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Snow White, imprisoned daughter of the late king, escapes just as the Magic Mirror declares her the source of the Evil Queen's immortality. The Queen sends her men, led by a local huntsman, to bring her back. But upon her capture, the huntsman finds he's being played and turns against the Queen's men, saving Snow White in the process. Meanwhile, Snow's childhood friend, William, learns that she is alive and sets off to save her. Written by G.C. Bendixen | {
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Ted Cruz's belittling of Donald Trump is reaching new levels.
On Tuesday morning, the Texas senator unleashed a barrage of jabs at the Republican presidential frontrunner, perhaps the sharpest escalation of Cruz's rhetoric against Trump in months. In an interview with Dallas radio host Glenn Beck, a supporter, Cruz disparaged Trump as an incompetent manager and wannabe mobster.
Asked about the potential for violence at the Republican National Convention — something Trump and his supporters have raised the possibility of — Cruz said Trump "now has a consistent pattern of inciting violence, of Donald and his henchmen pushing for violence."
"Donald needs to understand he's not Michael Corleone," Cruz said, referring to the protagonist of the "Godfather" movies. "I understand Donald has had some very shady business deals with people that are currently in prison — mobsters — but the presidency should not be La Cosa Nostra."
"Donald needs to stop threatening the voters," Cruz added. "He needs to stop threatening the delegates. He is not a mobster."
In Tuesday's interview with Beck, Cruz also repeatedly targeted the Trump campaign's failure to do well in nominating contests that require a reliable level of organization. Cruz specifically cited a recent case in which the Trump team botched outreach to the Washington state GOP, mistakenly emailing supporters in Washington, D.C. — and two days after a critical deadline in Washington state.
"Donald's whole pitch is he's a great businessman, and yet his campaign right now, it appears he can't run a lemonade stand," Cruz said, suggesting that Trump's campaign is so incompetent if he were a contestant on the reality TV show he once helmed, "The Apprentice," he would have to fire himself.
Despite the Trump campaign's missteps, the billionaire maintains a wide lead over Cruz in the delegate race, an advantage he is expected to build on a week from now when his home state of New York awards 95 delegates. In recent days, Trump has taken to accusing Cruz of cheating him out of support in Colorado, whose 34 delegates Cruz finished sweeping Saturday.
In the interview, Cruz continued to beat back on Trump's criticism of the process in Colorado, calling him a "sore loser" who's all too familiar with getting his way. Painting Trump as spoiled since birth, Cruz said the billionaire "has been surrounded by sycophants his entire business career," a trend now evident in his political foray.
"Look at the humiliation he inflicts on people like Chris Christie," Cruz said, referring to the New Jersey governor who endorsed Trump and has appeared subservient to him on occasion. "Chris Christie right now is trapped in his own private hell."
The radio interview came during the rare weekday in which Cruz does not have any public events planned. He is set to return to the campaign trail Wednesday with an afternoon rally in Pennsylvania. | {
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After a week in which Donald Trump insulted babies and their mothers and war heroes and their families, and threw in fire marshals for good measure, the scariest thing to come out of his team of thugs and political mercenaries is this: the suggestion that civil unrest could follow if he’s denied the presidency.
When the Supreme Court handed George W. Bush the White House in 2000 even though he lost the popular vote, Al Gore graciously conceded and faded away. When Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama four years ago although his internal polls showed a Republican triumph, he congratulated the winner and went off to rediscover his many grandchildren.
Despite party-machine manipulation and considerable voting of the dead, the American institution that produces a peaceful transfer of power has survived.
But this year, facing a likely trouncing in November, Trump has signaled that he will try to bring down our democracy with him. His overlooked comment — “I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged” — is the opening move in a scheme to delegitimize the outcome. | {
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Shinsei Bank Ltd. has been refusing international money transfer requests from customers if they find that the transactions are related to the buying and selling of bitcoin.
"The decision, which has been effective since February, is based on our comprehensive judgment as a bank," a bank spokeswoman told The Wall Street Journal. "We have not determined yet whether we will lift the ban in the future." She declined to specify why the bank made the decision.
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Product Reviews
Mystical bands of chatoyant light fill the blue tiger eye 10mm round beads from Dakota Stones. Available by the strand, these beads are spherical in shape and feature a dark blue coloring that is almost black. The beads feature bands of chatoyancy and some are even streaked with a hint of burnt red. Blue tiger eye is natural in color and is mined in Canada, India, South Africa and the USA. This stone is said to balance pessimistic behavior and to dissolve negative energy and the thought patterns associated with it. These bold beads are perfect for showcasing in necklace ideas. | {
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I know this book has been out there for quite sometime, but with the movie coming out and all I thought I’d add my 2 cents.
This book is stupid and it sucks. I don’t even know if I can name all the reasons why, but I’ll start with this obvious one: it makes it seem like its the women’s own shortcomings that are the problem. I feel like the overall theme of the book is “He doesn’t think you’re good enough, but some dude will eventually… go find that asshole!” Empowering, isn’t it!
Why the hell are you telling women to sit around wondering “duh is he that into me?” like some poor dipshit when she really ought to be thinking “Am I getting what I want out of this relationship? Am I happy? Is he treating me how I want to be treated?” If you’re picking up this book, then chances are you aren’t getting what you want… and THAT is the important thing, ladies.
There reasons men do the things they do are countless and varied. Some of them have absolutely nothing to do with the women they are dating. And some guys are just dicks.
I have one more comment to add to this silly drivel that is marketed to women who have low self esteem: Do you even remember how that episode of Sex & the City ended? Miranda’s date says he wants to go home instead of get coffee with her after dinner, to which she replies “It’s ok, you can admit it! You’re just not that into me!” And then it turns out he just had really bad diarrhea from the Indian food they just ate.
Anything that overgeneralizes is probably bullshit. Including “He’s just not that into you”. | {
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Der letzten Familie echter Menschen, deren verfilmte Geschichte es am Ende eines Kinojahres geschafft hatte, unter die weltweit erfolgreichsten zehn Filme zu kommen, ist es nicht gut ergangen. Die Ehe war ruiniert, dem Vater, der vorher noch munter aus dem Off erzählt hatte, wurde der Kopf weggepustet, und die moralische Verkommenheit jener amerikanischen Vorstadtgesellschaft, in der Sam Mendes’ „American Beauty“ spielt, war bis auf die entsetzlich klappernden Knochen bloßgestellt.
16 Jahre ist es jetzt her, dass die Familie Burnham im Angesicht von Millionen von Menschen auseinanderbrach und Kevin Spaceys Kopf von einer Kugel getroffen wurde. Und der einzige Trost für die Burnhams, der einem heute einfallen würde, ist vielleicht der, dass sie es mehr als anderthalb Jahrzehnte später auf gar keinen Fall wieder so weit bringen würden. Also in den Filmcharts.
Echte Menschen, mit echten Gefühlen und echten Abstürzen: Kevin Spacey in „American Beauty“ Quelle: Getty Images
Sie bringen nämlich nichts, aber auch gar nichts mit, diese Burnhams, das sie heute noch dazu prädestinieren würde. Man muss nicht besonders klug sein, um herauszufinden, was das sein könnte, was den Burnhams fehlt, und um sich einen Überblick zu verschaffen über das Ausmaß der Erzähl- und Geschichtenkrise, in die sich die großen Filmstudios in diesen mehr als anderthalb Jahrzehnten, seit „American Beauty“ mit immerhin fünf Oscars ausgezeichnet wurde, katapultiert haben.
Es geht schon damit los, dass es sich bei den Mitgliedern der Familie Burnham um wahre Menschen handelt. Wenn man sich nämlich vorstellt, welches Menschenbild Außerirdische, deren Existenz seit der Entdeckung von Kepler-452-b ja wieder ein bisschen wahrscheinlicher geworden ist, gewinnen würden, fiele ihnen in ein paar Jahrhunderten nichts an menschlichen Artefakten in die wie auch immer gearteten Hände als eine Box der erfolgreichsten Filme beispielsweise von 2012, wird einem ein bisschen schlecht.
Wirklich Erwachsene sind längst nicht mehr die Zielgruppe
Richtige Menschen ohne irgendwelche magischen Anlagen oder übermenschlichen Fähigkeiten stören bei der weltweiten Vermarktung von Filmen bloß. So sie jedenfalls aussehen wie die Leute, die Kinogänger potenziell am Ausgang ihres Vorgartens oder in der U-Bahn treffen, die Leben leben und Probleme haben, welche die Zuschauer sehr gut kennen aus Zusammenhängen, in denen sie selber leben oder denen sie gerade qua Studium entkommen sind.
Die für den weltweiten Erfolg entscheidende Zielgruppe ist seit „American Beauty“ endgültig in der Alterspyramide nach unten gerutscht. Filme, die es – manchmal aufgrund minimaler Marketingpannen – nicht schaffen, in den sozialvernetzten Fokus der zahlungskräftigen, fantasyver- und vorgebildeten 14- bis 24-Jährigen zu kommen, haben gleich verloren.
Kommt nicht vor in der Wirklichkeit, kommt öfter vor im Kino: Paul Rudd in „Ant-Man“. Er ist es wirklich Quelle: ddp images/Capital Pictures
Und diese Zielgruppenangehörigen wollen nicht sehen, was sie täglich im wirklichen Leben sehen, für die ist Kino nicht ein einfacher Ort, in dem es von komplexen Einzelerzählungen wimmelt, sondern ein komplexes Universum einfacher Geschichten, die im Idealfall untereinander dergestalt in Beziehung stehen, dass man nicht lange Expositionserklärungen braucht, um sich in sie einzufühlen.
Ein Fantasialand ohne Wirklichkeitsschwerkraft oder Gegenwartsverankerung.
Die Welt der Burnhams taugte nicht zum Fantasialand – es lässt sich übrigens auch in Sachen Merchandising nicht viel Funken aus dem Vorstadtgemetzel schlagen: Abgesehen von der Rosensorte, die „American Beauty“ seinen Namen gab, was sollte man denn verkaufen? Rasenmäher? Sie ist zu eng, diese Welt, die Haltung ihr gegenüber zu kritisch, das ganze Setting zu amerikanisch.
Geschichten ohne Ort und außerhalb der Zeit
In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten – das jedenfalls ist einer der Schlüsse aus der Analyse von 20 Top-Ten-Jahreslisten (siehe Graphik am Textbeginn) – ist das Top-Chart-Kino unamerikanischer geworden, was man ja nicht unbedingt bedauern muss. Heimatloser allerdings ist es auch. Es hat sich, um von allen Märkten aus zugänglich zu sein, seine Orte außerhalb der Zeit selbst erfunden.
Orte, die, wenn überhaupt, in der Regel nur durch sehr dünne Erzählfäden mit der Realität verbunden sind. Unverbesserliche, die von dem, was da auf die Leinwand geworfen wird, etwas lernen wollen von der Welt, können sich den Gang ins Bestseller-Kino sparen.
Cineastischen Welt- und Gesellschaftsbezug gibt es da, wohin die gebrochenen Charaktere, die Anti-Helden, die Widerborste umgezogen sind, bei der ungezogenen, kleinen Schwester des Kinos, im Fernsehen
Kassenschlager – um mal das Wort „Blockbuster“ zu vermeiden – taugen nämlich endgültig nicht mehr als moralische Anstalt. Cineastischen Welt- und Gesellschaftsbezug gibt es da, wohin auch die gebrochenen Charaktere, die Anti-Helden, die Widerborste umgezogen sind, bei der ungezogenen, schlanken, schicken kleinen Schwester des Kinos, im Fernsehen – beispielsweise in Form des US-Präsidenten Francis Underwood, den lustigerweise Kevin Spacey spielt. Dort gibt es noch Familienprobleme.
Der einzige Mann mit geborstener Seele und ebensolchem Gesicht, der es auch in diesem Jahr wieder in die Jahresendcharts bringen wird, ist James Bond. Der darf das, den macht das interessant, der hat es in den fünfzig Jahren seiner Kino-Existenz zu einem echten All-Ager gebracht.
Aber eigentlich auch erst richtig, seit Daniel Craig im Martini rührt – beziehungsweise Bier trinkt, weil das Product-Placement es von ihm verlangt. Weswegen es sich auch leicht erklärt, dass der letzte echte Mensch in den Jahresend-Top-Ten eben Bond war, vor drei Jahren war das.
Offizieller Trailer zeigt neues Bond-Auto Sony Pictures hatte es bereits angekündigt - nun ist es endlich soweit: Der offizielle Trailer von „Spectre“ ist da. Neben viel Action gibt es neue Bilder von Bösewicht Christoph Waltz und Bonds neuem Wagen.
Und Sam Mendes hatte „Skyfall“ in Szene gesetzt. Der ist auch für „Spectre“, Bonds 24. Fall, verantwortlich. Der Etat, der Mendes dafür zur Verfügung stand, übersteigt jenen von „American Beauty“ – lächerliche 15 Millionen Dollar waren es bei einem Einspielergebnis von 356 Millionen – übrigens um das Sechzehnfache.
Und sollte „Spectre“, was nach einer Marketingaufbauphase von mehreren Jahren und nach drei Jahren Bond-Pause nicht zu erwarten ist, weniger als, sagen wir, das Dreifache seiner Produktionskosten, also konservativ geschätzt 240 Millionen, einspielen, gilt er als Totalflop. Bei weniger als dem Dreifachen müsste man sich beinahe Sorgen um das verantwortliche Studio machen.
Die Luft in der Blockbusterblase, die sich Hollywood in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten aufgepustet hat, ist ziemlich dünn geworden. Intellektuell und finanziell. Was einander bedingt. Die Produktion konzentriert sich auf immer weniger Filme, die immer mehr kosten und immer mehr einspielen müssen. Und weil ökonomisch dünne Luft keine der Risikobereitschaft sonderlich förderliche Atmosphäre ist, hält sich die erzählerische Innovationskraft der Filmstudios in engen Grenzen.
Was Original ist, mag man nicht loben. Sonst wird’s Serie
Es kommt nicht nur kaum mehr ein echter Mensch im Kino vor, es kommt überhaupt kaum eine Figur ins Kino, die sich ein echter Kinomensch an seinem Schreibtisch hat einfallen lassen. Das Kino ist Teil einer künstlerischen Verwertungskette und kettelt munter an ihr weiter. Kaum ein Unikat schafft es mehr unter die Jahres-Top-Ten, kaum etwas, dem nicht ein literarischer Welterfolg vorausging, kaum ein Film, der nicht aus dem Comic-Universum stammt und dieses Universum von Comic-Geschichten weiter mit Geschichten füllt, die wiederum aufeinander verweisen, voneinander abhängen, ihren wirtschaftlichen Erfolg gegenseitig absichern.
Und das wenige, was original für einen Film erfunden wurde, mag man, weil man’s mochte, kaum loben, weil es – neben dem geradezu unfassbar hohen Werbeetat, der in dem Fall die Produktionskosten deutlich überstieg – sonst zusätzlich dazu beiträgt, dass daraus wieder eine jener Serien wird, die eine kreative Idee so lange neu aufgießt, bis das Ergebnis einem den cineastischen Magen verdirbt.
Die Technik ist toll, die Farben sind bunt, die Geschichte ist doof: Jake (Sam Worthington) und Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) in „Avatar“. Der unvermeidliche zweite Teil Quelle: (c) RTL
Vielleicht ist mit diesem Jahr, das nicht nur als das mit Abstand serien-, sequel- und prequelreichste in die Blockbustergeschichte einzugehen verspricht, sondern auch als eines der kommerziell erfolgreichsten, die intellektuelle Talsohle erreicht. Vielleicht regeneriert sich Hollywood mit den Talenten, die sich im Fernsehen ausprobiert haben.
Lernt endlich die neue Technik, die neuen Dimensionen, die den Bildern zugewachsen sind, so zu nutzen, dass auch die Geschichten, die Figuren vielschichtiger werden. Verhindert, dass, wie es seit James Camerons 3-D-Pioniertat „Avatar“ am Ende technisch innovationsreicher Blockbuster inzwischen die Regel ist, die Augen des Kinokunden besoffen, das Herz aber erfroren und das Hirn tot ist.
Man muss nicht jedem Deppen sofort alles erklären
Vielleicht wird man sich unter den Produktionsverantwortlichen von der Zwangsvorstellung lösen, noch dem letzten jugendlichen Deppen – um einen Jonathan Nolan zu zitieren, dessen Drehbuch zu „Interstellar“ eines der wenigen wirklichen Originaldrehbücher war, die es in der jüngeren Vergangenheit in die Jahresendcharts brachte – in den ersten fünf Minuten erklären zu müssen, worum es geht.
Da muss mehr gehen. Da ging mal mehr. Man will ja schließlich als Erwachsener nicht bis zum Rand der Frühberentung verdummt werden. Gegenwärtig nämlich sitzt man im großen Weltgebäude namens Kino und wünscht sich, dass auf einmal – wie in Peter Weirs „Truman Show“ (Platz zwölf 1998) – eine Treppe da wäre und an deren Ende eine Tür, durch die frische Luft hereinkommt und durch die man gehen kann in ein neues Abenteuerland des Kinos.
