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290,023,091 | I admire the Irishman from Eire who set out to visit his friend in Northen Ireland. Tramping across the fields he came to a sign indicating that he had reached the border, necessitating a detour to the nearest approved crossing point. No Problem. He simply uprooted the sign, carrying it to plant on the far side of his friend’s house. After his visit he carried it back to its original hole. Borders can be so artificial and temporary.
An inward-looking group in Quebec continues to try to place another border on my Heritage as though it belongs to them alone. As a Canadian, the igloo, the birch-bark canoe, the Fleur-de-Lis, the Union Jack, the Shamrock and the Maple Leaf are all mine, along with symbols of other immigrants. It is a rich and proud heritage in a country labelled by the United Nations as the world’s best. When, in 1965, we let the Union Jack take a back seat to the Maple Leaf flag we left the door open for further disintegration.
Why do I cherish the French part of my Heritage? Along with fine people from throughout the Commonwealth, and the World, I have worked with hundreds from Quebec and this includes Bomber Command, POW camps, and the Korean Air Lift. Today’s educators and media ignore over 200 years of Quebec’s contributions to Canada and to British and Canadian military units. We also forget that only 6,908 men and 1,617 women crossed that ocean from France to New France. What they accomplished in a harsh land against great odds is a tale worth knowing, teaching, and appreciating.
The first real Canadian from Europe was Samuel de Champlain who saw the potential of America. In 1603 he proposed a Panama Canal. In 1607 he united French settlements in Acadia. His error was to allow the Hurons, Montagnais, and Algonquins in 1609 to con him into canoeing into what he named Lake Champlain. This was Iroquois land.
To halt the charge of hostile Iroquois, Champlain and his two men, arquebus-armed, fired, killing three Iroquois chiefs. Champlain recognized his error in opposing such splendid physical specimens. Mortal enemies were made who were later to ally with the British. In 1615 he stood on top of Mount Royal (Montreal) and predicted that a great nation would arise there. From 1616 to 1635 he made 25 crossings of the Atlantic vainly trying to turn French interests from the Royal Peltry (fur trade) to settlements. Discouraged, he turned his back on France and encouraged intermarriage with the Natives. This mix produced the famed coureur de bois, unexcelled in long-distance exploration and trading. Side-stepping the Iroquois they ranged from Quebec to Hudson Bay to the Rockies to New Orleans. They opened a continent peacefully while British settlers multiplied east of the Appalachians. Pierre Esprit Radisson and Medart Chouart, Sieur des Groseilliers, promoted the Hudson Bay route, but failed to convince officials in Quebec or Paris. Charles II in London, however, wined and dined them. The British affectionately called them Radishes and Gooseberries. Charles approved the Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson Bay, with two ships, the Eaglet and Nonsuch (Winnipeg has a Nonsuch replica).
By the time of the 1759 British conquest the New France population had risen to 65,000, helped by my paternal ancestors. Jacques Chouinard, age 29, married Louise Jean, age 14, in Notre Dame Church, Quebec City, in 1692. They had 17 children. Even so, my ancestors from Ireland provided most of my genes.
A harsh land, plus indifference from France, produced a hardy race. Always outnumbered they held off Iroquois and British attacks for 150 years. To hide their weakness they often went on the attack with surprising success. They defeated invasions led by Fitz-John Winthrop and William Phips in 1690. In 1755 Charles Michel de Langlade, of mixed Ottawa and French blood, led 254 French plus 600 Natives to defeat General Braddock's and LtColonel George Washington's 2,100 men near Fort Duquesne (Pittsburg).
In 1756 France could hurl 100,000 troops against Prussia and Britain, but sent only 1,200 to defend Canada. Louis XV, however, did send a little-known officer, Louis Joseph, Marquis de Montcalm who was to become the ablest general to set foot in the Americas. At Ticonderoga his 5,000 men defeated James Abercromby's 20,000 troops. In the 1759 siege of Quebec, Montcalm was betrayed by his own Governor who, to harvest his own crops, took the men that Montcalm had posted to watch for any Britons trying to scale the cliffs. The British then scaled undetected. Montcalm and the British General Wolfe were both killed in the ensuing battle that won Canada for Britain. When the British colonists refused to pay a share of the costs of eliminating the Canadiens as a hazard to their expansion, Britain had to cut in half the pay of the victorious troops. A great start for a new nation came when French women made long wool leggings for the bare knees of the Fraser Highlanders who volunteered to help with the harvest. Many of the victors chose to take land grants in lieu of pay, remain in Canada, and marry French women. General James Murray and Sir Guy Carleton, the first two British governors, protected the Canadiens from the influx of British merchants from the southern colonies. The Proclamation of 1763 that forbade British settlement west of the Appalachians and the Québec Act of 1774 that left Québec with its own language, culture, and lands including the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, outraged British colonists, especially George Washington who had financial interests in land that would still be Québec's. Agitators, including Ben Franklin, went to Montreal, trying to persuade Canadiens into joining the revolution. They were ignored as British generosity, tolerance, and no taxes were much more than they could expect from an independent non-Catholic nation to the south.
After the American Revolution, 100,000 Loyalists fled, many to Canada which became a bicultural country overnight. Not to be swamped, the Québécois went to The Battle of the Cradle, and families of over 20 became common. Today, with English-speaking dominance gone and a less dominant Church, the birthrate has fallen to one of the world's lowest to the annoyance of Premier Jacques Parizeau who blamed immigrants and big business for the narrow defeat in the Referendum seeking independence, of 30 October 1995.
During the unprovoked invasions of Canada in the War of 1812-14, Canadiens helped to save Canada. In October 1813 Charles de Salaberry, whose grandfather fought with Montcalm against Wolfe, led 460 Canadiens with Native allies to defeat an invading force of 8,000 US in the Battle of Chateauguay, near Montreal. To prevent needless slaughter by native allies, he paid a bounty for each US soldier captured unharmed.
Québec remained largely agricultural until The Great War when industrialization and urbanization spread with English-speaking capital and executives, but political control never left the Québécois. From the Boer War to World War II frictions arose over involvement in foreign wars which hampered Canadian contributions which nevertheless were truly magnificent, including Québec's. Conscription was a divisive issue. When German submarines sank ships in the St. Lawrence River, MacKenzie King closed the river to military traffic to quell Québec fears, but then all shipments had to go via Saint John and Halifax.
The Québec cultural revolution started in the 1950s. The drive to become Maître chez nous was mainly peaceful and successful. Desire for a separate country grew slowly from under 20% to 60% then sank to well below 50%. English-speaking Canada tried to become bilingual while Québec became ever more unilingual, thus alienating would-be friends. To English Canada, Québec is a case of Much wants More. Québec has had more than its share of prime ministers (9 of 23) and government jobs. It received more than it contributed to the federal purse. Of Canada’s 36 million, Quebec has 6.2 million plus 700,000 elsewhere in Canada.
To shatter Canada makes no sense and would create lowered living standards and world status for resultant entities. Years of bickering, if not bloodshed, would follow. Perhaps, in Québec, le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas. Canada is too great a country to envisage fragments joining the U.S. as dispirited states. Canada smarts under inferred U.S. indifference; Québec smarts under inferred Rest-of-Canada indifference; Newfoundland resents Québec indifference. The Cree and Inuit have no desire to remain in an independent Québec. Mexico complains of the U.S. “Colossus of the North” whereas Guatemala thinks the same of Mexico, and Honduras and El Salvador consider Guatemala the Colossus.
A current gripe of those who speak only English is the rule that higher ranks in the civil service and military are reserved only for those fully bilingual. Ever-changing English is a difficult language yet others are better at learning it than English speakers are at learning another language so many otherwise highly qualified people are by-passed. For instance 3 of the last 4 top RCAF generals here at NORAD are from Québec.
Canada has made great strides in correcting injustices, real and inferred, but sacrifices need to be shared and individual aspirations modified for the common good. The United States commands patriotism from all its quarrelsome states. Canada, while cherishing its mosaic approach, could adopt some of this. The Canadian military has been beneficial in promoting integration, but is now too small to do the job alone.
The Québécois are not ethnically pure. Many thousands of Native, British, Irish, and German genes have melted into the French "Habitant" culture, not to mention recent immigrants. Of the 4,884 troops who took Canada in 1759, 33% were British colonists, 25% Irish, 23% English, 15% Scots, 4% German/Swiss and many of these men stayed to marry local women.
On the world stage: No human understands life. No human religion can offer more than a guide, yet we can enhance contentment with empathy for all living things. Do accept the enormous challenge of bettering human mindsets. |
219,610,646 | Religious feasts of an agricultural nature took place in the countryside, as depicted in the famous "Harvesters' vase from Agia Triada.
Here a group of farmers is presented with singular vitality as they return from the fields singing and holding winnowing fans. The procession is headed by an elderly man, clearly a priest as indicated by his characteristic garments, while a musician accompanies the the song and the procession with a sistrum or rattle.
It is the only stone sarcophagus ever to have been found in Crete. It is wholly covered in plaster and painted in fresco. It was found in a relatively unimportant tomb at Aghia Triada, but it is believed that it was originally used for the burial of a prince during the Mycenaean occupation of Crete.
The painted frieze around the sarcophagus shows all the stages of the sacred ceremony which was performed at the burial of important personages.
The dead person is depicted on one long side, in fron of his tomb, receiving offerings of a boat and two bulls, while libation are being poured between double axes to the accompaniment of a lyre. On the other long side we see the sacrifice of a bound bull set on a table - altar to the accompaniment of a flute; alongside are offerings in baskets near a shrine with a tree and a mast with a bird on top. On the two short sides there are figures on chariots drawn by wild goats and griffins, possibly suggesting the voyage of the distinguished dead person to the next world and his deification.
The scenes on the sarcophagus portray the ritual observance of the interment and funeral offerings and, at the same time, suggest the views of the Minoans on the after life.
A steatite vase with relief scenes of boxing and bull leaping in front of porticos with columns that are represented in four successive bands. The figures are depicted with power and realism, in stances and dress that are remniscent of modern boxing
The stone "Chieftain's Cup" depicting an official or priest with along sceptre and a young man holding a sword.
The Situation: Bombardier is a world class, Canadian transportation company, the largest supplier of rail equipment, systems and services and the third largest manufacturer of civil aircraft in the world.
Although Bombardier has numerous global engineering accomplishments to its credit, the Canadian media often portray the firm in a negative light, due to the involvement of Canadian Government loan guarantees in the aeronautical bidding process.
Insight and Strategic Approach: Bombardier and the Olympic movement share the same ideals – vision, drive, a passion for excellence, a commitment to training and development and technical skill which is all tested on the world stage against the greatest competition the world has to offer.
But although the parallels were quite evident, and Bombardier could benefit from the brand synergy of the opportunity, that foundation wasn’t enough for us to ante up millions of Bombardier’s (very) limited marketing dollars into one premium, cluttered, commercial marketing venture.
That is until we came up with an idea that connected the engineering excellence of Bombardier to the heart of the Canadian Olympic movement for the 2010 games.
The Olympic Torch is the most powerful and unifying symbol of the Olympic Games. Our idea was to convince Bombardier to bid to become the first Olympic Sponsor to design and manufacture the Olympic Torch. The engineering excellence put forth in the creation of the torch to handle all Canadian weather possibilities could be used as a metaphor for Bombardier’s overall engineering and manufacturing excellence. As the torch was carried across this vast country, Bombardier would be at the heart of igniting Olympic pride in one Canadian community at a time.
Media Tactics: The first part of our two-phase engagement strategy started in October to connect Bombardier with the Olympic movement prior to the Olympic frenzy. We capitalized on the Canadian journey of the Bombardier torch by linking Bombardier and the Torch through a massive public relations campaign.
The torch was ignited on October 30th 2010 in Victoria B.C. commencing a 106 day relay ending in Vancouver on February 12th 2010. Over 12,000 Canadians carried the torch on its longest journey in Olympic history, at 45,000 kilometers. The torch traveled through 1,037 communities in snow, rain, hail, wind and sub-zero temperatures, showcasing Bombardier’s engineering capabilities to millions.
Local and national media carried the story of Bombardier’s design and manufacturing excellence as the torch traversed the country. In addition, CTV produced and broadcast nationally, two special programs focusing on Bombardier’s central role in its design and manufacture throughout the torch relay.
Social media sites were all a Twitter with torch relay news. Every time users mentioned the torch online they were invited to Bombardier’s YouTube channel to view an extended version of the TV creative.
The second phase of our strategy utilized the power and emotion of the games themselves through a television commercial that further connected the story of the creation of the torch with Canadians. The commercial ran in key highly emotional and highly rated moments such as opening ceremonies, just after the arrival of the Canadian team and just before the arrival of the torch in the stadium, during women’s and men’s gold hockey games.
The most significant, memorable Olympic connection-- the Olympic Torch relay-- is an emotional and unifying focal point for public interest which serves as a countdown to the opening ceremonies of the summer and winter Games.
Leveraging the enormous multi-channel coverage and generated word of mouth surrounding it convincingly cemented the association between Bombardier, the Olympic Spirit and Canadian pride.
Results: Following the games, the annual CROP survey on the image and reputation of the Bombardier brand reported a major upswing in public opinion. Canadians with a very favorable opinion of Bombardier grew by 28%, climbing to 32% in 2010.
This unique idea from the media team generated media value at a ratio of 5 to 1 of non paid - paid media. |
19,361,871 | I've collected a selection of animated email icons you may like to use in your blog. These images are all free to use, all I ask is that you don't link directly to the images on my server! Instead, you should download the images to your computer and upload them to your own image host instead.
Please note that you will need to host these images on your own server. If you try to upload them to Blogger, the images will not be animated! Here is an example of the HTML code you could use to link to the image on your own server:
Bloggers often wish to offer their email address to provide a way for readers to communicate with them directly. however, in posting your email address on your blog, you will run the risk of your address being harvested by spam-bots, which scan the web in a similar fashion to search-engines, though specifically targeting email addresses to add to their databases.
My favorite method, and the one I use currently, is to scramble your email address using javascript, which ensures your address is "broken" when read in the source code, thus protecting it from spam-bot discovery. I used the "email scrambler" tool from which automatically generates the required javascript using your email address, and also provides a <noscript> section for browsers which cannot read javascript. To use this tool, simply visit the BlogFlux email scramble page, and enter your email address in the box provided. Type in the text you would like to see for your email link (eg: "Send me an email"), and click on the "Scramble email link" button. You will be presented with a section of code which you can copy and paste into your template where you would like the link to be displayed.
Another foolproof method to protect your email address is to include your email on an image, such as this: This method ensures that your email address is only readable by humans, but adds the extra step that readers must type your email address, rather than simply click a link to their email client.
One final method is to break the html code of your email address by using spaces or alternative symbols, such as in the following examples:
These methods will all help to protect your email from malicious spammers when posting your email address on your blog. Do be aware that your email can also be harvested from comments, message boards and forums if you post your email address as normal, so be sure to disguise your email wherever you decide to post it!
Over at Beautiful Beta, I found a wonderfully simple search widget which operates in a similar way to the "Search this blog" feature found in the navbar. You can easily implement this widget into your blog by using the widget installer below:
This form will take you to Blogger where you can choose to install the search widget into your sidebar (or other element of your template). However, if you prefer to install the search widget manually, you should take the following steps:
Give your widget a title if you like (eg: "Search this Blog"), and click save. You should now have a fully functional search box in your blog's sidebar!
So, if you prefer something simpler than the Google blog search I wrote about before, this is surely the widget for you.
You can easily create filters for your text and images to alter them automatically using CSS styling, rather than alter each element individually. I've done this on a couple of the Blogger templates I've created: the "Sweet Dreams" template uses a greyscale image filter, while the "Sunset" theme uses transparency to create a halo effect around images. In this tutorial, I'll show you some of the most commonly used CSS styling filters which you may want to use to change the appearance of the images in your blog.
To include filters individually in blog posts or in the sidebar, you will need to specify the filters in the image properties (for image filters) or within span tags (for textual filters. Here are some examples:
I've been contacted by to help promote their excellent web-design scholarship contest, which is open to all US citizens attending full-time, post-secondary education. The winner of this contest will win a scholarship to the value of $5,000!
Although BloggerBuster typically features help for Blogger, I thought it would be good to post about this competition for those familiar with WordPress templates to have their chance at winning this great prize!
We are launching a cool new website, New, and are in need of a fantastic design to replace the current default WordPress look. Since we are already experienced in handing out scholarship awards, this is a fun way for us to receive a great new website design...and a talented student to receive $5000! (
The design needs to be a WordPress template, which should be uploaded to your webspace before submitting the URL and your details using the form found on the CollegeScholarships website.
The closing date for submissions is August 13th 2007, so act soon if you want to give the competition a try! Winners will be announced on the 20th of August on the site.
Hello everyone! I'm back from my holiday now, and unfortunately it seems that some of my pre-written posts haven't been posted (an error from my email service, I'm sure), so I do apologise for the lack of new material this week.
I do have quite a mountain of work and emails to wade through, but I will get back to everyone who's been in touch as soon as I can. Thanks to all those who have left comments, I do appreciate your input and suggestions. Please check back soon for new posts (more Blogger templates are in the pipeline too..)
At the top of most Blogger blogs you'll see a navigation bar, which enables you to flick from one blog to the next (plus additional options when you are signed in). Many bloggers have used CSS techniques to hide the nav-bar. At first, I thought it may be against Blogger's terms and conditions to do this, but after reading this post by Kawaljit, I now think it may be okay:
The Blogger's TOS page makes no reference to navbar while Google representatives in the Blogger support group (nickname: Blogger Employee) have always ignored discussion threads seeking an official stand on hiding navbar.
There's some hope now. Google recently organized a road show in select Indian cities to promote their Blogger platform. Ankit attended the event and requested clarity on the navbar policy from the Googlers present at the roadshow. They immediately called up their team based in Google's Bangalore office and confirmed to Ankit that it's legal to hide the navbar.
If you want to hide the nav-bar in your blogger blog, here's what you should do (these instructions refer to the "new" Blogger layouts templates):
Go to Template>Edit HTML in your Blogger dashboard and first back-up your template to ensure you can restore it if you make unwanted mistakes!
You can preview your template to see the effect in action, and then save your template to save the changes for good. (Thanks to Testing Blogger Beta for this hack!).
I don't include this hack in my blog since I actually find the navbar rather useful (especially when editing my blog) but I can understand why others would want to implement it. As yet, I haven't been able to find clear clarification about hiding the nav-bar from Google/Blogger, so if you do use this hack, please be aware of possible implications!
You've probably noticed the "expandable posts" feature in my blog. Well, the creator of this great hack has now come up with an even better alternative: Peekaboo posts" with a fade-in fade-out effect!
This really does look great on a blog: the post expands and retracts within the same window by fading in and out slowly. For full details and to get the script to install in your blog template, pop on over to Hackosphere's blog.
I've now modified the "Sweet Dreams" template to include a second sidebar to the left of the main column. You can preview this template in action here.
The features are pretty much the same as the original "Sweet Dreams" template, with the added functionality of a third column. I'm happy to see that even videos are filtered in black and white in the sidebar (though not when playing in the main column!), and that overall the design looks rather good.
One of the few things I'd hope to see in the new Blogger format was the ability to schedule posts to appear at a later date. Unfortunately, this hasn't (yet) been implemented in Blogger, so unlike Wordpress users, we can't schedule our posts.
Well, actually, we can! There is a workaround which enables Bloggers to write posts in advance and schedule them to be sent by email at a specific date and time. Here's how it can be done:
Firstly, you should set up your "Mail-To-Blogger" address in your Blogger dashboard if you haven't already done so. To do this, go to Settings>Email in your dashboard, and create a unique email address to send your email posts to. Ensure you keep this address as secret as you would a password, since anyone could use this to post to your blog if discovered! Ensure you have checked the "Publish" box and then save your settings.
Next, you will need to create an email account which enables you to schedule emails to send at a future time. Many email clients have this feature already installed (I use GoDaddy's free webmail service, which was included with my domain). Here are two great free webmail services you can use to schedule email sending:
Letter me Later: Features the ability to write emails using your existing email address! Has an HTML editor, no advertisements, and a quick send client for ease of use. Free registration required for all features.
Once you have set-up an email scheduling service, you can write emails as you would your Blogger posts. The subject line will become the title of your blog posts, and if you use an html editor to compose your emails, you will have the same functionality as your Blogger "compose" function. Ensure you schedule the exact time and date you want to send the email before hitting send as this will be the exact time your post is published, and send to the email address you set up in your Mail-to-Blogger settings.
The only disadvantage of emailing your posts is that you cannot define labels for your posts before sending them. If anyone has discovered a way to do this, I would be very glad to hear from you! Of course, you could edit your posts at a later date from your Dashboard to add the labels.
This method of scheduling Blogger posts is something I will be using for the next week or so, since I'll be on holiday and unable to post as usual!
Please feel free to leave your comments below. If anyone knows of other free email scheduling services, please post them here and I will edit this post to include them.
After uploading the "Sweet Dreams" template, I was asked how to embed background music in a blog. It's actually quite simple to do this, and there are various methods you can use.
In this post, I'll concentrate on actually embedding the music (rather than adding widgets such as playlists). You can see an example of embedded background music here and also further down this page...
The easiest method of adding background sound is to include a line like this in your blog template, just after the opening <body> tag:
where the URL is that of the background music you wish to use. This method works perfectly well, but visitors to your site will not be able to switch the music off if it becomes distracting.
So instead, you may prefer to use this method instead, which is compatible with all browsers (press the play icon to start music):
autostart: set to "true" to make the music begin as soon as the page is loaded, or "false" to ensure the user has to press the play icon
height: if this is set to "40", only the play options will be visible. You can make this larger if you prefer, in which case blank space will be visible.
Using either method, you can link to .mp3, .mid or .wav music files. However, you must be aware of copyright restrictions, and ensure you have the appropriate permission for use for the music you decide to use!
You will be able to see changes to your scheme as you change them, and are presented with the full HTML code to copy and paste into your template. I only wish I could find something so useful to generate templates for us "Blogger Layouts" lovers!
In this tutorial, I'll explain how to create a three column template in Blogger layouts, using the Minima template as a starting point.
The Minima template is the easiest Blogger template to customise, as this is the simplest two column template, and has few parameters regarding margins, padding and the like. Once you have developed the third column, it will then be easier to alter font-size, colours and such so leave this until later on. We're going to concentrate on the actual layout first.
Copy this entire section, and paste it directly below. We're going to change the elements I've highlighted in red to the following:
<b:section class='sidebar' id='left-sidebar' preferred='yes'> This tells the browser the class of the sidebar element and all other elements (widgets) which may be included in this section. The ID of this element must be "left-sidebar" in order to make it unique, otherwie this would cause problems when viewing. It is preferred so that it will feature in the layout, even if no widgets are placed within it.
If you preview your template, you will notice that the right sidebar will be beneath the main section at the moment. This is because the outer-wrapper is still only wide enough to accomodate one sidebar. So now we need to expand the oputer wrapper to accomodate this new sidebar. Find this section in the HTML code:
You may also want to change the width of the header-wrapper to 880px so that it spans the new width of your blog:
At this point, you should save your template. At present, your new sidebar will not be seen as there are no widgets contained within it, though it will still be present in the markup of the page. Once you have saved your template, go to Template>Page elements in your Blogger dashboard.
But we aren't quite finished yet! If you add anything to this left sidebar, you will probably notice that it jams right up to the main section, like this: This is because there is no space defined between the left-sidebar and the main section. We need to create this space in the template's HTML. To do this, we will add a margin to the left hand side of the main posts section. Find the following code in your template's HTML and add the code defined in red:
This defines a margin space of 20px between the left-sidebar and the main column. You should also ensure you adjust thw width of the outer-wrapper from 880px to 900px to ensure the width of your blog is enough to accomodate this margin too. Either that, or you could reduce the width of your main column/a sidebar by 20px to serve the same purpose. Now, your previewed template should look more like this:
The same principles described here can help you create a three column template from any Blogger template, though you may find that you'll need to adjust the width, margins and padding for your new sidebar in order for it to look the way you would like.
Also, you can configure your new sidebar to float to the right, and have two sidebars on the right of the main column if you prefer. Simply set the CSS of your new sidebar to float: right; instead.
For more Blogger templates to download, please have a look through the Templates section here at Blogger Buster.
After a week of hard work, I've finally completed a new template: "Sweet Dreams". Unlike other Blogger templates I've created, this is a two column template with the option of a wide or narrow sidebar. I'm really rather happy with how this one has turned out. Here's a screenshot for you:
Option of wide or narrow sidebar two column layout, with three separate sidebar containers (separate XML files for wide and narrow contained in Zip download)
For this template, I've included everything you need in a zip file, including XML files for the narrow and wide templates, all images, background music, widget templates and instructions. You can download the Sweet Dreams templates below:
If you use this template, I would appreciate a link back to Blogger Buster somewhere in your blog. Please do not redistribute this template without including details of the author.
In the near future, I will also create a three-column template of this theme. In the meantime, please leave your comments and opinions below.
A "favicon" is the icon which appears in the left of your address bar and in your "favorites" menu in your Internet program. I've just added a favicon to my blog, which you should be able to see in the address bar above (Internet explorer users must have Blogger Buster bookmarked before the icon can be seen, as I will explain later).
To have a favicon for your own blog, you'll first need to create an icon which is 16x16 pixels in size, and save this as a .ico file to your computer. I used Gimp to create my favicon (which is a free program with most of the functionality of Photoshop), though you could also use paint or any other graphics creation program.
Alternatively, you could visit one of these sites which have pre-made favicons available for free download:
Once you have your favicon, you'll need to upload this to a hosting account. If you already have a hosting account somewhere, you can upload it there. Free image hosting for ico files is available at Ripway (30gb space), and also at MyFavatar (registration required). Be sure to make a note of the exact URL of your favicon when you upload it!
Now, you'll need to add the following code to your Blogger template between the <head> and </head> tags (Change the code in red to reflect the URL of your favicon):
Now save your template and view your blog. You should now see your favicon appear in the address bar!
If you are using Internet Explorer, you will need to bookmark your blog before the icon will be seen. You may also need to refresh the page/close the window before your icon will appear (a rather unfortunate glitch in IE, and yet another reason to recommend Firefox!). But be assured that it will appear! Also, when you bookmark your blog (or indeed any other website featuring a favicon), the icon will appear in your favorites list beside the site title.
Having a favicon for your blog enhances your blog's branding and identity, and is also quite fun! If you have created a favicon which you would like to share, please let me know as I will shortly be posting a set of favicons here for free download.
Today I discovered an excellent hack over at Beautiful Beta: a widget which enables you to automatically show a table of contents for all of your blog posts! I've now added this to my template so you can easily access all of the posts here, and sort them by title, post date or label. Simply click on the "Show table of contents" link near the top of my right sidebar.
Hans' hack is remarkably easy to implement into your blog, since he has provided the code ready for you to copy and paste into the relevant sections.
In order to use the Table of Contents widget, you will need to alter your template slightly so you can add a page element to the top of your blog posts. This is so the table of contents can expand into this area, leaving your posts in place beneath.
After this, it's a simple case of copying and pasting code into HTML page elements in this new section, and also in a sidebar widget.Use this link to read Hans' post featuring the code and implementation of this great Blogger hack.
This widget can also be customised using CSS to alter the styling, which you would insert between the <b:skin> and </b:skin> tags near the top of your blog template (I will be doing this to my own CSS section shortly!).
This hack really is a great way to organise your blog posts in order to make it easier for readers to find posts they are interested in.
Email subscriptions enable your readers to receive your posts by email, and can be a great tool for helping develop a regular readership to your blog.
In order to offer your blog posts by email, you will need to sign up with a feed management service who will then manage email subscriptions for you, and will send updates to your subscribers each time you update your blog. I use Feedburner's free service for email subscriptions. You can see my email subscription widget in the sidebar to the right. Here's how you can set up an email subscription box for your own blog:
On the next screen, select the feed you would like to offer subscriptions for. The default for Blogger is Atom, which you can customise to be long (full post), short (first paragraph) or simply headlines in your Blogger dashboard.
Once you've chosen the feed you would like to publicise, you can then edit the title of the feed and the URL where it can be located.
Then create your free account with Feedburner (or sign in if you already have an account) and click "Activate feed".
Now, your feeds will also be publicised by Feedburner and you should be able to log in to your Feedburner dashboard. So let's create your email subscription box! Click on the feed title for your blog, and then the "Publicize" tab at the top of your dashboard.
Look for the "Email subscriptions" link in the left column and click this. Choose the language you would like to use to publicise your feed.
If you are using New Blogger (layouts templates), you can easily insert an email subscription widget into your blog sidebar. Find the "Use as a widget in..." section and choose "Blogger". You will then be directed to your Blogger dashboard to confirm insertion of this widget and rearrange its location in your layout.
If you are using Classic Blogger templates, you should copy the code section and paste this where you would like the email subscription box to appear in your blog.
Once you have set up your email subscription box, you can customise the look by opening the widget in Layouts. You can alter the text, font and even the alignment to suit your tastes.
You can choose further options from Feedburner's service through your Feedburner dashboard, such as notification by email when someone subscribes/unsubscribes to your feed, track clickthroughs, etc. Feedburner also supply feed subscription buttons which you can use to publicise your blog feed for subscribers to read in a feed reader.
Blogger Templates have a great "recent comments" widget available which you can use to display recent comments in blog. You can see an example of this in my right sidebar.
To use this widget in your blog, head over to Blogger Templates and choose your options, including the Blog*Spot url of your blog. Click "apply" then "Add widget to my blog".
You need to change only the red section of the URL to your custom domain URL (eg: Click save and you should then see your recent comments appear.
I found this great applet over on Dane Carlson's blog which gives an estimation of how much your blog is worth:
The applet was inspired by Tristan Louis's research into the value of each link to Weblogs Inc. Dane Carlson then created this little applet using Technorati's API which computes and displays your blog's worth using the same link to dollar ratio as the AOL-Weblogs Inc deal.
To find out how much your own blog is worth, head on over to Dane's Business Opportunities weblog and input your blog's URL. You'll then be presented with an image similar to the one above displaying the value of your blog, and the code which you could use to insert this into a post or even your blog sidebar. The applet will automatically change to ensure your blog's value is kept up to date.
I've now finished work on another 3 column Blogger template (XML format). This one's in a classic "Blues" colour scheme (hence the name), featuring two sidebars on the right of the main posts section. Here's a screenshot for you (click to enlarge):
I'm also developing a few more Blogger templates to download which I'll post as soon as they are ready. Please leave your comments and opinions below.
When you purchase a domain from GoDaddy, you will be entitled to a free ad-supported hosting account. This is great for bloggers who may need to set up a redirection page to their true blog address. I've been asked a few times now how to set up this free hosting account, so I thought it was about time I posted a walk through!
Assuming you have already purchased a domain name from GoDaddy, you should have your login details and be able to log in to your GoDaddy account. Once you have your login details to hand, this is what you should do:
Select "Hosting account list" from the "Hosting and email menu" in the navbar near the top of the page. This will open the "manage hosting page"
On this page, you should see a link saying "Use credit" next to "Free Hosting Credits". Click on this link to open the next page.
On the right, you should now see "set up free hosting". Select the domain you would like to associate your hosting account with, and choose either Windows or Linux hosting. The main difference between Windows and Linux hosting is the ability to use different programs and databases in your hosting account, so if you're only using this to host a redirect page for your blog, it wouldn't matter which you choose.
Once you've made your choices, click continue, then go to the Hosting Account list. Click on "Set Up Account" next to the New Account (Free with Domain) that you want to set up.
Enter New User ID: Create a user name that you will use when you log in to this hosting account. This can be different to the login name you use when logging into your GoDaddy account.
Enter New Password: Create a password that you will use when you log in to this hosting account. Again, this can be different to the one you use to log into GoDaddy.
Verify your Domain Name and User ID, click Submit, and then close the Hosting Control Center. It may take a day or two for your hosting account to become active; you will receive an email when the hosting is activated, including your FTP settings, so it's probably best to wait for this before attempting to log in to your new account.
Once your ad-supported hosting account is active, you can upload files by FTP. The easiest way to do this is to use an FTP client program such as FileZilla (a free, open source program) to connect to your hosting account. Alternatively, you could use GoDaddy's web based ftp client, which you can read about here.
Now that you've set up your GoDaddy ad-supported hosting account, you can easily upload your redirect page, or indeed any other files to your hosting account.
If your blog's web address has changed, or if you are using Blogger's custom domain service, you may have need of a redirect page for your blog. A redirect page stays at the location of your old blog (or at the address if you are using a Blogger custom domain) and automatically redirects users to your blog's true address.
Copy the whole text in the box below and paste into a simple text editor such as Notepad. Change the text in red to reflect your true blog address, and the text in blue to something which better suits your needs.
The "8" means that the browser will wait 8 seconds before redirecting to your true blog address, just enough time for the visitor to read the text and understand the reason for the redirection. You can change this to "0" instead, which means that the redirect would be immediate, and the visitor would be unaware of the change in web address unless they look at the address bar. However, it is good practice to have at least the URL of your true blog address in the body of the page as some older browsers do not recognise the redirect function and would be unaware that your blog is not hosted here.
You should also change the font and background colours to suit your tastes and blog colour scheme/branding. Images can also be displayed in the body section of the page (between <body>> and </body>)
Now, save this file to your computer with the file name "index.html". It is very important that you name it such, as this needs to be the page which loads when a visitor types into their web browser.You can preview this in your own browser to check the page looks okay, and you should be redirected to your true online blog address within the time you specified in the meta section.
Now, you need to upload this to the root of the folder where visitors would visit your blog. If you have purchased a custom domain for your Blogger blog, for example, you would upload this to the root of your hosting account. If you are uploading to a previously used sub domain at this may be the root of the folder named "/blog/".
Go online to your redirect page address (eg: and check that the redirection works. Then all you have to relax and know your visitors will be able to find you!
If you have purchased a custom domain for use with a Blogger blog, you should find that your domain provider will provide at least enough room for a single web page, which you can use to upload your redirect page. I use GoDaddy for domains, as this company provides free hosting, personal email address and other features of great use to Bloggers. (Just in case you're wondering, I don't get paid to recommend GoDaddy; but of all the domain providers I've ever used, this company is simply the best value I've found!).
If you have any problems setting up your redirect page, feel free to contact me directly for more detailed help.
Head over to the Cornershop website. Choose the colours of your background and foreground in the boxes provided. If you need the HEX values for your chosen colours, try Cedges Colour Calculator which will generate the values for you.
Choose the roundness of your corners: as a guide I'd say that 10 is neatly rounded, while 20 is very rounded.
If either your foreground or background is patterned or transparent, choose transparency for this element of your design.
Click on "create graphics" to generate the corners and HTML/CSS code you will need to round your corners.
Now, you will need to save the corner image files to your hard drive, then transfer then to an image hosting account as you will need to link to these images in order for them to appear in your blog template. Imageshack and Photobucket both offer free image hosting if you do not already have an account elsewhere. Make a note of the full web address of these images as you will need to use these soon.
Copy both pieces of code (CSS and HTML) provided by Cornershop and paste these into a simple text editor (such as Notepad) for ease of use.
In the CSS section, insert the full web address for all of the image files. For example, for the NE.gif file, the address would be something like: "" .
You can preview your blog first to ensure it looks the way you would like, then press save and enjoy the new look of your blog header!
Preview your template, and if all looks as you would like, save your template and enjoy your rounded corners!
You can use more than one set of corners in your template if you like (for example, one for the header and another for the sidebar). However, if you want to use different colours for these, you must make the image files, the CSS and the DIV elements unique. For example:
In the CSS code, the elements named .box and .boxtop could be renamed as .sidebar-box and .sidebar-boxtop
Of course, you could create rounded corners by creating your own transparent gif's in Photoshop or something, but I find the cornershop method to be much simpler and easier! Just be sure to input the correct colours you would like to use when creating your corners as the code you are given for the CSS style will override any colours you use within Bloggers "fonts and colours" section in the dashboard.
You may have seen "tag clouds" in other blogs which feature keywords from the blog posts in a cloud format. These are different to "label clouds" which are constructed of the labels you use for your Blogger posts. You can see an example of a "tag cloud" I constructed for Blogger Buster here:
I created this tag cloud for free over at ZoomClouds, which allows you to customise the size, colour scheme and included tags of your cloud. To create a tag cloud for your own blog, here's what you'll need to do:
Head on over to ZoomClouds and create your free account. This will allow you to use the tag cloud service and store your designs on site.
Now it's time to create your first tag cloud! Sign in to your ZoomClouds account and click on "create cloud|" near the top of the page.
Select how many days worth of content you want to include in your cloud. The maximum will depend on how many posts are included in your feed, so you may want to consider changing your feed settings if you want to include all of your posts in the tag cloud.
You can then view your cloud with the default ZoomClouds design to see how it can look. To change the appearance of your cloud, click on "design" near the top of the screen and choose your settings, including border colour, fonts and more. You can save multiple templates of the same cloud here too.
To get the code for your cloud, click on "design" and scroll down the page a little until you see the code box. Select all of the code (Ctrl+A) and copy to your clipboard. You can then insert this into your blog template where you would like it to be displayed.
If there are tags in your cloud which you would prefer to be left out, you can choose this by clicking on "Filters" near the top of your ZoomClouds dashboard and adding each unwanted tag in the box supplied. Similarly, you can also add tags that you want to be included in the cloud which aren't yet featured.
Tag clouds could be used instead of label tags in your blog, or indeed as well as labels, since they are a reflection of your post content, rather than the labels you give to your posts. Example usage would be in a sidebar widget, though you may also want to consider featuring one at the top of your posts (see this post for a tutorial), or even in a blog post as I have done here!
Have you ever wondered how to create an animated banner to advertise your blog? Here's an example of one I created earlier:
You could use a banner like this to advertise your blog on other sites, or even to draw attention to pages on your blog.
I used AnimationOnline to create this banner for free. There are a variety of designs to choose from, including boxes such as these:
To create your animated banner, head over to AnimationOnline and choose your design. Key in your titles and text, and click "make banner". You can then right click your animated banner to save to your PC.
In order to display your banner properly in your blog, you'll need to link to host the image elsewhere and link to it using HTML code. Photobucket and Imageshack provide free image hosting if you don't already have a hosting account elsewhere. Don't try to host your animated gif at Blogger, as the image will be static! Make a note of the web address your image is hosted at as you'll need this soon.
Now, to make your image appear in your blog, you can insert this code into an HTML/Javascript widget, or insert into your template where you would like it to be displayed:
I'd love to hear about any other free animated banner services, so if you know of any please leave your link (and comments, of course) below.
... So over the next few weeks I'll be posting some festive Blogger tutorials (and possibly a festive themed template or two!).
In the meantime, why not check out my latest post over at Blogging Tips: The Festive Toolbox, which offers a great range of resources to help you decorate your blog for the holiday season?
If there are any particular festive customizations you would like to learn about, please let me know by leaving your comments below.
I am going to upstage Nancy Grace’s “Bombshellâ€. We here at Blogger News are working on the “Atomic Bombshellâ€! I can not share details at this time, but if the information we have received is accurate, this will have the entire Anthony family, Jose Baez and his seven dwarfs, reaching for the bottle of Tums!
One of the major questions concerning the Casey Anthony defense, and in fact the entire Anthony family is where is the money coming from? Jose Baez has managed to duck answering this question. I am pretty sure the prosecutors are onto the same information I am looking at, and they are going to have a field day!
Caylee Anthony might yet get some justice. While George and Cindy Anthony have been enjoying the good life at the expense of the TV stations, and Jose Baez has been wandering the streets looking for anyone that will listen to him, the prosecution has been very, very quiet. They have been steadily building their case, I am not privy to what they are working on, or the angle that they will pursue at trial, but I do know this. If they are not 110% sure of a conviction they would not put the death penalty back on the table. It would be madness to waste a million dollars of tax payers money (an estimate) and not get a conviction.
Baez meanwhile is crying the pauper, he and his merry band of Dwarfs are Pro Bono. Oh, but he would love to see the State of Florida pick up his tab.
Shortly before his untimely death from cancer I was talking to Sean Krause. Sean was the investigative reporter from the Dark Side, having him on your tail was like having a really bad case of hemorrhoids! Sean was convinced that some of the answers in the Caylee Anthony case could be found in the money trail. At the time I was not sure. Now I am.
Stay tuned, as soon as Jan and I have verification of a few facts, we are waiting on a call back from a few folks, including a DA in Florida. As soon as we get some feedback from the primary players, we have a story that will blow your socks off!
I cannot wait, Simon! I am sooooo sick of the Ant’s cover-up junket, and it seems it’s only just begun. Let’s get them to shut up once and for all.
I promise you, if Simon and Jan get a Pulitzer Prize for this, Papa will be there no matter where the ceremony is held.
Beast, Indeed I do tease, but I cannot talk about the information till we have it verified. But if it is true, and I am 99% sure it is. This will rip a hole in the anthony defense that you could drive a Mac Truck through!
Hey speaking of when are you and jan gonna fly us out for crab puffs and hotel rooms to be there live for talk radio?? LOL
Beth said,in April 23rd, 2009 at 4:29 pm Jules great email to Kidlosers, let us know the response you get, if you get one.
Now really, about the CBS interview, can’t we all be happy that G is finally getting a pay check? Bahawahahahwah
C~A saw some of you OTH post- good work. I downloaded that 100th episode when it came out back in Jan? & the only thing I could tie into the story was the nanny was as M described. Looks like she watched that show alot & lived in a fantasy world, tied in lots of scenes.
You’re not teasing us, RU? Karma always comes around, but somehow I didn’t think it would work this quick for what they have done to Caylee. I sure hope so!
BTW Beth… where you been girl????? Been worried about you! Thought I was gonna have to drive down to some of the casinos and wander up and down isles calling your name!!!! 😉
My mom and dad Jan and Simon ROCK! your all jealous huh cus there the parents I forgot about having! I know…. LMAO
We can wait Simon. Take your time and get it right. Sounds like being part of the BNN family might be an even bigger source of pride for all of us soon. GO GIT ‘EM SIMON !!!
Will simon and jan update this post when they have confirmation or do we need to keep looking for a new post???
Picks thank you for the cinnamon info, I can’t believe how much it helps, my vision is clearing up & how much better I feel- can read w/o my glass alot more now & its only been a weekish? You can keep your olive oil, lol, that was nasty going down.
Katfish – good question! For those of us who can’t be online tonight…. how and where do we go to get our socks blown off and our toes cleaned tomorrow morning?????
That’s right! Pickly Poo already knows! That’s it! Everyone…. DOG PILE ON PICKLY POO! We’ll carve her into a pickle spear if she won’t talk! 😆
nana- I know I might be a perverted mind but I would not like to nail the Ant family… maybe blow up their boat and watch them in jail!
Nana…. I’ll be here for another 15 minutes or so and will be hoping my socks fly off! Heck, if it’s good enough, my entire outfit can be sucked right off! (my poor co-workers!)
Butters you can put olive oil on oatmeal? I read where you put it on an apple, yuk! I ain’t liken the olive oil. I got cinnamon in capsules, I’m a 45 yr old baby 🙂 Cinnabetic, can take it w/ water lol.
Man that irish girl is really kicking around in that crock pot here in the kitchen..should be done soon!
No joke Picks, I until a few months ago I could read big print & write w/o glasses, then it all blurred. The other day I was writing a list & realized I didn’t have my glasses on, so yea, too cool, I’d never heard of cinnamon & I’m borderline diabetic, I’ve taken chromimum for years but I guess I wasn’t doing the trick anymore. So THANK U, see the tips help, I don’t want insulin!
My poor mother in law has diabetes and has to have a pump for insulin. I feel for her its hard! Hopefully they will come out with a pump where they do not have to do their blood sugar it does it by itself and pumps etc.. heard they are workin on it.
Beth THAT IS FANTASTIC! Pickles, you are great to share. I take cinnamon when I think about it — but now, I won’t forget.
Uh, does the title of this article “….the smell gets worse” have anything to do with all the socks that are going to be blown off? Alright people! Two words…. FOOT POWDER …. place place a liberal amount on your tootsies and pass to the next blogger please! Keep it movin’ folks… never know when the socks are gonna blow!!!!!
Capy if you have sugar probs take it, I got Cinnabectic capsules, I was looking for empty gel caps to fill my own & they showed me these, 2 a day- can’t believe the improvement in a weekish.
Lorim…. actually, I’m a Leo…. not sure if that is an earth sign or not…. don’t know much about that stuff.
Where will G&C go for their next pay check now that Oprah & the victims conference dropped them? Poor G, can’t hold a job, even a scam one!
Well… *sigh*…. looks like my time is up and my socks are still securely on my feet *sigh* guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get the lint between my toes blown off! Good night all! I hope Simon drops the bomb soon and it is everything we hope it will be! God Bless all and PLEASE, don’t forget to use that foot powder! I don’t want to come in here in the morning and smell toe cheese! 😆
My guess is Cindy’s charge cards are full again.All of them…her own..and Casey’s in Cindy’s name and George’s in Cindy’s name. That is the beginning of her karma.
Jo… like a hot potatoe… they got negative mail and threats about having the ants there so they cancelled them! Ain’t it GREAT? 😆
Jo, yes Lorim posted it earlier on the other blog, they were dropped due to hate mail, can you believe it, lol.
It looks like their victim scam in coming to an end, they even failed at that. Maybe they can give fishing tours for an income, down in Mexico.
Beth with the boat they got and a 50 hp motor maybe tours of a lake or little river in Mexico? The good knews is if George goes blind from lying he has sonar!
Katfish – Your post really got me thinkin! Money trail through the credit cards, is that what you meant? Like the idea.
If you ever want to make those faces, just put your arrow over the face and it will give you the combination. Just make sure you put a couple spaces before the colon, and a couple spaces after if you continue typing.
OK Let’s play a guessing game where the money is coming from just like who will American Idol!!! GO DANNY GOKEY!!!!!
Ophra would be my first pick!!! She wants the Anthony’s in her hot seat!!! But then again maybe it’s ummm Geraldo (nahhhh)He would be better off chasing the scumbug Cummings around, Geraldo gots a way of weeweeing in Ron cheerios and setting him off!!!
I always said, if the fairy godmother granted me one wish, all I would want is Monday’s USA Today delivered to me on the Friday before.
if G goes blind we won’t tell him about cinnamon! I bet G&C are fit to be tied after being dumped twice in one week, they thought they were special, they forgot to add the ed to that.
LOL @ Lexie and Lissy’s Papa I would rather have crystal ball that see’s all!!!!! No such luck bahhumbug!
Mandy I hope they talk show circuits now see there is no point in having them on. How many more times do we have to hear the same sh!t? They say nothing. On a self improvement level C did lose the gum, took her 100s of tv spots to get it, not a quick study!
I agree Beth this story is like watching a Hollywood Movie with all kinds of twists and turns but the saddest part of this whole story is that sweet little girl!! It just seems justice for Caylee is not what the Anthony’s want. If Casey was my daughter and charged with killing my grandchild I would want the truth and justice. No child should have to go through such fear as I bet this little girl did.
That’s what was different about Cindy I thought it was just the quiet voice. I notice she had a different shirt on in the same shade of green as at the depo. Not a goog color on her!
Capy, that really wasn’t what I meant but at one time KC had 45,000 charged up and word was Cindy had to take it out of her 401k that may be how they are living and not working…until the gravy train comes in.
That is whats sad, for the most part you seldom even see Caylee’s pics anymore after all of Ms were released. Which may be a good thing to let it slip in the back for now so that the jury isn’t immuned & when they show Caylee’s pics at trial it will cause more reaction.
Katfish I thought it was possible that M had run up that much $ but after all we know now, the way C grabbed up the $200 from Ms purse, do we really think they were capable of having that much credit? Anyone in a position to run up that much on credit cards would surely be smart enough not too.
I have done jury duty a few times but this is one time I am glad I do not live in Florida and I cannot be called for jury duty!!! I do not think I could support the judge asking me to be fair and impartial and see all the evidence before I make a verdict!! I mean please what parent just misplaces their child for a month before reporting her missing for 30 days???? She must been having 30 days of those twinkie moments she is having now in jail!!!!
Lorim I kept waiting for her to roll off w/ ‘no more wire hangers’. She almost got mad, forget what ? was asked but I saw the fire flare then quickly she regained control.
I am posting this link here in part to show that we have support, of the great majority of most politicians. But as this report shows, a great deal of work needs to be done. How could 47 out of 49 members of parliament (in Quebec) vote against a members bill of this kind?
Beth, during the depos I could swear I saw her head spin around right before she came back from break with her mic back on! LMAO!
Mandy I couldn’t, I would have to say I have already found her guilty & would like to see the chair plugged in now. I wonder how many will say they can be fair? And how many of them will be lying to get on the jury 😉
Katfish I agree about cc’s, 10 yrs ago you got a new card each day, an app for one anyway. And beware the no limit ones. I still don’t see G&C being in a position to open that many, they had a bankruptcy at one time so IF M did do it why not file again, they have no prob doing it?
@ CA now that is one Sick Woman, I saw today where one mother was speaking out about her daughter possibly being drugged by that Woman!! And she says the police over looked it??? How could that be possible such allegations and the child having those drugs in her system????
I swear picks has messed with my fragile mind… every time I see the Junk mail in my hotmail account I think of M now.. SPANX Picks!
lmao Lorim, was that not too funny, I’d tell my husband ‘watch this, she won’t mic up then goes to break & comes back w/ the mic’, cracked me up, watched it several times.
MANDY – If the cops would have done something more about that drugged little girl….SANDRA WOULD BE ALIVE!
@ Beth yeah I agree some will be seeking their 2 mins of fame. And I wish they still used the chair for Death Sentences instead they put a little needle in their arms and let them just fall asleep if they started using the electric chair again and the slow torture of a gas chamber maybe some of these freaks would think twice.
Beth, that was my favorite part…she has a major boo-boo-baby tantrum, refusing to mic up, then comes back all crumpled, mic in place and sitting in the naughty chair….I just died laughing…she is such an imbecile!
“Like Sandra, the 7-year-old girl used to play with Huckaby’s 5-year-old daughter, Madison. The young woman said her sister had gone to the park that day in January with Huckaby despite not getting permission to do so.
When the little girl couldn’t be found, the family called police, the older sister told several news outlets, including ABC News, in a phone interview. Cops searched the entire mobile home park, “but she was nowhere to be found in here,” she said. “Then a couple hours later after the detectives and everybody came, Melissa brought her home.”
According to police logs she was returned in a purple Kia Sportage that matches the description of Huckaby’s car that was towed by police after Sandra’s murder.
The teen said her little sister, who was also a playmate of Sandra’s, had been drugged before she came home.
“Her speech was slurred … like she had a really bad lisp,” the woman said. “And she would cry a lot like something was wrong with her. She couldn’t stand up without help. She couldn’t walk. Everytime she tried to walk, she would fall.”
“So they took her to the hospital, and the hospital told us that she had muscle relaxants in her system,” the 18-year-old said.
The police logs from that day show that the little girl had benzodiazepines in her bloodstream. The drugs are often prescribed as a sedative or to induce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms and prevent seizures.
The teenager said the family was worried that her sister may have been abused that day, but tests at the hospital showed no evidence of sexual molestation.
The alleged victim’s older sister said she isn’t sure the police even questioned Huckaby after the incident.
“The policemen, the detective, they told us not to say nothing to Melissa,” she said. “I don’t know. They said that they talked to Melissa, but I don’t think they did. Because if they talked to Melissa, then something else would have been done.”
The teenager also claims the family filed a police report, despite police insistence to the contrary. “
@ C~A yes I totally agree!!!! It’s very sad to think a police department just overlooked this. I think their should be more laws imposed for investigation further into stuff like this.
My fav part of the depo’s will ALWAYS be the shot of them outside of the room and C yelling “YOU HAVE NO FAITH!” “YOU DONT TELL ME NOT TO PRAY!” and G telling her to shut up… ahahha lmao
I saw that interview w/ the other girls mother, why would she take her to 3 parks, in 4 hours, thats messed up. And cause of mothers past, & no doubt Huckbitches being a church lady, LE focused on her own mother.
The people who do these things know to keep their noses clean w/ the law, then the point the finger at the victim who may have a speeding ticket.
Hopefully the gag order in the Huckaby case won’t keep Sandra’s mother from getting to the bottom of this botched police job.
Thank God the Melanie Conference cancelled the Anthony’s invite. Just goes to show that the legitimate groups realize what liabilities these two media whores can be to anything truthfully honest.
I hope CBS feels like an idiot station now that they see what they “paid for”. Their interviewer babied these 2 idiots with softball questons and observations. She didn’t even ask them “if your daughter is innocent, WHERE IS THE KILLER?” Morons keep saying their daughter did not do it, but they dont seem to be looking for anyone else.
Lets face it, they could set sail on their boat that has (supposedly) more sophisticated equipment than police boats (sure!). Maybe the real killer is hiding under the water’s surface ala Atlantis.
Maybe they should both JUMP off the boat and go search for the killer! Take a few deep swallows of water and do the rest of us a favor. Disappear!
They are past delusional, they are past grief, they are past denial. They are just crackpots who are being used by the media and are using the media in return. 2 crazies spewing different stories each time they open their mouths.
Beast…I guess even a small step is good, but just out of curiosity, what was the minimum sentence for Human Trafficking Under The Age Of Eighteen BEFORE this bill ??? I mean 5 years seems like a slap on the wrist to me. I know that’s a minimum sentence, but still…..
Did anyone watch the WESH teaser about tonite’s interview with Bozo? He actually says that prosecutors must prove a crime has been committed. WHAT?!? When Crazy does get LWOP or DP, the appeals court will be overwhelmed with other idiots pleading Crazy had VERY BAD representation.
I’d still like to know how you swallow knives w/o losing your tongue! She is a freak, needed to a side show circus act w/ that one.
I think she yelled that about praying to try to make the atty’s look bad on camera. I mean really, does anyone believe Morgan told her not too?
I feel bad for Sandra’s family. It’s a sad when you can not trust people in your own community. And I feel for one of my nephews as my sister will not let him go out and play anymore unless she is watching him after this incident with Sandra. He used to play outside in the apartment complex play area with all the other kids and my sister trusted her neighboor’s and now she dont know who to trust. I cannot blame her for this attidude, but it is unfair to children everywhere not to feel safe to skip down the street or for that matter walk to a bus stop alone.
Here I was, proud that my daughter went to art school in NYC…. became a successul business woman…. bought her own home at the age of 24..bought me a brand new car….is kind to animals and people and is an overall good person.
What did I know?… I’m so disappointed in her, she didn’t cheat, lie, steal from her grandparents and friends, sleep around, drink , do drugs and oh yeah… kill her child. According to Suicide Georgie, THAT is what makes a parent proud.
What do ya’ll think about C&G saying M shouldn’t plea, is that their subconscious speeaking? If I had a child on death row I’d be pleading w/ them to plea, especially knowing they did it. I would want them to have time to repent to God, even if they were going to do time, I’d want to be able to visit. It would tear me up to have a child kill a child then die w/o repenting. So I don’t get the Ants, why don’t they just throw the switch on her, maybe the want her gone, they must cuz she’s going to fry.
What ever happened to the “story” where G was having the Kidnapper followed by his detectives? Why are they not looking for the REAL KILLER of Caylee? They knew from the minute their noses told them? More pie in the sky from the anthonys – as usual.
Good God the Captain of the ship is nuts (CMA), and the crew continues following her orders. She IS STILL THE BOSS. What power she weilds!
Wonderful, the lights have been turned on, (finally exposed!), and all the cockroaches/Ants are fleeing, running around in circles, and going nuts in their total panic! They liked it better I’m sure, when all this insanity was kept inside their little sick house. But … CMA did something SO HEINOUS – the LAW and SOCIETY got involved. BUSTED!
Beth – most of those knives, safety razor and boxcutter, come with strip of cardboard on them so you don’t cut your finger when you take them out of box.
But, my question to you is this: Are they on the commissary list at the Orange County Jail?? M could order some of them to go with her twinkies. 😆
Heart that boy best try hanging himself…that Craigslist killer….please son a bish doin that to innocent woman.
lol Elaine, you were proud of ‘that’. Pass the wig along, you don’t deserve it if you thought that was good 😛 Yes the rest of the world is backwards, we should be proud of the things we threatened to beat our kids for if they ever did them. Proud of things that we’d crawl under a table & hid if our kids did. They are proud of being stupid, well hey, they did get a pay check today, for being stupid.
AYe Elaine I still get the wig for the radio show right?? Dont do this to me its such a hit..Ill give you a shot out on air! ♥
@ Beth I agree about the razors. Unless she put them in something to swallow and when they came out they would cut open her stomach OMG ewwww. (that is a horrid picture)
they should of made her shittt them out herself in hind sight…new meaning to ripping someone a new a-hole the hard way 😉
Capy well that explains it, she left the cardboard on- duh- lol. When I was in the 1st grade we had girl come to the school at Halloween to tell us, basically to be scared sh!tless, to check our candy. She had bitten in to an apple w/ a razor blade & cut her mouth up. So on that line of thinking, razors..poptarts…gum… tongueless creatures to lie no more.
They need to drop her azz nekkid in the center of the baring sea with NO SURVIVAL SUIT OR COASTIES there to save her GUARANTEED DEATH then she would know what them kids felt like in her “care”
C~A, the doctor should of her patted her on the head & told her good luck w/ that, let me know how it all comes out.
OUCH CA but I totally agree, however if and I say IF she swallowed those razors how did she get out of the hospital so quickly. Cause where I come from that would be enough to stick ya in a straight jacket and have a check up from the neck up!
things we can learn from this, if someone always makes your drink but never lets any make theirs be leary.
lol Mandy, we must come from the same place, planet normal, & swallowing razors will get you a ticket to the nutzone.
KATFISH. I noticed that too … C is into vomit green or it is baby diarrhhea? Stupid woman. Thinks it’s a sophisticated color? Might be more than her other cheap clothes. Love it when G wears his blue shirt and they sit together. YUCK. Offensive.
HA as IF that would HELP this fish monger woman. Only the drugs will help her .. as we have seen recently. Druggie Spindy.
Hang yourself Spindy. You were writing suicide notes when you believed Caylee was alive? (Someone else mentioned this earlier too). Which WAY is it? Ah, Casey stopped you. MORE great PR for CASEY. That’s the NAME of this whole game isn’t it. Casey, Casey, Casey. ALL abougt CASEY and how wonderful she is. So then WHY were YOU going to try to GET CUSTODY from this GREAT mother? HELLOOOOOOOOO……
I have rarely posted on this board and tonight I think I have typed more in one article than ever! I love to come here and read the awesome articles. Now it’s Time to go get my daily does of the One and Only Susan Boyle’s lovely voice!!!!!!!!! I call it therapy!!!!!!!! Hearing her sing for those few minutes takes your mind away from these crazies out there and I just love the names ya’ll give these people. Bozo (hahaha)
Picks before I go slap my dinner I think the craigslist guy has what I call shark eyes, they’re dead looking, never trust those people, ever. Glad they got him before he kept on. He was doing it to fund gambling? Yea, I want to kill people so I can lose money & my soul.
Mandy thank YOU for landing with us your awesome! Listen to the radio show on Sunday 3pm CST and call in!! Wed love to hear from you~~
@ Ms. Pickles I have actually listened to them sometimes not always when they are on though but after the fact just depends on how soon I get the sunday thing out of the way.
heart- Sorry I stepped away. What makes me irritated with George is that flat smile and then looks away = warming up to lie.
People.. thanks for letting me know the wig was crookit. I thought something was wrong, because I was getting a big headakce.
Cindy says she wants “to know what happened”. Good Lord, Woman.. your daughter was home for weeks before she was indicted and put back in jail. What the hell did you all talk about?
Where does Cindy think she will ever get the answer to WHAT HAPPENED? Who does she think will ever tell her if not her daughter?
The fact that she sits with a straight face and spits out this crap is testament that she is totally NUTS. And any tv station that puts them on a show is making a mockery out of true informational interviews.
They admit.. they want to know WHAT HAPPENED? Well, then what do they have to offer… Answer.. NUTTIN!
Katfish, why does that one woman on JVM keep saying “if this thing ever comes to trial…” She said it twice. What does she mean??
also Cindy had once called police to remind them of a photo taken of Caylee in a blue dress ,& claims it was taken at Zanies apt
The tell on George, when he’s going to lie, is the rapid blinking his eyes. Each and every time he does it, a bald faced lie comes sailing out.
But, last time you wore it, I had to spend hours taking out all the toasted marshmallows and chewed swedish fish. I finally used Turpentine and not only did it get clean, but made those polyester curls shine!
Elaine – where is Sonny Boy? Probably stuffing ashes into more bracelets to sell at the boat dock. Funny!
KATFISH they have the kind of look that makes people want to smack them in the face, don’t they? Like a wise A** bulley, always challenging.
CAPY I caught that too, “If this thing ever comes to trial.” Maybe she means with all the delays, and I believe we are just getting started. Sarcastic? BOZO is getting milage out of saying this will take much longer now, and cost the people of FL much much money. Always, the SPIN Dr.
Lee has to be scared. Probably his lawyer told him to shut up, and he is listening. NOBODY tells Spindy tho, how to act or what to do. SHE knows it all and won’t let you EVER FORGET IT! Never correct, but never in doubt.
That parked car business is a SCAM..I seen like last fall a JVM and this woman said that Lee is a accountant downtown….and now he works for a Event planner for parking cars…He parks cars for big events he was an accountant..FUNNELING THAT CAYLEE GRAVIE LIKE KIDLOSERS INTO BS BUSINESSES..I heard that woman on there one of JVM’s panelists said it he is an accountant up town….
georgie porgie is a horrible liar…and about that flat smile…he does it everytime he tellS a “mistruth”… lmfao..mistruth…spindee is a damn mistruth…her mutha shoulda blown him that day! 😳
@ Elaine they were probably to busy fighting over the twinkies for Cindy to talk to Casey and get the truth from her?? Well from all the pictures I have seen of Casey lol someone should send her a truck load of HO HO’s!
SIMON…..OMG you got me so curious i probably wont sleep for being on my pc waiting for your info!!!! awsome article hopefully are little princess will get some justice…while it may look like the ants are enjoying themselfs with caylee’s death paying thier tab, i wonder how they even sleep at night doing what they are doing….hopefully they will have to pay for thier greedy selfs!!! AMEN!!
What a donk that craiglist killer police have found panties of 2 of the women he killed in his apartment! And is on suicide watch after shoelace marks were found on his neck.
C~A/BEAST this question is for you guys cince i know you live in canada, also i know another blogger lives there to but cant think who at the moment…well i read true crime books i picked one up today that hapened in vancuver canada the book is called butcher and its about a pig farmer named robert pickton? he was a serial murder who got away with murdering 50 women over a 20 yr peirod are you familiar with this case?? it sounds pretty grusom i just bought the book today and only read a few pages, i had to put it down to complete housework or id have never got anything done…when i start reading i seem to read till the book is just wondering if you guys heard of this creep!!! thanks Anna
@ Butter’s and His girlfriend and family is still standing behind like umm duh people open the blinkers your son is a freak!
“The father of an Ontario girl who vanished more than two weeks ago said he “strongly believes” he knows the person in a composite sketch of a woman caught on surveillance video with his daughter, but the girl’s mother says she doesn’t recognize the woman.
Rodney Stafford said Wednesday the woman last seen with his abducted daughter, eight-year-old Victoria (Tori) Stafford, looks like someone he recognizes from his high school years.
“I have my beliefs as to who I think the individual is,” Stafford said noting he has talked with police.
“There’s a lot of similarities in the eyes, cheeks and face to someone a lot of people know,” said Stafford. “If anybody out there notices what I noticed in the photo there are going to be a lot of phone calls coming into the (police) station.”
Stafford said he also has friends who believe they recognize the woman in the sketch and have contacted investigators.
Police investigating the abduction of Tori released the composite sketch late Tuesday night of a young woman seen with Tori shortly after she went missing in Woodstock, about 150 kilometres southwest of Toronto.
But while Tori’s father believes he knows the woman, Tara McDonald, his separated partner and Tori’s mother, told reporters Wednesday she has no clue who the woman is.
“I’ve watched the video over and over to try and put that face on that body, on that walk and tried to put it together and I don’t recognize anybody,” she said.”
Oh and Victoria’s mom says she sobs etc etc in her house but says something like M would say like she isn’t gonna be doing it in front of everyone everyday. (she has many press conferences outside their house)
@ Butters lol they do not need coddled (however dat is spelled). They all need checkups from the neckup. Or a visit from the Ghost’s of Past taking them for a spin around Planet Reality World for wee bit of time.
She said that G&C were trying to saturate the jury pool on t.v in her preview of what they are gonna talk about.. I was like damn NG lol
beast was it close to where your at??? amazing he got away with that for so long, in the book he accually stabed one girl who got away when he first went on his rampage but he got a high priced lawyer and because she was a adict he basically got a slap on the wrist…funny they didnt put it together sooner!
Wow! A bolt of lightening struck right outside my house. Ny computer went on hibernate. The damn bird flew over and shit on me. WAHHHHHH! The weather man said no precipitation for 72 hours this morning. Jerk! Silly me I thought that meant no rain for 72 hours let alone lightening and thunder. Wonder if his last name is Anthony? 🙁
Rolls eyes @ the thought of G & C saturating the jury pool. Anyone in florida who has not heard of this case is going to be hard to find. So how can anyone saturate the jury pool? That makes no sense.
I imagine the chances of Simon getting confirmation tonight is getting slim. I should get off the computer until this passes. Nice to talk to you all. I’ll check back later.
WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing will have an interview with Anthony attorney Jose Baez at 11 tonight. Anchor Martha Sugalski said at 11 last night that Baez “makes the case for why Casey could go free. We’ll explore four areas in the case where Baez and other prominent players say reasonable doubt could exist. We’re going to tell your what the key battleground is going to be.”
Grumbles what makes me so angry is that G & C should be wanting justice for Caylee and it just appears they want to believe everything Casey says. Sure C wants to know what happened, but I think she already does!!!! It does not take Rocket Science to figure it out.
Just went over to Caylee Daily forum, and they are getting worked up about Simon’s article. One person even copied Simon’s post @ 4:31 to Beast and pasted it into a post.
NG’s head just about split open. I know she is just fed up with the Ants changing what they have said. When one of the gals said, it didn’t make a lot of difference, the Ants could be called in “limited testimony”.
Craap! I’d like for them to have to answer for every contradictory, and mistruth they have said from the beginning.
I don’t want to open all of them – be kind to me please! My computer is really getting slow. Dumping my temp files ain’t working, will defragment tonight, I think.
Capy…It’s the open thread forum on the NG show. I just came back from there and they’re still copy/paste from here. Just saw where someone had posted Simon saying having Sean on your tail was like a bad case of hemroids.
Ms Pickles – yahl can stahr gaze later, make him tell me what article at Caylee Daily he’s talking about.
missed some of ng it seems to be a good one to well ill just have to go to her site cant wait for simon and jans news…wish they could just call me that would be easier!!!!
I never see NG Anna…hardly ever I did catch it last night an it was the craigslist killer dude…LOSER needs to be shot.
ELAINE …cindy can’t come up with a “story” till the defense gets all the evidence to them….they have to create a story that doesn’t conflict with the facts of the case. IMO.
@ Ms. Pickles what is really skeery about that dude is Me and my friend frequent that Casino He was on way to when got pulled over and she called me last night and said omg we might have seen him there. Talk about skeerie! That guy had the world on his way to being a Dr. a great fiance (who still proclaims him innocent-another candidate for a checkup from the neckup)and yet he did this crazy stuff??? I am like dumbfounded at all the crazy people of lately!!!
I think the whole family sees $$$$. Remember when the father told casey that lee was going to get into a whole new career….with kid finders people….what a great job he was doing looking for caylee.
She needs a free clinic doctor and some alcohol wipes for the seats in the court room when she is done in em! A big ol swab
Does Spindy have another mental problem beside being a Sociopath?Does she have Multiple Personality Disorder? It’s like watching 2 different women – at that Deposition and today and yesterday on CBS. Could it be JUST drugs?
She really looks like TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Two totally different people!! NOTHING alike. EXTREMES – which is par for the course for the anthonys.
Ah frustrated, dull little people who NEED their DRAMA! The world has become her stage … Sociopath Spindy.
GABBY you and I agree there…they have justified the MURDER of a child by the value of the dollar bill!
and another thing like oh Duh someone just found these panties on the street and decided to plant them in his apartment WOOOOHHH Doggy people are crazy!
Pickles these people are stupid and their lawyers stinks. He should have reviewed their previous interviews so they would not contradict themselves….they should do jail time.
Sean said from day one that the clues to the investigation is the money trail I agreed with him since day one….they are all in for the money and financial gain! All of them I been saying it since I learned of Caylee.
The police found panties that matched the victims of the craighlist killer in his apartment. But his family and His girlfriend are professing his innocence.
Gabby there choads they are involved in the murder cover up of this child…they are gaining financially off her death kidfinders and them are benefitting from spreading the lie of ther daughters innocene to gain in wealth..I have been saying it Sean krause has been saying it…its obvious that Caylee died so they could reap the financial benefits from her death. by spreading the lie of the murderer.
SICK….TROPHY KILLS! That had NOTHING TO DO WITH A GAMBLING DEBT THAT IS A KILLER THRU AND THRU he took home a trophy from his murders …let him claim it was a debt…NAWW THATS A TROPHY KILL
….and why does Cindy hyperventilate when the credit cards are bought up….and didn’t casey have some issues with tickets….did her cop boyfriend fix them? And thought I read somewhere casey might have been using a driver’s license with zanni’s name…
Anybody know how to get ahold of that Craig’s List killer’s girlfriend ??? Sounds like she’s gonna be available. I’ve never had a woman that wouldn’t kill ME if she found another woman’s panties in my house. (Pickles is gone ain’t she ??)
Exactly and today on one of the news they showed where he took a medical book and carved out the spot for his gun. Is more to gambling and what is even sicker is with each incident it got worse till he killed one of the victims.
Stay tuned! Bound to change weekly. They have NO understanding nor respect for the TRUTH. Cindy is really looking NUTS these days – to me.
LOL @ L & L’s Papa yea she gonna be available for awhile. I do not think that summer wedding and having a nice life is gonna happen the way she planned. And I heard a bit ago He tried to commit suicide and is now on suicide watch but not sure on how accurate that is yet has been no offical release that I have seen yet.
@heart I do not think that C needs to do anything to saturate a jury the media and release of evidence has already done that it’s going to be hard to find a good jury pool on this one and what they find is going to be those looking for their 15 minutes of fame for convicting her and sending her to death row.
Hello Everyone. Ms Pickles I have a question that I think Simon knows the answer to, but I a hoping that you know that answer too, or could find out. I listened to the radio station when Sean krause was on. He knew so much about Sindy, and I am sure that Sinday was afraid that Sean would be called to testify about the things she has said to hi,. I do not want to sound disrespectful because I really liked listening to Sean on the radio, and I do miss him. But since he knew so much and he knew that he was so sick, did he write down everything that Sin had told him and did he have it noterise? Or if he talked to the state investagaters was that enough so that it could be used in court?
I have not seen Nancy Grace yet, so have I missed anything exciting today? I do know that the ants are not going to be speakers, and I am so happy about that as I left them a nice email, and I emailed Tim and Marc, and everyone I could think of, to say that it was not right to have them as speakers.
Ok everyone, there has to be someway that you can all let me know where I can find you. when I get home from work
Pickles on your post at 7:50pm, I think it was anna not Anne A. I maybe need to change my name, it confusing me sometimes. LOL
My curiosity is definately peaked. But is the news something that will help convict Casey? Not just another accusation of improper behavior by Baez that will lead to filing complaints against him like the 2 that are already being investigated by the Bar Assoc.
I think it’s extremely cool to see the hard work of Simon and Jan cause the stir on the web that this article has.
Caylee Anthony might yet get some justice. While George and Cindy Anthony have been enjoying the good life at the expense of the TV stations, and Jose Baez …
Sara Jane says: April 23, 2009 at 10:01 pm Ok, this is the first time I read Simon’s blog, I have heard bloogernetwork news show online, but Simon seems to have something truely sensational. Any ideas
OMG We are so misguided. George just said that Casey told him the same thing she told Cindy. She was afraid. All those pictures of her at parties, and shopping. That was all done because she was in such terror! That poor young girl was just so scared, she had to make sure everything she did was photographed. She wanted to make sure if whoever was after her, found her, they would be captured on film. They absolutely would not get by with doing anything to her. So if I am ever afraid, I guess the first thing to do is go on a non-stop party and document my every move. Now I understand where she is coming from, it all makes perfect sense to somebody somewhere! I tried to wrap my mind around it but it still don’t compute with me.
What gets me… this Conway guy, sitting in his chair… listening “intently” to these bafoons. Encouraging them to make fools of themselves. And.. he is doing it for FREE?
Tossing his reputation down the drain for what? For being associated with lunatics? He’s a young guy, how does he think anyone with a brain would hire him after this? Even if he writes a book.. (OH NO.. a book??), how much could he make? Plus, they will sue him and the circle will continue.
Cindy keeps saying she believes her daughter “who knows what this girl has gone through”.. THIS GIRL? For a woman who loses her temper at the drop of an ash if someone crosses her, Grandma expects everyone to believe she just sat back and is waiting to hear “what happened”?
I’m tired of their whining and lies and coverups. No one ever told them NOT to love their daughter. But, please.. admit what she is … love her.. support her.. BUT.. help her admit what she did and accept that she should be punished.
You know I bet there really is a lot of fear around this girl. Think about all the guys she was kanoodling the last few months. I bet the local aids testing center had to put in overtime, just to accomadate her partners.
There has to be someone eles, it was not casey alone, drugs and money is that where we are going? not hard to belive!
NG is showing clips from the Early Show and George says he don’t think its possible for his daughter to hurt anyone. WAKE UP GEORGE, she has hurt every single person she has come in contact with for several months now maybe even years. People who have NEVER MET her personally are having their lives ripped apart.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the ants or kc took out an insurance policy on Caylee. If by chance kc did, that would give the state a motive.
Dog the Bounty hunter, what a joke that bunch is. I guess his show isn’t as popular as it used to be, I guess we all do whatever it takes to make it. Dog and Beth like to be in the limelight and they want to continue the life they had become accustomed to. Another circus is coming to town.
Lorim I thought they had established there was no insurance on Caylee. I know I heard that womewhere. Although nothing would surprise me when it comes to Casey. I think George and Cindy really DID love Caylee, but she is gone and Cindy needs to protect the monster she made at ANY costs. Even Caylee.
You can tell by the way the Ants acted on the last interview on the today show, they know something serious involving them is about to come out. That is why her voiced changed to this soft sound, and tried to look gentle and harmless kissing george and all that…its a front…there has to money involved, Cindy have to come up with some money to pay the detective to go out in the woods and look for the body…or move it or whatever was up with that. Cindy was involved with that 100 percent. That’s obvious, I am sure the detectives will, or have already, came forward about the truth to save their own asses on who hired them and why.
Yeah it is everyones business where the money comes from, its against the law to profit in a murder…hello!!!
Did KC hurt her parents by getting them into debt? What about the 45 thousand great grandma said that kc stole from her parents, and that they had almost lost their house. Wasn’t it hurting KC grandparents when she stole the money from them and the money that was suppose to pay for Sinladys, father’s rest home. Isn’t that considered elder abuse? Wasn’t it hurtful to KC’s friend, when she stole her money, and went shoping at target, Where do these people the ants live, under a rock. Sure kc is reading law books, she is doing that so she will know how to file for an unfair trial, because bozo screwed up. Where are KC’s friends are they standing behind her supporting her, or are they to busy taking their medicines to get rid of the VD’s that they got from kc? These are strange sick people.
Ummmmm, how about stealing nursing home money from her grandfather….how about stealing money from her grandmother to pay for a birthday cake?…. how about telling her fiance that he is going to be a father.. then.. whoops.. No, you aren’t…. how about stealing hundreds of dollars from her good friend who lent her a car?……how about telling her boyfriend that her own brother wanted to have sex with her?…. umm, how about telling her friends that her father had a heart attack and he didn’t…… ummmmm, how about disappearing for a month, not telling anyone where she or her daughter was, knowing her parents would be going crazy with worry…….
jrubly, I beg to differ with you. It is the business of the authorities what the money donated to help find Caylee is being spent on. Thousands of people sent in their hard earned money because they wanted to help find Caylee. They DID NOT send money in to support the Anthonys or defend Caylee’s killer. It is illegal to take money earmarked for one purpose and use it as a personal bank account. All money left should have been turned over to a non profit organization that helps missing children. George and Cindy Anthony have NO right to use the money to live the high life on. It should not be used to pay attorneys to defend a baby killer!
And where is Conway getting his money to pay his personal bills, if he is working for the ants free? Does he have other cases? I don’t think that he does, because his web site is blank, he is too busy running around with the ants, and kissing up to them. I do not think he would ever tell them no to anything, because then they may tell him to go away. He is not doing this for free, he needs money too, unless he is a rich man himself.
Yeah the fake psychic Ginette whatever tf her name is couldn’t have been the tipster for every ‘PI’ & moron who went digging in the woods for Caylee’s body just feet from where it was. I hope it’s something big coming out not another NG type of ‘bombshell’ that I already knew last month.
Casey only deserves, what any other person who cant afford the legal team she has gotten. Not paid by blood money from Caylee. Anyways, even O.J.s defense team couldn’t get Casey off. Not going to help her anyway. ha
Caylee is not missing, she never was a missing child. She was the victim of her mother. Caylee is dead, memorial is over, killer arrested awaiting trial and the Anthonys need to stop living off blood money! They are ungrateful money grubbing, liars that need to face the truth and support themselves.
I don’t believe some psychic…told someone to go feet away from the body either, no way…only God, Casey and who ever Casey told would know that. The Ants thought they could buy these people off, but they are going to found out, that they didn’t. I think that is whats coming out most likely is having to do with that.
Why does Cindy freak out extra when detectives & ZG’s attorney’s mentioned the JCPenney card, or Casey stealing by forging Cindy’s name to open up & charge on credit cards?
The Anthonys were broke flat busted when this whole thing started. They have not earned or received a paycheck in almost a year. I have said it before, if my family went without a check for that long, no wolf would be at our door, we would have killed and ate the wolf. No the Anthonys have been on a free ride far to long and now they feel entitled to live off the money kind, well intentioned people sent in find a child. They are not the only grandparents that have lost a child. They are not even the only ones whose child killed their grandchild. This is outrageous behavior. I can not think of any other grandparents who have abused the kindness of strangers the way these people have. The mother in Texas that drown her children, Susan Smith etc. NONE of those family members pulled the crap the Ants are pulling. These people DO NOT act like victims, they are predators. The taxpayers and the donors are their biggest victims. GEORGE & CINDY GET A JOB!!!!! STOP USING THAT BABY YOU LOVED, ITS WRONG!!!!!!!
I was a little amused about the ants being interviewed by a news anchor with a Hispanic last name…. read in earlier posts that the ants are not liking Hispanics for some reason.
I was very moved by Klaas’s comments on NG tonight in which he spoke with compassion about the ants, not excusing them by any means, but with compassion. He takes the high road.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if the IRS came after the ants, Bozo, and the other sidekicks… and financial disclosure became available?
It would be so nice if all of kc’s other attorneys quit on her. I don’t know if they can now. would it be legal for them to do so? Well Caylee’s grandparents are not being there for caylee. Caylee lost her family’s support again, so the only ones watching out for little Caylee is the State of Florida, and all of us, and all of Caylee’s other supporters.
How dare those ants go on tv and kiss up to all the people, when they were total losers at their depo. They just think of themselves and all the money they can get. They are just after all the money that they can get, because they are losers, they lie, and they do not have any intentions of ever going back to work again. Besides who would hire them after all their lies and the way they have acted. No One and they know it, that is why they want the money. And since they have been getting all of this money, and kc too, in her jail account, have any of them paid back Sindy’s mother and father? Have they paid back kc’s friend?
I also, think there is a BIG reason Oprah and the other thing the Ants where getting ready to do had been cancelled, something BIG is coming out on Cindy and George…I mean, Oprah already knew, that a lot of people wouldn’t like her having them on the show, before she decided to have them on..what changed her mind all a sudden.
The office of Morgan (Z’s attorney) sent videos from the depositon to OPRAH, so she would ask some of the questions the grieving grandparents didn’t answer during their rude, ranting depos.
Probably when the OPRAH staff saw these fruitcakes behaving so bady, they advised OPRAH to REinvite.
They can say its because the Anthonys went on another show first.. but I still think OPRAH’s people said.. Nuh UH to these pariahs.
I saw Mark on NG and I understood what he was saying. The Anthonys are in a bad place BUT they have brought much of this on themselves. I am sorry but I do not think if my daughter killed my grandchild, I would EVER try to pretend it didn’t happen. It I had raised a monster capable of such a crime, I know me, if I never got it before, that would wake me up. I would realize that I had raised this girl to think she was the ONLY one who counted. I would also know I had contributed to her attitude of believing she is numerO UNO and above the law. I mean she feels justified in killing her child, cause she wanted to party and be a HO. It may be the hardest thing I ever had to face but I know I love my daughter enough to say STOP young lady, YOU ARE BROKEN! It is time to get you fixed and to do that you have to admit and pay for your actions.
AnneA I totally agree,. The Ants, they are predators.They are taking money from hard working people.
I wish that the IRS or whoever it is that checks into Foundations, does an audit on theirs. Maybe Lee is the bookkeeper, since his girlfriend is on their payroll too. But didnt I read a while ago that Lee was being investigated for mis using money that had been sent in to find Caylee? I read that a long time ago, but never heard anymore about it.
Anne A Just like someone said a few minutes ago, (I dont remember who) That Susan Smiths family didnt stick up for her, and lie and make money off of their daughter (Susan Smith) when she killed her two sons.
Maybe Marc Klass had his reasons for being a little softer on the Ants tonite. Maybe because they looked so nice on CBS LOL
DM if you read the post from earlier this evening I think. I believe it was jules that tried to send an email to Kidfinders and to inquire about their work and purpose so forth. Anyway the email CAME BACK as un-deliverable!! That sounds like something is fishy about them, I don’t think Caylee Foundation is any more legitimate. I didn’t hear that about Lee but I will admit, I have times when I ignore the news and tv in general. Since this case started, at times it gets to be more then I can deal with and I go on overload. So I ignore it completely, that info about Lee and misappropriating money may have happened in one of my black out periods.
It is 9 here I have to get going, and get things ready for tomorrow, so I will be back tomorrow nite that is if I can find everyone.
How interesting about kidfinders. Maybe they are getting worried about be investigated. Or maybe they have been, but I do not think so or it would have been on the news. Did anyone check into the caylee foundation? Who investigates Foundations? Or can just anyone set on up. I would think that Conway would make sure that everything is on the up and up. I still can not understand why he keeps hanging around them. Is he hurting that bad for money. He must be
hello all first of all lets clear some things here. The Caylee MArie Anthony Foundation is not recieving money as of yet. it isn’t even fully set upi yet. And also even when it is setup fully unless people donate there is no salary. Salaries for board memebrs do not just appear out of nowhere. They are most lilke ly getting the money somwhere else. personally I don’t care as long as its not coming from me and I think other people should feel the same way. Nobody really knows where the money is coming from and speculating and accusing is such a bad thing and shows just that when people do it it makes them no better than the Ants. This whole sham and circus should stop being discussed so it will go away. The more people feed of it in the media and on the internet the more its going to get worse . I believe the Ants read these blogs and get ideas so it would be in my advisement not to give them any ideas or thoughts. This whole case has gotten way out of hand and unforunately I believe Baez may be right although I haven’t heard his comments on the news about it but it has been my feeling all along. When people who are not part of the invesigation(LE. PI’s, DA etc) things tend to go bad I do understand peoples anger about this but getting to involved in it could be worse than letting things go the way they are. I would hate eo see something happen to keep Casey from getting the DP or life because someone got involved the wrong way . so my opinion is that if people feel the need to be part of the case(so to speak) just be careful because you may regret it later. If Baez is reading these forums and is hearing that people who are not part of the investigation are sending things to LE or the DA or State Attorney in regards to helping them it could backfire to a mistrial. The intentions are good but use careful judgement, because you never know what will happen.
AnneA I knew someone mentioned it, I was just to tired to scoll back to see who it was. I am glad that you remembered, case I am brain dead tonite. LOL I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. What a long week it has been
According to what was investigated they didn’t find any misuse of funds to find Caylee. Actually the money they did use went to flyers, T-shirts and things like that.
DM I am almost positive it was jules who tried sending an email, she was on a fishing expedition. She told them she may want to contribute and wanted to know how everything is handled. Her email came back, they do not have an email address, I wonder if they are even real… Yes anybody can set up a foundation, very easily, there is nothing to it. No problem at all. Requires no money, and no background checks, nothing except getting a license.
That was very nice of you Dakdude3said. to let us know. Where are you from, I do not remember seeing you here before.
I think the Ants will find their foundation won’t last. Without donations or funding from either corperations, government or so there will be no Salary.
Where is Beaufort? And how do you know so much about what we should say and not say? What makes you thing that the A’s come in here and read what we say? We are all friends in here
So what do you know about how they get their money? If fact what do you know that we dont know. It seems like you have some inside imformation maybe
AnneA Are you going to be here tomorrow too, and this weekend? Since our Dog came home from the vet, it has been so nice. The MRI came out, no tumor and the spinal tap came back clear. So all that is wrong is that she has Epilepsy
dakdude3 what makes you think that they will not get donations or funding from either corperations, government and that there will be no Salary. they have to be getting something, as they have the boat that they are not using and the ATV.
Well dakdude, as I told my friends a little while ago, I have some things that need to be done, so I will be seeing everyone tomorrow.
Dskdude with all due respect, the Anthonys ARE living off donations and blood money. They are paying their bills and keeping their home running. It has been nearly a year since either of them worked. If you listened to the conversation George had with the FBI you would know they had NO savings to fall back on. They were in financial straits in a severe way.
Next, again with all due respect if you feel this strongly about people discussing this case, why are you coming on this site? The people who blog here, met over this case. I am not one of the original bloggers but the whole site was born because of Caylee Anthony. It is still a news story, for them not to discuss it, would be an impossibility. As far as people sending stuff to the DA, I don’t see how that can possibly hurt the prosecutors case. They are not stupid and would never jeopardize the case. I think the blogger who sent something to the DA, did so to make sure they know, the tape is not common. They have every right and maybe even an obligation to check it out for themselves. He did not sent them anything to prove the facts in court, he wanted to prove his facts to the prosecutors. I don’t think you are going to find anyone who belongs to the BNN family that is going to agree with you. I to get tired of the Ants but I don’t try to tell others they have to abandon this case that they are clearly and by choice vested in. I think we each have to follow our own heart and if for you that is moving past the Anthony case by all means you should. But as Dr. Phil says “That dog don’t hunt here.”
Well for starters beaufort is 45 miles north of Savannah GA. And as far as how much I know about what you should or shouldn’t say. Let me rephrase that its not that tou shouldn’t say anything its just to be careful. I know i don’t know the law but its just i would hate see the slim possibility that something that is said or sent to LE or the State attorney could get out and since it would be coming from someone who is not part of the investigation it probaly wouldn’t be submitted as evidence anyway. If one of us sent something that was presented in court by the Prosecution and it found out where it came from it could be thrown out and I am sure it would be something Baez would love so that why I say be careful. Sometimes things don’t always work out the way we all plan. As far as teh Ants, if you think they or their attorney don’t scour the internet and blog sites then you my friend are crazy(no offense intended). I could almost guarantee they are and even Baez. I don’t know anything about where they get their money and don’t reaaly care and I also don’t assume or speculate where they get it. If it is illegally obtained they wil be caught eventually. And I wish I had inside info, I just say whats on my mind and what I feel is happening.
D M I am going to read your posts I just wanted to say some things to dakdude. Yes I will be here tomorrow and the weekend.
AnneA I have been with BNN since around the beginning. They are not getting there money from the foundation trust me on that. Last time I looked a couple of monthd ago there ws under $2000 in it, so where the money is coming from who knows. I wasn’t saying not to send things to the prosecution I was simply saying when people do they need to be careful. If the prosecution gets something from someone outside the investigation especially on a blog or any other site and they investigate it mainly because of where it came from and it got out Baez would have a field day and there would go his fair trial claim. If individual citizens started getting involved and things were being investigated because of these involvements don’t think for a minute it wouldn’t matter. Thats waht the defense wants to through as much doubt and not going to get a fair trial out there that they can. I just think people should let LE and justice prevail. Just as a hypothetical question what if the prosecution did some info from someone not even near related to the case and investigated and then went to court with it and the judge ruled it out and it did hurt the case then what would people think.
And before anyone else who knows me comes in with guns ablazing I am not insulting anyone or anything like that. i am also not in support of the Ants or Maggot, but I am concerned that people may be getting to involved, and the reason I say that is that I have seen peoples attitudes change since we all started blogging adn its not healthy. I want Casey to go down as much as anyone, and for the Ants to too, but let time take it and it will happen. I really like all of you on here, i just don’t want to see anyone end up going crazy over all this(LOL). You are all to smart an educated for that. Just let things continue and relax a little. Especially Pickles, I wouldn’t want to see that nice redhair get any redder(just Kidding).
Dak now come on it has been stated by not only the Homesteads but also by Michelle barf that cindy and george are now salary paid board members that are getting 29$k a year and more due to it being a high profile case…I read it we all read it now whether thats from the Caylee Foundation or not they are making money of her name off the lie and the image of a child who was NOT missing but whom was murdered by her mother the woman they support
Dak dont you bring me into your rant I have not changed a bit…I am an author and a radio show panelist for Caylee Haleigh and other abused children….
They have been receiving funds and donations thru other means other then the CMA Foundation they got money thru PayPal….they all had there own personal PayPal..even Lee….they got money thru they got money thru donations to kidfinders they got money thru Caylee’s myspace page now dont tell me there not benefiting financially from her…Death! They have more now in her dying then in her life.
DM to answer your question regarding my good friend Sean Krause….Im sure that whatever contact he had with cindy anthony is well documented.♥
Dakdude, you checked on one account, not really understanding how you did that. But if its an account that can be accessed by the general public you can bet it is there for that reason and no other. NO ACCOUNTING has EVER been given about the amount of money donated or how it has been spent. NEVER!!! Since you are one of the original bloggers on this site, you should know better then I do, the people who post here are child advocates and they are willing to put the work in that is required to protect kids. It is a full time job and it takes people with 100 per cent dedication to make progress. I have been fighting for children since before several of the bloggers here were even born. I know a few things about what is required to make things happen. It is people like these, who are not afraid to demand truth and justice. The best cure is prevention and I see a lot of desire from the bloggers here trying to put protection laws in place. I think its wonderful. Child abuse especially sexual abuse is a subject I am an expert in. I am 58 years old. I began this fight at the age of 18. With the exception of a few (very few) burn out hiatuses, this fight has been my life. When I decided to make this a life’s mission, there were not many of us. It makes my heart happy to see how this army has grown. Knowing that so many recognize there is a need makes every second of this journey worth it. In 1968, children for the most part suffered in silence, for those who spoke out, there was very little protection. The passion I see from the people here is unselfish and giving, it can’t be bought or sold. To me it is a beautiful thing. I am very grateful to each and everyone for the devotion they show.
Pickles I was just kidding about you hun. Also I didn’t know that the Milsteads said that or Michelle Bart, sorry i guess I wasn’t informed well. Shame on me. keep up the good work though
Dak I am not controversial, just have seen so many horrors and they have to stop. The predators have to be stopped. “No man ever stood so tall, as when he stooped to help a child.” We all want the same thing, it is ok to disagree about how to get it. As long as the focus stays on the child.
Hi Pickles gosh didn’t know you were still here. Ok, putting my soap box away and hushing now. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
How could the Ant’s have been in financial straits when Cindy was a nurse, George was in some form of security, and Casey was contributing all that financial support from her job? NOT!!!
Dakdude3…Are you aware the printing company who provided all those t-shirts, buttons, flyers were owned “for profit” by the Milsteads? The revolving $$$ door continue to spin….
Okay, I have to ask…what is up about the Cinnamon?? If it is something for eyesight I definitely need to know,’cos all this blog reading is making me lose what little vision I have left LOL
Oh, and I have removed my socks so I won’t have to go looking for them once Simon tells us what he has found!!
Florida Judge Karen Mills-Francis said on Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell tonight that George’s and Cindy’s TV appearances could ruin their credibility as witnesses in Casey’s murder trial. She said in Florida jurors are instructed not to believe a witness if he or she has a stake in the outcome and if he or she has made inconsistent statements. The fact that the Anthonys are appearing on national TV saying they support Casey and she is innocent and the conflicting statements they’ve made will not make them credible witnesses for either the defense or prosecution. George, Cindy and Lee are the defense’s only witnesses. All of the other family members and friends are testifying against Casey.
Does anybody have any insight into what this bombshell is about. Those Anthony’s just get worse evertime they open their mouths. How in the world can they go on show after show and spread all of that nonsense. Well, I guess little Caylee has left this world and their minds and they are just moving on trying to make money off of her death. As a grandmother, I cannot imagine how these people can just tell lie after lie & support Casey.
morning all…did anyone else hear on ng last night a vetinarian(pet doctor) was added to m”s defence?????? pickles thought i said gyno..but i heard vet, just wondering if i wa misteaken….boy this bombshell news is driving me crazy…..please hurry simon 🙂
Ok Simon I woke up & looked out to see if socks were in the streets, tapping fingers, waiting on the news barefoot but not pregnant!
Hi Mermaid, Picks turned us on to cinnamon, it regulates blood sugar, most can benefit from it, sugar probs can affect your vision. Says to take a tbl spoon but I found it in capsules, Cinnabetic- good stuff. Lol, keep your socks nearby.
ccnsd, the Milsteads for profits biz’s being exactly what they offer for donations- what a circle they’ve got going on!
Bamagirl hopefully they’ve done their last show. I would hope I had the good sense not to go down w/ the ship, as much as one loves their kids they should love their self. Can’t wait to find out what Simon has up his sleeve.
AnneA the Ants made their financials available on the one org on the site- helpfindcaylee I think- showed around 2k deposited. But that is one acct, like you said, didn’t include the Paypals/cash hand outs/other orgs.
Morning C~A & Anna 🙂 I didn’t hear that Anna but I was watching it half asleep. Could be rabies lol C~A.
well another cancelation for the ants….so sad:)…i guess the confrence has cancled them also, say they got hate mail and threats… one wants the aa drama..
some of the posts said they may know something is about to go down, I hope so, would like to see the end of the road for the Ants lie spewing pie holes.
listening to NG on utube, either you mixed up the Ants w/ dog the bounty hunter Anna or they finally see the ants are dogs.
so i saw the state added a firearms expert and a tool maek expert..didnt see a bvetinarian tho hmmm..kinda odd cuz when i heard that i was like what??? and they gave reaason for it also hut i wasnt paying attention and the fan was on…..
I wonder if they showed this in high schools if it would deter crime, I would think so. Hmm G&C, does this make a plea deal look any better?
Huckabys attorneys withdrawing their motion to exhume Sandra, but they are attacking the coroner now. Also, something confusing
Fox announced this week that the motion would be withdrawn after Omalu told them he had preserved the relevant tissue samples, which defense experts could also test.
Don’t know if this has been brought up but Cndee says SHE cancelled the interview on the Oprah show because of ‘integrity’. right….
If Baez is reading these forums and is hearing that people who are not part of the investigation are sending things to LE or the DA or State Attorney in regards to helping them it could backfire to a mistrial.
morin blog family, i just woke up and i fell drunk. i never sleep this late. going to read where i left off. i lost my contection yesterday. blahh. hope everyone had a good night.
mb, I hope you are right that sindee says SHE cancelled on Oprah and especially if she mentioned integrity because that will ENSURE that the ants NEVER get another invitation!!
And of all the people in the world to use the word “integrity” – good lord. Slop out of sow’s mouth is purer.
♫ Good morning again everyone ♫ I scrubbed my tootsies and put on clean sox so I am ready for the news Simon 😆
Let me guess……..this is just a shot in the dark and a long stretch but perhaps those photos that Casey never wanted released were actually VERY XXX, which would explain why George wanted to kill himself and why Baez doesn’t want them released (yet). Perhaps they have been sold but cannot be released to the public until after the trial per Baez and Casey’s request. Just throwing a plausible scenario out there.
Good Morning Pickles, m2c, and anyone else up and at’em this morning. It’s a beautiful day here in Florida. It would be a good day to drive Simon’s truck through the hole in the defense he mentioned.
Re: SIGNORINABELLA @ 7:44……Don’t think George ever really wanted to kill himself, but if he did, it can’t be because of his daughter’s pictures. Just yesterday he was on CBS telling the world he was “proud of her”…..Go figure…
I believe someone on NG said last night that the best thing the ants could do for themselves and their daughter is go inside, shut the doors, pull the blinds and order pizza until the trial is over.
I couldn’t bear to listen to every spew of the ants on the Early Show yesterday but I have read quotes and seen clips. All Sindee said was “I wrote suicide notes.” That does not mean she considered suicide (at least for herself) or attempted it. Maybe she was planning George’s suicide and wrote some samples for him! LOL! Maybe she was planning Maggot’s suicide and was drafting notes for hers! Maybe she was planning a fake attempt.
WHAT? You have never had the joy of eating a carrot muffin? They don’t taste like carrots Beth..LMAO…they are so yummy!
Beast told me there was an autopsy done on the snake from the dump site??? I am lost about these experts….and why??
oh and yes it’s beautiful here today…sunny and going up to 22 degrees….tomorrow reachin 82 or 28 degrees….that is perfect weather for me!
good morning everyone! doing a short drive by but wanted to say hello…I’m waiting with you all on simons news….
i had a sad thought last night when iw as watching NG and watching G & C getting WAY too much attention.. i said where the heck is haliegh? adji? where are they??? 🙁
Is going to 80 here today 🙂 its already nice my heat isnt running…my hair turned out good so i know the weather is mild outside… we’re supposed to have sunny and 80’s this weekend whoo hoo…
Hows the petition moving along? I checked last night we’re almost to 500.. i know its slow but if you think about it, thats 500 peoples whose voices are being heard.. its alot of people. i am still spreading the word…
WAAAAAHHHHHHH! I barely slept last night in anticipation! Oh well, I do have on clean socks, no holes, so will await the news…. BUT NOT PATIENTLY! 😀
Hi c-a, yah i know it, I’m waiting too.. this c & g thing being on tv DAILY is making me sick, I am plain sick of them..
you know there was only ONE and i say ONE part in that cbs show that c said that i felt for her, when she asked her how come you didnt know where caylee was or that she was missing, C replied, CASEY WAS CAYLEES MOTHER, I DIDN’T HAVE ANY REASON TO WORRY SHE WAS IN CHARGE OF CAYLEE”, that part I felt for her because she couldnt have known the monstrous acts M was up to, i do believe her on that part, I don’t think C was worrying cause she just didnt know what m was capable of, and still doesn’t IMO.. and when she said casey thanked her for calling 911.. i thought boy this M has c & g around her little murdering finger… its very clear to me.. that in some ways they do believe her on tthe other hand its obvious they are lying to protect her also..
C~A – Butters may be prego! She’s hoping! I thought that was what you meant by Butters is probably praying…. sorry…. didn’t read up the list to see what you were talking about!
I dont know anything about this bombshell what I do know is what Sean Krause and I have both said and totally agreed on since day one Caylee paid her life for there financial gain….She was there sacrificial lamb for them to make it in life and to be wealthy…Sean was very adiment in that belief as was I I have been saying it since the beginning
Butters best be pregnant I sent her the last of my pregnant MOJO and since I cant pop no more out it should be good still….
Dak – I don’t believe that sending tips into LE is considered “being involved” in the case! It’s tips from the public that the Sheriffs departments are usually always waiting for! It’s usually someone coming forward or calling in a even the smallest tidbit of information that ends up cracking cases!
George was a COP he couldn’t protect the family ? he didn’t have a gun no alarms on their house no guards ,,even if C&G watch KCEE murder Caylee they would say she didn’t do it …
again on the early show ,,, tatata caylee was murdered ,,, cindy ,, quickly ,, “we dont know what happened to her “…
cindy & G is getting all this from Jose Baez ..I went to see the Interview with Hoez Baez BLAH,,,
i never vomited once, felt sick a few times but i was lucky, i did get the gestational diabetes tho later that sucked…:(
Gudday Pickles and all who joined since I last posted. Strange…I typed “fingers {and very clean} toes crossed for you..posted it & it read OK..somehow it got cropped. Never mind you know what I meant.
I signed the “Stop the Ants” media petition six hours ago..375 was the last post. Just checked..still nothing from Australia – up to post 400. I was very polite…wonder why it is taking so long?
Jules – NO….butters got such a kick about spindee’s mouthing off after her depo…when she said….”DON’T TELL ME I CAN’T PRAY” and gee told her to SHUT UP!…
Pammy I was talking to you…..I had to get some milk…LOL Pammy I dont buy it she and george had Caylee and raised her they did not trust kc with her at all…ever. or so they say….see there trying to get out of this subtly.
Pammy – I don’t believe it. She WAS worried! She posted that “my caylee is missing” thing on Facebook or whatever. She was telling her co-workers she was worried and upset because she hadn’t seen Caylee and Maggot wouldn’t let her. Once again Sindee is just doing the CYA thing because she didn’t take action sooner! She should have pressed Maggot harder. She should have called 911 sooner! In fact, she should have taken custody of Caylee LONG before she went missing! She KNEW Maggot was unfit and had said so on many occassions! She let Maggot leave angry WITH CAYLEE the night they fought….and most likely the night Caylee was murdered! In your defense, I think we ALL have looked for some way to understand what happened and to feel compassion for the Ants… but there IS no reason to feel compassion or sympathy. They are ALL guilty and anything that comes out of their mouths now is a lie and a ploy to gain sympathy! DON’T FALL FOR ANY OF IT!
Good morning. I heard about the vet on Nancy Grace too. Ms Pickles, AnneA, I left last nite cause I didnt know who Dak was. Never seen that name in here before, so I was polite, and soon left. I didn’t want to start anything, and I am pretty new in here, so didn’t want to start anything. I am glad you 2 took care of it. I do need a warning tho, who to stay away from
yah i felt what she was saying is that M was a grown woman with a child, it was never C’s responsibility to care for caylee, m was supposed to be in charge.. there was just some teeny bits i glimpsed in that tape , that I felt were truthful, the rest hogwash, and their trying to save her, G saying he was proud of her made me want to vomit. and it doesn take much to turn my stomach.. and some things they say, I mean do they really think the workd is stupid? that we all need degrees to analyze them… I mean they need to go indoors and stay in there till trial IMO….
Pammy, I about died laughing when she said this…M thanked her…yeah…that explains the whole ‘I am in jail on a whim’ and it is all my mom’s fault rant that M went on during one of the jail convos…I bet M is still thanking her everyday…that is why she is so happy to see C at the court proceedings where she refuses to acknowledge her presence…I bet the last thing she says as they put the needle in her arm is ‘Thanks, Mom’…
Hi jules girl.. yah no i’m not saying it was truthful I’m saying I think C has some guilty going on there, the remark she made made me feel that way she felt alittle guilty, saying I wasnt responsbile , while caylee was missing, you know its hard to explain what I mean…i noticed all they did talk about was M tho and not enuf about caylee… why are there no talk shows on caylee??? on her short little beautiful life? 🙁
C~A – OH….. Are we sure the media got all of that statement made by Sindee? I’m pretty sure the entire sentence was “Don’t tell me I can’t pray to Satan – I’m one of his biggest fans and plan on sitting next to him for eternity!” Yup, I thinks that was what she said! 😆
I got to get ready in 2 min, but please refresh my brain, who is Maggot? And why do you think the state called in a vet? Do you think it has something to do with Sins dogs that were in the house with caylee, and kc. Do you think that kc could have practiced on the dogs, with the clori. before trying it on caylee? Just a thought
spacely LMAO yah the remark she thanked me for calling 911 cause mom i couldnt do it, makes me puke.. that was a stupid thing for C to say … they said alot of stupid non truths, but i did glimpse some pain in the interview teeny bits, guilt, denial. I’m sorry don’t get me wrong they are just as bad as their daughter but I do call it like i seen it, but i am sick of seeing them, there is no reason these people should be using this much airtime with other families with missing loved ones that NG could be spotlighting…imo… the ants will next do a reality show of watching how they spend their days when that happens I am going to fall over and croak LOL ‘A DAY IN THE LIFE OF GEORGE AND CINDY ANTHONY” and I can just see it too, some producer saying hey we got enough to make a hit show… ratings will go wild, watching you 2 in your boat and what a day is like for you BLAH PUKE
Good point about the dogs, DM, very interesting…maybe she did try it on the dogs…or the vet is to say no way, no how is that smell a couple of dead squirrels…and to perhaps testify that squirrels are not plasterable…as they have a low stickiness factor…
Hey Pammy – I bet they DO feel guilt and rightfully so! They created Maggot! LITERALLY! And then they allowed her to get away with murder! LITERALLY! So yeah, they feel guilt but they SHOULD! No pity for them whatsoever.
DM – I avoid DAK like the plague. Generally, if he is here, I’m NOT. I was hoping a long time ago he would get banned but hasn’t yet. He just tries to stir up trouble. I think he must be related to the Anthonys because he gets my blood boiling just with his presence! 😆
Hi C~A the petition site is posted earlier in this article or the previous one…help me out here folks.
yah jules i see some guilt with C down buried in there.. and no no symptahy anymore, cause i woulda had more repect for them if they woulda just been quiet and let the process unfold like its suppose to, they have become like overnight celebrities and I have zero tolerance for that, you dont see Mark Klass having any hit tv shows making a profit off of his daughters grisly death.. i respect him, hes a good good man, he even feels for the ants although you can see he also doesn’t approve of their media damage control either… if you heard him last night he made alot of sense.
DM – Dak is not a “bad” person like more then a few peeps we have seen in here! Dak does like to “against the grain” though! He likes to play devils advocate and can irritate or ruffle feathers sometimes…but is generally harmless!
Spacely and Pammy – I think it is within the realm of possibility to imagine that Maggot said “Thank you” to Sindee after she called 911. Of course I think it was more of a screamed “Thank you very much, you effing, stupid cow, biotch! You just screwed up my life forever! I hate you!” (All while waving the middle fingers on BOTH hands!) LOL!
CA – No, I have heard nothing about a snake and I just did a search and can’t find anything…perhaps the vet is to testify that the snake Kronk saw is not an accomplice in this crime…as I am sure Casey has attempted to blame the poor creature…
Spacely… “stickiness factor” 😆 So who called in a vet? The defense or the Prosecution? Not to be totally gross but maybe they found parts of Caylee in the snakes stomach (or whatever it is snakes have). Still really wouldn’t make sense to call a vet though. Maybe its just that Sindee acts like a rabid dog most the time so they want to have a vet handy to put her down and sever her head for testing next time she starts foaming at the mouth! 😆
DM it took a long and I mean long time for me to get Dak and his point…he is a cool guy hard to agree with but cool…
yah mtc i serioulsy doubt she was thanking her mom i mean i would bet she said it cause from the get go M has wanted mommy and daddy supporting her so she probably did get down on hands and knees and pray with mom for show, you know gag me… i mean this casey monster is a head case, working people all the time, and i do think she worked mom and dad for years… some people are just stupid, some parents just turn their heads, i have seen it with friends I know with bad kids, and i shake my head… not saying I am perfect FAR FROM IT mines doing it at 3 1/2 🙂 workin it already 😉
Okay first of Jules if you want to leave no hard feelings here it is you that has the problem not me and I am not here to stir trouble so get a grip. I have never said or done anything to you so get over it. I was just trying to tell people to be careful what they say and do and if that is stirring up trouble them to bad, its people like you that i get all pissie. There is no reason for you to respond about me like that I have said nothing to stir the pot. Sorry that my feelings aren’t as coldhearted as others I was not raised that way so get a grip. And as far as getting banned well thats Jans decision not yours. I’m sorry if theis post is negative or bad but I can’t stand peole making remarks like that for reason as me and DM and Annne were not debating and there was nothing derogatory or insulting in my post.
Jill, I am not sure what ‘tittivated’ means in Australia, but it sure shall I say?…pornoriffic in American…
Thanks Pickles and once again sorry for the previous remark but comments like that irk the hell out of me and there was no reason for it.
ok I’m gonna make this post then make a run for mcdonalds breakfast LOL.. I think DAK your just a person who tries to see the good in all, nothing wrong with that, people are just so riled about the case that sometimes your posts get people riled, but I also see a caring man.. so thats my opinion…i try to see the good too, but unfortunately in this anthony case, i can’t hardly anymore…
and you said peeps have changed since we began you know we me you mtc and ca and pickles are the very originals, I am curious to know what you mean?
Dak you see that the anthonys have been making money though now right they have been and they are salary paid board members with the Homesteads and Michell barfsalot
Hi Dak 🙂 do you think we are cold hearted cause we would like to flip the switch ourselves on a baby killr? Or do you think we are cold hearted cause we want to see justice for caylee?
I can’t wait for the anthony money trail to be dissected. Maybe it can help fund GM or AIG! At the very least the Florida taxpayers won’t have to be stuck with a huge bill for a frivilous lawsuit.
Remember when Al Capone was finally put in jail for tax evasion? They couldn’t make anything else stick!
Ya Dak no one has changed that much…So thats not fair attacking us you me C~A Pammy were all been here for almost a year and none of us has changed…..I totally agree with Pammy on this one.
I was just showing how Maggot might have said “thank you” but Sindee related the story in the manner of the infamous “half-truths” the ants are so famous for!
In a similar fashion I can imagine Maggot seeing her mother writing a suicide note and saying “No! Don’t do it! You’re the only one with a good income! And you have to bail me out!” The Sindee’s reply, “Don’t worry, dear. I’m writing this note for your father’s suicide.” And maggot saying, “Oh. Okay then. That’s all right.” LOL!
I’m cool with Dak never got into an argument with him I believe.. just debates.. he’s cool in his own way.
The Winfrey people said they decided not to go forward with an Anthony interview after learning the couple would appear elsewhere. George and Cindy talked to CBS’ “Early Show” on Wednesday and Thursday.
Thanks Pammy and what I meant is that the emotions behind the blogging has become more intense and for the most part more personal to everyone due to being there from the begining. And Pickles do not take this personally as it is not a bad thing it just means you have become more passionate, but your wording(language) has become more colorful(LOL) and more vocal thats really all I meant. I have just more and more hatred to the Ants(even though they deserve it)which is not neccassarily a bad thing just an observation and its because everyone has become so involved and passionate about all this. That is basically what I meant about the changes in attitude. I was not trying to offend anyone or insult anyone and if I did I am sorry.
As far as Sindee being a nurse, I have only heard of her last job which I believe was administrative (not bedside patient care THANK GOD!) So I wonder if she ever really did any of the hands on (shudder) patient care kind of nursing. Maybe long ago. I don’t know. So hopefully she won’t cast a negative light on other good nurses (the angels among us I call them)
Spacely…tittivate means to spruce up..make nice and clean and tidy…naughty boy for thinking someone so pure as “I” would type something naughty
LOL hahaha they trying to look like they werent dumped like a ugly date. Yeah I believe they have “integrity” and they were the ones to cancel…riiiight!
If you can locate a local politician who supports tougher laws for sex offenders, maybe they would support a new local tax levied upon registered predators to be used to hire additional police officers…in other words, there is a formula…so many predators in the town = so many extra police officers to be hired…
…and if that happened, I am sure a local county official would be interested in the same thing for the sheriff’s dept…and the Police Benevolent Association would start drooling for additional monies for more officers…and they would help push it through the State govt…
lol Aww Jilly we wouldn’t think YOU would write something perverted.. Spacely.. on the other hand hmmm
Dak – let’s see, how many times have you pretended to be someone else and trashed everyone? Weren’t you over on the Stinkerbelle site stirring up trouble about BNN? You argue with EVERYONE! You are deceitful because you pretend to be other people to start crap. You trashed Pickles more than once. And you’ve apologized for your outbursts and troublemaking more times than I can count (I don’t guess you don’t remember all those times, huh?). With that said, I’m outta here. I’m here for the kids. I’m here to be with my friends but when someone comes in here and repeatedly bullies, annoys, rants, is deceitful, stirs the pot, and disrupts meaningful conversations and debates, there is no point in me being here. Every time Dak is here all we do is spend all our time arguing with him and frankly I’d much rather stab pointy objects in my eye, be run over by a steamroller and be triple bagged like Caylee than endur another fly by bomb drop by Dak. Good day all.
One of my favorite lines from “I almost killed myself, but then I didn’t” Grandma was ‘ “I’m only the Grandmother”.
I never watch the Early Show and now I know why. That Maggie Rodriguez should stick to parades and Miley Cyrus interviews. My God, she didn’t ask ONE pertinent question and each time they said they couldn’t answer, she just dropped it and asked another fluffball question in a syrupy voice.
Dak of course the emtions are more intense not only is it a slain toddler at the hands of her mother we have Haleigh who was in care of dumb loaded druggies she is missing then we have Adji who vanished and then Sandra raped and killed by a woman its NOT JUST CAYLEE anymore of course our emottions are high
Lulu- The ZG trial has not even started. All that’s been done is the pre-trial stuff – the depositions that Z’s attorneys take of all the witnesses. Don’t know when the trial will start.
INteresting to note that Maggot’s attorney in this civil suit has not attended any of these depositions!
For instance, 80 sex offenders on Sandra’s trailer park multiplied by an extremely minor tax for such offenders as $1,000 per year = $80,000 = about 2 new entry level police officers…
…and we all know that huge number was in a very tiny area, so in the whole town/city must be a bunch more…
Spacely – I like your idea. One way to take it a step further – possibily – is to imagine that at some point someone is going to object to more money for more cops (people always do – it’s a shame) so then maybe the politicians will listen to us more intently about just keeping the dam predators locked up FOREVER!
Thank YOU Jules………Thank YOU! I do appreciate that very much….I am wonderful at letting by gones be by gones….What you just said though I really appreciate in regards to the part about me ♥
I am ok with using the tax for any purpose…doesn’t have to be for cops…the politicians can pervert it any way they want, they will anyway…but that $1,000 bucks a year less for every predator to buy duct tape and kiddie porn…plus give us a chance to kick ’em out of town when they don’t pay up…
I thought I was alone…gonna start chewing on Spacelys leg….NOT his 3rd leg either…his left leg! Then on the legs of his desk.
And by the way I have come here plenty of times and had conversations and blogged without there being trouble where were you. And aslo it is my god given right to say what I want and because I don’t feel 100% the way others do doesn’t mean I am less of a person than anyone. I do not try and start trouble but its my opinions and points that seem to start something unintentionally. I don’t have to agree with everyone all the time, thats why they call it an opinion soory. I can say I’m sorry as much as I like. You could say crap about all the time even if I am being good so you just don’t like and who cares. Its attitudes like that why I don’t post here much and honestly I don’t know why I bother with people like you. So there I am being mean to you and I don’t care. And the reason i am saying this is because obviously you misread my orignal post, as I was not personally attacking anyone I was stating my opinion and I made that clear when I posted it and if was taken the wrong way not my problem and its stuff like that that gets me into debates and personally if people wouldn’t react negatively like you did it wouldn’t be a problem. Nobody else had a problem with what I posted except you. DM didn’t last night and neither Anne that I know of and Pickles knows I didn’t say anyhting bad about her as I did but a LOL in there and said I was kidding so get a grip .
I did some research on “mistrial” and I can’t find any reason for us to worry about it UNTIL THE TRIAL STARTS!!!!!
If something goes wrong during the trial, either side can request one but the judge decides. And if a mistrial is called, then in most cases the trial just starts all over again. It’s a mess, it’s a waste of time and money etc. But it is not anything to worry about now.
What the prosecution IS rightfully concerned about now are the ways in which the defense is intentionally or unintentionally laying the groundwork for future appeals. That means after the trial if it resulted in a conviction the defense could appeal it based on something having gone wrong (Like maggot having incompetent counsel or a lawyer with a conflict of interest). ANd the prosecution is doing all it can to try to prevent that kind of appeal from being possible.
Me either anymore…Dak has grown on me! LOL but I do appreciate Jules saying that for me….anyhoo onto another subject.
Shame-FULL – you use it to soak up the sweat that’s pouring off your beetle brow into your bug eyes while you lie your butt off on national TV…
Hows about Sham-Slut for when you need to clean up after your skank daughter after a night at fusions?
Thanks grammy. Unfortunately every so often some things just get to me and i voice my opinion maybe not the way most would want but its my way of expressing myself, most everyone here knows what i am about. I am passionate about these topics and stories just not as deeply as some people are, I am trying to devote my time to my family because thats what means the most to me and yes I can be an a** sometimes its part of who I am( I don’t like much and try not to be).I want justice for the kids that are being abused, murdered, abducted to, I just have a different way of expressing it and I am slowly working on it. People need to pay for what they do and Casey will pay one way or the other. Unforunately i am not a supporter of the DP never have been. I also don’t like to see sex offenders or other criminals go free either but unfortunately the jails these days can’t hold all these criminals and the resources aren’t there do change it. The only way to make more space is to build more jails and hire more employees but most states don’t have the funding.
I saw that show, too, Butters…Billy lives down here, but on the other side of the state…but he’s got me thinking about a stupid product I could come up with…I gotta have better ideas than the goofs on that show…
M2C good points about mistrial and didn’t they already establish there was no conflict. As far as her saying incompetent lawyer since the statement before the judge about all this its unlikely she can claim that.Atleast lets hope not.
Butters, I think they already have that product…they call it Sandpaper…I think the cops confiscated about 20 pounds of it from the Anthony house…
M2C – I think the Ants and Conman have their own conspiracy going to built so many angles, going in so many different directions, that by the time it comes to trial there is a good chance of having reason for mistrial.
And, I think Bozo is backing up and advising their lies, their phony appearances on TV. The whole thing is being cooked up and stirred to blow up at trial.
Correction: Jules was the only one who left a comment indicating they have a problem – whether it’s with you or with your opinions (and whether they are one and the same) I don’t know. And, like you, that’s her opinion and she’s entitled to it.
But there are plenty of people reading this blog and participating in it who pretty much agree but simply refrain from commenting about your posts – for various reasons. So please don’t think that Jules is alone in her reactions. We are all entitled to our opinions about you and your posts (and everyone elses) whether we comment or not. I for one just don’t comment on them anymore. I’ve never found it useful.
Jules – please come back! Don’t let someone on here run you off! Most of us I dare to say really appreciate having you here!
Before the trial the lawyers argue whether the snake should be admitted in evidence. The judge decides it should not. But one of the lawyers DOES bring it in as evidence. That could be grounds for a mistrial if the judge deems it damaging enough. However if he doesn’t he could just instruct the jury to ignore the testimony/evidence regarding the snake. You see what I mean?
They have the same agenda: publicity and money. They both know that Cindy has tainted the jury pool even more than Casey at this point and they are putting their empty heads together to try and change public perception.
good morin everyone, i have been reading what i missed yesterday. and yes my i feel different from when i first joined our wonderful blog family. i am much more educated than before. i feel so bad for all of the children. they should not have to suffer at the hands of anyone. the are a gift from god and should be treated as such. it makes me angry and sad what is happening to our children. someone and lots of someones need to help them. their is so much love here for the kids.
jill- greer is having a hard time. the attronery for his mom and him, went in yesterday and changed the locks on his house. my husband and i are going to help him with all of this. he is staying here for a while. i am so glad. i worry about him being alone. please pray for him. he is so sad and confused.
i hope we get some good info today. the anyhills need to sit down and shut up. we all know what they are about and they are idots. they are not standing up for that sweet baby.
bbiab. going to read the transcripts on ng. that idiot trying to kill himself. he is showing that he is guilty.
Tori – This is meant as partly a joke but I have to respond to your 9:14 am post with “I don’t think Dak is a lady.” 🙂
and Dak thanks for the reply. I think we’ve all become more outraged as we have been here , when we started this was about a missing little girl and now looks what we’ve learned, yah emotions run so high in this case and others…I simply don’t have time to debate or argue on here, everyone is entitled to our oprinion, this is AMERICA land of the free and freedom of speech….in all honesty, the fact that all of us every single person blogging is in this room talking about this stuff just says alot in itself, good caring people who give a dam and don’t turn their heads away, or pay attention to the news..ok thats my soapbox 🙂
I’m sorry M2c if you feel that way too or anyone else. There is a difference on whether some one likes what I posted or not and responds, she chose to and I chose to respond back and if she leaves because of it don’t blame me it works both ways. i didn’t say anything in my original post about her or even near about her so her responding to it was her own choice. If the post isn’t about you then don’t respond and there won’t be a problem. Yes everyone has an opinion and if someone choices to leave because someone posts their opinion and don’t like it well it is there right and not my fault. I personally don’t have a problem with her because i don’t blog with her and since she seemed to never have wanted to try and post to me except for what she posted today there is nothing I can do. If she did ever try in the past I don’t remember. I’m sorry that someone takes what I say personally but I can’t do anything about it. I am a somewhat confrontational person and when people respond badly to me I will do the same . If you chose not to respond that is fine and I don’t have a problem with you, maybe Jules should follow in your footsteps. And thanks for the feedback I appreciate it.
BB and the ants are in it together – however I still think it’s possible that BB will try to blame the ants (maybe during the trial). Maybe the ants won’t mind or maybe they’ll be livid.
and, I so agree where is airtime for these kids? I am planning to write to NG soon about my girl telling the YELLING SHOW story lol and I am also gonna write that these other kids need airtime, not weeks of anthonys and DOG the bounty hunter or that other mess, chris brown BLAH, celevrity troubles…
Yeah Butters she knew where Caylee was alright so knowing that she didn’t find her. I think most of them are frauds. I did meet one fortune teller that was dead on though(no pun intented on the dead on).
good morning… the ants should have just played the victim card… not backed M and then they could get the publicity and stuff they wanted but have respect and be able to finish out their lives without being hated… They chose the dark side… They went with the wrong CMA…
I think Cindy and George would take the blame if they point the finger at them. I think they will do anything to get Casey out of jail and back on the pole she dearly loves.
hey pickles… just finished my dried up egg sandwhich, from mc’ds. and speaking of mc’ds I have a complaint, lol when did it used to cost 17.00 for 2 adults and 2 babies to eat a breakfast at mcdonalds? i went yesterday and treated a friend and her baby the bill was 17.00 🙁 I need to write to mcd’s too 🙂
Mc Donalds huh Pammy. Yeah there service and food is gettin bad. My wife used to like going and getting a Hazelnut ice coffee and now they are all pretty much that new McCafe and she hates it.
LMAO butters 🙂 i actually have on a CUTE top today with a CUTE pair of skin tight new jeans straight leg 80’s. I look cool today 🙂 hee hee
and, when i got pregnant, I did 3 tests although i knew before the test already i was did 2 more to confirm and well, those tests are 1000 perecent accurate , lol
i remember almost fainting, lol and was afraid to tell her father and he got more excited then me i was like all worried and stuff… so the feelings are like happy mixed with worry lol
yah my condition I find it getting better, I no longer OCD over my house, ( well alittle) but not like before, I think what changed me was when I finally bought my new pride and joy couch had it a month and then the puke happened on top of the brand new couch, I said ok if I can battle puke on my new couch I better get over being OCD woman 🙂
yah DAK its here too they even took the play palce out of the one by me, and my girl misses it, they now have a big screen TV and yah the prices are awful even for the happy meal, 3.91 and well its just like way too much, after 5 billion served, I dont think they need the money anymore, and for 17 dollars i coulda scrambled an egg made a can of bisquits and you know i dont know I been a mcd’s customer for years and i was just appalled…
Its okay Tori we know what you meant. Although sometimes I feel like a pregnant woman(like i really know how they feel).LOL
That suckafish is all old and spawned out..NO BUENO……YUCK…I dont even think he was real fish….ya….processed JUNK
LOL Dak you have no idea… don’t say things like that again you might be attacked by the majority here..the womens!
yah u have to with kids, I’m learning the hard way, in fact a few days before she got sick on my couch i was thinking hm… i shouldnt really let her sleep on this couch inc ase of something, like that when BOOM it happened 🙂
and one of my clients recently had an accident in my car on the passenger side seat 🙁 that really tested my ocd levels that day 🙂
and one more comment on the fast food, anyone remember the burger king brief logo of SIZE DOES MATTER??? Their sexually explicit advertising logo campaign a few months back? well I was standing in line one day and saw this big banner that said SIZE DOES MATTER is shoed a little burger and big burger, I was freaking out, I went home and actually called the 800 number i said what kind of advertising is that? theres so many sexual innuendos in that line he said oh no it doesnt have any reference to like what your thinking, i said well where i come from size does matter means well you all know what that means LOL so i told the man when I’m standing there with my kid and they ask what does that mean how do i asnwer that? he thanked me for the comments and do you know with a few weeks i saw that advertising line go away LMAO.. i dont know but i felt it was pathetic trying to get attention by using size does matter when your eating a big/…… or little burger… anyone agree or am I just an anal old fashioned nut?
Tori I am indeed, I did some new jean shopping lately and I feel cool now LOL i got rid of the spandex stretch pants with the ugly mis matched dress shirts look.. and i got the hair tamed down now too 🙂 so yah I am feeling so much more chic now, the day that did it was well, these ladies know i went out in a pair of stretchy sweats and threw on a dressy shirt i then paired that with sneakers,LOL and then for the outer wear i had on a pink skii jacket with filthy sleeves LMAO so you get the idea, now I am into cute stuff 🙂
Yeah I can totally see how that was inappropriate Pammy like on the snickers bar they used to say THE BIG ONE! THE BEAST! I was like ahahaha… grosss..
C-A its all tur I went to tj maxx and bought many jeans and i got the old 80’s skin tight ones, since i hate the hip huggers and well, now people are complementing and i’s a keepin the look going, no more of that static hair dirty coat sleevs and ridiculous get up days 🙂
Dak….Jules point, in her remarks to you, is pretty much supported by YOUR own admission in your 8:50 post………………………….
That’s a direct acknowledgement of being “bad” on your part. It took me a while to come to the ubderstanding that you’re not trying to be a trouble maker, YOU’RE JUST FLAT OUT WRONG IN PARTS OF WHAT YOU SAY, as I addressed in my 7:11 response to your posts last night.
As to your “God given right to free speech”, I do want to point out that’s a right given by the U.S. Constitution not the Bible.
I think for the most part, you and Jules have a common view as to what’s really important. You just have a vast difference in the delievery.
If you would consider being less “bad” and more “good” (using your words) possibly less turmoil would surround the expression of your views. None of us need a “devil’s advocate” to provoke our thought process.
That’s great. Clothes do make a difference. I heard that Pickles was waiting to see Bozo in a speedo. 😛
yah tori i kid you not not long after i seen that sign go away, the man i spoke too laughed and said oh i would never associate that saying with what your saying i said come on, your an adult everyone knows size does matter is a reference to well
LMAO ahahaha then the same night I was in my pj with a hole in the leg… sexy sexy 😛 I do not think any of us were looking too hawt that day.
I am clinically diagnosed OCD…I use to take Luvox for it but thanks to Caylee I have no OCD no more…LOL
Size does matter to a point, nobody likes their burger to small or large, it’s not satisfying either way but as long as the burger is good who cares??? lol
lol thats funny yah your correct when I’m a eating a burger sometimes I ‘m goin hm.. this burger could be ALOT bigger
bmore ok and sometimes when your finished with that tiny burger your like that burger coulda had more stuff on it or in it..
Yeah Papa I’ll try being more godd not thats really worked that well in the past. Sometimes its just the point of view regardless of how its delivered but I’ll try a little more. But on one note it is the way expres myself sometimes and delivery or view it wouldn’t matter. Sorry I can’t be like a lot of other people. I don’t really expect people to understand though. it has to do with alot of things. Sorry but God given right or constitutional right all the same to me, but thanks for pointing it out. But also just as much as I should try and deliver better so should others. As for Jules she posted 7 post before the following
Which really wasn’t neccassary to say that she wa hoping I would be banned and avoiding me like ,the plague and i try and stir up trouble and being accused of being related to the Ants and honestly that is getting old and redundant and stupid. Read all that and its clear she has a problem with me period, and thats her problem and if she leaves because of me just because i show up thats her problem and shows how mature she is. And yes I could take everything she said personally but I don’t but if someone is going to remark like that you can best bet I ain’t going softly into the night with commenting. If I said something to personally piss her off I am sorry, but as far as I am concerned I didn’t. if someone dislike someone because of there opinion or what they say fine then let them keep it to themselves.
My mom used to have a saying for times when one of us puked on the couch or the carpet or broke a window or overflowed the toilet…
“I can’t have anything nice with all you hooligans around, tearing everything up, just once I would like to buy something new and not have one of you break it the first day…we just bought that…I told you not to touch it…wait ’till your dad gets home!!!!”
i felt the same way when the puke happened, i said thats it i give up cant have anything nice 🙂 and i said gees I’m becoming, no, I HAVE BECOME MY MOTHER…
lol honestly i fel more worse for my girl being sick then the dam couch but cussed later while scrubbing it to death and then the client who doo dooed in car, well gotta admit, that was a night i felt like quitting
Actually, Butters, I took today off work, so I am not in a dressed enough state to qualify for ‘skin tight jeans’…I leave the rest to your imagination…
thats right butters were getting all polluted.. I never even realized that the new word for junk was well, JUNK until pickles enlightened me here
i SAy exactly the same thing…anything I have ever owned has been LOST or BROKEN by my kids! I say the same thing….Can’t I have anything for gawd sake …without someone wanting it or breaking it!
Polluted huh. I think Pammy needs to stay out of Burger King and stop reading the size matters signs(LOL), thats whats polluting her mind. I use to work at Buger King and always thought that was a stupi slogan
all is good… pickles why do you leave wheni am in here, which is never lately.. come back there another article? is there any news of huckaby freaks court appearance today? 🙁 f** ing psycho
With your language skills and methods of experssing them….I wouldn’t want to be in Dak’s shoes if he did.
Pammy Pickles is Stone at the moment I have an article that must go up…..I love you girl you know that.
thank you dak you see it did pollute my mind like when shes old enough to ask me what does that say how do you explain that to a kid? thats whats wrong.. its one thing for us as adults to sit talking about this stuff lol but our kids today are sooooooooo exposed, why do it more?
i eat at burger king all the time i work in the public driving alot, and i stop alot at these places… lol… waste lots of money
eek I do? i say gross things? I’m sorry, I know i was disgusting about the couch thing, but just talking mom to moms..ok i behave now
boxer briefs…I can’t remember for sure, but I think Static was white cotton panties…or a thong…something like that…
One of my ex wives put a mirror up in the bedroom….it had printed on the mirror something about “objects are smaller than they appear”…..never did understand what that was all about.
I read that Huckaby may not enter a plea today. There is a gag order now. Also, a lottery to get a seat in the courtroom. Also,
another church near the Idaho border is being looked at….Lawless involved. The tracy church was searched again and they took a few things out.
see I’m not alone in my bitching…i swear anything I have of value has either been glued, fixed, replaced, and scrubbed, its what kids do i guess… mom you was right 🙂
Ugh can huckab*tch just get sentenced to DP already? I am not even sure if I would wanna know all that happened to Sandra and the church etc..
JULES..GET BACK IN HERE…Dak isn’t going to bother you. With your language and expression skills, I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes if he tried.
One of my ex wives put a mirror up in the bedroom….it had printed on the mirror something about “objects are smaller than they appear”…..never did understand what that was all about
I just watched this Mythbusters where they took a Corvette and shoved in a couple of dead pigs, left it for two months, then tried to clean the smell out.
The first day they loaded the pigs in, they almost passed out. By the second day, they had to call out one of those pod storage units to store the car, but that still didn’t stop the smell.
