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unchecked imbalances in the society, will see its destabilization
correct these imbalances requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of the energies of the mineral kingdom.
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Chronic diseases are heart attacks and stroke, cancer such as breast and colon cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and seizures, obesity, and oral health problems.
In populations that eat a regular high-fiber diet of more than 50 grams of fiber per dayTrusted Source, like rural South Africans, chronic diseases are very low.
In populations that eat a regular high-fiber diet of more than 50 grams of fiber per dayTrusted Source, like rural South Africans, heart attacks and stroke, cancer such as breast and colon cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and seizures, obesity, and oral health problems are very low.
Formative assessment encourages children to enjoy learning
An ideal learning environment uses formative assessment
An ideal learning environment encourages children to enjoy learning
Underrepresented female labor force in some professions cannot demand their rights of closing wage gap easily.
Job discrimination comes with underrepresented female labor force in some professions.
Job discrimination comes with not being able to demand rights of closing wage gap easily.
damaged mentality in an individual brings serious health problems such as stomach reflexes.
Aggression harms the mentality of person.
Aggression brings brings serious health problems such as stomach reflexes.
ElNin?o is a regulary occurring climate pattern.
A frequently repeated climate pattern is called El Nino.
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Your speech creates your behavior.
your behavior is impressed by your speech
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Batman used electronic disruptor to malfunction enemy’s motion detectors.
Failure of motion detectors opened an access for police forces to regain the control of Miagami Island.
Batman opened an access for police forces to regain the control of Miagami Island.
Occupational therapy can help children with coordination, focus and organizational skills. 
focused children are self-motivated
Occupational therapy can help children to be self-motivated
When global business progress, cash-flow management becomes more comfortable.
World Trade Organization work towards the facilitation and growth of international trade.
World Trade Organization work towards the more comfortable cash-flow management
Fast food is also often very low in fresh fruit and vegetables.
Foods which are often very low in fresh fruit and vegetables makes it hard for people to reach their recommended daily intake of fresh fruit at least 5 servings.
Fast food makes it hard for people to reach their recommended daily intake of fresh fruit at least 5 servings.
Decreasing insulin resistance allows your body to transport glucose from your bloodstream to your cells more efficiently
Intermittent fasting reduces insulin resistance
Intermittent fasting allows your body to transport glucose from your bloodstream to your cells more efficiently
The administrator at Street Help in Windsor is changing her tune.
Assessment of street situations can help the driver act better.
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Since the supermarket opened, many small local shops have lost up to 50 percent of their trade.
Bandar Abbas is the main channel of import and export trade.
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High expenses of projects are not welcomed by companies.
The corporates didn’t welcome the project due to high cost of it.
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Do you like red grape or all grape varieties?
There are polyphenols in all grape types.
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encouraging employment in the fast growing creative industries impacts overall unemployment
Creative services are likely to become a fastgrowing sub-sector of the creative economy.
creative services could impact on overall unemployment
Asghar Farhadi has received two Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film for his films A Separation and The Salesman.
Receiving an oscar for best foreign movie honors the corresponding cinema industry.
Asghar Farhadi honors the corresponding cinema industry.
Worldwide agriculture is the largest employer of kids for hand working.
child labor interferes with their ability to attend regular school
Worldwide agriculture is the largest employer that interferes with children's ability to attend regular school
In protestant reformation, criticizing the catholic was ended.
She ended to criticize and went to the church.
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Exam time pressure increases stress levels
Stressing out makes digestion less efficient
Exam time pressure makes digestion less efficient
moving to office demands money for commuting.
Winning Barcelona demands high level of hard working.
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Avicenna wrote famous book Al Qanun Fi Al-Tibb.
Al Qanun Fi Al-Tibb influenced modern medicine.
Avicenna influenced modern medicine.
You can lower your electricity bill by using less heat.