Aber so etwas geht nur in unmöglichen Filmen. Unmöglich erfolgreichen Filmen. | {
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viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013
Bitly is Blocked in Venezuela and Why We Care
If you have not heard, Venezuela is suffering from economic imbalances affecting its currency, the Bolivar. As a result, Venezuelans are searching for information about the value of their currency. Unfortunately, the government has been taking action to restrict access to the free flow of this information. For more details on what is happening there, read here.
Starting on November 18 and consistently since then, we noticed a change in the traffic we see from Venezuela:
We believe this change in traffic is related to the government-owned ISP CANTV, which controls most of the Venezuela’s internet traffic. It appears CANTV is actively blocking hundreds of sites that publish information about Venezuela’s currency situation. Further, they appear to be intermittently blocking Bitly because our service makes it easier for people to share content.
We’ve been hearing from users in Venezuela too:
Bitly started as a link shortener to help people share links and understand what happens to those links. Since then, we’ve grown in many ways.
We’ve gotten really, really big. We’re shortening more than two billion links that are generating more than seven billion clicks each month. We see clicks from almost every website in every country in the world.
We’ve become more focused on giving individuals and companies insight into their place in the connected world, including a deeper understanding of what happens after they shorten a link. We track 4.8 billion data points each day and apply insight to that data.
What’s going on in Venezuela is important. It’s important to the citizens of Venezuela who want to understand the health of their country. It’s important for the rest of us, who might take our access to information for granted.
Our mission at Bitly is to empower people to better understand the world around them. We hope that the economic strain in Venezuela will be resolved - and sooner rather than later. In the meantime, we will work to find ways to support our users and their access to the free flow of information. | {
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Push Array no me funciona al hacer una llamada con axios
Tengo el siguiente código JS, para llenar un array
export default {
data() {
axios.get("api/escritorio").then(({ data })=>(this.ingresos = data));
El problema es que el array ingresos si me lo llena de datos, pero al momento de hacer el push a las otras 2 variables array con la función map() simplemente me los deja vacíos , ¿Algún consejo?
Hay dos errores comunes aquí.
La llamada axios es asíncrono, por lo tanto el map de su variable ingresos podría ejecutarse antes o después de que la llamada tenga éxito, esto es impredecible, la solución más próxima es añadir este método en el then
El contexto de this no es el correcto si quiere hacer referencia al componente dentro de una función anónima, podría tener dos soluciones, crear una variable temporal let vm = this antes del map, o seguir utilizando las arrow functions.
Solución 1
this.ingresos = data;
let vm = this;
Solución 2
this.ingresos = data;
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Recurrent partial priapism.
Exploration of an unusual case of a painful, recurrent, perineal mass revealed partial priapism of the right corpora cavernosa. Etiology is speculative and no definitive therapy is offered. | {
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You must be a Member to view code
00:00 If we wanted to match a pattern that's followed by another pattern but we don't want to include that second pattern in our match, we can use something called a lookahead. I'm going to have just our standard foo, foobar, foobas, and fooboo. Then, in our regx, we are going to set up...
00:25 Let's go ahead and first capture foo. We know how to do that. We've captured all the foos. We also know that we can use a capturing group to capture foobar or fooboo. Now, we're capturing both foobar and fooboo.
00:39 Let's say that we want that result, but we only want to capture foo where it's followed by bar or boo. What we can do is use a lookahead. Right here in our capture group, we do ?=. Save that. You can see that we've actually captured foo where it was followed by bar, and we've captured foo where it was followed by boo.
01:00 We can also do a negative lookahead. Where this is a positive lookahead, meaning we are expecting it to follow the preceding pattern, we can do a negative lookahead, with a ? and !, which means we want to capture foo where it's not followed by bar or boo.
01:18 Save that, and we can see we've captured foo here, where it's not followed by bar or boo, and foo here, where it's followed by bas, which clearly is not bar or boo. | {
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Genetic variation during persistent reovirus infection: isolation of cold-sensitive and temperature-sensitive mutants from persistently infected L cells.
We have examined the evolution of reovirus in two independently established persistently infected (p.i.) cell lines. We found that reovirus undergoes extensive mutation during persistent infection in L cells. However, there was no consistent pattern of virus evolution; in one p.i. cell line temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants were selected, whereas cold-sensitive (cs) mutants were isolated from the second p.i. culture. Neither the cs nor the ts mutants isolated from the carrier cultures expressed their defect at 37 degrees, the temperature at which the p.i. cells were maintained, indicating that the cs and ts phenotypes were nonselected markers. These results emphasize the point that emergence of the ts or cs mutants during persistent infection only signifies that the virus has changed; it does not necessarily imply that the particular mutant is essential for the maintenance of the persistent infection. Given the high mutation rate of viruses, and the wide spectrum of viral mutants present in carrier cultures, it is essential to distinguish the relevant changes from those which may simply represent an epiphenomenon. In the accompanying paper (R. S. Kauffman, R. Ahmed, and B. N. Fields Virology, 130, 79-87, 1983), we show that by using a genetic approach, it is possible to identify the viral gene(s) which are critical for the maintenance of persistent reovirus infection. | {
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Here’s why she’s wrong.
The ever-controversial Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) recently claimed that “our country [in this case she meant the United States, not Somalia] should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country.” She called for “profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.” As crazy as this sounds, it is a commonplace claim on the Left these days. But that doesn’t make it even remotely true.
No, they don’t. It is a false claim that “white men” or “right-wing extremists” are a bigger threat to Americans than Islamic jihad terrorists. As I noted in November 2018 when CNN’s Don Lemon made the same claim, this claim originated with an April 2017 Government Accountability Office (GAO) study that counted 106 people killed in 62 attacks by “far-right violent extremists,” as compared to 119 people killed in 23 attacks by “radical Islamist violent extremists.”
That’s it then, right? 39 more attacks by “far-right violent extremists” than by “radical Islamist violent extremists.” Although 13 more people were killed in the jihad attacks, this establishes definitively that America has a much bigger problem with the “far-right” than with jihadis, right?
No. One major problem with the Government Accountability Office study is clear on page 6 of its report, where you will see that the count of fatalities committed by “far right wing extremists” and “radical Islamist extremists” begins on September 12, 2001. Why was that day chosen for the beginning of the study? If the GAO had gone back one more day, the number of Americans killed by Islamic jihadists would have been several thousand more than those killed by “far-right violent extremists.”
Did the GAO start on September 12, 2001 in order to manipulate the results so as to exaggerate the terror threat from the “far-right” and minimize it from Islamic jihadis? Could there be any other possible explanation?
Another major issue: The study doesn’t take failed plots into account. At my site Jihad Watch, I’ve tracked jihad activity in the United States and around the world every day since October 2003. In the course of that nearly sixteen-year span, I’ve posted hundreds of reports on failed jihad plots inside this country. No one was killed or injured in those, and for that we can all be grateful. But if those plots had succeeded, there would have been hundreds and possibly thousands more fatalities of Islamic jihad activity.
Failed plots are quickly forgotten. They shouldn’t be. And it should be noted that there is nowhere near an equivalent number of foiled plots by “far-right violent extremists.” Most Americans have no idea how indefatigably jihadis are continuing to attempt mass murder inside the United States. Just last Monday, a Muslim in New York City shoved a commuter onto the subway tracks and screamed “Allahu akbar” when he was arrested. On July 8, a Muslim in Florida tried to stab a man with scissors at a Walmart and screamed while he was being arrested: “We are coming for you Trump. We are coming for you with knives. God will send angels to destroy you. I need Trump cut. I want to cut, two portions.” On Facebook, he had written: “Whoever knows why I came to America wait for the urgent news on television screens and victory is from Allah.”
And several weeks ago, two Somali Muslim “refugees” were arrested in Tucson, Arizona for plotting either to join the Islamic State (ISIS) overseas or carry out a jihad massacre in the United States. One of them declared: “I love jihad so much. If I go to Syria I want to be the beheading person, … I want to kill them so many I am thirsty their blood.”
Further, the GAO study doesn’t take into account the fact that there is a global network of Islamic jihadis. They are found on every inhabited continent. Major jihad organizations such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State have repeatedly called upon Muslims to murder Americans.
By contrast, there is no global network of “right-wing extremists,” and they have not called for the indiscriminate murder of American civilians.
This propaganda is everywhere, but all the repetition of these lies doesn’t make them true, even when Ilhan Omar is repeating them to the ecstatic ululations of an adoring media. | {
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Republican Utah Rep. Mia Love slammed President Trump during her concession speech Monday, saying he has “no real relationships, just convenient transactions.”
Love narrowly lost her re-election bid to Democrat Ben McAdams earlier this month – and Trump was quick to call her out for not embracing him more on the campaign trail. As she conceded, Love said she was initially surprised Trump “took a jab at me,” but she later wondered “what did he have to gain by saying such a thing about a fellow Republican?”
“This gave me a clear vision of his world as it is: no real relationships, just convenient transactions,” Love said. “That is an insufficient way to implement sincere service and policy.”
When it became apparent Love, 42, would not win re-election, Trump derided the Republican congresswoman for asking him for help earlier this year freeing Utah-native Joshua Holt, who was jailed in Venezuela, but in return “gave me no love.”
“Too bad, sorry about that, Mia,” Trump said of her loss.
Love said Monday she was “proud” she “nagged the president every day” to secure the release of Holt.
She also chastised Washington lawmakers – especially Republicans – for not taking minorities into their “homes and hearts.”
“I’ve seen the cost to conservatives for not truly taking people into their hearts. Democrats saw newly elected black members and women to Congress in this election. This is a matter of fact that Republicans lost in this regard,” Love said.
A record number of women were elected to the House in this year's midterm elections, the majority Democrats.
Love also attacked the media and McAdams in her speech, calling the Democrat “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” When asked if she would consider running again in 2020, Love said she wasn’t sure.
“I’m not going away, but now I am unleashed, I am untethered and I am unshackled, and I can say exactly what’s on my mind,” Love said.
Fox News' Gregg Re contributed to this report. | {
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TV Weight Loss Club Offers Balanced Diet And Fitness Approach
It used to be that being called a loser was derogatory and hurtful. NBC has changed that, making it almost a badge of honor to be called a loser. And the Biggest Loser, that's the ticket. NBC's weight loss challenge show, The Biggest Loser, has turned Tuesday nights into must-see TV. Having just completed its fourth season, and the launch of the Biggest Loser Club, everyone wants in on the weight loss action.
Each week, more than 15 million viewers tune to NBC to watch the three Biggest Loser teams battle it out on the scale. Each team is lead by a coach who teaches them about fitness, nutrition and diet helping them shed unbelievable amounts of weight. While they each walk away with the prize of thinner, healthy bodies and new lifestyle, the one crowned Biggest Loser wins a quarter-million dollar prize. The Biggest Loser is the one who loses the greatest percentage of body fat.
Like many great TV programs, this one had a spin off. The Biggest Loser Club was NBC's answer to the overwhelming demand for participation on the show and access to the coaches' expertise. For just $ 20 / month, far more affordable than a trainer or gym membership, you can get your pass to the Club. Your access to this fitness program will give you:
– Opportunity to talk with the show's nutrition gurus and contestants
– Talk to other "losers" on the message and discussion boards
– Receive personalized fitness instruction, which will allow you to exercise at home
– Track progress with a personal online journal
– Have meal plans created just for you, with accompanying shopping lists and recipes
Thousands of pounds have been lost by the Biggest Loser contestants, and now its your turn to step up and make that change for the better. New Years is just around the corner, and there's never a better time to wipe the slate clean and decide that this is the year for serious changes.
While this season just finished and it will be a few months before the next installation starts again, you can start being a loser today. Signing up is simple, and if you still have reservation, get the free diet profile. This will help you identify what the Biggest Loser Club is going to do for you.
Biggest Loser is a low-fat and low-carb diet, but do not think you're going to starve off all that weight. You'll learn how to strike a balance with portion control, three meals a day, some light healthy snacking and exercise. You'll enjoy plenty of delicious meals like blueberry pancakes, New Orleans chicken and stuffed mushrooms. So what's holding you back? Decide today that you want to be a loser and join the club that sees being a loser as the first step to a healthier life. | {
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Patriarch Of Jerusalem Proposes “Purification” To Israelis And Palestinians
Patriarch Of Jerusalem Proposes “Purification” To Israelis And Palestinians
Feast of Pentecost
JERUSALEM, MAY 20, 2002 (Zenit.org).-The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem called on Israelis and Palestinians on Pentecost Sunday to undergo a radical purification.
Patriarch Michel Sabbah, a Palestinian native, said during Sunday’s solemn Mass: “Let us purify ourselves and place ourselves on the side of the human person and the mystery of God revealed on this earth.”
“To Palestinians and Israelis we say: you bear the image of God, every person is the sanctuary of God, the holy place par excellence,” the Patriarch continued.
“We want justice and peace, and it must be sought with God. Palestinians and Israelis must be conscious of this. Leaders are responsible for the violations of the human person, which continue in this land,” the Patriarch said, during his homily in the Church of the Dormition of St. Mary, Jerusalem.
“For political pretexts, they do nothing other than increase fear and vengeance. Let us put conflict aside and purify ourselves,” the Patriarch continued.
“A new reality must be born, and the Spirit of God must be welcomed so that it will guide those who are responsible for the creation of a new earth and a new man. This land of God deserves better treatment from the men who govern it.”
During the same ceremony, Monsignor Nelson Viola, ecclesiastical adviser of Caritas International, made a similar appeal: “peace is always and everywhere possible, if we are disposed to acknowledge a brother and a sister in every human being.”
“We declare that all of us can contribute in bringing about peace if, within the limits of our responsibilities, we are to create communities based on justice and solidarity, because we are fully convinced that there is no peace without justice, just as there is no justice without love and forgiveness. The pillars of true peace are justice and that form of love which is forgiveness,” Monsignor Viola concluded. ZE02052003 | {
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Please read here on how to use images on RoyalDish. - Please read the RoyalDish message on board purpose and rules.Images containing full nudity or sexual activities are strongly forbidden on RoyalDish.
I think she was stunningly beautiful on her wedding day except that she didn't seem able to move her face much. I don't mind her shorter hairdos they seem more "her". But she seems determined to keep messing around with her face and maybe that is why she doesn't seem like a joyous person because she just can't move much. Because in every other way her life seems very contented. She is a good and attentive mother and doesn't have to worry about money or chores. She has a supportive spouse and can work as she wants on her swimming and water safety charities. | {
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The Jim Jefferies Show starring Jim Jefferies on Comedy Central, decided to hop into the #ComicsGate debate by doing a seven minute hit-piece on Richard C. Meyer from Diversity & Comics. Jim took snippets from an interview he had with Meyer who recently attended the San Diego Comic-Con, and attempted to portray Meyer as a racist bigot.
The seven minute clip was uploaded via a tweet by Jim on his Twitter account. You can view it below.
A good portion of the Youtube audience was not amused.
And a few hours later a majority of them were certainly not amused…
The faux comedian, looking disheveled and coming across on the subject matter with nothing short of an aloof perspective, hammered Meyer with questions about his opinion on the current state of comic books.
Jim juxtaposed his questions to Meyer with questions to a “diverse” group of Comic-Con attendees who were basically used as tokens for the Social Justice Warrior argument that the Leftist’s depiction of diversity in comics is good.
While the cut-together segment attempted to portray Meyer as racist and out of touch with the current comic book climate, Jim’s own agenda-driven slice of the comic book industry was belied by the facts themselves. In fact, Jim avoided the facts altogether.
He didn’t bring up the fact that Marvel had to cancel some of its SJW-themed comic books in early 2018. He failed to mention that some of the comics themed around sociopolitical agenda-pushing saw an 81% year-over-year drop in sales. A few of the comics were cancelled after only two issues.
He also failed to mention that retailers noted that the SJW-themed comic books aren’t selling and in turn have been hurting the brick and mortar business since comic books fans are no longer buying comic books.
Some of the more unhinged members of the SJW community have even gone on record in public tirades, blaming white comic book fans for not supporting the “diverse” comic books.
Unlike Jim Jefferies, the sales numbers don’t lie.
Comic books like Ms Marvel and Captain Marvel are never near the top. In fact, Carol Danvers’ comic continues to set in its current steady place of 29,000 units being shipped, as of May, 2018 according to ComicChron. That puts Captain Marvel’s flagship comic in 66th place. Just for reference, the top-selling comic book of May was Amazing Spider-Man at 411,000 units, followed by Venom at 225,000 units.
The diversity comics barely make up a fraction of the sales of the big movers and shakers each month.
It’s no surprise given that the current trend in SJW media is to make female characters ugly so that they’re unappealing to straight males (as evident with Carol Danvers looking like a man cosplaying as Captain Marvel), and to hamfist sociopolitical topics into each issue with reckless abandon.
Meyer wasn’t wrong when he said that they literally made Carol look like him.
What’s more is that Jim Jefferies completely sidesteps the arguments that many #ComicsGate participants have made with the current landscape of comic books: SJW writers and artists are upending fan-favorites with diversity replacements.
The replacements aren’t even good replacements, as evident with the fact that sales are in the toilet and Marvel has had to cancel some of its leading diversity-driven comic books. Most of the SJW comic books are little more than propaganda and self-inserts for creators.
