Hi folks! I’ve been sifting through docs and experimenting a bit. Trying to piece things together but it seems like I can’t add a remote-fetched task to an imperative workflow: `AssertionError: Should be but it's not` (found <|source code here>) Is there some conversion I’m missing from remote FlyteTask type? Or perhaps I should fetch the task in a different way? Based on our discussion last week, I was under the impression that I could build/register a new imperative workflow using pre-registered tasks. Just want to make sure that assumption is correct
this is why you don’t add dumb exception comments and forget to clean them up later. :grimacing: um. i think we should just add the remotely fetched entities to that list. i will play around with that a bit today or tomorrow if that ends up being a lot of work then it’ll have to be pushed behind some other stuff but hopefully it’ll be quick
this is why you don’t add dumb exception comments and forget to clean them up later. :grimacing: um. i think we should just add the remotely fetched entities to that list. i will play around with that a bit today or tomorrow if that ends up being a lot of work then it’ll have to be pushed behind some other stuff but hopefully it’ll be quick
thanks I really appreciate it! Hey Yee, just wanted to mention that this happens with `flytekit.models.task.Task` as well. (I was curious if I could use a task fetched through a SynchronousFlyteClient instead of FlyteRemote)
thanks I really appreciate it! Hey Yee, just wanted to mention that this happens with `flytekit.models.task.Task` as well. (I was curious if I could use a task fetched through a SynchronousFlyteClient instead of FlyteRemote)
omg right yes. one more bug fix then this sorry what are you hoping to do btw? this is the graph authoring project right? so you need to retrieve stuff from admin and construct workflows out of them
omg right yes. one more bug fix then this sorry what are you hoping to do btw? this is the graph authoring project right? so you need to retrieve stuff from admin and construct workflows out of them
Correct! Decided to go down the FlyteRemote path. So ideally constructing the workflows from our python backend service
Correct! Decided to go down the FlyteRemote path. So ideally constructing the workflows from our python backend service
this is not a small change sadly it will take some work. the issue is that for the local stuff, the `PythonTask` and the like, we have access to the python interface, and the existing code uses that. will need to update all that to only rely on the flyte interface
this is not a small change sadly it will take some work. the issue is that for the local stuff, the `PythonTask` and the like, we have access to the python interface, and the existing code uses that. will need to update all that to only rely on the flyte interface
hmm I see do you have any suggestions for an alternative?
hmm I see do you have any suggestions for an alternative?
hmm maybe this will just work can you try working with a PR? i can push a branch to flytekit my suggestion would be to use FlyteRemote, honestly that makes the most sense. Unless you want to write an enormous amount of js code ts how are you doing the interface between js and python though? that’s why i had added matthew to this channel, he had a poc of a ts sdk but iirc it was still just a poc
hmm maybe this will just work can you try working with a PR? i can push a branch to flytekit my suggestion would be to use FlyteRemote, honestly that makes the most sense. Unless you want to write an enormous amount of js code ts how are you doing the interface between js and python though? that’s why i had added matthew to this channel, he had a poc of a ts sdk but iirc it was still just a poc
I’ve never worked from a PR so if you could help me through whatever (local?) setup is necessary I could definitely try! currently we have our own definitions of workflows/nodes etc that we’re working with. just stored in a database. Using flyte was sort of an after thought that we’re trying to pivot towards so as long as im converting from our own minimal definitions to flyte definitions, the js to python piece I guess is out of the picture
I’ve never worked from a PR so if you could help me through whatever (local?) setup is necessary I could definitely try! currently we have our own definitions of workflows/nodes etc that we’re working with. just stored in a database. Using flyte was sort of an after thought that we’re trying to pivot towards so as long as im converting from our own minimal definitions to flyte definitions, the js to python piece I guess is out of the picture
sorry don’t quite understand do you have five mins? might be easier on a call
sorry don’t quite understand do you have five mins? might be easier on a call
I do!
I do!
k <> can you try <> can install it with `pip install git+<>`
k <> can you try <> can install it with `pip install git+<>`
hey I can add the remote fetched task to an imperative workflow with no problem! Tried verifying wf execution as well, but I’m running into `containers with unready status`. I’m guessing that’s an issue on my side since I’m seeing the same thing executing just the fetched task… going to keep experimenting
hey all, starting a new thread since Yee is out, but last week he had started working on <|this pr>, and I was wondering if we could get a general timeline of when this could be validated/merged?
it’s fine as is… but i wanted to get the local execution bits plumbed through. it looks pretty awkward right now.
it’s fine as is… but i wanted to get the local execution bits plumbed through. it looks pretty awkward right now.
Ah gotcha. Thanks for the response! Was just thinking about the release tags but this definitely wasnt pressing :sweat_smile:
Ah gotcha. Thanks for the response! Was just thinking about the release tags but this definitely wasnt pressing :sweat_smile:
yeah i will get to this in the next few days merged this in btw. didn’t end up doing the local execute bit, it was too much refactoring just did the compilation part, should be out in the next release 1.1.0
Another question came up, not sure how much overlap there is with the above, but we’re having trouble executing tasks that were registered with flytekit remote. Here’s a series of steps: 1. Remote register_task (entity is a flyte decorated py function) -&gt; works 2. Remote fetch_task (fetching the above registered task) -&gt; works 3. Remote execute the above task -&gt; Fails both programmatically and from UI with the error ```Pod failed. No message received from kubernetes. ... Usage: pyflyte-execute [OPTIONS] [RESOLVER_ARGS]... Try 'pyflyte-execute --help' for help. Error: no such option: --checkpoint-path``` Does anyone have any insight to this? cc varsha Parthasarathy, feel free to add if I’ve missed anything
which version of flytekit was used to register? and which version is in the container? this shouldn’t happen if the versions match
which version of flytekit was used to register? and which version is in the container? this shouldn’t happen if the versions match
Ahh oof. Yea Im planning on using an updated container currently im registering with latest version and the container has 0.26 Same steps, different error: `ValueError: Empty module name` I’m not sure what the module name would even be though because I’m remote registering a task from a script. And I didn’t think that task code had to live in the container ?
Ahh oof. Yea Im planning on using an updated container currently im registering with latest version and the container has 0.26 Same steps, different error: `ValueError: Empty module name` I’m not sure what the module name would even be though because I’m remote registering a task from a script. And I didn’t think that task code had to live in the container ?
good question Danielle Curammeng - Curious to know about answer to above