20 values
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Traditional and fast food restaurants are subject to different VAT rates in the various Member States. In the European Union as a whole, 8 out of 15 countries now apply reduced rates to traditional restaurants equivalent to those applicable to fast food outlets. In France demonstrations are currently being held to call for a reduced VAT rate to be applied to traditional restaurants as well as to fast-food catering. The retention of a high VAT rate would harm traditional restaurateurs, their staff and their customers, while a reduced rate would permit this dynamic, job-creating sector to develop. Does the Commission envisage taking any action in this area? Why not propose a directive seeking to apply a reduced rate of VAT to traditional restaurants as well as to fast food outlets in all the Member States?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Traditional and fast food restaurants are subject to different VAT rates in the various Member States. In the European Union as a whole, 8 out of 15 countries now apply reduced rates to traditional restaurants equivalent to those applicable to fast food outlets. In France demonstrations are currently being held to call for a reduced VAT rate to be applied to traditional restaurants as well as to fast-food catering. The retention of a high VAT rate would harm traditional restaurateurs, their staff and their customers, while a reduced rate would permit this dynamic, job-creating sector to develop. Does the Commission envisage taking any action in this area? Why not propose a directive seeking to apply a reduced rate of VAT to traditional restaurants as well as to fast food outlets in all the Member States?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "It is argued that coins contain nickel in order to guard against counterfeiting. Have steps been taken to develop alternatives to nickel? Are there specific plans to phase out nickel in all euro coins and, if so, within what timescale? Is it an objective to apply the nickel directive to euro coins in the future, thereby ensuring a nickel-free coinage? Have statistics been compiled of the number of allergy sufferers today, including children, thus providing a general picture of the number of allergy sufferers affected?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
It is argued that coins contain nickel in order to guard against counterfeiting. Have steps been taken to develop alternatives to nickel? Are there specific plans to phase out nickel in all euro coins and, if so, within what timescale? Is it an objective to apply the nickel directive to euro coins in the future, thereby ensuring a nickel-free coinage? Have statistics been compiled of the number of allergy sufferers today, including children, thus providing a general picture of the number of allergy sufferers affected?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 30 September 2020, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) published a report on a proposal for a regulation on the public sector loan facility under the Just Transition Mechanism(1).The ECA states that the Commission did not carry out an ex-ante analysis of the impact of the public sector loan facility, as required by Article 209 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union. The ECA therefore concludes that the added value of the proposed instrument cannot be assessed for non-compliance with this obligation.Can the Commission explain why its proposal did not include an ex-ante analysis of the impact of setting up a public sector loan facility, which it is required to carry out under the Financial Regulation?Does the Commission intend to add this ex-ante analysis to the proposal in the near future? (1)https://www.eca.europa.eu/en/Pages/DocItem.aspx?did=55144." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On 30 September 2020, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) published a report on a proposal for a regulation on the public sector loan facility under the Just Transition Mechanism(1).The ECA states that the Commission did not carry out an ex-ante analysis of the impact of the public sector loan facility, as required by Article 209 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union. The ECA therefore concludes that the added value of the proposed instrument cannot be assessed for non-compliance with this obligation.Can the Commission explain why its proposal did not include an ex-ante analysis of the impact of setting up a public sector loan facility, which it is required to carry out under the Financial Regulation?Does the Commission intend to add this ex-ante analysis to the proposal in the near future? (1)https://www.eca.europa.eu/en/Pages/DocItem.aspx?did=55144.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The company Thyssen Krupp (TK) recently presented its technical schedule, which indicates its decision to close the AST's electrical steel department in Terni, Italy, entailing the loss of 900 jobs in the area concerned. Electrical steel is of decisive importance for the overall equilibrium of the Terni steelworks, in terms of production arrangements and synergies and the implications for employment; furthermore, TK promised to make Terni the European centre of excellence for grain-oriented electrical steel. The plant is one of the company's European sites with the lowest product unit costs and there has been enormous public investment, including Community funding linked to the Objective 2 contract and the ESF, in developing local systems, infrastructure and vocational training, from which AST/TK has benefited both directly and indirectly. Does the Commission intend to promote immediate moves to prevent the closure of the electrical steel department of TK's plant in Terni? Does it intend to adopt a more decisive strategy to tackle industrial restructuring and its social impact, in order to prevent adverse repercussions not only on employment and working conditions, but also on regional planning?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The company Thyssen Krupp (TK) recently presented its technical schedule, which indicates its decision to close the AST's electrical steel department in Terni, Italy, entailing the loss of 900 jobs in the area concerned. Electrical steel is of decisive importance for the overall equilibrium of the Terni steelworks, in terms of production arrangements and synergies and the implications for employment; furthermore, TK promised to make Terni the European centre of excellence for grain-oriented electrical steel. The plant is one of the company's European sites with the lowest product unit costs and there has been enormous public investment, including Community funding linked to the Objective 2 contract and the ESF, in developing local systems, infrastructure and vocational training, from which AST/TK has benefited both directly and indirectly. Does the Commission intend to promote immediate moves to prevent the closure of the electrical steel department of TK's plant in Terni? Does it intend to adopt a more decisive strategy to tackle industrial restructuring and its social impact, in order to prevent adverse repercussions not only on employment and working conditions, but also on regional planning?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its reply to my question about Facebook’s proposed digital currency (Libra), the Commission stated that it was carrying out a preliminary assessment with the European Securities and Markets Authority and the European Banking Authority into the legal nature of the currency and any authorisations that may be required.Could the Commission provide a rough timeline of how this assessment is expected to proceed, in light of the habitual very rapid advancements in this field?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In its reply to my question about Facebook’s proposed digital currency (Libra), the Commission stated that it was carrying out a preliminary assessment with the European Securities and Markets Authority and the European Banking Authority into the legal nature of the currency and any authorisations that may be required.Could the Commission provide a rough timeline of how this assessment is expected to proceed, in light of the habitual very rapid advancements in this field?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Exports by some EU Member States to countries such as Turkey of ferrous scrap metal derived from steel manufacturing is creating profound and unfair imbalances within theEU. In particular, and according to figures from Turkey’s official statistics body Turkistat, countries such as Germany and the Netherlands rank among the top exporters of scrap metal to Turkey in 2019. The directives governing the nature of ferrous scrap metal do not consider it to be a raw material, meaning it is not eligible for application of the safeguard clause commonly used for exports of raw materials. Exporting ferrous scrap metal deprives theEU of raw materials which are then reprocessed in Turkey, where high levels of state aid make manufacturing easier than in theEU countries. Furthermore, as Turkey is not subjected to environmental controls on carbon dioxide emissions, particulates and fume capture rules, production costs for its goods are lower, creating unfair competition on the internal market of EU countries such as Italy. In view of this: 1. In the Commission’s view, could ferrous scrap metal be considered a raw material in the steel production process and as such, become eligible for application of the safeguard clause? 2. Will the Commission impose the same environmental protection requirements on products imported from non-EU countries?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Exports by some EU Member States to countries such as Turkey of ferrous scrap metal derived from steel manufacturing is creating profound and unfair imbalances within theEU. In particular, and according to figures from Turkey’s official statistics body Turkistat, countries such as Germany and the Netherlands rank among the top exporters of scrap metal to Turkey in 2019. The directives governing the nature of ferrous scrap metal do not consider it to be a raw material, meaning it is not eligible for application of the safeguard clause commonly used for exports of raw materials. Exporting ferrous scrap metal deprives theEU of raw materials which are then reprocessed in Turkey, where high levels of state aid make manufacturing easier than in theEU countries. Furthermore, as Turkey is not subjected to environmental controls on carbon dioxide emissions, particulates and fume capture rules, production costs for its goods are lower, creating unfair competition on the internal market of EU countries such as Italy. In view of this: 1. In the Commission’s view, could ferrous scrap metal be considered a raw material in the steel production process and as such, become eligible for application of the safeguard clause? 2. Will the Commission impose the same environmental protection requirements on products imported from non-EU countries?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Commission has prepared an updated version of the """"""""Guide to the Directive on machinery"""""""" (Directive 89/392/EEC(1), amended in 1991 and 1993) that it published in 1993. The Guide has been immensely useful to the manufacturers and users of machinery, and particularly to small firms. The updated version of the Guide, about which there is very broad agreement within industry and in most of the Member States, has been eagerly awaited for more than a year. 1.What are the reasons for this delay? 2.Does the Commission intend to publish it? 3.When? (1)OJ L 183, 29.6.1989, p. 9." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The Commission has prepared an updated version of the """"""""Guide to the Directive on machinery"""""""" (Directive 89/392/EEC(1), amended in 1991 and 1993) that it published in 1993. The Guide has been immensely useful to the manufacturers and users of machinery, and particularly to small firms. The updated version of the Guide, about which there is very broad agreement within industry and in most of the Member States, has been eagerly awaited for more than a year. 1.What are the reasons for this delay? 2.Does the Commission intend to publish it? 3.When? (1)OJ L 183, 29.6.1989, p. 9.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its answer to question E-1114/03(1), which asked whether the municipality of Prato had submitted projects and secured funding under the Ecos-Ouverture programme, the Commission stated that the city had applied but had not been been selected for funding. Can the Commission say why the projects were not considered suitable? Has the Commission completed its examination of the final reports mentioned in its answers and, if so, can it supply any information on the outcome? (1) OJ C" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In its answer to question E-1114/03(1), which asked whether the municipality of Prato had submitted projects and secured funding under the Ecos-Ouverture programme, the Commission stated that the city had applied but had not been been selected for funding. Can the Commission say why the projects were not considered suitable? Has the Commission completed its examination of the final reports mentioned in its answers and, if so, can it supply any information on the outcome? (1) OJ C
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In the Berlin Agreement of 20April 2007 the Eurogroup ministers unanimously acknowledged the need to take advantage of the favourable cyclical conditions in order to speed up deficit and debt reduction so as to attain the goal of an annual adjustment not less than 0.5% of GDP in structural terms. — The budget package as initially approved by the Italian Government, consisting of the Finance Bill 2008 (Bill No1817), providing for a total of EUR10900million, and the Fiscal Decree Law 2007-08 (Decree Law No159 of 1October 2007), providing for a total of EUR7500million, makes for a worse ratio of deficit to GDP, increasing it from 1.5%‑1.8% (the trend figure for 2008) to 2.4%. — In view of the amendments now being made in one of the two houses of the Italian Parliament (the Senate), both to the decree law and to the bill, the government finance balances will be worsened still further (in the vote on the fiscal decree law, additional expenditure of EUR3200million has already been earmarked — EUR1300million for various adjustments, plus EUR1900million to double the bonus for the poorest non-taxpayers (‘incapienti’); as far as the finance bill is concerned, EUR830million is already accounted for, to write off unpaid prescription charges and finance a spending spree covering everything from the rescue of interministerial committees to funds for shipbuilding, bee-keeping, the fisheries sector, and many more dribs and drabs besides). — Will the Council study the progress of the debate on the budget package (Finance Bill 2008 and the decree law) now under way in Italy with a view to assessing the individual provisions that even at this stage are likely to seriously jeopardise the Italian budgetary consolidation efforts, which the Government has, moreover, already put back to 2011? — How will it intervene to avert further deterioration in the Italian Government finance balances before the final decisions have been taken on the budget package and the Government formally notifies the Commission to that effect?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In the Berlin Agreement of 20April 2007 the Eurogroup ministers unanimously acknowledged the need to take advantage of the favourable cyclical conditions in order to speed up deficit and debt reduction so as to attain the goal of an annual adjustment not less than 0.5% of GDP in structural terms. — The budget package as initially approved by the Italian Government, consisting of the Finance Bill 2008 (Bill No1817), providing for a total of EUR10900million, and the Fiscal Decree Law 2007-08 (Decree Law No159 of 1October 2007), providing for a total of EUR7500million, makes for a worse ratio of deficit to GDP, increasing it from 1.5%‑1.8% (the trend figure for 2008) to 2.4%. — In view of the amendments now being made in one of the two houses of the Italian Parliament (the Senate), both to the decree law and to the bill, the government finance balances will be worsened still further (in the vote on the fiscal decree law, additional expenditure of EUR3200million has already been earmarked — EUR1300million for various adjustments, plus EUR1900million to double the bonus for the poorest non-taxpayers (‘incapienti’); as far as the finance bill is concerned, EUR830million is already accounted for, to write off unpaid prescription charges and finance a spending spree covering everything from the rescue of interministerial committees to funds for shipbuilding, bee-keeping, the fisheries sector, and many more dribs and drabs besides). — Will the Council study the progress of the debate on the budget package (Finance Bill 2008 and the decree law) now under way in Italy with a view to assessing the individual provisions that even at this stage are likely to seriously jeopardise the Italian budgetary consolidation efforts, which the Government has, moreover, already put back to 2011? — How will it intervene to avert further deterioration in the Italian Government finance balances before the final decisions have been taken on the budget package and the Government formally notifies the Commission to that effect?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In his answer to question E-2403/99(1) on the EUR 2 million cutback in the Poseima programme under budget heading B1-321 Commissioner Fischler said that the proposed reduction is merely the result of taking into account, in the estimates, the actual percentage of take-up of the budgetary allocation over the last few years. However, according to figures for 1998/1999 this does not appear to be the case. Can the Commission therefore say: 1. What actual amounts for the implementation of the Poseima programme were taken up overall by the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Autonomous Region of Madeira in 1998 and 1999? 2. Whether it intends to revise its position for the 2001 budget? 3. What actual amounts and were used in implementing the Poseidom and Poseidom programmes? (1)OJ C 225 E, 8.8.2000, p. 125." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In his answer to question E-2403/99(1) on the EUR 2 million cutback in the Poseima programme under budget heading B1-321 Commissioner Fischler said that the proposed reduction is merely the result of taking into account, in the estimates, the actual percentage of take-up of the budgetary allocation over the last few years. However, according to figures for 1998/1999 this does not appear to be the case. Can the Commission therefore say: 1. What actual amounts for the implementation of the Poseima programme were taken up overall by the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Autonomous Region of Madeira in 1998 and 1999? 2. Whether it intends to revise its position for the 2001 budget? 3. What actual amounts and were used in implementing the Poseidom and Poseidom programmes? (1)OJ C 225 E, 8.8.2000, p. 125.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In the conclusions of the Ecofin Council meeting of 19 June 1995 concerning national measures taken to combat wastefulness and the misuse of Community resources, the following paragraph appears under item 1, headed """"""""At Member State level"""""""": """"""""take the necessary measures to ensure that the inspections carried out by the Member States and the penalties they impose make it possible to achieve a level of protection for the Community's financial interests that is identical throughout the territory of the Community"""""""". Can the Council explain whether this identical level of protection of financial interests will mean de facto standardization of the crime of Community fraud in all 15 Union Member States?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In the conclusions of the Ecofin Council meeting of 19 June 1995 concerning national measures taken to combat wastefulness and the misuse of Community resources, the following paragraph appears under item 1, headed """"""""At Member State level"""""""": """"""""take the necessary measures to ensure that the inspections carried out by the Member States and the penalties they impose make it possible to achieve a level of protection for the Community's financial interests that is identical throughout the territory of the Community"""""""". Can the Council explain whether this identical level of protection of financial interests will mean de facto standardization of the crime of Community fraud in all 15 Union Member States?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On Swedish accession to the EU Swedish VAT legislation became subject to EU rules. In the Council's sixth VAT directive (77/388/EEC) (1), Annex F lists a number of types of transaction taxable under the directive but which the Member States may exempt from VAT for a transitional period. This includes services supplied by artists. Under Swedish VAT legislation the sale of rights in feature films is exempt from tax, and film producers and the like cannot therefore obtain reimbursement of the tax collected in connection with the production of films in Sweden. As the sale of film rights is subject to VAT in every other Member State, the result is that film producers established in Member States other than Sweden are obliged to collect VAT on the sale of rights into films produced in Sweden while local tax paid in connection with the production is not reimbursed. This reduces the competitive conditions for producers operating in Sweden in relation to similar producers operating in other Member States. Does the Commission not consider that Sweden, by refusing to register legal persons for VAT for the sale of rights is exceeding the powers of VAT exemption granted under point 2 of Annex F to the Council's sixth VAT directive? (1)OJ L 145, 13.6.1977, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On Swedish accession to the EU Swedish VAT legislation became subject to EU rules. In the Council's sixth VAT directive (77/388/EEC) (1), Annex F lists a number of types of transaction taxable under the directive but which the Member States may exempt from VAT for a transitional period. This includes services supplied by artists. Under Swedish VAT legislation the sale of rights in feature films is exempt from tax, and film producers and the like cannot therefore obtain reimbursement of the tax collected in connection with the production of films in Sweden. As the sale of film rights is subject to VAT in every other Member State, the result is that film producers established in Member States other than Sweden are obliged to collect VAT on the sale of rights into films produced in Sweden while local tax paid in connection with the production is not reimbursed. This reduces the competitive conditions for producers operating in Sweden in relation to similar producers operating in other Member States. Does the Commission not consider that Sweden, by refusing to register legal persons for VAT for the sale of rights is exceeding the powers of VAT exemption granted under point 2 of Annex F to the Council's sixth VAT directive? (1)OJ L 145, 13.6.1977, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to its press release of 31March 1998, the Commission has instituted infringement proceedings against Denmark relating interalia to the Danish policy towards the use by employees resident in Denmark of company cars registered in another Member State. Can the Commission state what action it has taken since publication of the press release and what action it intends to take against Denmark since Denmark is clearly still practising a policy in breach of the Court's judgment in the Ledoux case C-127/86 (see most recently the second Ryborg case which was drawn to the Commission's attention inNovember 1999, cf. Commission file No D(99) EMPL/D/4-45329)?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