So there is no way Casey’s defense is going to be able to knock out all those witnesses to the smell cause it is pretty clear this is a smell that sticks around and is undeniable and easily identified..especially by experts like cops.
exactly butters i cannot even take hearing more details just put her away and sentence her, shes a freak of nature… and she deserves the worst, i cannot even start thinking about sandra again, i was finally able to clear my mind of her, without the haunting pic being shown over and over of her skipping..
Something ain’t right with my computer – having trouble scrolling. Hope this hasn’t been mentioned before. This was in the Orlando Sentinel:
I also read that the convention in Ct. got hate mail and threats. Thus, they cancelled the Anthony’s
Dak – send M over here. I need dust SUCKED out of the air conditioning vents; weeds SUCKED out of the yard; dirty dishes SUCKED clean; oranges I can’t reach on the tree SUCKED off.
Capy – This may be another one of the ants’ infamous “half-truths.” WHen Sindee said, “BTW I cancelled on Oprah because of integrity.” The lie is that Sindee cancelled. Obviously it was Oprah who called that shot.
The part truth is “because of integrity.” But what Sindee meant was HER OWN LACK of integrity! She lied to Oprah about giving her their first interview since the remains were found.
Oprah’s well out of it and I’m sure she’s glad about it. However the ants may yet feel a bit of well-deserved backlash from Oprah and/or her fans in the future.
HI EVERYONE!! its been 12 days im so tired. miss u guys. im sure i have missed so much going on here. havent had time to catch up. this is num. 12 tonight i plop on the couch and im not moving for 2 days lol
Good morning everyone… I go away for a day and Atomic Bombshells are sitting in the bomb bay, waiting to drop. The anticipation is…well…sort of exciting because we haven’t had much new stuff lately…
M2C 10:58 – you are right and the bottom line is never believe ANYTHING that comes out of C&G’s mouth.
M2C – most people would agree with you that Orpah cancelled on the Ants…not the other way around. Cindy is talking out the side of her butt.
I also love that the Connecticut conference cancelled the Ants appearance. I believe it was more so the fact that the Ants didn’t have anything to present on the topic, nor did they have the same situation that the conference is based. The conference people stated that some of the participants didn’t want to hear what the Ants had to say…they were more interested in Victim Advocacy…
I think that is far different from threatening emails or hate mail from the internet… I don’t doubt that the conference received such things…but I believe the cancelled on the Ants because of…the Ants…
I hope Cindy and George are sitting at home and realizing that people don’t need or want their help when their kids go missing…
As far and C & G EVER realizing that people don’t want their help… probably not going to happen. After all, these are the same two people who smelled death, have seen all the evidence but still don’t believe their daughter is a killer.
i am glad that the ants are not going to be on OPRAH!!! somebody needs to put them in their place and they need to shut the fluggg up once and for all. any news on HUCKABITCH? did she actually confess to sandras murder? i know she was arested but didnt get any details.
Gina…. Hukafugg told LE that Sandra’s death was “an accident”. Sounds like a confession to me. Last I heard, she still hadn’t entered a plea. There was some news yesterday that they may have tied her to some arson cases. She also drugged another child in the trailer park some time back. Then, someone on here said this morning they are searching another church today…. possible ties to Lawless or something like that. The plot thickens!
gina…I am doing good…thanks for asking… And I know the rumors are flying around about what bombshell Simon is going to drop…just understand…I am not paying for KC’s defense…no matter what anyone says… I checked my checking account and I only have $23.13
I hope Simon and Jan have come upon something good. I don’t think he would write the article if he wasn’t almost sure about whatever it is.
jules, how can you rape a child with a foreign object and call that a acadent? she is out of her mind. i might have heard somrthing bout some arson cases in her past but everyday has been a blur so im not sure what i caught on the news and what day lol. and if this other child was drugged why didnt they investagate further sandra just might be alive today.
Gina… EXACTLY. Can’t for the life of me figure out why LE didn’t investigate more back when this other child was drugged. I would think “endangering a child” charges would have been filed at least. Her parents couldn’t find her and it was reported Huckafugg “escorted the child to the park” which to me sounds like a fancy way of saying KIDNAPPED! She was taken without permission so why didn’t they charge her with kidnapping back then? The parents had to take the child to the hospital where it was proven she was drugged. If LE would have done their job then, Sandra would be alive! Would hate to be the cops having to live with THAT guilt!
STACTIC, i think you might have alittle more in your account than i have in mine lol. all this OT is killing me,
JULES, from what i gathered its probly something to with the money.sean said follow the money possibly someone who knew bozo when he was in law school or after. maybe a deal in the making for bozo’s first high profile case, he just didnt know that it would be MONSTER at the time, it could have been anybody. just a guess.
Capy – And I researched chloroform… Tori, you grab Beast, I’ll knock him out, Capy, you break his neck… and Gina…. can we use your trunk for the next 31 days? And if anyone asks about the smell, just blame it on squirrels! 😆
hey all been reading and trying to catch up. i read on a topix thread. they are all the buzz about simon’s article. waiting for more news from bnn. he is so great. simon, jan and our pickle-poo are such great writers.
jules, i argree with you on the sandra case. if the police had done the right thing when she did whatever she did to that precious child. snadra would be alive today. i hope that they are (the police) kicking themsevles in the butt. poor snadra, what she must of went thru. just makes me sick.
Relax everyone…we all know Beast is in Canada…and those Canadians are always behind all of us in the US…it was just Beast’s April Fools joke…only 23 days late.
C~A can dance around the pole – you can grab da boobies if you can get away with it… Oh C~A???? C~A, you here? Your beastie boy is getting “out of hand” (or getting his hands on da boobies!). 😆
Lockwood… yup, I’d hate to be one of those cops and have to live with my lack of action when this happened before!
If we kill him, we won’t get a confession out of him. Beast got kind of excited this morning when XO was wearing her skin tight jeans, so maybe he has his hand on the junk……
you guys are so funny. my husband is asking why i am cracking up. he is trying to work. i go from being angry to laughing. keep up the laughs it is so healthy when we are dealing with such crap. what is wrong with people. hurting our precious children.
ok you can use my trunk, but its dead skunks instead of squrrels, i have so many of them in my yard, squrrels that is. and we wont report him missing for 36 days instead 31 cause that num was already taken lol
yes jules, i am waiting to. we need something new. i hope and pray that caylee will get what she deserves. the truth. it is such a shame that her own family will not see that she gets justice. i can’t wait until simon news comes out. justice for caylee that is all we want at this time.
Have you all heard about the Emma Barker case yet? I stayed up late blogging it. Emma was a cute 18 month old little girl who lived near LA
with her 24 year old mommy, Stacey barker. It sounds like a situation much like the Anthony’s as far as living arrangements. Single mom living with parents and brother. Emma was reported kidnapped a month ago by her mom. After a few being interrogated this “tot mom” confessed the child died accidently and she panicked and dumped her body. Yesterday, Stacey Barker was charged with suspicion of murder. Toxicology must have come back. So sad.
I am starting to suspect that we are getting too worked up over this. Will it be a Hiroshima or a blown up bomb in a briefcase?
KATFISH, that is so sad indeed, does anyone want to lite a candle for EMMA BARKER? MAY SHE REST IN PEACE WITH GOD. she must be playing with sandra and caylee now
That is a great idea Gina. Poor baby. Seems like more and more of these selfish girls are doing away with their little ones.
KATFISH LOL i dont have links, capy or c-a or somebody will have to help you in that dept. im lucky i can email and blog lol. tecno dummie here.i just thought it would be nice for people to lite a candle for emma so just spread the word and come up with a time to do it.
thanks gina! justice for all of our angels. i just wish we could start a area where we all could live and take care of all the babies that people want to hurt. i wish there was some way that we could keep them safe. when is was young (a long time ago, i am 48) we played ourside all day until dusk. my kids could play outside. now it is scarey to let them out in the backyard alone. just so sad. i know that our petition will help. someone will listen. keep the faith.
TORI – Simon said the news will blow a hole in the defense big enough TO DRIVE A MACK TRUCK THROUGH!
Gina I will check around….I think I still have a link from Lana Clarkson to that site. I’ll go see and be back.
another sweet anagel gone to be with our other angels. my heart is broken. i know that she is happy now flying with all the sweet baby angels. i will lite a candle for her. i need to reilight the ones for caylle, sandra, and haleigh. they only last 48 hours. i left out adji. i wish that we would here something about them. they did not just drop of the face of the earth.
lockwood thats funny i have always thought about that myself. i would gladly have 15 20 kids running around playing in the kitchen outdoors playing music fighting arguing over something stupid lol like we did when we were growing up. BUT I TELL YA IF I EVER HIT THE LOTTERY!!! i know there will be some kids that will be safe out there. cause there be some major changes in my household. all i can say is bring on the kids and bring on the babies.
Katfish…I wonder where this woman got the idea to fake a kidnapping… I hope they throw the book at her too.
I’M HERE PICKLY POO! gOTTA SPLIT SOON BUT NOT FOR LONG! Simon is not answering my question and my damn socks are still on…are you looking out for a secret article..i mean i doubt he is gonna come in and tell us…gonna wait till we find it…so keep your eyes peeled….I will hope and pray the two hours i am gone that i come home with good news in the room!
STATIC, i can just inmagine where got it, thats what pisses me off now evrybody will think they can do the same thing as horseface and get away with it.
yah i got an easy night its almost 80 here beautiful fresh air blowing in my windows, I’m loving it… i get off at 8, whoo hoo… be back on tonight maybe by then we have some bombshell news from simon 🙂
Pammyxoxo – I am a junk lover…I have junk all over the house, in every corner…never throw away good junk…never know when it might come in HANDY!!!!
c-a, i was talking about emma baker that katfish was talking about. not sure on the deetails. mother living with parents 18 month old emma. they lived in la. mother is 24, said that the baby was kidnapped a month ago. when police kept queationing her she broke and said it was an accident. sound like anybody we know.
Static- I think we know where she got the idea.:( She evidently isn’t quite as accomplished at lying as KC. She went to the trouble of removing some of her clothes, banging her head and calling police to switch it up a bit I guess.
i just went and lite a candle for all of our babies. i put on there from bnn. it is a precious site. the candles burn for 48 hours. i try to keep them going but i forget at times. i will try and do better this week.
me too seriously, i have junk too, i cleaned out last week old clothes, and well now we have no clothes lol, and next I’m gonna work on toys…
click on my name from entries today and I have a posting about emma and a link to a post a month ago when this first happened.
thanks katfishe for posting the candle site. i don’t know how to copy and paste. i was going to just type it in. i love that site. i keep it in my favs. it is terrible about little emma. just 18 months old. what in the world.
can’t complain, although I’d much rather be here talking about junk and stuff, and slamming on restaurants 🙂
ok i think I be home, I cannot ever get the show to play on my computer, sooooooooooo I have to call in just to listen first of all, and then after that get on and offer nothing to the discussion 🙂 excpet my ramblings…
oh yah i was supposed to say hello from CHSAH to all at bnn.. shes been busy with her grandkids non stop, can’t find the time to blog.. but she does say to say hello.!
oh i cant wait to see what SIMONS got this waiting will be killing me all weekend, dang it NG reruns this weekend, i will be listing to the show sun.
katfish, just visted your site. it is lovely and good info. can you put the petition that beast did on there. we really need more signatures. trying to help these babies any way that we can.
well i get to leave work early today!!! Yay!!! Everyone stay safe and i hope to read about a nuke bombshell on Monday morning…
Thank you for the kind words Lockwood. That is a great idea about the link too. I will post it in Emma’s post for now since it is getting a lot of traffic. later I will find another spot.
Thanks for making all of us working people jealous Bmore…go have some crabs down by the waterfront and leave us alone…and please keep it quiet…there are people working here Bmore..
i just went and lit a candle for EMMA that is a wonderful site anybody interested clik on katfish name, it will take you there.
Static…well you shouldnt bite on pickles that hard…I wouldnt have to slap you! I told you not to add me to your lunches no more!
Yah “laundry” sure Butters! that what they call trying to make a baby parkay these days? LOL 😉
Crabs on the waterfront…sounds like a personal issue! LOL ….ahahaha….get some shampoo and masingil for that.!
No I was seriously at the laundromat with 90 degree weather outside and inside wasn’t much better bleh..
hi everyone,checking in before i have to go to work,then two days off hurray,just want to make a comment,about cindy’s statement that casey thanked her for calling 911,that is a lie,because on a earlier statement,when she told casey she was calling the police casey told her whatever do whatever you want to do
I hope you put your socks back on Butters your clothes to….come in here all nekkid after “laundry” dont be in here in your baby making clothes either!
Pickles…I guess I will have to give up eating pickles altogether…I don’t want the taste slapped out of my mouth. Yes…I will be using that term soon… I need to go downtown and start a fight in a bar tonight…I will use that as my opening line.
how is cindy and george going to help find missing children have they found any yet,how can they when they are making all the tv shows,also if they are not working how are they supporting themselves,off of caylee’s dead body,as nancy grace stated who is standing up for caylee,then american public
Beast- I posted the link to the petition at the top of my main page. Hope that helps some, my blog isn’t huge but I think my readers are like minded. 😉
flowerchild, you are right the public is the ones seeking justice for caylee. her family has turned their backs on her. i wish someone had the guts to ask those stupid people why they are not fighting for her justice. all the say is that they believe their daugther. well if she did not do it then why aren’t they breaking down doors and screaming someone else is guilty. i don’t buy anything that they have to say. they know that she is guilty. they know.
katfish that you so much for posting the petition. i love you site and will visit daily. you are great. thanks for being a part of bnn. great peeps here. thanks
“WESH-Channel 2 told us how Casey Anthony could walk away from a murder indictment. WKMG-Channel 6 says it will “break some new ground” in the case against Anthony.
And public-relations experts are baffled by the young woman’s parents, George and Cindy Anthony, who blew an interview set up with Oprah Winfrey in favor of a two-part appearance on CBS’ Early Show.
This is what happens when the Casey Anthony case meets television’s May ratings period, which began Thursday.
“We’re going to be breaking some new ground in the Casey Anthony case in the next few weeks,” WKMG news director Steve Hyvonen said. “Tony Pipitone will do investigations.”
As The Early Show concluded its two-part interview with the Anthonys, WESH countered with an exclusive interview with Anthony attorney José Baez.
“Obviously, what happened in the woods is critical,” Baez told WESH, alluding to a wooded area where the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony were discovered in December.”
Why do I stink all of a sudden…what did I do? I ask a simple question of Butters that she is blogging and trying to make a baby all at the same time…(I would think that would be difficult to type while doing that)…and you say I stink? I just don’t get it…
keeping my fingers crosses and said a pray last night for you. i love them babies. could eat them up. so sweet. i just don’t know how anyone could hurt a child. kills my soul. we just have to help, justice for our babies.
Ms. Pickles (why are you Ms today – no radio show today?) but anyway – Ms. Pickles will you send us through another rabbit hole – taking too long to refresh……….
yeah, pick, can we have a new rabbit hole. i am having trouble with refesh as well. i will hop quickly. teehee
Hi Everyone, I just finished reading all the posts from where I left off. I have an idea, wouldn’t a summary be great. Like every couple of hours somebody did a blog summary. Put all the bombshells and important info in a paragraph. Sure would save a lot of time. Although I guess a lot of bonding posts would be missed, there is a fly in every ointment.
Simon, what you have must be good enough for you to even mention it. Like others, I’m anxious to know what you have.
I would never what to you give the defense anything to bite on, unless this was a Slam Dunk for the pros. But reguardless of the new and damaging info you might have, keep in mind everyone in the Ants hill is reading.
@spacely earlier you made a comment about the smell coming from Casey’s car. Trust me that is one smell one never forgets living in texas before and having been in the Real Estate Industry I dealt with a few suicides in apartments and the bodies not found for a few days and trust me if you have never experienced that smell your lucky. Pizza dough is made from yeast which after a few days sitting in the heat just turns to hard matter and has no smell at least that has always been the experience i have had with pizza lol. |
270,374,213 | Our Los Angeles and San Juan Capistrano ICE detention and bonds attorneys will protect your rights if you are detained or arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Every year, we help hundreds of workers and families who are facing deportation charges. We commonly obtain last-minute stays of deportation / removal for clients detained by ICE, and assist in obtaining bond orders for release from custody. By familiarizing yourself with the information below, you can be prepared if you are stopped, detained, or arrested by ICE.
In light of Donald Trump’s new immigration policies, our immigration attorneys at Hill & Piibe want you to know your rights, so you can protect yourself and your family. This information will tell you how to prepare for a possible ICE raid or arrest, and what to do if you are detained. Please also check our blog, our newsletter, and our Facebook page for updates and additional information.
Keep these in your wallet, give them to friends, family and co-workers. They contain advice on how to prepare, and how to respond if you are the subject of an ICE raid/arrest.
Keep these in your wallet, hand them out to family, friends and co-workers. Give this card to the arresting officer so you can remain silent about your immigration status.
You do not have to let any police into your home without a warrant signed by a judge—even if they just want to “ask questions.”
Carry the law firm’s business card with you, and write your Alien Number (“A-number”) on it if you have one.
Give the law firm’s business cards to your family/support network in case they need to call us to help you– and provide them with your Alien Number (“A-number”) if you have one.
Clear up your criminal record—have Hill & Piibe be involved in this, because criminal-immigration law is extremely complex and you don’t want to waste your money getting useless expungements.
Prepare a legal document to authorize someone else to care for your children if you are arrested; you also may want a document giving someone else control over your finances if you are arrested.
Do not associate with people or situations that could cause you to be arrested, including persons with deportation orders against them or criminal records, and stay away from ICE raid sites, etc.
Employers, family members and friends want to know how to help someone they care about if that person is detained. Here’s what happens, and what can be done to help:
Act quickly and have us get involved right away to determine how we can help—some people may be slated for immediate removal and need fast intervention.
We can locate your person in the system, and get information about plans and timeline for possible removal/deportation.
We can request a Credible Fear Interview to stop removal due to legitimate fear of persecution/harm in the home country.
We can file a motion to reopen and erase an old removal / deportation order if there are supporting grounds.
Who’s at risk? Right now, anyone without lawful status in the U.S., but especially those with old deportation orders and criminal records.
ICE is ramping up its ranks and its presence—we hear more and more reports of local targets and raids.
In some cases, a person may be freed from a detention facility on bail. Our immigration lawyers will attend the bond hearing to ask the judge to allow for their release. We can help you find a bondsman if you cannot pay the amount of the bond.
If bond is denied, your immigration court hearings will be in the detention facility and we will represent you at those hearings. In many cases, people are detained because they have a problem with a current or past criminal offense. In addition to handling your immigration case, we can also defend you in a criminal case, including vacating a criminal record.
While detained, you have a right to an attorney, but not a free attorney. You have a right to a fair hearing, and you have a right to appeal.
As your immigration attorney we will protect your rights. We have an attorney in immigration court every day of the week helping people fight deportation proceedings or defending people with criminal charges that could hurt their chances to immigrate. Contact us to schedule an appointment.
Katherine Heigl says she doesn’t believe in love at first sight and insists that she was attracted to husband Josh Kelley because of the pheromones at play.
The New Year’s Eve actress thinks strong feelings grow over time but she accepts you can tell if you like someone as soon as you meet.
“I don’t believe in love at first sight. I think loves grows as you get to know the person. But definitely I believe in chemistry. You can be attracted to somebody and instantly feel something you’ve never felt before,” Contactmusic quoted her as saying.
“I swear it’s a pheromones thing. There is something about Josh that is so uniquely attractive and sexy to me. And he wasn’t my usual type at all. I went for moody and mysterious guys, usually actors. Josh is so different from any man I know,” she added.
Tamil Nadu CM writes to PM on construction of reservoir across Cauvery | india news | Hindustan Times
Chief minister EK Palaniswami told Modi in a letter that the Karnataka government “has decided to implement Rs 5,912 crore Mekedatu Multipurpose (drinking and power) Project across the river Cauvery, which involves building a balancing reservoir with a capacity of 66 TMC ft”.
The Tamil Nadu government on Saturday protested against Karnataka’s “unilateral action” of constructing a reservoir across river Cauvery at Mekedatu and sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intervention in the matter.
Citing media reports, chief minister EK Palaniswami told Modi in a letter that the Karnataka government “has decided to implement Rs 5,912 crore Mekedatu Multipurpose (drinking and power) Project across the river Cauvery, which involves building a balancing reservoir with a capacity of 66 TMC ft.”
“Further, Karnataka has proposed to approach the Central Water Commission and Supervisory Committee of the Supreme Court and Union Ministry of Environment for getting required clearances,” he said.
Palaniswami recalled Karnataka and Kerala filing civil appeals in the Supreme Court against the 2007 final award of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal, even as Tamil Nadu had also filed a Special Leave petition on certain aspects of the final order of the Tribunal.
“Even as hearing is underway in these appeals, Tamil Nadu filed Interlocutory Applications in the apex court against the Karnataka government from proceeding with the Hydro-electric Projects,” he said.
Last year, the Centre had informed Tamil Nadu that Karnataka had been advised to share their plans for Mekedatu and other projects with the co-basin states as required under the Tribunal order and to bring them on board before taking up their Detailed Project Report/Construction, he pointed out.
Further, Karnataka had also assured Tamil Nadu “that it has no plans to proceed with the construction of the project without first informing the Supreme Court,” he said.
“The unilateral action of the Government of Karnataka to construct a balancing reservoir across the river Cauvery near Mekedatu without obtaining the prior concurrence of the co-basin states and in violation of the order of the Tribunal will be detrimental to the interests of people of Tamil Nadu,” the chief minister said.
"It's been a journey from 'why should we' to 'why not' for consumers," Tapia, who has 65% world share in development and open source solutions, said.
The acceptance of open source is most visible in the banking and financial services sector in India. Conventionally, the robustness of a platform can be judged by whether or not enterprises are deploying it to handle transaction-based mission critical processes. If that be the litmus, the fact that four out of the five insurance companies in India and banks like Canara Bank, Allahabad Bank, Vijaya Bank have joined the Linux bandwagon, is the proof of the pudding for the Indian enterprises. UTI Bank is using the platform for its call centre operations. In a nutshell, it's the heart of enterprises that are sitting on open source now and Linux is not just one of those things sitting at the periphery.
After having established a foothold in the enterprise space, what would your focus for the Indian market be for the coming year?
There are two more things that need to be ironed out for proliferation of open source in India -- one is to tap the desktop space and the other is localisation. We already offer five languages and will be offering eight more by November this year. Simultaneously, we are creating a desktop ecosystem where the desktop can seamlessly port to a printer, scanner, browser or biometric devices.
We are pretty much ready for the desktop environment in the enterprise and education space. LIC already has 25,000 Linux desktops today. Education is a special focus as the next generation of users are going to come from this sector. We do not want to offer this market on a platter to some proprietary platform with some 350 million kids becoming a captive audience for it. The next generation should have the option of choosing between open source and proprietary systems. For the small and home office segment we have some work to do so that they can easily port their applications on to the open source platform. We are also working with application developers and content developers to raise the level of business for the smaller enterprises.
We would like to believe that we have driven the market in a specific direction where the total cost of ownership for the end user had to be brought down by competition. But they still have a long way to go in providing the consumer an environment where the platform can be played around with ease to customise it according to the customer preferences.
The biggest task at hand is to get the developer community in India interested in Linux. We have to keep them in the loop to do well not just domestically but to crack the global marketplace. Also given that people are ready to adopt Linux, we are under pressure to scale out in terms of development of newer applications, have a sales and marketing, and above all, a support infrastructure in place for the big time rollout. Training is a big area of focus and we are working with partners to constantly train and update them.
On the iconic composer’s 74th birth anniversary, singer Vishal Dadlani talks about the influence Rahul Dev Burman has had on his career and the entire film industry.
Rahul Dev Burman has been an inspiration to many musicians. And even though the iconic composer passed away 19 years ago (in 1994), he is still remembered fondly by many budding artistes.
Composer-singer Vishal Dadlani is one such fan, who calls ‘Pancham da’ the man who inspired him to strive and take up music as a career option.
Speaking to us on RD Burman’s 74th birth anniversary (on June 27), Vishal recalls, “He was more of an inventor, who assimilated sounds from all around the world. By experimenting with music, he opened doors not only for his contemporaries, but also for the coming generations. Every musician is just trying to get to where he left us.”
Incidentally, over the years, Vishal and his composer-partner Shekhar Ravjiani have had the opportunity to work on two songs originally composed by the musical legend —Humein tumse pyar kitna (for Jhankaar Beats; 2003) and the title track of Bachna Ae Haseeno (2008).
“But we didn’t mess with the original songs. Our versions are a tribute to RD Burman, and we made sure that he and the song’s lyricists got their due credit,” he says, adding that Pancham da was a man much ahead of his time.
“His songs are not nostalgic; they are as modern as today’s songs. You will discover something new every time you listen to them, even if you’ve heard them a hundred times before. You can’t escape his influence,” he says.
In an important judgement, the Supreme Court on February 16 reduced Tamil Nadu’s share of the Cauvery waters and increased Karnataka’s allotment. Karnataka has been directed to release 177.25 tmcft of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu as against 192 tmcft awarded by the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal in 2007. The judgement also clarified that Karnataka will now have an enhanced share of 14.75 tmcft water per year , making it 284.75TMCft now. (HT Correspondent) |
115,005,241 | I had my wedding reception at the Mutiny Hotel by the pool, and it was perfect staff was very nice and attentive. I Stayed in a two bedroom suite over looking the sailboats WHAT A VIEW. The rooms were big and spacious I love the full kitchen. The room was also clean and it was updated. My family stayed on on of the top floors and they had the same experience.
It was very comfortable, we had breakfast and sometimes dinner there. The apartment had a beautiful view to the bay of Coconut Grove. The hotel is close to the Coco Walk where there are shops, restaurants and cinemas. It was a good experience that we intend to repeat.
We travelled to the Miami area during our daughters' school break. We reserved a two-bedroom suite and our room was exactly as depicted on the hotel's website. The spacious suite was in excellent condition and the beds in both bedrooms were very comfortable. The sofabed was not very comfortable but the housekeeping staff promptly provided a mattress topper that solved that issue. Our suite had plenty of storage space, a fully equipped kitchen and a washer and dryer. The entire suite had marble or tiled floors which avoids the problems associated with hotel carpets! Housekeeping staff kept our room very clean throughout our stay.
We were very pleased with the hotel's Coconut Grove location. The hotel is within walking distance of great restaurants, movie theatres and some shopping. There is a great grocery store nearby, too. Very inexpensive public transit is easily accessible from the hotel.
Our room was not high enough to have much of a view, however, it offered the peace and quiet we were seeking. The only noise we noticed, on occasion, was from other guests moving chairs on the marble floors in the room above ours.
The quiet pool area was relatively small but kept clean and was never crowded during our stay. The hot tub was usable its jets were not working while we were there.
Although we usually do not ask for much in the way of hotel services when we travel, we were very impressed with the helpful, friendly staff at The Mutiny Hotel. They helped us to arrange an excursion to the Everglades, provided directions to the nearest grocery store and promptly called taxis when we needed them.
I would certainly stay at the Mutiny hotel again and would recommend it to others looking for more than a standard hotel room in a secure and quiet area of the city.
My husband and I booked this vacation through our travel agent. When we checked the internet to see what this place looked like, we began to have reservations about going. You never know what you'll find when you book on-line. We've had problems before while using Travelocity and others of the like. Well, we were SOOOO glad we decided to go anyway. This place was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! We were there for 8 days, 7 nights. We stayed in building 3404...a unit that is owned by Mr. & Mrs. Spurgeon...and what a lovely unit they have! It was clean and well stocked with all the kitchen needs for a couple vacationing. We prefer to have a full kitchen when we travel so we are not forced to eat out every day. This couple makes sure you have near everything you'd need to cook a variety of foods. My husband is a chef, and he had no problem whipping up several wonderful meals there. They have several locations that have grills and picnic tables for all to use...which we did. The pool was clean. There were plenty of lounge chairs. The hot tub was wonderful, too. The bathhouse is still being worked on, but our unit was near the pool, so i guess it didn't matter to us whether we had access to the bathhouse or not. The grounds were absolutely breath-taking. Flowers were blooming everywhere! The beach area was small, but neatly kept. They have lighted palm trees in both the beach area and the grilling area, which was a nice touch. There is a guard shack at the entrance where we were always greeted with a smile as he opened the gate for us. The entire staff was very friendly and helpful. They perform a mid-week cleaning, which we passed on...we didn't find it necessary, since we hardly spent any time on the inside, except to sleep...and escape from the blazing Florida sunshine! There is a restaurant, a little store, and a bar, on site. There is ample parking, with plently room, still, for all the boats on trailers that belong to owners/renters. From our balcony,though it was kinda small, we had a beautiful view of the ocean. Paradise...that's what this place is, and we look forward to returning there next year. Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Spurgeon, for sharing this little piece of paradise with us.
Great value for the money. Close to Key Largo & Islamarada. Very relaxing. We are coming back next year for sure.
Absolutly amazing! The views, the sunsets, the bonfire, the pool were perfect. Our suite was very clean and well stocked. The whole suite had just been remodeled, Very comfortable beds and clean new linen. I enjoyed being there, They staff are tops! Thanks to Eddie, Sherize and Jerry. I cant wait to come back. eight days was definetly not long enough.
Diveheart Sponsors Diving Trip for Gold Star Families and Wounded Veterans 4/24/12 Diveheart Foundation of Downers Grove, Illinois hosted a scuba diving trip to the Florida Keys for Gold Star families of fallen troops, and wounded veterans. The trip was made possible due to the generosity of Southwest Airlines which provided round-trip airline tickets as part of its 40th anniversary celebration. Sharing Our Luv with Our Communities. Participants stayed at Ocean Pointe Suites in Key Largo. Diveheart is a not-for-profit organization that provides scuba diving opportunities for children and adults with disabilities, and wounded veterans. The physical, mental and spiritual benefits of scuba are beyond measure. Last year, Diveheart started working with Gold Star families who have lost a loved one in the military. These are parents, spouses, children and siblings of our service men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice and their lives have been forever changed, said Jim Elliott, president/founder of Diveheart. Our wounded veterans are facing what may be their new normal which might include missing arms, missing legs, traumatic brain injuries, or loss of vision. The parents are starting what may be their new normal which also includes a painful loss. Its obviously not the same, but they're all facing difficult transitions resulting from immeasurable loss. Participants on the trip have spent the past six months learning how to scuba dive and preparing for the adventure. They spent the time learning from and depending on each other while growing and healing together, Elliott said. Attending the trip, were four Gold Star families from Illinois, a group of Diveheart volunteers including an active Navy corpsman, and three veterans with disabilities; two who are blind and one who is a paraplegic and in a wheelchair. What drew us together for the trip aside from our deep connection to the military is the fact that we have all endured a loss. All of our lives have changed dramatically and irreversibly and we are all seeking to live with what we call our new normal, said veteran Rick Olson who is blind. All of us have a burden to carry but you would not notice any challenge or disability after spending the week seeing, talking and listening to each other. Yes the scuba diving was some of the best that I have done, but was really special was the camaraderie between everyone including the children. We all laughed, cried, and most of all listened to each others stories. A second Gold Star trip will be planned for this fall. This has been such an amazing process, that we're really eager to share the opportunity with additional families, said Elliott. We are so grateful to Southwest Airlines for their generosity and Ocean Pointe Suites in Key Largo for their warm hospitality. For additional information or to view photos from the Gold Star trip, visit
We had a beachfront room...that makes all the difference for stunning sunsets right from your balcony! The suite had everything you could possibly want including a washer/dryer! All the appliances were very up to date and the suite was very spacious. The pool and hot tub were great, not the mention the Tiki bar very near by! Of course the best part...the beach is right there!
We came down from the northern states to spend our vacation here at Sunset Vistas. Our room was not ready as we arrived very early. The ladies Brianna & Liz made us feel welcomed as soon as we waked through the doors. We were able to use the pool and beach until our room was ready. Not an hour had gone by and they called to tell us our room was ready.
Checked in Saturday March 3rd, 2012 at 11 PM. Someone had parked in our place so we parked out front, no problem. (Only night this happened) Room was clean and very nice. Stayed for 7 nights. Plenty of room to share with another couple or kids. Front desk personnel were very helpful with any questions or concerns we had, great job! Property was nice and quiet, great and easy access to the very clean beach. Amazing views of the gulf!! Kitchen is adequately stocked with pots, pans, cups, plates and utensils.
This was our second stay at the Sunset Vistas which was even better than the first. The condo-type units are comfortable, spacious and come fully equipped. Located nicely on the beach and close to John Pass where the shops, restaurants and action are located. The on-site cafe is nice and convenient.
The staff is great, very helpful. The cafe has good food at reasonable prices, very family friendly. Pool clean and well equipped. The path to the beach has a courtesy box of equipment to use. The suite was well equipped and furnished, including washing machine, dryer and dishwasher. No late night noise - easy walk to Johns Pass. Would certainly return.
Staying at hotel currently had a small issue that mellony and tyrell handled very quickly. Very nice place to stay have stayed here before and will stay again.Condos are in great safe area with a great view. The price is great. Everytime we've come back something had been new. Pablo and Edward are great at the front desk.
We had stayed in 2 other Hotels in Tampa on our trip, they were nothing like their advertisement stated they added extra charges for parking and resort fees. When we arrived @ Sailport We were supposed to be booked for 2 nights but do to translation issue with the Travelocity rep. He cancelled 1 of my nights. JERRY @ Sailport was wonderful! He said " lets see if we can make the rest of your trip better". He put us in a suite with a great view of the bay for the two nights, this resort is very clean and the staff helpful.
Great location. Our two bedroom suite was nicely furnished and well maintained. Even though there were a lot of families, found the resort to be quiet and peaceful. Staff were friendly and very helpful. Lots to do in the area.
I own a travel company and recently sent my clients to Sunset Vistas. I want to thank the customer service and management team for their extremely courteous and professional assistance with my requests for my clients. I work with many resorts but because of our clients wonderful stay and our experience with your staff, we are looking forward to booking many more clients at Sunset Vistas!! Thank you!!
My family (wife and two boys aged 4 and 1.5) and I stayed here for five days. We were supremely impressed with the stunning beauty of the resort, the courteous staff, and the laid back nature of the place. This was our first time to the Florida Keys, and from the earlier reviews I was a little uncertain of what we were going to get. However, our minds were quickly put to ease when we pulled into the sunny parking spot surrounded by blossoming florescent flowers, the ocean only a hundred feet from our room. The desk staff was friendly, and welcoming. We stayed in Building 5 on the 3rd floor with a perfect view of the harbor. Just to give you a sense of the place. I walked over to pick up a couple blankets from the headquarters building one evening. On my way back I saw a group of kids looking over the edge of the docks. I walked up, and a manatee was nosing his way along the edge of the dock. One of the kids actually climbed down the ladder and petted the gentle giant.
The view could not be beat. It was just what you'd expect in a Florida vacation place. Our suite was quiet and the location is good--halfway between Miami and Key West. Grocery store, pharmacy, and multiple dive shops were less than a mile away. We found incredible restaurants within a few miles of the resort. The pool was big and very clean. Every experience we had with staff was positive.
This was a great place to come with 2 teenagers. We needed space for everyone to have their own "personal space" after 8 days of "togetherness". It was decorated very cute and the furnishings were comfortable.The washer and dryer in the unit were very helpful. It was located right next to a nature trail through a mangrove forest down to the water and we had a good view of the sunrise over the water. The pool, tennis courts, beach, and playground were well maintained. Having a kitchen and BBQ grills saved us on eating out costs and allowed us to relax and spend more time on the beach without worrying about restaurant timing or driving. Marina on site for fishing or snorkeling charters.
What a wonderful surprise. The beach is small but clean and beautiful. There are walking paths (in the mangrove trees around the condos). I did my morning run there. The pool is clean and nice. We had an excellent dinner at the cafe. It was quiet on the property. The Ocean Pointe Suites are near many attractions such as the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and the Theatre By the Sea in Islamorada (both well worth the visit). I have a 14 year old and 5 year old and they both said that this was our best vacation yet.
With two teenage kids it was great to have two bedrooms and two bathrooms with a kitchen. I like this configuration better than two adjoining rooms. Some mornings we just had a quick bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee before the day's activities. Some evenings we picked up a Redbox DVD and ordered pizza. The unit had a coffer maker, pots and pans, dishes and silverware. It was good to be on the 4th floor for a better view and our unit had a washer and dryer. The dryer was good to have to dry off the beach towels. Coffee shop is nice, beach is better than most in the keys, good tennis court and pool. The units are not serviced every day but you can arrange for a mid stay cleaning if needed. We stayed 4 nights so it wasn't an issue.
I had the 1 bedroom suite and it was awesome!! Loved the big hot tub and pool and the man made beach was cute!! Every room has a view even if there is a bunch of mango tree between you and the ocean! Everything you need! There is 5 buildings and i really couldn't tell that one was better than the others!! We stayed in #3. There is bbq pits for grilling and a tennis court and a playground for the kids!! Very clean and very well maintained and it is gated with security !
Such a nice quiet place to relax. Rooms were very clean and supplied with everything you need, except for napkins or paper towels,lol. Edward was very helpful and we loved our stay!
This was our second time staying here. We stayed in the 2 bedroom suite w/partcial view and it was a perfect view of the beach. It was very clean, spacious, and the staff was excellant! It also has a wonderful cafe and tiki bar which we enjoyed drinks next to the pool at sunset and the bartender (Erin) was phenominal! It's also a great place/town to stay with family.
Checked in Saturday March 3rd, 2012 at 11 PM. Someone had parked in our place so we parked out front, no problem. (Only night this happened) Room was clean and very nice. Stayed for 7 nights. Plenty of room to share with another couple or kids.
We came down from the northern states to spend our vacation here at Sunset Vistas. Our room was not ready as we arrived very early. The ladies Brianna & Liz made us feel welcomed as soon as we waked through the doors. We were able to use the pool and beach until our room was ready. Not an hour had gone by and they called to tell us our room was ready. We got checked in and when we went to our room it was just BEAUTIFUL. We stayed out on our patio (as the weather was so beautiful) and just watched the beautiful beach and skies right out of our own room.
We took a 2 night break from our timeshare in Orlando and stayed at Sunset Vistas. We stayed there during Spring Break so the rooms were high priced, but very nice. We stayed in a 2 bedroom Gulf View unit. The 2 bedrooms were small, but nice. The Kitchen was very large as was the Dining area. Living room was small. Both bathrooms were OK sized. When we arrived our room was not ready, but they said they would call me when it was ready. I got a call very soon afterward. When we returned to check in I found out that I had left my credit card at Planet Hollywood in Orlando the night before. The girls at the front desk called Planet Hollywood for me and got me connected with the credit card company to cancel my account. They also said that I could have a new card shipped to the resort front desk and they would call me when it got there. It arrived the next day and they left a message on my cell phone and the room phone to let me know that the card had arrived.
We stayed at Sunset Vistas from March 17-24. It was an excellent experience. This is our 4th trip to Sunset Vistas and we will for sure come back again to enjoy all that Treasure Island has to offer. Very close walk to John's Pass. Lots of shopping and places to eat. The Middle Grounds Grill is fantastic. The rooms at Sunset Vistas are very spacious. I like that there is a separate patio door entrance from the master bedroom to the balcony. The sunsets are fantastic and can be viewed right from your balcony. Kitchen is very large and equipped with everything you will need. I noticed an earlier comment regarding the fire drill testing that took place. We were there during that time and certainly had proper notice that the testing would be taking place. I felt that notices were posted well in advance.
The beach was awesome and only steps from our room. The staff were friendly and parking was very well organized.
We came toFloridato see Spring Training baseball but our stay at Sunset Vistas Beachfront Suites (Treasure Island) was the highlight of the trip. The beach was beautiful, the pool clean and the staff friendly. Our 2-bedroom suite had a wonderful view of the ocean and was good size for 2 couples. The location is a short walk JohnsPass Village(shopping, restaurants, entertainment, etc.). Several other restaurants were also within walking distance. Had a great time at the beach and the baseball was pretty fun too! Will be back next year!!
We enjoyed our recent stay in our two bedroom suite with balcony overlooking the beach. Everything was clean and updated. Bathrooms and kitchen were fully stocked and they change towels every two days, more if you ask. The staff is extremely kind and helpful. |
17,562,307 | Summary:This year's Baselworld, one of the most prestigious events in high-end horology, saw exhibitors increasingly pre-occupied with events across the Atlantic, with many brands only too concerned about the impact of the Apple Watch.
The world of high-end watches and jewellery can be a secretive place, but certain events afford a glimpse into its workings – and none more so than Baselworld, the annual week-long trade show in the historic and classy northwestern Swiss town of Basel.
This year's edition saw the event once again live up to its reputation as one of the world's most glamorous trade fairs.The sheer scale of Baselworld could be seen in the size of the exhibitors' stands, which were more like three-storey futuristic buildings, each designed to reflect their brand's prestige. With 2,100 exhibitors from 45 countries fanned out across the town's vast Messe New Hall, attracting nearly 100,000 visitors and 4,000 journalists across the seven days, the VIP factor oozing throughout the site was striking.All of the established players in the watch world had a significant presence – Rolex, Omega, TAG Heuer, Patek Philippe and Blancpain were all within sight of each other. The watches on display at the front of the stands were mere previews for the more exclusive items upstairs. For such a big show, there was surprisingly little in the way of new product launches at Baselworld, with brands seeming to prefer to concentrate on customer interaction and marketing.The talk of the town was, in fact, a product that doesn't even exist yet, with no name and no prototype. TAG Heuer stole the headlines by announcing an unprecedented link up with technology giants Google and Intel, with the intention of launching a new smartwatch. There was precious little detail about the proposed features of the watch, but it is rumoured it will run on an Android-based system, retaining the "feel" of a watch but with subtle "smart" features, such as the ability to connect wirelessly to the internet.The concept of the smartwatch has been around for a while, with Tissot, in particular, integrating various smart technology functions into its watches for climbers and adventurers since the mid-1990s. The same could be said of diving watches, with the Rolex Submariner having led the way. Even sailing watches, such as the Omega Seamaster, are able to stake a similar claim.
Following Apple's much-vaunted entry into the market, however, the concept of the smartwatch has truly taken on a whole new meaning.Switzerland's leading watchmakers will never admit they have been caught out by the pace of technological advances in an industry where they are used to calling the shots. It remains to be seen whether the Apple watch will be in direct competition with more traditional-style timepieces, but it seems inevitable that considerable changes to the market are nigh.Indeed, the present state of the smartwatch industry suggests change has arrived, with the likes of Samsung and LG featuring among the top spots in a fast-growing industry that saw 4.6 million units sold globally in 2014 alone, representing a total turnover of US$1.3 billion. Samsung, with its Gear line of products, is by far the leading player currently, with a 23% share of the market.The other notable feature of the top 10 is the sheer rate of growth. The market increased in size, year-on-year, by 82% in 2014, and four of the year's top 10 smartwatch-producing companies were newcomers, including China's Lenovo/Motorola. Just one brand in the leading pack, Garmin, is Swiss.This year promises to deliver yet more change, with some analysts predicting that the number of smartwatches being sold will grow by as much as 600%, largely due to Apple's eagerly anticipated entry into the market.Perhaps pointedly, none of the aforementioned smartwatch brands were absent at Baselworld. The show, however, remains very much the domain of the somewhat conservative Swiss watchmakers. The state of the traditional high-end watch industry remains healthy, generating US$22.8 billion in turnover in Switzerland alone and accounting for 10.7% of the country's total exports, second only to pharmaceuticals.Growth figures tell a slightly different story, with a relatively sluggish 1.7% increase in exports for 2014, far below the double-digit growth the industry enjoyed in 2011 and 2012. Industry insiders predict, however, that exports will pick up again this year, moving within a more respectable 4%-7% range.At Baselworld, there was little sense of a "crisis" but there was certainly a renewed sense of urgency among some of the more forward-thinking brands. TAG, which stands for "Technique d'Avant Garde", smartly used the show to generate PR and momentum for the aforementioned groundbreaking partnership but it also triggered a discussion about the future of watches.Luxury brand Montblanc and leading watchmaker Breitling have both unveiled watches capable of connecting to smartphones via Bluetooth. The accompanying Breitling app allows users to easily adjust the various settings of the watch using their smartphone's much bigger screen. Both of these watches were on show in Basel.Signs of evolution at Baselworld are, if anything, as subtle as the ticking chronographs lining the walls of the various stands. The trend in conventional watches involves a move away from "complication" movements towards a more simple, refined look. There is also an acceptance of the non-traditional, more fashion-based brands moving into the established Swiss watchmakers' lair, with Chanel, Hermès and Graff all building solid reputations as serious watch brands.With so many journalists and analysts in attendance, opinions about the future of watches were in abundance, but few were prepared to make any solid predictions. The consensus among the various CEOs and Presidents of watch brands could be summed up by Tissot CEO Francois Thiebaud, who stated that customers are "seeking watches that provide more than time". His insight, perhaps, seems a little tame in the context of the arrival of Apple, a company with a proven track record of revolutionising entire markets.The Swiss watchmakers, however, also have a proven track record in beating off challenges to their traditional dominance. It is perhaps worth remembering, though, that two Japanese companies, Casio and Seiko, succeeded in bringing the digital watch to the market in the 1970s and 1980s, upsetting the balance for a considerable time before the Swiss heavyweights reasserted their ownership of the sector.The truth is, as with much of Baselworld, predicting the future of the industry comes down to speculation and educated guesses. The overriding feeling is that the Apple watch will revolutionise the entire industry and that, although the traditional players may be aware change is coming, they are not yet fully prepared to meet that challenge.There will undoubtedly be buyers who will make the choice between either a top Patek Philippe or a US$10,000 gold Apple smartwatch. The smartwatch share of the high-end "wrist" market is certain to grow this year and beyond. No one, though, can truly foresee what this really means for the traditional watch market. Analysts will be closely observing customer behaviour in the coming months as the Apple watch is released around the world.The other important factor is how quickly and efficiently the traditional brands respond. TAG Heuer has made the bold move of allowing its proposed smartwatch to be designed and manufactured in the heart of Silicon Valley rather than in Switzerland, the spiritual home of the luxury watch. A sign, perhaps, of things to come
At the recent American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting in Miami, researchers presented interesting findings regarding melanoma and other skin cancers, as well as dermatologic effects of cancer a...
Surgeons are clearly more comfortable in the operating room than the laboratory, but there is a place for them in translational cancer research as well, according to one surgeon who has led cutting-ed...
Mark is an Assistant Professor of Biology and heads the Environmental Science program at Cedarville. Bob is a Professor of Engineering and has been presenting the need for his mechanical engineering students to understand climate change. |
243,765,062 | This month our cover stars are returning heroes Tears For Fears. We meet Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith as they release hits compilation Rule The World and prepare for a UK tour in 2018 as well as a hotly-anticipated new studio album. Songs From The Big Chair makes the cut as our Classic Album, so all told we have a 15-page TFF extravaganza for you!
Duran Duran fans will love the unseen photos we have of the band – we’ve got a sneak peek of a brand new book about the New Romantic legend’s rise to fame ahead its release.
Madchester icons Happy Mondays talk us through the pills, thrills and bellyaches of their storied career – Shaun Ryder is on particularly fiery form – and we play Mr and Mrs with China Crisismainstays Gary Daly and Eddie Lundon.
If your first introduction to chart music was via Now That’s What I Call Music! compilations then check out our fond look back at the series, which includes a rare interview with the man who put them all together, Ashley Abram.
Bjork, U2, Midge Ure and Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds head up our new album reviews while OMD, Marc Almond and Liam Gallagher lead the charge in our packed line-up of live reviews.
Get the Lowdown on Whitney Houston’s complete career in one bite-sized chunk and find out why Dr Robert and The Blow Monkeys are as politically charged up as ever.
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UK Guardian Guide Magazine July 7th 2018 Brand New Condition Whitney Cover story and large report with photos with the legendary singer.
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The Montgomery County Community Foundation awarded $108,400 in grants to 28 nonprofit agencies that are working to improve lives in Montgomery County.
The 2012 MCCF Grants’ Reception was held at Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital Thursday. MCCF Board members honored foundation donors for their continued commitment to the community, and the recipient organizations for the life-changing work they contribute throughout Montgomery County.
Monies awarded by MCCF come from 25 permanently endowed charitable funds currently administered by the foundation. The principal of these funds remains intact and working to generate income in perpetuity, while the available interest is used for annual grants to local agencies and scholarships to local students. This conservative, but responsible, philanthropic approach insures that grants and scholarships will be available to enrich the quality of life for Montgomery County citizens both now and forever.
Bridgewood Farms: $3,000 pre-vocational and job skills training; health, physical and leisure activities.
CASA-Child Advocates of Montgomery County: $1,000 funding for advocate expenses to visit MC children placed outside the county.
Assistance League of Montgomery County: $3,800 Operation School Bell—providing clothing/shoes for school children in need.
Children’s Safe Harbor: $9,000 family advocacy services for children who are victims of sexual abuse
Family Promise of Montgomery County: $3,000 medical, dental, transportation, and child care assistance for homeless families.
First Baptist Church Conroe, Benevolent Fund: $3,800 food, clothing, med. necessities, utilities and shelter for needy families.
The Friendship Center: $6,750 senior adult life stage support and advocacy by Licensed Master Social Worker.
Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council: $4,000 assistance to girls and adult leaders of MC who lack the resources to join GSA.
Heritage Museum of Montgomery County: $4,000 to digitally record and preserve Oral Histories of Montgomery County.
Interfaith Community Clinic: $10,000 clinic-based medical and dental supply costs for direct patient care.
Interfaith of The Woodlands: $6,200 crisis assistance; and wellness and care programs for low income senior adults.
Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas: $1,500 materials for economic educational programs for K-12 graders in MC schools.
Montgomery County Emergency Assistance: $15,000 temporary emergency rent assistance for families in unexpected crisis.
Montgomery County Homeless Coalition: $300 Rapid-Rehousing and Re-Employment programs for new economic homeless.
Montgomery County Performing Arts Society: $500 to help present the 2012-2013 performing arts season to MC families.
Montgomery County United Way: $6,000 Days of Caring program connecting volunteers and resources to needs in MC.
Montgomery County United Way: $3,200 Daycare Scholarships so teen mothers can pursue post-secondary education.
Montgomery County Youth Services: $2,800 medical supplies, CPR/First Aid training, and RN medical exam services.
Montgomery ISD Foundation for the Arts: $2,000 funding for Fine Arts equipment and programs in district schools.
Oscar Johnson Jr. Community Center Volunteers: $3,800 after school programs; art, dance and camp programs; and special events.
Pregnancy Assistance Center North: $2,650 to fund items needed for nurses’ office and waiting room at new location.
hero_image_alt_text===A group of more than a dozen dedicated American Heart Association | American Stroke Association advocates,.
The typical patient loses 1.9M neurons each minute in which stroke is untreated. So, when you or a loved one experiences stroke, you want it to be recognized quickly, and for emergency medical services (EMS) personnel to get you to the most appropriate facility, where they can offer you the best possible outcome.
Each year, thousands of lives are lost to heart attack and stroke. One piece of the puzzle to saving more lives is to improve coordination between emergency services, health professionals and treatment facilities. At one time, CT had a system in place to certify and recognize different levels of stroke centers throughout the state. That system also provided patient transport protocols for EMS personnel so that they knew which facility was most appropriate to bring their patients to. Unfortunately, this program was retired in 2014.
On Friday, February 10, a group of more than a dozen dedicated American Heart Association | American Stroke Association advocates, including survivors, physicians, hospital stroke coordinators, and EMS personnel, testified before the committee in favor of passing this life saving legislation.
Click here to take action and tell your lawmakers you support an improved system of stroke care in CT!
Their larger size, additional seating options and increased cargo space make SUVs a popular option for families. Here are five essential things you need to know before buying an SUV.
SUVs, like cars, come in a variety of sizes. If you only want a slightly larger vehicle, a subcompact that offers space for five might be plenty for you. However, a large family or one that takes frequent trips with lots of luggage might find a large SUV with third row seating a better option. Knowing what size you need before you head to the dealer will simplify your buying process.
SUVs are broken down into crossover and conventional categories. Crossovers are smaller and typically offer improved handling that is similar to driving a car, while conventional options drive more like trucks and often have additional towing capacities or power. Consider how you like to drive, and whether you’ll be hauling trailers or heavy loads with your new ride. This will help you choose the right category of SUV.
Generally speaking, SUVs are bigger, heavier, and less aerodynamic than regular cars, so buying an SUV means you’ll be spending more at the pump. Whether you opt for a four-cylinder, six-cylinder or eight-cylinder engine, be prepared for considerably reduced fuel economy than you expect from a car - it's a tradeoff with the other benefits SUVs provide. If you often drive long distances, with very little off-road time, a four-cylinder might be the best option.
Make sure to consider what type of driving you’ll be doing in your SUV. If you typically motor around in urban areas, a two-wheel drive option might work just fine for your needs. However, if you deal with inclement weather or rough terrain, a four-wheel drive could be a better choice. If you have visions of off-road exploration when the pavement ends, four-wheel drive is a must. Otherwise, two wheel drive will save you gas and be easier to maintain.
Another important consideration when buying an SUV is overall safety. While they are larger, that doesn’t make them invincible on the roads. A higher center of gravity makes them more susceptible to roll-over accidents. Greater weight means longer stopping distances. Most SUVs come with a variety of safety features such as airbags and antilock brakes, and many offer additional safety options such as rearview cameras, lane departure and blind spot warning systems. If you want to make sure you choose the safest option, check NHTSA crash ratings for more information.
There are several variables that will influence the answer to that. It depends on your vehicle, how you drive, where you drive, and how hot it is outside. But there are some things that are certain: operating an A/C system...
Cleverly (to my mind), I call this practice the Pic(k) of the Week. Each week, it's a photo (or, should I say, digital image) usually taken (or created) by me, and usually (but not always) with a good (or bad) fermentable as subject. That is some significant hedging. I am not a photographer; (to paraphrase the old pharmaceutical ad campaign) I only play one at YFGF.
Thirty-two of the fifty-two photos I selected were of beer in some fashion: ten were at breweries, of which five were brewpubs. Three of the photos were brewers working. Another one was a smart-dressed Pabst man at a minor-league baseball game. Only four were of beer-and-food. One of those was of beer IN food; another was a beer lunch in a hop field in the U.K.: an example of a photo not taken by me, but of such a stellar scene that I secured permission to re-post it.
Five photos were nostalgic: from my former bailiwick. Three photos were baseball related. One photo was taken at a jazz performance, and tangentially baseball-related. A few went to the dogs. One was vehemently vegetarian.
I selected no pictures of cask ale for inclusion last year. That's a sad first for me, a cask ale nut. Over the year, I simply didn't encounter any good cask ale in Atlanta, Georgia (other than a few imported UK-produced pints at a local cask ale festival). That's a topic for another day.
So, take a look, below. Click on a thumbnail to view the image in its full size accompanied by its backstory. (By the way, all of my photographs and images, whether anointed for inclusion here or not, can be seen at Flickr, all thirty-five thousand of them.)
This Saturday, 7 January, I'll post a new Pic(k) of the Week, and the series will begin anew for 2017.
At the head of the post, a bonus Pic(k) of the Week: Two for beers, taken at Eventide Brewing, in Atlanta, Georgia, on 26 August 2016.
Pic(k) of the Week: one in a weekly series of photos, usually posted every Saturday, and often, but not always, with a good fermentable as a subject.
Over the past few weeks I have spent some time thinking about how we got here. How is it that our nation now finds itself in the situation of needing to be restored to its founding principles? Was there a particular event, a milestone along the way, which reveals where we began to head in the wrong direction? In my own mind, I have decided the answer is not quite that simple.
There is a story in the book of Matthew concerning a landowner who had planted a wheat field. When the grain began to grow it was discovered that the field also contained tares. These tares look like wheat, but the fruit is not good to eat. Some varieties of these tares are even said to be poisonous. The question is asked, “How did this happen?” The answer - while the good men slept tares were sown among the wheat.
We can probably look back on certain events in our country and see where those specific circumstances caused a slight shift in our direction. Yet I do not think that we can say that any one particular event is what has resulted in the need for this major course correction.
I believe that the key issue is that while the good men were sleeping, tares have been sown among the wheat. A small and very vocal minority in our country has been allowed to override the will of the majority in our nation. Whether it is prayer in school, the removal of the Ten Commandments from public display, or even the more recent attacks on our Second Amendment right, the changes that we have allowed have happened progressively over a period of time. There is no way that we would have allowed these changes had they been attempted all at once, yet slowly and imperceptibly they have begun to occur.
While the good men may not have been physically asleep during these events, we have been essentially so. When we fool ourselves into believing that these things can never happen here, and then choose to do nothing about it, the only thing remaining is to awake to see that they already have.
The most dangerous thing that can happen to any nation is when the good people of the majority become complacent and allow the minority to be successful in their quest to tear down the very foundations upon which its freedoms were built. Our nation was founded upon the Word of God, the Constitution, and a flag-waving, heart-pounding belief that together we can do anything.
Patrick Henry said, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” It is time for the good people of this nation to stir ourselves from sleep and run to the defense of our nation and our freedoms.
After my husband's sudden passing, I had great difficulty in getting payment from his life Insurance Policy. After several months, I received payment, but the Insurance Company disputed the rate of interest that they were supposed to pay. They also were going to pay the interest over a shorter period of time than they should have. The Insurance company had a claim form that they claimed had not been received until the actual date that they decided to pay the policy proceeds, NOT the actual date they received the form from me along with proof that my husband had died.
Eric Haag was successful in obtaining a substantial settlement in my case to recover the interest owed and for what I had paid to my prior attorney to get the policy proceeds. He also went on to file, and settle successfully, a class action suit against the Insurance Company for doing the same to many others when determining when "proof of loss" is established. |
3,489,019 | He was referencing my leaving Facebook a month ago. He’s heard me mention wanting to leave many times over the past five years that we’ve known each other, with increasing frequency coming into the end of 2016. But he never thought I’d actually do it. Hell, I never thought I’d actually do it, to be honest. It took a long time, even after deciding I’d leave, to actually click the “Deactivate account” link. I’d hovered over it a dozen times or more in the week leading up to finally doing it, but I just couldn’t make myself.
I left Twitter quite a while ago. Twitter has become nothing more than a place where you willingly put yourself in front of trolls, bots and celebrities who use you for their own means while pretending you matter. Nothing that has happened on Twitter since the Arab Spring has mattered in any meaningful, positive way. It’s a cesspool where turds float to the top and stink up the place with their offal, and some even become President of the United States as a result.
Twitter wasn’t hard. Before that, MySpace, Orkut, Google Plus, Friendster… None of them were all that hard to depart. But Facebook… That proved to be a lot harder to leave than any other Social Network I’d belong to in the past.
I bargained: I would take the app off my phone. That’d help. Except it didn’t, because I’d done that a bunch of times in the past, only to load up the mobile browser version to check on how a piece I’d posted was going, or how many likes my most recent witty observation was accumulating. You know, just a hit to tide me over. I’d quit after this one, I promised.
More bargaining: I would only use it nights and weekends. I set up productivity apps that block certain websites during certain hours of the day on my laptop. I would inevitably disable them as I was on the toilet or on a boring call. I even went so far as to eventually sign up for a proxy service that tunneled all of my internet traffic and promised to blacklist sites for productivity enhancement. That too crumbled, as I’d leave my WiFi to get on a cellular connection on my iPad and check, just this once, how something was going on Facebook. Each and every measure I put in place to limit my Facebook activity crumbled, slowly at first but eventually I’d just give up and dive right back in.
It turns out, when you want to quit a drug you’re addicted to, there’s a huge difference between putting your pipe in a drawer and promising you’ll never use it again, and smashing it with a hammer. So after 10 years of using Facebook to communicate with thousands of readers, fans and friends, I finally deactivated my account.
“I have wanted to leave so many times,” Casey continued, “but I keep going back to The Misery Machine.” The second he said that, it hit me. That’s precisely what Facebook has become: a machine that creates, runs on and produces 100% Pure Grade A Misery. And for a month and a day, I’ve been free from its grip.
…It feels so damn silly to talk about a freaking website in terms of complete and total addiction. You may even laugh at me. I’m fine with that. I only ask that, if you think it’s that easy, why don’t you give it a try and see how it feels?
No? That’s what I thought. And I’m not even judging you, because I know exactly how hard it is to leave something that has not only been part of your life for years (in my case, ten of them), but is the de facto method of communication for hundreds of millions of people. It’s the pulse of your social network. It’s your go-to for news, entertainment, updates on family and friends, and if you’re being 100% honest with yourself, a quick hit of validation when you need to know you matter to someone — anyone — in this world.
That’s the truth of it. It’s not just a website. It’s always-on, always-there, always-updated, living and breathing, and thoroughly integrated into your life. More than a dozen people I asked told me, after chuckling a bit, that yes — they’ll have typed “F-A-C-E” into the address bar of a web browser the second they open it before they even realized they had. Even more admitted to checking Facebook for updates within a minute of having checked Facebook, closing it to read something else, and getting bored.
It’s especially hard for middle-aged folks to look at a website — a simple piece of technology that used to be the last place anyone would trust for information, relationships or news — as something they can’t live without. And it’s not like everyone is in that particular bucket. There are millions of people for whom Facebook is just a novelty, who have less than 100 friends, or never bother to check it because it’s just not a part of their lives.
But for over a billion people, Facebook is a daily — sometimes hourly, and sometimes even minute-to-minute — part of their lives. And leaving it means turning their back on friends, family, news, entertainment, current events, and most importantly, constant stimulation combined with validation. I know I was in that camp.
But since I’ve left, I’ve noticed a few huge changes and a dozen or more small ones in my life. I’ve broken them down into three categories: my mental health, my writing, and my day-to-day activities.
First and foremost: I feel left out sometimes. I don’t quite know what’s going on when people reference the latest outrage or trend or meme going across Facebook. I don’t know what mutual friends are doing or just did when my friends bring them up in conversation, where I used to know without even having to ask who, what, where, when or why because I already knew.
Somehow, I stay just as up-to-date on current events and news. It’s almost like Facebook isn’t necessarily about what’s going on, so much as it is a running tabulation of everyone’s opinion of what’s going on (and of course, their fabulous lives in spite of it all).
It had become a poison to which I’d become addicted and, worse, acclimated. I was unhappy most of my day and I realized it was because I would hop on Facebook hourly, looking for stuff to be mad at because it just feels like we are supposed to be mad, doesn’t it? With all this insanity in the world and the elections and the hacking of the elections and celebrities dying and injustice all over, we MUST be mad, or we are bad citizens. But I have a happy life. I have a happy girlfriend and happy dogs and happy cats and I’m working a good job and not hurting for shelter, water, food, or air. There’s much to be happy about.
And that makes me feel guilty, like I’m not paying sufficient attention to the plight of my fellow man and woman. And that in turn makes me go dumpster-fire-diving for outrage so I can get back on the clock and turn in a proper outrage report with my timesheet.
And I realized… you can be sufficiently educated and apprised of the worlds events without having to get outraged by each and every iteration on bad things. It’s okay to simply say “yeah, I’m upset by the whole thing” and know inside yourself that you’ve got all the pieces of the story accounted for and organized in your little current events file without having to prove it, IN ALL CAPS over and over again, to people in your Social Network.
Those who agree with you, demand that you be as outraged as they are each and every step of the way or you’re no true believer (and it’s impossible, because every time you ante up they raise the stakes – or worse, you do to satisfy your need to be seen as at the forefront of the whole mess). Those who disagree won’t ever properly hear you or your points – they will simply be holding a stethoscope to your argument, listening for the slightest murmur or weak spot to attack – forcing you to do the same.
The public spectacle of being in the know has grown tiring. I have been through enough real-life shit to fill three lifetimes. I don’t need to spend my hours and days and weeks and months being miserable out of guilt or obligation, for fear of not being a participant in the Outrage Olympics. I’m still reading news, but not all day on constant stream. I’m still socializing, but more directly with those who stuck around after the convenience of reaction by liking and sharing was gone.
In the weeks since I left, I have felt my need to constantly be outraged decline by an order of magnitude, with absolutely NO loss in awareness of current events. It turns out, I don’t need thousands of opinions hurled at me every hour of every day, for me to make or justify my own. In fact, it’s far easier, because the sources I use for news are all legitimate — AP, Reuters, AFP — and I don’t have to deal with debunking fake news, opinionated news or partisan “news” sites all day. By reducing my need to react (and be seen reacting), I’ve earned back some time to reflect and work. This had some really weird consequences on my mental health, which I’ll get into shortly.
The downside, which in time has slowly become an upside: I’m nowhere near as in touch with what’s going on in my friends’ lives. I don’t see the daily posts. I don’t see the latest pics of their kids and what they’re eating and what cool new t-shirt they got from I don’t know what everyone got for Christmas, or where they spent New Years’ Eve.
But it hasn’t stemmed the flow of information from my closest friends. I do know where they were and what they were doing and how things are going. I may not know it minute by minute, but those who matter most have made the effort to stay in touch actively instead of passively. My friendships have always been of utmost importance to me, and while the quantity of information and the number of people I have it about has decline by two orders of magnitude, the quality hasn’t suffered one bit for the ones that matter most. And that has left me with literal hours per day to put toward my work, which has taken off in huge ways.
I will admit, however, that it took almost the entirety of the month I’ve been gone to get over typing “F-A-C-E” into the address bar of every browser I open the moment I open it. That habit is embarrassing. But knowing you have the same problem makes it sting just a bit less. And you do have that problem. You don’t have to admit it. I know you do. It’s okay.
Something I didn’t expect or really understand until I was hip-deep in the middle of it is that Facebook hindered my ability to deal with and get over some pretty deep pain from events that happened a few years ago. It’s interesting — you have pain inside you, and like any human, when that stuff starts to rear its ugly head, you don’t really want to feel it. It’s pain. It sucks. It’s like that.
In the old days, I’d run to distractions to stave it off, but eventually I’d run out of them and eventually I’d have to face whatever was messing with my mind. A few hours or days of pain and some awarenesses and awakenings would show up and I’d be over it.
Facebook is a constant morphine drip of distraction. And especially in modern times, with political insanity and outrage happening left and right, there are actual, real, justifiable things to be angry and upset over. So all that pain inside you that begins making itself apparent drives you to distraction, and then BOOM! Trump said something stupid, or Clinton said something stupid, or the Republicans or the Democrats piss all over the Constitution, and all your friends are OUTRAGED!!!! that it happened. And here you are, with pain in need of an outlet.
It results in a constant source of rage, with a constant place to put it that doesn’t actually help or address the source of the rage, so you’re stuck in a cycle of anger, outrage, expression and remission. Before you know it, you start coming down and the pain that’s deep inside you begins to boil again, and it’s right back to Facebook, where there’s a never-ending source of things to vent that pain at. If it’s not politics, it’s religion. If it’s not religion, it’s that friend who peaked in high school that constantly says stupid stuff but you can’t unfriend them because that’s an act of war. If it’s not them, it’s a fake news article. If it’s not any of that… Give it 60 seconds. Something will show up. It’s guaranteed, because Facebook is actually engineered to make sure it does.
So, since leaving, I’ve dealt with more underlying and suppressed pain I really had no idea I was even experiencing. It’s been 4 years since my divorce and losing my house and starting my career completely over. I’ve gotten over the divorce bits, but I had no idea how much I really missed my old house and my old career until new opportunities for buying a house and starting back into writing for television and magazines arose. And I couldn’t appropriately deal with any of it, because I couldn’t ever actually identify any of it for what it was, because I had a never-ending stream of shit to go be mad at and numb me, moment by moment, against the real underlying causes.
To say that I’m happier for leaving Facebook is approximately the same as saying I’m happier for having finally gotten a festering, infected splinter out of my foot which made it impossible to walk without limping, which made me sore all the time, which made me angry at the world.
I also have no reason to pretend to be friends with distasteful and terrible people anymore. That’s definitely been a plus.
Facebook and Twitter were soaking up all of my output. All these thoughts and feelings, pissed into the Newsstream never to be considered again. It is truly sad to see how, over the past ten years (and especially in the last five years) how most writing on the internet has become tailored for clickbait, short-form reading and nuggets that are custom-tailored for quick digestion and shitting — I mean, sharing (often without even bothering to be read, with the bullshit headline being enough for someone to reactively repost for fear of looking stupid if they’re not one of the first to leap forward with this important piece of crap).
I call them McArticles. Perfect bite-sized junk devoid of nutrition that fills a void in the short term, and does you absolutely no long-term good.
It has always been a joke amongst most of us on the internet that there are click-bait headlines and crap articles filled with listicles and hyperbole, but I didn’t realize just how deep into the majority this kind of content has risen. I read (yet another) “thinkpiece” just yesterday that slapped me in the face. Not the writing in the piece mind you – that was tepid and shallow and on the whole useless. And that’s what woke me up to just how bad it’s all gotten. It wasn’t even about Trump, or politics, or Silicon Valley and how terrible everyone there is, or anything that you’d expect to gobble up clicks and produce #Trending hashtags.
This “writer” simply surmised 7 things that Issac Asimov – an actual thinker and creative person – said and did in his life, combined them into a list that promised that the reader could be “As Creative As Issac Asimov In Just 7 Steps” and put it out there as if he — and not Asimov — is the creative one.
That’s when it hit me: I do NOT want to be this guy. I don’t want to be anything like him. I don’t want to be a dish on the Facebook buffet; yet another scoop of moderately priced flotsam on a smorgasbord of jetsam that people coast through on their morning, afternoon, evening and toilet perousal of social media every day. And more and more, over the years, I’ve seen how my writing has transitioned from books and long-form articles on CNN, Huffington Post, AOL News, Slate and other sites to attention-grabbing bon-bons of like-mongering and share-harvesting. And I didn’t even see it coming.
I want what I write to matter to someone. Not everyone, but someone. I don’t care if I’m the metaphorical equivalent of a hot dog stand in a small town in Arizona and only a few locals and the occasional tourist try me – what I want is for them to LOVE the hot dog. I want that hot dog to be the highlight of their day. I want to put so much love into making that dish – even if it’s just a hot dog – that people who try it know it’s unlike any other hot dog they’ll ever eat in their lives.
Not everyone. Not even “lots of people.” But whoever does come by and whoever does have a bite, they know they’ll never get another hot dog like that one.
If you took away articles that consist entirely of fake news, Trump’s latest tweet, numeric lists summarizing how your life or outlook could be improved, or “Disney Princesses Reimagined As X” you’d be left with about 12 actual writers and porn. And that saddens me. What saddens me more is that, without even realizing it, the years have found me drifting to that kind of hyperbolic crap. I traded caring about content for caring about numbers. And not even meaningful ones. I didn’t even care about long-form reads or book sales. I cared more about daily posts on Facebook and Twitter that got lots of shares and likes and retweets than I did about working my ass off on the books that have been on my to-write list for years. My old blog withered and dried up. My journalistic assignments and published pieces have dipped into the single digits per year for the past few years.
It’s not a decision I made. It just happened by being in the environment and operating by the rules it created. I realized months ago how unhealthy my relationship with Social Media had become for my work, but getting some distance from it by leaving it completely showed me, day in and day out, just how little work I was doing on things that actually matter. In the month since I’ve left, I’ve written a volume of my new seralized novel, two ready-to-publish pieces (including this one), and about 40 personal journal entries. And there’s not a single like, share or tweet about any of it.
That was hard at first. The instant validation that Social Media brought certainly made it feel like I was doing far more work per day than I was. But here I am, off Facebook and Twitter, and I look back at the volume of work I’ve produced the last, oh, three years only to find a few published pieces and not a single book.
The currency of validation is a weak one, indeed. Give me a week of Facebook likes and shares and Twitter retweets and five bucks, and I’ll almost be able to afford a coffee at Starbucks.
I don’t want to say that Facebook is evil. It’s hard not to say it, because there has been story after story after story about Facebook manipulating its users and using them to drive traffic and promote their own agenda, at the users’ expense. But no, I don’t think that Facebook, inherently, is evil. I think that they are opportunistic. I think they are a business who charges you nothing to use them, which means they use you for profit.
I’m personally not okay with this. I am also not okay with just how much time I’ve spent on that platform, doing things that in the end mattered not one bit. I’m not okay with the effect it had on my daily life, my mental health, and my work. And I’m not okay continuing on with it, knowing what I know now.
I’m not telling you to leave Facebook. My hope isn’t to convince the over one billion people on Facebook to just give up on it and go whittle or make Lego sculptures with their free time. My point is simply to share my experience, in the event that maybe you ARE experiencing some nagging feelings that, hey, maybe you ARE being used and manipulated to your detriment. Maybe you COULD be doing work that matters instead of spending an hour on Facebook, leaving for ten minutes, and heading right back.
Maybe you don’t need to excommunicate Facebook from your life completely. Maybe you have a hold on it and can manage it such that it’s just a thing you do that enhances your life. And to that end, I applaud you. I’m not like that, and I know literally dozens of people in my life who are also not like that. Of course, I only hear from like five of them these days, but that’s okay.
My only point: If you do feel like Facebook has a control over you, give it a week of sabbatical. And I don’t mean just reduced use. I’ve done that I don’t know how many times, only to come back hot and heavy eventually. Take a solid, no-contact, completely cut off break. See how you feel at the end of it.
I just can’t leave the Misery Machine,” Casey told me again on New Years Day. “And I don’t even really know why.”
This piece originally appeared on Joe Peacock’s Blog. Feel free to visit it and read some of the other things there. It’s also being discussed on his newsletter about dealing with hard times. Check that out too, if it sounds like something you’d be into. No pressure. |
203,519,950 | Sarah glanced briefly from GQ as he was urging the rest of them to hightail it out of there, over to Allie, planted stubbornly on the bed, arms crossed, quietly but intractably insisting that she wasn't going to abandon Gregory, not even now, she'd given him her word and made up her mind on the spot.
Sarah plopped down next to Allie, crossing her own arms in near-mirror image. "Then I'm staying, too," she announced.
"Oh, come on," Steven looked to Jen and GQ for help. "Forget that he's... That it doesn't...." Clearly unable to get the necessary words out, he ducked behind the tangible, "What's the point in all of us getting arrested?"
"It's called moral support," Sarah said. "It's called being a friend." She squeezed Allie's hand. Allie smiled weakly in return and clutched Sarah's fingers for dear life.
Jen studied the pair of them for a moment, then, as surprised as anyone, took a seat on the other side of Allie. "Count me in," she said.
But it was Steven who translated the Latin first, even sounding a bit impressed as he repeated in English, "All for one and one for all?"
"I'll get my feathered hat," GQ snapped. "This isn't an 18th century novel. This is real life. We are all going to be in big, big trouble. Trust me, the only Latin anyone will be interested in from now on is Habeas Corpus."
"You can go if you want," Jen told him. "But there's no point in me trying to hide. Even if we call in Gregory's death from across state lines, all the Bay City cops have to do is ask the management for a description of who rented this particular cabin. You and I kind of stand out. They'll figure it out soon enough." She mock lowered her voice, "I think we're the only Black people the Corys know."
Steven, Sarah and Allie looked uncomfortable at that. But nobody precisely leapt in to contradict her supposition.
"At which point," GQ continued. "All we have to do is tell them that yeah, sure, we rented the cabin, but we changed our minds about staying here. We gave the keys to Allie. Let the DA try and prove that we knew what she was intending to do here." He informed Jen, "I may not be able to say all that in Latin, but I'm not an idiot. You think I would have agreed to any of this if I didn't have a back-up plan?"
"I'm not an idiot either," Steven chimed in. He looked at the three young women sitting there solemnly, facing him, then added, bewildered, "Which is why, honestly, I have no clue why I'm thinking I'd better stick around, too."
"It's because you're smart enough to realize that Allie needs us," Sarah beamed up at him. She popped up to give Steven a kiss, pulling him to stand beside her.
"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer," GQ shot out swiftly in order to beat Steven to the linguistic punch. And then he took a deep breath, shook his head, glared at the four of them and pulled out his cell-phone, wondering, "So which one of us heroes is going to do the honors?"
It was a combination of genuine worry, guilt over having been too wrapped up in her own problems, and an admittedly futile attempt to put some of those unsolvable issues temporarily on the back burner that drove Frankie to Sharlene's farmhouse, where she found her aunt pacing the well-worn route from front door to kitchen, glaring at the infuriatingly silent phone every time she whipped by it.
"Not ringing is a good sign," Frankie insisted on looking at the bright side. "If Gregory were... Allie would have called you."
"Allie," Sharlene bitterly muttered the name. "I swear, by the time I get through with that girl, she'll be begging to get locked up in jail, if only to keep herself safe from me."
"The minute they're found, you are going to be so happy to see Gregory, you're not going to care one whit about Allie or anything else."
"She couldn't have pulled this off on her own," Sharlene stuck to her train of thought. Because swerving even so much as a hairsbreadth was way too risky right now. "God knows, girl doesn't have the sense the Devil gave lint. That ill-bred friend of hers, though, Sarah; she's Olivia all over again. Conniving. Underhanded. She has to be the brains behind this. Her or Steven. Girls like that, they know how to make any boy do their bidding, genius IQ be damned. What do you want to bet Steven is just like his father? He'll sacrifice anything for a pretty face."
Frankie blanched slightly at the mention of Jamie, their playground conversation still weighing heavily despite the attempt at distraction. She wondered if Jamie were determined to let yet another pretty face talk him into blowing his life up for her? And then Frankie wondered if she'd be the one to actually light the fuse?
"Those arrogant brats," Sharlene continued to seethe. "They think they understand what's going on. They think they know best. Based on their years and years of life experience, they've decided I'm the bad guy for wanting to save my son. Allie at least has the excuse of being spoiled and sheltered and raised by her equally over-privileged and clueless mother. But, Gregory... He knows... He's been through so much. He's got to be in such pain right now, Frankie. Why would he put himself through this?"
"That Frame stubbornness is what's going to pull him through this, same as it did you and me so many times. We both cheated death more than once, Sharlene. We both refused to let go, no matter what. Gregory has that same fighting spirit. You'll see."
"You and I," Sharlene corrected. "Were dealing with lunatics. Taylor. Cecile. Lunatics, you can fight off."
If they don't completely decimate you first... Frankie thought, then quickly dismissed. This was not about her and her problems. Not today.
"Do you think I did the wrong thing?" Sharlene demanded desperately, asking her niece the same question she'd been endlessly asking herself for days on end. "Do you think I drove my child away to die without me?"
"You're a mother." Frankie turned both hands helplessly towards the heavens. "Mothers don't have any choice but to do anything and everything possible in order to protect their children."
"Even if he weren't sick, he wouldn't be thinking straight. I'm sure, in his mind, being with Allie right up to the end is romantic."
"I pushed him away," Sharlene answered her own question as if Frankie hadn't spoken. "He was more scared of me than he was of pain or even dying. I became the enemy. I became someone my own son turned away from, hid from... what do I.... how do I live with that? How can I ever look at myself in the mirror, knowing that doing what I thought was right turned me into someone Gregory felt driven to cut out of his life?"
"I don't know," Frankie told her honestly, even as she pondered her own two children, and her exact same options.
"You're running for Mayor?" Kirkland wondered if it was too late to go back to the crazy at his other dad's house. At least Jamie's kind of crazy was familiar. This, on the other hand....
"Only if you're okay with it," Grant stressed. "It could be kind of fun. You joining the old man on the campaign trail..."
"I guess I'm okay with it," Kirkland produced what he knew his father wanted to hear. "If this is something you really want to do..."
"Then you'll suck it up to make me happy. Sorry, Kirkland, not acceptable. This is exactly how my father and I started out. Only, in that case, it was him pushing me to run. You know how that story ended. It's not what I want for us."
"It's only that we just got done with the press sniffing around Grandmother and Dad. You run for Mayor again, and the paparazzi will be hunting us through the streets like we're the Kardashians of Bay City."
"The last thing I want to do, son, is to make your life any harder than it already is. So, that's that. Consider the subject closed."
Kirkland's eyes drifted over his father's head and towards a framed photo on the mantelpiece. Grant and Vicky. Wearing matching Harrison for Senate white straw hats. Grant followed Kirkland's gaze, awkwardly joking, "You wouldn't be here if it weren't for that campaign."
"You know, in spite of everything that happened afterwards, your mother really did believe in me as a candidate. It's funny. Politics is supposed to bring out the worst in people. But, with me, I think it brought out the best. It brought out the man Vicky fell in love with. Maybe if we'd never lost him...."
Grant shrugged. "Your mother moved on to Jake, and that produced Michele and Bridget. I'd never wish those girls away. Not for anything."
"Wow," Kirkland straddled the fine line between precocious cynicism and sincere, adolescent awe. "You're really good at this. No wonder you won all those times."
"You. Winning in a landslide. It'd be pretty cool to see you in action for real, not just read about it in old newspapers."
"Well, yeah. For ten years, practically nobody said your name without making the sign of the cross. I had to find out about my dad somehow."
That warm, fuzzy feeling in Grant's stomach turned to lead. "I can't imagine what you dug up. No. Scratch that. I can."
"It doesn't matter now. I can see for myself." He stuck his hand out for Grant to shake. "So, you want to bet on it or not?"
"Let's say... if you fail to produce anything other than a complete landslide victory, you have to give your concession speech dressed as Elmo."
"I know who Elmo is, Kirkland. I even remember when you slept with one. I just don't know why you would pick "
"A lot of headaches as the new Mayor of Bay City. And me, going around telling everybody, "Hey, you better show some respect, I'm Mayor Harrison's son, you know."
Not giving him the chance to change his mind, Grant thrust out his hand and grabbed Kirkland's for a hearty, deliberate shake. "That," he said. "Is how a real Harrison makes a deal."
Her youngest son stood at the window, forlornly watching as the moving van carrying his oldest brother's belongings pulled away from the curb, followed by Jamie, in Lorna's car, waving good-bye. Rachel came up to slip an arm around Cory's shoulders.
"One day," Rachel gave him a comforting squeeze. "That'll be you, moving out the house, a grown man ready to start his own life."
Cory's eyes danced mischievously, so much like Carl's that it gave Rachel pause. "But then I'll probably come back. Like Jamie. And Amanda. And Matt. Even Lila, too."
She swore, "I'm pleased when my children and grandchildren are under my roof, and I'm equally pleased when they decide to fly the coop. If they're happy, then I'm happy."
"So how did your little playground chat with Frankie go?" Lorna inquired conversationally, turning the steering wheel to follow the moving van around a corner.
"This is the first private moment we've had since you came back from seeing Frankie. Would you have preferred I brought it up while you were packing in your room; Rachel lurking on the periphery, glaring daggers at me for absconding with her little boy?"
"Not sure," he confessed, tapping his fingers aimlessly on the car window. "My gut says she won't go through with it."
"Frankie is. This is unlike her. You backed her into a corner, and she panicked. But, when push comes to shove, she won't... she can't... I know it sounds foolish, but I really believe it would hurt her more than it would me. I've already been to Hell and back. I've dealt with accepting that I did something I never, ever thought I was capable of. Frankie hasn't. And I don't think she'll risk it. She has too much to lose."
"It means," he sighed. "That I'm hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. If Frankie does decide to expose me so be it. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."
"No you won't," Lorna said, slamming the brakes hard enough for them both to briefly lurch forward against their seatbelts, then back. "I've been thinking about this ever since you left to meet with her yesterday. Sure, Steven and Kirkland already know, but I bet they wouldn't be too thrilled with their friends finding out. And this could cost you your job. It would most certainly cost you some patients. Not to mention, I can only imagine what Grant would do with... No. I won't let it happen. I'll drop my custody petition."
She hit the gas, deliberately avoiding his eyes as she prattled on, "You were right. You and I can still do a lot for Lori Ann from the sidelines. Besides, I I realized that I've broken a pretty big promise already. I swore to you, right at the start, that I wouldn't be like all your other women."
Jamie couldn't help grinning. "And I swear to you, Lorna, you are nothing like any other woman that I have ever known."
"She used you to plug a hole in her idea of a perfect family portrait: Mommy, Daddy, Baby Girl. And now, I'm doing the exact same thing." Lorna snuck a look at Jamie, wondering how he was responding to her assertion. Wondering what it meant that, more than anything, he looked... amused. "Everyone keeps telling us that we're moving too fast. Poor Kirkland has to go over to Grant's to find some stability! You mention buying a house and, in the next breath, I'm asking you to help me raise my niece. Any normal woman would have seen it as just a natural next step, us moving in together. But, me, I leapt straight to us being parents. I've been using you, Jamie. Just like Marley."
"I'm sorry. Blaine and Cecile wanted you for your money. Vicky and Marley needed you to play Daddy to their kids."
"And don't forget Marianne Randolph. She was trying to make her husband jealous." In response to Lorna's confused look, he defended lightly, "What? I thought we were making a list of all the women who done me wrong through the years?"
"True. I needed my mother and yours to point out to me what I was doing. I couldn't even see it for myself."
"It doesn't matter who brought it up. They were right. And I'm doing my best to rectify the situation."
"You aren't being honest with me. Worse, you aren't being honest with yourself. And, truth be told, that's what's been the downfall of every relationship I was ever in."
"Jamie, I swear, I am being honest." Lorna's head swiveled back and forth from him to the street. "I love you for wanting to help me with Lori Ann, no matter what it may end up costing you. But, I don't want, down the road I can't bear the thought of you coming to blame me for your life falling apart."
"I would never do that," Jamie insisted, happy, at last, to have gotten to the real gist of the matter.
"Never say never," Lorna laughed bitterly. "In my experience, promises that start with those words always end up in disappointment."
"So, down the road," Jamie echoed her phrasing. "Should I expect you to blame and resent me for the fact that my past is what kept you from pursuing Lori Ann?"
"Do you think it's easy for me to believe, after everything I've told you, that you could still want me? Much less a life with me? That you can even stand the sight of me? But, I've decided to go on faith faith in you, no one else that you are being as honest with me about what you're feeling as I am with you. And that when there's a problem, you'll let me know. I trust you to tell me the truth, Lorna. Please, try to do the same with me."
"We've found him, Dr. Hudson." John could tell that the voice on the phone was attempting to break the news to him gently. But the fact that there was gentle news to be broken, already told John everything he needed about what was coming next.
He stood in the farmhouse kitchen, using the rotary wall phone they still kept for its "old-fashioned" charm. Sharlene was at the table. She turned around, resting her arm on the back of the chair, watching John closely.
They'd expected it to be just another "no progress" update from the police. One look at John's face, and Sharlene realized it was more than that.
She half-rose, tempted to rip the receiver out of John's hands. He turned his back on her, as if protecting Sharlene from seeing anymore, as if determined to absorb all the agony himself before breaking down the pain into smaller, more bearable increments for her.
"He's..." John began, reluctant to say the word in front of Sharlene. Reluctant to make it irrevocably true for them all.
"I'm sorry," the faceless voice did its best to cushion the blow. "Your son is... gone. We're bringing the body to Bay City Hospital now. Unfortunately, as with any unattended death, we will still need to perform an autopsy. I'm sure you're familiar with standard procedure."
"Procedure," John repeated. Sharlene's hands were on his shoulders now, shaking John, willing him to turn around and face her, hissing, demanding to know what was going on.
"Yes. And there's one more thing, Dr. Hudson. We have Gregory's... accomplices with us. There was no attempt at subterfuge or resistance. They called the authorities, and simply waited for us to come. All five are in custody now. We need to know, from you or from Mrs. Hudson, what would you like to be done with them now?" |
243,844,884 | It is cold and raining heavily when I land in Tokyo around 2pm. The first thing I learn upon landing is that downtown Tokyo is FAR from Narita Airport. The train gets you there in one hour for about $26 US. Not cheap, but I don’t even want to think about what a cab would cost. So I take the train to Tokyo Station in the middle of town. I know that my hotel is in the Ginza neighborhood and from my map it looks like that is fairly close to Tokyo Station. So, being the adventurous type, I decide to strike out on my own (in the rain) to find my hotel on foot. Of course, I could have taken a cab but I hadn’t gotten any local currency yet and besides, I was feeling lucky. How hard could a 30-story building be to find?
As it turned out, harder than you might think. I made it to the Ginza neighborhood without any trouble but the actual street my hotel was on was not listed on my map. Fortunately, every couple of blocks there were city map signs that covered the surrounding area near bus stops. Using those to navigate, I found the hotel after about 30 minutes. Without the rain it might have been a lovely walk. Fortunately I had an umbrella; unfortunately, my luggage dragging behind me did not.
After I checked in, I wandered around the local area for an hour until it got dark (at 4:45pm). Since there wasn’t much I could see in the rain (and even less in the dark) I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to get some much-needed sleep.
I woke up early this morning and was happy to see the sun shining brightly outside my window. When I checked in yesterday, I had gotten the map of a suggested jogging trail to nearby Chiyoda Park so I decided to start my day with a run. I’m sure the park is more impressive in the spring when things are blooming but it was certainly still suitable for a run. The Imperial Palace is within the park but you can’t get very close to it due to security gates. On the way back to the hotel though, I did stumble upon a lovely small little park called Hibiya. It was really scenic and there were a number of cats living in the park which was cute since I am missing my kitty at home.
After I got back to the hotel and had a shower, I headed back out to explore the city. With a little advice from the concierge, I made my way to a nearby train station to take the train to the Shinjuku neighborhood where the 150-acre Shinjuku National Garden is located. The Tokyo metro system is extensive but one of the most complicated to navigate of all those I have ridden. There are two separate subway systems and tickets for each are not interchangeable.
Fortunately, the concierge has told me which line to take in which direction to get to Shinjuku so I make it there without much trouble. Finding the park is a different story. Once I emerged from the huge station, it took me a while to get my bearings and locate the park. The biggest problem is that it takes forever to find a street sign in English. There are signs in English, they are just few and far between. Eventually I made it to the park and it was much more impressive than the one I ran through earlier today. Again, there is a lot more to see in the spring when the cherry trees are blooming but it was still nice to wander around for a while.
After leaving the park, I wanted to check out the Harajuku neighborhood. The market street scene in this quirky area is known for its bizarre parade of teenagers (and older) in miniskirts and platform shoes. The hairstyles here range from spiked straight up to dyed bright pink. It is the kind of place where you could sit and people-watch for hours and never get bored. Of all the places on this trip that I have NOT blended in, this street was in the top three. I wandered a little, found absolutely nothing I would want to buy and headed across the street to the Harajuku train station to find a train back to Ginza.
I walked into the chaos of the train station and looked up on the wall to find the one of the many train line maps in English and was moderately distressed when I realized there wasn’t one. Calmly, I looked for a ticket window to try to ask someone which line would get me back to Ginza. There wasn’t one of those either. All tickets were sold through ticket machines which, unlike the ones at the Ginza and Tokyo stations, did not have an English option. On the entire trip, this is the first time I have been unable to find something written in English or someone who speaks English and I experience a moment of mild panic.
The train line that I had taken to Shinjuku earlier today did not seem to be one of the options at this station and I was about an hour’s walk from the other station. I should mention that I was very far from Ginza (not walkable) and it was starting to get dark. There is always the option to get in a cab but I figured from where I was that would be ridiculously expensive and I didn’t have the name of my hotel written in Japanese (not my most brilliant move, I am obviously becoming overconfident in my navigational abilities) and the odds of finding an English-speaking taxi driver are very slim.
I finally spotted a train station employee at a counter and went over to ask him which line I could take back to Ginza. The only word he understood in my question was “Ginza”. And unfortunately, that was also the only word I understood in his answer. But, once again my luck holds and there is a woman waiting behind me who has heard our attempt at communication and breaks in in English. She spoke to the man for me and got the information I needed. It turns out that there was another station nearby with a line that runs near Ginza. I remember passing it earlier and thank her profusely before exiting the station.
When I get to the other station there is a map in English…hooray! The line I had taken earlier is still not an option but on another line there is a stop that I recognize immediately, Hibiyi…the cat park from my run this morning…WOO-HOO!! I bought a ticket and hopped on the train and 7 stops later I was back in a neighborhood I recognized and vowing to run every morning from now on. I grabbed some dinner along the walk back to the hotel, did a little shopping and headed back for the night.
Last day in Tokyo and of course I started it with another morning run. I found a great US Armed Forces Radio station during yesterday’s run that’s been really interesting to listen to. Good music and interesting commentary on what’s going on with the troops stationed over there. I skipped the park this time and stuck to the streets. I wanted to check out Tokyo Tower, Japan’s answer to the Eiffel Tower. Though it is 30ft taller than the Eiffel Tower, Tokyo Tower is not nearly as impressive architecturally. It has two observation decks and they say that on a clear day you can see all the way to Mt. Fuji. Since it doesn’t open for another two hours, I take a few pictures and run back to the hotel. I have to check out at noon but my flight to Seoul isn’t until 5:00pm this afternoon so I have a little more time to explore.
After I checked out, I took the metro (armed with my English version of the metro map) down to the Shibuya neighborhood. According to my friend Bill, who spent some time in Tokyo a few months ago, this is the part of Tokyo that you see in the movies. It was full of neon signs, office buildings, restaurants, and shops (including the striking new Prada store which I spent a little time in). I wandered around for about an hour before I had to hop on the metro and head back to the hotel to get my bags and catch the Narita Express for the hour-long ride to the airport. |
165,123,837 | Author: - May 10, 2018 0 TIDAL Accused Of Allegedly Altering Streaming Numbers For Kanye West & Beyonce
TIDAL is a subscription-based music streaming service owned by popular rapper, Jay-Z. These claims led the Norwegian paper to investigate the service's numbers and report that it was intentionally inflating its subscriber count, a report supported by research from British firm Midia , which estimated that Tidal's total number of subscribers was closer to 1 million globally.
Rasool said there was an "unconstitutional attempt to capture the City of Cape Town", and the ANC therefore supported De Lille's case to have her removal interdicted through the courts. Her main priority for now was to continue the fight to "clear my name". Acting mayor Ian Neilson claims that De Lille is out of office, while her legal team claims that they have filed court papers to challenge the cessation of her membership.
But it has been reported that Ariana has parted ways with her boyfriend of a year and a half. TMZ reports the pair have ended their relationship but remain "the closest of friends" and that the former couple "love each other dearly".
The latest, is pretty surprising, as Annette Bening has been confirmed as joining the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movie - in what is her first comic book movie to date. Coincidentally, Danvers' story will then continue in Avengers 4 - something the MCU already teased in the post-credits of Avengers: Infinity War . It's due to hit USA cinemas ahead of the next Avengers film on 8 May 2019 from Disney.
It's flawless springtime weather in Cleveland, so we hit the park and it was so much fun, ' the Good American designer admitted on her website . Tristan Thompson is getting candid about baby True . Sister Kim told Ellen Degeneres while appearing on The Ellen Degeneres Show , 'Poor Khloé... I was in Cleveland last week, it was snowing, and she was all nestled in the nursery and the baby.
Author: - May 10, 2018 0 Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel reportedly welcome their first child together
The website obtained a copy of the birth certificate that revealed the infant was delivered at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and is named Hart . Evan wore a Dior morning suit and Miranda's son Flynn , who served as ring bearer, wore a three-piece navy suit by Dior. This is the first child together for Miranda and husband Evan Spiegel , while Miranda already has a seven-year-old son with ex Orlando Bloom .
Don't get us wrong, we're fans of ABBA , but we basically didn't want Hollywood ruining the rep of the musicial geniuses. Is there love in the air? To add to this theory, Donna's long-time companion Rosie ( Julie Walters ) referred to Sophie's mother in past tense, saying: "Your mother was the bravest person we ever met".
Speaking about why she had to miss the funeral, Mel told the panellists: "I had a contract with America's Got Talent but Simon Cowell stopped the filming for three weeks so I could come and be beside my dad's bedside". Mel B shocked the Loose Women (and the rest of us) by claiming she's not at all kinky. Is that a compliment or not? "Even though he's gone, I still want to think he's still there watching over me".
Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino and Rosanna Arquette are among the women who've accused the producer of misconduct. Chapman announced her separation from Weinstein just days after the allegations surfaced. That same month, however, Craig spoke to Grazia about the line's future and noted that she and Chapman want to support the #MeToo movement. She is an amazingly talented actor who has incredible style and presence.
And that was without even using the Infinity Gauntlet. The Avengers "finale" will usher in a new era for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel's Feige previously said . What would Ryan Reynolds and the " Deadpool 2 " team have done with their marketing without "Avengers: Infinity War"? A strong showing in the world's most populous nation could prove instrumental in helping Infinity War become the first summer tentpole ever to approach $2 billion worldwide.
The products are used to counter severe allergic reactions , including to peanut and other food allergies. The Company states that they are expediting shipment to wholesalers as soon as they receive supply from MMT. "Supply of certain third-party components, along with process changes", have temporarily limited capacity at the company's manufacturing facility. First-quarter earnings per share of 96 cents met expectations, as analysts adjusted their estimates after Mylan executives said the ...
The woman says she tried to leave the room, but Brown's female friend grabbed her throat and made her perform oral sex on Grissom . The lawsuit further claims Doe, along with other female guests, were imprisoned in one of Brown's bedrooms, which was barricaded by a couch, and forced to take off their clothes and engage in sexual acts.
To his credit, it appears that Burch's attempts were not some opportunistic attempt at cashing in on the music mogul's reputation, noting that it would be "a bad reflection on me as a doctor", before citing some of the misogynistic and homophobic lyrics penned by Dr.
Four was not the magic number for Geena Davis . According to documents obtained by Access, Jarrahy is asking for spousal support and joint legal and physical custody. Davis was previously married to Finnish film director Renny Harlin (1993-98), actor Jeff Goldblum (1987-90) and restaurateur Richard Emmolo (1982-83).
Author: - May 10, 2018 0 Jeffrey Tambor speaks out for first time since sexual harassment allegations
Admitting that he did not always behave well on set, Tambor, who was sacked from the hit Amazon series Transparent three months after the claims went public, denies having sexually harassed either his former assistant, Van Barnes , or actress Trace Lysette .
Author: - May 10, 2018 0 Trump Visits Ohio, a Senate Battleground State, in Advance of Tuesday's Primary
DeWine was endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party and was bolstered by his partnership with Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted, who dropped his own governor bid to become DeWine's running mate. As the 16th wealthiest member of Congress, according to Roll Call's Wealth of Congress Index , Renacci will have his own resources to bring to the race against Brown.
Lauer's misbehavior, two believed that senior managers at NBC News and the "Today" show were aware of the anchor's sexual misconduct. In a note to staff on Wednesday, Lack wrote, "The last few months have been extraordinarily hard, with our dedicated journalists doing some of our best work ever while we endured a painful period in the spotlight including a thorough and deserved examination".
Anyhoo, we weren't the only ones to notice this spray tan fail, as countless others weighed in on her look on Twitter . Gomez returned to the Met Gala with Coach this year, and walked the Met stars alongside the brand's creative director, Stuart Vevers .
According the LA's CBS affiliate station, the suit was accounted for during a February inventory check, but was discovered missing late last month. In the MCU, Tony Starks suits Mark I-VII were destroyed with the first Hall of Armors and the Malibu mansion in 2013's Iron Man 3.
Polanski and follow its own Standards of Conduct by giving Mr. Polanski reasonable notice of the charges against him and a fair hearing", said Braun. A member of his legal team said that comparing Polanski's crimes to those of Cosby was " a total misunderstanding and harassment ".
The festival's director Thierry Fremaux - who infuriated Branco by weighing in to support Gilliam last week - later confirmed to reporters that "the court ruled in favour of " Don Quixote " being screened". The Monty Python star was prevented from attending the court hearing on Monday after suffering a minor stroke, French newspaper Nice-Matin reports.
They viewed an exhibit of contemporary works focused on "Discord". The Palais de Tokyo allowed the 161 visitors to drop off their garments at coat-check and walk around naked , a moment hailed by the Paris Naturist Association . "The mentality is changing these days", an official at the association tells Reuters. "Nudists are overcoming barriers, taboos, or mentalities that were obstructive".
However, Travis has been telling her to embrace her changing figure as he thinks she looks great. This was out of the ordinary for Jenner, and we absolutely love it. but ok, go off sis. Travis donned an all-black look that perfectly complemented Kylie's midriff-baring Alexander Wang gown. But keen to sex up her outfit somewhat, Kylie's dress featured a cut-out under-the-bust that gave a glimpse at her toned torso.
In a harrowing New Yorker article , four women describe how Schneiderman slapped them during relationships or dating, sometimes spitting on them, choking them, belittling them, and threatening them to stay silent. There have been previous cases where a man accused of violence toward women contended that the incidents in question occurred during consensual "rough sex".
Sheree then asks Jada , "Oh, you thought it was done?" Jada regretted dating Will while he was still legally married to Sheree, admitting , "Because I did not understand marriage, I did not understand divorce". I will say that I probably should've fell back. "You said, 'It's my house now, '" Sheree told Jada , and they both laughed. The Hollywood Exes alum responded, "Very few times in my life I can recall being checked real hard where I didn't have nothing to say".
Doubled up: They wuill duet at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards . It is Aguilera's first major tour since 2008 and supports her album " Liberation " which is due out on June 15. Alongside what's bound to be a powerhouse pop performance, Ariana Grande , Shawn Mendes , Camila Cabello and Dua Lipa are all set to take the stage at the awards, which are being hosted by Kelly Clarkson .
Hardy hit a Swanton Bomb, but Miz was able to turn it into a crucifix pin to win the match. The Modern Day Maharaja approached GM Kurt Angle about having a qualifying match for the Money in the Bank ladder match next month and Angle said if Mahal would be impressive in his match against Gable, he would consider it.
Junot Diaz , who received the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao , stands accused by Zinzi Clemmons of making unwanted advances on her when she was a graduate student. "This festival is a platform for the sharing of powerful stories: urgent, necessary and sometimes hard. He raised his voice, paced, implied I was a prude who didn't know how to read or draw reasonable conclusions from text", she added.
Yet with no fewer than a dozen films with LGBT themes, and others tackling child abuse, male prostitution and an eye-watering DIY sex change, it has all the makings of a vintage year for scandal and controversy in Cannes . "But, as if to show how women must not be overlooked in cinema, she had a barbed response to a reporter who asked the "filmmakers" - meaning the directors, rather than actors - on the jury to answer "why are movies still important?"Actresses: don't answer that because you ...
De Lille's radio interview with Eusebius McKaiser on CapeTalk on April 26 cost De Lille her job‚ according to the DA. "This has been a confusing time for the citizens of Cape Town‚" Natasha Mazzone‚ deputy chairwoman of the DA Federal Council‚ told a media briefing at party headquarters in Cape Town.
What is the significance of studying clouds in atmospheres of planets? But now, an global team of astronomers has squashed speculation and detected the first strong sodium fingerprint radiating from a "hot Saturn ", which suggests the planet has a clear, cloud-free atmosphere.
The flying roach tried to enter Holley's ear canal but got stuck. The woman wrote that cockroaches had been a problem in her house and pest control measures had given temporary relief. Minutes after the fact, I went to the acknowledgment that they were legs. It took the doctor about 20 seconds to pull out chunks of the dead roach.
Author: - May 09, 2018 0 Google announces Android P Beta, built on machine learning and artificial intelligence
The assistant may also soon be talking with ordinary people at businesses for tasks such as restaurant reservations, although the feature is still in development. "We can actually qualitatively predict the chance of readmission 48 hours ahead of time", Pichai said. There is a 'For You' tab that shows you what you like in one place and more you use it, the better it becomes.
Avi Lerner ( The Hitman's Bodyguard ) and Kevin King ( Creed ) are attached to Rambo 5 as producers, but the film is now without a confirmed director. Well, it looks like John Rambo is at it again. The photos were most likely are from a scene Stallone has filmed. "What kind of sick demented cruel mind things of things like this to post?" A rep for the 71-year-old Hollywood actor did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
Black Panther leads the list, nominated seven times, including Best Movie and Best Performance in a Movie for lead actor Chadwick Boseman . On the TV side, shows earning multiple noms include Riverdale and Game of Thrones with three apiece.
The following is a list of anadromes (heteropalindromes) from F to M. These are words which are also words when spelled backwards.
Goals from Gini Wijnaldum and Roberto Firmino gave the Anfield club the points, meaning that they have maintained their ideal start to the season.
"You need an outstanding performance to win and that's what the boys delivered". A lot of people watch our games when we play Champions League and that's our job that we do the best we can do in all these games.
"Let me say, it was the best game of the season for us for sure". We had in all the games really good moments.
Michel Form failed to clear James Milner's corner and the ball was headed back towards goal by Wijnaldum.
The midfielder made his professional debut in 2015 and his global debut last October before displaying impressive performances against Real Madrid in the Champions League. "We will see if we can do so".
The forward went to a London hospital in England after the clash with Tottenham defender Jan Vertonghen in the 75th minute of Liverpool's 2-1 victory at Wembley in the English Premier League.
"A good pre-season should be at least three or four weeks", said Klopp. "It's something to do with the eye and for sure it's uncomfortable for him", Klopp said.
"Now we're talking about character and personality". I don't know exactly what it means but to focus on one competition can only be if maybe you are already out of the competition almost.
"It's a shock. To see yourself put on a pedestal, it's a shock - especially when you are a regular guy at heart."
No, that's why he beat me. I thought it was going to be the basketball game. I did a thing through EA Sports before, and it was for the basketball game. I was the king at that. They didn't let me know until the day before that we were playing the game, so if they would have given me a week to practice, I might have won.
"I think I'd like to own the Yankees. That's a legendary franchise. It'd make you a legend to own them."
Above and beyond the question of how to grow the economy there is a legitimate concern about how to grow the quality of our lives.
I don't think politics has anything to do with left, right, or center. It has to do with trying to do right by people.
I was talking about no nukes, the farm crisis. People said that wasn't stuff that a state auditor was supposed to be talking about. Maybe they were right.
Successful organizing is based on the recognition that people get organized because they, too, have a vision.
Why don't we call on the credit card companies to be accountable? They need to be held accountable for their predatory lending practices. |
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Technical features of the Samsung Galaxy Note have rocked the Indian mobile market. The Samsung Galaxy Note is packed with a 5.3 inches largest Super AMOLED capacitive display with touchscreen option along with TouchWiz 4.0 UI sense. The device is enabled with Android v2.3 Gingerbread operating system and 1.4 GHz dual core processor which offers faster accessibility of mobile applications. The company has launched this device with dual bands of 2G and 3G. Data connectivity of this handset includes GPRS, Bluetooth, WI-Fi and 3G or 2G connectivity’s.
If user likes music it is a fabulous device because it’s built with excellent video and audio players. The Samsung Galaxy Note features are added with an 8.0 megapixel high resolution rear camera which has LED flash, Geo-tagging and autofocus camera features for capturing best happiest moments of life. A 2.0 MP secondary camera is well added in the model. HTML internet browser of the model is offering best internet access service with help of GPRS and EDGE. Document viewer, Adobe flash, TV-out via MHL A/V link, SNS, NFC, digital compass, multi touch input method, touch sensitive controls, Accelerometer sensor and Proximity sensors additional features are available in the Samsung Galaxy Note to provide best performance of the mobile.
Mahindra India has announced that it is planning to put a price hike on its Mahindra XUV 500. This rise in price will be applicable from 1st of January 2012. The company has come to this conclusion because of the increasing prices of the material input for the car manufacturing and also because of the continuous rupee depreciation in comparison to dollar and euro. As the value of rupee is dropping very quickly lot of car manufacturers are facing problems to cope up with this difference to maintain a margin of profit.
Mahindra XUV is available in three different variants and all these three will have a new price tag depending upon the features and model. The top model W8 AWD variant has an addon of Rs 55,000 while W8 FWD price is increased by Rs 50,000 and the W6 variant has the increase by 30,000. These are the ex-showroom prices in Delhi. This car has a great impact on the automobile market and this car has been announced as the car of the year. This car has also bagged many awards like reader choice award by Top Gear Magzine, SUV of the year and many more. This car has received great response from the customers and now by implementing this price hike on this car the company plans to gain at lot out of it.
The Mahindra XUV 500 pictures have really impressed the comsumers even before the launch and now when the model is on the road it is getting rave reviews for its performance. There is news that for those who have ordered their new XUV but they haven’t received the car yet might have to spend a little more at the time of delivery of the car. It is expected that those customers have to pay 50% of the actual price increased. The company is all set to increase the number of units being manufactured at the Chakan plant. The booking of these new XUV will start from January 2012 again with the new price tags.
The upcoming 2012 Auto Expo in New Delhi which is starting on 5th January up to 11th January is a great platform for many car manufacturers. Lot of companies are planning to bring out its best products to be showcased here in India and attract a lot of customers. The French auto company Peugeot Citroen, is also willing to take active part in this event and present its best products at this event. The company Managing Director Frederic Fabre along with the Peugeot India Vice President Thierry Poirat have dreamed for a bright future for this company in the Indian Market.
Peugeot will be bringing its couple of models that will be showcased for the first time in the Indian markets. There are chances that Peugeot 508 sedan will make it to the Auto Expo. The company might also bring its Peugeot 208 and 207 hatchbacks at this event. There are rumors that Peugeot 207 might be showcased as this car has been running under tests on the roads. But the company has denied these rumors as the test were conducted to check the products performance and its response to the Indian conditions. And they are not planning to bring this model at this event.
Peugeot 508 sedan is for sure making its first appearance at the Auto Expo. The manufacturing plant situated in Gujarat is ready with initial process but the full production has not started yet. Car manufacturer hired a local agency to conduct the test of these models of Peugeot. This details were kept were confidential but after repeated attempts this news was disclosed by our close source.2012 Auto Expo is a great platform for Peugeot India to come up strong in the Indian markets. They have done a lot of homework to make a fresh start and what happened in the past should not be repeated again.
As time goes by, mobile phones are getting better and better. Gone are the days when phone was only capable of talking. Now the image of mobile is totally changed. Numbers of mobile manufacturers have released every day their best mobile with latest and advanced technology for better communications with entertainment. The Nokia mobiles company is one of them that has delivered best phones in India and now the company comes with another best Smartphone Nokia 603 which is also available in black color. The Nokia 603 price in India is Rs 14,285. The Nokia 603 pictures are available on net with applicable colors of mobile.
The Nokia 603 features reveal that the mobile phone has 100 gm of weight along with good dimensions. The handset comes with GPRS, EDGE, micro USB 2.0, Wi-Fi support and Bluetooth as data transfer connectivity features. The Nokia 603 is providing 3.5 inches TFT capacitive display screen for better image quality. Multi touch input method, touch sensitive controls and accelerometer sensor for UI auto rotate and Proximity sensor for UI auto turn off action.
The Nokia 603 specifications are added with dual bands at 2G and 3G networks. A 5.0 MP camera is enabled with 2592 x 1944 pixels resolution along with LED flash, Geo-tagging and autofocus camera features. The touch bar phone comes with good standard battery with good talk time and standby time. The good internal and external memory is available through microSD memory card for storage more stuff of users. The Nokia 603 has Nokia browser 7.4 and HTML internet browser for access internet service. The Smartphone has loud speaker option and 3.5 mm audio jack sound output device. A perfect multimedia system of the mobile is providing best entertainment service.
Almost all major cell phone manufacturers in India have introduced smartphones. There is no doubt that these smartphones are the most favored device for communication of the present-day user, so in India the Nokia is very popular for serve its best smartphone for users. The company has launched lots of mobile with latest features and advance mobile technology. Now the company is introducing an advance technology inbuilt smartphone Nokia Lumia 800 which is very popular in India. The Nokia mobiles company has tagged the Nokia Lumia 800 price in India at Rs 27,990. The Nokia Lumia 800 pictures are suggested that the mobile has touch screen display.
The Nokia Lumia 800 is enabled with a 8.0 Megapixel camera facility with Dual LED flash, face detection, auto focus and Geo tagging along with 3264 x 2448 pixels resolution. The Smartphone has multimedia features which include stereo FM radio with RDS, Music and video players. The mobile phone is well endowed with Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate, SNS integration and Proximity sensor for auto turn-off. The Nokia Lumia 800 features with 3.7 inches touch screen display which can capable to generate 16M colors. The mobile phone is enabled with connectivity features include Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, DLNA and Wi-Fi hotspot connectivity features and data connectivity features like GPRS, EDGE, micro USB v2.0, 3G connectivity with HSPDA and HSUPA and Bluetooth v2.1 with A2DP.
The Nokia Lumia 800 comes with 1.4 GHz processor along with a Microsoft Window phone 7.5mango operating system for better performance. The 16 GB capacity of internal memory is well presented in the Nokia Lumia 800 along with 512 MB RAM. The mobile phone is blessed with 1450 mAh standard Li-Ion battery which can give up long talk time and standby time ability. The mobile phone is supported by navigation features like GPS with A-GPS service.
Renault is the leading auto manufacturer, has announced the launch of another hatchback, Renault Pulse on January 6th, 2012. The new Pulse hatchback has already showcased in October this year. The new hatchback has been built with the quite same technical attributes which already using in the existing Nissan Micra. The auto giant has not yet disclosed the price of Renault Pulse. But as per some news reports, the new Renault Pulse Price is expected to be tagged of around 5 lakh.
The new Pulse is likely to be available with 6 attractive variants including 3 petrol and 3 diesels. The petrol variants of Pulse will be equipped with 1198cc, 3 cylinders, 1.5 litre and K9K engine. On the other hand, Diesel engine is loaded with 1461cc, K9K diesel powertrain. The petrol engine is capable to produce peak power of up to 75 Bhp and will deliver 104 Nm torque. While diesel engine will churn out 64 Bhp power and 160 Nm peak torque. The engine of new Pulse is possible to be delivered an excellent mileage of 23 kmpl.
The new Renault Pulse looks very eye-catching. It is believed that the new Pulse will be fitted with advanced safety features such as airbags, fog lamps, Electronic Brakeforce Distribution, Anti Lock Braking System, front and rear seat belts, etc. Because the company never compromise with safety as well as quality. Renault auto is currently selling two popular cars in India - Renault Fluence and Renault Koleos. Both cars getting excellent response form the Indian auto market. The company further expansion plans such as Renault Sandero, Renault Scenic, Renault Yeni, Renault Laguna, and Renault Duster are the upcoming cars, which is believing to be introduced by the next year. The new Pulse will be getting tough time with Nissan Micra, Chevrolet Beat, Maruti Wagon R, Ford Figo, Hyundai i10, etc.
Today, people spend more time with their mobile phones. As newer and efficient screen technologies are being developed, a user needs the touchscreen in the coming days for feasibility to operate a mobile easily. The Samsung is a major mobile manufacturer who has delivered best Smartphone in India with advanced mobile technology. The Samsung Galaxy S2 is latest and popular Smartphone from the company which is soon getting Android v2.3.6 update. The Samsung mobiles company has tagged the Samsung Galaxy S2 price in India is Rs 27,770. The touchscreen Samsung Galaxy S2 pictures are available on web and initially company is providing this phone in only black color option.
The Samsung Galaxy S2 features are expected to include 8.0 primary camera megapixel camera with the resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels which carry LED flash, Geo-tagging and autofocus camera features for capturing superb Snaps. The 2.0 MP secondary camera is well included in the model. But still user can take the joy of Internet browsing with this phone because it has WAP browser. Samsung Galaxy S2 is a fully Java supported phone so user can download and add their desired apps in this phone. According to the official details of this phone, the Smartphone comes with an Android v2.3 Gingerbread OS which can upgraded v2.3.6 OS along with a 1.2 GHz dual core processor.
Samsung Galaxy S2 features indicates that it has 4.3 inches wider super AMOLED plus capacitive touchscreen which offers 16 M colors and with a screen resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. The mobile has 32 GB internal memory and external memory of this phone is expandable up to 32 GB by microSD card so user can add their stuff without worrying about the storage space. In terms of connectivity this phone has Bluetooth with A2DP, microUSB port of version 2 and EDGE, Wi-Fi connectivity as data base local connectivity features.
From the time, Renault India revealed its new hatchback , Renault Pulse in the month of October 2011, since then it has become one of the most sought after cars in the entire market. Now the good news is, this cute little hatchback car is ready to be officially launched on 6th of January 2011. Renault Pulse is very similar to Nissan Micra, be it terms of the engine or few other features. The only major difference between Nissan Micra and Renault Pulse is the diesel engine. The new Renault Pulse comes powered with Nissan’s K9K diesel motor that churns out 69bhp of power along with 160 Nm of torque. On the other hand, Nissan Micra is available in both diesel and petrol variants and Renault Pulse will be launched only in diesel version.
Besides the diesel engine, Renault Pulse will also share the V-Platform with Nissan Micra, which develops few more similarities between these 2 cars. However, Renault India has tried its level best to make Renault Pulse look better and visually different from Micra. The strong line running along the exteriors bestow the hatchback with more robust character and make it dissimilar from Nissan Micra. The interiors of Renault Pulse are comfortable and stylish. The same colored dashboard and the centre console add a more sophisticated appeal to the interiors.
Nevertheless, it would be extremely fascinating to see how Renault Pulse will compete with such severe competition in the Indian car bazaar, which includes Nissan Micra, Maruti Swift hatchback, Toyota Etios Liva, Volkswagen Polo and Ford Figo. All these cars have competitive price attached to them and the Renault Pulse price strategy hasn’t been revealed yet, therefore one will have to wait till the official launch is done. However, one thing is for sure that Renault India will keep the Renault Pulse price affordable and easy on pocket.
Smartphone is being spotted in the hands of almost everybody who can afford it. In India there are lots of mobile manufactures that have made a name in smartphones but RIM is one of them who serve best smartphone in market for better communications with latest advantage of mobile. the company comes with a smartphone, BlackBerry Playbook in India. The company has charged selling price of the BlackBerry Playbook price in India is Rs 17,990. The BlackBerry Playbook pictures are available on net with applicable colors of mobile. The Blackberry mobiles are famous all over the world.
The BlackBerry Playbook has a camera of 5.0 main mega pixels with autofocus and dual LED flash with the camera resolution of 2592 x 1944 pixels along with 3.0 MP secondary camera. The mobile phone is added with stereo FM radio with RDS for listening music over various bands at anytime and anywhere. The internal memory of phone is 16 GB and the 1024 MB RAM. The local data connectivity features available in BlackBerry Playbook are Bluetooth, WLAN, GPRS and EDGE and micro USB. The tablet phone comes with HTML browser which provides best internet access service.
The BlackBerry Playbook features are enabled with a display of 7.0 inches TFT capacitive touch screen which has the screen size of 600 x 1024 pixels along with 16M colors. The mobile phone also has a multi touch input method, touch sensitive controls, proximity and accelerometer sensor for user interface (UI) auto rotate and auto turn activity. The tablet phone comes with the standard Li-Ion 5300 mAh battery capacity with good talk time and standby time. Micro HDMI port, Abode flash player 10.1 and document viewer some additional features are well enabled in the mobile phone. The BlackBerry Playbook is powered with 1 GHz dual core processor and BlackBerry tablet OS to help run mobile applications very fast.
German based luxury cars manufacturer, Mercedes-Benz has recently displayed two new economical Hybrid cars - Mercedes-Benz E300 Blue TEC HYBRID and Mercedes-Benz E400 Blue TEC HYBRID. As per some news reports, the all new Hybrid cars will go on sale from the second half of next year in European countries, Japan, China Markets and Asia. Both the car comes with excellent fuel efficiency. The new Mercedes-Benz E300 Blue TEC HYBRID is enough to offer remarkable 204 Bhp top powers and 500 Nm of maximum torque. Talk about additional attributes that helps to offer maximum output of power – Li-ion battery supports the Diesel engine with an advanced 20 bhp power and a 200 Nm of torque. Combined with both engines offers unbelievable average of 4.21 kmpl every 100 km.
The new Mercedes-Benz E400 Blue TEC HYBRID is also equipped with cutting-edge generation powetrain, which is fitted with V6 petrol engine that can produce maximum top power of 306 Bhp while delivers churn out torque of 370 Nm. The mileage of E400 Blue TEC HYBRID is 26 mpg in the city and 36 mpg on the highways. Both the cars are specially produced with Start/stop mechanism and regenerative braking facilities that offers tremendously well driving experience.
Yamaha Auto Company is India’s largest and very trusted auto company. The company has launched numbers of bikes in Indian auto market. The Yamaha auto company is most tough competitor in Indian auto market to other auto companies. The auto Company is going to launch its very popular Yamaha Fazer 250 in new looks and new technical features. The new Yamaha Fazer 250 is also known in India as Sport bike. The Yamaha auto company has tagged the Yamaha Fazer 250 price in India to be Rs 1, 25,000. The new Yamaha Fazer 250 is mostly designed for Indian youth generation. the Yamaha bikes are very popular.
The new Yamaha Fazer 250 features are very unique and excellent. The stylish model comes with kick and self start option. For better and smooth running the bike has wet multi plate clutch system. Better brakes system the bike has 260mm disc brakes at front and 130mm disc brake at rear side. More fuel storage purpose the bike has 16 liters fuel storage fuel tank with attractive looks. For better grip on the curve roads the bike has 100/80 x 17 front tyre and 130/70 17mm rear tyre. Better suspension service the Yamaha Fazer 250 has telescopic front suspension and Monolink rear suspension.
The Yamaha Fazer 250 specifications are also very nice and excellent. The heavy capacity powerful engine bike has 4 stroke engine. The bike is providing maximum power of 21 Bhp at the rate of 7500 rpm and maximum Torque of 20.5Nm at the rate of 6500rpm. The bike is providing 249cc power displacement. The bike has 2030mm of length, 745mm of width and 1050mm of height. The Yamaha Fazer 250 is providing 25Kmpl fuel efficiency. The looks and design of the bike are superb.
Maruti India is making efforts to bring its new MPV, Maruti Ertiga to the Indian market. This car is all set to give a straight competition to its competitors like Toyota Innova and Mahindra Xylo. Maruti Ertiga Price in India is expected to be in between Rs 6.5 lakh to Rs 9 lakh. This car is a lot more comfortable and has very easy handling.
This car comes with a 1.4 liter Fiat’s Diesel engine which churns out the maximum power of 94 BHP and a peak torque of 130Nm. Till now Maruti has been using 1.3 liter engine which gives out peak power of 90 BHP and Peak torque of 200Nm and this engine is widely being used in the SX4 diesel variant but Ertiga has a more powerful engine which justifies the car. This car was showcased firstly at 2010 Auto Expo. It was revealed just as a concept car at that time and it took about a year and more to convert this concept car into a reality. But now this brand new car has very little similarity to the concept car that was displayed about a year back. Now since this car has moved a step closer to reality a lot is expected from this model and its performance in the Indian markets.
Maruti has introduced a lot of MPVs to the Indian markets but still they could not make significant impact in this segment. Maruti Gypsy also had an attractive design with a powerful engine but it was more suited for off road rides. Maruti Grand Vitara was another car that could not gather much of a crowd because this car was priced very high compared to other competitor models and this car was considered to have an out dated design. Now by introducing this new MPV, Ertiga, Maruti plans to have a great hold over the market which it failed to do with its previous models.
One of the world's largest sport bike manufacturing company KTM is going to launch soon its new stylish powerful bike KTM Duke 200 in India. The latest designed and featured bike has many attractive features. The KTM auto company has tagged the KTM Duke 200 price in India to be Rs 1,60,000. KTM bikes are sure to get excellent response in India. The KTM Duke 200 reviews are available on the internet and are promising.
The KTM Duke 200 features reveal that the bike is having splendid looks and classy design. The aggressive and stylish racer bikes KTM Duke 200 is available in beautiful and electrifying colors and shades. The racer bikes have 6 speed gear box with claw shifted option. The KTM Duke 200 comes with 18litr fuel capacity. The sport bike is enabled with front 150 mm Telescopic front suspension and 150 mm mono shock rear suspension. The self start as starting options is well available in the model.
The KTM Duke 200 comes with Chromium molybdenum trellis frame chassis along with 125 kg kerb weight. The model has 949 mm seat height along with 1430 mm wheel base and 381mm ground clearance. The KTM Duke 200 specifications includes with Alloy wheel. The bike is powered with single cylinder, 4 stroke, spark ignition engine and liquid cooled engine. The engine of the mobile is generating maximum power of 22Bhp and maximum Torque of 18Nm for more power. In this bike 72mm bore and 49mm stroke is available for superb pick up. Contactless, controlled, fully electronic ignition system with digital ignition timing adjustment is available in this model. In the KTM Duke 200 110/70 X 17mm front tyre and 150/60 X 17mm rear tyre for perfect grip on road.
Mobile Phones are icons of modern day living. It represent instant connectivity in terms of communication wherever you may be in the world today. There are mobile phones designed for the younger generation. In India, there are lots of mobile companies available that are launching its latest technology in-built mobile phones. The Nokia is one of the best mobile manufacturer that have launched many kinds of smartphones in India and now the company comes with another stylish smartphone, Nokia Lumia 710. The Nokia Lumia 710 price in India is Rs 17990. The Nokia Lumia 710 pictures are published on net.
Nokia Lumia 710 is well endowed with latest features. The smartphone operates at various network frequencies like 2G and 3G bands. The 3G mobile is likely to be accepted by the Indian customers. The perfect dimension of the mobile is 119 x 62.4 x 12.5 mm along with the weight of 125 gm. The 3.7 inch TFT capacitive Touchscreen of the mobile supports 16M colors with a screen resolution of 480 x 800 pixels.
The mobile is well integrated with 8 GB internal memory as data storage features and 512 GB of RAM. A 5 MP camera is also enabled in the mobile and thus nice snaps can be taken by the user, the camera is having great features such as auto focus and LED Flash and Geo-tagging. The battery of the mobile is of superb quality and thus better talk time and stand by time facility is obtained. According to the Nokia Lumia 710 features, the handset runs with a Microsoft Window phone 7.5 Mango OS which is powered by a 1.4 GHz processor. Accelerometer, Proximity sensors are available in this mobile for UI auto rotate and auto turn off activity. For an entertainment service the mobile apprehended with MP3 and MP4 players along with a 3.5 mm audio jack sound device and loudspeaker.
The technology has engulfed the whole world and thus lots of objects are being discovered with new varieties. Mobiles which have become a part of the people’s life are also being renovated with the changing technology. LG mobiles are a kind of mobiles which are always up to date and use to get good response from the Indian market. The LG Optimus 2X is popular handset from the company which has launched in India. The LG Optimus 2X price in India is around Rs. 19,115. According the LG Optimus 2X pictures the handset comes with a pleasurable touch display.
According to LG news, the LG Optimus 2X will now be updated to Android ice cream sandwich OS. The LG Optimus 2X features are out in the market. The mobile is a Smartphone which is well endowed with good display and camera facilities. Good operating system is also used in the mobile. The processor of the handset is also of the updated version and thus the processing speed is very fast. The LG Optimus 2X is fully integrated with good music and video players.The Smartphone comes with a good internal memory and external memory of up to 32 GB via micro SD card.
The LG Optimus 2X is incorporated with an Android v2.2 Froyo operating system which is authorized with 1 GHz dual core processor for better performance. The mobile is also having 512 MB RAM which increases the caching of the mobile. The LG Optimus 2X specifications includes the dimension of 123.9 x 63.2 x 10.9 mm and with a weight of 139 gm. The Li-Ion battery of 1500 mAh also provides better back up service. The Smartphone is equipped with 4.0 inches of IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen whose resolution is of 480 x 800 pixels. The rear facing camera is of 8 MP with a resolution of the camera is 3264 x 2448 pixels. The 1.3MP secondary camera is well enabled in the model.
LG mobiles are very popular and largest selling mobiles in the Indian mobile market. The company has always provided best and perfect mobile technology in their devices. The new LG Optimus Sol E730 is the upcoming handset to be launched in India. The pre orders of the new phone are now available at online stores and it will be launched in the end of December month. The new Android model LG Optimus Sol E730 price in India is to be Rs 16,999. The LG Optimus Sol E730 pictures are already available on the internet.
The LG Optimus Sol E730 specifications suggest that the mobile phone is boasted with a 5 megapixel with a camera resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels and along with Auto focus, Geo tagging. The smartphone comes with a secondary VGA camera which ensures video calling facility. The LG Optimus Sol E730 features reveal that the mobile phone is available in black, titan and white colors. The new smartphone is having expandable external memory up to 32 GB via microSD type memory card and 512 MB RAM. The phone is integrated with a standard Li-Ion power supply battery with 1500 mAh capacity which provides excellent standby and talk time. The LG Optimus Sol E730 is loaded with a 3.8 Ultra AMOLED capacitive touchscreen with a screen resolution of 480 x 800 pixels and 246 ppi pixel density. The display features also includes Digital compass, Multi-touch input method, Accelerometer sensor for UI auto rotate and Proximity sensor for auto turn off.
The LG Optimus Sol E730 phone is integrated by Android v2.3 Gingerbread operating system along with 1 GHz processor and Qualcomm MSM8255 chipset. The smart mobile phone has data exchange features 3G with HSDPA 7.2 Mbps and HSUPA 2.9 Mbps, Bluetooth v3.0 with A2DP and GPRS, EDGE and Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspotand DLNA for fast data transfer services. The LG Optimus Sol E730 includes WAP, xHTML and HTML internet browser as internet connectivity features.
Tata Pixel is a small concept car from the stable of Tata motors. It is a car similar to Nano but with many additional advanced technological features. This really cute and small model is going to be showcased by carmaker at the upcoming Auto Expo which is going to be held in Delhi from 7th to 11th January. However, the other model highly awaited from Tata Motors, Tata Nano diesel will not make it to the Expo.
Coming to the size of this wonder car Tata Pixel, it is just a little more than three meters in lengths and according to the Auto major the Pixel is the most package efficient four-seater in the world that can comfortably accommodate four adults. This small but powerful model will be powered by a 1.2 litre 3 cylinder turbocharged diesel engine that is mounted at the rear and drives the rear wheels. A masterpiece of automotive design the car’s body has been optimized for low aerodynamic drag. Not only this, the car rides on special low resistance tyres and features Stop-Start technology to improve the fuel efficiency of the car.
Loaded with such impressive features, Tata Motors claims, the Pixel has exemplary average fuel consumption figures of 3.4 litres/100 km. This epitome of innovativeness also is a very environment friendly model with CO2 emissions of just 89 g/km. The promotional videos of Tata Pixel however have highlighted one of the key features of Zero Turn System of the Pixel. This feature will definitely make it the most sought after model of future as it enables the driver to maneuver it in city traffic and tight parking spaces. This model is also endowed with an Infinitely Variable Transmission (IVT). This assists rotation of the outer rear wheel forwards and the inner rear wheel backwards during low-speed maneuvers, with the result being a turning circle radius of just 2.6 meters. This model will be a sight to behold at the upcoming Auto expo with scissors doors that open upwards. If all this was not enough the car also comes with an interesting feature called “My Tata Connect” that allows the user to control key car functions using his smartphone or tablet PC.
Mobile is one such device which has become very important in everybody’s life. RIM is one of the popular mobile maker companies in the world. The BlackBerry mobiles have good reputation in Indian market. The company has launched many beautiful and useful handsets in Indian mobile market. The company is thinking to launch a new smartphone that is BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981. The BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981 price in India is not announced.
A high resolution 5.0 mega pixels camera is available with autofocus, LED flash and Geo-tagging camera features which providing quality pictures and quality videos are recording. The BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 runs on an BlackBerry 7.0 OS which powered with 1.2 GHz processor and Qualcomm MSM8655 chipset. In this mobile Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Dual band, 3G, GPRS and EDGE carrier independent connectivity’s are available with USB v2.0 external connectivity. For perfect look and design the device has 115 x 67 x 11.3 mm of measurement with 155 gm of heaviness. Location direction service GPS comes with A-GPS support for good navigation service.
The BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 features a best multimedia system which has multi formats supporter video and music player along with 3.5mm audio jack and loud speakers. Display of the BlackBerry smartphone is inbuilt with 2.8 inches physical size of mobile with multi touch input method and touch sensitive controls display features. The BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 is powered by a Li-ion 1000 mAh capacitive standard battery. The mobile phone has 8 GB internal memory that is offer good storage phone book contact, SMS and call records entries, external memory of the mobile has up to 32 GB capacity for storage more videos, songs, images and movies. Qwerty keypad is also available in the mobile phone for fast and easy typing. the BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981 pictures are available on the internet.
This is what needs to be taken into consideration when a buyer goes to buy a mobile phone. He needs to be sure that the features he wants suits his lifestyles well. The Samsung mobiles are best. The Samsung has launched lots of attractive latest featured mobiles in India and now the company also comes with advance technology inbuilt Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note which is very popular in India. The company has tagged the Samsung Galaxy Note price in India at Rs.31, 990. The Samsung Galaxy Note pictures are put out on net.
The Samsung Galaxy Note specifications consists of a wide 5.3 inches super AMOLED capacitive touch display screen which has multi touch input method, S Pen stylus and touch sensitive controls display features as well as Accelerometer, Barometer sensor and Proximity sensors for UI activity. Multimedia system of the mobile has 3.5mm audio jack and loud speakers for best entertainment service. The Samsung Galaxy Note is powered by a Li-Ion 2500 mAh capacitive battery which is offering good standby time and talk time. Messaging service like SMS, MMS and Email services are well added in this mobile for best messaging communication.
The Samsung Galaxy Note packs with an Android v2.3 Gingerbread operating system which runs on a 1.4 GHz dual core processor. The Smartphone has a camera of 8.0 megapixel with LED flash and autofocus with the camera resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels. The 2.0 MP secondary camera is equipped in the model. The model is added with stereo FM radio for listening music over various bands. The internal storage capacity of phone is 16 GB and the external memory is expandable up to 32 GB via microSD card. As per Samsung Galaxy Note features local data connectivity features like Bluetooth, WLAN, 3G and USB are available for best performance of wireless connectivity. GPRS and EDGE connectivity is available for best internet access service with help of HTML web browser.
In the last decade the cell phone industry has grown thousand fold all around the world. A cell phone is somewhat necessary for an individual to keep up with the busy life of the current era, In this industry many kinds of mobile manufacturing companies are available but the LG is one of the trusted mobile manufacturer which has launched lots of successful mobiles in India. Now the company comes in news that Smartphone LG Optimus 3D comes with reduced price. The LG mobiles company has now tagged the LG Optimus 3D price in India is Rs 30,200. The LG Optimus 3D pictures has circulated the mobile selling action.
The LG Optimus 3D features circulate the best part of the mobile and as per mobile features the handset works on an Android v2.2 Froyo OS with a 1GHz dual core processor for accessibility of mobile applications. The user can see quality picture and video output via a 4.3 inches 3D LCD capacitive touchscreen which delivers 16M colors and a screen resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. In LG Optimus 3D a 5 megapixel camera with LED flash,Stereoscopic photos and videos Geo-tagging and autofocus features for use of mind-blowing video recording and pictures capturing activity.
The LG Optimus 3D bunched with many sovereignty carrier connectivity features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS, EDGE and 3G connectivity which are offering their capabilities wireless service. An internal memory of 8 GB/ and up to 32 GB expandable external memory via microSD card is available for use of more movies, videos, pictures and songs uploaded in the device for entertainment. For entertainment service support the mobile carry MP3 and MP4 players with a 3.5mm audio jack sound device and loud speakers. The LG Optimus 3D is powered by a Li-Ion standard battery with 1500 mAh power capacitive for delivering excellent talk time and standby time.
RIM banged with the new Blackberry smartphone, Blackberry Bold 9790 this winter. The Blackberry Bold 9790 is well accepted by the Indian mobile lovers and thus the company is interested in launching new version of the smartphone. The mobile is well capable of satisfying the Indian customers with its exciting features and specifications. The company has tagged the Blackberry Bold 9790 price in India as Rs 25,692. As suggested by the Blackberry Bold 9790 pictures, the mobile is available with black Color.
The Blackberry Bold 9790 features are revealed that the model can be connected with both 2G and 3G networks. Aggressive looks and beautiful design is well included in the Smartphone. Features like GPS with A-GPS navigation services and lot of social hubs are well supported in the model. The Blackberry Bold 9790 is integrated with 2.4 inches TFT capacitive touch screen display which has optical track pad and Accelerometer sensor for UI auto rotate. In this mobile, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G and USB connectivity features are available with GPRS and EDGE internet connectivity features.
The Blackberry Bold 9790 is packed with Blackberry own OS Blackberry 7.0 OS with a 1GHz Marvel Tavor MG1 processor that allows the user go from one task to another quickly without any trouble. According the available 110X60X11.4 mm of measurement the Smartphone has very sexy look. A 5 megapixel camera with LED flash and autofocus features with a camera resolution of 2592X1944 pixels is available for capturing happiest moments of your life and a VGA secondary camera is also added. In this mobile up to 32GB expanded microSD card slot is available for storage more videos, movies, pictures and songs and an internal memory of 8 GB with 768 MB RAM is also added. In India Blackberry mobiles mobile are known as business Smartphone.
The Samsung is one of the reputed mobile manufacturing company in the Indian mobile market. Lots of ordinary phones and Smartphones are launched by the company. The Samsung mobiles are getting good response from Indian customers. The company is planning to launch a new model next year in the Indian mobile market. The Samsung Galaxy Y Duos price in India will be around Rs 9000. The Samsung Galaxy Y Duos pictures are uploaded online.
The Samsung Galaxy Y Duos features reveal that the mobile phone is enabled with dual band networks and that are 2G and 3G. The handset is having Dual SIM with Dual standby time. The touch phone is supported with 3.14 inches TFT capacitive touchscreen display with multi touch input and Touch sensitive controls features. The display has 320 x 240 pixels resolution and it also consists with 256 K colors. The Samsung Galaxy Y Duos packs with Android v2.3 Gingerbread operating system for run fast mobile applications.
The Samsung Galaxy Y Duos includes a 3.15 MP camera with auto focus and LED flash camera features which ensure high quality image. The touch phone performance is high with the addition of 512 MB ROM and 384 MB RAM. The model has external memory of up to 32 GB via microSD memory card. The Samsung Galaxy Y Duos features with music player, video player and stereo FM radio with RDS options. The mobile phone is added with Li-Ion 1300 mAh standard battery for long communication period. The 109 grams weight models with dimensions like 109.8 x 60 x 12 mm. the Samsung Galaxy Y Duos will be having messaging communication features like SMS, MMS, Email and instant messaging. For finding easy location, the model is enabled with GPS with A-GPS navigation services.
Samsung mobiles are the leading mobile manufacturer in the entire Worlde including India. The Samsung Galaxy S is one of the best mobile from the company which has good reputation in market. The Samsung Galaxy S price in India is Rs 20,499. Various types of advance features are embedded in the mobile. Latest Samsung Galaxy S pictures are available on the net and according the mobile pictures the mobile comes with touch display. According the available sources the Samsung Galaxy S will be getting Android updates but the Samsung has released the news that the Samsung Galaxy S and Samsung Galaxy Tab both mobile are not getting Android updates.
The Samsung Galaxy S features are sure to receive better response from the Indian market. The network technology that the mobile supports is GSM and UMTS (3G). The touch bar factor mobile is a better model and is enabled with varieties of sensors like accelerometer for UI auto rotate, Proximity for UI auto turn off and Digital compass. The operating system that is used in the mobile is an Android v2.1 Éclair OS with the processor of ARM Cortex A8 with 1GHz speed. Internet can also be accessed in the mobile for better use via GPRS and EDGE internet connectivity features, for better internet surfing HTML browser is also added in this smartphone.
The Samsung Galaxy S is integrated with 5 mega pixels camera at rear face along with Face detection and Geo-tagging camera features with a resolution of 2592X1944 pixels. In this Smartphone Bluetooth v3.0 with A2DP, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, DLAN and 3G local data connectivity features are added for best data transfer connectivity service. The Samsung Galaxy S has Super AMOLED capacitive 4.0 inches wide touch display screen which delivers 16M colors. In this mobile an internal memory of 16GB is available with up to 32GB expanded micro SD card.
After launching many successful models, Samsung, the world well-renowned mobile manufacturing company, is again set to launch its new mobile. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus that the company which is going to be launched in the month of Javuary. In this mobile the company has delivered its advanced technology and latest features. According the Samsung reports the Samsung Galaxy Nexus price in India cut to Rs. 19,999. As per shown by the Samsung Galaxy Nexus pictures the handset has touch display. Samsung mobiles are fully loaded with features and specifications.
The mobile is inbuilt with unique features that offer superb experience of mobile operating. In his mobile a 4.65 inches super AMOLED capacitive touch display is available with a screen resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels, Digital compass for touch sensitive controls, accelerometer for UI auto rotate, proximity for UI auto turn off display features are also added. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus features are increasing the mobile image in the market because the mobile comes with an Android v4.0 ice cream sandwich OS with a 1.2GHz dual core processor which delivers trouble free accessibility of applications. For an entertainment the handset carry MP3 and MP4 players.
The Samsung Galaxy Nexus is packed with a high resolution smart camera of a 5.0 megapixel which has LED flash, Geo-tagging, face detection and autofocus camera features. For better live video calling services, the Smartphone is also having 1.3 MP secondary camera. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus comes with data storage features as up to 32 GB internal memory for storing unlimited songs, videos and movies. The touch phone is supported with Li-Ion 1750 mAh standard battery offering talk time up to 17.40 hours for 2G and 8.20 hours for 3G. The Android phone is enabled with Bluetooth v3.0 with A2DP s well as Micro USB 2.0 connector for easy data transfer to other devices.
Nokia mobiles had recently announced the launch of Lumia series mobile in India and now the company has launched a best smartphone, Nokia Lumia 800. The new Smartphone Nokia Lumia 800 comes with advance technology along with latest features. In this smartphone, Windows Phone OS is main attractive feature. As per available news from Nokia the Nokia Lumia 800 price in India is tagged around at Rs 27,990. The Nokia Lumia 800 pictures can be accessed on net.
The Nokia Lumia 800 features reveal that the mobile is presented in Black, Cyan and Magenta colors. The Smartphone is enabled with music player, video player and stereo FM radio with RDS like multimedia features. Messaging features of the mobile are amazing, the mobile supports SMS, MMS, Email and push Email messaging service. Video and photo editor, Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic, SNS application, Document viewer and Digital compass additional features are added in this Smartphone which offers the best performance of the mobile. The Li-ion 1450 mAh battery of the Nokia Lumia 800 is offering up to 9.30 hours of talk time on 3G and up to 13 hours of talk time on 2G network bands.
The Nokia Lumia 800 runs with a Microsoft Windows Phone 7.5 mango OS which powered with a 1.4 GHz processor with Qualcomm MSM8255 chipset. An 8 mega pixels camera with dual LED flash, autofocus and Geo-tagging camera features is available with a camera resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels. The Nokia Lumia 800 is enabled with an AMOLED capacitive 3.7 inches touch display with a screen resolution of 480X800 pixels which delivers 16M colors. An internal memory of 16GB is available in mobile it is good for storage more videos, movies and songs. Independence carrier data connectivity features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G, GPRS, EDGE and USB are available for connectivity to other mobiles.
You can try your luck with the Expert if you want but keep in mind a BETA BIOS will void your motherboard warranty...the chances of a CPU dying are rare but the chance is still there and I personally wouldn't trust it...the problem is not infact end user error despite what DFI initially claimed, problem is vcore spike of 3v to the core at times |
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allahan probable for the Seahawks Given what he’s been through lately Danny Trevathan Jersey , some concern any time Bears guard Kyle Long misses a practice is reasonable. Questions of whether he’s had a setback are perfectly fine until confirmed otherwise. Considering he’s recovering from three off-season surgeries, it might be best to leave outright panic at the door until Long’s game status is officially in question, though. That’s the case this week, as after Long sat out Thursday’s Bears practice to rest his ankle, two days later he was listed as probable for the matchup against the Seahawks on Monday Night Football. All’s well that ends well up front for the Bears. Now to those of you that do this: stop calling a 6-foot-6, 316 pound NFL offensive lineman soft any time he misses one practice, especially with what he’s been through.On the defensive side of the ball, expect to see nickel cornerback Bryce Callahan too Authentic Cody Whitehair Jersey , who was limited earlier in the week but was also listed as probable for Chicago’s matchup against Seattle. If Callahan had sat out due to a sore knee, the Bears would have no reliable depth at the position to fill in on a part-time basis. As for the Seahawks, linebackers Bobby Wagner and K.J. Wright were officially ruled out. Receiver Doug Baldwin will also Monday’s game against the Bears. An ideal scenario for the Bears to take advantage. After a gut-wrenching loss in Week 1, the Bears are fully recovered and all systems go for their 2018 home opener at Soldier Field. Robert is the Editor-in-chief of The Blitz Network (subscribe here!), the managing editor for Windy City Gridiron, and a writer and producer for a host of other fine publications. You can follow him on Twitter @RobertZeglinski. The Miami Dolphins devised a simple plan to keep Khalil Mack out of their backfield."We had about four guys blocking him," Miami coach Adam Gase said.But what happened to the rest of the Chicago Bears' defense? A unit stirring memories of the Bears' glory days gave up 541 yards Sunday in a 31-28 overtime loss.And Miami played without quarterback Ryan Tannehill, inactive because of an injury to his throwing shoulder. Replacement Brock Osweiler threw for a career-high 380 yards .Four Miami plays gained more than 30 yards Youth Eric Kush Jersey , including catch-and-run touchdowns covering 43 and 75 yards by Albert Wilson. The breakdowns were surprising from a defense that allowed only 65 points in the first four games this year."Can't give up too many big plays for what we're capable of on defense," Mack said.The two-time All-Pro linebacker was especially quiet with two tackles. Mack suffered an ankle injury early in the game and briefly went to the sideline, and his 2018 streak of at least one sack and one forced fumble in every game came to an end.The Bears (3-2), who were averaging 4陆 sacks per game, totaled none even though Osweiler threw 44 times. Defensive tackle Akiem Hicks found it difficult to evaluate the pass rush."We didn't get any sacks," he said. "You can't assess it when you don't get any sacks."Run defense was no better. Frank Gore, the Dolphins' ageless 35-year-old running back, gained 101 yards in 15 carries. Teammate Kenyan Drake added 57 yards."It all starts with stopping the run ," Mack said, "and we didn't do a good job with that today."The fourth quarter was again a problem for the defense, which failed to protect a 21-10 lead with 16 minutes left. Of the 96 points allowed this season by the Bears, 60 have come after the third quarter.Miami had 387 yards after halftime. A sunny, 90-degree afternoon might have been a factor in the Bears' fade, both on offense and defense.Guard Kyle Long, for one, hadn't read the forecast."It was a shocker when we walked out of the locker room and it's 400 degrees in the shade Adrian Amos Jersey ," he said.But the defense made mistakes early in the game, too. Linebacker Leonard Floyd was called for unnecessary roughness when he body-slammed receiver Danny Amendola , which led to the only touchdown in the first half."He was trying to gain more yards," Floyd said, "and I was trying to stop him."Coach Matt Nagy declined to discuss Floyd's play. Otherwise, Nagy preferred to praise the Dolphins rather than criticize his defense."You have got to give credit to them for playing a good game," Nagy said. "They made plays." |
293,223,085 | Hey guys !! I know you love your mobile device but what will happen next when your mobile device will stop working? I mean, when some important apps will stop working like Google Play Store. I found many questions on the internet which are saying that their google play store stopped working with an error code. It is showing something like this “Error retrieving information from server RH-01”. If you are facing such problem then you’re in right place.
Let me tell you first what actually this problem is? This problem generally occurs when your mobile device stops communicating with google play server. It happens when you install any random app from any other source like Internet download or get a shared app by a friend. If that app is a virus or virus infected, then it can corrupt your system files and you might face problems like this.
Time and Date Corrections:- It is the minor error that can get you into a problem headache. Try to set your device’s Time and Date. Go to your device Settings, Then go to Time and Date and correct the error if see one. If the time and date are correct then leave it and try another solution.
Re-add your Google Account:- This step is the final step to get rid of this problem. Go to Settings and choose Accounts. Now click on your google account and remove it. Now go to Google Play Store re-login with your Google account credentials.
You’re done. Your Google Play Store will work like a charm now. If you found this tutorial helpful then share this post and give your valuable comments.
As the end of this year has come so close, it is the right time to make your shopping lists for Christmas and New Year if you have not already made them. When it comes to the choice of presents, this part depends on the age and habits of your target audience. If there are older fellows on your shopping list, then tech-related presents should be skipped. However, for younger generations, there is harder a more suitable present than a tech gadget or device.
While many of us are banging our heads against the wall, thinking what our dearest ones need the most for the forthcoming holidays, the real dilemma is actually whether we know them good enough. The thing is that if you have to look for a present for someone you do not know too well, you could make a wrong choice and your present could turn out to be a waste of money. That is why expensive presents should be reserved only for your family members and partners.
When it comes to the dilemma from the heading, the best options is buying an item per person. Since it is usually impossible, due to financial conditions, the best option for Christmas presents is giving such a valuable item only to your partner. But you have to be a good listener beforehand in order to get the right thing. If you are still on university, then your partner will probably be more grateful for a modern smartphone. However, for working people tablets are a fabulous choice, so maybe you could go for one of the business-friendly models.
When it comes to smartphones, the most popular models are traditionally imodels, as well as Samsung and LG smartphone devices. The choice of the smartphone will depend on the gender of the present receiver, as well as his or her preferences.
Although tablets are very offensive in taking their share of the tech-market, they still cannot endanger laptops. The main reason for that is the fact that they neither have the same role nor aim at the same audience. When it comes to tablets, they are widely used by business users, as well, but more as planners and means of fast communication, whereas laptops still stay closer to the role of desktop computers – the central workstation for every office and a businessperson.
When it comes to models that could be a fine choice for these holidays, one of the first ones that catch our attention is HP Pavilion TouchSmart. With the Intel i5 processor and 8GB of memory, this laptop is perfect for doing fast performances for business purposes.
Apart from this model, you can go with the Dell Inspiron 14z, which comes in numerous configurations. If you want a really powerful laptop, then one the Intel Core i7 processors will make your business and gaming needs meet at a wonderful place.
In addition to these laptops, you can always choose from a wide range of Toshiba laptops. This series has proven to be high-quality and long-lasting one.
This time of year wakes up soft and kind feelings. However, try not to get carried away with such meek emotions. Make an effort to get as fine presents as you can but not over your financial powers. Also, you always have to know who you should surprise with a valuable present and who should be given more ordinary presents. Technological devices give you a wide scope of possibilities for every group of your present-receivers.
Video conferencing startup Vidyo has been working over the past several years to provide a software-based, interoperable service that will allow companies with various disparate video conferencing systems to communicate with one another. Now it’s making that capability available to even more businesses, with the launch of VidyoWay, which provides free, multi-vendor and multi-party video conferencing.
VidyoWay provides an easy way for users to connect their own video conferencing systems with those from industry leaders Cisco, Polycom, and Lifesize, as well as other H.323 and SIP-based room systems, Microsoft Lync clients, and mobile devices. The result is unified communications and interconnectivity without having to worry about legacy installed systems from multiple vendors.
The startup can do this because its meetings are cloud-based, which extends video conferencing beyond traditional point-to-point solutions. That also means it can provide conferencing services without having to worry about keeping a directory of video endpoints — instead users can invite each other from their own address books, and they can join from legacy systems with Vidyo’s Click-to-Connect capability.
Mobile or remote users are also able to connect through compatible mobile applications that are optimized for high-quality, multiparty video conferencing.
The main reason Vidyo is enabling this new functionality is to attract new users to its traditional VidyoConferencing system. It’s seeing VidyoWay as an on-ramp for users who haven’t yet deployed its own hardware or software in their own businesses. On that front, it’s seeing pretty incredible traction, and its growth continues to accelerate versus the competition.
CEO Ofer Shapiro told me by phone that the company had grown revenue 80 percent from 2010 through 2011, and saw revenues in the first quarter increase 90 percent year-over-year. It now has more than 1,850 customers that have deployed its hardware, as well as 25 service providers and 300 resellers globally making sales for it.
Vidyo has raised about $100 million to date, including a recent strategic investment from network equipment manufacturer Juniper Networks. Other investors include Menlo Ventures, Sevin Rosen Funds, Star Ventures, Four Rivers Group, and Rho Capital Ventures. Its headquarters are based in Hacckensack, NJ, and it has more than 225 employees in offices around the world.
When the green flag is clicked, the game will start. Then it will go to the coordinates where the game will start. Then it will point in the direction where you start. Forever, when the up arrow is pressed, it changes the speed by 0.5, when the down arrow is pressed, it changes the speed by -1, when the left arrow is pressed, it rotates 5 degrees to the left, when the right arrow is pressed, it rotates 5 degrees to the right, finally, it moves the amount of step based on the speed.
What the IF Block does the controls of the racecar. The up arrow changes speed by 0.5. The down arrow decreases speed by -1. The left arrow rotates 5 degrees on the left, The right arrow rotates 5 degrees on the right.
13.Move speed steps means depending your speed it makes it go that many steps like 9 it makes it go 9 steps
5.The if's are supposed to be used if a specific button is pressed and something will happen if you don't press that specific button and when you do.
8.For the last two ifs shows to turn a specific degrees.The first one shows to turn 5 degrees left.The last one shows to turn 5 degrees down.
1. when the green flag is click the game will start 2. go to x and y means how big and small it goes. 3. point in the direction that you what to go. 4. means the same thing as number 5 but this time you can change it to eventhing the numbers and the letters.
2.first you will need two boxes. both dark blue.what they do is one is the Y Axes and X Axes.they will tell you your cars position when the game starts.
5. The yellow block "if" means whatever is in that box will happen if they do that certain thing. The blue block means if the up arrow key is pressed something will happen.
3 When you begin it will point to you where your going for example 90 degrees that's a direction you are going.
The very first block is when you click the green flag the game will start, the second block is to go to your starting place. For example, X-123 and Y-154. The third block is to face the direction you want to start at. For example, -61. The forth block is what ever you put inside it, it would go on forever. The fifth block is when you press the up arrow, the race car will go up. The sixth block is that when you press the up arrow, the speed will change by 0.5. The seventh block is when you press the down arrow, the car will go down. The eighth block is that when you press the down arrow, the speed will change by -1. The ninth block is when you press the left arrow, the car will move left. The tenth block is that when you press the left arrow, the race car will turn left by 5 degrees. The eleventh block is when you press the right arrow
2.Next,there is a block with a x number and a y number; that will show you in what area your car will start in.
3.Then,there is a block that says point in direction number that block will show you which direction your car will be facing when you start the game.
4.Under that block is a block that says the word ''forever'',under that block what ever blocks are put will mean that those blocks are going to keep on going forever.
6.Next to the first if is a lock in that block it says key up arrow pressed.It means that if the up key is pressed blank will happen.
7. In addition,the next block is the change speed by -1 that means that if the up key is pressed the speed will change by0.5.
9.Next to that is a button that says change speed by -1 well that means that if you press the down arrow then the speed will change by -1.
10. After that there is the if button,next to it is the if the left arrow is pressed that means that if the left arrow is pressed blank will happen.
11.To continue,then there is the if block again just next to it it says if the right arrow is pressed then blank
12.Under that all the if's make sense if ... then you turn five degrees whether it's right,left,down, or up arrow you will turn five degrees.
4) If means which ever key is pressed it will do what it is suppose to when the green flag is clicked. |
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46,213,582 | STATE OF THE UNION - Sensible investors have written off the online media sector - which is why it offers good opportunities now, especially in private equity.
Sensible investors have written off the online media sector - which is why it offers good opportunities now, especially in private equity.
It 's the great dilemma of the deflation-era investor: what to do with the money. Prices for prime real estate in London and New York are down more than 10% and rental income is falling even faster: the latest New York Times survey showed declines up to 20%.
The stock market is directionless: a double-dip recession is still a likelihood, and company valuations still assume a return to earnings growth.
So where to invest? Here are some ideas, based on a rough-and-ready technique: look at technology trends and tease out the long-term implications. The market usually focuses on the sectors in the path of change, whereas the real beneficiaries are often elsewhere.
The classic example: the invention of the car created unexpected opportunities in out-of-town shopping malls. There are modern equivalents: flat-screen technology, the pervasive internet, cheap computer graphics ...
Within a decade, it will be cost-effective to replace billboards with moving displays - more attractive to advertisers. In Steven Spielberg's Minority Report, Tom Cruise runs a gauntlet of personalised video pitches; that is less science fiction than an extrapolation of the present. Already, high-traffic locations such as Times Square are plastered with dynamic advertising.
The opportunities: outdoor display businesses like Viacom Outdoor and JC Decaux; public transport systems, extracting greater value out of captive commuter audiences; and some well-sited real estate.
Next: pretty places. Discount airlines such as JetBlue and easyJet have put smaller destinations within easy reach of big cities. And the spread of high-speed internet access makes it ever easier to tap corporate information systems and communicate with the office. If location no longer matters, why not spend the winter in Marrakech?
My picks: Essaouira, in Morocco, if they can get an airport built; the resorts outside Tunis; Dubrovnik on the Adriatic; the Buda hills of Budapest; and Havana. Just three hours' flight from New York, Havana beats Miami Beach hands down for allure and excitement, Castro is getting old, and you can buy an Art Deco apartment by the promenade for dollars 20,000.
Another real estate thought: old skyscrapers. Their value as office space fell in the late 20th century because low ceilings offered insufficient wiring space, among other things.
Wi-Fi high-speed wireless connections will give them new life. Local wireless networks can carry both data and phone traffic. Time to rip out the false ceilings and raise the rent.
Online media. Since 1999, sensible investors have written off the sector - which is why it is such a good investment now. Valuations are sensible.
As broadband access spreads, consumption of online media is growing. For a range of categories, from travel to books, the internet is now the primary means of purchase or research. Online advertising is booming: web search alone will generate revenues of dollars 1.4 billion in 2002, up from dollars 400 million in 2000.
And the costs are way down. No longer is it necessary to hire an army in the anticipation of hypergrowth and a stock market flotation. The software is vastly cheaper, as are marketing costs.
The only problem is that there are few public companies standing in which to invest. AOL TimeWarner is too much of a mess; Yahoo is a pure-play online media investment, but its premium services strategy is unproven; and Google will be extravagantly priced when it comes to market. Better opportunities are in private equity, buying under-valued assets such as Slashdot, or in online media startups.
Telecoms. One short recommendation: incumbent telecom companies. Their stock prices are corrected, and they seem reasonably priced on a price-earnings basis. But the market does not sufficiently appreciate that competition is about to intrude on the last bastion of the telecom giants, the local phone business.
I've just installed a box by Vonage that plugs into my cable internet connection and provides normal phone service - and unlimited national and local calls in the US - for dollars 39.99 per month. Voice over the internet is now good enough.
With high-speed wireless networks - often free to access - springing up across major US cities, I wouldn't be surprised if regional phone companies such as Verizon go out of business over the next decade.
A final suggestion: cash. Preservation of capital, rather than reliably high returns, should be the goal. Were you an investor in Japan over the past decade, better to have stayed in cash. After all, if you buy into the prediction of deflation, the assets will only get cheaper.
Order online for delivery and takeout: 147. Shrimp Salad from Mandarin House - Ontario. Serving the best Chinese in Ontario, CA.
Mander Cruickshank was founded in the early 1920’s. Since then it has served Coalville, Hinckley and their surrounding districts in Leicestershire and further afield. The practice undertakes both private client work and Legal Aid.
The Practice holds a Legal Aid Agency franchise in Family, Crime and Mental Health, and is a holder of the Lexcel Accreditation which means that the Practice is subject to stringent quality control measures. |
213,898,594 | Wall Texture Examples picture is in category Home that can use for individual and noncommercial purpose because All trademarks referenced here in are the properties of their respective owners. You can browse other picture of Wall Texture Examples in our galleries below. If you want to see other picture, you can browse our other category.
“The mind is an attribute of the individual. There is no such thing as a collective brain. There is no such thing as a collective thought. An agreement reached by a group of men is only a compromise or an average drawn upon many individual thoughts. It is a secondary consequence. The primary act—the process of reason—must be performed by each man alone. We can divide a meal among many men. We cannot digest it in a collective stomach. No man can use his lungs to breathe for another man. No man can use his brain to think for another. All the functions of body and spirit are private. They cannot be shared or transferred.
We inherit the products of the thought of other men. We inherit the wheel. We make a cart. The cart becomes an automobile. The automobile becomes an airplane. But all through the process what we receive from others is only the end product of their thinking. The moving force is the creative faculty which takes this product as material, uses it and originates the next step. This creative faculty cannot be given or received, shared or borrowed. It belongs to single, individual men. That which it creates is the property of the creator. Men learn from one another. But all learning is only the exchange of material. No man can give another the capacity to think. Yet that capacity is our only means of survival.” – Ayn Rand
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Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man’s nature and of life’s potential. - Ayn Rand
If my daughter’s labia looked different from mine (likely considering the range of normal) I wouldn’t consider alabioplasty to “correct” it. In fact is probably have her refined from my care for even asking a doctor to do it. Rightly so.
How often are our children examining it genitals in detail? A daddy penis is also a lot larger than a child’s penis. You going to get him an enlargement? Or are you going to be a parent and explain it?
It really is. It is a ridiculous argument. I don’t have any desire to reduce the size of my breasts to look like my mother and I don’t care at all what her labia look like compared to mine. I don’t care what my own daughter’s genitals look like either. She’s a BABY! Her body is supposed to look different from mine. I don’t get that argument AT ALL! It’s totally a cop-out to justify mutilating defenseless baby boys.
I like to point out to people that my mom was a DD and myself and my four sisters were no larger than B. No one ever suggested we be augmented to match our mother, and breasts are so much more obvious and defining than genitals.
Along those lines, female circumcision also reduces STI’s. Try selling that one to your average American. The double standard is so glaring.
I agree! Genital mutilation is genital mutilation. I’ve had many arguments with family members over this issue; many of them men who were hurt by genital mutilation but in order to protect themselves they have to somehow justify what was done to them.
Thank YOU for everything you have done to inform people on the harms of circumcision! Feel free to share my post if you like!
Ten corners is about the effect of products and services on people, businesses and the planet, and is Victoria Kirk Owal’s home on the web. It’s a focused global chronicle of what I think matters and why.
I call it ten corners because the most satisfying solutions seldom reveals themselves after looking around the first corner.
I’m a human-centred design strategist with 15 years of experience in global product development, digital strategy and social entrepreneurship in the US, Europe and Asia.
Residents on Hawaii's Big Island are bracing for even more damage from the Kilauea volcano as authorities lift the alert level to red, indicating a major eruption is imminent.
On Tuesday morning local time, eruption of ash at the volcano's summit was increasing in intensity as the top of the ash cloud reached more than 3500m above sea level, according to the US Geological Survey.
The raised alert level indicates a "major volcanic eruption is imminent, underway or suspected with hazardous activity both on the ground and in the air," USGS said.
Experts earlier predicted a major explosion could cause refrigerator-sized boulders to shoot out from the volcano, with dozens of homes already destroyed from lava seeping out of up to 20 fissures.
More than 2000 residents have already been evacuated since Kilauea first began erupting, however authorities are warning residents to remain on alert for more lava and gas.
The Hawaii National Guard has warned mass evacuations may be triggered if either highway is hit by lava, however there are concerns residents in some areas may become trapped depending on the lava's flow.
“There’s a lot of worst-case scenarios, and roads getting blocked is one of them,” Hawaii National Guard spokesman Jeff Hickman told Reuters.
Residents have received text messages warning of eye and breathing irritation from excessive exposure to toxic gas, after rock falls and gas explosions within the crater caused an ash plume.
"Severe conditions may exist such as choking and inability to breathe," Hawaii County Civil Defense warned.
"Sulfur Dioxide gas from fissures are especially dangerous for elderly, children/babies and people with respiratory problems."
'Lava chasers' and residents in the area have caught spectacular videos of molten rock exploding from fissures, with aerial footage capturing the destructive path of the lava across the region.
US President Donald Trump declared the area a disaster zone on May 11 , approving emergency federal relief funding. |
203,434,830 | Our Bodies are 72% Water…Are you aware of how much water you really need to ingest to remain healthy?
A while back while in an Isha Yoga workshop I watched a video in which Sadhguru explained about our bodies need for water. He joked about how surprised he was to see so many Americans walking around carrying water bottles and drinking all day long, he said in India when temperatures are often close to or over 100 degrees you never see folks carrying water and drinking like in America. This really jolted me to be true….I myself don’t carry water while at home in the USA or when in India, even while riding a bicycle at mid-day in India I never felt dehydrated. As a Yoga Teacher my studio’s rest room is in another part of the property and often participants are leaving during the class to go to use the facilities. I have tried to explain that one should not ingest food and drinks at least 2 or more hours prior to class to leave the digestive process dormant for yoga practice. I have explained about using Himalayan sea salt to help keep the body properly hydrated but still there are those who come to class with their water bottles and those who apparently have gulped water all along right up to walking in class. Another important thing that Sadhguru explained was about how disruptive leaving the yoga class is to a participant, previously I was concerned about disruption to the entire group and just wanted the individual to feel comfortable to relieve their system at the restroom. All of this got me to think again about how conditioned western folks are and how they are “educated” by the corporations who only concern is grabbing their dollars at the cost of their overall health and wellbeing. Several years ago there was some disturbing news that many foreign nationals had wrangled the rights to many major USA communities/towns/cities/regional water utility contracts. Around the same time the commercialization of bottled water sprang up and Americans were strongly advised to ingest at least 8 glasses of water per day…another industry driven “quasi-health” campaign?
Back to the basics…Water does provide for the necessary exchange for nutrients to reach our cells and for waste to leave via our elimination processes, but what’s the truth about the needed daily amounts? Just recently The institute for Medicine in the USA published this….”the vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide.” (Please do click the link to see a short video with Sadhguru and Ed Begley Jr. talking about this subject a few months ago in the USA.) Many have been brain washed to believe they must always hold a water bottle in their hand all day long to ingest enough water. Hence sales of chic designer water bottles, bottle carriers and artisanal Waters from France to Fiji. For those who eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies (9-15 servings per day) they are getting lots of water as these foods are high in water content. In the video I watched in the workshop Sadhguru explained a bit about the science behind what happens to the body when ingesting too much water, and I can say I witness some of these imbalances (including unexplained allergies and more) my students who are always sharing proudly about how much they drink water. The Medical field is usually careful about what they share so as to avoid legal battles, so we may have to wait for a longer time to know the upside of this change of advice and its negative implications and havoc this trend has placed on so many who were just trying to take care of their health by buying and drinking water. At the safe side, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Professor of Medicine/Renal, Electrolyte and Hypertension Division at the University of Pennsylvania stated, “…if anything drinking too much water can slightly impair the ability of the kidneys to filter blood. The only people who should drink excess water are those who have had kidney stones.” I also want to add for nursing mothers like my Daughter-in-Law, Alyson who is nursing our Grandson Rowan, drinking water and herbal teas are necessary as you are sharing your supply with the Baby, so keep drinking up while nursing. As well, other conditions that one may be advised by their doctors to keep to a certain regime.
I think many who are aware about taking care of our Mothership Earth, that plastic water bottles are just damaging the planet and I recommend getting a water filter and a copper vessel. In the link there is print information and in the video Sadhguru explains about what happens to the energy of our water as it moves in pipes to our sinks. Once again, Sadhguru brings us back to think about the most subtle and extremely important points about energy consumption and how it affects our energetic levels. Another instance of modernization hazards, convenience of having sophisticated piping to bring water into the home vs. having to carry it from the well to the kitchen, but something beneficial was there when we had to do this. Perhaps now we can understand about how useful the time may be as our water is filtered and is stored allowing for the molecules to re-establish a harmonious level. Please do click the link below the image to see the information compiled by IshaUSA and the video, thanks again to Isha Foundation for preparing this really important information. Thanks for reading this post and please do share it with others, here’s to your good health, Namaste, OM!
Filed under Health,, Wellness, Yoga and tagged colon health, Food for Colon Health, health, Healthy Foods, Wellness, | Leave a comment
Please click the link above to register to view the Free online Film “ Hungry for Change” it only available for ten days until March 31st, 2013. Share it freely with family and friends, especially those living with disease, and illnesses. It may just get those who haven’t asked the important questions about the food corporations that they “trust” with their lives. Thought provoking and packed with data, as well as recipes, detox methods and ways to take action for better health and healing. Do know this is about meat-free, and dairy-free regimens that allow for healthy, disease free lifestyles. Do have the courage to watch it and discuss with those who you care about, even if you are not ready to make changes today, at least start a conversation with yourself today. Wishing you the best in health, Namaste
Thanks to a Facebook post for this image and reminder of how Tumeric is a powerful healing agent. I take one half teaspoon daily in my morning apple cider vinegar tonic drink. It’s quite an inexpensive item that can used as a healing agent in tonic drinks and used in cooking soups and veggie dishes daily. Also can be used in a homemade facial scrub regularly to brighten complexion, remove blemishes and pimples and soften skin. Here’s to your good health! Happy New Year 2013! |
282,164,729 | Spotify is the global leader in the music streaming industry, Apple is catching up but its still a long way from getting there. However, Apple Music’s share is growing rapidly in the United States.
Spotify has an upper hand with its free music streaming option which Apple Music doesn’t offer. Apple Music requires a paid membership, period. Other paid services include Google Play Music and Amazon Prime Music.
But which service should you invest in? I have tried almost all of the services and here are my thoughts.
I’m from India, and for me, Apple Music is the best because it’s collection is huge. It has nearly 40 million songs which includes regional songs. I listen to English and Hindi songs mostly, and Korean sometimes. There was never a time when I couldn’t find a song I was looking (or listening?) for.
However, I don’t feel comfortable with Apple Music’s UI on Android; iOS’ UI is fine. Also, I find the Android app to be buggy sometimes, it’s not a big deal though.
I see Spotify as the best streaming service for US and other native English speaking countries (maybe other languages too) because it’s English music collection is on point. Also, the design of the app is simple, clutter free which makes it easier to navigate and find songs.
I have used Spotify for a brief period of time and it’s the only music streaming service that I actually love, however, I decided to move to Apple Music because it’s regional Indian music collection is very less.
Google Play Music is another good music streaming services as it’s collection is quite vast but it’s design is not that great. It doesn’t appeal to me.
Amazon Prime Music is one service that I haven’t tried yet, however, from what I know its collection is very tiny, it offers just 2 million songs with the Prime package, and if subscribed for the Music Unlimited pack then the collection will increase to 10 million songs which is still not as huge as Apple and Spotify’s collection. However, I haven’t tried the service yet, I shouldn’t comment.
So, if you listen to English songs mostly, then according to me, Spotify is the best choice; Apple Music is not bad either if you’re OK with the UI. However, if you listen to English and also Hindi songs then Apple Music is the best choice.
Google Play Music is also good but the app itself just doesn’t feel right, if the content is just what you care about, then you should be fine.
Tidal is another music service; it offers “lossless high fidelity” sound meaning the songs sound better on expensive, good sounding headphones. I think its an experimental service, if you are in a mood for trying out new services, then give it a try.
This catalogue accompanies an exhibition at The Courtauld Gallery, which is the first dedicated to the graphic oeuvre of Antoine Caron (1521–1599). Bringing together a core group of drawings centered around the figures and deeds of the French Royal family, the Valois, this display highlights the role played by Catherine de’ Medici (1519–1589). Featuring the Valois series, a set of drawings here reunited for the first time, the display showcases the way in which the powerful and influential Catherine promoted the success of her regency and future of her progeny by delivering a series of lavish courtly events that were meant to enhance the power and diplomacy of her family.The drawings represent jousts, tournaments, festivals and a mock naval battle, events that occurred at the French court during the reigns of Catherine’s sons Charles IX and Henri III. Preparatory designs for a group of tapestries, these visual documents relate to actual events that were organized by the court, some of which took place at the French castles of Anet, Palace of Fontainebleau, Bayonne and at the Tuileries Gardens in Paris. Minutely designed, they thus allow a reconstruction of the visual testimony of those events, as they were documented in written contemporary sources.Antoine Caron: Drawing for Catherine de’ Medici is the latest in a series of books accompanying critically acclaimed Courtauld displays, which showcase aspects of the Gallery’s outstanding permanent collection.
Body-Solid's all-new Soft Plyo Boxes feature a unique three-sided design. It's like getting three different standard plyo boxes in one. In addition, the soft sides minimize the potential for banged shins and scrapes that can sometimes occur with standard plyo boxes. Three diverse heights (20", 24", 30") allow you to customize your workout and adjust on the fly. This unmatched versatility removes clutter from your workout space. The durable vinyl cover resists wear and tear while remaining firm even after heavy use. Never worry about footprints or dirt again, as the vinyl covering allows for easy cleanup. Safety is key to the soft plyo box design as the reinforced soft foam protects you on jumps while remaining firm enough to perform all your favorite plyometric movements.
I seriously had my doubts about this canvas but when it came in the mail it was seriously better looking than in the picture! Absolutely such a great purchase! Cheap too!see moreof the reviewer's review
Go from fitness to fashion in the Women's S Sport By Skechers Comfort'D Performance Athletic Shoes in Blue. These slip on sports shoes are the ultimate in versatile convenience.
I bought these after a pair of my old sneakers were breaking. I loved the old pair which were the same brand. I love the comfort and no laces. I was worried about buying these online and not trying them on first because my shoe size can vary and narrow shoes don't work. They were shipped super fa...see moreof the reviewer's review
I ordered these at customer service, thinking I was getting the 'Relax'd' style. Unfortunately, unlike the Relax'd, these have a gravel grabbing sole. I have to take these off at the door because they pick up so much gravel, you have to use a screwdriver to pick it out.see moreof the reviewer's review
Overall pretty comfortable. I bought these to work in. Between both jobs im on my feet 16 hours a day sometimes. Very cozy as far as the bottom cushion wise and support wise but they are a little tight on the width. Usually I don't have to purchase wide shoes. I highly recommend them though.see moreof the reviewer's review
I bought these a year ago and wire them out so I was glad to find them online. Love these shoes because there is no break in period. Comfortable and fit as they should
Great sneakers. Fits true to size. Very comfortable. After three years of hard use from my first pair I finally broke down and mail ordered a replacement pair and hope they hold up as well as the first!see moreof the reviewer's review
Just bought my 2nd pair. These are so comfortable and slip on. Made very well. Will buy again.see moreof the reviewer's review |
287,210,425 | Inspector Vapors opened a small shop in California that became an almost instant success. Founded on the idea that vape lovers deserved better products than those currently available, the founders of this shop sourced the best materials and top products from companies around the world. Inspector Vapors specializes in products that you can use with both aromatherapy herbs and oils. Those scents can instantly put you in a better frame of mind. Its product line includes heat guns, universal receptacles and similar products. When looking online for Inspector Vapors products, make your first stop, where you can find a wide selection of glass receptacles and heat guns.
Our line of products from Inspector Vapors includes a number of heat gun vaporizers. Designed to look just like the heat guns you might use when taking down wallpaper or doing other home improvement projects, these guns will change the way you think about vaping. The digital heat gun vaporizer produces temperatures of 220 to 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Higher temperatures are perfect for hardier materials like dried herbs. The lower temps produced by other vaporizers won't give you the full flavor that a higher temp will. This little heat gun also has a cool down feature that automatically adjusts the temperature to a lower setting of easy handling.
When you use a larger water pipe or a glass receptacle, you need a heat gun on hand. Those pipes require a large amount of heat to slowly increase the temperature of your herbs to produce the smoke that you inhale. While you can use a lighter, you risk spending five minutes or more waving that lighter underneath the glass until you get to the temperature you want. With a heat gun, you get to the right temperature almost instantly.
Some of the Inspector Vapors products that we offer include combo packs that come with both a glass receptacle and a heat gun. A great example is our Universal Vaporizer 9 mm Combo Set. This set comes with its own glass receptacle that has an attached mouthpiece and a heat gun. The small receptacle also functions as a small water pipe. Simply slip the included glass screen into place, add your favorite liquid and aim the heat gun at the glass before you inhale. We also offer heat gun combo sets in larger sizes for those who have more space or like vaping with a crowd.
Don't forget to shop for universal receptacles too. Using a traditional water pipe is a chore because of the large sizes of those pipes. You need to add a mesh screen, add some water to the inside, find the perfect place for your herbs and track down a lighter before you can start having fun. If you ever knocked a water pipe over before, you also know how hard getting rid of that smell and cleaning up can be. Our universal receptacles have a thinner top that keeps the liquid inside and a sturdy bottom that keeps it from tipping over. All our universal receptacles will work with slides from different manufacturers too.
Inspector Vapors gained a number of fans after opening a small vaping shop in California, but the company later closed its doors and walked away from the business. If you bought from Inspector Vapors in the past, or you had friends who recommended the company to you, you can now get some of the same products sold in that store online. At, we offer our customers a wide range of heat guns, glass receptacles and other products that Inspector Vapors and other stores sold.
Inspired by Mount Vesuvius itself, TFV8 Cloud Beast Big Baby Light Sub Ohm Tank by SMOK offers magnificent vaping power. Imagine Mount Vesuvius in calm, subdued setting and then suddenly, it spews lava into the sky. That’s the same amount of power that you can expect from this SMOK sub ohm tank.
Without doubt, this sub ohm tank can completely change your vaping experience. It is equipped with unique, patented turbo engines and nine different color finishes for style and functionality. It works with different types of TFV8 coils for a guaranteed high airflow performance.
Its turbo boosted components such as the engine coils, bottom air slots, heating air tube, and drip tip are the powerful engineering pieces that propel this device. Three of the high performance coils that can be used with this sub ohm tank are the TFV8 Cloud Beast Baby Quadruple Coils V8 Baby Q4 5 pk by SMOK, TFV8 Cloud Beast Baby Octuple Coils V8 Baby T8 5 pk by SMOK, and the TFV8 Cloud Beast Baby Dual Coils V8 Baby T6 5 pk by SMOK. All of these coils are available from here.
Each of these coils, when used with this sub ohm tank, provides a distinct flavor to every draw. For example, the V8-T8 can assure you of a deep and rich cloud taste. The V8-T6 offers the same thing, only with a smoother and cooler effect. The V8-Q4 offers a smooth silky taste while the V8 RBA can give you that somewhat indescribable, unique vaping experience.
Overall, the TFV8 Cloud Beast Big Baby Light Sub Ohm Tank by SMOK is very versatile. Its new turbo engine is mainly responsible for its huge deck and increased airflow. Compared with the TFV4 Sub Ohm Tank by SMOK, this improved device has two bigger adjustable air slots on the bottom that assures of up to 18% more airflow. And because it is adjustable, you can fully control the way that you vape.
The TFV8 Cloud Beast Big Baby Light Sub Ohm Tank by SMOK also has a better heating air tube for higher airflow efficiency. This feature matches the increased air slots feature. The bigger heating air tube is a 15% increase in diameter and 30% increase in area compared to the older TFV4. TFV8 also is also equipped with a large caliber drip tip to further assure increased airflow.
While you’re shopping for the TFV8 Cloud Beast Big Baby Light Sub Ohm Tank by SMOK here at, be sure to check out the different types of e-juices that you can use with this device. The TFV8’s bigger tank can accommodate more juice to provide you with an optimum vaping experience. Talk to us about this product today.
The Wismec Reuleaux RX300 Box Mod serves up the ultimate in power with a 300 watt max output. Driven by four 18650 battery cells, this mod was built to the specifications of legendary designer JayBo. It is extremely compact, has multiple protection systems, and all the functionality you could want. You'll appreciate the large clouds of vapor and big taste delivered by this trendy mod from one of the industry's most popular new brands.
This mod proves that smaller doesn't have to be less powerful. It measures a scant 1.65” X 2.3” X 3.2” and fits comfortably in the hand thanks to its unique geometric shape. You can drop it in a handbag or pocket and take it anywhere your active lifestyle leads you. The best part of the mod's portability is that you won't be sacrificing power. It has an output range of 1-300 watts for cloud chasing like you've rarely experienced from a mod this size.
Want to talk functionality? How about charge balancing technology that allows you to use an Avatar Quick Charger for a speedy 1.5A boost. You can also monitor the battery life of each individual cell via the unit's 1” OLED screen. The mod has a temperature range of 200-600F and can be operated in six different VW and TC modes. The resistance range in VW mode is 0.1-3.5 ohms and in TC mode it is 0.05-1.5 ohms. There is plenty of room for customization in this mod to achieve bigger clouds, more flavor, or a sweet combination of both. It works exceptionally well when paired with Wismec tanks.
Other popular Wismec mods include the Reuleaux Mini Box Mod by Wismec. This small unit fits in the palm of your hand and gives you 80 watts of max output. Also designed by JayBo, it has six different modes of operation and supports a variety of coil architectures. A great tank to use with this mod is the Reuleaux Mini which has a 2 ml capacity and preserves the low profile of this rig.
Wismec is one of the new players in the vaping industry, but they have gained a big reputation in a short time. The company was founded with innovation in mind, and its devices are packed with the latest technological advances. Many months are spent in research and development before these devices are brought to market. One of the best things Wismec has done is enlist the aid of JayBo to create unique mods.
JayBo began designing handmade mods for a select group of clients. His work became so popular that Wismec brought him in to create the RX series. Before, it was only possible to get a JayBo mod directly from his company at a hefty price. Now, you can enjoy one of these mods at a fraction of the cost. Each one is built to JayBo's precise specifications and upholds the designer's reputation for quality, reliability, and overall performance.
All products from Wismec are backed by a 90-day warranty against manufacturer defects. If the item you receive is defective on arrival, a replacement will be provided to you at no additional charge. These mods are compliant with all of the latest certifications for safety and quality, and they must pass strict quality checks.
While you are shopping for a Wismec Reuleaux RX 300 Box Mod, be sure to check out all of the premium tanks, mods, and accessories in our large inventory. We have something for everyone. Our collection of e-juices is one of the largest of any online retailer. If you have a question about this mod or any of the items we carry, please contact us so that one of our friendly customer service associates can assist you. |
199,122,803 | Coldwell Banker Elite offers every level of education on multiple platforms. From real estate licensing classes to advanced designations, we are the eduction solution for you. If you want to start your career off right, or if you have been practicing for awhile and need to go to the next level we have a solution for you.
We understand that education is the corner stone to success and we have full-time certified instructors and marketing specialist to meet with our agents upon their request and organize training. We also deliver training and programs by video on a regular basis.
Registration is open till 3 days prior to the class, at which point there must be 8 people registered online in order to hold the class
Anyone who registerers but does not attend will be invoiced $10 to their agent account. Exceptions will be case by case and will generally only be considered with true emergency issues.
For Certifications, Designations and CE classes students must attend on time and remain in the class. Anyone missing more than 10 minutes will not be able to receive credit for the course. This is a DPOR regulation and not an internal policy.
Classes that carry a fee do so to cover minimal program charges and royalties. Cancellation and reimbursement requests will be granted up till one week prior to the class.
It wasn’t pretty, but the New Jersey Devils weathered the Panthers storm to win 4-2, in a game they were outplayed by Florida in two of the three periods.
It only took :26 for the Devils to score their first of four on their way to New Jersey’s 14th win of the season, and a one-point advantage over the Panthers for ninth in the Eastern Conference standings.
Lee Stempniak was setup beautifully in front, after some give-and-go puck handling from linemates Adam Henrique and Mike Cammalleri.
For Cammalleri, it added to his lead in assists (19) and points (29) on the team. Also, he extended his point-per game streak to three, dating back to the Devils game against the Carolina Hurricanes on December 3rd.
The day off between games looked to be paying off for the team, who was sluggish at the beginning of their matchup with the Flyers.
With 7:05 in the first, Kyle Palmieri scored his 11th goal of the season on a skilled shot that few could pull off.
Taking the puck off the side boards, Palmieri took it into the offensive zone, and wristed a shot that went over the shoulder of Roberto Luongo, who tried to protect the short-side of the net.
New Jersey got their third goal of the game in the second off a strong individual effort from Adam Henrique. After a Adam Larsson shot was saved by Luongo, he gave up a rebound in front that found the skates of Henrique. He took the puck and skated behind the net for the wrap-around goal, his team leading 13th goal of the season.
GOAL! @AdamHenrique scores his 13th goal of the season with a filthy wraparound! #NJDevils lead 3-1! #FLAvsNJD
It was Henrique’s second point of the game, and second multi-point game in his past five. However, the story of the second period was Cory Schneider for the Devils. He had to be, with the Panthers making their push to only be down by one goal. Florida put 12 shots on goal, with two of them finding their in the Devils net. Two key saves were seen with one being on Panthers forward Aleksander Barkov: Sometimes, you need a little puck luck on the defensive side to keep the lead alive. The second big save was on a penalty shot awarded to Florida’s Jonathan Huberdeau, after being tripped up by Larsson in front on his way to a shot attempt. If it weren’t for a whiff from Barkov and a toe pick by Schnieder, the Devils could have easily found themselves two goals down in what was a sloppy period of hockey from New Jersey. Defensive breakdowns and a discombobulated power play plagued the team’s effort almost costing them the lead heading into the third. New Jersey wasn’t able to sustain any momentum, as they were outshot 7-0 at one point in the third period. However, the Devils were able to overcome their flaws and scored an insurance goal by Cammalleri, off a nice cross feed from defenseman Damon Severson. Despite being outshot in the second and third periods by a margin of 29 to 9 and losing in the faceoff circle 41 to 18, the Devils clung on to a 4-2 victory to snap the Panthers five-game win streak, and to leapfrog them in the standings.
Now in ninth position in the Conference, the Devils will look to build off this when they travel to Toronto to battle the Maple Leafs on Tuesday night.
The Brooklyn Nets may have found a diamond in the rough with Caris LeVert. He handed the Denver Nuggets the first home loss of the season while simultaneously announcing Brooklyn’s presence to the rest of the league.
The Nets have a few guys they can turn to for a big shot late, but Caris LeVert seems to be the guy Kenny Atkinson wants with the ball in his hands. Nikola Jokic committed a costly turnover late to give the Nets the ball with 22 seconds and a tie ball game. That’s all LeVert needed to seal the deal.
Prior to LeVert’s heroics, Spencer Dinwiddie was the guy who took the big shot. The Brooklyn point guard took the ball with three seconds left to play in the third quarter and launched a half-court heave to send the Nets bench into hysterics.
Many NBA players refuse to take that last second shot for fear of hurting their shooting average, but Dinwiddie chucks it up all the same. The Nets are thrilled that he wasn’t calculating his shooting percentage in his head because they needed those precious three points.
The Nets and Nuggets traded buckets throughout the fourth quarter. Just when it looked like one team was about to wrest control away, someone came up with a big play. On one particular play, Joe Harris reminded everyone that he can do more than shoot threes. He battles for a big offensive rebound and finishes the old-fashioned three-point play.
The fourth quarter was bogged down by the referees calling far too many fouls. Every little bit of contact warranted a whistle. But despite some poor free throw shooting, the Nets were able to overcome Nikola Jokic and the Nuggets.
LeVert was the hero of the night for Brooklyn and he finished the night with 17 points and five assists. But no one player stood out for the Nets tonight and that’s meant as a compliment. They got contributions from everywhere. D’Angelo Russell finished with 23 points and five assists. Joe Harris turned in a typical night where he kept the defense stretched with his gravity. He was 2-for-2 from beyond the arc, but the Nuggets gave him a lot of attention after the Nets started the game going 6-for-9 from deep.
Nikola Jokic was almost unstoppable on Friday. He finished the night with 34 points on 22 shots to go along with a ridiculous 21 rebounds. But at the end of the night, Jarrett Allen got the better of Jokic. Allen was outplayed by Jokic for a majority of the game, but he went toe-to-toe with one of the best centers in the game. Allen finished with 18 points, nine rebounds, and five blocks. He made his presence known.
The Nets secured their third straight win and they’re starting to look like a legitimate threat in the Eastern Conference. After smacking the Philadelphia 76ers at home and pounding the Suns in Phoenix, they claimed a victory under much more tense circumstances. Friday night, the Nets looked like a good team that is starting to learn how to win.
I walked into Hotel Van Zandt and these two were enjoying beverages over at Cafe 605 and I knew we’d get along.
After being scolded for doing commercial photography– which we weren’t- by someone who didn’t even say they were with the Hotel *(everyone with the Hotel was super sweet!) we got going on the second floor.
The light fixtures and art is intricate and mesmerizing. Basically I can hardly wait to get these two waltzing around this place in their wedding wardrobes.
We toured the lobby as well. By toured, of course, I mean I set up my MagMod gear and used the full roaring fireplace for a romantic portrait.
The crew over in Cafe 605 were completely great about us snapping a few photos in the cafe, knowing that these two would be tying the knot there for their Fall wedding.
Enjoy this little peek of their engagement session- and if you’re ever on Rainey Street you need to take a walk through Hotel Van Zandt!
This entry was posted in Engagements and tagged Austin Engagement Locations, Austin wedding photographer, Austin wedding venue, Hotel Van Zandt, MadeWithMagMod, Magnet Mod, Rainey Street Hotel, Romantic Engagement Photography. Bookmark the permalink.
What a beautiful engagement session at the Hotel Van Zandt on Rainey Street,. this looks like such a wonderful place for a couple to host their Austin wedding
I love that you got to photograph the Hotel Van Zandt before this couples wedding day! Such a modern, elegant shoot, perfect for the venue. Your posing is amazing and I can’t wait to see their wedding photos!
I can’t wait to shoot their wedding at the Hotel Van Zandt either- I know they are going to rock it!
This engagement shoot at Hotel Van Zandt is so great. I love the interaction you captured between your couple. I love the gorgeous locations throughout the hotel
The Hotel Van Zandt is perfect for an engagement session. Your use of light and framing is perfection. Beautiful photography!
Perching upon a stem of harakeke / flax flowers a feisty tui perches. The sunlight capturing the different hues of blues and greens in his feathers. He has been carefully painted using traditional watercolour techniques, many layers of blues, teals, aquas and emeralds have been layered up, capturing the iridescent nature of the tui's plumage |
18,155,698 | Many if not all of us have had a pet during our lifetimes. But what happens to that pet if the owner becomes incapacitated or dies? Virginia (Section 64.2-726), Maryland (Section 14.5-407) and the District of Columbia (Section 19-1304.08) all have statutes that permit the creation of a trust for the care of a pet. In determining how to provide for a pet during incapacity and/or at death, here are a few items to remember:
1. The owner should ensure that, at a minimum, they have a Power of Attorney giving someone authority to take care of their pets using the owner’s monies to do so. In addition, the owner should ensure that instructions for caring for the pet have been provided for in their estate plan. This can be done in various ways including specific provisions in a Last Will and Testament or through a Revocable Living Trust.
2. An owner of a pet may want to carry information in a wallet or purse that identifies the fact that he or she owns a pet, what kind of pet, where the pet is located and any special instructions regarding care. The thought is that if the owner is unable to return home those going through the wallet or purse will find this information and ensure the pet receives the proper care.
3. Along with other important papers relating to one’s estate plan, there should be a document that summarizes all pertinent information relating to the pet including any medical history, veterinarian’s contact information, allergies, likes/dislikes, etc. The information carried in the purse or wallet would also be included and further detail provided, if necessary.
4. Many pet owners now post a notice near their front door that they have pets in the house to alert anyone entering the home to be on the look out for the animals.
5. If the owner is considering establishing a Pet Trust, then the following questions must be asked:
How should the Trustee make distributions from the Pet Trust (i.e., to the caregiver or directly to the vendor)?
There is certainly more information that can be included in the Pet Trust depending on the kind of pet, the standard of care, the amount of money to be set aside and the overall goals and objectives of the owner. But these items will help you to start thinking about what happens next for your pets who are more likely than not a part of your family, and therefore, need to not be forgotten in any estate plan.
In Greek legal theory and practice, IP rights comprise copyright and industrial property rights, as defined in Article 8(18) of Law 2557/199.
The decision (dated 5 January 2017) in the recent cycle courier case Dewhurst v CitySprint UK Limited that received TV coverage last month is not strictly speaking an authoritative judgment. But it does evidence a direction of travel, following as it does the hugely well published judgment in the Uber case last October (Aslam and Farrer v Uber B.V. and others). Please pardon the analogy!
Margaret Dewhurst is a cycle courier. Although originally claiming to be an employee, the case she ultimately brought to the Tribunal was that her status was as a "limb (b) worker" pursuant to section 230(3)(b) of the Employment Rights Act. She said she undertook to perform personally her services as a courier for CitySprint. She claimed two days’ holiday for which she was not paid.
The contract Ms Dewhurst signed sought to set out the business relationship between the parties. In the usual manner of things in these cases, it provided for her to agree and warrant that she was a self-employed contractor and that she was neither an employee nor a worker. It then set out the various terms and conditions including the ability of the contractor to provide a substitute to perform any job at her own cost. Ms Dewhurst said it did not reflect the reality. She did nonetheless accept that if the actual arrangement was as set out in the Agreement, she could not be a worker.
Many contracts are drawn up in this way. We should therefore note that the Judge in the case (EJ Wade) said “The very title of the document “Confirmation of Tender to Supply Courier Services to CitySprint” arouses the suspicion that the contract may have been generated by (an) army of lawyers…” As a lawyer, I could not possibly comment….
If the contract did not express the true agreement, what was the true agreement between the parties, and;
Was Ms Dewhurst a so called "limb (b) worker" under the true agreement (which would entitle her to rights she would not have enjoyed had she been genuinely self-employed – such as holiday pay)?
With parallels to the Uber case so far as payment was concerned, the individual couriers were not at all involved in the invoice for their services from beginning to end. They simply waited to be paid. In one sense, this could be said to have been of benefit to the couriers. It meant they did not have to spend time working out things like how many deliveries they had made, and at what rate. Nonetheless in the Judge's view “It was a payslip in all but name”. She commented "This is a long way from an arrangement whereby a contractor, such as a window cleaner, writes and then delivers their bill from which deductions are only made, generally by agreement, if, for example, they have broken a window".
As to whether Ms Dewhurst was totally “independent”, which would have indicated she was self-employed rather than being a “worker”, the Judge noted:
“Ms Dewhurst was also proud of her professionalism but did describe one incident when she was feeling unwell at the end of the day and asked the controller if she could go home. She was told that he could not find somebody else for a job and so she could not go”. And EJ Wade caustically adds “The respondent did not provide the evidence to rebut this…”.
EJ Wade noted CitySprint’s opening outline which said "(CitySprint) operates courier services around the UK. Self-employed van drivers, motorcycle riders and cycle couriers all make their services available to CitySprint, on relatively the same terms”.
The Judge concluded "not only is the phrase "make their services available" as opposed to "work for" a mouthful, it is also window dressing and I find Ms Dewhurst description to be more accurate…".
EJ Wade took a steer from an earlier Supreme Court case involving car valeters (Autoclenz Limited v Belcher & Others [2011] IRLR 820) where the suggestion that those individuals were “in business on their own account” pursuant to the contracts that they signed, was roundly rejected.
She quoted a passage from Lady Smith’s judgment in the Court of Appeal (in Autoclenz) where (at paragraph 69) she said:
"It matters not how many times an employer proclaims that he is engaging a man as a self-employed contractor; if he then imposes requirements on that man which are the obligations of an employee and the employee goes along with them, the true nature of the contractual relationship is that of employer and employee. I can see that the argument of the employee is rather less attractive where, for many years, he accepts that he is a self-employed contractor and benefits from the rather more favourable taxation arrangements, which are available to people running their own businesses. However, it seems to me that, even where the arrangement has been allowed to continue for many years without question on either side, once the Courts are asked to determine the question of status, they must do so on the basis of the true legal position, regardless of what the parties had been content to accept over the years. In short I do not think that an employee should be stopped from contending that he is an employee merely because he has been content to accept self-employed status for some years”.
EJ Wade went on to say (at paragraph 60) "In the post-Autoclenz (-) era, I understand the law to be that whilst the express terms of the contract are key pieces in the jigsaw, the bar is low before the true situation can be explored”.
So with apologies for repeating the phrase in this context, there does appear to be a real direction of travel in these cases:
First Autoclenz (along with another case involving a solicitor “partner” in a law firm, Bates van Winkelhof v Clyde & Co [2014]), is plainly the leading authority and is the case most frequently turned to for guidance in this area;
Accepting, of course, that Uber is being appealed, it has nonetheless pointed the way in terms of these “new way of working” cases;
Leaving aside the issue of Brexit and how it may affect UK employment law, EJ Wade has observed (at paragraph 73 of her judgment) “It seems to me that perhaps influenced by EU law, the emphasis has moved from the requirement forensically to analyse the components of the contract to looking at its main purpose.”
The Prime Minister, having appointed the RSA Chief Executive, Matthew Taylor, specifically to look into and report as to whether employment law is keeping pace with today's working practices, is seemingly sympathetic to the argument that our employment law does now need to adapt to accommodate the way in which many individuals now work or provide their services;
Just last month, on the Andrew Marr programme, Mrs May repeated her commitment to protect workers’ rights, notwithstanding the (not so) latent threat contained in her Lancaster House speech a few days earlier, when she warned that if our European partners do not play ball when we exit the EU, we may look to become a low regulation / low tax economy.
Finally, the fact that EJ Wade has drawn the conclusion that in this latest case the claimant was a worker and was entitled to her rights as such, seems to indicate that in today’s environment an employer seeking to litigate such cases in the future will need to exercise great care. Before doing so, they would be well advised to examine carefully the practical reality of their relationship with those whose services they acquire – rather than relying on the “form” of the document that brings them together. So, for example, if the contract provides for the right of the individual to call upon another to act as their substitute (usually a sign of a self employment relationship), it might be very helpful if that has actually happened on more than one occasion!
Whatever the position, the result of any appeal in Uber, is going to be of great importance, as will the outcome of Matthew Taylor's Enquiry. Only then may we know if we have arrived at our destination!
Alternative Dispute Resolution for disagreements over children: if it's good enough for Brangelina...
What constitutes “normal” remuneration for the purposes of calculating holiday pay, and should pay in respect of voluntary overtime be included?
Employers should take care when considering the dismissal of employees with long-term medical conditions
Courier case shows direction of travel as to when an individual is an employee or worker or self-employed *
UK Employment Tribunal Rules that Individuals Working in the “Gig Economy” are Entitled to Paid Leave * - United Kingdom |
182,158,582 | George Thorogood (born February 24, 1950) is an American musician, singer and songwriter from Wilmington, Delaware.His "high-energy boogie-blues" sound became a staple of 1980s rock radio, with hits like his original songs "Bad to the Bone" and "I Drink Alone". He has also helped popularize older songs by American icons, such as "Move It on Over," "Who Do You Love?" and "House Rent Boogie/One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer", which became staples of classic rock radio. With his band, the Delaware Destroyers, Thorogood has released over 20 albums, of which two have been certified Platinum and six have been certified Gold. He has sold 15 million albums worldwide. Thorogood and band continue to tour extensively and in 2014 celebrated their 40th anniversary performing. Thorogood began his career in the early 1970s as a solo acoustic performer in the style of Robert Johnson and Elmore James after being inspired by a John P. Hammond concert. However, he soon formed a band, the Delaware Destroyers (or just the Destroyers) with a high school friend, drummer Jeff Simon. With additional players they developed their own sound, a mixture of Chicago blues and rock and roll. Their first shows were in Lane Hall at the University of Delaware. Thorogood's demo, Better Than the Rest, was recorded in 1974, but was not released until 1979. His major recording debut came in 1976 with the album George Thorogood & The Destroyers, which was released in 1977. In 1978, Thorogood released his next album with the Destroyers titled Move It on Over, which included a remake of Hank Williams' "Move It on Over". "Please Set a Date" and their reworking of the Bo Diddley song "Who Do You Love?" both followed in 1979. The band's early success contributed to the rise of folk label Rounder Records. In the early 1970s, Thorogood supplemented his income by working as a 'roadie' for Hound Dog Taylor. During the late 1970s, Thorogood and his band were based in Boston. He was friends with Jimmy Thackery of the Washington, D.C.-based blues band, The Nighthawks. While touring in the 1970s, the Destroyers and the Nighthawks happened to be playing shows in Georgetown (DC) at venues across the street from each other. The Destroyers were engaged at The Cellar Door and the Nighthawks at Desperados. At midnight, by prior arrangement, while both bands played Elmore James' "Madison Blues" in the same key, Thorogood and Thackery left their clubs, met in the middle of M Street, exchanged guitar patch cords and went on to play with the opposite band in the other club. The connection with the Nighthawks was extended further, when Nighthawks bass player Jan Zukowski supported Thorogood's set at the Live Aid concert in Philadelphia, PA on July 13, 1985. Thorogood gained his first mainstream exposure as a support act for The Rolling Stones during their 1981 U.S. tour. He also was the featured musical guest on Saturday Night Live (Season 8, Episode 2) on the October 2, 1982 broadcast. During this time, Thorogood and the Destroyers also became known for their rigorous touring schedule, including the "50/50" tour of 1981, on which the band toured 50 US states in the space of 50 days. After two shows in Boulder, Colorado, Thorogood and his band flew to Hawaii for one show and then performed a show in Alaska on the following night. The next day the band flew to Washington State, met their roadies who had their Checker car and a truck, and continued a one show per state tour for all fifty states in exactly fifty nights. In addition, they played Washington, D.C. on the same day that they performed a show in Maryland, therefore playing 51 shows in 50 days. This increased visibility occurred as Thorogood's contract with Rounder Records expired. He signed with EMI America Records and in 1982 released the song, "Bad to the Bone", and an album of the same name. The song has been used frequently in television and film, including the television drama Miami Vice, the sci-fi thriller Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the animated cartoon Alvin and the Chipmunks, the comedies Problem Child, and Problem Child 2, Stephen King's Christine, and many episodes of the television sitcom Married... with Children. The track was also used during the intro to the movie Major Payne and in the 1988 drama film Talk Radio. The song is also featured in the game Rock 'n Roll Racing. It is also played during football pregame festivities at Mississippi State University and at USHRA Monster Jam events to introduce Grave Digger (regardless of driver). "Bad to the Bone" was used for the 1984 Buick Grand National advertisements. Thorogood's version of "Who Do You Love?" is played in all Samuel Adams beer commercials. In 2012, Thorogood was named one of The 50 Most Influential Delawareans of the Past 50 Years. |
299,837,253 | If you have been to Athelington Hall Farm Lodges please take a few moments to tell us all about your holiday there. We can then share your views with other people planning a holiday at this location
The lodge was fantastic!! Beautiful setting, peaceful and very relaxing. The hot tub was fantastic, we are definitely going to be coming back!
This park was absolutely the best for value and the best for peace and quiet. The lodges were both well equipped and clean, and every little thing had been thought of even down to some reading material and games left for your use. In our opinion 12 out of 10 !
This is the second visit to this site, both times we have had a great holiday. Found it very relaxing, great place to wind down. Our dog loves running in the fields, with the owners dog, who he remembered from our last visit.
A very good park, very quiet and peaceful and miles from anywhere. Peter the owner made you feel very welcome and took families round to see the farm animals, and came round to talk to everyone.
A lovely site in the middle of no-where which lends itself to a quite, peaceful and enjoyable romantic break.
In 10 years of using Hoseasons, we've yet to have a poor holiday. Enough said really - looking forward to the 2007 brochure!
A very beautiful setting, ideal for kids to run free and safe. Enough things to do in the area to keep every family entertained.
I would recommend Athelington Hall to anyone seeking a top class relaxing break in a quiet country idyll, the area is great for getting to Southwold, Framlingham and local pubs and restaurants. The pine lodges with hot tubs and saunas which we stayed in were fantastic. We can't wait to return.
If you want a perfect spot with good access to other parts of Suffolk then i would recommend this to you.
Lovely peaceful holiday, outdoor hot tub was amazing as it was a quiet location and watching the stars was great. Well equipped cabin.
We came to your park for bird spotting, and the lovely walks in the area, around the park itself and the lovely countryside. We looked on your website at the accommodation and we were very impressed, on arrival we were even more surprised by the interior of the log cabins which were were fantastic. We have stayed in a lot around the country, and yours stand out by far the best, the decor was really good, it has an excellent kitchen and bedrooms, and the heating system was lovely and warm for those people staying in the winter months or spending Christmas away from home. To be honest it was so comfortable we did not want to leave, and the two dogs on site were so lovely!
I would recommend it because it's a beautiful and peaceful area. The lodges are outstanding and everyone was really friendly.
I would certainly recommend this holiday - whilst the accommodation is fairly basic it is more than adequate for a short break and the setting is absolutely stunning. There are a myriad of local attractions not least of which is Southwold with its lovely shops, restaurants and beach. We had a wonderful weekend and would definitely visit again.
Fantastic views, great hot tub, kids loved the trampoline and the area has lots of things to see and visit for kids and adults of all ages.
I would recommend this holiday because of the location, the peace and quiet and the general ambiance. For a stress free holiday this is the place. for a stress free holiday, this is the place.
What a wonderful find! The accommodation was top class and in beautiful surroundings. We couldn't have asked for more and will be booking two more holidays for next year. Great walks and perfect if you have a dog and plenty to keep children occupied and you can be sure they are safe and out of harms way.
Lovely cabin and a great hot tub, a perfect weekend away to relax and unwind. Came back feeling very refreshed.
The location was excellent, very quiet and peaceful, exactly what my family wanted. The Lodges were excellent. Was a great base for visiting surrounding area. I would recommend to anybody.
I could not fault my break away to this lodge, I wanted a nice quiet relaxing weekend and that is exactly what I got. If you want that too, do not hesitate to book! There are plenty of places nearby to visit during the day, and in the evening it is lovely to chill out in front of the TV or in the hot tub. Will definitely be booking again!
The location is ideally situated to have some great days out and it is great for children to run and play. The area is quiet and peaceful just the ticket to relax. To be honest the few days we stayed weren't long enough.
There was nothing more that could have been done - a fab holiday, the accommodation was clean and very well furnished and the park staff were really helpful. I would recommend it to anyone - very good value for money!
Lovely quiet site, good walks for dogs. Accommodation first class. Not regimented, no "rule" notices plastered everywhere, thus allowing for a completely relaxing break.
The location is ideal if you are looking for a break away from it all. Come prepared with food as there are no real local services other than meat from the Farm. This holiday was undersold with the cabin offering much more than was advertised. The accommodation was excellent to the highest standard. Most enjoyable.
This is a very remote park, apart from small games room & swimming pool,the lodges are fantastic we enjoyed the hot tub. If you have young children this is a good place for them to run free as there is plenty of space for them.
An ideal base for a peaceful and relaxing holiday set amongst some of the loveliest rural scenery in the East of England.
Have you been to Athelington Hall Farm Lodges? Please share your views with others who are considering this holiday park so that they can benefit from your experience and get the best from their holidays.
Important note: Information provided here about Athelington Hall Farm Lodges is based on our best knowledge. However, please check with Athelington Hall Farm Lodges before booking to ensure that you have the information required. Reviews are the sole views of the contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of or Athelington Hall Farm Lodges. |
176,914,456 | Byron was born in Athens 1950. He studied Economics and History of Art (B.A.) at Lake Forest College, Illinois, U.S.A. During his Hellenic Navy service, was an Ensign (S) reserve officer and held the post of Liaison Officer between the H.N. and the United States Navy at the Joint United States Military Aid Group/Greece-JUSMAG/G post.
His professional career began in 1975 with the position of Assistant General Manager of Hellenic Industrial Ltd., while until Oct 2099 was the President & CEO of Datalex S.A. (a company specializing in Auto Id Information Technology Systems and Industrial Automation). After his company was sold, he devotes most of his time and involvement in his hobby of old cars, serving as a member in the Board of Directors of PHILPA (The Antique Car Club of Greece) and FILPA Federation. Recently he also established the Classic Car Center of
Another interest since early on is diving. Byron started diving in 1979 when he was also certified by the acknowledged German Diving Association, Barakuda. He was also a member of Peter Nicolaides’ team that organized dives to the historic wreck of “S/S PATRIS” a paddle wheeler steamship, which sank in 1868 out of the west coast of Kea island. Byron served as Vice-President of the Nautical Athletic Club of Kea (NAOK), was a member of the Kea Dive Expedition 2008, & the S/S Burdigala Project 2009, and member of the Club of Amateur Divers TETHYS.
Aside from classic cars and motorcycles, other interests include anything about the sea (old & new boats, sailing and water skiing, shipwreck diving etc.), photography (land and under water), philosophy, reading and traveling.
In the social domain I am interested in volunteerism related to environmental and cultural preservation actions, Blogging, social networking and net forums. I am present in Facebook at: and at
Member of The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and the Cultural Heritage, The Friends of Kea Society (member of the Board of Directors since Jan 2010 and President since March 2014), and The Antique Car Club of Greece (member of the Board of Directors from Feb. 2011 to Feb. 2014), also member of the Board of the Hellenic Federation of Antique Cars & Motorcycles of Greece-FILPA Federation, from June 2013 to June 2015. Member of the NGO “DIAZOMA” which seeks to take Greek ancient theaters, these birthplaces of democratic principles and cultural and intellectual creativity, under its wing. Fan and member of a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Recently TED events are being organized in Athens under the name TEDx Athens. He also has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the consulting company European Profiles S.A.
In May of 2018 he becomes Member of the Owners of Sport Cars Club of Greece-Σ.Ι.Σ.Α. and is appointed as Publicity Officer of the Club. He adopts the Dream of Re-Starting the Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique-RMCH for 2019 from Athens after 44 years!
During 2016 he heads as President a Team of friends who organized a successful commemorative Centennial conference [held during Sept. 29th to Oct 1st 2016 in Kea Island, Cyclades, Greece] about the sinking of S/S BURDIGALA & HMHS BRITANNIC [in English]. Visit the Blog here: 100 Years Kea
I have quite a bit of stories as to how I purchased, repaired, rode from London to Athens, then shipped the bike to the US, reconditioned and sold it for a small profit.
Hi, I bought GPH662C in, I think, 1969 (it is/was a 1965 T120) from a dealer in South London (probably Brixton somewhere as there were a lot of dealers there at the time) for about £220 – it was very original and low mileage -about 6K. I fitted the front brake cooling rings which were all the rage at the time, crash bars,higher rise handlebars and an oil pressure guage (which I took off and still have!). I also resprayed the petrol tank top half (blue) in a shade of blue very close to the original. I was also given some Craven panniers so I drove the bike to the Craven works in London and they fitted the back rack and the fittings for the panniers. It had 2 small prangs when I had it and gained a later rippled seat. I used it for holidays in the UK and commuting to work/pleasure and sold it in, I think 1971/2 – I don’t remember exactly when but I do remember that the 2 guys bought it who turned up in a car and bought it basically unseen – one said ‘I’ll buy it’ when they drove past it as I was standing next to it in the road (Barnet, north London). It was an unmolested standard bike pretty well. I have quite a good picture of GPH662C just before it was sold – I do not have a record of the frame/engine number (apart from remembering is was DUxxxxx but it may well have survived in the US – Colin
Internet never ceases to amaze me. What a nice present you had in store for me Colin. In case u can dig up some pictures do send them.
hello Byron, I am thinking of buying an as yet unseen VW CAMPERVAN which is in Athens Greece. I would like to take this vehicle to a specialist VW workshop for a thorough inspection ,both mechanical , body and the campervan fitout. I would appreciate your help in locating the right one. Best regards , george toskas .
Hi George, for an overall inspection you may go to Cabilis Performance (Stavros area) or to Chris Economou (Katehaki Area). |
108,737,152 | Sponsored by Trinity College, I ran a one-week course under the generic title of Teaching the pronunciation of English. Twenty-five teachers from a mix of primary, secondary, tertiary and CLIL backgrounds joined me to explore how the pronunciation of English works, how to perfect their own pronunciation, and how to teach pronunciation effectively in their very different classroom settings. A challenging but ultimately very satisfying week.
So far 2017 has been full and varied. Started off working in Castilla-La Mancha through the agreement that Trinity has with the regional education authority for training. Part of the work I did was on pronunciation, but I also did a two-day intensive course on CLIL. This set me up nicely for February and a one-week course for teachers from vocational training in Cantabria. These teachers are preparing to use a CLIL approach in their work, and so here my 22 years teaching English in the Asturias School of Tourism proved of great value.
Related to all this work on CLIL was an intervention in March at a conference on EMI, whilst in July I returned to Madrid to work for the Consejería de Educación helping a mixture of ELT and CLIL teachers to find ways of ‘Supporting effective learning’. The five-day courses looked at the globalisation of English, pronunciation, teaching and learning vocabulary, second language listening, and dealing with learner’s mistakes.
Early March took me the length and breadth of Italy traveling with OUP author Ben Wetz, and speaking about learners’ mistakes and what to do with them (Make No Mistake). I’ve also been collaborating with OUP España and their webinar programme. The first was about pronunciation for teenagers, an age at which getting pronunciation right can be the last thing on your mind. Also for OUP España was a plenary session in Valencia at the 10th Annual Conference of Spain’s Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas.
More recently I was back in Madrid with colleague Ronnie Lendrum for another La Salle teachers one-week language immersion course. As before, participants eat, sleep and drink English without the expense of traveling to the UK or US. This year we were in the La Salle complex in Griñón, just south of Madrid.
Occasionally MacMillan Education ask me to lend them a hand. This time it was at their Academy Day in Bilbao on June 2nd. They’d seen me talking about dealing with accents in ELT (They Don’t Do Scottish Accents) and asked me to fine-tune this session to the audience they were expecting.
As part of my own development I attend the IATEFL Annual Conference most years. This year I took part in the Pre-conference event run by the PronSIG under the title of Pronunciation then and now. It was a very good day, but especially memorable for me as sitting in the audience as I spoke was Peter Roach. Principal editor of the Cambridge Pronouncing Dictionary, Peter is also the author of English Phonetics and Phonology (CUP), the book on which I cut my teeth in terms of pronunciation.
My collaboration with Trinity College in Spain has also seen me back in the Centros de Profesorado run by the Junta de Andalucía. Following on from work I did for the Andalucian regional government in 2015, November 2016 once again saw me working my way around all eight Andalucian capital cities to provide teachers with further insights into the ISE exam, together with training in the theory and methodology behind teaching reading skills to L2 users of English.
In addition to picking up on any loose ends regarding the Revised ISE exam, I also delivered two new ‘Best Practice’ workshops. Reading More Than Ever looks at the skills and strategies that effective readers employ and ties them into a range of classroom activities to promote these skills. Make No Mistake takes a very hands-on look at the cause and class of learner errors, and suggests different ways we can react to and work with these mistakes in class.
Collaborating with Trinity College in Spain has taken me back to my roots as a teacher trainer. In July and September I worked with teachers through the Madrid Community’s network of teacher training centres (Centros Regionales de Inovación y Formación – CRIF). On both occasions the training was aimed at CLIL teachers from the bilingual schools in the Madrid. In July I spent a week with teachers from primary schools, and a week with colleagues from secondary and vocational training. In September I met with teachers from bilingual secondary and vocational centres to help them with lesson planning for CLIL. I’ll pick up from where I left off with these teachers in February 2017.
July 2016 saw colleague Ronnie Lendrum and myself back in Madrid to repeat our two one-week residential courses for teacher’s from the La Salle primary and secondary schools in Spain. Teachers from all over the country shared an intensive immersion experience in English whilst living in the heart of the Spanish capital. A centre-piece to the week’s work was the visit to the National Museum of Archaeology, which we used as a focus for project work developed by the teachers on the course. Feedback was once again excellent for both weeks.
As part of my own training I attend the IATEFL Annual Conference most years. This year my presentation, They Don’t Do Scottish Accents, was about the need to incorporate activities into pronunciation teaching that will help learners deal with the multiple accents they are destined to meet when using today’s globalized English. But the highlight of the conference was the chance to share quality time with American pronunciation expert, Judy Gilbert, who has been an inspiration to so many of us.
One of the highlights of 2016 was the week I spent in Italy working for Oxford University Press. The workshop was about how we might go about dealing with our learners’ mistakes, and OUP took me the length and breadth of Italy in five unforgettable days. Starting in Naples I travelled up the east coast then across to Turin, working en route with some of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet, OUP staff and teachers alike. Looking forward to being back there in 2017.
A two-day course at Moscow’s prestigious Higher School of Economics thanks to the initiative and hard work of IATEFL colleague, Elena Velikaya. The participants in the seminar all taught English to undergraduate students of economics and finance. In six sessions spaced over two intensive days’ work, we looked at English as a lingua franca, pronunciation teaching, oral communications skills, and strategies for dealing with learners’ errors and mistakes.
I’ve been a member of the IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group since the early 1990s, so it is always a plaesure to participate in the SIG’s events, especially those that take place outside the main IATEFL Annual Conference itself. In Dublin we had a great day, largely thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of Louise Guyett.
The introduction of revised Integrated Skills in English (ISE) exam has meant a lot of work for me in the second half of 2015, and has seen me travelling to many different parts of Spain in order to explain to teachers what the revision consists of, and what the changes mean for themselves and for the candidates that they are preparing.
In the magnificent casino in the centre of Madrid after talking about ways to improve speaking skills with teenagers.
In addition to training aimed specifically at the preparation of candidates for their GESE and ISE exams in English, Trinity in Spain provide teacher development sessions around the theme of Best Practice in ELT. I now collaborate with TCL and will be working initially all over the country providing part of this service. Here I am on my home base at the Meres International College, Asturias.
The opening plenary at the British Council 11th Teacher’s Conference in their Somasaguas school premises in Madrid. The conference theme was creativity in ELT, and I spoke about being creative when rethinking goals, priorities, models and instructors in pronunciation teaching. The session went out in live-stream, but a recording can be viewed here.
I spent the last week of July 2014 in Madrid, but this time to record a series of twenty-one, 2-minute training videos that will soon accompany the OUP title English File through OUP España’s dedicated online teacher development platform.
Two one-week residential courses for teacher’s from the La Salle primary and secondary schools in Spain. Teachers from all over the country shared a full–on immersion experience in English whilst living in th heart of Madrid. In addition to the improving their language skills, La Salle asked colleague Ronnie Lendrum and myself to introduce participants to the concepts of collaborative and cooperative learning.
La Salle teachers outside the Museo de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid as part of their training on cooperative and collaborative learning in the language classroom.
The Regional Government of the Principado de Asturias asked me to give a plenary on English as a Lingua Franca for their foreign language assistants. I gave the talk in Spanish because of the French and German language assistants in the audience. This forced me to think more deeply about how to apply what we are learning from teaching ELF to foreign language teaching in general.
Teacher training with the Asturias-based company SyG (Servicios y Gestión Educativa), who ask me to run workshops for the staff that accompany their students on immersion courses either in Garaña, Asturias, or in Vegacervera, León. The teachers choose from a menu of workshops which I then adjust to fit the teachers’ profiles – primary or secondary, English teachers or CLIL subject teachers.
As part of their annual teacher’s day, OUP Switzerland asked me to run two workshops for users of English File. The first, Mind the Gap, was on how to help learners to get off the intermediate plateau successfully. The second, Techniques for Learning Vocabulary, drew a big crowd. As it had been the previous year in Bern, it was a pleasure to work the local OUP team.
Based on what she saw in London, Catinca Nicolau, the Academic Manager of IH Bucharest, invited me out to the centre to do a weekend of workshops on teaching pronunciation and listening, and on English as a Lingua Franca.
The IATEFL Annual Conference returned to Harrogate this year. I started the week as one of the speakers at the Pronunciation Special Interest Group’s Pre-conference Event, and finished the week off speaking about motivation on behalf of OUP.
OUP España invited me to participate in their Teacher’s Day in Madrid. I gave a session called Pronunciation 14s in which I explored what to focus on in pronunciation when teaching adolescents, as well as on IDEAS, the basic strategies of Imitate, Demonstrate, Explain, Associate, and Stimulate that we can use with teenagers.
Sponsored by OUP España, I was asked to participate in the IH Andalusia Day and to talk about pronunciation in response to the need to increase its presence in the teaching done in IH centres throughout Andalusia.
Two years ago I was invited to speak at the IHWO DOS Conference. This annual event takes place in the most wonderful part of London, Greenwich, so when I was invited to go back this year and run two 1.5h workshops on Teaching pronunciation: Priorities and Practice, I jumped at the chance.
During my pronunciation workshop at IHWO DOS. Brita Haycraft can be seen sharing her vast experience on the left of the photo.
Speaking on behalf on Oxford University Press at the II APABAL Convention on the theme of fostering quality teaching. Have you anything to say for youself? was a session about getting teenagers and young adults talking to each other in English. No easy matter as we all know.
Two full days in Krakow (October 26th) and Warsaw (27th) working on skills for listening (Earful), pronunciation (Tongeful) and speaking (Mouthful) as part of the e-DOS ELTea Masters in Action programme.
Working for OUP, I was able to return to my routes and talk about English as a Lingua Franca with teachers and trainees teachers at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado, and with tourism students and their teachers at the School of Tourism, DUOC, Universidad Católica de Chile.
A great experience. I was made to feel really welcome and felt completely at home in my first, but hopefully not last, visit to the Jornadas Internacionales de Fonética y Fonología. And as if the warmth of the welcome wasn’t enough, the level of enthusiasm and commitment from the students during the afternoon workshops was unbeatable.
I spent a week in Buenos Aires working with Oxford University Press giving talks to primary school teachers on pronunciation (Sounds Fun), to DOSs and Heads from private language schools on getting students talking in English (Have you anything to Say?). I ended the week at the 38th FAAPI Conference, with the talk ‘So What’s so Great about Britain?’. |
73,354,262 | How did the S-Magazine project come about? I was using and loved the S-System camera. It’s a brilliant example of a high-res camera – in a medium format resolution file and with the 35mm experience of the body. It reminded me a little bit of the old Pentax 67 camera. I love the autofocus on it, the lenses are out of this world and I love the weight of it. It gives a great image quality. After I’d used it for a while I was sent an S-Magazine and asked if I’d be interested in contributing – then they suggested the possibility of me doing the whole issue. I wanted it to have a theme. I’d always thought it would be interesting to do a hair book – where you take hairdressers and you give them the opportunity to do anything they want. I just said to them why don’t we do something that’s based on hair? And they went for it. You’ve collaborated with hair stylists for this issue – letting them lead the art direction. That’s unusual. These guys are at the top of their game – really talented. What they’re asked to do most of the time is fairly basic so they don’t have that chance to perform. It’s very unusual for a hair stylist to get the opportunity to express themselves that directly, with that much freedom.
They really are artists. I’ve got relationships with each one of them on a different level. Some of them I work with as much as I can – they’re my go-to hairdressers. And some of them I’ve worked with and I’ve been really admiring of what they do, but I haven’t always been able to book them for the work I’ve wanted. So it was a chance to collaborate with the people I really admire, but also people I knew had hidden talents that maybe hadn’t come out yet. You work very collaboratively now – particularly the way you’ve set up your studio. Why is that important? I really appreciate people’s talents in a more accepting, encouraging way, I suppose. I listen to people more. My team is very strong – very much a part of making decisions. You have to have an ego on set but it’s also OK to listen to other people’s opinions and take risks. That’s one of the brilliant things about working with this camera. You can take risks with it.
Mistakes happen and they work, and you can embrace that. If you go into it without that it defeats the object of what digital is and what this kind of camera allows you to do. It’s not just about getting it right, or doing it by the book.
You’ve produced a lot of books, but you’re passionate about magazines too. Why is that? When I come across a creative idea I process it very quickly and I have a team of people who also process things very quickly. We’ll take an idea from anywhere. One of my producers came up with an idea for a shoot. We processed it and shot it, super-quick. Which is why I like magazines. I can come up with something on a Monday and shoot it by Tuesday evening. You can do an 8-page story and it’s done. You get through more. I love the fact that S-Magazine is a magazine – it means more people can afford it. And the more people who see it, the better. Because that’s what you’re always trying to do – communicate with as many people as you can. You work a lot. I shoot nearly every day. Everyone says I’m a workaholic but actually, I just love that process of coming up with an idea – wherever it comes from – and getting to the final image. That’s an amazing feeling for me. Creating imagery that yougetturnedonbyisadrug. 98% of what I do is my own desire and hunger to create, create, create. I love it when this place [Rankin’s studio] becomes like a factory and I can see my assistants shooting, or people making films. I love being around that, and around these people expressing themselves. I never forget what a real privilege that is. Can you talk us through the stylists you collaborated with on the issue? Start with Wendy Iles. Wendy is the best hairdresser I’ve ever worked with in terms of slick and perfect imagery. If you see ad campaigns for big beauty brands – nine times out of ten Wendy’s done one of them. She can make hair do anything she wants. Here she wanted to do images where she wasn’t doing the ‘perfect’ hairstyle. She was doing characters. She was very inspired by [her] trip to LA where she saw these kids Downtown. She wanted to embrace what happens on the street in the UK and all major cities. Her shoot is the opposite of what she would normally do.
Tell us about Kenna’s shoot. He’s definitely the most out-there of the hairdressers in terms of what he’s done. He took the brief of ‘do whatever you want’ to heart and really went as far as you can. They’re kind of a combination of hair technique and hair concept. But he’s taken retouching, and digital imaging and pushed it as far as he can take that as well. This is the shoot I felt most like a technician on. I didn’t have to do much apart from press the button and light it. What about Raphaël Salley? Raph’s one of those stylists who’s great at really big hair so again, he played against what he’s known for.
You’ve got this shot where you’ve have two girls with hair all over their faces, and the shot with the tongue.
Very rarely do we do that. He took the hair and made it a character in itself. I think because of that it’s really successful. He showed he has a fun side to his love affair with hair and that’s what I like about it. And Tina Outen? Tina’s was one of the later shoots. We kind of backed her into a corner. We said she had to shoot on location – we have to do this and we have to do that. She took that and made it very conceptual. She set the tone for the whole thing. It’s 40s-inspired glamour but with a twist with the modern fashion styling. We made it more Hitchcock – more Orson Welles’ A Touch of Evil. It’s one of my favourite narrative stories. I don’t do a lot of narrative fashion stories, it’s not something I’m naturally drawn to as a photographer – I’d rather make films. But I think it was successful because of her preparation and vision.
What about Nick Irwin? Nick played to my strengths. He knows that I love to shoot very sexy, strong women: confident and empowered women. So there’s a lot of hair across the face, sexy wet hair. Wet hair is very hard to do for a hairdresser. You don’t just spray it and make it wet – you’ve got to get it right, get the texture perfect or it can just look like a mess. He did a fantastic job on the hair but more than anything the theme of his shoot really inspired me personally. Tell us about Alain Pichon’s shoot. Alain and I had been talking for a long time about a project we could do together. On set he’s very much a creative director – he likes to be involved. I think if he could, he’d pick up the camera and do it himself. And Kevin Ford’s? Kevin’s story came from a test shoot that I’d done. I knew that we needed another idea in the magazine so I went to Kevin because I enjoy working with him, and he really listens. He said ‘I like it – but I’m going to do something different.’ He took it so far in his own direction that I couldn’t really call it anything to do with me. He made it his own. What I like about it is he’s created new characters with the hair, so the models become animals. They’re quite feral, unusual, sort of faerie-style characters in the story. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.
Tell us about Charlie Le Mindu’s shoot. I’d never worked with Charlie but I really admired what he was doing. In a sense his are the most polished of the shoots. You look at that story and every bit pieces together perfectly. It was interesting to work with him for the first time and he was brilliant. But it was very much his vision. To me it feels more like a fashion than a hair story, which has a lot do with how Charlie approaches the business and because of that I think it stands out positively. And Johnnie Sapong’s? Johnnie got what we call the shit-end of the stick. He was last to shoot and, as last to shoot, you’re filling the gaps of what has worked and what hasn’t worked. But God bless Johnnie because he came up with something I would never usually do as a photographer. Something very soft, very beautiful, very much about the girls, about making them look beautiful. And it was exceptional. I rarely shoot in that style – with that lighting and with that kind of approach where I’m working against light or working with light to place people. With this we were looking for a mood- and that’s very unlike me. It’s one of my favourite shoots for a long time, because he took me out of my comfort zone. I also think it really suited the potential of the camera. Low light and wide open on the f-stop. You’ve included some of your past and present assistants in the S-League section of the magazine. Tell us about that. I’ve never really been one of those people who want it to all be about me. I love the idea that we’re creating a platform. We’re creating a factory of other people’s ideas and talent. I think that feeds back to my creativity. If you’ve got a lot of creative people around you, you’re always pushing each other. They’re all very varied and interesting shoots and I’m proud of them.
You shot portraits of the stylists – and interviewed them. Why was that? I wanted to show the faces behind the great work that these guys do. They’ve got strong opinions and they input so much into this world of fashion and beauty. They’re the best at what they do. There are probably a hundred great hairdressers in the world – and I mean really great hairdressers. That might seem cheesy to people who aren’t in this world, but I am. It’s my livelihood and when it’s creative, it’s really creative. It’s not about selling products. Or having a good haircut. It’s about experimenting. I don’t know any of these guys that do this job to make money. They do it because they have a love of it – a desire to create this image that you see in a magazine, or a gallery wall. And I wanted to put faces to the names. They’re as important to a shoot as I am. If you get a shit hairdresser on a shoot, you’re fucked.
The following tests were conducted using heat spots to indicate where the users' eyes focused when viewing a screen. The red color indicates more focus and time spent viewing a particular area; green areas show less focus.
the templates have no specific intention or meaning but do help set the tone for the whole presentation
Here the viewer only focuses on the title and first bullet undermining the rest of the bullets below
Here the viewer pays closer attention to the broader picture because prezi allows for cropping and close-ups that bring more attention to content at the time being
On the other hand, if your prezi looks like this, it will be difficult to follow since it is so ridged and grid-like
Just as it helps the viewer follow a long movie it can help the viewer follow a long or complex presentation
You wouldn't stare at this mural from up close nearly inches off the wall... you would stand back and look
Make sure you conclude with an overview of your whole presentation, it may help tie everything together |
176,379,136 | This publication is available at
This is a copy of a document that stated a policy of the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government. The previous URL of this page was Current policies can be found at the GOV.UK policies list.
But these services often don’t work together very well. For example, people are sent to hospital, or they stay in hospital too long, when it would have been better for them to get care at home. Sometimes people get the same service twice - from the NHS and social care organisations - or an important part of their care is missing.
This means patients do not get the joined-up services they need, leaving them at increased risk of harm. Health and care staff may miss opportunities to make things better for patients and service users, and taxpayers’ money is not being used as effectively as possible.
We want everybody who uses both health and social care services to have integrated care – services that work together to give the best care based on a person’s personal circumstances.
We want local councils to help health and social care organisations to work together to meet people’s needs, for example by making sure that care services know what help somebody needs in their home when they leave hospital.
on top of this funding, giving local authorities an extra £100 million in 2013 to 2014 and an extra £200 million in 2014 to 2015
It is more efficient for people to have control over their own budget for health and social care, because they are less likely to duplicate services or choose services that aren’t right for them.
giving people personal health budgets – an amount of money that people get with their care plan so that they can make informed choices about which services to spend it on
making it easy for people to combine their personal health budget and their social care budget, if they have one.
In the care and support white paper, we committed to working with other organisations to make evidence-based integrated care and support the norm over the next 5 years.
co-producing Integrated Care and Support: our shared commitment - a document setting out how local areas can use existing structures for integrating care
inviting and supporting local areas to act as pioneers and examplars, to develop and demonstrate the use of innovative approaches to efficiently deliver integrated care.
Sometimes people find it difficult to understand the care system, particularly if they have complex needs. We want everyone with a care plan to be allocated a named professional who oversees their case (care co-ordination) and who can answer questions they have.
changing the NHS Constitution, which tells people what they can expect from the NHS, to include a pledge to provide care co-ordination
For health and social care staff to work together, they must be able to share information about a person’s assessments, treatment and care.
We will create an electronic database that will provide information about what a person’s care needs are and what treatment they are getting. So staff will be able to share information easily, and patients and service users will be able to make decisions about the types of health and social care that are right for them.
It is important that people don’t lose support when moving from one service to another, for example moving from children’s to adult’s services or moving from hospital to home.
developing a new assessment process for people from birth to 25 that will include education, health and social care needs
spending £1 billion between 2010 and 2015 on making sure that old people returning home after hospital have a temporary care plan
In 2010, the government set out its plans for reforming the NHS in ‘Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS’. We stated that the primary purpose of the NHS is to improve the outcomes of healthcare for all: to deliver care that is safer, more effective, and that provides a better experience for patients.
In 2012, our mandate to NHS England set out a requirement to provide ‘care which feels more joined-up to the users of services’ and which ‘ensures people experience smooth transitions between care settings and organisations.’
Also in 2012, the care and support white paper set out more detailed proposals for integrating health and care services.
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out specific obligations for the health system and its relationship with care and support services. It gives a duty to NHS England, clinical commissioning groups, Monitor and health and wellbeing boards to make it easier for health and social care services to work together. This will improve the quality of services and people’s experiences of them.
The Act also allows us to set the standards needed to create an electronic database of people’s care assessments, and their care and treatment needs.
Travel expenses: travel for necessary attendance: safeguards against abuse: journeys treated as ordinary commuting: example
An employee is a production manager. He normally drives to a permanent workplace 18 miles from his home. One day he has to visit a client to discuss in detail the specifications for a new product. The client’s office is 3 miles along his ordinary commuting route. After he has seen the client he drives the remaining 15 miles along his ordinary commuting route to his permanent workplace.
The client’s office is a temporary workplace. The journey to that workplace is on the same route as the employee’s ordinary commuting journey but it is much shorter. So it is not substantially ordinary commuting, see EIM32300. The employee is entitled to mileage allowance relief, see EIM31626.
Buy Chief Manufacturing Mini RPA Elite Projector Mount with SSM331 at Connection Public Sector Solutions
The PT-MZ770 series features high-brightness projector models that enable clear and vivid large-screen projection in bright environments. Flexible installation in corporate or educational facilities is complemented by an efficient eco filter, which helps to extend maintenance.
Budget cuts are impacting two long-time Cincinnati area public and education cable television channels with one forced to close and the other not expecting to last into next year.
Princeton Instructional Media, the former education channel for the Princeton City School District, has been eliminated from the school system’s budget. PIM was a production studio that streamed its programs over the Inter-Community Cable Regulatory Commission, a PEG cooperative operating in the suburbs of Cincinnati.
When the school district eliminated funding for PIM, all the studio production staff was laid off, says an ICCR official. “The school couldn’t afford the production studio anymore,” the official said.
In addition, Media Bridges, the studio that manages Cincinnati’s PEG channels, is expected to close by the end of 2013 because the municipal government ended funding for its PEG channels.
The chances that Media Bridges will survive into 2014 are “slim and none,” said Tom Bishop, the studio’s director. “Cincinnati is going through a huge budget crisis, police and fire fighters are being laid off, we were informed that as part of the 2013 budget process we would not be funded in 2014,” he said.
Ohio has statewide franchising, which includes a provision to eliminate funding above the franchise fee, Bishop says. In Cincinnati the government channel is funded by the franchise fee, but it is funding above the franchise fee that supports public and educational access channels, and that money went away about 18 months ago, he says.
Because of the reduction in appropriations by the city, Media Bridges undertook a fundraising effort, but the money produced by that effort is not enough to sustain a full-fledged operation, Bishop says. Therefore, in mid-June Media Bridges’ board will meet and “make some final decisions” on the channel and radio station, he says. “I’ll then be able to talk about what our future is going to be.” |
6,177,781 | We need to utilize every tool available in the fight against cancer, which include integrative therapy treatments such as acupuncture, massage therapy and yoga. There is mounting clinical evidence showing the effectiveness of these methods in reducing the pain, stress & anxiety cancer patients go through during treatment. Despite the tremendous benefits, the majority of the treatments are still not covered by insurance.
We’re showing cancer how we take care of people while they struggle against it. Coming together because we share a common goal—to help treat cancer patients, we will not stop until we’ve helped as many patients as possible. Why?
Because we understand the profound joy of helping others. And these treatments, though generally accepted as important adjuncts for most medical illnesses, are not covered by insurance companies.
Angie’s Spa was named in memory of Angie Levy, who tragically lost her life to metastatic breast cancer in November of 2007 at the young age of 36. Diagnosed at age 27, Angie spent the next 9 years trying to live a normal life while waging the long battle for remission and a cure. During that time, in spite of her illness, she was able to graduate from Wharton School of Business, further her career at the banking firm JP Morgan and participate in a number of meaningful charities. It was Angie’s upbeat attitude and love for life’s small indulgences that inspired the idea of Angie’s Spa. We know Angie would have loved the idea of doing something so beneficial for a patient undergoing cancer treatment.
We receive messages all the time from patients whose lives are changed by people like you, people who support the mission of Angie’s Spa Cancer Foundation.
It feels good to say that. We’ve succeeded in providing all of the donations we’ve received from caring individuals like yourself directly to the hospital programs we fund. Our goal is to double our donations by 2019 so we can provide more relief for our patients.
“ The massage therapist provided a back/neck/spine massage due to my posture, tension in shoulders, and pain between my shoulders. During the treatment she listened to her soul/intuition and provided relief that carried over to my soul&heart and left me with a smile, less stress, and NO PAIN between my shoulders. As a cancer warrior this lifted my spirit and I’m grateful for the opportunity Angie’s Spa provided me outside my Western medical treatment. I feel like a person who has cancer, not a cancer patient who is a person. Thank you.”
” This morning I experienced my first massage-wow! The tension is gone from my neck, shoulders and I feel warmth and rejuvenation. What a wonderful and restorative part of medical treatments. Thank you my back is still smiling,”
“I am very grateful for the massage therapy provided at Northridge Hospital’s Leavey Cancer Center. My cancer treatment procedure requires that I extend my left arm over my head and extend that position for extended periods of time. A long ago shoulder injury makes it painful for me to do this, but I know that relief is just around the corner from the caring and capable massage therapist always available after my procedure. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that for me, this service has been invaluable. Thank you to massage therapists Fernando, Jassenia, and Kendra for easing my pain and Angie’s Spa for making it all possible. “
“The massage therapists are so committed and compassionate. They create a warm atmosphere. When patients come they are scared, but the massage therapists make us feel better.”
“Angie’s Spa has been a WONDERFUL experience in my recovery from breast cancer. The staff and doctors are very caring. I would highly recommend to anyone recovering from any cancer illness who is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.”
“I am a lung cancer patient at Fitchburg Cancer Center(MA), my radiation treatment started on April 10, 2018. I could no longer swallow my own saliva. I could no longer eat or drink anything. My doctor at Dana Farber suggested a feeding tube be placed in me for the remainder of my radiation.
After 2 treatments of acupuncture within 48 hours my PAIN WAS GONE. I could swallow again and my pain went from 10+ to 0. This was my LIFE SAVER. I have now had 20 radiation treatments on my neck and throat PAIN FREE because of acupuncture. Thank you Acupuncture.”
“ My wife, Virginia, was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in August of 2014. The oncologist admitted Virginia the following week to Hartford Hospital(Hartford, CT) for intense chemotherapy treatments that lasted several months. Our nurse navigator, Barbara, was a Godsend and was sure to educate us as to the process and resources available to cancer patients at Hartford. One such resource was Angie’s Spa, a non-profit that works with their partner hospitals to provide free massage and other therapies to patients undergoing cancer care treatments. Barbara helped arrange for a massage session and that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship with her therapist. I would often call to check on her and was told she would have to call me back as she was getting a massage. Angie’s Spa introduced us to the benefit of this type of therapy. My wife once commented that it was “better than morphine.” Sadly, my V succumbed to her disease but she had a request as she was receiving hospice care in our home. “Do you think the massage therapist could make a house call?” Of course she did, not on Angie’s Spa dime, but we would have never met her without the folks at Angie’s Spa. A few days before she passed I asked her if there was any particular cause that she wanted to name for donations. I think you know the answer.”
“After my Angie’s Spa massage treatments, it was like a weight had been lifted. You don’t realize how badly you need a massage until you get one. I wanted to take a nap; it was so relaxing. From the atmosphere of the MediSpa to the people, to the treatment itself, it’s all very relaxing and welcoming.” -J.H., patient at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, MD
“Joya, massage therapist, is wonderful. Kind, empathetic and highly qualified. What a wonderful surprise for my first day of chemotherapy.”-R.K.
“I am a cancer patient at the Leavey Cancer Center who recently went through radiation treatment. I want to express my sincere gratitude to Angie’s Spa for providing services that are so incredibly helpful for somebody going through cancer treatment. It was so nice to focus on something therapeutic and calming during a period of tremendous anxiety.”
Angie’s Spa is a 501 (c)(3) charitable foundation that funds in-hospital therapeutic massages, acupuncture, and other complimentary services for men, women and children undergoing treatment in cancer centers throughout the United States. Our IRS tax ID EIN is: 30-0493027 |
65,890,128 | It is 1913, and those who follow the news closely can see the world is teetering on the brink of war. Jack McColl, a Scottish car salesman with an uncanny ear for languages, has always hoped to make a job for himself as a spy. As his sales calls take him from city to great city Hong Kong to Shanghai to San Francisco to New York he moonlights collecting intelligence for His Majesty s Navy, but British espionage is in its infancy and Jack has nothing but a shoestring budget and the very tenuous protection of a boss in faraway London. He knows, though, that a geopolitical catastrophe is brewing, and now is both the moment to prove himself and the moment his country needs him most.
Unfortunately, this is also the moment he begins to realize what his aspiration might cost him. He understands his life is at stake when activities in China suddenly escalate from innocent data-gathering and casual strolls along German military concessions to arrest warrants and knife attacks. Meanwhile, a sharp, vivacious American suffragette journalist has wiled her way deep into his affections, and it is not long before he realizes that her Irish American family might be embroiled in the Irish Republican movement Jack s bosses are fighting against. How can he choose between his country and the woman he loves? And would he even be able to make such a choice without losing both?”
I expected a spy novel that takes place right on the brink of WW1 to be more exciting/interesting than Jack of Spies was. It felt more like a romance than a spy novel, which would have been alright had it been marketed as a romance, but it wasn’t. Even at that it wasn’t a believable romance either. I just wasn’t impressed.
Jack’s a good guy and a mediocre spy. It’s a dangerous game he’s playing, but the danger never seems real, even when he’s almost killed. It just doesn’t feel urgent. I never cared about him, and sometimes I just wanted to roll my eyes. Maybe I just don’t like a cheesy romance messing up a potentially good book. The actual espionage portions had potential, if he hadn’t been brooding over how it was going to effect his relationship with the woman. Because of course her family’s involved.
Jackson was okay as a narrator. I especially appreciated the accents he used, both for the characters and when Jack emphasized his Scottish background rather than his Oxford English. I do wonder if his reading style was part of the reason it didn’t quite seem as thrilling as it could have. Maybe it was bit matter of fact, which I prefer to overly dramatic, but maybe there’s some middle ground.
I guess this is the first in a series. I don’t think I’ll be picking up the second. It did make me add an Alan Furst book to my to-read list. Do you have any favorite spy novel authors?
It’s been a while since I’ve read a good espionage book. I’ve read a couple of barely mediocre ones, but that’s beside the point. My library had The Cairo Affair available on audio and the title rang a bell, so I borrowed. Turned out that was a really good choice. It’s nice to start of the new year with a winner.
The story is told through several viewpoints, but it was always clear whose eyes we were seeing situations through. It was interesting, although not surprising, how much the same event could vary from viewpoint to viewpoint. The characters were all real, there were not over the top superagents, no too good to be true loyalists, no overly intelligent office worker able to predict everything. They are all doing the best they can given their abilities, limited knowledge and resources. Okay, maybe “the best” is not quite true, because we do have people willing to kill, to betray their country and lovers, and they are not necessarily the people we would naturally suspect. The story also jumps back and forth in time, telling how we came to this point. I, personally, found the transitions clear and well interlaced into the story, even on audio.
I’m rather embarrassed to admit that my knowledge of current affairs in my own country is sadly lacking, let alone what happens in Egypt and Libya. I don’t know much about the Arab Spring and I only remember bits about Muammar Gaddafi. The Cairo Affair gives enough background so I could understand what was going on, but also left me wanting to learn more in general about the time period in the region. It did make me feel like I need to do more non-fiction reading.
I have to imagine this had to be a tough one for the narrator. The cast of characters is huge and it jumps back and forth, but he did a good job with it. He kept me involved in the story and I was rarely, if ever, confused about who the focus was on at the moment or who was speaking. I don’t have any idea if his accents were good or not. I do always find the American accents funny, so flat compared to others. Or is that the book I’m listening to now? Both probably.
This one is definitely worth listening to/reading. It’s a slow book though, don’t expect all the action and shoot-outs of some spy novels. It’s tension-filled but not a nail-biter. For me, that worked well, given the topics and people. It seemed more realistic. For fiction, it felt like a glimpse inside the world of global politics and espionage.
Olen Steinhauer grew up in Virginia, and has lived throughout the US and Europe. He spent a year in Romania on a Fulbright grant, an experience that helped inspire his first five books. He now lives in Hungary with his wife and daughter.
Steinhauer is one of my favorite living authors. I read this one and loved it. Very glad you enjoyed it. |
168,533,889 | One of the first: Landlord repays housing benefit following new legislation - Beckhams Property Services
Thurrock Council has reclaimed over £1,000 of housing benefit paid to rogue Landlord Tobe Ayandare following a tribunal.
The Landlord was initially fined £9,000 in March this year, for failing to comply with an improvement notice under the Housing Act (2004) and part of new Legislation introduced under the Housing and Planning Act (2016).
At the same time, Property Management Agency, Cephas Homes Limited were also fined £2,000 and its Directors Boianie Idowu and Olumide Idowu fined £5,000 each, plus ordered to pay costs and a victim surcharge.
The occupier of Ayandare’s property in South Ockendon made a complaint to Council Officers who found it to have ten different Health & Safety hazards, including rodent infestation, a leaking boiler and insecure window frames and doors.
Following the Landlord’s failure to comply with the improvement notice issued and the subsequent March prosecution, Thurrock Council sought to recover the housing benefit payments it had made to the Landlord during the ten-week period he had failed to comply with the improvement notice.
“This is a landmark case for the Council. I am delighted that not only have we been able to prosecute and ensure the necessary improvement works are carried out at the Landlord’s expense, but also to recover rent for the very first time. Everyone should have a good quality place to live and will not tolerate Landlords exploiting their Tenants by taking rent, or taxpayers’ money in the form of housing benefit, while forcing them to live in unacceptable conditions,” said Councillor Barry Johnson, Thurrock Council’s portfolio holder for housing.
If you require further information regarding Health & Safety, please sign-up to our website for free, call, email or visit our office, where we’ll be happy to discuss in further detail with you.
Do you remember Skull Coast? It might have been a few years. Maybe since about 2011 since those beers were available in South Carolina. Like the pirate and skull from which its logo comes, so is their tale one of intrigue, mystery, and some choppy seas.
First, a history. Skull Coast was incorporated (legally, it’s an LLC) in South Carolina in 2009. Back then, it was known as the Skull Coast Ale Company, LLC, and was based in the Rock Hill/Fort Mill area. Because the company did not have a great deal of investment capital, it became what is called a contract brewery. If you’re not familiar with the term, it essentially means that it is a brewery with no physical location that contracts with established breweries to brew their beers. Skull Coast partnered with RJ Rockers in Spartanburg to do this. The result was very respected beers like Gallows Point Dead Man Porter, Sea Witch Watermelon Wheat Ale, Scallywag Extra Pale Ale, and Maelstrom IPA. While the beers were in fairly limited distribution, they could usually be found in either the Upstate or Columbia markets. They were even available at Carolina Panthers games in Charlotte for awhile.
At that time, South Carolina did not have the Pint Law, thereby limiting what breweries could serve on site to patrons. Skull Coast saw an opportunity and left contract brewing with RJ Rockers to go to North Carolina, with its more favorable laws. The company Skull Coast Brewing Company, Inc. was incorporated in North Carolina in 2011. Finding a home in Hickory, North Carolina, the brewery began work on bringing in a 30bbl brewing system as well as an automated canning system, with a 1,500 square foot taproom. The brewery was to be located in the Hollar Hosiery Mill project, with Skull Coast signing a lease in April of 2012.
However, things did not go according to plan. You can read the entire history (which is well documented in the brewery’s blog) about what happened instead. That’s available here: To make a long story short, there were some development setbacks, some disputes, and later, discovery of liens against the Hosiery Mill. Seeing these issues, that appears to be when Skull Coast decided to (for lack of a better term) abandon ship. Skull Coast went radio silent at the end of September 2013.
Until now. Recently, Skull Coast has announced that there is a new owner and president of the company. In posts on Facebook and Twitter, the company announced:
Skull Coast is pleased to announce that it has a new owner and president! One of her first actions has been to look at three potential brewery sites for her planned 15-bbl brewing system: Rock Hill, SC, Wilmington, NC, and Savannah, GA. Stay tuned for more announcements in the coming days!
The company was then flooded with responses, mainly from those in the Rock Hill area wanting the company to return home. The company was quick to caution though that Rock Hill had not been as aggressive in pursuing the brewery as had Wilmington and Savannah. The company went on to say that as to Rock Hill, a general contractor was putting together a quote to fit the space the brewery was interested in, which is a space right off of I-77. However, it again cautioned that Wilmington and Savannah were being more aggressive on the economic development side in attracting the brewery with financial incentives. Whether Rock Hill can meet or beat those is still unknown. The brewery did assure, though, that even if it went to Savannah or Wilmington that it has maintained its distributors in both South Carolina and North Carolina, so product would be available in both places.
So, now, that begs many questions. What will Skull Coast do? Will it come back home to South Carolina after leaving? Will it stay in North Carolina? Will it set sail to a new state? How are breweries to balance the needs of being a for-profit business with other considerations, such as communities in which they are located (or were located)? Does it even need to? For some, these are difficult questions. There are many factors to consider for the company, such as communities, economic incentives, and favorable laws. What will win out? What are your thoughts?
These days, I’m trying to limit this blog to legal issues impacting South Carolina (and regional) breweries. However, this was an issue that does evoke strong feelings in some people. I found it to be worth writing about. Certainly, laws in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia will be considered in the company’s decision. I’d like to speak on those in a future blog.
Tags: north carolina beer, rock hill, skull coast ales, skull coast beer, skull coast brewing, south carolina beer
Is there anything to update on this since January? We are a big fan of the porter and watermelon wheat and would love to have them back in Myrtle Beach again. It seems like with them gone this long, they have decided to permanently abandon ship.
My understanding is that they are out of the beer business and have moved into spirits. Specifically, rum.
Winter is a time for reading in beekeeping. I recently finish Simple, Smart Beekeeping by husband and wife team Kirsten Shoshanna Traynor (Author) and Michael Joseph Traynor (Contributor). I purchased the book at the VSBA Fall meeting, where Dr. Traynor and Michael spoke twice: once on the topic of pesticides, and again on beekeeping in Germany. Both were quite interesting so I supported their efforts by buying their book. The cost is a bit steep: $34.95 right now on Amazon; the meeting price was $25. Continue reading →
In the meantime, I finished up my winter reading, and thought I would share a summary of this rather interesting book. Continue reading →
February 21, 2016 Erik Bee Louse, Books, Laying Workers, Queen Substance, William Longgood 5 Comments
This past week in bee school we learned about bee diseases and pests, from the tiny viruses to the dreaded mites and the much larger skunks and bears. Continue reading →
The fetchart plugin retrieves album art images from various sources on the Web and stores them as image files.
By default, beets stores album art image files alongside the music files for an album in a file called cover.jpg. To customize the name of this file, use the art_filename config option. To embed the art into the files’ tags, use the EmbedArt Plugin. (You’ll want to have both plugins enabled.)
cautious: Pick only trusted album art by ignoring filenames that do not contain one of the keywords in cover_names. Default: no.
cover_names: Prioritize images containing words in this list. Default: cover front art album folder.
minwidth: Only images with a width bigger or equal to minwidth are considered as valid album art candidates. Default: 0.
maxwidth: A maximum image width to downscale fetched images if they are too big. The resize operation reduces image width to at most maxwidth pixels. The height is recomputed so that the aspect ratio is preserved.
enforce_ratio: Only images with a width:height ratio of 1:1 are considered as valid album art candidates if set to yes. It is also possible to specify a certain deviation to the exact ratio to still be considered valid. This can be done either in pixels (enforce_ratio: 10px) or as a percentage of the longer edge (enforce_ratio: 0.5%). Default: no.
sources: List of sources to search for images. An asterisk * expands to all available sources. Default: filesystem coverart itunes amazon albumart, i.e., everything but wikipedia, google and fanarttv. Enable those sources for more matches at the cost of some speed. They are searched in the given order, thus in the default config, no remote (Web) art source are queried if local art is found in the filesystem. To use a local image as fallback, move it to the end of the list. For even more fine-grained control over the search order, see the section on Album Art Sources below.
Previously, there was a remote_priority option to specify when to look for art on the filesystem. This is still respected, but a deprecation message will be shown until you replace this configuration with the new filesystem value in the sources array.
Here’s an example that makes plugin select only images that contain front or back keywords in their filenames and prioritizes the iTunes source over others:
By default, the command will only look for album art when the album doesn’t already have it; the -f or --force switch makes it search for art in Web databases regardless. If you specify a query, only matching albums will be processed; otherwise, the command processes every album in your library.
Beets can resize images using Pillow, ImageMagick, or a server-side resizing proxy. If either Pillow or ImageMagick is installed, beets will use those; otherwise, it falls back to the resizing proxy. If the resizing proxy is used, no resizing is performed for album art found on the filesystem—only downloaded art is resized. Server-side resizing can also be slower than local resizing, so consider installing one of the two backends for better performance.
When using ImageMagick, beets looks for the convert executable in your path. On some versions of Windows, the program can be shadowed by a system-provided convert.exe. On these systems, you may need to modify your %PATH% environment variable so that ImageMagick comes first or use Pillow instead.
By default, this plugin searches for art in the local filesystem as well as on the Cover Art Archive, the iTunes Store, Amazon, and, in that order. You can reorder the sources or remove some to speed up the process using the sources configuration option.
When looking for local album art, beets checks for image files located in the same folder as the music files you’re importing. Beets prefers to use an image file whose name contains “cover”, “front”, “art”, “album” or “folder”, but in the absence of well-known names, it will use any image file in the same folder as your music files.
For some of the art sources, the backend service can match artwork by various criteria. If you want finer control over the search order in such cases, you can use this alternative syntax for the sources option:
where listing a source without matching criteria will default to trying all available strategies. Entries of the forms coverart: release releasegroup and coverart: * are also valid. Currently, only the coverart source supports multiple criteria: namely, release and releasegroup, which refer to the respective MusicBrainz IDs.
When you choose to apply changes during an import, beets will search for art as described above. For “as-is” imports (and non-autotagged imports using the -A flag), beets only looks for art on the local filesystem.
Note that the Google custom search API is limited to 100 queries per day. After that, the fetchart plugin will fall back on other declared data sources.
Although not strictly necessary right now, you might think about registering a personal API key. Set the fanarttv_key configuration option to your key, then add fanarttv to the list of sources in your configuration.
More detailed information can be found on their blog. Specifically, the personal key will give you earlier access to new art.
Storing the current artwork’s source might be used to narrow down fetchart commands. For example, if some albums have artwork placed manually in their directories that should not be replaced by a forced album art fetch, you could do |
13,175,291 | Rocky Point High School’s varsity bowling team captured second place in the Small School championships and Wildcard Competition this winter, with a total pin count of 3,016 (201 per bowler average). As a result, the team competed in the Suffolk County championships at Bowlero in Sayville.
With an average of 221.2 and ranked ninth overall in Suffolk County and second overall in League IV, tenth-grader Brandon Epp was named to the Suffolk County All-Star team. He will now compete on March 10 in Syracuse. Brandon was also named Second Team All-County and First Team All-League IV.
Tenth-grader Robert Manginello averaged a score of 203.8 and is ranked fifth overall in League IV. He was named to the First Team All-League IV. Ninth-grader Sean Vogel averaged 196.2 points and was ranked 10th overall in League IV and named to Second Team All-League IV.
I met with an Opera developer this evening whom I proudly told about my purchase of a full Opera license two days ago and she asked me: So what do you like most about Opera 8?
The Speed. Opera is fast. I loved my Firefox that I used before, but when I tried out Opera it was a new experience: Is is very responsive and it renders webpages much faster than Firefox. I am on a DSL line, so a major brake is the lag when requesting pages, but once the data comes flowing, Opera builds pages out of it in no time.
The Keyboard Shortcuts. I am being a bit unfair here: In Firefox I could already operate 95% of the functionality I need by keyboard. Now I am at 99%. If I had read Firefox's Documentation as intensively as Opera's, they would probably come up to the same level. Opera has easy-to-use shortcuts to open new pages (that's the Opera-word for what is called "tabs" in Firefox) and to switch betwen them, to navigate inside webpages, to find text etc. Configuring them to personal preferences, which in theory is possible, idid not always work for me however.
The Fullscreen Mode. Again I am being unfair: I suppose Firefox has this as well. Anyway - I only started using this mode in Opera. You hit F11 and the browser goes into full screen mode. This is particularly useful when I am giving a presentation and want to show webpages to the audience. I can navigate and follow links with the keyboard. I gain screen space and the audience can concentrate on the webpage and is not distracted by the browser widgets.
Opera has become my main browser. I love it: It is comfortable, fast and stable. There are fewer plugins or extensions available than for Firefox, but I didn't really miss any of them, maybe except for Slogger. I also miss the functionality that you could drag the URL from the browser into a directory or and a shortcut would be created automatically. For some reason, this drag and drop functionality only works for me when pasting to the desktop, not in ordinary folders. Odd. I also found the possibility to address bookmarks with keyboard shortcuts better in Firefox. It was much easier to create custom searches that could be activated with keyboard shortcuts there. (This was actually my main concern when I thought about switching from Firefox to Opera. These shortcuts to my most important pages and searches make me fast. I still need to find better ways in Opera to navigate to them.)
The menu on top, then a link bar with three bookmarklets ("Post to MT Weblog", "post to", "go to referrer"), then the collection of currently open pages (tabs). Underneath, the navigation buttons on the left and the URL area to the right, which also serves as the progress indicator when a page loads. At the bottom, the status bar. That's all. The theme I use is Odyssey.
Have a look at Opera. (No, they are not paying me! :-)) Even if you decide to stay with your current browser, there are some interesting features to be discovered. But I bet the speed will seduce you... ;-)
What do you like most about Opera? What are your best keyboard shortcuts? Any hacks and trick you would like to share? Any questions?
1. The Speed. Opera is fast. I loved my Firefox that I used before, but when I tried out Opera it was a new experience: Is is very responsive and it renders webpages much faster than Firefox. I am on a DSL line, so a major brake is the lag when requesting pages, but once the data comes flowing, Opera builds pages out of it in no time.
maybe you should have increased the pipeline maxrequests and change other hidden preferences in firefox to speed it up. take a look at this if you ever feel like trying firefox again:
2. The Keyboard Shortcuts. I am being a bit unfair here: In Firefox I could already operate 95% of the functionality I need by keyboard. Now I am at 99%. If I had read Firefox's Documentation as intensively as Opera's, they would probably come up to the same level. Opera has easy-to-use shortcuts to open new pages (that's the Opera-word for what is called "tabs" in Firefox) and to switch betwen them, to navigate inside webpages, to find text etc. Configuring them to personal preferences, which in theory is possible, idid not always work for me however.
if you don't want to touch your mouse never more, you can use hint-a-hint to navigate beetwen links too (
3. The Fullscreen Mode. Again I am being unfair: I suppose Firefox has this as well. Anyway - I only started using this mode in Opera. You hit F11 and the browser goes into full screen mode. This is particularly useful when I am giving a presentation and want to show webpages to the audience. I can navigate and follow links with the keyboard. I gain screen space and the audience can concentrate on the webpage and is not distracted by the browser widgets.
of course you can do this with firefox. and the key you have to press is F11, just like opera and internet explorer. but in firefox you can configure what you want to be shown and what to hide ( ,, and if you want to start in full mode always
I switched, because it felt the right thing to do. Maybe Firefox can get as fast as Opera - I don't know. I called this entry "what I like about Opera" and not "Why you should switch from Firefox to Opera" for a good reason: I am not trying to convince anyone to switch. I just wanted to praise the browser I like best. If there are two or even more excellent browsers to choose from - great. Take the one you prefer. As long as your choice is not Microsoft Internet Explorer, everything is fine with me. ;-)
I like the "toggle loading and display of images" function a lot for slow internet connections. There is a Firefox plugin to do the same, but it's not that powerfull.
I don't like Opera very much, because the standard GUI/theme seems too cluttered compared to the pretty clean Firefox GUI. And further it seemed always (too) much work for me to go through all the settings to make Opera suit me (it's the same with KDE: too many settings available and the standard settings are just to overwhelming).
Okay, what is my answer. There are so much equal pleasing me features, that each one should be named here. An good wide and also deep overlook gives the tutorial of tntluoma:
I simply need drag&drop feature!!! I have tons of well categorized bookmarks (list grew up over years), which are stored in a folder as ".url" files.
Main advantage of my system is that they work on every computer unlike all bookmark solutions found in IE, FF or Opera. I can drag a bookmark to that folder with IE or FF, but not from Opera... Too bad, this is the only thing, that keeps me from migrating to this superb browser.
ps: try browsing in dual display mode, with Total Commander on secondary display. It is a revelation. Revelation! |
212,923,081 | Firstly, congratulations to ALL our members - Helpers, Swimmers and Supporters, because it is your efforts that have enabled your Club to win a national award.
The Freda Starkey Award is presented by The Swimming Teachers' Association, through NASCH, to the club that has achieved the most with its members throughout the year and is open to over 100 clubs in the UK.
Pictured right is Club Chairman, Rowena, receiving the award on behalf of the Club at the NASCH conference at the Hayes Centre in Derbyshire on Sunday 23rd March 2003.
The award reflects the Sovereign Swimming Club's achievements in promoting Aquatic Activities for those with disabilities during 2002.
We submitted a diary of Club activities, the highs but also the lows, during 1999 and were amazed as well as delighted to learn of the award to our Club.
Directed and adapted by Carter Smith from Christopher Barzak’s harrowing novel One For Sorrow, Jamie Marks Is Dead is a slow-burning teen horror. A quiet teenager from a broken home’s life becomes bleak when his mother is involved in a car accident and a boy from his high school is found dead. Released in 2014, the film stars Noah Silver, Cameron Monaghan and Morgan Saylor. Read More Here.
“Jamie Marks Is Dead presents a disturbing look at a far from cuddly after-world, where souls in need of a reckoning wander around in a kind of constant limbo, waiting for someone that can finally see them.”
“Just when you think that Jamie Marks is Dead will become a murder mystery or a case against teen bullying, it turns into something even more richer, surprising and unpredictable.”
“The LGBTQ themes are not spelled out, in line with the whole film’s introspective nature, but this choice doesn’t take anything away from the story’s relevance and emotional power.”
This page offers some new and helpful decisions for those who have found or vice versa lost their license number. Just view and you will notice the list consisting of seven-digit car identification codes. The list stars with EAAZ5 and if you like it is possible to find the owner of any motor vehicle or ask for a help in the case you have your car license plates. If you lost or found a car license plate with characters EAAZ5, send a message and all visitors will be able to view it on this web-page.
