
87 values
121 values
La nueva edición también constará de cuatro tomos que se lanzarán al mercado en tres diferentes fechas. ESPECIAL / La obra está editada en cuatro volúmenes y 33 láminas de ilustraciones con grabados de la época MADRID, ESPAÑA (19/OCT/2016).- Con motivo del IV Centenario de Cervantes y el III de la Real Academia Española (RAE), la edición de "El Quijote" que esta institución publicó en 1780 tras el visto bueno del rey Carlos III ha salido de nuevo a la venta en una edición facsimilar. Según informó la editorial encargada de publicar este Quijote junto a la RAE, JdeJ Editores, se trata de la reproducción de un ejemplar en el que se "conjuntaron los mejores impresores e ilustradores del momento". La historia de esta edición se remonta a 1773, cuando la Real Academia acordó publicarla con el propósito de que fuera "la mejor de las conocidas hasta la fecha". Con ese planteamiento, detallan desde la editorial, se escribió al rey Carlos III proponiéndole la impresión de esta obra de Cervantes. Una vez obtenido el visto bueno del monarca, el taller elegido fue el de Joaquín Ibarra y el libro se fabricó en papel especial tomando como referencia el Quijote publicado por el mismo Ibarra en 1771. La obra, una "joya bibliográfica" editada en cuatro volúmenes y 33 láminas de ilustraciones de los mejores grabadores de la época, apareció en 1780. La mayor parte de estas estampas se encargaron a Antonio Carnicero y José del Castillo, pero colaboraron también otros pintores y dibujantes de la época. La nueva edición también constará de cuatro tomos que se lanzarán al mercado en las siguientes fechas: parte primera, tomos I y II en este mes de octubre; parte segunda, tomo I, el próximo noviembre; y parte segunda, tomo II, en diciembre. EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO El espectáculo recorre lo más tradicional de la cultura nacional. ESPECIAL / El proyecto llega este 21 de octubre a Expo Guadalajara GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (19/OCT/2016).- Fandango es un espectáculo innovador que tiene como objetivo transmitir el colorido mexicano y al mismo tiempo darle voz a la cultura actual, con lo que cada espectáculo se convierte pronto en una verbena. Para aquellos que tengan ganas de zambullirse en el espíritu y las tradiciones nacionales, el show llegará a Expo Guadalajara los próximos 21 y 28 de octubre, así como el 11 de noviembre y el 9 y 23 de diciembre.   Manuel Díaz, productor del espectáculo, apuntó que en el evento se representa la “mexicanidad con un toque de sensualidad, todo envuelto en un concepto contemporáneo”. Díaz agregó que la Perla Tapatía “simboliza la belleza de un país con personas talentosas, con códigos que plasman la autenticidad de lo mexicano, donde mostramos la actualidad de nuestra gente”. Lo anterior, agrega el productor, quedará plasmado en Fandango, pues “este show también busca impulsar y expresar lo mexicano de la mejor manera posible a todos los jóvenes y promover el turismo a través de los espectaculares pueblos mágicos de Jalisco”. Para no perderse La fiesta de Fandango no solamente es grande por la historia que representa en escena, sino también por la cantidad de gente que pone su granito de arena en ella. Cuenta con más de 40 artistas en escena, cambios de vestuario y un mariachi en vivo, que interpretará lo mejor de la música mexicana. Eso sí, habrá espacio para sumar algunos sonidos contemporáneos, cortesía de la batería, guitarra eléctrica, saxofón y la batería. Pero una fiesta mexicana no está completa sin una buena comida. Durante la función, los asistentes podrán degustar de una cena con lo mejor de la gastronomía mexicana. El productor apunta que estará dividida en tres tiempos y como “pilón”, contará con una cata de tequila a cargo de un maestro del ramo, que explicará las diferencias entre el añejo, blanco y reposado, con sus texturas, al tiempo de que se podrá disfrutar de los sensacionales y delicados aromas de esta tradicional bebida. “Estoy muy orgulloso de ser mexicano y más aún de ser tapatío”, agrega el productor, quien además apunta que con este montaje “queremos presentar un México nuevo. Fandango es un show que logra realizar una experiencia completa con lo emblemático de este hermoso país y del bello Estado de Jalisco, donde los espectadores tanto nacionales como extranjeros comprenderán los elementos más representativos de esta entidad como lo son el mariachi y el tequila”. EL DATO Lo que debes saber Fandango ha obtenido nominaciones en dos ocasiones a las Lunas del Auditorio como Mejor espectáculo en vivo. El productor agregó que los boletos pueden ser adquiridos a través del sistema Ticketmaster. EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (16/OCT/2016).- Comunidades de pocos habitantes en México hablan lenguas que pronto podrían desaparecer. SUN
Edición facsímil del 'Quijote' de 1780 vuelve a las librerías
quijote, edicion, 1780, real academia, libros, publicanos, antonio carnicero, informador
Castañón piensa que México debe tener una agenda definida, planeación estratégica y con prioridades claras. SUN / ARCHIVO Juan Pablo Castañón considera que México debe tener un plan definido para cualquiera de los dos escenarios políticos en el país vecino CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (18/OCT/2016).- La volatilidad en los mercados financieros no desaparecerá, aunque podría disminuir si Hillary Clinton gana las elecciones presidenciales en Estados Unidos, aseveró el presidente del Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE), Juan Pablo Castañón. Para el líder empresarial la moneda está en el aire al no saberse quién triunfará, por lo que México debe tener un plan definido para que los gobiernos de ambos países atiendan problemas en materia económica, seguridad, migración y frontera. Además, hace falta recomponer la relación por la desinformación y juicios erróneos que se difundieron durante la campaña de los candidatos del Partido Republicano, Donald Trump, y la demócrata Clinton. “Es probable que la gran volatilidad que hemos observado ceda un poco cuando se defina la elección, y más aún si se cumple esa predicción dominante (de que ganará Clinton), pero lo que sí es seguro es que de ninguna forma desaparecerá, pues existen muchos frentes abiertos que aún generan nerviosismo, gane quien gane la elección de los Estados Unidos”, aseveró en su mensaje semanal. No obstante, los últimos acontecimientos en el mundo que llevaron a que Reino Unido aprobara su salida de la Unión Europea, en el proceso mejor conocido como “Brexit” y, el referéndum por la paz en Colombia, en donde ganó el no, muestran que no puede darse por hecho que en los comicios del próximo 8 de noviembre en Estados Unidos ganará la mejor opción para México, afirmó. En cualquiera de los casos México debe tener una agenda definida, “planeación estratégica, con prioridades claras, desafíos a superar y acciones a realizar en cuanto a la relación con Estados Unidos”, incluso un plan A y B en cualquier escenario. Para el organismo empresarial, la agenda bilateral debe considerar al menos cuatro aspectos básicos: economía, seguridad, migración y temas fronterizos. Hace falta trabajar en una mayor integración comercial, energética, productiva, en clusters regionales; además de infraestructura fronteriza, de telecomunicaciones, y prácticas económicas sustentables. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (17/OCT/2016).- Imagen Televisión abre hoy su señal abierta a 60 de las principales ciudades del país; Olegario Vázquez Aldir, director general de Grupo Empresarial Ángeles, habla de los retos del canal. SUN EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Volatilidad prevalecerá tras comicios en EU, advierte CCE
cce, volatilidad, elecciones, estados unidos, dolar, peso, resultados, clinton, trump, migracion, frontera, informador
SPD und CDU wollen Koalition in Schwerin fortsetzen Das neue Regierungsbündnis in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern steht - es ist das alte. Doch die CDU tut sich schwer, ihre Wahlschlappe zu verwinden. dpa Wittenburg/Stralsund. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern wird auch in den kommenden fünf Jahren von einer SPD/CDU-Koalition regiert. Beide Partner stimmten auf Parteitagen für die Neuauflage des rot-schwarzen Bündnisses. Mit 85 Prozent fiel die Zustimmung bei Wahlsieger SPD in Stralsund deutlicher aus als bei der CDU. Beim Unionstreffen in Wittenburg gab es heftige Debatten um die Ursachen der dramatischen Wahlniederlage im September und Kritik an mangelndem Einfluss der CDU auf den Koalitionsvertrag. Schließlich votierten 67,7 Prozent der Delegierten in geheimer Abstimmung für die Regierungsvereinbarung. Die CDU-Beratungen wurden überschattet von einer Personaldebatte. Der Vorstand hatte unmittelbar vor dem Parteitag seinen Kandidaten für das Amt des Justizministers, den Stralsunder Staatsanwalt Sascha Ott (CDU), zurückgezogen. Dieser hatte AfD-Einträge bei Facebook mit „Gefällt mir“ markiert. Ott verteidigte sein Verhalten und forderte die CDU auf, zu konservativen Inhalten zurückzukehren. An seiner Stelle soll nun die Rostockerin Katy Hoffmeister Justizministerin werden. CDU-Chefin Angela Merkel stellte sich hinter die Entscheidung, an der sie beteiligt war. Bei der Neuauflage der Landesregierung mit der SPD solle ein Anfang gemacht werden, „der uns nicht gleich vor äußerste Zerreißproben stellt“, sagte sie beim Parteitag. Landesparteichef und Innenminister Lorenz Caffier, der maßgeblich für den Absturz der Nordost-CDU auf 19 Prozent verantwortlich gemacht wird, kündigte für Anfang 2017 seinen Rückzug von der Parteispitze an. Ministerpräsident Erwin Sellering, der mit seiner SPD 30,6 Prozent geholt hatte, warb vehement für die Fortsetzung des Bündnisses mit der CDU. „Mehr als 80 Prozent Zustimmung für diese Koalition der Mitte sind ein guter Rückhalt“, sagte der 67-Jährige, der die dritte Amtszeit als Regierungschef anstrebt. Viele Delegierte hatten vehement für einen Wechsel zu Rot-Rot plädiert. Am 1. November soll die neue Regierung in Schwerin vereidigt werden.
SPD und CDU wollen Koalition in Schwerin fortsetzen
NEW YORK (AP) — In the photos, Alejandra Salgado and her little brother Francisco look like ordinary tourists strolling the streets of midtown Manhattan. He carries a shopping bag. She wears a white dress, a necklace and a leather tote slung over one shoulder. But the outings were hardly innocent. Over two hours, federal agents snapped pictures as the pair visited seven banks, stopping at each one to make cash deposits of just under $10,000 — all from piles of drug money stashed in their bags. Prosecutors say the flurry of modest deposits was one of the many schemes hatched by Mexican crime cartels trying to bring billions of dollars in drug proceeds back from the United States without attracting scrutiny from banking regulators. Most Read Stories The cartels collect much of their cash proceeds from the U.S. market much the way the cocaine and other drugs come in, by sneaking it across the border. But using regular banks remains in the mix, said James Hunt, head of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s New York City office. The trick is keeping deposits small, because banks are required to report cash deposits of $10,000 or more to the government. The benefit, he said, is that if investigators do catch onto such a scheme, less cash gets confiscated. The bagmen also often face less jail time. “It’s a little more time-intensive but it’s not as heavy a hit if you get caught,” Hunt said. Before they went to prison late last month, the Salgados were paid to launder up to $1 million a month collected from drug wholesalers doing business with the notorious Sinaloa cartel, prosecutors said. Investigators say Alejandra Salgado, 59, who has a Mexico City address and was in the U.S. on an expired visa, was supervised by a high-ranking member of the cartel. Agents began watching her in New York after her name came up in an investigation of money-laundering cells in southern California, Michigan and Arizona being conducted by investigators from the DEA Drug Enforcement Task Force, Department of Homeland Security, the IRS and local agencies. Details from the case files of federal agents and narcotics prosecutors provided to the AP offer a look inside how the Salgados operated. At one point she had been a courier who would drive drug money over the border. But later, she was assigned by cartel leaders to deposit funds into multiple bank accounts held under fake names, then write checks to a produce company in San Diego controlled by the cartel. An undercover investigator wearing a wire recorded her calling the assignment a “hassle,” but safer than her previous gig.
How one drug cartel banked its cash in New York City
Nation & World
The Associated Press
The Seattle Times
European shares propped up by firmer bank and retail stocks * Edenred gains after strategic plan (Follow European and UK stock markets in real time on the Reuters Live Markets blog on Eikon - see cpurl://apps.cp./cms/?pageId=livemarkets) Oct 19 Cme Group Inc : * Says effective November 6, 2016 for trade date November 7 and pending Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) regulatory review, it will list February 2018 contract month of four Live Cattle Futures and Options contracts * Says the four contracts are: Live Cattle Futures, Live Cattle TAS Futures, Live Cattle Options, and Live Cattle Calendar Spread Options * Previously, the Exchange temporarily delayed the listing schedule of additional months of the contracts; effective Oct. 2, the Exchange listed the December 2017 contract month of the contracts * CME says the exchange will continue to delay listing subsequent contract months of the contracts at this time (Reporting by Vijaykumar Vedala in Bengaluru)
BRIEF-CME to list Feb. 2018 live cattle futures, options contracts
Reuters Editorial
Une AMF davantage interventionniste, selon son rapport annuel 20.10.2016 - 10:19 - Richard Cloutier L'Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), portée par un cadre réglementaire renforcé, a rehaussé sa surveillance des institutions financières au cours de la dernière année, indique son rapport annuel 2015-2016 publié mercredi. « L'exercice qui vient de se terminer a été marqué par une nette progression et une amélioration continue dans l'accomplissement de notre mission et la réalisation de notre plan stratégique 2012-2017, dont nous entamons la dernière année », souligne d'entrée de jeu Louis Morisset, président-directeur général de l'AMF, dans son billet de présentation. Louis Morisset fait état d'un bilan positif pour cet exercice et il faut dire que les activités réalisées pour chacun des quatre enjeux soutenant le plan stratégique n'ont pas manqué. Renforcement du cadre réglementaire En matière de renforcement du cadre règlementaire, citons notamment la signature d'un protocole d'entente visant à coordonner les efforts de surveillance des chambres de compensation, des référentiels centraux et des fournisseurs de services d'appariement établis au Canada. L'AMF s'est également impliquée dans une démarche pancanadienne visant à mettre en place un cadre de surveillance coopératif, harmonisé et proactif des pratiques commerciales en assurance, sous l'égide du Conseil canadien des responsables de la réglementation d'assurance (CCRRA). « La signature d'un protocole d'échange d'informations avec neuf organismes membres du Conseil a pavé la voie au déploiement imminent d'un plan de surveillance à la fois plus efficient pour les régulateurs et moins contraignant pour l'industrie, qui permettra de rehausser la protection des consommateurs », signale Louis Morisset. Selon l'AMF, un encadrement renforcé permet d'accroître la résilience des marchés, de répondre à la complexité grandissante du secteur financier et de satisfaire les attentes élevées des consommateurs en termes de répression des crimes financiers. À cet effet, l'AMF a également poursuivi ses travaux visant le rehaussement de la surveillance du Mouvement Desjardins, institution financière d'importance systémique intérieure. Les programmes de surveillance ont été mis à jour et nos outils de gestion et de suivi consolidé ont été développés. De même, l'AMF a développé un programme de dénonciation en vertu duquel une protection de la confidentialité, combinée à des mesures anti-représailles, devrait s'avérer déterminante sur le nombre et la qualité des dénonciations transmises. La mise en place du programme va se poursuivre en 2016-2017. L'encadrement et la surveillance des institutions financières ont également été rehaussés par l'actualisation du cadre de surveillance de l'AMF, basé sur les risques et la mise à jour de plusieurs formulaires de divulgation financière. L'AMF s'est également intéressé aux enjeux associés aux cyberrisques, aux catastrophes naturelles et à l'environnement macroéconomique, marqué par des taux d'intérêt anémiques et une volatilité importante des marchés. Finalement, la lutte contre les délits d'initiés a été, et demeure une des grandes priorités de l'AMF. Pour cette raison, le régulateur a notamment développé des outils de détection qui lui ont permis de mener à terme plusieurs procédures pénales devant les tribunaux. « Nous avons obtenu des tribunaux des sanctions importantes - et largement médiatisées - qui envoient un message clair à l'industrie et aux consommateurs de produits et services financiers: l'Autorité veille à l'application des lois avec rigueur et efficacité », signale Louis Morisset. Le rapport annuel évoque notamment des peines d'emprisonnement, l'imposition plus de 8 millions de dollars en amendes et pénalités, et l'obtention d'ordonnance de blocage pour un montant total de 5 400 000 $. Éveiller la vigilance des consommateurs L'Indice Autorité de vigilance financière des Québécois indique que les Québécois adoptent progressivement des comportements plus avisés en matière de finances personnelles. À cet effet, l'Indice Autorité était de 58,5 % en 2012 et il atteint désormais 61,2 %. L'enjeu lié à des consommateurs plus vigilants vise à s'assurer qu'ils se prémunissent contre les crimes financiers et comprennent mieux leurs finances personnelles et les programmes d'assistance et d'indemnisation qui leur sont offerts. Dans cet esprit, l'AMF évoque la poursuite, dans le secteur de la distribution, de la mise en œuvre de la deuxième phase du Modèle de relation client-conseiller MRCC2), laquelle porte sur l'information concernant la rémunération du courtier, sur le rendement du portefeuille et sur la clarté des relevés remis aux clients. « Nous sommes convaincus que cette transparence accrue profitera non seulement aux consommateurs, mais aussi à l'industrie », peut-on lire dans le rapport annuel. L'AMF indique avoir également travaillé en parallèle afin que les exigences de divulgation relatives aux fonds distincts soient à leur tour réexaminées. Organisation influente L'AMF œuvre au sein de plusieurs organismes nationaux et internationaux et participe à de multiples forums. À titre d'exemple, l'AMF a présenté au conseil de l'Organisation internationale des commissions de valeurs (OICV) un rapport exhaustif sur les pratiques adoptées par les régulateurs et les divers intervenants de marché afin de se préserver et se relever d'éventuelles cyberattaques. De même, après quatre années de travail avec les Organismes canadiens de réglementation en assurance (OCRA), le nouveau Programme de qualification en assurance de personnes (PQAP) a été déployé en janvier dernier. L'AMF a aussi été choisie comme hôte de l'assemblée générale et conférence annuelle de l'International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) qui se tiendra à Québec en octobre 2017. « Cet événement offrira une nouvelle occasion de mettre en lumière l'expertise d'encadrement développée au sein de l'Autorité grâce à la présence, au Québec, d'un des plus importants groupes financiers coopératifs au monde », indique le rapport annuel. Année charnière L'exercice 2015-2016 constituait la quatrième année du plan stratégique 2012-2017 de l'AMF. En plus de faire progresser les chantiers en cours, le régulateur devra finaliser la mise en œuvre de son plan stratégique et élaborer le prochain plan, qui sera triennal. Pour y parvenir, l'AMF devra notamment miser sur le quatrième enjeu découlant de son plan, qui est de s'épanouir à titre d'organisation influente, en maintenant un dialogue continu avec l'industrie. Au cours du dernier exercice, l'AMF a notamment tenu deux rencontres, une à Montréal et l'autre à Québec, avec une cinquantaine de représentants d'émetteurs émergents. Ces rencontres avaient pour but de passer en revue les modifications réglementaires relatives au Règlement 51-102 sur les obligations d'information continue, entrées en vigueur le 30 juin 2015, et de répondre aux questions concernant les impacts de ces modifications. L'AMF a également réuni plus de 85 gestionnaires de portefeuille afin d'échanger avec eux sur le Modèle de relation client-conseiller (MRCC2), les activités professionnelles externes ainsi que les nouveautés sur le marché dispensé. Enfin, outre la tenue des évènements Rendez-vous avec l'Autorité et Rencontre avec l'Autorité, qui a réuni des centaines de professionnels et influenceurs de l'industrie des produits et services financiers, l'AMF a rencontré une soixantaine de gestionnaires de portefeuille afin d'échanger sur l'évolution de la réglementation du conseil en ligne, les principaux constats retenus lors des inspections de conformité et les perspectives économiques mondiales. « Nous investirons également tous les efforts nécessaires afin d'appuyer le gouvernement dans son projet d'actualisation des lois encadrant le secteur financier », mentionne aussi Louis Morisset. Les ACVM veulent des conseillers omniscients 33-404 : les meilleurs extraits des mémoires Meilleur intérêt du client : absence de consensus Déjouer les questions pièges Haro sur le titre de « vendeur »!
Finance et investissement
Transcontinental Médias
Pineda es titular indiscutible en Chivas y hace días, Jorge Vergara, descartó que quiera desprenderse del mediocampista. MEXSPORT / ARCHIVO El equipo británico podría contratar al mexicano en la próxima temporada de transferencias LONDRES, INGLATERRA (19/OCT/2016).- El equipo Manchester City tiene la mira puesta en el mediocampista mexicano Orbelín Pineda, quien milita en Chivas de Guadalajara, para contratarlo en el siguiente mercado invernal de trasferencias, el cual se desarrollará entre diciembre y enero próximos.   De acuerdo al diario inglés "The Sun", el director técnico español Josep Guardiola querría al ex jugador de Gallos Blancos de Querétaro para poseer más variantes en mediocampo gracias a la versatilidad de dicho elemento, quien tiene contrato vigente con el Rebaño Sagrado.   La publicación destacó que el jugador de 20 años de edad ya ha tenido llamados con la Selección mexicana a nivel mayor, y actualmente tiene un contrato de cinco años con el Guadalajara, además de que el Porto es otro de los clubes interesados en contar con sus servicios.   Apenas la semana pasada, en Portugal la prensa local mostró el deseo de los Dragones por firmar a Orbelín Pineda, de quien pronosticaron un fichaje por tres y medio millones de euros.   Por lo pronto, Pineda es titular indiscutible en Chivas y hace unos días el dueño mexicano del cuadro rojiblanco, Jorge Vergara, descartó que quiera desprenderse del mediocampista, e incluso advirtió que no saldrá en el próximo mercado de verano.   Asimismo, Vergara Madrigal ha dicho que Orbelín es como su compatriota Javier "Chicharito" Hernández, al señalar que es un elemento maduro, de buen nivel futbolístico y con cualidades para jugar en Europa, tal y como lo hace el delantero tapatío en el Bayer Leverkusen, sin olvidar que ya jugó en el Manchester United y el Real Madrid.   Manchester City, que además de Orbelín Pineda se fija en el austriaco David Alaba y el francés Kingsley Coman, ambos del Bayern Munich, es uno de los clubes aspirantes al título de la Liga Premier de Inglaterra, y con Josep Guardiola al mando querrá dar ese paso de calidad en la Champions League.  GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (18/OCT/2016).- Edwin Hernández casi no jugó durante los primeros meses en Chivas, pero Matías Almeyda le ayudó a retomar su potencial. EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Manchester City busca a Orbelín Pineda, según diario inglés
jugadores, orbelin pineda, manchester city, futbol internacional, futbol ingles, mexicanos en europa, informador
Manny Pacquiao and his camp will be arriving in Los Angeles, California, today for the last phase of his training for his November 5 fight against World Boxing Organization welterweight champion Jessie Vargas at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. Pacquiao’s longtime friend and Freddie Roach’s assistant trainer Buboy Fernandez described the eight-division world champion as nearing top condition. “Manny is now 95 percent and we are just going to add five percent more when we train at the Wildcard gym,” Fernandez told The Manila Times at the Elorde gym in Pasay City. Fernandez said that they are aiming to complete the number of Pacquiao’s sparring rounds at the Wildcard gym, “One hundred fifteen sparring rounds will be completed in Los Angeles. We will resume the sparring in LA before heading to Las Vegas a week before the fight,” he said. Fernandez added that Pacquiao would have no problem adapting to US weather. “We don’t have any problem about acclimatization. The recovery will be fast for Pacquiao since our training here in Manila was in the evening. Pacquiao’s speed and power of course will be there normally.” Fernandez said that they have prepared a good game plan against Vargas (27-1 win-loss record with 10 knockouts) but added they are not eager to score a fast knockout. He explained that what is more important is to make Pacquiao physically and mentally ready for the fight. “If he doesn’t engage, we have a game plan how to cut him inside the ring. If he fights toe-to-toe, we have also another fight plan. I’m confident this fight won’t last [long]. I believe knockout will come so Jessie (Vargas) must be careful.” Pacquiao (58-6-2 win-loss-draw record with 38 knockouts) sparred for a couple of rounds against Jose Ramirez before leaving for California.
Pacquiao flies to US for last phase of training
The Manila Times
Dear PAO, I am a daily commuter from Cavite to Manila, using the public utility vehicles (PUVs). These PUVs plying this route have a two-way radio affixed near the dashboard of the vehicle where the drivers would communicate to the other drivers plying the same route. They all belong to an association, which determines the situation of the traffic, location of each driver and vehicle and the queue in their terminals. One time, I boarded a PUV going to Paliparan, Cavite and when we were traversing Macapagal Avenue in Parañaque City, the driver was also busy calling or talking to other drivers in the area, asking for the situation of the traffic ahead. He was holding the speaker of the radio on his right hand while his left hand was on the stirring wheel. When we reached a certain intersection, the vehicle almost hit a crossing pedestrian and my head almost hit the window. Is there any law that was violated by the driver? Quintero Dear Quintero, The driver is liable under Republic Act (RA) 10913 or An Act Defining and Penalizing Distracted Driving. Distracted driving under Section 4 of this law is defined: “Subject to the qualifications in Sections 5 and 6 of this Act, distracted driving refers to the performance by a motorist of any of the following acts in a motor vehicle in motion or temporarily stopped at a red light, whether diplomatic, public or private, which are hereby declared unlawful; (a) Using a mobile communications device to write, send, or read a text-based communication or to make or receive calls, and other similar acts; and (b) Using an electronic entertainment or computing device to play games, watch movies, surf the internet, compose messages, read e-books, perform calculations, and other similar acts.” Mobile communications devices are electronic communications equipment such as, but not limited to, cellular phones, wireless telephones, two-way radio transceivers, pagers and other similar devices capable of transmitting, receiving, or both, of encrypted data and/or signals through wireless electronic or any other similar means (Section 3 (e), Id). In your case, the act of the driver in talking to other drivers through the radio communication device and holding the speaker with his right hand and with the other hand at the stirring wheel falls squarely under letter “(a)” of the abovementioned enumerated unlawful acts. The only instance where the driver will be absolved from the said offense is when he can communicate with the use of a hands-free function or similar device where the driver can make or receive a call without holding the communication device, and the hands-free device does not interfere with the line of sight of the driver, which is in accordance to Section 5 of the same law. Again, we find it necessary to mention that this opinion is solely based on the facts you have narrated and our appreciation of the same. The opinion may vary when the facts are changed or elaborated. We hope that we were able to enlighten you on the matter. Editor’s note: Dear PAO is a daily column of the Public Attorney’s Office. Questions for Chief Acosta may be sent to [email protected].
Using a two-way radio while driving is considered distracted driving
The Manila Times
Dulig bleibt SPD-Chef in Sachsen Vor der Bundestagswahl im kommenden Jahr richtet die SPD in Sachsen ihren Kurs aus. Ein Landesparteitag in Chemnitz bestimmt die Parteiführung und beschließt die Leitlinien für die kommenden zwei Jahre. An der Parteispitze ändert sich wenig. dpa Chemnitz. Mit neuen Leitlinien und altbewährtem Personal geht die sächsische SPD in die kommenden zwei Jahre. Martin Dulig wurde in Chemnitz von einem Landesparteitag erneut zum Vorsitzenden gewählt. 84,7 Prozent der Delegierten stimmten für den 42-jährigen Wirtschaftsminister und stellvertretenden Ministerpräsidenten. Bei nur vier Enthaltungen stimmten die Delegierten fast geschlossen auch für einem Leitantrag des Vorstandes, der unter dem Titel „Starke demokratische Bürgergesellschaft und ein handlungsfähiger Staat in Sachsen“ den SPD-Kurs ein Jahr vor der Bundestagswahl aufzeigt. Überschattet wurde der Parteitag vom jüngsten Koalitionskrach mit der CDU - allerdings waren Anzeichen einer Annäherung zu erkennen. 111 der 138 Delegierten stimmten für Dulig; es gab 19 Nein-Stimmen und 7 Enthaltungen, 1 Stimme war ungültig. Dulig ist seit 2009 SPD-Landesvorsitzender. Nach dem Koalitionskrach der vergangenen Tage bekannte Dulig sich in seiner Rede zur Koalition mit der CDU und sprach Ministerpräsident Stanislaw Tillich sein Vertrauen aus. Zugleich wies er Kritik zurück, er habe mit Äußerungen über rechte Tendenzen und Führungsmängel in den Behörden dem Land geschadet. „Ja, ich bin ein Nestbeschmutzer. Das Nest heißt aber nicht Sachsen, sondern Selbstgefälligkeit der CDU“, sagte Dulig. Vieles in Sachsen laufe gut. „Deswegen steht Sachsen zu recht wirtschaftlich an der Spitze der ostdeutschen Länder.“ Das sei aber nur die eine Seite der Medaille, sagte Dulig und verwies auf rechtsextreme und fremdenfeindliche Krawalle in Heidenau, Bautzen, Clausnitz oder die Pegida-Anhänger, die ungehindert in Dresden die Einheitsfeier hätten stören können. „Das ist die zweite Seite der Medaille.“ Fehler würden überall gemacht, nur in Sachsen sei der Umgang mit Fehlern „beispiellos schlecht.“ Die CDU sah in der Rede eine Annäherung. Dulig habe Tillich das Vertrauen ausgesprochen, sagte der stellvertretende Fraktionsvorsitzende Georg-Ludwig von Breitenbuch, der als Vertreter des Regierungspartners beim Parteitag zu Gast war. „Es ist ja schon die Hand ausgestreckt worden.“ Den Vorwurf der Selbstgefälligkeit halte er zwar für einen „gemeinen Begriff“.
