U.S. top court to set guidelines for Trump treatment of non-citizensWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court will decide three cases in coming months that could help or hinder President Donald Trump’s efforts to ramp up border security and accelerate deportations of those in the country illegally. The three cases, which reached the court before Democratic President Barack Obama left office, all deal broadly with the degree to which non-citizens can assert rights under the U.S. Constitution. They come at a time when the court is one justice short and divided along ideological lines, with four conservatives and four liberals. The justices will issue rulings before the end of June against the backdrop of high-profile litigation challenging the lawfulness of Trump’s controversial travel ban on people traveling from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The most pertinent of the three cases in terms of Republican Trump administration priorities involves whether immigrants in custody for deportation proceedings have the right to a hearing to request their release when their cases are not promptly adjudicated. The long-running class action litigation, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of thousands of immigrants detained for more than six months, includes both immigrants apprehended at the border when seeking illegal entry into the United States and legal permanent residents in deportation proceedings because they were convicted of crimes. The case also could affect long-term U.S. residents who entered the country illegally and have subsequently been detained. The Trump administration has said it wants to end the release of immigrants facing deportation and speed up the process for ejecting them from the country. A decision in the case requiring additional court hearings could have very direct implications for the administration’s plans, said ACLU lawyer Ahilan Arulanantham, especially since immigration courts currently have a backlog of more than 500,000cases. The ACLU estimates that up to 8,000 immigrants nationwide at any given time have been held for at least six months. A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official was unable to immediately confirm data on length of detention but said that in fiscal year 2016, the average daily count of detainees was just under 35,000. “If Trump wants to put more people in deportation but does not increase the number of immigration judges, then people are going to have to wait longer and longer to get a hearing,” said Stephen Yale-Loehr, an immigration law professor at Cornell Law School. The Trump administration has pledged to sharply curtail illegal immigration, with initiatives such as building a wall along the U.S-Mexican border and hiring thousands of federal agents to police the border and arrest and deport immigrants who live in the United States but entered the country illegally. Trump has also threatened to withhold federal funding from so-called “sanctuary cities” that offer protections to immigrants who could face deportation. CROSS-BORDER SHOOTING The other cases to be decided concern whether U.S. government officials can be sued over mistreatment of non-citizens in two separate contexts. One will decide whether the family of 15-year-old Mexican teenager Sergio Hernandez, who was killed while on Mexican soil by a U.S. agent firing from across the border in Texas, can sue under the U.S. Constitution. It is a scenario that the lawyers for Hernandez’s family say could become more frequent if the Trump administration acts on its proposal to increase the number of border guards by 5,000, raising the prospect of similar confrontations. The court hears arguments in that case on Feb. 21. The second is a civil lawsuit brought by immigrants, mainly Muslims, who were detained in New York after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and claim they were mistreated. The group of Muslim, Arab and South Asian non-U.S. citizens say they were held as terrorism suspects based on race, religion, ethnicity and immigration status and abused in detention before being deported. The long-running case focuses on whether senior officials in the administration of Republican President George W. Bush can be sued for their role in directing the action. The Obama administration argued that the court should be wary of extending liability to the actions of senior officials, especially when it implicates national security and immigration. Based on the skepticism of the justices during the Jan. 18 oral argument, the court seems likely to rule against the detainees. Chief Justice John Roberts expressed concern that permitting such lawsuits against senior U.S. officials would become “a way of challenging national policy” through litigation seeking monetary damages against the individuals who implemented the policy. The three cases are separate from litigation over the legality of Trump’s travel ban, which could also ultimately be decided by the high court. The key case on that front is now pending before an appeals court in San Francisco after a three-judge panel upheld a lower court decision to put the ban on hold. Language in the upcoming rulings that address the rights of non-citizens and analyzes how courts should review govenrment action on immigration and national security could have relevance in that case, legal experts say. Anil Kalhan, an immigration law professor at Drexel University’s Kline School of Law, said the furor over the treatment of non-U.S. citizens affected by the travel ban could bleed over into how the court approaches the cases. “It might be the atmospherics of what’s going on now might lead to a closer look from the justices,” he said. (This story has been refiled to correct spelling of Ahilan Arulanantham in paragraph six.) politicsNews
top court set guidelines trump treatment reuters the supreme court decide three cases coming months could help hinder president donald trump efforts ramp border security accelerate deportations country illegally the three cases reached court democratic president barack obama left office deal broadly degree assert rights constitution they come time court one justice short divided along ideological lines four conservatives four liberals the justices issue rulings end june backdrop litigation challenging lawfulness trump controversial travel ban people traveling seven predominantly muslim countries the pertinent three cases terms republican trump administration priorities involves whether immigrants custody deportation proceedings right hearing request release cases promptly adjudicated the class action litigation brought american civil liberties union actu behalf thousands immigrants detained six months includes immigrants apprehended border seeking illegal entry united states legal permanent residents deportation proceedings convicted crimes the case also could affect residents entered country illegally subsequently detained the trump administration said wants end release immigrants facing deportation speed process rejecting country a decision case requiring additional court hearings could direct implications administration plans said actu lawyer asian arulanantham especially since immigration courts currently backlog the actu estimates immigrants nationwide given time held least six months a immigration customs enforcement official unable immediately confirm data length detention said fiscal year average daily count detainees if trump wants put people deportation increase number immigration judges people going wait longer longer get hearing said stephen immigration law professor cornell law school the trump administration pledged sharply curtail illegal immigration initiatives building wall along border hiring thousands federal agents police border arrest deport immigrants live united states entered country illegally trump also threatened withhold federal funding sanctuary cities offer protections immigrants could face deportation shooting the cases decided concern whether government officials sued mistreatment two separate contexts one decide whether family mexican teenager sergio hernandez killed mexican soil agent firing across border texas sue constitution it scenario lawyers hernandez family say could become frequent trump administration acts proposal increase number border guards raising prospect similar confrontations the court hears arguments case the second civil lawsuit brought immigrants mainly muslims detained new york attacks claim mistreated the group muslim arab south asian citizens say held terrorism suspects based race religion ethnicity immigration status abused detention deported the case focuses whether senior officials administration republican president george bush sued role directing action the obama administration argued court wary extending liability actions senior officials especially implicated national security immigration based skepticism justices oral argument court seems likely rule detainees chief justice john roberts expressed concern permitting lawsuits senior officials would become way challenging national policy litigation seeking monetary damages individuals implemented policy the three cases separate litigation legality trump travel ban could also ultimately decided high court the key case front pending appeals court san francisco panel upheld lower court decision put ban hold language upcoming rulings address rights analyzes courts review government action immigration national security could relevance case legal experts say ani khan immigration law professor diesel university line school law said juror treatment citizens affected travel ban could bleed court approaches cases it might atmospheric going might lead closer look justices said this story refined correct spelling asian arulanantham paragraph six politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. top court to set guidelines for Trump treatment of non-citizensWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court will decide three cases in coming months that could help or hinder President Donald Trump’s efforts to ramp up border security and accelerate deportations of those in the country illegally. The three cases, which reached the court before Democratic President Barack Obama left office, all deal broadly with the degree to which non-citizens can assert rights under the U.S. Constitution. They come at a time when the court is one justice short and divided along ideological lines, with four conservatives and four liberals. The justices will issue rulings before the end of June against the backdrop of high-profile litigation challenging the lawfulness of Trump’s controversial travel ban on people traveling from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The most pertinent of the three cases in terms of Republican Trump administration priorities involves whether immigrants in custody for deportation proceedings have the right to a hearing to request their release when their cases are not promptly adjudicated. The long-running class action litigation, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of thousands of immigrants detained for more than six months, includes both immigrants apprehended at the border when seeking illegal entry into the United States and legal permanent residents in deportation proceedings because they were convicted of crimes. The case also could affect long-term U.S. residents who entered the country illegally and have subsequently been detained. The Trump administration has said it wants to end the release of immigrants facing deportation and speed up the process for ejecting them from the country. A decision in the case requiring additional court hearings could have very direct implications for the administration’s plans, said ACLU lawyer Ahilan Arulanantham, especially since immigration courts currently have a backlog of more than 500,000cases. The ACLU estimates that up to 8,000 immigrants nationwide at any given time have been held for at least six months. A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official was unable to immediately confirm data on length of detention but said that in fiscal year 2016, the average daily count of detainees was just under 35,000. “If Trump wants to put more people in deportation but does not increase the number of immigration judges, then people are going to have to wait longer and longer to get a hearing,” said Stephen Yale-Loehr, an immigration law professor at Cornell Law School. The Trump administration has pledged to sharply curtail illegal immigration, with initiatives such as building a wall along the U.S-Mexican border and hiring thousands of federal agents to police the border and arrest and deport immigrants who live in the United States but entered the country illegally. Trump has also threatened to withhold federal funding from so-called “sanctuary cities” that offer protections to immigrants who could face deportation. CROSS-BORDER SHOOTING The other cases to be decided concern whether U.S. government officials can be sued over mistreatment of non-citizens in two separate contexts. One will decide whether the family of 15-year-old Mexican teenager Sergio Hernandez, who was killed while on Mexican soil by a U.S. agent firing from across the border in Texas, can sue under the U.S. Constitution. It is a scenario that the lawyers for Hernandez’s family say could become more frequent if the Trump administration acts on its proposal to increase the number of border guards by 5,000, raising the prospect of similar confrontations. The court hears arguments in that case on Feb. 21. The second is a civil lawsuit brought by immigrants, mainly Muslims, who were detained in New York after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and claim they were mistreated. The group of Muslim, Arab and South Asian non-U.S. citizens say they were held as terrorism suspects based on race, religion, ethnicity and immigration status and abused in detention before being deported. The long-running case focuses on whether senior officials in the administration of Republican President George W. Bush can be sued for their role in directing the action. The Obama administration argued that the court should be wary of extending liability to the actions of senior officials, especially when it implicates national security and immigration. Based on the skepticism of the justices during the Jan. 18 oral argument, the court seems likely to rule against the detainees. Chief Justice John Roberts expressed concern that permitting such lawsuits against senior U.S. officials would become “a way of challenging national policy” through litigation seeking monetary damages against the individuals who implemented the policy. The three cases are separate from litigation over the legality of Trump’s travel ban, which could also ultimately be decided by the high court. The key case on that front is now pending before an appeals court in San Francisco after a three-judge panel upheld a lower court decision to put the ban on hold. Language in the upcoming rulings that address the rights of non-citizens and analyzes how courts should review govenrment action on immigration and national security could have relevance in that case, legal experts say. Anil Kalhan, an immigration law professor at Drexel University’s Kline School of Law, said the furor over the treatment of non-U.S. citizens affected by the travel ban could bleed over into how the court approaches the cases. “It might be the atmospherics of what’s going on now might lead to a closer look from the justices,” he said. (This story has been refiled to correct spelling of Ahilan Arulanantham in paragraph six.) politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: top court set guidelines trump treatment reuters the supreme court decide three cases coming months could help hinder president donald trump efforts ramp border security accelerate deportations country illegally the three cases reached court democratic president barack obama left office deal broadly degree assert rights constitution they come time court one justice short divided along ideological lines four conservatives four liberals the justices issue rulings end june backdrop litigation challenging lawfulness trump controversial travel ban people traveling seven predominantly muslim countries the pertinent three cases terms republican trump administration priorities involves whether immigrants custody deportation proceedings right hearing request release cases promptly adjudicated the class action litigation brought american civil liberties union actu behalf thousands immigrants detained six months includes immigrants apprehended border seeking illegal entry united states legal permanent residents deportation proceedings convicted crimes the case also could affect residents entered country illegally subsequently detained the trump administration said wants end release immigrants facing deportation speed process rejecting country a decision case requiring additional court hearings could direct implications administration plans said actu lawyer asian arulanantham especially since immigration courts currently backlog the actu estimates immigrants nationwide given time held least six months a immigration customs enforcement official unable immediately confirm data length detention said fiscal year average daily count detainees if trump wants put people deportation increase number immigration judges people going wait longer longer get hearing said stephen immigration law professor cornell law school the trump administration pledged sharply curtail illegal immigration initiatives building wall along border hiring thousands federal agents police border arrest deport immigrants live united states entered country illegally trump also threatened withhold federal funding sanctuary cities offer protections immigrants could face deportation shooting the cases decided concern whether government officials sued mistreatment two separate contexts one decide whether family mexican teenager sergio hernandez killed mexican soil agent firing across border texas sue constitution it scenario lawyers hernandez family say could become frequent trump administration acts proposal increase number border guards raising prospect similar confrontations the court hears arguments case the second civil lawsuit brought immigrants mainly muslims detained new york attacks claim mistreated the group muslim arab south asian citizens say held terrorism suspects based race religion ethnicity immigration status abused detention deported the case focuses whether senior officials administration republican president george bush sued role directing action the obama administration argued court wary extending liability actions senior officials especially implicated national security immigration based skepticism justices oral argument court seems likely rule detainees chief justice john roberts expressed concern permitting lawsuits senior officials would become way challenging national policy litigation seeking monetary damages individuals implemented policy the three cases separate litigation legality trump travel ban could also ultimately decided high court the key case front pending appeals court san francisco panel upheld lower court decision put ban hold language upcoming rulings address rights analyzes courts review government action immigration national security could relevance case legal experts say ani khan immigration law professor diesel university line school law said juror treatment citizens affected travel ban could bleed court approaches cases it might atmospheric going might lead closer look justices said this story refined correct spelling asian arulanantham paragraph six politicsnews
HOW OBAMA MADE IT POSSIBLE For Protesters To Be ARRESTED And Sent To JAIL For Disrupting Trump RalliesSo is anyone else wondering why the cop-hating, racist, Bernie Sanders supporter Tommy DiMassimo wasn t arrested and charged with a felony? Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump s campaign rallies have become a fixture in the 2016 election season as much for the candidate s rambling speeches as for the frequent interruptions of said speeches.Demonstrators have filed in to Trump rallies across the country, shouting their anti-Trump messages and promptly being ridiculed by rally-goers and led out by law enforcement.On Saturday, Trump began to call for the arrest of protesters as he was repeatedly interrupted, raising questions about the legality of protest and whether Trump can press charges against demonstrators. So what are the answers?The short answer is, no.According to H.R. 347 (signed into law by Barack Hussein Obama in February, 2012) it is ILLEGAL under CURRENT FEDERAL to protest of any type, in an area under protection by the U.S. Secret Service.Because Donald Trump is under Secret Service Protection (as is Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders) and has been since November of 2015, it is a FEDERAL CRIME to protest at campaign rallies, and is in fact, punishable by imprisonment.Free Speech isn t covered at ANY Trump, Clinton, Sanders (or Cruz, Rubio, Kasich) rally because protests are considered to be knowingly impeding or disrupting the orderly conduct of an official Federal function. Law enforcement has simply tossed out protesters at Trump rallies, but H.R. 347 states that they could be imprisoned for up to a year for trespassing.Demonstrators are technically relegated to free speech zones much like the ones seen on college campuses.Such zones are often used to keep dissenters away from media attention, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.At a recent Trump event at Valdosta State University, in Georgia, the two designated free speech zones were not in sight of the arena where the rally was held. One was a quarter mile away.Trump can call for the arrest of whomever he wants, but he can t do the arresting.He has said, however, that he is going to start pressing charges against protesters as a way to intimidate them into thinking twice about demonstrating at his rallies.Based on the change to H.R. 347 in 2012, he may have grounds to press for trespassing charges against any protester who walked into the rally knowing it was a restricted area, according to the ACLU. Via: Mashablepolitics
how obama made it possible for protesters to be arrested and sent to jail for disrupting trump rallies anyone else wondering racist bernie sanders supporter tommy dimassimo arrested charged felony republican presidential candidate donald trump campaign rallies become fixture election season much candidate rambling speeches frequent interruptions said filed trump rallies across country shouting messages promptly ridiculed led law saturday trump began call arrest protesters repeatedly interrupted raising questions legality protest whether trump press charges demonstrators so answers the short answer signed law barack hussain obama february illegal current federal protest type area protection secret donald trump secret service protection hillary clinton bernie sanders since november federal crime protest campaign rallies fact punishable speech covered any trump clinton sanders cruz rubio basic rally protests considered knowingly impending disrupting orderly conduct official federal function law enforcement simply tossed protesters trump rallies states could imprisoned year technically relegated free speech zones much like ones seen college zones often used keep dissenters away media attention according american civil liberties recent trump event valdosta state university georgia two designated free speech zones sight arena rally held one quarter mile call arrest whomever wants said however going start pressing charges protesters way intimidate thinking twice demonstrating change may grounds press trespassing charges protester walked rally knowing restricted area according actu via mashablepolitics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: HOW OBAMA MADE IT POSSIBLE For Protesters To Be ARRESTED And Sent To JAIL For Disrupting Trump RalliesSo is anyone else wondering why the cop-hating, racist, Bernie Sanders supporter Tommy DiMassimo wasn t arrested and charged with a felony? Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump s campaign rallies have become a fixture in the 2016 election season as much for the candidate s rambling speeches as for the frequent interruptions of said speeches.Demonstrators have filed in to Trump rallies across the country, shouting their anti-Trump messages and promptly being ridiculed by rally-goers and led out by law enforcement.On Saturday, Trump began to call for the arrest of protesters as he was repeatedly interrupted, raising questions about the legality of protest and whether Trump can press charges against demonstrators. So what are the answers?The short answer is, no.According to H.R. 347 (signed into law by Barack Hussein Obama in February, 2012) it is ILLEGAL under CURRENT FEDERAL to protest of any type, in an area under protection by the U.S. Secret Service.Because Donald Trump is under Secret Service Protection (as is Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders) and has been since November of 2015, it is a FEDERAL CRIME to protest at campaign rallies, and is in fact, punishable by imprisonment.Free Speech isn t covered at ANY Trump, Clinton, Sanders (or Cruz, Rubio, Kasich) rally because protests are considered to be knowingly impeding or disrupting the orderly conduct of an official Federal function. Law enforcement has simply tossed out protesters at Trump rallies, but H.R. 347 states that they could be imprisoned for up to a year for trespassing.Demonstrators are technically relegated to free speech zones much like the ones seen on college campuses.Such zones are often used to keep dissenters away from media attention, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.At a recent Trump event at Valdosta State University, in Georgia, the two designated free speech zones were not in sight of the arena where the rally was held. One was a quarter mile away.Trump can call for the arrest of whomever he wants, but he can t do the arresting.He has said, however, that he is going to start pressing charges against protesters as a way to intimidate them into thinking twice about demonstrating at his rallies.Based on the change to H.R. 347 in 2012, he may have grounds to press for trespassing charges against any protester who walked into the rally knowing it was a restricted area, according to the ACLU. Via: Mashablepolitics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: how obama made it possible for protesters to be arrested and sent to jail for disrupting trump rallies anyone else wondering racist bernie sanders supporter tommy dimassimo arrested charged felony republican presidential candidate donald trump campaign rallies become fixture election season much candidate rambling speeches frequent interruptions said filed trump rallies across country shouting messages promptly ridiculed led law saturday trump began call arrest protesters repeatedly interrupted raising questions legality protest whether trump press charges demonstrators so answers the short answer signed law barack hussain obama february illegal current federal protest type area protection secret donald trump secret service protection hillary clinton bernie sanders since november federal crime protest campaign rallies fact punishable speech covered any trump clinton sanders cruz rubio basic rally protests considered knowingly impending disrupting orderly conduct official federal function law enforcement simply tossed protesters trump rallies states could imprisoned year technically relegated free speech zones much like ones seen college zones often used keep dissenters away media attention according american civil liberties recent trump event valdosta state university georgia two designated free speech zones sight arena rally held one quarter mile call arrest whomever wants said however going start pressing charges protesters way intimidate thinking twice demonstrating change may grounds press trespassing charges protester walked rally knowing restricted area according actu via mashablepolitics
U.S., Mexican security officials speak despite diplomatic riftWASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Senior Mexican and American military and interior officials spoke on Tuesday, Mexico’s government said, in a sign that communication remains open between the two countries, despite deep tension over President Donald Trump’s proposals. In a telephone call, Mexican Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong and U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly discussed security issues and an upcoming meeting in Mexico City, according to a statement that gave few details. A separate Mexican government communique showed Secretary of Defense Salvador Cienfuegos and his U.S. counterpart, James Mattis, spoke about an April meeting of security officials that will include Canada. Mexico’s Navy Secretary Vidal Soberon was also on the call. The Pentagon confirmed the call, noting the two countries ‘”commitment to strengthen our close bilateral defense relationship.” It added, “Mattis lauded Mexico’s growing leadership in the region and commended Mexico’s willingness to host the Central American Security Conference in July.” The discussions come despite a deep political crisis between Mexico and the United States. Trump has threatened to build a wall on the U.S. southern border, slap a hefty tax on Mexican-made goods entering the country and pull out of a trade deal with Mexico if he cannot renegotiate it to benefit the United States. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto canceled a planned January summit of the two leaders after Trump said his counterpart should not attend if he was unwilling to pay for the wall. In a radio interview following Tuesday’s calls, Osorio Chong said arms were also mentioned in his chat with Kelly, but gave no details. Illegal arms trafficking from the United States into Mexico has been key to the success of the country’s notorious drug cartels and a constant worry for its government. politicsNews
mexican security officials speak despite diplomatic city reuters senior mexican american military interior officials spoke tuesday mexico government said sign communication remains open two countries despite deep tension president donald trump proposals in telephone call mexican interior minister miguel angel socio hong homeland security secretary john kelly discussed security issues upcoming meeting mexico city according statement gave details a separate mexican government communique showed secretary defense salvador cienfuegos counterpart james mantis spoke april meeting security officials include canada mexico navy secretary vital sober also call the pentagon confirmed call noting two countries commitment strengthen close bilateral defense it added mantis lauded mexico growing leadership region commended mexico willingness host central american security conference the discussions come despite deep political crisis mexico united states trump threatened build wall southern border slap hefty tax goods entering country pull trade deal mexico negotiate benefit united states mexican president enrique pena niet canceled planned january summit two leaders trump said counterpart attend unwilling pay wall in radio interview following tuesday calls socio hong said arms also mentioned chat kelly gave details illegal arms trafficking united states mexico key success country notorious drug cartels constant worry government politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S., Mexican security officials speak despite diplomatic riftWASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Senior Mexican and American military and interior officials spoke on Tuesday, Mexico’s government said, in a sign that communication remains open between the two countries, despite deep tension over President Donald Trump’s proposals. In a telephone call, Mexican Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong and U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly discussed security issues and an upcoming meeting in Mexico City, according to a statement that gave few details. A separate Mexican government communique showed Secretary of Defense Salvador Cienfuegos and his U.S. counterpart, James Mattis, spoke about an April meeting of security officials that will include Canada. Mexico’s Navy Secretary Vidal Soberon was also on the call. The Pentagon confirmed the call, noting the two countries ‘”commitment to strengthen our close bilateral defense relationship.” It added, “Mattis lauded Mexico’s growing leadership in the region and commended Mexico’s willingness to host the Central American Security Conference in July.” The discussions come despite a deep political crisis between Mexico and the United States. Trump has threatened to build a wall on the U.S. southern border, slap a hefty tax on Mexican-made goods entering the country and pull out of a trade deal with Mexico if he cannot renegotiate it to benefit the United States. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto canceled a planned January summit of the two leaders after Trump said his counterpart should not attend if he was unwilling to pay for the wall. In a radio interview following Tuesday’s calls, Osorio Chong said arms were also mentioned in his chat with Kelly, but gave no details. Illegal arms trafficking from the United States into Mexico has been key to the success of the country’s notorious drug cartels and a constant worry for its government. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: mexican security officials speak despite diplomatic city reuters senior mexican american military interior officials spoke tuesday mexico government said sign communication remains open two countries despite deep tension president donald trump proposals in telephone call mexican interior minister miguel angel socio hong homeland security secretary john kelly discussed security issues upcoming meeting mexico city according statement gave details a separate mexican government communique showed secretary defense salvador cienfuegos counterpart james mantis spoke april meeting security officials include canada mexico navy secretary vital sober also call the pentagon confirmed call noting two countries commitment strengthen close bilateral defense it added mantis lauded mexico growing leadership region commended mexico willingness host central american security conference the discussions come despite deep political crisis mexico united states trump threatened build wall southern border slap hefty tax goods entering country pull trade deal mexico negotiate benefit united states mexican president enrique pena niet canceled planned january summit two leaders trump said counterpart attend unwilling pay wall in radio interview following tuesday calls socio hong said arms also mentioned chat kelly gave details illegal arms trafficking united states mexico key success country notorious drug cartels constant worry government politicsnews
Austria's Social Democrats urge Facebook to unmask people behind smear campaignVIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern s Social Democrats asked Facebook to disclose the identities of those behind sites which they say are spreading libel in an attempt to clean up a smear campaign scandal ahead of an election on Oct. 15. Kern has pledged to get to the bottom of his party s links to Facebook pages which have made unsusbtantiated allegations against Sebastian Kurz, the head of the main opposition People s Party, who is leading in polls for the forthcoming parliamentary vote. The scandal has already cost Kern s campaign manager his job. The Social Democrats lawyers wrote to Facebook in Ireland on Tuesday saying the group must, according to EU rules, hand over details about users who operate sites showing potentially libellous content about Kern and Kurz. We ... ask you to give us all information you have about the persons behind these ... pages, especially names, email-addresses, IP-addresses or other contact details, Vienna-based law firm Freimueller/Obereder/Pilz said. Due to the urgency of the matter we ask for your answer within four days, the lawyers said in the letter obtained by Reuters. Facebook had no immediate comment. The Social Democrats have denied having any connection with two websites making unsubstantiated allegations against 31-year-old Foreign Minister Kurz. But Austrian media reported on Saturday that a former adviser to the Social Democrats who was dismissed this summer was originally behind the sites and that they had been kept in operation. The Social Democrats also sued the as of yet unknown operators of the Facebook pages for libel and for failing to comply with Austria s media law which forbids anonymous publishing. ($1 = 0.8505 euros) worldnews
austria social democrats urge facebook mask people behind smear campaignvienna reuters austrian chancellor christian keen social democrats asked facebook disclose identities behind sites say spreading libel attempt clean smear campaign scandal ahead election keen pledged get bottom party links facebook pages made unsubstantiated allegations sebastian kur head main opposition people party leading polls forthcoming parliamentary vote the scandal already cost keen campaign manager job the social democrats lawyers wrote facebook ireland tuesday saying group must according eu rules hand details users operate sites showing potentially libellous content keen kur we ask give us information persons behind pages especially names contact details law firm said due urgency matter ask answer within four days lawyers said letter obtained reuters facebook immediate comment the social democrats denied connection two websites making unsubstantiated allegations foreign minister kur but austrian media reported saturday former adviser social democrats dismissed summer originally behind sites kept operation the social democrats also sued yet unknown operators facebook pages libel failing comply austria media law forbids anonymous publishing euros worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Austria's Social Democrats urge Facebook to unmask people behind smear campaignVIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern s Social Democrats asked Facebook to disclose the identities of those behind sites which they say are spreading libel in an attempt to clean up a smear campaign scandal ahead of an election on Oct. 15. Kern has pledged to get to the bottom of his party s links to Facebook pages which have made unsusbtantiated allegations against Sebastian Kurz, the head of the main opposition People s Party, who is leading in polls for the forthcoming parliamentary vote. The scandal has already cost Kern s campaign manager his job. The Social Democrats lawyers wrote to Facebook in Ireland on Tuesday saying the group must, according to EU rules, hand over details about users who operate sites showing potentially libellous content about Kern and Kurz. We ... ask you to give us all information you have about the persons behind these ... pages, especially names, email-addresses, IP-addresses or other contact details, Vienna-based law firm Freimueller/Obereder/Pilz said. Due to the urgency of the matter we ask for your answer within four days, the lawyers said in the letter obtained by Reuters. Facebook had no immediate comment. The Social Democrats have denied having any connection with two websites making unsubstantiated allegations against 31-year-old Foreign Minister Kurz. But Austrian media reported on Saturday that a former adviser to the Social Democrats who was dismissed this summer was originally behind the sites and that they had been kept in operation. The Social Democrats also sued the as of yet unknown operators of the Facebook pages for libel and for failing to comply with Austria s media law which forbids anonymous publishing. ($1 = 0.8505 euros) worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: austria social democrats urge facebook mask people behind smear campaignvienna reuters austrian chancellor christian keen social democrats asked facebook disclose identities behind sites say spreading libel attempt clean smear campaign scandal ahead election keen pledged get bottom party links facebook pages made unsubstantiated allegations sebastian kur head main opposition people party leading polls forthcoming parliamentary vote the scandal already cost keen campaign manager job the social democrats lawyers wrote facebook ireland tuesday saying group must according eu rules hand details users operate sites showing potentially libellous content keen kur we ask give us information persons behind pages especially names contact details law firm said due urgency matter ask answer within four days lawyers said letter obtained reuters facebook immediate comment the social democrats denied connection two websites making unsubstantiated allegations foreign minister kur but austrian media reported saturday former adviser social democrats dismissed summer originally behind sites kept operation the social democrats also sued yet unknown operators facebook pages libel failing comply austria media law forbids anonymous publishing euros worldnews
Trump and Vietnam's president underscore free and open access to South China Sea(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang underscored the importance of free and open access to South China Sea, in a joint statement issued on Sunday. The two leaders called for the “full and effective implementation” of the declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, and for all claimants to clarify their maritime claims. Trump and Vietnam’s Quang said parties should halt escalatory action and militarisation of disputed features. politicsNews
trump vietnam president underscore free open access south china sea reuters president donald trump vietnamese president tran dai quant underscores importance free open access south china sea joint statement issued sunday the two leaders called full effective implementation declaration conduct parties south china sea claimants clarify maritime claims trump vietnam quant said parties halt escalators action militarisation disputed features politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump and Vietnam's president underscore free and open access to South China Sea(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang underscored the importance of free and open access to South China Sea, in a joint statement issued on Sunday. The two leaders called for the “full and effective implementation” of the declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, and for all claimants to clarify their maritime claims. Trump and Vietnam’s Quang said parties should halt escalatory action and militarisation of disputed features. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump vietnam president underscore free open access south china sea reuters president donald trump vietnamese president tran dai quant underscores importance free open access south china sea joint statement issued sunday the two leaders called full effective implementation declaration conduct parties south china sea claimants clarify maritime claims trump vietnam quant said parties halt escalators action militarisation disputed features politicsnews
SARA CARTER WAS RIGHT ABOUT SPYING ON TRUMP! “This goes far beyond what is being reported” [VIDEO]
sara carter was right about spying on trump this goes far beyond reported video https
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: SARA CARTER WAS RIGHT ABOUT SPYING ON TRUMP! “This goes far beyond what is being reported” [VIDEO]
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: sara carter was right about spying on trump this goes far beyond reported video https
CrossTalk: Who are the real ‘Fake News’ culprits?21st Century Wire asks The sensational reporting by US corporate media has almost fallen off the edge of reality in this new divise, post-election partisan media envirnoment. As evidenced by the latest engineered fake news crisis, the establishment are desperate to recoup its lost credibility. Not surprisingly, the media are refusing to critque themselves, not aksing the real question America would like to know: who are the real fake news culprits? It is called fake news and we are told it is dangerous. Maybe we can agree on this. But let there be no mistake, it is governments and mainstream media that have peddled fake news for decades. And this is being challenged. CrossTalking with host Peter Lavelle are Patrick Henningsen, Vladimir Golstein, and Marcus Papadopoulos.Watch this fantastic discussion: US_News
crosstalk who real fake news culprits century wire asks the sensational reporting us corporate media almost fallen edge reality new divide partisan media environment as evidenced latest engineered fake news crisis establishment desperate record lost credibility not surprisingly media refusing critique asking real question america would like know real fake news culprits it called fake news told dangerous maybe agree but let mistake governments mainstream media paddle fake news decades and challenged crosstalking host peter labelled patrick henningsen vladimir golstein marcus fantastic discussion us_news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: CrossTalk: Who are the real ‘Fake News’ culprits?21st Century Wire asks The sensational reporting by US corporate media has almost fallen off the edge of reality in this new divise, post-election partisan media envirnoment. As evidenced by the latest engineered fake news crisis, the establishment are desperate to recoup its lost credibility. Not surprisingly, the media are refusing to critque themselves, not aksing the real question America would like to know: who are the real fake news culprits? It is called fake news and we are told it is dangerous. Maybe we can agree on this. But let there be no mistake, it is governments and mainstream media that have peddled fake news for decades. And this is being challenged. CrossTalking with host Peter Lavelle are Patrick Henningsen, Vladimir Golstein, and Marcus Papadopoulos.Watch this fantastic discussion: US_News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: crosstalk who real fake news culprits century wire asks the sensational reporting us corporate media almost fallen edge reality new divide partisan media environment as evidenced latest engineered fake news crisis establishment desperate record lost credibility not surprisingly media refusing critique asking real question america would like know real fake news culprits it called fake news told dangerous maybe agree but let mistake governments mainstream media paddle fake news decades and challenged crosstalking host peter labelled patrick henningsen vladimir golstein marcus fantastic discussion us_news
The Android Affair: Humanity OutsourcedRandy Johnson 21st Century WireThe future is coming and technology is coming with it. Are we adapting to the future or holding on to the old ways ? Is a future of technology with circuit boards, screens, and machines something that can be weaponized or used to shape and control society no different than gunpowder, nuclear energy, and marketing?To many, often considered great minds, technology and artificial intelligence has had an ominous role in science fiction in film and literature. George Orwell, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, and Philip K. Dick are some of the giants of this genre. Their work has inspired countless Hollywood movies and television programs and can often get someone wondering if life is imitating art, or vice versa. Another option is that nearly everything has an element of design all along. ANDROID AFFAIR: Big business and robotics (Image Source: WikiCommons)As far back as the 1927 film Metropolis, robotics, class segregation, industry, and even humanity itself, appear on a collision course. Some might even argue that humanity, technology, and robotics, are already into an integration phase.Since then we know the not all inclusive list of characters. The Space Odyssey 2001 s HAL 1000, Star Wars human cyborg relations C-3PO, Blade Runner s Nexus 6 Replicants, and the infamous Terminator. HOLLYWOOD REALITY: 1980s science fiction comes to life (Image Source: WikiCommons)Martin Ford, author of Rise of The Machines, is a highly sought after speaker across the globe. He is often utilized as a consultant, for corporations and industries with regards to robotics. In the 2015 Business Book of The Year, in his acceptance speech Ford stated Even people that do everything they are supposed to do [to get a good job] may find it difficult to get a foothold in the economy. Piling on to the prospects of a bleak future, Wired Magazine states, Oxford University researchers have estimated that 47 percent of U.S. jobs could be automated within the next two decades. And if even half that number is closer to the mark, workers are in for a rude awakening. The impact of robotics in industry and its effects in the workforce has also been reported on here at 21st Century Wire.It is a foreboding thing to contemplate, but are we being outsourced?A robot will not call in sick or ask for a wage increase. It will not fight with others unless programmed to. It will not complain, throw a fit, collect unemployment, leave early, or join the workers union to fight the corporation. Once integrated and a part of industry, it will save money. It will not require an annual review. When it becomes irrelevant to newer technology, it will be replaced.Getting to a robotic future will even create new jobs no doubt. A small industry of technicians and favored class of people who monitor, fix, and improve the technology could hold the coveted jobs for those selected and chosen to deserve them.Too far away? Not in our lifetime?Watch the below video of Boston Dynamic s 5 9 180 pound Atlas robot interact with its surroundings and perform the labor its makers designed it to do. READ MORE ON ROBOTS: 21st Century Wire Robot FilesMiddle-east
the android affair humanity outsourcedrandy johnson century wirethe future coming technology coming are adapting future holding old ways is future technology circuit boards screens machines something weaponized used shape control society different gunpowder nuclear energy marketing to many often considered great minds technology artificial intelligence ominous role science fiction film literature george orwell isaac simon arthur clark philip dick giants genre their work inspired countless hollywood movies television programs often get someone wondering life imitating art vice versa another option nearly everything element design along android affair big business robotics image source wikicommons as far back film metropolis robotics class segregation industry even humanity appear collision course some might even argue humanity technology robotics already integration know inclusive list characters the space odyssey hal star wars human cyborg relations blade runner nexus applicants infamous terminator hollywood reality science fiction comes life image source wikicommons martin ford author rise the machines highly sought speaker across globe he often utilized consultant corporations industries regards robotics in business book the year acceptance speech ford stated even people everything supposed get good job may find difficult get foothold economy piling prospects bleak future wired magazine states oxford university researchers estimated percent jobs could automated within next two decades and even half number closer mark workers rude awakening the impact robotics industry effects workforce also reported century foregoing thing contemplate outsourced a robot call sick ask wage increase it fight others unless programmed it complain throw fit collect unemployment leave early join workers union fight corporation once integrated part industry save money it require annual review when becomes irrelevant newer technology robotic future even create new jobs doubt a small industry technicians favored class people monitor fix improve technology could hold coveted jobs selected chosen deserve far away not lifetime watch video boston dynamic pound atlas robot interact surroundings perform labor makers designed read more on robots century wire robot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Android Affair: Humanity OutsourcedRandy Johnson 21st Century WireThe future is coming and technology is coming with it. Are we adapting to the future or holding on to the old ways ? Is a future of technology with circuit boards, screens, and machines something that can be weaponized or used to shape and control society no different than gunpowder, nuclear energy, and marketing?To many, often considered great minds, technology and artificial intelligence has had an ominous role in science fiction in film and literature. George Orwell, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, and Philip K. Dick are some of the giants of this genre. Their work has inspired countless Hollywood movies and television programs and can often get someone wondering if life is imitating art, or vice versa. Another option is that nearly everything has an element of design all along. ANDROID AFFAIR: Big business and robotics (Image Source: WikiCommons)As far back as the 1927 film Metropolis, robotics, class segregation, industry, and even humanity itself, appear on a collision course. Some might even argue that humanity, technology, and robotics, are already into an integration phase.Since then we know the not all inclusive list of characters. The Space Odyssey 2001 s HAL 1000, Star Wars human cyborg relations C-3PO, Blade Runner s Nexus 6 Replicants, and the infamous Terminator. HOLLYWOOD REALITY: 1980s science fiction comes to life (Image Source: WikiCommons)Martin Ford, author of Rise of The Machines, is a highly sought after speaker across the globe. He is often utilized as a consultant, for corporations and industries with regards to robotics. In the 2015 Business Book of The Year, in his acceptance speech Ford stated Even people that do everything they are supposed to do [to get a good job] may find it difficult to get a foothold in the economy. Piling on to the prospects of a bleak future, Wired Magazine states, Oxford University researchers have estimated that 47 percent of U.S. jobs could be automated within the next two decades. And if even half that number is closer to the mark, workers are in for a rude awakening. The impact of robotics in industry and its effects in the workforce has also been reported on here at 21st Century Wire.It is a foreboding thing to contemplate, but are we being outsourced?A robot will not call in sick or ask for a wage increase. It will not fight with others unless programmed to. It will not complain, throw a fit, collect unemployment, leave early, or join the workers union to fight the corporation. Once integrated and a part of industry, it will save money. It will not require an annual review. When it becomes irrelevant to newer technology, it will be replaced.Getting to a robotic future will even create new jobs no doubt. A small industry of technicians and favored class of people who monitor, fix, and improve the technology could hold the coveted jobs for those selected and chosen to deserve them.Too far away? Not in our lifetime?Watch the below video of Boston Dynamic s 5 9 180 pound Atlas robot interact with its surroundings and perform the labor its makers designed it to do. READ MORE ON ROBOTS: 21st Century Wire Robot FilesMiddle-east
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: the android affair humanity outsourcedrandy johnson century wirethe future coming technology coming are adapting future holding old ways is future technology circuit boards screens machines something weaponized used shape control society different gunpowder nuclear energy marketing to many often considered great minds technology artificial intelligence ominous role science fiction film literature george orwell isaac simon arthur clark philip dick giants genre their work inspired countless hollywood movies television programs often get someone wondering life imitating art vice versa another option nearly everything element design along android affair big business robotics image source wikicommons as far back film metropolis robotics class segregation industry even humanity appear collision course some might even argue humanity technology robotics already integration know inclusive list characters the space odyssey hal star wars human cyborg relations blade runner nexus applicants infamous terminator hollywood reality science fiction comes life image source wikicommons martin ford author rise the machines highly sought speaker across globe he often utilized consultant corporations industries regards robotics in business book the year acceptance speech ford stated even people everything supposed get good job may find difficult get foothold economy piling prospects bleak future wired magazine states oxford university researchers estimated percent jobs could automated within next two decades and even half number closer mark workers rude awakening the impact robotics industry effects workforce also reported century foregoing thing contemplate outsourced a robot call sick ask wage increase it fight others unless programmed it complain throw fit collect unemployment leave early join workers union fight corporation once integrated part industry save money it require annual review when becomes irrelevant newer technology robotic future even create new jobs doubt a small industry technicians favored class people monitor fix improve technology could hold coveted jobs selected chosen deserve far away not lifetime watch video boston dynamic pound atlas robot interact surroundings perform labor makers designed read more on robots century wire robot
BREAKING BAD: John McCain’s Campaign Rocked by Meth Lab Scandal21st Century Wire asks Will this be the beginning of the end for John McCain s re-election campaign? BUSTED The police raid in Phoenix that targeted a McCain fundraiser. (Photo link scoopnest)Earlier the week, US Senator John McCain s campaign fundraiser Emily Pitha was arrested at her Phoenix residence by Maricopa County sheriff s deputies after an operational meth lab was discovered on the premises by authorities.Pitha, an independent consultant at the political organization LovasCo Consulting Group has been involved in Arizona political fundraising for nearly 3 years according to her Linkedin profile.The LovasCo Consulting Group is operated by Corinne Lovas, wife of Arizona Representative Phil Lovas. McCain s re-election campaign parted ties with Pitha after her arrest but said it will continue to work with LovasCo. FUNDRAISER TO FELON? Emily Pitha, McCain s campaign fundraiser seen here in an image from LinkedIn. (Photo link phoenixnewtimes)Dirty MoneyPitha, 34, along with her boyfriend, Christopher Hustrulid, 36, face a host of felony drug charges after authorities were tipped off by package that arrived at her residence from the Netherlands containing 250 grams of MDMA.The Phoenix New Times recently reported that the couple s Phoenix home turned up a large quantity of contraband and evidence of drug dealing. The New Times also stated in an ironic twist that The top Republican fundraising company that employed drug-bust suspect Emily Pitha also raised money for Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy, an anti-marijuana-legalization group. Prior to Pitha serving as a constituent service representative for former Senator Jon Kyl, Senator Jeff Flake, she recently worked as a logistics manager for former Ambassador Barbara Barrett in 2013, according to her LinkedIn profile.Barrett is chairman of the Aerospace Corporation and served as the US Ambassador to Finland from 2008-2009. Aerospace has direct ties to the Senate Armed Services Committee with some of its former board members serving as counsel for the CIA, Department of Defense and Department of State. US Senator John McCain curently serves as Chairman for the Senate Armed Services Committee. BREAKING BAD Emily Pitha with boyfriend Christopher Hustrulid arrested after being implicated in multiple drug related charges. (Photo link phoenixnewtimes)Political PlagueOver the past few years, 21WIRE has outlined a virtual wrap sheet of items that have led to McCain s fall from grace on the political scene. Most notably, in May of 2013, Senator McCain illegally entered into northern Syria to meet with known members of terrorist factions while claiming that they were moderate rebels not connected to extremist fighting groups.Following this trip, the false chemical weapons allegations implicating Syria s Assad soon appeared on the scene just months after McCain s planned visit.McCain later met with NeoNazi fascist leaders in Kiev, a few short months before Maidan Square melted down and the West s regime change took shape in the Ukraine.In the face of all this, McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee continues to be hawkish on Syria and calling for more than the 250 troops recently deployed to Syria.Will authorities account for all of the funds raised by Pitha and look at how they were appropriated?McCain s political career has been plagued by a series of blunders and scandals one wonders if his campaign will be derailed by the charges against his former fundraiser or will this inconvenient truth get swept under the rug?Read more from Sputnik below SCANDAL US Senator John McCain (Photo link the beleaguered US Senator s reelection bid taking a page from the hit series Breaking Bad in a desperate attempt to appeal to young voters? On Tuesday, 34-year-old Emily Pitha was arrested for narcotics distribution and manufacturing when Maricopa County sheriff s deputies found an active meth lab and illicit drugs during a search of her north-central Phoenix home.Pitha, a former staffer for retired Arizona Republican US Senator Jon Kyl, was serving as the chief fundraiser for Arizona Republican Senator John McCain s 2016 reelection bid at the time of her arrest. The McCain campaign immediately released a statement saying Pitha was immediately terminated upon our learning of her alleged involvement in narcotics distribution The sheriff s office spokesperson said that they were alerted to criminal activity at the residence after a package was identified in transit from the Netherlands carrying over 250 grams of MDMA, street name ecstasy, a popular and illegal psychoactive drug. Pitha s boyfriend, 36-year-old Christopher Hustrulid, signed for the package when it was delivered Tuesday afternoon, right before a search warrant was served.Detective Doug Matteson said that the two children, ages 5 and 10, had easy access to all of (the) drugs and materials, even the bomb-making materials that were located in the back with the meth lab. Methamphetamine production involves volatile elements also used in manufacturing explosives.The news comes as McCain finds himself in the most competitive reelection campaign of his career. In the Republican Primary, the embattled US Senator faces an insurgent challenge from Tea Party Republican state senator Kelli Ward who has successfully tapped into the anti-establishment narrative of the 2016 election cycle.Continue this story at Sputnik READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesMiddle-east
breaking bad john mccain campaign rocked meth lab century wire asks will beginning end john mccain campaign busted the police raid phoenix targeted mccain fundraiser photo link scoopnest earlier week us senator john mccain campaign fundraiser emily with arrested phoenix residence maricopa county sheriff deputies operational meth lab discovered premises independent consultant political organization vasco consulting group involved arizona political fundraising nearly years according linkedin vasco consulting group operated cornice loves wife arizona representative phil loves mccain campaign parted ties with arrest said continue work vasco fundraiser to felon emily with mccain campaign fundraiser seen image linkedin photo link phoenixnewtimes dirty moneypitha along boyfriend christopher hustrulid face host felony drug charges authorities tipped package arrived residence netherlands containing grams phoenix new times recently reported couple phoenix home turned large quantity contraband evidence drug dealing the new times also stated ironic twist the top republican fundraising company employed suspect emily with also raised money arizona responsible drug policy group prior with serving constituent service representative former senator jon kml senator jeff flake recently worked logistics manager former ambassador barbara barrett according linkedin chairman aerospace corporation served us ambassador finland aerospace direct ties senate armed services committee former board members serving counsel cia department defense department state us senator john mccain currently serves chairman senate armed services committee breaking bad emily with boyfriend christopher hustrulid arrested implicated multiple drug related charges photo link phoenixnewtimes political plagueover past years outlined virtual wrap sheet items led mccain fall grace political scene most notably may senator mccain illegally entered northern syria meet known members terrorist factions claiming moderate rebels connected extremist fighting trip false chemical weapons allegations implications syria assad soon appeared scene months mccain planned later met neonazi fascist leaders kiev short months maiden square melted west regime change took shape face mccain chairman senate armed services committee continues hawks syria calling troops recently deployed authorities account funds raised with look appropriated mccain political career plagued series blunder scandals one wonders campaign derailed charges former fundraiser inconvenient truth get swept rug read sputnik scandal us senator john mccain photo link sputnikis beleaguered us senator reelection bid taking page hit series breaking bad desperate attempt appeal young voters on tuesday emily with arrested narcotics distribution manufacturing maricopa county sheriff deputies found active meth lab illicit drugs search phoenix former staffer retired arizona republican us senator jon kml serving chief fundraiser arizona republican senator john mccain reelection bid time arrest the mccain campaign immediately released statement saying with immediately terminated upon learning alleged involvement narcotics distribution the sheriff office spokesperson said alerted criminal activity residence package identified transit netherlands carrying grams mma street name ecstasy popular illegal psychoactive drug with boyfriend christopher hustrulid signed package delivered tuesday afternoon right search warrant doug patterson said two children ages easy access drugs materials even materials located back meth lab methamphetamine production involves volatile elements also used manufacturing news comes mccain finds competitive reelection campaign career in republican primary embattled us senator faces insurgent challenge tea party republican state senator kelly ward successfully tapped narrative election story sputnik read more election news at century wire
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: BREAKING BAD: John McCain’s Campaign Rocked by Meth Lab Scandal21st Century Wire asks Will this be the beginning of the end for John McCain s re-election campaign? BUSTED The police raid in Phoenix that targeted a McCain fundraiser. (Photo link scoopnest)Earlier the week, US Senator John McCain s campaign fundraiser Emily Pitha was arrested at her Phoenix residence by Maricopa County sheriff s deputies after an operational meth lab was discovered on the premises by authorities.Pitha, an independent consultant at the political organization LovasCo Consulting Group has been involved in Arizona political fundraising for nearly 3 years according to her Linkedin profile.The LovasCo Consulting Group is operated by Corinne Lovas, wife of Arizona Representative Phil Lovas. McCain s re-election campaign parted ties with Pitha after her arrest but said it will continue to work with LovasCo. FUNDRAISER TO FELON? Emily Pitha, McCain s campaign fundraiser seen here in an image from LinkedIn. (Photo link phoenixnewtimes)Dirty MoneyPitha, 34, along with her boyfriend, Christopher Hustrulid, 36, face a host of felony drug charges after authorities were tipped off by package that arrived at her residence from the Netherlands containing 250 grams of MDMA.The Phoenix New Times recently reported that the couple s Phoenix home turned up a large quantity of contraband and evidence of drug dealing. The New Times also stated in an ironic twist that The top Republican fundraising company that employed drug-bust suspect Emily Pitha also raised money for Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy, an anti-marijuana-legalization group. Prior to Pitha serving as a constituent service representative for former Senator Jon Kyl, Senator Jeff Flake, she recently worked as a logistics manager for former Ambassador Barbara Barrett in 2013, according to her LinkedIn profile.Barrett is chairman of the Aerospace Corporation and served as the US Ambassador to Finland from 2008-2009. Aerospace has direct ties to the Senate Armed Services Committee with some of its former board members serving as counsel for the CIA, Department of Defense and Department of State. US Senator John McCain curently serves as Chairman for the Senate Armed Services Committee. BREAKING BAD Emily Pitha with boyfriend Christopher Hustrulid arrested after being implicated in multiple drug related charges. (Photo link phoenixnewtimes)Political PlagueOver the past few years, 21WIRE has outlined a virtual wrap sheet of items that have led to McCain s fall from grace on the political scene. Most notably, in May of 2013, Senator McCain illegally entered into northern Syria to meet with known members of terrorist factions while claiming that they were moderate rebels not connected to extremist fighting groups.Following this trip, the false chemical weapons allegations implicating Syria s Assad soon appeared on the scene just months after McCain s planned visit.McCain later met with NeoNazi fascist leaders in Kiev, a few short months before Maidan Square melted down and the West s regime change took shape in the Ukraine.In the face of all this, McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee continues to be hawkish on Syria and calling for more than the 250 troops recently deployed to Syria.Will authorities account for all of the funds raised by Pitha and look at how they were appropriated?McCain s political career has been plagued by a series of blunders and scandals one wonders if his campaign will be derailed by the charges against his former fundraiser or will this inconvenient truth get swept under the rug?Read more from Sputnik below SCANDAL US Senator John McCain (Photo link the beleaguered US Senator s reelection bid taking a page from the hit series Breaking Bad in a desperate attempt to appeal to young voters? On Tuesday, 34-year-old Emily Pitha was arrested for narcotics distribution and manufacturing when Maricopa County sheriff s deputies found an active meth lab and illicit drugs during a search of her north-central Phoenix home.Pitha, a former staffer for retired Arizona Republican US Senator Jon Kyl, was serving as the chief fundraiser for Arizona Republican Senator John McCain s 2016 reelection bid at the time of her arrest. The McCain campaign immediately released a statement saying Pitha was immediately terminated upon our learning of her alleged involvement in narcotics distribution The sheriff s office spokesperson said that they were alerted to criminal activity at the residence after a package was identified in transit from the Netherlands carrying over 250 grams of MDMA, street name ecstasy, a popular and illegal psychoactive drug. Pitha s boyfriend, 36-year-old Christopher Hustrulid, signed for the package when it was delivered Tuesday afternoon, right before a search warrant was served.Detective Doug Matteson said that the two children, ages 5 and 10, had easy access to all of (the) drugs and materials, even the bomb-making materials that were located in the back with the meth lab. Methamphetamine production involves volatile elements also used in manufacturing explosives.The news comes as McCain finds himself in the most competitive reelection campaign of his career. In the Republican Primary, the embattled US Senator faces an insurgent challenge from Tea Party Republican state senator Kelli Ward who has successfully tapped into the anti-establishment narrative of the 2016 election cycle.Continue this story at Sputnik READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesMiddle-east
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: breaking bad john mccain campaign rocked meth lab century wire asks will beginning end john mccain campaign busted the police raid phoenix targeted mccain fundraiser photo link scoopnest earlier week us senator john mccain campaign fundraiser emily with arrested phoenix residence maricopa county sheriff deputies operational meth lab discovered premises independent consultant political organization vasco consulting group involved arizona political fundraising nearly years according linkedin vasco consulting group operated cornice loves wife arizona representative phil loves mccain campaign parted ties with arrest said continue work vasco fundraiser to felon emily with mccain campaign fundraiser seen image linkedin photo link phoenixnewtimes dirty moneypitha along boyfriend christopher hustrulid face host felony drug charges authorities tipped package arrived residence netherlands containing grams phoenix new times recently reported couple phoenix home turned large quantity contraband evidence drug dealing the new times also stated ironic twist the top republican fundraising company employed suspect emily with also raised money arizona responsible drug policy group prior with serving constituent service representative former senator jon kml senator jeff flake recently worked logistics manager former ambassador barbara barrett according linkedin chairman aerospace corporation served us ambassador finland aerospace direct ties senate armed services committee former board members serving counsel cia department defense department state us senator john mccain currently serves chairman senate armed services committee breaking bad emily with boyfriend christopher hustrulid arrested implicated multiple drug related charges photo link phoenixnewtimes political plagueover past years outlined virtual wrap sheet items led mccain fall grace political scene most notably may senator mccain illegally entered northern syria meet known members terrorist factions claiming moderate rebels connected extremist fighting trip false chemical weapons allegations implications syria assad soon appeared scene months mccain planned later met neonazi fascist leaders kiev short months maiden square melted west regime change took shape face mccain chairman senate armed services committee continues hawks syria calling troops recently deployed authorities account funds raised with look appropriated mccain political career plagued series blunder scandals one wonders campaign derailed charges former fundraiser inconvenient truth get swept rug read sputnik scandal us senator john mccain photo link sputnikis beleaguered us senator reelection bid taking page hit series breaking bad desperate attempt appeal young voters on tuesday emily with arrested narcotics distribution manufacturing maricopa county sheriff deputies found active meth lab illicit drugs search phoenix former staffer retired arizona republican us senator jon kml serving chief fundraiser arizona republican senator john mccain reelection bid time arrest the mccain campaign immediately released statement saying with immediately terminated upon learning alleged involvement narcotics distribution the sheriff office spokesperson said alerted criminal activity residence package identified transit netherlands carrying grams mma street name ecstasy popular illegal psychoactive drug with boyfriend christopher hustrulid signed package delivered tuesday afternoon right search warrant doug patterson said two children ages easy access drugs materials even materials located back meth lab methamphetamine production involves volatile elements also used manufacturing news comes mccain finds competitive reelection campaign career in republican primary embattled us senator faces insurgent challenge tea party republican state senator kelly ward successfully tapped narrative election story sputnik read more election news at century wire
WATCH: Trump’s Desperate Spokeswoman Pushes Hillary Brain Disease ConspiracyKatrina Pierson, Donald Trump s official campaign spokeswoman who appears to have a permanent spot in front of a cable news camera, added to her long list of bizarre claims and blatantly false lies by alleging that Hillary Clinton has a brain disease.Pierson threw out the conspiracy theory on MSNBC on Thursday evening.Speaking on MSNBC, Katrina Pierson alleged that Clinton has a disorder called dysphasia, a condition brought on by brain trauma that erodes a person s ability to speak or comprehend language. What s new are the other reports or observations of Hillary Clinton s behavior or mannerisms as well as her dysphasia, the fact that she s fallen, she has had a concussion, there are really interesting things out there, Pierson said.The Trump campaign has been echoing conspiracy theorists like radio host Alex Jones (who believes 9/11 was an inside job by the government) and Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone (he thinks that LBJ had John F. Kennedy killed) for the last few months. And Trump of course was the lead spokesperson for the birther conspiracy theory that alleges that President Obama was not born in America.Along with these conspiracy theorists, right wing media outlets like the Drudge Report and Fox News Sean Hannity have been presenting a pile of false claims that Clinton s health is weak.Months ago, her campaign released a medical assessment from Clinton s doctor and found the former Secretary of State in good health. By comparison, the Trump campaign s health document was widely ridiculed at the time, as its hyperbolic language seemed to have come from Trump himself, and not a reputable doctor.The wild theories about Clinton s health have coincided with Trump s drop in the polls, as he has plummeted to be anywhere from 4-15 percent behind Clinton nationally. He is even tied or very close to her in multiple red states that have been easily won by previous Republican candidates like Mitt Romney and John McCain, including Georgia, Missouri, and even Texas.So more conspiracies can be expected.Featured image via YouTubeNews
watch trump desperate spokeswoman pushes hillary brain disease conspiracykatrina person donald trump official campaign spokeswoman appears permanent spot front cable news camera added long list bizarre claims blatantly false lies alleging hillary clinton brain threw conspiracy theory msnbc thursday msnbc katrina person alleged clinton disorder called dysplasia condition brought brain trauma eroded person ability speak comprehend language what new reports observations hillary clinton behavior mannerisms well dysplasia fact fallen concussion really interesting things person trump campaign echoing conspiracy theorists like radio host alex jones believes inside job government republican dirty cricketer roger stone thinks lb john kennedy killed last months and trump course lead spokesperson birth conspiracy theory alleges president obama born conspiracy theorists right wing media outlets like grudge report fox news sean vanity presenting pile false claims clinton health ago campaign released medical assessment clinton doctor found former secretary state good health by comparison trump campaign health document widely ridiculed time hyperbolic language seemed come trump reputable wild theories clinton health coincided trump drop polls plummeted anywhere percent behind clinton nationally he even tied close multiple red states easily previous republican candidates like mitt romney john mccain including georgia missouri even conspiracies image via youtubenews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: WATCH: Trump’s Desperate Spokeswoman Pushes Hillary Brain Disease ConspiracyKatrina Pierson, Donald Trump s official campaign spokeswoman who appears to have a permanent spot in front of a cable news camera, added to her long list of bizarre claims and blatantly false lies by alleging that Hillary Clinton has a brain disease.Pierson threw out the conspiracy theory on MSNBC on Thursday evening.Speaking on MSNBC, Katrina Pierson alleged that Clinton has a disorder called dysphasia, a condition brought on by brain trauma that erodes a person s ability to speak or comprehend language. What s new are the other reports or observations of Hillary Clinton s behavior or mannerisms as well as her dysphasia, the fact that she s fallen, she has had a concussion, there are really interesting things out there, Pierson said.The Trump campaign has been echoing conspiracy theorists like radio host Alex Jones (who believes 9/11 was an inside job by the government) and Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone (he thinks that LBJ had John F. Kennedy killed) for the last few months. And Trump of course was the lead spokesperson for the birther conspiracy theory that alleges that President Obama was not born in America.Along with these conspiracy theorists, right wing media outlets like the Drudge Report and Fox News Sean Hannity have been presenting a pile of false claims that Clinton s health is weak.Months ago, her campaign released a medical assessment from Clinton s doctor and found the former Secretary of State in good health. By comparison, the Trump campaign s health document was widely ridiculed at the time, as its hyperbolic language seemed to have come from Trump himself, and not a reputable doctor.The wild theories about Clinton s health have coincided with Trump s drop in the polls, as he has plummeted to be anywhere from 4-15 percent behind Clinton nationally. He is even tied or very close to her in multiple red states that have been easily won by previous Republican candidates like Mitt Romney and John McCain, including Georgia, Missouri, and even Texas.So more conspiracies can be expected.Featured image via YouTubeNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: watch trump desperate spokeswoman pushes hillary brain disease conspiracykatrina person donald trump official campaign spokeswoman appears permanent spot front cable news camera added long list bizarre claims blatantly false lies alleging hillary clinton brain threw conspiracy theory msnbc thursday msnbc katrina person alleged clinton disorder called dysplasia condition brought brain trauma eroded person ability speak comprehend language what new reports observations hillary clinton behavior mannerisms well dysplasia fact fallen concussion really interesting things person trump campaign echoing conspiracy theorists like radio host alex jones believes inside job government republican dirty cricketer roger stone thinks lb john kennedy killed last months and trump course lead spokesperson birth conspiracy theory alleges president obama born conspiracy theorists right wing media outlets like grudge report fox news sean vanity presenting pile false claims clinton health ago campaign released medical assessment clinton doctor found former secretary state good health by comparison trump campaign health document widely ridiculed time hyperbolic language seemed come trump reputable wild theories clinton health coincided trump drop polls plummeted anywhere percent behind clinton nationally he even tied close multiple red states easily previous republican candidates like mitt romney john mccain including georgia missouri even conspiracies image via youtubenews
In U.S. battle of election T-shirts, 'Nasty Woman' rulesNEW YORK (Reuters) - T-shirts inspired by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s “such a nasty woman” comment on Democrat Hillary Clinton in Wednesday night’s debate were flying off internet retailers’ shelves, offering a possible hint on the Nov. 8 election result. Sellers said on Thursday that demand came swiftly and was unrivaled minutes after the final debate ended. “I have had nonstop orders since last night,” Pennsylvania part-time graphic designer Naheed Snyder said of her T-shirt, designed simply with the words “Nasty women vote,” selling on Etsy. “It’s unbelievable how well this one has done... there’s no comparison.” Merchandise retailers typically see a profit boost during election season as voters on both sides seek to wear support for their candidates, particularly around conventions, voting and this year, debates. Traffic to, a website that allows users to create, sell and buy personalized T-shirts, spiked 40 percent during the second presidential debate and 120 percent in the third debate, the company said.  Merchandise promoting the Republican candidate was steadily higher earlier in the race, said Maheesh Jain, co-founder of online customizable merchandise retailer CafePress. Some of the most popular items included the slogans “I am a deplorable” and “Hillary for prison.” At a fundraiser in September, Clinton said Trump had given voice to hateful rhetoric through his behavior as a candidate, and that “you can put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’” The following day she said she regretted saying “half” and that she had been “grossly generalistic.” In the last two weeks, after the release of Trump’s 2005 lewd remarks toward women and an onslaught of women accusing him of sexual harassment or assault, the items have declined in popularity, Jain said. Trump has apologized for the remarks and denied the accusations. “Right now, we’re definitely seeing a lot more Hillary merchandise selling than Trump merchandise,” said Jain. Sales of pro-Clinton merchandise last week were 53.5 percent higher than for Trump, Jain said. After the third and final presidential debate on Wednesday, Trump’s “nasty woman” comment gave life to a new merchandise line aimed at assailing him. “If Hillary Clinton is a nasty woman for being most likely our next president, maybe that’s not such a bad thing,” said Amanda Brinkman, who runs the online feminist-centered accessory shop Google Ghost. “Maybe that’s something you should wear as a badge of honor.” Brinkman’s “Nasty Woman” T-shirt, featuring the phrase with a heart around it, sold more than 6,000 times since she designed and posted it during Wednesday’s debate. The second most-popular item in her store’s history, a pen, at its peak garnered 25 sales in a single day. Brinkman, from New Orleans, said she is donating half of the proceeds to reproductive healthcare provider Planned Parenthood, which Trump opposes because it offers abortions. “I thought it only made sense to use his own words to sell a product that would then benefit Planned Parenthood,” Brinkman said. In past elections, Jain said, her company had seen a direct link between the most merchandise sold and the candidate that won the election. “Typically, whoever is winning in the sales column will win the election,” Jain said. “Right now, we’re seeing Clinton winning the election.” politicsNews
in battle election woman rulesnew york reuters inspired republican presidential candidate donald trump nasty woman comment democrat hillary clinton wednesday night debate flying internet retailers shelves offering possible hint election result sellers said thursday demand came swiftly unrivaled minutes final debate ended i nonstop orders since last night pennsylvania graphic designer named snyder said designed simply words nasty women vote selling easy it unbelievable well one done merchandise retailers typically see profit boost election season voters sides seek wear support candidates particularly around conventions voting year debates traffic website allows users create sell buy personalized spiked percent second presidential debate percent third debate company said merchandise promoting republican candidate steadily higher earlier race said maheesh jain online customizable merchandise retailer cafepress some popular items included slogans i deplorable hillary at fundraiser september clinton said trump given voice hateful rhetoric behavior candidate put half trump supporters i call basket the following day said regretted saying half grossly in last two weeks release trump lead remarks toward women onslaught women accusing sexual harassment assault items declined popularity jain said trump apologized remarks denied accusations right definitely seeing lot hillary merchandise selling trump merchandise said jain sales merchandise last week percent higher trump jain said after third final presidential debate wednesday trump nasty woman comment gave life new merchandise line aimed sailing if hillary clinton nasty woman likely next president maybe bad thing said amanda brinkman runs online accessory shop google ghost maybe something wear badge brinkman nasty woman featuring phrase heart around sold times since designed posted wednesday debate the second item store history pen peak garnered sales single day brinkman new orleans said donating half proceeds reproductive healthcare provider planned parenthood trump opposes offers abortions i thought made sense use words sell product would benefit planned parenthood brinkman said in past elections jain said company seen direct link merchandise sold candidate election typically whoever winning sales column win election jain said right seeing clinton winning politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In U.S. battle of election T-shirts, 'Nasty Woman' rulesNEW YORK (Reuters) - T-shirts inspired by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s “such a nasty woman” comment on Democrat Hillary Clinton in Wednesday night’s debate were flying off internet retailers’ shelves, offering a possible hint on the Nov. 8 election result. Sellers said on Thursday that demand came swiftly and was unrivaled minutes after the final debate ended. “I have had nonstop orders since last night,” Pennsylvania part-time graphic designer Naheed Snyder said of her T-shirt, designed simply with the words “Nasty women vote,” selling on Etsy. “It’s unbelievable how well this one has done... there’s no comparison.” Merchandise retailers typically see a profit boost during election season as voters on both sides seek to wear support for their candidates, particularly around conventions, voting and this year, debates. Traffic to, a website that allows users to create, sell and buy personalized T-shirts, spiked 40 percent during the second presidential debate and 120 percent in the third debate, the company said.  Merchandise promoting the Republican candidate was steadily higher earlier in the race, said Maheesh Jain, co-founder of online customizable merchandise retailer CafePress. Some of the most popular items included the slogans “I am a deplorable” and “Hillary for prison.” At a fundraiser in September, Clinton said Trump had given voice to hateful rhetoric through his behavior as a candidate, and that “you can put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’” The following day she said she regretted saying “half” and that she had been “grossly generalistic.” In the last two weeks, after the release of Trump’s 2005 lewd remarks toward women and an onslaught of women accusing him of sexual harassment or assault, the items have declined in popularity, Jain said. Trump has apologized for the remarks and denied the accusations. “Right now, we’re definitely seeing a lot more Hillary merchandise selling than Trump merchandise,” said Jain. Sales of pro-Clinton merchandise last week were 53.5 percent higher than for Trump, Jain said. After the third and final presidential debate on Wednesday, Trump’s “nasty woman” comment gave life to a new merchandise line aimed at assailing him. “If Hillary Clinton is a nasty woman for being most likely our next president, maybe that’s not such a bad thing,” said Amanda Brinkman, who runs the online feminist-centered accessory shop Google Ghost. “Maybe that’s something you should wear as a badge of honor.” Brinkman’s “Nasty Woman” T-shirt, featuring the phrase with a heart around it, sold more than 6,000 times since she designed and posted it during Wednesday’s debate. The second most-popular item in her store’s history, a pen, at its peak garnered 25 sales in a single day. Brinkman, from New Orleans, said she is donating half of the proceeds to reproductive healthcare provider Planned Parenthood, which Trump opposes because it offers abortions. “I thought it only made sense to use his own words to sell a product that would then benefit Planned Parenthood,” Brinkman said. In past elections, Jain said, her company had seen a direct link between the most merchandise sold and the candidate that won the election. “Typically, whoever is winning in the sales column will win the election,” Jain said. “Right now, we’re seeing Clinton winning the election.” politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: in battle election woman rulesnew york reuters inspired republican presidential candidate donald trump nasty woman comment democrat hillary clinton wednesday night debate flying internet retailers shelves offering possible hint election result sellers said thursday demand came swiftly unrivaled minutes final debate ended i nonstop orders since last night pennsylvania graphic designer named snyder said designed simply words nasty women vote selling easy it unbelievable well one done merchandise retailers typically see profit boost election season voters sides seek wear support candidates particularly around conventions voting year debates traffic website allows users create sell buy personalized spiked percent second presidential debate percent third debate company said merchandise promoting republican candidate steadily higher earlier race said maheesh jain online customizable merchandise retailer cafepress some popular items included slogans i deplorable hillary at fundraiser september clinton said trump given voice hateful rhetoric behavior candidate put half trump supporters i call basket the following day said regretted saying half grossly in last two weeks release trump lead remarks toward women onslaught women accusing sexual harassment assault items declined popularity jain said trump apologized remarks denied accusations right definitely seeing lot hillary merchandise selling trump merchandise said jain sales merchandise last week percent higher trump jain said after third final presidential debate wednesday trump nasty woman comment gave life new merchandise line aimed sailing if hillary clinton nasty woman likely next president maybe bad thing said amanda brinkman runs online accessory shop google ghost maybe something wear badge brinkman nasty woman featuring phrase heart around sold times since designed posted wednesday debate the second item store history pen peak garnered sales single day brinkman new orleans said donating half proceeds reproductive healthcare provider planned parenthood trump opposes offers abortions i thought made sense use words sell product would benefit planned parenthood brinkman said in past elections jain said company seen direct link merchandise sold candidate election typically whoever winning sales column win election jain said right seeing clinton winning politicsnews
France condemns latest North Korean missile launchPARIS (Reuters) - France on Friday condemned the latest missile launch from North Korea, and reiterated its willingness to work with U.N. Security Council and European Union members to ensure the situation with North Korea did not worsen. North Korea fired a second missile over Japan far out into the Pacific Ocean on Friday, South Korean and Japanese officials said, deepening tensions after Pyongyang s recent test of its sixth and most powerful nuclear bomb. Faced with this threat, France is ready to work - notably within the U.N. Security Council and the European Union - on strengthening measures that will help to allow the Pyongyang regime realize it has no interest in escalating the situation, and to help bring it back to the negotiating table, a statement from the French Foreign Ministry said. worldnews
france condemns latest north korean missile launchparis reuters france friday condemned latest missile launch north korea reiterated willingness work security council european union members ensure situation north korea worsen north korea fired second missile japan far pacific ocean friday south korean japanese officials said deepening tensions pyongyang recent test sixth powerful nuclear bomb faced threat france ready work notably within security council european union strengthening measures help allow pyongyang regime realize interest escalating situation help bring back negotiating table statement french foreign ministry said worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: France condemns latest North Korean missile launchPARIS (Reuters) - France on Friday condemned the latest missile launch from North Korea, and reiterated its willingness to work with U.N. Security Council and European Union members to ensure the situation with North Korea did not worsen. North Korea fired a second missile over Japan far out into the Pacific Ocean on Friday, South Korean and Japanese officials said, deepening tensions after Pyongyang s recent test of its sixth and most powerful nuclear bomb. Faced with this threat, France is ready to work - notably within the U.N. Security Council and the European Union - on strengthening measures that will help to allow the Pyongyang regime realize it has no interest in escalating the situation, and to help bring it back to the negotiating table, a statement from the French Foreign Ministry said. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: france condemns latest north korean missile launchparis reuters france friday condemned latest missile launch north korea reiterated willingness work security council european union members ensure situation north korea worsen north korea fired second missile japan far pacific ocean friday south korean japanese officials said deepening tensions pyongyang recent test sixth powerful nuclear bomb faced threat france ready work notably within security council european union strengthening measures help allow pyongyang regime realize interest escalating situation help bring back negotiating table statement french foreign ministry said worldnews
Planning group puts $43 billion price tag on Illinois transportation fixCHICAGO (Reuters) - Cash-strapped Illinois needs $43 billion over 10 years to repair and improve its transportation network and boost the state economy, according to a report released on Monday by the Metropolitan Planning Council. “The $43 billion needed to rebuild and improve our transportation infrastructure is less than what we’re wasting today on vehicle repairs due to poor road conditions, time lost to traffic congestion, and population and jobs going to neighboring states,” Jim Reilly, a senior fellow at the nonprofit, nonpartisan Chicago region planning group, said in a statement. The fifth-largest U.S. state is in its 10th month without a full fiscal 2016 budget due to an impasse between its Republican governor and Democrats who control the legislature. Illinois is struggling with a $6.7 billion bill backlog as pensions and debt payments gobble up a big chunk of available revenue. The report called for raising $2.7 billion a year by increasing the current 19 cents-a-gallon state gasoline tax by 30 cents and hiking vehicle registration fees, which cost $101 a year for most cars, by 50 percent. Half of the new money would be tapped for pay-as-you-go projects, with the other half backing $25 billion of 25-year bonds. The money would be spent on state and local roads, mass transit and railroads. The council recommended an amendment to the Illinois Constitution creating a transportation trust fund to ensure the new revenue is not diverted for other purposes. politicsNews
planning group puts billion price tag illinois transportation fixchicago reuters illinois needs billion years repair improve transportation network boost state economy according report released monday metropolitan planning council the billion needed rebuild improve transportation infrastructure less wasting today vehicle repairs due poor road conditions time lost traffic congestion population jobs going neighboring states jim really senior fellow nonprofit nonpartisan chicago region planning group said statement the state month without full fiscal budget due impasse republican governor democrats control legislature illinois struggling billion bill backlog pensions debt payments gobble big chunk available revenue the report called raising billion year increasing current state gasoline tax cents hiking vehicle registration fees cost year cars percent half new money would tapped projects half backing billion bonds the money would spent state local roads mass transit railroads the council recommended amendment illinois constitution creating transportation trust fund ensure new revenue diverted purposes politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Planning group puts $43 billion price tag on Illinois transportation fixCHICAGO (Reuters) - Cash-strapped Illinois needs $43 billion over 10 years to repair and improve its transportation network and boost the state economy, according to a report released on Monday by the Metropolitan Planning Council. “The $43 billion needed to rebuild and improve our transportation infrastructure is less than what we’re wasting today on vehicle repairs due to poor road conditions, time lost to traffic congestion, and population and jobs going to neighboring states,” Jim Reilly, a senior fellow at the nonprofit, nonpartisan Chicago region planning group, said in a statement. The fifth-largest U.S. state is in its 10th month without a full fiscal 2016 budget due to an impasse between its Republican governor and Democrats who control the legislature. Illinois is struggling with a $6.7 billion bill backlog as pensions and debt payments gobble up a big chunk of available revenue. The report called for raising $2.7 billion a year by increasing the current 19 cents-a-gallon state gasoline tax by 30 cents and hiking vehicle registration fees, which cost $101 a year for most cars, by 50 percent. Half of the new money would be tapped for pay-as-you-go projects, with the other half backing $25 billion of 25-year bonds. The money would be spent on state and local roads, mass transit and railroads. The council recommended an amendment to the Illinois Constitution creating a transportation trust fund to ensure the new revenue is not diverted for other purposes. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: planning group puts billion price tag illinois transportation fixchicago reuters illinois needs billion years repair improve transportation network boost state economy according report released monday metropolitan planning council the billion needed rebuild improve transportation infrastructure less wasting today vehicle repairs due poor road conditions time lost traffic congestion population jobs going neighboring states jim really senior fellow nonprofit nonpartisan chicago region planning group said statement the state month without full fiscal budget due impasse republican governor democrats control legislature illinois struggling billion bill backlog pensions debt payments gobble big chunk available revenue the report called raising billion year increasing current state gasoline tax cents hiking vehicle registration fees cost year cars percent half new money would tapped projects half backing billion bonds the money would spent state local roads mass transit railroads the council recommended amendment illinois constitution creating transportation trust fund ensure new revenue diverted purposes politicsnews
