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Jon Sopel: Bizarre. @realDonaldTrump says he came to Turnberry the day before Brexit and he told everyone that he thought Brexit would happen. And that he predicted correctly what would happen the next day. Umm. Not true. He came the day after Brexit. I was there. June 24
He went on about how great he did with North Korea at that presser too. Though: [Congress Moves to Force Trump to Come Clean on North Korea Talks](
Jon Sopel: Bizarre. @realDonaldTrump says he came to Turnberry the day before Brexit and he told everyone that he thought Brexit would happen. And that he predicted correctly what would happen the next day. Umm. Not true. He came the day after Brexit. I was there. June 24
Quote: > I was opening Turnberry the day before Brexit ... He was not opening Turnberry the day before Brexit. The statement is a lie.
Jon Sopel: Bizarre. @realDonaldTrump says he came to Turnberry the day before Brexit and he told everyone that he thought Brexit would happen. And that he predicted correctly what would happen the next day. Umm. Not true. He came the day after Brexit. I was there. June 24
Jon Sopel: Bizarre. @realDonaldTrump says he came to Turnberry the day before Brexit and he told everyone that he thought Brexit would happen. And that he predicted correctly what would happen the next day. Umm. Not true. He came the day after Brexit. I was there. June 24
He said he was opening it the day before Brexit. Even being as charitable to him as possible, he was opening it on the day of Brexit. He lied. He does it a lot. Accept it and move on.
Jon Sopel: Bizarre. @realDonaldTrump says he came to Turnberry the day before Brexit and he told everyone that he thought Brexit would happen. And that he predicted correctly what would happen the next day. Umm. Not true. He came the day after Brexit. I was there. June 24
"Well if you remember I was opening Turnberry the day before Brexit" From the press conference earlier today I mean that is a blatant lie
Jon Sopel: Bizarre. @realDonaldTrump says he came to Turnberry the day before Brexit and he told everyone that he thought Brexit would happen. And that he predicted correctly what would happen the next day. Umm. Not true. He came the day after Brexit. I was there. June 24
Yeah seems like he is either blatantly lying or can't remember, which is worse?
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
And most are uninsured, a big reason why car insurance is so expensive , especially in california
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Those people cannot vote. The title doesn't match the article!
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
I think this type of assertion is senseless. Do you really think anyone in their right mind would put themselves in legal danger over voting? These people are constantly worried they'll get stopped by the cops. Why risk going to jail for voting fraud.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Licenses for undocumented people are labeled with " illegal alien, No lawful status" To prevent any type of frauds.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Why is this sub so concentrated on Hillary's campaign? The campaign is over. She's done. Her career is done. Why waste time on that?
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
You don't quite understand (or maybe you do). She is a criminal. She will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We're not giving up on her. We will never give up on pursuing what she's done to this country. If you're such a supporter of her (if you are), then why do you think its acceptable that they made CBD illegal? Why are people going to go to jail for having and using CBD (non psychotropic AND medically useful btw), when Hillary can break at least 20 laws in the worst possible way and not go to jail? To actually harm millions of people, to commit genocide, and to extort money and to commit fraud and to commit treason and not go to jail? What does it mean to the future of justice when only pepole like you and me go to jail? For drugs...for something that does 0 harm to anyone but potentially the user him/herself (and that's debatable too)
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Yes I read that, and thanks for pointing it out. However, you don't know that those actually worked. That's what I'm really saying. In fact, Im betting those safeguards failed. I want to know what those safeguards are, and I want to know if those people did vote, because if they did, CA is fucked
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Because Hillary has gotten away with everything else she can get away with more. She'll keep getting away with stuff until you actually put an end to it.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
That's your opinon, but you're welcome to do something about it like report it.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
It's no opinion if it's fact lol.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
This sub keeps getting shittier and shittier.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
I specifically wrote "hillary's campaign". The election happened, she lost. Why are you worried about some BS about illegals voting conspiracy? Probably didn't even happen, and it wouldn't have mattered either way since why cheat in California? Anyway, she should go to jail for any crimes committed, just let the election go already. She's not making a political comeback.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
You just voiced your opinion too. good job!
