awarded the contract for reviewing compliance with eligibility conditions and disbursement indicators for the EU budget support under the Development, Protection and Social Inclusion Programme. This contract is the first award under the new FWC SIEA 2018, Lot 4.
PROMAN has been awarded the € 1.5 million contract for the Support to the Management of Visibility and Communications for the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Malawi. The overall objective of this 3-year contract is to enhance the visibility of the EU-Malawi cooperation and promote a greater awareness and understanding among key actors in the public, private and civil society sectors on issues of EU's development assistance. Partners to the PROMAN led consortium include Action Global Communications and Quarein.
For the past 2 years PROMAN has been a selected service provider on the Long term Agreement for the provision of timely and high quality technical expertise to the UNICEF education sector in the areas of early learning, gender/girls' education and inclusive education, quality and learning and education in emergencies and resilience. The LTA has now been extended till June 2019 and will continue to be called upon to provide technical assistance, advice, capacity building or support services to UNICEF regional and country offices at short notice.
The scope of this FWC is to carry out evaluations of geographic (regions/countries) cooperation strategies and programmes; thematic multi-country evaluations; evaluations of selected policy issues and aid modalities, particularly budget support operations and to support dissemination of the results: lessons learned and evaluation recommendations, support for development of appropriate methodological approaches and tools for evaluation. PROMAN is partner to the consortium led by Landell Mills. This FWC has now been extended till March 2020.
The contract for the External Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews and support missions concerning projects and programmes financed by the EU for the Asian and Pacific regions including OCTs has once more been extended, the contract now to end in April 2019. The project did start on 1st of January 2015. PROMAN is partner to the consortium led by Landell Mills.
PROMAN is very pleased to inform that the consortium led by AECOM Belgium, with PROMAN as partner has been retained as framework contractor for the EU funded FWC Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018), Lot 6: INNOVATIVE FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT. Lot 6 covers the following sectors: Economic, financial, technical and legal experts on Finance Products and Structures, Financiers/Risk Takers, Markets and financing needs/gaps, Policy issues, Legal, institutional and procedural issues.
Contract implementation will start on 1st of June 2018 for an initial period of two years.
PROMAN is very pleased to inform that the consortium led by AECOM International Development Europe, with PROMAN as partner has been retained as framework contractor for the EU funded FWC Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018), Lot 5: BUDGET SUPPORT. Lot 5 covers the following sectors: Public policies, Macroeconomic stability, Public finance management, Domestic revenue mobilisation, Statistics and indicators.
PROMAN is very pleased to inform that the consortium led by AECOM International Development Europe, with PROMAN as partner has been retained as framework contractor for the EU funded FWC Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018), Lot 2: INFRASTRUCTURE, SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND JOBS. Lot 2 covers the following sectors: Transport and infrastructures, Digital technologies and services, Earth observation, Urban development and cities, Sustainable energy, Nuclear safety, Sustainable waste management, Private sector, Trade, Employment creation.
PROMAN is very pleased to inform that the consortium led by TRANSTEC, with PROMAN as partner has been retained as framework contractor for the EU funded FWC Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018), Lot 1: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND RESILIENCE. Lot 1 covers the following sectors: Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable forestry management and conservation, Fishery and aquaculture, Land management, Food security & nutrition, Food safety, Extension/Training/HRD/Institutional Development, Rural infrastructure, Climate change, Sustainable natural resource management, Disaster risk reduction.
PROMAN is very pleased to inform that the consortium led by PROMAN has been retained as framework contractor for the EU funded FWC Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018), Lot 4: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND SAFETY NET. Lot 4 covers the following sectors: Education, VET, Lifelong learning, Culture, Social inclusion and protection, Health, Research & Innovation.
Contract implementation will start on 1st of June 2018 for an initial period of two years. Partners to the consortium include AECOM International Development Europe, AEDES, B&S Europe, CultureLab, EPOS, GOPA, hera, INOVA+, Lattanzio Advisory, Niras Finland, IP Consult, Niras Sweden, Particip, PAI, SFERE, Transtec and World Learning.
PROMAN has been contracted to assist the Ministry of Education in the preparation and facilitation of the review of the 2016-2020 Five Year Education Plan and the definition of targets and actions to be carried out for the coming years of the plan.
PROMAN has been selected by UNICEF to provide technical assistance and overall guidance to the Government of Uzbekistan (and various Ministries of Education and institutions under them) through the process of developing a comprehensive Education Sector Plan (ESP) for the period 2018-2022. The comprehensive ESP is the key national education policy document, which provides a long-term vision for the education system in the country and outlines a coherent set of practicable strategies to reach its objectives and overcome difficulties.
PROMAN has been successfully supporting the NAO Office in Guinea since December 2015. An extension has been granted with the contract now to run till December 2019.
PROMAN has been selected to undertake the end of year 1 and mid-term evaluation of the third phase of the EU funded Support to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector Programme. The specific objective of the programme is to improve governance and private sector participation in the TVET sector to enhance access to quality skills development that meets demand of the labour market.
The past months have been extremely successful for PROMAN. No less than 8 new LT contracts have been awarded to PROMAN as lead company (4) or partner (4), with a total value of some € 34.2 million. These remarkable results further consolidate our impressive growth of the past years.
PROMAN in partnership with EGIS International (lead) has been awarded the contract for the provision of long term technical assistance for the implementation of the 11th EDF Territorial Development Support Programme (PADT) (€ 2.45 million). The specific objective of the PADT is to support the State and Territorial Administration (deconcentrated and decentralized) with the operationalization of the National Policy of Decentralization and Deconcentration (PONADEC). The period of implementation will be 4 years. Decentralisation and Local Development continues to be major area of specialisation of PROMAN. The past months the portfolio has grown with a further 3 long term contracts in the sector.
The consortium led by PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the provision of Technical Assistance for the support programme to the implementation of EU-Papua New Guinea cooperation. The € 3.65 million TA contract will start in March 2018, with an implementation period of 40 months. Partners to the consortium are Cardno Emerging Markets and Transtec. PROMAN currently implements similar TA to NAO projects in Comoros, Guinea, Swaziland and Zambia.
PROMAN has been successfully supporting the NAO Office in Zambia since April 2015. An extension has been granted with the contract now to run till the 10th of December 2018.
We are delighted to announce that the consortium led by Palladium International BV with PROMAN as principal partner has been awarded the € 14 million EU funded contract for the provision of Technical Assistance for the 'Employment Promotion through SMMEs Support Programme for the Republic of South Africa'. The specific objectives/outcomes of the SMMEs Programme are (i) to improve the competitiveness of small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) and their ability to meet procurement requirements of large multinational/local corporations, government and state-owned enterprises; (ii) to improve access to finance for SMMEs with limited/no access to finance and (iii) to improve the regulatory and administrative environment for SMMEs. The contract will start in March 2018 for a period of 52 months. Other partners to the consortium are Enclude and Tutwa Consulting Group.
PROMAN has been selected to undertake the final evaluation of the EU funded Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP). The Programme aimed to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and sustainable management of incoming and outgoing ODA for better management and impact on strategic development priorities of South Africa.
PROMAN has been selected to provide TA to the Department of Higher Education and Training to build the knowledge and understanding of DHET staff in the extent and range of open learning approaches, open educational resources and the use of multi-media and materials development processes.
The consortium led by MDF with GIZ and PROMAN as partners has been retained as contractor for the Training on Financial and Contractual Procedures in the Framework of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). Under this € 4.8 million TA contract training courses will be delivered for NAOs and RAOs staff, as well as EUD staff in the ACP countries over a period of 5 years.
PROMAN is very pleased to announce it has been nominated as regional operator for the project "Sécurité et Développement des Régions du Nord du Mali, phase II / Security and Development of Northern Regions of Mali, phase II" (total budget of € 19 million) for the regions of Gao, Kidal and Ménaka, financed by AFD and the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the stability and development of the regions of the North by supporting access to basic social services and revitalizing the local economy. The regional operator will provide support to local authorities on the different stages of the project cycle (identification and consultation for the selection of projects to be financed under the Local Investment Fund, technical and economic feasibility, formulation, procurement, monitoring of supply and work contracts etc.). The selection of PROMAN confirms its strong reputation in the country and the region in the management of projects in a difficult security environment. PROMAN is active in the north of Mali since 1999. This 3-year contract will start end January.
The PROMAN led consortium has been awarded the EU funded contract for the Technical Assistance team for the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) programme. The purpose of this EUR 4 million TA contract is to assist the Office of Prime Minister in the effective and efficient execution of the DINU programme. DINU has been designed as an integrated programme providing support to Northern Uganda in the 3 focal sectors identified in the NIP for the 11th EDF, which are food security and nutrition, good governance and transport infrastructures. The project will start mid-December for a period of 64 months. Partners in the consortium are Palladium International BV, NTU International A/S and Saba Engineering Plc.
PROMAN in partnership with B&S Europe has been awarded the contract for the final evaluation of 3 EU funded education sector programmes in Indonesia: (1) the EU Budget Support Programme "Education Sector Support Programme" (ESSP Phase I & II); (2) the "Analytical Capacity and Development Partnership" programme (ACDP) and (3) the "Minimum Service Standards Capacity Development Programme" (MSS CDP) in basic education.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract to assist the National Aid Fund (NAF) to develop a qualitative awareness, information and communication toward public, stakeholders and final beneficiaries. The National Aid Fund (NAF) is one of the leading institutions in the field of social protection in Jordan. Established in 1986, the Fund aims to provide assistance to the most deprived and vulnerable groups to improve their standard of living.
