10 values
13 values
10 values
<?php class EloquentBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder { /** * Eager load pivot relations. * * @param array $models * @return void */ protected function loadPivotRelations($models) { $query = head($models)->pivot->newQuery()->with('unit'); $pivots = array_pluck($models, 'pivot'); $pivots = head($pivots)->newCollection($pivots); $pivots->load($this->getPivotRelations()); } /** * Get the pivot relations to be eager loaded. * * @return array */ protected function getPivotRelations() { $relations = array_filter(array_keys($this->eagerLoad), function ($relation) { return $relation != 'pivot'; }); return array_map(function ($relation) { return substr($relation, strlen('pivot.')); }, $relations); } /** * Override. Eager load relations of pivot models. * Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models. * * @param array $models * @param string $name * @param \Closure $constraints * @return array */ protected function loadRelation(array $models, $name, Closure $constraints) { // In this part, if the relation name is 'pivot', // therefore there are relations in a pivot to be eager loaded. if ($name === 'pivot') { $this->loadPivotRelations($models); return $models; } return parent::loadRelation($models, $name, $constraints); } }
<?php class EloquentBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder { /** * Eager load pivot relations. * * @param array $models * @return void */ protected function loadPivotRelations($models) { $query = head($models)->pivot->newQuery()->with('unit'); $pivots = array_pluck($models, 'pivot'); $pivots = head($pivots)->newCollection($pivots); $pivots->load($this->getPivotRelations()); } /** * Get the pivot relations to be eager loaded. * * @return array */ protected function getPivotRelations() { $relations = array_filter(array_keys($this->eagerLoad), function ($relation) { return $relation != 'pivot' && str_contains($relation, 'pivot'); }); return array_map(function ($relation) { return substr($relation, strlen('pivot.')); }, $relations); } /** * Override. Eager load relations of pivot models. * Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models. * * @param array $models * @param string $name * @param \Closure $constraints * @return array */ protected function loadRelation(array $models, $name, Closure $constraints) { // In this part, if the relation name is 'pivot', // therefore there are relations in a pivot to be eager loaded. if ($name === 'pivot') { $this->loadPivotRelations($models); return $models; } return parent::loadRelation($models, $name, $constraints); } }
Fix condition, make sure not to include non-pivot relations
Fix condition, make sure not to include non-pivot relations
## Code Before: <?php class EloquentBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder { /** * Eager load pivot relations. * * @param array $models * @return void */ protected function loadPivotRelations($models) { $query = head($models)->pivot->newQuery()->with('unit'); $pivots = array_pluck($models, 'pivot'); $pivots = head($pivots)->newCollection($pivots); $pivots->load($this->getPivotRelations()); } /** * Get the pivot relations to be eager loaded. * * @return array */ protected function getPivotRelations() { $relations = array_filter(array_keys($this->eagerLoad), function ($relation) { return $relation != 'pivot'; }); return array_map(function ($relation) { return substr($relation, strlen('pivot.')); }, $relations); } /** * Override. Eager load relations of pivot models. * Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models. * * @param array $models * @param string $name * @param \Closure $constraints * @return array */ protected function loadRelation(array $models, $name, Closure $constraints) { // In this part, if the relation name is 'pivot', // therefore there are relations in a pivot to be eager loaded. if ($name === 'pivot') { $this->loadPivotRelations($models); return $models; } return parent::loadRelation($models, $name, $constraints); } } ## Instruction: Fix condition, make sure not to include non-pivot relations ## Code After: <?php class EloquentBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder { /** * Eager load pivot relations. * * @param array $models * @return void */ protected function loadPivotRelations($models) { $query = head($models)->pivot->newQuery()->with('unit'); $pivots = array_pluck($models, 'pivot'); $pivots = head($pivots)->newCollection($pivots); $pivots->load($this->getPivotRelations()); } /** * Get the pivot relations to be eager loaded. * * @return array */ protected function getPivotRelations() { $relations = array_filter(array_keys($this->eagerLoad), function ($relation) { return $relation != 'pivot' && str_contains($relation, 'pivot'); }); return array_map(function ($relation) { return substr($relation, strlen('pivot.')); }, $relations); } /** * Override. Eager load relations of pivot models. * Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models. * * @param array $models * @param string $name * @param \Closure $constraints * @return array */ protected function loadRelation(array $models, $name, Closure $constraints) { // In this part, if the relation name is 'pivot', // therefore there are relations in a pivot to be eager loaded. if ($name === 'pivot') { $this->loadPivotRelations($models); return $models; } return parent::loadRelation($models, $name, $constraints); } }
<?php namespace GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Repositories; use GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Contracts\Repositories\RepositoryFactory as RepositoryFactoryContract; class RepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactoryContract { /** * Mapping keys to repositories. Takes precidence over the dynamic resolution. * * @var array */ protected $overrides = []; /** * Create new instance of RepositoryFactory. * * @param array $overrides * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $overrides = []) { $this->overrides = $overrides; } /** * Get repository for the corresponding model. * If $key is null return instance of the factory. * * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null) { if (!empty($key)) { $class = null; if (array_has($this->overrides, $key)) { $class = array_get($this->overrides, $key); } else { $class = $this->build($key); } return resolve($class); } return $this; } /** * Build the path of the Repository class. * * @param string $key * * @return string */ protected function build($key) { return app()->getNamespace() . $this->laravel['config']['les.repository_namespace'] . '\\' . studly_case(str_singular($key)) . 'Repository'; } }
<?php namespace GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Repositories; use GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Contracts\Repositories\RepositoryFactory as RepositoryFactoryContract; class RepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactoryContract { /** * Mapping keys to repositories. Takes precidence over the dynamic resolution. * * @var array */ protected $overrides = []; /** * Create new instance of RepositoryFactory. * * @param array $overrides * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $overrides = []) { $this->overrides = $overrides; } /** * Get repository for the corresponding model. * If $key is null return instance of the factory. * * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null) { if (!empty($key)) { $class = null; if (array_has($this->overrides, $key)) { $class = array_get($this->overrides, $key); } else { $class = $this->build($key); } return resolve($class); } return $this; } /** * Build the path of the Repository class. * * @param string $key * * @return string */ protected function build($key) { return app()->getNamespace() . config('les.repository_namespace') . '\\' . studly_case(str_singular($key)) . 'Repository'; } }
Call to config helper function instead of an instance of the container
Call to config helper function instead of an instance of the container
## Code Before: <?php namespace GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Repositories; use GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Contracts\Repositories\RepositoryFactory as RepositoryFactoryContract; class RepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactoryContract { /** * Mapping keys to repositories. Takes precidence over the dynamic resolution. * * @var array */ protected $overrides = []; /** * Create new instance of RepositoryFactory. * * @param array $overrides * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $overrides = []) { $this->overrides = $overrides; } /** * Get repository for the corresponding model. * If $key is null return instance of the factory. * * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null) { if (!empty($key)) { $class = null; if (array_has($this->overrides, $key)) { $class = array_get($this->overrides, $key); } else { $class = $this->build($key); } return resolve($class); } return $this; } /** * Build the path of the Repository class. * * @param string $key * * @return string */ protected function build($key) { return app()->getNamespace() . $this->laravel['config']['les.repository_namespace'] . '\\' . studly_case(str_singular($key)) . 'Repository'; } } ## Instruction: Call to config helper function instead of an instance of the container ## Code After: <?php namespace GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Repositories; use GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Contracts\Repositories\RepositoryFactory as RepositoryFactoryContract; class RepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactoryContract { /** * Mapping keys to repositories. Takes precidence over the dynamic resolution. * * @var array */ protected $overrides = []; /** * Create new instance of RepositoryFactory. * * @param array $overrides * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $overrides = []) { $this->overrides = $overrides; } /** * Get repository for the corresponding model. * If $key is null return instance of the factory. * * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null) { if (!empty($key)) { $class = null; if (array_has($this->overrides, $key)) { $class = array_get($this->overrides, $key); } else { $class = $this->build($key); } return resolve($class); } return $this; } /** * Build the path of the Repository class. * * @param string $key * * @return string */ protected function build($key) { return app()->getNamespace() . config('les.repository_namespace') . '\\' . studly_case(str_singular($key)) . 'Repository'; } }
/* * This file is part of Bisq. * * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Bisq. If not, see <>. */ package bisq.core.btc.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class InputsAndChangeOutput { public final ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs; // Is set to 0L in case we don't have an output public final long changeOutputValue; @Nullable public final String changeOutputAddress; public InputsAndChangeOutput(ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs, long changeOutputValue, @Nullable String changeOutputAddress) { checkArgument(!rawTransactionInputs.isEmpty(), "rawInputs.isEmpty()"); this.rawTransactionInputs = rawTransactionInputs; this.changeOutputValue = changeOutputValue; this.changeOutputAddress = changeOutputAddress; } }
/* * This file is part of Bisq. * * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Bisq. If not, see <>. */ package bisq.core.btc.model; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class InputsAndChangeOutput { public final List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs; // Is set to 0L in case we don't have an output public final long changeOutputValue; @Nullable public final String changeOutputAddress; public InputsAndChangeOutput(List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs, long changeOutputValue, @Nullable String changeOutputAddress) { checkArgument(!rawTransactionInputs.isEmpty(), "rawInputs.isEmpty()"); this.rawTransactionInputs = rawTransactionInputs; this.changeOutputValue = changeOutputValue; this.changeOutputAddress = changeOutputAddress; } }
Use List instead of ArrayList as type
Use List instead of ArrayList as type
## Code Before: /* * This file is part of Bisq. * * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Bisq. If not, see <>. */ package bisq.core.btc.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class InputsAndChangeOutput { public final ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs; // Is set to 0L in case we don't have an output public final long changeOutputValue; @Nullable public final String changeOutputAddress; public InputsAndChangeOutput(ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs, long changeOutputValue, @Nullable String changeOutputAddress) { checkArgument(!rawTransactionInputs.isEmpty(), "rawInputs.isEmpty()"); this.rawTransactionInputs = rawTransactionInputs; this.changeOutputValue = changeOutputValue; this.changeOutputAddress = changeOutputAddress; } } ## Instruction: Use List instead of ArrayList as type ## Code After: /* * This file is part of Bisq. * * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Bisq. If not, see <>. */ package bisq.core.btc.model; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class InputsAndChangeOutput { public final List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs; // Is set to 0L in case we don't have an output public final long changeOutputValue; @Nullable public final String changeOutputAddress; public InputsAndChangeOutput(List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs, long changeOutputValue, @Nullable String changeOutputAddress) { checkArgument(!rawTransactionInputs.isEmpty(), "rawInputs.isEmpty()"); this.rawTransactionInputs = rawTransactionInputs; this.changeOutputValue = changeOutputValue; this.changeOutputAddress = changeOutputAddress; } }
require 'dry/types/decorator' module Dry module Types class Enum include Type include Dry::Equalizer(:type, :options, :mapping) include Decorator # @return [Array] attr_reader :values # @return [Hash] attr_reader :mapping # @param [Type] type # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :values def initialize(type, options) super @mapping = options.fetch(:mapping).freeze @values = @mapping.keys.freeze.each(&:freeze) end # @param [Object] input # @return [Object] def call(input = Undefined) value = if input.equal?(Undefined) elsif values.include?(input) input elsif mapping.key?(input) mapping[input] elsif mapping.values.include?(input) mapping.key(input) else input end type[value] end alias_method :[], :call def default(*) raise '.enum(*values).default(value) is not supported. Call '\ '.default(value).enum(*values) instead' end # Check whether a value is in the enum # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] alias_method :include?, :valid? # @api public # # @see Definition#to_ast def to_ast(meta: true) [:enum, [type.to_ast(meta: meta), mapping, meta ? self.meta : EMPTY_HASH]] end end end end
require 'dry/types/decorator' module Dry module Types class Enum include Type include Dry::Equalizer(:type, :options, :mapping) include Decorator # @return [Array] attr_reader :values # @return [Hash] attr_reader :mapping # @return [Hash] attr_reader :inverted_mapping # @param [Type] type # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :values def initialize(type, options) super @mapping = options.fetch(:mapping).freeze @values = @mapping.keys.freeze @inverted_mapping = @mapping.invert.freeze freeze end # @param [Object] input # @return [Object] def call(input = Undefined) value = if input.equal?(Undefined) elsif mapping.key?(input) input else inverted_mapping.fetch(input, input) end type[value] end alias_method :[], :call def default(*) raise '.enum(*values).default(value) is not supported. Call '\ '.default(value).enum(*values) instead' end # Check whether a value is in the enum # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] alias_method :include?, :valid? # @api public # # @see Definition#to_ast def to_ast(meta: true) [:enum, [type.to_ast(meta: meta), mapping, meta ? self.meta : EMPTY_HASH]] end end end end