Cruz Campaign Blames Rubio For Loss: A Cruz/Rubio Ticket Would’ve Been ‘A Blowout’ (VIDEO)Now that the side-show is essentially over and the Republicans have committed their party and resources to a delusional lunatic, those left ion the rubble of hurricane Trump are desperately seeking answers. Those answers came from the Cruz Campaign, who informed us that Carly Fiorina wasn t Ted s first choice for VP. They say that had Marco Rubio warmed up and showed any interest at all in working with Uncle Ted that a Cruz/Rubio ticket would have changed the course of history.They felt that strongly because in the course of doing their job, they polled in five upcoming states and found that if Rubio were on the ticket there would be a blowout, according to a source inside the Cruz campaign. The states polled included Illinois, Arizona and Wisconsin. The numbers were as high as 65 percent to 35 percent over Trump and if true, that means that Ted Cruz owes his demise to himself because that puts Rubio on a growing list of people who just refuse to work with Ted Cruz:That s fairly consistent with the general consensus about Ted Cruz. There came a turning point in Ted s career; a come to Jesus if you will. After he failed to get his way about defunding Planned Parenthood over a series of cleverly edited videos, Cruz went on an infamous rant on the senate floor that cost him whatever small amount of political capital he had left in Washington. He called every member of the Republican leadership out for betraying God and the party. He claimed that Republicans no longer cared about what mattered and he called them out by name. It s just not something you do, especially if you re a United States Senator and you need to work with these people to do your job effectively.Cruz now has to head back to Washington to sit in his chair alone in the corner of the congressional lunchroom. With little left but shattered dreams and still enough ego to blame someone else for it, Cruz has a long way to go until his next election in 2018. Rubio, on the other hand, has already decided not to run, so he gets to sit in the private sector wondering if he would have been happier with an office in the West Wing a little more rectangular than the one he was hoping for.Featured image via screen captureNews
cruz campaign blames rubio for loss a ticket would been a blowout video now essentially republicans committed party resources delusional lunatic left ion rubble hurricane trump desperately seeking answers those answers came cruz campaign informed us carly firing ted first choice vp they say marco rubio warmed showed interest working uncle ted ticket would changed course felt strongly course job polled five upcoming states found rubio ticket would blowout according source inside cruz campaign the states polled included illinois arizona wisconsin the numbers high percent percent trump true means ted cruz owes demise puts rubio growing list people refuse work ted cruz that fairly consistent general consensus ted cruz there came turning point ted career come jesus after failed get way defending planned parenthood series cleverly edited videos cruz went infamous rant senate floor cost whatever small amount political capital left washington he called every member republican leadership betraying god party he claimed republicans longer cared mattered called name it something especially united states senator need work people job head back washington sit chair alone corner congressional lunchroom with little left shattered dreams still enough ego blame someone else cruz long way go next election rubio hand already decided run gets sit private sector wondering would happier office west wing little rectangular one hoping image via screen capturenews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Cruz Campaign Blames Rubio For Loss: A Cruz/Rubio Ticket Would’ve Been ‘A Blowout’ (VIDEO)Now that the side-show is essentially over and the Republicans have committed their party and resources to a delusional lunatic, those left ion the rubble of hurricane Trump are desperately seeking answers. Those answers came from the Cruz Campaign, who informed us that Carly Fiorina wasn t Ted s first choice for VP. They say that had Marco Rubio warmed up and showed any interest at all in working with Uncle Ted that a Cruz/Rubio ticket would have changed the course of history.They felt that strongly because in the course of doing their job, they polled in five upcoming states and found that if Rubio were on the ticket there would be a blowout, according to a source inside the Cruz campaign. The states polled included Illinois, Arizona and Wisconsin. The numbers were as high as 65 percent to 35 percent over Trump and if true, that means that Ted Cruz owes his demise to himself because that puts Rubio on a growing list of people who just refuse to work with Ted Cruz:That s fairly consistent with the general consensus about Ted Cruz. There came a turning point in Ted s career; a come to Jesus if you will. After he failed to get his way about defunding Planned Parenthood over a series of cleverly edited videos, Cruz went on an infamous rant on the senate floor that cost him whatever small amount of political capital he had left in Washington. He called every member of the Republican leadership out for betraying God and the party. He claimed that Republicans no longer cared about what mattered and he called them out by name. It s just not something you do, especially if you re a United States Senator and you need to work with these people to do your job effectively.Cruz now has to head back to Washington to sit in his chair alone in the corner of the congressional lunchroom. With little left but shattered dreams and still enough ego to blame someone else for it, Cruz has a long way to go until his next election in 2018. Rubio, on the other hand, has already decided not to run, so he gets to sit in the private sector wondering if he would have been happier with an office in the West Wing a little more rectangular than the one he was hoping for.Featured image via screen captureNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: cruz campaign blames rubio for loss a ticket would been a blowout video now essentially republicans committed party resources delusional lunatic left ion rubble hurricane trump desperately seeking answers those answers came cruz campaign informed us carly firing ted first choice vp they say marco rubio warmed showed interest working uncle ted ticket would changed course felt strongly course job polled five upcoming states found rubio ticket would blowout according source inside cruz campaign the states polled included illinois arizona wisconsin the numbers high percent percent trump true means ted cruz owes demise puts rubio growing list people refuse work ted cruz that fairly consistent general consensus ted cruz there came turning point ted career come jesus after failed get way defending planned parenthood series cleverly edited videos cruz went infamous rant senate floor cost whatever small amount political capital left washington he called every member republican leadership betraying god party he claimed republicans longer cared mattered called name it something especially united states senator need work people job head back washington sit chair alone corner congressional lunchroom with little left shattered dreams still enough ego blame someone else cruz long way go next election rubio hand already decided run gets sit private sector wondering would happier office west wing little rectangular one hoping image via screen capturenews
In 2017, America’s liberal abortion agenda looks a lot like Nazi Eugenics21st Century Wire says Here s an unusual, but extremely thought-provoking political take on the events of last week in Charlottesville in the context of America, and western society as a whole.What you are about to read will be considered very controversial by many people. This is an uncomfortable topic which generally no one enjoys talking about. Many readers may not want to hear it. You may not want to hear it either. It s a caustic conversation for sure. You might think the author is being over-dramatic, or maybe you won t But it s a discussion which at least half of America wants to have.The publication, The Blaze, touts itself as Christian conservative and regularly exaggerate and politicizes its content, and frequently applies a moralistic or evangelical spin to it. For those reasons, it would be convenient for some to simply dismiss the article below because of its source. However, the fundamental comparison presented should be seriously considered and really should be discussed more in mainstream forums. In 2017, any challenging commentary regarding the topic of abortion is fiercely opposed by progressive gatekeepers, and women s rights activists who will often cite the 1973 US Supreme Court decision of Roe vs Wade as a cue to end any debate on the issue. This subject is also suppressed in most public and academic forums and it s strictly off-limits in the liberal mainstream corporate media. But society cannot continually sweep this under the rug America has to have this conversation, because it goes to the heart of the question. What kind of society do we live in ? . By Matt WalshIt was interesting timing. On Monday, CBS published an article touting Iceland s miracle cure for Down syndrome. Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion, the headline read. Of course, it leaves out an important word. Iceland is eliminating Down syndrome people not Down syndrome itself by killing anyone who has the condition. Many countries, including our own, have discovered an identical treatment plan.The next day, Oregon was the beneficiary of similarly sanitized headlines. The governor of Oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access, the media reported. But the reports are misleading. The law actually forces all residents in the state to pay for abortions for anyone who wants them, including illegal aliens. The bill has nothing at all to do with reproduction. Its goal is precisely to stop reproduction. Or at least to prevent the products of reproduction from ever seeing the light of day.I said the reports of these atrocities are interestingly timed because they come amidst a national panic over neo-Nazism. We are right to be disgusted and horrified by the few dozen white supremacist losers who carried Tiki torches through Charlottesville on Saturday. And we are right to demand justice for the woman who was killed by a skinhead terrorist during that same rally. But we are ridiculous for acting as if these racist nerds represent some threat to our national existence. Until there is even a shred of proof to the contrary, I am going to remain confident that the vast, vast, vast majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Even one neo-Nazi is too many. A whole parade of them is a travesty. But we ought not lose our grip on reality. A little perspective is all I m suggesting.Now, the reader may have noted the conspicuous qualifier in the previous paragraph. The majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Many, however, sympathize with some of the primary goals and most brutal tactics of the Nazi party. Though they may not think of it in those terms, they still celebrate the achievement of eliminating medical conditions by killing the babies who have it, and they applaud governments that expand reproductive health access by forcing helpless citizens to fund the mass extermination of human beings. They may not march through the streets waving swastikas around, but they look with indifference or approval at our own version of the Nazi death camp. Indeed, with all due respect to the skinheads who only play pretend Nazi, the spirit of the Nazi movement really lives on in the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood may not hang the Nazi flag on the doors of its clinics, but it has enough blood on its hands to impress even the most prolific concentration camp executioner.I made this point yesterday, and I was informed even by some conservative folk that it is utterly inappropriate and insensitive for me to make such comparisons, especially when a woman was just killed by a neo-Nazi. Well, I feel terribly for that woman s family and I hope for the swiftest and harshest judgment allowed under the law to be done upon her murderer. But I also feel terribly for the 17,000 or so human beings who were executed in abortion clinics since Saturday, and the 60 million who ve been exterminated since 1973. I don t think there is ever an inappropriate time to acknowledge them, particularly when so many of us have dedicated ourselves to never acknowledging them, and especially during a week when the very people who support the continued legalization and tax funding of abortion death camps are running around accusing everyone else of condoning Nazism.I m sorry, but I just cannot physically stomach a You should be more forceful in condemning Nazism lecture from someone who has spent the last 40 years demanding that we applaud while millions of people have their skulls crushed by abortionists. Even less can I tolerate someone who wants to protect the innocent by tearing down historical statues, but cries about human rights violations when someone vandalizes a building where actual human beings are butchered and sold for parts.I do not pretend that all of the political goals of the pro-abortion left line up completely with the political goals of Nazis in 1940 s Germany. There are some striking similarities particularly the politicization of public health, the focus on environmental conservation, and the total disregard for free speech but that is not the point. I say that abortion enthusiasts have the spirit of Nazism because that spirit is, more than anything, one of brutality, moral indifference, and absolute disregard for human life. It is a spirit that leads to mass exterminations and bloodshed on a scale that can hardly be fathomed. It is a spirit that compels a people to strive for collective perfection by killing the undesirables. Nazis exterminated the disabled, just as we do. And they killed Jews and Poles and Catholics and many other groups. Our focus is not racial cleansing but economic. We kill poor children, unwanted children, defective children; children who, we ve decided, will be more trouble than they re worth. They are a burden on society, we say, echoing Nazi propaganda almost verbatim.And we build facilities which we dedicate to carrying out this cleansing. The Nazi death camp was never abolished, you see. It was simply relocated and rebranded. Today we call it a reproductive health clinic, but what happens inside more closely resembles Auschwitz than it does your pediatrician s office.So, yes, speak out against those ridiculous bigots who ve latched onto Nazism in their desperate quest for purpose and attention. But if you want to oppose what they stand for, you need to look beyond them and towards that Planned Parenthood clinic you drive by every day on the way to work. And if those Nazi wannabes in Charlottesville intend to be the ones in our country who best emulate their Nazi role models, it must be said that they are lagging far behind, especially in terms of body counts. Right now the tally is about 60 million to one, last I checked.They have a lot of catching up to do.This article was originally published at The Blaze. To see more from Matt Walsh, visit his channel here.READ MORE ALT RIGHT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ALT RIGHT FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TVMiddle-east
in america liberal abortion agenda looks lot like nazi century wire says here unusual extremely political take events last week charlottesville context america western society read considered controversial many people this uncomfortable topic generally one enjoys talking many readers may want hear you may want hear either it caustic conversation sure you might think author maybe but discussion least half america wants publication the blaze touts christian conservative regularly exaggerated politicians content frequently applies motalisti evangelical spin for reasons would convenient simply dismiss article source however fundamental comparison presented seriously considered really discussed mainstream forums in challenging commentary regarding topic abortion fiercely opposed progressive gatekeepers women rights activists often cite us supreme court decision roe vs wade cue end debate issue this subject also suppressed public academic forums strictly liberal mainstream corporate media but society continually sweep rug america conversation goes heart question what kind society live by matt warship interesting timing on monday cbs published article touring iceland miracle cure down syndrome iceland pace virtually eliminate down syndrome abortion headline read of course leaves important word iceland eliminating down syndrome people down syndrome killing anyone condition many countries including discovered identical treatment next day oregon beneficiary similarly sanitized headlines the governor oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access media reported but reports misleading the law actually forces residents state pay abortions anyone wants including illegal aliens the bill nothing reproduction its goal precisely stop reproduction or least prevent products reproduction ever seeing light said reports atrocities interesting timed come amidst national panic we right disgusted horrified dozen white supremacist losers carried tiki torches charlottesville saturday and right demand justice woman killed skinned terrorist rally but ridiculous acting racist nerds represent threat national existence until even shred proof contrary i going remain confident vast vast vast majority citizens sympathize nazis outright even one many a whole parade travesty but ought lose grip reality a little perspective i reader may noted conspicuous qualifier previous paragraph the majority citizens sympathize nazis outright many however sympathize primary goals brutal tactics nazi party though may think terms still celebrate achievement eliminating medical conditions killing babies applaud governments expand reproductive health access forcing helpless citizens fund mass extermination human beings they may march streets waving swastika around look indifference approval version nazi death camp indeed due respect skinheads play pretend nazi spirit nazi movement really lives abortion industry planned parenthood may hang nazi flag doors clinics enough blood hands impress even prolific concentration camp made point yesterday i informed even conservative folk utterly inappropriate insensitive make comparisons especially woman killed well i feel terribly woman family i hope swiftest harvest judgment allowed law done upon murderer but i also feel terribly human beings executed abortion clinics since saturday million terminated since i think ever inappropriate time acknowledge particularly many us dedicated never acknowledging especially week people support continued legalization tax funding abortion death camps running around accusing everyone else condemning sorry i physically stomach you forceful condemning nazis lecture someone spent last years demanding applaud millions people skulls crushed abolitionists even less i tolerate someone wants protect innocent tearing historical statues cries human rights violations someone vandalized building actual human beings bothered sold pretend political goals left line completely political goals nazis germany there striking similarities particularly politicization public health focus environmental conservation total disregard free speech point i say abortion enthusiasts spirit nazis spirit anything one brutality moral indifference absolute disregard human life it spirit leads mass extermination bloodshed scale hardly fathered it spirit compel people strive collective perfection killing undesirable nazis terminated disabled and killed jews poles catholics many groups our focus racial cleansing economic we kill poor children unwanted children defective children children decided trouble worth they burden society say echoing nazi propaganda almost build facilities dedicate carrying cleansing the nazi death camp never abolished see it simply relocated rebranded today call reproductive health clinic happens inside closely resembles auschwitz pediatrician yes speak ridiculous rights watched onto nazis desperate quest purpose attention but want oppose stand need look beyond towards planned parenthood clinic drive every day way work and nazi wannabe charlottesville intend ones country best emulate nazi role models must said lagging far behind especially terms body counts right tally million one last i lot catching article originally published the blaze to see matt walsh visit channel more alt right news at century wire alt right filessupport subscribe become a member
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In 2017, America’s liberal abortion agenda looks a lot like Nazi Eugenics21st Century Wire says Here s an unusual, but extremely thought-provoking political take on the events of last week in Charlottesville in the context of America, and western society as a whole.What you are about to read will be considered very controversial by many people. This is an uncomfortable topic which generally no one enjoys talking about. Many readers may not want to hear it. You may not want to hear it either. It s a caustic conversation for sure. You might think the author is being over-dramatic, or maybe you won t But it s a discussion which at least half of America wants to have.The publication, The Blaze, touts itself as Christian conservative and regularly exaggerate and politicizes its content, and frequently applies a moralistic or evangelical spin to it. For those reasons, it would be convenient for some to simply dismiss the article below because of its source. However, the fundamental comparison presented should be seriously considered and really should be discussed more in mainstream forums. In 2017, any challenging commentary regarding the topic of abortion is fiercely opposed by progressive gatekeepers, and women s rights activists who will often cite the 1973 US Supreme Court decision of Roe vs Wade as a cue to end any debate on the issue. This subject is also suppressed in most public and academic forums and it s strictly off-limits in the liberal mainstream corporate media. But society cannot continually sweep this under the rug America has to have this conversation, because it goes to the heart of the question. What kind of society do we live in ? . By Matt WalshIt was interesting timing. On Monday, CBS published an article touting Iceland s miracle cure for Down syndrome. Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion, the headline read. Of course, it leaves out an important word. Iceland is eliminating Down syndrome people not Down syndrome itself by killing anyone who has the condition. Many countries, including our own, have discovered an identical treatment plan.The next day, Oregon was the beneficiary of similarly sanitized headlines. The governor of Oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access, the media reported. But the reports are misleading. The law actually forces all residents in the state to pay for abortions for anyone who wants them, including illegal aliens. The bill has nothing at all to do with reproduction. Its goal is precisely to stop reproduction. Or at least to prevent the products of reproduction from ever seeing the light of day.I said the reports of these atrocities are interestingly timed because they come amidst a national panic over neo-Nazism. We are right to be disgusted and horrified by the few dozen white supremacist losers who carried Tiki torches through Charlottesville on Saturday. And we are right to demand justice for the woman who was killed by a skinhead terrorist during that same rally. But we are ridiculous for acting as if these racist nerds represent some threat to our national existence. Until there is even a shred of proof to the contrary, I am going to remain confident that the vast, vast, vast majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Even one neo-Nazi is too many. A whole parade of them is a travesty. But we ought not lose our grip on reality. A little perspective is all I m suggesting.Now, the reader may have noted the conspicuous qualifier in the previous paragraph. The majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Many, however, sympathize with some of the primary goals and most brutal tactics of the Nazi party. Though they may not think of it in those terms, they still celebrate the achievement of eliminating medical conditions by killing the babies who have it, and they applaud governments that expand reproductive health access by forcing helpless citizens to fund the mass extermination of human beings. They may not march through the streets waving swastikas around, but they look with indifference or approval at our own version of the Nazi death camp. Indeed, with all due respect to the skinheads who only play pretend Nazi, the spirit of the Nazi movement really lives on in the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood may not hang the Nazi flag on the doors of its clinics, but it has enough blood on its hands to impress even the most prolific concentration camp executioner.I made this point yesterday, and I was informed even by some conservative folk that it is utterly inappropriate and insensitive for me to make such comparisons, especially when a woman was just killed by a neo-Nazi. Well, I feel terribly for that woman s family and I hope for the swiftest and harshest judgment allowed under the law to be done upon her murderer. But I also feel terribly for the 17,000 or so human beings who were executed in abortion clinics since Saturday, and the 60 million who ve been exterminated since 1973. I don t think there is ever an inappropriate time to acknowledge them, particularly when so many of us have dedicated ourselves to never acknowledging them, and especially during a week when the very people who support the continued legalization and tax funding of abortion death camps are running around accusing everyone else of condoning Nazism.I m sorry, but I just cannot physically stomach a You should be more forceful in condemning Nazism lecture from someone who has spent the last 40 years demanding that we applaud while millions of people have their skulls crushed by abortionists. Even less can I tolerate someone who wants to protect the innocent by tearing down historical statues, but cries about human rights violations when someone vandalizes a building where actual human beings are butchered and sold for parts.I do not pretend that all of the political goals of the pro-abortion left line up completely with the political goals of Nazis in 1940 s Germany. There are some striking similarities particularly the politicization of public health, the focus on environmental conservation, and the total disregard for free speech but that is not the point. I say that abortion enthusiasts have the spirit of Nazism because that spirit is, more than anything, one of brutality, moral indifference, and absolute disregard for human life. It is a spirit that leads to mass exterminations and bloodshed on a scale that can hardly be fathomed. It is a spirit that compels a people to strive for collective perfection by killing the undesirables. Nazis exterminated the disabled, just as we do. And they killed Jews and Poles and Catholics and many other groups. Our focus is not racial cleansing but economic. We kill poor children, unwanted children, defective children; children who, we ve decided, will be more trouble than they re worth. They are a burden on society, we say, echoing Nazi propaganda almost verbatim.And we build facilities which we dedicate to carrying out this cleansing. The Nazi death camp was never abolished, you see. It was simply relocated and rebranded. Today we call it a reproductive health clinic, but what happens inside more closely resembles Auschwitz than it does your pediatrician s office.So, yes, speak out against those ridiculous bigots who ve latched onto Nazism in their desperate quest for purpose and attention. But if you want to oppose what they stand for, you need to look beyond them and towards that Planned Parenthood clinic you drive by every day on the way to work. And if those Nazi wannabes in Charlottesville intend to be the ones in our country who best emulate their Nazi role models, it must be said that they are lagging far behind, especially in terms of body counts. Right now the tally is about 60 million to one, last I checked.They have a lot of catching up to do.This article was originally published at The Blaze. To see more from Matt Walsh, visit his channel here.READ MORE ALT RIGHT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ALT RIGHT FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TVMiddle-east
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: in america liberal abortion agenda looks lot like nazi century wire says here unusual extremely political take events last week charlottesville context america western society read considered controversial many people this uncomfortable topic generally one enjoys talking many readers may want hear you may want hear either it caustic conversation sure you might think author maybe but discussion least half america wants publication the blaze touts christian conservative regularly exaggerated politicians content frequently applies motalisti evangelical spin for reasons would convenient simply dismiss article source however fundamental comparison presented seriously considered really discussed mainstream forums in challenging commentary regarding topic abortion fiercely opposed progressive gatekeepers women rights activists often cite us supreme court decision roe vs wade cue end debate issue this subject also suppressed public academic forums strictly liberal mainstream corporate media but society continually sweep rug america conversation goes heart question what kind society live by matt warship interesting timing on monday cbs published article touring iceland miracle cure down syndrome iceland pace virtually eliminate down syndrome abortion headline read of course leaves important word iceland eliminating down syndrome people down syndrome killing anyone condition many countries including discovered identical treatment next day oregon beneficiary similarly sanitized headlines the governor oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access media reported but reports misleading the law actually forces residents state pay abortions anyone wants including illegal aliens the bill nothing reproduction its goal precisely stop reproduction or least prevent products reproduction ever seeing light said reports atrocities interesting timed come amidst national panic we right disgusted horrified dozen white supremacist losers carried tiki torches charlottesville saturday and right demand justice woman killed skinned terrorist rally but ridiculous acting racist nerds represent threat national existence until even shred proof contrary i going remain confident vast vast vast majority citizens sympathize nazis outright even one many a whole parade travesty but ought lose grip reality a little perspective i reader may noted conspicuous qualifier previous paragraph the majority citizens sympathize nazis outright many however sympathize primary goals brutal tactics nazi party though may think terms still celebrate achievement eliminating medical conditions killing babies applaud governments expand reproductive health access forcing helpless citizens fund mass extermination human beings they may march streets waving swastika around look indifference approval version nazi death camp indeed due respect skinheads play pretend nazi spirit nazi movement really lives abortion industry planned parenthood may hang nazi flag doors clinics enough blood hands impress even prolific concentration camp made point yesterday i informed even conservative folk utterly inappropriate insensitive make comparisons especially woman killed well i feel terribly woman family i hope swiftest harvest judgment allowed law done upon murderer but i also feel terribly human beings executed abortion clinics since saturday million terminated since i think ever inappropriate time acknowledge particularly many us dedicated never acknowledging especially week people support continued legalization tax funding abortion death camps running around accusing everyone else condemning sorry i physically stomach you forceful condemning nazis lecture someone spent last years demanding applaud millions people skulls crushed abolitionists even less i tolerate someone wants protect innocent tearing historical statues cries human rights violations someone vandalized building actual human beings bothered sold pretend political goals left line completely political goals nazis germany there striking similarities particularly politicization public health focus environmental conservation total disregard free speech point i say abortion enthusiasts spirit nazis spirit anything one brutality moral indifference absolute disregard human life it spirit leads mass extermination bloodshed scale hardly fathered it spirit compel people strive collective perfection killing undesirable nazis terminated disabled and killed jews poles catholics many groups our focus racial cleansing economic we kill poor children unwanted children defective children children decided trouble worth they burden society say echoing nazi propaganda almost build facilities dedicate carrying cleansing the nazi death camp never abolished see it simply relocated rebranded today call reproductive health clinic happens inside closely resembles auschwitz pediatrician yes speak ridiculous rights watched onto nazis desperate quest purpose attention but want oppose stand need look beyond towards planned parenthood clinic drive every day way work and nazi wannabe charlottesville intend ones country best emulate nazi role models must said lagging far behind especially terms body counts right tally million one last i lot catching article originally published the blaze to see matt walsh visit channel more alt right news at century wire alt right filessupport subscribe become a member
Connecticut's governor says no return to pre-recession prosperityNEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy delivered a downbeat address on Wednesday, outlining plans to slash government spending and admitting to “a visceral feeling” that there was no going back to the prosperity of pre-recession years. The short and somber address came on the heels of a presentation by Malloy’s top budget official, who called for $570 million of reductions next year on top of millions in cuts and tax hikes in previous years. “Our national economy, while making progress from the Great Recession, was fundamentally changed,” Malloy, a Democrat, said at his annual state of the state address. “A shifting workforce, the rapid rise of technology, and stagnant wage growth have made this recovery tougher for everyone, everywhere.” Connecticut has consistently lagged the national economic recovery and has been hit by job losses in its key financial and high-tech manufacturing industries. The state has one of the worst funded pension systems in the nation. With required payments set to balloon to $6 billion by 2032, the system presents a significant risk to the budget. “Connecticut is not going back to that pre-recession reality,” Malloy told the Democrat-dominated legislature. “It just doesn’t exist anymore.” Connecticut’s woes show how U.S. states have shared unevenly in the recovery since the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Andrew Cuomo, governor of neighboring New York, felt confident enough to tout a $100 billion infrastructure plan in January. “It’s been a really hard recovery,” said Douglas Offerman, an analyst at Fitch Ratings. “The old paradigm that you would exceed your past peak in every expansion doesn’t appear to be holding right now.” Ben Barnes, Malloy’s top budget official, said the replacement of higher-paying jobs with lower- and middle-wage positions had been a “major story” in Connecticut’s budget ills. Barnes proposed cuts of 5.75 percent to the budgets of state agencies, which could mean the elimination of several thousand jobs. He said cuts to discretionary spending would amount to 15 percent over two years. At the start of the legislative session, Malloy urged lawmakers to pass an early budget and not wait until the last day of the fiscal year on June 30. But he said he would not circumvent the process. The governor proposed overhauling the way the state runs its budget to bring the process more in line with revenue projections, shifting away from a “current services” model. He also said lawmakers should implement a spending cap. politicsNews
connecticut governor says return prosperitynew york reuters connecticut governor daniel alloy delivered downbeat address wednesday outlining plans slash government spending admitting visceral feeling going back prosperity years the short somber address came heels presentation alloy top budget official called million reductions next year top millions cuts tax hikes previous years our national economy making progress great recession fundamentally changed alloy democrat said annual state state address a shifting workforce rapid rise technology stagnant wage growth made recovery tougher everyone connecticut consistently tagged national economic recovery hit job losses key financial manufacturing industries the state one worst funded pension systems nation with required payments set balloon billion system presents significant risk budget connecticut going back reality alloy told legislature it exist connecticut woes show states shared uneven recovery since financial crisis andrew como governor neighboring new york felt confident enough tout billion infrastructure plan january it really hard recovery said douglas offerman analyst pitch ratings the old paradigm would exceed past peak every expansion appear holding right ben barnes alloy top budget official said replacement jobs positions major story connecticut budget ills barnes proposed cuts percent budgets state agencies could mean elimination several thousand jobs he said cuts discretionary spending would amount percent two years at start legislative session alloy urged lawmakers pass early budget wait last day fiscal year june but said would circumvent process the governor proposed overhanging way state runs budget bring process line revenue projections shifting away current services model he also said lawmakers implement spending cap politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Connecticut's governor says no return to pre-recession prosperityNEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy delivered a downbeat address on Wednesday, outlining plans to slash government spending and admitting to “a visceral feeling” that there was no going back to the prosperity of pre-recession years. The short and somber address came on the heels of a presentation by Malloy’s top budget official, who called for $570 million of reductions next year on top of millions in cuts and tax hikes in previous years. “Our national economy, while making progress from the Great Recession, was fundamentally changed,” Malloy, a Democrat, said at his annual state of the state address. “A shifting workforce, the rapid rise of technology, and stagnant wage growth have made this recovery tougher for everyone, everywhere.” Connecticut has consistently lagged the national economic recovery and has been hit by job losses in its key financial and high-tech manufacturing industries. The state has one of the worst funded pension systems in the nation. With required payments set to balloon to $6 billion by 2032, the system presents a significant risk to the budget. “Connecticut is not going back to that pre-recession reality,” Malloy told the Democrat-dominated legislature. “It just doesn’t exist anymore.” Connecticut’s woes show how U.S. states have shared unevenly in the recovery since the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Andrew Cuomo, governor of neighboring New York, felt confident enough to tout a $100 billion infrastructure plan in January. “It’s been a really hard recovery,” said Douglas Offerman, an analyst at Fitch Ratings. “The old paradigm that you would exceed your past peak in every expansion doesn’t appear to be holding right now.” Ben Barnes, Malloy’s top budget official, said the replacement of higher-paying jobs with lower- and middle-wage positions had been a “major story” in Connecticut’s budget ills. Barnes proposed cuts of 5.75 percent to the budgets of state agencies, which could mean the elimination of several thousand jobs. He said cuts to discretionary spending would amount to 15 percent over two years. At the start of the legislative session, Malloy urged lawmakers to pass an early budget and not wait until the last day of the fiscal year on June 30. But he said he would not circumvent the process. The governor proposed overhauling the way the state runs its budget to bring the process more in line with revenue projections, shifting away from a “current services” model. He also said lawmakers should implement a spending cap. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: connecticut governor says return prosperitynew york reuters connecticut governor daniel alloy delivered downbeat address wednesday outlining plans slash government spending admitting visceral feeling going back prosperity years the short somber address came heels presentation alloy top budget official called million reductions next year top millions cuts tax hikes previous years our national economy making progress great recession fundamentally changed alloy democrat said annual state state address a shifting workforce rapid rise technology stagnant wage growth made recovery tougher everyone connecticut consistently tagged national economic recovery hit job losses key financial manufacturing industries the state one worst funded pension systems nation with required payments set balloon billion system presents significant risk budget connecticut going back reality alloy told legislature it exist connecticut woes show states shared uneven recovery since financial crisis andrew como governor neighboring new york felt confident enough tout billion infrastructure plan january it really hard recovery said douglas offerman analyst pitch ratings the old paradigm would exceed past peak every expansion appear holding right ben barnes alloy top budget official said replacement jobs positions major story connecticut budget ills barnes proposed cuts percent budgets state agencies could mean elimination several thousand jobs he said cuts discretionary spending would amount percent two years at start legislative session alloy urged lawmakers pass early budget wait last day fiscal year june but said would circumvent process the governor proposed overhanging way state runs budget bring process line revenue projections shifting away current services model he also said lawmakers implement spending cap politicsnews
WATCH TRUMP SUPPORTERS CRASH Pro-Sanctuary City Press Conference Where Radicals Call for Open Borders [Video]Supporters of the rule of law crashed a pro-illegal rally on August 4, 2017 at San Bernardino City Hall. This was a reaction to San Bernardino getting a letter from Jeff Sessions threatening to withhold their federal funds. Using the left s tactics on them is pretty great:Did you listen to the rhetoric coming from the speakers who were pushing open borders? Shame on them for using religion to break the law! The SEIU has been called Obama s Purple Army so they bussed in protesters for the protest They are usually paid to attend protests. They are more like Obama s useful idiots because they lose if more illegals come to take their jobs.The Press Enterprise reported:Attorney General Jeff Sessions announcement that San Bernardino would not be eligible for crime-reduction funding spurred a demonstration outside San Bernardino City Hall on Friday, Aug. 4.On Thursday, Aug. 3, Sessions sent letters to four cities struggling with gun violence, including San Bernardino, telling them they would not be eligible for a program that provides money to combat drug trafficking and gang crime unless they confirm their cooperation with immigration officials.The letter asks if correctional and detention facilities will honor a written request from the Department of Homeland Security to hold a foreign national for up to 48 hours beyond the scheduled release date.In San Bernardino, that s up to the San Bernardino County Sheriff s Department, not the city. Regardless, the Sheriff s Department, in a statement, said it can t comply because it would be unconstitutional. San Bernardino is not going to be bullied, said Kesha McGee, a lead organizer with Inland Congregations United for Change, at the planned demonstration.McGee said the interfaith group wanted to show support for the San Bernardino immigrant community. We are a community of unity, she said. We all deserve to be here. Religious leaders from tInland Congregations United for Change and immigrant rights activists from the Inland area planned the Friday press conference outside City Hall to condemn Sessions announcement. Assemblywoman Eloise Reyes, D-San Bernardino, was at the event.politics
watch trump supporters crash city press conference where radicals call open borders video supporters rule law crashed rally august san bernardino city hall this reaction san bernardino getting letter jeff sessions threatening withhold federal funds using left tactics pretty great did listen rhetoric coming speakers pushing open borders shame using religion break law the sei called obama purple army busted protesters protest they usually paid attend protests they like obama useful idiots lose illegal come take press enterprise reported attorney general jeff sessions announcement san bernardino would eligible funding spurred demonstration outside san bernardino city hall friday thursday sessions sent letters four cities struggling gun violence including san bernardino telling would eligible program provides money combat drug trafficking gang crime unless confirm cooperation immigration letter asks correctional detention facilities honor written request department homeland security hold foreign national hours beyond scheduled release san bernardino san bernardino county sheriff department city regardless sheriff department statement said comply would unconstitutional san bernardino going bullied said sha cee lead organizer inland congregations united change planned said interfaith group wanted show support san bernardino immigrant community we community unity said we deserve religious leaders inland congregations united change immigrant rights activists inland area planned friday press conference outside city hall condemn sessions announcement assemblyman close reyes bernardino
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: WATCH TRUMP SUPPORTERS CRASH Pro-Sanctuary City Press Conference Where Radicals Call for Open Borders [Video]Supporters of the rule of law crashed a pro-illegal rally on August 4, 2017 at San Bernardino City Hall. This was a reaction to San Bernardino getting a letter from Jeff Sessions threatening to withhold their federal funds. Using the left s tactics on them is pretty great:Did you listen to the rhetoric coming from the speakers who were pushing open borders? Shame on them for using religion to break the law! The SEIU has been called Obama s Purple Army so they bussed in protesters for the protest They are usually paid to attend protests. They are more like Obama s useful idiots because they lose if more illegals come to take their jobs.The Press Enterprise reported:Attorney General Jeff Sessions announcement that San Bernardino would not be eligible for crime-reduction funding spurred a demonstration outside San Bernardino City Hall on Friday, Aug. 4.On Thursday, Aug. 3, Sessions sent letters to four cities struggling with gun violence, including San Bernardino, telling them they would not be eligible for a program that provides money to combat drug trafficking and gang crime unless they confirm their cooperation with immigration officials.The letter asks if correctional and detention facilities will honor a written request from the Department of Homeland Security to hold a foreign national for up to 48 hours beyond the scheduled release date.In San Bernardino, that s up to the San Bernardino County Sheriff s Department, not the city. Regardless, the Sheriff s Department, in a statement, said it can t comply because it would be unconstitutional. San Bernardino is not going to be bullied, said Kesha McGee, a lead organizer with Inland Congregations United for Change, at the planned demonstration.McGee said the interfaith group wanted to show support for the San Bernardino immigrant community. We are a community of unity, she said. We all deserve to be here. Religious leaders from tInland Congregations United for Change and immigrant rights activists from the Inland area planned the Friday press conference outside City Hall to condemn Sessions announcement. Assemblywoman Eloise Reyes, D-San Bernardino, was at the event.politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: watch trump supporters crash city press conference where radicals call open borders video supporters rule law crashed rally august san bernardino city hall this reaction san bernardino getting letter jeff sessions threatening withhold federal funds using left tactics pretty great did listen rhetoric coming speakers pushing open borders shame using religion break law the sei called obama purple army busted protesters protest they usually paid attend protests they like obama useful idiots lose illegal come take press enterprise reported attorney general jeff sessions announcement san bernardino would eligible funding spurred demonstration outside san bernardino city hall friday thursday sessions sent letters four cities struggling gun violence including san bernardino telling would eligible program provides money combat drug trafficking gang crime unless confirm cooperation immigration letter asks correctional detention facilities honor written request department homeland security hold foreign national hours beyond scheduled release san bernardino san bernardino county sheriff department city regardless sheriff department statement said comply would unconstitutional san bernardino going bullied said sha cee lead organizer inland congregations united change planned said interfaith group wanted show support san bernardino immigrant community we community unity said we deserve religious leaders inland congregations united change immigrant rights activists inland area planned friday press conference outside city hall condemn sessions announcement assemblyman close reyes bernardino
In 2017, America’s liberal abortion agenda looks a lot like Nazi Eugenics21st Century Wire says Here s an unusual, but extremely thought-provoking political take on the events of last week in Charlottesville in the context of America, and western society as a whole.What you are about to read will be considered very controversial by many people. This is an uncomfortable topic which generally no one enjoys talking about. Many readers may not want to hear it. You may not want to hear it either. It s a caustic conversation for sure. You might think the author is being over-dramatic, or maybe you won t But it s a discussion which at least half of America wants to have.The publication, The Blaze, touts itself as Christian conservative and regularly exaggerate and politicizes its content, and frequently applies a moralistic or evangelical spin to it. For those reasons, it would be convenient for some to simply dismiss the article below because of its source. However, the fundamental comparison presented should be seriously considered and really should be discussed more in mainstream forums. In 2017, any challenging commentary regarding the topic of abortion is fiercely opposed by progressive gatekeepers, and women s rights activists who will often cite the 1973 US Supreme Court decision of Roe vs Wade as a cue to end any debate on the issue. This subject is also suppressed in most public and academic forums and it s strictly off-limits in the liberal mainstream corporate media. But society cannot continually sweep this under the rug America has to have this conversation, because it goes to the heart of the question. What kind of society do we live in ? . By Matt WalshIt was interesting timing. On Monday, CBS published an article touting Iceland s miracle cure for Down syndrome. Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion, the headline read. Of course, it leaves out an important word. Iceland is eliminating Down syndrome people not Down syndrome itself by killing anyone who has the condition. Many countries, including our own, have discovered an identical treatment plan.The next day, Oregon was the beneficiary of similarly sanitized headlines. The governor of Oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access, the media reported. But the reports are misleading. The law actually forces all residents in the state to pay for abortions for anyone who wants them, including illegal aliens. The bill has nothing at all to do with reproduction. Its goal is precisely to stop reproduction. Or at least to prevent the products of reproduction from ever seeing the light of day.I said the reports of these atrocities are interestingly timed because they come amidst a national panic over neo-Nazism. We are right to be disgusted and horrified by the few dozen white supremacist losers who carried Tiki torches through Charlottesville on Saturday. And we are right to demand justice for the woman who was killed by a skinhead terrorist during that same rally. But we are ridiculous for acting as if these racist nerds represent some threat to our national existence. Until there is even a shred of proof to the contrary, I am going to remain confident that the vast, vast, vast majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Even one neo-Nazi is too many. A whole parade of them is a travesty. But we ought not lose our grip on reality. A little perspective is all I m suggesting.Now, the reader may have noted the conspicuous qualifier in the previous paragraph. The majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Many, however, sympathize with some of the primary goals and most brutal tactics of the Nazi party. Though they may not think of it in those terms, they still celebrate the achievement of eliminating medical conditions by killing the babies who have it, and they applaud governments that expand reproductive health access by forcing helpless citizens to fund the mass extermination of human beings. They may not march through the streets waving swastikas around, but they look with indifference or approval at our own version of the Nazi death camp. Indeed, with all due respect to the skinheads who only play pretend Nazi, the spirit of the Nazi movement really lives on in the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood may not hang the Nazi flag on the doors of its clinics, but it has enough blood on its hands to impress even the most prolific concentration camp executioner.I made this point yesterday, and I was informed even by some conservative folk that it is utterly inappropriate and insensitive for me to make such comparisons, especially when a woman was just killed by a neo-Nazi. Well, I feel terribly for that woman s family and I hope for the swiftest and harshest judgment allowed under the law to be done upon her murderer. But I also feel terribly for the 17,000 or so human beings who were executed in abortion clinics since Saturday, and the 60 million who ve been exterminated since 1973. I don t think there is ever an inappropriate time to acknowledge them, particularly when so many of us have dedicated ourselves to never acknowledging them, and especially during a week when the very people who support the continued legalization and tax funding of abortion death camps are running around accusing everyone else of condoning Nazism.I m sorry, but I just cannot physically stomach a You should be more forceful in condemning Nazism lecture from someone who has spent the last 40 years demanding that we applaud while millions of people have their skulls crushed by abortionists. Even less can I tolerate someone who wants to protect the innocent by tearing down historical statues, but cries about human rights violations when someone vandalizes a building where actual human beings are butchered and sold for parts.I do not pretend that all of the political goals of the pro-abortion left line up completely with the political goals of Nazis in 1940 s Germany. There are some striking similarities particularly the politicization of public health, the focus on environmental conservation, and the total disregard for free speech but that is not the point. I say that abortion enthusiasts have the spirit of Nazism because that spirit is, more than anything, one of brutality, moral indifference, and absolute disregard for human life. It is a spirit that leads to mass exterminations and bloodshed on a scale that can hardly be fathomed. It is a spirit that compels a people to strive for collective perfection by killing the undesirables. Nazis exterminated the disabled, just as we do. And they killed Jews and Poles and Catholics and many other groups. Our focus is not racial cleansing but economic. We kill poor children, unwanted children, defective children; children who, we ve decided, will be more trouble than they re worth. They are a burden on society, we say, echoing Nazi propaganda almost verbatim.And we build facilities which we dedicate to carrying out this cleansing. The Nazi death camp was never abolished, you see. It was simply relocated and rebranded. Today we call it a reproductive health clinic, but what happens inside more closely resembles Auschwitz than it does your pediatrician s office.So, yes, speak out against those ridiculous bigots who ve latched onto Nazism in their desperate quest for purpose and attention. But if you want to oppose what they stand for, you need to look beyond them and towards that Planned Parenthood clinic you drive by every day on the way to work. And if those Nazi wannabes in Charlottesville intend to be the ones in our country who best emulate their Nazi role models, it must be said that they are lagging far behind, especially in terms of body counts. Right now the tally is about 60 million to one, last I checked.They have a lot of catching up to do.This article was originally published at The Blaze. To see more from Matt Walsh, visit his channel here.READ MORE ALT RIGHT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ALT RIGHT FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TVUS_News
in america liberal abortion agenda looks lot like nazi century wire says here unusual extremely political take events last week charlottesville context america western society read considered controversial many people this uncomfortable topic generally one enjoys talking many readers may want hear you may want hear either it caustic conversation sure you might think author maybe but discussion least half america wants publication the blaze touts christian conservative regularly exaggerated politicians content frequently applies motalisti evangelical spin for reasons would convenient simply dismiss article source however fundamental comparison presented seriously considered really discussed mainstream forums in challenging commentary regarding topic abortion fiercely opposed progressive gatekeepers women rights activists often cite us supreme court decision roe vs wade cue end debate issue this subject also suppressed public academic forums strictly liberal mainstream corporate media but society continually sweep rug america conversation goes heart question what kind society live by matt warship interesting timing on monday cbs published article touring iceland miracle cure down syndrome iceland pace virtually eliminate down syndrome abortion headline read of course leaves important word iceland eliminating down syndrome people down syndrome killing anyone condition many countries including discovered identical treatment next day oregon beneficiary similarly sanitized headlines the governor oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access media reported but reports misleading the law actually forces residents state pay abortions anyone wants including illegal aliens the bill nothing reproduction its goal precisely stop reproduction or least prevent products reproduction ever seeing light said reports atrocities interesting timed come amidst national panic we right disgusted horrified dozen white supremacist losers carried tiki torches charlottesville saturday and right demand justice woman killed skinned terrorist rally but ridiculous acting racist nerds represent threat national existence until even shred proof contrary i going remain confident vast vast vast majority citizens sympathize nazis outright even one many a whole parade travesty but ought lose grip reality a little perspective i reader may noted conspicuous qualifier previous paragraph the majority citizens sympathize nazis outright many however sympathize primary goals brutal tactics nazi party though may think terms still celebrate achievement eliminating medical conditions killing babies applaud governments expand reproductive health access forcing helpless citizens fund mass extermination human beings they may march streets waving swastika around look indifference approval version nazi death camp indeed due respect skinheads play pretend nazi spirit nazi movement really lives abortion industry planned parenthood may hang nazi flag doors clinics enough blood hands impress even prolific concentration camp made point yesterday i informed even conservative folk utterly inappropriate insensitive make comparisons especially woman killed well i feel terribly woman family i hope swiftest harvest judgment allowed law done upon murderer but i also feel terribly human beings executed abortion clinics since saturday million terminated since i think ever inappropriate time acknowledge particularly many us dedicated never acknowledging especially week people support continued legalization tax funding abortion death camps running around accusing everyone else condemning sorry i physically stomach you forceful condemning nazis lecture someone spent last years demanding applaud millions people skulls crushed abolitionists even less i tolerate someone wants protect innocent tearing historical statues cries human rights violations someone vandalized building actual human beings bothered sold pretend political goals left line completely political goals nazis germany there striking similarities particularly politicization public health focus environmental conservation total disregard free speech point i say abortion enthusiasts spirit nazis spirit anything one brutality moral indifference absolute disregard human life it spirit leads mass extermination bloodshed scale hardly fathered it spirit compel people strive collective perfection killing undesirable nazis terminated disabled and killed jews poles catholics many groups our focus racial cleansing economic we kill poor children unwanted children defective children children decided trouble worth they burden society say echoing nazi propaganda almost build facilities dedicate carrying cleansing the nazi death camp never abolished see it simply relocated rebranded today call reproductive health clinic happens inside closely resembles auschwitz pediatrician yes speak ridiculous rights watched onto nazis desperate quest purpose attention but want oppose stand need look beyond towards planned parenthood clinic drive every day way work and nazi wannabe charlottesville intend ones country best emulate nazi role models must said lagging far behind especially terms body counts right tally million one last i lot catching article originally published the blaze to see matt walsh visit channel more alt right news at century wire alt right filessupport subscribe become a member
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In 2017, America’s liberal abortion agenda looks a lot like Nazi Eugenics21st Century Wire says Here s an unusual, but extremely thought-provoking political take on the events of last week in Charlottesville in the context of America, and western society as a whole.What you are about to read will be considered very controversial by many people. This is an uncomfortable topic which generally no one enjoys talking about. Many readers may not want to hear it. You may not want to hear it either. It s a caustic conversation for sure. You might think the author is being over-dramatic, or maybe you won t But it s a discussion which at least half of America wants to have.The publication, The Blaze, touts itself as Christian conservative and regularly exaggerate and politicizes its content, and frequently applies a moralistic or evangelical spin to it. For those reasons, it would be convenient for some to simply dismiss the article below because of its source. However, the fundamental comparison presented should be seriously considered and really should be discussed more in mainstream forums. In 2017, any challenging commentary regarding the topic of abortion is fiercely opposed by progressive gatekeepers, and women s rights activists who will often cite the 1973 US Supreme Court decision of Roe vs Wade as a cue to end any debate on the issue. This subject is also suppressed in most public and academic forums and it s strictly off-limits in the liberal mainstream corporate media. But society cannot continually sweep this under the rug America has to have this conversation, because it goes to the heart of the question. What kind of society do we live in ? . By Matt WalshIt was interesting timing. On Monday, CBS published an article touting Iceland s miracle cure for Down syndrome. Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion, the headline read. Of course, it leaves out an important word. Iceland is eliminating Down syndrome people not Down syndrome itself by killing anyone who has the condition. Many countries, including our own, have discovered an identical treatment plan.The next day, Oregon was the beneficiary of similarly sanitized headlines. The governor of Oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access, the media reported. But the reports are misleading. The law actually forces all residents in the state to pay for abortions for anyone who wants them, including illegal aliens. The bill has nothing at all to do with reproduction. Its goal is precisely to stop reproduction. Or at least to prevent the products of reproduction from ever seeing the light of day.I said the reports of these atrocities are interestingly timed because they come amidst a national panic over neo-Nazism. We are right to be disgusted and horrified by the few dozen white supremacist losers who carried Tiki torches through Charlottesville on Saturday. And we are right to demand justice for the woman who was killed by a skinhead terrorist during that same rally. But we are ridiculous for acting as if these racist nerds represent some threat to our national existence. Until there is even a shred of proof to the contrary, I am going to remain confident that the vast, vast, vast majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Even one neo-Nazi is too many. A whole parade of them is a travesty. But we ought not lose our grip on reality. A little perspective is all I m suggesting.Now, the reader may have noted the conspicuous qualifier in the previous paragraph. The majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Many, however, sympathize with some of the primary goals and most brutal tactics of the Nazi party. Though they may not think of it in those terms, they still celebrate the achievement of eliminating medical conditions by killing the babies who have it, and they applaud governments that expand reproductive health access by forcing helpless citizens to fund the mass extermination of human beings. They may not march through the streets waving swastikas around, but they look with indifference or approval at our own version of the Nazi death camp. Indeed, with all due respect to the skinheads who only play pretend Nazi, the spirit of the Nazi movement really lives on in the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood may not hang the Nazi flag on the doors of its clinics, but it has enough blood on its hands to impress even the most prolific concentration camp executioner.I made this point yesterday, and I was informed even by some conservative folk that it is utterly inappropriate and insensitive for me to make such comparisons, especially when a woman was just killed by a neo-Nazi. Well, I feel terribly for that woman s family and I hope for the swiftest and harshest judgment allowed under the law to be done upon her murderer. But I also feel terribly for the 17,000 or so human beings who were executed in abortion clinics since Saturday, and the 60 million who ve been exterminated since 1973. I don t think there is ever an inappropriate time to acknowledge them, particularly when so many of us have dedicated ourselves to never acknowledging them, and especially during a week when the very people who support the continued legalization and tax funding of abortion death camps are running around accusing everyone else of condoning Nazism.I m sorry, but I just cannot physically stomach a You should be more forceful in condemning Nazism lecture from someone who has spent the last 40 years demanding that we applaud while millions of people have their skulls crushed by abortionists. Even less can I tolerate someone who wants to protect the innocent by tearing down historical statues, but cries about human rights violations when someone vandalizes a building where actual human beings are butchered and sold for parts.I do not pretend that all of the political goals of the pro-abortion left line up completely with the political goals of Nazis in 1940 s Germany. There are some striking similarities particularly the politicization of public health, the focus on environmental conservation, and the total disregard for free speech but that is not the point. I say that abortion enthusiasts have the spirit of Nazism because that spirit is, more than anything, one of brutality, moral indifference, and absolute disregard for human life. It is a spirit that leads to mass exterminations and bloodshed on a scale that can hardly be fathomed. It is a spirit that compels a people to strive for collective perfection by killing the undesirables. Nazis exterminated the disabled, just as we do. And they killed Jews and Poles and Catholics and many other groups. Our focus is not racial cleansing but economic. We kill poor children, unwanted children, defective children; children who, we ve decided, will be more trouble than they re worth. They are a burden on society, we say, echoing Nazi propaganda almost verbatim.And we build facilities which we dedicate to carrying out this cleansing. The Nazi death camp was never abolished, you see. It was simply relocated and rebranded. Today we call it a reproductive health clinic, but what happens inside more closely resembles Auschwitz than it does your pediatrician s office.So, yes, speak out against those ridiculous bigots who ve latched onto Nazism in their desperate quest for purpose and attention. But if you want to oppose what they stand for, you need to look beyond them and towards that Planned Parenthood clinic you drive by every day on the way to work. And if those Nazi wannabes in Charlottesville intend to be the ones in our country who best emulate their Nazi role models, it must be said that they are lagging far behind, especially in terms of body counts. Right now the tally is about 60 million to one, last I checked.They have a lot of catching up to do.This article was originally published at The Blaze. To see more from Matt Walsh, visit his channel here.READ MORE ALT RIGHT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ALT RIGHT FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TVUS_News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: in america liberal abortion agenda looks lot like nazi century wire says here unusual extremely political take events last week charlottesville context america western society read considered controversial many people this uncomfortable topic generally one enjoys talking many readers may want hear you may want hear either it caustic conversation sure you might think author maybe but discussion least half america wants publication the blaze touts christian conservative regularly exaggerated politicians content frequently applies motalisti evangelical spin for reasons would convenient simply dismiss article source however fundamental comparison presented seriously considered really discussed mainstream forums in challenging commentary regarding topic abortion fiercely opposed progressive gatekeepers women rights activists often cite us supreme court decision roe vs wade cue end debate issue this subject also suppressed public academic forums strictly liberal mainstream corporate media but society continually sweep rug america conversation goes heart question what kind society live by matt warship interesting timing on monday cbs published article touring iceland miracle cure down syndrome iceland pace virtually eliminate down syndrome abortion headline read of course leaves important word iceland eliminating down syndrome people down syndrome killing anyone condition many countries including discovered identical treatment next day oregon beneficiary similarly sanitized headlines the governor oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access media reported but reports misleading the law actually forces residents state pay abortions anyone wants including illegal aliens the bill nothing reproduction its goal precisely stop reproduction or least prevent products reproduction ever seeing light said reports atrocities interesting timed come amidst national panic we right disgusted horrified dozen white supremacist losers carried tiki torches charlottesville saturday and right demand justice woman killed skinned terrorist rally but ridiculous acting racist nerds represent threat national existence until even shred proof contrary i going remain confident vast vast vast majority citizens sympathize nazis outright even one many a whole parade travesty but ought lose grip reality a little perspective i reader may noted conspicuous qualifier previous paragraph the majority citizens sympathize nazis outright many however sympathize primary goals brutal tactics nazi party though may think terms still celebrate achievement eliminating medical conditions killing babies applaud governments expand reproductive health access forcing helpless citizens fund mass extermination human beings they may march streets waving swastika around look indifference approval version nazi death camp indeed due respect skinheads play pretend nazi spirit nazi movement really lives abortion industry planned parenthood may hang nazi flag doors clinics enough blood hands impress even prolific concentration camp made point yesterday i informed even conservative folk utterly inappropriate insensitive make comparisons especially woman killed well i feel terribly woman family i hope swiftest harvest judgment allowed law done upon murderer but i also feel terribly human beings executed abortion clinics since saturday million terminated since i think ever inappropriate time acknowledge particularly many us dedicated never acknowledging especially week people support continued legalization tax funding abortion death camps running around accusing everyone else condemning sorry i physically stomach you forceful condemning nazis lecture someone spent last years demanding applaud millions people skulls crushed abolitionists even less i tolerate someone wants protect innocent tearing historical statues cries human rights violations someone vandalized building actual human beings bothered sold pretend political goals left line completely political goals nazis germany there striking similarities particularly politicization public health focus environmental conservation total disregard free speech point i say abortion enthusiasts spirit nazis spirit anything one brutality moral indifference absolute disregard human life it spirit leads mass extermination bloodshed scale hardly fathered it spirit compel people strive collective perfection killing undesirable nazis terminated disabled and killed jews poles catholics many groups our focus racial cleansing economic we kill poor children unwanted children defective children children decided trouble worth they burden society say echoing nazi propaganda almost build facilities dedicate carrying cleansing the nazi death camp never abolished see it simply relocated rebranded today call reproductive health clinic happens inside closely resembles auschwitz pediatrician yes speak ridiculous rights watched onto nazis desperate quest purpose attention but want oppose stand need look beyond towards planned parenthood clinic drive every day way work and nazi wannabe charlottesville intend ones country best emulate nazi role models must said lagging far behind especially terms body counts right tally million one last i lot catching article originally published the blaze to see matt walsh visit channel more alt right news at century wire alt right filessupport subscribe become a member
This Christian Mom Thought It Was A Good Idea To Put Her Hateful Rap Song On The Internet (VIDEO)Her name is M.H. Weibe and she s here to rap about how evil trangender people are, and all that crap. This cartoon Christian s mind was spinnin about her need to protect girls and women from predatory men in dresses in the bathroom. Then Jesus gave her an idea, not a good one it s true, but thanks to the Holy Spirit she knew what she had to do. She stood on a stage and dropped her rhymes, and now she will be mocked till the end of time.Yes, this Christian mother decided to get her point across that transgender individuals do not deserve to be treated equally with a shoddy, pathetic, embarrassing-for-her-three-kids rap song she seems to have hastily thrown together after a combination of methamphetamine use and heavy daydrinking. The song, entitled Gender Bender, is a response to Alberta, Canada adopting legislation that would require schools to allow transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to the gender with which they identify.To most, this makes sense: girls use the girls bathroom and boys use the boys bathroom, no matter what they look like on the outside. But Weibe is of the mindset that Mother Nature doesn t f*ck up and put someone in the wrong body sometimes. To combat something she views as unnatural, she has decided to speak out and good god, it is horrendous.Weibe argues that tax dollars hsould not be spent making sure that children of all walks of life are free from discrimination. After all, she points out, it is only a few who would be protected by new guidelines and who wants to worry about the rights of a few people (6 to 13 children by her count) when a minority in her religious circle have a problem with it? This is just a fender bender, all over sex and gender, she sings in the chorus. Can we pick another issue, than to change our bathrooms for a few? Of course, no changes would be made to the bathrooms just to who can enter them without fear. But, of course, she doesn t care about the facts. The yucky transgenders are invading her bathrooms, after all.Weibe argues that the animal kingdom does it right because they keep their gender in the wild, though she offers nothing to explain how this is relevant. She also seems unaware that numerous species in the animal kingdom do, indeed, change their sexes for reasons that would be considered deeply personal in the human world. Mothers and fathers, the back bone of society, why would we change legislation over notoriety, she raps poorly. If we change the legislation, in a generation will result in anger, pain, frustration. Please citizens, she says, let s sieze the day and pray for children, who are apparently harmed by treating those few with dignity.While she disabled comments on her own upload for obvious reasons, someone else was nice enough to preserve this for posterity and mockery and people in the comment rection tore her to shreds:It s pretty clear that people are not fans, and that we will not be seeing her in a Jay-Z video anytime soon.Featured image via screengrabNews
this christian mom thought it was a good idea to put her hateful rap song on the internet video her name weibo rap evil transgender people crap this cartoon christian mind spinning need protect girls women predatory men dresses bathroom then jesus gave idea good one true thanks holy spirit knew she stood stage dropped rhymes mocked till end christian mother decided get point across transgender individuals deserve treated equally shady pathetic rap song seems hastily thrown together combination methamphetamine use heavy daydrinking the song entitled gender bender response alberta canada adopting legislation would require schools allow transgender people use bathroom corresponding gender makes sense girls use girls bathroom boys use boys bathroom matter look like outside but weibo mindset mother nature f ck put someone wrong body sometimes to combat something views unnatural decided speak good god argues tax dollars should spent making sure children walks life free discrimination after points would protected new guidelines wants worry rights people children count minority religious circle problem this fender bender sex gender sings chorus can pick another issue change bathrooms of course changes would made bathrooms enter without fear but course care facts the lucky transgender invading bathrooms argues animal kingdom right keep gender wild though offers nothing explain relevant she also seems unaware numerous species animal kingdom indeed change sexes reasons would considered deeply personal human world mothers fathers back bone society would change legislation notoriety raps poorly if change legislation generation result anger pain frustration please citizens says let size day pray children apparently harmed treating disabled comments upload obvious reasons someone else nice enough preserve posterity mockery people comment section tore sheds it pretty clear people fans seeing video anytime image via screengrabnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This Christian Mom Thought It Was A Good Idea To Put Her Hateful Rap Song On The Internet (VIDEO)Her name is M.H. Weibe and she s here to rap about how evil trangender people are, and all that crap. This cartoon Christian s mind was spinnin about her need to protect girls and women from predatory men in dresses in the bathroom. Then Jesus gave her an idea, not a good one it s true, but thanks to the Holy Spirit she knew what she had to do. She stood on a stage and dropped her rhymes, and now she will be mocked till the end of time.Yes, this Christian mother decided to get her point across that transgender individuals do not deserve to be treated equally with a shoddy, pathetic, embarrassing-for-her-three-kids rap song she seems to have hastily thrown together after a combination of methamphetamine use and heavy daydrinking. The song, entitled Gender Bender, is a response to Alberta, Canada adopting legislation that would require schools to allow transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to the gender with which they identify.To most, this makes sense: girls use the girls bathroom and boys use the boys bathroom, no matter what they look like on the outside. But Weibe is of the mindset that Mother Nature doesn t f*ck up and put someone in the wrong body sometimes. To combat something she views as unnatural, she has decided to speak out and good god, it is horrendous.Weibe argues that tax dollars hsould not be spent making sure that children of all walks of life are free from discrimination. After all, she points out, it is only a few who would be protected by new guidelines and who wants to worry about the rights of a few people (6 to 13 children by her count) when a minority in her religious circle have a problem with it? This is just a fender bender, all over sex and gender, she sings in the chorus. Can we pick another issue, than to change our bathrooms for a few? Of course, no changes would be made to the bathrooms just to who can enter them without fear. But, of course, she doesn t care about the facts. The yucky transgenders are invading her bathrooms, after all.Weibe argues that the animal kingdom does it right because they keep their gender in the wild, though she offers nothing to explain how this is relevant. She also seems unaware that numerous species in the animal kingdom do, indeed, change their sexes for reasons that would be considered deeply personal in the human world. Mothers and fathers, the back bone of society, why would we change legislation over notoriety, she raps poorly. If we change the legislation, in a generation will result in anger, pain, frustration. Please citizens, she says, let s sieze the day and pray for children, who are apparently harmed by treating those few with dignity.While she disabled comments on her own upload for obvious reasons, someone else was nice enough to preserve this for posterity and mockery and people in the comment rection tore her to shreds:It s pretty clear that people are not fans, and that we will not be seeing her in a Jay-Z video anytime soon.Featured image via screengrabNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: this christian mom thought it was a good idea to put her hateful rap song on the internet video her name weibo rap evil transgender people crap this cartoon christian mind spinning need protect girls women predatory men dresses bathroom then jesus gave idea good one true thanks holy spirit knew she stood stage dropped rhymes mocked till end christian mother decided get point across transgender individuals deserve treated equally shady pathetic rap song seems hastily thrown together combination methamphetamine use heavy daydrinking the song entitled gender bender response alberta canada adopting legislation would require schools allow transgender people use bathroom corresponding gender makes sense girls use girls bathroom boys use boys bathroom matter look like outside but weibo mindset mother nature f ck put someone wrong body sometimes to combat something views unnatural decided speak good god argues tax dollars should spent making sure children walks life free discrimination after points would protected new guidelines wants worry rights people children count minority religious circle problem this fender bender sex gender sings chorus can pick another issue change bathrooms of course changes would made bathrooms enter without fear but course care facts the lucky transgender invading bathrooms argues animal kingdom right keep gender wild though offers nothing explain relevant she also seems unaware numerous species animal kingdom indeed change sexes reasons would considered deeply personal human world mothers fathers back bone society would change legislation notoriety raps poorly if change legislation generation result anger pain frustration please citizens says let size day pray children apparently harmed treating disabled comments upload obvious reasons someone else nice enough preserve posterity mockery people comment section tore sheds it pretty clear people fans seeing video anytime image via screengrabnews
TWISTED LIBERAL KINDERGARTEN Teacher Allows Transgender Student To “REVEAL” Her “TRUE GENDER” To ClassSilly parents you don t get to decide if, or when to talk to your kids about the .03% of the population who consider themselves to be transgender. And oh yeah your kids teacher will also inform your child that the gender they re born with doesn t matter, and that they can actually choose the gender they identify with. Because liberal educators know better than you what s best for your child.The Rocklin Academy school board is facing tough questions from parents concerned over a controversial incident involving transgender discussions inside a kindergarten class. These parents feel betrayed by the school district that they were not notified, said Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute.WATCH:The incident happened earlier this summer during the last few days of the academic school year.At Monday night s board meeting, the teacher at the center of the controversy spoke out. With emotions high, she addressed a packed house. I m so proud of my students, it was never my intent to harm any students but to help them through a difficult situation, she said.The teacher defended her actions to read two children s books about transgenderism including one titled I am Jazz. She says the books were given to her by a transgender child going through a transition. The kindergartners came home very confused, about whether or not you can pick your gender, whether or not they really were a boy or a girl, said England.And many parents say they feel betrayed and blindsided. I want her to hear from me as a parent what her gender identity means to her and our family, not from a book that may be controversial, a parent said. My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy, another parent said.The issue was not on the agenda, so parents spoke out during public comment. It s really about the parents being informed and involved and giving us the choice and rights of what s being introduced to our kids, and at what age, said parent Chelsea McQuistan.Many teachers also spoke out in support of what transpired inside the classroom. They spoke about the importance of teaching students about diversity and having healthy dialogues.Unlike sex education, the topics of gender identity don t require prior parental notice. Sacramento CBS politics
twisted liberal kindergarten teacher allows transgender student to reveal her true gender to classsilly parents get decide talk kids population consider transgender and oh yeah kids teacher also inform child gender born matter actually choose gender identify because liberal educators know better best rocking academy school board facing tough questions parents concerned controversial incident involving transgender discussions inside kindergarten class these parents feel betrayed school district notified said karen england capitol resource the incident happened earlier summer last days academic school monday night board meeting teacher center controversy spoke with emotions high addressed packed house i proud students never intent harm students help difficult situation teacher defended actions read two children books transgenderism including one titled i jazz she says books given transgender child going transition the kindergartners came home confused whether pick gender whether really boy girl said many parents say feel betrayed blindsided i want hear parent gender identity means family book may controversial parent said my daughter came home crying shaking afraid could turn boy another parent issue agenda parents spoke public comment it really parents informed involved giving us choice rights introduced kids age said parent chelsea teachers also spoke support transpired inside classroom they spoke importance teaching students diversity healthy sex education topics gender identity require prior parental notice sacramento cbs politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: TWISTED LIBERAL KINDERGARTEN Teacher Allows Transgender Student To “REVEAL” Her “TRUE GENDER” To ClassSilly parents you don t get to decide if, or when to talk to your kids about the .03% of the population who consider themselves to be transgender. And oh yeah your kids teacher will also inform your child that the gender they re born with doesn t matter, and that they can actually choose the gender they identify with. Because liberal educators know better than you what s best for your child.The Rocklin Academy school board is facing tough questions from parents concerned over a controversial incident involving transgender discussions inside a kindergarten class. These parents feel betrayed by the school district that they were not notified, said Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute.WATCH:The incident happened earlier this summer during the last few days of the academic school year.At Monday night s board meeting, the teacher at the center of the controversy spoke out. With emotions high, she addressed a packed house. I m so proud of my students, it was never my intent to harm any students but to help them through a difficult situation, she said.The teacher defended her actions to read two children s books about transgenderism including one titled I am Jazz. She says the books were given to her by a transgender child going through a transition. The kindergartners came home very confused, about whether or not you can pick your gender, whether or not they really were a boy or a girl, said England.And many parents say they feel betrayed and blindsided. I want her to hear from me as a parent what her gender identity means to her and our family, not from a book that may be controversial, a parent said. My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy, another parent said.The issue was not on the agenda, so parents spoke out during public comment. It s really about the parents being informed and involved and giving us the choice and rights of what s being introduced to our kids, and at what age, said parent Chelsea McQuistan.Many teachers also spoke out in support of what transpired inside the classroom. They spoke about the importance of teaching students about diversity and having healthy dialogues.Unlike sex education, the topics of gender identity don t require prior parental notice. Sacramento CBS politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: twisted liberal kindergarten teacher allows transgender student to reveal her true gender to classsilly parents get decide talk kids population consider transgender and oh yeah kids teacher also inform child gender born matter actually choose gender identify because liberal educators know better best rocking academy school board facing tough questions parents concerned controversial incident involving transgender discussions inside kindergarten class these parents feel betrayed school district notified said karen england capitol resource the incident happened earlier summer last days academic school monday night board meeting teacher center controversy spoke with emotions high addressed packed house i proud students never intent harm students help difficult situation teacher defended actions read two children books transgenderism including one titled i jazz she says books given transgender child going transition the kindergartners came home confused whether pick gender whether really boy girl said many parents say feel betrayed blindsided i want hear parent gender identity means family book may controversial parent said my daughter came home crying shaking afraid could turn boy another parent issue agenda parents spoke public comment it really parents informed involved giving us choice rights introduced kids age said parent chelsea teachers also spoke support transpired inside classroom they spoke importance teaching students diversity healthy sex education topics gender identity require prior parental notice sacramento cbs politics
Argentina congress passes law to fight corporate corruptionBUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s congress on Wednesday passed a law aimed at punishing companies for corruption by fining or blacklisting them from public contracts, a measure that comes as the judiciary reviews high-profile graft cases. The measure also includes a provision for companies to sign leniency agreements lessening their punishments in exchange for providing pertinent information to prosecutors. Fines can be up to five times the amount companies are determined to have obtained by illicit means and firms can be banned from bidding for public contracts for up to 10 years. President Mauricio Macri has said the law was needed for Argentina to move forward with a corruption investigation involving Brazilian construction firm Odebrecht SA [ODBES.UL] that has roiled Latin America in recent years. The measure had already passed the Senate and on Wednesday passed the lower house with 144 votes in favor, six against and 31 abstentions. We are changing! This law promotes corporate ethics and harshly punishes companies that participate in corruption, Laura Alonso, head of the government s anti-corruption office, said on Twitter. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development had urged Argentina to pass the law in order to comply with its Anti-Bribery Convention. Last week Amado Boudou, who had been former President Cristina Fernandez s economy minister and vice president, was arrested on corruption charges. Fernandez s former planning minister, Julio De Vido, was arrested on Oct. 25, just three days after Macri s Cambiemos, or Let s Change, coalition swept Argentina s Oct. 22 midterm elections. Boudou and De Vido deny wrongdoing and Fernandez s party has accused Macri of using the judicial system to persecute political opponents. worldnews
argentina congress passes law fight corporate corruptionbuenos aires reuters argentina congress wednesday passed law aimed punishing companies corruption finding blacklisting public contracts measure comes judiciary reviews graft cases the measure also includes provision companies sign leniency agreements listening punishments exchange providing pertinent information prosecutors fines five times amount companies determined obtained illicit means firms banned bidding public contracts years president maurice macro said law needed argentina move forward corruption investigation involving brazilian construction firm odebrecht sa rolled latin america recent years the measure already passed senate wednesday passed lower house votes favor six abstentions we changing this law promotes corporate ethics harshly punished companies participate corruption laura also head government office said twitter the organization economic cooperation development urged argentina pass law order comply convention last week made boudou former president cristina fernandez economy minister vice president arrested corruption charges fernandez former planning minister julio de video arrested three days macro cambiemos let change coalition swept argentina midterm elections boudou de video deny wrongdoing fernandez party accused macro using judicial system persecuted political opponents worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Argentina congress passes law to fight corporate corruptionBUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s congress on Wednesday passed a law aimed at punishing companies for corruption by fining or blacklisting them from public contracts, a measure that comes as the judiciary reviews high-profile graft cases. The measure also includes a provision for companies to sign leniency agreements lessening their punishments in exchange for providing pertinent information to prosecutors. Fines can be up to five times the amount companies are determined to have obtained by illicit means and firms can be banned from bidding for public contracts for up to 10 years. President Mauricio Macri has said the law was needed for Argentina to move forward with a corruption investigation involving Brazilian construction firm Odebrecht SA [ODBES.UL] that has roiled Latin America in recent years. The measure had already passed the Senate and on Wednesday passed the lower house with 144 votes in favor, six against and 31 abstentions. We are changing! This law promotes corporate ethics and harshly punishes companies that participate in corruption, Laura Alonso, head of the government s anti-corruption office, said on Twitter. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development had urged Argentina to pass the law in order to comply with its Anti-Bribery Convention. Last week Amado Boudou, who had been former President Cristina Fernandez s economy minister and vice president, was arrested on corruption charges. Fernandez s former planning minister, Julio De Vido, was arrested on Oct. 25, just three days after Macri s Cambiemos, or Let s Change, coalition swept Argentina s Oct. 22 midterm elections. Boudou and De Vido deny wrongdoing and Fernandez s party has accused Macri of using the judicial system to persecute political opponents. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: argentina congress passes law fight corporate corruptionbuenos aires reuters argentina congress wednesday passed law aimed punishing companies corruption finding blacklisting public contracts measure comes judiciary reviews graft cases the measure also includes provision companies sign leniency agreements listening punishments exchange providing pertinent information prosecutors fines five times amount companies determined obtained illicit means firms banned bidding public contracts years president maurice macro said law needed argentina move forward corruption investigation involving brazilian construction firm odebrecht sa rolled latin america recent years the measure already passed senate wednesday passed lower house votes favor six abstentions we changing this law promotes corporate ethics harshly punished companies participate corruption laura also head government office said twitter the organization economic cooperation development urged argentina pass law order comply convention last week made boudou former president cristina fernandez economy minister vice president arrested corruption charges fernandez former planning minister julio de video arrested three days macro cambiemos let change coalition swept argentina midterm elections boudou de video deny wrongdoing fernandez party accused macro using judicial system persecuted political opponents worldnews