Instead of addressing these points, Jefferies tries to turn the issue into a binary one, about whether or not Meyer and his ilk are racist bigots. He doesn’t come out and say it directly, but the entire segment is framed in that manner. He also ignores the fact that Meyer had his own comic book crowdfunded via IndieGoGo to tune of $366,737, and – surprise, surprise! – it features diversity…
…and hot chicks. | {
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Do not download attachments, software updates, or any application to your computer via a link you received in an email. The State Bank Group will not ask you to download anything for your account to work. | {
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What? a changeling doing an honest to Celestia work? meet "Berzie & Co." ( as in, his brothers and cooworkers Merze, Terzie, Herzie and Fred ) - the overlooked heroes that do their best to keep every building, pavement and monument across Equestria in check - as you can see, not an easy work when pony gods and giant monsters fight all aroundYo I hope you don't mind this little silly backstorystory idea: script: dialogue supervision: art: Cover: fav.me/da5sg2u Introduction: fav.me/da5sg4t Page 00: fav.me/da5sgb2 Page 01: fav.me/da66zhi Page 02: fav.me/da6gt5p Page 03: fav.me/da6xya6 Page 04: fav.me/da75so6 Page 05: fav.me/da7f1d7 Page 06: fav.me/da7tn2z Page 07: fav.me/da832q5 Page 08: fav.me/da8d3p6 Page 09: fav.me/da8ttcy Page 10: fav.me/da939ne Page 11: fav.me/da9d5g6 Page 12: fav.me/da9pvqe Page 13: fav.me/da9yr4h Page 14: fav.me/daa7hyz Page 16: fav.me/dajgjx3 Page 17: fav.me/dajv9qy Page 19: fav.me/dakamvd Page 21: fav.me/daku4ia Page 22: fav.me/dal1gt0 Page 23: fav.me/daf4dj4 Page 24: fav.me/dah1c4p Page 26: fav.me/dam6md7 | {
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Mount Casius
Mount Casius or Mount Kasios or Mount Kasion may refer to:
Jebel Aqra, a mountain near the mouth of the Orontes River on the Syrian–Turkish border
Ras Kouroun, a small mountain near Lake Bardawil in Egypt | {
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Battlezone Description
Battlezone was produced by Atari in 1980.
Atari released 139 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1972.
Other machines made by Atari during the time period Battlezone was produced include Monte Carlo, Red Baron, Alien Space, Centipede, Warlords, Atari Basketball, Asteroids, Atari Football, Atari Baseball, and Hercules.
Using wire models on a vector display with a green and red overlay, a battle with opposing tanks, missiles and the occasional saucer is simulated among pyramids and cubes. The 1812 overture plays during high score.
Battlezone - KLOV/IAM 5 Point User Score: 4.00 (19 votes)
Personal Impressions Score: 3.84
Overall 'Like': 3.95
Fun (Social): 2.79
Fun (Solo): 3.79
Collector Desire: 4.32 Technical Impressions Score: 4.18
Gameplay: 4.21
Graphics: 4.21
Originality: 4.58
Sound/Music: 3.44
Cabinet Style Weights and Measures
Type Upright/Standard (With Shroud) Upright/Standard (Open Face) Cabaret/Mini Cocktail
Battlezone is available on the iPad and iPhone via Atari's Greatest Hits application.
VAPS Arcade/Coin-Op Battlezone Census
Very Common - There are 558 known instances of this machine owned by Battlezone collectors who are active members. Of these, 536 of them are original dedicated machines, and 21 of them are only circuit boards which a collector could put into a generic case if desired.
For Sale - There are 25 active VAPS members with Battlezone machines for sale. There are 2 active VAPS members with extra Battlezone circuit boards for sale.
Wanted - Very Popular - There are 37 active VAPS members currently looking for Battlezone.
This game ranks a 91 on a scale out of 100 (100 = most often seen, 1=least common) in popularity based on census ownership records.
This game ranks a 60 on a scale out of 100 (100 = most often wanted, 1=least common) in popularity based on census want list records.
Rarity and Popularity independently are NOT necessarily indications of value. [More Information]
The Battlezone legend says that a military version of the game existed as a training simulator for the Bradley fighting vehicle. The designer, Ed Rotberg did post to RGVA before it became RGVAC that only two cabinets were made. The controller was similar to a Star Wars yoke. The simulator has an option for a TOW Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided missile. This was in keeping with the real Bradley's capabilities. As long as you kept the enemy tank in the cross-hairs of the TOW sight, you could not miss.
Also a prototype of a cocktail version was developed, including full glasstop artwork and control panel. Only one is known to exist as it was not released for production. There is no color overlay for the cocktail version since the images needs to flip for the second player.
The imagery from the arcade game was used in the intro scene for the PC game version update of the game. The image opens where you see the original graphics on the screen. The image zooms out and you see it is the radar screen on the tank from the PC version of the game.
Foto-Finder® (books)
Video Clips
Battlezone shortplay by Ivan Paduano
(Arcade) Battlezone
Atari Battlezone Arcade Version 1980
See Recent Video Links Added to Other Records
Additional References
(logged in members often see more) The Arcade Flyer Archive (TAFA): Battlezone Flyer #116 The Arcade Flyer Archive (TAFA): Battlezone Flyer #3027 The Arcade Flyer Archive (TAFA): Battlezone Flyer #3846
Contribute an image to this machine record. Log in to add YouTube or Google 3D SketchUp links Please consider donating to the International Arcade Museum Library
eBay Listings
Click to search eBay for machines and parts made by Atari.
Check out the IAM/KLOV report of the hottest coin-op machine auctions, powered by Ace.com.
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Adult Content Warning
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Hello everyone, this is Indian cam girl LuxxuryGAL here. I'm 24 year old Female speak English in the Indian live sex chat action. I love fulfilling Ur fantasy.I very very enjoy chatting with U ,while showing my Hot tight body!I love to make U Cum,thats a turn on 4 me,when i know U r so hard,just because me,it drives me uncontrollably wild here on. I have all kinds of stuff for shows, costumes, stockings, toys, heels, just let me know what you are into!!Im an exhibitionist and this allows me to be naughty with anyone.... I intend to be a wild hot dirty little bitch with you!!! I intend to make your cock throb!!!wank it hard as u watch me PLAY. THEN SPLURT AND SPRAY YOU SPUNK ALL OVER MY PRETTY FACE is my expertise and also what I will do in Indian live sex private show. I have Black eyes, Long Black hairs and my measurements are 100-60-95. For Turn ons: I like having great SEX, wearing sexy clothes, i love oral sex both getting and giving, roleplaying, love long sensual foreplay, i love cam 2 cam . For TurnsOff: stupidity;liers; guys who treat girls like toys; ruddness. If you prefer kinks, then Shaved, are mine. I'm just hungry for a HARD cock, can't wait to see u in my Indian webcam sex chat room! :) | {
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Thursday, January 2, 2014
I'm the starting the first shoe pick of the week of 2014 with this bad ass beef roll penny loafer by Eastland. I'm a huge fan of penny loafers, especially if the loafer has a beef roll. I already mentioned before that the beef roll balances the front part of a penny loafer by giving the illusion of a wider stance. Penny loafers tend to look narrow without a beef roll. Eastland gave a timeless design little bit of youth with a dab of Realtree® camo.Camo continues to be a popular pattern no longer only used on clothing but being incorporated on footwear also. The loafer is part of Eastland Made in Maine U.S. A collection. As usual Eastland uses the finest materials like Horween leather with hand rubbed finishes. Handsewn by skilled Maine shoemakers using a traditional true moccasin construction with genuine leather welt and double leather sole. Get on your preppy menswear tip by heading to Eastland website and buying a pair.They cost $400 dollars buts its's totally worth it has everything you want Horween leather, Made in U.S.A, Beef roll design and did I mention Camo!
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NYC Based Realtor that likes writing about #preppy clothing for Men and Women. I appreciate classic brands that have stayed true to themselves. I do accept new brands that believe in the same fundamentals of good quality, and being themselves. My preferred type of clothing is not trendy but clothing that can be worn now and the incoming years. I also like writing about Cycling, Art and NYC Rental Apartments Market! Lover of L.L.Bean, Brooks Brothers, Barbour, Boat-shoes, Penny Loafers, Wax cotton, Velvet Slippers, Needlepoint and Vintage Watches. Prewar Apartments on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side are my Weakness! #NYCRealestate | {
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One of seven prison guards charged with sexually abusing female inmates at a jail in Scranton has pleaded no contest to a count of official oppression.
George Efthimiou, 51, was charged for having sex on multiple occasions with a Lackawanna County Prison inmate while she was on house arrest.
When the woman told Efthimiou she wanted to stop having sex with him, he threatened to have her house arrest revoked but never carried out his threat, prosecutors said.
Efthimiou is awaiting sentencing. He is the second former Lackawanna County Prison guard to enter a plea in what Attorney General Josh Shapiro said was a pervasive culture of institutional abuse over many years.
Jeffrey Staff pleaded no contest to a count of official oppression last month and was sentenced to nine months of probation. Staff additionally is barred from ever seeking employment in a correctional facility or in law enforcement. | {
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my life start to become boring i need a change sometimes i think about suicide thinking about the best way or easier one less pain quick i need a change , big one but i dont know how help me out somethig more exciting than games. | {
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take your natural-born leader well you might be surprised your brain is hardwired to follow the pack you want to see what I mean check this out [Music] let’s go underneath just go under guys…Continue Reading | {
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Could it only have been two hours since Devon last pushed open the glass door? That was a lifetime ago. That was when Devon dreamed a dream. When he didn’t hate banks and bankers and the soul-crushing thing called collateral. The loan officer chanted the word as if it were a talisman.
With a savage fist, Devon mopped the tears that threatened his concentration.
The black bowls housing security cameras would record Devon. He looked up and gave a toothy smile for the news tonight. The loan officer had taken Devon for a fool, took his application fee, and took his dream. Collateral…what a crock. Devon’s warehouse would be sold to some guy with collateral. Devon’s idea would die with him. But so would the old lady hunkered over a clutch purse. So would the beautiful teller with thick, painted-on eyebrows and lush lips. So would the whale-like teller with bitty glasses with thick, thick lenses. She was the one to notice. Those magnified eyes didn’t miss the sweat sheen on Devon’s skin, didn’t miss the angular bulk under his parka.
Whale-teller’s eyes opened wide with terrible understanding. Her hand scrambled to the under-desk button and got to the counter lip when Devon sprayed her with 223 Remington Hollow Points. They chewed through her, yanked her about, and in a red confetti dropped her bulk beneath the counter.
Then the screams. Devon expected them, but still. Concentration was difficult. Teller fingers frantically pushed panic buttons. The safe door was swinging closed. Devon didn’t care. That wasn’t his transaction. The banker with no brains just the word “collateral” had his hands up in the stance of desperation, head wagging, denying what his eyes told him: that Devon was about to make a grisly withdraw. Life was about to go into the red.
This was originally written for Microcosms, but it fits with my 5000 Words focus for this week, which is SHOW, DON’T TELL. My noun would be entrepreneur and my adjective would be angry. My students will get a noun and an adjective. They’ll amaze me with their showing prowess, I’ve no doubt. | {
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Over the bye week I spent some time looking back at the last few Broncos games. Initially, I set out to see how Andy Janovich was used as it was brought to my attention that the team’s rushing average improves when he isn’t on the field. It made sense to me, but hardly diminished his value. Oftentimes a team will utilize 21 personnel in short yardage or “must-run” situations. Defenses obviously see it coming and therefore a team won’t necessarily average a ton of yards, but still convert. I saw a lot of that, but 4 games does not a season make, and because of exams and two different term papers hanging over my head time became a bit of an issue. I did see enough to say that Janovich is a contributor to the Broncos 79% Power Success.
While watching every Broncos run game from the last few games, I definitely noticed other fun tidbits and wanted to share them here.
I mentioned in Horse Tracks yesterday that Musgrave has some fun concepts that he has used with the Broncos this season. One such case is how he utilized both a perimeter receiver and a pulling guard as lead blockers against the Chiefs. When Demaryius Thomas motions closer to the line of scrimmage the safety comes into the box, but D.T. does enough to keep him out of the play. At the point of attack the right tackle (Billy Turner) and guard (Connor McGovern) step forward to get vertical push on Allen Bailey (97 above). Devontae Booker presses the natural bubble the design creates, but sees Anthony Hitchens (53) working his way to the ball and essentially blocking himself. All it takes is a spin by Booker and he’s off to daylight.
It’s a perfect illustration of how the scheme and talent of the players fit glove in hand. In fact the design worked so well Musgrave called it again in the second half for Philip Lindsay. While it was effective, there was no gap to spin to. Instead the rookie takes what the design provides and makes the most of it.
Yesterday a reader asked how Lindsay would look playing a Christian McCaffrey type of role. It’s hard to say, really. Case Keenum isn’t Cam Newton and without that type of fulcrum there’s no way to successfully create a system like the Panthers utilize. One thing is certain though, the Musgrave offense fits Lindsay’s talents beautifully. By DVOA he’s second to only Todd Gurley so far this season.
That doesn’t mean he couldn’t improve, of course. At times he looks ready to cut towards space when the best possible outcome is to take what’s there.
Lindsay looks to get out toward the boundary where he has more room to operate. He’s slowed a bit when Jano is stonewalled in the wall but by cutting outside he gains very little. Musgrave dials up a similar play later, with similar results but for the fact Lindsay takes what’s in front of him.
One thing I’m hoping to get back to after the season is how the rookie backs performed at each concept. It’s a bit of an undertaking, but one I’d enjoy studying more with more time.
As for this week, the more pressing matter is that L.A. just lost Denzel Perryman, who has been an unsung glue guy to their run defense. His absence means outside backer Jatavis Brown will likely shift inside full time, essentially weakening two positions. That could be crucial for Royce Freeman, Booker and Lindsay as they confront a Chargers defense that was already soft in power situations and at the 2nd level. Look for more designs like the Jet Sweep Fake Toss below in order to get the backs into space.
Perhaps it’s just me, but it seems like it’s been remarkably easy to forget the Los Angeles Chargers this season. Has there been a more unsung Super Bowl contender in recent memory? Partly this is their own making, of course. Dean Spanos moved his club to a city where his team plays second fiddle for the hearts of Rams fans and their stadium is essentially a 9th home game for every opponent. The other reason? Little about the Chargers roster seems different than a year ago. Philip Rivers is still arguably the best quarterback to never win a Superbowl, Melvin Gordon is still really good. Antonio Gates is even around, trading his AARP membership for a powder blue when Hunter Henry’s injury left LA perilously thin at the position.
The results speak for themselves. Los Angeles has the 3rd best offense in the league by Football Outsiders’ efficiency stats, behind Kansas City and their landlord Rams. Even more telling, the Chargers have a very low variance. If you haven’t checked them out, Mike and Tyrell Williams are both ridiculous vertical threats while Keenan Allen eats up the empty space underneath. They’ve consistently excellent on offense so far and (stop me if you’ve read this before) will pose a serious test to Joseph and Woods’ defense.
While forcing Rivers into mistakes is obviously the key to winning in L.A. this week, it made more sense to dig into what periphery keys to the outcome. Manage all 3 and there’s a puncher’s chance Denver survives a aerial bombing from Rivers.
Key #1: The Next Best James in L.A.
Derwin James = heat sinking off the edge: pic.twitter.com/DcRyUyUzkA — Brandon Thorn (@VeteranScout) November 13, 2018
The biggest addition to this year’s Charger squad has easily been their rookie 1st rounder, Derwin James. His statline doesn’t do justice to the impact he’s had on the LA defense this year. He has just one interception, but has played a pivotal role in the improved coverage against tight ends (LA went from 18th in 2017 to 1st this year by DVOA). He has 3.5 sacks, but gets pressures at a ridiculous rate. He has 64 total tackles, and...
Actually, that one does a good job illustrating how active he really is. James leads the team in both solo and total tackles. He’s a centerpiece to their defense as a new age Troy Polamalu, a Swiss Army knife that needs to be accounted for on every single play. Usually he plays in the box near the line of scrimmage when the scheme calls for single high coverage, but he’s just as adept at moving to cover the slot or falling back into 2 Deep Shell.
Keenum needs to play keep away from James as he has the potential to pop off Sunday.
Key #2 Gordon and the Improved Ground Game
There is little doubt that one huge area of improvement from last year’s Chargers to this one is the rushing attack, where L.A. improved from 26th in the league last year to 7th (through week 10) by adjusted line yards. On it’s head, it’s a bit tricky to discern why: this year’s team has actually gotten worse in power situations and still allows far too many stuffs, but where the 2017 Chargers were an above average team past the initial line of defense, the 2018 version is among the best in the league.
One big reason why? More Austin Ekeler. So far through 9 games ekeler has 79 total touches on the year, or five more than he had in 16 games a year ago. Even after accounting for Ekeler’s increased workload in London when Melvin Gordon was inactive, that’s remarkable.
The second big reason for the improved production by Gordon himself? A huge uptick in Jet Motion concepts. Ken Whisenhunt has done a superb job making the most of the stress the sweep actions cause defenses, utilizing them to help Gordon get free into space more often. It also doesn’t hurt that Keenan Allen’s return to health gives Ken Whisenhunt another reliable threat on the gives, either. The team has also done more to aim for the edges when rushing the ball, instead of simply ramming Gordon between the tackles. So far, it’s worked with Gordon posting a career high yards per carry average in 2018.
