20 values
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 21July 1999, the Council adopted Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, establishing the general provisions on the Structural Funds(1). The Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region (Portugal), which met the Objective I eligibility criteria laid down for the Second Community support framework 1994/1999(2), but after assessment, ceased to be eligible from 1999(3). It should nonetheless continue to benefit, on a transitional basis, from the Funds from 1January 2000 to 31December 2005(4). In accordance with the Conclusions of the Berlin summit of 24 and 25March 1999(5), the phasing out mechanism must be applied to former Objective I regions. Over and above this, the Conclusions acknowledge that the Lisbon Region should have """"""""special provisional treatment"""""""" in the shape of a grant of € 500 million(6). In view of the obvious disparities between the Region's various economic operators and sectors, the agreement merely reflected the over-arching horizontal principles deriving from the Treaty which apply to all Community policies, namely sustainable development and equal opportunities. These principles, like the acquis communautaire's competition rules, are undermined by the failure to pursue the agreed phasing-out policy. Economic operators in the neighbouring regions - eligible under Objective I - will enjoy enormous competitive advantages, giving rise to imbalances and distortions. Given that the Structural Funds for the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region are currently suspended, will the Commission give the reasons for this suspension? If it has taken place in the context of negotiations with the Portuguese Government, what are the reasons and who is responsible for failing to apply the provisions of Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, failing to observe Commission Decision 1999/502/EEC of 1July 1999 and ignoring what was agreed at the Berlin Summit? (1)Pursuant to Article 161 of the Treaty and under the procedure laid down in Article 251 thereof. (2)Regulations (EC) Nos 2052/88 and 4253/88, OJ L 158, 15.7.1988 and OJ L 374, 31.12.1988. (3)cf. Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 - OJ L 161, 26.6.1999. (4)i.e. the provisions of Article 6 should have been applied, and likewise the provisions of Articles 7(2), second paragraph and (3), third paragraph of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, in accordance with Commission decision 1999/502/EC - OJ L 194, 27.7.1999. (5)And particularly paragraphs 42, 43 and 44(a) thereof. (6)Paragraph 44(a)." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
On 21July 1999, the Council adopted Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, establishing the general provisions on the Structural Funds(1). The Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region (Portugal), which met the Objective I eligibility criteria laid down for the Second Community support framework 1994/1999(2), but after assessment, ceased to be eligible from 1999(3). It should nonetheless continue to benefit, on a transitional basis, from the Funds from 1January 2000 to 31December 2005(4). In accordance with the Conclusions of the Berlin summit of 24 and 25March 1999(5), the phasing out mechanism must be applied to former Objective I regions. Over and above this, the Conclusions acknowledge that the Lisbon Region should have """"""""special provisional treatment"""""""" in the shape of a grant of € 500 million(6). In view of the obvious disparities between the Region's various economic operators and sectors, the agreement merely reflected the over-arching horizontal principles deriving from the Treaty which apply to all Community policies, namely sustainable development and equal opportunities. These principles, like the acquis communautaire's competition rules, are undermined by the failure to pursue the agreed phasing-out policy. Economic operators in the neighbouring regions - eligible under Objective I - will enjoy enormous competitive advantages, giving rise to imbalances and distortions. Given that the Structural Funds for the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region are currently suspended, will the Commission give the reasons for this suspension? If it has taken place in the context of negotiations with the Portuguese Government, what are the reasons and who is responsible for failing to apply the provisions of Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, failing to observe Commission Decision 1999/502/EEC of 1July 1999 and ignoring what was agreed at the Berlin Summit? (1)Pursuant to Article 161 of the Treaty and under the procedure laid down in Article 251 thereof. (2)Regulations (EC) Nos 2052/88 and 4253/88, OJ L 158, 15.7.1988 and OJ L 374, 31.12.1988. (3)cf. Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 - OJ L 161, 26.6.1999. (4)i.e. the provisions of Article 6 should have been applied, and likewise the provisions of Articles 7(2), second paragraph and (3), third paragraph of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, in accordance with Commission decision 1999/502/EC - OJ L 194, 27.7.1999. (5)And particularly paragraphs 42, 43 and 44(a) thereof. (6)Paragraph 44(a).
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Can the Commission provide information on the nature of the schemes involving the municipality of Aulnay-sous-Bois in Seine-Saint-Denis under the Community's Urban programme (item B2-145) and a detailed list of the associations or bodies receiving subsidies under this programme, together with the exact amount of the subsidies?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
Can the Commission provide information on the nature of the schemes involving the municipality of Aulnay-sous-Bois in Seine-Saint-Denis under the Community's Urban programme (item B2-145) and a detailed list of the associations or bodies receiving subsidies under this programme, together with the exact amount of the subsidies?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In the Austrian federal province of Styria there are five LEADER II projects, including the LEADER II """"""""Sölktäler"""""""" project. According to my information the LEADER II projects were submitted to Brussels in April 1995. Representatives of the regions concerned, project leaders, interested parties and local mayors repeatedly ask me why project approval and financial support have still not been implemented from Brussels. I therefore ask: 1. Why has no decision on LEADER II projects and supporting arrangements as yet been adopted? 2. When can a decision to support these projects be expected? 3. Do the reasons for the absence of an EU decision lie with unsatisfactory Austrian part-projects (as, for example, in Tyrol province)?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
In the Austrian federal province of Styria there are five LEADER II projects, including the LEADER II """"""""Sölktäler"""""""" project. According to my information the LEADER II projects were submitted to Brussels in April 1995. Representatives of the regions concerned, project leaders, interested parties and local mayors repeatedly ask me why project approval and financial support have still not been implemented from Brussels. I therefore ask: 1. Why has no decision on LEADER II projects and supporting arrangements as yet been adopted? 2. When can a decision to support these projects be expected? 3. Do the reasons for the absence of an EU decision lie with unsatisfactory Austrian part-projects (as, for example, in Tyrol province)?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 16December2014, the Commission approved the plans put forward by the Federal Government for the German ‘national rural network’ and regional programmes for Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Mecklenburg will receive approval at the beginning of January under an expedited procedure. A total of 13 German regional programmes have been submitted for approval, however, including the programme for the Bundesland of Lower Saxony. On 10December, the Government of the Bundesland of Lower Saxony received a list containing a total of 328 questions from the Commission. The approval process is therefore still at the beginning. Urgently needed funding can presumably not be paid out before September2015, as now the medium‐term budget also has to be modified due to the inclusion of funds from the 2014 budget year in the 2015 budget year. 1.Was the application from the Bundesland of Lower Saxony submitted comparably late? 2.How would the Commission assess the application from the Bundesland of Lower Saxony? 3.When is approval likely to be granted, in both the best-case scenario and the worst‐case scenario?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
On 16December2014, the Commission approved the plans put forward by the Federal Government for the German ‘national rural network’ and regional programmes for Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Mecklenburg will receive approval at the beginning of January under an expedited procedure. A total of 13 German regional programmes have been submitted for approval, however, including the programme for the Bundesland of Lower Saxony. On 10December, the Government of the Bundesland of Lower Saxony received a list containing a total of 328 questions from the Commission. The approval process is therefore still at the beginning. Urgently needed funding can presumably not be paid out before September2015, as now the medium‐term budget also has to be modified due to the inclusion of funds from the 2014 budget year in the 2015 budget year. 1.Was the application from the Bundesland of Lower Saxony submitted comparably late? 2.How would the Commission assess the application from the Bundesland of Lower Saxony? 3.When is approval likely to be granted, in both the best-case scenario and the worst‐case scenario?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Regions whose per capita income is less than 75 % of the average Community per capita income are described as """"""""Objective 1 regions"""""""" and they receive significant amounts of Community aid. To determine whether or not this threshold has been exceeded, the draft Council Regulation COM(98)131 final(1) laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds states that the figures corresponding to the last three years for which Eurostat has data available will be used. At the moment the only figures available are those for the 1994, 1995 and 1996 financial years. What are the figures for those years for Aragón? (1)OJ C 176, 9.6.1998, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
Regions whose per capita income is less than 75 % of the average Community per capita income are described as """"""""Objective 1 regions"""""""" and they receive significant amounts of Community aid. To determine whether or not this threshold has been exceeded, the draft Council Regulation COM(98)131 final(1) laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds states that the figures corresponding to the last three years for which Eurostat has data available will be used. At the moment the only figures available are those for the 1994, 1995 and 1996 financial years. What are the figures for those years for Aragón? (1)OJ C 176, 9.6.1998, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "At the informal ministerial meeting in Leipzig on 24 and 25 May 2007, under the German Council Presidency, 27 EU Member State ministers with responsibility for urban development adopted the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities(1) . The objective of the charter was to provide a European dimension for urban development(2) .1.How has that European dimension evolved over the last 12 years?2.What specific measures and initiatives has the Commission taken to implement, promote and further develop the Leipzig Charter?3.What EU measures have directly affected the state of Berlin?4.What initiatives does the Commission intend taking between 2019 and 2024 in order to develop the Leipzig Charter further? (1)https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/downloads/DE/veroeffentlichungen/themen/bauen/wohnen/leipzig-charta.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2 (2)https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/DE/themen/bauen-wohnen/leipzig-charta/leipzig-charta.html#f10840628" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
At the informal ministerial meeting in Leipzig on 24 and 25 May 2007, under the German Council Presidency, 27 EU Member State ministers with responsibility for urban development adopted the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities(1) . The objective of the charter was to provide a European dimension for urban development(2) .1.How has that European dimension evolved over the last 12 years?2.What specific measures and initiatives has the Commission taken to implement, promote and further develop the Leipzig Charter?3.What EU measures have directly affected the state of Berlin?4.What initiatives does the Commission intend taking between 2019 and 2024 in order to develop the Leipzig Charter further? (1)https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/downloads/DE/veroeffentlichungen/themen/bauen/wohnen/leipzig-charta.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2 (2)https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/DE/themen/bauen-wohnen/leipzig-charta/leipzig-charta.html#f10840628
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In reply to Question E‑2405/06, relating to the EU funds squandered on the construction of new ports in the Canary Islands, Danuta Hübner confirmed that construction of the port of Arinaga in Gran Canaria, financed in part by the REGIS Community initiative, had begun in 1992 and ended in 2001 with the handover of the ‘service terminal’ works. It is common knowledge, and a subject of public mirth, that the port in question is lying unused and, as is plain to see, no port activities of any kind have taken place there. As long ago as 2004 I wrote to CommissionerHübner about the misuse of European funds at the port. The Commission’s answer, based on the misleading and false information supplied by the Spanish authorities, which the Commission failed to check, stated that a first passenger service, providing a link to southern Fuerteventura, and a dry bulk terminal were due to come into operation in, respectively, August and December 2006. Furthermore, according to the Commission, two public concessions had been granted. In one case, relating to work that was supposed to have been completed by June 2007, the object was to build a vehicle import ancillary service terminal that would, in addition, enable vehicles to be unloaded. None of this has happened in the last two years. Up to now the port of Arinaga has been used only for the maiden berthing of the Volcán de Timanfaya, operated by the Armas ferry company, in 2005, and of a cargo ship and a floating hotel, the Bibby Challenge, in 2007. Since it was opened the port has not seen anything remotely resembling normal port activity, barring the entry of those few vessels. At present the port remains completely idle, the inference being that the information which the authorities supplied to the Commission did not reflect the true facts(1). Once it has been proved that, regarding the operationality of the port of Arinaga, the Community funding has been used illegally, will the Commission insist that the money spent be paid back? Why has it not reacted earlier to the misuse of European funds? (1)http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?id=113426" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
In reply to Question E‑2405/06, relating to the EU funds squandered on the construction of new ports in the Canary Islands, Danuta Hübner confirmed that construction of the port of Arinaga in Gran Canaria, financed in part by the REGIS Community initiative, had begun in 1992 and ended in 2001 with the handover of the ‘service terminal’ works. It is common knowledge, and a subject of public mirth, that the port in question is lying unused and, as is plain to see, no port activities of any kind have taken place there. As long ago as 2004 I wrote to CommissionerHübner about the misuse of European funds at the port. The Commission’s answer, based on the misleading and false information supplied by the Spanish authorities, which the Commission failed to check, stated that a first passenger service, providing a link to southern Fuerteventura, and a dry bulk terminal were due to come into operation in, respectively, August and December 2006. Furthermore, according to the Commission, two public concessions had been granted. In one case, relating to work that was supposed to have been completed by June 2007, the object was to build a vehicle import ancillary service terminal that would, in addition, enable vehicles to be unloaded. None of this has happened in the last two years. Up to now the port of Arinaga has been used only for the maiden berthing of the Volcán de Timanfaya, operated by the Armas ferry company, in 2005, and of a cargo ship and a floating hotel, the Bibby Challenge, in 2007. Since it was opened the port has not seen anything remotely resembling normal port activity, barring the entry of those few vessels. At present the port remains completely idle, the inference being that the information which the authorities supplied to the Commission did not reflect the true facts(1). Once it has been proved that, regarding the operationality of the port of Arinaga, the Community funding has been used illegally, will the Commission insist that the money spent be paid back? Why has it not reacted earlier to the misuse of European funds? (1)http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?id=113426
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "For a number of Commissions now, developing the rail corridor network has been a top priority. In Spain, the Atlantic and Mediterranean corridors have been promoted as the most effective route to quickly, safely and sustainably connect our country with the rest of the continent.However, the Iberian Peninsula is more than just its coastal areas, and Spain’s connection with France is as important as its connection with Portugal. The Spanish region of Extremadura stands between Madrid and Lisbon and is a potential commercial hub between both countries that could provide more dynamism and interaction between them.Despite its unique location and export potential, Extremadura is a rail black spot. It has no efficient passenger or goods transport connections with either Portugal or the rest of Spain. This isolation, which is particularly odd given the region’s potential, is causing an exodus of thousands of Extremadurans, and the region’s state funding levels are, therefore, even lower than they might otherwise be.Is the Commission considering improving Spanish and Portuguese interconnectivity via Extremadura, the only logical location?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
For a number of Commissions now, developing the rail corridor network has been a top priority. In Spain, the Atlantic and Mediterranean corridors have been promoted as the most effective route to quickly, safely and sustainably connect our country with the rest of the continent.However, the Iberian Peninsula is more than just its coastal areas, and Spain’s connection with France is as important as its connection with Portugal. The Spanish region of Extremadura stands between Madrid and Lisbon and is a potential commercial hub between both countries that could provide more dynamism and interaction between them.Despite its unique location and export potential, Extremadura is a rail black spot. It has no efficient passenger or goods transport connections with either Portugal or the rest of Spain. This isolation, which is particularly odd given the region’s potential, is causing an exodus of thousands of Extremadurans, and the region’s state funding levels are, therefore, even lower than they might otherwise be.Is the Commission considering improving Spanish and Portuguese interconnectivity via Extremadura, the only logical location?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 1 October 2003, the European Union will open negotiations in Washington with the USA to establish a new global legal framework for transatlantic air links. In view of the ambitious nature of this objective and the complexity of the issues involved, by when does the Commission expect to be able to conclude an agreement? In the light of the negotiating mandate drawn up by the Council in June 2003, can the Commission reasonably expect to conclude an agreement within the next few months at the risk of not making genuine progress on all the issues to be discussed?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 1 October 2003, the European Union will open negotiations in Washington with the USA to establish a new global legal framework for transatlantic air links. In view of the ambitious nature of this objective and the complexity of the issues involved, by when does the Commission expect to be able to conclude an agreement? In the light of the negotiating mandate drawn up by the Council in June 2003, can the Commission reasonably expect to conclude an agreement within the next few months at the risk of not making genuine progress on all the issues to be discussed?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "From a constitutional point of view, the regulation of the use of state-owned property falls within the exclusive legislative competence of the state. Italian Law No 145/2018 provided for the extension of the validity of current state-owned maritime property concessions until 31/12/2033. This law is considered to be in breach of Directive 2006/123/EC on services, known as the ‘Bolkestein’ Directive, despite the fact that the planned extension is necessary in order to carry out a timely reform of the sector and also to assist with the growing costs that operators in the sector are having to bear as a result of bad weather and coastal erosion.The Commission has initiated infringement proceedings against Italy for failure to implement the directive.The COVID emergency has already seriously affected the Italian beach sector, which has suffered losses of EUR 18.4 billion, EUR 8 billion of which have been losses of earnings from foreign tourists and EUR 10.4 billion from Italian tourists.In view of this:1.Will the Commission take note that the economic upheavals linked to the pandemic have led to an unprecedented crisis for the beach sector?2.Will it, in the light of this objective problem, reassess whether there are still grounds for launching an infringement procedure and clarify how precisely the directive in question should be enforced?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
From a constitutional point of view, the regulation of the use of state-owned property falls within the exclusive legislative competence of the state. Italian Law No 145/2018 provided for the extension of the validity of current state-owned maritime property concessions until 31/12/2033. This law is considered to be in breach of Directive 2006/123/EC on services, known as the ‘Bolkestein’ Directive, despite the fact that the planned extension is necessary in order to carry out a timely reform of the sector and also to assist with the growing costs that operators in the sector are having to bear as a result of bad weather and coastal erosion.The Commission has initiated infringement proceedings against Italy for failure to implement the directive.The COVID emergency has already seriously affected the Italian beach sector, which has suffered losses of EUR 18.4 billion, EUR 8 billion of which have been losses of earnings from foreign tourists and EUR 10.4 billion from Italian tourists.In view of this:1.Will the Commission take note that the economic upheavals linked to the pandemic have led to an unprecedented crisis for the beach sector?2.Will it, in the light of this objective problem, reassess whether there are still grounds for launching an infringement procedure and clarify how precisely the directive in question should be enforced?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1.What decisions must be taken by what bodies in order to lift the embargo on direct flights between Nicosia Airport and EU Member States? 2.What action has been taken to facilitate the lifting of the embargo?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1.What decisions must be taken by what bodies in order to lift the embargo on direct flights between Nicosia Airport and EU Member States? 2.What action has been taken to facilitate the lifting of the embargo?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to reports in the Greek press, work on the airport at Ioannina (Epirus) has been halted because of problems connected with the relevant studies. This is a particularly serious problem, since Epirus is one of the European Union's poorest regions. Its terrain is largely mountainous and it has no railway lines or modern motorways. As a result, easy access for merchandise and tourism is only possible through air links. Has the Commission asked for work on the airport in question to be speeded up? When will this work restart and when will it be finished? Why have the Greek authorities not yet resolved the problems relating to the abovementioned studies so that the work can be completed swiftly?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
According to reports in the Greek press, work on the airport at Ioannina (Epirus) has been halted because of problems connected with the relevant studies. This is a particularly serious problem, since Epirus is one of the European Union's poorest regions. Its terrain is largely mountainous and it has no railway lines or modern motorways. As a result, easy access for merchandise and tourism is only possible through air links. Has the Commission asked for work on the airport in question to be speeded up? When will this work restart and when will it be finished? Why have the Greek authorities not yet resolved the problems relating to the abovementioned studies so that the work can be completed swiftly?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "It would appear that the EU intends not to include the rail link between Turin and Lyon in the 15 projects awarded priority funding, selected from the list of 29 projects previously identified by the European Plan for Growth, which included this railway link. How can this be possible, given that this action is a strategic project for European integration, and that it has already reached a more advanced stage of planning than a number of the projects that have been selected? It should also to be taken into account that the project meets the five criteria laid down by President Prodi on 17 October 2003 (concerning projects that, Prodi requested, could produce results in the short term, that is, within three years). These criteria are: 1. readiness, 2. cross-border status serving the single market, 3. ability to produce impact in the context of enlargement, 4. ecological sustainability, 5. technological innovation potential. The Turin-Lyon project fulfils all five of these criteria. The President of the EIB recently indicated that the bank would fund projects that were ready to start, that would have a positive economic impact, be profitable (so as to attract private capital) and be capable of satisfying the demands of the countries affected by them, and it would seem that this project fulfils all these criteria. Given that, above all, studies by leading financial institutions (Crédit Agricole, San Paolo, Caisse des Dépôts and Dexia) have indicated that the project can be financed, with 30-35 % private capital, that is, the maximum level allowed for infrastructure projects of this kind, and that postponing funding by a further three years would be a waste of precious time, can the Commission provide information on the matter?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
