9 values
What does the allusion in this text suggest? When Mariana claimed she had loaded the dishwasher before turning on Dancing with the Stars, her mother replied, "Your nose is growing!"
- Mariana was goofy. - Mariana was lying.
The text uses an allusion, a brief reference to someone or something well known. The allusion nose is growing suggests that Mariana was lying. In the story of Pinocchio, when Pinocchio lies, his nose grows longer.
Which is a compound sentence?
- Whales live in the water, but they breathe air. - The skier flew down the mountain at top speed.
The first sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two simple sentences joined by a comma and the conjunction but. Whales live in the water, but they breathe air.
Which is a simple sentence?
- The detour took us across the bridge and along the one-lane road by the river. - You can use your gift certificate for one big purchase, or you can buy a few smaller items.
The first sentence is the simple sentence. It is a single independent clause. The detour took us across the bridge and along the one-lane road by the river.
Which is a compound sentence?
- That musician is sick today, so Jeremiah will fill in on guitar. - My stepsister decorated her folder with glitter.
The first sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two simple sentences joined by a comma and the conjunction so. That musician is sick today, so Jeremiah will fill in on guitar.
What information supports the conclusion that Rosanne inherited this trait?
- Rosanne and her father both have dark hair. - Rosanne's parents have dark skin. They passed down this trait to Rosanne.
Compare the motion of two sailboats. Which sailboat was moving at a higher speed?
- a sailboat that moved 170kilometers in 10hours - a sailboat that moved 100kilometers in 10hours
Look at the distance each sailboat moved and the time it took to move that distance. One sailboat moved 170 kilometers in 10 hours. The other sailboat moved 100 kilometers in 10 hours. Notice that each sailboat spent the same amount of time moving. The sailboat that moved 170 kilometers moved a farther distance in that time. So, that sailboat must have moved at a higher speed.
Complete the sentence so that it uses personification. The car engine () as Mr. Harding tried to start it in the freezing cold.
- failed - coughed
Complete the sentence with the word coughed. It describes the engine as if it were a person who is sick.
Which phrase has a more negative connotation?
- complain about something - talk about something
Complain about something has a more negative connotation. If you complain about something, you talk about it in a whiny way.
Select the animal that has a backbone.
- castor bean tick - American crocodile
A castor bean tick is an insect. Like other insects, a castor bean tick does not have a backbone. It has a hard outer cover. An American crocodile is a reptile. Like other reptiles, an American crocodile has a backbone.
Would you find the word admiral on a dictionary page with the following guide words? absorb - art
- yes - no
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since admiral is between the guide words absorb - art, it would be found on that page.
Compare the motion of three sailboats. Which sailboat was moving at the lowest speed?
- a sailboat that moved 50kilometers north in 5hours - a sailboat that moved 70kilometers west in 5hours - a sailboat that moved 25kilometers east in 5hours
Look at the distance each sailboat moved and the time it took to move that distance. The direction each sailboat moved does not affect its speed. Notice that each sailboat moved for 5 hours. The sailboat that moved 25 kilometers moved the shortest distance in that time. So, that sailboat must have moved at the lowest speed.
Assume all other forces on Jennifer are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on Jennifer?
- The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Jennifer. - The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on Jennifer.
To determine if there is a net force on Jennifer, look at the forces: Earth's gravity is pulling Jennifer down with a force of 600 N. The seat of the cart is pushing Jennifer up with a force of 1,200 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have different magnitudes: 600 N and 1,200 N. This means that the forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Jennifer.
Which figure of speech is used in this text? I've heard that Bridgette & Co. is downsizing, so I'm happy to see that their store in downtown Greenville will remain open for now.
- euphemism - hyperbole
The text uses a euphemism, a polite or indirect expression that is used to de-emphasize an unpleasant topic. Downsizing is an indirect way of saying that the company is planning on firing employees, closing shops or branches, and/or reducing its budget.
How long is a guitar?
- 31 inches - 31 feet
The better estimate for the length of a guitar is 31 inches. 31 feet is too long.
Select the one true statement.
- The cell membrane of a plant cell uses sunlight to make sugar. - Plant cells can have mitochondria but do not have vacuoles. - Chromosomes are inside the nucleus of a plant cell.
