stringclasses 185
values | text
stringlengths 2
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audioduration (s) 0.43
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stringlengths 189
@FonosVietnam | Tại sao chúng ta thường nghĩ. | c50224dc-72ab-416a-a8cb-100b163e29e3 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, slowly. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Excellent recording quality, with a very clear and upfront voice presence. |
@PhePhim | Dù câu trả lời có là gì, mình cũng không nghĩ đó là tín hiệu tích cực. | b67468e2-faf9-4fd9-a1e6-cb03ae8c88f8 | This sounds like a woman speaking, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, at a high rate of speech. The pitch is on the higher side. Decent recording quality, the speaker's voice comes through clearly and is generally easy to follow. |
@5PhutCrypto | Và logic đó là khi nào có câu chuyện thì khi đó sẽ có trend. | 8c9286bf-2c49-436a-a581-8f96c6cdea59 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, at an average rate of speech. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@aiPhatthanhTruyenhinhQuangTri | Một buổi luyện bơi của thầy và trò trường phổ thông dân tộc bàn chú tiểu học và trung học cơ sở Avao, huyện Đắk Cơ Đông. | 656aa001-b163-47af-9502-84e2cd15228d | The speaker seems to be female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, at a slow speed. The pitch is on the higher side. Fairly good recording, with a clear voice signal, providing a positive listening experience. |
@haiduongtv247 | Trong không khí ruộng ràng của cuộc giao lưu pháo đất cổ truyền, huyện Tứ Kỳ đầu năm 2024, pháo thủ Nguyễn Đình Tử đến từ xã Minh Đức đang chầm chút từng ly từng tí cho pháo của đội mình. | a517f8a6-6104-4c9c-a6fa-65b01df84121 | This sounds like a woman speaking, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, at a low rate of speech. The pitch is on the higher side. Adequate recording quality, the speaker's voice is relatively clear, making it fairly easy to understand. |
@FonosVietnam | Không giống tin phát thanh quảng cáo hay những lý thuyết xuôn. | 3083bf33-9630-4db8-ae9e-abb56bc18088 | A speaker, potentially female, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, in a leisurely pace. The pitch is relatively high. Excellent recording quality, with a very clear and upfront voice presence. |
@RiwayLegal | Thứ nhất là khi chúng ta làm thủ tục chuyển nhuận phần vốn góp của mình cho người khác thì nó sẽ phát sinh cái vấn đề về thuế thu nhập cá nhân. | 7c8c661c-018e-41e3-8cca-20638d18059c | It appears to be a female voice, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, in a measured pace. The pitch is on the higher side. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@RiwayLegal | Thì cái trang đăng ký kinh doanh này nó sẽ bao gồm rất là nhiều thứ. | 140aa73c-3be9-460b-b464-91b2af0c06e2 | The speaker seems to be female, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, in a leisurely pace. The pitch is on the higher side. Fairly good recording, with a clear voice signal, providing a positive listening experience. |
@sunhuynpodcast | Mà bản thân mình lại mong cầu điều đấy. | c560c41c-6acf-4a04-ac1a-119d549ca963 | The speaker seems to be female, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, in a leisurely pace. The pitch is on the higher side. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@daylaphegame | Chúng ta có filter vintage, filter cool tại vì nhà làm game sợ môi trường nóng quá, filter warm tại vì nhà làm game sợ môi trường lạnh quá, filter giận dữ tại vì bạn muốn phá hủy đôi mắt của mình. | 15b8c28e-41f0-4079-8891-3f643716f5bd | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, with a slow pace. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@betterversionvn | Phong cách sống mà Adler đề cập đó là chỉ nhân cách, cá tính và tính cách ở mỗi người. | 8fd538d1-e9bf-48b0-a771-2dfd7f6c16d6 | A speaker, potentially female, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, slowly. The pitch is on the higher side. Very high audio fidelity, the speaker sounds crisp, incredibly clear, and like they are speaking directly into the microphone. |