PROMAN in partnership with Lattanzio Advisory has been contracted to support the Women in Engineering and Technology Awareness Campaign in Guyana. The specific objectives of this assignment are to design (i) a communication strategy and annual awareness campaign for girls and women to study science, engineering and technology; (ii) a toolkit to enhance the role of the industrial attachment scheme in attracting more female interest in science, engineering and technology and (iii) an action plan for enhancing the role of women in the Sea and River Defence Board and other disaster risk management (DRM) sector related decision bodies. The assignment will start in September to be completed mid-2019.
PROMAN, in partnership with B&S Europe has been awarded the contract for the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Project SRRMLME- Support to the Reintegration of Returnees and to the Management of Labour Migration in Ethiopia.
Skills development is a major result area under the UNICEF Strategic Plan (2018-2022). PROMAN will assist UNICEF HQ in the development of program guidance on Skills for Employment. The guidance will provide practical advice to inform UNICEF Country Offices when developing related programs.
PROMAN, in partnership with Lattanzio Advisory has been awarded the contract "Consultancy to document lessons learnt and case studies from the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (ECS) 10th EDF programme". The purpose of this contract is to create a Lessons Learnt Information Package contextualising the continued journey toward Regional Integration over the last five (5) years towards the continued sensitization and education of the public.
Since January 2015, PROMAN has been successfully providing advisory services to the European Commission, both to headquarters and to delegations, with the aim of improving the effectiveness of the EU's development aid on education. The project has received additional funding with completion now scheduled in January 2020.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the 'Analysis of the Needs of Labour Market Institutions' in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The assignment will undertake a detailed analysis of existing infrastructure of Public Employment Services and IT requirements and other logistical aspects of labour market institutions and provide overall recommendations.
The consortium led by PROMAN has been successfully providing assistance to promote education quality and educational services in 9 regions of Madagascar since early 2013. Early July a final extension to the contract was signed, with a reduced expert team till end June 2018. Emphasis will be placed on consolidation of achievements and closure of this 32 MEURO programme.
PROMAN, in partnership with B&S Europe has been awarded the service contract "Consultancy to develop and implement a public sector improvement programme for Barbados". The specific objectives of the assignment are to increase productivity levels within the public sector through sensitization, promotional and advocacy activities, by facilitating knowledge - and experience-sharing, providing the building blocks for a collective approach to solving problems and by training, equipping and supporting employees to maximize the effectiveness, productivity and performance of their departments/ministries, and hence the government of Barbados.
Since end 2014, PROMAN in partnership with PwC and Marge has been providing TA for the implementation of the regional programme "Renewable Energy Development and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Indian Ocean Commission Member States". The contract has now been extended for an additional 30 months with project completion scheduled in December 2019.
The consortium led by NIRAS, with PROMAN as partner has been awarded the contract for the project "Support to the Development of Social Welfare Regulatory Mechanisms" in the Republic of Serbia. The overall objective of this two year project is to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for the Republic of Serbia by building a more knowledgeable and skilled labour force, improving social protection policies and promoting the social inclusion of vulnerable populations.
PROMAN will support the International Development Cooperation Unit, National Treasury on the management of the call for proposals under the General Budget Support Programme. The assignment will start end May for a period of two years.
The contract for the External Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews and support missions concerning projects and programmes financed by the EU for the Asian and Pacific regions including OCTs has been extended till end April 2018. The project did start on 1st of January 2015.
PROMAN has been successfully supporting the Government of Mali on the decentralisation process under two consecutive EDF funded contracts since end 2006. The current PARADDER contract has now been extended till December 2018.
A new award under the UNICEF LTA agreement. The purpose of the consultancy is to reinforce and help finalize the current draft UNGEI Strategic Directions 2017-2022 paper, including the development of a Theory of Change, results or monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) framework and governance framework.
PROMAN will support the EU Delegation on the regular monitoring of the implementation of the vocational education sector reform support programme. The expertise will be provided by a team of three experts. A total of 6 missions are scheduled in the period May 2017 to March 2020. Last year PROMAN was awarded the contract for a similar assignment focusing on the education sector reform support programme. Under this assignment the first three monitoring mission have been successfully completed.
Another contract award under the LTA agreement. The objective of the mission is to develop guidance and mechanisms to strengthen knowledge management and capitalisation of projects and experiences, based on the Ministry of Education (MoE)-UNICEF cooperation experiences implemented during the period 2012-2016. This includes the development of a methodological guide (manual) and a training module to strengthen capacities at central and decentralised levels.
We are very pleased to announce PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the provision of TA to the Development Cooperation Support Programme (PAC). The specific objective of this contract is to increase the technical capacities of the services of the National Authorizing Officer, the NAO and the technical ministries in order to improve project management in the framework of the cooperation between the Union of the Comoros and the EU. The project will start in April for a period of three years. This contract further consolidates PROMAN's position in the Indian Ocean Region with currently various other major projects ongoing: PASSOBA-Education (Madagascar), PROCOM (Madagascar), HRD (Seychelles), Biodiversity (IOC regional), Renewable Energy (IOC regional) and Islands II (IOC regional). The provision of TA to NAO services remains a core speciality of PROMAN, with ongoing projects in Guinea, Zambia and Swaziland.
The consortium led by Particip, with PROMAN as partner has been successfully supporting the NAO services in Swaziland since December 2014. The project will be extended for another 20 months with project completion now scheduled end 2018.
PROMAN will assist the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) in developing a costed 3-year action plan (2018-2020) for the Early Childhood Education (ECE) sub-sector plan. The costed action plan will be used by the MoES and development partners to support the planning, implementation and monitoring of the MoES annual work plans as well as the Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP) 2016-2020.
PROMAN has been selected by the Evaluation Office UNICEF HQ, NY to undertake the formative evaluation of the Out-of-school-Children Initiative (OOSCI). OOSCI was launched in 2010 by UNICEF and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). It aims to 'turn data into action' by developing detailed 'profiles' of out‐of‐school children, identify barriers that are pushing them out of school, and propose changes in partner government policies and strategies to address these barriers. Field visits are planned to Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan and Sri Lanka.
PROMAN has been contracted by the EU Delegation to undertake a gender analysis. The gender analysis will provide an understanding of whether gender inequalities persist in Nigeria and its causes, how it intersects with other inequalities, how it impacts on human rights enjoyment and/or benefits produced by and access to development efforts. It will also provide an understanding of Nigeria's government's commitment and capacity to work on GEWE issues. The analysis will provide relevant and reliable information which the EU and Member States may use to (i) Prepare gender sensitive development response strategies and (ii) contribute to the political dialogue.
The consortium led by PROMAN has been awarded a major contract for the provision of Technical Assistance in Support of the Education Sector in Sierra Leone. The purpose of this 4.1 M EUR contract is to provide the beneficiary country and in particular the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), the Teaching Service Commission, selected district education offices and selected teacher colleges with technical assistance to deliver on strengthening of management capacity and provision of education services, in compliance with national education policies and targets. Technical assistance will be carried out by a team of 4 long-term key experts complemented with a pool of short/medium-term experts operating in Freetown and in other locations across the country over an implementation period of 30 months. Partners in the consortium are Palladium, Plan International and Redi4Change.
PROMAN will provide the services of a Senior Border Management Expert in the team undertaking the Evaluation of EU support for Security Reform in enlargement and neighbourhood countries (2010-2016).
PROMAN will assist UNICEF HQ in the production of the Education Annual Results Report for 2016. UNICEF's Annual Results Reports outline the organization's results against the Strategic Plan 2014–2017 to advance children's rights and equity in the areas of health; HIV and AIDS; water, sanitation and hygiene; nutrition; education; child protection; social inclusion; humanitarian action; and gender. The reports detail what UNICEF achieved in each outcome area, working with diverse partners at the global, regional and country levels, and examine the impact of these accomplishments on the lives of children and families worldwide.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Mid-term Review of the Programme to Support Pro-poor Policy Development (PSPPD) II. The programme contributes to improved policies, building systems and institutional capacity to reduce poverty and inequality through evidence-based policy-making.
PROMAN is pleased to announce that the consortium consisting of AECOM International Development Europe (lead) and PROMAN, PAI, Democracy Essentials, Global Operational Support (partners) is of the 4 consortia retained on the EU funded Lot 1 Framework Contract for Support to Electoral Missions. The scope of lot 1 is to provide services (expertise, material and technical support) for Election Observation Missions (EOMs) and Election Assessment Team (EATs) missions which observe electoral processes in partner countries of Africa, Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific region. The maximum estimated budget for this two year FWC totals 215 000 000 EUR.
PROMAN has been selected to undertake the institutional, organizational and functional audit of the National Institute for Pedagogic Training (INFP) and its regional centres (CRINFP).
PROMAN in partnership with Lattanzio has been awarded the contract for the formulation of the 3rd phase of the EU Support Programme for the Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy (Alpha III).
PROMAN will provide support to the EU Delegation on "Monitoring, assessment and support to EU and other donor funded Education and complementary programs by the Ministry of Education to deal with the Syria crisis". The contract is to run for a period of two years.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract to provide Technical Assistance for the research on "Using Social Dialogue as a socio economic development tool". The specific objective of the assignment is to provide the European Commission (DEVCO B3) and the European Delegations with a reference document (orange publication): (i) Developing an understanding of Social Dialogue and the added-value of including its related mechanisms in development actions; and (ii) Identifying Social Dialogue good practices in technical cooperation projects that can provide operational guidance on how to best include it and support it in future actions.
PROMAN will assist the Government of Angola on the identification and formulation of the 11th EDF higher education support programme. The assignment will include a detailed review of the sector.