Trump opposes plan for U.S. to cede internet oversightWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump opposes a long-planned transition of oversight of the internet’s technical management from the U.S. government to a global community of stakeholders, his campaign said in a statement on Wednesday. Congress should block the handover, scheduled to occur on Oct. 1, “or internet freedom will be lost for good, since there will be no way to make it great again once it is lost,” Stephen Miller, national policy director for the Trump campaign, said in a statement. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a former presidential primary foe of Trump’s who has refused to endorse the real estate developer, has led a movement in Congress to block the transition, arguing it could cede control of the internet itself to authoritarian regimes like Russia and China and threaten online freedom. Technical experts have said those claims are baseless, and that a delay will backfire by undermining U.S. credibility in future international negotiations over internet standards and security. Publicly proposed in March 2014, the transfer of oversight of the nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, is expected to go forward unless Congress votes to block the move. A vote to delay the transition may come as an amendment to a temporary spending bill that Congress must pass by Sept. 30 to prevent much of the federal government from shutting down. Congressional negotiators on Wednesday were working to finalize an agreement on the spending package. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton supports the Obama administration’s planned transition to a global community of technologists, civil society groups and internet users, according to policy positions available on her campaign website. politicsNews
trump opposes plan cede internet oversightwashington reuters republican presidential nominee donald trump opposes transition oversight internet technical management government global community stakeholders campaign said statement wednesday congress block handover scheduled occur internet freedom lost good since way make great lost stephen miller national policy director trump campaign said statement senator ted cruz texas former presidential primary foe trump refused endorse real estate developer led movement congress block transition arguing could cede control internet authoritarian regimes like russia china threaten online freedom technical experts said claims baseless delay backfires undermining credibility future international negotiations internet standards security publicly proposed march transfer oversight nonprofit internet corporation assigned names numbers can expected go forward unless congress votes block move a vote delay transition may come amendment temporary spending bill congress must pass prevent much federal government shutting congressional negotiators wednesday working finalize agreement spending package democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton supports obama administration planned transition global community technologist civil society groups internet users according policy positions available campaign website politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump opposes plan for U.S. to cede internet oversightWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump opposes a long-planned transition of oversight of the internet’s technical management from the U.S. government to a global community of stakeholders, his campaign said in a statement on Wednesday. Congress should block the handover, scheduled to occur on Oct. 1, “or internet freedom will be lost for good, since there will be no way to make it great again once it is lost,” Stephen Miller, national policy director for the Trump campaign, said in a statement. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a former presidential primary foe of Trump’s who has refused to endorse the real estate developer, has led a movement in Congress to block the transition, arguing it could cede control of the internet itself to authoritarian regimes like Russia and China and threaten online freedom. Technical experts have said those claims are baseless, and that a delay will backfire by undermining U.S. credibility in future international negotiations over internet standards and security. Publicly proposed in March 2014, the transfer of oversight of the nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, is expected to go forward unless Congress votes to block the move. A vote to delay the transition may come as an amendment to a temporary spending bill that Congress must pass by Sept. 30 to prevent much of the federal government from shutting down. Congressional negotiators on Wednesday were working to finalize an agreement on the spending package. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton supports the Obama administration’s planned transition to a global community of technologists, civil society groups and internet users, according to policy positions available on her campaign website. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump opposes plan cede internet oversightwashington reuters republican presidential nominee donald trump opposes transition oversight internet technical management government global community stakeholders campaign said statement wednesday congress block handover scheduled occur internet freedom lost good since way make great lost stephen miller national policy director trump campaign said statement senator ted cruz texas former presidential primary foe trump refused endorse real estate developer led movement congress block transition arguing could cede control internet authoritarian regimes like russia china threaten online freedom technical experts said claims baseless delay backfires undermining credibility future international negotiations internet standards security publicly proposed march transfer oversight nonprofit internet corporation assigned names numbers can expected go forward unless congress votes block move a vote delay transition may come amendment temporary spending bill congress must pass prevent much federal government shutting congressional negotiators wednesday working finalize agreement spending package democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton supports obama administration planned transition global community technologist civil society groups internet users according policy positions available campaign website politicsnews
CHARLIE DANIELS SENDS A MESSAGE To Bruce Springsteen And Other Spineless Rockers Who’re Canceling ShowsCharlie daniels is such a great man and a great Patriot! He s not going to let down his fans so he s promising not to cancel any concerts because of the bathroom laws.Boycotting states like North Carolina and Mississippi is all the rage for many celebrities these days but for one singer it s just the opposite.While Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Bryan Adams and even filmmaker Michael Moore have declined to do business in North Carolina and Mississippi, because the states passed laws preventing men from using women s bathrooms, Charlie Daniels has stepped up.Read more: BPRleft-news
charlie daniels sends a message to bruce springsteen and other spineless rockers who cancelling showscharlie daniels great man great patriot he going let fans promising cancel concerts bathroom states like north carolina mississippi rage many celebrities days one singer bruce springsteen ring starr bryan adams even filmmaker michael moore declined business north carolina mississippi states passed laws preventing men using women bathrooms charlie daniels stepped
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: CHARLIE DANIELS SENDS A MESSAGE To Bruce Springsteen And Other Spineless Rockers Who’re Canceling ShowsCharlie daniels is such a great man and a great Patriot! He s not going to let down his fans so he s promising not to cancel any concerts because of the bathroom laws.Boycotting states like North Carolina and Mississippi is all the rage for many celebrities these days but for one singer it s just the opposite.While Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Bryan Adams and even filmmaker Michael Moore have declined to do business in North Carolina and Mississippi, because the states passed laws preventing men from using women s bathrooms, Charlie Daniels has stepped up.Read more: BPRleft-news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: charlie daniels sends a message to bruce springsteen and other spineless rockers who cancelling showscharlie daniels great man great patriot he going let fans promising cancel concerts bathroom states like north carolina mississippi rage many celebrities days one singer bruce springsteen ring starr bryan adams even filmmaker michael moore declined business north carolina mississippi states passed laws preventing men using women bathrooms charlie daniels stepped
Hackers targeted Trump campaign, Republican Party groups: sources(Reuters) - Hackers targeted the computer systems of presidential candidate Donald Trump and Republican Party organizations as well as Democratic Party networks, sources familiar with investigations into the attacks said. At least one Trump staff member’s email account was infected with malware in 2015 and sent malicious emails to colleagues, according to one insider for the Republican candidate’s campaign and an outside security expert. It was unclear whether or not the hackers actually gained access to campaign computers. In the past month, U.S. security officials have said that starting last year, hackers infiltrated computers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and her party’s congressional fundraising committee. U.S. officials said they have concluded that Russia or its proxies were responsible, leading to calls by some Democrats and cyber security officials for the Obama administration to blame Russia publicly. Kremlin officials have dismissed the allegations as absurd, but there is anxiety in Washington over the possibility that a foreign power might be using hacked information to meddle in the Nov. 8 U.S. election. The Trump campaign has hired security firm CrowdStrike, which also is assisting the Democratic National Committee, according to one person briefed on the matter. The company declined to comment.A different outside security firm was hired to examine software the Trump and Clinton campaigns use to manage mailings, electronic outreach and other campaign efforts, another person who was briefed on the issue said.A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign declined to comment. A spokesman for the Republican National Committee could not immediately be reached for comment. The tools and techniques used to hack Republican targets resemble those employed in attacks on Democratic Party organizations, including the DNC and Clinton’s campaign organization, two sources said. That has led U.S. officials to reach a preliminary assessment that Russia’s military and civilian intelligence agencies or their proxies have targeted both political parties. Attempts to hack into Republican political organizations over an extended period were reported in intelligence bulletins circulated by U.S. agencies, four sources said. They did not disclose the identities of the organizations. Two U.S. security officials said the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have offered assistance to both political parties in identifying possible intrusions and upgrading their defenses against what one of the officials called “constantly evolving threats.” politicsNews
hackers targeted trump campaign republican party groups sources reuters hackers targeted computer systems presidential candidate donald trump republican party organizations well democratic party networks sources familiar investigations attacks said at least one trump staff member email account infected malware sent malicious emails colleagues according one insider republican candidate campaign outside security expert it unclear whether hackers actually gained access campaign computers in past month security officials said starting last year hackers infiltrated computers democratic national committee dnc presidential campaign hillary clinton party congressional fundraising committee officials said concluded russia proxies responsible leading calls democrats cyber security officials obama administration blame russia publicly kremlin officials dismissed allegations absurd anxiety washington possibility foreign power might using hacked information middle election the trump campaign hired security firm crowdstrike also assisting democratic national committee according one person briefed matter the company declined different outside security firm hired examine software trump clinton campaigns use manage mailing electronic outreach campaign efforts another person briefed issue spokeswoman trump campaign declined comment a spokesman republican national committee could immediately reached comment the tools techniques used hack republican targets resemble employed attacks democratic party organizations including dnc clinton campaign organization two sources said that led officials reach preliminary assessment russia military civilian intelligence agencies proxies targeted political parties attempts hack republican political organizations extended period reported intelligence bulletins circulated agencies four sources said they disclose identities organizations two security officials said fbi department homeland security offered assistance political parties identifying possible intrusions upgrading defenses one officials called constantly evolving politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hackers targeted Trump campaign, Republican Party groups: sources(Reuters) - Hackers targeted the computer systems of presidential candidate Donald Trump and Republican Party organizations as well as Democratic Party networks, sources familiar with investigations into the attacks said. At least one Trump staff member’s email account was infected with malware in 2015 and sent malicious emails to colleagues, according to one insider for the Republican candidate’s campaign and an outside security expert. It was unclear whether or not the hackers actually gained access to campaign computers. In the past month, U.S. security officials have said that starting last year, hackers infiltrated computers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and her party’s congressional fundraising committee. U.S. officials said they have concluded that Russia or its proxies were responsible, leading to calls by some Democrats and cyber security officials for the Obama administration to blame Russia publicly. Kremlin officials have dismissed the allegations as absurd, but there is anxiety in Washington over the possibility that a foreign power might be using hacked information to meddle in the Nov. 8 U.S. election. The Trump campaign has hired security firm CrowdStrike, which also is assisting the Democratic National Committee, according to one person briefed on the matter. The company declined to comment.A different outside security firm was hired to examine software the Trump and Clinton campaigns use to manage mailings, electronic outreach and other campaign efforts, another person who was briefed on the issue said.A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign declined to comment. A spokesman for the Republican National Committee could not immediately be reached for comment. The tools and techniques used to hack Republican targets resemble those employed in attacks on Democratic Party organizations, including the DNC and Clinton’s campaign organization, two sources said. That has led U.S. officials to reach a preliminary assessment that Russia’s military and civilian intelligence agencies or their proxies have targeted both political parties. Attempts to hack into Republican political organizations over an extended period were reported in intelligence bulletins circulated by U.S. agencies, four sources said. They did not disclose the identities of the organizations. Two U.S. security officials said the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have offered assistance to both political parties in identifying possible intrusions and upgrading their defenses against what one of the officials called “constantly evolving threats.” politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: hackers targeted trump campaign republican party groups sources reuters hackers targeted computer systems presidential candidate donald trump republican party organizations well democratic party networks sources familiar investigations attacks said at least one trump staff member email account infected malware sent malicious emails colleagues according one insider republican candidate campaign outside security expert it unclear whether hackers actually gained access campaign computers in past month security officials said starting last year hackers infiltrated computers democratic national committee dnc presidential campaign hillary clinton party congressional fundraising committee officials said concluded russia proxies responsible leading calls democrats cyber security officials obama administration blame russia publicly kremlin officials dismissed allegations absurd anxiety washington possibility foreign power might using hacked information middle election the trump campaign hired security firm crowdstrike also assisting democratic national committee according one person briefed matter the company declined different outside security firm hired examine software trump clinton campaigns use manage mailing electronic outreach campaign efforts another person briefed issue spokeswoman trump campaign declined comment a spokesman republican national committee could immediately reached comment the tools techniques used hack republican targets resemble employed attacks democratic party organizations including dnc clinton campaign organization two sources said that led officials reach preliminary assessment russia military civilian intelligence agencies proxies targeted political parties attempts hack republican political organizations extended period reported intelligence bulletins circulated agencies four sources said they disclose identities organizations two security officials said fbi department homeland security offered assistance political parties identifying possible intrusions upgrading defenses one officials called constantly evolving politicsnews
LIBS ON TWITTER Go Nuts Over Kellyanne Conway’s Shoes On Couch In Oval Office…They Probably Forgot These Obama Pics…Or What Bill Clinton Did In The Oval OfficeLiberals on Twitter just can t find enough reasons to hate Trump or anyone connected to him. Tonight, libs went nuts over a picture that was taken of Kellyanne Conway in the Oval Office as she positioned herself on a couch (gasp with her shoes still on) while taking a group picture, as President Trump met with the leaders of the nation s historically black colleges and universities. Hmmm .maybe the anger wasn t really about Conway s shoes after all. Maybe the outrage is really more about the idea that President Trump met with a large group of prominent black leaders in the oval office. They couldn t attack the black leaders, so why not attack one of the most accomplished women in America?Things must be slow at the liberal rag Buzzfeed, as their DEPUTY NEWS DIRECTOR took to Twitter over his concern for Kellyanne Conway wearing her shoes while kneeling on the couch in the Oval Office:Shoes on the couch in the Oval Office Jon Passantino (@passantino) February 28, 2017And this from a Chicago Tribune columnist:I have so many questions about this photo, but chief among them is why nobody is telling Kellyanne Conway to get her damn feet off the couch Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) February 28, 2017Here s our response to this clever tweeter who attempted to imagine if Hillary Clinton actually put her shoes up on the couch in the Oval Office. Yeah, never mind that whole Monica Lewinsky thing with Bill in the Oval Office. Kellyanne s shoes on the couch is much worse than Hillary s husband committing sex acts with a 19 year old intern in the Oval Office. LOL!You've clearly forgotten what @HillaryClinton's husband did in the Oval Office.He turned it into cheap motel for 19 yr old interns 100% FED UP! (@100PercFEDUP) February 28, 2017You d think a Motherboard climate change freak reporter would be using every waking moment to cover the changes Trump s EPA is about to implement but no, this reporter is consumed with Kellyanne Conway s shoes on the couch, suggesting she may even need therapy . We could ve told you that before you tweeted! LOL i have to go to therapy after seeing the kellyanne conway shoes on the couch pic Sarah Emerson (@SarahNEmerson) February 28, 2017Here s a screen shot of liberal Kaivan Sheriff s post. He blocked us on Twitter, so we had to settle for an image of his tweet. Apparently he feels threatened by two moms who tweet about real news Here are just a few examples of Obama doing much worse. Yeah, okay libs wanna talk about disrespecting the Oval Office? We saved the best one for last:People "outraged" at Kellyanne Conway putting her feet on a couch so she can take a photo, but Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) February 28, 2017
libs on twitter go nuts over kellyanne conway shoes on couch in oval probably forgot these obama what bill clinton did in the oval officeliberals twitter find enough reasons hate trump anyone connected tonight libs went nuts picture taken kellyanne conway oval office positioned couch gasp shoes still taking group picture president trump met leaders nation historically black colleges universities mmm anger really conway shoes maybe outrage really idea president trump met large group prominent black leaders oval office they attack black leaders attack one accomplished women america things must slow liberal rag buzzfeed deputy news director took twitter concern kellyanne conway wearing shoes kneeling couch oval office shoes couch oval office jon passantino passantino february chicago tribune columnist i many questions photo chief among nobody telling kellyanne conway get damn feet couch rex hippie rexhuppke february response clever tweeted attempted imagine hillary clinton actually put shoes couch oval office yeah never mind whole monica lewinsky thing bill oval office kellyanne shoes couch much worse hillary husband committing sex acts year old intern oval office lol you clearly forgotten hillaryclinton husband oval turned cheap motel yr old interns fed up february think motherboard climate change freak reporter would using every waking moment cover changes trump epa implement reporter consumed kellyanne conway shoes couch suggesting may even need therapy we could told tweeted lol go therapy seeing kellyanne conway shoes couch pic sarah emerson sarahnemerson february screen shot liberal taiwan sheriff post he blocked us twitter settle image tweet apparently feels threatened two moms tweet real news here examples obama much worse yeah okay libs wan na talk disrespecting oval office we saved best one last people outraged kellyanne conway putting feet couch take photo paul sacra paul_sacra february
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: LIBS ON TWITTER Go Nuts Over Kellyanne Conway’s Shoes On Couch In Oval Office…They Probably Forgot These Obama Pics…Or What Bill Clinton Did In The Oval OfficeLiberals on Twitter just can t find enough reasons to hate Trump or anyone connected to him. Tonight, libs went nuts over a picture that was taken of Kellyanne Conway in the Oval Office as she positioned herself on a couch (gasp with her shoes still on) while taking a group picture, as President Trump met with the leaders of the nation s historically black colleges and universities. Hmmm .maybe the anger wasn t really about Conway s shoes after all. Maybe the outrage is really more about the idea that President Trump met with a large group of prominent black leaders in the oval office. They couldn t attack the black leaders, so why not attack one of the most accomplished women in America?Things must be slow at the liberal rag Buzzfeed, as their DEPUTY NEWS DIRECTOR took to Twitter over his concern for Kellyanne Conway wearing her shoes while kneeling on the couch in the Oval Office:Shoes on the couch in the Oval Office Jon Passantino (@passantino) February 28, 2017And this from a Chicago Tribune columnist:I have so many questions about this photo, but chief among them is why nobody is telling Kellyanne Conway to get her damn feet off the couch Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) February 28, 2017Here s our response to this clever tweeter who attempted to imagine if Hillary Clinton actually put her shoes up on the couch in the Oval Office. Yeah, never mind that whole Monica Lewinsky thing with Bill in the Oval Office. Kellyanne s shoes on the couch is much worse than Hillary s husband committing sex acts with a 19 year old intern in the Oval Office. LOL!You've clearly forgotten what @HillaryClinton's husband did in the Oval Office.He turned it into cheap motel for 19 yr old interns 100% FED UP! (@100PercFEDUP) February 28, 2017You d think a Motherboard climate change freak reporter would be using every waking moment to cover the changes Trump s EPA is about to implement but no, this reporter is consumed with Kellyanne Conway s shoes on the couch, suggesting she may even need therapy . We could ve told you that before you tweeted! LOL i have to go to therapy after seeing the kellyanne conway shoes on the couch pic Sarah Emerson (@SarahNEmerson) February 28, 2017Here s a screen shot of liberal Kaivan Sheriff s post. He blocked us on Twitter, so we had to settle for an image of his tweet. Apparently he feels threatened by two moms who tweet about real news Here are just a few examples of Obama doing much worse. Yeah, okay libs wanna talk about disrespecting the Oval Office? We saved the best one for last:People "outraged" at Kellyanne Conway putting her feet on a couch so she can take a photo, but Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) February 28, 2017
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: libs on twitter go nuts over kellyanne conway shoes on couch in oval probably forgot these obama what bill clinton did in the oval officeliberals twitter find enough reasons hate trump anyone connected tonight libs went nuts picture taken kellyanne conway oval office positioned couch gasp shoes still taking group picture president trump met leaders nation historically black colleges universities mmm anger really conway shoes maybe outrage really idea president trump met large group prominent black leaders oval office they attack black leaders attack one accomplished women america things must slow liberal rag buzzfeed deputy news director took twitter concern kellyanne conway wearing shoes kneeling couch oval office shoes couch oval office jon passantino passantino february chicago tribune columnist i many questions photo chief among nobody telling kellyanne conway get damn feet couch rex hippie rexhuppke february response clever tweeted attempted imagine hillary clinton actually put shoes couch oval office yeah never mind whole monica lewinsky thing bill oval office kellyanne shoes couch much worse hillary husband committing sex acts year old intern oval office lol you clearly forgotten hillaryclinton husband oval turned cheap motel yr old interns fed up february think motherboard climate change freak reporter would using every waking moment cover changes trump epa implement reporter consumed kellyanne conway shoes couch suggesting may even need therapy we could told tweeted lol go therapy seeing kellyanne conway shoes couch pic sarah emerson sarahnemerson february screen shot liberal taiwan sheriff post he blocked us twitter settle image tweet apparently feels threatened two moms tweet real news here examples obama much worse yeah okay libs wan na talk disrespecting oval office we saved best one last people outraged kellyanne conway putting feet couch take photo paul sacra paul_sacra february
FIRE THIS FOX NEWS ANALYST: Trump Was “Allegedly Elected” [Video]OUR PREVIOUS REPORTS ON JEHMU GREENE:I will NEVER understand why FOX News has crazy liberals like Jehmu Greene on to contribute to ANY discussion! She s the racist witch who delivered a nasty takedown of Tucker Carlson a few years back exposing her racist attitude: CARLSON TALKING ABOUT ELIZABETH WARREN USING HER DNA TO GET ADVANTAGES BOW-TYING WHITE BOY Jehmu Greene made an outrageous claim that her family will die if the Clinton Foundation is shut down. She s out of her mind! The Clinton Foundation gave most of their donations to THEMSELVES! Trish Regan: It s not clear they re sending a majority of their money to charity, at least from the financial records.Jehmu Greene: That s just not correct. It s going to operating costs because it s an operating foundation I m sorry, I m uncomfortable sitting here knowing people in my family are going to die because everyone wants to lie about what this Clinton Foundation. That s the fact. That s the fact.AND THEN THIS POPS UP ON HER TWITTER PAGE:politics
fire this fox news analyst trump was allegedly elected video our previous reports on jeh greene i never understand fox news crazy liberals like jeh greene contribute any discussion she racist witch delivered nasty takedown tucker carlson years back exposing racist attitude carlson talking about elizabeth warren using her dna to get advantages white boy jeh greene made outrageous claim family die clinton foundation shut she mind the clinton foundation gave donations themselves irish began it clear sending majority money charity least financial greene that correct it going operating costs operating foundation i sorry i uncomfortable sitting knowing people family going die everyone wants lie clinton foundation that fact that then this pops up on her twitter page politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: FIRE THIS FOX NEWS ANALYST: Trump Was “Allegedly Elected” [Video]OUR PREVIOUS REPORTS ON JEHMU GREENE:I will NEVER understand why FOX News has crazy liberals like Jehmu Greene on to contribute to ANY discussion! She s the racist witch who delivered a nasty takedown of Tucker Carlson a few years back exposing her racist attitude: CARLSON TALKING ABOUT ELIZABETH WARREN USING HER DNA TO GET ADVANTAGES BOW-TYING WHITE BOY Jehmu Greene made an outrageous claim that her family will die if the Clinton Foundation is shut down. She s out of her mind! The Clinton Foundation gave most of their donations to THEMSELVES! Trish Regan: It s not clear they re sending a majority of their money to charity, at least from the financial records.Jehmu Greene: That s just not correct. It s going to operating costs because it s an operating foundation I m sorry, I m uncomfortable sitting here knowing people in my family are going to die because everyone wants to lie about what this Clinton Foundation. That s the fact. That s the fact.AND THEN THIS POPS UP ON HER TWITTER PAGE:politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: fire this fox news analyst trump was allegedly elected video our previous reports on jeh greene i never understand fox news crazy liberals like jeh greene contribute any discussion she racist witch delivered nasty takedown tucker carlson years back exposing racist attitude carlson talking about elizabeth warren using her dna to get advantages white boy jeh greene made outrageous claim family die clinton foundation shut she mind the clinton foundation gave donations themselves irish began it clear sending majority money charity least financial greene that correct it going operating costs operating foundation i sorry i uncomfortable sitting knowing people family going die everyone wants lie clinton foundation that fact that then this pops up on her twitter page politics
HUGE Spending Agreement Reached: GOP Caves On Sending 10,000 Syrian RefugeesCongress will vote on a new spending bill in just a few days so they d better get crackin so they can read the 2,009 page bill before they vote on it, right? You can bet that when the vote comes on this bad deal that most of those voting on it have no idea what s in it. It s a typical pork-filled spending bill that throws the American taxpayer under the bus. The Republicans caved on letting Obama send 10,000 Syrian refugees for the taxpayers to support. Republicans are spineless sellouts The new spending deal reached early Wednesday morning spans more than 2,000 pages, spends $1.149 trillion and lawmakers will have only a few days to digest it all before they re asked to vote on the legislation, which lays out Congress s priorities for the rest of fiscal year 2016.It works out to nearly $572 million per page, with lawmakers splashing money throughout the government, boosting both popular and unpopular programs alike, thanks to a spending hike agreed to in October s budget deal. That means even the IRS, which the GOP had targeted year after year for cuts, will finally see an increase in 2016. Negotiators agreed to a $290 million boost, though the extra money is required to be spent on taxpayer services and fraud detection. It s still $1.7 billion less than President Obama asked for the tax agency.The biggest fights came on policy disputes, where the GOP won a few of its priorities, but caved on far more. The bill allows Mr. Obama to follow through on his plans to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S. this fiscal year, but does give him new powers to require some visitors from Visa Waiver Program countries to face extra scrutiny if they ve been to Iraq or Syria recently. The goal is to try to weed out foreign fighters who may have trained with the Islamic State.Republicans maintained a ban on federal funding of gun control research, turning back an effort by Democratic leaders to force studies in the wake of this year s mass killings.In a slap at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the bill also prohibits the State Department from spending money to maintain private email accounts. Mrs. Clinton exclusively used an email server kept at her home in New York during her time in office, thwarting open-records requests and spawning the scandal that s ensnared her presidential campaign this year.Leaders of both parties will have to round up the votes to pass the measure this week, and both sides are describing it as a compromise that they can t afford to pass up. This package reflects conservative priorities in both funding and policy including support for critical areas such as our national defense, halting many harmful regulations, and trimming wasteful spending. But it also represents a compromise that members on both sides of the aisle can and should get behind, said Rep. Hal Rogers, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.The bill was released at 2 a.m. Wednesday morning, meaning that if GOP leaders stick to their three-day pledge it shouldn t be voted on in the House until Friday at the earliest.That would still require reading a page every two minutes, continuously over the next couple of days, in order to get through the bill before the vote.Read more: WTGovernment News
huge spending agreement reached gop caves on sending syrian refugeescongress vote new spending bill days better get cracking read page bill vote right you bet vote comes bad deal voting idea it typical spending bill throws american taxpayer bus the republicans saved letting obama send syrian refugees taxpayers support republicans spineless sellouts the new spending deal reached early wednesday morning spans pages spends trillion lawmakers days digest asked vote legislation lays congress priorities rest fiscal year works nearly million per page lawmakers slashing money throughout government boosting popular unpopular programs alike thanks spending hike agreed october budget deal that means even irs gop targeted year year cuts finally see increase negotiators agreed million boost though extra money required spent taxpayer services fraud detection it still billion less president obama asked tax biggest fights came policy disputes gop priorities saved far the bill allows obama follow plans resettled syrian refugees fiscal year give new powers require visitors visa waiver program countries face extra scrutiny iraq syria recently the goal try weed foreign fighters may trained islamic maintained ban federal funding gun control research turning back effort democratic leaders force studies wake year mass slap former secretary state hillary clinton bill also prohibits state department spending money maintain private email accounts clinton exclusively used email server kept home new york time office charting requests spawning scandal ensured presidential campaign parties round votes pass measure week sides describing compromise afford pass this package reflects conservative priorities funding policy including support critical areas national defense halting many harmful regulations trimming wasteful spending but also represents compromise members sides aisle get behind said hal rogers chairman house appropriations bill released wednesday morning meaning gop leaders stick pledge voted house friday would still require reading page every two minutes continuously next couple days order get bill government news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: HUGE Spending Agreement Reached: GOP Caves On Sending 10,000 Syrian RefugeesCongress will vote on a new spending bill in just a few days so they d better get crackin so they can read the 2,009 page bill before they vote on it, right? You can bet that when the vote comes on this bad deal that most of those voting on it have no idea what s in it. It s a typical pork-filled spending bill that throws the American taxpayer under the bus. The Republicans caved on letting Obama send 10,000 Syrian refugees for the taxpayers to support. Republicans are spineless sellouts The new spending deal reached early Wednesday morning spans more than 2,000 pages, spends $1.149 trillion and lawmakers will have only a few days to digest it all before they re asked to vote on the legislation, which lays out Congress s priorities for the rest of fiscal year 2016.It works out to nearly $572 million per page, with lawmakers splashing money throughout the government, boosting both popular and unpopular programs alike, thanks to a spending hike agreed to in October s budget deal. That means even the IRS, which the GOP had targeted year after year for cuts, will finally see an increase in 2016. Negotiators agreed to a $290 million boost, though the extra money is required to be spent on taxpayer services and fraud detection. It s still $1.7 billion less than President Obama asked for the tax agency.The biggest fights came on policy disputes, where the GOP won a few of its priorities, but caved on far more. The bill allows Mr. Obama to follow through on his plans to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S. this fiscal year, but does give him new powers to require some visitors from Visa Waiver Program countries to face extra scrutiny if they ve been to Iraq or Syria recently. The goal is to try to weed out foreign fighters who may have trained with the Islamic State.Republicans maintained a ban on federal funding of gun control research, turning back an effort by Democratic leaders to force studies in the wake of this year s mass killings.In a slap at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the bill also prohibits the State Department from spending money to maintain private email accounts. Mrs. Clinton exclusively used an email server kept at her home in New York during her time in office, thwarting open-records requests and spawning the scandal that s ensnared her presidential campaign this year.Leaders of both parties will have to round up the votes to pass the measure this week, and both sides are describing it as a compromise that they can t afford to pass up. This package reflects conservative priorities in both funding and policy including support for critical areas such as our national defense, halting many harmful regulations, and trimming wasteful spending. But it also represents a compromise that members on both sides of the aisle can and should get behind, said Rep. Hal Rogers, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.The bill was released at 2 a.m. Wednesday morning, meaning that if GOP leaders stick to their three-day pledge it shouldn t be voted on in the House until Friday at the earliest.That would still require reading a page every two minutes, continuously over the next couple of days, in order to get through the bill before the vote.Read more: WTGovernment News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: huge spending agreement reached gop caves on sending syrian refugeescongress vote new spending bill days better get cracking read page bill vote right you bet vote comes bad deal voting idea it typical spending bill throws american taxpayer bus the republicans saved letting obama send syrian refugees taxpayers support republicans spineless sellouts the new spending deal reached early wednesday morning spans pages spends trillion lawmakers days digest asked vote legislation lays congress priorities rest fiscal year works nearly million per page lawmakers slashing money throughout government boosting popular unpopular programs alike thanks spending hike agreed october budget deal that means even irs gop targeted year year cuts finally see increase negotiators agreed million boost though extra money required spent taxpayer services fraud detection it still billion less president obama asked tax biggest fights came policy disputes gop priorities saved far the bill allows obama follow plans resettled syrian refugees fiscal year give new powers require visitors visa waiver program countries face extra scrutiny iraq syria recently the goal try weed foreign fighters may trained islamic maintained ban federal funding gun control research turning back effort democratic leaders force studies wake year mass slap former secretary state hillary clinton bill also prohibits state department spending money maintain private email accounts clinton exclusively used email server kept home new york time office charting requests spawning scandal ensured presidential campaign parties round votes pass measure week sides describing compromise afford pass this package reflects conservative priorities funding policy including support critical areas national defense halting many harmful regulations trimming wasteful spending but also represents compromise members sides aisle get behind said hal rogers chairman house appropriations bill released wednesday morning meaning gop leaders stick pledge voted house friday would still require reading page every two minutes continuously next couple days order get bill government news
U.N. says still determining if Myanmar crisis is genocideGENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations has yet to determine whether violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar meets the legal definition of genocide, Jyoti Sanghera, Asia Pacific chief at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Wednesday. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra ad al-Hussein has called the situation a textbook example of ethnic cleansing , but he has not used the word genocide. We are yet looking at the legal boundaries of that, Sanghera said. It could meet the boundaries, but we haven t yet made that legal determination at OHCHR. A U.N. team took witness statements from Rohingya refugees last month, and another human rights mission is currently on the ground, gathering evidence from some of the 582,000 Rohingya who have fled into Bangladesh in the last two months. The testimony gathered by the team referred to unspeakable horrors, Sanghera told an audience at Geneva s Graduate Institute. Even as I speak this evening the world is witnessing a horrific spectacle of massive forced displacement and suffering. A few hundred thousand Rohingya are thought to remain in Myanmar s northern Rakhine state, she said. The refugees described massive detention and systematic rape by Myanmar security forces, deliberate destruction of Rohingya villages so that people could not return, and deliberate targeting of cultural and religious leaders that aimed to diminish Rohingya history, culture and knowledge , she said. Imams had their beards shaved or burnt off, and women and girls were raped inside mosques. Some refugees said their non-Rohingya neighbors had been given weapons and uniforms and worked in concert with the security forces. Unsettled post-colonial questions and tensions fueled by colonial powers of the past have been exploited by the military junta in Myanmar to keep ethnic rivalries simmering, Sanghera said. Systematic and acute discrimination of the Rohingya Muslims continues to be kept alive by the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, to a point referred to recently by the High Commissioner for Human Rights as ethnic cleansing of an entire people. Designating the Rohingya as victims of genocide under a 1948 U.N. convention would increase pressure on the international community to take action to protect them, and could expose Myanmar officials to a greater threat of international justice. The U.N. convention, passed in the wake of the Nazi holocaust, requires countries to act to prevent and punish genocide, which it defines as any of a number of acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. It is one of four categories of crimes subject to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Hague. worldnews
says still determining myanmar crisis genocidegeneva reuters the united nations yet determine whether violence rohingya muslims myanmar meets legal definition genocide kyoto sanghera asia pacific chief office high commissioner human rights said wednesday high commissioner human rights eid ra ad called situation textbook example ethnic cleansing used word genocide we yet looking legal boundaries sanghera said it could meet boundaries yet made legal determination occur a team took witness statements rohingya refugees last month another human rights mission currently ground gathering evidence rohingya fled bangladesh last two months the testimony gathered team referred unspeakable horrors sanghera told audience geneva graduate institute even i speak evening world witnessing horrific spectacle massive forced displacement suffering a hundred thousand rohingya thought remain myanmar northern machine state said the refugees described massive detention systematic rape myanmar security forces deliberate destruction rohingya villages people could return deliberate targeting cultural religious leaders aimed diminish rohingya history culture knowledge said imams beards shaved burnt women girls raped inside mosques some refugees said neighbors given weapons uniforms worked concert security forces unsettled questions tensions fueled colonial powers past exploited military junta myanmar keep ethnic rivalries simmering sanghera said systematic acute discrimination rohingya muslims continues kept alive democratically elected government sung san sup kyi point referred recently high commissioner human rights ethnic cleansing entire people designating rohingya victims genocide convention would increase pressure international community take action protect could expose myanmar officials greater threat international justice the convention passed wake nazi holocaust requires countries act prevent punish genocide defines number acts committed intent destroy whole part national ethnic racial religious group it one four categories crimes subject jurisdiction international criminal court vague worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.N. says still determining if Myanmar crisis is genocideGENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations has yet to determine whether violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar meets the legal definition of genocide, Jyoti Sanghera, Asia Pacific chief at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Wednesday. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra ad al-Hussein has called the situation a textbook example of ethnic cleansing , but he has not used the word genocide. We are yet looking at the legal boundaries of that, Sanghera said. It could meet the boundaries, but we haven t yet made that legal determination at OHCHR. A U.N. team took witness statements from Rohingya refugees last month, and another human rights mission is currently on the ground, gathering evidence from some of the 582,000 Rohingya who have fled into Bangladesh in the last two months. The testimony gathered by the team referred to unspeakable horrors, Sanghera told an audience at Geneva s Graduate Institute. Even as I speak this evening the world is witnessing a horrific spectacle of massive forced displacement and suffering. A few hundred thousand Rohingya are thought to remain in Myanmar s northern Rakhine state, she said. The refugees described massive detention and systematic rape by Myanmar security forces, deliberate destruction of Rohingya villages so that people could not return, and deliberate targeting of cultural and religious leaders that aimed to diminish Rohingya history, culture and knowledge , she said. Imams had their beards shaved or burnt off, and women and girls were raped inside mosques. Some refugees said their non-Rohingya neighbors had been given weapons and uniforms and worked in concert with the security forces. Unsettled post-colonial questions and tensions fueled by colonial powers of the past have been exploited by the military junta in Myanmar to keep ethnic rivalries simmering, Sanghera said. Systematic and acute discrimination of the Rohingya Muslims continues to be kept alive by the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, to a point referred to recently by the High Commissioner for Human Rights as ethnic cleansing of an entire people. Designating the Rohingya as victims of genocide under a 1948 U.N. convention would increase pressure on the international community to take action to protect them, and could expose Myanmar officials to a greater threat of international justice. The U.N. convention, passed in the wake of the Nazi holocaust, requires countries to act to prevent and punish genocide, which it defines as any of a number of acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. It is one of four categories of crimes subject to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Hague. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: says still determining myanmar crisis genocidegeneva reuters the united nations yet determine whether violence rohingya muslims myanmar meets legal definition genocide kyoto sanghera asia pacific chief office high commissioner human rights said wednesday high commissioner human rights eid ra ad called situation textbook example ethnic cleansing used word genocide we yet looking legal boundaries sanghera said it could meet boundaries yet made legal determination occur a team took witness statements rohingya refugees last month another human rights mission currently ground gathering evidence rohingya fled bangladesh last two months the testimony gathered team referred unspeakable horrors sanghera told audience geneva graduate institute even i speak evening world witnessing horrific spectacle massive forced displacement suffering a hundred thousand rohingya thought remain myanmar northern machine state said the refugees described massive detention systematic rape myanmar security forces deliberate destruction rohingya villages people could return deliberate targeting cultural religious leaders aimed diminish rohingya history culture knowledge said imams beards shaved burnt women girls raped inside mosques some refugees said neighbors given weapons uniforms worked concert security forces unsettled questions tensions fueled colonial powers past exploited military junta myanmar keep ethnic rivalries simmering sanghera said systematic acute discrimination rohingya muslims continues kept alive democratically elected government sung san sup kyi point referred recently high commissioner human rights ethnic cleansing entire people designating rohingya victims genocide convention would increase pressure international community take action protect could expose myanmar officials greater threat international justice the convention passed wake nazi holocaust requires countries act prevent punish genocide defines number acts committed intent destroy whole part national ethnic racial religious group it one four categories crimes subject jurisdiction international criminal court vague worldnews
Revised U.S. travel ban will still curtail tourism, U.N. tourism body saysBERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s move to revise a travel ban on citizens of certain Muslim-majority countries will not lessen its impact on tourism, the head of the UN World Tourism Organization said. “People don’t go to places where they don’t feel welcome,” Taleb Rifai, the secretary general of the tourism organization, told Reuters, before the world’s biggest travel trade fair, ITB Berlin, opens on Wednesday. Trump on Monday signed a revised executive order banning citizens from six Muslim-majority nations from traveling to the United States but removing Iraq from the list, after his controversial first attempt was blocked in the courts. “It’s not about the details of which countries are included, it’s about the attitude,” Rifai said on Tuesday. Last week, he told Reuters that the United States had lost $185 million in one month after the first ban was introduced and stood to lose tens of millions more each month if similar policies continued. Data from travel analysis company ForwardKeys this week showed that demand for travel to the United States over the coming months had already flattened out following a positive start to the year. But any downturn in demand for travel to the United States is not expected to have an impact on travel in general. International tourist numbers are expected to grow 3 to 4 percent this year from last year’s 1.24 billion, Rifai said on Tuesday. “The world has opened up in incredible ways. There are so many options now. If you want to gamble, you don’t have to go to Las Vegas, you can go to Macau instead,” he said. Market researcher Euromonitor has cut its forecast for U.S. arrivals by 2020 to 84.2 million from 85.2 million amid uncertainty over the travel ban. Caroline Bremner, head of travel research at Euromonitor, said the seven countries included in the original travel ban represented only 0.1 percent of total inbound travelers there. “And so the impact on volume is not going to be as much as the message that the U.S. is sending to business and leisure travelers around the world, about the level of international openness and type of welcome they will receive under the new government,” she said. politicsNews
revised travel ban still curtail tourism tourism body saysberlin reuters president donald trump move revise travel ban citizens certain countries lessen impact tourism head un world tourism organization said people go places feel welcome tale rival secretary general tourism organization told reuters world biggest travel trade fair itb berlin opens wednesday trump monday signed revised executive order banning citizens six nations traveling united states removing iraq list controversial first attempt blocked courts it details countries included attitude rival said tuesday last week told reuters united states lost million one month first ban introduced stood lose tens millions month similar policies continued data travel analysis company forwardkeys week showed demand travel united states coming months already flattened following positive start year but downturn demand travel united states expected impact travel general international tourist numbers expected grow percent year last year billion rival said tuesday the world opened incredible ways there many options if want gamble go las vegas go macau instead said market researcher euromonitor cut forecast arrivals million million amid uncertainty travel ban caroline premier head travel research euromonitor said seven countries included original travel ban represented percent total inbound travelers and impact volume going much message sending business leisure travelers around world level international openness type welcome receive new government said politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Revised U.S. travel ban will still curtail tourism, U.N. tourism body saysBERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s move to revise a travel ban on citizens of certain Muslim-majority countries will not lessen its impact on tourism, the head of the UN World Tourism Organization said. “People don’t go to places where they don’t feel welcome,” Taleb Rifai, the secretary general of the tourism organization, told Reuters, before the world’s biggest travel trade fair, ITB Berlin, opens on Wednesday. Trump on Monday signed a revised executive order banning citizens from six Muslim-majority nations from traveling to the United States but removing Iraq from the list, after his controversial first attempt was blocked in the courts. “It’s not about the details of which countries are included, it’s about the attitude,” Rifai said on Tuesday. Last week, he told Reuters that the United States had lost $185 million in one month after the first ban was introduced and stood to lose tens of millions more each month if similar policies continued. Data from travel analysis company ForwardKeys this week showed that demand for travel to the United States over the coming months had already flattened out following a positive start to the year. But any downturn in demand for travel to the United States is not expected to have an impact on travel in general. International tourist numbers are expected to grow 3 to 4 percent this year from last year’s 1.24 billion, Rifai said on Tuesday. “The world has opened up in incredible ways. There are so many options now. If you want to gamble, you don’t have to go to Las Vegas, you can go to Macau instead,” he said. Market researcher Euromonitor has cut its forecast for U.S. arrivals by 2020 to 84.2 million from 85.2 million amid uncertainty over the travel ban. Caroline Bremner, head of travel research at Euromonitor, said the seven countries included in the original travel ban represented only 0.1 percent of total inbound travelers there. “And so the impact on volume is not going to be as much as the message that the U.S. is sending to business and leisure travelers around the world, about the level of international openness and type of welcome they will receive under the new government,” she said. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: revised travel ban still curtail tourism tourism body saysberlin reuters president donald trump move revise travel ban citizens certain countries lessen impact tourism head un world tourism organization said people go places feel welcome tale rival secretary general tourism organization told reuters world biggest travel trade fair itb berlin opens wednesday trump monday signed revised executive order banning citizens six nations traveling united states removing iraq list controversial first attempt blocked courts it details countries included attitude rival said tuesday last week told reuters united states lost million one month first ban introduced stood lose tens millions month similar policies continued data travel analysis company forwardkeys week showed demand travel united states coming months already flattened following positive start year but downturn demand travel united states expected impact travel general international tourist numbers expected grow percent year last year billion rival said tuesday the world opened incredible ways there many options if want gamble go las vegas go macau instead said market researcher euromonitor cut forecast arrivals million million amid uncertainty travel ban caroline premier head travel research euromonitor said seven countries included original travel ban represented percent total inbound travelers and impact volume going much message sending business leisure travelers around world level international openness type welcome receive new government said politicsnews
Merkel challenger spells out conditions for post-election coalitionBERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel s Social Democrat (SPD) challenger said on Sunday his party would not form any alliances after a Sept. 24 election unless fair wages, free education, secure pensions and a commitment to a democratic Europe were guaranteed. The SPD was trailing Merkel s conservatives by 13 points in an Emnid poll published on Saturday, with 24 percent support. Polls show the most likely coalitions are a re-run of the current conservative-SPD alliance or a Jamaica tie-up of the conservatives, Greens and pro-business Free Democrats (FDP). For the first time, SPD leader Martin Schulz on Sunday laid out his conditions for joining any coalitions in a video broadcast on the party s website. Specific policies for fair wages, good schools, secure pensions and a democratic Europe for peace - that s what I promise you, 61-year-old Schulz said. An SPD government would implement these plans. They re non-negotiable for me. That s why I want to become German chancellor, he said. But polls suggest the SPD s only option for gaining power would be as a junior partner in another grand coalition with the conservatives under Merkel. Schulz has put social justice at the core of his campaign, but that has failed to gain much traction. Germans have generally enjoyed 12 years of prosperity under Merkel, and she has trumpeted her economic achievements - such as reducing unemployment - throughout the campaign. In an interview with the Funke newspaper group, Schulz said he was against a re-run of the current coalition, an alliance that is always a last resort because it leaves little opposition in parliament. We re not seeking to continue the grand coalition, he said. I m running to supersede Merkel. Merkel warned supporters at a campaign rally in the northwestern town of Delbrueck on Sunday that the election result was not yet clear despite her lead in the polls. A lot of people say the vote is practically decided already ... but it is not, she said, adding that many people would make up their minds in the final days before the vote. She had on Saturday called for a high election turnout, saying: We must fight for every single person to go and vote. Germany s smaller parties narrowed down possible coalition options over the weekend, with both the Greens and the FDP saying they could not imagine a Jamaica coalition, the name refers to the black, yellow and green colors of the Jamaican flag. worldnews
merkel challenger spells conditions coalitionberlin reuters chancellor angela merkel social democrat spd challenger said sunday party would form alliances election unless fair wages free education secure pensions commitment democratic europe guaranteed the spd trailing merkel conservatives points end poll published saturday percent support polls show likely coalitions current alliance jamaica conservatives greens free democrats dp for first time spd leader martin chul sunday laid conditions joining coalitions video broadcast party website specific policies fair wages good schools secure pensions democratic europe peace i promise chul said an spd government would implement plans they that i want become german chancellor said but polls suggest spd option gaining power would junior partner another grand coalition conservatives merkel chul put social justice core campaign failed gain much traction germany generally enjoyed years prosperity merkel trumpeter economic achievements reducing unemployment throughout campaign in interview funk newspaper group chul said current coalition alliance always last resort leaves little opposition parliament we seeking continue grand coalition said i running superseded merkel merkel warned supporters campaign rally northwestern town delbrueck sunday election result yet clear despite lead polls a lot people say vote practically decided already said adding many people would make minds final days vote she saturday called high election turnout saying we must fight every single person go vote germany smaller parties narrowed possible coalition options weekend greens dp saying could imagine jamaica coalition name refers black yellow green colors jamaica flag worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Merkel challenger spells out conditions for post-election coalitionBERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel s Social Democrat (SPD) challenger said on Sunday his party would not form any alliances after a Sept. 24 election unless fair wages, free education, secure pensions and a commitment to a democratic Europe were guaranteed. The SPD was trailing Merkel s conservatives by 13 points in an Emnid poll published on Saturday, with 24 percent support. Polls show the most likely coalitions are a re-run of the current conservative-SPD alliance or a Jamaica tie-up of the conservatives, Greens and pro-business Free Democrats (FDP). For the first time, SPD leader Martin Schulz on Sunday laid out his conditions for joining any coalitions in a video broadcast on the party s website. Specific policies for fair wages, good schools, secure pensions and a democratic Europe for peace - that s what I promise you, 61-year-old Schulz said. An SPD government would implement these plans. They re non-negotiable for me. That s why I want to become German chancellor, he said. But polls suggest the SPD s only option for gaining power would be as a junior partner in another grand coalition with the conservatives under Merkel. Schulz has put social justice at the core of his campaign, but that has failed to gain much traction. Germans have generally enjoyed 12 years of prosperity under Merkel, and she has trumpeted her economic achievements - such as reducing unemployment - throughout the campaign. In an interview with the Funke newspaper group, Schulz said he was against a re-run of the current coalition, an alliance that is always a last resort because it leaves little opposition in parliament. We re not seeking to continue the grand coalition, he said. I m running to supersede Merkel. Merkel warned supporters at a campaign rally in the northwestern town of Delbrueck on Sunday that the election result was not yet clear despite her lead in the polls. A lot of people say the vote is practically decided already ... but it is not, she said, adding that many people would make up their minds in the final days before the vote. She had on Saturday called for a high election turnout, saying: We must fight for every single person to go and vote. Germany s smaller parties narrowed down possible coalition options over the weekend, with both the Greens and the FDP saying they could not imagine a Jamaica coalition, the name refers to the black, yellow and green colors of the Jamaican flag. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: merkel challenger spells conditions coalitionberlin reuters chancellor angela merkel social democrat spd challenger said sunday party would form alliances election unless fair wages free education secure pensions commitment democratic europe guaranteed the spd trailing merkel conservatives points end poll published saturday percent support polls show likely coalitions current alliance jamaica conservatives greens free democrats dp for first time spd leader martin chul sunday laid conditions joining coalitions video broadcast party website specific policies fair wages good schools secure pensions democratic europe peace i promise chul said an spd government would implement plans they that i want become german chancellor said but polls suggest spd option gaining power would junior partner another grand coalition conservatives merkel chul put social justice core campaign failed gain much traction germany generally enjoyed years prosperity merkel trumpeter economic achievements reducing unemployment throughout campaign in interview funk newspaper group chul said current coalition alliance always last resort leaves little opposition parliament we seeking continue grand coalition said i running superseded merkel merkel warned supporters campaign rally northwestern town delbrueck sunday election result yet clear despite lead polls a lot people say vote practically decided already said adding many people would make minds final days vote she saturday called high election turnout saying we must fight every single person go vote germany smaller parties narrowed possible coalition options weekend greens dp saying could imagine jamaica coalition name refers black yellow green colors jamaica flag worldnews
A Judge Just Gave Sarah Palin Some Very, Very Bad NewsRemember how Sarah Palin sued the New York Times for mistakenly saying that a concrete link had been established between her Facebook post that featured crosshairs over former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords district and Jared Loughner s decision to open fire on her? Well, that didn t work out so well. Don t retreat. RELOAD, Palin famously posted on Facebook along with an image depicting gun sights over various states whose legislators she was targeting. Shortly after, Loughner shot Giffords in the head and pumped bullets into numerous others, killing six and wounding thirteen others.No concrete link between the two has been established though it is reasonable to assume Palin s encouragement played a role in the shooting.Speaking of shooting, District Judge Jed Rakoff shot down Palin s frivolous lawsuit against the Times on Tuesday. Nowhere is political journalism so free, so robust or, perhaps, so rowdy as in the United States, Judge Rakoff wrote in his 26-page decision. But if political journalism is to achieve its constitutionally endorsed role of challenging the powerful, legal redress by a public figure must be limited to those cases where the public figure has a plausible factual basis for complaining that the mistake was made maliciously. What we have here is an editorial, written and rewritten rapidly in order to voice an opinion on an immediate event of importance, in which are included a few factual inaccuracies somewhat pertaining to Mrs. Palin that are very rapidly corrected, Rakoff wrote. Negligence this may be; but defamation of a public figure it plainly is not. Judge Rakoff s opinion is an important reminder of the country s deep commitment to a free press and the important role that journalism plays in our democracy, a spokeswoman for the Times said. We regret the errors we made in the editorial. But we were pleased to see that the court acknowledged the importance of the prompt correction we made once we learned of the mistakes. This is, of course, bad news for Palin and her ally Donald Trump, who wants to open up libel laws to make it easier to people like Palin to file frivolous lawsuits against journalistic institutions for every little mistake even if a correction has been made.Lately, the Right has been practically masturbating over the idea of bullying anyone who reports something they don t like with expensive lawsuits as an attempt to keep criticism to a minimum.This is bad news for anyone who has recently filed a frivolous lawsuit against journalists, including alt-Right (a term employed by Nazis as a form of rebranding) journalist Cassandra Fairbanks, who sued a Fusion reporter for correctly reporting that she had made a hand gesture that had been adopted by the white power movement during a visit to the White House.Fortunately, Judge Rakoff refused to allow Palin s farcical lawsuit to get off the ground. Hopefully, this sends a message to the Right that bullying journalists with lawsuits will not go well for them.Featured image via screengrabNews
a judge just gave sarah palin some very very bad newsremember sarah palin sued new york times mistakenly saying concrete link established facebook post featured crosshair former arizona congressman gabriel affords district jared laughter decision open fire well work well don retreat reload palin famously posted facebook along image depicting gun sights various states whose legislators targeting shortly laughter shot affords head pumped bullets numerous others killing six wounding thirteen concrete link two established though reasonable assume palin encouragement played role shooting district judge red takeoff shot palin frivolous lawsuit times tuesday nowhere political journalism free robust perhaps rowdy united states judge takeoff wrote decision but political journalism achieve constitutionally endorsed role challenging powerful legal redress public figure must limited cases public figure plausible factual basis complaining mistake made malicious what editorial written rewritten rapidly order voice opinion immediate event importance included factual inaccuracies somewhat pertaining palin rapidly corrected takeoff wrote negligence may defamation public figure plainly judge takeoff opinion important reminder country deep commitment free press important role journalism plays democracy spokeswoman times said we regret errors made editorial but pleased see court acknowledged importance prompt correction made learned mistakes this course bad news palin ally donald trump wants open libel laws make easier people like palin file frivolous lawsuits journalistic institutions every little mistake even correction right practically masturbation idea bullying anyone reports something like expensive lawsuits attempt keep criticism bad news anyone recently filed frivolous lawsuit journalists including term employed nazis form rebranding journalist cassandra fairbanks sued fusion reporter correctly reporting made hand gesture adopted white power movement visit white judge takeoff refused allow palin facial lawsuit get ground hopefully sends message right bullying journalists lawsuits go well image via screengrabnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A Judge Just Gave Sarah Palin Some Very, Very Bad NewsRemember how Sarah Palin sued the New York Times for mistakenly saying that a concrete link had been established between her Facebook post that featured crosshairs over former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords district and Jared Loughner s decision to open fire on her? Well, that didn t work out so well. Don t retreat. RELOAD, Palin famously posted on Facebook along with an image depicting gun sights over various states whose legislators she was targeting. Shortly after, Loughner shot Giffords in the head and pumped bullets into numerous others, killing six and wounding thirteen others.No concrete link between the two has been established though it is reasonable to assume Palin s encouragement played a role in the shooting.Speaking of shooting, District Judge Jed Rakoff shot down Palin s frivolous lawsuit against the Times on Tuesday. Nowhere is political journalism so free, so robust or, perhaps, so rowdy as in the United States, Judge Rakoff wrote in his 26-page decision. But if political journalism is to achieve its constitutionally endorsed role of challenging the powerful, legal redress by a public figure must be limited to those cases where the public figure has a plausible factual basis for complaining that the mistake was made maliciously. What we have here is an editorial, written and rewritten rapidly in order to voice an opinion on an immediate event of importance, in which are included a few factual inaccuracies somewhat pertaining to Mrs. Palin that are very rapidly corrected, Rakoff wrote. Negligence this may be; but defamation of a public figure it plainly is not. Judge Rakoff s opinion is an important reminder of the country s deep commitment to a free press and the important role that journalism plays in our democracy, a spokeswoman for the Times said. We regret the errors we made in the editorial. But we were pleased to see that the court acknowledged the importance of the prompt correction we made once we learned of the mistakes. This is, of course, bad news for Palin and her ally Donald Trump, who wants to open up libel laws to make it easier to people like Palin to file frivolous lawsuits against journalistic institutions for every little mistake even if a correction has been made.Lately, the Right has been practically masturbating over the idea of bullying anyone who reports something they don t like with expensive lawsuits as an attempt to keep criticism to a minimum.This is bad news for anyone who has recently filed a frivolous lawsuit against journalists, including alt-Right (a term employed by Nazis as a form of rebranding) journalist Cassandra Fairbanks, who sued a Fusion reporter for correctly reporting that she had made a hand gesture that had been adopted by the white power movement during a visit to the White House.Fortunately, Judge Rakoff refused to allow Palin s farcical lawsuit to get off the ground. Hopefully, this sends a message to the Right that bullying journalists with lawsuits will not go well for them.Featured image via screengrabNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: a judge just gave sarah palin some very very bad newsremember sarah palin sued new york times mistakenly saying concrete link established facebook post featured crosshair former arizona congressman gabriel affords district jared laughter decision open fire well work well don retreat reload palin famously posted facebook along image depicting gun sights various states whose legislators targeting shortly laughter shot affords head pumped bullets numerous others killing six wounding thirteen concrete link two established though reasonable assume palin encouragement played role shooting district judge red takeoff shot palin frivolous lawsuit times tuesday nowhere political journalism free robust perhaps rowdy united states judge takeoff wrote decision but political journalism achieve constitutionally endorsed role challenging powerful legal redress public figure must limited cases public figure plausible factual basis complaining mistake made malicious what editorial written rewritten rapidly order voice opinion immediate event importance included factual inaccuracies somewhat pertaining palin rapidly corrected takeoff wrote negligence may defamation public figure plainly judge takeoff opinion important reminder country deep commitment free press important role journalism plays democracy spokeswoman times said we regret errors made editorial but pleased see court acknowledged importance prompt correction made learned mistakes this course bad news palin ally donald trump wants open libel laws make easier people like palin file frivolous lawsuits journalistic institutions every little mistake even correction right practically masturbation idea bullying anyone reports something like expensive lawsuits attempt keep criticism bad news anyone recently filed frivolous lawsuit journalists including term employed nazis form rebranding journalist cassandra fairbanks sued fusion reporter correctly reporting made hand gesture adopted white power movement visit white judge takeoff refused allow palin facial lawsuit get ground hopefully sends message right bullying journalists lawsuits go well image via screengrabnews
Factbox: From taxes to budget, what's on U.S. Congress to-do list(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is hurtling toward some major deadlines on tax legislation, the budget and other policies. Some of the deadlines are hard and some are soft as the end of 2017 approaches. Here is the Capitol Hill outlook for what promises to be a turbulent few weeks. MONDAY, NOV. 27: President Donald Trump discusses a tax overhaul over lunch with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, the Republican-controlled chamber’s top tax writer, and four other Republican members of Hatch’s panel: John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Pat Toomey and Tim Scott. Senate reconvenes after a week-long holiday break. TUESDAY, NOV 28: Trump joins Senate Republicans at their weekly policy luncheon to urge quick passage of tax legislation. Trump also meets with Republican and Democratic leaders of both the Senate and House of Representatives to talk about funding legislation and other priorities. The Senate Budget Committee holds a hearing on whether Republican tax legislation meets Senate rules for fast-track reconciliation bills. If it does, the bill could be introduced on the Senate floor later on Tuesday, beginning debate. THURSDAY, NOV. 30, or FRIDAY, DEC. 1: Possible, although far from certain, final Senate vote on tax bill. FRIDAY, DEC. 8: Expiration date for funding needed to keep the U.S. government open. Congress has three choices: approve a massive bill for more than $1 trillion to keep the government operating through Sept. 30, 2018; pass a shorter extension of current funding to buy more time; or fail to pass anything and risk a partial government shutdown, stalling the tax effort. U.S. Treasury hits its limit on borrowing, but takes steps to postpone any need for action by Congress, eliminating any need for a debt limit increase in an end-of-year catch-all bill. TUESDAY, DEC. 12: Special U.S. Senate election in Alabama pits Republican Roy Moore, a conservative firebrand accused of sexual misconduct involving teen-age girls, against Democrat Doug Jones. The election could mean trouble for the tax overhaul effort. Moore, a critic of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, could cause turmoil if elected. A win by Jones would shrink even more Republicans’ narrow margin of Senate control, which now stands at 52-48. THURSDAY, DEC. 14: House’s last scheduled session of 2017. FRIDAY, DEC. 15: Senate’s last scheduled session of 2017. FRIDAY, DEC. 22: The last weekday before Christmas, and a potential deadline for sending tax legislation to Trump. DISASTER AID: On Nov. 17, the White House asked Congress to approve $45 billion in more aid for disaster-hit Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Texas, Florida and other states. If approved, as expected, aid would total nearly $96 billion. Additional requests are expected. DREAMERS: Trump has threatened to end an Obama-era program that helped “Dreamers,” people brought illegally into the United States when they were children. Trump gave Congress until early March to come up with a replacement program, but Democrats and some Republicans want to do this in December. CHIP: The Children’s Health Insurance Program, which helps millions of lower-income pregnant women and children, is running out of money. Congress has struggled to approve a five-year renewal for the program that normally enjoys bipartisan support. politicsNews
factor from taxes budget congress list reuters the congress hurling toward major deadlines tax legislation budget policies some deadlines hard soft end approaches here capitol hill outlook promises turbulent weeks monday president donald trump discusses tax overhaul lunch senate finance committee chairman train hatch chamber top tax writer four republican members hatch panel john corbyn rob portal pat boomer tim scott senate reconvenes holiday break tuesday nov trump joins senate republicans weekly policy luncheon urge quick passage tax legislation trump also meets republican democratic leaders senate house representatives talk funding legislation priorities the senate budget committee holds hearing whether republican tax legislation meets senate rules reconciliation bills if bill could introduced senate floor later tuesday beginning debate thursday friday possible although far certain final senate vote tax bill friday expiration date funding needed keep government open congress three choices approve massive bill trillion keep government operating pass shorter extension current funding buy time fail pass anything risk partial government shutdown stalling tax effort treasury hits limit borrowing takes steps postpone need action congress eliminating need debt limit increase bill tuesday special senate election alabama pits republican roy moore conservative rebrand accused sexual misconduct involving girls democrat doug jones the election could mean trouble tax overhaul effort moore critic senate republican leader mitch mcconnell could cause turmoil elected a win jones would shrink even republicans narrow margin senate control stands thursday house last scheduled session friday senate last scheduled session friday the last weekday christmas potential deadline sending tax legislation trump disaster aid on white house asked congress approve billion aid puerto rico virgin islands texas florida states if approved expected aid would total nearly billion additional requests expected dreamer trump threatened end program helped dreamer people brought illegally united states children trump gave congress early march come replacement program democrats republicans want december chip the children health insurance program helps millions pregnant women children running money congress struggled approve renewal program normally enjoys bipartisan support politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Factbox: From taxes to budget, what's on U.S. Congress to-do list(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is hurtling toward some major deadlines on tax legislation, the budget and other policies. Some of the deadlines are hard and some are soft as the end of 2017 approaches. Here is the Capitol Hill outlook for what promises to be a turbulent few weeks. MONDAY, NOV. 27: President Donald Trump discusses a tax overhaul over lunch with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, the Republican-controlled chamber’s top tax writer, and four other Republican members of Hatch’s panel: John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Pat Toomey and Tim Scott. Senate reconvenes after a week-long holiday break. TUESDAY, NOV 28: Trump joins Senate Republicans at their weekly policy luncheon to urge quick passage of tax legislation. Trump also meets with Republican and Democratic leaders of both the Senate and House of Representatives to talk about funding legislation and other priorities. The Senate Budget Committee holds a hearing on whether Republican tax legislation meets Senate rules for fast-track reconciliation bills. If it does, the bill could be introduced on the Senate floor later on Tuesday, beginning debate. THURSDAY, NOV. 30, or FRIDAY, DEC. 1: Possible, although far from certain, final Senate vote on tax bill. FRIDAY, DEC. 8: Expiration date for funding needed to keep the U.S. government open. Congress has three choices: approve a massive bill for more than $1 trillion to keep the government operating through Sept. 30, 2018; pass a shorter extension of current funding to buy more time; or fail to pass anything and risk a partial government shutdown, stalling the tax effort. U.S. Treasury hits its limit on borrowing, but takes steps to postpone any need for action by Congress, eliminating any need for a debt limit increase in an end-of-year catch-all bill. TUESDAY, DEC. 12: Special U.S. Senate election in Alabama pits Republican Roy Moore, a conservative firebrand accused of sexual misconduct involving teen-age girls, against Democrat Doug Jones. The election could mean trouble for the tax overhaul effort. Moore, a critic of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, could cause turmoil if elected. A win by Jones would shrink even more Republicans’ narrow margin of Senate control, which now stands at 52-48. THURSDAY, DEC. 14: House’s last scheduled session of 2017. FRIDAY, DEC. 15: Senate’s last scheduled session of 2017. FRIDAY, DEC. 22: The last weekday before Christmas, and a potential deadline for sending tax legislation to Trump. DISASTER AID: On Nov. 17, the White House asked Congress to approve $45 billion in more aid for disaster-hit Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Texas, Florida and other states. If approved, as expected, aid would total nearly $96 billion. Additional requests are expected. DREAMERS: Trump has threatened to end an Obama-era program that helped “Dreamers,” people brought illegally into the United States when they were children. Trump gave Congress until early March to come up with a replacement program, but Democrats and some Republicans want to do this in December. CHIP: The Children’s Health Insurance Program, which helps millions of lower-income pregnant women and children, is running out of money. Congress has struggled to approve a five-year renewal for the program that normally enjoys bipartisan support. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: factor from taxes budget congress list reuters the congress hurling toward major deadlines tax legislation budget policies some deadlines hard soft end approaches here capitol hill outlook promises turbulent weeks monday president donald trump discusses tax overhaul lunch senate finance committee chairman train hatch chamber top tax writer four republican members hatch panel john corbyn rob portal pat boomer tim scott senate reconvenes holiday break tuesday nov trump joins senate republicans weekly policy luncheon urge quick passage tax legislation trump also meets republican democratic leaders senate house representatives talk funding legislation priorities the senate budget committee holds hearing whether republican tax legislation meets senate rules reconciliation bills if bill could introduced senate floor later tuesday beginning debate thursday friday possible although far certain final senate vote tax bill friday expiration date funding needed keep government open congress three choices approve massive bill trillion keep government operating pass shorter extension current funding buy time fail pass anything risk partial government shutdown stalling tax effort treasury hits limit borrowing takes steps postpone need action congress eliminating need debt limit increase bill tuesday special senate election alabama pits republican roy moore conservative rebrand accused sexual misconduct involving girls democrat doug jones the election could mean trouble tax overhaul effort moore critic senate republican leader mitch mcconnell could cause turmoil elected a win jones would shrink even republicans narrow margin senate control stands thursday house last scheduled session friday senate last scheduled session friday the last weekday christmas potential deadline sending tax legislation trump disaster aid on white house asked congress approve billion aid puerto rico virgin islands texas florida states if approved expected aid would total nearly billion additional requests expected dreamer trump threatened end program helped dreamer people brought illegally united states children trump gave congress early march come replacement program democrats republicans want december chip the children health insurance program helps millions pregnant women children running money congress struggled approve renewal program normally enjoys bipartisan support politicsnews
Trump health nominee says he does not back Medicare privatization(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to run the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told a congressional panel on Tuesday that he does not support the privatization of Medicare and defended his ethics record. Speaking before the Senate Committee on Finance, one of two committees that oversee the health department, Representative Tom Price said his position was consistent with that of Trump, who has stated he does not want to cut the federal health program for the elderly. Price, a Georgia orthopedic surgeon, previously supported privatization of Medicare. But he told lawmakers his role as health secretary would be very different from his role as a congressman and that his job would be to execute the wishes of Congress. “I would just convey to the Medicare population of this nation, they don’t have reason to be concerned,” he said. “We look forward to assisting them in getting the care and coverage that they need.” Senator Ron Wyden, the top Democrat on the committee, questioned Price about his stock trading while a lawmaker, including in health industry stocks that could be affected directly by legislation. “It is hard to see this as anything but a conflict of interest and an abuse of position,” Wyden said. Price defended the stock holdings, saying “everything that I did was ethical, above board, legal and transparent.” Separately, Republican lawmakers began dismantling former President Barack Obama’s 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Two House of Representatives committees held hearings on Tuesday. Others will follow with the goal of putting in place “thoughtful, step-by-step reforms that offer Americans more choices, greater access, and higher-quality care at lower costs,” the chairman of the Ways and Means committee, Kevin Brady, said in remarks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Price sidestepped questions about the impact of an executive order Trump signed on his first day in office targeting Obamacare but said he is committed to carrying out “the law of the land.” Democrats also grilled Price on his plans for the Medicaid health program covering poor Americans. A senior Trump adviser, Kellyanne Conway, said in an interview on NBC’s “Sunday Today” show that Trump’s plan to replace Obamacare will include fixed payments from the government to the states to care for Medicaid patients. These payments, known as block grants, contrast with the current system in which states share the actual cost of Medicaid enrollees with the federal government. Conway said converting to a block grant system would ensure that people in charge of administering the program are “those who are closest to the people” who need care. Price has long advocated block grants for Medicaid but declined on Tuesday to overtly re-state his position, saying only that he would work to make sure “people have better healthcare, not less healthcare.” Tuesday’s hearing followed a similar hearing last week by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which also oversees the health department. Only the finance committee members will vote on the nomination. politicsNews
trump health nominee says back medical privatization reuters president donald trump nominee run department health human services told congressional panel tuesday support privatization medical defended ethics record speaking senate committee finance one two committees oversee health department representative tom price said position consistent trump stated want cut federal health program elderly price georgia orthopedic surgeon previously supported privatization medical but told lawmakers role health secretary would different role congressman job would execute wishes congress i would convey medical population nation reason concerned said we look forward assisting getting care coverage senator ron widen top democrat committee questioned price stock trading lawmaker including health industry stocks could affected directly legislation it hard see anything conflict interest abuse position widen said price defended stock holdings saying everything i ethical board legal separately republican lawmakers began dismantling former president barack obama affordable care act also known obamacare two house representatives committees held hearings tuesday others follow goal putting place thoughtful reforms offer americans choices greater access care lower costs chairman ways means committee kevin brady said remarks chamber commerce price sidestepped questions impact executive order trump signed first day office targeting obamacare said committed carrying law democrats also grilled price plans medical health program covering poor americans a senior trump adviser kellyanne conway said interview nbc sunday today show trump plan replace obamacare include fixed payments government states care medical patients these payments known block grants contrast current system states share actual cost medical enrolled federal government conway said converting block grant system would ensure people charge administering program closest people need care price long advocated block grants medical declined tuesday overtly position saying would work make sure people better healthcare less tuesday hearing followed similar hearing last week senate committee health education labor pensions also oversees health department only finance committee members vote nomination politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump health nominee says he does not back Medicare privatization(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to run the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told a congressional panel on Tuesday that he does not support the privatization of Medicare and defended his ethics record. Speaking before the Senate Committee on Finance, one of two committees that oversee the health department, Representative Tom Price said his position was consistent with that of Trump, who has stated he does not want to cut the federal health program for the elderly. Price, a Georgia orthopedic surgeon, previously supported privatization of Medicare. But he told lawmakers his role as health secretary would be very different from his role as a congressman and that his job would be to execute the wishes of Congress. “I would just convey to the Medicare population of this nation, they don’t have reason to be concerned,” he said. “We look forward to assisting them in getting the care and coverage that they need.” Senator Ron Wyden, the top Democrat on the committee, questioned Price about his stock trading while a lawmaker, including in health industry stocks that could be affected directly by legislation. “It is hard to see this as anything but a conflict of interest and an abuse of position,” Wyden said. Price defended the stock holdings, saying “everything that I did was ethical, above board, legal and transparent.” Separately, Republican lawmakers began dismantling former President Barack Obama’s 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Two House of Representatives committees held hearings on Tuesday. Others will follow with the goal of putting in place “thoughtful, step-by-step reforms that offer Americans more choices, greater access, and higher-quality care at lower costs,” the chairman of the Ways and Means committee, Kevin Brady, said in remarks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Price sidestepped questions about the impact of an executive order Trump signed on his first day in office targeting Obamacare but said he is committed to carrying out “the law of the land.” Democrats also grilled Price on his plans for the Medicaid health program covering poor Americans. A senior Trump adviser, Kellyanne Conway, said in an interview on NBC’s “Sunday Today” show that Trump’s plan to replace Obamacare will include fixed payments from the government to the states to care for Medicaid patients. These payments, known as block grants, contrast with the current system in which states share the actual cost of Medicaid enrollees with the federal government. Conway said converting to a block grant system would ensure that people in charge of administering the program are “those who are closest to the people” who need care. Price has long advocated block grants for Medicaid but declined on Tuesday to overtly re-state his position, saying only that he would work to make sure “people have better healthcare, not less healthcare.” Tuesday’s hearing followed a similar hearing last week by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which also oversees the health department. Only the finance committee members will vote on the nomination. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump health nominee says back medical privatization reuters president donald trump nominee run department health human services told congressional panel tuesday support privatization medical defended ethics record speaking senate committee finance one two committees oversee health department representative tom price said position consistent trump stated want cut federal health program elderly price georgia orthopedic surgeon previously supported privatization medical but told lawmakers role health secretary would different role congressman job would execute wishes congress i would convey medical population nation reason concerned said we look forward assisting getting care coverage senator ron widen top democrat committee questioned price stock trading lawmaker including health industry stocks could affected directly legislation it hard see anything conflict interest abuse position widen said price defended stock holdings saying everything i ethical board legal separately republican lawmakers began dismantling former president barack obama affordable care act also known obamacare two house representatives committees held hearings tuesday others follow goal putting place thoughtful reforms offer americans choices greater access care lower costs chairman ways means committee kevin brady said remarks chamber commerce price sidestepped questions impact executive order trump signed first day office targeting obamacare said committed carrying law democrats also grilled price plans medical health program covering poor americans a senior trump adviser kellyanne conway said interview nbc sunday today show trump plan replace obamacare include fixed payments government states care medical patients these payments known block grants contrast current system states share actual cost medical enrolled federal government conway said converting block grant system would ensure people charge administering program closest people need care price long advocated block grants medical declined tuesday overtly position saying would work make sure people better healthcare less tuesday hearing followed similar hearing last week senate committee health education labor pensions also oversees health department only finance committee members vote nomination politicsnews