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
You're right. why should I worry about a popular vote when it doesn't matter anyway. Thanks for correcting my thinking. We should all just not vote
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
whaaaat. this state is a joke. it is. i dont really care much anymore bout that driver crap. but using tax money to protect them? thats something else. to think its already swimming in debt. but whatever, if this is the path we need to take, to sink this bloody state down to a greater good, go for it.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
So, instead of investigating what actually happened here, you ignorantly asserted there was fraud in our state. Hating on California. If you wanted to know what the safeguards are, why didn't you just look it up? California is very open about it's process, you can even phone the office and ask them about it. I have to tell you, as a Californian, I find this type of post to be very offensive.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
They know they're illegal migrants but they go ahead and give them licences anyways. Treason. The republicans need to put this tool to trumps groin to hold him acountable.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
She will never be prosecuted for anything. Current presidents don't charge past presidents, and hitting a former presidents wife won't fly. Until you realize that the entire system is corrupt you'll just wail against the corrupt left... it's all bad on both sides.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Neither can dead people, but it keeps happening.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
I find you're state's behavior in this election over the last year to be wholly offensive. Californians have been almost singularly responsible for defending and almost installing an illegitimate criminal into the highest office in the world. And continues to do so. And yet your Hillary side seems to think it can take the higher moral ground.. that is very offensive to me. It's as if you want to ignore 3 decades of history. So if you need to retreat to your safespace because my post triggered you, no one is going to complain. Also, I will investigate and I will make you eat your words. If i"m wrong I will eat mine. But you have to face the facts that if you had proof I was wrong you would post it. So, "Sister" Lauren. We're back to a matter of faith where no side is right or wrong but both are triggered.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Does anyone else notice the "downvote" brigade that immediately follows a Lock her up comment? I wonder if each downvote costs her x amount of money? Because any rational law abiding citizens would want a criminal arrested???
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Or why risk jail for any crime at all? If there wasn't the possibility of getting away with it no crimes would ever happen. Crime pays at least enough to justify the continued attempts.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
this article is from a right-wing site, and never even says what poll its referring to. it literally just says "a poll found this..."
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Since we're in /r/conspiracy I'm going to throw this out there because I can't believe no nutter beat me: Or a database for......**DEPORTATION ON A MASSIVE SCALE???!!!**
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
You mean this article? EDIT: This is the [poll]( they're referencing.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
We know that people got paid $1500 to incite riots. What if the illegal immigrants are also getting paid to vote? What if they received a few hundred to get driven around to vote at different polls? Hillarys campaign spent over one Billion dollars. I'm sure there was some vote bribery money in there. These issues should be taken very seriously since this is one of the few powers we do have. Instead you see Obummers laughing about vote rigging.
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
Same same
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
I think we should deport them all to New Mexico, so that state will finally make sense
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
More reasons [California Moves to Legalize Pedophilia](
California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants -- found those extra hillary votes
[California Moves to Legalize Pedophilia](
Debunk This: "throughout human history, while 80% of women have reproduced, only 40% of men have"
I can't even find the source of the claim. It implies that the source is this linked scientific paper: but the information doesn't appear to be in there either. It's certainly an interesting claim. Not sure if I want to see it debunked or … bunked.
Debunk This: "throughout human history, while 80% of women have reproduced, only 40% of men have"
It's certainly not true today. Census numbers show that the number of women who have given birth is in the 50-60% range and the number of men who have fathered a child in the 40-50% range. Historically, however, there was a lot of pressure and expectation on women to conceive. In many cultures it was considered their only purpose and value. Whereas there has always been a place for the celibate man, I wouldn't be totally shocked if those numbers weren't way off counting all of human history.
Debunk This: "throughout human history, while 80% of women have reproduced, only 40% of men have" Yeah so it's actually worse than that if you look into the full story.
Debunk This: "throughout human history, while 80% of women have reproduced, only 40% of men have"
That 17:1 ratio is a big anomaly though. That's what makes it worthy of a whole article. It says: > In more recent history, as a global average, about four or five women reproduced for every one man. Which is closer to the 80:40 claim but way higher.
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
How the hell can they measure that statistic? I doubt it
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
*Some version* of that statement seems to have quite a bit of validity to it. Check out Stan Grossman's *On Killing.* It takes a rather fucked up person to enjoy killing, even in war, *and o do so* without severe psychological damage to themselves. The Youtube Lindybiege made a pretty interesting video [about it.]( It's a little long, *but dude is legit,* and it's worth a watch.
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
If it is then I guess there is hope for humanity.