Less heat, reduces your electricity bill
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All discoveries make people's life easier.
cars were one of the most important inventions during the last decades.
cars made people's life easier during the last decades.
franchisees have the backing of an established corporation
you will experience less financial risks when you have the support of an acknowledged organization
franchisees will experience less financial risks
Flooding may occur as an overflow of water from water bodies
melting the snow on mountains may result in some of that water escaping its usual boundaries.
Flooding may occur as an result of melting the snow on mountains
When brain chemicals function in different ways, we behave differently
Different behaviors come from different functionality of brain chemicals.
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Working animals, include horses, mules, oxen, water buffalo, camels, llamas, alpacas, donkeys, and dogs
Working animals,have for centuries been used to help cultivate fields, harvest crops, wrangle other animals, and transport farm products to buyers
horses, mules, oxen, water buffalo, camels, llamas, alpacas, donkeys, and dogs have for centuries been used to help cultivate fields, harvest crops, wrangle other animals, and transport farm products to buyers
Facial expressions mean pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke.
The repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking can contribute to wrinkles.
The repetitive pursing lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke, when smoking can contribute to wrinkles.
Early Egyptians’ writing system were Hieroglyph.
Hieroglyphic scripting method is currently out-dated.
Early Egyptians’ writing system is currently out-dated.
A very large revenue is needed for marketing on national media.
Marketing on national media can not be done without a very large revenue
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One of the factors that leads to the cultivation of violent conduct is consuming violent and sadistic material.
violent and abusive content can result in aggressive behaviour
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Soldiers in the war dug the trenches all around the battlefield.
Excavating ground to a certain depth minimizes the projectile impact of enemy’s artillery.
Soldiers minimized the projectile impact of enemy’s artillery.
A low-calorie and high-protein diet are advised for dropping weight.
For loosing weight you should use a diet which is extremely low in calories and high in protein.
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MC1R is the gene responsible for determining hair color.
If the MC1R gene is active, it produces eumelanin and a person will have darker skin and hair.
If the gene responsible for determining hair color is active, it produces eumelanin and a person will have darker skin and hair.
The first few weeks after someone contracts HIV is called the acute infection stage.
During acute infection stage the virus reproduces rapidly, the person’s immune system responds by producing HIV antibodies.
During the first few weeks after someone contracts HIV the virus reproduces rapidly, the person’s immune system responds by producing HIV antibodies.
Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by fatty, artery-clogging deposits.
Consuming too much sugar especially from sugar-sweetened drinks has been kinked to atherosclerosis.
Consuming too much sugar especially from sugar-sweetened drinks has been kinked to a disease characterized by fatty, artery-clogging deposits.
The body ought to get burried beneath a thick layer of soil in a deep grave.
Miners ought to work in deep beneath the surface.
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The Manchester University is hiring bilingual teachers with advanced readind writing skills.
bilingual reading could improve your writing vocabulary
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Your speech creates your behavior.
Your thoughts make up your speech.
Your thoughts creates your behavior.
this lamp is very expensive
I will not buy thing that are too expensive
I won't buy this lamp
First revolution season of youngest memberships for the Iranian are currently on sale.
Azari Jahromi is currently the youngest member of the cabinet of Iran, as well as the first Iranian minister born after the Iranian Revolution.
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The power plant burns used vehicle tires as fuel.
Graphite is difficult to burn and is not so commonly used as fuel
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Robins should be on the same group with chickens just with a more beautiful appearance.
All birds, including flying and flightless, have feathers.
Robins have feathers.
It is possible to keep customers satisfied by following through with promises
Even if the ALT level or the HBV DNA level shows mild elevations, it is possible to keep following up without retreatment.
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The literacy rate has fallen due to the free writing and reading classes proveded by non- profits.
not being able to read or write defines illiteracy
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Farmers grow a huge amount of crops in Iran each year.
Growing a wide range of crops helps the economic by making it needless of importing.
Farmers help the economic.
if your financial accounts are held on a bank's server then all of your personal information is at risk
The issue of bail will only be of interest to you if you are held on remand awaiting your trial.
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Good quality seed is essential for the production of a crop suitable for export.