Exclusive: Bloomberg charity scrutinized by India for anti-tobacco funding, lobbying - documentsNEW DELHI (Reuters) - India has been investigating how Bloomberg Philanthropies, founded by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, funds local non-profit groups for anti-tobacco lobbying, government documents show, making it the latest foreign non-government organization to come under scrutiny. Prime Minister Narendra Modi s government has since 2014 tightened surveillance of non-profit groups, saying they were acting against India s national interests. Thousands of foreign-funded charities licenses have been canceled for misreporting donations. Critics, however, say the government has used the foreign funding law as a tool to silence non-profit groups which have raised concerns about the social costs of India s rapid economic development. The intelligence wing of India s home ministry last year drafted a note on Bloomberg Philanthropies, raising concerns that the foundation was running a campaign to target Indian tobacco businesses and aggressively lobby against the sector. Though the three-page note, reviewed by Reuters, said the Bloomberg initiative s claimed intention to free India of tobacco cannot be faulted given the known risks from tobacco, it highlighted the sector s importance, noting it brings in nearly $5 billion in annual revenue for governments, and provides a livelihood for millions of people. Foreign interests making foreign contributions ... for purposes of lobbying against an established economic activity raises multiple concerns, the note said, including, it said, an adverse economic impact on 35 million people. The June 3, 2016 note, marked SECRET and circulated to top government officials, including in Modi s office, has not previously been reported. The probe continued until at least April this year, another government document showed. Rebecca Carriero, a spokeswoman for Michael Bloomberg and New York-based Bloomberg Philanthropies, declined to comment as they were unaware of any investigation. A home ministry spokesman said queries which relate to security agencies cannot be answered. Modi s office did not respond to an email seeking comment. The ministry s note was one of the factors behind the rejection of a foreign funding license renewal of at least one Bloomberg-funded India charity last October, said a senior government official aware of the investigation. Michael Bloomberg, one of the world s richest people and a former New York City Mayor, has committed nearly $1 billion to support global tobacco control efforts. One of his focus countries is India, where tobacco kills 900,000 people a year. Other than funding Indian NGOs, Bloomberg s charity has in the past worked on improving road safety and supported federal tobacco-control efforts. In 2015, Modi called Michael Bloomberg a friend , and the two agreed on working together on India s ambitious plan to build so-called smart cities. The home ministry note said the Bloomberg charity successfully lobbied for the introduction of bigger health warnings on cigarette packs, contrary to the recommendations of a parliamentary panel. While the panel called for the size of warnings to be more than doubled to 50 percent of a pack s surface area, the health ministry sought a higher figure of 85 percent. Despite protests from India s $10 billion cigarette industry, the Supreme Court last year ordered manufacturers to follow the more stringent health ministry rules. That, the note said, was the first of the three-phase Bloomberg campaign targeting India s tobacco industry. It did not explain how exactly the Bloomberg charity lobbied. While the note mirrored some of India s tobacco lobby s positions - such as how anti-smoking policies could adversely impact farmers - the government official said the investigation was not done at the behest of the industry. Anti-tobacco lobby wants to kill revenue generating activities, the official said. A health ministry official, however, said: We don t see tobacco as an economic activity. He added that the health ministry was unaware of the home ministry s note on Bloomberg Philanthropies. India has stepped up scrutiny of NGOs registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). In 2015, the home ministry put the Ford Foundation on a watch list and suspended Greenpeace India s FCRA license, drawing criticism from the United States. Earlier this year, the government banned foreign funding for the Public Health Foundation of India, a group backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, saying it used foreign donations to lobby for tobacco-control policy issues, which is prohibited under FCRA. In the Bloomberg case, the home ministry note included a chart showing how funds flowed from Bloomberg Philanthropies to its partner, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, which was then funding five local FCRA-registered NGOs. These NGOs, the note said, were being used by the Bloomberg charity for anti-tobacco lobbying activities. The FCRA license of at least one of them - the Institute of Public Health (IPH) Bengaluru - was not renewed in October, in part due to the home ministry s note, the government official said. The IPH said it was told by the home ministry that its license was not being renewed on the basis of a field agency report , but no details were given. It was unaware of the investigation on Bloomberg Philanthropies. In April, the home ministry wrote to the federal health ministry, citing an inquiry into foreign funding for lobbying to change laws in India. The letter, seen by Reuters, mentioned the Bloomberg initiative and directed the health ministry to report on anti-tobacco lobbying by foreign donors in other countries where tobacco is widely used. The health ministry has not yet sent that report, another government official said. The health ministry did not respond to questions. For a graphic on Bloomberg's efforts to reduce tobacco use globally click worldnews
exclusive bloomberg charity scrutinized india funding lobbying documentsnew delhi reuters india investigating bloomberg philanthropist founded billionaire michael bloomberg funds local groups lobbying government documents show making latest foreign organization come scrutiny prime minister narendra modi government since tightened surveillance groups saying acting india national interests thousands charities licenses canceled misreporting donations critics however say government used foreign funding law tool silence groups raised concerns social costs india rapid economic development the intelligence wing india home ministry last year drafted note bloomberg philanthropist raising concerns foundation running campaign target indian tobacco businesses aggressively lobby sector though note reviewed reuters said bloomberg initiative claimed intention free india tobacco vaulted given known risks tobacco highlighted sector importance noting brings nearly billion annual revenue governments provides livelihood millions people foreign interests making foreign contributions purposes lobbying established economic activity raises multiple concerns note said including said adverse economic impact million people the june note marked secret circulated top government officials including modi office previously reported the probe continued least april year another government document showed rebecca carrier spokeswoman michael bloomberg new bloomberg philanthropist declined comment unaware investigation a home ministry spokesman said queries relate security agencies answered modi office respond email seeking comment the ministry note one factors behind rejection foreign funding license renewal least one india charity last october said senior government official aware investigation michael bloomberg one world richest people former new york city mayor committed nearly billion support global tobacco control efforts one focus countries india tobacco kills people year other funding indian nos bloomberg charity past worked improving road safety supported federal efforts in modi called michael bloomberg friend two agreed working together india ambitious plan build smart cities the home ministry note said bloomberg charity successfully lobbied introduction bigger health warnings cigarette packs contrary recommendations parliamentary panel while panel called size warnings doubled percent pack surface area health ministry sought higher figure percent despite protests india billion cigarette industry supreme court last year ordered manufacturers follow stringent health ministry rules that note said first bloomberg campaign targeting india tobacco industry it explain exactly bloomberg charity lobbied while note mirrored india tobacco lobby positions policies could adversely impact farmers government official said investigation done behest industry lobby wants kill revenue generating activities official said a health ministry official however said we see tobacco economic activity he added health ministry unaware home ministry note bloomberg philanthropist india stepped scrutiny nos registered foreign contribution regulation act fra in home ministry put ford foundation watch list suspended greenpeace india fra license drawing criticism united states earlier year government banned foreign funding public health foundation india group backed bill linda gates foundation saying used foreign donations lobby policy issues prohibited fra in bloomberg case home ministry note included chart showing funds flowed bloomberg philanthropist partner campaign kids funding five local nos these nos note said used bloomberg charity lobbying activities the fra license least one institute public health ip bengaluru renewed october part due home ministry note government official said the ip said told home ministry license renewed basis field agency report details given it unaware investigation bloomberg philanthropist in april home ministry wrote federal health ministry citing inquiry foreign funding lobbying change laws india the letter seen reuters mentioned bloomberg initiative directed health ministry report lobbying foreign donors countries tobacco widely used the health ministry yet sent report another government official said the health ministry respond questions for graphic bloomberg efforts reduce tobacco use globally click worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Exclusive: Bloomberg charity scrutinized by India for anti-tobacco funding, lobbying - documentsNEW DELHI (Reuters) - India has been investigating how Bloomberg Philanthropies, founded by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, funds local non-profit groups for anti-tobacco lobbying, government documents show, making it the latest foreign non-government organization to come under scrutiny. Prime Minister Narendra Modi s government has since 2014 tightened surveillance of non-profit groups, saying they were acting against India s national interests. Thousands of foreign-funded charities licenses have been canceled for misreporting donations. Critics, however, say the government has used the foreign funding law as a tool to silence non-profit groups which have raised concerns about the social costs of India s rapid economic development. The intelligence wing of India s home ministry last year drafted a note on Bloomberg Philanthropies, raising concerns that the foundation was running a campaign to target Indian tobacco businesses and aggressively lobby against the sector. Though the three-page note, reviewed by Reuters, said the Bloomberg initiative s claimed intention to free India of tobacco cannot be faulted given the known risks from tobacco, it highlighted the sector s importance, noting it brings in nearly $5 billion in annual revenue for governments, and provides a livelihood for millions of people. Foreign interests making foreign contributions ... for purposes of lobbying against an established economic activity raises multiple concerns, the note said, including, it said, an adverse economic impact on 35 million people. The June 3, 2016 note, marked SECRET and circulated to top government officials, including in Modi s office, has not previously been reported. The probe continued until at least April this year, another government document showed. Rebecca Carriero, a spokeswoman for Michael Bloomberg and New York-based Bloomberg Philanthropies, declined to comment as they were unaware of any investigation. A home ministry spokesman said queries which relate to security agencies cannot be answered. Modi s office did not respond to an email seeking comment. The ministry s note was one of the factors behind the rejection of a foreign funding license renewal of at least one Bloomberg-funded India charity last October, said a senior government official aware of the investigation. Michael Bloomberg, one of the world s richest people and a former New York City Mayor, has committed nearly $1 billion to support global tobacco control efforts. One of his focus countries is India, where tobacco kills 900,000 people a year. Other than funding Indian NGOs, Bloomberg s charity has in the past worked on improving road safety and supported federal tobacco-control efforts. In 2015, Modi called Michael Bloomberg a friend , and the two agreed on working together on India s ambitious plan to build so-called smart cities. The home ministry note said the Bloomberg charity successfully lobbied for the introduction of bigger health warnings on cigarette packs, contrary to the recommendations of a parliamentary panel. While the panel called for the size of warnings to be more than doubled to 50 percent of a pack s surface area, the health ministry sought a higher figure of 85 percent. Despite protests from India s $10 billion cigarette industry, the Supreme Court last year ordered manufacturers to follow the more stringent health ministry rules. That, the note said, was the first of the three-phase Bloomberg campaign targeting India s tobacco industry. It did not explain how exactly the Bloomberg charity lobbied. While the note mirrored some of India s tobacco lobby s positions - such as how anti-smoking policies could adversely impact farmers - the government official said the investigation was not done at the behest of the industry. Anti-tobacco lobby wants to kill revenue generating activities, the official said. A health ministry official, however, said: We don t see tobacco as an economic activity. He added that the health ministry was unaware of the home ministry s note on Bloomberg Philanthropies. India has stepped up scrutiny of NGOs registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). In 2015, the home ministry put the Ford Foundation on a watch list and suspended Greenpeace India s FCRA license, drawing criticism from the United States. Earlier this year, the government banned foreign funding for the Public Health Foundation of India, a group backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, saying it used foreign donations to lobby for tobacco-control policy issues, which is prohibited under FCRA. In the Bloomberg case, the home ministry note included a chart showing how funds flowed from Bloomberg Philanthropies to its partner, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, which was then funding five local FCRA-registered NGOs. These NGOs, the note said, were being used by the Bloomberg charity for anti-tobacco lobbying activities. The FCRA license of at least one of them - the Institute of Public Health (IPH) Bengaluru - was not renewed in October, in part due to the home ministry s note, the government official said. The IPH said it was told by the home ministry that its license was not being renewed on the basis of a field agency report , but no details were given. It was unaware of the investigation on Bloomberg Philanthropies. In April, the home ministry wrote to the federal health ministry, citing an inquiry into foreign funding for lobbying to change laws in India. The letter, seen by Reuters, mentioned the Bloomberg initiative and directed the health ministry to report on anti-tobacco lobbying by foreign donors in other countries where tobacco is widely used. The health ministry has not yet sent that report, another government official said. The health ministry did not respond to questions. For a graphic on Bloomberg's efforts to reduce tobacco use globally click worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: exclusive bloomberg charity scrutinized india funding lobbying documentsnew delhi reuters india investigating bloomberg philanthropist founded billionaire michael bloomberg funds local groups lobbying government documents show making latest foreign organization come scrutiny prime minister narendra modi government since tightened surveillance groups saying acting india national interests thousands charities licenses canceled misreporting donations critics however say government used foreign funding law tool silence groups raised concerns social costs india rapid economic development the intelligence wing india home ministry last year drafted note bloomberg philanthropist raising concerns foundation running campaign target indian tobacco businesses aggressively lobby sector though note reviewed reuters said bloomberg initiative claimed intention free india tobacco vaulted given known risks tobacco highlighted sector importance noting brings nearly billion annual revenue governments provides livelihood millions people foreign interests making foreign contributions purposes lobbying established economic activity raises multiple concerns note said including said adverse economic impact million people the june note marked secret circulated top government officials including modi office previously reported the probe continued least april year another government document showed rebecca carrier spokeswoman michael bloomberg new bloomberg philanthropist declined comment unaware investigation a home ministry spokesman said queries relate security agencies answered modi office respond email seeking comment the ministry note one factors behind rejection foreign funding license renewal least one india charity last october said senior government official aware investigation michael bloomberg one world richest people former new york city mayor committed nearly billion support global tobacco control efforts one focus countries india tobacco kills people year other funding indian nos bloomberg charity past worked improving road safety supported federal efforts in modi called michael bloomberg friend two agreed working together india ambitious plan build smart cities the home ministry note said bloomberg charity successfully lobbied introduction bigger health warnings cigarette packs contrary recommendations parliamentary panel while panel called size warnings doubled percent pack surface area health ministry sought higher figure percent despite protests india billion cigarette industry supreme court last year ordered manufacturers follow stringent health ministry rules that note said first bloomberg campaign targeting india tobacco industry it explain exactly bloomberg charity lobbied while note mirrored india tobacco lobby positions policies could adversely impact farmers government official said investigation done behest industry lobby wants kill revenue generating activities official said a health ministry official however said we see tobacco economic activity he added health ministry unaware home ministry note bloomberg philanthropist india stepped scrutiny nos registered foreign contribution regulation act fra in home ministry put ford foundation watch list suspended greenpeace india fra license drawing criticism united states earlier year government banned foreign funding public health foundation india group backed bill linda gates foundation saying used foreign donations lobby policy issues prohibited fra in bloomberg case home ministry note included chart showing funds flowed bloomberg philanthropist partner campaign kids funding five local nos these nos note said used bloomberg charity lobbying activities the fra license least one institute public health ip bengaluru renewed october part due home ministry note government official said the ip said told home ministry license renewed basis field agency report details given it unaware investigation bloomberg philanthropist in april home ministry wrote federal health ministry citing inquiry foreign funding lobbying change laws india the letter seen reuters mentioned bloomberg initiative directed health ministry report lobbying foreign donors countries tobacco widely used the health ministry yet sent report another government official said the health ministry respond questions for graphic bloomberg efforts reduce tobacco use globally click worldnews
Veterans: Cozy Trump Relationship With Russian Hackers “Cause For Alarm”Military veterans are expressing extreme concerns about the behavior and reaction of Donald Trump to the revelation that hackers under the employ of Russia stole information from Democrats and passed it on to WikiLeaks in an attempt to influence the result of the election. While Donald Trump and congressional Republicans have down played this information, veterans are now pushing back.Retired Major General Paul D. Eaton, senior adviser to, has released a statement blasting the Trump/Republican reaction to this dangerous moment:When you see a President-elect of the United States so enamored by the Russian regime, as well as are his National Security Adviser and potential Secretary of State, and then find out the Russian government interfered in our election to help that side, it is cause for alarm.We join Senator Wyden and other Intelligence Committee members in calling for materials on Russian hacking that can be declassified to be immediately released to the public. We also join the group of 10 electoral college members that recently asked for all materials to be turned over to them, on this matter. We do not need an investigation to tell us what evidence and information the CIA found. The American people deserve to see those materials right now.General Eaton also asks, Did anyone in the Trump campaign, or anyone connected to the campaign know about this plot? The Russian campaign to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 election continues to induce fear in millions of Americans, and it is very telling that veterans are now among those expressing concern about the actions of Russia, Putin, and Trump in such dire terms.Congressional Republicans, fresh off of the partisan Benghazi investigation largely whipped up to attack Hillary Clinton, have slow-walked their responses to Russian hacking, with some actively opposing any sort of investigation that could harm Trump s public image.Featured image via YouTubeNews
veterans copy trump relationship with russian hackers cause for alarm military veterans expressing extreme concerns behavior reaction donald trump revelation hackers employ russia stole information democrats passed wikileaks attempt influence result election while donald trump congressional republicans played information veterans pushing major general paul eaten senior adviser released statement blasting reaction dangerous moment when see united states enamored russian regime well national security adviser potential secretary state find russian government interfered election help side cause join senator widen intelligence committee members calling materials russian hacking declassified immediately released public we also join group electoral college members recently asked materials turned matter we need investigation tell us evidence information cia found the american people deserve see materials right eaten also asks did anyone trump campaign anyone connected campaign know plot the russian campaign manipulate outcome election continues induce fear millions americans telling veterans among expressing concern actions russia putin trump dire republicans fresh partisan bengali investigation largely whipped attack hillary clinton responses russian hacking actively opposing sort investigation could harm trump public image via youtubenews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Veterans: Cozy Trump Relationship With Russian Hackers “Cause For Alarm”Military veterans are expressing extreme concerns about the behavior and reaction of Donald Trump to the revelation that hackers under the employ of Russia stole information from Democrats and passed it on to WikiLeaks in an attempt to influence the result of the election. While Donald Trump and congressional Republicans have down played this information, veterans are now pushing back.Retired Major General Paul D. Eaton, senior adviser to, has released a statement blasting the Trump/Republican reaction to this dangerous moment:When you see a President-elect of the United States so enamored by the Russian regime, as well as are his National Security Adviser and potential Secretary of State, and then find out the Russian government interfered in our election to help that side, it is cause for alarm.We join Senator Wyden and other Intelligence Committee members in calling for materials on Russian hacking that can be declassified to be immediately released to the public. We also join the group of 10 electoral college members that recently asked for all materials to be turned over to them, on this matter. We do not need an investigation to tell us what evidence and information the CIA found. The American people deserve to see those materials right now.General Eaton also asks, Did anyone in the Trump campaign, or anyone connected to the campaign know about this plot? The Russian campaign to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 election continues to induce fear in millions of Americans, and it is very telling that veterans are now among those expressing concern about the actions of Russia, Putin, and Trump in such dire terms.Congressional Republicans, fresh off of the partisan Benghazi investigation largely whipped up to attack Hillary Clinton, have slow-walked their responses to Russian hacking, with some actively opposing any sort of investigation that could harm Trump s public image.Featured image via YouTubeNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: veterans copy trump relationship with russian hackers cause for alarm military veterans expressing extreme concerns behavior reaction donald trump revelation hackers employ russia stole information democrats passed wikileaks attempt influence result election while donald trump congressional republicans played information veterans pushing major general paul eaten senior adviser released statement blasting reaction dangerous moment when see united states enamored russian regime well national security adviser potential secretary state find russian government interfered election help side cause join senator widen intelligence committee members calling materials russian hacking declassified immediately released public we also join group electoral college members recently asked materials turned matter we need investigation tell us evidence information cia found the american people deserve see materials right eaten also asks did anyone trump campaign anyone connected campaign know plot the russian campaign manipulate outcome election continues induce fear millions americans telling veterans among expressing concern actions russia putin trump dire republicans fresh partisan bengali investigation largely whipped attack hillary clinton responses russian hacking actively opposing sort investigation could harm trump public image via youtubenews
Trump to give remarks on healthcare at 12:55 p.m. (1655 GMT): White HouseWASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will make remarks on health care later on Wednesday, the White House said, a day after he pressed Republican congressional leaders to complete their overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system. The Republican president will deliver the remarks at 12:55 p.m. (1655 GMT) during a visit to Ohio, where he is promoting an infrastructure initiative, the White House said in a statement. politicsNews
trump give remarks healthcare gt white housewashington reuters president donald trump make remarks health care later wednesday white house said day pressed republican congressional leaders complete overhaul healthcare system the republican president deliver remarks gt visit ohio promoting infrastructure initiative white house said statement politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump to give remarks on healthcare at 12:55 p.m. (1655 GMT): White HouseWASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will make remarks on health care later on Wednesday, the White House said, a day after he pressed Republican congressional leaders to complete their overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system. The Republican president will deliver the remarks at 12:55 p.m. (1655 GMT) during a visit to Ohio, where he is promoting an infrastructure initiative, the White House said in a statement. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump give remarks healthcare gt white housewashington reuters president donald trump make remarks health care later wednesday white house said day pressed republican congressional leaders complete overhaul healthcare system the republican president deliver remarks gt visit ohio promoting infrastructure initiative white house said statement politicsnews
Afghan Taliban say kidnapped U.S. professor is seriously illKABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Monday that Kevin King, one of two professors from the American University of Afghanistan who were kidnapped in Kabul last year, is seriously ill and needs urgent medical attention. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said King, an American, was suffering from dangerous heart disease and kidney problems. His illness has intensified, his feet have swollen and sometimes he becomes unconscious and his condition worsens every day, Mujahid said in a statement. We have tried to treat him time to time but we do not have medical facilities as we are in a war situation, he said. The U.S. State Department called for the immediate and unconditional release of King and other hostages. King and his Australian colleague Timothy Weeks were kidnapped in August 2016 as they were returning to their compound in the Afghan capital. Afghan and Western officials believe the men are being held by the Haqqani network, a militant group affiliated with the Taliban that has carried out many other kidnappings. They acknowledge that an unsuccessful rescue attempt was made in eastern Afghanistan months after the two were taken. The Taliban statement came around two weeks after Pakistani troops rescued Canadian Joshua Boyle and his American wife Caitlan Coleman from an area near the Afghan border. They had been held by the Haqqanis since being kidnapped in 2012. Earlier this year, the Taliban released a video of King and Weeks showing them pleading with their governments to release Taliban prisoners in turn for their freedom. Kidnapping high profile targets has become a lucrative business for the Taliban and other militant groups in Afghanistan who in return often demand huge ransom or release of their members. worldnews
afghan taliban say kidnapped professor seriously illkabul reuters the afghan taliban said monday kevin king one two professors american university afghanistan kidnapped kabul last year seriously ill needs urgent medical attention taliban spokesman zabihullah mujahid said king american suffering dangerous heart disease kidney problems his illness intensified feet swollen sometimes becomes unconscious condition worsens every day mujahid said statement we tried treat time time medical facilities war situation said the state department called immediate unconditional release king hostages king australian colleague timothy weeks kidnapped august returning compound afghan capital afghan western officials believe men held haqqani network militant group affiliated taliban carried many kidnappings they acknowledge unsuccessful rescue attempt made eastern afghanistan months two taken the taliban statement came around two weeks pakistani troops rescued canadian joshua boyle american wife catalan coleman area near afghan border they held haqqanis since kidnapped earlier year taliban released video king weeks showing pleading governments release taliban prisoners turn freedom kidnapping high profile targets become lucrative business taliban militant groups afghanistan return often demand huge ransom release members worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Afghan Taliban say kidnapped U.S. professor is seriously illKABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Monday that Kevin King, one of two professors from the American University of Afghanistan who were kidnapped in Kabul last year, is seriously ill and needs urgent medical attention. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said King, an American, was suffering from dangerous heart disease and kidney problems. His illness has intensified, his feet have swollen and sometimes he becomes unconscious and his condition worsens every day, Mujahid said in a statement. We have tried to treat him time to time but we do not have medical facilities as we are in a war situation, he said. The U.S. State Department called for the immediate and unconditional release of King and other hostages. King and his Australian colleague Timothy Weeks were kidnapped in August 2016 as they were returning to their compound in the Afghan capital. Afghan and Western officials believe the men are being held by the Haqqani network, a militant group affiliated with the Taliban that has carried out many other kidnappings. They acknowledge that an unsuccessful rescue attempt was made in eastern Afghanistan months after the two were taken. The Taliban statement came around two weeks after Pakistani troops rescued Canadian Joshua Boyle and his American wife Caitlan Coleman from an area near the Afghan border. They had been held by the Haqqanis since being kidnapped in 2012. Earlier this year, the Taliban released a video of King and Weeks showing them pleading with their governments to release Taliban prisoners in turn for their freedom. Kidnapping high profile targets has become a lucrative business for the Taliban and other militant groups in Afghanistan who in return often demand huge ransom or release of their members. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: afghan taliban say kidnapped professor seriously illkabul reuters the afghan taliban said monday kevin king one two professors american university afghanistan kidnapped kabul last year seriously ill needs urgent medical attention taliban spokesman zabihullah mujahid said king american suffering dangerous heart disease kidney problems his illness intensified feet swollen sometimes becomes unconscious condition worsens every day mujahid said statement we tried treat time time medical facilities war situation said the state department called immediate unconditional release king hostages king australian colleague timothy weeks kidnapped august returning compound afghan capital afghan western officials believe men held haqqani network militant group affiliated taliban carried many kidnappings they acknowledge unsuccessful rescue attempt made eastern afghanistan months two taken the taliban statement came around two weeks pakistani troops rescued canadian joshua boyle american wife catalan coleman area near afghan border they held haqqanis since kidnapped earlier year taliban released video king weeks showing pleading governments release taliban prisoners turn freedom kidnapping high profile targets become lucrative business taliban militant groups afghanistan return often demand huge ransom release members worldnews
Trump has shifted away from complete Muslim ban: PenceWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump has backed away from a total ban on Muslims entering the United States, vice presidential running mate Mike Pence said on Thursday, a shift from one of the Republican presidential candidate’s most provocative proposals. Trump’s call last December for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” followed an Islamic State-inspired mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, by a husband-and-wife team. Critics have called the proposed ban discriminatory and probably a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of religion, and Democrats have used Trump’s policy to declare him a bigot. In recent months, Trump has said he would suspend immigration from countries where Islamist militants are active but has left vague as to whether this amounted to a narrowing or an expansion of his original policy position.Pence said in a round of television interviews that if elected on Nov. 8, Trump would suspend immigration from “countries that have been compromised by terrorism.” Asked if this amounted to a ban on Muslims, Pence said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show: “Of course not.” On CNN’s “New Day,” Pence was asked why, given that he had been against the ban before becoming Trump’s running mate, he was not opposing it now.” “Well, because it’s not Donald Trump’s position now,” replied Pence. politicsNews
trump shifted away complete muslim ban pencewashington reuters donald trump backed away total ban muslims entering united states vice presidential running mate mike pence said thursday shift one republican presidential candidate provocative proposals trump call last december total complete shutdown muslims entering united states followed islamic mass shooting san bernardino california team critics called proposed ban discriminatory probably violation constitution guarantee freedom religion democrats used trump policy declare right in recent months trump said would suspend immigration countries islamic militants active left vague whether amounted narrowing expansion original policy said round television interviews elected trump would suspend immigration countries compromised asked amounted ban muslims pence said msnbc morning joe show of course on cnn new day pence asked given ban becoming trump running mate opposing well donald trump position replied pence politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump has shifted away from complete Muslim ban: PenceWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump has backed away from a total ban on Muslims entering the United States, vice presidential running mate Mike Pence said on Thursday, a shift from one of the Republican presidential candidate’s most provocative proposals. Trump’s call last December for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” followed an Islamic State-inspired mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, by a husband-and-wife team. Critics have called the proposed ban discriminatory and probably a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of religion, and Democrats have used Trump’s policy to declare him a bigot. In recent months, Trump has said he would suspend immigration from countries where Islamist militants are active but has left vague as to whether this amounted to a narrowing or an expansion of his original policy position.Pence said in a round of television interviews that if elected on Nov. 8, Trump would suspend immigration from “countries that have been compromised by terrorism.” Asked if this amounted to a ban on Muslims, Pence said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show: “Of course not.” On CNN’s “New Day,” Pence was asked why, given that he had been against the ban before becoming Trump’s running mate, he was not opposing it now.” “Well, because it’s not Donald Trump’s position now,” replied Pence. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump shifted away complete muslim ban pencewashington reuters donald trump backed away total ban muslims entering united states vice presidential running mate mike pence said thursday shift one republican presidential candidate provocative proposals trump call last december total complete shutdown muslims entering united states followed islamic mass shooting san bernardino california team critics called proposed ban discriminatory probably violation constitution guarantee freedom religion democrats used trump policy declare right in recent months trump said would suspend immigration countries islamic militants active left vague whether amounted narrowing expansion original policy said round television interviews elected trump would suspend immigration countries compromised asked amounted ban muslims pence said msnbc morning joe show of course on cnn new day pence asked given ban becoming trump running mate opposing well donald trump position replied pence politicsnews
Factbox: Provisions of the U.S. Republicans' final tax bill(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress reached a deal on tax legislation on Wednesday, clearing the way for final votes next week on a package that, if approved, would be sent to President Donald Trump to sign into law. Formal language of the legislation, expected to add at least $1 trillion to the $20-trillion national debt over a decade, has not been released. The following are known provisions on which House of Representatives and Senate tax writers have agreed, based on conversations with aides and lawmakers: CORPORATE TAX RATE: Falls to 21 percent from 35 percent. The House and Senate bills, as well as Trump, had earlier proposed 20 percent. Going to 21 percent gave tax writers more federal revenue needed to allow the tax cut to take effect immediately. U.S. corporations have been seeking a large tax cut like this for many years. PASS-THROUGH BUSINESSES: Creates a 20 percent business income deduction for owners of pass-through businesses, such as sole proprietorships and partnerships. The House had proposed a 25 percent tax rate; the Senate, a 23 percent deduction. CORPORATE MINIMUM: Repeals the corporate alternative minimum tax, which was set up to ensure profitable companies pay at least some federal tax. CLEAN ENERGY: Maintains production tax credit for wind energy and the $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit. The House had proposed repealing the electric vehicle credit and scaling back the wind energy credit. The Senate version did neither. INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RATES: There will be seven brackets, and the top rate falls to 37 percent from 39.6 percent. The House had proposed maintaining the 39.6 percent top rate and condensing the current seven tax brackets to four. The Senate had proposed cutting the top rate to 38.5 percent and maintaining seven brackets. PERMANENCE: The expectation is that individual tax rates will snap back to current levels in less than 10 years, possibly after 2024. The individual tax rates in the House bill were to be permanent. The individual tax rates in the Senate bill were to expire after 2025. STATE AND LOCAL TAX (SALT): Both the House and Senate had proposed scaling back the popular individual deduction for state and local tax payments by limiting it to property-tax payments and capping that at $10,000. The compromise bill will keep that $10,000 cap, but allow for continued deduction of both state and local income tax payments, as well as property tax payments. MORTGAGE INTEREST: Caps the mortgage interest deduction for new mortgages at $750,000 in home loan value, down from the current $1 million. The House had proposed a $500,000 cap. The Senate bill left it at $1 million. ESTATE TAX: Roughly doubles the exemption from the federal estate tax on inherited assets to about $11 million per person, or about $22 million per couple, but leaves the estate tax in place, mirroring the Senate proposal. The House bill had proposed entirely repealing the estate tax over several years. OBAMACARE MANDATE: Repeals a federal fine imposed on Americans under Obamacare for not obtaining health insurance coverage. The House bill did not repeal the Obamacare individual mandate. ANWR DRILLING: Allows oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The provision was sponsored by Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. politicsNews
factor provisions republicans final tax bill reuters republicans congress reached deal tax legislation wednesday clearing way final votes next week package approved would sent president donald trump sign law formal language legislation expected add least trillion national debt decade released the following known provisions house representatives senate tax writers agreed based conversations aides lawmakers corporate tax rate falls percent percent the house senate bills well trump earlier proposed percent going percent gave tax writers federal revenue needed allow tax cut take effect immediately corporations seeking large tax cut like many years businesses creates percent business income deduction owners businesses sole proprietorships partnerships the house proposed percent tax rate senate percent deduction corporate minimum reveals corporate alternative minimum tax set ensure profitable companies pay least federal tax clean energy maintains production tax credit wind energy electric vehicle tax credit the house proposed repealing electric vehicle credit scaling back wind energy credit the senate version neither individual income tax rates there seven brackets top rate falls percent percent the house proposed maintaining percent top rate condensing current seven tax brackets four the senate proposed cutting top rate percent maintaining seven brackets permanent the expectation individual tax rates snap back current levels less years possibly the individual tax rates house bill permanent the individual tax rates senate bill expire state and local tax salt both house senate proposed scaling back popular individual deduction state local tax payments limiting payments capping the compromise bill keep cap allow continued deduction state local income tax payments well property tax payments mortgage interest caps mortgage interest deduction new mortgages home loan value current million the house proposed cap the senate bill left million estate tax roughly doubles exemption federal estate tax inherited assets million per person million per couple leaves estate tax place mirroring senate proposal the house bill proposed entirely repealing estate tax several years obamacare mandate reveals federal fine imposed americans obamacare obtaining health insurance coverage the house bill repeal obamacare individual mandate and drilling allows oil drilling alaska arctic national wildlife refuge the provision sponsored republican senator lisa murkowski alaska politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Factbox: Provisions of the U.S. Republicans' final tax bill(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress reached a deal on tax legislation on Wednesday, clearing the way for final votes next week on a package that, if approved, would be sent to President Donald Trump to sign into law. Formal language of the legislation, expected to add at least $1 trillion to the $20-trillion national debt over a decade, has not been released. The following are known provisions on which House of Representatives and Senate tax writers have agreed, based on conversations with aides and lawmakers: CORPORATE TAX RATE: Falls to 21 percent from 35 percent. The House and Senate bills, as well as Trump, had earlier proposed 20 percent. Going to 21 percent gave tax writers more federal revenue needed to allow the tax cut to take effect immediately. U.S. corporations have been seeking a large tax cut like this for many years. PASS-THROUGH BUSINESSES: Creates a 20 percent business income deduction for owners of pass-through businesses, such as sole proprietorships and partnerships. The House had proposed a 25 percent tax rate; the Senate, a 23 percent deduction. CORPORATE MINIMUM: Repeals the corporate alternative minimum tax, which was set up to ensure profitable companies pay at least some federal tax. CLEAN ENERGY: Maintains production tax credit for wind energy and the $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit. The House had proposed repealing the electric vehicle credit and scaling back the wind energy credit. The Senate version did neither. INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RATES: There will be seven brackets, and the top rate falls to 37 percent from 39.6 percent. The House had proposed maintaining the 39.6 percent top rate and condensing the current seven tax brackets to four. The Senate had proposed cutting the top rate to 38.5 percent and maintaining seven brackets. PERMANENCE: The expectation is that individual tax rates will snap back to current levels in less than 10 years, possibly after 2024. The individual tax rates in the House bill were to be permanent. The individual tax rates in the Senate bill were to expire after 2025. STATE AND LOCAL TAX (SALT): Both the House and Senate had proposed scaling back the popular individual deduction for state and local tax payments by limiting it to property-tax payments and capping that at $10,000. The compromise bill will keep that $10,000 cap, but allow for continued deduction of both state and local income tax payments, as well as property tax payments. MORTGAGE INTEREST: Caps the mortgage interest deduction for new mortgages at $750,000 in home loan value, down from the current $1 million. The House had proposed a $500,000 cap. The Senate bill left it at $1 million. ESTATE TAX: Roughly doubles the exemption from the federal estate tax on inherited assets to about $11 million per person, or about $22 million per couple, but leaves the estate tax in place, mirroring the Senate proposal. The House bill had proposed entirely repealing the estate tax over several years. OBAMACARE MANDATE: Repeals a federal fine imposed on Americans under Obamacare for not obtaining health insurance coverage. The House bill did not repeal the Obamacare individual mandate. ANWR DRILLING: Allows oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The provision was sponsored by Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: factor provisions republicans final tax bill reuters republicans congress reached deal tax legislation wednesday clearing way final votes next week package approved would sent president donald trump sign law formal language legislation expected add least trillion national debt decade released the following known provisions house representatives senate tax writers agreed based conversations aides lawmakers corporate tax rate falls percent percent the house senate bills well trump earlier proposed percent going percent gave tax writers federal revenue needed allow tax cut take effect immediately corporations seeking large tax cut like many years businesses creates percent business income deduction owners businesses sole proprietorships partnerships the house proposed percent tax rate senate percent deduction corporate minimum reveals corporate alternative minimum tax set ensure profitable companies pay least federal tax clean energy maintains production tax credit wind energy electric vehicle tax credit the house proposed repealing electric vehicle credit scaling back wind energy credit the senate version neither individual income tax rates there seven brackets top rate falls percent percent the house proposed maintaining percent top rate condensing current seven tax brackets four the senate proposed cutting top rate percent maintaining seven brackets permanent the expectation individual tax rates snap back current levels less years possibly the individual tax rates house bill permanent the individual tax rates senate bill expire state and local tax salt both house senate proposed scaling back popular individual deduction state local tax payments limiting payments capping the compromise bill keep cap allow continued deduction state local income tax payments well property tax payments mortgage interest caps mortgage interest deduction new mortgages home loan value current million the house proposed cap the senate bill left million estate tax roughly doubles exemption federal estate tax inherited assets million per person million per couple leaves estate tax place mirroring senate proposal the house bill proposed entirely repealing estate tax several years obamacare mandate reveals federal fine imposed americans obamacare obtaining health insurance coverage the house bill repeal obamacare individual mandate and drilling allows oil drilling alaska arctic national wildlife refuge the provision sponsored republican senator lisa murkowski alaska politicsnews
STREET ARTIST Censored For Painting Of Hillary Clinton In BikiniCensorship is alive and well when it comes to Hillary Clinton A street artist in Australia had his Instagram account deleted and now he s being told to take down the painting on the side of a building. Hillary is pictured (below) in a sort of bikini/monokini that is pretty raunchy. It s a copy of a photoshopped image that s been on the internet for years. This really is censorship of the worst kind because it s a known image. Obviously, Instagram is a Hillary fan: Speaking on Melbourne radio, Lushsux said he suspected that his Instagram account, which he said had some 110,000 followers, was deleted due to him posting a photo of the raunchy Hillary image. Melbourne (AFP) An Australian mural of US presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in a revealing, stars and stripes swimsuit may be taken down, after it has reportedly been deemed offensive.The creator of the painting, the street artist who goes by the name Lushsux and who has also painted murals of the likes of Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian, branded calls to remove it pathetic .The provocative mural is on the wall of a small business in the Melbourne suburb of Footscray, and reports say the business has been asked by the local Maribyrnong Council to remove it. We believe it is offensive because of the depiction of a near-naked woman, not on the basis of disrespect to Hillary Clinton, in accordance with the Graffiti Prevention Act 2007, the council s chief executive Stephen Wall told Fairfax Media on Friday.Wall said local police had been asked to urgently provide their opinion on the mural, adding that the council intended to issue a notice to the building s owner to remove it within 10 days.Lushsux accused the council of being out of control, telling Fairfax the mural was on par offence-wise with a deodorant ad.Speaking on Melbourne radio, Lushsux said he suspected that his Instagram account, which he said had some 110,000 followers, was deleted due to him posting a photo of the raunchy Hillary image. It s hard enough to be an artist to lose your social media following in this day and age is a big loss, he told 3AW on Friday..Via: Yahooleft-news
street artist censored for painting of hillary clinton in bikinicensorship alive well comes hillary clinton a street artist australia instagram account deleted told take painting side building hillary pictured sort pretty launch it copy photoshopped image internet years this really censorship worst kind known image obviously instagram hillary fan speaking melbourne radio lushsux said suspected instagram account said followers deleted due posting photo launch hillary image melbourne afp an australian mural us presidential nominee hillary clinton revealing stars stripes swimsuit may taken reportedly deemed creator painting street artist goes name lushsux also painted murals likes donald trump kim kardashian branded calls remove pathetic provocative mural wall small business melbourne suburb footscray reports say business asked local maribyrnong council remove we believe offensive depiction woman basis disrespect hillary clinton accordance graffiti prevention act council chief executive stephen wall told fairfax media said local police asked urgently provide opinion mural adding council intended issue notice building owner remove within accused council control telling fairfax mural par deodorant melbourne radio lushsux said suspected instagram account said followers deleted due posting photo launch hillary image it hard enough artist lose social media following day age big loss told friday via
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: STREET ARTIST Censored For Painting Of Hillary Clinton In BikiniCensorship is alive and well when it comes to Hillary Clinton A street artist in Australia had his Instagram account deleted and now he s being told to take down the painting on the side of a building. Hillary is pictured (below) in a sort of bikini/monokini that is pretty raunchy. It s a copy of a photoshopped image that s been on the internet for years. This really is censorship of the worst kind because it s a known image. Obviously, Instagram is a Hillary fan: Speaking on Melbourne radio, Lushsux said he suspected that his Instagram account, which he said had some 110,000 followers, was deleted due to him posting a photo of the raunchy Hillary image. Melbourne (AFP) An Australian mural of US presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in a revealing, stars and stripes swimsuit may be taken down, after it has reportedly been deemed offensive.The creator of the painting, the street artist who goes by the name Lushsux and who has also painted murals of the likes of Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian, branded calls to remove it pathetic .The provocative mural is on the wall of a small business in the Melbourne suburb of Footscray, and reports say the business has been asked by the local Maribyrnong Council to remove it. We believe it is offensive because of the depiction of a near-naked woman, not on the basis of disrespect to Hillary Clinton, in accordance with the Graffiti Prevention Act 2007, the council s chief executive Stephen Wall told Fairfax Media on Friday.Wall said local police had been asked to urgently provide their opinion on the mural, adding that the council intended to issue a notice to the building s owner to remove it within 10 days.Lushsux accused the council of being out of control, telling Fairfax the mural was on par offence-wise with a deodorant ad.Speaking on Melbourne radio, Lushsux said he suspected that his Instagram account, which he said had some 110,000 followers, was deleted due to him posting a photo of the raunchy Hillary image. It s hard enough to be an artist to lose your social media following in this day and age is a big loss, he told 3AW on Friday..Via: Yahooleft-news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: street artist censored for painting of hillary clinton in bikinicensorship alive well comes hillary clinton a street artist australia instagram account deleted told take painting side building hillary pictured sort pretty launch it copy photoshopped image internet years this really censorship worst kind known image obviously instagram hillary fan speaking melbourne radio lushsux said suspected instagram account said followers deleted due posting photo launch hillary image melbourne afp an australian mural us presidential nominee hillary clinton revealing stars stripes swimsuit may taken reportedly deemed creator painting street artist goes name lushsux also painted murals likes donald trump kim kardashian branded calls remove pathetic provocative mural wall small business melbourne suburb footscray reports say business asked local maribyrnong council remove we believe offensive depiction woman basis disrespect hillary clinton accordance graffiti prevention act council chief executive stephen wall told fairfax media said local police asked urgently provide opinion mural adding council intended issue notice building owner remove within accused council control telling fairfax mural par deodorant melbourne radio lushsux said suspected instagram account said followers deleted due posting photo launch hillary image it hard enough artist lose social media following day age big loss told friday via
Breitbart Racist Is Attacking Neil Degrasse Tyson: ‘He Is Stupid And His Politics Are Dumb’Let s face it, Republicans hate Neil Degrasse Tyson because he is the Obama of science. If the frighteningly intelligent black scientist gets his mitts on their white daughters, they will want to abandon their traditional values and become ASTROPHYSICISTS.A great example of this is a blatantly racist attack piece put together at the Republican outrage mill Breitbart. In it, the author implies that liberals are racist because they love Tyson. This is followed up immediately by Breitbart using racist tropes of the lazy black man to attack him personally while lamenting affirmative action as the only reasons he is on TV.Tyson, whom liberals love because they are racists who can t believe a black guy could be smart enough to be a scientist and so spontaneously ejaculate and soil themselves every time they see him on TV, hasn t published anything of note for years. The advantage of being a celebrity scientist is that you don t actually have to do any science.He didn t get the PhD he was studying for at the University of Texas and had to go elsewhere for his qualification. Obviously, rather than take responsibility for his academic performance, Tyson has blamed racism. In reality, Tyson was playing in bands and appearing on stage instead of completing essays. Typical science PhD students are at any given time either studying, teaching or sleeping.In 2005, he said: I know these forces are real and I had to survive them in order to get where I am today. So before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there s equal opportunity. He of course doesn t address the fact that the only reason Neil deGrasse Tyson is on television at all, given his intellectual shortcomings, is that he is black.Source: BreitbartHere is another famously liberal scientist, who Republicans claim has intellectual shortcomings, that is only on tv because of his black skin and a lot of white guilt.image: RedStateQuick fact check. Tyson did not blame his lack of a Ph.D. from UT on racism. He was talking about racism on campus, like when he was stopped 7 times by campus police for walking near the physics building. It s worth noting he was never stopped by campus police walking near the gymnasium. His Ph.D. pursuit ended when the university dissolved his dissertation committee.It took 16 seconds of Google to find that information.Apparently Breitbart is an authority in Astronomy, Physics, and Astrophysics, because they have the ability to sense when a black person has truly worked hard enough. in the fields. They also proved their superior authority on the topics mentioned by saying Tyson hasn t published anything of note in years. Tyson has published 13 papers, which is more than Breitbart has done, and last time I checked Breitbart did not do peer-review of any published scientific material.They also hate Tyson because he thinks about something other than Jesus.On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec 25, 1642 Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) December 25, 2014Tyson hasn t published as much work as some others, but there is a context to that. He made a choice to serve the public over himself. Instead of being insulated within the scientific community, he has given up a lot of his legacy in scientific academia in order to bring science to regular people. He went out and made science cool again when Republicans have been trying to make it something to be feared.It s a strange manifestation of birtherism in a way. A black man can t both be smart and popular everywhere except within conservative America. There HAS to be a conspiracy by liberal whites to foist his blackness upon America s heartland.featured image via youtubeNews
breitbart racist is attacking neil degrade tyson he is stupid and his politics are dumb let face republicans hate neil degrade tyson obama science if frightening intelligent black scientist gets mites white daughters want abandon traditional values become great example blatantly racist attack piece put together republican outrage mill breitbart in author implies liberals racist love tyson this followed immediately breitbart using racist tropes lazy black man attack personally parenting affirmative action reasons liberals love racists believe black guy could smart enough scientist spontaneously evacuate soil every time see tv published anything note years the advantage celebrity scientist actually get phd studying university texas go elsewhere qualification obviously rather take responsibility academic performance tyson blamed racism in reality tyson playing bands appearing stage instead completing essays typical science phd students given time either studying teaching said i know forces real i survive order get i today so start talking genetic differences got ta come system equal opportunity he course address fact reason neil degrade tyson television given intellectual shortcomings breitbarthere another famously liberal scientist republicans claim intellectual shortcomings tv black skin lot white redstatequick fact check tyson blame lack ut racism he talking racism campus like stopped times campus police walking near physics building it worth noting never stopped campus police walking near gymnasium his pursuit ended university dissolved dissertation took seconds google find breitbart authority astronomy physics astrophysics ability sense black person truly worked hard enough fields they also proved superior authority topics mentioned saying tyson published anything note years tyson published papers breitbart done last time i checked breitbart published scientific also hate tyson thinks something day long ago child born age would transform world happy birthday isaac newton dec neil degrade tyson neiltyson december published much work others context he made choice serve public instead insulated within scientific community given lot legacy scientific academia order bring science regular people he went made science cool republicans trying make something strange manifestation birtherism way a black man smart popular everywhere except within conservative america there has conspiracy liberal whites moist blackness upon america image via youtubenews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Breitbart Racist Is Attacking Neil Degrasse Tyson: ‘He Is Stupid And His Politics Are Dumb’Let s face it, Republicans hate Neil Degrasse Tyson because he is the Obama of science. If the frighteningly intelligent black scientist gets his mitts on their white daughters, they will want to abandon their traditional values and become ASTROPHYSICISTS.A great example of this is a blatantly racist attack piece put together at the Republican outrage mill Breitbart. In it, the author implies that liberals are racist because they love Tyson. This is followed up immediately by Breitbart using racist tropes of the lazy black man to attack him personally while lamenting affirmative action as the only reasons he is on TV.Tyson, whom liberals love because they are racists who can t believe a black guy could be smart enough to be a scientist and so spontaneously ejaculate and soil themselves every time they see him on TV, hasn t published anything of note for years. The advantage of being a celebrity scientist is that you don t actually have to do any science.He didn t get the PhD he was studying for at the University of Texas and had to go elsewhere for his qualification. Obviously, rather than take responsibility for his academic performance, Tyson has blamed racism. In reality, Tyson was playing in bands and appearing on stage instead of completing essays. Typical science PhD students are at any given time either studying, teaching or sleeping.In 2005, he said: I know these forces are real and I had to survive them in order to get where I am today. So before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there s equal opportunity. He of course doesn t address the fact that the only reason Neil deGrasse Tyson is on television at all, given his intellectual shortcomings, is that he is black.Source: BreitbartHere is another famously liberal scientist, who Republicans claim has intellectual shortcomings, that is only on tv because of his black skin and a lot of white guilt.image: RedStateQuick fact check. Tyson did not blame his lack of a Ph.D. from UT on racism. He was talking about racism on campus, like when he was stopped 7 times by campus police for walking near the physics building. It s worth noting he was never stopped by campus police walking near the gymnasium. His Ph.D. pursuit ended when the university dissolved his dissertation committee.It took 16 seconds of Google to find that information.Apparently Breitbart is an authority in Astronomy, Physics, and Astrophysics, because they have the ability to sense when a black person has truly worked hard enough. in the fields. They also proved their superior authority on the topics mentioned by saying Tyson hasn t published anything of note in years. Tyson has published 13 papers, which is more than Breitbart has done, and last time I checked Breitbart did not do peer-review of any published scientific material.They also hate Tyson because he thinks about something other than Jesus.On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec 25, 1642 Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) December 25, 2014Tyson hasn t published as much work as some others, but there is a context to that. He made a choice to serve the public over himself. Instead of being insulated within the scientific community, he has given up a lot of his legacy in scientific academia in order to bring science to regular people. He went out and made science cool again when Republicans have been trying to make it something to be feared.It s a strange manifestation of birtherism in a way. A black man can t both be smart and popular everywhere except within conservative America. There HAS to be a conspiracy by liberal whites to foist his blackness upon America s heartland.featured image via youtubeNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: breitbart racist is attacking neil degrade tyson he is stupid and his politics are dumb let face republicans hate neil degrade tyson obama science if frightening intelligent black scientist gets mites white daughters want abandon traditional values become great example blatantly racist attack piece put together republican outrage mill breitbart in author implies liberals racist love tyson this followed immediately breitbart using racist tropes lazy black man attack personally parenting affirmative action reasons liberals love racists believe black guy could smart enough scientist spontaneously evacuate soil every time see tv published anything note years the advantage celebrity scientist actually get phd studying university texas go elsewhere qualification obviously rather take responsibility academic performance tyson blamed racism in reality tyson playing bands appearing stage instead completing essays typical science phd students given time either studying teaching said i know forces real i survive order get i today so start talking genetic differences got ta come system equal opportunity he course address fact reason neil degrade tyson television given intellectual shortcomings breitbarthere another famously liberal scientist republicans claim intellectual shortcomings tv black skin lot white redstatequick fact check tyson blame lack ut racism he talking racism campus like stopped times campus police walking near physics building it worth noting never stopped campus police walking near gymnasium his pursuit ended university dissolved dissertation took seconds google find breitbart authority astronomy physics astrophysics ability sense black person truly worked hard enough fields they also proved superior authority topics mentioned saying tyson published anything note years tyson published papers breitbart done last time i checked breitbart published scientific also hate tyson thinks something day long ago child born age would transform world happy birthday isaac newton dec neil degrade tyson neiltyson december published much work others context he made choice serve public instead insulated within scientific community given lot legacy scientific academia order bring science regular people he went made science cool republicans trying make something strange manifestation birtherism way a black man smart popular everywhere except within conservative america there has conspiracy liberal whites moist blackness upon america image via youtubenews
TIP OF THE ICEBERG: Four Somali Muslim ‘Refugees’ Busted Lying To Get CitizenshipThe Diversity Visa Lottery began with a leftist desire to for more diversity in America Senator Chuck Schumer owns this ridiculous program that allows 50,000 people from all over the globe to obtain a visa to come to the U.S. The problem as with so many other well-meaning government programs is that it s full of fraud and is in addition to the thousands upon thousands of other refugees we already bring in every year! The latest example of fraud in this program comes out of the Somali Muslim state of Minnesota Yes, Minnesota is overrun with Somali Muslims Four of those Muslims are going back to Somalia because of their fraud:Ahmed Mohamed Warsame aka Jama Solob Kayre, 54, a native of Somalia, using the fictitious identity of Jama Solob Kayre, applied for and received a beneficiary diversity visa as the fictitious spouse of Fosia Abdi Adan, the principal diversity visa immigrant of the fictitious family. Warsame unlawfully obtained his visa as the spouse of a diversity visa immigrant from the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, under the DV Program on Jan. 10, 2001. Warsame arrived and was admitted to the United States on May 30, 2001, on his diversity immigrant visa as a permanent resident.Throughout the diversity visa application process, Warsame fraudulently claimed that he was married to Adan and that he and Adan had three children together. Such children included Mohamed Jama Solob, the fictitious identity used by Mustaf Abdi Adan, and Mobarak Jama Solob, the fictitious identity used by Faysal Jama Mire. Adan and Warsame, who used the fictitious identity of Jama Solob Kayre, obtained a divorce in Minnesota for their fictitious marriage after Warsame was admitted as a permanent resident. Warsame continued to fraudulently represent his previous fictitious marriage and fraudulently represent his fictitious parentage of Mohamed Jama Solob and Mobarak Jama Solob, throughout the naturalization process. Warsame, using the fictitious name of Jama Solob Kayre, naturalized on Sept. 13, 2006. During his naturalization, he changed his name to Ahmed Mohamed Warsame. Warsame has been residing in St. Cloud, MinnesotaTHE FUNNY THING IS WE RE SUPPOSED TO TRUST THESE PEOPLE TO TELL THE TRUTH?Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the country s current immigration system is easily abused by fraudsters and nefarious actors. Chain migration, which gives priority for entrance to immigrants with family members, only multiplies the consequences of this abuse, Sessions said.SHUT THIS PROGRAM DOWN!politics
tip of the iceberg four somali muslim refugees busted lying to get citizenshipthe diversity visa lottery began leftist desire diversity america senator chuck scheme owns ridiculous program allows people globe obtain visa come the problem many government programs full fraud addition thousands upon thousands refugees already bring every year the latest example fraud program comes somali muslim state minnesota yes minnesota overrun somali muslims four muslims going back somalia fraud ahmed mohamed wargame aka jama solo are native somalia using fictitious identity jama solo are applied received beneficiary diversity visa fictitious spouse fossa audi dan principal diversity visa immigrant fictitious family wargame unlawfully obtained visa spouse diversity visa immigrant embassy santa yemen dv program wargame arrived admitted united states may diversity immigrant visa permanent diversity visa application process wargame fraudulent claimed married dan dan three children together such children included mohamed jama solo fictitious identity used must audi dan mobarak jama solo fictitious identity used fatal jama mire dan wargame used fictitious identity jama solo are obtained divorce minnesota fictitious marriage wargame admitted permanent resident wargame continued fraudulent represent previous fictitious marriage fraudulent represent fictitious parentage mohamed jama solo mobarak jama solo throughout naturalization process wargame using fictitious name jama solo are naturalized during naturalization changed name ahmed mohamed wargame wargame residing st cloud minnesotathe funny thing is we re supposed to trust these people to tell the truth attorney general jeff sessions said country current immigration system easily abused fraudsters nefarious actors chain migration gives priority entrance immigrants family members multiplied consequences abuse sessions this program down politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: TIP OF THE ICEBERG: Four Somali Muslim ‘Refugees’ Busted Lying To Get CitizenshipThe Diversity Visa Lottery began with a leftist desire to for more diversity in America Senator Chuck Schumer owns this ridiculous program that allows 50,000 people from all over the globe to obtain a visa to come to the U.S. The problem as with so many other well-meaning government programs is that it s full of fraud and is in addition to the thousands upon thousands of other refugees we already bring in every year! The latest example of fraud in this program comes out of the Somali Muslim state of Minnesota Yes, Minnesota is overrun with Somali Muslims Four of those Muslims are going back to Somalia because of their fraud:Ahmed Mohamed Warsame aka Jama Solob Kayre, 54, a native of Somalia, using the fictitious identity of Jama Solob Kayre, applied for and received a beneficiary diversity visa as the fictitious spouse of Fosia Abdi Adan, the principal diversity visa immigrant of the fictitious family. Warsame unlawfully obtained his visa as the spouse of a diversity visa immigrant from the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, under the DV Program on Jan. 10, 2001. Warsame arrived and was admitted to the United States on May 30, 2001, on his diversity immigrant visa as a permanent resident.Throughout the diversity visa application process, Warsame fraudulently claimed that he was married to Adan and that he and Adan had three children together. Such children included Mohamed Jama Solob, the fictitious identity used by Mustaf Abdi Adan, and Mobarak Jama Solob, the fictitious identity used by Faysal Jama Mire. Adan and Warsame, who used the fictitious identity of Jama Solob Kayre, obtained a divorce in Minnesota for their fictitious marriage after Warsame was admitted as a permanent resident. Warsame continued to fraudulently represent his previous fictitious marriage and fraudulently represent his fictitious parentage of Mohamed Jama Solob and Mobarak Jama Solob, throughout the naturalization process. Warsame, using the fictitious name of Jama Solob Kayre, naturalized on Sept. 13, 2006. During his naturalization, he changed his name to Ahmed Mohamed Warsame. Warsame has been residing in St. Cloud, MinnesotaTHE FUNNY THING IS WE RE SUPPOSED TO TRUST THESE PEOPLE TO TELL THE TRUTH?Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the country s current immigration system is easily abused by fraudsters and nefarious actors. Chain migration, which gives priority for entrance to immigrants with family members, only multiplies the consequences of this abuse, Sessions said.SHUT THIS PROGRAM DOWN!politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: tip of the iceberg four somali muslim refugees busted lying to get citizenshipthe diversity visa lottery began leftist desire diversity america senator chuck scheme owns ridiculous program allows people globe obtain visa come the problem many government programs full fraud addition thousands upon thousands refugees already bring every year the latest example fraud program comes somali muslim state minnesota yes minnesota overrun somali muslims four muslims going back somalia fraud ahmed mohamed wargame aka jama solo are native somalia using fictitious identity jama solo are applied received beneficiary diversity visa fictitious spouse fossa audi dan principal diversity visa immigrant fictitious family wargame unlawfully obtained visa spouse diversity visa immigrant embassy santa yemen dv program wargame arrived admitted united states may diversity immigrant visa permanent diversity visa application process wargame fraudulent claimed married dan dan three children together such children included mohamed jama solo fictitious identity used must audi dan mobarak jama solo fictitious identity used fatal jama mire dan wargame used fictitious identity jama solo are obtained divorce minnesota fictitious marriage wargame admitted permanent resident wargame continued fraudulent represent previous fictitious marriage fraudulent represent fictitious parentage mohamed jama solo mobarak jama solo throughout naturalization process wargame using fictitious name jama solo are naturalized during naturalization changed name ahmed mohamed wargame wargame residing st cloud minnesotathe funny thing is we re supposed to trust these people to tell the truth attorney general jeff sessions said country current immigration system easily abused fraudsters nefarious actors chain migration gives priority entrance immigrants family members multiplied consequences abuse sessions this program down politics
The PGA Just Gave Donald Trump A Big Middle Finger, And He’s P*ssedLong before Donald Trump owned the Doral Golf Course in 1962, to be exact it became the home to the PGA World Golf Championships. Now, the tournament is moving to Mexico, one of the countries the presidential candidate rants the most about on the campaign trial, and the billionaire is not happy, not at all.Supposedly, it s not a political move. It is purely economic. The auto manufacturer, Cadillac, pulled out of sponsorship, so they have to leave Trump s resort and head to cheaper grounds.Fox News asked Trump about the move, and he didn t waiver from his antagonistic and xenophobic campaign rhetoric. Cadillac s been a great sponsor, but they re moving it to Mexico, Trump said in a Tuesday night interview on Fox News. They re moving it to Mexico City which, by the way, I hope they have kidnapping insurance. They re moving it to Mexico City, he continued. And I m saying, you know, what s going on here? It is so sad when you look at what s going on with our country. For Cadillac, it all boiled down to money. The cost to them for sponsorship is well above $10 million for a single tournament. Beyond that, people just don t care that much anymore. The tournament has lost its luster, said Erik Compton, a PGA Tour player who lives in Miami. The community just doesn t seem as involved. Source: ESPNWhile this isn t political, Trump obviously takes it very personally as he should. While this wasn t intended to be a Donald Trump snub, almost any country would have been better for Trump than Mexico, the country against which Trump wants to build a giant wall. It s also a country Trump has accused of intentionally sending its criminals our way: The worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government. The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this, Trump wrote. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. Source: Business InsiderPrivately, though, Trump has no problem outsourcing jobs to our neighbor to the south. His own line of clothing is made in Mexico. Where s his concern for worker safety in his own factories? Where s the outrage over this?? Adrian Carrasquillo (@Carrasquillo) July 1, 2015Featured image via Spencer Platt at Getty Images. News
the pga just gave donald trump a big middle finger and he p ssedlong donald trump owned moral golf course exact became home pga world golf championships now tournament moving mexico one countries presidential candidate rants campaign trial billionaire happy political move it purely economic the auto manufacturer cadillac pulled sponsorship leave trump resort head cheaper news asked trump move waiver antagonistic xenophobia campaign rhetoric cadillac great sponsor moving mexico trump said tuesday night interview fox news they moving mexico city way i hope kidnapping insurance they moving mexico city continued and i saying know going it sad look going country for cadillac boiled money the cost sponsorship well million single tournament beyond people care much anymore the tournament lost luster said erik compton pga tour player lives miami the community seem involved source espnwhile political trump obviously takes personally while intended donald trump snub almost country would better trump mexico country trump wants build giant wall it also country trump accused intentionally sending criminals way the worst elements mexico pushed united states mexican government the largest suppliers heroin cocaine illicit drugs mexican cartels arrange mexican immigrants trying cross borders smuggle drugs the border patrol knows trump wrote likewise tremendous infectious disease pouring across border the united states become dumping ground mexico fact many parts world source business insiderprivately though trump problem outsourcing jobs neighbor south his line clothing made mexico where concern worker safety factories where outrage adrian carrasquillo carrasquillo july image via spencer plant petty images news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The PGA Just Gave Donald Trump A Big Middle Finger, And He’s P*ssedLong before Donald Trump owned the Doral Golf Course in 1962, to be exact it became the home to the PGA World Golf Championships. Now, the tournament is moving to Mexico, one of the countries the presidential candidate rants the most about on the campaign trial, and the billionaire is not happy, not at all.Supposedly, it s not a political move. It is purely economic. The auto manufacturer, Cadillac, pulled out of sponsorship, so they have to leave Trump s resort and head to cheaper grounds.Fox News asked Trump about the move, and he didn t waiver from his antagonistic and xenophobic campaign rhetoric. Cadillac s been a great sponsor, but they re moving it to Mexico, Trump said in a Tuesday night interview on Fox News. They re moving it to Mexico City which, by the way, I hope they have kidnapping insurance. They re moving it to Mexico City, he continued. And I m saying, you know, what s going on here? It is so sad when you look at what s going on with our country. For Cadillac, it all boiled down to money. The cost to them for sponsorship is well above $10 million for a single tournament. Beyond that, people just don t care that much anymore. The tournament has lost its luster, said Erik Compton, a PGA Tour player who lives in Miami. The community just doesn t seem as involved. Source: ESPNWhile this isn t political, Trump obviously takes it very personally as he should. While this wasn t intended to be a Donald Trump snub, almost any country would have been better for Trump than Mexico, the country against which Trump wants to build a giant wall. It s also a country Trump has accused of intentionally sending its criminals our way: The worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government. The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this, Trump wrote. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. Source: Business InsiderPrivately, though, Trump has no problem outsourcing jobs to our neighbor to the south. His own line of clothing is made in Mexico. Where s his concern for worker safety in his own factories? Where s the outrage over this?? Adrian Carrasquillo (@Carrasquillo) July 1, 2015Featured image via Spencer Platt at Getty Images. News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: the pga just gave donald trump a big middle finger and he p ssedlong donald trump owned moral golf course exact became home pga world golf championships now tournament moving mexico one countries presidential candidate rants campaign trial billionaire happy political move it purely economic the auto manufacturer cadillac pulled sponsorship leave trump resort head cheaper news asked trump move waiver antagonistic xenophobia campaign rhetoric cadillac great sponsor moving mexico trump said tuesday night interview fox news they moving mexico city way i hope kidnapping insurance they moving mexico city continued and i saying know going it sad look going country for cadillac boiled money the cost sponsorship well million single tournament beyond people care much anymore the tournament lost luster said erik compton pga tour player lives miami the community seem involved source espnwhile political trump obviously takes personally while intended donald trump snub almost country would better trump mexico country trump wants build giant wall it also country trump accused intentionally sending criminals way the worst elements mexico pushed united states mexican government the largest suppliers heroin cocaine illicit drugs mexican cartels arrange mexican immigrants trying cross borders smuggle drugs the border patrol knows trump wrote likewise tremendous infectious disease pouring across border the united states become dumping ground mexico fact many parts world source business insiderprivately though trump problem outsourcing jobs neighbor south his line clothing made mexico where concern worker safety factories where outrage adrian carrasquillo carrasquillo july image via spencer plant petty images news
Among Trump associates, concern and frustration over Donald Jr. crisisWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fresh off one foreign trip and preparing for another, Donald Trump was enjoying a period of relative calm - until the White House was rocked by a fresh controversy over contacts between the president’s campaign and Russia. For Trump, who has been swept up all year in crises of his own making, this time the target was his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., whose meeting with a Russian lawyer last year led to accusations that the president’s son entertained working with Russians to spread negative information about Democrat Hillary Clinton. Among Trump’s wide-ranging group of outside advisers and former campaign officials, Donald Jr.’s meeting with the lawyer on the expectation of gaining access to negative information on Clinton was seen as problematic, a demonstration of the son’s political inexperience, but not illegal. “You can’t shrug this off even though you know he’s very likely going to be okay,” said an outside Trump adviser, who asked to remain unidentified. “This is the president’s namesake and you have to circle the wagons in defense of the president’s son.” “There’s no question in my mind that every person in the White House has some level of concern about this. Otherwise it’s malpractice,” the adviser said. Inside the White House, the mood was one of heavy acceptance that another political problem had emerged but also of caution as to its significance for a wider probe into Russia’s meddling in the election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign. Benumbed by previous crises from the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey to the appointment of a special prosecutor, White House officials showed no signs of panic and said they were trying to advance the president’s agenda. The new incident erupted as Trump seemingly enjoyed a rare moment of calm. His trip to Warsaw and Hamburg last week went fairly smoothly, although critics accused him of not being tough enough in his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Wednesday, he is to depart to Paris for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron and to participate in flag-waving Bastille Day ceremonies. Trump himself was described by the White House as frustrated by yet another distraction involving the Russia investigation. “He knows that he didn’t do anything and he really wants to focus on the good things that are happening and the things he was elected to do, and he doesn’t like it when things get in the way,” a senior White House official said. The president offered a restrained reaction, not resorting to Twitter to launch a tirade against his critics, but issuing a brief statement praising his “high-quality person” who showed “transparency” by releasing the email chain with the lawyer on Tuesday. There was a sense among former campaign advisers that Donald Trump Jr. had shown his political naivete by agreeing to the meeting. They noted that it took place at a time when Trump had a barebones staff and that his family members, initially reluctant to getting involved in his campaign, were searching to carve out space for themselves. “Besides proving that he was gullible and he got snookered, it’s still not a smoking gun,” said one former campaign adviser. Among even Republicans, there was dismay at the turn of events. Conservative author Quin Hillyer wrote in a blog post that Trump should step down for cozying up to Russia. (The blog link is here) “The American people absolutely cannot trust Trump’s objectivity about Russian intentions and Russian actions,” Hillyer wrote. “This is an utterly untenable situation. For the good of the country, Trump must lance the boil, and resign.” The outside Trump adviser said the Trump Jr. case “unfortunately supports the narrative” advanced by Trump’s Democratic opponents and propagated by what Trump world feels is a left-leaning news media. “Donald Jr. is the nicest of nice guys, genuinely authentic,” the adviser said. “A lot of us are disappointed that if it had to be somebody, why did it have to be Don Jr.?” politicsNews
among trump associates concern frustration donald crisiswashington reuters fresh one foreign trip preparing another donald trump enjoying period relative calm white house rocked fresh controversy contacts president campaign russia for trump swept year crises making time target eldest son donald trump whose meeting russian lawyer last year led accusations president son entertained working russian spread negative information democrat hillary clinton among trump group outside advisers former campaign officials donald meeting lawyer expectation gaining access negative information clinton seen problematic demonstration son political inexperience illegal you shrub even though know likely going okay said outside trump adviser asked remain unidentified this president namesake circle wagons defense president there question mind every person white house level concern otherwise malpractice adviser said inside white house mood one heavy acceptance another political problem emerged also caution significance wider probe russia meddling election whether collusion trump campaign benumbed previous crises firing director james come appointment special prosecutor white house officials showed signs panic said trying advance president agenda the new incident erupted trump seemingly enjoyed rare moment calm his trip warsaw hamburg last week went fairly smoothly although critics accused tough enough meeting russian president vladimir putin on wednesday depart paris talks french president emmanuel macron participate castillo day ceremonies trump described white house frustrated yet another distraction involving russia investigation he knows anything really wants focus good things happening things elected like things get way senior white house official said the president offered restrained reaction resorting twitter launch trade critics issuing brief statement praising person showed transparency releasing email chain lawyer tuesday there sense among former campaign advisers donald trump shown political naive agreeing meeting they noted took place time trump barebones staff family members initially reluctant getting involved campaign searching carve space besides proving gullible got snooker still smoking gun said one former campaign adviser among even republicans dismay turn events conservative author quit killer wrote blog post trump step copying russia the blog link the american people absolutely trust trump objectivity russian intentions russian actions killer wrote this utterly untenable situation for good country trump must lance boil the outside trump adviser said trump case unfortunately supports narrative advanced trump democratic opponents propagated trump world feels news media donald incest nice guys genuinely authentic adviser said a lot us disappointed somebody don politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Among Trump associates, concern and frustration over Donald Jr. crisisWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fresh off one foreign trip and preparing for another, Donald Trump was enjoying a period of relative calm - until the White House was rocked by a fresh controversy over contacts between the president’s campaign and Russia. For Trump, who has been swept up all year in crises of his own making, this time the target was his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., whose meeting with a Russian lawyer last year led to accusations that the president’s son entertained working with Russians to spread negative information about Democrat Hillary Clinton. Among Trump’s wide-ranging group of outside advisers and former campaign officials, Donald Jr.’s meeting with the lawyer on the expectation of gaining access to negative information on Clinton was seen as problematic, a demonstration of the son’s political inexperience, but not illegal. “You can’t shrug this off even though you know he’s very likely going to be okay,” said an outside Trump adviser, who asked to remain unidentified. “This is the president’s namesake and you have to circle the wagons in defense of the president’s son.” “There’s no question in my mind that every person in the White House has some level of concern about this. Otherwise it’s malpractice,” the adviser said. Inside the White House, the mood was one of heavy acceptance that another political problem had emerged but also of caution as to its significance for a wider probe into Russia’s meddling in the election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign. Benumbed by previous crises from the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey to the appointment of a special prosecutor, White House officials showed no signs of panic and said they were trying to advance the president’s agenda. The new incident erupted as Trump seemingly enjoyed a rare moment of calm. His trip to Warsaw and Hamburg last week went fairly smoothly, although critics accused him of not being tough enough in his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Wednesday, he is to depart to Paris for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron and to participate in flag-waving Bastille Day ceremonies. Trump himself was described by the White House as frustrated by yet another distraction involving the Russia investigation. “He knows that he didn’t do anything and he really wants to focus on the good things that are happening and the things he was elected to do, and he doesn’t like it when things get in the way,” a senior White House official said. The president offered a restrained reaction, not resorting to Twitter to launch a tirade against his critics, but issuing a brief statement praising his “high-quality person” who showed “transparency” by releasing the email chain with the lawyer on Tuesday. There was a sense among former campaign advisers that Donald Trump Jr. had shown his political naivete by agreeing to the meeting. They noted that it took place at a time when Trump had a barebones staff and that his family members, initially reluctant to getting involved in his campaign, were searching to carve out space for themselves. “Besides proving that he was gullible and he got snookered, it’s still not a smoking gun,” said one former campaign adviser. Among even Republicans, there was dismay at the turn of events. Conservative author Quin Hillyer wrote in a blog post that Trump should step down for cozying up to Russia. (The blog link is here) “The American people absolutely cannot trust Trump’s objectivity about Russian intentions and Russian actions,” Hillyer wrote. “This is an utterly untenable situation. For the good of the country, Trump must lance the boil, and resign.” The outside Trump adviser said the Trump Jr. case “unfortunately supports the narrative” advanced by Trump’s Democratic opponents and propagated by what Trump world feels is a left-leaning news media. “Donald Jr. is the nicest of nice guys, genuinely authentic,” the adviser said. “A lot of us are disappointed that if it had to be somebody, why did it have to be Don Jr.?” politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: among trump associates concern frustration donald crisiswashington reuters fresh one foreign trip preparing another donald trump enjoying period relative calm white house rocked fresh controversy contacts president campaign russia for trump swept year crises making time target eldest son donald trump whose meeting russian lawyer last year led accusations president son entertained working russian spread negative information democrat hillary clinton among trump group outside advisers former campaign officials donald meeting lawyer expectation gaining access negative information clinton seen problematic demonstration son political inexperience illegal you shrub even though know likely going okay said outside trump adviser asked remain unidentified this president namesake circle wagons defense president there question mind every person white house level concern otherwise malpractice adviser said inside white house mood one heavy acceptance another political problem emerged also caution significance wider probe russia meddling election whether collusion trump campaign benumbed previous crises firing director james come appointment special prosecutor white house officials showed signs panic said trying advance president agenda the new incident erupted trump seemingly enjoyed rare moment calm his trip warsaw hamburg last week went fairly smoothly although critics accused tough enough meeting russian president vladimir putin on wednesday depart paris talks french president emmanuel macron participate castillo day ceremonies trump described white house frustrated yet another distraction involving russia investigation he knows anything really wants focus good things happening things elected like things get way senior white house official said the president offered restrained reaction resorting twitter launch trade critics issuing brief statement praising person showed transparency releasing email chain lawyer tuesday there sense among former campaign advisers donald trump shown political naive agreeing meeting they noted took place time trump barebones staff family members initially reluctant getting involved campaign searching carve space besides proving gullible got snooker still smoking gun said one former campaign adviser among even republicans dismay turn events conservative author quit killer wrote blog post trump step copying russia the blog link the american people absolutely trust trump objectivity russian intentions russian actions killer wrote this utterly untenable situation for good country trump must lance boil the outside trump adviser said trump case unfortunately supports narrative advanced trump democratic opponents propagated trump world feels news media donald incest nice guys genuinely authentic adviser said a lot us disappointed somebody don politicsnews