Number consisting of characters EAAZ5 (1999, Kia Sephia, 2006) was in Santa Clara California 18/08/2017 at 12:46 am
Number consisting of characters EAAZ5 (2010, Land Rover Range Rover Sport, 1996) was in Costa Mesa California 17/03/2017 at 06:21 pm
Number consisting of characters EAAZ5 (2004, Kia Spectra, 2016) was in Boise Idaho 08/03/2007 at 10:00 pm
Number consisting of characters EAAZ5 (1965, Pontiac Grand Prix, 2000) was in Burbank California 25/12/2016 at 12:27 am
Number consisting of characters EAAZ5 (2006, Toyota 4Runner, 2004) was in Savannah Georgia 27/04/2009 at 05:55 am |
292,238,447 | Great gas milage 28 MPG! Call for details 805-654-0100 .Nice pre-owned Range Rover Sport HSE .This is the new body style,equipped with the new Turbocharged 3.0 Diesel for performance and economy.Classic color combination.Black Metallic with the Ebony leather interior.One previous owner.Good miles.Fully optioned,including Blue tooth,navigation,Sat radio,perforated leather,back up camera,virtual CD player,panoramic roof,upgraded premium Meridian sound,etc. This fine SUV has been completely checked out by our factory trained techs and ready for driving adventure..Come in and experience our award winning customer service. Our friendly and knowledgeable sales guides are ready to assist you.Hurry in,this Pre-owned Sport will not last long.Our fine pre-owned vehicles are competitively priced and we welcome your offer. For offers and details please call us at 805-654-0100.We are a short 40 miles north of the Los Angeles area on the 101 HWY.
Anthony, W. A. (2006). What my MS has taught me about the field of severe mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 57(8), 1081 – 1082.
Anthony, W. A. & Ashcraft, L. (2005). Creating an environment that supports recovery. Behavior Healthcare Tomorrow, 14 (6), 6 – 7.
Anthony, W. (2004) Overcoming obstacles to a recovery – oriented system: The necessity for state level leadership. NASMPD Networks (Fall), 3 – 7
Anthony, W.A. The need for recovery-compatible evidence-based practices. (2001) Mental Health Weekly, 11 (42), 5. Reprinted as: Evidence-based practices suffer without a recovery focus. (2001) Behavioral Health Accreditation and Accountability Alert, 6(12), 6.
Anthony, W. A. (1996). Managed care case management for people with serious mental illness. Behavioral Healthcare Tomorrow, 67-69.
Recipient of the Outstanding Psychologist Award from The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (2002)
Recipient of the Distinguished Services Award from the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (1988). Upon presenting the award Laurie Flynn, NAMI Executive Director stated, “His efforts challenge outdated ideas which limit the potential of mentally ill people. The innovative programs created through Bill Anthony’s leadership offer hope and opportunity.”
We've been in New Jersey for a couple days and it looks like my section has just gotten funding for a mission to wire up the operations work area.
For 4 days I've tried to work with the Department Of Information Management (DIOM) to hook us up with NIPR access (NIPR is a non-secure military network). On NIPR, personal PC's aren't allowed to draw a connection so we have to get authorized military/government machines for use.
DIOM is like the IT department for military installations. My contact there sent me to two people who could give us this asset and I have had no luck with them as those people are never in their offices.
Oh and in order to use NIPR, each user has to turn in a request sheet with proof of security clearance, and a certificate of Information Assurance Training (IA Training).
IA Training is basically a way of saying you know enough not to do completely silly things to give unclassified users access to a military network. In other words, this is a lot of paperwork for something that's vital. We have now reached a time crunch.
This isn't much of a problem since there is a Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) day room that is located inside our billets.
Long story short. Since we can't access the military net, my boss basically told the installation we were going to "borrow" access from the MWR room.
We have to drill through about 4 cinder blocks and run cat-5 from the MWR room into another room about 20 meters down the hall. The line also has to run into an adjacent room.
My soldiers are really excited about this mission. It doesn't seem like much but, if we can pull this off, then that means we've proven ourselves on a toy task.
Oh, this MWR point we're uhm...borrowing...from was populated with soldiers on laptops within 12 hours of our showing up on cite. Of course, yours truely was one of the first. Not sure if that's a good thing but, when there's a will...
Today we also received our inital issue of gear. So now I have my battle rattle. I also got my body armor issue. It's pretty sweet. I'll post photos when I get some time together!
Oh and on the matter of photos... I have offically posted my monthly quota of photos into flickr. The photos I've posted for this month are from my trip to Jordan last summer. Hope you enjoy! |
6,318,285 | On September 11th 2001 America Changed, the land of the free became the home of the enslaved. Since that day we have exchanged our liberties and freedoms for security, the question is, was it all by mans design or was it by Divine Will? I suppose the answer is both, regardless, it was a day of infamy. As we look back, the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor lead us into the 2nd world war, a war which set us on the path to a One World Government. In the aftermath of world war II the United Nations was created and the pursuit for a One World Government accelerated. A police state is beginning to tighten its grip on the people of the United States and for those who understand Biblical Prophecy, what comes next won’t be a surprise. At some point in the future, according to the Scripture, everyone will be forced to take a mark in order to buy or sell or they will be killed.
The emergence of the Antichrist is becoming increasingly imminent, behind the scenes, Satan is working feverishly to bring about a One World Government and a One World Religion in preparation for the Antichrist. For decades now we have heard those who have and are subverting the Constitution of the United States, promoting a One Word Government. Satan has also deceived many modern Evangelicals into believing we will be removed from the earth before the Great Tribulation takes places, making the Pretribulation Rapture teaching the biggest lie of the modern age.
What many don’t know is that the pretribulation rapture is new, there is no evidence of anyone teaching it before 1830 with the exception of “Rabbi Ben Ezra” alias to Emmanuel Lacunza who theorized that the Church would be raptured before Jesus’ return to earth. Escapism is the central theme of Pretribulation Rapturism, teaching the rapture to be secret and imminent with no signs preceding the event. The birth and development of Pretribulation Rapturism has been kept hidden by many of its contemporaries, however truth be known, its conception came from a vision by a women named Margaret Macdonald. Dave MacPherson in his book “The Rapture Plot” stated that “It would be hard to prove, as some have charged, that a dark, unseen force had a direct hand in the bringing about the creation of this end-time system” called Pretribulation Rapturism. He continued by stating, “But not so hard to imagine that, after the emergence of this school of interpretation, the same opportunistic force could easily find reasons for nurturing and exploiting it while hiding its origin.1
There are four individuals who can be credited for the origin, publication, and popularity of the 19th Century Pretribulation Rapture view, Margaret Macdonald, Edward Irving, John Darby, and C.I. Scofield. All four of these individuals play an intricate role which has snowballed this school of interpretation into the greatest hoax and deception of the modern and post-modern age. It is these who are the foundation for every 20th and 21st Century supporter of the Pretrib Rapture View. Many popular Authors have since its conception proliferated this erroneous doctrine which has left the masses within Christendom lethargic to end-time prophecy, ignoring Jesus’ Command to watch and be ready.
Although Historicism was more prevalent in the early 1800’s the mainstream teaching of the rapture was primarily post-tribulational. Nevertheless, men such as John Tudor (Editor of ‘The Morning Watch’) and Edward Irving toyed with the idea of a partial rapture in the 1820’s. This idea was introduced via sermons, articles, etc by both men. They separated the “elect” in Matthew 24 by declaring the “first-fruits” were gathered before the harvest of Revelation 14 which immediately preceded the treading of the wine-press of wrath.2 They hinted of a pre-tribulational Rapture which was based on the priority of one Christian over the other, it was viewed as an entitlement rather than on the timing of the rapture. Just like today, many view themselves superior to others having a sense of privilege. Regardless, it’s no surprise Edward Irving latched on to Margaret Macdonald’s vision of a pre-trib rapture understanding he’s genre leaned to that thought already.
While dispensationalism was understood from the Historicism position of the early 1800’s, it was Edward Irving who under the name of “Fidus” in “The Morning Watch” article in September 1830 who presented the doctrine changing view of dispensationalism by interjecting Pretribulationism, blending the two thoughts together, thus, setting the stage for the later development of the doctrine. Irving believed it was the Philadelphian church who would come to meet the Lord in the air and that the Laodicean church would endure the period of great tribulation which would intervene between the coming of the Lord to the air and the establishment of his throne and rest in Zion.3 This of course was the first publication introducing this new doctrine and one can now see how the belief in a pretribulation rapture and “tribulation saints” exist today among Pretribers.
You’ve heard someone say; “They just can’t make this stuff up can they?” Well, yes they can and yes they do. The Bible warns five times in the New Testament concerning fables (1 Tim. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4; Titus 1:14; 2 Peter 1:16). A fable can mean a great deal of things but Biblically it is speaking of an untruth. It is something fabricated by the mind in contrast to reality. What it is not is a vehicle of some lofty truth but generally is for the purpose of deceiving others. One lie always leads into another, then another and another. Most often, for a lie to flourish, truth must be denied and discredited. Pretrib Rapturism is fiction at best! In fact the left behind series seen in book form and in the movies only paint an imaginary tale of the Rapture. But that is one lie, another would be the treatment of Jesus’ teaching in the Olivet Discourse.
To understand the Rapture we must look at the characteristics of the Rapture from a Biblical perspective. To do so we must first view the most classic rapture passage in Scripture, then compare it to other passages describing the same event.
Now also we would not have you ignorant, brethren, about those who fall asleep [in death], that you may not grieve [for them] as the rest do who have no hope [beyond the grave]. for since we believed that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will also bring with Him through Jesus those who have fallen asleep [in death]. For this we declare to you by the Lord’s word, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord shall in no way precede [into His presence] or have any advantage at all over those who have previously fallen asleep [in Him in death]. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God. And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first. Then we, the living ones who remain [on the earth], shall simultaneously be caught up along with [the resurrected dead] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so always (through the eternity of the eternities) we shall be with the Lord! Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words. ~ 1 Thess. 4:13-18 AMP.
In Matthew 24:29-32 we see the same elements as our classic rapture passage. Jesus descends from heaven, He is seen on the clouds, Angels are present and active, there is the sound of the trumpet, and lastly, the gathering of God’s elect from one end of heaven to the other, that is to one focal point, where Jesus is.
Now here is where another Pretrib lie is found. Pretribbers, especially its Authors and theologians will tell you that Matthew 24 is strictly written to the Jews. It is here I will present evidence to the contrary. Mark chapter 13 is the parallel passage to Matthew 24. Basically, Mark is describing the same thing with some minor variations. However Mark makes a very clear distinction which I will put in bold print.
But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light. The stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send His angels, and gather together His elect from, the four winds, from the furthest part of earth to the furthest part of heaven. ~ Mark 13:24-27 NKJV
Notice here that Mark makes a very clear distinction, the Angels will gather His elect from the earth to heaven (heaven meaning the sky, air, clouds, etc). Both passages line up perfectly with 1 Thessalonians 4. Now to expose the lie, if you reads on in Marks account, the very last verse of this chapter ends with; “And what I say to you, I say to all, Watch!” (Mark 13:37). What Jesus was teaching his disciples here in the Olivet Discourse, He says to ALL. Not just the Jews, but the Jews, the Gentiles, every Nation and people throughout the age. Jesus didn’t say, “what I say to you, I say only to the Jews,” He said I say this to all!
Now, it is important here to point out the most obvious lie of the Pretribulation Rapture. To do so we must compare both Matthew 24:29 and Mark 13:24 together.
Only after the tribulation will the sun be darkened, the moon will not give its light. Only after the tribulation will Jesus Christ appear in the heavens to gather together His elect (church). The Rapture, biblically speaking is Post-Tribulational (Not to be confused with the posttribulation rapture view). Not only does this expose the pretribulation view to be a hoax, a lie concerning the timing of the Rapture but it also exposes another lie sold to the masses and that is the Pretribulation Rapturist teach that the entirety of Daniel’s 70th week is the tribulation period.
Now here is where much of the argument occurs, those who claim Matthew 24 to be strictly given to the Jews do so by saying “the elect” is not applied to the Church. They say the elect is a reference to the Nation of Israel, the Jews. Ok, I guess Paul got it wrong when he wrote the Church in Rome. In Romans 11:7 Paul says; “What then? Israel has not obtained what it seeks, but the elect have obtained it, and the rest were blinded.” “Israel” refers to the majority of those who are Jews by physical descent, including their recognized leadership. Having failed to obtain a right standing with God by rejecting the Christ they have been hardened in unbelief. So who then is the elect mentioned here?
A reason there is so much confusion over who Jesus was talking to and who He included when he mentioned “the elect” is to many people are looking to commentaries and books for their answers rather than the Scripture. To many people are looking for a well known, famous, high flying prominent teacher, preacher, theologian, etc to define words and spoon feed them the meaning of biblical texts rather than study God’s Word for themselves. Nearly every time the word “elect” is used in the New Testament it is referring to the saved, the born again, the Church. So as stated by Paul to the Romans, Israel has not obtained what it seeks, but the elect have…,” Israel has not, the Elect has! Two different people groups mentioned here folks! You can’t have it both ways.
Out of the sixteen times the word “Elect” is used in the Bible ten refer to all believers in general, two refer to believers who are specifically Gentiles, one refers to believers who are Jews, two refer to Jesus Christ Himself and one refers to Jacob the person. So to clarify, when Jesus taught His disciples that AFTER the tribulation He would “gather together His elect” He was referring to His Elect Church, believers.
As stated above, Pretribulation Rapturist see the Rapture as both imminent and secret with no prophetic signs signaling Christ’s decent to the clouds. This as we have seen is a lie, an untruth, therefore it falls under the category “fable.” As noted, Matthew 24:29-31 demonstrate the rapture as visible (Every eye will see Him vs.30; Rev. 1:7) and it only becomes imminent once the signs in the sun, moon and stars are seen. Most important, this passage clearly teaches the rapture to be “after” the tribulation.
It is here I would like to quote Robert Van Kampen who gives considerable thought to this important passage:
Thus there is total agreement in Scripture as to what the sign will be, but there also is complete consistency as to when this sign will occur; “immediately after the tribulation of those days” (Matt. 24:29a) but “before the great and awesome Day of the Lord” (Joel 2:31). Christ therefore explicitly links together the sign of the end of the age that occurs “immediately after the tribulation” (Matt. 24:29a) with the sign prophesied in the Old Testament announcing the Day of the Lord, which will only occur when the great tribulation by Antichrist is “cut short” by Christ’s return.
In the very next verse Christ goes on to explain that the second sign–when “the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky” (v.30a) will follow in immediate succession to the sign of the end of the age.4
It is here, after the great tribulation by Antichrist is cut short (Matt. 24:22) and the sign of the end of the age is given where the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky to rapture the dead and the living in Christ.
As I showed earlier, the characteristics between the classic rapture passage in 1 Thess. 4 corresponds perfectly with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 24. So to prove that Matthew 24:29-31 is a clear cut teaching on the rapture of the elect we will again compare this passage with yet another rapture passage just so there is clarity on the matter.
“Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you” ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:1
“And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” ~ Matthew 24:30
As noted earlier, Marks account makes it clear this gathering is from the earth to the sky (Mk. 13:27; heaven, sky, clouds, etc). Almost without exception, no matter what ones Eschatology is, all agree that 2 Thessalonians 2:1 is without a doubt a rapture passage. The original Greek text contains an important truth that Christ intended to convey to His disciples, the same truth Paul conveys to his readers at Thessalonica. Again, it is here I will quote Robert Van Kampen as no one in all my research shows this truth with the clarity he does:
The classic Rapture passage recorded in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says that when the Rapture occurs, we will “be caught up together with them (the dead in Christ) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” The peculiar Greek word episunagō (“gather together”) used by Christ when He speaks to His disciples in the Olivet Discourse will prove that point.
Sunágō comes from two smaller Greek words that together mean “to bring together, come together, gather together, or assemble.” It is the root verb from which the noun sunagoge (“synagogue”) is derived. Basically, synagogue means a “gathering place,” where people assemble together.
In the Olivet Discourse, when we see the Son of Man coming on the clouds and sending His angels to gather together His elect, why is the Greek word episunagō used to describe this gathering, rather than just the root Greek verb sunágō? The answer to this question is very important. Adding the Greek preposition epí to the verb sunágō gives direction to the gathering. Epí basically means “on” or “upon” (just as epidermis refers to the top layer – epí – of one’s skin – dermis). So when this little preposition is added to the verb sunágō, it gives an upward direction to the gathering. Therefore, episunagō means a gathering together in an upward direction, or “a taking up and bringing together.”5
There is a clear parallel between Matthew 24:29-31 and Revelation 6:12-17. Soon after the opening of the Sixth Seal, unbelievers will hide in the rocks and caves, having seen Jesus on the clouds in the air, knowing that God’s wrath is imminent. It will begin with the opening of the Seventh Seal (Rev. 8:1). It is when the world sees Jesus in the air that He will gather and catch up His Elect Church at the Rapture, thereby rescuing them from the wrath to come. Jesus here does not return to the earth after the opening of the Sixth Seal, rather, when the Seventh Trumpet is blown nullifying the possibility that Matthew 24:30-31 is a picture of Jesus’ bodily descent to the earth, but is seen in the air, in the clouds.
This entry was posted in Eschatology and tagged Daniel's 70th week, Persecution, Pretribulation Rapture, Prewrath Rapture, Tribulation, Tribulation Period by Mike Rogers. Bookmark the permalink.
[This how someone reacted to the 2016 rapture debate (Stauffer vs. Schimmel). Ran into it on the net:]
Re Margaret MacDonald, here’s what Dr. F. Nigel Lee stated: “Dave MacPherson, in his various books, has made a major contribution toward vindicating Historic Christian Eschatology. The 1830 innovations of the disturbed Margaret Macdonald documented by MacPherson—-in part or in whole—-immediately spread to Edward Irving and his followers, then to J. N. Darby and Plymouth Brethrenism, and were later popularized by the dispensationalistic Scofield Reference Bible, by Classic Pentecostalism, and by latter-day pretribulationists like J. F. Walvoord and Hal Lindsey.” (Dr. Lee stated this as the holder of nine EARNED doctorates [!] and as Australia’s most eminent evangelical scholar!) Google “X-Raying Margaret,” “Margaret Macdonald’s Main Point” and “Margaret Macdonald’s Rapture Chart” to find out what Dr. Stauffer censored. Stauffer’s “research” failed to notice that even Hal Lindsey calls Margaret a partial rapturist in his book “The Rapture.” And Walvoord’s “The Rapture Question” refers to partial rapturists as “pretribulationists” (p. 105) – pretribs who, in their “rapture charts” see “church” BEFORE the rapture as well as seeing “church” AFTER the rapture; they are “church splitters”! It’s amazing how many pretrib defenders have seized on Margaret’s statement “The trial of the Church is from Antichrist” and then gotten into a tizzy in public while ranting and screaming that “Margaret was a posttrib” or, even worse, that she was demon-possessed or in a trance or that “MacPherson has covered up many before 1830 who clearly taught pretrib”!!! Google “Scholars Weigh My Research” to find out other evangelical leaders who have endorsed MacPherson’s research since 1970. Also Google “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty,” “Pretrib Hypocrisy,” “Pretrib Rapture Stealth,” “C. I. Scofield’s Hidden Side,” “Famous Rapture Watchers” and “Dr. Watson’s Pretrib Non-Discovery” – just some of the hot articles on the British blog “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” hosted by noted teacher Treena Gisborn. BTW, this past July 5th, pretribber Dr. Erwin Lutzer told a packed Moody Church that there are now posttribs as well as pretribs among the MBI personnel, adding “Here at the Moody Church we have decided to not draw a line in the sand about these two views.” (!) But MBI is only reflecting the many worldwide who are now abandoning pretrib for other rapture views – and scary world events are helping to bring about the collapse of the 188-year-old pretrib fantasy!
Terrific and accurate teaching from start to finish … especially the definition of “the elect” v.s. “replacement theology”! It’s a fine line to expose.
Two Google articles throwing light on Catholics like Lacunza (see main article above) include “The Real Manuel Lacunza” and “Catholics Did NOT Invent the Rapture.”
John Bray’s 1982 booklet “The Origin of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Teaching” claimed that 18th century Jesuit priest Manuel Lacunza originated the pretrib rapture in his 1812 work “The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty.” Bray stated Lacunza saw a 45-day period between a rapture and Christ’s touchdown on earth – a 45-day period Bray viewed as “tribulation” days.
But Lacunza was only saying that the “day of the Lord” would be at least 45 days long – the difference between the 1290 days and the 1335 days in Dan. 12. Somehow Bray failed to note that those 45 days could not begin until the tribulation days were “concluded” (Vol. II, p. 250) – and Bray may have been influenced by those who erroneously believe that the “day of the Lord” INCLUDES the tribulation!
Not only did Lacunza begin his 45 days AT the joint rapture/second coming, but he even had the raptured ones back on earth DURING those 45 days (Vol. II, pp. 262-3) to minister to “the relics [trib survivors] of all nations” [see Isa. 18:2] during the cleanup of Antichrist’s rubble (similar to the cleaning up of New York’s Twin Towers’ rubble before new buildings could be built)!
In Vol. I (p. 83) Lacunza writes that “the nineteenth chapter [of Revelation] speaks of the coming of the Lord in glory and majesty, which Christians with one consent do wait for.”
On pp. 99-100, after quoting I Thess. 4:13-18, Lacunza quotes Matt. 24:30 and then comments: “If you compare this text with that of St. Paul, you shall find no other difference than this, that those who are to arise on the coming of the Lord, the apostle nameth those who are dead in Christ, who sleep in Jesus; and the Lord nameth them his elect.”
And in Vol. I (p. 113) Lacunza again quotes I Thess. 4 and Matt. 24 like this: “…He shall descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we who are alive, &c. and it appears to me, that you will find St. Paul and the Gospel speaking one and the same thing: He shall send his angels and they shall gather his elect from the four winds; who can be no other than those very ones who are in Christ, who sleep in Jesus.”
Interestingly, even Tim LaHaye’s 1992 book “No Fear of the Storm” admits on p. 169 that “Lacunza never taught a pre-Trib Rapture!”
For more on Bray and his other groundless claims, Google “Is John Bray a PINO?,” “Morgan Edwards’ Rapture View,” “Catholics Did NOT Invent the Rapture,” “John Darby Did NOT Invent the Rapture,” “Margaret Macdonald’s Rapture Chart,” “Edward Irving Vs. John Darby,” and “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty.”
Finally, since the earliest pretrib rapture promoters were overwhelmingly anti-Catholic, it’s not likely they would have adopted anything from a Catholic!
John Darby, Paul Wilkinson, and Thomas Ice are among those who have flunked the Margaret Macdonald test by covering up and misinterpreting what she (as the pretrib rapture originator) actually stated in 1830!
My book “The Rapture Plot” discusses Margaret’s two-part main point (lines 58-63 in her 117-line account): seeing “one taken and the other left” before “THE WICKED” (Antichrist) is “revealed.”
Hal Lindsey’s “The Rapture” correctly says she taught “a partial Rapture” – that only PART of the church will be pretribbed up.
Walvoord’s “The Rapture Question” also describes partial rapturists as “pretribulationists,” and their charts show the “church” BEFORE AND AFTER their rapture in the same way Margaret was a “church splitter.” (Google “X-Raying Margaret,” “Margaret Macdonald’s Rapture Chart,” and “Pretrib Rapture’s Missing Lines.”)
Both John Cardale (in Edward Irving’s journal in Dec. 1830) and John Darby (in his 1853 book) described their visits to mid-1830 meetings Margaret conducted in her home. Darby’s “recollection” was such a mirror of the many details in Cardale’s published account 23 years earlier that I’m convinced that Darby was merely copying Cardale’s details, and Darby listed all of the details except one!
Although Darby mentioned Margaret’s “texts on overcoming” (the “tribulation” or second half of her main point), he deliberately omitted her emphasis on “the coming of the Lord” (rapture) as the church’s “deliverance” before the “judgments coming on the earth” which all visitors, except Darby, admitted was a pretrib event (the “rapture” or first half of her main point)!
Margaret’s visitors included writers for Irving’s journal “The Morning Watch.” Within weeks it reflected Margaret’s unique and original “church/church dichotomy” (“spiritual” church members raptured and “less spiritual” church members left behind) when it saw the “Philadelphia” church raptured BEFORE “the great tribulation” and the “Laodicea” church left on earth.
After Joe Schimmel’s Good Fight Ministries produced the “Left Behind or Led Astray?” video (the greatest video exposure ever of pretribism’s dishonesty-riddled history!), Britisher Paul Wilkinson savagely attacked it in an uber-unscholarly way in a video produced by the Berean Call Ministry titled “Left Behind or Led Astray? – Exposed.”
In order to please his think-alike idol, John Darby, Wilkinson deliberately stopped his quotation of Margaret at line 45 so that he could omit the first (pretrib) part of her main point in order to be able to falsely declare that she advocated “a post-tribulation Rapture”!
Thomas Ice has been even more nervy than Wilkinson, his British “twin.” When Ice quoted Margaret’s 117-line account in the Dallas Seminary journal he omitted ALL OF HER MAIN POINT but made up for it by quoting just BEFORE and AFTER it! (Ice’s “PhD” was “earned” at the unaccredited Tyndale Seminary in Texas which, according to World Net Daily, was heavily fined by the State of Texas for illegally issuing degrees – too many degrees for the Texas heat!
Finally, if Ice, Wilkinson and other pretrib escape artists love Jews and Israel as much as they say they do, why don’t they want to be on earth during “Jacob’s trouble” to aid and comfort Jews and others? (Some Google items related to this include “Greatest Hebrew-Christian Scholars NOT Pretrib,” “Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism,” and “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty.”
Thanks for taking the time to really think this over. I know it’s a deep subject, but we can get nowhere against heresy until we get to the root.
I think one of the most compelling examples of irresistible grace in the Bible is what happened to Saul, because Jesus even told him that it was hard for him to kick against the pricks to his heart (Acts 9:5). Jesus even said he was a chosen vessel so how could he resist? If he had continued to resist and ended up in hell, he would have been able to make God a liar. But that was impossible.
Well godlee, its an compelling article. Your right, its a deep subject and very controversial one at that. I don’t see myself as either Arminian or a Calvinist as I can’t see irresistible grace in the Scripture either. I’m going to take a closer look at your article and I’ll comment there. At first glace, I agree with what your wrote, you presented more than enough Scripture to back up your point. Very Good!
I’ve been studying on the history of American religion for a few years now and have come to some very startling conclusions. I even found out Charles Finney lied and covered up the real downfall of Americas spirituality—-Arminianism—because he was one of the main promoters of it and the fanatical excesses we see today.
Yea Roland, I’m reading a book by Jacob Prasch and he has mentioned replacement Theology a few times. Its a real problem. Don’t really see how anyone can come to such conclusions in light of Romans 11:25. But then, you have to take an exegetical approach to the Scripture to obtain truth, most have thrown exegesis out the window. It’s all relevant to the individual today, that is, one’s own personal feel good method of interpretation.
Thanks, I have recently started to write again and my blog is I have been writing about the same issues with a twist. I have seen how the doctrines have started to break up groups. The biggest issue is replacement theology as well and that is curse people are inviting into thier lives.
Healing evangelist, revivalist, and author Todd Bentley is the founder of Fresh Fire USA. As a teenager, Todd, an alcoholic and drug addict, had a dramatic life-changing encounter with the saving, delivering power of God. Today, Todd and his Fresh Fire team travel the world to lead the lost into the miraculous, delivered and set free—launched into the reality of intimate relationship with Jesus. The passion of Todd’s life and ministry to the nations is souls and to see others experience the transferable, tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit.
God releases His presence and power through Todd’s life in a mighty way, confirming that Jesus still heals every sickness and disease. God has drawn Todd into deep and intimate places of prayer. These extended times in God’s presence have released a fresh prophetic and miracle-healing anointing. Todd believes the Body of Christ needs to be strengthened and encouraged. He ministers prophetically, corporately and personally as well as brings forth the Word of God with the power and demonstration of the Spirit-God confirming His word with signs and wonders following. God has released an increase of the healing anointing into Todd’s life—the blind see, the deaf hear and growths dissolve as Jesus heals every sickness and disease. More here.
The manifestation of the Spirit through the gifts are on an individual bases by the Spirit according to the Will of God for the purpose of edifying the body of Christ and to give glory to God in all things. I contend that though every believer is sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption Eph. 1:13, though every believer is baptized into the Body of Christ by the Spirit 1 Cor. 12:13, not all believers are given gifts as outlined in 1 Cor. 12 & 14 as a personal possession. “But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually, as He wills.” 1 Cor. 12:11 is not necessarily saying that every believer has a gift but that the Spirit works through individuals according to His will so as any one individual can manifest any one of the gifts at any given time according to the Will of the Spirit. I don’t see the gifts blanketing the Body of Christ as we are seeing today. Nor can I say that the “gifts” portrayed today are an abuse of spiritual gifts as the phenomena occurring in this present hour are not the biblical gifting’s of the Spirit. If you study biblical history, God has always moved in the remnant, never the masses.
God gives to those who are responsible with what is given them. People act today as though the Gifts of the Spirit are a smorgasbord thrown on a table where people can just serve themselves. Peter taught “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen” 1 Peter 4:10-11. The one gifted is to be a steward of such gifting entrusted to them by the Lord for the strengthening of fellow believers, and that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. The gifts are not a free for all to be used at the will and whim of people. Nor are they used to draw disciples after our selves, or to build your own ministry, nor to become popular as though you have the corner market on the gifts or a special anointing.
I believe a parallel can be seen with the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit was given to individuals for a specific purpose and then withdrawn. As I said above, every believer is sealed and possesses the Holy Spirit, He indwells every believer. However, the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit are given and then withdrawn according to the “Will of the Spirit” to accomplish a specific purpose. The problem is we claim them as if the gifts are ours, they are not, they are the “gifts of the Spirit” and Scripture is conclusive, He distributes to each one individually as He wills. This is where a lot of confusion exist today, the gifts of the Spirit have never operated on a large scale and the majority of what is seen today is an artificial replication of the biblical gifting’s. If they were not a imitation but truly do originate from the Holy Spirit there would be valid miracles performed drawing people to the Saving Grace of Christ. Instead we see wild claims from our charismatic counterparts that Jesus heals every sickness and disease through men like Todd Bentley. The blind see, the deaf hear and growths dissolve as Jesus heals every sickness and disease? Every sickness? Not even Jesus healed every sickness and disease! In John 5 Jesus went to Jerusalem for a feast of the Jews, there he was seen at the pool of Bethesda. On the five porches there was a “great multitude” of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, all waiting for an angel to stir the water that one might enter the pool and be healed. Jesus saw one man there who had an infirmity for thirty-eight years. It was this one individual who received healing, Jesus then withdrew from the pool and went to the temple. Why didn’t Jesus heal all who were sick at the pool? Scripture doesn’t say, but the point is, Jesus didn’t heal every sickness and disease. Only one out of a great multitude of people was healed that day. But one thing is certain, when Jesus did heal, people where completely healed and it was visible and verifiable.
So how can we determine the real from the false today? The lines seem to be blurred, but the answers are easy. First; You compare the message with the manifestation! Second; You judge according to their fruit, you look at their track record. The emphasis has never been on the miracle in Scripture, but on the message. Before Jesus ever did one miracle, he preached “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has drawn near” Matt 4:17. He then went about all of Galilee teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, healing all kinds of sickness and disease among the people, not all sickness and disease vs. 23.
Todd Bentley is nothing more than a recycling of previous movements that stretch back decades. Whether it was meetings held by people like William Branham, Kathryn Kuhlman, Benny Hinn, Rodney Howard-Browne, Steve Hill, or any of the so-called Kansas City Prophets, the spirit and basic doctrine are the same. There’s a common thread of specific heresies that go back a long way.[1] We’ll get to that in a moment, first I think it best to address an issue which has troubled me for some time now.
I have endeavored to justify the cessationist view with Scripture and have come up empty. Most cessationist arguments are from a historical perspective rather than a Biblical exegesis. However, the few verses some do implement become a violation of the hermeneutics they claim to adhere to. Whether we like it or not, we must except and believe all that Scripture reveals of God, His activities and workings in the earth with mankind. 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 fall within the love chapter of the Bible and we see the gifts in contrast to love. The Gifts are partial, temporal, and are not eternal. Everything in this age compared to the perfection of the new creation is at a child like stage including the gifts. But rather than suggesting the termination of the gifts during this age or at an early point in church history, this passage proves just the opposite. “That which is perfect” refers to the completion of God’s purposes after the Second coming of Jesus Christ. There is no other reason other than human opinion to presume to attribute these verses to the conclusion of the canon of the Scripture.
While the inspired Word of God was completed at the end of the first century, its completion did not signal an end to the continuing operation of the very powers it describes.[2] It is possible, though not from a biblical point of view, that the gifts were dormant for a period of ages, still there is evidence that God will pour out of His Spirit at the end of the age that His people will do great exploits. I am not saying that what we see today is that out pouring, on the contrary, what we are witnessing is a counterfeit to that which God does.
Prophecy carries a literal meaning, what some may not be aware of is that there is a significance in prophecy beyond a prophets present day, often their are hidden layers of meaning. Prophecy has a way of repeating itself, cycling through time according to the perfect order laid down by God. For instance, some prophecies have a near and far application. In the prophecy of the seventy weeks in Daniel chapter nine we are told that the physical attack on the Temple and City of Jerusalem happens in the middle of the week. This literally happened twice in Israel’s history since the giving of this prophecy. Once with Antiochus Epiphanes in 168 B.C., and again when the Romans attacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Yet Jesus speaks of a future fulfillment of that same prophecy in Matthew 24. Ok, so what is my point and how does is it related to the Gifts of the Spirit? Acts 2:14-21 is my point!
But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, ‘Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:’ And it shall come to pass in the last days says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughter shall prophecy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And on my menservants and on my maidservants I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood; Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
It is here we can see both the near and far application of Joel 2:28-32. As peter stated, what was happening on the day of Pentecost was a fulfillment of what Jesus predicted in Acts 1:8, and a direct fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy when God would pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh. Yet we also see a far application here, a dividing line can be seen between verse 18 and 19. The last days (vs. 17) refers to the era of the church from Pentecost to the return of Christ. Joel’s prophecy will end in the midst of monumental signs and in divine judgment during Daniels 70th week. The text itself argues that the outpouring of the Spirit continues from Pentecost until the consummation of the age.
Historically, no argument can be authoritatively conclusive. Recorded history can never provide irrefutable proof and supply an definite finality on an argument. Only Scripture is authoritatively final. And as I pointed out above there is more evidence in Scripture to the continuance of the Gifts of the Spirit than there is on the side of the cessation of the Gifts. However, the lack of proof in history in behalf of the operation of Spiritual Gifts does give a strong argument that the Gifts ceased only to reemerge during the Great Tribulation Period within Daniels 70th week. This is the moderate cessation view and I find myself leaning in that direction.
Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia defines Moderate Cessationism by saying: “A moderate Cessationist would also deny the possibility of gifts on a priori grounds. He would deny the existence of manifestations of genuine charismatic gifts in the Church no matter what, even in the event of seeing apparent miracles or healing. However, a moderate Cessationist allows for the possibility of a new charismatic period in the future, when God would powerfully guide His people. This openness to the possibility of a new charismatic period is motivated by premillennialist eschatological expectations, where it is assumed that Christ’s Second Coming will occur before the establishment of Christ’s millennial kingdom on Earth. Within this premillennialist conceptual framework, the Great Tribulation is seen as a future period immediately preceding Christ’s Coming. A moderate Cessationist would insist that the new charismatic period is possible only during the Great Tribulation for otherwise the genuine gifts would be in operation before the Tribulation, and, thus, charismatic gifts could not be rejected on grounds of principle. Moderate Cessationism is compatible with all premillennialist positions (pre-trib, post-trib, mid-trib and pre-wrath).
The moderate Cessationist understanding of the principle of Sola Scriptura is almost identical to the strong one. A moderate Cessationist would agree with all three propositions of Strong Cessationism, but with an important qualification: all three propositions are valid only in the post-Apostolic Age of the Church before the Great Tribulation, i.e. in the period after the 1st century until the days of the Great Tribulation. Thus, in practical terms, both strong and moderate Cessationism are the same. They differ only in eschatological terms, whether the gifts will reemerge in the last days immediately preceding the time of Christ’s Second Coming. The strong Cessationist eschatological view is not a premillennialist, and, thus, does not share the premillennialist conceptual framework, such as the premillennialist view of the Great Tribulation as something belonging to the future.
Biblical grounds for moderate Cessationism is the reference to two powerful prophets of God, Rev 11:3-11. According to a moderate Cessationist, events described in Rev 11 are in the future, during the Great Tribulation. For this reason, a moderate Cessationist has a ready answer to the question why the Bible is so vague about the cessation of the charismatic gifts: the Bible is obscure on this point precisely because the gifts will reemerge during the Great Tribulation. A moderate Cessationist concludes that they will absolutely end at the Second Coming of our Lord, at the end of the Great Tribulation.”
As I said, I lean in that direction though I’m not a staunch moderate cessationist I do view myself as a light moderate cessationist. I do see a gap, sort of speak, between Acts 2:18 and 19. The event described in Acts 2:19-20 is Eschatological and must be viewed alongside of what Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 24:29-30 and Revelation 6:12-17.
Although I view the Gifts as being latent what has emerged in the last century with the “latter rain,” “Word of Faith,” and “New Apostolic Reformation” and now the “Emergent Church” is an all out assault on the Body of Christ. Deception from these movements materialize quickly when compared to Scripture. Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner, Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton are all joined at the hip and if you’ve read one of their books you’ve read them all as they are simply swapping spit. Pedestal’s are being built by these men acclaiming the raise of the super apostles who have insights into the supernatural which transcends human understanding. Super-apostles look really hip and chic because they claim to be in touch with popular philosophical and cultural trends, and they bring these trends right into the church, doubtless in the name of “being relevant.” Some of the traits of these super apostles can be seen in that they change the parameters of Scripture, re-inventing it to suit the changing times. Their messages go beyond what is written in the Word of God and in the name of Christ they through subtle logic, twist Scripture to appeal to contemporary practices to petition people. What is important to them is not the message of the Gospel, repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, but their own standing and status in the Church. They have a new and improved version of the Gospel, and it is costly to their followers who have to pay for everything from special services to prayer and deliverance.
The term “super apostle” is not a newly invented title in the modern age. Paul contended with a group who in their own esteem were surpasser’s of the foundational apostles. These were self appointed apostles who compared themselves to Paul. “Yet I consider myself as in no way inferior to these [precious] extra-super [false] apostles” 2 Cor. 11:5 AMP. It is clear by the context that these super apostles had Satan’s agenda at heart. Because of them, Paul feared the Corinthians minds would be corrupted and seduced from wholehearted devotion to Christ 2 Cor. 11:3. These super serpent apostles brought another Jesus, a different Spirit, and a different gospel from the one they had received and welcomed by Paul. Paul chided them for their tolerance of such lies and deception 2 Cor. 11:4.
Rhetoric is the art or study of proper forms and methods of public speaking, highly emphasized in antiquity. Although only the well-to-do had much training in it, the rhetorical forms and ideas they used filtered down to the rest of urban society through public speeches, in a manner similar to that in which television permeates modern Western society.[3]
Rhetoric was important in Greco-Roman society, including Corinth. Paul’s statement that he is unskilled in speech (1 Cor. 11:6) did not mean he was a terrible speaker. It seems he had been accused of inadequate rhetorical skill by others, however; his writings attest a higher level of rhetorical sophistication than possessed by most people of his day. The text indicates that these super apostles were gaining a large audience because of their rhetorical abilities, with the intent of subverting the Church. Paul says: “For such men are false apostles [counterfeits], deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles (special messengers) of Christ. And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light; so it is not surprising if his servants also masquerade as ministers of righteousness. But their end will correspond with their deeds” (2 Cor. 11:13-15).
Does any of this sound familiar to you? If you finish the chapter, Paul could not be a true apostle according to the super apostles otherwise he would accept money for his services. In verse 20 Paul polishes this chapter off showing that these super apostles lives and ministries manifested nothing of the Spirit of Christ. And again he chides the Corinthians for “enduring it if a man assumes control of your souls, and makes slaves of you, or devours your substance, spends your money and preys upon you, or deceives and takes advantage of you, or is arrogant and puts on airs, or strikes you in the face. To my discredit, I must say, we have shown ourselves too weak for you to show such tolerance of us and for us to do strong, courageous things like that to you! 2 Cor 11:20-21 AMP. Verse 20 is a description of just how carnal these super apostles ministry was: it brings people into bondage, not liberty, it devours them selfishly, it’s leaders exalt themselves and not Christ. Why is it that the flesh enjoys bondage and human schemes instead of the simple love and grace of Christ? And nothing has changed today! Men such as Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner, and Bill Johnson degrade God’s people, devour God’s people, defraud God’s people, deride God’s people, and defame God’s people and people seem content to endure and tolerate it. Not to mention their butchery of God’s Word, their false manifestations, and their undermining of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
A robot has been developed which can perform tasks, interact and even hold a conversation - and it's coming to Ireland's care homes to look after the elderly. Robotics engineers from Trinity College Dublin unveiled the prototype designed to work in assisted care facilities around Ireland. |
150,434,159 | Years before I met her, Joan had come to Christ and met and married Henry, a successful, wealthy Christian businessman. They built a mansion in an affluent suburb, had a circle of great Christian friends, and were involved together in several exciting ministry projects. As the years zipped by, Joan gave birth to three healthy and vibrant children. All in all, there was little she lacked.
It wasn’t a big deal at first, but in the little moments she began to notice two things about Henry. He seemed distant, not as communicative. Furthermore, Henry seemed to be at the edge of irritation and anger all the time. Joan tried her best to avoid things that would upset him, and she told herself that he was under stress because of his rapidly expanding business, but in her heart of hearts she knew there was more.
She was right. Before long, the relationship morphed into a state of uncomfortable marital détente. They talked only when schedule or finances demanded it. He increasingly was an absentee husband. Joan tried to talk to him about the distance between them, but he always shut down the conversation.
In desperation, she began to seek help for her marriage. She wanted solid advice before she approached Henry again. But it wasn’t long before she was meeting with me alone.
Hurt, frustrated, and exhausted, Joan decided to get away for a weekend with two of her closest friends. Relieved, she set out. She had no idea what was happening back at her home.
For eighteen months, Henry had been expertly planning his exit. He had divested himself of the company, putting all his assets in the name of his partner. He not only wanted to get out, he wanted to devastate Joan, both emotionally and financially. The trucks were at the house less than half an hour after Joan drove away.
Arriving back home late Sunday night, the first thing Joan noticed was that the house was completely dark. Fear rose in her throat. Inside, she found the light switch by the door. Joan gasped. The sound bounced off blank walls, empty floors, and uncovered windows. She ran through the house, hysterically yelling the names of her children, but all she encountered was room after empty, echoing room.
She found the note on a cold granite countertop in the kitchen: Henry was never coming back; he would give her visitation rights to see the children if she didn’t make trouble for him, but she was going to have to fend for herself.
The first thing Joan said to me that Monday afternoon was, “I have lost all hope.” For a long time, Joan’s hope had been a dangerous hope. It was hope in a man, hope in material things, hope in a house, hope in a family, and hope in a lifestyle. Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with appreciating people, position, or possessions. But these temporal things were never designed to be a source of hope.
She had been left penniless. Henry was still going to their church, but he had poisoned many of her closest friends against her. She didn’t know where her children were, and it would take a long and expensive court battle even to try to get them back.
Joan was facing some of the harshest and most hurtful realities of life in this broken world, and there was no escape. The things she had looked to for her daily support had all vanished. It was one of those profoundly discouraging times where death really does seem easier than life. How did things go so awry?
The world Joan, you, and I live in is a lot like a broken-down house. Every single room has been dirtied and damaged by sin. Not one part of it shines with anything like the pure glory that was so evident when it was first made. Sin has left this world in a sorry, terrible condition. You see it in each life as we all struggle with physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational brokenness every day.
I think many of us live in a permanent state of local amnesia. We have forgotten where we live. We have lost sight of the fact that this is a broken-down house where nothing works quite right, and it sets us up for all kinds of trouble. This impaired vision originates largely from our failure to accept the picture the Bible provides concerning the world.
The Bible is not a higher-plane tome about some mystical life of spiritual devotion. It does not teach blissful separation from the brokenness of everyday life. No, the Bible is a book about this world. It is a gritty, honest book. When we read Scripture, we face the world as it actually is, in big-screen, high-def detail. There is no denial of what is real and true.
Sometimes the Bible’s honesty about our situation comes through diagnostic observations. A good diagnosis tells you what’s wrong, and the Bible accurately diagnoses the human condition on page after page. For example, the words of Genesis 6:5 tell us that “the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” The words of Romans 3:10–18 are much the same. Each of these passages is honest about what you and I will encounter as we live in the world that is not operating as it was designed to operate.
The Bible is not only honest in its diagnostic observations, but in graphic, real-life, fallen-world stories as well. You have the shocking account of sibling homicide in Genesis 4, the dark idolatry of duplicitous Israel, and the sex, power, and money intrigues in Kings and Chronicles. The New Testament hits you with the horror of politically motivated infanticide by Herod and the perverted justice that leads to the crucifixion of the Messiah.
Lest we think the Bible’s diagnosis does not apply to our own hearts, bear in mind that there will be a war in our hearts between what the Bible has to say about us and what we would like to think is true about us. You and I tend to think we are wiser and more sanctified than we actually are. That is why we get defensive when someone points out our sin and weakness. It feels like we are being misjudged.
This is why we need to remember constantly that the Bible is the world’s best diagnostic tool. When I look into the mirror of the Word of God, I see the exact essence of who I am. This means that I must face the fact that my greatest need is not environmental. My greatest need does not derive from the fact that the brokenness of the fall fractures every situation, every relationship, and every context. No matter what I face in this fallen world, my greatest problem in life exists inside of me and not outside of me. My biggest problem is moral. There is something wrong inside of me, and in one way or another it influences everything I desire, think, choose, say, and do.
In its refusal to minimize, diminish, or deny the harsh realities of this broken-down house, the Bible calls us to face the facts. However, no child of God can get by recognizing only his or her identity as sinner. The weight of it will defeat you. But you are more than a sinner: you are also a child of grace. These two identities must be held in a healthy tension and balance. Only the person who is deeply aware of his sin gets excited about grace, and only grace can give you the courage to humbly face the enormity of your sin and the brokenness of this world.
The entire Bible is a narrative of God’s grace, a story of undeserved redemption. By the transformational power of His grace, God unilaterally reaches into the muck of this fallen world, through the presence of His Son, and radically transforms His children from what we are (sinners) into what we are becoming by His power (Christlike). Grace alone enables God’s children to recognize one of the biblical realities that make life in this sin-shattered world livable. It presses us to listen to eternity and consequently delivers hope amid the internal and external wreckage.
Listening to eternity helps us know how to live in the here and now. We cannot understand what is truly important, grasp the reality of what we face in this life, or know what to do about it until we see life from the perspective of eternity. A biblical view of eternity brings the Christian genuine hope in any situation, and hope produces insight and courage. Everything God calls us to do with our hearts and our hands looks to the sure reality of eternity.
But what is going on here, in this life? Paul tells us: “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death” (1 Cor. 15:25–26). This means that our world is not one of chance and chaos. It is a world under the persona l rule of a Redeemer who is so loving that He willingly gave His life for others, and so powerful that He is able to defeat even death. Evil is in the process of being defeated. Death will eventually die. There is reason for hope even when your life has fallen down around your feet. Through Christ’s rule, justice and mercy will win.
So, what about Joan? No, Joan’s husband never came back, and her kids suffered from the shattering of their parents’ marriage. Joan lost most of her friends permanently and will probably struggle with her finances for many years to come. But in the middle of it all, something wonderful happened. Joan got hope like she never had before — a hope that will never shame her or let her down.
Joan began to listen to eternity. She finally realized that the guarantee of her hope was not found in the size of her bank account or house, in her circle of friends, in the love of a man, or in her work as a mother. Hope was to be found in what the empty tomb of Jesus Christ guaranteed her.
Are you listening to the eternity that is your hope? Are you listening to the promises for the here and now — promises of a rule that guarantees that every promise the Ruler has made to you is trustworthy and sure? There will come an eternal day without betrayal, injustice, anger, or vengeance. There will come a day when no more pain will fill the heart and no more tears will fill the eyes. On that day, Joan — and you and I — will say with her fellow pilgrims, now finally home in their restored house: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb” (Rev. 7:10b).
“When the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ ”
Rejection—it is something we have all experienced at one time or another. Moreover, it is something we all seek to avoid, as we sometimes do the most foolish things to gain acceptance from others. Whether the one who rejects us is a spouse, a friend, a coworker, a family member, or any other human being, we feel pain and a profound sense of loneliness when we are rejected.
We know the pain of rejection by our fellow human beings, but unless we are impenitent and end up in hell, none of us will ever know the pain of utter rejection. We will not experience the loneliness, forsakenness, and accursedness of being cut off from God’s grace. We who are in Christ will never know such divine wrath because Christ bore it in our place.
That is the key lesson of today’s passage. From the sixth through the ninth hour on the day Jesus died, there was a profound, disorienting, dreadful darkness over Golgotha. This was no mere solar eclipse but the darkness of God’s wrath against sinners. Passages such as Amos 5:18–20 depict the day of the Lord’s judgment as filled with darkness, and that forms the backdrop for rightly interpreting the cross. The cross was an act of divine judgment; in fact, it was the judgment of that final day brought forward in time for the sake of God’s people. God cannot simply forgive sin without judging it. His wrath must be propitiated—satisfied and exhausted (Rom. 3:9–26). That wrath will either fall on us on the last day and on into eternity, or it will fall on Christ so that we can be forgiven and can escape eternal judgment. He had to be made sin so that we could become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21). Because God’s eschatological (end times) wrath was poured out on Christ for all who trust in Him, those who trust Him will not face it on judgment day. John Calvin comments, “Our Lord Jesus . . . was denied the light of the sun, when he was in his sufferings, to signify the withdrawing of the light of God’s countenance.”
Jesus’ crying out the words of Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” confirms this. This was the anguished cry of the One who had for all eternity enjoyed the good pleasure of His Father. But the Son of God took on a human nature, enabling Him to experience—as the God-man—what it means to be cut off, to be rejected by the Father. His humanity means He could represent us before God and receive the curse our sin is due so that we can enjoy the Lord’s blessing.
Dr. R.C. Sproul writes in his commentary Mark, “At the climax of that period of darkness, Jesus cried in agony—not the agony of the scourging or the agony of the thorns and nails, but the agony of forsakenness.” The incarnate Lord was cut off for the sake of other men and women so that we can enjoy fellowship with God forever. No higher price could have been paid, and we are called to never cease loving Him and thanking Him for His sacrifice. |
274,242,234 | Former Eastenders star Janet Dibley arrives for work on Coronation Street after landing new role on the soap
When Graham Bader came to Rice as an assistant professor in 2008, the Art History Department’s Ph.D. program was a year away from enrolling its first students. Just nine years later, the program has reached a full cohort and its students are making their mark in the art world by landing several coveted fellowships and jobs over the past year and advancing scholarship in the field.
“One of the things that our program enables students to do is to engage in hands-on, high-level curatorial work while they’re studying for the Ph.D.,” said Bader, now an associate professor and chair of the Art History Department. He noted the opportunities the department’s students have to work with curators and collections at world-class nearby institutions such as the Museum of Fine of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH) and the Menil Collection.
“It’s increasingly important to have a Ph.D. for curatorial work,” Bader said. “More and more curators at top institutions have Ph.D.s, and the expectation is for a higher level of analytical sophistication. We’re so well-positioned with these partner institutions — it’s ideal for preparing students for an ever more competitive job market. We’re training them to be both scholars and curators.” Case in point: The program’s first graduate, Stephanie Chadwick, is now an assistant professor of art history at Lamar University.
When Katia Zavistovski won a coveted position as the assistant curator of modern art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) last spring, the museum’s curators were impressed by her work co-curating the “Raid the Archive: The de Menil Years at Rice” exhibit, which was displayed at the Rice Media Center in 2012.
“My experience at Rice was crucial in preparing me for museum work in general and my current position at LACMA specifically,” Zavistovski said. “The professors I’ve studied with fostered a methodology that coupled critical thinking and inquiry with engaged visual analyses of art objects themselves. Curators interact with art on a daily basis, and learning to look at works closely and ask questions about what they reveal is a fundamental skill that I honed during my time at Rice.”
Working full time in Los Angeles since June, Zavistovski is completing her dissertation, “Picturing Common Objects: Vija Celmins, Llyn Foulkes and Joe Goode in 1960s LA,” which explores representational painting practices from the 1960s in Los Angeles and concentrates on paintings by these three artists that portrayed or incorporated mundane objects from everyday life.
Zavistovski’s Ph.D. program colleague, Melissa Venator, is another example of a successful placement at a prominent national museum. Venator is in the midst of a two-year curatorial fellowship at Harvard’s Busch-Reisinger Museum, where she is contributing to an exhibition and international conference celebrating the centennial of the founding of the Bauhaus and its legacy in the United States. The exhibition will feature selections from the Busch-Reisinger Museum, which houses the largest collection of Bauhaus material outside of Germany, including works by artists featured in Venator’s dissertation, “The Spotlight, the Reflector, the Electric Sign: Light Art and Technology in 1920s Germany.”
A Social Science Research Council/Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship is allowing graduate student Nikki Moore to track the history of the Rockefeller Foundation’s development of industrial agriculture in what has come to be known as the Green Revolution in Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica and the broader Caribbean between 1940 and 1978. Her dissertation, titled “Agritectures of the Green Revolution: Architecture, Art and the Agrilogistics of Transnational Aid from the United States to the Caribbean Region, 1930-1978,” examines the art and architectural projects through which this revolution was realized and responded to during these years. Her project also received a Special Citation for the Graham Foundation’s 2016 Carter Manny Award, which recognizes “outstanding doctoral students whose work represents some of the most innovative and advanced scholarship on architecture and its role in the arts, culture and society,” according to the foundation.
Moore just completed a four-month research stay in Mexico City, where she visited the University of Chapingo, which was the first university in Mexico to award advanced degrees in agriculture, as well as other institutions.
“Combining developments in genetics that have led to vastly augmented crop yields with seed storage programs and elaborate facilities for testing and research, the Green Revolution transformed what we think of as the rural, pastoral fields of first Mexico, then Colombia and the Caribbean, followed by the Philippines and ultimately India into the front line of modernization,” Moore said. After completion of her dissertation, she hopes to secure a tenure-track position where she can continue to teach and research the art and architectural histories of Latin America. “The economic, social and ecological ramifications of these programs, which we are only recently coming to terms with, make up, quite possibly, one of the most impactful developments of the Cold War era.”
Rachel Hooper, who expects to complete her Ph.D. studies this year, won a 2016-17 Luce/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship in American Art, which supports “promising research in object- and image-based U.S. art history,” according to the council. Her dissertation, titled “American Art Histories: Framing Race in Exhibitions, 1842-1876,” analyzes the racial politics of art exhibitions before and after the Civil War. “I argue that ideas about race inspired organizational schemes for exhibitions in Washington, D.C., New York, Boston and Philadelphia in times of radical political upheaval and great social change,” said Hooper, who was one of 11 advanced graduate students nationwide to receive the fellowship. She plans to continue her research as a professor at a college or university focused on undergraduate education.
Caroline “Olivia” Wolf, who completed her Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship in March 2016, said the opportunities available to her in Houston have greatly enhanced her research. She was a 2013-14 Camfield Fellow in the Latin American curatorial department of the MFAH prior to traveling to Argentina in 2015 as part of her fellowship.
“I would like to say that in terms of Latin American art and architecture, both (Assistant Professor of Art History) Fabiola Lopez-Duran and Mari Carmen Ramírez of the MFAH have been instrumental in providing support for students seeking national fellowships and opportunities to work with the renowned collection and exhibits at the MFAH,” Wolf said. “They have been an inspiring, driving force behind this new area within Rice’s program.” Her dissertation, “Migrating Constructions: Nationalist Debates and Mahjar Monuments in Modern Argentina, 1910-1955,” focuses on the art and architecture of the Arab-speaking diaspora in Latin America’s southern cone.
The success of the department’s students has continued more recently: Layla Seale, who spent six months at Madrid’s Prado Museum last year assisting with the preparation of a major exhibition on the 15th-century artist Hieronymus Bosch, was just awarded the Kress Foundation Two-Year Institutional Fellowship in the History of Art, which will allow her to be in residence for two years at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands beginning this fall. In Leiden, Seale will work to complete her dissertation, “Demons as a Cultural Species in Late Medieval Northern Europe,” which examines a range of late medieval objects and manuscripts in which figures of the demonic predominate.
As the Art History program looks to the future, Bader said, the new Moody Center for the Arts will be of great importance. “The Moody will have secure gallery space and will enable new opportunities for curatorial projects by students and faculty,” said Bader, whose research and teaching focuses on postwar European and American art and the interwar avant-gardes of Germany and Russia. “One of the things we want to develop is that students, as they’re approaching the end of their studies, will have the opportunity to organize significant exhibitions using the spaces of the Moody and the cultural resources of Houston.”
Valiant is proud to be working with Andrew Csizmadia, Newman University and Mike Blamires, RIPPLE to publish a MESHGuide called Educational robots: why use a Roamer robot in the classroom? MESHGuides provide independently quality assured research based advice for teachers. MESHGuides are developed by educators around the world and are managed by the charity, the Education Futures Collaboration.
Ever since President George W. Bush launched the No Child Left Behind Act there has been a drive to base educational interventions on “scientifically based education research”. This presented a very narrow view of what was valid scientifically educational research. Essentially, your experience as a teacher was dismissed as “anecdotal” and low value. There was a so called “gold standard” which involved research experiments and control groups. Was the learning of students involved in a particular process better than those not involved. Suffice to say that under such strictures the Theory of Relativity would have been classified as unscientific. The scientific process cannot be so neatly and restrictively defined. In the 100 years since Einstein first proposed the theory physicists have gradually gathered evidence that validate the proposition. The MESHGuide – Educational robots: why use a Roamer robot in the classroom? provides a structure for organising and presenting the evidence about Roamer and its effectiveness.
MESH recognises that evidence about educational validity is accumulated from a variety of sources and varies in its scientific soundness. It also understands that utilising the evidence in interventions is more of an art, than a “science”. MESHGuides present what evidence is available with comments on how it can be improved. Its prime aim is practical by making the evidence available to inform teaching practice. Valiant believe that the development of Roamer and its accessories should be based on the Science of Learning which is itself a reflection of evidence. |
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Preetha propped herself up on a single elbow considering the frightened cowering boy with livid eyes. ‘I advised you Salim You can't cum inside of me…why aren’t you listening?’ she mentioned loudly. ‘I…I am sorry Mommy…I don’t know very well what I had been executing…I couldn’t cease myself. My head went entirely blank. I'm sorry…I am so sorry mommy!’ He whimpered. He was almost trembling with dread. Thinking about his frightened timid confront Preetha’s anger evaporated. How could she hope control from him when she herself had opened her thighs in invitation as he crawled up on her? He is simply a boy hardly fourteen-15 decades outdated not a skilled sex yogi to get entire Charge of a person’s human body. He never experienced this kind of pleasures in his lifetime, combined with his repressed puberty it had been not possible for him to not be overwhelmed with the gates of heaven which she opened huge for him. Given that she experienced ruined his orgasm for the second time they fulfilled she felt slightly responsible. Salim was helpless, he had to abide with the whims and whimsies of this goddess, he practically experienced no will of his personal becoming hallowed by her providence. He was over grateful for her divine care. For a couple of minutes no words and phrases have been exchanged between them. Salim experienced decreased his gaze in shame and anxiety, Preetha was also perturbed by this awkward problem, she didn’t want to be harsh with him, he was so adorable. She decided it had been time to really make it up to him, show him the enjoy he deserved. She peeled off the sheet which coated them, exposing his penis which was still semi hard and glistening Together with the residues of her juices. The scent of sex trapped beneath the sheets was launched and it struck her. Salim winced as the fabric from the sheet slid around his delicate organ. ‘Allow me to see…’ Preetha reassured him; ‘…its all right, you may need not fret. Mommy is not really angry along with you any more.’ Preetha eradicated the sheet from her entire body, exposing her nakedness towards the boy, engaging him and slid closer to him, basking him along with her heat. She set her hand on his trembling chest, comforting him and sensation his racing heart as he was puzzled what she was going to do. She caressed his upper body and belly along with her remaining hand as goosebumps erupted on his clean heat pores and skin though her other hand wrapped all over his moist cock.
>>29644 i know I'm not so pro of coloring so thats why i have questioned you as well as other to provide the colouring with the web pages.
>>30649 Magic – that's the phrase !! There is certainly sheer magic during the Artistic fingers of Shri Amarsroshta ! Wow .... "Honeymoon in Darjeeling - Element 2” is off to an fascinating commence ! How glamorous Preetha and Salim glimpse ! Preetha looks so huge, so opulently healthy and potent in all the photographs ! She definitely deserves being the nurturing mom, the dominant lover, the goddess to generally be worshipped !
‘This was so apt,’ Salim considered, ‘A Goddess had to be worshipped from her ft.’ He brushed his lips on her milk wet ft. His lips fluttered in quick compact kisses throughout her toes, flicking his tongue around the milk droplets. Prretha shivered. He proceeded upwards, her ankles, her extended perfectly rounded shins, her knees and even further up. Salim marveled how easy and smooth his new mother’s pores and skin was. She was almost hairless all over her body apart from her Specific zones, the place there was an abundance of advancement. Salim moved additional up planting kisses on her massive fleshy thighs, he marveled how Just about every thigh was Practically equal of his torso’s girth. Preetha felt a shiver from her toes to her arms, goosebumps were being popping throughout, and her vagina felt as it absolutely was burning up from inside and spreading a warm glow all inside of her belly. She sighed and moaned softly. Salim was further encouraged by her sound. He was about to examine her nether area as Preetha blurted out ‘No, not there…not now…I'll inform you when to!’ she gasped Virtually breathlessly. Salim wriggled up and ongoing kissing from her belly, the soft heat flesh responded by quaking uncontrollably. It was so delicate, like a large mound of perfectly kneaded dough. He licked her belly, tracing the suggestion of his tongue all-around her navel inside a circular motion, and poked it in the fleshy hollow. Preetha’s tummy clenched with that feeling than ran all by way of her abdomen, her abdominal muscles stiffened and loosened in rhythmic motions. Salim opened his mouth extensive and sucked to the pulpy flesh of her belly, his cheeks hollowing with Each and every pull and releasing a audio, Preetha giggled uncontrollably. In some time her belly was glistening moist with Salim’s drool and releasing a faint odor of his saliva on her skin. Preetha breathed in deep taking pleasure in the smell of his spit around her belly, she smelled something else as well, and it was coming from concerning her thighs. Her vagina had began leaking juices uncontrollably and was releasing the stench of her womanhood and it didn’t escape Salim’s see as well.
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>>30021 >>30021 In the sample page one in the lodge space the curious looks of preetha tends to make us far more excited.... To check out further phenomenon.. Splendid that is certainly strong and a primary time colouring art get the job done the I feel HID would be the best of all
Needs to be released tomorrow or day just after tomorrow, but these bunch of jokers are obtaining on my nerves. I've set extreme exertions on this comics, people are paying their hard-earned revenue to purchase them. All these fuckers do is send out mails that they would like to acquire but immediately after I reply them with account aspects they disappear. These assholes isn't going to realize even replying to mails just take time, and time is extremely cherished for me due to the fact I manage per day job and afterwards make these comics. I am telling all persons listed here, should you inquire about account specifics after which disappear And do not spend cash in another three days I am going to block you in my mailbox.
My dear freinds, I am exceptionally sorry for hold off but my working day work has held me away from ending Motherhood. Nonetheless I would like to tell that Honeymoon in Darjeeling element one will likely be 27 web pages in place of 21 internet pages and it'll also include the black and white art of exactly the same web pages with out lettering too.
Expensive sir, can we know your foreseeable future jobs. On which comics you will be Operating and regardless of whether you have got started out any in the jobs or not .
>>30679 Hello, Saniel ! It's for admirers like you that wonderful artists like Amarsroshta can thrive with new and new Artistic artwork !
That is a superior example of graphomania. And the typical area "writers" parasitism on An additional's shots.
Have all of you recognized one thing --- that, of late, this thread has grown to be Just about the most "Lively" threads of "7chan/ss/" ! This is often entirely mainly because of the stupendous art and Tale of Shri Amarsroshta, isn't it !
Guys, contrary to other shota comics or tales I'm supplying this Tale time to breathe and broaden. The fetishes you have Read Full Article outlined will seem not surprisingly, primarily in Honeymoon in Darjeeling. Here is the story of initially night time And that i am getting a wholly real looking approach to the story. Nothing at all need to appear and come to feel abrupt and illogical. Over sexual intercourse, This is a enjoy Tale and I choose to take a look at the brain and bodies of Preetha and Salim and their bonding via thanks course of time. The coloured webpages of Honeymoon in Darjeeling are popping out top rated notch and will force this content to subsequent stage, also I need the readers to buy the premium quality artwork and colors I'm offering.
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267,354,445 | Each with unique abi I love Barnes's books simply for the fun, unique take on things that only she seems to be able to offer. Add in plots that are both well designed, executed, and original and you are always in for a treat.
Brilliant as expected. All the mathematical aspects in the plot hurt my head a little (am I or am I not an engineering major? #fraud), and OMG THE TENSION. I was stressed the f out while reading this, tbh.
And heartbreaking moments (SLOANE MY BABY) are heartbreaking. Shed quite a lot of tears reading this one compared to the previous two books.
You know THE BOOK that you want EVERYONE, their mother, father and uncles to read. For me it's this whole series. Due to the fact that it got my blood pumping like I was running a marathon. And let me tell you something, I've never ran a marathon before.
Three murders. Three days. Three casinos. Different methods. Yet, one thing stays the same. Numbers tattooed on the victims wrists. Our Reading this book for the second time and still couldn't figure out who the killer was.
Three murders. Three days. Three casinos. Different methods. Yet, one thing stays the same. Numbers tattooed on the victims wrists. Our gang is once again thrown into a world of deception, insanity and most of all- murder.
This is the best book in the series so far. So many exciting things happened, plot twists that snatched my wig and events which had me wiping the drool off my face. I'm ashamed of the last one And it's in Las Vegas!
I LOVED everything about this book, BUT there are two characters that annoyed my inner bitch: Cassie and Dean. Like, seriously? I liked every other side character including THE SERIAL KILLER except for those two. Let me explain:
Cassie: I'm such a nice girl! I only care about other people. I don't care about who killed my mother if I could give another child peace. Oh! and Dean understands me without saying anything AT ALL. We don't talk, touch. Or do anything together. but he understands me so well. I'm in love.
Dean: No one cares about me even though they would do anything for me. Cassie almost dies: it's time for a kiss! broodbroodbroodbrood and glares at Michael every two seconds.
Individually, I liked them enough. But together, they made me barf internally and externally. They were too goody two shoes for my taste. And We never actually see them that much together. And when Cassie is thinking about a boy. It's Michael and his feelings. It's like if Juliette stayed with Adam and thought about Warner all the damn time.
Except for those two-everything else was spectacular. And I'm pretty sure I'm the only special snowflake who didn't love Cassie and Dean.
Let's move to the non-annoying characters, Lia shined in this book. We get a glimpse of her backstory. She's funny, vulnerable and strong, all at once. I loved every sentence she said.
"I'm a dark and angsty profiler,"she intoned. "No,"she countered in a falsetto, bringing her other hand up,"I'm a dark and angsty profiler. Ours is a star-crossed love".
Michael is being his amazing arrogant self as always. And bad things happen to him. I felt personally attacked when (view spoiler)[ He had a tattoo like the other victims and we thought he was going to get killed. (hide spoiler)]
Sloan, made me want to keep her in my arms in a protective mama-bear way, the whole entity of this book. We see way more of Sloan this time around. And she may or may not have touched my non-existent maternal instinct.
We also find out about her family background and (view spoiler)[ her half brother dies. The interesting thing is: his name is Aaron. And you know who's the other Aaron I know? Aaron Warner from the Shatter me series. I don't know why his death affected me so much. (hide spoiler)]
One thing is for certain, even if you didn't like the characters that much, the writing, relationships: you won't be able to put this book down. It's captivating, interesting and one of the most exciting stories I've ever read. Definitely Recommended: especially during a book slump.
Guys, this was soooooooooo good. My head is all over the place. What is even happening? Barnes is a genius with the way she weaves story lines, multiple story lines, crimes, everyone's pasts, emotions, relationships. There is so much happening but it all works together to bring this intense mind fuck. Where we are in Cassie's story now is just wow. How did that even happen? Brilliant.
It was all I dreamt about and even more. Definitely better that the second part! If you loved the first book don't miss this one |
16,618,326 | In this our seventh episode, we talk to local artist and musician Kenna Burima who has created the deeply personal composition ‘Rico’s Requiem’ for the Carillon in the Calgary Tower – the city’s largest instrument.
This is our first instalment of the Sky Sounds series – you can hear all three episodes in the series now in the +15 System in the Arts Commons building in downtown Calgary. We’ll be streaming Sky Sounds 2 & 3 in early July and August both on iTunes and right here on SpiderWed Sound. So tune in and listen up…
Student Press Law Center | High school journalists in Pa. punished for refusal to print the word “Redskins;” SPLC joins journalists in protracted struggle against retaliation, censorship
High school journalists in Pa. punished for refusal to print the word “Redskins;” SPLC joins journalists in protracted struggle against retaliation, censorship
When the high school newspaper staff announced they would no longer print the name of the school’s mascot, the Redskins, administrators set a policy of prior review.
“When I first came across the Student Press Law Center my junior year of high school, scared and unsure of the intimidation tactics my administration was using on me, I wasn’t just met with a people with a little understanding of the law. The very second they answered my call, they provided me with code after case law after code, and even helped my staff and I get legal assistance within the first couple of weeks of speaking with them. The staff from the SPLC reached out frequently to ensure my staff and I were assured we were doing the right thing and made it clear that they weren’t just doing it as a job, but rather they cared so wholly about our rights as students and that we had our voice heard. When things got their hardest and I was removed from my position as editor-in-chief of the Playwickian, the SPLC rounded up 20 news organizations to support me and my adviser. Although the issue was not resolved by the time of my graduation, I know that they will be there for the current students if an issue ever arises again. The Student Press Law Center is a shield of justice that empowers students to stand up against their administration’s inequities — and I am one of the students that it empowered.”
Editors of Neshaminy High School’s student newspaper, The Playwickian, decided in 2013 to ban the school’s mascot name, the Redskins, from publication on the grounds that it was a racist term.
Administrators imposed prior review on the newspaper, demanding that the staff include a letter to the editor containing the mascot name in the June 2014 issue, or not print the issue at all. Editors fought back and printed the issue without the letter. As a result, several copies of the issue were confiscated by school authorities, who also deducted $1,200 from the newspaper’s activities fund, suspended adviser Tara Huber without pay for two days and revoked the title of editor-in-chief Gillian McGoldrick for one month. The district school board enacted a new publications policy stripping student journalists of all legally protected rights, including ownership of their work.
After publishing the June 2014 issue without administrator approval, the Playwickian editors raised more than $8,000 through two Indiegogo crowdfunding campaigns to reimburse their adviser for her pay loss, replenish the activities fund and pay for legal fees and attendance at an award ceremony, and, later, to fund issues affected by deep budget cuts, which many editors believe are a punitive measure. The Student Press Law Center and the Journalism Education Association Scholastic Press Rights Commission publicly condemned the school district’s “retaliatory and illegal actions.” Playwickian staff received representation through the Student Press Law Center attorney network.
The battle over the issue is ongoing, and editors will meet with the school board in December 2015. The editors and their adviser have won several journalism awards for their courageous stand against censorship, including the Student Press Law Center’s 2014 Courage in Student Journalism Award and the 2015 Native American Journalists Association Elias Boudinot Free Press Award.
Learn more about high school students’ free speech rights in our Top 10 FAQ and our First Amendment Diagram.
Browse our Legal Guides to find those related directly to your situation (for example, “What Do I Do When I’m Censored?” and the Sample Press Release for Combating Censorship)
Tagged ? Prior review, case files, censorship, high school, Impact, Neshaminy High School, Pennsylvania, Playwickian, The Playwickian
Do you know that feeling at Thanksgiving when you go up for seconds and eating those seconds is such a euphoric experience? Do you also know the feeling about 10 minutes after the euphoric pigging out experience when your stomach seems to have exanded to the size of a balloon because you are so full? Yes my friends, this is an article of why we let ourselves grow full term food babies. This guide on how to not overeat will hopefully help decrease the growing rate of food babies out there.
The hypothalamus plays a major role in regulating appetite and hunger. The hypothalamus regulates important body processes, which include hunger and thirst. There are two sets of nerve cells in the hypothalamus. One set produces proteins that induce hunger. The other set produces proteins that inhibit hunger. Whether or not there is a balance with proteins will determine a person's balance with hunger and fullness cues.
It takes about 20 minutes for signals for feeling full to be sent from the stomach to the hypothalamus. Therefore, if you are eating too fast, you aren't giving your body enough time to relaize if it is full or not. Some cues to look for is feeling sluggish after eating, discomfort in the stomach, and tightness in the stomach area. There are also some "fake" hunger cues to be aware of. Some of these fake cues are brought about when you are tired, stressed, or emotional. All of these feelings can make a person think they are hungry, but food is not the true answer. The most important part to remember when eating is to enjoy every bite and take it slowly so you are more in tune with your body.
Overeating can be stopped by some simple life changes. The three most important changes to make is to get sufficient amount of sleep, eat breakfast, and exercise. When you get a good amount of sleep, your mind and body is energized and alert, so you brain can send signals quickly. Eating breakfast kickstarts your day, and it keeps you properly fueled until lunch. Lastly, exercise will keep your body regulated and release bad toxins. In addition, exercise gives you more endorphins for the day.
Food is incredibly important to our well being. It gives us the fuel to power out minds and our day, and there are so many delicous options- check out any Spoon chapter instagram to see what I mean! It is totally fine to pig out every once in a while (pizza night, anyone?) but in the long run we will get the most out of food if we eat only the amount our body needs.
Here at Spoon University, we’re the last people you’d expect to willingly forgo food. Let alone for three days. But when Juice Press double-dog dared three of us to try a juice cleanse, we had to give it a shot. Skeptical as we were, we dove in head-first, hoping we’d come out of the detox feeling healthy, refreshed and sexy AF.
Juice Press recommends 6 juices each day of the cleanse. The breakdown: 3 green-based juices, 1 smoothie, 1 citrus-based, 1 jp black (almond milk-based) or coffee.
Laura: FEELIN’ FRESH! After sending Tanya some excited muscle-flexing and fist-pumping emojis, we met at the store to pick up our juices. We started with “Glo”, a customer favorite. YUM. Going through the day felt like picking at a box of chocolates – I was always curious and excited to try the next juice. My favorite of the lot is “Fountain of Youth”, which is more like a smoothie than a juice. I feel like a superstar, which is weird because I’ve heard that the first day is always the hardest.
Tanya: Before starting the cleanse, I was getting nervous. As a serious foodie, I just couldn’t imagine not being able to eat or chew ANYTHING for the next 72 hours… especially when my Instagram feed is all delicious food. The day started off well, but in the afternoon my energy level dropped significantly. It didn’t help that I decided to go out to dinner with some friends and sat there sipping the Clean Green Protein shake while they dug into their food. I hope my energy levels won’t be this low for all three days!
Becky: Today was surprisingly… normal? I wasn’t feeling as A+ as usual when I woke up (headache, regrets, etc.), but I was miraculously back to normal after juice number one. I wasn’t that hungry throughout the day, even while watching my friends inhale guac on Taco Tuesday… That part was sort of lame, but totally survivable. Overall, much less scary than I’d expected (after 3 nights of impending-juice-detox-stress-dreams).
Laura: Woke up with a raging fever and a sore throat. Well, shit. I gulped down “Spicy Citrus” and prayed for recovery. I googled “fever on a juice cleanse” hoping to get some answers. The internet tells me this is called a “healing crisis”, in which my body goes into a homeostatic shock after the initial flushing of toxins from my body. Was I really this toxic?! Later, I came home to a surprise delivery of SPRINKLES CUPCAKES today in celebration of my food Instagram reaching 10,000 followers! The ultimate temptation. I’m proud of myself for sticking to the cleanse despite this adorable, sugary obstacle. I really do feel like my body is resetting!
Tanya: Woke up the second day feeling pretty great, but I was still waiting for that energy boost that I keep hearing people talk about! I never got extremely hungry, but there was this hollow, minor hunger lingering throughout the day. What got me through the end of the day was catching up with Laura and Becky and sharing our experiences thus far. Juice solidarity!
Becky: It’s like I don’t even miss food anymore! Kind of. Picking out my juices and trying them all has been weirdly fun for me… Plus, I had barely any cravings. It sounds like complete BS, I know. I never thought I’d be so into this – my life usually revolves around my next meal. The only real issues I had with detoxing today were social – I hadn’t realized just how central food is to my social life. Even so, today was a good day. Ready to finish strong on day three!
Laura: My fever persisted… It was a horrible feeling, both physically and mentally, because I expected to be feeling euphoric on my last day. Instead, I felt weak. I missed food. I missed chewing. On top of that, I received another celebratory package: a beautiful 3-layer vanilla cake from my beloved Magnolia Bakery. After snapping some painful photos, I hid the cake out of sight and forced myself to sleep.
Tanya: First thought waking up was “I survived 48 hours of juicing!”. The day consisted of me planning what I was going to prepare myself for my first post cleanse meal. There was one last hurdle before I would get to eat my avocado toast…. I had a reservation at Beauty & Essex that I couldn’t get out of. I sat there sipping on my green tea while everyone indulged in fifteen gorgeous plates of food. That said, I’m glad I persevered and resisted the temptation.
Becky: The end is near! Part of me is starting to dread the end of the cleanse, believe it or not. Having my “meals” all planned ahead of time and totally portable has made the past couple days pretty easy. The end of night three was when I finally got those wild cravings for solid food. I got this close to diving into an errant bag of pretzels at my friend’s place, but I downed a cup of tea and tried my best to get to sleep before I could cheat.
Laura: Overall, the experience was super rewarding. I see why people do it – I felt completely in control of my body. Plus, those juices were delicious. But, because of the kind of person I am (a hardcore food-stagrammer), committing to a multi-day cleanse like this is hard. Perhaps I’ll commit to several one-day cleanses every month to let my body renew itself.
Tanya: This three-day cleanse was such an experience (huge thanks, Juice Press!), and it definitely challenged and strengthened my willpower.
Becky: I almost forgot how much I love bread. And cooked vegetables. And STEAK. Admittedly, though, I feel lighter and much glow-ier. As a long-time detox skeptic, I’m glad I got a chance to put my money where my mouth is and see what all the hype is about. Honestly? I get it. It’s hard, but I get it. When reintroducing solid food, I realized I’ve become much more cognizant of what I’m putting in my body and how it makes me feel.
The verdict? If you can shell out the $$$, it’s worth trying once. Besides feeling lighter, you’ll probably come out of it feeling a little more conscious about what you’re eating and how it’s effecting you. Here’s to trying anything once!
If you want to sample some juices without a multi-day commitment, join us at the Juice Crawl on May 9th. It’s like a bar crawl, but with green juice and a little exercise thrown in. You know, in case you’re recovering from a real bar crawl the night before. Bonus: Spoonies can get a 20 to 25% discount on tickets with the promo code GETJUICED!
P.S. Juice Press’s location at 2nd Ave and 10th St. is now taking Campus Cash! You can now stock up on juice and tell your parents you’re just spending a lot of money on laundry. Kidding… Sort of. |
92,446,474 | Owls possess an extraordinary neck and head mobility. To understand this mobility it is necessary to have an anatomical description of cervical vertebrae with an emphasis on those criteria that are relevant for head positioning. No functional description specific to owls is available.
X-ray films and micro-CT scans were recorded from American barn owls (Tyto furcata pratincola) and used to obtain three-dimensional head movements and three-dimensional models of the 14 cervical vertebrae (C1−C14). The diameter of the vertebral canal, the zygapophyseal protrusion, the distance between joint centers, and the pitching angle were quantified. Whereas the first two variables are purely osteological characteristics of single vertebrae, the latter two take into account interactions between vertebrae. These variables change in characteristic ways from cranial to caudal. The vertebral canal is wide in the cranial and caudal neck regions, but narrow in the middle, where both the zygapophyseal protrusion and the distance between joint centers are large. Pitching angles are more negative in the cranial and caudal neck regions than in the middle region. Cluster analysis suggested a complex regionalization. Whereas the borders (C1 and C13/C14) formed stable clusters, the other cervical vertebrae were sorted into 4 or 5 additional clusters. The borders of the clusters were influenced by the variables analyzed.
A statistical analysis was used to evaluate the regionalization of the cervical spine in the barn owl. While earlier measurements have shown that there appear to be three regions of flexibility of the neck, our indicators suggest 3–7 regions. These many regions allow a high degree of flexibility, potentially facilitating the large head turns that barn owls are able to make. The cervical vertebral series of other species should also be investigated using statistical criteria to further characterize morphology and the potential movements associated with it.
Copyright: © 2014 Krings et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Birds have an S-shaped neck [1]–[3] with often a high degree of flexibility [4]–[7]. The cranial end of the neck is formed by the atlas that forms a joint with the occipital condyle. The neck ends caudally at the thorax, where the vertebrae have true ribs that connect to the sternum. According to Boas [2], the cervical column of birds may generally be divided into three natural regions (our translation of the word sequence “allgemein in drei natürliche Abschnitte zerfällt” used by Boas (p. 6)). Others have come to similar conclusions, although the number of identified functional regions varies across individual species and studies [3], [8]–[11]. These functional regions may be characterized by vertebral morphology and mobility.
Neck and head mobility in owls is interesting, because these birds are well known for their extraordinary degree of head mobility [12]–[14], which is even more interesting owing to the relatively short neck of owls [3]. A coarse analysis of the cervical vertebrae of the European barn owl (Tyto alba) that did not investigate how the different vertebrae interact was presented in [15]. Hivernaud [15] counted 12 cervical vertebrae, whereas other authors reported 13 [3], [16]. To our best knowledge no quantitative study with barn owls is available to evaluate regionalization (e.g., like that described in Ref. 2).
Not only the number of vertebrae, but also the size and morphology of individual vertebrae are important variables underlying the mobility of the neck and head [3], [7], [17], [18]. Knowledge of the morphology of the vertebrae may allow for delineating possible movements, but care is necessary, because the surrounding tissue also influences neck mobility [7]. A typical cervical vertebra is displayed in Figure 1, and described following definitions in [19]. Briefly, a core structure formed by a vertebral arch (arcus vertebrae) and a vertebral body (corpus vertebrae) surround the vertebral canal (foramen vertebrae), an opening through which the spinal cord runs. The thickness of the spinal cord sets a lower boundary for the diameter of the vertebral canal, and shearing movements during head rotation may impose further limitations on its size. For these reasons the diameter of the vertebral canal was used as the first criterion in our study. Two more canals (foramina transversaria) are often present and serve as openings for blood vessels and pneumatic diverticula. The transverse processes (processus transversi) arise on each side of the vertebral arch and project laterally. Further processes, called zygapophyses, originate at the base of the transverse processes and project anteriorly (prezygapophyses) or posteriorly (postzygapophyses) [3], [20]. The postzygapophyses articulate with the prezygapophyses of the next vertebra in the series to form synovial joints. The V-like notch between the postzygapophyses is the lacuna interzygapophysialis, the cranio-caudal extent of which, the zygapophyseal protrusion, is our second criterion for neck mobility (Figure 1E). The structure of the surfaces at the joints of most cervical vertebrae is saddle-shaped, which allows sliding at close distance while preventing disarticulation of vertebral articular faces during neck movement [6] and, therefore, the distance between the joint centers represents our third criterion. Lastly, cervical vertebrae exhibit some pitching in the natural posture that cumulatively imparts to the vertebral column a sigmoid shape. This pitching angle is the fourth criterion in this study.
We chose to study cervical vertebrae of the American barn owl (Tyto furcata pratincola) for several reasons: first, to assess variability in vertebral counts and find out why previous studies of barn owl differ in the number of cervical vertebrae reported [3], [16], second previous anatomical descriptions of the barn owl structures are coarse and restricted to the European barn owl [15], and, third, the individual cervical vertebrae of the barn owl have not been studied as a functional cervical column. We shall report that the cervical column may be divided into several regions according to cluster analysis done with the four variables mentioned above.
XMA technology (X-ray motion analysis) [21], [22] was used to visualize the head and neck movements of barn owls in three dimensions (Figure 2). Data were collected in the biplanar setup at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Neurostar, Siemens, Munich, Germany; 50 kV) [23], allowing synchronized high-speed recordings (500 frames/s) from two perpendicular projections (SpeedCam Visario g 2; Weinberger, Dietikon, Switzerland). The pixel resolution was 1536×1024, resulting in an absolute spatial resolution of about 0.4 mm [24]. A third synchronized standard light camera (SpeedCam Visario, Weinberger, Dietikon, Switzerland) provided a more low-resolution view (512×512 pixel) of the scenery and the barn owl's movement. During the recordings an owl was placed on a T-shaped perch with the legs loosely tethered to the perch, but able to move freely otherwise (Figure 2). Spontaneous as well as induced head rotations were filmed. These sequences served as reference for the rearticulation of the cervical column (see below).
The owl (Tyto furcata pratincola) is sitting on a perch with the head in the crossing point of the two X-ray systems (red and blue dots).
We dissected the cervical spine of two carcasses and isolated all vertebrae individually, as well as the occiput and the first thoracic vertebra. Digital three-dimensional micro-CT scans were obtained from the 14 cervical vertebrae, the occiput and the first thoracic vertebra of 2 dead animals (v|tome|x s, GE phoenix|x-ray (Wunstorf, Germany); voxelsize: owl 1: 104.8 μm, owl 2: 135.37 μm; rotational resolution: 1 degree). Three-dimensional models of the cervical vertebrae were reconstructed from the CT-scans with the help of the software Amira® (Mercury system, Chelmsford) and the software MeshLab® (ISTI-CNR, Pisa).
The bone models were imported into the animation program Maya® (Autodesk, San Raphael). This software enabled us to reconstruct and rearticulate the vertebrae hierarchically by virtual intervertebral joints using a right-hand Cartesian coordinate system. The origin of the coordinate system was located in the center of an intervertebral joint (Figure 3). The x-axis was defined as the left-right axis with positive values to the right side of the body (Figure 3, red axis). The y-axis was defined as the cranio-caudal axis with positive values in the direction of the head (Figure 3, green axis). The z-axis was defined as the dorso-ventral axis (Figure 3, blue axis). Rotation about the x-axis will be termed pitch movement, rotation about the y-axis will be called longitudinal axis rotation or yaw movement, and rotation about the z-axis will be referred to as lateral bending or roll movement.
The twelfth cervical vertebra is used for demonstration. The origin of the coordinate system is in center of an intervertebral joint. The x-axis is marked red, the y-axis green, and the z-axis blue.
Four criteria were used to judge cervical mobility: diameter of the vertebral canal, zygapophyseal protrusion, distance between joint centers, and pitching angle.
Diameter of the vertebral canal (see below): The vertebral canal is elliptical. It was observed in viewing the X-ray films that lateral bending and longitudinal axis rotation, the two main rotational movements during head rotation, induce shearing between successive vertebrae and, thus, decrease the effective medio-lateral diameter of the vertebral canal much more than the vertical one. In a similar way the vertebral canal is also related to movability in humans [25]. Therefore, it was decided to use the maximum medio-lateral diameter of the vertebral canal as the first criterion.
Zygapophyseal protrusion (see Figure 1 and below): To determine the extent of the zygapophyseal protrusion, the two end points of the postzygapophyses were connected by a line. A second line was drawn perpendicular to the first line and positioned so that it ended in the center of the vertebral arch. The distance between the end of the vertebral arch and the intersection point of the two lines was the zygapophyseal protrusion, measured in mm. Note that this determination of the zygapophyseal protrusion differs from the zygapophyseal overlap used by others [18] in that it used the anatomy of one vertebra only and does not take into account the joint between two vertebrae.
Distance between joint centers (see also below): First, a coordinate system was positioned in the center of the main joint of each vertebra. Second, the two vertebrae in consideration were positioned so that the counterparts of the respective joints (both the main joint and the zygapophyseal joints) were facing each other. Last, the vertebral column was aligned so that both the orientation of the vertebrae as well as the distance between the vertebrae best approximated the shape as seen in the X-ray films. The distance between the origins of the coordinate systems was measured and taken as the distance between joint centers. Control measurements before and after alignment showed deviations in distances were below 10%.
Pitching angle: This is the rotational movement about the x-axis measured in degrees with ventral bending corresponding to negative angles. The angle was always measured from one vertebra to the next cranial one.
The calculation of the clusters was done with the Matlab (The Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) built-in function kmeans(X, k), with X as the varying dataset and k as the number of clusters [26]. The number of clusters was varied from 2 to 5. Each cluster analysis was repeated 1000 times. The output of the analysis is a vector which contains the relative frequency or percentage with which a given vertebra is associated with a cluster of a given number.
This work is based on results from X-ray films and micro-CT scans. Micro-CT scans were obtained from 2 owls, designated owl 1 and owl 2 in the following text, in Bonn, Germany. X-ray films were obtained from 2 owls, owl 1 and owl 3, in Jena, Germany, and analyzed in Jena and Aachen. Note that owl 1 was used for both X-ray filming and micro-CT scans. In the following, we first present a brief overview over the cervical vertebral column of the American barn owl, followed by a description of individual cervical vertebrae. For the measurement of the distance between joint centers and the pitching angle we positioned the vertebrae in a manner consistent with the natural shape of the neck as observed in the X-ray films. Finally, we conducted cluster analysis to identify potential morphological and functional regions in the cervical vertebral column.
Figure 4 displays the neck of an American barn owl after the feathers were removed. Note the S-shaped form of the neck (Figure 4A). In Figure 4B, the neck and the vertebral column are visualized using a snapshot from an X-ray film in which the owl is seen in a typical upright position. Individual vertebrae are clearly visible in the X-ray films (red arrow in Figure 4B), revealing that the sigmoid shape of the vertebral column is a consequence of vertebral orientation. A forced rotation of the head by 180 degrees (Figure 4C) demonstrates that the rotational ability is not exclusively located in the cranial cervical spine, because torsion is also observed in the caudal part. Whereas individual vertebrae can be discriminated in the X-ray films, the resolution was not detailed enough to allow high-detailed reconstruction by the XROMM technology (scientific rotoscoping) [22].
A) Cadaver of a barn owl in a left lateral view with the head on the left hand side. The plumage and skin of head and neck are removed. B) An X-ray picture of the neck of a living owl. One cervical vertebra is marked by a red arrow. The inset (vert = vertical; horiz = horizontal) indicates that the owl is sitting in an upright position. C) The same situation as in A) after rotating the head by 180°. Note that in the photograph in C) the corpus of the owl is rotated by 90 degrees about the vertical axis compared with the photograph in A). Note the S-shaped form and the contribution of all three regions to the rotation.
We dissected out all individual vertebrae, the occiput, and the first thoracic vertebra (Figure 5A), counting 14 cervical vertebrae. Discrimination between thoracic vertebrae and the cervical vertebrae was based on ribs, as ribs connecting to the sternum distinguish anterior thoracic vertebrae. Osteological data of the two owls (owls 1 and 2) are very similar (Table 1); as such, only data from owl 1, the owl used for both experiments, will be discussed in the following and used in the alignment. Whereas Figure 5A shows a photograph of the vertebrae assembled on a thread from the occiput to the thorax, Figure 5B shows a similar assembly of the 3-D computer models of the identical vertebra. Given the fragility of the actual specimens, we used strictly the computer models for reconstruction, as the digital models could be manipulated much easier than the delicate bones. In the coarse presentation shown in Figure 5, it may be seen that the size of the vertebrae changes from the small most cranial vertebrae, the atlas and the axis, to the middle and caudal ones. It is also obvious that the atlas has the shortest cranio-caudal extent or length (for a general description of a vertebra and the coordinate system used for the morphological descriptions see Figures 1 and 3). The cervical vertebrae in the middle have the largest cranio-caudal extent, especially because of their extended postzygapophyses, whereas the most caudal vertebrae are the widest ones (Table 1).
A) Photograph of the cervical column in dorsal view, with the individual vertebrae threaded together from the occiput to the first thoracic vertebra (T1). B) Photograph of the reconstructed computer models of the cervical vertebrae in dorsal view arranged into a cervical column.
In the following we present a detailed description of the anatomy of all 14 vertebrae (see Table 1 for a summary). The computer model of each vertebra is shown in 6 views, cranial and caudal, left lateral and right lateral, and dorsal and ventral (Figures 1, 6–8). For the description of each vertebra we adopted a standard structure, mentioning first the size of a vertebra, than the size of the vertebral canal, the existence of transverse foramina, the existence and form of the different processes, and the size of the zygapophyseal protrusion.
A–F) atlas; G–L) axis; M–R) 3rd cervical vertebra; S–X) 4th cervical vertebra. The length of the scale bar is constant for each vertebra, in other words the scale bar in D) refers to A–F. Please refer to the legend to Figure 1 for the orientation of the vertebra in the different images.
A–F) 6th cervical vertebra; G–L) 8th cervical vertebra; M–R) 9th cervical vertebra; S–X) 10th cervical vertebra. For further explanations see legends to Figures 1 and 6.
The first cervical vertebra, C1 or atlas (Figure 6A–F), is the smallest of the cervical vertebrae (Table 1) (Figure 6A–F). The vertebral canal is very large (Figure 6A, Table 1). There are no transverse foramina for crossing arteries in C1 (Figure 6A, B). The simple shape of C1 shows no prominent processes: a spinous and a ventral process are missing, and the postzygapophyses are barely visible (Figure 6C–F). This also means that the zygapophyseal protrusion is very small (Table 1).
The second cervical vertebra, C2, the axis (Figure 6G–L), is larger than the atlas (Table 1). The diameter of the vertebral canal is smaller in size than that of C1 (Table 1). The axis has no arterial canals. A spinous process exists (Figure 6G, H). A ventral process exists as well (Figure 6G, H). The postzygapophyses are a little shorter than in C1 (compare Figure 6E–F with K–L). The zygapophyseal protrusion is very short (Table 1).
The third cervical vertebra, C3 (Figure 6M–R) is bigger in length than the first two vertebrae (Table 1). The diameter of the vertebral canal decreased compared with C2 and C1 (Table 1). C3 is the first cervical vertebra with arterial canals (Figure 6M, N). The spinous process is not directed vertically up as it is in C2, but is bent backwards (Figure 6P, Q). The ventral process is bigger in size than in C2 (Figure 6M, N). Transverse processes are clearly visible. The postzygapophyses are bigger in size than in C2 (Figure 6P, Q). Furthermore, left and right of the ventral process a processus caroticus is present (Figure 6M). The zygapophyseal protrusion has grown in size compared with C1 and C2 (Table 1).
The fourth cervical vertebra, C4 (Figure 6S–X), is nearly of the same size as the third one (Table 1). The diameter of the vertebral canal is the smallest of the first four cervical vertebrae (Table 1). C4 has arterial canals (Figure 6S, T). The spinous process differs from that of C3 by being directed more vertical up, comparable to the one of C2 (Figure 6S–V). The ventral process is still large (Figure 6S, T). Furthermore, C4 is the first cervical vertebra whose transverse processes are is clearly divided into a diapophysis and a parapophysis (Figure 6U, V). The parapophysis bears a big process which points caudally (Figure 6U, V). Very small processus carotici appear (Figure 6S). The zygapophyseal protrusion is still short (Table 1).
The fifth cervical vertebra, C5 (Figure 1A–F), is bigger in length and width than the first four cervical vertebrae (Table 1). The diameter of the vertebral canal is comparable to the one of C4 (Table 1). Here a difference between the two owls was observed: in owl 2 the vertebral canal of C5 was a little smaller than that of C4, whereas it was of the same size in owl 1 (Table 1). Foramina transversaria are present (Figure 1A, B). The spinous process is smaller in size than in C4 and is bent a little cranially (Figure 1C, D). As a consequence C5 is less high than C2, C3 and C4 (Table 1). The ventral process has become smaller than in C4, while the processus carotici are of medium size (Figure 1A). C5 is the first cervical vertebra with a diapophyseal and a parapophyseal process (Figure 1C–F). The parapophyseal process differs from the one of C4, because it shows first hints of having two peaks (Figure 1C, D). The postzygapophyses of C5 are much bigger than those of the first four cervical vertebrae (Figure 1A–F), and the zygapophyseal protrusion has grown in size (Table 1).
The sixth cervical vertebra, C6 (Figure 7A–F), is smaller in height but larger in width than C5 (Table 1). Moreover, C6 is the longest of all cervical vertebrae (Table 1). The diameter of the vertebral canal is at the same level as C4 and C5 (Table 1). The foramina transversaria are large (Figure 7A). The spinous process is very small (Figure 7A–F). C6 has no ventral process; instead a sulcus caroticus is present flanked by the processus carotici (Figure 7A, B). The diapophyseal process is smaller in size than the one of C5, whereas the second peak of the lower parapophyseal process is much more distinct (Figure 7A–D). The zygapophyseal protrusion has further grown in size (Table 1).
The dimensions and shape of the seventh vertebra, C7, are very similar to those of the neighboring cervical vertebrae (Table 1, Figure 7A–L). Therefore, no computer generated images of C7 are displayed. Table 1 also shows that the zygapophyseal protrusion is in the same range as the one in C6 as is the diameter of the vertebral canal (Table 1).
The eighth cervical vertebra, C8 (Figure 7G–L), is comparable to C6 in nearly all anatomical measures (Table 1). The vertebral canal of C8 is the narrowest of all cervical vertebrae (Table 1). The vertebra has transverse foramina (Figure 7G, H). The processes look similar to those of C6, and the zygapophyseal protrusion has a similar size than that of C6 (Table 1).
The ninth cervical vertebra, C9 (Figure 7M–R), is a little smaller in width and length than C8 (Table 1). Its height is comparable to that of C8 (Table 1). The diameter of the vertebral canal is still small (Table 1). Transverse foramina are present (Figure 7M, N). The zygapophyses are the most prominent processes. However, the postzygapophyses (Figure 7O–R) and the second parapophyseal peak (Figure 7O, P) are shorter than the ones of C8. The processus carotici are a little closer together than those of C8 ((compare Figure 7M, N with Figure 7G, H). The zygapophyseal protrusion has decreased in size compared with C8 (Table 1).
The tenth cervical vertebra, C10 (Figure 7S–X), is shorter in length than C9, while the height and width of C10 are comparable to those of C9 (Table 1). The diameter of the vertebral canal has not changed much compared with C9 (Table 1). C10 has transverse foramina (Figure 7S, T). As in C9 only the postzygapophyses are prominent, but even these are shorter than in C9 (compare Figure 7O–R with Figure 7U–X). The second parapophyseal peak has also shrunken (Figure 7U, V). The diapophyseal process is barely visible in C10 (Figure 7U, V). The sulcus caroticus has become very narrow (Figure 7S, T). The zygapophyseal protrusion is clearly shorter than in C9 (Table 1).
The eleventh vertebra, C11 (Figure 8A–F), is higher but also shorter than C10 (Table 1). The diameter of the vertebral canal is bigger than in all the vertebrae before except the atlas and the axis (Table 1). Transverse foramina are present (Figure 8A, B). A prominent ventral process appears, while the spinous process is inconspicuous (Figure 8A, B). The postzygapophyses are shorter than in C10 (compare Figure 8A–F with Figure 7S–X). The second parapophyseal peak disappears completely. The zygapophyseal protrusion is short (Table 1).
There are not many differences between C12 (Figure 8 G–L) and C11, but C12 is a little bigger in size than C11 as documented by its length, width and height (Table 1). The diameter of its vertebral canal is bigger than in C11, too (Table 1). Transverse foramina are present (Figure 8G, H). Moreover, a spinous process appears again (Figure 8G–J), while the ventral process continues to be large. The zygapophyseal protrusion is comparable to C11 (Table 1).
The thirteenth cervical vertebra, (C13 (Figure 8 M–R), is bigger in size than C12 (Table 1). C13 has one of the biggest vertebral canals – at the same level as the one of C1 (Table 1). It has no transverse foramina (Figure 8M, N), and the parapophysis has decreased in size (Figure 8M–P). A short cervical rib appears. This rib does not articulate with the sternum. The rib is not visible in the pictures, because it was lost in the course of the dissection. C13 has a huge spinous process pointing cranially (Figure 8M, N). The ventral process of C13 is less distinct than that in C11 and C12 (Figure 8M–P). Additionally, processus carotici are found (Figure 8M, N), whereas the postzygapophyses (Figure 8O, P) and the zygapophyseal protrusion (Table 1) become quite short (Table 1).
The most caudal cervical vertebra, C14 (Figure 8S–X), is the biggest cervical vertebra in height and width (Table 1). Its length is comparable to that of C13 (Table 1). The vertebral canal is the third biggest of all cervical vertebrae (Table 1). Transverse foramina do not exist (Figure 8S, T). A cervical rib that was bigger than that of C13 was also lost in the course of the dissection. The spinous process is the biggest of all cervical vertebrae. It does not end in a peak, but plain like the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae (Figure 8S–V). A ventral process as well as processus carotici are found (Figure 8S, T). The zygapophyseal protrusion is short, similar to the one of C13 (Table 1).
Each of the vertebrae is characterized by a vertebral canal, further canals, by processes, and by its size. What are the most important variables to describe the vertebrae in relation to neck mobility? We chose the vertebral canal that is most narrow for C6−C8, the zygapophyseal protrusion that is small at both ends (C1, C2 and C13, C14), the distance between joint centers that is largest in the middle, and the pitching angle that changes in a characteristic way along the cervical spine. Of course, other variables could also be used for the characterization, like the length of a vertebra or the existence of a foramen transversarium. But the length of a vertebra is less closely related to mobility than the distance between joint centers, and, therefore, we chose the latter and not the former. A foramen transversarium, on the other hand, is present from C3 to C12 and its presence or absence is, therefore, not very informative with respect to neck mobility.
We measured the diameter of the vertebral canal as a first characteristic morphological variable of the different vertebrae (Figure 9). The spinal cord has to run through the vertebral canal, and the diameter of the spinal cord sets a lower boundary for the diameter of the vertebral canal. In both owls, the diameter of the vertebral canal was much smaller in the middle region of the cervical spine than in the cranial and caudal segments (Figure 9). The largest values were around 4 mm, whereas the smallest values, in the middle of the cervical column, were around 2.5 mm. Since the spinal cord has to run through the canals of all vertebrae, it may be concluded that the spinal cord cannot fill the area provided by the cranial and caudal vertebrae. In other words, in the cranial and caudal vertebrae there is lots of room for movement of the spinal cord during rotation when shearing between the vertebrae may occur.
The inset shows how the diameter was measured. The measurements were conducted five times each, and the mean value is plotted. Note the decrease from the atlas to the central vertebrae and the subsequent increase towards the thorax.
A second characteristic feature of the vertebrae is the zygapophyseal protrusion. The postzygapophyses overlap with neighboring vertebra, thus restricting joint mobility. The zygapophyseal protrusion was measured as the distance between a line connecting the end of the processes and the end of the vertebral arch (see inset in Figure 10, see also Materials and Methods). The zygapophyseal protrusion shows an almost inverse progression compared with the diameter of the vertebral canal (compare Figure 9 with Figure 10). The protrusion is much longer in the vertebrae from the middle region than in the vertebrae from the cranial and caudal regions of the neck. There is an abrupt increase between C4 and C5 in both owls. A difference between owl 1 and 2 was seen: in owl 1 the 9th vertebra already shows a clear reduction in the zygapophyseal protrusion compared to the 8th vertebra, with a smaller additional reduction between C9 and C10, whereas in owl 2, the biggest reduction occurred between C9 and C10.
The inset shows how the protrusion was measured. The measurements were conducted five times each, and the mean value is plotted. Note the big protrusion in the middle of the cervical column.
The distance between joint centers and the pitching angle were chosen as the third and fourth variables characterizing neck mobility. These two variables require information about the joints and the interaction of vertebrae in a posture that is relevant for mobility. We turn to these issues in the next section.
Types of joints were defined in accordance with MB Anatomy of Real Bodywork (Santa Barbara, California (USA)). The ball-shaped protrusion of the occiput (Figure 11A, red) articulates with a cavity-like socket of the atlas (Figure 11A, green) to form a ball and socket joint. The center of rotation in this joint is the center of the ball. To obtain the correct joint center, the ball was modeled as a sphere. The atlas and the axis form a pivot joint which consists of a pivot-like protrusion of the axis that fits into a ring-like socket in the atlas. The dens axis, with its lower curved surface and marked red in Figure 11B, is the pivot fitting in the socket (Figure 11, green) of the atlas. This curve was approximated by a sphere, and the joint center was positioned in the center of this sphere. Intervertebral joints of successive vertebrae in the series are semi-movable saddle joints (Figure 11C). Semi-movability means that the articulations are stabilized by a relatively inflexible layer of cartilage which is the intervertebral disc in this case. In a saddle joint both bones have a convex and a concave surface forming a saddle that interlocks with the saddle of the neighboring bone. The convex areas are colored in Figure 11C. Because of this specific structure the joint has two centers of rotation (Figure 11D): one in the center of each of the two convex areas. Both rotational centers were found by approximation of these areas with spheres. In summary, the atlas forms a ball-and-socket joint with the occiput and a pivot joint with the axis. This forms a saddle joint with C3 as do all the following vertebrae with each other.
A) The ball-and-socket joint between occiput (left) and atlas (right). The ball is marked green. The socket is marked red. B) The pivot joint between the atlas (left) and axis (right). The pivot is marked red. The ring-like socket is marked green. C) The saddle joint between C14 (left) and T1 (right). The convex area of C14 is marked red. The convex area of T1 is marked green. D) The saddle joint between C14 and T1. The two coordinate systems are shown. Additionally a zygapophyseal joint is marked with a red circle.
The joints along the cervical column influence neck mobility, and the distance between joint centers is an important characteristic. We tested this by varying this distance and found that mobility was indeed correlated with distance (see supplementary figure). Therefore, we chose to examine the interaction of the vertebrae, and thus the distance between joint centers, from the X-ray films. This assumes that in these films, when the owl performs head rotations, the alignment of the cervical column reflects the natural, and, thus, veridical distance between joint centers. Twenty single frames of the X-ray films were chosen for owls 1 and 3, respectively. The owl was viewed by the camera from the side so that the two eye sockets were overlaying each other on the images (Figure 12A). The 20 images were compared and that image was chosen for further analysis that represented best the mean posture of all images. Next, the cervical column of the models of the vertebrae (Figure 5B) was aligned so that it best matched the shape of the cervical column in the chosen image (Figure 12B). Note the S-shaped form with an almost horizontal orientation of the caudal region of the vertebral column, a largely vertical orientation of the middle region and a slight ventral bending of the cranial region. The distance between joint centers and the pitching angle was measured from the alignment shown in Figure 12B in owl 1. For the measurements in owl 3, we proceeded as in the case of owl 1. However, we used the cervical model of owl 1 (Figure 5B), because owl 3 is still alive. This was justified, because there were only small differences between the vertebrae in the data of owls 1 and 2 as shown in Table 1.
A) X-ray image of owl 1 in the setup shown in Figure 2 displaying the natural posture. Note the S-shaped neck. The red line approximates the curvature of the cervical spine and was used for the realignment. B) Shape of the cervical column when the owl assumes its natural posture after realignment of the cervical vertebrae. The shape was extracted from the image shown in A). Note that the caudal part is almost horizontal, whereas the middle region is almost vertical. C) The distance between joint centers. The inset shows how the distance was measured. Joint 0 refers to the join between occiput and atlas, joint 1 between atlas and axis and so on. Note that the highest values occur in the middle of the cervical column.
The distance between joint centers was measured as the distance between the origins of the coordinate systems (Figure 12C, inset, red double arrow). Since the joints between occiput and atlas and between atlas and axis do not lie at the same height but on a diagonal line, the distance between the joint centers, albeit small, is much larger than the length of the atlas (Table 1). There was a gradual increase for the distance from both sides of the cervical column towards the center with vertebrae 5–10 being separated more from each other than the other vertebrae (Figure 12C).
Regarding our fourth criterion, the pitching angles of the middle cervical spine (joints 7–11) are more positive than the ones of the cranial and caudal cervical spine. Whereas the pitching angles are clearly negative for joints 0–5, the sixth and seventh joints seem to be intermediate as are joints 11 and 12. By contrast, joints 13 and 14 have clear negative values again.
We used the data from the diameter of the vertebral canal (Figure 9, Table 1), the zygapophyseal protrusion (Figure 10, Table 1), the distance between joint centers (Figure 12C, Table 1), and the pitching angle (Figure 13, Table 2) for a cluster analysis (for details see Materials and Methods). Whereas the first two criteria are purely osteological criteria, the latter are more movement related criteria taking into account interactions between vertebrae. Datasets for the zygapophyseal protrusion and the diameter of the vertebral canal stem from owls 1 and 2, whereas datasets for the distance between joint centers and the pitching angles stem from owls 1 and 3. As this means mixing datasets from different owls in the analysis, we were careful to test whether this mixing influenced the results using three different analyses. First, we only used the two osteological criteria, the diameter of the vertebral canal and the zygapophyseal protrusion, in the cluster analysis (analysis A). Second, we used only the movement related criteria, the distance between joint centers and the pitching angles, as criteria in the cluster analysis (analysis B). Third, we used all four criteria from owl 1 only (analysis C) and last from all three owls (analysis D). One variable in the cluster analysis is the number of clusters that is allowed. We allowed 2–5 clusters. Another variable is the initial setting. This is randomly chosen by the algorithm, and influences the formation of the clusters. Therefore, we ran the algorithm 1000 times and calculated the probability with which a vertebra was put into a given cluster.
Figure 13. Pitching angles of owl 1 as measured from Figure 12B and of owl 3 as measured from a picture equivalent to Figure 12B (not shown).
When two clusters were allowed the algorithm divided the cervical spine into three regions, a cranial, a middle and a caudal region (Figure 14). However, different borders between these three regions were suggested by the different analyses (A–D). This held specifically for the border between the middle and the caudal regions. Here each analysis found a different border. In analysis A, using the osteological criteria, the border lay between C9/C10, while in analysis B, using the movement related criteria, the algorithm located the border between C12/C13. The borders in the other two analyses lay in between these two extremes. By contrast, the border between the cranial and the middle region was more stable, with analyses A, C, and D yielding the same border – between C4 and C5. Only analysis B yielded a different border: here the clustering of C6 was split, with C6 in owl 1 clustering with the cranial vertebrae, whereas C6 in owl 3 clustered with the middle vertebrae. To us this result provided evidence for the existence of a regionalization, but also indicated that the borders may depend on the variables used.
Plotted are the percent of putting a given vertebra (x-axis) into a given cluster (y-axis) in the 4 different analyses (A–D, see inset). The clustering was always 100% or 0%. Only the results of cluster 1 are plotted. The results of cluster 2 are complimentary with 0% and 100% switched. Note that three regions could be detected with the 2-cluster analysis. Note also that the border between the clusters depended on the variables analyzed.
The results of the cluster analyses with more clusters were more complex. The clustering is shown in plots that document how often a certain vertebra was included in a given cluster and is expressed in percent (y-axes in Figure 15A–C). A high percentage shows a high confidence, whereas with a lower percentage confidence in the clustering drops. We show here data from the analyses with 5 clusters (Figure 15). The data with 3 and 4 clusters were in between the data with 2 and with 5 clusters. Analysis D with 5 clusters resulted in 6 regions (Figure 15A). Compared with the analysis with 2 clusters, the cranial region was split into two, with C1 standing apart from C2−C4. The middle region was also split in the 5-cluster analysis compared with the 2-cluster analysis. In the former analysis, the grey, the yellow and part of the blue clusters corresponded to the middle cluster of the latter analysis (compare Figure 15A with the orange line in Figure 14). The caudal region was now confined to C13 and C14. The results of analysis C (data not shown) were very similar to the results of analysis D.
A) All 4 variables were taken into account (analysis D). Note that 6 regions were found with the 5 clusters. B) Comparison of the clustering in analysis A (dashed lines) with that in analysis D (same data as in A)). Note that cluster borders shift between analyses. C) The same holds for a comparison of the clustering in analysis B (dashed lines) with that in analysis D. Note that in the 5-cluster-analyses, one vertebra was not always put into the same cluster in the different runs.
Comparing the results of analysis D with those of analyses A and B for the 5-cluster cases, analysis A yielded a more divided regionalization than analyses B and D (Figure 15B, C). Whereas the cranial (C1) and caudal (C13+C14) regions were constant across analyses A, B and D (Figure 15, black lines), the more complex pattern in the 5-cluster analyses arose specifically in the transitional regions as suggested by the 2-cluster analyses. For example, the third region in analysis A in the 5-cluster case was located at C4 (grey dashed line in Figure 15B). Likewise, the fifth region in analysis A (light blue dashed line in Figure 15B) was located at C9 and C10 or between regions 4 (orange line in Figure 15B) and 5 (blue line in Figure 15B) as determined by analysis D. A similar picture arose when analyses B and D were compared. However, the transitional regions differed between the analyses: the most cranial transitional region in analysis B was at C5 (dark and orange dashed lines in Figure 15C) or between regions 2 and 3 as located in analysis D (orange and grey lines in Figure 15C). A second region of transition in analysis B was at C7 and C8 (see grey and blue dashed lines in Figure 15C). This region was not reflected in analysis D. Analysis B also suggested a transitional region between C11 and C12 (see blue, red and grey dashed lines in Figure 15C).
In our view, the data may be summarized in the following way: there is a regionalization in the cervical column, and the 2-cluster analysis found the tripartition already seen early on by others [2]. When more clusters are considered, the regionalization becomes more complex, not at the borders (C1 and C13/C14, respectively), but in the middle. The borders and the regionalization are influenced by the variables analyzed.
The anatomical description and the subsequent cluster analysis of the cervical vertebrae of the American barn owl yielded several regions with variable borders within the cervical spine. These findings will be discussed with respect to the anatomical shape of the vertebrae, the regionalization of the cervical spine, and the criteria to judge neck flexibility.
In general, the findings reported here regarding the anatomy of the barn owl's cervical vertebrae are in agreement with the existing literature [15]. However, there is no agreement in the literature with respect to the number of cervical vertebrae in the barn owl. We counted 14 cervical vertebrae in all the barn owls we studied, according to the definition that a cervical vertebra may have a false rib ending without attachment to the sternum, but not a true rib that attaches to the sternum [25]. This is in agreement with [14], but does not match with the number of 13 cervical vertebrae reported in [16]. It is unclear, why the latter authors did not find 14 cervical vertebrae in the same species. However, some variability in the number of cervical vertebrae is known from other vertebrates [27] and, thus, cannot be ruled out for Tyto. Twelve cervical vertebrae were described in [15] for Tyto alba, the European barn owl, a species closely related to the American barn owl. The reason for the difference between our counting and that of Hivernaud [15] might be that the latter author may have assumed that a cervical vertebra must not have any rib, be it a false or true rib. We found false ribs, also called cervical ribs, that do not attach to the breast bone in C13 and C14. So there are twelve cervical vertebrae without any rib in Tyto furcata. Cervical ribs are not only found in barn owls, but also in other birds including pigeons and chickens [28], [29]. In the general studies of the bird's skeleton by King and McLelland [28], it was claimed that the last cervical vertebra is fused with the first thoracic vertebrae. This was not the case in the specimens of T. furcata investigated here.
The cervical vertebrae of the barn owl displayed the general basic structure of a cervical vertebra consisting of a vertebral arch, a ventral body and a vertebral canal [19]. Apart from this, there were enormous differences in the shape of the processes between the cervical vertebrae. As was already mentioned in [6], transverse processes, arterial canals, ventral processes, or the sulcus caroticus varied between vertebrae. Articular facets at the processes could be found in all cervical vertebrae [6] with the exception of C1. Saddle shaped joints characterized the connections between the vertebrae caudally to the first two joints as also mentioned in [6]. The hollow, strut-stabilized structure of the cervical vertebrae was also reported in [29].
The data presented here compare well with the radiological and osteological atlas of the European barn owl presented in [15]. As judged from the photographs presented in this work, a big vertebral canal in C1 which lacks a dorsal and a ventral process is present in this species. Furthermore, the cavity-like socket for the articulation with the occiput and the ring-like socket for the dens axis can be seen. The features found in T. furcata match with the features on the photographs of T. alba for all cervical vertebra posterior to C2, save for C9 and C10, which are smaller in size than the preceding cervical vertebrae in T. alba. The processus carotici in T. alba are closer together than those in T. furcata. Likewise, no differences between T1 and T2 of T. alba as defined in [15] and C13 and C14 of T. furcata as defined here were observed. This supports our view that the cervical vertebrae with false ribs were counted as thoracic vertebrae in [15].
A specialized blood system of the owl's neck was reported in [14]. Our specimen also had the vertebral artery entering the cervical spine at C12 as indicated by the missing transversal canals in C13 and C14. De Kok-Mercado et al. [14] also report that the transversal canals are very spacious, providing more range of motion for the arteries, which agrees with our observations.
The results of the present study provide the most detailed description of the regionalization within the barn owl's cervical spine to date. Moreover, the data presented here may also have relevance for interpreting the regionalization of the bird neck in general. Since there is no objective criterion for determining a meaningful number of clusters, we varied cluster number in the statistical analysis. Interestingly, the data of the 2-cluster analysis are in agreement with the observations in [2] and recently in [3], [7], [10] of a tripartition of the cervical spine. However, if more clusters were allowed, more details were revealed. Such a more detailed regionalization was also proposed in [11]. In the barn owl, both the cranial and caudal regions are reduced to short segments, but these were constant across analyses. By contrast the middle regions were less stable and depended on the variable considered. We used criteria that were related to neck movement and measured the movement-related variables in the natural posture in our analyses similar to what was presented in [30] for mammals. This may have influenced the results, but we claim that it is important to use measures as closely to the natural situation as possible, if we want to understand the relation between morphology and function. It also seemed that the use of more variables like in analysis D resulted in a clearer picture than the use of fewer variables as in analyses A and B.
A partition for the genus Tyto was also presented in [3]. These authors considered the cervical spine of the barn owl to include 13 vertebrae and stated that the cranial region included C1 to C5, the middle one C6 to C9, and the caudal cervical spine C10 to C13. This classification differs from our results. One reason may be that a more subjective classification was used in [3] than here. The 2-cluster analysis applied here showed stable clusters of vertebrae at the cranial end (C1–C4), but variable middle and caudal regions. The 5-cluster analyses yielded an even more complex picture. Recent data of the cervical spine of penguins [11] indicated also more complexity in osteology. Thus, from an osteological point of view, more than 3 regions may exist. Our analysis A suggested 7 regions. The same holds for a movement-related perspective, although here the number of regions was only 6. A considerable overlap exists between the 6 modules reported in [11] and the regions we discriminate. Module 1 corresponds to our first region, comprised only of the atlas. Module 6 in penguins is similar to the most caudal region in the barn owl directly above the thorax. Differences exist in the middle of the cervical spine that is more homogeneous in penguins than in the barn owl. So the specializations of the penguins may lie in the center of the neck, which is sensible, because these birds “tuck in their neck while swimming” [11].
A description of the anatomy of the 13 cervical vertebrae found in the terror bird Andalgalornis was provided in [3]. These authors call the cranial cervical vertebrae short and robust. Although many metric properties are similar in Andalgalornis to those in the barn owl, we would not call the cranial vertebrae in the barn owl robust. The middle region in Andalgalornis displays big vertebral bodies and smaller spinous processes, comparable to the situation in the barn owl. By contrast, the middle vertebrae in Andalgalornis have a sulcus caroticus and not a ventral process as in the barn owl. Tambussi et al. [3] find that the sixth to eighth cervical vertebra in Andalgalornis are very similar which was also observed in the barn owl. The caudal region in Andalgalornis shows ventral processes, bigger spinous processes and cervical ribs in C12 and C13 [3]. Such a shape can be found in caudal cervical vertebrae of the barn owl as well.
Whereas neck flexibility will be the theme of a separate publication (Krings et al., in preparation), we like to mention some general limitations imposed by the anatomy of the cervical vertebrae on neck flexibility here. Many authors assume a neutral pose of the neck, in which stress on the muscles, ligaments and joints is minimal [18], [30], [31]. We rearticulated the vertebrae to a cervical column using X-ray images for guidance. The rearticulation showed a dorsal pitching in the cranial region, a slight ventral pitching in the middle region, and a dorsal pitching in the caudal part. This is consistent with what has been reported for other species before [1]–[4], [31].
With respect to the relation between the anatomy of the vertebrae and neck flexibility, many criteria have been used for the determination of osteological limits of neck flexibility before, amongst them zygapophyseal overlap, centrum articular surface morphology, cervical rib length and neural spine orientation [7], [32]. Of this list of criteria we found the zygapophyseal overlap to be an important criterion with respect to our goal to understand head movements. We measured the effect of the zygapophyses on neck mobility by determining the size of the zygapophyseal protrusion. We think that the other criteria are not so closely related to neck mobility. By contrast, we decided to take the diameter of the vertebral canal as a criterion. The spinal cord, a very sensitive structure, runs through the vertebral canal. Since neck rotation is accompanied by shearing of the vertebrae, and since the integrity of the spinal cord needs to be maintained, the diameter of the vertebral canal should provide meaningful information about rotational limitations. Indeed, the four criteria we used were closely related to rotational limitations in the different regions of the barn owl's neck [33].
Cobley et al. [7] pointed out that estimations of neck functions based solely on osteological data should be viewed with caution. We agree with this statement. This was the reason why we carefully selected our criteria that included both the anatomy of the single vertebrae (diameter of the vertebral canal, zygapophyseal protrusion) and movement-related measures (distance between joint centers, pitching angle). We think that a combination of these criteria together with objective statistical analysis is best suited to reconstruct the veridical situation.
Cluster analysis suggested that the cervical spine of the owl may be regionalized. Our indicators also suggested that the division into a cranial, a middle, and a caudal region may be too simple. Only the atlas and the two most caudal vertebrae were clustered in a very stably way in the different analyses. More variability existed along the rest of the cervical column as revealed by the four variables used here. The zygapophyseal protrusion, the diameter of the vertebral canal, the distance between joint centers, and the pitching angle form a complex set of data that suggests 6 or 7 regions along the cervical column.
The maximum roll angle as a function of the relative distance of joint centers. The distance of joint centers between C12 and C13 was varied, and the maximum roll angles were determined with the software Maya for every distance. Zero relative distance corresponds to the distance measured in the natural posture. Note the linear increase of the maximum angle with the distance of joint centers.
The authors are indebted to Stefan Blazek, Sandra Brill, Roland Ferger, Thomas Kuenzel, Rommy Petersohn, Irina Ruf, Torsten Stemmler and Dana Zaehringer for help in different phases of the project. Brandon Kilbourne helped with the English.
Conceived and designed the experiments: MF MK JN HW. Performed the experiments: MF MK JN HW. Analyzed the data: MK JN. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MF JN. Wrote the paper: MK HW. Supervision and conceptual advice for the experimental design: MF JN HW. |
135,673,252 | Finally the long overdue post, our new screened in porch reveal. This space has undoubtedly become our favorite room in the house now.
To tell you the truth, I was against the idea of ripping apart our good size deck and replacing it with a screened in porch but B insisted that this was the way to go and it would be worth it in the long run. Couldn’t have been more true!
We wanted a cozy place to lounge as well as eat. My main requisite was the swingasan chair, from Pier1. We had the exact chair back home and have fond memories of it. We found it on sale last Christmas and snatched it up even before we had any ideas about how we were going to decorate the space.
The outdoor wicker sectional, coffee table, Parisienne cafe dining chairs, and rug are from Wayfair/ Joss & Main. The outdoor dining table is from World Market, bench from At Home, and outdoor curtains from Overstock. We DIY’d the curtain rods from pipe flanges and rods. Tutorial coming soon.
I tell you, this project was jinxed from the start with conflicting opinions. First, it was me who opposed the screened in porch then it was B’s turn to oppose the swing. Thankfully it was B who was proved wrong as this piece of furniture has gotten the most use of all. The kids come from school and go straight to it. I love to lounge on the swing before bed time listening to some music. It has also become a magnet in attracting our guests. 🙂
The galvanized tray end table is from At Home. The flamingo pillows, my favorites are from Bed Bath and Beyond. I had my heart set on flamingo pillows and looked far and wide but everything I found was either too flashy or pink or small. The moment I saw these online I knew they’d be perfect for the space. The other pillows are from At Home and Ross.
We’ve plans of getting a ladder style end table or plant stand for the space near the fiddle leaf fig but haven’t found one that’s calling our name. Hopefully soon.
Here’s the view from the outside. If you missed the post about my back yard cottage garden check this out.
What do you do in winter with a space like this? Do you bring all the pillows and cushions inside? What about the curtains? These are outdoor curtains but it can get quite windy here. Should I take them down for the season?
Gosh, it looks amazing. Love your creativity. Maybe you can convert it into a sunroom for all kinds of seasons?
All you ladies and men, ready for a drool fest? How I wish I had the space for at least one of these walk in closets and of course all those clothes /accessories to fill it up! So today let’s take a dream trip to a world where we all have enough to space to own/create a walk in closet like this! All pics courtesy Houzz.
Ever thought of an island in the middle of your closet? When you think about it does make sense; a place to lay down your outfits or jewelry to see which goes better with what.
And a bench to sit down as you wear your shoes. This however is not a big deal for us as our shoes are in the garage or mud room closet ‘coz we have a no shoes inside the house policy.
Speaking of seating the next one even has a desk and chair, perfect for putting on make up. Though I think the monitor and the phone might be a bit too much. 🙂
While we are at it maybe we should look into some organizing solutions like this rack for pants. Ain’t that a clever space saving idea?
This drawer might be the answer to my missing sock problem! But this also means folding laundry will take twice as longer as all I do now is dump the socks into a separate bin for each member of the household. It is usually up to the users to look up for pairs. 😉
Another genius idea, a kitchen cabinet spice rack style pullout cabinet for ties, watches, cuff links, and other knickknacks. I’m guessing there is room for belts too on the other side.
Last, built in hampers for soiled clothes. These would surely be a boon to folks like me, who take forever to get to their ‘hand wash only’ clothes. At least this way you don’t have to be reminded of it every time you open your closet door! 😉
How did you like the trip? How do you keep your closets organized? Mine are in pretty bad shape and apart from the std racks that the builder put in there is no useful storage or shelves. What the heck, I can’t even reach the top (only) shelf! My closet is one of the projects that I’m hoping to tackle this year.
Hey Vidya … Great post. Glad to know that there is another ‘hand wash’ martyr out there. I am not the only crazy lazy one
best food i have tryed better than the rest by far. the staff are always friendly. and food is always hot and on time. would highly recommend.
Food always best quality, never takes to long to be delivered and all workers are polite and helpful sometimes forget the odd item like a garlic sauce or a portion of chips but will take the price of your bill or save them for your next order!
Late, rude and ignorant describes the service at this establishment. If you like having the phone put down on you when you ring to find out why your pizza has taken 1 hour 15 minutes then I reccomend this place. If you like being fobbed off and threatened to have the phone put down on you again when you ring back to find out why the phone was put down in the first place, then go here. If you like the driver walking away from you when you explain you dont want the food any more then ring this outfit today! I dont know what the food tastes like because I didnt fancy trying a pizza that was 1 hr 15 mins old. Call me old fashioned, but I like them a bit fresher than that. Please avoid at all costs unless you like being treated like a worthless simpleton.
We have a visitor atm, Sienna came home with us for a couple of hours today while Jayne went to an appointment, and the boys are LOVING having her over for a visit. Especially Luey is getting right into the big brother role, LOL...
So, here they all are watching kids tv together... Getting the boys home from school was absolutely no more difficult that usual. I had Bryn in the ergo, Sienna in the stroller, and Erik and Luey walking with me, as they normally do... LOL, can't help but think it felt like a look into the future, to how things might be in a 2 or 3 years, and it felt good, even though Sienna is obviously not mine, LOL (though she is a cutie!).
Bryn is acting like a love sick puppy, following Sienna around, and saying, "Tia, Tia, Tia..." and trying to drag her around with him, like, "Come here and stand here, and I'll show you this, and this" sort of thing... Like she's his little doll to play with, hehehe... Poor Sienna, don't know if she knows what to make of all the attention...
Aw too cute! Especially Bryn and Sienna! I got a giggle at Bryn wanting to show her everything, at least she lets him... La just scares her with his wild ways I think! ;-) |
183,089,321 | * At 504 PM EDT, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain which will cause flooding. Up to two inches of rain have already fallen.
* Some locations that will experience flooding include… Sulphur Springs, Mooreland, Mount Summit, Springport, Blountsville and Summit Lake State Park.
Spacious 1,144 sq ft 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms with den (large enough for an office or a 3rd bedroom), at GEMINI I tower. Built by BOSA. Spotlessly maintained with pro-active strata. Southeast facing with beautiful view of city, mountain &water. Functional layout. Upgraded stainless fridge & stove. Also features large tiled balcony. BONUS: 2 side-by-side parking stalls & 1 storage locker. Amenities includes steam room, sauna, hot tub & fitness center. Close to schools, transit, Metrotown & Highgate Mall, eateries & walking trails/parks.
Condolence: So sorry for your loss Grace Junior Peg Jacque Troy I send lots of hugs and healing to you.
Condolence: My condolences to the family for your loss. Look forward to the time promised at Isaiah 25:8, when God "will swallow up death forever and...wipe away the tears from all faces." God always fulfills his promises. (Numbers 23:19)
We are so sorry to hear of Ty's passing. May the Lord's peace and strength be yours during this time of mourning and in the days and months ahead.
Condolence: Peggy, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your memories close in your heart and know that they are now your special treasures.
Condolence: So sorry to hear of Tyrone's passing. My prayers and sympathies to Peg and his family. I will always remember him when I visit the farm.
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249,238,266 | It has been a year now that Pretty Loaded has been making lives and communities safer through our Situational Awareness and Self-Defense Mindset classes. We’ve had almost 800 men and women in 3 states attend our classes, and we have heard a lot of stories shared in class and via email about near tragedies.
What were their immediate reactions in their moments of truth? Fear, confusion, and not knowing what in the world they should do to get out of the situation.
That’s why they came to our class, and the surveys they filled out proved that they got the answers they were seeking.
Probably the most widely motivating realization is when we point out this fact: When seconds count, help is minutes away. Most of the students thought that being on the phone would be enough not only to stop an attack, but that law enforcement would be there in an instant to stop the predator.
We have all of our students fill out surveys at the end of class, and we’ve used this information to not only validate our mission, but also to fine tune presentations in the future. The Pretty Loaded Online training is the most complete “class” to date, and has even more information than the live classes. To make the Online training even better, you get to learn it at your own pace, repeat parts that you need to, and share it with your family!
Another high point this year was being asked to be a Columnist for Brink of Freedom that has also been a big risk because I hadn’t written an article before. However, awesome things come to those who step out of their comfort zone. I’m proud to say that my most popular article has been read by just over 11,000 people as of today.
Since I was much younger, it was a dream of mine to write a book, and now I have compiled enough experiences and motivation to now make a Pretty Loaded book a reality. Pretty Loaded students know that my story is quite interesting and some of you may be shocked when you find out how fearful I have been much of my life. That was, of course, until I began my journey that has culminated into Pretty Loaded.
Most exciting though, is that I would like to include you in my book! How has Pretty Loaded changed your life? What changes have you made in your life due to the Pretty Loaded influence? If you have any stories please share them with me at [email protected]. We will keep your name anonymous if you wish and your stories are what keep us motivated to keep on doing what we are doing. Inspire others and save lives with YOUR story.
