6 values
async clickSelectorId(selector, id) { if (this.autoLog) log(`Clicking for a ${selector} matching ${id}`) await (selector, id) => { let matches = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)) let singleMatch = matches.find((button) => === id) let result if (singleMatch && { log('normal click') result = } if (singleMatch && ! { log('on click') result = singleMatch.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true })) } if (!singleMatch) { log('event click', matches.length) if (matches.length > 0) { const m = matches[0] result = m.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true })) } } }, selector, id ) }
async clickSelectorId(selector, id) { if (this.autoLog) log(`Clicking for a ${selector} matching ${id}`) await (selector, id) => { let matches = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)) let singleMatch = matches.find((button) => === id) let result if (singleMatch && { log('normal click') result = } if (singleMatch && ! { log('on click') result = singleMatch.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true })) } if (!singleMatch) { log('event click', matches.length) if (matches.length > 0) { const m = matches[0] result = m.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true })) } } }, selector, id ) }
async clickSelectorByAlt(selector, title) { if (this.autoLog) log(`Clicking for a ${selector} matching ${title}`) await, title) => { let matches = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)) let singleMatch = matches.find((btn) => btn.alt === title) let result if (singleMatch && { log('normal click') result = } if (singleMatch && ! { log('on click') result = singleMatch.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true })) } if (!singleMatch) { log('event click', matches.length) if (matches.length > 0) { const m = matches[0] result = m.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true })) } } }, selector, title) }
async clickSelectorByAlt(selector, title) { if (this.autoLog) log(`Clicking for a ${selector} matching ${title}`) await, title) => { let matches = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)) let singleMatch = matches.find((btn) => btn.alt === title) let result if (singleMatch && { log('normal click') result = } if (singleMatch && ! { log('on click') result = singleMatch.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true })) } if (!singleMatch) { log('event click', matches.length) if (matches.length > 0) { const m = matches[0] result = m.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true })) } } }, selector, title) }
async clickSelectorFirstMatch(selector) { if (this.autoLog) log(`Clicking for first ${selector}`); await => { let matches = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)); let singleMatch = matches[0]; if (singleMatch); }, selector); }
async clickSelectorFirstMatch(selector) { if (this.autoLog) log(`Clicking for first ${selector}`); await => { let matches = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)); let singleMatch = matches[0]; if (singleMatch); }, selector); }
async function initProfanityFilter() { // TODO: remove punctuation from phrases and words before testing badWords = (await database.instance.getBadWords()).toString().split("\n"); sensitiveWords = (await database.instance.getSensitiveWords()).toString().trim().split("\r\n"); sensitivePhrases = (await database.instance.getSensitivePhrases()).toString().split("\n"); leadingStatements = (await database.instance.getLeadingStatements()).toString().split("\n"); profanity.addWords(badWords); }
async function initProfanityFilter() { // TODO: remove punctuation from phrases and words before testing badWords = (await database.instance.getBadWords()).toString().split("\n"); sensitiveWords = (await database.instance.getSensitiveWords()).toString().trim().split("\r\n"); sensitivePhrases = (await database.instance.getSensitivePhrases()).toString().split("\n"); leadingStatements = (await database.instance.getLeadingStatements()).toString().split("\n"); profanity.addWords(badWords); }
async function testIfIsToxic(text, threshold) { if (customConfig.instance.get('hf_api_token')) { const result = await makeModelRequest(text, "unitary/toxic-bert"); log(result); result[0].forEach((sentence) => { if (sentence.score > threshold) { return true; } }); } else return false; }
async function testIfIsToxic(text, threshold) { if (customConfig.instance.get('hf_api_token')) { const result = await makeModelRequest(text, "unitary/toxic-bert"); log(result); result[0].forEach((sentence) => { if (sentence.score > threshold) { return true; } }); } else return false; }
async function validateESRB(agent, text, checkIfForEveryone) { const { contentRating } = JSON.parse((await database.instance.getAgentsConfig(agent)).toString()); const ratings = { everyone: /(?:everyone|pending|rp|10)/i, pending: /(?:everyone|pending|10)|/i, teen: /(?:everyone|teen|pending|10)/i, mature: /(?:everyone|teen|mature|pending|17|10)/i, adult: /(?:everyone|teen|mature|adult|nr|pending|18|17|10)/i, } const ratingsShort = { everyone: /\b(?:e|e10|rp)\b/i, pending: /\b(?:e|e10|e10|rp)|\b/i, teen: /\b(?:e|e10|t|rp)\b/i, mature: /\b(?:e|e10|t|m|p|rp)\b/i, adult: /\b(?:e|e10|t|m|a|nr|rp|ao)\b/i, } var regex = ratings[checkIfForEveryone ? "everyone" : contentRating.toLowerCase()]; const matchedEasy = regex.test(text); if (matchedEasy) { return !matchedEasy; } var regexShort = ratingsShort[checkIfForEveryone ? "everyone" : contentRating.toLowerCase()]; return !regexShort.test(text.substring(0, 3)); }
async function validateESRB(agent, text, checkIfForEveryone) { const { contentRating } = JSON.parse((await database.instance.getAgentsConfig(agent)).toString()); const ratings = { everyone: /(?:everyone|pending|rp|10)/i, pending: /(?:everyone|pending|10)|/i, teen: /(?:everyone|teen|pending|10)/i, mature: /(?:everyone|teen|mature|pending|17|10)/i, adult: /(?:everyone|teen|mature|adult|nr|pending|18|17|10)/i, } const ratingsShort = { everyone: /\b(?:e|e10|rp)\b/i, pending: /\b(?:e|e10|e10|rp)|\b/i, teen: /\b(?:e|e10|t|rp)\b/i, mature: /\b(?:e|e10|t|m|p|rp)\b/i, adult: /\b(?:e|e10|t|m|a|nr|rp|ao)\b/i, } var regex = ratings[checkIfForEveryone ? "everyone" : contentRating.toLowerCase()]; const matchedEasy = regex.test(text); if (matchedEasy) { return !matchedEasy; } var regexShort = ratingsShort[checkIfForEveryone ? "everyone" : contentRating.toLowerCase()]; return !regexShort.test(text.substring(0, 3)); }
async function keywordExtractor(input, agent) { const keywords = [] const res = keyword_extractor.extract(input, { language: "english", remove_digits: true, return_changed_case: true, remove_duplicates: true }); if (keywords.length == []) { return []; } const result = await makeModelRequest(input, "flair/pos-english"); const skw = await database.instance.getIgnoredKeywords(agent); for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) { if (result[j].word === res[i]) { if (skw.includes(res[i])) { continue; } if (result[j].entity_group === 'NN' || result[j].entity_group === 'NNS') { keywords.push(res[i]); break; } } } } if (keywords.length === 0) { return []; } let totalLength = 0; const respp = []; for(let i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) { const weaviateResponse = await makeWeaviateRequest(keywords[i]); if (weaviateResponse.Paragraph.length > 0) { const sum = await makeModelRequest(weaviateResponse.Paragraph[0].content, "facebook/bart-large-cnn"); if (sum && sum.length > 0) { totalLength += sum[0].summary_text.length; if (totalLength > 1000) { return keywords; } respp.push({ word: keywords[i], info: sum[0].summary_text }); } } } return respp; }
async function keywordExtractor(input, agent) { const keywords = [] const res = keyword_extractor.extract(input, { language: "english", remove_digits: true, return_changed_case: true, remove_duplicates: true }); if (keywords.length == []) { return []; } const result = await makeModelRequest(input, "flair/pos-english"); const skw = await database.instance.getIgnoredKeywords(agent); for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) { if (result[j].word === res[i]) { if (skw.includes(res[i])) { continue; } if (result[j].entity_group === 'NN' || result[j].entity_group === 'NNS') { keywords.push(res[i]); break; } } } } if (keywords.length === 0) { return []; } let totalLength = 0; const respp = []; for(let i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) { const weaviateResponse = await makeWeaviateRequest(keywords[i]); if (weaviateResponse.Paragraph.length > 0) { const sum = await makeModelRequest(weaviateResponse.Paragraph[0].content, "facebook/bart-large-cnn"); if (sum && sum.length > 0) { totalLength += sum[0].summary_text.length; if (totalLength > 1000) { return keywords; } respp.push({ word: keywords[i], info: sum[0].summary_text }); } } } return respp; }
function detectOsOption() { const os = getOS(); const options = {executablePath: null}; let chromePath = ''; switch (os) { case 'Mac OS': chromePath = '/Applications/Google\\ Chrome'; break; case 'Windows': chromePath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe'; break; case 'Linux': chromePath = '/usr/bin/google-chrome'; break; default: break; } if (chromePath) { if (existsSync(chromePath)) { options.executablePath = chromePath; } else { warn("Warning! Please install Google Chrome to make bot workiing correctly in headless mode.\n"); } } return options; }
function detectOsOption() { const os = getOS(); const options = {executablePath: null}; let chromePath = ''; switch (os) { case 'Mac OS': chromePath = '/Applications/Google\\ Chrome'; break; case 'Windows': chromePath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe'; break; case 'Linux': chromePath = '/usr/bin/google-chrome'; break; default: break; } if (chromePath) { if (existsSync(chromePath)) { options.executablePath = chromePath; } else { warn("Warning! Please install Google Chrome to make bot workiing correctly in headless mode.\n"); } } return options; }
async function createWikipediaAgent(speaker, name, personality, facts) { try { let start = //gets the info from the wikipedia article, if the agent name can't be found it returns null, in order to send the default agent let out = null; try { out = await searchWikipedia(name); } catch (e) { error(e); return null; } let stop = log(`Time Taken to execute loaded data from wikipedia = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = //const type = await namedEntityRecognition(out.result.title); // create a constant called name which uses the value of nameRaw but removes all punctuation // const name = nameRaw.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, ''); log("out is ", out); if (out.result.extract == "" || out.result.extract == null) { return log("Error, couldn't find anything on wikiedia about " + name); } const factSourcePrompt = `The following are facts about ${name}\n`; const factPrompt = factSourcePrompt + out.result.extract + "\n" + facts; const personalitySourcePrompt = `Based on the above facts, the following is a description of the personality of an anthropomorphized ${name}:`; database.instance.setDefaultEthics(name); database.instance.setDefaultNeedsAndMotivations(name); stop = log(`Time Taken to execute save data = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = let data = { "prompt": factPrompt + "\n" + personalitySourcePrompt, "temperature": 0.9, "max_tokens": 300, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 0.0, "presence_penalty": 0.0, "stop": ["\"\"\"", `${speaker}:`, '\n'] }; let res = await makeCompletionRequest(data, speaker, name, "personality_generation", "davinci", false); stop = log(`Time Taken to execute openai request = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = if (!res.success) { log("Error: Failed to generate personality, check GPT3 keys"); return undefined; } log("res.choice.text") log(res); database.instance.setPersonality(name, personalitySourcePrompt + '\n' + personality + '\n' + res.choice.text); const dialogPrompt = `The following is a conversation with ${name}. ${name} is helpful, knowledgeable and very friendly\n${speaker}: Hi there, ${name}! Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?\n${name}:`; data = { "prompt": factPrompt + "\n" + personalitySourcePrompt + "\n" + res + "\n" + dialogPrompt, "temperature": 0.9, "max_tokens": 300, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 0.0, "presence_penalty": 0.0, "stop": ["\"\"\"", `${speaker}:`, '\n'] }; res = makeCompletionRequest(data, speaker, name, "dialog_generation", "davinci", false); stop = log(`Time Taken to execute openai request 2 = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = log("res.choice.text (2)") log(res); database.instance.setDialogue(name, dialogPrompt + (await res).choice?.text); database.instance.setAgentFacts(name, factPrompt); database.instance.setAgentExists(name); stop = log(`Time Taken to execute save data = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = return out; } catch (err) { error(err); } return {} }