WHY THIS AMERICAN Feels Safer With An ISIS Flag Than A Confederate Flag On His Front PorchThis is hysterical, but sadly it s not far-fetched at all!I took down my Rebel flag (which you can t buy on e-bay any more) and peeled the NRA sticker off the front door. I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch. I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard. Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN buy on e-bay) and put it in the CENTER of the yard. Now, the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching the house 24/7.I ve NEVER felt safer and I m saving $69.95 a month that ADT charged me.Plus, I bought burkas for my family when we shop or travel. Everyone moves out of way and security can t pat us down Safe at last only in USA!left-news
why this american feels safer with an isis flag than a confederate flag on his front porchthis hysterical sadly i took rebel flag buy needed nra sticker front door i disconnected home alarm system quit neighborhood watch i bought two pakistani flags put one corner front yard then i purchased black flag isis can buy put center yard now local police sheriff fbi cia nsa homeland security secret service agencies watching house never felt safer i saving month at charged i bought burial family shop travel everyone moves way security pat us safe last usa
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: WHY THIS AMERICAN Feels Safer With An ISIS Flag Than A Confederate Flag On His Front PorchThis is hysterical, but sadly it s not far-fetched at all!I took down my Rebel flag (which you can t buy on e-bay any more) and peeled the NRA sticker off the front door. I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch. I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard. Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN buy on e-bay) and put it in the CENTER of the yard. Now, the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching the house 24/7.I ve NEVER felt safer and I m saving $69.95 a month that ADT charged me.Plus, I bought burkas for my family when we shop or travel. Everyone moves out of way and security can t pat us down Safe at last only in USA!left-news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: why this american feels safer with an isis flag than a confederate flag on his front porchthis hysterical sadly i took rebel flag buy needed nra sticker front door i disconnected home alarm system quit neighborhood watch i bought two pakistani flags put one corner front yard then i purchased black flag isis can buy put center yard now local police sheriff fbi cia nsa homeland security secret service agencies watching house never felt safer i saving month at charged i bought burial family shop travel everyone moves way security pat us safe last usa
WATCH: Krystal Ball Hits Whiny Trump Supporter With Reality That ‘Deplorables’ Love His CampaignWhen a Donald Trump minion whined about Hillary Clinton referring to Trump supporters as a basket of deplorables Krystal Ball was there to destroy her with the truth.During a face-off between Ball and Scottie Nell Hughes on CNN on Saturday, Hughes threw a hissy fit because Hillary dared to slam Trump s racist hateful supporters and called her desperate. The problem is that Trump s supporters are exactly what Hillary called them. They are deplorable racists who have stooped to bottom of the barrel politics. They have called for killing or imprisoning Hillary and have committed violence against black people at Trump rallies all while disparaging Latinos and calling President Obama a terrorist.And Krystal Ball had no sympathy for Hughes considering everything Trump supporters have said and done over the last year. To be honest with you, the truth hurts. I don t know that it s half of Trump supporters, but you can t deny the fact that you ve got the David Dukes of the world in his camp backing him strongly. You can t deny the fact that if you go on white nationalist website Stormfront, they love their glorious leader Donald Trump. You can t deny that when you go to his rallies you hear the N-word thrown around casually and Hillary Clinton referred to as the B-word.So, he has tapped into this very ugly stream in America I think it s frankly important to point out the kind of company you re keeping if you re going to back somebody like Donald Trump. And Ball is right. Trump s campaign is a sea full of racist bigots who hide under white sheets, think we should persecute Muslims, and think women should submit to the will of men.In fact, polling data backs up Hillary Clinton s remark.According to ThinkProgress, polls show that two-thirds of Trump s supporters think President Obama is a Muslim, which is not only Islamophobic, it s racist, too.Furthermore, 40 percent of Trump s supporters think black people are lazy and another 50 percent think black people are more violent than whites. One-third of them think putting Japanese-Americans in internment camps was a good idea. 20 percent think Lincoln should not have freed the slaves and 30 percent of Trump s fans in South Carolina want to ban gay people from living in the United States.So when Hillary Clinton said that half of Trump s supporters are deplorable she was damn spot on.But Hughes continued to whine, and not only did she defend white supremacists, she oozed hypocrisy. I don t agree with what Krystal said about those different groups, I think that it once again is just Hillary Clinton trying to divide. She doesn t want to unify Would you like me to sit there and say that Hillary Clinton is accountable for cop killings? Or for communism or anarchism or all of the crazy fringes that exist on the left right now? Here s the video via YouTube:Except that Trump and his supporters already regularly accuse Hillary Clinton of being a communist and have repeatedly blamed her and President Obama for the deaths of police officers. And unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has never called for the assassination of her political opponent.It should also be pointed out that in addition to Hillary slamming Trump s deplorable supporters, she did express empathy for Trump supporters who have legitimate concerns, people who feel the government has let them down, the economy let them down, nobody cares about them, those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well. Featured Image: ScreenshotNews
watch crystal ball hits shiny trump supporter with reality that deplorables love his campaignwhen donald trump minions white hillary clinton referring trump supporters basket deplorables crystal ball destroy ball scott nell hughes cnn saturday hughes threw his fit hillary dared slam trump racist hateful supporters called desperate the problem trump supporters exactly hillary called they deplorable racists stopped bottom barrel politics they called killing imprisoning hillary committed violence black people trump rallies disparaging latino calling president obama crystal ball sympathy hughes considering everything trump supporters said done last year to honest truth hurts i know half trump supporters deny fact got david dukes world camp backing strongly you deny fact go white nationalist website storefront love glorious leader donald trump you deny go rallies hear thrown around casually hillary clinton referred tapped ugly stream america i think frankly important point kind company keeping going back somebody like donald trump and ball right trump campaign sea full racist rights hide white sheets think persecuted muslims think women submit fact polling data backs hillary clinton thinkprogress polls show trump supporters think president obama muslim islamophobic racist percent trump supporters think black people lazy another percent think black people violent whites think putting internment camps good idea percent think lincoln freed slaves percent trump fans south carolina want ban gay people living united hillary clinton said half trump supporters deplorable damn spot hughes continued white defend white supremacists moved hypocrisy i agree crystal said different groups i think hillary clinton trying divide she want unify would like sit say hillary clinton accountable cop killings or communism anarchism crazy fringes exist left right here video via youtube except trump supporters already regularly accuse hillary clinton communist repeatedly blamed president obama deaths police officers and unlike donald trump hillary clinton never called assassination political also pointed addition hillary spamming trump deplorable supporters express empathy trump supporters legitimate concerns people feel government let economy let nobody cares people understand sympathize well featured image screenshotnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: WATCH: Krystal Ball Hits Whiny Trump Supporter With Reality That ‘Deplorables’ Love His CampaignWhen a Donald Trump minion whined about Hillary Clinton referring to Trump supporters as a basket of deplorables Krystal Ball was there to destroy her with the truth.During a face-off between Ball and Scottie Nell Hughes on CNN on Saturday, Hughes threw a hissy fit because Hillary dared to slam Trump s racist hateful supporters and called her desperate. The problem is that Trump s supporters are exactly what Hillary called them. They are deplorable racists who have stooped to bottom of the barrel politics. They have called for killing or imprisoning Hillary and have committed violence against black people at Trump rallies all while disparaging Latinos and calling President Obama a terrorist.And Krystal Ball had no sympathy for Hughes considering everything Trump supporters have said and done over the last year. To be honest with you, the truth hurts. I don t know that it s half of Trump supporters, but you can t deny the fact that you ve got the David Dukes of the world in his camp backing him strongly. You can t deny the fact that if you go on white nationalist website Stormfront, they love their glorious leader Donald Trump. You can t deny that when you go to his rallies you hear the N-word thrown around casually and Hillary Clinton referred to as the B-word.So, he has tapped into this very ugly stream in America I think it s frankly important to point out the kind of company you re keeping if you re going to back somebody like Donald Trump. And Ball is right. Trump s campaign is a sea full of racist bigots who hide under white sheets, think we should persecute Muslims, and think women should submit to the will of men.In fact, polling data backs up Hillary Clinton s remark.According to ThinkProgress, polls show that two-thirds of Trump s supporters think President Obama is a Muslim, which is not only Islamophobic, it s racist, too.Furthermore, 40 percent of Trump s supporters think black people are lazy and another 50 percent think black people are more violent than whites. One-third of them think putting Japanese-Americans in internment camps was a good idea. 20 percent think Lincoln should not have freed the slaves and 30 percent of Trump s fans in South Carolina want to ban gay people from living in the United States.So when Hillary Clinton said that half of Trump s supporters are deplorable she was damn spot on.But Hughes continued to whine, and not only did she defend white supremacists, she oozed hypocrisy. I don t agree with what Krystal said about those different groups, I think that it once again is just Hillary Clinton trying to divide. She doesn t want to unify Would you like me to sit there and say that Hillary Clinton is accountable for cop killings? Or for communism or anarchism or all of the crazy fringes that exist on the left right now? Here s the video via YouTube:Except that Trump and his supporters already regularly accuse Hillary Clinton of being a communist and have repeatedly blamed her and President Obama for the deaths of police officers. And unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has never called for the assassination of her political opponent.It should also be pointed out that in addition to Hillary slamming Trump s deplorable supporters, she did express empathy for Trump supporters who have legitimate concerns, people who feel the government has let them down, the economy let them down, nobody cares about them, those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well. Featured Image: ScreenshotNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: watch crystal ball hits shiny trump supporter with reality that deplorables love his campaignwhen donald trump minions white hillary clinton referring trump supporters basket deplorables crystal ball destroy ball scott nell hughes cnn saturday hughes threw his fit hillary dared slam trump racist hateful supporters called desperate the problem trump supporters exactly hillary called they deplorable racists stopped bottom barrel politics they called killing imprisoning hillary committed violence black people trump rallies disparaging latino calling president obama crystal ball sympathy hughes considering everything trump supporters said done last year to honest truth hurts i know half trump supporters deny fact got david dukes world camp backing strongly you deny fact go white nationalist website storefront love glorious leader donald trump you deny go rallies hear thrown around casually hillary clinton referred tapped ugly stream america i think frankly important point kind company keeping going back somebody like donald trump and ball right trump campaign sea full racist rights hide white sheets think persecuted muslims think women submit fact polling data backs hillary clinton thinkprogress polls show trump supporters think president obama muslim islamophobic racist percent trump supporters think black people lazy another percent think black people violent whites think putting internment camps good idea percent think lincoln freed slaves percent trump fans south carolina want ban gay people living united hillary clinton said half trump supporters deplorable damn spot hughes continued white defend white supremacists moved hypocrisy i agree crystal said different groups i think hillary clinton trying divide she want unify would like sit say hillary clinton accountable cop killings or communism anarchism crazy fringes exist left right here video via youtube except trump supporters already regularly accuse hillary clinton communist repeatedly blamed president obama deaths police officers and unlike donald trump hillary clinton never called assassination political also pointed addition hillary spamming trump deplorable supporters express empathy trump supporters legitimate concerns people feel government let economy let nobody cares people understand sympathize well featured image screenshotnews
FIRST LADY MELANIA TRUMP Just Set Alec Baldwin Straight On His Lie About HerMELANIA TRUMP never hesitates to call someone on the carpet for lying about her Alec Baldwin knows now that he can t mess with the First Lady!A spokesperson for the first lady fired back at the actor after he claimed that she loves my impersonation of President Donald Trump. That is not true, which is why Mr. Baldwin has no actual names to go with his bizarre assertion, the spokeswoman told The Hill on Monday.The Saturday Night Live star had made the remarks on WYNC s The Brian Lehrer Show Monday.The 59 year-old actor claimed the first lady told this person, very high up in the White House brass there, that, That s exactly what he s like. Baldwin has been doing his impersonation of Trump for well over a year now on NBC s late-night sketch comedy show and won an Emmy Award in September for his portrayal of Trump.The president is not a fan, however, tweeting last year that the impression just can t get any worse and calling the show unwatchable. in a tweet from December of last year:Just tried watching Saturday Night Live unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2016THE BIG LIE FROM BALDWIN: Apparently, Trump is horrified and beside himself that his wife actually thinks it s funny, Baldwin claimed Monday.The 30 Rock star was promoting his new book, You Can t Spell America Without Me: The Really Tremendous Inside Story of my Fantastic First Year as President Donald J. Trump. (A So-Called Parody). READ MORE: BPRleft-news
first lady melanie trump just set alec baldwin straight on his lie about hermelania trump never hesitate call someone carpet lying alec baldwin knows mess first lady a spokesperson first lady fired back actor claimed loves impersonation president donald trump that true baldwin actual names go bizarre assertion spokeswoman told the hill saturday night live star made remarks sync the brian leader show actor claimed first lady told person high white house brass that exactly like baldwin impersonation trump well year nbc sketch comedy show emmy award september portrayal president fan however meeting last year impression get worse calling show unwatchable tweet december last year just tried watching saturday night live unwatchable totally biased funny baldwin impersonation ca get worse sad donald trump realdonaldtrump december big lie from baldwin apparently trump horrified beside wife actually thinks funny baldwin claimed rock star promoting new book you can spell america without me the really tremendous inside story fantastic first year president donald trump a parody read more
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: FIRST LADY MELANIA TRUMP Just Set Alec Baldwin Straight On His Lie About HerMELANIA TRUMP never hesitates to call someone on the carpet for lying about her Alec Baldwin knows now that he can t mess with the First Lady!A spokesperson for the first lady fired back at the actor after he claimed that she loves my impersonation of President Donald Trump. That is not true, which is why Mr. Baldwin has no actual names to go with his bizarre assertion, the spokeswoman told The Hill on Monday.The Saturday Night Live star had made the remarks on WYNC s The Brian Lehrer Show Monday.The 59 year-old actor claimed the first lady told this person, very high up in the White House brass there, that, That s exactly what he s like. Baldwin has been doing his impersonation of Trump for well over a year now on NBC s late-night sketch comedy show and won an Emmy Award in September for his portrayal of Trump.The president is not a fan, however, tweeting last year that the impression just can t get any worse and calling the show unwatchable. in a tweet from December of last year:Just tried watching Saturday Night Live unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2016THE BIG LIE FROM BALDWIN: Apparently, Trump is horrified and beside himself that his wife actually thinks it s funny, Baldwin claimed Monday.The 30 Rock star was promoting his new book, You Can t Spell America Without Me: The Really Tremendous Inside Story of my Fantastic First Year as President Donald J. Trump. (A So-Called Parody). READ MORE: BPRleft-news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: first lady melanie trump just set alec baldwin straight on his lie about hermelania trump never hesitate call someone carpet lying alec baldwin knows mess first lady a spokesperson first lady fired back actor claimed loves impersonation president donald trump that true baldwin actual names go bizarre assertion spokeswoman told the hill saturday night live star made remarks sync the brian leader show actor claimed first lady told person high white house brass that exactly like baldwin impersonation trump well year nbc sketch comedy show emmy award september portrayal president fan however meeting last year impression get worse calling show unwatchable tweet december last year just tried watching saturday night live unwatchable totally biased funny baldwin impersonation ca get worse sad donald trump realdonaldtrump december big lie from baldwin apparently trump horrified beside wife actually thinks funny baldwin claimed rock star promoting new book you can spell america without me the really tremendous inside story fantastic first year president donald trump a parody read more
Japan, U.S. agree economic talks should produce 'concrete results' near termTOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and the United States agreed to structure bilateral economic talks along three policy pillars and to generate concrete results in the near term, Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and Vice President Mike Pence said in a joint statement. The U.S. vice president and the deputy prime minister “look forward to engaging again in the dialogue by the end of this year”, according to the statement, issued on Tuesday after the first round of the Japan-U.S. economic dialogue. politicsNews
japan agree economic talks produce results near termtokyo reuters japan united states agreed structure bilateral economic talks along three policy pillars generate concrete results near term deputy prime minister taro aso vice president mike pence said joint statement the vice president deputy prime minister look forward engaging dialogue end year according statement issued tuesday first round economic dialogue politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Japan, U.S. agree economic talks should produce 'concrete results' near termTOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and the United States agreed to structure bilateral economic talks along three policy pillars and to generate concrete results in the near term, Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and Vice President Mike Pence said in a joint statement. The U.S. vice president and the deputy prime minister “look forward to engaging again in the dialogue by the end of this year”, according to the statement, issued on Tuesday after the first round of the Japan-U.S. economic dialogue. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: japan agree economic talks produce results near termtokyo reuters japan united states agreed structure bilateral economic talks along three policy pillars generate concrete results near term deputy prime minister taro aso vice president mike pence said joint statement the vice president deputy prime minister look forward engaging dialogue end year according statement issued tuesday first round economic dialogue politicsnews
Trump administration backpedals on citizenship for 'Dreamers'WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. official told Congress on Tuesday it would be “rational” to legislate a path for citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children, but within hours the administration backtracked, saying his comments did not state the views of President Donald Trump. The Trump administration last month ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, which began in 2012 under former President Barack Obama. The program allowed nearly 800,000 so-called “Dreamers” to work legally in the United States without being deported. The policy was aimed at young people who came to the United States illegally as children. The administration said it ended DACA because Obama overstepped his constitutional authority by creating the policy without Congressional approval. Trump called on Congress to enact a law to protect DACA recipients, and last month angered some fellow Republicans by negotiating with congressional Democratic leaders on possible legislation. At a Senate hearing, Republican Senator John Kennedy asked Homeland Security official Michael Dougherty about Dreamers. “Should they be allowed to stay?” “Under a rational bill these individuals would be able to become lawful permanent residents with a pathway to citizenship,” Dougherty, assistant Department of Homeland Security secretary for border, immigration and trade policy, responded. “So the president believes they should be allowed to stay,” Kennedy responded. “The president, yes, would like to work with Congress to get a solution,” Dougherty said, declining to give further specifics on conditions under which Dreamers should be allowed to stay in the country. Hours later, DHS moved to distance the administration from Dougherty’s testimony. “Mr. Dougherty was not stating administration policy or the President’s views,” said Tyler Q. Houlton, the DHS deputy press secretary. “The White House will be issuing its priorities for immigration reform in the coming week.” The Trump administration has sent conflicting signals on the immigration issue, a focus of Trump’s 2016 campaign. Candidate Trump promised to end DACA and ultimately fulfilled that promise, but he has also expressed sympathy for the young immigrants it benefited. During the hearing, Dougherty said the administration’s immigration priorities include border control, better vetting, reducing visa overstays, reforming non-immigrant business visas and establishing a merit-based system that favors skilled immigrants. He said the administration also wants to expand its ability to quickly remove people who enter illegally and do not claim asylum. Republicans in Congress have introduced several bills that would fulfill aspects of Trump’s agenda, but many Democrats and immigration groups see the proposals as poison pills that would kill the chance for a deal. Democrats say it is unfair to make legislation helping DACA recipients contingent on a broad suite of enforcement and reform measures. “Please do not put the burden on the Dreamers to accept every aspect of comprehensive immigration reform to get a chance to become citizens of the United States,” Senator Dick Durbin said during the hearing. Last month Trump said he was close to a deal with top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer and top House of Representatives Democrat Nancy Pelosi on protections for DACA recipients that would have border security measures without funding construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border that he promised during the campaign. After meeting with the Democrats, Trump said, “We’re not looking at citizenship” for Dreamers. But Pelosi and Schumer said Trump had embraced provisions of a bipartisan proposal called the Dream Act that would grant permanent legal resident status to Dreamers who qualify, and eventually, a pathway to U.S. citizenship. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who dined on Monday with Trump and other Republicans, was asked whether the president’s tentative agreement with Schumer and Pelosi was still live. “I think what Nancy said when she left the meeting is different from what everybody else in the meeting had the impression of,” McCarthy said, declining to answer further questions. An aide to Pelosi later said “there is no change in our understanding” after “subsequent conversations” with the White House. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity. Schumer, at a news conference after the Democratic caucus, said, “We were explicit that the president would support...the Dream Act. If they are backing off that, we ought to know.” politicsNews
trump administration backpedals citizenship reuters a official told congress tuesday would rational legislate path citizenship illegal immigrants came united states children within hours administration backtracked saying comments state views president donald trump the trump administration last month ended deferred action childhood arrivals policy began former president barack obama the program allowed nearly dreamer work legally united states without deported the policy aimed young people came united states illegally children the administration said ended data obama overstepped constitutional authority creating policy without congressional approval trump called congress enact law protect data recipients last month angered fellow republicans negotiating congressional democratic leaders possible legislation at senate hearing republican senator john kennedy asked homeland security official michael dougherty dreamer should allowed stay under rational bill individuals would able become lawful permanent residents pathway citizenship dougherty assistant department homeland security secretary border immigration trade policy responded so president believes allowed stay kennedy responded the president yes would like work congress get solution dougherty said declining give specifics conditions dreamer allowed stay country hours later dhs moved distance administration dougherty testimony mr dougherty stating administration policy president views said tyler houston dhs deputy press secretary the white house issuing priorities immigration reform coming the trump administration sent conflicting signals immigration issue focus trump campaign candidate trump promised end data ultimately fulfilled promise also expressed sympathy young immigrants benefited during hearing dougherty said administration immigration priorities include border control better vetting reducing visa overseas reforming business visas establishing system favors skilled immigrants he said administration also wants expand ability quickly remove people enter illegally claim asylum republicans congress introduced several bills would fulfill aspects trump agenda many democrats immigration groups see proposals poison pills would kill chance deal democrats say unfair make legislation helping data recipients contingent broad suite enforcement reform measures please put burden dreamer accept every aspect comprehensive immigration reform get chance become citizens united states senator dick during said hearing last month trump said close deal top senate democrat chuck scheme top house representatives democrat nancy pesos protections data recipients would border security measures without funding construction wall along border promised campaign after meeting democrats trump said we looking citizenship dreamer but pesos scheme said trump embraced provisions bipartisan proposal called dream act would grant permanent legal resident status dreamer qualify eventually pathway citizenship house majority leader kevin mccarthy died monday trump republicans asked whether president tentative agreement scheme pesos still live i think nancy said left meeting different everybody else meeting impression mccarthy said declining answer questions an aide pesos later said change understanding subsequent conversations white house the aide spoke condition anonymity scheme news conference democratic caucus said we explicit president would support dream act if backing ought politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump administration backpedals on citizenship for 'Dreamers'WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. official told Congress on Tuesday it would be “rational” to legislate a path for citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children, but within hours the administration backtracked, saying his comments did not state the views of President Donald Trump. The Trump administration last month ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, which began in 2012 under former President Barack Obama. The program allowed nearly 800,000 so-called “Dreamers” to work legally in the United States without being deported. The policy was aimed at young people who came to the United States illegally as children. The administration said it ended DACA because Obama overstepped his constitutional authority by creating the policy without Congressional approval. Trump called on Congress to enact a law to protect DACA recipients, and last month angered some fellow Republicans by negotiating with congressional Democratic leaders on possible legislation. At a Senate hearing, Republican Senator John Kennedy asked Homeland Security official Michael Dougherty about Dreamers. “Should they be allowed to stay?” “Under a rational bill these individuals would be able to become lawful permanent residents with a pathway to citizenship,” Dougherty, assistant Department of Homeland Security secretary for border, immigration and trade policy, responded. “So the president believes they should be allowed to stay,” Kennedy responded. “The president, yes, would like to work with Congress to get a solution,” Dougherty said, declining to give further specifics on conditions under which Dreamers should be allowed to stay in the country. Hours later, DHS moved to distance the administration from Dougherty’s testimony. “Mr. Dougherty was not stating administration policy or the President’s views,” said Tyler Q. Houlton, the DHS deputy press secretary. “The White House will be issuing its priorities for immigration reform in the coming week.” The Trump administration has sent conflicting signals on the immigration issue, a focus of Trump’s 2016 campaign. Candidate Trump promised to end DACA and ultimately fulfilled that promise, but he has also expressed sympathy for the young immigrants it benefited. During the hearing, Dougherty said the administration’s immigration priorities include border control, better vetting, reducing visa overstays, reforming non-immigrant business visas and establishing a merit-based system that favors skilled immigrants. He said the administration also wants to expand its ability to quickly remove people who enter illegally and do not claim asylum. Republicans in Congress have introduced several bills that would fulfill aspects of Trump’s agenda, but many Democrats and immigration groups see the proposals as poison pills that would kill the chance for a deal. Democrats say it is unfair to make legislation helping DACA recipients contingent on a broad suite of enforcement and reform measures. “Please do not put the burden on the Dreamers to accept every aspect of comprehensive immigration reform to get a chance to become citizens of the United States,” Senator Dick Durbin said during the hearing. Last month Trump said he was close to a deal with top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer and top House of Representatives Democrat Nancy Pelosi on protections for DACA recipients that would have border security measures without funding construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border that he promised during the campaign. After meeting with the Democrats, Trump said, “We’re not looking at citizenship” for Dreamers. But Pelosi and Schumer said Trump had embraced provisions of a bipartisan proposal called the Dream Act that would grant permanent legal resident status to Dreamers who qualify, and eventually, a pathway to U.S. citizenship. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who dined on Monday with Trump and other Republicans, was asked whether the president’s tentative agreement with Schumer and Pelosi was still live. “I think what Nancy said when she left the meeting is different from what everybody else in the meeting had the impression of,” McCarthy said, declining to answer further questions. An aide to Pelosi later said “there is no change in our understanding” after “subsequent conversations” with the White House. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity. Schumer, at a news conference after the Democratic caucus, said, “We were explicit that the president would support...the Dream Act. If they are backing off that, we ought to know.” politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump administration backpedals citizenship reuters a official told congress tuesday would rational legislate path citizenship illegal immigrants came united states children within hours administration backtracked saying comments state views president donald trump the trump administration last month ended deferred action childhood arrivals policy began former president barack obama the program allowed nearly dreamer work legally united states without deported the policy aimed young people came united states illegally children the administration said ended data obama overstepped constitutional authority creating policy without congressional approval trump called congress enact law protect data recipients last month angered fellow republicans negotiating congressional democratic leaders possible legislation at senate hearing republican senator john kennedy asked homeland security official michael dougherty dreamer should allowed stay under rational bill individuals would able become lawful permanent residents pathway citizenship dougherty assistant department homeland security secretary border immigration trade policy responded so president believes allowed stay kennedy responded the president yes would like work congress get solution dougherty said declining give specifics conditions dreamer allowed stay country hours later dhs moved distance administration dougherty testimony mr dougherty stating administration policy president views said tyler houston dhs deputy press secretary the white house issuing priorities immigration reform coming the trump administration sent conflicting signals immigration issue focus trump campaign candidate trump promised end data ultimately fulfilled promise also expressed sympathy young immigrants benefited during hearing dougherty said administration immigration priorities include border control better vetting reducing visa overseas reforming business visas establishing system favors skilled immigrants he said administration also wants expand ability quickly remove people enter illegally claim asylum republicans congress introduced several bills would fulfill aspects trump agenda many democrats immigration groups see proposals poison pills would kill chance deal democrats say unfair make legislation helping data recipients contingent broad suite enforcement reform measures please put burden dreamer accept every aspect comprehensive immigration reform get chance become citizens united states senator dick during said hearing last month trump said close deal top senate democrat chuck scheme top house representatives democrat nancy pesos protections data recipients would border security measures without funding construction wall along border promised campaign after meeting democrats trump said we looking citizenship dreamer but pesos scheme said trump embraced provisions bipartisan proposal called dream act would grant permanent legal resident status dreamer qualify eventually pathway citizenship house majority leader kevin mccarthy died monday trump republicans asked whether president tentative agreement scheme pesos still live i think nancy said left meeting different everybody else meeting impression mccarthy said declining answer questions an aide pesos later said change understanding subsequent conversations white house the aide spoke condition anonymity scheme news conference democratic caucus said we explicit president would support dream act if backing ought politicsnews
Thousands of homes wrecked by huge Mexican quake, death toll at 91MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A massive earthquake off southern Mexico on Thursday night that killed at least 91 people damaged tens of thousands of homes and afflicted upwards of two million people in the poorer south, state officials said, as more details of the disaster emerged. The 8.1 magnitude quake off the coast of Chiapas state was stronger than a 1985 temblor that flattened swaths of Mexico City and killed thousands. However, its greater depth and distance helped save the capital from more serious damage. On Saturday, authorities in the southern state of Oaxaca said there were 71 confirmed fatalities there, many of them in the town of Juchitan, where the rush to bury victims crowded a local cemetery at the weekend. Another death was confirmed in neighboring Chiapas late on Sunday, bringing the total there to 16, a spokesman for local emergency services said. A further four deaths have also been registered in Tabasco state to the north. Television footage from parts of Oaxaca showed small homes and buildings completely leveled by the quake, which struck the narrowest portion of Mexico on the isthmus of Tehuantepec. Aftershocks continued into Sunday, and scores of people were wary about returning to fragile buildings hammered by the initial tremor, sleeping in gardens, patios and in the open air. Piles of rubble lay strewn around damaged streets, where the shock was still visible on the faces of residents. Oaxaca Governor Alejandro Murat told Mexican television the quake hit 41 municipalities and had likely affected around one in five of the state s 4 million-strong population. We re talking about more than 800,000 people who potentially lost everything, and some their loved ones, he said on Sunday. In Juchitan alone, more than 5,000 homes were destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans were temporarily left without electricity or water, and many in the south were evacuated from coastal dwellings when the quake sparked tsunami warnings. In Chiapas, some 41,000 houses were damaged, governor Manuel Velasco said, estimating nearly 1.5 million people were affected. President Enrique Pena Nieto declared three days of national mourning and pledged to rebuild shattered towns and villages. However, some residents interviewed expressed frustration that the poor southern regions were still not getting the help they needed from the richer north and center of Mexico. worldnews
thousands homes wrecked huge mexican quake death toll city reuters a massive earthquake southern mexico thursday night killed least people damaged tens thousands homes afflicted upwards two million people poorer south state officials said details disaster emerged the magnitude quake coast chips state stronger tumblr flattened swath mexico city killed thousands however greater depth distance helped save capital serious damage on saturday authorities southern state oaxaca said confirmed fatalities many town juchitan rush bury victims crowded local cemetery weekend another death confirmed neighboring chips late sunday bringing total spokesman local emergency services said a four deaths also registered tobacco state north television footage parts oaxaca showed small homes buildings completely leveled quake struck narrowest portion mexico isthmus tehuantepec aftershocks continued sunday scores people wary returning fragile buildings hammered initial tremor sleeping gardens ratios open air piles rubble lay strewn around damaged streets shock still visible faces residents oaxaca governor alejandro mural told mexican television quake hit municipalities likely affected around one five state population we talking people potentially lost everything loved ones said sunday in juchitan alone homes destroyed hundreds thousands mexican temporarily left without electricity water many south evacuated coastal dwellings quake sparked tsunami warnings in chips houses damaged governor manuel vasco said estimating nearly million people affected president enrique pena niet declared three days national mourning pledged rebuild shattered towns villages however residents interviewed expressed frustration poor southern regions still getting help needed richer north center mexico worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Thousands of homes wrecked by huge Mexican quake, death toll at 91MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A massive earthquake off southern Mexico on Thursday night that killed at least 91 people damaged tens of thousands of homes and afflicted upwards of two million people in the poorer south, state officials said, as more details of the disaster emerged. The 8.1 magnitude quake off the coast of Chiapas state was stronger than a 1985 temblor that flattened swaths of Mexico City and killed thousands. However, its greater depth and distance helped save the capital from more serious damage. On Saturday, authorities in the southern state of Oaxaca said there were 71 confirmed fatalities there, many of them in the town of Juchitan, where the rush to bury victims crowded a local cemetery at the weekend. Another death was confirmed in neighboring Chiapas late on Sunday, bringing the total there to 16, a spokesman for local emergency services said. A further four deaths have also been registered in Tabasco state to the north. Television footage from parts of Oaxaca showed small homes and buildings completely leveled by the quake, which struck the narrowest portion of Mexico on the isthmus of Tehuantepec. Aftershocks continued into Sunday, and scores of people were wary about returning to fragile buildings hammered by the initial tremor, sleeping in gardens, patios and in the open air. Piles of rubble lay strewn around damaged streets, where the shock was still visible on the faces of residents. Oaxaca Governor Alejandro Murat told Mexican television the quake hit 41 municipalities and had likely affected around one in five of the state s 4 million-strong population. We re talking about more than 800,000 people who potentially lost everything, and some their loved ones, he said on Sunday. In Juchitan alone, more than 5,000 homes were destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans were temporarily left without electricity or water, and many in the south were evacuated from coastal dwellings when the quake sparked tsunami warnings. In Chiapas, some 41,000 houses were damaged, governor Manuel Velasco said, estimating nearly 1.5 million people were affected. President Enrique Pena Nieto declared three days of national mourning and pledged to rebuild shattered towns and villages. However, some residents interviewed expressed frustration that the poor southern regions were still not getting the help they needed from the richer north and center of Mexico. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: thousands homes wrecked huge mexican quake death toll city reuters a massive earthquake southern mexico thursday night killed least people damaged tens thousands homes afflicted upwards two million people poorer south state officials said details disaster emerged the magnitude quake coast chips state stronger tumblr flattened swath mexico city killed thousands however greater depth distance helped save capital serious damage on saturday authorities southern state oaxaca said confirmed fatalities many town juchitan rush bury victims crowded local cemetery weekend another death confirmed neighboring chips late sunday bringing total spokesman local emergency services said a four deaths also registered tobacco state north television footage parts oaxaca showed small homes buildings completely leveled quake struck narrowest portion mexico isthmus tehuantepec aftershocks continued sunday scores people wary returning fragile buildings hammered initial tremor sleeping gardens ratios open air piles rubble lay strewn around damaged streets shock still visible faces residents oaxaca governor alejandro mural told mexican television quake hit municipalities likely affected around one five state population we talking people potentially lost everything loved ones said sunday in juchitan alone homes destroyed hundreds thousands mexican temporarily left without electricity water many south evacuated coastal dwellings quake sparked tsunami warnings in chips houses damaged governor manuel vasco said estimating nearly million people affected president enrique pena niet declared three days national mourning pledged rebuild shattered towns villages however residents interviewed expressed frustration poor southern regions still getting help needed richer north center mexico worldnews
Hillary Clinton's 'What Happened' fends off O'Reilly in bestsellers(Reuters) - “What Happened,” Hillary Clinton’s memoir of her unsuccessful bid to win the 2016 U.S. presidential election, topped the U.S. non-fiction bestsellers list on Thursday, fending off a challenge from the latest book by former Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly. Data released by independent, online and chain bookstores, book wholesalers and independent distributors across the United States was used to compile the list. Hardcover Fiction Last week 1. “To Be Where You Are” - Jan Karon (Putnam, $28) 2. “Haunted” - Patterson/Born (Little, Brown $28) 3. “A Column of Fire” 1 Ken Follett (Viking, $36) 4. “The Cuban Affair” - Nelson DeMille (Simon & Schuster, $28.99) 5. “The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye” 2 David Lagercrantz (Knopf, $27.95) 6. “A Legacy of Spies” 6 John le Carré (Viking, $28.00) 7. “Enemy of the State” 4 Kyle Mills (Atria/Bestler, $28.99) 8. “The Romanov Ransom” 3 Cussler/Burcell (Putnam, $29) 9. “Secrets in Death” 5 J.D. Robb (St. Martin’s, $27.99) 10. “Little Fires Everywhere” 10 Celeste Ng (Penguin Press, $27) Hardcover Non-Fiction 1. “What Happened” 1 Hillary Rodham Clinton (Simon & Schuster, $30) 2. “Saving England” - O’Reilly/Dugard (Holt, $30) 3. “The TB12 Method” - Tom Brady (Simon & Schuster, $29.99) 4. “Braving The Wilderness” 2 Brene Brown (Random House, $28) 5. “The Paradigm” - Jonathan Cahn (Frontline, $21.99) 6. “Principles” - Ray Dalio (Simon & Schuster, $30) 7. “The Autobiography of Gucci Mane” - Gucci Mane (Simon & Schuster, $27) 8. “Unbelievable” 3 Katy Tur (Dey Street, $26.99) 9. “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” 7 Mark Manson (HarperOne, $24.99) 10. “Anxious For Nothing” 4 Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson, $22.99) politicsNews
hillary clinton happened ends bestsellers reuters what happened hillary clinton memoir unsuccessful bid win presidential election topped bestsellers list thursday ending challenge latest book former fox news anchor bill o really data released independent online chain bookstores book wholesale independent distributors across united states used compile list hardcover fiction last week to be where you are jan baron dunam haunted little brown a column fire ken collect viking the cuban affair nelson delle simon cluster the girl who takes an eye for an eye david lagercrantz known a legacy spies john le carré viking enemy state kyle mills the romano ransom dunam secrets death rob martin little fires everywhere celeste ng penguin press hardcover what happened hillary roda clinton simon cluster saving england o holt the method tom brady simon cluster braking the wilderness bene brown random house the paradigm jonathan can frontline principles ray dali simon cluster the autobiography gcc mane gcc mane simon cluster unbelievable katy tur dey street the subtle art not giving f ck mark manson chaperone anxious for nothing max lucas thomas nelson politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hillary Clinton's 'What Happened' fends off O'Reilly in bestsellers(Reuters) - “What Happened,” Hillary Clinton’s memoir of her unsuccessful bid to win the 2016 U.S. presidential election, topped the U.S. non-fiction bestsellers list on Thursday, fending off a challenge from the latest book by former Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly. Data released by independent, online and chain bookstores, book wholesalers and independent distributors across the United States was used to compile the list. Hardcover Fiction Last week 1. “To Be Where You Are” - Jan Karon (Putnam, $28) 2. “Haunted” - Patterson/Born (Little, Brown $28) 3. “A Column of Fire” 1 Ken Follett (Viking, $36) 4. “The Cuban Affair” - Nelson DeMille (Simon & Schuster, $28.99) 5. “The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye” 2 David Lagercrantz (Knopf, $27.95) 6. “A Legacy of Spies” 6 John le Carré (Viking, $28.00) 7. “Enemy of the State” 4 Kyle Mills (Atria/Bestler, $28.99) 8. “The Romanov Ransom” 3 Cussler/Burcell (Putnam, $29) 9. “Secrets in Death” 5 J.D. Robb (St. Martin’s, $27.99) 10. “Little Fires Everywhere” 10 Celeste Ng (Penguin Press, $27) Hardcover Non-Fiction 1. “What Happened” 1 Hillary Rodham Clinton (Simon & Schuster, $30) 2. “Saving England” - O’Reilly/Dugard (Holt, $30) 3. “The TB12 Method” - Tom Brady (Simon & Schuster, $29.99) 4. “Braving The Wilderness” 2 Brene Brown (Random House, $28) 5. “The Paradigm” - Jonathan Cahn (Frontline, $21.99) 6. “Principles” - Ray Dalio (Simon & Schuster, $30) 7. “The Autobiography of Gucci Mane” - Gucci Mane (Simon & Schuster, $27) 8. “Unbelievable” 3 Katy Tur (Dey Street, $26.99) 9. “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” 7 Mark Manson (HarperOne, $24.99) 10. “Anxious For Nothing” 4 Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson, $22.99) politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: hillary clinton happened ends bestsellers reuters what happened hillary clinton memoir unsuccessful bid win presidential election topped bestsellers list thursday ending challenge latest book former fox news anchor bill o really data released independent online chain bookstores book wholesale independent distributors across united states used compile list hardcover fiction last week to be where you are jan baron dunam haunted little brown a column fire ken collect viking the cuban affair nelson delle simon cluster the girl who takes an eye for an eye david lagercrantz known a legacy spies john le carré viking enemy state kyle mills the romano ransom dunam secrets death rob martin little fires everywhere celeste ng penguin press hardcover what happened hillary roda clinton simon cluster saving england o holt the method tom brady simon cluster braking the wilderness bene brown random house the paradigm jonathan can frontline principles ray dali simon cluster the autobiography gcc mane gcc mane simon cluster unbelievable katy tur dey street the subtle art not giving f ck mark manson chaperone anxious for nothing max lucas thomas nelson politicsnews
Trump says Russia hurting U.S. efforts on North Korea nuclear issueWASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Russia was hurting U.S. efforts to rid North Korea of nuclear weapons while China had been helpful. In an interview with Fox Business Network, Trump said it would be easier to resolve the North Korea nuclear issue if the United States had a better relationship with Russia. China is helping us and maybe Russia s going through the other way and hurting what we re getting, Trump said of the North Korea situation. A series of weapons tests by North Korea and a string of increasingly bellicose exchanges between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have ratcheted up tensions. Trump has pressed China to help rein in North Korea s nuclear program. China, North Korea s sole major ally, accounts for more than 90 percent of trade with the isolated country. Trump said in a tweet that he spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday and the conversation included North Korea. U.S.-Russia relations have been strained over allegations Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Moscow s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and its backing of the Syrian government. I think we could have a good relationship with Russia, Trump said. I think that North Korean situation would be easier settled. Trump said during last year s campaign he hoped to improve relations with Moscow. worldnews
trump says russia hurting efforts north korea nuclear issuewashington reuters president donald trump said wednesday russia hurting efforts rid north korea nuclear weapons china helpful in interview fox business network trump said would easier resolve north korea nuclear issue united states better relationship russia china helping us maybe russia going way hurting getting trump said north korea situation a series weapons tests north korea string increasingly bellicose exchanges trump north korean leader kim jong un ratcheted tensions trump pressed china help rein north korea nuclear program china north korea sole major ally accounts percent trade isolated country trump said tweet spoke chinese president xi winning thursday conversation included north korea relations strained allegations russia muddled presidential election moscow annexation crimea ukraine backing syrian government i think could good relationship russia trump said i think north korean situation would easier settled trump said last year campaign hoped improve relations moscow worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump says Russia hurting U.S. efforts on North Korea nuclear issueWASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Russia was hurting U.S. efforts to rid North Korea of nuclear weapons while China had been helpful. In an interview with Fox Business Network, Trump said it would be easier to resolve the North Korea nuclear issue if the United States had a better relationship with Russia. China is helping us and maybe Russia s going through the other way and hurting what we re getting, Trump said of the North Korea situation. A series of weapons tests by North Korea and a string of increasingly bellicose exchanges between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have ratcheted up tensions. Trump has pressed China to help rein in North Korea s nuclear program. China, North Korea s sole major ally, accounts for more than 90 percent of trade with the isolated country. Trump said in a tweet that he spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday and the conversation included North Korea. U.S.-Russia relations have been strained over allegations Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Moscow s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and its backing of the Syrian government. I think we could have a good relationship with Russia, Trump said. I think that North Korean situation would be easier settled. Trump said during last year s campaign he hoped to improve relations with Moscow. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump says russia hurting efforts north korea nuclear issuewashington reuters president donald trump said wednesday russia hurting efforts rid north korea nuclear weapons china helpful in interview fox business network trump said would easier resolve north korea nuclear issue united states better relationship russia china helping us maybe russia going way hurting getting trump said north korea situation a series weapons tests north korea string increasingly bellicose exchanges trump north korean leader kim jong un ratcheted tensions trump pressed china help rein north korea nuclear program china north korea sole major ally accounts percent trade isolated country trump said tweet spoke chinese president xi winning thursday conversation included north korea relations strained allegations russia muddled presidential election moscow annexation crimea ukraine backing syrian government i think could good relationship russia trump said i think north korean situation would easier settled trump said last year campaign hoped improve relations moscow worldnews
Trump says Japan would shoot North Korean missiles 'out of sky' if it bought U.S. weaponryTOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that Japan would shoot North Korean missiles “out of the sky” if it bought the U.S. weaponry needed for doing so, suggesting Tokyo take a stance it has avoided until now. North Korea is pursuing nuclear weapons and missile programs in defiance of U.N. Security Council sanctions and has made no secret of its plans to develop a missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland. It has fired two missiles over Japan. Trump, speaking after a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, repeated his mantra the “era of strategic patience” with North Korea was over, and said the two countries were working to counter the “dangerous aggressions”. Trump also pressed Japan to lower its trade deficit with the United States and buy more U.S. military hardware. “He (Abe) will shoot them out of the sky when he completes the purchase of lots of additional military equipment from the United States,” Trump said, referring to the North Korean missiles. “The prime minister is going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment, as he should. And we make the best military equipment by far.” Abe, for his part, said Tokyo would shoot down missiles “if necessary”. Trump was replying to a question that was posed to Abe - namely how he would respond to a quote from Trump from a recent interview in which he said Japan was a “samurai” nation and should have shot down the North Korean missiles. Japan’s policy is that it would only shoot down a missile if it were falling on Japanese territory or if it were judged to pose an “existential threat” to Japan because it was aimed at a U.S. target. The U.S. president is on the second day of a 12-day Asian trip that is focusing on North Korea’s nuclear missile programs and trade. “Most importantly, we’re working to counter the dangerous aggressions of the regime in North Korea,” Trump said, calling Pyongyang’s nuclear tests and recent launches of ballistic missiles over Japan “a threat to the civilized world and to international peace and stability”. “Some people said that my rhetoric is very strong. But look what’s happened with very weak rhetoric over the last 25 years. Look where we are right now,” he added. North Korea’s recent actions have raised the stakes in the most critical international challenge of Trump’s presidency. The U.S. leader, who will visit South Korea on the trip, has rattled some allies with his vow to “totally destroy” North Korea if it threatens the United States and with his dismissal of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a “rocket man” on a suicide mission. Abe, with whom Trump has bonded through multiple summits and phone calls, repeated at the same news conference that Japan backed Trump’s stance that “all options” are on the table, saying it was time to exert maximum pressure on North Korea and the two countries were “100 percent” together on the issue. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying, in response to Abe’s comments, said that the North Korean “situation” was “already extremely complex, sensitive and weak”. “We hope that under the present circumstances, all sides’ words and actions can help reduce tensions and reestablish mutual trust and getting the North Korean nuclear issue back on the correct track of dialogue and negotiations,” she said. Trump said he was committed to achieving “free, fair, and reciprocal” trade and wants to work with Japan on this issue. “America is also committed to improving our economic relationship with Japan,” Trump said. “As president, I’m committed to achieving fair, free, and reciprocal trading relationship. We seek equal and reliable access for American exports to Japan’s markets in order to eliminate our chronic trade imbalances and deficits with Japan.” Earlier, speaking to Japanese and U.S. business executives, Trump praised Japan for buying U.S. military hardware. But he added that “many millions of cars are sold by Japan into the United States, whereas virtually no cars go from the United States into Japan”. Japan had a $69 billion trade surplus with the United States last year, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. The United States was Japan’s second biggest trade partner after China, while Japan was the United States’ fourth largest goods export market in 2016. Japanese officials have countered U.S. trade complaints by noting Tokyo accounts for a much smaller slice of the U.S. deficit than in the past, while China’s imbalance is bigger. In a second round of economic talks in Washington last month, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, who doubles as deputy premier, failed to bridge differences on trade issues. The two sides are at odds over how to frame future trade talks, with Tokyo pushing back against U.S. calls to discuss a bilateral free trade agreement. Trump also said earlier that an Indo-Pacific trade framework would produce more in trade that the Trans-Pacific Partnership pact pushed by his predecessor but which he announced Washington would abandon soon after he took office. The 11 remaining nations in the TPP, to which Japan’s Abe is firmly committed, are edging closer to sealing a comprehensive free trade pact without the United States. Trump met Emperor Akihito, exchanging a handshake and nodding, before his lunch and talks with Abe. He also met relatives of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korean agents decades ago to help train spies, calling the kidnappings a “tremendous disgrace” and pledging to work with Abe to bring the victims “back to Japan where they want to be”. “I think it would be a tremendous signal if Kim Jong Un would send them back,” Trump said. “If he would send them back, that would be the start of something, something very special.” Abe has made resolving the emotive abductions issue a keystone of his career. The families hope their talks with Trump - the third U.S. president they have met - will somehow contribute to a breakthrough, although experts say progress is unlikely. Abe also expressed his condolences for the victims of a gunman who massacred at least 26 worshippers at a church in Texas. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Trump had no plans to change the schedule for his 12-day Asian trip, which will also take him to Seoul, Beijing and Danang, Vietnam. Trump's visit to Asia: politicsNews
trump says japan would shoot north korean missiles sky bought weaponrytokyo reuters president donald trump said monday japan would shoot north korean missiles sky bought weaponry needed suggesting tokyo take stance avoided north korea pursuing nuclear weapons missile programs defiance security council sanctions made secret plans develop missile capable hitting mainland it fired two missiles japan trump speaking summit japanese prime minister shine abe repeated mantra era strategic patience north korea said two countries working counter dangerous aggression trump also pressed japan lower trade deficit united states buy military hardware he abe shoot sky completes purchase lots additional military equipment united states trump said referring north korean missiles the prime minister going purchasing massive amounts military equipment and make best military equipment abe part said tokyo would shoot missiles necessary trump replying question posed abe namely would respond quote trump recent interview said japan samurai nation shot north korean missiles japan policy would shoot missile falling japanese territory judged pose existential threat japan aimed target the president second day asian trip focusing north korea nuclear missile programs trade most importantly working counter dangerous aggression regime north korea trump said calling pyongyang nuclear tests recent launches ballistic missiles japan threat civilized world international peace stability some people said rhetoric strong but look happened weak rhetoric last years look right added north korea recent actions raised stakes critical international challenge trump presidency the leader visit south korea trip battled allies vow totally destroy north korea threatens united states dismissal north korean leader kim jong un rocket man suicide mission abe trump bonded multiple summits phone calls repeated news conference japan backed trump stance options table saying time exert maximum pressure north korea two countries percent together issue chinese foreign ministry spokesman hua changing response abe comments said north korean situation already extremely complex sensitive weak we hope present circumstances sides words actions help reduce tensions reestablish mutual trust getting north korean nuclear issue back correct track dialogue negotiations said trump said committed achieving free fair reciprocal trade wants work japan issue america also committed improving economic relationship japan trump said as president i committed achieving fair free reciprocal trading relationship we seek equal reliable access american exports japan markets order eliminate chronic trade imbalance deficits earlier speaking japanese business executives trump praised japan buying military hardware but added many millions cars sold japan united states whereas virtually cars go united states japan japan billion trade surplus united states last year according treasury department the united states japan second biggest trade partner china japan united states fourth largest goods export market japanese officials countered trade complaints noting tokyo accounts much smaller slice deficit past china imbalance bigger in second round economic talks washington last month vice president mike pence japanese finance minister taro aso doubles deputy premier failed bridge differences trade issues the two sides odds frame future trade talks tokyo pushing back calls discuss bilateral free trade agreement trump also said earlier trade framework would produce trade partnership pact pushed predecessor announced washington would abandon soon took office the remaining nations tpp japan abe firmly committed edging closer sealing comprehensive free trade pact without united states trump met emperor akihito exchanging handshake padding lunch talks abe he also met relatives japanese citizens abducted north korean agents decades ago help train spies calling kidnappings tremendous disgrace pledging work abe bring victims back japan want i think would tremendous signal kim jong un would send back trump said if would send back would start something something abe made resolving emotive abduction issue keystone career the families hope talks trump third president met somehow contribute breakthrough although experts say progress unlikely abe also expressed condolences victims gunman massacred least worshippers church texas white house spokeswoman sarah sanders said trump plans change schedule asian trip also take seoul beijing dating vietnam trump visit asia politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump says Japan would shoot North Korean missiles 'out of sky' if it bought U.S. weaponryTOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that Japan would shoot North Korean missiles “out of the sky” if it bought the U.S. weaponry needed for doing so, suggesting Tokyo take a stance it has avoided until now. North Korea is pursuing nuclear weapons and missile programs in defiance of U.N. Security Council sanctions and has made no secret of its plans to develop a missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland. It has fired two missiles over Japan. Trump, speaking after a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, repeated his mantra the “era of strategic patience” with North Korea was over, and said the two countries were working to counter the “dangerous aggressions”. Trump also pressed Japan to lower its trade deficit with the United States and buy more U.S. military hardware. “He (Abe) will shoot them out of the sky when he completes the purchase of lots of additional military equipment from the United States,” Trump said, referring to the North Korean missiles. “The prime minister is going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment, as he should. And we make the best military equipment by far.” Abe, for his part, said Tokyo would shoot down missiles “if necessary”. Trump was replying to a question that was posed to Abe - namely how he would respond to a quote from Trump from a recent interview in which he said Japan was a “samurai” nation and should have shot down the North Korean missiles. Japan’s policy is that it would only shoot down a missile if it were falling on Japanese territory or if it were judged to pose an “existential threat” to Japan because it was aimed at a U.S. target. The U.S. president is on the second day of a 12-day Asian trip that is focusing on North Korea’s nuclear missile programs and trade. “Most importantly, we’re working to counter the dangerous aggressions of the regime in North Korea,” Trump said, calling Pyongyang’s nuclear tests and recent launches of ballistic missiles over Japan “a threat to the civilized world and to international peace and stability”. “Some people said that my rhetoric is very strong. But look what’s happened with very weak rhetoric over the last 25 years. Look where we are right now,” he added. North Korea’s recent actions have raised the stakes in the most critical international challenge of Trump’s presidency. The U.S. leader, who will visit South Korea on the trip, has rattled some allies with his vow to “totally destroy” North Korea if it threatens the United States and with his dismissal of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a “rocket man” on a suicide mission. Abe, with whom Trump has bonded through multiple summits and phone calls, repeated at the same news conference that Japan backed Trump’s stance that “all options” are on the table, saying it was time to exert maximum pressure on North Korea and the two countries were “100 percent” together on the issue. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying, in response to Abe’s comments, said that the North Korean “situation” was “already extremely complex, sensitive and weak”. “We hope that under the present circumstances, all sides’ words and actions can help reduce tensions and reestablish mutual trust and getting the North Korean nuclear issue back on the correct track of dialogue and negotiations,” she said. Trump said he was committed to achieving “free, fair, and reciprocal” trade and wants to work with Japan on this issue. “America is also committed to improving our economic relationship with Japan,” Trump said. “As president, I’m committed to achieving fair, free, and reciprocal trading relationship. We seek equal and reliable access for American exports to Japan’s markets in order to eliminate our chronic trade imbalances and deficits with Japan.” Earlier, speaking to Japanese and U.S. business executives, Trump praised Japan for buying U.S. military hardware. But he added that “many millions of cars are sold by Japan into the United States, whereas virtually no cars go from the United States into Japan”. Japan had a $69 billion trade surplus with the United States last year, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. The United States was Japan’s second biggest trade partner after China, while Japan was the United States’ fourth largest goods export market in 2016. Japanese officials have countered U.S. trade complaints by noting Tokyo accounts for a much smaller slice of the U.S. deficit than in the past, while China’s imbalance is bigger. In a second round of economic talks in Washington last month, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, who doubles as deputy premier, failed to bridge differences on trade issues. The two sides are at odds over how to frame future trade talks, with Tokyo pushing back against U.S. calls to discuss a bilateral free trade agreement. Trump also said earlier that an Indo-Pacific trade framework would produce more in trade that the Trans-Pacific Partnership pact pushed by his predecessor but which he announced Washington would abandon soon after he took office. The 11 remaining nations in the TPP, to which Japan’s Abe is firmly committed, are edging closer to sealing a comprehensive free trade pact without the United States. Trump met Emperor Akihito, exchanging a handshake and nodding, before his lunch and talks with Abe. He also met relatives of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korean agents decades ago to help train spies, calling the kidnappings a “tremendous disgrace” and pledging to work with Abe to bring the victims “back to Japan where they want to be”. “I think it would be a tremendous signal if Kim Jong Un would send them back,” Trump said. “If he would send them back, that would be the start of something, something very special.” Abe has made resolving the emotive abductions issue a keystone of his career. The families hope their talks with Trump - the third U.S. president they have met - will somehow contribute to a breakthrough, although experts say progress is unlikely. Abe also expressed his condolences for the victims of a gunman who massacred at least 26 worshippers at a church in Texas. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Trump had no plans to change the schedule for his 12-day Asian trip, which will also take him to Seoul, Beijing and Danang, Vietnam. Trump's visit to Asia: politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump says japan would shoot north korean missiles sky bought weaponrytokyo reuters president donald trump said monday japan would shoot north korean missiles sky bought weaponry needed suggesting tokyo take stance avoided north korea pursuing nuclear weapons missile programs defiance security council sanctions made secret plans develop missile capable hitting mainland it fired two missiles japan trump speaking summit japanese prime minister shine abe repeated mantra era strategic patience north korea said two countries working counter dangerous aggression trump also pressed japan lower trade deficit united states buy military hardware he abe shoot sky completes purchase lots additional military equipment united states trump said referring north korean missiles the prime minister going purchasing massive amounts military equipment and make best military equipment abe part said tokyo would shoot missiles necessary trump replying question posed abe namely would respond quote trump recent interview said japan samurai nation shot north korean missiles japan policy would shoot missile falling japanese territory judged pose existential threat japan aimed target the president second day asian trip focusing north korea nuclear missile programs trade most importantly working counter dangerous aggression regime north korea trump said calling pyongyang nuclear tests recent launches ballistic missiles japan threat civilized world international peace stability some people said rhetoric strong but look happened weak rhetoric last years look right added north korea recent actions raised stakes critical international challenge trump presidency the leader visit south korea trip battled allies vow totally destroy north korea threatens united states dismissal north korean leader kim jong un rocket man suicide mission abe trump bonded multiple summits phone calls repeated news conference japan backed trump stance options table saying time exert maximum pressure north korea two countries percent together issue chinese foreign ministry spokesman hua changing response abe comments said north korean situation already extremely complex sensitive weak we hope present circumstances sides words actions help reduce tensions reestablish mutual trust getting north korean nuclear issue back correct track dialogue negotiations said trump said committed achieving free fair reciprocal trade wants work japan issue america also committed improving economic relationship japan trump said as president i committed achieving fair free reciprocal trading relationship we seek equal reliable access american exports japan markets order eliminate chronic trade imbalance deficits earlier speaking japanese business executives trump praised japan buying military hardware but added many millions cars sold japan united states whereas virtually cars go united states japan japan billion trade surplus united states last year according treasury department the united states japan second biggest trade partner china japan united states fourth largest goods export market japanese officials countered trade complaints noting tokyo accounts much smaller slice deficit past china imbalance bigger in second round economic talks washington last month vice president mike pence japanese finance minister taro aso doubles deputy premier failed bridge differences trade issues the two sides odds frame future trade talks tokyo pushing back calls discuss bilateral free trade agreement trump also said earlier trade framework would produce trade partnership pact pushed predecessor announced washington would abandon soon took office the remaining nations tpp japan abe firmly committed edging closer sealing comprehensive free trade pact without united states trump met emperor akihito exchanging handshake padding lunch talks abe he also met relatives japanese citizens abducted north korean agents decades ago help train spies calling kidnappings tremendous disgrace pledging work abe bring victims back japan want i think would tremendous signal kim jong un would send back trump said if would send back would start something something abe made resolving emotive abduction issue keystone career the families hope talks trump third president met somehow contribute breakthrough although experts say progress unlikely abe also expressed condolences victims gunman massacred least worshippers church texas white house spokeswoman sarah sanders said trump plans change schedule asian trip also take seoul beijing dating vietnam trump visit asia politicsnews
Kenya opposition supporters urged to boycott three companiesNAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition coalition has asked supporters to boycott three big companies it says benefit from ties to the government of President Uhuru Kenyatta, who won last week s repeat election after an opposition boycott. Wearing hats embroidered RESISTANCE , and speaking against a backdrop showing a clenched fist, members of parliament gave their supporters a week s notice to stop using products from telecoms giant Safaricom, dairy products from Brookside and Bidco cooking oils. We are calling for a boycott that will be painful, a boycott that will bring these companies to their knees until they stand for electoral justice, said Nakara Lodep, Turkana central lawmaker. Opposition leader Raila Odinga has called for a National Resistance Movement to protest the outcome of the repeat election, which was ordered by the Supreme Court after it annulled the results of an August poll over procedural irregularities. President Uhuru Kenyatta won a second, five-year term with 98 percent of the vote after Odinga boycotted the contest. Only 39 percent of registered voters took part. Lawmakers said Safaricom was targeted because it had helped transmit election results. Brookside Dairy is partly owned by Kenyatta s family and partly by French dairy giant Danone. A spokesman for Safaricom said the company had no immediate comment. Brookside and Bidco did not return messages seeking comment. Odinga has until Monday to file a Supreme Court case seeking to overturn the election. If there are no outstanding legal proceedings, Kenyatta will be inaugurated on Nov. 14. worldnews
kenya opposition supporters urged boycott three companiesnairobi reuters kenya opposition coalition asked supporters boycott three big companies says benefit ties government president hurt kenyatta last week repeat election opposition boycott wearing hats embroidered resistance speaking backdrop showing clinched fist members parliament gave supporters week notice stop using products telecoms giant safaricom dairy products broadside video cooking oils we calling boycott painful boycott bring companies knees stand electoral justice said naar model turban central lawmaker opposition leader rail doing called national resistance movement protest outcome repeat election ordered supreme court annulled results august poll procedural irregularities president hurt kenyatta second term percent vote doing boycotted contest only percent registered voters took part lawmakers said safaricom targeted helped transmit election results broadside dairy partly owned kenyatta family partly french dairy giant none a spokesman safaricom said company immediate comment broadside video return messages seeking comment doing monday file supreme court case seeking overturn election if outstanding legal proceedings kenyatta inaugurated worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Kenya opposition supporters urged to boycott three companiesNAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition coalition has asked supporters to boycott three big companies it says benefit from ties to the government of President Uhuru Kenyatta, who won last week s repeat election after an opposition boycott. Wearing hats embroidered RESISTANCE , and speaking against a backdrop showing a clenched fist, members of parliament gave their supporters a week s notice to stop using products from telecoms giant Safaricom, dairy products from Brookside and Bidco cooking oils. We are calling for a boycott that will be painful, a boycott that will bring these companies to their knees until they stand for electoral justice, said Nakara Lodep, Turkana central lawmaker. Opposition leader Raila Odinga has called for a National Resistance Movement to protest the outcome of the repeat election, which was ordered by the Supreme Court after it annulled the results of an August poll over procedural irregularities. President Uhuru Kenyatta won a second, five-year term with 98 percent of the vote after Odinga boycotted the contest. Only 39 percent of registered voters took part. Lawmakers said Safaricom was targeted because it had helped transmit election results. Brookside Dairy is partly owned by Kenyatta s family and partly by French dairy giant Danone. A spokesman for Safaricom said the company had no immediate comment. Brookside and Bidco did not return messages seeking comment. Odinga has until Monday to file a Supreme Court case seeking to overturn the election. If there are no outstanding legal proceedings, Kenyatta will be inaugurated on Nov. 14. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: kenya opposition supporters urged boycott three companiesnairobi reuters kenya opposition coalition asked supporters boycott three big companies says benefit ties government president hurt kenyatta last week repeat election opposition boycott wearing hats embroidered resistance speaking backdrop showing clinched fist members parliament gave supporters week notice stop using products telecoms giant safaricom dairy products broadside video cooking oils we calling boycott painful boycott bring companies knees stand electoral justice said naar model turban central lawmaker opposition leader rail doing called national resistance movement protest outcome repeat election ordered supreme court annulled results august poll procedural irregularities president hurt kenyatta second term percent vote doing boycotted contest only percent registered voters took part lawmakers said safaricom targeted helped transmit election results broadside dairy partly owned kenyatta family partly french dairy giant none a spokesman safaricom said company immediate comment broadside video return messages seeking comment doing monday file supreme court case seeking overturn election if outstanding legal proceedings kenyatta inaugurated worldnews
Trump says his feud with Senator Corker will not hurt tax pushWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday his public feud with Senator Bob Corker would not harm his push for a tax-code overhaul, hours after he aimed a new insult at the influential fellow Republican by mocking his physical stature. In remarks that raised new uncertainties about the barely 2-week-old tax plan, Trump also told reporters that adjustments to it were coming within weeks. He did not give details. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said later: “We don’t have any adjustments to make to the framework at this time.” Asked if his spat with Corker would affect the tax effort, Trump said: “I don’t think so, no.” The president has engaged in a risky Twitter dispute over the past few days with Corker, a Tennessee lawmaker who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and is a leading “deficit hawk” committed to reining in the federal deficit. Corker has said he will oppose any package of tax changes that adds to the deficit. His position matters because Republicans control the Senate by a narrow 52-to-48 margin as they push to notch their first major legislative achievement during a year in which they have controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress. If Democrats, who have criticized Trump’s tax plan as a giveaway to business and the rich, unite against a tax bill as they did in opposing efforts to repeal the Obamacare healthcare law, Republicans can afford to lose only two of their own senators to get the tax changes passed. In his latest tweet on the senator on Tuesday morning, Trump dubbed Corker, reported by U.S. media to be 5 foot 7 inches (1.70 m) tall, “Liddle’ Bob Corker.” He said Corker had been made to “sound a fool” by the New York Times, “and that’s what I’m dealing with.” Corker tweeted over the weekend that the Trump White House was an “adult daycare center” and said in an interview with the Times that Trump risked setting the country on a “path to World War Three.” Corker, who is not seeking re-election next year, has not responded on Twitter to Trump’s latest comments. In his remarks in the Oval Office, Trump focused on tax reform, saying it was politically positive and desired by Americans. “People want to see tax cuts, they want to see major reductions in their taxes, and they want to see tax reform, and that’s what we’re doing,” he said. “And we’ll be adjusting a little bit over the next few weeks to make it even stronger. But I will tell you that it’s become very, very popular.” Asked to clarify Trump’s comments about making the plan stronger, a White House official said the administration had always planned to work with Congress to make the proposal one that people could get behind. “The word ‘stronger’ could imply larger tax cuts, more base broadeners or a number of other things,” said Kyle Pomerleau, federal projects director at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation think tank. “It’s hard to tell what direction that’s going in.” Two congressional tax-writing committees are preparing to unveil legislation that Republicans hope to enact before January. But first, congressional Republicans are aiming to adopt a fiscal year 2018 budget resolution that would allow them to pass tax legislation in the Senate by a simple majority through a parliamentary procedure known as reconciliation. Without reconciliation, Senate Republicans would need to work with Democrats to garner the typical 60 votes required to pass legislation. “If there is no reconciliation, then there is no tax bill,” the Wall Street investment banking firm Keefe Bruyette & Woods advised clients on Tuesday. The House of Representatives passed a budget resolution last week and the Senate is expected to vote on its own version next week. Resolving the differences between the two budget measures could take weeks unless the House decides to pass the Senate’s version quickly. House Budget Committee Chairman Diane Black told Reuters on Tuesday that she preferred a conference committee to work out the differences, so House Republicans could fight to keep proposed budget cuts to government programs such as food stamps and the Medicaid health insurance program for the poor and disabled. “Getting our spending under control is a part and a piece of getting the country back on track,” Black said in an interview. politicsNews
trump says feud senator corner hurt tax pushwashington reuters president donald trump said tuesday public feud senator bob corner would harm push overhaul hours aimed new insult influential fellow republican mocking physical stature in remarks raised new uncertainties barely tax plan trump also told reporters adjustments coming within weeks he give details white house spokeswoman sarah sanders said later we adjustments make framework asked spat corner would affect tax effort trump said i think the president engaged risky twitter dispute past days corner tennessee lawmaker chairs senate foreign relations committee leading deficit hawk committed reigning federal deficit corner said oppose package tax changes adds deficit his position matters republicans control senate narrow margin push notch first major legislative achievement year controlled white house chambers congress if democrats criticized trump tax plan giveaway business rich unite tax bill opposing efforts repeal obamacare healthcare law republicans afford lose two senators get tax changes passed in latest tweet senator tuesday morning trump dubbed corner reported media foot inches tall middle bob he said corner made sound fool new york times i dealing corner tweeted weekend trump white house adult daycare center said interview times trump risked setting country path world war corner seeking next year responded twitter trump latest comments in remarks oval office trump focused tax reform saying politically positive desired americans people want see tax cuts want see major reductions taxes want see tax reform said and adjusting little bit next weeks make even stronger but i tell become asked clarify trump comments making plan stronger white house official said administration always planned work congress make proposal one people could get behind the word stronger could imply larger tax cuts base broadened number things said kyle pomerleau federal projects director nonpartisan tax foundation think tank it hard tell direction going two congressional committees preparing unveil legislation republicans hope enact january but first congressional republicans aiming adopt fiscal year budget resolution would allow pass tax legislation senate simple majority parliamentary procedure known reconciliation without reconciliation senate republicans would need work democrats garner typical votes required pass legislation if reconciliation tax bill wall street investment banking firm keep bruyette woods advised clients tuesday the house representatives passed budget resolution last week senate expected vote version next week resolving differences two budget measures could take weeks unless house decides pass senate version quickly house budget committee chairman diane black told reuters tuesday preferred conference committee work differences house republicans could fight keep proposed budget cuts government programs food stamps medical health insurance program poor disabled getting spending control part piece getting country back track black said interview politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump says his feud with Senator Corker will not hurt tax pushWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday his public feud with Senator Bob Corker would not harm his push for a tax-code overhaul, hours after he aimed a new insult at the influential fellow Republican by mocking his physical stature. In remarks that raised new uncertainties about the barely 2-week-old tax plan, Trump also told reporters that adjustments to it were coming within weeks. He did not give details. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said later: “We don’t have any adjustments to make to the framework at this time.” Asked if his spat with Corker would affect the tax effort, Trump said: “I don’t think so, no.” The president has engaged in a risky Twitter dispute over the past few days with Corker, a Tennessee lawmaker who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and is a leading “deficit hawk” committed to reining in the federal deficit. Corker has said he will oppose any package of tax changes that adds to the deficit. His position matters because Republicans control the Senate by a narrow 52-to-48 margin as they push to notch their first major legislative achievement during a year in which they have controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress. If Democrats, who have criticized Trump’s tax plan as a giveaway to business and the rich, unite against a tax bill as they did in opposing efforts to repeal the Obamacare healthcare law, Republicans can afford to lose only two of their own senators to get the tax changes passed. In his latest tweet on the senator on Tuesday morning, Trump dubbed Corker, reported by U.S. media to be 5 foot 7 inches (1.70 m) tall, “Liddle’ Bob Corker.” He said Corker had been made to “sound a fool” by the New York Times, “and that’s what I’m dealing with.” Corker tweeted over the weekend that the Trump White House was an “adult daycare center” and said in an interview with the Times that Trump risked setting the country on a “path to World War Three.” Corker, who is not seeking re-election next year, has not responded on Twitter to Trump’s latest comments. In his remarks in the Oval Office, Trump focused on tax reform, saying it was politically positive and desired by Americans. “People want to see tax cuts, they want to see major reductions in their taxes, and they want to see tax reform, and that’s what we’re doing,” he said. “And we’ll be adjusting a little bit over the next few weeks to make it even stronger. But I will tell you that it’s become very, very popular.” Asked to clarify Trump’s comments about making the plan stronger, a White House official said the administration had always planned to work with Congress to make the proposal one that people could get behind. “The word ‘stronger’ could imply larger tax cuts, more base broadeners or a number of other things,” said Kyle Pomerleau, federal projects director at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation think tank. “It’s hard to tell what direction that’s going in.” Two congressional tax-writing committees are preparing to unveil legislation that Republicans hope to enact before January. But first, congressional Republicans are aiming to adopt a fiscal year 2018 budget resolution that would allow them to pass tax legislation in the Senate by a simple majority through a parliamentary procedure known as reconciliation. Without reconciliation, Senate Republicans would need to work with Democrats to garner the typical 60 votes required to pass legislation. “If there is no reconciliation, then there is no tax bill,” the Wall Street investment banking firm Keefe Bruyette & Woods advised clients on Tuesday. The House of Representatives passed a budget resolution last week and the Senate is expected to vote on its own version next week. Resolving the differences between the two budget measures could take weeks unless the House decides to pass the Senate’s version quickly. House Budget Committee Chairman Diane Black told Reuters on Tuesday that she preferred a conference committee to work out the differences, so House Republicans could fight to keep proposed budget cuts to government programs such as food stamps and the Medicaid health insurance program for the poor and disabled. “Getting our spending under control is a part and a piece of getting the country back on track,” Black said in an interview. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump says feud senator corner hurt tax pushwashington reuters president donald trump said tuesday public feud senator bob corner would harm push overhaul hours aimed new insult influential fellow republican mocking physical stature in remarks raised new uncertainties barely tax plan trump also told reporters adjustments coming within weeks he give details white house spokeswoman sarah sanders said later we adjustments make framework asked spat corner would affect tax effort trump said i think the president engaged risky twitter dispute past days corner tennessee lawmaker chairs senate foreign relations committee leading deficit hawk committed reigning federal deficit corner said oppose package tax changes adds deficit his position matters republicans control senate narrow margin push notch first major legislative achievement year controlled white house chambers congress if democrats criticized trump tax plan giveaway business rich unite tax bill opposing efforts repeal obamacare healthcare law republicans afford lose two senators get tax changes passed in latest tweet senator tuesday morning trump dubbed corner reported media foot inches tall middle bob he said corner made sound fool new york times i dealing corner tweeted weekend trump white house adult daycare center said interview times trump risked setting country path world war corner seeking next year responded twitter trump latest comments in remarks oval office trump focused tax reform saying politically positive desired americans people want see tax cuts want see major reductions taxes want see tax reform said and adjusting little bit next weeks make even stronger but i tell become asked clarify trump comments making plan stronger white house official said administration always planned work congress make proposal one people could get behind the word stronger could imply larger tax cuts base broadened number things said kyle pomerleau federal projects director nonpartisan tax foundation think tank it hard tell direction going two congressional committees preparing unveil legislation republicans hope enact january but first congressional republicans aiming adopt fiscal year budget resolution would allow pass tax legislation senate simple majority parliamentary procedure known reconciliation without reconciliation senate republicans would need work democrats garner typical votes required pass legislation if reconciliation tax bill wall street investment banking firm keep bruyette woods advised clients tuesday the house representatives passed budget resolution last week senate expected vote version next week resolving differences two budget measures could take weeks unless house decides pass senate version quickly house budget committee chairman diane black told reuters tuesday preferred conference committee work differences house republicans could fight keep proposed budget cuts government programs food stamps medical health insurance program poor disabled getting spending control part piece getting country back track black said interview politicsnews