Take note that on both the plays above L.A. elected to leave an edge defender unblocked. This is because the action to Gordon forces the unblocked defender to respect his contain responsibility. On the first play Ekeler runs right by this defender, but he’s untouched. There is little doubt that this same concept will be on full display as a way for the Chargers to try and minimize Von Miller and Bradley Chubb.
The Broncos run defense has improved in recent weeks, but need to contain a three headed monster in Los Angeles.
Key #3 Keeping Case Keenum away from Melvin Ingram
The Chargers have a huge issue defending throws down the field. According to FO, they’re 2nd to last in the league against passes 15+ yards through the air. This has been a consistent issue for L.A. all season. One reason for this is Trevor Williams, who’s basically the California version of Bradley Roby. Williams has been a complete sieve this season, allowing 10.3 yards per target.
So while Derwin James means that Jeff Heuerman is unlikely blow up the stat sheet Sunday, Courtland Sutton and Emmanuel Sanders should both have chances to make big plays. That is, of course, if Case Keenum can deliver.
All reports suggest Joey Bosa’s status this weekend is questionable, which would leave James and Melvin Ingram as the primary pass rush threats facing the Broncos patchwork offensive line. That’s a definite threat, but nothing like they faced the three weeks prior to their week off.
Much like James, conventional stats don’t tell the full story of Ingram’s season. It’s true that he has only five and a half sacks on the year, but he’s also notched 24 pressures. Only Aaron Donald, Dee Ford, and J.J. Watt have more this season. In a way, Ingram’s a good sole representative for this Chargers squad. He isn’t as flashy as the names above him and many of his best plays come as much by design as individual performance, but at the whistle he’s the one standing over the quarterback.
The Chargers deploy Ingram in a number of ways. In the games I watched he was usually aligned against the offense’s strongside, but will also kick inside in obvious passing situations where he’s deployed as a standing 3-technique. There were times he’d rush inside to occupy blockers and free a blitzing corner or safety and L.A. isn’t afraid to utilize him on tackle end stunts to cause disruption.
If you like to watch line play, there are a few notable things to look for with Ingram. He has a mean club/swim move, as well as nifty spin he breaks out quite often to disengage from blockers in the run game. He lacks the explosiveness to reliably bend the edge, but will still pose a serious problem for both of the Broncos tackles.
If Musgrave can keep him off Keenum, Denver has a chance. Even if the game turns into a shootout.
What do you think Broncos Country? | {
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Campus visit builds connections, expands opportunities
Phil Campbell students spend the day touring Northwest-Shoals Community College.
Junior students from Phil Campbell High School took a trip on March 22 to the Northwest-Shoals Community College (NW-SCC) Phil Campbell campus. This trip signified the culmination of the students’ participation in the Blueprints program. During the campus visit, students explored different academic programs offered by NW-SCC and took time to reflect on their overall experience in the Blueprints program this past year.
The day began with the students breaking off into groups based on their academic interests. Areas of study at NW-SCC include both academic and technical programs like welding, nursing, computer science, history, English, and many more. The students had the chance to sit in on real classes and get a feel of what college would be like at NW-SCC.
“The tour of campus was very enlightening. I learned so much. I loved learning about the nursing and music programs they offer. Today I learned more about what nurses do that I had no idea they did. The experience was fun and the people are so welcoming and nice,” said Blueprints student, Brianna Jones.
After lunch, the students regrouped for the final two sessions. In the first session, they learned about applying to attend NW-SCC, registering for classes, submitting their FAFSA, and everything they would need to know about entering college at NW-SCC should they choose to do so.
The second session of the afternoon introduced the students to representatives from different campus organizations and all the ways they could become involved on campus.
“I have to say I am thinking about applying to Northwest,” says Blueprints student Michelle Beam. “It is a great place, and I can see that I will never feel left out. The students and teachers I have met have been great.”
The final part of the day found the students enjoying some down time with their mentors from the Blueprints program and celebrating the past year’s accomplishments. Some of the students enjoyed a game of corn hole or ping-pong with their mentors while building the relationships established during sessions.
“Blueprints has helped to open up my eyes to the ample opportunities that college has to offer,” claims Abby Marshall. “The people of Blueprints are extremely nice and caring. I know that they care about my future as a student.” | {
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Ahh... the obvious choice. Hines Ward. The undersized, overlooked, slow, hard working, scrappy WR. I know I will get slack for this but here I go...
Hines Ward was definitely a leader... but he also held out for more money, called Ben out multiple times, cried to the media anytime they mentioned a big WR.. but he blocked better than anyone in the biz and did all the dirty work that a WR with a ton of physical gifts wouldnt be required to do.
So... I'll give you Ward but thats one WR and the reason you cant name 5 or even 3 is because 95% ofthe NFL WR's in the league arent undersized WR who had to scrap to make the team.
Not trying to knock Hines but I need a few more examples of true #1 WR's. I think Hines is a HOFer but I think he is a Hofer because of his intangables.. blocking, toughness, grit, durability but he is way down the list when speaking of #1's.
List the top 15 WR's. Nope.. dont see it. Steve Smith is the only one that comes to mind but he is the same size as Hines My point, short man complex... lol. I just dont think WR's are built to be leaders. The best WRs are selfish and demand the football.
05-28-2013, 09:12 PM
Eddie Spaghetti
no offense, but you're trying to move the goalposts
you said no WR could be a leader, hines was.
I imagine jerry rice and michael irvin fir that description as well. It may be more rare to lead from that position, but it can, and does happen.
05-28-2013, 09:48 PM
remember all the 'fans' that wanted the steelers to pay him 8, 9, 10, 11+ million a year?
remember how they said wallace was a great teammate?
how he wasnt going to be a distraction during the season?
how he said and did everything the right way?
how about how they disputed that wallace never said he wanted 11+ per year, but eventually took even more?
05-28-2013, 10:10 PM
Eddie Spaghetti
the last one of those is the funniest.
05-28-2013, 10:12 PM
uhh. hey Mike, last i checked Miami Dolphins are in the National Football League. Seems having a "college atmosphere" may not be the best way to go about winning in the pros. I suspect it takes a lot more hard work and discipline to win consistently in the NFL than it does in college where the talent is much more unevenly distributed. As the No. 1 WR last season, Mike didn't fair all that well. It will be interesting to find out if that was merely a contract aberration or a trend due to defenses focusing on taking him out of the game.
05-28-2013, 10:22 PM
[QUOTE=Eddie Spaghetti;563906]no offense, but you're trying to move the goalposts
you said no WR could be a leader, hines was.
I imagine jerry rice and michael irvin fir that description as well. It may be more rare to lead from that position, but it can, and does happen.[/QUOTE]
Not really, I said... "WR arent leaders" and "A WR cant be a leader without a good QB "
Do you know how many WRs have played in the NFL? 5K,10K? Hines was once in a lifetime, Rice was the best ever and Im not sure about Irvin.
2 or 3 doesnt change my opinion. I never said "In the history of the NFL.."
05-28-2013, 10:34 PM
[QUOTE=feltdizz;563911]Not really, I said... "WR arent leaders" and "A WR cant be a leader without a good QB "
Do you know how many WRs have played in the NFL? 5K,10K? Hines was once in a lifetime, Rice was the best ever and Im not sure about Irvin.
2 or 3 doesnt change my opinion. I never said "In the history of the NFL.."[/QUOTE]
although there are exceptions such as Hines Ward and Jerry Rice, I do agree with your basic premise that the best WRs are basically selfish individuals who demand the football and are not natural leaders. | {
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"score": 0.018742332
"begin": 454,
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"begin": 630,
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Megadeth: "Capitol Punishment" from Capitol Punishment
A mix of all of the band's Capitol recordings. The songs that make up the mix, in order, are "Peace Sells", "Anarchy In The U.K.", "In My Darkest Hour", "Holy Wars...The Punishment Due", "Hangar 18", "Symphony of Destruction", "Sweating Bullets", "Train of Consequences", "Go To Hell", "Angry Again", "Trust", "Almost Honest", "Crush 'Em." | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | 0.317855 | [
"begin": 0,
"end": 55,
"score": 0.044748597
"begin": 55,
"end": 103,
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"begin": 103,
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"begin": 222,
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ms.date: 03/30/2017
- mscoree.dll
- LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE function pointer [.NET Framework hosting]
ms.assetid: 7b9b93b0-fe92-42ba-8693-701168a29dde
- apiref
ms.openlocfilehash: 84cdb42b11ad70f54f21ae36ca2734dc794d06d7
ms.sourcegitcommit: 03fec33630b46e78d5e81e91b40518f32c4bd7b5
ms.translationtype: MT
ms.contentlocale: zh-CN
ms.lasthandoff: 05/27/2020
ms.locfileid: "84008464"
# <a name="lpthread_start_routine-function-pointer"></a>LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE 函数指针
此函数指针在 .NET Framework 4 中已弃用。
## <a name="syntax"></a>语法
typedef DWORD (__stdcall *LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) (
[in] LPVOID lpThreadParameter
## <a name="parameters"></a>参数
## <a name="remarks"></a>备注
指向该函数的 `LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE` 点是回调函数,并且必须由宿主应用程序的编写器实现。
## <a name="requirements"></a>要求
**平台:** 请参阅[系统要求](../../get-started/system-requirements.md)。
**标头:** Mscoree.dll
**库:** Mscorwks.dll
**.NET Framework 版本:**[!INCLUDE[net_current_v10plus](../../../../includes/net-current-v10plus-md.md)]
## <a name="see-also"></a>另请参阅
- [弃用的 CLR 承载函数](deprecated-clr-hosting-functions.md)
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Alright, well this week not a lot has happened.. but I´ll make sure to talk about my highlights!
First off, I’m a ´panera´ which means that I am a fanatic about pan (bread) and an hamburgesera, so tambien, a fanatic about hamburgers and… uhhhh… yeah. Hahaha! Every day my companion looks at me and says “we’re fatties”.
For letters:
Rachel Susanne Gibbs
Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission
Casilla de Correo 2042
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
PACKAGES! SEND THEM THROUGH THE U.S. MAIL POSTAL SERVICE! And put pictures of Mary and Jesus on the part where you open, only then will people not open it!
Rachel Susanne Gibbs
Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission
c/Saaverda esq. Cochabamba
Torres Cainco, Blq Empersarial, Piso 9
Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
I never say no to Girl Scout cookies Mammy and Daddy (hint hint nudge nudge!) I’m just kidding! But really..and chocolate too! And Mac and Cheese.. oh how I miss Mac and Cheese…
ON TO THE GOOD STUFF!!! So I decided this week that I want to read the ENTIRE BIBLE. 1500 PAGES. No biggie.. I realized I have never read the entire Bible, or Doctrine and Covenants, OR the Pearl of Great Price before. So I wanna be able to say I’ve read them all before I finish my mission! As of now I’m in Lev.. I can’t remember the full name but hey! I made it through Exodus!
This week I was cleaning my room (Ii know.. miracles really do happen!) and I looked at the bottom of my shoe. In the middle of the sole was a HUGE RUSTY NAIL. Thank you Mammy for making me buy ´those big chunky´ shoes. They saved me from a world of hurt and who knows what!
I also learned that there is an insect here that if it bites you, you can die at any moment.. SO I LOVE YOU ALL JUST SO YOU KNOW! Hahahaha!
Lets see… We didn’t get to proselyte much because my companion’s foot is super bad! She has a hurt tendon and cannot walk for a long time. But she is so amazing and keeps pressing forward! This gives me more time to study and learn more about the Gospel. It’s a blessing really!
Spanish.. oh Spanish.. It’s still a daily process of learning, but I really REALLY hope I can look back on it all and laugh because I get frustrated with myself too easily.
The church is true. And I feel so blessed to have it in my life and hope that I can help others receive the same happiness I have. Many people ask me “Hermana Gibbs, why are you so happy” before my mission. I now realize it’s because I have nothing bad in my life. And when I do, I have ways to fight the sadness!
I love you all and miss you dearly! I hope you all have had an amazing week! and I pray for you all daily!
One Response to April 28, 2014 – Weekly Greetings From Boliviaaaaa!
Rachyyyyy, guess who? it’s Engy! I’m not sure if you’ll see this…I really want to write to you but I have no clue how 😀 (and I have a gazillion assignments and whatnot.. but I promise when I’m done I’ll figure out a way!). I’ve been reading your blog, what you’re doing is so inspirational! God bless you habibti, I miss you more than you could ever imagine:( LOVE YOU!
(I really hope you read this!) | {
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James Damore. Photo: Courtesy of YouTube The Rubin Report
In August, engineer James Damore was fired from Google after writing a viral memo suggesting that women are biologically ill-suited to working in tech. And on Monday, Damore filed a lawsuit against the tech giant, alleging it discriminates against politically conservative white males, BuzzFeed News reports.
Damore was terminated from Google after his ten-page manifesto circulated this summer — in which he argued the gender pay gap in tech was a result of women’s genetic inferiority. Damore subsequently doubled-down on that idea in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, claiming he was fired because his “moral preferences and beliefs” were too out there for the leftist “mob” his bosses catered to. He also later said he believed women should feel “empowered” by his musings.
In his lawsuit, Damore claims Google “singled out, mistreated, and systematically punished and terminated” employees who didn’t share the company’s views on diversity. He and a second plaintiff — former Google engineer David Gudeman — are seeking class certification on behalf of conservative Caucasian men. Per BuzzFeed News:
“Google’s management goes to extreme — and illegal — lengths to encourage hiring managers to take protected categories such as race and/or gender into consideration as determinative hiring factors, to the detriment of Caucasian and male employees and potential employees at Google,” the suit reads.
Google had already been served with a different gender-discrimination suit earlier this month; a group of women alleged in a revised lawsuit that the company asked for their salary histories and paid them less than their male counterparts. BuzzFeed News notes that Damore’s suit had been expected after he publicly hired attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon — the Republican National Committee’s Committeewoman for California — back in August. | {
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"begin": 211,
"end": 368,
"score": 0.2712817
"begin": 368,
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"score": 0.3093897
"begin": 548,
"end": 764,
"score": 0.15130237
"begin": 764,
"end": 841,
"score": 0.07131593
"begin": 841,
"end": 1010,
"score": 0.12824467
"begin": 1010,
"end": 1150,
"score": 0.019019997
"begin": 1150,
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] |
"""Bootstrap setuptools installation
If you want to use setuptools in your package's setup.py, just include this
file in the same directory with it, and add this to the top of your setup.py::
from ez_setup import use_setuptools
If you want to require a specific version of setuptools, set a download
mirror, or use an alternate download directory, you can do so by supplying
the appropriate options to ``use_setuptools()``.
This file can also be run as a script to install or upgrade setuptools.
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import tarfile
import optparse
import subprocess
import platform
from distutils import log
from site import USER_SITE
except ImportError:
DEFAULT_URL = "https://pypi.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/"
def _python_cmd(*args):
args = (sys.executable,) + args
return subprocess.call(args) == 0
def _check_call_py24(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
res = subprocess.call(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
class CalledProcessError(Exception):
if not res == 0:
msg = "Command '%s' return non-zero exit status %d" % (cmd, res)
raise CalledProcessError(msg)
vars(subprocess).setdefault('check_call', _check_call_py24)
def _install(tarball, install_args=()):
# extracting the tarball
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
log.warn('Extracting in %s', tmpdir)
old_wd = os.getcwd()
tar = tarfile.open(tarball)
# going in the directory
subdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.listdir(tmpdir)[0])
log.warn('Now working in %s', subdir)
# installing
log.warn('Installing Setuptools')
if not _python_cmd('setup.py', 'install', *install_args):
log.warn('Something went wrong during the installation.')
log.warn('See the error message above.')
# exitcode will be 2
return 2
def _build_egg(egg, tarball, to_dir):
# extracting the tarball
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
log.warn('Extracting in %s', tmpdir)
old_wd = os.getcwd()
tar = tarfile.open(tarball)
# going in the directory
subdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.listdir(tmpdir)[0])
log.warn('Now working in %s', subdir)
# building an egg
log.warn('Building a Setuptools egg in %s', to_dir)
_python_cmd('setup.py', '-q', 'bdist_egg', '--dist-dir', to_dir)
# returning the result
if not os.path.exists(egg):
raise IOError('Could not build the egg.')
def _do_download(version, download_base, to_dir, download_delay):
egg = os.path.join(to_dir, 'setuptools-%s-py%d.%d.egg'
% (version, sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))
if not os.path.exists(egg):
tarball = download_setuptools(version, download_base,
to_dir, download_delay)
_build_egg(egg, tarball, to_dir)
sys.path.insert(0, egg)
# Remove previously-imported pkg_resources if present (see
# https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/pull-request/7/ for details).
if 'pkg_resources' in sys.modules:
del sys.modules['pkg_resources']
import setuptools
setuptools.bootstrap_install_from = egg
def use_setuptools(version=DEFAULT_VERSION, download_base=DEFAULT_URL,
to_dir=os.curdir, download_delay=15):
# making sure we use the absolute path
to_dir = os.path.abspath(to_dir)
was_imported = 'pkg_resources' in sys.modules or \
'setuptools' in sys.modules
import pkg_resources
except ImportError:
return _do_download(version, download_base, to_dir, download_delay)
pkg_resources.require("setuptools>=" + version)
except pkg_resources.VersionConflict:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if was_imported:
"The required version of setuptools (>=%s) is not available,\n"
"and can't be installed while this script is running. Please\n"
"install a more recent version first, using\n"
"'easy_install -U setuptools'."