PROMAN has been contracted by DFID to support the Donor Coordination Unit at the Ministry of Education (MOE) to develop and finalise one common results framework for delivery of quality formal education for Syrian refugee children. The work will be carried out in close coordination with key donors (Canada, EU, Germany, Norway, US and UK).
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the provision of specialized sector expertise on the formulation of EU support in the field of communication and audio-visual in Morocco.
PROMAN is very pleased to inform that its bid on the development of a Human Resource Development Strategy for the Seychelles has been successful. The overall objective of the assignment, which will be undertaken in partnership with the Centre for Employment Initiatives (UK) and Edge Consulting (Mauritius) and will last one year, is to develop a HRD strategy for the next 5 years in order to transform the knowledge and skills base, diversify the economy and address the skills and expertise gaps. This contract reinforces PROMAN's position in the Indian Ocean region. Other major ongoing projects include PASSOBA-Education (Madagascar), PROCOM (Madagascar), Renewable Energy (IOC), Biodiversity (IOC) and Islands II (IOC).
PROMAN in association with Lattanzio Advisory has been contracted by the EU Delegation to conduct a Gender Audit of EU bilateral cooperation in Cambodia. The gender audit should (i) measure how gender mainstreaming has been implemented in ongoing EU bilateral projects and programmes; (ii) identify good practices and provide specific recommendations (possibly including gender indicators) for each project as appropriate to improve gender equality and inclusion; and (iii) provide analysis and recommendations that will inform and trigger debate around gender mainstreaming in EU cooperation.
PROMAN has been selected to conduct the final evaluation of the EU funded project "Supporting Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform in Pakistan (TVET II). The work will be undertaken by a team of four experts over a period of 6 months.
The consortium led by PROMAN has been successfully providing assistance to promote education quality and educational services in 9 regions of Madagascar since early 2013. Early August a new contract was signed extending the TA till end October 2017, the expert team now consisting of 13 long term key experts, and bringing the total value of TA services to 8.650.000 EUR.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Interim Evaluation of Employment and Vocational Education Training (EVET) and to measure the feasibility of EU's further support for education, focused on Lifelong Learning.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Evaluation of the UNESCO/EU Expert facility on the governance of culture in developing countries. The overall objective of the Expert facility is to reinforce the role of culture as a vector of sustainable human development in developing countries.
PROMAN experts will undertake a study to explore options for a new EU-ACP Research and Innovation programme that will both meet the needs and demands of ACP countries in the context of Agenda 2030, particularly SDG 9 and its targets, and bring an added value at collective intra-ACP level.
PROMAN in partnership with Arp Dévelopement and CENAFOD has been successfully providing TA to the Support Programme for Administrative Reform in Decentralisation and Regional Economic Development (PARADDER) since February 2012. Mid July an extension was signed with increased funding extending the contract for a further ten months. The project is now scheduled to end in June 2017.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the final evaluation of the EU funded Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs Project in Uzbekistan. The project focuses on pre-school and primary school (1-4 classes), and promotes the inclusion of 1,200 children aged 2-10 with intellectual and motor disabilities and developmental delays.
PROMAN will provide the services of a senior education expert (general education and TVET) in the team on the preparation of the 11th EDF National Indicative Programme for the Central African Republic. The assignment is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Review of the Education Sector Reform Contract. Within the framework of the ESRC (AAP2015), the EU provides financial assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic during Kyrgyz fiscal years 2016-2018. This assistance is provided through a foreign currency facility channeled into the national budget. The overall objective of the contract is to provide a detailed review of the implementation of the ESRC 2015 and to enable the EU to use the outcomes of the reviews for decisions on instalment disbursement and programme execution, as well as to contribute to the Programming exercise to be funded by the Annual Action Plan 2018. The assignment will start in July 2016, to be completed during the 1st semester of 2018.
PROMAN has been selected as service provider on the Long term Agreement for the provision of timely and high quality technical expertise to the UNICEF education sector in the areas of early learning, gender/girls' education and inclusive education, quality and learning and education in emergencies and resilience. The LTA will be called upon at short notice to provide technical assistance, advice, capacity building or support services to UNICEF regional and country offices when requested. The LTA has an overall duration of two years.
PROMAN has been awarded the EU funded contract "Evaluation of the policy steps taken by the Ukrainian government towards the delivery of social services to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)". The global objective of the assignment is to assist the Ukrainian authorities in putting in place a policy framework which respects the social, economic and human rights of the IDP population and fosters social cohesion in challenging political and economic circumstances.
UNICEF has renewed the contract for the provision of the services of a Technical Advisor to Support Decentralization and De-concentration Reform in the Education Sector, for a further year.
PROMAN has been awarded the EU funded contract 'Support for the Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for SIDS in the ESA-IO region – Phase II (ISLANDS II)'. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the Sustainable Development of the Small Island Developing States of the ESA-IO region by addressing specific development constraints of beneficiary countries (their natural characteristics linked to insularity, their relative smallness, proneness to natural disasters, and limited access to capital) and by fostering regional and global SIDS-SIDS cross-fertilisation. The contract will start 1st of March 2016, for a duration of 20 months.
We are pleased to announce that the consortium led by Landell Mills, with PROMAN as member has been retained as framework contractor on Lot 1. Evaluation. The scope of this contract is to carry out evaluations of geographic (regions/countries) cooperation strategies and programmes; thematic multi-country evaluations; evaluations of selected policy issues and aid modalities, particularly budget support operations and to support dissemination of the results: lessons learned and evaluation recommendations, support for development of appropriate methodological approaches and tools for evaluation. This new FWC will start on 1st March for an initial duration of maximum 2 years and can be extended up to 2 more years.
We are pleased to announce that the contract for the External Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews and support missions concerning projects and programmes financed by the EU for the Asian and Pacific regions including OCTs has been extended till end April 2017. The project did start on 1st of January 2015, to last initially for one year.
PROMAN, in partnership with AECOM has been awarded the EU funded contract 'Support to the implementation of the PFM Action Plan 2015-2017'. This consultancy will be delivered over a period of indicatively 18 months through several in-country missions with an indicative start date in February 2016.
PROMAN will support the EU Delegation on the regular monitoring of the implementation of the education sector reform support programme. The expertise will be provided by a team of three experts. A total of 7 missions are scheduled in the period May 2016 to November 2018.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the 'Comprehensive assessment of Social Units in the poorest Governorates in Egypt'. The global objective is to assess the capacities of the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity to develop its Social Units into efficient, client-oriented and adequately resourced social service providers.
PROMAN will provide expertise on development policy to the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovakia to the EU in Brussels and the team dealing with the EU Presidency in the headquarters/capital of its ministries, in view of handling a demanding EU and Global Development Agenda. The assignment will last from May 2016 to January 2017.
PROMAN in partnership with B&S Europe will undertake the thematic evaluation on EU support to Economic Governance in enlargement and neighbourhood countries, covering Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey. The contract will run for 9 months and start in May 2016.
A PROMAN expert team will support the EU Delegation to Swaziland in programming the second tranche of the EDF11 (9.2 million EUR) for improved access to education and decent life for vulnerable children.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the TA to NAO project in Guinea Conakry. The expert team will consist of 4 long term experts. The project will start early December for a period of 3 years.
PROMAN was officially mandated by the Luxemburg Government as executing agency for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Programme in the Gao region. With a total budget of 4.920.000 EUR, the programme will focus on 2 major components: rural development and food security and TVET. Implementation has formally started on 1st October 2015, to be completed by 31st December 2019.
PROMAN was officially mandated by the Luxemburg Government as executing agency for the implementation of the fourth phase of the Sustainable Development Programme in the Kidal region. With a total budget of 8.380.000 EUR, the programme will focus on 4 major components: rural development and food security, TVET, health and decentralisation/good governance. Implementation has formally started on 1st October 2015, to be completed by 31st December 2019.
PROMAN, member of the consortium led by TRANSTEC will field a new mission under the FWC for Mid-term and Final evaluations of Projects and Programmes of the Belgian Technical Cooperation in the Education Sector. The objective of the assignment is to undertake the mid-term evaluation of the programmes "Strengthening organizational capacity through scholarships" in Senegal and Morocco.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Final Evaluation of the Support to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Sector project. The assignment will be undertaken in two phases, to be completed by end 2016.
PROMAN has been selected to assist the EU Delegation in Myanmar in the formulation of its support to the National Education Sector Plan (NESP) and to the PFM reform strategy. This is the second major assignment in Myanmar on the preparation and formulation of EU support to the education sector. The expertise will be provided by a team of 4 experts over a period of one year.
PROMAN in partnership with B&S Europe will provide support to the EUD on three work tender evaluations in the water and sanitation sector.
PROMAN in partnership with Lattanzio and B&S Europe will undertake the evaluation of the support in the area of equal access to quality education (integrated and inclusive education) financed under the Operational Programme for Human Resource Development 2007-2013.
PROMAN in partnership with Lattanzio has been awarded the contract for the Formulation of the Education Component of the EU Social Sector Support Programme under the 11th EDF.
PROMAN and B&S Europe have been awarded the contract to evaluate the results so far achieved through the EU support delivered under the Country Strategy Programme 2007-2013. Focal sectors of the CSP include Good Governance, Private Sector Development, and Basic Social Services.
PROMAN and B&S Europe have been awarded the contract to provide technical assistance and expertise to the EU Office in Kosovo for the assessment of project proposals under several Calls (Civil Society 2014-2015, IPA 2013 (Civil Society grant scheme), EIDHR 2014).