It would appear that the EU intends not to include the rail link between Turin and Lyon in the 15 projects awarded priority funding, selected from the list of 29 projects previously identified by the European Plan for Growth, which included this railway link. How can this be possible, given that this action is a strategic project for European integration, and that it has already reached a more advanced stage of planning than a number of the projects that have been selected? It should also to be taken into account that the project meets the five criteria laid down by President Prodi on 17 October 2003 (concerning projects that, Prodi requested, could produce results in the short term, that is, within three years). These criteria are: 1. readiness, 2. cross-border status serving the single market, 3. ability to produce impact in the context of enlargement, 4. ecological sustainability, 5. technological innovation potential. The Turin-Lyon project fulfils all five of these criteria. The President of the EIB recently indicated that the bank would fund projects that were ready to start, that would have a positive economic impact, be profitable (so as to attract private capital) and be capable of satisfying the demands of the countries affected by them, and it would seem that this project fulfils all these criteria. Given that, above all, studies by leading financial institutions (Crédit Agricole, San Paolo, Caisse des Dépôts and Dexia) have indicated that the project can be financed, with 30-35 % private capital, that is, the maximum level allowed for infrastructure projects of this kind, and that postponing funding by a further three years would be a waste of precious time, can the Commission provide information on the matter?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Which Member States have yet to inform the Commission of their transposition of Commission Directive2009/112/EC(1) concerning epilepsy and driving licences? (1)OJ L 223, 26.8.2009, p. 26." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Which Member States have yet to inform the Commission of their transposition of Commission Directive2009/112/EC(1) concerning epilepsy and driving licences? (1)OJ L 223, 26.8.2009, p. 26.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Two vital sectors of the Greek passenger vessel market, which have offered and continued to offer immense benefits to the Greek national economy, are coastal shipping and Ro-Ro ferries, which primarily sail from Patra to various Italian ports. However, according to newspaper articles, the Greek passenger shipping sector is now in a very difficult situation. The difference between the operating costs in Greece compared to Italy, the price of fuel which has risen significantly and the increased competition are some of the most serious problems. What steps does the Commission intend to take in order to persuade the Greek Government to adopt laws which will bolster the competitiveness of Greek coastal shipping?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Two vital sectors of the Greek passenger vessel market, which have offered and continued to offer immense benefits to the Greek national economy, are coastal shipping and Ro-Ro ferries, which primarily sail from Patra to various Italian ports. However, according to newspaper articles, the Greek passenger shipping sector is now in a very difficult situation. The difference between the operating costs in Greece compared to Italy, the price of fuel which has risen significantly and the increased competition are some of the most serious problems. What steps does the Commission intend to take in order to persuade the Greek Government to adopt laws which will bolster the competitiveness of Greek coastal shipping?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Is it true that the Commission intends to prevent the Scottish Executive from utilising its Route Development Fund?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Is it true that the Commission intends to prevent the Scottish Executive from utilising its Route Development Fund?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Commission is asked to give its legal opinion on the following situation in regard to airline fuel surcharges: If a passenger cancels his/her flight, the airline refuses to refund the surcharge, even though the cancelled seat is often resold and the fuel surcharge is charged again. The majority of airlines, including British Airways, include a fuel surcharge in the original price of a ticket. Other airlines, such as Aer Lingus, add on a fuel surcharge during the booking process. The variable fuel surcharge, which may rise, fall or be removed in line with changes in fuels prices, results in fluctuating costs for the transport industry. Could the Commission indicate the relevant legislation which deals with fuel surcharge costs on airlines?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The Commission is asked to give its legal opinion on the following situation in regard to airline fuel surcharges: If a passenger cancels his/her flight, the airline refuses to refund the surcharge, even though the cancelled seat is often resold and the fuel surcharge is charged again. The majority of airlines, including British Airways, include a fuel surcharge in the original price of a ticket. Other airlines, such as Aer Lingus, add on a fuel surcharge during the booking process. The variable fuel surcharge, which may rise, fall or be removed in line with changes in fuels prices, results in fluctuating costs for the transport industry. Could the Commission indicate the relevant legislation which deals with fuel surcharge costs on airlines?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1. Has the Commission now received any of the information from the Italian authorities referred to in its answers to questions E-2945/97 (1) and E-3330/97 (2) concerning a vehicle registration problem? 2. In the light of any information received, does the Commission consider there are grounds for an investigation under the procedure established by Article 169 of the EC Treaty or has it already begun such an investigation? 3. If so, when can the first results be expected? (1)OJ C 117, 16.4.1998, p. 108. (2)OJ C 138, 30.4.1998, p. 138." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1. Has the Commission now received any of the information from the Italian authorities referred to in its answers to questions E-2945/97 (1) and E-3330/97 (2) concerning a vehicle registration problem? 2. In the light of any information received, does the Commission consider there are grounds for an investigation under the procedure established by Article 169 of the EC Treaty or has it already begun such an investigation? 3. If so, when can the first results be expected? (1)OJ C 117, 16.4.1998, p. 108. (2)OJ C 138, 30.4.1998, p. 138.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to a report in the ‘Handelsblatt’, the European Commission is planning to significantly reduce the volume of traffic in inner cities. For example, the number of conventionally powered vehicles in inner-city areas is to be halved by 2030 and there are to be no cars or light commercial vehicles with internal combustion engines in European cities by 2050 at the latest. 1.Do these reports reflect the facts? 2.What regulations would apply to HGVs? 3.To what extent would postal and courier services, pizza deliverers, taxi drivers,etc. be affected, or would different regulations apply to these groups? 4.What additional measures are planned for commuters? 5.Have studies been carried out on park-and-ride systems, which seem not to be working partly on account of high parking charges? 6.Have studies been carried out on the expected consequences? 7.Is it expected that companies will relocate from inner-city areas? 8.What consequences are these measures expected to have on the trend towards inner-city depopulation?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
According to a report in the ‘Handelsblatt’, the European Commission is planning to significantly reduce the volume of traffic in inner cities. For example, the number of conventionally powered vehicles in inner-city areas is to be halved by 2030 and there are to be no cars or light commercial vehicles with internal combustion engines in European cities by 2050 at the latest. 1.Do these reports reflect the facts? 2.What regulations would apply to HGVs? 3.To what extent would postal and courier services, pizza deliverers, taxi drivers,etc. be affected, or would different regulations apply to these groups? 4.What additional measures are planned for commuters? 5.Have studies been carried out on park-and-ride systems, which seem not to be working partly on account of high parking charges? 6.Have studies been carried out on the expected consequences? 7.Is it expected that companies will relocate from inner-city areas? 8.What consequences are these measures expected to have on the trend towards inner-city depopulation?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Italian Government has given due notification of a law on the restructuring of the road haulage industry (Law No 454 of 23December 1997). However, the law in question cannot be applied in practice unless appropriate regulations are issued. The Italian Government has asked the Commission for its opinion on these provisions. The pre-litigation procedure was initiated only recently by means of an official letter from the Commission. Most of the Commission's criticisms can be overcome by making changes to the regulatory texts. Considerable efforts are being made by all the public- and private-sector organizations and the institutions, which are in favour of reforming the sector, one characterized by serious weaknesses, poor organization and an inability to cope with the challenges of liberalization and the opening up of markets (crisis in growth and recession). These efforts, which are aimed at fundamentally restructuring the industry, can only be beneficial for the sector in Europe as a whole and will prevent dangerous forms of destructive competition and the migration of hauliers to other countries following the complete liberalization of cabotage. It should be borne in mind that these initiatives form part of a wider political project which must take account of the difficult situation with which the sector is faced, partly because it suffers from a number of specific handicaps: it is cut off from the rest of Europe by a chain of mountains and is forced to adapt to the policies of the countries that have to be crossed, including Switzerland, whose traffic rules make long detours necessary. The industrial relations climate is gradually deteriorating with the threat of disruptive action becoming increasingly real. A solution must therefore be found in order to solve the problems caused by this difficult situation. In view of the above: 1. Does the Commission not see a need to act quickly and positively to speed up procedures and to check which provisions of the Italian law cannot be complied with immediately by means of the implementing decrees (decreti attuativi) which the Italian Government is understood to have drawn up in response to the changes requested by the Commission? 2. Is the Commission considering the possibility of speeding up the definition of other legislative measures that require more radical changes but cannot be dealt with in isolation, and must instead be seen as component parts of a more radical revision of transport policy, as has been demonstrated by the Italian Government?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The Italian Government has given due notification of a law on the restructuring of the road haulage industry (Law No 454 of 23December 1997). However, the law in question cannot be applied in practice unless appropriate regulations are issued. The Italian Government has asked the Commission for its opinion on these provisions. The pre-litigation procedure was initiated only recently by means of an official letter from the Commission. Most of the Commission's criticisms can be overcome by making changes to the regulatory texts. Considerable efforts are being made by all the public- and private-sector organizations and the institutions, which are in favour of reforming the sector, one characterized by serious weaknesses, poor organization and an inability to cope with the challenges of liberalization and the opening up of markets (crisis in growth and recession). These efforts, which are aimed at fundamentally restructuring the industry, can only be beneficial for the sector in Europe as a whole and will prevent dangerous forms of destructive competition and the migration of hauliers to other countries following the complete liberalization of cabotage. It should be borne in mind that these initiatives form part of a wider political project which must take account of the difficult situation with which the sector is faced, partly because it suffers from a number of specific handicaps: it is cut off from the rest of Europe by a chain of mountains and is forced to adapt to the policies of the countries that have to be crossed, including Switzerland, whose traffic rules make long detours necessary. The industrial relations climate is gradually deteriorating with the threat of disruptive action becoming increasingly real. A solution must therefore be found in order to solve the problems caused by this difficult situation. In view of the above: 1. Does the Commission not see a need to act quickly and positively to speed up procedures and to check which provisions of the Italian law cannot be complied with immediately by means of the implementing decrees (decreti attuativi) which the Italian Government is understood to have drawn up in response to the changes requested by the Commission? 2. Is the Commission considering the possibility of speeding up the definition of other legislative measures that require more radical changes but cannot be dealt with in isolation, and must instead be seen as component parts of a more radical revision of transport policy, as has been demonstrated by the Italian Government?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 1January2020, the new International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations intended to cut the shipping industry’s sulphur oxide emissions(1), which are known to be dangerous to human health, will enter into force. Ferries and ocean liners in particular, both of which are energy intensive and polluting, are under fire because of their dominance, particularly when docked. Port facilities could contribute to this green revolution by employing a shoreside electrical power system known as ‘cold ironing’(2). Under that system, ships are able to connect to onshore power sources instead of being forced to keep their engines running. This would create a clean port system, as some Northern European cities (Gothenburg and Lübeck) and North American west-coast ports (in Vancouver, California and Alaska) have already done(3). Taking into account the Commission’s powers with regard to the common transport policy and to tourism policy (Article4(2)(g)and Titles VI and XXII of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union), does it have a major investment plan for the electrification of port infrastructure? (1)http://www.imo.org/en/mediacentre/hottopics/pages/sulphur-2020.aspx (2)https://www.isemar.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Lindustrie-de-la-croisière-entre-croissance-et-défis.pdf (3)https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/rapport_cpt_croisieres_cle0cb482.pdf" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 1January2020, the new International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations intended to cut the shipping industry’s sulphur oxide emissions(1), which are known to be dangerous to human health, will enter into force. Ferries and ocean liners in particular, both of which are energy intensive and polluting, are under fire because of their dominance, particularly when docked. Port facilities could contribute to this green revolution by employing a shoreside electrical power system known as ‘cold ironing’(2). Under that system, ships are able to connect to onshore power sources instead of being forced to keep their engines running. This would create a clean port system, as some Northern European cities (Gothenburg and Lübeck) and North American west-coast ports (in Vancouver, California and Alaska) have already done(3). Taking into account the Commission’s powers with regard to the common transport policy and to tourism policy (Article4(2)(g)and Titles VI and XXII of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union), does it have a major investment plan for the electrification of port infrastructure? (1)http://www.imo.org/en/mediacentre/hottopics/pages/sulphur-2020.aspx (2)https://www.isemar.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Lindustrie-de-la-croisière-entre-croissance-et-défis.pdf (3)https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/rapport_cpt_croisieres_cle0cb482.pdf
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1.Does the Commission have any estimate of the costs which will be incurred between now and 2015, i.e. during the period before the total ban on single-hull tankers entering EU waters and ports comes into force, as a result of the predictable probability that single-hull tankers will run aground on the coasts of the EU Member States or will be involved in collisions, break up or sink in the surrounding seas? 2.What is the Commission's estimate of the cost to the authorities concerned of cleaning up the resultant spills during the period 2005-2015, for example the cost of cleaning coastlines, surviving birds and seawater? 3.What is the Commission's estimate of the cost which will be borne by industry during the period 2005-2015 due to the inability of such sectors as coastal fisheries and tourism to operate on account of pollution? 4.What is its estimate of the costs which would be incurred by the shipping companies concerned, during the period 2005-2015, if the single-hull oil tankers currently still registered in EU Member States were to be banned from 2005, so that the companies had to write them off? 5.What is its estimate of the costs which would be incurred by the shipping companies concerned, during the period 2005-2015, if single-hull tankers which are registered outside the EU but belong to companies within the EU or visit EU ports frequently were to be banned from 2005? 6.Can the Commission confirm that, when it previously decided that the number of single-hull tankers should gradually fall to zero over a long period, its concern was not so much with the expectation of major disasters in Europe as to ensure that """"""""rustbucket"""""""" tankers which were being banned from American waters could not continue to be used in Europe for a long time to come? 7.Does the Commission consider that, because of the devastating impact of the sinking of the tanker """"""""Prestige"""""""" off the coast of Galicia, the spread of oil along the coasts of Spain, Portugal and possibly France and the associated costs, a new situation has arisen in the light of which it is desirable to take the initiative and adopt a more stringent policy than hitherto on single-hull tankers, so as to substantially reduce the period during which single-hull tankers are still permitted to enter EU waters and ports?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1.Does the Commission have any estimate of the costs which will be incurred between now and 2015, i.e. during the period before the total ban on single-hull tankers entering EU waters and ports comes into force, as a result of the predictable probability that single-hull tankers will run aground on the coasts of the EU Member States or will be involved in collisions, break up or sink in the surrounding seas? 2.What is the Commission's estimate of the cost to the authorities concerned of cleaning up the resultant spills during the period 2005-2015, for example the cost of cleaning coastlines, surviving birds and seawater? 3.What is the Commission's estimate of the cost which will be borne by industry during the period 2005-2015 due to the inability of such sectors as coastal fisheries and tourism to operate on account of pollution? 4.What is its estimate of the costs which would be incurred by the shipping companies concerned, during the period 2005-2015, if the single-hull oil tankers currently still registered in EU Member States were to be banned from 2005, so that the companies had to write them off? 5.What is its estimate of the costs which would be incurred by the shipping companies concerned, during the period 2005-2015, if single-hull tankers which are registered outside the EU but belong to companies within the EU or visit EU ports frequently were to be banned from 2005? 6.Can the Commission confirm that, when it previously decided that the number of single-hull tankers should gradually fall to zero over a long period, its concern was not so much with the expectation of major disasters in Europe as to ensure that """"""""rustbucket"""""""" tankers which were being banned from American waters could not continue to be used in Europe for a long time to come? 7.Does the Commission consider that, because of the devastating impact of the sinking of the tanker """"""""Prestige"""""""" off the coast of Galicia, the spread of oil along the coasts of Spain, Portugal and possibly France and the associated costs, a new situation has arisen in the light of which it is desirable to take the initiative and adopt a more stringent policy than hitherto on single-hull tankers, so as to substantially reduce the period during which single-hull tankers are still permitted to enter EU waters and ports?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Could the Commission indicate what implications, if any, arise from Open Skies agreements between the European Union and third parties as far as European carrier ownership restrictions are concerned?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Could the Commission indicate what implications, if any, arise from Open Skies agreements between the European Union and third parties as far as European carrier ownership restrictions are concerned?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 11 November 2019, the Council adopted a text that will update the existing General Safety Regulation (EC) No661/2009, Pedestrian Safety Regulation (EC) No78/2009 and Hydrogen Safety Regulation (EC) No79/2009. The text will specify the safety equipment to be used in new vehicles to improve safety conditions and protect the most vulnerable road users. It marks a major step forward in terms of the regulations it repeals, yet it fails to mention the installation of devices to replace the warning triangles that motorists currently use to alert other road users that an accident or breakdown has taken place. In Spain alone, 170 people were killed last year in accidents which occurred once the driver had stepped out of the vehicle to place a warning triangle on the roadside. Nowadays, this risk can be avoided through the installation of specific flashing signals in vehicles which are to be used in the event of an accident or breakdown.1.Does the Commission possess any EU-level data on accidents that have occurred under these circumstances?2.Is the Commission aware of the rules that are being developed in some Member States to prevent accidents involving pedestrians on roads and motorways?3.Could the Commission consider including this precaution among the safety measures referred to in the regulation adopted by the Council?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 11 November 2019, the Council adopted a text that will update the existing General Safety Regulation (EC) No661/2009, Pedestrian Safety Regulation (EC) No78/2009 and Hydrogen Safety Regulation (EC) No79/2009. The text will specify the safety equipment to be used in new vehicles to improve safety conditions and protect the most vulnerable road users. It marks a major step forward in terms of the regulations it repeals, yet it fails to mention the installation of devices to replace the warning triangles that motorists currently use to alert other road users that an accident or breakdown has taken place. In Spain alone, 170 people were killed last year in accidents which occurred once the driver had stepped out of the vehicle to place a warning triangle on the roadside. Nowadays, this risk can be avoided through the installation of specific flashing signals in vehicles which are to be used in the event of an accident or breakdown.1.Does the Commission possess any EU-level data on accidents that have occurred under these circumstances?2.Is the Commission aware of the rules that are being developed in some Member States to prevent accidents involving pedestrians on roads and motorways?3.Could the Commission consider including this precaution among the safety measures referred to in the regulation adopted by the Council?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Finland and Sweden were not represented in the European Parliament when it discussed the application of weights and dimensions of heavy goods vehicles in Member States. Probably for this reason, the special conditions of the sparsely populated Nordic countries were not sufficiently apparent. Finland and Sweden have applied their own standards for so long that the infrastructure and equipment have been entirely renewed. If in the countries concerned transport equipment had to be renewed because of EU Directives, transport costs, which are already exceptionally high, would rise, with a detrimental impact on economic growth and unemployment. The fragile environment would be strained even further by higher emission levels. In view of the above, does the Transport Commissioner, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, intend to introduce measures which would allow existing standards on weights and dimensions to be applied in sparsely populated countries?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Finland and Sweden were not represented in the European Parliament when it discussed the application of weights and dimensions of heavy goods vehicles in Member States. Probably for this reason, the special conditions of the sparsely populated Nordic countries were not sufficiently apparent. Finland and Sweden have applied their own standards for so long that the infrastructure and equipment have been entirely renewed. If in the countries concerned transport equipment had to be renewed because of EU Directives, transport costs, which are already exceptionally high, would rise, with a detrimental impact on economic growth and unemployment. The fragile environment would be strained even further by higher emission levels. In view of the above, does the Transport Commissioner, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, intend to introduce measures which would allow existing standards on weights and dimensions to be applied in sparsely populated countries?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Portuguese media have been referring constantly to the reservations which the Commission allegedly has about the Community financing of the Alqueva dam. The important and urgent nature of the project is not compatible with such a mood of uncertainty. Undoubtedly this is made worse by the lack of a clear, unequivocal and definitive position on the part of the Commission. If it is true that it has these reservations, they would be in sharp contrast with the position expressed in the past by the previous Commission, in the person of Commissioner Bruce Millan. Can the Commission therefore state, as s matter of urgency and as clearly as possible, its real position regarding this matter, in particular what doubts, reservations or restrictions it may have about financing the project and, if it has some, how and when it intends to overcome them? Can the Commission also say what facts or new circumstances have induced it (if this is the case) to change its mind and go back on the promises it made earlier?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The Portuguese media have been referring constantly to the reservations which the Commission allegedly has about the Community financing of the Alqueva dam. The important and urgent nature of the project is not compatible with such a mood of uncertainty. Undoubtedly this is made worse by the lack of a clear, unequivocal and definitive position on the part of the Commission. If it is true that it has these reservations, they would be in sharp contrast with the position expressed in the past by the previous Commission, in the person of Commissioner Bruce Millan. Can the Commission therefore state, as s matter of urgency and as clearly as possible, its real position regarding this matter, in particular what doubts, reservations or restrictions it may have about financing the project and, if it has some, how and when it intends to overcome them? Can the Commission also say what facts or new circumstances have induced it (if this is the case) to change its mind and go back on the promises it made earlier?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to a report of the European Court of Auditors, the central network of the trans-European transport network, which includes fast routes, has shown positive results for users, but less positive results in terms of implementation, maintenance and follow-up.1.At the end of 2019, the network development rates for the four countries visited were 46% in Bulgaria, 75% in Poland, 78% in the Czech Republic and 100% in Spain. With respect to the central network, how does the Commission recommend reducing the development gap which exists between Western European Member States and those of Central and Eastern Europe?2.The average amount spent by the Member States on maintenance of the routes fell by almost a half between 2007 and 2017. Of the four Member States visited only the Spanish network can be described as being in an overall good state. Are sanctions foreseen to prevent any long-term risks with respect to the state of the network?3.Completion being due by 2030, does the Commission plan on increasing surveillance of the central network and on setting provisional objectives, with a view to being able to carry out a precise evaluation of the state of progress?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