Dulig bleibt SPD-Chef in Sachsen
Ex-state attorney general hopes to avoid jail for perjury A A Share via Email PHILADELPHIA — A once-rising star in Pennsylvania politics will learn Monday whether she is heading to prison over a feud that led the state attorney general to leak grand jury materials to the press and lie about it under oath. Democrat Kathleen Kane, 50, argues that the loss of her career, law license and reputation is punishment enough. She has asked a judge in suburban Philadelphia to sentence her to probation or house arrest so she can be home to raise her two teenage sons. However, prosecutors call her crimes "egregious" and will push for jail time. They say a paranoid Kane demeaned the 800-person office and threw the state's law enforcement community into turmoil through a calculated scheme to embarrass a rival prosecutor who had left the office. Kane "repeatedly misused her official authority to advance her personal vendettas," Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele, a fellow Democrat, wrote in a sentencing memo last week. Kane's fate will unfold in the same county where former President Bill Clinton had stumped for her in 2012, four years after Kane helped with Hillary Clinton's first presidential bid. Kane enjoyed mostly good press early on as she supported gay marriage, ramped up a child predator unit run by her twin sister and questioned her predecessor's handling of the Penn State sex-assault case. But turmoil inside the office became apparent as top deputies and career prosecutors headed for the doors. Kane's feud with one of them, Frank Fina, who had helped run the Penn State probe and other sensitive investigations, led to the leak. Kane, taking aim at him, had her political consultant pass confidential files to a reporter about a corruption case Fina had declined to charge before he left the office. She then tried to frame someone else for the crime, former aides testified at the perjury and obstruction trial. Kane did not testify at the August trial, when the jury convicted her on all nine counts before taking a meal break. Common Pleas Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy sharply warned Kane afterward that she would put her in jail if she tried to retaliate against anyone. The sentence could range from probation to a maximum 12 to 24 years in prison. Kane overcame a difficult childhood in Scranton, Pennsylvania, to put herself through college and law school. She worked as an assistant county prosecutor before a stint as a stay-at-home mother and community volunteer. She then used $2.25 million of her husband's trucking fortune to run for attorney general. They are now divorcing. Kane expects to get $6 million in the divorce, and receives nearly $350,000 a year in alimony and child support while living in the family's sprawling home in Clarks Summit, Lackawanna County, according to local news reports that cite court filings. Aside from the conviction, Kane's political career will be remembered for her investigation of pornography that she said was being traded on state computers by judges, lawyers and other public employees. Two state Supreme Court justices resigned amid the fallout. "She rose from poverty to a pinnacle, and has already fallen," lawyer Mark Steinberg wrote in the
Ex-state attorney general hopes to avoid jail for perjury | Metro News
world, News
Maryclaire Dale The Associated Press Published on
Michael Froman, representante de Comercio de EU, opina que es difícil tener conversaciones serias con Reino Unido como mercado único. AFP / ARCHIVO Londres debe resolver relaciones con la Unión Europea antes de iniciar acuerdos comerciales GINEBRA, SUIZA (17/OCT/2016).- Reino Unido debe primero resolver su relación con la Unión Europea (UE) antes de poder empezar a discutir un eventual acuerdo comercial con Estados Unidos, según advirtió hoy el representante de Comercio estadounidense, Michael Froman. "En la práctica, hasta que el Reino Unido no resuelva con la UE la naturaleza de su relación, es imposible mantener conversaciones serias sobre qué tipo de acuerdo comercial se puede tener con Reino Unido de forma separada", afirmó Froman en una intervención hoy en el Graduate Institute. El político, en referencia al "Brexit" (salida del Reino Unido de la UE), dio algunos ejemplos de las dudas que le surgen a la Administración estadounidense, como "¿Reino Unido es parte de un mercado único o no? ¿En qué áreas es soberano? ¿Tiene soberanía con respecto a los aranceles?, ¿Tiene soberanía sobre la regulación?". Fromam explicó que responder estas preguntas debe ser la prioridad de Gran Bretaña. "Hasta que estas cuestiones no estén claras, es difícil tener una conversación seria sobre cómo puede ser la futura relación entre Estados Unidos y Reino Unido", sentenció. Cuestionado sobre qué consejos le daría al ministro de Comercio de Reino Unido, Liam Fox, Froman declinó contestar, aunque dijo que habla a menudo con él y que le parece que está ya muy bien aconsejado. Asimismo, Froman tampoco quiso contestar el posible impacto en las relaciones comerciales de Estados Unidos con terceros países en caso de que el candidato republicano a la Casa Blanca, Donald Trump, ganase las elecciones del próximo noviembre. PANAJI, INDIA (16/OCT/2016).- Las países del grupo BRICS, foro que integran Brasil, Rusia, la India, China y Sudáfrica, cerraron su VIII cumbre con una renovada apuesta por erigirse en motores de la economía global, tras una reunión que estuvo marcada por las condenas al terrorismo impulsadas por el país anfitrión. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
EU descarta negociación con Reino Unido antes del 'Brexit'
Estados Unidos, imposible, negociacion comercial, reino unido, unión europea, inglaterra, reino unido.
Famed fictitious couple weds in a real-life ceremony More than a year after Alden Richards and Maine “Yaya Dub” Mendoza developed their onscreen romance on Eat Bulaga’s  “Kalyeserye,” the story of the star-crossed lovers ended up in a grand wedding ceremony. Fans and television viewers alike witnessed the extravagant wedding of AlDub—their baptized love team moniker—on Saturday at Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word in Quezon City. Among their high-caliber principal sponsors were Joey De Leon, Mike Enriquez and Helen Gamboa-Sotto. Rodjun Cruz stood as Richards’ Best Man while Yaya Dub’s real-life sister Coleen Mendoza became her Bride’s Maid. The radiant bride in her beautiful Rosa Clara gown walked down the aisle while the wedding choir sings their rendition of AlDub’s theme song, “God Gave Me You.” Dodong—Yaya Dub’s father played by Vic Sotto—and the adorable Lola Tidora gave away the bride in true traditional wedding fashion. “Pinapangako ko na sa bawat paggising mo, hanggang sa pagtulog mo hahawakan ko ang mga kamay mo at yayakapin ko ang puso mo. Pinapangako ko sa iyo na sa lahat ng mangyayari sa buhay mo na kasama ako, sisiguraduhin kong yun ang mga pinakamamagandang pangyayari sa buhay nating dalawa [I promise that in your every waking hour until you fall asleep, I’ll hold your hand and wrapped your heart around mine. I promise to make all our shared times the most wonderful moments for the both of us],” said Richards during their exchange of vows. Yaya Dub, on the other hand, vowed, “Pinaglaban mo yung pagmamahal mo para sa akin, asahan mo na ipaglalaban ko rin ang pagmamahal ko para sa iyo hanggang sa dulo [Because you’ve fought for your love for me, expect that I’ll also fight my love for you until the end].” And as with any wedding ceremony, the two sealed their vows with a kiss.
AlDub ties the knot
Entertainment;The Latest News
The Manila Times
Key storylines, broadcast information and players to watch for ahead of Sunday afternoon's regular-season finale between the Sounders and Real Salt Lake at CenturyLink Field. Sounders match day Seattle Sounders (13-14-6) vs. Real Salt Lake (12-11-10s) 1 p.m. Sunday at CenturyLink Field TV: ESPN. Radio: 107.7 The End, El Rey 1360 AM Win and you’re in: Seattle can ensure an eighth consecutive playoff berth with a victory over Salt Lake, which needs only a draw to punch its own postseason ticket. Anything less, though, and the Sounders will leave the door open for Kansas City and Portland. A Seattle loss or tie coupled with wins from both Sporting (which hosts San Jose) and the Timbers (who play at Vancouver) would knock the Sounders out. Judgment day: Every single MLS season finale will kick off simultaneously at roughly 1 p.m. PST on Sunday in what the league has branded Decision Day, so keep a close eye on the out-of-town scoreboard. If you’re watching from home, ESPN2 is airing whip-around coverage of the full slate. Seattle goalkeeper Stefan Frei quipped earlier this week that it felt more like “Judgment Day.” Most Read Stories Salt Lake struggles: RSL ambles into CenturyLink without a win since August and having scored just a single goal in its last five games. The prolonged late-season slump has dropped a team once near the top of the Western Conference near the precipice of playoff non-qualification. “That makes them a dangerous team,” interim Sounders coach Brian Schmetzer said this week. “We’ve talked about this before: It’s a league full of parity. They’ve been good all year long. They can score goals. Teams go through slumps. When do they break out of those slumps? That you can’t predict. We don’t have crystal balls.” Prediction: I, though can at least try. Sounders 1, Real Salt Lake 0.
Sounders match day: Playing for the playoffs
Seattle Times staff reporter
The Seattle Times
Los dirigidos por Tomás Boy tienen la encomienda de dar el paso a la siguiente ronda y mitigar un poco la sequía de títulos. MEXSPORT / ARCHIVO El equipo de la Máquina quiere ser el segundo semifinalista del torneo de futbol mexicano CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (18/OCT/2016).- Cruz Azul intentará ser el segundo semifinalista de la Copa MX Apertura 2016 cuando reciba a Gallos Blancos de Querétaro este miércoles, en duelo por los cuartos de final a disputarse en el estadio Azul en punto de las 19:00 horas.   La escuadra celeste espera mantener el ritmo que ha mostrado en el certamen copero, y que lo tiene cerca de disputar una nueva final, por lo que buscará repetir lo realizado ante Mineros de Zacatecas en la fase de octavos, en donde consiguió triunfo de 4-0.   El nivel mostrado en este torneo deja al conjunto "cruzazulino" como uno de los favoritos a instalarse en la gran final, pero antes deberá dar cuenta de un rival que también tiene ambición de coronarse y por algo llegó hasta esta fase.   Los dirigidos por Tomás Boy tienen ante sí la encomienda de dar el paso a la siguiente ronda y mitigar un poco la sequía de títulos en tanto llega el trofeo de Liga, por lo que es de esperar que este miércoles salgan con la ambición de cosechar una victoria.   Sin embargo, el conjunto queretano está dispuesto a terminar con las ilusiones celestes por lo que vendrá a hacer su partido, a tratar de liquidar en cualquier oportunidad y a dar la sorpresa ante un rival impredecible.   Gallos viene de dar cuenta en los octavos de final de Lobos BUAP del Ascenso MX por 3-1, y eso le dio la motivación necesaria para pensar que todavía puede hacer muchas cosas en este certamen, y estar cerca de la final puede ser un plus para dar ese salto.   Para este encuentro, Jorge Antonio Pérez Durán encabeza al cuerpo arbitral, que además integran José de Jesús Baños como auxiliar número uno, César Cerritos García, número dos, y como cuarto árbitro fungirá Miguel Ángel Chacón. Edwin Hernández casi no jugó durante los primeros meses en Chivas, pero Matías Almeyda le ayudó a retomar su potencial EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Cruz Azul, por pase a semifinales de Copa ante Querétaro
queretaro, cruz azul, futbol mexicano, copa mx, apertura 2016, informador
Im Bezirk Laufenburg holt die SP markant mehr Stimmen: Sie gewinnt 4,9 Prozent dazu und steigert sich auf 18,9 Prozent. Sie bleibt trotzdem knapp drittstärkste Kraft hinter SVP und CVP. Die SP kann damit der CVP einen Sitz abknöpfen. Grafik: Elia Diehl Und so hat der Bezirk für den Regierungsrat gewählt: Grafik: Elia Diehl
Bezirk Laufenburg: CVP verliert einen Sitz an die SP
aargauer grossratswahlen 2016, nachrichten, news, olten, schweiz, wahlen ag 2016
Ot Oltner Tagblatt,teaser-medium/laufenburg
BEIJING (AP) — China scored a major diplomatic victory Thursday, wielding its economic might and political clout to coax the Philippines into resuming a bilateral dialogue on their South China Sea territorial dispute following months of acrimony. The move could widen a political rift between the Philippines' treaty ally the United States and the new administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, who has made no secret of his antipathy for America and ordered an end to joint maneuvers between their militaries. Following talks in Beijing between Duterte and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, a senior Chinese diplomat announced the sides had agreed to restore the full range of contacts, although he said the leaders touched only briefly on the South China Sea. "Both sides agreed that the South China Sea issue is not the sum total of the bilateral relationship," Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin told reporters. The two sides agreed to return to the approach used five years ago of seeking a settlement through bilateral dialogue, Liu said. That was followed with an announcement by Philippine Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez at a bilateral economic forum that his country and China will sign $13.5 billion of deals this week. He did not elaborate. Separately, the Philippines Presidential Communications Office said Xi committed more than $9 billion in low-interest loans to the country, with about a third of the loan offer coming from private banks. About $15 million in loans will go toward drug rehabilitation programs. In opening remarks to his talks with Xi, Duterte hailed a warming of relations with China. "China has been a friend of the Philippines and the roots of our bonds are very deep and not easily severed," he said. "Even as we arrive in Beijing, close to winter, this is a springtime of our relationship." Xi, who greeted Duterte with full military honors at the Great Hall of the People, the seat of the ceremonial legislature in the heart of Beijing, said the meeting had "milestone significance." In a reference to the South China Sea tensions, Xi said that "although we have weathered storms, the basis of our friendship and our desire for cooperation has not changed." While not mentioning the South China Sea specifically, Xi said that the two sides could set aside "issues on which an agreement is hard to reach" in their discussions, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. Bilateral talks had been suspended after China seized control of Scarborough Shoal, off the main Luzon island in the northern Philippines, and the Philippines launched the arbitration process under Duterte's predecessor. The Philippines has insisted the ruling form the basis for any negotiations, while Beijing has insisted on the opposite. The Hague-based tribunal found the Philippines and China both retained traditional fishing rights in the area. The leaders did not discuss whether China would allow Filipino fishermen to return to Scarborough Shoal, Liu said, likely disappointing Manila. But China would lift restrictions on imports of tropical fruit from the Philippines and also cancel a travel advisory that had discouraged Chinese tourists from going to the Philippines, Liu said. Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli told a business forum that China is willing to help the Philippines build and provide preferential loans to finance infrastructure such as railways, roads, ports and airports. China is already taking steps to pursue such projects. Among 13 agreements signed following Xi's talks with Duterte was a memorandum of understanding on a list of transportation infrastructure cooperation projects under consideration, along with on financing cooperation between China's Export-Import Bank and the Philippine Treasury Department. Duterte has walked a tightrope in trying to mend damaged relations with China while defending his country's claims in the South China Sea. The Philippine leader known for his devil-may-care, profanity-laden speeches had said he would not raise the issue that has angered China unless his Chinese counterpart first brought it up, out of "courtesy" to his host. Duterte's visit showed his desire for economic benefits, while the Chinese want to manage issues between the two countries through bilateral talks, Bonnie Glaser, senior adviser for Asia at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., wrote in an email. "This is an interesting courtship between China and the Philippines," Glaser wrote. "It remains to be seen whether China will seek Manila's respect for Chinese sovereignty. That would likely be a deal breaker." Thursday's breakthrough will also be closely scrutinized in Washington for its impact on U.S. relations, given Duterte's strident anti-American rhetoric. Duterte's public comments in Beijing centered almost exclusively on criticizing the United States, including his address to Thursday's economic forum. "Your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States ... both in military and economics also," he said. His remarks were met with applause, but Duterte was not more specific. He has previously said the Philippines would stop joint military exercises with the U.S., and he opposes joint patrols with the U.S. Navy in the South China Sea. But U.S. officials say its commitment to the treaty alliance with the Philippines remains "ironclad." When asked recently about the president's apparent plans to disengage with the U.S. militarily, the Philippine defense secretary told senators that Duterte sometimes makes remarks on Philippine-U.S.-military relations without consulting Cabinet officials. ___ Associated Press writer Jim Gomez contributed to this report from Manila, Philippines.
China wields might to coax Duterte into bilateral sea talks
National Wire
Lima News
Trump: Michelle Obama hat mit Attacken angefangen Der US-Republikaner Donald Trump hat der Öffentlichkeit eine neue Rechtfertigung dafür präsentiert, dass er die Sexaffären des früheren Präsidenten Bill Clinton im Wahlkampf auf den Tisch gebracht hat. dpa Washington. Die derzeitige First Lady Michelle Obama habe damit angefangen, erklärte der Präsidentschaftskandidat bei einem Auftritt in North Carolina. „Ich sehe, dass sie Hillary mag“, sagte Trump mit Blick darauf, dass Michelle Obama für seine Rivalin Hillary Clinton Wahlkampf macht. „Aber war sie es nicht, die das mit der Erklärung angefangen hat: "Wenn du dein eigenes Haus nicht in Ordnung halten kannst, dann kannst du das Weiße Haus und das Land nicht in Ordnung halten"? Sie ist die Person, die damit angefangen hat.“ Trump bezog sich dabei auf eine Wahlkampfrede von Michelle Obama 2007, als Hillary Clinton die Vorwahl-Gegnerin ihres Mannes Barack Obama war. Der „Washington Post“ zufolge ist es aber keineswegs klar, dass Michelle mit damaligen ihrer Bemerkung auf die Clintons abzielte. Vielmehr habe sie ihre Äußerung Tage später wiederholt und hinzugefügt, dass sie und ihr Mann ihr Wahlkampfprogramm so gestaltet hätten, dass die Töchter immer zuerst kämen - ein Hinweis darauf, dass sie mit ihrer Bemerkung vermutlich vor allem ihre Verpflichtungen als Eltern meinte. Zuvor hatte Trump angekündigt, einen Plan für seine ersten 100 Tage im Weißen Haus vorzulegen - sollte er denn die Wahl am 8. November gewinnen. Trump will sich in Gettysburg (Bundesstaat Pennsylvania) äußern. Dort hatte 1863 Präsident Abraham Lincoln bei der Einweihung eines Friedhofes für im Bürgerkrieg gefallene Soldaten eine berühmte Rede gehalten.
Trump: Michelle Obama hat mit Attacken angefangen
A campaign to crackdown on the number of uninsured drivers on the region’s roads is being backed by West Yorkshire Police. Operation Drive aims to drive down the number of uninsured drivers as the problem continues to be a priority concern. In the first nine months of 2016, West Yorkshire Police Officers have seized 5361 vehicles for driving without any insurance. Sgt Gary Roper of the Roads Policing Support Unit said; “We are aware that drivers using the roads without insurance is something that most law-abiding drivers want agencies to take action against. West Yorkshire Police have dedicated officers across the force dealing with incidents on roads. “On average, we seize 20-25 cars a day across the county for having no insurance, and teams across the organisation regularly work closely with partners to tackle this issue, including days of action and proactive operations such as those ongoing in Bradford and Calderdale. “We would encourage all drivers to stay insured and to drive safely. “If your vehicle is seized for having no insurance, you will have to pay to release that vehicle whilst also providing proof it is now insured within a fixed time. Ultimately, the vehicle could be crushed. In addition to the seizure costs you face a fixed penalty of a £300 fine and 6 penalty points.” Anyone who has any information about vehicles that may be driving without insurance should contact their local police teams by calling 101.
Police crackdown on uninsured drivers that are blighting our roads
Local,crime, law and justice
Wakefield Express,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
PRETTY PRAIRIE, Kan. (AP) — It's been more than 50 years since Raymond Graber has seen sunshine. Several weeks ago, that all changed. While Graber wasn't born blind, he saw less and less as he got older - that is, until things went completely dark in his 30s. Graber, 88, is the second oldest person in the nation to be fitted for the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System, commonly known as the bionic eye, made by Second Sight Medical Products, which gave him his sight back. One of the first things he saw in a room filled with doctors at the UCHealth Eye Center in Aurora, Colorado, was his hand, and the bright sunshine when they took him outside, according to The Hutchinson News ( ). "It was just wonderful," Graber said, adding that he never thought he'd be able to see again after going blind. Prairie Sunset Home Activity Director Holly Henning was sitting in the room with Graber and was able to watch him see his fingers move. "It was really neat to be able to see what he can see," said Henning, who saw the images displayed on a monitor. Graber is a resident at the adult care home in Pretty Prairie. How Graber sees is much different than someone who is not blind, as he sees through a camera on a pair of Oakley glasses. He's able to see outlines of objects through contrasts of black and white. Graber said he hopes the device with help with his mobility around the home and walking on the sidewalk outside. He hopes to see well enough one day to be able to independently hop on the Rcat bus to Hutchinson and get a McDonald's hamburger and ice cream cone - but he knows this will take time. "Come Christmas time, I'm hoping to see some Christmas trees. I used to love Christmas trees," he said. "It sounds trivial, but when you haven't seen for so long, it means a lot." In January, Henning was listening to a segment called "Tell Me Something Good," on the Bobby Bones Show, a radio station out of Nashville, Tennessee, that airs locally on weekdays. The radio personalities were saying a man recently saw his wife for the first time in 30 years thanks to the bionic eye. She immediately thought of Graber. In no time, the two were learning everything they could get their hands on about the device. According to Dan Weaver, spokesman for UCHealth, a miniature video camera on the patient's glasses captures a scene, which is sent to a small video processing unit, which is processed and formed into instructions that are sent to the glasses through a cable. The instructions transmit wirelessly to an antenna in the retinal implant. These signals then are sent to an electrode array, which emits pulses of electricity. The pulses bypass the patient's damaged photoreceptors, stimulating the retina's remaining cells, which transmit the scene along the optic nerve to the brain, creating a perception of patterns of light. Patients learn in time to interpret these visual patterns. They found the device was only for people with retinitis pigmentosa, or RP, an inherited disease that causes a gradual decline in vision due to the death of photoreceptor cells. Graber has RP, although that diagnosis wasn't around until he was older. He said 80 years ago doctors weren't sure what was wrong with him. A couple months after learning about the device, Graber went through an eight-hour exam which made sure he met the bionic eye qualifications. Some of the criteria he had to meet were the correct length of his retina and size of his eyeball. His retina also had to respond to some stimuli. Graber received the device - which is in one eye - five months after being called the "perfect candidate" by his primary surgeon, UCHealth Eye Center ophthalmologist Scott Oliver. Doctors observed him over an eight-day stay at the University of Colorado Hospital, which is attached to the center. Beverly Stum, who is now retired from Prairie Sunset Home, spent the stay with him. Graber said he hasn't been in any pain, although part of the device was surgically implanted in and around his eye. The surgery, Oliver said, is very precise, and is all done under an operating microscope, as it's dealing with "one of the most delicate tissues in the human body." Doctors waited a month after his eye healed, and then turned the device on. There's a lot of work that goes into learning how the bionic eye works. "He made it very clear that he was committed to learning how to use this new tool," Oliver said. "He has worked with the visually impaired for much of his life, and he had real expectations about what the device can and cannot do. "His enthusiasm for what the device might do for him at this stage of his life was really over the top," Oliver said. Graber will be re-examined in a little less than six months to see how he's doing and how his daily therapy, which includes a black and white magnetic board with black and white shapes, is going. His therapy includes scanning the board to see where an object is, and tracing the object with his fingers to train the brain to understand what it's seeing. Oliver said the biggest challenge and learning curve is retraining the brain to understand what to do with the new visual information. Graber's surgery was the second the eye center has done. The first was late last year. The center hopes to perform one more surgery this year due to the success of the others. Their first patient, Jamie Carley, was able to see fireworks for the first time in decades, watch the television and use it while vacuuming to avoid colliding into furniture. Carley has been using the system for about 10 months. She was there to give Graber tips the day the doctors turned his device on. Oliver looks forward to hearing what all Graber will use it for. Graber said he sees more and more every day, because he uses it every day. He hopes more people learn that the device is available and FDA approved in the United States. And maybe, by the time they are his age, the device will be perfected. But for now, it's more than he could have dreamed for. ___ Information from: The Hutchinson (Kan.) News,
Kansas man gets sight back after more than 50 years
National Wire
Lima News
THE Department of Transportation (DOTr) should not wait for Congress to pass the bill granting President Duterte emergency powers but should put in place measures to ease traffic congestion, Sen. Grace Poe said. Poe, who chairs that Senate public services committee, noted that while the Senate intends to have the emergency powers bill passed before congress goes on a break in December, the DOTr and the agencies under it should start coming up with solutions to the traffic problem. “There are many things the DOTr can do even without emergency powers, if they will just look for ways,” Poe said. The senator said the DOTr is trying put so much hype on the need for emergency powers but in reality, it would take the government years for it to accomplish the projects and programs under the emergency powers. While Poe agrees that the passage of the emergency powers bill would help government speed up the procurement and the bidding process, the public would not feel the effects of the traffic improvement schemes until the needed infrastructure projects have been completed. This is the reason Poe is calling on transportation and local government officials to act on the congestion problem now while Congress is drafting the measure. The senator said by just enforcing traffic laws seriously, the DOTr and local government units could effectively ease vehicle congestion along major thoroughfares in Metro Manila. Poe cited the practice of some commuters occupying two to three lanes of Edsa while waiting for a ride as one of the causes of traffic slowdown along the highway. She said traffic enforcers could easily address the problem by asking pedestrians to use the designated loading and unloading areas put up by the government. The DOTr according to Senate Minority Leader Ralph Recto would need P1.27 trillion to implement projects and programs under the emergency powers. But Recto learned that the DOTr has yet to come up with a decongestion plan the department would implement once Congress grants emergency powers. It was also revealed that the DOTr wants to expand its traffic management powers to cover air as well as sea traffic not only in Metro Manila but in other urbanized cities nationwide. But when Recto asked if they already have plans or have pinpointed specific areas they would be prioritizing, the DOTr said that they have yet to identify them. The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) recently claimed travel time by private vehicle on Edsa, from Monumento in Caloocan City to Roxas Boulevard in Pasay City was shortened by seven minutes. Based on the speed test conducted by MMDA last September a private car took one hour and 19 minutes to traverse the 26-kilometer Edsa compared to the one hour and 26 minutes last July. The MMDA however did not indicate the exact time it conducted the speed test. Motorists using Edsa normally spend more than two hours from Cubao in Quezon City to Ayala Avenue in Makati City during rush hour.
Poe to DOTr: Address traffic, don’t wait for emergency powers
The Manila Times
Espagne : les socialistes décident de laisser Rajoy former un gouvernement Le président du Parti populaire (PP, droite) et chef du gouvernement espagnol par intérim, Mariano Rajoy, va enfin voir le bout du tunnel. Dimanche, après une impasse politique de dix mois, le conservateur espagnol au pouvoir depuis fin 2011 a en effet reçu l'aval du parti socialiste ouvrier espagnol (PSOE) pour la formation d'un nouveau gouvernement. Cette décision qui met fin à la crise permettra notamment d'éviter la convocation d'un nouveau scrutin pour décembre, les troisièmes législatives en un an. Les délégués du comité fédéral du PSOE réuni à Madrid ont décidé à une large majorité (139 contre 96) de s'abstenir lors du vote de confiance pour permettre à Mariano Rajoy de former un gouvernement, minoritaire cette fois. «La répétition des élections serait nuisible aux intérêts de l'Espagne et des Espagnols», dit la résolution qui l'a emporté. Elle pourrait aussi nuire aux socialistes «qui feraient figure de principaux responsables d'un blocage dont personne ne veut». Espagne devrait retrouver un gouvernement en novembre Le comité fédéral, qui fixe la ligne du parti entre les congrès, a donc pris sa décision après un débat bien ordonné, contrairement aux invectives et aux menaces de la réunion chaotique du 1er octobre, qui a abouti à la démission forcée du secrétaire général du parti, Pedro Sanchez. Celui-ci refusait catégoriquement de laisser le conservateur Mariano Rajoy se maintenir au pouvoir, après un premier mandat marqué par les scandales de corruption et les inégalités croissantes. Les adversaires de Sanchez ont préféré avaler cette couleuvre et rester dans l'opposition plutôt que de risquer un résultat électoral encore plus humiliant qu'en décembre 2015 et en juin 2016. Le Parti populaire (PP) de Mariano Rajoy avait remporté ces deux derniers scrutins, mais sans majorité absolue et sans alliés. Pour former un gouvernement minoritaire, il a besoin que les députés socialistes votent la question de confiance ou au moins s'abstiennent. Le comité fédéral n'a pas décidé si le jour du vote décisif, le 29 ou le 30 octobre, les députés du PSOE s'abstiendront en bloc, ou seulement 11 d'entre eux, le minimum requis pour laisser la voie libre à Mariano Rajoy. Ce dernier devrait donc obtenir la confiance de la chambre avant la fin du mois et l'Espagne retrouver un gouvernement en novembre après plus de 300 jours d'intérim. Un gouvernement faible car appuyé par 137 députés sur 350 Ce sera cependant un gouvernement faible, appuyé par 137 députés sur 350, qui devra guider le pays à la sortie d'une crise économique dévastatrice, avec un taux de chômage de 20%. Mariano Rajoy semble décidé à faire preuve de souplesse. «Si je veux obtenir plus d'appuis, il est logique que je doive adopter mon discours à la nouvelle situation», a-t-il déclaré vendredi en marge d'un sommet européen.«Le plus probable est que ce sera une législature courte», de moins de quatre ans, prévoit le politologue Pablo Simon. Les socialistes, ainsi que Podemos et les libéraux de Ciudadanos, les deux nouveaux partis qui ont bouleversé les équilibres au parlement, sont décidés à mener la vie dure aux conservateurs. Mais pour le PSOE, plus ancien parti d'Espagne, le mal est fait. Beaucoup d'élus craignent de se couper de leur base en s'abstenant en faveur de Mariano Rajoy, après avoir promis de mettre fin à son règne. VIDEO. Elections en Espagne : Rajoy réclame «le droit de gouverner» VIDEO. Espagne : la gauche battue aux législatives
Espagne : les socialistes décident de laisser Rajoy former un gouvernement
International - Espagne - gouvernement - Socialistes - politique - PSOE;International,Espagne,gouvernement,Socialistes,politique,PSOE
Le Parisien
El abogado rechaza que el ''Chapo'' esté involucrado en el asesinato del juez Vicente Antonio Bermúdez Zacarías. AFP / ARCHIVO Califica como reprobable el asesinato del juez y dijo que son acciones que ''indignan a la sociedad'' CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (18/OCT/2016).- José Refugio Rodríguez, abogado de Joaquín “Chapo” Guzmán, rechazó que su cliente esté involucrado en el asesinato del juez Vicente Antonio Bermúdez Zacarías. En entrevista con Carlos Loret de Mola, para “Despierta”, el defensor del líder del Cártel de Sinaloa dijo que las versiones que quieren involucrar a su cliente con el asesinato del juez son “puro amarillismo”. Refugio Rodríguez calificó como reprobable el asesinato del juez y dijo que son acciones que “indignan a la sociedad”. El abogado del “Chapo” Guzmán dijo que él no tuvo contacto con el juez, pero que sabía que era una persona honesta. Respecto a las versiones que involucran a Aureliano Guzmán Salazar, el hermano del “Chapo”, con la emboscada de militares en Sinaloa, el abogado dijo que no tiene información al respecto, por lo que no puede pronunciarse sobre el caso. Al preguntarle sobre si la familia de Aureliano Guzmán lo ha buscado para deslindarse del caso, como ocurrió con los hijos de Joaquín Guzmán, dijo que no han tenido contacto con él. Ayer lunes, el juez federal en materia de Amparo en Juicios Civiles, Vicente Antonio Bermúdez Zacarías, fue ejecutado de un disparo en la nuca alrededor de las 7:30 de la mañana, luego de que salió de su domicilio a realizar ejercicio. En marzo pasado, Bermúdez Zacarías fue asignado al Juzgado Quinto de Distrito en Materia de Amparo. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (17/OCT/2016).- Imágenes del homicidio del juez federal Vicente Bermúde ocurrido la mañana de este lunes en un fraccionamiento del municipio de Metepec. SUN EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Abogado rechaza que 'Chapo' esté involucrado en muerte de juez
Joaquín Guzmán Loera, Chapo Guzmán, narcotraficantes, narcotráfico, Cártel de Sinaloa, juez, José Refugio Rodríguez
California launches criminal probe into Wells Fargo account scandal WASHINGTON The California Attorney General's Office has launched a criminal investigation into Wells Fargo over allegations it opened millions of unauthorized customer accounts and credit cards, according to a seizure warrant seen by Reuters.