Ultimately, Pretty Loaded comes down to this: We are trying to change the world to make it a safer place and also instilling the confidence in our students to live their life with courage and boldness.
Operators are automated, floating machines that perform services for customers and employees of the TranStar Corporation.
The three common Operators, Medical, Engineering, and Science, dispense Health, Suit Integrity, and Psi respectively, completely restoring that stat instantly. Operators can be used repeatedly, with no cooldown period or limit. Functioning Operators are only found occasionally and are confined to their assigned areas. They cannot be transported along with the player.
In areas where Operators have been destroyed, new Operators may sometimes be summoned from Operator Dispensers.
The Medical Operator restores the player's full Health, and is a suitable alternative to a Medkit. Like other Operators, dispensers for Medical Operators are located throughout Talos I, especially in Medical Bays.
A vast anatomical database coupled with a top-of-the-line compact surgical toolset makes the TranStar Pyramid class 490 medical series Operator the finest in automated healthcare, rivaling even the most skilled surgeon. Patients concerned with safety and privacy can also rest assured. With its patented Panacea Governor technology, the TranStar Medical Operator is programmed to be minimally invasive and fully discreet.
This latest iteration in TranStar technology also boasts an increase 98.2% diagnosis accuracy rating as well as the introduction of a "bedside manner" protocol designed to improve rapport with patients.
Most medical facilities on station have these in the operator dispensers. Can handle just about any trauma. If only they didn't tell stupid jokes.
The Engineering Operator restores the player's full Suit Integrity, and is a suitable alternative to a Suit Repair Kit. Like other Operators, dispensers for Engineering Operators are located throughout Talos I, especially on the lower decks.
Designed with precision craftsmanship for the dangerous vacuum of space, few utility robots can measure up to the TranStar Kobold 410 Engineering Class Operator. Equipped with two GenSENSE manipulators and a swappable utility arm with a full array of tools, there's little the Engineering Operator can't fix.
For more heavy duty work, each Engineering Operator comes standard with industrial-grade OMNI navigational systems capable of deftly maneuvering cargo containers in zero-g environments.
Can be found wandering the station, especially on the lower decks. Good for patching up holes in my suit.
The Science Operator restores the player's full Psi points, but only if they are depleted below 75%.
In the world of scientific progress, nothing is more important than accuracy and safety. This is why all TranStar laboratories are equipped with Sybil 495 science class Operators.
The Corrupted Operator is an Operator that became corrupted by a Technopath. Rather than helping the player as Operators normally would, they instead attack the player, often with built-in flamethrowers or stun guns. Their attacks are short-range, but Corrupted Operators move much faster than ordinary Operators, and approach speedily as soon as they detect the player.
Corrupted Operators can be destroyed with weapons or abilities, or can be hacked to once again become friendly.
Incident summary: I was called to the scene by Carlos Popinga, who requested assistance with another haywire Operator near the Arboretum lift. Popinga explained that he had been sent to fix the main lift, which had been malfunctioning. He claims his Engineering Operator upon approaching the lift and became hostile when Popinga attempted to deactivate it. I used an EMP Charge to neutralize the Operator. Popinga was sent to Trauma with severe burns.
The engineers down in Hardware Labs have already checked out the Operator. They tell me it's been physically rewired and completely reprogrammed, just like the last four cases. This looks like sabotage to me.
Corrupted by some sort of Typhon ability. Will try to incinerate you at close range. Keep away. Either freeze in place with GLOO cannon or knock out with EMP. Metal body shrugs off most rounds.
Military Operators can be hacked, but they require much more GLOO to subdue than other Operators. Hacking them also requires Hacking IV, whereas other Operators only require Hacking II.
The N-CN9 Blackbox Military Operator is the world's most advanced unmanned multi-role fighter. Armed with a state-of-the-art MAG-directed energy weapon and an OMNI navigation systems, the Military Operator is never short on firepower. From assault operations to security detail, the innovative Synthetic Hyperdynamic Neural Network ensures the Military Operator is quick to respond to developing and dangerous situations.
TranStar's been covering their tracks about these. Don't want to look like an arms-tech company. They're probably wired into Talos I's security system. Could track me using the station's security rosters. Might be a way to get rid of my tracking bracelet.
if the agent's conduct involves force, the use of force was not something the master could have foreseen
So you want to do well in COLLEGE? It's easier than you might think You don't need a terrific SAT or COMPASS score.
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your stuff until you are dismissed. It means being prepared to particpate because you've done the reading and written the required paper It also means.... and this is the hard part... prioritizing your education You might need to say NO
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4. Reflection Neonatal Nursing One serving of Fruit is Equal to: 1. What is Neonatal Nursing Ensuring the health and well-being of newborn infants by providing care and aid What are the duties of a neonatal nurse? Was recommended to a neonatal nurse ! Jasmine Tam Feeding REJECTIONS ... ... ... ... 1st attempt: Emailing my interviewee from my ENEX 9 2nd attempt: Emailing and calling executives/presidents of nursing organizations (ex. British Columbia Nurses' Union, University of British Columbia School of Nursing, etc.) 3rd attempt: Calling hospitals
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“More than 20 million people and 12 million head of livestock are short of drinking water… The choice of whether to use water for people or farming is becoming more difficult.” – From CCTV (China’s national television station)
“In observance of World Water Day, PETA Germany placed this aqueous installation on the sidewalk of Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz to remind people that it takes 4,000 liters of water to produce one steak, while it only takes 1,100 liters to grow a vegan enough food for a whole day. Read more here:
I am convinced that the connection has been established. Do we really need to prove the connection anymore?
I will focus future blog posts on ideas, strategies on transitioning to a more plant-based / vegetarian diet. I believe that is what we all need to hear.
If you already are vegetarian or vegan, or transitioning to a more plant-based diet what is important for those who want to eat less meat/dairy , to consider?
I find that the best way to start eating more vegetarian food, is to simply be around people who share the same concerns and values about the health of people and of this planet.
Cook. Share creative ways to cook veggies and make soups and quick vegetarian lunch ideas. Start with one meal a day that is completely vegetarian. Discuss your concerns. Tell other people of your progress. Spread your enthusiasm to your friends and family. Wow them with an amazing dish for Thanksgiving, a potluck or Christmas. Talk about the issues. Heathcare, self-care. Climate change and the impact of the livestock industry. We have all the proof we need…
MP Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Union decided to go vegetarian because of the impact of meat production on global warming. In December, he invited Paul McCartney to speak at the EU, along with the Chair of the Intergov. Panel on Climate Change, Rajendra Pachauri. |
77,414,131 | I made this festive salsa-kraut for a Health Fair and Fundraiser event (raising funds for the Edmonton Food Bank’s Tower Garden project) where I did the quickest 30 minute fermentation demo ever! I just speedy-chopped the veggies while I talked about the virtues of probiotic, enzyme and nutrient rich ferments… the demise of the industrialized food movement upon our food, and how friggin easy it is to make this stuff!
Nerd alert!!! Did you know??? A study in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry reported, the organophosphate insecticide Chlorpyrifos degraded rapidly during kimchi fermentation, and was over 83 percent degraded by day 3. By day 9, it was degraded completely. That means fermentation has been shown to eat up and eliminate a toxic pesticide. Dr. Mercola speculates that eating fermented foods may help to eat up the pesticides in your gut! I believe it, totally makes sense to me.
The tasting went over very well, to the point of having many offers to buy all my display jars full of kraut! I will have to make more for next time. One father walked up and asked for more samples, but it was all gone! His daughter ate his entire plate full of chips and salsa-kraut!
I LOVE THE IDEA OF FERMENTED SALSAS!!! For the rich and over-eatin’ holidaze this is the perfect condiment to bring nutritional balance and it is so easy, anyone can do this! NO need for complicated canning equipment… It is recommended to have a crusher bat, pestle, pounder, but I know people that massage it, smother it in water and let it sit, perhaps a little longer on the shelf to ferment before its ready, there are many techniques, so re-wild yourself and JUMP-IN!.
If you still don’t think it’s easy, then take a fermenting class, preferably with me in Edmonton. In 2016 I will be hosting at least one per month… with unique recipes every time!!! I am doing YouTube videos and periscope classes in January… Stay tuned my friends!
To read my unique and satisfying recipe, just click on the link to view a PDF file! Yippee, enjoy the good health!
This 18″ bodhran has a goatskin head stretched across an oak frame. A tipper is included with the bodhran.
This 18″ bodhran has a goatskin head stretched across an oak frame. This package includes tipper, soft bodhran case and instructional DVD.
This easy to follow book will help you learn to play your first basic strokes and accompany tunes for the Bodhran.
The whistle kit comes with a tin whistle and instructional booklet that includes a great selection of Irish and International tunes.
The whistle kit comes with a tin whistle and instructional booklet that includes a great selection of Scottish and International tunes.
It also includes a CD with two separate tracks for each song – one that demonstrates with the tin whistle only and another with music to accompany you when you have mastered the tune.
Russian Alt-Rockers Vo'Devil Strokes have announced their debut LP, Black Snake. The album is set to be released on June 6th. However, they also released a music video for their single, "Banshee," in anticipation for the upcoming album!
Vo’Devil Stokes includes Dallas Crowley on vocals, Alex Mallovsky on drums, Toli Modestov on guitar, Alex Radchenko on bass and Boris Plaksin on guitar. Vo'Devil Strokes formed in 2012 and released a big EP, Katharos, in 2014 which garnered them success. While Vo'Devil Stokes has played with huge heavy hitters including Emmure, Defiler, Bury Tomorrow, Wildways, Tasters, Upon This Dawning, The Browning, The Ocean, Rise Of The Northstar, War From A Harlots Mouth, Iwrestledabearonce, Devil Sold His Soul, Thy Art Is Murder and has toured with Architects. Lead vocalist Dallas was also a session vocalist for Betraying The Martyrs!
Dallas Crowley, the lead singer of Vo'Devil Strokes had this to say about the announcement: “We are very excited to be able to finally announce our debut full length "Black Snake". We have put a lot of work in the this release and are very excited to see how fans respond. We wanted to give you all something early, so we are releasing our music video for our first single, ‘Banshee’. We hope you enjoy!”
Tagged: new EP, news, new music, new album, new stuff, new, new track, new song, new news, new single, new release, new music video, album release, debut album, upcoming album, Vo'Devil Stokes, alternative, alt rock, rock, Russia
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March 29, 2014 6:31 am | Filed under: Around Town,Environment,Health & Wellness,Long Island,News | Posted by: The Huntingtonian
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone was joined by Suffolk and Town officials to announce the expansion of a program to collect and dispose of old or unneeded prescription medications to reduce drug abuse and protect the environment.
“As part of Suffolk County’s overall substance abuse initiative, Operation Medicine Cabinet will be expanded to include senior centers within the jurisdiction of the Suffolk County Police Department,” stated County Executive Bellone. “With the expansion of the program we are providing more opportunities for Suffolk residents to shed the meds.”
The Police Department’s seven precincts already maintain receptacles where residents can anonymously drop off unwanted, unused or expired medications at a safe and secure location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The medications are then safely disposed of off-site. To date, the seven police precincts have collected 14,000 pounds of medications, which in turn keeps these medications out of the hands of those who could harm themselves and out of our waterways.
“This program is an innovative example of how Suffolk County is working hard to protect our drinking water and surface waters from contamination threats posed by the improper disposal of items in our medicine cabinet,” Bellone said. “It is also a great way to reduce drug abuse by taking these prescriptions out of circulation when they are no longer needed for legitimate purposes.”
Both local and nationwide studies have found evidence of medications, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in our waterways, as well as our groundwater, with potentially serious impacts to ecological and human health.
Suffolk County Police Commissioner Edward Webber said the drugs are disposed of in an environmentally safe manner and said their removal would help remove the temptation to misuse drugs.
“This is an incredibly important initiative to protect our environment, the water we drink and to keep dangerous prescription drugs out of the hands of our young people,” said Suffolk County Legislator Steven Stern. “There is such tremendous support for Operation Medicine Cabinet that after we hosted the last event, we were able to fill up two large bins of unwanted or unused medication. The success of the program relies on you and your neighbors to participate.”
“While we all understand that for safety and groundwater protection reasons, it is important that we dispose of unneeded and outdated medications properly, it can be inconvenient to make a special trip to the disposal bin at the local police precincts,” said Huntington Supervisor Frank P. Petrone. “This new program will make it easier for seniors by bringing the disposal bins to where they are and not take them out of their regular routine.”
Town Councilwomen Susan Berland and Tracey Edwards also spoke about the value of the program and encouraged seniors to check their cabinets to remove old or unneeded prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
The program will continue to expand to senior centers around the county on the first Wednesday of every month from 10-1 p.m. with a police officer present at these centers:
Photo above: Huntington Town Board members Tracey Edwards and Susan Berland, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone, Suffolk Legislator Steven Stern, Police Commissioner Edward Webber and Det. Lt. Bob Donohue at the Huntington senior center Thursday.
"As a holiday break from our usual programme, Project Space 11 presents ‘Virtually worthless decorative objects’. The location of Project Space 11, Plymouth City Market, hosts a winter grotto (in the New George Street entrance) and Christmas market throughout December. This exhibition provides an artist’s perspective of the commonly known and well-loved object, the Christmas bauble. Artists and traders have contributed baubles and tree decorations of all shapes and sizes to decorate Project Space 11’s Christmas tree." |
2,189,172 | Spurs should refuse to let any of our players go on Health and Safety grounds. Even if they somehow manage to get the stadiums cool what about the training pitches? Are they even going to be in the shade? The temperatures hit the 50-60 degree mark out there (was in Kuwait when it hit the 50s and it is not a nice feeling), someone will die of heat stroke. Whether it is a fan or a player we will have to wait and see.
What are the fans expected to do anyway? You can't drink, you can't go out in the daytime, you can't take a girlfriend and share the same room (have to be married) can't get a brass. My mate has lived there and reckons there is fuck all to do. Good luck rant over.
Wasn't there talk a while back about it switching to later on in the year? They can fuck all the way off if that's back on the agenda.
They're going to disrupt the entire European season? Can't see it myself. Temperatures are still above 70° F in December and January anyway.
Given the way the standard of football at World Cups has gone downhill, by 2022 it won't be worth watching anyway.
On the Brave New World, they showed one of those cooling towers but I'm not sure how that's going to work on a big scale.
A few months back, they were considering using artificial clouds. A quick google search and I found the following.
Uefa president Michel Platini has sensationally paved the way for a winter World Cup in Qatar for 2022, after admitting it will be too hot for people to enjoy in the summer.
The unprecedented move would mean clubs taking a mid-season break over December and extending the season by a month, which would roll all domestic and European cup title-deciders into June.
Asked if he would move competitions such as the Champions League and Europa League, Platini told Al Jazeera: ‘Of course. If we play in winter, not a problem to organise it. How can people go to Qatar in 50 degrees in June? If the people can't come to enjoy it it's not good.
‘If we play in winter it will be not a problem. Instead [of stopping the season] in May you play until June, and then stop in December. Where is the problem?’
Platini admitted voting for the controversial 2022 hosts, and said it was right that an Arab nation were finally hosting the World Cup after Egypt and Morocco had previously lost bids.
He added: ‘For me I vote for Qatar, because I think it's nice to go in another part of the world, with people who never received the World Cup.’
‘I think it was a good decision, but now I think we have to adapt when is the best moment and where is the best moment to play this World Cup in Qatar.’
The unprecedented move would mean clubs taking a mid-season break over December and extending the season by a month, which would roll all domestic and European cup title-deciders into June.
Oh fuck that in every hole possible. If that is the case I hope every club in Europe refuses to let their players play in the tournament. At the very least I'd hope the FA would withdraw the England team, and refuse to re-arrange the season.
Platini needs to go, infact lets just scrap FIFA and start a new organisation, they are screwing over football time and again. I hope the big teams tell FIFA where to go, let them have their world cup as an u19s tournament so the top players can get on with what most of us are really interested in.
I know the 'world cup is the biggest tournament on earth' but lets face it, it's all glorified, half the fans can't get in because fifa take half the stadium for the big wigs and it flatters to decieve year after year.
So what happens to the season after that, does that start in Spetember because the last season finished in June? Does that mean very season after that will now be changed?
I was hoping that one day soon we might get Platini as head of FIFA and that he would bring some common sense back to world football.
We haven't had a decent World Cup for over 20 years and I can't see the likes of Russia and Qatar providing anything other than dull!
Because, numbnuts, that fucks up the season after that, or fucks the players up if not. It also massively disadvantages the teams with more international players in the middle of a season and that's without taking into account the fact that different leagues start at different times.
To be fair by 2022 nobody is going to care about international football anyway so hopefully the whole thing will be cancelled. Well done FIFA.
No good playing it in winter either, depending on when winter is in that part of the world, I went through Doha airport twice in the last 14 days on flight transfers, the first connection was at 4am and the temp was already 23C and the other time at 7:45 am and the temp was an uncomfortable 29C. Nobody should play sport in a country like that in my opinion.
The stress of the world's greatest football tournament smack bang in the middle of a season is seriously going to hamper a good few clubs. There are 2 reasons as to why the World Cup should stay in the summer.
1) It won't detract from the gruelling domestic seasons that clubs are fighting for. It's after it's all done so players can concentrate it and give their best and what they have left at the very end of the season.
2) It's at the end of the footballing calendar as it's THE event. We have the big tournament to look forwarding to after an entire season of football, much like the way the CL final is after the domestic leagues finish.
Anyway, I thought countries like Russia and Ukraine (and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I heard South American leagues too) recently had their fixture schedules shifted to the same as the rest of Europe to accomodate the summer tournaments? |
158,617,186 | Get Tera Online: Elite Status for the enhanced gameplay each time you play. Tera online stands for The Exiled Real of Arborea. It is a 3D fantasy game that was developed by the Bluehole Studio.
The game was first released in South Korea in January of 2011. In August, the game was released in Japan and in May of 2012, the game was launched in North America and in Europe. Download the game client here.
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There are certainly lots of enhancements that one would get to enjoy by having an Elite Status. First of all, for the Dungeon Entries, standard gamers will only have it in default, but Elite Status will have a shortened cool down.
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So as you can see, having an Elite Status for Tera is definitely more advantageous for all gamers. It gives players more rewards for everything which makes the game to become even more exciting. Players get to experience a true action combat in an immense and beautiful world.
Unfortunately, not all gamers have the financial means to pay for the $14.99 subscription fee. If you are one of those who cannot afford, then you should work hard on improving your character’s abilities to make gold.
If not, then you might as well purchase gold from us and then use it to obtain much better weapon and equipment in the future.
If the characters are raid ready or if they are accessible to high level dungeons, then the drop will be much more valuable and this can be sold for gold. If the players will be able to farm a good amount of gold, then they also have an option to sell the extra gold to us in exchange of cash.
In return, they can make use of the cash as added funds in order to sign up for the Elite Status subscription.
As soon as you become Elite for Tera, you get to receive a lot of daily boosts, store discounts, exclusive mounts and several other perks.
There are also “elite only” specials that gamers can take advantage of such as receiving a 10% discount on costumes and accessories for Castanic Female Bloodshadow, Elin Bloodshadow, Castanic Male Bloodshadow, High Elf Female and Male, Human Male and Female Bloodshadow, and so much more.
A new page will then open up where will find information about the Elite Status, including all the perks and benefits that you can earn if you subscribe for one. Simply click on sign in and a new page will open up.
Key-in your email address and your password and click on “log-in”. If you still do not have an account with Tera, then you can click on an option to create an account.
Creating an account will require that you provide your email address and a password. There is also an option to sign up through your Facebook account. As soon as you are signed up to the website, you will then become a Standard member.
But if you want to take advantage of all the perks and privileges of being Elite, then go to the section of Elite Status. You will then be asked to provide your payment information. |
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The Vernal Ranger District is on the roller coaster. On a hopeful but small note, the district, on something like the third try, approved the small Frenches Park Timber Sale, in the upper headwaters of the Black Canyon, without any intrusions into the Ashley Gorge Inventoried Roadless Area. While this is a nice gesture, the fundamental issues surrounding this small timber sale - the actual technical timber harvesting and growth issues are left unaddressed and ignored. It meets no meaningful goals. It proposes two small timber harvesting areas for no other reason than harvesting two small areas!
On the other hand, the Vernal Ranger District has been trying to produce a grazing analysis for the Black Canyon allotment since the late '90s. The analysis of this allotment started back in 1999 with scoping for the Black Canyon Allotment. An Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared but a Decision Notice (DN) was never issued. The EA was withdrawn to allow for an updated analysis and additional public comment, something we urged and fully supported. Eventually the district ranger consolidated additional allotments and proposed an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) specifically because of the additional allotments, size and scope of the project, including increasing concerns noted for riparian areas and imperiled species either listed as threatened or managed under specific conservation agreements. We have actively supported all of these efforts. Furthermore, the district up to now has made a sincere attempt to update and keep this process open and accountable.
Up until now. Out of the blue the district withdrew the EIS proposed to analyze the consolidated allotments (now called the Ashley-Dry Fork Grazing Allotments, consisting of over 60,000 acres of public land, including quality roadlessness). In its place is the determination that the district will now simply prepare a categorical exclusion (CE) - a process used to bypass preparation of formal NEPA documents and environmental reviews, analyses and public input. This comes over a year after the scoping process for the draft EIS was completed and many months into actual preparation of the draft EIS.
It is simply disingenuous and a significant breach of public trust. To maintain any professional integrity it is imperative that the forest proceed with the preparation of the EIS which was initiated for a number of meaningful reasons. With that process also came a deep expectation that a formal and predictable public review process would be instigated. The accountability of both the Vernal Ranger District and the project itself will be lost if the CE is pursued. If this process and commitment is so easily broken, then it is clear a deep ethical and moral dilemma pervades this forest and district and suggests public involvement is meaningless. The Federal Register announcement for this project noted, "Public participation is especially important at several points during the analysis, particularly during initial scoping and review of the draft EIS." Rather capriciously and arbitrarily the forest has short-circuited and robbed that process.
In spite of promise after promise to restrict campfires (see Lynx, 4/05) in portions of the heaviest used areas in the High Uintas Wilderness (HUW), that proposal has not yet been finalized. Promised it is signed and awaiting final printing and whatever else governments do to make decisions as slowly as possible, we can't help but find it ironic that a timber sale or grazing decision can be hustled through with about half the implementation time as a pro-environment, pro-wilderness decision. The idea and promise that the decision would be implemented and information and maps provided to wilderness users this season got lost in the shadows. Hopefully, the Forest Service will step forward next year and aggressively - without embarrassment or apology implement a meaningful conservation decision to protect a wild environment, not develop one!
As some of you read in the Salt Lake Tribune (7/30/05), the Ashley National Forest and the Rocky Mt. Mule Association joined hand to tail, so to speak, to clean up garbage in the High Uintas Wilderness (HUW) in Granddaddy Basin and other spots, as well as remove the old plane wreck at the upper end of Four Lakes Basin. The news article reported that some 40 mules and 20 riders hit the wilderness trails, well in excess of the HUW Management Plan standards. We queried the Ashley and learned that indeed 40 mules and riders (9, not 20) camped each night at the Grandview Trailhead, not in the wilderness, and were spaced 2-6 miles apart along the trail all the way to Four Lakes Basin. While it proved to be a successful weekend we are still concerned with the large number of mules. The Ashley's wilderness manager and wilderness rangers heard few complaints about the project but numerous concerns about the sheer number of people heading into the wilderness. This, indeed, remains a singular problem facing the HUW and one which the agency seems unable and unwilling to address in spite of a long history recognizing the problem and equally long history of wilderness rangers, wilderness managers and the occasional district ranger troubled by these use patterns and pleading for meaningful direction.
The Kamas Ranger District on the Wasatch-Cache National Forest persists in pursuing a salvage timber sale to remove hazardous and dead/ dying trees along the Mirror Lake Highway and other undetermined and undefined "higher standard roads on the District..." Sounds innocent enough but it appears to be tied to an ever increasing timber program being built back into the Wasatch-Cache National Forest. This proposal will remove thousands of trees along the highway (some 150 feet from the highway) to reduce the number of beetle infested trees, reduce fire hazard and protect us from having a tree fall on the road. We raised a number of concerns ranging from why the district is using a categorical exclusion and preparing only the most cursory analysis (and not seeking broad public input) to an actual documentation of the threat that these trees will fall on the highway and how often that actually happens and causes problems. Obviously this will have no effect upon fire hazard or beetle infestations, thus we have asked for rationale and documentation. It seems the single most important public safety issue will be the actual logging along the highway (starting after Labor Day.) This is being largely dismissed by the Forest Service!
The Evanston/Mt. View Ranger District recently released the West Fork Bear River timber sale proposal stepping up its in-your-face and get-out-the-timber sales attitude. More information on this timber sale to follow in the form of an action alert. Look for it soon! |
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Directions: (Q 6) In the following questions, select the one which is different from the other three responses.
9) If Rs 1050 is divided into three parts, proportional to (1 / 3) : (3 / 4) : ( 4 / 6), then what is the first part?
22) By which one of the following years does the Eleventh Five Year Plan aim at achieving 10% rural tele-density in India from 1.9%?
While sole proprietors can sometimes take a commercial mortgage if they buy a commercial building, this is not as common. Residential vs Commercial Mortgage Interest Rates. Commercial mortgage interest rates are usually higher than the interest rates for a residential mortgage.
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home business loans commercial loans commercial vs. residential loan terms: 4 key differences. Subscribe to news about Business Loans. Residential Loan Terms: 4 Key Differences. There are many differences between a commercial and residential real estate loan s. Whos Income Matters? When you apply for a residential mortgage, among the first things a lender looks at is your personal gross income and the amount of debt you owe.
Commercial Mortgages vs. Amber Nelson September 27, 2016 No Comments. Search for Small Business Loan Sources and receive your matched lender list AND received FOUR free Business eBooks worth 39.95! Your business has decided to jump in the commercial real estate market. Whether it is to buy a property for your own business operations or an investment to make money, there is a lot to know about commercial real estate and mortgages. You may be familiar with the structure of residential mortgages, but how do they compare to commercial mortgages? Commercial mortgage cover buildings and properties that are used exclusively for business purposes, generally not for personal housing needs.
A borrower with a 200000, 30-year fixed-rate mortgage at 5%, for example, would make 360 monthly payments of 1073.64, after which the loan would be fully repaid. Unlike residential loans, the terms of commercial loans typically range from five years or less to 20 years, and the amortization period is often longer than the term of the loan.
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Navigating the intricacies of commercial mortgages is best done with the aid of a qualified commercial broker. A professional commercial mortgage broker will optimize for the best deals, in the shortest amount of time, ensuring you dont miss a penny. Pingback: Residential Mortgage Vs Commercial Mortgages Last Mortgage.
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I saw this on another forum & thought I would give it a go. I'll trade the following lot for just about any $40-50 rc or two $25-30 rcs (fb, bb or bkb)
03-04 Authentix Paul Pierce Jsy (small blue line on right side of jsy, appears to be auto'd part of jsy. Came out of the pack this way) bv $15
sounds good. check my page, its very outdated though, havent added new stuff since last sept i think. ill do a nice graded rc. check my site and list the stuff you like, if anything.
i dont come here much lately, so if there are things you like, email me at [email protected] and remind me.
Maybe it’s because instead of writing I spend more time staring into space wondering why some of the folks in this hobby are so nasty to each other. Not the collectors. God love you all (OK, most of you). It’s some of the people who are in business in the hobby–and some of the so-called experts.
When we started this site back in the early part of the summer I have to admit I was somewhat naive. I knew personality conflicts existed in this hobby. I’ve been around enough shows and message boards to know that. I just didn’t realize the extent to which it exists. Now that I’m sort of in this business myself instead of just as a collector and occasional writer, I’m seeing it all too clearly. Actually, it’s pretty funny if you’re just on the outside looking in. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.
We try to get people in various segments to share their knowledge and some won’t because we tell them someone or some organization is involved and they don’t want to be a part of it. It’s a shame. People with tremendous knowledge could share that with those who have real jobs and can’t spend 10 hours a day examining little pieces of sports history….but they choose not to because they’re sure the other guy is out to get them..or doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
Some have the audacity–despite what’s essentially free publicity to a very targeted marketplace of thousands–to want editorial control over our pages because they’re so hung up on themselves. Ain’t gonna happen.
Other new businesses trying to win their share of the market post messages on boards denigrating their competitor. Phone conversations become bitch sessions about "the other guy". We get e-mails from people who are upset because we didn’t give their "story" the same space as someone else. Grow up.
Message boards are full of stories about what’s acceptable when it comes to "preparing" cards for grading. Then the discussion flies off into another direction and the insults and innuendo begin. Maybe some good comes out of it…if you can wade through the manure.
I guess there’s a lot of money to be made in some segments of the hobby. And plenty of people willing to climb over anyone with their spiked heels and grab it.
He’s got an employee who hustles autographs and a love for the stuff. That’s a decent start for a career-changer who opened a new sports memorabilia shop.
Now, he’s the owner of a Tucson, Arizona mall shop, hoping to stock enough of what’s hot to keep things going. Autographs are a big hit with customers and he isn’t afraid to employ one man with a long history as a chaser to keep the place stocked.
Oakland Athletics MLB Authentic Rawlings On Field Leather Baseball Dangle Earrings. This unique handcrafted piece of jewelry features an Officially Licensed team logo charm dangling from a 100% custom made baseball charm, with an Official On Field Rawlings MLB Baseball inlay. The same baseball used by your favorite team and athletes, can now be worn is this individually handcrafted piece of jewelry made specifically for you.
Thank you for joining us today! Do come back tomorrow to keep yourself up to date with all the most important transfer news and rumours. This is Ashwin signing off, Ciao!
Hakan Calhanoglu is flying to Italy as he prepares to undergo a medical with AC Milan ahead of his move from Bayer Leverkusen. The attacking midfielder posted an image on Instagram stories showing him about to board his plane, along with the caption 'off to Milan'.
He is expected to undergo initial fitness tests on Sunday, before his full medical on Monday.Reports in Italy suggest Calhanoglou will cost Vincenzo Montella's side an initial €20million, a deal that could rise in value to €24m.
Benjamin Mendy has reached an agreement with Manchester City. [@telefoot_TF1]
Manchester City are raiding Monaco again! Many reliable sources are claiming that Pep Guardiola's side have agreed a deal for the talented 22-year-old. City are on the lookout for a left-back and Mendy will be a valuable addition for the Premier League giants
Juventus are not a selling club, but their resolve is set to be tested as reports from Tuttosport suggest that Barcelona are ready to make a world record transfer bid for the centre-back.
A number of top European clubs are said to be interested in the Italian centre-back but the Blaugrana are at the front of the queue. While Juventus are reluctant to sell, it is believed that they will not stand in the way if Bonucci himself demands a transfer.
Bayern Munich full-back Joshua Kimmich says it is "fantastic" to be at the club but wants a regular starting spot under Carlo Ancelotti next season.The Germany international's future was placed in doubt towards the end of the 2016-17 season when he complained about a lack of opportunities in the starting line-up.
His comments led to speculation that he could reunite with former coach Pep Guardiola at Manchester City, while Manchester United and Atletico Madrid were also linked with a move.
"In the last two years, I played more times than a number of people had," he told L'Equipe. "I think I've developed my game and Bayern are one of the best three clubs in the world.
"Few players have the chance to become part of this club. It's absolutely fantastic to be part of Bayern. What's important now is to play. And, for the moment, I prefer to play at right-back than to be on the bench."
The Belgian has impressed on his loan spell at Real Betis and now latest reports from DailyMail claim that Brendan Rodgers's side are very close to finalising a permanent deal for the tricky, pacy and talented winger.
All you Barcelona fans who are feeling bored by the lack of transfer activity, Something to cheer you up will be put up soon
.@pizarrinha will not be extending his contract at #Werder for the 2017/18 season. More to follow.
Wayne Rooney’s future at Manchester United has been on tenterhooks for quite a while now – the record scorer for the Red Devils has not been in the best of form over the past couple of years. There is, though, still some fight left in the grizzled veteran if reports in the Sun are to believed.
The striker has a year left on his current contract but can trigger a 12-month extension option on his £300,000-a-week salary and is set to reject the proposed £10 million golden handshake (goodbye) that the United hierarchy had been planning.
Rooney, of course, had been linked with possible transfers to Stoke City, West Ham United, the money-laden Chinese Super League and most strongly with a return to boyhood club Everton where he burst on to the scene all those moons ago.
The Tottenham star has been in fine form in the previous 2 seasons and he is wanted by all the top clubs across Europe. You can read more about it here
Arguably the most sought-after player in Europe, Kylian Mbappe has prompted more frenzied speculation over his future after erasing Monaco from his Twitter profile. The 18-year-old striker announced himself as a force to be reckoned with last season, scoring 26 goals in all competitions to help Leonardo Jardim's team to win Ligue 1 and reach the semi-finals of the Champions League.
Having also made his France debut in March, Mbappe has been heavily linked with Zinedine Zidane's Real Madrid, along with several other heavyweights clubs.It remains to be seen what the future holds for the young star, who - perhaps inadvertently - triggered a surge of fresh gossip upon making some alterations to his social media bio.
In case you missed it yesterday, Real Madrid striker Mariano has officially completed a move to Ligue 1 giants Lyon. You can read more about it here:
#SaintsFC is delighted to announce that striker @SamGallagher40 has signed a new four-year contract with the club! 😇
Arsenal will reportedly not sell Alexis Sanchez to a direct Premier League rival like Manchester City. Pep Guardiola's side has been heavily linked with a move for the Chilean, but according to Mirror's Rob Draper, PSG are expected to be in the driving seat at the moment.
According to Rob Draper: "Arsenal will tell Alexis Sanchez he will not be sold to Manchester City, meaning their pre-season is likely to be disrupted by the desire of the forward to join Pep Guardiola. Now they have the financial strength to refuse any bid, they will tell Sanchez to join a foreign club, with Paris Saint-Germain favourites, or see out the final year of his deal, when he can leave on a free."
Hello and welcome to our coverage of all the best transfer news and rumours from around Europe. Stay Tuned! We ill be bringing some important updates throughout the day. |
23,148,848 | This afternoon we welcome 14 new divers and one sundeck diver to the vessel. They would come here from all over the world to see what Palau has to offer. After getting settled in the rooms and assembling the gear, we would give them a short briefing about the boat and safety. Then they would have their first dinner from Chef Christian.
After a good night’s sleep, the divers would all wake up eager to get in the water. First dive would be Sandy Paradise, a slopping coral garden that finishes off in a long sandy run to the deep. Here we would get to see the leaf scorpion fish, and mantis shrimp. Over the sand they would see schools of jacks, barracuda, and a few sharks as well. Next we would head to the amazing Siaes tunnel. A long and deep tunnel that holds the rare Helfrichs dart fish. They usually live much deeper but here in the tunnel they think they are deeper. Then the divers would travel along the wall seeing turtles Spanish mackerel, and lots of reef fish in large schools swimming above eels and nudibranchs. The next dive Siaes Corner is the first hookin dive of the week. We would swim along the wall to a point where the sharks and large schools of fish hag out. After hooking in we would fly there for a while and watch the action. The last dive of the day would be to Ulong channel. The premier dive site of this area. A beautiful hard coral wall leading up to a hookin with sharks and turtles. Then we Swim and slowly drift to the end seeing A huge lettuce coral wall, then a couple more sharks patrolling the site. Then finish off the dive with 2 100 plus year old giant clams.
This morning and every morning Chef Christian would serve us the best omelets, eggs, French toast sausage and bacon and waffles. After being filled up for breakfast we would head off to blue corner, one of the top 5 dive sites in the world. Here the divers would be treated to a fantastic wall dive leading up to the corner, after hooking in we would be treated to a friendly and curious napoleon wrasse, lots of sharks parading up and down the wall, a giant school of jacks, and red toothed trigger fish by the thousands (literally). Next after a little relaxation would be blue holes a site right down from the corner that has 4 large holes in the top of the reef leading to a big cavernous room with disco clams,, nudibranchs, and sea fans, then down the wall towards the corner where they would see lots of sharks more schools of travally and barracuda. After that would be a lunch buffet consisting of a large salad, a choice of meats, today it would be Mexican tacos day. A couple sides and some fruit. Nobody looses weight on these trips. Off to new drop off and another hook in dive where the guests would be treated to turtles, sharks and one baby eagle ray that fly’s effortlessly in front of them. For the final day dive we would take them to German channel, here the manta rays would put on a 50 minute display during feeding, swimming close, doing flips, and large angled turns back. This was a couple of the guest’s first sitting of a manta. The first night dive would be to turtle cove where the guests would slowly drift along the wall seeing huge groupers, lobsters, tons of shrimps, and beautiful yellow cup coral everywhere, a great end to the day,
Early in the morning we head down to Peleliu, a beautiful island in southern Palau, also the site of a deadly world war two battle. Some of the guests would go on a land tour during the second dive. There they would see tanks, planes, Japanese caves, a museum and the Japanese headquarters. But for the first dive we would go to Peleliu corner. A fast drift and the most advanced dive we have due to a strong current, but that current brings a lot of fun, and some of the larger sharks sometimes. Here we would see a few big reef sharks, eels, and schools of jacks. Next during the tour the remaining guests would go to west wall. A sheer wall that has barracuda and lets of small crabs, nudes, and scorpion fish. There would also be quite a few turtles checking out what the divers were doing. After lunch we would head out for a quick skiff ride to Orange beach. Here the guests would get to see a small landing vessel from the war, bottles, bullets and shells leftover. After that we would go to Barracks point. Here we would be accompanied by lots of turtles, sharks and travally. Then that night for the night dive we would see Ngedebus coral garden. A sloping garden that has lots of small shrimp, patrolling sharks, sleeping turtles. A perfect end to a great day.
Back to blue corner we head. Awe can never do a week without a second visit to this site. Again we would be treated to a show of sharks, barracuda and 1000’s of other schooling fish. Plus of course the friendly napoleon wrasse. Next we take the divers to see turtle cove during the day. First they would get to go through a small tunnel onto the wall. A cool way to start. Then travel along the wall seeing sharks big schools of fish, turtles, eels, and disco clams just to name a few. Then after a big lunch and a long nap we would head out to canyons, the divers would get to see one of the largest crocodile fish ever. A cool find. After that we head off back to German channel, this time we would see mantas many times during the dive, sometimes getting so close even the responsible people found it hard not to touch them. But nobody did and the mantas were spectacular. That night the divers would chicken out and choose a nice glass of wine and a cut-throat came of Uno, instead of the night dive.
For the last full day we would spend some time on walls. The first one would be Dexter’s wall where the guests would be treated to lots of turtles, and a gorgeous wall. After that we would take the divers to Ferns wall a site that would give us a sighting of a scorpion fish, turtles, sharks, and a beautiful sheer wall with the sunbeams shining through. After lunch we head off to Barnums Wall, where we would see a larger scorpion fish, nudibranchs, and some more turtles. This week has been packed full of turtles. The last dive of the day would be to Big Drop Off, a site where we would see a large ball and chain left over from the German occupation, just beyond that would be a nook in the wall with a couple snoozing white tip sharks. This sheer wall is full of life both on the wall and off of it. You never know where to look. That night Ernan would show his video of the week to the divers delight.
On the final morning we would go to the IRO Maru first thing. A 500 ft wreck with large guns, a cuttlefish, and on the kingposts we would see a couple small giant clams, and a plethora of anemones with some feisty tomato anemone fish. For the last dive of the week we head over to Chandelier Cave. Here we would hop from air filled cave to air filled cave seeing the stalactites. On the way out the divers turn the lights off to use the ambient light to make their way out. Once outside they would spend the rest of the dive looking for and at the elusive Mandarin fish. A beautiful multicolored fish that hides in the coral. After we get back the guests all clean up their gear with our help and then enjoy the afternoon. Some go into town or to the drop off bar to have a drink and some internet. The rest relax on the boat until the cocktail party that evening. After that they all go off the boat to enjoy their final meal on land.
It’s been a great week of diving stories and sightings. The guests were a pleasure and the weather wonderful. At 8am Sunday morning we hate to send them off. Bon Voyage and we hope to see them all again.
Chris Matts is one of the most inventive, creative and illustrative guys I have the pleasure to know. We collaborated on a few half-fun, half-serious projects, only one of which made it to being published—LeanProcrastionation. Chris and Olav Maassen contributed important ideas regarding the identification of the Last Responsible Moment, which lead to a game being created that’s going to be played at the Agile2011 in Salt Lake City tomorrow… Unfortunately, without me.
I only once met Chris in person so far, on my first night in Trondheim where we attended the XP2010 conference. We had much fun (as you can see in the picture) and I’ve learned a lot about and from his work since then…
Your next chance to meet Chris might be the ALE2011 unconference in Berlin (Sept 7-9), where he’ll give a talk about Feature Injection! Register here, there are still free places. Back to Chris' work:
I’m surprised how many people I meet who have not heard of this concept, as “Real Options is the underlying principle of agile.” (quoted from the linked article by Chris and Olav)
One of the principles of the Lean Software approach is “deferring decisions to the last responsible moment”. Why? Because we want to spend our time building the right system, and we only find out what the right system is while we build it. As long as we learn, we have options, and we need to make those options explicit so that we can evaluate when to decide. The model itself is surprisingly simple, yet very powerful:
To explain all of this is beyond the scope of this post, but Chris and Olav have published a wealth of useful information about this on their blog. I suggest to start reading here. Or, if you prefer it in comic format, enjoy Chris’ drawing skills here.
With Feature Injection, Chris gave us an analysis process based on Real Options and a learning cycle. It explains why Examples are of such great importance in BDD. The whole story is, again, presented in the form of a comic, which makes it fun to read! He starts with
Information Arrival, as available information is key to assess your options. The important difference to classical analytical processes is that with Feature Injection information is pulled rather than pushed, leading to a continuous information flow.
As we pull value from a system, we inject features. We recognise that the value of any IT system lies in its outputs.
Identify the minimum set of features to deliver that value, by asking what is needed in the system to produce the expected output.
We try to repeatedly break the Model in the last instalment, thereby completing it. Chris shows how to establish an Experiential Learning Cycle: Example-Reflect-Test-Model-… which leads to the creation of a distributed cognition system. Amazing.
In the Afterlude, Chris connects back to Real Options. He explains the important difference between things we know we don’t know (we know the questions, but don’t have the answers yet), and things we don’t know we don’t know (unknown unknowns, aka Black Swans, the things we do not even have the questions for). By leading us to asking the right question, Feature Injection helps us to create boundaries around the unknown. This boundary we can manage, thereby reducing risk.
“First Chris Matts started to go to conferences. Later, he sent his friends to conferences, so that they could share their learnings with him. In the meantime, these friends send their friends to conferences, too, so that…
He uses the same approach for books. When he saw he couldn’t read all the books he wanted to himself, he started to let his peers read and share…” (quoted from my memory)
This is why we think Chris Matts is an Awesome Coach. If you can add an awesome experience with Chris, please do so in the comments. We honour one Coach a week. Suggestions welcome!
I recently returned from a magical family holiday to Florida. My wife and I decided it was the perfect time for our two young children (now aged seven and five) to experience the delights that Disneyworld has to offer. For those who haven’t been, I can thoroughly recommend it. As a self-confessed “big kid”, there was as much fun to be had for me as they was for my children.
Part of the fun for me was becoming immersed into the world of Pixar. I saw a lot of Pixar characters, and rode a lot of Pixar-themed rides at the parks, but I was intrigued to know more about “how” they work as a company.
“The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art.” – John Lasseter, Chief Creative Officer of PIXAR
Pixar Animation Studios (to give them their full name) is a computer animation film studio that is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. As such, Disneyworld has devoted considerable parts of their parks to character and rides associated with Pixar productions. Pixar’s growth and innovative approach has always intrigued me, and I believe there is an inherently “agile” culture at the soul of the company. Here is what I found during my trip…any beyond!!! (See what I did there?!?)
Firstly, Pixar believe that we are all potential storytellers. Yes, they do hire “story artists” to help craft new exciting worlds and characters for us to enjoy, but deep down, they fundamentally believe that we have one simple thing in common – being human.
Good stories come from humans. They come from our own experiences. They come from our own emotions. One of the documentaries I watched featured the story artist behind “Monsters Inc.”. He started with a drab story about a monster that scares kids for a living – a story that didn’t really ‘hook’ the audience. Only when that story artist had his first child, did the same idea evolve into a story about a Monster learning to become a father – and hence becoming one of Pixar’s major productions.
Similarly, the stories we use in agile or scrum projects should be personal too. They should hold emotional connection firstly for the story writer, and then for the story implementers. I often remark that in a Scrum team, the Product Owner is the chief storyteller. They should be able to convey a personal connection to the story behind the requirements – even if the Product Owner themselves are not the leading character.
“A hallmark of a healthy creative culture is that its people feel free to share ideas, opinions, and criticisms.” — Ed Catmull, President of PIXAR
Pixar are constantly looking to break the boundaries of computer animation. In Monsters Inc. the breakthrough came by animating hair and fur. In Cars, it was reproducing “shiny” metal objects. In Inside Out, the challenge was creating characters made from light particles. These challenges can take up to a whole year to master, and the only way they achieved that was by iterating through trial and error. Characters like Sully from Monsters Inc, went through over 30 iterations and reproductions to get his fur looking “good enough”.
Pixar also still encourage the production of “short films” – some of which have been nominated and even won Academy Awards. Despite the bulk of there revenue coming from blockbuster feature length movies, they still encourage their directors to create short films – to experiment with new technologies and techniques.
So despite many Pixar projects running much longer than more common software-themed scrum projects, Pixar still take and iterative approach to their developments. And stories and characters are reimagined several times before they hit our screens. An iterative approach supports creativity and imagination within teams and organisations – and coupled with an ambition to experiment and surpass what seems impossible at the outset is what makes Pixar such a fascinating company to learn from.
“Mistakes aren’t a necessary evil. They aren’t evil at all. They are an inevitable consequence of doing something new.” — Ed Catmull, President of PIXAR
The story artists at Pixar ask themselves a simple question to help create more engaging storylines. Simply asking “What if?” removes logic and sparks their imagination. Here are some examples that you might recognise:
This is a great way to start thinking about product creation. I would encourage a product owner in a Scrum team to use “What if?” to help create product backlog items. When you haven’t got time to write a long-winded user story or just need some inspiration – give “What if?” a try.
Pixar’s approach to storytelling is now open to anyone. They have shared their process and wisdom in an online training package – primarily aimed at school children – to encourage us to believe in telling our own stories, and even start to think about how they could be animated.
I have started this training myself – and it’s really very good. I would recommend it to anyone interested in how storytelling can be useful to agile teams.
Maybe Pixar are hoping the next generation of storytellers is already out there – and these videos are an invitation to anyone of us to join in with the fun.
If you are interested in the Pixar in a Box, you can sign up at |
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Adam gopnik on “a small boy and others,” “notes of a son and brother,” and how henry james’s ideas compare to those of william james and marcel proust little henry, happy at last. Ralph waldo emerson - properly acknowledged let freedom ring, and essay on henry james's the turn of the screw lse, they tend to hold onto this power and not . Henry james essays henry james essays chris mccandless, henry david thoreau and ralph waldo emerson the historical accuracy of henry v by william shakespeare.
Henry james, om 15 april 1843 – and then by his brother wilkie emerson, an old family friend, died in 1882 david lodge also wrote a long essay about . Essays and criticism on ralph waldo emerson - emerson, ralph waldo (nineteenth-century literary criticism). - henry james' the art of fiction in an essay written in response to an essay written by walter besant, both titled the art of fiction, henry james provides both a new understanding of fiction and greater understand of his own works. Henry james this essay henry james and other 64,000+ term papers, for example ralph waldo emerson, henry david thoreau, nathaniel hawthorne and bronson alcott .
James is relaxed and informal as he writes of emerson, hawthorne, lowell, godkin, norton, and howells: he is fondly recalling--but also criticizing--the cultural orthodoxy in which he was reared the american essays remarkably prefigures current efforts to revise and challenge the aesthetic idealism of the emersonian tradition. About the essential writings of ralph waldo emerson introduction by mary oliver commentary by henry james, robert frost, matthew arnold, oliver wendell holmes, and henry david thoreau. Free college essay henry james 2 henry james- his life and his work henry james was a gifted writer, who had talents in literature, psychology. In the last part i give a short analysis of emerson’s essay “it was emerson, in literary terms at least, , emily dickinson, henry james, and robert frost. Henry james (1843-1916) [pic] life: henry james was born in new york city into a wealthy family his father, henry james sr , was one of the best-known intellectuals in mid-nineteenth-century america, whose friends included thoreau, emerson and hawthorne.
Henry james and the american idea by he defiantly titled the last essay he wrote “the american james” [when] henry james said, i will write the moral . From franklin and emerson to whitman and description of the book the american essays of henry james by james, h edel, l,, published by princeton. Review-essay—leon edel, henry james : a life alfred habegger the henry james review, volume 8, number 3, spring 1987, pp 200-208 connections for emerson .
Free essay: there are many differences and similarities that occur between the turn of the screw by henry james and the black cat by poe these differences. an argumentative essay of daisy miller by henry james simone de beauvoir once said that one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman, distinguishing the terms sex and gender, traditionally mixed up by society. Related documents: world war ii and henry james essay world war ii essay in 1939 a war started that would change the world forever, world war two the allies were . This library of america series edition is printed on acid-free paper and features smyth-sewn binding, a full cloth cover, and a ribbon marker henry james: literary criticism: essays on literature, american writers, english writers is kept in print by a gift from nancy m edwards to the guardians of american letters fund in memory of thomas r .
Henry james was the preeminent american writer of emerson henry james research papers – paper masters henry james research papers write emerson and thoreau – research papers on emerson and thoreau show that ralph waldo emerson spurred on the career of henry the henry james of harlem: james baldwin x27s struggles in this exclusive online . Review-essay—leon edel, henry james: a life one notices a glaring difference between henry james and the others the facts, documents, connections for emerson . In this exclusive online essay from the london review of books, colm tóibín celebrates the extraordinary james baldwin sir thomas browne, hazlitt, emerson and henry james he brought, he .
His father, henry james sr, was one of the best-known intellectuals in mid-nineteenth-century america, whose friends included thoreau, emerson and hawthorne in his youth james traveled back and forth between europe and america.
Henry james (1843-1916), american his father, henry james, sr, was an unconventional thinker who had inherited considerable wealth and was a follower of swedenborgian mysticism, a belief system devoted to the study of philosophy, theology, and spiritualism, and socialized with such eminent writers as thomas carlyle, ralph waldo emerson, henry . |
24,178,908 | Her anatomy would be best described as perfectly feminine. Long legs, mid sized breasts, soft face and curly brunette hair. If school books were to describe female proportions the publisher would most likely use her images as an example.
Curly brunette Cecilia has a smile that can melt rocks in Antarctica. Just take your laptop to an iceberg and open it with her gallery. The ice will melt instantly. If you can’t make it there try the same with a gallon of vanilla or strawberry icecream. When she was a teenager she looked like a tomboy, but as she has came to 22 years of age she grew into a real hot woman. No matter what angle one looks at her, she is always pretty one.
Researchers hope that the unique properties of graphene and graphene foam can be used to regenerate 3-dimensional tissues and organs for implantation into the human body.
Scientists have developed a ferro-electric material with a memory function resembling synapses and neurons in the brain, resulting in a multistate memory.
Past research has shown heterogeneous silicon-germanium nanowires to be better transistors than their pure silicon counterparts. Researchers havefigured out the most likely reason why.
Researchers have demonstrated doping-induced tunable wetting and adhesion of graphene, revealing new and unique opportunities for advanced coating materials and transducers.
A graphene hydraulic 'nano-press' has proved to be capable of creating new two-dimensional materials by exerting huge pressure on compounds sealed between layers of graphene.
Scientists have realised a photon-photon logic gate via a deterministic interaction with a strongly coupled atom-resonator system.
Researchers use a periodic cavity structure to channel light more intensely; applications seen in sensing, spectroscopy, remote sensing of explosives and more.
An international team of researchers has demonstrated a new way to increase the robustness and energy storage capability of a particular class of lithium-rich cathode materials - by using a carbon dioxide-based gas mixture to create oxygen vacancies at the material's surface.
Innovative technology has been able to find and facilitate the killing of cancer cells in mice without harming the nearby healthy tissue. A treatment using this technology in humans could reduce the rate of cancer recurrence or metastasis.
In a step that could bring perovskite crystals closer to use in the burgeoning solar power industry, researchers have tweaked their crystal production method and developed a new type of two-dimensional layered perovskite with outstanding stability and more than triple the material's previous power conversion efficiency.
As an important step towards graphene integration in silicon photonics, researchers have published a paper which shows how graphene can provide a simple solution for silicon photodetection in the telecommunication wavelengths.
Researchers have been able to quantify fundamental physical limitations on the performance of cloaking devices, a technology that allows objects to become invisible or undetectable to electromagnetic waves including radio waves, microwaves, infrared and visible light.
Scientists have developed light-powered molecular motors that repetitively bend and unbend, bringing us closer to molecular robots.
Micro Bubble Technology Signs $2M Agreement for Distribution Right of its Carbon Nano Tube Battery in North America
(Nanowerk News) Micro Bubble Technology, the new subsidiary of EcoloCap Solutions, ("MBT") has signed an agreement with Next-Alternative Inc, which agreed to pay $2 million in return for the exclusive right to market and distribute MBT's Carbon Nano Tube Battery for wheeled applications in North America.
In addition, Next-Alternative as a distributor for MBT's EM Fuel, has sold an EM-Fuel Nanomizer to make EM-Fuel for use in Montreal. Initially EM-Fuel will be used for delivery trucks. This first EM-Fuel Nanomizer sold in North America will produce 60 metric tons of EM-Fuel per 24-hour period. Although this sale is substantial, the main impact for the company is that it will create recurring revenue through sale of the additive needed in the production of EM Fuel.
Michael Siegel, President and CEO of Micro Bubble and EcoloCap stated: "The use of EM-Fuel is significant in the reduction of both emissions and cost. When EM-Fuel is used, replacing diesel or bunker fuel, there is a 60% reduction in emission (CO2, NOx, and particulate matter) a 40% reduction in fuel, and approximately 25% reduction in cost of fuel and maintenance of the diesel engine. We plan to deliver the third version of the Nanomizer with enhanced capabilities in October.
As for our CNT Batteries, we are establishing two initial production lines, one of which will be dedicated to Next-Alternative for distribution to the golf cart industry. The Carbon Nano Tube Batteries ("CNT Batteries") will sell for a slight premium to a similar type battery, but will yield up to 8 times the reserve capacity, recharge in less that ten minutes and MBT will offer a 5 year limited replacement guarantee if the battery is charged with the MBT charger system."
Micro Bubble Technologies Inc. is a "green" nanotechnology company, focused on energy solutions. MBT develops and markets nanotechnology-based energy products. MBT's Carbon Nano Tube batteries demonstrated to have 8 times the energy reserve capacity of traditional lead-acid batteries, 2.5 times that of lithium-ion batteries and a recharge time of five to 10 minutes - all for a slight premium over the price of similar lead-acid battery. MBT's EM-Fuel technology processes oil with water and a special additive through its own developed Nanomizer, with the result that the EM Fuel provides a 60% reduction in emissions, a 40% reduction in oil consumption, and a 25% reduction in cost of fuel and engine maintenance. MBT markets its products worldwide either directly or through agreements with distributors. |
90,059,702 | Great opportunity to get your hands on a gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment on the ground floor of the residential complex of La Pineda, Torviscas Alto, Costa Adeje, Tenerife. Features a beautiful garden and BBQ area. Offers spacious and bright rooms throughout - 2 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, shared family bathroom, open plan kitchen and dining/living room with access out on to the garden and terrace area. To be sold partially furnished. Includes secure garage space with storage.
The complex of La Pineda is ideally located - close to shops, bus route, bars & restaurants and just a 2 minute drive from the TF-1 motorway but is still in a very quiet location. Community fees are very low for this type of property in this area at just 64 Euros a month.
Contact Woods the Estate Agents in Tenerife to arrange a viewing for this apartment for sale in Costa Adeje, Tenerife.
Brian teaches private and group classes at the Woodstock Ukulele Studio, located on Tolman street behind 6305 SE 46th Ave. in the Woodstock neighborhood of Southeast Portland.
For ten sessions, beginning October 29 and 30, we will be playing Brian's arrangements of songs about rain. Drop in fee is $10. Standard Woodstock Ukulele workshop card is $75 for ten visits to any workshops at Woodstock Ukulele Studio. Drop-ins welcome!
Come learn the basics! We'll be learning all the classic beginner stuff: chords, strumming, single note playing - and we'll be playing a lot of fun songs along the way. Drop in fee is $10. Standard Woodstock Ukulele workshop card is $75 for ten visits to any workshops at Woodstock Ukulele Studio. This is an on-going workshop. Drop-ins welcome! First timers please come at 6:30 for an orientation/introduction.
James Hill classes are formed based on demand, and can begin at any time of the year if students are interested. Please email Brian ([email protected]) as classes are forming now for fall classes.
The James Hill method is a three book series ukulele teaching methodology based on ensemble playing and reading standard music notation. Brian is a certified instructor in the James Hill teaching methodology.
This class explores the first part of the first of the three James Hill ukulele method books. We will meet for ten ninety minute sessions. Cost of the class is $240.00 (plus $15.00 for book)
This class explores the second part of the first of the three James Hill ukulele method books. We will meet for ten ninety minute sessions. Cost of the class is $240.00
This class explores the first part of the second of the three James Hill ukulele method books. We will meet for ten ninety minute sessions. Cost of the class is $240.00 (plus $15.00 for book)
This class explores the first part of the third of the three James Hill ukulele method books. We will meet for ten ninety minute sessions. Cost of the class is $240.00 (plus $15.00 for book)
In the eight session ensemble repertoire class we will work on Brian's arrangements and from other sources.
Students may enroll in the Ensemble Repertoire class if they have completed the James Hill green book class, or have the equivalent experience with reading standard notation for ukulele.
Brian teaches private lessons in beginning to advanced levels of ukulele technique, and he plays and teaches each instrument in the ukulele family: soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone. Brian also teaches bass guitar lessons (including bass ukulele, or “Ubass”). Cost of private lessons is $30/hr in the studio and $40/hr for housecalls. 24 hour lesson cancellation policy.
To inquire about private lessons, or enrolling in a group class, please email Brian at [email protected]
Brian is super passionate about all kinds of music, in a way that transcends genre or period. A great mentor for people who are obsessed with researching and making music.
While some companies might pursue greener business practices in the hopes of attracting today’s ecologically minded consumers, Osborne Wood Products has embraced sustainability as an operating principle since it first opened its doors, back in 1979. “It’s a concept we take seriously,” says Leon Osborne, founder and CEO. “Not a trend, but a way of life; we seek to promote sustainability of quality of life, of community, and of the planet in all that we do.”
That could be construed as a tall order for a small company of 32 full-time employees that produce some 700 different wood products, ranging from table and kitchen island legs, to cabinet moldings and onlays, plus corbels, brackets and more. Still, Mr. Osborne openly discusses his commitment to faith values in a video on the company website, which translates to a corporate commitment to “going the second mile” for customers and considering “how the other would want to be treated.” He fosters a corporate culture where being an accountable and responsible manufacturer is the logical extension of being an accountable and responsible person. In fact, his decision to leave the steel industry as a welder and start the company back in the late 70s was in hopes of finding a job that would be better for his health as well as the environment. Wood products was the answer.
Brandon Wyatt, a marketing assistant at Osborne, explains that the company’s three-pronged commitment to sustainability in quality of life, community and planet is practiced each day in tangible efforts. “This approach really gained traction back in 2009 when we updated our business strategy to a Lean Management model and made updates to our front office and warehouse facility. But the fundamentals have always been part of our way of doing business here.”
When it comes to improving quality of life, Osborne provides extensive preventative health care for its employees as well as full health insurance benefits. Nurses and other health care professionals are brought in from time to time to conduct seminars on wellness topics and exercise. “We constructed a 30,000 square-foot fitness facility behind our warehouse in 2004, so that employees and their families could take better care of their bodies.” The gym includes a full basketball court, weight room, cardio room and racquetball court. Wyatt says that because of these kinds of incentives, “we have a very high employee retention rate within the wood products industry … some of our lathe operators have worked here for more than 20 years. Despite the recent economic downturn, we’ve been fortunate enough to continue to add staff. People want to work here, because Osborne takes care of its employees.”
The company also sees sustainability in the broader sense of being responsible to the community. “Some of our employees mentor kids at elementary schools in our Toccoa, Georgia, area. We host site tours for middle school students so that we can talk to them about the importance of getting a good job and how they can prepare themselves for that goal in their lives,” Wyatt says. Osborne Wood Products has participated in fundraisers for literacy programs such as the Stephens Education and Literacy Foundation, plus supporting Atlanta-area homeless shelters and a home for abused and neglected children. Osborne also reaches out to local Boy Scout troops, offering to design graphics for awards and provide other resources for scouting events.
Then, there are Osborne’s efforts toward recycling and reducing other manufacturing impacts on the environment. “We’ve always had bins available for collecting common recyclables like office paper, plastic and aluminum cans. But after our Lean Management efforts took effect, we now also recycle metal tooling, fasteners, blades, lathe parts and steel banding from lumber shipments. We have a machine that turns scrap cardboard into a mesh for wrapping shipments. Our sawdust goes out to poultry farms to be used as bedding, in an effort to re-use what might otherwise just become waste.” The company recycles spent batteries at a local Home Depot, to help prevent heavy metals and acids from tainting groundwater supplies and soil.
A few years ago, Osborne Wood Products researched how it could incorporate low- or no-VOC products and recycled materials into a major building addition. The sheetrock, lumber, insulation, paint sand carpeting that were used in construction were researched to determine their environmental impact. A list of these “green” building products is provided on Osborne’s website.
The company also is hoping to include more Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood products in its catalog. FSC is an independent, nonprofit group whose purpose is to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC certification requires that manufacturers adhere to strict guidelines when harvesting, milling, assembling and even transporting products to market in ways that promote reforestation and responsible forest stewardship. Right now, Wyatt says only about one percent of Osborne’s inventory is FSC certified, but “that’s because we’re in a niche industry; we will add more FSC certified products as the demand increases.” Currently, the company offers certain products made from FSC certified cherry and hard maple. Rubberwood, another eco-friendly species, is used for some carved items. More “green” wood types are being considered. |
38,853,663 | Hanagodu: The first batch of six Dasara elephants are being readied for the Gajapayana, the march of the elephants from camps inside the forests, that will take place at Veeranahosahalli Gate on Sept.2. The elephants are being cleaned and bathed with warm water regularly and are being fed with nutritious food and are being prepared to be transported to Mysuru for Naada Habba. The elephants will be traditionally welcomed at the Mysore Palace on Sept.3.
The first batch is being led by Howdah Elephant 58-year-old Arjuna from Balle elephant camp. The others are 60-year-old Balarama, 52-year-old Abhimanyu and 39-year-old Drona — all from Mathigodu elephant camp, 42-year-old Chaitra from Bandipur and 62-year-old Varalakshmi from Masti elephant camp.
Apart from being fed with sumptuous meals, Forest Department Veterinarian Dr. Mujeeb is doing daily checks of the elephants, especially Arjuna who will be the cynosure of all eyes on the Vijayadashami day. Elephants are being closely checked for any possible infections. Even their dung is checked and monitored. Along with the elephants, mahouts, kavadis and their family members are getting ready for the Gajapayana. For the Gajapayana, the Veeranahosahalli Gate is being decked up. The weeds around the gate are being cleared and the land is being levelled by earth movers. Over 1,200 chairs will be placed for the crowd that is expected for the event. Over 1,200 packets of food will be distributed on that day for the crowd while over 400 guests, VIPs and media will be served with special food at Veeranahosahalli Tribal Ashrama School.
Special cultural programmes will be organised on the Gajapayana day where youth and children from the Tibetan Camp at Gurupura near Hunsur will present their traditional dances. This apart, tribals from Veeranahosahalli and surrounding areas will also present their culture in a colourful way.
Meanwhile, on the Mysore Palace campus, construction works on the temporary sheds to house the Dasara elephants and shelter for mahouts and kavadis are going on in full swing.
This time, 12 elephants will be brought to the city in two batches. The authorities have erected temporary shelters, including a school for the children of mahouts and kavadis, and a temporary healthcare centre.
Note from Kannada.Club : This story has been auto-generated from a syndicated feed from
Endocannabinoids (and plant-derived cannabinoids) connect with receptors - called cannabinoid receptors - on the surface of cells. There are two main receptors, CB1 and CB2. It has been shown that Cannabidiol (CBD) strengthens and improves the efficacy of mitochondria, the power source for every cell in your body.
Studies on the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) have shown that apart from being regulator of homeostasis, the ECS also responsible for repairing damaged cells. Research has also shown that cannabinoids are able to target damaged cells without affecting normal cells, which means that the ECS can act as a biological defense system.
When a person ingests hemp oil, CBD, or other cannabinoids, these cannabinoid receptors are activated (CBD seems to have a higher affinity for CB2 receptors than CB1 receptors). Research indicates that when you feed your ECS with non-toxic, non-addictive cannabinoids, it is possible to develop a healthier endocannabinoid system and, almost certainly, a healthier life.
It is one of the new and outstanding discoveries in science. The ECS regulates a variety of biological processes, such as relaxation, feeding, sleep, certain inflammatory reactions and even cognitive function. In short, your ECS is responsible for the optimal function of your body - it's no small task!
Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body. However, while the Endocannabinoid System performs its tasks, experts believe that the function of the ECS is the regulation of homeostasis. It is difficult to define a system as complex as the ECS, but it is important to know that there are two types of important receptors - CB1 and CB2 - in the cells of the body. They are abundant in the brain and immune system. The body produces cannabinoids in a natural process (such as endocannabinoids: anandamide and 2-AG) that share chemical structures similar to cannabinoids derived from plants like CBD.
The ECS literally means "the cannabinoid system inside the body". Because CBD modulates endocannabinoids, hemp-derived CBD oil helps to balance and maintain your body's homeostasis.
"In the last decade, the endocannabinoid system has been implicated in an increasing number of physiological functions, both in the central and peripheral nervous systems and in the peripheral organs ... modulation of the activity of the endocannabinoid system was found to contain therapeutic promise in the diseases And pathological conditions ... "
Researchers are doing studies on cannabinoids and other compounds to see how they interact with the Endocannabinoid System.
CBD and THC are not the only compounds used by the endocannabinoid system. There are at least eighty phyto-cannabinoids, varied endocannabinoids, which are the cannabinoids that all mammals produce in their bodies, and some other compounds such as omega fatty acids that interact with cannabinoid receptors.
There are thousands of studies published and reviewed on the subject of the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system has attracted interest in pharmaceutical drug development and research since its discovery more than two decades ago.
In general, this research indicates that the endocannabinoid system appears to play a very "protective" role in our bodies. In fact, the most important thing the endocannabinoid system wants to protect is homeostasis - that is, making sure that the body is functioning optimally at all times.
Some researchers have proposed an "endocannabinoid syndrome," a syndrome in which the body does not produce enough endocannabinoids. This research speculates that a deficiency of cannabinoids can be at the root of autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and more.
As a company, Kannaway is totally in favor of endocannabinoid system research. If research continues to advance in the current direction, it can be argued that the endocannabinoid system is a key system for the general well-being of the human being! |
279,243,628 | As a foreigner to Chinese, Korean, and Japanese friends, I seem to incite conversations on international topics more often than would seem the norm in strictly native circles. And, perhaps as some perverse gesture of solidarity with the Westerner in the room, these conversations quite often turn into xenophobic venting sessions directed at East Asian neighbors. The catharses usually begin as polite self-deprecating observations on one’s own society and then morph, with varying degrees of speed and completion depending on the drinks being served that night, into stronger and more earnest insults directed to the inhabitants of nearby countries.
What strikes me most about the content of such conversations is not just that the participants have generally realized that I lived for almost three years in China and developed several friendships along the way, have a Korean boyfriend and a close relationship with his family, and have made a few Japanese friends in both Chinese and Korean language classes and am thus very likely judging their xenophobia with some critical scrutiny, but that the comments, whether they be made by Chinese people about Koreans, Japanese people about Chinese, Korean people about Japanese, or any permutation thereof, are all pretty much the same.
A few close Chinese friends in Beijing once told me over lamb kebabs and beer that they considered Koreans “很吵,没有礼貌,不太聪明 (loud, rude, and unintelligent).” A few months later, I had a similarly sized group of Korean friends confiding to me over banchan and fish that Chinese tourists struck them as “시끄럽고 예의 없어 (loud and rude).”
Similarly, a Chinese friend complained to me several times that I should watch myself around Koreans, who are cold-hearted business-minded folks who will befriend you for personal gain and, once you cease to be of use to them, “只把你扔掉了 (just toss you away).” Perhaps, though, I shouldn’t heed that advice, as, according to a Korean acquaintance, Chinese people are “물질만능주의자 (exclusively materialistic).”
The hate doesn’t stop at bashing each other’s aptitudes and principles. A close Korean friend once told me that she thought that compared with Chinese and Japanese, 우리 나라 여자들은 가장 예뻐 (our country’s girls are the prettiest).” This declaration ironically called to mind an offhand comment once made by a female Chinese friend that Chinese girls had bigger eyes and were naturally prettier than Koreans and Japanese.
Multiple Chinese and Korean people have also complained to me that people from the other country always try to seize everything important in East Asian history as their own invention. The Chinese end of this argument is humorously depicted in one of my favorite Youku videos, which alleges that a Korean professor claimed that Sun Yat-sen and Yao Ming had Korean ancestry and that Korean academics have before concluded that Confucius, Xi Shi (legendary beauty said to have lived in the 春秋 period), and Li Shizhen (Ming Dynasty doctor and polymath) had Korean blood and will soon declare that the universe itself was created by Korea.
Such xenophobic sentiments have not been limited to close friends in intimate quarters. The head of my office in Beijing once told me after some slight inebriation at a company banquet that he considered the smartest and most accomplished people in the history of the world to be Chinese, German, English, and Japanese, but “对不起,不是韩国人 (sorry, not Koreans).”
This comment was countered and perhaps topped by the Yonsei KLI Korean teacher (and my absolute favorite teacher at the program, so I take her comments in a benign context) who asked our class if we didn’t think that Korean students were “다른 나라 학생보다 더 똑똑하지않아 (just smarter than students from other countries)?”
It might be easy to think so when surrounded by fellow Koreans, but I know several people from countries on either side of this peninsula who would happily disagree.
"Welcome to your new bar. I'll need you to make me a Margarita, a Manhattan and a Caipiroska. You have nine minutes."
After waiting outside a conference room at New York's Marriott Marquis until my group was called, I now found myself standing across from the person who would be judging the practical part (i.e. mixing cocktails from memory) of my BarSmarts Advanced exam. Here I was, me with limited actual bartending experience--beyond whipping up drinks in my home bar, either for myself and my husband, or guests; or as research for the cocktail writing I do--suddenly standing across from the Jim Meehan of New York's PDT. Now, I consider Jim to be a colleague and a friend, and he's been a fabulous and helpful source for many wine and spirits articles I've written over the past few years. But now America's Best Bartender, who owns the World's Best Cocktail Bar (as awarded by Tales of the Cocktail this past summer), was standing, clipboard in hand, ready to critique my mixing, muddling and orange twist garnishes. Yikes.
BarSmarts Advanced is a spirits, mixology and service training and certification program designed exclusively for Pernod Ricard USA. It's instructed by the partners of Beverage Alcohol Resource (BAR), LLC, Dale DeGroff, Doug Frost, Steve Olson, F. Paul Pacult, Andy Seymour and David Wondrich (quite an impressive bunch.) BarSmarts is held each year in New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas and other cities.
Most of the students who take BarSmarts Advanced (not surprisingly) are bartenders looking to improve their knowledge and skills--or sent there at the encouragement of their boss. I had requested a slot--BarSmarts is currently by invitation only--to improve my knowledge of spirits and cocktails to help with my writing. The course itself is a steal: $65 gets you a workbook and 4 training DVDs, a set of bar tools, and a chance to attend the BarSmarts Live! Day.
For almost 2 months, I read the workbook, watched the DVDs, mixed cocktails and memorized their recipes using flash cards I made, and took the 4 online quizzes--passing them guaranteed me a spot at the live day, where I could attend seminars taught by the BarSmarts instructors, and take the two parts of the exam that would grant me my certification: a 100 question multiple choice test, including 15 questions based on blind spirits tasting; and the practical portion, where I would need to make 3 cocktails from memory out of a possible 25 (classics ranging from a Martini, to a Sazerac, to a Mint Julep.) If I didn't pass the test, I thought at the very least I'd be more well-versed in making drinks for my friends in my well-stocked home bar...
I passed the online quizzes, registered for the live day, and kept on studying. Since I don't have a mixology background, the making drinks portion of the exam was more daunting to me than the written part--I've always been a good test taker.
The day of the course finally arrived. We spent the morning in seminars where we talked about bar tips and spirit trends. We learned the process of conducting a spirits tasting, and I even got a great recipe for a classic punch from author and instructor David Wondrich.
I used lunchtime as a last minute cram session, running through my cocktail flash cards so I'd be confident when whipping up whatever drinks I needed to ("Gin Fizz has no ice and no garnish, Tom Collins gets ice and a flag garnish; Sidecar served up gets a sugared rim; don't forget the orgeat syrup in a Mai Tai".) Though the instructors encouraged us to use our own recipes and techniques for the cocktails if we had ones we thought worked better, I stuck to the cards. I'm not a mixologist by trade--who was I to improvise?
The doors to the conference room opened, about eight of us were ushered in, and I was led over to a table that was fully stocked as a bar. Jim smiled--he could probably tell I was pretty nervous--welcomed me to my new bar, and showed me where everything was located: glasses, ice, spirits, mixers, garnishes, rinsing station, trash receptable. Each BarSmarts Advanced student needed to bring our own tools, so I took my shaker, strainers, muddler, jiggers, etc. out of my bag and arranged them on the bar. I was so hoping that I would be making the cocktails I've found myself drinking lately: the Aviation, Blood and Sand, Negroni, classic Martini (50/50).
But all in all, I didn't get a bad selection. First up: the Margarita. I poured in the Tequila first, and then stopped myself after realizing I put in less simple sugar than the recipe called for. "Don't worry about it," Jim said. "Let's see how it goes. I like my drinks tart and we can always add a bit more at the end." I shook it, and served it up, with a half salt-rimmed glass (and I remembered to chill the glass with ice before mixing the drink--something that took some getting used to for someone who doesn't work in a bar and typically uses the kitchen freezer to chill the glass...) I tasted the drink, using my finger to suction up some of it through a straw. It turned out ok after all, though afterwards, Jim told me that I could have asked him if he wanted it on the rocks or up--I automatically served it up, the way I would have ordered it and how it was described in the workbook.
Next, I muddled the lime and simple syrup for the Caipiroska, added vodka, shook it and served it. This drink was pretty easy. I then found out I had three minutes left for drink #3. "Plenty of time," assured Jim.
Drink #3, a Manhattan--my in-law's beverage of choice. Pretty well executed (though my stirring technique still has a bit to be desired...), served up with an orange twist (I wanted to flame it but thought in my nervousness I might singe my finger...) Success--though he reminded me that I should have asked him if he wanted it with a cherry or orange twist. I detest Maraschino cherries (so fake looking and tasting...), so again I made the drink the way I would have wanted it. Note to self: in a bar situation, the customer gets to decide. Oops.
So I ended up having a minute to spare. I cleaned up and packed up my tools while Jim made some last minute notes on the sheet on his clipboard. He also told me that he can tell I know how to make the drinks, the next step is to personalize them by making sure the customer gets them the way they want them. Then I was outta there to take the written part.
Ugh...the written test. I was so worried about mixing the drinks, when the written exam turned out to be harder than I had expected. The questions that gave me trouble were just the ones I assumed would. I'm a gin gal, not a big whiskey affionado. So the info about Bourbon's mashbill, bonded whiskey, blended Scotch, etc. etc. was just hard for me to remember. And at the end of the exam were 15 questions based on blind tasting 3 spirits. I was one of the last ones to leave the testing room, and as I walked back to Penn Station, I wasn't feeling exactly confident... But not matter how it would turn out, I thought it was a great experience and was so glad I pursued it.
However, I found out last weekend that I passed! So I'm BarSmarts certified! Yay me!! Not sure which questions I got wrong on the test--and not sure I will or even want to find out...
I really enjoyed the BarSmarts experience, and would highly recommend it to anyone. Check out their website for detailed information. |
201,779,265 | One of the suggestions for Christmas gifts given by Advent Conspiracy was to give a gift card to eat or to coffee with the stipulation that they go on a date with you.
The first piece of assigned reading I did as a freshman at Hamilton College, way back in the fall of 2006, was George Orwell’s essay Politics and the English Language. It was assigned by my American Political Process professor, who believed we needed to understand the role of language in discourse before we could form coherent thoughts and opinions. To this day I remember reading Orwell’s critique and the feeling of clarity it gave me. Ever since I became interested in politics in high school, I had taken the tedious nature of most political writing as a given. It was simply how serious people with serious things to talk about wrote. I never questioned its usefulness or even acknowledged it, unless you count the feeling of dread I would get when assigned readings in my politics and history classes.
Orwell’s essay was a revelation of the most basic, but powerful, kind. Like Newton’s “discovery” of gravity, he revealed something that had always been there but I’d never truly noticed. How we use language is a choice, both individually and socially, that impacts every aspect of our lives. And this choice sparks a cycle that can be either virtuous or vicious. As Orwell notes, English “becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.” His goal was to stop this cycle.
Orwell’s essay opened my eyes to the power of language and kindled my interest in another iconic but renegade artist: George Carlin. I had heard some of Carlin’s material before, but I really came to appreciate his work my freshman year and even had the luck of seeing him perform at a nearby casino. Like Orwell, Carlin was fascinated by language and focused on it in his standup. He lamented the “softening” of our language, ridiculed how we talk about minorities, lampooned silly expressions we use, and railed against attempts to control what we can and cannot say. He recognized, as Orwell did, that language and politics are deeply related, and that our current use of bad language makes for bad politics. As Carlin said, “The quality of our thoughts and ideas could only be as good as the quality of our language.”
Together, Carlin and Orwell showed me that language is like any other tool and prepared me to use it properly throughout my time at college. I mention all of this because I recently re-read Orwell’s piece as both a symbolic and actual refresher on the use of language. I just started a new degree program in Washington, D.C. (which is why you haven’t heard from me in a while) and figured it would be wise to start this program the same way I started Hamilton: with a reminder that words matter. So on that note, I hope you click on the links I’ve provided here and enjoy some great Carlin standup as well as read one of Orwell’s great essays. After all, as the famous author noted at the end of his piece, “One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one’s own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase – some jackboot, Achille’s heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno or other lump of verbal refuse – into the dustbin where it belongs.”
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Etihad Airways has increased baggage allowances for all Pearl Business class and Diamond First class travellers by 10 kilograms.
Passengers travelling in Pearl Business class will now have an allowance of 40kg, and passengers in Diamond First class will have an allowance of 50kg.
Members of the Etihad Guest frequent flyer programme travelling in the Diamond First class or Pearl Business class cabins will be able to enjoy additional baggage allowances. |
98,600,430 | Mass Market Paperback by Susan Finch 17 pages Publisher: Falcon Guides - February 14, 2011 Language: English
Discover a region of diverse scenery and natural beauty- an area of wetland preserves, dense forests, rim trails, jagged outcroppings of blackhand sandstone, elaborate gardens, swamp forests, and gorge trails.
Ancient glacial activity helped create the present-day A. W. Marion State Park and the surrounding Till Plains eco-region. Like many of the wetland areas and native forests of Ohio, the land was drain ...
The Dyer Mill Trail is part of Battelle Darby Metro Park, the largest in the system. Dubbed one of the “last Great Places in the Western Hemisphere” by The Nature Conservancy, the park boasts oak-hick ...
The largest park in the system, Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park features 6,786 acres of rolling fields, forests, and open prairies with 11 miles of trails ranging from easy to difficult. Hikers can c ...
Walk along the rim of a sandstone gorge cut by the Licking River. Learn more about the park’s mysterious Native American legacy and ancient namesake. Hikers are rewarded with views of a quarry from th ...
The oldest metro park in the system, this 643-acre park features relatively undisturbed forest and wildlife with open meadows, fields, and seasonal ponds. Blacklick Woods officially opened to the pub ...
Hike through oak-hickory and beech-maple forests along stream-cut ravines in a park renowned for its birding activity. Opened in 1951, 650-acre Blendon Woods Metro Park features stream-cut ravines n ...
Hike along a ridge trail more than 150 feet high offering dazzling views of the Columbus skyline from the observation deck, blackhand sandstone, and woodland beauty. The sloping ridge along the 486- ...
Drive past “Leaning Leena” and hike along Clear Creek before ascending through a forest and accessing a secluded rim trail. Clear Creek Metro Park, one of the most pristine parks in the Columbus metr ...
Hike along the rim of the hollow for sandstone overlooks, rock outcroppings, and tumbling waterfalls on one of the best scenic trails in Ohio. Afterwards, hike through the belly of the gorge for a loo ...
Hike through rolling meadows and make a loop through an ornate Japanese garden, conifers, and wooded forests. Stop by the lake and take a walk through a deciduous cypress garden. Nature enthusiasts B ...
Now surrounded by farmlands, Glacier Ridge was named for the moraine that was left by the retreating Wisconsinan glacier. Today the area features a restored 250-acre wetland, a boardwalk, and an obser ...
Wind through Edward F. Hutchins State Nature Preserve and stop by the observation deck for a 110-foot-elevation view of the Olentangy River. Meet up with Dripping Rock Trail for a hike through hardwoo ...
Hike along a sandstone gorge past waterfalls, rocks, and caves to discover the mystery of Hocking Hills’ hermit. Stop to see the unique streambed formation of Devil’s Bathtub and view the Sphinx Head ...
Hike through a scenic nature preserve featuring over 2,000 species of plants, a rock garden, flowerbeds, and woodlands.
Take a walk along the Scioto River in downtown Columbus for skyline views, outdoor pavilions, an interactive museum, and a touch of history. North Bank Park lies just north of downtown Columbus and in ...
Hike through 762 acres of open meadows and bur oak forests before taking a stroll alongside Schrock Lake. 3.2 Arrive at the Honda Wetland Education Center. Unless you’ve arranged for a shuttle, retrac ...
Take a walk through some of Ohio’s protected wetlands, explore a glacial outwash bank, and see migrating birds and more along the wetland boardwalk.
Golden Eagle Trail is a hiking, biking, and horse trail in San Joaquin County, California. It is within Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area. It is 0.6 miles long and begins at 1,382 feet altitude. Traveling the entire trail is 1.3 miles with a total elevation gain of 562 feet.
Golden Eagle Trail is a hiking, biking, and horse trail in San Joaquin County, California. It is within Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area. It is 0.6 miles long and begins at 1,382 feet altitude. Traveling the entire trail is 1.3 miles with a total elevation gain of 562 feet. This trail connects with the following: Serpentine Trail and Barn Owl Trail.
National Forest Development Road 1088 Trail is a hiking, biking, and horse trail in Bonner County, Idaho. It is within Idaho Panhandle National Forests. It is 2.2 miles long and begins at 2,638 feet altitude. Traveling the entire trail is 4.4 miles with a total elevation gain of 783 feet.
Scooter Peak Trail is a hiking, biking, and horse trail in Sandoval County, New Mexico. It is within Bandelier National Monument and Valles Caldera National Preserve. It is 0.7 miles long and begins at 9,160 feet altitude. Traveling the entire trail is 1.5 miles with a total elevation gain of 314 feet.
Scooter Peak Trail is a hiking, biking, and horse trail in Sandoval County, New Mexico. It is within Bandelier National Monument and Valles Caldera National Preserve. It is 0.7 miles long and begins at 9,160 feet altitude. Traveling the entire trail is 1.5 miles with a total elevation gain of 314 feet. This trail connects with the following: Coyote Call Trail.
North Fork Skokomish River Trail is a hiking and horse trail in Mason County and Jefferson County, Washington. It is within Olympic National Park. It is 12.0 miles long and begins at 831 feet altitude. Traveling the entire trail is 24.2 miles with a total elevation gain of 6,768 feet. Near the trailhead there are restrooms, parking, and a parking. The Nine Stream Camp, Big Log Camp, and Camp Pleasant restroom and the Two Bear Camp site can be seen along the trail.
North Fork Skokomish River Trail is a hiking and horse trail in Mason County and Jefferson County, Washington. It is within Olympic National Park. It is 12.0 miles long and begins at 831 feet altitude. Traveling the entire trail is 24.2 miles with a total elevation gain of 6,768 feet. Near the trailhead there are restrooms, parking, and a parking. The Nine Stream Camp, Big Log Camp, and Camp Pleasant restroom and the Two Bear Camp site can be seen along the trail. This trail connects with the following: Six Ridge Primitive Trail, Mount Hopper Way Trail, Black and White Lakes Primitive Trail, Flapjack Lakes Trail, Wagonwheel Lake Trail, Staircase Rapids Nature Trail and Home Sweet Home Trail.
"Your choice: An easy all-day hike along a roaring wild waterway embraced by coniferous giants, or a very long all-day hike to a pair of subalpine lakes in the shadows of the jagged Sawtooth Range. Neither hike is particularly difficult, but both are long.
Even so, expect company. The North Fork Skokomish River valley has been attracting legions of hikers ever since Lt. Joseph P. O’Neil and his boys passed this way shortly after Washington statehood. National park entrance fee. Dogs prohibited. Staircase access road closed in winter—park at picnic area and hike 1 mile up road or hike 0.8 mile on Shady Lane Trail."
"A 15.1-mile backpack (one way) from the Staircase Ranger Station to the Duckabush River. This trail begins in the lush lowland forests of the Skokomish basin and ultimately climbs over a lofty pass to reach the headwaters of the Duckabush." |
158,458,975 | Michael Jackson is a man of confidence. A selfless guy. One who captivates a room of any size, no matter how many stars grace the floor. He teaches us that vanity is by no means a virtue, and for that we are all better people.
Thus, we praise not only his music catalog but look to him for guidance in navigating this cruelest of worlds. That a man of unmatched talent and unrivaled stardom should turn to plastic surgery seemingly every other week can only mean one thing – he is showing us the path to spiritual liberation.
The entire Jackson family is comprised of upstanding citizens and role models, strong-willed folks who put humanity and goodness before selfish wants and desires.
But only Michael could make such a prolific sacrifice – his cherished nose. Sad reports are surfacing and the outlook is grim. It appears Michael’s frequent trips under the knife have finally got the best of him, and a ruthless skin disease threatens the lovely little nose we have come to accept as a vision of perfection.
Because of Michael I will seek a more perfect face. Because of him I will have no rhinoplasty no matter how large and ominous my nose might often seem. Because of him I have seen the light, and there is a fine nose beneath it.
It is the nose given to me at birth. The nose god meant for me to have. And for that I shall never face the dire day when I have no nose at all.
Tagged as Arab Sheik sues Michael Jackson, Funny Shit, Humor, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson is crazy, Michael Jackson lawsuit, Michael Jackson's nose, Michael Jackson's nose fell off, Odd News
Fried chicken enthusiasts can rest easy today, thanks to comforting reports the beloved KFC recipe has at last been safely transported and secured in a secret vault somewhere in the enchanted hills of Kentucky.
Learning the exact contents of this hand-written document – penned by the mystical Colonel himself – has sent fried chicken impersonators through the depths of hell, as countless combinations have failed in the honorable quest of authentically replicating the mythical 11-herb mixture.
Few things have incited greater culinary madness through the ages, with some comparing the importance of the scintillating chicken recipe to that of Jesus’ bread, Emeril’s Caribbean-style chicken, and Bo Jackson’s signature BO Burger.
Naturally, every precaution was taken in transporting the historical document – with many security guards and a handcuff briefcase involved in the covert mission – before it was finally laid to rest in a high-tech vault that will be guarded around the clock by living personnel. And thank God for that.
At any given time, but only two living KFC executives harness the dear privilege of knowing the full recipe, which no doubt qualifies them both for the ‘Luckiest Damn Person Alive Competition’ held annually in Waukee, Iowa.
Merely disclosing a single element of the recipe means instant death by way of the guillotine, a long-standing Kentucky law that has surely survived many Supreme Court challenges, as it is no secret Rehnquist loved nothing more than a late-night bucket of crispy and succulent fried chicken.
Yes, this 68-year-old legend of a recipe is poised to remain a well-kept treasure for at least another 10 years, when slumping sales inspire KFC executives to move the document yet again, to any even bigger vault, with even more human security guards – reminding Americans the Colonel’s chicken is still accessible at your local KFC chain store.Today. And right now.
I myself haven’t eaten the filth in years. Maintaing a good cholesterol level just doesn’t allow for it, I’m afraid. Plus, the grocery store fried chicken tastes just as good, if not much better.
Tagged as Colonel Sanders, Cooking, Current Events, Economic Crisis, food, Funny Shit, Funny Stuff, Humor, KFC, Odd News, Politics, Satire
Michael Phelps enjoys a nice toke – Plus, why Olympic champions who get photographed smoking pot make good role models
Supernatural athletic ability may launch one to the pinnacle of the sports world, however, it evidently can help one mature with no more haste than the virgin junior-varsity bench warmers of the world.
That a 23-year-old male engaged in a fuzzy little bong session at a frat party will alarm few. In fact, a 23-year-old male enjoying an occasional toke seems right in line with American tradition, post 1955.
Law students, nurses, veterinarians, trash collectors, political aides – choice of profession has no chemical effect on the innate connection between 20-somethings and the ganja. The synergy between the two is quite remarkable.
And yet once 14 or 15 Olympic gold medals enter the fog, stunned faces steal the majority like somebody just crapped on the president’s shoe. Bemused people all wondering how God’s holy world could ever allow for a sports icon to become the front runner for High Times Man of the Year.
Michael Phelps is without question a legend in the athletic sense, but his frequently impaired and hypocritical judgment reminds us he is no more a role model than a blazed, barely conscious, wannabe Rastafarian in Central Park.
His destiny has become quite predictable: Win a Volkswagen van full of gold medals and make an ass of himself for an encore.
Thus, American media is premature in proclaiming him a role model, for what parent wants his life for their children?
Who says, ‘I want my son to win 6 gold medals, follow it up with a DUI, mend his image by joining a World Anti-Doping Agency program, win another 8 gold medals, get a million dollars from Speedo, have everyone calling, then give my wife a bloody heart attack by getting photographed pulling bong tubes and feeling up a stripper – all in a few-year span.”
Thus, Michael Phelps may be a role model after all, and as important a role model as there ever was. I suspect now I will one day have the ‘Michael Phelps’ talk with my children, emphasizing that while gold medals and endorsements can do a great deal for one’s public image and self esteem, voyeuristic photographers will stop at nothing to leave their wonder world in a ruins of g-strings and bong water.
“So what will it be, son?” I shall ask. “Do you wish for a private life where you are free to smoke marijuana and grope strippers in your spare time, or do you want to be an Olympic champion getting paid millions to pose in a Speedo, never able to freely smoke some marijuana, or perhaps grope a stripper or two, without the whole world going ape shit?”
His initial response will reflect what kind of person he intends to be. My only wish is he passes on the Speedo.
Tagged as Comedy, Current Events, Funny Stuff, Humor, Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps Pot Pictures, Politics, Satire, Sports
Former terrorism mogul and one-time television sensation Osama bin Laden has lugged his crippled bones out of the death box once again, this time calling for jihad hell in Israel until Jerusalem is rightfully or wrongfully (who really knows) returned to the Palestinians.
Bin Laden, the generous soul that he was, also welcomed the President-elect to the world stage with a nugget of invaluable advice, namely that his unthoughtful predecessor is leaving him a pile of shit and he might consider withdrawing American troops if he doesn’t wish to step in it.
Initially, my reaction to this latest installment in The Middle East is Fucked Diaries was “Wow, that inbred clown is still around. Go figure.” Then it was, “Wow, what happened to al-Quaida’s marketing budget? They go from polished militant videos to a barely audible audio recording played over a picture of Osama from 1998? Something’s gone terribly wrong here. Have they not been to Best Buy Dubai lately? Have they not seen the kickass HD camcorders on the market?”
Further analyzing this Wizard of OZ tomfoolery spawned thoughts of my own immortality, and what low-budget production might prolong my own impact beyond these living days. The exact nature and capacity of my impact concerned me little – only how I could prolong the damn thing.
Thus I commenced recording a manifest compilation of random, spontaneous, and often times nonsensical ramblings. No topic escaped my attention. I realized that the recorded word, no matter how outlandish, could ultimately breed everlasting life if the right people managed my affairs after my expiration.
My plan now is to find someone, anyone, to play my tapes (Yes, I’m using tapes) once every six months after my death. Then it will be as if I were alive and well and speaking the fine words of wisdom myself – and in real time, too.
By recording 200 or 300 variations of the same speech – occasionally throwing in a fact I trust will withstand the test of time (Say, the Palestinians and Israelis fighting an everlasting holy war) – and then summoning a responsible and trustworthy colleague to play the tapes while holding up a picture of me (Personal Note: Find old high school baseball photos), then immortality will be mine.
That oafish assclown Osama was a ruthless son of a bitch, but he certainly had it all figured out. What a prodigious mind that rat bastard had to be. Way ahead of his time. And apparently beyond his time to boot.
Tagged as Barack Obama, Current Events, Entertainment, Fitness, Foreign Affairs, Health, Humor, Immortality, News, Odd News, Osama bin Laden, Osama bin Laden tape, Politics, President Bush, Satire, Technology News
Having grown weary from the exhaustive news coverage of our economy being in shambles and the fate of everyone essentially being doomed, I was more than pleased to learn chlamydia is surging like a blind horse in heat.
One can read about new record lows only so many times before he goes madly insane, so this recent report that America’s favorite venereal disease is on the up and up comes at an ideal time. That this economic turmoil has incited a myriad of suicides but hasn’t yet extinguished our desire to have rampant, unprotected, hate sex is just the good news we need right now.
To be quite blunt, I was dangerously close to losing my wits prior to learning of the unparalleled promiscuity and debauchery spreading joy in America. Trudging through an endless stream of depression stories, I likely risked sacrificing my own good heart, clear conscience and generally affable nature before much longer. Something, needless to say, I wasn’t incredibly excited about enduring.
So fortunately my playful dreams will be disrupted by the economic horror stories no longer. Sunshine stories still do come along every now and again. They still do come along.
Tagged as Current Events, Economic Crisis, Financial Crisis, Funny Shit, Funny Stuff, Health, Humor, News, Odd News
The common American (to say nothing of the extraordinary American) has come to expect very little of his fellow countrymen, and doing so has enabled meager standards and expectations to fashion comfortable homes in every sector of society, something for which we are all ultimately worse off.
Fearing he might not be governor for much longer, overlooking the shimmering fact his powers have all but been diminished, if not already seized, Rod Blagojevich unbuckled the belt holding up his trousers and gave the President-elect an unmissable shot of his steaming bum.
Despite the strategic tantrums of senate majority leader and the chamber’s most masculine of senators, Harry Reid, Blago saw no good reason why he shouldn’t do his duty as governor and appoint Obama’s senate replacement.
FBI investigations can be quite drawn out and cumbersome, something a man of Blago’s stature can’t have much patience for, so the esteemed governor heroically refused to delay the appointment in these times of frustration and economic turmoil.
Thus Roland Burris, unknown to most before today’s bizarre press conference, became the latest star in this he-said-I-said-the-tape-said saga, and in doing so found his name as the hottest search on Google – a triumphant feat most will never know.
Rightly suspecting team Obama might not immediately embrace his nomination, Blago arranged for Congressman Bobby Rush to join him onstage in order to remind people that Obama’s senatorial departure had left the chamber without any black men at all.
As Mr. Burris is indeed a black gentleman, we must then commend Governor Blagojevich for setting aside all criminal investigations and impeachment threats and the like to serve his nation in the best way he sees fit. Evidently that means telling the President-elect to fuck off, lugging a good man’s name through the mud, and resuming business as usual.
Tagged as Barack Obama, government, Humor, Politics, Rod Blagojevich, Roland Burris, Satire, US Senate
With the historic 2008 elections now clogging the nation’s collective memory, both major parties are striving to quickly bolster their political image with a barrage of confounding spectacles, confusing any and every American willing to pay attention along the way.
Within a bloody fortnight of winning the election Obama was steeped in shit and corruption – no advisable position for a President-elect. Why, Obama had barely commenced searching for his passport and packing his Hawaiian shirts when word spread that his abandoned senate seat was being auctioned on eBay, and apparently going for no small sum.
While Obama evidently had no hand in the seedy negotiations, his name was certainly thrust into the center of the national dialogue, an unfortunate first presidential production for a man riding the righteous tide of Washington’s next great exorcist.
After bathing in the story like a call girl in a pile of bills, people (notably the American media) began questioning whether Blago had even committed a crime. Sure the FBI tapes seemed incriminating enough, however, what would be the condition of our prisons if we arrested every body guilty of proclaiming the desire to commit a crime? It’s not but 10 a.m. and already I have heard six different people say today they wouldn’t mind beheading our current President, and yet another who wished the same for Regis Philbin.
Not a grand opening act for America P.O. (or Post Obama). For unearthing corruption is one thing, but summoning the moral police is quite another. I’m not sure where my readers stand on the issue, yet I for one would rather miss the ability to wish death upon my least favorite public figures, or the opportunity to say I’m two drinks away from holding up a bank to appease my creditors. Actions are actions and speech is speech, and I don’t care to start monitoring my words too closely.
Now the GOP, beaten in November like an unwanted fourth daughter that should have been a first son, hasn’t chosen to seize the moral reins in these trying times – no reinvented image has been introduced hitherto. Instead the GOP seems more than content to perpetuate the unsavory perceptions already debilitating its national viability.
Hoping to become the new Republican National Committee chair, Chip Saltsman thought it rather wise to distribute a CD featuring the infamous “Barack the Magic Negro” song composed by renowned satirist, Paul Shanklin. While this is another form of speech I am fond of, the timing strikes me as a bit off.
One might think Saltsman would at least have waited until after he was awarded the position before disseminating quasi-racist soundtracks. That’s just common sense.
So it doesn’t appear either party is overly concerned with positive party identities as of yet. However, I certainly have high hopes for 2009. A new politics awaits us.
After enjoying my morning coffee with a few riotous news stories exploring the missile hurling competitions in the Middle East, attention was drawn to a recent study examining the true prudence of teens willingly agreeing to the infamous virginity pledge.
Now, initially I saw no connection between the two, as there doesn’t seem an obvious link between the frisky nature of raucous teenagers and the fearless demeanor of the bomb-happy Palestinians and Israelis currently reconfiguring the border along the West Bank.
Yet the more I read, the more I pondered, and the more I compared, it occurred to me that man indeed is a frivolous being, perpetually haunted by an innate instinct to seek and destroy, not long deterred by pesky cease-fire agreements and virginity pledges.
Yessir, restrictive pledges inhibit man for only so long, this evidenced by the hundreds of bombs that have rained from Middle East skies since the cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas ended but only 10 days ago; and also reinforced by the alarming conclusions of a recent federal study that found the majority of teenagers pledging to abstain from sex have little intention of earnestly adhering to any of the guidelines.
In fact, these conspicuous teens seem to be taking that pledge out behind the woodshed and defiling it in much haste.
Thus we see the basic instincts of man will forever prevail over arbitrary agreements and pledges, for ploys of peace and purity seem quite nice and pleasing and G-rated and what have you, but nothing sates the soul quite like bombs and orgasms – a fact of the highest caliber.
Certain truths never falter, therefore, what sense is there in pretending east and west might soon exchange sides of the moon? Jews and Palestinians don’t appear overly anxious to exchange niceties, whores never make fine housewives, and the Yankees buy a losing, albeit expensive, team nine years out of ten.
For the first time since 2004, you can get your hands on a barrel of oil for under 40 bucks a pop, and all economic signs point to it becoming the most fashionable and trendy gift this holiday season.
Considered the “ripoff of the summer” when Americans couldn’t hump there way into a barrel for under 140, now oil is flying off the shelves at bewildering rates, prompting some experts to call it the hottest Christmas item since the original Tickle Me Elmo.
Thus I anticipate considerable joy next week, as I celebrate the Yuletides and whatnot by showering my loved ones, all my loved ones, with a their own barrel of bubbling oil.
Indeed, each wayward drop of black gold that flutters to the white carpet below will be but one more symbol of my love and appreciation for those close to me. This is going to be a damn fine holiday season.
Tagged as black gold, Christmas Gifts, Economics, Funny Shit, Funny Stuff, Humor, oil prices, slumping economy
The warm welcome President Bush received during visits to Middle Eastern warzones amplified the cuddly affection Iraqi citizens foster for the man besk known for delivering their freedom from tyranny.
“This is your farewell kiss, you dog!” One thrilled Iraqi reporter shouted in Arabic, as he playfully tossed his shoes at the President.
Tossing shoes is evidently a friendly gesture expressing the thrower’s appreciation and gratitude for the recipient, while dogs are historically viewed as a step below only the Gods, making the reporter’s choice of words all the more impressive.
The sentiments behind this ceremonious hurling of the shoes was mirrored in the streets, as thankful Iraqis chanted, “Bush, Bush, listen well: Two shoes on your head!”
As a man of common sense might rightly conclude, two shoes to the head is much better than merely one; therefore, we in America need not be MIT mathematicians to deduce just how much the Iraqis thank President Bush for his strident persistence and clear vision of bringing freedom and democracy to the traditionally confused areas of the Middle East.
Needless to say, President-elect Barack Obama has one tough act to follow, especially with all the nonsense he’s been uttering about ending Mission Iraqi Freedom. I suspect if that’s truly Obama’s intentions once sworn into office, we should not then expect the citizens of Iraq to be hurling any shoes his way anytime soon.
Tagged as Barack Obama, Bush gets shoes thrown at him, Funny Shit, Funny Stuff, Humor, Iraq, Iraqi reporter throws shoe at Bush, Politics, President Bush, Sarah Palin, War in Iraq
The state of Illinois is precise and methodical in electing only the most corrupt scumbags to office, especially when it comes to the governorship. Perhaps no other member of the union boasts a better track record of crooked politicians than Illinois, save maybe New Jersey and Louisiana.
It’s rather startling to fathom one state successfully electing such brazen thieves time and time again, an ultimate exercise of participatory democratic destruction. Nevermind the occasional successes like, say, a Durbin or an Obama – Illinois embraces the notion of unsavory, untrustworthy government and should be commended for its ardent devotion to a single set of ideals.
You see, as news breaks of Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich’s arrests on too many counts of corruption to trouble the WordPress servers with, one must appreciate how bipartisan Illinois corruption really is, for his arrest comes as his predecessor rots in federal prison for racketeering and fraud.
Blagojevich, the silly son of a bitch he is, actually campaigned on, get this, cleaning up the despicable mess left by Republican Governor George Ryan. And, of course, he won!
But, contrary to Blagojevich’s charming beliefs, Illinois didn’t put him in office because they yearned for change, but, rather, because they knew he was just the man to perpetuate the seedy ways of Ryan. Indeed, having realized this soon after the inauguration, Blagojevich embarked on his own term of terror, cutting deals with any and every company with a checkbook.
And Blagojevich, God bless his soul, became so proud of his work in corruption that he fancied extending a dirty hand to the nation’s capitol, offering up the Senate seat left open by Obama’s election to the highest bidder. Now that’s government we can believe in.
It’s now a shame that Blago won’t be around to see what his great work in corruption means to his beloved home state, the Land of Lincoln. But we know this. We know the citizens of Illinois always have a crook lurking in the shadows, and his replacement will perhaps be an even bigger piece of shit than him.
Tagged as Barack Obama, Funny Shit, Funny Stuff, government, Governor Rod Blagojevich, Humor, Illinois, Illinois Governor Arrested, Illinois Governor arrested for fraud, Odd News, Politics, Rod Blagojevich, Sarah Palin
The disturbed pervert, who stormed through the fame gates with his 1980s songs “Karma Chameleon” and “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me”, was found guilty today of falsely imprisoning one of his teammates from the coke-addled porn stars.
Turns out Georgie lured his unsuspecting victim back to the crib after a porn shoot (creepy), handcuffed him to a wall (creepier), and then proceeded to beat him into submission with a chain (creepy, yes, but also wrong as hell).
The 47-year-old cross dresser reportedly hatched the wicked scheme in retaliation for his victim refusing to sleep with him when they originally met, which highlights just how jumbled Boy George’s head is.
The two starred together in a raunchy pino before heading back to a nasty love palace where handcuffs and chains and lotions awaited, yet George was ticked about not getting that weeks or months or whatever beforehand…Wow.
Just doesn’t make any damn sense. But, then again, neither do songs about chameleons, so what do I know.
O.J. can set the golf clubs down and grab a trash pick, because the only greens he’ll be seeing for awhile will be roadside ditch weeds as he stabs at McDonald’s sacks in his neon orange vest.
Yes sir, the Juice is finally doing time. Six years to life, in fact. Should be brutal. Especially as he sits in his unfinished cell block trying to wrap his meager mind around the bewildering fact a man can actually do hard time for stealing his own shit. Simply dumbfounding, I know, Juice.
But all the glitter isn’t gold, as they say, and the sparks around O.J. Simpson’s once glorified life have faded faster than the 2008 Buffalo Bills.
Perhaps the Juice will use this opportunity to establish a new state of mind, one that doesn’t take orbit around his own greed and self-centered ambitions, one where ex-lovers become friends and fans find equal ground with stars.
Not sure. Nor do I care. The glove fit this time and they used it to keep hands clean while squeezing the freedom juice from Simpson’s fantasy world. Ain’t life grand, that so many can find peace and joy in the unnecessary sorrows of such a confused soul.
Tagged as Barack Obama scandal, Crime and Punishment, Dirty Politics, Funny Shit, Funny Stuff, Humor, News, Odd News, OJ Simpson, OJ Simpson convicted, OJ Simpson Trial, Politics, Sports
A lot of people hate that Karl Rove. They hate him for getting George W. Bush elected. They hate him for nearly succeeding in his devious quest for everlasting conservative rule. They hate him because his wobbly chin(s) just tend to piss people off.
He’s been called ruthless, conniving, underhanded, surreptitious, heartless, and I’m sure even a pole-smoking SOB.
Yet what political mastermind achieves such notoriety without boasting a few of these unsavory traits? Love and warmth seldom imbue the hearts of iconic political strategist, especially those like Rove who consider every angle of character assassination…Like freaking out a bunch of rednecks by insinuating a certain candidate may or may not have an illegitimate child with a black woman, in much the same way Rove and Bush infamously did to John McCain in South Carolina during the 2000 Republican primaries.
Yes, a lot of folks despise that Rove. Wish evil things upon him. Google things like “Hitman for hire” because of him. However, for good or ill, mostly ill, Karl Rove knows politics. He also knows just how much money plays in any given election.
Inspired by the Obama campaign fundraising juggernaut, Rove penned this Op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, where he is a regularly contributor. Essentially, Rove argues that McCain was a victim of his own sword, as the 2002 campaign finance reform he spearheaded with Sen. Russ Feingold ultimately swung back around and sliced off his own manhood during the battle against Barack.
Thus Rove now advocates complete “Freedom of Political Speech” in regards to campaign donations, meaning he wants to give rich Republican donors the opportunity to buy elections, like back in the good old days.
In years past, this idiocy would have warranted an immediate condemnation from this writer, standing behind the pure democratic thought that money should play little to no factor in elections.
Having now considered the many reports of citizens like Bart Simpson and Darth Vader donating to Obama’s campaign via pre-paid debit cards, I concede the issue must be readdressed. I concede that pole-smoking SOB, Karl Rove, might just have a point.
Tagged as Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Humor, Karl Rove, Karl Rove Op-ed, Political Commentary, Politics, Republican Party, Sarah Palin
lleana Ros-Lehtinen might live her life paranoid as a first-time overnight prison guest, but at least she doesn’t suffer from dumb. No, the Republican congresswoman from Florida is sharp, crafty, witty, eloquent, familiar with the U.S. Constitution…
Hell, those traits are mere hearsay, and I have no evidence to support those claims. But whether Ros-Lehtinen is a valedictorian or a varsity football team bicycle is no concern of mine, for at least we know she’s a pure-hearted skeptic, willing to insult the President-elect to preserve whatever dignity she might fancy herself to have.
When Barack Obama extended a benevolent hand across the aisle, Ros-Lehtinen slapped it down like Barry was making an sleazy pass at her thighs. Reports indicate that Obama, then Rahm Emanuel, attempted to phone Ros-Lehtinen, only to hear echos and a freaking click.
There was no malicious intent on her part, Ros-Lehtinen simply thought some limp-dicks from a local radio station were trying to make light of her. Sensing it might be a prank phone call, she played hardball right backand hung up on the bastards…Only it was the next President.
Embarrassing for her, yes. But not quite as humiliating as, say, a clueless Alaskan moosetress believing President Sarkozy of France truly gives two shits and wants to wish her well on the campaign trail. Because, you know, that would be quite the blemish on an otherwise sterling common sense track record.
Tagged as Barack Obama prank phone call, Congresswoman hangs up on Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Funny Stuff, Humor, Odd News, Politics, Republican Party, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin is still stupid
The incompetent stooges of Detroit’s big three are waxing their bikini lines and preparing for another vulgar swimsuit competition before the drunken judges of congress. I suspect the future holds some lap dances for dollars, erotic cries for mercy, and whispers of sweet, sweet nothings into any open ear this side of Chevy Chase.
And it’s all a bitter lie more transparent than the reformed addicts of Hollyweird. (Hey! But these humbled lugs are coming in earnest this time! They’ve even sold off half the private jets to buy Toyota hybrids! These guys are driving to Washington!) Well, that’s a sizzling lump of bullshit.
These flabby cats are bopping into town in a damn clown car and we’re expected to shell out 34 Billion for the performance. Maybe if those pampered scoundrels pulled up in a Greyhound, because even Sarah Palin can take a 16-week course on common sense, but she’s not passing the final without smearing some serious lipstick.
So I say congress relocates that old dusty box of jock straps and do what any respectable sports program would do when sweeping tides pull a good name into the deep waters of underachievement…Fire the bastards and start fresh.
You want America to bail out your company? Sure, we’ll help you. Let’s start by getting a competent coaching staff to replace these clueless hacks.
Tagged as Auto Bailout, Auto Industry, cars, Economics, economy, Government Bailout, Humor, News, Odd News, Politics
God is a mysterious being – no one denies that – but His actions have been quite questionable as of late.
First it was letting Sarah Palin in on the secret that His “Will” inspired Americans to rid the earth of all terrorists. Then it was telling Sarah Palin the prospects for a 2012 run look good. And now He’s even telling truckers to patrol traffic, stopping at nothing to get the lousy drivers off the road.
At least one vigilante driver took God’s wishes to heart, as a San Antonio trucker rammed his truck into some woman’s ride because the Man Upstairs told him “she needed to be taken off the road.”
Apparently God is so far ahead of schedule these days He’s now extended the list of sins to include shitty driving. Right.
Well, we can already see where this is heading. Pleading insanity was a 1990s thing. Now “God’s Will” is the new best defense for criminal believers and lunatics. Which leads me to conclude I should attend service more often. Get in touch with God. See if he can’t tell me to rob a bank or knock off a few convenience shops. Guess He only contacts the good and the righteous. Damn.
Tagged as Barack Obama, Funny, Funny Stuff, God, Humor, Odd News, Politics, Religion, Sarah Palin, Weird News
One has to wonder how the hell Hunter S. Thompson ever got away with living in Colorado. The guy should have done some serious time…and not just for the abundance of mind-bending drugs and explosives…Thompson’s typewriter should have gotten him locked up thrice daily.
The news out of Fort Collins is that some 40-year-old buster was arrested for, get this reader, calling his lady a lousy whore on Craigslist. Ok, perhaps his rhetoric was a weeee-bit more libelous than that (He actually claimed she was giving her lawyer the business in exchange for legal representation), but it sets a startling precedent either way you lube the shaft.
You see, people just don’t get arrested for saying, writing, or publishing that kind of twisted shit these days. Wrists are slapped. Retractions are printed. Apologies are faked. But no one gets 18 months in the “fun shower” for calling his lady a no-good, meddling tramp on the damn “Raves and Rants” section of Craigslist. Maybe in China. Maybe in North Korea. Maybe those blasted Russians even take a pinky toe to prove a point.
But under no circumstances should any American face time for calling a loved one an easy skank – no matter how ludicrous the claims. This is a classic case of “Slander per se” since the guy challenged a woman’s “chastity,” however, such ugly claims are made in every middle school, high school, college, and redneck-infested watering hole 365 days a year.
Should this truly warrant one’s imprisonment? Do we have room for this in American prisons? Do you, reader, personally know anyone outside of your grandmother who hasn’t called someone a whore, even in jest, at one time or twelve others?
You see, the worst part is the actual wording of the Colorado statute that made this arrest possible…Any words “tending to blacken the memory of one who is dead” or to “expose the natural defects of one who is alive, and thereby to expose him to public hatred, contempt or ridicule.”
Jesus! Pretty damn vague if you ask me. Seems quite a few could be picked up on this. The people of Colorado better act fast and fix this preposterous speech limitation, lest they wish to winnow away their remaining days in complete solitude and silence.
And as for Mr. Man with the filthy mind – perhaps he should consider reading up on John Peter Zenger and private investigators before his hearing, because if his lady is as naughty as he claims, this could be a quick and easy defense.
If they’re down, kick the rascals in the ribs – it’s the only means for solidifying a new social order.
Rush Limbaugh’s fat jaw has been jiggling with trepidation since the “far left” won the election and established a sizable advantage in both houses of congress. The pill-popping propagandist’s fears continue snowballing each broadcast, as he laments the restoration of the Fairness Doctrine and what terrible fate awaits his paranoia kingdom if such a nightmare comes true.
And why wouldn’t he be frightened – conservative talk radio has experienced unparalleled growth since the doctrine was abolished in 1987. 10-1! That’s the advantage these chatty fear-mongers and religionados have in the market, so it’s no surprise they’ve chomped their nails down to bloody stubs in recent months.
With Obama’s victory comes the appointment of a Democrat to the most influential post in the FCC – the chairman – as well as the highly influential five-person panel.
This would seemingly spell doom for the Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys of the world, yet there’s no evidence Obama even supports the Fairness Doctrine, let alone aims to re-establish its restrictive measures since it challenges aspects of the First Amendment. In fact, Limbaugh’s daily temper tantrums will ultimately prove a waste of raw energy and emotion…though, that’s nothing beyond the ordinary. That’s what talking heads do – stoke public outcries and watch the ratings soar.
Free hookers and booze will find the streets before “fairness” ever realistically hits the airwaves, yet the eventual move to “localism” could spawn a similarly daunting effect, as the FCC forms “community advisory boards” to determine whether a respective station is adequately addressing the public needs of local citizens, fining those that fail to meet the requisite standards (whatever those may be).
What will happen is the hardcore conservative areas (fewer and fewer of these black holes exist each year) will pass with the flying colors of a Cirque de Soleil acid trip, while the other 94 percent of the under-represented country will insist on more progressive programming.
And that sucks for Rush’s kingdom, where subordinates cower under beds with swords ready, listening attentively to the puppet master as he forecasts the imminent demise of everything American…BOO!
What Humpty neglects to address during his insufferable rants and tangents is that his own eventual fall from the wall won’t be the product of crazy liberal doctrines sweeping him away with a spurt of hocus pocus, but because more enlightened Americans are reaching for the dial each day, leaving the dick in a box to continue rambling on and on and on all by himself…
Either way, liberals and Fairness Doctrines won’t be the cause of conservative talk radio’s death – the temper, tone and content already does a damn fine job killing off its own creators.
Tagged as Conservative Radio, Fairness Doctrine, FCC, First Amendment, Fox News, Freedom of Speech, Hannity and Colmes, media, Politics, Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh is a douche, Rush Limbaugh sucks, Sean Hannity
The ruling Communist Party of China has a thorn up its ass, and it goes by the name Guns N’ Roses. We should then expect some form of attack, for one is surely imminent. Not an attack on America as a whole, but specifically that greasy bandanna-rocking clown Axl…I imagine Slash is under siege just the same.
GNR’s highly-anticipated album Chinese Democracy is just too free spirited for the paranoid erectors of mysterious walls, as the state sponsored Global Times denounced the mildly provocative album of, “venomously attacking,” the rising superpower.
Thus record sales of the 14-year project (GNR began production of the sure-fire classic in 1994) will suffer to no end in China…mostly because it will be outlawed…but also because the Chinese aren’t stupid.
Communism must fry a black, charred trail through the vulnerable pastures of one’s mind, but I suspect the perceptions of reality are not so devastated and damaged to the point its victims are forever incapable of classifying shitty music when they hear it.
So while it’s imperative we commend the Chinese government for rejecting this lame musical offering from society, I fear the move was quite unnecessary – no matter how many democratically inspired lyrics grace the album’s songs, freedom lyrics aren’t saving this album, or band, either way.
Alan Colmes is leaving Sean Hannity. The relationship became too nasty and abusive for the limp Colmes to endure yet another year of savage beatings and taunts and black eyes, so he’s filing his papers and seeking some much needed psychiatric attention – a well deserved respite if I’ve ever seen one.
The 12-year marriage will officially dissolve at the year’s end, when Colmes leaves to “pursue other creative projects” within the Republican National Committee’s official network, Fox News. The loan liberal on a star studded station of neo-cons and Bushites will reportedly continue contributing on his radio show and a new weekend pilot, however, his days of verbal sparring with that smug and pretentious Hannity shall be no more.
Which is rather sad when you reminisce on all the good times they’ve had, launching vicious attacks at one another’s party ideology and coming close to blows on numerous occasions. Colmes was vastly outnumbered, the entire network against him, yet somehow managed to hold his own. Thus I’m saddened by the thought of him leaving the show without ever having jammed a dull, lead pencil into Hannity’s right eye.
Too many opportunities escaped him, and I clearly recall at least 300 moments of unbridled Hannity condescension when I said, “This is it, this is when that little pussy Colmes finally stabs that cock Hannity in the goddamn eye with a dull, lead pencil. This is it!”
But it never happened. And now Colmes is calling it quits while turning in his badge and pocket protector.
Tagged as Alan Colmes leaves Hannity and Colmes, Barack Obama, Cable News, Democratic Party, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, Humor, John McCain, Politics, President Obama, Republican Party, Sarah Palin, Satire, Sean Hannity, Writing
Fat people are people, too – that’s just accepted science. Perhaps they suffer inconveniences and alienation unknown to the rest, but pound for pound they are just as human as their undersized brethren.
However, now those afflicted by clapping man titties, cottage cheese thighs, and bubbling and bulging waist lines will be considered more than mere people. They are now super people…Yes, super people with the rights of two citizens.
You see, the Canadian Supreme Court (in the most perplexing of all rulings) has concluded each ass cheek should be given equal rights, at least when it comes to traveling on commercial jets. Therefore, Canadian airlines must now sell the extraordinarily healthy folks two seats for the price of one, if, of course, their bloated asses cannot comfortably fit into seats fitted for the common man.
Wow. Fucking wow. I am an ardent supporter of all things equality, but this is downright egregious. The skinny man gets the long, cold and rigid shaft, as his chubby counterparts reap the benefits of luxury seating on account of their inflated rumps trumping standard seat sizes.
That’s just fucking crazy. And it’s only the first step in a long and dirty trend that will unfold as people get fatter and more pissed off about it. If fat people are getting away with this today (given it’s only Canada) then we can only imagine what startling perks they will be rewarded in the coming decades.
The little man better bulk up now. Double Whoppers for everyone. Skinny folks can’t afford to fall behind. There’s too much riding on it. The porkers of the world have spoken, and they now hold all the cards. And apparently all the seats, too.
Tagged as Canadian Supreme Court rules fat people get two seats, Current Events, Fat people, Humor, News, Odd News, Supreme Court Ruling
My esteemed, albeit irrational and afflicted, colleague I.M. Fletcher brought this remarkable video to my attention. While I’m sure I would have stumbled across it in time, it brings me greater joy knowing this priceless entertainment came from such an appreciative source.
Sarah Palin has endured seismic humiliation since slithering into the limelight, mostly due to her utter stupidity and mind-boggling ability to slaughter the English language with every sentence (or attempt at a sentence) she speaks.
While conducting a nice little local interview and sounding surprisingly more coherent and relevant than we are accustomed to hearing, the curious eye cannot help but gaze directly at the worker giving a turkey the business in the background. Which likely explains why this is the best performance offered hitherto by the Alaskan moosetress – your mind can’t process a word she says. All you can do is stare, mesmerized, as the poor turkey’s head is grinded brutally to a pulp in the distance.
Tagged as Barack Obama, Humor, John McCain, Politics, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin interview with Turkey killed in background, Sarah Palin Scanadal, Sarah Palin Turkey, Sarah Palin Turkey Interview, Turkey Sarah Palin
These two clowns are worse than Whitney and Bobby Brown. One day they’re cuddling on the campaign trail, unforced smiles and waves for the camera, only to abandon the bond 36 hours later, projecting fictitious distance and autonomy while confusing the shit out of people.
Which is what makes this Clinton-Obama political love affair and political warfare so addicting for everyone watching – even more so for the enamored fiends who have followed this combative grudge match through each fiery day of the last two years. This is Ali-Frazier, except now archenemies are teaming up for the good of mankind…or so it seems.
Barack needs the Clintons and the Clintons need him, but I’ll be damned if any of them openly admits as much. When the situation requires one of them to suck it up and offer an endorsement of sorts, such lines are visibly forced from their mouths, a look of contempt and agitation dominates their eyes and expression.
Thus there are some parts admiration and some parts hatred in this ongoing feud, with the latter winning out most times. Especially now that Barack is offering Clinton a piece of the action in his race to history.
Hillary knows 2016 is a painful and impossible dream, so accepting Barack’s Secretary of State invitation is her last and best shot at some feable grasp of glory. Her downplaying the position, posing an auro of pseudo-disinterest and snobby foolishness, is a farmer selling a dead donkey as a prized bull because no one’s buying that shit. She just wants it to seem as though Barack needs her more, like he’s pining for her love and affection, like she’s that piece of Grade-A ass he got back in college and has been fantasizing about everyday since.
And he is. He desires the most talented minds to be in his company – yet sometimes prodigious minds bring a circus of tricks and jokers along with them on tour. With Hillary on board, Barack’s mission will be to continually convince everyone he’s, in fact, the almighty ring leader and that some gross mutation won’t spawn a third Clinton term somehow.
By inviting Hillary (and thus Slick Willie) into the administration, Obama realizes the power sacrifice he’s conceding – he’s far too strategic and observant not to. However, by letting this offer flutter in the stale air of cable news commentary for the past week, Obama has once again turned the attention away from himself and onto the Clintons, the kind of maneuver that ultimately seized momentum toward winning the nomination, when media personalities lodged their heads in the trash and spent a week questioning Bill’s admiration for candidates of color, forgetting there was even a blasted race going on in the background.
And it’s a brilliant diversion on Barack’s part. There’s a feel that he wants Hillary but doesn’t need Hillary. The way it should be, for it takes a trailer park of great people for an administration to succeed in the eyes of present day thinkers. Historians, on the other hand, generally remember only one name when writing the books of presidential blunders and glories. No matter what happens, Barack better make sure it’s his name on the cover.
Tagged as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary and Barack, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State, Humor, Obama's Administration, Political Commentary, Politics, The Clintons, Writing
Our beloved plumber’s crack split the news headlines once again, as it has been determined that an Ohio state agency director approved dubious and unnecessary background checks on Joe Wurzelbacher, better known as John McCain’s crooked campaign crutch.
Jesus to fuck, can’t a guy reap absolutely undeserved fame without people clawing through his trash in search of the mucky sludge on which the American machine runs? Is there no shame funneling through the veins of these atrocious gossip-mongers?
Well, I say someone owes poor Joe an apology. Or at least a damn convincing explanation, something the seedy and conniving Helen Jones-Kelley couldn’t offer her superior, however. The Department of Job and Family Services director faltered miserably when asked to explain these 18 unwarranted checks, and now Gov. Ted Strickland is in her ass hardcore, suspending HJK for a month sans pay.
But not for poor Joe the Plumber, who will never again know dignity. The humiliation cost the 48K-a-year man a chance at one day owning that shiny plumbing company on the hill. Now he wallows and whines his way into the night, with nothing but a book deal and potential country music record to rely on. I fear I may never understand the purpose of life’s harsh unfairness.
There’s beef and beans between 50 Cent and Taco Bell. Expect corpses to start piling up because this feud could get nasty in the streets. Many will parish. Bloodied chalupas scattered in the hood.
The lisp-riddled rapper is pissed at the Tex-Mex giant because the latter hoped he might consider temporarily changing his name to 79 Cent or 89 Cent or even – you ready for this shit? – 99 Cent to spearhead an unprecedented marketing campaign bringing hip hop and crappy Mexican food together at last.
Well, this clearly challenged a “gangsta’s” street cred, and now Curtis “Can’t Act” Jackson is seeking mad paper for trademark infringment. Ok. So this gangster ass rapper will embarrass himself on the big screen and pimp diluted vitamin piss water, but he’s worried that hawking tacos is going to diminish his reputation. Whatever you say. Stay hood, buddy.
The three stooges of Detroit are dead broke and need money to pay the bookies and dealers. Don’t we all. This debilitating epidemic of corporate bailouts will soon bring about the death of failure. Worries will cease to exist, as CEOs realize the government prefers Nintendo world to these savage realities.
Oh, your stock died? Fuck it, here’s some cash, just restart the game and don’t screw it up this time. Jesus, you fucked up again. Whatever, here’s some more cash. Try harder this time.
Indeed, the American business world is devolving into a college dorm room, where bong hits for Jesus blur the tedious line between failure and a fresh slate. It’s disconcerting, but who the hell didn’t love freshman year?
So rather than waste even an ounce of the energy or spirit I will undoubtedly need later in life, I will save the verbal crucifixions of the auto industry for another time. If they want more money to build even more of the antiquated gas-guzzlers that no one is buying and never will, then who am I to suggest they embrace the evolving technologies of the industry. Lord knows Toyota isn’t begging for cheddar.
Instead I will wholeheartedly welcome the welfare tactics that aim to undermine the working man’s motivation. If I haven’t yet failed with the best of them, thus necessitating the need for a healthy government check, then perhaps my mission should be forming a coalition of failures to strengthen this lone voice of need.
There is power in numbers. The government won’t consider the bailout of one man, only that of many. If you’re unemployed, broke, and in need, then the government shall be your savior. If you’re gainfully employed but have grown weary of the daily grind, so too shall you find salvation in the undeserved riches of our lords in Washington. There’s bailout checks to be had. Everyone can cash in. Now is our time to say fuck it and start over.
Tagged as Auto industry bailout, bailouts, Barack Obama, Barack Obama supports government bailout of auto industry, cars, Entertainment, Entertainment News, Funny Shit, government bailouts, government bails out auto industry, Humor, News, Odd News, Satire, Writing
Diane Sawyer’s tireless tentacles have slithered around yet another monumental catch, and this one smells like an epic tale.
Eliot Spitzer’s high-class whore wants to open up the forbidden satchel of naughty memories, and who better to lob the juicy questions than the great Sawyer. Damn, this should be a show!
You see, Sawyer has scraped a bottomless cradle of closed minds – world leaders, iconic Hollywood skanks, crooked politicians, gifted thinkers, transcendent beings, J-Lo’s horse ass, the whole bucket of slop – but the numbing monotony can never rival the sheer pleasure derived from watching a true sex goddess ratting out her slaves.
Not that I don’t sympathize with Spitzer. The man was doing a commendable job and he was well respected, yet occasionally the unrelenting instincts of man seem to require some form of strange satisfaction. However, this is what comes with getting caught freelancing in these conflicted and hypocritical times.
Indeed, I would freely wage a thousand dollars that at least eight people on set during the filming have tickled a neighbor or two or twelve, like the great Sawyer herself!
And yet I’d wager another thousand that none of those affairs was with an upper-class call girl pulling down 6 six figures a year. Spitzer at least has some freaking standards.
The recent discovery of Sarah Palin’s secret doodles, drawn during her time on the Wasilla City Council in 1996, clearly illustrate the confusion that has forever plagued this woman’s mind. This doodle was originally sketched by the Alaskan artist to adequately exhibit her qualifications for public office. This serves as evidence that those reasons were just as confusing and chaotic then as they are now.
Here, by contrast, is a doodle done by President Warren G. Harding, one of the country’s biggest political travesties. While the artist doesn’t offer us much substance, we cannot easily dismiss the clarity and depth of his vision. That vision is evidently of throwing a handful of shit against a brick wall…Well, a first-year art student would be satisfied with this art deco effort nonetheless.
And lastly we have this doodle done by Charles Manson while awaiting trial for his heinous crimes. Observers must appreciate the self-image he projected – the duality of man, if you will. Alright, alright, we’re stretching it here. But it somehow seemed oddly fitting for these three pieces to come together as a definitive statement on the doodles offered to us by some of America’s most disappointing citizens. |
283,822,733 | Another year is nearly in the books! 2016 was filled with significant growth, exciting new collaborations, and inspiring patient success stories from the PT Solutions family. We’re looking forward to 2017 but until then enjoy a few links we are loving this December as we reflect back on a great year and review the latest PT industry news.
Did you know PT Solutions has five new clinic locations and three clinic expansions in metro-Atlanta?
Another great look into the serious reality of concussions featuring Chris Nowinski is HBO Real Sports: Cost of the Game (Youth Football).
PT Solutions CEO Dr. Dale Yake recently joined The Weekly Check Up with Dr. Bruce Feinberg to talk about our unique approach to physical therapy.
PT Solutions New Orleans therapist recently helped his patient walk again after near-fatal accident.
1. I have had the advantage of reading in draft the opinions of my noble and learned friends Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood and Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury. I agree with them, and for the reasons they give I would dismiss the appeal.
2. Although this does not affect the outcome of the appeal, I wish like my noble and learned friend Lord Scott of Foscote to associate myself with what Lord Brown says in the last paragraph of his opinion. It is perfectly clear that the appellant would have succeeded in her application as the rules stood in January 2006 when she submitted it together with the prescribed fee. It is equally clear that, had she known what the rules were to say by the time the application came to be considered several months later, she would have seen that it was pointless to apply and she would not have parted with her money. I have no doubt that counsel for the Secretary of State was right not to give an undertaking that it would be returned to her, as the rules do not provide for this. There is something to be said for dealing with mishaps of this kind on a case by case basis. This case, however, is one where none of the responsibility for the wasted expenditure lies with the appellant. It lies entirely with the Secretary of State and her officials. Fair dealing, which is the standard which any civilised country should aspire to, calls out for the fee to be repaid.
3. This case turns on the construction of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules 2006 (HC 1016), which came into force on 3 April 2006. Until then, a foreigner with any medical qualification was entitled to apply for leave to remain in the United Kingdom as a postgraduate doctor. The new rule confined the entitlement to those with medical qualifications from UK institutions. Did the new rule apply to all cases in which leave still had to be granted? Or only to doctors who had not yet applied? The distinction was vital to the appellant Dr Odelola, whose qualification was gained in Nigeria. She had applied on 17 January 2006 but when the new rule came into force her application had not yet been determined.
4. Like any other question of construction, this depends upon the language of the rule, construed against the relevant background. That involves a consideration of the immigration rules as a whole and the function which they serve in the administration of immigration policy. The language of the rule is not in itself much help. It states the new rule but does not say anything expressly one way or the other about whether it is to apply to existing applications or not.