PROMAN in partnership with B&S Europe will support the Ministry of Culture and Heritage Preservation in Tunisia in the realization of 4 priority actions of its 2015 programme including development of a documentary portal of the National Library, status of artists, institutional strengthening of cultural centres and realisation of a communication campaign.
PROMAN will provide legal advice to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on the evaluation of the existing gap between the Labour Code (and its regulations) and the 'acquis communautaire' and European best practices.
PROMAN has been contracted by the EU Delegation in Armenia to undertake a Review of the Sector Support Programme for Continuation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) Reform and Development of an Employment Strategy.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract to support the EU Delegation in the identification and formulation phase of planning for the continuation of its support to the TVET sector in Pakistan.
PROMAN (lead company) in partnership with GRM International has been awarded the EU funded contract for the provision of long term technical support to the National Authorizing Officer in Zambia. This 3 year project with a budget of 1.8 million EUR has formally started on 15th April 2015.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the provision of short-term technical assistance to support the preparation of the disbursement requests for the second and third budget support tranche of the EU-Cambodia Education Sector Reform Partnership 2014-2016.
PROMAN has been contracted by the EU Delegation in Kampala to undertake a Salary and Remuneration survey for EDF funded projects in Uganda. The mission is to start end March 2015.
UNICEF has renewed the contract for the provision of the services of a Technical Advisor to Support Decentralization and De-concentration Reform in the Education Sector, for a further 2 years (2015-2016). Activities are to start in March 2015.
PROMAN will provide the services of the ICT expert on the expert team for the identification and formulation on the new EU Regional Environmental Programme for Central Asia. The assignment is undertaken in partnership with B&S Europe, Linpico and AGRER.
On 5th March 2015 the new Indicative Programme (PIC) 2015-2019 was signed between the Governments of Mali and the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg. PROMAN is the official Implementing Agency for programmes in the northern concentration zone of the PIC. Main focal areas include rural development and food security and TVET for the Gao region; and rural development and food security, TVET, health and decentralisation/good governance for the Kidal region. The total budget amounts to 13.3 million EUR for the period 2015-2019. Implementation is scheduled to start mid-2015.
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the provision of short-term technical assistance for supporting the implementation of the Promoting Heritage for Ethiopia's Development programme (PROHEDEV) funded by the EU. The objective of mission is to provide technical support to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism during the start-up of the programme and to provide targeted training for museum professionals.
The consortium led by Louis Berger with PROMAN and PBLH as partner has been awarded the contract for the provision of Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Social Assistance and Reintegration (MINARS) in the framework of the Project to support the Government of Angola to define and implement an effective policy for Social Protection and Social Solidarity. The specific objective of this 4 year TA contract with a budget of over EUR 9 million is to strengthen institutional capacity of the Ministry leading to enhanced national social assistance to the population needs with a focus on the most vulnerable groups.
The overall objective of the study is to support DG NEAR and IPA II beneficiaries in strengthening the monitoring and reporting systems to track the performance of IPA II assistance, while enhancing the transparency and visibility of IPA II funds, and providing support for related information and communication activities targeting stakeholder audiences in the EU Member States and a wider public.
PROMAN will undertake the final evaluation of the Regional Support Programme to Cultural Initiatives, covering PALOP-Timor Leste. Field work will cover Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, Sao Tome & Principe and Mozambique.
The consortium led by Landell Mills with PROMAN and LINPICO as partner has been awarded the contract for the External Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews and support missions concerning projects and programmes financed by the European Union for the Asian and Pacific regions including OCTs. This lot covers the EU funded national and regional projects and programmes whether single or multi-country in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, East-Timor, Fiji, French Polynesia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia and Dependencies, Niue, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pitcairn, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Yemen. The project has started on 1st of January 2015 and will initially last for one year. Over 300 ROM reviews and support missions are foreseen.
PROMAN has been awarded the Mid-term review of ongoing 'SHARE: Supporting the Hardest to Reach through Basic Education' Programme in Bangladesh. The specific objectives of SHARE programme are to provide basic education opportunities of quality for the hardest to reach children and their parents and guardians, in 219 upazillas and thanas of 47 districts in 7 divisions of Bangladesh. The mission will start in January 2015.
The global objective of the assignment is to provide findings and conclusions on the performance of EU assistance in Turkey in the field of occupational health and safety with regard to the alignment with the EU acquis and practices and recommendations on the measures/actions that might be addressed by IPA 2014-2020 to improve programming and future project identification.
PROMAN in partnership with Particip has been contracted to provide Support to the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs and Regional Authorities in Ethiopia to start up activities in the area of the enhancement of women's economic status in Ethiopia, under the WBP Project. The mission will last from December 2014 to April 2015.
PROMAN (lead company), in partnership with 4Assist and Save the Children Norway has been awarded the service contract for the Support to the Education Sector Reform project in Lao PDR. The purpose of this 2.5 year project is to improve quality and relevance through implementation of Education Quality Standards for primary education and improved textbook management and supply and strengthening the planning and budgeting process. The project will start mid-January 2015.
The consortium led by Particip with PROMAN as partner has been awarded the long-term contract for the provision of 'Technical Assistance to the NAO Support Unit and Relevant Line Ministries in Order to Build Capacity in Project Management, Mbabane, Swaziland'. This two-year project compliments PROMAN's impressive TA to NAO track record.
PROMAN in partnership with PAI has been contracted to provide Consultancy Services for the Elaboration of an Action Plan for the Tertiary Education Strategic Plan 2013-2025. The global objective of the assignment is to assist the Republic of Mauritius in achieving its objective of becoming a knowledge-based economy.
PROMAN (lead) in partnership with GRM International BV has been awarded the Education Advisory Services project.
The contract will consist of: (i) providing advisory services to the European Commission, both to headquarters and to delegations, with the aim of improving the effectiveness of the EU's development aid on education. This will be achieved by providing adequate support at the key steps of the project/programme cycle and by increasing the know-how and the capacity of staff in charge of operations in the education sector; (ii) supporting the EU's contribution to the international policy debate and the definition of its own strategies for cooperation in the education sector; enhancing the accountability and visibility framework of the EU; (iii) contributing, on a request basis and resources allowing, to reinforcing the technical capacities of the EU's main stakeholders in the field of education. The project will start in January 2015 and is scheduled to be completed by June 2017.
This contract reinforces PROMAN's position as key player in the education sector.
PROMAN provides the services of a Democratisation Specialist on the Mid-Term Evaluation of the 10th EDF SADC Regional¨Political Cooperation Programme (FWC COM Lot 1). The EUR 18 million programme is centred on 4 different components: Strengthening Democratic Institutions, Conflict Prevention and Management, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Trafficking in Persons. The mission is to start end October 2014.
PROMAN is partner to ICF International on the "Evaluation of the technical assistance component of DFID India's Education Portfolio", awarded under the DFID Global Evaluation Framework Agreement. The Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) has challenged DFID to better capture the full range of impacts from engagement in the social sectors in India. This is the first major study of its kind to look at a DFID portfolio relating to technical assistance. The study will start the first week of November 2014, to end in March 2016.
On the 20th of October 2014, the formal kick-of meeting took place on the 'Study to design a programme/clearinghouse providing access to higher education for Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons'. The specific objective of the assignment is to assist in the design of a future programme by the EU to enhance access to further and higher education for young Syrians who had to drop out of formal education, especially internally displaced students inside Syria and Syrian refugees across the region, with a focus on Jordan and Lebanon, but also on Turkey and Iraq.
The Directorate of the Centre for the European Union Education and Youth Programmes (Turkish National Agency) is responsible for the management and implementation of the EU Youth Cooperation Programmes such as Erasmus, Comenius, Comett-I, Petra-I, Youth for Europe, Lingua, Eurotechnet, Force and Socrates. In 2012 the TRNA was allowed to recruit additional 50 staff members bringing the total staff at 178. The specific objective of this assignment is to provide technical assistance to the TRNA in training the newly-employed assistance experts in the areas of PCM, LFA, development of project proposals, M&E, financial management, IPA etc.PROMAN is lead company and provides the services of the trainer in IPA and financial management.
PROMAN in partnership with Lattanzio e Associati has been awarded the contract for the Mid-Term Review of the Second Education Sector Development Programme in Somalia. This evaluation will contribute to the broader process of results mapping under the current programme, contracting of the EU-funded ESDP III programme and planning for future EU funding in the education sector, in line with Sector-Wide Approaches. The assignment started in September and is expected to be completed in November 2014.
The 'Comprehensive Framework for the European Union's policy and support to Myanmar/Burma', adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council in July 2013, sets out the framework for EU policy and support to the on-going reforms in Myanmar. The EU is now finalising its Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) 2014-2026 and the global objective of the assignment is to provide assistance in the identification and appraisal of options for EU support to the education sector in Myanmar.
PROMAN in partnership with Particip and B&S Europe has been awarded the contract for the 'Monitoring, assessment and support to EU funded Education and complementary programs by the Ministry of Education, UN Agencies and NGOs' in Jordan. The main objectives of the mission are (i) to provide an overall independent assessment of the European Union's past and current cooperation under the EU Support to the Second Phase of the Education Reform (EUSSPER) programme in Jordan in the field of basic education under the ERfKEII program, in particular the assessment of the completion of agreed benchmarks as well as newly planned EU budget Support programs in the field of Basic Education; (ii) to monitor the education programs in support to Syrian refugees under the Ministry of Education and UN agencies in terms of overall and administrative efficiency to Syrian refugees provided for by the Ministry of Education and by the UN agencies and their sub-contracted NGOs, which will take the form of a field verification; (iii) to make recommendations for the future cooperation programing in the field of education (bilateral, regional and thematic) with Jordan and improvement of the current and future European Union's implementation strategies for (Syrian) refugees as well as suggestions to strengthen the visibility of the interventions; (iv) to develop a strategy for the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education in the field of the Vocational Education and Training and (v) to develop recommendations for the teacher induction program. Started in September 2014, the mission will last till June 2016.PROMAN is the lead contractor and provides the services of the Team leader/Education Expert and the Monitoring Expert.