Investment banks scramble to fill top jobs in Italy
Pamela Barbaglia; Anjuli Davies
Verfassungsschutz will „Reichsbürger“-Beobachtung verstärken Die „Reichsbürger“ sind in aller Munde, seitdem ein Anhänger in Franken einen Polizisten erschoss. Der bayerische Verfassungsschutz befasst sich schon länger mit der Bewegung. Sein Präsident Körner warnt mit deutlichen Worten. dpa München. Nach den tödlichen Schüssen eines „Reichsbürgers“ auf einen Polizisten hat Bayerns Verfassungsschutzpräsident Burkhard Körner vor der wachsenden Gefährlichkeit der Bewegung gewarnt. „Auch in der Reichsbürgerszene gibt es Personen, die sich radikalisieren, deren Staatsverdrossenheit sich auswächst zu gefährlichem Staatshass“, sagte Körner der Deutschen-Presse Agentur in München. „Deshalb habe ich auch in den letzten Monaten mehrfach gesagt: Es mag nicht alles extremistisch sein, was wir in dieser Szene sehen, aber es sind Leute darunter, die gefährlich sind.“ Die Szene gewinne an Dynamik. Auch die klar rechtsextremistischen Teile versuchten, größer und schlagkräftiger zu werden. „Gefahren können auch ausgehen von Leuten, die vermeintlich nur Querulanten sind“, sagte Körner. Der Verfassungsschutz ordnet 30 bis 40 sogenannte Reichsbürger in Bayern der rechtsextremen Szene zu. Wie viele Mitglieder die Bewegung insgesamt hat, weiß die Behörde nicht. „Die Beobachtung der Reichsbürgerszene wurde in den letzten Monaten bereits intensiviert und wir werden auf diesem Weg nun mit noch größerem Nachdruck vorangehen“, sagte Körner. Bei der Beobachtung einzelner Personen liege der Fokus vor allem auf jenen, die als gewaltorientiert einzustufen seien. „Besonderes Augenmerk werden wir auf die waffenrechtlichen Erlaubnisse bei diesem Personenkreis legen.“ Am Mittwoch hatte ein „Reichsbürger“ im mittelfränkischen Georgensgmünd auf Polizisten geschossen und einen 32-jährigen Beamten tödlich verletzt. Gegen den Schützen wurde Haftbefehl erlassen. „Reichsbürger“ erkennen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht als Staat an. Stattdessen behaupten sie, das Deutsche Reich bestehe bis heute fort. Etliche Akteure sind in der rechtsextremen Szene aktiv.
Verfassungsschutz will „Reichsbürger“-Beobachtung verstärken
Marco Krefting; Dpa
LONDON (AP) — Two rival candidates announced bids Sunday to lead Britain’s fractious right-wing U.K. Independence Party — both warning that UKIP faces extinction if it doesn’t change. Suzanne Evans, a former journalist who has clashed with longtime leader Nigel Farage, said UKIP must shed its “toxic image” and move from the right to the “common-sense center.” Evans told the BBC that “at times there has been too much testosterone in UKIP,” and said the party could not win if it moved to the far right. Paul Nuttall, a former UKIP deputy leader, said he would be a unity candidate to save a party that was “looking over the edge of a political cliff.” Most Read Stories “I believe that I am the man to bring the factions together,” Nuttall told the BBC. Nuttall served as deputy to Farage, but distanced himself from the outgoing leader’s support of U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. “I personally wouldn’t have gone out and campaigned or said anything about Donald Trump,” Nuttall said, branding both Trump and Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton “quite appalling.” A small anti-European Union party, UKIP was instrumental in getting Britain to hold a referendum on EU membership, which ended in a June 23 vote to leave the 28-nation bloc. The result was a political triumph for UKIP; Farage stepped down after the referendum, saying he had accomplished what he wanted to with the win. But since gaining its long-sought goal the party has been torn by infighting. Earlier this month, UKIP European lawmaker Steven Woolfe was hospitalized in a neurological unit after an altercation with a party colleague inside the European Parliament building in Strasbourg, France. Woolfe had been the favorite to become UKIP’s next leader, but announced last week he is quitting the party. One divide in the party is between allies of Farage — a hearty populist who charms some voters and repels others — and those including Evans and UKIP’s sole member of Parliament, Douglas Carswell, who want the party to become more professional and centrist. Farage’s first replacement, Diane James, quit after 18 days. Farage is serving as interim leader until a new chief is announced on Nov. 28. Besides Evans and Nuttall, three other candidates have announced they are running.
2 announce bids to lead fractious party that pushed 'Brexit'
Nation & World
The Associated Press
The Seattle Times
Aurrea Signature veut soutenir le réseau de courtage québécois 18.10.2016 - 10:01 - Finance et Investissement Aurrea Signature, qui offre une gamme de services spécialisés aux entrepreneurs et cabinets, lancera officiellement ses activités le 2 novembre à Saint-Hyacinthe. Se présentant comme le « nouveau partenaire du réseau de courtage québécois », Aurrea Signature s'est donné pour mission de répondre aux principaux défis de l'industrie, dont la présence croissante du Web, l'augmentation du fardeau règlementaire ou la complexité grandissante du positionnement stratégique des entreprises dans le marché. Son modèle d'affaires repose sur des valeurs qui respectent l'autonomie des cabinets partenaires. « Nous supportons votre développement avec notre offre de prospection Web, de centre d'appels de clients corporatifs et de programmes associatifs, notre offre en conformité ainsi qu'avec notre expertise en évaluation et financement de portefeuilles », souligne le président d'Aurrea Signature, Christian Laroche, sur son site Internet. Aurrea Signature souligne que son modèle d'affaires « repose sur des valeurs qui respectent l'autonomie des cabinets partenaires ». La firme compte d'ailleurs déjà plusieurs partenaires, incluant Pro Vie assurances qui devient un des cabinets membres de la bannière, à l'instar du Groupe Y. Pilon, Les Services Financiers Surtech, Torrus Groupe Financier, Gestion FTM, Pro Spect assurances et Aurrea Collectif (anciennement Pro Vie assurances collectives). Selon Christian Laroche, le concept de partenariat « mise fortement sur la synergie qui découle de la mise en commun des services grâce à un guichet unique et multidisciplinaire », une structure permettant aux membres de bénéficier d'une équipe de professionnels regroupés sous une même bannière, au service des cabinets et courtiers partenaires. Croissance pour Humania Assurance, contre vents et marées - 15.03.30 Pro Vie veut étendre le coaching aux conseillers - 16.01.15 ACVM, refroidissez vos ardeurs Paradis fiscaux : États et contribuables jouent à l'autruche Entrée en vigueur de nouvelles mesures concernant les prêts hypothécaires La Banque Nationale n'est pas très optimiste pour la fin de l'année Les conseillers-robots: pareils ou pas pareils?
Finance et investissement
Transcontinental Médias
The footballer Ched Evans, who was cleared of raping a woman after details of her sex life were put before a jury, has said there should be more education on alcohol and consent amid continuing criticism of the conduct of his retrial. The former Wales international, who was convicted of rape in 2012 but had his conviction subsequently quashed, insisted he could not apologise to the 19-year-old complainant because he had committed no crime when he had sex with her while she was drunk. Young players But the 27-year-old footballer, who told police at the time of his arrest that his profession meant “we could have any girl we wanted”, said he wanted to speak to younger players about the risks their behaviour could generate. He told the Mail on Sunday: “I was young at the time and I was stupid and I wasn’t aware of the situations you could potentially find yourself in that would land you in trouble. “I have never been taught about anything like that. You get your gambling and drinking training but nothing else on top of that. In this day and age people need educating on alcohol and consent.” He added: “I read somewhere you would have to get signed consent. That wouldn’t be realistic but someone needs to come up with something. The best thing is just to be educated. And when they are drunk to think twice about it. How would it look in a court of law?” Questioning of complainants The acquittal of the father-of-one on Friday after a retrial has prompted furious debate over the rules surrounding the questioning of complainants in rape cases. Although the law states that victims cannot be routinely questioned about their sexual history, it can be permitted by judges in exceptional circumstances. Lawyers for Mr Evans argued that such circumstances had arisen in his case and the defence was allowed to call two witnesses who had been sexual partners of the complainant. Prosecutors had alleged that the young woman, who has since been named and vilified on social media to the extent that she has had to change her name five times and move home, had blacked out and been unable to give consent when the incident happened at a hotel in Rhyl, north Wales, in 2011. ‘Rapists’ charter’ Mr Evans, who had walked into the hotel room when a fellow player was having sex with the woman, insisted along with the other player that the woman had given consent. He proceeded to have sex with her without talking to her, the court heard. A prominent women’s rights campaigner claimed yesterday that the case had led to a “rapists’ charter” and left her believing that she would not approach police if she were attacked and could not advise other women to do so because of the ordeal they face in court. Julie Bindel, co-founder of Justice for Women, said: “It is with immense regret that I have concluded this: unless you are a teetotal virgin, it is probably best not to report rape unless you are very robust and have masses of support. “I can honestly say that things have got much worse for women who make the difficult and brave decision to report rape. I can honestly say the verdict in the Evans case will put countless victims off reporting, and result in scores of guilty men walking free.”
Ched Evans: ‘People need educating on alcohol and consent’
Cahal Milmo
Wakefield Express,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
En el octavo mes del año, las horas trabajadas fueron superiores en 0.5 por ciento con datos desestacionalizados. EL INFORMADOR / ARCHIVO El organismo precisa que por tipo de contratación, el número de obreros avanza 2.8 por ciento CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (20/OCT/2016).- En agosto de este año, el personal ocupado en la industria manufacturera aumentó 2.7 por ciento respecto a igual periodo del año pasado, de acuerdo a cifras desestacionalizadas, informó el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (Inegi).   El organismo precisa que por tipo de contratación, el número de obreros avanzó 2.8 por ciento, en tanto que el de los empleados que realizan labores administrativas creció 2.3 por ciento.   En el periodo referido, explica, las horas trabajadas aumentaron 2.5 por ciento: las correspondientes a los obreros fueron superiores en 2.5 por ciento y las de los empleados en 2.3 por ciento a tasa anual.   En tanto, las remuneraciones medias reales pagadas que incluyen sueldos, salarios y prestaciones sociales crecieron 2.2 por ciento en agosto del presente año en comparación con igual mes de 2015.   El instituto explica que las remuneraciones correspondientes a los obreros fueron superiores en 2.7 por ciento y las de los empleados en 0.6 por ciento a tasa mensual; mientras que las prestaciones sociales crecieron 3.6 por ciento.   En cifras mensuales, el Inegi detalla que en agosto pasado el personal ocupado en la industria manufacturera presentó un aumento de 0.4 por ciento frente al mes que le precede, con datos ajustados por estacionalidad.   Por tipo de contratación, agrega, el número de obreros avanzó 0.5 por ciento, en tanto que el de los empleados que realizan labores administrativas no registró variación en el lapso de un mes.   En el octavo mes del año, las horas trabajadas fueron superiores en 0.5 por ciento con datos desestacionalizados, indica que las correspondientes a los obreros fueron superiores en 0.5 por ciento y las de los empleados en 0.3 por ciento a tasa mensual.   Mientras que las remuneraciones medias reales se elevaron en 0.3 por ciento en agosto frente al mes inmediato anterior, con cifras desestacionalizadas.   El organismo subraya que de manera desagregada, las prestaciones sociales se acrecentaron 0.9 por ciento y los salarios pagados a obreros 0.6 por ciento, en tanto, los sueldos pagados a empleados disminuyeron 0.1 por ciento. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (17/OCT/2016).- Imagen Televisión abre hoy su señal abierta a 60 de las principales ciudades del país; Olegario Vázquez Aldir, director general de Grupo Empresarial Ángeles, habla de los retos del canal. SUN EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Personal ocupado en industria manufacturera crece: Inegi
empleo, desempleo, trabajo, industria manfacturera, Inegi, trabajadores, economía
Domingo, 23 octubre 2016, 09:47 | Haga un comentario Hanoi.- La eterna amistad entre Vietnam y Cuba se nutrió hoy nuevamente de la celebración del Día Nacional de la Cultura del país caribeño aquí, que acercó a representantes de ambos pueblos sin distinción de ningún tipo. Colaboradores, estudiantes, cubanos residentes, profesionales vietnamitas formados en universidades de la isla antillana, visitantes y diplomáticos coincidieron en la ceremonia por la efeméride que marca el nacimiento de una nación y de su identidad y la fecha cuando se entonó por primera vez su Himno, el 20 de octubre de 1868, cantado en esta ocasión. En medio de la alegría, se escuchó el llamado del embajador Herminio López a seguir estudiando y profundizando en la historia de Cuba y a «sentirnos orgullosos de representar su cultura dondequiera que estemos». Luego, siguió una actualización sobre cuanto acontece en la patria: se trabaja intensamente para resarcir los daños causados por el huracán Matthew en zonas del oriente, pero sin tener que lamentar víctimas humanas, como reflejo de que la seguridad de la población es la máxima prioridad, según resaltó. También se refirió al desarrollo de las relaciones con Estados Unidos, con avances pero calificados de insuficientes ante la persistencia del bloqueo, situación que explica la presentación de un proyecto defensor de su fin ante la Asamblea General de la ONU el próximo miércoles. Además de esa lucha, se recordó el reclamo por la devolución del territorio del oriente cubano ocupado ilegalmente por la base naval de Guantánamo, así como aspectos de las transformaciones en el modelo socioeconómico. En este ambiente festivo, estimulado por la invitación del jefe de la misión diplomática a sentirse como en la Patria, algunos hablaron hasta de béisbol. La amistad tuvo también otra expresión en los diálogos y anécdotas entre cubanos y vietnamitas. Uno de los anfitriones, Nguyen Vu Tuan, reveló sus sentimientos hacia el país donde se formó como ingeniero civil con esta frase: siempre estoy en Cuba, pero hoy más que nunca. Es como regresar, añadió. Como colofón, se celebró el cumpleaños de una niña, semilla de la continuidad de los vínculos entre ambos pueblos y cuya perdurabilidad puede ilustrarse con el estribillo de una popular canción en la isla que animó este jolgorio en la embajada marcado por la cubanía: hasta que se seque el malecón. (Prensa Latina) /YMP/
Día de la Cultura Nacional Cubana fomenta amistad con Vietnam
El mundo
Ward Just, a novelist fascinated by the newspaper world, writes of a dedicated journalist in “The Eastern Shore.” ‘The Eastern Shore’ By Ward Just Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 200 pp., $25 Novelist Ward Just (“Echo House,” “A Dangerous Friend,” “Rodin’s Debutante”) last worked as a newspaper journalist in 1969, for The Washington Post. But the newspaper world has figured in almost all his fiction. Now, in “The Eastern Shore,” he dives into the life of a newspaper editor whose career extends from the 1950s to the 2010s. The result is a fascinating, ambivalent look at a trade that has both its noble and troublesome sides. Protagonist Ned Ayers skips college to become managing editor of his small-town Indiana newspaper by the time he’s 20 — much to the ire of his circuit-judge father. The judge sees journalism as “a junk business … a convenient way to avoid civic responsibility.” Its practitioners, to his mind, are “a jury of voyeurs” whose cynicism is “unearned.” Ned is determined, however. With his mother’s support, he pursues a career that takes him first to Indianapolis, then to Chicago and Washington, D.C. He finds his niche as an editor rather than an in-the-field reporter. The job consumes him entirely. Most Read Stories Just weighs the rewards of journalism (broadening experience, a chance to partake in public life) against its costs (insanely demanding hours, continual disruptions of home life). Ned’s intense commitment trumps all other aspects of his existence. As his girlfriend realizes, she’s not even playing second fiddle to his career: “She was a near-anonymous musician in the back row of the orchestra.” Inevitably, he loses her — although the way he loses her comes as a shock. Ned isn’t alone in the price he pays for his dedication. Alcohol abuse and high divorce rates seem to come with the job. One reason for this, Ned feels, is the sheer mayhem that journalists confront every day: “The reporter sought coherence, but there was no coherence.” The novel is divided into novella-like tales, and the most disturbing of them, “The Haberdasher,” comes midway through the book. It looks back to a story Ned oversaw at his hometown newspaper, where the details were “factual enough” but caused “great harm.” In Just’s hands, the ambiguous motives behind the paper’s pursuit of the story are riveting. His focus is on the power — easily abused — of journalists writing about people who get no voice in how they’re portrayed. In this case, it’s a men’s clothier whose reinvention of himself can be construed as either deceptive or inspirational. The rest of the book is less charged in the ethical questions it raises, although a chapter on a Washington newspaper owner, mired in a business he has no feel for, sheds light on a dilemma facing family-owned newspapers: What if your heirs just aren’t onboard with the mission? Some details feel a bit off. In discussing bureau closures with that Washington newspaper owner, for instance, Ned laments, “The paper’s journalism has never been better. And never been less read.” Actually with online access, most newspapers’ readership is broader than ever. It’s the revenue model — online advertising unable to replace shrinking print ads — that’s failing. The novel stands on Just’s memorable study of Ned. Your heart goes out to this kindly, complex man who’s “not truly interested in the things of his own life, preferring the lives of others.”
In Ward Just’s novel ‘The Eastern Shore,’ a journalist looks at a changing business
The Seattle Times
Organs for the rich and cute: Should patients campaign for their own donors? The Canadian Society of Transplantation has decided organ solicitation is “ethically and legally acceptable” A A Share via Email Kidneys for the famous; livers for the cute and compelling — in the age of social media, should hospitals let patients campaign for their own organ donors when hundreds die waiting for transplants each year? A national committee of bioethicists and doctors has grappled with that thorny question for months. The result, released this week by the Canadian Society of Transplantation, is a report that wades through a host of issues raised by the public solicitation of organ donors. In the end, the authors conclude the practice is “ethically and legally acceptable,” essentially because it doesn’t hurt anyone. “The benefits really outweigh the concerns,” said Dr. Atul Hamar, the society’s president and director of the transplant program at the University Health Network in Toronto. “It does raise awareness for organ donorship in general, and we currently have a severe shortage of organ donors everywhere in the country,” he said. The report was prompted by a lack of legislation or guidance on this issue for transplant programs, Hamar said. There have also been some high-profile campaigns that garnered huge media attention recently, a phenomenon Hamar said he’s seeing more and more thanks in large part to the amplification of such appeals in the time of Twitter and Facebook. Last year, the owner of the Ottawa Senators needed a life-saving liver transplant, and made a public appeal for help when no friends and family were able to be his organ donor. Hundreds came forward to donate, and the owner, Eugene Melnyk, received a new liver from a living donor in May 2015. The other case involved Kingston twins Binh and Phuoc Wagner. Their adopted father was a match but could only donate to one of the girls, so the family kick-started an aggressive social media campaign last year that prompted hundreds to try and donate to the other twin. A student from the Royal Military College gave part of his liver to the little girl. Hamar said that both cases removed someone from the recipient waiting list with organs that wouldn’t have otherwise been in the pool. On top of that, several people who signed up to save the Wagner twin and Melnyk, but were not selected to donate to them, agreed to give their organs to someone else — a spillover effect that helps justify the solicitation, he said. Two other children, for example, received liver transplants from people who signed up to donate to Binh Wagner. “Our story saved other people, so do I have shame? Zero,” Johanne Wagner told Torstar News Service this week. “There’s no jumping queue here, you know? It was a directed donation … There’s only a positive side to it. It helped other people.” Critics of organ solicitation contend it can introduce unfairness into the medical system. A compelling or sympathetic story, not to mention a “beauty” factor, resources and media savvy, can provoke someone to save your life, while no one steps forward to help the Grinch tweeting about his liver failure from the next hospital bed. The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) “discourages” the practice, even when a public appeal is through more traditional means such as community groups. “The concern is that some Canadians have more resources than others, which could create an unfair advantage with respect to having access to organs,” said CMA President Dr. Granger Avery in an emailed statement to Torstar. Daniel Buchman, a bioethicist at the UHN and University of Toronto professor, agreed that organ solicitation can be seen as unfair. He said it brings up a number of issues: in high-profile cases, there’s the risk of unwanted attention and breach of privacy; people might try to sell an organ to the recipient; and hospitals need to make sure that a flood of potential donors doesn’t take resources away from other patients waiting for a transplant. But that doesn’t mean the practice is “unethical,” Buchman said — some people are more likely to find an organ donor, and that’s just an unavoidable fact. “You are at an advantage if you have a larger family or a larger network of friends that might be willing to come forward,” he said. “There are already those inequities that are built into society.” Hamar added that the patient autonomy should also be respected — “realistically, there’s very little way to stop people from doing this. It’s their life; it’s their health,” he said — and that hospitals should go no further than educate patients about solicitation if they decide to appeal for an organ on their own. Queen’s University philosopher and Ontario Research Chair in Bioethics, Udo Schüklenk, supports organ solicitation, too, concluding that “some people will be better off in light of this situation, and nobody will be worse off.” But he said the discussion is really a “sideshow debate” that would be made moot if more Canadians signed up as organ donors. Indeed, Hamar and David Landsberg, head of the transplant programs in British Columbia, said the ideal is to have so many registered donors that there would be no need for living donors to step forward. “You could probably say that we all in fact have some moral obligation to donate organs,” Schüklenk said. Johanne Wagner agreed, and said she wants Canada to adopt an “opt-out” system, where the default status for everyone is to be an organ donor, unless you decide to remove yourself from the registry for personal reasons. There are about 4,600 people waiting for organ transplants in Canada, according to a report last month from Canadian Blood Services. In 2014, 278 people died waiting for an organ.
Organs for the rich and cute: Should patients campaign for their own donors? | Metro News
Torstar News Service Published on
Domingo, 23 octubre 2016, 09:21 | Haga un comentario Los Ángeles.- La octogenaria cantante cubana Omara Portuondo actúa hoy en el Lakewood Civic Auditorium, en Ohio, como parte del 85 Tour por Estados Unidos, que la llevó recientemente a Chicago, Nueva York y Washington. Conocida en Cuba como «La Novia del Filin», la intérprete está acompañada en este periplo por el joven pianista Roberto Fonseca, la clarinetista israelí Anat Cohen y la violinista estadounidense Regina Carter. En estas presentaciones ofrece su habitual repertorio integrado por clásicos de la música tradicional de la isla caribeña. Precisamente con esas canciones, Omara recorrió hace pocos años los escenarios estadounidenses junto a la agrupación Buena Vista Social Club. También junto a esa orquesta realizó una breve actuación en la Casa Blanca, en octubre de 2015. Ahora con su 85Tour, la Diva del Buena Vista Social Club se presentará mañana en Adrenne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts y el 28, en el Knight Concert Hall, ambos de Miami. Recientemente, Portuondo estuvo con su 85 Tout por Europa, junto al prestigioso cantaor español Diego El Cigala. En estos espectáculos, la cantante recorre varios momentos de sus 70 años de carrera musical: su paso por famosos clubes nocturnos y cabarets de La Habana, la pasión por el «filin» y sus más recientes proyectos. De acuerdo a la agencia musical Montuno, con el 85Tour la octogenaria artista también quisiera visitar varias plazas de América Latina. La Diva del Buena Vista Social Club cumplió 85 años el 29 de octubre de 2015 inmersa en el Adios Tour, la despedida de esa agrupación que relanzó al mundo los ritmos tradicionales cubanos. Recientemente la octogenaria intérprete fue nominada al Grammy Latino por su álbum Canciones de Cri Cri El Grillo Cantor (del sello discográfico cubano Bis Music), en el apartado Mejor Álbum de Música Latina Para Niños. (Prensa Latina) /YMP/
Omara Portuondo recorre escenarios de Estados Unidos
cultura;Omara Portuondo
Domingo, 23 octubre 2016, 09:42 | Haga un comentario La Habana.- Interpretar a Mozart resulta casi un proceso simbiótico para cada instrumentista, toda vez que debe recabar en el espíritu del genio austriaco y, como parte de este, incluir destellos del talante propio. Por segundo año consecutivo, el Festival Mozart Habana reunió con ese pretexto a músicos de una decena de países quienes asumieron un programa vasto en creaciones del salzburgués y de otros compositores contemporáneos con su época y con la actual. Del 15 al 23 de octubre, confluyeron en la urbe antillana instrumentistas de Argentina, Austria, Bélgica, Colombia, Estados Unidos, Holanda, Rusia, Suiza y el país anfitrión, en un evento organizado por el Lyceum Mozartiano y con la colaboración de la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad y la Fundación Mozarteum Salzburgo. Precisamente, el director del Lyceum Mozartiano y del comité organizador del evento, Ulises Hernández, celebró esta segunda cita como la oportunidad para la comunión entre músicos y obras alrededor de la creación de Mozart. Mientas, su contraparte austriaca, el presidente de la Fundación Mozarteum Salzburgo, Johannes Honsig-Erlenburg, estimó que el festival fue el resultado de décadas de cooperación bilateral entre ambas naciones y de la colaboración entre músicos. Como en la edición precedente, se alternaron los espacios -en su mayoría sonoros- del Centro Histórico de la urbe capitalina, solo que en esta ocasión también se extendió a la Sala José White, en la occidental provincia de Matanzas. Entre otras novedades, el festival presentó a dos de las formaciones infantiles resultado de la iniciativa del Lyceum con niños de las escuelas de música y de la comunidad. El violinista austriaco Benjamin Schmid asumió el concierto inaugural acaecido en la nave principal de la Catedral de La Habana con la máxima de conducir al público hacia el deleite musical. Schmid se presentó con el Concierto en Re No. 4 para violín y orquesta, de Mozart, acompañado por la Orquesta Sinfónica del Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), adscrita al Lyceum Mozartiano de La Habana, con cuya ejecución saldó su expreso deseo de traer a la ciudad capital la energía del genio del compositor austriaco. A esta ejecución siguió el estreno en Cuba de la Misa en Si bemol No. 14 de Joseph Haydn con la participación de los coros de Cámara de Matanzas y del ISA, Exaudi, Polifónico de La Habana y Scholla Cantorum Coralina. Dedicado junto a su esposa, la pianista suiza Ariane Haering, a la interpretación de música de cámara, especialmente en el repertorio mozartiano, Schmid acudió también al Oratorio San Felipe Neri -en el centro histórico de la ciudad- para repasar varias de las sonatas para piano y violín, así como para propiciar un acercamiento a la obra de Hans Werner Henze, reconocido compositor alemán contemporáneo. La exquisitez del programa se evidenció además en una selección de la ópera La flauta mágica, la última escenificada en vida de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, que ofreció la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional, dirigida por Enrique Pérez Mesa, en colaboración con solistas y el coro del Teatro Lírico de Cuba. Esa formación orquestal interpretó además el Concierto para piano y orquesta en La No. 12, también del compositor austriaco, en compañía de la pianista belga Roberte Mamou. El auditorio San Felipe Neri sirvió además a los propósitos de un concierto de cámara a cargo del cuarteto de cuerdas Crisantemi, integrado por Danielle González, José Luis Rubio, Adriel Rodríguez y Adriana Rodríguez, y del dúo D’Accord, con el clarinetista Vicente Monterrey y la pianista Marita Rodríguez. Mozart reflejado en la plástica Durante poco más de una semana el programa presumió de conciertos, presentaciones danzarias, clases magistrales y exposiciones en homenaje por los 260 años del natalicio del genio austríaco, al tiempo que significó el cierre de un ciclo de celebraciones por los 70 años de relaciones entre Austria y Cuba. El unipersonal Siete Miradas de la pianista y fotógrafa cubana Arianna Domínguez se inauguró en este contexto en una suerte de ensayo fotográfico que se acerca al quehacer del Lyceum Mozartiano de La Habana y a su entorno, según la propia artista. La exposición que ocupa la planta baja de la sede de la Organización No Gubernamental Sociedad Civil: Patrimonio, comunidad y medio ambiente explora en la intimidad la ejecución de una pieza musical en el piano, enfocándose unas veces en el músico y otras en el instrumento a través de un acercamiento extremo que detalla sus elementos físicos. También presenta fotografías del barrio próximo al Lyceum, sobretodo de las personas que lo habitan, cuya actividad diaria se registra en la música que desde allí se hace. Sobre este mismo tema, la novel artista resuelve además particulares encuadres del público, desde perspectivas poco comunes y que lo hacen parte del suceso musical. Por otra parte, como resultado de las clases magistrales, jóvenes instrumentistas cubanos demostraron su capacidad y voluntad para el aprendizaje que arrancaron elogios de los músicos invitados. Al término de sus respectivas sesiones, la violinista rusa Tatiana Tchijova y el violoncelista colombiano Alejandro José Escobar dijeron Prensa Latina sentirse muy satisfechos tras la interacción con estudiantes de diferentes niveles de la enseñanza artística. Tchijova, calificó de muy grata la experiencia basada en el altísimo desempeño de los «chicos» que se presentaron en el salón del Lyceum Mozartiano de La Habana. «Están muy interesados y centrados en lo que están haciendo y que asombran precisamente porque lo toman muy en serio», precisó. «Las referencias eran de un buen nivel musical, pero nunca pensé que fuera tan bueno, quedé muy sorprendido con varios de los jóvenes que asistieron hoy», subrayó Escobar, a quien el encuentro le parece genial para conocer cómo van los procesos musicales en otros países. Escobar indicó que de esas comparaciones con otros escenarios y de la interacción con otros músicos y maestros es posible argumentar que la música clásica ha subido el nivel en Latinoamérica. Doctorada en Artes por el Conservatorio Estatal de San Petersburgo, Rusia, y profesora de violín desde 1994 en la Facultad de Artes Integradas de la Universidad del Valle en Colombia, Tchijova detalló que en América Latina en general están ocurriendo procesos muy interesantes que se extienden también a la música. En ese sentido, Tchijova significó que con esos encuentros se estaba creando un puente muy grande que servía para divulgar cuánto se hace desde América Latina en materia de música clásica. (Prensa Latina) /YMP/
Mozart también vive en La Habana
NYSE Composite, Standard & Poor's y Nasdaq Composite abren la jornada de este jueves con bajas. AP / ARCHIVO Sólo Dow Jones abre sin cambios, con un alza mínima de 48 puntos NUEVA YORK, ESTADOS UNIDOS (20/OCT/2016).- Con excepción del Dow Jones que operaba casi sin cambios, los demás índices de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York mostraban ligeras pérdidas, tras conocer un aumento de las solicitudes semanales de subsidios por desempleo en Estados Unidos.   El índice industrial Dow Jones, que congrega a las 30 compañías más importantes de Estados Unidos, operaba este jueves casi sin cambios pues reportaba una mínima alza de 48.00 puntos (0.00 por ciento) al colocarse en 18 mil 203.10 unidades.   Sin embargo, el NYSE Composite mostraba una baja de 16.30 puntos (-0.15 por ciento) al ubicarse en 10 mil 584.62 unidades, en tanto el Standard & Poor's 500 registraba un retroceso de 1.86 puntos (-0.09 por ciento) para situarse en dos mil 142.43 unidades.   El Nasdaq Composite, de títulos bancarios, tecnológicos, industriales y de seguros, también operaba con un descenso de 6.13 puntos (-0.12 por ciento) para colocarse en cinco mil 240.28 unidades. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (17/OCT/2016).- Imagen Televisión abre hoy su señal abierta a 60 de las principales ciudades del país; Olegario Vázquez Aldir, director general de Grupo Empresarial Ángeles, habla de los retos del canal. SUN EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Wall Street opera con ligeras pérdidas tras debate en EU
Wall Street, indicadores, Dow Jones, Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York
Chèque cadeaux, places de cinéma, chèques-vacances... ces œuvres sociales offertes ou subventionnées par les comités d'entreprise vont-elles être soumises à cotisations sociales ? Rien n'est fait, mais cela démange le gouvernement qui pourrait bien introduire cette disposition dans la prochaine loi de financement de la sécurité sociale de 2017. « Le débat commence », a prudemment indiqué la semaine derrière Michel Sapin, le ministre de l'Economie et des Finances interrogé la semaine dernière sur cette question. De fait, à la grande inquiétude des syndicats, le gouvernement a confié en septembre à l'inspection générale des finances une « mission de consultation » sur « l'évolution du régime social des avantages versés par le comité d'entreprise ». De fait, pour le gouvernement, il s'agit d'une véritable « niche sociale ». « La dynamique de cette niche sociale constitue un enjeu financier de premier ordre, la Cour des Comptes estimant ainsi en 2007 la perte de recettes liées aux avantages accordés par les comités d'entreprise à environ 1,4 milliard d'euros », précisent ainsi les ministres Michel Sapin (Économie et Finances), Marisol Touraine (Affaires sociales) et Myriam El Khomri (Travail) dans la note adressée à l'inspection des finances. Des prestations jusqu'ici exonérées de cotisations sociales Actuellement, de fait, la plupart des prestations offertes par les comités d'entreprise sont exonérées de cotisations sociales. Il en va notamment ainsi, de « chèques » lire, disques et culture mais aussi des places de cinéma. De même, le remboursement à un salarié, sur factures, de voyages, spectacles, activités sportives, etc. n'est pas non plus soumis à cotisations. Idem pour les chèques-vacances financés par les CE. En revanche, les « bons cadeaux » attribués à un salarié sur une année ne doivent pas dépasser 5 % du plafond mensuel de la sécurité sociale. Ce qui représente en 2016 un plafond de 161 euros. L'idée du gouvernement, à la recherche de recettes pour renflouer la Sécu serait donc d'instituer un plafond global d'exonération par an et par salarié pour tous ces avantages. Selon la CGT citée par l'AFP, le gouvernement réfléchit à taxer les activités sociales et culturelles « à partir de 322 euros attribués ». Les syndicats sont furieux Du côté des organisations syndicales, on commence sérieusement à s'inquiéter de ce projet. Ainsi pour la CFE-CGC : « Considérer le budget d'œuvres sociales comme une niche sociale qui permettrait aux entreprises de substituer des avantages sociaux aux augmentations de salaire traduit une méconnaissance des pratiques d'entreprise, en particulier des négociations salariales. Prétendre travailler au nom de l'équité en se contentant de pénaliser ceux qui reçoivent un peu est une malhonnêteté envers tous les salariés. Oublier que les activités sociales et culturelles des comités d'entreprise constituent la pierre angulaire de l'existence d'un grand nombre d'entreprises dans le secteur de la culture, du sport, du loisir et du social constitue une erreur ». Dans un communiqué, l'Unsa estime qu'une telle initiative aurait des « effets destructeurs très graves et aboutirait obligatoirement à des reculs dans l'accès aux vacances, aux loisirs et à la culture, mais aussi à la restauration ». Alors, le gouvernement va-t-il aller au bout de son projet ? On en saura bientôt plus avec l'arrivée du projet de loi de financement de la sécurité sociale devant l'Assemblée nationale mardi 18 octobre.