According to its press release of 31March 1998, the Commission has instituted infringement proceedings against Denmark relating interalia to the Danish policy towards the use by employees resident in Denmark of company cars registered in another Member State. Can the Commission state what action it has taken since publication of the press release and what action it intends to take against Denmark since Denmark is clearly still practising a policy in breach of the Court's judgment in the Ledoux case C-127/86 (see most recently the second Ryborg case which was drawn to the Commission's attention inNovember 1999, cf. Commission file No D(99) EMPL/D/4-45329)?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Whereas in Article 12 of Council Directive 77/388/EEC(1) of 17 May 1977 (Sixth VAT Directive), as modified by Council Directive 92/77/EEC(2) of 19 October 1992 (approximation of VAT rates), lays down that from 1 January 1993, Member States may apply one or two reduced rates. These reduced rates may not be lower than 5 %, and shall apply only to supplies of categories of goods and services specified in Annex H, Whereas category 7 of Annex H refers to """"""""admissions to […] amusement parks, […] zoos, […] and similar cultural events and facilities"""""""", although such activities are not defined in the Sixth VAT Directive, Whereas the activities of aquatic, botanic, animal and mechanical amusement parks demand that they come under the activities recognised in category 7 of Annex H of the Sixth VAT Directive and, therefore, may benefit from the application of the reduced VAT rates to admission charges to their facilities, in implementation, inter alia, of the principles of VAT uniformity, the inherent fiscal neutrality of the common VAT system and the elimination of distortions of competition in the single market, 1.Does the Commission believe that the activities of aquatic, botanic, animal and mechanical amusement parks should be judged as being the same as the activities of amusement parks, zoos and similar cultural events and facilities, within the meaning of Annex H, category 7, of the Sixth VAT Directive? 2.If not, does the Commission intend to assess whether the activities of aquatic, botanic, animal and mechanical amusement parks should be included within the categories which may benefit from the implementation by the Member States of a reduced VAT rate, within the meaning of Annex H of the Sixth VAT Directive, and, if appropriate, include a proposal that they should be so included in its forthcoming two-yearly report? (1)OJ L 145, 13.6.1977, p. 1. (2)OJ L 316, 31.10.1992, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Whereas in Article 12 of Council Directive 77/388/EEC(1) of 17 May 1977 (Sixth VAT Directive), as modified by Council Directive 92/77/EEC(2) of 19 October 1992 (approximation of VAT rates), lays down that from 1 January 1993, Member States may apply one or two reduced rates. These reduced rates may not be lower than 5 %, and shall apply only to supplies of categories of goods and services specified in Annex H, Whereas category 7 of Annex H refers to """"""""admissions to […] amusement parks, […] zoos, […] and similar cultural events and facilities"""""""", although such activities are not defined in the Sixth VAT Directive, Whereas the activities of aquatic, botanic, animal and mechanical amusement parks demand that they come under the activities recognised in category 7 of Annex H of the Sixth VAT Directive and, therefore, may benefit from the application of the reduced VAT rates to admission charges to their facilities, in implementation, inter alia, of the principles of VAT uniformity, the inherent fiscal neutrality of the common VAT system and the elimination of distortions of competition in the single market, 1.Does the Commission believe that the activities of aquatic, botanic, animal and mechanical amusement parks should be judged as being the same as the activities of amusement parks, zoos and similar cultural events and facilities, within the meaning of Annex H, category 7, of the Sixth VAT Directive? 2.If not, does the Commission intend to assess whether the activities of aquatic, botanic, animal and mechanical amusement parks should be included within the categories which may benefit from the implementation by the Member States of a reduced VAT rate, within the meaning of Annex H of the Sixth VAT Directive, and, if appropriate, include a proposal that they should be so included in its forthcoming two-yearly report? (1)OJ L 145, 13.6.1977, p. 1. (2)OJ L 316, 31.10.1992, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "President Macron announced on 10December2018 that he would take several steps to appease the anger of the ‘yellow vests’, namely by increasing the minimum wage by 100 euro a month, removing the overtime requirement and cancelling the increase in the general social contribution for pensions lower than EUR2000 per month. The French Government has officially calculated the cost of these measures to be EUR10billion in additional expenditure. On 12December2018, it was announced in Le Figaro that France’s deficit ‘will exceed the threshold of 3% of GDP’. Does the Commission intend to call out — or even fine — France for these budgetary overruns? If not, how does it explain the severity of the situation vis-à-vis Italy, whose budget deficit is only estimated at 2.4% of its GDP?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
President Macron announced on 10December2018 that he would take several steps to appease the anger of the ‘yellow vests’, namely by increasing the minimum wage by 100 euro a month, removing the overtime requirement and cancelling the increase in the general social contribution for pensions lower than EUR2000 per month. The French Government has officially calculated the cost of these measures to be EUR10billion in additional expenditure. On 12December2018, it was announced in Le Figaro that France’s deficit ‘will exceed the threshold of 3% of GDP’. Does the Commission intend to call out — or even fine — France for these budgetary overruns? If not, how does it explain the severity of the situation vis-à-vis Italy, whose budget deficit is only estimated at 2.4% of its GDP?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Alongside the ‘giants’ of the agrifood industry, the smaller branches dealing with ‘dietary supplements’ and ‘functional ingredients’ account for a large number of SMEs (almost 200 in France), whose innovative capacity and commercial dynamism are being curtailed by the requirements of Regulation (EC) No1924/2006(1) because they lack the financial resources needed to meet the demands of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Recently the firm of Danone publicly withdrew the nutritional claims for two of its products because of the lack of clarity and comprehensibility of the EFSA’s assessment criteria. The European Economic and Social Committee, in its opinion CES No0308/2004, stressed ‘the need for legislation to be proportionate, predictable, properly enforced — and above all practical’ and expressed ‘concern that some of the provisions relating to the substantiation of claims may be unnecessarily complex and even cumbersome’ (point3.3). It recommended the establishment of ‘workable procedures with clear timetables’. Do the difficulties being experienced by large and small companies alike not suggest that the level of the EFSA’s criteria on nutrition and health claims is set too high? Given that the regulation sets out to promote and protect innovation in the food industry, how does the Commission envisage, in the short and medium term, tackling the issue of the loss of competitive edge suffered by companies, particularly small companies, affected by this legislation so as to ensure that they remain competitive on the single and world markets? (1)OJ L 404, 30.12.2006, p. 9." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Alongside the ‘giants’ of the agrifood industry, the smaller branches dealing with ‘dietary supplements’ and ‘functional ingredients’ account for a large number of SMEs (almost 200 in France), whose innovative capacity and commercial dynamism are being curtailed by the requirements of Regulation (EC) No1924/2006(1) because they lack the financial resources needed to meet the demands of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Recently the firm of Danone publicly withdrew the nutritional claims for two of its products because of the lack of clarity and comprehensibility of the EFSA’s assessment criteria. The European Economic and Social Committee, in its opinion CES No0308/2004, stressed ‘the need for legislation to be proportionate, predictable, properly enforced — and above all practical’ and expressed ‘concern that some of the provisions relating to the substantiation of claims may be unnecessarily complex and even cumbersome’ (point3.3). It recommended the establishment of ‘workable procedures with clear timetables’. Do the difficulties being experienced by large and small companies alike not suggest that the level of the EFSA’s criteria on nutrition and health claims is set too high? Given that the regulation sets out to promote and protect innovation in the food industry, how does the Commission envisage, in the short and medium term, tackling the issue of the loss of competitive edge suffered by companies, particularly small companies, affected by this legislation so as to ensure that they remain competitive on the single and world markets? (1)OJ L 404, 30.12.2006, p. 9.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 1January 2002 the euro will replace the national currency in eleven EU Member States. Although arrangements have been made for the conversion of bank notes, this does not seem to be the case as regards the conversion of coinage. Does the Commission not think that specific arrangements to enable the eleven Member States' coinage to be converted must be considered and adopted in order to ensure that all people living in the countries which have adopted the euro are able to convert the coins in their possession into euros?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On 1January 2002 the euro will replace the national currency in eleven EU Member States. Although arrangements have been made for the conversion of bank notes, this does not seem to be the case as regards the conversion of coinage. Does the Commission not think that specific arrangements to enable the eleven Member States' coinage to be converted must be considered and adopted in order to ensure that all people living in the countries which have adopted the euro are able to convert the coins in their possession into euros?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The report adopted by the Commission on 3 May 2000 and considered by the Council on 18 May 2000 draws attention to the continual decline in the market share enjoyed by the European Union in the shipbuilding sector and highlights in particular the problem of the commercially unsustainable prices applied by shipyards in the the Republic of Korea with the direct and indirect support of the Korean Government and the banks of that country. What firm measures have the Member States taken, or will they take, to implement the conclusions reached by the Council of the European Union at its meeting of 18 May 2000, in order to: - keep the International Monetary Fund and World Bank informed of its views and call for stringent monitoring to ensure that the IMF aid granted to the Republic of Korea is closely controlled and rigorously assessed, particularly that granted to the shipbuilding sector; - continue its efforts in the appropriate international organisations to standardise the rules applicable to the shipbuilding sector? Do the agreements reached by the Commission and the Korean Government offer sufficient legal basis to ensure that the Republic of Korea will correct its policy? What trade policy instruments could be used to bring additional pressure to bear on the Republic of Korea? Why does the Council not call on the Member States to lodge a complaint against the WTO and ask for an investigation to be opened by the IMF and World Bank? What steps has the Commission taken, or will it take, to encourage the integration of the European shipbuilding industry in order to help ensure its survival?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The report adopted by the Commission on 3 May 2000 and considered by the Council on 18 May 2000 draws attention to the continual decline in the market share enjoyed by the European Union in the shipbuilding sector and highlights in particular the problem of the commercially unsustainable prices applied by shipyards in the the Republic of Korea with the direct and indirect support of the Korean Government and the banks of that country. What firm measures have the Member States taken, or will they take, to implement the conclusions reached by the Council of the European Union at its meeting of 18 May 2000, in order to: - keep the International Monetary Fund and World Bank informed of its views and call for stringent monitoring to ensure that the IMF aid granted to the Republic of Korea is closely controlled and rigorously assessed, particularly that granted to the shipbuilding sector; - continue its efforts in the appropriate international organisations to standardise the rules applicable to the shipbuilding sector? Do the agreements reached by the Commission and the Korean Government offer sufficient legal basis to ensure that the Republic of Korea will correct its policy? What trade policy instruments could be used to bring additional pressure to bear on the Republic of Korea? Why does the Council not call on the Member States to lodge a complaint against the WTO and ask for an investigation to be opened by the IMF and World Bank? What steps has the Commission taken, or will it take, to encourage the integration of the European shipbuilding industry in order to help ensure its survival?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Over the last twenty years, two main industrial trends have emerged among the 7000 or so sub-contractors in the European aviation sector: — ‘capacity subcontracting’ offering additional capacity within the core activities of large industrial groups and generally carried out ‘in situ’, — ‘speciality subcontracting’ to produce and deliver a product on the basis of an identified need. Formerly in the minority, the number of partners involved is increasing every day through the transfer of activities by large industrial groups. In the field of research, the Research and Development Framework Programme (FP) favours the core activities of large industrial groups and their capacity subcontractors. The results of the first two calls for proposals in the Transport Programme, Aeronautics section, of the 7thFramework Programme confirm this trend which ignores specialised SMEs, their needs and their key industrial qualities: innovation and risk-taking. Anticipating this situation, the NMP (Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies) programme earmarks a section of its work programme for SMEs with the focus on the short term, the product and a small budget. Could a similar tool be introduced for the aviation sector so that innovation and risk-taking by SMEs in the sector can be promoted in the FP work programmes, the CleanSky Joint Technology Initiative and the SESAR Joint Undertaking?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Over the last twenty years, two main industrial trends have emerged among the 7000 or so sub-contractors in the European aviation sector: — ‘capacity subcontracting’ offering additional capacity within the core activities of large industrial groups and generally carried out ‘in situ’, — ‘speciality subcontracting’ to produce and deliver a product on the basis of an identified need. Formerly in the minority, the number of partners involved is increasing every day through the transfer of activities by large industrial groups. In the field of research, the Research and Development Framework Programme (FP) favours the core activities of large industrial groups and their capacity subcontractors. The results of the first two calls for proposals in the Transport Programme, Aeronautics section, of the 7thFramework Programme confirm this trend which ignores specialised SMEs, their needs and their key industrial qualities: innovation and risk-taking. Anticipating this situation, the NMP (Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies) programme earmarks a section of its work programme for SMEs with the focus on the short term, the product and a small budget. Could a similar tool be introduced for the aviation sector so that innovation and risk-taking by SMEs in the sector can be promoted in the FP work programmes, the CleanSky Joint Technology Initiative and the SESAR Joint Undertaking?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1.Could the Commission please confirm whether any EU funding has been passed directly to Yasser Arafat in cash? If so, could the Commission confirm: - what sums have been so paid; - how much has been paid; - what dates such payments were made; - whether it is planned to continue to make payments in this way; - from what budget line these payments came; - what the specified purposes of the budget line in question were; - what precautions the Commision is taking to ensure that the funds are used for the specified purposes; - whether payments in cash breach any rules, laws, regulations or principles of good management? 2.Specifically, could the Commission confirm whether adecision has been taken to pay MrArafat between € 20 and € 30 million per month for as long as the emergency in the Middle East lasts?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
1.Could the Commission please confirm whether any EU funding has been passed directly to Yasser Arafat in cash? If so, could the Commission confirm: - what sums have been so paid; - how much has been paid; - what dates such payments were made; - whether it is planned to continue to make payments in this way; - from what budget line these payments came; - what the specified purposes of the budget line in question were; - what precautions the Commision is taking to ensure that the funds are used for the specified purposes; - whether payments in cash breach any rules, laws, regulations or principles of good management? 2.Specifically, could the Commission confirm whether adecision has been taken to pay MrArafat between € 20 and € 30 million per month for as long as the emergency in the Middle East lasts?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 12February 1999 the Italian Government signed aProtocol of Understanding with the Third System Forum with aview to formally recognising the non-profit sector. As indicated in the Protocol, the Italian Government intends to: - consolidate apolicy to promote the third system, also encompassing specific measures for southern Italy; - launch apolicy to provide the proper incentives for acommitment to the employability of disadvantaged workers; - launch apromotion policy to capitalise on the whole fund of experience to be tapped in the different groupings into which the third system breaks down, namely collective organisations, the social cooperative movement, the voluntary sector, NGOs, mutual societies, and citizens' action groups. Having regard to these aims, the Italian Government maintains that, in addition to the other commitments, it has taken steps, starting on the date on which the Protocol was initialled, with aview to: - giving full and rapid effect to the provisions extending the concessions and incentives already provided for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to cover non-profit-making social enterprises, including support for the promotion and development """"""""agencies"""""""" sponsored by the third system; - assessing, also at European level, whether more favourable tax treatment might be applied as regards VAT, as and where necessary; - setting up the supervisory body (the """"""""third system authority"""""""") within amonth of the date of adoption of the relevant provision, which was linked to the 1999 Finance Act. Can the Commission say what action has been taken by the Italian Government to fulfil the promise to promote aEurope-wide campaign in support of tax relief for those who aid non-profit-making initiatives to show social solidarity? Would it also be possible to draw up arecommendation based on Article 128 in order to gear national laws towards better VAT relief, given that the present VAT arrangements are deterring the third system from performing its natural role of providing services to the public in place of the State?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On 12February 1999 the Italian Government signed aProtocol of Understanding with the Third System Forum with aview to formally recognising the non-profit sector. As indicated in the Protocol, the Italian Government intends to: - consolidate apolicy to promote the third system, also encompassing specific measures for southern Italy; - launch apolicy to provide the proper incentives for acommitment to the employability of disadvantaged workers; - launch apromotion policy to capitalise on the whole fund of experience to be tapped in the different groupings into which the third system breaks down, namely collective organisations, the social cooperative movement, the voluntary sector, NGOs, mutual societies, and citizens' action groups. Having regard to these aims, the Italian Government maintains that, in addition to the other commitments, it has taken steps, starting on the date on which the Protocol was initialled, with aview to: - giving full and rapid effect to the provisions extending the concessions and incentives already provided for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to cover non-profit-making social enterprises, including support for the promotion and development """"""""agencies"""""""" sponsored by the third system; - assessing, also at European level, whether more favourable tax treatment might be applied as regards VAT, as and where necessary; - setting up the supervisory body (the """"""""third system authority"""""""") within amonth of the date of adoption of the relevant provision, which was linked to the 1999 Finance Act. Can the Commission say what action has been taken by the Italian Government to fulfil the promise to promote aEurope-wide campaign in support of tax relief for those who aid non-profit-making initiatives to show social solidarity? Would it also be possible to draw up arecommendation based on Article 128 in order to gear national laws towards better VAT relief, given that the present VAT arrangements are deterring the third system from performing its natural role of providing services to the public in place of the State?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Could the Commission say what progress has been made on the Communication submitted by the Commission on 12November 1997 to encourage job creation at a local level and combat certain types of """"""""undeclared"""""""" work by reducing VAT on labour-intensive services such as building renovation etc.?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Could the Commission say what progress has been made on the Communication submitted by the Commission on 12November 1997 to encourage job creation at a local level and combat certain types of """"""""undeclared"""""""" work by reducing VAT on labour-intensive services such as building renovation etc.?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1.Will the Commission make available the detailed forecast documents for its latest forecast equivalent to last year's documents ECFIN/600/99-EN and ECFIN/599/99-EN? 2.Will the Commission list the documents that have been made available by it to the Council of Economic and Finance Ministers (Ecofin) in the last three months? 3.Will the Commission list the documents that have been received by it from the Council of Economic and Finance Ministers (Ecofin) in the last three months?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