@TuanTienTi2911 | Riona đáp, tôi sẽ có mặt ở đó vào lúc 11h50 và rời đi vào lúc 12h10. Sau đó, thì giá sẽ gấp đôi đó nha anh bạn. | 69f04f95-83dd-4491-b66b-d8eb56751960 | This sounds like a woman speaking, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, with a slow pace. The pitch is relatively high. Adequate recording quality, the speaker's voice is relatively clear, making it fairly easy to understand. |
@VoizFM | Bạn phải biết cách giảm bớt những ham muốn như thế. | 9fcefb31-daa1-406d-9a57-ddd4bd673b75 | A speaker, potentially female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, in a measured pace. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. Adequate recording quality, the speaker's voice is relatively clear, making it fairly easy to understand. |
@Nhantaidaiviet | Nhưng mà cái nước luộc gà ấy, ai lại tính là thức ăn? | 872d3ac0-6adb-4d48-9b6f-46fe1f5178bb | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, at a slow speed. Characterized by a higher pitch. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@FonosVietnam | Tôi sống trong sa mạc, vì vậy bạn có thể tưởng tượng tôi cảm thấy lạ lẫm như thế nào với việc thuê thợ lặn, thuyền và kỹ sư kết cấu để kiểm tra. | 0fdddb23-19ac-4458-9bab-a80678a8e241 | Likely a female speaker is present, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, in a leisurely pace. The pitch is relatively high. The recording is of very high quality, with the speaker's voice sounding exceptionally clear and very close up. |
@FonosVietnam | Tôi đang đứng đó, và tôi muốn đổi xe. | c081086f-d24e-403e-991a-06ee5069d7fd | It appears to be a female voice, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, slowly. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Very high audio fidelity, the speaker sounds crisp, incredibly clear, and like they are speaking directly into the microphone. |
@FonosVietnam | Sự yêu công bằng ấy đã có lần khiến Minh rất nhu mỉ, và thốt nhiên trở nên rất can đảm. | 3adeb5d4-bf27-4af9-b051-5ef32c2313cb | The speaker seems to be female, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, slowly. The pitch is on the higher side. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@hacthaybachthay | Đúng rồi. | 5e3686fa-9365-417a-ab58-e5fd677d04a5 | It appears to be a female voice, delivers an expressive and animated speech, quickly. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Adequate recording, but some low-level background sounds or a minor muffling issue are possible. |
@sunhuynpodcast | Và công ty thì ở rất xa. Mình phải đi tận 12 cho đến 15km để có thể đến được. | d0586e18-7208-42ac-99a9-8175b982cc4a | Likely a female speaker is present, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, with a brisk tempo. The pitch is relatively high. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@PhanTichGame | Tuy vậy đây chỉ mới là giải thích những gì đã xảy ra trong tâm trí của Simon. | 3c18af9d-8bec-47f5-ab0b-7c64b9901ee7 | A speaker, potentially female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, with a steady tempo. Characterized by a higher pitch. Very high audio fidelity, the speaker sounds crisp, incredibly clear, and like they are speaking directly into the microphone. |
@FonosVietnam | Vì là thương hiệu mạnh, chúng có thể được bán với giá cao hơn gấp 10 lần, thậm chí còn nhiều hơn nữa, so với những sản phẩm cùng chức năng. | 9d958e25-2e11-461f-920e-b1a641d403c0 | Likely a female speaker is present, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, with a unhurried tempo. The pitch is relatively high. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@VoizFM | Vì sao khi nghẹt mũi chúng ta có thể dùng miệng để thở? | 2752f2e8-8d56-4359-904a-de61437b2087 | A speaker, potentially female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at a low rate of speech. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@Spiderum | Hiểu đúng về Phật giáo. | 45546827-833e-46ce-91af-8dea0c4fba19 | A speaker, potentially female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, slowly. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Adequate recording quality, the speaker's voice is relatively clear, making it fairly easy to understand. |