Replace array search with hash lookup
Replace array search with hash lookup
## Code Before: require 'dry/types/decorator' module Dry module Types class Enum include Type include Dry::Equalizer(:type, :options, :mapping) include Decorator # @return [Array] attr_reader :values # @return [Hash] attr_reader :mapping # @param [Type] type # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :values def initialize(type, options) super @mapping = options.fetch(:mapping).freeze @values = @mapping.keys.freeze.each(&:freeze) end # @param [Object] input # @return [Object] def call(input = Undefined) value = if input.equal?(Undefined) elsif values.include?(input) input elsif mapping.key?(input) mapping[input] elsif mapping.values.include?(input) mapping.key(input) else input end type[value] end alias_method :[], :call def default(*) raise '.enum(*values).default(value) is not supported. Call '\ '.default(value).enum(*values) instead' end # Check whether a value is in the enum # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] alias_method :include?, :valid? # @api public # # @see Definition#to_ast def to_ast(meta: true) [:enum, [type.to_ast(meta: meta), mapping, meta ? self.meta : EMPTY_HASH]] end end end end ## Instruction: Replace array search with hash lookup ## Code After: require 'dry/types/decorator' module Dry module Types class Enum include Type include Dry::Equalizer(:type, :options, :mapping) include Decorator # @return [Array] attr_reader :values # @return [Hash] attr_reader :mapping # @return [Hash] attr_reader :inverted_mapping # @param [Type] type # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :values def initialize(type, options) super @mapping = options.fetch(:mapping).freeze @values = @mapping.keys.freeze @inverted_mapping = @mapping.invert.freeze freeze end # @param [Object] input # @return [Object] def call(input = Undefined) value = if input.equal?(Undefined) elsif mapping.key?(input) input else inverted_mapping.fetch(input, input) end type[value] end alias_method :[], :call def default(*) raise '.enum(*values).default(value) is not supported. Call '\ '.default(value).enum(*values) instead' end # Check whether a value is in the enum # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] alias_method :include?, :valid? # @api public # # @see Definition#to_ast def to_ast(meta: true) [:enum, [type.to_ast(meta: meta), mapping, meta ? self.meta : EMPTY_HASH]] end end end end
module Carto module Db module MigrationHelper LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000 MAX_RETRIES = 3 WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_S = 2 def migration(up_block, down_block) Sequel.migration do # Forces this migration to run under a transaction (controlled by Sequel) transaction up do lock_safe_migration(&up_block) end down do lock_safe_migration(&down_block) end end end private def lock_safe_migration(&block) run "SET lock_timeout TO #{LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS}" # As the external transaction is controlled by Sequel, we cannot ROLLBACK and BEGIN a new one # Instead, we use SAVEPOINTs ( # to start a "sub-transaction" that we can rollback without affecting Sequel run 'SAVEPOINT before_migration' (1..MAX_RETRIES).each do begin instance_eval &block return rescue Sequel::DatabaseError => e if e.message.include?('lock timeout') # In case of timeout, we retry by reexecuting the code since the SAVEPOINT run 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT before_migration' sleep WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_S else raise e end end end # Raising an exception forces Sequel to rollback the entire transaction raise 'Retries exceeded during database migration' ensure run "SET lock_timeout TO DEFAULT" end end end end
module Carto module Db module MigrationHelper LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000 MAX_RETRIES = 3 WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_S = 2 def migration(up_block, down_block) Sequel.migration do # Forces this migration to run under a transaction (controlled by Sequel) transaction up do lock_safe_migration(&up_block) end down do lock_safe_migration(&down_block) end end end private def lock_safe_migration(&block) run "SET lock_timeout TO #{LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS}" # As the external transaction is controlled by Sequel, we cannot ROLLBACK and BEGIN a new one # Instead, we use SAVEPOINTs ( # to start a "sub-transaction" that we can rollback without affecting Sequel run 'SAVEPOINT before_migration' (1..MAX_RETRIES).each do begin instance_eval &block return rescue Sequel::DatabaseError => e if e.message.include?('lock timeout') # In case of timeout, we retry by reexecuting the code since the SAVEPOINT run 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT before_migration' sleep WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_S else puts e.message raise e end end end # Raising an exception forces Sequel to rollback the entire transaction raise 'Retries exceeded during database migration' ensure run "SET lock_timeout TO DEFAULT" end end end end
Add extra error information to migration helper
Add extra error information to migration helper
## Code Before: module Carto module Db module MigrationHelper LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000 MAX_RETRIES = 3 WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_S = 2 def migration(up_block, down_block) Sequel.migration do # Forces this migration to run under a transaction (controlled by Sequel) transaction up do lock_safe_migration(&up_block) end down do lock_safe_migration(&down_block) end end end private def lock_safe_migration(&block) run "SET lock_timeout TO #{LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS}" # As the external transaction is controlled by Sequel, we cannot ROLLBACK and BEGIN a new one # Instead, we use SAVEPOINTs ( # to start a "sub-transaction" that we can rollback without affecting Sequel run 'SAVEPOINT before_migration' (1..MAX_RETRIES).each do begin instance_eval &block return rescue Sequel::DatabaseError => e if e.message.include?('lock timeout') # In case of timeout, we retry by reexecuting the code since the SAVEPOINT run 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT before_migration' sleep WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_S else raise e end end end # Raising an exception forces Sequel to rollback the entire transaction raise 'Retries exceeded during database migration' ensure run "SET lock_timeout TO DEFAULT" end end end end ## Instruction: Add extra error information to migration helper ## Code After: module Carto module Db module MigrationHelper LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000 MAX_RETRIES = 3 WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_S = 2 def migration(up_block, down_block) Sequel.migration do # Forces this migration to run under a transaction (controlled by Sequel) transaction up do lock_safe_migration(&up_block) end down do lock_safe_migration(&down_block) end end end private def lock_safe_migration(&block) run "SET lock_timeout TO #{LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS}" # As the external transaction is controlled by Sequel, we cannot ROLLBACK and BEGIN a new one # Instead, we use SAVEPOINTs ( # to start a "sub-transaction" that we can rollback without affecting Sequel run 'SAVEPOINT before_migration' (1..MAX_RETRIES).each do begin instance_eval &block return rescue Sequel::DatabaseError => e if e.message.include?('lock timeout') # In case of timeout, we retry by reexecuting the code since the SAVEPOINT run 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT before_migration' sleep WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_S else puts e.message raise e end end end # Raising an exception forces Sequel to rollback the entire transaction raise 'Retries exceeded during database migration' ensure run "SET lock_timeout TO DEFAULT" end end end end
$(function() { $('.dropdown').each(function() { var element = $(this); var dropdownList = element.find(".dropdownList"); if(dropdownList.children().length === 0) { element.find("option").each(function(i, e) { $(e).addClass("opt-" + i); dropdownList.append($('<li class="item-' + i + '">' + $(e).text() + '</li>')); }); } var select = element.find("select").val(); element.find(".dropdownValue").text(element.find('option[value="' + select + '"]').text()) }).on('click', function() { var me = $(this); var list = me.find(".dropdownList"); var opts = me.find(".hiddenDropdown"); if(list.css("display") == "block") { list.hide(); } else { $(".dropdownList").hide();; list.find("li").one("click", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); list.hide().find("li").off("click"); var me2 = $(this); var opt = me2.attr("class").replace("item", "opt"); me.find(".dropdownValue").text(me2.text()); opts.find("[selected=selected]").removeAttr("selected"); var val = opts.find("." + opt).attr("selected", "selected").val(); opts.val(val).trigger('change'); }) } $(document).one("click", function() { list.hide().find("li").off("mouseout").off("click"); }); return false; }) });
$(function() { $('.dropdown').each(function() { var me = $(this); var dropdownList = me.find(".dropdownList"); if(dropdownList.children().length === 0) { me.find("option").each(function(i, e) { $(e).addClass("opt-" + i); dropdownList.append($('<li class="item-' + i + '">' + $(e).text() + '</li>')); }); } var select = me.find("select").val(); me.find(".dropdownValue").text(me.find('option[value="' + select + '"]').text()) }); $(document).on("click", ".dropdown", function() { var me = $(this); var list = me.find(".dropdownList"); var opts = me.find(".hiddenDropdown"); if(list.css("display") == "block") { list.hide(); } else { $(".dropdownList").hide();; list.find("li").one("click", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); list.hide().find("li").off("click"); var me2 = $(this); var opt = me2.attr("class").replace("item", "opt"); me.find(".dropdownValue").text(me2.text()); opts.find("[selected=selected]").removeAttr("selected"); var val = opts.find("." + opt).attr("selected", "selected").val(); opts.val(val).trigger('change'); }) } $(document).one("click", function() { list.hide().find("li").off("mouseout").off("click"); }); return false; }); });
Fix select element global listener
Fix select element global listener
## Code Before: $(function() { $('.dropdown').each(function() { var element = $(this); var dropdownList = element.find(".dropdownList"); if(dropdownList.children().length === 0) { element.find("option").each(function(i, e) { $(e).addClass("opt-" + i); dropdownList.append($('<li class="item-' + i + '">' + $(e).text() + '</li>')); }); } var select = element.find("select").val(); element.find(".dropdownValue").text(element.find('option[value="' + select + '"]').text()) }).on('click', function() { var me = $(this); var list = me.find(".dropdownList"); var opts = me.find(".hiddenDropdown"); if(list.css("display") == "block") { list.hide(); } else { $(".dropdownList").hide();; list.find("li").one("click", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); list.hide().find("li").off("click"); var me2 = $(this); var opt = me2.attr("class").replace("item", "opt"); me.find(".dropdownValue").text(me2.text()); opts.find("[selected=selected]").removeAttr("selected"); var val = opts.find("." + opt).attr("selected", "selected").val(); opts.val(val).trigger('change'); }) } $(document).one("click", function() { list.hide().find("li").off("mouseout").off("click"); }); return false; }) }); ## Instruction: Fix select element global listener ## Code After: $(function() { $('.dropdown').each(function() { var me = $(this); var dropdownList = me.find(".dropdownList"); if(dropdownList.children().length === 0) { me.find("option").each(function(i, e) { $(e).addClass("opt-" + i); dropdownList.append($('<li class="item-' + i + '">' + $(e).text() + '</li>')); }); } var select = me.find("select").val(); me.find(".dropdownValue").text(me.find('option[value="' + select + '"]').text()) }); $(document).on("click", ".dropdown", function() { var me = $(this); var list = me.find(".dropdownList"); var opts = me.find(".hiddenDropdown"); if(list.css("display") == "block") { list.hide(); } else { $(".dropdownList").hide();; list.find("li").one("click", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); list.hide().find("li").off("click"); var me2 = $(this); var opt = me2.attr("class").replace("item", "opt"); me.find(".dropdownValue").text(me2.text()); opts.find("[selected=selected]").removeAttr("selected"); var val = opts.find("." + opt).attr("selected", "selected").val(); opts.val(val).trigger('change'); }) } $(document).one("click", function() { list.hide().find("li").off("mouseout").off("click"); }); return false; }); });
package com.novoda.downloadmanager; import static com.novoda.downloadmanager.DownloadBatchStatus.Status.DELETION; import static com.novoda.downloadmanager.DownloadBatchStatus.Status.DOWNLOADED; class NotificationDispatcher { private final Object waitForDownloadService; private final NotificationCreator<DownloadBatchStatus> notificationCreator; private DownloadService downloadService; NotificationDispatcher(Object waitForDownloadService, NotificationCreator<DownloadBatchStatus> notificationCreator) { this.waitForDownloadService = waitForDownloadService; this.notificationCreator = notificationCreator; } void updateNotification(DownloadBatchStatus downloadBatchStatus) { WaitForDownloadService.<Void>waitFor(downloadService, waitForDownloadService) .thenPerform(executeUpdateNotification(downloadBatchStatus)); } private WaitForDownloadService.ThenPerform.Action<Void> executeUpdateNotification(DownloadBatchStatus downloadBatchStatus) { return () -> { NotificationInformation notificationInformation = notificationCreator.createNotification(downloadBatchStatus); if (downloadBatchStatus.status() == DOWNLOADED || downloadBatchStatus.status() == DELETION) { downloadService.stackNotification(notificationInformation); } else { downloadService.updateNotification(notificationInformation); } return null; }; } void setDownloadService(DownloadService downloadService) { this.downloadService = downloadService; } }
package com.novoda.downloadmanager; import; import static com.novoda.downloadmanager.DownloadBatchStatus.Status.DELETION; import static com.novoda.downloadmanager.DownloadBatchStatus.Status.DOWNLOADED; class NotificationDispatcher { private final Object waitForDownloadService; private final NotificationCreator<DownloadBatchStatus> notificationCreator; private DownloadService downloadService; NotificationDispatcher(Object waitForDownloadService, NotificationCreator<DownloadBatchStatus> notificationCreator) { this.waitForDownloadService = waitForDownloadService; this.notificationCreator = notificationCreator; } @WorkerThread void updateNotification(DownloadBatchStatus downloadBatchStatus) { WaitForDownloadService.<Void>waitFor(downloadService, waitForDownloadService) .thenPerform(executeUpdateNotification(downloadBatchStatus)); } private WaitForDownloadService.ThenPerform.Action<Void> executeUpdateNotification(DownloadBatchStatus downloadBatchStatus) { return () -> { NotificationInformation notificationInformation = notificationCreator.createNotification(downloadBatchStatus); if (downloadBatchStatus.status() == DOWNLOADED || downloadBatchStatus.status() == DELETION) { downloadService.stackNotification(notificationInformation); } else { downloadService.updateNotification(notificationInformation); } return null; }; } void setDownloadService(DownloadService downloadService) { this.downloadService = downloadService; } }
Add worker thread annotation to update notification.
Add worker thread annotation to update notification.