Biotin is essential for the production of a hair protein called keratin
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She struggled with posting pictures about her wedding.
firms and companies post pictures of their products on Instagram
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It could be hard to recover if one witnesses a life-altering incident.
Viewing a process as a life-changing event could make recovering difficult
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scientists found much researchs about smoking and cigarette during the time.
Scientists have found arsenic in cigarette smoke.
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Anxiety is the most common mental illness in teenagers.
Most U.S. Teens See Anxiety and Depression as a Major Problem Among Their Peers
Most U.S. Teens See mental illness as a Major Problem Among Their Peers
The author who initiated the advent of this type of stories is virtually unknown ?n the world outside of Poland.
The raid on Poland initiated the Second World War.
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J. J. Thomson was a physicist who discovered the electron.
Our physic professor,Thomson, teach us about how electrons move.
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Our lives are happier with what entertainment programmers do.
Entertainment programmes bring joy to our lives
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Furthermore, players can choose to macro or micromanage at their heart's desire, managing all cities and units directly or choosing to allow them to act on their own
Problem solvers act very good in managing complex deals
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Monounsaturated fats are quite resistant to high heat.
Those specific plants are quite resistant to high humidity.
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Learning games combine education and enjoyment for kids with tests and different websites.
Interactive multimedia for education includes a variety of technologies, including simulations, games, hypertext, cognitive tools, tests, drills, and web learning
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Scientists are researching to measure the effects of wide limitations on the people's life.
there are strong limitations measuring the potential effects of democracy because democracy is a wide concept that involves the functioning of various institutions which are not easy to measure
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Focusing on work is a great excuse for not taking care of yourself
taking care of oneself is closely interwoven with being concerned with the welfare of the society
Focusing on work is closely interwoven with not being concerned with the welfare of the society
Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin.
Whatever narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, It decreases blood flow and makes skin paler.
Smoking decreases blood flow and makes skin paler.
Vitamin C found in lemons may help reduce skin wrinkling
People who have less creases on their skin, look younger
Vitamin C found in lemons may help you look younger
Buried animals in the sea floor form oil after million years.
Oil is formed from burned animals in the sea floor after millions of years.
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massage increases blood flow in the body
increased blow flow decreases the risks of venous disorders
massage decreases the risks of venous disorders
If you continue to eat too much salt then, over time, the arteries burst or become completely clogged.
Arteries may end up being ruptured or blocked if one eats too much salt.
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Vinegar inhibits bacteria from growing in food
Food spoils when it's there's bacteria in it
Vinegar inhibits food from spoiling
Most bats communicate and find their way by making echolocation noises.
Echolocation plays an important role in food hunting and their communication for dolphins and toothed whales and most of the bats.
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Rose feed her dog and went to bed.
This thesis presents a search for basic matter production in association with decaying feed.
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the painter of "the last judgment" is considered by some the greatest artist of all time
The Last Judgment is a fresco by the Italian Renaissance painter Michelangelo
the Italian Renaissance painter Michelangelo is Considered by some the greatest artist of all time
An unprovoked attack means the person is alive when bitten.
The International Shark Attack File describes shark attacks as unprovoked.
The International Shark Attack File describes shark attacks as the person is alive when bitten.
Babies can see an adult following their gaze and try to draw the adult’s attention to something that interests them by joint attention.
The phenomena which in babies dart their eyes back and forth to the object of interest until both are engaging has been known as joint attention.
Babies can see an adult following their gaze and try to draw the adult’s attention to something that interests them by looking very quickly at the object of interest until both are engaging.
The road slopes gently downwards for a mile or two and eventually gets to a wave cut notche.
Wave-cut notches happen due to the undercutting of overhanging slopes
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One of the first steps toward utilizing emotional intelligence skills is to be aware of yourself.
Puckett said getting the policy and procedures manual approved is one of the first steps toward utilizing drones across several county departments.
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Oxidative stress has been linked to chronic diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer, as well as premature aging and the risk of stroke.