1.Will the Commission make available the detailed forecast documents for its latest forecast equivalent to last year's documents ECFIN/600/99-EN and ECFIN/599/99-EN? 2.Will the Commission list the documents that have been made available by it to the Council of Economic and Finance Ministers (Ecofin) in the last three months? 3.Will the Commission list the documents that have been received by it from the Council of Economic and Finance Ministers (Ecofin) in the last three months?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Article 36(10) of Decree Law No 41 of 23 February 1995 provides that in the context of intra-Community trade, motor vehicles are considered to be used goods if deemed such by Article 38(4) of Decree Law No331 of 30 August 1993 (i.e. if they were registered more than six months previously and have been driven more than 6 000 kilometres). Can the Commission therefore state whether such used cars are subject to VAT on the profit margin, regardless of whether they were originally taxed in their EU country of origin under the VAT margin scheme or the ordinary VAT scheme?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Article 36(10) of Decree Law No 41 of 23 February 1995 provides that in the context of intra-Community trade, motor vehicles are considered to be used goods if deemed such by Article 38(4) of Decree Law No331 of 30 August 1993 (i.e. if they were registered more than six months previously and have been driven more than 6 000 kilometres). Can the Commission therefore state whether such used cars are subject to VAT on the profit margin, regardless of whether they were originally taxed in their EU country of origin under the VAT margin scheme or the ordinary VAT scheme?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Italian Government’s policy of levying seemingly ‘environmentally friendly’ taxes (the so-called sugar tax and plastic tax) has already led to protests from producers and workers against these taxes, which are widely recognised as being unnecessary and economically harmful, while having little or no effect on the environment.As a result of these new taxes, scheduled to be introduced in 2020, not only have a number of food and drink businesses stated that they want to stop investing in Italy, but they have even said they want to close down existing factories. In Catania, for example, because of these new taxes, a local factory is likely to make a number of employees redundant, whilst at the same time relocating its production facilities to a country outside the EU, but on the European continent. Further closures or staff cuts are a possibility in other regions, too.In the light of the above, can the Commission:– take action to protect competitiveness in the EU, to stop European companies from relocating when faced with choices that are of no ecological or environmental value;– take measures to ensure that an ideological or falsely ecological approach does not have a negative impact on our companies and our workers;– protect the European food and drinks sector, which is often at the cutting edge of recycling, sustainability and the circular economy?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The Italian Government’s policy of levying seemingly ‘environmentally friendly’ taxes (the so-called sugar tax and plastic tax) has already led to protests from producers and workers against these taxes, which are widely recognised as being unnecessary and economically harmful, while having little or no effect on the environment.As a result of these new taxes, scheduled to be introduced in 2020, not only have a number of food and drink businesses stated that they want to stop investing in Italy, but they have even said they want to close down existing factories. In Catania, for example, because of these new taxes, a local factory is likely to make a number of employees redundant, whilst at the same time relocating its production facilities to a country outside the EU, but on the European continent. Further closures or staff cuts are a possibility in other regions, too.In the light of the above, can the Commission:– take action to protect competitiveness in the EU, to stop European companies from relocating when faced with choices that are of no ecological or environmental value;– take measures to ensure that an ideological or falsely ecological approach does not have a negative impact on our companies and our workers;– protect the European food and drinks sector, which is often at the cutting edge of recycling, sustainability and the circular economy?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "At the recent Ecofin Council in Luxembourg 7 October 2003, Commissioner Bolkestein announced that the Commission was against any reduction in VAT on audio recording media and CDs as this might create distortions of competition. Against the background of the current discussions in Unesco concerning the creation of an international legal instrument to safeguard cultural diversity, will the European Commission examine whether a reduction in VAT is feasible and desirable for CDs by new artists and/or artists singing in local or regional languages and/or home-grown musicians (irrespective of whether or not they sing in their own language) and/or for certain genres of music? Is the European Commission prepared to authorise some reduced VAT rates for CDs with the specific aim of safeguarding cultural diversity? If so, what steps will the Commission take to bring this about in the near future? If not, what measures does the Commission consider have higher priority in safeguarding cultural diversity?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
At the recent Ecofin Council in Luxembourg 7 October 2003, Commissioner Bolkestein announced that the Commission was against any reduction in VAT on audio recording media and CDs as this might create distortions of competition. Against the background of the current discussions in Unesco concerning the creation of an international legal instrument to safeguard cultural diversity, will the European Commission examine whether a reduction in VAT is feasible and desirable for CDs by new artists and/or artists singing in local or regional languages and/or home-grown musicians (irrespective of whether or not they sing in their own language) and/or for certain genres of music? Is the European Commission prepared to authorise some reduced VAT rates for CDs with the specific aim of safeguarding cultural diversity? If so, what steps will the Commission take to bring this about in the near future? If not, what measures does the Commission consider have higher priority in safeguarding cultural diversity?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to initial data from an investigation carried out by the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), the number of jobs lost during the past 18months owing to the closure or relocation of firms and SME's amounts to around 100000. This information naturally gives rise to questions in relation to the report recently published by the Greek national statistical service on unemployment trends in Greece in the second quarter of 2005. The figures published by the office for statistics show that the unemployment rate now stands at 9.6%, having dropped from 10.4% in the first quarter of 2005 and 10.2% in spring 2004. It should also be borne in mind that there was a drastic fall in public spending in the first year after the Olympic Games, that the pace of economic development in Greece is expected to be much slower this year than in previous years, and that the International Monetary Fund report on the world economic outlook forecasts that the unemployment rate in Greece will stand at 10.5% in 2005 and 2006. Is the Commission aware of the actual rate of unemployment in Greece in the second quarter of 2005? How can it explain that unemployment is falling when the number of bankruptcies and relocations among small and medium-sized firms is rising? Does the Commission take the view that this fall results from the implementation of structural reforms, or is it due to conjunctural measures (such as the ‘tricks’ used to conceal unemployment, as claimed in the Greek press)?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
According to initial data from an investigation carried out by the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), the number of jobs lost during the past 18months owing to the closure or relocation of firms and SME's amounts to around 100000. This information naturally gives rise to questions in relation to the report recently published by the Greek national statistical service on unemployment trends in Greece in the second quarter of 2005. The figures published by the office for statistics show that the unemployment rate now stands at 9.6%, having dropped from 10.4% in the first quarter of 2005 and 10.2% in spring 2004. It should also be borne in mind that there was a drastic fall in public spending in the first year after the Olympic Games, that the pace of economic development in Greece is expected to be much slower this year than in previous years, and that the International Monetary Fund report on the world economic outlook forecasts that the unemployment rate in Greece will stand at 10.5% in 2005 and 2006. Is the Commission aware of the actual rate of unemployment in Greece in the second quarter of 2005? How can it explain that unemployment is falling when the number of bankruptcies and relocations among small and medium-sized firms is rising? Does the Commission take the view that this fall results from the implementation of structural reforms, or is it due to conjunctural measures (such as the ‘tricks’ used to conceal unemployment, as claimed in the Greek press)?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its answer to question E-1026/03(1), which asked whether the municipality of Pistoia had submitted projects and secured funding under the 2000 City Twinning Programme, the Commission stated that no funding had been granted for the year 2000. Can the Commission say whether the municipality has submitted any projects and obtained and used any funding in the budget years since then? (1)OJ C 242E, 9.10.2003, p. 208." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In its answer to question E-1026/03(1), which asked whether the municipality of Pistoia had submitted projects and secured funding under the 2000 City Twinning Programme, the Commission stated that no funding had been granted for the year 2000. Can the Commission say whether the municipality has submitted any projects and obtained and used any funding in the budget years since then? (1)OJ C 242E, 9.10.2003, p. 208.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "A survey carried out by the price observatory of the Ministry of Commerce in Cyprus has confirmed the wave of price increases on dozens of everyday foods and necessities which Cypriot citizens have been suffering for months. Prices are rising from week to week. In some cases, the increases have reached 80% compared with the previous November. Is the Commission aware of this situation? If so, what does it intend to do about it?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
A survey carried out by the price observatory of the Ministry of Commerce in Cyprus has confirmed the wave of price increases on dozens of everyday foods and necessities which Cypriot citizens have been suffering for months. Prices are rising from week to week. In some cases, the increases have reached 80% compared with the previous November. Is the Commission aware of this situation? If so, what does it intend to do about it?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "For a great many blind, partially sighted and other disabled people, audio is often the only format through which they can access a book. Under the current rules, Member States are required to apply a standard rate of VAT of at least 15% to all supplies of goods and services. They may however opt to apply one or two reduced rates to some or all of a list of goods and services set out in AnnexIII to the VAT Directive (Directive2006/112/EC(1) of 28November 2006; recast of the Sixth VAT Directive), in which books are included. The view taken by the Commission in answers to previous parliamentary questions calling for reduced VAT rates on audio books (H‑0722/07 and P‑4917/07)) is that audio books do not fall within the scope of AnnexIII to the VAT Directive. They are not ‘books’ (Categoryc), nor ‘medical equipment’ (Categoryc). Indeed, according to the general definition in all Community languages, a ‘book’ is ‘a major number of sheets, usually including written or printed text, stitched along one of the sides’. Furthermore, the Commission argues that, if audio books were considered as books, the CD would need to be thoroughly analysed to establish the contents in order to decide whether it should be considered as an audio book or a normal CD. We are concerned that the current definition of a book discriminates against blind, partially sighted and other disabled people who cannot read a printed book, and that the Commission has failed to recognise that audio books, which carry an International Standards Book Number (ISBN), are clearly identified as books — in contrast to music CDs. Does the Commission agree that books make a contribution to education and the cultural life of citizens? If so, does it agree that disabled people should have the same access to books and does it commit to improving the inclusion of people with disabilities by ensuring they have access to books on a basis equivalent to that of non-disabled users by proposing that audio books be included in AnnexIII or by bringing the definition of a book into line with technological progress? Can the Commission indicate how it intends to take this issue into account in the debate? (1)OJL347, 11.12.2006, p.1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
For a great many blind, partially sighted and other disabled people, audio is often the only format through which they can access a book. Under the current rules, Member States are required to apply a standard rate of VAT of at least 15% to all supplies of goods and services. They may however opt to apply one or two reduced rates to some or all of a list of goods and services set out in AnnexIII to the VAT Directive (Directive2006/112/EC(1) of 28November 2006; recast of the Sixth VAT Directive), in which books are included. The view taken by the Commission in answers to previous parliamentary questions calling for reduced VAT rates on audio books (H‑0722/07 and P‑4917/07)) is that audio books do not fall within the scope of AnnexIII to the VAT Directive. They are not ‘books’ (Categoryc), nor ‘medical equipment’ (Categoryc). Indeed, according to the general definition in all Community languages, a ‘book’ is ‘a major number of sheets, usually including written or printed text, stitched along one of the sides’. Furthermore, the Commission argues that, if audio books were considered as books, the CD would need to be thoroughly analysed to establish the contents in order to decide whether it should be considered as an audio book or a normal CD. We are concerned that the current definition of a book discriminates against blind, partially sighted and other disabled people who cannot read a printed book, and that the Commission has failed to recognise that audio books, which carry an International Standards Book Number (ISBN), are clearly identified as books — in contrast to music CDs. Does the Commission agree that books make a contribution to education and the cultural life of citizens? If so, does it agree that disabled people should have the same access to books and does it commit to improving the inclusion of people with disabilities by ensuring they have access to books on a basis equivalent to that of non-disabled users by proposing that audio books be included in AnnexIII or by bringing the definition of a book into line with technological progress? Can the Commission indicate how it intends to take this issue into account in the debate? (1)OJL347, 11.12.2006, p.1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its answer to my previous Written Questions E-4009/97 and E-4011/97(1), the Commission informed me that it was pursuing a policy of competitiveness for extractive industries in line with the approach set out in the communication on the competitiveness of the non-energy extractive industry and the Council's conclusions of 18November 1993. The Commission also indicated that its communication on the competitiveness of the construction industry sets out four major strategic objectives and over 60 specific measures to improve the industry's competitiveness. The Commission further pointed out that, with the help of those involved in the industry, the Commission regularly publishes a directory on European minerals which is designed to increase market transparency both for consumers and producers, many of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and that it had invited the European slate sector association to collaborate on that directory. Can the Commission say in which of those specific initiatives to improve competitiveness the Community slate industry has participated to date, and in what way, with particular reference to the Spanish slate industry? Can the Commission say what action has been taken to encourage the participation of the Community slate industry in the above directory, and whether slate is now included in the directory? (1)OJ C 196, 22.6.1998, p. 56." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In its answer to my previous Written Questions E-4009/97 and E-4011/97(1), the Commission informed me that it was pursuing a policy of competitiveness for extractive industries in line with the approach set out in the communication on the competitiveness of the non-energy extractive industry and the Council's conclusions of 18November 1993. The Commission also indicated that its communication on the competitiveness of the construction industry sets out four major strategic objectives and over 60 specific measures to improve the industry's competitiveness. The Commission further pointed out that, with the help of those involved in the industry, the Commission regularly publishes a directory on European minerals which is designed to increase market transparency both for consumers and producers, many of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and that it had invited the European slate sector association to collaborate on that directory. Can the Commission say in which of those specific initiatives to improve competitiveness the Community slate industry has participated to date, and in what way, with particular reference to the Spanish slate industry? Can the Commission say what action has been taken to encourage the participation of the Community slate industry in the above directory, and whether slate is now included in the directory? (1)OJ C 196, 22.6.1998, p. 56.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 16 October 1996 the Commission decided to instigate infringement proceedings against France for imposing the """"""""Contribution au Remboursement de la Dette Sociale"""""""" (CRDS) on Dutch pensioners resident in France who pay social premiums in the Netherlands in respect of their pensions. 1. Is the CRDS premium to be regarded as a tax on income which has to be paid in France pursuant to an agreement between France and the Netherlands, or as a social security premium which, in principle, is levied on Dutch citizens only in the Netherlands in respect of income from pensions? 2. What stage have the infringement proceedings reached, and what action is the Commission taking to compel France to comply with European legislation?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On 16 October 1996 the Commission decided to instigate infringement proceedings against France for imposing the """"""""Contribution au Remboursement de la Dette Sociale"""""""" (CRDS) on Dutch pensioners resident in France who pay social premiums in the Netherlands in respect of their pensions. 1. Is the CRDS premium to be regarded as a tax on income which has to be paid in France pursuant to an agreement between France and the Netherlands, or as a social security premium which, in principle, is levied on Dutch citizens only in the Netherlands in respect of income from pensions? 2. What stage have the infringement proceedings reached, and what action is the Commission taking to compel France to comply with European legislation?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Networks for victims of industrial diseases are of vital importance in order to offer support and ensure victims can access information about remedial and other actions such as compensation. On 14March2013, a resolution on asbestos-related occupational health threats and prospects for abolishing all existing asbestos was passed by the European Parliament(1). Paragraphs 51 and 52 call on the Commission to support conferences offering advice to victims’ groups and to support the establishment of an EU network of asbestos victims. 1.What steps has the Commission taken to support conferences and support the establishment of an EU network of asbestos victims since 2013? 2.What funding has been made available by theEU to support pan-European efforts to create networks of asbestos victims and offer equal access to support across Europe, particularly in EU Member States? 3.Does the Commission consider that support for victims of asbestos across theEU is adequate, and what steps does it plan to take to further the aims of this resolution in the coming years? (1)OJC36, 29.1.2016, p.102." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Networks for victims of industrial diseases are of vital importance in order to offer support and ensure victims can access information about remedial and other actions such as compensation. On 14March2013, a resolution on asbestos-related occupational health threats and prospects for abolishing all existing asbestos was passed by the European Parliament(1). Paragraphs 51 and 52 call on the Commission to support conferences offering advice to victims’ groups and to support the establishment of an EU network of asbestos victims. 1.What steps has the Commission taken to support conferences and support the establishment of an EU network of asbestos victims since 2013? 2.What funding has been made available by theEU to support pan-European efforts to create networks of asbestos victims and offer equal access to support across Europe, particularly in EU Member States? 3.Does the Commission consider that support for victims of asbestos across theEU is adequate, and what steps does it plan to take to further the aims of this resolution in the coming years? (1)OJC36, 29.1.2016, p.102.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "1. Who will be responsible for setting up demonstration methods? 2. By which authorities and/or private institutions will the controls be carried out? 3. By what date is this to be done?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
1. Who will be responsible for setting up demonstration methods? 2. By which authorities and/or private institutions will the controls be carried out? 3. By what date is this to be done?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "This question derives from the Court judgment of 16September 2008 in CaseC‑288/07 concerning a preliminary ruling on the VAT requirement for public-law car-parking facilities. In this case the Court states that two conditions must be satisfied to allow a public-law undertaking to be exempted from tax. First, it must be a body under public law, and second, the activity must be carried on within the framework of the public authority. Even if these conditions are satisfied the public-law undertaking cannot be exempted from tax if this would (or could) lead to significant (potential) distortion of competition. The Federal Association for the German Waste Disposal Industry (BDE) lodged a complaint with the European Commission on 13July 2006 concerning unequal fiscal treatment of undertakings organised under public law and private law in the waste water industry, and on 6June 2007 a comparable complaint on unequal treatment in the field of waste disposal. The above Court judgment is likely to influence the response to these complaints. In the light of the above, would the Commission state: — What conclusions does the Commission draw from the judgment with regard to the complaints lodged by the BDE on unequal fiscal treatment? Is the judgment likely to be applied to other cases in which equal fiscal treatment is at issue? — What does the Commission see as the judgment’s implications with regard to the complaints lodged by the BDE? — How does the Commission assess the Court’s ruling that the criterion ‘significant distortion of competition’ should not be narrowly interpreted? — What is the current state of progress with processing the complaints lodged by the BDE as much as two years ago? When does the Commission expect to be making progress, when will a decision be taken?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
