imagewidth (px)
[ { "question": "What letters are on the left and right of the banner?", "answers": [ "k k", "K TTS" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What kind of lamp is it?", "answers": [ "Antler Table Lamp" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What store is this?", "answers": [ "7 eleven" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the word on the top sign?", "answers": [ "STOP" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the last word on the T-shirt", "answers": [ "Relate" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what is the first word on top left", "answers": [ "soap" ] } ]
[ { "question": "Who copyrighted this photo", "answers": [ "Angela Kraft" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What brand is the camera?", "answers": [ "Pentax" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what word is written on the airplane?", "answers": [ "American" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What city is listed on the boat?", "answers": [ "CORTEZ" ] } ]
[ { "question": "How many fluid ounces does the bottle hold?", "answers": [ "12" ] }, { "question": "What type of beverage does the bottle advertise?", "answers": [ "COLA", "RC COLA" ] } ]
[ { "question": "Which state is this bus from?", "answers": [ "North Carolina" ] }, { "question": "What type of center is mentioned on the bus?", "answers": [ "Medical-Dental" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What number has the boy in white shirt?", "answers": [ "7" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what is the two letters after sig?", "answers": [ "ht" ] }, { "question": "What this bus for?", "answers": [ "City sightseeing", "SIGHTSEEING" ] } ]
[ { "question": "WHAT IS THE COLOR OF THE TANK?", "answers": [ "BLUE" ] }, { "question": "WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE TANK?", "answers": [ "DEWES" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What number is the train?", "answers": [ "1803" ] }, { "question": "What street is shown?", "answers": [ "SMITH" ] }, { "question": "What is the red octagon instructing you to do?", "answers": [ "STOP" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the name of the store in the fore front?", "answers": [ "PARAGON" ] }, { "question": "which stores is shown?", "answers": [ "Paragon" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is this not?", "answers": [ "A PARKING METER" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What word in black comes below 1/2 price?", "answers": [ "sale" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What activity is happening in the picture?", "answers": [ "Skiing" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the license plate of the blue vehicle in the centre of the image?", "answers": [ "KAV 215F", "KAV215F" ] }, { "question": "What is the make of the blue vehicle in the centre of the image?", "answers": [ "Dodge" ] }, { "question": "What is the name written on the top of the front of the ble vehicle in the centre of the image?", "answers": [ "Bruce Mackie" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What beer company is advertised on the blue wall?", "answers": [ "BUD LIGHT" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the reference number for this picture?", "answers": [ "7033" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the first name on the bottom left corner of the image?", "answers": [ "Ron" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what is the number on the ship", "answers": [ "3 AT 6 856" ] }, { "question": "what is written behind the man", "answers": [ "3 AT 6 856" ] }, { "question": "what is the name of the vessel", "answers": [ "3 AT 6 856" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What dates are on this baseball?", "answers": [ "1964-2004" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what is present in the green board", "answers": [ "For Lease" ] }, { "question": "what is number showing in the board", "answers": [ "6046623000", "604 662 3000" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is written in the wooden sign?", "answers": [ "Bear Cave" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the name of the game that is behind the cat?", "answers": [ "The Moment of Truth" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the name of the store?", "answers": [ "Chez Florence" ] }, { "question": "What brand of cigarettes is being advertised?", "answers": [ "Marlboro" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What does the white car's license plate say?", "answers": [ "M 2759 UT" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the large letter on the parking meter?", "answers": [ "e" ] }, { "question": "What is the number on the parking meter?", "answers": [ "6328" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What kind of things do they do here?", "answers": [ "Computer science and engineering" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the name on the skateboard held by the man in yellow?", "answers": [ "loaded" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the brand name of the beverage?", "answers": [ "Inca Kola" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What time is it on the object?", "answers": [ "10:32" ] }, { "question": "What does the image advertise in red font?", "answers": [ "LOW PRICES" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the boy in brown doing?", "answers": [ "skateboarding" ] } ]
[ { "question": "Where is the bus going?", "answers": [ "Degenham Dock" ] }, { "question": "What is the bus number?", "answers": [ "EL2" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the name of the store with the purple sign?", "answers": [ "EPICURIA" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What number is the Lecture Theatre?", "answers": [ "1" ] } ]
[ { "question": "Which airline is this plane?", "answers": [ "Air Canada" ] }, { "question": "What is airline company appears on the side of the plane?", "answers": [ "AIR CANADA" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What color is the mans life jacket?", "answers": [ "Yellow" ] }, { "question": "What color is the boat?", "answers": [ "White" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What word is displayed on the heart?", "answers": [ "LOVE" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What numbers are on the crate on the right?", "answers": [ "17342", "724" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What kind of airmen are referred to on the plane?", "answers": [ "Tuskegee Airmen", "Tuskegee" ] } ]
[ { "question": "How many rounds are in the main event?", "answers": [ "12 ROUNDS", "12" ] }, { "question": "Who are the two fighters?", "answers": [ "Joe Frazier vs. Muhammad Ali", "Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is on the sign?", "answers": [ "ONE WAY" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What does it say on the bottom of the door?", "answers": [ "Show" ] }, { "question": "What does it say at the top of the door?", "answers": [ "circus" ] }, { "question": "What does it say on the baseball hat?", "answers": [ "Compton" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What brand of TV is labeled on the box?", "answers": [ "samsung" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the table number?", "answers": [ "14" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What does the text in the top right of the image say?", "answers": [ "Happy Duckling" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the number listed in the corner?", "answers": [ "063_856" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the name on the silver appliance?", "answers": [ "xast" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is New and Improved?", "answers": [ "DISPENSER" ] }, { "question": "What store is the Paper Bagt from?", "answers": [ "Cracker Barrel" ] } ]