@PhePhim | Nó len lỏi trong từng nhịp thở, hiện diện trong từng hoạt động, và chi phối mọi lời ăn tiếng nói của người dân nơi đây. | 7a57ab75-bf2f-4a2b-9e3e-114f5f6e1db5 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at a low rate of speech. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Fairly good recording, with a clear voice signal, providing a positive listening experience. |
@ThePresentWriter | Nó dễ bị lẫn từ cái này sang cái kia, tác giả này sang tác giả kia. | 4774fb42-9430-4123-82d0-c9f83cb9d8c9 | The speaker seems to be female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, in a leisurely pace. The pitch is on the higher side. Decent recording quality, the speaker's voice comes through clearly and is generally easy to follow. |
@VoizFM | Do vậy. | 26ed4e31-414c-44c0-8ad4-71351ceba8f5 | A speaker, potentially female, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, with a rapid pace. The pitch is relatively high. Decent recording quality, the speaker's voice comes through clearly and is generally easy to follow. |
@duyluandethuong | Nãy mình quên nói. | 1427edc7-22cf-4788-89c4-281731aba932 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, with a rapid pace. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@CoBaBinhDuong | Và 1 phần mình để ngâm với giấm để làm đồ chua. | 31a4c2f1-89c7-4821-8c04-3b988bc83ad3 | A speaker, potentially female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at a low rate of speech. The pitch is on the higher side. Excellent recording quality, with a very clear and upfront voice presence. |
@PhePhim | Chúng ta vẫn không thể loại bỏ trường hợp rằng. | 8576b223-e6c8-4df2-9990-379d0a0a2ab8 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, at a normal speed. The pitch is relatively high. Adequate recording quality, the speaker's voice is relatively clear, making it fairly easy to understand. |
@SachBiQuyetThanhCong | Nhì nữ thường tình. | 37d4d873-20f9-454c-9f31-f8aa001b48f1 | A speaker, potentially female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, in a rapid manner. Characterized by a higher pitch. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@Spiderum | Có thể gọi là kiếp sau của ta nữa hay không? | 90683f21-6772-4076-a948-a8fb6a54fa4d | This sounds like a woman speaking, delivers an expressive and animated speech, with a unhurried tempo. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@tamhonanuong | Nên nghe tin Thảo ly hôn phát là tấn công ngay. Giờ người yêu đó đẹp trai, ngon lành, ok gấp mấy lần hoàng. Nên cũng chỉ cười cho qua. Bảo thôi coi như anh ta giúp tớ gặp được người mới tốt hơn. | 13fc4c90-8efd-4ead-9b05-dffb315229c6 | It appears to be a female voice, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, at a moderate speed. The pitch is relatively high. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@KIENGIANGTV | Cảm ơn quý vị các bạn đã quan tâm theo dõi. Xin kính chào, tạm biệt và hẹn gặp lại. | feb9a6a0-f3f0-4dfe-bbeb-23e7fda68e02 | Likely a female speaker is present, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, at a normal speed. The pitch is on the higher side. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@cosu | Còn trong trường hợp đi thành nhóm thì việc xử lý con quái vật sẽ dễ dàng hơn. | 542f0a44-37f4-4b58-9c5f-daa143278362 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, at a slow speed. Characterized by a higher pitch. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@Web5Ngay | Nếu mà các bạn vô tình các bạn mắc phải thì còn khuya. | ae5a177e-1e3c-4d2d-97a8-488ae4c67f78 | It appears to be a female voice, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at a low rate of speech. The pitch is on the higher side. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@MeovatcuocsongLNV | Cứng cáp. | 8b7155c7-7bb1-4c23-8ab0-8231bbd8f16a | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, in a rapid manner. The pitch is on the higher side. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@W2WAnime | Mấy câu khích lệ này vô tình giống với lời chăn chối khi xưa của đại ca khiến ba chú báo như được thấy lại người đàn anh khi xưa nên đã quỳ dạp cả xuống. | 03451893-63f4-4dcc-ba28-0a15ec434b8c | The speaker seems to be female, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, with a moderate pace. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@VoizFM | Đẩy mạnh doanh số bán hàng. | ede559ab-c601-40f6-bb33-4b156bb2d341 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, at a slow speed. The pitch is on the higher side. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@FonosVietnam | Có nhiều cách để trở thành người giàu. | da87d386-1569-4f41-bfcc-49193975d764 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, at a moderate speed. The pitch is relatively high. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@VoizFM | Càng ngắn lại. | 68f69d81-3143-4796-8b00-659424d4c282 | A speaker, potentially female, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, at a fast speed. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Excellent recording quality, with a very clear and upfront voice presence. |
@VoizFM | Đây là một quá trình tự động. | ca5f9eaf-4827-4518-90ce-b2943c1f0b3e | A speaker, potentially female, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, at an average rate of speech. Characterized by a higher pitch. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@VuTruNguyenThuy | Chính vì vậy, một số bức tượng khóc đã được tuyên bố giả mạo bởi giới chức của nhà thờ công giáo. | 1f29bf2a-31a8-46c8-901f-80200a8898d7 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, with a unhurried tempo. The pitch is on the higher side. Decent recording quality, the speaker's voice comes through clearly and is generally easy to follow. |
@Spiderum | Khi ông đang học với các hàng hóa như là ngũ cốc, ông sẽ tìm hiểu về từng thành phần của doanh nghiệp để ông có thể dự đoán từng chi tiết và sự sinh trường của chúng. | 29ed4a2a-0ce6-46e2-9313-7a17c6c851bf | Likely a female speaker is present, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, with a moderate pace. Characterized by a higher pitch. Fairly good recording, with a clear voice signal, providing a positive listening experience. |
@VoizFM | Hoặc Oasis. | a400d2ef-5981-48bb-bdcb-784889bd79bc | A speaker, potentially female, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, quickly. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. The recording is of very high quality, with the speaker's voice sounding exceptionally clear and very close up. |
@FonosVietnam | Một đứa rất tiếc rằng đã li hôn. | 7613a4e9-dafc-49c0-95d7-3fdcc21d7350 | A speaker, potentially female, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, at a slow speed. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@Nhantaidaiviet | Cái ao này. | 4b47bf47-95d0-44dd-8e5f-57089c175628 | A speaker, potentially female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, in a rapid manner. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@chanthienmybachnien | Và môi nhật sắc. | 5d9c1913-f951-4e82-a00b-c9140fac8104 | The speaker seems to be female, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, in a leisurely pace. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@tamhonanuong | Bộ anh nói sai lắm hay gì mà em xửng cồ lên. | be67ba1a-3052-4ebb-9c51-f3f3c707286e | A speaker, potentially female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, in a measured pace. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. The recording is of very high quality, with the speaker's voice sounding exceptionally clear and very close up. |
@CosmicWriter | Barnum Effect hay là Fourier Effect mọi người có thể tra Google để tìm hiểu rõ hơn. | 03542b09-849c-45f9-ada1-b9cef6a1898d | It appears to be a female voice, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, at a moderate speed. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@AnimeRewind.Official | Người đàn ông bên trong đang cặm cụi làm thí nghiệm với một cái xác, rồi tự lầm bầm, tối nay ta sẽ trở thành thần. | 794f1134-5e4b-4bfa-93b1-abf82306e347 | The speaker seems to be female, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, slowly. The pitch is relatively high. Adequate recording quality, the speaker's voice is relatively clear, making it fairly easy to understand. |