5. There was a good deal of argument about whether the rules attract a presumption (either under the Interpretation Act 1978 or the common law) that they are not intended retrospectively to take away vested rights. But, as Lord Rodger of Earlsferry pointed out in Wilson v First County Trust Ltd [2004] 1 AC 816 at p. 880, such arguments are usually circular. If a vested right means a right which will not be construed as taken away except by express language, then an appeal to the presumption only transfers the argument to the question of whether you have a vested right.
6. The status of the immigration rules is rather unusual. They are not subordinate legislation but detailed statements by a minister of the Crown as how the Crown proposes to exercises its executive power to control immigration. But they create legal rights: under section 84(1) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, one may appeal against an immigration decision on the ground that it is not in accordance with the immigration rules. So there is no conceptual reason why they should not create rights which subsequent rules should not, in the absence of express language, be construed as removing. The question is whether, on a fair reading, that is what they do.
7. In my opinion, if one looks at the function of the rules, they should not be so construed. They are, as I have said, a statement by the Secretary of State as to how she will exercise powers of control over immigration. So the most natural reading is that (in the absence of any statement to the contrary) they will apply to the decisions she makes until such time as she promulgates different rules, after which she will decide according to the new rules. That was the understanding of the Divisional Court in R v IAT ex p Nathwani [1979-80] Imm AR 9. If new rules are intended to apply only to applications made after they come into force, they expressly say so, as they did in paragraph 4 of the Immigration Rules 1994 (HC 395).
9. I have had the advantage of reading in draft the opinion on this appeal of my noble and learned friend Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood and find myself compelled by the reasons he has given to agree that this appeal must be dismissed.
10. I want, particularly, to associate myself strongly with Lord Browns remarks (para 40) about the fee of £335 that the appellant was obliged to pay in order to make her application for leave to remain in this country as a post-graduate doctor (para 21) of Lord Browns opinion. The amount of the fee is calculated, your Lordships were given to understand, as representing in part a contribution to the departmental costs of processing an application and in part a payment in recognition of the benefits an applicant would obtain from a successful application. The appellant, of course, made her application on the basis of the Secretary of States rules in force at the time she made it, 17 January 2006. On the basis of those rules she had, it is accepted, a justified expectation that her application would be successful. But the rules were changed as from 3 April 2006. Her application had not by then been dealt with. Under these new rules her application was bound to fail.
11. So what benefit did the appellant receive for her £335? The answer is None'. She paid her money on what turned out to be a false and misleading prospectus. The least that the Secretary of State can be expected to do is to return her fee. But I agree that her appeal fails.
12. The UK, like every other sovereign state, has the right to control access to its borders. Immigration control in the UK is the responsibility of the Home Secretary. The Immigration Act 1971 recognises that it is for the Secretary of State to decide and lay down rules as to the practice to be followed in controlling immigration (rules which may be changed whenever the Secretary of State thinks necessary), and it provides for these rules and any changes in them to be laid before Parliament. Changes in the rules are always stated to take effect from a given date. Sometimes they will contain transitional provisions, sometimes not. The present appeal arises from a rule change which contained no transitional provisions. The narrow but important issue it raises is whether, in such a case, an application for leave to enter or remain is to be decided according to the version of the rules in force at the date of decision or according to whatever earlier version was in force at the time when the leave application was made.
13. The importance of the issue is obvious: rule changes are frequently made and generally there will be a large number of outstanding applications pending. But the narrowness of the issue also needs to be stressed. It is not the appellants case that rule changes cannot apply to pending applications, only that if they are to do so, the rules themselves must expressly so specify; if the rules are silent as to this, submits the appellant, the default position is that applications must be decided according to the rules in force when they were made.
14. In so submitting, Mr Drabble QC seeks to rely upon well-established principles of statutory construction, as contained in both the Interpretation Act 1978 (the 1978 Act), and the common law. Those principles, which are intended to protect accrued rights, and so provide individuals with a measure of certainty upon which to order their affairs, are: (i) Section 16(1)(c) of the 1978 Act, and (ii) the common law presumption against retrospectivity (paragraph 2 of his printed case). That is the argument.
16(1) . . . where an Act repeals an enactment, the repeal does not, unless the contrary intention appears, . . . (c) affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under that enactment.
Section 23 of the 1978 Act applies the Act to subordinate legislation just as to Acts of Parliament and, by section 21, provides that:
'Subordinate legislation means Orders in Council, orders, rules, regulations, schemes, warrants, bylaws and other instruments made or to be made under any Act.
A change in the immigration rules, submits Mr Drabble, constitutes subordinate legislation repealing an earlier such enactment.
16. Before turning to the facts of the case it is convenient next to set out the sections of the 1971 Act which continue to this day to make provision for the immigration rules. Section 1(4) refers to the rules as the rules laid down by the Secretary of State as to the practice to be followed in the administration of this Act for regulating the entry into and stay in the United Kingdom of persons not having the right of abode and makes some general provision as to their content.
The Secretary of State shall from time to time (and as soon as may be) lay before Parliament statements of the rules, or of any changes in the rules, laid down by him as to the practice to be followed in the administration of this Act for regulating the entry into and stay in the United Kingdom of persons required by this Act to have leave to enter, . . .
If a statement laid before either House of Parliament under this subsection is disapproved by a resolution of that House passed within the period of 40 days beginning with the date of laying . . . , then the Secretary of State shall as soon as may be make such changes or further changes in the rules as appear to him to be required in the circumstances, so that the statement of those changes be laid before Parliament at latest by the end of the period of 40 days beginning with the date of the resolution . . .
Section 33(1) of the 1971 Act provides that, for the purposes of the Act, except in so far as the context otherwise requires, immigration rules means the rules for the time being laid down as mentioned in section 3(2) above".
18. The 1971 Act also, in section 19, made provision for appeals to adjudicators if a decision was not in accordance with the law or with any immigration rules applicable to the case". Now, however, appeals are dealt with by section 86(3) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 which so far as material provides that the tribunal must allow the appeal insofar as it thinks that (a) a decision against which the appeal is brought . . . was not in accordance with the law (including immigration rules)".
19. The facts of this case can be shortly stated. The appellant is a citizen of Nigeria. She is a medical doctor, having graduated with distinction from the University of Ibadan in July 1988. She underwent specialist training in surgery in Nigeria and is a Fellow of the West African College of Surgeons. Until leaving Nigeria in September 2005 she was a consultant surgeon and senior lecturer at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos, and Lagos University Teaching Hospital.
20. On 5 September 2005 the appellant came to the UK as a visitor for a two months clinical attachment. She had entry clearance valid from 25 July 2005 to 25 January 2006. She intended to apply, when she had completed the necessary clinical attachments, for a variation of her leave so as to obtain leave to remain as a postgraduate doctor. The rules then in forceStatement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC299 which came into force on 19 July 2005provided that a person with an overseas medical degree would (subject to certain other requirements including registration with the General Medical Council) be eligible for such leave.
21. After undertaking a further clinical attachment, it was confirmed to the appellant that the basic surgical training she had received was, in the view of the UKs Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, acceptable and on 17 January 2006 she made her application for leave to remain as a postgraduate doctor. She completed the prescribed form and enclosed the prescribed fee, in her case £335.
22. On 30 March 2006 the respondent laid before Parliament Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC1016 which was stated to take effect on 3 April 2006. HC1016 contained no transitional provisions. One of the changes made was that a person was only to be eligible for leave to remain as a postgraduate doctor if they had obtained a recognised UK degree in medicine from either a UK publicly funded institution or a UK bona fide private education institution which maintains satisfactory records of enrolment and attendance". Since the appellants medical degree was obtained in Nigeria, she could not satisfy the amended version of the rules and so, by the respondents decision of 26 April 2006, was refused leave to remain.
23. The appellants appeal against this decision failed, first before Immigration Judge Campbell on 12 June 2006, next, on reconsideration by a panel of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal chaired by the Deputy President, Mr Ockelton, on 5 February 2007, and finally before the Court of Appeal (Buxton, Longmore and Richards LLJ) ([2008] EWCA Civ 308) on 10 April 2008. Leave to appeal was given by your Lordships House on 27 October 2008.
In HS [2005] UK AIT 00169, the tribunal held that in the absence of a specific transitional or other saving provision, an application is to be assessed under the immigration rules as at the date of decision and not the date of application.
On reconsideration of the appeal by the tribunal, it was recognised that HS was not a starred decision and carried no particular authority. In addition, the tribunal took note of a passage in Macdonalds Immigration Law and Practice (Butterworths, 2005) 6th edition, para 1.50:
Where changes are made to the immigration rules, it is sometimes difficult to establish whether the old or new rules apply. The transitional provisions in the current rules, HC395, provide that applications extant prior to their coming into force will be decided under the previous rules. We suggest that the same logic should apply with regard to amendments, so that applications made before the amendments take effect should be dealt with under the unamended rules. Any other rule penalises the applicant for Home Office delays.
These rules come into effect on 1 October 1994 and will apply to all decisions taken on or after that date save that any application made before 1 October 1994 for entry clearance, leave to enter or remain or variation of leave to enter or remain shall be decided under the provisions of HC 251, as amended, as if these Rules had not been made.)
25. The tribunal recorded that the question raised was being raised very frequently before them, perhaps because of the view expressed in Macdonald, or perhaps simply because changes in the immigration rules were now so frequent (there having been 31 such changes between 31 May 2003 and 11 December 2006). In dismissing the appeal, the tribunal referred to the decision of the Divisional Court (Lord Widgery CJ, Eveleigh LJ and Stephen Brown J) in R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, Ex p Nathwani [1979-80] Imm AR 9, as it happens the only authority directly in point, where Stephen Brown J, giving the first judgment, said this, at p 13:
It seems to me that, bearing in mind that the rules are not statutes or statutory instruments which give rights to any person, there can be no question here of retrospectivity applying certainly to the time of the application as distinct from the time of the Secretary of States consideration of the application and his decision. This is a matter, in my judgment, which is so abundantly clear that no arguable point of law can arise upon it.
26. The tribunal then considered whether it was still appropriate, nearly 30 years on, to take the same view of the rules. In holding that it was, the tribunal pointed out that section 3(2) of the 1971 Act has never been amended and concluded, at para 14:
Although they can have no effect if the legislature disapproves of them, the immigration rules are essentially executive, not legislative. Section 3(2) of the 1971 Act sets down the procedure for making what are essentially statements of policy; it does not change those statements from policy into legislation. As executive rules or policy they are in our view not amenable to interpretation as though they were statutes or statutory instruments. The Secretary of State is entitled and bound to make and operate the United Kingdoms immigration policy and he is entitled to make decisions about particular cases by reference to the policy in operation at the time the decision is made.
27. In the Court of Appeal Buxton LJs leading judgment collected together the many dicta down the years which, in a variety of contexts, have addressed the precise status of the immigration rulesNathwani alone, as I have said, being directly in point. It would seem to me unnecessary and unhelpful to repeat that exercise here. To ask whether the rules are strictly rules of law is ultimately a barren exercise. Obviously, as Buxton LJ recognised, when they apply the rules have legal force and decisions are appealable if not taken in accordance with them. But that does not answer the question as to which rules apply to any given decision.
28. The essential reasoning of the Court of Appeal is to be found in paragraphs 21 and 22 of Buxton LJs judgment as follows:
21. Dr Odelolas case was, and had to be, that by making her application on 17 January 2006 she acquired not an expectation but a right that that application would be adjudicated upon according to the rules that obtained on that date. That being a right in law, it was not defeasible upon a change in the rules between the date of application and the date of adjudication. But there is nothing in the immigration rules that creates a right in those terms. As her argument demonstrated, the right that Dr Odelola asserted had to be constructed from rules of the general law, separate from the immigration rules. And that general law, expressed through the 1978 Act, would only in any event avail Dr Odelola if the right created when she made her application was a right to have her case decided according to the rules as they existed at the date of the application, rather than a right to have her case decided according to the rules for the time being: because preservation of the latter right by the operation of section 16(1)(c) would still lead to her case being decided on the basis of HC 1016.
22. Accordingly, even if section 16(1)(c) could be applied to this case, it can only achieve the effect that Dr Odelola seeks if we assume in her favour the very thing that she has to establish, that the making of an application created a right thereafter to have her case determined according to the rules as they stood on that day.
25. . . . The new version [of the rules] says that they take effect on 3 April and so they must. As rule 4 of HC395 shows, transitional provisions can be included if thought to be desirable. In this case they were not included.
26. If that meant that Dr Odelola had been deprived of a vested right this might be a troubling conclusion. But Dr Odelola had no vested right to indefinite leave to remain as at the date she made her application for that leave. Her right was to have her application considered according to the rules on their proper constructionno less but no more. So one is just thrown back to the question of construction.
29. In short, the Court of Appeals approach was this. The presumption against retrospectivity, whether it is to be found in section 16(1)(c) of the 1978 Act or in the common law, applies only in the case of vested rights. To say that the presumption applies in the case of the immigration rules is to beg the very question at issue. Given, as the appellant accepted, that there was no question of her being able to invoke the principle of legitimate expectation and that the rules could be changed at any time in such a way as to deprive a current applicant of any entitlement to the leave being sought, it could not sensibly be said that, prior to a change in the rules, any right or privilege had already accrued or been acquired.
30. Mr Drabble strongly criticises this reasoning. It is not the appellants argument which is circular, he submits, but rather the Court of Appeals approach to it which is misconceived. Whenever the presumption against retrospectivity is raised, ex-hypothesi the right which is being asserted is one capable of being taken away by subsequent amendment of the provisions on which the right is based. If it were not capable of repeal, there would be no need to consider the presumption. It is in that context that the presumption, which is a rule of interpretation only, operates to preserve the right in question. To use the possibility of repeal itself as a reason for saying that the presumption does not apply would mean that the presumption would be defeated in precisely those cases in which it might be relevant, and so render it of no effect.
31. To my mind the whole debate has been bedevilled by a failure to recognise the difficulties inherent in the presumption itself, difficulties explored in the House, principally by Lord Rodger of Earlsferry, in Wilson v First County Trust Ltd (No. 2) [2004] 1 AC 816. As Lord Rodger pointed out at para 196:
The presumption is against legislation impairing rights that are described as vested'. The courts have tried, without conspicuous success, to define what is meant by vested rights for this purpose. . . . It is not easy to reconcile all the decisions. This lends weight to the criticism that the reasoning in them is essentially circular: the courts have tended to attach the somewhat woolly label vested to those rights which they conclude should be protected from the effect of the new legislation. If that is indeed so, then it is perhaps only to be expected since, as Lord Mustill observed in L'Office Cherifien des Phosphates v Yamashita-Shinnihon Steamship Co Ltd [1994] 1 AC 486, 525A, the basis of any presumption in this area of the law is no more than simple fairness, which ought to be the basis of every general rule'.
Enable provision to be made for the purpose of removing or reducing burdens resulting from legislation, promoting regulatory principles and implementing recommendations of the Law Commission, the Scottish Law Commission and the Northern Ireland Law Commission; to make provision about the exercise of regulatory functions; to make provision about the interpretation of legislation relating to the European Communities and the European Economic Area; to make provision relating to section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972; and for connected purposes.
Part 1 of the Bill provides powers for a Minister of the Crown to make orders. The powers replace the power in the Regulatory Reform Act 2001 ("the 2001 Act") to make Regulatory Reform Orders ("RROs"). Part 1 sets out what the powers are, the conditions and restrictions which apply to them, and the procedure which must be followed in exercising them. (Source: Explanatory Note Bill 109- EN)
Amendment paper for Third Reading Stage (Lords) Marshalled List of Amendments to be moved on Third Reading as at 1st November 2006
Amendment paper for Report Stage (Lords) Marshalled List of Amendments to be moved on Report as at 24th October 2006
Amendment paper for Committee Stage (Lords) Supplementary to the Third Marshalled List of Amendments as at 18 July 2006
Explanatory notes to Bill (109), prepared by the Cabinet Office Bill 109 - EN 2005-06 as at 17 May 2006
Bill as brought from the Commons and ordered to be print in the Lords Bill 109 2005-06 as at 17 May 2006 |
209,286,545 | After several days where General Conference delegates were clearly divided over Robert’s Rules vs. Group Discernment and placards vs. iPads, on Day Four, they were urged repeatedly to work together, and shown examples of the good the church can do when it heeds that advice.
The May 13 laity address included lay leaders from the Upper New York, Virginia, Missouri, Tennessee, Zimbabwe and Great Plains conferences, with each sharing a sense of urgency for the people in local churches around the world to do more to share the love and mercy available to all through Jesus Christ.
During the May 13 morning worship, Bishop Sally Dyck of the Chicago Episcopal Area said she was inspired by Pope Francis’ declaration that this past Advent would be a year of mercy, adding, “I want to be part of a church that has a year of mercy, a decade of mercy, a millennium of mercy.”
Dyck used Matthew 9:9-13, the story of the Pharisees questioning how Jesus could sit down to eat with the tax collectors and sinners, as her text.
“Jesus knew that the Pharisees believed that the tax collectors were incompatible with good Jews,” said Dyck. “And Jesus said to the Pharisees to go, learn mercy.”
Throughout the morning, General Conference delegates heard news that might surprise some: United Methodists together are doing great things that bring God’s reign into the world. Both the Connectional Table, which coordinates the work of church agencies, and the General Council on Finance and Administration, the denomination’s finance agency, gave reports that highlighted the good United Methodists do when they work and give as a global body.
“What are trying to do is something no other denomination is doing,” said Bishop Christian Alsted, incoming chair of the Connectional Table. “We are trying to be a worldwide church that is also democratic.”
A climate vigil, organized by the Pacific Northwest Conference and backed by a number of church-related sponsors, was held May 12 at the Oregon Convention Center’s outdoor plaza. The twilight event featured decorated paper lanterns lit by small LED lights, music and testimony from United Methodists representing the global church.
The Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe, top executive of the United Methodist Board of Church and Society, would like to see a commitment “to act in solidarity with all who struggle daily in the face of a changing climate” shared across the denomination, adding, “I pray and trust that this General Conference will reaffirm our commitment to this important and holy work.”
Delegates continued to debate whether to embrace the new electronic queuing system or go “old school” and stick with waving old-fashioned placards to get the presiding bishop’s attention.
United Methodists gathered for a lunchtime witness on May 13 at the Oregon Convention Center plaza, calling on the Barack Obama administration to “stop deportations and keep families together.” Delegates to General Conference 2016 will consider an addition to The United Methodist Church’s Social Principles that says: “We oppose all national immigration policies that separate family members from each other or that include detention of families with children.”
The Rev. Frank Schaefer and his son Tim joined the Rev. Mike Tupper in the tent Tupper has slept in for the past 168 days to symbolize how they say LGBTQ people are kept outside the doors of The United Methodist Church. Both Tupper and Schaefer faced charges for officiating at the same-sex weddings of their children. They are in Portland praying for the denomination to change its stance that homosexuality is “incompatible with Christian teaching.”
Joey Butler is a multimedia editor/producer for United Methodist Communications. Contact him at [email protected] or 615-742-5470.
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Very little is known about the history of Hydra until the beginning of the Ottoman rule. The first settlers of the island were Mycenaeans and are traced back to the ancient times as witnessed by the excavations. No major historical event is known, until the 15th century period (after the fall of Constantinople), when the inhabitants of the island started to move inland and in the mountains to escape from the numerous pirate raids and the attacks of the Turks. Around 1460, Hydra welcomed refugees from Albania, Epirus, Crete, Evia, Kythnos and Asia Minor, as well as refugees from the Peloponnese who were escaping the Russo-Turkish War during the 18th century.
During the Ottoman domination, the Turks had little interest on the island because of its lack of water. The island began to acquire a powerful merchant fleet during the 17th century but the plague of 1792 wiped out a great number of the population and those who survived moved away. Things improved for Hydra in the 18th century, when it became powerful and prosperous because of its highly developed commercial fleet, trading with all of Greece and even abroad, with France, Spain and America.
The superiority of the island's fleet reached its peak during the Napoleonic wars and with the creation of the Merchant Marine Academy, was able to monopolised the sea transport throughout the Mediterranean. The inhabitants of Hydra were beginning to fear attacks from the Ottoman fleet so they used their wealth to fortify the harbour with bastions of cannons, and their fleet power during the Greek Revolution against the Turkish yoke. They participated in the Revolutionary secret alliance called "Philiki Etairia" (founded in 1814) and many wealthy sea-captains used their vessels as warships and helped the Revolution economically.
The heroism of their crews became famous all around Europe and is still honored today. Two of the most heroic figures of Hydra were the ship owners Andreas Miaoulis and Lazaros Koundouriotis, who contributed to the revolution. The superiority of the island's ships and the heroism of its inhabitants was one of the most determining factors in the success of the revolution.
After World War II, the economy of Hydra went through a difficult phase. It recovered slightly with fishing and sponge fishing but declined again due to the restrictions of financial assistance to the sponge fishing enterprises from the Greek Agricultural bank. In the 1950s, Hydra became a center of artistic creation for many artists who used its magical scenery as the main theme of inspiration. Many famous movies were also shot on the island, including the Boy on a dolphin (1957) starring Sophia Loren and Phaedra (1962) starring Anthony Perkins and Melina Merkouri. Till today, Hydra attracts many artists and various festivals take place in summer in the Melina Merkouri Auditorium. |
103,233,636 | Innovation and Change in Fixed Income Markets: Building a Unique Market Structure Solution - Innovation and Change in Fixed Income Markets: Building a Unique Market Structure Solution - SIFMA
On May 24, SIFMA hosted the Fixed Income Market Structure Seminar, bringing together market participants to discuss the latest developments in fixed income markets including: new and future regulations; Treasury’s RFI; liquidity and data transparency; and technology and electronic bond trading platforms.
U.S. capital markets are the deepest and most developed in the world; today, technological change and innovation has added to their complexity. Add to these developments, newspaper headlines on the “flash rally” of October 2014, and market structure and its regulation have become a hot topic. Market participants, policy makers, regulators and the public have a stake, and increasingly an opinion, on the ideal structure for our fixed income markets.
Randy Snook, SIFMA’s Executive Vice President for Business Policy and Practices, opened the Fixed Income Market Structure Seminar, noting the need for industry and regulators to work together to understand and adapt to technological changes in fixed income markets.
“One thing is very clear: there is change taking place in both infrastructure and in the profile of market participants. As is often the case, this change comes with a great deal of innovation and experimentation, and that can be a healthy process as markets and participants adapt. The official sector plays a key role in overseeing our markets and by necessity seeks input from the industry to better understand how they can foster healthy markets.”
Snook further added that as new regulations are developed they must seek the right balance, calibrating policies that keep pace with an increasingly connected and technology driven financial marketplace.
We must balance regulatory oversight w/ policies that meet needs of today’s tech driven #fixedincome mkts – Snook
“SIFMA has a central role in stimulating discussion on market structure with key stakeholders, as this seminar today does. We bring both buy and sell side voices to the table, providing input to regulators on issues that directly and indirectly impact market structure. As we look at market structure and regulation, it’s important to clarify there are clear distinctions between the Treasury, corporate and equity markets. While there is an optimal market structure for each, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.”
In January of this year, the U.S. Treasury Department announced a Request for Information (RFI), asking industry stakeholders for their view on changes in Treasury market structure, the implications for market functioning, and risk management policies and practices.
At the Fixed Income Market Structure Seminar, Daleep Singh, Treasury’s Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets, delivered the keynote address, reviewing findings from the RFI. Mr. Singh emphasized that the Department remains committed to continuing dialogue with industry on a number of fronts in the post-RFI environment.
Treasury’s Singh: @USTreasury intends to remain actively engaged w/ industry on a # of fronts in post-RFI period
A panel of market participants from both the buy and sell side followed Mr. Singh, discussing the RFI as well as a paper which SIFMA commissioned by Promontory on the subject entitled, Emerging Issues in the Functioning of the U.S. Treasury Market. Central to the report and to the panel discussion, was the issue of liquidity in the Treasury market and what industry and regulators can do to affect it. Panelists Ryan Primmer (KCG) and Chris Amen (Tradeweb) agreed that the more participants in the market, the better for liquidity.
The discussion also centered on the controversial subject of the dissemination of Treasury market data. Most respondents to Treasury’s RFI support official gathering of trade data, but SIFMA and other industry stakeholders have stressed that rapid and highly specific post-trade reporting to the public would impair liquidity. Treasury’s Singh assured attendees that the Department is not currently developing a policy on the public availability of data.
“To reiterate, we do not anticipate developing any policy proposal on the public availability of data until the official sector has access to cash market transaction data.”
In February of this year SIFMA published results from a survey of 18 electronic bond trading platforms. The goal of the survey entitled, Electronic Bond Trading Report: U.S. Corporate and Municipal Securities , was to increase transparency in this increasingly important space of the market.
Results from the survey suggest that fixed income market structure is evolving and adapting given regulatory and market constraints, and reflects a significant market focus on electronic trading as an emerging part of fixed income market structure.
A panel of senior executives from several electronic platforms discussed the role electronic trading has had on fixed income market structure. The panel confirmed the importance of electronic bond trading for fixed income markets, particularly noting the role they play in generating alternative sources of liquidity.
Certain aspects of fixed income market structure are debatable; while some are outright contentious. However, on one aspect, industry stakeholders can and do agree: fixed income markets are unique. As regulators and market participants work together to create an appropriate regulatory infrastructure for fixed income markets they should keep this in mind. Policies which guide our equity markets must not be transposed to the fixed income markets. There is no “one-size-fits-all” ideal market structure. |
223,253,526 | The mind-numbing pain, the nausea and the sensitivity to light and sound that come along with migraines can make you miserable. But when you’re pregnant, it can amp up the normal aches and pains you’re already dealing with.
Although pregnancy migraines are usually nothing to worry about, they could be an early warning sign of pregnancy complications that could put you and your baby at risk.
Here’s what you need to know about migraines, how to find relief and when you should call your doctor.
Approximately four out of 10 women will experience migraines throughout their lives and most will have them before age 35, right around the same time many women get pregnant, a study in the journal Cephalalgia found.
“Women who had migraines before they were pregnant should anticipate a change in their migraines when they are pregnant,” said Dr. Kelly Kasper, a board-certified OB-GYN at Indiana University Health in Indianapolis.
Migraines can happen more frequently, increase in intensity or be accompanied with new symptoms that you didn’t have before getting pregnant.
For example, you might have a migraine with aura, neurological changes like visual disturbances and flashes of light or nausea and vomiting. These changes are likely triggered by higher levels of estrogen, said Dr. Matthew S. Robbins, chief of neurology at the Jack D. Weiler Hospital of Montefiore Health System and director of inpatient services for the Montefiore Headache Center in New York City.
Yet estrogen also seems to help some women who notice that their migraines disappear when they’re pregnant. This is likely due to the fact that estrogen surges during pregnancy and there’s no dip in the hormone that often triggers migraines before menstruation.
Surprisingly, some women can also have migraines even if they never had them before. For them, the migraines will usually start in the first trimester and subside as their pregnancies progress. Although it’s not clear why this happens, it could simply be that they’re common in women of childbearing age, Robbins said.
Migraines may also be triggered by things like sleep deprivation and stress, which most pregnant women deal with at some point during pregnancy.
Although migraines seem like just a pain, new research found that pregnancy migraines can be associated with serious pregnancy complications.
One study published in the journal Neurology found that women who had high blood pressure and experienced a severe headache were 17 times more likely to experience pregnancy complications, like preeclampsia.
Preeclampsia, which affects between 5 and 8 percent of pregnancies, can lead to preterm birth and delivering a small baby. It’s also the leading cause of maternal and infant illness and death worldwide.
The study found that those who had no history of headaches also had a five-fold increased likelihood of complications.
Another study presented in April at the American Academy of Neurology's annual meeting found that women with severe migraines were more likely to have pregnancy complications including preeclampsia, preterm delivery and low birthweight babies. The study also found that women 35 and older were seven times more likely to have these complications.
Robbins, who is also an associate professor of clinical neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City and authored both studies, said although it’s unclear why women are at an increased risk for complications, there are several plausible reasons.
One is that migraines are associated with other cardiovascular conditions like high blood pressure and psychiatric diseases such as anxiety and depression.
“It could be that this population is just a sicker group of patients because they have active migraines,” he said.
In women over 35, the combination of age and migraines may accelerate the complications but it’s not clear why.
Migraines are also associated with something called endothelial dysfunction, or dysfunction of the blood vessels. Since preeclampsia has the same related underlying dysfunction it might magnify the risk, he said.
Call your doctor if you never experienced migraines or severe headaches in the past, if your migraines last longer than 24 hours or if they are associated with nausea and vomiting.
“Preeclampsia can develop very rapidly. We have patients who will develop it within the 24-hour time period,” Kasper said.
You should also talk to your doctor if your migraines are accompanied with aura and you have never experienced that before, or if you have numbness or tingling in your face or arms.
In addition to headaches, vision changes, and nausea and vomiting, the signs of preeclampsia can also include pain in the upper right part of your abdomen and an increase in swelling.
If migraines are currently a problem, have a plan in place before you get pregnant. Think about your triggers and what you can do manage them. Also, if you’re considering medication for severe attacks, talk to your doctor about what types of medications are safe to take during pregnancy.
Retreating to a dark, quite room to rest or take a catnap can help reduce your pain and other symptoms. Placing a cold washcloth over your eyes can also help.
Skipping meals and dehydration can trigger a migraine. Make sure you’re eating three healthy meals a day, have snacks on hand so you’re prepared when hunger strikes and drink plenty of water.
Coffee, tea and chocolate can all be triggers for a migraine. Yet deciding to cut out the caffeine that your body is used to when you find out your pregnant can also bring on a migraine.
“If you’re somebody that has a cup of coffee every single morning to start your day, it’s OK to still have that cup of coffee,” Kasper said.
If resting isn’t an option because of work, caring for other children and other responsibilities, try acetaminophen, which is safe and effective during pregnancy, Kasper said.
Your doctor can prescribe medications for the pain and the nausea that are safe during pregnancy but they carry side effects. Ask your doctor about other therapies such as IV treatments or a nerve block with a local anesthetic.
Waking up in the middle of the night coupled with normal pregnancy fatigue can trigger a migraine. Although it can be challenging, try to keep a consistent sleep schedule or ask a family member to help with other children or errands so you can sleep later or rest during the day.
Although pregnancy is a happy time in your life, it can also be rife with worry about things like labor and delivery, raising a baby and money.
Nevertheless, you should find ways to cope with stress to ward off migraines. Take a prenatal yoga class, plan a babymoon with your partner or simply make time each day for something that relaxes you. Going for a walk, taking a bath or reading a good novel can all do wonders for your stress.
This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," Dec. 27, 2004, that has been edited for clarity.
JOHN GIBSON, GUEST HOST: We continue now with tonight's lead story, the killer tsunamis in southern Asia. Officials in Asia are now admitting they failed to issue public warnings following the undersea earthquake. Such warnings could have saved countless lives from the subsequent killer waves that smashed into coastlines in nine countries.
Sri Lanka (search) appears to be the hardest hit. More than 12,000 people dead there, including at least five Americans. And as we just heard, maybe as many as 18,000 additional still missing.
Thousands of soldiers and families are headed there now searching for bodies and the country is now bracing for possible humanitarian problems due to dysentery (search) and other diseases.
Joining us now from Washington, the Sri Lankan ambassador, Devinda Subasinghe. And from Boston to talk about the relief effort is Michael Delaney, the director of Oxfam's Humanitarian Response department.
Ambassador Subasinghe, as we just heard from Adam Housley, the U.S. Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu did issue an advisory to 26 participating countries. India was not included. Was Sri Lanka? Did Sri Lanka get a warning? And did Sri Lankan officials ignore that warning?
DEVINDA SUBASINGHE, SRI LANKA AMBASSADOR TO THE U.S.: John, thank you for having me over. I have not established that. In fact, I'm awaiting a call from the folks in Honolulu to communicate to them to the best of what I'm aware of now. The — there was no warning that we had received, but I would need further time to research that matter.
GIBSON: OK, now we also heard from one of the relief workers in Sri Lanka right now that in addition — as he put it, and perhaps you have some additional information, 12,000 are thought to be dead, but another 18,000 are missing. Do you think that that really is a number that could approach 30,000 dead in your country?
SUBASINGHE: John, potentially yes. About 70 percent of the coastline of Sri Lanka, which is the size of West Virginia, has been impacted to varying degrees. The southern coast that was described to you is populated, as well as carrying the tourism infrastructure. And I believe those numbers are climbing. And at this stage, I cannot put any specificity to it until the military and civilian teams have gone through those areas and conducted both the search and rescue and the recovery operations.
GIBSON: Michael, a relief effort here is underway. Obviously, the health situation, dysentery, cholera, and the rest is a big concern. What can you tell me about what's going on to help the people in Sri Lanka and India and Indonesia?
MICHAEL DELANEY, OXFAM HUMANITARIAN, DIRECTOR: Yes, that's the first thing that we're concerned about at this point is the issue of water. We're trying to get water to people who need it. With the wave and the flooding coming in, a lot of the water that people use for drinking has been contaminated. And so, we're trying to make sure that people have clean water, access to clean water, and distributing that.
We have a network of people, along with our Oxfam (search) staff, who are there already, have a network of people that we work with, including local authorities, local organizations, doing the assessments and determining where the needs are and trying to help people at this time of need.
DELANEY: Well, initially there's been support of money to a number of different countries, including Sri Lanka. This is generally — it's a round of money that is issued by the local ambassadors. And then at a later time, an amount will be determined by USAID and the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, which will be much larger.
GIBSON: Ambassador Subasinghe, I'm sure you've heard about this 500 mile an hour wave or multiple waves. And maybe you've even heard some eyewitness accounts. We've obviously seen the pictures of the damage. We see the numbers of people dead. But from what you have heard from people there, what was it like?
SUBASINGHE: I think that gentleman that you had on the telephone conversation was pretty much accurate where people literally were on the oceanfront watching this — the water go back out or the tide go back out before that wave came bundling in. And as the gentleman mentioned, this is not a phenomenon we've ever witnessed in Sri Lanka.
And I'm sure it was largely driven by curiosity, because people are describing to me how rock formations and other underwater areas were suddenly revealed when the water went out before that wave came crashing back.
I don't think anybody knew what was going on. We've seen monsoon rains dumping a lot of high waves onto our beaches, but this water going out and the phenomenon of a tsunami is not something we've ever witnessed in Sri Lanka.
GIBSON: Ambassador Subasinghe, good luck to you and your country. And Michael Delaney, I know you're doing good work. And I appreciate you coming on tonight. Thank you both.
SUBASINGHE: Thank you, John. And thank you also to the U.S. administration for all the support we've received. |
115,138,259 | Juanita is survived by her daughter, Hazel (Michael) Hanna of Wayland; son, Glenn E. (Naomi) Haynes of Knoxville, Tenn.; grandsons, Mark, Aaron and John Haynes, all of Knoxville, Tenn.; granddaughters, Amy W. Hanna of Macedon and Alice H. (David) Pope of Fairport.
There will be no local services. Arrangements by the Walter E. Baird and Sons Funeral Home, 300 West Naples St., Wayland. Memorial contributions may be sent in her name to the Vincent House, P.O. Box 566, Wayland, NY 14572 of to their favorite charity. A memorial service and burial will be in Knoxville at the convenience of the family. Those who wish to light a memory candle for Juanita may do so at
The fellows meet a legend from the 70s psych-jazz scene and find themselves mixed up in a supernatural grudge match between immortal super-villains. Also Dan ran some sort of race. Episode thirty-three of Dan Wakes Up Screaming is available for your listening pleasure.
Brian tours the Iberian Peninsula and commits a tasty felony, Dan fails out of spitting lessons, and Fed, well, God bless Fed. It’s Episode 33.1 of Dan Wakes Up Screaming!
(EDITORS NOTE : I will list this as totally unconfirmed, both by top level sources in Iraq, Kurdistan and intelligence operatives in Jordan. Though the story was released and picked up, and Sibel, a person of great personal integrity is carrying it on her website, I would normally ask for 24 hours before publishing. Consider this, moving any troops through the region would require driving past thousands of people with mobile phones with video upload capability.
Where were all of them? With only 8000 troops in Iraq, 5000 contractors, all rear eschelon and State Department only in the Green Zone, nobody in Jordan, nobody in Lebanon, no forces in Israel, the logistics referred to here are unimaginable. A look at the local roadmaps will tend to explain it all. “You can’t get there from anywhere.” Time will tell. Gordon Duff)
Editor’s Note: The following are obscure aspects of Dartmouth history and tradition that have an observable impact on the College in the present day. It is in no way a comprehensive list. Rather, the select few following episodes are designed to entice students to learn more about their institution’s extensive history.
The Lone Pine is an enduring symbol of the College. The first report concerning the old tree was an improbable legend. In 1833, undergraduate Jacob Gale recounted a story about three Native Americans singing a farewell song around an ancient pine. However, later investigations showed that three Indians never graduated at the same time in the early history of the College. Jas. F. Joy, (18)’33, later reminisced that there were stories circulating in his day about a graduating class singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ around the tree before leaving the College. These occurrences likely evolved into the legend.
Ten years later, the Pine was widely known and respected. An alumnus of the class of 1840 said “Some of us would occasionally, when out for recreation, sing a hymn which tradition told us the three Indians composed and sang.” A member of the class of 1845 wrote “We, like other classes, had many meetings around the ‘Old Pine’ for gossiping, story-telling and music and some other exercises. One of these ‘other exercises’ was a tarring and feathering of a man charged with crime.” After General Winfield Scott’s nomination, the class of 1852 celebrated with a cannon salute. They were stopped by Professor Hubbard, who complained that his house had been struck by a stone the students fired. A few years later, the tradition developed that graduating classes would celebrate under the tree. From 1854 to 1895, with few exceptions, students would celebrate by singing, giving speeches, smoking a peace pipe, and laying mementos around the Old Pine. Even in the early eighteenth century, though, the tree was old. Records indicate it likely dated back to 1783 in origin. In 1887, the Old Pine was struck by lightning, and in 1892, its main branch was broken in the wind. Finally, in 1895, the tree was cut down. Its stump remains there to this day. In 1967, the tradition was revived in a different form. The Class of 1927 planted the Dartmouth Pine near the entrance to the BEMA. They transferred stewardship to the Class of 1967, who later passed care of the tree to the Class of 2007.
Canes have a long history at Dartmouth. In the eighteenth century, canes were a status symbol among students. Only sophomores and upperclassmen were allowed to carry them. But freshmen would frequently try to assert themselves by flaunting their canes. In response, older students would wrestle them and seize their canes in a tradition that came to be known as cane-rush. Cane-rush reached its greatest proportions in 1883. That year, freshmen took off their shirts and covered themselves in olive oil for a pitched battle with the sophomores. The freshmen stationed themselves on the Green in a protective formation around their prize: a hickory cane. The sophomores rushed from their base in Reed Hall, which began a two-hour battle. A student at the time wrote that freshmen who had been knocked unconscious were dragged from the fray by juniors and revived with buckets of cold water. Undeterred, many ran back in. The class of 1887 eventually lost when the sophomores dragged the prized cane back to Reed Hall. Over time, the brutal tradition fell out of favor and cane-rush died out.
As one cane-related tradition died out, however, another began. When the class of 1887 graduated, they bought or made canes to commemorate the occasion and encouraged their friends to carve their names into them. In 1899, Charles Dudley crafted the first Indian head cane, which became the predominant senior cane until 1974, when the Indian head symbol was banned.
Secret society canes are the last vestige of Dartmouth’s long history of cane-related traditions. Every year, approximately twenty percent of graduating seniors carry canes to represent the secret societies with which they are affiliated.
John Ledyard came to Dartmouth in 1772. Ledyard loved theater and was a good student, but he was restless; he found the pace of college life too slow. Seeking adventure, Ledyard cut down a tall tree on the banks of the Connecticut River and made it into a log canoe. With his newly made vessel, Ledyard set out to explore the world with only four items: a huge bearskin, a poem by Ovid, the New Testament in Greek, and some bread. One hundred and fifty miles downstream in Hartford, Ledyard called on a relative, who was surprised to find his nephew not quietly studying to become a missionary. He studied theology in Hartford for a time, before his boredom overcame him again. He became a common sailor on many different voyages; he travelled to Gibraltar and London. After a few years, Ledyard entered the British naval service and sailed under Captain James Cook. However, he always remained loyal to his native land and refused to fight against the U.S., and after many years, Ledyard returned home.
John Ledyard was never any good at staying in one place, and just a few months later he was plotting his next adventure: a trading journey to the northern Pacific. The venture failed to attract sufficient funding. But he succeeded in attracting the attention of Robert Morris, a prominent Philadelphia merchant, who gave Ledyard money and letters of introduction. Eventually, the explorer ended up in Paris, where he met Thomas Jefferson, then ambassador to France. For his next feat, John Ledyard decided to journey around the world on foot. He arrived in St. Petersburg just seven weeks later. His journey was cut short while traveling across Siberia, on suspicion that Ledyard was an American spy. When he returned to London, Ledyard found employment on a journey to explore Africa, but died of an illness in Cairo soon after, in 1788.
The Ledyard Bridge was first built in 1859, near where the explorer cut down the tree to start his first adventure. One Dartmouth tradition related to the bridge is the so-called Ledyard Challenge, where students attempt to swim across the Connecticut River naked and streak across the bridge as they return to their clothing. In some ways, the tradition is an appropriate one for John Ledyard, who consistently flouted convention through bold adventures.
In the early nineteenth century, the Green was primarily used as a football field for students. In those days it was enclosed by a set of flimsy railings, which the townspeople would remove to let their cattle graze on the field. The students resented the practice, however, because the cattle made their field a far worse playing area. The College informed the townspeople the practice must stop. The next time cattle were caught grazing in the field, infuriated students drove them into the basement of Dartmouth Hall and sealed the entrance with stones and dirt. The townspeople formed a mob and advanced on the College to demand their cattle returned. The ensuing standoff was perhaps most damaging to the cows, who were trapped in confined quarters on a hot September day; one report describes them as “wet with perspiration and crowding as if they had been in a mill-pond.” Eventually, the students let the cattle go.
In order to deter future grazing episodes, the campus set up a sturdier fence, which bordered the Green until it was torn down in 1893. In response, the class of 1897 sponsored a Senior Fence, which runs to this day along parts of the southern and western borders. Only Seniors were allowed to sit on the fence; when younger students tested this policy, they were soaked with water from a nearby trough. These privileges began to erode during World War II, and by 1960, they had disappeared entirely. Today, all students are free to sit on the fence, without fear of water-based reprisal.
3.All voters will be entered in a drawing and 10 winners will receive a DARTSLIVE CARD signed by the 2 players of the selected match! |
256,896,261 | Ever needed to deactivate your Facebook account, take a break from Twitter, or forget about Instagram entirely? Social media and the sometimes shallow feel of the Internet can be a real struggle for highly sensitive persons. Anxiety, depression, and loneliness can be triggered by the digital world. On this episode Michelle and The Captain discuss what all of this means for HSPs, and what people can do to make their time online a more positive experience.
Sydney racegoers will have to wait until The Championships to see champion sprinter Redzel in the flesh but trainer Peter Snowden is hoping he can establish a dominance that lasts at least a couple more years.
The Everest hero is a five-year-old and few would argue that he was at the top of his game by the end of 2017 with six wins on end including the inaugural running of the world's richest turf race at Royal Randwick plus the Group 1 Darley Classic.
Snowden said following Redzel's impressive barrier trial win at Rosehill on Monday that there's no reason he can't emulate Chautauqua's longevity.
Chautauqua is now seven and really began his reign as an autumn four-year-old when he claimed the first of his unprecedented three straight Group 1 TJ Smith Stakes (1200m).
“I think he’s a touch better this time, maybe that’s wishful thinking. He’s always been push button for the last 12 months.
Redzel will make his one and only Sydney appearance this Autumn in the $2.5m TJ Smith Stakes at Randwick on April 7 where he'll look to assume Chautauqua's crown.
Snowden said the gelding is on target for his first-up run in the Black Caviar Lightning (1000m) in Melbourne on Saturday week.
In his first public hitout this year, two weeks earlier, Redzel finished behind Winx in seventh place but it was a different story this time around.
With his blinkers on in his second trial, Redzel assumed the lead early on under Kerrin McEvoy in the 1000m gallop and burst away to win by three lengths, running 58.20 for the trip.
"The race is 12 days away and for Group 1s you need to be really prepared. You need them fit enough to run 1200m to win at that level over 1000m,’’ he said.
"He's had a couple of gallops since that first trial and his work last Thursday morning was very good so I was confident he would trial like that.
Snowden said Redzel could have a second run in Melbourne in the Group 1 William Reid Stakes in March as a final lead up to the TJ.
The first few strokes. Two days later and several thousand strokes more the Cul Mor would arrive 60 miles across Scotland on the east coast at Inverness.
I know that War Pigs was the talk of the Internet yesterday, but sometimes it takes me more than a millisecond to process reality. Or even fake realities masquerading as flash-sideways. You know what I mean, even if you pretend you don't. So if you haven't yet clicked on the site for War Pigs and seen what's what and what's not what, let me break it down for you: Four suburban dads go into North Korea to rescue their kidnapped children back from Kim Jong-Il. Those dads are Pvt. William H. Macy, Capt. John Travolta, Sgt. Brad Garrett, Lt. Cuba Gooding, Jr., and Lloyd from Entourage as North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il. I mentioned it's a comedy, right? Here's the trailer: The mastermind behind War Pigs is not exactly the producers from Old Dogs and Wild Hogs, but comedian Gil Ozeri, who told me he's been having fun seeing the Internet wonder what it's all about. See this Reddit thread, for example. Plus he thought these recent movies needed to be mashed-up and reimagined in an even more ridiculous premise, adding: "That, and I'd love to see William H. Macy get hit in the nuts a thousand times over two hours....
Dane Cook tells me about his Idol finale gig; full studio version of “Simon Said” available on iTunes
After the unexpected ending of his musical performance on last night's finale of American Idol, Dane Cook told me this morning via email a little bit more about the "before" part of the process, and credited comedian J. Chris Newberg not just for working with him on the song, "Simon Said," but also on how he "certainly rose to the occasion in that behind the scenes insanity." Related: See my post below for the video clip of Dane Cook on Idol and getting interrupted by rejects of Idols past. How was Dane Cook even on Idol, though, you may wonder? Credit another Simon, Idol's creator and executive producer Simon Fuller. "Simon Fuller is a fan of mine for some years, so they just asked me to be a part of it," Cook told me. Internet sleuths may also know that Raquel Houghton, who sang at Cook's HBO taping of "Vicious Circle" when she was dating him back in 2006, made it to Hollywood Week of Idol in season eight last year. Anyhow. Back to Cook, who gently mocked me for suggesting that his Idol performance would be a duet and not a solo act, saying: "As far as collaborating with my buddy Daughtry? Oh come on, Sean don't you know me yet?? When do I ever do what people expect?" Hahaha. If you'd like to hear the full studio...
If you haven't listened to Marc Maron's interview with Carlos Mencia that went online on Monday on Maron's WTF podcast, then you can just skip ahead to today's second part, because it's much more revealing. Maron himself felt that his first chat with Mencia hadn't really uncovered much, so he reached out to Willie Barcena and Steve Trevino, then texted Mencia and said he needed a follow-up discussion. That happened quickly. Their conversation goes for a while, and Mencia's emotional state veers between defensive and contrite. At one point, he even acknowledges that comedians and the comedy world would love nothing more than to hear him apologize. And then much later, at the end of their chat, Mencia indeed apologizes, and tells Maron that he had "never been confronted like this about why I go onstage like this for so long." Mencia said: "I don't want to be that person anymore." He's talking specifically about bumping headliners at comedy clubs. But then he's also talking about being the comedian that everyone thinks is a lying, cheating asshole. It's become a "ridiculous" situation, Mencia said. So his message to people who think he's taking a joke of theirs that they think will take them to the next level? "Call me, and I'll drop it." "I guess I really do want to be perceived as a nice guy." To that end, Mencia...
With Simon Cowell's final season as the judge who matters on American Idol coming to a close last night, I wouldn't have thought that there would be actual comedy to pay attention to, but of course that meant that there was, and let's talk about it. Without any explanation, the show zoomed in on Dane Cook at center stage strumming a guitar and roasting Simon. Sure. Um. OK. As I suggested at the time remotely on Twitter to New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff, perhaps FOX was rewarding Cook for his loyalty to MySpace by letting him sing — after all, Cook did find his path to fame by making 2.6 million friends on MySpace and clinging to the network long after everyone else jumped to Facebook and Twitter. Lo and behold, later in the Idol finale, it turned out that the show was betting on MySpace for its 10th season. I guess I wasn't surprised that Cook would be singing on live network TV — he had told me about wanting to pursue a music career three years ago, although I would have figured that, given his friendship with past Idol finalist Daughtry, that he would have showed up on the finale with Chris Daughtry for a duet instead of as a solo act. That wasn't the news that came out of Dane Cook's appearance, however. Roll the clip!...
Sub-Saharan Africa has seen widespread economic growth since 1995. But increased agricultural productivity is needed to translate that growth into poverty reduction. |
212,269,909 | 2 1. GOALS OF THIS COMPETITION The ICF is organising a global qualification competition for National Federations to obtain quota allocations for the YOG, Buenos Aires The allocation of all the athlete quotas will be decided by continent according to the world ranking list from this competition. This will be the only qualification competition. 2. DATES AND LOCATION This competition will take place in Barcelona on April The official training period starts on 6 April TRAINING CAMP AND COACHES FORUM During the official training period (6 to 11 April 2018), a training camp and a coaches forum will be organised by the ICF. All athletes and coaches will be able to attend. More information will be send to the National Federation soon. 4. CATEGORIES AND EVENTS FOR THE CANOEING WORLD QUALIFICATION COMPETITION The qualification events are listed in the table below: Categories (4) Events (8) Kayak Men (K1M) K1M K1M Obstacle slalom Kayak Women (K1W) Canoe Men (C1M) Canoe Women (C1W) K1W K1W Obstacle slalom C1M C1M Obstacle slalom C1W C1W Obstacle slalom Barcelona 2018 Competition information updated on January of 5
3 5. PROVISIONAL COMPETITION SCHEDULE Date 6 April 2018 to 11 April 2018 Contents Official Training period 12 April April 2018 C1M Qualification heats and repechage K1W Qualification heats and repechage C1M Quarterfinals, Semi finals and Finals K1W Quarterfinals, Semi finals and Finals C1W Qualification heats and repechage K1M Qualification heats and repechage C1W Quarterfinals, Semi finals and Finals K1M Quarterfinals, Semi finals and Finals 14 April April 2018 Obstacle slalom C1M qualification heats and repechage K1W qualification heats and repechage C1M Quarterfinals, Semi finals and Finals K1W Quarterfinals, Semi finals and Finals C1W Qualification heats and repechage K1M Qualification heats and repechage C1W Quarterfinals, Semi finals and Finals K1M Quarterfinals, Semi finals and Finals 6. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ATHLETES PER NOC FOR THE CANOEING WORLD QUALIFICATION COMPETITION Two (2) athletes per National Federation can be entered per category in Barcelona: Maximum Number of Athletes per category per NOC MEN WOMEN K1 2 C1 2 K1 2 C1 2 TOTAL 8 All Athletes can compete at the qualification competition in C1 and in K1 but they still cannot exceed the maximum of two athletes per NOC per event. Barcelona 2018 Competition information updated on January of 5
4 7. ENTRIES PROCESS FOR CANOEING WORLD QUALIFICATION COMPETITION Date Items Comments 15 February 2018 Accommodation, catering and services booking deadline See dedicated information bulletin 1 February 2018 Numerical entries deadline ICF online entries system (SDP) 28 March 2018 Nominal entries deadline 12 to 15 April 2018 Competition period Online entries: As all entrants will compete in both the head-to-head sprint and obstacle slalom in their respective event, all entries will be taken in just one location - through the event listed with the discipline as "canoe sprint". Each athlete must have the discipline "canoe sprint" selected in their profile to ensure their name appears in the drop-down menu for entry into the event. 8. QUALIFICATION SYSTEM FOR 2018 YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES, BUENOS AIRES The Qualification System is available on the ICF website via the link below: We kindly remind you to check carefully following items which has an impact on this qualification competition: B Athletes quota, C Athlete eligibility and D Qualification pathway. 9. APPLICATION OF THE QUALIFICATION SYSTEM FOR CANOEING WORLD QUALIFICATION COMPETITION IN BARCELONA 2018 All athletes entered in a category must race in both head to head sprint event and obstacle slalom event. All athletes ranked in CANOEING WORLD QUALIFICATION COMPETITION will become eligible to participate in 2018 Youth Olympic Games (item C, Qualification system Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018). Only one place per National Federation will be awarded for Buenos Aires 2018 per event. Should 2 athletes from the same National Federation be ranked in the world ranking list for YOG qualification, the lower ranked athlete will not be awarded a quota place, with the next quota being allocated to the next best ranked National Federation not yet qualified. Each athlete can only obtain one quota place for the Youth Olympic Games. If an athlete obtains one quota place in C1 and one quota place in K1 his NOC must choose which slot they will return as outlined in section F (reallocation of unused quota places) of the Qualification system Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires The athlete does not have to compete in both categories (C1 and K1) at the Canoeing World Qualification Competition to be allowed to participate in both in Buenos Aires. However, they must demonstrate their competence in the other category during the Canoeing World Qualification Competition or training camp (section D, Qualification system Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018). Barcelona 2018 Competition information updated on January of 5
Canadian Canoe-Polo National Championships Registration Rules Canada Canoe Polo May 25, 2010 1 Introduction The follwing are the official rules regarding registration at the Canadian canoe-polo national |
279,925,917 | Provide direct one-to-one instructional services, supplemental classroom instruction, and/or small- and large-group instruction to students according to each student’s assessed learning needs
Provide formal instruction to students who need assistance in one or more basic skills necessary for successful college-level learning
Assist other professional staff with hiring, training, scheduling, supervising, and evaluating peer tutors in the ASC
Perform additional duties in service to the university to include, but not be limited to, teaching, serving on relevant campus committees, and providing additional support to the Academic Success Center director and staff
Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s in math or science, as well as tutoring experience is preferred
Experience teaching diverse populations such at-risk students, special needs students, and college level students
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To apply with a growing University for the Professional Tutor position, please submit a cover letter, resume, three professional references, and UD employment application, located on our website, to [email protected] or to the Director of Human Resources, at the University of Dubuque, 2000 University Avenue, Dubuque, IA 52001. AA/EOE
Apple is a place where extraordinary people capture to do their best work. Together we build products and experiences people once couldn’t have envisioned — and now can’t imagine living without. If you’re excited by the idea of making a real impact, a career with Apple might be your dream job… Just be prepared to dream big. We have been operating in Cork since 1980. We have grown to over 5,000 employees, serving our customers with critical business functions, which are key to Apple’s continued success. Every single day you will connect with and be supported by your colleagues at one of the most diverse and inclusive companies in the world. You will have responsibility for contributing to our continued success and be a key player within your job function. We support and promote career development throughout the organisation, offering an exciting career with many opportunities to enable you perfect your existing skills - and acquire new ones. You will become a member of the wider Finance team at Apple. With over 300 employees from a multitude of backgrounds, the Finance department in Cork supports all functions of Apple in EMEIA, including sales fulfilment, Logistics, Manufacturing and Operations, Apple Music, Apple Retail as well as the Global Business Solutions function. This role works for the Operations Finance team specializing in key support activities early in Apple’s supply chain. This team of 12 supports the global procurement of components and assets used in the manufacture of Apple’s finished goods. The role reports into the Tooling Finance Manager. This position interfaces with key global stakeholders (Global Procurement Org, Group Operations Finance, China Operations Finance, Tax, Legal), in addition to local operations teams and local functions (RTR, P2P, internal audit and technical accounting). There is significant exposure to senior EMEIA Operations Finance management. This is a fast moving team working in a dynamic environment with significant scope for career development and additional responsibilities in line with business requirements.
Possess strong technical skills with an ability to deal with large volumes of data & summarise key aspects (SAP and Excel experience desirable).
Review high value Purchase Orders for compliance with Apple policy. Work with the business and senior finance management to identify and realise cost saving opportunities. Maintain and improve key internal controls. Advise and mentor the Procurement Admin team in their review of Purchase Requisitions and Goods Receipts. Train business partners to ensure that problem areas are addressed and risks alleviated. Work with internal audit in assessing any control issues identified, following though with root cause analysis and actions. Lead the Quarterly Close process – preparation of accrual journals and analysis of closing positions. Lead Quarter Close automation project. Compliance tasks including balance sheet reviews and SOX walkthroughs. Reporting and Analysis Prepare detailed analysis and presentations to Business Leadership, to aid effective decision-making. Issue regular metric reports highlighting key insights to business partners. Additionally, the role will support other areas of the Apple Operations business as required.
This China Logistics Manager role will be based in Shanghai and is rotatable depending on strategic business requirement. This position requires exceptional flexibility and adaptability in dealing with internal & external customers and the ability to provide strategic responses and effective solutions to external influences including China Customs, Governmental & Operational statutory requirements (CIQ, CCC, CSTCG, MSDS, DG etc), FG outbound and Material inbound management in support of OEM production, Holiday work schedule, Supplier’s management, Quarter end and Spring-back support etc. These are just a few of the key attributes needed for success in this dynamic and challenging logistics environment. The successful candidate will be a self-starter, and must have the ability to work independently and handle multiple projects as needed. He/She must have good analytical and problem solving skills and must be able to communicate clearly in both English and Mandarin. He/She must be able to work on his/her own initiative, and ideally having experience working within a logistics & supply-chain environment.
Energetic, positive attitude and the ability to accept and manage change in a fast-paced logistics environment
• Develop project / execution plan to support volume surge and NPI launches and ensuring suppliers compliance to Apple HSR/FSR • Maintain metrics and analyze data to assess supplier’s key performance indices and implement operational improvements across the supply-chain. • Drive for operational excellence across the supply-chain in achieving on-time shipment execution at origin and maintaining product confidentiality, (zero loss, zero disclosure) for all NPI shipments. • Engage and provide sound guidance and support on new suppliers on-boarding (OEMs & freight forwarders) • Work with freight forwarders on cost savings and carbon footprint reduction initiatives through process and packaging improvements. • Periodically conduct impromptu freight forwarder’s warehouse security audits in the drive to ensure compliance to Apple’s HSR & FSR requirements. • Work closely with all Suppliers (OEMs and freight forwarders) to ensure Apple’s TDM & specific Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) are met. • Conduct monthly meetings with OEMs and freight forwarders in driving for continuous operational and process improvements. • Develop and optimize logistics networking in achieving the shortest delivery cycle-time time for inbound material movements. • Interface closely with the Worldwide / Regional Logistics team on daily operations and update them on any logistics risk, challenges & developments within China. • Able to travel as required on short notices to international or domestic cities to support China Logistics overall requirements.
Qualified candidates should posses a BA degree or a minimum of 5 - 7 years of logistics /supply-chain experience holding similar or higher position. |
85,713,578 | The internet changes over time. That the technology has evolved is obvious. But how we use the internet is also changing. So we have two conceptual distinctions — technology and people — that we frequently conflate into one idea of the internet. This post is about teasing apart the objective and subjective dimensions of social media, to examine what’s behind the relational economy we now live in, and its particular mode of production. All commerce and much personal and social utility implied by use of social media owes to the subjective value added to what was, previously, a mode of production of information (publishing).
I will try to demonstrate here the manner in which social acts and communication result in mediated social realities. And suggest that the relational connections and value-added associations which are the byproduct of social media use create a marketplace of content whose highest value, individually motivated subjective choices, we are only beginning to capture and mine.
Technically speaking, the internet distributes data. Data that is also stored. Data we also call information. Information being a very loose term used sometimes to refer to the contents themselves (words, numbers, it doesn’t matter) and sometimes to its social/cultural meaning (information is something meaningful, a fact). Technically speaking, information is the bitstream and lifeblood of the internet. It’s objective. But speaking in common terms, information is what we know. It’s subjective.
The world of the first, we might consider the “reality” of the online world. Information is the foundation on which a rich medium of presentation and interaction is constructed (it is a constructed world, it is a world produced and manufactured as are all media).
The world of the second we might consider the “subjectivity” of the online world. Interaction and communication, in which information is used and referenced, linked to and embedded, is now the most fascinating aspect of the online world. In this medium nothing exists unless it is connected to something else. Unlike the real world, the online world exists only insofar as it is navigable. That is, only on the basis of a connection.
The connectedness of the real world is material, substantial, and alive. Forces of change are natural and inevitable, in short: causal. Time moves all substance; all is in motion and change is a natural “causal” chain. Connectedness is simple causality of the world becoming, in time.
The connectedness of the online world is constructed. Connections are constructed by machines and by people, according to the logic and relations that exist at the level of information, and at according to the subjective choices (tastes, preferences) of people (users).
The old model for the online world was web publishing. Separately, there were communication tools and applications (email, chat, IM etc). The current model combines the two. In the old model, connections between bits of information might be made according to the relations that made sense for those bits of information: taxonomic, categorical, by genre, topic, what have you. The online world had more objectivity in that its production reflected “industrial” methods.
The online world today reflects a much higher degree of subjective and social use — connections are made not only as a reflection of these subjective values and interests, but as a byproduct of subjective relations and activities. Put simply, people create value when they interact and communicate online, often-times including ingredients provided by the medium (we can use words, which of course pre-existed the internet; we can also use the stuff found only here).
The online world is capturing more and more subjective choices. Selections made by people for reasons of taste and preference, motivated by others (for, because of, to attract…), reflecting individual identity, group identity, community, you name it. Social media permit online activity to reveal a vast amount of social and cultural preference as well as relational interest. And much of it is recorded, stored, and indexed.
But extracting meaning from the social web is a challenging proposition, let alone undertaking. When content is created, connected, distributed, embedded, or otherwise attached to people, their talk, or their interactions (activities), its meaning becomes ambiguous. Meaning may be obtained from the user’s intentions in using content, or from the content’s semantic meaning, from the relationship between users, the group, site, community context, application context, and so on. And I’m radically over-simplifying the interpretive options here.
Counting and quantifying by-and-large has served as our means of qualifying social web content. This is perhaps now going to change somewhat, as realtime tools like Twitter (and their practices) contribute ever-increasing amounts of “information” to the internet. When information first appears, when it is news and is completely new, it is distributed. This original flow of information creates connections, establishes content relationships, facilitates indexing by search engines, and will make possible socially-validating actions (comments, tagging, bookmarking, sharing etc).
There is a bias in this first flow of news. This bias owes simply to the fact that new information must be observed before it can become part of the online reality’s facticity. Information cannot be valued until it first has been observed. So the “first hit” if you will, in traffic, is relatively meaningless and belongs to the information’s coming into existence. It is merely the appearance of news in the realtime stream.
The second selection of that information is the first to reflect user interest — the second selection is not observation but action. It is confirmation of the information’s subjective value, or of its social relevance. This second selection, be it a retweet, a like, or some other act of “sharing,” transforms the news item (information) into communication, for it is now voiced not as fact but as an individual statement, or personal choice. This move transforms fact as facticity into social fact as subjective interest, and not only as individual choice but as a communicative expression.
Behind the choice of the like or retweet, in other words, is an intention taken up with an audience in mind. In this way our likes and retweets convey, indicate, suggest, solicit, and identify our interests in a social act that engenders further interaction. In the transformation of fact as news into social fact as choice, this second selection attributes new meaning (adding value to the information), as it is sent, shared, rated, saved, tagged etc. That added value is the subjective interest, and is the reason that in the world of social media, the news (facts) that matter are those that are most communicable; in short, tastes by means of which we disclose who we are, what we find interesting, and with which we identify.
Counting accrues over time, as content is validated/used in a variety of social interactions. Because connections may be counted without qualifying the type of connection or the kind of relation, a simple count is the most common way of validating information. This is a reality in which the number of connections to a piece of information is its volume or mass — it’s social reality.
More recent social web practices, however, suggest that qualifying these connections, and accounting for the variety in social relations, will be increasingly valuable if not necessary. For whom is information consumed; in front of whom is it shared or published; for whom is it told; who else chooses it? Where in the world of facts, validity is measured in terms of truth, in the world of social facts, validity is an expression of relevance. Relevance in a social sense is significance. Understanding the significance of information means understanding an act, a social relation, and the connection made with information embedded in social interactions.
The social act is far more complex, relationally, than may at first appear, and to date exceeds the capabilities of search and filtering to model and represent. For relational values attributed or attached to social fact as they are communicated across networks may belong to a number of meaning domains.
These relational values may be indicative, of personal interest. May be expressive, of personal feeling, state, or mood. May be solicitous, of recognition, validation, or some other acknowledgment. May be associative, as in similar to or related to some category of interests and tastes, values, events, and so on. May be inter-personal, as when they are intended to further interaction with a person or persons. And so on. All of these and other social actions may furnish the reasons for which we confirm and communicate, select and distribute, connect to and share, content in mediated social systems.
The social web grows by supplementing information with social significance, or what makes information socially relevant. The old world, the world of web 1.0, was a world of publishing. It was a one-column world. The new world, the social world of web 2.0, is a two-column world. What the double-entry method of book-keeping did for finance, inaugurating a system of debits and credits, and liberating capital from its exchange form, we need for the social web. Facebook is on this already, but still primitively, insofar as social content in feeds is liked and acted on within an inter-personal relational context.
But outside Facebook, the added value of so many one-click expressions or gestures is still lost in a system that captures action in a single column social model. Social needs to model communication, not just information, and for this it needs the equivalent of a two-column transactional model. Like markets run by brokerage and trading systems, the ask and the offer, the sale and purchase, need to be coupled. Only then are social expressions validated by the reciprocation, or confirmation, supplied by another (the audience). Value can then be assessed on the basis of its confirmation.
Communication is just communication as long as it remains observed only. But it calls for a yes or no, for acceptance or rejection. When that is supplied by another person, it becomes social action. Not information, but action, and what we need to capture it, measure it, relate it, and repurpose it, is the challenge facing us today.
Adrian, nice post. Pulling apart the actions from the material is an interesting take. Here’s a few thoughts that came to mind while reading, in no particular order..
We migt think of your second type of information as ‘knowledge’ ? I’m reminded here of work by John Seely Brown that distinguishes between the two (information & knowledge) in much the same way you do – the latter is highly social, while the former is not.
This might also lead us to a few different ways to understand the social web as ‘equipment’ in the sense that we work on it as a thing, and through it with actions as a medium. The same is true for all technology of course, but lets focus on the social web here for now
Secondly, the ambiguity you describe can be thought of as the thing that makes any meaning possible. I’m thinking here of the work by wenger around communities of practice, particularly the part about ambiguity not beng the absence of meaning, but rather, one requirement for it to be created at all.
Whatever the take on this medium, it’s an interesting vein to mine, particularly when we take it back to the studio and try to think about making stuff. Thanks again
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Meet reader Jake Trexel - sitting on top of his dad's semi. He owned and operated the Yost Van Moving Company. Jake says that the truck was parked along the river across from the chevy dealer on Central Avenue - by Cochran Junior High. |
231,795,185 | Webcam El Monte, California, USA - 8.1 miles from Azusa: Maxson Elementary School - A webcam in El Monte, California - camera location: Maxson Elementary School.
The centre sections of each leaf in Swords in between the veins start to get thin and eventually rot away leaving the outside edge usually intact with lots of veins until the whole leaf finally rots away.
These plants are grown emmersed. That is the roots only are covered in water and the leaves are left out of the water. This allows the growers to produce faster growing Swords.
However when newly purchased and immersed in a aquarium tank the plant only has leaves which have adapted to the atmosphere and can not absorb water-based nutrients. The leaf has adapted to a life of photosynthesis and exchanging gases only.
So the plant discards its leaves and grows new ones which are adapted to a underwater life for the current water and its hardness, nutrients, etc.
This process takes typically 4–6 weeks and during this time novice aquatic plant growers often believe the plant is dead or dying and discard it. But keep the plant in place and if it has the right nutrients and CO2, it will grow back.
If the plant is not fed correctly with nutrients in the roots, CO2 in the water then it will slowly use up its internal storehouse of nutrients until it runs out and die. This can take 3–8 weeks depending on the size of the plant and its rhizome.
The aquarist makes big changes to the conditions of the plant. The owner may have a inconsistent CO2 supply, weak lights or has changed the light period, not supplying enough plant nutrients to the roots of leaves or is making large water changes therefore changing the water chemistry.
The plant reacts by dropping its leaves in an effort to grow new ones that better suit the latest water chemistry.
Perform regular consistent fertilisation with a constant CO2 supply, check lighting has not become old and need replaced. Keep water changes to a minimum.
A truly immersive experience, Tosca is a gem in London’s current pub-theatre scene. It deserves to be seen by opera adepts and neophytes alike.
I normally don’t like using quotes overheard from other members of the audience, but this time I’m going to make an exception. As the audience started to leave the intimate space of the King’s Head Theatre, the girl next to me turned to her friend and exclaimed: “I’ve changed my mind, I like opera now!”. I think this is the greatest reaction any opera could ever hope for, and Tosca deserved it all.
A famous aria from this Puccini’s old classic is “Dammi i colori” (“Give me the colours”). If this production was to be described with a colour, that would certainly be burgundy. The much-loved tale of love, wine, and blood is here passionately staged in a new version by Becca Marriott and Adam Spreadbury-Maher. Several are the things transposed, modified, adapted: translated into English, the opera is set in WWII Paris, and performed by as little as four actors, in a small venue – but it works.
The original play is set in 19th-century Rome, when the capital was contended between Napoleon and the Kingdom of Naples. World War II is a similarly tumultuous time, in which fake passports, fugitives, and imprisonment are not out of place. Apart from the casual mention to the gas chamber in Auschwitz as a punishment (which perhaps carries further, more complex implications), everything else is done in a very accurate and credible manner. Even the costumes, props, and set design (by Becky-Dee Trevenen) are in-keeping and gorgeously ’40s in flavour.
Jealousy and passion, cruelty and betrayal are brought to life with great intensity by the cast. The production peaks in the second act, in the exchange between Tosca (Becca Marriott, also co-writer of the libretto) and Scarpia (Michael Georgiou). Absolutely brilliant is Tosca herself, who goes from diva to victim, to forceful heroine in the most ductile and magnetic manner. Her acting engages the audience like it’s hardly seen at the opera. Roger Paterson as Cavaradain is also notable, and powerful are the fight scenes he shares with Thomas Isherwood, in the double role of Jacob Cohen and Alexandre Villaplane.
A truly immersive experience, featuring copious (but atmospheric) smoke and authentic replica pistols and gunshots, Tosca is a gem in London’s current pub-theatre scene. It deserves to be seen by opera connoisseurs and neophytes alike.
Tosca is running at the King’s Head Theatre at 7pm, until 27th October. Tickets can be purchased on their website.
Filed Under: Review Tagged With: Italian opera, King's Head, king's head theatre, Music, Opera, Pub theatre, Puccini, Tosca |
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These Terms will apply to any contract between us for the sale of Services to you (Contract) whether concluded on-line or over the telephone. Please read these Terms carefully and make sure that you understand them, before ordering any Services from our site.
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2.1 There are 4 vehicle groups to choose from: Business Class, First Class, Business MPV and Luxury MPV. Please note that the images of the vehicles and Services on our site are for illustrative purposes only. If you chose a certain group, we cannot guarantee that the vehicle that you get is going to be the one pictured. However, it will be from the group that you have chosen. For example: Business Class includes Mercedes E-Class, Audi A6, and BMW 5 series.
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5.4 For bookings for Services required within 12 hours, you must call our offices to check on availability of vehicles. If we are able to provide the Services requested, we will confirm the booking by telephone and these Terms will apply to that booking.
5.5 If we are unable to supply you with a particular Service or vehicle, we will inform you of this by e-mail and we will not process your order. We may at our discretion upgrade a vehicle to a more expensive fleet without prior notice.
7.1 The prices of the Services will be as quoted on our site from time to time. We take all reasonable care to ensure that the prices of Services are correct at the time when the relevant information was entered onto the system. However, it is always possible that some of the prices on the website may be incorrect. We will verify prices as part of our online booking procedure so that a correct price will be stated when you pay online for any bookings.
7.4 Prices for our Services may change from time to time, but changes will not affect any order which we have confirmed with a Booking Confirmation.
7.5 The price of the Services includes VAT (where applicable) at the applicable current rate chargeable in the UK for the time being.
7.6 For any special requests such as a multi-lingual driver, custom labelling of the vehicle, stopovers, oversize luggage, child safety seats we reserve the right to charge supplemental fees. In case of changes made once a journey has started (e.g. change to the distance or amount of hours) the price for the actual total distance or hours will be calculated and charged after completion of the ride in accordance with our applicable rates. If a journey is shorter than the distance or number of hours originally booked, the original amount will be charged.
7.7 In case of hourly bookings: additional miles are charged beyond the miles that are already included in the hourly booking (please see our tariffs). Each additional mile will be charged at the “Excess Mileage Rate” for each vehicle group plus the applicable VAT (please see our tariffs).
You can only pay for Services using a debit card or credit card. We accept most debit and credit cards. For payments by credit card we reserve the right to charge a 2.05% credit card fee. Payment for the Services is in advance. We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.
9.1 How to cancel or change your booking: Please contact us by email or telephone as soon as possible to make any changes or cancel a booking after you have received the final booking confirmation referred to in clause 5.3 above. Your change or cancellation will be confirmed by an email from us to the address entered at the time the booking was created by you.
If you cancel between 4 and 8 hours of commencement of the booked time: 50% of the agreed booking fee.
If you cancel between 8 and 12 hours of commencement of the booked time: 25% of the agreed booking fee.
Over 12 hours’ notice – a charge of £5.00 for a single journey and £10.00 for a return journey booking will be incurred.
Weddings: two week notice is required for the cancellation or rebooking of wedding cars. Cancellations under two weeks will be charges at full cost.
Packaged or Discounted bookings: in the event of cancellation or alteration of such a booking, we reserve the right to remove any discounts previously applied.
We are happy to provide a ‘meet & greet’ service at airports, ports and train stations. The driver will be waiting at arrivals with the passenger’s name displayed on a name board. If we are unable to locate passengers at the pick-up point, every effort will be made to rectify this before the vehicle is called off. Where we have followed the instructions on a booking, no refund will be made for aborted pick-ups.
(a) The first 15 minutes of waiting time is free for all pickups. Additional waiting time over 15 minutes will be charged at the “London Hourly Rate” for each vehicle group plus the applicable VAT (please see our tariffs) in 15 minute increments. This does not apply to flight, cruise or train delays.
(b) For airport, port and train station collections: we will wait 30 minutes maximum after the agreed pickup time, during which we will try to contact you on the phone number given to us on the booking and expect you to do likewise. If we are unable to make contact with passenger we will pull the driver away and the passenger will be responsible for the full cost.
(c) For airport, port and train station collections in addition to arrivals time please indicate your preferred pick up time. Please allow sufficient time after landing / arriving to collect your checked luggage, passport control and Customs. Waiting times at the passport control, baggage claim and Customs have to be taken into consideration in the period of time between arrival time and pickup time, otherwise additional cost may occur. In the case of a flight, cruise or train arriving early or being delayed the new pickup time will be calculated from the actual arrival time plus the planned period of time between the planned arrival time and the original pickup time (For example, if your flight’s scheduled arrival time is 10:00 and you have requested the pickup time at 10:45, if the flight, cruise or train arrives early or delays we will still keep a reserved 45min for passport control, baggage claim and Customs)
(d) For home address pick-ups, we will wait 30 minutes maximum after the agreed pickup time, during which we will try to contact the number given to us on the booking and expect you to do likewise. If we are unable to make contact with passenger (ringing the door bell and calling the contact phone number) we will pull the driver away and the passenger will be responsible for the full cost.
(e) Passengers will be expected to contact us on +44 (0) 207 887 2245 if they are unable to locate their driver within 15 minutes of the scheduled pick-up time. Any failure to follow the above process could result in termination of the hire agreement with Chauffeur One Limited – we will not refund your costs or pay compensation in such event.
(f) No-Shows without cancellation will be charged at 100%. A No-Show is a ride in which the passenger does not appear at the agreed pickup location within 30 minutes after the pickup time, unless it is unavoidably delayed (e.g. flight, cruise or train delay)
10.2 Passenger capacity and luggage: Our vehicles have the capacity for carrying passengers and luggage as set out below. A child counts as one passenger. Please note that individual items of luggage weighing in excess of 20Kg may be refused and all luggage must be placed in the boot/trunk and not on seats.
10.3 Animals: No animal may be carried without prior consent and this will usually be restricted to domestic animals housed securely in a suitable carrying case that is in good repair. Guide dogs and hearing dogs will be carried provided we are given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice.
(b) A request for a child seat must be made at the time of booking. While every effort will be made to fulfil a request, failure to do so does not constitute breach of contract.
(c) If you do not request a child seat at the time of booking and wish to use your own, you will remain responsible for it and must remove it from the vehicle at the destination. You remain responsible for the storage of your own child seat at the airport if you do not take it with you on your onward journey.
(d) If you use your own child seat, you remain responsible for fitting it correctly and safely in our vehicle and you must remove the child seat at the destination without damage to the interior of the vehicle.
10.5 Fitness to travel: Any passenger who is thought to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and whose behaviour poses a threat to the driver, the vehicle or other passengers may be refused travel.
10.6 Damage to vehicles: If, as a result of passengers’ actions, a vehicle is damaged or soiled, the person who made the booking will be charged for restoring the vehicle and for losses incurred whilst the vehicle was unusable.
11.2 Subject to clause 11.1, we will under no circumstances whatever be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the Contract for:
11.3 Subject to clause 11.1 and clause 11.2 , our total liability to you in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with the Contract, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the price of the Services ordered.
11.4 Except as expressly stated in these Terms, we do not give any representation, warranties or undertakings in relation to the Services. Any representation, condition or warranty which might be implied or incorporated into these Terms by statute, common law or otherwise is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. In particular, we will not be responsible for ensuring that the Services are suitable for your purposes.
If for any reason you are unhappy with the service, you should, in the first instance, relay your concerns immediately to the driver, who will try to rectify the issue on the spot.
If the matter hasn’t been resolved to your satisfaction, please write to us at: Chauffeur One Limited, Legacy House, Hanworth Trading Estate, Hampton Road West, Feltham, Middlesex TW13 6DH – providing the driver’s details, date and time of the incident and our Booking Reference Number.
13.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under a Contract that is caused by an Event Outside Our Control. An Event Outside Our Control is defined below in clause 13.2
13.2 An Event Outside Our Control means any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation traffic delays, punctures, accidents, road closures due to accidents and vehicle break downs ,strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, snow, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks or impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport.
14.4 These Terms are governed by English law. This means a Contract for the purchase of Services through our site and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it will be governed by English law. You and we both agree to that the courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction. However, if you are a resident of Northern Ireland you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, and if you are a resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland. |
204,055,987 | The family is the most fundamental of society's institutions, for it is within the family setting that character, morality, responsibility, ability, and wisdom are nurtured best in children. This is not news; yet, in America today, the family institution is being steadily dismantled, even held in disdain by many leaders in the political, academic, and media elite. And the insidious erosion has serious consequences:
In 1950, for every 100 children born, 12 entered a broken family. Today, for every 100 children born, 60 will enter a broken family. Each year, about one million children experience the divorce of their parents, 1.25 million are born out of wedlock, and another 1.4 million are aborted. Child abuse is growing steadily, and child sexual abuse is growing fastest of all.
In short, Americans are literally turning against their children. But adults suffer as well from the breakdown of the family institution. Studies clearly show that those who divorce suffer shorter life expectancies, poorer physical and psychological health, and lowered standards of living. 1
The assault on the American family has not gone unnoticed. Conservative social scientists have begun to document the correlation between a family founded on a lifelong marriage and low incidences of crime, addiction, abuse, illness, and underachievement. But increasingly, they encounter a problem in tracking such trends: Official government statistics on marriage, divorce, and correlates in child outcomes are being gathered and reported less frequently. In fact, statistics on marriage and divorce are no longer tracked in at least half of the states today. 2 This paucity of reliable information will make it more difficult to assess either the progress or the deterioration of the American family in the future.
Candidates have an opportunity in 1998 to focus national attention on problems whose roots lie in the breakdown of the family institution and marriage, as well as on the public policies that contribute to those problems. Specifically:
Government policies over the past 35 years have been hostile to marriage and the family unit. Not only have these policies played a direct role in weakening marriage and the family, but they imply that marriage and the family are no longer important.
Federally funded social programs have displaced the natural community structure of American society by taking on the roles of family, church, and voluntary associations. Although federal programs have spent enormous amounts of money on social problems, they have failed consistently to achieve their intended objectives, in addition to which they undermine the institutions that have sustained the American community through wars and depressions.
Government tax policies place an enormous financial burden on families. Since the vision of a Great Society gave birth to the troubled entitlement programs and the welfare state over 30 years ago, American families with growing children have had to bear the greatest share of the cost.
The American family has been weakened by two widespread patterns undermining marriage: giving birth to children out of wedlock and divorce. Both entail a rejection of marriage, though in different ways. Having children out of wedlock is a rejection of any initial commitment to a partner in marriage, and divorce is a rejection of marriage after that initial commitment has been made.
Among whites in 1995, 25.3 percent of births were out of wedlock, more than double the rate of 11 percent in 1980. Among blacks, 69.9 percent of births in 1995 were out of wedlock, up from 58 percent in 1980. In certain parts of the country, the rates of out-of-wedlock births for blacks are alarmingly high: 82.8 percent of births in Wisconsin in 1995 and almost 80 percent for blacks in most states surrounding the Great Lakes. 3
For all demographic groups in all parts of the country, the trend in out-of-wedlock birth is the same: steadily upward. The changing demographics in Chart 6.1 are propelled by changes in three factors:
As Chart 6.2 indicates, the increase in the birth rate among non-married women is propelled by the high levels of early sexual intercourse and the use of contraception among teenagers--even very young teenagers--in America.
Divorce is the second major cause of single-parent families, and Americans divorce at the highest rate among all nations of the world. 4 The number of children affected now seems to have leveled off at just over one million children per year. Though divorce reached its highest rate in 1978 (see Chart 6.3) and has dropped only slightly since then, the number of children living with single divorced parents continues to rise; in 1997, the number was 8.1 percent, up from 7.5 percent in 1993. 5
Abortion is a sign of serious dysfunction in the sexual practices of the nation. So far, however, there has been only one large sample survey conducted to give a reliable snapshot of the rates of abortion within and outside of marriage. As reported in 1989 by the Alan Guttmacher Institute: 6
In 1988, women who were never married accounted for 63.3 percent of abortions; divorced women, 11.2 percent; women who were separated from their husbands, 6.4 percent; and married women whose husbands lived with them, 18.5 percent.
As the best approximation of abortion available from the research community, these same rates applied to the incidence of abortion since 1973 paint a grave picture of the number of surgical abortions of children:
Of the 35.2 million surgical abortions of children performed since 1972, approximately 28.6 million (or 81 percent) occurred to women and teenagers who were committed neither to the child they had created nor to a spouse. (See Chart 6.5.)
If policymakers and social activists seriously wish to bring about a reduction in the number of abortions today, they must focus on ways to reduce sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Efforts to provide contraceptives to children have not worked, as the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy asserts. 7 To change the deplorable statistics cited above, the country must experience a cultural shift. Government agencies, policymakers, community leaders, teachers, religious leaders, actors, sports personalities, and parents will have to join their voices in support of sex after marriage. As effective teachers, the family, churches, and schools need to be encouraged to promote abstinence. Government action alone cannot deliver the cultural shift, though it certainly can help or hinder it. Of all the institutions that should lead in this effort, it is the churches and synagogues that must be up front, for that is their role.
Combining the demographic statistics for out-of-wedlock births, divorce, and early sexual intercourse provides a disturbing picture of the fractured American family. As Chart 6.6 shows, the proportion of children who are being denied a nurturing and full family life by their parents is increasing. The ratio of children who suffer from such rejection has risen dramatically: from 12 out of every 100 children born in 1950 to over 58 for every 100 children born in 1992.
Sadly, it is possible to conclude that parents themselves have sharply diminished the strength of their families. In broken families, beneath the rejection of a child lies a fundamental rejection by the child's parents of each other. As a result, more and more Americans today are part of second, third, and even fourth generation broken families whose fathers and mothers, having rejected their commitment to each other, are now alienated from each other. This alienation weakens both their children's ability to value commitment to the family and (even more so) their ability to commit themselves to others. And when the rates of abortion--the ultimate rejection of a child--are added to this equation, the picture becomes even more stark.
The amount of conversation and the level of interaction between parents and children has an enormous impact on a child's development. Even in intact families, however, children suffer from a lack of intimate time with their parents. One of the sad consequences of the breakdown of society today is that, to pay the bills or fulfill their higher expectations for material comforts, more mothers work outside the home. This fact, coupled with the numbers of single-parent families and the rising rate of divorce, means there has been a tragic reduction in "family time."
Adequate time with parents is critical for the development of every child, especially for self-esteem and confidence. The reduction of time between parents and children is cause for grave concern. It attenuates the most important relationship to a child and correspondingly deprives him of the strength he derives from his parents. As Harvard University child psychiatrist Robert Coles puts it, "The frenzied need of children to have possessions isn't only a function of the ads they see on TV. It's a function of their hunger for what they aren't getting--their parents' time." 8
By 1990, parents were, on average, available 10 hours less per week to their children than they were in 1980 and 40 percent less than they were in 1965. 9
In a Massachusetts Mutual poll, 33 percent of parents said they did not spend enough time with their preschool children and 46 percent said they did not spend enough time with their teenagers. 10
A 1990 Los Angeles Times poll found that 57 percent of all fathers and 55 percent of all mothers felt guilty about spending too little time with their children. The poll also found that 73 percent of all married couples would have one parent stay home full-time with the children "if money were not an issue." 11
A 1990 Yankelovich poll found that 57 percent of mothers would give up work indefinitely if they no longer needed the money. 12
Reflecting the concern about mothers' absence, a 1998 poll by Wirthlin Worldwide found that 86 percent of mothers believe their children would do best if they were cared for by their mothers rather than by day care providers. Similarly an increasing number of parents think too many children are being raised in child care. 13
There are many side effects. For instance, one of the by-products of this attenuation of attention to children is juvenile delinquency. Dr. James Allen Fox, Dean of the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University in Boston, stated at a 1995 congressional hearing on juvenile delinquency that:
I think it's a matter of of the important elements that we are not talking about.... For example at this point 57% of the children in this country do not have full time parental supervision.... Almost 45% of the juvenile violent crimes occur between 3:00 in the afternoon and dinnertime. [They] are unsupervised in the neighborhood. 14
One of the biggest factors driving the dearth of family time is the growing absence of mothers. (See Charts 6.8 and 6.9.)
When mothers are away from their infant children more than 20 hours each week, the effect is an increase in the risk of attenuation of early infant attachment, which in turn further increases the risk that the child will be unable to form close and satisfying intimate relationships in the teen years and adulthood. 15 Day care is no substitute for time with mother.
Most Americans understand the importance a mother plays in a child's development. For example, polls commissioned by the Family Research Council and conducted by Wirthlin Worldwide found that Americans view care by a child's own mother as the single most desirable form of child care. Furthermore, they consider care by a government-run day-care center as the least desirable. According to these polls, parents ranked the different options as follows, from most desirable to least desirable:
All families with children have suffered from an enormous increase in taxes over the past 50 years. For example:
In 1948, the average family of four paid 3 percent of their annual income to the federal government in direct taxes; by 1997, the tax burden had risen to 24.7 percent. When state, local, and indirect taxes are included, the total tax bite rose to an average of 38 percent in 1997.
As David Hartman, president of the Institute for Budget and Tax Limitation, has observed, "While social welfare expenditures of government mushroomed from 1970 to 1993, median after tax income of married families in constant dollars failed to grow at all, despite a 38% growth in productivity and a 50% increase in hours worked by wives. The whole benefit of the increase in the U.S. economy went to government and its beneficiaries...." 17
Obtaining adequate after-tax family income has become disproportionately more difficult for married parents with children. Consequently, family time has suffered as work outside the home becomes more common for mothers of school-age children.
As Chapter 7 will show, the welfare system has had damaging effects on the American family. Some 92 percent of children on welfare today are from broken families. 18 Policies in the federal welfare program deliberately weaken the family life of the poor by making it prohibitive for fathers to stay in the home. This weakening of the family through welfare continues today in Title X family planning programs. Title X could be called the federal government's domestic population control program: It is directed mainly at the poor, and while its effects on birth rates among the poor are not clear, it has been accompanied by a severe drop in the rate of marriage among the poor. Today, 75 percent of children in families with incomes below $15,000 per year live in single-parent homes.
Children pay a high price for their parents' inability to commit to each other. Among the principal effects are: 19
Shorter life expectancies. Married people have consistently lower death rates from disease, suicide, and accident mortality. 22 The death rate among nonsmoking divorced men is almost the same as it is for men who smoke at least two packs of cigarettes a day. Overall, the premature death rate is four times higher among divorced white men than among their married counterparts. 23
Poorer physical health. Divorced and separated people experience acute conditions such as infectious and parasitic diseases, respiratory illnesses, digestive disorders, and severe injuries significantly more frequently than other marital status groups. 24
Poorer psychological health. The divorced suffer from higher levels of stress and exhibit more psychiatric disorders like depression, which in turn have a profound impact on their physical well-being, including depressed immunological capacities. 25
Lower economic well-being. Only women who are very poor and go on Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), or who work longer hours after they are divorced than they did before they were divorced, experience an increase in income after divorce. 26 The poverty rate for black female-headed families is five times the rate for married black Americans, at 53.9 percent. 27 By contrast, married black Americans are steadily moving above the poverty level; the poverty rate among married blacks, in 1994 figures, is at 11.4 percent and is closing in on the 8.3 percent rate found among white married Americans.
The breakdown of the family, added to the breakdown of the community, has a long-term effect on crime. The risk that a child will become a criminal increases as the child experiences the following: 28
In early childhood, the child experiences parental neglect or abandonment in different combinations of fatherlessness, the absence of a mother's love, parental fighting and domestic violence, lack of parental supervision and discipline, outright rejection, parental abuse and neglect, or parents who commit crimes.
In the mid-childhood years, the child is drawn to embryonic gangs of young aggressive children who are rejected by their peers and who seek out other alienated children; they fail in school, lose interest in education, and begin to run wild.
In the early teenage years, the embryonic gang of grade school changes into a gang of tough, exploitative teenagers who gradually become better at committing crimes.
In the mid-teenage years, violence emerges as a way of life within the gang as the teenagers become more expert and learn how to commit crimes without getting caught.
In the late teenage years and early adulthood, the former child--now a criminal--fathers his own child, stays with the mother for a while, but eventually abandons her and their child; the mother's background is similar to the young father's, and the child is raised not knowing any other existence.
The greater the number of single-parent families, the more likely it is that increasing numbers of children will experience this pathway to crime. (See Chart 6.11.)
Overall, a 10 percent increase in illegitimacy is associated with a 17 percent increase in violent teenage crime. With the continued rise in illegitimacy, more and more violent teenage criminals will be walking America's streets in the future. And with the appearance of these criminals, Americans will be forced to give up more and more of their everyday freedom as their level of fear rises. In addition, they will be forced to pay for the growing social and economic costs of this explosion in juvenile delinquency and crime.
Rising rates of serious child abuse follow the rising rates of marriage breakdown. Although national surveys on the relationship between marriage, cohabitation, and child abuse have not been conducted in the United States, serious studies in Britain indicate a startling relationship. Chart 6.12 illustrates that, compared with children in traditional intact, married families, children are: 29
In the United States, the absence of marriage is most pronounced in the lower income groups. Among the poor, marriage is virtually disappearing. Of the 20 million children living with single parents, 12.6 million live in the poorest families. Sadly, the rates of abuse follow the absence of marriage. The pattern is even more pronounced if one looks at the risk of fatal child abuse. (See Charts 6.13 and 6.14.)
When the number of single-parent families in a community reaches about 30 percent, the community begins to break down and the rate of crime begins to soar. The community changes from a supportive environment to one that jeopardizes the development of children.
The virtual extinction of two-parent families in poor inner-city neighborhoods has contributed greatly to the collapse of those neighborhoods. The absence of fathers means there is no adult male to give financial support, a guiding hand, or protection for children. The result is the prevalence of gangs of violent young men, young girls vulnerable to abuse, children having children, and mindless violent crime. A state-by-state analysis indicates that, in general, a 10 percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes (including divorces) is accompanied by a 17 percent increase in juvenile crime. 30
Researchers have noted for some time that violent crime, among both teenagers and adults, is concentrated most heavily in urban neighborhoods that are characterized by a very high proportion of single-parent families. 31 Researchers today find that a neighborhood comprised primarily of single-parent families invariably is a chaotic and crime-ridden community 32 where gangs assume control. 33 Under such conditions, parental supervision of adolescent and pre-adolescent children is almost impossible. 34 Children raised in these neighborhoods are likely to learn, accept, and use physical violence to satisfy their wants and needs. 35
In addition, institutions in poor neighborhoods that once provided help and guidance to those who may have lacked it at home have been crowded out by the burgeoning welfare state. Caring people in the community have been replaced by entitlement programs that emphasize rights and rules, not community and responsibility. Furthermore, even the best and most expensive of these programs have shown little effect. Effective faith-based solutions to educational and social problems are barred from receiving government funds to carry out their work; and if they do receive support, it is often only after they have given up their religious message. 36
During the Reagan and Bush Administrations, there was a concerted effort to drive down the level of drug use and abuse. These efforts met with significant success. However, since the beginning of the Clinton Administration, this downward trend in drug use has been sharply reversed. (See Chart 6.17.)
The number of Americans using illicit drugs plunged from a high of 24.7 million in 1979 to 11.4 million in 1992. The so-called casual use of cocaine fell by 79 percent between 1985 and 1992, while monthly cocaine use fell 55 percent between 1988 and 1992 alone--from 2.9 million to 1.3 million users.
However, illicit drug use in high school once again is rising steadily. Drug use among college students also shows an upward trend. 37 The drug situation is getting worse on all three major indicators among teenagers: 38
This is a grave development, since 12- to 17-year-olds who use marijuana are 85 more times more likely to graduate to cocaine than those who abstain from using marijuana. 39 Jim Burke, chairman of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, notes that roughly 1 in 13 of those who take drugs become addicts:
In 1962 less than 4 million Americans had ever tried an illegal drug in their lifetime. In 1992, one generation later, 80 million had tried illegal drugs.... Of the 80 million we now have 6 million addicts.... If you go back to 1962 we only had 300,000 addicts. The numbers are very clear: twenty times more triers, twenty times more addicts.... We know what works. Children are just as rational as adults. If they believe that the risk goes up in using drugs, their usage goes down. Social disapproval and perception of risk are the two drivers. 40
According to Burke, "If you go back to the epidemic before [1978] when we normalized drugs, the average age of trial [first use] in that period was around 16. The average age of trial today is 13...and current marijuana is three to five times stronger." 41 The implications are that in the future, America will see more hard-drug addicts who are younger than ever.
Because the characteristics of the school a teenager attends rival the characteristics of a teenager's family as indicators of substance abuse risk, tracking what is happening at the school level offers a clearer picture: 42
Nearly as common as smoking is the presence of weapons in secondary schools; 43 percent of teachers report that a student was caught with a knife or gun in school during the past year, and 21 percent of teachers separately report that a student was caught with a gun.
Almost as common as weapons are drugs. Some 46 percent of high school teachers say their school is not drug free, which means that students keep, sell, or use illegal drugs on school grounds. Of course, teachers may not be fully aware of the extent of drugs in their school; 76 percent of high school students say their school is not drug free.
Teens are more likely to encounter drugs on school grounds or in their schools than on their neighborhood streets; 41 percent of high school students have witnessed drug sales at their school, and 25 percent have witnessed drug sales in their neighborhoods.
Some 25 percent of teachers say students who appear to be drunk or high show up in their classes monthly or more frequently.
Some 41 percent of middle school teachers and 51 percent of principals and high school teachers think a student can use marijuana every weekend and still do well in school.
High school students estimate that, on average, 50 percent of their classmates are using drugs at least once a month. In contrast, high school teachers estimate that only 24 percent of their students are using drugs at least monthly, and principals estimate only 10 percent.
Some 23 percent of teachers are less than fully confident that their school administration would back them up if they reported a student suspected of drinking or using drugs. And 56 percent of principals are less than fully confident that the parents of a student suspected of drinking or using drugs in school would back them if they disciplined that student.
The data on the effects of the breakdown of the family illustrate where the source of strong individuals, healthy families, and stable communities is most frequently to be found: in marriage and in religious worship--in other words, in close relationships with those with whom we live and with the Creator.
Marriage, with all that makes it possible, has extraordinary relevance to such issues as crime, welfare dependency, joblessness, educational failure, drug addiction, and health. For instance, the differences in crime rates among blacks and whites virtually disappear when marriage is factored into the studies. Among married families, whether black or white, the crime rate is similar, and it is low. Among broken families, whether black or white, the crime rate is similar, but it is high. 43
A close look at adoption also illustrates the benefits--indeed, the powerful effects--that an intact two-parent family has on children, even children who once were neglected, and sometimes seriously so. In the absence of an adopting family, children show a high incidence of the effects associated with broken family life. Adopted children, on the other hand, do as well as or better than the bi o logical children of intact married parents . 44
Adopted children score higher than even their middle - class , two-parent counterparts on indicators of school performance, social competency, optimism , and volunteerism. 45
A dopted adolescents generally are less depressed than children of single parents and less involved in alcohol abuse, vandalism, group fighting, police trouble, weapon use , and theft. 46
Adopted children have higher self-esteem, confidence in their own judgment, self-direction, positive views of others, and feelings of security within their families. 47
On health measures, adopted children and intact families share similarly high scores, and both groups score significantly higher than do children who are raised by single parents. 48
A dopted children do well in school. In 1988 , o nly 7 percent of children adopted in infancy repeated a grade. By contrast, 33 percent of children whose mothers had never married repeated a grade . 49
Although marriage is critical to the health of the family and the nation, regular worship of God is critical to the health of marriage and has many other desirable outcomes. According to the professional literature, there is ample evidence that: 51
The strength of the family unit is intertwined with the practice of religion. Churchgoers are more likely to be married, less likely to be divorced or single, and more likely to manifest high levels of satisfaction in marriage.
The regular practice of religion is instrumental in helping poor persons move out of poverty. Regular church attendance helps young people in particular to escape the poverty of inner-city life.
Religious beliefs and practices contribute substantially to the formation of personal moral criteria and sound moral judgment.
Regular religious practice generally inoculates individuals against a host of social problems, including suicide, drug abuse, out-of-wedlock births, crime, and divorce.
Regular religious practice has powerful mental health benefits, including lower rates of depression (a modern epidemic), more self-esteem, and greater family and marital happiness.
Religious beliefs and practices are a major source of strength during recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, and marital breakdown.
Regular practice of religion is good for personal physical health. It is positively associated with longevity, recovery from illness, and lower incidence of serious diseases.
Summing up the findings, Professor Allan Bergin, a research psychologist who was honored by the American Psychological Association with its top award in 1990, said in accepting the award that "Some religious influences have a modest impact whereas another portion seem like the mental equivalent of nuclear energy." 52
One of the classic sociological research projects of the century studied the lives of inhabitants of a typical American town, "Middletown," first in the 1920s and for a third time in the 1980s. In 1985, based on their latest round of follow-up research, Howard Bahr and Bruce Chadwick, professors of sociology at Brigham Young University, concluded that:
There is a relationship between family solidarity--family health if you will--and church affiliation and activity. Middletown [church-going] members were more likely to be married, remain married and to be highly satisfied with their marriages and to have more children.... The great divide between marriage status, marriage satisfaction and family size is...between those who identify with a church or denomination and those who do not. 53
The strong intergenerational transmission of religious affiliation and practice found in the Middletown studies has been replicated by Arland Thornton of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. Professor Thornton concluded in 1989 that "data indicate a strong intergenerational transmission of religious involvement. Attendance at religious services is also very stable within generations across time." 54
The combined effects of marriage and worship on income levels in a national sample of young adults tracked for 20 years by the U.S. Department of Labor is stunning. There is a 50 percent difference between the lowest and highest groups--between those who grew up in a broken, non-worshipping family and those who grew up in an intact, regularly worshipping family. (See Chart 6.18.)
Although the Clinton Administration talks extensively about its commitment to the family, its actions show a very different philosophy.
Rescinding the Executive Order on the family. 55 President Clinton has emphasized repeatedly his desire to improve the status of America's children. However, he quietly rescinded an executive order on the family issued by President Ronald Reagan that protected families from Washington bureaucrats for almost a decade. Buried in Clinton's Executive Order 13045, "Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks," issued on April 21, 1997, is language that strips away a previous set of directives requiring federal agencies to protect American families from harm in the formulation and application of federal policies. Rather than improving on the directive and giving it more teeth, the President quietly took it off the books, confirming for all his bureaucracy the message that he repeatedly sends: Marriage, family, and family care of children make for fine rhetoric, but not fine policy.
Promoting institutional care over family care. 56 President Clinton's 1998 proposal to subsidize formal day-care use and penalize parental care of children is irrational and unfair. Under Clinton's plan, middle-class parents who hire others to care for their children will receive tax cuts to subsidize day-care costs, but parents who make a great financial sacrifice so that one parent can remain at home to care for their young children will be denied tax relief. Indeed, families who care for their own children will be taxed to pay for the day care used by more affluent families. This punitive plan discriminates against parental care of children in order to promote and subsidize paid non-parental child rearing.
Weakening foster care reform. 57 During the 105th Congress, major foster care reform was achieved, but one serious flaw in policy was protected by the Clinton Administration: the reauthorization of Family Preservation Services for the next five years and the indiscriminate endorsement of "kinship care," the growing practice of placing foster children with members of their extended family. This practice is not always beneficial to the child and increases foster care costs by an average of 30 percent. It should have been scrutinized carefully in hearings before it was re-approved. In truth, kinship care would be a good option for many children but a bad one for others. It depends on the caregivers. In its current, loosely defined form, it should not have been given a new lease on life. Many children will suffer because of the Administration's defense of the state bureaucracies' vested interest in the continued money flow that comes with Family Preservation Services.
$500-per-Child Tax Credit. The most important policy advance for the family is the $500-per-child tax credit. The first installment of this comes into effect in 1998, with a tax credit of $400 per child.
Adoption and Foster Care Reforms. The major gains in this area were reforms in the practice of child welfare so that the child is given a permanent home quickly and not left revolving in the child welfare system year after year. States which increase the number of adoptions of foster children will receive bonuses. The reforms also included health coverage for adopted children with special needs.
Education Savings Accounts. Tax-deductible education savings accounts became law, permitting parents to put aside $500 per child per year for a child's higher education. The Senate Finance Committee approved a bill (S. 1133) to expand tax-favored education savings accounts to cover costs associated with primary, secondary, and home school education up to a total of $2,000 per child. There is a strong chance that both the House and Senate will pass this proposal during the 105th Congress.
Abstinence Education. Abstinence education made significant gains during the 104th Congress in the form of a grant of $50 million per year to the states to promote sexual abstinence until marriage. This decision caused a major outcry among members of the sex education industry and its allies. In response, the 105th Congress set aside $6 million to evaluate the effectiveness of the abstinence programs. However, Congress for decades has funded sex education efforts (including birth control methods for teenagers who have sex outside of marriage) which have yet to receive congressional scrutiny despite recent reports that such education has no demonstrable good effects. 58
There are concrete incremental steps that Congress can take to re-establish the centrality of the family in American society. The general thrust of good social policy should be to free the family from government policies that fail to support the stability and importance of the two-parent American family, and in fact have displaced its functions in favor of big government programs.
Level the playing field for all families who need child care. The Clinton Administration is intent on subsidizing day care, the kind of child care that mothers want least even when they are forced by circumstances to use it. Instead, Congress should eliminate all special day care subsidies and give a tax refundable credit of $1,000 to every family with children in the child care age groups. A tax credit would leave the choice of care to the parent and would not bias the market or the cost of labor.
Remove the application of the alternative minimum tax (AMT) on dependent child tax credits and deductions. With the enactment of the $500-per-child tax credit, an increasing number of middle-income families must now pay the alternative minimum tax. Thus, what Congress has given families with one hand, the IRS takes back with the other. Congress needs to remove this penalty on families for having children. Having children is not a tax loophole that needs to be plugged; children are an investment in America's future.
Increase the personal exemption and the dependent exemption. Within the context of tax reform intended to achieve a flat tax, Congress can increase the personal and dependent exemptions. Both exemptions could be given the same value. For instance, in the flat tax proposals put forth by Representative Richard Armey (R-TX) and presidential candidate Steve Forbes, adult taxpayers would have a personal exemption of $10,700 or $13,000 each, respectively, and children would be given a $5,000 exemption. An even more pro-family provision would be to flatten the exemptions for both adults and children--perhaps a $10,000 exemption per family member.
Send federal education subsidies directly to parents, not states. Children thrive in schools where parents and teachers cooperate. Therefore, in any discussion about putting more federal money into education, the close cooperation of parents and teachers should be promoted, not hindered. As in other cases where the federal government has tried to replace the functions of the family, the local church, the local community, or the local school system, there is no evidence that this expenditure would make a positive long-term difference. However, education is becoming more expensive. To make sure a federal role in education is family-friendly, school-friendly, and local community-friendly, Congress should voucherize every federal program and put the control of spending in the hands of parents. Funding streams that cannot be voucherized directly should be turned into block grants to the states to voucherize if they so choose.
Enact a freedom of information act for parents. Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) has introduced legislation to protect the right of parents to have access to all instructional material that will be used to educate their children. This would ensure that parents control the message their children hear, for instance, about the importance of abstinence before marriage. Tiahrt's bill recommends that federal funds should be withheld from any state that does not grant parents such access or that does not require prior informed and written consent from parents for any medical, psychological, or psychiatric treatment or testing of their child.
Reform Social Security. Social Security gives a low--and sometimes negative--rate of return on payroll tax contributions. The return is particularly poor for minorities, depriving them of an enormous amount of money in their retirement years, and essentially ensures that asset formation for poor and minority families does not take place. Under the current system, a low-income single African-American male aged 25 years or younger will be deprived of $160,000 in his old age when Social Security is compared with alternative investments. (See Chapter 4.) A system that allows Americans to place some of their Social Security taxes into an investment fund would yield significantly higher returns, and these private savings would give parents and grandparents more money to pass on to their children and grandchildren to help them have a better start in life.
Collect data on programs that work. Solid research is one of the most reliable of all tools in trying to create new programs and dismantle others. Repeatedly, for example, research is exposing the failings of the current welfare system and pointing out that two reliable alternatives exist that are much more effective in building communities and preventing dysfunction and social breakdown: lifelong marriage and regular religious worship. Nothing government has done has reaped better results, but much of what it does can undermine them.
Most national surveys (paid for with federal dollars) on social problems do not gather data on the impact of these two factors. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) provides most of the available data on marriage, divorce, and family structure. However, its data on marriage, out-of-wedlock births, divorce, and the number of children affected by divorce are increasingly sparse, released later, and less user-friendly. As other agencies are improving their ability to gather and present critical data in their fields quickly, in detail, and in depth, Congress should demand that the NCHS also improve its data. Further, Congress should require that a standard set of data on marriage and religious practice is gathered for all federal social surveys.
Investigate Title X's impact on family structure among the poor. Marriage is virtually nonexistent among the poorest Americans. Title X, the federal government's controversial program that helped to change American sexual mores, has had a devastating impact on sexuality among the young and has given these changes the sanction of government support. The first stage in bringing about a much-needed debate is to procure extensive data on recipients of the Title X program, as well as the program's effects on sex and marriage.
Enact a ban on cloning. The possible advent of technologies that may permit human cloning will have untold consequences for marriage and parenting. Congress must act now to preserve in law both the importance of two parents to the health and well-being of children and the importance of a nurturing family environment.
Commission a panel to evaluate the effectiveness of federal social programs. The Great Society experiments begun under President Lyndon Johnson initiated a host of well-meaning social programs. However, after more than 30 years, the mounting evidence shows that these programs do not work. To build the case for reform, Congress should commission a panel of experts to collect, summarize, and evaluate the data on all federal social programs. Programs that are ineffective or failing should be targeted for reform or elimination. A listing of all ineffective programs should be presented to Congress by June 2000.
Reform state marriage registries. According to personnel at the National Center for Health Statistics, it is not possible to obtain accurate data on marriage and divorce statistics from more than half the states. However, states have many important reasons to record marriages and divorces. One reason is to prevent bigamy. The tracking of marriages and divorces through state registries should be much easier and less costly today, with computer technology; yet many states are no longer collecting these data. Because the state of marriage is critical to the social health of the nation, the federal government should encourage states to maintain accurate marriage and divorce data.
Q. How can government support faith-based operations when we have a constitutional separation of church and state?
A. The radical liberal view of the separation of church and state is losing ground in the courts. The conservative view permits cooperation between government and faith-based operations on works of charity, mercy, and social support while banning outright any government funding or support of evangelization, prayer, or worship. Involving faith-based operations, of all or any faiths, in the delivery of social services allows the recipients to gain from the greater commitment to this relationship that comes with such involvement. For example, in Maryland's Anne Arundel County, church volunteers spend an average of 400 hours with needy families over a six-month period--clearly more time than government social workers would be allowed to devote to the task.
A. Congress passes the laws and appropriates the money, and the nation and Congress in turn rely on the executive branch to follow through. During the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, there was an effective drug reduction strategy that resulted in a massive cut in drug consumption at the high school level. However, the ambivalence of President Clinton has had a direct impact on usage: There has been a sharp upturn since the very time he took office, and usage continues to rise. The country needs a return to the aggressive strategies that brought good results in the Reagan-Bush years.
Q. Your child care proposal to increase the tax credit per child does not take care of the welfare mother who has returned to work and must put her children in day care. What will you do for this mother you have forced to obtain day care for her children?
A. The new welfare reforms take very good care of the mother who goes out to work. In the past, when she moved off the welfare rolls out to the workplace, the state no longer received the AFDC money from the federal government. Now, with the block grant (which rises every year, faster than inflation combined with population growth), the money stays with the state. States can easily pay for day care from this expanding pool of now-"unused" welfare money. There is more money available for this purpose than the states have been able to use.
A. First, it can stop funding family-unfriendly operations and sharply reduce the tax burden on child-raising families by returning the tax status of these families to where it was when they were thriving, in the 1950s.
Second, Congress can influence the culture debate by ensuring that government agencies collect, analyze, and disseminate findings on the data on how American families (and particularly American marriage and church attendance) are faring. This is the most potent way to strengthen the debate on the social fabric of the nation.
Third, Congress can remove impediments facing employers trying to create a family-friendly workplace. For example, it can change federal labor laws to permit wider use of "flex-time" so that parents can adjust their hours of work without losing pay. Federal workers currently have this right.
A. In pursuing two of its most important functions--establishing a just and peaceful order of law and calibrating the tax code to ensure the robust operation of the marketplace--Congress can pay particular attention to marriage and the family. Congress should sanction delinquent states that no longer monitor the licensing of marriage and the recording of divorces. This is one area in which government protects marriage and family.
Congress also can reform the tax code, by which government has massively distorted the domestic economy of the home, especially by raising the tax burden on child-raising families over the past 30 years while leaving the proportional tax burden of others unchanged. This system forces many mothers to work outside the home, but the average income of America's working mothers just pays for the average increase in the tax burden on child-raising families. These families have every reason to ask what has been gained for the extra money over the years. The answer is: nothing of tangible benefit to America's parents or children.
Fagan, Patrick F., "Promoting Adoption Reform: Congress Can Give Children Another Chance," Backgrounder No. 1080, May 6, 1996.
Fagan, Patrick F., "Reforming Foster Care and Adoption: Why the Senate Version Is Flawed," Issue Bulletin No. 247, October 8, 1997.
Fagan, Patrick F., "Rising Illegitimacy: America's Social Catastrophe," F.Y.I. No. 19, June 29, 1994.
Fagan, Patrick F., "The Child Abuse Crisis: The Disintegration of Marriage, Family, and the American Community," Backgrounder No. 1115, May 15, 1997.
Fagan, Patrick F., "The Real Root Causes of Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family and Community," Backgrounder No. 1026, March 17, 1995.
Fagan, Patrick F., "Why Religion Matters: The Impact of Religious Belief on Social Stability," Backgrounder No. 1064, January 25, 1996.
To access The Heritage Foundation's policy papers in their entirety, please visit Heritage's Web site at . Publications are available in both HTML and portable document formats.
1. David B. Larson, James P. Swyers, and Susan S. Larson, "The Costly Consequences of Divorce: Assessing the Clinical, Economic and Public Health Impacts of Marital Disruption in the United States," National Institute for Healthcare Research, Rockville, Maryland, 1995, pp. 43-49.
2. According to officials at the National Center for Health Statistics, it is not possible to get accurate data on marriage and divorce statistics from 27 states.
3. National Center for Health Statistics, Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Report of Final Natality Statistics, 1995, Vol. 45, No. 11 (June 10, 1997), and earlier editions.
4. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, Children's Well Being: An International Comparison, 1990, pp. 8, 9, 35.
6. Stanley K. Henshaw et al., "Characteristics and Private Contraceptive Use of U.S. Abortion Patients," Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 20, No. 4 (July/August 1989), p. 162.
7. Douglas Kirby, "No Easy Answer: Research Findings on Program to Reduce Teen Pregnancy," National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Washington, D.C., 1997.
8. Quoted by William R. Mattox, Jr., "The Parent Trap," Policy Review, No. 55 (Winter 1991), p. 10.
9. From research on personal time diaries by sociologist John Robinson of the University of Maryland. See Mattox, "The Parent Trap," pp. 6-13.
13. Family Research Council, "Americans Believe Mom Is Best Child Care Provider," In Focus, No. 1F98B2CC, 1998.
14. Dr. James Allen Fox, testimony at hearing on juvenile drug use, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, December 20, 1995.
15. "Babies who start day care early in life and spend more than 20 hours per week in non-parental care develop avoidant attachments somewhat more often than other babies do." From Virginia Colin, Infant Attachment: What We Know: A Literature Review, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C., April 1991, p. 81.
17. David Hartman, "Ending the Marriage Penalty: Approaches to Family-Supportive Tax Reform," Institute for Budget and Tax Limitation, Austin, Texas, February 4, 1998.
18. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Families, "AFDC FlashReports," September 1995.
19. Patrick F. Fagan, "Rising Illegitimacy: America's Social Catastrophe," Heritage Foundation F.Y.I. No. 19/94, June 29, 1994.
20. Patrick F. Fagan, "The Child Abuse Crisis: The Disintegration of Marriage, Family, and the American Community," Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 1115, June 3, 1997, pp. 9, 10.
21. Summarized from an overview of the divorce literature in Larson et al., "The Costly Consequences of Divorce."
27. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, "Income, Poverty, and Valuation of Noncash Benefits: 1994," No. P60189, Table B7.
28. Patrick F. Fagan, "The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family and Community," Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 1026, March 17, 1995.
29. Robert Whelan, "Broken Homes and Battered Children: A Study of the Relationship Between Child Abuse and Family Type," Family Education Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1994.
32. Douglas Smith and G. Roger Jarjoura, "Social Structure and Criminal Victimization," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 25 (February 1988), pp. 2752; Anne Hill and June O'Neill, Underclass Behavior in the United States: Measurement and Analysis of Determinants (New York: City University of New York, Baruch College, March 1990).
35. Elton J. Jackson, Charles Tittle, and M. J. Burke, "Offense Specific Models of Differential Association," paper presented at annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, 1984; cited in Fagan and Wexler, "Family Origins of Violent Delinquents." See also Rodney Stark, "Deviant Places: A Theory of the Ecology of Crime," Criminology, Vol. 25 (1987), pp. 893-909.
39. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), testimony at hearing on juvenile drug use, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, December 20, 1995.
40. Jim Burke, testimony at hearing on juvenile drug use, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, December 20, 1995.
42. QEV Analytics, "The 1997 Casa Survey of Principals, Teachers, Parents, and Teenagers," at
48. Nicholas Zill , "Behavior and Learning Problems Among Adopted Children: Findings from a U.S. National Survey of Child Health , " Child Trends, Inc., Washington, D.C. ; paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, April 27, 1985.
50. "Unmarried Parents Today ," National Committee f or Adoption, Washington, D.C., June 25, 1985.
51. Patrick F. Fagan: "Why Religion Matters: The Impact of Religious Practice on Social Stability," Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 1064, January 25, 1996.
52. Allen E. Bergin, "Values and Religious Issues in Psychotherapy and Mental Health," The American Psychologist, Vol. 46 (1991), pp. 394-403.
53. Howard M. Bahr and Bruce A. Chadwick, "Religion and Family in Middletown, USA," Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 47 (May 1985), pp. 407-414.
54. Arland Thornton and Donald Camburn, "Religious Participation and Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Attitudes," Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 51 (August 1989), pp. 641-653.
55. Patrick F. Fagan, "How Clinton Is Killing a Family-Friendly Federal Policy," Heritage Foundation Executive Memorandum No. 482, May 29, 1997.
56. Robert Rector and Patrick Fagan, "The Clinton Day Care Proposal: An Attack on Parents and Children," Heritage Foundation Executive Memorandum No. 506, January 14, 1998.
57. Patrick Fagan, "Reforming Foster Care and Adoption: Why the Senate Version Is Flawed," Heritage Foundation Issue Bulletin No. 247, October 8, 1997. |
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Fujitsu’s Next Generation ETERNUS CS8000 Delivers Backup and Archiving for Mainframe and Demanding Open System Environments Munich, EMEIA, 02, May, 2018 - Fujitsu today announces the latest version of its long-established ETERNUS CS8000 backup and archiving platform, designed for mainframes and demanding open system environments. Based on customer feedback, enhancements to the 7th generation system deliver expanded scalability, increased front-end processor nodes and support for solid state drives (SSDs) for internal disk storage. The resulting data protection infrastructure consolidation allows customers to benefit from significant total cost of ownership (TCO) savings.
Fujitsu Simplifies Robotic Process Automation Deployment with Pay-as-you-go Service Copenhagen, EMEIA, 30, April, 2018 - – Fujitsu is helping customers access the benefits of robotic process automation (RPA) with a new, flexible “as-a-service” approach. The easy and transparent pay-as-you-go service enables customers to start their software automation journey effectively, eliminating the usual anxiety associated with investing in the infrastructure, software and training that would normally be necessary, as well as laying the foundations for future scale.
Fujitsu Achieves VMware and Microsoft Certification for Hyperconverged PRIMEFLEX Integrated Systems Munich, EMEIA, 24, April, 2018 - Fujitsu today announces the completion of VMware and Microsoft certification across its line-up of PRIMEFLEX integrated systems for hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) based on the latest Fujitsu PRIMERGY M4 server range. This gives customers moving to HCI or scaling an existing deployment the guarantee that Fujitsu’s configurations for software-defined storage are fully supported by two market-leading software providers
Fujitsu and Nvision Develop New e-Banking Platform for SEB Munich, EMEIA, 17, April, 2018 - Fujitsu and SEB Luxembourg, part of the Swedish banking group SEB, have completed a digital co-creation e-banking project in just 11 months. Fujitsu and SEB worked with Nvision1 to develop the platform design and the overall result is an efficient, user-friendly platform, including mobile applications, which also gives SEB the flexibility to further develop future online banking services.
Fujitsu Sets the Pace for Virtualized Scale-Out SAP HANA® Deployments With SAP® Standard Application Benchmarks Munich, EMEIA, 16, April, 2018 - – Enterprises running large systems on SAP HANA® can now benefit from certified scale-out performance, optimizing critical virtualized infrastructure in the data center. New SAP® certifications for Fujitsu PRIMEQUEST enterprise servers confirm that they can provide the headroom for fast growth in data volumes used by systems running on SAP HANA, a key enabler for digital transformation.
Fujitsu Partners with Automation Leader KUKA to Pioneer Human-Robot Collaboration in Mainboard Handling and Testing Munich, EMEIA, 12, April, 2018 - Fujitsu is changing the way computer mainboards are manufactured and tested, with a pioneering collaboration where robots assist humans, working side-by-side on electronics assembly lines. The safety-first deployment is part of a co-creation project with automation expert KUKA at the Fujitsu Digital Smart Factory in Augsburg, Germany, one of the world’s most modern IT production facilities.
Fujitsu Leverages Artificial Intelligence for Treatment of Diabetes during Pregnancy Munich, EMEIA, 11, April, 2018 - Fujitsu Finland is supporting a new initiative to leverage artificial intelligence to improve the detection and treatment of diabetes during pregnancy. The project aims to improve the treatment and monitoring of expectant mothers using a mobile application to track and measure key lifestyle factors and blood glucose data. Fujitsu is delivering data integration and modelling services in addition to creating a user interface to visualize patients’ data, enabling healthcare professionals to recommend personalized treatment.
Fujitsu Introduces Brand-New 2 in 1 Tablet, STYLISTIC V727 Munich, EMEIA, 10, April, 2018 - Fujitsu extends its range of ultramobile 2 in 1 devices with the addition of the Fujitsu Tablet STYLISTIC V727. Powerful but completely silent in operation thanks to a fanless design, the STYLISTIC V727 is a slimline business tablet that combines elegance with a practical touch – easily enough battery power for a full working day.
Fujitsu World Tour Roadshow 2018 Showcases Co-Creation for Success Munich/Warsaw, EMEIA, 05, April, 2018 - Fujitsu is gearing up to start its 2018 World Tour, bringing the latest technology demonstrations and most innovative customer stories to businesses in over 20 countries across five continents. Under the theme of “Co-creation for success” the largest customer roadshow of its kind demonstrates how Fujitsu is bringing customers’ digital business ideas to life, by connecting the right partnerships and expertise to deliver transformational outcomes. The 2018 Fujitsu World Tour kicks off in Warsaw, Poland, on April 10.
NFLEX Joint Solution from Fujitsu and NetApp Now Available Munich, EMEIA, 04, April, 2018 - The NFLEX Converged Infrastructure solution, developed and sold jointly by Fujitsu and NetApp, is now available to order in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Designed to take the complexity out of implementing and operating virtualized application environments in the data center, NFLEX provides a simple, ready-to-run infrastructure solution for medium and large enterprises.
Fujitsu Rolls Out Refreshed SELECT Partner Program Munich, EMEIA, 03, April, 2018 - Fujitsu today unveils a refreshed SELECT Partner Program designed to give channel partners a boost in supporting their customers on their digital transformation journeys
Fujitsu and Inria Collaborate on Artificial Intelligence Co-creation Program Munich, EMEIA, 29, March, 2018 - Fujitsu has embarked on a long-term research and co-creation program with the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria). Just one year after the start of their partnership, the two organizations have formally committed to even closer collaboration, reflecting Fujitsu’s commitment to driving digital innovation in France.
Munich, EMEIA, 29, March, 2018 - Fujitsu is boosting its Artificial Intelligence (AI) research activities in Europe, including an extension of its AI Center of Excellence (CoE) in Paris-Saclay¹, plans to recruit additional AI researchers, and participation in a prestigious new EU AI research project. These plans were shared by Fujitsu at the ‘AI for Humanity’ summit hosted by Emmanuel Macron, President of France, at the Collège de France in Paris on March 29.
Fujitsu Opens Blockchain Innovation Center in Brussels to Accelerate Development of Next Generation Applications Brussels / Munich, EMEIA, 21, March, 2018 - Fujitsu today inaugurates its international Blockchain Innovation Center in Brussels, Belgium. Located in the heart of Europe, the center underscores Fujitsu’s commitment to blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies as a means to revolutionize the way consumers and enterprises buy, sell and exchange goods and services and for organizations to transform their commercial and operational models.
Fujitsu to Provide Cloud IoT Infrastructure Solution for Swedish Real Estate Firm Akademiska Hus Munich, EMEIA, 20, March, 2018 - One of Sweden’s largest real estate companies, Akademiska Hus, has selected Fujitsu to develop a cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure solution to digitalize its office environment, support growth and reduce energy costs for customers. The property group will implement Fujitsu PRIMEFLEX for VMware Cloud Foundation, a highly-scalable IT architecture which combines the high performance and energy efficiency of Fujitsu PRIMERGY servers with the flexibility and scalability of VMware’s integrated hybrid cloud platform.
Fujitsu Recognized as an IT Channel Champion in Canalys Leadership Matrix Munich, EMEIA, 01, March, 2018 - Leading channel analyst firm Canalys has recognized Fujitsu’s SELECT Partner Program as a “Champion” in the IT channel in its latest EMEA Leadership Matrix. This prestigious rating is achieved by obtaining the highest scores from partners across 10 areas of channel management, while demonstrating significant ongoing channel program momentum.
Fujitsu Survey Reveals Failed Digitalization Projects Cost Retailers EUR 330,000 Munich, EMEIA, 26, February, 2018 - Digital transformation is well advanced in retail, but while 93 percent of organizations claim to have a clearly defined digital strategy, the sector lags behind when it comes to completing projects that deliver outcomes, according to Fujitsu’s latest global survey report, The Digital Transformation PACT1.
Fujitsu To Transform Damm's IT Infrastructure With Cloud Service K5 Munich, EMEIA, 22, February, 2018 - Fujitsu has been awarded a contract by leading Spanish brewery Damm to manage its entire IT infrastructure. The Barcelona-based brewer has entrusted Fujitsu with implementing a hybrid cloud infrastructure based on the IT company’s next-generation Cloud Service K5 platform specifically created to enable efficient, easy and cost effective enterprise level digital transformation.
Fujitsu to Showcase Latest Advances in Quantum-Inspired Computing at Mobile World Congress 2018 Munich, EMEIA, 15, February, 2018 - At Mobile World Congress 2018, Fujitsu will showcase how it is at the forefront of the next wave of computing technology. With its pioneering work to accelerate the application of Quantum Computing concepts, visitors will be able to see how Fujitsu addresses real-world business challenges across different industry sectors such as finance, chemistry, energy, and distribution.
Fujitsu Unveils Fully Featured, Lightweight LIFEBOOK U938 Munich, EMEIA, 13, February, 2018 - Fujitsu introduces the LIFEBOOK U938 – an enhanced version of its flagship ultra-mobile notebook designed for road warriors and frequent travelers. The lightest fully featured business notebook on the market today, the LIFEBOOK U938 comprises powerful 8th generation Intel® Core™ vPro processors, full size connectivity ports and enterprise-grade biometric authentication.
UShareSoft, a Fujitsu Company, Announces UForge AppCenter 3.8, Making Hybrid Cloud Application Delivery Easier than Ever Grenoble, France, EMEIA, 08, February, 2018 - UShareSoft, a Fujitsu company and leader in Hybrid IT application automation, today launches UForge AppCenter 3.8. The new release further simplifies application delivery in hybrid IT environments, letting customers model, build and deploy applications from a single console. It also makes it faster and easier for customers to move workloads between data centers and clouds.
Fujitsu Delivers Cloud-like Scalability and Agility for On-Premises Backup Infrastructures Munich, EMEIA, 31, January, 2018 - Fujitsu today brings the benefits of the cloud - in terms of service, agility, resilience, scale and cost - to on-premises backup storage through its new Fujitsu Reference Architecture for Commvault HyperScaleTM Software, a new data protection solution based on pre-tested configurations and built with Commvault HyperScaleTM Software and Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY industry-standard server systems.
Fujitsu Palm Vein Recognition Technology Helps Homeless Youth in India to Receive Essential Support Munich, EMEIA, 30, January, 2018 - Fujitsu is providing its PalmSecure palm vein recognition technology1 to the international development and human rights organization itwillbe.org2, to help improve the lives and outlook of millions of children living on the streets in India.
Fujitsu Maximizes Storage Performance with Next-Generation ETERNUS All-Flash and Hybrid Storage Systems Munich, EMEIA, 24, January, 2018 - Fujitsu today announces its next generation of ETERNUS AF S2 all-flash storage arrays and ETERNUS DX S4 midrange hybrid systems. The new storage systems are designed to meet the high-performance requirements for digital business growth, continuity and efficiency, while providing a maximum of interoperability and an easy migration path between hybrid and all-flash storage.
Fujitsu Wins IT Services and Digital Learning Solution Contract with City of Stockholm Munich, EMEIA, 23, January, 2018 - Fujitsu has been selected by the City of Stockholm as the new ICT service supplier for the city’s 780 schools and preschools. Under the agreement, Fujitsu and the City of Stockholm are co-creating an IT environment to help Stockholm realize its ambition to become the world’s smartest city by 2040. Fujitsu will support digital learning in Stockholm by delivering Digital Workplace Services, including its next generation Service Desk (Social Command Centre), to more than 108,000 students and teachers.
Fujitsu Creates New Business Opportunities for SELECT Channel Partners with Dedicated Security Portfolio Munich, EMEIA, 18, January, 2018 - Fujitsu is making it easier for SELECT Channel partners to address their customers’ growing security needs by providing an extensive security portfolio for resellers.
Fujitsu Recognized as a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed Workplace Services, Europe Munich, EMEIA, 17, January, 2018 - Fujitsu has been recognized as a Leader in the latest Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed Workplace Services, Europe, for the fifth successive time. The report, published on January 3, 2018, provides an understanding of the market for managed workplace services (MWS) and vendor offerings in Europe.
Fujitsu Ensures Long-Term Availability of Mainframes as Core Engines for Digitalization Munich, EMEIA, 11, January, 2018 - Fujitsu further extends the future outlook for customers running BS2000 mainframes, with upgrades to the software and guaranteed support for up to seven years for SE300B and SE700B servers. Underlining the long-term relevance and availability of mainframes as the backbone of digital business, the latest software upgrades also introduce live migration capabilities.
Fujitsu Enhances Scale-Out SAP Environments with PRIMEFLEX Integrated Systems Munich, EMEIA, 10, January, 2018 - Fujitsu today announces two powerful new solutions designed to help organizations deploy extremely data intensive applications needed for their digital transformation, through greatly improving the ease of management for scale-out SAP HANA® in-memory database deployments.
Tom Ford Appearance at Bergdorf Goodman on November 1, 2011 Cha-ching! An article published on WWD today reports that over $52,000 of TOM FORD Beauty products were sold during Tom Ford's hourlong in-store personal appearance at Bergdorf Goodman on November 1st. Following that, sales continued at a second private event held at the flagship store […] Show me more ...
This is one of those instances where I really wish I lived in New York City. I was reading 5th/58th (the Bergdorf Goodman Blog) earlier this afternoon when I came across this announcement: Mr. Ford will be at Bergdorf on November 1st, from 5 - 6PM ET, promoting the new TOM FORD Complete Beauty Collection. […] Show me more ... |
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Scrubbed the living room/kitchen floor in the Brave. That turned out nice. Moved the router, modem and printer from the Adventurer. Got it all set up and tested.
We converted the original dinette in the Brave to a table, chairs and credenza. We used the original table, but are able to push in for travel and pull out for use.
There is also 120 VAC shore power and inverter power and 12 VDC under the table for notebooks and cell phones.
We had to go to Crookston at 4:00PM to pick up our prescriptions at Walmart. North Dakota has a law to protect ND pharmacists and restricts the pharmacy ownership to ND pharmacists. None of the North Dakota Walmarts have pharmacies. Crookston is about 29 miles from Buxton. We went from Crookston to Grand Forks, another 26 miles to pick up David and go out to dinner to celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary. We went to Ruby Tuesday. Even though it was a Saturday night they weren’t very busy. We were able to watch the UND hockey game. They beat Northern Michigan 4 to 2 and are going on to the Frozen Four.
Hope to finish cleaning the Brave tomorrow. Actually we have to take a lot of things out of the Brave. Will have to put an assortment of tools in for emergencies. Printer needs ink and they didn’t have at the Crookston Walmart.