Les prestations offertes par les CE bientôt taxées?
Par Jean-Christophe Chanut
La Tribune Nouvelle
En la sesión de hoy en Sonora no hubo votación sobre el exhorto presentado. NTX / ARCHIVO Legisladores pretender evitar los efectos legales en las hipótesis de impugnación HERMOSILLO, SONORA (19/OCT/2016).- El grupo Parlamentario del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) está impulsando al interior del Congreso del Estado adecuar la reforma constitucional de Sonora en material Anticorrupción a los parámetros de las leyes federal que fueron publicadas con posterioridad, expresó la legisladora Lina Acosta Cid. Precisó que las adecuaciones que está realizando la bancada panista, se enmarcan a lo establecido por la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) el pasado 5 de septiembre, por ello no se avaló el exhorto propuesto hoy por el Presidente de la Comisión Anticorrupción al carecer de razón jurídica. La congresista, Secretaria de la Comisión Anticorrupción del Congreso del Estado, recordó que el Pleno legislativo sonorenses aprobó adecuaciones constitucionales en la materia el 30 de junio, sin embargo, las leyes federales secundarias sobre anticorrupción fueron emitidas posterior a lo realizado en Sonora. “Pero posteriormente, el 18 de julio, se publicaron a nivel federal las leyes secundarias en materia anticorrupción, las cuales prevén algunos parámetros que no fueron considerados en la reforma constitucional de Sonora, entre otras cosas, porque esta se aprobó previamente”. En virtud de ello, en el Estado se debe prever la homologación de la reforma anticorrupción al modelo de las leyes federales secundarias, a efecto de evitar colocarnos en las hipótesis de impugnación, refirió. Es por ello, que en la sesión de hoy no hubo votación sobre el exhorto presentado, puesto que así se acordó por todas las fracciones parlamentarias para que se turnara a Comisión. “Los ministros de la SCJN determinaron que las leyes generales, la adecuación y el ajuste de normas tanto federales como locales, debían esperar a que entrara en vigor la reforma constitucional en la materia y que ese sistema constitucional estuviese vigente y de esta manera homologar los ordenamientos en las entidades para evitar acciones de inconstitucionalidad y violentar la ley”. La precisión de la legisladora Acosta Cid, se dio en torno a las declaraciones del Presidente de la Comisión Anticorrupción del Congreso del Estado, el priista David Homero Palafox Celaya, que señaló de incoherentes a los integrantes de la bancada panista al grado de que “Cantinflas se queda tonto”. GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (18/OCT/2016).- Aparece estatua satírica de Hillary Clinton, pero NYTimes ya la da como ganadora; Zhenli Ye Gon llega a México; deslindan al Chapo de homicidio de juez federal en Toluca; la Asociación Abogando por Jalisco pide juicio contra Vega Pámanes y más noticias relevantes del día. EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
El PAN pide homologar Ley Anticorrupción a dictamen de SCJN
Ley Anticorrupción, corrupción, Sonora, Congreso de Sonora, PAN, Acción Nacional, diputados, legisladores
La Tribune - Coécrit avec Inès Pauly, votre ouvrage intitulé « L'expérience : le nouveau moteur de l'entreprise » sera bientôt publié. Quelles sont ses idées fortes ? Christophe Rebours - L'idée principale de cet ouvrage est de replacer l'humain au centre des mécanismes de décision dans les entreprises. Plus précisément, il s'agit de mettre en lumière ce qui nous semble être l'actif le plus précieux de l'entreprise et son moteur : l'expérience. Cette dernière représente les moments de vie qu'une organisation offre à ses utilisateurs, collaborateurs et parties prenantes ; les expériences de demain qu'elle construit aujourd'hui. De qui parle-t-on ? Des salariés ? Des consommateurs ? Il s'agit des utilisateurs d'une entreprise au sens large : clients, collaborateurs, actionnaires, partenaires et la société toute entière. En prenant le temps d'observer tout ce monde, les entrepreneurs peuvent repenser les processus productifs et la création de valeur. Que ce soit pour les biens ou pour les services. Etre une marque, et a fortiori une grande marque, ne suffit plus ? De très grandes marques qui brillent au CAC 40 ont compris que l'ère de la production de masse était en partie révolue. Pour connaître le succès, ou pour le prolonger, les entreprises sont dans l'obligation, nous en sommes convaincus, de changer de méthode, de réfléchir différemment pour produire différemment. Faut-il repenser la gouvernance des entreprises ? Ce n'est pas forcément nécessaire, même si des retouches peuvent être utiles pour mieux prendre en compte les expériences que vivent les hommes. Il ne s'agit pas de casser les structures mais de les amener à penser différemment pour que ce partage d'expériences permette la mise sur le marché de services innovants. Comment partage-t-on et valorise-t-on cette expérience pour en faire un bien commun ? Nous avons définis trois étapes. La première consiste à avoir de l'empathie pour l'autre. Ce n'est pas une question de catéchisme ! Il ne s'agit pas de tendre la joue. Il s'agit, pour que l'entreprise survive et tire réellement parti de ses atouts, d'observer, d'être à l'écoute du marché, des consommateurs, des salariés. Il faut un peu d'empathie pour écouter l'autre, non ? Certains de nos clients avouent connaître leur marché mais pas leurs clients. Ils trouvent donc nécessaire de corriger le tir car le succès n'est pas éternel. Concrètement, comment se déroule cette phase d'observation ? Nous nous reposons sur les sciences humaines ! L'ethnologie, l'anthropologie nous sont de précieux soutiens pour comprendre et décrypter les comportements humains, et il est urgent de les introduire dans les entreprises. La deuxième étape consiste à rassembler cette connaissance de l'expérience que vivent les hommes pour définir l'objectif à atteindre pour l'entreprise. Ce travail de collecte et de valorisation est une étape très importante car elle doit faire émerger de nouvelles énergies. Elle peut permettre d'élargir le champ des possibles au sein de l'entreprise. Ce n'est pas rien. Travailler dans une entreprise qui respecte les valeurs personnelles, les valeurs collectives et qui œuvre en quelque sorte pour le bien-être commun est une richesse que trop peu de gens partagent ! Et ensuite ? L'entreprise peut commencer à réfléchir à son produit, à ses usages, son design. Le produit n'est que le résultat final de toutes ces étapes de conception. Sinon, le risque est grand qu'il soit mal conçu, qu'il ne respecte pas certains critères sociaux et environnementaux, que le sort des salariés qui le produisent ne soit pas pris en compte. Ce sont des éléments qui comptent et qui doivent être pris en compte par les entreprises. Avec cette démarche, il s'agit en fait de redonner ses lettres de noblesses à la raison sociale de l'entreprise. Cette méthode, cette philosophie séduisent-elle les entreprises ? Nos résultats le prouvent. Nous sommes actuellement une trentaine chez InProcess. Notre plan de développement prévoit le recrutement d'une dizaine de personnes par an au cours des prochaines années. Nous avons une filiale à Shanghai et nous nous apprêtons à en lancer une autre à Boston. Il est peut-être plus facile de se poser toutes ces questions lorsque l'on est un grand compte, que l'on est une marque forte ou simplement quand on est une entreprise bénéficiaire, non ? Je ne crois pas. Compter sur l'expérience peut aussi permettre à des entreprises qui ont autrefois connu le succès de rebondir. Nous le constatons quotidiennement. Cette méthode basée sur l'expérience signifie que des gisements de croissance sont encore possible, contrairement à ce que pensent les partisans de la croissance nulle et de la décroissance ? Nous le pensons en effet. Il ne s'agit pas de produire moins mais de produire différemment et a priori mieux, au bénéfice des consommateurs, des salariés et de la société.
« L'empathie est un formidable levier de croissance »
Par Fabien Piliu
La Tribune Nouvelle
The Latest: Nasrallah: Turkey on a land grab in Syria, Iraq A A Share via Email BEIRUT — The Latest on the conflict in Syria (all times local): 5:30 p.m. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah says that Turkish involvement in Syria is a thinly veiled land grab designed to establish Turkish dominance over both the IS-held Iraqi city of Mosul and the divided Syrian city of Aleppo. Nasrallah, in a Saturday afternoon speech, said, "After all the Iraqis fighting for Mosul, in comes Turkey and says ... 'Mosul is Turkish and must go back to Turkey.'" Nasrallah added: "Same thing in Aleppo. They say, 'It's ours, not Syria's.' Look, this is being revealed every day." Turkey has soldiers on the ground in northern Iraq, training militia fighters, and has insisted that its forces must play a role in the battle to retake Mosul from IS. Turkish tanks and artillery are also deployed inside Syria, battling both IS and a powerful Syrian Kurdish-led militia that Ankara claims is a wing of its own outlawed Kurdish independence movement. ___ 5 p.m. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah says that the insurgency against Syrian President Bashar Assad is facade for a a larger geopolitical game designed to make "changes to the map" and weaken the region's Shiite Muslim power structure. Nasrallah in a speech Sunday afternoon said the Syrian rebellion is "not about the fall of the regime, but about targeting the axis of resistance," a reference to the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah alliance. Assad, whose Alawite sect is on offshoot of Shiite Islam, has long provided a corridor for Iranian weapons shipments to the Lebanese Shiite militant group. Thousands of Hezbollah fighters are on the ground in Syria in Nasrallah said the insurgency is designed to break that axis by ousting Assad. It is, he said, aimed at achieving demographic change, existential changes." ___ 2:30 p.m. A leading northern Syrian rebel coalition warned civilians in Aleppo to stay away from government positions around the contested city early Sunday as rebels and pro-government forces clashed along the city's outskirts. Fighting broke out along the city's southern Government artillery shelled the strategically important village of Khan Touman, which overlooks the highway connecting Aleppo and government-held cities in the The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group reported incremental advances for pro-government forces against al-Qaida-linked Fatah al-Sham Front militants in the city's southern countryside. Al-Manar TV, run by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, broadcast footage of tanks and fighters advancing under heavy fire along a ridge reportedly in the Aleppo countryside. Hezbollah is fighting alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad's military. A spokesman for the Nour el-Din al-Zinki rebel faction in Aleppo said an operation to break the government's siege of the rebel-held eastern districts of Aleppo was "coming." Yasser al-Yousef clarified rebels would not target civilians in Aleppo's government-held districts, but warned of collateral damage from the anticipated operations. The fighting ran in parallel with renewed clashes further away from the city between Turkish-backed opposition forces and Syrian Kurdish forces over territory formerly held by the Islamic State group. The activist-run Aleppo Media Center said Turkish forces struck over 50 Kurdish positions on Sunday alone. The U.S. has backed both the Turkish-backed forces and the Syrian Kurdish forces in the area, though it has clarified that it does not support the Syrian Kurdish forces that have come under Turkish attack in the Aleppo countryside. The Turkish military intervened in the Syrian war in August this year under orders from Ankara to clear the border area of Islamic State fighters and U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish forces linked to Turkey's own outlawed Kurdish insurgency. The Turkish government considers both to be terrorist groups.
The Latest: Nasrallah: Turkey on a land grab in Syria, Iraq | Metro News
world, News
Staff The Associated Press Published on
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Opponents of Prime Minister Viktor Orban are using referee whistles to disturb the government’s commemorations of Hungary’s 1956 revolution. Opposition politicians say Orban’s policies, like his deal for Russia to build new reactors at Hungary’s only nuclear power plant, go against the spirit of the brief, but bloody anti-Soviet uprising. The Egyutt (Together) opposition party distributed whistles for its supporters to sound at the memorial event outside the Hungarian Parliament on Sunday along with symbolic red cards. Peter Juhasz, the party’s vice president, says “Orban’s policies are exactly the kind which Hungarians rebelled against in 1956.” Most Read Stories Orban’s critics accuse him of weakening Hungary’s system of democratic checks and balances. Polish President Andrzej Duda also is scheduled to speak at the commemoration.
Whistles disturb Hungary commemorations of 1956 revolution
Nation & World
The Associated Press
The Seattle Times
« Nous avons accumulé un retard d'investissement énorme ! », a assuré l'ex-candidat à la présidence de la Commission, en assurant qu'il fallait de façon urgente utiliser tous les outils disponibles dans l'arsenal européen pour développer une vraie politique de défense. Un point de vue a priori soutenu par l'opinion publique française : 6 Français sur 10 se disent convaincus que l'Europe apporte des solutions sur la question de la sécurité. Le premier enjeu, celui du financement, est selon lui crucial. Il prendrait la forme d'un fonds européen de défense, réalisé dans l'esprit du plan Juncker. « On pourrait avoir un budget de 3 à 4 milliards d'euros dans le prochain paquet budgétaire. Cela permettrait d'assurer environ 1 million d'emplois hautement qualifiés.» 23 modèles d'hélicoptères européens... vous avez dit mutualisation? Aux États-Unis, ce sont 18 milliards d'euros qui sont consacrés à la recherche en matière de défense, a rappelé le Républicain, en reconnaissant que l'Europe n'arriverait pas au même résultat, mais pourrait au moins se dire autonome sur les composants clés. « Aujourd'hui, nous avons 6 pays européens qui construisent des frégates militaires, et 23 modèles d'hélicoptères. Il faut mutualiser les efforts budgétaires et les concentrer » assure l'ancien commissaire, qui déplore que les budgets de défense en Europe se consacrent à 55% en dépenses de ressources humaines, contre seulement un tiers aux États-Unis. Brexit ? "Nous nous préparons sans agressivité (...) et sans naïveté" Or, selon lui, la création de brigades communes pourrait répondre à cet éclatement des capacités militaires. La coopération structurée est un des outils disponibles pour les États qui le souhaitent, qu'il serait possible de mettre en place entre Allemands, Italiens, Français et Polonais. À propos du Brexit, l'ancien commissaire Michel Barnier, qui est aussi membre de la task-force sur le Brexit mise en place par la Commission, a indiqué que son équipe se préparait "sans agressivité, sans esprit de revanche, sans idéologie et sans naïveté ". Les Anglais ont toujours été opposés à un QG européen « Sur la défense, c'est à la fois grave et à la fois avec moins de conséquences que pour les autres sujets, pour eux et pour nous », estime le spécialiste, rappelant que les Anglais n'ont jamais voulu être dans des opérations communautaires, et se sont toujours opposés à l'idée d'un QG militaire européen, dont l'idée a été remise sur la table le 14 septembre dernier lors du discours sur l'État de l'Union. Les Britanniques sont en effet membre de l'agence de défense, qui n'est pas une agence communautaire, mais intergouvernementale. Pour créer une armée européenne, il faudrait changer les traités Sur la question, évoquée par Jean-Claude Juncker, de la création d'une "armée européenne", Michel Barnier a indiqué que le mot avait été prononcé pour tâter le terrain, mais que le sujet n'était pas d'actualité pour une question de souveraineté : il faudrait en effet pour cela changer les traités. En revanche, il a estimé que l'Eurocorp, à Strasbourg, qui participe régulièrement à des opérations de l'Otan, est la bonne formule. L'ancien commissaire a clos son intervention en faisant référence à la déclaration de Saint-Malo signée par Tony Blair et Jacques Chirac en matière de défense, qui faisait référence à une stratégie « autonome et solidaire »: « Si nous ne sommes pas ensemble, nous sommes foutus » a résumé le conseiller. Par Aline Robert, (Article publié le 15 oct. 2016, mis à jour le 17.10 à 12:35)
Europe de la Défense: Barnier veut prélever 4 milliards sur le budget européen
Par Aline Robert; EurActiv
La Tribune Nouvelle
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A once-rising star in Pennsylvania politics will learn Monday whether she is heading to prison over a feud that led the state attorney general to leak grand jury materials to the press and lie about it under oath. Democrat Kathleen Kane, 50, argues that the loss of her career, law license and reputation is punishment enough. She has asked a judge in suburban Philadelphia to sentence her to probation or house arrest so she can be home to raise her two teenage sons. However, prosecutors call her crimes “egregious” and will push for jail time. They say a paranoid Kane demeaned the 800-person office and threw the state’s law enforcement community into turmoil through a calculated scheme to embarrass a rival prosecutor who had left the office. Kane “repeatedly misused her official authority to advance her personal vendettas,” Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele, a fellow Democrat, wrote in a sentencing memo last week. Most Read Stories Kane’s fate will unfold in the same county where former President Bill Clinton had stumped for her in 2012, four years after Kane helped with Hillary Clinton’s first presidential bid. Kane enjoyed mostly good press early on as she supported gay marriage, ramped up a child predator unit run by her twin sister and questioned her predecessor’s handling of the Penn State sex-assault case. But turmoil inside the office became apparent as top deputies and career prosecutors headed for the doors. Kane’s feud with one of them, Frank Fina, who had helped run the Penn State probe and other sensitive investigations, led to the leak. Kane, taking aim at him, had her political consultant pass confidential files to a reporter about a corruption case Fina had declined to charge before he left the office. She then tried to frame someone else for the crime, former aides testified at the perjury and obstruction trial. Kane did not testify at the August trial, when the jury convicted her on all nine counts before taking a meal break. Common Pleas Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy sharply warned Kane afterward that she would put her in jail if she tried to retaliate against anyone. The sentence could range from probation to a maximum 12 to 24 years in prison. Kane overcame a difficult childhood in Scranton, Pennsylvania, to put herself through college and law school. She worked as an assistant county prosecutor before a stint as a stay-at-home mother and community volunteer. She then used $2.25 million of her husband’s trucking fortune to run for attorney general. They are now divorcing. Kane expects to get $6 million in the divorce, and receives nearly $350,000 a year in alimony and child support while living in the family’s sprawling home in Clarks Summit, Lackawanna County, according to local news reports that cite court filings. Aside from the conviction, Kane’s political career will be remembered for her investigation of pornography that she said was being traded on state computers by judges, lawyers and other public employees. Two state Supreme Court justices resigned amid the fallout. “She rose from poverty to a pinnacle, and has already fallen,” lawyer Mark Steinberg wrote in the defense sentencing memo. “She has been humbled and embarrassed, and now just wants to make amends and to focus her attention on raising her children.”
Ex-state attorney general hopes to avoid jail for perjury
Nation & World
The Associated Press
The Seattle Times
3 kulüp PFDK'ya sevk edildi Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu (TFF) Hukuk Müşavirliği, Spor Toto Süper Lig ekiplerinden Trabzonspor, Kayserispor ve Aytemiz Alanyaspor'u, Profesyonel Futbol Disiplin Kuruluna (PFDK) sevk etti. Aytemiz Alanyaspor'un, deplasmanda oynadığı Fenerbahçe maçında 5 futbolcusunun sarı ve 1 oyuncusunun kırmızı kart görmesi nedeniyle takım halinde sportmenliğe aykırı hareket gerekçesiyle PFDK'ya sevk edildiği bildirildi. Trabzonspor'un ise Akhisar Belediyespor ile oynadığı mücadelede yaşanan saha olayları sebebiyle PFDK'ya gönderildiği aktarıldı. Öte yandan açıklamada, TFF 1. Lig takımları Mersin İdmanyurdu, Adana Demirspor, Büyükşehir Gaziantepspor ve Şanlıurfaspor'un da PFDK'ya sevk edildikleri kaydedildi. Ayrıca Samsunspor'un teknik sorumlusu Osman Özköylü'nün de Büyükşehir Gaziantepspor ile oynanan maçta sportmenliğe aykırı hareketi nedeniyle tedbirli olarak PFDK'ya gönderildiği ifade edildi. 18 Ekim 2016, Salı Güncelleme: 16:41
3 kulüp PFDK'ya sevk edildi
DÜSSELDORF/MÖRFELDEN-WALLDORF (dpa-AFX) - Bei der Lufthansa Es geht um die in Düsseldorf sitzende Gesellschaft Eurowings, die 23 von bislang 90 Mittelstreckenjets der Lufthansa-Billigplattform Eurowings betreibt. UFO: WEITER AN FRIEDLICHER LÖSUNG INTERESSIERT Ufo hatte vergangene Woche angekündigt, dass von Montag an in den kommenden zwei Wochen jederzeit Streiks möglich seien. Erst am Donnerstag hatte Baublies die Verhandlungen für gescheitert erklärt. In dem Schreiben von Sonntag heißt es nunmehr, Ufo sei weiter an einer friedlichen Lösung interessiert. Im direkten Kontakt könnten am Montag am Sitz von Ufo im hessischen Mörfelden-Walldorf etwaige Unstimmigkeiten ausgeräumt werden. Am Dienstag werde die Gewerkschaft dann intern über das Gesprächsergebnis beraten. "Vorher werden wir bei Eurowings keine Streiks durchführen", schrieb Baublies. EUROWINGS: AKTUELLES ANGEBOT BRINGT SIEBEN PROZENT MEHR LOHN Eurowings hatte am Donnerstag dem Kabinenpersonal in einem Brief noch einmal die Lage geschildert und darin das verbessertes Angebot von Mitte Oktober erläutert. Das Angebot von Eurowings sehe im Gesamtumfang Verbesserungen von durchschnittlich sieben Prozent mehr Lohn bei einer Laufzeit von drei Jahren und drei Monaten vor, heißt es. Es geht unter anderem um höhere Vergütungen und den Aufbau einer sogenannten Unterstützungskasse. Hintergrund des Konflikts ist ein neuer Vergütungstarifvertrag für die rund 400 in Deutschland arbeitenden Flugbegleiter von Eurowings. AUCH WEITERE VERHANDLUNGEN MIT VERDI Seit 2008 hat ausschließlich Ufo bei der Lufthansa-Tochter neue Tarifverträge für die Flugbegleiter abgeschlossen. Doch inzwischen mischt Verdi stärker mit. Im September hatte die DGB-Gewerkschaft einen Warnstreik des Kabinenpersonals bei Eurowings Deutschland organisiert, in dessen Folge acht Flüge ausfielen. Nach Angaben von Eurowings wird das Unternehmen auch mit Verdi in dieser Woche weiter verhandelt. Bei der Lufthansa war bei einer Schlichtung unter Leitung von Brandenburgs Ex-Ministerpräsident Matthias Platzeck im Sommer ein Ende des Tarifkonflikts mit den Flugbegleitern erreicht worden./wd/DP/tos ISIN DE0008232125 AXC0042 2016-10-23/16:07
ROUNDUP: Streiks bei Eurowings Deutschland vorerst abgewendet
ROUNDUP, Streiks, Eurowings, Deutschland, vorerst, abgewendet
As the longest active serving member of the state Senate, Pam Roach has nearly maxed out her state pension. Her best-earning years are far behind her, and next year she’ll meet the 30-year limit on longevity bonuses. But election to the Pierce County Council next month would change that. That’s because the county job comes with a much higher salary. Roach, who makes $46,839 as a state senator, would be paid $107,602 on the County Council. That pay bump would boost her pension by at least $17,000 a year. Like all members of Public Employees’ Retirement System’s Plan 2, Roach is due to receive pension payments based partly on her five consecutive highest-paid years in government. To date, her highest-paid years were in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when she earned two part-time salaries working in the Senate and as an aide to former King County Councilman Kent Pullen. She averaged about $68,000 a year between the two jobs between 1997-2002, according to the state Department of Retirement Services. That pay history, plus her 29 years in government, puts Roach on pace to receive roughly $40,000 a year once she retires. Election to the County Council would hike that to $57,296 a year, or more if the council members receive raises. Roach, 68, says the pension benefit didn’t influence her decision to run. “You know, you look at those things (pension possibilities), and it did occur to me, that’s right,” Roach said. “But you’re looking at it only from a money perspective and how sad is that?” In a scenario she has ruled out, Roach could grow her pension even more if she stayed in the Senate after joining the County Council. Holding both offices at the same time would boost her pension to at least $68,000 and possibly more than $92,000, depending on how long she stayed in both jobs. The pension payout could be higher if state lawmakers or county council members receive raises. Roach didn’t rule out holding both jobs simultaneously when she announced her council candidacy. But she now insists she won’t hold onto her Senate job, and said she’s backing a ballot measure in Pierce County that would ban county elected officials from holding most other elected offices. “I have removed the issue,” Roach said. “It’s not an issue anymore.” Even at $57,000, Roach’s pension wouldn’t come close to the top of the list for general government retirees. Former Gov. Chris Gregoire claimed that spot when she retired in 2013 with a pension of $159,608, the most of any retiree from state general government. Gregoire was part of Plan 1 of the Public Employees’ Retirement System, known as PERS 1, which exempted time in elected office from the 30-year cap and allowed Gregoire to rack up a higher pension. PERS 1 closed in 1977. Roach’s PERS 2 pension increases every year she works up to 30 years. She will reach that cap next October. If Roach loses the council election and remains in the Senate, her $40,000 pension would put her slightly below average compared with other government employees who match her nearly 30 years of service, according to figures provided by the Department of Retirement Services. Election to the County Council would bump her ahead of most of her peers. The average pension payout for 30-year workers who retired in 2013-14, the most recent numbers available, was around $44,000. Her opponent in the council race, Democrat Carolyn Edmonds, was a one-term King County councilwoman after being a state legislator for three years. She’s had considerably higher salaries during her comparably brief time in office — Edmonds made $110,194 on the King County Council in 2005 — but her seven years in the pension system give her a much smaller payment. Edmonds also is part of the newer Plan 3 of PERS, which is a hybrid plan that combines a smaller defined-benefit pension with a 401(k)-like account. The pension portion would pay Edmonds $10,000 a year if she was elected to the Pierce council and served one term. The investment account portion of her retirement pay is exempt from public disclosure. Since Roach hasn’t retired yet, her pension is dependent on a number of variables. She could choose to take a lower pension while allowing a survivor to receive a portion of her pension after she dies, for example. Roach says it is her experience, not money, that motivated her to run. “I’ve watched government in all its good forms and not-so-good forms at a county level and a state level,” she said. “ I think I would do very well at a county level again.”
Pam Roach’s Pierce council job would come with pension boost
Pam Roach, Roach, pension, Pierce County Council, Council, Carolyn Edmonds, Edmonds, Senate, salary, Auburn
Walker Orenstein worenstein com
Earthquake 'swarm' in New Brunswick unlikely to rattle residents: seismologist A A Share via Email SUSSEX, N.B. — A seismologist says a cluster of earthquakes was detected in southern New Brunswick over around a two-week period, but it's unlikely residents in the area even felt a tremble. Maurice Lamontagne of Earthquakes Canada says a total of 10 earthquakes occurred around 25 kilometres Sussex occurred between Sept. 19 and Oct. 5. Lamontagne says the earthquakes were of such low magnitude — about 2.3 on the Richter scale — that people in the sparsely populated area may have heard a rumble, but probably felt nothing beneath their feet. He says the quakes were relatively shallow and focused less than five kilometres beneath the earth's crust. Lamontagne says the pattern of seismic activity, known as an earthquake swarm, has settled and will most likely die out — only in less than one per cent of cases does it lead to a larger earthquake. The seismologist says he and his colleagues are monitoring the situation but "it's really mother nature that decides." In February, more than 100 earthquakes rocked the village of McAdam near the New Brunswick-Maine border, but seismic activity in the area has since subsided.
Earthquake 'swarm' in New Brunswick unlikely to rattle residents: seismologist | Metro News
Canada, News
Staff The Canadian Press Published on
Officials have released the identity of the man killed in Monday’s shooting in Rock Hill, which is being investigated as a homicide. Michael Tyson Dilda, 30, died of a gunshot wound, York County Coroner Sabrina Gast said Tuesday morning. His death is being investigated as a homicide. Autopsy and toxicology are pending. Dilda was found at a home at 745 Oleen Cove Road in Rock Hill Monday morning, authorities have said. The York County Sheriff’s Office said Monday that detectives were speaking with a person of interest. Few details have been released by authorities about the killing. A sheriff’s spokesman said Tuesday morning that no charges have been filed and there was no new information on the shooting. Check back for updates.