This question derives from the Court judgment of 16September 2008 in CaseC‑288/07 concerning a preliminary ruling on the VAT requirement for public-law car-parking facilities. In this case the Court states that two conditions must be satisfied to allow a public-law undertaking to be exempted from tax. First, it must be a body under public law, and second, the activity must be carried on within the framework of the public authority. Even if these conditions are satisfied the public-law undertaking cannot be exempted from tax if this would (or could) lead to significant (potential) distortion of competition. The Federal Association for the German Waste Disposal Industry (BDE) lodged a complaint with the European Commission on 13July 2006 concerning unequal fiscal treatment of undertakings organised under public law and private law in the waste water industry, and on 6June 2007 a comparable complaint on unequal treatment in the field of waste disposal. The above Court judgment is likely to influence the response to these complaints. In the light of the above, would the Commission state: — What conclusions does the Commission draw from the judgment with regard to the complaints lodged by the BDE on unequal fiscal treatment? Is the judgment likely to be applied to other cases in which equal fiscal treatment is at issue? — What does the Commission see as the judgment’s implications with regard to the complaints lodged by the BDE? — How does the Commission assess the Court’s ruling that the criterion ‘significant distortion of competition’ should not be narrowly interpreted? — What is the current state of progress with processing the complaints lodged by the BDE as much as two years ago? When does the Commission expect to be making progress, when will a decision be taken?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Is the Commission aware of the anomaly created in the EU by the allegation that duty-free sales for travellers between EU countries and the Canary Islands will continue after the 1999 deadline, and is this continuation of duty-free sales not in breach of European duty-free legislation?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Is the Commission aware of the anomaly created in the EU by the allegation that duty-free sales for travellers between EU countries and the Canary Islands will continue after the 1999 deadline, and is this continuation of duty-free sales not in breach of European duty-free legislation?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Thyssen Krupp (TK) company has drawn up a plan pursuant to which the magnetics department within its special-steels plant in Terni (Italy) is to be reorganised. This will mean that hundreds of jobs in a region with a long steel-making tradition will be at risk. From the point of view of production systems and synergies and given its significance in terms of jobs, magnetic steel is crucial to the overall balance at the Terni steel plant and it also constitutes a major national interest, since Italy consumes 60% of European steel production. In recent years, TK has had the benefit of large-scale public investment, including Community funding allocated in connection with the region's Objective 2 status and paid out from the ESF for the purpose of developing the local system and infrastructure and providing training. In June 2004, TK outlined an industrial plan pursuant to which all departments would be safeguarded, and it indicated that 70000 tonnes of magnetic steel would be produced each year. However, it has now withdrawn from the governing body on which management, the trade unions, local bodies and the government sit. TK is now announcing its intention to revive the strategy of drastic reorganisation which was rejected in February 2004. Is the Commission intending to take any immediate action in order to prevent the closure of the magnetic-steel section at TK's Terni plant? Is the Commission intending to adopt a clear strategy for dealing with the damaging effects which company restructuring has on jobs, working conditions and regional planning?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The Thyssen Krupp (TK) company has drawn up a plan pursuant to which the magnetics department within its special-steels plant in Terni (Italy) is to be reorganised. This will mean that hundreds of jobs in a region with a long steel-making tradition will be at risk. From the point of view of production systems and synergies and given its significance in terms of jobs, magnetic steel is crucial to the overall balance at the Terni steel plant and it also constitutes a major national interest, since Italy consumes 60% of European steel production. In recent years, TK has had the benefit of large-scale public investment, including Community funding allocated in connection with the region's Objective 2 status and paid out from the ESF for the purpose of developing the local system and infrastructure and providing training. In June 2004, TK outlined an industrial plan pursuant to which all departments would be safeguarded, and it indicated that 70000 tonnes of magnetic steel would be produced each year. However, it has now withdrawn from the governing body on which management, the trade unions, local bodies and the government sit. TK is now announcing its intention to revive the strategy of drastic reorganisation which was rejected in February 2004. Is the Commission intending to take any immediate action in order to prevent the closure of the magnetic-steel section at TK's Terni plant? Is the Commission intending to adopt a clear strategy for dealing with the damaging effects which company restructuring has on jobs, working conditions and regional planning?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Does the Commission intend to table a proposal to seek equality for spirits producers by extending the provision of theEU Excise Structures Directive that allows for excise relief for small brewers, such that small spirits producers can avail of excise relief on production up to 75000 litres of pure alcohol (LPA) a year?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Does the Commission intend to table a proposal to seek equality for spirits producers by extending the provision of theEU Excise Structures Directive that allows for excise relief for small brewers, such that small spirits producers can avail of excise relief on production up to 75000 litres of pure alcohol (LPA) a year?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The group Berco Spa, owned by the multinational Thyssen Krupp, has 4 factories in Italy — Copparo (Ferrara), Busano Canavese (Turin), Sasso Morelli (Imola) and Castelfranco Veneto (Treviso) — with around 3 000 employees. The owners have decided to restructure the group and launch a mobility procedure for more than 600 employees. It is likely that some of the group's properties will be sold. 1.Is the Commission aware of these facts? 2.Will it activate the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to assist the Berco workers? 3.How does it intend to support the engineering sector in our country, Italy, and especially in the Veneto region, which is increasingly at the mercy of multinationals which consider it to be more advantageous to close down factories, laying off workers and selling properties, rather than investing in long-term strategies?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The group Berco Spa, owned by the multinational Thyssen Krupp, has 4 factories in Italy — Copparo (Ferrara), Busano Canavese (Turin), Sasso Morelli (Imola) and Castelfranco Veneto (Treviso) — with around 3 000 employees. The owners have decided to restructure the group and launch a mobility procedure for more than 600 employees. It is likely that some of the group's properties will be sold. 1.Is the Commission aware of these facts? 2.Will it activate the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to assist the Berco workers? 3.How does it intend to support the engineering sector in our country, Italy, and especially in the Veneto region, which is increasingly at the mercy of multinationals which consider it to be more advantageous to close down factories, laying off workers and selling properties, rather than investing in long-term strategies?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to my sources, following the entry into force, on 1 January 2003, of the new Financial Regulation applicable to all the European institutions (Council Regulation (EC) No1605/2002 of 25 June 2002(1)) and its implementing procedures, the operating subsidies hitherto granted to bodies which play host to an Info-Point Europe will henceforth be awarded on the basis of a new procedure. Instead of receiving automatic funding, these information centres will be required to take part in an invitation-to-tender procedure, failing which they will not be eligible for subsidies. In addition to the operating subsidies, the bodies in question also received logistical support, such as supplies of publications, access to the """"""""relays and networks Intranet"""""""", back-up from the relays and networks helpdesk, in the form of documentary and technical assistance, from the meeting of relay heads, etc. It has been decided that bodies which submit an appropriate request will continue to receive this logistical support, on a temporary basis, in 2004. This new procedure, which is intended to increase transparency in connection with the award of funding, raises three questions to which the European Commission alluded without providing a detailed answer: — What criteria will be used to select the bodies which respond to the invitations to tender? — Will the logistical support measures continue after 2004? — In more general terms, the European Commission is now considering new forms of cooperation which will ensure that information is readily available to the public locally, whilst complying with the new rules laid down in the above-mentioned Financial Regulation. Can the Commission be more precise on this point? (1)OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
According to my sources, following the entry into force, on 1 January 2003, of the new Financial Regulation applicable to all the European institutions (Council Regulation (EC) No1605/2002 of 25 June 2002(1)) and its implementing procedures, the operating subsidies hitherto granted to bodies which play host to an Info-Point Europe will henceforth be awarded on the basis of a new procedure. Instead of receiving automatic funding, these information centres will be required to take part in an invitation-to-tender procedure, failing which they will not be eligible for subsidies. In addition to the operating subsidies, the bodies in question also received logistical support, such as supplies of publications, access to the """"""""relays and networks Intranet"""""""", back-up from the relays and networks helpdesk, in the form of documentary and technical assistance, from the meeting of relay heads, etc. It has been decided that bodies which submit an appropriate request will continue to receive this logistical support, on a temporary basis, in 2004. This new procedure, which is intended to increase transparency in connection with the award of funding, raises three questions to which the European Commission alluded without providing a detailed answer: — What criteria will be used to select the bodies which respond to the invitations to tender? — Will the logistical support measures continue after 2004? — In more general terms, the European Commission is now considering new forms of cooperation which will ensure that information is readily available to the public locally, whilst complying with the new rules laid down in the above-mentioned Financial Regulation. Can the Commission be more precise on this point? (1)OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Under the new Eurojust Regulation, the agency is required to use the translation services of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union. Eurojust's past experience has shown that the prices charged by the Translation Centre are often twice as high as those charged on the translation market. How does the Commission justify such wasteful expenditure?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Under the new Eurojust Regulation, the agency is required to use the translation services of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union. Eurojust's past experience has shown that the prices charged by the Translation Centre are often twice as high as those charged on the translation market. How does the Commission justify such wasteful expenditure?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Despite the forecasts of a favourable economic scenario in 2005, there are still risks and uncertainties on the horizon which may lead to growth being lower than expected. Firstly, if the US currency carries on in free fall, this will restrict growth in those economies, like that of Europe, whose recovery is most dependent on external trade. Secondly, the risk exists that oil prices will go up again, in which case the growth of the world economy will be restricted, especially for those economies most dependent on that natural resource, such as those of the US and Europe. Thirdly, there is the risk of a major thaw in the Chinese economy, which would have adverse effects on world demand. Can the Commission state: — what measures it intends to take, in the light of the above scenario, in order to protect the EU economy; — what it believes to be the best means of ending the dollar's slide against the euro, and what measures it will take in this connection; — what measures are being taken to reduce the EU's dependence on oil; — what progress has been made with preparing a greater degree of flexibility for the stability pact, so as to strengthen the European economies' margin of reaction against cyclical recessions?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Despite the forecasts of a favourable economic scenario in 2005, there are still risks and uncertainties on the horizon which may lead to growth being lower than expected. Firstly, if the US currency carries on in free fall, this will restrict growth in those economies, like that of Europe, whose recovery is most dependent on external trade. Secondly, the risk exists that oil prices will go up again, in which case the growth of the world economy will be restricted, especially for those economies most dependent on that natural resource, such as those of the US and Europe. Thirdly, there is the risk of a major thaw in the Chinese economy, which would have adverse effects on world demand. Can the Commission state: — what measures it intends to take, in the light of the above scenario, in order to protect the EU economy; — what it believes to be the best means of ending the dollar's slide against the euro, and what measures it will take in this connection; — what measures are being taken to reduce the EU's dependence on oil; — what progress has been made with preparing a greater degree of flexibility for the stability pact, so as to strengthen the European economies' margin of reaction against cyclical recessions?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a number of restrictions being imposed by the authorities, including the temporary closure of hotels, bars and restaurants. Nightlife has been particularly affected by the closure of clubs and dance floors and the ban on live music at festivals, concerts and entertainment and music venues.The economic damage suffered by the sector, which generates wealth and jobs and has such strong ties to the cultural sector, may be irreparable. The consequences are being felt by SMEs, entrepreneurs, the self-employed and thousands of workers who face an uncertain future.The Commission, Council and Parliament have all made a strong commitment to support economic recovery through the Next Generation EU programme. The basic pillars of this programme are the recovery of the jobs market and support for companies and economic sectors most affected by this crisis. In view of this:What measures does the Commission intend to take, either via taxes or through the provision of direct aid, in order to maintain the viability and survival of the entertainment and nightlife sectors in the wake of all the restrictions and closures suffered by thousands of business owners and employees as a result of the COVID-19 crisis?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a number of restrictions being imposed by the authorities, including the temporary closure of hotels, bars and restaurants. Nightlife has been particularly affected by the closure of clubs and dance floors and the ban on live music at festivals, concerts and entertainment and music venues.The economic damage suffered by the sector, which generates wealth and jobs and has such strong ties to the cultural sector, may be irreparable. The consequences are being felt by SMEs, entrepreneurs, the self-employed and thousands of workers who face an uncertain future.The Commission, Council and Parliament have all made a strong commitment to support economic recovery through the Next Generation EU programme. The basic pillars of this programme are the recovery of the jobs market and support for companies and economic sectors most affected by this crisis. In view of this:What measures does the Commission intend to take, either via taxes or through the provision of direct aid, in order to maintain the viability and survival of the entertainment and nightlife sectors in the wake of all the restrictions and closures suffered by thousands of business owners and employees as a result of the COVID-19 crisis?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The growing production and consumption of electronic devices, also as part of the ‘green and digital transition’, is directly boosting mineral extractive activity. Studies have confirmed that mineral extraction can cause pollution, land grabbing and water shortage, while undermining local communities’ livelihoods.The EU‑funded Make ICT Fair Danwatch report entitled ‘Our demand for electric cars and smartphones is drying up the world’s most arid place’(1), proves that the extraction of lithium for the manufacturing of batteries for computers, electronic gadgets and electric vehicles exploits water resources in the Atacama Desert in Chile and threatens the livelihoods of indigenous communities and fauna by using a high volume of water. The study shows that multinationals such as Samsung, Panasonic, Apple and Tesla buy batteries made with Chilean lithium. Through public procurement, the EU institutions and other public authorities become part of the value chain of such electronic devices.Beyond the sharing of good practices, does the Commission plan to introduce mandatory sustainable public procurement criteria or targets for electronics and textile supply chains that cover not only the circular economy, but also human rights and wider social sustainability objectives? If so, how and by when? (1)https://danwatch.dk/en/undersoegelse/our-demand-for-electric-cars-and-smartphones-is-drying-up-the-most-arid-place-in-the-world/" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The growing production and consumption of electronic devices, also as part of the ‘green and digital transition’, is directly boosting mineral extractive activity. Studies have confirmed that mineral extraction can cause pollution, land grabbing and water shortage, while undermining local communities’ livelihoods.The EU‑funded Make ICT Fair Danwatch report entitled ‘Our demand for electric cars and smartphones is drying up the world’s most arid place’(1), proves that the extraction of lithium for the manufacturing of batteries for computers, electronic gadgets and electric vehicles exploits water resources in the Atacama Desert in Chile and threatens the livelihoods of indigenous communities and fauna by using a high volume of water. The study shows that multinationals such as Samsung, Panasonic, Apple and Tesla buy batteries made with Chilean lithium. Through public procurement, the EU institutions and other public authorities become part of the value chain of such electronic devices.Beyond the sharing of good practices, does the Commission plan to introduce mandatory sustainable public procurement criteria or targets for electronics and textile supply chains that cover not only the circular economy, but also human rights and wider social sustainability objectives? If so, how and by when? (1)https://danwatch.dk/en/undersoegelse/our-demand-for-electric-cars-and-smartphones-is-drying-up-the-most-arid-place-in-the-world/
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Small and medium-sized enterprises (which account for 96% of European companies) are being hit particularly hard by the severe economic crisis; their annual turnover is being cut, sometimes by as much as 50%, as a result of shrinking production and trade. Because of this steep downturn, which, according to the predictions of international analysts, will last at least two years, most SMEs will be compelled to completely reorganise their production system, since production clearly has to be geared to current demand, as there would otherwise be a danger that tens of thousands of companies, though fundamentally sound, might go under. Many SMEs have already closed down or are on the point of doing so because of the protracted, difficult, and costly procedures involved in redeployment schemes for redundant workers. 1.Does the Commission not believe that it should consider this problem as a matter of absolute priority and, in agreement with trade unions, propose emergency regulations to the Member States with a view to simplifying and streamlining the procedures for redeploying redundant personnel? 2.Does it not believe that, in a time of crisis, small and medium-sized enterprises should, under temporary transitional rules, be allowed freedom of choice as regards the staff (at least 10%) to be included in redeployment schemes, since this would enable them to meet the actual operational requirements stemming from the necessary internal reorganisation of their production chains? 3.Why does it not draw up a specific plan for SMEs whereby they may communicate their reorganisation needs and make use of credit facilities for the duration of the crisis, thus enabling them to cope with the current emergency brought about by the fact that credit institutions are, without justification, demanding to be paid back, even when firms are totally secure, and financing is — equally groundlessly — being refused?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Small and medium-sized enterprises (which account for 96% of European companies) are being hit particularly hard by the severe economic crisis; their annual turnover is being cut, sometimes by as much as 50%, as a result of shrinking production and trade. Because of this steep downturn, which, according to the predictions of international analysts, will last at least two years, most SMEs will be compelled to completely reorganise their production system, since production clearly has to be geared to current demand, as there would otherwise be a danger that tens of thousands of companies, though fundamentally sound, might go under. Many SMEs have already closed down or are on the point of doing so because of the protracted, difficult, and costly procedures involved in redeployment schemes for redundant workers. 1.Does the Commission not believe that it should consider this problem as a matter of absolute priority and, in agreement with trade unions, propose emergency regulations to the Member States with a view to simplifying and streamlining the procedures for redeploying redundant personnel? 2.Does it not believe that, in a time of crisis, small and medium-sized enterprises should, under temporary transitional rules, be allowed freedom of choice as regards the staff (at least 10%) to be included in redeployment schemes, since this would enable them to meet the actual operational requirements stemming from the necessary internal reorganisation of their production chains? 3.Why does it not draw up a specific plan for SMEs whereby they may communicate their reorganisation needs and make use of credit facilities for the duration of the crisis, thus enabling them to cope with the current emergency brought about by the fact that credit institutions are, without justification, demanding to be paid back, even when firms are totally secure, and financing is — equally groundlessly — being refused?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The motor repairs sector is reporting a pressing problem. More and more motor manufacturers are no longer supplying spare parts for repairs (e.g.of automatic transmissions). They only offer to exchange entire components. What is the Commission’s view of this practice? Is the Commission prepared to take action in this connection?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The motor repairs sector is reporting a pressing problem. More and more motor manufacturers are no longer supplying spare parts for repairs (e.g.of automatic transmissions). They only offer to exchange entire components. What is the Commission’s view of this practice? Is the Commission prepared to take action in this connection?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Detail the gross and net capital inflows into Switzerland, the gross flows, where possible, by source and by type of instrument purchased (bank deposit, bond, etc.), over each of the last ten years. Has there been any noticeable change in flows as a result (a) of the Swiss debate, including the referendum, on the nature of its relationship with the EU and (b) of the Commission proposal for a withholding tax (in the savings directive)?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Detail the gross and net capital inflows into Switzerland, the gross flows, where possible, by source and by type of instrument purchased (bank deposit, bond, etc.), over each of the last ten years. Has there been any noticeable change in flows as a result (a) of the Swiss debate, including the referendum, on the nature of its relationship with the EU and (b) of the Commission proposal for a withholding tax (in the savings directive)?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On the pretext of fighting for the fair taxation of digital giants, the Polish Government is planning to bring in an advertising tax, which is to apply to television and radio broadcasters, press publishers and internet platform operators, among others. This diverges from the proposals and suggestions brought forward previously by the Commission and the OECD because – assessments suggest – the firms the government calls ‘global digital giants’ will pay a so-called ‘contribution’ of around PLN 50-100 million, while other media firms pay up to PLN 800 million. We can presume, therefore, that this is an anti-democratic political weapon, and not merely an economic instrument designed to bolster the country’s finances.Bearing in mind that the advertising budgets of state-owned companies are focused on public or pro-government media:1.Does the Commission agree that the plan by a Member State to unilaterally introduce a tax that is supposed to be digital-only, in anticipation of the Commission’s proposal for a new digital taxation framework, will not lead to further fragmentation of the EU internal market?2.Does the Commission not take the view that, with the Polish Government mainly funding public and pro-government media, this tax could have a negative impact on media pluralism and cause many independent media outlets to collapse, undermining the rule of law in Poland and free access of information for the public?3.How is the Commission planning to react to this tax?