Now that temperatures are dipping, it’s a fantastic time to head to the mountains. Resorts like Vail, Sun Valley, and Whistler have started their winter seasons with gusto. So many more are in full gear and ready to welcome skiers.
Little snow may be falling, but that doesn’t stop Hawaii from celebrating Christmas. Experience the beauty of the beaches and waterfalls alongside the Christmas trees and wreaths. And for a treat, December is prime whale-watching season.
Christmas bells are ringing as shoppers and revelers gather for the holidays. From old traditions in Strasbourg to new celebrations in Seattle or Schenectady, so many welcoming communities embrace this special time of year.
When school lets, the possibilities are nearly endless for vacations. Some families choose to head to the beach rather than to stay at home, while others seek out parades, excellent events, or shopping excursions to celebrate with loved ones.
Looking for a different family vacation? Why not pack up the kids and embark on a cruise at Christmas? Many of the cruise lines set sail with magical events on their ships, set to the backdrop of destinations like the Caribbean.
The peaks of the Rocky Mountains, Denver’s shopping scene, and plentiful snow make the hallmark of Colorado at Christmas. Throughout the state, ski resorts and hotels roll out the welcome mat for holiday travelers with special events.
Few places celebrate like New York City, and this is especially true in December. Rockefeller Center, the shops, and skating rink rank among the most festive places in Manhattan. Plus day trips and hotels show off NYC’s Christmas spirit.
As a cultural center in Thailand, Chiang Mai preserves the country’s rich heritage with temples and museums. Moving south, experience Thai history and current-day style in Bangkok. The beaches also offer a fine place to spend a vacation.
Many of the holiday traditions enjoyed around the world have roots in German history and customs. Modern Germany honors its roots with Christmas markets, among grand cathedrals, and in town squares around the country.
Arequipa city is widely known as the Ciudad Blanca (White City) for its beautiful colonial homes, churches and monasteries constructed of a white ashlar that is unique to the zone. Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa, which was recognized by the UNESCO as a Cultural World Heritage Site, is surrounded by a beautiful countryside. You may also visit the nearby Colca Valley and Colca Canyon, Valley of the Volcanoes, protected natural areas as Salinas and Aguada Blanca and the Mejia Lagoons. Arequipa is an ideal destination for those interested in colonial architecture, living culture and in spectacular outdoor natural beauty, biodiversity and outdoor adventure.
Chiclayo was a simple village of Indians and mestizos in the road between Lambayeque and ZaГ±a in colonial times. It had the good fortune, however, of being in the center of an important Pre-Incan archaeological area, the site of recent spectacular archaeological discoveries such as the Lord of SipГЎn in Huaca Rajada, The Lord of SicГЎn in BatГЎn Grande and the pyramids of TГєcume. The Museo de Tumbas Reales de SipГЎn (Royal Tombs of SipГЎn Museum) and SicГЎn National Museum, housing a collection of incalculable worth, has made these discoveries accessible to all. Chiclayo has thus become Peru’s second destination, after Cuzco, in terms of archaeological and historical interest. Chiclayo, also known for its highly-regarded sorcerers and healers, is located on Peru’s northern coast .
Cuzco The Archaeological Capital of America ; it constitutes the biggest tourist attractiveness in Peru, and the most visited one. Cuzco, was the biggest city and capital of the Inca Empire and then taken by the Spanish conquerors; today it has an architecture that fuses the Inca with the Spanish style. Their people conserves with pride its customs and traditions. It is also the forced step to know the mystic and enigmatic Machu Picchu Inca City that the Spaniards never knew and was discovered by the occidental culture in 1911. Cuzco, as Machu Picchu, for its historical value, and for its beauty is considered Cultural World Heritage Sites. The Sacred Valley of the Incas, Choquequirao, beautiful places and the Inca Trail are waiting for you. Also, the Manu National Park, the best wildlife destination in the Amazon, Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
An ideal place for those lovers of the nature biodiversity tourism and the ones who want to feel an intimate contact with the virgin nature of the Amazon rainforest; from the Iquitos city you will be able take a tour program in Jungle Lodges located in full jungle, and for the most adventurous and fearless you can arrive to the protected natural areas as Pacaya Samiria National Reserve or Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, with exuberant flora and fauna, and you can take contact with Amazonian aborigines or take a cruise in the Amazon river, the New 7 Wonders of Nature.
Puno is located in the Andean highland and beside the Titicaca the highest navigable lake in the world inhabited by the Uros people; Amantani and Taquile islands are recommended places to visit. Earth of the legendary Aymara people, and the Tiahuanaco Culture. It is the folkloric capital of Peru. Beautiful landscapes and colonial and pre-inca architecture. It offers excellent alternatives for the archaeological, living culture and nature biodiversity tourism.
The capital of the spring, city of old colonial lineage, very near Chan Chan, capital of the ChimГє Nation (XII Century) one of the biggest cities build with mud in the world, declared Cultural World Heritage Site by UNESCO, archaeological pre-Inca places as Huaca La Luna and Huaca El Sol, and new discoveries in El Brujo and the Lady of Cao. Trujillo is known as the City of Eternal Spring . Is also famed by the traditional celebrations of the National Contest of Marinera (Festival de la Marinera), the International Festival of Spring, Competition of Caballos de Paso (Peruvian Paso horses), Exhibition of Caballitos de Totora and more. An excellent destination for the archaeological and historical tourism.
I love to travel, but as a college student, jet-setting doesn t always fit my bank account. Weekend getaways, staycations, and last-minute discounts help me make the most of my travel budget, but what about budget travel to more exotic destinations?
I ve found that visiting places with favorable exchange rates has worked out well for international destinations especially when I can also find the best airline ticket deals to get there. Some of the main factors I consider when evaluating a potential destination are: cost of living, visa fees, airfare, activities, culture, and safety. Using this strategy, I ve been able to travel to five South American countries in the past two years on a relatively tight budget.
With all of this background in mind, here is my list of the top ten budget travel destinations, with the underlying theme being very favorable exchange rates and extremely low costs of living.
Kampala is one of the cheapest cities in the world, and Uganda, known as The Pearl of Africa, hosts Lake Victoria, which is the second largest lake in the world. The official language is Swahili, but English is widely spoken, especially among the staff at hotels and tour companies.
Kampala is at the top of my travel bucket list because it s a hub for adventure activities such as whitewater rafting on the Nile River and bungee jumping. The city of Jinja also offers quad biking and river boarding (boogie boarding down the river).
Jamaica has plenty of luxury options, but thanks to the island s new international airport, deals on 3,000 new hotel rooms, and clean beaches, Budget Travel has rated Jamaica one of the top budget travel destinations for 2011.
International airfare has been pretty affordable lately. I checked and round-trip flights from the eastern U.S. are under $400, which is cheap enough for me to justify a visit to an affordable hotel for a long weekend. Homemade Jamaican jerk chicken is a great plus too!
The only reason Jamaica isn t number one on this list is because I avoid hurricane season (July and August), but I d rather visit during the winter when I m craving some sunshine anyway.
Bangladesh was rated Lonely Planet s number one value destination in 2011. According to Lonely Planet, you can buy meals for under a dollar and enjoy river cruises for rates lower than what you d spend in nearby India. Bangladesh may be a non-traditional travel destination, but don t overlook it.
With the exchange rate, I ll be able to stretch my travel budget enough to sail by the Irrawaddy River Dolphins and see tigers in the Sunderbans National Park outside of Khulna. Bangladesh also has a wide range of handmade crafts such as coconut masks, bamboo sculptures, and folk dolls. Leatherwork and pearls are also popular exports.
The U.S. State Department warns that tourist visas granted upon arrival are usually only valid for 15 days, so you shouldn t expect to have an extended stay without a fine or special permission.
I m not sure exactly when Hungary came onto my travel radar. Budapest has gotten a lot of publicity lately for its beauty as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Fortunately, Hungary is also an affordable travel destination. You can get huge meals in markets for $5, public transportation via train for $1, and hotels for $20 a night.
The city seems like a curious mixture of 14th century architecture and modernization. Highlights include the gorgeous architecture of the Fisherman s Bastion, the Buda Royal Palace, and the tranquil Margaret Island.
I spent an entire summer in Quito, and there s still so much I haven t seen. With just $3 for lunch, I bought soup, rice, chicken, juice, and Jell-O. A bus across the city cost 50 cents, and because Ecuador uses the U.S. dollar, I didn t even have to worry about losing money in the exchange. I wish I had time to explore beach towns like Montanita and cloud forests like Mindo.
The beauty of Ecuador is that it has a rich natural ecosystem, from the Andes Mountains running through the country to the amazing coastal rain forest, yet you re also near incredible major cities like Quito and Guayaquil.
I ve heard that the street food in Thailand is world-class. Blogger Richard Barrow tried a Thai Food Challenge and ate street food in Thailand for every meal for an entire month. His spending averaged less than $4 a day on food. At the end of the challenge, he had tried one hundred different meals. How can you beat the price, variety, and deliciousness?
It s no surprise, then, that Thai cooking classes are so popular, but there are plenty of things to do for budget travelers as well: relax on the beaches, explore elegant Buddhist temples, shop at the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, and check out the busy colorful city of Bangkok.
Don t be misled by the prices at Machu Picchu; Peru is really a very affordable travel destination. I lived in the Ancash region, just north of Lima, for almost four months last fall. A typical three-course lunch was as low as $2 in the town of Huaraz. Hostels throughout the country are budget-friendly as well. A typical bed in a dorm room cost $8 to $10, which usually included a simple breakfast of juice, bread, and fruit.
I also found public transportation to be affordable, although airfare within the country is expensive. For example, a bus from Cusco to Lima cost me $37, while the cheapest round trip plane ticket I found was $160.
The Dominican Republic is an attractive budget travel destination for baseball fans and suntanners alike. Santo Domingo, the capital city, was named a UNESCO World Heritage site because there are still colonial elements from Christopher Columbus s arrival in 1492. The island comes alive during Carnaval Dominicano in February and Semana Santa in April.
The Dominican Republic is home to a wide range of lodging options to fit any budget, from luxury resorts to affordable hostels. Although it s not the cheapest country in the region, there is a good mix of sun, safety, and affordability.
AskMen named Croatia one of its Top Ten Cheap Vacations, and they say hostels go for about $10 per night. I visited the city of Dubrovnik a few years ago, and I remember being able to see my toes while swimming in the crystal-clear water. I also remember seeing the bright orange roofs on buildings showing which of them were bombed in the Yugoslavian War from 1991 to 1995.
While food and lodging were both relatively cheap in the Pearl of the Adriatic, I did have a problem finding shop owners and waiters who spoke English. I should have bought a Croatian phrase book.
I took part in a college study abroad program in Buenos Aires, so Argentina holds a special place in my heart. The cost of living is cheaper than in similar cities in the United States, but inflation is an issue with prices rising for the past few years. For example, I noticed that groceries were cheaper when I was there in December 2009 than when I visited exactly one year later. A bottle of Coke cost 3.50 pesos then and rose to 6 pesos in 2010. However, public transportation remains affordable as does lodging.
There are other equally exciting cities that are cheaper than Buenos Aires like Cordoba, Salta, and Jujuy.
I m grateful that I can still fit international travel in my budget. When I save up for a trip, I plan my itinerary accordingly. Choosing destinations with a lower cost of living allows me to explore new destinations for a longer period of time.
These are just the top 10 places on my list. How about you? Have you been to any of these countries? Are there any affordable places on your travel bucket list?
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If you re trying to plan a trip to Disney World, it s easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information available on the web.
But, lucky for you, I ve already waded through the web and found the top 7 Disney World vacation planning websites .
All Ears . This is my favorite Disney information website. It s so comprehensive it s scary. It even has sample menus from restaurants and reviews on everything from hotels to tours. Check out the Reader Tip Archive , as it s full of hidden gems.
Touring Plans. This website goes along with the book, the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. I highly recommend the book, as well as the website. If you buy the book from 2009, you get a free subscription to the site which includes specific touring plans to help vacationers beat the crowds.
Mouse Planet . I love their bi-weekly podcasts that usually provide trip planning advice. They also have great trip reports and articles. Mike Scopa s Scoping the Parks series of articles provides several helpful tips on planning a trip to Disney World.
WDW Luxury Guide . This site is for those wanting a more luxurious experience of Disney World. It focuses on the most exclusive resorts, dining, and entertainment that Disney has to offer. Worth a glance to see how good Disney can be.
Mouse Savers . This is my top website for finding deals for vacationing in Disney World. It provides coupon codes and has a section on preferred non-Disney hotels. It also provides deals on other things Disney, so check it out if you re a Disney fan.
Passporter . This website goes along with the book, Passporter s Walt Disney World. The book is awesome, but I love the website as well. The website has a very active forum with knowledgeable Disney fans willing to answer any of your burning questions. Plus, for just $4.95, you get access to their helpful e-books and customizable trip planning e-worksheets.
Tour Guide Mike . Mike was an actual Disney World VIP tour guide for 10 years. It was his job to know everything about Disney World. Most of his site is a paid service called the Automated Vacation Planner that helps you plan your trip in detail. I ve used it, and it s definitely worth the money, only $21.95 at the time of writing. He is an expert at saving time and beating the crowds.
I truly believe these websites are the best of the best, and will help you plan the perfect trip for your family. Be sure to keep this list handy, because once you return from Disney World, you ll want to start planning another trip back.
I was having problems with DK Eyewitness best sellers, as they don t have Top lists on their site, so checked best sellers in Travel Reference Guidebooks on Amazon. But because Amazon has regional web site it is difficult to see global best sellers list, as the list on will be different comparing to or . So I think because I was checking is the reason why there is no USA on the list.
Wow I love the article discussing some primary tourists spots in this universe. I personally, suggest that you guys travel in the Philippines. It s one huge archipelago enough to satisfy your adventure desires.
With airline regulations on baggage weight restrictions getting more and more stringent, the need for easy to carry light weight scuba diving equipment becomes the need of the hour. Perhaps the bulkiest piece of Scuba Diving equipment is your BCD which can sometimes take up half your luggage space as well as half your weight limit. Manufacturers now aware of the demand for a lightweight, compact and easy to carry BCD for air travelers have started offering a number of lightweight streamlined options for the dive traveler.
A good travel BCD should weigh less than 3.5-4 Kg or about 7.7 -8 lbs, and should be easy to fold or pack in a suitcase without being bulky. Here are out top picks for Travel friendly BCDs:
The Scout is Zeagle’s lightest and most compact BC, and is ideal for a basic travel system with minimum weight and bulk. Reasonably lightweight weighing in at 6.7 lbs (2.9kgs) dry. the Scout can be stowed easily inside a suitcase with ease. Features include 4 stainless steel D-rings, two zippered pockets, and integrated rear mount weight system with release feature. The Zeagle Scout is a top pick for anyone looking for a travel friendly BCD.
Perhaps the most Ideal Travel BCD, the SeaQuest Zuma weighs less than 2 kg (4.4 lbs). This ultra-light, weight-integrated, back inflation BC is perfect for those divers tired of paying excess baggage fees. The manufacturers have really designed this product for travelers, and it can be rolled up or flat packed into any suitcase or duffel bag with ease. The Zuma also features 4 D-rings and a dive knife grommet, padded spine and lumbar support.
While the Stiletto may not be their lightest BCD in Zeagles’s product line, it is ideal for the diver who wants a lightweight but rugged system, for both travel and local diving that doesn t compromise on features. The Stiletto weights just 7.4 lbs (3.3 Kgs) but has a 35-lb (16kg) lift capacity owing to its heavy duty low profile retracting bladder. Other features include two zippered utility pockets and 5 Stainless Steel D-ringsallowing you to clip anything you need on to it. Most importantly the Zeagle Stilletto has been raved about by customers for being one of the most comfortable BCD’s and having great freedom of movement.
The Seaquest Passport BC is the lightest in the range of SeaQuest s weighing only. 2.62kg or 5.12 lbs and comes with an integrated storage mesh bag that stays folded into the lower back pad providing lumbar support. Equipped with two side pockets and 4 plastic D-rings the Passport provides just about enough storage. The quick-release integrated weight system holds up to 20 pounds of weight and the overall dimensions make the Passport easy to store and perfect for travel .
A jacket Style BCD from Cressi that has been designed for air travelers to reduce bulk and weight. The Travelight can be folded up in just a few seconds and fastened with a special retractable strap so that it can be stowed easily in its own carrying bag, which has a shoulder strap. Weighing just 2.6 kgs (5.7 lbs), the Travelight features two front pockets and two weight pocket in the rear, as well as 4 lightweight alloy d-rings. With the ability to bundle up this BCD into a compact mass, the Cressi Travelight is a perfect travelers BCD that doesn’t compromise on features.
I f you’re a traveler as I am, you sure know how important it is to know the fair value of your trip, and be able to save money while flying. But it takes a long time to check so many different websites for deals, and then go back to Google and check your favorite airline’s website once again. This is why tools have been created in order to help us make traveling easier. and cheaper.
My favorite tool is and will probably continue to be Skyscanner , because it’s very good at showing you what airfares are going to look like in the next year. Most of the tools we know tend to only show details regarding the next month or first few months, but only few of them go as far as a year.
In addition to that, is also able to help you decide where you’d like to go. If you still don’t know where you’d like to spend your next holiday, you can simply enter the area or country you’re looking for, and the cheapest flights will be shown. For example, when I was looking for options in the United States, I simply had to add the location I was departing from, and a wide variety of low fares would be shown to me. I could either go to California, Florida, or many other locations.
You’ve probably heard of Kayak before – this one’s a tool that searches through many websites at the same time, in order to come up with the best deals for you. All you have to do is go on the website, enter the details of your trip, and wait for it to do its job.
If you’re not in a hurry, Kayak is also going to show you the best options during the next couple of months. And if you don’t find anything too exciting at the moment, you also have the option of setting an alert. This one will send you an email whenever you want – it can be scheduled to alert you daily, weekly, or only monthly. Whatever option you go for, this will send you the best options for your preferred destination.
Thanks to STA Travel students can book their next tickets for traveling, for their internships or volunteering trips they have planned at a reduced price. Plus they are also able to change their departure and arrival after purchasing the tickets, as STA is the only one providing flexible dates.
If you are traveling just for fun, Priceline might be the best option you have. Why is that? Because it requires some flexibility in order to find the best deals – once you’re not stuck with specific dates for your trips, it can help you save up to 50%.
Last but not least, one of the most advance airfare price predictor tools available online is Fare Compare . This website compares flights’ prices from over 500 airlines from all over the world and is known to collect information about old and current airfares. This enables them to tell you what the best price is, whether you should wait before you purchase your ticket or not.
There is a tour for doing almost anything for solo travelers. You can bike, hike, fish, bird watch, dance, drink, play music, meditate, lose weight, fall in love, or just get some time to yourself. As traveling solo tends to be more expensive than traveling in a group, most solo travelers tend to stick to third world or cheaper destinations. Whether they are there to meet people or just get away from them, an entire world of options awaits.
Make some friends at your hostel at Kings Cross, then go out to explore the beaches, nightlife, Macquarie Street, and the Opera House together.
It’s hard not to meet people in South America’s traveler epicenter. From the peace and tranquility of the Andes, to the vibrant bars and clubs surrounding the Plaza de Armas, Cuzco is everything a solo traveler could want.
If paradise is your first thought when planning a solo vacation, look no further than Bora Bora. Just a few tiny strips of land surrounding a stunning lagoon that is more tranquil than the beaches of Fiji and more pristine than those of Tahiti.
With more language schools per capita than anywhere else in the world, it’s no wonder Antigua is a favorite stop on the gringo trail for solo travelers. When not studying, you and your classmates will climb volcanoes, hike, go drinking, and visit with the remnants of the Mayan culture.
Whether you’re here to climb Mount Everest, hike the Anapurna Circuit, or drink beer from the world’s highest brewery you will be in the company of many others. Katmandu, deep in the Himalayas, has one of the world’s most international tourist atmospheres.
High fares. Hidden fees. Long security lines. Shrinking seats. Crowded cabins. There’s not much to enjoy about airline travel these days, especially if you’re sitting in coach, according to readers in our airline survey, conducted this summer by the Consumer Reports National Research Center.
More than 14,000 coach passengers and some 6,000 first-class passengers who took a domestic nonstop flight told us their opinions about their airline’s seat width and comfort, legroom, room for carry-on bags, cabin and restroom cleanliness, check-in ease, service from the airline staff, in-flight entertainment, and transparency about fees.
You’ll have a more comfortable trip without springing for an upgrade if you fly with the airline at the top of our coach Ratings: JetBlue. It earned a higher score than any other airline for its coach cabin’s seat comfort and legroom.
JetBlue, Southwest, and Virgin America received favorable Ratings for their check-in, their staff service, and upfront disclosure about their fees. Passengers dinged Southwest and Virgin America, however, for their cramped and uncomfortable seats. Yet apart from JetBlue, all coach services rate poorly in these areas.
When it comes to first-class travel, Virgin America, Hawaiian Airlines, and Alaska Airlines earned an exceptional overall score. Virgin was the real stand out, however, with top marks across the board. Hawaiian and Alaska (with the exception of its average in-flight entertainment) also received high marks in the rated areas.
See our Travel & Vacation Guide for advice and tips on getting the best deals on airfare, hotels, and more.
Overall, people in our survey had a pretty dim view of the U.S. airline industry’s domestic coach service. Amenities rated as particularly poor include seating, food and refreshments, and in-flight entertainment. In fact, apart from Southwest’s especially high score on fee transparency, no airline received a top mark on any of the attributes we measured.
Even the highly rated coach carriers received a few below-average marks. JetBlue passengers were unenthusiastic about its food and refreshments. People flying on Southwest gave its seat comfort, legroom, food and refreshments, and in-flight entertainment a big thumbs-down. Passengers had a mixed range of views about hidden fees, but they gave the airlines in the top half of our Ratings much better scores than the carriers that landed below.
The three U.S. airlines that control about 65 percent of the domestic market–American, Delta, and United–placed from the middle to the back of the pack for their coach service.
Two airlines made their debut in our Ratings this year: Sun Country and Allegiant. Sun Country was formed in 1982 by a group of pilots and flight attendants from the defunct Braniff International. The airline now travels to 34 destinations in the U.S. Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean. Allegiant, which took off in 1997, travels to 112 destinations in the U.S. including Laredo, Texas; Grand Island, Nebraska; Ogden, Utah; Missoula, Montana; Scranton, Pennsylvania; Peoria, Illinois, and other smaller cities.
The lowest-rated coach carrier in our survey was Spirit. It received low marks on all the aspects we measured, and was significantly worse than every other airline in terms of overall satisfaction. In fact, its overall satisfaction score is among the lowest for any service we’ve ever rated.
Three airlines stood out for first class: Virgin America, Hawaiian Airlines, and Alaska Airlines. Virgin America earned top marks across the board. Last year the airline added free hors d’oeuvres in first class to its traditional after-takeoff cocktail service, as well as hot towels, table linens, and a custom ice cream flavor developed in collaboration with San Francisco’s Humphry Slocombe.
Hawaiian Airlines received favorable scores in every category, as does Alaska Airlines with the exception of its in-flight entertainment.
Much like coach class, however, passengers who flew with our lower-rated first class carriers were a lot less happy. Not only were United and US Airways first-class travelers significantly less satisfied overall than the travelers on every other airline that qualified for our first-class Ratings, but they were also significantly less satisfied than the coach travelers on the top six carriers in our coach Ratings.
Both were viewed as especially bad for cabin and restroom cleanliness, food and refreshments, and in-flight entertainment. (Note: US Airways took its last flight under its name this year on October 17, and is now fully merged with American.)
Almost all of our survey respondents who booked their own flights did so on airline websites. While the airlines sometimes post great fares on their sites, you might be able to find lower prices elsewhere.
Start with websites that allow you to compare the deals from multiple airlines, such as Airfarewatchdog, FareCompare, and Kayak. Also try travel-agency sites, such as CheapTickets, Expedia, and Travelocity.
If you’re a bit more adventurous, websites such as Hotwire and Priceline are another option. Hotwire has set prices, while Priceline lets you bid on tickets. Neither indicates which airline you’ll be flying or whether your flight is nonstop until you’ve bought your nonrefundable ticket. To bid on Priceline, first check what other sites charge for a flight you want and then bid 50 percent less, suggests George Hobica, founder and editor of Airfarewatchdog.
Finally, before you book a flight you’ve found online, check the airline’s site. You might see more flight choices for a similar rate.
This is a comprehensive list of search engines that give users the ability to book cruises, flights, train tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars and entire vacation packages online.
Most of the web sites listed here allow travelers to compare pricing, read reviews and provide feedback on each of the major traveling agencies. Some of them aggregate listing from various other Internet booking sites, while others get the data directly from the servicing businesses. Founded in 2001 by Stephen Kaufe, TripAdvisor is one of many popular industry websites operated by Expedia, Inc. It prides itself on providing unbiased reviews, a travel guide, and features advice on flights, resorts, hotels, vacation packages and rentals. Their on-click price comparison tool allows you to compare prices from multiple reservations websites. Originally founded in 1995 as a division of Microsoft, Expedia is probably the most well-know Internet-based travel reservation websites. You can use their tools to plan your trip, buy airline tickets, read reviews, reserve a hotel and find deals on vacation packages. The site which began in 2002 is yet another Expedia, Inc web property. This one is dedicated to helping people who need to stay in a hotel, but also assists travelers with finding deals on complete vacation packages, including rental cars and airline flights. Use it to pick from thousands of luxury, cheap, bread and breakfast, and 5 star hotels by reading their reviews, detailed descriptions and price comparisons. It integrates a map, and provides access to high-quality photos online. They also currently offer a Price Match Guarantee. Founded in 1998 by Jay S. Walker; Priceline helps travelers get deep discounts on hotels, flights, rental cars, vacations and cruises. It also offers exclusive deals that can t be found anywhere else. Created by the Cofounders of Expedia, Travelocity and Orbitz in 2004, KAYAK gives travelers with multiple choices of where to book their airline tickets, hotel rooms and car rentals. The site helps you find the cheapest deals by comparing hundreds of web sites all at once. They also offer an itinerary management tool, flight status updates and price alerts. Started in 1996 at Tulsa International Airport as a subsidiary of Sabre Holdings which is a subsidiary of American Airlines it claims to be the the six-largest travel agency in the United States. You can use it to book vacations, and find specials to get cheap airfare and stay fees. Originally formed by several major airlines in 1999, they aimed to compete in the fast growing online travel industry. The Orbitz website, which officially launched in 2001, allows deal seekers to book cheap airline tickets, make hotel reservations, rent cars, plan entire vacations and find the best promotions. Orbitz Price Assurance guarantees customers a cash refund if they don t get their cheapest airfare and hotel deal for your destination. There s over 30 years industry experience going into their guides and tips regarding popular destination. They help you shop rooms and other deals. Created in 2000 by several individuals and United States airline companies, Hotwire is yet another industry related property now operated by Expedia, Inc. It negotiates deep discounts from its suppliers to help travelers book unsold airline seats, save on motels and get cheap auto rentals, with significant price savings. Founded in 1998 by Ralph Bartel, it works with over 2000 companies world-wide to help people find the best offers on individual seats, lodging, automobiles, cruises and entire trips.
Keep in mind this top ten list of travel search engines is based on Alexa Traffic Rank only; not necessarily which ones are best from a user s perspective. If you d like us to review another search engine missing from our one of lists don’t hesitate to send us the web site information via our contact form.
Online since 1996, offers cheap flights and cheap hotels reservations. offers specially negotiated, deeply discounted airline tickets up to 70% off.
This is a long and involved story but suffice to say, have swindled me out of roughly $3800 over the last 18 months. I booked a flight from New Orleans to Australia about 18 months ago and found I was unable to fly about 2 weeks before my flight was due to depart. After lengthy negotiations with and the airlines I was supposed to fly with (who were helpful but unable to do anything since the booking was through a third party), I was able to keep my credit and change my flights, at great expense of course (I think the fee to change my booking was somewhere in the order of $800). While this was prohibitively expensive, since the original flight was also pricey (several thousand dollars), it seemed worthwhile.
Cut to a few weeks ago, when I found out through my lawyer that I would be unable to fly due to my current visa status. Essentially, leaving the United States at this time could result in me being disallowed to re-enter the country, so in her own words “it’s not worth the risk”. I try to do the right thing and contact to let them know I need to cancel, not really expecting to get any credit back. More than anything, I was trying to do right by this company and the airline. It’s a pain when passengers no-show. So I call the number of the website. The first THREE times I call, I’m put through to a customer service rep who, after saying ‘hello’, doesn’t speak to me at all. I don’t know if the call dropped (it was still connected?) or whether they just didn’t feel like working. But either way, by the fourth time I called, I was pretty annoyed.
I tried to explain the situation to the customer service rep who seemed more interested in talking over the top of me. He told me in no uncertain terms that I could NOT get any credit back on the flight and when I asked to speak to a supervisor, he initially refused. It wasn’t until I told him very calmly and firmly that I knew I was entitled to speak to a supervisor that he finally put me on hold and transferred me. By the time the supervisor got on the line, I had decided that there was no reason for me to speak to another rude, helpful person in a call center on the other side of the world. Previous reviewers are right, it’s near impossible to speak to a fluent English speaker who works for this company. When I asked the supervisor if I could be transferred to someone in an office in the United States, she simply said “No”. About 5 times.
Finally, she told me to just email. At this point, I was so annoyed that I agreed. Not only was the connection bad/muffled but nobody spoke anything better than broken English. And they seemed more interested in reciting a script than listening to what I was actually asking them. Email seemed preferable. Upon emailing, I was told that I would have to pay A CANCELLATION FEE. I didn’t get around to finding out how much the fee was because at this point, I firmly emailed them back and told them “Haha, no way. I’ll just no-show if that’s the case.” They then proceeded to call ME about 6 times even though each time, I told them very firmly that I was not going to pay to cancel my flight and that I would appreciate if they stopped calling me.
Finally, I called Delta and Virgin to find out if I could do anything on their end. Guess what? They had NO RECORD of my booking. I am not currently listed in their system (as of today, November 9 2015), despite the fact that I am supposed to fly out of the United States on a Delta/Virgin flight on November 30th. In the words of the Delta rep, “your third party hasn’t paid us for the flights yet”. Even though I booked over 18 months ago. Right. In short, AVOID. This company says they are based in Washington, they are not. They are based in India. It’s impossible to speak with someone who is fluent in English. They will give you the runaround and charge you excess fees whenever they can. And it seems like even if I had turned up to the airport and tried to board my flight on the 30th, there’s a good chance the airline would have had no record of me as a passenger! Not worth it. I wish Kayak would stop using them as a suggested third party.
San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in America and a gay and lesbian mecca. Visit Alcatraz, ride a cable car. stroll through Golden Gate park, check out the gay scene in the Castro and visit the historic City Hall where for weeks gays and lesbians lined up to get married in 2004.
Palm Springs is where the gay guys and girls go to enjoy splashing in the pool on hot sunny days, playing a round of golf and partying all night at one of the many gay-friendly night clubs in town.
Walk the street of Seattle s Capitol Hill District and you re sure to see a lesbian or two riding her bike, working in a coffee shop or shopping for sex toys at Toys in Babeland. Visit the Pike St. Market and take a ride to the top of the Space Needle. Catch a Seattle Storm WNBA game or check out the hot local music scene.
New York City is the most diverse city on the planet. Whether you want to take in a Broadway show or visit the birthplace of the modern gay and lesbian rights movement, NYC offers something for every lesbian. Spend time in Greenwich Village or take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty.
Key West, Florida is known as one of the most gay and lesbian friendly vacation destinations. At the very tip of Florida, Key West has warm beaches, beautiful coral reefs and a diverse gay and lesbian community. Gays and lesbians own many of the businesses and restaurants in town, including art galleries, book stores, resorts and tour companies.
For hundreds of years, a Grand Safari tour of Africa has marked the epitome of adventure for the well-heeled and bold. Sate your wanderlust on a whirlwind journey into the heart of the world’s second-largest continent. While Africa remains no less romantic and exotic than ever, tremendous advances in transportation and the encroachment of modern technology have made tourism more accessible and comfortable than in days of old. Once isolated and wild, sleepy Africa is gradually awakening to the world tourism. Indulgent resort-style vacation opportunities exist alongside the spartan camp-tent treks of old, affording the more enjoyable outdoor experiences with all the comforts and pampering of mainstream travel.
Perhaps the most surprising and enjoyable facet of Africa is its diversity. From the culture of its people to the natural landscape, Africa’s vastness is reflected in the tremendous range of variety to be found there. Africa’s boundaries contain both the world’s largest free-standing mountain (Mt. Kilimanjaro), and the Djibouti’s Lake Assal, the second-lowest place on Earth. The saltiest lake outside Antarctica is here, as well as the hottest place on the globe. The cradle of human civilization can be traced to Africa, as can thousands of years of history that came after: the pyramids of Egypt, the Roman theater of Libya, and Old Mogadishu all stand witness to the passage of time. From the vast wilderness of the Serengeti or the salt pans to the bustling, modern cities of South Africa, just about every degree of life is represented.
Your modern-day African adventure will encompass all sorts of diversions, from camping beneath the stars, white-water rafting, hot air balloon safaris, and jungle treks to fine dining and exploring world-class museums. Natural wonders, manmade marvels, and a dizzying assortment of animal life await you here. Africa’s a big place, and visiting everything it has to offer is well outside the ability of any one traveler. Rest assured, though, that anywhere you go, you are guaranteed a voyage you’ll remember for a lifetime.
The game parks of Kenya set the standard for exotic beauty. Prominent among them are Masai Mara, which is contiguous with Tanzania’s Serengeti, and the storied Nairobi National Park. Lions, cheetah, and leopards abound in Masai Mara, which is also famous for fantastic viewing of the annual wildebeest migration. Perhaps the best way to experience this extraordinary movement is above, by hot air balloon! Nairobi is one of the fastest-growing cities in Africa, in addition to the home of the eponymous national park. Dance all night in the bustling Westlands district, where both expats and locals come to party, or bargain for treasures at the hectic and colorful Maasai market. Another must-see: Sibiloi National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site of tremendous archaeological significance for the discoveries it has yielded towards our understanding of the origin of man.
A world of curious, but undeniable charm awaits you in Madagascar. You’ll come face-to-face with the most famous Malagasy residents: lemurs! There’s nearly a hundred different species of these quirky cuties, the stars of the show on any jungle trek. Take a sunset cruise in a pirogue while staying in “Tana,” the capital, and tour the hilltop palace of Ambohimanga. World-class snorkeling and sunbathing can be found on the island getaway of Nosy Be, as well as tours of ylang-ylang plantations fragrant with the intoxicating perfume of a million golden blossoms. The old royal city of Fianarantsoa features exquisite Arabian minarets and winding alleys reminiscent of hand-tinted picture postcards. Wine tours and shopping the historic market are prominent attractions here. Then ascend to the strange, compelling limestone peaks of Tsingy de Bemaraha, a UNESCO World Heritage Site distinguished by untouched wilderness and fascinating ecotourism.
Cosmopolitan, historic South Africa is riddled with cultural diversity and scenic loveliness. It is one of the most liberal areas of the continent, and a popular tourist destination. Cape Town derives its name from the original Portuguese name, “the cape of good hope,” and is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Just about everything you could ever want in a vacation can be found in Cape Town: cable car rides to the top of Table Mountain, worshipping the sun from the sweeping beaches of False Bay, wine tasting, and deep sea fishing. Diverse, huge Johannesburg is richly steeped in history. Learn about gold mining (in which South Africa corners the world market), visit the old fort at the base of Constitution Hill, or pop in on the sleek beauties at Lion Park. You’ll want to watch your oranges in Addo Elephant National Park, in the Eastern Cape region, where the gentle giants for whom the preserve was named and created will snatch treats right from your car! A 4×4 tour of the park affords ample opportunities to view zebras, buffalo, leopards, and rhinos.
Tanzania is a real up-and-comer in the world tourism scene, and with good reason. The wilds of this equatorial paradise beckon with enormous game reserves, exciting safaris, and the promise of nights spent beneath the starriest skies you can imagine. The cauldron of Ngorongoro Crater is a singular marvel, a mixing bowl of tens of thousands of wild animals sheltered by the steep lip of the caldera. The highly endangered black rhino can be spotted here, along with lions and bull elephants. The endless plains of the Serengeti offer the chance to safari by car, foot, or hot air balloon! You can lunch beneath a shade tree and sneak a peek of zebra and wildebeest. There’s no better viewing spot of the Great Migration. Gaze upon the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro, and brave a climb to the top. The ascent, while lengthy, is not especially demanding as far as mountain climbing goes—this makes it quite popular and widely accessible. Or escape to the spice island of Zanzibar, a paradise of sparkling seas and white sand located twenty-two miles off the mainland.
Exclusive, luxurious, and unspoiled… there is nothing quite like Botswana. Private safari camps afford the chance to brush with wildlife from the lap of luxury. You’ll sip champagne within a traditionally-styled camp tent, and peek at giraffes and exotic birds while basking poolside beneath the Southern African sun. Encounter bushmen on the fringes of the vast Kalahari Desert, and scoop up hand-crafted treasures like seed jewelry and books of art. You’ll roast dinner over a roaring fire beneath the endless expanse of the night sky, forging new friendships and cementing old ones for a lifetime. Safaris of the Okavango Delta offer glimpses of meerkats, Nile crocodiles, lions, and hippos amidst stunning natural beauty. The vast, inhospitable salt pans of Makgadikgadi are the largest in the world. The dry savanna is home to ostriches, plovers, flamingos, and zebra, and off road tours by bike or quad vehicle are popular. On the opposite end of the topological spectrum is the verdant jewel of Chobe National Park, The “big 5” game species (elephants, lion, leopards, buffalo, and rhino) live here, and high-end safari lodges situated in in midst of the park give you the chance to get up-close and personal with these grassland superstars.
It has been said that the closest thing to a taste of “real Africa” can be found in Zambia. While outstanding safaris, authentic tribal villages, and numerous cultural celebrations all beckon visitors, the real star of Zambian tourism is Victoria Falls, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Called “the smoke that thunders,” the falls are both breathtakingly wide and precariously deep. Canoeing the peaceful waters above the falls and white-water rafting the turbulent rapids below both offer excellent opportunities to enjoy Vic Falls all day long. Plentiful food and drink and great company are hallmarks of either type of adventure. Sunset cruises of the Zambezi are romantic and lingering, a must-do activity for couples. Thrillseekers can bungee jump or gorge-swing with the natural advantage of the heights, or take a helicopter tour for a slightly less hair-raising aerial appreciation of the sights.
Packing is part of any travel experience. Whether you’re headed to a beach condo or an Alaskan cruise, you’ll need to bring appropriate clothing and travel gear. Here are 10 travel essentials to include on any trip, regardless of destination.
The popular online gambling service issued an announcement recently that the domain name along with the community built around their online gambling services has been purchased by Ubinet Group PLC. The sale, according to Bingo, was completed for a whopping sum of $8 million. The company issued a [. ]
First off, New Top Level Domains (nTLD) are a real thing. Instead of being forced to use .com. org or .net, a whole slew of domains have been gearing up for use. Hundreds of new TLDs were released in 2014 and the trend for domain names search will continue into [. ]
The investment consulting firm known as RVK, which was formerly named as R.V. Kuhns Associates, Inc. was found guilty of getting involved in reverse domain name hijacking on the domain name of The charges were confirmed by the World Intellectual Property Organization panel. The company filed a UDRP with [. ]
When domain owners list names for sale, one of the last places they think to list names is Facebook. But domainer Mike Mann made a smart move when he decided to list his generic .co domains on his Facebook page. He sold for $3,500. Some of the other domains Mann has listed [ ]
The year 2012 is one of those years that had many ups and downs. According to reports by business analysts, domain sales increased by a margin of 20% with some saying it may be higher. This is mainly attributed to the fact that more and more companies are setting out [ ]
Disputes related to the domain names are becoming very common these days, businesses are becoming very cautious while choosing a domain name for their website. There is a new ongoing battle that has emerged between the owners of the and Good Technology Corporation is a mobility service company [. ]
A new domain extension has been introduced lately under the name .co. This domain is now offering a wide variety of choice in helping to brand your product, helping your brand to be recognized globally. If it’s for personal use, hobby or a way to make money many people seek to [ ]
We all get to benefiting from great deals and discounts from time to time, but have you ever heard someone getting a discount of almost $14,990 on something that originally cost $15,000? Well, believe it or not, but Bruce Marler got this exact discount recently when he tried registering a [. ]
The reviews of the previous year are in, and it has become clear that betting on domain name stocks proved to be a bad choice for investors in 2014. Those who chose to stick with the S P 500 index saw most favorable results at the end of the year. At [. ]
Online scams are hardly new, and everyone online today has received scam emails from Nigerian princes and endless deposed millionaires. However, there are some scam attempts that turn to be so unintentionally hilarious that one cannot help but share them with everyone they know. Maybe they are extremely daring, or [. ]
Domain Name Association, or DNA, is the body that advocates the adoption of new top level domains. They have recently conducted a survey to assess how well aware internet users were about the expansion of TLDs that took place recently. The survey also tried to figure out how people react [. ]
The World Wide Web is a very large database of information and it is very easy to get lost in its throes. In fact, most of the websites and domain names rarely get more than 100,000 visits in their lifetime. This is why it is important to ensure that your [ ]
Getting your brick and mortar business on the verge of internet has become the need of the hour as the authenticity of the businesses is assessed in this, the most popular way. If anybody is interested in your business and wants to purchase the products and services that you are [. ]
Afnic has made the announcement that comes December 8, its existing terms and policies for domain name registration are undergoing a revision. Afnic is responsible for the management of the .FR domain extensions. According to the release issued, the domain registration process will undergo revisions for websites that end with [. ]
Business owners are usually very careful when it comes to picking a name for their brands and avoid choosing a name that may already have a trademark. But no matter how careful or creative you are, there is always a risk that the name you want has been trademarked already, [. ]
In the amended S-1 that GoDaddy filed with the SEC today, the company disclosed its earning details for the third quarter of the year 2014, revealing the fact that the earnings for the company have increased by an impressive 25% for the same quarter year on year. The company is [. ]
A degree from William Mary s Mason School of Business is based on a simple but revolutionary premise: that the most effective way to develop successful business leaders is to provide them with best-in-class instruction and unparalleled opportunities for mentorship and experiential learning.
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The AAA Four Diamond Awarded hotel features 275 guest rooms including 130 spacious Mediterranean styled suites and two famed Presidential Suites, a Donald Ross 18 hole golf course, 10 lighted tennis courts, the signature Palme d’Or restaurant, Biltmore Spa, The Culinary Academy, 75,000 square feet of meeting and function space and is a preferred venue for notable high society events and weddings.
The Biltmore dining experience has something for every taste, from fine dining at the award winning Palme d’Or, romance at Fontana, our Italian courtyard restaurant to casual poolside at Cascade or the 19th Hole. Whether on your next holiday or your next visit to the Biltmore, we look forward to helping you create wonderful memories with your family and friends.
Still haven’t packed enough into your Colorado vacation? Make time to see some of the great Colorado mountain attractions — tour a ghost town near Aspen, sail above the mountains in a balloon over Breckenridge, rock out at a music festival in Telluride, check out the nightlife scene in Vail and try your luck at a casino in Black Hawk, Central City or Cripple Creek.
And that’s still not everything. Tour our craft breweries and wineries. attend a food festival, take a dip in a soothing hot spring, see a Denver Bronco’s game, ride a historic railroad and explore one of 42 Colorado State Parks .
Or throw out the map and stumble onto a geologic wonder, a meandering river or a Rocky Mountain vista to fill your camera’s memory card — some of the best attractions in Colorado are our natural lands.
Pittsburgh, PA, has nine schools within a 25-mile radius that offer criminal justice programs. Based on graduation rates and program offerings, the top three are Point Park University, La Roche College and Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Beaver.
Winner: Point Park University offers both bachelor’s and master’s degrees and is ranked among regional universities by U.S. News World Report .
Runner-Up #1: La Roche College is also ranked among regional universities by U.S. News World Report. It offers bachelor’s degrees.
Runner-Up #2: Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Beaver also offers bachelor’s degrees and features an on-campus lab. |
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Summary: Cancer-associated fibroblasts constitute a functionally heterogeneous mesenchymal cell population in the tumor microenvironment. This ‘At a glance’ article reviews their origin and their pro- and antitumor properties.
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She disappeared off of a beach near bat yam, a suburb of tel aviv, the times of israel reported according to one of the students, a strong current pulled the three of them out deeper to sea while. Congregation sha'arey ha-yam, we offer jewish education along with bar/bat mitzval training through our hebrew school our community is inclusive and welcomes traditional jewish families, jews by choice, interfaith families and singles. But after a decade-long rejuvenation project, bat yam is welcoming and clean, and home to restaurants, cafes, and a growing cultural scene there is design terminal, a hub for designers from. Rabbi warshaw serves as the spiritual leader of temple bat yam in berlin, md, just minutes from ocean city, maryland and the delaware seashore married and the mother of two grown children, the montana native decided to give up a successful career as a concert pianist and teacher to follow her desire to become a rabbi.
Key jewish tours, a travel agency specialized in jewish itineraries in italy, will lead you through the many cultural and historical jewish sites we can organize meetings with local communities and provide for kosher food in all italian cities, using specialized kosher caterers with the certificate of the local rabbinate. Bat yam is only a 20-minute bus ride from tel aviv when traffic is light, but when it comes to arts and culture the sleepy seaside burg doesn’t generally hold a candle to its sophisticated next. Bat yam temple of the islands. Police arrested a 29-year-old resident of bat yam early sunday morning after his wife was found murdered in their apartment in the seaside city.
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Beit chaverim is a group of jews committed to celebrating, practicing, and continuing to learn about our jewish life we currently meet in the homes of our members to celebrate shabbat, simchas, life cycle events, and discuss all things jewish. Matchcomru - the international singles dating website for personals find your perfect match in bat-yam, israel. Encyclopedia of jewish and israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics from anti-semitism to zionism.
Gaash doesn’t just have a great name – located just north of herzliya, it is also the closest natural beach to tel aviv there are places to park, but come prepared for quite a long walk from the car park to the beach. Stephen darori is on facebook join facebook to connect with stephen darori and others you may know facebook gives people the power to share and makes. On monday, december 20 in the blue-collar coastal town of bat yam south of tel aviv, an estimated 150-200 demonstrators held a rally whose theme was “ keeping bat yam jewish” schoolchildren wore t-shirts proclaiming “ bat yam is jewish” while they chanted “ arabs out.
Welcome to israel jewish free online dating site helping to connect lonely hearts around the wolrd for love, marriage, romance and friendship browse thousands of members from any part of the world who serious about finding true love online. Temple bat yam (tby) of east fort lauderdale is a warm and welcoming reform congregation dedicated to exploring and embracing jewish heritage from a liberal perspective the temple encourages lifelong jewish study through its educational programming for children, families and adults. Temple bat yam invites you to share your time and talents to enhance our congregational community whether you have many hours to offer or just a few now and then, you efforts will not go unnoticed and will certainly be appreciated. |
298,177,643 | A well is a hole sunk in the ground to bring water, oil, gas, brine, or other liquids to the surface. Although all sorts of wells are essential today, we will mainly review water wells. The tale of the spread of world is carefully gotten in touch with the discovery that water could be discovered underground. Early male depended on rivers, lakes, and springs for his water supply till he learned, most likely rather by crash, that he might locate water in lots of places by excavating a hole in the ground. The first wells were merely unrefined holes. But guy soon found how to make better wells, which would certainly create more water over longer periods of time. Wells were lined with rock or timber, and later, brick, to keep the walls from caving in. These linings were intentionally made pervious to ensure that the water might go into the well but the soil and sand would certainly be held back.
The tap by wells is called ground water. When rain or snow falls on the surface of the ground, a few of it moves into streams and rivers and accumulates in lakes. This water is called surface water. Some evaporates and returns straight to the ambience with Water well drillers Wiltshire. Some is utilized by expanding plants. The rest permeates downward via the earth until it collects in gaps of rocks or pockets of water-soaked planet product. The top of the water-soaked material is called the water table. Groundwater relocates gradually via the earth products, always seeking a reduced level. Water seeps through the earth in two means. It soaks right into loosened sand or blends of sand and crushed rock until all the spaces between the grains are loaded. Rocks with cracks and other breaks also allow water to go through. These planet products whereby water can relocate are called aquifers. Aquifer is from the Latin for water carrier.
In some areas greater than one aquifer is found under the surface area. A sand-and-gravel aquifer may exist directly on a hard-rock aquifer, or both acquifers might be separated by materials whereby water can stagnate or moves very, very slowly. The water in the reduced aquifer could be trapped under pressure. When a well is pierced, the pressure might require the water in the well above the top of the aquifer. Wells drilled in this kind of ground structure are called artesian wells. If the pressure is fantastic enough, the water actually flows out of the well over ground. This type of well is known as a flowing artesian well.
Locksmith professionals started their clinical research and also art of making and also beating locks a very long time previously. It is just among the earliest types of security design. Basically, this art is the putting together along with developing of locks and their specific techniques. Locks as known to offer security for our houses, companies and also vehicles in addition to it is crucial to have proper defense locks anywhere there is a requirement for them. Nonetheless, one could not be an expert in this field; this is where the services of a locksmith are called for. Locksmiths supply impressive household locksmith solution, business locksmith service and car locksmith solution. These services aid to preserve ourselves run the risk of free and also safeguarded.
Although, suitable, transforming as well as modifying keys of automobiles, houses and organizations to maintain security is still an important part of a locksmith’s work. However, locksmith professionals today are mainly connected with the installment of much better quality lock collections as well as the design, implementation along with administration of keying and important control systems. Nowadays specialists are totally equipped to deal with details particular niche tools that of personal identity such as necessary cards, blink protection and also ID cards, voice as well as bio recognition security systems, biometric finger print analyzers and even more. The market of locksmith specialists is rising at a fast track and there are locksmith specialists who are experts without doubt kinds of safety as well as safety systems auto experts, safes in addition to locker specialists, specialists in auto safety systems and also security design specialists.
Installation of domestic locks in addition to service locks is among the typical locksmith remedies. One could expect the expert locksmith Bronx to be well informed pertaining to the most effective type of secure the marketplace. Some locksmith specialist’s offer personalized as well as progressed locksmith solution in order to improve the defense of one’s residence or organization. This helps in keeping track of the entire place along with the house or commercial framework. There are numerous other gadgets like access control systems, containing intercom systems in addition to phone systems. These are quite useful for business owner that find it necessary to restrict accessibility to particular buildings and/or different other minimal places. In lock out scenarios, experienced locksmiths can get entrance right into the lorry easily, without harming the car by any means.
In the current years, the clinical community has taken numerous new researches to heart concerning the benefits of natural solutions for high cholesterol. Historically, you had the knee jerk feedback from physicians to recommend yet one more medicine to absorb order to eliminate bad cholesterol.
Just recently, with much scientific proof to support the findings, omega three has actually been deemed the latest natural technique to decreasing cholesterol. We have actually always understood that consuming your veggies is important. Nonetheless, leafed environment-friendly vegetables have actually proven to be a fantastic resource of omega 3.
Stating drugs have been extensively recommended to fight high levels of LDL in the blood stream. In a lot of cases, these medications have been shown to be extremely efficient in minimizing low density lipoprotein or LDL. Keep in mind among the key regulations in scientific research, that for every single activity, there is an equivalent response!
Just what this means in the case of stations, is that there is a reaction, or negative effects to taking these manufactured medicines. These medicines which there are numerous brands have been recognized to cause feasible nausea or vomiting, muscle mass pain, and most notably, possible liver damage.
Nevertheless, the latest natural technique to reducing cholesterol is the fats found in omega three. There are a number of foods that are found to have omega 3 fatty acids in wealth. Included in this group of foods are green vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains, and also most importantly fish.
While there are numerous kinds of food containing omega three fats, fish and the oil included in the fish is what makes the fats dhal and pea the newest all-natural technique of lowering cholesterol.
Pea dhal fish oil is some of the most effective type of fat. They are medically confirmed to enhance degrees of hell cholesterol in the body. Maintaining healthy levels of hell or high thickness lipoprotein in the body enables good heart health.
The factor is easy. Hal takes a trip through the blood stream and also gets particulates of sticky LDL as it builds up and stays with the wall surfaces of the arteries. Eating a lot more foods consisting of bad cholesterol brings about greater degrees of cholestifin pret bad cholesterol that creates plaque to develop in the arteries.
As this process proceeds in time, the blood circulation to your heart and also mind is limited. Your brain and heart require nutrients as well as oxygen in order to stay healthy and balanced. Pea dhal fish oil full of necessary fats combat bad cholesterol by removing the flow methods of the arteries.
Since pea dhal fish oil has been shown to advertise good cholesterol through greater degrees of hell, scientific research thinks about these as the most recent all-natural technique to decreasing cholesterol.
There are several main reasons why people suffer from joint pain, starting from injury to joints to arthritis. Joint parts also turn out to be broken from abnormal exercise or they also simply degrade following time. If you are experiencing joint pain you ought to start with schedule an appointment with the local physician to ensure that he can accurately decide why you have pain and following that choose how wise to treat it. Therapies can range from the created specifically workout program, to medicine and physical therapy.
When going to along with your physician, the 1st check can be to determine whether joint inflammation is the reason behind your pain. If you have arthritis then it is advisable to discuss what possibilities are offered to you, and which may best suit your needs. Whatever span of therapy is suggested, in case you have arthritis, physical rehabilitation will be part of the plan. A physical counselor will talk about your position together with your medical doctor and collectively they may create a strategy of cure for you. Workouts will include those that encourage free joints activity, reinforce your bones and aid in reducing ache and firmness. In case you are by any means over weight, an added exercise will likely assist you to decrease your excess weight; as a result reduce the tension that being overweight spots on the important joints.
Medication is usually suggested for soreness, as well as to reduce the effects of joint disease on your system. Analgesics, or soreness killers are typically recommended, along with non-steroidal contra –inflammation related prescription drugs to help reduce joint swelling and sickness changing contra –rheumatic prescription drugs. When consumed conjunction, these drugs will assist with inflamaya gel pareri as well as will reverse any harm presently carried out to your joints.
There are actually a number of supplements that can give natural support for those enduring with joint inflammation. Typical natural vitamins recommended for joint disease victims are Nutritional vitamins A, C and E. Glucosamine can also be often advised, as it might really support repair damaged cartilage, plus helps prevent further more injury to your bones by hazardous enzymes. Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids will also be deemed very helpful with regards to reducing soreness of joints and in addition they promote healthy the flow of blood from the important joints also. Other dietary supplements often regarded are Aloe-Vera and Emu Gas, each of which also reduces joint puffiness and soreness.Quite often, finding respite from joint pain emanates from attempting a variety of stuff in conjunction with one another. What can help a single person might not be as effective in somebody else’s situation. It is essential to work with your medical professional to test to get the best and many suitable solution for you.
Dishonesty could ruin the video game experience for some gamers, however, for restless players that wish to open all the video game’s keys, cheat codes are a true blessing in camouflage. Cheat codes are a series of passwords, keystrokes, or various other devices made use of to open attributes and also rewards, or to assist the gamer to complete the video game. Cheat codes are occasionally made use of by video game designers to debug or assess imperfections in the video game; occasionally, the cheat codes stay with the video game code when the video game is launched. Some video game authors as well as designers might actively place cheat codes right into the video game to please players.
For a password to be effectively called a Visual Stories cheat code, it should straight influence the gameplay. Aesthetic results as well as brand-new audio impacts from a secret password are ruled out cheat codes. Right here is several of one of the most typical cheat codes in computer game. Unlimited sources might include even more credit histories or mana to a gamer’s source swimming pool or mana meter. Some cheat codes could eliminate caps, and also simply offer you endless sources to deal with no clip is a cheat code made use of at work video games as well as shooter video games, and also offers you the capability to go through wall surfaces as well as various other barriers. great guide on how to play likewise provide you the capacity to fly unlocked degrees could consist of secret degrees or areas that could just be accessed with a cheat code unlocked capacities as well as tools, consisting of unlimited ammo as well as brand-new spells, could be achieved with cheat codes.
The internet is your finest source for cheats. There are few video games without a cheat code, as well as there is no video game around that is entirely cheat-proof. Below are a few of the cheat codes as well as dishonesty devices you could obtain from the internet actual codes. You could merely kind nitty-gritty in an internet search engine; include cheats to the search string, as well as you could discover a selection of cheat codes on the web. Keep in mind to browse securely, since lots of cheats could have spyware or malware. Technique overviews and also walkthroughs are message files which contain the total information on how you can play as well as finish a video game.
It could be a complete story for a parlor game, techniques for a first-person shooter, or the full move list for a combating video game. Conserved video games are normally made use of for console as well as computer video games, where every little thing has actually been opened. Conserved personalities for parlor games might additionally be utilized to offer you a head-start in a video game, although cheated and also hacked personalities could quickly be discovered in multiplayer video games. Fitness instructors are utilized for numerous video games where the producer did not leave or launch a cheat code. A fitness instructor is a program that runs in the history of the video game, and also manipulates technicalities in the programs code to permit a cheat. The cheat is triggered with a collection of hotkeys, generally bound to any one of the feature tricks f1 to f12. Cheat equipment. When video games still worked on cartridges, the game genie was a preferred item of equipment made use of to input cheat codes. Comparable cheat equipment likewise consists of pro action replay and also game shark.
My youngest child has autism. He established it after his MMR vaccination as well as whilst I do not think it was the sole reason for his long-lasting impairment; I am directly persuaded it was a contributory factor. The main cause, I think, was mercury.
The MMR however is a contentious concern. Numerous parents choose not to allow their youngsters to have it. They believe, rightly or wrongly, that to offer 3 live viruses all at once to their young spawn whilst their body immune systems are still establishing is going also far.
Nonetheless, it currently appears there are possible propositions to include an additional infection to the mix with the intro of Chickenpox. Naturally, I assume that truly is too much but that is just my opinion.
Chickenpox is a highly contagious condition brought on by an infection and also results in red, itchy bumps as well as sores. It normally appears on the face, trunk and also upper limbs. It is rather unpleasant and very undesirable but is usually an approved childhood illness. Not for much longer though, a minimum of if some members of the medical occupation have their method. As it is an avoidable illness they feel it should be just that.
Chickenpox is caught either by air-borne beads via coughs as well as sneezes and also less most likely through straight contact with its damaged blisters. The biggest trouble with Chickenpox is you can be infected for numerous days before the venum pro shows up which is when you are most transmittable. You might really feel sick but have no evident places, and as the infection duration lasts up until all the blisters have formed scabs, there is a great risk of unintentionally passing the Chickenpox on.
Typically speaking this is not a significant issue but there are particular high-risk groups for which the infection might create problems. Pregnant females must definitely beware as it could damage their expected youngster, and anybody with Cancer cells, HIV or a weakened body immune system should take care.
Chickenpox looks awful and also the irritation is usually excruciating. Individuals are frequently suggested to cut their nails actually brief and wear gloves so they do not maintain scratching the blisters, which can obtain infected, or leave irreversible marks. Sales of Calamine lotion really skyrocket when there is a Chickenpox epidemic around.
I remember my autistic kid captured Chickenpox at the age of about 5 or 6. It was prior to we resulted from go on vacation as well as by the time we triggered his little body was covered in areas. Nonetheless, the physician guaranteed us he was no more infectious so we waged our plans.
At that point in time he had wonderful trouble in social circumstances, favored his very own business, really did not like groups and also was really sensitive to sound, so for him the timing of his Chickenpox was a real blessing. |
64,809,529 | Many young people came into the job market during or immediately after the last recession. They had it tough, and some of them still do. They want to work and they want to prove themselves.
This isn’t to say that many older people don’t understand the latest digital technology, but for younger generations or the ‘App Generation’, it’s always been the norm.
Youth is a time of change and flexibility. As a result, young people are adaptable and willing to learn new skills and usually eager to work in new areas or locations. Older people can be adaptable too but it’s likely that they are much more set in their ways after years of working.
Confused by Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, SnapChat, Instagram and dozens of others? Younger people aren't – and they can use social media to reach customers, prospects and future business partners.
They have the time, energy and interest to keep up to date with the latest products and services. They can help you adapt quickly to these trends, and they can act as focus groups for your targeted marketing campaigns.
Workers with experience usually come with a premium price tag. But someone just starting out in their career will usually have a lower expectation of salary. While you should still pay them fairly, it does mean you might be able to hire two younger people for the cost of one more experienced employee.
Not every business will benefit from hiring younger people. A lot depends on the type of company you run. For example, a busy, high-tech business would be a good match. Before deciding whether you should start hiring younger people, consider these points:
Younger people tend to be creative and open to new ideas, willing to challenge conventional wisdom and shake things up. This is often beneficial but sometimes difficult to manage. Can your business handle it?
Some younger people are very ambitious. Can you offer a career ladder for them? If not, think carefully about who you hire, as they may outgrow your business quickly.
Younger people have a lot of energy, and when channelled properly this can be hugely beneficial to your business. Make sure you understand this need, and that your business can harness it.
Younger people are often still learning about their identity, both personally and at work. Give them the space to find out what they're good at, blaze their own trail and they'll reward you with their achievements.
Wanting to hire young people is one thing – but will they want to work for you? Here are some of the ways you can make your business more appealing:
Money is important, of course. But once basic financial needs have been met, other factors come into play. Think about job satisfaction, stability, working environment and benefits.
It helps if your business is an ethical one with a positive reputation, because young people like to know they're making a difference to the world.
Younger people tend to be team players, wanting to be involved in a successful team with other skilled and creative individuals. So make sure you build your team wisely.
Conventional recruitment agencies might not be the best option here, as a lot of younger people won't be on their books. Instead, think about places where skilled and intelligent young people are likely to be found:
Meetups through websites such as can be a great place to start if you want to hire young people who are passionate about a specific topic.
Freelancer and oDesk are good places to start if you’re looking for young people who are eager to work.
Today it can be hard for a young person to get a job without experience – and hard to get experience without a job. Offering internships and trial hiring periods could be beneficial for you and for your new employees, as long everyone is treated fairly.
Confused by Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, SnapChat, Instagram and dozens of others? Younger people aren't.
Demonstrate to them that there is a career path for them within your organisation. Whether they take you up on it or not, young people are motivated by opportunity and knowing they have options. One of the biggest detractors for young people is working in a job that they see no future or opportunity for progression.
Work collaboratively with them to create unique goals with measurable outcomes and regularly review their performance. Quarterly works well, particularly as they are eager to learn and this will help them feel as though they are progressing.
Develop a channel for them to provide feedback and ideas for the organisation. The younger generation value being a part of the bigger picture and knowing that they are contributing. They will often come up with things that are quite different to your older and more experienced staff members, but in many cases these will be very valuable contributions.
You may think texting in sick to work is unprofessional – but for them it is a completely acceptable form of communication. If you do have strict policies around how things should happen, that’s fine – just communicate this to them from day one and they’ll stick to it. Younger employees actually respond well to policies, systems and processes as it means they don’t need to assume how things work.
If you’re able to, provide a flexible working environment. Younger people can be very productive on their mobile devices (provided all of your systems are cloud-based). You may find they don’t necessarily need to be stuck in an office behind a desk all the time in order to perform their jobs effectively. If you have set clear goals for their role, give them the freedom to achieve them in their own way.
Do this through weekly team meetings, or regular catch ups. This enables you to monitor how they are progressing and gives them an opportunity to raise challenges they may be facing. Young people like accountability and genuinely want to be given direction.
Young people have a strong desire to work for organisations that they are passionate about. Involve them in the vision and teach them how to be as passionate about your organisation as you are. Sometimes you may feel like a broken record, but repetition is sometimes what is needed to get your younger employees enthisiastic and excited.
As we've shown, the benefits of hiring younger people and having a youth employment programme are significant. Younger people are often adaptable and creative, with a thirst to learn and be part of a team doing great work.
While not all of your staff need to be young, with the right mix of young and experienced employees, your business will have the best of both worlds. The increased energy, creativity and drive might even encourage you to reconsider some of your own attitudes to work and business – for the better.
Dieses junge Girl steht auf ältere Männer und der Opa, findet das junge Teen Girl auch recht attraktiv und man merkt auch schon, dass er richtig geil auf die kleine geworden ist. Am Anfang stellt sie sich jedoch etwas an, dann lässt sie sich aber schnell treten, nachdem der ihr die Hose aufgemacht hat seinen Finger in ihre Dose gesteckt hat. Dann lässt sie sich von ihm geil nehmen beide haben Spaß daran, das so geil zu Sache geht. |
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1. Think Abundantly – Your thoughts are ultimately what control your reality. For example, if you think abundantly, you will attract abundance. People are like magnets and attract to them the energies they put out into the universe. Ever notice how you tend to attract like-minded people? Your thoughts are a powerful tool that should be used wisely. So focus on positive thoughts.
4. Use Words wisely. Find yourself cursing, swearing and using vulgar words? You will need to correct this habit. Words have an emotional energy to them. They start from seeds of thoughts. Words reflect what you think. So if you notice what you are saying is negative, start to make necessary changes,cheap oakley sunglasses.
7,karen millen. Express Gratitude – Get into the habit of expressing your gratitude daily. Express your thanks for all the blessings that you enjoy: the earth,louboutin, the moon, your body, family, life and so on. Be connected with joy. When you express your gratitude, the Universe blesses you with more!
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Living a life of abundance is only a dream for some. However, living a life of true happiness does not have to remain a fantasy. The possibility of becoming happy is as much of a possibility as anything else. Don’t know where to start? Consider making some effective changes to your habits. Your habits are actions and behavior that you are regularly energetically engaged in. You have already manifested your current situation with your existing habits, words and behavior. Hence, in order to change your reality, consider making changes to your habitual patterns. The following are seven habits which you can develop or change in order to manifest for abundance:
2. Emotional Clearing – Your negative emotions can get you down,louboutin. To manifest for abundance, it is important that you are in a positive vibrational state. Get into the habit of regular emotional clearing work. Instead of putting them aside,hollister uk, allow yourself to be present with what you actually feel. Holding a sense of equanimity, you will find their energies dissipating,michael kors watches.
5. Surround Yourself with Positive People – People who are miserable do not want you to be happy and will do everything they can to hold you back from achieving your dreams,lunettes ray ban. Realize that they do not have control over you, although it may seem that way. Don’t be in the habit of hanging out with negative people,abercrombie france. In every way you can, surround yourself with people who are positive,ray ban, loving and uplifting.
Make use of peppers to spice up your meals as well as increase your metabolism! They do not add taste or color to your foods but prevents you from overeating. They contain an alkaloid substance called capsaicin, responsible for the hot taste and acts as an appetite suppressant. According to a research,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], capsaicin stimulates certain chemical processes within the body which induce thermogenesis, the way our body produces energy in the form of heat,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], which in turn increases body temperature. This ultimately leads to a boost in your metabolism.
You should have milk every day. It is a healthy source of calcium,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], which provides increases in body's core temperature that boost your metabolism,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], burning more bodily fats. Milk also contains complex carbohydrates, keeping insulin levels low. Low insulin levels translate to increased metabolism.
Breakfast is the most important meal of your day! When you start your morning with a good hearty and healthy breakfast, you will experience higher energy levels which mean you can burn more calories while working. When you work with an empty stomach,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], your body burns fewer calories as it needs to conserve until food is available. So if you want to lose weight,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], start your day with a good breakfast! It will fuel your body and amplify metabolic rate. The following are some great foods you can add into your daily breakfast.
Including eggs in breakfast is one of the healthiest and tastiest ways to kick start your metabolism for the day. Egg contains a good amount of protein. Protein takes more energy to be digested than carbohydrates or fats. The greater the amount of protein intake,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the harder it is for your body to digest it, therefore burning more calories.
Honey is also a great food for fat loss purposes. Honey has been reported to curb your appetite. It contributes to a healthy metabolic rate by making you eat less, causing your body to burn excess body fat instead of food for energy. Having a mixture of two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a small amount of honey will certainly help to increase your metabolism to a higher rate, resulting in more fat loss.
A wedding can be done in a very reasonable budget if certain things related to these halls are kept in mind. Try and visit as many halls as possible. The rates that they offer are not the same everywhere. So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you never know,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], may be a little bit of search can provide you with some huge lot of benefit. You can usually get few discounts which at this point of time is really a blessing. It is also necessary that you check all the things; whether you are getting the things that you are supposed to be provided. If there are any problems you can always consult with the provider.
It is very important to book these halls first. The booking usually has to be done days or rather months before your wedding. Choosing a perfect and suitable location and also a location that is easily accessible is very much necessary. These Reception Halls have specific number of accommodation; this makes the work easy for you. After this comes the shopping for the hall. It is better that you start the work few months before because that helps you to make some changes if necessary. These halls are gaining more popularity also because it is cheap and affordable. You can hire this hall as per your budget. This makes the work much easier. All you have to do is plan your budget and go for the hunt. There are halls for higher budgets as well. These halls look nothing less than a palace. So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], if you have enough to spend then you will have a lot to gain. There are halls that provide the decoration facilities along with their package. Much of the stress is cut down due to these special facilities. Bookings are done according to the facilities that you want. There are halls which provide air-conditions,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but you can also cut that off it does not fall into your budget.
Now-a-days,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it is not even necessary for you to go and hunt around for these Wedding Reception Halls. The internet makes it all the more easy for you. Sitting at home,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], right in front of your computer can give you all the locations of these halls. After getting the location it is just the visiting and finalizing that is left. And then of course is the wedding,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the union of two souls in a place that would remain in the memories forever.
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Wedding is such an occasion that a person cherishes for the entire life. So the venue should be grand. You would definitely want it to be beautifully arranged and decorated. No compromises are perhaps acceptable in this case. So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], what would be a better thing than a ready-made place being available? All you have to do is go in hunt of a perfect looking Banquet Halls. These halls have come out as a great help for the marriages. Carrying out such a big event at home is not something that is very easy. So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], this is the place you must opt for.
Self-assessment and integration: As the acceptance and understanding grows the threat of relapse decreases. This is the time when the experts should try to explore the events, situations,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and triggers that might have been the reason for relapse in the past.
Every drug rehab alcohol rehab follows specific principles that help to create a successful relapse prevention plan. There are several components to this program,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], some of which include:
PAWS or post-acute withdrawal syndrome is one of the biggest reasons for a drug relapse. It sets in right after the removal of detox subsides,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but often tends to stay for months and even years after the drug rehab treatment program is complete. Symptoms like anxiety, depression, cognitive impairment and constant physical pain,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], compel several sufferers to return to their old habit. Due to this, several good clinics have been compelled to make mitigation of these symptoms their top priority.
Although drug relapse is a very common occurrence it is terrifying and confusing for a person. The problem normally strikes unexpectedly even if the addict has been meticulous with the post-treatment recovery. The reasons for a relapse may depend on the addict’s personal circumstances,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], recovery efforts,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], drug abused and post-acute withdrawal syndrome.
Drug addiction is a neurological problem and even though doctors have devised effective treatment methods victims might still face constant risk of relapse. The changes that occur in an addict’s brain are permanent,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], so even those dedicated to the recovery treatment will experience cravings after completing a rehabilitation program. Effectively dealing with this problem is essential and can only be done through professional drug rehabs.
Drug rehab programs and centers are important to escape from the cruel phases of addiction. However, it is equally essential to analyze the programs on offer and the qualification of the staff before choosing a facility. This is due to the fact that detoxification from any hard drug can result in death from health problems brought on by PAWS symptoms. Taking drug treatment from a medically equipped and professional drug rehab center ensures complete safety.
Stabilization and self-regulation: Stabilization is an essential part of the detox process. Stabilization comprises of several elements,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], including resolution of interpersonal and situational crises that threaten sobriety,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], recuperation from associated stress and the establishment of a daily structure.
A relapse prevention plan is basically a program or a strategy to assist drug abusers to cope effectively and persistently with the triggers in their environments that can cause a return to dependency. Such prevention is about integrating new strategies to overcome all kinds of challenges, potential issues and situations that might have wreaked havoc in the past and plunged an addict deeper into addiction.
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Structure: Daily structure can include several things such as diet, stress management,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], regular meetings with the therapists, exercise and self-help groups. Stabilization is an important component of not just the recovery, but of relapse prevention as well. The process helps a person to self-regulate judgment, feelings, behavior and several other feelings. The risk of relapse is highest during stabilization and is normally in the best interest of the addict that it is performed in a controlled environment.
Will they be a website that turns professionals at kretchmer dentistry along with squads,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], or maybe could they be a separately held enterprise the places you will probably be handling the proprietor? Are you interested in an avid personal as well as distinct squad in each and every scheduled visit, in lieu of regularly getting fresh people in the home? It is deemed an necessary determination to produce,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], mainly because it covers a person's sensation of to safeguard on your own and your loved ones.
Instead of Cleaning Service Tampa the item on your own, moaning to an unsympathetic cleaning provider or simply transitioning services totally,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], require some prevention methods by just employing a Tampa bay property cleaning service which provides a 100 per-cent cleaning promise with their operate. More to the point,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], use a Polk housekeeping business which embraces the chance to mail the particular cleaning workforce out to do the position -- whether it be non commercial cleaning products and services, commercially made cleaning products and services or otherwise not.
Exactly what once was considered your home-based job in addition to minimal shelling out,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], minimal skilled position, service repair comes much. Specialist Cleaning Service Tampa these days supply a wide array of expertise that permit just about every company owner the cabability to modify the correct choices to keep the office or perhaps private establishing glistening clean.
A number of businesses which includes doctor's offices,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], producers,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], international airports and in many cases motels make use of solutions of an janitor or cleaning need to maintain their own cleaning and also care needs that may include things like patio furniture from cleaning carpeting and rugs to preserving the gardening. Your task would be to work your online business not really be a cleaning service. Simply by choosing a expert cleaning firm you may improve your the perfect time to turn out to be spent for that which you carry out perfect for your company. This is also very important to workforce while employment pleasure is actually increased by way of building nice and clean company along with permitting them to take full advantage of their own precious time for that certain roles these folks were employed designed for.
Providers which are experts in each individual company oftentimes conduct these facilities. But when purchasing a source organization check his or her qualifications and operations before getting these individuals. Each and every Cleaning Service Tampa shows they actually do a superb position. By sources you may reduce a good later headache through picking the right provider right away. Some businesses also provide video clips on-line that demonstrate the incredible to deliver an outstanding position jewel cleaning a place of work, wax floor surfaces, cleaning carpeting and rugs,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and a lot more. Being able to see the grade of work through video clips is a wonderful method to see whether the corporation is right for your business.
While you employ a Cleaning Service Tampa provider, the worst thing on earth you would expect to complete is actually tidy up following these are ended up. However commonly, that may be just what ends up developing. They did not clean your home flooring. They did not clean your pet head of hair heli-copter flight couch. They did not dust particles laptop television screen or some different over the desk for instance. No matter the oversight,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], i can agree that your housecleaning service and also professional cleaning services are possibly not conference ones requirements,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], yet you will be expected to cash.
Place Cleaning Service Tampa companies are normally independently owned and operated. Other people a lot more business throughout structure, together with supervision overseeing teams of house products. Settle on which type of home cleaning company you would feel most at ease with. Do you want precise cleaning for just about every session as opposed to just cleaning service company? The majority of the business house maid providers concentrate more about always keeping your home tidy and neat,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], obtaining the laundry washing done, shifting your bedding as well as doing the dishes. Some other property cleaning organizations will certainly focus on the cleaning details, finding guiding in addition to beneath details regularly. Which will can you desire and also precisely what do you really need in hot water your capacity to purchase you have got set aside to get qualified property cleaning?
This genuine and highly-regarded online copier staples distributor has got their fulfillment centers located in the East and West Coast of all fifty states of the nation along with Canada,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and Caribbean islands. Every one of these possibilities makes it very simple for this brand name to supply to the huge base of their clients’ requirements more promptly without any sort of stoppage in the procedure. The very popular canon staples of various models are obtainable here at an extremely reasonable price. Several other staples on sale here are the world famous bizhub staples and sharp staples. These are considered to be the finest of staples offered by Copier Staples. Always make sure get the best product for your machine as this makes sure the longevity of it. Laying your hand on the best staple for the machine of any client is nowadays very easy as the genuine staple Store offers its valued clients the finest option to pick from a huge array of manufacturers obtainable and their tools and branded model. Thus,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the clients can with ease pick their selection. The whole process is no very much transparent and dependable benefitting the end-users.
The planet without technology and that to without the presence of any sort of gadget would be just like a barren land filled with potholes. There is nothing better than the modern technology and it multiple area of usage. Every product that we see nowadays in our life is the offering of modern science and innovative mindset of new generation human beings. The very well-regarded staple store of Copier Staples has made good amount of popularity among its clientele base for offering top-notch quality of service and first-rate quality every time. The level of dedication shown by this team has made them earn the position of leader in the market for their particular product. Clients have got the scope of changing the staples which they have previously ordered. This is applied to cases where the client do not like it or the staple does not fit the machine. The clients can even ask for money back of the aforesaid price for the product in cases where they do not find it suitable with their requirement. In case if there is any sort of damage at some stage in the shipping process,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], then the client will right away get in touch with the carrier and ask for the damage made by the procedure. If the client wishes to learn anything about their rightful return policy then without any sort of problem or hesitation they can email the concerned employee for the particular part. If any more clarification or guidance is wanted the clients can even come to a live chat with the customer care executives at any point of time and clear all the queries. The Copier Staples distributor USA sells a variety of staples online. They have a huge base of client throughout the nation and the number is steadily increasing every year for their quality offering and fine dealing.
Seriously, I understand. It’s tough to revamp your script into a whiteboard sales story. Especially if your boss is breathing down your neck. And your sales director is demanding better numbers in this quarter.
Top sales performers are selling more using whiteboard presentations. Are you ready to gain this skill and gain an almost unfair advantage?
But now you know the secret. Be more conversational. Weave your facts and data into your field script, like adding spices into a meal. Organize your message around stories. Use your conversational style to deepen the connection with clients and prospects.
How can you look like a pro selling with stories at the whiteboard? To achieve results,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you’ll want to use whiteboards to increase interaction and get people talking. Learn the top 3 secrets to gain a competitive edge.
When you do this,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you’ll be shocked. You don’t talk the way you write. This is why it’s much easier to start with talking…and then build the field script based in your authentic style of speaking.
By using these 3 secrets in your whiteboard selling stories,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you’ll stand out in any crowd. How will you know? Your clients will pay attention. They’ll stay with you from beginning to end. And they’ll ask the all-important question, “What is our next step together?”
But one thing is sure. Once we’d finished, you’d have a solid formula for showing and telling. And you’d be absolutely confident that this formula works. As the workout experts tell us: no pain,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], no gain.
Here’s a tip my clients love: tape yourself. Talk with a colleague. Give your presentation. Tape yourself. Then, transcribe the tape. You’ll have your actual words, sentence structure and style.
But put all those external pressures aside for one minute. I want to share with you the top 3 secrets that will give you a terrific lead over your competition—both on your sales team and against other companies.
What’s the right balance for your field script? Test it out. If you and I were sitting side-by-side, here’s what we’d do.
Whiteboard selling is built on set of principles and rules. If you know the rules, you will get ahead. If you race past these principles and try to wing it on your own, you won’t get too far. It’s your choice.
In short,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you are yourself. You’re natural and animated. Now…contrast this with a formal, business presentation. Even at the whiteboard, many professionals aim for being overly formal.
And yes, you’d get mad. You’d fight against some of the things I say. No one loves hearing that his or her favorite example is long-winded. No one is too thrilled to find out that they are rambling—especially when they believe they’re being brief and concise.
Caution: this skill is not for the faint at heart. If you’d rather keep doing the same thing you did last quarter or last year, go ahead. But don’t come crying when your numbers plummet—and your teammates fly past you.
Visual storytelling is a blend of showing and telling. There’s a specific tension between the two. Too much telling and you’ll bore your audience to tears. Too much showing…and you’ll lose them with examples,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], graphic clutter and information overwhelm.
It is not only drivers that can make a motorway accident compensation claim; passengers are also able to apply for compensation. Even if you're a passenger involved in an accident try to collect the contact details of all the drivers,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Route - Looking at a map or directions while driving is not encouraged,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. By using a satellite navigation device that has verbal instructions you are able to keep your eyes on the road. If you do not have one of these devices thinking ahead is the best idea so you know the route in advance,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
If you can take pictures of the other vehicles involved showing where each vehicle was located and the damage to each vehicle.
If you sustain any injuries from the accident no matter how small make a note of them (you could also take pictures), in addition to keeping any medical bills.
Nobody wants to be caught up in an accident or have to consider applying for motorway accident compensation so to reduce the likelihood of getting injured there are some important things you should remember:
In some ways motorways aren't as dangerous as smaller roads as there are less accidents per mile travelled. Regrettably because of the speed of traffic on these big roads collisions that do happen are likely to be more severe, sometimes with a number of vehicles involved. In these cases there may be lots of people who can make a motorway accident compensation claim.
The first thing you need do is write down the time and date of the accident, including the precise location if you can.
You ought to also take down the vehicle specifics; registration number,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], make and model of the vehicle, colour and number of passengers in each car.
Braking distance - If you fail to allow enough braking distance between your car and the vehicle in front you might wind up in a collision. Weather conditions will have an impact on the stopping distance,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], meaning you need to adapt to the circumstances and allow additional room if necessary.
Even if there are a large number of cars involved look to gain all the contact details of everyone (both drivers and passengers). Ask for their names, addresses, telephone numbers, as well as driver insurance information.
Speed - Speed limitations were introduced for everyone’s safety, too much speed, especially when the weather is bad can result in accidents.
Foul weather is a particularly frequent cause of motorway accidents. Water on the road can lead to reduced traction causing drivers to swerve, or visibility may be affected by fog. Other common causes include: driving whilst tired and impatient drivers refusing to leave the necessary braking distance. Any motorway accident can lead to a compensation claim no matter what the cause.
When dealing with your compensation claim professionals will need to determine what actually occurred and who is at fault, to help them aim to take down anything you remember,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], e.g. the weather conditions, specific road markings,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], estimated vehicle speeds and if the other cars had on their lights or indicators.
Left lane - The left lane is typically the least dangerous as you only need to be concerned about vehicles on one side. If you need to pass another vehicle do so carefully and move back to the left lane once you have overtaken,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Regrettably even the best driver ever could be involved an accident particularly because other road users may do things you wouldn't expect. If you're unlucky enough to be affected by this there are a few steps you can take that can assist your motorway accident compensation claim:
but view these descriptions with a grain of salt. loan installment,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Especially so when an unexpected expenditure crops up or you are in urgent need of money? one of the spouses must be recognized at fault to proceed with the divorce. The fee charged by the person will be a rough estimated as the amount of legal work involved is not very clear. that they would be released in advance to receive such benefits. prepaid calling cards can be very handy. child protection and visitation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], A plain divorce case may absorb ten or more hours of a lawyer's time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the net is international and so there are numerous people who have identical product offerings.
attractive, buses,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and seat upholstery. If there is no hole,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Take note that not all garage doors are, information dumping,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Handy produce analyzer equally assists people to stage out your precise person that requires inside a particular transgression. there is no point attending a trade show display if you have not told anyone that you will be at the trade show. Trade shows generate leads. but if you were to look closely you will shocked at how much of dirt a carpet is capable of holding.
the process of cleaning that a professional has is far superior to anything else. there is always the choice of lead generation to use. Business lead generation should not sound like a plain business transaction to the listeners. reasonable rates, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the legal transcripts as well as the time frames. Just search on net. The listed packers and movers on these directories provide the quality services to client because if these directories’ get the complained against the any listed member they will black list and cancel the membership. Going out for a test run (most especially for landing pages and other images that suggest a call to action to customers) of the website is a very effective way in looking for efficiency or inefficiency. you can make a Beta Version of it and run it for at least three months to know of glitches and read for feedback. The chauffeurs are very well trained and make sure that they follow their timings well and pick you up at the specific time right from your door step and then drop you back after your prom evening back home.
These travellers can hire a Mississauga limo to have them picked up from the airport at a particular time and leave them at the hotel or wherever they are required and also drop off to the airport,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
If you are looking to generate business from your website then it is necessary to make sure that it is ranked high on the search engines,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. But if no one is visiting your website then this is of no use!! If your site is not ranked high on the search engines then you could be losing large amount of online business
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220,245,652 | Joan Chen doesn't look like a rebel this afternoon, whatwith her perfectly pressed, couture-quality, chiffon dress and the lengthof her flapper-style bob brushing a soft, spa-toned cheek. Nevertheless,she seems as braced for a barrage of questions as she must have been twoyears ago when she defied the Chinese government, filming her politicallyvolatile directorial debut on the sneak in Shanghai and on the Tibetanborder.
An affecting condemnation of the Communists' 1970s CulturalRevolution policies as seen through the eyes of a teenage girl, "XiuXiu: The Sent Down Girl" has since beenbanned -- along with Chen herself -- from the country in which it takesplace.
"I was ready to be kicked out any moment (during production),"she said with a look of brazen memory crossing her face. "I actuallykept a producer in the United States, so (if) I got kicked out...I wasfully get everything ready for me (here).
The highly acclaimed film -- it swept the Golden Horseawards (the Taiwanese Oscars) and has been the buzz of several U.S. festivalssince late last year -- was also produced by Chen and adapted by Chen andYan Geling, the author of the short story on which the film is based.
It accounts the plight of a happy-go-lucky teenager calledXiu Xiu, whose life is torn asunder when she's forced to leave her familyand is cast into effective servitude to learn a practical trade for thegood of The People.
This "sent down" policy, as it was known by thepopulation it effected (mostly educated middle class Chinese who weren'tconnected enough to get strings pulled for their children), saw thousandsof kids leave home, many never to return again after they were strandedby this government directive which had by then outlived its usefulness.
Chen and Yan, who became friends when Yan was writing Chen'sbiography, both grew up in this era and saw many friends dispatched toremote regions by this policy.
"I think I was about 6 years old when I first sawneighborhood children being sent down," Chen says of growing up inChina in the '70s. "Geling joined the army at age 12. I was chosento be an actress at age 14. We were both luckier than Xiu Xiu."
Played by a beautiful, spirited and talented 15-year-oldnamed Lu Lu -- the daughter of one of Yan's friends, who has won two bestactress awards for this performance -- the heroine of the film is exiledto the remote prairies of Tibet to learn cavalry from a reclusive, weather-beatenhorse herder. Made to live in a small, ramshackle army surplus tent ona hillside, and all but abandon by the government, she becomes disillusioned,turning to prostitution, in an attempt to bribe a pass home out of militarypassersby. The consequences, and her eventually abandon hope, are tragic.
Now safe at home in San Francisco, where she lives withher physician husband, Chen recalls the steps she and her crew took toavoid detection by a government that disapproved so strongly of the storyin her film.
"We worked from 7 at night to 7 in the morning (onthe sound stage scenes)," she says in a bold, still-defiant voicethat betrays her determination on this labor of love project. "Wewere like the vampires of the studio."
Yan, who has come to the Bay Area to help Chen promotethe film, chimes in. "We went there (for) the scenery. She had anidea she might make it somewhere else, but she needed to see what Tibetlooks like."
"But after she saw (Tibet)," Yan finishes, "shethought, 'no replacement.' Absolutely no place in the world looks likethat."
Then Chen laughs, "Plus, where do you find yaks inAmerica? We (would have had to) put hair on bison or (do) makeup jobs forthe cows. And also, of course, Tibetan people around to give you authenticity."
Told the uniqueness and remoteness of the landscape comesthrough beautifully in the film's breathtaking, panoramic cinematography,the rookie director smiles and says, "It was really an interestingpart of the story because of the isolation that was so real. (Xiu Xiu)was completely isolated, and I felt it (there)."
The fact that it the film captures that isolation was somethingshe didn't know for sure until long after the shoot was over and she hadreturned to the United States to edit the film. Because they were shootingsecretly, she did not develop or look at a foot of celluloid until shewas safely home.
"(Geling) told me the story before she wrote it, andI found it very compelling." Chen says, glancing with admiration ather friend. "And when I read it, it was astoundingly beautiful. Shehas a genius for words, but also, the way it was written was very visual,very sensual, and I could picture a poignantly beautiful film just by readingit."
Then in 1996, while serving on the jury at the Berlin FilmFestival during a year apparently featuring a lopsided number of dark films,Chen began writing the script. "I gave (Geling) a call from Germanyand said 'Oh, all these urban despair movies!' I wanted to get out thereto the Tibetan sky and I wanted to transfigure something different andbeautiful."
"Xiu Xiu" became her directorial debut, saysChen, because "I love this story, and there was no other responsibilityI could assume."
"I couldn't play anything in the film (none of thecharacters are her age) and wanting to tell the story, I decided to writethe script. Then (Geling and I) worked on it together, then we went toTibet together. When I was in front of this piece of sky and terrain, themovie was born to me."
With "Xiu Xiu" so well received, directing issomething Chen intends to do again very soon -- she and actress Gong Li("Chinese Box") are planning to shoot another Chineselanguage film called "Fusang" -- but she would rather stay awayfrom producing in the future.
"The raising of money is not what I do best. I can'teven keep a straight account for my house. My husband pays the bills. Theproducing part, the details of finance, I would never do again."
As for braving the official wrath of the world's secondmost populous nation, that's probably behind her as well, although asidefrom the pain of her banishment, as far as Chen knows, there's been relativelylittle backlash against her cast and crew, all of whom still live there.
"I talked to Lopsang (the actor who played the herder)and he said they had him interviewed, investigated and wrote sort of aself-criticism, but that's it."
An intriguing hybrid of fiction and documentary, this film chronicles the dismantling of a notorious...
Lee Mack's Award-winning Not Going Out: Brand New Series Returns To Bbc One On Friday 5th April 2013
Lee Mack, the British Comedy Award and BAFTA winning comedian, brings his multi award-winning primetime sitcom Not Going Out back to BBC ONE this April for a highly anticipated sixth series, following the unprecedented success of series five. Written by and starring LEE, the new series follows the hilarious mishaps and ridiculous exploits Lee encounters with long-suffering landlady and constant object of his affection - Lucy (SALLY BRETTON, The Office, Green Wing) and ditzy friend Daisy (KATY WIX, Torchwood, Outnumbered).
Highlights from the new series include; convincing Lucy to spend a weekend on Lee's dad's (BOBBY BALL) 'stylish' new boat even though she is terrified of water, finding himself a new girlfriend in a desperate attempt to make Lucy jealous, fighting for her attention when her first love reappears on the scene, and taking advantage of her new found counselling skills as a therapist. Other episodes include; Lucy accidentally running over her client's daughter's beloved pet rabbit, Lee and Lucy having to come up with appropriate entertainment for her nine year old god-daughter and her fourteen friends and Lee, Lucy and Daisy getting stuck in a cable car on an Eastern European skiing trip
LEE has established himself as one of the UK's most recognisable and celebrated comedy stars. A busy couple of years has seen him win a British Comedy Award for Best Male TV Comic, pen his own autobiography Mack the Life, return as resident team captain on the sixth series of Would I Lie To You? (BBC ONE) and have the honour of co-presenting the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert live from Buckingham Palace (BBC ONE), which peaked at 16.9 million viewers. In 2010, LEE toured the country with his twice extended national tour Going Out, playing over 100 dates and later recorded the DVD at one of his eight sold out shows at London's Hammersmith Apollo. LEE previously released his British Comedy Award nominated DVD Lee Mack Live based on his sell-out tour of the same name. A prolific writer and performer, LEE's TV and radio credits also include: starring in the first series of his own Saturday night primetime variety show, Lee Mack's All Star Cast (BBC ONE); guest hosting Have I Got News For You (BBC ONE); presenting his Sony Radio Award nominated The Lee Mack Show (BBC Radio 2); headlining and hosting Live at the Apollo (BBC ONE); and creating and starring in the BAFTA winning The Sketch Show (ITV1), which ran for two series in the UK before LEE went on to work alongside KELSEY GRAMMER in the American version of the show. |
244,202,102 | Before the transformation of The Web (WWW), development of software application package was the special protect of skillful designers. Developers or software program programmers develop the logic of programs which a bundle will ultimately utilize to operate.
These are online plans and also of course, web websites, requiring no shows skills. A web developer is someone that arranges a web page by organizing texts, photos, animations, forms etc on a web page and layouts them to create excellent presentation. A web site is one or even more web pages.
The constraint of web designing is the creation of fixed web sites which could be suitable for some applications but not all. They create non-interactive as well as non-dynamic website that are unsuitable for certain applications and also needs. As an example, online enrollment. The function of a web designer stops at this moment and that of a web developer starts. As a result of the constraint of static website, the have to move additionally occurred. Individuals wanted sites where they might post kinds for jobs like producing accounts online as well as verification of passwords. This resulted in the development of web programs languages or else known as manuscripts. Instances are JavaScript, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion etc. The result was the development of the career of web shows. A web programmer is a person who establishes programs for the purpose of executing automated jobs on an internet site. Some choose to call them software developers. Example of such tasks are:
Hence, it ended up being feasible to create interactive and also dynamic web sites efficient in doing what standard software application can do on stand-alone computer and also network utilizing non-internet innovations. Online banking, stock broking are instances. These features could now be performed totally on web. To establish useful manuscripts for such automated jobs, reasoning building and mastery of the programs language to use in regards to phrase structure are needed. Most of the programs are written from scratch.
Can you be a web designer and a web programmer? Yes, you can. There are people who double as web designer as well as web developer however professionals are kept in mind for doing better in their corresponding areas of specialization than non-specialists. Some sites do not require more than web designing but many sites nowadays require both web designing and web programming like the multi-tier applications that have presentation layer, the logic layer that interfaces the presentation layer with the database, and the data layer that contains the database. There are even database specialists who design database and write what is called stored procedures and triggers right inside the database. The use of stored procedures increases the total efficiency of website implementation as it lessens the variety of times SQL declarations are parsed, compiled, as well as maximized throughout implementation. You can see that site development is quite deep.
The roles of web developers and also web developers are complementary in the advancement of web site. You need to recognize where your capacity exists as well as allow that to inform your selection of location of expertise. If you know you have the ability to create programs, you could exceed web designing and also end up being a web developer but if it is or else, adhere to web designing and continuously expand as well as sharpen your abilities. The what's what is that programs is not for everyone.
If you are a conventional graphic artist, you will certainly discover it simple to crossover to website design and also if you are a conventional programmer, you can easily crossover to web programs. Just what I suggest by standard visuals musicians are those that have the experience in the use of tools like CorelDraw, Photoshop, and PageMaker to carry out Desktop Publishing jobs. By standard designers, I suggest the specialists in programs languages like C++, FoxPro, COBOL, as well as Dbase.
As long as you can identify where your ability exists, you will undoubtedly get over aggravations in your jobs of creating website and you will certainly remain to enjoy just what you are doing. If you are a web designer and you work that involves shows which you can not deal with, seek help from a web programmer. If you are a web developer and you are having issues with web designing in your job, look for the help of a web developer. If you could take care of both locations to a huge extent, well and also good.
A web developer is somebody that establishes programs for the function of carrying out automated jobs on a web website. Some sites do not need more compared to web designing however several sites nowadays need both web designing as well as web shows like the multi-tier applications that have presentation layer, the logic layer that interfaces the discussion layer with the database, as well as the information layer that contains the database. The duties of web designers as well as web designers are complementary in the advancement of web website. If you know sinoun chea you have the capacity to create programs, you could go beyond web developing and become a web programmer but if it is otherwise, stick to web developing as well as proceed to expand and also develop your abilities. If you are a web programmer and you are having issues with web designing in your job, look for the help of a web developer. |
198,028,451 | Great beach house located in the heart of beautiful Cape Cod. Located directly across the street from Craigville Beach, these charming, comfortable, duplex cottages await your arrival. Near Hyannis, shopping, and boat docks to Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Historic Craigville Village with its ''ole Cape Cod'' charm is within walking distance as well as the famous 4 Seas Ice Cream Store and the Centerville Village Store. Owner managed and maintained properties are well suited for families. If you enjoy sun bathing, body surfing in the ocean, building sand castles on the beach, romantic walks at sunset, or kite flying with your children, this is the place for you.
Additional availability info: Cottages Close to end of Best Buddies and Craigville Beach triathelon finish line. This is a Saturday to Saturday vacation rental.
We enjoyed another perfect vacation this year at our “Happy Place” at Covell Beach in Centerville. We’ve been guests at this comfortable cottage overlooking the beach for 8 years and look forward to it every year. The owners Maxine and Bill are always welcoming and take excellent care of the property. There is not a better location than this cottage, only steps away from the beautiful beach. It’s very much a family friendly and fun spot. The same can be said for the town of Centerville. The town green is historic and so lovely. We highly recommend it.
It is always a pleasure to have you join us at our happy place. The years have been flying by and our beach family is growing . We enjoy watching our families grow with children and grandchildren. Since the beach is steps from the cottage, families enjoy being able to walk back and forth to the cottage if necessary. Thank you for choosing our cottage as your Happy Place and we look forward to seeing you next year.
I can't say enough about the location. The cottage is literally steps away from one of the nicest beaches on Cape Cod and only a few minutes drive from Hyannis Harbor and the shopping and restaurants on Main Street. Even with this convenience, it is as quiet and relaxing as can be.
The cottage is quaint and well kept, and Bill and Maxine are very gracious hosts. It is very comfortable, and has all of the standard amenities. The kitchen is well equipped, and the rest of the cottage is cozy and comfortable. Bill and Maxine even provide a binder with info on things to do and places to go on the Cape.
We are so pleased you had an enjoyable stay at our cottage. There is so much to see and do on the Cape. We were glad you were able to take advantage of the many suggestions from our table book. It was a pleasure meeting you. Be sure to get in touch with us if you return to the Cape. You are most welcome.
We just enjoyed our 4th year staying in one of the cottages that are owned by Bill and Maxine. We've been in 3 of the units, and they are all comparable quality and comfort. While the cottages are not fancy, they are all very clean and comfy. This is a PERFECT place for a family... especially with the beach a quick walk away. My 5 year old has walked it since she was 2... it's that close!
The guest cottages have a lovely breeze, a to-die-for outdoor shower, and come well equipped with pots, pans,cutlery and the like. There is really little you have to bring kitchen-wise. A bbq and outdoor picnic table make dining outside enjoyable.
I have looked at other places on the Cape, and for price and location, this is a great, great deal. We've raved about this place so much, we already have another 4 families coming! If you are looking for a 5 star location, this is not it. If you are looking for a cozy and clean cottage, this is it. Our kids are already talking about next year!
We've rented from many private homeowners before, and Bill and Maxine are quite simply the best. Kind, generous, thoughtful, prompt and conscious that their guests are having a good time. When we had a slight issue with one of the appliances, Bill and his repairman were in fixing it within a few minutes of my email. They are just that kind.
PS Nice families only need apply... this is a little community of nice families! :) show more show less
Thank you to the Oosterman family for your kind words. It has been such a pleasure watching your family grow and become part of our beach family. Because of you, we have met many more families from our neighbors up north. We are so happy to share our cottages with our Canadian friends and glad we are able to share the many experiences of our beautiful Cape Cod villages. We are looking forward to seeing you again next year. Stay well.
The cottage is fantastic and well equipped. Bill and Maxine are very thoughtful and gracious hosts with a great attention to details to enhance a vacation stay. It does not matter how many times you visit the Cape, the cottage is outfitted with all the information needed to explore a different and fascinating place on the Cape every time, for every interest. Steps from lovely Craigville Beach.
My wife and I have stayed at this wonderful cottage on several occasions. There are no words to describe the peace and perfection of this little corner of heaven. The owners are the friendliest, most helpful people you could meet on a day's march !! Loved every aspect from the cozy comfort of the home to the amazing scenery. One of the cheapest and best rentals I have ever stayed in. Bill & Maxine are exceptional hosts.
My grandparents vacationed here a few years previously and I returned with them to celebrate my birthday. Having heard so many wonderful things about the cottage, I had very high expectations for my visit - and I wasn't disappointed.
Just yards from the picturesque Craigville Beach, a mixture of home comfort and ocean charm envelopes you from arrival to departure.
/>Spotlessly clean, with every amenity available to hand, a handy guide book highlights local attractions, restaurants, and points of interest.
But the highlight for me was meeting the fantastic host and hostess, whom I'd heard so much about. Warmly welcoming and so knowledgable about the local area, they can't do enough to make your stay magical.
I couldn't recommend this cottage enough. In the words of my grandmother; "you arrive, a stranger and depart, a friend." show more show less
Heaven by the sea. This sums up my experience in this rental home from home. Spotlessly clean, comfortable and convenient to a lovely beach. Everything you could possibly need for your stay is provided by the caring, cheery, helpful owners who cannot do enough to ensure you enjoy your time there to the full. Would highly recommend this terrific rental to families or singles alike. There is nothing I could suggest to make perfection any more enjoyable.
"We spent a week at this lovely rental. The property is exceptionally clean. The location is perfect, in the center of everything, just a short drive to many places of interest as well as shopping. Across the street from a beautiful clean beach, what more could one ask for. The host and hostess are cheery and helpful. Each unit has a book highlighting points of interest, cost, and location. The kitchen has every dish and utensil you could possibly need......more than in most homes. Spring, summer, or fall, this is the place to go!" show more show less |
177,967,100 | It is a great pleasure to be able to write after J. K. Chambers and Margery Fee’s columns and a tall order at the same time. My nine years of working on Canadian English utterly pale in comparison to Jack’s 40-some years as a mover and shaker and to Margery’s 25-plus years in the broader field. Perhaps the theme of “coincidence,” skillfully introduced by Margery in her piece, is the best conduit to the topic that I would like to make the centre of my blog. More precisely, I’d like to make the chasm and connections between scholarly work and public awareness the focus.
As with Margery and the Canadian usage guide, it was coincidence that put me in the driver’s seat for the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles, 2nd ed. (DCHP-2) revision project in early 2006 ( when I finalized my Ph.D dissertation on dialect formation in early Canada. In an email, Terry Pratt, then reference advisor to Nelson Education (who had bought Gage, the co-creator of DCHP-1), asked me what I thought of the idea of revising DCHP-1. I replied that this was the most interesting project in historical linguistics in Canadian English at the moment and when, a little later, I was asked to become editor-in-chief, I remembered Jack Chambers’ dictum that “if someone offers you a job in the area, you say yes” and so I did. I said yes, but in reality I was daunted by the immensity of the task to revise a historical dictionary. I had other doubts: I wanted to be a linguist and research linguists (unless they are applied linguists) do not usually display a great interest in dictionaries, reference grammars and language learning. This view is the legacy of three centuries of linguistic prescriptivism and the theoretical underpinnings of competing schools of linguistics that aim to go beyond the questions addressed in reference works. Today, there are still traces left of a bad aftertaste of what is called “usage”. Even sociolinguists, who are very much interested in “language in use” are sometimes loath to comment on what the public perceives as the most pressing questions in language. These are usually questions relating to the written language and include, for CanE, questions such as whether “recognize” or “recognise” , “traveler” or “traveller” or “between you and me” or “between you and I” is “correct” (on these, and many more points, Fee and McAlpine’s Guide to Canadian English Usage has some well-balanced answers). Linguists, on the whole, are only mildly interested in such questions. If anywhere, you’ll find more interest in English departments, though here you will sometimes be met with disapproval of some of the things that many Canadians do with their language.
We might call this disconnect between academia and the public the “linguistic chasm” and, I think, it is us, the linguists, who are not only utterly and completely to blame for this situation but who also need to fix the problem. How so? And how does this affect Canadian English and the work of the Strathy Language Unit? In order to answer this question, let us look at the good work of scientists who have, successfully and in a highly entertaining manner, informed the public about their discoveries: take David Suzuki’s The Nature of Things, the CBC show that has brought for 50 years science into Canadian living rooms, or take Bob McDonald’s Quirks and Quarks, the radio show which manages to translate the most complex scientific questions for the “rest of us”. I am deeply impressed with this level of attention to improving the public knowledge of science and I congratulate Canadians for being so eager to learn.
Now, let’s switch to public knowledge about linguistics and the situation is entirely different. You will be hard-pressed to find anyone (who has not recently taken a linguistics university course) knowing anything about even the most basic linguistic concepts, such as: Canadian Raising (the “oot and aboot”-like pronunciations many Canadians say in comparison to American or UK dialects “out and about”), the use of Eh in Canada, or, more broadly speaking, what’s a language and what’s a dialect, or what is” good” or “bad” English? In my experience, very few know good (or any) answers to these questions and this includes some journalists writing on language. Most often, journalists start by asking “Is there a Canadian English,” which turns the entire presentation into a defense battle. I am not just making this up, because if you look at the news archive, you find what can be called a “Groundhog Day Loop” in news coverage on Canadian English: like Bill Murray in the 1993 movie, who wakes up every morning to relive the same day, Canadian reporters are often stuck in a similar loop, as we find reports on yesteryear’s language findings as news. Here are some examples from newspapers, headlines only to keep it concise:
In 1957, a major Canadian newspaper asks the question about Canadian English – ending with a question mark. A few years later the case seems to have been settled, as can be seen below:
These headlines come from the first wave of news coverage triggered by the work on the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles, by Charles Lovell, the first editor (until his untimely death in 1960), or Walter S. Avis and Matthew H. Scargill who were among the first generation of scholars seriously working on CanE. Avis was also to die at the peak of his productivity, in 1979, before he could write his opus magnus on Canadian English. It was not until 2010, more than 30 years later, when the first scholarly monograph overview finally became available (Charles Boberg’sThe English Language in Canada). Despite great advances in CanE research and the occasional media work of researchers that “translates” findings for a public audience (see, for instance, Jack Chambers’ impressive record), I think it is fair to say that media coverage never left the Groundhog Day Loop. In 1985, old knowledge is presented as news:
1985, Montreal Gazette: “Man the barricades. Canadian English is our very own hybrid, recognizable perhaps only to ourselves but precious, nonetheless.”
What is seen in the Montreal Gazette’sheadline is some sort of step backwards: doubt is reintroduced, as only Canadians seem to recognize the dialect. In more recent headlines, we see another recurring theme in most news coverage, as an aspect of “weirdness” is highlighted:
2007, Harbour City Star: “Only people fluent in Canadian would understand if you told them to put on a toque and dump a two-four of empties into their blue bin.”
In the Toronto Star article we are told that Canadian markers are dying out. So, it’s all over now for CanE? Far from it, but what needs to be done is to break the “Groundhog Day Loop” and seriously work on knowledge transfer from academia to the public. There is demand and evidence for it is not hard to find. As Russell Smith, the Globe and Mail’s fashion columnist, wrote a couple years ago: nothing that he writes gets so many responses as his columns on language. I think we linguists owe it to the people to share the word on Canadian English and its dialects.
Stefan Dollinger is an assistant professor in the Department of English at the University of British Columbia. He has been researching Canadian English since his years as a graduate student at the University of Vienna, where he completed his PhD thesis: New-Dialect Formation in Canada: Evidence from the English modal auxiliaries. Stefan teaches courses on Canadian English and is the editor-in-chief of the revision to the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles (DCHP-2). He is currently working on the sociophonetics of Vancouver English. You can learn more about Stefan's research by visiting his website at:
Local people collect them and use them for either cooking or medicinal purposes; when eaten on their own they taste delicious. Quest Bulgaria takes you across the picturesque Bulgarian countryside to feast on some of its wild pickings...
Most Bulgarians grow raspberries in their gardens although you can still find them growing wild. Bulgarians use them both for food and medicine. As a medicine its leaves are used as a tea to relieve sore throats, fevers, diarrhoea and as an aid to toning the body for childbirth. The berries are used to make jam or to preserve for winter, but most often raspberries are served straight from the plant as a dessert in summer.
Rose hips grow wild all over Bulgaria and they are used primarily for medicine to boost the immune system and combat colds, as well as for kidney and bladder problems. Rose hips contain a naturally high volume of vitamin C. Bulgarians tend to make tea from the berries or just eat them raw as one would a strawberry.
Bulgarians have cultivated 43 different strains of strawberries since the late 1940's because of their high export value. Wild strawberries grow in forested areas in the spring. They are much smaller than the shop varieties and tarter in taste. They are most often used to make jam and in the mountain areas where they are most abundant local jam makers sell them at the roadside.
Dewberries are very similar to blackberries in terms of the brambles they grow on; however they look more like a dark purple raspberry. The leaves are dried to make tea and the berries, which are sweet, are eaten or made into jam. The berries are very tender and difficult to pick without squashing them.
Bilberries are also called blueberries and they are believed to preserve eyesight and help people with poor night vision and short-sightedness. It also acts as a sedative as well as a cure for coughs and colds. In the kitchen they can be eaten raw or as jam or juice. Bilberry leaves are sometimes dried and used in teas to treat gastrointestinal problems. Bilberries are usually picked using a berry-picking rake, which plucks the berries from the plant with metal prongs and catches them in a wooden basket.
Elder grows everywhere in Bulgaria; its fruit is purplish black berry, which is at its best during the autumn. Not only do elder berries provide an important food source for birds in particular blackcaps, they also have a multitude of medicinal and culinary uses. One thing to note about this plant is that all of its parts except for the flowers and ripe berries are poisonous because these parts contain cyanogenic glycoside sambunigrin. The strong smelling foliage used to e tied into horses manes to ward off flies. In cooking, elder flower heads can be used to make teas. The berries are not edible unless they are cooked and then they can be used to make jam, chutney and juice and even wine. They are a god combination when mixed with apples or blackberries. As a medicinal herb plant, the flower heads are brewed as a tea and used to treat bronchitis, coughs, colds, fever and other respiratory infections. One point worth noting is that some individuals may experience allergic reactions to this plant.
Blackcurrant berries have a unique sweet and sharp taste. They are popular in the kitchen for jam, jelly and juice and their astringent flavour makes them a good ingredient in sauces. The leaves can be dried and used as a tea. |
248,765,357 | When i take a walk in the woods and the weather is notthreating,and no one is around to see me, I want to remove my clothes.
my favorit thing to do is find a place to hide my clothes so i don’t have to carry them in my hands or in a back pack. When i take my lothes of,I want to be free of all contack with object like a back pack.
I do ware sneakers on my feet,because if i need to get out of sight line of a person before they see me.I can with out sticks and rocks prohibiting my effort to hide my self.
I my self do not have an attractive body. but the body to me is more then sexual attraction. To me body freedom adds to life. I feel people who alway cover their bodies, are nomb to the world around them.
When a person is naked, there is no irotations from underwear bands,no underwear riding up a persons, rear,or riding up a woman vigina , or pinching a man balls, or cause excessive sweating ( which feel like wearing a wet dieper . no pants to rub one hips.
Wearing no shirt, you don’t have a shirt rubing one’s nipple rare while sweating during long distances run.
If you want experience a near orgasam with out sex, try rollerblading naked. When you roller blade your legs don’t rub to gether ,because you porpell youself forward by king out ward with your legs, so the air is alway flowing between your legs.
As you cruse along the air will flow over every part of you body. The air causes movement through all the hair on your body, and all of your body sences come alive.
If you are a man , feeling you penis and ball swaying back with the air cresing them while keeping them cool feel alsom.
I would like for a woman to go rollerblading in the nude and tell every one what if feels as the air pass over their body,and how it feels when the air pass through their vigina.
I my self pray that God would teach my how to live naked in the way he design Humans to live before Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate from the tree the knowledge of Good and evil. We know nudity is not a sin ,because when God asked Adam where he was,and He told God he was hiding because he was naked. God ask Adam who told you ,your were naked?
Sex was not the first sin, like the Catholic church falsely teaches, because in Geneses Chapter two God told them to be fruitful and multiple and subdue the earth.
When i see large animals like elephant , Hippos , Rhino’ , whales, it dawns on me they are more naked then most human. So why are human the only species that gets offended by nudity of their own species ?
By the way, if you clean youself after using the bath room, and you shower every day, you body will not soil your furniture.
I live nake at home and i don’t put down any towl when i sit, I can tell you my clothes or my furniture have no soil from my body onthem.
It’s no different then you pets sitting on your furniture or sleeping in bed with you, rememer, your body is no dirtyer then you nake pet’s body.
I have no rose buds left in my under wear,be i kep my self clean and because i don’t wear under wear.
So in conclusion, it is much more healther for your body to remove your clothes when you are in an enviroment that does not require to wear them.
I will believe your will find live is more invigorating when you add nudism as part of your daily life style.
Stephen J. Vattimo Born in 1965, and raised in the Philadelphia Pa. He is a Spiritual Artist, Poet, and Writer. He has been using art, poetry,writing to minister the teaching of the Holy Bible, through the internet, through printing self published books, through donations, and loan programs of his art to the public. He has been commissioned to do illustrations for publications, He has sold prints of his artwork, and has sold copies of his poetry. View all posts by surealworld
Author surealworldPosted on December 11, 2017 Tags activity, adventure, athletics, body, cleanliness, clothes free, equality, freedom, health, hiking, naturism, nudism, nudist, nudity, rollerblading, society, spirituality
After nearly 6 months it is probably time to share my birth photos. If you want to read the story you can do that here. I think these speak for themselves. Also, I narrowed this down from around 200 photos so just know there are a lot more of these. I’m so glad we had a photographer. While I fully understand it is not for everyone, I don’t regret it for one second. My photographer was Fallon Curry and she was awesome. Click HERE to check her out!
This is a birth story so just know it will contain things that pertain to birth….it’s also a tad on the long side.
Well it was a good thing I posted my 40 week update on my due date because this girl didn’t make us wait too much longer! Friday, July 10, Joe and I went out for sushi, a walk around Cabela’s and Target, and then home for a movie. Saturday, the 11th, my mom came and helped clean my house. Then we went to the mall with my friend Kim and her girls to do some walking. All that did was tire me out! I woke up a few times in the night not feeling very well. After a few trips to the bathroom I did remember that your body cleaning itself out can be a sign that labor is coming. I figured I just ate too much Chick-Fil-A and pizza that day! I woke up Sunday morning, the 12th, still feeling pretty off and just not very good. I had plans to eat lunch with Kim and her girls and I needed to go to the grocery store. I almost canceled but went anyway. It was so hot outside and getting groceries was miserable. I got home, got them put away and laid down to take a nap. This is where the fun begins…
I woke up around 4:15 when I felt something pop. It was the strangest feeling. I immediately sat up and felt a small gush of fluid. I wasn’t for sure that it was my water but I was fairly certain I hadn’t peed my pants. I wasn’t having any contractions so we decided to just wait a little bit and see what happened. We went ahead and gathered the last minute items and called our family to let them know that we thought we were having a baby! After about an hour and a half the contractions started. Initially, they weren’t too bad and breathing through them was going ok. We watched 4 episodes of Gilmore Girls before the tv needed to be turned off. I also ate a piece of pizza and a granola bar (BIG MISTAKE).
Around 9:30 we decided we were ready to head in. My contractions were about 3 minutes apart and lasting a minute long. The short 10 minute drive to the hospital felt a lot longer than it really was. We got to the hospital, got all checked in, and admitted to triage. They had to make sure it was really my water that had broken (it was) and needed to monitory my contractions and have us answer a bunch of questions before moving me to my room. At this point I was only a 3 and as soon as they had me lay down those contractions got so much worse. As we were moving to the labor and delivery room I told Joe that I wasn’t sure if I could do it. I knew I had a long ways to go still. He reminded me that I could do this and that he wasn’t supposed to let me change my mind. We got settled in the room and I asked if I could get up and move around. The baby’s heart rate was deceling a little with some of the contractions so they needed me on the monitor. Around 11:30 I looked at Joe and said “Please, I can’t do this. It’s too much.” And that is how I ended up getting the epidural. He was very quick to make sure that I wasn’t going to beat myself up later for getting one and I assured him that I would not regret it. (I don’t, not for one second) It took about 30 minutes and the anesthesiologist came in. He was 76 years old, has been an anesthesiologist for 40 years, and has done around 3,000 epidurals. The man was amazing. He was so fast and I really didn’t feel a thing. Before I knew it, my belly was numb and all I could feel was some pressure with big contractions. At this point I was a 5 and 90% effaced.
Once you get an epidural, they have you lay down and on your side. This is great except that it meant my heart burn was aggravated by laying mostly flat. The nurse brought me some Maalox and to sleep I went. About 2 hours later I woke up and knew I was going to be sick. I couldn’t even reach for the bucket fast enough so I threw up all over myself, the sheets, and the pillow case. Those sweet nurses came in right away and got me all cleaned up. They checked me again and I was an 8-9! We were getting so close! I got a little more sleep and then it was time to start pushing. My epidural was working great. I couldn’t feel the contraction but I could feel the pressure intensify so I knew she was moving down and it also helped me to know where to push. After just a few contractions my nurse said it was time to call the Dr. About 10 minutes later he was there. He let me know that her heart rate was deceling with each contraction still and we needed to get her out. He said if I wasn’t pushing effectively on the next contraction then we would need to consider assistance – basically the vacuum. That was all it took for me to really push with everything I had. One contraction later I was definitely feeling the ring of fire. Holy smokes, that is some serious burn and I was pretty numb! The next contraction we had a baby! I only pushed for 20 minutes. Rebecca Ann was born at 6:05 AM on July 13, 2015.
Joe cut the cord and she was placed on my chest. She had a pretty short cord which explains why she was having a little trouble during those last contractions. We spent almost 2 hours with her doing skin-to-skin and breastfeeding. After that, she went to the nursery with Joe and he gave her a bath and got her dressed. They did the eye ointment, vitamin K shot and the Hepatitis shot. These pictures are some of my favorites. Joe is beaming!
40 Weeks!!!!!!! Happy Due Date Baby Girl!!!!!!! (You should all be impressed that I finally posted the weekly post on the day I was supposed to)
Funny Story: I peed my pants this week. I sneezed and couldn’t help it. Although at first I thought, “oh my gosh did my water break?!?!?!” HA! Of course not crazy lady! You peed your pants! I got a good laugh out of it. At my last Dr. appt he said I am 1-2 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and my cervix is very soft. He also said that she is a -3 station, so still a little high but is applying good pressure. I haven’t had any contractions just some Braxton Hicks and some minor cramping. I say minor because I’ve had menstrual cramps that are so much worse than what I’ve had, they almost don’t count. This week has definitely been a slow week. It is definitely challenging getting up and getting ready for work every day. My hips make it a little difficult to move around and getting in and out of my car actually hurts a little.
I haven’t mentioned it but I’ve been taking Evening Primrose Oil and Red Raspberry Leaf pills and tea. The Evening Primrose Oil is good to help soften the cervix and helps keep skin elastic so it is supposed to help with tearing. I’ve been taking it orally for a few weeks so it could be what has helped me efface or it could just be all the pressure! Some women pop a hole in the pill and insert it… know where, but I’m not that brave. The Red Raspberry Leaf helps to strengthen the muscles of your uterus, making contractions more effective. The pills aren’t as effective as the tea and I’ve been very careful to stay inside the recommended amounts. Neither will induce labor but help prepare your body. Also….I’m not a doctor so please don’t take anything without checking with your midwife or doctor first!
Tonight we are headed out on a date! Sushi for dinner (the pregnancy approved sushi of course), a walk around Cabela’s and Target, and I bet I can talk sugar boy into some ice cream or something. You will all be pleased to know that last night we settled on her name….you just have to wait until she’s born to find out what it is! I will leave you with a picture of Joe and I at 39 weeks and 2 days.
Sleep: Some nights it is really bad and some nights it is better. It always hurts to roll over and my hips hurt when I wake up but the nights that I only have to get up twice to go the bathroom are good!
Best moment of this week: Hitting my due date! As excited as I am for her to be here, I am really excited that I made it all 40 weeks!
Movement: She likes to stick her little behind out. Talk about pressure! It makes my skin feel thin and it looks so funny! Most of her movement now seems to be pushing downward but I love feeling her move.
Food cravings: Nothing crazy, even the stuff that I’ve been wanting has started to not sound as good anymore.
Labor signs: I am 1-2 cm still but 70% effaced. Dr. T said that my cervix is very soft and she’s at a -3 station. So still a little high but he could tell she is applying good pressure. I’ve had some really light cramping and Braxton hicks but no real contractions and nothing that hurts.
I’m not one to post a picture in a swimsuit….but the belly makes everything ok!! I was 39 weeks and 1 day here.
Week 38 got away from me so I’m grouping it in with week 39. This last week was definitely one that included some pampering. I got a pedicure so my toes and feet are all pretty again. Joe got me a prenatal massage. I had never had a massage before but my goodness it was wonderful. All pregnant women need to get one. I walked out of there and my hips didn’t hurt and the pressure on my tailbone was much less. I even slept for a 5 hour stretch that night! Talk about relaxing. The last 2 weekends I’ve been able to get some good pool floating time in as well. That helps my swollen feet so much. They are almost back down to normal! At my last appt my dr said that I am dilated to a 1, my cervix is much softer but still slightly posterior, and she is much lower than she was. All good signs! I’m a bit curious if any of that will change this week. The pressure is definitely picking up in frequency so I’m hoping that is doing something. No contractions yet but I have had a few Braxton Hicks that stopped me. They don’t hurt but my belly was so tight! The current prediction from just about everyone is that we will have a baby this week. I’m guessing she is going to hang out a little while longer. I bet I get to my due date of Friday. Either way….we are definitely anxious and excited to meet our girl!
Maternity clothes: Oh yes….and some of those shirts are starting to get a little short and the stretchy band pants are not the most comfortable thing anymore either. I love my black and white maxi skirt. If I could wear it every day I could (and it isn’t maternity….woah!)!
Stretch marks: The ones on my hips have been joined by several on my belly. All of the sudden, there they were!
Sleep: Sleep is hit or miss. Some nights it isn’t bad but some nights it is just not good. Poor Joe, he has spent several nights on the couch because I’m snoring so loudly he can’t sleep!!
Best moment of this week: Pedicure, Prenatal massage, and floating in the pool are all tying for 1st right now.
Food cravings: Nothing new right now. If anything, I’m finding it harder to know what I want to eat.
Labor signs: I’ve had some really light cramping but nothing that is painful or even uncomfortable. She has definitely been applying the pressure this week as well. I had 2 definite Braxton hicks when I was in Target one day. I’m dilated to a 1 and my cervix is soft but still slightly posterior.
Looking forward to: My next appt on Tuesday! Hoping I’ve made some kind of progress and Friday is my due date!! I can’t wait to know we have made it all 40 weeks!
You don’t even have to tell me. I already know. I’m taking way too much stuff with me to the hospital. Guess what? I don’t care. This is the first time we are doing this whole baby thing and being over prepared is what I’m good at. So here is what I’m taking…
3 nursing bras – 1 sleep bra, 1 sports bra, and 1 regular bra…..I didn’t know what kind would be easiest
Flip Flop slippers (not sure what happened to the picture of these but you can imagine, a pair of house shoes that are flip flops)
For Joe I have packed a pair of sweatpants, 2 pairs of socks, underwear, and some t-shirts. We will need to grab him a pair of jeans at the last minute. OR he can come home and change. We only live 10 minutes from the hospital.
I’ve packed some snacks as well. My birth class teacher suggested hard candies for labor. So I got a bag of Dum-Dums. She said something with a stick is easier. Joe likes granola bars and I like animal crackers. This way, if she is born in the middle of the night and there is no food available we will have some snacks.
The Baby Bag – My baby bag is the Petunia Pickle Bottom Sashay Satchel in Central Park North Stop. You can find it here.
Nursing cover (Probably won’t use this one – I’ll just kick people out if she needs to feed but again, just in case)
2 Newborn outfits (I can’t decide which one she needs to come home in) and 1 0-3 Month outfit in case she is big
Folder for paperwork – This currently contains all of my work FMLA/Short Term Disability paperwork, Insurance Paperwork, and the Registration paperwork.
Birth Ball – I don’t think our hospital has them in the rooms so ours will be thrown in the car just in case
And that is what will be making the long (a whole 10 minutes) trek to the hospital with us. The carseat is already in the car and other than us settling on a name, we are ready to bring her home!
37 Weeks and growing like a weed! My belly gets a little bigger each day I think. I am officially Pre-Term. Some doctors consider 37 weeks full term but recently there has been a switch in that way of thinking. 37-39 is now Pre-Term, 39-42 is Term, and 42+ is Post Term.
Today at my appt my dr said unless I’m hiding this baby he doesn’t think she will be a huge baby. We will see. My feet are definitely swelling each day so I’m trying to drink lots and lots of water and keep them up. I’ve scheduled a pedicure for Saturday and a prenatal massage (thanks Joe!!) for a week from tomorrow (Wednesday). I can’t wait for both! She better stay in long enough for those to both happen! I will have my next appt on Tuesday. I think it will just be a regular check again, so listen to the heartbeat and measure the belly. Last week he told me he wouldn’t check me again until I’m 39 weeks which is fine with me. Dilation doesn’t really mean much of anything unless you are in active labor.
We were able to go to St. Louis over the weekend and see Joe’s family, including his sister and our nephew! Jack is getting so big and is so much fun! I was even able to remember to take a few pictures…
Sleep: Sleep is still not good. My hips hurt and laying on my side aggravates it. Thankfully, someone mentioned Pepcid AC to me for the heartburn and it has helped so much!!
Food cravings: The past 2 weeks I have really liked chocolate donuts. And not ones from a bakery….the kind that come in a bag or a box from the grocery store. The ones you would buy at a gas station. I haven’t ever been a huge fan of them but they are so good right now!!
Have you started to show yet: Today I got told that I look really big. The belly is definitely in charge now.
Labor signs: I’ve had some really light cramping but nothing that is painful or even uncomfortable. Last week my Dr told me I’m about a fingertip dilated so nothing going on there either. He will check me again at 39 weeks!
P.S. I’m being honest when I say I’m uncomfortable but that does not mean that I want her to come now. I would rather be uncomfortable for a few more weeks and have a healthy, fully cooked baby. I don’t think I gave that impression on my lat update. I had a lot of people telling me to be patient and I really am but this is a pregnancy update so I wanted to be totally transparent. |
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Goals from Ollie Clarke, Lee Mansell and Stuart Sinclair secured all three points for Darrell Clarke's men who twice came from behind thanks to goals from Matty Pattison and Alex Rodman.
Darrell Clarke made five changes to the side that lost to Bath City just six days ago bringing Tom Lockyer, Lee Mansell, Andy Monkhouse and skipper Mark McChrystal back into the starting 11.
The opening exchanges saw Rovers struggle to touch the ball in the first two minutes, with their only contact with the ball being clearances. It was the visitors who had the first real chance, when John Oster knocked the ball into the box, where Matty Pattison nodded over from around 10 yards.
Angelo Balanta found himself out wide with time on the ball a number of times, but spurned his opportunities to get a cross into the box, smashing them over the heads of the forwards. The Columbian was involved in a good move on nine minutes, combing with Stuart Sinclair in the middle to play the ball out wide to striker Alex Wall, who like Balanta wildly over-hit his cross.
Gateshead enjoyed a long period of possession after Rovers’ few chances, spraying the ball around nicely, thoroughly frustrating Rovers’ players and fans alike. It looked as though the north-eastern side were doing little with their large share of the ball, but on 17 minutes, their possession was rewarded.
Former Welsh international John Oster received the ball on the right hand side, and picked out Pattison with a powerful low drive across the box, leaving the Gateshead forward with the simplest of tap-ins from three yards out to give them the advantage.
Rovers began to gradually force their way into the game following going behind, but Balanta still looked Jaded on the right, struggling to make an impact on the game. Darrell Clarke had enough, and on 28 minutes took off Balanta for Ollie Clarke, prompting a shift in formation to a midfield diamond spearheaded by Sinclair.
Alex Rodman caused problems for Tom Lockyer all half, who only returned to training mid-week due to illness, as the Gateshead winger beat him on a few occasions to put in some dangerous balls, which the centre backs managed to deal with.
Rover’s best chance of the half fell to veteran midfielder Lee Mansell, with a strike that made a number of fans roar in delight, thinking they had scored. Mansell gambled on the bounce of the ball in the box, and free in space attempted an audacious bicycle kick which hit the side netting, with the keeper beaten.
In the second half Rovers started far better, dominating the opening fifteen minutes of play. Sinclair was at the centre of a lot of Rover’s bright spell, winning back possession, driving forward with the ball and creating chances with some good passing. Rover’s almost had an unlikely goal scorer in the form of Lockyer, who tried an ambitious drive from 30 yards that inched past Adam Bartlett’s post.
The increased pressure paid off just before the hour mark when substitute Ollie Clarke, who couldn’t pass up the space afforded to him, teed himself up and hammered a low strike into the left hand bottom corner from 25 yards, an effort the keeper had no chance of saving.
Rovers’ euphoria was short-lived however, when just three minutes later Oster galloped down the right and played a pin-point ball into the feet of the advancing Alex Rodman on the left, who coolly slotted the ball beyond Fabian Spiess in the Rovers’ net, sparking an inquest into why the Gateshead man was unmarked in the box.
Neal Trotman replaced McChrystal in the defence to try and prevent anymore leaks, and what ensued next was something few Rovers fans would have had a hard time believing from the first half performance. The team has been struggling for goals this season, but a mere five minutes after Gateshead regained the lead, Rovers won a free kick in a tantalising position, just outside of the area. Up stepped Lee Mansell, who curled his effort with vicious pace around the wall, adding a second stunning equaliser for the hosts.
But the gas were not done yet in the back and forth of the second half. Rover’s advanced again on 70 minutes, and Matt Taylor raced onto a through ball. The keeper rushed out to meet the striker, and beat him there, but at the cost of his composure. He spilled the ball into the feet of Sinclair, whose brilliant performance was rewarded as he tapped the ball past the helpless Bartlett, and emphatically thumped the ball into the top left hand corner, the ball eluding the defenders desperately trying to keep the ball out.
Gateshead tried to rally, and stepped up the intensity, but Rovers put out sparks in the midfield to quell the resurgence. Ellis Harrison replaced the tiring Wall with five minutes remaining, who had ran hard up front throughout the contest. The away side continued to push, but struggled to break through the resolute Rovers defensive effort, and rapturous applause met the home team at the full time whistle.
In the end Gateshead never really looked like equalising, and Rovers secured the three points in what was an explosive second half. Next up for Rovers are Torquay United on Boxing Day, where they will be hoping to continue to gain ground on leaders Barnet. The result will certainly damage Gateshead’s push for the play-off places, and they will be kicking themselves for losing the lead, but in the end Rovers’ second half performance was easily enough to deserve the three points.
Up next for Rovers is a trip to Plainmoor on Boxing Day to take on Torquay United before returning to the Mem on 28th December as they entertain Macclesfield.
In a hastily arranged friendly at our training ground this afternoon, Rovers shared four goals with their Forest Green counterparts.
They were made to work hard for a share of the spoils, though, as the Skrill Premier side dominated first half proceedings and took a two goal lead into the half time break.
An improved second half performance from Rovers saw them hit back to equalise thanks to goals from Pat Keary and Mitch Harding.
Rovers created very little in the opening period and conceded two goals from set pieces, one from a corner and a second following a throw in.
The visitors then made a number of changes and conceded an equaliser on 66 minutes when Mitch Harding scored from the penalty spot after one of the Forest Green defenders was penalised for handball. It was
The good news, as far as manager John Ward will be concerned, is that Danny Woodards completed 45 minutes of the game and Steven Gillespie 65 as both players work towards regaining full match fitness.
Before you ask, it’s not a mistake – Jamie Lucas was substituted and then reintroduced in place of Steven Gillespie
Heinrich Heine, in full Christian Johann Heinrich Heine, original name (until 1825) Harry Heine, (born Dec. 13, 1797, Düsseldorf [now in Germany]—died Feb. 17, 1856, Paris, France), German poet whose international literary reputation and influence were established by the Buch der Lieder (1827; The Book of Songs), frequently set to music, though the more sombre poems of his last years are also highly regarded.