Based on this information, what is this tomato plant's genotype for the fruit texture gene?
- Ff - smooth fruit
An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. The tomato plant has one allele for smooth fruit (F) and one allele for fuzzy fruit (f). So, the plant's genotype for the fruit texture gene is Ff.
Select the animal that does not have a backbone.
- clownfish - monarch butterfly
A monarch butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, a monarch butterfly does not have a backbone. It has a hard outer cover. A clownfish is a fish. Like other fish, a clownfish has a backbone.
Compare the motion of two blue whales. Which blue whale was moving at a lower speed?
- a blue whale that moved 75miles in 10hours - a blue whale that moved 100miles in 10hours
Look at the distance each blue whale moved and the time it took to move that distance. One blue whale moved 75 miles in 10 hours. The other blue whale moved 100 miles in 10 hours. Notice that each blue whale spent the same amount of time moving. The blue whale that moved 75 miles moved a shorter distance in that time. So, that blue whale must have moved at a lower speed.
Complete the statement. Krypton is ().
- an elementary substance - a compound
You can tell whether krypton is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of symbols in its chemical formula. A symbol contains either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for krypton is Kr. This formula contains one symbol: Kr. So, the formula tells you that krypton is made of one chemical element. Substances made of only one chemical element are elementary substances. So, krypton is an elementary substance.
Which sentence states a fact?
- Hawaii is too far from the other states. - The state of Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean.
The second sentence states a fact. The state of Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean. It can be proved by finding Hawaii on a world map. The first sentence states an opinion. Hawaii is too far from the other states. Too far shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how far is too far.
Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words? advertise - alike
- afford - approach
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since afford is between the guide words advertise - alike, it would be found on that page.
Which sentence states a fact?
- Summers in the United States are too hot. - In North America, summer starts in late June.
The second sentence states a fact. In North America, summer starts in late June. It can be proved by checking a calendar. The first sentence states an opinion. Summers in the United States are too hot. Too hot shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how hot is too hot.
Which figure of speech is used in this text? We don't need to decrease the cost of the product; we need to increase the quality of the product.
- euphemism - antithesis
The text uses antithesis, the contrasting of opposing ideas within a parallel grammatical structure. The sentence contrasts two things related to a product, decrease the cost and increase the quality.
Which is the stickiest?
- jam - cardboard - nylon shorts
Sticky is a property. A sticky material easily attaches to other things. Look at each picture, one at a time. Imagine touching the material shown in each picture. Of the choices, the jam is the stickiest. If you touch jam, it will stick to you.
Which phrase has a more negative connotation?
- use water - waste water
Waste water has a more negative connotation. If you waste water, you use it in a bad way.
Based on this information, what is Nutmeg's phenotype for the fur color trait?
- ff - light fur
An organism's phenotype for a trait is its observable version of that trait. Nutmeg's observable version of the fur color trait is light fur. So, Nutmeg's phenotype for the fur color trait is light fur.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? We cannot have shorter prison sentences, even for low-level criminals. It would only be a matter of time before all prison sentences were reduced and violent offenders were roaming the streets!
- ad hominem: an attack against the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself - bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct - slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences
The text argues that going easy on low-level criminals will lead to going easy on violent criminals, too. However, there is no reason why easing penalties for low-level criminals must necessarily lead to changes to penalties for violent criminals. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the slippery slope fallacy.
Complete the sentence. A () can grow into a new plant.
- petal - leaf - seed
A seed can germinate and grow into a new plant. Plants can grow leaves and petals. But leaves and petals cannot grow into a new plant.
Which organ works in groups to move the body's bones?
- heart - stomach - brain - muscles
Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words? bicycle - butterfly
- bee - bruise
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since bruise is between the guide words bicycle - butterfly, it would be found on that page.
Which object has less thermal energy?
- a 10-kilogram block of iron at a temperature of 225°F - a 10-kilogram block of iron at a temperature of 210°F
The two blocks of iron have the same mass but different temperatures. Since the 210°F block is colder than the 225°F block, it has less thermal energy.
Select the description that doesn't belong.
- slowly - poorly - swiftly - quickly
Poorly doesn't belong. Swiftly, slowly, and quickly all describe the speed at which something happens.