York Co. coroner: Rock Hill homicide victim identified
shooting, shot, dead, died, killed, homicide, house, gunshot wound, Rock Hill, South Carolina
Teddy Kulmala tkulmala com
El ganador del Oscar presentará nuevamente su documental sobre el cambio climático, 'Before the flood'. AFP / ARCHIVO Los nombres de los famosos han sido filtrados por los organizadores a varios medios RABAT, MARRUECOS (19/OCT/2016).- Los actores estadounidenses Leonardo Di Caprio y Robert Redford y el futbolista argentino Diego Armando Maradona tienen previsto acudir a la cumbre climática (COP22) que se celebrará en Marrakech entre el 7 y el 18 de noviembre, según medios marroquíes. Esos nombres son los que ya han filtrado los organizadores a varios medios, además de los de algunas "estrellas" más que han sido invitadas y que aún no han confirmado su asistencia, como el cantante irlandés Bono o el rapero estadounidense Akon. Algunos de ellos tienen una vinculación clara con los problemas climáticos, como Redford, conocido por su compromiso con las "causas verdes", o Di Caprio, quien supuestamente aprovechará su estancia en Marrakech para una nueva presentación de "Before the flood", su documental sobre el cambio climático. Akon, por su parte, promocionará su proyecto de electrificación rural en varios países de África. Con respecto a Maradona, los organizadores han querido aprovechar su paso por Marruecos para otro evento e, invitado por la Federación Marroquí de Fútbol, jugará por segundo año consecutivo un partido entre viejas glorias africanas y del resto del mundo en El Aaiún, capital del Sáhara Occidental. Como quiera que ese partido se celebrará el 6 de noviembre, aniversario de la Marcha Verde, Maradona viajaría posteriormente a Marrakech para participar en la inauguración de la COP22, el lunes 7. GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (19/OCT/2016).- Alrededor de siete mil 500 de sus seguidores se congregaron en el Auditorio Telmex para escuchar los mayores éxitos de la cantante estadounidense. EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Di Caprio y Maradona, en cumbre climática de Marrakech
di caprio, maradona, marrakech, cumbre, climática, famosos, actores
Justin Trudeau's 'star power' unlikely to nab seat in Alberta byelection Expert says Liberals aren't likely to win the Medicine Hat election in a province that went Conservative blue in all but five ridings in last fall's federal election. A A Share via Email MEDICINE HAT, Alta. — The Conservatives are hoping to rally their traditional power base to retain hold on a sprawling southern Alberta federal riding that hasn't elected a Liberal MP in 48 years. Monday's byelection in the riding of Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner was called after MP Jim Hillyer died of a heart attack earlier this year in his Parliament Hill office. The riding, formerly known as Medicine Hat, was renamed following electoral redistribution in 2012. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the riding earlier this month in an effort to boost the chances of Liberal candidate Stan Sakamoto, a local businessman. Trudeau attracted about 2,500 people hoping to catch a glimpse of him. A Calgary political scientist says the Liberals aren't likely to win the election, despite the numbers Trudeau attracted in a province that went Conservative blue in all but five ridings in last fall's federal election. "He's got that star power. No question. There's a celebrity element in this. (People) want to see him and know a little more about him," Lori Williams, from Mount Royal University, said of Trudeau. "(But) Hillyer won the riding with 67 per cent of the vote ... The Liberals got 26 per cent, so that's a pretty steep margin to overcome." Williams said the Liberals had more resources to pour into the campaign because it was a byelection. She also suggested the possibility of having a local MP at the cabinet table might influence some people to be open to change. "For all those reasons, the Liberals have a greater chance than they would in a general election, but it's still a long shot." The last MP Medicine Hat voters elected who wasn't from a right-of-centre party was Bud Olson. He was originally voted in as a member of the Social Credit, crossed to the Liberals and was re-elected when the party swept to power under Pierre Trudeau in 1968. Olson lost in 1972, and the riding has been on the right of the political spectrum ever since with MPs from the Progressive Conservatives, Reform, Canadian Alliance or Conservative parties. Conservative candidate Glen Motz isn't taking anything for granted. "It's not over until the last vote is counted. Our team has had the mentality and the work ethic that we are in last place ... and we are working with that in mind until the polls close," said Motz, 58, a retired Medicine Hat police officer. He said Trudeau's visit to Medicine Hat motivated a number of Conservative voters angry over job losses and the economic downturn. "People here are frustrated. They're angry. It was demonstrated when the prime minister was here. It mobilized a whole set of people who otherwise may have been apathetic. It's mobilized them to action." Sakamoto, 66, acknowledged he voted for Progressive Conservative Bob Porter in the past, but said it was a vote for the man, not the party. He said he remembers being a teenager when Pierre Trudeau visited Medicine Hat. "He had a rally at that time with Bud Olson ... I was caught up in that crowd and also his message of hope. I was inspired as a teenager and that was a very big event for us in Medicine Hat," Sakamoto said. "Our previous prime minister (Stephen Harper), who lives 2 1/2 hours up the road, never appeared once here. Not once in 10 years and there's a feeling that we are a forgotten corner. That kind of resonates." The four other candidates in the byelection are Bev Waege from the NDP, Rod Taylor with the Christian Heritage party, Libertarian Sheldon Johnston and Kayne Cooper of the Rhinoceros party. — By Bill Graveland in Calgary. Follow @BillGraveland on Twitter
Justin Trudeau's 'star power' unlikely to nab seat in Alberta byelection | Metro News
Canada, News
Staff The Canadian Press Published on
Domingo, 23 octubre 2016, 09:07 | Haga un comentario Enrique José Villegas El 23 de octubre de 1864 fallecía en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, donde vivió largos años, el patriota, novelista, maestro, traductor y escritor cubano: Cirilo Villaverde de la Paz, quien sirvió a la causa independentista de la Isla contra España. De barba color nieve y mirada apacible, fue el autor de la clásica novela cubana Cecilia Valdés o La Loma del Ángel, considerada obra cumbre de las letras cubanas del siglo XIX, llevada al cine y sirvió de base a la zarzuela del mismo nombre, del músico Gonzalo Roig. La obra, de contenido antiesclavista, es un testimonio de la época, la cual escribió con tono crudo de la realidad, unido con un fuerte sentimentalismo, para pasar a ser una descripción de la vida cubana de la etapa del coloniaje español en la Isla. Por sus ideas patrióticas y separatistas de la Metrópolis fue encarcelado en 1848 y condenado a presidio por su participación en la conspiración de Trinidad y Cienfuegos. Mediante soborno a sus celadores, pudo escapar de la prisión un año más tarde y trasladarse a la ciudad norteamericana de Nueva York, donde fue director del periódico separatista La Verdad, cuyas páginas recogieron sus alegatos en favor de la libertad de Cuba y el fin de la presencia colonialista en la isla. Al estallar la guerra de independencia en 1868, Cirilo Villaverde de la Paz, quien había nacido en 1812, se sumó a la Junta Revolucionaria establecida en Nueva York, donde participó en la organización de expediciones y desarrolló una labor política en la población norteamericana a favor de la causa libertaria cubana. Este luchador por la independencia de Cuba no pudo ver el triunfo de las armas mambisas sobre las españolas, porque la muerte lo sorprendió fuera de su Patria el 23 de octubre de 1864 y fue enterrado en la Necrópolis de Cristóbal Colón. Su esposa y también patriota Emilia Casanova, quien donó toda la fortuna familiar a la guerra, siguió sus pasos un año más tarde. /YMP/
Cirilo Villaverde: un adalid de la cubanía
Cirilo Villaverde;escritor
The talking heads ahead of the final presidential debate opined that neither candidate would say much in the way of substance, sticking to their talking points as the campaign reaches its final weeks. But moderator and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace won overwhelming praise for making both candidates talk about the issues. Wallace chose to ignore recent headlines for the first question of the debate and asked about an issue that could determine the path of the country: the Supreme Court. “First of all, where do you want to see the court take the country?” Wallace asked. “And secondly, what’s your view on how the Constitution should be interpreted? Do the founders’ words mean what they say or is it a living document to be applied flexibly, according to changing circumstances?” He then went into issues like abortion and gun control, particularly pushing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on policy positions that do not resonate with large swaths of the electorate. “Secretary Clinton, you said last year, and let me quote: ‘The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.’ And now, in fact, in the 2008 Heller case the court ruled that there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but a right that is reasonably limited. Those were the words of the judge Antonin Scalia, who wrote the decision. What’s wrong with that?” Clinton went on to say that allowing handguns in Washington is dangerous for toddlers and that 33,000 people every year die from guns. But Wallace didn’t let Donald Trump off the hook: He fact-checked the Republican nominee twice on Wednesday night. “Mr. Trump, in the last debate you were both asked about the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo, and I want to follow up on that because you said several things in that debate which were not true, sir,” Wallace said. “You said that Aleppo has basically fallen.” Wednesday was the first time a Fox News anchor had moderated a general election debate, and commentators from both sides of the aisle praised Wallace. Wallace did his best to challenge both candidates when they tried to talk over him or interrupt his questions. “Mr. Trump, I’m not a potted plant here. I do get to ask some questions,” Wallace said.
Moderator Chris Wallace controlled the final presidential debate
Wallace, chris wallace, debate moderator, moderator, debate, trump, clinton, donald trump, hillary clinton, debate, final presidential debate, democrat, republican, abortion, guns, gun control, 2nd amendment
Alex Daugherty adaugherty com
A screening of Tom Cruise's new film brought the actor to Knoxville and raised $600,000 for the Children's Charity of Eastern Tennessee. Media outlets report the fundraiser was held Monday night at the Pinnacle 18 theater in Turkey Creek. The event included live music, a catered meal, some time for attendees to interact with Cruise on the carpet outside the theater and an advance screening of Cruise's new film, "Jack Reacher: Never Go Back." About a thousand people attended the event, which raised $600,000 for groups that help children, like the Emerald Youth Foundation. Attendees came from across the state, and some came from as far as Texas. The movie, a sequel to the 2012 film "Jack Reacher," hits theaters on Friday, Oct. 21.
Tom Cruise attends Knoxville screening benefiting charity
TN, Cruise, Premiere, cb7690eda75848f2968c420e4ecaef23
The Associated Press
Poles stage new protests over planned abortion restrictions A A Share via Email WARSAW, Poland — Polish women have again donned black and taken to the streets, launching another round of protests against efforts by the nation's conservative leaders to tighten Poland's abortion law. A large group gathered Sunday outside the parliament building in Warsaw, chanting "We have had enough!" Polish media reported that similar protests were happening in cities and towns across the country. The street protests are expected to continue on Monday, when some women also plan to boycott their jobs. Similar protests took place earlier this month against a proposal for a total ban on abortions, forcing lawmakers to reject the ban. The new protests are in response to an amended proposal that would fall short of a total ban, but outlaw abortions in cases where fetuses are unviable or badly damaged.
Poles stage new protests over planned abortion restrictions | Metro News
world, News
Staff The Associated Press Published on
Mourinho için işler yolunda gitmiyor İngiltere Premier Lig takımlarından Manchester United'ın başına büyük umutlarla getirilen Jose Mourinho, ilk sekiz haftalık performansıyla hayal kırıklığı yaşattı. İngiltere'deki kariyerinde ikinci Chelsea dönemi tatsız sona eren Mourinho'nun teknik direktörlük hayalini kurduğu Manchester United'daki performansı da ilk sekiz hafta göz önünde bulundurulduğunda iç açıcı görünmüyor. Dört galibiyet ve iki beraberlikle 14 puan toplayan ve lider Manchester City'nin beş puan gerisinde yedinci sırada yer alan Manchester United'ın durumu, Portekizli teknik adamın göreve geldiği yeni kulüplerindeki ilk sezonları arasında en kötü istatistiklerden biri olarak dikkat çekiyor. 2001-02 sezonunda Portekiz'in Uniao de Leiria takımını çalıştıran ve ilk 8 haftada 10 puan kazanan Mourinho, Manchester United ile 14 puanlık performans sergileyebildi. Deneyimli çalıştırıcı, aynı dönemi Benfica'da 14, Porto'da 16, Inter Milan'da 17, Chelsea ve Real Madrid'de ise 20'şer puanla geride bırakmıştı. Mourinho, Alex Ferguson'un emekli olmasının ardından takımı eski günlerine döndürmek için göreve getirilen Hollandalı meslektaşı Louis van Gaal'in geçen sezon elde ettiği puanların da gerisinde kaldı. Hollandalı van Gaal, geçen sezon ilk sekiz haftada 5 galibiyet ve 1 beraberlikle 16 puana ulaşmış ve 18 puanlı Manchester City ile 16 puanlı Arsenal'ın ardından sekizinci haftayı puan cetvelinde üçüncü sırada tamamlamıştı. Chelsea travması unutulmadı Jose Mourinho'nun İngiltere, İspanya ve İtalya'da geçirdiği başarılı sezonların ardından Chelsea'deki ikinci döneminde geçen sezon başında yaşadığı başarısızlığın üstesinden yeni takımında gelip gelemeyeceği merakla bekleniyor. Londra ekibiyle iki sezon önce rahat bir şampiyonluk kazanan Mourinho, geçen sezon başında kariyerinin en kötü dönemlerinden birini yaşadı. İlk sekiz haftada iki galibiyet ve iki beraberlik alarak 8 puanla 16. sıraya gerileyen başkent temsilcisi, 16 haftada 9 mağlubiyet elde edince Mourinho ile yollarını ayırmak zorunda kalmıştı. Chelsea ile 3 Premier Lig, 3 Lig Kupası, bir de Federasyon Kupası zaferi yaşayan Mourinho'nun Londra ekibindeki ikinci dönemi aralık ayında sona ermişti. Rooney ve Pogba baskı altında Manchester United'ın takım kaptanı Rooney ve rekor bonservis bedeliyle kadroya katılan 23 yaşındaki Pogba'nın ortaya koyduğu performans taraftar ve basının eleştirilerine maruz kalıyor. Bu sezon ilk beş haftada Rooney'e ilk on birde şans veren Mourinho, bu futbolcuya yönelik ağır eleştirilerin ardından geri adım atmış ve İngiliz futbolcuyu yedek kulübesine göndermişti. Milli takımda da ilk on birdeki yerini kaybeden Rooney, ligdeki son üç maçında Leicester City'e karşı 8, Stoke City'e karşı 24 ve Liverpool'a karşı da 14 dakika forma şansı buldu. Sezona bütün kulvarlarda şampiyonluk parolasıyla başlayan Manchester ekibinde, yeni transfer Paul Pogba da basının ve taraftarın eleştirilerinden nasibini aldı. Ligde yedi, UEFA Avrupa Ligi'nde de iki maçta 90 dakika sahada kalan futbolcunun oyuna sağladığı katkıdan tatmin olmayan İngiliz basını, yorum ve eleştirileriyle Mourinho üzerinde baskı kurmaya başladı. Rekor transfer ücretiyle genç yıldızı sık sık gündeme getiren bazı gazete yorumlarında, şu ana kadar forma giydiği 9 maçta bir gol atan ve asisti bulunmayan futbolcudan daha fazla yararlanması için Mourinho'nun taktik değişikliğe gitmesi gerektiğini savunuluyor. "Kırmızı Şeytanlar'ı 4-2-3-1 dizilişiyle oynatan deneyimli çalıştırıcının 4-3-3 sistemine dönmesi halinde Pogba'nın daha faydalı olacağı yorumları yapılıyor. Şampiyonluk zor ama imkansız değil Premier Lig ekiplerinin ilk sekiz haftada sonunda puan cetvelindeki yerlerine bakılarak şampiyonluk şansı ele alındığında Manchester United'ı zorlu bir sezon beklese de "Kırmızı Şeytanlar" bunu daha önce dört kez başardı. Sezonun sekiz haftalık bölümünü rakiplerine göre alt sıralarda geçmesine karşın şampiyonluk ipini göğüsleyen takımlar arasında Manchester United'ın ayrı bir yeri var. 2008-09 sezonunda altıncı, 1992-93, 1996-97 ve 2010-11 sezonlarında sekiz haftalık bölümü dördüncü olarak tamamlayan Manchester ekibi, sezon sonunda şampiyonluk turu attı. Geçen sezon tarihinin ilk şampiyonluğunu elde ederek büyük bir sürprize imza atan Leicester City de sekizinci haftayı beşinci sırada tamamlamıştı. 1992 yılında kurulan Premier Lig'de ilk sekiz haftayı yedinci sırada bitirerek sezon sonunda şampiyonluğa ulaşan takım bulunmuyor. 18 Ekim 2016, Salı Güncelleme: 16:52
Mourinho için işler yolunda gitmiyor
U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (KEER'-stehn JIHL'-uh-brand) wants to equip U.S. Merchant Marine Academy cadets with satellite phones on commercial vessels to make it easier to report sexual abuse or harassment. The New York Democrat includes the proposal in a list of policy changes she plans to introduce in the Senate. She visited the Long Island campus on Tuesday. The academy has suspended a program that allows cadets to earn credits for internships on commercial vessels amid concerns about sexual abuse and bullying at sea and on campus. Separate reviews of abuse allegations are underway. Gillibrand's proposals also include spot checks on vessels where midshipmen are working.
Senator eyes policy changes at US Merchant Marine Academy
The Associated Press
A year after a leaking well near Los Angeles spewed natural gas for nearly four months and drove thousands from their homes, a White House task force is recommending dozens of safety changes for the nation's 400 underground natural gas storage wells. A report being released Tuesday recommends that operators of gas-storage facilities conduct strict risk assessments and develop robust safety procedures, including ensuring that wells have backup systems to contain gas flows in the event of a leak. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the report in advance. The gas leak was the largest-known release of climate-changing methane in U.S. history, according to scientists. It spewed an estimated 107,000 tons of methane before being controlled in February. The blowout sickened residents in the Porter Ranch neighborhood and surrounding suburbs who complained of headaches, nausea, nosebleeds and other symptoms from the foul-smelling gas. "Natural gas plays an important role in our nation's energy landscape, and we need to make sure the associated infrastructure is strong enough to maintain energy reliability, protect public health and preserve our environment," Franklin Orr and Marie-Therese Dominguez, who co-chaired the interagency task force, said in a statement. The Aliso Canyon well operated by Southern California Gas Co. used a design that made it dependent on a single barrier to contain the gas. When that barrier failed, a blowout reported Oct. 23 spewed methane uncontrollably for nearly four months. SoCalGas has pleaded no contest to a criminal charge and agreed to pay $4 million in a settlement with prosecutors. The deal requires the utility to adopt a leak-monitoring system at the facility that goes beyond federal and state requirements. SoCalGas has estimated costs of $717 million related to the leak, including about $500 million to relocate about 8,000 families uprooted as a result of the accident. The task force makes a total of 44 recommendations to industry and government regulators to reduce the likelihood of future gas leaks and minimize impacts of leaks that occur. "No community should have to go through something like Aliso Canyon again," Orr and Dominguez said. "Companies operating natural gas storage facilities should adopt the recommendations as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of future leaks." Orr is an undersecretary of energy. Dominguez is administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. The cost estimates by SoCalGas do not account for possible damages from 138 pending lawsuits or civil or criminal penalties that could be brought by a swarm of government agencies investigating the leak. Aliso Canyon is the largest gas storage facility west of the Mississippi River and a major source of energy for the Los Angeles area. Energy officials have warned of possible blackouts if it is not able to resume operations. Follow Matthew Daly:
APNewsBreak: WH report seeks to curtail natural gas blowouts
MATTHEW DALY Associated Press
HIGH POINT, N.C. (AP) — Clarence Henderson was hailed as a hero nearly 60 years ago when as a young black man he participated in a sit-in at a segregated North Carolina lunch counter. In 2016, he is again taking a risky stand; he is supporting Donald Trump. And he isn’t shy about it. Last month he gave the invocation at a Trump rally here, smiling as he shook the Republican candidate’s hand. “Donald Trump is certainly not a politician, and politicians are a dime a dozen, but leaders are priceless,” Henderson said in an interview. Most Read Stories Trump is deeply unpopular in the black community. He has called on black voters to vote for him because “what the hell do you have to lose?” His support among blacks is less than the margin of error in some polls. Henderson, 74, has been criticized for his stance, with many taking to Twitter to accuse him of abandoning the principles he fought so hard for more than half a century ago. Henderson shrugged off the criticism, saying he isn’t paying any attention to it. And he has gotten some support from one of his fellow activists. Jabreel Khazan was one of the first four protesters to sit down at the Woolworth’s lunch counter. And though he supports Hillary Clinton, he said he had no problem with Henderson’s choice. “God bless him and all of those who have a second opinion,” said Khazan, whose name was Ezell Blair at the time of the protest. “We should not be a one-minded people.” Henderson attended North Carolina A&T State University, when, as an 18-year-old, he joined the original four lunch counter protesters on the second day of their protest. He could no longer live under the official segregation known as Jim Crow, he said. “I did it because it was the right thing to do,” he said. Angry whites jeered at them, and he wondered if he and his fellow protesters would be brought out in handcuffs or on stretchers. They were arrested, but their actions inspired similar protests throughout the south that led to the desegregation of lunch counters and other nonviolent protests against racist policies. For a civil rights hero, he later ended up on a more unconventional political path that he credits to his father, a lifelong Republican. “My dad, with a third-grade education, said to me, ‘Well, son, you don’t know what the Democratic party has done as far as blacks are concerned,'” Henderson said. He discovered the Democrats had created and enforced Jim Crow and the Republican Party was behind the constitutional amendments that abolished slavery, granted equal protection to freed slaves and gave blacks the right to vote. He cast his first vote for a Republican presidential candidate for George W. Bush. Henderson, who ran a financial services business for more than 25 years before retiring a decade ago, said he respected Bush’s business background. He continued voting for Republicans, even when Barack Obama stood poised to become the first black president. “I never thought I would see a black person become the president of the United States,” Henderson said. “His ideologies were different from mine. After looking at his past history, I didn’t see him as a viable candidate.” This year, Trump was not Henderson’s first choice for the GOP nomination. He supported Sen. Ted Cruz. But now that Trump has the nomination, Henderson said he respects his business experience, even as he acknowledges the candidate’s off-the-cuff speaking style can be a problem. “He has proved to be a leader in the business field. Has he done everything right? No, certainly not. But I think that he has more at stake than Hillary does,” he said. In his invocation at the Trump rally last month, Henderson nodded to his past. “I stand before you as one that knows what America’s all about – the good, the bad and the ugly. I would not live in any other country except America that put Jim Crow on trial and found him guilty of trying to separate the races. So I stand before you to say that we are unified,” he said. Henderson said regardless of criticism, he will vote his conscience. “I would rather be in the minority on the side of justice than in the majority on the side of injustice, because I have lived a life where I saw there was injustice,” he said.
Civil rights hero from 60s takes criticism as Trump backer
Nation & World
The Associated Press
The Seattle Times
Domingo, 23 octubre 2016, 09:37 | Haga un comentario Mbabane.- La ministra de Salud de Swazilandia, Sibongile Ndlela-Simelane, expresó hoy su satisfacción con la labor de los médicos cubanos que prestan servicio en su país. No solo nos apoyan, con sus habilidades estamos aprendiendo también, es un intercambio de experiencias, de enseñanzas el que tiene lugar en cada uno de los lugares donde ellos trabajan, afirmó Ndlela-Simelane en declaraciones a Prensa Latina en esta capital. Dijo que los 21 profesionales de la salud de Cuba están ubicados en hospitales regionales cubriendo la mayor parte del territorio nacional. «Estamos muy felices», subrayó. Hace 11 años se inició el programa oficial de cooperación entre Cuba y Swazilandia. Desde entonces 101 colaboradores del sector han participado en el hermoso proyecto humanitario en este reino del sur de África de poco más de un millón 200 mil habitantes. La brigada de médicos recibió además el reconocimiento del rey Mswati III, quien en un encuentro en la residencia real de Lozitha les transmitió el agradecimiento «al gobierno y pueblo de Cuba por esta colaboración». Precisamente, sobre lo que ha representado la experiencia en tierra swazi, la doctora Lesvia Manzano comenta que en su especialidad (Ginecología y Obstetricia) se perciben algunos resultados. «En estos momentos los diagnósticos se hacen muy tempranamente, a diferencia de etapas anteriores, porque una detección tardía puede ir en contra de la vida de la paciente», añadió al poner como ejemplo los casos de embarazos ectópicos «que en muchas ocasiones terminaban aquí en muerte materna». El índice de embarazo ectópico en el mundo es muy bajo (uno o dos por ciento de todas las gestantes), es una rareza; sin embargo, hemos operado en un periodo de seis meses a tres pacientes, subrayó la doctora Lesvia. Explicó que el hecho se relaciona con la alta incidencia de enfermedades de transmisión sexual que se presentan en Swazilandia, pero en algo que se ha avanzado es en la tarea de preventiva. La orientación sexual, de la comunidad, las formas de aseo y opciones para evitar esas enfermedades o si las tienen que los tratamientos sean más efectivos, es parte del trabajo diario que hacemos en ese sentido, concluyó. Los galenos enfrentan en la nación africana un escenario donde, entre otros, existen los indicadores de morbilidad y mortalidad por SIDA más altos del mundo, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud. (Prensa Latina) /YMP/
Ministra de Salud de Swazilandia satisfecha con médicos cubanos
médicos cubanos;Swazilandia
El mundo
It will take more than three clicks of the heels to restore the ruby slippers that whisked Dorothy back to Kansas at the end of "The Wizard of Oz." The slippers, which for more than 30 years have been one of the most beloved items at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, were crafted almost 80 years ago by the MGM Studios prop department. Like most movie props, they weren't built to last. Now, the frayed shoes aren't even ruby-colored anymore — they're more like a dull auburn. On Monday, the Smithsonian asked the public to help save the slippers, launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise $300,000. In addition to restoring the shoes' color, the money will go toward a technologically advanced display case that will preserve them for future generations. The Smithsonian's museums are federally funded, but the institution frequently solicits private and corporate contributions for major projects that its budget doesn't cover. This is the Smithsonian's second Kickstarter campaign. In 2015, the National Air and Space Museum raised $700,000 through the crowd-funding site to preserve the spacesuit that Neil Armstrong wore when he walked on the moon. "This particular pair of ruby slippers really belongs to the American people, and so we thought as we sought support that we would invite the public to join us on this journey to help preserve them for the next generation," said Melinda Machado, a museum spokeswoman. The shoes are the most recognizable prop for the beloved 1939 musical, their deep red hue dazzling audiences when the movie made its dramatic transition from black-and-white to Technicolor. They have been on near-constant display since they were anonymously donated to the museum in 1979. Preserving them is more complicated than it might appear, Machado said. The slippers contain a dozen different materials. The gelatin-based sequins are a relic from the infancy of plastic. They also include glass beads and red felt on the soles that was used to muffle their sound when Judy Garland wore them during dance sequences. "We're going to have to do a lot of scientific research to come up with a treatment plan that is compatible with all of the different materials," Machado said. As of Tuesday morning, donors had pledged more than $38,000 on Kickstarter. If the museum does not reach its $300,000 goal in 30 days, no one will be charged. Donations start at $1 and, depending how much they give, contributors can receive rewards including T-shirts and tote bags created by William Ivey Long, a Tony award-winning costume designer.
No-brainer: $300K campaign to rescue Dorothy's ruby slippers
BEN NUCKOLS Associated Press
Clinton y Trump están a unas horas de que se celebre el tercer debate presidencial. AFP / ARCHIVO La demócrata tiene una ventaja de 47 puntos frente al 38 por ciento de su rival político NUEVA YORK, ESTADOS UNIDOS (19/OCT/2016).- La candidata presidencial del Partido Demócrata, Hillary Clinton, tiene una ventaja de nueve puntos porcentuales sobre su rival, Donald Trump, de acuerdo con un sondeo difundido por la agencia de información financiera Bloomberg.   A unas horas de que se celebre el tercer debate presidencial y a 20 días de las elecciones, la encuesta estableció que Clinton tiene una ventaja de 47 puntos frente al 38 por ciento de Trump. El sondeo estableció que Trump necesitaría "un regreso histórico para ganar la Casa Blanca".   El sondeo, realizado luego de las revelaciones de un audio en que Trump hace referencia a su comportamiento ante mujeres que considera atractivas, otorga además ocho puntos en las preferencia de voto para el libertario Gary Johnson, y tres unidades para la abanderada del Partido Verde, Jill Stein.   El análisis que acompaña a la encuesta apuntó que Trump ha perdido un apoyo crítico entre hombres y entre personas sin educación universitaria, que lo habían respaldado durante toda su campaña.   Luego de ser aventajada por Trump entre los electores del sexo masculino durante meses, Clinton por primera vez lo supera en este sondeo al obtener 46 por ciento de su apoyo frente a 44 por ciento en una carrera hipotética que sólo toma en cuenta a estos dos candidatos.   Asimismo, Clinton ha aumentado su ventaja a 17 puntos porcentuales entre las votantes mujeres, incluso entre la población femenina blanca, en que supera al republicano por un punto porcentual.   Entre los individuos sin educación universitaria, Clinton también supera a Trump por primera vez en la campaña, con una ventaja de cuatro puntos porcentuales, precisó Bloomberg. PARÍS, FRANCIA (18/OCT/2016).- El Tribunal Administrativo de Lille validó el desmantelamiento previsto del campamento conocido como la ''jungla de Calais'', donde miles de inmigrantes malviven a la espera de poder llegar de forma clandestina al Reino Unido. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Clinton llega a debate con nueve puntos sobre Trump
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Estados Unidos, Norte América, debate, demócratas, republicanos, elecciones EU, NYT, New York Times
Many Chicagoans define themselves as either” “Northsiders” or “Southsiders,” and certainly that applies to Charlotte Hornets forward Frank Kaminsky. Kaminsky grew up in the Chicago suburb of Lisle, Ill., and fervently roots for the Southside’s Chicago White Sox in baseball. So much so that when Kaminsky returned to Chicago for Monday’s preseason exhibition against the Bulls, he let Cubs fans know what he thought of their playoff run. Kaminsky showed up at United Center in a custom “Bartman” Cubs jersey. He was needling Cubs fans about the incident back in the 2003 National League Championship Series, when fan Steve Bartman tried to catch a foul ball and instead interfered with outfielder Moises Alou’s chance of catching it for an out. Partially due to that snafu, the Cubs blew a 3-0 lead in that potentially series-clinching game, falling to the Florida Marlins. Bartman had to be escorted out of Wrigley Field by security and became a pariah among Cubs fans. So Kaminsky twisted the knife a bit as the Cubs attempt to win this season’s NLCS against the Los Angeles Dodgers. Kaminsky told Comcast Sportsnet Chicago, “There is a sense of jealousy. I’m a White Sox fan. I don’t want to see (the Cubs) do well.” The Bartman jersey set off a back-and-forth on Twitter between Kaminsky and the Cubs official account. The Cubs found a picture of Kaminsky’s Wisconsin team losing the 2015 national championship game to Duke. Kaminsky countered by posting a picture of the Billy Goat curse that allegedly has plagued the Cubs since 1945.