Russia ready to cooperate with U.S., Russia's Lavrov told Tillerson: ministryMOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to normalize relations with the United States and to cooperate on major global issues, Moscow’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a phone call on Friday. Lavrov told Tillerson that Moscow’s decision to cut U.S. diplomatic staff in Russia was prompted by “a number of Washington’s hostile steps”. Lavrov and Tillerson “agreed to maintain contact on a range of bilateral issues”, the Russian’s Foreign Ministry said in statement. politicsNews
russia ready cooperate russia lvaro told tillerson ministrymoscow reuters russia ready normalize relations united states cooperate major global issues moscow foreign minister series lvaro told secretary state rex tillerson phone call friday lvaro told tillerson moscow decision cut diplomatic staff russia prompted number washington hostile steps lvaro tillerson agreed maintain contact range bilateral issues russian foreign ministry said statement politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Russia ready to cooperate with U.S., Russia's Lavrov told Tillerson: ministryMOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to normalize relations with the United States and to cooperate on major global issues, Moscow’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a phone call on Friday. Lavrov told Tillerson that Moscow’s decision to cut U.S. diplomatic staff in Russia was prompted by “a number of Washington’s hostile steps”. Lavrov and Tillerson “agreed to maintain contact on a range of bilateral issues”, the Russian’s Foreign Ministry said in statement. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: russia ready cooperate russia lvaro told tillerson ministrymoscow reuters russia ready normalize relations united states cooperate major global issues moscow foreign minister series lvaro told secretary state rex tillerson phone call friday lvaro told tillerson moscow decision cut diplomatic staff russia prompted number washington hostile steps lvaro tillerson agreed maintain contact range bilateral issues russian foreign ministry said statement politicsnews
Proof Republicans MADE UP ‘Voter Fraud’ Lie To Stop Black VotesIf you listened to Republicans and conservatives, you would probably believe that voter fraud is running rampant across America, as dead voters and other illegal votes rise up and jam polling places from coast to coast, winning elections for Democrats at all levels as poor Republicans sit and look on, completely helpless before the onslaught.But as is so often the case with a lot Republican hysteria, voter fraud claims are at best a tiny, minuscule, whimper, and not the national emergency you would assume it is based on Fox News and the rest. The New York Times looked into it after the 2016 election, and they found nothing:In an election in which more than 137.7 million Americans cast ballots, election and law enforcement officials in 26 states and the District of Columbia Democratic-leaning, Republican-leaning and in-between said that so far they knew of no credible allegations of fraudulent voting. Officials in another eight states said they knew of only one allegation.[ ]But inquiries to all 50 states (every one but Kansas responded), found no states that reported indications of widespread fraud. And while additional allegations could surface as states wind up postelection reviews, their conclusions are unlikely to change significantly.The reality is, as far as statistics go, voter fraud may as well not exist it is such a small portion of the vote. Yet it is repeatedly invoked by conservative Republicans to pass measures such as voter ID and limits on early voting.Why? Because voter fraud is an excuse and a smoke screen for Republican initiatives designed to cut down on the minority vote, particularly black Americans. It is also used to limit voter registration among young voters. Those segments have been targeted by the right for suppression because they vote overwhelmingly in favor of Democrats.Conservatives believe that the best way to win an election is to stop certain key voting blocs from having their votes counted. And the phony voter fraud is a great way to get that to happen.Featured image via FlickrNews
proof republicans made up voter fraud lie to stop black votes listened republicans conservatives would probably believe voter fraud running rampant across america dead voters illegal votes rise jam polling places coast coast winning elections democrats levels poor republicans sit look completely helpless often case lot republican hysteria voter fraud claims best tiny minuscule whisper national emergency would assume based fox news rest the new york times looked election found nothing in election million americans cast ballots election law enforcement officials states district columbia said far knew credible allegations fraudulent voting officials another eight states said knew one allegation but inquiries states every one kansas responded found states reported indications widespread fraud and additional allegations could surface states wind postelection reviews conclusions unlikely change reality far statistics go voter fraud may well exist small portion vote yet repeatedly invoked conservative republicans pass measures voter id limits early because voter fraud excuse smoke screen republican initiatives designed cut minority vote particularly black americans it also used limit voter registration among young voters those segments targeted right suppression vote overwhelmingly favor believe best way win election stop certain key voting block votes counted and phony voter fraud great way get image via flickrnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Proof Republicans MADE UP ‘Voter Fraud’ Lie To Stop Black VotesIf you listened to Republicans and conservatives, you would probably believe that voter fraud is running rampant across America, as dead voters and other illegal votes rise up and jam polling places from coast to coast, winning elections for Democrats at all levels as poor Republicans sit and look on, completely helpless before the onslaught.But as is so often the case with a lot Republican hysteria, voter fraud claims are at best a tiny, minuscule, whimper, and not the national emergency you would assume it is based on Fox News and the rest. The New York Times looked into it after the 2016 election, and they found nothing:In an election in which more than 137.7 million Americans cast ballots, election and law enforcement officials in 26 states and the District of Columbia Democratic-leaning, Republican-leaning and in-between said that so far they knew of no credible allegations of fraudulent voting. Officials in another eight states said they knew of only one allegation.[ ]But inquiries to all 50 states (every one but Kansas responded), found no states that reported indications of widespread fraud. And while additional allegations could surface as states wind up postelection reviews, their conclusions are unlikely to change significantly.The reality is, as far as statistics go, voter fraud may as well not exist it is such a small portion of the vote. Yet it is repeatedly invoked by conservative Republicans to pass measures such as voter ID and limits on early voting.Why? Because voter fraud is an excuse and a smoke screen for Republican initiatives designed to cut down on the minority vote, particularly black Americans. It is also used to limit voter registration among young voters. Those segments have been targeted by the right for suppression because they vote overwhelmingly in favor of Democrats.Conservatives believe that the best way to win an election is to stop certain key voting blocs from having their votes counted. And the phony voter fraud is a great way to get that to happen.Featured image via FlickrNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: proof republicans made up voter fraud lie to stop black votes listened republicans conservatives would probably believe voter fraud running rampant across america dead voters illegal votes rise jam polling places coast coast winning elections democrats levels poor republicans sit look completely helpless often case lot republican hysteria voter fraud claims best tiny minuscule whisper national emergency would assume based fox news rest the new york times looked election found nothing in election million americans cast ballots election law enforcement officials states district columbia said far knew credible allegations fraudulent voting officials another eight states said knew one allegation but inquiries states every one kansas responded found states reported indications widespread fraud and additional allegations could surface states wind postelection reviews conclusions unlikely change reality far statistics go voter fraud may well exist small portion vote yet repeatedly invoked conservative republicans pass measures voter id limits early because voter fraud excuse smoke screen republican initiatives designed cut minority vote particularly black americans it also used limit voter registration among young voters those segments targeted right suppression vote overwhelmingly favor believe best way win election stop certain key voting block votes counted and phony voter fraud great way get image via flickrnews
MICHELLE OBAMA Slams America At Iranian Party: “We’re Hearing So Much Disturbing And Hateful Rhetoric”So you have to listen to this little speech by Michelle Obama and understand that she s totally lying when she speaks about disturbing and hateful rhetoric . Americans are NOT blowing themselves up or cutting heads off. If anything, Americans have been so forgiving and fantastic in the face of Islamic terrorism. There s so much more to say but in a nutshell we re not the ones screaming Death to Iran! BUT Iranians are screaming DEATH TO AMERICA NUF SAID! Here s some propaganda from USA Today: politics
michelle obama slams america at iranian party we hearing so much disturbing and hateful rhetoric so listen little speech michelle obama understand totally lying speaks disturbing hateful rhetoric americans not blowing cutting heads if anything americans forgiving fantastic face islamic terrorism there much say nutshell ones screaming death iran but iranian screaming death to america num said here propaganda usa today politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: MICHELLE OBAMA Slams America At Iranian Party: “We’re Hearing So Much Disturbing And Hateful Rhetoric”So you have to listen to this little speech by Michelle Obama and understand that she s totally lying when she speaks about disturbing and hateful rhetoric . Americans are NOT blowing themselves up or cutting heads off. If anything, Americans have been so forgiving and fantastic in the face of Islamic terrorism. There s so much more to say but in a nutshell we re not the ones screaming Death to Iran! BUT Iranians are screaming DEATH TO AMERICA NUF SAID! Here s some propaganda from USA Today: politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: michelle obama slams america at iranian party we hearing so much disturbing and hateful rhetoric so listen little speech michelle obama understand totally lying speaks disturbing hateful rhetoric americans not blowing cutting heads if anything americans forgiving fantastic face islamic terrorism there much say nutshell ones screaming death iran but iranian screaming death to america num said here propaganda usa today politics
Possible Trump VP pick says he supports abortion rightsWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, under consideration by Republican Donald Trump as a possible vice presidential choice, said on Sunday he favors a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion. That stance places Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, at odds with the official Republican Party position, which is firmly anti-abortion. Asked about his position on abortion on ABC News’ “This Week,” Flynn, a registered Democrat, said “women have to be able to choose” and that women “have to make the decision because they’re the ... ones that are going to decide to bring up that child or not.” Trump, the presumptive Republican White House nominee, has said he will pick his vice president before the party’s nomination convention opens on July 18. Flynn has been an adviser to the Trump campaign since early this year. The Washington Post reported on Saturday that Trump is becoming increasingly infatuated with Flynn, who ran the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012-2014 under President Barack Obama, because he believes national unrest and the threat of terrorism may demand a “tough and steady” presence on the ticket. As a businessman and real-estate developer, Trump also likes the idea of teaming up with another non-politician, the Post reported. For weeks Trump has conducted a high-profile canvassing of Republican political stalwarts as part of his running mate search, but he has also made clear he is looking at what a military leader would bring to the ticket. A source familiar with the matter confirmed to Reuters on Saturday that Flynn had emerged as a possibility. According to the source, Flynn is seen as someone who would be able to help Trump in the area of national security at a time of challenges abroad like the threat from Islamic State militants. Trump is also considering more conventional vice presidential contenders, such as former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich, Indiana Governor Mike Pence or New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. politicsNews
possible trump vp pick says supports abortion rightswashington reuters retired michael flynn consideration republican donald trump possible vice presidential choice said sunday favors woman right choose whether abortion that stance places flynn former head defense intelligence agency odds official republican party position firmly asked position abortion abc news this week flynn registered democrat said women able choose women make decision ones going decide bring child trump presumptive republican white house nominee said pick vice president party nomination convention opens july flynn adviser trump campaign since early year the washington post reported saturday trump becoming increasingly infatuated flynn ran defense intelligence agency president barack obama believes national unrest threat terrorism may demand tough steady presence ticket as businessman developer trump also likes idea teaming another post reported for weeks trump conducted canvassing republican political stalwart part running mate search also made clear looking military leader would bring ticket a source familiar matter confirmed reuters saturday flynn emerged possibility according source flynn seen someone would able help trump area national security time challenges abroad like threat islamic state militants trump also considering conventional vice presidential contenders former house representatives speaker newt gingrich indiana governor mike pence new jersey governor chris christie politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Possible Trump VP pick says he supports abortion rightsWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, under consideration by Republican Donald Trump as a possible vice presidential choice, said on Sunday he favors a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion. That stance places Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, at odds with the official Republican Party position, which is firmly anti-abortion. Asked about his position on abortion on ABC News’ “This Week,” Flynn, a registered Democrat, said “women have to be able to choose” and that women “have to make the decision because they’re the ... ones that are going to decide to bring up that child or not.” Trump, the presumptive Republican White House nominee, has said he will pick his vice president before the party’s nomination convention opens on July 18. Flynn has been an adviser to the Trump campaign since early this year. The Washington Post reported on Saturday that Trump is becoming increasingly infatuated with Flynn, who ran the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012-2014 under President Barack Obama, because he believes national unrest and the threat of terrorism may demand a “tough and steady” presence on the ticket. As a businessman and real-estate developer, Trump also likes the idea of teaming up with another non-politician, the Post reported. For weeks Trump has conducted a high-profile canvassing of Republican political stalwarts as part of his running mate search, but he has also made clear he is looking at what a military leader would bring to the ticket. A source familiar with the matter confirmed to Reuters on Saturday that Flynn had emerged as a possibility. According to the source, Flynn is seen as someone who would be able to help Trump in the area of national security at a time of challenges abroad like the threat from Islamic State militants. Trump is also considering more conventional vice presidential contenders, such as former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich, Indiana Governor Mike Pence or New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: possible trump vp pick says supports abortion rightswashington reuters retired michael flynn consideration republican donald trump possible vice presidential choice said sunday favors woman right choose whether abortion that stance places flynn former head defense intelligence agency odds official republican party position firmly asked position abortion abc news this week flynn registered democrat said women able choose women make decision ones going decide bring child trump presumptive republican white house nominee said pick vice president party nomination convention opens july flynn adviser trump campaign since early year the washington post reported saturday trump becoming increasingly infatuated flynn ran defense intelligence agency president barack obama believes national unrest threat terrorism may demand tough steady presence ticket as businessman developer trump also likes idea teaming another post reported for weeks trump conducted canvassing republican political stalwart part running mate search also made clear looking military leader would bring ticket a source familiar matter confirmed reuters saturday flynn emerged possibility according source flynn seen someone would able help trump area national security time challenges abroad like threat islamic state militants trump also considering conventional vice presidential contenders former house representatives speaker newt gingrich indiana governor mike pence new jersey governor chris christie politicsnews
Turkish court orders release of pro-Kurdish party's former spokesman: party officialANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish court has ordered the release of a parliamentarian who was the former spokesman for Turkey s pro-Kurdish opposition party, a party official said on Friday. The court ruled that Ayhan Bilgen be released after a monthly review of his detention since he was arrested in the southern city of Diyarbakir over accusations that he was a member of an armed terrorist group, the official told Reuters. Bilgen had served as spokesman and head of the pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party s (HDP) parliamentary group. The ruling comes amid growing concern among opposition parties, human rights groups and Turkey s Western allies that President Tayyip Erdogan is using a crackdown on suspected supporters of last year s failed coup to muzzle dissent. Since the failed coup, some 50,000 people have been arrested and more than 150,000 sacked or suspended from the military, civil service and private sector. Nine HDP deputies are jailed pending trial, more than 70 elected mayors from the HDP s southeastern affiliate have been remanded in custody in terrorism-related investigations, and their municipalities taken over by state officials. Thousands of party members have also been arrested. The Turkish government says the HDP is an affiliate of the militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a three-decade insurgency against the Turkish state and is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. The HDP denies direct links. Turkey s parliament has also stripped four HDP lawmakers, including the party s co-chairwoman Figen Yuksekdag, of their parliamentary status, reducing the presence of the country s third-largest party in the 550-seat assembly. The HDP had 59 lawmakers elected to parliament in the November 2015 general election. The party s co-leader Selahattin Demirtas has also been in jail since November 2016. (This story corrects number of jailed deputies in paragraph 6) worldnews
turkish court orders release party former spokesman party officialankara reuters a turkish court ordered release parliamentarian former spokesman turkey opposition party party official said friday the court ruled than bingen released monthly review detention since arrested southern city diyarbakir accusations member armed terrorist group official told reuters bingen served spokesman head peoples democratic party dp parliamentary group the ruling comes amid growing concern among opposition parties human rights groups turkey western allies president tayyip erdogan using crackdown suspected supporters last year failed coup muzzle dissent since failed coup people arrested sacked suspended military civil service private sector nine dp deputies jailed pending trial elected mayors dp southeastern affiliate remanded custody investigations municipalities taken state officials thousands party members also arrested the turkish government says dp affiliate militant kurdistan workers party pkk waged insurgency turkish state considered terrorist organization turkey united states european union the dp denies direct links turkey parliament also stripped four dp lawmakers including party five yuksekdag parliamentary status reducing presence country party assembly the dp lawmakers elected parliament november general election the party selahattin demirtas also jail since november this story corrects number jailed deputies paragraph worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Turkish court orders release of pro-Kurdish party's former spokesman: party officialANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish court has ordered the release of a parliamentarian who was the former spokesman for Turkey s pro-Kurdish opposition party, a party official said on Friday. The court ruled that Ayhan Bilgen be released after a monthly review of his detention since he was arrested in the southern city of Diyarbakir over accusations that he was a member of an armed terrorist group, the official told Reuters. Bilgen had served as spokesman and head of the pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party s (HDP) parliamentary group. The ruling comes amid growing concern among opposition parties, human rights groups and Turkey s Western allies that President Tayyip Erdogan is using a crackdown on suspected supporters of last year s failed coup to muzzle dissent. Since the failed coup, some 50,000 people have been arrested and more than 150,000 sacked or suspended from the military, civil service and private sector. Nine HDP deputies are jailed pending trial, more than 70 elected mayors from the HDP s southeastern affiliate have been remanded in custody in terrorism-related investigations, and their municipalities taken over by state officials. Thousands of party members have also been arrested. The Turkish government says the HDP is an affiliate of the militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a three-decade insurgency against the Turkish state and is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. The HDP denies direct links. Turkey s parliament has also stripped four HDP lawmakers, including the party s co-chairwoman Figen Yuksekdag, of their parliamentary status, reducing the presence of the country s third-largest party in the 550-seat assembly. The HDP had 59 lawmakers elected to parliament in the November 2015 general election. The party s co-leader Selahattin Demirtas has also been in jail since November 2016. (This story corrects number of jailed deputies in paragraph 6) worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: turkish court orders release party former spokesman party officialankara reuters a turkish court ordered release parliamentarian former spokesman turkey opposition party party official said friday the court ruled than bingen released monthly review detention since arrested southern city diyarbakir accusations member armed terrorist group official told reuters bingen served spokesman head peoples democratic party dp parliamentary group the ruling comes amid growing concern among opposition parties human rights groups turkey western allies president tayyip erdogan using crackdown suspected supporters last year failed coup muzzle dissent since failed coup people arrested sacked suspended military civil service private sector nine dp deputies jailed pending trial elected mayors dp southeastern affiliate remanded custody investigations municipalities taken state officials thousands party members also arrested the turkish government says dp affiliate militant kurdistan workers party pkk waged insurgency turkish state considered terrorist organization turkey united states european union the dp denies direct links turkey parliament also stripped four dp lawmakers including party five yuksekdag parliamentary status reducing presence country party assembly the dp lawmakers elected parliament november general election the party selahattin demirtas also jail since november this story corrects number jailed deputies paragraph worldnews
Key conservative U.S. lawmaker says making headway on healthcare billWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said on Wednesday he is very encouraged by the negotiations with Republican leadership over a sweeping healthcare bill. “I’m very encouraged that we might be seeing some real headway,” Meadows told reporters before a caucus meeting. Earlier, a Freedom Caucus aide said more than 25 members of the group opposed the legislation to replace Obamacare, enough votes to sink the bill in Thursday’s scheduled vote. politicsNews
key conservative lawmaker says making headway healthcare billwashington reuters representative mark meadows chairman conservative house freedom caucus said wednesday encouraged negotiations republican leadership sweeping healthcare bill i encouraged might seeing real headway meadows told reporters caucus meeting earlier freedom caucus aide said members group opposed legislation replace obamacare enough votes sink bill thursday scheduled vote politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Key conservative U.S. lawmaker says making headway on healthcare billWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said on Wednesday he is very encouraged by the negotiations with Republican leadership over a sweeping healthcare bill. “I’m very encouraged that we might be seeing some real headway,” Meadows told reporters before a caucus meeting. Earlier, a Freedom Caucus aide said more than 25 members of the group opposed the legislation to replace Obamacare, enough votes to sink the bill in Thursday’s scheduled vote. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: key conservative lawmaker says making headway healthcare billwashington reuters representative mark meadows chairman conservative house freedom caucus said wednesday encouraged negotiations republican leadership sweeping healthcare bill i encouraged might seeing real headway meadows told reporters caucus meeting earlier freedom caucus aide said members group opposed legislation replace obamacare enough votes sink bill thursday scheduled vote politicsnews
EVERY U.S. CITIZEN TAKEN HOSTAGE IN IRAN To Be Awarded Millions…With A Catch…Iran’s Not Paying…YOU Are!Just another slap in the face to US citizens. Our government arranges massive payments to hostages taken by the terrorist nation of Iran, as they walk away unscathed .A fund of over $1 billion has been created for the U.S. embassy personnel taken hostage by Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, but it is the U.S. taxpayer, not Iran, who will be paying for it.The new fund, known as the United States Victims of State Sponsors of Terrorism Fund, was an addition to the omnibus bill put forward by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama Dec. 28. As much as $4.4 million could go to each of the 52 Americans held by Iran, with another $600,000 going to each spouse and child of the victims. The provision authorizes $1.025 billion from the Department of the Treasury to be used to pay for the new fund. Additionally, the legislation includes a 25 percent cap on any attorney s fees, which could lead to as much as $250 million total going to lawyers of the various victims involved.The victims were taken hostage during Iran s Islamic Revolution led by former Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Hundreds of student protesters stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran taking 52 U.S. personnel hostage for 444 days. Several months after the takeover, former President Jimmy Carter authorized Operation Eagle Claw, a rescue attempt by U.S. special operations forces which would later fail. The hostages would eventually be released after a lengthy negotiation process the day of President Ronald Reagan s inauguration in January, 1981. Victims of the embassy attack have been seeking compensation for their captivity for some time, but have been prevented from taking legal action against Iran. The 1981 Algiers Accords, the agreement which secured the release of the hostages, had a provision barring the victims from suing the Iranian government. Iran is not paying the money, but it s as close as you can get, says Thomas Lankford, an attorney for one of the victims, speaking to The Washington Post. Lankford refers to a clause in the new law which mandates that any money collected from the BNP Paribas scandal will be used for the new fund and the various 9/11 victim funds. The U.S. levied a fine of $9 billion on the French bank in June 2014 for its evasion of sanctions against countries like Iran, Cuba and North Korea.The staggering amount of compensation being paid to the victims is remarkably higher than the $262,000 suggested by the George W. Bush administration in 2003. Some may be surprised that a fiscally conservative Republican-controlled Congress would authorize payments of more than $250 million from the U.S. Treasury to private attorneys, even on behalf of victims of terrorism deserving compensation, writes attorney John Bellinger in the Lawfare blog. Via: Daily Caller politics
every citizen taken hostage in iran to be awarded a not are just another slap face us citizens our government arranges massive payments hostages taken terrorist nation iran walk away unscathed fund billion created embassy personnel taken hostage iran islamic revolution taxpayer iran paying new fund known united states victims state sponsors terrorism fund addition omnibus bill put forward congress signed law president barack obama as much million could go americans held iran another going spouse child victims the provision authorizes billion department treasury used pay new fund additionally legislation includes percent cap attorney fees could lead much million total going lawyers various victims victims taken hostage iran islamic revolution led former supreme leader ayatollah khomeini hundreds student protesters stormed embassy tehran taking personnel hostage days several months takeover former president jimmy carter authorized operation eagle claw rescue attempt special operations forces would later fail the hostages would eventually released lengthy negotiation process day president ronald reagan inauguration january victims embassy attack seeking compensation captivity time prevented taking legal action iran the allies accords agreement secured release hostages provision barring victims suing iranian government iran paying money close get says thomas landlord attorney one victims speaking the washington post landlord refers clause new law mandates money collected bnp paris scandal used new fund various victim funds the levied fine billion french bank june evasion sanctions countries like iran cuba north staggering amount compensation paid victims remarkably higher suggested george bush administration some may surprised finally conservative congress would authorize payments million treasury private attorneys even behalf victims terrorism deserving compensation writes attorney john berliner aware blog via daily caller politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN TAKEN HOSTAGE IN IRAN To Be Awarded Millions…With A Catch…Iran’s Not Paying…YOU Are!Just another slap in the face to US citizens. Our government arranges massive payments to hostages taken by the terrorist nation of Iran, as they walk away unscathed .A fund of over $1 billion has been created for the U.S. embassy personnel taken hostage by Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, but it is the U.S. taxpayer, not Iran, who will be paying for it.The new fund, known as the United States Victims of State Sponsors of Terrorism Fund, was an addition to the omnibus bill put forward by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama Dec. 28. As much as $4.4 million could go to each of the 52 Americans held by Iran, with another $600,000 going to each spouse and child of the victims. The provision authorizes $1.025 billion from the Department of the Treasury to be used to pay for the new fund. Additionally, the legislation includes a 25 percent cap on any attorney s fees, which could lead to as much as $250 million total going to lawyers of the various victims involved.The victims were taken hostage during Iran s Islamic Revolution led by former Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Hundreds of student protesters stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran taking 52 U.S. personnel hostage for 444 days. Several months after the takeover, former President Jimmy Carter authorized Operation Eagle Claw, a rescue attempt by U.S. special operations forces which would later fail. The hostages would eventually be released after a lengthy negotiation process the day of President Ronald Reagan s inauguration in January, 1981. Victims of the embassy attack have been seeking compensation for their captivity for some time, but have been prevented from taking legal action against Iran. The 1981 Algiers Accords, the agreement which secured the release of the hostages, had a provision barring the victims from suing the Iranian government. Iran is not paying the money, but it s as close as you can get, says Thomas Lankford, an attorney for one of the victims, speaking to The Washington Post. Lankford refers to a clause in the new law which mandates that any money collected from the BNP Paribas scandal will be used for the new fund and the various 9/11 victim funds. The U.S. levied a fine of $9 billion on the French bank in June 2014 for its evasion of sanctions against countries like Iran, Cuba and North Korea.The staggering amount of compensation being paid to the victims is remarkably higher than the $262,000 suggested by the George W. Bush administration in 2003. Some may be surprised that a fiscally conservative Republican-controlled Congress would authorize payments of more than $250 million from the U.S. Treasury to private attorneys, even on behalf of victims of terrorism deserving compensation, writes attorney John Bellinger in the Lawfare blog. Via: Daily Caller politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: every citizen taken hostage in iran to be awarded a not are just another slap face us citizens our government arranges massive payments hostages taken terrorist nation iran walk away unscathed fund billion created embassy personnel taken hostage iran islamic revolution taxpayer iran paying new fund known united states victims state sponsors terrorism fund addition omnibus bill put forward congress signed law president barack obama as much million could go americans held iran another going spouse child victims the provision authorizes billion department treasury used pay new fund additionally legislation includes percent cap attorney fees could lead much million total going lawyers various victims victims taken hostage iran islamic revolution led former supreme leader ayatollah khomeini hundreds student protesters stormed embassy tehran taking personnel hostage days several months takeover former president jimmy carter authorized operation eagle claw rescue attempt special operations forces would later fail the hostages would eventually released lengthy negotiation process day president ronald reagan inauguration january victims embassy attack seeking compensation captivity time prevented taking legal action iran the allies accords agreement secured release hostages provision barring victims suing iranian government iran paying money close get says thomas landlord attorney one victims speaking the washington post landlord refers clause new law mandates money collected bnp paris scandal used new fund various victim funds the levied fine billion french bank june evasion sanctions countries like iran cuba north staggering amount compensation paid victims remarkably higher suggested george bush administration some may surprised finally conservative congress would authorize payments million treasury private attorneys even behalf victims terrorism deserving compensation writes attorney john berliner aware blog via daily caller politics
ANOTHER AMERICAN KNOWN WOLF? Fort Lauderdale Shooter Known to FBI, Worked for Security, Amid Backdrop of Mass DrillsShawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother shocking active-shooter incident rocks America. This time, according to Florida s Broward County Sheriff s Department, thirteen people were shot, including five dead, after an apparent shooting rampage took place at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport yesterday.At the moment, there is still no clear motive for the shooting attack and no evidence linking the suspect to terror. However, officials have yet to rule out the possibility of terrorism.The timing of this shooting attack cannot be overstated, as there was a major US intelligence review over an alleged Russian hack influence on America s 2016 election that was scheduled on the very same day KNOWN WOLF? What really happened at the Fort Lauderdale airport? (Photo illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)NOTE: It only took a matter of hours for the Fort Lauderdale shooter s back story to emerge.According to authorities, the suspected airport shooter, 26-year-old Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, checked a declared handgun inside his luggage, later retrieving it at Fort Lauderdale Airport s Terminal 2 baggage claim. Santiago then reportedly loaded the gun in a bathroom came out in the terminal opening fire on fellow travelers including a series of head shots.After the shooting spree, the suspect was reported to have calmly turned himself into the police.#Florida #BreakingNews #FLLSHOOTING Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport #Shooting#Warleak WarLeak (@WarLeak) January 6, 2017According to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, The shooter is in custody and unharmed, said . No law enforcement officers fired any shots. First picture of the shooter released by eye witness via Twistity! @CNN @FoxNews #FortLauderdale #Termianl2 #Shooting #EstebanSantiago Twistity (@TwistityNews) January 6, 2017We're told this is the gun used by the shooter at Ft Lauderdale airport (Photo courtesy: Mark Lea) WSVN 7 News (@wsvn) January 6, 2017@PoliticsGhost Smiling swat? No record he flew Air Canada? Only 2 cops escort away? Friday aftrn standard Dem fake news time NeuroTrade (@neurotrade) January 6, 2017The whole series of events is strange to say the least, but the oddities didn t stop there. Santiago-Ruiz s US military background includes service in the Puerto Rico Army National Guard in 2007, according to the Department of Defense. Santiago-Ruiz was listed as a combat engineer who had been deployed to Iraq in April 2010, returning to US soil in 2011. Later in November of 2014, following a move to Alaska, he became a member of the Alaska National Guard. In August of 2016, Santiago-Ruiz was transferred to Inactive Ready Reserve.Additionally, Santiago-Ruiz was stated to be employed by an as of yet unnamed Anchorage security company while living in Alaska.According to the Associated Press and Miami s local CBS News affiliate, The Pentagon said he [Santiago-Ruiz] went AWOL several times as a specialist during a stint with the Alaska National Guard and was demoted to private first class, the Associated Press reported. He was given a general discharge, which is lower than an honorable discharge. Earlier reports stated that Santiago-Ruiz flew on a flight from Canada. Air Canada promptly denied that the suspected airport shooter was on any of their flights. Other US mainstream outlets later stated that he arrived on an in-bound Delta Airlines flight instead. AIRPORT SHOOTING Esteban Santiago is in custody following a shooting at a Fort Lauderdale airport. Authorities gathered travelers on the tarmac after the incident. (Image Source: Chicago Tribune)Interestingly, former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer was on the scene of the shooting, and was live-tweeting :I'm at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport. Shots have been fired. Everyone is running. Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) January 6, 2017Another Known Wolf?As 21 WIRE has documented over the years, many so-called shooting/terror/attacks involve individuals being monitored by security services prior to an alleged act taking place. A place where a lone wolf graduates into the ranks of a known wolf. In fact, very often those being watched by authorities exhibit all the tell-tale signs of a patsy or an informant, working either for a law enforcement or intelligence agency. Historically, government operators have often made use of low-life criminals, and mentally disturbed individuals to fulfill various role in entrapment stings or sometimes as bonafide actors in an actual attacks. In any case, alleged attackers and security agencies have a dicey relationship, making any link between them highly suspect in nature.In January of 2015, a strategic security service think-tank known as The Soufan Group, reported that a larger national security threat resides with radicals who ve had a lengthy criminal background with known ties to security agencies: The Soufan Group, a New York think tank, said a better term for lone wolves would be known wolves , given how many are already known to Western intelligence agencies before they strike. These individuals, acting alone or in small groups have been on the radar of various agencies and organisations, highlighting the difficulty of effectively monitoring and managing people at the nexus of criminality and terrorism, it said in a report this week The Fort Lauderdale shooting story rapidly emerged out of corporate media halls looking to sell the public on the latest tragic shooting in America. The Hollywood International Airport shooting has elements of other high-profile shooting events in recent history, such as the TSA/LAX shooting, the the Tucson shooting, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, the San Bernardino shooting attack, the Chattanooga military base shooting siege, as well as the aspects of the Aurora theater shooting and the Grand theater shooting in Lafayette and many others.Is the Fort Lauderdale airport shooter another case of a known wolf triggered into action?The apparent Fort Lauderdale airport shooter, Santiago-Ruiz, who is said to be Puerto Rican was born in New Jersey (living in Alaska), and was well-known to authorities, having recently undergone a mental health evaluation after allegedly visiting an FBI office in Alaska where he claimed he was under CIA mind control, with voices in his head telling him to join ISIS : They say last November, he walked into the FBI s office in Anchorage, Alaska, claiming that his mind was being controlled by the CIA and that it was forcing him to join ISIS. He appeared agitated and incoherent, and made disjointed statements and although he said he didn t wish to hurt anyone, agents were concerned by his erratic behavior and decided to call local authorities, a senior federal law enforcement official said.Local police took him to a local medical facility for evaluation, and the FBI closed its assessment of Santiago after conducting database reviews, interagency checks and interviews with family members, the official said. NEW: In Nov. 2016, FLL suspect walked into FBI office in Anchorage, claiming he was being forced to fight for ISIS, sources tell CBS News. CBS News (@CBSNews) January 6, 2017Shades of the Manchurian Candidate?We re also told that the suspect s aunt had flagged his mentally unstable condition previously. According to USA Today:Yet the troubling episode is now part of an emerging profile of a deeply disturbed man described by his aunt Friday as someone who had lost his mind. Maria Luisa Ruiz of Union City, N.J., said her nephew, who had moved to Alaska for work as a security guard, only recently began to show signs of instability. Like a month ago, it was like he lost his mind, she said He said he saw things. The inclusion of Santiago-Ruiz s alleged voices in his head, supposedly triggered by the CIA, immediately recalls another bizarre case that was also difficult to comprehend the Navy Yard Shooter from 2013.Here s a passage from a 21WIRE report discussing the apparent Navy Yard shooter, Aaron Alexis: Rather than get caught up in the fear campaigns sold to us by our favorite news anchor-zombies, its important to consider another aspect of these mass shootings by making a tally of the trigger points that media uses to manipulate public perception, as they carefully propagandize certain elements within a crisis making sure to illicit the right reaction from every major demographic. Is this what we are seeing in the aftermath of the Fort Lauderdale shooting? added the following details about the supposedly troubled Santiago-Ruiz:The shooter whose troubled behavior had already drawn the attention of the FBI, Army, and Anchorage police arrived Friday afternoon at the busy airport on a flight from Alaska, with the gun used in the shooting properly stored in his checked baggage, NBC News reports.One report said the shooter, who lived in Alaska, had no other luggage but the gun, which federal rules allow a person to declare at a ticket counter and check under the plane but not carry on. In addition to Santiago-Ruiz s lengthy time with the US military and the National Guard, in recent years, the suspected shooter was involved in various crimes. Here s a passage from The Daily Beast describing some of Santiago s background: According to charging documents provided by the Anchorage prosecutor s office to The Daily Beast, on January 10, 2016, Santiago verbally assaulted his then girlfriend, a 40-year old mother of one child from a previous marriage whom The Daily Beast is not naming, through a locked bathroom door, telling her to Get the fuck out, bitch. After he forced his way in by breaking down the door, he smacked her in the head and strangled her. By the time police arrived, Santiago had fled the scene.Santiago was arrested days later and released on the condition that he have no contact with the victim, but in February, Anchorage police found him at his girlfriend s residence and he was charged for violating the conditions of his release. That case is still pending.Alaska court records show a criminal record under Santiago s name for minor traffic infractions including operating a vehicle without insurance and a broken taillight. Records also show his landlord evicted him for non-payment of rent in February 2015.The assault case was resolved in March when Santiago entered into a deferred prosecution agreement, an alternative to adjudication where prosecutors agreed to dismiss the charges in exchange for Esteban s completion of requirements, the details of which are unknown. While Anchorage municipal prosecutor Seneca Theno told The Daily Beast that previous charges against Santiago-Ruiz are unlikely to be dropped following the airport shooting you still have to wonder what requirements were asked of Santiago-Ruiz to get the alleged assault charges dropped from his record in the first place, given the brutal nature of them.FOX NEWS echoes a Sun Sentinel report, Why the gunman may have chosen South Florida was unclear. He had no clear connection to the state aside from relatives in the Naples area, a two-hour drive away, the Sun Sentinel reported.The same FOX report adds the following about Santiago-Ruiz s alleged lengthy mental health battle: Bryan Santiago said his brother never spoke to him directly about his medical issues. We have not talked for the past three weeks, Bryan Santiago said. That s a bit unusual I m in shock. He was a serious person He was a normal person. Mass Shooting Distraction?Another aspect to these highly emotive and polarizing known wolf shooting events, is that usually they dominate US media coverage for several days. As other charged elements of an alleged shooter/attacker are propagandized, such as Santiago-Ruiz s Palestinian scarf image (seen on the left) seized upon by FOX News anchors who fused Santiago-Ruiz s allegedly ISIS-like hand gesture with the Gaza-Israeli conflict.The shocking scene at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport occurred the same exact day US intelligence leaders briefed President-elect Donald Trump on so-called Russian hack allegations in the lead up to the 2016 election.Back in September of 2016, while examining the aftermath of the New York and New Jersey bomb plot/attack, we analyzed whether a deeper social engineering agenda might have been at play as part of a larger geopolitical drama unfolded in Syria appeared to be masked by media.When looking deeper, we discovered other overlapping stories that coincided alongside the known wolf NYC bomber. Here s a passage that discussed the NYC attack that seemed to bury Western coverage regarding a vicious airstrike campaign that killed dozens of members of Syria s army: You have to wonder, were the events in New York and New Jersey also a weapon of mass distraction, following a major international embarrassment for the United States both at home and abroad the brutal airstrike campaign in Syria that killed over 70 Syrian troops? This unlikely bombing incident just happened to also coincide with the UN General Assembly in NYC, where President Obama was delivering among other speeches, his War on Terror addresses to the international community. No surprise then, with the city suddenly on high terror alert that Obama quickly, confidently and comfortably used his center stage spotlight at the UN, shifting into national security mode boasting how quickly his police forces solved the case. It was almost if he was ready for events that weekend. Similarly, you have to consider if this new high-profile shooting event at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport will dominate the news cycle, as the US intelligence community scrambles to prove Russian hack allegations over the next week.On January 4th ABC News reported the following: The classified report requested by President Barack Obama detailing Russia s alleged role in cyberattacks during U.S. presidential elections dating back to 2008 is now complete, and he is expected to receive the first briefing on its findings on Thursday afternoon, U.S. officials tell ABC News.President-elect Donald Trump, who said last week he would receive his briefing on the matter on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, is scheduled to receive his briefing on Friday. Both briefings will be conducted by the heads of relevant agencies, including the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Agency, the FBI and the CIA.U.S. officials denied claims from Trump that his special briefing was delayed so the U.S. intelligence community could strengthen its case against Russia. Officials instead said there may have been a scheduling disconnect or some confusion on the part of the Trump transition team. Interestingly, other explosive high-profile stories went to the back burner, such as the Chicago kidnapping and teen torture story and the fallout from CNN s Don Lemon following his egregious comments after the tragic racially motivated attack.Media Memory: Reports of a Second Shooter at Terminal 1During the later hours of the US mainstream media coverage, networks like CNN were still floating the possibility of a second shooter, as reports emerged of shots fired in the adjacent terminal housing United Airlines, Terminal 1.Interestingly, local reports also reported eye-witness accounts of a second gunman involved in the Fort Lauderdale shooting. Here s a passage from an ABC News affiliate discussing the reports of a second gunman at the Fort Lauderdale shooting: All day I ve heard people talking about second incidences, Catie Rutledge wrote on Instagram. After waiting on the tarmac for hours and hunting someone down to get our bags, we are now waiting for a bus, so that we can leave the airport. There was panic when authorities feared there was a second gunman. Law enforcement asked travelers to seek shelter. Fear prompted many to say their final good byes to loved ones. Some frightened parents were in tears as they tried to protect their children. This aspect of the case seemingly disappeared from media outlets following Santiago-Ruiz s arrest.The phenomena of multiple shooters being immediately reported after an apparent mass shooting event was also echoed during both the Orlando nightclub shooting and the San Bernardino attack in 2015.Later in the evening, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that there was no second shooter despite previous reports. The suspect was being interrogated by the FBI. This statement was in stark contrast to multiple witness statements made on national TV, placing the series of shots, or perhaps an additional series of shots and subsequent crowds fleeing in panic at Terminal 1 that would either be instead of Terminal 2, or in addition to it. This wasn t just an anomaly this was backed up by at least 2 different witnesses on CNN, perhaps more in other reports which 21WIRE has yet to collate here.Was this a case of something that happened in Terminal 1 either part of a drill, or another gunman which was memory-holed by the media and DHS, or could this be we are looking at planted witnesses who got their lines wrong? This is a fair question to ask, considering we are talking about multiple witnesses stating the shots and crowds panicking in Terminals other than the official story in Terminal 2.Here are four alternative witnesses:Witness 1: CNN s coverage of the Active Shooter festival at Fort Lauderdale Airport reveals yet another anomaly in their story. CNN reported the alleged shooter, Esteban Santiago, shot 5 people dead in the Delta Terminal 2, and yet, all the witnesses reported 4 shots fired in the United Terminal 1. When this witness, a father who flew in from Chicago, tells of the United T1 shots fired, CNN s reporter Boris Sanchez appears to panic, possibly then receiving a feed in his ear and then essentially tells the witness you are wrong, there were no shots fired in United Terminal 1. Was this bad reporting, or bad stage management by CNN? Watch: Witness 2: Immediately after CNN s Boris Sanchez mix-up with man flying in from Chicago at United Terminal 1, another CNN witness was suddenly produced, going by the name of Ryan Ward , interviewed by Jim Sciutto, then comes on, using very scripted language apparently in an attempt to clean-up the inconsistent statements of the last witness. Ryan Ward describes the mayhem, people running, luggage flying and people screaming, gunman coming even though he admits he was NOT in Delta Terminal 2 where police report the actual shooting took place. Ward claims he was in a wheel chair because of back surgery, but then claims he got up and ran over to save a little girl and I ran back over and pushed the mom into a corner and laid on top of her . He then says that, It does sound like it was an unsubstantiated second threat, but people certainly weren t acting like it here he was mirroring the identical language used by the previous CNN reporters. Coincidence? Even more oddly, Ward claims he was flying Jet Blue, and that the, Jet Blue staff were really great only problem is that Jet Blue is in Terminal 3, and not in T1 or T2. Watch: Witness 3: Another witness, testifying multiple gunman on the scene, although the Terminal location being referenced by this 3rd witness is somewhat unclear: . Also, there is an additional media report by Intellihub of a pilot, in uniform and on-site, who also testifies about a loud commotion, with police in pursuit of a perpetrator seen in Terminal 1 a stark contrast to the official story: The pilot believes that there was another shooting in Terminal 1 that law enforcement and the F.B.I. are likely covering up. I could hear females screaming and people running away from terminal 1. The pilot said he feels that it was definitely some kind of combined effort to attack the airport.In addition to that, here is a fifth witness, seen in this unconfirmed cell phone video from a female passenger out on the airport tarmac apparently from Terminal 1, and referencing a second shooter event located after the TSA barrier which seems to be a different location to the baggage check area: . EDITORS NOTE: If readers have any other witness reports of a Second Shooter or shots fired in Terminal 2, please leave them below in the comment section.Here s an ABC News feature with Mark Lea, an apparent eye-witness (later photographed the crime scene) who came face-to-face with Santiago-Ruiz who also rather incredibly, managed to not get shot during the encounter Fort Lauderdale s Active Shooter DrillsVery often preceding an apparent shooting/attack there is the presence of mass casualty drills. Fort Lauderdale was no exception.In 2015, the Sun Sentinel reported the following: At a Fort Lauderdale cinema Wednesday, two men in camouflage gear calmly walked down the aisle and fired rifles and handguns at moviegoers.Twenty-seven volunteers were injured in three theaters during the drill.Fort Lauderdale police guarded and escorted paramedics wearing protective gear to tend to the wounded actors, even though the shooters weren t captured and blank gunfire echoed elsewhere in the Riverwalk movie complex.The agencies goal is to speed up paramedics responses during mass killings, domestic calls and other violent incidents. Similarly, in June of 2016, an inter-agency meeting described future protocols regarding mass drills: The meeting, held every quarter, is an opportunity for agencies to coordinate with one another and discuss the latest techniques in fighting domestic terror attacks.Last month, agencies participated in an active-shooter exercise at the Fort Lauderdale Postal Facility.In February, the group participated in Operation Heat Shield, consisting of weapons of mass destruction and an active shooting drill.Sheriff Scott Israel of Broward County Sheriff s Office and Sheriff Rick Bradshaw of Palm Beach County Sheriff s Office said these training exercises are important. With such a large law enforcement effort to tackle the active-shooter, you have to wonder why and how these events seem to coincide with major attacks on US soil.Here s a YouTube video from commentator Peekay Truth discussing aspects of this latest mass shooting tragedy in America, Informants and PawnsAdditionally, as we ve mentioned before, during the aftermath of 2014 s Canadian Parliament Shooting in Ottawa, we outlined many of the primary markers used in certain terror related events globally and other mass casualty incidents often seen in America.The shocking event, like other bizarre attacks in recent years, have often distorted public opinion, pushing the populace towards new security measures in the wake of heavily coordinated and stylized crimes.The suspected Parliament Hill and National War Memorial shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, (Left Image: therightscoop) had the perfect modus operandi and r sum to be an informant for either a law enforcement or intelligence agency.According to the Globe and Mail, Zehaf-Bibeau was already designated as a high risk traveller by the Canadian government s security services who had also seized his passport. Was this the reason why the Zehaf-Bibeau snapped? Was he being targeted or being pressured into becoming an informant?Other terror stooges and suspicious intelligence informant cases include the following:Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his story here) Buford Rogers (see his story here) Jerad Miller (see his story here) Naji Mansour (see his story here) Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here) Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here) Timothy McVeigh (see his story here) Salim Benghalem (see his story here) Michael Adebolajo (see his story here) Daba Deng (see his story here) Elton Simpson (see his story here) Man Haron Monis (see his story here) Abu Hamza (see his story here) Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here) Glen Rodgers (see his story here) Omar Mateen (see his story here) Tashfeen Malik (see her story here) Djamel Beghal (see his story here) Anjem Choudary (see his story here) Cherif Kouachi (see his story here) Said Kouachi (see his story here) Amedy Coulibaly (see his story here) Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here) Salah Abdeslam (see his story here) Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here) Nidal Malik Hassan (see his story here) Abdelhakim Dekhar (see his story here) Abdelhamid Abaaoud (see his story here) Samy Amimour (see his story here) Isma l Omar Mostefa (see his story here) Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here) Anis Amri (see his story here)As we ve mentioned here at 21WIRE before, many political leaders and media operatives bang the drums of security over so-called terror sleeper cells hiding in a nation near you none of them acknowledge the historical fact that they themselves have also helped to harbor, grow, foment and radicalize individuals through counter-terrorism operations for decades.It is important to mention again, that the FBI created the counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) to influence and disrupt political factions from the inside out. Between 1956 and 1971 (including the Socialist Workers party in 1973), the FBI s controversial program infiltrated and radicalized hundreds of left-wing and right-wing groups to control and neutralize political dissidents across America.As we stated after the suspicious Oregon campus shooting in 2015, mass media has worked out their own formula for laying out a familiar series of polarizing political points in the aftermath of any tragic event, as they have with many others incidents. The Fort Lauderdale shooting appears once again, to purposefully redirect the public to look at a ready-made laundry list of items (in this case mental-health, supported by online rants on social media) about the persona of a shooter as an ironclad motive for a crime. The aftermath in the case of Fort Lauderdale is no different, as it rapidly descended into an overindulgent barrage of media speculation and theorizing.All too often we ve seen the stage persona of any alleged attacker or killer being touted as hard evidence, despite the fact that even strong circumstantial evidence of any apparent crime would likely result in many hours of analysis and debate, potentially without a definitive conclusion, even if the evidence reaches a court room.For the average person, it s hard to differentiate from a drill or a real event, causing one to scrutinize the legitimacy of such an operation.In recent years, the investigative tactics of various intelligence agencies have come into question, none perhaps more dubious than the Newburgh FBI sting that involved entrapping four men to participate in a fabricated event created by the bureau. Here s a 2011 passage from The Guardian describing how an FBI informant named Shahed Hussain coerced four others into a fake terror plot: The Newburgh Four now languish in jail. Hussain does not. For Hussain was a fake. In fact, Hussain worked for the FBI as an informant trawling mosques in hope of picking up radicals.Yet far from being active militants, the four men he attracted were impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.Hussain offered the men huge financial inducements to carry out the plot including $250,000 to one man and free holidays and expensive cars.As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets. There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided. A quarter million dollars? said Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University. The whole episode seemed akin to the WTC 1993 bombing case, which involved yet another informant working alongside officials.The Gun Control & Security AgendaAs pointed out in 21WIRE during 2015 s Oregon campus shooting, the primary focus for mass media concerning the Fort Lauderdale incident, will now be all of the hot button socio-political issues including gun control-reform and those concerned over mental illness background checks, along with those who constitutionally oppose such restrictive legislation.It should be obvious by now that events like Fort Lauderdale, along with other mass-shootings , have become a sharp catalyst to usher in calls for endless new mass shooting protocols, inter-agency fusion , first-responder emergency medical protocols, and also for injecting more and more military terminology into civilian life with the media playing a critical role in steering the public away from questioning any of the dubious elements surrounding any shooting event.In a sense, the media is helping to nudge these shooting events out of the forensic sphere and into the political arena as quickly as possible, effectively closing the feedback loop of concerned citizens and those who may have been affected by an event.The Fort Lauderdale shooting has prompted the mainstream media to feed into concerns over airport security, gun ownership and a persons mental health background. All of media s fear-inducing drama regarding the Fort Lauderdale shooting boils down to a contentious battle over gun reform and mental health as the Obama administration comes to a close. No doubt this latest shooting will give cause to new security measures in airports across America.Here s another look at outgoing President Obama discussing his frustration on gun control in a legacy interview with the BBC from 2015 amazingly, only a few hours before a mass shooting in Lafayette *UPDATE* Broward Sheriff Scott Israel stated that deputies arrived on the scene between 60 to 70 seconds after the Fort Lauderdale shooting took place quite an incredible response time by most law enforcement standards.TMZ acquired footage of the Fort Lauderdale shooter in action the video appears to display elements of staging decide for yourself According to reports, Airport officials, along with federal and local authorities, are investigating who had access to the footage and who allowed it to be taped without authorization, Broward Mayor Barbara Sharief told the Sun Sentinel. *UPDATE* Just one week prior to the Fort Lauderdale shooting, Florida lawmakers began rallying support for SB 140, a state bill that would repeal laws which, among other things, ban guns in airport terminals like the one where the shooting occurred. Stayed tuned as more details come out regarding the Fort Lauderdale shooting READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21WIRE Daily Shooter FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER@ 21WIRE.TVUS_News
another american known wolf fort lauderdale shooter known fbi worked security amid backdrop mass drillsshawn hilton century wireanother shocking incident rocks america this time according florida board county sheriff department thirteen people shot including five dead apparent shooting rampage took place fort lauderdale hollywood international airport moment still clear motive shooting attack evidence linking suspect terror however officials yet rule possibility timing shooting attack overstated major us intelligence review alleged russian hack influence america election scheduled day known wolf what really happened fort lauderdale airport photo illustration shawn hilton note it took matter hours fort lauderdale shooter back story authorities suspected airport shooter stefan checked declared handgun inside luggage later retrieving fort lauderdale airport terminal baggage claim santiago reportedly loaded gun bathroom came terminal opening fire fellow travelers including series head shooting spree suspect reported calmly turned florida breakingnews fllshooting fort international airport shooting warhead warhead warhead january board county sheriff scott israel the shooter custody unharmed said no law enforcement officers fired shots first picture shooter released eye witness via twisting cnn foxnews fortlauderdale shooting estebansantiago twisting twistitynews january told gun used shooter ft lauderdale airport photo courtesy mark lea svn news svn january politicsghost smiling seat no record flew air canada only cops escort away friday after standard dem fake news time neurotrade neurotrade january whole series events strange say least deities stop us military background includes service puerto rico army national guard according department defense listed combat engineer deployed iraq april returning us soil later november following move alaska became member alaska national guard in august transferred inactive ready stated employed yet unnamed anchorage security company living associated press miami local cbs news affiliate the pentagon said went arol several times specialist stint alaska national guard demoted private first class associated press reported he given general discharge lower honorable discharge earlier reports stated flew flight canada air canada promptly denied suspected airport shooter flights other us mainstream outlets later stated arrived delta airlines flight instead airport shooting stefan santiago custody following shooting fort lauderdale airport authorities gathered travelers tarmac incident image source chicago tribune interesting former white house press secretary ari fletcher scene shooting i lauderdale airport shots fired everyone running ari fletcher arifleischer january known wolf as wire documented years many involve individuals monitored security services prior alleged act taking place a place lone wolf graduates ranks known wolf in fact often watched authorities exhibit signs palsy informant working either law enforcement intelligence agency historically government operators often made use criminals mentally disturbed individuals fulfill various role entrapment stings sometimes bonfire actors actual attacks in case alleged attackers security agencies dice relationship making link highly suspect january strategic security service known the sudan group reported larger national security threat resides radicals lengthy criminal background known ties security agencies the sudan group new york think tank said better term lone wolves would known wolves given many already known western intelligence agencies strike these individuals acting alone small groups radar various agencies organisations highlighting difficulty effectively monitoring managing people nexus criminality terrorism said report week the fort lauderdale shooting story rapidly emerged corporate media halls looking sell public latest tragic shooting america the hollywood international airport shooting elements shooting events recent history shooting tucson shooting orlando pulse nightclub shooting san bernardino shooting attack chattanooga military base shooting siege well aspects aurora theater shooting grand theater shooting lafayette many fort lauderdale airport shooter another case known wolf triggered action the apparent fort lauderdale airport shooter said puerto rica born new jersey living alaska authorities recently undergone mental health evaluation allegedly visiting fbi office alaska claimed cia mind control voices head telling join isis they say last november walked fbi office anchorage alaska claiming mind controlled cia forcing join isis he appeared agitated incoherent made disjointed statements although said wish hurt anyone agents concerned erratic behavior decided call local authorities senior federal law enforcement official police took local medical facility evaluation fbi closed assessment santiago conducting database reviews interagency checks interviews family members official said new in all suspect walked fbi office anchorage claiming forced fight isis sources tell cbs news cbs news cbsnews january manchurian candidate we also told suspect aunt flagged mentally unstable condition previously according usa today yet troubling episode part emerging profile deeply disturbed man described aunt friday someone lost mind maria luis ruiz union city said nephew moved alaska work security guard recently began show signs instability like month ago like lost mind said he said saw things the inclusion alleged voices head supposedly triggered cia immediately recalls another bizarre case also difficult comprehend navy yard shooter passage report discussing apparent navy yard shooter aaron alexis rather get caught fear campaigns sold us favorite news important consider another aspect mass shootings making tally trigger points media uses manipulate public perception carefully propagandize certain elements within crisis making sure illicit right reaction every major demographic is seeing aftermath fort lauderdale shooting added following details supposedly troubled the shooter whose troubled behavior already drawn attention fbi army anchorage police arrived friday afternoon busy airport flight alaska gun used shooting properly stored checked baggage nbc news report said shooter lived alaska luggage gun federal rules allow person declare ticket counter check plane carry in addition lengthy time us military national guard recent years suspected shooter involved various crimes here passage the daily beast describing santiago background according charging documents provided anchorage prosecutor office the daily beast january santiago verbally assaulted girlfriend old mother one child previous marriage the daily beast naming locked bathroom door telling get fuck bitch after forced way breaking door sacked head strangled by time police arrived santiago fled arrested days later released condition contact victim february anchorage police found girlfriend residence charged violating conditions release that case still court records show criminal record santiago name minor traffic infractions including operating vehicle without insurance broken twilight records also show landlord evicted rent february assault case resolved march santiago entered deferred prosecution agreement alternative adjudication prosecutors agreed dismiss charges exchange stefan completion requirements details unknown while anchorage municipal prosecutor genera then told the daily beast previous charges unlikely dropped following airport shooting still wonder requirements asked get alleged assault charges dropped record first place given brutal nature news echoes sun sentinel report why gunman may chosen south florida unclear he clear connection state aside relatives names area drive away sun sentinel fox report adds following alleged lengthy mental health battle bryan santiago said brother never spoke directly medical issues we talked past three weeks bryan santiago said that bit unusual i shock he serious person he normal person mass shooting distraction another aspect highly emotive popularizing known wolf shooting events usually dominate us media coverage several days as charged elements alleged propagandized palestinian scarf image seen left seized upon fox news anchors fused allegedly hand gesture shocking scene fort lauderdale hollywood international airport occurred exact day us intelligence leaders briefed donald trump russian hack allegations lead september examining aftermath new york new jersey bomb analyzed whether deeper social engineering agenda might play part larger geopolitical drama unfolded syria appeared masked looking deeper discovered overlapping stories coincided alongside known wolf nyc bomber here passage discussed nyc attack seemed bury western coverage regarding vicious airstrike campaign killed dozens members syria army you wonder events new york new jersey also weapon mass distraction following major international embarrassment united states home abroad brutal airstrike campaign syria killed syrian troops this unlikely bombing incident happened also coincide un general assembly nyc president obama delivering among speeches war terror addresses international community no surprise city suddenly high terror alert obama quickly confidently comfortably used center stage spotlight un shifting national security mode boasting quickly police forces solved case it almost ready events weekend similarly consider new shooting event fort lauderdale hollywood international airport dominate news cycle us intelligence community scramble prove russian hack allegations next january abc news reported following the classified report requested president barack obama detailing russia alleged role cyberattacks presidential elections dating back complete expected receive first briefing findings thursday afternoon officials tell abc donald trump said last week would receive briefing matter tuesday wednesday week scheduled receive briefing friday both briefings conducted heads relevant agencies including office director national intelligence national security agency fbi officials denied claims trump special briefing delayed intelligence community could strengthen case russia officials instead said may scheduling disconnect confusion part trump transition team interesting explosive stories went back burner chicago kidnapping teen torture story fallout cnn don lemon following egregious comments tragic racially motivated memory reports second shooter terminal later hours us mainstream media coverage networks like cnn still floating possibility second shooter reports emerged shots fired adjacent terminal housing united airlines terminal local reports also reported accounts second gunman involved fort lauderdale shooting here passage abc news affiliate discussing reports second gunman fort lauderdale shooting all day i heard people talking second incidence catid rutledge wrote instagram after waiting tarmac hours hunting someone get bags waiting bus leave airport there panic authorities feared second gunman law enforcement asked travelers seek shelter fear prompted many say final good byes loved ones some frightened parents tears tried protect children this aspect case seemingly disappeared media outlets following phenomena multiple shooters immediately reported apparent mass shooting event also echoed orlando nightclub shooting san bernardino attack evening board county sheriff scott israel confirmed second shooter despite previous reports the suspect interrogated fbi this statement stark contrast multiple witness statements made national tv placing series shots perhaps additional series shots subsequent crowds fleeing panic terminal would either instead terminal addition this anomaly backed least different witnesses cnn perhaps reports yet collage case something happened terminal either part drill another gunman media dhs could looking planted witnesses got lines wrong this fair question ask considering talking multiple witnesses stating shots crowds picking terminals official story terminal four alternative witnesses witness cnn coverage active shooter festival fort lauderdale airport reveals yet another anomaly story cnn reported alleged shooter stefan santiago shot people dead delta terminal yet witnesses reported shots fired united terminal when witness father flew chicago tells united shots fired cnn reporter boris sanchez appears panic possibly receiving feed ear essentially tells witness wrong shots fired united terminal was bad reporting bad stage management cnn watch witness immediately cnn boris sanchez man flying chicago united terminal another cnn witness suddenly produced going name ryan ward interviewed jim sciutto comes using scripted language apparently attempt inconsistent statements last witness ryan ward describes mayhem people running luggage flying people screaming gunman coming even though admits not delta terminal police report actual shooting took place ward claims wheel chair back surgery claims got ran save little girl i ran back pushed mom corner laid top he says it sound like unsubstantiated second threat people certainly acting like mirroring identical language used previous cnn reporters coincidence even oddly ward claims flying jet blue jet blue staff really great problem jet blue terminal watch witness another witness testifying multiple gunman scene although terminal location referenced witness somewhat unclear https also additional media report intellihub pilot uniform also testifies loud commotion police pursuit perpetrator seen terminal stark contrast official story the pilot believes another shooting terminal law enforcement likely covering i could hear females screaming people running away terminal the pilot said feels definitely kind combined effort attack addition fifth witness seen unconfirmed cell phone video female passenger airport tarmac apparently terminal referencing second shooter event located tsa barrier seems different location baggage check area https editors note if readers witness reports second shooter shots fired terminal please leave comment abc news feature mark lea apparent later photographed crime scene came also rather incredibly managed get shot encounter fort lauderdale active shooter drillsvery often preceding apparent presence mass casualty drills fort lauderdale sun sentinel reported following at fort lauderdale cinema wednesday two men camouflage gear calmly walked aisle fired rifles handguns volunteers injured three theaters lauderdale police guarded escorted paramedics wearing protective gear tend wounded actors even though shooters captured blank gunfire echoed elsewhere riverbank movie agencies goal speed paramedics responses mass killings domestic calls violent incidents similarly june meeting described future protocols regarding mass drills the meeting held every quarter opportunity agencies coordinate one another discuss latest techniques fighting domestic terror month agencies participated exercise fort lauderdale postal february group participated operation heat shield consisting weapons mass destruction active shooting scott israel board county sheriff office sheriff rick bradshaw palm beach county sheriff office said training exercises important with large law enforcement effort tackle wonder events seem coincide major attacks us youtube video commentator weekly truth discussing aspects latest mass shooting tragedy america https informants pawnsadditionally mentioned aftermath canadian parliament shooting ottawa outlined many primary markers used certain terror related events globally mass casualty incidents often seen shocking event like bizarre attacks recent years often distorted public opinion pushing populace towards new security measures wake heavily coordinated stylized suspected parliament hill national war memorial shooter michael left image therightscoop perfect modus operandi r sum informant either law enforcement intelligence globe mail already designated high risk traveller canadian government security services also seized passport was reason snapped was targeted pressured becoming informant other terror stories suspicious intelligence informant cases include following tamerlan tsarnaev see story before rogers see story dead miller see story nazi manor see story quasi mohammad nazis see story mohamed oman mohamed see story timothy mcveigh see story slim benghalem see story michael adebolajo see story data eng see story elton simpson see story man baron monks see story abu gamma see story maroon rapid away see story glen rodgers see story omar matter see story tashfeen malik see story james began see story anime choudary see story chief kochi see story said kochi see story named coulibaly see story haat boumeddiene see story sarah abdeslam see story michael see story tidal malik hassan see story abdelhakim dear see story abdelhamid abaaoud see story same armour see story ism l omar mostra see story mohamed lahouij bouhlel see story gnis ari see story as mentioned many political leaders media operatives bang drums security terror sleeper cells hiding nation near none acknowledge historical fact also helped harbor grow moment radicalism individuals operations important mention fbi created program cointelpro influence disrupt political factions inside between including socialist workers party fbi controversial program infiltrated radicalized hundreds groups control neutralize political dissidents across stated suspicious oregon campus shooting mass media worked formula laying familiar series popularizing political points aftermath tragic event many others incidents the fort lauderdale shooting appears purposefully redirect public look laundry list items case supported online rants social media persona shooter ironclad motive crime the aftermath case fort lauderdale different rapidly descended overindulgent barrage media speculation often seen stage persona alleged attacker killer touted hard evidence despite fact even strong circumstantial evidence apparent crime would likely result many hours analysis debate potentially without definitive conclusion even evidence reaches court average person hard differentiate drill real event causing one scrutinized legitimacy recent years investigative tactics various intelligence agencies come question none perhaps dubious neburg fbi sting involved trapping four men participate fabricated event created bureau here passage the guardian describing fbi informant named shared hussain coerced four others fake terror plot the neburg four anguish jail hussain for hussain fake in fact hussain worked fbi informant trailing mosques hope picking far active militants four men attracted impoverished individuals struggling neburg grim epidemic crack drug crime poverty one mental issues severe apartment contained bottles urine he also believed florida foreign offered men huge financial indictments carry plot including one man free holidays expensive defence lawyers poured evidence neburg four came represent extreme form controversial fbi policy use invented terrorist plots lure targets there case egregious it unique incentive government provided a quarter million dollars said professor karen gutenberg terrorism expert fordham university the whole episode seemed akin wtc bombing case involved yet another informant working alongside gun control security agendas pointed oregon campus shooting primary focus mass media concerning fort lauderdale incident hot button issues including gun concerned mental illness background checks along constitutionally oppose restrictive obvious events like fort lauderdale along become sharp catalyst usher calls endless new mass shooting protocols fusion emergency medical protocols also injecting military terminology civilian life media playing critical role steering public away questioning dubious elements surrounding shooting sense media helping nudge shooting events forensic sphere political arena quickly possible effectively closing feedback loop concerned citizens may affected fort lauderdale shooting prompted mainstream media feed concerns airport security gun ownership persons mental health background all media drama regarding fort lauderdale shooting boils contentious battle gun reform mental health obama administration comes close no doubt latest shooting give cause new security measures airports across another look outgoing president obama discussing frustration gun control legacy interview bbc amazingly hours mass shooting lafayette update board sheriff scott israel stated deputies arrived scene seconds fort lauderdale shooting took place quite incredible response time law enforcement acquired footage fort lauderdale shooter action video appears display elements staging decide according reports airport officials along federal local authorities investigating access footage allowed taped without authorization board mayor barbara share told sun sentinel update just one week prior fort lauderdale shooting florida lawmakers began rallying support sb state bill would repeal laws among things ban guns airport terminals like one shooting occurred stayed tuned details come regarding fort lauderdale shooting read more daily shooter news at daily shooter filessupport subscribe become a member