Which figure of speech is used in this text? Michael returned to the parking lot to find his car somewhat destroyed. Apparently someone had crashed into it while he was working and had broken the entire front windshield.
- hyperbole - oxymoron
The text uses an oxymoron, a joining of two seemingly contradictory terms. Somewhat destroyed is a contradiction, because somewhat means partially or moderately, and destroyed implies totally wrecked.
Which tense does the sentence use? I tell Katy my opinions about her music.
- present tense - past tense - future tense
The sentence is in present tense. You can tell because it uses a present-tense verb, tell. The verb tells you about something that is true or happening now.
Select the invertebrate.
- robin - echidna - western rattlesnake - dung beetle
A western rattlesnake is a reptile. Like other reptiles, a western rattlesnake is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A dung beetle is an insect. Like other insects, a dung beetle is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. An echidna is a mammal. Like other mammals, an echidna is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A robin is a bird. Like other birds, a robin is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
Based on this information, what is Tim's genotype for the Thomsen disease gene?
- Mm - having Thomsen disease
An organism's genotype for a gene is its combination of alleles for that gene. Tim has one allele for having Thomsen disease (M) and one allele for not having Thomsen disease (m). So, Tim's genotype for the Thomsen disease gene is Mm.
What do these two changes have in common? carving a piece of wood butter melting on a hot day
- Both are chemical changes. - Both are only physical changes. - Both are caused by heating. - Both are caused by cooling.
Step 1: Think about each change. Carving a piece of wood is a physical change. The wood changes shape, but it is still made of the same type of matter. Butter melting on a hot day is a change of state. So, it is a physical change. The butter changes from solid to liquid, but it is still made of the same type of matter. Step 2: Look at each answer choice. Both are only physical changes. Both changes are physical changes. No new matter is created. Both are chemical changes. Both changes are physical changes. They are not chemical changes. Both are caused by heating. Butter melting on a hot day is caused by heating. But carving a piece of wood is not. Both are caused by cooling. Neither change is caused by cooling.
Select the reptile.
- domestic pig - tortoise - leafy seadragon - American toad
A leafy seadragon is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. A seadragon's body looks like a clump of seaweed. This helps the seadragon hide from its predators. An American toad is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Toads do not have teeth! They swallow their food whole. A domestic pig is a mammal. It has hair and feeds its young milk. Pigs are omnivores. This means that they can eat both plants and animals. A tortoise is a reptile. It has scaly, waterproof skin. A tortoise's shell protects it from predators. When a tortoise feels threatened, it can pull its head and legs inside its shell.
Would you find the word income on a dictionary page with the following guide words? iodine - its
- yes - no
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since income is not between the guide words iodine - its, it would not be found on that page.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Janelle has no school spirit—she never comes to any of our football games.
- circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself - false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist
The text argues that Janelle doesn't have school spirit, because she doesn't go to football games. However, there may be a number of reasons why Janelle doesn't go to football games. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a false dichotomy.
Select the plant.
- Ladybugs walk and fly. - Watercress has small green leaves.
Watercress is a plant. It has small green leaves. Watercress can grow in water or in the ground. A ladybug is an animal. It walks and flies. Some ladybugs have spots. Other types of ladybugs have stripes!
Complete the sentence so that it uses personification. The washing machine () when Fernando ran an oversized load of laundry.
- complained - broke
Complete the sentence with the word complained. It describes the washing machine as if it were a grumpy, overworked person.
Which type of sentence is this? As Luca sat down on the rickety old chair, it abruptly collapsed beneath him.
- simple - compound-complex - compound - complex
The sentence is complex. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction as. As Luca sat down on the rickety old chair, it abruptly collapsed beneath him.
Which object has the least thermal energy?
- a fish tank at a temperature of 17°C - a fish tank at a temperature of 19°C - a fish tank at a temperature of 23°C
All three fish tanks have the same mass but different temperatures. Since the 17°C fish tank is the coldest, it has the least thermal energy.
Is the following trait inherited or acquired? Karen has two arms and two legs.
- inherited - acquired
Most humans are born with two arms and two legs. So, having two arms and two legs is an inherited trait.
What information supports the conclusion that Ariana inherited this trait?
- Ariana's parents have red hair. They passed down this trait to Ariana. - Ariana and her mother both wear their hair in braids.