@VuTruNguyenThuy | Chính quyền Hàn Quốc luôn giang tay đón nhận những người đào thoát Triều Tiên và tuyên bố xem cả 25 triệu người ở miền Bắc như là công dân của mình. | d9beda25-8ef3-4f40-8766-320945020a6a | The speaker seems to be female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, at a normal speed. The pitch is relatively high. Very high audio fidelity, the speaker sounds crisp, incredibly clear, and like they are speaking directly into the microphone. |
@hangphimtailieudienanhnd | Sau khi Mỹ đổ quân khoảng 10 phút, chiến địa pháo và cối 120mm của ta bắt đầu khai hỏa. | 99f6c180-5a41-414f-bb1e-2a31d9dec2db | A speaker, potentially female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, in a measured pace. The pitch is on the higher side. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@W2WMovie | Anh ấy tìm thấy các công cụ giết người của mình bên trong xe, nhưng không có chiếc túi nào trong số 6 chiếc túi chứa thi thể bị phân mảnh của Benny. | 2d237cc6-633f-4daa-a6d9-9826f238359f | A speaker, potentially female, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, slowly. Characterized by a higher pitch. Very high audio fidelity, the speaker sounds crisp, incredibly clear, and like they are speaking directly into the microphone. |
@cosu | Đã bị che giấu trong câu chuyện năm xưa. | 52b104fa-43bd-465e-8c54-7f63c14bda25 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, quickly. Characterized by a higher pitch. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@5PhutCrypto | Mình có một ông anh khá là bullish về con hàng này thì anh bảo target của anh đó là nhân 3 con số. | edcfdc3d-14ff-427c-a04c-85083caaff6e | The speaker seems to be female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at an average rate of speech. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@jakinatsumi2915 | Thật là game tiện quá đi. | 0d831348-f451-4a9d-bcdc-6fabea203fab | The speaker seems to be female, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, at a moderate speed. The pitch is on the higher side. Very high audio fidelity, the speaker sounds crisp, incredibly clear, and like they are speaking directly into the microphone. |
@gc.gamelab | Tinh hồn tầng 4 khi kích hoạt thiên phú Dr. Ratio sẽ hồi thêm 15 năng lượng. | 5a77c8e6-d7aa-4e76-8d52-be46efa76d45 | It appears to be a female voice, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, in a measured pace. The pitch is on the higher side. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@FonosVietnam | Phiên bản sách nói được chuyển thể từ sách in theo hợp tác bản quyền giữa Phonos với công ty của phần sách Alphard. | 079c3037-fb11-448d-b4c3-beddf568aa66 | This sounds like a woman speaking, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, in a leisurely pace. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@duythanhish | Nhưng cái việc này nó lại rất là dễ. | 9d63b832-ce42-4ce8-b61e-9501f02a65df | A speaker, potentially female, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, with a slow pace. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@PhanTichGame | Bà nói rằng sau khi bị quân đế chế tra tấn, bà đã chống cự nhưng cuối cùng vẫn thất bại trước bóng tối. | 4c8d1d34-54e6-4414-9d20-1d6c4e110d01 | This sounds like a woman speaking, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, with a unhurried tempo. Characterized by a higher pitch. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@altonghop | Shiki tức giận đắm vào chiếc xe gãy cả ngón tay nhưng cậu cũng đã cử động được trở lại. | 5da0f770-491c-4ada-9e32-b6f9ecfef72c | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, at a low rate of speech. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@PhePhim | Dễ thấy, một phần ba đầu phim cho khán giả nếm thử mật ngọt của cuộc sống khi là một người nổi tiếng. | 364bb99c-86dc-4099-93dc-d771b17c3286 | The speaker seems to be female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, with a unhurried tempo. The pitch is relatively high. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@betterversionvn | Ở đây có một yếu tố giống như một chất keo khiến mong muốn sử dụng công nghệ trong bạn khó bị rời bỏ, bởi vì nó sẽ được củng cố một cách ngắt đoạn. | 828cdf2e-ef49-44aa-8746-29ab939f001b | Likely a female speaker is present, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, with a steady tempo. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Excellent recording quality, with a very clear and upfront voice presence. |