"\n\n(Currently using %r)\n" % (version, e.args[0]))
del pkg_resources, sys.modules['pkg_resources'] # reload ok
return _do_download(version, download_base, to_dir,
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
return _do_download(version, download_base, to_dir,
def _clean_check(cmd, target):
Run the command to download target. If the command fails, clean up before
re-raising the error.
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if os.access(target, os.F_OK):
def download_file_powershell(url, target):
Download the file at url to target using Powershell (which will validate
trust). Raise an exception if the command cannot complete.
target = os.path.abspath(target)
cmd = [
"(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(%(url)r, %(target)r)" % vars(),
_clean_check(cmd, target)
def has_powershell():
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
return False
cmd = ['powershell', '-Command', 'echo test']
devnull = open(os.path.devnull, 'wb')
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
return False
return True
download_file_powershell.viable = has_powershell
def download_file_curl(url, target):
cmd = ['curl', url, '--location', '--silent', '--output', target]
_clean_check(cmd, target)
def has_curl():
cmd = ['curl', '--version']
devnull = open(os.path.devnull, 'wb')
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
return False
return True
download_file_curl.viable = has_curl
def download_file_wget(url, target):
cmd = ['wget', url, '--quiet', '--output-document', target]
_clean_check(cmd, target)
def has_wget():
cmd = ['wget', '--version']
devnull = open(os.path.devnull, 'wb')
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
return False
return True
download_file_wget.viable = has_wget
def download_file_insecure(url, target):
Use Python to download the file, even though it cannot authenticate the
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
from urllib2 import urlopen
src = dst = None
src = urlopen(url)
# Read/write all in one block, so we don't create a corrupt file
# if the download is interrupted.
data = src.read()
dst = open(target, "wb")
if src:
if dst:
download_file_insecure.viable = lambda: True
def get_best_downloader():
downloaders = [
for dl in downloaders:
if dl.viable():
return dl
def download_setuptools(version=DEFAULT_VERSION, download_base=DEFAULT_URL,
to_dir=os.curdir, delay=15,
"""Download setuptools from a specified location and return its filename
`version` should be a valid setuptools version number that is available
as an egg for download under the `download_base` URL (which should end
with a '/'). `to_dir` is the directory where the egg will be downloaded.
`delay` is the number of seconds to pause before an actual download
``downloader_factory`` should be a function taking no arguments and
returning a function for downloading a URL to a target.
# making sure we use the absolute path
to_dir = os.path.abspath(to_dir)
tgz_name = "setuptools-%s.tar.gz" % version
url = download_base + tgz_name
saveto = os.path.join(to_dir, tgz_name)
if not os.path.exists(saveto): # Avoid repeated downloads
log.warn("Downloading %s", url)
downloader = downloader_factory()
downloader(url, saveto)
return os.path.realpath(saveto)
def _extractall(self, path=".", members=None):
"""Extract all members from the archive to the current working
directory and set owner, modification time and permissions on
directories afterwards. `path' specifies a different directory
to extract to. `members' is optional and must be a subset of the
list returned by getmembers().
import copy
import operator
from tarfile import ExtractError
directories = []
if members is None:
members = self
for tarinfo in members:
if tarinfo.isdir():
# Extract directories with a safe mode.
tarinfo = copy.copy(tarinfo)
tarinfo.mode = 448 # decimal for oct 0700
self.extract(tarinfo, path)
# Reverse sort directories.
if sys.version_info < (2, 4):
def sorter(dir1, dir2):
return cmp(dir1.name, dir2.name)
directories.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('name'), reverse=True)
# Set correct owner, mtime and filemode on directories.
for tarinfo in directories:
dirpath = os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name)
self.chown(tarinfo, dirpath)
self.utime(tarinfo, dirpath)
self.chmod(tarinfo, dirpath)
except ExtractError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
if self.errorlevel > 1:
self._dbg(1, "tarfile: %s" % e)
def _build_install_args(options):
Build the arguments to 'python setup.py install' on the setuptools package
install_args = []
if options.user_install:
if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
log.warn("--user requires Python 2.6 or later")
raise SystemExit(1)
return install_args
def _parse_args():
Parse the command line for options
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
'--user', dest='user_install', action='store_true', default=False,
help='install in user site package (requires Python 2.6 or later)')
'--download-base', dest='download_base', metavar="URL",
help='alternative URL from where to download the setuptools package')
'--insecure', dest='downloader_factory', action='store_const',
const=lambda: download_file_insecure, default=get_best_downloader,
help='Use internal, non-validating downloader'
options, args = parser.parse_args()
# positional arguments are ignored
return options
def main(version=DEFAULT_VERSION):
"""Install or upgrade setuptools and EasyInstall"""
options = _parse_args()
tarball = download_setuptools(download_base=options.download_base,
return _install(tarball, _build_install_args(options))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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There is no doubt about it, those Uncalled For boys sure know how to put on a fringe show. And a standing ovation at the end of tonight’s show proved just that.The thing that makes them stand out is that they are really smart. And not smart in a pompous way so that you walk out of their show thinking, ‘I don’t get it’. But smart in a way that makes you think about what they are saying and shake your head in a sort of, ‘how did they come up with that’ sort of way. This is why I liked this show so much – it was so damn clever. And funny too.
The four of them strike a really good balance, sharing the stage equally. They all have great character work and their background as talented improvisers really shines through. The show has a great flow to it, no scene goes on too long and their transitions are excellent. I don’t want to tell you too much but the wine tasting scene was pretty darn awesome.
Above it all you really get a sense that they are having so much fun up there – and why wouldn’t they be – in one scene they are all shooting each other with fake hand guns and they look like a bunch of kids in their lifesavers costumes and they have to be enjoying it.
That is what makes good entertainment, you have to love what you do. They love it – and so do we. Do yourselves a favour and see this wacky, intelligent, super funny show. THEY WILL SELL OUT! | {
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almond macaroons
A Passover classic, across Europe. Simple and surprisingly, actually mysteriously delicious, for so little effort. Also gluten free and dairy free.
Lena who does so much of her baking by hand has devised a low labour version. You don't need to beat the egg whites!
"I tried it both ways, and it didn't make a difference. In fact, it is better this way."
3 egg whites
8 oz/250 g ground almonds “But I use 6 oz almonds, and 2 oz walnuts.”
6 Tablespoons sugar
Lemon juice. 1 1/2 tablespoons, or to taste
Almond essence, ½ teaspoon
Blanched almond halves, for decoration
1. Beat the nuts and sugar into the egg whites with a wooden spoon, until it firms up slightly. Mixture should be sticky, no need to beat the egg whites till they are stiff. 2. Add lemon juice and almond essence to taste.3. Cover flat tray with baking paper 4. Drop in tablespoons onto the tray, and flatten them out. Leave space between them, they may spread further when cooking. 5. Place half a blanched almond in the centre of each biscuit.6. Bake for 10 minutes in a moderate oven, till they’ve browned, and just dry. Leave to cool. Don’t overcook! You want them to stay chewy.
Our test cook Amanda Hampel is famous for her gluten free kitchen, and for fiddling with every recipe to get it just right. She could relax on this one, since it's both gluten free and dairy free from the get-go. She prefers maple syrup to sugar, so she used that, substituting 5 tablespoons of maple for the 6 tablespoons sugar. Amanda didn't have any almond essence on hand, so she used vanilla essence instead. It took a little longer to bake but she found it delicious and "very more-ish indeed!" And a great Passover recipe.
A delicious, super-quick and easy fruit cake, recipe from a Viennese pastry chef. Plus in light of controversial Polish legislation on the Holocaust, we return to the story of Ruth Scheuer and Celina Widawski, Jewish women who survived WW2 in Poland by passing as Christians, living on fake ID papers.
Two sisters. Two great recipes, and the amazing story of how their mother kept them alive in Poland during World War Two. Re-posting now, because of controversial Polish legislation criminalising statements alleging Poland was complicit with the Nazis during WW2.
A match made in heaven, sour cherries enclosed in nuts, breadcrumbs and sugar, with lemony cream cheese, in betwwwn layers of filo pastry. And it doesn't take too long. And it's not so hard. And it's delicious!!! Plus a trip to Bethlehem.
New Year's Chestnut Soup! It's simple, just 3 ingredients plus some spices, but it’s a knockout. One of the best things we’ve made this year. Subtle, rich, delicious. Recipes walks you through roasting chestnuts and making the soup. Happy New Year!
Buckwheat is a superfood and an ingredient in the traditional Rusisan Jewish dish, Kasha Varnishkes. Recipes this week for that dish, with bowtie pasta and onions. Plus a modern Israeli recipe for Kasha & Rocket Salad. Tasty and healthy!
100 years after the Battle of Beersheba - commemorating an ANZAC victory in World War One. Moving stories of the Australian soldiers who fought there and their descendants. Plus a Cavalry charge! And a sugar free Blueberry and Zucchini bread to pack up in your old kit bag. Great stories and recipe this week.
Grains for autumn, or any time of the year. Lentil, Zucchini and Herb Casserole, and Warm Barley and Rocket salad. Healthy, easy and delicious. You can make both vegan if you choose. And a women's peace movement, all in the one tasty package. | {
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"Application needs OAuth consent from the User" when saving a weight value to Google Fit
I am creating the GoogleApiClient instance with the following code:
// Create the Google API Client
mClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(act)
.addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_ACTIVITY_READ_WRITE))
.enableAutoManage(act, 0, this)
When the client is created, the phone shows the account selection dialog and then the OAuth authorization dialog. After that, the activity gets the result on the following method:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
Log.i(TAG, "Result received");
authInProgress = false;
On the log, I can see the authorization process working, but when trying to save into Google Fit, using the following code:
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
Date now = new Date();
long date = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
DataSource dataSource = new DataSource.Builder().
DataSet dataSet = DataSet.create(dataSource);
DataPoint dataPoint = dataSet.
setTimestamp(date, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Fitness.HistoryApi.insertData(mClient, dataSet).setResultCallback(cb);
I am seeing the following error:
Application needs OAuth consent from the User
What am I missing? The OAuth credentials have been created in the Google Console.
You should add more Scope when init mClient:
mClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(act)
.addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_ACTIVITY_READ_WRITE))
.addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_NUTRITION_READ))
and more depending on which value you want to get data.
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"begin": 245,
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India judge mocked for saying peacocks don't have sex Published duration 1 June 2017
image copyright Getty Images image caption Judge Mahesh Sharma told TV channels that "the peahen gets pregnant" after "swallowing the tears of the peacock".
Social media users are ridiculing a judge after he said the peacock was chosen as India's national bird because "it's considered pious" and follows "life-long celibacy".
Judge Mahesh Sharma told TV channels that "the peahen gets pregnant" only by "swallowing the tears of the peacock".
He made the remark to back his observation that cows should replace the tiger as the national animal because "it's also holy".
Experts have rejected his claims.
Mr Sharma told reporters in the northern Indian city of Jaipur that he believed people revere both peacocks and cows because of their "divine qualities".
He added that he had recommended that the government should immediately declare the cow as the national animal.
But social media users vehemently disagreed.
image copyright Rohit Pradhan
image copyright AJ
image copyright Devika Mittal
image copyright Kawalpreet Kaur
Experts said there was no merit in Mr Sharma's theories.
"This theory about peacocks drinking tears to breed is an old hoax. They breed like all other birds, by means of sexual copulation," Bikram Grewal, an ornithologist, told The Indian Express newspaper
Mr Sharma is not alone in demanding national status for cows, considered sacred by India's majority Hindu community.
Many states have actively started enforcing bans on cow slaughter after the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) formed India's federal government in 2014.
In addition to government bans, several vigilante groups who portray themselves as protectors of cows have also been active in several states.
But Mr Sharma added that his demand was not linked to the ongoing debate about banning cow slaughter in the country. | {
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scipy.optimize, IndexError: Invalid Index to Scalar Variable
I am trying to implement scipy.optimmize.minimize on a multivariate scalar function using the nelder-mead method. My function definition when called in a print function works perfectly fine. When I turn on minimize it throws the IndexError.
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import math
import numpy as np
c_ = [1.,1.,1.]
d_ = [1.,1.,1.]
def hamiltonian(x_):
return np.sum([(1/n**3.0)*(n-i)*i*(x_[0][(n-i)]*x_[0][i]+x_[1][(n-i)]*x_[1][i])-(1/n**3.0/alpha**2.0)*np.sum([x_[0][(n-i-j)]*x_[0][i]*x_[1][j] for j in range(0,(n-i+1))]) for n in range(1,N) for i in range(0,(n+1))])
print hamiltonian(x_) #no problem here
res = minimize(hamiltonian, x_, method='nelder-mead') #problem here
That is because x_ is a list of lists:
>>> x_
[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
Thus replace the line x_=[c_,d_] with:
>>> x_ = c_ + d_
You'll also have to modify your hamiltonian for a 1xN or Nx1 list/array.
The simplest hack that I can think of is:
def hamiltonian(x_):
if type(x_[0]) == np.array:
x_ = np.concatenate((x_[0:N], x_[N:]), axis=0)
return np.sum([(1/n**3.0)*(n-i)*i*(x_[0][(n-i)]*x_[0][i]+x_[1][(n-i)]*x_[1][i])-(1/n**3.0/alpha**2.0)*np.sum([x_[0][(n-i-j)]*x_[0][i]*x_[1][j] for j in range(0,(n-i+1))]) for n in range(1,N) for i in range(0,(n+1))])
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history is a good thing, i said that, i just said it was irrelevant in everyday conversations.
And most people read books for the stories, not to better understand what it was like to live in a certain age. I'll look at a history book for that and get not just a single persons point of view but on actual accounts of what happened.
Sir, you have a very narrow minded view of history.
On the basis, history as relating to simple facts e.g. September 1939 Germany attacks Poland, is quite useless beyond doing well at Trivial Pursuit etc.
However, in my line of work, where I'm paid to essentially be a critical thinker, sit in strategic planning meetings etc. my background in History has given me a leg up on anyone my age. I have no formal business training, yet because of my knowledge of research and being able to analyze a situation from multiple perspectives has allowed me to become quite respected amongst my colleagues. Literature, just as well taught me this as well. Simply because something is written so, does not necessarily mean that is what is meant. Again, critical thinking (which is crucial if one wishes to have a seat at the table) is crucial.
ACGM mentioned quite well what history provides.
It's sad that you take such a narrow minded view on literature and history. It would be the equivalent of me saying that all mathematics can be narrowed down to the idea of 1+1=2.
And for the record, yes, I studied both History and English and there's not for a second that I regret that choice.
The subject itself has very little to do with how much money you will make.
If you can take any subject, understand it, believe in it, and use it to your advantage, you will find success in any given field.
Many of the richest business people in history had no formal math training, no formal business training, no nothing. But they knew how to lead and direct people. It's a trait you'll rarely ever pick up in school.
Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, you just gotta pinpoint em and use em to your advantage.
Some will be harvested in school, some in real life. You gotta balance it all out.
That's interesting ... I didn't know that. I went to a British high school in the UAE and there was A LOT of emphasis placed on grammar and spelling. We had whole sections of our O and A Level English exams dedicated to punctuation.
I went to an Irish school for grade 11 and 12 and all English was was comprehension, reading and writing essays. Spelling wasn't very important, as long as the teacher could understand what you were saying. The argument or understanding was more important.
no grammar and junk like I had in the US
Okay, Barracuda, let's get this settled. Nobody is saying that having a firm grasp of spelling and grammar is not important. Nobody. I think people are just interpreting Yusek's response differently.
Yusek responded to a specific point you made in a particular context. We are talking about a high school kid here. You then brought up english classes. If (big if) I understood Yusek correctly, he was just saying that focusing on english classes at the high school level isn't necessarily going to improve a student's spelling and grammar. That's why he said "you're right" yet also "wrong". In theory, yes, you're right that studying grammar is important, but in practice, that isn't happening IN CLASSES. You even said that you learned more on your own than from your english teacher.
ArmchairGM you understood my point perfectly.
Spelling and grammar are very important. I agree with 'Cuda that many students today aren't grasping good spelling and grammar. However, English class isn't the answer. They just don't focus on it all that much. Understanding the literature comes first. I spend more time helping kids with writing in comparison to many high school teachers and I'm an engineering T.A.
My girlfriend has excellent writing and she credits it to a large amount of reading as a child. English class is not the answer. In English class you can read only a few books a year.
I liked it till college. Now I can't stand it. I was a A student my whole K-12 in math and it was my favorite subject. Now I can't stand it.