Which correctly shows the title of a book?
- "Rain, Shine, or Snow" - ***Rain, Shine, or Snow***
A book should be in italics. The correct title is **Rain, Shine, or Snow**.
Last year, 50,000 people lived in the city of Newport. But since then, 8,000 people have moved away. What probably happened to the overall supply of houses for sale in Newport?
- The supply probably went down. - The supply probably went up.
The population of Newport fell by 8,000 people. Many of the people who have left are probably trying to sell their houses. Since more people are trying to sell their houses, the number of suppliers of houses for sale in Newport has gone up. So, the supply of houses for sale probably went up, too.
What kind of sentence is this? What made Isabelle so upset?
- exclamatory - interrogative
The sentence asks something, and it ends with a question mark. It is an interrogative sentence.
Which body part protects the body's soft parts?
- skeleton - muscles - heart
What is the volume of a water balloon?
- 500 liters - 500 milliliters
The better estimate for the volume of a water balloon is 500 milliliters. 500 liters is too much.
What do these two changes have in common? picking up a paper clip with a magnet breaking a ceramic plate
- Both are caused by heating. - Both are chemical changes. - Both are only physical changes. - Both are caused by cooling.
Step 1: Think about each change. Picking up a paper clip with a magnet is a physical change. The paper clip sticks to the magnet, but it is still made of the same type of matter. Breaking a ceramic plate is a physical change. The plate gets broken into pieces. But each piece is still made of the same type of matter. Step 2: Look at each answer choice. Both are only physical changes. Both changes are physical changes. No new matter is created. Both are chemical changes. Both changes are physical changes. They are not chemical changes. Both are caused by heating. Neither change is caused by heating. Both are caused by cooling. Neither change is caused by cooling.
Select the plant.
- Papyrus has a long thin stem. - Wombats eat plants.
Papyrus is a plant. It has a long thin stem with green leaves on top. You can make paper out of the stems of papyrus plants! A wombat is an animal. It eats plants. Wombats have strong claws. They use their claws to dig tunnels called burrows.
Which is a complex sentence?
- The package includes some old letters from my grandma to my dad and a broken pocket watch. - Air will leak out of the tire until you find the hole and repair it.
The second sentence is the complex sentence. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction until. Air will leak out of the tire until you find the hole and repair it.
Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words? distinct - dreadful
- dare - donkey
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since donkey is between the guide words distinct - dreadful, it would be found on that page.
Complete the sentence. Dew appearing on grass in the morning is a ().
- chemical change - physical change
Dew appearing on grass in the morning is a change of state. So, it is a physical change. Water vapor in the air touches the cool grass and becomes liquid. The water vapor changes state to become dew, but it is still made of water. A different type of matter is not formed.
Which tense does the sentence use? Cows eat the grass on the hill.
- future tense - present tense - past tense
The sentence is in present tense. You can tell because it uses a present-tense verb, eat. The verb tells you about something that is true or happening now.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Don't try to tell me that you only watch educational programming, Akira! I know for a fact that your sister only watches reality television.
- guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something - false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist
The text argues that Akira must watch reality television, because her sister watches reality television. However, even though Akira's sister watches reality television, that doesn't necessarily mean that Akira does, too. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as guilt by association.
Which correctly shows the title of a short story?
- "The Ant and the Grasshopper" - The Ant and the Grasshopper
A short story should be in quotation marks. The correct title is "The Ant and the Grasshopper."
Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference?
- Mrs. Chandler told her friend to exercise on a regular basis and get more sleep in order to have more energy throughout the day. - Mrs. Chandler told her friend that she needs to exercise on a regular basis and get more sleep in order to have more energy throughout the day.
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun she could refer to Mrs. Chandler or her friend. Mrs. Chandler told her friend that she needs to exercise on a regular basis and get more sleep in order to have more energy throughout the day. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. The text has been rewritten so that the meaning is clear. Mrs. Chandler told her friend to exercise on a regular basis and get more sleep in order to have more energy throughout the day.
What is the volume of a water balloon?
- 465 milliliters - 465 liters
The better estimate for the volume of a water balloon is 465 milliliters. 465 liters is too much.
Complete the sentences. Bill Gates is a business leader. He became famous for ().