async function createWikipediaAgent(speaker, name, personality, facts) { try { let start = //gets the info from the wikipedia article, if the agent name can't be found it returns null, in order to send the default agent let out = null; try { out = await searchWikipedia(name); } catch (e) { error(e); return null; } let stop = log(`Time Taken to execute loaded data from wikipedia = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = //const type = await namedEntityRecognition(out.result.title); // create a constant called name which uses the value of nameRaw but removes all punctuation // const name = nameRaw.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, ''); log("out is ", out); if (out.result.extract == "" || out.result.extract == null) { return log("Error, couldn't find anything on wikiedia about " + name); } const factSourcePrompt = `The following are facts about ${name}\n`; const factPrompt = factSourcePrompt + out.result.extract + "\n" + facts; const personalitySourcePrompt = `Based on the above facts, the following is a description of the personality of an anthropomorphized ${name}:`; database.instance.setDefaultEthics(name); database.instance.setDefaultNeedsAndMotivations(name); stop = log(`Time Taken to execute save data = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = let data = { "prompt": factPrompt + "\n" + personalitySourcePrompt, "temperature": 0.9, "max_tokens": 300, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 0.0, "presence_penalty": 0.0, "stop": ["\"\"\"", `${speaker}:`, '\n'] }; let res = await makeCompletionRequest(data, speaker, name, "personality_generation", "davinci", false); stop = log(`Time Taken to execute openai request = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = if (!res.success) { log("Error: Failed to generate personality, check GPT3 keys"); return undefined; } log("res.choice.text") log(res); database.instance.setPersonality(name, personalitySourcePrompt + '\n' + personality + '\n' + res.choice.text); const dialogPrompt = `The following is a conversation with ${name}. ${name} is helpful, knowledgeable and very friendly\n${speaker}: Hi there, ${name}! Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?\n${name}:`; data = { "prompt": factPrompt + "\n" + personalitySourcePrompt + "\n" + res + "\n" + dialogPrompt, "temperature": 0.9, "max_tokens": 300, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 0.0, "presence_penalty": 0.0, "stop": ["\"\"\"", `${speaker}:`, '\n'] }; res = makeCompletionRequest(data, speaker, name, "dialog_generation", "davinci", false); stop = log(`Time Taken to execute openai request 2 = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = log("res.choice.text (2)") log(res); database.instance.setDialogue(name, dialogPrompt + (await res).choice?.text); database.instance.setAgentFacts(name, factPrompt); database.instance.setAgentExists(name); stop = log(`Time Taken to execute save data = ${(stop - start)/1000} seconds`); start = return out; } catch (err) { error(err); } return {} }
isUserBanned(user_id, client) { for(let x in this.bannedUsers) { log(x + ' - ' + this.bannedUsers[x].user_id + ' - ' + user_id + ' - ' + (this.bannedUsers[x].user_id === user_id)) if (this.bannedUsers[x].user_id === user_id && this.bannedUsers[x].client === client) { return true } } return false }
isUserBanned(user_id, client) { for(let x in this.bannedUsers) { log(x + ' - ' + this.bannedUsers[x].user_id + ' - ' + user_id + ' - ' + (this.bannedUsers[x].user_id === user_id)) if (this.bannedUsers[x].user_id === user_id && this.bannedUsers[x].client === client) { return true } } return false }
async readConfig() { const configs = {} const query = 'SELECT * FROM config'; const rows = await this.client.query(query); if (rows && rows.rows && rows.rows.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < rows.rows.length; i++) { configs[rows.rows[i]._key] = rows.rows[i]._value; } } new customConfig(configs); }
async readConfig() { const configs = {} const query = 'SELECT * FROM config'; const rows = await this.client.query(query); if (rows && rows.rows && rows.rows.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < rows.rows.length; i++) { configs[rows.rows[i]._key] = rows.rows[i]._value; } } new customConfig(configs); }
async catchAndScreenShot(fn, path = "botError.png") { try { await fn() } catch (e) { if ( { warn("Caught error. Trying to screenshot"){ path }) } error(e); } }
async catchAndScreenShot(fn, path = "botError.png") { try { await fn() } catch (e) { if ( { warn("Caught error. Trying to screenshot"){ path }) } error(e); } }
exec(fn) { this.catchAndScreenShot(() => fn(this)).catch((e) => { error("Failed to run. Check botError.png if it exists. Error:", e) }) }
exec(fn) { this.catchAndScreenShot(() => fn(this)).catch((e) => { error("Failed to run. Check botError.png if it exists. Error:", e) }) }
async launchBrowser() { log('Launching browser'); const options = { headless: this.headless, ignoreHTTPSErrors: true, args: [ "--disable-gpu", "--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream=1", "--use-fake-device-for-media-stream=1", `--use-file-for-fake-video-capture=${this.fakeMediaPath}/video.y4m`, `--use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=${this.fakeMediaPath}/audio.wav`, '--disable-web-security=1', // '--use-fake-device-for-media-stream', // '--use-file-for-fake-video-capture=/Users/apple/Downloads/football_qcif_15fps.y4m', // // '--use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=/Users/apple/Downloads/BabyElephantWalk60.wav', '--allow-file-access=1', ], ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--mute-audio'], ...detectOsOption() }; this.browser = await browserWindow(options); = await this.browser.newPage();'console', message => { if (message.text().startsWith('scene_metadata')) { const data = message.text().split('|', 2) if (data.length === 2) { const _data = data[1] log(`Scene Metadata: Data:${_data}`) // TODO: Replace me with metadata handler // MessageClient.instance.sendMetadata('xr-engine', 'xr-engine', 'xr-engine', data || 'none') } else log(`invalid scene metadata length (${data.length}): ${data}`) } else if (message.text().startsWith('metadata')) { const data = message.text().split('|', 3) if (data.length === 3) { const xyz = data[1] const _data = data[2] log(`Metadata: Position: ${xyz}, Data: ${_data}`) } else log(`invalid metadata length ${data.length}: ${data}`) } else if (message.text().startsWith('players|')) { const cmd = message.text().split('|')[0] const data = message.text().substring(cmd.length + 1) log(`Players: ${data}`) } else if (message.text().startsWith('messages|')) { const cmd = message.text().split('|')[0] const data = message.text().substring(cmd.length + 1) log(`Messages: ${data}`) } else if (message.text().startsWith('proximity|')) { const data = message.text().split('|') //log('Proximity Data: ' + data) if (data.length === 4) { const mode = data[1] const player = data[2] const value = data[3] if (value === 'left') { if (mode == 'inRange') { UsersInRange[player] = undefined } else if (mode == 'intimate') { UsersInIntimateRange[player] = undefined } else if (mode == 'harassment') { UsersInHarassmentRange[player] = undefined } else if (mode == 'lookAt') { UsersLookingAt[player] = undefined } } else { if (mode == 'inRange') { UsersInRange[player] = value } else if (mode == 'intimate') { UsersInIntimateRange[player] = value } else if (mode == 'harassment') { UsersInHarassmentRange[player] = value } else if (mode == 'lookAt') { UsersLookingAt[player] = value } } } } else if (message.text().startsWith('localId|')) { const cmd = message.text().split('|')[0] const data = message.text().substring(cmd.length + 1) log('local user id: ' + data) if (data !== undefined && data !== '') { this.userId = data } } else if (message.text().startsWith('emotions|')) { } if (this.autoLog) log(">> ", message.text()) }){ width: 0, height: 0 }); await'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36') this.pu = new PageUtils(this); }
async launchBrowser() { log('Launching browser'); const options = { headless: this.headless, ignoreHTTPSErrors: true, args: [ "--disable-gpu", "--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream=1", "--use-fake-device-for-media-stream=1", `--use-file-for-fake-video-capture=${this.fakeMediaPath}/video.y4m`, `--use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=${this.fakeMediaPath}/audio.wav`, '--disable-web-security=1', // '--use-fake-device-for-media-stream', // '--use-file-for-fake-video-capture=/Users/apple/Downloads/football_qcif_15fps.y4m', // // '--use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=/Users/apple/Downloads/BabyElephantWalk60.wav', '--allow-file-access=1', ], ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--mute-audio'], ...detectOsOption() }; this.browser = await browserWindow(options); = await this.browser.newPage();'console', message => { if (message.text().startsWith('scene_metadata')) { const data = message.text().split('|', 2) if (data.length === 2) { const _data = data[1] log(`Scene Metadata: Data:${_data}`) // TODO: Replace me with metadata handler // MessageClient.instance.sendMetadata('xr-engine', 'xr-engine', 'xr-engine', data || 'none') } else log(`invalid scene metadata length (${data.length}): ${data}`) } else if (message.text().startsWith('metadata')) { const data = message.text().split('|', 3) if (data.length === 3) { const xyz = data[1] const _data = data[2] log(`Metadata: Position: ${xyz}, Data: ${_data}`) } else log(`invalid metadata length ${data.length}: ${data}`) } else if (message.text().startsWith('players|')) { const cmd = message.text().split('|')[0] const data = message.text().substring(cmd.length + 1) log(`Players: ${data}`) } else if (message.text().startsWith('messages|')) { const cmd = message.text().split('|')[0] const data = message.text().substring(cmd.length + 1) log(`Messages: ${data}`) } else if (message.text().startsWith('proximity|')) { const data = message.text().split('|') //log('Proximity Data: ' + data) if (data.length === 4) { const mode = data[1] const player = data[2] const value = data[3] if (value === 'left') { if (mode == 'inRange') { UsersInRange[player] = undefined } else if (mode == 'intimate') { UsersInIntimateRange[player] = undefined } else if (mode == 'harassment') { UsersInHarassmentRange[player] = undefined } else if (mode == 'lookAt') { UsersLookingAt[player] = undefined } } else { if (mode == 'inRange') { UsersInRange[player] = value } else if (mode == 'intimate') { UsersInIntimateRange[player] = value } else if (mode == 'harassment') { UsersInHarassmentRange[player] = value } else if (mode == 'lookAt') { UsersLookingAt[player] = value } } } } else if (message.text().startsWith('localId|')) { const cmd = message.text().split('|')[0] const data = message.text().substring(cmd.length + 1) log('local user id: ' + data) if (data !== undefined && data !== '') { this.userId = data } } else if (message.text().startsWith('emotions|')) { } if (this.autoLog) log(">> ", message.text()) }){ width: 0, height: 0 }); await'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36') this.pu = new PageUtils(this); }
async enterRoom(roomUrl, { name = 'bot' } = {}) { await this.navigate(roomUrl); await"div[class*=\"instance-chat-container\"]", { timeout: 100000 }); if (name) { = name } else { name = } this.username_regex = new RegExp(customConfig.instance.get('botName'), 'ig') if (this.headless) { // Disable rendering for headless, otherwise chromium uses a LOT of CPU } //@ts-ignore if (this.setName != null) this.setName(name) await, 0); await this.delay(10000) await this.getUser() await this.updateChannelState() await this.updateUsername(name) await this.delay(10000) const index = this.getRandomNumber(0, this.avatars.length - 1) log(`avatar index: ${index}`) await this.updateAvatar(this.avatars[index]) await this.requestPlayers() await this.getUser() await setInterval(() => this.getUser(), 1000) }
async enterRoom(roomUrl, { name = 'bot' } = {}) { await this.navigate(roomUrl); await"div[class*=\"instance-chat-container\"]", { timeout: 100000 }); if (name) { = name } else { name = } this.username_regex = new RegExp(customConfig.instance.get('botName'), 'ig') if (this.headless) { // Disable rendering for headless, otherwise chromium uses a LOT of CPU } //@ts-ignore if (this.setName != null) this.setName(name) await, 0); await this.delay(10000) await this.getUser() await this.updateChannelState() await this.updateUsername(name) await this.delay(10000) const index = this.getRandomNumber(0, this.avatars.length - 1) log(`avatar index: ${index}`) await this.updateAvatar(this.avatars[index]) await this.requestPlayers() await this.getUser() await setInterval(() => this.getUser(), 1000) }
async function handleRequest(request) { if (request.url.endsWith("/links")) { return new Response(JSON.stringify(links_arr), { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, })} else{ const staticLink = "" const response = await fetch(staticLink, { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html' }, }) return htmlrewriter.transform(response) } }