Im weird when it comes to math
A's in elementary
I almost failed in my first report card in the 6th grade, then I was the best math student in the 7th
barley passed the last 2 years
it all depends on the teacher for me
Im weird when it comes to math
A's in elementary
I almost failed in my first report card in the 6th grade, then I was the best math student in the 7th
barley passed the last 2 years
it all depends on the teacher for me
Could be. I always had some really good match teachers and all 4 years in HS they were my favorite teachers. So that probably has a lot to do with it. | {
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“¡Patria o muerte!” (fatherland or death) is the traditional slogan of Latin American revolutionaries. It is also the grim choice that the US government is imposing on the people of Venezuela, as the Washington consensus (e.g., Foreign Policy) screams “it’s time for a coup in Venezuela.”
Washington Rejects Electoral Transition
The runner-up in the May 20 Venezuelan presidential elections was Henri Falcón, who campaigned to replace the Venezuelan bolivar with the US dollar, institute a severe regime of International Monetary Fund austerity on the populace, and auction off the country’s assets at fire-sale prices to foreign bidders.
So what is there not to like about this neoliberal dream for the Trump administration? Answer: it does not go far enough. A far more radical final solution is being promoted by the Colossus of the North.
Instead of embracing Falcón as would be expected on account of his economic proclivities, Washington demanded that he not even run in the presidential election and went as far as threatening to impose personal sanctions on him and his family. The US lie that Venezuela is a dictatorship was exposed by Falcón showing just the opposite by running.
As it turned out, Maduro was affirmed with a landslide 68% of the vote compared to Falcón’s second place showing of 21%. But Falcón faced the dual challenges of opposition from the left and boycott from the extreme right.
A year ago, a rightwing campaign might have had legs had a democratic electoral strategy been chosen. But there were obstacles to such a constitutional transfer of power, besides the popularity of the Bolivarian Revolution started by Hugo Chávez and carried on by Nicolás Maduro. Instead the US and its Venezuelan rightwing allies ultimately opted to achieve by extra-legal means what they could not achieve democratically.
Although the Venezuelan economy was showing every sign of tanking, the opposition after it got a majority in the National Assembly in December 2015 demonstrated it had few solutions or even interest in solutions other than dismantling the popular social welfare programs of the chavistas, such as privatizing the 2 million housing units for the poor (subsequently overturned by the courts).
Ever fractious, the opposition was divided between a moderate electoral wing and a dominant, more extreme tendency. They could not unify around a single candidate in 2018 no matter how much “democracy promotion” (actually the opposite) dollars were lavished upon them by their US sponsors. And after unleashing the violent guarimbas(protest demonstrations) taking over one hundred lives and destroying billions in public property in the period 2013 to 2017, the opposition did not endear themselves to the swing voter by calling for yet more punishing sanctions on their fellow Venezuelans.
Yet all these obstacles for the opposition might have been overcome had their US handlers so chosen. But the chosen course of action from the US is no soft landing for chavismo.
Illegal US Sanctions
Starting in 2015 under Obama, the US unleashed sanctions on Venezuela as a form of economic warfare. These sanctions are illegal by international law because they impose a collective punishment on the people of Venezuela for the actions of their government. Likewise, the sanctions are illegal by the charter of the regional Organization of American States. And the sanctions are illegal by US law, because they are based on the obvious lie that Venezuela is an “extraordinary security threat” to the US, when the opposite is manifestly the case. Venezuela is not conducting multi-national military exercises on the US’s southern border in a rehearsal for an invasion, while the US has done precisely that on Venezuela’s border.
Furthermore, the US sanctions are not designed to change some policy to steer the Maduro government in a more advantageous direction as are the sanctions on, say, Iran or North Korea. The sanctions are designed purely and simply to immiserate the people and force the democratically elected government of Venezuela to roll over and die. There is nothing Maduro can do but resist.
Prior to the Venezuelan elections, the White House had made noise about imposing an oil embargo if the Venezuelan people dared to ignore the imperial dictate to boycott the election. In a petro-economy such as the one that Maduro inherited from Chávez, who inherited it from the ancien régime, cutting off oil revenues is tantamount to puncturing the aorta. Petrodollars account for 96% of Venezuela’s exports and over 40% of government revenues.
Nearly half of the Venezuelan electorate went to the polls on May 30, defying the emperor in the Oval Office and the rightwing boycott. Trump, true to his word, imposed enhanced financial sanctions the day after the election. But he stopped short of directly attacking Venezuelan oil revenue, probably due to concerns about the upcoming mid-term Congressional elections in the US. The Republican base likely knows little about Venezuela and cares less; same for the Democrat faithful who also get their news from the corporate media. But a price spike at the gas pump from a US oil embargo on Venezuela would get the US electorate’s attention.
Besides the already in-place US sanctions have cumulative effects that will only increase the pain in Venezuela even if the empire just stays its present course. Venezuelan capital reserves are being exhausted. Already oil production in Venezuela has fallen as access in the international market to replacement parts is cut off, crippling productive capacity.
The US is trying to precipitate a “humanitarian crisis” as an excuse for intervention, all the while hypocritically lamenting the consequences of its own policy. If Venezuela were really a failed state, as the US claims, then there would be no need to impose sanctions to make it fail.
The Colombian Card
Another factor boding against Venezuela is its hostile neighbor to the west and Washington’s main Latin American client state, Colombia. This country is distinguished as the largest source of illicit drugs into the US yet is the largest recipient of US aid in the hemisphere. That is, the country most materially damaging to the US is the one most favored, despite (or really because) of its record as the worst human-rights abuser in the Americas.
Sharing a 1378-mile border with Venezuela, Colombia just joined NATO as the first “global partner” from Latin America. And that was under the moderately rightwing Santos government. Colombia will have a presidential runoff election on June 17 pitting the far-right Iván Duque against the left-of-center Gustavo Petro, with the former favored to win.
The Model of the Other 9-11
A US-backed coup in Chile overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende on September 11, 1973. Preceding the coup, which took Allende’s life, was a US-orchestrated economic destabilization effort, a prequel to what is now being visited upon Venezuela. Succeeding the coup in Chile, thousands of leftists and suspected leftists were rounded up and summarily executed to root out insurgency.
The Chilean coup and its aftermath is the template for the US and the sycophantic domestic Venezuelan opposition for the extermination of the Bolivarian Revolution. That is, a violent takeover, the elimination of their enemies, and the blitzkrieg imposition of neoliberal shock therapy.
Only in Venezuela, this reactionary political cleansing could be much uglier than Chile. Allende was in power for only three years; the Bolivarian Revolution is nearing its second decade. The social-democratic Allende government made important changes, but they pale in comparison to the depth and breadth of the accomplishments of the socialist administrations of Chávez and Maduro.
Venezuela Resists
Maduro won reelection on the promise that he would right an economy that has been spiraling downward with decreasing production, runaway inflation, chronic corruption, pervasive shortages of consumer goods and medicines, and a dysfunctional currency exchange system. This could be the best and last chance for the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela to meet this daunting challenge in the face of US and domestic hostility.
Maduro, riding on back-to-back electoral chavista victories (presidential, municipal, gubernatorial, and Constituent Assembly) has taken the initiative to seek a peaceful solution by convening a national dialogue.
In the last week, Maduro met with Apostolic Nuncio Aldo Giordano, the Andean Development Corporation, the National Banking Association, private and public media outlets, and even RepublicanBob Corker, chair of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Some 80 opposition activists, jailed for violent actions, were freed. Maduro also met with third-place presidential candidate Javier Bertucci, major opposition COPEI party leader Pedro Pablo Fernández, and opposition governors. Meetings with the popular sectors including left intellectuals and communards are in progress as well.
Polls indicate the vast majority of Venezuelans oppose the sanctions and outside military intervention. The over 6 million poor and working people, who have suffered most from the sanctions, are the ones who reelected Maduro and remain militantly identified with the Bolivarian Revolution, which has empowered them.
The poor and previously dispossessed chavistas literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain by resisting an extra-parliamentary rightwing takeover of their country. If Trump were to prevail in his present course for Venezuela, the bloodletting could be horrific. Maduro’s election slogan – juntos todo es posible (together everything is possible) – must be embraced by the international peace community in rejecting outside interference in Venezuela. | {
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convert string to list in prolog
I am a Prolog newbie and am stuck at parsing a string to a list.
I have a string of the form
I wish to convert it into a list which looks like
[1, _, _, 2, _, _, _, 3, _, _, 4]
How can I achieve this functionality?
Another solution is to use DCG's. The code is straightforward:
digit(N) -->
[ D ], { member(D, "0123456789"), number_codes(N, [D]) }.
dot(_) --> ".".
token(T) --> digit(T).
token(T) --> dot(T).
tokens([T|Ts]) --> token(T), tokens(Ts).
tokens([]) --> "".
parse_codes(In, Out):-
phrase(tokens(Out), In, "").
parse_atom(In, Out):-
atom_codes(In, Codes),
parse_codes(Codes, Out).
Testing on SWI-Prolog with "string" (which is actually just a list of codes):
?- parse_codes("1..24.4", Out).
Out = [1, _G992, _G995, 2, 4, _G1070, 4] .
And with an atom (which is just converted to codes before using the same predicate):
?- parse_atom('1..22.4', Out).
Out = [1, _G971, _G974, 2, 2, _G1049, 4] .
SWI-Prolog prints anonymous variables (_) in a bit fancier notation but otherwise it should be the same result you need.
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Why PrEP?
PrEP can protect you from getting HIV.
Other methods of protection against HIV are:
· never fuck
· only fuck people when you are 100% sure they do not have HIV
· only fuck people with HIV who have an undetectable viral load (= less than 200 virus particles per milliliter blood)
· always use a condom when fucking
The question you need to ask yourself is: am I at risk for contracting HIV? Be honest with yourself.
Is PrEP for me?
PrEP is for everybody. For straight, gay, and bi+, for men and women, cis, trans, and non-binary. There however are differences in how to use PrEP:
Men and other people who have a penis take 2 pills on the first day and then 1 pill every 24 hours. You are protected against HIV starting two hours after the first dose. If you want to stop using PrEP, you should keep taking your pills until 48 hours after the last time you had sex without a condom. It’s also possible to take only 1 pill on the first day; if you do that, then you are protected against HIV after using PrEP for 5 days.
Women and other people who have a vagina take 1 pill on day one and then 1 pill every 24 hours. Because PrEP takes a longer time to penetrate the vaginal tissue lining, you are protected against HIV after 7 days. If you want to stop using PrEP, you should keep taking pills for 7 days after the last time you had sex without a condom.
The advantages of PrEP
No more fear for HIV
No feelings of guilt if you do not use a condom time to time
A more enjoyable sexual experience
More confidence in your own actions
Never dependent on someone else’s condom use
Provided you get tested for STD’s every 3 months: if you contract an STD you will be treated right away
Whether you should use PrEP is a personal choice. It is a good idea to be well-informed when you make this choice. There are many different considerations, but two important ones are: how important is it to stay HIV-negative? And, what are the odds that I would contract HIV?
Why avoid getting HIV?
Nowadays there are very good treatments for HIV available, and usually you only need to take one pill per day. Most people do not experience side effects from this medication, and they will live roughly as long as someone who does not have HIV. HIV-positive people who have an undetectable viral load (less than 200 virus particles per milliliter blood) cannot transmit HIV to others.
Still, it is better to avoid contracting HIV, because:
You HAVE to take pills every day for the rest of your life. With PrEP, you can stop whenever you want.
A lot of people with HIV experience stigma.
If you do not start in time with HIV treatment, you could get AIDS.
Your health at a later age can be worse if you have an HIV infection that remains untreated for a long time.
You can transmit HIV to your sexual partners, which can cause harm to your partners’ health.
Risk of contracting HIV through ‘gay sex’
In 2017, 7 out of 10 recent HIV infections were found in men who have sex with men, and trans women who have sex with men.
In The Netherlands, around 1 out of 10 men who have sex with men have HIV.
If you are a man or trans woman who has sex with men, you are at high risk of contracting HIV.
As a man who has sex with men it is a good idea to use PrEP, unless:
You ALWAYS use a condom when fucking, including with your regular partner
You do not always use a condom but you are 100% sure that your sexual partner is HIV-negative and is not at risk of contracting HIV from another sexual partner
You do not always use a condom but you know that your sexual partner has HIV with undetectable viral load. Someone who has an undetectable viral load (= less than 200 virus particles per milliliter blood) cannot transmit the virus.
Risk of contracting HIV through ‘straight sex’
3 out of 10 HIV diagnoses in the Netherlands are given to women and men who only have straight sex. Since there are many more women and straight men than men who have sex with men, the risk of contracting HIV in the Netherlands as a woman or straight man is very low.
As a woman or man who only has sex with women, you do not need to use PrEP, unless for example:
You are a woman who has sex with a man who also has sex with men.
You have sex with people in or from a country where HIV is very prevalent (for example in parts of southern Africa or South-East Asia).
You are a sex worker and you do not always use condoms.
Your partner has HIV with a detectable viral load. Someone who has an undetectable viral load (= less than 200 virus particles per milliliter blood) cannot transmit the virus.
Risk of contracting HIV as trans
Unfortunately, there is little information available about the risk of contracting HIV as a trans woman or trans man in the Netherlands. In other parts of the world (such as in the United States) this chance is considered to be high.
It all comes down to who you have sex with. Our advice is to read the last few chapters about ‘gay sex’ and ‘straight sex’ and to follow your own judgement. Also when it comes down to taking PrEP or not. For this read “How do I take PrEP?”
For the sake of clarity in the chapters ‘gay sex’ and ‘straight sex’ we chose not to use inclusive language, for which we offer our sincerest apologies.
Talking to people who already use PrEP
On Facebook you can become a member of the Facebook group #PrEPNu. This is a closed group: only members can see who else is a member of the group, and only members can read and participate in the conversations. | {
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Your Favourite Photoshop Tutorials in One Place
Adding Colorful Bubble Effect for an Image
If you would like to create some quick effect to beautify the images, you can have a try on this colorful bubble effect for your images. You just need to trim out your image on a plain background, apply some bubble plus simple photoshop lighting and coloring adjustments, then we are done.
Related Photoshop Tutorials
In this tutorial, it will reveal you how to edit a photo and make it into a high quality photo. To begin with, you need to remove unwanted object from the photo. Then the object will be edited to become more grant and elegant by adding the color on the fore part of the face.
Lots of you may imagine to change your face. To redevelop a human face and hair, it is a very complicate task. You may have a try on this tutorial to inspire how to change your portrait into someone else.
To most of you, make-up skills in Photoshop are extremely useful because it can be applied to improve your image which were taken in the past. It will show you to setup and use appropriate brush skills to do the make-up.
If you are star wars lover, you may wonder how the designer to get on the massive planet impact scene. It looks very sophisticated. However, you may do it less than an hour with this guideline tutorial.
It is always difficult to transform the weather or swap the day and night scene in the picture. As you need to substantially change a lot of light or carry out the simulation for your background in order to make it to be realistic. Here will show you some tricks to work on. | {
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Bilateral congenital choanal atresia in a 7-day-old patient: transnasal endoscopic repair with stent.
Congenital choanal atresia (CCA) is the developmental failure of the nasal cavity to communicate with nasopharynx. Surgical repair is recommended in the first weeks of life in bilateral cases because this is a life-threatening situation in newborns. This paper is a case report of a 7-day-old full term girl infant presenting the history of attacks of cyanosis and having difficulty in suckling and respiration. On examination, alternating cyanosis and normal colour was observed in the patient. The application of nelaton cannulas bilaterally revealed the diagnosis of bilateral CCA. Transnasal endoscopic repair with stents was performed. Symptomatic resolution persists 6 months postoperatively. | {
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No Gluts, No Glory
The crowd pushes forward, sweaty and anxious to get a closer look. Waving American flags, they crane their necks to see the action onstage: men and women of all sizes and ethnicities waiting patiently in the July sun, running through plans of attack in their minds.
As the countdown begins, these contestants prepare to dip doughy buns into the paper water glasses in front of them, frantically cramming bits of hot dogs into their cheeks like squirrels preparing for harvest. For competitive eaters of all ages, the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Contest is the reason they have dedicated months to perfecting how to consume 3 pounds of pancakes in one sitting, and 50 grilled cheese sandwiches in 10 minutes. The time has come — they have arrived.
For many who are members of this competitive eating world, it is about more than just breaking records and eating to the point of nausea. Competitive eating is an art, and a craft that pushes all involved to constantly improve themselves and move one bite closer to victory.
“It’s a sport, but rooted in lighthearted fun, good times,” said Richard Shea, who has been hosting and promoting competitive eating events for the past 12 years, along with his brother and business partner Greg.
The Shea brothers are responsible for helping elevate speed eating to a level of athleticism, beginning first at their public relations firm over a decade ago, where Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs was one of their clients. The Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating contest has occurred every summer since 1916, where competitors fight for the Mustard Yellow Belt by stuffing in as many frankfurters as they can in 12 minutes. 2008 winner Joey Chestnut swallowed 59 with matching buns.
“We got a big kick out of it, and talked about expanding it beyond Coney Island,” said Shea.
The Sheas first founded the International Federation of Competitive Eaters in 1997, and later Major League Eating (MLE), a league for competitive eaters. These are organizations that take eating to an entirely new level, and regard it with almost religious esteem.