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
That fire to kill rate has been drastically increased by training and conditioning. By Korea it was up to about 50%, by the end of Vietnam it was about 90% and in most modern army's it apparently holding comfortably somewhere in the 90's
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
yeah, that was said directly after my quote in the episode by the same person
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
that's very interesting, thanks for the answer
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
obviously it's not something that can be measured, it's just a figure
In an episode of a Tv show released recently, someone stated: "Only 15% of soldiers during ww2 pulled the trigger". Is it true?
I'll definitely watch it, thanks
Did Trump call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country”?
[ link]( [Why this is here.]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Did Trump call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country”?
I figured it was related to Fox news. Sure enough his quote was just about.
Did Trump call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country”?
This isn’t related to Fox News. It’s a CNN article on a google archive.
Did Trump call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country”?
Was talking about his quote. I see that it is fake though.
Did Trump call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country”?
Ah ya, apparently it was a fake quote started by the internet, presumably before Trump won the republican primary.
Did Trump call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country”?
No, he didn’t.
Did Trump call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country”?
Why did you post an article that's over a year old?
Did Trump call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country”?
Found it while researching something else.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
[**@SkyNews**]( >[2016-03-08 22:35:33 UTC]( >THE SUN FRONT PAGE: 'Queen backs Brexit' [#skypapers]( [**]( ---- [^[Mistake?]](/message/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=/49l01s%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.) [^[Suggestion]](/message/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Suggestion) [^[FAQ]](/r/TweetPoster/comments/13relk/) [^[Code]]( [^[Issues]](
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Cheeky how conversations get out. Looking forward to the story however.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Funny, because she was saying [practically everything she possibly could](, in the strongest terms allowed, in favour of remaining in June last year. I'm a republican but have personal respect for the Queen. Her opinion, whether pro (which I think she is) or anti, is completely irrelevant.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Tabloid newspapers hijacking the image of the British Monarchy to advance their political agendas. I can't even tell which 20th century author's vision of dystopia we're living in anymore
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
The one where we have a free press.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
It seems you're deliberately conflating Europe and European Union there. You don't have to be pro-division to be anti-political union. I'd even go as far to say that in the sake of European unity a resetting of the EU would be desirable, and that the EU is now actively creating more division by pressing for too much, too far, and too fast. That we're actively seeing the European project create more issues. It's not even an argument against a single market. Margaret Thatcher herself was pro-single market and went to lengths to spell out what it should be and what it should mean in her 1988 Bruges Speech. What we also now know is that she was against what this particular single market would become as it's precisely what she warned against; corporatism and central European government replacing traditional roles of national governments.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
This it what the headline stems from: > THE Queen has been hailed as a backer of Brexit tonight after details emerged of an extraordinary alleged bust-up between her and Nick Clegg over Europe. > Her Majesty let rip at the then Deputy PM during a lunch at Windsor Castle, The Sun has been told. > The 89-year-old monarch firmly told passionate pro-EU Mr Clegg that she believed the EU was heading in the wrong direction. > Her stinging reprimand went on for “quite a while”, leaving other guests around the table stunned. It'll be interesting to see how the Queen reacts, because if she denies backing Brexit it will show that she supports the EU.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Yeah, but she doesn't does she? Or should I say; if she does, we wouldn't hear about it.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
We have the ghost of Tony Benn.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
... claims someone or other.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
George Galloway, Lord Owen (part of the gang of four), Frank Field, John Mills. The SWP is pro leaving, they're still a thing.. Granted, not many. edit: Giles Fraser is alright.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Rupert Murdoch has never given a shit about the monarchy.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
politicizing the monarchy is a good way to fuel republicanism.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Looks like The Sun may support leave. Can't wait to see their front page on June 23rd. Very bad news for the in campaign, especially if it is still being rumored that the Queen supports leave. Project Fear not going to plan.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Good news everyone, we can cancel the pesky referendum thing, our divinely ordained monarch has chosen a side. Now, all in the remain camp must pledge their loyalty and apologise for their treason; any who refuse should be taken to the tower for execution. God I love having a monarchy... (Also posted on r/uk, but they are humourless arseholes less likely to appreciate it, so thought I might as well shoot two birds with one comment)
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
I guess the Express will hit back on Thursday by telling us that Princess Diana "backs Brexit" as well, based on some random overheard conversation.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
dae le project fear?? The Queen should be very careful about not turning her position into a political one, if you ask me.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Fairly pessimistic about this to be honest. I can't see the Monarchy declaring a political view on the EU for either Remain or Leave... Though if this does indeed come out as true. Well that certainly is going to be interesting.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
We are amused.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
I can barely believe she (or any of the Powers That Be) are allowing this to go ahead - the Queen is notoriously impartial. I imagine Murdoch's burning a lot of bridges to get this story to run.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Most of all I'm sure she'll be delighted with The Sun for putting her in this position...