Heine’s power to annoy was as great as his power to charm and move, and rarely has a great poet been so controversial in his own country. His aggressive satires, radical postures, and insouciance about his methods made him appear to many as an unpatriotic and subversive scoundrel, and the growth of anti-Semitism contributed to the case against him. Efforts in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to erect monuments to him in various German cities touched off riots and shook governments. In view of the popularity of many of his songs, the Nazis were obliged to include them in anthologies but marked them “author unknown.” For many decades his literary reputation was stronger abroad, especially in France, England, and America, where his wit and ambivalence were better appreciated, than at home. In the second half of the 20th century, the evaluation of Heine’s political role and its relationship to Marxism supplied a bone of contention between East German and West German critics before reunification. Deplorable as much of the history of Heine’s reputation has been, it is testimony to the enduring impact of a genuinely European poet and writer.
…Songs, collection of verse by Heinrich Heine, published as Buch der Lieder in 1827. The work contains all his poetry to the time of publication and features bittersweet, self-ironic verses about unrequited love that employ Romantic sensibilities but are at the same time suspicious of them. The work helped to…
Sophus Claussen, one of Scandinavia’s foremost lyric poets. He was influenced by the French Symbolists and in turn greatly influenced Danish modernist poets of the 1940s and 1960s. Claussen’s family was devoted to farming and politics, and he was intensely interested in the latter. After studying…
Malta, island country located in the central Mediterranean Sea. A small but strategically important group of islands, the archipelago has through its long and turbulent history played a vital role in the struggles of a succession of powers for domination of the Mediterranean and in the interplay between emerging Europe and the older cultures of Africa and the Middle East. As a result, Maltese society has been molded by centuries of foreign rule by various powers, including the Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Normans, Sicilians, Swabians, Aragonese, Hospitallers, French, and British.
The coast of Malta features many bays and ports. Financial Times, London/Robert Harding Picture Library
The island of Malta specifically played a vital strategic role in World War II as a base for the Allied Powers. It was heavily bombarded by German and Italian aircraft, and by the end of the war Malta was devastated. In 1942 the island of Malta was presented with the George Cross, a British award for great gallantry, in recognition of the wartime bravery of the Maltese people. After the war, the movement for self-governance became stronger. The country of Malta became independent from Britain and joined the Commonwealth in 1964 and was declared a republic on December 13, 1974. It was admitted to the European Union (EU) in 2004. A European atmosphere predominates in Malta as a result of close association with the Continent, particularly with southern Europe. The Maltese are renowned for their warmth, hospitality, and generosity to strangers, a trait that was noted in the Acts of the Apostles, with respect to the experience of St. Paul, the Apostle, who was said to have been shipwrecked off Malta in 60 ce.
Roman Catholicism is a major influence on Maltese culture. Various traditions have evolved around religious celebrations, notably those honouring the patron saints of towns and villages. The eight-pointed, or Maltese, cross, adopted by the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem in 1126, is commonly linked with Malta’s identity and is printed on the country’s euro coin. Valletta is the capital city.
The country comprises five islands—Malta (the largest), Gozo, Comino, and the uninhabited islets of Kemmunett (Comminotto) and Filfla—lying some 58 miles (93 km) south of Sicily, 180 miles (290 km) north of Libya, and about 180 miles (290 km) east of Tunisia, at the eastern end of the constricted portion of the Mediterranean Sea separating Italy from the African coast.
The main physical characteristic of the island of Malta is a well-defined escarpment that bisects it along the Victoria Lines Fault running along the whole breadth of the island from Point ir-Raħeb near Fomm ir-Riħ Bay to the coast northeast of Għargħur at Madliena Fort. The highest areas are coralline limestone uplands that constitute a triangular plateau; Ta’ Żuta, which rises to 830 feet (253 metres) in the southwest, is the highest point. The uplands are separated from the surrounding areas by blue clay slopes, while an undercliff area is found where the coralline plateau has fallen and forms a subordinate surface between the sea and the original shore. The total shoreline of Malta is about 136 miles (219 km).
The landscape of the island of Gozo is characterized by broken upper coralline mesas, with the highest point being Ta’ Dbiegi Hill (636 feet [194 metres]). Gozo has a gentle easterly dip, so the lower coralline limestone, which forms high cliffs on the west coast, declines to below sea level but reappears on the east coast at Qala Point. Semicircular bays have formed on coastal cliffs where sinkholes have been invaded by the sea. The rounded bays at Xlendi and Dwejra on the west coast of Gozo originated as underground caverns with roofs that have collapsed.
The island of Malta possesses favourable conditions for the percolation and underground storage of water. The impermeable blue clays provide two distinct water tables between the limestone formations—the perched and the mean sea-level aquifer. The principal source for the public supply of water has for several centuries been the main sea-level water table. The absence of permanent streams or lakes and a considerable runoff into the sea, however, have made water supply a problem, which has been addressed with an intensive reverse-osmosis desalination program. About half of Malta’s daily water needs are supplied by desalination plants throughout the islands.
The temperature is very stable, with the annual mean in the mid-60s F (about 19 °C) and monthly averages ranging from the mid-50s F (about 12 °C) to the mid-80s F (about 29 °C). Winds can be strong and frequent; the most prevalent are the cool northwesterly (the majjistral), the dry northeasterly (the grigal), and the hot and humid southeasterly (the xlokk, or sirocco). The relative humidity rarely falls below 40 percent.
Malta’s flora and fauna are typical of the low-lying coastal regions of the Mediterranean. Excessive exploitation of the forests for timber and the clearance of land for construction and agriculture have destroyed much of Malta’s woodlands, though a few stands of holm oak remain. Aleppo pine has been successfully reintroduced. Maquis, a scrubby underbrush, is found along valleys and below escarpments and consists of lentisk, carob, olive, bay laurel, and in some places the sandarac gum tree (Malta’s national tree). Garigue, a low-growing Mediterranean scrub, is the most common vegetation in Malta and covers much of the country’s limestone plateau. The steppe in Malta is dominated by various grasses, thistles, and leguminous and bulbous plants. Reed beds occur wherever there is abundant freshwater, and club mosses, sedges and grasses are found in wetlands. Glassworts, rushes, and seablites are native to the salt marshlands. Sand couch, sea kale, and sea daffodils are found on Malta’s few remaining coastal dunes, while golden samphire, rock samphire, and sea lavenders (several of which are endemic) are characteristic of low-lying rocky coasts. Cliffs and coastal screes support many of Malta’s native species, which include monotypic genera such as the Maltese cliff-orache (Cremnophyton lanfrancoi) and the Maltese rock-centaury (Palaeocyanus crassifolius), the latter of which is the national plant.
The native mammals in Malta include a subspecies of the Sicilian shrew and several types of bats. Most of the country’s other mammals, including the Algerian hedgehog, Mediterranean chameleon, Etruscan shrew, rabbit, and weasel, have been introduced. Native reptiles include the Maltese wall lizard, the ocellated skink, the Moorish and the Turkish gecko, the western whip snake, and the leopard snake. The only amphibian in Malta is the painted frog, a species endemic to Sicily and Malta. Invertebrates, including insects, arachnids, and snails, are abundant.
Although there are relatively few breeding birds, migrating species are plentiful. Sea birds include the storm petrel and the Mediterranean and Cory’s shearwaters. Among the most notable birds are the Spanish sparrow, which is the most common bird in Malta, and the blue rock thrush, Malta’s national bird.
Malta’s population is composed almost entirely of ethnic Maltese, the descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians as well as of Italians and other Mediterranean peoples. Attempts to form a unifying and homogenizing Maltese ethnicity can be traced back to the late 13th century; these efforts were consolidated in the nationalistic discourses of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Aside from the Maltese population, there are small communities of British nationals, Sindhis, Palestinians, and Greeks on the islands. Since the 1990s, influxes of more transient but no less significant groups have arrived from North Africa and the Balkans and, in the early 2000s, from countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Malta, but there is full freedom of religious belief. More than nine-tenths of Maltese are Roman Catholic; however, only about three-fifths of these practice their faith. The islands are an independent province of the church, with an archdiocese in Malta and a diocese in Gozo. Very small numbers of Maltese are adherents of other Christian denominations or of Islam. There are Roman Catholic cathedrals at Mdina and Valletta, an Anglican cathedral at Valletta, and a mosque at Corradino Heights.
During the 16th and 17th centuries, under the rule of the Knights of Malta (Hospitallers), the country evolved as a maritime power, and, by the late 17th century, Valletta and other towns were thriving maritime centres. By the mid-19th century the Maltese lived mainly in the relative seclusion of clustered villages and hamlets; the fragmentation of farm holdings accentuated the individuality of the farming community. The zuntier, a parvis forming part of the church square, was the traditional focus of village life.
During the British occupation of Malta (1800–1964), the growth of the dockyard complex resulted in the ongoing development of new settlements around Grand Harbour. In the 20th century the Sliema region, just north of Marsamextt Harbour, became the most fashionable part of Malta and by the early 21st century had become a commercial and tourist centre. Following the country’s independence in 1964, the advent of industrial estates located near major villages somewhat increased urbanization, but higher living standards have given rise to residential developments all over Malta island; its central areas are now densely populated. Overbuilding has been a cause for serious concern, spawning legislation meant to protect the environment. More that 95 percent of Malta’s population is concentrated in urban areas.
The essentially rural character of Gozo’s many hilltop settlements has been largely preserved in the new housing that has rapidly increased there since the 1990s. Victoria, in the south-central part of the island, is the administrative and commercial centre of Gozo. More rural still is Comino, which is mostly inhabited by tourists.
Malta has one of the highest population densities in the world, though the increase in the country’s population has somewhat leveled off since the mid-20th century, with a considerable decline in the birth rate. At the same time, the death rate has remained fairly stable, having fallen only slightly, while the infant mortality rate has dropped significantly.
Agricultural development is hampered by land fragmentation (that is, plots of land resulting from decollectivization that are too small or too irregularly configured to be farmed efficiently), shallow soils, and lack of adequate water supplies. Most farming is carried out on small terraced strips of land that preclude the introduction of large-scale mechanization. As a result of the growth of urbanization, the agricultural labour force has become increasingly older, and more farming is done on a part-time basis; nevertheless, production has risen gradually because of improved techniques in the cultivation of some crops, especially horticultural ones. The major crops are potatoes, tomatoes, and fruit (especially citrus and drupes). Since the late 1990s there has been a substantial increase in grapevine and olive production. Malta is generally self-sufficient in food production, but beef is mostly imported. Upon the country’s accession into the EU, Malta’s agricultural sector became competitive.
Fishing is seasonal and, to a large extent, undertaken on an artisanal basis. The common dolphin fish (Coryphaena hippuras) and the bluefin tuna (Thunnus), however, are caught for export. Aquaculture, introduced in Malta in the late 1980s, has surpassed fishing as a source of income. The European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) are grown in floating sea cages, and the bluefin tuna from the sea are fattened on farms for four to six months before export. After Malta joined the EU, Maltese fishermen benefited from funding programs, particularly to promote the export of tuna.
Malta is poorly endowed with natural resources, and its only exploited mineral resource is limestone, which is quarried and used for construction. Offshore oil exploration has been under way since the mid-1990s, but no significant oil reserves have been discovered. Fossils fuels are imported and supply all of Malta’s energy. There are thermal power stations on both Malta and Gozo.
Shipbuilding and repair have been the foundation of Malta’s economy since the Knights of Malta (Hospitallers) transferred Malta’s administrative centre from the medieval inland location of Mdina to present-day Valletta in the Grand Harbour area in 1570. Since the mid-20th century, however, the shipbuilding industry has consistently operated at a loss and had been dependent upon government subsidies. Efforts aimed at engendering financial sustainability during the late 20th century were not successful. Upon EU accession, such subsidies were no longer permissible, and the Maltese government has taken steps to reduce and privatize the industry.
The Central Bank of Malta was founded in 1968. Malta’s former currency, the lira, was adopted in 1972. On Jan. 1, 2008, the euro became the country’s official currency. The banking system remains highly concentrated, with half of the local commercial banks accounting for about nine-tenths of total loans and deposits. The Malta Financial Services Authority, established in 2002, is an autonomous body and the single regulator for financial services, taking over supervisory functions that were formerly carried out by the Central Bank of Malta, the Malta Stock Exchange, and the Malta Financial Services Centre. The Maltese government encourages and facilitates direct foreign investment, which began to increase in the early 2000s. While the private sector still consists mostly of small enterprises, there are some internationally owned companies operating in Malta, mostly in the pharmaceutical, automotive, and electronics sectors.
Malta imports machinery and transport equipment, chemical products, and mineral fuels. The country’s main export products are semiconductors, but it also exports other manufactured goods and refined petroleum. Italy, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and Singapore are Malta’s major trading partners.
Services account for about half of Malta’s GDP and employ about three-fifths of the labour force. Tourism is a major source of income and follows a seasonal pattern, with June through October being the peak season. Some notable tourist sites include the ancient megalithic temple Ġgantija on Gozo and the temples of Ħaġar Qim, Mnajdra, and Tarxien on Malta; this group of temples was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1980. Also on Malta are spectacular medieval castles and cathedrals, as well as the ancient inland capital of Mdina. Tourism has had a major impact on the natural environment of the Maltese islands, and the government has attempted to promote ecotourism.
The majority of Malta’s workforce is employed in the manufacturing and services sectors. Women make up about one-third of the workforce. The public sector is to a very large extent unionized. In the private sector, most large enterprises are unionized. Malta has two chief labour unions—the General Workers’ Union, Malta’s largest union, and the Union of United Workers—as well as a confederation of smaller sectoral unions, each of which came into being around the mid-20th century. Although unions are independent of political parties, they have tended to occupy a central role in national issues and at times have operated on the basis of the party affiliations of their members.
The island of Malta’s road system connects all towns and villages and includes a coast road and a panoramic road. Bus services radiating from Valletta provide inexpensive and frequent internal transportation. Taxis and rented vehicles are available on the island. Most families own automobiles, and the number of cars per household is one of the highest in Europe. There is no railway. Ferry services operate between Malta and Gozo, and Malta and Sicily are connected by both ferry and high-speed catamaran. The national airline, Air Malta, connects Malta with most European capitals as well as with North Africa, the Middle East, and North America. Since 2007 a number of low-cost airlines have offered services to and from Malta.
Malta’s telecommunications sector was fully liberalized in 2004, after Malta joined the EU. The mobile phone penetration rate increased substantially in the early 21st century; the majority of the inhabitants now use cellular telephones, while the number of fixed-line phone lines has remained relatively static. Internet usage increased as well. The Malta Communications Authority, established in 2001, is the regulatory body of the telecommunications sector.
In Malta one-third farthings were issued by William IV and Victoria. Gibraltar had copper from 1842. Farther afield, token bronze had been coined for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick from 1823; a general coinage for Canada appeared in 1858. Ceylon’s coinage began with bronze…
…white-and-red coat of arms of Malta on which its flag is based. That legend is unsubstantiated, but it is known that the Knights of Malta, who ruled for centuries, used a red flag with a white cross (either the normal variety or the special Maltese Cross). After Britain came to…
…pronounced on the island of Malta, the gregale sometimes approaches hurricane force and endangers shipping there; in 1555 it is reported to have caused waves that drowned 600 persons in the city of Valletta. A gregale that lasts four or five days is usually the result of a flow of…
1Current number as of March 2013 elections; statutory number equals 65. The additional 5 members include 4 indirectly elected in accordance with the constitution and the speaker.
…Luso-Indians are known today as Goans, and they are concentrated in the state of Goa, in Mumbai, and along India’s western coast. Especially in the larger cities, such as Mumbai, Madras (now Chennai), and Calcutta (now Kolkata), the Goans and other Luso-Indians retained much of their European cultural heritage and…
U.S. state flag consisting of a dark blue field (background) bordered by white and red; in the centre is the white silhouette of a bison (commonly called a buffalo) bearing the state seal.
The seal was adopted by the state legislature in 1893. It includes the state motto, “Equal rights,” recalling that in 1869 Wyoming’s constitution was the first such document to give equal voting and office-holding rights to women. The figures of the miner and cowboy flanking the woman in the centre refer to the principal occupations of the state, further mentioned in the ribbon around the two pillars that reads “Livestock—mines—grain—oil.” Also shown are an American eagle over a shield and a star bearing the number 44 (the order of admission of Wyoming to statehood). The design is completed by the dates 1869 and 1890, representing the years Wyoming became a territory and a state, respectively.
In 1916 there were 37 proposals submitted in a flag design competition sponsored by the Wyoming chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The creator of the winning design was Verna Keays from the town of Buffalo. Her flag featured the national colours, the white silhouette of a bison, and the Wyoming state seal. The seal appeared on the flank of the bison, suggesting the Western tradition of branding animals. The legislature adopted Keays’s flag on January 31, 1917. Its white is said to stand for purity and uprightness, and blue represents the sky and fidelity, justice, and virility. The red border symbolizes both the blood shed by early pioneers and the original Native American population of the state.
This is a real gem located on the grounds of the owners home overlooking Drumcliffe Bay, 1 mile from Drumcliffe village, 5 miles from Sligo City and 3hours drive from Dublin ferry port. Comfortably furnished with swings, slides and BBQ in the garden ideal for dining alfresco and taking in the panoramic views of Benbulben Mountains. Why not take a trip to breathtaking Benbulben Mountain or visit the grave of WB Yeats 1 mile away at Drumcliffe. Sligo is renowned for its surfing and fishing, the waters of Sligo offer a vast array of Cod, Tope, Turbot, Salmon, Pike and Trout.Shop. Pub. Restaurant 1 mile. Beach 4 miles. Lakeside 3 miles. GF: lounge, kitchen/diner, double with basin, twin, shower room.Electricity and oil central heating included, linen and towels included, No Smoking, electric fire, travel cot, high chair, TV, dvd player, CD, fridge with small ice box, microwave, w/machine, internet access, deck chairs, alarm clock, uk tv channels, welcome pack, fully enclosed garden, garden furniture, bbq, swings and slide, shared driveway, off road parking. Pets welcome.
I blame a HUGE pothole for this: the nearside rear shocker mount broke away from the mounting hoop… just a few days before we were due to motor to the Le Mans Classic.
(reverse) Fantastic vase-shaped car drawn left by two unbridled horses; it has two wheels, with a third behind; on the flat top Venetia, seated on a lion, places ducal cap on the head of the Doge, who kneels to her; on the off horse crouches Saturn, facing the car and raising hour-glass. Plain border.
With Briz Media Group, you get an intimate small agency feel with big agency capabilities and resources – a partner that’s as invested in the results as you are. They have an intimate understanding of the industries they service. At Briz Media Group, everyone involved in driving client strategy and execution has a deep understanding of how a business functions.
Briz Media Group has represented a variety of my businesses. They’re unique in that they’re true partners with a passion for their client’s businesses. They get press — results for their clients and live by the credo ‘your success is our success.’ They’re my go-to PR partner and top recommendation for anyone in the market for an agency.
At Cheetah Mobile, we’ve worked with a variety of PR agencies all over the globe. A few years ago, I inherited Briz Media Group as one of our agencies following an acquisition we made. At the time, we were evaluating all of our global PR partners. Fast forward to today, Briz is now Cheetah Mobile’s agency of record. They’re nimble, smart and super effective partners who have done a fantastic job working with me to build our brand.
Briz Media Group is a creative, responsive, and seasoned team that isn’t completely reliant on their client in order to accomplish the objectives of a program. They’re highly effective at generating news by using data, an executive team’s intellectual capital and corporate developments that best leverage a company’s assets - all of which help to build and sustain momentum over time. The Briz team is also great at collaborating upfront to ensure that all programs are based on a sound strategy and drive measurable results.
Did you know that 20% of your communication budget with a traditional agency goes directly toward keeping their lights on? Wouldn’t you rather have that 20% go to more or better service? We have a decentralized model that mirrors the innovation of the companies we represent which gives our clients access to the best expertise on a global scale.
Briz Media Group’s founder has been at the forefront between the cross-section of traditional and digital public relations. Active in the technology scene since the early 2000’s, David has an extensive knowledge of the industry, and deep relationships with its influencers. David is responsible for the overall agency direction and management, and new product development. Over the course of his 20+ year career, he has made his mark by working with brands and agencies, big and small, to develop, manage, and execute successful strategic communications programs that build businesses and serve as a catalyst for conversation. David’s client experience includes representation of Cheetah Mobile, SapientNitro, Vungle, M&C Saatchi Mobile, Criteo, among many others.
At Briz Media Group, Melody is responsible for everything from new business to account management. She has over ten years of experience elevating the profile of organizations and executive leadership on a global basis, through the creation and implementation of innovative marketing and communications programs that drive brand awareness, media coverage, client loyalty, lead generation and customer acquisition. She has a proven track record for creating and seamlessly executing events, public relations and social media campaigns, strategic partnerships, content creation and thought leadership development at companies, including Grey Advertising, DDB Worldwide and Interbrand.
Joe is one of the top media and presentation trainers in NYC. He leads Briz Media Group's Content Message Delivery (CMD) Program. Joe works with clients in range of businesses including tech, finance, fashion, the media and the arts. Clients include Betaworks, Expa, Bank of America,, SmartThings, Van Cleef & Arpels, Remy Martin, Rachel Roy, Viacom, POV, Business Insider and Artnet to name a few. Joe's was editor in chief of Details magazine and was responsible for turning Star from a supermarket tabloid into a glossy magazine. He's written for the New York Times, Gourmet, Departures and New York magazine among many others. To learn more about his methods read his feature story published in First Round Review.
Tamara brings eight years of experience developing engaged online communities to the Briz Media Group team. Through dedicated research and strategy implementation, she stays in-the-know for all things social media. Tamara's experience, goal oriented personality, and understanding of engagement and metrics lead her to create social media solutions that provide measurable results. Before joining Briz, Tamara developed and managed social media efforts for clients in healthcare, technology, and mobile industry.
Jeremy heads up Briz Media Group's Content Marketing team. For over 15 years, Jeremy has been working with companies looking to embrace the future before their competitors do. Under Jeremy’s leadership, Kiehl’s won the 2009 WebAward for Outstanding Achievement in Web Development, achieved a Top 25 ranking in the L2 Digital IQ Index in the Beauty & Skincare category, and received a Top 50 Facebook IQ ranking amongst all luxury brands. He has also managed partnerships with Beyoncé’s Deréon line for Temptu and founded Unilever's first-ever luxury division. Jeremy's views have been featured in publications such as Mashable, Wall Street Journal, Smart Money, ReadWriteWeb, The Next Web, The Star-Ledger, and Internet Retailer Magazine, and his campaigns have been featured in Gawker and Ads of the World.
Jennifer has over 15 years of experience in Public Relations, working with a variety of clients in the technology, corporate, human capital, education and consumer industries. Her specialty is in speaking opportunities and client award programs. Jen has worked with a vast range of emerging technologies and growing companies to build brands that will remain in the media's eye for years to come. Jennifer’s background in high-tech public relations has allowed her to quickly jump into new technology markets, such as web video and content delivery, music technology, satellite communications and more.
Connectors is a newly-launched network-advisory board comprised of some of the best and brightest influencers and power players in the communications and marketing industries. These high-profile executives are committed to help bring new innovative ideas, thinking and guidance to our agency, clients, and the communications industry at large. These experts are only a phone call or click away from connecting you to that one person who can help propel your business to the next level.
Greg is the former president of BuzzFeed, where he also sits on the company's Board of Directors to scale social advertising globally and expand mobile, video and ad products. Coleman has been advising the company since 2010. Most recently, he was the President of advertising technology company Criteo. Greg has previously held roles as President and Chief Revenue Officer at the Huffington Post and the EVP of Global Sales at Yahoo. He also served as President of Platform-A at AOL from February to April of 2009 and was formerly Senior Vice President of Reader’s Digest Association and president of U.S. Magazine Publishing. At CBS, Inc., he spent 10 years leading advertising efforts for Woman’s Day as Vice President and National Sales Manager. Greg holds a B.S. degree in Business Administration from Georgetown University and attended the M.B.A. program at New York University. He is an adjunct professor at New York University's Stern School of Business where he teaches a class on digital marketing and innovation.
Co-founder & Chairman Emeritus at Advertising Week & Chairman of the 4A’s, Founder and former executive chairman of Euro RSCG North America
Ron served various top posts within the Havas-owned network including stints as CEO of both Euro RSCG New York and San Francisco. He is the man credited with coming up with the “Time to make the donuts” campaign for Dunkin Donuts, which made the Museum of Broadcasting list as one of the best TV campaigns of the 80’s.
Over the course of her career, Aurelie ran Cheetah Mobile's global B2B marketing and business development organizations, was instrumental in building QuinStreet towards its IPO, and in growing SendMe to $120M annual mobile revenues. McKinsey-trained, she holds an MBA, as well as an MSc in Engineering Chemistry. Aurelie is President Emeritus of Women in Wireless, which she grew to more than 12,000 members worldwide. Aurelie is the author of The Mobile Native's Guide to Marketing, published with App Annie, and a sought-after conference speaker and contributor to media publications. In 2016, she was named one of 25 Mobile Women to Watch by Mobile Marketer.
CMO Action IQ, Investor & Advisor at Appluence Inc., former COO and advisor at Braze (formerly Appboy)
Marc is a 20-year veteran of e-commerce and has been on the cutting edge of e-marketing since its inception, building large, direct marketing-driven e-commerce sites and online communities, as well as executing multi-channel retailing strategies. He held senior marketing and management roles at Barnes & Noble, Jigsaw (acquired by, Capcom Entertainment, where he helped launch the online entertainment business; Palm Inc., where he helped initiate the e-commerce business; and (acquired by Amazon). Marc has an MBA from UCLA and an engineering degree from the University of Michigan.
Prior to joining Digital Trends, Andrew was the Executive Vice President of Advertising Sales at Break Media (now Defy Media), and was responsible for developing and implementing Defy Media’s advertising sales strategy. He also oversaw all of the network’s advertising sales, strategic planning, operations, and promotions initiatives. Andrew joined Defy Media from CourtTV (now truTV), where he was Vice President of Sales. Andrew is a graduate of Boston University and has served as a consultant and advisor to a number of start-ups in the digital media world.
director, public relations, Turner Broadcasting Systems, Atlanta, joins as director of corporate communications and public relations.
manager, corporate marketing, Starz Encore Group, Englewood, Colo., named director of affiliate marketing and digital strategy.
I know there are a lot of these kinds of posts already, but this is very exciting for me! It's like a birthday or graduation. Yay me!
Congratulations! That's a major accomplishment here, even though I am just starting to realize where all the time goes. . .
Thanks! It does feel good to be part of the club. I feel more important already. Now, everyone respect the words that spurreth from my keyboard!
Helon Habila is the author of three novels, Waiting for an Angel, Measuring Time, and Oil on Water. His current book, The Chibok Girls, is a work of nonfiction about the kidnapping of over 200 school girls by the Islamist militants, Boko Haram. His work has won many awards, including the Windham-Campbell prize for fiction. Habila is a professor of creative writing at George Mason University in Virginia.
- High Definition Brow Reshape, waxing, tinting, trimming, tweezing and sculpting with HD Brow products.
Feather (Hair) Stroke Brows - involve micro-blading tiny lines/strokes in a design that gives the appearance of hair. Hair-strokes alone, do require more touch ups than other methods, however it is the most natural look for cosmetic tattooing.
Powder (Block) Brows – Gives a more defined, solid appearance, and is usually a longer-lasting option.
Ombre Brows – are powder (block) at the tails of the brow fading into micro strokes at the front, a trend that is very popular at the moment for those who fill in their brows quite heavy but still want that natural appearance in the middle, this option also lasts longer in the skin.
Gently wash your eyebrows each morning and night with water and an antibacterial soap (eg. Cetaphil). With a very light touch, use your fingertips to gently cleanse the eyebrows and rinse with water. To dry, gently pat with a clean towel. DO NOT use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or any exfoliants.
- Your eyebrow tattoo service is an investment! Follow the aftercare very strictly and be patient for best results.
- Colour will be quite dark for first 4 days, then fade quite dramatically, and appear darker again.
Sometimes Oilier skin types don't hold pigment as well as others. You can still have this service, but need to be aware that your skin type may be more stubborn in holding the pigment.
Please get Doctors approval if you have heart problems Please contact me immediately if you are unwell.
Previous tattooing - must inform me at the time of booking and send me a current photo of your eyebrows, with details of how many times you've had them tattooed and when the last procedure was. Whether or not I can provide you a treatment will depend on the current state of your cosmetic tattooing.
Leave as much hair in your natural shape as possible, do not remove any hair unless a week before (hair that you do not want in your final shape)
One Plus Two (2) is an amazing phablet that has received lots of traction since it was rolled it. The device features a great IPS display that offers brilliant viewing experience, a solid hardware configuration for optimum performance and supported by durable battery life.
The headline feature of this device is its massive 4GB of RAM that ensures super-fast performance which is set to define the direction of smartphones’ hardware configuration.
OnePlus 2 sports a 5.5-inch IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen which offers a clear display. It measures 151.8 x 74.9 x 9.9 mm and weighs 175g.
It is powered by Quad-core 1.56 GHz Cortex-A53 & Quad-core 1.82 GHz Cortex-A57 paired with 4GB of RAM that ensures easy multitasking and smooth performance. With 64GB of internal storage memory on board, OnePlus 2 allows for an expansive files, app, and document management without slowing down.
OnePlus 2 offers dual SIM slot, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth and Micro USB with ts full operation supported by 3300mAh battery with fast charging technology. |
50,644,518 | Earlier this week, over 70 police officers and workers demolished Liang Wang Catholic Church, a state-sanctioned church in China that has been registered since 2006.
According to CBN News, the church’s caretakers, Gao Rongli, Zhang Siling and Li Xiangmei, were inside the church during the forced detonation, and had their cell phones confiscated and destroyed before being driven out of the building. Within 15 minutes bulldozers and pickaxes reduced the church to rubble.
This is not uncommon in China. The Chinese government frequently demolishes churches for alleged “urban zoning” or commercial purposes. A Catholic church near Xi’an in the Shaanxi province was destroyed last December, despite having necessary permits.
Gina Goh, regional manager of International Christian Concern, said: “The disproportionate manpower used to demolish this church goes to show that China is fearful of Christians. The government knew that the demolition in the name of urban zoning would be met with resistance, so it ensured success by taking extreme measures. Despite their best efforts to intimidate the Church with actions like this, the government cannot destroy the faith and resilience of Chinese Christians.”
The Chinese Christian Fellowship of Righteousness, a U.S.-based organization that highlights Christian persecution in China, shared photos of the megachurch scene on their Facebook page.
Alongside the photos, the translated version of their caption read: “On July 17, 2018, at 11 noon, the church of Liang Wang, the diocese of east, the Catholic Mountain, was forcibly demolished, and the number of people involved in the strong demolition was up to 70, and they snatched the three sisters of the Mobile phones, forced to take them away from church, use large demolition equipment, despite the church, Kneeling Stool, and other items, the church was completely bulldozed in 15 minutes.”
Shortly before our wedding, someone gave me and my husband this advice: “Marriage is good. It’s hard—and sometimes you’ll want out, but it’s worth it.” I remember thinking that was an odd thing to say to a couple about to get married. It seemed like such a bleak view of marriage.
Since then, I’ve heard plenty of other people say similar things to engaged and newlywed couples. I’ve heard pastors say it during weddings. I’ve heard parents say it at receptions. I’ve heard couples say it within a year of their own weddings. I’ve seen marriage books, blog posts, magazine articles and anniversary posts on social media say it: Marriage is hard.
People tend to say and write this phrase as if it’s a given, a known and indisputable fact. They say it to warn newlyweds about what they’re getting into: It won’t all be a fairytale. They say it to encourage and reassure one another: We have rough patches, too. They say it to make sure they’re not the only ones: Marriage is hard, am I right?
But when I see or hear those words, I don’t feel understood, and I don’t feel relieved. The phrase frustrates me. Instead of saying “Yes, me too,” I have to ask, “Is it really?”
This is not to say that there aren’t broken relationships. This is not to say that anyone is doing it wrong. And this is not to say that we shouldn’t share our struggles or seek help when we need it. We should be honest and vulnerable with one another about our experiences. But we should also choose our words carefully.
Lots of people say that the first year of marriage is the hardest. From the outside, it might seem like my husband and I have good reason to agree. Immediately after our wedding, we moved all the way across the country to a city where we knew no one. We lived in a tiny studio apartment, and we had almost no furniture. We slept on a jumble of blankets on the floor.
A few months later, we packed up a Buick full of our things and moved back across the country. We lived with three other people (one of them an infant) in a two-bedroom apartment. Before the year was up, we had moved two more times. We each had two different jobs and several months of unemployment. At one point, the bank account was very nearly empty.
That first year threw plenty of challenges our way, but marriage wasn’t one of them. We learned plenty about each other. We had conflict. We had to figure out how to live and navigate life together. But that hard apartment floor in that tiny apartment would have been a lot less bearable without the other person lying there, too.
When we say that marriage is hard, we are telling the person who thinks she needs to find herself before having a relationship that she should put off the relationship. We’re telling the person who thinks he needs to get his finances under control before getting engaged that he should put off the proposal. We’re telling the person who thinks she needs to establish her career before getting married that she should put off marriage. We’re telling these people who are buying into the current spirit of the age that they’re right to hang on to their carefully cultivated lives rather than enter into one that’s shared. We’re telling them marriage isn’t worth it.
Often, we’re telling them these things without having very good reasons to do so. Many of the reasons pastors and writers have for saying that marriage is hard are simple and trivial: Marriage is hard because you live with another person who might leave his dirty laundry on the floor. You might marry someone who has different ideas about how to spend money. You might find someone who wants to spend her time focusing on different hobbies. You might be with someone who has a different method for washing the dishes.
Marriage is hard because the two of you come from different homes and different families and different traditions. Marriage is hard because you argue and because you moved to a different city and because you started a new career. Marriage is hard because you have to figure out how to meld two different sets of dreams and passions and ambitions into one shared life.
When a newborn enters the world, no one tells him immediately that having a family is rough. When a 5-year-old kid starts school, no one warns her the night before that finding a best friend is hard.
But brothers leave their dirty clothes on the floor. Parents differ from their children about how money should be spent. Best friends don’t always enjoy all the same hobbies. And roommates might have different ideas about how to do the dishes. Friends and roommates come from different homes and families and traditions. Just about everybody moves and changes jobs at some point. Family members share a life filled with differing perspectives, personalities, desires and dreams.
A marriage is just one more type of relationship. A spouse is a family and a best friend and a roommate all wrapped up in one person we get to choose to share in our life. There are challenges associated with living with other people, and there are challenges associated with having relationships. There are challenges associated with living a full life. But marriage means having a person to stand next to us while we navigate and dream and chase and face these challenges.
On a shelf in my bathroom sits a small plaque that was given to us as a wedding gift. On the plaque are the familiar words of 1 Corinthians 13. These words, often read at weddings, help to give us our pictures of what marriage should look like. We hear: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy …” and we think about our own actions in marriage. We think, “I must be patient, and my spouse must be kind, and we won’t be boastful or proud or rude.” We easily create a picture of how spouses should act, a picture of what a perfect relationship looks like.
Interestingly, the plaque in my bathroom doesn’t start quoting in the typical place. This plaque doesn’t say “Love is patient, love is kind.” Instead, it starts here: “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.” Just in case our minds started to wander, the passage reminds us that this isn’t about us, and there is no such thing as perfection: Love bears and endures all things.
Marriage, in and of itself, is not hard. Life, on the other hand, is filled with plenty of challenges. And even newlyweds already have the tools they need to face these challenges. There is life after the wedding. But love never fails. |
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During JanuaryPokerStars. Although in fairness, bonuus level of support provided by email is excellent and PokerStars' support representatives are known cawino being thorough, interesting and even funny and personable. |
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First introduced in April 2014 , Sony Alpha a6000 is a 24.0MP Semi-Pro Mirrorless camera with a APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm ) sized CMOS sensor. Sony replaced the older Sony NEX-6 with this model and later A6000 was replaced with Sony A6300. Follow the links to compare these cameras in detail:
Sony A6000 is a member of Sony's A6xxx series of cameras. Below you can see the latest models in this series and how their main specs have changed with each new version.
Sony A6000 has an Overall Score of 73/100 and ranked #59 out of 173 in Mirrorless cameras (Top 10 Mirrorless), and ranked #138 out of 1156 in all Cameras (Top 10 Overall).
Now let's get in to more details of our Sony A6000 review by analysing its specs and features and listing out its pros and cons compared to average competitor cameras in its class.
Sony A6000 has a Sony E lens mount and currently there are 83 native lenses available for this mount. Sony keeps on adding new lenses to its E and FE mount selection and third party lens manufacturers also offer lot of good options. Thanks to its very short flange focal distance, choices of adapting lenses from other mounts are almost limitless. Sony also sells an adapter (Sony LA-EA4) which lets A mount lenses to be used with functionality including AF with E mount cameras. Metabones and Fotodiox also offers adapters which makes use of full range of Canon EF lenses with Auto Focus on E mount cameras.
Sony A6000 doesn't have a sensor based image stabilization system but 23 of these lenses already comes with Optical Image Stabilization. There are also 30 lenses with weather sealing for A6000 but bear in mind that A6000 body doesn't have weather sealings.
Sony A6000 has a 24.0MP APS-C (23.5 x 15.6 mm ) sized CMOS sensor and features Bionz X processor. You can shoot at maximum resolution of 6000 x 4000 pixels with aspect ratios of 3:2 and 16:9. A6000 has a native ISO range of 100 - 25600 which can be boosted to 51200 and it can save files in RAW format which gives you a wider room for post processing.
Sony A6000 is not the highest resolution APS-C camera. Sigma Quattro with its 29.0MP sensor is leading in this class. Check the comparison of Sony A6000 vs Sigma Quattro or take a look at Highest resolution Mirrorless cameras list.
DxOMark is a benchmark that scientifically assesses image quality of camera sensors. Sony A6000 sensor has been tested by DxO Mark and got an overall score of 82 for its image quality. You can find the details of their analysis of Sony A6000 here.
Let's look at how the size of the Sony A6000's APS-C sensor compares with other standard sensor sizes.
Sony A6000 weighs 344 g (0.76 lb / 12.13 oz) and has external dimensions of 120 x 67 x 45 mm (4.72 x 2.64 x 1.77″). Considering that the average weight of Mirrorless type cameras is 407g, Sony A6000 is a remarkably light camera for its class. With a thickness of 45mm, it has an average thickness for its class.
In order to give you a better idea about the real life size of Sony A6000, we have added an image of how it looks next to a credit card and an AA type battery.
Sony A6000 doesn't have any environmental sealings on its body so you got to be extra careful to protect it against water and dust. If you shoot under these conditions very often, consider checking Top Mirrorless Cameras with Weather Sealing page.
Sony A6000 has a Tilting 3″ LCD screen with a resolution of 922k dots. Both the screen size and the screen resolution is up to the standards of this class.
A6000 has a built-in Electronic viewfinder. The viewfinder has a resolution of 1,440kdots and coverage of 100%. 100% coverage ensures that what you see in the viewfinder while shooting matches exactly what you will get later in your image, helping accurate framing your shots and minimizes the need for cropping images later.
One neat feature that we like about A6000's built-in flash has is that the flash head can be tilted upwards manually using your finger, which can be used to bounce the flash light and create a more pleasing lighting on your subject. It is not a very strong flash so the ceiling/wall or the surface you use for bouncing must be relatively close to the camera.
Sony A6000 features both Contrast Detection and Phase Detection autofocus (AF) systems which ensures speed and accuracy of focusing in most situations. The AF system has 179 points to choose from.
Sony A6000 also features Face detection AF where it intelligently detects the faces in the frame and locks the focus automatically.
With Sony A6000, you can record your videos at a highest resolution of 1920 x 1080 at 60p,60i,24p fps and save in MPEG-4, AVCHD and XAVC S formats. Full HD resolution of Sony A6000 will be adequate in most of the situations. But if you are after the highest resolution videos available, see our list of Top Cameras with 4K (Ultra-HD) Video.
Sony A6000 doesn't have any connections for external microphones and headphones. If you need a Mirrorless camera with external microphone connectivity, consider Sony Alpha A7 or Canon EOS M6 in a similar price range.
Sony A6000 features built-in wireless (Wi-Fi) connectivity ( 802.11b/g/n with NFC) which lets you transfer your photos directly to compatible devices without any physical connection. With its NFC feature, A6000 can communicate with devices such as smartphones which are also equipped with this technology by simply touching each other.One other feature that we like is the ability to use our smartphone as a remote to control our A6000. You can change camera settings, release shutter, view LCD screen and tranfer files using remote control app.
Battery Sony A6000 is powered by battery which provides a shooting life of 360 according to CIPA standards. Considering that the average battery life of Mirrorless type cameras is 354 shots, its battery life is about average in its class but it would still be wise to invest in some spare batteries for long photo trips.
Panasonic GH3 with its 540shots is the model with longest battery life among Semi-Pro Mirrorless cameras. Check the comparison of Sony A6000 vs Panasonic GH3 or take a look at Longest Battery Life Mirrorless cameras list.
In this section, we review and score Sony A6000 in 5 different photography areas. This first spider web graph shows how the A6000 compares with the average Mirrorless camera.
Sony A6000 has a score of 68 for Portrait Photography which makes it a GOOD candidate for this type of photography. If you are looking for a camera that is better suited to Portrait Photography, we recommend you to check our Top 10 Mirrorless Cameras for Portrait Photography list.
Sony A6000 has a score of 68 for Street Photography which makes it a GOOD candidate for this type of photography. If you are looking for a camera that is better suited to Street Photography, we recommend you to check our Top 10 Mirrorless Cameras for Street Photography list.
Sony A6000 has a score of 73 for Sports Photography which makes it a GOOD candidate for this type of photography. If you are looking for a camera that is better suited to Sports Photography, we recommend you to check our Top 10 Mirrorless Cameras for Sports Photography list.
Sony A6000 has a score of 69 for Daily Photography which makes it a GOOD candidate for this type of photography. If you are looking for a camera that is better suited to Daily Photography, we recommend you to check our Top 10 Mirrorless Cameras for Daily Photography list.
Sony A6000 has a score of 64 for Landscape Photography which makes it a GOOD candidate for this type of photography. If you are looking for a camera that is better suited to Landscape Photography, we recommend you to check our Top 10 Mirrorless Cameras for Landscape Photography list.
In this section, we analyse how Sony A6000 compares with other Mirrorless cameras within a similar price range. In the Bubble chart below, you can see Overall Score vs Price comparison of A6000 and the top 10 contenders in the same range. Hover your mouse on the bubbles to see the details of the cameras.
It would also be interesting to compare Sony A6000 with DSLR Cameras. Below we have listed 4 highest ranked DSLR cameras in Sony A6000's price range.
Hey Eric! Noticed you were logged in. I could not sleep so I'm surfing. Sre you going to the shindig in Oct? I may come up with Russ
How did you make out with the file I sent you? I ran a simulation of your rudder in Visual Mill and the Z numbers matched your code. My guess is you have a wiring issue similar to my Y axis issue that I had. I hope CAMaster can help you out.
Find me on Amazon Camille recently left an award-winning real estate career in San Antonio to become a full-time writer. Along with her husband of twenty-one years, she enjoys raising their four children. She has a bucket list that is never-ending, and uses her adventures to inspire her writing. She’s lived in Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and California, and spends enough time in Hawai’i to feel like a local. She’s traveled to four continents (so far), and met Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II. She just about fainted when she had a chance to meet her musical idol, Paul McCartney, too. Camille studied political science in college, but found working on actual campaigns much more fun. She overdoses on goodies at farmers markets (justifying them by her support for local bakeries) and belts out Broadway tunes whenever the moment strikes. There’s almost nothing she wouldn’t try, so long as it doesn’t involve heights, roller skates, or anything illegal. |
125,755,622 | Artistic Director for Matrix, Patrick McIvor is one of the top hair colorists in the industry. Over the last 27 years, he has held such positions as Color Director, International Haircolor Educator, Salon Owner, and National Technical Training Manager for companies like Clairol, Wella, and Redken 5th Avenue NYC. McIvor focuses on revolutionary haircolor techniques that inspire hairdressers to achieve great color, but also strives to provide innovative salon-based ideas and techniques to help salon professionals transform their passion for beauty into professional success.
I kind of fell into this industry by accident. As an economics minor, I was always aware of supply and demand. The college I went to had 77 guys and 900 women because it had just gone coed the year before in 1985. Because it was a small college and in a very small town—Dallas, PA—there were very few opportunities to find a way to make some extra money to go see my girlfriend in Pittsburg, where she was going to school. So I thought, what do 900 women need? Haircuts! I went into town, bought a pair of scissors, and hung up a sign that said haircuts $5. By mid-semester break, I was cutting so many people I could see my girlfriend about every 2 weeks, and when my mom asked me what I wanted to do when I got out of college I said, “I want to do hair.”
I had the most amazing beauty school teacher and she really challenged me to compete, excited me about education, and exposed me to some amazing artists while I was still in school, so when I got out, I had already won one competition and placed very high in another. I was 19 when I graduated beauty school and by 22 I was teaching in England, by age 23, I was in Germany, at 24 I created the liquid haircolor thickener for LOGICS, at 26 I was Wella’s National Technical Training Manager USA/Canada, at 28 I opened my first salon, at 29 I was named “One of the Best Colorists” by ALLURE, at 31 I was the founding Color Director for Nick Arrojo and Rodney Cutler at ARROJO CUTLER on 57th St. After that, things really took off, literally, traveling to Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, including teaching on a few Caribbean Islands too. Since 1998 I have been working with L’Oréal USA, first as a global artist for Redken and the last 3 1/2 years as Artist Director with Matrix.
My favorite thing is that every day is different and every day I meet cool new people. The best thing about coloring hair is that I know every time I do someone’s haircolor, there is something I can do better, no matter how many times or how long I have been coloring their hair, and I love that. Not only do I get to make people look good and feel great, today I also get to share those ideas with other salon professionals so they can do the same, too. That is the best way I can honor the people who shared their ideas, techniques, and knowledge with me.
Right now the trends are more solid beautiful bases with random pops of color. I love this because it is a very unnatural progression of the Ombré look, but instead of an Ombré with its natural edge, the new POC (as in pops of color) adds unnatural tones like blue, pink, bright orange, purples, and more at random, creating fun accents that can be seen on anyone from models to pop stars to junior high students. It’s fun and far cooler than a feather in the hair.
The cool thing today is that blonde no longer needs to be all over yellow. Today, Beyoncé is considered a blonde, too. We used to consider only very little hair blonde and forgot that it ranges from dark blonde to light blonde. Right now with J Lo, Beyoncé, Shakira, and more, you don’t have to look like my Sicilian mom did in the 1970s with frosted highlights in dark brown hair. Instead you can be sexy and celebrate the fact that there is a whole world of blondes out there.
So many cool things are happening right now; I am traveling a ton, sharing ideas on how to create beautiful, sexy, believable haircolor with an edge, and helping salons to take back the social network. It’s funny how salons/barber shops were the original social networks of any community. If you wanted to know who was having an affair, you asked your stylist. If you wanted to know who your child should have as a teacher next year, you asked your stylist. What restaurant, movie, club to go to… you asked your stylist. But unfortunately, when MySpace and Facebook came along, because it needed a computer, required typing, and had messages left for you, hairdressers thought typing + computer + messages = work, exactly why most us became hairdressers. So we backed away from what we always wanted: a tool/platform to stay connected and let our community be connected to us. Now, with my maxed out Facebook fan book friend profile and a YouTube Channel that gets more than 16,000 hits every 30 days, I am sharing with other salon professionals how they can take back their communities’ social network with Matrix.
[…] MEET PATRICK MCIVOR — ARTISTIC DIRECTOR FOR MATRIX – Artistic Director for Matrix, Patrick McIvor is one of the top hair colorists in the industry … at 28 I opened my first salon, at 29 I was named “One of the Best Colorists” by ALLURE, at 31 I was the founding Color Director for … […] |
12,287,045 | The forerunner of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies, (hereafter referred to as ESID), was established in September 1983 in Rome, Italy, as an informal group (EGID) interested in sharing experience and developing co-operative studies in the field of immunodeficiency diseases. In the 1990’s the number of co-operative teams has risen substantially and this expansion has been commensurate with a growth in the complexity of the organisation, necessitating a clearer definition of its purpose and activities. At the Biennial Meeting in Sitges in 1994 the first constitution of ESID was approved. In 2000 the constitution was revised in Geneva in order to better reflect the evolution of this organisation. In 2008 the Constitution was adapted when official Articles were made up by drawing up a Dutch notarial deed.
The Board consists of the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the chairpersons of all Working Parties. Each term of office is 4 years for the President, Secretary and chairpersons of all Working Parties, renewable at the next Biennial meeting, but limited to one term (4 years) only. The Treasurer can serve 2 terms (8 years). The President-Elect is elected at the General Assembly two years prior to office, the President of a Biennial Meeting is elected at the General Assembly during the Biennial Meeting four years before the Biennial Meeting he/she will organise. The Past-President is part of the Board for two years after his/her presidency, the President-Elect for two years before his/her presidency, the president of the Biennial Meeting from the two years before to the two years after the Biennial meeting that he/she is organising.
Decisions are taken by a majority vote. The President has the deciding vote, if the vote is otherwise tied. The Board should meet at least once a year.
If the outcome of any election is a tie the members of the Executive Board vote between the candidates to decide the final outcome.
If an Executive Board Member believes that there is reasonable cause to remove a member from the Board, a vote may be taken by the Executive Board to remove said member. However, the Executive Board shall give said member the opportunity to fully respond to the claims and defend his/her position in writing prior to the final decision. The Executive Board may remove said member if it determines that there is reasonable cause for removal and that removal is in the best interest of the society. If, with the exception of the individual in question, two-thirds of all Board Members vote to remove said member, removal shall be approved.
In the event of an officer of ESID or chairperson of a working party being unable to complete their term of office the Executive Board may appoint a suitably qualified and experienced replacement to continue the role on an interim basis. If the interim appointment is made, of necessity, more than one year before the end of the usual term then an early election for a substantive appointee to the role will be held. If made one year or less before the end of the usual term of office then the interim appointee will serve the remainder of the term and election of a new appointee to the role will take place in the usual way.
ESID Board members must be full members of ESID. They may be citizens from any country, but need to work in Europe for the time of his/her service.
All ESID Board members shall declare any financial or other possible conflict of interest to the ESID board in writing.
The members of the board shall not receive any payment for exercising their office. The board shall however reimburse the costs reasonably incurred by the board members in the exercise of their office and the board shall establish an annual budget for this purpose
The General Assembly is open to all members of ESID and to the President and the Board of the International Patient Organization for Primary Immunodeficiencies (IPOPI) and the International Nursing Group for Immunodeficiencies (INGID). It normally takes place at the time of the Biennial ESID Meeting. It is chaired by the President and includes the Presidential report, the Secretary´s report, the Treasurer´s report and any other business. The agenda for the meeting is made available over the internet, mailed, and/or published in the ESID Newsletter at least one month in advance.
All ESID officers will be elected by electronic voting on the protected part of the ESID website. Votes may only be casted by electronic voting. The poll will open one month prior to the General Assembly and will close at the day preceeding the day of the General Assembly at 12:00 noon (Central European Time). To facilitate this, at least three months prior to the poll, the Board will encourage ESID members to consider their candidature for available posts. This is primarily the responsibility of the Secretary. At least one month prior to the meeting, available candidates will present themselves to the ESID members in the ESID Newsletter and/or on the ESID website.
Either during the General Assembly or by electronic voting the ESID full members also have the following obligations: To elect the president and the location of the Biennial Meeting; To decide on the biennial fee for membership of ESID as proposed by the Board; To either agree or disagree with policy decisions as proposed by the Board; To make proposals as to starting/discontinuing activities of the Society; To decide about amendments to the Articles, the Constitution and dissolution of the Society (see also §13).
ESID members may be citizens of any country, working anywhere in the world, however, they shall be MDs, PhDs (biology), Veterinarians, Pharmacists, Dentists, or graduate students in any of these fields, or PhDs of other fields and corresponding graduate students. ESID full and associate members can participate in co-operative ESID and ESID related EU/Biomedicine studies; they can enter reports on immunodeficiency diseases and patients into the ESID registries; they are entitled to a password to enable them to enter the restricted part of the ESID website. All members are entitled to receive ESID Newsletters and regular information about meetings, co-operative studies and results of ESID research projects, ESID summer schools etc.;
The ESID Board has the right to expel an ESID member (e.g. due to malpractice in science) by a two-thirds majority vote.
The Board takes the initiative to establish and close Working Parties. Each Working Party is headed by a chairperson who becomes a member of the Board. Seven Working Parties (Clinical, Genetics, Registries, Inborn Errors, Juniors, Education and PID care in development) are presently operating within ESID, but more can be established if and when required. The Chairperson of each Working Party is elected by electronic voting by all ESID full members every four years. The Chairpersons of the Working Parties must be full members of ESID. They may be citizens from any country, but need to work in Europe for time of his/her service. The substructure of the Working Party is determined by the Chairperson. The Working Party Chairpersons give an annual report to the Board on Working Party activities and publications and a biennial report to the General Assembly. The Chairpersons of the Working Parties shall declare any financial or other possible conflict of interest to the ESID board in writing.
The President shall be a full member of ESID of at least two years standing. He/she may be a citizen from any country, but needs to work in Europe for time of his/her service. He/she is elected by electronic voting by all ESID full members, and serves for four years. The President may not stand for re-election. He/she may thus serve for a maximum period of 4 years. The President serves as President-Elect for two years before becoming President. The President promotes the activities of ESID. These include fund raising, co-ordination of Working Party activities, giving guidelines to the organisers of the Biennial Meeting, and in negotiations with other organisations.
The secretary is elected for four years. He/she must be a full member of ESID. He/she may be a citizen from any country, but needs to work in Europe for time of his/her service. He/she may not stand for re-election. The secretary writes the annual business plan with the executive officers, organises board meetings, agendas, keeps and circulates the minutes, chases up the reports for the General Assembly meetings, writes the agenda and minutes and circulates these to the members through the ESID Newsletter and ESID website.
The Treasurer is elected for a period of four years which is renewable one time. He/she must be a full member of ESID. He/she may be a citizen from any country, but needs to work in Europe for time of his/her service. He/she may thus serve for a maximum period of 8 years. He/she collects the two-yearly membership fee and accounts for the use of the funds for ESID purposes. He/she is also responsible for fundraising and maintaining the finances to support the infrastructure of ESID.
ESID encourages the formation of informal national networks among its members to locally promote the aims of ESID. The chairman/ co-ordinator of such a network (presumably elected for a limited time period) would have an advisory function to the Board. They will promote the interaction between ESID and National Immunology and Clinical Immunology Societies or Groups.
Each member pays a two-yearly membership fee to ESID which is fixed by electronic voting of all ESID full members during the month preceeding the General Assembly after proposal by the Board. The fee can be reduced by the Board in particular circumstances on request. In addition, the Board has the discretionary power to identify exceptional circumstances and modify the fee for some countries. Members under 35years of age pay a reduced membership fee (50% of the full fee).
Meetings of ESID take place once every two years. The President and the location of the Biennial Meeting is decided by electronic voting of all ESID full members during the month preceeding the General Assembly upon proposal by the Board or members. The local host must be a full member of ESID. The ESID meeting is organized by a local steering committee in close collaboration with a congress organizing company. The scientific content of the meeting is proposed by a scientific committee. This scientific committee is suggested by the congress president but approved by the ESID board. The ESID board needs to approve the scientific content of the meeting. In case of a dispute, the ESID board will have the final say.
ESID funds consist of subscription fees and of funds raised from public organisations, charities and pharmaceutical companies.
Funding activities of the Working Parties, e.g. reasonable travel expenses to Working Party meetings taking place outside the Biennial Meeting.
Amendments to and changes of the Constitution are made by electronic voting by all ESID full members with a two-thirds majority vote. Notice of the intention to change the Constitution shall be made available to all members at least 4 weeks before the relevant business meeting of the General Assembly.
Following dissolution, the board members shall liquidate the association. The board can decide to appoint other persons as liquidators. In the resolution to dissolve the association, the destination of the liquidation balance will be spent (as much as possible in accordance with the goal of the association) to an institution of public utility (i.e. an ANBI) or in another way with which the public interest is served. |
112,641,612 | Due to continued success of our Volkswagen Hereford dealership we are looking to recruit two Sales Administrators to join our team. This is a successful busy dealership and we are committed to delivering an outstanding customer experience through honesty and trust. Come and join the team!
We are looking for an experienced administrator, experience within the Motor Trade in a similar role is preferred. Kerridge experience would be preferred but is not essential. In addition, a keen eye for detail and the ability to work within specified guidelines is an essential for this role. Excellent IT / PC/ Numerical skills are also required. We are looking for someone who is willing to learn and develop their career with us and has previously worked in a busy environment. The working hours would be 8.30am 5pm, Monday Friday with 30 minutes for lunch.
If you are successful you can look forward to on-going training opportunities, career progression and a range of benefits you would expect from an employer of choice, including a competitive salary and share incentive plan, discount on over 900 online and retail stores via our Vertu Rewards platform and a contributory pension scheme.
Ceramic tile shower seats are great additions to showers, and generally is a true focal piece. People use them for stability, to display ornamental toiletries, and to make showering habits simpler, like shaving your legs.
Build the shelf 1/eight in. narrower than the opening so you may tip it into place. Leave off the plywood top however add backer board to the underside. Rest the shelf on the sector tile and screw it to the blocking behind the backer board with two three Kitchen Renovation-in. screws at both sides. Then screw the three/four-in. plywood high to the framing with 1-5/eight-in. screws (Photo 13) and add the backer board to the top and the front edge.
If you’re laying the diagonal tiles over all the backsplas, simply drawing a chalk line from one corner to the alternative is not going to work. Instead, it is advisable find the forty five-diploma angles on the wall and lay the tiles along them as you probably did within the square. To discover them, locate the middle level of the wall both height- and width-clever and draw chalk traces to intersect it in the heart. Move roughly 10 inches away from center on each line and make a small mark. Place the tip of an arc on every considered one of these marks and swing it out to each facet, making chalk marks on the wall. Where these lines intersect is the 45-diploma mark. Draw straight lines from this marks from counter to cabinet and lay your tiles along them.
OK before we get started lets talk security. Put in your security glasses and gloves. I may not wear gloves always, however safety glasses are a must. Always protect your eyes. Maintain a bucket of warm soapy water and a sponge to wipe away any adhesive or grout or simply basic grime. DO NOT rinse anything Basement Finishing off in the sink. Grout, thinset, that form of stuff…effectively they do not exactly work effectively going down the drain. So defend your sink space at all times to prevent particles from happening the drain.
To create the correct layering of the bathe partitions over the shower liner, set up the lower course of your tile backer board at this point. In this way, the tile backer board of the shower will create a water path down the wall into the bathe pan above the liner. Install the lower portion of the tile backer board now additionally provides stability to the shower walls as they are going to be embedded within the high mortar layer of the shower pan.
Looks pretty. Two questions — one, it sounds like you’re putting in this over a slab (I’m assuming a slab floor in a former carport); what if any are the implications of the burden of the concrete in different contexts? Two, I’m hoping any future remodels I’m concerned with will employ the rules of accessible design, which would lean toward no curb. Does that in any method complicate matters? Other than perhaps a longer run and steeper slope (and/or perhaps a drain positioned towards the again moderately than the center), I’m assuming not, but maybe I’m missing one thing.
Most modern shower flooring incorporate a versatile liner as a water-resistant membrane beneath the tile and mortar. These liners are product of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or chlorinated polyethylene (CPE). The membranes are used in lieu of the outdated lead shower pans that have been used years ago (and would ultimately fail over time). The versatile liners, available at plumbing wholesale shops and ceramic tile outlets, are product of a rubber-like materials that is impervious to water and immune to the various chemicals present in a house. In reality, the stuff might be an environmentalist’s nightmare—it by no means seems to deteriorate.
Waterjet technology uses laptop-guided patterns to create intricate, interlocking designs. This glass backsplash is used as a focal point behind the cooktop by showing off an elegant scroll sample. Set right into a lighter-coloured area, the waterjet accent stands out and calls consideration within the room. A subject tile in a really gentle colour surrounds the accent and fills within the space alongside the counters to ensure that the waterjet sample gets the attention and focus that it deserves.
What is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? TEAL current position is 52.47472 N / 1.72268 E on Nov 16, 2018 14:34 UTC.
The TEAL's port of calls and sailing schedule for the past months are listed below as detected by our live AIS ship tracking system. VesselFinder also gathers and keeps detailed information about ship movement history (e.g ship track) for the past 7 days (max).
TEAL current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of TEAL data.
What is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? TIEN DAT 18 current position is 21.2096 N / 108.12313 E on Nov 8, 2018 15:59 UTC. Vessel TIEN DAT 18 (IMO: 9026370, MMSI: 574597000) is a General Cargo Ship built in 2004 and currently sailing under the flag of Viet Nam. Below you can find more technical information, photos, AIS data and last 5 port calls of TIEN DAT 18 detected by AIS.
The TIEN DAT 18's port of calls and sailing schedule for the past months are listed below as detected by our live AIS ship tracking system. Currently the vessel TIEN DAT 18 is on her next destination to FANGCHENG and the estimated time of arrival (ETA) is around Oct 4, 10:00. VesselFinder also gathers and keeps detailed information about ship movement history (e.g ship track) for the past 7 days (max).
TIEN DAT 18 current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of TIEN DAT 18 data.
Alzheimer’s is one of the biggest difficulties affecting our seniors today. An estimated 44 million seniors currently
have Alzheimer’s, although most cases aren’t yet diagnosed. Recent studies suggest that veterans who experience traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder are at an even higher risk than the rest of the population of contracting Alzheimer’s
It pays to recognize it when it occurs. While there’s no cure, there are treatments that can slow the effects of the disease, and veterans and their family members can tap into special services to help cover the costs of care.
Keep in mind that memory loss as you age is normal and many of these symptoms are likely to occur with people who don’t have Alzheimer’s, but if your loved one is experiencing multiple symptoms on this list and any of them with a growing frequency, you should consider heading to the doctor to see what they say.
Do you hear a lot of the same questions asked repeatedly? Questions you’ve already answered multiple times – maybe even that same day?
Alzheimer’s patients often try to stave off acknowledging the illness by writing themselves notes to help themselves remember basic tasks. Do you see a lot of little sticky notes around the house?
Alzheimer’s makes it hard to take care of all those little day-to-day tasks that used to be easy (if a chore), like paying the bills or doing housework. Does your loved one seem to have trouble accomplishing these basic tasks?
Loss of short-term memory makes it hard to keep up with linear stories or conversations. Do you find your loved one starting to get lost during conversations, or being confused by storylines on their favorite TV show?
Many people struggle with remembering where they put their keys last, but for Alzheimer’s patients it’s a much more regular occurrence. Does your loved one struggle to find items like keys, jewelry, or clothes regularly? Do they often end up in strange places when they are found?
People suffering from Alzheimer’s will have a hard time remembering where they’re going and how to get there – even for routes that are familiar. Does your loved one get lost regularly or show up late to things with no explanation?
Alzheimer’s patients will often have a hard time communicating concepts or remembering the words they want to use. Does your loved one seem to have more trouble than usual communicating with you?
Someone with Alzheimer’s will have a hard time staying focused on one thing. Is your loved one easily distracted and prone to not finishing what they’ve started?
People with Alzheimer’s are more likely to suffer from depression and mood swings. A previously patient person will get angry much more easily, for instance. Does your loved one behave differently than they used to and get upset more often over minor complaints?
One well-documented symptom of Alzheimer’s is sundowning – the incidence of mood changes most often occurring late in the day. Do you find your loved one gets more upset or moody in the evening?
If a lot of the items on that list sounded familiar to you, you should head to the doctor to see if they feel an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is merited.
A veteran with Alzheimer’s will need a high level of care as the disease progresses, which can cause serious difficulties for family members who have to either give up working to take care of their loved one or try to cover costs they can’t afford. For any veteran over 65 though, the Department of Veterans Affairs offers the benefit called the Aid and Attendance and Housebound Pension (often called the A&A pension).
The pension helps cover costs for services like in-home care, assisted living, nursing homes, and hospice care. It can also pay family members who choose to stay home as caregivers so they’re not giving up an income in the process. If your loved one does get that Alzheimer’s diagnosis, let their service to the country help pay them back in the form of service in their old age. Take advantage of the A&A pension to make a hard time a little easier on your family. To find out if you or your loved one is eligible for the A&A pension and how to apply for the benefit, click here.
The Kickstarter for Shadow of the Eternals from Precursor Games has ended with less than half of its $750,000 target earned through the crowdfunding site.
After relaunching the campaign in July, the project ended last night with 5,932 backers pledging $323,950 – which is $426,050 short.
The relaunch showed new developments, a switch to a stand-alone release instead of an episodic format, and a lower corwdfunding goal due to an external funding agreement.
This is the second time the campaign failed, with the initial project goal of $1.5 million cancelled three weeks in back in June by the company, after it raised only $300,000 across both Kickstarter and Precursor’s website.
Precursor said at the time there were too many “messages” surrounding the formation of the studio and admitted it failed to focus on detailing the game more. At the time, Silicon Knights founder Denis Dyack said the “noise” over his involvement also added to misconceptions to the already “unclear” funding campaign.
Infinite Warfare actually looks pretty interesting in the footage shown during the PlayStation E3 briefing (the YouTube votes are still pretty negative, but not quite ‘most disliked video of all time‘ negative). Now these screenshots let us pore over a few of those scenes and take in all the details.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will launch on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 4. It starts Kit Harrington as the villain and will give you access to Modern Warfare Remastered if you buy the Legacy Edition. |
118,874,365 | Thiruvananthapuram: The BJP’s Kerala unit has come under a cloud following a purported internal report on alleged corruption by some leaders in the grant of MCI clearance for a private college, a charge denied by the saffron party.
Seizing upon the purported report, ruling CPI-M and opposition Congress demanded a CBI probe into the matter.
A section of the media quoted the purported report of the BJP’s internal committee that claimed Rs 5.60 crore had been given to a party functionary for getting the approval of Medical Council of India (MCI) to the college in nearby Varkala.
As per the report, a party worker and convener of its co- operative cell, had received the amount from a businessman, who runs the college.
However, state BJP president Kummanam Rajasekharan said media reports in this regard were “exaggerated and based on rumours.”
Stating that the BJP was committed to eradicating corruption, he said immediate steps had been taken when the allegations had cropped up.
The party would take stern action against any leader if they were found to have any connection with corruption, Rajasekharan said.
BJP state General Secretary M T Ramesh, whose name also figured in the media reports, dismissed allegations against him as “baseless”.
He, however, admitted that some persons from a medical college in Palakkad district had met him around one-and-a-half months ago asking whether he could help in getting approval.
The purported report, allegedly submitted to the BJP state president last month, had stated that the allegations were ‘serious’ especially at a time when Prime Minister Narendra Modi was taking a strong position against corruption.
It had also stated that a New Delhi-based person, against whom also charges regarding the Varkala medical college matter have been made, had misused a photo with the prime minister to cheat persons by showing he had influence at the Centre.
Leader of the Opposition in the assembly Ramesh Chennithala said reports had come out stating that bribe had been paid to BJP leaders for getting MCI sanction to the medical college and also for additional seats.
“What has come out is a widespread corruption involving state BJP leaders under the cover of BJP-led NDA government at the Centre,” he alleged.
Hitting hard at state BJP leaders, CPI-M veteran V S Achutanandan said the anti-graft image of the saffron party leaders had “burst like bubble” due to corruption charges.
Talking to reporters in Kottayam, Left Democratic Front (LDF) Convenor Vaikom Viswam demanded an investigation into the bribe allegations against the BJP leaders.
Shillong: The construction work for the much-awaited medical college in Tura area of West Garo Hills District will start soon, Health Minister AL Hek told the Assembly today.
A proposal for the project, estimated to cost Rs 234.89 crore, has been sent to the finance department for necessary sanctions, Hek said in his reply to a query by Leader of Opposition Mukul Sangma during the Question Hour.
The cost will be shared by the state and the Centre on the basis of 90:10 ratio and the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has already sanctioned Rs 51 crore, he added.
The leader of opposition had sought an explanation from the government for the delay in according approvals to the project.
Adding to Hek’s reply, Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma said the state elections have delayed the process and the government is reviewing the matter.
The estimate for the project had also shot up from Rs 189 crore to Rs 234.89 crore in the past few months, he said.
“The file was sent to the finance department in February and then there were elections. Yes it has been a month now and we are reviewing the matter but I can assure you that it (according sanction) will not take five years like it did before,” he said in an apparent dig at the previous government.
Replying to the CM’s jibe, the leader of opposition said the previous government had tried to remove encroachments from the Tura civil hospital complex during its tenure but “sheer politics” over the matter prevented it from doing so.
Interrupting Mukul Sangma, Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong said, “We don’t want lectures during the Question Hour.”
The leader of opposition, in turn, asked the deputy chief minister to refrain from disturbing him when he was trying to raise an important issue.
He urged the government to “show its seriousness on the matter” as over 100 acres of land have been donated by the people for the project.
Earlier, government chief whip Agatha Sangma sought a clarification from the health minister for shifting the location for the medical college.
To this, Hek said the project had to be moved to a new site because the first one did not meet the norms laid down by the Medical Council of India.
Mumbai: Rs 20 lakh has to be paid as compensation to a student by the state government, who failed to get admission in a private medical college, despite having scored a high percentage in the entrance test, as per the latest Bombay High Court directive.
In a writ petition the girl student stated that the college be directed to grant her admission, as she had scored higher marks than those admitted by the college. Ms Ansari, alsodemanded an investigation into the admission process and violation of laws committed by colleges.
The Court claimed that the allegations made by student Firdos Ansari were proven to be correct by a government appointed committee that no effort was made to secure the student admission in a medical College and therefore the government will now have to pay a 20 lakh compensation.
The petitioner also sought requisite compensation for the agony and stress she underwent during the entire exercise and the damage caused to her academic pursuit reports Asian Age.
Govt not only should pay Rs20,00,000/-as laid down by the Mumbai High Court,but the Govt has to ensure that the student gets a seat in the said college,as a Natural Justice.
New Delhi: Rejecting the interim relief to medical aspirants who demanded the pooling of seats of Delhi and IP universities while counseling for PG medical admissions in the capital, the Delhi High court refused to interfere with the admission process for postgraduate medical courses in Delhi University and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University for the academic year 2017-18. Giving a go ahead to both universities to continue admissions the single bench comprising of Justice V. Kameswar Rao observed
In any case, prima facie when Universities are governed by two different reservation policies, they cannot pool their seats for common counselling. It would lead to further litigation by candidates, who are entitled to admission in view of one list, say Central List but denied the same as his/her caste does not find mentioned in the UT list.
The court was responding to writ petition demanding pooling of seats of DU and IP as well as common counselling for PG medical seats for the same in the capital. The petitioners also challenged University rules and regulations which provide for institutional preference while admitting students. The counsel for the petitioner pointed out that as against 150 seats at the Under Graduate level in the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, respondent No.1 there are about 209 seats at the Post Graduate level which means if institutional preference is given, many seats would remain unfilled/go waste
The writ also called for a combined counselling through the designated authority for admission to all PG/Medical Courses in terms of Regulation 9A of the Medical Council of India Post Graduate Regulations, 2000 in the capital as well as pooling of seats adding that the word “Common Counselling” in Regulation 9A has to include pooling of students without any institutional preference and this necessarily be understood in the background of the fact that the admission process is on the basis of NEET-PG.
On the other hand, Mr. T. Singhdev, learned counsel for the Medical Council of India, the respondent submited that the institution reservation is permissible under the scheme of Regulation 9 and Regulation 9A of the Post Graduate Medical Education Regulation, 2000.
The counsel for MCI further added that merger of seats of University of Delhi and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University is impractical as both follow different lists for reserved categories (SC/ST and OBC) and this Court in exercise of its power under Article 226 of the Constitution cannot merge the seats reserved by way of institutional preference of the two Universities one being Central University and other a State University as that would amount to encroaching the functions assigned to legislative bodies under the Constitution.
Following the arguments court denied the students interim relief, and refusing to interfere in the process of medical admissions in the capital.
Controversies in Upfront Consolidations with High Dose Therapy and Stem Cell Transplant: Poor Risk DLBCL and MCL | NCCN Continuing Education
Controversies in Upfront Consolidations with High Dose Therapy and Stem Cell Transplant: Poor Risk DLBCL and MCL
Discuss the current approaches to treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), including post-remission consolidation or maintenance strategies
Identify patients with DLBCL or MCL who are suitable candidates for post-remission treatment approaches |
266,624,830 | Seize all the benefits of digital audio with the Cambridge Audio CXA80 integrated amplifier. Part of the British manufacturer's cutting-edge CX Series, CXA80 outputs 80Wpc and includes an audiophile-grade 24-bit/192kHz Wolfson DAC for stellar fidelity. An asynchronous USB input allows you to play 24-bit/192kHz music straight from your computer, while a fully symmetrical circuit board with balanced XLR connections and two optical inputs add more flexibility. Equipped with a low-flux toroidal transformer featuring separate dual-mono windings, twin rectifiers, and separate power supplies for the l/r amplifiers, CXA80 takes hold of practically any loudspeaker and produces soundstages noticeable for their depth, architecture, and richness. You can even add an optional Cambridge BT100 Bluetooth dongle for instant aptX streaming from smartphones and tablets. The sharp, sleek, floating looks of the full-metal-jacketed CXA80 seal the deal. 100% Music Direct Guaranteed.
With CXA80, 80 watts per channel of spectacular detail come from a super-efficient, fully symmetrical class A/B amplifier design. Separate, dual mono windings on a low-flux toroidal transformer further enhance performance. Together, these details deliver incredible control over your speakers. To journey deeper into the music you love, CXA80 touts a high-specification 24-bit/192kHz WM8740 DAC chip from Wolfson, the same found at the core of the award-winning DacMagic range. Two optical inputs and one co-axial digital input complement an asynchronous USB audio input for incredibly low jitter, so you can play your music directly from your PC or Mac. Add an optional BT100 Bluetooth dongle to CXA80 for instant aptX-quality streaming from your smartphone or tablet.
Hello ?? Whats going on with =Jamlink - Sept 12, 2015 ??? All the forums are spammed for quite some time. No response to email or phone calls sold out .... Is this company (btw - is that just Dave ?) still around ???
How can you make an excellent set of resource materials even better? Simple: by adding more information on the side! That's exactly what the goal is for the accompaniment band method books in this section. The references found here are designed to take your favorite method books and instructions to the next level, adding interactive accompaniments or supplemental written material to go into greater detail on a topic of your choosing. All you have to do is decide on the direction in which you'd like to expand your knowledge, and then search for the accompaniments ready to take you in that direction.
You might, for instance, be looking for an instrument-specific companion for your resources. In that case, something like the Alfred Sound Innovations for Concert Band Book 2 Piano Accompaniment Book could be the way to go. It's designed to pick up where the base book left off, introducing more advanced concepts in segmented steps that makes them easier to understand. It's an invaluable resource for intermediate piano students, and it's just one example of what you'll find here. Another piano book, the Hal Leonard Essential Elements 2000 for Band - Piano Accompaniment Book 1, has earned itself a well-deserved ranking as one of the best sellers in the section.
If you're looking for a more engaging, interactive type of accompaniment band method book, keep your eyes peeled for ones that include CDs. The KJOS Standard of Excellence Book 1 and Book 2 Accompaniment CDs are great examples; in fact, each of those is actually a 2-CD set, offering up a wide variety of professionally-produced recordings to go with each level in the popular KJOS Standard of Excellence Series. For musicians who learn by doing, there's no better accompaniment than these.
Don't wait to stock up on accompaniment band method books. Whether you're expanding an already-diverse library of method books and reference materials or building up a new one from scratch, there's definitely room for these expansions to make it as in-depth as it can be. The results will speak for themselves when you're working with a band whose members have access to all the accompaniment resources they need to take their performances to the next level.
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128,112,307 | This Step2 Play Center will be your kids’ new backyard hangout. This two-in-one activity center can enhance sensory and social skills as children dig up some sand in the sandbox and eat snacks together at the picnic table. Creativity and pretend play ignite as kids can make sand castles and dig for buried treasure like pirates. Group play is now more fun thanks to the Summertime Play Center! Made in USA of US and imported parts.
Rated 5 out of 5 by Pinky's Mom from Yes, I purchased a winner! We love the Play Center Sandbox. The umbrella and bench/table combo is wonderful. My daughter (2 1/2 years old) loves to make sand castles along the table top and the umbrella makes the shade priceless. She loves to sweep off the table with a little outdoor brush that we purchased. Even after a thunderstorm, the cover has not blown off nor has water leaked into the sand. The umbella detaches easily when the wind picks up. The plastic is sturdy even when mom comes to play and the natural color does not clash in the backyard. I only used three 50 lb bags of sand so far which is plenty for a toddler. We are very happy with this purchase.This is our third Step 2 purchase.
Rated 3 out of 5 by Anonymous from Was great for a year Probably one of the most attractive smaller-sized sandboxes out there. The picnic table attached to it makes it very unique. The BIG problem with it is the flimsy cover-- it barely fits correctly when it's soon as the wind has flung it off a few times, or your toddler has stood on it (which he/she will!) it becomes warped/crushed and never fits again... allowing water and critters to enter. The umbrella is also incredibly cheap and will need to be replaced but it's adorable even without it. The quality issues are surprising given how well made the rest of this sandbox... and all of the other Step 2 pieces we've purchased are. Step 2: redsign the cover and you've got a winner.
Rated 2 out of 5 by Anonymous from Could have been great but was not! Bought this for an Easter gift for my kids and when we opened it, the cover was warped and terribly flimsy. Then upon inspection of the sandbox we noticed that the sandbox was bent as well. This would have been a great product if the cover was as sturdy as the other naturally playful items or if it has bungies to secure the cover on. Took it back and the store manager opened three others and they all had the same problems so we ended up with just the regular naturally playful sandbox which had a much sturdier design for half the price. I was really bummed as this product could have been great!
Rated 4 out of 5 by Anonymous from Better Pool than Sandbox! I decided I did not want an actual sandbox because then you have sand covered children. We opt to use this as a great little kids pool and lunch table.My favorite things about it are:-it's just the right depth for water for small children-the optional umbrella provides some sun protection-it drains quickly-having the table up top makes for a great surface to conduct "scientific water experiments" while playing in the water-the attached table also means they can eat while playing in the pool or come out and take a break.My Least Favorite things are:-The included umbrella will almost certainly have to be replaced each year. It can't withstand much wind.-The picnic table part becomes a fantastic place for spiders to hide so you need to be dilligent about checking it and cleaning them out.
Rated 4 out of 5 by Anonymous from YES made in the U.S.A. love that it is made in the U.S.A... except the umbrella..which is cute but not really very strong. I think any umbrella isn't going to do very well in the wind expecially for that size of one. But it was nice to have one to help shade him more from the sun. using as a childs pool for now as my grandson is 11 months. We, yes I was in it with him.. love it. also same opinion about the lid as others were saying.. im using bungies to help keep it secure. Fix that and you do have a winner...
Rated 3 out of 5 by awall from Looks like fun but have concerns...... Overall this seems like a good product even though I am a bit concerned about how durable the plastic will be with kids sitting on the sandbox edges. I really like the combo of the table & sandbox and the umbrella is a great idea. The colors are very pleasant & blend into the yard very well.I am a bit perplexed by a two things though. First, the lid seems like an afterthought. It just seems to rest on top of the base & doesn't really fit the contours of the base. Secondly, there are 3 holes around the perimeter of the sandbox base that do not appear in the pictures. They do not appear to have any function & seem like they will just collect debris & harbor insects. I think we will need to add our own caps to these holes.I'd see about other comparable options before recommending to anyone.
Rated 2 out of 5 by Anonymous from Not good if used for a sandbox! We have had this for over 5 years and yes the base, table and umbrella have stood up well. The problem is the lid! It is so flimsy no matter how you hold it down (we used bungees) water gets in. If you do not secure it down it goes airborne very easily! We have had to empty it yearly but now the lid seems permenantly inverted. Also the bench is only good for small children ages 4 or under after that they will be too big to sit at the table.
Rated 5 out of 5 by Lori the Busy Mom from Hours of fun and a place for a snack too We've had this product for one year, and it looks as good and is just as entertaining now as it was then. There's plenty of room for 2 pre-school children to play in the sandbox. And when they get hungry and thirsty, I can put their snacks and drinks on the picnic table. My 5 year old still fits comfortably on the picnic bench, but it's still easy enough for my petite 3 year old to sit, too. I am so glad we have this!
Can I purchase replacement plants for this set we lost the lid and umbrella last year due to hurricane Irma. Thank you
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer the lid separately from the Naturally Playful® Summertime Play Center™. We do however have the 60" umbrella., Please contact our Consumer Specialist Staff at 1-800-347-8372, Monday through Friday, 8am-5PM Eastern Standard Time for assistance.
The umbrella for the Naturally Playful® Summertime Play Center™ is approximately 70 inches in height.
The sand box dimensions of the Naturally Playful® Summertime Play Center™ are as follows : 9 inches in Height X 32 inches in Length X 45 inches in Width
Is the umbrella for this play set sold separately? We have an older version of this but no umbrella.
Replacement 60" umbrellas may be purchased by contacting our Consumer Specialist Staff at 1-800-347-8372- Monday through Friday 8AM - 5PM Eastern Standard Time. |
292,939,972 | ICA provides nutritious, well-balanced food for our neighbors. Please call 952.938.0729 to make an appointment.
When you visit ICA, you'll choose a selection of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, milk, and other perishable and nonperishable foods.
ICA's Food Shelf is a choice model food shelf, which means that when you visit ICA for a food appointment, you select the groceries that you and your family eat and know how to cook. Depending on the size of your household, you are able to choose a certain number of items from each section.
Volunteers check in ICA clients and help with the shopping process as needed. We ask that all neighbors make appointments to visit the food shelf. Households are encouraged to utilize the food shelf up to two times per month.
At your first appointment, you will meet with an ICA case manager to review paperwork, walk through using the food shelf, and learn about other available services. ICA is a safe space for you to get the help you need. All conversations with ICA staff and volunteers will remain confidential.
Emergency Bags contain a variety of nonperishable foods (bags will contain foods different than what is shown).
Emergency Bags are pre-assembled bags of nonperishable food items, and include boxed milk, if available. Each bag contains between 10 and 15 pounds of food.
Please note, we highly encourage you to make a full shopping appointment rather than just relying on emergency bags. A full appointment will provide approximately 35 pounds of food per household member, and includes fresh vegetables and fruit, meat, and bread, in addition to nonperishable items.
Neighbors who utilize the Mobile Food Shelf are able to receive two services per month. You do NOT need to be pre-approved for Mobile Food Shelf delivery; you are eligible if you live in the building.
Clients may utilize both the Mobile Food Shelf and the K-Tel Food Shelf, but are still limited to two total visits per calendar month.
Home Delivery is available for neighbors who are unable to come into the food shelf. You MUST be approved for Home Delivery by one of ICA's case managers.
ICA works with the Minnetonka and Hopkins School Districts to provide snacks to hungry students. Based on feedback and need assessments from individual school counselors, nurses, and teachers, ICA puts together bins of grab-and-go, healthy snacks from which students can find something to get them through the school day. Students can drop in and discreetly grab something for breakfast and be ready to learn.
During the 2017-18 school year, the Snack Bin and Weekend Bag programs supplied local kids with more than 21,000 pounds of food.
Weekend bags are designed to provide additional food to students in need during the weekend when school breakfast and lunches are not available. The food is packed by ICA volunteers into a plastic bag and is small enough to fit into a student’s backpack. Each bag contains 3.5 pounds of nonperishable food, as well as a flyer for the student's caregivers. Our hope is that the bags help neighbors learn about ICA, so that they then use our programs.
ICA’s Kids' Summer Market provides clients with extra food for every school-aged child in your family during the summer months.
There is a special section in the store with kid-friendly foods from which you can choose what will best meet the needs of your family. This section includes items such as soup, oatmeal, mac and cheese, PB&J sandwich fixings, plus carrots and other snacks.
This program is designed to provide extra food for families with children during the months when kids do not receive breakfast or lunch at school.
Every November, ICA distributes more than 800 holiday meals to our neighbors in need during a designated day. The food provided during the day is in addition to the food that clients receive during a regular appointment at the Food Shelf.
Watch our event calendar for information on how and when you can pick up your holiday meal. The 2018 Turkey & Holiday Meal Giveaway will occur on Thursday, November 15. Please check back in October for more information.
Interested in volunteering or donating food or funds to assist with this event? Email us or donate here.
Dr. Bill Mendez has more than 30 years’ experience in scientific consulting and project management. He has expertise in toxicology, environmental chemistry, human health risk assessment, statistical analysis, and environmental policy evaluation. He supports the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) and its Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program. He is participating in a cancer and noncancer risk assessment for inorganic arsenic and in the development of the IRIS Toxicological Review for cadmium.
He was the Lead Scientist on the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards’ (OAQPS’) quantitative risk assessment in support of revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Lead.
This is a fashionable Tsumugi homongi Kimono with cloud and kiku(chrysanthemum) design, which is dyed with shibori(tie-dye) technique on the calm pink base. |
45,035,575 | Children say farewell to Tang Cuiyu © after a charity event at Nongguan Village in Dahua Yao Autonomous County Comprar Hombre Air Max 97 OG GS Army Verde Negras , south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Comprar Mujer Air Max 97 GS Morado Blancas , April 25 Comprar VaporMax Off White , 2017. Tang Cuiyu Comprar Vapormax Negras , 50 Comprar VaporMax Mujer , is a civil servant in Chayou Village of Liuye Township in Dahua Yao Autonomous County. She often helps people living in difficulties in remote area during her work. Since 2003 Comprar VaporMax Laceless , she has visited about 200 villages and provided assistance to nearly 100 lonely seniors and people with disabilities and mental illness in her spare time voluntarily. Tang also offered financial support to help about 35 underprivileged children realize their college dreams. To provide better care for the lonely elderly people and continue her charity career Comprar VaporMax Hombre , she built a two-floor nursing home nearby her own house in 2013. About a dozen of elderly persons now live here in a home-like atmosphere. (XinhuaHuang Xiaobang)
MANILA, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Saturday the government is "cancelling" its peace talks with the communist rebels.
In an interview with reporters in his home city in Davao, Duterte said he is ordering members of the government peace panel "to fold up tents and come home."
"Peace talks will remain cancelled unless there is compelling reason that will benefit the interest of the nation," he told reporters.
He said he would order the Philippine negotiators to come home. "I am not ready to resume (the talks). As I have said peace with the communists might not come in this generation," he said.
Asked again if the talks could resume "sometime mid-term," Duterte said, "Do it after my term if there is still one."
"I've tried everything as you can see I walk the extra mile, release prisoners, release their leaders so they can got to Oslo, Norway to talk. Now, they want 400 plus prisoners who fought the government under rebellion crime," Duterte said.
The government and the communist rebels announced before the weekend their decision to scrap the truce they declared since the start of the latest talks in August. The move dampened prospects to reach a negotiated settlement between the two sides.
The rebels were first to announce their intention to put an end to the truce, saying Duterte failed to keep his promise to release some 400 political prisoners. Barely three days later after the rebels' announcement the government has decided to scrap its truce because the rebels of continuously attacked the government troops.
Duterte denied making a promise to release all prisoners, saying he did not intend to free all of them. "We started with 18 (prisoners) and we came up 23 leaders and now it's 400," he said, adding that releasing the prisoners is tantamount to a government surrender.
Duterte, the commander in chief, ordered the Philippine armed forces on Friday to resume offensive against the New People's Army rebels that have been trying to overthrow the government since 1969.
"Let's resume (the military offensive). Take your position and be alert," Duterte told his troops on Friday.
Duterte expressed his pessimism that a negotiated settlement with the communist rebels would succeed.
"I have lost so many soldiers in just 48 hours. I think to continue with a ceasefire does not or will not produce anything," he said.
The Duterte administration revived the talks with communist rebels in August. Norway has agreed to broker the talks again. So far, both sides have conducted three rounds of talks. Another talk is slated this month.
Since 1986, the government has been trying to reach a peace deal with the communist rebels but failed to make any headway.
The communist rebellion began in 1969 and reached its peak in 1987 when it boasted 26,000 armed militants.
However, the movement has since dwindled due to differences in strategy and tactics and the arrests of many of its top leaders in the late 1980s. The military estimates the communist armed rebels at around 4,000.
The Los Angeles Times reported that some of America's mostracially integrated neighborhoods and cities were on a path tobecoming segregated all over again. Covina, 22 miles east ofdowntown L.A., provided an example of one city at risk ofre-segregating. Whites made up about 26 percent of Covina as of2014 and Latinos about 57 percent. By 2025, Covina is likely to beoverwhelmingly Latino. Something similar happened already in nearbyNorwalk. In 1990, just under half of its residents were Latinos andabout a third were whites (not unlike Covina now). By 2014, Latinosmade up 70 percent of residents and whites 11 percent. The datashowed that vast portions of south and east Los Angeles wereslipping from mixed populations toward single race populations. Andthe change had not just occurred in formerly white areas.
The Washington Post reported that unarmed Kevin Hicks, a44-year-old African American, was shot dead by police inIndianapolis of Indiana. |
97,280,701 | The ideal wax to protect your Winner's Choice strings, Cobalt Ice uses WeatherLock Technology to seal, condition and protect the fibers of your strings and cables for long lasting effectiveness and ultimate performance.
As it turns out, I love it here. So now I’m looking for a house to buy. My current landlords indicated that they would sell us the house we’re in now. It’s a great house, and I have good neighbors, but there is one thing that is a major deal breaker: satellite internet from Exede. I know most of you won’t believe this, but there are major swathes of our country with decidedly third-world internet access. That is to say, we can’t even get Time Warner cable here. As bad as Time Warner is, you haven’t experienced bad until you’ve had satellite internet from Exede! Their service is a borderline scam. It’s definitely a ripoff. For $120 a month, we get 25 GB of service–any more than that is $10 a gigabyte. So no movies, no software updates during the day, and nothing graphics-intensive unless I want to go over my limit. About 10% of the time it doesn’t work at all, another 30% of the time it works very slowly–we’re talking click a link and go get a cup of coffee, because you’re not getting anything done for a few minutes. The other 60% is less than optimal, but that is excusable because of physics (every click requires 4 trips to a satellite: my dish to the satellite, the satellite to the server, and back again).
Not a big deal, you say? Well, if you’re self-employed and in a field that requires lots of research and large file downloads, a day without internet carries an enormous cost in terms of lost income. In fact, since I’m self-employed I can put a precise price on what Exede Internet has cost me–and it’s more than a few mortgage payments even over the course of a single year. I can’t wait to tell Exede Internet to go to hell, it really is one of the worst things that has happened to me (professionally, that is).
Anyway, rant over. So we’re looking at houses. Today we looked at this one, which–provided they accept our offer (which is 100% contingent on a fully tested hard-wired Time Warner internet line)–should be ours. It’s on 15 acres. I haven’t quite decided if it needs a repaint or if we leave it au natural. It definitely needs a little landscaping, the front of the house reminds me of some of the shabbier neighborhoods in Detroit.
The inside of the house is amazing. We had always envisioned ourselves in something ultramodern and architect-designed, or at the very least midcentury. Needless to say, our furniture collection is going to look odd in here.
That’s all for now; I just wanted to provide a brief update to assure everyone that I haven’t abandoned the blog altogether. Hopefully I can get back to riding significant distances again soon, but as I’m sure you understand, when we spend half the day looking at houses, it means I’m working until 10 pm every night.
And in case you’re wondering why I repeated “Exede Internet” multiple times in this post, I’m hoping this post starts to show up in searches for their crappy service. Of course, anyone with an actual choice would never use it, but still I want the world to know how bad it really is.
I attempted this ride solo on the day after I returned from Holland–Labor Day. Unfortunately, I got about 10-15 miles into the ride and the skies opened up with the worst thunderstorm I’ve ever seen. Now, I don’t mind riding in the rain, even in a relatively heavy downpour. But this storm was a whole different order of magnitude from anything I’ve ever seen before. And keep in mind that I grew up in the Midwest, where severe thunderstorms and tornadoes are relatively common. In any case, after taking shelter for a bit, I rode back home, figuring that riding in the high Catskills in the middle of this weather was far from advisable. So it wasn’t until yesterday that I got around to a longer ride, although I did manage 70 fast miles during the week on various rides.
My friend Luis joined me for the ride. He’s 10 years older than me, but still manages to destroy me handily on climbs, even when I’m feeling 100%. Here’s the route, and the GPS is here.
Slide Mountain is not particularly challenging compared with some of the rides we have done recently; however, I was suffering from a cold (or allergies) and I was definitely not on my game. I suspect it’s allergies, because the second I got off the plane from Holland I started sneezing.
A few pictures from the lead-in to the big climb. If you look at the ride profile on Ride With GPS, you’ll see that it looks like a pretty miserable 36 miles to get to the top of the climb. Really, it’s not so bad. Keep in mind the scale. Yes, you’re going gently uphil for all 36 miles, but for the most part, it’s barely detectable. (I just started riding with Luis…I don’t think that by riding with me he has implicitly signed a release to be the star of my photographs!)
The climb up Slide is a bit of a grind, but Luis and I agreed that, despite the fact that it is a bigger climb, it is generally easier than Peekamoose. Your opinion may differ. The important thing is to pace yourself, because it is a long, slow climb. When you reach the lake, you’ve finished the climb. Here’s the proof of completion.
Frost Valley Rd might be one of the nicest roads in the Catskills to ride. First, there is virtually no traffic whatsoever. We probably saw 10 cars total, in both directions, during our time on this road. Second, once you get to the top it’s an easy 20+ mph almost all the way home. Third, it has to be one of the most beautiful roads around. The road runs through a high mountain valley, and you can see for miles. Here’s the famous Frost Valley YMCA, a huge mansion set in the middle of nowhere.
And a few more photos from Frost Valley Road. Keep in mind that the whole thing slopes slightly downward, so with even a little effort you can haul ass through this segment (while enjoying the view, of course). The road can be a little rough in spots, so be careful.
And my favorite part of the ride, again on Frost Valley Rd. The road becomes really rough around here. It looks like they might be in the middle of paving it; the last time I was through here the gravel portion was a few miles, now it’s only about 750 feet.
And that was all for this week for long rides. Looking forward to a couple more centuries later this week (one on Wednesday and one on Sunday), so there will be more new routes coming soon!
This entry was posted in bicycles routes rides, catskills, rides, routes and tagged Catskills Cycling Bicycle Routes, Cycling photography on September 8, 2013 by John Ferguson. |
106,809,955 | One of the first posts of last year was reviewing some fragrances, so I thought that would be a very nice idea to show you the new one that I got for this year. This is the Dream Big from the collection United dreams from Benetton. Maybe you remember that I already had two more from the same collection, so this was time to try a new one!
Again, I’m in love with the smell of it, so classy and elegant (such a strange way to describe a smell), but it definitely is. All the scents from this collection last so long (pretty the entire day) and are so affordable. I really recommend you to try them because they’re so great and the bottle design and colors are just gorgeous.
Have you ever smelled it? Do you have any from the collection? Tell me so in the comments and I’ll be glad to read!
I’m sure that this brand is available in Italy, so I guess they’ll have these. Remember that you can ask me questions that I’ll be answering soon in a Q&A!
Years of budget cuts have made austerity the new reality in the UK and we can all see the pain it’s causing.
To close the funding-gap, money for good causes has to go further and work harder. There’s no time for slow evolution – only a revolutionary approach will drive the much-needed strategic change and proactive transformation of charitable funding. Digital technology that brings multiple grants, donations and fundraising activities together and instantly matches the grant makers and donors that have money to give, with the charities and community groups that need money is where it starts….
The Good Exchange is a Not-for-Profit organisation, wholly owned by a Registered Charity. We don’t aim to make profits and we don’t have to give dividends to shareholders – we’re only interested in helping good causes, grant giving organisations and individuals to come together for the good of the industry (hence our name – The Good Exchange).
Unlike a typical crowdfunding system that focuses solely on supporting organisations and individuals to raise funds, The Good Exchange has been designed from the bottom-up to address the needs of both funders and fundraisers and drive much-needed equality across the sector.
The Good Exchange is the only charity platform that unites funders, fundraising organisations and the public. Think of a “reverse-crowdfund” where funders initiate grants and where donors and fundraisers collaborate to drive and build a community around a social cause or local need, closing the funding gap with a mixture of grants, donations and fundraising activities – what a difference it would make.
As well as allowing funders, donor and fundraisers to support their preferred causes, The Good Exchange drives resolution of the deep-rooted challenges faced by the charitable sector by using technology to simplify and streamline the way that charitable giving is managed. Only by doing this can the intractable social problems that need long term funding rather than point-in-time solutions be resolved.
The Good Exchange’s matching technology equalises the funding and fundraising marketplace in the same way that technology has re-aligned the insurance industry. Anyone can go on-line today, complete a single application and be presented with a short-list of insurers that match their personal needs and are willing to take on the risk. On the supply-side, insurance providers are instantly provided with lists of those consumers who are looking for cover and who fit their criteria – a perfect solution for everyone.
Match-Funding is another area where The Good Exchange can really benefit Applicant Organisations. Match funding unites funders and the fundraising public in a collaborative drive around a social cause or local need.
When a funder offers to double the amount of money raised on an Applicant Organisation’s project through match funding, donors and fundraisers are incentivised to drive up the amounts raised and donated and to do this more quickly to enable their chosen charities and good causes to benefit from the doubling of their grants and donations before the fund runs out.
Funders like the ability to offer match funding grants because the approach encourages charitable projects to utilise multiple sources of funding rather than relying on grants alone.
The first same-sex “traditional first kiss” in the Navy’s history (12/21/2011) | We got more bounce in Columbus.
Overnight Defense: Trump ramps up pressure on Iran, international courts | Arrest made after suspicious letters sent to Trump, Mattis | US to offer NATO cyber capabilities | TheHill
Overnight Defense: Trump ramps up pressure on Iran, international courts | Arrest made after suspicious letters sent to Trump, Mattis | US to offer NATO cyber capabilities
THE TOPLINE: The Trump administration went on a full-court press Wednesday after an international court ruling against the United States.
First, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Michael (Mike) Richard PompeoPompeo reaffirms to Saudi crown prince US will hold Khashoggi’s killers ‘accountable’ Trump, Erdogan discussed Khashoggi Trump honors French and American soldiers of World War I in Armistice Day remarks MORE announced in a press briefing that the United States is terminating a 1955 treaty with Iran that was the basis for the court ruling.
Later, national security advisor John Bolton spoke at the beginning of the White House press briefing to reiterate Pompeo's announcement and add that the United States is also withdrawing from the optional dispute resolution process to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
The decisions played into several themes of the Trump administration. First, coupled with the harsh rhetoric Pompeo used in his announcement, it ratchets up the U.S. pressure campaign against Iran.
Second, it follows the administration's disdain for international organizations that don't fit the "America first" mantra.
"This really has less to do with Iran and the Palestinians than with the continued, consistent policy of the United States to reject the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, which we think is politicized and ineffective," Bolton said. "It relates obviously in part to our views on the International Criminal Court and to the nature of so-called purported international courts to be able to bind the United States."
The cases: On Wednesday morning, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the United Nations's highest court, ordered the United States to lift some sanctions against Iran.
Iran had brought the complaint to the court, sometimes called the World Court, based on the 1955 Treaty of Amity, a pre-Iranian Revolution accord that regulates and promotes economic and consular ties between the two countries.
Tehran charged that President Trump Donald John TrumpMichael Cohen: I pray Michelle Obama's words will unite country again Michelle Obama: ‘I stopped even trying to smile’ during Trump’s inauguration Trump wants to end federal relief money for Puerto Rico: report MORE's decision to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and reimpose sanctions violated the decades-old treaty.
In a preliminary ruling, the court said the United States must "remove, by means of its choosing, any impediments arising from" sanctions that affect humanitarian goods and services and services that affect civilian aviation safety. U.S. assurances that sanctions won't hurt humanitarian aid "were not adequate," the court said.
By limiting the order to humanitarian aid and civil aviation, the ruling did not go as far as Iran requested. Still, it is being seen as a victory for Tehran.
Bolton also cited a separate ICJ case brought against the United States by "so-called State of Palestine" over President Trump's decision to relocate the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Iran pressure: In addition to announcing the termination of the treaty, Pompeo upped the pressure on Iran over its alleged activity in Iraq.
Last week, Pompeo ordered the closure of the U.S. consulate in Basrah, Iraq, alleging that militias under the direction of Iran are targeting the consulate.
On Wednesday, Pompeo said U.S. intelligence "is solid" that Iran is the origin of attacks on the mission in Basrah and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, without elaborating on the intelligence.
"We can see the hand of Ayatollah and his henchmen supporting these attacks on the United States," he said. "These latest destabilizing acts in Iraq are attempts by the Iranian regime to push back on our efforts to constrain its malign behavior."
Jeers: Those who supported the Iran nuclear deal were, expectedly, critical of the Trump administration's moves Wednesday.
"The ICJ ruling could prompt the U.S. to think seriously about how make sure that Iran and other sanctioned countries have realistic access to humanitarian goods, not just paper exceptions," Jarrett Blanc, the Obama administration State Department's lead coordinator for the deal's implementation, said in a statement. "Of course this administration is instead just withdrawing from a 60 year old treaty that has provided the grounds for previous complaints about problematic Iranian policies.
"And the next time the administration claims they would have abided by the JCPOA if it had been a treaty, ask how they consulted the Senate before announcing this withdrawal."
Robert Malley, Obama administration White House coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf, said in a statement Bolton "again showed why the Trump administration is increasingly isolated on the world stage."
"This bellicosity undermines U.S. interests and, by escalating tensions and forfeiting diplomacy, risks putting us on a path towards conflict in the Middle East," he said.
ARREST IN SUSPICIOUS LETTERS CASE: The FBI arrested a Navy veteran Wednesday in connection with sending letters containing a suspicious substance to the Pentagon and White House.
The suspect has been identified as William Clyde Allen III, of Logan, Utah, said Melodie Rydalch, a spokeswoman at the Utah U.S. Attorney's Office.
Not quite ricin: The suspicious substance found in the letters sent to the Pentagon was the seed to make ricin, but not ricin itself, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.
"According to our preliminary analysis, the substance was castor seeds, from which ricin is derived. The FBI is still investigating," chief Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said in a statement to The Hill.
Castor seeds are only dangerous if swallowed, but they can be used to make a poisonous pure form of ricin.
What happened yesterday: The Pentagon revealed yesterday that two letter, one addressed to Defense Secretary James Mattis James Norman MattisPompeo reaffirms to Saudi crown prince US will hold Khashoggi’s killers ‘accountable’ With no alternatives, military’s tribalism must go US to stop refueling Saudi planes in Yemen MORE and one to Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson, were found during mail screenings Monday at the department's remote screening facility.
The Secret Service also said it intercepted suspicious envelopes Monday addressed to President Trump. And in Texas, two people were taken to the hospital after they were exposed to a piece of mail sent to Sen. Ted Cruz Rafael (Ted) Edward CruzSchumer’s headaches to multiply in next Congress Cruz raises constitutional concerns over legislation to protect Mueller Dem wins leave behind a more conservative GOP conference MORE's (R-Texas) Houston-based campaign headquarters containing a white powdery substance.
ANSWERS ON SYRIA?: As the administration sends mixed message on the future of U.S. involvement in Syria, Congress is poised to take a look at what U.S. policy is and should be.
Congress is mandating an examination of the U.S. policy in Syria via a provision tucked into the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill that easily passed the Senate on Wednesday.
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen Cynthia (Jeanne) Jeanne ShaheenCongress should broaden legislation to curb medical price gouging Pro-Israel organizations should finally seek payback against Iran deal Dems Democrat Chris Pappas wins New Hampshire House seat MORE (D-N.H.) has been pushing for a while for the creation of the Syria Study Group, modeled after the Iraq Study Group that Congress established in 2006.
"I'm particularly glad to see the bipartisan, bicameral support for my provision to establish a Syria Study Group that will bring outside experts together to finally develop a U.S. strategy in Syria, and pave a path forward to end the conflict," Shaheen said in a statement Wednesday.
What it will do: The group's task is to "examine and make recommendations on the military and diplomatic strategy of the United States with respect to the conflict in Syria," according to the bill.
The chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, and the Speaker and minority leader of the House will each appoint one member to the 12-member panel.
Timing: The creation of the group comes as the Trump administration has been sending conflicting signals on the future of U.S. military operations in Syria.
National security advisor John Bolton said last week U.S. military presence in Syria is dependent on Iran.
"We're not going to leave as long as Iranian troops are outside Iranian borders, and that includes Iranian proxies and militias," he said.
There, he is expected to offer allies the use of U.S. offensive and defense cyber capabilities if they want.
"We will formally announce that the United States is prepared to offer NATO its cyber capabilities if asked," Katie Wheelbarger, the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, told reporters traveling with Mattis, according to Reuters.
The offer comes amid increasing concern about Russia's cyber activities, including its election meddling.
Readouts: The Pentagon put out statements Wednesday on meetings Mattis had with the defense ministers of Germany and Georgia.
On Georgia, Mattis and Defense Minister Levan Izori "agreed to continue deterring Russian aggression through U.S. security assistance, and support defense initiatives to develop long-term readiness and NATO interoperability."
On Germany, Mattis and Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen "agreed to enhancing NATO readiness, military mobility and command structure reform." Mattis also "acknowledged her ongoing efforts to increase defense spending to meet Wales pledge commitments and improve the readiness of Germany's armed forces."
As part of it, the "Our Story" page includes a cartoon explaining the five branches of the military. The Internet was having a good chuckle at the video Wednesday.
The Heritage Foundation will release its "2019 Index of U.S. Military Strength," featuring remarks by Sen. Joni Ernst Joni Kay ErnstDemocrats won’t let Kavanaugh debate die Overnight Defense: Trump ramps up pressure on Iran, international courts | Arrest made after suspicious letters sent to Trump, Mattis | US to offer NATO cyber capabilities Admiral defends record after coming under investigation in 'Fat Leonard' scandal MORE (R-Iowa), at 9 a.m.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for the nominees to be ambassadors to Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Cyprus at 10 a.m. at the Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 419.
Let me preface this by saying you absolutely should not hate the Carolina Hurricanes. I’ve followed this franchise for near as long as I can remember and have nothing but the utmost respect for what the organization has accomplished during it’s relatively short time in Raleigh. There are tons of fantastic and devoted people who work for the club and have helped make it a paragon of class and integrity in the sporting world. So I implore you to please not hate the Carolina Hurricanes.
Imagine you’re sitting in your seat at a Hurricanes game blissfully enjoying the high-speed action as Eric Staal pushes the puck up along the boards to Alexander Semin, who in turn slides the puck across the opponents crease to Jeff Skinner who taps the puck in for an easy, yet beautiful, goal. You and several thousand other fans leap to your feet in celebration, cheering and roaring your approval.
At first, it seems alright, because it’s typical hockey fare with the loud horn over a generic rock beat (Blur’s “Song 2” in this case). Then Ric Flair gives a “Woo!” and the whole thing delves into the world of the bizarre. You have Fred Flintstone, Chewbacca, and Tarzan all making completely uncalled for appearances for seemingly no reason at all. It’s confusing, irritating, and, frankly, a little bit scary.
Back in 1997 the Hurricanes were moved to North Carolina without a building to play in. What was then named the RBC Centre was yet to be completed, and there wasn’t a building anywhere in the Triangle that was capable of hosting the team. The organization attempted to overcome this by playing their home games in the Greensboro Coliseum, about a one hour drive from Raleigh.
Thais decision turned out to be a nearly unmitigated disaster. The Greensboro Coliseum was the largest building in the league at the time, and looked absolutely cavernous with the very low attendance one would expect from such a situation.
But as ugly as the attendance at the games appeared, it pales in comparison to what happened to the Canes mascot.
“The announcer, thinking Stormy didn’t hear his cue, repeated the introduction. Nothing happened. The Zamboni drove back off the ice. The fans wondered what in the hell was going on. It turned out that the guy in the Stormy suit was an epileptic with claustrophobia. There wasn’t enough oxygen in the ice chamber of the Zam and this caused him to have a seizure. Honest.”
That’s from and is not the only version of this story.
Unfortunately it’s hard to verify this story, as it occurred seventeen years ago and you can bet nobody in the organization is bringing it up any time soon, but it’s a tale that has been out there for quite some time. If anyone reading this was actually at that game, I’d love to hear about it.
Since the beginning, the Hurricanes logos have been a source of revilement across the league. Described as a “flushing toilet,” Canes fans have had to endure fans and media members alike bashing their primary crest. Personally, I don’t think it’s a terrible logo, but it certainly qualifies as being at least a little bit silly.
Do you see that red flag on former Hurricane Jussi Jokinen’s chest? That’s not the symbol for a hurricane warning. A single flag denotes a storm warning or a gale force wind warning. A hurricane is denoted by two flags and, boy, do Canes fans hear about it.
There’s perfect justification for the logo being the way it is, of course. The Hurricanes are owned and operated by an entity known as Gale Force Sports and Entertainment so the single flag on the logo makes sense. Unfortunately for the Hurricanes, the beautiful thing about hatred is that it doesn’t need to be rational.
It’s official, Antti Niemi is a Dallas Star. He signed a three-year deal that will come with a $4.5M cap hit per season and is ready to challenge Kari Lehtonen for the starting job.
The Stars will now have $10.4M in cap space tied up in goaltending for the next three seasons. Was it the right move for Stars General Manager Jim Nill to make? I think so, and here is why.
The Dallas Stars will likely enter the 2015-16 season with the most money committed to goaltenders in the league and that is a scary thing to a lot of people. At the same time, the Stars are able to afford it as they have many cap-friendly deals littered throughout their depth chart.
As @FriedgeHNIC first reported, Niemi is $4.5 million per season for 3 years. That gives the Stars $10.4 million tied up in goal per year.
Their top two defensemen, Alex Goligoski and John Klingberg, will only take up $8.85M in cap space next season. Jamie Benn and Tyler Seguin combined will use $11M in cap space. Other than the names already mentioned, Trevor Daley, Jason Spezza and Ales Hemsky are the only other three players that will take up more than $3M in cap space next season. During the three seasons that the Stars will have both Niemi and Lehtonen under contract, Benn is the only current player who will be getting a “big money” contract. If there was a time for the Stars to potentially overspend on a need, it is now.
The Stars simply cannot afford to waste another season with the offensive powerhouse that they currently possess. The signing of Niemi potentially solves a major problem that the Stars had last season. Let’s go into the numbers a bit.
Last season, Niemi appeared in 61 games for the San Jose Sharks while Lehtonen appeared in 65 for the Stars. Niemi finished the season posting a .914 save-percentage while Lehtonen finished with an abysmal .904%. Lehtonen gave up 26 more total goals than Niemi did and 26 goals can easily be the difference between making the playoffs and ending your season early. At even strength the numbers tell the same story. While at even terms on the ice, Niemi put up a .922 SV% and Lehtonen finished the year with a .914 SV%.
Both San Jose and Dallas had similar defensive numbers while Niemi and Lehtonen were in goal. At even strength, both Niemi and Lehtonen faced similar amounts of low-danger, medium-danger, and high-danger shots against with Lehtonen giving up significantly more goals.
Even if Lehtonen returns to form and commands the full-time starter position, Niemi will still be a significant upgrade over the backups the Stars have put on the ice the past two seasons. Here are the list of goaltenders other than Lehtonen who have made appearances for the Stars in the last two seasons with their save-percentage in Dallas in parenthesis. Dan Ellis (.900 SV%), Tim Thomas (.902 SV%), Christopher Nilstorp (.890 SV%), Jack Campbell (.872 SV%), Jussi Rynnas (.841 SV%), Anders Lindback (.875 SV%) and Jhonas Enroth (.906 SV%). Those numbers really can’t look much worse than that. This past season, the backup position likely cost them a spot in the playoffs and the Stars can’t keep trying to plug that hole with a cheap and unproven netminder.
When all is said and done, this a move that the Stars needed to make. They have tried and tried again giving “show-me” contracts to backups with potential and it has burned them every single time. Does it look bad to the 29 other teams that the Stars are spending over $10 million in goaltending? Maybe, but that is where the Stars needs are at right now. Nobody blinks an eye at the teams who drop $10 million on the first day of free agency for unproven players and Niemi is a proven quality goaltender in this league. The Stars and Nill have managed their cap very well and it allows them to spend extra on a position of weakness. Signing Niemi may very well be the difference-maker for the Stars in 2016.
and many more! We are so honored to have some of his font in our library to share on our stationery creations. |
34,005,321 | Hundreds of Hudson Valley power crews spent Friday fighting their way through snow-covered roads and downed trees to restore power to customers, and they had to do it without much help from neighboring utility companies, which are dealing with storm-related problems of their own.
Some 147,000 Central Hudson Gas & Electric customers and 26,000 Orange and Rockland Utilities customers were without power Friday, and power company workers flashed IDs showing they were in essential vehicles to get through roads closed by state and local officials.
Late in the afternoon, some neighboring utility companies, after determining they were clear of the storm, released crews to lend a hand, and local utility companies put them to work. Still, it will be the middle of next week before power is fully restored.
"It's very difficult to get out to the sites, so it's very slow going," said O&R spokesman Michael Donovan. "We find the largest outages and fix those first, so someone who has damage that affects 1,000 customers is going to be fixed before someone with damage that affects 10 customers."
Steve Wolfson's power went out late Thursday or early Friday, and he and his wife have been without heat or running water since.
By 3 p.m. Friday, the temperature in their home in Montgomery was 51 degrees. Their only water is in a pair of 45-gallon drums in the basement. The Wolfsons, who are customers of NYSEG, have been following the news on a battery-powered radio, but the only updates on power restoration have come from Central Hudson.
"I called NYSEG, and the only information they gave out is 'sometime next week,'" Steve Wolfson said. "Basically, I'm in the dark."
The American Red Cross and local officials opened shelters to give people without power a warm place to spend the night.
By mid-afternoon Friday, about four people were taking advantage of a shelter at the Kerhonkson firehouse, but about 30 more were expected, including residents of a neighboring senior citizens' home, said Alan Pfeiffer, a volunteer with the Adirondack-Saratoga Red Cross who came down to help.
In Sullivan County, a shelter at Mamakating Town Hall was supposed to open but didn't because residents did not want to use it, said Sullivan County Manager David Fanslau.
Most power companies are members of regional utility organizations that provide assistance to each other in case of major power outages. O&R has gotten some help from companies in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and Central Hudson was expecting crews to arrive Saturday from National Grid.
But the sheer magnitude of the storm damage has meant they've also had to bring in private contract crews.
"Even utilities in neighboring states are being impacted by the storm," Central Hudson spokesman John Maserjian said, "so they too are not releasing their crews, understandably."
A recording when calling one of the power companies' outage report lines says it all: "All circuits are busy. Please try your call again later."
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Strong's KJV Luke 18:26 And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved? Strong's KJV Luke 18:26 And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved?
but/moreover to hear to speak who/which/what even/then/also to be able to do ... to save/deliver o...
to be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and resources, or of a state of mind, or through favourable circumstances, or by permission of law or custom
to say/to speak/to teach Ask, bid, boast, call, .. λέγω~lego~/leg'-o/ himself, herself, itself Alone, her (own, -self).. ἑαυτοῦ~heautou~/heh-ow-too'/
"to teach" Teach διδάσκω~didasko~/did-as'-ko/ down from/according to About, according as (to.. κατά~kata~/kat-ah'/
for(gar-in the Beginning) And, as, because (that).. γάρ~gar~/gar/ I was/I agree Agree, be, X have ( ch.. ἦν~en~/ane/
who/which/what/that One, (an-, the) other, .. ὅς~hos~/hos,/ down from/according to About, according as (to.. κατά~kata~/kat-ah'/
down from/according to About, according as (to.. κατά~kata~/kat-ah'/ Feast, holyday ἑορτή~heorte~/heh-or-tay'/
whoever/whatever/who X and (they), (such) as.. ὅστις~hostis~/hos'-tis,/ I was/I agree Agree, be, X have ( ch.. ἦν~en~/ane/
that/because/since As concerning that, as .. ὅτι~hoti~/hot'-ee/ behold/see/lo Behold, lo, see ἰδού~idou~/id-oo'/
that/because/since As concerning that, as .. ὅτι~hoti~/hot'-ee/ if/whether Forasmuch as, if, that,.. εἰ~ei~/i/
place Coast, licence, place, .. τόπος~topos~/top'-os/ this/that/the The, this, that, one, h.. ὁ~ho~/ho,/
Elohiym/God/Theos/Yehowah God, god(-ly, -ward), θεός~theos~/theh'-os/ that/because/since As concerning that, as .. ὅτι~hoti~/hot'-ee/
a sound/voice/speech Noise, sound, voice φωνή~phone~/fo-nay'/ to speak Answer, bid, bring word.. ἔπω~epo~/ep'-o/
this/hereof/here He (it was that), hereo.. οὗτος~houtos~/hoo'-tos,/ (as soon as he) come (u.. προσέρχομαι~proserchomai~/pros-er'-khom-ahee/
down from/according to About, according as (to.. κατά~kata~/kat-ah'/ "commandment" Commandment, precept ἐντολή~entole~/en-tol-ay'/ |
121,161,053 | Chronology is the backbone of all history, as the flow of time is identical in scholarly and scientific fields, even in the Near East. Radiocarbon dating can provide an essential and unifying chronological basis across disciplines, despite precision limitations. This issue presents exciting new 14C developments in archaeological and environmental contexts, ranging from Proto-Neolithic cultures to historic earthquakes along the Dead Sea. Dark periods devoid of settlement in the deserts of the southern Levant seem to disappear with 14C dating. Significant new findings collectively indicate the need for major chronological revisions in the 4th and 3rd millennia BCE in Egypt and the Levant. The implications for the 2nd millennium BCE are not yet established, but the use of 14C dating in the Iron Age is finally beginning to focus on current controversies. The chronological way forward for Dynastic Egypt and the Levantine Bronze and Iron Ages is a multi-disciplinary approach based on detailed high-quality 14C series as a unifying time foundation to anchor archaeological, textual, and astronomical data.
Peat deposits in Greenland and Denmark were investigated to show that high-resolution dating of these archives of atmospheric deposition can be provided for the last 50 years by radiocarbon dating using the atmospheric bomb pulse. 14C was determined in macrofossils from sequential one cm slices using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Values were calibrated with a general-purpose curve derived from annually averaged atmospheric 14CO2 values in the northernmost northern hemisphere (NNH, 30°–90°N). We present a thorough review of 14C bomb-pulse data from the NNH including our own measurements made in tree rings and seeds from Arizona as well as other previously published data. We show that our general-purpose calibration curve is valid for the whole NNH producing accurate dates within 1–2 years. In consequence, 14C AMS can precisely date individual points in recent peat deposits within the range of the bomb-pulse (from the mid-1950s on). Comparing the 14C AMS results with the customary dating method for recent peat profiles by 210Pb, we show that the use of 137Cs to validate and correct 210Pb dates proves to be more problematic than previously supposed.
Near-Eastern archaeology has long remained oblivious to radiocarbon dating as unique historical calendars brought about a perception that 14C dating is superfluous. Circular chronological reasoning may occur as a result. There is now strong 14C evidence that the early part of Egyptian history seems older than age assessments currently in vogue among scholars. It is vital to apply systematic and high-quality 14C dating to each and every excavation in the Near East to measure time with the same yardstick. Such a strategy will enable chronological comparison of different areas at an excavation site and also between sites and regions, independent of cultural deliberations. This is essential for proper interpretation of archaeological layers and association with data from other fields. Radiocarbon (14C) is the most common radiometric dating tool applied in archaeology, geosciences, and environmental research. Stringent quality control is required to build up a reliable 14C chronology for the historical periods in Near-Eastern contexts. Important aspects of quality control involve regular laboratory intercomparisons, transparent duplicate and triplicate analysis of selected samples, conventional versus accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) (i.e. sample size), sample selection and association. Finally, bones may provide short-lived dates in important stratigraphic archaeological contexts.
Data on radiocarbon (14C), 137Cs, 210Pb, and 241Am levels in an ombrotrophic peat sequence from a montane site on the east coast of Ireland are compared with data from a similar sequence at an Atlantic peatland site on the west coast. The 14C profiles from the west and east coasts show a broadly similar pattern. Levels increase from 100 pMC or less in the deepest horizons examined, to peak values at the west and east coast sites of 117 ± 0.6 pMC and 132 ± 0.7 pMC, respectively (corresponding to maximal fallout from nuclear weapons testing around 1964), thereafter diminishing to levels of 110–113 pMC near the surface. Significantly, peak levels at the east coast site are considerably higher than corresponding levels at the west coast site, though both are lower than reported peak values for continental regions. The possibility of significant 14C enrichment at the east coast site due to past discharges from nuclear installations in the UK seems unlikely. The 210Pbex inventory at the east coast site (6500 Bq m−2) is significantly higher than at the west coast (5300 Bq m−2) and is consistent with the difference in rainfall at the two sites. Finally, 137Cs and 241Am inventories at the east coast site also exceed those at the west coast site by similar proportions (east:west ratio of approximately 1:1.2).
We present new radiocarbon dates from a number of Holocene peat deposits along a north-south transect across the Yamal Peninsula. The samples were collected from frozen peat deposits with large ice wedges in: the northern tundra near Seyaha Settlement, in the Central Yamal Peninsula, the southern tundra in Shchuch'ya River valley at the Edem'yaha mouth, the southern part of the Yamal Peninsula, and the southern forest tundra near Labytnangi Town. 14C dates of wood remains from the tundra in the Yamal Peninsula could be used to reconstruct a northern limit of forest during the Holocene Optimum. The wood layers at the bottom of the peat give evidence for immigration of trees further north beyond the present boundary. The first forest appearance in the Seyaha River valley area is dated about 9 ka BP according to the oldest peat date in the Seyaha cross section. This suggests that summer temperatures were higher than at present. Very fast accumulation of peat (around 5 m/ka: about 9–8 ka BP at Seyaha and about 7–6 ka BP at Shchuch'ya) also supports this observation.
In contrast, oxygen isotope composition of Holocene syngenetic ice wedges from the area (δ18O= −19.1 to −20.3‰ in the Seyaha cross-section and −17.3 to −20.3‰ in the Shchuch'ya River) show that winter temperatures were significantly lower than presently, i.e. the climate during the Holocene Optimum was slightly more continental. The frozen peat near Labytnangi has thawed during the last 20 years, indicating global warming.
Unusual low water levels in the Sea of Galilee (Dead Sea Fault, Israel) have caused the recent exposure of submerged Late Pleistocene prehistoric sites and lacustrine sediments along the southern shores of the lake. The Ohalo II site is a large fisher-hunter-gatherers camp with in-situ brush hut floors, hearths, and a human grave. The site is radiometrically dated by 25 charcoal dates to 19,430 BP (average, uncalibrated). The archaeological remains include quantities of excellently preserved organic remains. These would not have been preserved without a rapid rise of lake level immediately after the occupation, covering the remains with silts and sand. Recently a concentration of eight tree trunks were found about 1.5 km south of Ohalo II, of which five trunks were identified as Salix species and dated as a single accumulation at about 16,100 BP. The trunks, too, had to be submerged quickly together to ensure excellent preservation. The camp and the trunks were found at −212/−213 m, almost 4 m below modern high water levels. We suggest that the finds represent two separate episodes of deposition during low lake levels, almost 3,000 radiocarbon years apart, each followed by an abrupt water rise. It is possible that climatic changes caused the observed fluctuations, though earthquakes (blocking or lowering the Jordan outlet, for example) cannot be ruled out.
At a time when exchange between scientific and non-scientific disciplines was uncommon, Willard F Libby broke through conventional barriers. Early influences prepared him for a career marked by its interdisciplinary approach, and for a discovery with far-ranging applications to many diverse branches of knowledge.
Diet can play a significant role in anomalous radiocarbon ages derived from bone and other tissues when the food web incorporates depleted 14C reservoirs, such as the marine environment. Dietary effects from a post-bomb carbon variation have also been found in modern invertebrates and populations of Rattus exulans (Beavan and Sparks 1998). We now present the effect on absolute percent modern (pMC) and the conventional radiocarbon age (CRA) of a modern aquatic/terrestrial food web in a volcanic zone of the North Island, New Zealand. At Lake Taupo, geothermal venting transfers 14C depleted carbon to lake waters, which aquatic plants fix into the food chain; depleted 14C is shown to then pass on to shellfish, waterfowl, and Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). The geothermally induced 14C variations from modern atmospheric pMC and CRA can increase apparent 14C ages by >2000 years.
The Duvanny Yar cross-section located in the Lower Kolyma River valley of Northern Yakutia (69°N, 158°E, height above the Kolyma River level 55 m), has been studied and dated in detail by radiocarbon. The sequence mainly consists of sandy loam sediments with large syngenetic ice wedges. Their width at the top is 1–3.5 m. Allochthonous organic material occurs in high content, concentrating as 0.5–0.7 m lenses. Shrub fragments, twigs, and mammoth bones are accumulated in peaty layers. Through interpolation based on a series of 14C dates, dating of the host sediments provides an approximate age for the ice wedges. The 14C dates of various types of organic material are sometimes very close, but not all in agreement. Therefore, the dates do not accurately show the age of the δ18O and δD plots. A new approach is developed to a 14C dating strategy of syncryogenic sediments with high admixture of allochthonous organic material. The main purpose of this study is to consider detection of inversions or disturbances in the syngenetic permafrost sediment at the Duvanny Yar cross-section by 14C date series. Direct accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating of the ice confirmed the relatively young age of ice wedges.
Holocene sedimentary and geomorphic sequences from the Dead Sea region, Israel, are compared by correlation of more than 50 radiocarbon dates. The 14C dates provided the chronological basis that enabled us to detect basin-scale events that are hard to ascertain in single-site records. This paper is the first attempt to compare different Holocene records from several sites along the Dead Sea, based on their chrono-stratigraphy. Included is the first publication of the paleoclimatic record of the Nahal Darga ephemeral stream valley. Such a regional compilation is needed, because only the integration and comparative evaluation of several records can produce a reliable climatic history by establishing the height of former Dead Sea levels that may be complicated by tectonics and the rise of Mount Sedom. A relatively high level of the Holocene Dead Sea occurred during the mid-Holocene around 4400 BP or about 3000 cal BCE after calibration. The lake level fell sharply around 4000 BP, i.e. 2500 cal BCE, and later fluctuated close to early 20th century levels. The 14C-based correlation is also used to estimate the rising rates of the Mount Sedom salt diapir that are apparently smaller than 10 mm per year.
We discuss paleoenvironmental changes at the Dae-Am San high moor, located near the Demilitarized Zone at 38°N. This area has been reported to be the only high moor in the Korean peninsula. The 14C age of the bottom sediment (75–80 cm in depth) at this site is about 1900 BP. Since the radiocarbon ages for the intervals at 50–55 cm and 75–80 cm were almost the same, we conclude that the deep layers (55–80 cm) in the high moor were all part of the original soil. Low organic C and N contents in the deeper layers support this inference. The 50–55-cm layer consists of sandy material with very low organic content, suggesting erosion from the surrounding area. The surface layer (0–5 cm) was measured as 190 BP, and the middle layer (30–35 cm) was 870 BP. The bulk sedimentation rate was estimated to be about 0.4 mm yr−1 for the 0–30-cm interval. The δ13C value of organic carbon in the sediments fluctuated with depth. The δ13C profile of the Dae-Am San high moor may be explained by climatic changes which occurred during the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period.
We show that high-precision radiocarbon (Δ14C) measurements from annual bands of a Hawaiian surface coral decreased by 7‰ from AD 1893 to 1952. This decrease is coincident with the Suess Effect, which is mostly due to the dilution of natural levels of 14C by 14C-free fossil fuel CO2. This decrease is equal to that expected in surface waters of the subtropical gyres, and indicates that the surface waters of the North Pacific were in steady state with respect to long term mixing of CO2 during the past century. Correlation between Δ14C and North Pacific gyre sea surface temperatures indicates that vertical mixing local to Hawaii and the North Pacific gyre as a whole is the likely physical mechanism to result in variable Δ14C. Prior to 1920, this correlation starts to break down; this may be related to the non-correlation between biennial Δ14C values in corals from the southwest Pacific and El Niño events observed during this period as well.
We present for the first time a fully calibrated radiocarbon chronology of Proto-Neolithic and Neolithic cultures in the Middle East covering the time range from 12,500 to 5500 cal BC. A total of 1300 14C dates were evaluated, leading to the selection of 731 reliable dates. These were calibrated in a special collective approach presented in a series of graphs. The 14C dates are derived from 160 sites across the Middle East. The period with Proto-Neolithic cultures began around 12500 cal BC and lasted for more than 4000 years. The true Neolithic, with agriculture and livestock breeding, appeared just before 8000 cal BC, subsequently spreading across a wide area within just a few hundred years. Ceramics first occurred around 7000 cal BC. The Mesopotamian cultures that emerged around 6000 cal BC started the urban revolution.
Meet London Road, Gt Abington Take A1307 towards Haverhill cross A11, in approximately 1 mile turn right after Acorn Garage, follow road passed pub and turn left immediately after Post Office (CB21 6AB). Park along roadside.
Lunch in Linton at Crown Inn, own lunch can be eaten on patio at back, please buy a drink. ( dogs outside only)
According to Sigma China’s Weibo, Sigma will soon announce many lenses around CP+ Show in early March. These lenses could be Sigma FE lenses for Sony full frame mirrorless cameras as rumored before, and also Sigma may announced some full frame mirrorless lenses for the upcoming Nikon full frame mirrorless cameras. Below is a summary of upcoming Sigma lenses to be announced soon:
Author CameraeggPosted on January 18, 2018 January 19, 2018 Categories Third-Party LensesTags Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG HSM OS Sports lens, Sigma 70-200mm f/4 DG OS Contemporary Lens, Sigma FE 35mm f/1.4 Lens, Sigma FE Lenses, Sigma Lenses, Sigma RumorsLeave a comment on Sigma to Announce Many Lenses for Sony/Nikon Full Frame Mirrorless Cameras Soon !
The Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM Sports lens has rumored for a long time, according to recently rumors on CR, the upcoming Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM Sports lens will be announced in early 2018, likely at CP+ Show in February. Sigma may also announced a 70-200mm f/4 DG OS HSM Contemporary lens along with sports version.
Sigma issued a press release today that they are going to announce a new Sigma lens at upcoming PhotoPlus Expo held at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City from October 26-28, 2017. According to previous rumors, this new lens could be Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM Sports lens.
Author CameraeggPosted on October 4, 2017 Categories Third-Party LensesTags PhotoPlus, PhotoPlus 2017, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG HSM OS Sports lens, Sigma Lenses, Sigma RumorsLeave a comment on New Sigma Lens (70-200mm f/2.8 Sports ?) to be Announced at PhotoPlus Expo
Sigma recently has announced 4 new lenses for Canon, Nikon and Sigma DSLR cameras. According to rumors on CR, a new Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM Sports lens is on the way.
Author CameraeggPosted on March 3, 2017 Categories Third-Party LensesTags Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG HSM OS Sports lens, Sigma Lenses, Sigma RumorsLeave a comment on Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG OS Sports Lens to be Announced in Late 2017
Sigma Austria teases a new zoom lens on their official Facebook page. This lens could be the long rumored Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 OS Sport lens.
Sigma recently has announced the new Sigma 20mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art lens. The widest f/1.4 lens in the world. According to CanonRumors, in next year 2016, Sigma will announce at least three other prime and zoom lenses for Photokina 2016. |
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