[ { "question": "Where does the sign on the right say this is?", "answers": [ "Piccadilly Gardens" ] }, { "question": "What does the blue sign say?", "answers": [ "cycle hub" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What kind of street sign is this?", "answers": [ "zone", "ZONE ENDS" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What number does the bus have", "answers": [ "4" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the lagest word on the motel sign", "answers": [ "Motel" ] } ]
[ { "question": "How many megabits are displayed on the bus advertisement?", "answers": [ "5", "THREE" ] }, { "question": "What is the route number of the yellow bus?", "answers": [ "66" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What text is on the yellow bottle?", "answers": [ "Sunlight" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the time on the platform?", "answers": [ "09:05:25" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the last word on the sign?", "answers": [ "CYCLISTS" ] }, { "question": "What is the first word on the sign?", "answers": [ "CARRALL" ] }, { "question": "What are the first two words on the sign?", "answers": [ "CARRALL CLOSED" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the name of the circus", "answers": [ "banana" ] }, { "question": "What is the women's skirt made of?", "answers": [ "banana" ] }, { "question": "What is written on the red sign.", "answers": [ "CIRCUS banana", "BANANA CIRCUS" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the copyright year?", "answers": [ "2004" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the sign on the far left?", "answers": [ "Real d 3d" ] } ]
[ { "question": "Who is sponsoring this tennis match?", "answers": [ "Scottrade" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What does the sign say?", "answers": [ "STOP" ] } ]
[ { "question": "How much is the distance of Jackson?", "answers": [ "500" ] }, { "question": "What place is located at 800m away?", "answers": [ "Montgomery" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the brand name of the milk?", "answers": [ "Clover" ] }, { "question": "What is in the Old El Paso jar?", "answers": [ "salsa" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What brand is this bottle?", "answers": [ "appletiser" ] }, { "question": "What percent is apple juice?", "answers": [ "100%" ] } ]
[ { "question": "Which class is mentioned in this photograph?", "answers": [ "1986" ] }, { "question": "What does the sign in this photograph say?", "answers": [ "Chatsworth High School" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What chocolate brand is featured?", "answers": [ "Godiva" ] }, { "question": "What country is Godiva from?", "answers": [ "Belgium" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What gate number is the plane at?", "answers": [ "40" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what is the players last name?", "answers": [ "BRAUN" ] }, { "question": "what is the players jersey number?", "answers": [ "8" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the name of the airline on the back of the cart?", "answers": [ "Delta" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What does the sign say at the top?", "answers": [ "Tzita Kaaba" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is a type of cheese very popular on pizzas?", "answers": [ "Parmesan" ] } ]
[ { "question": "According to the sign, how far is the desert?", "answers": [ "300 miles" ] } ]
[ { "question": "Who manufactured the green pickup truck?", "answers": [ "Ford" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the last two digit number in the first line of the sign?", "answers": [ "19" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what is the number on the players shirt?", "answers": [ "8" ] }, { "question": "what is the name of the business on the banner?", "answers": [ "chesapeake beach resort & spa" ] }, { "question": "What number shirt is the player in red wearing?", "answers": [ "8" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the last letter of graffiti on the man's chin?", "answers": [ "B" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What company made the hydrant?", "answers": [ "Smith" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What number is the player in the red jersey?", "answers": [ "30" ] }, { "question": "What is the last name of the batter?", "answers": [ "ASTUDILLO" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is written in white on the red octagon sign?", "answers": [ "STOP" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the number on the yellow front of the train?", "answers": [ "47790" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what's the word on the top right?", "answers": [ "mix" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What tag number is on the middle cow's ear?", "answers": [ "113" ] } ]
[ { "question": "How many ounces are in this container?", "answers": [ "1.25", "1.25 FL OZ" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What kind of food is in the box?", "answers": [ "Roast Lamb" ] } ]
[ { "question": "How many elephants are there?", "answers": [ "3", "{}" ] }, { "question": "What is the main color the elephant riders are wearing?", "answers": [ "Red", "{}" ] }, { "question": "What color are the elephants?", "answers": [ "Gray", "{}" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What type of animal is the man kissing", "answers": [ "Snake" ] } ]
[ { "question": "When was this photograph taken?", "answers": [ "2011" ] }, { "question": "What does the sign on the sidewalk with the arrow say?", "answers": [ "TEA ROOM OPEN" ] } ]
[ { "question": "what is written beneath corona", "answers": [ "extra" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What phrase follows the name Obama?", "answers": [ "yes you can" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What brand of typewriter is being used?", "answers": [ "Olympia" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What year was the photo taken?", "answers": [ "2013" ] }, { "question": "There are 3 people in this ____?", "answers": [ "photo" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the license plate?", "answers": [ "JGT 657" ] }, { "question": "What kind of sign can you see?", "answers": [ "STOP" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is written on the bag in the front?", "answers": [ "Everest" ] }, { "question": "What is the brand name of the bag in the front?", "answers": [ "Everest" ] } ]
[ { "question": "What is the title of the novel in the image?", "answers": [ "HARRY POTTER" ] } ]