## Code Before: package com.novoda.downloadmanager; import static com.novoda.downloadmanager.DownloadBatchStatus.Status.DELETION; import static com.novoda.downloadmanager.DownloadBatchStatus.Status.DOWNLOADED; class NotificationDispatcher { private final Object waitForDownloadService; private final NotificationCreator<DownloadBatchStatus> notificationCreator; private DownloadService downloadService; NotificationDispatcher(Object waitForDownloadService, NotificationCreator<DownloadBatchStatus> notificationCreator) { this.waitForDownloadService = waitForDownloadService; this.notificationCreator = notificationCreator; } void updateNotification(DownloadBatchStatus downloadBatchStatus) { WaitForDownloadService.<Void>waitFor(downloadService, waitForDownloadService) .thenPerform(executeUpdateNotification(downloadBatchStatus)); } private WaitForDownloadService.ThenPerform.Action<Void> executeUpdateNotification(DownloadBatchStatus downloadBatchStatus) { return () -> { NotificationInformation notificationInformation = notificationCreator.createNotification(downloadBatchStatus); if (downloadBatchStatus.status() == DOWNLOADED || downloadBatchStatus.status() == DELETION) { downloadService.stackNotification(notificationInformation); } else { downloadService.updateNotification(notificationInformation); } return null; }; } void setDownloadService(DownloadService downloadService) { this.downloadService = downloadService; } } ## Instruction: Add worker thread annotation to update notification. ## Code After: package com.novoda.downloadmanager; import; import static com.novoda.downloadmanager.DownloadBatchStatus.Status.DELETION; import static com.novoda.downloadmanager.DownloadBatchStatus.Status.DOWNLOADED; class NotificationDispatcher { private final Object waitForDownloadService; private final NotificationCreator<DownloadBatchStatus> notificationCreator; private DownloadService downloadService; NotificationDispatcher(Object waitForDownloadService, NotificationCreator<DownloadBatchStatus> notificationCreator) { this.waitForDownloadService = waitForDownloadService; this.notificationCreator = notificationCreator; } @WorkerThread void updateNotification(DownloadBatchStatus downloadBatchStatus) { WaitForDownloadService.<Void>waitFor(downloadService, waitForDownloadService) .thenPerform(executeUpdateNotification(downloadBatchStatus)); } private WaitForDownloadService.ThenPerform.Action<Void> executeUpdateNotification(DownloadBatchStatus downloadBatchStatus) { return () -> { NotificationInformation notificationInformation = notificationCreator.createNotification(downloadBatchStatus); if (downloadBatchStatus.status() == DOWNLOADED || downloadBatchStatus.status() == DELETION) { downloadService.stackNotification(notificationInformation); } else { downloadService.updateNotification(notificationInformation); } return null; }; } void setDownloadService(DownloadService downloadService) { this.downloadService = downloadService; } }
module QueryStringSearch module Comparator def self.using(operator) create_comparison comparison.operator = operator self end def self.does(subject) create_comparison comparison.subject = subject self end def self.equal?(other) comparison.operator = "=" compare_with?(other) end def self.contain?(other) comparison.operator = "∈" compare_with?(other) end def self.compare_with?(other) comparison.other = other resolve end private def self.create_comparison @comparison ||= end def self.comparison @comparison end def self.resolve ret = @comparison = nil ret end end end module QueryStringSearch module Comparator class Comparison attr_accessor :subject, :operator, :other def compare if operator == "=" equal? elsif operator == "∈" contain? elsif ["<",">","<=",">="] inequal? end end def inequal? eval("#{other} #{operator} #{subject}") end def equal? normalize(subject) == normalize(other) end def contain? normalize(subject).include?(normalize(other)) end def normalize(unnormalized) if unnormalized.respond_to?(:each) else unnormalized.to_s.upcase end end end end end
module QueryStringSearch module Comparator def self.using(operator) create_comparison comparison.operator = operator self end def self.does(subject) create_comparison comparison.subject = subject self end def self.equal?(other) comparison.operator = "=" compare_with?(other) end def self.contain?(other) comparison.operator = "∈" compare_with?(other) end def self.compare_with?(other) comparison.other = other resolve end private def self.create_comparison @comparison ||= end def self.comparison @comparison end def self.resolve ret = @comparison = nil ret end end end module QueryStringSearch module Comparator class Comparison attr_accessor :subject, :operator, :other def compare if ["=".to_sym].include?(operator) equal? elsif [:∈].include?(operator) contain? elsif [:<, :>, :<=, :>=].include?(operator) inequal? else false end end def operator=(x) @operator = x.to_sym end def inequal? other.to_i.public_send(operator, subject.to_i) end def equal? normalize(other).public_send(:==, normalize(subject)) end def contain? normalize(subject).public_send(:&, [normalize(other)]).any? end def normalize(unnormalized) if unnormalized.respond_to?(:each) else unnormalized.to_s.upcase end end end end end
Move from strings & eval to symbols and public_send
Move from strings & eval to symbols and public_send Seems like an obvious change. This works, but it's obviously not in a final state yet.
## Code Before: module QueryStringSearch module Comparator def self.using(operator) create_comparison comparison.operator = operator self end def self.does(subject) create_comparison comparison.subject = subject self end def self.equal?(other) comparison.operator = "=" compare_with?(other) end def self.contain?(other) comparison.operator = "∈" compare_with?(other) end def self.compare_with?(other) comparison.other = other resolve end private def self.create_comparison @comparison ||= end def self.comparison @comparison end def self.resolve ret = @comparison = nil ret end end end module QueryStringSearch module Comparator class Comparison attr_accessor :subject, :operator, :other def compare if operator == "=" equal? elsif operator == "∈" contain? elsif ["<",">","<=",">="] inequal? end end def inequal? eval("#{other} #{operator} #{subject}") end def equal? normalize(subject) == normalize(other) end def contain? normalize(subject).include?(normalize(other)) end def normalize(unnormalized) if unnormalized.respond_to?(:each) else unnormalized.to_s.upcase end end end end end ## Instruction: Move from strings & eval to symbols and public_send Seems like an obvious change. This works, but it's obviously not in a final state yet. ## Code After: module QueryStringSearch module Comparator def self.using(operator) create_comparison comparison.operator = operator self end def self.does(subject) create_comparison comparison.subject = subject self end def self.equal?(other) comparison.operator = "=" compare_with?(other) end def self.contain?(other) comparison.operator = "∈" compare_with?(other) end def self.compare_with?(other) comparison.other = other resolve end private def self.create_comparison @comparison ||= end def self.comparison @comparison end def self.resolve ret = @comparison = nil ret end end end module QueryStringSearch module Comparator class Comparison attr_accessor :subject, :operator, :other def compare if ["=".to_sym].include?(operator) equal? elsif [:∈].include?(operator) contain? elsif [:<, :>, :<=, :>=].include?(operator) inequal? else false end end def operator=(x) @operator = x.to_sym end def inequal? other.to_i.public_send(operator, subject.to_i) end def equal? normalize(other).public_send(:==, normalize(subject)) end def contain? normalize(subject).public_send(:&, [normalize(other)]).any? end def normalize(unnormalized) if unnormalized.respond_to?(:each) else unnormalized.to_s.upcase end end end end end
<?php namespace ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\Permissions; use ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\GraphqlTestCase; use ProcessWire\GraphQL\Utils; use function ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\Assert\assertTypePathNotExists; class EditorCreateNotAvailableFieldEditPermissionTest extends GraphqlTestCase { /** * + For editor. * + The template is legal. * + The configured parent template is legal. * + All required fields are legal. * + Editor has all required permissions for templates. * - Editor does not have edit permission on required field. (title) */ public static function getSettings() { $editorRole = Utils::roles()->get("editor"); return [ 'login' => 'editor', 'legalTemplates' => ['skyscraper', 'city'], 'legalFields' => ['title', 'images'], 'access' => [ 'templates' => [ [ 'name' => 'skyscraper', 'roles' => [$editorRole->id], 'editRoles' => [$editorRole->id], 'createRoles' => [$editorRole->id], ], [ 'name' => 'city', 'roles' => [$editorRole->id], 'addRoles' => [$editorRole->id], ] ], 'fields' => [ [ 'name' => 'images', 'editRoles' => [$editorRole->id], ] ] ] ]; } public function testPermission() { assertTypePathNotExists( ['Mutation', 'createSkyscraper'], 'createSkyscraper mutation field should not be available if one of the required fields is not legal.' ); } }
<?php namespace ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\Permissions; use ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\GraphqlTestCase; use function ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\Assert\assertTypePathNotExists; class EditorCreateNotAvailableFieldEditPermissionTest extends GraphqlTestCase { /** * + For editor. * + The template is legal. * + The configured parent template is legal. * + All required fields are legal. * + Editor has all required permissions for templates. * - Editor does not have edit permission on required field. (title) */ public static function getSettings() { return [ 'login' => 'editor', 'legalTemplates' => ['skyscraper', 'city'], 'legalFields' => ['title', 'images'], 'access' => [ 'templates' => [ [ 'name' => 'skyscraper', 'roles' => ['editor'], 'editRoles' => ['editor'], 'createRoles' => ['editor'], ], [ 'name' => 'city', 'roles' => ['editor'], 'addRoles' => ['editor'], ] ], 'fields' => [ [ 'name' => 'images', 'editRoles' => ['editor'], ], [ 'name' => 'title', // 'editRoles' => ['editor'], // <-- has no edit permission to the required "title" field. ], ] ] ]; } public function testPermission() { assertTypePathNotExists( ['Mutation', 'createSkyscraper'], 'createSkyscraper mutation field should not be available if user has no edit permission on the required field.' ); } }
Update test case create is not available because of field edit permission.
Update test case create is not available because of field edit permission.
## Code Before: <?php namespace ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\Permissions; use ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\GraphqlTestCase; use ProcessWire\GraphQL\Utils; use function ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\Assert\assertTypePathNotExists; class EditorCreateNotAvailableFieldEditPermissionTest extends GraphqlTestCase { /** * + For editor. * + The template is legal. * + The configured parent template is legal. * + All required fields are legal. * + Editor has all required permissions for templates. * - Editor does not have edit permission on required field. (title) */ public static function getSettings() { $editorRole = Utils::roles()->get("editor"); return [ 'login' => 'editor', 'legalTemplates' => ['skyscraper', 'city'], 'legalFields' => ['title', 'images'], 'access' => [ 'templates' => [ [ 'name' => 'skyscraper', 'roles' => [$editorRole->id], 'editRoles' => [$editorRole->id], 'createRoles' => [$editorRole->id], ], [ 'name' => 'city', 'roles' => [$editorRole->id], 'addRoles' => [$editorRole->id], ] ], 'fields' => [ [ 'name' => 'images', 'editRoles' => [$editorRole->id], ] ] ] ]; } public function testPermission() { assertTypePathNotExists( ['Mutation', 'createSkyscraper'], 'createSkyscraper mutation field should not be available if one of the required fields is not legal.' ); } } ## Instruction: Update test case create is not available because of field edit permission. ## Code After: <?php namespace ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\Permissions; use ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\GraphqlTestCase; use function ProcessWire\GraphQL\Test\Assert\assertTypePathNotExists; class EditorCreateNotAvailableFieldEditPermissionTest extends GraphqlTestCase { /** * + For editor. * + The template is legal. * + The configured parent template is legal. * + All required fields are legal. * + Editor has all required permissions for templates. * - Editor does not have edit permission on required field. (title) */ public static function getSettings() { return [ 'login' => 'editor', 'legalTemplates' => ['skyscraper', 'city'], 'legalFields' => ['title', 'images'], 'access' => [ 'templates' => [ [ 'name' => 'skyscraper', 'roles' => ['editor'], 'editRoles' => ['editor'], 'createRoles' => ['editor'], ], [ 'name' => 'city', 'roles' => ['editor'], 'addRoles' => ['editor'], ] ], 'fields' => [ [ 'name' => 'images', 'editRoles' => ['editor'], ], [ 'name' => 'title', // 'editRoles' => ['editor'], // <-- has no edit permission to the required "title" field. ], ] ] ]; } public function testPermission() { assertTypePathNotExists( ['Mutation', 'createSkyscraper'], 'createSkyscraper mutation field should not be available if user has no edit permission on the required field.' ); } }
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Hello MapReduce</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello MapReduce!</h1> <table> <tr> <td>This is an example Map Reduce that demos parallel computation. <br /> For the purposes of illustration this MapReduce looks for collisions in Java's Random number generator. (There are not any.) <br /> Here a collision is defined as multiple seed values that when next is called produce the same output value. <br /> The input source is a range of numbers to test, and any collisions are logged and written out to a file in Google Cloud Storage. (Which in this case will be empty.) <br /> <a href="/randomcollisions">Random collisions example.</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>There is also a second more complex example that chains three MapReduces together:<br /> The first MapReduce creates some datastore entities <br /> The second MapReduce does some analysis on them <br /> and the third MapReduce deletes them. <br /> On the whole it does not do anything useful, but it shows how to chain mapreduce jobs together, and how to interact with the datastore from mapreduce jobs. <br /> It also gives an example of validating a request using a token. <br /> <a href="/entitycount">Entity counting example.</a> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Hello MapReduce</title> </head> <body> <h1>MapReduce Sample Programs</h1> <table> <tr> <td><Big>Random collisions example</Big><br /> This example demonstrates parallel computation. It looks for collisions in Java's random number generator, <br /> where a collision is defined as multiple seed values that produce the same output value when <code>next()</code> is called. <br /> The input source is a range of numbers to test. Collisions are logged and written out to a file in Google Cloud Storage. <br /> (No collisions occur so the file will be empty.) <br /> <a href="/randomcollisions">Run the example.</a> <br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><Big>Entity counting example</Big><br /> The example shows how to “chain" MapReduce jobs together, running them sequentially, one after the other. <br /> It runs three MapReduce jobs: <br /> The first job creates some datastore entities, the second job analyzes them, and the third job deletes them. <br /> The example also shows how to access the datastore from a MapReduce job, and how to validate a request using a token. <br /> <a href="/entitycount">Run the example.</a> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
Add some formatting to landing page.