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On the pretext of fighting for the fair taxation of digital giants, the Polish Government is planning to bring in an advertising tax, which is to apply to television and radio broadcasters, press publishers and internet platform operators, among others. This diverges from the proposals and suggestions brought forward previously by the Commission and the OECD because – assessments suggest – the firms the government calls ‘global digital giants’ will pay a so-called ‘contribution’ of around PLN 50-100 million, while other media firms pay up to PLN 800 million. We can presume, therefore, that this is an anti-democratic political weapon, and not merely an economic instrument designed to bolster the country’s finances.Bearing in mind that the advertising budgets of state-owned companies are focused on public or pro-government media:1.Does the Commission agree that the plan by a Member State to unilaterally introduce a tax that is supposed to be digital-only, in anticipation of the Commission’s proposal for a new digital taxation framework, will not lead to further fragmentation of the EU internal market?2.Does the Commission not take the view that, with the Polish Government mainly funding public and pro-government media, this tax could have a negative impact on media pluralism and cause many independent media outlets to collapse, undermining the rule of law in Poland and free access of information for the public?3.How is the Commission planning to react to this tax?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Will the Commission estimate the number of bond issues, and the total volume of issuance, in denominations of EUR 5 000 or less, EUR 1 000 or less, EUR 500 or less and EUR 100 or less?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Will the Commission estimate the number of bond issues, and the total volume of issuance, in denominations of EUR 5 000 or less, EUR 1 000 or less, EUR 500 or less and EUR 100 or less?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Interinstitutional Agreement on Budgetary Discipline and Sound Financial Management 2007‑13 continues to penalise the ‘statistical effect’ regions, such as the Algarve in Portugal, since they are no longer eligible as convergence regions, which reduces the funding to which they are entitled. It should be borne in mind that these regions continue to be disadvantaged and would be considered as convergence regions if the criterion of the GDP of the EU of15 were still applied. Can the Commission therefore say what global amount of funding for the ‘convergence regions’ would be allocated to Portugal if the NUTSII regions North, Centre, Alentejo and Algarve had been taken into account?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The Interinstitutional Agreement on Budgetary Discipline and Sound Financial Management 2007‑13 continues to penalise the ‘statistical effect’ regions, such as the Algarve in Portugal, since they are no longer eligible as convergence regions, which reduces the funding to which they are entitled. It should be borne in mind that these regions continue to be disadvantaged and would be considered as convergence regions if the criterion of the GDP of the EU of15 were still applied. Can the Commission therefore say what global amount of funding for the ‘convergence regions’ would be allocated to Portugal if the NUTSII regions North, Centre, Alentejo and Algarve had been taken into account?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Restrictions imposed in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak have forced companies and businesses to close down across the European Union. Now that they are able to start reopening, health and safety rules now dictate that workplaces must be regularly cleaned and sanitised.In the coming months, employers and entrepreneurs will thus be obliged to sanitise offices shops and factories, incurring additional overhead costs which, together with the loss of earnings during the lockdown period, will place a further burden on finances.‘Sanitisation’, indeed, is not just normal cleaning, or even disinfection, it entails the use of special cleaning products, reducing the number of microbes on surfaces and objects, and hence the risk of becoming infected with coronavirus.Some Member States, in order to help companies and businesses, are introducing special tax deductions or credits to cover sanitisation costs, while others have not yet made any such provisions.In order to facilitate the recovery of European business and trade, will the Commission therefore promote a reduction of the VAT rate applicable to sanitisation costs?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Restrictions imposed in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak have forced companies and businesses to close down across the European Union. Now that they are able to start reopening, health and safety rules now dictate that workplaces must be regularly cleaned and sanitised.In the coming months, employers and entrepreneurs will thus be obliged to sanitise offices shops and factories, incurring additional overhead costs which, together with the loss of earnings during the lockdown period, will place a further burden on finances.‘Sanitisation’, indeed, is not just normal cleaning, or even disinfection, it entails the use of special cleaning products, reducing the number of microbes on surfaces and objects, and hence the risk of becoming infected with coronavirus.Some Member States, in order to help companies and businesses, are introducing special tax deductions or credits to cover sanitisation costs, while others have not yet made any such provisions.In order to facilitate the recovery of European business and trade, will the Commission therefore promote a reduction of the VAT rate applicable to sanitisation costs?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The proposed Council directive on a common consolidated corporate tax base will reduce the tax obstacles and the costs associated with cross-border activities, while supporting fair and sustainable economic competition. The directive should reduce the administrative costs of calculating taxes and circumvent the problem of double taxation. These factors will in future have a positive effect on growth and employment. The European Union has achieved significant progress with respect to the single market. Some Member States fear, however, that this legislative proposal is contrary to the principle of subsidiarity and restricts the options for taxation policy. A problem in this respect may also be the rapidly changing global economy. How can the Commission guarantee to Member States that a common consolidated corporate tax base will not weaken their capacity to react swiftly to global taxation changes in a rapidly changing world economy?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The proposed Council directive on a common consolidated corporate tax base will reduce the tax obstacles and the costs associated with cross-border activities, while supporting fair and sustainable economic competition. The directive should reduce the administrative costs of calculating taxes and circumvent the problem of double taxation. These factors will in future have a positive effect on growth and employment. The European Union has achieved significant progress with respect to the single market. Some Member States fear, however, that this legislative proposal is contrary to the principle of subsidiarity and restricts the options for taxation policy. A problem in this respect may also be the rapidly changing global economy. How can the Commission guarantee to Member States that a common consolidated corporate tax base will not weaken their capacity to react swiftly to global taxation changes in a rapidly changing world economy?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In my Question E-002036/2013, Iasked for information as to whether state revenue from VAT had increased in the catering sector in Greece, following the decision adopted on 1September2011 to increase VAT on catering services from 13% to 23%. In its reply of 24April2013, the Commission emphasised that the measure ‘was estimated to yield EUR300million in 2011 and additional EUR700million from 2012 onwards. This estimate was then revised downwards to EUR400million for 2012 onwards’. It also stated that ‘the Commission services have requested additional information from the authorities in order to assess the budgetary impact of the increase in VAT on catering services more accurately’. On 1August2013, VAT on catering services was restored to 13%, obviously because the increase to 23% had not brought about the anticipated results. In view of the above and the fact that, since October2013, reports have been circulating that the Troika is pressing for VAT to be restored to 23%, Will the Commission say: 1. How did revenue from VAT on catering services compare with estimated revenue a) from 1September2011, when VAT was increased from 13% to 23% and b) from 1August2013, when it was reduced to 13%? 2. Given that all the countries with which Greece competes for tourism have set VAT on catering services in single figures, does the European Commission realise that this is not just a budgetary question; it is, above all, a question of economic development? Can it persuade Greek citizens that the purpose of the Troika’s curious insistence on an increase in VAT on catering services is not to benefit competing countries?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In my Question E-002036/2013, Iasked for information as to whether state revenue from VAT had increased in the catering sector in Greece, following the decision adopted on 1September2011 to increase VAT on catering services from 13% to 23%. In its reply of 24April2013, the Commission emphasised that the measure ‘was estimated to yield EUR300million in 2011 and additional EUR700million from 2012 onwards. This estimate was then revised downwards to EUR400million for 2012 onwards’. It also stated that ‘the Commission services have requested additional information from the authorities in order to assess the budgetary impact of the increase in VAT on catering services more accurately’. On 1August2013, VAT on catering services was restored to 13%, obviously because the increase to 23% had not brought about the anticipated results. In view of the above and the fact that, since October2013, reports have been circulating that the Troika is pressing for VAT to be restored to 23%, Will the Commission say: 1. How did revenue from VAT on catering services compare with estimated revenue a) from 1September2011, when VAT was increased from 13% to 23% and b) from 1August2013, when it was reduced to 13%? 2. Given that all the countries with which Greece competes for tourism have set VAT on catering services in single figures, does the European Commission realise that this is not just a budgetary question; it is, above all, a question of economic development? Can it persuade Greek citizens that the purpose of the Troika’s curious insistence on an increase in VAT on catering services is not to benefit competing countries?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Will the Commission give a clear indication of the action it is currently undertaking to help reduce the huge international debt problem faced by many developing countries." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Will the Commission give a clear indication of the action it is currently undertaking to help reduce the huge international debt problem faced by many developing countries.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Today, the debt level in 16 of 28Member States (15 out of 27 excluding the UK) is higher than 60%. In accordance with the rules of economic governance, a Member State with debt in excess of 60% of GDP is required (a)to conduct minimal budgetary adjustments to achieve a cyclically-adjusted budget balance of 0.5% of GDP(1), and (b)to reduce by 5% the difference between public debt and the reference value (60% of GDP)(2). Given that those obligations are translated into specific primary surplus targets for each country: What primary surpluses do Member States with debt in excess of 60% need to achieve in the next decade? Specifically for Greece, and regardless of the objectives of the memorandum, what are the primary surpluses set out in the economic governance legislation? (1)Regulation 1466/97, as amended by Regulation 1175/2011, provides that ‘for Member States faced with a debt level exceeding 60% of GDP or with pronounced risks of overall debt sustainability, the Council and the Commission shall examine whether the annual improvement of the cyclically-adjusted budget balance, net of one-off and other temporary measures, is higher than 0.5% of GDP’. (2)Regulation 1467/97, as amended by Regulation 1177/2011, states that ‘when it exceeds the reference value, the ratio of the government debt to the GDP shall be considered sufficiently diminishing and approaching the reference value at a satisfactory pace in accordance with point (b)of Article126(2) TFEU if the differential with respect to the reference value has decreased over the previous three years at an average rate of one twentieth per year as a benchmark, based on changes over the last three years for which the data is available’." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Today, the debt level in 16 of 28Member States (15 out of 27 excluding the UK) is higher than 60%. In accordance with the rules of economic governance, a Member State with debt in excess of 60% of GDP is required (a)to conduct minimal budgetary adjustments to achieve a cyclically-adjusted budget balance of 0.5% of GDP(1), and (b)to reduce by 5% the difference between public debt and the reference value (60% of GDP)(2). Given that those obligations are translated into specific primary surplus targets for each country: What primary surpluses do Member States with debt in excess of 60% need to achieve in the next decade? Specifically for Greece, and regardless of the objectives of the memorandum, what are the primary surpluses set out in the economic governance legislation? (1)Regulation 1466/97, as amended by Regulation 1175/2011, provides that ‘for Member States faced with a debt level exceeding 60% of GDP or with pronounced risks of overall debt sustainability, the Council and the Commission shall examine whether the annual improvement of the cyclically-adjusted budget balance, net of one-off and other temporary measures, is higher than 0.5% of GDP’. (2)Regulation 1467/97, as amended by Regulation 1177/2011, states that ‘when it exceeds the reference value, the ratio of the government debt to the GDP shall be considered sufficiently diminishing and approaching the reference value at a satisfactory pace in accordance with point (b)of Article126(2) TFEU if the differential with respect to the reference value has decreased over the previous three years at an average rate of one twentieth per year as a benchmark, based on changes over the last three years for which the data is available’.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 14 May 2002 the European Parliament adopted a text (the Torres Marques report) entitled: """"""""European tourism: European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on working together for the future of European tourism"""""""" (P5_TA(2002)0222). In paragraph 46 of this text, Parliament calls on the Commission to draw up at the earliest opportunity proposals to include the restaurant sector, and possibly other as yet ineligible tourist services, on the list of sectors of activity entitled to a permanent reduction in the VAT rate, so as to boost employment and modernisation in the industries concerned and make European tourism better equipped to deal with international competition. Can the Commission say what action it has taken on this request by Parliament?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On 14 May 2002 the European Parliament adopted a text (the Torres Marques report) entitled: """"""""European tourism: European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on working together for the future of European tourism"""""""" (P5_TA(2002)0222). In paragraph 46 of this text, Parliament calls on the Commission to draw up at the earliest opportunity proposals to include the restaurant sector, and possibly other as yet ineligible tourist services, on the list of sectors of activity entitled to a permanent reduction in the VAT rate, so as to boost employment and modernisation in the industries concerned and make European tourism better equipped to deal with international competition. Can the Commission say what action it has taken on this request by Parliament?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Today, Commissioner Lewandowski confirmed during a debate with the members of the Committee on Budgets that there is set to be a severe deficit in 2014 in the policy areas of cohesion and development aid. This is due in part to the enormous rise in applications at the end of 2013. Ultimately, the bill will be footed by the net contributing Member States. 1.In the Commission’s view, who is responsible for this discrepancy between the Union’s income and expenditure in 2014? 2.Can the Commission indicate how often it has been necessary in the past to pay out more money than is available in the budget? 3.Does the Commission agree with the PVV that it is not permitted, pursuant to Article310(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, for budget deficits to arise (and this imbalance is therefore actually illegal)? 4.How does the Commission monitor the incurrence of liabilities and specifically the prevention of the incurrence of liabilities which will exceed the disbursement levels? 5.Does the Commission think that the mobilisation of flexibility instruments and the use of the contingency margin is the right way to restore the budgetary equilibrium? If not, what would be the Commission’s preferred approach? 6.How does the Commission intend to prevent any future violations of Article310 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Today, Commissioner Lewandowski confirmed during a debate with the members of the Committee on Budgets that there is set to be a severe deficit in 2014 in the policy areas of cohesion and development aid. This is due in part to the enormous rise in applications at the end of 2013. Ultimately, the bill will be footed by the net contributing Member States. 1.In the Commission’s view, who is responsible for this discrepancy between the Union’s income and expenditure in 2014? 2.Can the Commission indicate how often it has been necessary in the past to pay out more money than is available in the budget? 3.Does the Commission agree with the PVV that it is not permitted, pursuant to Article310(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, for budget deficits to arise (and this imbalance is therefore actually illegal)? 4.How does the Commission monitor the incurrence of liabilities and specifically the prevention of the incurrence of liabilities which will exceed the disbursement levels? 5.Does the Commission think that the mobilisation of flexibility instruments and the use of the contingency margin is the right way to restore the budgetary equilibrium? If not, what would be the Commission’s preferred approach? 6.How does the Commission intend to prevent any future violations of Article310 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Those concerned with the preservation of historic monuments and the countryside throughout Europe are calling for the reduction or abolition of VAT on measures and investment aimed at the protection of historic monuments and the landscape. Owners of historic buildings, parks and gardens need government support now more than ever to carry out their task for preserving our cultural heritage for future generations. 1. Does the Commission consider their concern to be justified? 2. Does it intend to place the protection of historic monuments and the landscape on the relevant EU exemption list when it reviews its taxation policy? 3. When is the exemption list next due for revision (Annex to Directive 92/77/EEC(1)? (1)OJ No L 316, 31. 10. 1992, p. 1." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Those concerned with the preservation of historic monuments and the countryside throughout Europe are calling for the reduction or abolition of VAT on measures and investment aimed at the protection of historic monuments and the landscape. Owners of historic buildings, parks and gardens need government support now more than ever to carry out their task for preserving our cultural heritage for future generations. 1. Does the Commission consider their concern to be justified? 2. Does it intend to place the protection of historic monuments and the landscape on the relevant EU exemption list when it reviews its taxation policy? 3. When is the exemption list next due for revision (Annex to Directive 92/77/EEC(1)? (1)OJ No L 316, 31. 10. 1992, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The third part of this report makes a number of points on the impact of the introduction of the euro on variable capital markets. Referring to stock market operations (one of the aspects raised), it states that, in view of the absence of a significant relationship between the nominal value of shares and their negotiation price, there are no substantial arguments for such values to be quoted and negotiated partly in euros and partly in national currencies. Can the Commission provide further information on this point?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The third part of this report makes a number of points on the impact of the introduction of the euro on variable capital markets. Referring to stock market operations (one of the aspects raised), it states that, in view of the absence of a significant relationship between the nominal value of shares and their negotiation price, there are no substantial arguments for such values to be quoted and negotiated partly in euros and partly in national currencies. Can the Commission provide further information on this point?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In 2012, the Greek Government and the European Investment Bank agreed to set up the Special Guarantee Fund providing loans of up to EUR1.4billion for small and medium-sized enterprises in Greece, using dormant NSRF 2007-2013 appropriations amounting to EUR500million as collateral for EIB funding. The EIB is also providing a total of EUR500million by way of funding for export companies in Greece through the trade credit facility that entered into force in 2013. Given the massive injections of cash and investment capital needed by Greek economy and the specific credit status of Greek enterprises: 1.What is the Commission's assessment regarding the functioning of the above financial instruments, what funding has been allocated so far and how many businesses have benefited? 2.What problems are being encountered in connection with the financing instruments and what are the recommendations of the Commission and EIB experts regarding better use thereof by Greece? 3.Would the Commission would be in favour of reviewing the SME loan guarantee agreement so as to reduce the guarantees required of Greece and release funding tied up under the previous NSRF?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In 2012, the Greek Government and the European Investment Bank agreed to set up the Special Guarantee Fund providing loans of up to EUR1.4billion for small and medium-sized enterprises in Greece, using dormant NSRF 2007-2013 appropriations amounting to EUR500million as collateral for EIB funding. The EIB is also providing a total of EUR500million by way of funding for export companies in Greece through the trade credit facility that entered into force in 2013. Given the massive injections of cash and investment capital needed by Greek economy and the specific credit status of Greek enterprises: 1.What is the Commission's assessment regarding the functioning of the above financial instruments, what funding has been allocated so far and how many businesses have benefited? 2.What problems are being encountered in connection with the financing instruments and what are the recommendations of the Commission and EIB experts regarding better use thereof by Greece? 3.Would the Commission would be in favour of reviewing the SME loan guarantee agreement so as to reduce the guarantees required of Greece and release funding tied up under the previous NSRF?