- playing sports - making movies - running for president - working with computers
Bill Gates is most famous for working with computers. He first became interested in computers when he was 13 years old. What were computers like when Bill Gates was 13? Bill Gates was 13 in 1969. Back then, computers were much larger and more expensive than they are today. A computer could take up a whole room! Most schools did not have enough money for one of these big computers. But Bill Gates's school had a machine called a Teletype. The Teletype connected to a computer located far away. Bill Gates had to use the Teletype to send messages to the computer.
Would you find the word trap on a dictionary page with the following guide words? tear - turn
- no - yes
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since trap is between the guide words tear - turn, it would be found on that page.
Complete the statement. Assume that the sled's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between the sled and Earth () as Cara rode down the hill.
- decreased - stayed the same - increased
Think about how the distance between the sled and the center of Earth changed. The bottom of the hill was lower than the point where Cara started sledding. As Cara rode toward the bottom of the hill, the distance between the sled and the center of Earth decreased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between the sled and Earth decreased as Cara rode down the hill.
Which sentence states a fact?
- The modern trumpet is an instrument made of brass. - Music from a trumpet sounds more pleasant than music from a flute.
The second sentence states a fact. The modern trumpet is an instrument made of brass. It can be proved by reading a book about music instruments. The first sentence states an opinion. Music from a trumpet sounds more pleasant than music from a flute. More pleasant shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what sounds pleasant.
Select the amphibian.
- wombat - barn owl - helmeted iguana - African bullfrog
An African bullfrog is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Frogs live near water or in damp places. Most frogs lay their eggs in water. A wombat is a mammal. It has fur and feeds its young milk. Wombats have strong claws on their front feet. They use their claws to dig underground holes called burrows. A barn owl is a bird. It has feathers, two wings, and a beak. Barn owls live on every continent except Antarctica. A helmeted iguana is a reptile. It has scaly, waterproof skin. Iguanas are a type of lizard. Iguanas eat plants and fruit.
Would you find the word compass on a dictionary page with the following guide words? cabin - crate
- no - yes
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since compass is between the guide words cabin - crate, it would be found on that page.
What is the mass of an elephant?
- 2 ounces - 2 tons - 2 pounds
The best estimate for the mass of an elephant is 2 tons. 2 ounces and 2 pounds are both too light.
Which tense does the sentence use? Victor folded the wool blanket on his bed.
- future tense - present tense - past tense
The sentence is in past tense. You can tell because it uses a past-tense verb, folded. The verb ends in -ed and tells you about something that has already happened.
Which bucket of water has a higher temperature?
- the bucket of water with less thermal energy - the bucket of water with more thermal energy
The two buckets of water are made of the same material and have the same mass. So, the bucket of water with more thermal energy has a higher temperature.
Which sentence uses a metaphor?
- The children ran by like a stampede of horses. - The running children are a stampede of horses.
This sentence uses a metaphor: The running children are a stampede of horses. The words children and stampede are compared without the word like or as. This sentence uses a simile: The children ran by like a stampede of horses. The words children and stampede are compared using the word like.
Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Since Fairfax College receives more applications for admission than Newton University, Fairfax College is evidently a better school.
- ad hominem: an attack against the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself - bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct - slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences
The text argues that Fairfax College is better than Newton University because Fairfax College receives more applications. However, the popularity of a school does not necessarily indicate its quality. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the bandwagon fallacy.
Would you find the word clam on a dictionary page with the following guide words? calves - comb
- no - yes
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since clam is between the guide words calves - comb, it would be found on that page.
Which tense does the sentence use? Mom will pitch the ball to Vijay.
- past tense - future tense - present tense
The sentence is in future tense. You can tell because it uses will before the main verb, pitch. The verb tells you about something that is going to happen.
Select the solid.
- pencil - rain puddle - helium - wet paint
Helium is a gas. A gas expands to fill a space. Helium is lighter than air. So, if you fill a balloon with helium, the balloon will rise. If helium leaks out of the balloon, the helium will expand into the space around the balloon. A pencil is a solid. You can break a pencil into pieces. But each piece will still have a size and shape of its own. Wet paint is a liquid. A liquid takes the shape of any container it is in. If you pour wet paint out of a can, the paint will change shape. But the wet paint will still take up the same amount of space. A rain puddle is a liquid. A liquid takes the shape of any container it is in. If you collect rainwater in a bucket, the rainwater will take the shape of the bucket. But the rainwater will still take up the same amount of space.
Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference?
- Mrs. Goodman told her friend that she needs to exercise on a regular basis and get more sleep in order to have more energy throughout the day. - Mrs. Goodman told her friend to exercise on a regular basis and get more sleep in order to have more energy throughout the day.
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun she could refer to Mrs. Goodman or her friend. Mrs. Goodman told her friend that she needs to exercise on a regular basis and get more sleep in order to have more energy throughout the day. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. The text has been rewritten so that the meaning is clear. Mrs. Goodman told her friend to exercise on a regular basis and get more sleep in order to have more energy throughout the day.
Suppose Brianna decides to join the Theater Club. Which result would be a cost?
- Brianna will save some time. She would have spent more time in the Photography Club than in the Theater Club. - Brianna will give up the chance to be in the Photography Club. She would have had more fun in the Photography Club than in the Theater Club.
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Brianna wants or needs: Brianna will give up the chance to be in the Photography Club. She would have had more fun in the Photography Club than in the Theater Club.
What information supports the conclusion that Jordan acquired this trait?
- Jordan's neighbor taught him how to repair a kite. - Jordan likes to fly a kite with his younger brother. - Jordan's friend taught him how to fly a kite.
Which object has less thermal energy?
- an 800-gram rock at a temperature of 270°F - an 800-gram rock at a temperature of 250°F
The two rocks have the same mass but different temperatures. Since the 250°F rock is colder than the 270°F rock, it has less thermal energy.
Select the animal that has a backbone.
- tree frog - orb weaver
A tree frog is an amphibian. Like other amphibians, a tree frog has a backbone. Like other spiders, an orb weaver does not have a backbone. It has a hard outer cover.
Which sentence states a fact?
- A shark's skeleton is made of cartilage, not bone. - Sharks are the most savage hunters in all of nature.
The second sentence states a fact. A shark's skeleton is made of cartilage, not bone. It can be proved by reading a book about sharks. The first sentence states an opinion. Sharks are the most savage hunters in all of nature. Most savage shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes an animal savage.
Select the one animal that has all of the amphibian traits listed above.
- Painted storks wade in shallow water to look for food. Storks use their beaks to eat fish, insects, worms, and small animals. They have feathers and two wings. Painted storks lay eggs with shells in nests along the water. - Adult tiger salamanders have moist, smooth skin with stripes. They live in burrows underground, but they begin their lives in water. Young tiger salamanders hatch from eggs with no shells underwater.
To decide if an animal is part of a group, look at the traits of the group. Amphibians have the following traits: They spend part of their lives in water and part on land. They have moist skin. They make eggs with no shells. Compare each animal's traits to the group's traits. Select the animal with traits similar to the group's traits. A tiger salamander has the following traits: It spends part of its life in water and part on land. It has moist skin. It makes eggs with no shells. A tiger salamander has the traits of an amphibian. A tiger salamander is an amphibian. A painted stork has the following traits: It has feathers. It has wings. It has a beak. It makes eggs with shells. A painted stork does not have all of the traits of an amphibian. A painted stork is a bird.
What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? When I learned the details of Gwen's Faustian bargain, I was in disbelief.
- Roman mythology - literature
The source of the allusion Faustian bargain is literature. In a play by Christopher Marlowe based on the legend of Faust, a man strikes a deal with the devil. Disregarding the long-term consequences of his actions, he sells his soul in exchange for power. The allusion Faustian bargain means a compromise of one's values for personal gain.
Based on this information, what is Babel's phenotype for the body feather color trait?
- green body feathers - blue body feathers
Babel's genotype for the body feather color gene is BB. Babel's genotype of BB has only B allelles. The B allele is for green body feathers. So, Babel's phenotype for the body feather color trait must be green body feathers. To check this answer, consider whether Babel's alleles are dominant or recessive. The allele for green body feathers (B) is dominant over the allele for blue body feathers (b). This means B is a dominant allele, and b is a recessive allele. Babel's genotype of BB has two dominant alleles. An organism with at least one dominant allele for a gene will have the dominant allele's version of the trait. So, Babel's phenotype for the body feather color trait must be green body feathers.