async function handleRequest(request) { if (request.url.endsWith("/links")) { return new Response(JSON.stringify(links_arr), { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, })} else{ const staticLink = "" const response = await fetch(staticLink, { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html' }, }) return htmlrewriter.transform(response) } }
function createCol(key, title = toTitle(key), width = 80, proj, format=true) { return { key: key, title: title, createCell: ({ rowData }) => ({ type: "text", value: valueFunction(rowData, key, proj, format) }), sortable: true, width: width, weight: 0, alignment: "left" }; }
function createCol(key, title = toTitle(key), width = 80, proj, format=true) { return { key: key, title: title, createCell: ({ rowData }) => ({ type: "text", value: valueFunction(rowData, key, proj, format) }), sortable: true, width: width, weight: 0, alignment: "left" }; }
function Result(processor, root, opts) { /** * The Processor instance used for this transformation. * * @type {Processor} * * @example * for (const plugin of result.processor.plugins) { * if (plugin.postcssPlugin === 'postcss-bad') { * throw 'postcss-good is incompatible with postcss-bad' * } * }) */ this.processor = processor; /** * Contains messages from plugins (e.g., warnings or custom messages). * Each message should have type and plugin properties. * * @type {Message[]} * * @example * postcss.plugin('postcss-min-browser', () => { * return (root, result) => { * const browsers = detectMinBrowsersByCanIUse(root) * result.messages.push({ * type: 'min-browser', * plugin: 'postcss-min-browser', * browsers * }) * } * }) */ this.messages = []; /** * Root node after all transformations. * * @type {Root} * * @example * root.toResult().root === root */ this.root = root; /** * Options from the {@link Processor#process} or {@link Root#toResult} call * that produced this Result instance. * * @type {processOptions} * * @example * root.toResult(opts).opts === opts */ this.opts = opts; /** * A CSS string representing of {@link Result#root}. * * @type {string} * * @example * postcss.parse('a{}').toResult().css //=> "a{}" */ this.css = undefined; /** * An instance of `SourceMapGenerator` class from the `source-map` library, * representing changes to the {@link Result#root} instance. * * @type {SourceMapGenerator} * * @example * //=> { version: 3, file: 'a.css', … } * * @example * if ( { * fs.writeFileSync( + '.map', * } */ = undefined; }
function Result(processor, root, opts) { /** * The Processor instance used for this transformation. * * @type {Processor} * * @example * for (const plugin of result.processor.plugins) { * if (plugin.postcssPlugin === 'postcss-bad') { * throw 'postcss-good is incompatible with postcss-bad' * } * }) */ this.processor = processor; /** * Contains messages from plugins (e.g., warnings or custom messages). * Each message should have type and plugin properties. * * @type {Message[]} * * @example * postcss.plugin('postcss-min-browser', () => { * return (root, result) => { * const browsers = detectMinBrowsersByCanIUse(root) * result.messages.push({ * type: 'min-browser', * plugin: 'postcss-min-browser', * browsers * }) * } * }) */ this.messages = []; /** * Root node after all transformations. * * @type {Root} * * @example * root.toResult().root === root */ this.root = root; /** * Options from the {@link Processor#process} or {@link Root#toResult} call * that produced this Result instance. * * @type {processOptions} * * @example * root.toResult(opts).opts === opts */ this.opts = opts; /** * A CSS string representing of {@link Result#root}. * * @type {string} * * @example * postcss.parse('a{}').toResult().css //=> "a{}" */ this.css = undefined; /** * An instance of `SourceMapGenerator` class from the `source-map` library, * representing changes to the {@link Result#root} instance. * * @type {SourceMapGenerator} * * @example * //=> { version: 3, file: 'a.css', … } * * @example * if ( { * fs.writeFileSync( + '.map', * } */ = undefined; }
function prefix(prop) { var match = prop.match(/^(-\w+-)/); if (match) { return match[0]; } return ''; }
function prefix(prop) { var match = prop.match(/^(-\w+-)/); if (match) { return match[0]; } return ''; }
function updateData(timePassed) { const newData = data.get('data') const index = newData.length - 1 // Mutate the object newData[index] = { day: ISODate, value: newData[index].value + timePassed, streak: newData[index].streak + 1 } // Save it data.set('data', newData) }
function updateData(timePassed) { const newData = data.get('data') const index = newData.length - 1 // Mutate the object newData[index] = { day: ISODate, value: newData[index].value + timePassed, streak: newData[index].streak + 1 } // Save it data.set('data', newData) }
function fillEmptyDates(entries) { // Check for potential empty dates const lastEntry = entries[entries.length - 2].day // Yesterday because today already exists with `setNewKey()` const date = new Date() date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1) const [yesterday] = date.toISOString().split('T') // Cancel if no empty dates if (yesterday === lastEntry) return const firstDate = entries[0].day const lastDate = entries[entries.length - 1].day const dates = [ ...Array( Date.parse(lastDate) / 86400000 - Date.parse(firstDate) / 86400000 + 1 ).keys() ].map( k => new Date(86400000 * k + Date.parse(firstDate)).toISOString().split('T')[0] ) const result = [] for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < dates.length; i++) { let hasSameKey = false if (dates[i] === entries[j].day) hasSameKey = true result[i] = { day: dates[i], value: hasSameKey ? entries[j].value : 0, streak: hasSameKey ? entries[j].streak : 0 } if (hasSameKey) j++ } data.set('data', result) // Update the last index const newIndex = result.length - 1 config.set('lastTimeUpdated.index', newIndex) }
function fillEmptyDates(entries) { // Check for potential empty dates const lastEntry = entries[entries.length - 2].day // Yesterday because today already exists with `setNewKey()` const date = new Date() date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1) const [yesterday] = date.toISOString().split('T') // Cancel if no empty dates if (yesterday === lastEntry) return const firstDate = entries[0].day const lastDate = entries[entries.length - 1].day const dates = [ ...Array( Date.parse(lastDate) / 86400000 - Date.parse(firstDate) / 86400000 + 1 ).keys() ].map( k => new Date(86400000 * k + Date.parse(firstDate)).toISOString().split('T')[0] ) const result = [] for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < dates.length; i++) { let hasSameKey = false if (dates[i] === entries[j].day) hasSameKey = true result[i] = { day: dates[i], value: hasSameKey ? entries[j].value : 0, streak: hasSameKey ? entries[j].streak : 0 } if (hasSameKey) j++ } data.set('data', result) // Update the last index const newIndex = result.length - 1 config.set('lastTimeUpdated.index', newIndex) }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { diagramWidth: window.innerWidth * (1 - state.draw.artboard.width), artboardWidth: window.innerWidth * state.draw.artboard.width, editId:, mode: state.draw.diagram.mode, }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { diagramWidth: window.innerWidth * (1 - state.draw.artboard.width), artboardWidth: window.innerWidth * state.draw.artboard.width, editId:, mode: state.draw.diagram.mode, }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ setEditObject, setLabel, }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ setEditObject, setLabel, }, dispatch); }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { location: state.routing.locationBeforeTransitions.pathname.split('/').pop(), }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { location: state.routing.locationBeforeTransitions.pathname.split('/').pop(), }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ setUser, setDevice, }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ setUser, setDevice, }, dispatch); }
function mapStateToProps(state) { console.log(state); return { imageUrl: state.train.imageUrl, }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { console.log(state); return { imageUrl: state.train.imageUrl, }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ submitAction, }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ submitAction, }, dispatch); }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { username: state.main.user.NIBR521, }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { username: state.main.user.NIBR521, }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ }, dispatch); }
redraw() { const context = this.state.drawContext; context.clearRect(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); // Clears the canvas if (!this.props.clear) { context.strokeStyle = 'black'; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineWidth = 5; context.closePath(); let lineNumber = 0; let dotNumber = 0; this.state.lines.forEach(() => { this.state.lines[lineNumber].forEach((dot) => { if (dotNumber === 0) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(dot.x / dot.scale, dot.y / dot.scale); context.lineTo(dot.x / dot.scale, dot.y / dot.scale); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } else { context.lineTo(dot.x / dot.scale, dot.y / dot.scale); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); } context.moveTo(dot.x / dot.scale, dot.y / dot.scale); dotNumber += 1; }); dotNumber = 0; lineNumber += 1; }); } this.updatePaintCanvas(); }
redraw() { const context = this.state.drawContext; context.clearRect(0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); // Clears the canvas if (!this.props.clear) { context.strokeStyle = 'black'; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineWidth = 5; context.closePath(); let lineNumber = 0; let dotNumber = 0; this.state.lines.forEach(() => { this.state.lines[lineNumber].forEach((dot) => { if (dotNumber === 0) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(dot.x / dot.scale, dot.y / dot.scale); context.lineTo(dot.x / dot.scale, dot.y / dot.scale); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } else { context.lineTo(dot.x / dot.scale, dot.y / dot.scale); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); } context.moveTo(dot.x / dot.scale, dot.y / dot.scale); dotNumber += 1; }); dotNumber = 0; lineNumber += 1; }); } this.updatePaintCanvas(); }
addClick(x, y, dragging) { const { lines } = this.state; const scale = this.props.scale; const dot = { x, y, scale, }; const lastIndex = lines.length - 1; if (this.props.enabled) { if (dragging) { this.setState({ lines: [...lines.slice(0, lastIndex), [...lines[lastIndex], dot]], drawing: true, }, () => this.redraw()); } else { this.setState({ lines: [...this.state.lines, [dot]], drawing: true, }, () => this.redraw()); } } }
addClick(x, y, dragging) { const { lines } = this.state; const scale = this.props.scale; const dot = { x, y, scale, }; const lastIndex = lines.length - 1; if (this.props.enabled) { if (dragging) { this.setState({ lines: [...lines.slice(0, lastIndex), [...lines[lastIndex], dot]], drawing: true, }, () => this.redraw()); } else { this.setState({ lines: [...this.state.lines, [dot]], drawing: true, }, () => this.redraw()); } } }
handleMouseMove(e) { const positionX = e.pageX === undefined ? (e.changedTouches[0].pageX) : e.pageX; const positionY = e.pageX === undefined ? (e.changedTouches[0].pageY) : e.pageY; if (this.state.drawing) { const rect = this.state.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const x = positionX - rect.left; const y = positionY -; this.addClick(x, y, true); } }
