###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel ugly i m more inclined to wear ratty jeans and a sweatshirt than a beautiful dress though i might still wear a pair of heels around my house to boost my self esteem ever so slightly but i definitely won t bother to buy a new pair ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im not feeling homesick yet so im feeling alright about this ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i dance i should feel pretty ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i workout every morning before and feel fabulous for it ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel all of this just from her eyes not from her touch or from her words but from her eyes i know that i can assuredly return this love and know that it shall not be in vain ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i was feeling fabulous until friday morning when i started to get these awful cramps at work ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel honoured to have been able to call them friends to share their brotherhood ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i had begun to feel apprehensive when thick black rain clouds stormed into the sky above town ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i had stated to her the reason i feel so fearful is because i feel unsafe ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i didn t feel like getting shaken down by the tsa quite yet so i pulled off to the side at creative croissants for a lunch ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i get into groups i feel really awkward and overcompensate by being too talkative or by getting really quiet ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel they are pretty safe on my blog img src http s ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel pretty eager to get it done as i have a fun plan for quilting it ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i think if a poem doesn t put pressure on me i don t feel uncomfortable in the sense of feeling more than i can feel understanding more than i can understand loving more than i am able to be in love ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i left to the shower questioning what i feel she was gorgeous such a fantastic body so confident in her movement effortlessly graceful ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel energetic and bouncy i m more than happy to go to the gym run around outside with my kids or take the pram for a long walk often i do all three in one day ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i was still feeling strong ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i didn t burst into tears or some other devastating release of feelings or thoughts because i seemed to know that rich also had to go through his own space without me just dumping on him ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i wanted to get a pumpkin spice latte this morning but it was hot and the last thing i wanted was a hot coffee maybe i am feeling a little bitter ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i suppose he feels badly because he was a bit skeptical of her pain over the last few months shes had a hyperchondria and exaggeration habit in the past though he never openly questioned her about it ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i clench to the corners of the bed to feel assured ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i also feel like i am being selfish in not being grateful for the life i do have and the amazing things in it ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i don t know why perhaps because other girls in the office had nice short hair or perhaps i was just feeling rebellious ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i do not feel miserable at all because my family is not the type that celebrates eid ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i might go get a car wash if i am feeling really generous my car needs it ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i still feel sleep deprived she is almost sleeping through the night giving us ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i just feel really violent right now ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i am bloging again i am sitting here feeling content with my dogs amp cat etc and i know that how lucky we are the truth is we ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel a need to protect my parents against the witch hunt that repressed memory therapy can be ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel disgusted to even be associated with this woman by my race and nationality ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i laughed then bitterly again but i wasnt feeling bitter ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i couldn t know what he was feeling then i thought that he wished he could have been there with us too for each of us knew that however much we hated it at first it was an experience we would remember forever ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i was feeling quite mellow and i wanted a soft easy look to wear with my beginning of a cold ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i told him that maybe i just need time to think how ive been feeling indecisive about things lately ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i still feel it does the genre a disservice when stories are resolved artifically ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i always know when i am feeling artistic when i write my name while i am in an artistic mood the i in manitz i draw a circle not a dot the bigger the dot the more artistic i am feeling and if it is just a line like an accent mark in spanish im pissed ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i remember feeling really terrified when i was in brazil on a bus that was going up steep mountain hills on the side of the mountain in the middle of a big storm wondering if we were going to fall off ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i could feel her whimper to the thought of being unloved and uncared for ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel ive got my foot in the door of the fantastic world of walking and running the trails fells and mountains ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i say whatever comes in my mind tell you directly what i feel a jealous girl not because i m insecure but because i just love that person a trust worthy friend sweet to the one i love ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel strange coming back to work after my one day holiday ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im clearly influenced by the dash happiness of emily dickinson for example and i use dashes instead of colons or semi colons to enhance the feelings of rushed enjambment in the sonnet ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i am fatter because the only thing in my life that can remain under my control is whether or not i get to eat peanut butter on bread when i get home from an impossible day of to first world looking yet third world feeling hell of needy and neglected little girls ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i could claim to redeem the genre but it didn t leave me feeling as entirely frustrated to the point of beating my head against a wall either ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel so sad and hopeless ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im getting the feeling that my classes are a little intimidated by the concept of a lit ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i still feel groggy but i have to get up to do the routine for