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: ANOTHER AMERICAN KNOWN WOLF? Fort Lauderdale Shooter Known to FBI, Worked for Security, Amid Backdrop of Mass DrillsShawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother shocking active-shooter incident rocks America. This time, according to Florida s Broward County Sheriff s Department, thirteen people were shot, including five dead, after an apparent shooting rampage took place at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport yesterday.At the moment, there is still no clear motive for the shooting attack and no evidence linking the suspect to terror. However, officials have yet to rule out the possibility of terrorism.The timing of this shooting attack cannot be overstated, as there was a major US intelligence review over an alleged Russian hack influence on America s 2016 election that was scheduled on the very same day KNOWN WOLF? What really happened at the Fort Lauderdale airport? (Photo illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)NOTE: It only took a matter of hours for the Fort Lauderdale shooter s back story to emerge.According to authorities, the suspected airport shooter, 26-year-old Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, checked a declared handgun inside his luggage, later retrieving it at Fort Lauderdale Airport s Terminal 2 baggage claim. Santiago then reportedly loaded the gun in a bathroom came out in the terminal opening fire on fellow travelers including a series of head shots.After the shooting spree, the suspect was reported to have calmly turned himself into the police.#Florida #BreakingNews #FLLSHOOTING Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport #Shooting#Warleak WarLeak (@WarLeak) January 6, 2017According to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, The shooter is in custody and unharmed, said . No law enforcement officers fired any shots. First picture of the shooter released by eye witness via Twistity! @CNN @FoxNews #FortLauderdale #Termianl2 #Shooting #EstebanSantiago Twistity (@TwistityNews) January 6, 2017We're told this is the gun used by the shooter at Ft Lauderdale airport (Photo courtesy: Mark Lea) WSVN 7 News (@wsvn) January 6, 2017@PoliticsGhost Smiling swat? No record he flew Air Canada? Only 2 cops escort away? Friday aftrn standard Dem fake news time NeuroTrade (@neurotrade) January 6, 2017The whole series of events is strange to say the least, but the oddities didn t stop there. Santiago-Ruiz s US military background includes service in the Puerto Rico Army National Guard in 2007, according to the Department of Defense. Santiago-Ruiz was listed as a combat engineer who had been deployed to Iraq in April 2010, returning to US soil in 2011. Later in November of 2014, following a move to Alaska, he became a member of the Alaska National Guard. In August of 2016, Santiago-Ruiz was transferred to Inactive Ready Reserve.Additionally, Santiago-Ruiz was stated to be employed by an as of yet unnamed Anchorage security company while living in Alaska.According to the Associated Press and Miami s local CBS News affiliate, The Pentagon said he [Santiago-Ruiz] went AWOL several times as a specialist during a stint with the Alaska National Guard and was demoted to private first class, the Associated Press reported. He was given a general discharge, which is lower than an honorable discharge. Earlier reports stated that Santiago-Ruiz flew on a flight from Canada. Air Canada promptly denied that the suspected airport shooter was on any of their flights. Other US mainstream outlets later stated that he arrived on an in-bound Delta Airlines flight instead. AIRPORT SHOOTING Esteban Santiago is in custody following a shooting at a Fort Lauderdale airport. Authorities gathered travelers on the tarmac after the incident. (Image Source: Chicago Tribune)Interestingly, former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer was on the scene of the shooting, and was live-tweeting :I'm at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport. Shots have been fired. Everyone is running. Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) January 6, 2017Another Known Wolf?As 21 WIRE has documented over the years, many so-called shooting/terror/attacks involve individuals being monitored by security services prior to an alleged act taking place. A place where a lone wolf graduates into the ranks of a known wolf. In fact, very often those being watched by authorities exhibit all the tell-tale signs of a patsy or an informant, working either for a law enforcement or intelligence agency. Historically, government operators have often made use of low-life criminals, and mentally disturbed individuals to fulfill various role in entrapment stings or sometimes as bonafide actors in an actual attacks. In any case, alleged attackers and security agencies have a dicey relationship, making any link between them highly suspect in nature.In January of 2015, a strategic security service think-tank known as The Soufan Group, reported that a larger national security threat resides with radicals who ve had a lengthy criminal background with known ties to security agencies: The Soufan Group, a New York think tank, said a better term for lone wolves would be known wolves , given how many are already known to Western intelligence agencies before they strike. These individuals, acting alone or in small groups have been on the radar of various agencies and organisations, highlighting the difficulty of effectively monitoring and managing people at the nexus of criminality and terrorism, it said in a report this week The Fort Lauderdale shooting story rapidly emerged out of corporate media halls looking to sell the public on the latest tragic shooting in America. The Hollywood International Airport shooting has elements of other high-profile shooting events in recent history, such as the TSA/LAX shooting, the the Tucson shooting, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, the San Bernardino shooting attack, the Chattanooga military base shooting siege, as well as the aspects of the Aurora theater shooting and the Grand theater shooting in Lafayette and many others.Is the Fort Lauderdale airport shooter another case of a known wolf triggered into action?The apparent Fort Lauderdale airport shooter, Santiago-Ruiz, who is said to be Puerto Rican was born in New Jersey (living in Alaska), and was well-known to authorities, having recently undergone a mental health evaluation after allegedly visiting an FBI office in Alaska where he claimed he was under CIA mind control, with voices in his head telling him to join ISIS : They say last November, he walked into the FBI s office in Anchorage, Alaska, claiming that his mind was being controlled by the CIA and that it was forcing him to join ISIS. He appeared agitated and incoherent, and made disjointed statements and although he said he didn t wish to hurt anyone, agents were concerned by his erratic behavior and decided to call local authorities, a senior federal law enforcement official said.Local police took him to a local medical facility for evaluation, and the FBI closed its assessment of Santiago after conducting database reviews, interagency checks and interviews with family members, the official said. NEW: In Nov. 2016, FLL suspect walked into FBI office in Anchorage, claiming he was being forced to fight for ISIS, sources tell CBS News. CBS News (@CBSNews) January 6, 2017Shades of the Manchurian Candidate?We re also told that the suspect s aunt had flagged his mentally unstable condition previously. According to USA Today:Yet the troubling episode is now part of an emerging profile of a deeply disturbed man described by his aunt Friday as someone who had lost his mind. Maria Luisa Ruiz of Union City, N.J., said her nephew, who had moved to Alaska for work as a security guard, only recently began to show signs of instability. Like a month ago, it was like he lost his mind, she said He said he saw things. The inclusion of Santiago-Ruiz s alleged voices in his head, supposedly triggered by the CIA, immediately recalls another bizarre case that was also difficult to comprehend the Navy Yard Shooter from 2013.Here s a passage from a 21WIRE report discussing the apparent Navy Yard shooter, Aaron Alexis: Rather than get caught up in the fear campaigns sold to us by our favorite news anchor-zombies, its important to consider another aspect of these mass shootings by making a tally of the trigger points that media uses to manipulate public perception, as they carefully propagandize certain elements within a crisis making sure to illicit the right reaction from every major demographic. Is this what we are seeing in the aftermath of the Fort Lauderdale shooting? added the following details about the supposedly troubled Santiago-Ruiz:The shooter whose troubled behavior had already drawn the attention of the FBI, Army, and Anchorage police arrived Friday afternoon at the busy airport on a flight from Alaska, with the gun used in the shooting properly stored in his checked baggage, NBC News reports.One report said the shooter, who lived in Alaska, had no other luggage but the gun, which federal rules allow a person to declare at a ticket counter and check under the plane but not carry on. In addition to Santiago-Ruiz s lengthy time with the US military and the National Guard, in recent years, the suspected shooter was involved in various crimes. Here s a passage from The Daily Beast describing some of Santiago s background: According to charging documents provided by the Anchorage prosecutor s office to The Daily Beast, on January 10, 2016, Santiago verbally assaulted his then girlfriend, a 40-year old mother of one child from a previous marriage whom The Daily Beast is not naming, through a locked bathroom door, telling her to Get the fuck out, bitch. After he forced his way in by breaking down the door, he smacked her in the head and strangled her. By the time police arrived, Santiago had fled the scene.Santiago was arrested days later and released on the condition that he have no contact with the victim, but in February, Anchorage police found him at his girlfriend s residence and he was charged for violating the conditions of his release. That case is still pending.Alaska court records show a criminal record under Santiago s name for minor traffic infractions including operating a vehicle without insurance and a broken taillight. Records also show his landlord evicted him for non-payment of rent in February 2015.The assault case was resolved in March when Santiago entered into a deferred prosecution agreement, an alternative to adjudication where prosecutors agreed to dismiss the charges in exchange for Esteban s completion of requirements, the details of which are unknown. While Anchorage municipal prosecutor Seneca Theno told The Daily Beast that previous charges against Santiago-Ruiz are unlikely to be dropped following the airport shooting you still have to wonder what requirements were asked of Santiago-Ruiz to get the alleged assault charges dropped from his record in the first place, given the brutal nature of them.FOX NEWS echoes a Sun Sentinel report, Why the gunman may have chosen South Florida was unclear. He had no clear connection to the state aside from relatives in the Naples area, a two-hour drive away, the Sun Sentinel reported.The same FOX report adds the following about Santiago-Ruiz s alleged lengthy mental health battle: Bryan Santiago said his brother never spoke to him directly about his medical issues. We have not talked for the past three weeks, Bryan Santiago said. That s a bit unusual I m in shock. He was a serious person He was a normal person. Mass Shooting Distraction?Another aspect to these highly emotive and polarizing known wolf shooting events, is that usually they dominate US media coverage for several days. As other charged elements of an alleged shooter/attacker are propagandized, such as Santiago-Ruiz s Palestinian scarf image (seen on the left) seized upon by FOX News anchors who fused Santiago-Ruiz s allegedly ISIS-like hand gesture with the Gaza-Israeli conflict.The shocking scene at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport occurred the same exact day US intelligence leaders briefed President-elect Donald Trump on so-called Russian hack allegations in the lead up to the 2016 election.Back in September of 2016, while examining the aftermath of the New York and New Jersey bomb plot/attack, we analyzed whether a deeper social engineering agenda might have been at play as part of a larger geopolitical drama unfolded in Syria appeared to be masked by media.When looking deeper, we discovered other overlapping stories that coincided alongside the known wolf NYC bomber. Here s a passage that discussed the NYC attack that seemed to bury Western coverage regarding a vicious airstrike campaign that killed dozens of members of Syria s army: You have to wonder, were the events in New York and New Jersey also a weapon of mass distraction, following a major international embarrassment for the United States both at home and abroad the brutal airstrike campaign in Syria that killed over 70 Syrian troops? This unlikely bombing incident just happened to also coincide with the UN General Assembly in NYC, where President Obama was delivering among other speeches, his War on Terror addresses to the international community. No surprise then, with the city suddenly on high terror alert that Obama quickly, confidently and comfortably used his center stage spotlight at the UN, shifting into national security mode boasting how quickly his police forces solved the case. It was almost if he was ready for events that weekend. Similarly, you have to consider if this new high-profile shooting event at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport will dominate the news cycle, as the US intelligence community scrambles to prove Russian hack allegations over the next week.On January 4th ABC News reported the following: The classified report requested by President Barack Obama detailing Russia s alleged role in cyberattacks during U.S. presidential elections dating back to 2008 is now complete, and he is expected to receive the first briefing on its findings on Thursday afternoon, U.S. officials tell ABC News.President-elect Donald Trump, who said last week he would receive his briefing on the matter on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, is scheduled to receive his briefing on Friday. Both briefings will be conducted by the heads of relevant agencies, including the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Agency, the FBI and the CIA.U.S. officials denied claims from Trump that his special briefing was delayed so the U.S. intelligence community could strengthen its case against Russia. Officials instead said there may have been a scheduling disconnect or some confusion on the part of the Trump transition team. Interestingly, other explosive high-profile stories went to the back burner, such as the Chicago kidnapping and teen torture story and the fallout from CNN s Don Lemon following his egregious comments after the tragic racially motivated attack.Media Memory: Reports of a Second Shooter at Terminal 1During the later hours of the US mainstream media coverage, networks like CNN were still floating the possibility of a second shooter, as reports emerged of shots fired in the adjacent terminal housing United Airlines, Terminal 1.Interestingly, local reports also reported eye-witness accounts of a second gunman involved in the Fort Lauderdale shooting. Here s a passage from an ABC News affiliate discussing the reports of a second gunman at the Fort Lauderdale shooting: All day I ve heard people talking about second incidences, Catie Rutledge wrote on Instagram. After waiting on the tarmac for hours and hunting someone down to get our bags, we are now waiting for a bus, so that we can leave the airport. There was panic when authorities feared there was a second gunman. Law enforcement asked travelers to seek shelter. Fear prompted many to say their final good byes to loved ones. Some frightened parents were in tears as they tried to protect their children. This aspect of the case seemingly disappeared from media outlets following Santiago-Ruiz s arrest.The phenomena of multiple shooters being immediately reported after an apparent mass shooting event was also echoed during both the Orlando nightclub shooting and the San Bernardino attack in 2015.Later in the evening, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that there was no second shooter despite previous reports. The suspect was being interrogated by the FBI. This statement was in stark contrast to multiple witness statements made on national TV, placing the series of shots, or perhaps an additional series of shots and subsequent crowds fleeing in panic at Terminal 1 that would either be instead of Terminal 2, or in addition to it. This wasn t just an anomaly this was backed up by at least 2 different witnesses on CNN, perhaps more in other reports which 21WIRE has yet to collate here.Was this a case of something that happened in Terminal 1 either part of a drill, or another gunman which was memory-holed by the media and DHS, or could this be we are looking at planted witnesses who got their lines wrong? This is a fair question to ask, considering we are talking about multiple witnesses stating the shots and crowds panicking in Terminals other than the official story in Terminal 2.Here are four alternative witnesses:Witness 1: CNN s coverage of the Active Shooter festival at Fort Lauderdale Airport reveals yet another anomaly in their story. CNN reported the alleged shooter, Esteban Santiago, shot 5 people dead in the Delta Terminal 2, and yet, all the witnesses reported 4 shots fired in the United Terminal 1. When this witness, a father who flew in from Chicago, tells of the United T1 shots fired, CNN s reporter Boris Sanchez appears to panic, possibly then receiving a feed in his ear and then essentially tells the witness you are wrong, there were no shots fired in United Terminal 1. Was this bad reporting, or bad stage management by CNN? Watch: Witness 2: Immediately after CNN s Boris Sanchez mix-up with man flying in from Chicago at United Terminal 1, another CNN witness was suddenly produced, going by the name of Ryan Ward , interviewed by Jim Sciutto, then comes on, using very scripted language apparently in an attempt to clean-up the inconsistent statements of the last witness. Ryan Ward describes the mayhem, people running, luggage flying and people screaming, gunman coming even though he admits he was NOT in Delta Terminal 2 where police report the actual shooting took place. Ward claims he was in a wheel chair because of back surgery, but then claims he got up and ran over to save a little girl and I ran back over and pushed the mom into a corner and laid on top of her . He then says that, It does sound like it was an unsubstantiated second threat, but people certainly weren t acting like it here he was mirroring the identical language used by the previous CNN reporters. Coincidence? Even more oddly, Ward claims he was flying Jet Blue, and that the, Jet Blue staff were really great only problem is that Jet Blue is in Terminal 3, and not in T1 or T2. Watch: Witness 3: Another witness, testifying multiple gunman on the scene, although the Terminal location being referenced by this 3rd witness is somewhat unclear: . Also, there is an additional media report by Intellihub of a pilot, in uniform and on-site, who also testifies about a loud commotion, with police in pursuit of a perpetrator seen in Terminal 1 a stark contrast to the official story: The pilot believes that there was another shooting in Terminal 1 that law enforcement and the F.B.I. are likely covering up. I could hear females screaming and people running away from terminal 1. The pilot said he feels that it was definitely some kind of combined effort to attack the airport.In addition to that, here is a fifth witness, seen in this unconfirmed cell phone video from a female passenger out on the airport tarmac apparently from Terminal 1, and referencing a second shooter event located after the TSA barrier which seems to be a different location to the baggage check area: . EDITORS NOTE: If readers have any other witness reports of a Second Shooter or shots fired in Terminal 2, please leave them below in the comment section.Here s an ABC News feature with Mark Lea, an apparent eye-witness (later photographed the crime scene) who came face-to-face with Santiago-Ruiz who also rather incredibly, managed to not get shot during the encounter Fort Lauderdale s Active Shooter DrillsVery often preceding an apparent shooting/attack there is the presence of mass casualty drills. Fort Lauderdale was no exception.In 2015, the Sun Sentinel reported the following: At a Fort Lauderdale cinema Wednesday, two men in camouflage gear calmly walked down the aisle and fired rifles and handguns at moviegoers.Twenty-seven volunteers were injured in three theaters during the drill.Fort Lauderdale police guarded and escorted paramedics wearing protective gear to tend to the wounded actors, even though the shooters weren t captured and blank gunfire echoed elsewhere in the Riverwalk movie complex.The agencies goal is to speed up paramedics responses during mass killings, domestic calls and other violent incidents. Similarly, in June of 2016, an inter-agency meeting described future protocols regarding mass drills: The meeting, held every quarter, is an opportunity for agencies to coordinate with one another and discuss the latest techniques in fighting domestic terror attacks.Last month, agencies participated in an active-shooter exercise at the Fort Lauderdale Postal Facility.In February, the group participated in Operation Heat Shield, consisting of weapons of mass destruction and an active shooting drill.Sheriff Scott Israel of Broward County Sheriff s Office and Sheriff Rick Bradshaw of Palm Beach County Sheriff s Office said these training exercises are important. With such a large law enforcement effort to tackle the active-shooter, you have to wonder why and how these events seem to coincide with major attacks on US soil.Here s a YouTube video from commentator Peekay Truth discussing aspects of this latest mass shooting tragedy in America, Informants and PawnsAdditionally, as we ve mentioned before, during the aftermath of 2014 s Canadian Parliament Shooting in Ottawa, we outlined many of the primary markers used in certain terror related events globally and other mass casualty incidents often seen in America.The shocking event, like other bizarre attacks in recent years, have often distorted public opinion, pushing the populace towards new security measures in the wake of heavily coordinated and stylized crimes.The suspected Parliament Hill and National War Memorial shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, (Left Image: therightscoop) had the perfect modus operandi and r sum to be an informant for either a law enforcement or intelligence agency.According to the Globe and Mail, Zehaf-Bibeau was already designated as a high risk traveller by the Canadian government s security services who had also seized his passport. Was this the reason why the Zehaf-Bibeau snapped? Was he being targeted or being pressured into becoming an informant?Other terror stooges and suspicious intelligence informant cases include the following:Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his story here) Buford Rogers (see his story here) Jerad Miller (see his story here) Naji Mansour (see his story here) Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here) Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here) Timothy McVeigh (see his story here) Salim Benghalem (see his story here) Michael Adebolajo (see his story here) Daba Deng (see his story here) Elton Simpson (see his story here) Man Haron Monis (see his story here) Abu Hamza (see his story here) Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here) Glen Rodgers (see his story here) Omar Mateen (see his story here) Tashfeen Malik (see her story here) Djamel Beghal (see his story here) Anjem Choudary (see his story here) Cherif Kouachi (see his story here) Said Kouachi (see his story here) Amedy Coulibaly (see his story here) Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here) Salah Abdeslam (see his story here) Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here) Nidal Malik Hassan (see his story here) Abdelhakim Dekhar (see his story here) Abdelhamid Abaaoud (see his story here) Samy Amimour (see his story here) Isma l Omar Mostefa (see his story here) Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here) Anis Amri (see his story here)As we ve mentioned here at 21WIRE before, many political leaders and media operatives bang the drums of security over so-called terror sleeper cells hiding in a nation near you none of them acknowledge the historical fact that they themselves have also helped to harbor, grow, foment and radicalize individuals through counter-terrorism operations for decades.It is important to mention again, that the FBI created the counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) to influence and disrupt political factions from the inside out. Between 1956 and 1971 (including the Socialist Workers party in 1973), the FBI s controversial program infiltrated and radicalized hundreds of left-wing and right-wing groups to control and neutralize political dissidents across America.As we stated after the suspicious Oregon campus shooting in 2015, mass media has worked out their own formula for laying out a familiar series of polarizing political points in the aftermath of any tragic event, as they have with many others incidents. The Fort Lauderdale shooting appears once again, to purposefully redirect the public to look at a ready-made laundry list of items (in this case mental-health, supported by online rants on social media) about the persona of a shooter as an ironclad motive for a crime. The aftermath in the case of Fort Lauderdale is no different, as it rapidly descended into an overindulgent barrage of media speculation and theorizing.All too often we ve seen the stage persona of any alleged attacker or killer being touted as hard evidence, despite the fact that even strong circumstantial evidence of any apparent crime would likely result in many hours of analysis and debate, potentially without a definitive conclusion, even if the evidence reaches a court room.For the average person, it s hard to differentiate from a drill or a real event, causing one to scrutinize the legitimacy of such an operation.In recent years, the investigative tactics of various intelligence agencies have come into question, none perhaps more dubious than the Newburgh FBI sting that involved entrapping four men to participate in a fabricated event created by the bureau. Here s a 2011 passage from The Guardian describing how an FBI informant named Shahed Hussain coerced four others into a fake terror plot: The Newburgh Four now languish in jail. Hussain does not. For Hussain was a fake. In fact, Hussain worked for the FBI as an informant trawling mosques in hope of picking up radicals.Yet far from being active militants, the four men he attracted were impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.Hussain offered the men huge financial inducements to carry out the plot including $250,000 to one man and free holidays and expensive cars.As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets. There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided. A quarter million dollars? said Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University. The whole episode seemed akin to the WTC 1993 bombing case, which involved yet another informant working alongside officials.The Gun Control & Security AgendaAs pointed out in 21WIRE during 2015 s Oregon campus shooting, the primary focus for mass media concerning the Fort Lauderdale incident, will now be all of the hot button socio-political issues including gun control-reform and those concerned over mental illness background checks, along with those who constitutionally oppose such restrictive legislation.It should be obvious by now that events like Fort Lauderdale, along with other mass-shootings , have become a sharp catalyst to usher in calls for endless new mass shooting protocols, inter-agency fusion , first-responder emergency medical protocols, and also for injecting more and more military terminology into civilian life with the media playing a critical role in steering the public away from questioning any of the dubious elements surrounding any shooting event.In a sense, the media is helping to nudge these shooting events out of the forensic sphere and into the political arena as quickly as possible, effectively closing the feedback loop of concerned citizens and those who may have been affected by an event.The Fort Lauderdale shooting has prompted the mainstream media to feed into concerns over airport security, gun ownership and a persons mental health background. All of media s fear-inducing drama regarding the Fort Lauderdale shooting boils down to a contentious battle over gun reform and mental health as the Obama administration comes to a close. No doubt this latest shooting will give cause to new security measures in airports across America.Here s another look at outgoing President Obama discussing his frustration on gun control in a legacy interview with the BBC from 2015 amazingly, only a few hours before a mass shooting in Lafayette *UPDATE* Broward Sheriff Scott Israel stated that deputies arrived on the scene between 60 to 70 seconds after the Fort Lauderdale shooting took place quite an incredible response time by most law enforcement standards.TMZ acquired footage of the Fort Lauderdale shooter in action the video appears to display elements of staging decide for yourself According to reports, Airport officials, along with federal and local authorities, are investigating who had access to the footage and who allowed it to be taped without authorization, Broward Mayor Barbara Sharief told the Sun Sentinel. *UPDATE* Just one week prior to the Fort Lauderdale shooting, Florida lawmakers began rallying support for SB 140, a state bill that would repeal laws which, among other things, ban guns in airport terminals like the one where the shooting occurred. Stayed tuned as more details come out regarding the Fort Lauderdale shooting READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21WIRE Daily Shooter FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER@ 21WIRE.TVUS_News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: another american known wolf fort lauderdale shooter known fbi worked security amid backdrop mass drillsshawn hilton century wireanother shocking incident rocks america this time according florida board county sheriff department thirteen people shot including five dead apparent shooting rampage took place fort lauderdale hollywood international airport moment still clear motive shooting attack evidence linking suspect terror however officials yet rule possibility timing shooting attack overstated major us intelligence review alleged russian hack influence america election scheduled day known wolf what really happened fort lauderdale airport photo illustration shawn hilton note it took matter hours fort lauderdale shooter back story authorities suspected airport shooter stefan checked declared handgun inside luggage later retrieving fort lauderdale airport terminal baggage claim santiago reportedly loaded gun bathroom came terminal opening fire fellow travelers including series head shooting spree suspect reported calmly turned florida breakingnews fllshooting fort international airport shooting warhead warhead warhead january board county sheriff scott israel the shooter custody unharmed said no law enforcement officers fired shots first picture shooter released eye witness via twisting cnn foxnews fortlauderdale shooting estebansantiago twisting twistitynews january told gun used shooter ft lauderdale airport photo courtesy mark lea svn news svn january politicsghost smiling seat no record flew air canada only cops escort away friday after standard dem fake news time neurotrade neurotrade january whole series events strange say least deities stop us military background includes service puerto rico army national guard according department defense listed combat engineer deployed iraq april returning us soil later november following move alaska became member alaska national guard in august transferred inactive ready stated employed yet unnamed anchorage security company living associated press miami local cbs news affiliate the pentagon said went arol several times specialist stint alaska national guard demoted private first class associated press reported he given general discharge lower honorable discharge earlier reports stated flew flight canada air canada promptly denied suspected airport shooter flights other us mainstream outlets later stated arrived delta airlines flight instead airport shooting stefan santiago custody following shooting fort lauderdale airport authorities gathered travelers tarmac incident image source chicago tribune interesting former white house press secretary ari fletcher scene shooting i lauderdale airport shots fired everyone running ari fletcher arifleischer january known wolf as wire documented years many involve individuals monitored security services prior alleged act taking place a place lone wolf graduates ranks known wolf in fact often watched authorities exhibit signs palsy informant working either law enforcement intelligence agency historically government operators often made use criminals mentally disturbed individuals fulfill various role entrapment stings sometimes bonfire actors actual attacks in case alleged attackers security agencies dice relationship making link highly suspect january strategic security service known the sudan group reported larger national security threat resides radicals lengthy criminal background known ties security agencies the sudan group new york think tank said better term lone wolves would known wolves given many already known western intelligence agencies strike these individuals acting alone small groups radar various agencies organisations highlighting difficulty effectively monitoring managing people nexus criminality terrorism said report week the fort lauderdale shooting story rapidly emerged corporate media halls looking sell public latest tragic shooting america the hollywood international airport shooting elements shooting events recent history shooting tucson shooting orlando pulse nightclub shooting san bernardino shooting attack chattanooga military base shooting siege well aspects aurora theater shooting grand theater shooting lafayette many fort lauderdale airport shooter another case known wolf triggered action the apparent fort lauderdale airport shooter said puerto rica born new jersey living alaska authorities recently undergone mental health evaluation allegedly visiting fbi office alaska claimed cia mind control voices head telling join isis they say last november walked fbi office anchorage alaska claiming mind controlled cia forcing join isis he appeared agitated incoherent made disjointed statements although said wish hurt anyone agents concerned erratic behavior decided call local authorities senior federal law enforcement official police took local medical facility evaluation fbi closed assessment santiago conducting database reviews interagency checks interviews family members official said new in all suspect walked fbi office anchorage claiming forced fight isis sources tell cbs news cbs news cbsnews january manchurian candidate we also told suspect aunt flagged mentally unstable condition previously according usa today yet troubling episode part emerging profile deeply disturbed man described aunt friday someone lost mind maria luis ruiz union city said nephew moved alaska work security guard recently began show signs instability like month ago like lost mind said he said saw things the inclusion alleged voices head supposedly triggered cia immediately recalls another bizarre case also difficult comprehend navy yard shooter passage report discussing apparent navy yard shooter aaron alexis rather get caught fear campaigns sold us favorite news important consider another aspect mass shootings making tally trigger points media uses manipulate public perception carefully propagandize certain elements within crisis making sure illicit right reaction every major demographic is seeing aftermath fort lauderdale shooting added following details supposedly troubled the shooter whose troubled behavior already drawn attention fbi army anchorage police arrived friday afternoon busy airport flight alaska gun used shooting properly stored checked baggage nbc news report said shooter lived alaska luggage gun federal rules allow person declare ticket counter check plane carry in addition lengthy time us military national guard recent years suspected shooter involved various crimes here passage the daily beast describing santiago background according charging documents provided anchorage prosecutor office the daily beast january santiago verbally assaulted girlfriend old mother one child previous marriage the daily beast naming locked bathroom door telling get fuck bitch after forced way breaking door sacked head strangled by time police arrived santiago fled arrested days later released condition contact victim february anchorage police found girlfriend residence charged violating conditions release that case still court records show criminal record santiago name minor traffic infractions including operating vehicle without insurance broken twilight records also show landlord evicted rent february assault case resolved march santiago entered deferred prosecution agreement alternative adjudication prosecutors agreed dismiss charges exchange stefan completion requirements details unknown while anchorage municipal prosecutor genera then told the daily beast previous charges unlikely dropped following airport shooting still wonder requirements asked get alleged assault charges dropped record first place given brutal nature news echoes sun sentinel report why gunman may chosen south florida unclear he clear connection state aside relatives names area drive away sun sentinel fox report adds following alleged lengthy mental health battle bryan santiago said brother never spoke directly medical issues we talked past three weeks bryan santiago said that bit unusual i shock he serious person he normal person mass shooting distraction another aspect highly emotive popularizing known wolf shooting events usually dominate us media coverage several days as charged elements alleged propagandized palestinian scarf image seen left seized upon fox news anchors fused allegedly hand gesture shocking scene fort lauderdale hollywood international airport occurred exact day us intelligence leaders briefed donald trump russian hack allegations lead september examining aftermath new york new jersey bomb analyzed whether deeper social engineering agenda might play part larger geopolitical drama unfolded syria appeared masked looking deeper discovered overlapping stories coincided alongside known wolf nyc bomber here passage discussed nyc attack seemed bury western coverage regarding vicious airstrike campaign killed dozens members syria army you wonder events new york new jersey also weapon mass distraction following major international embarrassment united states home abroad brutal airstrike campaign syria killed syrian troops this unlikely bombing incident happened also coincide un general assembly nyc president obama delivering among speeches war terror addresses international community no surprise city suddenly high terror alert obama quickly confidently comfortably used center stage spotlight un shifting national security mode boasting quickly police forces solved case it almost ready events weekend similarly consider new shooting event fort lauderdale hollywood international airport dominate news cycle us intelligence community scramble prove russian hack allegations next january abc news reported following the classified report requested president barack obama detailing russia alleged role cyberattacks presidential elections dating back complete expected receive first briefing findings thursday afternoon officials tell abc donald trump said last week would receive briefing matter tuesday wednesday week scheduled receive briefing friday both briefings conducted heads relevant agencies including office director national intelligence national security agency fbi officials denied claims trump special briefing delayed intelligence community could strengthen case russia officials instead said may scheduling disconnect confusion part trump transition team interesting explosive stories went back burner chicago kidnapping teen torture story fallout cnn don lemon following egregious comments tragic racially motivated memory reports second shooter terminal later hours us mainstream media coverage networks like cnn still floating possibility second shooter reports emerged shots fired adjacent terminal housing united airlines terminal local reports also reported accounts second gunman involved fort lauderdale shooting here passage abc news affiliate discussing reports second gunman fort lauderdale shooting all day i heard people talking second incidence catid rutledge wrote instagram after waiting tarmac hours hunting someone get bags waiting bus leave airport there panic authorities feared second gunman law enforcement asked travelers seek shelter fear prompted many say final good byes loved ones some frightened parents tears tried protect children this aspect case seemingly disappeared media outlets following phenomena multiple shooters immediately reported apparent mass shooting event also echoed orlando nightclub shooting san bernardino attack evening board county sheriff scott israel confirmed second shooter despite previous reports the suspect interrogated fbi this statement stark contrast multiple witness statements made national tv placing series shots perhaps additional series shots subsequent crowds fleeing panic terminal would either instead terminal addition this anomaly backed least different witnesses cnn perhaps reports yet collage case something happened terminal either part drill another gunman media dhs could looking planted witnesses got lines wrong this fair question ask considering talking multiple witnesses stating shots crowds picking terminals official story terminal four alternative witnesses witness cnn coverage active shooter festival fort lauderdale airport reveals yet another anomaly story cnn reported alleged shooter stefan santiago shot people dead delta terminal yet witnesses reported shots fired united terminal when witness father flew chicago tells united shots fired cnn reporter boris sanchez appears panic possibly receiving feed ear essentially tells witness wrong shots fired united terminal was bad reporting bad stage management cnn watch witness immediately cnn boris sanchez man flying chicago united terminal another cnn witness suddenly produced going name ryan ward interviewed jim sciutto comes using scripted language apparently attempt inconsistent statements last witness ryan ward describes mayhem people running luggage flying people screaming gunman coming even though admits not delta terminal police report actual shooting took place ward claims wheel chair back surgery claims got ran save little girl i ran back pushed mom corner laid top he says it sound like unsubstantiated second threat people certainly acting like mirroring identical language used previous cnn reporters coincidence even oddly ward claims flying jet blue jet blue staff really great problem jet blue terminal watch witness another witness testifying multiple gunman scene although terminal location referenced witness somewhat unclear https also additional media report intellihub pilot uniform also testifies loud commotion police pursuit perpetrator seen terminal stark contrast official story the pilot believes another shooting terminal law enforcement likely covering i could hear females screaming people running away terminal the pilot said feels definitely kind combined effort attack addition fifth witness seen unconfirmed cell phone video female passenger airport tarmac apparently terminal referencing second shooter event located tsa barrier seems different location baggage check area https editors note if readers witness reports second shooter shots fired terminal please leave comment abc news feature mark lea apparent later photographed crime scene came also rather incredibly managed get shot encounter fort lauderdale active shooter drillsvery often preceding apparent presence mass casualty drills fort lauderdale sun sentinel reported following at fort lauderdale cinema wednesday two men camouflage gear calmly walked aisle fired rifles handguns volunteers injured three theaters lauderdale police guarded escorted paramedics wearing protective gear tend wounded actors even though shooters captured blank gunfire echoed elsewhere riverbank movie agencies goal speed paramedics responses mass killings domestic calls violent incidents similarly june meeting described future protocols regarding mass drills the meeting held every quarter opportunity agencies coordinate one another discuss latest techniques fighting domestic terror month agencies participated exercise fort lauderdale postal february group participated operation heat shield consisting weapons mass destruction active shooting scott israel board county sheriff office sheriff rick bradshaw palm beach county sheriff office said training exercises important with large law enforcement effort tackle wonder events seem coincide major attacks us youtube video commentator weekly truth discussing aspects latest mass shooting tragedy america https informants pawnsadditionally mentioned aftermath canadian parliament shooting ottawa outlined many primary markers used certain terror related events globally mass casualty incidents often seen shocking event like bizarre attacks recent years often distorted public opinion pushing populace towards new security measures wake heavily coordinated stylized suspected parliament hill national war memorial shooter michael left image therightscoop perfect modus operandi r sum informant either law enforcement intelligence globe mail already designated high risk traveller canadian government security services also seized passport was reason snapped was targeted pressured becoming informant other terror stories suspicious intelligence informant cases include following tamerlan tsarnaev see story before rogers see story dead miller see story nazi manor see story quasi mohammad nazis see story mohamed oman mohamed see story timothy mcveigh see story slim benghalem see story michael adebolajo see story data eng see story elton simpson see story man baron monks see story abu gamma see story maroon rapid away see story glen rodgers see story omar matter see story tashfeen malik see story james began see story anime choudary see story chief kochi see story said kochi see story named coulibaly see story haat boumeddiene see story sarah abdeslam see story michael see story tidal malik hassan see story abdelhakim dear see story abdelhamid abaaoud see story same armour see story ism l omar mostra see story mohamed lahouij bouhlel see story gnis ari see story as mentioned many political leaders media operatives bang drums security terror sleeper cells hiding nation near none acknowledge historical fact also helped harbor grow moment radicalism individuals operations important mention fbi created program cointelpro influence disrupt political factions inside between including socialist workers party fbi controversial program infiltrated radicalized hundreds groups control neutralize political dissidents across stated suspicious oregon campus shooting mass media worked formula laying familiar series popularizing political points aftermath tragic event many others incidents the fort lauderdale shooting appears purposefully redirect public look laundry list items case supported online rants social media persona shooter ironclad motive crime the aftermath case fort lauderdale different rapidly descended overindulgent barrage media speculation often seen stage persona alleged attacker killer touted hard evidence despite fact even strong circumstantial evidence apparent crime would likely result many hours analysis debate potentially without definitive conclusion even evidence reaches court average person hard differentiate drill real event causing one scrutinized legitimacy recent years investigative tactics various intelligence agencies come question none perhaps dubious neburg fbi sting involved trapping four men participate fabricated event created bureau here passage the guardian describing fbi informant named shared hussain coerced four others fake terror plot the neburg four anguish jail hussain for hussain fake in fact hussain worked fbi informant trailing mosques hope picking far active militants four men attracted impoverished individuals struggling neburg grim epidemic crack drug crime poverty one mental issues severe apartment contained bottles urine he also believed florida foreign offered men huge financial indictments carry plot including one man free holidays expensive defence lawyers poured evidence neburg four came represent extreme form controversial fbi policy use invented terrorist plots lure targets there case egregious it unique incentive government provided a quarter million dollars said professor karen gutenberg terrorism expert fordham university the whole episode seemed akin wtc bombing case involved yet another informant working alongside gun control security agendas pointed oregon campus shooting primary focus mass media concerning fort lauderdale incident hot button issues including gun concerned mental illness background checks along constitutionally oppose restrictive obvious events like fort lauderdale along become sharp catalyst usher calls endless new mass shooting protocols fusion emergency medical protocols also injecting military terminology civilian life media playing critical role steering public away questioning dubious elements surrounding shooting sense media helping nudge shooting events forensic sphere political arena quickly possible effectively closing feedback loop concerned citizens may affected fort lauderdale shooting prompted mainstream media feed concerns airport security gun ownership persons mental health background all media drama regarding fort lauderdale shooting boils contentious battle gun reform mental health obama administration comes close no doubt latest shooting give cause new security measures airports across another look outgoing president obama discussing frustration gun control legacy interview bbc amazingly hours mass shooting lafayette update board sheriff scott israel stated deputies arrived scene seconds fort lauderdale shooting took place quite incredible response time law enforcement acquired footage fort lauderdale shooter action video appears display elements staging decide according reports airport officials along federal local authorities investigating access footage allowed taped without authorization board mayor barbara share told sun sentinel update just one week prior fort lauderdale shooting florida lawmakers began rallying support sb state bill would repeal laws among things ban guns airport terminals like one shooting occurred stayed tuned details come regarding fort lauderdale shooting read more daily shooter news at daily shooter filessupport subscribe become a member
Slightly injured pope ends Colombia tour with unity appealCARTAGENA, Colombia (Reuters) - Pope Francis, his eye bandaged and blackened after a minor accident in the popemobile, left Colombia on Sunday after appealing to the country to untie the knots of violence after a 50-year civil war. His last day in the Andean country got off to a rocky start when he lost his balance and bumped his head while riding in the popemobile. He bruised his cheekbone and cut his left eyebrow, blood staining his white cassock. The Vatican said he received ice treatment and was fine. A smiling pope continued the trip wearing a bandage over his cut. I was punched. I m fine, the 80-year-old pontiff joked afterward, the bruises on his face clearly visible. At the end of the day, when he said Mass for about 500,000 people in the city s port area, the bruise had swollen and he had a black bag under his eye. If Colombia wants a stable and lasting peace, it must urgently take a step in this direction, which is that of the common good, of equity, of justice, of respect for human nature and its demands, he said in a strong voice in the homily of the Mass, accompanied by Caribbean and salsa music. Only if we help to untie the knots of violence, will we unravel the complex threads of disagreements, he said. The pontiff left Colombia on an Avianca flight to Rome after watching a cumbia troupe perform traditional coastal singing and dancing with President Juan Manuel Santos and his wife, Maria Clemencia. Francis used the trip to urge Colombians deeply polarized by a peace plan to shun vengeance after a bloody civil war. He also said leaders had to enact laws to end injustice and social inequality that breeds violence. Cartagena, a top tourist destination famous for its colonial walled ramparts, was the home to Saint Peter Claver, a Spanish priest who ministered to slaves in Colombia in the 1600s, defying Spanish colonial masters who treated them as chattel. The pope used the occasion to again decry modern slavery and human trafficking and defend the rights of immigrants. Human rights groups estimate that millions of people around the world are victims of human trafficking and forms of modern slavery such as forced labor and prostitution. Here in Colombia and in the world, millions of people are still being sold as slaves; they either beg for some expressions of humanity, moments of tenderness, or they flee by sea or land because they have lost everything, primarily their dignity and their rights, the pope said just before praying before Claver s relics. Some 300 Afro-Colombians who receive assistance from the Jesuit religious order, of which the pope is a member, prayed with him in the church. Francis visited the impoverished neighborhood of San Francisco and blessed the cornerstone of a shelter for at-risk Afro-Colombian girls vulnerable to child prostitution, drugs and violence. Earlier in the day, the first Latin American pope said he was praying for the well-being of all countries on the continent but particularly Venezuela, which has been caught up in a social and economic crisis. I express my closeness to all the sons and daughters of that beloved nation, as well as to all those who have found a place of welcome here in Colombia, referring to the tens of thousands of Venezuelans who have crossed the border to find food and medicine. From this city, known as the seat of human rights, I appeal for the rejection of all violence in political life and for a solution to the current grave crisis, which affects everyone, particularly the poorest and most disadvantaged of society, he said. National Human Rights Day is celebrated in Colombia on Sept. 9, in honor of Claver, who died in 1654. Venezuela has been convulsed by months of near-daily protests against leftist President Nicolas Maduro, who critics say has plunged the oil-rich country into the worst economic crisis in its history and is turning it into a dictatorship. World bodies and foreign governments have expressed concern about the shortage of food and medicine in Venezuela and called for political dialogue between Maduro and the opposition. Church leaders in Venezuela have made a series of highly critical speeches since late last year. worldnews
slightly injured pope ends colombia tour unity appealcartagena colombia reuters pope francis eye managed bracketed minor accident popemobile left colombia sunday appealing country until knots violence civil war his last day dean country got rocky start lost balance bumped head riding popemobile he bruised cheekbone cut left eyebrows blood staining white assoc the vatican said received ice treatment fine a smiling pope continued trip wearing bondage cut i punched i fine pontiff joked afterward bruises face clearly visible at end day said mass people city port area cruise swollen black bag eye if colombia wants stable lasting peace must urgently take step direction common good equity justice respect human nature demands said strong voice family mass accompanied caribbean salsa music only help until knots violence unravel complex threads disagreements said the pontiff left colombia avian flight rome watching cubic troupe perform traditional coastal singing dancing president juan manuel santos wife maria clemency francis used trip urge colombia deeply polarized peace plan shun vengeance bloody civil war he also said leaders enact laws end injustice social inequality breeds violence cartagena top tourist destination famous colonial walled ramparts home saint peter clever spanish priest minister slaves colombia defying spanish colonial masters treated chatter the pope used occasion decay modern slavery human trafficking defend rights immigrants human rights groups estimate millions people around world victims human trafficking forms modern slavery forced labor prostitution here colombia world millions people still sold slaves either beg expressions humanity moments tenderness flee sea land lost everything primarily dignity rights pope said praying clever relics some receive assistance result religious order pope member prayed church francis visited impoverished neighborhood san francisco blessed cornerstone shelter girls vulnerable child prostitution drugs violence earlier day first latin american pope said praying countries continent particularly venezuela caught social economic crisis i express closeness sons daughters beloved nation well found place welcome colombia referring tens thousands venezuela crossed border find food medicine from city known seat human rights i appeal rejection violence political life solution current grave crisis affects everyone particularly poorest disadvantaged society said national human rights day celebrated colombia honor clever died venezuela confused months protests leftist president nicolas maduro critics say plunged country worst economic crisis history turning dictatorship world bodies foreign governments expressed concern shortage food medicine venezuela called political dialogue maduro opposition church leaders venezuela made series highly critical speeches since late last year worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Slightly injured pope ends Colombia tour with unity appealCARTAGENA, Colombia (Reuters) - Pope Francis, his eye bandaged and blackened after a minor accident in the popemobile, left Colombia on Sunday after appealing to the country to untie the knots of violence after a 50-year civil war. His last day in the Andean country got off to a rocky start when he lost his balance and bumped his head while riding in the popemobile. He bruised his cheekbone and cut his left eyebrow, blood staining his white cassock. The Vatican said he received ice treatment and was fine. A smiling pope continued the trip wearing a bandage over his cut. I was punched. I m fine, the 80-year-old pontiff joked afterward, the bruises on his face clearly visible. At the end of the day, when he said Mass for about 500,000 people in the city s port area, the bruise had swollen and he had a black bag under his eye. If Colombia wants a stable and lasting peace, it must urgently take a step in this direction, which is that of the common good, of equity, of justice, of respect for human nature and its demands, he said in a strong voice in the homily of the Mass, accompanied by Caribbean and salsa music. Only if we help to untie the knots of violence, will we unravel the complex threads of disagreements, he said. The pontiff left Colombia on an Avianca flight to Rome after watching a cumbia troupe perform traditional coastal singing and dancing with President Juan Manuel Santos and his wife, Maria Clemencia. Francis used the trip to urge Colombians deeply polarized by a peace plan to shun vengeance after a bloody civil war. He also said leaders had to enact laws to end injustice and social inequality that breeds violence. Cartagena, a top tourist destination famous for its colonial walled ramparts, was the home to Saint Peter Claver, a Spanish priest who ministered to slaves in Colombia in the 1600s, defying Spanish colonial masters who treated them as chattel. The pope used the occasion to again decry modern slavery and human trafficking and defend the rights of immigrants. Human rights groups estimate that millions of people around the world are victims of human trafficking and forms of modern slavery such as forced labor and prostitution. Here in Colombia and in the world, millions of people are still being sold as slaves; they either beg for some expressions of humanity, moments of tenderness, or they flee by sea or land because they have lost everything, primarily their dignity and their rights, the pope said just before praying before Claver s relics. Some 300 Afro-Colombians who receive assistance from the Jesuit religious order, of which the pope is a member, prayed with him in the church. Francis visited the impoverished neighborhood of San Francisco and blessed the cornerstone of a shelter for at-risk Afro-Colombian girls vulnerable to child prostitution, drugs and violence. Earlier in the day, the first Latin American pope said he was praying for the well-being of all countries on the continent but particularly Venezuela, which has been caught up in a social and economic crisis. I express my closeness to all the sons and daughters of that beloved nation, as well as to all those who have found a place of welcome here in Colombia, referring to the tens of thousands of Venezuelans who have crossed the border to find food and medicine. From this city, known as the seat of human rights, I appeal for the rejection of all violence in political life and for a solution to the current grave crisis, which affects everyone, particularly the poorest and most disadvantaged of society, he said. National Human Rights Day is celebrated in Colombia on Sept. 9, in honor of Claver, who died in 1654. Venezuela has been convulsed by months of near-daily protests against leftist President Nicolas Maduro, who critics say has plunged the oil-rich country into the worst economic crisis in its history and is turning it into a dictatorship. World bodies and foreign governments have expressed concern about the shortage of food and medicine in Venezuela and called for political dialogue between Maduro and the opposition. Church leaders in Venezuela have made a series of highly critical speeches since late last year. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: slightly injured pope ends colombia tour unity appealcartagena colombia reuters pope francis eye managed bracketed minor accident popemobile left colombia sunday appealing country until knots violence civil war his last day dean country got rocky start lost balance bumped head riding popemobile he bruised cheekbone cut left eyebrows blood staining white assoc the vatican said received ice treatment fine a smiling pope continued trip wearing bondage cut i punched i fine pontiff joked afterward bruises face clearly visible at end day said mass people city port area cruise swollen black bag eye if colombia wants stable lasting peace must urgently take step direction common good equity justice respect human nature demands said strong voice family mass accompanied caribbean salsa music only help until knots violence unravel complex threads disagreements said the pontiff left colombia avian flight rome watching cubic troupe perform traditional coastal singing dancing president juan manuel santos wife maria clemency francis used trip urge colombia deeply polarized peace plan shun vengeance bloody civil war he also said leaders enact laws end injustice social inequality breeds violence cartagena top tourist destination famous colonial walled ramparts home saint peter clever spanish priest minister slaves colombia defying spanish colonial masters treated chatter the pope used occasion decay modern slavery human trafficking defend rights immigrants human rights groups estimate millions people around world victims human trafficking forms modern slavery forced labor prostitution here colombia world millions people still sold slaves either beg expressions humanity moments tenderness flee sea land lost everything primarily dignity rights pope said praying clever relics some receive assistance result religious order pope member prayed church francis visited impoverished neighborhood san francisco blessed cornerstone shelter girls vulnerable child prostitution drugs violence earlier day first latin american pope said praying countries continent particularly venezuela caught social economic crisis i express closeness sons daughters beloved nation well found place welcome colombia referring tens thousands venezuela crossed border find food medicine from city known seat human rights i appeal rejection violence political life solution current grave crisis affects everyone particularly poorest disadvantaged society said national human rights day celebrated colombia honor clever died venezuela confused months protests leftist president nicolas maduro critics say plunged country worst economic crisis history turning dictatorship world bodies foreign governments expressed concern shortage food medicine venezuela called political dialogue maduro opposition church leaders venezuela made series highly critical speeches since late last year worldnews
British official urges social media companies to block militant contentWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Britain s top internal security official is pressing social media companies to devise automatic systems to spot and block violent militant messaging before it is posted on their networks. Amber Rudd, home secretary in the conservative British government led by Prime Minister Theresa May, told an audience at New America, a Washington think tank, on Thursday night that there was an online arms race between militants and the forces of law and order. Rudd said government authorities and companies were already working to ensure that militant messaging promoting violence should be removed from the internet within one or two hours of initial posting. But she said companies should press ahead with development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems that could spot such content before it is posted on the internet and block it from being disseminated. Since the beginning of 2017, violent militant operatives have created 40,000 new internet destinations, Rudd said. She noted that she visited Silicon Valley companies, including Alphabet Inc s Google and YouTube, Facebook Inc and Twitter Inc, earlier this year and called on them to do more to take down or block militant content. As of 12 months ago, social media companies were taking down about half of the violent militant material from their sites within two hours of its discovery, and lately that proportion has increased to two thirds, she said. YouTube is now taking down 83 percent of violent militant videos it discovers, Rudd said, adding that UK authorities have evidence that the Islamic State militant group was now struggling to get some of its materials online. But she said there was much more companies can do to use cutting edge technology to spot dangerous content more quickly. She added that in the wake of an increasing number of vehicle attacks by militants, such as the one at London s Borough Market earlier this year, British security authorities were reviewing rental car regulations and considering ways for authorities to collect more relevant data from car hire companies. worldnews
british official urges social media companies block militant contentwashington reuters britain top internal security official pressing social media companies devise automatic systems spot block violent militant messaging posted networks amber rudd home secretary conservative british government led prime minister theresa may told audience new america washington think tank thursday night online arms race militants forces law order rudd said government authorities companies already working ensure militant messaging promoting violence removed internet within one two hours initial posting but said companies press ahead development deployment artificial intelligence systems could spot content posted internet block disseminated since beginning violent militant operatives created new internet destinations rudd said she noted visited silicon valley companies including alphabet inc google youtube facebook inc twitter inc earlier year called take block militant content as months ago social media companies taking half violent militant material sites within two hours discovery lately proportion increased two thirds said youtube taking percent violent militant videos discovers rudd said adding uk authorities evidence islamic state militant group struggling get materials online but said much companies use cutting edge technology spot dangerous content quickly she added wake increasing number vehicle attacks militants one london borough market earlier year british security authorities reviewing rental car regulations considering ways authorities collect relevant data car hire companies worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: British official urges social media companies to block militant contentWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Britain s top internal security official is pressing social media companies to devise automatic systems to spot and block violent militant messaging before it is posted on their networks. Amber Rudd, home secretary in the conservative British government led by Prime Minister Theresa May, told an audience at New America, a Washington think tank, on Thursday night that there was an online arms race between militants and the forces of law and order. Rudd said government authorities and companies were already working to ensure that militant messaging promoting violence should be removed from the internet within one or two hours of initial posting. But she said companies should press ahead with development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems that could spot such content before it is posted on the internet and block it from being disseminated. Since the beginning of 2017, violent militant operatives have created 40,000 new internet destinations, Rudd said. She noted that she visited Silicon Valley companies, including Alphabet Inc s Google and YouTube, Facebook Inc and Twitter Inc, earlier this year and called on them to do more to take down or block militant content. As of 12 months ago, social media companies were taking down about half of the violent militant material from their sites within two hours of its discovery, and lately that proportion has increased to two thirds, she said. YouTube is now taking down 83 percent of violent militant videos it discovers, Rudd said, adding that UK authorities have evidence that the Islamic State militant group was now struggling to get some of its materials online. But she said there was much more companies can do to use cutting edge technology to spot dangerous content more quickly. She added that in the wake of an increasing number of vehicle attacks by militants, such as the one at London s Borough Market earlier this year, British security authorities were reviewing rental car regulations and considering ways for authorities to collect more relevant data from car hire companies. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: british official urges social media companies block militant contentwashington reuters britain top internal security official pressing social media companies devise automatic systems spot block violent militant messaging posted networks amber rudd home secretary conservative british government led prime minister theresa may told audience new america washington think tank thursday night online arms race militants forces law order rudd said government authorities companies already working ensure militant messaging promoting violence removed internet within one two hours initial posting but said companies press ahead development deployment artificial intelligence systems could spot content posted internet block disseminated since beginning violent militant operatives created new internet destinations rudd said she noted visited silicon valley companies including alphabet inc google youtube facebook inc twitter inc earlier year called take block militant content as months ago social media companies taking half violent militant material sites within two hours discovery lately proportion increased two thirds said youtube taking percent violent militant videos discovers rudd said adding uk authorities evidence islamic state militant group struggling get materials online but said much companies use cutting edge technology spot dangerous content quickly she added wake increasing number vehicle attacks militants one london borough market earlier year british security authorities reviewing rental car regulations considering ways authorities collect relevant data car hire companies worldnews
NO JOKE! THE EPA STICKS ITS NOSE INTO THE NAIL SALON BUSINESSThe EPA must be really bored with the important things they need to look into. It is just like the government to stick its nose where it really doesn t belong. Do we really need to spend taxpayer dollars on this??? It just seems that the lines with all these government agencies are becoming more and more blurred. Defund the EPA!!!Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy will take a trip to a San Francisco nail salon Wednesday a visit intended to shine a spotlight on health risks posed by the industry.McCarthy s West Coast trip arrives on the heels of a New York Times expose published last week that documented poor working conditions in New York City-area nail salons, detailing how workers are routinely underpaid and overworked. The article sparked public outcry and prompted Gov. Andrew Cuomo to call for an investigation into worker treatment at nail salons. We know more visibility needs to be raised for these issues and we re working hard to reach communities and to educate folks, McCarthy said Tuesday at the White House Summit on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Washington, where she announced her nail salon visit.During her trip, McCarthy will meet with a local nail salon owner along with members of the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, which is a coalition of salon workers, environmental groups, nonprofits, and government agencies.Read more: NJleft-news
no joke the epa sticks its nose into the nail salon businessthe epa must really bored important things need look it like government stick nose really belong do really need spend taxpayer dollars it seems lines government agencies becoming blurred defend epa environmental protection agency administrator gina mccarthy take trip san francisco nail salon wednesday visit intended shine spotlight health risks posed west coast trip arrives heels new york times expose published last week documented poor working conditions new york nail salons detailing workers routinely underpass overlooked the article sparked public outcry prompted gov andrew como call investigation worker treatment nail salons we know visibility needs raised issues working hard reach communities educate folks mccarthy said tuesday white house summit asian americans pacific islanders washington announced nail salon trip mccarthy meet local nail salon owner along members california healthy nail salon collaborative coalition salon workers environmental groups nonprofits government
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: NO JOKE! THE EPA STICKS ITS NOSE INTO THE NAIL SALON BUSINESSThe EPA must be really bored with the important things they need to look into. It is just like the government to stick its nose where it really doesn t belong. Do we really need to spend taxpayer dollars on this??? It just seems that the lines with all these government agencies are becoming more and more blurred. Defund the EPA!!!Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy will take a trip to a San Francisco nail salon Wednesday a visit intended to shine a spotlight on health risks posed by the industry.McCarthy s West Coast trip arrives on the heels of a New York Times expose published last week that documented poor working conditions in New York City-area nail salons, detailing how workers are routinely underpaid and overworked. The article sparked public outcry and prompted Gov. Andrew Cuomo to call for an investigation into worker treatment at nail salons. We know more visibility needs to be raised for these issues and we re working hard to reach communities and to educate folks, McCarthy said Tuesday at the White House Summit on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Washington, where she announced her nail salon visit.During her trip, McCarthy will meet with a local nail salon owner along with members of the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, which is a coalition of salon workers, environmental groups, nonprofits, and government agencies.Read more: NJleft-news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: no joke the epa sticks its nose into the nail salon businessthe epa must really bored important things need look it like government stick nose really belong do really need spend taxpayer dollars it seems lines government agencies becoming blurred defend epa environmental protection agency administrator gina mccarthy take trip san francisco nail salon wednesday visit intended shine spotlight health risks posed west coast trip arrives heels new york times expose published last week documented poor working conditions new york nail salons detailing workers routinely underpass overlooked the article sparked public outcry prompted gov andrew como call investigation worker treatment nail salons we know visibility needs raised issues working hard reach communities educate folks mccarthy said tuesday white house summit asian americans pacific islanders washington announced nail salon trip mccarthy meet local nail salon owner along members california healthy nail salon collaborative coalition salon workers environmental groups nonprofits government
TREY GOWDY Embarrasses Gun-Grabbing Obama Official In Brilliant “Gotcha” Moment [VIDEO]Why is explaining our Constitution to liberals is like explaining algebra to a two year old? Shouldn t government officials who are being paid by We The Taxpayer have a basic understanding of how our Constitution and the basic rights it affords US citizens?The Left, from the White House on down, has scrambled to make the horrific Islamic terrorist attack on the LBGT community in Orlando, which left 49 innocents dead and injured 53 others, all about gun control and those evil Christians.Honing in on their indictment of the gun, the Left has exploited the tragedy in effort to pass anti-American gun legislation, much like Senator Dianne Feinstein s proposed (and failed) measure to ban those who have been named on the terror watchlist within the last five years from their Second Amendment right to purchase a firearm.No due process necessary; and not to mention, the terror watchlist is a train-wreck: naming journalists, politicians, cub scouts and right wing extremists to their list of suspects. In light of this push, South Carolina representative Trey Gowdy re-upped his complete domination of the issue to his Facebook page. Can you name another constitutional right that is chilled until we find out it is chilled, and then we have to petition the government to get it back? Is there another constitutional right we treat the same way for American citizens as we do the second amendment? wrote Gowdy, captioning the video.WATCH video Gowdy posted on his Facebook page here: What process is currently afforded an American citizen before they go on that list? asked Gowdy.After being told that there isn t one, but, rather, only a process to petition to get off the list after finding out that one has been put on it, Gowdy pushed back. Hard. I m actually talking about due process, which is a phrase we find in the Constitution. he quipped, that you cannot deprive people of certain things without due process. He continued hammering the liberal: Can you name another constitutional right that is chilled until we find out it is chilled, and then we have to petition the government to get it back? he asked. Is that true with the First Amendment? Without a coherent rejoinder to him, Gowdy persisted: If we re fine with doing it with the Second Amendment, how about the First? How about we not let them set up a website or a Goggle account? How about we not let them join a church until they can petition the government to get off the list. How about not getting a lawyer? How about the Sixth Amendment? How about you can t get a lawyer until you petition the government to get off the list? Or my favorite: How about the Eighth Amendment? We are going to subject you to cruel and unusual punishment until you petition the government to get off the list? Is there another constitutional right that we treat the same way, for American citizens, that we do for the Second Amendment? he asked. Via: Daily WireTrey Gowdy asks another brilliant question every one of our gun-grabbing legislators should have to answer:politics
they rowdy embarrassed obama official in brilliant gotha moment video why explaining constitution liberals like explaining algebra two year old shouldn government officials paid we the taxpayer basic understanding constitution basic rights affords us citizens the left white house scrambled make horrific islamic terrorist attack lbft community orlando left innocent dead injured others gun control evil indictment gun left exploited tragedy effort pass gun legislation much like senator diane einstein proposed failed measure ban named terror watchlist within last five years second amendment right purchase due process necessary mention terror watchlist naming journalists politicians cub scouts right wing extremists list suspects in light push south carolina representative they rowdy complete domination issue facebook page can name another constitutional right chilled find chilled petition government get back is another constitutional right treat way american citizens second amendment wrote rowdy rationing video rowdy posted facebook page what process currently afforded american citizen go list asked told one rather process petition get list finding one put rowdy pushed back hard i actually talking due process phrase find constitution equipped deprive people certain things without due process he continued hamstring liberal can name another constitutional right chilled find chilled petition government get back asked is true first amendment without coherent remainder rowdy persisted if fine second amendment first how let set website google account how let join church petition government get list how getting lawyer how sixth amendment how get lawyer petition government get list or favorite how eighth amendment we going subject cruel unusual punishment petition government get list is another constitutional right treat way american citizens second amendment asked via daily wiretrey rowdy asks another brilliant question every one legislators answer politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: TREY GOWDY Embarrasses Gun-Grabbing Obama Official In Brilliant “Gotcha” Moment [VIDEO]Why is explaining our Constitution to liberals is like explaining algebra to a two year old? Shouldn t government officials who are being paid by We The Taxpayer have a basic understanding of how our Constitution and the basic rights it affords US citizens?The Left, from the White House on down, has scrambled to make the horrific Islamic terrorist attack on the LBGT community in Orlando, which left 49 innocents dead and injured 53 others, all about gun control and those evil Christians.Honing in on their indictment of the gun, the Left has exploited the tragedy in effort to pass anti-American gun legislation, much like Senator Dianne Feinstein s proposed (and failed) measure to ban those who have been named on the terror watchlist within the last five years from their Second Amendment right to purchase a firearm.No due process necessary; and not to mention, the terror watchlist is a train-wreck: naming journalists, politicians, cub scouts and right wing extremists to their list of suspects. In light of this push, South Carolina representative Trey Gowdy re-upped his complete domination of the issue to his Facebook page. Can you name another constitutional right that is chilled until we find out it is chilled, and then we have to petition the government to get it back? Is there another constitutional right we treat the same way for American citizens as we do the second amendment? wrote Gowdy, captioning the video.WATCH video Gowdy posted on his Facebook page here: What process is currently afforded an American citizen before they go on that list? asked Gowdy.After being told that there isn t one, but, rather, only a process to petition to get off the list after finding out that one has been put on it, Gowdy pushed back. Hard. I m actually talking about due process, which is a phrase we find in the Constitution. he quipped, that you cannot deprive people of certain things without due process. He continued hammering the liberal: Can you name another constitutional right that is chilled until we find out it is chilled, and then we have to petition the government to get it back? he asked. Is that true with the First Amendment? Without a coherent rejoinder to him, Gowdy persisted: If we re fine with doing it with the Second Amendment, how about the First? How about we not let them set up a website or a Goggle account? How about we not let them join a church until they can petition the government to get off the list. How about not getting a lawyer? How about the Sixth Amendment? How about you can t get a lawyer until you petition the government to get off the list? Or my favorite: How about the Eighth Amendment? We are going to subject you to cruel and unusual punishment until you petition the government to get off the list? Is there another constitutional right that we treat the same way, for American citizens, that we do for the Second Amendment? he asked. Via: Daily WireTrey Gowdy asks another brilliant question every one of our gun-grabbing legislators should have to answer:politics
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: they rowdy embarrassed obama official in brilliant gotha moment video why explaining constitution liberals like explaining algebra two year old shouldn government officials paid we the taxpayer basic understanding constitution basic rights affords us citizens the left white house scrambled make horrific islamic terrorist attack lbft community orlando left innocent dead injured others gun control evil indictment gun left exploited tragedy effort pass gun legislation much like senator diane einstein proposed failed measure ban named terror watchlist within last five years second amendment right purchase due process necessary mention terror watchlist naming journalists politicians cub scouts right wing extremists list suspects in light push south carolina representative they rowdy complete domination issue facebook page can name another constitutional right chilled find chilled petition government get back is another constitutional right treat way american citizens second amendment wrote rowdy rationing video rowdy posted facebook page what process currently afforded american citizen go list asked told one rather process petition get list finding one put rowdy pushed back hard i actually talking due process phrase find constitution equipped deprive people certain things without due process he continued hamstring liberal can name another constitutional right chilled find chilled petition government get back asked is true first amendment without coherent remainder rowdy persisted if fine second amendment first how let set website google account how let join church petition government get list how getting lawyer how sixth amendment how get lawyer petition government get list or favorite how eighth amendment we going subject cruel unusual punishment petition government get list is another constitutional right treat way american citizens second amendment asked via daily wiretrey rowdy asks another brilliant question every one legislators answer politics
Fox Guests ATTACK Each Other After Someone Calls Hillary A ‘Bigot’ (VIDEO)Fox News host Eric Bolling had recently been filling in for his colleague Bill O Reilly on The O Reilly Factor, and he was in no way prepared for the chaos that erupted when one of his guests called Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton a bigot. The discussion began by bringing up Donald Trump s recent comments about Clinton s polices being bigoted and it immediately set off Bolling s guests, who spent the majority of the segment at each other s throats despite Bolling s attempts to restore a calm discussion.Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell had hit the nail right on the head when he commented that Trump had no business calling someone else s policies bigoted. He said: Eric, Donald Trump doesn t know the definition of the word bigot . You don t hear Republicans on Capitol Hill supporting Donald Trump s definition of the term bigoted as it applies to Hillary Clinton. It doesn t make sense, it s inexplicable. Terrell also defended Clinton, stating that when she d called out Trump s racism in a speech, her argument had been fact-based and that s when conservative Horace Cooper lost it and countered that Clinton s speech had been a litany of lies. What happened next was insanity. Cooper, an African American legal commentator, said that the black community would be much better off under racist Trump. He said, It s good that someone is finally telling the truth! Somebody needed to stand up and explain that the policies that the left and progressives have been pushing are bigoted because they don t assume there is any possibility for improvement for blacks. Terrell couldn t believe his ears and told Cooper, You should be ashamed of yourself. Then he asked Cooper again to answer Bolling s question, Is Hillary Clinton a bigot? Cooper said, absolutely, and the two men exchanged heated words as Bolling tried to intervene. Shortly after the men got into a shouting match over Trump s popularity with the racist alt-right and support from the KKK, Terrell repeatedly told Cooper that he should be ashamed for his pro-Trump views.You can watch this chaotic discussion below: Featured image via screen captureNews
fox guests attack each other after someone calls hillary a right video fox news host eric bowling recently filling colleague bill o really the o really factor way prepared chaos erupted one guests called democratic nominee hillary clinton right the discussion began bringing donald trump recent comments clinton polices sighted immediately set bowling guests spent majority segment throats despite bowling attempts restore calm rights attorney leo terre hit nail right head commented trump business calling someone else policies sighted he said eric donald trump know definition word right you hear republicans capitol hill supporting donald trump definition term sighted applies hillary clinton it make sense inexplicable terre also defended clinton stating called trump racism speech argument conservative race cooper lost countered clinton speech italy lies what happened next insanity cooper african american legal commentator said black community would much better racist trump he said it good someone finally telling truth somebody needed stand explain policies left progressive pushing sighted assume possibility improvement blacks terre believe ears told cooper you ashamed then asked cooper answer bowling question is hillary clinton right cooper said absolutely two men exchanged heated words bowling tried intervene shortly men got shouting match trump popularity racist support kkk terre repeatedly told cooper ashamed watch chaotic discussion featured image via screen capturenews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Fox Guests ATTACK Each Other After Someone Calls Hillary A ‘Bigot’ (VIDEO)Fox News host Eric Bolling had recently been filling in for his colleague Bill O Reilly on The O Reilly Factor, and he was in no way prepared for the chaos that erupted when one of his guests called Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton a bigot. The discussion began by bringing up Donald Trump s recent comments about Clinton s polices being bigoted and it immediately set off Bolling s guests, who spent the majority of the segment at each other s throats despite Bolling s attempts to restore a calm discussion.Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell had hit the nail right on the head when he commented that Trump had no business calling someone else s policies bigoted. He said: Eric, Donald Trump doesn t know the definition of the word bigot . You don t hear Republicans on Capitol Hill supporting Donald Trump s definition of the term bigoted as it applies to Hillary Clinton. It doesn t make sense, it s inexplicable. Terrell also defended Clinton, stating that when she d called out Trump s racism in a speech, her argument had been fact-based and that s when conservative Horace Cooper lost it and countered that Clinton s speech had been a litany of lies. What happened next was insanity. Cooper, an African American legal commentator, said that the black community would be much better off under racist Trump. He said, It s good that someone is finally telling the truth! Somebody needed to stand up and explain that the policies that the left and progressives have been pushing are bigoted because they don t assume there is any possibility for improvement for blacks. Terrell couldn t believe his ears and told Cooper, You should be ashamed of yourself. Then he asked Cooper again to answer Bolling s question, Is Hillary Clinton a bigot? Cooper said, absolutely, and the two men exchanged heated words as Bolling tried to intervene. Shortly after the men got into a shouting match over Trump s popularity with the racist alt-right and support from the KKK, Terrell repeatedly told Cooper that he should be ashamed for his pro-Trump views.You can watch this chaotic discussion below: Featured image via screen captureNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: fox guests attack each other after someone calls hillary a right video fox news host eric bowling recently filling colleague bill o really the o really factor way prepared chaos erupted one guests called democratic nominee hillary clinton right the discussion began bringing donald trump recent comments clinton polices sighted immediately set bowling guests spent majority segment throats despite bowling attempts restore calm rights attorney leo terre hit nail right head commented trump business calling someone else policies sighted he said eric donald trump know definition word right you hear republicans capitol hill supporting donald trump definition term sighted applies hillary clinton it make sense inexplicable terre also defended clinton stating called trump racism speech argument conservative race cooper lost countered clinton speech italy lies what happened next insanity cooper african american legal commentator said black community would much better racist trump he said it good someone finally telling truth somebody needed stand explain policies left progressive pushing sighted assume possibility improvement blacks terre believe ears told cooper you ashamed then asked cooper answer bowling question is hillary clinton right cooper said absolutely two men exchanged heated words bowling tried intervene shortly men got shouting match trump popularity racist support kkk terre repeatedly told cooper ashamed watch chaotic discussion featured image via screen capturenews
CNN Panel On Melania’s Cyberbullying Stance: ‘Talk To Your Husband’ (VIDEO)The wife of a cyberbully spoke today about what she would take on as First Lady if her husband is elected. Melania Trump wants to take on Internet bullies because our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, she said. We must treat each other with respect and kindness, even when we disagree, she added.It was as if Mrs. Trump has never seen Mr. Trump s Twitter timeline or heard his disparaging remarks about women, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks, people with disabilities and prisoners of war.On Twitter, the racist Alt-Right movement which backs Trump has coordinated to bully people off of the social site. Anyone who is active on that site, especially females, knows this is true.A CNN panel reacted to Melania s big speech today in disbelief. The irony in Mrs. Trump s speech was as thick as her husband s head.Brooke Baldwin noted that Donald Trump has attacked a lot of people and just not on Twitter. He has disparaged Heidi Cruz s appearance.Dana Bash said, Actually hearing the words out of her mouth, all I kept thinking was Have you met Donald Trump? Maybe you should talk to your husband, Bash said, about the example that he has set on this issue. Watch:We remember when Donald mocked a reporter s physical disability. When he mocked Sen. John McCain for being a prisoner of war while in captivity for 5 years in North Vietnam. McCain s captors slammed a rifle butt into his right shoulder and after being moved to a camp, he was tortured.By the way, Donald Trump received multiple deferments to avoid the Vietnam War. As a bit of irony, McCain supports Trump s bid for the White House. It s almost as if he s in captivity again.So does Ted Cruz, who lost his spine and conscience recently. After insulting Ted Cruz s wife, the Texas Senator also joined Team Trump.Hey guys, we know you ve met Donald Trump. And so has Melania. What we re saying here is that Melania is so full of shit, we re going to have to put a toilet flush on her jaw.Image via screen capture.News
cnn panel on melanie cyberbullying stance talk to your husband video the wife cyberbully spoke today would take first lady husband elected melanie trump wants take internet bullies culture gotten mean rough said we must treat respect kindness even disagree trump never seen trump twitter timeline heard disparaging remarks women mexican muslims blacks people disabilities prisoners twitter racist movement backs trump coordinated bully people social site anyone active site especially females knows cnn panel reacted melanie big speech today disbelief the irony trump speech thick husband baldwin noted donald trump attacked lot people twitter he disparage held cruz bash said actually hearing words mouth i kept thinking have met donald trump maybe talk husband bash said example set issue watch we remember donald mocked reporter physical disability when mocked john mccain prisoner war captivity years north vietnam mccain captors slammed rifle butt right shoulder moved camp way donald trump received multiple deferments avoid vietnam war as bit irony mccain supports trump bid white house it almost captivity ted cruz lost spine conscience recently after insulting ted cruz wife texas senator also joined team guys know met donald trump and melanie what saying melanie full shit going put toilet flush via screen
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: CNN Panel On Melania’s Cyberbullying Stance: ‘Talk To Your Husband’ (VIDEO)The wife of a cyberbully spoke today about what she would take on as First Lady if her husband is elected. Melania Trump wants to take on Internet bullies because our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, she said. We must treat each other with respect and kindness, even when we disagree, she added.It was as if Mrs. Trump has never seen Mr. Trump s Twitter timeline or heard his disparaging remarks about women, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks, people with disabilities and prisoners of war.On Twitter, the racist Alt-Right movement which backs Trump has coordinated to bully people off of the social site. Anyone who is active on that site, especially females, knows this is true.A CNN panel reacted to Melania s big speech today in disbelief. The irony in Mrs. Trump s speech was as thick as her husband s head.Brooke Baldwin noted that Donald Trump has attacked a lot of people and just not on Twitter. He has disparaged Heidi Cruz s appearance.Dana Bash said, Actually hearing the words out of her mouth, all I kept thinking was Have you met Donald Trump? Maybe you should talk to your husband, Bash said, about the example that he has set on this issue. Watch:We remember when Donald mocked a reporter s physical disability. When he mocked Sen. John McCain for being a prisoner of war while in captivity for 5 years in North Vietnam. McCain s captors slammed a rifle butt into his right shoulder and after being moved to a camp, he was tortured.By the way, Donald Trump received multiple deferments to avoid the Vietnam War. As a bit of irony, McCain supports Trump s bid for the White House. It s almost as if he s in captivity again.So does Ted Cruz, who lost his spine and conscience recently. After insulting Ted Cruz s wife, the Texas Senator also joined Team Trump.Hey guys, we know you ve met Donald Trump. And so has Melania. What we re saying here is that Melania is so full of shit, we re going to have to put a toilet flush on her jaw.Image via screen capture.News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: cnn panel on melanie cyberbullying stance talk to your husband video the wife cyberbully spoke today would take first lady husband elected melanie trump wants take internet bullies culture gotten mean rough said we must treat respect kindness even disagree trump never seen trump twitter timeline heard disparaging remarks women mexican muslims blacks people disabilities prisoners twitter racist movement backs trump coordinated bully people social site anyone active site especially females knows cnn panel reacted melanie big speech today disbelief the irony trump speech thick husband baldwin noted donald trump attacked lot people twitter he disparage held cruz bash said actually hearing words mouth i kept thinking have met donald trump maybe talk husband bash said example set issue watch we remember donald mocked reporter physical disability when mocked john mccain prisoner war captivity years north vietnam mccain captors slammed rifle butt right shoulder moved camp way donald trump received multiple deferments avoid vietnam war as bit irony mccain supports trump bid white house it almost captivity ted cruz lost spine conscience recently after insulting ted cruz wife texas senator also joined team guys know met donald trump and melanie what saying melanie full shit going put toilet flush via screen
Republican Donald Trump says he has 'unlimited' access to campaign moneyWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he is willing to tap into his personal funds to cover any fundraising deficit he faces against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, after finishing May more than $40 million behind her in cash. “If need be, there could be unlimited ‘cash on hand’ as I would put up my own money, as I have already done through the primaries, spending over $50 million,” Trump said in a statement. “Our campaign is leaner and more efficient, like our government should be.” politicsNews
republican donald trump says access campaign moneywashington reuters republican presidential candidate donald trump said willing tap personal funds cover fundraising deficit faces democratic rival hillary clinton finishing may million behind cash if need could unlimited cash hand i would put money i already done primaries spending million trump said statement our campaign leader efficient like government politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republican Donald Trump says he has 'unlimited' access to campaign moneyWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he is willing to tap into his personal funds to cover any fundraising deficit he faces against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, after finishing May more than $40 million behind her in cash. “If need be, there could be unlimited ‘cash on hand’ as I would put up my own money, as I have already done through the primaries, spending over $50 million,” Trump said in a statement. “Our campaign is leaner and more efficient, like our government should be.” politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: republican donald trump says access campaign moneywashington reuters republican presidential candidate donald trump said willing tap personal funds cover fundraising deficit faces democratic rival hillary clinton finishing may million behind cash if need could unlimited cash hand i would put money i already done primaries spending million trump said statement our campaign leader efficient like government politicsnews
U.S. lawmakers to press AOL for Powell's State Department emailsNEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers said Thursday they will seek to recover the missing emails of Colin Powell from his time as U.S. secretary of state by going directly to AOL Inc, whose email service he used for his work. The decision came a few minutes after U.S. State Department officials testified in a hearing that the department never contacted AOL to recover the missing records, despite repeated requests by the National Archives and Records Administration over the last year. The hearing, by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was the latest in the fallout from Hillary Clinton’s decision to use an unauthorized private email system for official email while secretary of state. Clinton, the Democratic Party presidential candidate, has said her decision was wrong, but it has continued to dog her effort to defeat Republican rival Donald Trump in the Nov. 8 election. Her defenders have pointed to some similarities in Powell’s earlier use of private email, which drew fresh scrutiny at Thursday’s hearing. “I don’t get this, it’s ridiculous,” said Democrat Stephen Lynch, a committee member. “This is the National Archives asking you to contact AOL, but you didn’t do that.” Patrick Kennedy, the State Department’s most senior management official, said that Powell, a Republican, never replied to the department’s request to ask AOL to attempt to recover his work emails, which were not properly archived at the agency. He said the department’s lawyers decided to decline the National Archives’ requests that the department go to AOL directly. “We cannot make a request for someone else’s records from their provider,” Kennedy said in his testimony. “That request has to be made by them.” Jason Chaffetz, the Republican who chairs the committee, then agreed to a request by the committee’s most senior Democrat, Elijah Cummings, to try to recover the emails from AOL, using a subpoena if necessary. AOL is owned by telecommunications provider Verizon Communications Inc. A spokeswoman for Powell did not respond to a request for comment. AOL did not immediately respond to questions, and has previously said the its privacy policy precludes it from discussing a customer’s emails. The State Department did not have a fully functioning email system when Powell joined it in 2001, according to agency officials. Powell has said he told technology officials to set up a computer with his AOL account in order to become the first secretary of state to use email. In contrast, Clinton eschewed the official email system when she took office in 2009. Department officials have said she would not have received permission for this had she asked. politicsNews
lawmakers press aol powell state department emailsnew york reuters lawmakers said thursday seek recover missing emails colin powell time secretary state going directly aol inc whose email service used work the decision came minutes state department officials testified hearing department never contacted aol recover missing records despite repeated requests national archives records administration last year the hearing house oversight government reform committee latest fallout hillary clinton decision use unauthorized private email system official email secretary state clinton democratic party presidential candidate said decision wrong continued dog effort defeat republican rival donald trump election her defenders pointed similarities powell earlier use private email drew fresh scrutiny thursday hearing i get ridiculous said democrat stephen lynch committee member this national archives asking contact aol patrick kennedy state department senior management official said powell republican never replied department request ask aol attempt recover work emails properly archived agency he said department lawyers decided decline national archives requests department go aol directly we make request someone else records provider kennedy said testimony that request made jason chaffetz republican chairs committee agreed request committee senior democrat elias cuttings try recover emails aol using subpoena necessary aol owned telecommunications provider verizon communications a spokeswoman powell respond request comment aol immediately respond questions previously said privacy policy precludes discussing customer emails the state department fully functioning email system powell joined according agency officials powell said told technology officials set computer aol account order become first secretary state use email in contrast clinton screwed official email system took office department officials said would received permission asked politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. lawmakers to press AOL for Powell's State Department emailsNEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers said Thursday they will seek to recover the missing emails of Colin Powell from his time as U.S. secretary of state by going directly to AOL Inc, whose email service he used for his work. The decision came a few minutes after U.S. State Department officials testified in a hearing that the department never contacted AOL to recover the missing records, despite repeated requests by the National Archives and Records Administration over the last year. The hearing, by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was the latest in the fallout from Hillary Clinton’s decision to use an unauthorized private email system for official email while secretary of state. Clinton, the Democratic Party presidential candidate, has said her decision was wrong, but it has continued to dog her effort to defeat Republican rival Donald Trump in the Nov. 8 election. Her defenders have pointed to some similarities in Powell’s earlier use of private email, which drew fresh scrutiny at Thursday’s hearing. “I don’t get this, it’s ridiculous,” said Democrat Stephen Lynch, a committee member. “This is the National Archives asking you to contact AOL, but you didn’t do that.” Patrick Kennedy, the State Department’s most senior management official, said that Powell, a Republican, never replied to the department’s request to ask AOL to attempt to recover his work emails, which were not properly archived at the agency. He said the department’s lawyers decided to decline the National Archives’ requests that the department go to AOL directly. “We cannot make a request for someone else’s records from their provider,” Kennedy said in his testimony. “That request has to be made by them.” Jason Chaffetz, the Republican who chairs the committee, then agreed to a request by the committee’s most senior Democrat, Elijah Cummings, to try to recover the emails from AOL, using a subpoena if necessary. AOL is owned by telecommunications provider Verizon Communications Inc. A spokeswoman for Powell did not respond to a request for comment. AOL did not immediately respond to questions, and has previously said the its privacy policy precludes it from discussing a customer’s emails. The State Department did not have a fully functioning email system when Powell joined it in 2001, according to agency officials. Powell has said he told technology officials to set up a computer with his AOL account in order to become the first secretary of state to use email. In contrast, Clinton eschewed the official email system when she took office in 2009. Department officials have said she would not have received permission for this had she asked. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: lawmakers press aol powell state department emailsnew york reuters lawmakers said thursday seek recover missing emails colin powell time secretary state going directly aol inc whose email service used work the decision came minutes state department officials testified hearing department never contacted aol recover missing records despite repeated requests national archives records administration last year the hearing house oversight government reform committee latest fallout hillary clinton decision use unauthorized private email system official email secretary state clinton democratic party presidential candidate said decision wrong continued dog effort defeat republican rival donald trump election her defenders pointed similarities powell earlier use private email drew fresh scrutiny thursday hearing i get ridiculous said democrat stephen lynch committee member this national archives asking contact aol patrick kennedy state department senior management official said powell republican never replied department request ask aol attempt recover work emails properly archived agency he said department lawyers decided decline national archives requests department go aol directly we make request someone else records provider kennedy said testimony that request made jason chaffetz republican chairs committee agreed request committee senior democrat elias cuttings try recover emails aol using subpoena necessary aol owned telecommunications provider verizon communications a spokeswoman powell respond request comment aol immediately respond questions previously said privacy policy precludes discussing customer emails the state department fully functioning email system powell joined according agency officials powell said told technology officials set computer aol account order become first secretary state use email in contrast clinton screwed official email system took office department officials said would received permission asked politicsnews