handleMouseMove(e) { const positionX = e.pageX === undefined ? (e.changedTouches[0].pageX) : e.pageX; const positionY = e.pageX === undefined ? (e.changedTouches[0].pageY) : e.pageY; if (this.state.drawing) { const rect = this.state.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const x = positionX - rect.left; const y = positionY -; this.addClick(x, y, true); } }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ requestImage, clearArtboard, }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ requestImage, clearArtboard, }, dispatch); }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { resizing: state.draw.artboard.resizing, width: state.draw.artboard.width, }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { resizing: state.draw.artboard.resizing, width: state.draw.artboard.width, }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ resize, setWidth, stopResize, }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ resize, setWidth, stopResize, }, dispatch); }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { resizing: state.draw.artboard.resizing, width: 100 * (1 - state.draw.artboard.width), objects: state.draw.diagram.objects, zoom: state.draw.diagram.zoom, x: state.draw.diagram.x, y: state.draw.diagram.y, }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { resizing: state.draw.artboard.resizing, width: 100 * (1 - state.draw.artboard.width), objects: state.draw.diagram.objects, zoom: state.draw.diagram.zoom, x: state.draw.diagram.x, y: state.draw.diagram.y, }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ finishEditing, }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ finishEditing, }, dispatch); }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { //////////// Artboard //////////// loading: state.draw.artboard.loading, width: state.draw.artboard.width, clearArtboard: state.draw.artboard.clear, resizing: state.draw.artboard.resizing, //////////// Diagram //////////// diagramMode: state.draw.diagram.mode, editing: state.draw.diagram.editObject.editing, objectId:, dragging: state.draw.diagram.dragging, zoom: state.draw.diagram.zoom, x: state.draw.diagram.x, y: state.draw.diagram.y, }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { //////////// Artboard //////////// loading: state.draw.artboard.loading, width: state.draw.artboard.width, clearArtboard: state.draw.artboard.clear, resizing: state.draw.artboard.resizing, //////////// Diagram //////////// diagramMode: state.draw.diagram.mode, editing: state.draw.diagram.editObject.editing, objectId:, dragging: state.draw.diagram.dragging, zoom: state.draw.diagram.zoom, x: state.draw.diagram.x, y: state.draw.diagram.y, }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ //////////// Artboard //////////// setWidth, resize, stopResize, //////////// Diagram //////////// scrollDiagram, stopEditing, finishEditing, //////////// Object //////////// moveObject, resizeObject, rotateObject, }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ //////////// Artboard //////////// setWidth, resize, stopResize, //////////// Diagram //////////// scrollDiagram, stopEditing, finishEditing, //////////// Object //////////// moveObject, resizeObject, rotateObject, }, dispatch); }
function trainReducer(state = initialState, action) { const { payload } = action; switch (action.type) { case SET_USER: return { ...state, user: payload.user, }; case SET_DEVICE: return { ...state, isMobile: payload.isMobile, }; default: return state; } }
function trainReducer(state = initialState, action) { const { payload } = action; switch (action.type) { case SET_USER: return { ...state, user: payload.user, }; case SET_DEVICE: return { ...state, isMobile: payload.isMobile, }; default: return state; } }
function trainReducer(state = initialState, action) { const { payload } = action; switch (action.type) { case REQUESTING: return { ...state, loading: true, playing: false, }; case SUBMIT: return { ...state, loading: true, submitted: true, playing: false, }; case GETIMAGE: return { ...state, loading: false, submitted: false, imageData:, imageLabel: payload.label, playing: true, }; case TOGGLE_TIMER: return { ...state, playing: !state.playing, }; case ERROR: return { ...state, playing: false, error: payload.error, }; default: return state; } }
function trainReducer(state = initialState, action) { const { payload } = action; switch (action.type) { case REQUESTING: return { ...state, loading: true, playing: false, }; case SUBMIT: return { ...state, loading: true, submitted: true, playing: false, }; case GETIMAGE: return { ...state, loading: false, submitted: false, imageData:, imageLabel: payload.label, playing: true, }; case TOGGLE_TIMER: return { ...state, playing: !state.playing, }; case ERROR: return { ...state, playing: false, error: payload.error, }; default: return state; } }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { loading: state.train.loading, submitted: state.train.submitted, imageData: state.train.imageData, imageLabel: state.train.imageLabel, playing: state.train.playing, error: state.train.error, username: state.main.user.NIBR521, }; }
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { loading: state.train.loading, submitted: state.train.submitted, imageData: state.train.imageData, imageLabel: state.train.imageLabel, playing: state.train.playing, error: state.train.error, username: state.main.user.NIBR521, }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ submitAction, sendImage, toggleTimerAction, }, dispatch); }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return bindActionCreators({ submitAction, sendImage, toggleTimerAction, }, dispatch); }
function makeView(str) { console.log('starting server'); http.createServer((req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }); res.write(str); res.end(); }).listen(8080); }
function makeView(str) { console.log('starting server'); http.createServer((req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }); res.write(str); res.end(); }).listen(8080); }
async fetch(URI, method, data) { let params = { method: method, headers: MoulinetteClient.HEADERS } if( data ) { params.body = JSON.stringify(data) } const response = await fetch(`${MoulinetteClient.SERVER_URL}${URI}`, params).catch(function(e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Cannot establish connection to server ${MoulinetteClient.SERVER_URL}`, e) }); return response }
async fetch(URI, method, data) { let params = { method: method, headers: MoulinetteClient.HEADERS } if( data ) { params.body = JSON.stringify(data) } const response = await fetch(`${MoulinetteClient.SERVER_URL}${URI}`, params).catch(function(e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Cannot establish connection to server ${MoulinetteClient.SERVER_URL}`, e) }); return response }
static async upload(file, name, folderSrc, folderPath, overwrite = false) { const source = Moulinette.getSource() Moulinette.createFolderIfMissing(folderSrc, folderPath) // check if file already exist let base = await FilePicker.browse(source, folderPath); let exist = base.files.filter(f => f == `${folderPath}/${name}`) if(exist.length > 0 && !overwrite) return; try { let response = await FilePicker.upload(source, folderPath, file, {bucket: null}); } catch (e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Not able to upload file ${name}`) console.log(e) } }
static async upload(file, name, folderSrc, folderPath, overwrite = false) { const source = Moulinette.getSource() Moulinette.createFolderIfMissing(folderSrc, folderPath) // check if file already exist let base = await FilePicker.browse(source, folderPath); let exist = base.files.filter(f => f == `${folderPath}/${name}`) if(exist.length > 0 && !overwrite) return; try { let response = await FilePicker.upload(source, folderPath, file, {bucket: null}); } catch (e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Not able to upload file ${name}`) console.log(e) } }
_onSoundVolume(event) { event.preventDefault(); const slider = event.currentTarget; const path = slider.closest(".pack").dataset.path; // retrieve sound in play list const playlist = game.playlists.find( pl => == Moulinette.MOULINETTE_SOUNDBOARD ) if(!playlist) return; const sound = playlist.sounds.find( s => s.path == path ) if(!sound) return // Only push the update if the user is a GM const volume = AudioHelper.inputToVolume(slider.value); if (game.user.isGM) playlist.updateEmbeddedEntity("PlaylistSound", {_id: sound._id, volume: volume}); // Otherwise simply apply a local override else { let sound =[sound._id]; if (!sound.howl) return; sound.howl.volume(volume, sound._id); } }
_onSoundVolume(event) { event.preventDefault(); const slider = event.currentTarget; const path = slider.closest(".pack").dataset.path; // retrieve sound in play list const playlist = game.playlists.find( pl => == Moulinette.MOULINETTE_SOUNDBOARD ) if(!playlist) return; const sound = playlist.sounds.find( s => s.path == path ) if(!sound) return // Only push the update if the user is a GM const volume = AudioHelper.inputToVolume(slider.value); if (game.user.isGM) playlist.updateEmbeddedEntity("PlaylistSound", {_id: sound._id, volume: volume}); // Otherwise simply apply a local override else { let sound =[sound._id]; if (!sound.howl) return; sound.howl.volume(volume, sound._id); } }
static async _scanFolder(path, filter) { let list = [] const base = await FilePicker.browse(Moulinette.getSource(), path); let baseFiles = filter ? base.files.filter(f => filter.includes(f.split(".").pop().toLowerCase())) : base.files list.push(...baseFiles) for(const d of base.dirs) { const files = await MoulinetteForge._scanFolder(d, filter) list.push(...files) } return list }
static async _scanFolder(path, filter) { let list = [] const base = await FilePicker.browse(Moulinette.getSource(), path); let baseFiles = filter ? base.files.filter(f => filter.includes(f.split(".").pop().toLowerCase())) : base.files list.push(...baseFiles) for(const d of base.dirs) { const files = await MoulinetteForge._scanFolder(d, filter) list.push(...files) } return list }
async _installPacks(selected) { this.inProgress = true let client = new MoulinetteClient() let babeleInstalled = false let coreInstalled = false try { // installed packs let packInstalled = JSON.parse(game.settings.get("moulinette", "packInstalled")) // iterate on each desired request for( const r of selected ) { const response = await fetch(`${MoulinetteClient.GITHUB_SRC}/main${r.url}`).catch(function(e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Not able to fetch JSON for pack ${}`, e) }); if(!response) continue; const pack = await response.json() if(r.type == "babele-translation" && (!"babele" in game.modules.keys() || !game.modules.get("babele").active)) { ui.notifications.error(game.i18n.localize("ERROR.mtteNoBabele")); continue; } // initialize progressbar SceneNavigation._onLoadProgress(,0); // retrieve all translations from pack let idx = 0 for( const ts of pack.list ) { idx++; // retrieve transl JSON const filename = ts.url.split('/').pop() let response = await fetch(`${ts.url}`).catch(function(e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Not able to fetch translation of pack ${}`, e) }); if(!response) { console.log("Moulinette | Direct download not working. Using proxy...") response = await client.fetch(`/bundler/fvtt/transl/${}/${idx-1}`) if(!response) { console.log("Moulinette | Proxy download not working. Skip.") continue; } } const blob = await response.blob() // Babele translations if(r.type == "babele-translation") { const folder = `moulinette/transl/babele/${r["lang"]}` await Moulinette.upload(new File([blob], filename, { type: blob.type, lastModified: new Date() }), filename, "moulinette/transl/babele", folder, true) babeleInstalled = true if(!packInstalled.includes(r.filename)) packInstalled.push(r.filename) } // Core/system translation else if(r.type == "core-translation") { const folder = `moulinette/transl/core/${r["lang"]}` const transFilename = `${r["filename"]}-${filename}` await Moulinette.upload(new File([blob], transFilename, { type: blob.type, lastModified: new Date() }), transFilename, "moulinette/transl/core", folder, true) coreInstalled = true if(!packInstalled.includes(r.filename)) packInstalled.push(r.filename) } // update progressbar SceneNavigation._onLoadProgress(, Math.round((idx / pack.list.length)*100)); } } // cleanup installed packages (avoid two conflicting translations) let core = [] let modules = [] let systems = [] let packInstalledClean = [] packInstalled.slice().reverse().forEach( installed => { const pack = this.lists.transl.find( tr => tr.filename == installed ) if(!pack) return if(pack.system && !systems.includes(`${pack.type}-${pack.lang}-${pack.system}`)) { systems.push(`${pack.type}-${pack.lang}-${pack.system}`) packInstalledClean.push(installed) } else if(pack.module && !modules.includes(`${pack.type}-${pack.lang}-${pack.module}`)) { modules.push(`${pack.lang}-${pack.module}`) packInstalledClean.push(installed) } else if(!pack.module && !pack.system && !core.includes(pack.lang)) { core.push(pack.lang) packInstalledClean.push(installed) } else { console.log(`Moulinette | Translation ${installed} removed from list because in conflict with another`) } }); // store settings (installed packs) game.settings.set("moulinette", "packInstalled", JSON.stringify(packInstalledClean)) if(babeleInstalled) { game.settings.set('babele', 'directory', "moulinette/transl/babele") this._displayMessage(game.i18n.localize("mtte.downloadSuccess"), 'success') } if(coreInstalled) { let languages = [] let browse = await FilePicker.browse(Moulinette.getSource(), "moulinette/transl/core"); for( const d of browse.dirs ) { const lang = d.split('/').pop() const data = await FilePicker.browse(Moulinette.getSource(), d, {'extensions': ['.json']}); data.files.forEach( f => { languages.push( { "lang": lang, "name": game.i18n.localize("mtte.lang." + lang), "path": f }) }); } game.settings.set("moulinette", "coreLanguages", JSON.stringify(languages)) this._displayMessage(game.i18n.localize("mtte.downloadCoreSuccess"), 'success') } } catch(e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Unhandled exception`, e) this._displayMessage(game.i18n.localize("mtte.downloadFailure"), 'error') } // hide progressbar SceneNavigation._onLoadProgress(game.i18n.localize("mtte.installingPacks"), 100); }