MLE manages their sanctioned competitive eaters, who are able to compete in various sponsored speed-eating challenges around the globe. The competitions range from the historic Nathan’s Famous hot dogs event in Coney Island, N.Y., to the deep-fried asparagus contest in Stockton, Cali., where competitors celebrate the locally grown vegetable every spring. Eater Joey Chestnut won in 2008 by eating 8.8 pounds. Eating events, much like the eaters themselves, are diverse, and a serious eater can find himself headed as far as England for a mince meat contest, or to Japan for chicken satay.
“It’s a strange journey, much like Jack Kerouac and the beatniks,” said Crazy Legs Conti, a competitive eater from New York City. “We started out for the love of the sport.”
And from that love has spun an experience far larger than many eaters had ever imagined. In New Orleans for the 2002 Super Bowl, Conti, 38, coincidentally found himself over at the Acme Oyster House at the same time the restaurant was hosting its annual speed eating contest. He ended up putting down 34 dozen oysters in one sitting, which Conti said put him on the map.
“I was always a fan,” he said, now on the MLE circuit for seven years. “Competitive eating has allowed me to go on the road — it allows me to indulge more than the casual tourist.”
Andrew “Skinnyboy” Lane, a software developer and competitive eater from Denver, said competitive eating is a crazy ride that’s left him captivated since his first grilled cheese contest back in Colorado.
“I’ve been all over the U.S. — burritos in Maine, PB&J in California, blueberry pie in Oregon. It’s fun traveling and it’s quite a conversation-starter,” said Lane, who’s been on the circuit since 2005. “And it’s neat seeing others you know at all kinds of weird places doing this.”
Ryan Nerz, author of “Eat This Book,” which depicts life on the competitive eating circuit, explained that the world of competitive eating takes normal or semi-normal people with a penchant for eating quickly and transforms them into characters.
“Someone goes from being a mail carrier or subway conductor to this larger-than-life character,” Nerz said. “Their identity becomes that of a gurgitator.”
Nerz, 35, has been a media manager and emcee for MLE since 2003, after hosting a meat pie eating contest in Louisiana that left him hooked on this unique sport. He has tried to join competitions from the other side of the plate, but learned that he simply eats too slowly. In fact, he said that is how many pros fell into this rare community — having grown up as kids who ate quickly, competing with siblings for the last dinner roll.
For many, competitive eating remains a side job to other careers. Takeru Kobayashi, a Japanese eater whose resume includes having won Nathan’s hot dog contest six consecutive years, is the only full-time professional eater who makes an income from his event winnings. Many events award prize money in the thousands, and some even give away material items, like a car at the Philadelphia Wing Bowl. Others participate purely for the rush of competing, as well as the camaraderie associated with this eating network.
“We have more active eaters than others. Some do a couple dozen a year, some are hobbyists who only do six to eight,” said Richard Shea, noting their competition season as being spring through fall.
There’s no easy contest or simple food to ingest quickly, as each are difficult in their own way, said Nerz. Corn is tricky because of technique; hot dogs are tough for stomach capacity. Each competition requires diligence, confidence, and an unshakable focus.
“As an athlete, you run into foods that get the best of you,” said Crazy Legs Conti, citing corned beef as his own pitfall.
And if professional eating is, in fact, a sport, the need for training seems obvious. The world of competitive eating has evolved from a silly display of chewing power to rile up crowds, to a more serious competition that demands concentration and practice.
“In the old era, we used to eat steak and go to the bars,” said Conti about his training regimen before events. “Now, it’s Japanese Ramen soup, and party after. It’s a lot of prep.”
Preparations even include doing practice runs before matches, such as grilling up versions of the event’s featured food as similarly as possible in order to test consumption. Conti also mentioned that his roommate Tim Janus, also known as Eater X, consults a sports psychologist before some events.
“Each food item can be unique and have a not-so-good, a good, and a best way to get it down in competition,” said Andrew “Skinnyboy” Lane.
As manager, however, Shea said that individual training is actually not encouraged.
“We are against home training at all because we can’t guarantee the safety,” he said.
Shea also admitted that EMTs are present at all Major League Eating-sponsored events for that reason. There have even been a number of deaths related to competitive eating — eight since 2000 — almost all occurring outside of the United States. A man choked to death in Russia in March 2009 while claiming his prize onstage for a pancake eating event, and in Taiwan in 2008, another man died after winning a steamed bun contest.
According to Ryan Nerz, competitive eating still remains athletic at its core, and therefore is dominated by mostly healthy people.
Crazy Legs Conti, who is 6 foot 3 inches and 120 pounds, said staying in shape for competitive eaters is all about balancing a healthy lifestyle. An avid runner himself, he ran the Boston Marathon the day after swallowing 25 frankfurters in 13 minutes at the Nathan’s Famous hot dog qualifying contest in 2007.
“I have found that 21.5 is the wall in both hot dogs and jogging mileage,” he said.
No longer a sport veiled in complete mystery, MLE has hosted a number of events that have been spotlighted on TV networks such as the Discovery Channel and ESPN. There is now even a competitive eating video game for Nintendo Wii, in which the characters are based on real eaters, like Conti.
“We have a solid sense of humor about it. … It’s a microcosm, our own little world,” said Ryan Nerz. “Sort of a mix between sport and magic act.” | {
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This cock hungry duo mature wives knows exactly how to satisfy their urge for oral pleasure with horse. The pair get on their knees in a field and suck off a horse until it explodes in their mouth. They even share a big black cock too. | {
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Influence of sympatho-vagal balance on airway responsiveness in athletes.
The increased prevalence of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) observed among athletes suggests that high-level training may contribute to the development of AHR. We investigated the possible influence of the sympatho-vagal balance on this phenomenon in 40 athletes and 10 sedentary controls. Each subject filled out a respiratory questionnaire, had a methacholine challenge, and measurements were made of their baseline plasma catecholamines [epinephrine (E), norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA)] as a reflection of sympathetic tone, and their heart rate variability (SDNN: standard deviation of all normal-to-normal intervals) as an indicator of parasympathetic tone. The athletes had a 45% prevalence of AHR (defined as PC20 < 16 mg/ml, where PC20 is the concentration of methacholine inducing a 20% fall in the forced expiratory volume in 1 s, FEV1) with a mean PC20 of 21.2 mg/ml compared with 10% prevalence (mean PC20: 74.4 mg/ml) in sedentary subjects (P < 0.01). Plasma catecholamine values were not significantly different between the two groups (all P > 0.05), but the estimated parasympathetic tone was higher in athletes (P = 0.01). When data from all subjects were analyzed together, plasma E and NE correlated with PC20 (r = 0.39, P = 0.005 and r = 0.29, P < 0.005) but DA and SDNN did not (both P > 0.05). However, the ratios E/SDNN, NE/SDNN and DA/SDNN showed significant correlations with PC20 (r = 0.42, P < 0.01; r = 0.33, P < 0.005 and r = 0.31, P < 0.05, respectively) This study suggests that the sympatho-vagal balance may contribute to the increased AHR in the population studied but this influence alone cannot explain the higher prevalence of AHR in athletes. | {
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En demonstration hölls på lördagen på Stora Torget.
– Det handlar om en tillståndsgiven manifestation för att stoppa människohandeln i Libyen som skulle börja klockan 12.30, säger Mats Öjdahl, RLC-befäl i polisregion mitt.
I samband med det delade nazistiska organisationen Nordiska motståndsrörelsen (NMR) ut flygblad på samma plats.
– Strax före 12.30 dyker 20 till 25 personer upp och går mot Stora Torget. Flertalet av dem bedömer vi är från NMR. De börjar dela ut flygblad och sedan blir det oroligt mellan grupperingarna och allmänhet sluter in i den tillståndsgivna demonstrationen, säger Mats Öjdahl.
Enligt uppgifter ska det ha förekommit våldsamheter på platsen.
– Ett vittne i demonstrationståget berättar att en person ur NMR kom fram och ryckte en flagga från en person i tåget. Efter det ska man ha dragit ur personen ur tåget och slängt sig över och misshandlat honom. Fler från NMR anslöt, enligt vittnet blev det en stor hög, säger UNT:s reporter Kid Reslegård Svedberg som är på plats.
Mannen ska dock inte, enligt vittnet, ha blivit skadad utan kunde sedan fortsätta demonstrationen.
En polispatrull var vid tillfället på Stora Torget för att övervaka den tillståndsgivna demonstrationen, men mycket snabbt kallades fler poliser till platsen. En polishelikopter tillkallades också.
– Allt gick jättesnabbt. Ett tiotal poliser ställde sig som en barriär mellan nazisterna och demonstranterna för att separera grupperna. Demonstranterna började skandera "Inga nazister på våra gator" säger Kid Reslegård Svedberg.
För att lugna situationen beordrade polisen demonstranterna att skingra sig samtidigt som medlemmarna i NMR blev bortmotade.
– De delade ut flygblad en stund till sedan var de nöjda och lämnade, säger Mats Öjdahl.
Demonstranterna kunde efter tumultet tåga vidare och avslutade manifestationen vid Svandammen vilket var planen från första början. | {
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Publisher's Summary
Based on actual letters Fitzgerald sent to his sister to help her on how to be more attractive for men, Bernice Bobs Her Hair is the story of a socially hopeless girl being changed into a socially attractive girl to end up attracting the boy of her helper.
The story is a depiction of the changing face of youth during Fitzgerald's time and has been adapted into several movies as it remains a story that impressed all readers over the years.
I am admittedly not a huge fan of Fitzgerald’s work, although I can and do appreciate his sharp wit that informs observations and commentary about behavior and motivations. What stands out most sharply is the fact that human behavior and desires have not changed: the characters in this story are self-absorbed, obsessed with fitting in, vary in their social skills and awareness, and are far too prone to influence from those on the “higher rungs” of the social ladder.
There are several moments to enjoy in this story: proclamations about the psychology of attracting men and developing charm that fly from Marjorie’s lips are clever and the connection between letters Fitzgerald sent with advice to his sister are abundantly clear. I cannot help but think that his advice did contain some of the lesson that is visited on both cousins at the end, and presenting a story with such a clever conclusion, slightly devious and wholly appropriate for the character of Bernice was satisfying.
The narration provided by Lee Ann Howlett presented the story and the characters in a cleanly presented form: small tonal distinctions delineated the characters from one another and the narrative in a well-modulated presentation. Finely nuanced inflections provide verbal clues to the attitudes and personalities of the characters, from hesitancy to offhanded bravado, each was a perfectly voiced addition to the written text.
This is one of the stories that become the definition of a classic short: the setting is nearly a century prior, but the characters and people are real and easy to relate to with a modern eye. This should be your introduction to Fitzgerald’s writing, short, sweet and beautiful prose in his style, but not so long as to feel overwhelming.
I received an audiobook copy of the story from the publisher via AudioBook Jukebox for purpose of honest review at the Heard Word. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility. | {
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John Jones
1. What is Free Tibet and can you explain what your organization does?
Free Tibet is a non-profit campaigning organisation based in London. We have been going since 1987 and our core aim is to challenge the occupation in Tibet and the daily human rights abuses that underpin it. In the long term this means working towards a situation in which Tibetans are able to determine their own future and in which the human rights of everyone within Tibet are respected.
We work to raise awareness of the situation in Tibet through news stories, social media content, information on our website, and reports. We also carry out online campaigns to raise awareness of human rights abuses with the UK government, international bodies like the EU and UN, and sometimes the Chinese government directly. We also work with the Tibetan community in the UK and other groups around the world to organise demonstrations, events and direct actions.
The aim of this work is to push the UK and other governments to take stronger action for Tibet and to challenge governments and companies who are in any way complicit with human rights abuses or environmental damage in Tibet.
2. How valid is Tibet’s claim to sovereign nationhood?
Currently no other countries recognise Tibet as a sovereign nation and it has never had the opportunity to become a UN member state. Nevertheless, prior to the invasion in 1950, Tibet governed itself, with its own institutions, currency, and passports. It entered into formal relations with other countries through its own diplomats, free from outside authority. In summary, it had all the attributes of an independent state (most certainly between the years 1913 and 1950). This was later backed up by the International Commission of Jurists, who in a 1960 report on the legal status of Tibet, concluded that from 1913 to 1950 Tibet demonstrated the conditions of statehood as recognised under international law.
This is important to note because when China invaded in 1950, it did not base its claim of sovereignty over Tibet by the fact that it annexed its territory during the invasion, but instead on the notion that Tibet has always been an integral part of China (a claim that Tibetans vigorously oppose). They have long seen themselves as being distinct from China, and since 1950 there have been repeated demonstrations against Chinese rule. Tibetans who have the freedom to give their opinion have repeatedly stated that they do not accept Chinese authority and that they are concerned about the eradication of their unique culture (such as their language and Buddhist religion).
The Tibetan freedom struggle comprises a broad range of people and opinions, and many of them are not seeking full independence. For example, since the 1980s, the Dalai Lama has been advocating an approach known as the 'Middle Way', which would see Tibet remain part of China, but would grant genuine autonomy in a way that would give Tibetans control over their own affairs. The Dalai Lama has promoted this approach over the past three decades and has attempted to negotiate it with the Chinese authorities too (currently without success). The Tibetan government in exile, the Central Tibetan Administration, also follows this Middle Way approach.
Whether Tibet should be independent or an autonomous province is a debate among the Tibetan diaspora, and one that Free Tibet does not attempt to arbitrate. We simply believe that Tibetans need to be given the freedom to determine the future of their own homeland.
3. What impact was made during the 1990’s when the Free Tibet cause was taken up by many prominent celebrities?
The main impact of celebrities speaking about Tibet was to raise its profile and attract supporters to the Tibet movement. This can be seen with the Tibetan Freedom Concerts throughout the 1990s, which, at their peak, attracted crowds of tens of thousands of people. Many Tibet supporters found their way to the movement through an interest in Tibetan Buddhism, its unique culture, or because they travelled there, but an equally influential way was through bands like the Beastie Boys, Radiohead, and REM promoting the cause.
4. What is a realistic path Tibet could take to becoming a sovereign nation?
I would say at the moment this is a difficult prospect. The Chinese government under Xi has invested huge amounts of resources into surveillance technology and security forces inside Tibet, which makes large demonstrations like those that were last seen in 2008 extremely hard to organise. At the same time China has grown in international influence with many smaller countries that trade with China and are fearful of antagonising Beijing (and being punished). At the moment the focus of the movement appears to be making sure that Tibet is not further harmed through Chinise policies i.e. massive mining projects, which threaten its environment, or efforts to eradicate its culture, such as the trend in recent years of the Tibetan language disappearing from Tibetan schools at the expense of Mandarin Chinese.
Nevertheless, some countries do speak out, with several raising human rights concerns at China’s last Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council last November. The USA, EU, and other large trading partners should be more vigorous in pushing back at the current human rights abuses. They could also push Beijing to resume negotiations with the Central Tibetan Authority over Tibet’s future. These negotiations have been suspended since the ninth round of talks in January 2010.
5. How is the Chinese government responding to calls for Tibetan freedom in 2019 as opposed to the past?
Tibetans inside Tibet who protest, call for freedom or who even carry out small acts such as flying their flag, or holding birthday celebrations for the exiled Dalai Lama, are likely to be detained, held in an unknown location, tortured, and ultimately charged with state security crimes such as “inciting separatism” (which carries prison sentences of 5, 10, and 15 years). Internationally, the Chinese government has been very assertive in stating that Tibet is part of China and that criticism of its human rights record, or questions about Tibet’s status, constitute interference in the country’s internal affairs. As part of this policy Tibet is closed to international observers – independent journalists, diplomats, UN experts and human rights groups have all been denied access.
6. Can you describe some of the tactics the Chinese government has used to either discredit or suppress the movement?
The most famous piece of misinformation China pushes to discredit the Tibetan cause is the line that the Dalai Lama (the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism) is a 'splittist' (that he advocates Tibet declaring independence from China) - thus presenting him as extreme and unpractical. While some Tibetans do support independence, the Dalai Lama does not. He advocates the Middle Way approach, which would see an autonomous Tibet within the borders of a Chinese state. This however does not stop Beijing from deploying this line.
Therefore, individuals and organisations supporting Tibetan human rights may also be labelled splittist by supporters of the CCP. Other names used such as ‘China basher’ try to imply that those who support Tibet are motivated by a hatred of the Chinese people (rather than being critics of the government) or are agitating for confrontation (rather than being driven by human rights concerns). Another tactic would be to label such groups as ‘tools of Western imperialism’ which denies Tibetans and non-Tibetan activists their own agency and makes their activities seem like a sinister plot.
Lastly, suppression can be subtle. As mentioned above, with China’s increased economic power the CCP is able to use its money and ability to deny access to the country with greater effect abroad. These enticements and threats mean institutions (think tanks, universities, and press outlets) may avoid dealing with subjects deemed sensitive to the CCP government.
7. What role does the Dalai Lama play in the Tibetan freedom movement?
The 14th Dalai Lama has become a symbol of Tibetan resistance to Chinese rule. His main role has been on the international stage where he has given lectures on non-violence, Tibetan Buddhism, and the need for understanding between different religions and cultures. This has been intagrel to raising Tibet’s profile and highlighting the largely non-violent form that Tibetan resistance has taken since 1950.