@VoizFM | Trong khi họ làm các việc đó như những người máy, thì bên ngoài đã nghe tiếng loa tay vang vang. | 5391f867-1e58-4632-a37f-e62c88354b30 | It appears to be a female voice, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, at a normal speed. The pitch is on the higher side. Fairly good recording, with a clear voice signal, providing a positive listening experience. |
@chanthienmybachnien | Thậm chí mùa đông cũng đi chân đất, lội nước cũng đi chân đất, từ cấy lúa, cày ruộng đến làm các việc gia đình cũng đều đi chân đất. | 9b002d22-fc58-4668-921f-2449fcbde3cd | Likely a female speaker is present, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, at a low rate of speech. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@Xanh24h | Mức thu nhập. | 2a2cd7cc-c7ae-420a-b2ba-1d3cf4cca62e | This sounds like a woman speaking, delivers an expressive and animated speech, quickly. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Very high audio fidelity, the speaker sounds crisp, incredibly clear, and like they are speaking directly into the microphone. |
@NgamRadio | Họ phát hiện ngọn núi rất dốc. | f6ac30ab-2225-4987-89d0-a2ae7c14c14c | This sounds like a woman speaking, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, at a low rate of speech. The voice exhibits a high pitch. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@DAIPHATTHANHTRUYENHINHSONLA | Công tác tiêm chủng mở rộng trên địa bàn tiếp tục được quan tâm thực hiện. | 8375a288-b4fe-45b8-b1af-4a504616aa4b | A speaker, potentially female, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, at a high rate of speech. The pitch is on the higher side. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@W2WCartoon | Đúng là sự ngây thơ của Ariel đã suýt chút nữa hại cả cô, cả vua Triton và tất cả mọi người. | 9bfe9f48-a3ff-4e95-96c7-deef711ff9fa | This sounds like a woman speaking, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at a moderate speed. The pitch is relatively high. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@Nhantaidaiviet | Nó mới cắn nhẹ một cái. | 92dcd3f4-0856-466c-8c35-ee4b19019b6e | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, in a measured pace. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@betterversionvn | Quả nho khô này trông như thế nào? | dae9a094-ad12-49ba-854d-859526742b96 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, quickly. The pitch is relatively high. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@KENHVTC16 | Tay tỉ mẩn, tai hoa của các nghệ nhân đã trở thành những cây kiển với dáng hình đẹp lạ. | dfee00f9-fe9d-44ee-b9b8-f7b4294acd0c | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, with a unhurried tempo. Characterized by a higher pitch. Adequate recording quality, the speaker's voice is relatively clear, making it fairly easy to understand. |
@visaothenhipodcast | Chúng mình cũng sẽ vỡ tan. | 01138d00-703f-42a2-8918-a5713243485f | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, at a slow speed. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@FonosVietnam | Thành phố bắt đầu lên đèn. | 02877f17-d07d-452f-80a8-8dc4c5d4b963 | Likely a female speaker is present, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, with a slow pace. The pitch is relatively high. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
@HocvienBovaGau | Và sau câu nói chuyện cảm hứng này, năm 1985, John Sculley trở thành CEO của Apple. | fde388e0-f453-483f-91c4-445d8fb8fec2 | It appears to be a female voice, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, with a rapid pace. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. The recording is of very high quality, with the speaker's voice sounding exceptionally clear and very close up. |
@hangphimtailieudienanhnd | Từ đời bà nội tôi đến bây giờ. | a1964753-584b-4caf-ba0c-a98641a3aa51 | A speaker, potentially female, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, in a measured pace. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. Adequate recording quality, the speaker's voice is relatively clear, making it fairly easy to understand. |