async _installPacks(selected) { this.inProgress = true let client = new MoulinetteClient() let babeleInstalled = false let coreInstalled = false try { // installed packs let packInstalled = JSON.parse(game.settings.get("moulinette", "packInstalled")) // iterate on each desired request for( const r of selected ) { const response = await fetch(`${MoulinetteClient.GITHUB_SRC}/main${r.url}`).catch(function(e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Not able to fetch JSON for pack ${}`, e) }); if(!response) continue; const pack = await response.json() if(r.type == "babele-translation" && (!"babele" in game.modules.keys() || !game.modules.get("babele").active)) { ui.notifications.error(game.i18n.localize("ERROR.mtteNoBabele")); continue; } // initialize progressbar SceneNavigation._onLoadProgress(,0); // retrieve all translations from pack let idx = 0 for( const ts of pack.list ) { idx++; // retrieve transl JSON const filename = ts.url.split('/').pop() let response = await fetch(`${ts.url}`).catch(function(e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Not able to fetch translation of pack ${}`, e) }); if(!response) { console.log("Moulinette | Direct download not working. Using proxy...") response = await client.fetch(`/bundler/fvtt/transl/${}/${idx-1}`) if(!response) { console.log("Moulinette | Proxy download not working. Skip.") continue; } } const blob = await response.blob() // Babele translations if(r.type == "babele-translation") { const folder = `moulinette/transl/babele/${r["lang"]}` await Moulinette.upload(new File([blob], filename, { type: blob.type, lastModified: new Date() }), filename, "moulinette/transl/babele", folder, true) babeleInstalled = true if(!packInstalled.includes(r.filename)) packInstalled.push(r.filename) } // Core/system translation else if(r.type == "core-translation") { const folder = `moulinette/transl/core/${r["lang"]}` const transFilename = `${r["filename"]}-${filename}` await Moulinette.upload(new File([blob], transFilename, { type: blob.type, lastModified: new Date() }), transFilename, "moulinette/transl/core", folder, true) coreInstalled = true if(!packInstalled.includes(r.filename)) packInstalled.push(r.filename) } // update progressbar SceneNavigation._onLoadProgress(, Math.round((idx / pack.list.length)*100)); } } // cleanup installed packages (avoid two conflicting translations) let core = [] let modules = [] let systems = [] let packInstalledClean = [] packInstalled.slice().reverse().forEach( installed => { const pack = this.lists.transl.find( tr => tr.filename == installed ) if(!pack) return if(pack.system && !systems.includes(`${pack.type}-${pack.lang}-${pack.system}`)) { systems.push(`${pack.type}-${pack.lang}-${pack.system}`) packInstalledClean.push(installed) } else if(pack.module && !modules.includes(`${pack.type}-${pack.lang}-${pack.module}`)) { modules.push(`${pack.lang}-${pack.module}`) packInstalledClean.push(installed) } else if(!pack.module && !pack.system && !core.includes(pack.lang)) { core.push(pack.lang) packInstalledClean.push(installed) } else { console.log(`Moulinette | Translation ${installed} removed from list because in conflict with another`) } }); // store settings (installed packs) game.settings.set("moulinette", "packInstalled", JSON.stringify(packInstalledClean)) if(babeleInstalled) { game.settings.set('babele', 'directory', "moulinette/transl/babele") this._displayMessage(game.i18n.localize("mtte.downloadSuccess"), 'success') } if(coreInstalled) { let languages = [] let browse = await FilePicker.browse(Moulinette.getSource(), "moulinette/transl/core"); for( const d of browse.dirs ) { const lang = d.split('/').pop() const data = await FilePicker.browse(Moulinette.getSource(), d, {'extensions': ['.json']}); data.files.forEach( f => { languages.push( { "lang": lang, "name": game.i18n.localize("mtte.lang." + lang), "path": f }) }); } game.settings.set("moulinette", "coreLanguages", JSON.stringify(languages)) this._displayMessage(game.i18n.localize("mtte.downloadCoreSuccess"), 'success') } } catch(e) { console.log(`Moulinette | Unhandled exception`, e) this._displayMessage(game.i18n.localize("mtte.downloadFailure"), 'error') } // hide progressbar SceneNavigation._onLoadProgress(game.i18n.localize("mtte.installingPacks"), 100); }
function ExpectationError(message) { = 'ExpectationError'; this.message = 'ExpectationError: ' + (message || 'Unknown expectation failed.'); this.stack = new Error().stack; }
function ExpectationError(message) { = 'ExpectationError'; this.message = 'ExpectationError: ' + (message || 'Unknown expectation failed.'); this.stack = new Error().stack; }
function activate() { __log("Activating global mock '{0}:{1}'", _propertyName, _id); _context[_propertyName] = _mock; }
function activate() { __log("Activating global mock '{0}:{1}'", _propertyName, _id); _context[_propertyName] = _mock; }
function mock(mockName, objectToBeMocked) { if (typeof mockName !== "string" || !mockName) { throw new TypeError("The first argument must be a string"); } var objType = _typeof(objectToBeMocked); if (objType === "function" || objType === "object" && objectToBeMocked !== null) { return __createObjectOrFunctionMock(mockName, objectToBeMocked, objType); } return __createSimpleMock(mockName); }
function mock(mockName, objectToBeMocked) { if (typeof mockName !== "string" || !mockName) { throw new TypeError("The first argument must be a string"); } var objType = _typeof(objectToBeMocked); if (objType === "function" || objType === "object" && objectToBeMocked !== null) { return __createObjectOrFunctionMock(mockName, objectToBeMocked, objType); } return __createSimpleMock(mockName); }
function mockGlobal(globalObjectName) { if (typeof globalObjectName !== "string" || !globalObjectName) { throw new TypeError("The first argument must be a string"); } return __mockGlobal(globalObjectName); }
function mockGlobal(globalObjectName) { if (typeof globalObjectName !== "string" || !globalObjectName) { throw new TypeError("The first argument must be a string"); } return __mockGlobal(globalObjectName); }
function ExpectationError(message) { = 'ExpectationError'; this.message = 'ExpectationError: ' + (message || 'Unknown expectation failed.'); this.stack = (new Error()).stack; }
function ExpectationError(message) { = 'ExpectationError'; this.message = 'ExpectationError: ' + (message || 'Unknown expectation failed.'); this.stack = (new Error()).stack; }
addFileList (fileList) { for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { const file = fileList[i] const uuid = nanoid() const removeFile = function () { this.removeFile(uuid) } this.files.push({ progress: false, error: false, complete: false, justFinished: false, name: || 'file-upload', file, uuid, path: false, removeFile: removeFile.bind(this), previewData: file.previewData || false }) } }
addFileList (fileList) { for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { const file = fileList[i] const uuid = nanoid() const removeFile = function () { this.removeFile(uuid) } this.files.push({ progress: false, error: false, complete: false, justFinished: false, name: || 'file-upload', file, uuid, path: false, removeFile: removeFile.bind(this), previewData: file.previewData || false }) } }
uploaderIsAxios () { if ( this.hasUploader() && typeof this.context.uploader.request === 'function' && typeof this.context.uploader.get === 'function' && typeof this.context.uploader.delete === 'function' && typeof === 'function' ) { return true } return false }
uploaderIsAxios () { if ( this.hasUploader() && typeof this.context.uploader.request === 'function' && typeof this.context.uploader.get === 'function' && typeof this.context.uploader.delete === 'function' && typeof === 'function' ) { return true } return false }
__performUpload () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.hasUploader()) { return reject(new Error('No uploader has been defined')) } Promise.all( => { file.error = false file.complete = !!file.path return file.path ? Promise.resolve(file.path) : this.getUploader( file.file, (progress) => { file.progress = progress this.context.rootEmit('file-upload-progress', progress) if (progress >= 100) { if (!file.complete) { file.justFinished = true setTimeout(() => { file.justFinished = false }, this.options.uploadJustCompleteDuration) } file.complete = true this.context.rootEmit('file-upload-complete', file) } }, (error) => { file.progress = 0 file.error = error file.complete = true this.context.rootEmit('file-upload-error', error) reject(error) }, this.options ) })) .then(results => { this.results = this.mapUUID(results) resolve(results) }) .catch(err => { throw new Error(err) }) }) }
__performUpload () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.hasUploader()) { return reject(new Error('No uploader has been defined')) } Promise.all( => { file.error = false file.complete = !!file.path return file.path ? Promise.resolve(file.path) : this.getUploader( file.file, (progress) => { file.progress = progress this.context.rootEmit('file-upload-progress', progress) if (progress >= 100) { if (!file.complete) { file.justFinished = true setTimeout(() => { file.justFinished = false }, this.options.uploadJustCompleteDuration) } file.complete = true this.context.rootEmit('file-upload-complete', file) } }, (error) => { file.progress = 0 file.error = error file.complete = true this.context.rootEmit('file-upload-error', error) reject(error) }, this.options ) })) .then(results => { this.results = this.mapUUID(results) resolve(results) }) .catch(err => { throw new Error(err) }) }) }
removeFile (uuid) { const originalLength = this.files.length this.files = this.files.filter(file => file && file.uuid !== uuid) if (Array.isArray(this.results)) { this.results = this.results.filter(file => file && file.__id !== uuid) } this.context.performValidation() if (window && this.fileList instanceof FileList && this.supportsDataTransfers) { const transfer = new DataTransfer() this.files.forEach(file => transfer.items.add(file.file)) this.fileList = transfer.files this.input.files = this.fileList } else { this.fileList = this.fileList.filter(file => file && file.__id !== uuid) } if (originalLength > this.files.length) { this.context.rootEmit('file-removed', this.files) } }
removeFile (uuid) { const originalLength = this.files.length this.files = this.files.filter(file => file && file.uuid !== uuid) if (Array.isArray(this.results)) { this.results = this.results.filter(file => file && file.__id !== uuid) } this.context.performValidation() if (window && this.fileList instanceof FileList && this.supportsDataTransfers) { const transfer = new DataTransfer() this.files.forEach(file => transfer.items.add(file.file)) this.fileList = transfer.files this.input.files = this.fileList } else { this.fileList = this.fileList.filter(file => file && file.__id !== uuid) } if (originalLength > this.files.length) { this.context.rootEmit('file-removed', this.files) } }
mergeFileList (input) { this.addFileList(input.files) // Create a new mutable FileList if (this.supportsDataTransfers) { const transfer = new DataTransfer() this.files.forEach(file => { if (file.file instanceof File) { transfer.items.add(file.file) } }) this.fileList = transfer.files this.input.files = this.fileList // Reset the merged FileList to empty input.files = (new DataTransfer()).files } this.context.performValidation() this.loadPreviews() if (this.context.uploadBehavior !== 'delayed') { this.upload() } }
mergeFileList (input) { this.addFileList(input.files) // Create a new mutable FileList if (this.supportsDataTransfers) { const transfer = new DataTransfer() this.files.forEach(file => { if (file.file instanceof File) { transfer.items.add(file.file) } }) this.fileList = transfer.files this.input.files = this.fileList // Reset the merged FileList to empty input.files = (new DataTransfer()).files } this.context.performValidation() this.loadPreviews() if (this.context.uploadBehavior !== 'delayed') { this.upload() } }
loadPreviews () { => { if (!file.previewData && window && window.FileReader && /^image\//.test(file.file.type)) { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = e => Object.assign(file, { previewData: }) reader.readAsDataURL(file.file) } }) }
loadPreviews () { => { if (!file.previewData && window && window.FileReader && /^image\//.test(file.file.type)) { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = e => Object.assign(file, { previewData: }) reader.readAsDataURL(file.file) } }) }
dataTransferCheck () { try { new DataTransfer() // eslint-disable-line this.supportsDataTransfers = true } catch (err) { this.supportsDataTransfers = false } }
dataTransferCheck () { try { new DataTransfer() // eslint-disable-line this.supportsDataTransfers = true } catch (err) { this.supportsDataTransfers = false } }