In the past the Dalai Lama would have had more of a formal political role. However, since 2011, when the Dalai Lama successfully proposed and implemented changes to renounce all of his political power, an elected official called the Sikyong (equivalent to a Prime Minister) has occupied the most senior position in Tibetan political life. The Sikyong works with an elected parliament, which is made up of several Tibetan political parties. Tibetans around the world participate in the elections for the Sikyong and Parliament through 'Offices of Tibet', institutions that function like embassies and which are located in several countries around the world (including the UK and the USA). The most recent elections took place in 2016.
8. Have you seen any significant developments recently that can be seen as pushing Tibetan freedom closer towards reality?
Among the most notable things has been the tenacity of the protests inside Tibet. Due to the massive levels of military deployment and surveillance, Tibet has become highly atomised with people facing huge difficulties in travelling around internally, sharing information, and communicating with the outside world. Despite these obstacles, communities will still gather to protest against environmental damage to their land and, in some cases, have scored victories. In 2015 Tibetans, in Dartsedo County, gathered to protest against nearby lithium extraction after chemicals used in the extraction process repeatedly leaked and mixed with the local water supply (killing fish and livestock). They managed to get a temporary halt on extraction in the county. This is a small victory but it showed that pressure can work. Were international governments to be more assertive in supporting Tibetans by raising such human rights concerns then there could be some hopeful signs in the near future.
9. What can people in the West do to support Tibetan independence?
They do not need to necessarily support Tibetan independence, but we do find that when people around the world learn about the situation in Tibet they become engaged and want to help. The problem is that in Tibet there is an information blackout, with testimonies and photo/video evidence only reaching the outside world with extreme difficulty and at great personal risk to those sending it. This has had an understandable effect on how often Tibet receives international media coverage. At Free Tibet we have tried to find ways around these barriers i.e. using satellite imagery to track the damage being down to Tibet: https://www.freetibet.org/files/Larung%20Gar%20report-web.pdf
It is hard for people new to the Tibetan question to get this information. The first step would be for those who know to tell others the evidence that is coming out of Tibet. The next is for them to contact their local and national governments and tell them about what is happening and call for action. People can write letters to newspapers and take actions on our website ( https://www.freetibet.org ).
Support for Tibet requires concerted action by large numbers of people, but governments do listen.
10. Can you explain the ‘Confucius Classroom Campaign’ and what it is aimed to do?
The campaign aimed to raise awareness about CCP state funding in UK universities. While we believe students learning Mandarin, or those interested in Chinese culture, should be supported, our concern with the Confucius Institutes is that they are financed and controlled by the CCP (who themselves repress free expression within its borders). As a result various Confucius Institutes promote a distorted picture of Chinese history and life today (particularly in relation to issues such as Tibet which is either ignored or presented as an inalienable part of China, in line with Beijing’s rhetoric).
Furthermore, the problem is not just what is and what is not taught in Confucius Institute classrooms, but also the possibility that universities may alter their behaviour to avoid this funding being taken away in the future (see answer to question 6). This could result in events about Tibet, or featuring Tibetan activists, being avoided or cancelled.
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"Heterosexuality is not only normal; it is normative. Homosexual acts are contrary to the will of God for human sexuality."
"While avoiding simplistic and obnoxious social crusades, the church must affirm through its preaching and pastoral ministry that homosexuality is not an acceptable alternative lifestyle. God's gracious intent for human sexual fulfillment is the permanent bond of heterosexual love. This redemptive word must be spoken, with sensitivity, caring, and clarity to any person who would make a perverted sexual choice, and to society as a whole."
"It is one matter to affirm that self-chosen homosexual acts are sinful. It is quite another to reject, defame, and excoriate the humanity of the person who performs them. This distinction has often been missed. It is possible and necessary on biblical grounds to identify homosexuality as a departure from God's intent. However...there are no theological grounds on which a homosexual may be singled out for a greater measure of judgement. All persons bear within them the marks of the fall."
"The denial of human and civil rights to homosexuals is inconsistent with the biblical witness and Reformed theology."
A report entitled "Christian Pastoral Care for the Homosexual," presented to the General Synod in 1979, listed three areas of congregational life with which the church must come to terms if it is to witness effectively to the homosexual:
Elimination of the double standard of morality applied to the homosexual. It often seems as though the church places certain sins, homosexuality among them, beyond its own responsibility for ministry and, by implication, beyond the reach of God's grace.
The church should acknowledge its sins against the homosexual. Homosexuality is neither to be celebrated nor persecuted. Homophobia must be replaced by a sense of common humanity, the desire to understand, and the determination to put away the sins commonly committed against the homosexual, including stereotyping, caricaturing, and enjoying disparaging humor at the homosexual's expense.
The church should make a genuine effort to understand homosexuality. The church must be willing to understand and deal with the concrete life situation in which [the homosexual] finds himself. There is much we do not know about homosexuality, but we do know that it is a complex phenomenon (MGS 1979: 130-131).
In 1980, General Synod voted to adopt a resolution
To bring to the awareness of RCA members, congregations, classes, and synods competent programs and persons which can successfully help the practicing homosexual and lesbian, minister or layperson, overcome his or her homosexual behavior (MGS 1980: 97).
The 1990 General Synod voted to adopt an official position on the issue of homosexuality, as some classes felt there was confusion within the church as to the status of the 1978 report on homosexuality. The advisory committee recommended:
To adopt as the position of the Reformed Church in America that the practicing homosexual lifestyle is contrary to scripture, while at the same encouraging love and sensitivity towards such persons as fellow human beings (MGS 1990: 461).
In 1994, General Synod voted to adopt another resolution addressing the church’s relationship with homosexuals. The resolution stated:
The General Synod of the Reformed Church in America recognizes and confesses that the Reformed Church in America has failed to live up to its own statements regarding homosexuality in 1978 (MGS 1978: 229-240), 1979 (MGS 1979: 128-135), and 1990 (MGS 1990: 461). Few in the Reformed Church in America have creatively and lovingly spoken with persons with a homosexual orientation about the truths of Scripture and the hope of the gospel. Many have participated in or tolerated forms of speech and behavior which humiliate or degrade such persons. Many of the churches within the Reformed Church in America have not provided an environment where persons have felt the acceptance and freedom to struggle with hard issues involving sexual orientation. Many Reformed Church in America members have shown no interest in listening to their heartfelt cries as they struggle for self-acceptance and dignity. For all these wrongs, this General Synod expresses its humble and heartfelt repentance, and its desire to reflect the love of Christ to homosexual persons. In all that this General Synod does, it seeks to obey the whole of Scripture, demonstrating in its own life the same obedience it asks from others. It calls itself and the whole church to a greater faithfulness to Christ in relationships with persons of homosexual orientation.
To this end, the General Synod calls the church to a process of repentance, prayer, learning, and growth in ministry. This process will be guided by the basic biblical-theological framework presented in the previous statements of the General Synod (MGS 1994: 375-376).
In 1998, the General Synod called for a temporary moratorium on the issue of homosexuality. It adopted this proposal:
To instruct this General Synod to refrain from deliberative debate and policy decisions relating to homosexuality, as these matters have already been thoroughly addressed by previous synods, and to urge this same action upon the 1999 and 2000 General Synods.
To instruct the General Synod Council, through its Congregational Services Committee, to help enable congregations and classes to enter a process of intentional discernment concerning the pastoral challenges raised by the issue of homosexuality over the next two years, utilizing the study guide and other resources, in order to fulfill the actions called for on this matter by the 1994 General Synod (MGS 1998: 60).
In 2006, the General Synod voted to refer a paper entitled "Human Sexuality and Marriage" to the Theology Commission for review and revision in the light of the wisdom of Reformed theology.
In 2009, the General Synod voted to "affirm the value of continued dialogue and discernment on the topic of homosexuality within the church, to state that our dialogical and discerning work is not done, and that legislative and judicial steps are not a preferred course of action at this time." The 2009 synod also asked the General Synod Council to monitor how the assemblies of the church are dealing with this issue and report back to the 2011 synod. Finally, the 2009 synod recommended that "officeholders and ministers avoid actions in violation of the policies of the earlier statements of General Synod on ordination and relevant state laws on marriage, with sensitivity to the pastoral needs of all involved."
In 2012, General Synod voted:
While compassion, patience, and loving support should be shown to all those who struggle with same-sex desires, the General Synod reaffirms our official position that homosexual behavior is a sin according to the Holy Scriptures, therefore any person, congregation, or assembly which advocates homosexual behavior or provides leadership for a service of same-sex marriage or a similar celebration has committed a disciplinable offense; and further,
that the General Synod Council shall oversee the creation of an eight member committee made up of representatives appointed by each of the regional synods to pray and work together to present a way forward for our denomination given the disagreement in our body relative to homosexuality. The purpose of the committee is not to revisit our stated position, but shall operate with the understanding expressed earlier in this recommendation and issue a report with practical recommendations to the General Synod of 2013 (MGS 2012: 149-150).
In 2013, the General Synod voted:
To instruct the General Synod Council to appoint a diverse working group representative of the constituencies of the RCA and the varying understandings within the Reformed Church in America regarding sexual orientation and gender identity to identify, design, and/or develop resources for use in congregations and other RCA settings that will encourage grace-filled conversations among those holding varying understandings; and further,
to identify, design, and/or develop resources for use in congregations and other RCA settings to assist the RCA in the development of strategies to preserve unity, purity, and peace (MGS 2013: 115).
The 2013 General Synod also voted:
To acknowledge that in 2012 we, the General Synod, in the proceedings that led to the adoption of R-28, demonstrated a lack of decorum and civility, and a general atmosphere in which delegates were not always treating one another as sisters and brothers in Christ; and further,
to acknowledge that in 2012 we, the General Synod, usurped the constitutional authority reserved for the classes when, in R-28, we stated that “any person, congregation, or assembly which advocates homosexual behavior or provides leadership for a service of same-sex marriage or a similar celebration has committed a disciplinable offense” (MGS 2013: 179). | {
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It’s NFL Draft Day during this one-hour special of NFL RUSH ZONE: Guardians Unleashed, “Knights of the Sky.” Hero Ish and his friends are joined at the NFL Draft by New York Jets’ Nick Mangold, Kansas City Chiefs’ Eric Fisher, Washington Redskins’ Robert Griffin III, NFL legend Michael Irvin and Cincinnati Bengals’ Cris Collinsworth to defend Earth and save the Rusherz and their home planet from devastation. Premiering Wed., May 7, at 8:30 p.m. ET on Nicktoons and Sat., May 17 at 8:00 a.m. ET on NFL Network, these NFL stars lend their voices to their animated personas during the special.
NFL RUSH ZONE: Guardians Unleashed, the third installment of the Emmy Award-nominated series, continues the journey of Ishmael (Ish) and his hero friends, the Guardians, on their quest to protect the NFL and world from new and familiar villains. The 20-episode series, co-produced by Nickelodeon and the NFL, is based on NFL RUSH ZONE, the NFL’s online world for kids. Featuring an assortment of NFL players and coaches, NFL RUSH ZONE: Guardians Unleashed airs regularly Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. (ET) on Nicktoons and Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. (ET) on NFL Network.
Somewhere, Roger Bresnahan is smiling. Jacques Plante, too.There may be no more necessary, basic piece of equipment in all of sports than the mask. For baseball catchers and hockey goalies, face protection is their most invaluable need. Yogi Berra should know.The Yogi Berra Museum &...
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Two weeks after firing Mike Pacora, who had very little success running Fordham basketball, The university named Jeff Neubauer its head coach.Neubauer compiled a record of 188-134 record at his career at Eastern Kentucky, who showed recruiting sucess in the Sunbelt which led the team to a March Madness appearance in 2014.For the best information... | {
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Anne Sutcliffe loves her kids, and Yorkshire, and her husband Terry, and the queen. She’s pro-Brexit and hates Europeans. She may look sweet, with a wide smile and bright, kind eyes behind her plastic glasses, but she uses words like “spastics”, “benders”, and “foreners”.
This week, she went viral for arguing with her local shopkeeper, who she claimed overcharged her for sweets.
Except, of course, Anne Sutcliffe doesn’t exist. The Twitter account using this name and spouting these words is a parody attempting to mock Brexiteers as backwards, racist, and heartless. Perhaps that would be okay – that’s a bit funny, isn’t it? Bit of a laugh? – if it wasn’t for Anne’s profile picture.
Honestly why is this website still free pic.twitter.com/MsocFTDWOp — Sam (@SamNichol_98) March 13, 2018
“Anne’s” picture belongs to a real woman whose anonymity I will protect by calling Angela. Far from being a pro-Brexit bigot, she is an American woman from Indiana who once wrote an emotional blogpost outraged that her state was attempting to outlaw gay marriage. She has diabetes. She originally uploaded pictures of herself to her blog because someone called her pretty.
“I was taken aback by this comment,” she writes on her blog. “Nobody has called me pretty for 30 years.”
Thankfully, no Twitter users have yet attacked Anne/Angela’s appearance when arguing with her offensive tweets. The same can’t be said for the man whose pictures have been stolen for the viral and infamous “Barry Stanton” Twitter account.
In November 2017, “Barry” achieved viral fame with a tweet that read: “just picked my lad up from school. he tells me he was forced to read the korma in religion class. bloody outrage”.
Pictures of “Barry” are actually pictures of an elderly British man who I will call Albert, who had his appearance mocked online because his face was associated with the vile tweets. Albert is distressed by the fact his pictures have been stolen, and when I first reached out to him, he didn’t comprehend what was going on.
As I wrote at the time, the Stanton tweet was popular because it confirmed our own prejudices about Brexiteers. Psychological biases are at play when we read and retweet such tweets, which are “too good to be true” in that they confirm everything we want to imagine about people whose politics differ from our own.
Yet these biases are no longer an excuse for sharing and retweeting these accounts. Many people claimed they “knew” Anne was a parody after sharing the viral tweet about her – this only makes it worse.
Since Barry achieved viral fame, an abundance of accounts have sprung up attempting to imitate him. With “GB” or years like “1984” in their Twitter handles, they steal images they think perfectly sum up the “face” of Brexit. Some of these images are memes – such as a grandpa taking an accidental selfie – and some are real (but still stolen) pictures of actual English Defence League (EDL) members. One is a picture of a police officer who saved the life of rapper Lil Wayne. Most are images stolen from the personal social media accounts of ordinary, innocent people.
These pictures – of innocent people’s faces – are then associated with some of the most vile and offensive statements imaginable. An elderly woman with a shock of white hair now has her face permanently associated with the words: “I’ll fuckin force my cat to claw your eyes out”, while a confused grandfather’s face is associated with slurs such as “muzzi”.
Parody accounts may not be real – but the vulnerable and elderly people having their pictures stolen are.
It is objectively wrong to steal the photographs and likeness of a vulnerable, elderly person. This doesn’t change if someone does this for a joke, and it doesn’t make a difference if this joke makes you laugh. | {
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Rick Santorum says 10% of Netherlands deaths are from euthanasia, the latest Republican fear-mongering about supposed European barbarity.
The American right sure seems to like stories about foreign countries killing their citizens. Most recently, leading GOP candidate Rick Santorum claimed that 10 per cent of the Netherlands' deaths were from euthanasia, 5 percent forced, and that "elderly people in the Netherlands don't go to the hospital" or, if they do, wear bracelets saying "do not euthanize me," all of which is false.
The furor was only just beginning to die down when, Monday, a video of Santorum spokeswoman Alice Stewart began to circulate. Asked about Santorum's bizarre claims, Stewart, astonishingly, held her ground. "Rick is strong pro-life," she repeated.
Ignoring the shakiness of Santorum's statements seems like an odd strategy. Many Americans have already stepped forward to denounce the "bogus statistics," as the Washington Post calls them, and the Dutch seem to be somewhere between bewilderment and outrage. What's behind the Santorum campaign's bizarre insistence that the Dutch are icing their elderly at such an appalling rate? Well, it's part of a pattern.
This isn't the first time that Republican politicians have scared voters with stories of seemingly civilized Europe ushering its citizens off to their deaths. Back during the health care debate in 2009, Republican senator Chuck Grassley suggested the British National Health Service would have refused to treat Senator Ted Kennedy, instead letting his brain tumor run its course. British paper The Guardian noted, too, at the time, that the what it called the "right-leaning" Conservatives for Patients' Rights group claimed on its website that "anyone over 59 in Britain is ineligible for treatment for heart disease." The trend reached peak absurdity when Investor's Business Daily issued an editorial backing Republican opposition to Obamacare while including the sentence "People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless." The problem with this, of course, was that Stephen Hawking is himself British, and responded by telling The Guardian that he "wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS." | {
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End of preview. Expand
in Dataset Viewer.
YAML Metadata
empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card
Generation procedure
The dataset was constructed using documents from the Pile scored using using Perspective API toxicity scores.
The procedure was the following:
- A chunk of the Pile (2.2m documents) was scored using the Perspective API (on May 18-20 2022) giving
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- The first half of this dataset is 100k documents sampled randomly from of
- Then, the dataset was shuffled and a 9:1 train-test split was done
Basic stats
The average document-level scores of the bad and random halves are 0.34 and 0.05, respectively. The average token-level score of the whole dataset is 0.2025. The average document-level score is 0.1983.
Score histogram
- Downloads last month
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