PROMAN has been contracted for the Review of South African Trilateral Development Cooperation Activities, under the Technical Cooperation and Official Development Assistance Programme (TCODAP). The mission is scheduled from early to mid-2015.
Two new mandates have been signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Luxemburg. The project 'Support for improving access to basic social services for people affected by the crisis in the Kidal region' will extend activities started in 2013. The project will run from June 2014 to January 2015. A similar project was approved for the Gao region, to be implemented over the period October 2014 to June 2015.
Both projects will compliment other activities in Mali undertaken by PROMAN as executing agency for the Luxembourgish Government.
PROMAN in partnership with ACE International Consultants (lead company) has been awarded the 5-year EU-funded Technical Assistance to the Employment and Regional Integration Support Programme (PROCOM) contract in Madagascar. PROCOM aims to strengthen the capacity of the private sector to grow inclusively and to be more competitive on national, regional and international markets, notably through: (i) strengthening intermediary organizations to act as a lever for change and competitiveness; (ii) developing technical, managerial and marketing skills of MSMEs; and (iii) facilitating and securing commercial transactions of MSMEs nationally, regionally, and internationally. The TA team will start activities the first week of November 2014. This is the second major project currently on-going in Madagascar, next to the PROMAN led TA to PASSOBA-Education.
The Consortium led by PwC South Africa, with PROMAN and MARGE as members has kick-started project activities under the recently awarded 'Technical Assistance for the implementation of the regional programme 'Renewable Energy Development and Energy Efficiency Improvements in Indian Ocean Commission Member States'. The programme aims at creating the conditions for an increased access to modern and sustainable energy services at acceptable cost, focussed both for demand and supply side measures and based on indigenous and renewable energy sources, and for optimising the energy supply requirements which the economy of each country can afford and facilitate trade in this area. The programme covers the Indian Ocean Commission Member States: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Reunion Island (with specific funding). The project will run from October 2014 to June 2017. PROMAN will be co-managing the project with PwC South Africa.
This project further reinforces PROMAN's presence in the region. In April 2014 the Consortium led by Landell Mills, with PROMAN as partner started activities under the Technical Assistance contract for the implementation of the Regional programme 'Coastal, marine and Island specific Biodiversity Management in the Eastern and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Coastal States', which will run till January 2018. | 2019-04-24T00:47:11Z | http://proman.lu/ |
There was a small town near the shores of the sea; it was a topical climate with mixture of occasional rainfall, hot summer & even pleasant atmosphere with low heat & humidity. The whole town was encircled with the backwaters of the rivers. With such a classic whether there was also a short coming which could wipe out the whole town. The tornado’s quite regularly hit the surrounding towns so the impact of it would hit this small town too. Owing to the increasing trouble of these the people had started to flee from here. While there were people in towns who were the survivors of these who took shelter in this town.
Today two different people both who were survivors of the same town moved into this new place but both were strangers & poles apart. One was calm & patient while the other was fierce & impatient but both were always inevitable & destructive in nature if meddled with, with a slight deviation, the calm one had the ability to choose either go ahead & wreck everything but the fierce person didn’t had that choice once a step taken forward has to feel the burnt.
Even if these two people’s ways were different and always repulsive in nature, they both were away from their people it was a test of survival for them in this place. They had none to share what they felt, none to listen to their talks, none to see their pain hidden in their heart. But destiny could not stop itself posing them infront of each other. He, who was fire and she, who was water did face each other will they ever overcome there obstacles & blend in one another without terminating the other.
Seeing is believing is said for the human sense sight but at this time of the day when darkness is all you could see around and light is something alien and hard to visualise what is there in front of you that doesn’t mean you are lost or blind? Just like everyone my other senses come to my rescue. Exactly now when I cannot see anything through my eyes I could hear the roars of the ocean everytime it hit the banks indicating I am standing right infront of the vast expanse of the ocean. Petrichor, the scent of rain filled my lungs predicting the approaching rain, the touch of which would cease my burning but I am not ready to taste the freedom from this fire. In addition to these I know how to eradicate the darkness as I have the capacity to turn on the light even at the darkest times of life.
The rain can come down to the earth anytime and I have to take shelter before that but still I wait at the banks waiting for the darkness to break into dawn. This has been my routine from past week to sprint around the seashore of this sea at the darkest hour before the dawn and wait for the moment of darkness breaking into the dawn. To watch the sun to gain its position high in the sky, paint his colors over the world showing his supremacy to kill darkness of life. It is not only the sun but also me who feels that has spread my color all over the world.
Slowly the sun made its way out of his den painting the whole sky bright redish yellow with its rays. Consuming the gloomy night and spreading the light bringing new hope & a beginning of bright fresh life. Once I had witnessed the magnificent sight of sunrise my concentration went towards my sense which had alerted about the approaching rain. But now there was no sign of it, that left me astonished as rain is one thing I just hate it and my senses have never been wrong in identifying them. Leaving that thought aside I make my way back to the hostel which has become my new home from where I will have to attend my first day of my master’s classes today.
Not before I had turned my eyes get struck to the sight of a girl in bluish white suit running away something was there about her unknown which made me watch her till she disappeared from my vision. I have been coming here from past 5 days but never did I saw any girl at this time of the hour. She did turn back once but I could not see her face. Just then I heard my cell beep reminding me of the time & I headed back still I couldn’t stop myself to watch at the way she ran off.
Some things never change every where the seniors welcoming the juniors especially in there own innovative way. I had just entered the gates of my college when a group of people naming themselves as seniors blocked my way. They were many more already in queues who were dancing as puppets of seniors. I had a strong urge to teach them a good lesson but I couldn’t just barge in and destruct everything but that would only catch the attention of everyone. Now itself I can feel many eyes on me, that always annoy me.
Against my wishes I simply follow there orders to stand in the queue and wait for my turn to come. Just then there was absolute silence as everyone’s attention was on the entrance maybe another junior’s who are trying to dorge away from these ragging session? But No. when I look at the entrance I could only see a beautiful mesmerising alluring blue eyes of the girl, they captivated me in its pools as deep as oceans that I can get lost in them. It was a picture painted in blue theme, every essence of her oozed as serene beauty. I could no longer see the world around me just her only; everything around her seems to vanish away from my view. As if in the whole world it is you and me alone, with my every breath, with my every heartbeat clearly wanting to be with you. Her earrings kissed her cheeks everytime she kept walking her bangles made sounds of waves in the ocean which was matching her light blue & white mixed dress. Is she the same one whom I saw in the beach today, looks like she is as even at that time she wored the same dress, the same gait, the same care free strides. Today I felt like I got a whole new world to live in.
I don’t know when my legs take me away from the crowd towards the object of my interest but I was pulled back by something. When I turn to see what that was I saw it was the guy next to me who pulled me back, he was saying something which I failed to hear it. I turned back my gaze to her; she was not there; I turn around everywhere only to find her in front of those seniors. I moved in a way to have clear view of her face without any interruption. Her eyes had a gleam of naughtiness which I didn’t know for what.
I felt another nudge in my hand to jolt me into the reality. It was again the same guy but now I heard him say “Man, what are you doing come back and stand here, don’t mess with seniors. See how these girls got them in trouble.” The word Girls made me look at them again to find another girl beside her. All of them were watching her ignoring the pleasant beauty of mine. They were questioning them, that is when I got to know her name is Geet & the girl whom I just noticed her name is Pari.
Geet, the name rang in my ears inveigling my heart with unknown bliss. Such a melodious name she has got that I could only hear and speak her name throughout the remaining life of mine. My heart was showing its presence more than ever with her first visual itself, weaving many desires which could bind me into something which I never was bound to. Thoughts are flying high freeing it self from the strings of my mind. Spirit is flowing in a direction which it had never crossed but it surged without bothering about any hindrance. Wish I could just embrace this moment in myself, to witness a new facet of the dreams. Her eyes were revealing more than she could every voice out surprising me at the things which it could conceal. I was eager to be with her which made my heart to live.
Dilon mein tum apni betabiyan leke chal rahe ho.
My revive was broken when the guy next to me was biting his nails in nervousness as he was worried for the girl next to Geet, as he was muttering “Please God save Pari from these ragging’s” but what I saw actually amazed me as that girl Pari stood fearless while my Geet stood behind her hiding herself from the situation. Such a contrary thing it was happening I was not scared for Geet as I knew she could come out the situation without any help where as the guy next to me was praying for Pari while the girls were doing just the opposite. But Geet’s eyes shone bright, calm & undeterred confidence trickled in her every stir though she portrayed as fearful infront of everyone. She held on to the facade of a timid girl duping around the others. Her face can deceive everyone but her eyes couldn’t as they told every story of hers. She was not a meek girl, none could scrum her into doing things against her wishes, but why does she have to do things like that.
Apparently the situation in the hand was the senior’s portrayed themselves as generous enough to give us the option to whether we want to get ragged or not. Well that was not a real option though as a person would be asked to light the candle once they did it they would say since you have lighted it that means you have accepted to be ragged. So now the candle was placed in the middle of the stand and the girls were asked to light that. I was more interested to see the play as I read her eyes which had the mischievous glint in it. And just I guessed the fun started Geet’s face turned was something everyone could not miss as it turned pale with fear and she clutched Pari’s hand & fainted next second.