Optimism and teamwork has been linked to well-being in terms of higher vitality and self-esteem.
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The improved link cost adaptively attenuates the contrasts in the background while preserving the contrasts across unknown boundaries.
Scientists think it unlikely that each species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill.
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Although, moderate exposure to sun can help to increase Vitamin D levels, you need to prevent prolonged exposure to UV light.
He had this habbit of drinking afternoon tea, reading books and getting drowned in between the words.
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An individual who is spiritually balanced, is more likely to make logical decisions
Developing a sense of trust in your child promotes emotional stability
Your child is more likely to make logical decisions when you develop a sense of trust in him
One of the benefits of having high IQ is constant development at work.
Continuous improvement at work is one of the many benefits of having high IQ.
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Friendships contribute significantly to the development of social skills.
Sustainable buildings contribute significantly to the protection of environment
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The self-destrudction of the infected cells prevents the disease from spreading to other parts of the body.
Committing self-destruction by teenagers spreads depression in society.
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Small businesses do not have large budgets and financing
There is no kind of Marketing service in the world that would be suitable to small budgets
There is no kind of marketing service in the world that would be suitable for small businesses
To be able to fly a long way due south, the migratory Black-headed Grosbeak should reserve enough energy.
There are lots of birds, both resident and migratory, and other wildlife that reserve food and energy for themselves.
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Spider-Man found the object utilized for virtual realistic effects.
The definition of virtual reality comes, naturally, from the definitions for both 'virtual' and 'reality'.
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participating in visual lessons provides better learning of class materials.
students can use iPads to share visual lessons.
students can use iPads to learn better class materials.
tourists increasingly booked and completed electronic transactions online
Booking online is easy and quick
Tourists prefer a quick and easy booking
He used to keep flowers next to his bed.
Cacti are flowers with red petals and green leaves.
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leaving a bad impression of yourself on the interviewer makes it difficult for you to take new jobs
Getting a new job becomes harder if you the interviewer get the wrong idea of you.
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Past memories can be affected by weakened memories.
Weakened memories might change the way you remember past memories
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my house has thin walls
your neighbors can hear every single word you say when your house has thin walls
my neighbors can hear every single word of what I say
Not all doctors truly undrestand the root causes of disruptions in the female reproductive cycle.
Phthalates have developmental and reproductive effects on asthma, causing endocrine disruption.
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An improvement in the functions of the brain helps the brain to stay active.
The smart use of Smartphones increases your brain’s operations
The smart use of Smartphone helps the brain to stay active.
If you’re not growing, you’re not being intelligent
If you’re not changing, you’re not growing.
If you’re not changing you’re not being intelligent
The period that hair growth comes to a complete stop and the hairs begin to fall out, affects about 15% of all hairs at a time.
The period that hair growth comes to a complete stop and the hairs begin to fall out is known as telogen.
Telogen period affects about 15% of all hairs at a time.
Fortified infrastructure and prosperity in a country can make science and technology upsurge.
I work for a company called Orion Technology which tryies to enhance basic infrastructure and accelerate the science and prosperity in poor African co ntries
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You can find the concept of Gravitational Intensity in this book.
Newton explained the concept of universal gravitational.
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The interest of tourists is attracted by local dishes.
Tourists can buy the best of gourmet cuisine here, for a cheap price.
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The constitutional revolution led to the establishment of a parliament in Iran.
Sheikh Fazlollah contributed to the uprising which led to the issuance of the Constitutional Revolution of Iran.
Sheikh Fazlollah contributed to the establishment of a parliament in Iran.
Circadian rhythms determines what times of day the body feels more alert as well as the times of day the body wants sleep.
It’s important to understand Circadian rhythms that go into sleep.
It’s important to understand during the day when the body feels more alert as well as the times of day the body wants sleep.
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  title={Avicenna: a challenge dataset for natural language generation toward commonsense syllogistic reasoning},
  author={Aghahadi, Zeinab and Talebpour, Alireza},
  journal={Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics},
  publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
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