Java: Add some formatting to landing page. Revision created by MOE tool push_codebase. MOE_MIGRATION=6869
## Code Before: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Hello MapReduce</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello MapReduce!</h1> <table> <tr> <td>This is an example Map Reduce that demos parallel computation. <br /> For the purposes of illustration this MapReduce looks for collisions in Java's Random number generator. (There are not any.) <br /> Here a collision is defined as multiple seed values that when next is called produce the same output value. <br /> The input source is a range of numbers to test, and any collisions are logged and written out to a file in Google Cloud Storage. (Which in this case will be empty.) <br /> <a href="/randomcollisions">Random collisions example.</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>There is also a second more complex example that chains three MapReduces together:<br /> The first MapReduce creates some datastore entities <br /> The second MapReduce does some analysis on them <br /> and the third MapReduce deletes them. <br /> On the whole it does not do anything useful, but it shows how to chain mapreduce jobs together, and how to interact with the datastore from mapreduce jobs. <br /> It also gives an example of validating a request using a token. <br /> <a href="/entitycount">Entity counting example.</a> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> ## Instruction: Java: Add some formatting to landing page. Revision created by MOE tool push_codebase. MOE_MIGRATION=6869 ## Code After: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Hello MapReduce</title> </head> <body> <h1>MapReduce Sample Programs</h1> <table> <tr> <td><Big>Random collisions example</Big><br /> This example demonstrates parallel computation. It looks for collisions in Java's random number generator, <br /> where a collision is defined as multiple seed values that produce the same output value when <code>next()</code> is called. <br /> The input source is a range of numbers to test. Collisions are logged and written out to a file in Google Cloud Storage. <br /> (No collisions occur so the file will be empty.) <br /> <a href="/randomcollisions">Run the example.</a> <br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><Big>Entity counting example</Big><br /> The example shows how to “chain" MapReduce jobs together, running them sequentially, one after the other. <br /> It runs three MapReduce jobs: <br /> The first job creates some datastore entities, the second job analyzes them, and the third job deletes them. <br /> The example also shows how to access the datastore from a MapReduce job, and how to validate a request using a token. <br /> <a href="/entitycount">Run the example.</a> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
import six from pecan import abort from import RestController from mongoengine import ValidationError from st2common import log as logging from st2common.persistence.reactor import SensorType from st2common.models.base import jsexpose from st2common.models.api.reactor import SensorTypeAPI http_client = six.moves.http_client LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SensorTypeController(RestController): @jsexpose(str) def get_one(self, id): """ Get sensortype by id. Handle: GET /sensortype/1 """'GET /sensortype/ with id=%s', id) try: sensor_type_db = SensorType.get_by_id(id) except (ValueError, ValidationError): LOG.exception('Database lookup for id="%s" resulted in exception.', id) abort(http_client.NOT_FOUND) return sensor_type_api = SensorTypeAPI.from_model(sensor_type_db) LOG.debug('GET /sensortype/ with id=%s, client_result=%s', id, sensor_type_api) return sensor_type_api @jsexpose(str) def get_all(self, **kw): """ List all sensor types. Handles requests: GET /sensortypes/ """'GET all /sensortypes/ with filters=%s', kw) sensor_type_dbs = SensorType.get_all(**kw) sensor_type_apis = [SensorTypeAPI.from_model(sensor_type_db) for sensor_type_db in sensor_type_dbs] return sensor_type_apis
import six from st2common import log as logging from st2common.persistence.reactor import SensorType from st2common.models.api.reactor import SensorTypeAPI from st2api.controllers.resource import ResourceController http_client = six.moves.http_client LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SensorTypeController(ResourceController): model = SensorTypeAPI access = SensorType supported_filters = { 'name': 'name', 'pack': 'content_pack' } options = { 'sort': ['content_pack', 'name'] }
Use ResourceController instead of duplicating logic.
Use ResourceController instead of duplicating logic.
## Code Before: import six from pecan import abort from import RestController from mongoengine import ValidationError from st2common import log as logging from st2common.persistence.reactor import SensorType from st2common.models.base import jsexpose from st2common.models.api.reactor import SensorTypeAPI http_client = six.moves.http_client LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SensorTypeController(RestController): @jsexpose(str) def get_one(self, id): """ Get sensortype by id. Handle: GET /sensortype/1 """'GET /sensortype/ with id=%s', id) try: sensor_type_db = SensorType.get_by_id(id) except (ValueError, ValidationError): LOG.exception('Database lookup for id="%s" resulted in exception.', id) abort(http_client.NOT_FOUND) return sensor_type_api = SensorTypeAPI.from_model(sensor_type_db) LOG.debug('GET /sensortype/ with id=%s, client_result=%s', id, sensor_type_api) return sensor_type_api @jsexpose(str) def get_all(self, **kw): """ List all sensor types. Handles requests: GET /sensortypes/ """'GET all /sensortypes/ with filters=%s', kw) sensor_type_dbs = SensorType.get_all(**kw) sensor_type_apis = [SensorTypeAPI.from_model(sensor_type_db) for sensor_type_db in sensor_type_dbs] return sensor_type_apis ## Instruction: Use ResourceController instead of duplicating logic. ## Code After: import six from st2common import log as logging from st2common.persistence.reactor import SensorType from st2common.models.api.reactor import SensorTypeAPI from st2api.controllers.resource import ResourceController http_client = six.moves.http_client LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SensorTypeController(ResourceController): model = SensorTypeAPI access = SensorType supported_filters = { 'name': 'name', 'pack': 'content_pack' } options = { 'sort': ['content_pack', 'name'] }
import threading # noqa from typing import Callable, Optional # noqa import watchdog.observers from import FileSystemEventHandler from import FileSystemEvent # noqa from chalice.cli.filewatch import FileWatcher, WorkerProcess class WatchdogWorkerProcess(WorkerProcess): """Worker that runs the chalice dev server.""" def _start_file_watcher(self, project_dir): # type: (str) -> None restart_callback = WatchdogRestarter(self._restart_event) watcher = WatchdogFileWatcher() watcher.watch_for_file_changes( project_dir, restart_callback) class WatchdogFileWatcher(FileWatcher): def watch_for_file_changes(self, root_dir, callback): # type: (str, Callable[[], None]) -> None observer = watchdog.observers.Observer() observer.schedule(callback, root_dir, recursive=True) observer.start() class WatchdogRestarter(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, restart_event): # type: (threading.Event) -> None # The reason we're using threading self.restart_event = restart_event def on_any_event(self, event): # type: (FileSystemEvent) -> None # If we modify a file we'll get a FileModifiedEvent # as well as a DirectoryModifiedEvent. # We only care about reloading is a file is modified. if event.is_directory: return self() def __call__(self): # type: () -> None self.restart_event.set()
import threading # noqa from typing import Callable, Optional # noqa import watchdog.observers # pylint: disable=import-error from watchdog import events # pylint: disable=import-error from chalice.cli.filewatch import FileWatcher, WorkerProcess class WatchdogWorkerProcess(WorkerProcess): """Worker that runs the chalice dev server.""" def _start_file_watcher(self, project_dir): # type: (str) -> None restart_callback = WatchdogRestarter(self._restart_event) watcher = WatchdogFileWatcher() watcher.watch_for_file_changes( project_dir, restart_callback) class WatchdogFileWatcher(FileWatcher): def watch_for_file_changes(self, root_dir, callback): # type: (str, Callable[[], None]) -> None observer = watchdog.observers.Observer() observer.schedule(callback, root_dir, recursive=True) observer.start() class WatchdogRestarter(events.FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, restart_event): # type: (threading.Event) -> None # The reason we're using threading self.restart_event = restart_event def on_any_event(self, event): # type: (events.FileSystemEvent) -> None # If we modify a file we'll get a FileModifiedEvent # as well as a DirectoryModifiedEvent. # We only care about reloading is a file is modified. if event.is_directory: return self() def __call__(self): # type: () -> None self.restart_event.set()
Make prcheck pass without needing cond deps
Make prcheck pass without needing cond deps
## Code Before: import threading # noqa from typing import Callable, Optional # noqa import watchdog.observers from import FileSystemEventHandler from import FileSystemEvent # noqa from chalice.cli.filewatch import FileWatcher, WorkerProcess class WatchdogWorkerProcess(WorkerProcess): """Worker that runs the chalice dev server.""" def _start_file_watcher(self, project_dir): # type: (str) -> None restart_callback = WatchdogRestarter(self._restart_event) watcher = WatchdogFileWatcher() watcher.watch_for_file_changes( project_dir, restart_callback) class WatchdogFileWatcher(FileWatcher): def watch_for_file_changes(self, root_dir, callback): # type: (str, Callable[[], None]) -> None observer = watchdog.observers.Observer() observer.schedule(callback, root_dir, recursive=True) observer.start() class WatchdogRestarter(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, restart_event): # type: (threading.Event) -> None # The reason we're using threading self.restart_event = restart_event def on_any_event(self, event): # type: (FileSystemEvent) -> None # If we modify a file we'll get a FileModifiedEvent # as well as a DirectoryModifiedEvent. # We only care about reloading is a file is modified. if event.is_directory: return self() def __call__(self): # type: () -> None self.restart_event.set() ## Instruction: Make prcheck pass without needing cond deps ## Code After: import threading # noqa from typing import Callable, Optional # noqa import watchdog.observers # pylint: disable=import-error from watchdog import events # pylint: disable=import-error from chalice.cli.filewatch import FileWatcher, WorkerProcess class WatchdogWorkerProcess(WorkerProcess): """Worker that runs the chalice dev server.""" def _start_file_watcher(self, project_dir): # type: (str) -> None restart_callback = WatchdogRestarter(self._restart_event) watcher = WatchdogFileWatcher() watcher.watch_for_file_changes( project_dir, restart_callback) class WatchdogFileWatcher(FileWatcher): def watch_for_file_changes(self, root_dir, callback): # type: (str, Callable[[], None]) -> None observer = watchdog.observers.Observer() observer.schedule(callback, root_dir, recursive=True) observer.start() class WatchdogRestarter(events.FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, restart_event): # type: (threading.Event) -> None # The reason we're using threading self.restart_event = restart_event def on_any_event(self, event): # type: (events.FileSystemEvent) -> None # If we modify a file we'll get a FileModifiedEvent # as well as a DirectoryModifiedEvent. # We only care about reloading is a file is modified. if event.is_directory: return self() def __call__(self): # type: () -> None self.restart_event.set()
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TYPHOON FRAMEWORK // Copyright 2013, Jasper Blues & Contributors // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: The authors permit you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var cityDao: CityDao? var rootViewController: RootViewController? private func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool { ICLoader.setImageName("cloud_icon.png") ICLoader.setLabelFontName(UIFont.applicationFontOfSize(size: 10).fontName) UIApplication.shared.setStatusBarStyle(.lightContent, animated: true) UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [ NSFontAttributeName : UIFont.applicationFontOfSize(size: 20), NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.white ] self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) self.window?.rootViewController = self.rootViewController self.window?.makeKeyAndVisible() let selectedCity : String! = cityDao!.loadSelectedCity() if (selectedCity == nil) { rootViewController?.showCitiesListController() } return true } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TYPHOON FRAMEWORK // Copyright 2013, Jasper Blues & Contributors // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: The authors permit you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var cityDao: CityDao? var rootViewController: RootViewController? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool { ICLoader.setImageName("cloud_icon.png") ICLoader.setLabelFontName(UIFont.applicationFontOfSize(size: 10).fontName) UIApplication.shared.setStatusBarStyle(.lightContent, animated: true) UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [ NSFontAttributeName : UIFont.applicationFontOfSize(size: 20), NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.white ] self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) self.window?.rootViewController = self.rootViewController self.window?.makeKeyAndVisible() let selectedCity : String! = cityDao!.loadSelectedCity() if (selectedCity == nil) { rootViewController?.showCitiesListController() } return true } }
Update application didiFinishLaunching method with Swift 3 syntax
Update application didiFinishLaunching method with Swift 3 syntax
## Code Before: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TYPHOON FRAMEWORK // Copyright 2013, Jasper Blues & Contributors // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: The authors permit you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var cityDao: CityDao? var rootViewController: RootViewController? private func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool { ICLoader.setImageName("cloud_icon.png") ICLoader.setLabelFontName(UIFont.applicationFontOfSize(size: 10).fontName) UIApplication.shared.setStatusBarStyle(.lightContent, animated: true) UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [ NSFontAttributeName : UIFont.applicationFontOfSize(size: 20), NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.white ] self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) self.window?.rootViewController = self.rootViewController self.window?.makeKeyAndVisible() let selectedCity : String! = cityDao!.loadSelectedCity() if (selectedCity == nil) { rootViewController?.showCitiesListController() } return true } } ## Instruction: Update application didiFinishLaunching method with Swift 3 syntax ## Code After: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TYPHOON FRAMEWORK // Copyright 2013, Jasper Blues & Contributors // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: The authors permit you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var cityDao: CityDao? var rootViewController: RootViewController? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool { ICLoader.setImageName("cloud_icon.png") ICLoader.setLabelFontName(UIFont.applicationFontOfSize(size: 10).fontName) UIApplication.shared.setStatusBarStyle(.lightContent, animated: true) UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [ NSFontAttributeName : UIFont.applicationFontOfSize(size: 20), NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.white ] self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) self.window?.rootViewController = self.rootViewController self.window?.makeKeyAndVisible() let selectedCity : String! = cityDao!.loadSelectedCity() if (selectedCity == nil) { rootViewController?.showCitiesListController() } return true } }
function jasmineTests() { var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); var consoleReporter = new jasmine.ConsoleReporter(); window.jasmine_phantom_reporter = consoleReporter; jasmineEnv.addReporter(consoleReporter); function waitAndExecute() { if (!jasmineEnv.currentRunner().suites_.length) { window.setTimeout(waitAndExecute, 10); return; } jasmineEnv.execute(); } waitAndExecute(); describe('Test the swagger pages', function () { it('Test swagger', function () { waitsFor(function () { return $('li#resource_system.resource').length > 0; }, 'swagger docs to appear'); runs(function () { $('li#resource_system.resource .heading h2 a').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_getVersion:visible').length > 0; }, 'end points to be visible'); runs(function () { $('#system_getVersion h3 a').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_getVersion .sandbox_header input.submit[name="commit"]:visible').length > 0; }, 'version try out button to be visible'); runs(function () { $('#system_getVersion .sandbox_header input.submit[name="commit"]').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_getVersion .response_body.json').text().indexOf('apiVersion') >= 0; }, 'version information was returned'); }); }); } $(function () { $.getScript('/static/built/testing-no-cover.min.js', jasmineTests); });