function useRegistryComputed (options = {}) { return { hasInitialValue () { return ( (this.formulateValue && typeof this.formulateValue === 'object') || (this.values && typeof this.values === 'object') || (this.isGrouping && typeof this.context.model[this.index] === 'object') ) }, isVmodeled () { return !!(this.$options.propsData.hasOwnProperty('formulateValue') && this._events && Array.isArray(this._events.input) && this._events.input.length) }, initialValues () { if ( has(this.$options.propsData, 'formulateValue') && typeof this.formulateValue === 'object' ) { // If there is a v-model on the form/group, use those values as first priority return { ...this.formulateValue } // @todo - use a deep clone to detach reference types? } else if ( has(this.$options.propsData, 'values') && typeof this.values === 'object' ) { // If there are values, use them as secondary priority return { ...this.values } } else if ( this.isGrouping && typeof this.context.model[this.index] === 'object' ) { return this.context.model[this.index] } return {} }, mergedGroupErrors () { const hasSubFields = /^([^.\d+].*?)\.(\d+\..+)$/ return Object.keys(this.mergedFieldErrors) .filter(k => hasSubFields.test(k)) .reduce((groupErrorsByRoot, k) => { let [, rootField, groupKey] = k.match(hasSubFields) if (!groupErrorsByRoot[rootField]) { groupErrorsByRoot[rootField] = {} } Object.assign(groupErrorsByRoot[rootField], { [groupKey]: this.mergedFieldErrors[k] }) return groupErrorsByRoot }, {}) } } }
function useRegistryComputed (options = {}) { return { hasInitialValue () { return ( (this.formulateValue && typeof this.formulateValue === 'object') || (this.values && typeof this.values === 'object') || (this.isGrouping && typeof this.context.model[this.index] === 'object') ) }, isVmodeled () { return !!(this.$options.propsData.hasOwnProperty('formulateValue') && this._events && Array.isArray(this._events.input) && this._events.input.length) }, initialValues () { if ( has(this.$options.propsData, 'formulateValue') && typeof this.formulateValue === 'object' ) { // If there is a v-model on the form/group, use those values as first priority return { ...this.formulateValue } // @todo - use a deep clone to detach reference types? } else if ( has(this.$options.propsData, 'values') && typeof this.values === 'object' ) { // If there are values, use them as secondary priority return { ...this.values } } else if ( this.isGrouping && typeof this.context.model[this.index] === 'object' ) { return this.context.model[this.index] } return {} }, mergedGroupErrors () { const hasSubFields = /^([^.\d+].*?)\.(\d+\..+)$/ return Object.keys(this.mergedFieldErrors) .filter(k => hasSubFields.test(k)) .reduce((groupErrorsByRoot, k) => { let [, rootField, groupKey] = k.match(hasSubFields) if (!groupErrorsByRoot[rootField]) { groupErrorsByRoot[rootField] = {} } Object.assign(groupErrorsByRoot[rootField], { [groupKey]: this.mergedFieldErrors[k] }) return groupErrorsByRoot }, {}) } } }
function useRegistryMethods (without = []) { const methods = { applyInitialValues () { if (this.hasInitialValue) { this.proxy = { ...this.initialValues } } }, setFieldValue (field, value) { if (value === undefined) { // undefined values should be removed from the form model const { [field]: value, ...proxy } = this.proxy this.proxy = proxy } else { Object.assign(this.proxy, { [field]: value }) } this.$emit('input', { ...this.proxy }) }, valueDeps (callerCmp) { return Object.keys(this.proxy) .reduce((o, k) => Object.defineProperty(o, k, { enumerable: true, get: () => { const callee = this.registry.get(k) this.deps.set(callerCmp, this.deps.get(callerCmp) || new Set()) if (callee) { this.deps.set(callee, this.deps.get(callee) || new Set()) this.deps.get(callee).add( } this.deps.get(callerCmp).add(k) return this.proxy[k] } }), Object.create(null)) }, validateDeps (callerCmp) { if (this.deps.has(callerCmp)) { this.deps.get(callerCmp).forEach(field => this.registry.has(field) && this.registry.get(field).performValidation()) } }, hasValidationErrors () { return Promise.all(this.registry.reduce((resolvers, cmp, name) => { resolvers.push(cmp.performValidation() && cmp.getValidationErrors()) return resolvers }, [])).then(errorObjects => errorObjects.some(item => item.hasErrors)) }, showErrors () { this.childrenShouldShowErrors = true => { input.formShouldShowErrors = true }) }, hideErrors () { this.childrenShouldShowErrors = false => { input.formShouldShowErrors = false input.behavioralErrorVisibility = false }) }, setValues (values) { // Collect all keys, existing and incoming const keys = Array.from(new Set(Object.keys(values || {}).concat(Object.keys(this.proxy)))) keys.forEach(field => { const input = this.registry.has(field) && this.registry.get(field) let value = values ? values[field] : undefined if (input && !equals(input.proxy, value, true)) { input.context.model = value } if (!equals(value, this.proxy[field], true)) { this.setFieldValue(field, value) } }) }, updateValidation (errorObject) { if (has(this.registry.errors, { this.registry.errors[] = errorObject.hasErrors } this.$emit('validation', errorObject) }, addErrorObserver (observer) { if (!this.errorObservers.find(obs => observer.callback === obs.callback)) { this.errorObservers.push(observer) if (observer.type === 'form') { observer.callback(this.mergedFormErrors) } else if (observer.type === 'group' && has(this.mergedGroupErrors, observer.field)) { observer.callback(this.mergedGroupErrors[observer.field]) } else if (has(this.mergedFieldErrors, observer.field)) { observer.callback(this.mergedFieldErrors[observer.field]) } } }, removeErrorObserver (observer) { this.errorObservers = this.errorObservers.filter(obs => obs.callback !== observer) } } return Object.keys(methods).reduce((withMethods, key) => { return without.includes(key) ? withMethods : { ...withMethods, [key]: methods[key] } }, {}) }
function useRegistryMethods (without = []) { const methods = { applyInitialValues () { if (this.hasInitialValue) { this.proxy = { ...this.initialValues } } }, setFieldValue (field, value) { if (value === undefined) { // undefined values should be removed from the form model const { [field]: value, ...proxy } = this.proxy this.proxy = proxy } else { Object.assign(this.proxy, { [field]: value }) } this.$emit('input', { ...this.proxy }) }, valueDeps (callerCmp) { return Object.keys(this.proxy) .reduce((o, k) => Object.defineProperty(o, k, { enumerable: true, get: () => { const callee = this.registry.get(k) this.deps.set(callerCmp, this.deps.get(callerCmp) || new Set()) if (callee) { this.deps.set(callee, this.deps.get(callee) || new Set()) this.deps.get(callee).add( } this.deps.get(callerCmp).add(k) return this.proxy[k] } }), Object.create(null)) }, validateDeps (callerCmp) { if (this.deps.has(callerCmp)) { this.deps.get(callerCmp).forEach(field => this.registry.has(field) && this.registry.get(field).performValidation()) } }, hasValidationErrors () { return Promise.all(this.registry.reduce((resolvers, cmp, name) => { resolvers.push(cmp.performValidation() && cmp.getValidationErrors()) return resolvers }, [])).then(errorObjects => errorObjects.some(item => item.hasErrors)) }, showErrors () { this.childrenShouldShowErrors = true => { input.formShouldShowErrors = true }) }, hideErrors () { this.childrenShouldShowErrors = false => { input.formShouldShowErrors = false input.behavioralErrorVisibility = false }) }, setValues (values) { // Collect all keys, existing and incoming const keys = Array.from(new Set(Object.keys(values || {}).concat(Object.keys(this.proxy)))) keys.forEach(field => { const input = this.registry.has(field) && this.registry.get(field) let value = values ? values[field] : undefined if (input && !equals(input.proxy, value, true)) { input.context.model = value } if (!equals(value, this.proxy[field], true)) { this.setFieldValue(field, value) } }) }, updateValidation (errorObject) { if (has(this.registry.errors, { this.registry.errors[] = errorObject.hasErrors } this.$emit('validation', errorObject) }, addErrorObserver (observer) { if (!this.errorObservers.find(obs => observer.callback === obs.callback)) { this.errorObservers.push(observer) if (observer.type === 'form') { observer.callback(this.mergedFormErrors) } else if (observer.type === 'group' && has(this.mergedGroupErrors, observer.field)) { observer.callback(this.mergedGroupErrors[observer.field]) } else if (has(this.mergedFieldErrors, observer.field)) { observer.callback(this.mergedFieldErrors[observer.field]) } } }, removeErrorObserver (observer) { this.errorObservers = this.errorObservers.filter(obs => obs.callback !== observer) } } return Object.keys(methods).reduce((withMethods, key) => { return without.includes(key) ? withMethods : { ...withMethods, [key]: methods[key] } }, {}) }
function useRegistryProviders (ctx, without = []) { const providers = { formulateSetter: ctx.setFieldValue, formulateRegister: ctx.register, formulateDeregister: ctx.deregister, formulateFieldValidation: ctx.updateValidation, // Provided on forms only to let getFormValues to fall back to form getFormValues: ctx.valueDeps, // Provided on groups only to expose group-level items getGroupValues: ctx.valueDeps, validateDependents: ctx.validateDeps, observeErrors: ctx.addErrorObserver, removeErrorObserver: ctx.removeErrorObserver } const p = Object.keys(providers) .filter(provider => !without.includes(provider)) .reduce((useProviders, provider) => Object.assign(useProviders, { [provider]: providers[provider] }), {}) return p }
function useRegistryProviders (ctx, without = []) { const providers = { formulateSetter: ctx.setFieldValue, formulateRegister: ctx.register, formulateDeregister: ctx.deregister, formulateFieldValidation: ctx.updateValidation, // Provided on forms only to let getFormValues to fall back to form getFormValues: ctx.valueDeps, // Provided on groups only to expose group-level items getGroupValues: ctx.valueDeps, validateDependents: ctx.validateDeps, observeErrors: ctx.addErrorObserver, removeErrorObserver: ctx.removeErrorObserver } const p = Object.keys(providers) .filter(provider => !without.includes(provider)) .reduce((useProviders, provider) => Object.assign(useProviders, { [provider]: providers[provider] }), {}) return p }
function camel (string) { if (typeof string === 'string') { return string.replace(/([_-][a-z0-9])/ig, ($1) => { if (string.indexOf($1) !== 0 && !/[_-]/.test(string[string.indexOf($1) - 1])) { return $1.toUpperCase().replace(/[_-]/, '') } return $1 }) } return string }
function camel (string) { if (typeof string === 'string') { return string.replace(/([_-][a-z0-9])/ig, ($1) => { if (string.indexOf($1) !== 0 && !/[_-]/.test(string[string.indexOf($1) - 1])) { return $1.toUpperCase().replace(/[_-]/, '') } return $1 }) } return string }
function parseRules (validation, rules) { if (typeof validation === 'string') { return parseRules(validation.split('|'), rules) } if (!Array.isArray(validation)) { return [] } return => parseRule(rule, rules)).filter(f => !!f) }
function parseRules (validation, rules) { if (typeof validation === 'string') { return parseRules(validation.split('|'), rules) } if (!Array.isArray(validation)) { return [] } return => parseRule(rule, rules)).filter(f => !!f) }
function regexForFormat (format) { let escaped = `^${escapeRegExp(format)}$` const formats = { MM: '(0[1-9]|1[012])', M: '([1-9]|1[012])', DD: '([012][0-9]|3[01])', D: '([012]?[0-9]|3[01])', YYYY: '\\d{4}', YY: '\\d{2}' } return new RegExp(Object.keys(formats).reduce((regex, format) => { return regex.replace(format, formats[format]) }, escaped)) }
function regexForFormat (format) { let escaped = `^${escapeRegExp(format)}$` const formats = { MM: '(0[1-9]|1[012])', M: '([1-9]|1[012])', DD: '([012][0-9]|3[01])', D: '([012]?[0-9]|3[01])', YYYY: '\\d{4}', YY: '\\d{2}' } return new RegExp(Object.keys(formats).reduce((regex, format) => { return regex.replace(format, formats[format]) }, escaped)) }
function cloneDeep (obj) { if (typeof obj !== 'object') { return obj } const isArr = Array.isArray(obj) const newObj = isArr ? [] : {} for (const key in obj) { if (obj[key] instanceof FileUpload || isValueType(obj[key])) { newObj[key] = obj[key] } else { newObj[key] = cloneDeep(obj[key]) } } return newObj }
function cloneDeep (obj) { if (typeof obj !== 'object') { return obj } const isArr = Array.isArray(obj) const newObj = isArr ? [] : {} for (const key in obj) { if (obj[key] instanceof FileUpload || isValueType(obj[key])) { newObj[key] = obj[key] } else { newObj[key] = cloneDeep(obj[key]) } } return newObj }
function extractAttributes (obj, keys) { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((props, key) => { const propKey = camel(key) if (keys.includes(propKey)) { props[propKey] = obj[key] } return props }, {}) }
function extractAttributes (obj, keys) { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((props, key) => { const propKey = camel(key) if (keys.includes(propKey)) { props[propKey] = obj[key] } return props }, {}) }
values () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const pending = [] const values = cloneDeep(this.form.proxy) for (const key in values) { if (typeof this.form.proxy[key] === 'object' && this.form.proxy[key] instanceof FileUpload) { pending.push( this.form.proxy[key].upload().then(data => Object.assign(values, { [key]: data })) ) } } Promise.all(pending) .then(() => resolve(values)) .catch(err => reject(err)) }) }
values () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const pending = [] const values = cloneDeep(this.form.proxy) for (const key in values) { if (typeof this.form.proxy[key] === 'object' && this.form.proxy[key] instanceof FileUpload) { pending.push( this.form.proxy[key].upload().then(data => Object.assign(values, { [key]: data })) ) } } Promise.all(pending) .then(() => resolve(values)) .catch(err => reject(err)) }) }
function logicalAddLabel () { if (this.classification === 'file') { return this.addLabel === true ? `+ Add ${cap(this.type)}` : this.addLabel } if (typeof this.addLabel === 'boolean') { const label = this.label || return `+ ${typeof label === 'string' ? label + ' ' : ''} Add` } return this.addLabel }
function logicalAddLabel () { if (this.classification === 'file') { return this.addLabel === true ? `+ Add ${cap(this.type)}` : this.addLabel } if (typeof this.addLabel === 'boolean') { const label = this.label || return `+ ${typeof label === 'string' ? label + ' ' : ''} Add` } return this.addLabel }
function logicalRemoveLabel () { if (typeof this.removeLabel === 'boolean') { return 'Remove' } return this.removeLabel }
function logicalRemoveLabel () { if (typeof this.removeLabel === 'boolean') { return 'Remove' } return this.removeLabel }
function filteredAttributes () { const filterKeys = Object.keys(this.pseudoProps) .concat(Object.keys(this.typeProps)) return Object.keys(this.localAttributes).reduce((props, key) => { if (!filterKeys.includes(camel(key))) { props[key] = this.localAttributes[key] } return props }, {}) }
function filteredAttributes () { const filterKeys = Object.keys(this.pseudoProps) .concat(Object.keys(this.typeProps)) return Object.keys(this.localAttributes).reduce((props, key) => { if (!filterKeys.includes(camel(key))) { props[key] = this.localAttributes[key] } return props }, {}) }
function elementAttributes () { const attrs = Object.assign({}, this.filteredAttributes) // pass the ID prop through to the root element if ( { = } else { = this.defaultId } // pass an explicitly given name prop through to the root element if (this.hasGivenName) { = } // If there is help text, have this element be described by it. if ( && !has(attrs, 'aria-describedby')) { attrs['aria-describedby'] = `${}-help` } // Ensure we dont have a class attribute unless we are actually applying classes. if (this.classes.input && (!Array.isArray(this.classes.input) || this.classes.input.length)) { attrs.class = this.classes.input } // @todo Filter out "local props" for custom inputs. return attrs }
function elementAttributes () { const attrs = Object.assign({}, this.filteredAttributes) // pass the ID prop through to the root element if ( { = } else { = this.defaultId } // pass an explicitly given name prop through to the root element if (this.hasGivenName) { = } // If there is help text, have this element be described by it. if ( && !has(attrs, 'aria-describedby')) { attrs['aria-describedby'] = `${}-help` } // Ensure we dont have a class attribute unless we are actually applying classes. if (this.classes.input && (!Array.isArray(this.classes.input) || this.classes.input.length)) { attrs.class = this.classes.input } // @todo Filter out "local props" for custom inputs. return attrs }
function classes () { return this.$formulate.classes({ ...this.$props, ...this.pseudoProps, ...{ attrs: this.filteredAttributes, classification: this.classification, hasErrors: this.hasVisibleErrors, hasValue: this.hasValue, helpPosition: this.logicalHelpPosition, isValid: this.isValid, labelPosition: this.logicalLabelPosition, type: this.type, value: this.proxy } }) }
function classes () { return this.$formulate.classes({ ...this.$props, ...this.pseudoProps, ...{ attrs: this.filteredAttributes, classification: this.classification, hasErrors: this.hasVisibleErrors, hasValue: this.hasValue, helpPosition: this.logicalHelpPosition, isValid: this.isValid, labelPosition: this.logicalLabelPosition, type: this.type, value: this.proxy } }) }
function logicalHelpPosition () { if (this.helpPosition) { return this.helpPosition } switch (this.classification) { case 'group': return 'before' default: return 'after' } }
function logicalHelpPosition () { if (this.helpPosition) { return this.helpPosition } switch (this.classification) { case 'group': return 'before' default: return 'after' } }
function mergedValidationName () { const strategy = this.$formulate.options.validationNameStrategy || ['validationName', 'name', 'label', 'type'] if (Array.isArray(strategy)) { const key = strategy.find(key => typeof this[key] === 'string') return this[key] } if (typeof strategy === 'function') { return, this) } return this.type }
function mergedValidationName () { const strategy = this.$formulate.options.validationNameStrategy || ['validationName', 'name', 'label', 'type'] if (Array.isArray(strategy)) { const key = strategy.find(key => typeof this[key] === 'string') return this[key] } if (typeof strategy === 'function') { return, this) } return this.type }
function mergedGroupErrors () { const keys = Object.keys(this.groupErrors).concat(Object.keys(this.localGroupErrors)) const isGroup = /^(\d+)\.(.*)$/ // Using new Set() to remove duplicates. return Array.from(new Set(keys)) .filter(k => isGroup.test(k)) .reduce((groupErrors, fieldKey) => { let [, index, subField] = fieldKey.match(isGroup) if (!has(groupErrors, index)) { groupErrors[index] = {} } const fieldErrors = Array.from(new Set( arrayify(this.groupErrors[fieldKey]).concat(arrayify(this.localGroupErrors[fieldKey])) )) groupErrors[index] = Object.assign(groupErrors[index], { [subField]: fieldErrors }) return groupErrors }, {}) }
function mergedGroupErrors () { const keys = Object.keys(this.groupErrors).concat(Object.keys(this.localGroupErrors)) const isGroup = /^(\d+)\.(.*)$/ // Using new Set() to remove duplicates. return Array.from(new Set(keys)) .filter(k => isGroup.test(k)) .reduce((groupErrors, fieldKey) => { let [, index, subField] = fieldKey.match(isGroup) if (!has(groupErrors, index)) { groupErrors[index] = {} } const fieldErrors = Array.from(new Set( arrayify(this.groupErrors[fieldKey]).concat(arrayify(this.localGroupErrors[fieldKey])) )) groupErrors[index] = Object.assign(groupErrors[index], { [subField]: fieldErrors }) return groupErrors }, {}) }
function hasValue () { const value = this.proxy if ( (this.classification === 'box' && this.isGrouped) || (this.classification === 'select' && has(this.filteredAttributes, 'multiple')) ) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value.some(v => v === this.value) : this.value === value } return !isEmpty(value) }
function hasValue () { const value = this.proxy if ( (this.classification === 'box' && this.isGrouped) || (this.classification === 'select' && has(this.filteredAttributes, 'multiple')) ) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value.some(v => v === this.value) : this.value === value } return !isEmpty(value) }
function isVmodeled () { return !!(this.$options.propsData.hasOwnProperty('formulateValue') && this._events && Array.isArray(this._events.input) && this._events.input.length) }
function isVmodeled () { return !!(this.$options.propsData.hasOwnProperty('formulateValue') && this._events && Array.isArray(this._events.input) && this._events.input.length) }
function explicitErrors () { return arrayify(this.errors) .concat(this.localErrors) .concat(arrayify(this.error)) }
function explicitErrors () { return arrayify(this.errors) .concat(this.localErrors) .concat(arrayify(this.error)) }
function hasVisibleErrors () { return ( (Array.isArray(this.validationErrors) && this.validationErrors.length && this.showValidationErrors) || !!this.explicitErrors.length ) }
function hasVisibleErrors () { return ( (Array.isArray(this.validationErrors) && this.validationErrors.length && this.showValidationErrors) || !!this.explicitErrors.length ) }
function slotComponents () { const fn = this.$formulate.slotComponent.bind(this.$formulate) return { addMore: fn(this.type, 'addMore'), buttonContent: fn(this.type, 'buttonContent'), errors: fn(this.type, 'errors'), file: fn(this.type, 'file'), help: fn(this.type, 'help'), label: fn(this.type, 'label'), prefix: fn(this.type, 'prefix'), remove: fn(this.type, 'remove'), repeatable: fn(this.type, 'repeatable'), suffix: fn(this.type, 'suffix'), uploadAreaMask: fn(this.type, 'uploadAreaMask') } }
function slotComponents () { const fn = this.$formulate.slotComponent.bind(this.$formulate) return { addMore: fn(this.type, 'addMore'), buttonContent: fn(this.type, 'buttonContent'), errors: fn(this.type, 'errors'), file: fn(this.type, 'file'), help: fn(this.type, 'help'), label: fn(this.type, 'label'), prefix: fn(this.type, 'prefix'), remove: fn(this.type, 'remove'), repeatable: fn(this.type, 'repeatable'), suffix: fn(this.type, 'suffix'), uploadAreaMask: fn(this.type, 'uploadAreaMask') } }
function slotProps () { const fn = this.$formulate.slotProps.bind(this.$formulate) return { label: fn(this.type, 'label', this.typeProps), help: fn(this.type, 'help', this.typeProps), errors: fn(this.type, 'errors', this.typeProps), repeatable: fn(this.type, 'repeatable', this.typeProps), addMore: fn(this.type, 'addMore', this.typeProps), remove: fn(this.type, 'remove', this.typeProps), component: fn(this.type, 'component', this.typeProps) } }
function slotProps () { const fn = this.$formulate.slotProps.bind(this.$formulate) return { label: fn(this.type, 'label', this.typeProps), help: fn(this.type, 'help', this.typeProps), errors: fn(this.type, 'errors', this.typeProps), repeatable: fn(this.type, 'repeatable', this.typeProps), addMore: fn(this.type, 'addMore', this.typeProps), remove: fn(this.type, 'remove', this.typeProps), component: fn(this.type, 'component', this.typeProps) } }
function blurHandler () { if (this.errorBehavior === 'blur' || this.errorBehavior === 'value') { this.behavioralErrorVisibility = true } this.$nextTick(() => this.$emit('blur-context', this.context)) }
function blurHandler () { if (this.errorBehavior === 'blur' || this.errorBehavior === 'value') { this.behavioralErrorVisibility = true } this.$nextTick(() => this.$emit('blur-context', this.context)) }
function defineModel (context) { return Object.defineProperty(context, 'model', { get: modelGetter.bind(this), set: (value) => { if (!this.mntd || !this.debounceDelay) { return, value) } this.dSet(modelSetter, [value], this.debounceDelay) }, enumerable: true }) }
function defineModel (context) { return Object.defineProperty(context, 'model', { get: modelGetter.bind(this), set: (value) => { if (!this.mntd || !this.debounceDelay) { return, value) } this.dSet(modelSetter, [value], this.debounceDelay) }, enumerable: true }) }
function modelGetter () { const model = this.isVmodeled ? 'formulateValue' : 'proxy' if (this.type === 'checkbox' && !Array.isArray(this[model]) && this.options) { return [] } if (!this[model] && this[model] !== 0) { return '' } return this[model] }
function modelGetter () { const model = this.isVmodeled ? 'formulateValue' : 'proxy' if (this.type === 'checkbox' && !Array.isArray(this[model]) && this.options) { return [] } if (!this[model] && this[model] !== 0) { return '' } return this[model] }
function modelSetter (value) { let didUpdate = false if (!equals(value, this.proxy, this.type === 'group')) { this.proxy = value didUpdate = true } if (!this.context.ignored && && typeof this.formulateSetter === 'function') { this.formulateSetter(, value) } if (didUpdate) { this.$emit('input', value) } }
function modelSetter (value) { let didUpdate = false if (!equals(value, this.proxy, this.type === 'group')) { this.proxy = value didUpdate = true } if (!this.context.ignored && && typeof this.formulateSetter === 'function') { this.formulateSetter(, value) } if (didUpdate) { this.$emit('input', value) } }
extend (extendWith) { if (typeof extendWith === 'object') { this.options = this.merge(this.options, extendWith) return this } throw new Error(`Formulate.extend expects an object, was ${typeof extendWith}`) }
extend (extendWith) { if (typeof extendWith === 'object') { this.options = this.merge(this.options, extendWith) return this } throw new Error(`Formulate.extend expects an object, was ${typeof extendWith}`) }
classes (classContext) { // Step 1: We get the global classes for all keys. const coreClasses = this.options.coreClasses(classContext) // Step 2: We extend those classes with a user defined baseClasses. const baseClasses = this.options.baseClasses(coreClasses, classContext) return Object.keys(baseClasses).reduce((classMap, key) => { // Step 3: For each key, apply any global overrides for that key. let classesForKey = applyClasses(baseClasses[key], this.options.classes[key], classContext) // Step 4: Apply any prop-level overrides for that key. classesForKey = applyClasses(classesForKey, classContext[`${key}Class`], classContext) // Step 5: Add state based classes from props. classesForKey = applyStates(key, classesForKey, this.options.classes, classContext) // Now we have our final classes, assign to the given key. return Object.assign(classMap, { [key]: classesForKey }) }, {}) }