According to a report of the European Court of Auditors, the central network of the trans-European transport network, which includes fast routes, has shown positive results for users, but less positive results in terms of implementation, maintenance and follow-up.1.At the end of 2019, the network development rates for the four countries visited were 46% in Bulgaria, 75% in Poland, 78% in the Czech Republic and 100% in Spain. With respect to the central network, how does the Commission recommend reducing the development gap which exists between Western European Member States and those of Central and Eastern Europe?2.The average amount spent by the Member States on maintenance of the routes fell by almost a half between 2007 and 2017. Of the four Member States visited only the Spanish network can be described as being in an overall good state. Are sanctions foreseen to prevent any long-term risks with respect to the state of the network?3.Completion being due by 2030, does the Commission plan on increasing surveillance of the central network and on setting provisional objectives, with a view to being able to carry out a precise evaluation of the state of progress?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Referring to the answer given by MrsWallström to written question E-3147/00(1) I would like to submit the following further requests of clarification: Since the start of the preparations of the feasibility study by the Italian company SPEA Ingegneria Europea on 9 March 2000, financed within the Phare CBC facility, the public has neither been involved in nor officially informed by the respective Bulgarian authorities (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works - MRDPW, and the CBC implementing agency - General Road Administration) about plans concerning the construction of this motorway section. The feasibility study has thus been drawn up and submitted to the Bulgarian Government and the Commission disregarding the public participation procedures as outlined in Articles 6 and 7 of the Aarhus Convention, of which Bulgaria is signatory, and at variance with the partnership principle which is required for programming and implementation procedures in the framework of the EU's social and economic cohesion policy, and which Bulgaria is supposed to transpose in view of its accession to the EU. 1.Is the Commission aware of the serious lack of public participation and information during the planning procedure for the Daskalovo-Kulata motorway section (part of the Trans-European Corridor No 4)? 2.How does the Commission under these conditions intend to ensure that the less damaging route for the environment is used, and that alternative solutions to the one through the Kresna gorge are properly taken into account and their environmental impact evaluated, given in particular that Bulgaria has not yet fully transposed the EC requirements on environmental impact assessments, though they are part of the short-term priorities outlined in the Accession Partnership 1999 with Bulgaria? 3.Has the Commission officially informed the CBC implementation agency about its concerns as expressed in its answer to question E-3147/00, which have been the terms of reference for the implementation of the CBC project E-79 by SPEA, and is the draft feasibility study submitted to the Bulgarian Government and the European Commission now available for the public and for public participation? (1)OJ C 174 E, 19.6.2001, p. 20." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Referring to the answer given by MrsWallström to written question E-3147/00(1) I would like to submit the following further requests of clarification: Since the start of the preparations of the feasibility study by the Italian company SPEA Ingegneria Europea on 9 March 2000, financed within the Phare CBC facility, the public has neither been involved in nor officially informed by the respective Bulgarian authorities (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works - MRDPW, and the CBC implementing agency - General Road Administration) about plans concerning the construction of this motorway section. The feasibility study has thus been drawn up and submitted to the Bulgarian Government and the Commission disregarding the public participation procedures as outlined in Articles 6 and 7 of the Aarhus Convention, of which Bulgaria is signatory, and at variance with the partnership principle which is required for programming and implementation procedures in the framework of the EU's social and economic cohesion policy, and which Bulgaria is supposed to transpose in view of its accession to the EU. 1.Is the Commission aware of the serious lack of public participation and information during the planning procedure for the Daskalovo-Kulata motorway section (part of the Trans-European Corridor No 4)? 2.How does the Commission under these conditions intend to ensure that the less damaging route for the environment is used, and that alternative solutions to the one through the Kresna gorge are properly taken into account and their environmental impact evaluated, given in particular that Bulgaria has not yet fully transposed the EC requirements on environmental impact assessments, though they are part of the short-term priorities outlined in the Accession Partnership 1999 with Bulgaria? 3.Has the Commission officially informed the CBC implementation agency about its concerns as expressed in its answer to question E-3147/00, which have been the terms of reference for the implementation of the CBC project E-79 by SPEA, and is the draft feasibility study submitted to the Bulgarian Government and the European Commission now available for the public and for public participation? (1)OJ C 174 E, 19.6.2001, p. 20.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Over the next few months the business plan for the Greek Railway Company (OSE) and its subsidiaries will be submitted to the European Commission by the Greek Government, which is seeking its authorisation to continue to guarantee the bank loan to the OSE. Arguing the need to rationalise the OSE, particularly in the light of the Commission's forthcoming decision, the Greek Government has decided to cut almost 40% of national rail services from 1August 2009. On almost half the Greek rail network passenger trains now run no more than between one and three times daily, further undermining its ability to compete with road transport and in particular the corresponding coach services. This has prompted a number of independent civil society organisations to level charges of clientelism, accusing the Greek Government of pandering to business interests competing with the railways. At the beginning of 2009 the railway provided a mere 1.7% of overland transport services in Greece (down from 3% in the 1990s), following a continued downward trend and thereby substantially swelling OSE deficits. Furthermore, the decision to marginalise rail services is undoubtedly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions from the Greek transport sector, which rose by 65% between 1990 and 2008. 1.Does the Commission consider that rationalisation of the Greek railways should be brought in to line with the other undertakings given by Greece to the EU, such as the containment and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions? 2.Can the Commission give its approval to the business plan for the Greek railways in the absence of specific target figures for an increase in the percentage of transport services provided by rail and of any specific plan of action designed to achieve these targets? 3.Is the Commission prepared to accept in the name of rationalisation of the Greek railways policies which undermine their competitiveness and further circumscribe their share of the transport market?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Over the next few months the business plan for the Greek Railway Company (OSE) and its subsidiaries will be submitted to the European Commission by the Greek Government, which is seeking its authorisation to continue to guarantee the bank loan to the OSE. Arguing the need to rationalise the OSE, particularly in the light of the Commission's forthcoming decision, the Greek Government has decided to cut almost 40% of national rail services from 1August 2009. On almost half the Greek rail network passenger trains now run no more than between one and three times daily, further undermining its ability to compete with road transport and in particular the corresponding coach services. This has prompted a number of independent civil society organisations to level charges of clientelism, accusing the Greek Government of pandering to business interests competing with the railways. At the beginning of 2009 the railway provided a mere 1.7% of overland transport services in Greece (down from 3% in the 1990s), following a continued downward trend and thereby substantially swelling OSE deficits. Furthermore, the decision to marginalise rail services is undoubtedly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions from the Greek transport sector, which rose by 65% between 1990 and 2008. 1.Does the Commission consider that rationalisation of the Greek railways should be brought in to line with the other undertakings given by Greece to the EU, such as the containment and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions? 2.Can the Commission give its approval to the business plan for the Greek railways in the absence of specific target figures for an increase in the percentage of transport services provided by rail and of any specific plan of action designed to achieve these targets? 3.Is the Commission prepared to accept in the name of rationalisation of the Greek railways policies which undermine their competitiveness and further circumscribe their share of the transport market?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Regulation (EC) 2135/98(1), Article 2, paragraph 3 states: In the event that 12 months after the date of publication of the act referred to in paragraph 1, ECtype-approval has not been granted to any item of recording equipment which conforms to the requirements of Annex IB to Regulation (EEC) No3821/85, the Commission shall submit a proposal to the Council for an extension of the deadline laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2. Assuming confirmation as requested in Question E-2468/03, """"""""the act referred to in paragraph 1"""""""" refers to Regulation (EC) 1360/2002(2). '12 months after the publication of the act referred to in paragraph 1' is then 5 August 2003. According to Annex 1B requirement 291, a minimum period of at least four months is required between issue of a provisional interoperability certificate and subsequent issue of a definitive certificate. If (as was originally intended) the interoperability certificate needed according to Requirement 271 of Annex 1B is a definitive certificate (Requirement 292), then such a certificate could only be issued by 5 August 2003 if a provisional certificate had been issued prior to 5 April 2003. It is very clear that such a provisional interoperability certificate had not been issued prior to 5 July 2003, let alone prior to 5 April. The primary purpose of tachographs, be they digital or analogue, is to maintain legal records of the activities of drivers. It is surely inconceivable that the legal standing of the records made by digital tachographs would be jeopardised by failure to follow the correct legal processes leading to their introduction. Will the Commission please confirm that they will comply with the requirements of Regulation (EC)2135/98, Article 2, paragraph 3? Will they please state when they will """"""""submit a proposal to the Council for an extension of the deadline laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 [of Regulation (EC) 2135/98]""""""""? (1)OJ L 274, 9.10.1998, p. 1. (2)OJ L 207, 5.8.2002, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Regulation (EC) 2135/98(1), Article 2, paragraph 3 states: In the event that 12 months after the date of publication of the act referred to in paragraph 1, ECtype-approval has not been granted to any item of recording equipment which conforms to the requirements of Annex IB to Regulation (EEC) No3821/85, the Commission shall submit a proposal to the Council for an extension of the deadline laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2. Assuming confirmation as requested in Question E-2468/03, """"""""the act referred to in paragraph 1"""""""" refers to Regulation (EC) 1360/2002(2). '12 months after the publication of the act referred to in paragraph 1' is then 5 August 2003. According to Annex 1B requirement 291, a minimum period of at least four months is required between issue of a provisional interoperability certificate and subsequent issue of a definitive certificate. If (as was originally intended) the interoperability certificate needed according to Requirement 271 of Annex 1B is a definitive certificate (Requirement 292), then such a certificate could only be issued by 5 August 2003 if a provisional certificate had been issued prior to 5 April 2003. It is very clear that such a provisional interoperability certificate had not been issued prior to 5 July 2003, let alone prior to 5 April. The primary purpose of tachographs, be they digital or analogue, is to maintain legal records of the activities of drivers. It is surely inconceivable that the legal standing of the records made by digital tachographs would be jeopardised by failure to follow the correct legal processes leading to their introduction. Will the Commission please confirm that they will comply with the requirements of Regulation (EC)2135/98, Article 2, paragraph 3? Will they please state when they will """"""""submit a proposal to the Council for an extension of the deadline laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 [of Regulation (EC) 2135/98]""""""""? (1)OJ L 274, 9.10.1998, p. 1. (2)OJ L 207, 5.8.2002, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to a study published recently, traffic in Austria has grown much more than the population since the country joined the EU. The number of heavy goods vehicles alone is up 49%, due in part to the system of EU support. A good deal is already known about the negative impact of this gathering avalanche of traffic, particularly on the vulnerable Alpine region. Whilst efforts are being made throughout Europe to cut emissions of pollutants by individual vehicles, technical advances are then wiped out by the increase in the number of cars and additional journeys made. The blame for this greater dependence on cars can be laid not just on poorly developed or poorly coordinated public transport networks, but also on urban planning developments such as the explosion in shopping centres located on the outskirts of town accompanied by the decline in local shops. Add to this longer journeys to work as a result of urban sprawl and greater flexibility in working hours and conditions and the car becomes a precondition for employment. 1.What successful measures have been taken in the EU to improve the public transport network? 2.Do any town planning concepts exist to check these developments or are there plans for strategies in this field? 3.How much thought has been given to a review of EU funding in this area, in order to prevent any further explosion in the number of heavy goods vehicles and cars? 4.What is the current status with negotiations on the Alpine Convention and are any fresh attempts being made to implement it?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
According to a study published recently, traffic in Austria has grown much more than the population since the country joined the EU. The number of heavy goods vehicles alone is up 49%, due in part to the system of EU support. A good deal is already known about the negative impact of this gathering avalanche of traffic, particularly on the vulnerable Alpine region. Whilst efforts are being made throughout Europe to cut emissions of pollutants by individual vehicles, technical advances are then wiped out by the increase in the number of cars and additional journeys made. The blame for this greater dependence on cars can be laid not just on poorly developed or poorly coordinated public transport networks, but also on urban planning developments such as the explosion in shopping centres located on the outskirts of town accompanied by the decline in local shops. Add to this longer journeys to work as a result of urban sprawl and greater flexibility in working hours and conditions and the car becomes a precondition for employment. 1.What successful measures have been taken in the EU to improve the public transport network? 2.Do any town planning concepts exist to check these developments or are there plans for strategies in this field? 3.How much thought has been given to a review of EU funding in this area, in order to prevent any further explosion in the number of heavy goods vehicles and cars? 4.What is the current status with negotiations on the Alpine Convention and are any fresh attempts being made to implement it?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Journalistic investigations have revealed numerous irregularities arising from non-compliance with technical specifications during work on the Sebeș-Turda motorway project, which has been receiving EU funding as part of the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014-2020.Specifically, this concerns the provisions of Chapter IV, Section 3, Article 83 of the ‘Warm-mix asphalt specifications: technical specifications for the planning, preparation and use of asphalt mixes’, stipulating that asphalt surfacing may only be done in outdoor temperatures of at least 10 C.For reasons of electoral expediency, final works on the first motorway section were carried out in November, when the average temperature in Alba County was around 3 C, causing the asphalt surfacing to deteriorate rapidly, as revealed in the following article: https://bit.ly/3jiAC6Z.1.What information does the European Commission have regarding the implementation of this project?2.How will it respond to any evidence of non-compliance with quality standards by those in charge of the project and any squandering of EU funding caused by this?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Journalistic investigations have revealed numerous irregularities arising from non-compliance with technical specifications during work on the Sebeș-Turda motorway project, which has been receiving EU funding as part of the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014-2020.Specifically, this concerns the provisions of Chapter IV, Section 3, Article 83 of the ‘Warm-mix asphalt specifications: technical specifications for the planning, preparation and use of asphalt mixes’, stipulating that asphalt surfacing may only be done in outdoor temperatures of at least 10 C.For reasons of electoral expediency, final works on the first motorway section were carried out in November, when the average temperature in Alba County was around 3 C, causing the asphalt surfacing to deteriorate rapidly, as revealed in the following article: https://bit.ly/3jiAC6Z.1.What information does the European Commission have regarding the implementation of this project?2.How will it respond to any evidence of non-compliance with quality standards by those in charge of the project and any squandering of EU funding caused by this?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Reggio Calabria Airport is experiencing a dramatic fall in air traffic as a result of airlines (particularly Alitalia) slashing many routes in a response to the COVID-19 outbreak which is likely to endure beyond the restrictions in place.However, this airport is essential for social and territorial cohesion, as it means that a region as poorly connected as Calabria is not cut off further and serves as a potential hub for transfers to western Sicily.In view of the above, can the Commission answer the following questions:1.What measures does the Commission intend to adopt to assist regional airports, such as that in Reggio Calabria, which are vital despite lower passenger volumes, so that they can resume operations, protect jobs and bear existing structural costs?2.Does the Commission intend to introduce measures to promote certain routes, simplification mechanisms, targeted support schemes, or incentives among minor and major airports?3.How will the Commission encourage the Italian Government (which is set to take over Alitalia) to support and expand this airport that is a lifeline for the economic development and tourism industry of one of the EU’s poorest and least developed regions?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Reggio Calabria Airport is experiencing a dramatic fall in air traffic as a result of airlines (particularly Alitalia) slashing many routes in a response to the COVID-19 outbreak which is likely to endure beyond the restrictions in place.However, this airport is essential for social and territorial cohesion, as it means that a region as poorly connected as Calabria is not cut off further and serves as a potential hub for transfers to western Sicily.In view of the above, can the Commission answer the following questions:1.What measures does the Commission intend to adopt to assist regional airports, such as that in Reggio Calabria, which are vital despite lower passenger volumes, so that they can resume operations, protect jobs and bear existing structural costs?2.Does the Commission intend to introduce measures to promote certain routes, simplification mechanisms, targeted support schemes, or incentives among minor and major airports?3.How will the Commission encourage the Italian Government (which is set to take over Alitalia) to support and expand this airport that is a lifeline for the economic development and tourism industry of one of the EU’s poorest and least developed regions?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The service provided by port authorities and coastguards helps to strengthen the safety of ports, carrying out an activity of common public interest which involves sighting commercial ships, registering ship movements and other relevant information and communicating this data to the authorities which request it, thus contributing to the safety of the port. How can the Commission act to ensure that the Port Management Information System (PMIS) is better used by port authorities and coastguards in order to improve safety standards in managing port traffic?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The service provided by port authorities and coastguards helps to strengthen the safety of ports, carrying out an activity of common public interest which involves sighting commercial ships, registering ship movements and other relevant information and communicating this data to the authorities which request it, thus contributing to the safety of the port. How can the Commission act to ensure that the Port Management Information System (PMIS) is better used by port authorities and coastguards in order to improve safety standards in managing port traffic?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The donors' conference organised by the European Union on Monday, 17 February 2020, to help Albania rebuild after the violent earthquake of 26 November 2019, which caused an estimated EUR 1 billion of damage, raised EUR 1.15 billion. After an initial package of EUR 15 million approved in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake in December 2019, total EU contributions amount to almost EUR 400 million.1.Can the Commission say what timetable will be adopted for reconstruction projects?2.Will the Commission put in place technical assistance to increase the take-up capacity of funds so that reconstruction can go ahead as soon as possible?3.Albania is not a member of the European Union. What means are being used to ensure that the funds collected are used properly and what ex-ante and ex-post controls will be carried out?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The donors' conference organised by the European Union on Monday, 17 February 2020, to help Albania rebuild after the violent earthquake of 26 November 2019, which caused an estimated EUR 1 billion of damage, raised EUR 1.15 billion. After an initial package of EUR 15 million approved in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake in December 2019, total EU contributions amount to almost EUR 400 million.1.Can the Commission say what timetable will be adopted for reconstruction projects?2.Will the Commission put in place technical assistance to increase the take-up capacity of funds so that reconstruction can go ahead as soon as possible?3.Albania is not a member of the European Union. What means are being used to ensure that the funds collected are used properly and what ex-ante and ex-post controls will be carried out?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Attica highway, known as the Elefsina - Stavrou - Spata Airport freeway, is amajor project which is closely associated with the operation of the new airport in Spata and the 2004 Olympic Games. The original budget of this project was GRD 450 billion, and it was due to be completed and gradually handed over between 2001 and 2002. Recently anumber of airlines have been threatening to boycott Spata airport if the above highway leading to the new airport has not been completed. There are also signs that the suburban railway linking the new airport of Spata and Athens will not be ready for the Olympic Games in 2004, since the competition for the choice of consultant for the project will be invalidated. Will the Commission say: 1. What is the overall take-up rate of appropriations for the project so far, what is the delay in the handover of the project and has any provision been made for the payment of compensation for this delay? 2. When is the project expected to be opened to traffic given the present rate of construction? 3. What are the consequences likely to be for the operation of Spata airport if the Attica highway is not completed in time? 4. What exactly is to be done to link the centre of Athens by rail to the new airport of Spata?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The Attica highway, known as the Elefsina - Stavrou - Spata Airport freeway, is amajor project which is closely associated with the operation of the new airport in Spata and the 2004 Olympic Games. The original budget of this project was GRD 450 billion, and it was due to be completed and gradually handed over between 2001 and 2002. Recently anumber of airlines have been threatening to boycott Spata airport if the above highway leading to the new airport has not been completed. There are also signs that the suburban railway linking the new airport of Spata and Athens will not be ready for the Olympic Games in 2004, since the competition for the choice of consultant for the project will be invalidated. Will the Commission say: 1. What is the overall take-up rate of appropriations for the project so far, what is the delay in the handover of the project and has any provision been made for the payment of compensation for this delay? 2. When is the project expected to be opened to traffic given the present rate of construction? 3. What are the consequences likely to be for the operation of Spata airport if the Attica highway is not completed in time? 4. What exactly is to be done to link the centre of Athens by rail to the new airport of Spata?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its report dated 30 June 2003, the High-Level Group on the Trans-European Transport Network, chaired by Karel van Miert, proposed a list of priority projects for rapid implementation. With regard to Austria, for example, the Paris - Strasbourg - Stuttgart - Vienna - Bratislava rail axis for freight and passenger traffic is of major importance. However, the railway infrastructure in the international section between Vienna and Bratislava is currently not up to standard and therefore requires upgrading as a matter of urgency. It is regrettable that the Federal Austrian Government has suddenly gone very quiet about this matter: there are no project plans, and no information has been given about the allocation of budgetary funding for the Public-Private Partnership. Nor was any priority ascribed to the upgrading of the international section between Vienna and Bratislava in Austria's 2003 General Transport Plan. Adjustment at national level is urgently required here so as to bring national priorities into line with European priorities. Does the Commission have any information which would indicate that the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology is actually taking action with a view to securing funding from TEN appropriations for national and international sections on the Austrian routes included in the priority projects list?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