@ThaiNhiTV | Mình sẽ cắt sơ qua như thế này. | ae5e3401-2950-40fe-bc93-c2bf540f92b8 | The speaker seems to be female, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, in a rapid manner. The pitch is on the higher side. Decent recording quality, the speaker's voice comes through clearly and is generally easy to follow. |
@duythanhish | Nhìn vào mắt bà lúc đó, chạy trong đầu mình là một thước phim thua nhanh, bắt đầu từ khi mình còn bé tí, xin bố mẹ về ngồi với bà để nghe bà kể chuyện, nhưng thực ra là để mong hôm sau bà cho mình đi chơi điện tử. | a37e250f-206f-4501-b7d8-9b89f41e0fcd | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, with a moderate pace. The pitch is on the higher side. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@daylaphegame | Trong Resident Evil 4 có một cơ chế game rất thú vị, bên cạnh những trường đoạn chiến đấu sinh tồn đầy cam go và căng thẳng, thì mỗi khi người chơi mở hòm đồ ra, họ sẽ phải đối mặt với thứ này. | 47ada198-0be2-4d7c-b55e-786a7f569565 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers an expressive and animated speech, in a leisurely pace. Characterized by a higher pitch. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@KienThucQuanSu | Loại phương tiện này có khả năng tải trọng hạn chế so với máy bay cánh cố định. | c6051ea2-eaa1-4acd-a667-8a757bbe6a14 | It appears to be a female voice, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, at an average rate of speech. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Exceptional recording quality, the speaker's voice is pristine, clear and very intimate. |
@HocvienBovaGau | Bỏ xa đội đứng thứ 2 trong bảng này là Arsenal với chỉ hơn 900 triệu bảng. | f05bd56e-de57-450a-86f7-c80c19bfbb5d | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at a moderate speed. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. Decent recording quality, the speaker's voice comes through clearly and is generally easy to follow. |
@ducisreal | Nó là của Dean. | b66ca2a0-db16-45a2-87df-296e12f0ae36 | A speaker, potentially female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, with a moderate pace. The pitch is on the higher side. The recording is of very high quality, with the speaker's voice sounding exceptionally clear and very close up. |
@betterversionvn | Nhưng nỗi đau lại không bao giờ xuất hiện vô lý. | b8495e2d-4c7a-4c2d-832d-5d9ee183cb62 | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, in a rapid manner. The pitch is relatively high. Excellent recording quality, with a very clear and upfront voice presence. |
@AnhBanThan | Cho nên là. | 6f64910f-eb9b-4870-8f1e-07a546a05dbe | This sounds like a woman speaking, delivers an expressive and animated speech, quickly. The pitch is relatively high. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@FonosVietnam | Biết rằng tối hôm trước Minh học khuya, nên Liên đã dón dén dậy xếp Quang gánh đi bán hàng, không dám làm động để chồng được ngủ yên. | 08416d72-fe15-4bc9-b5a9-e65099052983 | The speaker seems to be female, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, with a unhurried tempo. The voice exhibits a high pitch. The recording is of very high quality, with the speaker's voice sounding exceptionally clear and very close up. |
@tamhonanuong | Không thể như con rùa rụt cổ mãi được. | 49f6149b-7249-4385-95cb-010ebb0d61bc | This sounds like a woman speaking, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, at a normal speed. The pitch is relatively high. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@FonosVietnam | Nghiên cứu nguồn gốc và sự phát triển của logic giúp ta hiểu được tại sao nhiều người lại hay bị suy luận logic đơn giản đánh lừa. | 73c76023-e8cd-4681-b154-c08ce3b0885c | It appears to be a female voice, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, at a low rate of speech. The pitch is relatively high. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@AnimeRewind.Official | Mặc dù đã rất cay Thánh này, khi hắn ta đã bị liên tục xỉ nhục bởi chiêu trò của danh hài hải ngoại. | 9055c1d4-f07d-485f-8ee9-929913c7025f | The voice sounds like it belongs to a female speaker, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, with a steady tempo. The pitch is on the higher side. The audio quality is good, with a clear and well-defined speaker voice, suitable for most purposes. |