classes (classContext) { // Step 1: We get the global classes for all keys. const coreClasses = this.options.coreClasses(classContext) // Step 2: We extend those classes with a user defined baseClasses. const baseClasses = this.options.baseClasses(coreClasses, classContext) return Object.keys(baseClasses).reduce((classMap, key) => { // Step 3: For each key, apply any global overrides for that key. let classesForKey = applyClasses(baseClasses[key], this.options.classes[key], classContext) // Step 4: Apply any prop-level overrides for that key. classesForKey = applyClasses(classesForKey, classContext[`${key}Class`], classContext) // Step 5: Add state based classes from props. classesForKey = applyStates(key, classesForKey, this.options.classes, classContext) // Now we have our final classes, assign to the given key. return Object.assign(classMap, { [key]: classesForKey }) }, {}) }
validationMessage (rule, validationContext, vm) { const generators = this.options.locales[this.getLocale(vm)] if (generators.hasOwnProperty(rule)) { return generators[rule](validationContext) } if (generators.hasOwnProperty('default')) { return generators.default(validationContext) } return 'Invalid field value' }
validationMessage (rule, validationContext, vm) { const generators = this.options.locales[this.getLocale(vm)] if (generators.hasOwnProperty(rule)) { return generators[rule](validationContext) } if (generators.hasOwnProperty('default')) { return generators.default(validationContext) } return 'Invalid field value' }
function applyClasses (baseClass, modifier, context) { switch (typeof modifier) { case 'string': return modifier case 'function': return modifier(context, arrayify(baseClass)) case 'object': if (Array.isArray(modifier)) { return arrayify(baseClass).concat(modifier) } /** allow fallthrough if object that isn’t an array */ default: return baseClass } }
function applyClasses (baseClass, modifier, context) { switch (typeof modifier) { case 'string': return modifier case 'function': return modifier(context, arrayify(baseClass)) case 'object': if (Array.isArray(modifier)) { return arrayify(baseClass).concat(modifier) } /** allow fallthrough if object that isn’t an array */ default: return baseClass } }
function applyStates (elementKey, baseClass, globals, context) { return Object.keys(states).reduce((classes, stateKey) => { // Step 1. Call the state function to determine if it has this state if (states[stateKey](context)) { const key = `${elementKey}${cap(stateKey)}` const propKey = `${key}Class` // Step 2. Apply any global state class keys if (globals[key]) { const modifier = (typeof globals[key] === 'string') ? arrayify(globals[key]) : globals[key] classes = applyClasses(classes, modifier, context) } // Step 3. Apply any prop state class keys if (context[propKey]) { const modifier = (typeof context[propKey] === 'string') ? arrayify(context[propKey]) : context[`${key}Class`] classes = applyClasses(classes, modifier, context) } } return classes }, baseClass) }
function applyStates (elementKey, baseClass, globals, context) { return Object.keys(states).reduce((classes, stateKey) => { // Step 1. Call the state function to determine if it has this state if (states[stateKey](context)) { const key = `${elementKey}${cap(stateKey)}` const propKey = `${key}Class` // Step 2. Apply any global state class keys if (globals[key]) { const modifier = (typeof globals[key] === 'string') ? arrayify(globals[key]) : globals[key] classes = applyClasses(classes, modifier, context) } // Step 3. Apply any prop state class keys if (context[propKey]) { const modifier = (typeof context[propKey] === 'string') ? arrayify(context[propKey]) : context[`${key}Class`] classes = applyClasses(classes, modifier, context) } } return classes }, baseClass) }
function removeIngredient () { //Select the value to be removed by looking at the value of the button clicked var itemToRemove = $(this).closest("div").attr('id'); //Save a new array of items by removing the deleted item ingredForQuery = arrayRemove(ingredientList, itemToRemove); //Remove from ingredient list $(this).closest("div").remove(); ingredientList = ingredForQuery; console.log(itemToRemove); console.log("After remove: "+ ingredForQuery); console.log(ingredientList); }
function removeIngredient () { //Select the value to be removed by looking at the value of the button clicked var itemToRemove = $(this).closest("div").attr('id'); //Save a new array of items by removing the deleted item ingredForQuery = arrayRemove(ingredientList, itemToRemove); //Remove from ingredient list $(this).closest("div").remove(); ingredientList = ingredForQuery; console.log(itemToRemove); console.log("After remove: "+ ingredForQuery); console.log(ingredientList); }
function arrayRemove(arr, value) { return arr.filter(function(ele) { return ele != value; }) }
function arrayRemove(arr, value) { return arr.filter(function(ele) { return ele != value; }) }
function searchRecipes(num, arr) { var queryURLRecipes = "" + num + "&ranking=1&ingredients=" ; console.log(queryURLRecipes); //Add the ingredients from the user list to the query url for (var i=0; i<arr.length;i++) { queryURLRecipes = queryURLRecipes + "%2C" + arr[i]; } var row = $("<div class='row'>") $.ajax({ url: queryURLRecipes, method: "GET", headers: ({"X-Mashape-Key": apiKey}) }).then(function(results) { //Append recipes data to one column for (var j=0; j<num; j++) { var divCard = $('<div class="col">'); // var imageCard = $('<img class="card-img-top recipeCard" id="' + results[j].id + '">');REMOVED SHER var imageCard = $('<img class="card-img-top recipeCard">'); var bodyCard = $('<div class="card-body">'); var titleCard = $('<h5 class="card-title">'); titleCard.text(results[j].title); imageCard.attr("src", results[j].image); imageCard.attr("data-recipe-id", results[j].id); bodyCard.append(titleCard); divCard.append(imageCard, bodyCard); row.append(divCard) $("#recipe-list").append(row); } }) }
function searchRecipes(num, arr) { var queryURLRecipes = "" + num + "&ranking=1&ingredients=" ; console.log(queryURLRecipes); //Add the ingredients from the user list to the query url for (var i=0; i<arr.length;i++) { queryURLRecipes = queryURLRecipes + "%2C" + arr[i]; } var row = $("<div class='row'>") $.ajax({ url: queryURLRecipes, method: "GET", headers: ({"X-Mashape-Key": apiKey}) }).then(function(results) { //Append recipes data to one column for (var j=0; j<num; j++) { var divCard = $('<div class="col">'); // var imageCard = $('<img class="card-img-top recipeCard" id="' + results[j].id + '">');REMOVED SHER var imageCard = $('<img class="card-img-top recipeCard">'); var bodyCard = $('<div class="card-body">'); var titleCard = $('<h5 class="card-title">'); titleCard.text(results[j].title); imageCard.attr("src", results[j].image); imageCard.attr("data-recipe-id", results[j].id); bodyCard.append(titleCard); divCard.append(imageCard, bodyCard); row.append(divCard) $("#recipe-list").append(row); } }) }
function showRecipe(num) { $("#recipes-page").empty(); $("#restaurants").empty(); var queryURLinstr = "" + num + "/information" $.ajax({ url: queryURLinstr, method: "GET", headers: ({"X-Mashape-Key": apiKey}) }).then(function(result) { var divRecipe = $('<div>'); var title = $("<h5>"); //Added heart button for favorites lists var heartButton = $('<span id="favoritePick" style="font-size: 2em; color: white"><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></span>'); var details = $("<p class='lead'>"); var ingredList = $("<ul>"); var steps = $("<ol>"); if (result.analyzedInstructions.length != 0) { title.text(result.title); heartButton.attr("data-favorite",; details.text("Servings: " + result.servings + " Preparation time: " + result.readyInMinutes); for (var i=0;i<result.extendedIngredients.length;i++) { ingredList.append("<li>" + result.extendedIngredients[i].originalString + "</li>"); } for (var k=0;k<result.analyzedInstructions[0].steps.length;k++) { steps.append("<li>" + result.analyzedInstructions[0].steps[k].step + "</li>"); } if(result.cuisines.length != 0) { console.log("Cuisines " + result.cuisines[0]); showRestaurants(cityForRestaurants, result.cuisines[0]); } else if (result.diets.length != 0) { console.log("Diets" + result.diets[0]); showRestaurants(cityForRestaurants, result.diets[0]); } else { title.text("Try another recipe to see restaurants"); $(".recipes").show(); $("#recipes-page").append(title); } $("#recipes-page").show(); divRecipe.append(title, heartButton, details, ingredList, steps); $("#recipes-page").append(divRecipe); } else { title.text("This recipe is no longer available. Try another one"); $("#recipes-page").show(); $("#recipes-page").append(title); } console.log(result); }); }
function showRecipe(num) { $("#recipes-page").empty(); $("#restaurants").empty(); var queryURLinstr = "" + num + "/information" $.ajax({ url: queryURLinstr, method: "GET", headers: ({"X-Mashape-Key": apiKey}) }).then(function(result) { var divRecipe = $('<div>'); var title = $("<h5>"); //Added heart button for favorites lists var heartButton = $('<span id="favoritePick" style="font-size: 2em; color: white"><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></span>'); var details = $("<p class='lead'>"); var ingredList = $("<ul>"); var steps = $("<ol>"); if (result.analyzedInstructions.length != 0) { title.text(result.title); heartButton.attr("data-favorite",; details.text("Servings: " + result.servings + " Preparation time: " + result.readyInMinutes); for (var i=0;i<result.extendedIngredients.length;i++) { ingredList.append("<li>" + result.extendedIngredients[i].originalString + "</li>"); } for (var k=0;k<result.analyzedInstructions[0].steps.length;k++) { steps.append("<li>" + result.analyzedInstructions[0].steps[k].step + "</li>"); } if(result.cuisines.length != 0) { console.log("Cuisines " + result.cuisines[0]); showRestaurants(cityForRestaurants, result.cuisines[0]); } else if (result.diets.length != 0) { console.log("Diets" + result.diets[0]); showRestaurants(cityForRestaurants, result.diets[0]); } else { title.text("Try another recipe to see restaurants"); $(".recipes").show(); $("#recipes-page").append(title); } $("#recipes-page").show(); divRecipe.append(title, heartButton, details, ingredList, steps); $("#recipes-page").append(divRecipe); } else { title.text("This recipe is no longer available. Try another one"); $("#recipes-page").show(); $("#recipes-page").append(title); } console.log(result); }); }
function showRestaurants(string1, string2){ var queryURLrest = "" + string1 + "&query=" + string2; var settings = { "async": true, "url": queryURLrest, "method": "GET", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "cache-control": "no-cache", "Postman-Token": "f1aabd14-c1f5-4f45-b2e4-a88fadeddc62" }, "processData": false, "data": "" } console.log(settings); $.ajax(settings).done(function (results) { var restaurants = results.response.venues; console.log(restaurants); // Looping through each result item for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Creating and storing a div tag var restaurantHead = $("<h5>"); restaurantHead.text(restaurants[i].name); $('#restaurants').append(restaurantHead); } }); }
function showRestaurants(string1, string2){ var queryURLrest = "" + string1 + "&query=" + string2; var settings = { "async": true, "url": queryURLrest, "method": "GET", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "cache-control": "no-cache", "Postman-Token": "f1aabd14-c1f5-4f45-b2e4-a88fadeddc62" }, "processData": false, "data": "" } console.log(settings); $.ajax(settings).done(function (results) { var restaurants = results.response.venues; console.log(restaurants); // Looping through each result item for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Creating and storing a div tag var restaurantHead = $("<h5>"); restaurantHead.text(restaurants[i].name); $('#restaurants').append(restaurantHead); } }); }
function showFavoriteRecipes(num) { $("#results-page").hide(); $("#recipes-page").hide(); var queryURLfavs = "" + num + "/information" $.ajax({ url: queryURLfavs, method: "GET", headers: ({"X-Mashape-Key": apiKey}) }).then(function(results) { var divCard = $('<div class="col">'); var imageCard = $('<img class="card-img-top favoriteCard">'); var bodyCard = $('<div class="card-body">'); var titleCard = $('<h5 class="card-title">'); titleCard.text(results.title); imageCard.attr("src", results.image); imageCard.attr("data-recipe-id",; bodyCard.append(titleCard); divCard.append(imageCard, bodyCard); $("#favorites-list").append(divCard); }) }
function showFavoriteRecipes(num) { $("#results-page").hide(); $("#recipes-page").hide(); var queryURLfavs = "" + num + "/information" $.ajax({ url: queryURLfavs, method: "GET", headers: ({"X-Mashape-Key": apiKey}) }).then(function(results) { var divCard = $('<div class="col">'); var imageCard = $('<img class="card-img-top favoriteCard">'); var bodyCard = $('<div class="card-body">'); var titleCard = $('<h5 class="card-title">'); titleCard.text(results.title); imageCard.attr("src", results.image); imageCard.attr("data-recipe-id",; bodyCard.append(titleCard); divCard.append(imageCard, bodyCard); $("#favorites-list").append(divCard); }) }