In its report dated 30 June 2003, the High-Level Group on the Trans-European Transport Network, chaired by Karel van Miert, proposed a list of priority projects for rapid implementation. With regard to Austria, for example, the Paris - Strasbourg - Stuttgart - Vienna - Bratislava rail axis for freight and passenger traffic is of major importance. However, the railway infrastructure in the international section between Vienna and Bratislava is currently not up to standard and therefore requires upgrading as a matter of urgency. It is regrettable that the Federal Austrian Government has suddenly gone very quiet about this matter: there are no project plans, and no information has been given about the allocation of budgetary funding for the Public-Private Partnership. Nor was any priority ascribed to the upgrading of the international section between Vienna and Bratislava in Austria's 2003 General Transport Plan. Adjustment at national level is urgently required here so as to bring national priorities into line with European priorities. Does the Commission have any information which would indicate that the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology is actually taking action with a view to securing funding from TEN appropriations for national and international sections on the Austrian routes included in the priority projects list?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "EU expenditure on quays, docks and breakwaters in European ports is in many cases a waste of money. One third of investments between 2000 and 2013 were ineffective and unsustainable. This is the finding of the European Court of Auditors(1). For example, nearly EUR100million were spent on facilities that already existed nearby. In other cases, investments were made in infrastructure which for many years after it was installed was used very little if at all. In 14 of the ports investigated, there was no good road or rail connection. Furthermore, many projects were plagued with delays and cost overruns. Between 2000 and 2013 theEU spent EUR17million in subsidies and loans for ports. 1.Does the Commission agree with the Court of Auditors’ finding that EU subsidies for ports are in many cases a waste of taxpayers’ money? 2.If so, is the Commission prepared to immediately halt the disbursement of EU subsidies to ports? If not, why not? (1)http://www.telegraaf.nl/dft/nieuws_dft/26664808/__Europese_zeehavensubsidie_vaak_verspilling__.html" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
EU expenditure on quays, docks and breakwaters in European ports is in many cases a waste of money. One third of investments between 2000 and 2013 were ineffective and unsustainable. This is the finding of the European Court of Auditors(1). For example, nearly EUR100million were spent on facilities that already existed nearby. In other cases, investments were made in infrastructure which for many years after it was installed was used very little if at all. In 14 of the ports investigated, there was no good road or rail connection. Furthermore, many projects were plagued with delays and cost overruns. Between 2000 and 2013 theEU spent EUR17million in subsidies and loans for ports. 1.Does the Commission agree with the Court of Auditors’ finding that EU subsidies for ports are in many cases a waste of taxpayers’ money? 2.If so, is the Commission prepared to immediately halt the disbursement of EU subsidies to ports? If not, why not? (1)http://www.telegraaf.nl/dft/nieuws_dft/26664808/__Europese_zeehavensubsidie_vaak_verspilling__.html
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1. By what haulage undertakings are consignments of animals for slaughter carried? 2. Where do the different undertakings have their registered offices? 3. Who are the operators of the haulage undertakings? 4. What capacities do the haulage undertakings have?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1. By what haulage undertakings are consignments of animals for slaughter carried? 2. Where do the different undertakings have their registered offices? 3. Who are the operators of the haulage undertakings? 4. What capacities do the haulage undertakings have?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Various reports and assessments show that there are considerable differences in the way vehicle road charges have been implemented in the Member States. As a result, a fully integrated market is yet to be reached. Member States are allowed to apply the systems that first and foremost fit their needs. It seems that there are qualitative differences between road charging systems, with distance-based charges being the most effective. Substantial variations can also be found in the area of electronic tolling with significant challenges concerning the issue of interoperability, while DSRC (dedicated short-range communications) is the most used system. What is the Commission’s opinion regarding the potential development of operability through the current systems in use under EETS, and what actions are foreseen to increase the harmonisation of these services?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Various reports and assessments show that there are considerable differences in the way vehicle road charges have been implemented in the Member States. As a result, a fully integrated market is yet to be reached. Member States are allowed to apply the systems that first and foremost fit their needs. It seems that there are qualitative differences between road charging systems, with distance-based charges being the most effective. Substantial variations can also be found in the area of electronic tolling with significant challenges concerning the issue of interoperability, while DSRC (dedicated short-range communications) is the most used system. What is the Commission’s opinion regarding the potential development of operability through the current systems in use under EETS, and what actions are foreseen to increase the harmonisation of these services?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Driving instructors spend more time than any other driving professionals with test candidates. At present, driving examiners are public officials employed by the Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT) — a division of the Ministry of the Interior — to assess both theory and practical tests. TheDGT has recently organised a two-month examiners’ course solely for staff from the Ministry of the Interior (including, among others, employees from the Post and Telegraph Services and from Penal Institutions). 1.When demand is high, could driving instructors not act as examiners for theory tests and practical tests, even on an exceptional basis? 2.In order to guarantee the quality of the examiners, whether civil servants or not, does the Commission consider it beneficial for colleges of engineers to collaborate with Administration so that they can pass on their knowledge and understanding of cars to future examiners?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Driving instructors spend more time than any other driving professionals with test candidates. At present, driving examiners are public officials employed by the Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT) — a division of the Ministry of the Interior — to assess both theory and practical tests. TheDGT has recently organised a two-month examiners’ course solely for staff from the Ministry of the Interior (including, among others, employees from the Post and Telegraph Services and from Penal Institutions). 1.When demand is high, could driving instructors not act as examiners for theory tests and practical tests, even on an exceptional basis? 2.In order to guarantee the quality of the examiners, whether civil servants or not, does the Commission consider it beneficial for colleges of engineers to collaborate with Administration so that they can pass on their knowledge and understanding of cars to future examiners?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Spanish Government Minister Mariano Rajoy and the Galician Government Economics Adviser Xosé Antón Orza have publicly stated that the Spanish Government is to invest 150 000 million pesetas (901,4million euros) in Galicia's railways during the 2000-2006 period. Can the Commission confirm this figure and state categorically that, as a result of such investment, Galicia will definitely be linked to the trans-European high-speed rail network and that its internal network will also be modernised?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The Spanish Government Minister Mariano Rajoy and the Galician Government Economics Adviser Xosé Antón Orza have publicly stated that the Spanish Government is to invest 150 000 million pesetas (901,4million euros) in Galicia's railways during the 2000-2006 period. Can the Commission confirm this figure and state categorically that, as a result of such investment, Galicia will definitely be linked to the trans-European high-speed rail network and that its internal network will also be modernised?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Over the summer, late or lost luggage caused considerable difficulties and inconvenience for travellers at many European airports. A survey presented to the Commission on 28July 2009 shows that 4.6million bags arrived late in October 2008, and that on average one in every 64 passengers loses a bag. Passengers also face considerable inconvenience and difficulty when it comes to securing due compensation. MrTajani, Vice-President of the Commission, has stated several times that such a situation is excessive and unacceptable, emphasising the need to develop appropriate instruments to protect travellers' rights; no such instruments are available as yet. The regulation currently applicable to luggage-related incidents (No889/2002(1)) does not protect passengers' rights adequately. In the light of the foregoing, could the Commission please clarify how long it will take to make the necessary improvements to the current system? (1)OJ L 140, 30.5.2002, p. 2." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Over the summer, late or lost luggage caused considerable difficulties and inconvenience for travellers at many European airports. A survey presented to the Commission on 28July 2009 shows that 4.6million bags arrived late in October 2008, and that on average one in every 64 passengers loses a bag. Passengers also face considerable inconvenience and difficulty when it comes to securing due compensation. MrTajani, Vice-President of the Commission, has stated several times that such a situation is excessive and unacceptable, emphasising the need to develop appropriate instruments to protect travellers' rights; no such instruments are available as yet. The regulation currently applicable to luggage-related incidents (No889/2002(1)) does not protect passengers' rights adequately. In the light of the foregoing, could the Commission please clarify how long it will take to make the necessary improvements to the current system? (1)OJ L 140, 30.5.2002, p. 2.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1.Is the Commission aware that, according to the international road transport organization IRU, there are still considerable delays — not infrequently exceeding 24 hours — at a number of major border crossing points in central and eastern Europe? 2.Does the Commission realize how much damage this scandalous state of affairs causes to hauliers carrying goods to and from central and eastern Europe? 3.Will the Commission act to deal with the situation without delay? If so, how? If not, why not?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1.Is the Commission aware that, according to the international road transport organization IRU, there are still considerable delays — not infrequently exceeding 24 hours — at a number of major border crossing points in central and eastern Europe? 2.Does the Commission realize how much damage this scandalous state of affairs causes to hauliers carrying goods to and from central and eastern Europe? 3.Will the Commission act to deal with the situation without delay? If so, how? If not, why not?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The SCTW is an international convention that has over 150 signatory states. It was devised by the IMO and is the standardised educational curriculum for seafarers involved in global maritime traffic, both commercial shipping and fishing.However, the STCW Convention does not cover maritime yacht traffic. Maritime yacht traffic is still a competence of individual states. This is also the case within the European Union.In this connection, can the Commission say why the Union has not launched an initiative to standardise all maritime certification applicable to commercial maritime yacht traffic in order to eliminate differences in individual flags (countries where yachts are registered) and allow normal labour turnover according to market needs?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The SCTW is an international convention that has over 150 signatory states. It was devised by the IMO and is the standardised educational curriculum for seafarers involved in global maritime traffic, both commercial shipping and fishing.However, the STCW Convention does not cover maritime yacht traffic. Maritime yacht traffic is still a competence of individual states. This is also the case within the European Union.In this connection, can the Commission say why the Union has not launched an initiative to standardise all maritime certification applicable to commercial maritime yacht traffic in order to eliminate differences in individual flags (countries where yachts are registered) and allow normal labour turnover according to market needs?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Italian ministers(1) have finally announced that the country’s ‘new’ flag carrier is to be called ITA(2) (Italia Trasporto Aereo SpA)(3). However, the Commission has always said that a change in name is not enough to establish economic discontinuity(4).The decree giving this ‘new’ Alitalia the go-ahead has now been signed(5). Meanwhile, several professors have criticised the fact that taxpayers’ money has been used, calling it a waste that violates EU competition rules(6).In her answer to Written Question E-001269/2019(7), Margrethe Vestager stated that: ‘The Commission analyses the existence of economic continuity using a set of indicia including the scope of the assets transferred, the transfer price, the identity of the buyer, the timing of the transfer and the economic logic of the transaction’(8).As Ms Vestager recalled in a press briefing on 7 October​(9)​, Alitalia has been under investigation since 2017 for multiple instances of State aid.1.What is the timeline for the Commission to make a decision in this matter?2.How will it avoid the 2008(10) scenario, when all of Alitalia’s debt was simply transferred to a ‘bad’ company?3.Will the Commission check where the planes, assets, slots, staff and pilots come from? (1)https://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/alitalia-nasce-la-newco-gualtieri-poste-basi-per-il-rilancio-del-trasporto-aereo-d55177b6-b5fe-4b72-8d79-1e0bd3ce7626.html (2)https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/alitalia-addio-newco-si-chiama-ita-italia-trasporto-aereo-AD0bSxu (3)https://twitter.com/paola_demicheli/status/1314646721230667778 (4)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2018-002337-ASW_EN.html (5)https://www.corriere.it/economia/aziende/20_ottobre_09/decolla-alitalia-ita-nuova-compagnia-bandiera-06675f7e-0a63-11eb-86ad-2b1b791a9e6a.shtml (6)https://phastidio.net/2020/10/11/il-conto-degli-aiuti-di-stato-prima-o-poi-arriva-e-lo-paghiamo-noi/ (7)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2019-001269-ASW_EN.html (8)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2018-002337-ASW_EN.htm. (9)https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-196022?lg=OR (10)https://ec.europa.eu/competition/elojade/isef/case_details.cfm?proc_code=3_N510_2008" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Italian ministers(1) have finally announced that the country’s ‘new’ flag carrier is to be called ITA(2) (Italia Trasporto Aereo SpA)(3). However, the Commission has always said that a change in name is not enough to establish economic discontinuity(4).The decree giving this ‘new’ Alitalia the go-ahead has now been signed(5). Meanwhile, several professors have criticised the fact that taxpayers’ money has been used, calling it a waste that violates EU competition rules(6).In her answer to Written Question E-001269/2019(7), Margrethe Vestager stated that: ‘The Commission analyses the existence of economic continuity using a set of indicia including the scope of the assets transferred, the transfer price, the identity of the buyer, the timing of the transfer and the economic logic of the transaction’(8).As Ms Vestager recalled in a press briefing on 7 October​(9)​, Alitalia has been under investigation since 2017 for multiple instances of State aid.1.What is the timeline for the Commission to make a decision in this matter?2.How will it avoid the 2008(10) scenario, when all of Alitalia’s debt was simply transferred to a ‘bad’ company?3.Will the Commission check where the planes, assets, slots, staff and pilots come from? (1)https://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/alitalia-nasce-la-newco-gualtieri-poste-basi-per-il-rilancio-del-trasporto-aereo-d55177b6-b5fe-4b72-8d79-1e0bd3ce7626.html (2)https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/alitalia-addio-newco-si-chiama-ita-italia-trasporto-aereo-AD0bSxu (3)https://twitter.com/paola_demicheli/status/1314646721230667778 (4)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2018-002337-ASW_EN.html (5)https://www.corriere.it/economia/aziende/20_ottobre_09/decolla-alitalia-ita-nuova-compagnia-bandiera-06675f7e-0a63-11eb-86ad-2b1b791a9e6a.shtml (6)https://phastidio.net/2020/10/11/il-conto-degli-aiuti-di-stato-prima-o-poi-arriva-e-lo-paghiamo-noi/ (7)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2019-001269-ASW_EN.html (8)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2018-002337-ASW_EN.htm. (9)https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-196022?lg=OR (10)https://ec.europa.eu/competition/elojade/isef/case_details.cfm?proc_code=3_N510_2008
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "As part of the trans-European multimodal CorridorIV (Berlin-Dresden-Prague-Bratislava-Sofia-Istanbul), there are plans to extend the motorway network around Prague. Parts of this work have already been carried out; discussions are now focussing on construction of the north-western section of the orbital motorway. Two options are under consideration: option‘J’, which would pass through heavily populated areas of northern Prague, and option‘Ss’, which would pass through less densely populated areas further north, on the outskirts of Prague. 1.What does the EU estimate the cost of the project to be? 2.Has EU funding been requested for this construction work? If so, by whom and how much, and has this funding been approved? 3.If EU funding has been approved, what conditions were laid down? If no EU funding has been approved, why not? 4.According to the information available to the EU, has an environmental impact assessment of each of the options been carried out? If so, what were their findings? If not, why not? 5.In the EU’s estimation, are the costs of option ‘J’ significantly higher than those of option‘Ss’ on account of geological conditions? If so, by how much? 6.In the opinion of the EU, is there a danger that, under option ‘J’, urban and long-distance traffic would not be separated, and that this option would therefore not be in line with Decision No1692/96/EC(1), according to which bottlenecks in long-distance traffic should be avoided? 7.How does the Commission assess the advantages and disadvantages of the two options? (1)OJ L 228, 9.9.1996, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
As part of the trans-European multimodal CorridorIV (Berlin-Dresden-Prague-Bratislava-Sofia-Istanbul), there are plans to extend the motorway network around Prague. Parts of this work have already been carried out; discussions are now focussing on construction of the north-western section of the orbital motorway. Two options are under consideration: option‘J’, which would pass through heavily populated areas of northern Prague, and option‘Ss’, which would pass through less densely populated areas further north, on the outskirts of Prague. 1.What does the EU estimate the cost of the project to be? 2.Has EU funding been requested for this construction work? If so, by whom and how much, and has this funding been approved? 3.If EU funding has been approved, what conditions were laid down? If no EU funding has been approved, why not? 4.According to the information available to the EU, has an environmental impact assessment of each of the options been carried out? If so, what were their findings? If not, why not? 5.In the EU’s estimation, are the costs of option ‘J’ significantly higher than those of option‘Ss’ on account of geological conditions? If so, by how much? 6.In the opinion of the EU, is there a danger that, under option ‘J’, urban and long-distance traffic would not be separated, and that this option would therefore not be in line with Decision No1692/96/EC(1), according to which bottlenecks in long-distance traffic should be avoided? 7.How does the Commission assess the advantages and disadvantages of the two options? (1)OJ L 228, 9.9.1996, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Can the Commission indicate how many new air routes between the EU and the USA have started or are about to start as a result of the EU‑US open skies agreement and how many of them are from London Heathrow Airport?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Can the Commission indicate how many new air routes between the EU and the USA have started or are about to start as a result of the EU‑US open skies agreement and how many of them are from London Heathrow Airport?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "It is still necessary for seafarers to have what is known as a seaman's book, in order to provide a record of the time at sea and the holder's identity. Freedom of movement within the European Union has made it possible for people to pursue a profession throughout the EU unhindered. Difficulties arise when it comes to ascertaining which authority is responsible for issuing this document. The Member States of the European Union have no uniform approach regarding competence in this area. They have different criteria concerning the conditions for issuing the document. According to the regulations applicable in Denmark, their authorities are only responsible when the applicant is a Danish citizen. In Germany, the law states that seafarers must sail under the German flag. This appears to create problems. The IMO (International Maritime Organisation) is currently discussing how responsibility in this area should be determined. No conclusion has yet been reached. In the light of this, can the Commission answer the following questions: 1. What stage have the IMO negotiations reached? 2. When can we expect an international regulation? 3. Does the Commission believe that the regulations in force in the EU Member States are compatible with the fundamental freedoms of the internal market? 4. Is the Commission considering introducing a standard European regulation until such time as an IMO regulation is enacted?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
It is still necessary for seafarers to have what is known as a seaman's book, in order to provide a record of the time at sea and the holder's identity. Freedom of movement within the European Union has made it possible for people to pursue a profession throughout the EU unhindered. Difficulties arise when it comes to ascertaining which authority is responsible for issuing this document. The Member States of the European Union have no uniform approach regarding competence in this area. They have different criteria concerning the conditions for issuing the document. According to the regulations applicable in Denmark, their authorities are only responsible when the applicant is a Danish citizen. In Germany, the law states that seafarers must sail under the German flag. This appears to create problems. The IMO (International Maritime Organisation) is currently discussing how responsibility in this area should be determined. No conclusion has yet been reached. In the light of this, can the Commission answer the following questions: 1. What stage have the IMO negotiations reached? 2. When can we expect an international regulation? 3. Does the Commission believe that the regulations in force in the EU Member States are compatible with the fundamental freedoms of the internal market? 4. Is the Commission considering introducing a standard European regulation until such time as an IMO regulation is enacted?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The United Kingdom, which has always been one of the pillars of the united Europe, is wont to distinguish itself from the other European countries with the aid of certain usages and customs. This finding can be supported by specific examples such as driving on the right. Another example is the units of measurement, which are different from those used internationally. Length is measured not in metres, centimetres, or kilometres, but in miles, yards, spans, feet, and inches; for liquids there are pints and gallons, but not litres. The newly adopted EU provisions require decimal metric indications to be given as well as imperial indications. The definitive change-over, whereby Her Majesty’s subjects will adopt the international system once and for all, has thus been put back to a date to be determined. In these circumstances a problem arises, however, for motorists. The EU measure does not apply to road and motorway signs, and distances and speed limits will consequently continue to be expressed in miles only, causing considerable inconvenience to the many non-British European motorists, who will have to remember that a mile is equivalent to about 1.61km and be sure to calculate their cruising speed according to the imperial system and do it in real time. Does the Commission not believe, therefore, that it should urge the British Government to introduce a new road sign system, within a reasonable time-frame, so as to enable speeds and distances to be given in both miles and kilometres? Does it not take the view that if speeds and distances were to remain in miles only, a risk might be posed to non-British European motorists, who would be obliged to calculate their speed in the ‘new’ unit of measurement and thus be in danger of losing concentration while driving?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The United Kingdom, which has always been one of the pillars of the united Europe, is wont to distinguish itself from the other European countries with the aid of certain usages and customs. This finding can be supported by specific examples such as driving on the right. Another example is the units of measurement, which are different from those used internationally. Length is measured not in metres, centimetres, or kilometres, but in miles, yards, spans, feet, and inches; for liquids there are pints and gallons, but not litres. The newly adopted EU provisions require decimal metric indications to be given as well as imperial indications. The definitive change-over, whereby Her Majesty’s subjects will adopt the international system once and for all, has thus been put back to a date to be determined. In these circumstances a problem arises, however, for motorists. The EU measure does not apply to road and motorway signs, and distances and speed limits will consequently continue to be expressed in miles only, causing considerable inconvenience to the many non-British European motorists, who will have to remember that a mile is equivalent to about 1.61km and be sure to calculate their cruising speed according to the imperial system and do it in real time. Does the Commission not believe, therefore, that it should urge the British Government to introduce a new road sign system, within a reasonable time-frame, so as to enable speeds and distances to be given in both miles and kilometres? Does it not take the view that if speeds and distances were to remain in miles only, a risk might be posed to non-British European motorists, who would be obliged to calculate their speed in the ‘new’ unit of measurement and thus be in danger of losing concentration while driving?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In 1988, the Italian Ministry of Public Works approved the development plan for the port of Ancona. All the works completed and scheduled so far conform to the provisions and guidelines of the subsequent implementing plan, issued in 1997. That implementing plan provided for the construction of an outer sea wall with an entrance to the port, an outer breakwater to protect the new dock and a straight quay, without making any provision for the demolition of two thirds of the north dock, as specified in the 1988 development plan. As a result of navigational tests conducted by the Genoa‑based Centre for Technical Naval Studies (CETENA), a new port development plan was proposed which showed that navigability would only be enhanced if the two‑thirds of the north dock were demolished. That plan was adopted by the port committee which, in its subsequently‑adopted ruling No108 of 20September 2005, requested that meteorological‑marine studies be incorporated into the approval procedure, with the findings of those studies showing that, in the event of the dock being demolished, alternative solutions had to be implemented for the offshore structures in order to ensure that vessels could moor safely. However, that amendment to the port development plan conforms neither to the regulations on assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, governed by the SEA Directive, nor to the regulations concerning environmental impact assessments (EIAs). Furthermore, it transpires that there was never any consultation of the public in the municipality of Macerata during the introductory phase of the procedure, as is stipulated in the relevant rules. In the light of the above, can the Commission: 1. Indicate whether, in accordance with the applicable Community legislation, the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) have been conducted, in anticipation of the demolition of the two‑thirds of the north dock? 2. Give an overview of the situation?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