For a second even I got worried but then the wink confirmed all my doubts. Getting the clue Pari played along shouting “Geet…….what happened Geet…get up… get up…. Please someone get some water.” After a while she stood drawing everyones attention to herself. When the seniors questioned her, the reply just shook everyone but I was just lost in that melody and couldn’t stop the smile. Geet replied as a scared kitten shuttering and trying to hard to form even a word that “I burnt it …. I burnt it”. Well ever Pari was confused so enquired “what did you burn Geet.” “B…..B……Blub” But looks like seniors were not falling for her drama as she was asked to light the candle now.
I was now curious to know more about her plan as the naught sparkle twinkled in her eyes. She with trembling fingers tried to light the candle but stick failed to burn. Geet said “It is not burning so can I leave for the class sir.” Finally not able to withstand the bugging kitten they let go of her. We will trap her someother time is what I heard a senior whisper into another senior. Her eyes showed she had won this play but that play was not only for her but for everyone there. With a confident & smiling face she left, actually she was concealling more may be she would have danced at her victory but stayed quite because of the people around her.
After she left what happened was really a boon to others as none were able to light the candle with the sticks and were given a green signal to leave to class without any interruption as none of the juniors revealed that the stick had been damp. Actually what had happened was when Geet had feel on the ground the box had feel down in moist grass, which none of them saw at that time. Now the seniors were getting suspicious why none are able to light it are they acting? Then one of them noticed the wetness of the sticks. So when it was my turn they changed the rule if you light it only then you will be set free.
I never had lost any game or battle then how could I just bow down when it was the question of lighting a candle. I made my hands covered there vision of the candle and the stick and within seconds I lit the candle without any trouble. What did they thought that this is the only stick through which the light could be generated. There are other ways to do that & winning over me is not going to happen ever. Without any further delay I dropped the match box in the nearby bin & went to the class with a stride which meant not to be stopped by anyone.
I was joined by the guy who came running towards me while he said “Hey man, slow down, how did you do that”. I didn’t stop but started to move towards my designated class. When he came in front of me introducing himself “Hi, I am Yash and you are” “Maan” was the only thing which I said and entered my class to see Geet in the same class of mine.
Another lecture starts from today, well that is one thing I always disliked but still I have never let the other person to feel that I am not one of the keen listener as I don’t ignore them but just bear there words which some or the other time has been useful. This time I had a silver lining say it a distraction or attraction which would last for atleast a little while.
I entered the class to witness Geet who sat at the front bench with her was Pari, looks like both are friends that they are sticking together. Class was almost full any time the classes would start as the time to start was nearing. I sat away from everyone as I was never a man who needed company.
My loneliness didn’t last for long as it was accompanied by the slim nerd with broad forehead and wide cheek bones that narrow to a small chin with the naroow frame spectacles guy Yash I wished it was Geet beside me but this time I have to bear with this one as the guy, yes Yash was behind me and had followed me to the place where I had selected to sit. Well there was a special thing at this position and that was the view I would get, from here I could see the professors & behind the dias was a glass on which the image I could see was of the reflection of Geet.
Time passed a person came said something and then my eyes went back to Geet who was busy in writing and then she was lost in seeing something when I glanced where she was looking at I saw some other person who stood at the podium. I wonder where the other person went but before I could ponder about that my eyes went on the pen which was just about to touch the curvy glossy lips of hers.
Constant bugging of Yash gained my attention as he was mentioning something about some Economics, business and management I glared back at him to stop him from irritating me. As I take a quick look at the platform to witness yet another different person there. Have I started seeing things, was that a mirage or did the face of the person change like chameleon?
I wanted to see what was happening around so I kept watching him but as the person was a lean bald guy he wasn’t covering the glass behind giving me more access t0 my distraction she was time & again glancing over her lace tied around her wrist. It took a minute more to realise she was getting bored maybe that’s why she was checking the time. That is when I checked the time which said 3 and half hours has been passed since I have been sitting here in this place. That means this is the 4th class of the day & I haven’t heard a word from anyone.
Suddenly Geet’s face had shone and next second there was a long ring indicating the end of the first session and once the unknown professor left the room she & Pari flew from there may be they were hungry. Half n hour of break like everyone I too headed towards the canteen to check what I can get to fill my appetite. I had got one plate of food and sat away from the crowd when I saw my hearts leisure pursuit the blue girl getting her plate filled with food.
I saw them looking at the whole canteen to check for a place just then Yash who was just behind them showed the table where I am sitting. He wanted to watch her everymove but staring like that when the other person was watching straight back at you was not manners and that too when I held the fire to consume her.
My eyes were unwilling to obey my order to look anywhere but her. Then somehow I managed to concentrate on the food but it was just for a second then it was back on her. Fortunately this time she was looking at something else at the other end. She was looking at that direction more intently making my inside to burn. I turned my gaze towards her vision and that enraged me again as Geet was looking at the seniors and one of them who was leading the ragging session was heading to our table. I wouldn’t mind breaking his bones or even burning him to show him the glimpse of hell.
He was just a feet away from his table when the ground under him vanished as he lost balance and swan through the air bang his nose to the ground. He was carrying a plate of food he had picked it up on his way and all of it he had been carrying in his hand fell on his head and finally even the plate hit his head giving him the award he deserved. That’s when I noticed the wet floor and the caution board kept to be careful as the floor was slippery.
A slight giggle caught my ears out of the whole laugh going around the canteen and that was from none other than the girl who sat infront of me. She was trying very hard not to laugh as it would only instigate the others and bring us under their scanner. But even then she couldn’t stop the smile that escaped against her wishes and adored her lips. The twinkle in her eyes which held the power to hypnotise even a saint.
It was the first time she sat so close to me and I was failing to stick to my previous decision of not to stare at her but when did the heart listen when God’s such a exquisite creation was right before my eyes. She had her eyes fixed on the table I just didn’t know what is so interesting out there on it while I couldn’t move my gaze from her. I wished she looked up to me at least once so that I could read what she was thinking. Maybe she didn’t noticed me till now as she was busy with the laugh she got to see here but before I could make that statement sink into my heart she raised her lashes to meet my molten eyes to lose the whole world around us or to find a new way together.
Change is the only thing which is constant in life and is the same thing which I am experiencing now. My sense’s which has always been active in alerting me of my surroundings has changed its allegiance. My eyes never leaves the sight of her as it only tries to find more about her while I always search to hear her melodious voice in every sound that hits my ears, I wait for the moment of slight touch of her veil every time we have bump into one another. It takes every ounce of my will to resist from tasting this forbidden fruit. She is all bent to change me as she smells like a dew drop making me to hate the thought why I hated that before.
The fact which I always certain about eradicating the darkness & lighting it seems to be lost with the way my life had taken a turn. My day which always used to start with the sprinting before the breaking of dawn to keep me fit and focussed has also changed. Now after sprinting I would do my exercise using fire to help me keep focus on the issue that is on the hand. Every day I try new ways with fire I would light up the edges of the stick with fire and swinging the blazing stick in different ways so as to wipe out that vision which has plastered to my eyes.
That day when our eyes had met, the world around me had just ceased to exist. Those deep blue eyes held me captive in her spell that I felt I wandered into a place where every thing was so serene that I didn’t know whether I was lost before or am I getting lost now. I was looking deep into violet & green mixed pupils of her to find what all secrets that could unfold infront of me. But what I found was a haze image of person’s face which started to disturb the tranquilly of those orbs a bit later what I saw was it was not just the disturbance but vanquishing the glow with the flame of that persons mere presence which turned into my face. That was the harsh reality of mine which broke my trance and I had left the table in a rush leaving everyone to ponder anything what they wish.
I would now rather light up the whole place to make me remember the fact of my presence in anyones life would only harm everyone. How could I forget why I am all alone? I break one another stick that was in my hand with the rage which had only amplified the concealed fire in me. I have led lonely life because of this reason, when ever I have lost focused I have not only lost my dearest and nearest but also have felt the burnt of it my own self. How unlucky am I to even not retain a companion for even a small part of this long life. With these thoughts cruising in my mind everytime I would never know when the dawn breaks & the day starts. But with my starting ignorance with the surroundings one had not left to remind me about my college and that was Yash who used to call me with his stupid problems.
Exactly now I got a call from Yash making me realise the time as even the sun elevated high in the sky failed to be gain my attention as I was busy fight with the inner battle. I switched on the Bluetooth and without a second delay he started his cribbing.
That reminds me of the act of last night when I had held the light in my hand & had snapping the fingers lighting it & switching it off with my thoughts running about the past and trying to get the things straight in present.
“15 minutes.” I reply and make my way to start yet another day just like past 8 months but before I leave this shore I put of the fire which I had set around the place. Out of all these things against me this is one thing that I am glad of this deserted place to give me my privacy.
As always my eyes search that place where I had seen her on the first day but as every other day even today I couldn’t see her there maybe it was just by chance that she was here that day. I again console my heart which still wants to see her against my will. And in these 8 months every single day didn’t end without an encounter of ours but every time I shifted my course away from her as those eyes held something which could not be comprehend. During the classes I try to gauge her reactions but she didn’t let me through her lashes making it difficult to read her.
Things which made these encounter possible were Yash & Pari and their budding love story. There talks left me know more about Geet, how she is, how even she came here after losing her family. How lonely she has become now and how she is coping with her life. What her aims are, how she has influenced Pari to be more focused about the future. I get to hear each and every word about them from Yash.
There is not a single place in the college which doesn’t remind me of our encounter and just a week ago when Geet was searching for Pari near this fountain at the entrance of the college where I am standing that was the time we met again face to face to let me read her mind through her own blue eyes.