Charlotte Hornets’ Frank Kaminsky goes all Bartman to troll Chicago Cubs
Chicago Cubs, Cubs, Chicago White Sox, White Sox, Frank Kaminsky, Kaminsky, Steve Bartman, Bartman
Rick Bonnell rbonnell com
HAHN (dpa-AFX) - Der Countdown für konkrete Angebote für Bieter des Flughafens Hahn läuft, ein Käufer steht aber bisher noch nicht fest. Es sei zu früh, um mit Klarheit zu sagen, wer Favorit sein könne, hieß es am Sonntag nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Die ADC GmbH mit dem chinesischen Partner HNA, die Triwo AG aus Trier und eine Gruppe um den chinesischen Investor Jonathan Pang sind demnach weiter im Rennen. Die Mainzer "Allgemeine Zeitung" schrieb am Samstag, diese drei Interessenten gelten in Branchenkreisen als ernstzunehmende Bieter. Der verschuldete Flughafen gehört vorrangig dem Land Rheinland-Pfalz, zum kleineren Teil Hessen. Nach dem gescheiterten ersten Anlauf für den Verkauf des Hunsrück-Airports läuft an diesem Freitag (28. Oktober) die Frist für konkrete Angebote der zweiten Runde ab. Pang hatte 2007 den defizitären Flughafen Parchim in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gekauft und will ihn zu einer Drehscheibe für Fracht und Passagiere zwischen China, Europa und Afrika machen. Die Triwo erwarb 2014 den Airport Zweibrücken, sie will einen Gewerbepark errichten. Das federführende rheinland-pfälzische Innenministerium hatte zuletzt von 13 Interessenten gesprochen, die "Allgemeine Zeitung" schrieb nun von zwölf. Der rheinland-pfälzische Innenstaatssekretär Randolf Stich (SPD) ließ offen, wann ein Bieter feststehen wird. "Nach dem Fristablauf am kommenden Freitag werden (die Beraterfirmen) KPMG und Warth & Klein Grant Thornton zunächst die eingegangenen Angebote auf Vollständigkeit prüfen", teilte er der Deutschen Presse-Agentur mit. Dabei werde auch festgestellt, ob die geforderte Sicherheitsleistung von 250 000 Euro eingegangen sei. Der Verkauf an die Shanghai Yiqian Trading war im Juli geplatzt, weil das chinesische Unternehmen mit einer Teilzahlung für Grundstücke im Verzug war und laut Ministerium einen gefälschten Bankbeleg vorgelegt hatte. KPMG hatte für den Verkauf grünes Licht gegeben. Die Beratergesellschaft warf Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer (SPD) später vor, sie habe auf die Gesellschaft Zeitdruck ausgeübt und sich über Bedenken hinweggesetzt. Dreyer hatte Fehler eingeräumt, aber den Vorwurf zurückgewiesen, persönlich Zeitdruck ausgeübt zu haben. Sie überstand im Juli ein Misstrauensvotum der CDU-Opposition. Der Flughafen ist hoch verschuldet. Er verbuchte im vergangenen Jahr ein Defizit von 17,4 Millionen Euro. In diesem Jahr erwarten Branchenkenner einen Fehlbetrag in ähnlicher Höhe. Ein Investor soll nach dem Willen der rot-gelb-grünen Landesregierung den Flugbetrieb möglichst fortführen. Falls das Geld knapp werden sollte, steht ein staatliches Darlehen in Höhe von 34 Millionen Euro bereit./vr/chs/DP/tos AXC0040 2016-10-23/15:51
ROUNDUP: Noch keine Entscheidung über Käufer des Flughafens Hahn
ROUNDUP, Noch, keine, Entscheidung, über, Käufer, Flughafens, Hahn
''Su historia es fantástica, de amor profundo y casi místico que tenemos con nuestro país'', comentó Vidal Cantú sobre ''El Rey''. EL INFORMADOR / ARCHIVO Se tiene previsto que ambos trabajos sean dados a conocer en 2018 CANNES, FRANCIA (19/OCT/2016).- Una película y una serie de 40 capítulos sobre el "rey" de la canción mexicana, José Alfredo Jiménez, están en fase de preparación y verán la luz en 2018, se anunció en Cannes, en el marco del mercado mundial de televisión, Mipcom, el productor regiomontano Vidal Cantú.   En entrevista, el director de Kenio Films, que produjo previamente "Cantinflas", resaltó que la serie será la primera "que va a abordar de una manera completa y fidedigna la vida" del compositor e intérprete nacido en Dolores Hidalgo, Guajanuato, y fallecido a los 47 años luego de una intensa existencia.   Los productores obtuvieron todos los permisos de la familia de José Alfredo Jiménez (1926-73) y la colaboración "irrestricta" de sus parientes, que abrieron los archivos del ídolo, para realizar tanto la película como la serie en las que está involucrado el grupo Palomera.   El productor explicó que la serie será totalmente "biográfica" sobre la vida del prolífico compositor de rancheras, huapangos y corridos, desde su infancia hasta su muerte, una vida marcada por el "auge y caída" de cantante pero también de mesero y portero de futbol, que terminó por una cirrosis hepática.   En cambio, la película, que dirigirá Jorge Ramírez Suárez, que realizó "Guten tag Ramón", será "anecdótica" y el guión se ceñirá a un episodio de una semana de la vida del artista, relacionado con el corrido del caballo blanco.   "Son dos aproximaciones distintas que no compiten una con otra. Son proyectos independientes. Tenemos los dos proyectos en paralelo pero en este momento estamos lanzando la serie. Da para mucho la vida de José Alfredo", comentó Cantú que calificó al artista como un "símbolo de la mexicanidad".   Según el productor la vida de José Alfredo es "una historia universal. No es una historia solo relacionada con la música sino de alguien que persigue sus sueños, alguien que es auténtico, genuino y decidido con lo que quiere y que lo logra pero no pierde su esencia".   "Su historia es fantástica, de amor profundo y casi místico que tenemos con nuestro país", comentó Vidal Cantú sobre el compositor de "El rey", cuyas canciones, cuatro décadas después de su muerte, fueron versionadas más de diez mil veces por dos mil artistas de todo el mundo.   Cantú indicó que se están haciendo casting para elegir al actor que encarnará a José Alfredo que "deberá saber cantar" forzosamente, "meterse en su piel y ser un gran actor", pero que "no tiene que ser nadie de ningún país en particular". Precisó que "la intención es empezar a filmar el primer semestre de 2017 y el segundo semestre la película para que salgan en 2018" y que se han mantenido contactos con distintos artistas que podrían realizar "aportaciones" a la cinta, entre los que figura el cantante español Enrique Bunbury.   El "mercado natural" de la serie está centrado en televisoras de México, Estados Unidos, países de Latinoamérica y España aunque también habría interés por canales de Europa del Este e incluso de Asia. El productor explicó que acudió a Cannes, en donde desde el lunes se celebra el mercado mundial de televisión, el Mipcom, en el que participan más de 13 mil productoras, compradores y vendedores de todo el mundo, en busca de coproducciones para llevar a cabo los dos proyectos "Estamos buscando coproducción aquí para llevarlas a todo el mundo", dijo. "Lo importante de José Alfredo Jiménez es que no perdió su esencia. El siempre se vio a sí mismo como un hijo del pueblo, incluso ganando millones y millones nunca dejó de vivir su vida como la vivía antes de ser famoso", concluyó Vidal Cantú. GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (19/OCT/2016).- Alrededor de siete mil 500 de sus seguidores se congregaron en el Auditorio Telmex para escuchar los mayores éxitos de la cantante estadounidense. EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Habrá película y serie de televisión sobre José Alfredo Jiménez
pelicula, serie, jose alfredo jimenez, el rey, autor, cantante, méxico
Whistles disturb Hungary commemorations of 1956 revolution A A Share via Email BUDAPEST, Hungary — Opponents of Prime Minister Viktor Orban are using referee whistles to disturb the government's commemorations of Hungary's 1956 revolution. Opposition politicians say Orban's policies, like his deal for Russia to build new reactors at Hungary's only nuclear power plant, go against the spirit of the brief, but bloody anti-Soviet uprising. The Egyutt (Together) opposition party distributed whistles for its supporters to sound at the memorial event outside the Hungarian Parliament on Sunday along with symbolic red cards. Peter Juhasz, the party's Orban's critics accuse him of weakening Hungary's system of democratic checks and balances. Polish President Andrzej Duda also is scheduled to speak at the commemoration.
Whistles disturb Hungary commemorations of 1956 revolution | Metro News
world, News
Staff The Associated Press Published on
NÜRNBERG (dpa-AFX) - Arbeitslose Schwerbehinderte finden weiterhin nur schwer einen neuen Job. Selbst wenn sie aus der Arbeitslosenstatistik gestrichen werden, liegt das nur selten an einem regulären Arbeitsvertrag: Nur gut 16 Prozent kommen am normalen Arbeitsmarkt unter. Vier weitere Prozentpunkte machen sich selbstständig oder nehmen eine Beschäftigung am sogenannten zweiten Arbeitsmarkt auf, also etwa eine Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme, wie ein Sprecher der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) am Sonntag erläuterte. Zuvor hatten die Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe (Montag) darüber berichtet, die sich auf eine Anfrage der Linken-Bundestagsfraktion berufen. Demnach wechseln die meisten Schwerbehinderten, die aus der Arbeitslosenstatistik gestrichen werden, nicht in einen Job, sondern werden als arbeitsunfähig oder nichterwerbstätig registriert. Andere nehmen vorruhestandsähnliche Regelungen in Anspruch. Ein Grund für die schlechten Werte: Viele Arbeitgeber erfüllen nach wie vor nicht die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Quote für die Beschäftigung von Schwerbehinderten. Eigentlich müssen Unternehmen mit mindestens 20 Arbeitnehmern fünf Prozent ihrer Arbeitsplätze mit Schwerbehinderten besetzen. Doch 2014 - dem letzten aktuellen Berichtsjahr - lag die Quote nach den Daten der Bundesagentur bundesweit nur bei 4,7 Prozent. Linken-Fraktionsvize Sabine Zimmermann forderte, die Beschäftigungsquote auf sechs Prozent zu erhöhen. Zudem müsse die Ausgleichsabgabe angehoben werden, die von Arbeitgebern bezahlt werden muss, die die Quote nicht erfüllen./eri/DP/tos AXC0041 2016-10-23/15:55
Schwerbehinderte finden weiterhin nur schwer einen richtigen Job
Schwerbehinderte, finden, weiterhin, schwer, einen, richtigen
Police are appealing for witnesses after a crash yesterday morning which has left a man with serious injuries in hospital. The crash happened yesterday morning at 11.40am on Notton Lane at the junction with Chevet Lane and Bleakley Lane in Notton involving a white Mercedes Sprinter van and a red Honda Jazz car. The driver of the van, a 25-year-old man, was airlifted to Leeds General Infirmary with serious injuries, which are not believed to be life threatening. Anyone who witnessed the crash, or has any other information which may help the investigation, is asked to contact PC Mark Curtis at SRANS East via 101.
UPDATED: Appeal for witnesses after crash at ‘notorious’ cross roads
Wakefield Express,f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/image.jpg
Why do we feel certain songs are ours and ours alone? A music critic ponders why pop music can seem so personal. ‘Love for Sale: Pop Music in America’ by David Hajdu Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 307 pp., $27 Ever wonder what makes pop music so irresistible? David Hajdu, a music critic and professor at Columbia’s School of Journalism, has spent a long time thinking about the question. In “Love for Sale,” he explores the combination of luck, talent and hard work that goes into making a hit: this “product of mass culture that reaches millions of people … at one time and works for each person in a personal way.” He begins his story in the 19th century with the cultural changes wrought by the widespread publication of sheet music and continues on into the 20th and 21st centuries with the rise of new music-making technologies: Tin Pan Alley, recordings, MTV and digitization. Along the way he pauses to explore the significance of the Cotton Club, Billboard charts and transistor radio, and analyzes the complex roots of rock ’n’ roll and a half-dozen other musical genres. Most Read Stories For the most part, it’s an exhilarating read, though not surprisingly for such a self-described music nerd, Hajdu is prone to digress and never misses the chance to untangle the convoluted genealogy of a song. A little more than halfway through, he makes a startling confession: He has a “soft spot” for monaural sound. “The way I feel about it cannot be wholly explained as the fetishistic glamorization of archaic technology that typically afflicts geeks like me,” he notes wryly. Rather, it’s because he can’t process stereo sound well, the result of hearing loss he suffered in his youth from falling asleep night after night with one ear glued to his beloved transistor radio. Similar reminiscences throughout the text serve to establish his musical bona fides and make this more lively and personal than a standard historical survey. He’s both critic and fan. He ends with a touching coda on the difference between his musical taste as a youthful boomer and that of his teenage son, whose playlists include such contemporary artists as Jeremih, Natalie La Rose and Kid Ink. Hajdu admits to liking quite a few of the songs but hiding his enthusiasm because he doesn’t want to destroy for his son the signature experience of all great pop music — the way he felt, for instance, listening to the Rolling Stones’ “Ruby Tuesday” circa 1967. “Like a million kids around the world,” he says, “I thought of the song as mine and mine alone.”
A music critic reflects on why we love pop music in ‘Love for Sale’
The Associated Press
The Seattle Times
HINDMAN, Ky. (AP) — Jim Justice, a coal billionaire running for West Virginia governor, owes millions in back taxes to some of Appalachia’s most impoverished counties, including one in Kentucky that is struggling to pay the debt on a new rec center and has turned the lights off in its parks and reduced hot meals for senior citizens. Many of these counties have been devastated by the collapse of the coal industry over the past few years, and their financial struggles are not all Justice’s fault. But county officials say things would be a lot easier if he paid up. “It’s just absurd that a billionaire wouldn’t pay his taxes,” fellow Democrat Zach Weinberg, the top elected official in Kentucky’s Knott County, said as he thumbed through a folder of Justice’s debts. Justice, who is leading in the polls, makes no apologies for the debt owed by some of his coal companies, saying he is doing everything he can to keep his businesses running and workers employed while other companies go under. Most Read Stories One of the biggest chunks of money owed is in Knott County, where Justice has unpaid taxes of $2.3 million dating to tax year 2014. That’s a substantial hole, given the county government’s $10 million budget and its separate $23 million school budget. Justice has other unpaid tax bills scattered across the hills and hollows of eastern Kentucky: $1.2 million in Pike County, $500,000 in Floyd County, $228,300 in Magoffin County and $167,600 in Harlan County, according to county officials. He also has millions in West Virginia state tax liens against his companies. Because of privacy laws, the state won’t say whether he is paying them back. The Associated Press has reported previously on Justice’s debts to coal suppliers and contractors, and a recent National Public Radio report compiled a list of Justice company debts, including back taxes and mine safety fines totaling $15 million. At the same time, Justice — the richest man in West Virginia, with a fortune estimated at $1.56 billion by Forbes magazine and a profusion of coal and agricultural interests — has spent almost $2.6 million of his own money on his campaign. His opponent, Republican Bill Cole, has made an issue of Justice’s bills, saying the businessman is putting counties at risk. “They don’t need the money in a year or two years from now,” Cole said during a recent debate. “They need it right now.” In his defense, Justice cites the downturn in the coal industry and the complexity of the 102 businesses he is juggling. He doesn’t have “barrels of money” sitting around, he said, and his companies have paid over $70 million in taxes annually over the last four years. Justice has cast his efforts to keep his mines open in heroic terms. “I didn’t declare bankruptcy, did I?” he said when asked about his unpaid debts at the debate. “You saw every great coal company in the world belly up. They stiffed everybody. I just kept digging. It’s tough. It’s really tough at times. But we didn’t give up.” He added: “If we would have given up, what would have happened? Those good people, men and women that were working, they would have gone home, they wouldn’t have had their jobs. And I won’t feel bad for a second for trying to keep those people in their jobs.” Justice’s campaign has also emphasized his ability to pull off unthinkable economic development projects, pointing to his purchase and turnaround of the once-broke Greenbrier resort, a longtime playground in West Virginia for members of Congress and foreign dignitaries. As recently as five years ago, Knott County had about 1,000 miners producing nearly 5 million tons of coal a year and could count on $8 million to $9 million a year in mining-related taxes. In those heady times, the county built a 66,000-square-foot sports and activity center on top of a former mine. Now, the county doesn’t have a single working mine, unemployment is around 10 percent — or more than twice the national average — the mining tax revenue is down to just a few hundred thousand dollars a year, and the county still owes $6 million on the sportsplex. “We’re trying to do everything we can to keep the doors open, to provide services to keep the roads up, to keep the jail going, to keep the dogs off the road, and we just really don’t have money to do it,” said Weinberg, the county’s judge executive. For 2014 and 2015, Justice owes the county $1.46 million in property and other taxes, and $915,000 in fees involving unmined minerals. There and in other counties, Justice agreed to installment plans to pay his back taxes but then stopped making payments, officials said. Knott County sued one of Justice’s businesses and set up a second plan, with the company making the first $40,000 installment in September, Weinberg said. In the meantime, the county is trying to save money by shutting off the lights at 10 parks and substituting cheaper cold meals once a week for senior citizens who depend on food deliveries. County employees also are being asked to take on more duties. Chris Amburgey, who runs the sportsplex, parks department and tourism office, said he worries that drug use and vandalism could increase in the darkened parks. Standing on a basketball court near a recently closed coal mine, he pointed out the nets and stripes, upgrades made before the bottom fell out. “This is a popular park, but kids can’t play here at night anymore,” Amburgey said. Knott County’s 2,100-student school system — where, in a measure of the region’s poverty, 86 percent of the youngsters receive free or reduced-price lunches — says it can’t afford full-time gym and art teachers at its five elementary schools. About 60 percent of what Justice owes would go to the school system, money that school Superintendent Kim King said she would put toward teacher training. The money, King said, “would help us immensely.” As for the sportsplex, it is too big for the area it serves, now that many former coal miners and their families have moved out, Weinberg said. The county is paying about $12,000 a month just to keep the lights on. “We’re really struggling to come up with the money to pay for it,” he said. “I just don’t know if we’ll be able to do it. Especially when people won’t pay their taxes.” ___ Mattise reported from Charleston, West Virginia.
West Virginia candidate for governor owes millions in taxes
By; The Associated Press
The Seattle Times
Here’s some comforting news following your morning commute: There are more than 60,000 vehicles with sunroofs that could detach out on the road. Luckily, the reports Hyundai received about the issue didn’t cause accidents or injuries. The Korean automaker launched a voluntary safety recall in October for certain Hyundai Sonatas produced between May 2014 and March 2016. The company received the first report of a sunroof detaching in March and had additional reports by August. The problem arises from a wind deflector installed on the sunroof, meant to cut down on noise. “If the wind deflector becomes partially detached from its mounting points after the sunroof is opened, it can interfere with the moveable sunroof panel while the sunroof is being closed,” Hyundai said in the safety recall. “The tempered glass sunroof panel can detach from the sunroof assembly due to interference with the wind deflector, or if the customer tries to force the sunroof panel closed.” “If the sunroof panel detaches while the vehicle is in motion, the panel could become an obstacle to other drivers, increasing the risk of a crash,” the recall concluded. Hyundai officials say as many as 62,811 Sonatas could be affected, but the actual number is unknown.
Hyundai issues safety recall saying sunroofs could fly off in traffic
hyundai, america, sonata, sonatas, recall, safety, crash, sunroof, sun roof, fall off, fly off, wind deflector, voluntary, 62000, 60000, roof, car, vehicle
Kate Irby kirby com
Friday October 21, 2016 Jump to content Photo by Rod Britain. By Rod Britain As of Thursday, October 20, 2016 Advertisement Christopher Creek is certainly no exception when it comes to tout their favorite areas to experience fall colors. Their recommendation is always more spectacular than anywhere else. That leaves (pun intended) us with little option but to mention what there is to see in the Creek. Few other places are going to have the variety trees to collaborate in the colorful panorama. With starring roles, the blood-red maples and yellow walnuts line the ridge, which parallels Columbine Road through the length of the Creek. But then there are the supporting cast members, which bear mention. A few ornamental red-leaf oaks, crimson sumacs, some isolated yellow-gold aspens, the golden-brown, acorn-laden Gambel oak, the yellow, towering cottonwoods and various fruit trees. Ah, you get the idea. Mind you, it is not necessary to come running up here to see our show. We don’t need to brag or show off. Creekers are perfectly content to enjoy the dazzling display without a bunch of hype or fanfare. Saturday, Oct. 29 the Halloween festivities begin at 3 p.m. at the fire station with the kid’s costume party and Trick or Treat Hay Ride. Dave Voita and John Marksbury are doing a total reconstruction to that age-old trailer and will be ready in time for the ride. Later that evening down at the Landmark, the adults will relive their childhood, dressing in wild and totally ridiculous costumes. Join in or just hang out around the campfires on the patio and watch the show. It seems every time we take some time a few days for a visit to the Valley, we miss all the good stuff. There was the barbecue at Terry and Cheri Shorts’. The Dodsons’ granddaughter, Mariah, was here for the weekend. Last week, Olive was here to spend four days with her great-grandmother, Karen Thornton. G-G entertained the soon-to-be 4-year-old with visits to story time at the Payson Public Library and a trip to the fire station. Olive’s parents, Laticia and Pedro, were here as well. Contributed Photo Dave Elston traveled to South Carolina to help his son prepare for damage from Hurricane Matthew. One of Christopher-Kohl’s first responders, Dave Elston, recently answered the “Call of Duty” on the other side of the country. Seems that Dave and Rosemary’s daughter, Rachael, along with her husband and their two young boys, were predicted to face a direct hit by Hurricane Matthew, a Category 5 storm taking aim at Charleston, S.C. With a 12-hour notice, Dave booked a nearly empty flight and arrived in time to help board up the new home and evacuate inland and away from the direct impact. Returning a few days later in the dark of night to no electricity, they were relieved to find that the neighborhood sustained minimal damage. Despite the hurricane coming ashore as a Category 2 and dumping 14 inches of rain, no serious damage or flooding occurred in the neighborhood. The buzz of chain saws filled the air for a couple of days, and stores, restaurants and gas stations slowly began to re-open as electricity came back on. Folks who read this column never cease to amaze me. Many check in weekly to to read about our little hamlet. Some are friends or former Creek residents and classmates from Iowa, Arizona, Wisconsin, Arkansas, California, Montana, Texas, Colorado, Washington and Mexico. But it is really cool when a stranger walks up and announces that they read our stories about the Creek. It happens at the grocery, at Taste of Rim, at Friday wine tastings, or at the fire pit on the Landmark patio. During my visit to the Valley for family October birthdays, last Sunday we took Mother to church at Palo Verde in northwest Glendale. Following the services, a gal greeted me and said they get the Roundup when they visit the Payson area and enjoy reading about the Creek. So, this is a shoutout to Vivian Bode and husband Doug and to all the others for their kind words and encouragement! You know it’s an election year when you see three pieces of Gila County road equipment in the Creek at the same time. And speaking of that, don’t you think it is time to restrict politicians to two terms ... first term in office and the second term in prison. This seems to be working well in Illinois ... and that’s another week in the Creek. Use the comment form below to begin a discussion about this content. Posting comments requires a free account and verification. Username Password Forgot? Sign in Password Confirm password Email Sign up OpenID More photos Contents of this site are © Copyright 2016 The Payson Roundup. All rights reserved. See our terms of use for RSS feeds.
Great fall color around Creek area
Rod Britain
Payson Roundup
Friday October 21, 2016 Jump to content Photo by Michele Nelson. By Michele Nelson As of Thursday, October 20, 2016 Advertisement Little Trayton Harrison looked anxiously up at his mother Cinnamon. Volunteer Chris Herzig cooed to him, “It’s OK, I just need to get your finger wet so we can get its print.” Trayton slowly held out his hand so Herzig could wet a finger with a sponge then place it on the keypad of an instrument wired into her husband Bill’s computer. “That was the index finger, correct?” Bill asked as he made sure each print was crystal clear on his screen. “Yes, I’m doing the middle finger next,” replied Chris. The two carefully cataloged all 10 fingers. Each year Bill puts together a computer, fingerprint and photo gear, a microphone and swabs to take the DNA and gather forensic evidence of children at the Payson Head Start center. With all this equipment, Herzig generates a package of information for parents vital in case of abduction or loss of a child. “Some people are fearful we keep everything,” said Bill. “The only thing we keep is the permission slip.” Mother Terica Wacker said she would do anything to keep her daughter Catelyn safe. “I would much rather this than being afraid of the government,” she said. After cataloging the fingerprints, taking a swab off the inside of the child’s cheek, having them speak into a microphone and taking a picture — with teeth showing — the package is ready to download onto a CD for parents to take home. “This can all go to an Amber alert,” said Bill. Cinnamon said she had decided to get her son Trayton’s information compiled because his birth father had threatened to take him. “He said he would come and take Trayton and kill me,” she said. Bill, his wife Chris and the other Masons with them, Jim Muhr, Stan Garner, Tom Jones and his wife Teri do the child ID program — not just for children, but also for seniors and anyone else interested in having a comprehensive ID package. “We do any age,” said Bill. Bill said many ask to have elderly patients identified, especially if they suffer from dementia. The group will host another session on Nov. 5 at Julia Randall Elementary during the Mogollon Health Foundation’s Health Expo from 8 a.m. until noon. Bill said the Masons’ group will accommodate any needs if people cannot attend the Nov. 5 event. Just give Bill a call at 928-474-1305. Tips on What to do if Your Child is Missing: (from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) If your child is missing from home, search the house checking closets, piles of laundry, in and under beds, inside large appliances, and inside vehicles, including trunks — wherever a child may crawl or hide. If you still cannot find your child, call police. If your child disappears in a store, notify the store manager or security office then call police. Many stores will immediately mobilize employees to look for the child. Provide police with your child’s name, date of birth, height, weight, and any other unique identifiers such as eye glasses and braces. Give the disk to the law enforcement agency. Request that your child’s name and identifying information be immediately entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Person File. Call the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children toll-free at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678). Or use the Live Hotline to talk to NCMEC through the website. Use the comment form below to begin a discussion about this content. Posting comments requires a free account and verification. Username Password Forgot? Sign in Password Confirm password Email Sign up OpenID More photos Contents of this site are © Copyright 2016 The Payson Roundup. All rights reserved. See our terms of use for RSS feeds.
Payson Head Start Program helps parents prepare for the worst
Michele Nelson
Payson Roundup
According to the site plan for The Fresh Market-anchored Lexington Marketplace, two new restaurants--MOD Pizza and Tijuana Flats--have signed leases for spaces in the shopping center that is under construction on Sunset Boulevard. MOD Pizza will be moving into a 2,499-square-foot space. The location will be the third Midlands-area location for the fast casual Seattle-based pizza eatery which earlier this year announced locations at the Shoppes at Woodhill on Garners Ferry Road and in the new Shoppes at Two Notch. Tijuana Flats Tex-Mex restaurant will occupy 2,478 square feet at the shopping center. Tijuana Flats opened a location in late 2015 on Percival Road at Forest Drive in Forest Acres. The Alamonte Springs, Fla.-based restaurant has 120 locations nationwide with two other South Carolina locations in Greenville. Previously announced tenants for Lexington Marketplace--which is being developed and leased by Charlotte, N.C.-based The Shopping Center Group--are Ulta Beauty and Hobby Lobby.
Two new restaurants sign leases for Lexington Marketplace
Lexington Marketplace, Tijuana Flats, MOD Pizza, The Fresh Market, Ulta, Hobby Lobby, Sunset Boulevard, The Shopping Center Group, Shop Around, Janet Jones Kendall
Janet Jones Kendall jjkendall com
Los actores siguen enfrascados en negociaciones sobre el acuerdo definitivo de la custodia de los niños. AP / ARCHIVO Se trata de la primera vez que el actor y el adolescente se encuentran tras el incidente del avión LOS ÁNGELES, ESTADOS UNIDOS (20/OCT/2016).- Brad Pitt ha mantenido la primera reunión con su hijo Maddox, de 15 años, desde el incidente que tuvieron hace un mes en un avión privado en el que viajaba toda la familia y que está siendo estudiado por el FBI, que ya se ha entrevistado con Angelina Jolie. Según asegura la web especializada en famosos TMZ, Pitt se reunió ayer por la tarde con su hijo mayor en una cita supervisada por un terapeuta. El actor ya había visitado anteriormente a sus otros cinco hijos pero era la primera vez que veía a Maddox desde que a mediados de septiembre se produjo el incidente. Según testigos presenciales, la familia viajaba en un avión privado y Pitt, supuestamente en estado de embriaguez, gritó y fue violento con Maddox. Los hechos fueron denunciados por un testigo al Departamento de Infancia y Servicios Familiares del condado de Los Ángeles (California), que pasó el caso al FBI ya que los hechos se produjeron mientras sobrevolaban territorio estadounidense. En el marco de este caso, dos agentes del FBI entrevistaron a Jolie el martes durante tres horas en su casa de Malibú (California), según TMZ. Según fuentes consultadas por la web, no se trata de una investigación oficial, sino que están en la fase de "recopilar datos" para determinar si hay pruebas para abrir una investigación. Uno de los datos que tratan de dilucidar es si el avión estaba o no en el espacio aéreo estadounidense cuando se produjo la discusión, además de saber qué pasó exactamente cuando el avión hizo escala en Minnesota para repostar combustible. Las mismas fuentes aseguran que Jolie se mostró colaboradora con los agentes y que lo único que quiere es que todo este asunto se acabe cuanto antes. Pitt, de 52 años, y Jolie, de 41, siguen enfrascados en negociaciones sobre el acuerdo definitivo de custodia de los niños a través de sus respectivos abogados. Los actores no han vuelto a estar en contacto desde la presentación de la demanda de divorcio. Tras más de una década juntos y apenas dos años después de casarse, Jolie pidió el 19 de septiembre el divorcio a Pitt y solicitó la custodia legal de los seis hijos que tiene la pareja: tres adoptados -Maddox (Camboya), Pax (Vietnam) y Zahara (Etiopía)- y tres biológicos -Shiloh y los gemelos Knox y Vivienne-. GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (19/OCT/2016).- Conoce los detalles sobre los primeros episodios de 'Arrow', 'The Flash', 'Legends of Tomorrow' y 'Supergirl'. EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Brad Pitt se reúne con su hijo mayor, Maddox
angelina jolie, actriz, fbi, farandula, brad pitt, divorcios, famosos, el informador, reúne, hijo, mayor, maddox
Friday October 21, 2016 Jump to content By Pete Aleshire As of Thursday, October 20, 2016 Advertisement Sen. John McCain’s defense during a debate with Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick of the Senate’s refusal to fill a U.S. Supreme Court vacancy has blown up into a national furor. McCain, 80, made his comment initially during an extended discussion of immigration reforms. He defended the Republican-controlled Senate’s refusal to hold hearings on President Barack Obama’s nomination of a justice to fill the seat vacant after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Later on a radio show, McCain said he would not consider any U.S. Supreme Court nomination from Hillary Clinton if she wins the presidency. The comment drew national media attention on the assumption it signals a determination by Republican leaders in the Senate to stonewall any appointment — an argument to the Republican base to ensure the Republicans retain control of the Senate. As the furor grew, McCain’s office put out a clarification saying, “Senator McCain believes you can only judge people by their record and Hillary Clinton has a clear record of supporting liberal judicial nominees. That being said, Senator McCain will, of course, thoroughly examine the record of any Supreme Court nominee put before the Senate and vote for or against that individual based on their qualifications as he has done throughout his career.” The Senate has refused to vote on President Obama’s nominee, Judge Merrick Garland. McCain voted for Garland previously when he was named to the U.S. Court of Appeals. Kirkpatrick, 66, sharply criticized McCain for his most recent statements on the Supreme Court appointment. She also during the debate insisted McCain in the course of his 36 years in Washington has abandoned his longtime reputation as a party maverick, willing to defy the leadership on things like campaign finance reform and immigration. “As a former prosecutor,” said Kirkpatrick, whose congressional district includes Southern Gila County and who at one time represented Northern Gila County as well. “But we all know this law is broken. It’s an economic issue and it’s a moral issue because it’s tearing families apart.” She said she had introduced legislation that would allow a path to citizenship for “dreamers,” the children of undocumented workers who had grown up in the United States and wanted to become citizens, go to college and make a contribution. “If people like Senator McCain should hear their stories, we would pass comprehensive immigration reform in a heartbeat. But under Sen. McCain’s leadership, they won’t bring it up for a vote.” McCain responded that Democrats failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform in the first two years of President Obama’s term, when they controlled both houses. “They wanted to deal with Obamacare and the stimulus and a lot of other things that are damaging the country. I promise you that dreamers were part of immigration reform. But we also have to have a secure border. And it’s going to be secure with the legislation I got through” the Senate, which included towers a long the border and a big increase in the ranks of the border patrol. The topic of immigration reform bedeviled McCain, who alienated many in the Republican base when he tried to pull off a comprehensive immigration reform package during his 2008 presidential run. At that time, he favored a bargain that would trade tougher border enforcement for a legal path to citizenship for millions of people living in the U.S. illegally and possibly a new guest worker program. But after losing to Barack Obama, McCain faced withering criticism from Republicans who said he favored “amnesty.” Both the Maricopa County and Gila County Republican parties ultimately censured him. He then faced a blistering primary challenge by State Sen. Kelli Ward, who favored Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s call for a wall along the Mexican border and mass deportation of the estimated 11 million people in the country illegally. The Center for Migration Studies estimated that the number of people living here illegally stands at its lowest level since 2003. Moreover, the number of people crossing into Arizona illegally in 2015 stood at about 170,000, about one-tenth of the total in 2005, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Since 2005, the U.S. has spent some $132 billion in increased border security, including adding thousands of new border patrol agents, cameras, fencing, drones, ground sensors, detentions and criminal prosecutions. As a result, border patrol apprehensions have dropped to the lowest levels since the early 1970s. One report by the Department of Homeland Security estimates that the odds an illegal immigrant will get caught trying to cross the border has risen from 11 percent in 2005 to 58 percent in 2015, according to a summary of the report in the Arizona Republic. Nonetheless, the two Senate candidates disagreed immigration and border security. McCain repeatedly pointed to his endorsement by an organization representing border patrol agents. He noted Israel has successfully used a series of walls to control its border and said a chain of towers on the U.S.-Mexico border and the extensive use of drones to patrol the border will result in further improvements. “There’s another big issue: Manufactured Mexican heroin, which is getting across the border, is killing people. We have to do what’s necessary to secure that border.” Kirkpatrick agreed, but differed on what that means. “We have friends that are ranchers down there. The border will be secure when they feel secure and they don’t. That is the reason we have to pass comprehensive border immigration reform — so agents can focus on the criminal drugs and the sex trafficking at the boarder. We need to focus our border patrol agents’ attention, time and resources on the criminal elements.” Kirkpatrick said McCain long ago abandoned his principles as a maverick willing to vote against the party leadership on things like campaign finance reform and immigration. “Fifteen years ago, he introduced the Dream Act, but when it came up for a vote in the Senate, he voted against it. Trump’s idea of building a wall at the border is bad for Arizona. But deporting 11 million people, that’s terrible, that’s personal. That’s why we must have a full Supreme Court.” But McCain said “let’s not have any consideration of a Supreme Court justice until after the election. On this issue, the courts are more and more deciding that Barack Obama is acting unconstitutionally — he’s violating his oath of office and the Constitution. Kirkpatrick countered that 36 years in Washington has turned McCain into an insider instead of a maverick who votes his conscience. “Here’s what people are saying — ‘do your job. Confirm a Supreme Court justice. We are tired of that kind of obstructionism.’” Use the comment form below to begin a discussion about this content. Posting comments requires a free account and verification. Username Password Forgot? Sign in Password Confirm password Email Sign up OpenID More photos Contents of this site are © Copyright 2016 The Payson Roundup. All rights reserved. See our terms of use for RSS feeds.