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In its accession treaty, Romania has secured the same concessions as, for example, Hungary with regard to regulation of the production of local fruit spirits. But whereas Hungary has a long-standing tradition of producing such spirits under a formally regulated system whereby fruit growers' distilleries produce limited quantities of spirits from fruit supplied to them by fruit growers' households, for fruit growers' own consumption, no such systems have so far developed in Romania, where it is regularly possible to buy fruit spirits from private individuals who in most cases evade the payment of tax on their products. As a result the Romanian State forfeits substantial tax revenue, while the purchaser obtains a product whose quality is not subject to any supervision. After Romania's accession it will be possible for low-excise or illegally produced and hence cheap products from the inadequately regulated and unsupervised Romanian spirits market to enter the markets of Member States where the spirits market is more strictly regulated. In view of Hungary's proximity to Romania and the similarity of the relevant products and of consumers' habits in the two countries, it is Hungarian producers and Hungary's State finances that are most at risk on this account. Bearing in mind the above, does the Commission consider that Romania is fully complying with the provisions concerning excise in the accession treaty? Has Romania fully harmonised its legislation in the above field? Has Romania adopted, and is it implementing, appropriate legislation to control untaxed sales of fruit spirits? Are Romanian fruit-spirit distilleries technically equipped for the application of a regulated production system along Hungarian lines and of food safety regulations? What new legislation does Romania need to adopt, and what measures must it take, to comply with the provisions of the accession treaty? How will the Commission ensure that, during the pre-accession period, Romania complies with the various conditions for the operation of a system analogous to Hungary's?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In its accession treaty, Romania has secured the same concessions as, for example, Hungary with regard to regulation of the production of local fruit spirits. But whereas Hungary has a long-standing tradition of producing such spirits under a formally regulated system whereby fruit growers' distilleries produce limited quantities of spirits from fruit supplied to them by fruit growers' households, for fruit growers' own consumption, no such systems have so far developed in Romania, where it is regularly possible to buy fruit spirits from private individuals who in most cases evade the payment of tax on their products. As a result the Romanian State forfeits substantial tax revenue, while the purchaser obtains a product whose quality is not subject to any supervision. After Romania's accession it will be possible for low-excise or illegally produced and hence cheap products from the inadequately regulated and unsupervised Romanian spirits market to enter the markets of Member States where the spirits market is more strictly regulated. In view of Hungary's proximity to Romania and the similarity of the relevant products and of consumers' habits in the two countries, it is Hungarian producers and Hungary's State finances that are most at risk on this account. Bearing in mind the above, does the Commission consider that Romania is fully complying with the provisions concerning excise in the accession treaty? Has Romania fully harmonised its legislation in the above field? Has Romania adopted, and is it implementing, appropriate legislation to control untaxed sales of fruit spirits? Are Romanian fruit-spirit distilleries technically equipped for the application of a regulated production system along Hungarian lines and of food safety regulations? What new legislation does Romania need to adopt, and what measures must it take, to comply with the provisions of the accession treaty? How will the Commission ensure that, during the pre-accession period, Romania complies with the various conditions for the operation of a system analogous to Hungary's?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "New legislation was recently passed in France introducing a special tax on beers with over 8,5 % of alcohol content. This measure would solely affect imported beers, in particular """"""""Trappist"""""""" beers brewed according to traditional methods in neighbouring Belgium. This would seem to be in clear contravention of Article 90 of the EC Treaty, which stipulates that: """"""""No Member State shall impose, directly or indirectly, on the products of other Member States any internal taxation of any kind in excess of that imposed directly or indirectly on similar domestic products. Furthermore, no Member State shall impose on the products of other Member States any internal taxation of such a nature as to afford indirect protection to other products"""""""". Does the Commission not consider that representations should be made to the French authorities as a matter of urgency to ensure that they withdraw this legislation, which is in serious breach of the principles of the European common market and free competition? Could the Commission introduce a programme of general support for the production of non-industrial beers brewed according to traditional methods, such as those made by Trappist monks, which are excellent products of special value, symbols of Europe's age-old """"""""savoir vivre""""""""?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
New legislation was recently passed in France introducing a special tax on beers with over 8,5 % of alcohol content. This measure would solely affect imported beers, in particular """"""""Trappist"""""""" beers brewed according to traditional methods in neighbouring Belgium. This would seem to be in clear contravention of Article 90 of the EC Treaty, which stipulates that: """"""""No Member State shall impose, directly or indirectly, on the products of other Member States any internal taxation of any kind in excess of that imposed directly or indirectly on similar domestic products. Furthermore, no Member State shall impose on the products of other Member States any internal taxation of such a nature as to afford indirect protection to other products"""""""". Does the Commission not consider that representations should be made to the French authorities as a matter of urgency to ensure that they withdraw this legislation, which is in serious breach of the principles of the European common market and free competition? Could the Commission introduce a programme of general support for the production of non-industrial beers brewed according to traditional methods, such as those made by Trappist monks, which are excellent products of special value, symbols of Europe's age-old """"""""savoir vivre""""""""?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The European Union has set itself ambitious targets in the field of emission reduction and the fight against global warming. Given the planned restrictions, transport (particularly road transport) is among those sectors that will undergo substantial transformations in the near future. The current electrification of passenger vehicles and perhaps, in future, of heavy goods vehicles, requires not only significant investments in the necessary charging infrastructure, but also the dynamic technological growth with regard to the manufacture of batteries and accumulators. Unfortunately, it seems that European industry cannot compete in this respect with global competitors, especially with manufacturers from China, Japan, Korea or the United States. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a horizontal strategy that would focus on new technologies and that would address the needs and opportunities of both the automotive and the chemical industry. What actions does the Commission intend to take in order to support, to an even greater degree than is currently the case, the development of modern technologies with regard to the manufacture of batteries and accumulators in Europe?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The European Union has set itself ambitious targets in the field of emission reduction and the fight against global warming. Given the planned restrictions, transport (particularly road transport) is among those sectors that will undergo substantial transformations in the near future. The current electrification of passenger vehicles and perhaps, in future, of heavy goods vehicles, requires not only significant investments in the necessary charging infrastructure, but also the dynamic technological growth with regard to the manufacture of batteries and accumulators. Unfortunately, it seems that European industry cannot compete in this respect with global competitors, especially with manufacturers from China, Japan, Korea or the United States. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a horizontal strategy that would focus on new technologies and that would address the needs and opportunities of both the automotive and the chemical industry. What actions does the Commission intend to take in order to support, to an even greater degree than is currently the case, the development of modern technologies with regard to the manufacture of batteries and accumulators in Europe?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Could the Commission provide an analysis of the last ‘European’ year’s added value, and advise me as to what was the actual budget spent compared to that which was predicted?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Could the Commission provide an analysis of the last ‘European’ year’s added value, and advise me as to what was the actual budget spent compared to that which was predicted?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Greek Law 2530/97 lays down rules governing the status, scale of salaries and other matters relating to teaching and research staff at Higher Educational Establishments (AEI) and Technological Educational Establishment (TEI) in Greece. This Law provides that staff may be engaged in activities apart from their university teaching commitments, but that such activities may not exceed eight hours weekly; Article 3 states that a percentage (between 15 and 30 %) of the remuneration earned by university teachers from their professional activities outside teaching shall be withheld in """"""""accounts"""""""" which constitute a form of separate fund. These funds are not for the exclusive benefit of the university body but are also available to various social organisations. The imposition of the above charge (which accounts for as much as 30 % of their remuneration) is incompatible with the Greek Constitution and violates the principle of """"""""reciprocity"""""""", since university staff derive practically no benefits from the above """"""""accounts"""""""". Will the Commission say whether the above is compatible with the principle of equal treatment of taxpayers, and what action it intends to take to prevent the unfair treatment of Greek university staff at the hands of the Greek tax authorities?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Greek Law 2530/97 lays down rules governing the status, scale of salaries and other matters relating to teaching and research staff at Higher Educational Establishments (AEI) and Technological Educational Establishment (TEI) in Greece. This Law provides that staff may be engaged in activities apart from their university teaching commitments, but that such activities may not exceed eight hours weekly; Article 3 states that a percentage (between 15 and 30 %) of the remuneration earned by university teachers from their professional activities outside teaching shall be withheld in """"""""accounts"""""""" which constitute a form of separate fund. These funds are not for the exclusive benefit of the university body but are also available to various social organisations. The imposition of the above charge (which accounts for as much as 30 % of their remuneration) is incompatible with the Greek Constitution and violates the principle of """"""""reciprocity"""""""", since university staff derive practically no benefits from the above """"""""accounts"""""""". Will the Commission say whether the above is compatible with the principle of equal treatment of taxpayers, and what action it intends to take to prevent the unfair treatment of Greek university staff at the hands of the Greek tax authorities?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to a recent Eurobarometer survey, 75% of Greeks (i.e.three out of four) and 73% of Portuguese and 72%, of Irish citizens believe that the ‘worst is still to come’ as far as the impact of the economic crisis on employment is concerned. Greece is experiencing a period of far-reaching labour reforms in which collective agreements and thus acquired labour rights are in many cases being abolished, wages are being cut and the whole institution of the social dialogue is being undermined, while the official unemployment rate has risen to 13.5% and the at-risk-of-poverty rate is 20% (this is one of the highest in theEU, with 14% of workers living in poverty). Under these conditions, clear signs of simmering social unrest are emerging and the social fabric is in great danger. Only a few months ago, guidelines on employment were adopted at EU level with the long-term goals of increasing employment, boosting participation in education and reducing unemployment and poverty. In this context, and given that the Commission is one of the three parties to the Troika, will it say: How does it intend to ensure that efforts to make Greece economically viable will not undermine social cohesion and peace and quality and secure employment — as embodied in the European social acquis and the goals of the ‘Europe2020’ Strategy — in that Member State?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
According to a recent Eurobarometer survey, 75% of Greeks (i.e.three out of four) and 73% of Portuguese and 72%, of Irish citizens believe that the ‘worst is still to come’ as far as the impact of the economic crisis on employment is concerned. Greece is experiencing a period of far-reaching labour reforms in which collective agreements and thus acquired labour rights are in many cases being abolished, wages are being cut and the whole institution of the social dialogue is being undermined, while the official unemployment rate has risen to 13.5% and the at-risk-of-poverty rate is 20% (this is one of the highest in theEU, with 14% of workers living in poverty). Under these conditions, clear signs of simmering social unrest are emerging and the social fabric is in great danger. Only a few months ago, guidelines on employment were adopted at EU level with the long-term goals of increasing employment, boosting participation in education and reducing unemployment and poverty. In this context, and given that the Commission is one of the three parties to the Troika, will it say: How does it intend to ensure that efforts to make Greece economically viable will not undermine social cohesion and peace and quality and secure employment — as embodied in the European social acquis and the goals of the ‘Europe2020’ Strategy — in that Member State?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On Friday 20 March, the Commission President announced that a general safeguard clause provided for in the Stability and Growth Pact would be triggered, temporarily suspending the EU-imposed obligations on Member States to reduce the public deficit. This would enable national governments to raise their public expenditure as much as necessary by implementing policies aimed at curbing the coronavirus pandemic and mitigating its economic and social impact. Although this measure of flexibility is necessary, it is still a cause of uncertainty for Member States and their institutions, given that it has not been established how long the suspension will last or what the effects of triggering it will be.In order to be able to address the recovery plans and reduce the legal uncertainty arising from this decision, can the Commission say:1.Does it intend to permanently revoke the Stability and Growth Pact?2.Is not, what time frame for suspension is it considering?3.Can it at least guarantee that the Stability and Growth Pact will be revoked until such a time as these recovery plans are fully implemented?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On Friday 20 March, the Commission President announced that a general safeguard clause provided for in the Stability and Growth Pact would be triggered, temporarily suspending the EU-imposed obligations on Member States to reduce the public deficit. This would enable national governments to raise their public expenditure as much as necessary by implementing policies aimed at curbing the coronavirus pandemic and mitigating its economic and social impact. Although this measure of flexibility is necessary, it is still a cause of uncertainty for Member States and their institutions, given that it has not been established how long the suspension will last or what the effects of triggering it will be.In order to be able to address the recovery plans and reduce the legal uncertainty arising from this decision, can the Commission say:1.Does it intend to permanently revoke the Stability and Growth Pact?2.Is not, what time frame for suspension is it considering?3.Can it at least guarantee that the Stability and Growth Pact will be revoked until such a time as these recovery plans are fully implemented?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Commission is applying a very strict policy on aid to shipbuilding in Europe (e.g. Boelwerf in Belgium, Burmeister & Wain in Denmark, the East German shipyards). Today the governments of the European countries are providing massive help, but to the Korean shipbuilding industry, by giving unprecedented financial support (US$ 57 billion) to Korea via the IMF, although the expansionist policy conducted by the major Korean shipbuilding groups in defiance of the international market has been partly responsible for the financial problems assailing Korea. Over the last five years, for every job lost in a European shipyard, one was created in Korea, and yet the European Union has not required any restrictions on output in return for this exceptional aid. Does the Commission intend to be as strict with Korea over shipbuilding as it is with in the Member States?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The Commission is applying a very strict policy on aid to shipbuilding in Europe (e.g. Boelwerf in Belgium, Burmeister & Wain in Denmark, the East German shipyards). Today the governments of the European countries are providing massive help, but to the Korean shipbuilding industry, by giving unprecedented financial support (US$ 57 billion) to Korea via the IMF, although the expansionist policy conducted by the major Korean shipbuilding groups in defiance of the international market has been partly responsible for the financial problems assailing Korea. Over the last five years, for every job lost in a European shipyard, one was created in Korea, and yet the European Union has not required any restrictions on output in return for this exceptional aid. Does the Commission intend to be as strict with Korea over shipbuilding as it is with in the Member States?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 22 December 2000, Commissioner Bolkestein, replying on behalf of the Commission to my question to the Commission (E-3423/00)(1), was kind enough to provide detailed information on the tax in force for various liquid fuels in Greece, confirming that in certain cases (particularly with regard to fuel for industrial use) the Greek Government imposes a much higher rate of tax than the minimum provided for by the Commission. In addition, I would like know what grounds the Commissioner has for his view that this high level of tax does not necessarily reduce the competitiveness of Greek industrial products, since it is a fact that Greece is the worst of the 15 EU countries in terms of competitiveness. The Commissioner also rightly emphasises the complex nature of competitiveness, and as an example refers to the impact of the level of social security contributions. Can the Commission say whether the level of contributions in Greece is in fact the highest of the EU countries (with illustrative data for each of the 15 countries), what other factors contribute to the poor international competitiveness of Greek products and what changes should be made to bring about a drastic improvement in competitiveness? Finally, could the Commission say whether, in view of its low level of international competitiveness, Greece's membership of EMU will have adverse effects, and if so, what these will be? (1)OJ C 174 E, 19.6.2001, p. 52." Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On 22 December 2000, Commissioner Bolkestein, replying on behalf of the Commission to my question to the Commission (E-3423/00)(1), was kind enough to provide detailed information on the tax in force for various liquid fuels in Greece, confirming that in certain cases (particularly with regard to fuel for industrial use) the Greek Government imposes a much higher rate of tax than the minimum provided for by the Commission. In addition, I would like know what grounds the Commissioner has for his view that this high level of tax does not necessarily reduce the competitiveness of Greek industrial products, since it is a fact that Greece is the worst of the 15 EU countries in terms of competitiveness. The Commissioner also rightly emphasises the complex nature of competitiveness, and as an example refers to the impact of the level of social security contributions. Can the Commission say whether the level of contributions in Greece is in fact the highest of the EU countries (with illustrative data for each of the 15 countries), what other factors contribute to the poor international competitiveness of Greek products and what changes should be made to bring about a drastic improvement in competitiveness? Finally, could the Commission say whether, in view of its low level of international competitiveness, Greece's membership of EMU will have adverse effects, and if so, what these will be? (1)OJ C 174 E, 19.6.2001, p. 52.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "It has to be noted that as far as the campaign against smoking is concerned, there is a certain amount of duplicity at Community level: even though advertising tobacco on television is banned, tobacco production is subsidised in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy. Each Member State has varying and badly-matched policies in the fight against tobacco. The gap in terms of price is still considerable: a packet of twenty cigarettes costs on average €2 in Spain, €5 in France and €7.20 in the United Kingdom. Despite recent modest attempts to harmonise these prices, they remain dependent on the taxes levied on tobacco. Thus, far from fostering a coherent Community-wide harmonisation in terms of either free movement and opening of markets or public health, the existing mechanisms promote the distorting effects of competition by means of taxes and prices between Member States, thus creating 'tourist circuits for European smokers'. With this in mind, does the Commission plan to raise the minimum tax rate, which currently stands at €1.20, so as to prevent the disparities between Member States from widening?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