This time when the cover of her lashes had been shed for my view all I could see was the same mischief gleam in it. But what is she upto now, did that senior again became the scapegoat of her acts. She has been enjoying that senior’s state to an extent which none knew except me as always after every fall of his she had walked away with a winning stride. One thing which even I didn’t know was did she do anything which always landed him in trouble or was that a pure coincidence that whenever she was present he was embarrassed with one or the other thing.
Last time I had accompanied Yash to the mall as girls wanted to do there shopping while Yash wanted to join them and I also went along with him. Once they had roamed alround the mall we had settled down in the food court to fill the hunger of stomach. The seating arrangement was in a semi circle round the table and at one end was Geet next to her was Pari and next was Yash, after him I sat.
I smiled looking at the them planning for the seminar which I didn’t even know there was I never had to bothered for any academic activity as even before I realise the need of the work it would have been done for me too. Yash was someone who used to do it for me I never did ask him for but he simple did it for me and then it become a silent treaty that he used to hand over all the assignments to me. I could have asked him the reason for it but then I never indulged in talking with anyone not even Yash, who was my hostel roommate.
Pari loved Yash but always gets irritated with his “I am scared attitude” college works were not an issue but handling the world or people was something he always held a back foot. I guess this was the reason Yash always used to be with me scared to be alone, scared that he might just get into trouble and I tagged with him because he never asked any questions about me but just used to bug me with non stop talking about the college or Pari or her friend Geet. That was much more than a vital reason to actually tolerate him and his actions.
There was sudden hustle bustle in the food court, apparently some waiter was pushed by someone making all the food in his hand to spilled on the ground and that person was none other than our same senior who had lead our ragging session. The owner was all set to bash the waiter & dismiss him from the job as he thougt the waiter couldn’t even handle his customers properly, creating disturbance to them and also damaging his places aesthetics.
And this senior of ours who was having fun in this trouble just was leaving creating the mess and while crossing over the table next us the kid who sat there was supposed to have her milk in the bottle but the kid opened the cap in a way that all the milk erupted out of it spilling it all over the place along with the wetting the pants of our beloved senior in turn making him embarrass infront of all the people. At that time her eyes showed “you deserve it” look.
Today too her eyes conveyed the same thing to me but who deserves that, was that me or was that someone else. I was still searching for answers when a loud laughter hit my ears and that was of Yash & Pari who came running & laughing even before I could ask them they started to narrate that the gardener was having trouble why water stopped suddenly coming in his pipes while watering the plants and then he tried to twist them in all direction water gushed out like a stream which unfortunately showered on our same darling senior.
Once Yash was here I moved out to our hostel when Yash again started his pleading to accompany him to Pari’s house as she had challenged him “Yash if you love me you have to come to my hime without getting scared of my owner who stayed next door. Only then I will talk to you.” Did I needed this pleadings no defiantly no, but still how would I just give in so I gave him “I am not interested” look and then I finally agreed to him.
We knocked at the door of the girl’s home late at 12 midnight as it was quite a distance we had to travel. There was hesitation quite visible on Pari’s face as she opened the windows to check who is banging the door at this hour. I could clearly see one was shocked while the other pretended to be shocked as she was not afraid of facing any situation. As it was a season of rain many would come inside the front yard for shelter but now it wasn’t raining either and even if it was entertaining an outsider at this hour was not safe.
We stood at a distance so when she checked the window none were visible, then she had a confused look thinking who banged on the door. Just when she thought to close the window and return to bed we came out of the shadows scaring her a bit as she asked who it is. But only thing she heard was her own sound and crackle sound of the dry leaves.
Surprise was the word Yash screamed making her squeal in shock but then she was happy to find her love leaving his inhabitation self.
Surprise was the word Yash screamed making her squeal in shock but then she was happy to find her love there leaving his inhabitation self and visiting her.
“Yash is this the way you come. There is a calling bell which you could always use then why were you banging the door like that. You just scared the hell out of us.” Pari growled on Yash.
“I don’t know why she gets scared suddenly of such little things.” said Pari referring to Geet’s action.
“Yash left a sigh once Geet left as he can have his little talk with Pari now without interruption. Now you will do as I say” Yash whispered.
Looking at them I thought they need a little more privacy so….
I left that place at once and started to move backwards when I heard something rather say some sound. That made me realised that the path I choose leads to the back yard of the house where Geet went. The thought that she is there was enough for me to move more faster my mind constantly warned me not to go and face at this time but when did mind had any say in front of this heart.
My luck was not with me today as suddenly there was lighting followed by a noisy thunder. Normally boys liked these situations where girls would be scared and cling to boys but here it was a different story as I despised rain. Seeing the pouring rain my legs freeze at the place I was safe under the shelter in the pitch darkness where no one knew anyone would exist. Even in the most solitary life I have an angel who had descended from the heaven whom I could gaze till my hearts content.
Geet was in her light violet velvet suit stood admiring the sky above. I stood as far as possible but my eyes could view her from head to toe, I guess she was also standing below some shelter as there was not a drop of rain falling on her. She was not only admiring it but also waiting for the rain to fall as the moment she stretched her palm a drop fell on it, she did the same again and again collecting the drops of the rain in her palm. It looked as if the rain was waiting for the orders of her to fall. Once it was full she let them drop on the ground making the sound like pearls were falling off from the necklace as they didn’t just fall but also they had another path to follow.
She was the commander in chief imposing the flow of rain. Slowly the drops of rain increased & made its way from her shoulders to her long silky hands gliding over them to reach the small little fingers of her just before they descended to reach there fellow droplets. If that was the sight I beheld unknown to her next set of her acts just made my insides move as molten lava.
The water which blessed themselves touching her forehead slid through the sides measuring the length of her sleek neck before they disappeared into the fabric. The view brought him of my revive giving me a reality check about my act. I was not supposed to look at her like this minutely. She has always hid behind the mask of a meek girl and now thinking no one is here she would have let those masks off her face.
She might have not been this free had she known about my presence here. But I didn’t have it in me to turn back from her. This time I wanted her to decide and it would be easy on me to feel her rejection than turning back from her. With this decision I let my legs lead towards the magnetic pull.
I couldn’t have stepped in rain too so I stood at the rim of the shelter making my presence known to her. Passing the message towards her clearly that she is not alone to let her barriers down and baring her oneself to me. She stood in the middle, hands out stretched to let the rain drench her. Even after making my presence evident she didn’t deterred was she so involved in her own world that what is happening around, who is there beside her didn’t matter or was she giving me a treat by letting me to witness her subtle movements of unparalleled grace.
Rain which had drenched her whole form gave a shiny effect to her. With a determination which none could stop her to express herself today neither the rain nor my presence. She bent her back in a semi circle swinging her hands in a way that looked like a white rainbow twinkling in the moon light. Was she dancing with rain or was rain dancing with her, was she following it or was that following her moves was all I could ponder about as she and rain matched steps with each other.
Unknown to me “Geet” came out from my lips it came out just as a whisper and I doubt whether my own ears heard it or not. But as the name left my lips the rain just came to end like it was waiting for me to utter and it would stop and with not a drop of rain pouring her whole concentration turned to me. I stood there waiting for her reaction, would she walk away as I do or…. I didn’t know what to expect. She slowly closed the distance between us and stood right in front of me.
Her eyes held an unknown compassion which I could not understand. I felt a sudden chill spreading around me was it the dip in the temperature or was it her who was cooling my fire in me. My eyes closed for a brief second to hide the things which it may give away if I look deep into the blue ones it may questioned me anything. There were many things which my heart wanted to convey but words were just not enough to express them. Many emotions were binding me with you bring in a new flavour sweeping us into a different world. This is the riddle which could not be hidden within me or with in her or even the world.
I was still entranced in her when I felt her chilled hands touch my cheeks sending shiver down my body. It took only a second to ignite the fire in me; it took lot of efforts to break the shackles to let my hand to stretch so that I could feel that creamy skin. She closed her eyes to engrave the feel of me on her hand, so did I wanted to engrave it. I was just an inch away when she trembled back and before I could comprehend anything or hold her she collapsed on the ground & like how the water gushes out when the gates of the dam are opened the rain poured out on her.
What happened was something has happened with me many times before too when ever I have left my confines things has gone messy. That is the reason why I have to be alone & none are allowed to be with me. My mother left me giving birth to me to live in this world all alone; my father was there only till that another natural calamity which shook more than half of the village when I was a small kid. From that time all I have led is a life alone each day was like a year or even more than that.
Relatives were there to support me but even that didn’t last for more than few days as they would fell into deep troubles due to me. So I had spent most of my life in an orphanage far away from everyone who was my family once. This was my curse which I am still burdened with. And today that has spread to Geet, she fell the moment I thought to ignore my curse but it was all present to remind me of the repercussions if avoided.
I still stood the same way gazing at her fallen state; I couldn’t gather enough courage to even check her. What if she also just left because of my mistake? It would have been better to be away than to live in guilt for becoming an endangered curse to someone else. With the sudden enormous sound of water gained the attention of Pari & Yash so they came out to check the reason for it and all they could see was Geet lying in the pool of water while I had lost my voice to tell anything to them.
I started to take my steps away from her whereas Pari was trying to revive Geet by patting her cheeks. Yash asked her to pull under the shelter first so that she wouldn’t catch cold. They tried to rub her legs & hands it was turning little blue due to chillness of water. Yash looked back at me to ask what happened but what would I reply, there was nothing to tell it was all my fault to have agreed with him to accompany Yash to her place.