In 1988, the Italian Ministry of Public Works approved the development plan for the port of Ancona. All the works completed and scheduled so far conform to the provisions and guidelines of the subsequent implementing plan, issued in 1997. That implementing plan provided for the construction of an outer sea wall with an entrance to the port, an outer breakwater to protect the new dock and a straight quay, without making any provision for the demolition of two thirds of the north dock, as specified in the 1988 development plan. As a result of navigational tests conducted by the Genoa‑based Centre for Technical Naval Studies (CETENA), a new port development plan was proposed which showed that navigability would only be enhanced if the two‑thirds of the north dock were demolished. That plan was adopted by the port committee which, in its subsequently‑adopted ruling No108 of 20September 2005, requested that meteorological‑marine studies be incorporated into the approval procedure, with the findings of those studies showing that, in the event of the dock being demolished, alternative solutions had to be implemented for the offshore structures in order to ensure that vessels could moor safely. However, that amendment to the port development plan conforms neither to the regulations on assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, governed by the SEA Directive, nor to the regulations concerning environmental impact assessments (EIAs). Furthermore, it transpires that there was never any consultation of the public in the municipality of Macerata during the introductory phase of the procedure, as is stipulated in the relevant rules. In the light of the above, can the Commission: 1. Indicate whether, in accordance with the applicable Community legislation, the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) have been conducted, in anticipation of the demolition of the two‑thirds of the north dock? 2. Give an overview of the situation?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Can the Commission provide details of whether information on how Directive 91/439/EEC (1) affects LGV/PCV drivers has been collated on an EU-wide basis? If not, has the Commission any intention to do so? (1)OJ L 237, 24.8.1991, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Can the Commission provide details of whether information on how Directive 91/439/EEC (1) affects LGV/PCV drivers has been collated on an EU-wide basis? If not, has the Commission any intention to do so? (1)OJ L 237, 24.8.1991, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The imposition of tolls on the national highway linking Corinth and Patras has caused a storm of protest in Greece because that particular section of road does not meet motorway specifications as defined in Article7, paragraph2(a)of Directive1999/62/EC(1). The ministry responsible has stated in the Greek press that the introduction of mandatory charges is based on the exemption provided by Article7, paragraph2(b)(i), which allows Member States also to impose tolls on roads which are comparable in nature to motorways. Given that the exemption provided by Article7, paragraph2(b)(i)requires prior consultation of the Commission, will the Commission say: — whether the Greek Government consulted the Commission, in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Council's Decision(2) of 21March 1962, before the imposition of tolls on this particular section of the national highway, — whether it will intervene to protect consumers from unlawful charges, and — whether the revised Directive2006/38/EC(3), the deadline for the transposition of which into Member States' national law is 10June 2008, has been incorporated into Greek legislation? (1)OJL187, 20.7.1999, p.42. (2)OJL23, 3.4.1962, p.720. (3)OJL157, 9.6.2006, p.8." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The imposition of tolls on the national highway linking Corinth and Patras has caused a storm of protest in Greece because that particular section of road does not meet motorway specifications as defined in Article7, paragraph2(a)of Directive1999/62/EC(1). The ministry responsible has stated in the Greek press that the introduction of mandatory charges is based on the exemption provided by Article7, paragraph2(b)(i), which allows Member States also to impose tolls on roads which are comparable in nature to motorways. Given that the exemption provided by Article7, paragraph2(b)(i)requires prior consultation of the Commission, will the Commission say: — whether the Greek Government consulted the Commission, in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Council's Decision(2) of 21March 1962, before the imposition of tolls on this particular section of the national highway, — whether it will intervene to protect consumers from unlawful charges, and — whether the revised Directive2006/38/EC(3), the deadline for the transposition of which into Member States' national law is 10June 2008, has been incorporated into Greek legislation? (1)OJL187, 20.7.1999, p.42. (2)OJL23, 3.4.1962, p.720. (3)OJL157, 9.6.2006, p.8.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "I was recently contacted by the Czech company ‘Bodeček Industries, s.r.o.’ regarding the legal interpretation of Directive2002/24/EC(1). The company in question manufactures bicycles fitted with additional auxiliary motors. These auxiliary motors can be fitted on any type of bicycle. Under Czech legislation, bicycles are regarded as non‑motorised road vehicles. Given the interest in EU countries in the products manufactured by Bodeček Industries, s.r.o. and given the manufacturer’s interest in exporting its products, Iwould like answers from the Commission to the following questions: 1. Under the interpretation of Directive2002/24/EC, are bicycles regarded as non‑motorised road vehicles? 2. Do the provisions of Directive2002/24/EC apply to bicycles fitted with additional auxiliary motors? 3. What specific steps should Bodeček Industries, s.r.o. take in order to obtain written confirmation that Directive2002/24/EC does not apply to the specific products that the company manufactures? (1)OJ L 124, 9.5.2002, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
I was recently contacted by the Czech company ‘Bodeček Industries, s.r.o.’ regarding the legal interpretation of Directive2002/24/EC(1). The company in question manufactures bicycles fitted with additional auxiliary motors. These auxiliary motors can be fitted on any type of bicycle. Under Czech legislation, bicycles are regarded as non‑motorised road vehicles. Given the interest in EU countries in the products manufactured by Bodeček Industries, s.r.o. and given the manufacturer’s interest in exporting its products, Iwould like answers from the Commission to the following questions: 1. Under the interpretation of Directive2002/24/EC, are bicycles regarded as non‑motorised road vehicles? 2. Do the provisions of Directive2002/24/EC apply to bicycles fitted with additional auxiliary motors? 3. What specific steps should Bodeček Industries, s.r.o. take in order to obtain written confirmation that Directive2002/24/EC does not apply to the specific products that the company manufactures? (1)OJ L 124, 9.5.2002, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Information from Albania seems to confirm a plan giving preference to the completion of """"""""corridor 10"""""""", a road link between Greece and Montenegro via Albania, at the expense of the completion of what has until now been regarded as a priority, namely """"""""corridor 8"""""""", a link between southern Italy, Durres, Pristina, Skopje and Sofia, i.e. between Albania and Kosovo and between Albania and Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. Has the Commission any further information on this matter? Is it aware of the grave risks which the carrying through of such a plan would entail for the stability of the entire region, the internal stability of Albania and the comprehensive development of relations between, one the one hand, the European Union and, on the other, Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo? Can the Commission also provide information concerning the stage reached (including any delays and the reasons for them) in the completion of corridors 8 and 10 and the Union's contribution thereto?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Information from Albania seems to confirm a plan giving preference to the completion of """"""""corridor 10"""""""", a road link between Greece and Montenegro via Albania, at the expense of the completion of what has until now been regarded as a priority, namely """"""""corridor 8"""""""", a link between southern Italy, Durres, Pristina, Skopje and Sofia, i.e. between Albania and Kosovo and between Albania and Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. Has the Commission any further information on this matter? Is it aware of the grave risks which the carrying through of such a plan would entail for the stability of the entire region, the internal stability of Albania and the comprehensive development of relations between, one the one hand, the European Union and, on the other, Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo? Can the Commission also provide information concerning the stage reached (including any delays and the reasons for them) in the completion of corridors 8 and 10 and the Union's contribution thereto?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The city of Porto is the centre of an agglomeration which has a population of 1 200 000 and in which traffic problems have worsened dramatically in recent years. The construction of an underground rail network has therefore become a crucial and urgent issue. Now that the relevant studies, projects and invitations to tender have been completed, the metro is ready to start. Nevertheless, complaints made to the Commission by a consortium which was passed over in the final stage of the tender procedure are paralysing the commencement of work on the project, much to the detriment of the population. Why is the Commission taking such a long time to come to a decision on this urgent matter? When does it expect to reach a final decision? Is it aware of the damage being caused by its slowness in taking decisions?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The city of Porto is the centre of an agglomeration which has a population of 1 200 000 and in which traffic problems have worsened dramatically in recent years. The construction of an underground rail network has therefore become a crucial and urgent issue. Now that the relevant studies, projects and invitations to tender have been completed, the metro is ready to start. Nevertheless, complaints made to the Commission by a consortium which was passed over in the final stage of the tender procedure are paralysing the commencement of work on the project, much to the detriment of the population. Why is the Commission taking such a long time to come to a decision on this urgent matter? When does it expect to reach a final decision? Is it aware of the damage being caused by its slowness in taking decisions?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Following the liquidation of the Iranian General Soleimani on 3 January 2020, European airlines continued to fly over Iran and Iraq. The Dutch airline KLM decided only on 8 January, following Iran’s missile attacks on military bases in Iraq and the downing of Flight PS752 in Tehran, to stop flying over the two countries. It was only on Thursday, 16 January that the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued a Conflict Zone Information Bulletin (CZIB) recommending that airlines should not fly over Iran at any altitude lower than 25000ft.1.What is the Commission’s assessment of the role of EASA in keeping European citizens safe, given that European airlines continued to fly over the conflict zones Iran and Iraq after the liquidation of General Soleimani?2.In view of the downing of flight MH17 in Ukraine in 2014 and the recent disaster to flight PS752 in Iran, what measures are being taken to increase the safety of flights operated by European airlines in possible high risk zones?3.Does the Commission consider that the decision to fly over high risk zones should rest with airlines or EASA?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Following the liquidation of the Iranian General Soleimani on 3 January 2020, European airlines continued to fly over Iran and Iraq. The Dutch airline KLM decided only on 8 January, following Iran’s missile attacks on military bases in Iraq and the downing of Flight PS752 in Tehran, to stop flying over the two countries. It was only on Thursday, 16 January that the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued a Conflict Zone Information Bulletin (CZIB) recommending that airlines should not fly over Iran at any altitude lower than 25000ft.1.What is the Commission’s assessment of the role of EASA in keeping European citizens safe, given that European airlines continued to fly over the conflict zones Iran and Iraq after the liquidation of General Soleimani?2.In view of the downing of flight MH17 in Ukraine in 2014 and the recent disaster to flight PS752 in Iran, what measures are being taken to increase the safety of flights operated by European airlines in possible high risk zones?3.Does the Commission consider that the decision to fly over high risk zones should rest with airlines or EASA?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Following the accident involving the Prestige the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) informed Parliament that an anti-pollution vessel would be permanently based at a Galician port. It has recently become known that of the seven EU anti-pollution vessels, none will be based in Galicia, even though the EMSA still acknowledges that Galicia is a priority area on account of its geographical location. 1.If Galicia is a priority area and the EU does not station any anti-pollution vessel there, it would seem obvious that the system devised by the EMSA has not worked properly. Does the Commission not agree? 2.The fact that Spanish private companies are not involved would appear to have prevented such a vessel from being stationed in Galicia and from being co-financed. Does the Commission think that such a sensitive issue which recently had such serious implications for Galicia can be ignored, that Galicia can be left without a permanent vessel and that the EU can justify this state of affairs by attributing it to a lack of financial resources? 3.If stationing a vessel in Galicia is a priority and no vessel is currently stationed there (whereas five of the seven vessels authorised are heading for the Baltic), what new plans and measures is the Commission envisaging in order to resolve a major priority issue which is supported by the vast majority of the Galician people, who have suffered more than others from the effects of countless accidents at sea?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Following the accident involving the Prestige the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) informed Parliament that an anti-pollution vessel would be permanently based at a Galician port. It has recently become known that of the seven EU anti-pollution vessels, none will be based in Galicia, even though the EMSA still acknowledges that Galicia is a priority area on account of its geographical location. 1.If Galicia is a priority area and the EU does not station any anti-pollution vessel there, it would seem obvious that the system devised by the EMSA has not worked properly. Does the Commission not agree? 2.The fact that Spanish private companies are not involved would appear to have prevented such a vessel from being stationed in Galicia and from being co-financed. Does the Commission think that such a sensitive issue which recently had such serious implications for Galicia can be ignored, that Galicia can be left without a permanent vessel and that the EU can justify this state of affairs by attributing it to a lack of financial resources? 3.If stationing a vessel in Galicia is a priority and no vessel is currently stationed there (whereas five of the seven vessels authorised are heading for the Baltic), what new plans and measures is the Commission envisaging in order to resolve a major priority issue which is supported by the vast majority of the Galician people, who have suffered more than others from the effects of countless accidents at sea?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1.What is the situation with regard to the uptake of appropriations earmarked for technical infrastructure as regards road and rail transport in the different EU Member States? 2.How much funding has been allocated for ongoing investments (as regards point1 above) for the different EU Member States? 3.What proportion of the appropriations earmarked for technical infrastructure as regards road and rail transport will have been refunded by the end of 2013 in the different EU Member States?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1.What is the situation with regard to the uptake of appropriations earmarked for technical infrastructure as regards road and rail transport in the different EU Member States? 2.How much funding has been allocated for ongoing investments (as regards point1 above) for the different EU Member States? 3.What proportion of the appropriations earmarked for technical infrastructure as regards road and rail transport will have been refunded by the end of 2013 in the different EU Member States?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to Regulation (EC) No44/2001(1) on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, the jurisdiction for a case essentially lies with the Member State in which the defendant is domiciled. In the case of consumer contracts, proceedings may be brought against the other party to a contract either in the courts of the Member State in which that party is domiciled or in the courts for the place where the consumer is domiciled (Article16 of Regulation (EC) No44/2001). This does not apply to contracts of transport other than a contract which, for an inclusive price, provides for a combination of travel and accommodation. This means that the rules on jurisdiction with regard to consumer contracts are not applicable to Regulation (EC) No261/2004(2) establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights where the subject of the litigation is a contract concerning solely transport. In practice, these circumstances often mean that passengers are unable to seek the compensation to which they are entitled, as the language issue alone immediately deters the average citizen from bringing legal proceedings in another European country. 1.Would it not be useful, in the Commission's view, to extend the rules on jurisdiction with regard to consumer contracts to all transport contracts that come under Regulation (EC) No261/2004, in order to strengthen air passenger rights? 2.How does the Commission explain its position? (1)OJL12, 16.1.2001, p.1. (2)OJL46, 17.2.2004, p.1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
According to Regulation (EC) No44/2001(1) on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, the jurisdiction for a case essentially lies with the Member State in which the defendant is domiciled. In the case of consumer contracts, proceedings may be brought against the other party to a contract either in the courts of the Member State in which that party is domiciled or in the courts for the place where the consumer is domiciled (Article16 of Regulation (EC) No44/2001). This does not apply to contracts of transport other than a contract which, for an inclusive price, provides for a combination of travel and accommodation. This means that the rules on jurisdiction with regard to consumer contracts are not applicable to Regulation (EC) No261/2004(2) establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights where the subject of the litigation is a contract concerning solely transport. In practice, these circumstances often mean that passengers are unable to seek the compensation to which they are entitled, as the language issue alone immediately deters the average citizen from bringing legal proceedings in another European country. 1.Would it not be useful, in the Commission's view, to extend the rules on jurisdiction with regard to consumer contracts to all transport contracts that come under Regulation (EC) No261/2004, in order to strengthen air passenger rights? 2.How does the Commission explain its position? (1)OJL12, 16.1.2001, p.1. (2)OJL46, 17.2.2004, p.1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1.Is the Commission aware that when the decision was taken to build the high-speed line from Amsterdam and Rotterdam via Breda to Antwerp through the west of the Netherlands province of North Brabant an explicit assurance was given that, although there would be no stopping point for international through trains, the area would experience the benefits as well as the disadvantages of the HSL? 2.Is the Commission aware that this high-speed line, which is now under construction and will come into operation in 2007, runs along the outskirts of Breda to the west but no new station is being built on this North-South line? 3.Is the Commission also aware that under the existing plans it was hitherto understood that, in addition to the through trains between Amsterdam and Brussels/Paris which could not stop in Breda, frequent trains to and from Amsterdam/Rotterdam and Brussels/Antwerp would turn off the main line and stop at the existing railway station in the centre of Breda at the junction with the East-West rail line? 4.Is the Commission also aware that the benefits referred to in paragraph1 were to be achieved inter alia through frequent direct connections between Breda and Antwerp and Brussels as described in paragraph3, which would also compensate for the fact that it will no longer be possible to change at Rosenthal where trains from the south and east of the Netherlands connect with the present hourly express service between Amsterdam and Brussels? 5.Does the Commission consider it sensible, when planning and building infrastructure, to opt for a single model of rail service based on a combination of high frequency and a variety of services turning off major routes, which results in an inflexible system which cannot operate effectively if the number of passengers falls or the costs are too high? 6.Does the Commission have anything to do with cross-border infrastructure planning issues of this kind, and if so, how is it involved?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1.Is the Commission aware that when the decision was taken to build the high-speed line from Amsterdam and Rotterdam via Breda to Antwerp through the west of the Netherlands province of North Brabant an explicit assurance was given that, although there would be no stopping point for international through trains, the area would experience the benefits as well as the disadvantages of the HSL? 2.Is the Commission aware that this high-speed line, which is now under construction and will come into operation in 2007, runs along the outskirts of Breda to the west but no new station is being built on this North-South line? 3.Is the Commission also aware that under the existing plans it was hitherto understood that, in addition to the through trains between Amsterdam and Brussels/Paris which could not stop in Breda, frequent trains to and from Amsterdam/Rotterdam and Brussels/Antwerp would turn off the main line and stop at the existing railway station in the centre of Breda at the junction with the East-West rail line? 4.Is the Commission also aware that the benefits referred to in paragraph1 were to be achieved inter alia through frequent direct connections between Breda and Antwerp and Brussels as described in paragraph3, which would also compensate for the fact that it will no longer be possible to change at Rosenthal where trains from the south and east of the Netherlands connect with the present hourly express service between Amsterdam and Brussels? 5.Does the Commission consider it sensible, when planning and building infrastructure, to opt for a single model of rail service based on a combination of high frequency and a variety of services turning off major routes, which results in an inflexible system which cannot operate effectively if the number of passengers falls or the costs are too high? 6.Does the Commission have anything to do with cross-border infrastructure planning issues of this kind, and if so, how is it involved?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Despite the fact that the Annex to Directive 91/670/EEC(1) of 16 December 1991 stipulates that aptitude tests for the purposes of acceptance of licences authorizing the holder to exercise functions in the sector of civil aviation may be conducted in English, at the applicant's choice, rather than in the national language of the validating State, the French aviation authorities are insisting that such tests may only be conducted in French. What steps does the Commission intend to take to ensure compliance with the relevant rule? (1)OJ No L 373, 31. 12. 1991, p. 21." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Despite the fact that the Annex to Directive 91/670/EEC(1) of 16 December 1991 stipulates that aptitude tests for the purposes of acceptance of licences authorizing the holder to exercise functions in the sector of civil aviation may be conducted in English, at the applicant's choice, rather than in the national language of the validating State, the French aviation authorities are insisting that such tests may only be conducted in French. What steps does the Commission intend to take to ensure compliance with the relevant rule? (1)OJ No L 373, 31. 12. 1991, p. 21.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Does the Commission plan to implement or amend Council Directive 88/77/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles, in order to make a common situation for Member States? Specifically, does the Commission plan to rectify the current situation whereby individual Member States each have their own authority to set requirements for vehicles, for example, the obligation to have speed limiters in certain vehicles? This in turn may dissuade cross-border trading and/or mobility." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Does the Commission plan to implement or amend Council Directive 88/77/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles, in order to make a common situation for Member States? Specifically, does the Commission plan to rectify the current situation whereby individual Member States each have their own authority to set requirements for vehicles, for example, the obligation to have speed limiters in certain vehicles? This in turn may dissuade cross-border trading and/or mobility.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Fifteen European associations which champion the interests of public transport users met in Brussels during the weekend of 18/19 May. In the liberalised market, they want to see users' interests safeguarded and service provision take precedence over economic interests. They agree that conventional rail transport must continue to exist alongside high-speed rail. Whether such services are provided by the state or by the private sector is not important to them, although they are calling for the state to continue to be responsible for infrastructure. They noted that short-distance cross-border rail links in Europe are still poor. Anyone travelling by train between Kortrijk and Lille, for instance, will find it very expensive simply because they cross a border. Is the Commission taking any specific measures to ensure that conventional rail transport continues to exist in Europe alongside high-speed rail? If so, what are they? If not, why not? What are its policy visions as regards service provision and infrastructure? Does the Commission agree that fares for short-distance cross-border rail journeys are disproportionately high? If it does agree, has it taken steps to adjust such fares? If so, how have those steps been received by the Member States? If not, does it intend to do so, or why will it not do so?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Fifteen European associations which champion the interests of public transport users met in Brussels during the weekend of 18/19 May. In the liberalised market, they want to see users' interests safeguarded and service provision take precedence over economic interests. They agree that conventional rail transport must continue to exist alongside high-speed rail. Whether such services are provided by the state or by the private sector is not important to them, although they are calling for the state to continue to be responsible for infrastructure. They noted that short-distance cross-border rail links in Europe are still poor. Anyone travelling by train between Kortrijk and Lille, for instance, will find it very expensive simply because they cross a border. Is the Commission taking any specific measures to ensure that conventional rail transport continues to exist in Europe alongside high-speed rail? If so, what are they? If not, why not? What are its policy visions as regards service provision and infrastructure? Does the Commission agree that fares for short-distance cross-border rail journeys are disproportionately high? If it does agree, has it taken steps to adjust such fares? If so, how have those steps been received by the Member States? If not, does it intend to do so, or why will it not do so?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its 2012 public consultation on the revision of Directive96/53/EC, the Commission clearly stated that its position on longer and heavier lorries was not a mature position as regards infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift, and that as such the Commission would not touch on the issue of extending/reducing the use of heavier and/or longer vehicles. Has the Commission undertaken any further studies in the meantime, or does it plan to do so? Does the Commission now hold information that allows it to develop a more in-depth understanding of the impact of LHVs on infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift? If so, what are the expected impacts on infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift? In its answer to Written Question E-010127/2012 of 15January2013, the Commission clearly states that it is informed of new developments in Member States using longer trucks on a permanent basis and of any decisions taken in the field of trials with vehicles exceeding the maximum dimensions. The Commission also states that it is ‘ready to share such information with the Parliament in due course’. When will the Commission do so?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