function jasmineTests() { var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); var consoleReporter = new jasmine.ConsoleReporter(); window.jasmine_phantom_reporter = consoleReporter; jasmineEnv.addReporter(consoleReporter); function waitAndExecute() { if (!jasmineEnv.currentRunner().suites_.length) { window.setTimeout(waitAndExecute, 10); return; } jasmineEnv.execute(); } waitAndExecute(); describe('Test the swagger pages', function () { it('Test swagger', function () { waitsFor(function () { return $('li#resource_system.resource').length > 0; }, 'swagger docs to appear'); runs(function () { $('li#resource_system.resource .heading h2 a').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_system_getVersion:visible').length > 0; }, 'end points to be visible'); runs(function () { $('#system_system_getVersion h3 a').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_system_getVersion .sandbox_header input.submit:visible').length > 0; }, 'version try out button to be visible'); runs(function () { $('#system_system_getVersion .sandbox_header input.submit').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_system_getVersion .response_body.json').text().indexOf('apiVersion') >= 0; }, 'version information was returned'); }); }); } $(function () { $.getScript('/static/built/testing-no-cover.min.js', jasmineTests); });
Update web client swagger test for swagger-ui 2.1.4
Update web client swagger test for swagger-ui 2.1.4
## Code Before: function jasmineTests() { var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); var consoleReporter = new jasmine.ConsoleReporter(); window.jasmine_phantom_reporter = consoleReporter; jasmineEnv.addReporter(consoleReporter); function waitAndExecute() { if (!jasmineEnv.currentRunner().suites_.length) { window.setTimeout(waitAndExecute, 10); return; } jasmineEnv.execute(); } waitAndExecute(); describe('Test the swagger pages', function () { it('Test swagger', function () { waitsFor(function () { return $('li#resource_system.resource').length > 0; }, 'swagger docs to appear'); runs(function () { $('li#resource_system.resource .heading h2 a').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_getVersion:visible').length > 0; }, 'end points to be visible'); runs(function () { $('#system_getVersion h3 a').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_getVersion .sandbox_header input.submit[name="commit"]:visible').length > 0; }, 'version try out button to be visible'); runs(function () { $('#system_getVersion .sandbox_header input.submit[name="commit"]').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_getVersion .response_body.json').text().indexOf('apiVersion') >= 0; }, 'version information was returned'); }); }); } $(function () { $.getScript('/static/built/testing-no-cover.min.js', jasmineTests); }); ## Instruction: Update web client swagger test for swagger-ui 2.1.4 ## Code After: function jasmineTests() { var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); var consoleReporter = new jasmine.ConsoleReporter(); window.jasmine_phantom_reporter = consoleReporter; jasmineEnv.addReporter(consoleReporter); function waitAndExecute() { if (!jasmineEnv.currentRunner().suites_.length) { window.setTimeout(waitAndExecute, 10); return; } jasmineEnv.execute(); } waitAndExecute(); describe('Test the swagger pages', function () { it('Test swagger', function () { waitsFor(function () { return $('li#resource_system.resource').length > 0; }, 'swagger docs to appear'); runs(function () { $('li#resource_system.resource .heading h2 a').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_system_getVersion:visible').length > 0; }, 'end points to be visible'); runs(function () { $('#system_system_getVersion h3 a').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_system_getVersion .sandbox_header input.submit:visible').length > 0; }, 'version try out button to be visible'); runs(function () { $('#system_system_getVersion .sandbox_header input.submit').click(); }); waitsFor(function () { return $('#system_system_getVersion .response_body.json').text().indexOf('apiVersion') >= 0; }, 'version information was returned'); }); }); } $(function () { $.getScript('/static/built/testing-no-cover.min.js', jasmineTests); });
"""Feature definitions for reviews.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from djblets.features import Feature, FeatureLevel class GeneralCommentsFeature(Feature): """A feature for general comments. General comments allow comments to be created directly on a review request without accompanying file attachment or diff. These can be used to raise issues with the review request itself, such as its summary or description, or general implementation issues. """ feature_id = 'reviews.general_comments' name = _('General Comments') level = FeatureLevel.STABLE summary = _('Allow comments on review requests without an associated file ' 'attachment or diff.') class StatusUpdatesFeature(Feature): """A feature for status updates. A status update is a way for third-party tools to provide feedback on a review request. In the past, this was done just as a normal review. Status updates allow those tools (via some integration like Review Bot) to mark their state (such as pending, success, failure, or error) and then associate that with a review. """ feature_id = 'reviews.status_updates' name = _('Status Updates') summary = _('A way for external tools to do checks on a review request ' 'and report the results of those checks.') general_comments_feature = GeneralCommentsFeature() status_updates_feature = StatusUpdatesFeature()
"""Feature definitions for reviews.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from djblets.features import Feature, FeatureLevel class GeneralCommentsFeature(Feature): """A feature for general comments. General comments allow comments to be created directly on a review request without accompanying file attachment or diff. These can be used to raise issues with the review request itself, such as its summary or description, or general implementation issues. """ feature_id = 'reviews.general_comments' name = _('General Comments') level = FeatureLevel.STABLE summary = _('Allow comments on review requests without an associated file ' 'attachment or diff.') class StatusUpdatesFeature(Feature): """A feature for status updates. A status update is a way for third-party tools to provide feedback on a review request. In the past, this was done just as a normal review. Status updates allow those tools (via some integration like Review Bot) to mark their state (such as pending, success, failure, or error) and then associate that with a review. """ feature_id = 'reviews.status_updates' name = _('Status Updates') level = FeatureLevel.STABLE summary = _('A way for external tools to do checks on a review request ' 'and report the results of those checks.') general_comments_feature = GeneralCommentsFeature() status_updates_feature = StatusUpdatesFeature()
Mark status updates as stable.
Mark status updates as stable. This allows people to actually use the feature without turning it on in their ``. Reviewed at
## Code Before: """Feature definitions for reviews.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from djblets.features import Feature, FeatureLevel class GeneralCommentsFeature(Feature): """A feature for general comments. General comments allow comments to be created directly on a review request without accompanying file attachment or diff. These can be used to raise issues with the review request itself, such as its summary or description, or general implementation issues. """ feature_id = 'reviews.general_comments' name = _('General Comments') level = FeatureLevel.STABLE summary = _('Allow comments on review requests without an associated file ' 'attachment or diff.') class StatusUpdatesFeature(Feature): """A feature for status updates. A status update is a way for third-party tools to provide feedback on a review request. In the past, this was done just as a normal review. Status updates allow those tools (via some integration like Review Bot) to mark their state (such as pending, success, failure, or error) and then associate that with a review. """ feature_id = 'reviews.status_updates' name = _('Status Updates') summary = _('A way for external tools to do checks on a review request ' 'and report the results of those checks.') general_comments_feature = GeneralCommentsFeature() status_updates_feature = StatusUpdatesFeature() ## Instruction: Mark status updates as stable. This allows people to actually use the feature without turning it on in their ``. Reviewed at ## Code After: """Feature definitions for reviews.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from djblets.features import Feature, FeatureLevel class GeneralCommentsFeature(Feature): """A feature for general comments. General comments allow comments to be created directly on a review request without accompanying file attachment or diff. These can be used to raise issues with the review request itself, such as its summary or description, or general implementation issues. """ feature_id = 'reviews.general_comments' name = _('General Comments') level = FeatureLevel.STABLE summary = _('Allow comments on review requests without an associated file ' 'attachment or diff.') class StatusUpdatesFeature(Feature): """A feature for status updates. A status update is a way for third-party tools to provide feedback on a review request. In the past, this was done just as a normal review. Status updates allow those tools (via some integration like Review Bot) to mark their state (such as pending, success, failure, or error) and then associate that with a review. """ feature_id = 'reviews.status_updates' name = _('Status Updates') level = FeatureLevel.STABLE summary = _('A way for external tools to do checks on a review request ' 'and report the results of those checks.') general_comments_feature = GeneralCommentsFeature() status_updates_feature = StatusUpdatesFeature()
module Economic module Proxies module Actions module CreditorContactProxy class FindByName attr_reader :name def initialize(caller, name) @caller = caller @name = name end def call # Get a list of CreditorContactHandles from e-conomic response = request('FindByName', { 'name' => name }) # Make sure we always have an array of handles even if the result only contains one handles = [response[:creditor_contact_handle]].flatten.reject(&:blank?) # Create partial CreditorContact entities contacts = handles.collect do |handle| creditor_contact = build creditor_contact.partial = true creditor_contact.persisted = true creditor_contact.handle = handle = handle[:id] creditor_contact.number = handle[:number] creditor_contact end if owner.is_a?(Creditor) # Scope to the owner do |creditor_contact| creditor_contact.get_data creditor_contact.creditor.handle == owner.handle end else contacts end end private def build(*options) end def owner @caller.owner end def request(action, data) @caller.request(action, data) end end end end end end
module Economic module Proxies module Actions module CreditorContactProxy class FindByName attr_reader :name def initialize(caller, name) @caller = caller @name = name end def call # Get a list of CreditorContactHandles from e-conomic handles = [response[:creditor_contact_handle]].flatten.reject(&:blank?) contacts = build_partial_contact_entities(handles) scope_to_owner(contacts) end private def build(*options) end def build_partial_contact_entities(handles) handles.collect do |handle| creditor_contact = build creditor_contact.partial = true creditor_contact.persisted = true creditor_contact.handle = handle = handle[:id] creditor_contact.number = handle[:number] creditor_contact end end def owner @caller.owner end def request(action, data) @caller.request(action, data) end def response request('FindByName', {'name' => name}) end def scope_to_owner(contacts) if owner.is_a?(Creditor) # Scope to the owner do |creditor_contact| creditor_contact.get_data creditor_contact.creditor.handle == owner.handle end else contacts end end end end end end end
Clean up FindByName a bit
Clean up FindByName a bit
## Code Before: module Economic module Proxies module Actions module CreditorContactProxy class FindByName attr_reader :name def initialize(caller, name) @caller = caller @name = name end def call # Get a list of CreditorContactHandles from e-conomic response = request('FindByName', { 'name' => name }) # Make sure we always have an array of handles even if the result only contains one handles = [response[:creditor_contact_handle]].flatten.reject(&:blank?) # Create partial CreditorContact entities contacts = handles.collect do |handle| creditor_contact = build creditor_contact.partial = true creditor_contact.persisted = true creditor_contact.handle = handle = handle[:id] creditor_contact.number = handle[:number] creditor_contact end if owner.is_a?(Creditor) # Scope to the owner do |creditor_contact| creditor_contact.get_data creditor_contact.creditor.handle == owner.handle end else contacts end end private def build(*options) end def owner @caller.owner end def request(action, data) @caller.request(action, data) end end end end end end ## Instruction: Clean up FindByName a bit ## Code After: module Economic module Proxies module Actions module CreditorContactProxy class FindByName attr_reader :name def initialize(caller, name) @caller = caller @name = name end def call # Get a list of CreditorContactHandles from e-conomic handles = [response[:creditor_contact_handle]].flatten.reject(&:blank?) contacts = build_partial_contact_entities(handles) scope_to_owner(contacts) end private def build(*options) end def build_partial_contact_entities(handles) handles.collect do |handle| creditor_contact = build creditor_contact.partial = true creditor_contact.persisted = true creditor_contact.handle = handle = handle[:id] creditor_contact.number = handle[:number] creditor_contact end end def owner @caller.owner end def request(action, data) @caller.request(action, data) end def response request('FindByName', {'name' => name}) end def scope_to_owner(contacts) if owner.is_a?(Creditor) # Scope to the owner do |creditor_contact| creditor_contact.get_data creditor_contact.creditor.handle == owner.handle end else contacts end end end end end end end
<div class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header" ng-show="title"> <button type="button" class="close" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.closeModal()">&times;</button> <h4 class="modal-title" translate="{{title}}"></h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <form name="contentRouteForm" novalidate> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-9"> <!-- Title Form input --> <div class="form-group"> <label for="title">{{ 'PERMALINK' | translate }} <strong class="text-danger">*</strong></label> <input id="title" name="title" type="text" class="form-control" required ng-model="vm.contentRoute"> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.closeModal()"> {{ (vm.hideSubmitButton) ? 'OK' : 'CANCEL' | translate }} </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.saveContentRoute()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle"></i> {{ 'SAVE' | translate }} </button> </div> </div> </div> </div>
<div class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header" ng-show="title"> <button type="button" class="close" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.closeModal()">&times;</button> <h4 class="modal-title" translate="{{title}}"></h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <form name="contentRouteForm" novalidate> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-9"> <!-- Title Form input --> <div class="form-group"> <label for="title">{{ 'PERMALINK' | translate }} <strong class="text-danger">*</strong></label> <input id="title" name="title" type="text" class="form-control" required ng-model="vm.contentRoute"> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.closeModal()"> {{ (vm.hideSubmitButton) ? 'OK' : 'CANCEL' | translate }} </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-disabled="contentRouteForm.$invalid" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.saveContentRoute()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle"></i> {{ 'SAVE' | translate }} </button> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Edit route modal disable button if form is not valid
Edit route modal disable button if form is not valid
## Code Before: <div class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header" ng-show="title"> <button type="button" class="close" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.closeModal()">&times;</button> <h4 class="modal-title" translate="{{title}}"></h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <form name="contentRouteForm" novalidate> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-9"> <!-- Title Form input --> <div class="form-group"> <label for="title">{{ 'PERMALINK' | translate }} <strong class="text-danger">*</strong></label> <input id="title" name="title" type="text" class="form-control" required ng-model="vm.contentRoute"> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.closeModal()"> {{ (vm.hideSubmitButton) ? 'OK' : 'CANCEL' | translate }} </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.saveContentRoute()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle"></i> {{ 'SAVE' | translate }} </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> ## Instruction: Edit route modal disable button if form is not valid ## Code After: <div class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header" ng-show="title"> <button type="button" class="close" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.closeModal()">&times;</button> <h4 class="modal-title" translate="{{title}}"></h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <form name="contentRouteForm" novalidate> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-9"> <!-- Title Form input --> <div class="form-group"> <label for="title">{{ 'PERMALINK' | translate }} <strong class="text-danger">*</strong></label> <input id="title" name="title" type="text" class="form-control" required ng-model="vm.contentRoute"> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.closeModal()"> {{ (vm.hideSubmitButton) ? 'OK' : 'CANCEL' | translate }} </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-disabled="contentRouteForm.$invalid" ng-click="vm.editRouteModal.saveContentRoute()"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle"></i> {{ 'SAVE' | translate }} </button> </div> </div> </div> </div>
import Foundation extension MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType { private static func factoryMethod( type:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType) -> MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol.Type { switch type { case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.showpin: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodShowpin.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.register: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegister.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.registerResult: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegisterResult.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.registerCancel: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegisterCancel.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.connect: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodConnect.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.standby: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodStandby.self } } //MARK: internal static func factoryMethod( name:String, received:String) -> MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol? { guard let type:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType = MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType( rawValue:name) else { return nil } let methodType:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol.Type = factoryMethod( type:type) let method:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol = methodType.init( received:received) return method } }