My strides were moving fast to just hide myself away from everyone especially from those blue eyes mermaid of my life. I push all the things in front of me & put everything on fire with my own hands but would that reduce the blaze in me. Ripping of my self also didn’t reduce the helplessness in me. Why should I be compled to live a life like this with no love no happiness all alone nothing pleasing can exist around me? Why it is that anything that wants to give me bit contentment would turn into ashes before I could embrace it. Why can’t I hold a little bliss in my palm?
All I had heard was they were taking her to the nearby doctor, I so wanted to check on her but it was best with me not going near her. I waited at the shores waiting for the sun to break the darkness, which was actually trying to consume me within it. After what seems like eternity I just couldn’t wait more but wanted to know if she was fine, I decided I would only see from far & then will move out before anyone would actually notice my presence.
I stood at the doorway hearing that melodious voice of speaking to the doctor which was a relief till I heard there talks. The doctor was quite upset about something but what was the fault of Geet in all these things which happened.
“Geet, I am telling you last time you have to be careful, I can’t hide these things everytime. It was just pure luck that your friends bought you to me, what would have happened if they would have taken you to other doctor.” Doctor was scolding sternly.
“Doc, I would have managed it.” Geet answered meekly.
“Right the way you just managed it today. I have answered others as you got dehydrated but I want answers from you now? What happened & how did it happen if you had taken all the precautions.” Doc questioned.
“2 days, what will I do here for 2 days? I am perfectly fine & I would like to take your leave now as I need to attend the class.” Replied shocked Geet on the sudden order passed by her doctor but when did she listen to others.
“No, you are my friend, so bye.” Geet stromed out of the room after saying that.
There talk left me in thinking what was it that they were talking about was she hiding something or is she under some medication due to some disease. But if I question the doctor she would definitely not spit out the truth. Doctor must have known Geet for a quite a period and that’s why she was so comfortable & then also she hid the truth with Yash & Pari also that too even before she consulting Geet. I should follow her to know more but after what happened yesterday night I need to be very careful & stay away from her.
I have been observing her more meticulously from past few hours but nothing actual changed in her ways neither in action nor in words. Still we didn’t speak neither she nor Yash or Pari actually asked me about that night. It was as if nothing happened, don’t know what Geet said to them but they were actually being careful with Geet, making sure that she had lot of liquids. They didn’t let her give presentations in seminar also but only person who regretted that was me as I couldn’t hear her.
Yash asked me to help them in the last seminar and the group discussions for the year before college breaks for the exams so that Geet could take proper rest. I agreed but I didn’t know what I am supposed to do so he gave some notes which I had to go through & speak about them. Seminar was said to be on one of the topics in some subject which we read but the group discussion was just a practice session so that everyone would get good exposure to the presentation skills. I actually wondered what am I going to do as I had not an iota of idea how these are done but this would help Geet is all I know so I had to do it.
Seminar finished & I don’t exactly remember what all I have to say. Seeing my capabilities with words they had given me a small part. Was that a 5 min material which I finished it in 2 minute or was that only a 1 minutes one for which I too 2. But whatever it was that ended without much hanky panky. Well one hurdle was crossed & the other awaited. Yes the group discussion would start in a while, groups were made. Pari, I & few other class mates were selected and made the group. The topic was read out it was “Myth”.
With that few started to oppose it & many started to agree with it. But when I heard what all they were discussing I couldn’t stop my self from putting my view in it.
“How could you say that God is a myth” I questioned.
“If he was there then people would not have suffered unnecessarily, take your example are you not an orphan… why?? because God took away your parents that too in a natural calamity which was controlled by God.” Pari replied.
“It was not the God who controlled these calamities they are done by the people who are posses the power to protect the nature and people in this world.” I counter replied.
“Oh you are a believer of those grandma bedtime stories in which God entrusts some power to three people who were termed as guards of the earth but these people quarrelled among themselves to attain the supremacy over the human beings. If only one is left they would be invincible who could be termed as equal to God.” Pari questioned.
The whole discussion was heating up between Pari & Maan and everyone present there were just a mute spectators as they didn’t know where it all would go to. Some had heard these stories in there childhood from there elders but then with time all these things were termed as only story.
“Yes I am a believer of it but that is not the whole truth what all things they would have to undergo for being a guard is not known to many. Life span of these persons would be more than 400 years which they should be spent away from everyone if those powers are entrusted. These powers would be there curse but also a boon, which could be used to restrict many calamaties. And humans never get to know what things were averted but can only know & rememeber when these gaurds fail. Yes they fight among themselves but are these fights for gaining supremacy or to gain freedom from those things is still a mystery which none have been able to know it till now.” I said.
I would have said many more things but I was stopped by the sapphire eyed girl who pleaded me through her eyes to not say a word more and how could I utter a single word after that. My tongue was now tied with her plea so I let every other person to continue with the discussion and in no time the hour flee so did the students from the class.
This was the last class for the year and students would forget about all these talks is what I could wish for as many were worried about their individual exams or was excited for the farewell party of the seniors which the juniors had organised for. I don’t know whether I blabbered more than required or was my speech revealed more than necessary things.
Pari responded “He started” pointing all the blame towards me.
“I know who started what even I was here only. Now do you think about yourself Maan what were you doing talking all these stories.” Geet turned towards me questioning but she was shocked and continued “Now where did he go?” as I was not there standing but had started to move out of the class saving my self from there questioning eyes.
Today is the farewell party girls were dressed in red & white combination where as boys were in red & black combo. For a change juniors had planned to rag the seniors on there own farewell which was led by Pari & group, well I knew whose idea this would be. Time has changed so had the relations too in past 10 months seniors have become more friendly and supportive, thus playing pranks with them would not be a trouble and anyways they are leaving the institute so the coast is clear for fun.
Party was in the open air hall in the grounds of the college which had a stage at one end where Geet was speaking to Pari who stood beside her with today’s event manager & at the far end was the fountain where I stood gazing her every move. She looked angelic in that white salwar of hers as blue veil adored the slender creamy neck. Yash was running behind Pari helping her out with all his love and I was standing away from everyone feeling glad that atleast there are people whom I would love and they are infront of me.
People dressed in vibrant colors were already to enjoy & have fun as the party was about to start. Whereas things don’t happen as you wish for and who knows that better than me and exactly the way I had the intrusion there was a sudden hassle alround the place everyone were running into the college that’s when I witnessed the tornado coming towards us.
I stood waiting the tornado to come to me as what can it do to me carry & through me somewhere that’s it right. However when it was just a yard away from the ground when it stood still as if something stopped its way. When I look around the ground there is no one present but my eyes stopped at one place where a girl lay may be unconscious and it didn’t take a minute to know who that was as she is Geet only girl who was in her blue while everyone was in red & white.
I flew away from the college far away from the place where I burnt her with my own flames as I was not able stand any more minute at that place; how long do I have to face the same thing again and again. Everytime when the sadness has engulfed me I have always consoled my heart that it isn’t my mistake everyone has to go through these pains in their long-lasting life. Heavy as this heart feels now with the overwhelming emotions I stare at the Sun which is all set to take a dip in the vast expanse of ocean but now I have nothing to hold on to there is a deep stillness which has settled in me as the world has moved but I haven’t.
With the increase in the pour even ocean seems to be more intended to swallow me within as I hit the first waves of the huge mass. It left me shocked as I could hold to anything, I felt like I am moving without my own will. Today there was only one will that was to try every possible way to put off this blaze. Even the thought has not left my mind I was hit by another way, now it seemed as if I was floating in it and next second I was submergered in it. I want to go deep into it so I tried to find the ground and started to walk into the depth of it.
As I stepped deep within my luck just flew away because the water which was soothing my soul just sweeped in making a space between me & the water mass. Same like Geet had created when we were in the college, was she here or was it someone else who possessed the same power. “Geet …” my lips took her name as a whisper and just as that day today also rain which had been pouring stopped and my attention went towards the form in the shadows.
“Yes … Maan we can but are you willing to be with me till the end. Will you love me without any of my ability to control water? Will you love me….?” She replied with uncertainity.
“Maan, you need to let go this fear and worry nothing will happen to us. Yes, we will have to work hard to survive now.” She pressed her ear to my chest while she continued “But together we will surpass every hurdle that comes in our way. This isn’t yours anymore but mine now so stop troubling it.” She said refering to my heart also showing her dominance over me.
“Shh…You don’t have to voice it Maan, your face convey’s it all, every thought that your heart analyzes, every notion it evaluates, every outcome it concludes. You are just as open book to me as I am to you.” Geet declared her point.
By the time I was back Yash was up and had sat up against the rock as I hand over a bottle of water to him. He seemed surprised and undoubtly happy about something.
“You guys are making fun of me and we are all worried for you. I wouldn’t have been awake had I sleept last night, but after that storm had eloped you guys there isn’t a place where we have not searched you. Today I thought lets look at the opposite direction too and here I found you guys.” Yash explained the reason of his presence.
“Carry him, I can walk we will get more oppurunities going forward.” Geet smiled winking at me.
And today this diary answered me why I could never hear what they were worried about was that about the mess or about me contolling my powers as both could read each other face without voicing a word from their mouth. Today I am very happy reading that my parents too had powers like me, actually defeated the air power and that’s why I their daughter am gifted with power of air.
She grew faster than we could think and tomorrow is her 18th birthday and I couldn’t see her confused and worried anymore uncessarily too. Yes even her face revealed every secret of hers. And that’s why I decided to place this diary in a place where she could get her hands on it.
“When were we separate from eachother Geet.” Papa buttered Mama so easily. | 2019-04-22T16:52:49Z | https://jeevanap.wordpress.com/incredible-fusion/ |
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