It has to be noted that as far as the campaign against smoking is concerned, there is a certain amount of duplicity at Community level: even though advertising tobacco on television is banned, tobacco production is subsidised in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy. Each Member State has varying and badly-matched policies in the fight against tobacco. The gap in terms of price is still considerable: a packet of twenty cigarettes costs on average €2 in Spain, €5 in France and €7.20 in the United Kingdom. Despite recent modest attempts to harmonise these prices, they remain dependent on the taxes levied on tobacco. Thus, far from fostering a coherent Community-wide harmonisation in terms of either free movement and opening of markets or public health, the existing mechanisms promote the distorting effects of competition by means of taxes and prices between Member States, thus creating 'tourist circuits for European smokers'. With this in mind, does the Commission plan to raise the minimum tax rate, which currently stands at €1.20, so as to prevent the disparities between Member States from widening?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Can the Commission specify if it is going to investigate the issue of supplementary charges for ATM, debit and credit cards used across border areas, especially in light of the fact that many banks have operations on both sides of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Can the Commission specify if it is going to investigate the issue of supplementary charges for ATM, debit and credit cards used across border areas, especially in light of the fact that many banks have operations on both sides of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 31May2011, at a meeting organised by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organisation (WHO), international experts classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Will the Commission state exactly how it will take these conclusions into account — in its research programmes; — in its policy of informing citizens of the possible carcinogenic effects of products, as it already does for a range of products such as tobacco, and — in its industry policy towards manufacturers, with particular regard to the power of electromagnetic fields of mobile phones?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On 31May2011, at a meeting organised by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organisation (WHO), international experts classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Will the Commission state exactly how it will take these conclusions into account — in its research programmes; — in its policy of informing citizens of the possible carcinogenic effects of products, as it already does for a range of products such as tobacco, and — in its industry policy towards manufacturers, with particular regard to the power of electromagnetic fields of mobile phones?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Knowing that: — between 1995 and 1997, prior to the sale of the Pagani plant, Ericsson initiated what its workers called a """"""""pre-sale process"""""""", — in June 1998, the company told the trade unions that it intended to split up the production activities into a printed circuit board branch, to be called PCB SpA, and an assembly branch, to be called PBA SpA, both of which would then be transferred, — in January 1999, after six months of talks, PCB SpA was transferred to the El.Man group in Corropoli, — however, owing to a lack of investment by Ericsson, the facilities and machines inherited by the new company were almost totally obsolete and thus represented a serious risk both to production operations and to the health of the workforce, — the industrial plan and labour agreements concluded made provision for more intensive investment and sounder guarantees than those offered by the two companies, — under the agreement which it signed with El.Man, Ericsson guaranteed that it would cover any financial losses incurred by El.Man until 31 December 2000, while the labour agreements guaranteed that employment levels would be maintained for five years. Given that Ericsson: — has ignored repeated requests from the local trade unions to set up the oversight committee which was to monitor implementation of the industrial plan and labour agreements concluded, — has failed to check that the printed circuit boards required for the products ordered from PBA SpA are being produced by PCB SpA, — and has almost totally cut off orders since March 2001, as a result of which a dispute has arisen between the local trade unions and PCB SpA over the latter's request to lay off workers under the Italian wage-compensation scheme (CIG straordinaria ed ordinaria), in breach of the labour agreements signed," Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Knowing that: — between 1995 and 1997, prior to the sale of the Pagani plant, Ericsson initiated what its workers called a """"""""pre-sale process"""""""", — in June 1998, the company told the trade unions that it intended to split up the production activities into a printed circuit board branch, to be called PCB SpA, and an assembly branch, to be called PBA SpA, both of which would then be transferred, — in January 1999, after six months of talks, PCB SpA was transferred to the El.Man group in Corropoli, — however, owing to a lack of investment by Ericsson, the facilities and machines inherited by the new company were almost totally obsolete and thus represented a serious risk both to production operations and to the health of the workforce, — the industrial plan and labour agreements concluded made provision for more intensive investment and sounder guarantees than those offered by the two companies, — under the agreement which it signed with El.Man, Ericsson guaranteed that it would cover any financial losses incurred by El.Man until 31 December 2000, while the labour agreements guaranteed that employment levels would be maintained for five years. Given that Ericsson: — has ignored repeated requests from the local trade unions to set up the oversight committee which was to monitor implementation of the industrial plan and labour agreements concluded, — has failed to check that the printed circuit boards required for the products ordered from PBA SpA are being produced by PCB SpA, — and has almost totally cut off orders since March 2001, as a result of which a dispute has arisen between the local trade unions and PCB SpA over the latter's request to lay off workers under the Italian wage-compensation scheme (CIG straordinaria ed ordinaria), in breach of the labour agreements signed,
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In 2018 theEU held the Chairmanship of the Kimberley Process, a coalition formed in 2002 by 81 countries, civil society and the diamond industry to stop armed conflicts in Africa being funded by the trade in diamonds. The Kimberley Process provides an opportunity to promote peace and security, make the mining sector more sustainable, improve living conditions and prosperity of workers in this sector, make progress on international environmental standards and establish safer working conditions. During the final plenary of the Kimberley Process in Brussels in November2018, the following was stressed: the need for ‘continued action to curb the trade in conflict diamonds’, for ‘further strengthening of the Kimberley Process to enhance its effectiveness to address challenges posed to the diamond industry and related communities’, and to ensure ‘that the Kimberley Process remains relevant for the future and continues to contribute to international peace and security […] and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals’. What internal measures is the Commission proposing in order to demonstrate the EU’s leadership and effectiveness in this regard?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In 2018 theEU held the Chairmanship of the Kimberley Process, a coalition formed in 2002 by 81 countries, civil society and the diamond industry to stop armed conflicts in Africa being funded by the trade in diamonds. The Kimberley Process provides an opportunity to promote peace and security, make the mining sector more sustainable, improve living conditions and prosperity of workers in this sector, make progress on international environmental standards and establish safer working conditions. During the final plenary of the Kimberley Process in Brussels in November2018, the following was stressed: the need for ‘continued action to curb the trade in conflict diamonds’, for ‘further strengthening of the Kimberley Process to enhance its effectiveness to address challenges posed to the diamond industry and related communities’, and to ensure ‘that the Kimberley Process remains relevant for the future and continues to contribute to international peace and security […] and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals’. What internal measures is the Commission proposing in order to demonstrate the EU’s leadership and effectiveness in this regard?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Will the Commission indicate what progress has been made in each EU State in tackling long-term unemployment?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Will the Commission indicate what progress has been made in each EU State in tackling long-term unemployment?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In certain Member States, the imposition of VAT on unpaid legal services is proving to be an intractable problem. Legal advisers and lawyers who provide unpaid legal assistance to people of limited means must themselves subsidise this activity. If a person whose financial position would prohibit them from seeking paid legal advice requests such assistance, not only must it be given for free, but VAT and income tax must also be paid on it. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for taking decisions on the granting of VAT exemptions. However, as noted by the Polish Ministry of Finance, it is not clear how unpaid legal advice should be dealt with under EClaw. In this connection, what practical steps does the Commission intend to take in order to harmonise national practices in this area?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In certain Member States, the imposition of VAT on unpaid legal services is proving to be an intractable problem. Legal advisers and lawyers who provide unpaid legal assistance to people of limited means must themselves subsidise this activity. If a person whose financial position would prohibit them from seeking paid legal advice requests such assistance, not only must it be given for free, but VAT and income tax must also be paid on it. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for taking decisions on the granting of VAT exemptions. However, as noted by the Polish Ministry of Finance, it is not clear how unpaid legal advice should be dealt with under EClaw. In this connection, what practical steps does the Commission intend to take in order to harmonise national practices in this area?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "With regard to St Vincent and the Grenadines, can the Commission state which projects were financed from the EU budget in 2000? Can it specify the total volume of aid over 2000 for all the headings relating to that country?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
With regard to St Vincent and the Grenadines, can the Commission state which projects were financed from the EU budget in 2000? Can it specify the total volume of aid over 2000 for all the headings relating to that country?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Under to Section 10(1), subpara. 1. of the German Income Tax Act (EStG), maintenance payments to an ex-wife are recognized as special expenditure (Sonderausgabe) when she lives in Germany. However, if the ex-wife of a non-German (e.g. British) EU national lives in the EU outside Germany (e.g. in Britain), the maintenance payments are regarded under S. 33a(1) of the Income Tax Act merely as extraordinary changes (außergewöhnliche Belastung), which makes a significant difference to the amount deductible for tax purposes. A recent decree of 1September 1997 on S. 33a(1) of the EStG states that: """"""""Deductibility is conditional on the taxpayer being able provide evidence that the person resident abroad is in need of maintenance"""""""". If the person's ex-wife lives in Germany, no such evidence is required. The only evidence required here is that tax is being paid on the maintenance payments by their recipient. Does this constitute a discrimination against other EU nationals in terms of tax legislation?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Under to Section 10(1), subpara. 1. of the German Income Tax Act (EStG), maintenance payments to an ex-wife are recognized as special expenditure (Sonderausgabe) when she lives in Germany. However, if the ex-wife of a non-German (e.g. British) EU national lives in the EU outside Germany (e.g. in Britain), the maintenance payments are regarded under S. 33a(1) of the Income Tax Act merely as extraordinary changes (außergewöhnliche Belastung), which makes a significant difference to the amount deductible for tax purposes. A recent decree of 1September 1997 on S. 33a(1) of the EStG states that: """"""""Deductibility is conditional on the taxpayer being able provide evidence that the person resident abroad is in need of maintenance"""""""". If the person's ex-wife lives in Germany, no such evidence is required. The only evidence required here is that tax is being paid on the maintenance payments by their recipient. Does this constitute a discrimination against other EU nationals in terms of tax legislation?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The European iron and steel industry has been of great historical importance in the process of European integration and is the mainstay of industrial added value in Europe. In recent years, this sector has had to cope with significant challenges, in terms of not only industrial restructuring and mergers, but also new requirements to achieve EU climate targets. The European iron and steel industry is facing a crisis of investment that threatens to jeopardise its future. Can the Commission say which instruments it considers appropriate to assist that sector and thereby ensure growth and prosperity in Europe?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The European iron and steel industry has been of great historical importance in the process of European integration and is the mainstay of industrial added value in Europe. In recent years, this sector has had to cope with significant challenges, in terms of not only industrial restructuring and mergers, but also new requirements to achieve EU climate targets. The European iron and steel industry is facing a crisis of investment that threatens to jeopardise its future. Can the Commission say which instruments it considers appropriate to assist that sector and thereby ensure growth and prosperity in Europe?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "It has been brought to our attention by one of our London constituents who owns a second holiday home in Torremolinos, Spain, that the local authority (Ayuntamiento) pursues a discriminatory local taxation policy whereby non-residents pay municipal taxes (Valor Catastral) which are double those paid by Spanish and EU-citizen long-term residents. This would appear to be doubly unfair as, firstly, the non-residents have no voting rights with which to influence local taxation policy, unlike residents who have an incentive to vote for a local authority which will shift the tax burden punitively on to non-residents who have no vote. Furthermore, second-home owners who occupy their property only a few times a year make less use of local services and should, therefore, if anything, pay less tax not more. For example, in the UK, until recently, local authorities imposed a reduced rate of local tax on non-resident second-home owners, but this has now been abolished as it was deemed to be discriminatory. Can the Council, through its legal services, indicate whether this breaches EU treaty law or any other international obligation to which Spain is a signatory?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
It has been brought to our attention by one of our London constituents who owns a second holiday home in Torremolinos, Spain, that the local authority (Ayuntamiento) pursues a discriminatory local taxation policy whereby non-residents pay municipal taxes (Valor Catastral) which are double those paid by Spanish and EU-citizen long-term residents. This would appear to be doubly unfair as, firstly, the non-residents have no voting rights with which to influence local taxation policy, unlike residents who have an incentive to vote for a local authority which will shift the tax burden punitively on to non-residents who have no vote. Furthermore, second-home owners who occupy their property only a few times a year make less use of local services and should, therefore, if anything, pay less tax not more. For example, in the UK, until recently, local authorities imposed a reduced rate of local tax on non-resident second-home owners, but this has now been abolished as it was deemed to be discriminatory. Can the Council, through its legal services, indicate whether this breaches EU treaty law or any other international obligation to which Spain is a signatory?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Is the Commission aware of fears that the Russian Federation may impose import quotas on carpets from the European Union? If so, when are these quotas likely to be imposed and what is their expected size? Is the Commission aware that such an import quota would have a detrimental effect even for those manufacturers not presently exporting to Russia?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Is the Commission aware of fears that the Russian Federation may impose import quotas on carpets from the European Union? If so, when are these quotas likely to be imposed and what is their expected size? Is the Commission aware that such an import quota would have a detrimental effect even for those manufacturers not presently exporting to Russia?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "On 26January 1999 the Danish shipyard Aarhus Flydedok A/S went bankrupt with the loss of some 2000 jobs. The bankruptcy is bound up with the unfair conditions of competition in the shipbuilding industry. Shipyards in some Member States apparently still receive state aid whereas other have to manage on market terms, which does not seem to fit in with the objectives of EU policy. The most recent example of this is the German shipyard Meyer Werft, which has succeeded in concluding a agreement to build two ships for Indonesia on the basis of developing country resources. 1.What initiatives does the Commission intend to take to put an end to state aid in this sector in the EU? 2.How are OECD negotiations proceeding between the EU, the USA, Japan and Norway on abolishing state aid for shipbuilding?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
On 26January 1999 the Danish shipyard Aarhus Flydedok A/S went bankrupt with the loss of some 2000 jobs. The bankruptcy is bound up with the unfair conditions of competition in the shipbuilding industry. Shipyards in some Member States apparently still receive state aid whereas other have to manage on market terms, which does not seem to fit in with the objectives of EU policy. The most recent example of this is the German shipyard Meyer Werft, which has succeeded in concluding a agreement to build two ships for Indonesia on the basis of developing country resources. 1.What initiatives does the Commission intend to take to put an end to state aid in this sector in the EU? 2.How are OECD negotiations proceeding between the EU, the USA, Japan and Norway on abolishing state aid for shipbuilding?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Can the Commission state the exact amount of the EU's contribution from the Community budget to the Olympic Games in Atlanta?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Can the Commission state the exact amount of the EU's contribution from the Community budget to the Olympic Games in Atlanta?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Will the Commission state how much of the appropriation under heading B3-4104 was allocated in 1994 to expenditure on research, expenditure on meetings of experts, expenditure on conferences and congresses, expenditure on information and publications? Can the Commission also specify the proportion which these four types of expenditure represent out of the total appropriation allocated to the above heading and state whether or not it regards this proportion as reasonable?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Will the Commission state how much of the appropriation under heading B3-4104 was allocated in 1994 to expenditure on research, expenditure on meetings of experts, expenditure on conferences and congresses, expenditure on information and publications? Can the Commission also specify the proportion which these four types of expenditure represent out of the total appropriation allocated to the above heading and state whether or not it regards this proportion as reasonable?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The current proposals for the reform of the Structural Funds and statements by the Commissioner, Monika Wulf-Mathies, at a number of Regional Policy Committee meetings appear to indicate that combatting unemployment is also to be one of the chief, and growing, concerns of the Structural Funds; however, much of the detail is still unclear. The definition of the new Objective 2, which deals specifically with the economic and social conversion of areas afflicted by the most diverse structural problems, gives no further indication of the importance of the unemployment rate as a criterion for the selection of eligible areas or the formulation of strategy. Nor is it clear whether, in order to define an area as eligible for assistance, its unemployment rate should be compared with the national or the European average. In view of this confusion, will the Commission state whether: 1. A higher priority should be attached to unemployment than to other definition criteria? 2. It takes the view that fundamentally different sectoral problems call for different selection criteria? 3. GDP, or other criteria such as low population density, migration, the proportion of commuters and an ageing population, would not constitute more reliable indicators of poor socio-economic situation in some regions?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The current proposals for the reform of the Structural Funds and statements by the Commissioner, Monika Wulf-Mathies, at a number of Regional Policy Committee meetings appear to indicate that combatting unemployment is also to be one of the chief, and growing, concerns of the Structural Funds; however, much of the detail is still unclear. The definition of the new Objective 2, which deals specifically with the economic and social conversion of areas afflicted by the most diverse structural problems, gives no further indication of the importance of the unemployment rate as a criterion for the selection of eligible areas or the formulation of strategy. Nor is it clear whether, in order to define an area as eligible for assistance, its unemployment rate should be compared with the national or the European average. In view of this confusion, will the Commission state whether: 1. A higher priority should be attached to unemployment than to other definition criteria? 2. It takes the view that fundamentally different sectoral problems call for different selection criteria? 3. GDP, or other criteria such as low population density, migration, the proportion of commuters and an ageing population, would not constitute more reliable indicators of poor socio-economic situation in some regions?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In his speech """"""""Taxation and competition: the realisation of the internal market"""""""" in Hoevelaken on 17 March 2000, Commissioner Bolkestein highlighted the issue of vehicle taxation, commenting: Turning to the field of excises, you have, for example, the problem with registration taxes for cars. If you buy anew car here in the Netherlands, you will pay aregistration tax. But then if you move to live and work in another Member State and apply for number plates, in 11 Member States you are going to be asked to pay another registration tax. And there is no system of refunds or relief! Could the Commission state if it has any plans to harmonise """"""""registration tax"""""""" or if it has any other plans to coordinate vehicle taxation?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In his speech """"""""Taxation and competition: the realisation of the internal market"""""""" in Hoevelaken on 17 March 2000, Commissioner Bolkestein highlighted the issue of vehicle taxation, commenting: Turning to the field of excises, you have, for example, the problem with registration taxes for cars. If you buy anew car here in the Netherlands, you will pay aregistration tax. But then if you move to live and work in another Member State and apply for number plates, in 11 Member States you are going to be asked to pay another registration tax. And there is no system of refunds or relief! Could the Commission state if it has any plans to harmonise """"""""registration tax"""""""" or if it has any other plans to coordinate vehicle taxation?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "According to a report from the Food & Drink Research Network of 4November2013, the food processing sector accounts for 300000 companies and 4.5million employees. It accounts for 6% of European exports, with a surplus trade balance of EUR11billion in 2012. Despite high youth unemployment in theEU (3883million under 25years of age are without a job), this sector is facing difficulties in renewing its workforce, which is characterised by a high proportion of older people. These difficulties concern skilled jobs (14% of employees are qualified, compared with 30% overall) such as production. The proportion of foreign workers has doubled between 2000 and 2010. This increase, facilitated by the enlargement of the European Union (400000 foreign workers in 2011, if which 200000 were European nationals), has likely contributed to the explosion of precarious work. In the long term, the European Union is at risk of losing the know-how that underpins its international reputation. Some Member States have launched initiatives such as the Charter for Cooperation in the Agri-food Sector (France, 2009) and supported occupational retraining (e.g.in butchery). Articles9, 165 and 166 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union give the Commission powers concerning apprenticeships. How does it intend to support apprenticeships and retraining in this sector in order to limit recourse to immigration?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
