###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel creative right now and it makes me happy ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i could wear on a casual shopping trip to feel fabulous without even trying ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i want others to be happy but does that mean i step back yet again it feels like and allow them to be happy because they deserve it or do they even deserve it or do i ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i am limiting myself to what i can reasonably do without causing greater injury but i have to do some sort of physical exercise or i start to feel horrible about myself ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel so lucky to live in portland land of delicious food ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i was feeling pretty cranky this morning and stopping in here really made me feel a lot better ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i didnt feel the cold up there because we had a fire every night ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im also feeling cranky about it because the main characters scientist brother observing the moon mentions that there is zero gravity there ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i folk if im feeling sociable ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel these divine forces so strongly sometimes i wonder if agnostics atheists and judeo christian fundamentalists have any feeling or excitement in their hearts ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i started to feel discouraged at the thought of being there more than one day ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im already feeling sentimental about his time as a newborn as he was so wee and has sadly outgrown some fave thrifted outfits ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like ive been in a more innocent version of a one night stand ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i finish typing this post i realise i m ok no longer do i feel annoyed angry or even sad ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i refuse to rate the book but if she and her publisher feel snobbish then take it from me when i say jeanette winterson cannot write and essentially does not do wish to do anything with the scope to explore ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel petty even though the thoughts arent real fleshed out thoughts just these fluttering i should feel like this kind of thoughts ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i felt sad and apprehensive and angry that i d had vertigo and that it had left me feeling uncertain ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like ive got a handle on trusting my instincts ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel so complacent and start thinking that i am so smart ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have admitted defeat and asked the other half to come back from the lake coz i just feel so uptight already ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel if journalists then blamed me ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i put my leg around yours and wrap my arms under yours for me to feel safe again ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like im not pretty enough like my personality is too boring and obnoxious ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i am so relieved and excited and i feel confident again ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im proud of but having crafted something that other people care about even just enough to click through to makes me feel so wonderful ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have switched songs as that one was beginning to make me feel a little melancholy and who the fuck needs that ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel embarrassed to talk to him at times because i feel very small in those moments like he is doing me a favor and i do not deserve to be given attention ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i sound so entitled but you cant help but to feel disappointed even though you already knew you were going to be ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i remember feeling how my husband felt when i would see people being rude to my mom and mom just being her sweet self to them ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel more clever ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i was feeling remorseful about my breakfast and so i took a diet pill ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel as though the concept of lifestyle change rather than weight loss has been beaten to death but it really is something that i believe in and am currently experiencing ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i do not know what my next steps are but i no longer feel lost ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have been feeling awful ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i believe just imagining what it would be like to act live in front of an audience will make me feel joyful ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i hate the moment when i completely feel perfect with people around me whom i love the most suddenly disappear ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i remember feeling a little jealous and realized that our time together wasnt solely about me but that he has a larger network of social interactions all ready in progress before i got there ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel really tranquil where i am right now ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel impatient yet i am not fully sure what i am searching for ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i was on my own tearful and feeling unloved even though i know that i am ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like after everything ive been nothing but sincere what bothers me the most is that you wanted to hurt me you even told me ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i had so much to write then got distracted by my home on a wednesday evening challenge and have therefore lost my train of thought ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i was starting to feel a little stressed ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have to admit i am feeling a bit intimidated by the challenge of ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i think i was feeling vulnerable due to the stress of having to buy a new sewing machine and printer ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel ashamed to have not read it yet ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i hear about a teenaged girl devastated by the pimple on her face the morning of prom i feel devastated for her ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i woke up on a beautiful sunday morning feeling restless and miserable ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me rel bookmark i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me april a class url fn n href http www ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i couldn t turn my head away even when i feel frightened ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i should go to the supermarket and buy something totally delicious for dinner with the money my mother put in my account today ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel fine e terminando com eight days a week um ano depois ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel the most uncertain about the project ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel vital full of energy every day and super positive ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel i am completely dissatisfied with the whole world and all human characters are inconsistent ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i mean how would you feel if euan got hauled in for murder but you knew he was innocent ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have experimented lots of the experiences she mentions and sadly this made me realize that most women feel that their career paths are somehow going to be determined by their partners if they support them or not their children ther co workers etc ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i knew from high school and he s pretty fuckin chill says that the girl feels insulted and threatened by the blog that i wrote and would like me to apologize and if i offended her i m sorry ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i don t feel that talented at impacting how things end up at the moment ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i find myself feeling happy more and more and it feels so very good ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling particularly dangerous a chocolate cookie ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling ok and always has a hand on me or sits very close ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling quite mellow now in spite of having raging pms the past few days which means im likely to erupt with little or no warning ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like an innocent victim i feel that i just can t win ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i actually thought i would feel bothered being their since ehb and the other woman ow spent quite a bit of time together there but i didnt feel much of anything ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel they are sincere in wanting to resolve these grievances ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel apprehensive about the ride ahead ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel bothered ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i mostly take the stairs there are of them but occasionally when i am feeling particularly lethargic because of a number of consecutive late nights i bow down to ease and convenience ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i do not feel insecure or unsafe ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel sort of pathetic saying that my iphone internet and tv are my must haves but lets be honest they are ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i guess while i can understand their concern i can t help but feel a little rejected ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i male are stupid first for woman cry babies and should get over it and you feel really cool for putting the stupid men in their place ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i think that our favorite activities as a child are often very telling and if someone is feeling a little unsure about their life s direction going back to those childhood favorite past times holds many rich clues ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have been praying everyday about it and i just feel more and more convinced that this is what god has called me to so we will see ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i love everything that were learning about and feel really passionate about design ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel my brain damaged are getting worst for dis moment ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im not feeling terribly adventurous plus i have family visiting so i cant completely neglect them meaning its going to be business as usual for me ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message the funeral of a friend who was killed in a car accident she was of my own age ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel fearful of being near them ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i was wondering why i was feeling so ecstatic ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i out of all people really dont have many proplems talking about how i feel that being said i am in love so after all i have bitched about the last months was in vain ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i cant imagine the agony those folks feel waiting for news about their own sentimental things ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel all messy ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i do this i feel lethargic uninspired and the next morning have a go at myself ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel just insulted ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message when a very close friend with whom i have a very intimate and bodily relationship he had a girlfriend started to avoid me and didnt want to talk to me any more ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i use an elevated lexicon to feel more intelligent ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel wronged by the world ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel lethargic and lazy and completely uncomposed if i m not dressed in something like that ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel that the director editor missed a teachable moment when tiphany makes her comments about it being nice to feel like everyone else ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i will write anything if i feel passionate about it or at the very least if it genuinely interests me ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have been working hard to shake these feelings because being popular or a genre novel or non literary fiction does not make a book any less legitimate or any less something to read and enjoy and analyze ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel agitated and empty and missing something ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have realized that by ignoring it i am no better and it is heartbreaking to feel so helpless against it ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i would feel joyful ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel so terribly that i have ignored her sweet email up until now ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i am feeling deeply offended big hurt feelings in fact ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i do not feel overwhelmed nor rushed ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i kinda did steal joshua s customer i feel amused ###Assistant: joy