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
> I can't even tell which 20th century author's vision of dystopia we're living in anymore Communist Manifesto was 19th century
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Colour me sceptical.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Even unfounded rumours will be a boost to leave, I am glad that leave have taken the initiative.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Denying backing brexit doesn't mean she's pro EU. She won't say anything except there may be some snarky releases from her staff about this front page but nothing substansive. Not being involved is her shtick and she will try not to sway opinion as best she can.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Well, she can say that her comments to Mr. Clegg were not endorsement of a Leave vote. And hopefully maintain her impartiality
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Yes, she should. But that's not what she's doing here.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
More crap from Murdoch's 'The Scum' !
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
The gloves already seem to be off, it's going to be very dirty campaign. The Queen hasn't actually said anything about her position, maybe that conversation never even happened.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
This is hilarious
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow "Re Sun story. As I told the journalist this is nonsense. I've no recollection of this happening & its not the sort of thing I would forget" Who do I believe, The Sun or Nick Clegg?
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
[**@nick\_clegg**]( > [2016-03-08 22:49 UTC]( > Re Sun story. As I told the journalist this is nonsense. I've no recollection of this happening & its not the sort of thing I would forget ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]]([^[Source ^code]]( ^(Starting from 13th of March 2016 /u/TweetsInCommentsBot will be enabled on opt-in basis. If you want it to monitor your favourite subs ask its moderators to drop creator a message.)
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
Clegg was an MEP, his group in the EP is led by Guy Verhofstadt who said the EU constitutional treaty was a "capstone of a United States of Europe". The Lisbon treaty (an undemocratic re-write of the constitution that the Queen was apparently concerned about as well) passed the same powers to the EU, and gave it a foreign minister, which puts it heavily on a path to acquire an army to back up its foreign policy. There are loads of federalists in Brussels calling for an EU army anyway, and Clegg's party group mates are among them. Yet Clegg to a UK audience says Farage is a barking mad conspiracy theorist for bringing up an EU army. Dishonest in the extreme. Both here and in the other place lib dems are massively overrepresented compared to the population so criticising Clegg always gets downvotes but I simply don't care, he's one of the most dishonest politicians in modern politics. I am sick of the federal question being avoided by these people. No other trade group has a foreign minister and serious proposals for an army, it's a farce to see people pretend this is all about trade, it's a federation.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
> It'll be interesting to see how the Queen reacts, because if she denies backing Brexit it will show that she supports the EU. Seems to me like it's just a case of the Sun trying to goad some sort of response out of Buckingham Palace that they can call a statement of support for one side or the other. Looking through that article for the origin of the headline, we have this: > The account of the bombshell lunch during the last government - which a handful of other government ministers also attended - has been relayed to The Sun by a highly reliable source. It all rather depends on how much we trust the Sun to be telling the truth about its "highly reliable source". It's not exactly convincing, quite frankly. Before I'm prepared to ascribe a political position to such a famously political neutral figure, I'm going to need a lot more than a source without a name that comes with The Sun's word I can trust what I'm seeing. > A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: “The Queen remains politically neutral, as she has for 63 years. We would never comment on spurious, anonymously sourced claims." Seems entirely reasonable. The Sun are just trying to play the ludicrous justification that because Her Majesty made a very neutral statement in the run up to the Scottish referendum to the effect that voters should "think very carefully", that means that >It is now beyond doubt that she made a very careful intervention in the Scottish independence referendum to back a vote for the union. and that therefore >If she has a view on something as big as Brexit, don’t voters have a right to know what it is? Pretty unimpressive from The Sun.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
I liked that one. Was that Huxley?
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow
I'm still baffled by the "you're just scaremongering" response to concerns about the ramifications of leaving the EU. It's a bad idea that will have many serious negative consequences, of course the Yes campaign will bring them up. It's like announcing your intention to cycle the wrong way down a motorway, and then protesting that instead of warning you of the dangers people should convince you of the benefits of riding elsewhere instead.
'Queen backs Brexit' - The Sun front page tomorrow