Senate race controversy
Pete Aleshire
Payson Roundup
Domingo, 23 octubre 2016, 09:36 | Haga un comentario Caracas.- El pueblo venezolano está atento hoy al devenir de las negociaciones entre el gobierno bolivariano y la oposición, en un clima de tensiones tras la suspensión temporal del revocatorio presidencial por acusaciones de fraude en siete estados. La víspera el vicepresidente del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, puntualizó que la única condición para el diálogo político con la derecha en Venezuela es el respeto a la Constitución. Durante una conferencia de prensa aquí, en la cual denunció públicamente los planes golpistas de la oposición, el dirigente ponderó que fuera de la Carta Magna no se negociará. Cabello destacó que en reiteradas oportunidades el presidente Nicolás Maduro ha llamado a la oposición al diálogo político para consolidar la paz en la nación, sin embargo la oposición rechaza la convocatoria para continuar presionando por un revocatorio al ejecutivo bolivariano. Señaló que en el contexto actual están todas las condiciones para ambas partes sentarse a conversar, sin embargo la derecha «necesita la orden de afuera, del gobierno de Estados Unidos». Sobre esta situación comentó que hay partidos opositores que tienen decidido ir a un diálogo político y al mismo tiempo hay presiones internas de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD) para que no lo hagan. Subrayó que el Gobierno Bolivariano seguirá promoviendo la paz. En contraste la MUD ha hecho oficial su intención de generar violencia en Venezuela tras la decisión del Poder Electoral de suspender el revocatorio. El presidente del Parlamento, Henry Ramos Allup, informó que en los próximos días, una comisión de diputados viajará a la Organización de Estados Americano (OEA) para solicitar la aplicación de la Carta Democrática Interamericana a Venezuela. El líder ultraderechista manifestó que luego de las sentencias emitidas por los Tribunales Penales del País y el reciente pronunciamiento del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) donde se suspende la recolección del 20 por ciento de las firmas, previsto para el 26, 27 y 28 de octubre, han decido adelantar el viaje para reunirse con el secretario general de la OEA, Luis Almagro. Desde hace varios meses, la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur) junto a figuras políticas internacionales, acompañan la promoción del diálogo entre el gobierno venezolano y sectores de oposición, en una iniciativa del presidente Maduro. Las primeras reuniones para explorar el inicio de un diálogo nacional entre el gobierno de Maduro y representantes del partidos políticos de oposición se realizó a finales de mayo pasado en Santo Domingo, capital de República Dominicana. Posteriormente, la Unasur ratificó el apoyo a este proceso e invitó a la oposición a asistir a los encuentros en procura de la paz, el bienestar de la población y con respeto a la Constitución. (Prensa Latina) /YMP/
Venezuela atenta al devenir de los diálogos gobierno-oposición
diálogos gobierno-oposición;Venezuela
El mundo
Friday October 21, 2016 Jump to content Photo by Keith Morris. By Alexis Bechman As of Thursday, October 20, 2016 Advertisement As the contentious presidential election continues, both parties report widespread thefts of signs. The local Democratic and Republican clubs report dozens of stolen Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton signs. In Pine, someone defaced a large Trump sign with a black anarchy symbol and many others were stolen, said Gary Morris, chair of the Gila County Republican Party. At the Democratic Party Headquarters on the Beeline Highway, a large Clinton sign facing northbound traffic was stolen and the southbound side sign was badly damaged, said Chris Tilley, Gila County Democratic Club president. Elsewhere around town, one Republican resident grew so upset that every Trump sign he posted in his yard was taken that he set up a video camera to catch the thief. A high school teen was seen taking a Trump sign from his yard. The camera caught the vehicle’s license plate that she was traveling in and he turned the number over to police, Morris said. Officers informed the teen she could face misdemeanor criminal charges, but have not filed charges. Tea Party President Darlene Younker said she learned of a social media campaign that challenges people to steal as many Trump signs as they can. Younker, Morris and Andy McKinney, president of the Rim Country Republican Club, met with Greg Wyman, Payson Unified School District superintendent, to discuss meeting with students about the political parties. Morris said if given the opportunity to speak to high school civics classes, they have invited Tilley to speak as well about the Democratic Party. Younker said she has put up more than 35 Trump signs as well as many other Republican candidates. So far, people have only stolen Trump signs. “When a Trump sign disappears, we Republicans just put back two to three more where that one was one stolen,” she wrote the Roundup. “Yes, we believe in free speech, have no idea who is taking your signs and wish that both sides would just stop this sign stealing and defacing.” Tilley said Democratic Party residents around town have reported theft of Clinton signs. “There are hardly any left in town,” Tilley said. “I have never seen anything like this before.” So far, the thefts have dwarfed the 2016 election. The Democratic Club has struggled to keep up resident requests for Clinton signs. The Club ran out of signs on Oct. 6, but expects a shipment of 150 Clinton signs this week. Use the comment form below to begin a discussion about this content. Posting comments requires a free account and verification. Username Password Forgot? Sign in Password Confirm password Email Sign up OpenID More photos Contents of this site are © Copyright 2016 The Payson Roundup. All rights reserved. See our terms of use for RSS feeds.
Bipartisan agreement: Signs of troubled times
Alexis Bechman
Payson Roundup
Los inversionistas esperan publicaciones del Libro Beige de la Reserva Federal y de los reportes trimestrales empresariales. EFE / ARCHIVO El NYSE Composite y el Standard & Poor's 500 también reportan una mínima alza NUEVA YORK, ESTADOS UNIDOS (19/OCT/2016).- Con excepción del Nasdaq, los demás índices en la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York abrieron con ligeras alzas, en una jornada en el que el mercado girará en torno al tercer y último debate entre los candidatos a la presidencia de Estados Unidos. Los inversionistas también estarán atentos a la publicación del Libro Beige de la Reserva Federal (Fed) y a los reportes trimestrales empresariales. Durante los primeros minutos de transacciones en Wall Street, el índice industrial Dow Jones mostraba este miércoles un leve avance de 33.11 puntos (0.18 por ciento) para colocarse en 18 mil 195.05 unidades. El NYSE Composite también subía 14.26 puntos (0.13 por ciento) al situarse en 10 mil 537.71 unidades, mientras que el Standard & Poor's 500 reportaba una mínima alza de 2.03 puntos (0.09 por ciento) al ubicarse en dos mil 141.63 unidades. Sin embargo, el Nasdaq Composite, de títulos bancarios, tecnológicos, industriales y de seguros, registraba una leve caída de 3.90 puntos (-0.07 por ciento) para operar en cinco mil 239.94 unidades. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (17/OCT/2016).- Imagen Televisión abre hoy su señal abierta a 60 de las principales ciudades del país; Olegario Vázquez Aldir, director general de Grupo Empresarial Ángeles, habla de los retos del canal. SUN EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Wall Street abre a la alza, atenta a debate presidencial en EU
wall street, indicadores, bolsa de nueva york, ganancias, el informador,
A California-based tribe’s recent loss at the National Labor Relations Board could reignite interest in controversial legislation affecting Indian casinos and union workers nationwide. As part of a ruling that the San Diego-area Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians had violated federal labor law, NLRB Administrative Law Judge Mara-Louise Anzalone reaffirmed that the labor board had the authority to oversee the treatment of Indian casino workers. “The Board has repeatedly asserted jurisdiction over Tribal-owned and operated casinos,” Anzalone wrote in the Oct. 11 decision, noting that “the vast majority of both customers and employees of the casino operation are not members of the Tribe.” Anzalone relied for her conclusion on a D.C.-based appellate court decision from 2007, involving the California-based San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino. Judge Merrick Garland, who now is President Barack Obama’s stalled nominee to the Supreme Court, joined the decision that said the labor board could regulate certain tribal labor disputes despite tribal sovereignty. There is no evidence in the language or legislative history of the (National Labor Relations) Act to suggest that Congress intended to exclude Native Americans or their commercial enterprises from the Act’s jurisdiction. NLRB Administrative Law Judge Mara-Louise Anzalone Citing the 2007 decision, Anzalone reasoned that her Viejas Band labor dispute ruling “would not implicate the Tribe’s right to self-governance because the casino operation is a commercial enterprise in interstate commerce that plays no direct role in...matters such as tribal membership, inheritance rules and domestic relations.” But congressional critics of the 2007 decision, who include tribal allies as well as frequent opponents of organized labor, have been seeking to strip the NLRB of tribal jurisdiction. Legislation passed by the House last November by 249-177, supported by nearly all of California’s House Republicans and opposed by almost all of the state’s Democrats, would exclude “Native Americans or their commercial enterprises” from the labor board’s oversight under the National Labor Relations Act. “The question before the House is whether Congress will reassert its authority over a rogue executive agency and, for a change, honor the promises of tribal sovereignty,” Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Elk Grove, said during House debate. The measure still awaits Senate action.
Indian tribes may be sovereign, but their casinos remain subject to federal scrutiny
NLRB, National Labor Relations Board, Indian, casino
Michael Doyle mdoyle com
Por el momento, Facebook no ha hecho ningún comentario al respecto de la supresión del video. AFP / ARCHIVO La red social elimina la grabación debido a su carácter ofensivo, señala una Asociación ESTOCOLMO, SUECIA (20/OCT/2016).- La red social Facebook suprimió un video sobre el cáncer de seno publicado en Suecia alegando que es "ofensivo", declaró este jueves la Asociación Sueca contra el Cáncer. El objetivo del video, donde se ven varias figuras de mujeres dibujadas con pechos en forma de círculos, es explicar cómo las mujeres pueden realizar controles ellas mismas para detectar si tienen bultos sospechosos en sus pechos. Por el momento, Facebook no hizo ningún comentario al respecto. "Creemos que es incomprensible y extraño cómo alguien puede percibir información médica como si fuera ofensiva", dijo Lena Biornsstad, responsable de comunicación de Cancerfonden. "Esta información salva vidas, lo que es importante para nosotros", añadió. En septiembre, Facebook se vio envuelta en una fuerte polémica al borrar de sus redes la famosa foto de una niña vietnamita desnuda escapando de un ataque con napalm. La primera ministra noruega, Erna Solberg, desafió al gigante estadounidense colgando la foto en la red social. Facebook acabó retractándose de su decisión. DARMSTADT, ALEMANIA (19/OCT/2016).- La Agencia Espacial Europea ha situado un nuevo satélite en la órbita de Marte, pero perdió la señal con el módulo de aterrizaje Schiaparelli poco antes de que tocara la superficie del planeta. EFE EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Facebook suprime video sueco sobre cáncer de mama
facebook, censura, videos, publicaciones, cáncer de mama, informador
The Latest: RNC chair says Republicans should support Trump A A Share via Email WASHINGTON — The Latest on 2016 presidential race (all times EDT): 10:45 a.m. The head of the Republican Party says all Republicans should support nominee Donald Trump. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says he expects Trump will win the election. He's pushing back on criticism of Trump for saying he might not accept the election's results. Priebus says Trump is referring to narrow scenarios in which only a few hundred votes separate the candidates. Priebus also tells CBS' "Face the Nation" that voter fraud is not "some figment of people's imagination." He says Trump merely wants his supporters to "watch out for voter fraud that might occur." Priebus is also predicting that Trump will do better in African American communities than Republicans did in the previous two presidential elections. ___ 9:45 a.m. Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says Donald Trump is being "waterboarded" by his female accusers. Brewer is a Trump supporter. She's lamenting the "oppression of Donald Trump from all of these women" accusing him of inappropriate sexual conduct. Brewer says Trump is authentic and "tells it like it is." She's defending his decision to impugn the women during a policy speech on Saturday in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. __ 9:40 a.m. The campaign managers of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are agreeing on something: The 2016 election will be a fight until the bitter end. Trump aide Kellyanne Conway tells "Fox News Sunday" that she's counting on swing voters to carry key battleground states, adding that "we're not giving up. We know we can win this." Meanwhile, Robby Mook suggested the Clinton campaign won't stop at just the needed 270 electoral votes. While 270 is still the goal, he said, Clinton is expanding her map because traditionally red states like Arizona are now in play. He said: "We're not running away with this. This race is going to be competitive up until the end." ___ 9:30 a.m. Hillary Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook says it's "unacceptable" for anyone in either party to incite violence as part of a political campaign. Mook is referring to secretly recorded video footage released by conservative activist James O'Keefe. It shows a Democratic activist bragging about deploying troublemakers at rallies held by Donald Trump. Mook tells CNN's "State of the Union" that the activists in the video "never had a relationship with the Clinton campaign." He says they didn't have a contract with the Democratic National Committee until months after the video was purportedly recorded. Mook says the video is edited and that the full context is unclear. He's calling it an attempt by Trump to "distract from the real issues of this campaign."
The Latest: RNC chair says Republicans should support Trump | Metro News
world, News
Staff The Associated Press Published on
Freshman quarterback Jake Bentley is taking equal practice repetitions with Perry Orth and Brandon McIlwain, South Carolina running back A.J. Turner said after the team’s Tuesday practice. “Everybody is working everywhere. Every quarterback is working in,” Turner said. “Every running back. Every position, doing different things.” Bentley is a true freshman who has not played through the first six games of the season. He appeared to be headed for a redshirt season as Orth and McIlwain each started three games in the first half of the year, but the Gamecocks’ offensive struggles have caused the coaching staff to consider Bentley as an option to start this week against UMass. “Honestly I have no idea (who will start),” Turner said. “I’m just really putting my faith in the coaches to put us in the best position and put the best players out there for us to win. Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on with the quarterback situation. I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do in practice. Whoever is in, they are in.” South Carolina is last in the country in scoring offense at 14 points per game. The Gamecocks are 126th in the nation in total offense with 304.5 yards per game. All three quarterbacks “have been taking reps, I know that,” offensive lineman Zack Bailey said. “As far as who is getting more or less, I don’t know. I just get up and play my position. We have practiced with all three of them throughout the entire year so there’s no difference.” Getting the start A look at the four quarterbacks who have started since the departure of Dylan Thompson at the end of the 2014 season. Jake Bentley could be added to the list on Saturday.
Bentley’s practice load increases as Gamecocks prepare for UMass
jake bentley, will muschamp, gamecocks, football, south carolina, freshman, quarterback, starter, umass
Josh Kendall jkendall com
Police in Lexington are collecting donations to help residents of Nichols, which was hit hard by Hurricane Matthew. Officers will hold three “Fill the MRAP” events Tuesday through Thursday, starting each day at noon and going through 8 p.m., according to a news release. The name refers to the emergency services team’s Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle. “This is a community that is still flooded throughout town, and the lives of these residents will never be the same,” Police Chief Terrence Green said of the Pee Dee town. The events will be held at the following locations: Oct. 18 at Target, on Sunset Boulevard in Lexington Oct. 19 at Wal-Mart, on Sunset Boulevard in Lexington Oct. 20 at Lowe’s, on Sunset Boulevard in Lexington Police are asking the community to donate heavy duty face masks, Gatorade, gift cards, laundry detergent, trash and grocery bags, moving boxes, unworn socks and undergarments, pillows, 36-inch crowbars, diapers, mops, brooms, personal hygiene items, hand sanitizer, thick work gloves, bottled water, cleaning supplies, rags and old towels, tissue paper, plastic storage bins, cereal bars, work goggles, heavyweight hammers, baby wipes, buckets, paper towels and first aid items. Folks can also bring donations during business hours to the Lexington Police Department at 111 Maiden Lane.
Want to help hurricane victims? Lexington police need donations
hurricane, matthew, flood, pee dee, victims, donations, help, Lexington, Fill the MRAP, SC, South Carolina
Glen Luke Flanagan gflanagan com
La nueva mandataria hace parte de la terna presentada por el Partido Conservador Colombiano, colectividad a la que pertenecía el alcalde José Abel Nova Guerrero, a quien el Tribunal Administrativo de Boyacá le declaró nula su elección y de la cual también hacían parte José Iván Salazar Martínez y Nelson Iván Guerrero Nova. En el acto administrativo, dado a conocer por la Secretaria de Participación y Democracia de Boyacá, Mery Johanna González Alba, se contempla que el encargo será hasta que se posesione el alcalde o alcaldesa que resulte electo en los comicios previstos para el 11 de diciembre del presente año. Igualmente, se dispone la terminación del encargo a Andrea Paola Buitrago Leal, quien deberá reintegrarse a su cargo como profesional adscrita al despacho del mandatario seccional. Todo lo dispuesto se determinó de acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 106 de la Ley 136 y el Parágrafo Tercero del Artículo 29 de la Ley 1475 de 2011. La nueva mandataria es la novena mujer que encabeza administraciones municipales en la actualidad.
Periódico EXCELSIO - Colombia | : Gobernador nombró alcaldesa encargada para Sativasur
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Excelsio co; Excelsio Media
Periódico EXCELSIO - Colombia |
Friday October 21, 2016 Jump to content Photo by Michele Nelson. By Michele Nelson As of Thursday, October 20, 2016 Advertisement Religion, home schooling, after-school activities and special education spurred spirited exchange among Payson School Board candidates at a recent Kiwanis-hosted debate. Religion, special ed define key differences. Incumbents Barbara Underwood and Shirley Dye offer voters consistency and longevity in their views. Newcomers Jolynn Schinstock, J. Marlene Hetrick and Shane Keith bring points of view gathered from their lives. Schinstock has extensive experience and perspective from her years of volunteering for the Parent-Teacher Organizations at Payson Elementary School and Julia Randall Elementary. She also understands the workings of the middle school and high school through her two oldest children who have already graduated. Hetrick has grave concerns that today’s schools do not instill a strong enough sense of patriotism. Keith, a 2009 graduate of Payson High School and the father of a toddler, has early childhood and career and college issues on his mind. As the candidates negotiated the questions, their backgrounds, experiences and interests flavored their answers. Question: How will you support the needs of students with special needs, including the gifted or exceptional students? Dye has the most experience of all the board members with special education. Two of her grandchildren attended PUSD special education classes and had individual education plans called IEPs. “Having them come as a seventh-grader here to Payson Unified School District, my grandgrade, did more for him than all the six years prior in Illinois,” said Dye. “When he got into eighth grade, he had a different teacher and it’s like he totally reverted.” Underwood said the district did a good job funding students on IEPs, but she hoped teachers could do more to split classrooms into different working groups, depending on students’ grasp of subjects. Struggling students could then keep working on key concepts, while others can deepen their understanding with games or projects. Hetrick said she did not have any direct experience with special education, except through her niece in Oregon. “It was a trauma to our family to have to try to raise the child and watch how she was being educated and treated. I have not heard any complaints here concerning special ed.” Nor did Hetrick have ideas for how the district would improve gifted education. “And I’m not quite sure what I’d do. I would have to counsel with others.” Keith said he would like to see more paraprofessionals working with the kids to make sure they are successful. He would like to see more gifted students in high school, including advanced placement, dual credit classes and strong vocational programs. “If these individuals are exceptional or advanced, gifted, it might not just be what’s in the classroom, it’s being able to get them well rounded,” said Keith. Schinstock agreed that gifted students need more rigorous classes, but she would like to see that trickle down to the elementary schools. “So if for example, if you’re in third grade and you’re excellent in math and you have a fourth-grader mentor that’s coming and bringing you up to that next,” she said. Schinstock lauded the district’s practice of putting the special education students in the same classroom as the non-SPED students. “I think it is wonderful that special education students are in the same classroom with everybody else. Younger children are learning empathy.” Question: How does religion fit into public education? Schinstock hesitated. “Well ... I guess there are two questions. Would I like it to be included? Yes. But, should it be included? I don’t know. I guess there is separation there,” she said. However, she said the school must respect all religions. Underwood agreed. “If a student — whether it be at lunch whether it be in the morning whether it be a team sport — wishes to do a prayer or whatever their belief is, they have that right,” said Underwood. Keith said he does not wish to keep any of the religious institutions from helping the students. “I think that faith shouldn’t be a bugaboo to talk about in the education system. You have a lot of faith-based organizations who want to help,” he said. “It’s not saying that we’re teaching faith in our school system. I’m talking about using what these faith-based organizations have in our community, to help keep our kids on track, and help add value. It’s not forcing it upon anybody.” Dye talked about teaching the great American work ethic. “Whether you are Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or whatever, each child has a purpose in life and they should be working towards what that will be when they grow up and how they are going to serve the world.” She added, “The separation of church and state is not in our Constitution. Never has been. The term came from A letter to the Danbury church — that the government would never impose on the church. Not that the church would impose on the government. And that has been taken out of context,” said Dye. Hetrick said she believes in teaching the Golden Rule. “The Golden Rule comes from the New Testament. From Jesus.” But Hetrick said she did not come to the forum to “say that we are going to start teaching everything about Christianity in school.” She said she would just like to return to the philosophies that created the Greatest Generation — the World War II generation. “All of those children were brought up in school to celebrate Christmas and it didn’t matter they just sang “Silent Night.” I do not endorse trying to push any one religion in the school system. Not any of them. Except our culture is Christian. So I don’t think that is wrong to teach in history. American history from our Founding Fathers they were Christian men building this nation.” Use the comment form below to begin a discussion about this content. Posting comments requires a free account and verification. Username Password Forgot? Sign in Password Confirm password Email Sign up OpenID More photos Contents of this site are © Copyright 2016 The Payson Roundup. All rights reserved. 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Payson School Board candidates debate the issues
Michele Nelson
Payson Roundup
People’s Pharmacy also answers reader queries about painful flu shots and the side effects of the Type 2 diabetes drug Januvia. Q: My husband was recently diagnosed with REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). This was after he punched me while we were sleeping. He had been dreaming and lashed out. The sleep expert recommended melatonin. Can something so simple really help? A: RBD is a serious sleep disorder. Instead of having limp muscles during rapid eye movement (REM) dreaming sleep, patients may flail, punch or kick. They become a danger to themselves and their bed partners. Some doctors prescribe clonazepam (Klonopin) for this condition, but side effects such as dizziness, unsteadiness and confusion can be troublesome. Melatonin is a natural hormone made by the pineal gland in the brain. It regulates the sleep-wake cycle and may be helpful in keeping your husband from hitting you when he is dreaming (Sleep Medicine, January 2015). Most Read Stories Q: I got my flu shot yesterday and woke up very early this morning with horrible pain in my left arm and shoulder. It’s my first flu shot in years. I got it because when I came down with the flu last year, my boss gave me a really hard time about not having had a vaccination. The pain starts in my shoulder and runs all the way to my wrist. I went to work today despite the pain, but I am in agony. I take regular pain medications for a fractured vertebra, and they have no effect on the pain in my shoulder. My range of motion is limited, and moving my left arm at all is incredibly painful. Unfortunately, I am left-handed. Unless this improves in the next few days, I’ll need to see my doctor. Do you have any idea how long it might last? A: In the past few years, we have heard from hundreds of people who have reported severe arm or shoulder pain after a flu shot. Some of them complain that the disability lasts for weeks or even months. The standard explanation is that the pain and weakness are due to improper administration of the vaccine. This can damage the bursa, tendons or ligaments in the shoulder. Whether the flu shot itself is contributing to this problem is unknown. The government offers a website to report such reactions: People who have long-lasting injury due to vaccinations can apply for compensation. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has a phone number (800-338-2382) and a website ( Q: I have been taking Januvia for Type 2 diabetes for about four years. I’m now recovering from a nasty condition that I believe was an inflamed pancreas. Worse, I am suffering debilitating joint pain all over. I had no joint pain before, and now I can hardly walk. I’ve also had a constant runny nose for these four years. What can I do? I have told the doctor about these problems, but she hasn’t done anything. A: The problems you are experiencing are known side effects of sitagliptin (Januvia). Pancreatitis is very dangerous. The Food and Drug Administration warns that both pancreatitis and severe joint pain are grounds to stop the drug. Before taking any action, please consult your physician.
Sleep disorder makes husband a danger to wife
By; Syndicated columnists
The Seattle Times
Victoria Stafford's killer appeals, pinning blame on accomplice A A Share via Email TORONTO — The man convicted of killing eight-year-old Victoria Stafford seven years ago will ask Ontario's top court for a new trial Monday, trying to pin the blame on his accomplice. Michael Rafferty was sentenced to life in prison in 2012 with no chance of parole for 25 years for kidnapping, sexual assault causing bodily harm and first-degree murder in the death of the Woodstock, Ont., girl. His former girlfriend, Terri-Lynne McClintic, pleaded guilty in 2010 to first-degree murder, initially telling police Rafferty killed the girl, but testifying at his trial that she delivered the fatal blows. Rafferty's lawyer, Paul Calarco, argues in documents filed with the Court of Appeal for Ontario that the judge made several errors, including failing to warn the jury against relying on the testimony of McClintic, "a person of unsavoury character, with a serious history of violence and lying." The Crown's case was strongest on the kidnapping count, Calarco concedes, but since forensic evidence could not prove a sexual assault, that conviction was almost entirely dependent on McClintic's version of events, he argues. "While the Crown had some evidence against Mr. Rafferty, the worst aspects of the case depend almost entirely on McClintic's evidence," Calarco writes. "It was essential the trial judge give a clear, sharp warning against relying on her in the absence of substantial corroboration." But the Crown argues there was in fact a significant amount of corroboration. "Her testimony was supported by a compelling body of confirmatory evidence, including surveillance video footage; cellphone records; cell tower location data; forensic evidence; and analysis of the victim's blood and DNA from the appellant's car," Crown lawyers Howard Leibovich and Randy Schwartz write in documents filed with the court. Defence at trial asked the judge not to give jurors such a warning, the Crown notes. The judge concluded that the jury could assess McClintic's demeanour in videotaped police statements, as well he took into account that the defence could cross-examine her, the Crown argues. "The trial judge gave a fair and balanced charge and provided the jury with all the requisite tools to properly assess McClintic's testimony without highlighting the confirmatory evidence," the lawyers say. "In the context of this trial it was impossible for the jury to not have been aware of McClintic's credibility problems. The trial judge properly exercised his discretion and committed no error." Rafferty did not testify at trial, but argues in his appeal that he was "at most" an accessory after the fact to murder — a concept the judge did not put to the jury. His actions proven by evidence other than McClintic's testimony, such as cleaning the scene, destroying evidence and giving a false alibi, are "equally consistent with being an accessory," Calarco writes. The trial judge told the jury that Rafferty's post-offence conduct can't help them in determining which offences he committed, and was right not to specify that they could also conclude he was an accessory. "The appellant did not testify nor is there any logical reason to explain why the appellant, an innocent dupe according to the defence theory at trial, would assist McClintic in covering up this horrific crime," the Crown writes. "It is not the function of the trial judge to invite the jury to speculate and provide instructions which were not requested and which find no support in the record." McClintic told court a horrifying story of a drug-addled couple abducting a young girl at random for the man's sexual pleasure, then killing her with inconceivable brutality. She claimed Rafferty was directing her every step of the way, ordering her to snatch a young girl for him, making her buy a hammer and garbage bags then getting her to help him clean up at the murder scene. The Crown at trial argued it didn't matter whether McClintic or Rafferty physically killed Tori — he was guilty because they acted together.
Victoria Stafford's killer appeals, pinning blame on accomplice | Metro News
Canada, News
Allison Jones The Canadian Press Published on
BRÜSSEL (dpa-AFX) - Die EU will an diesem Montag voraussichtlich über den geplanten Gipfel zur Unterzeichnung ihres Freihandelspakts Ceta mit Kanada entscheiden. Geplant seien Gespräche zwischen EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk, EU-Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker, Belgiens Regierungschef Charles Michel und schließlich mit Kanadas Premier Justin Trudeau, hieß es am Sonntag aus EU-Kreisen in Brüssel. Wenn bis dahin keine Zustimmung Belgiens vorläge, werde erwartet, dass der Termin für die geplante Unterzeichnung wohl nicht zu halten sei, hieß es weiter. Ein neuer Termin sei dann noch nicht absehbar. Das zwischen der EU und Kanada fertig ausgehandelte Abkommen soll eigentlich am Donnerstag feierlich unterzeichnet werden. Die belgische Region Wallonie sperrt sich jedoch dagegen. Belgien braucht zur Zustimmung grünes Licht aus der Region, die EU wiederum braucht das Einvernehmen aller 28 Mitgliedstaaten. Von einem Ultimatum an die belgische Regierung wollte man ausdrücklich nicht sprechen. Sollte es aber am Montag keine Entscheidung geben, sei eine Absage des geplanten EU-Kanada-Gipfels am Donnerstag wahrscheinlich. Mit Ceta sollen Zölle und andere Handelshemmnisse zwischen der EU und Kanada beseitigt werden, um Jobs und Wirtschaftswachstum zu schaffen. Die Wallonie fürchtet jedoch wie auch andere Ceta-Kritiker in Europa unter anderem negative Folgen für die Landwirtschaft und die Absenkung von Sozialstandards. Zudem gibt es innenpolitische Streitigkeiten./asa/DP/tos AXC0039 2016-10-23/15:40
ROUNDUP/Kreise: Entscheidung über EU-Kanada-Gipfel wohl am Montag
ROUNDUP, Kreise, Entscheidung, über, Kanada, Gipfel, wohl, Montag
Donatella Versace created the first lady’s final state-dinner gown especially for her. What does a fashion-forward first lady wear on the occasion of her final state dinner in the White House? Michelle Obama went out on a high note last Tuesday, in a glittering Atelier Versace gown designed especially for her by Donatella Versace. The rose-gold dress was a graceful tribute to Italy (the Italian prime minister and his wife were the evening’s guests of honor) — and, with its elaborately draped chain mail, the very picture of a modern woman warrior.