import Foundation extension MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType { private static let kMethodMap:[ MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol.Type] = [ MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.showpin: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodShowpin.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.register: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegister.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.registerResult: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegisterResult.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.registerCancel: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegisterCancel.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.connect: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodConnect.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.standby: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodStandby.self] //MARK: internal static func factoryMethod( name:String, received:String) -> MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol? { guard let type:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType = MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType( rawValue:name), let methodType:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol.Type = kMethodMap[ type] else { return nil } let method:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol = methodType.init( received:received) return method } }
Replace switch with method map
Replace switch with method map
## Code Before: import Foundation extension MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType { private static func factoryMethod( type:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType) -> MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol.Type { switch type { case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.showpin: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodShowpin.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.register: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegister.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.registerResult: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegisterResult.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.registerCancel: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegisterCancel.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.connect: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodConnect.self case MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.standby: return MConnectingSocketTcpMethodStandby.self } } //MARK: internal static func factoryMethod( name:String, received:String) -> MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol? { guard let type:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType = MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType( rawValue:name) else { return nil } let methodType:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol.Type = factoryMethod( type:type) let method:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol = methodType.init( received:received) return method } } ## Instruction: Replace switch with method map ## Code After: import Foundation extension MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType { private static let kMethodMap:[ MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol.Type] = [ MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.showpin: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodShowpin.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.register: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegister.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.registerResult: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegisterResult.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.registerCancel: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodRegisterCancel.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.connect: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodConnect.self, MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType.standby: MConnectingSocketTcpMethodStandby.self] //MARK: internal static func factoryMethod( name:String, received:String) -> MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol? { guard let type:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType = MConnectingSocketTcpMethodType( rawValue:name), let methodType:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol.Type = kMethodMap[ type] else { return nil } let method:MConnectingSocketTcpMethodProtocol = methodType.init( received:received) return method } }
import Ember from 'ember'; const { Route, RSVP } = Ember; export default Route.extend({ deactivate() {'team-member').forEach((team) => { if (team.get('isNew')) {; } }); }, actions: { assignMember(member) { const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages'); return => { this.currentModel.get('teamMembers').addObject(member); flashMessages.success(member.get('name')+' has been assigned to the team'); }).catch(() => { member.rollback(); flashMessages.danger('Unable to assign member to the team'); }); }, removeMember(member) { const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages'); return member.destroyRecord().then(() => { flashMessages.success(member.get('name')+' has been removed from the team'); }).catch(() => { member.rollback(); flashMessages.danger('Unable to remove member from the team'); }); } }, model: function (params) { const store =; const teamId =; const tournament = this.modelFor('tournament'); return RSVP.hash({ team: store.find('team', teamId), matches: store.query('match', {tournamentId: tournament.get('id'), teamId}), teamMembers: store.query('team-member', {teamId}) }).then((hash) => {'teamMembers', hash.teamMembers); return hash; }); } });
import Ember from 'ember'; const { Route, RSVP } = Ember; export default Route.extend({ deactivate() {'team-member').forEach((team) => { if (team.get('isNew')) {; } }); }, actions: { assignMember(member) { const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages'); return => { flashMessages.success(member.get('name')+' has been assigned to the team'); }).catch(() => { member.rollback(); flashMessages.danger('Unable to assign member to the team'); }); }, removeMember(member) { const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages'); return member.destroyRecord().then(() => { flashMessages.success(member.get('name')+' has been removed from the team'); }).catch(() => { member.rollback(); flashMessages.danger('Unable to remove member from the team'); }); } }, model: function (params) { const store =; const teamId =; const tournament = this.modelFor('tournament'); return RSVP.hash({ team: store.find('team', teamId), matches: store.query('match', {tournamentId: tournament.get('id'), teamId}), teamMembers: store.query('team-member', {teamId}) }).then((hash) => {'teamMembers', hash.teamMembers); return hash; }); } });
Fix assign member to the team
Fix assign member to the team
## Code Before: import Ember from 'ember'; const { Route, RSVP } = Ember; export default Route.extend({ deactivate() {'team-member').forEach((team) => { if (team.get('isNew')) {; } }); }, actions: { assignMember(member) { const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages'); return => { this.currentModel.get('teamMembers').addObject(member); flashMessages.success(member.get('name')+' has been assigned to the team'); }).catch(() => { member.rollback(); flashMessages.danger('Unable to assign member to the team'); }); }, removeMember(member) { const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages'); return member.destroyRecord().then(() => { flashMessages.success(member.get('name')+' has been removed from the team'); }).catch(() => { member.rollback(); flashMessages.danger('Unable to remove member from the team'); }); } }, model: function (params) { const store =; const teamId =; const tournament = this.modelFor('tournament'); return RSVP.hash({ team: store.find('team', teamId), matches: store.query('match', {tournamentId: tournament.get('id'), teamId}), teamMembers: store.query('team-member', {teamId}) }).then((hash) => {'teamMembers', hash.teamMembers); return hash; }); } }); ## Instruction: Fix assign member to the team ## Code After: import Ember from 'ember'; const { Route, RSVP } = Ember; export default Route.extend({ deactivate() {'team-member').forEach((team) => { if (team.get('isNew')) {; } }); }, actions: { assignMember(member) { const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages'); return => { flashMessages.success(member.get('name')+' has been assigned to the team'); }).catch(() => { member.rollback(); flashMessages.danger('Unable to assign member to the team'); }); }, removeMember(member) { const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages'); return member.destroyRecord().then(() => { flashMessages.success(member.get('name')+' has been removed from the team'); }).catch(() => { member.rollback(); flashMessages.danger('Unable to remove member from the team'); }); } }, model: function (params) { const store =; const teamId =; const tournament = this.modelFor('tournament'); return RSVP.hash({ team: store.find('team', teamId), matches: store.query('match', {tournamentId: tournament.get('id'), teamId}), teamMembers: store.query('team-member', {teamId}) }).then((hash) => {'teamMembers', hash.teamMembers); return hash; }); } });
<?php namespace ComplexPie\Atom10; class Feed { private static $aliases = array( 'description' => 'subtitle', 'tagline' => 'subtitle', 'copyright' => 'rights', ); private static $elements = array( 'title' => array( 'element' => 'atom:title', 'type' => 'atomTextConstruct', 'single' => true ), 'subtitle' => array( 'element' => 'atom:subtitle', 'type' => 'atomTextConstruct', 'single' => true ), 'rights' => array( 'element' => 'atom:rights', 'type' => 'atomTextConstruct', 'single' => true ), ); public function __invoke($dom, $name) { if (isset(self::$elements[$name])) { return $this->elements_table($dom, $name); } elseif (isset(self::$aliases[$name])) { return $this->__invoke($dom, self::$aliases[$name]); } } private function elements_table($dom, $name) { $element = self::$elements[$name]; if ($return = \ComplexPie\Misc::get_descendant($dom, $element['element'], array('atom' => XMLNS), $element['single'])) { switch ($element['type']) { case 'atomTextConstruct': return Content::from_text_construct($return); default: throw new \Exception('Um, this shouldn\'t happen'); } } } }
<?php namespace ComplexPie\Atom10; class Feed { private static $aliases = array( 'description' => 'subtitle', 'tagline' => 'subtitle', 'copyright' => 'rights', ); private static $elements = array( 'title' => array( 'element' => 'atom:title', 'contentConstructor' => 'ComplexPie\\Atom10\\Content::from_text_construct', 'single' => true ), 'subtitle' => array( 'element' => 'atom:subtitle', 'contentConstructor' => 'ComplexPie\\Atom10\\Content::from_text_construct', 'single' => true ), 'rights' => array( 'element' => 'atom:rights', 'contentConstructor' => 'ComplexPie\\Atom10\\Content::from_text_construct', 'single' => true ), ); public function __invoke($dom, $name) { if (isset(self::$elements[$name])) { return $this->elements_table($dom, $name); } elseif (isset(self::$aliases[$name])) { return $this->__invoke($dom, self::$aliases[$name]); } } private function elements_table($dom, $name) { $element = self::$elements[$name]; if ($return = \ComplexPie\Misc::get_descendant($dom, $element['element'], array('atom' => XMLNS), $element['single'])) { return call_user_func($element['contentConstructor'], $return); } } }
Make this a bit cleaner.
Make this a bit cleaner.
## Code Before: <?php namespace ComplexPie\Atom10; class Feed { private static $aliases = array( 'description' => 'subtitle', 'tagline' => 'subtitle', 'copyright' => 'rights', ); private static $elements = array( 'title' => array( 'element' => 'atom:title', 'type' => 'atomTextConstruct', 'single' => true ), 'subtitle' => array( 'element' => 'atom:subtitle', 'type' => 'atomTextConstruct', 'single' => true ), 'rights' => array( 'element' => 'atom:rights', 'type' => 'atomTextConstruct', 'single' => true ), ); public function __invoke($dom, $name) { if (isset(self::$elements[$name])) { return $this->elements_table($dom, $name); } elseif (isset(self::$aliases[$name])) { return $this->__invoke($dom, self::$aliases[$name]); } } private function elements_table($dom, $name) { $element = self::$elements[$name]; if ($return = \ComplexPie\Misc::get_descendant($dom, $element['element'], array('atom' => XMLNS), $element['single'])) { switch ($element['type']) { case 'atomTextConstruct': return Content::from_text_construct($return); default: throw new \Exception('Um, this shouldn\'t happen'); } } } } ## Instruction: Make this a bit cleaner. ## Code After: <?php namespace ComplexPie\Atom10; class Feed { private static $aliases = array( 'description' => 'subtitle', 'tagline' => 'subtitle', 'copyright' => 'rights', ); private static $elements = array( 'title' => array( 'element' => 'atom:title', 'contentConstructor' => 'ComplexPie\\Atom10\\Content::from_text_construct', 'single' => true ), 'subtitle' => array( 'element' => 'atom:subtitle', 'contentConstructor' => 'ComplexPie\\Atom10\\Content::from_text_construct', 'single' => true ), 'rights' => array( 'element' => 'atom:rights', 'contentConstructor' => 'ComplexPie\\Atom10\\Content::from_text_construct', 'single' => true ), ); public function __invoke($dom, $name) { if (isset(self::$elements[$name])) { return $this->elements_table($dom, $name); } elseif (isset(self::$aliases[$name])) { return $this->__invoke($dom, self::$aliases[$name]); } } private function elements_table($dom, $name) { $element = self::$elements[$name]; if ($return = \ComplexPie\Misc::get_descendant($dom, $element['element'], array('atom' => XMLNS), $element['single'])) { return call_user_func($element['contentConstructor'], $return); } } }
import {browser} from '../browser'; import {VideoPlayer} from '../VideoPlayer'; export const createMediaPlayer = function (options) { options.tagName = options.tagName || 'video'; let isAudio = options.tagName == 'audio'; let playsInline = options.playsInline; let mediaElementTemplate = document.createElement(options.tagName); mediaElementTemplate.setAttribute('id', 'pageflow_media_element_'+options.playerId); mediaElementTemplate.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous'); const player = new VideoPlayer(mediaElementTemplate, { controlBar: false, loadingSpinner: false, bigPlayButton: false, errorDisplay: false, textTrackSettings: false, poster: options.poster, loop: options.loop, controls: options.controls, html5: { nativeCaptions: !isAudio && browser.has('iphone platform') }, bufferUnderrunWaiting: true, useSlimPlayerControlsDuringPhonePlayback: !playsInline && !isAudio, fullscreenDuringPhonePlayback: !playsInline && !isAudio, fallbackToMutedAutoplay: !isAudio, volumeFading: true, //should be turned on later hooks: undefined, mediaEvents: true, context: options.mediaContext }); if (playsInline) { player.playsinline(true); } player.textTrackSettings = { getValues() { return {}; } }; player.playOrPlayOnLoad = function () { if (this.readyState() > 0) {; } else { player.on('loadedmetadata',; } }; player.addClass('video-js'); player.addClass('player'); return player; };
import {browser} from '../browser'; import {VideoPlayer} from '../VideoPlayer'; export const createMediaPlayer = function (options) { options.tagName = options.tagName || 'video'; let isAudio = options.tagName == 'audio'; let playsInline = options.playsInline; let mediaElementTemplate = document.createElement(options.tagName); mediaElementTemplate.setAttribute('id', 'pageflow_media_element_'+options.playerId); mediaElementTemplate.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous'); const player = new VideoPlayer(mediaElementTemplate, { controlBar: false, loadingSpinner: false, bigPlayButton: false, errorDisplay: false, textTrackSettings: false, poster: options.poster, loop: options.loop, controls: options.controls, html5: { nativeCaptions: !isAudio && browser.has('iphone platform') }, bufferUnderrunWaiting: true, fallbackToMutedAutoplay: !isAudio, volumeFading: true, //should be turned on later hooks: undefined, mediaEvents: true, context: options.mediaContext }); if (playsInline) { player.playsinline(true); } player.textTrackSettings = { getValues() { return {}; } }; player.playOrPlayOnLoad = function () { if (this.readyState() > 0) {; } else { player.on('loadedmetadata',; } }; player.addClass('video-js'); player.addClass('player'); return player; };
Remove paged specific options from scrolled media player
Remove paged specific options from scrolled media player * `fullscreenDuringPhonePlayback` is unused legacy. * `useSlimPlayerControlsDuringPhonePlayback` refers to paged widget types.