In its 2012 public consultation on the revision of Directive96/53/EC, the Commission clearly stated that its position on longer and heavier lorries was not a mature position as regards infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift, and that as such the Commission would not touch on the issue of extending/reducing the use of heavier and/or longer vehicles. Has the Commission undertaken any further studies in the meantime, or does it plan to do so? Does the Commission now hold information that allows it to develop a more in-depth understanding of the impact of LHVs on infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift? If so, what are the expected impacts on infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift? In its answer to Written Question E-010127/2012 of 15January2013, the Commission clearly states that it is informed of new developments in Member States using longer trucks on a permanent basis and of any decisions taken in the field of trials with vehicles exceeding the maximum dimensions. The Commission also states that it is ‘ready to share such information with the Parliament in due course’. When will the Commission do so?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 24July2013 a tragic train accident took place in Santiago de Compostela. A train derailed on a high-speed line, which had been co-financed by theEU, leaving 81 dead and 144 injured. The case was recently closed with only the driver having been deemed liable, ignoring numerous anomalies such as the lack of a European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) or similar system. We believe that the investigation into the accident was not independent, either before or after the Commission opened an infringement procedure in 2013. Issues of liability are now coming to light in relation to the opening of the line for traffic without putting in place the necessary security measures. We believe there have been breaches of Directive2004/49/EC on safety on the Community's railways, specifically the provisions of: — Article21, concerning the independence of investigating bodies; — Article22, concerning informing and involving victims; — AnnexIII, point2, concerning risk evaluation and implementing risk control measures whenever a change of the operating conditions or new material imposes new risks on the infrastructure or on operations (changes to the project, ERTMS). In light of this information, what will the Commission do to address these potential breaches?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 24July2013 a tragic train accident took place in Santiago de Compostela. A train derailed on a high-speed line, which had been co-financed by theEU, leaving 81 dead and 144 injured. The case was recently closed with only the driver having been deemed liable, ignoring numerous anomalies such as the lack of a European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) or similar system. We believe that the investigation into the accident was not independent, either before or after the Commission opened an infringement procedure in 2013. Issues of liability are now coming to light in relation to the opening of the line for traffic without putting in place the necessary security measures. We believe there have been breaches of Directive2004/49/EC on safety on the Community's railways, specifically the provisions of: — Article21, concerning the independence of investigating bodies; — Article22, concerning informing and involving victims; — AnnexIII, point2, concerning risk evaluation and implementing risk control measures whenever a change of the operating conditions or new material imposes new risks on the infrastructure or on operations (changes to the project, ERTMS). In light of this information, what will the Commission do to address these potential breaches?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "As stated in the Commission’s aviation strategy (SWD(2015)0261), the European aviation sector will in the near future suffer major capacity constraints: ‘In 2035, according to Eurocontrol, European airports will be unable to accommodate some 2million flights due to capacity shortages. There will be more than 20 airports operating at or near full capacity for 6 or more hours per day, against just 3 in 2012, leading to an additional average airport‐related delay of 5-6 minutes per flight. The estimated economic cost of being unable to accommodate demand has been estimated at 434,000-818,000 jobs foregone by 2035 and an annual loss in GDP of between EUR28billion and 52billion 22 at EU level.’ What does the Commission envisage is the way to remedy such a situation, while at the same time ensuring the environmental sustainability of the European aviation sector?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
As stated in the Commission’s aviation strategy (SWD(2015)0261), the European aviation sector will in the near future suffer major capacity constraints: ‘In 2035, according to Eurocontrol, European airports will be unable to accommodate some 2million flights due to capacity shortages. There will be more than 20 airports operating at or near full capacity for 6 or more hours per day, against just 3 in 2012, leading to an additional average airport‐related delay of 5-6 minutes per flight. The estimated economic cost of being unable to accommodate demand has been estimated at 434,000-818,000 jobs foregone by 2035 and an annual loss in GDP of between EUR28billion and 52billion 22 at EU level.’ What does the Commission envisage is the way to remedy such a situation, while at the same time ensuring the environmental sustainability of the European aviation sector?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 27 November 2020, the head of Berlin-Brandenburg Airport, Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, announced(1) that in 2021 the airport and/or the company which operates it, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB), will receive an additional EUR 660 million in the form of a loan from its partners. Half that sum will already be made available before the end of 2020(2). 1.Have the German federal authorities, the Berlin regional authorities and/or the Brandenburg regional authorities notified to the Commission measures involving State aid to Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB)? What steps has the Commission taken to assess whether these measures are consistent with EU State aid rules? If so, what was the outcome of that assessment?2.When and with what results were loans, subsidies or other forms of support granted by the federal authorities and the regional authorities in Berlin and Brandenburg to Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB) for 2020 and 2021 notified to the Commission, and what stage has been reached in the relevant notification procedures which are still ongoing?3.What steps is the Commission taking to ensure that Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB) is compensated only for the financial shortfall it has incurred (loss of revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic)? (1)https://www.berlin.de/aktuelles/brandenburg/6369973-5173360-660-millionen-euro-zuschuss-fuer-ber.html (2)https://www.airliners.de/berliner-flughaefen-300-millionen-euro-staatshilfen/54567?utm_campaign=readmore&utm_medium=articlebox&utm_source=air" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 27 November 2020, the head of Berlin-Brandenburg Airport, Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, announced(1) that in 2021 the airport and/or the company which operates it, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB), will receive an additional EUR 660 million in the form of a loan from its partners. Half that sum will already be made available before the end of 2020(2). 1.Have the German federal authorities, the Berlin regional authorities and/or the Brandenburg regional authorities notified to the Commission measures involving State aid to Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB)? What steps has the Commission taken to assess whether these measures are consistent with EU State aid rules? If so, what was the outcome of that assessment?2.When and with what results were loans, subsidies or other forms of support granted by the federal authorities and the regional authorities in Berlin and Brandenburg to Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB) for 2020 and 2021 notified to the Commission, and what stage has been reached in the relevant notification procedures which are still ongoing?3.What steps is the Commission taking to ensure that Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB) is compensated only for the financial shortfall it has incurred (loss of revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic)? (1)https://www.berlin.de/aktuelles/brandenburg/6369973-5173360-660-millionen-euro-zuschuss-fuer-ber.html (2)https://www.airliners.de/berliner-flughaefen-300-millionen-euro-staatshilfen/54567?utm_campaign=readmore&utm_medium=articlebox&utm_source=air
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Further to its answer to Question P‑0296/08 from Mr Higgins MEP, could the Commission state whether it will consider coming forward with proposals to revise Council Directive 96/96/EC(1) on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers so as to ensure that vehicle technical information (and therefore its history) recorded by Member States can be made available to other Member States? Could the Commission indicate whether the Study on the future Options for Roadworthiness Enforcement in the European Union, launched at the beginning of 2005, as mentioned in its answer of 20 December 2006 to my Question E‑4897/06, examined this particular issue and, if so, what were its principal conclusions and recommendations in this regard? What action is the Commission taking on foot of these conclusions and recommendations and on foot of the entire study? (1)OJ L 46, 17.2.1997, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Further to its answer to Question P‑0296/08 from Mr Higgins MEP, could the Commission state whether it will consider coming forward with proposals to revise Council Directive 96/96/EC(1) on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers so as to ensure that vehicle technical information (and therefore its history) recorded by Member States can be made available to other Member States? Could the Commission indicate whether the Study on the future Options for Roadworthiness Enforcement in the European Union, launched at the beginning of 2005, as mentioned in its answer of 20 December 2006 to my Question E‑4897/06, examined this particular issue and, if so, what were its principal conclusions and recommendations in this regard? What action is the Commission taking on foot of these conclusions and recommendations and on foot of the entire study? (1)OJ L 46, 17.2.1997, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The ‘Mobilité21’ report submitted to the French Minister for Transport in June2013 stated that the Poitiers-Limoges high-speed rail link was controversial in terms of the need for it and the issues involved, and that nothing justified it being classed as a top priority. A report published by the French Court of Auditors on 23October2014 stated that the high-speed line had been the subject of irrational political decisions and distorted profitability estimates. The report stated that Réseau ferré de France, the company that owns and manages France’s railway network, had massively inflated the level of traffic on the high-speed line between Poitiers and Limoges. It also pointed out that profitability was likely to hit just 3%, meaning that subsidies of up to 80% could be needed to operate the line. The auditors’ report also states that although the line is not a priority and is not financed, it is still going full steam ahead. The French Government has apparently bent to pressure from local authorities, ignoring cost-efficiency concerns. The EU has decided to invest EUR4million of ERDF funding in the plans for this high-speed line, and there have been reports in the press of European co-financing for the link to the tune of EUR200million. 1.Is theEU intending to continue with its backing for this ill-conceived rail project? 2.How will theEU justify this expenditure to the European Court of Auditors and the European Parliament?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The ‘Mobilité21’ report submitted to the French Minister for Transport in June2013 stated that the Poitiers-Limoges high-speed rail link was controversial in terms of the need for it and the issues involved, and that nothing justified it being classed as a top priority. A report published by the French Court of Auditors on 23October2014 stated that the high-speed line had been the subject of irrational political decisions and distorted profitability estimates. The report stated that Réseau ferré de France, the company that owns and manages France’s railway network, had massively inflated the level of traffic on the high-speed line between Poitiers and Limoges. It also pointed out that profitability was likely to hit just 3%, meaning that subsidies of up to 80% could be needed to operate the line. The auditors’ report also states that although the line is not a priority and is not financed, it is still going full steam ahead. The French Government has apparently bent to pressure from local authorities, ignoring cost-efficiency concerns. The EU has decided to invest EUR4million of ERDF funding in the plans for this high-speed line, and there have been reports in the press of European co-financing for the link to the tune of EUR200million. 1.Is theEU intending to continue with its backing for this ill-conceived rail project? 2.How will theEU justify this expenditure to the European Court of Auditors and the European Parliament?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Can the Commission give its view regarding the validity of airlines within the European Union refusing to allow members of the public to use discounted return tickets which are cheaper than return tickets for only one half of the journey?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Can the Commission give its view regarding the validity of airlines within the European Union refusing to allow members of the public to use discounted return tickets which are cheaper than return tickets for only one half of the journey?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 29 April 2020, 12 Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, France, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal) called for the suspension of rules that require airlines to offer passengers a full refund for cancelled flights, and suggested that vouchers for future travel be issued instead in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Transport ministers have asked the Commission to amend the rules temporarily.Transport ministers have proposed an amendment stipulating that vouchers should be valid for a set length of time and include the right to a refund if they are not used before the end of that period. While this would help airlines when it comes to dealing with cash flow contraints, it would also seriously undermine consumer protection and citizens’ trust in the rules protecting their rights in this sector.1.Does the Commission intend to stick with the previously released interpretative guidelines, which stipulate that if the carrier proposes a voucher, this offer cannot affect the passenger’s right to opt for a refund instead?2.If not, how will it guarantee that passengers will not unwillingly become creditors of airlines?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 29 April 2020, 12 Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, France, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal) called for the suspension of rules that require airlines to offer passengers a full refund for cancelled flights, and suggested that vouchers for future travel be issued instead in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Transport ministers have asked the Commission to amend the rules temporarily.Transport ministers have proposed an amendment stipulating that vouchers should be valid for a set length of time and include the right to a refund if they are not used before the end of that period. While this would help airlines when it comes to dealing with cash flow contraints, it would also seriously undermine consumer protection and citizens’ trust in the rules protecting their rights in this sector.1.Does the Commission intend to stick with the previously released interpretative guidelines, which stipulate that if the carrier proposes a voucher, this offer cannot affect the passenger’s right to opt for a refund instead?2.If not, how will it guarantee that passengers will not unwillingly become creditors of airlines?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The United Kingdom Advertising Standards Authority has recently ruled that airlines and travel agents must advertise the true cost to the traveller of all flights, including airport and other taxes, seasonal premiums and all extraneous costs. Is the Commission aware of the situation in other Member States, and would it consider proposing a directive generalizing what will, from 1January1998, be the practice in Britain?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The United Kingdom Advertising Standards Authority has recently ruled that airlines and travel agents must advertise the true cost to the traveller of all flights, including airport and other taxes, seasonal premiums and all extraneous costs. Is the Commission aware of the situation in other Member States, and would it consider proposing a directive generalizing what will, from 1January1998, be the practice in Britain?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 23March2012, the Commission published a proposal for a regulation on ship recycling. According to this regulation, ships flying the flag of EU Member States would only be allowed to be recycled in facilities meeting ship recycling environmental requirements. This was followed by the amendments adopted in the Schlyter report, in which Parliament advocated a European Recycling Fund. Furthermore, ships are to be required to draw up an inventory of hazardous materials found on board, and if they carry a greater amount than permitted, they will be subject to fines. In relation to this proposed legislation, Ishould like to ask the Commission the following questions: 1. How will the Commission ensure that regulation COM(2012) 118 final of 23March2012 does not reduce the competitiveness of European ports? 2. What is the Commission’s assessment of the risk of an increase in unnecessary bureaucracy as a result of having to collect a levy from ships calling at EU ports, and what does it intend to do to eliminate this risk? 3. Who is going to supervise the materials carried by ships, how is this going to be done and, if more than the permitted amount of hazardous materials is found, who is going to enforce the fines? What kind of fines are envisaged? 4. How does the Commission intend to guarantee that the people employed in ship recycling facilities will have the appropriate conditions in terms of both work and training associated with this work? 5. How does the Commission view the likelihood of a reduction in the living standards of workers at ship recycling facilities in Bangladesh and other countries in Asia, and what steps does it intend to take to mitigate this negative effect of its regulation? 6. What is the possibility that regional shipyards in Member States could become ship recycling facilities? Is the Commission planning to provide funding for the possible conversion of shipyards and ship repair yards to ship recycling facilities?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 23March2012, the Commission published a proposal for a regulation on ship recycling. According to this regulation, ships flying the flag of EU Member States would only be allowed to be recycled in facilities meeting ship recycling environmental requirements. This was followed by the amendments adopted in the Schlyter report, in which Parliament advocated a European Recycling Fund. Furthermore, ships are to be required to draw up an inventory of hazardous materials found on board, and if they carry a greater amount than permitted, they will be subject to fines. In relation to this proposed legislation, Ishould like to ask the Commission the following questions: 1. How will the Commission ensure that regulation COM(2012) 118 final of 23March2012 does not reduce the competitiveness of European ports? 2. What is the Commission’s assessment of the risk of an increase in unnecessary bureaucracy as a result of having to collect a levy from ships calling at EU ports, and what does it intend to do to eliminate this risk? 3. Who is going to supervise the materials carried by ships, how is this going to be done and, if more than the permitted amount of hazardous materials is found, who is going to enforce the fines? What kind of fines are envisaged? 4. How does the Commission intend to guarantee that the people employed in ship recycling facilities will have the appropriate conditions in terms of both work and training associated with this work? 5. How does the Commission view the likelihood of a reduction in the living standards of workers at ship recycling facilities in Bangladesh and other countries in Asia, and what steps does it intend to take to mitigate this negative effect of its regulation? 6. What is the possibility that regional shipyards in Member States could become ship recycling facilities? Is the Commission planning to provide funding for the possible conversion of shipyards and ship repair yards to ship recycling facilities?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 30June 1994, at Toulouse airport (Blagnac, France), an A330 aircraft belonging to the Airbus Industrie company crashed during a test flight, resulting in the deaths of the seven persons on board. The seven victims included two Italian pilots working for Alitalia, Alberto Nassetti and Pier Paolo Racchetti, who were in Toulouse for a five-day commercial training programme at the headquarters of the French company. The aircraft had not yet been officially approved and was flying with a provisional certificate. During test flights, no passengers are allowed on board under any circumstances, and aircraft are obliged to have at least two pilots with tester's licences at the controls. The A330 had only one such pilot on board, plus another one with an ordinary pilot's licence. The programme for the training course did not include any flights, but only classroom lessons. Four years on from the accident, the French legal authorities have still not decided whether or not to take out penal liability proceedings. A preliminary inquiry by the Directorate-General for Armaments of the Ministry of Defence (pursuant to the French air navigation code) was closed after seven months. The judicial inquiry (under the judge Billaud) was concluded on 28February 1998. The Public Prosecutor's office had three months to decide whether to shelve the matter or refer it to the relevant court; it has not replied to date. In view of the above, can the Commission state: 1. whether it intends to ask the French authorities to explain the reasons for this flagrant and inexplicable delay in deciding whether the proceedings should go ahead; 2. whether it intends to ask the Italian authorities why the consulate in Toulouse has offered no support of any kind to the victims' relatives." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 30June 1994, at Toulouse airport (Blagnac, France), an A330 aircraft belonging to the Airbus Industrie company crashed during a test flight, resulting in the deaths of the seven persons on board. The seven victims included two Italian pilots working for Alitalia, Alberto Nassetti and Pier Paolo Racchetti, who were in Toulouse for a five-day commercial training programme at the headquarters of the French company. The aircraft had not yet been officially approved and was flying with a provisional certificate. During test flights, no passengers are allowed on board under any circumstances, and aircraft are obliged to have at least two pilots with tester's licences at the controls. The A330 had only one such pilot on board, plus another one with an ordinary pilot's licence. The programme for the training course did not include any flights, but only classroom lessons. Four years on from the accident, the French legal authorities have still not decided whether or not to take out penal liability proceedings. A preliminary inquiry by the Directorate-General for Armaments of the Ministry of Defence (pursuant to the French air navigation code) was closed after seven months. The judicial inquiry (under the judge Billaud) was concluded on 28February 1998. The Public Prosecutor's office had three months to decide whether to shelve the matter or refer it to the relevant court; it has not replied to date. In view of the above, can the Commission state: 1. whether it intends to ask the French authorities to explain the reasons for this flagrant and inexplicable delay in deciding whether the proceedings should go ahead; 2. whether it intends to ask the Italian authorities why the consulate in Toulouse has offered no support of any kind to the victims' relatives.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In the debate currently taking place in France on the privatisation of the SNCM, the French Government has made conflicting statements regarding the justification for the State's holding in the SNCM and the legality of the procedures used. It has repeatedly argued that it is bound by European obligations. The French Government claims that it is selling the SNCM's assets, valued at EUR500million, to private funds for only EUR35 million. It should be noted that this concerns a maritime company providing a public service between Corsica and the mainland. This forced march is being conducted without any detailed knowledge of the company's deficit figures. What are the EU rules governing situations of this kind? Do they actually prohibit a majority state holding in this kind of company? Do they include any clear provisions as regards the type of holding? Given that the SNCM provides a service of public interest for an island region which is in receipt of European structural funds, are there any Community decisions, directives or regulations under which provision is made for exceptional situations of this kind?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