my son ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have a feeling my view isnt going to be very popular and thats fine ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message when i heard a rumour that the st year exam results were out i had fear that i might be one of the failures ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i want to feel valued i do and appreciated i do and know the people who love me arent going anywhere even if the nature of the relationship changes ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i know there are days in which you feel distracted ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i use it regularly with relaxing music and always feel invigorated afterward ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling distracted i tend to practice with my eyes shut as much as possible ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like its perfect a w see youtube has its influences i even know trends ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i specifically wanted tango was feeling shy and maks quite the opposite hard to get far enough away from him to get good pics lol ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i also didn t feel very weird sleeping in my bed while the two of them slept in hers ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i just wish okay so i was thinking about it earlier today and heres the thing being all cooped up amp restless has made me feel so needy ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message ive lost some weight such that i could fit into a tiny skirt that ive been unable to wear because i didnt feel confident in it until now ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i hope to feel a bit more creative again soon and miss its presence in my life blog ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i am no fan of the current president i am a conservative and it made me feel unwelcome ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i begin to feel complacent with my life here ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel vulnerable and alone ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i remember feeling inspired and thinking that it was a fine example of parenting ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i m always the one getting punished for stupid things and i feel like i m being chastised for behaving ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i really feel that my life is perfect right now and if it isnt too much to ask for i just hope that everything would stay the same ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im there i simply feel contented ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im not saying cut everyone out of your life but i feel its important to find comfort in solitude meditation or working on projects alone ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i think im just being stupid feeling nervous ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel honored by it ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel im like a bird flying in the air in a very carefree manner ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have to revise my replies over and over again in my mind just to make sure that the reply sounds appropriate enough and that the person who receive the reply will not feel offended ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i felt sad when a friend of mine died and i felt that something had irrevocably gone away from me ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i died would alex and matt feel regretful for not coming to visit ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel that educating families and supporting and educationg mamas and papas is key ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im sure its because when i am lost i feel like everyone is being hostile toward me and i hate that feeling ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like these are very boring sewing makes since they are so easy and there is nothing else to say about them than my fabric usage ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have always liked to use the original fragrance to freshen up and lightly scent my underwear drawer to feel gorgeously glamorous and girly ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel like i talented young man i don t feel talented then i don t to work with ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel the reason were apart of each others lives is because im in his to help him become something to push him to succeed and be successful and happy ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel now so uncomfortable with all of them i guess is me ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel pretty mellow so far about whatever healing wounding process may be getting underway ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i wonder sometimes whether i have just added to the antagonism and misunderstanding that many people have towards those of us who feel reluctant to wholeheartedly support the traditional armistice day remembrances ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i legs would feel shitty for a few miles but would come around like they always do ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i know its an unfair reaction but i have run out of ways to explain how i feel shaken is the best i can come up with right now ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel abused and maligned but mostly tired of the nervous feeling anticipating danger ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i am feeling pretty restless right now while typing this ###Assistant: fear
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i have to admit these hilarious e cards are seriously exactly how i feel i am so stressed out i feel at any moment i could start hy ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i wrote last year when i was feeling more dull and inarticulate than normal ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message id kick myself into gear but i just feel irritable with no motivation what so ever ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel as a child innocent feelings illustrating a ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i will start to feel resentful ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i will spend my vacation on me no obligations no headaches no feeling like i am being emotional blackmailed into being three places at once ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i feel so fucked like everyday of my life ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message ive worked really hard all year to try to make each child in the class feel like they are valued ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i am feeling disheartened with my words as of late ###Assistant: sadness
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i didn t feel like i was being bitchy at the time but upon retrospect why wouldn t he think that i was trying to shake him off ###Assistant: anger
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i still second guess myself and still have a terrible time making definitive decisions but there are certain truths that i do know about myself and i feel assured by those truths ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message i don t feel like eggs benedict i ll have something equally delicious ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling my way through and trusting myself ###Assistant: joy
###Humman: Predict the Emotion behind this message im feeling inspired by all the summery elements of my favorite past time beach bummin ###Assistant: joy