Sunday Best: Michelle Obama glitters in Versace
Seattle Times arts writer
The Seattle Times
How big a house to buy is the presenting problem, but this engaged couple has more to discuss, according to advice columnist Carolyn Hax. They need to air their values — shared and not shared — how they choose to express values as a couple, and which are their deal-breakers. Dear Carolyn Carolyn Hax is on leave. This column originally ran on Oct. 6, 2013. DEAR CAROLYN: I was taught by my parents to live frugally, which meant never using more than I needed. I would reuse clothes and keep a car until it practically fell apart. We always lived comfortably as a family but it was definitely a test of limits because our space was only as much as we needed. My new fiancé has a very different view of frugality. He comes from a much stronger economic background than I did, and, while he lives well within his means and is never financially irresponsible, he has never had to be frugal. Now, we’re considering buying a house together. I believe it’s important to limit oneself, if only as a reminder that others don’t have as much. In my opinion, we should have just enough to live reasonably well, and that’s it. It’s a value I would like to transfer to my children because it implies a consciousness of those less fortunate. Most Read Stories My husband-to-be wants a nicer and bigger house with more yard than we could ever use. Such a purchase wouldn’t hurt his/our finances at all. But, to me, this would throw aside one of my core values, a statement about the importance of social equity. My fiancé’s lack of understanding about this is putting me on the verge of breaking off the engagement. Sure, it’s his own money (and, one day, our shared money). But if my own children one day thought it was OK not to live frugally because of our example, I’d feel like had I failed as a parent. — Signed, Why Can’t He Just See It? DEAR SIGNED, WHY CAN’T HE JUST SEE IT?: I’ll start with the easy part: Living according to your values is important; understanding and being understood in your marriage is important; setting a good example for your someday children is important; weighing your choices now for their impact on these important things in the future is important. And getting this all said is important, because the details that make up these big concepts get complicated quickly. For example, when you’re living according to your values and sharing your life in marriage, whose values take precedence when his and yours don’t perfectly align? Do you think it’s OK to have issues on which you or he won’t budge? If so, and if this is one of them, then we can skip the rest: You tell him this is central to your life purpose, to the extent that you’re unwilling to marry unless he buys into your idea of economic fairness as driver of all material choices. Note the “your idea of.” Another complication is that there isn’t just one lifestyle that underscores “the importance of social equity.” What if, say, you had a big house, and used it to host charity benefits, or house foster children? What if a status-brand car would outlast any other? What about modeling generosity vs. frugality? There’s also a lifetime’s worth of complexity in the word “reasonable.” Does “reasonable” living space include a guest room — to promote close family ties or idea-circulation via worldly visitors — or a home office so you can get by with one car? Or does “reasonable” mean shelter and hygiene, period? Does the amount of yard you can “use” change if you’re growing your own food, or teaching kids about nature and giving them room to be independent? And your fiancé: Is he just about desires, or does he have a core? Do you know it well? Respect it? Which brings us to your future children. “Our example” is up to you, but what they do with it is up to them. You can and should teach values; you cannot “transfer” them. Which brings us back to your fiancé. If you and he haven’t dug into all this thoroughly enough to get at whats and whys like these, then I don’t think you’re in a position to break or even make deals. A couple’s thinking won’t always match: It can’t. But matching the depth of it, and its transparency, is a worthy bar to clear.
Big issues lurk inside couple’s ‘how big a house’ question
Syndicated columnist
The Seattle Times
After Hurricane Matthew battered South Carolina earlier this month, there’s some good news for some coastal areas. An SC city and two islands made the this year’s Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards lists. Charleston topped the “Best Small Cities in the U.S.” list, hailing the historic city’s “beautiful gardens, vibrantly painted Georgian houses along Rainbow Row and carriages clacking across cobblestone streets.” This is the sixth consecutive year that Charleston was named the No. 1 city on the list, according to Conde Nast Traveler called Charleston one of the country’s most picturesque cities, and also touted its food and theater scenes. Hilton Head Island made the “Best Islands in the U.S.” list at No. 3 for its “pristine beaches,” shopping and restaurants. Kiawah Island was also named the No. 7 best island in America. “Though it’s only a short trip from downtown Charleston, this small barrier island on the Atlantic coast can feel like it’s a world away,” the review said.
SC city tops Condé Nast list, two SC islands named some of best in country
conde, nast, charleston, kiawah, island, sc, hilton head, readers, choice, list, best, best of, sc
Jane Moon Dail jdail com
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — In Ohio’s decade-old voting lawsuit, federal appeals Judge Damon Keith said he was “deeply saddened and distraught” with a majority opinion last month and filled 11 pages with photographs of those slain in the fight for civil rights. Black and white faces of men, women and children — activists, students, a minister, a housewife — stare out from the pages in a rarely seen visual statement in court opinions. “I will not forget,” wrote Keith, who is 94. “I cannot forget — indeed America cannot forget — the pain, suffering, and sorrow of those who died for equal protection and for this precious right to vote.” Keith is one of several black judges involved in the state’s longest-running voting lawsuit who have voiced powerful reminders of the struggles of the civil rights movement. Their filings, often contrary to the court’s majority opinion, have gotten little attention as lawyers, journalists and election officials focus on the legal technicalities of each new decision. Most Read Stories With days before another presidential election, advocates for the homeless and the Ohio Democratic Party are weighing an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals sided with Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted on Oct. 6 and declined to revisit a three-judge panel decision before all 15 circuit judges. Keith had been the lone dissenter on the panel. Majorities at the 6th Circuit have found Ohioans have ample opportunities to vote early by mail and in person and that most of the new voting requirements don’t present an undue burden on voters. Among judges on that side of the argument is Alice Batchelder, whose husband was speaker of the Ohio House when the disputed legislation, which he supported, was passed. She declined to excuse herself from participating in decisions on the case. The current fight focuses on election rules that disqualify thousands of absentee and provisional ballots in the battleground state because of minor mistakes or omissions. U.S. District Judge Algenon Marbley, in Columbus, who is also black, had found in favor of Democrats and the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless in June. Marbley found the disputed election rules disproportionately impacted black voters, but no evidence the state’s Republican-controlled, predominantly white Legislature intentionally discriminated. “If the dog whistles in the General Assembly continue to get louder, courts considering future challenges to voting restrictions in Ohio may very well find that intentional discrimination is afoot,” he wrote. He included a photo of a potentially intimidating “Voter Fraud Is A Felony!” billboard in his opinion that had popped up in Ohio black and Latino neighborhoods in 2012. In September, the three-judge panel overturned large portions of Marbley’s ruling. Keith argued in his dissent that the court’s decision would “gut the factual findings of the district court” and “shut the most vulnerable out of the political process.” “The murders of countless men and women who struggled for the right to vote and equal protection cannot be overlooked,” he wrote. “The utter brutality of white supremacy in its efforts to disenfranchise persons of color is the foundation for the tragedy that is the Majority’s effort to roll back the progress of history.” He tucked the sometimes grainy, black-and-white photos of civil rights era “martyrs” into the opinion under a footnote, noting they represented “a mere fraction” of the “assaults, rapes, murders, lynching, and utter travesty of the struggle for equality.” In the October decision, another pair of black judges, Chief Judge Guy Cole and Judge Bernice Donald, entered powerfully worded dissents to their fellow judges who voted against granting the full-court review of the case. Cole argued the majority’s analysis misinterpreted or ignored the intent of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the “voluminous evidence” reviewed by Marbley during a 12-day bench trial. “To require plaintiffs to provide precise proof in cases brought under the Voting Rights Act is to ignore the reality that such proof is virtually impossible to come by,” Cole wrote, calling plaintiffs in Voting Rights Act cases “the most vulnerable members of society.” Donald wrote: “The majority must not pretend to write on a clean slate while ignoring the bloody and shameful history of denial.” She said literacy tests, poll taxes, physical attacks and arrests aimed at preventing blacks from voting may be gone, but more “subtle, creative ways” — like “needless” paperwork requirements — are still being used to suppress the minority vote.
Black judges in voting dispute recall civil rights fight
Nation & World
The Associated Press
The Seattle Times
Kšeftařskou stránkou věci se nezabývejme, trhy budou stejně ubohé jako podobné akce v Praze a každý, kdo alespoň jednou navštívil trhy i v mnohem menších německých městech, jako jsou Norimberk či Drážďany, potvrdí, že proti těmto akcím co do úrovně služeb a tovaru nemůžeme tuzemsko přirovnávat ke středověku, ale spíš k mladší době kamenné. Ale zpět k tomu podstatnému. Svatodušní svátky, známé též jako letnice, se slaví padesát dnů po Velikonocích (alespoň u nás v křesťanské kultuře, které si zde tak považujeme). Svátek slavený po dni Všech svatých (1. listopadu), který je známý jako Památka všech věrných zemřelých nebo též Dušičky, k sobě nikdy nevázal přídomek „svatodušní“. Ale co jsou fakta pro magistry a doktory marketingu či mediální komunikace? Dušičky znějí příliš morbidně, slovo „svatodušní“ už jsem někde slyšel či četl a šup, jsou tu Svatodušní trhy. V Praze to projde bez povšimnutí Ne že by se mělo kvůli takové lapálii žádat rezignaci primátorky Krnáčové, ta možná jako bratislavská rodačka alespoň ví, kdy se slaví letnice. Ale jednoho by zajímalo, kolik absolventů humanitně zaměřené vysoké školy tenhle nesmysl přehlédlo, schválilo a opatřilo razítkem, ti všichni totiž mají za to, že zbytek spoluobčanů jsou ryzí ignoranti, kteří nic nevědí a nic je nezajímá. A abych zkazil optimistům naději, dodávám, že informace o Svatodušních svátcích jsou na internetu volně přístupné a tedy vypátrat co to znamená, nedá mnoho práce ani intelektuálního úsilí. Kdyby podobnou hovadinu spískal starosta menšího města, tak si ho minimálně do konce volebního období lidé dobírají. V Praze to projde bez povšimnutí. Že by metropole duchovní prázdnoty?
ZVĚŘINA: Svatodušní trhy? Pražákovi nevysvětlíte, že duchovno není duchařina | Názory |
Martin Zvěřina
Martin Zvěřina…4630_4941547.jpg
Friday October 21, 2016 Jump to content By Alexis Bechman As of Thursday, October 20, 2016 Advertisement The Pine Fire District will probably have to close a station if voters reject a tax levy increase this general election. Fire Chief Gary Morris says the recession created a funding crisis for the many fire districts, including Pine. Of the 148 fire districts in the state, 54 indicate they face funding troubles, according to a survey of members by the Arizona Fire District Association. The drop in property values cost some fire districts as much as 46 percent of their funding, forcing them to eliminate positions and close stations. P-S will likely close the Strawberry station if voters reject an increase of the tax rate from $3.25 per $100 of property value to $3.50. The increase will cost the average homeowner 7 cents a day — or $24 per year, Morris said. The Pine-Strawberry Fire Department often responds to highway crashes, like this one from the Roundup’s archives. Since 2010, the P-S Fire District has lost $1 million in funding, almost a third of its budget. The district eliminated three full-time firefighter/paramedic positions and two part-time civilian positions. Morris reduced his workweek to 32 hours and cut his hourly pay below that of the previous fire chief. The district also joined with other fire districts on a joint purchasing consortium to cut costs based on purchase volume; joined a regional dispatch system operated by the Payson Police Department and reduced overtime. This past spring, the Legislature passed a bill allowing fire district voters to increase the tax rate for five years. After that, the rate returns to the lower rate. “If voters approve the measure, it will put the Pine-Strawberry Fire District on a course of restoring lost services,” Morris said. If approved much of the revenue generated would go to capital expenditures, including: • Replacing Strawberry fire station living quarters – $182,000 • Repairing and upgrading Pine fire station – $74,000 • Repairing administration building – $14,000 • Building garage to house reserve pumper – $58,000 • In 2017, replace Ambulance 422 – $174,000 • In 2018, replace fire pumper truck – $610,000 • In 2019, replace ambulance – $185,000 • In 2020, replace wildland pumper truck – $189,000 • Stabilizing on-duty staffing; consideration of a cost-of-living increase. If voters reject the measure, cuts will occur. First, the district will close the Strawberry fire station. This will save enough money in utilities and maintenance expenses to cover operational costs for at least one year. This will result in response times of eight minutes or greater for Strawberry residents. If costs continue to rise due to inflation, the district may eliminate additional firefighter/paramedic positions. This will eventually reduce on-duty staffing to four firefighters. That loss of staffing could ultimately force a rise in homeowners’ insurance rates in both Pine and Strawberry. The district’s Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating is based on staffing levels, age of vehicles, communications capability, training and a host of other criteria. Insurance companies use that rating to determine rates. The rise in premiums could easily exceed the $24 annual cost of the tax increase for the average homeowner, Morris said. Morris set up a five-member business and community advisory board last August to “provide a third party, independent, transparent and professional review of the fire district situation,” Morris said. The group verified the crisis, the cuts and the need for the ballot measure, he added. Revenues have begun to recover, but still lag behind the rise in costs. The first uptick in revenues from the county after five years of decline occurred in July of 2015, an $18,400 increase in a $2.2 million budget. However, a $28,800 jump in health insurance costs more than wiped out the increase. Then in July district revenues rose $66,200, but the inflationary costs totaled $74,200. They had to cut $8,000. “What all this adds up to is the fire district are being squeezed more and more by inflationary costs,” Morris said. “The fire district is being slowly strangled.” Currently, the P-S Fire District provides fire protection and paramedic services from two fire stations — one in Pine and a second in Strawberry. Currently, response time averages four minutes in both communities. “This is considered a good response time in that survival from a heart attack that causes a cardiac arrest begins to decline very rapidly after four minutes following collapse,” he said. Each fire station has a fire pumper truck, an ambulance and a large tanker truck. The district also has a third reserve ambulance at the Strawberry station. It is common for the district to experience three simultaneous medical emergencies. In these situations, the district calls in off-duty personnel to staff the third ambulance, which also serves as a backup vehicle for the front-line ambulances. The district’s roughly 700 calls a year works out to about two per day. Three out of four calls involve medical emergencies. Currently, the district keeps three firefighters at the Pine station and two firefighters at the Strawberry station around the clock. Of the five, at least two are paramedics. If you have any questions regarding the district or ballot measure, call Morris at 928-476-4272. There will be a public meeting to discuss the ballot measure at 6 p.m. on Oct. 26 at the Pine cultural center. Total Budget: $2.3 million Fire District Tax Levy: 80 % Fire Assistance Tax: 7 % Ambulance Fees: 11 % Reserve Account : 2 % Use the comment form below to begin a discussion about this content. Posting comments requires a free account and verification. Username Password Forgot? Sign in Password Confirm password Email Sign up OpenID More photos Contents of this site are © Copyright 2016 The Payson Roundup. All rights reserved. See our terms of use for RSS feeds.
Pine Fire faces crisis if voters reject property tax hike
Alexis Bechman
Payson Roundup
Laura Street Baptist Church has opened ticket sales for its 17th annual mystery dinner theatre. This year’s play, “Tick Tock Trouble,” is set in 1939. The plot follows the escapades of a few hobos as they make their way to the World Fair where they are accused of theft. The play, written by Becky McKim, is clean with humor that children and adults can enjoy, making the show a family event. It takes the coordination of approximately 100 volunteers to make the show a success, including set design, costuming, dinner preparation, actors and more. Spectators can expect to hear time period music and be surrounded by 1939 decor. The audience will be served a nice meal including dessert. After the play, the pastor will share a short message. “Dinner theatre is a fun time we put together for our community, bringing together friends and families to share laughs, community and a moment with the word of God,” Pastor Paul McKim said. The play is at 6:30 pm, November 14-17, at Laura Street Baptist Church. Tickets are $9 which includes dinner. There will be a desert only showing at 7 pm, November 12. Tickets for that are $2.50. Tickets may be purchased in the church office. For more information, call 660.582.7500. The dinner theatre is not a fundraising event for the church. The ticket price covers the cost of the materials needed to produce the show and ingredients for the meal.
Mystery Dinner Theatre tickets go on sale
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Pero por estos días, cuando se lee el proyecto de reforma tributaria que presentó el gobierno, en donde casi todos los impuestos creados son para poner a tributar a los pobres y la clase media, y arrebatarles hasta las gaseosas de sus bocas sedientas, no queda la menor duda que la oligarquía está viva y que su más connotados representantes son el presidente Santos y su ministro de Hacienda, Mauricio Cárdenas.¡Cuanta falta hace un Gaitán en estos momentos! Jubilaron el mito del Ché Durante los últimos 50 años mi generación vio crecer, llegar al cenit y volverse universal la imagen del Che Guevara, el argentino combatiente de la Sierra Maestra al lado de Fidel Castro y sus barbudos en 1959. Su periplo como guerrillero, como presidente del Banco Central de Cuba y de nuevo otra vez como alzado en armas, hasta morir, al mando de una escuálida guerrilla en Bolivia, lo enaltecieron como un héroe. Pero como los mitos también se van muriendo, su imagen que presidió el muro blanco de la Universidad Nacional por décadas, fue borrada por los estudiantes. El Che ya no representa nada para las nuevas generaciones. Lo que antes hacía, es lo que hoy se repudia y, como tal, los mitos también tienen derecho a gozar de la jubilación. La barca de Luis Pérez hace agua Una semana de pasión es la que ha vivido el gobernador de Antioquia Luis Pérez por mantener a su lado a funcionarios que solo crean problemas. Al lio mediático, cada vez mas increíble, que su Director de Planeación, Carlos Mario Montoya tiene por haber construido el estadero, “Los Magnolios” violando las normas éticas en Rionegro, se unieron esta semana la salida del gerente del Tren de Cercanías, Juan Felipe Campuzano, quien nunca se había posesionado y la del director del Hospital La María por patrocinar indelicadamente una cirugía estética al Contralor de Antioquia. Pero las que más lo sacaron de casillas fueron las manera como pretenden contratar, en contravía de sus instrucciones, en la Oficina de Atención de Desastres y en el poderosísimo IDEA, dueño de Hidroituango. --- *Escritor y líder de opinión. @eljodario
Periódico EXCELSIO - Colombia | : Opinión | Mataron a Gaitán pero no murió la oligarquía
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Local Nomad Boutique Now Open in Phoenix's Uptown Plaza There are many places to shop local in Phoenix, but the idea behind Local Nomad – a new boutique set in the revamped Uptown Plaza – offers shoppers the ability to buy handmade apparel, accessories, and décor from around the world. Owned by Lauren Danuser, Local Nomad opened on October 11. Danuser moved to central Phoenix this past June, and her husband is from the Valley. Given her fashion background, it's almost inevitable that Danuser would open her own shop. Born in St. Louis, Danuser majored in fashion at Indiana University, and went on to work as a buyer for Gap Inc. in San Francisco. Eventually, she moved on from Gap to manage a Bay Area boutique, often going on buying trips with the owner. Through those jobs, Danuser frequently visited New York, Seattle, Portland, Austin, and Los Angeles – all of which, she says, have “such incredible creative communities.” Her travels have also taken her to Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, and other major cities. Above all, Danuser’s time with the San Francisco boutique validated her desire to own her own shop. That's when she began formulating the idea for Local Nomad. “I knew I wanted to carry handcrafted goods,” she says, adding that she wanted to sell items with a story behind them. It's no surprise then that Local Nomad’s inventory includes leather bags from Kenya, hand-knitted baby toys from Peru, and Sweden’s colorful Kanken backpacks, all presented in the clean, contemporary 1,100-square-foot space. Being surrounded by so many community-centered boutiques at Central Avenue and Camelback Road (such as Frances and For the People), Danuser says she wanted to put a different spin on shopping local by featuring local makers from different cities around the country. “I want anyone who walks into the shop to have a sense of discovery,” she says. Not being from Arizona, Danuser says it didn’t feel right to carry all Phoenix or otherwise location-based goods, though she does carry items from a few Arizona vendors, including Her Name Is Mud, Bright Star & Buffalo, and Juniper Ridge. Now that Local Nomad has joined forces with the many nearby shops and restaurants during what Danuser says is an exciting time for Uptown, she wants to help shoppers and residents see the area as a retail hub. “It's been so great to get to know some of the local shop owners,” she says, "I’m honored to be a part of this new history ... the second coming of Uptown Plaza.” Sponsor Content
Local Nomad Boutique Now Open in Phoenix's Uptown Plaza
uptown plaza phoenix, local nomad, Lauren Danuser, new phoenix boutiques, Her Name Is Mud, Bright Star and Buffalo, Juniper Ridge
Lauren Cusimano
Phoenix New Times
SPD-Fraktionschef fordert von Linkspartei Kurswechsel in der Außenpolitik Berlin – Ungeachtet der jüngsten rot-rot-grünen Annäherungsversuche in Deutschland stößt ein solches Dreierbündnis bei SPD und Grünen weiter auf große Vorbehalte. SPD-Fraktionschef Thomas Oppermann forderte die Linkspartei zu einer grundlegenden Kurskorrektur in der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik auf. Wenn die Linke tatsächlich Regierungsverantwortung im Bund übernehmen wolle, müsse "inhaltlich was passieren", sagte Oppermann dem Berliner "Tagesspiegel" vom Sonntag. "Die Westbindung, die NATO-Mitgliedschaft und die Verlässlichkeit Deutschlands innerhalb der EU stehen für uns nicht zur Disposition", machte Oppermann deutlich. Auch eine Politik der Renationalisierung von EU-Zuständigkeiten werde es mit der SPD "niemals geben". "Große Zweifel" In seiner Partei herrschten zu Recht "große Zweifel" an der Verlässlichkeit der Linken, fügte Oppermann hinzu. Deshalb müsse in weiteren Gesprächen ausgelotet werden, "ob die Linke bereit ist, sich so weiter zu entwickeln, dass eine Zusammenarbeit nach der nächsten Bundestagswahl denkbar ist". Auch die Grünen-Fraktionschefin Katrin Göring-Eckardt äußerte sich skeptisch zu einer möglichen Koalition mit der Linkspartei auf Bundesebene. "Solange ein beträchtlicher Teil der Linken einen nationalkonservativen Kurs fährt, ist sie regierungsunfähig", sagte Göring-Eckardt in der Zeitung "Die Welt". Ihre Kritik bezog sie vor allem auf die Außenpolitik: "Eine Koalition mit der Linken ist chancenlos, solange sie die Grundsatzfragen nicht beantwortet: Wie geht die Linke mit NATO und UNO um? Trägt sie UN-mandatierte Militäreinsätze mit? Steht sie zur EU?" Gesprächsforum Vergangenen Dienstag hatten SPD, Linkspartei und Grüne ein Gesprächsforum gestartet, um inhaltliche Gemeinsamkeiten für eine mögliche rot-rot-grüne Koalition auszuloten. Rund hundert Funktionäre und Bundestagsabgeordnete der drei Parteien fanden sich zu dem Gedankenaustausch ein, auch SPD-Chef Sigmar Gabriel schaute kurz vorbei. Die Initiatoren des Treffens kommen aus der zweiten politischen Reihe. Eine Folgeveranstaltung ist für Dezember geplant. CSU-Generalsekretär Andreas Scheuer kritisierte die Gespräche. "Ich stelle mir schon die Frage, wie prinzipienlos und geschichtsvergessen die SPD ist, wenn sie mit SED-Erben regieren will", sagte er der "Bild am Sonntag". Die CSU werde zu verhindern wissen, dass eine linke Regierung "Deutschland schwer schade". Einer Emnid-Umfrage im Auftrag der "BamS" zufolge halten 50 Prozent der Deutschen Rot-Rot-Grün für ungefährlich. Nur jeder Dritte glaubt demnach, dass eine Koalition aus SPD, den Linken und den Grünen Deutschland schaden würde. Von einer Mehrheit ist ein Linksbündnis derzeit aber deutlich entfernt: Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahlen wären, würden SPD, Linke und Grüne laut Emnid zusammen nur auf 44 Prozent kommen. (APA, 23.10.2016)
Weiter große Vorbehalte gegen Rot-Rot-Grün in Deutschland
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CHICAGO (AP) — For the first time in 71 years, Chicago Cubs fans are turning their attention to the World Series. Overjoyed fans streamed out of Wrigley Field and into the streets Saturday night in Chicago after the Cubs beat the Los Angeles Dodgers in Game 6 of the NL Championship Series to earn their first trip to the World Series since 1945. “I never thought I’d see it,” said 49-year-old Brian Dusza, who also was at Wrigley Field for Game 6 of the 2003 NLCS. “I can’t even describe what I’m feeling.” Many people donned Cubbie blue and held “W” flags to celebrate the win. Two people climbed a traffic pole, with one man shimmying all the way to the end. Police said he was later arrested, as were a couple of fans who lit fireworks. Most Read Stories But the majority of the crowd celebrated the victory peacefully. Many took selfies in front of the stadium and hugged one another. Some also broke out in song, while others shook up beer bottles and sprayed the crowd. Police, including about a dozen officers on horseback, kept a close eye on the crowd — and some officers gave high-fives to fans as they walked by. Among the few thousand fans who stayed in their seats an hour after the game ended was Ed Koenig of Darien. His eyes welled up as he talked about his father, who died in May. “I haven’t been to a game this season without him and when my friend won a lottery for these tickets, I thought ‘how am I going to go without my dad?'” Koenig said. But his friend convinced him to go. “I have his watch on,” Koenig said, showing off the watch on his wrist. “I thought I was going without my dad, but I’m with him.” Steve Zucker, who’s been coming to games since the 1940s, said before the game that if the Cubs won, he would go to his father’s grave and leave a Cubs hat and T-shirt. “My dad died playing cards, listening to the game on a little transistor radio, so I may bring that, too,” Zucker said. “Before this year, I never thought I would see this.” Cubs All-Star first baseman Anthony Rizzo said the fans deserved to see this team make the World Series. “These fans have been amazing since the time I got here,” Rizzo said. “We got four more big ones to go, but we’re going to enjoy this.” Chicago faces the Cleveland Indians in Game 1 of the World Series on Tuesday.
Overjoyed Chicago Cubs fans turn attention to World Series
Nation & World
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The Seattle Times
En el mercado de renta variable se opera un volumen de 2.3 millones de títulos por un importe económico de 60.7 MDP. NTX / ARCHIVO La BMV opera con una ganancia de 61.74 enteros; el IPC se ubica en 48 mil 554.35 unidades CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (20/OCT/2016).- La Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) opera con una ligera ganancia de 0.13 por ciento, luego del tercer debate presidencial en Estados Unidos, reportes económicos, el anuncio de política monetaria del Banco Central Europeo y el desempeño del precio del petróleo.   El Índice de Precios y Cotizaciones (IPC) se ubica así en 48 mil 554.35 unidades, con un avance de 61.74 enteros respecto al nivel previo, donde destaca el avance de Wal-Mart de 0.14 por ciento y América Móvil con 0.08 por ciento.   En Wall Street, los índices iniciaron la sesión con ligeras ganancias, donde el promedio industrial Dow Jones avanza 0.10 por ciento, el Standard and Poor's 500 sube 0.20 por ciento y el Nasdaq muestra un incremento de 0.29 por ciento.   En el mercado de renta variable se opera un volumen de 2.3 millones de títulos por un importe económico de 60.7 millones de pesos, con 36 emisoras que ganan, 23 pierden y siete se mantienen sin cambio.   Los mercados operan con ligeras alzas después de que la víspera se realizó el tercer debate presidencial en Estados Unidos, en el cual se le cuestionó a Donald Trump si estaría dispuesto a aceptar los resultados de las elecciones si ganará la demócrata Clinton.   Otro factor que incide en los mercados es la publicación de los reportes corporativos, los cuales han sido mixtos y la preocupación de que los estímulos del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) no contribuirán a un mejor crecimiento en la región; el instituto central mantuvo sin cambio si tasa de interés de referencia.   Por otro lado, el petróleo presenta una caída luego de que Mohammed Barkindo, secretario general de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP), declaró que confía en que la organización cumpla con el recorte de producción el próximo mes en Viena.   Por ello, el crudo tipo West Texas Intermediate (WTI) pierde 1.92 por ciento para cotizarse en 51.61 dólares por barril y el tipo Brent baja 2.01 por ciento a 51.61 dólares por barril.   En el mercado cambiario, el peso inicia la sesión con una depreciación de 0.59 por ciento o 10.9 centavos, en alrededor de 18.63 pesos por dólar, de acuerdo con Banco Base. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (17/OCT/2016).- Imagen Televisión abre hoy su señal abierta a 60 de las principales ciudades del país; Olegario Vázquez Aldir, director general de Grupo Empresarial Ángeles, habla de los retos del canal. SUN EL INFORMADOR valora la expresión libre de los usuarios en el sitio web y redes sociales del medio, pero aclara que la responsabilidad de los comentarios se atribuye a cada autor, al tiempo que exhorta a una comunicación respetuosa. En caso de considerar que algún comentario no debería mostrarse por ofender a otras personas, instituciones, o ir contra la Ley, cualquier lector puede denunciarlo utilizando el botón de a la derecha de cada comentario. PARA MOSTRAR LOS COMENTARIOS DE ESTA NOTA PULSA EN ESTE AVISO
Mercado local de valores abre con una leve alza
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Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne zatrzymało we wtorek b. prokuratora, doradcę kilku ministrów sprawiedliwości Zbigniewa N. - potwierdził nieoficjalne informacje PAP Piotr Kaczorek z Wydziału Komunikacji Społecznej CBA. Zatrzymanie związane jest ze sprawą tzw. afery podkarpackiej. Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne zatrzymało Zbigniewa N. doradcę ministrów sprawiedliwości, prokuratora w stanie spoczynku związanego ze sprawa afery podkarpackiej - powiedział PAP Kaczorek. Zaznaczył, że po przeprowadzeniu wstępnych czynności, zatrzymany zostanie przewieziony do katowickiej prokuratury, która prowadzi śledztwo w tej sprawie. - Trwają czynności na miejscu, dlatego nie udzielamy więcej informacji w tej sprawie - zaznaczył. We wtorek sąd dyscyplinarny II instancji zgodził się na aresztowanie b. szefa Prokuratury Okręgowej w Rzeszowie Zbigniewa N. Śląski wydział Prokuratury Krajowej chce mu przedstawić zarzuty korupcyjne w jednym z wątków tzw. afery podkarpackiej.
CBA zatrzymało Zbigniewa N., byłego prokuratora i doradcę kilku ministrów sprawiedliwości
Zbigniew N., zatrzymanie, CBA, Prokuratura Okręgowa, śledztwo, afera podkarpacka