@FonosVietnam | Sau đó, tôi kết hợp các giá trị, bẩm sinh nhận được từ cha mẹ với tinh thần khởi nghiệp mới phát hiện và hoàn thiện bản thân mình. | 2afa0bd5-1f98-4de6-b705-8aeb87803ad5 | Likely a female speaker is present, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, with a unhurried tempo. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@minvestvn | Vậy thì khi mà các bạn nhìn vào đây thì bạn sẽ nhìn thấy là gì ạ? Đây là một cái xu hướng tăng mà nó bắt đầu từ ngày 5 tháng 10. | 8c65433c-d324-45f7-8726-06e35cb02b25 | It appears to be a female voice, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, at a normal speed. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@hanamtv8831 | Bởi những con đường ngõ xóm, bao năm uốn lượn, khó đi. | 312b83f1-a773-404b-a974-939e88eece44 | This sounds like a woman speaking, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at a low rate of speech. A relatively high vocal pitch is observed. The recording is of very high quality, with the speaker's voice sounding exceptionally clear and very close up. |
@NTNVlogsNguyenThanhNam | Giới thiệu với lại 2 anh tù. | c7d42a10-640f-4385-99d4-97dc5dc23646 | A speaker, potentially female, speaks with animation and considerable expressiveness, with a slow pace. Characterized by a higher pitch. Very high audio fidelity, the speaker sounds crisp, incredibly clear, and like they are speaking directly into the microphone. |
@aiPhatthanhTruyenhinhQuangTri | Thiết lập bẫy ảnh là phương pháp khảo sát không ảnh hưởng lớn đến quần thể thú và chim sống trên mặt đất. | 1d496ed2-1717-4759-b805-9c40f693e1a4 | It appears to be a female voice, presents the speech with great enthusiasm and animation, at a moderate speed. Characterized by a higher pitch. Good recording quality, the speaker's voice is clear, comprehensible and pleasant to listen to. |
@VoizFM | Cậu bé xoa nhẹ tay vào cây đèn, và nó dần dần ấm lên. | 10c74c69-a07b-4d06-8c1d-bf8ad8f2ed2e | The speaker seems to be female, employs a noticeably expressive and dynamic delivery, at a high rate of speech. The pitch is on the higher side. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@ducisreal | Khi mà Alex đang cố tìm lối thoát. | 429ab467-324b-4a90-92ec-8d632a6e6428 | The speaker seems to be female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, at a moderate speed. Characterized by a higher pitch. The recording is of very high quality, with the speaker's voice sounding exceptionally clear and very close up. |
@VoizFM | Banzer đưa tay chỉ vào đống người mang nước. | 10026f51-64e7-4138-bf1d-48deea667bd2 | Likely a female speaker is present, shows a high degree of expressiveness while speaking, with a slow pace. Characterized by a higher pitch. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@Vietcetera | Nó sẽ tốt hơn rất nhiều so với việc là ngồi than thở. | 6bc2f54e-d328-4ac3-9482-829b16577082 | It appears to be a female voice, delivers an expressive and animated speech, with a unhurried tempo. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@tamhonanuong | Đúng là hắn ta chủ quan không xóa. | d9129792-16bb-431e-acaf-a63d78ce6557 | It appears to be a female voice, delivers an expressive and animated speech, in a leisurely pace. The voice exhibits a high pitch. Remarkable recording quality, speaker's voice is extremely distinct and close-sounding. |
@VoizFM | Cháu có thể chuyển hóa những tình cảnh hiểm nguy, các trở ngại và những thách thức thành cơ hội. | 4fb7c221-092c-4f83-9c60-fb843973934c | A speaker, potentially female, delivers the speech in a lively and animated manner, at a fast speed. Vocal pitch is somewhat elevated. The recording is of good quality, with the speaker's voice sounding clear and easily understandable. |
@Nhantaidaiviet | Cháu có thích không. | 54a105c3-6204-42f5-a70f-fe91b703a556 | The speaker seems to be female, delivers an expressive and animated speech, in a rapid manner. The pitch is on the higher side. Superb recording, capturing a crystal clear and very proximate speaker voice, indicating top-notch quality. |
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