What information supports the conclusion that Sanjay inherited this trait?
- Sanjay's mother has blue eyes. She passed this trait down to Sanjay. - Sanjay likes to wear a blue sweater to match his blue eyes.
How long does it take to slide down a slide?
- 5 seconds - 5 hours
The better estimate for how long it takes to slide down a slide is 5 seconds. 5 hours is too slow.
What does the personification in this text suggest? Nathan tried to ignore his unfinished essay, but it glared at him from across the room.
- It bothered Nathan that the essay wasn't finished. - The essay was printed in large type.
The text uses personification, giving human characteristics to nonhuman things. Glared at him suggests that it bothered Nathan that the essay wasn't finished. The essay is like a person who is bothering Nathan.
Suppose Vincent decides to plant the poppies. Which result would be a cost?
- Vincent will give up the chance to look at the eucalyptus tree. He thinks it would have looked more beautiful than the poppies. - He will save some space. The poppies will use up less space than the eucalyptus tree would have used up.
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Vincent wants or needs: Vincent will give up the chance to look at the eucalyptus tree. He thinks it would have looked more beautiful than the poppies.
Which tense does the sentence use? We will wait outside for Maya.
- future tense - present tense - past tense
The sentence is in future tense. You can tell because it uses will before the main verb, wait. The verb tells you about something that is going to happen.
Which is a compound sentence?
- Paula finished her book, but she got two more from the library. - The butcher cuts the fat off the meat.
The second sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two simple sentences joined by a comma and the conjunction but. Paula finished her book, but she got two more from the library.
Which text message is more formal?
- Ms. Davis is already here. She's waiting in the lobby. - Heads up! Davis is here. In the lobby.
The second text message is more formal. It uses complete sentences, avoids slang (heads up), and uses the person's title (Ms. Davis). The other text message includes more casual language and sentence fragments.
Which closing is correct for a letter?
- Your Niece, Clare - Your niece, Clare
The first closing is correct: Its first word is capitalized, and it ends with a comma.
What does the hyperbole in this text suggest? The last time Andrew cleaned his room, dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth.
- Andrew hates to clean his room. - Andrew hasn't cleaned his room in a very long time.
The text uses hyperbole, an obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. The hyperbole dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth suggests that Andrew hasn't cleaned his room in a very long time. He did not actually clean his room millions of years ago when dinosaurs existed.
Which announcement is more formal?
- The Norwood Law Firm is so happy to tell you . . . - The Norwood Law Firm is pleased to announce . . .
The second announcement is more formal. It uses more elevated language (pleased to announce). The other announcement sounds more conversational (so happy).
Which closing is correct for a letter?
- your nephew, Jayce - Your nephew, Jayce
The second closing is correct: Its first word is capitalized, and it ends with a comma.
Would you find the word wade on a dictionary page with the following guide words? weary - world
- yes - no
Put the words in alphabetical order. Since wade is not between the guide words weary - world, it would not be found on that page.
Which closing is correct for a letter?
- Best regards, Cooper - best regards, Cooper
The first closing is correct: Its first word is capitalized, and it ends with a comma.
Which type of sentence is this? Hayley is a competitive horseback rider, and she will be competing in the next World Equestrian Games, which are held every four years.
- simple - compound-complex - compound - complex
The sentence is compound-complex. It is made up of two independent clauses and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the relative pronoun which. Hayley is a competitive horseback rider, and she will be competing in the next World Equestrian Games, which are held every four years.
What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? "That fits you well," Clayton remarked after Marcy's cap fell over her eyes for the tenth time.
- The cap was too big. - The cap looked nice on Marcy.
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. Fits you well ironically suggests that the cap was too big. The cap was falling over Marcy's eyes, so it didn't fit her well at all.
Choose the poem that uses alliteration.
- The clouds had made a crimson crown About the mountains high. The stormy sun was going down In a stormy sky. - Three paces in the moonlight's glow I stand, And here within the twilight beats my heart. I'm not asking you to finish But—to start.
This poem uses alliteration. It repeats beginning consonant sounds. About the mountains high. In a stormy sky.