## Code Before: import {browser} from '../browser'; import {VideoPlayer} from '../VideoPlayer'; export const createMediaPlayer = function (options) { options.tagName = options.tagName || 'video'; let isAudio = options.tagName == 'audio'; let playsInline = options.playsInline; let mediaElementTemplate = document.createElement(options.tagName); mediaElementTemplate.setAttribute('id', 'pageflow_media_element_'+options.playerId); mediaElementTemplate.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous'); const player = new VideoPlayer(mediaElementTemplate, { controlBar: false, loadingSpinner: false, bigPlayButton: false, errorDisplay: false, textTrackSettings: false, poster: options.poster, loop: options.loop, controls: options.controls, html5: { nativeCaptions: !isAudio && browser.has('iphone platform') }, bufferUnderrunWaiting: true, useSlimPlayerControlsDuringPhonePlayback: !playsInline && !isAudio, fullscreenDuringPhonePlayback: !playsInline && !isAudio, fallbackToMutedAutoplay: !isAudio, volumeFading: true, //should be turned on later hooks: undefined, mediaEvents: true, context: options.mediaContext }); if (playsInline) { player.playsinline(true); } player.textTrackSettings = { getValues() { return {}; } }; player.playOrPlayOnLoad = function () { if (this.readyState() > 0) {; } else { player.on('loadedmetadata',; } }; player.addClass('video-js'); player.addClass('player'); return player; }; ## Instruction: Remove paged specific options from scrolled media player * `fullscreenDuringPhonePlayback` is unused legacy. * `useSlimPlayerControlsDuringPhonePlayback` refers to paged widget types. ## Code After: import {browser} from '../browser'; import {VideoPlayer} from '../VideoPlayer'; export const createMediaPlayer = function (options) { options.tagName = options.tagName || 'video'; let isAudio = options.tagName == 'audio'; let playsInline = options.playsInline; let mediaElementTemplate = document.createElement(options.tagName); mediaElementTemplate.setAttribute('id', 'pageflow_media_element_'+options.playerId); mediaElementTemplate.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous'); const player = new VideoPlayer(mediaElementTemplate, { controlBar: false, loadingSpinner: false, bigPlayButton: false, errorDisplay: false, textTrackSettings: false, poster: options.poster, loop: options.loop, controls: options.controls, html5: { nativeCaptions: !isAudio && browser.has('iphone platform') }, bufferUnderrunWaiting: true, fallbackToMutedAutoplay: !isAudio, volumeFading: true, //should be turned on later hooks: undefined, mediaEvents: true, context: options.mediaContext }); if (playsInline) { player.playsinline(true); } player.textTrackSettings = { getValues() { return {}; } }; player.playOrPlayOnLoad = function () { if (this.readyState() > 0) {; } else { player.on('loadedmetadata',; } }; player.addClass('video-js'); player.addClass('player'); return player; };
module.exports = (function() { "use strict"; const Nodal = require('nodal'); const zlib = require('zlib'); class GzipMiddleware extends Nodal.Middleware { exec(controller, data, callback) { let contentType = controller.getHeader('Content-Type', '').split(';')[0]; let acceptEncoding = controller._request.headers['accept-encoding'] || ''; let canCompress = !!{ 'text/plain': 1, 'text/html': 1, 'text/xml': 1, 'text/json': 1, 'text/javascript': 1, 'application/json': 1, 'application/xml': 1, 'application/javascript': 1, 'application/octet-stream': 1 }[contentType]; if (canCompress) { if (acceptEncoding.match(/\bgzip\b/)) { zlib.gzip(data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { controller.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip'); callback(null, result); return; } callback(null, data); }); return true; } else if(acceptEncoding.match(/\bdeflate\b/)) { zlib.deflate(data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { controller.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'deflate'); callback(null, result); return; } callback(null, data); }); return true; } } callback(null, data); return false; } } return GzipMiddleware; })();
module.exports = (function() { "use strict"; const Nodal = require('nodal'); const zlib = require('zlib'); class GzipRenderware extends Nodal.Renderware { exec(controller, data, callback) { let contentType = controller.getHeader('Content-Type', '').split(';')[0]; let acceptEncoding = controller._request.headers['accept-encoding'] || ''; let canCompress = !!{ 'text/plain': 1, 'text/html': 1, 'text/xml': 1, 'text/json': 1, 'text/javascript': 1, 'application/json': 1, 'application/xml': 1, 'application/javascript': 1, 'application/octet-stream': 1 }[contentType]; if (canCompress) { if (acceptEncoding.match(/\bgzip\b/)) { zlib.gzip(data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { controller.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip'); callback(null, result); return; } callback(null, data); }); return true; } else if(acceptEncoding.match(/\bdeflate\b/)) { zlib.deflate(data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { controller.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'deflate'); callback(null, result); return; } callback(null, data); }); return true; } } callback(null, data); return false; } } return GzipRenderware; })();
Add renderware to generated apps
Add renderware to generated apps
## Code Before: module.exports = (function() { "use strict"; const Nodal = require('nodal'); const zlib = require('zlib'); class GzipMiddleware extends Nodal.Middleware { exec(controller, data, callback) { let contentType = controller.getHeader('Content-Type', '').split(';')[0]; let acceptEncoding = controller._request.headers['accept-encoding'] || ''; let canCompress = !!{ 'text/plain': 1, 'text/html': 1, 'text/xml': 1, 'text/json': 1, 'text/javascript': 1, 'application/json': 1, 'application/xml': 1, 'application/javascript': 1, 'application/octet-stream': 1 }[contentType]; if (canCompress) { if (acceptEncoding.match(/\bgzip\b/)) { zlib.gzip(data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { controller.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip'); callback(null, result); return; } callback(null, data); }); return true; } else if(acceptEncoding.match(/\bdeflate\b/)) { zlib.deflate(data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { controller.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'deflate'); callback(null, result); return; } callback(null, data); }); return true; } } callback(null, data); return false; } } return GzipMiddleware; })(); ## Instruction: Add renderware to generated apps ## Code After: module.exports = (function() { "use strict"; const Nodal = require('nodal'); const zlib = require('zlib'); class GzipRenderware extends Nodal.Renderware { exec(controller, data, callback) { let contentType = controller.getHeader('Content-Type', '').split(';')[0]; let acceptEncoding = controller._request.headers['accept-encoding'] || ''; let canCompress = !!{ 'text/plain': 1, 'text/html': 1, 'text/xml': 1, 'text/json': 1, 'text/javascript': 1, 'application/json': 1, 'application/xml': 1, 'application/javascript': 1, 'application/octet-stream': 1 }[contentType]; if (canCompress) { if (acceptEncoding.match(/\bgzip\b/)) { zlib.gzip(data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { controller.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip'); callback(null, result); return; } callback(null, data); }); return true; } else if(acceptEncoding.match(/\bdeflate\b/)) { zlib.deflate(data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { controller.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'deflate'); callback(null, result); return; } callback(null, data); }); return true; } } callback(null, data); return false; } } return GzipRenderware; })();
require 'set' module VagrantPlugins module AnsibleAuto module Cap module Guest module POSIX class GatewayAddresses class << self def gateway_addresses(machine) with_default_gateway_addresses(machine).to_a.compact end private def with_default_gateway_addresses(machine) return enum_for(__method__, machine) unless block_given? seen_addresses = yield_unseen_address = lambda do |a| yield a unless seen_addresses.include? a seen_addresses << a end machine.communicate.execute('ip route show', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.lines.each do |line| if line.start_with?('default')[2]) end end end end machine.communicate.execute('route -n', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.lines.each do |line| if line.start_with?('')[1]) end end end end machine.communicate.execute('netstat -rn', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.lines.each do |line| if line.start_with?('')[1]) end end end end end end end end end end end end
require 'set' module VagrantPlugins module AnsibleAuto module Cap module Guest module POSIX class GatewayAddresses class << self def gateway_addresses(machine) with_default_gateway_addresses(machine).to_a.compact end private def with_default_gateway_addresses(machine) return enum_for(__method__, machine) unless block_given? machine.communicate.execute('ip route show', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.each_line { |l| yield l.split[2] if l.start_with? 'default' } end end machine.communicate.execute('route -n', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.each_line { |l| yield l.split[1] if l.start_with? '' } end end machine.communicate.execute('netstat -rn', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.each_line { |l| yield l.split[1] if l.start_with? '' } end end end end end end end end end end
Simplify iteration over candidate gateway IP addresses
Simplify iteration over candidate gateway IP addresses
## Code Before: require 'set' module VagrantPlugins module AnsibleAuto module Cap module Guest module POSIX class GatewayAddresses class << self def gateway_addresses(machine) with_default_gateway_addresses(machine).to_a.compact end private def with_default_gateway_addresses(machine) return enum_for(__method__, machine) unless block_given? seen_addresses = yield_unseen_address = lambda do |a| yield a unless seen_addresses.include? a seen_addresses << a end machine.communicate.execute('ip route show', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.lines.each do |line| if line.start_with?('default')[2]) end end end end machine.communicate.execute('route -n', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.lines.each do |line| if line.start_with?('')[1]) end end end end machine.communicate.execute('netstat -rn', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.lines.each do |line| if line.start_with?('')[1]) end end end end end end end end end end end end ## Instruction: Simplify iteration over candidate gateway IP addresses ## Code After: require 'set' module VagrantPlugins module AnsibleAuto module Cap module Guest module POSIX class GatewayAddresses class << self def gateway_addresses(machine) with_default_gateway_addresses(machine).to_a.compact end private def with_default_gateway_addresses(machine) return enum_for(__method__, machine) unless block_given? machine.communicate.execute('ip route show', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.each_line { |l| yield l.split[2] if l.start_with? 'default' } end end machine.communicate.execute('route -n', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.each_line { |l| yield l.split[1] if l.start_with? '' } end end machine.communicate.execute('netstat -rn', error_check: false) do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.each_line { |l| yield l.split[1] if l.start_with? '' } end end end end end end end end end end
import Ember from 'ember'; import FakeServer, { stubRequest } from 'ember-cli-fake-server'; import config from 'ember-get-config'; import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit'; moduleForComponent('license-picker', 'Integration | Component | license picker', { integration: true }); function render(ctx, args) { let noop = () => {}; this.set('noop', noop); let licenses = [{ name: 'Without', text: 'This is a license without input fields', requiredFields: [] }, { name: 'No license', text: '{{yearRequired}} {{copyrightHolders}}', required_fields: ['yearRequired', 'copyrightHolders'] }] ctx.set('licenses', licenses); return ctx.render(Ember.HTMLBars.compile(`{{license-picker ${args && args.indexOf('editLicense') === -1 ? 'editLicense=(action noop)' : ''} allowDismiss=false licenses=licenses pressSubmit=(action noop) ${args || ''} }}`)); } test('it renders', function(assert) { render(this); assert.ok(true); }); test('default values cause autosave to trigger', function(assert) { let called = false; const autosaveFunc = () => { called = true; } this.set('autosaveFunc', autosaveFunc); let currentValues = {}; this.set('currentValues', currentValues); render(this, 'editLicense=autosaveFunc autosave=true currentValues=currentValues'); assert.ok(called); }); test('passing currentValues does not trigger autosave', function(assert) { let called = false; const autosaveFunc = () => { called = true; } this.set('autosaveFunc', autosaveFunc); let currentValues = { year: '2017', copyrightHolders: 'Henrique', nodeLicense: { id: 'a license' } }; this.set('currentValues', currentValues); render(this, 'editLicense=autosaveFunc autosave=true currentValues=currentValues'); assert.ok(!called); });
import Ember from 'ember'; import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit'; moduleForComponent('license-picker', 'Integration | Component | license picker', { integration: true }); function render(ctx, args) { ctx.set('currentValues', {}); ctx.set('noop', () => {}); ctx.set('licenses', [{ name: 'Without', text: 'This is a license without input fields', requiredFields: [] }, { name: 'No license', text: '{{yearRequired}} {{copyrightHolders}}', required_fields: ['yearRequired', 'copyrightHolders'] }]); return ctx.render(Ember.HTMLBars.compile(`{{license-picker ${args && args.indexOf('editLicense') === -1 ? 'editLicense=(action noop)' : ''} allowDismiss=false licenses=licenses currentValues=currentValues pressSubmit=(action noop) ${args || ''} }}`)); } test('it renders', function(assert) { render(this); assert.ok(true); });
Fix linting, remove tests dependent on observables
Fix linting, remove tests dependent on observables