According to a report from the Food & Drink Research Network of 4November2013, the food processing sector accounts for 300000 companies and 4.5million employees. It accounts for 6% of European exports, with a surplus trade balance of EUR11billion in 2012. Despite high youth unemployment in theEU (3883million under 25years of age are without a job), this sector is facing difficulties in renewing its workforce, which is characterised by a high proportion of older people. These difficulties concern skilled jobs (14% of employees are qualified, compared with 30% overall) such as production. The proportion of foreign workers has doubled between 2000 and 2010. This increase, facilitated by the enlargement of the European Union (400000 foreign workers in 2011, if which 200000 were European nationals), has likely contributed to the explosion of precarious work. In the long term, the European Union is at risk of losing the know-how that underpins its international reputation. Some Member States have launched initiatives such as the Charter for Cooperation in the Agri-food Sector (France, 2009) and supported occupational retraining (e.g.in butchery). Articles9, 165 and 166 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union give the Commission powers concerning apprenticeships. How does it intend to support apprenticeships and retraining in this sector in order to limit recourse to immigration?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The department of Indre-et-Loire is currently under consideration as regards the new zones for application of the reform of European regional policy. The commune of Nouâtre in the canton of Sainte-Maure, which used to be eligible under ERDF Objective 5(b), could now come under Objective 2. However, at the same time, the French authorities have decided to close a large part of the Nouâtre military base, which employs about 400 people, including 250 civilians, which will be a severe blow to the local economy. For instance, the Nouâtre secondary school, which takes the children of employees at the base, may be threatened with closure in the fairly near future. 1.Does not the Commission think that there is an unacceptable contradiction between its regional policy objectives in Indre-et-Loire and the French authorities' decision, taken without any consultation, concerning a commune in the same department? 2.Does not the Commission think that it should intervene with the French Government to resolve this inconsistency? 3.More generally, does the Commission know of other, similar cases and what measures will it take to prevent contradictions of this kind in the future?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The department of Indre-et-Loire is currently under consideration as regards the new zones for application of the reform of European regional policy. The commune of Nouâtre in the canton of Sainte-Maure, which used to be eligible under ERDF Objective 5(b), could now come under Objective 2. However, at the same time, the French authorities have decided to close a large part of the Nouâtre military base, which employs about 400 people, including 250 civilians, which will be a severe blow to the local economy. For instance, the Nouâtre secondary school, which takes the children of employees at the base, may be threatened with closure in the fairly near future. 1.Does not the Commission think that there is an unacceptable contradiction between its regional policy objectives in Indre-et-Loire and the French authorities' decision, taken without any consultation, concerning a commune in the same department? 2.Does not the Commission think that it should intervene with the French Government to resolve this inconsistency? 3.More generally, does the Commission know of other, similar cases and what measures will it take to prevent contradictions of this kind in the future?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Pilot projects and preparatory actions (PP/PAs) form part of the EU’s budget each year, with a maximum value of EUR 40 million for pilot projects and EUR 50 million for new preparatory actions. The pilot projects, mainly submitted by MEPs, are designed to test the feasibility of their new ideas within the EU and their usefulness. In order to assess the effectiveness of these projects, it would be useful if the projects and their subsequent evaluations were published in an easily accessible and understandable form for the public, not just in the form of Parliament's earlier summary studies(1).1.Where is it possible today to find a publicly available and clearly compiled list of all PP/PA projects from previous years, including an assessment of the benefits brought by each project after its implementation?2.Does the Commission have a success assessment for each PP/PA project that has received EU funding, as well as an assessment of the overall costs and benefits of PP/PA projects for EU citizens?3.Why are there only a limited number of projects on the Commission's SEDIA website in the projects and results section? (1)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2014/490683/IPOL-JOIN_ET(2014)490683_EN.pdf" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Pilot projects and preparatory actions (PP/PAs) form part of the EU’s budget each year, with a maximum value of EUR 40 million for pilot projects and EUR 50 million for new preparatory actions. The pilot projects, mainly submitted by MEPs, are designed to test the feasibility of their new ideas within the EU and their usefulness. In order to assess the effectiveness of these projects, it would be useful if the projects and their subsequent evaluations were published in an easily accessible and understandable form for the public, not just in the form of Parliament's earlier summary studies(1).1.Where is it possible today to find a publicly available and clearly compiled list of all PP/PA projects from previous years, including an assessment of the benefits brought by each project after its implementation?2.Does the Commission have a success assessment for each PP/PA project that has received EU funding, as well as an assessment of the overall costs and benefits of PP/PA projects for EU citizens?3.Why are there only a limited number of projects on the Commission's SEDIA website in the projects and results section? (1)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2014/490683/IPOL-JOIN_ET(2014)490683_EN.pdf
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Will the Commission set out the annual costs and benefits from the external business centres in Beijing, India (separated by each location) and ASEAN in Thailand?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Will the Commission set out the annual costs and benefits from the external business centres in Beijing, India (separated by each location) and ASEAN in Thailand?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Following claims by the recently-suspended Chief Accountant Marta Andreasen that the EU's accounting system is deeply flawed, the European Court of Auditors has refused for the eighth year running to certify the EU budget, admitting that it can only guarantee that five per cent of taxpayers' money is being spent properly. In addition to stating that the monies could not be controlled once they had been handed-over to Member States or dispersed in aid, the Court has also made serious criticisms of the Commission's own finances which continue to be based on out-dated and discredited cash-based accounting systems. There are varying reports as to when the Commission intends to replace the cash-based system. In view of the criticisms of previous years, could the Commission indicate why it has taken so long to accept the need for change, and why a more modern accounting system cannot be introduced within a matter of months rather than years? Does the Commission accept that its monitoring arrangements both for money distributed to Member States and in the form of aid outside the European Union are woefully inadequate and in need of urgent review, and, if so, does the Commission have any concrete proposals as to how the monitoring procedures might be improved? Finally, could the Commission indicate why it felt the need to suspend Marta Andreasen, given that the Court of Auditors would appear to be in substantial agreement with her assessment of the state of the European Union's finances? What effect does the Commission believe that the decision to suspend her has had on the reputation of the Commission and on its commitment to openness and transparency? Does the Commission acknowledge the validity of her criticisms, and what plans does the Commission have to reinstate her?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Following claims by the recently-suspended Chief Accountant Marta Andreasen that the EU's accounting system is deeply flawed, the European Court of Auditors has refused for the eighth year running to certify the EU budget, admitting that it can only guarantee that five per cent of taxpayers' money is being spent properly. In addition to stating that the monies could not be controlled once they had been handed-over to Member States or dispersed in aid, the Court has also made serious criticisms of the Commission's own finances which continue to be based on out-dated and discredited cash-based accounting systems. There are varying reports as to when the Commission intends to replace the cash-based system. In view of the criticisms of previous years, could the Commission indicate why it has taken so long to accept the need for change, and why a more modern accounting system cannot be introduced within a matter of months rather than years? Does the Commission accept that its monitoring arrangements both for money distributed to Member States and in the form of aid outside the European Union are woefully inadequate and in need of urgent review, and, if so, does the Commission have any concrete proposals as to how the monitoring procedures might be improved? Finally, could the Commission indicate why it felt the need to suspend Marta Andreasen, given that the Court of Auditors would appear to be in substantial agreement with her assessment of the state of the European Union's finances? What effect does the Commission believe that the decision to suspend her has had on the reputation of the Commission and on its commitment to openness and transparency? Does the Commission acknowledge the validity of her criticisms, and what plans does the Commission have to reinstate her?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Court of Auditors' annual report for the financial year 1995 shows that the 1996 budget provided for EAGGF Guarantee Section expenditure on olive oil totalling ECU1781million. Even though this figure is in line with expenditure between 1991 and 1993, expenditure was far lower in 1995, when it stood at only ECU812.5million. Of this expenditure, consumption aid accounted for ECU268.6million and ECU166million in 1995 and 1996 respectively. What is the figure for total expenditure on consumption aid for olive oil in Greece?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The Court of Auditors' annual report for the financial year 1995 shows that the 1996 budget provided for EAGGF Guarantee Section expenditure on olive oil totalling ECU1781million. Even though this figure is in line with expenditure between 1991 and 1993, expenditure was far lower in 1995, when it stood at only ECU812.5million. Of this expenditure, consumption aid accounted for ECU268.6million and ECU166million in 1995 and 1996 respectively. What is the figure for total expenditure on consumption aid for olive oil in Greece?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "What practical measures does the Commission intend to take following the European Parliament's adoption of budget line B3-4109 on child protection?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
What practical measures does the Commission intend to take following the European Parliament's adoption of budget line B3-4109 on child protection?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The freedom to run a business in the place of one's choosing is guaranteed by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Regrettably, limitations on this freedom are still to be found in the internal market, often taking the form of indirect discrimination. An example of this would be the introduction of taxes that discriminate against foreign enterprises. Such practices are at odds with the concept of the internal market and in outright violation of the Treaty provisions prohibiting the raising of fiscal barriers. It is particularly important to take immediate action in such situations, as foreign enterprises affected by this form of discrimination are obliged to bear significant costs which often result in them closing down their operations in the area concerned. This practice de facto prevents businesses from enjoying the freedom to operate in the place of their choosing. With reference to the Commission's answer of 15March2011 to a parliamentary question regarding the introduction of a crisis tax in Hungary in the telecommunications, energy and retail sectors, Ishould like to put the following questions: 1. Does the Commission consider that the aforementioned tax could constitute a fiscal barrier restricting the freedom of establishment? 2. The Commission has asked the Hungarian Government to submit its views on this matter. What stage has been reached in the process of determining whether this tax complies with EClaw, and when does the Commission intend to adopt a position on the matter?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The freedom to run a business in the place of one's choosing is guaranteed by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Regrettably, limitations on this freedom are still to be found in the internal market, often taking the form of indirect discrimination. An example of this would be the introduction of taxes that discriminate against foreign enterprises. Such practices are at odds with the concept of the internal market and in outright violation of the Treaty provisions prohibiting the raising of fiscal barriers. It is particularly important to take immediate action in such situations, as foreign enterprises affected by this form of discrimination are obliged to bear significant costs which often result in them closing down their operations in the area concerned. This practice de facto prevents businesses from enjoying the freedom to operate in the place of their choosing. With reference to the Commission's answer of 15March2011 to a parliamentary question regarding the introduction of a crisis tax in Hungary in the telecommunications, energy and retail sectors, Ishould like to put the following questions: 1. Does the Commission consider that the aforementioned tax could constitute a fiscal barrier restricting the freedom of establishment? 2. The Commission has asked the Hungarian Government to submit its views on this matter. What stage has been reached in the process of determining whether this tax complies with EClaw, and when does the Commission intend to adopt a position on the matter?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Different figures are repeatedly circulated in various publications and press releases concerning Austria's annual contributions to the EU and the level of funding that Austria receives back through various support programmes. Will the Commission therefore reply to the following questions: 1. What were Austria's gross contributions in 1996 and 1997? 2. What assumptions are likely to be used to determine the contributions for 1998? 3. What was the scale of the commitment appropriations earmarked by the Commission (for 1996 and 1997) which could have been returned to Austria? 4. What level of funding was approved by the Commission (for 1996 and 1997)? 5. What level of funding was actually received by Austria from the EU in 1996 and 1997 (broken down by recipient area and type of aid)? 6. What is the difference in each case between the commitment appropriations, the level of funding approved by the EU and the financial aid actually received by Austria, in respect of 1996 and 1997? 7. What funding which was not taken up by Austria in 1996 and 1997 has lapsed and been lost to Austria? 8. What financial aid has Austria applied for to date in respect of 1998? 9. What financial aid (in respect of Austria) for 1998 has been approved by the Commission to date?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Different figures are repeatedly circulated in various publications and press releases concerning Austria's annual contributions to the EU and the level of funding that Austria receives back through various support programmes. Will the Commission therefore reply to the following questions: 1. What were Austria's gross contributions in 1996 and 1997? 2. What assumptions are likely to be used to determine the contributions for 1998? 3. What was the scale of the commitment appropriations earmarked by the Commission (for 1996 and 1997) which could have been returned to Austria? 4. What level of funding was approved by the Commission (for 1996 and 1997)? 5. What level of funding was actually received by Austria from the EU in 1996 and 1997 (broken down by recipient area and type of aid)? 6. What is the difference in each case between the commitment appropriations, the level of funding approved by the EU and the financial aid actually received by Austria, in respect of 1996 and 1997? 7. What funding which was not taken up by Austria in 1996 and 1997 has lapsed and been lost to Austria? 8. What financial aid has Austria applied for to date in respect of 1998? 9. What financial aid (in respect of Austria) for 1998 has been approved by the Commission to date?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) Guarantee serves to provide better access to finance and deliver business support services for SMEs. The guarantee loans are implemented on behalf of the European Commission by the Equity Investment Fund (EIF), which is usually able to invest 10-25% of the total equity of the venture capital for SMEs in their early stages. The current CIP is expected to expire in 2013. What size of sums, with a budget of over EUR3.6billion, is typically awarded under this guarantee initiative and what are the Commission's plans to extend this aspect of the CIP programme. 1.What is the average sum of a CPI Guarantee? 2.What are the minimum and maximum sums awarded? 3.How many guarantee loans have been awarded in the period up to December2010?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) Guarantee serves to provide better access to finance and deliver business support services for SMEs. The guarantee loans are implemented on behalf of the European Commission by the Equity Investment Fund (EIF), which is usually able to invest 10-25% of the total equity of the venture capital for SMEs in their early stages. The current CIP is expected to expire in 2013. What size of sums, with a budget of over EUR3.6billion, is typically awarded under this guarantee initiative and what are the Commission's plans to extend this aspect of the CIP programme. 1.What is the average sum of a CPI Guarantee? 2.What are the minimum and maximum sums awarded? 3.How many guarantee loans have been awarded in the period up to December2010?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "In Greece, great uncertainty surrounds the issue of the importation of second-hand cars with catalytic converters. To be specific, there are reports that the liberalization of such imports is imminent, but this has not been confirmed by the Greek authorities, who are not making their intentions known. This matter is very important both for Greek consumers and for the imported car sector, which provides thousands of jobs. Have the Greek authorities provided the Commission with any information on this matter, and is there any indication of what is going to be done in the near future to permit the importation into Greece of second-hand cars (at least three years old), which will be affordable for the average Greek consumer?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
In Greece, great uncertainty surrounds the issue of the importation of second-hand cars with catalytic converters. To be specific, there are reports that the liberalization of such imports is imminent, but this has not been confirmed by the Greek authorities, who are not making their intentions known. This matter is very important both for Greek consumers and for the imported car sector, which provides thousands of jobs. Have the Greek authorities provided the Commission with any information on this matter, and is there any indication of what is going to be done in the near future to permit the importation into Greece of second-hand cars (at least three years old), which will be affordable for the average Greek consumer?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Further to the Commission’s memo of 10January2012 (MEMO/12/3) in which it states (page4, English version) that ‘… methods still need to be developed to fully assess the impact of cuts in public services provision, that are likely to affect more strongly the most vulnerable populations’, what action is currently being taken, or is planned, by the Commission to develop such a methodology?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Further to the Commission’s memo of 10January2012 (MEMO/12/3) in which it states (page4, English version) that ‘… methods still need to be developed to fully assess the impact of cuts in public services provision, that are likely to affect more strongly the most vulnerable populations’, what action is currently being taken, or is planned, by the Commission to develop such a methodology?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "Can the Commission indicate what forms of European funding — for example from the Structural Funds and other sources — are being received by businesses in the fruit and vegetable processing industry in Sicily? Can the Commission also indicate the exact amounts which have been paid since 2001 for this purpose?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
Can the Commission indicate what forms of European funding — for example from the Structural Funds and other sources — are being received by businesses in the fruit and vegetable processing industry in Sicily? Can the Commission also indicate the exact amounts which have been paid since 2001 for this purpose?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament. Classify the question according to only one of the policy categories below. Use only the category number taken from the list below to answer. Do not explain your answer. Text: "The unemployment rate in the euro area was 9.9% in April2011, and it has worsened slightly over the past 12months. During the same period, industrial production in the euro area grew by 5.2%. These figures suggest that the economic recovery in the Member States has to date had little or no positive effect on reducing unemployment. 1.What, specifically, is the Commission doing to reduce unemployment in the euro area and the EU‑27? 2.What steps is the Commission taking, in particular, to tackle the serious problem of youth unemployment in some Member States?" Categories: [1] = Macroeconomics [2] = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties [3] = Health [4] = Agriculture and Fisheries [5] = Labour, employment and pensions [6] = Education [7] = Environment [8] = Energy [9] = Immigration [10] = Transportation [12] = Law and Crime [13] = Social welfare [14] = Regional and Urban issues and Planning [15] = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues [16] = Defence [17] = Space, science, technology, and communications issues [18] = Foreign trade [19] = International affairs and foreign aid [20] = Governance and government [21] = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues [23] = Culture and media [99] = none of the above [/INST] [1]. </s>
The unemployment rate in the euro area was 9.9% in April2011, and it has worsened slightly over the past 12months. During the same period, industrial production in the euro area grew by 5.2%. These figures suggest that the economic recovery in the Member States has to date had little or no positive effect on reducing unemployment. 1.What, specifically, is the Commission doing to reduce unemployment in the euro area and the EU‑27? 2.What steps is the Commission taking, in particular, to tackle the serious problem of youth unemployment in some Member States?