In the debate currently taking place in France on the privatisation of the SNCM, the French Government has made conflicting statements regarding the justification for the State's holding in the SNCM and the legality of the procedures used. It has repeatedly argued that it is bound by European obligations. The French Government claims that it is selling the SNCM's assets, valued at EUR500million, to private funds for only EUR35 million. It should be noted that this concerns a maritime company providing a public service between Corsica and the mainland. This forced march is being conducted without any detailed knowledge of the company's deficit figures. What are the EU rules governing situations of this kind? Do they actually prohibit a majority state holding in this kind of company? Do they include any clear provisions as regards the type of holding? Given that the SNCM provides a service of public interest for an island region which is in receipt of European structural funds, are there any Community decisions, directives or regulations under which provision is made for exceptional situations of this kind?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "After the sinking of the """"""""Erika"""""""", the """"""""Prestige"""""""" oil spill on 19 November 2002 off the coast of Galicia, Spain has shown us the serious inadequacies in the control and monitoring of ships at sea. The Commission must act as quickly as possible in the face of environmental disasters like these. The decision taken at the Franco-Spanish Summit in Malaga, in accordance with Article 56 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, to limit access for the most dangerous oil tankers to the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), less than 200 nautical miles (360 km) from the coast, gives cause for hope. However, the crisis that an oil spill presents for those affected, for the local communities and its consequences for the environment and sectors of the economy such as fishing and tourism, requires that new rules concerning the transport of high-risk goods, as well as new monitoring measures, are drawn up on a European scale. The precautionary principle means that the setting up of a European police force of the seas must now be considered. The creation of a fleet of European coastguard ships would allow maritime law to be enforced more effectively. There are many arguments in favour of a new administrative body, which could be placed under the control of the European Parliament and under the responsibility of the maritime authorities of the Member States. On the eve of the next enlargement of the European Union, this would send a strong message in favour of a Europe of the sea. What is the Commission's view on this? Is the Commission willing to make proposals that would serve as a common basis for a European campaign for safety at sea, with emphasis on the strict monitoring of the ships in circulation?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
After the sinking of the """"""""Erika"""""""", the """"""""Prestige"""""""" oil spill on 19 November 2002 off the coast of Galicia, Spain has shown us the serious inadequacies in the control and monitoring of ships at sea. The Commission must act as quickly as possible in the face of environmental disasters like these. The decision taken at the Franco-Spanish Summit in Malaga, in accordance with Article 56 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, to limit access for the most dangerous oil tankers to the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), less than 200 nautical miles (360 km) from the coast, gives cause for hope. However, the crisis that an oil spill presents for those affected, for the local communities and its consequences for the environment and sectors of the economy such as fishing and tourism, requires that new rules concerning the transport of high-risk goods, as well as new monitoring measures, are drawn up on a European scale. The precautionary principle means that the setting up of a European police force of the seas must now be considered. The creation of a fleet of European coastguard ships would allow maritime law to be enforced more effectively. There are many arguments in favour of a new administrative body, which could be placed under the control of the European Parliament and under the responsibility of the maritime authorities of the Member States. On the eve of the next enlargement of the European Union, this would send a strong message in favour of a Europe of the sea. What is the Commission's view on this? Is the Commission willing to make proposals that would serve as a common basis for a European campaign for safety at sea, with emphasis on the strict monitoring of the ships in circulation?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Many consumers have reported the behaviour of some airlines which are not responding to requests for reimbursement of travel that has been cancelled due to COVID-19.The airlines either do not respond or maintain it is a case of ‘force majeure’, and refuse to give reimbursements. Others are providing vouchers, while still others offer the option of reimbursement, but only in the future.While we understand the dramatic economic impact the current health crisis is having on airlines, this behaviour is likely to shift the cost of the crisis onto passengers.In the light of the above, can the Commission answer the following questions:1.What further measures will it take, in addition to the guidelines already published, to ensure the proper application of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 on the rights of air passengers, which provides for reimbursement or re-routing when an airline cancels a flight?2.What other measures are planned in order to support airlines in their management of reimbursements and to address their cash flow problems, thereby averting the unfair treatment of travellers?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Many consumers have reported the behaviour of some airlines which are not responding to requests for reimbursement of travel that has been cancelled due to COVID-19.The airlines either do not respond or maintain it is a case of ‘force majeure’, and refuse to give reimbursements. Others are providing vouchers, while still others offer the option of reimbursement, but only in the future.While we understand the dramatic economic impact the current health crisis is having on airlines, this behaviour is likely to shift the cost of the crisis onto passengers.In the light of the above, can the Commission answer the following questions:1.What further measures will it take, in addition to the guidelines already published, to ensure the proper application of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 on the rights of air passengers, which provides for reimbursement or re-routing when an airline cancels a flight?2.What other measures are planned in order to support airlines in their management of reimbursements and to address their cash flow problems, thereby averting the unfair treatment of travellers?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In what ways can the Commission contribute to improving transport infrastructure for alternative modes of transport in order to increase the safety of all road users and better exploit the positive effects of using alternative modes of transport?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
In what ways can the Commission contribute to improving transport infrastructure for alternative modes of transport in order to increase the safety of all road users and better exploit the positive effects of using alternative modes of transport?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 1 July 1995 a heavy goods vehicle from Gerona (Spain), registration number GI 0218 AY, entered Italy from Switzerland via the Gaggiolo (Stabio) border crossing, having completed all the customs procedures. The driver was arrested and fined Lit 542000 by the highway police, pursuant to Article 6/1.12 of the Nuovo Codice della Strada (D.L. 285/92), for driving on a Saturday (when heavy goods vehicles are banned from the roads), despite the fact that he had not been informed of this ban by any authority or road sign. The driver also had to hand over the vehicle papers (the lorry's roadworthiness certificate and his own drivinglicence) which the police held for a month, as a result of which he had to return home without his papers and suffered financial loss through being unable to work during that period. Similar situations have occurred on a number of occasions recently, which has led to constant complaints from Spanish road hauliers. In view of the fact that the aim of the common transport policy is to remove all sources of discrimination and disparity in the transport policy of the Member States which hinder the operation of the common market and to improve freedom of movement through the harmonization of the Member States' transport laws, does the Commission not think that some kind of actions should be taken to prevent the occurrence of such situations, which leave road hauliers defenceless and hamper the common transport policy, thus undermining the right to free movement throughout the territory of the Member States? Does the Commission not think that the abovementioned Nuovo Codice della Strada could be contravening Community law by forcing vehicles to travel through other Member States without the necessary papers?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
On 1 July 1995 a heavy goods vehicle from Gerona (Spain), registration number GI 0218 AY, entered Italy from Switzerland via the Gaggiolo (Stabio) border crossing, having completed all the customs procedures. The driver was arrested and fined Lit 542000 by the highway police, pursuant to Article 6/1.12 of the Nuovo Codice della Strada (D.L. 285/92), for driving on a Saturday (when heavy goods vehicles are banned from the roads), despite the fact that he had not been informed of this ban by any authority or road sign. The driver also had to hand over the vehicle papers (the lorry's roadworthiness certificate and his own drivinglicence) which the police held for a month, as a result of which he had to return home without his papers and suffered financial loss through being unable to work during that period. Similar situations have occurred on a number of occasions recently, which has led to constant complaints from Spanish road hauliers. In view of the fact that the aim of the common transport policy is to remove all sources of discrimination and disparity in the transport policy of the Member States which hinder the operation of the common market and to improve freedom of movement through the harmonization of the Member States' transport laws, does the Commission not think that some kind of actions should be taken to prevent the occurrence of such situations, which leave road hauliers defenceless and hamper the common transport policy, thus undermining the right to free movement throughout the territory of the Member States? Does the Commission not think that the abovementioned Nuovo Codice della Strada could be contravening Community law by forcing vehicles to travel through other Member States without the necessary papers?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "A careful reading of Commissioner Wulf-Mathies' answer of 12October 2120/98(1) leaves no doubt that it is not only the contractors but also the supervisory bodies who are responsible for the serious failings in the implementation of the projects. Moreover, a number of other important questions have been raised concerning the supervision of the projects and the changes introduced after the proposals by the joint steering committee made up of Greek and Community experts. Recently, not only were serious shortcomings identified but also variances of as much as 90 %. If these irregularities are taken together with a number of recent road accidents attributed to poor road surfacing, the responsibility is enormous and rests not only with the Greeks but also the Community as joint funder of the projects. 1.What reforms has the joint committee proposed, apart from setting up the ESPEL quality control mechanism, and which of these have been adopted and implemented in Greek law? 2.Why was there such a delay in ordering thorough checks to be carried out i.e. until 1July 1998, when serious shortcomings had already been identified in completed projects and projects in progress? 3.How are checks carried out on projects, i.e. are spot checks carried out once the work is completed but not during construction by the supervisor of the project and the national body responsible for implementation of the project? 4.In which projects were shortcomings identified? Which national bodies were responsible for implementation of those projects and what is their responsibility? Can the Commission provide a detailed breakdown of this information. (1)OJ C 135, 14.5.1999, p. 16." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
A careful reading of Commissioner Wulf-Mathies' answer of 12October 2120/98(1) leaves no doubt that it is not only the contractors but also the supervisory bodies who are responsible for the serious failings in the implementation of the projects. Moreover, a number of other important questions have been raised concerning the supervision of the projects and the changes introduced after the proposals by the joint steering committee made up of Greek and Community experts. Recently, not only were serious shortcomings identified but also variances of as much as 90 %. If these irregularities are taken together with a number of recent road accidents attributed to poor road surfacing, the responsibility is enormous and rests not only with the Greeks but also the Community as joint funder of the projects. 1.What reforms has the joint committee proposed, apart from setting up the ESPEL quality control mechanism, and which of these have been adopted and implemented in Greek law? 2.Why was there such a delay in ordering thorough checks to be carried out i.e. until 1July 1998, when serious shortcomings had already been identified in completed projects and projects in progress? 3.How are checks carried out on projects, i.e. are spot checks carried out once the work is completed but not during construction by the supervisor of the project and the national body responsible for implementation of the project? 4.In which projects were shortcomings identified? Which national bodies were responsible for implementation of those projects and what is their responsibility? Can the Commission provide a detailed breakdown of this information. (1)OJ C 135, 14.5.1999, p. 16.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Following the Prestige accident, the Governments of Spain and France agreed to expel single-hull oil tankers more than 15 years old from the zone between 12 and 200 miles, i.e. to keep them out of their territorial waters, even if they complied with International Maritime Organisation standards. Even though this is a praiseworthy decision, it has been criticised because it is not in keeping with the International Convention on the Law of the Sea. Article 58 of that Convention establishes the freedom of navigation and overflight in this area of the exclusive economic zone, in which any restriction on freedom of movement must be imposed by the IMO and not by one or various States acting unilaterally. What is the Commission's view of this statement by the Governments of Spain and France? Agreeing on the need to reduce the risk of fresh disasters, will the Commission urge the Member States to submit a reasoned communication to the International Maritime Organisation, pursuant to Article 211(6) of the Convention on the Law of the Sea, requesting authorisation to restrict the free transit of such vessels in this defined zone?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Following the Prestige accident, the Governments of Spain and France agreed to expel single-hull oil tankers more than 15 years old from the zone between 12 and 200 miles, i.e. to keep them out of their territorial waters, even if they complied with International Maritime Organisation standards. Even though this is a praiseworthy decision, it has been criticised because it is not in keeping with the International Convention on the Law of the Sea. Article 58 of that Convention establishes the freedom of navigation and overflight in this area of the exclusive economic zone, in which any restriction on freedom of movement must be imposed by the IMO and not by one or various States acting unilaterally. What is the Commission's view of this statement by the Governments of Spain and France? Agreeing on the need to reduce the risk of fresh disasters, will the Commission urge the Member States to submit a reasoned communication to the International Maritime Organisation, pursuant to Article 211(6) of the Convention on the Law of the Sea, requesting authorisation to restrict the free transit of such vessels in this defined zone?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Following the adoption by the European Parliament of Mobility Package I - in the form approved by the Council, despite the categorical and reasoned opposition of nine Member States, including Romania - I urge the European Commission to take urgent measures to remedy the resulting serious infringements of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the European Green Deal and EU economic recovery and climate neutrality objectives.1.Will the Commission draw up a legislative proposal before the entry into force of the controversial provisions, which would effectively distort market competition, bankrupt much of the European transport sector, seriously undermine transport services and increase pollution levels?2.Does the Commission consider it necessary to ask the Court of Justice to annul Mobility Package I on the grounds that it infringes Articles 26 and 27 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (internal market), Articles 34-37 TFEU (free movement of goods), Articles 56-61 TFEU (freedom to provide services), Articles 45 and 46 TFEU, Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States and Regulation (EU) No 1782/2003. 492/2011 freedom of movement for workers within the Union?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Following the adoption by the European Parliament of Mobility Package I - in the form approved by the Council, despite the categorical and reasoned opposition of nine Member States, including Romania - I urge the European Commission to take urgent measures to remedy the resulting serious infringements of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the European Green Deal and EU economic recovery and climate neutrality objectives.1.Will the Commission draw up a legislative proposal before the entry into force of the controversial provisions, which would effectively distort market competition, bankrupt much of the European transport sector, seriously undermine transport services and increase pollution levels?2.Does the Commission consider it necessary to ask the Court of Justice to annul Mobility Package I on the grounds that it infringes Articles 26 and 27 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (internal market), Articles 34-37 TFEU (free movement of goods), Articles 56-61 TFEU (freedom to provide services), Articles 45 and 46 TFEU, Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States and Regulation (EU) No 1782/2003. 492/2011 freedom of movement for workers within the Union?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1.Is the Commission aware that the Netherlands is currently investing very heavily in the construction of a large-capacity crossing-free long-distance freight railway line, namely the Betuwe line which will provide an east-west link between the port of Rotterdam and Zevenaar on the Dutch-German border, at a cost of € 4,4 billion? 2.Is the Commission aware that Switzerland is likewise investing very heavily in the construction of large-capacity crossing-free long-distance freight railway lines, namely the Gotthard base tunnel for the north-south route between Zurich and Chiasso, which, together with parallel rail tunnels through the Alps, will cost € 19 billion? 3.Is the Commission furthermore aware that, in making these investments, the Netherlands and Switzerland are assuming that rail freight transport will grow rapidly between 2006 and 2010 on the already heavily used route Rotterdam-Cologne-Basle-Milan-Genoa as part of a trans-European freight network, a route much of which therefore runs through the territory of Germany, while a smaller section runs through Italy? 4.Does the Commission agree that relatively little use is likely to be made of the new Dutch and Swiss lines in relation to the amount of investment required if and for so long as capacity on the intermediate lines remains inadequate, different regulations in each country impede the swift and smooth movement of freight trains, road haulage capacity is increased and tax cuts are used to cushion road haulage against the rising fuel prices charged by oil companies? 5.Under these circumstances, is it desirable for Dutch investment to be reduced or German investment to be increased, so that the infrastructures are better tailored to each other? What contribution could the Commission make to this? Source: De Volkskrant (Dutch newspaper) of 21 May 2001" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1.Is the Commission aware that the Netherlands is currently investing very heavily in the construction of a large-capacity crossing-free long-distance freight railway line, namely the Betuwe line which will provide an east-west link between the port of Rotterdam and Zevenaar on the Dutch-German border, at a cost of € 4,4 billion? 2.Is the Commission aware that Switzerland is likewise investing very heavily in the construction of large-capacity crossing-free long-distance freight railway lines, namely the Gotthard base tunnel for the north-south route between Zurich and Chiasso, which, together with parallel rail tunnels through the Alps, will cost € 19 billion? 3.Is the Commission furthermore aware that, in making these investments, the Netherlands and Switzerland are assuming that rail freight transport will grow rapidly between 2006 and 2010 on the already heavily used route Rotterdam-Cologne-Basle-Milan-Genoa as part of a trans-European freight network, a route much of which therefore runs through the territory of Germany, while a smaller section runs through Italy? 4.Does the Commission agree that relatively little use is likely to be made of the new Dutch and Swiss lines in relation to the amount of investment required if and for so long as capacity on the intermediate lines remains inadequate, different regulations in each country impede the swift and smooth movement of freight trains, road haulage capacity is increased and tax cuts are used to cushion road haulage against the rising fuel prices charged by oil companies? 5.Under these circumstances, is it desirable for Dutch investment to be reduced or German investment to be increased, so that the infrastructures are better tailored to each other? What contribution could the Commission make to this? Source: De Volkskrant (Dutch newspaper) of 21 May 2001
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "European Union Regulation 261/2004/EC guarantees the rights of passengers in the event that they are denied boarding or their flights are cancelled or subject to long delay. The regulation stipulates that, in the event of cancellation of a flight for which there is a valid reservation, the passenger is entitled to re‑routing, assistance, reimbursement and compensation. Reimbursements and fees can be paid in cash, by bank transfer to the passenger’s account or, with the passenger’s agreement, by voucher. Due to the precautionary measures imposed by the Member States, the international transport sector – including air transport – is facing difficulties in continuing to provide its services. Therefore, in order to successfully arrive at their desired destination (usually the country of origin or residence), passengers must purchase additional tickets from different airlines due to unexpected restrictions or prohibitions. It is also worrying that some companies have continued to sell airline tickets, even though air transport restrictions – as a preventive measure to protect public health – have become a certainty. These passengers are only given vouchers as compensation for all additional tickets purchased in respect of cancelled flights.What is the Commission doing to ensure the consistent and uniform application of regulations governing air carriers' obligations in terms of guaranteed passenger rights? How does it plan to ensure reimbursements in respect of all or some tickets bought by passengers who were forced to make multiple reservations, which were cancelled and for which they received vouchers, for a single trip?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
European Union Regulation 261/2004/EC guarantees the rights of passengers in the event that they are denied boarding or their flights are cancelled or subject to long delay. The regulation stipulates that, in the event of cancellation of a flight for which there is a valid reservation, the passenger is entitled to re‑routing, assistance, reimbursement and compensation. Reimbursements and fees can be paid in cash, by bank transfer to the passenger’s account or, with the passenger’s agreement, by voucher. Due to the precautionary measures imposed by the Member States, the international transport sector – including air transport – is facing difficulties in continuing to provide its services. Therefore, in order to successfully arrive at their desired destination (usually the country of origin or residence), passengers must purchase additional tickets from different airlines due to unexpected restrictions or prohibitions. It is also worrying that some companies have continued to sell airline tickets, even though air transport restrictions – as a preventive measure to protect public health – have become a certainty. These passengers are only given vouchers as compensation for all additional tickets purchased in respect of cancelled flights.What is the Commission doing to ensure the consistent and uniform application of regulations governing air carriers' obligations in terms of guaranteed passenger rights? How does it plan to ensure reimbursements in respect of all or some tickets bought by passengers who were forced to make multiple reservations, which were cancelled and for which they received vouchers, for a single trip?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to the Finnish Road Safety Organisation (Suomen Liikenneturva), the statistics compiled by fatal road accident investigation boards indicate that 12% of head-on collisions with a fatal outcome are due to drivers falling asleep. The true figure is likely to be higher still, as many accidents which are actually caused by tiredness are attributed to some kind of error in the handling of the vehicle. A survey in Norway has shown that as many as one third of all head-on collisions and run-off-the-road accidents were due in one way or another to tiredness, whereas for example alcohol or drugs are involved in only 11% of accidents. One of the priorities of the Commission's transport policy is promoting transport safety. When seeking practical ways of improving road safety, how will the Commission take account of the prevalence of accidents caused by tiredness? Has the Commission investigated - and if not, will it investigate - the role of tiredness in road accidents throughout the EU?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