## Code Before: import Ember from 'ember'; import FakeServer, { stubRequest } from 'ember-cli-fake-server'; import config from 'ember-get-config'; import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit'; moduleForComponent('license-picker', 'Integration | Component | license picker', { integration: true }); function render(ctx, args) { let noop = () => {}; this.set('noop', noop); let licenses = [{ name: 'Without', text: 'This is a license without input fields', requiredFields: [] }, { name: 'No license', text: '{{yearRequired}} {{copyrightHolders}}', required_fields: ['yearRequired', 'copyrightHolders'] }] ctx.set('licenses', licenses); return ctx.render(Ember.HTMLBars.compile(`{{license-picker ${args && args.indexOf('editLicense') === -1 ? 'editLicense=(action noop)' : ''} allowDismiss=false licenses=licenses pressSubmit=(action noop) ${args || ''} }}`)); } test('it renders', function(assert) { render(this); assert.ok(true); }); test('default values cause autosave to trigger', function(assert) { let called = false; const autosaveFunc = () => { called = true; } this.set('autosaveFunc', autosaveFunc); let currentValues = {}; this.set('currentValues', currentValues); render(this, 'editLicense=autosaveFunc autosave=true currentValues=currentValues'); assert.ok(called); }); test('passing currentValues does not trigger autosave', function(assert) { let called = false; const autosaveFunc = () => { called = true; } this.set('autosaveFunc', autosaveFunc); let currentValues = { year: '2017', copyrightHolders: 'Henrique', nodeLicense: { id: 'a license' } }; this.set('currentValues', currentValues); render(this, 'editLicense=autosaveFunc autosave=true currentValues=currentValues'); assert.ok(!called); }); ## Instruction: Fix linting, remove tests dependent on observables ## Code After: import Ember from 'ember'; import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit'; moduleForComponent('license-picker', 'Integration | Component | license picker', { integration: true }); function render(ctx, args) { ctx.set('currentValues', {}); ctx.set('noop', () => {}); ctx.set('licenses', [{ name: 'Without', text: 'This is a license without input fields', requiredFields: [] }, { name: 'No license', text: '{{yearRequired}} {{copyrightHolders}}', required_fields: ['yearRequired', 'copyrightHolders'] }]); return ctx.render(Ember.HTMLBars.compile(`{{license-picker ${args && args.indexOf('editLicense') === -1 ? 'editLicense=(action noop)' : ''} allowDismiss=false licenses=licenses currentValues=currentValues pressSubmit=(action noop) ${args || ''} }}`)); } test('it renders', function(assert) { render(this); assert.ok(true); });
from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext import numpy ALGPATH = "clusterpy/core/toolboxes/cluster/componentsAlg/" ALGPKG = "clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster.componentsAlg." CLUSPATH = "clusterpy/core/toolboxes/cluster/" CLUSPKG = "clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster." setup( name='clusterPy', version='0.9.9', description='Library of spatially constrained clustering algorithms', long_description=""" clusterPy is a Python library with algorithms for spatially constrained clustering. clusterPy offers you some of the most cited algorithms for spatial aggregation.""", author='RiSE Group', author_email='[email protected]', url='', packages=['clusterpy','clusterpy.core','', 'clusterpy.core.geometry','clusterpy.core.toolboxes', 'clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster', 'clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster.componentsAlg'], ext_modules = [Extension(CLUSPKG+"arisel", [CLUSPATH+"arisel.pyx"], extra_link_args=['-fopenmp'], extra_compile_args=['-fopenmp'] ), Extension(ALGPKG+"distanceFunctions", [ALGPATH+"distanceFunctions.pyx"]), Extension(ALGPKG+"dist2Regions", [ALGPATH+"dist2Regions.pyx"]), Extension(ALGPKG+"selectionTypeFunctions", [ALGPATH+"selectionTypeFunctions.pyx"]), Extension(ALGPKG+"init", [ALGPATH+"init.pyx"]), Extension(ALGPKG+"objFunctions", [ALGPATH+"objFunctions.pyx"]) ], cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext} )
from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension setup( name='clusterPy', version='0.9.9', description='Library of spatially constrained clustering algorithms', long_description=""" clusterPy is a Python library with algorithms for spatially constrained clustering. clusterPy offers you some of the most cited algorithms for spatial aggregation.""", author='RiSE Group', author_email='[email protected]', url='', packages=['clusterpy','clusterpy.core','', 'clusterpy.core.geometry','clusterpy.core.toolboxes', 'clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster', 'clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster.componentsAlg'], )
Remove cython Extension builder and build_ext from Setup
Remove cython Extension builder and build_ext from Setup
## Code Before: from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext import numpy ALGPATH = "clusterpy/core/toolboxes/cluster/componentsAlg/" ALGPKG = "clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster.componentsAlg." CLUSPATH = "clusterpy/core/toolboxes/cluster/" CLUSPKG = "clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster." setup( name='clusterPy', version='0.9.9', description='Library of spatially constrained clustering algorithms', long_description=""" clusterPy is a Python library with algorithms for spatially constrained clustering. clusterPy offers you some of the most cited algorithms for spatial aggregation.""", author='RiSE Group', author_email='[email protected]', url='', packages=['clusterpy','clusterpy.core','', 'clusterpy.core.geometry','clusterpy.core.toolboxes', 'clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster', 'clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster.componentsAlg'], ext_modules = [Extension(CLUSPKG+"arisel", [CLUSPATH+"arisel.pyx"], extra_link_args=['-fopenmp'], extra_compile_args=['-fopenmp'] ), Extension(ALGPKG+"distanceFunctions", [ALGPATH+"distanceFunctions.pyx"]), Extension(ALGPKG+"dist2Regions", [ALGPATH+"dist2Regions.pyx"]), Extension(ALGPKG+"selectionTypeFunctions", [ALGPATH+"selectionTypeFunctions.pyx"]), Extension(ALGPKG+"init", [ALGPATH+"init.pyx"]), Extension(ALGPKG+"objFunctions", [ALGPATH+"objFunctions.pyx"]) ], cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext} ) ## Instruction: Remove cython Extension builder and build_ext from Setup ## Code After: from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension setup( name='clusterPy', version='0.9.9', description='Library of spatially constrained clustering algorithms', long_description=""" clusterPy is a Python library with algorithms for spatially constrained clustering. clusterPy offers you some of the most cited algorithms for spatial aggregation.""", author='RiSE Group', author_email='[email protected]', url='', packages=['clusterpy','clusterpy.core','', 'clusterpy.core.geometry','clusterpy.core.toolboxes', 'clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster', 'clusterpy.core.toolboxes.cluster.componentsAlg'], )
from __future__ import unicode_literals from operator import itemgetter import logging from django.http import Http404 from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.views.generic.base import View from regulations.generator.api_reader import ApiReader from regulations.views.preamble import ( notice_data, CommentState) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NoticeHomeView(View): """ Basic view that provides a list of regulations and notices to the context. """ template_name = None # We should probably have a default notice template. def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): notices = ApiReader().notices().get("results", []) context = {} notices_meta = [] for notice in notices: try: if notice.get("document_number"): _, meta, _ = notice_data(notice["document_number"]) notices_meta.append(meta) except Http404: pass notices_meta = sorted(notices_meta, key=itemgetter("publication_date"), reverse=True) context["notices"] = notices_meta # Django templates won't show contents of CommentState as an Enum, so: context["comment_state"] = { state.value for state in CommentState} assert self.template_name template = self.template_name return TemplateResponse(request=request, template=template, context=context)
from __future__ import unicode_literals from operator import itemgetter import logging from django.http import Http404 from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.views.generic.base import View from regulations.generator.api_reader import ApiReader from regulations.views.preamble import ( notice_data, CommentState) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NoticeHomeView(View): """ Basic view that provides a list of regulations and notices to the context. """ template_name = None # We should probably have a default notice template. def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): notices = ApiReader().notices().get("results", []) context = {} notices_meta = [] for notice in notices: try: if notice.get("document_number"): _, meta, _ = notice_data(notice["document_number"]) notices_meta.append(meta) except Http404: pass notices_meta = sorted(notices_meta, key=itemgetter("publication_date"), reverse=True) context["notices"] = notices_meta # Django templates won't show contents of CommentState as an Enum, so: context["comment_state"] = { state.value for state in CommentState} template = self.template_name return TemplateResponse(request=request, template=template, context=context)
Remove unnecessary assert from view for Notice home.
Remove unnecessary assert from view for Notice home.
## Code Before: from __future__ import unicode_literals from operator import itemgetter import logging from django.http import Http404 from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.views.generic.base import View from regulations.generator.api_reader import ApiReader from regulations.views.preamble import ( notice_data, CommentState) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NoticeHomeView(View): """ Basic view that provides a list of regulations and notices to the context. """ template_name = None # We should probably have a default notice template. def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): notices = ApiReader().notices().get("results", []) context = {} notices_meta = [] for notice in notices: try: if notice.get("document_number"): _, meta, _ = notice_data(notice["document_number"]) notices_meta.append(meta) except Http404: pass notices_meta = sorted(notices_meta, key=itemgetter("publication_date"), reverse=True) context["notices"] = notices_meta # Django templates won't show contents of CommentState as an Enum, so: context["comment_state"] = { state.value for state in CommentState} assert self.template_name template = self.template_name return TemplateResponse(request=request, template=template, context=context) ## Instruction: Remove unnecessary assert from view for Notice home. ## Code After: from __future__ import unicode_literals from operator import itemgetter import logging from django.http import Http404 from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.views.generic.base import View from regulations.generator.api_reader import ApiReader from regulations.views.preamble import ( notice_data, CommentState) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NoticeHomeView(View): """ Basic view that provides a list of regulations and notices to the context. """ template_name = None # We should probably have a default notice template. def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): notices = ApiReader().notices().get("results", []) context = {} notices_meta = [] for notice in notices: try: if notice.get("document_number"): _, meta, _ = notice_data(notice["document_number"]) notices_meta.append(meta) except Http404: pass notices_meta = sorted(notices_meta, key=itemgetter("publication_date"), reverse=True) context["notices"] = notices_meta # Django templates won't show contents of CommentState as an Enum, so: context["comment_state"] = { state.value for state in CommentState} template = self.template_name return TemplateResponse(request=request, template=template, context=context)
'use strict'; angular.module('arethusa.core').directive('foreignKeys',[ 'keyCapture', 'languageSettings', function (keyCapture, languageSettings) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { ngChange: '&', ngModel: '@', foreignKeys: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var parent = scope.$parent; function extractLanguage() { return (languageSettings.getFor('treebank') || {}).lang; } function lang() { return scope.foreignKeys || extractLanguage(); } // This will not detect changes right now function placeHolderText() { var language = languageSettings.langNames[lang()]; return language ? language + ' input enabled!' : ''; } element.attr('placeholder', placeHolderText); element.on('keydown', function (event) { var input =; if (lang) { var fK = keyCapture.getForeignKey(event, lang); if (fK === false) { return false; } if (fK === undefined) { return true; } else { = input + fK; scope.$apply(function() { parent.$eval(scope.ngModel + ' = i + k', { i: input, k: fK }); scope.ngChange(); }); return false; } } else { return true; } }); } }; } ]);
'use strict'; angular.module('arethusa.core').directive('foreignKeys',[ 'keyCapture', 'languageSettings', function (keyCapture, languageSettings) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { ngChange: '&', ngModel: '@', foreignKeys: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var parent = scope.$parent; function extractLanguage() { return (languageSettings.getFor('treebank') || {}).lang; } function lang() { return scope.foreignKeys || extractLanguage(); } // This will not detect changes right now function placeHolderText() { var language = languageSettings.langNames[lang()]; return language ? language + ' input enabled!' : ''; } element.attr('placeholder', placeHolderText); element.on('keydown', function (event) { var input =; var l = lang(); if (l) { var fK = keyCapture.getForeignKey(event, l); if (fK === false) { return false; } if (fK === undefined) { return true; } else { = input + fK; scope.$apply(function() { parent.$eval(scope.ngModel + ' = i + k', { i: input, k: fK }); scope.ngChange(); }); return false; } } else { return true; } }); } }; } ]);
Fix minor mistake in foreignKeys
Fix minor mistake in foreignKeys
## Code Before: 'use strict'; angular.module('arethusa.core').directive('foreignKeys',[ 'keyCapture', 'languageSettings', function (keyCapture, languageSettings) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { ngChange: '&', ngModel: '@', foreignKeys: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var parent = scope.$parent; function extractLanguage() { return (languageSettings.getFor('treebank') || {}).lang; } function lang() { return scope.foreignKeys || extractLanguage(); } // This will not detect changes right now function placeHolderText() { var language = languageSettings.langNames[lang()]; return language ? language + ' input enabled!' : ''; } element.attr('placeholder', placeHolderText); element.on('keydown', function (event) { var input =; if (lang) { var fK = keyCapture.getForeignKey(event, lang); if (fK === false) { return false; } if (fK === undefined) { return true; } else { = input + fK; scope.$apply(function() { parent.$eval(scope.ngModel + ' = i + k', { i: input, k: fK }); scope.ngChange(); }); return false; } } else { return true; } }); } }; } ]); ## Instruction: Fix minor mistake in foreignKeys ## Code After: 'use strict'; angular.module('arethusa.core').directive('foreignKeys',[ 'keyCapture', 'languageSettings', function (keyCapture, languageSettings) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { ngChange: '&', ngModel: '@', foreignKeys: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var parent = scope.$parent; function extractLanguage() { return (languageSettings.getFor('treebank') || {}).lang; } function lang() { return scope.foreignKeys || extractLanguage(); } // This will not detect changes right now function placeHolderText() { var language = languageSettings.langNames[lang()]; return language ? language + ' input enabled!' : ''; } element.attr('placeholder', placeHolderText); element.on('keydown', function (event) { var input =; var l = lang(); if (l) { var fK = keyCapture.getForeignKey(event, l); if (fK === false) { return false; } if (fK === undefined) { return true; } else { = input + fK; scope.$apply(function() { parent.$eval(scope.ngModel + ' = i + k', { i: input, k: fK }); scope.ngChange(); }); return false; } } else { return true; } }); } }; } ]);

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