According to the Finnish Road Safety Organisation (Suomen Liikenneturva), the statistics compiled by fatal road accident investigation boards indicate that 12% of head-on collisions with a fatal outcome are due to drivers falling asleep. The true figure is likely to be higher still, as many accidents which are actually caused by tiredness are attributed to some kind of error in the handling of the vehicle. A survey in Norway has shown that as many as one third of all head-on collisions and run-off-the-road accidents were due in one way or another to tiredness, whereas for example alcohol or drugs are involved in only 11% of accidents. One of the priorities of the Commission's transport policy is promoting transport safety. When seeking practical ways of improving road safety, how will the Commission take account of the prevalence of accidents caused by tiredness? Has the Commission investigated - and if not, will it investigate - the role of tiredness in road accidents throughout the EU?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The ‘Steel Rhine’ project is a trilateral agreement between Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands aimed at reactivating the railway line linking the port of Antwerp to Rheidt (Germany), passing through Dutch territory. Given the cross-border nature of this rail link and its crucial economic and environmental importance for the region (freight originating in the port of Antwerp will be directly carried to the German rail network, and thence to southern and eastern Europe, reducing road traffic), the project is one of the TEN-V ‘priority projects’. To date the project has not really got off the ground, given that the Belgian and Dutch authorities have been unable to reach agreement on, inter alia, the environmental and noise issues relating to the implementation of the project. The latter has not yet received any European funding. Last week Belgium and the Netherlands reached an agreement regarding the renovation of the ‘Steel Rhine’ line, stipulating inter alia that by 2030 at the latest, 72 international freight trains per day must be travelling along the line in both directions. Does the Commission intend to use this new momentum as an opportunity to relaunch the project and to have the work start as soon as possible using the subsidies committed under the TEN-V programme? When approximately can we expect this to happen? Under the new financial framework for 2007‑13, what percentage of the cost of the work to be done on a cross-border priority project such as the ‘Steel Rhine’ project can the Commission bear using, the funding provided for under TEN-V?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
The ‘Steel Rhine’ project is a trilateral agreement between Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands aimed at reactivating the railway line linking the port of Antwerp to Rheidt (Germany), passing through Dutch territory. Given the cross-border nature of this rail link and its crucial economic and environmental importance for the region (freight originating in the port of Antwerp will be directly carried to the German rail network, and thence to southern and eastern Europe, reducing road traffic), the project is one of the TEN-V ‘priority projects’. To date the project has not really got off the ground, given that the Belgian and Dutch authorities have been unable to reach agreement on, inter alia, the environmental and noise issues relating to the implementation of the project. The latter has not yet received any European funding. Last week Belgium and the Netherlands reached an agreement regarding the renovation of the ‘Steel Rhine’ line, stipulating inter alia that by 2030 at the latest, 72 international freight trains per day must be travelling along the line in both directions. Does the Commission intend to use this new momentum as an opportunity to relaunch the project and to have the work start as soon as possible using the subsidies committed under the TEN-V programme? When approximately can we expect this to happen? Under the new financial framework for 2007‑13, what percentage of the cost of the work to be done on a cross-border priority project such as the ‘Steel Rhine’ project can the Commission bear using, the funding provided for under TEN-V?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Studies have shown that security checks at airports pose a major health risk to travellers. This is due in particular to the plastic trays in which passengers have to place their cabin baggage and personal items such as mobile phones or laptops. In many cases the trays are not cleaned often enough and are dirty and, in the worst case, contaminated with bacteria and viruses. Regular cleaning and disinfection is needed. What does the Commission know about this situation, and how will it address it?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Studies have shown that security checks at airports pose a major health risk to travellers. This is due in particular to the plastic trays in which passengers have to place their cabin baggage and personal items such as mobile phones or laptops. In many cases the trays are not cleaned often enough and are dirty and, in the worst case, contaminated with bacteria and viruses. Regular cleaning and disinfection is needed. What does the Commission know about this situation, and how will it address it?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Air transport is a vitally important sector of the economy which, according to figures from ENAC (the Italian Civil Aviation Authority), experienced an unfortunate 1.7% decline in traffic in 2013. The way in which European funds are being spent within the airport sector clearly demonstrates that the European Union is making unprofitable investments therein — a lack of planning and inaccurate predictions mean that any European funds invested in the airport security sector are far from beneficial. Given that the above situation prevents the full investment picture from being seen and is an obstacle to comprehensive monitoring, can the Commission please indicate what measures it deems appropriate to improve investments in airports and to monitor and ensure that EU security policies are correctly defined and implemented?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Air transport is a vitally important sector of the economy which, according to figures from ENAC (the Italian Civil Aviation Authority), experienced an unfortunate 1.7% decline in traffic in 2013. The way in which European funds are being spent within the airport sector clearly demonstrates that the European Union is making unprofitable investments therein — a lack of planning and inaccurate predictions mean that any European funds invested in the airport security sector are far from beneficial. Given that the above situation prevents the full investment picture from being seen and is an obstacle to comprehensive monitoring, can the Commission please indicate what measures it deems appropriate to improve investments in airports and to monitor and ensure that EU security policies are correctly defined and implemented?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Following the air accidents in Indonesia and Ethiopia, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has grounded, as a precautionary measure, all Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft. According to press reports, Ryanair, Europe’s largest low-cost airline, has decided to rename its new Boeing 737 Maxes to avoid any negative reaction from passengers. While we understand the commercial reasons for this, we wish to ask the Commission the following questions: 1. In the interests of passenger safety, how does the EASA intend to check that Ryanair does not operate its Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft without first making the necessary design alterations sanctioned by the relevant authorities? 2. In order to ensure that passengers are properly informed, should they be made aware that, despite the change of name, they are still flying on a Boeing 737-8 Max or 737-9 Max? 3. How can we check that crews of Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft have been properly trained in respect of the alterations made before the models can be brought back into service?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Following the air accidents in Indonesia and Ethiopia, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has grounded, as a precautionary measure, all Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft. According to press reports, Ryanair, Europe’s largest low-cost airline, has decided to rename its new Boeing 737 Maxes to avoid any negative reaction from passengers. While we understand the commercial reasons for this, we wish to ask the Commission the following questions: 1. In the interests of passenger safety, how does the EASA intend to check that Ryanair does not operate its Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft without first making the necessary design alterations sanctioned by the relevant authorities? 2. In order to ensure that passengers are properly informed, should they be made aware that, despite the change of name, they are still flying on a Boeing 737-8 Max or 737-9 Max? 3. How can we check that crews of Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft have been properly trained in respect of the alterations made before the models can be brought back into service?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Over the last ten years, the Commission has allocated several billion euro for the construction, reconstruction and repair of road infrastructure in Bulgaria under the ‘Transport’ and ‘Regions in Growth’ operational programmes.Large infrastructure projects have become notorious in Bulgaria and are supposedly one of the main sources of corruption.Allegations have been made that roads constructed in Bulgaria with EU funds are of very poor quality and that most of the materials used comply only on paper with the necessary standards and in practice are often replaced, sometimes even with substances that could be dangerous for vehicles.1.How many technical checks on road construction quality were performed on the spot (by directly checking the different layers of the roads and the materials used and not by checking the respective documentation only) in Bulgaria between 2011 and 2019?2.How many of those technical checks were performed without using sub-contractors that work in Bulgaria in order to eliminate any doubts about possible dependencies?3.What kinds of measures can the Commission take to improve the perception in Bulgaria that EU funds are used to enrich business circles close to the government?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Over the last ten years, the Commission has allocated several billion euro for the construction, reconstruction and repair of road infrastructure in Bulgaria under the ‘Transport’ and ‘Regions in Growth’ operational programmes.Large infrastructure projects have become notorious in Bulgaria and are supposedly one of the main sources of corruption.Allegations have been made that roads constructed in Bulgaria with EU funds are of very poor quality and that most of the materials used comply only on paper with the necessary standards and in practice are often replaced, sometimes even with substances that could be dangerous for vehicles.1.How many technical checks on road construction quality were performed on the spot (by directly checking the different layers of the roads and the materials used and not by checking the respective documentation only) in Bulgaria between 2011 and 2019?2.How many of those technical checks were performed without using sub-contractors that work in Bulgaria in order to eliminate any doubts about possible dependencies?3.What kinds of measures can the Commission take to improve the perception in Bulgaria that EU funds are used to enrich business circles close to the government?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "At present it is impossible to assess the scale of the tragedy which has hit Mozambique, its land and its people. In the immediate future the question of survival is the absolute priority, but later on, during the reconstruction phase, it is essential to give the Mozambican people the hope and resources to enable them to resume the commitment which was producing such positive results in the country's development. 1.How does the Commission, which responded swiftly with emergency aid, intend to ensure its own transition from this phase to the reconstruction phase? 2.What material and organisational resources does it expect to have available during the reconstruction phase and what would the timetable be?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
At present it is impossible to assess the scale of the tragedy which has hit Mozambique, its land and its people. In the immediate future the question of survival is the absolute priority, but later on, during the reconstruction phase, it is essential to give the Mozambican people the hope and resources to enable them to resume the commitment which was producing such positive results in the country's development. 1.How does the Commission, which responded swiftly with emergency aid, intend to ensure its own transition from this phase to the reconstruction phase? 2.What material and organisational resources does it expect to have available during the reconstruction phase and what would the timetable be?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Airlines observe various different practices with regard to the safety of children on board aircraft who do not have their own seats. Some do not permit children to be transported in safety seats attached to seats by means of safety belts. In this case, children have to be held in the lap during take-off and landing. Some airlines require children to be attached to adults' seatbelts by means of a separate belt. Other airlines do not allow this. What methods does the Commission have at its disposal for improving the safety of very young passengers on board aircraft belonging to airlines operating within the territory of the Union? What will the Commission do to ascertain how it can be made easier for small children to travel by air, for example by means of measures relating to seats?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Airlines observe various different practices with regard to the safety of children on board aircraft who do not have their own seats. Some do not permit children to be transported in safety seats attached to seats by means of safety belts. In this case, children have to be held in the lap during take-off and landing. Some airlines require children to be attached to adults' seatbelts by means of a separate belt. Other airlines do not allow this. What methods does the Commission have at its disposal for improving the safety of very young passengers on board aircraft belonging to airlines operating within the territory of the Union? What will the Commission do to ascertain how it can be made easier for small children to travel by air, for example by means of measures relating to seats?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the development of short sea shipping in Europe (COM(95)0317 final of 5 July 1995), the Commission failed to include in its conclusions the studies carried out into this subject by the regions of the Atlantic seaboard, which it did not take into account when drawing up the communication, as the Committee of the Regions pointed out in its report No. 33/96 of 18 February 1996 (paragraph 10). The Commission did, however, take account of the studies relating to the North Sea, the Baltic and the Mediterranean, these being areas for which the Commission has set up 'working groups', together with a working group for the Black Sea, for the development of short sea shipping with a view to enlargement. Bearing in mind that the Atlantic seaboard includes 5 peripheral maritime Member States (3 of which are among the 4 cohesion countries) and many Objective 1 regions, can the Commission explain the reasons for such an omission? Does it not agree that the economic and social cohesion of the current European Union requires that the communication address the specific problems of the Atlantic seaboard? Is the Commission therefore prepared to set up an Atlantic working group to tackle the specific issue of this important peripheral shipping area currently in decline?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
In its communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the development of short sea shipping in Europe (COM(95)0317 final of 5 July 1995), the Commission failed to include in its conclusions the studies carried out into this subject by the regions of the Atlantic seaboard, which it did not take into account when drawing up the communication, as the Committee of the Regions pointed out in its report No. 33/96 of 18 February 1996 (paragraph 10). The Commission did, however, take account of the studies relating to the North Sea, the Baltic and the Mediterranean, these being areas for which the Commission has set up 'working groups', together with a working group for the Black Sea, for the development of short sea shipping with a view to enlargement. Bearing in mind that the Atlantic seaboard includes 5 peripheral maritime Member States (3 of which are among the 4 cohesion countries) and many Objective 1 regions, can the Commission explain the reasons for such an omission? Does it not agree that the economic and social cohesion of the current European Union requires that the communication address the specific problems of the Atlantic seaboard? Is the Commission therefore prepared to set up an Atlantic working group to tackle the specific issue of this important peripheral shipping area currently in decline?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Would the Commission please provide information on the following. How many trips to Strasbourg were made by Commission officials during 2006 for the Parliament's plenary sessions? What was the modal distribution of this travel? Please give details of any additional freight transport associated with this staff movement — e.g.separate carriage of boxes, files, equipment,etc.: quantity, means of travel and cost implications of this. What were the financial costs of the staff travel? Is it foreseen that a similar pattern of travel will take place in 2007?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Would the Commission please provide information on the following. How many trips to Strasbourg were made by Commission officials during 2006 for the Parliament's plenary sessions? What was the modal distribution of this travel? Please give details of any additional freight transport associated with this staff movement — e.g.separate carriage of boxes, files, equipment,etc.: quantity, means of travel and cost implications of this. What were the financial costs of the staff travel? Is it foreseen that a similar pattern of travel will take place in 2007?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "By Decision884/2004/EC(1) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29April 2004 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, the railway axis Athens-Sofia-Budapest-Vienna-Prague-Nuremberg/Dresden (project 22) was added to the list of priority projects. The two last-named branches of this axis (Břeclav-Prague-Nuremberg and Prague‑Linz) pass through the territory of the Czech Republic. Within what timescale will a European coordinator be designated for priority project22 in line with Article17a of the decision of the European Parliament and of the Council? (1)OJ L 167, 30.4.2004, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
By Decision884/2004/EC(1) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29April 2004 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, the railway axis Athens-Sofia-Budapest-Vienna-Prague-Nuremberg/Dresden (project 22) was added to the list of priority projects. The two last-named branches of this axis (Břeclav-Prague-Nuremberg and Prague‑Linz) pass through the territory of the Czech Republic. Within what timescale will a European coordinator be designated for priority project22 in line with Article17a of the decision of the European Parliament and of the Council? (1)OJ L 167, 30.4.2004, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its reply of 3 September 2002 to my oral question H-0578/02(1) concerning dyke sections in Sliedrecht, the Commission does not give any plausible reason for the very slow processing of this case. It merely repeats that """"""""at present"""""""" it is still studying the detailed reply from the Government of the Netherlands to the Commission's reasoned opinion of 26 July 2001. I would point out that the Commission received this detailed reply as long ago as 11 October 2001. Is the Commission aware that this matter concerns decision-making on the strengthening of a dyke which has already been postponed several times because of intervention by the Commission? Is the Commission aware that any further delay in the decision-making on the dyke-strengthening could result in a dangerous situation? Is the Commission aware that the confidence of members of the public, who had been relying on active intervention by the Commission, is proving seriously misplaced in view of the delay in dealing with this matter? (1)Written reply of 3.9.2002." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
In its reply of 3 September 2002 to my oral question H-0578/02(1) concerning dyke sections in Sliedrecht, the Commission does not give any plausible reason for the very slow processing of this case. It merely repeats that """"""""at present"""""""" it is still studying the detailed reply from the Government of the Netherlands to the Commission's reasoned opinion of 26 July 2001. I would point out that the Commission received this detailed reply as long ago as 11 October 2001. Is the Commission aware that this matter concerns decision-making on the strengthening of a dyke which has already been postponed several times because of intervention by the Commission? Is the Commission aware that any further delay in the decision-making on the dyke-strengthening could result in a dangerous situation? Is the Commission aware that the confidence of members of the public, who had been relying on active intervention by the Commission, is proving seriously misplaced in view of the delay in dealing with this matter? (1)Written reply of 3.9.2002.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Rail freight transport is much more environmentally friendly than road freight transport, yet it is less popular. In order to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from transport in the EU, 30% of goods need to be transported by rail.How does the Commission intend to revive rail freight transport in the EU and what timeframe does it envisage for this?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
Rail freight transport is much more environmentally friendly than road freight transport, yet it is less popular. In order to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from transport in the EU, 30% of goods need to be transported by rail.How does the Commission intend to revive rail freight transport in the EU and what timeframe does it envisage for this?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1. Is the Commission aware of the comments made on 24 April 2003 by 23 representatives of Bulgarian organisations concerned with the protection of nature and the environment regarding the effects of preparations for expanding Sofia airport, according to which: (a) the """"""""Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for this project will be only 3,6 % (or 1,5 % excluding the ISPA contribution), whilst the 'Transport Infrastructure Regional Study"""""""" (TIRS) takes as its basis a figure of 12 to 15 % and, for countries with large debts and a low capacity for repayment, even of 25 to 30 %; (b) there has been no comprehensive environmental impact assessment, contrary to Bulgarian law and to Directive 97/11/EC(1), which means that the """"""""Health Risk Assessment Report"""""""" (HRAR) concerning effects on the central nervous system, heart, blood vessels and endocrine system of those living in the vicinity of the airport can only be based on indirect criteria; (c) the HRAR states that the number of persons affected by noise nuisance will not fall, but rather increase, partly in view of the fact that separate noise limits have not been laid down for night flights, although, as from April 2002, night flights are again being allowed, following a short ban; (d) those living in the region will lose their houses and agricultural land without adequate compensation for the loss of employment and home? 2.How is it that this information differs so completely from the arguments put forward by the European Investment Bank (EIB — Info & News, 3.12.2002) and from the Commission's answers to my earlier questions E-2037/02(2) and E-2038/02(3)? 3.Is this plan being pushed through at any cost for reasons of supposed economic demand or for reasons of national pride, even if it is not possible to comply with existing Bulgarian national or EU rules? 4.Is it still possible to reach a solution involving agreement between all concerned? What steps is the Commission taking to try to achieve this? (1)OJ L 73, 14.3.1997, p. 5. (2)OJ C 28 E, 6.2.2003, p. 173. (3)OJ C 52 E, 6.3.2003, p. 123." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
1. Is the Commission aware of the comments made on 24 April 2003 by 23 representatives of Bulgarian organisations concerned with the protection of nature and the environment regarding the effects of preparations for expanding Sofia airport, according to which: (a) the """"""""Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for this project will be only 3,6 % (or 1,5 % excluding the ISPA contribution), whilst the 'Transport Infrastructure Regional Study"""""""" (TIRS) takes as its basis a figure of 12 to 15 % and, for countries with large debts and a low capacity for repayment, even of 25 to 30 %; (b) there has been no comprehensive environmental impact assessment, contrary to Bulgarian law and to Directive 97/11/EC(1), which means that the """"""""Health Risk Assessment Report"""""""" (HRAR) concerning effects on the central nervous system, heart, blood vessels and endocrine system of those living in the vicinity of the airport can only be based on indirect criteria; (c) the HRAR states that the number of persons affected by noise nuisance will not fall, but rather increase, partly in view of the fact that separate noise limits have not been laid down for night flights, although, as from April 2002, night flights are again being allowed, following a short ban; (d) those living in the region will lose their houses and agricultural land without adequate compensation for the loss of employment and home? 2.How is it that this information differs so completely from the arguments put forward by the European Investment Bank (EIB — Info & News, 3.12.2002) and from the Commission's answers to my earlier questions E-2037/02(2) and E-2038/02(3)? 3.Is this plan being pushed through at any cost for reasons of supposed economic demand or for reasons of national pride, even if it is not possible to comply with existing Bulgarian national or EU rules? 4.Is it still possible to reach a solution involving agreement between all concerned? What steps is the Commission taking to try to achieve this? (1)OJ L 73, 14.3.1997, p. 5. (2)OJ C 28 E, 6.2.2003, p. 173. (3)OJ C 52 E, 6.3.2003, p. 123.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "A recent in railway accident in Greece with 53 casualties highlighted the issue of safety conditions on Europe's railways. Although the safety level of the Community's rail system is particularly high in comparison with road transport, there are wide variations between the Member States in the frequency, severity and causes of accidents. Directive2004/49/EC(1) on the safety of railways expressly states that accidents must be investigated and the results of the investigations must be published. Can the Commission say if it has information on the quality and quantity of investigations into rail accidents and whether it regularly publishes this information to prevent reoccurrence? The same Directive provides for the gradual introduction of common safety targets (CSTs), common safety methods (CSMs) and common safety indicators (CSIs). What stage has been reached in developing and implementing these, and have they proved effective? Regulation (EC) 881/2004(2) establishing a European Railway Agency provides for the Agency to monitor safety performance on the basis of the common safety indicators and national reports on safety and accidents. Does the Commission consider that the cooperation to date between the Agency and the national rail safety authorities has been satisfactory? (1)OJL220, 21.6.2004, p. 16. (2)OJL220, 21.6.2004, p.3." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [10]. </s>
A recent in railway accident in Greece with 53 casualties highlighted the issue of safety conditions on Europe's railways. Although the safety level of the Community's rail system is particularly high in comparison with road transport, there are wide variations between the Member States in the frequency, severity and causes of accidents. Directive2004/49/EC(1) on the safety of railways expressly states that accidents must be investigated and the results of the investigations must be published. Can the Commission say if it has information on the quality and quantity of investigations into rail accidents and whether it regularly publishes this information to prevent reoccurrence? The same Directive provides for the gradual introduction of common safety targets (CSTs), common safety methods (CSMs) and common safety indicators (CSIs). What stage has been reached in developing and implementing these, and have they proved effective? Regulation (EC) 881/2004(2) establishing a European Railway Agency provides for the Agency to monitor safety performance on the basis of the common safety indicators and national reports on safety and accidents. Does the Commission consider that the cooperation to date between the Agency and the national rail safety authorities has been satisfactory? (1)OJL220, 21.6.2004, p. 16. (2)OJL220, 21.6.2004, p.3.