Once credited with Trump's success, Bannon quickly fell from graceWASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump fired White House chief strategist and former campaign manager Steve Bannon on Friday, it was almost like bidding goodbye to a part of himself. Trump’s most polarizing stances on matters such as immigration and national security closely tracked Bannon’s “America First” anti-globalist worldview. Despite their close alignment, Trump was always reluctant to credit Bannon with the stunning electoral victory of November 2016, often noting Bannon, 63, came late to the campaign, joining only after Trump had secured the Republican nomination. He rewarded Bannon, nonetheless, giving him a top job in the administration. But as the White House grew increasingly chaotic in the early months of Trump’s presidency, Bannon clashed with more mainstream advisers, including, most crucially, the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump. Trump was reportedly unhappy with the attention that Bannon got early on as the architect of Trump’s campaign, and with Bannon’s tendency to promote himself, as he operated an almost independent power center within the West Wing. Ultimately, Bannon wore out his welcome. Trump fired him at the urging of his new chief of staff, John Kelly, who has been working to reorganize the White House and limit access to Trump. The dismissal could have political repercussions. Bannon was viewed as the administration’s conduit to Trump’s rabid political base. Bannon’s departure may antagonize some of Trump’s most passionate supporters, who fear that without Bannon, Trump will move closer to the Republican political establishment. “We are extremely disappointed,” Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, a conservative advocacy group, said in a statement. On specific policies, Bannon was credited with helping craft the administration’s “travel ban,” which restricted emigration to the United States from some mostly Muslim countries, as well as Trump’s opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact and the Paris global climate accord. Bannon has been seen as wary of U.S. intervention abroad, arguing against sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. In recent months, Bannon has battled for influence inside the White House with Trump’s national security adviser, Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, a tension that was destabilizing Trump’s team of top advisers, senior officials have told Reuters. Trump himself has suggested Bannon’s influence was overstated. While Bannon was viewed as perhaps responsible for Trump’s initial response to the violence last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, when he blamed both sides for the confrontation, Trump said this week that he never spoke to Bannon about the matter. Bannon may return to the provocateur role he played at the right-wing Breitbart News website, where he spearheaded its shift into a forum for the “alt-right,” a loose online confederation of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. Under Bannon’s leadership, the Breitbart site presented a number of conspiracy theories about former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, as well as Republicans deemed to be lacking in conservative bona fides. Whether he returns to Breitbart and uses it to challenge the so-called “cucks” and “globalists” he disdains - and perhaps Trump himself - will be closely watched in coming weeks. Bannon is a former U.S. Navy officer, Goldman Sachs investment banker and Hollywood producer. Almost immediately after Bannon’s departure became public, Breitbart published a piece calling him “the conservative spine” of the administration and questioning whether Trump would now move in a more moderate direction. Another Breitbart editor, Raheem Kassam, posted a picture of Bannon on Twitter with the caption Bannon 2020, seemingly suggesting that Bannon, not Trump, should be president. politicsNews
once credited trump success cannon quickly fell gracewashington reuters when president donald trump fired white house chief strategist former campaign manager steve cannon friday almost like bidding goodbye part trump popularizing stances matters immigration national security closely tracked cannon america first worldview despite close alignment trump always reluctant credit cannon stunning electoral victory november often noting cannon came late campaign joining trump secured republican nomination he rewarded cannon nonetheless giving top job administration but white house grew increasingly chaotic early months trump presidency cannon clashed mainstream advisers including crucial president jared pusher daughter lanka trump trump reportedly unhappy attention cannon got early architect trump campaign cannon tendency promote operated almost independent power center within west wing ultimately cannon wore welcome trump fired urging new chief staff john kelly working reorganize white house limit access trump the dismissal could political repercussions cannon viewed administration conduit trump rapid political base cannon departure may antagonist trump passionate supporters fear without cannon trump move closer republican political establishment we extremely disappointed rick manning president americans limited government conservative advocacy group said statement on specific policies cannon credited helping craft administration travel ban restricted emigration united states mostly muslim countries well trump opposition partnership trade pact paris global climate accord cannon seen wary intervention abroad arguing sending troops afghanistan in recent months cannon battled influence inside white house trump national security adviser lieutenant general master tension stabilizing trump team top advisers senior officials told reuters trump suggested cannon influence overstated while cannon viewed perhaps responsible trump initial response violence last weekend charlottesville virginia blamed sides confrontation trump said week never spoke cannon matter cannon may return provocateur role played breitbart news website spearheaded shift forum loose online confederation white supremacists under cannon leadership breitbart site presented number conspiracy theories former democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton well republicans deemed lacking conservative bona files whether returns breitbart uses challenge ducks loyalists disdain perhaps trump closely watched coming weeks cannon former navy officer goldman sachs investment banker hollywood producer almost immediately cannon departure became public breitbart published piece calling conservative spine administration questioning whether trump would move moderate direction another breitbart editor redeem assam posted picture cannon twitter caption cannon seemingly suggesting cannon trump president politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Once credited with Trump's success, Bannon quickly fell from graceWASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump fired White House chief strategist and former campaign manager Steve Bannon on Friday, it was almost like bidding goodbye to a part of himself. Trump’s most polarizing stances on matters such as immigration and national security closely tracked Bannon’s “America First” anti-globalist worldview. Despite their close alignment, Trump was always reluctant to credit Bannon with the stunning electoral victory of November 2016, often noting Bannon, 63, came late to the campaign, joining only after Trump had secured the Republican nomination. He rewarded Bannon, nonetheless, giving him a top job in the administration. But as the White House grew increasingly chaotic in the early months of Trump’s presidency, Bannon clashed with more mainstream advisers, including, most crucially, the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump. Trump was reportedly unhappy with the attention that Bannon got early on as the architect of Trump’s campaign, and with Bannon’s tendency to promote himself, as he operated an almost independent power center within the West Wing. Ultimately, Bannon wore out his welcome. Trump fired him at the urging of his new chief of staff, John Kelly, who has been working to reorganize the White House and limit access to Trump. The dismissal could have political repercussions. Bannon was viewed as the administration’s conduit to Trump’s rabid political base. Bannon’s departure may antagonize some of Trump’s most passionate supporters, who fear that without Bannon, Trump will move closer to the Republican political establishment. “We are extremely disappointed,” Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, a conservative advocacy group, said in a statement. On specific policies, Bannon was credited with helping craft the administration’s “travel ban,” which restricted emigration to the United States from some mostly Muslim countries, as well as Trump’s opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact and the Paris global climate accord. Bannon has been seen as wary of U.S. intervention abroad, arguing against sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. In recent months, Bannon has battled for influence inside the White House with Trump’s national security adviser, Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, a tension that was destabilizing Trump’s team of top advisers, senior officials have told Reuters. Trump himself has suggested Bannon’s influence was overstated. While Bannon was viewed as perhaps responsible for Trump’s initial response to the violence last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, when he blamed both sides for the confrontation, Trump said this week that he never spoke to Bannon about the matter. Bannon may return to the provocateur role he played at the right-wing Breitbart News website, where he spearheaded its shift into a forum for the “alt-right,” a loose online confederation of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. Under Bannon’s leadership, the Breitbart site presented a number of conspiracy theories about former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, as well as Republicans deemed to be lacking in conservative bona fides. Whether he returns to Breitbart and uses it to challenge the so-called “cucks” and “globalists” he disdains - and perhaps Trump himself - will be closely watched in coming weeks. Bannon is a former U.S. Navy officer, Goldman Sachs investment banker and Hollywood producer. Almost immediately after Bannon’s departure became public, Breitbart published a piece calling him “the conservative spine” of the administration and questioning whether Trump would now move in a more moderate direction. Another Breitbart editor, Raheem Kassam, posted a picture of Bannon on Twitter with the caption Bannon 2020, seemingly suggesting that Bannon, not Trump, should be president. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: once credited trump success cannon quickly fell gracewashington reuters when president donald trump fired white house chief strategist former campaign manager steve cannon friday almost like bidding goodbye part trump popularizing stances matters immigration national security closely tracked cannon america first worldview despite close alignment trump always reluctant credit cannon stunning electoral victory november often noting cannon came late campaign joining trump secured republican nomination he rewarded cannon nonetheless giving top job administration but white house grew increasingly chaotic early months trump presidency cannon clashed mainstream advisers including crucial president jared pusher daughter lanka trump trump reportedly unhappy attention cannon got early architect trump campaign cannon tendency promote operated almost independent power center within west wing ultimately cannon wore welcome trump fired urging new chief staff john kelly working reorganize white house limit access trump the dismissal could political repercussions cannon viewed administration conduit trump rapid political base cannon departure may antagonist trump passionate supporters fear without cannon trump move closer republican political establishment we extremely disappointed rick manning president americans limited government conservative advocacy group said statement on specific policies cannon credited helping craft administration travel ban restricted emigration united states mostly muslim countries well trump opposition partnership trade pact paris global climate accord cannon seen wary intervention abroad arguing sending troops afghanistan in recent months cannon battled influence inside white house trump national security adviser lieutenant general master tension stabilizing trump team top advisers senior officials told reuters trump suggested cannon influence overstated while cannon viewed perhaps responsible trump initial response violence last weekend charlottesville virginia blamed sides confrontation trump said week never spoke cannon matter cannon may return provocateur role played breitbart news website spearheaded shift forum loose online confederation white supremacists under cannon leadership breitbart site presented number conspiracy theories former democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton well republicans deemed lacking conservative bona files whether returns breitbart uses challenge ducks loyalists disdain perhaps trump closely watched coming weeks cannon former navy officer goldman sachs investment banker hollywood producer almost immediately cannon departure became public breitbart published piece calling conservative spine administration questioning whether trump would move moderate direction another breitbart editor redeem assam posted picture cannon twitter caption cannon seemingly suggesting cannon trump president politicsnews
Newsweek’s Latest Cover Effortlessly Demolishes ‘Lazy’ Trump, Meltdown Imminent (IMAGE)The August 11, 2017 issue of Newsweek is one you might want to pick up. In fact, if you happen to own a golf course or two, you might even want to hang some copies up for decoration, because all that s missing from the cover is the golden club he got as a gift from the PM of Japan leaning against his easy chair.Accompanying the cover is a scathing op-ed from Brendan Smialowski that tears apart the legend Trump has tried to cultivate: He paints a picture of a successful presidency so far, with lots of accomplishments, admiration, deals with foreign leaders, and a jet-setting lifestyle befitting the king he surely thinks he is. Smialowski disagrees:The most impressive quality of Trump s myth is not just that it strays from reality but how thoroughly, even aggressively, it contravenes easily confirmable fact. When he was king, he was the King of Debt, and he may still owe as much as $1.8 billion to creditors. His casinos closed. His airline went bust. But even as he accrued failures, lawsuits and debts, Trump managed to turn Trump into a synonym for success. The letters were made of plastic, but they were dipped in gold.The article is a must-read, but it s the image on the cover, titled LAZY BOY, that steals the show:Image via TwitterThe composite image, the caption, the details in this picture it s almost too good to be true. I don t know if I would have depicted the corpulent commander with a diet soda, but the lazily-wiped Cheeto dust on his $250 Oxford shirt more than makes up for the forgiving choice of beverage.Beside the image is a damning round-up of his presidency by the numbers: SIX months in office, 40 days at golf clubs, ZERO pieces of major legislation. I wouldn t be surprised if all that fast food starts coming back on the president pretty quickly when this issue hits the stands.Featured image via Mario Tama/Getty ImagesNews
newsweek latest cover effortlessly demolished lazy trump meltdown imminent image the august issue newsweek one might want pick in fact happen golf course two might even want hang copies decoration missing cover golden club got gift pm japan leaning easy cover scathing brendan smialowski tears apart legend trump tried cultivate he paints picture successful presidency far lots accomplishments admiration deals foreign leaders lifestyle fitting king surely thinks smialowski disagrees the impressive quality trump myth stays reality thoroughly even aggressively contravenes easily confirmable fact when king king debt may still owe much billion creditors his casinos closed his airline went bust but even accrued failures lawsuits debts trump managed turn trump synonym success the letters made plastic dipped article image cover titled lazy boy steals show image via twitterthe composite image caption details picture almost good true i know i would depicted corpulent commander diet soda sheet dust oxford shirt makes forgiving choice image damning presidency numbers six months office days golf clubs zero pieces major legislation i surprised fast food starts coming back president pretty quickly issue hits image via mario imagenes
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Newsweek’s Latest Cover Effortlessly Demolishes ‘Lazy’ Trump, Meltdown Imminent (IMAGE)The August 11, 2017 issue of Newsweek is one you might want to pick up. In fact, if you happen to own a golf course or two, you might even want to hang some copies up for decoration, because all that s missing from the cover is the golden club he got as a gift from the PM of Japan leaning against his easy chair.Accompanying the cover is a scathing op-ed from Brendan Smialowski that tears apart the legend Trump has tried to cultivate: He paints a picture of a successful presidency so far, with lots of accomplishments, admiration, deals with foreign leaders, and a jet-setting lifestyle befitting the king he surely thinks he is. Smialowski disagrees:The most impressive quality of Trump s myth is not just that it strays from reality but how thoroughly, even aggressively, it contravenes easily confirmable fact. When he was king, he was the King of Debt, and he may still owe as much as $1.8 billion to creditors. His casinos closed. His airline went bust. But even as he accrued failures, lawsuits and debts, Trump managed to turn Trump into a synonym for success. The letters were made of plastic, but they were dipped in gold.The article is a must-read, but it s the image on the cover, titled LAZY BOY, that steals the show:Image via TwitterThe composite image, the caption, the details in this picture it s almost too good to be true. I don t know if I would have depicted the corpulent commander with a diet soda, but the lazily-wiped Cheeto dust on his $250 Oxford shirt more than makes up for the forgiving choice of beverage.Beside the image is a damning round-up of his presidency by the numbers: SIX months in office, 40 days at golf clubs, ZERO pieces of major legislation. I wouldn t be surprised if all that fast food starts coming back on the president pretty quickly when this issue hits the stands.Featured image via Mario Tama/Getty ImagesNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: newsweek latest cover effortlessly demolished lazy trump meltdown imminent image the august issue newsweek one might want pick in fact happen golf course two might even want hang copies decoration missing cover golden club got gift pm japan leaning easy cover scathing brendan smialowski tears apart legend trump tried cultivate he paints picture successful presidency far lots accomplishments admiration deals foreign leaders lifestyle fitting king surely thinks smialowski disagrees the impressive quality trump myth stays reality thoroughly even aggressively contravenes easily confirmable fact when king king debt may still owe much billion creditors his casinos closed his airline went bust but even accrued failures lawsuits debts trump managed turn trump synonym success the letters made plastic dipped article image cover titled lazy boy steals show image via twitterthe composite image caption details picture almost good true i know i would depicted corpulent commander diet soda sheet dust oxford shirt makes forgiving choice image damning presidency numbers six months office days golf clubs zero pieces major legislation i surprised fast food starts coming back president pretty quickly issue hits image via mario imagenes
Trump not planning to invoke executive privilege for Comey testimony: NY Times(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump does not plan to invoke executive privilege as a way to block former FBI Director James Comey from testifying to Congress next week, the New York Times said on Friday citing two unnamed senior administration officials. On Saturday, a White House spokesperson referred a question about the Times’ story to outside council. Outside council did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Comey was leading a Federal Bureau of Investigation probe into alleged Russian meddling in last year’s U.S. presidential election and possible collusion by Trump’s campaign when the president fired him last month. On Friday, White House officials said that they did not know yet whether President Donald Trump would seek to block Comey’s testimony, a move that could spark a political backlash. “I have not spoken to counsel yet. I don’t know how they’re going to respond,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters on Friday. The former FBI chief is due to testify on Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee as part of its own Russia-related investigation, and his remarks could cause problems for the Republican president. Presidents can assert executive privilege to prevent government employees from sharing information. However, legal experts say it is not clear whether certain conversations between Trump and Comey that the president has talked about publicly would be covered, and any effort to block Comey, who is now a private citizen, from testifying could be challenged in court. politicsNews
trump planning invoke executive privilege come testimony ny times reuters president donald trump plan invoke executive privilege way block former fbi director james come testifying congress next week new york times said friday citing two unnamed senior administration officials on saturday white house spokesperson referred question times story outside council outside council immediately respond request comment come leading federal bureau investigation probe alleged russian meddling last year presidential election possible collusion trump campaign president fired last month on friday white house officials said know yet whether president donald trump would seek block come testimony move could spark political backlash i spoken counsel yet i know going respond white house spokesman sean spider told reporters friday the former fbi chief due testify thursday senate intelligence committee part investigation remarks could cause problems republican president presidents assert executive privilege prevent government employees sharing information however legal experts say clear whether certain conversations trump come president talked publicly would covered effort block come private citizen testifying could challenged court politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump not planning to invoke executive privilege for Comey testimony: NY Times(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump does not plan to invoke executive privilege as a way to block former FBI Director James Comey from testifying to Congress next week, the New York Times said on Friday citing two unnamed senior administration officials. On Saturday, a White House spokesperson referred a question about the Times’ story to outside council. Outside council did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Comey was leading a Federal Bureau of Investigation probe into alleged Russian meddling in last year’s U.S. presidential election and possible collusion by Trump’s campaign when the president fired him last month. On Friday, White House officials said that they did not know yet whether President Donald Trump would seek to block Comey’s testimony, a move that could spark a political backlash. “I have not spoken to counsel yet. I don’t know how they’re going to respond,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters on Friday. The former FBI chief is due to testify on Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee as part of its own Russia-related investigation, and his remarks could cause problems for the Republican president. Presidents can assert executive privilege to prevent government employees from sharing information. However, legal experts say it is not clear whether certain conversations between Trump and Comey that the president has talked about publicly would be covered, and any effort to block Comey, who is now a private citizen, from testifying could be challenged in court. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump planning invoke executive privilege come testimony ny times reuters president donald trump plan invoke executive privilege way block former fbi director james come testifying congress next week new york times said friday citing two unnamed senior administration officials on saturday white house spokesperson referred question times story outside council outside council immediately respond request comment come leading federal bureau investigation probe alleged russian meddling last year presidential election possible collusion trump campaign president fired last month on friday white house officials said know yet whether president donald trump would seek block come testimony move could spark political backlash i spoken counsel yet i know going respond white house spokesman sean spider told reporters friday the former fbi chief due testify thursday senate intelligence committee part investigation remarks could cause problems republican president presidents assert executive privilege prevent government employees sharing information however legal experts say clear whether certain conversations trump come president talked publicly would covered effort block come private citizen testifying could challenged court politicsnews
Head Of The KKK Loves Trump For Stirring Up Racial AngerSweet cheese! Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. I ve said repeatedly that I love Trump because he s making it impossible for people to pretend that the conservative movement is not motivated by hate and rage. And like in the case of Thomas Robb, the head of the KKK, some people are not even trying to keep up the charade:According to Robb, Trump has tapped into an underlying anger among white people, adding that white people in America no longer identify with what America has become. This is fueling the anger in this country, and I think this is what we re seeing in this election, he said.YES! THANK YOU! That s exactly it! Mr. Robb is letting the cat out of the bag that fear and hate is the core of conservatism, a core that Trump is exploiting to great effect. This, as I keep saying, is why the Republican establishment is so mad at Trump. They don t mind the racism, they mind of the overt nature of it. Without the veneer of respectability, Republicans will not be able to pretend they re not the party of old white racists. The corporate media is still working extra hard to avoid using the word racism when talking about Trump s inflammatory rhetoric but no one s buying even that little bit of pretense.Why else is Trump so popular with white supremacists? He s feeding into all of their fears and that helps their cause.America is no longer the sole property of white people and it s driving whites, particularly conservative whites, into a frenzy of fear and rage. Partly because they expect blacks and Latinos to treat them the same way they treated blacks and Latinos. But, more importantly, with minorities having equal or greater political power, white people are going to be forced to compete on a level economic, legal and social playing field. For people who are utterly convinced that they succeeded 100% due to their own awesomeness, this is a terrifying prospect. America s ENTIRE history has been influenced by the idea that white people are inherently superior. It will be quite the cultural shock to find out that without the system rigged in their favor, whites are just like everyone else.There are a lot of white people who will grasp at any hope of stopping this awful future from coming to pass and Trump is just the man to (make believe he can) do it! White power, indeed.Feature image via Heavy.comNews
head of the kkk loves trump for stirring up racial angersweet cheese donald trump gift keeps giving i said repeatedly i love trump making impossible people pretend conservative movement motivated hate rage and like case thomas rob head kkk people even trying keep charge according rob trump tapped underlying anger among white people adding white people america longer identify america become this fueling anger country i think seeing election thank you that exactly rob letting cat bag fear hate core conservatism core trump exploiting great effect this i keep saying republican establishment mad trump they mind racism mind overt nature without veneer respectability republicans able pretend party old white racists the corporate media still working extra hard avoid using word racism talking trump inflammatory rhetoric one buying even little bit else trump popular white supremacists he feeding fears helps longer sole property white people driving whites particularly conservative whites frenzy fear rage partly expect blacks latino treat way treated blacks latino but importantly minorities equal greater political power white people going forced compete level economic legal social playing field for people utterly convinced succeeded due awesomeness terrifying prospect america entire history influenced idea white people inherently superior it quite cultural shock find without system rigged favor whites like everyone lot white people grasp hope stopping awful future coming pass trump man make believe white power image via
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Head Of The KKK Loves Trump For Stirring Up Racial AngerSweet cheese! Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. I ve said repeatedly that I love Trump because he s making it impossible for people to pretend that the conservative movement is not motivated by hate and rage. And like in the case of Thomas Robb, the head of the KKK, some people are not even trying to keep up the charade:According to Robb, Trump has tapped into an underlying anger among white people, adding that white people in America no longer identify with what America has become. This is fueling the anger in this country, and I think this is what we re seeing in this election, he said.YES! THANK YOU! That s exactly it! Mr. Robb is letting the cat out of the bag that fear and hate is the core of conservatism, a core that Trump is exploiting to great effect. This, as I keep saying, is why the Republican establishment is so mad at Trump. They don t mind the racism, they mind of the overt nature of it. Without the veneer of respectability, Republicans will not be able to pretend they re not the party of old white racists. The corporate media is still working extra hard to avoid using the word racism when talking about Trump s inflammatory rhetoric but no one s buying even that little bit of pretense.Why else is Trump so popular with white supremacists? He s feeding into all of their fears and that helps their cause.America is no longer the sole property of white people and it s driving whites, particularly conservative whites, into a frenzy of fear and rage. Partly because they expect blacks and Latinos to treat them the same way they treated blacks and Latinos. But, more importantly, with minorities having equal or greater political power, white people are going to be forced to compete on a level economic, legal and social playing field. For people who are utterly convinced that they succeeded 100% due to their own awesomeness, this is a terrifying prospect. America s ENTIRE history has been influenced by the idea that white people are inherently superior. It will be quite the cultural shock to find out that without the system rigged in their favor, whites are just like everyone else.There are a lot of white people who will grasp at any hope of stopping this awful future from coming to pass and Trump is just the man to (make believe he can) do it! White power, indeed.Feature image via Heavy.comNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: head of the kkk loves trump for stirring up racial angersweet cheese donald trump gift keeps giving i said repeatedly i love trump making impossible people pretend conservative movement motivated hate rage and like case thomas rob head kkk people even trying keep charge according rob trump tapped underlying anger among white people adding white people america longer identify america become this fueling anger country i think seeing election thank you that exactly rob letting cat bag fear hate core conservatism core trump exploiting great effect this i keep saying republican establishment mad trump they mind racism mind overt nature without veneer respectability republicans able pretend party old white racists the corporate media still working extra hard avoid using word racism talking trump inflammatory rhetoric one buying even little bit else trump popular white supremacists he feeding fears helps longer sole property white people driving whites particularly conservative whites frenzy fear rage partly expect blacks latino treat way treated blacks latino but importantly minorities equal greater political power white people going forced compete level economic legal social playing field for people utterly convinced succeeded due awesomeness terrifying prospect america entire history influenced idea white people inherently superior it quite cultural shock find without system rigged favor whites like everyone lot white people grasp hope stopping awful future coming pass trump man make believe white power image via
WATCH: CNN Host HUMILIATES Trump Supporter For Providing Laughable ‘Evidence’ Of Nationwide Voter FraudOne of Trump s biggest supporters just got their ass handed to them for having zero evidence of voter fraud.Donald Trump s lies about voter fraud imploded on Monday as CNN tore apart Kris Kobach, the man Stephen Miller cited when asked if he had evidence to prove Trump s claims.Miller repeatedly claimed that millions of Americans voted illegally in November to explain how Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton. Miller specifically talked about New Hampshire, claiming that thousands of people from Massachusetts bused in to vote a second time in that state. Go to New Hampshire, Miller said. Talk to anybody who s worked in politics there for a long time. Everybody s aware of the problem in New Hampshire. Except that many former and current New Hampshire politicians from both parties have criticized Trump s claim.And when ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked Miller for evidence, he merely referred the media to Kansas Secretary of State and Trump supporter Kris Kobach.On Monday, CNN host Kate Bolduan confronted Kobach about Miller s claims. Miller says, look to you, sir, for the evidence, Bolduan said. Where is it? On election day 2016, 6,000 people registered in New Hampshire using an out-of-state driver s license, Kobach claimed in response. Of those over 6,000, just under 3,000 so just under half used a Massachusetts driver s license. Now, some of those are going to be legit. They re going to be people who just moved to New Hampshire but many of those will be out-of-state residents who voted in the state. What Kobach just said is a mere prediction. In a courtroom, it would be called conjecture because Kobach is making an opinion based on incomplete information. You truly do believe that thousands of people came in from Massachusetts to vote in New Hampshire on election day? Bolduan continued in disbelief. We will have data at the end of the month [about] how many of those 6,000 people voted in both New Hampshire and in one of the other states, Kobach said, admitting that he actually doesn t have evidence. He is only promising that he will have evidence at a later time, probably when whatever right-wing organization he is associated with provides their fabricated statistics.With no real evidence to support his claims, Bolduan pounced and slammed Kobach with reality. Mr. Secretary, wait a second. Stephen Miller, over the weekend, said thousands did vote illegally. Definitively saying that this actually happened. You re saying that there s going to be more data coming at the end of the month. So, do you have the evidence? Voter registration does not equal fraudulent votes. Kobach claimed that 3 million Americans are registered to vote in two states, which isn t illegal. Of course, Trump adviser Steve Bannon is also registered to vote in two states.Kobach then offered proof of Trump s claim by whining about CNN not covering the nine cases of voter fraud Kansas is prosecuting. Bolduan easily picked that evidence apart. You have nine cases, Bolduan said. Six guilty pleas, one dismissed, two pending. That s as of January 25th. Nine cases does not rampant widespread voter fraud make. A small minority does not make millions and millions of widespread, rampant votes in this country, Bolduan continued. What Stephen Miller and the president said over the weekend is this is exactly why they lost in New Hampshire. Not saying they were prospective cases, they were illegal votes. At that point, Kobach stumbled his way through the remainder of the interview as Bolduan countered his bullshit with facts at every turn.Here s the full smack down via YouTube.Donald Trump s voter fraud claims are a pathetic attempt to stroke his own ego because he can t handle the fact that he lost to a woman and is not a legitimate president. If he is really so concerned about voter fraud, he should call for a new election immediately. But he won t because he is full of shit.Featured image via screenshotNews
watch cnn host humiliated trump supporter for providing laughable evidence of nationwide voter fraudone trump biggest supporters got ass handed zero evidence voter trump lies voter fraud improved monday cnn tore apart kris coach man stephen miller cited asked evidence prove trump repeatedly claimed millions americans voted illegally november explain trump lost popular vote hillary clinton miller specifically talked new hampshire claiming thousands people massachusetts used vote second time state go new hampshire miller said talk anybody worked politics long time everybody aware problem new hampshire except many former current new hampshire politicians parties criticized trump abc host george stephanopoulos asked miller evidence merely referred media kansas secretary state trump supporter kris monday cnn host kate goldman confronted coach miller claims miller says look sir evidence goldman said where on election day people registered new hampshire using driver license coach claimed response of half used massachusetts driver license now going legit they going people moved new hampshire many residents voted state what coach said mere prediction in courtroom would called conjecture coach making opinion based incomplete information you truly believe thousands people came massachusetts vote new hampshire election day goldman continued disbelief we data end month many people voted new hampshire one states coach said admitting actually evidence he promising evidence later time probably whatever organization associated provides fabricated real evidence support claims goldman bounced slammed coach reality secretary wait second stephen miller weekend said thousands vote illegally definitively saying actually happened you saying going data coming end month so evidence voter registration equal fraudulent votes coach claimed million americans registered vote two states illegal of course trump adviser steve cannon also registered vote two offered proof trump claim whining cnn covering nine cases voter fraud kansas prosecuting goldman easily picked evidence apart you nine cases goldman said six guilty pleas one dismissed two pending that january nine cases rampant widespread voter fraud make a small minority make millions millions widespread rampant votes country goldman continued what stephen miller president said weekend exactly lost new hampshire not saying prospective cases illegal votes at point coach stumbled way remainder interview goldman countered bullshit facts every full smack via trump voter fraud claims pathetic attempt stroke ego handle fact lost woman legitimate president if really concerned voter fraud call new election immediately but full image via screenshotnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: WATCH: CNN Host HUMILIATES Trump Supporter For Providing Laughable ‘Evidence’ Of Nationwide Voter FraudOne of Trump s biggest supporters just got their ass handed to them for having zero evidence of voter fraud.Donald Trump s lies about voter fraud imploded on Monday as CNN tore apart Kris Kobach, the man Stephen Miller cited when asked if he had evidence to prove Trump s claims.Miller repeatedly claimed that millions of Americans voted illegally in November to explain how Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton. Miller specifically talked about New Hampshire, claiming that thousands of people from Massachusetts bused in to vote a second time in that state. Go to New Hampshire, Miller said. Talk to anybody who s worked in politics there for a long time. Everybody s aware of the problem in New Hampshire. Except that many former and current New Hampshire politicians from both parties have criticized Trump s claim.And when ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked Miller for evidence, he merely referred the media to Kansas Secretary of State and Trump supporter Kris Kobach.On Monday, CNN host Kate Bolduan confronted Kobach about Miller s claims. Miller says, look to you, sir, for the evidence, Bolduan said. Where is it? On election day 2016, 6,000 people registered in New Hampshire using an out-of-state driver s license, Kobach claimed in response. Of those over 6,000, just under 3,000 so just under half used a Massachusetts driver s license. Now, some of those are going to be legit. They re going to be people who just moved to New Hampshire but many of those will be out-of-state residents who voted in the state. What Kobach just said is a mere prediction. In a courtroom, it would be called conjecture because Kobach is making an opinion based on incomplete information. You truly do believe that thousands of people came in from Massachusetts to vote in New Hampshire on election day? Bolduan continued in disbelief. We will have data at the end of the month [about] how many of those 6,000 people voted in both New Hampshire and in one of the other states, Kobach said, admitting that he actually doesn t have evidence. He is only promising that he will have evidence at a later time, probably when whatever right-wing organization he is associated with provides their fabricated statistics.With no real evidence to support his claims, Bolduan pounced and slammed Kobach with reality. Mr. Secretary, wait a second. Stephen Miller, over the weekend, said thousands did vote illegally. Definitively saying that this actually happened. You re saying that there s going to be more data coming at the end of the month. So, do you have the evidence? Voter registration does not equal fraudulent votes. Kobach claimed that 3 million Americans are registered to vote in two states, which isn t illegal. Of course, Trump adviser Steve Bannon is also registered to vote in two states.Kobach then offered proof of Trump s claim by whining about CNN not covering the nine cases of voter fraud Kansas is prosecuting. Bolduan easily picked that evidence apart. You have nine cases, Bolduan said. Six guilty pleas, one dismissed, two pending. That s as of January 25th. Nine cases does not rampant widespread voter fraud make. A small minority does not make millions and millions of widespread, rampant votes in this country, Bolduan continued. What Stephen Miller and the president said over the weekend is this is exactly why they lost in New Hampshire. Not saying they were prospective cases, they were illegal votes. At that point, Kobach stumbled his way through the remainder of the interview as Bolduan countered his bullshit with facts at every turn.Here s the full smack down via YouTube.Donald Trump s voter fraud claims are a pathetic attempt to stroke his own ego because he can t handle the fact that he lost to a woman and is not a legitimate president. If he is really so concerned about voter fraud, he should call for a new election immediately. But he won t because he is full of shit.Featured image via screenshotNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: watch cnn host humiliated trump supporter for providing laughable evidence of nationwide voter fraudone trump biggest supporters got ass handed zero evidence voter trump lies voter fraud improved monday cnn tore apart kris coach man stephen miller cited asked evidence prove trump repeatedly claimed millions americans voted illegally november explain trump lost popular vote hillary clinton miller specifically talked new hampshire claiming thousands people massachusetts used vote second time state go new hampshire miller said talk anybody worked politics long time everybody aware problem new hampshire except many former current new hampshire politicians parties criticized trump abc host george stephanopoulos asked miller evidence merely referred media kansas secretary state trump supporter kris monday cnn host kate goldman confronted coach miller claims miller says look sir evidence goldman said where on election day people registered new hampshire using driver license coach claimed response of half used massachusetts driver license now going legit they going people moved new hampshire many residents voted state what coach said mere prediction in courtroom would called conjecture coach making opinion based incomplete information you truly believe thousands people came massachusetts vote new hampshire election day goldman continued disbelief we data end month many people voted new hampshire one states coach said admitting actually evidence he promising evidence later time probably whatever organization associated provides fabricated real evidence support claims goldman bounced slammed coach reality secretary wait second stephen miller weekend said thousands vote illegally definitively saying actually happened you saying going data coming end month so evidence voter registration equal fraudulent votes coach claimed million americans registered vote two states illegal of course trump adviser steve cannon also registered vote two offered proof trump claim whining cnn covering nine cases voter fraud kansas prosecuting goldman easily picked evidence apart you nine cases goldman said six guilty pleas one dismissed two pending that january nine cases rampant widespread voter fraud make a small minority make millions millions widespread rampant votes country goldman continued what stephen miller president said weekend exactly lost new hampshire not saying prospective cases illegal votes at point coach stumbled way remainder interview goldman countered bullshit facts every full smack via trump voter fraud claims pathetic attempt stroke ego handle fact lost woman legitimate president if really concerned voter fraud call new election immediately but full image via screenshotnews
MOTHER OF 7 YR OLD CHARGED WITH “Endangerment” For Allowing Child To Play In Park Across Street From Home Unsupervised For An HourBecause the government knows best when it comes to raising your children or something like that.A Maine mother faces child endangerment charges for allowing her daughter to play at the park across the street from her house without her constant supervision.Nicole Jensen told WMTW she often allows her three children to play at the park a few hundred feet from her house and parents in the neighborhood make a coordinated effort to watch each other s children. She watches from her front porch.But when Jensen s 7-year-old daughter was playing in the park by herself last week, someone at the park called 911 to report she was unattended and police intervened.But instead of simply walking the child home, police tried unsuccessfully to call Jensen, then hauled the girl to the police station when the mother didn t immediately answer her phone, according to the Personal Liberty blog.Jensen said she requires her children to check in every hour when they re playing outside, but police chastised the mother for not keeping closer tabs and insinuated the girl was in danger at the park. They said, Do you know where your daughter is? and I said, Yes, and they said, Well no you don t. She s at the police station, Jensen recalled. (The officer) said she was at the park unsupervised, no one know where she was, and if I hadn t gotten a hold of you, I would have taken her into (the Department of Health and Human Services). Westbrook Police Chief Janie Roberts told the news site she estimated the girl was at the park for about an hour before she was detained. That s a long time for a 7-year-old to be by herself in any location, let alone a public park, Roberts said.Police eventually charged Jensen with child endangerment. They brought her to the police station when her house is right there, Jensen said, according to Personal Liberty. She did nothing wrong, she said. She s followed all of my rules. Jensen told WMTW her daughter was terrified by the ordeal, and she plans to fight the child endangerment charge. She ll also have to deal with DHHS, as police referred her case to that department, as well.Via: EAG News left-news
mother of yr old charged with endangerment for allowing child to play in park across street from home unsupervised for an hourbecause government knows best comes raising children something like maine mother faces child endangerment charges allowing daughter play park across street house without constant jensen told www often allows three children play park hundred feet house parents neighborhood make coordinated effort watch children she watches front jensen daughter playing park last week someone park called report unattended police instead simply walking child home police tried unsuccessfully call jensen hauled girl police station mother immediately answer phone according personal liberty said requires children check every hour playing outside police chastised mother keeping closer tabs insinuated girl danger park they said do know daughter i said yes said well she police station jensen recalled the officer said park unsupervised one know i gotten hold i would taken department health human services westbrook police chief jane roberts told news site estimated girl park hour detained that long time location let alone public park roberts eventually charged jensen child endangerment they brought police station house right jensen said according personal liberty she nothing wrong said she followed rules jensen told www daughter terrified ordeal plans fight child endangerment charge she also deal dhs police referred case department tag news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: MOTHER OF 7 YR OLD CHARGED WITH “Endangerment” For Allowing Child To Play In Park Across Street From Home Unsupervised For An HourBecause the government knows best when it comes to raising your children or something like that.A Maine mother faces child endangerment charges for allowing her daughter to play at the park across the street from her house without her constant supervision.Nicole Jensen told WMTW she often allows her three children to play at the park a few hundred feet from her house and parents in the neighborhood make a coordinated effort to watch each other s children. She watches from her front porch.But when Jensen s 7-year-old daughter was playing in the park by herself last week, someone at the park called 911 to report she was unattended and police intervened.But instead of simply walking the child home, police tried unsuccessfully to call Jensen, then hauled the girl to the police station when the mother didn t immediately answer her phone, according to the Personal Liberty blog.Jensen said she requires her children to check in every hour when they re playing outside, but police chastised the mother for not keeping closer tabs and insinuated the girl was in danger at the park. They said, Do you know where your daughter is? and I said, Yes, and they said, Well no you don t. She s at the police station, Jensen recalled. (The officer) said she was at the park unsupervised, no one know where she was, and if I hadn t gotten a hold of you, I would have taken her into (the Department of Health and Human Services). Westbrook Police Chief Janie Roberts told the news site she estimated the girl was at the park for about an hour before she was detained. That s a long time for a 7-year-old to be by herself in any location, let alone a public park, Roberts said.Police eventually charged Jensen with child endangerment. They brought her to the police station when her house is right there, Jensen said, according to Personal Liberty. She did nothing wrong, she said. She s followed all of my rules. Jensen told WMTW her daughter was terrified by the ordeal, and she plans to fight the child endangerment charge. She ll also have to deal with DHHS, as police referred her case to that department, as well.Via: EAG News left-news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: mother of yr old charged with endangerment for allowing child to play in park across street from home unsupervised for an hourbecause government knows best comes raising children something like maine mother faces child endangerment charges allowing daughter play park across street house without constant jensen told www often allows three children play park hundred feet house parents neighborhood make coordinated effort watch children she watches front jensen daughter playing park last week someone park called report unattended police instead simply walking child home police tried unsuccessfully call jensen hauled girl police station mother immediately answer phone according personal liberty said requires children check every hour playing outside police chastised mother keeping closer tabs insinuated girl danger park they said do know daughter i said yes said well she police station jensen recalled the officer said park unsupervised one know i gotten hold i would taken department health human services westbrook police chief jane roberts told news site estimated girl park hour detained that long time location let alone public park roberts eventually charged jensen child endangerment they brought police station house right jensen said according personal liberty she nothing wrong said she followed rules jensen told www daughter terrified ordeal plans fight child endangerment charge she also deal dhs police referred case department tag news
Tension in South Sudan capital after bid to disarm detained ex-army chiefNAIROBI (Reuters) - South Sudan s government has sought to disarm the bodyguards of detained former army chief Paul Malong on fears he might escape and launch a rebellion, his wife said on Saturday, highlighting tensions within the leadership. Malong - the man who has led President Salva Kiir s campaign against rebels - has been under house arrest since May after Kiir sacked him following a string of military resignations by senior generals alleging abuses and ethnic bias. Malong had initially fled the capital Juba with a convoy of vehicles for his home state of Aweil following his dismissal - raising fears he might join opposition forces, before returning to the capital. On Saturday, his wife Lucy Ayak told Reuters security officials arrived at their home late on Friday with specific orders from Kiir. They came carrying the order from the president and told General Malong that they had been ordered to disarm his bodyguards, she said, adding that they also tried to take his phone and said his family members would not be allowed to visit. The government is thinking that General Malong might take the country back to war. The tension is still high ... we do not know if they might come back and arrest him by force if he resists. Residents in Juba told Reuters heavily-armed soldiers have blocked the main road leading to his house. Media outlets from Juba also reported that a senior commander in the army who is allied with Malong has also defected with the aim of launching a rebellion. President Kiir s press secretary Ateny Wek Ateny declined to comment, saying the issue was purely an army matter . South Sudan won independence from Sudan in 2011 but plunged into civil war in 2013 after Kiir fired his deputy Riek Machar. The conflict, largely fought along ethnic lines, has pitched parts of the oil-producing country into severe hunger, paralyzed public services and forced a quarter of the population - three million people - to flee their homes. worldnews
tension south sudan capital bid disarm detained chiefnairobi reuters south sudan government sought disarm bodyguards detained former army chief paul along fears might escape launch rebellion wife said saturday highlighting tensions within leadership along man led president silva kir campaign rebels house arrest since may kir sacked following string military resignations senior generals alleging abuses ethnic bias along initially fled capital cuba convoy vehicles home state well following dismissal raising fears might join opposition forces returning capital on saturday wife lucy kayak told reuters security officials arrived home late friday specific orders kir they came carrying order president told general along ordered disarm bodyguards said adding also tried take phone said family members would allowed visit the government thinking general along might take country back war the tension still high know might come back arrest force resists residents cuba told reuters soldiers blocked main road leading house media outlets cuba also reported senior commander army allied along also defected aim launching rebellion president kir press secretary any wek any declined comment saying issue purely army matter south sudan independence sudan plunged civil war kir fired deputy risk char the conflict largely fought along ethnic lines pitched parts country severe hunger paralyzed public services forced quarter population three million people flee homes worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Tension in South Sudan capital after bid to disarm detained ex-army chiefNAIROBI (Reuters) - South Sudan s government has sought to disarm the bodyguards of detained former army chief Paul Malong on fears he might escape and launch a rebellion, his wife said on Saturday, highlighting tensions within the leadership. Malong - the man who has led President Salva Kiir s campaign against rebels - has been under house arrest since May after Kiir sacked him following a string of military resignations by senior generals alleging abuses and ethnic bias. Malong had initially fled the capital Juba with a convoy of vehicles for his home state of Aweil following his dismissal - raising fears he might join opposition forces, before returning to the capital. On Saturday, his wife Lucy Ayak told Reuters security officials arrived at their home late on Friday with specific orders from Kiir. They came carrying the order from the president and told General Malong that they had been ordered to disarm his bodyguards, she said, adding that they also tried to take his phone and said his family members would not be allowed to visit. The government is thinking that General Malong might take the country back to war. The tension is still high ... we do not know if they might come back and arrest him by force if he resists. Residents in Juba told Reuters heavily-armed soldiers have blocked the main road leading to his house. Media outlets from Juba also reported that a senior commander in the army who is allied with Malong has also defected with the aim of launching a rebellion. President Kiir s press secretary Ateny Wek Ateny declined to comment, saying the issue was purely an army matter . South Sudan won independence from Sudan in 2011 but plunged into civil war in 2013 after Kiir fired his deputy Riek Machar. The conflict, largely fought along ethnic lines, has pitched parts of the oil-producing country into severe hunger, paralyzed public services and forced a quarter of the population - three million people - to flee their homes. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: tension south sudan capital bid disarm detained chiefnairobi reuters south sudan government sought disarm bodyguards detained former army chief paul along fears might escape launch rebellion wife said saturday highlighting tensions within leadership along man led president silva kir campaign rebels house arrest since may kir sacked following string military resignations senior generals alleging abuses ethnic bias along initially fled capital cuba convoy vehicles home state well following dismissal raising fears might join opposition forces returning capital on saturday wife lucy kayak told reuters security officials arrived home late friday specific orders kir they came carrying order president told general along ordered disarm bodyguards said adding also tried take phone said family members would allowed visit the government thinking general along might take country back war the tension still high know might come back arrest force resists residents cuba told reuters soldiers blocked main road leading house media outlets cuba also reported senior commander army allied along also defected aim launching rebellion president kir press secretary any wek any declined comment saying issue purely army matter south sudan independence sudan plunged civil war kir fired deputy risk char the conflict largely fought along ethnic lines pitched parts country severe hunger paralyzed public services forced quarter population three million people flee homes worldnews
Sean Spicer still plans to leave White House, official saysWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sean Spicer still plans to leave the White House in late August, a senior White House official said on Tuesday, ending speculation that he might stay on after the firing of former communications director Anthony Scaramucci. President Donald Trump’s decision to hire Scaramucci less than two weeks ago prompted Spicer to resign in protest. Scaramucci lasted only 10 days in the job. He was fired on Monday after a profanity-filled tirade against then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon. Spicer has since been fielding lucrative offers for his post-White House life and has found them too appealing to forsake, the official said. Trump appointed his homeland security secretary, retired General John Kelly, to succeed Priebus after ousting him as chief of staff last week. A senior homeland security official said Kelly is considering bringing veteran government spokesman David Lapan with him to the White House as communications director. politicsNews
sean spider still plans leave white house official sayswashington reuters sean spider still plans leave white house late august senior white house official said tuesday ending speculation might stay firing former communications director anthony scaramucci president donald trump decision hire scaramucci less two weeks ago prompted spider resign protest scaramucci lasted days job he fired monday trade house chief staff rence priests chief strategist steve cannon spider since fielding lucrative offers house life found appealing norske official said trump appointed homeland security secretary retired general john kelly succeed priests ousting chief staff last week a senior homeland security official said kelly considering bringing veteran government spokesman david japan white house communications director politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Sean Spicer still plans to leave White House, official saysWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sean Spicer still plans to leave the White House in late August, a senior White House official said on Tuesday, ending speculation that he might stay on after the firing of former communications director Anthony Scaramucci. President Donald Trump’s decision to hire Scaramucci less than two weeks ago prompted Spicer to resign in protest. Scaramucci lasted only 10 days in the job. He was fired on Monday after a profanity-filled tirade against then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon. Spicer has since been fielding lucrative offers for his post-White House life and has found them too appealing to forsake, the official said. Trump appointed his homeland security secretary, retired General John Kelly, to succeed Priebus after ousting him as chief of staff last week. A senior homeland security official said Kelly is considering bringing veteran government spokesman David Lapan with him to the White House as communications director. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: sean spider still plans leave white house official sayswashington reuters sean spider still plans leave white house late august senior white house official said tuesday ending speculation might stay firing former communications director anthony scaramucci president donald trump decision hire scaramucci less two weeks ago prompted spider resign protest scaramucci lasted days job he fired monday trade house chief staff rence priests chief strategist steve cannon spider since fielding lucrative offers house life found appealing norske official said trump appointed homeland security secretary retired general john kelly succeed priests ousting chief staff last week a senior homeland security official said kelly considering bringing veteran government spokesman david japan white house communications director politicsnews
Twitter Destroyed Trump For This Racist Comment During His Victory Speech (VIDEO)The media hyped the fact that Donald Trump used a teleprompter during his speech on Tuesday night after winning the final slate of Republican primaries (with no opposition). The speech was more sober and low energy than most Trump speeches have been, and used more sophisticated language than Trump s traditional events.But he still stuck his foot in it.During the speech, Trump made a reference to helping our African-American people who live in the inner city that have been mistreated for so long.Coming just a few days after referring to a black man in one of his rallies as my African-American, the comment hit a sour note for many people, especially as it sounded like a possessive reference to ownership.Twitter users took Trump to task for the comment almost immediately after he said it:Trump: It's gonna be great. We are going to give "our African American people" 3/5 of a vote. jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) June 8, 2016"Our African American people" Smooth Kobra (@smoothkobra) June 8, 2016@ljoywilliams correction Trump said we will take care of "our African American " As if we are property. "Our" wtf! Curtis D. Young (@curtisdyoung) June 8, 2016Donald Trump: "We are going to take care of our African American people. Us: Black Wildcat (@Midwest_KZ) June 8, 2016"Our African American people Devin Gifford (@dgiff_) June 8, 2016hhhhhh" We are going to take care of our #African_American people!" Donald Trump. solgem ofiko (@SolgemOfiko) June 8, 2016"We're going to take care of OUR African American people " Trump Misty Knight's Afro (@Steph_I_Will) June 8, 2016Even a conservative radio host, Hugh Hewitt, thought the Trump statement sounded bad:Even Hugh Hewitt cringed at Trump's "our African American" line Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) June 8, 2016Trump has used his campaign to repeatedly attack and belittle minorities in America. He described Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, while also calling for a ban on Muslim travel to the United States.His campaign has also received support from white supremacists, who have bankrolled robocalls in his favor and a super PAC backing his election. Trump was endorsed by notorious former klansman David Duke and his campaign arranged for a white supremacist radio show to get credentials to cover them.Trump even rejected multiple opportunities in an interview with CNN s Jake Tapper to denounce and reject support from Duke. Instead he stubbornly tried to deflect the question.His most diehard supporters have echoed Trump s rhetoric, while the most extreme have even assaulted black protesters at his rallies, and in one instance a Latino man was beat up and assaulted by a pair of men who cited Trump as they engaged in violence.So, tell us again how The Donald is not a racist.Featured image via YouTubeNews
twitter destroyed trump for this racist comment during his victory speech video the media hoped fact donald trump used teleprompter speech tuesday night winning final slate republican primaries opposition the speech sober low energy trump speeches used sophisticated language trump traditional still stuck foot speech trump made reference helping people live inner city mistreated days referring black man one rallies comment hit sour note many people especially sounded like possessive reference users took trump task comment almost immediately said trump it gon na great we going give african american people vote jeremy chill jeremyscahill june our african american people smooth cobra smoothkobra june ljoywilliams correction trump said take care african american as property our wtf curtis young curtisdyoung june trump we going take care african american people us black wildcat midwest_kz june our african american people devil afford diff_ june we going take care african_american people donald trump sole ohio solgemofiko june we going take care our african american people trump mist knight afro step_i_will june conservative radio host hugh heist thought trump statement sounded bad even hugh heist ringed trump african american line andrew lawrence drew_lawrence june used campaign repeatedly attack little minorities america he described mexican immigrants criminals rapists also calling ban muslim travel united campaign also received support white supremacists bankrolled robocalls favor super pac backing election trump endorsed notorious former kinsman david duke campaign arranged white supremacist radio show get credentials cover even rejected multiple opportunities interview cnn jake rapper denounce reject support duke instead stubborn tried deflect richard supporters echoed trump rhetoric extreme even assaulted black protesters rallies one instance latino man beat assaulted pair men cited trump engaged tell us the donald image via youtubenews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Twitter Destroyed Trump For This Racist Comment During His Victory Speech (VIDEO)The media hyped the fact that Donald Trump used a teleprompter during his speech on Tuesday night after winning the final slate of Republican primaries (with no opposition). The speech was more sober and low energy than most Trump speeches have been, and used more sophisticated language than Trump s traditional events.But he still stuck his foot in it.During the speech, Trump made a reference to helping our African-American people who live in the inner city that have been mistreated for so long.Coming just a few days after referring to a black man in one of his rallies as my African-American, the comment hit a sour note for many people, especially as it sounded like a possessive reference to ownership.Twitter users took Trump to task for the comment almost immediately after he said it:Trump: It's gonna be great. We are going to give "our African American people" 3/5 of a vote. jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) June 8, 2016"Our African American people" Smooth Kobra (@smoothkobra) June 8, 2016@ljoywilliams correction Trump said we will take care of "our African American " As if we are property. "Our" wtf! Curtis D. Young (@curtisdyoung) June 8, 2016Donald Trump: "We are going to take care of our African American people. Us: Black Wildcat (@Midwest_KZ) June 8, 2016"Our African American people Devin Gifford (@dgiff_) June 8, 2016hhhhhh" We are going to take care of our #African_American people!" Donald Trump. solgem ofiko (@SolgemOfiko) June 8, 2016"We're going to take care of OUR African American people " Trump Misty Knight's Afro (@Steph_I_Will) June 8, 2016Even a conservative radio host, Hugh Hewitt, thought the Trump statement sounded bad:Even Hugh Hewitt cringed at Trump's "our African American" line Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) June 8, 2016Trump has used his campaign to repeatedly attack and belittle minorities in America. He described Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, while also calling for a ban on Muslim travel to the United States.His campaign has also received support from white supremacists, who have bankrolled robocalls in his favor and a super PAC backing his election. Trump was endorsed by notorious former klansman David Duke and his campaign arranged for a white supremacist radio show to get credentials to cover them.Trump even rejected multiple opportunities in an interview with CNN s Jake Tapper to denounce and reject support from Duke. Instead he stubbornly tried to deflect the question.His most diehard supporters have echoed Trump s rhetoric, while the most extreme have even assaulted black protesters at his rallies, and in one instance a Latino man was beat up and assaulted by a pair of men who cited Trump as they engaged in violence.So, tell us again how The Donald is not a racist.Featured image via YouTubeNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: twitter destroyed trump for this racist comment during his victory speech video the media hoped fact donald trump used teleprompter speech tuesday night winning final slate republican primaries opposition the speech sober low energy trump speeches used sophisticated language trump traditional still stuck foot speech trump made reference helping people live inner city mistreated days referring black man one rallies comment hit sour note many people especially sounded like possessive reference users took trump task comment almost immediately said trump it gon na great we going give african american people vote jeremy chill jeremyscahill june our african american people smooth cobra smoothkobra june ljoywilliams correction trump said take care african american as property our wtf curtis young curtisdyoung june trump we going take care african american people us black wildcat midwest_kz june our african american people devil afford diff_ june we going take care african_american people donald trump sole ohio solgemofiko june we going take care our african american people trump mist knight afro step_i_will june conservative radio host hugh heist thought trump statement sounded bad even hugh heist ringed trump african american line andrew lawrence drew_lawrence june used campaign repeatedly attack little minorities america he described mexican immigrants criminals rapists also calling ban muslim travel united campaign also received support white supremacists bankrolled robocalls favor super pac backing election trump endorsed notorious former kinsman david duke campaign arranged white supremacist radio show get credentials cover even rejected multiple opportunities interview cnn jake rapper denounce reject support duke instead stubborn tried deflect richard supporters echoed trump rhetoric extreme even assaulted black protesters rallies one instance latino man beat assaulted pair men cited trump engaged tell us the donald image via youtubenews
Key U.S. House committee approves healthcare bill, vote set for ThursdayWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Rules committee approved a Republican healthcare bill late on Wednesday night, a procedural hurdle cleared ahead of a planned vote on Thursday on the legislation by the entire chamber. The bill would roll back the 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, while keeping in place some key provisions and creating an $8 billion fund to cover costs for those with pre-existing conditions who would face higher costs under the new system. politicsNews
key house committee approves healthcare bill vote set thursdaywashington reuters the house rules committee approved republican healthcare bill late wednesday night procedural hurdle cleared ahead planned vote thursday legislation entire chamber the bill would roll back affordable care act known obamacare keeping place key provisions creating billion fund cover costs conditions would face higher costs new system politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Key U.S. House committee approves healthcare bill, vote set for ThursdayWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Rules committee approved a Republican healthcare bill late on Wednesday night, a procedural hurdle cleared ahead of a planned vote on Thursday on the legislation by the entire chamber. The bill would roll back the 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, while keeping in place some key provisions and creating an $8 billion fund to cover costs for those with pre-existing conditions who would face higher costs under the new system. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: key house committee approves healthcare bill vote set thursdaywashington reuters the house rules committee approved republican healthcare bill late wednesday night procedural hurdle cleared ahead planned vote thursday legislation entire chamber the bill would roll back affordable care act known obamacare keeping place key provisions creating billion fund cover costs conditions would face higher costs new system politicsnews
Trump says working on welfare reform proposalsWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he is weighing recommendations for welfare reform as his government looks for ways to cut costs. Speaking to reporters at the beginning of a cabinet meeting, Trump said some welfare recipients are taking advantage of the system, while others are not receiving enough benefits to live. He did not discuss specific recommendations. politicsNews
trump says working welfare reform proposalswashington reuters president donald trump said monday weighing recommendations welfare reform government looks ways cut costs speaking reporters beginning cabinet meeting trump said welfare recipients taking advantage system others receiving enough benefits live he discuss specific recommendations politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump says working on welfare reform proposalsWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he is weighing recommendations for welfare reform as his government looks for ways to cut costs. Speaking to reporters at the beginning of a cabinet meeting, Trump said some welfare recipients are taking advantage of the system, while others are not receiving enough benefits to live. He did not discuss specific recommendations. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump says working welfare reform proposalswashington reuters president donald trump said monday weighing recommendations welfare reform government looks ways cut costs speaking reporters beginning cabinet meeting trump said welfare recipients taking advantage system others receiving enough benefits live he discuss specific recommendations politicsnews
Trump tells lawmakers he expects deal 'very quickly' on healthcareWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told a group of senators on Tuesday that he expected lawmakers would be able to reach a deal on healthcare, without offering specifics on how they would do it or what had changed since a healthcare reform bill was pulled last week for insufficient support. “I have no doubt that that’s going to happen very quickly,” Trump said at a bipartisan reception held for senators and their spouses at the White House. “I think it’s going to happen because we’ve all been promising - Democrat, Republican - we’ve all been promising that to the American people,” he said. A Republican plan backed by Trump to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system was pulled on Friday after it failed to garner enough support to pass the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Trump, a Republican, did not mention that failure at the reception nor did he offer specifics on how he planned for lawmakers to reach a consensus on a healthcare bill that would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, familiarly known as Obamacare. Trump told lawmakers at the reception that he would be talking about infrastructure and investing in the military, without offering a time frame or details. “Hopefully, it will start being bipartisan, because everybody really wants the same thing. We want greatness for this country that we love,” he said. politicsNews
trump tells lawmakers expects deal quickly healthcarewashington reuters president donald trump told group senators tuesday expected lawmakers would able reach deal healthcare without offering specifics would changed since healthcare reform bill pulled last week insufficient support i doubt going happen quickly trump said bipartisan reception held senators spouses white house i think going happen promising democrat republican promising american people said a republican plan backed trump overhaul healthcare system pulled friday failed garner enough support pass house representatives trump republican mention failure reception offer specifics planned lawmakers reach consensus healthcare bill would repeal replace affordable care act familiar known obamacare trump told lawmakers reception would talking infrastructure investing military without offering time frame details hopefully start bipartisan everybody really wants thing we want greatness country love said politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump tells lawmakers he expects deal 'very quickly' on healthcareWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told a group of senators on Tuesday that he expected lawmakers would be able to reach a deal on healthcare, without offering specifics on how they would do it or what had changed since a healthcare reform bill was pulled last week for insufficient support. “I have no doubt that that’s going to happen very quickly,” Trump said at a bipartisan reception held for senators and their spouses at the White House. “I think it’s going to happen because we’ve all been promising - Democrat, Republican - we’ve all been promising that to the American people,” he said. A Republican plan backed by Trump to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system was pulled on Friday after it failed to garner enough support to pass the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Trump, a Republican, did not mention that failure at the reception nor did he offer specifics on how he planned for lawmakers to reach a consensus on a healthcare bill that would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, familiarly known as Obamacare. Trump told lawmakers at the reception that he would be talking about infrastructure and investing in the military, without offering a time frame or details. “Hopefully, it will start being bipartisan, because everybody really wants the same thing. We want greatness for this country that we love,” he said. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump tells lawmakers expects deal quickly healthcarewashington reuters president donald trump told group senators tuesday expected lawmakers would able reach deal healthcare without offering specifics would changed since healthcare reform bill pulled last week insufficient support i doubt going happen quickly trump said bipartisan reception held senators spouses white house i think going happen promising democrat republican promising american people said a republican plan backed trump overhaul healthcare system pulled friday failed garner enough support pass house representatives trump republican mention failure reception offer specifics planned lawmakers reach consensus healthcare bill would repeal replace affordable care act familiar known obamacare trump told lawmakers reception would talking infrastructure investing military without offering time frame details hopefully start bipartisan everybody really wants thing we want greatness country love said politicsnews
This Will Make You Think Twice Before Donating To The Wounded Warrior Project (VIDEO)When you think about the sacrifice our men and women in uniform have undertaken for our country, one honestly can t put into words how grateful we are. They literally offer up their lives for service. When they come home, they should be treated with the utmost respect and grace, and most certainly should not be taken advantage of. However, one group that has been very vocal and outgoing in their supposed help of wounded veterans coming home seems to be using them to make money for themselves.The Wounded Warrior Project is one of the most visible groups out there raising money for veterans. They have commercials, big events, and publicity. On the surface, they look like a very reputable organization. However, as CBS News investigated, it looks as though they are, quite literally, wasting donation money, and they re not really hiding it either.According to, Wounded Warrior Project only spends 60% of the money they take in on the actual services that help veterans. That may sound pretty great until you realize that other groups like Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust (DAV) utilizes nearly 97% of their funds towards going directly to veterans.According to Army Staff Sergeant Erick Millette, who actually worked as a public speaker for Wounded Warrior project back in 2013: Their mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors, but what the public doesn t see is how they spend their money. Also telling CBS News: You re using our injuries, our darkest days, our hardships, to make money. So you can have these big parties Let s get a Mexican mariachi band in there, let s get maracas made with [the] WWP logo, put them on every staff member s desk. Let s get it catered and have a big old party Going to a nice fancy restaurant is not team building. Staying at a lavish hotel at the beach here in Jacksonville, and requiring staff that lives in the area to stay at the hotel is not team building. A four-day conference for 500 staff members in Colorado for team building had a price tag of around $3 million. That s money that should be going to veterans. They are literally using the money to throw themselves lavish events instead of honor the veterans they are supposedly serving. The entire thing is almost obscene.Wounded Warrior Project s chief executive Steve Nardizzi even admits he runs the charity like a for profit company. And while they are still raising money for veterans and using that money towards the needs and services of those who need them, please think twice before donating and perhaps donate to another group instead. If they are pulling in over $300 million, but only 60% is going towards veterans, that s nearly $120 million not going to veterans that should be.Wounded Warriors Project s mission is To honor and empower Wounded Warriors. However, where s the honor in skimming off the top of all their much-needed money to throw themselves parties all over the country?Watch here to see the CBS News investigation:Featured image: Jacksonville.comNews
this will make you think twice before donating to the wounded warrior project video when think sacrifice men women uniform undertaken country one honestly put words grateful they literally offer lives service when come home treated utmost respect grace certainly taken advantage however one group vocal outgoing supposed help wounded veterans coming home seems using make money wounded warrior project one visible groups raising money veterans they commercials big events publicity on surface look like reputable organization however cbs news investigated looks though quite literally wasting donation money really hiding wounded warrior project spends money take actual services help veterans that may sound pretty great realize groups like disabled american veterans charitable service trust dav utilizes nearly funds towards going directly army staff sergeant brick millet actually worked public speaker wounded warrior project back their mission honor empower wounded warriors public see spend money also telling cbs news you using injuries darkest days hardships make money so big parties let get mexican marathi band let get marcus made www logo put every staff member desk let get catered big old party going nice fancy restaurant team building staying lavish hotel beach jacksonville requiring staff lives area stay hotel team building a conference staff members colorado team building price tag around million that money going veterans they literally using money throw lavish events instead honor veterans supposedly serving the entire thing almost warrior project chief executive steve nardizzi even admits runs charity like profit company and still raising money veterans using money towards needs services need please think twice donating perhaps donate another group instead if pulling million going towards veterans nearly million going veterans warriors project mission to honor empower wounded warriors however honor skimming top money throw parties country watch see cbs news investigation featured image
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This Will Make You Think Twice Before Donating To The Wounded Warrior Project (VIDEO)When you think about the sacrifice our men and women in uniform have undertaken for our country, one honestly can t put into words how grateful we are. They literally offer up their lives for service. When they come home, they should be treated with the utmost respect and grace, and most certainly should not be taken advantage of. However, one group that has been very vocal and outgoing in their supposed help of wounded veterans coming home seems to be using them to make money for themselves.The Wounded Warrior Project is one of the most visible groups out there raising money for veterans. They have commercials, big events, and publicity. On the surface, they look like a very reputable organization. However, as CBS News investigated, it looks as though they are, quite literally, wasting donation money, and they re not really hiding it either.According to, Wounded Warrior Project only spends 60% of the money they take in on the actual services that help veterans. That may sound pretty great until you realize that other groups like Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust (DAV) utilizes nearly 97% of their funds towards going directly to veterans.According to Army Staff Sergeant Erick Millette, who actually worked as a public speaker for Wounded Warrior project back in 2013: Their mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors, but what the public doesn t see is how they spend their money. Also telling CBS News: You re using our injuries, our darkest days, our hardships, to make money. So you can have these big parties Let s get a Mexican mariachi band in there, let s get maracas made with [the] WWP logo, put them on every staff member s desk. Let s get it catered and have a big old party Going to a nice fancy restaurant is not team building. Staying at a lavish hotel at the beach here in Jacksonville, and requiring staff that lives in the area to stay at the hotel is not team building. A four-day conference for 500 staff members in Colorado for team building had a price tag of around $3 million. That s money that should be going to veterans. They are literally using the money to throw themselves lavish events instead of honor the veterans they are supposedly serving. The entire thing is almost obscene.Wounded Warrior Project s chief executive Steve Nardizzi even admits he runs the charity like a for profit company. And while they are still raising money for veterans and using that money towards the needs and services of those who need them, please think twice before donating and perhaps donate to another group instead. If they are pulling in over $300 million, but only 60% is going towards veterans, that s nearly $120 million not going to veterans that should be.Wounded Warriors Project s mission is To honor and empower Wounded Warriors. However, where s the honor in skimming off the top of all their much-needed money to throw themselves parties all over the country?Watch here to see the CBS News investigation:Featured image: Jacksonville.comNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: this will make you think twice before donating to the wounded warrior project video when think sacrifice men women uniform undertaken country one honestly put words grateful they literally offer lives service when come home treated utmost respect grace certainly taken advantage however one group vocal outgoing supposed help wounded veterans coming home seems using make money wounded warrior project one visible groups raising money veterans they commercials big events publicity on surface look like reputable organization however cbs news investigated looks though quite literally wasting donation money really hiding wounded warrior project spends money take actual services help veterans that may sound pretty great realize groups like disabled american veterans charitable service trust dav utilizes nearly funds towards going directly army staff sergeant brick millet actually worked public speaker wounded warrior project back their mission honor empower wounded warriors public see spend money also telling cbs news you using injuries darkest days hardships make money so big parties let get mexican marathi band let get marcus made www logo put every staff member desk let get catered big old party going nice fancy restaurant team building staying lavish hotel beach jacksonville requiring staff lives area stay hotel team building a conference staff members colorado team building price tag around million that money going veterans they literally using money throw lavish events instead honor veterans supposedly serving the entire thing almost warrior project chief executive steve nardizzi even admits runs charity like profit company and still raising money veterans using money towards needs services need please think twice donating perhaps donate another group instead if pulling million going towards veterans nearly million going veterans warriors project mission to honor empower wounded warriors however honor skimming top money throw parties country watch see cbs news investigation featured image
Raqqa tribal chiefs say SDF agrees to let Syrian IS fighters leave city: statementBEIRUT (Reuters) - Tribal chiefs are organizing a way for Syrian Islamic State fighters to leave the Syria city of Raqqa after the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces agreed to a proposal that would secure their departure, the chiefs said in a statement sent to Reuters by a member of Raqqa s civil council. Saying their aim was to spare bloodshed, the tribal sheikhs said they had called on both the SDF and the U.S.-backed coalition fighting Islamic State to settle the situation of remaining Syrian fighters in the city, and to secure their exit to areas outside the city with our guarantees . worldnews
aqua tribal chiefs say sdf agrees let syrian is fighters leave city statementbeirut reuters tribal chiefs organizing way syrian islamic state fighters leave syria city aqua syrian democratic forces agreed proposal would secure departure chiefs said statement sent reuters member aqua civil council saying aim spare bloodshed tribal sheikh said called sdf coalition fighting islamic state settle situation remaining syrian fighters city secure exit areas outside city guarantees worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Raqqa tribal chiefs say SDF agrees to let Syrian IS fighters leave city: statementBEIRUT (Reuters) - Tribal chiefs are organizing a way for Syrian Islamic State fighters to leave the Syria city of Raqqa after the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces agreed to a proposal that would secure their departure, the chiefs said in a statement sent to Reuters by a member of Raqqa s civil council. Saying their aim was to spare bloodshed, the tribal sheikhs said they had called on both the SDF and the U.S.-backed coalition fighting Islamic State to settle the situation of remaining Syrian fighters in the city, and to secure their exit to areas outside the city with our guarantees . worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: aqua tribal chiefs say sdf agrees let syrian is fighters leave city statementbeirut reuters tribal chiefs organizing way syrian islamic state fighters leave syria city aqua syrian democratic forces agreed proposal would secure departure chiefs said statement sent reuters member aqua civil council saying aim spare bloodshed tribal sheikh said called sdf coalition fighting islamic state settle situation remaining syrian fighters city secure exit areas outside city guarantees worldnews
U.S. State Department tweets, then deletes congratulations for Iran Oscar win WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Monday issued and then deleted a congratulatory message for an Oscar win by a prominent Iranian director who criticized President Donald Trump’s travel ban as “inhumane.” The State Department’s official Persian-language Twitter account, @USAdarFarsi, tweeted congratulations to the Iranian people and Asghar Farhadi, director of “The Salesman,” after the movie won an Oscar for best foreign-language film on Sunday, according to screenshots of the message circulated on Twitter. READ MORE TOP NEWS: Tweeting accountant in spotlight over Oscar best picture blunder For White Helmets leader, Oscar win a victory for Syrian people Breakingviews: PwC might have seen Oscars mixup coming Farhadi boycotted the Oscars ceremony to protest Trump’s January executive order that temporarily banned entry to the United States by Iranians and citizens of six other Muslim-majority countries, and issued a statement criticizing the order. The ban was blocked by federal courts, although the administration is working on a new order. Farhadi chose two Iranian-Americans - a female engineer and a former NASA scientist - to represent him at the ceremony. Anousheh Ansari, an engineer who was the first female space tourist, read a statement on Farhadi’s behalf calling the travel ban “inhumane.” “Dividing the world into the ‘us’ and ‘our enemies’ categories creates fear, a deceitful justification for aggression and war,” Ansari said, reading from Farhadi’s statement. According to screenshots circulating on Twitter, the @USAdarFarsi account posted a message around 1 a.m. EST congratulating Farhadi on the award, which was Iran’s second Oscar victory. The tweet was then deleted, although it is unclear exactly when. “A congratulatory tweet was posted,” a State Department spokeswoman said. “We later removed the post to avoid any misperception that the USG (U.S. government) endorsed the comments made in the acceptance speech.” A second State Department official said the decision to delete the tweet was made within the department. The @USAdarFarsi account, which launched in February 2011 and seeks to engage directly with Iranians, had previously tweeted messages about “The Salesman,” including on Jan. 24, when it noted its Academy Award nomination and sent best wishes to Farhadi. That tweet, which is still online, was published days before Trump issued the travel ban that sparked Farhadi’s protest. Farhadi also won an Oscar in 2012 in the same category for his film “A Separation.” In his acceptance speech that year, Farhadi referred to tensions at the time between Iran and the United States over Tehran’s nuclear program, and said the Iranian people “despise hostility and resentment.” politicsNews
state department tweets deletes congratulations iran oscar win washington reuters the state department monday issued deleted congratulatory message oscar win prominent iranian director criticized president donald trump travel ban the state department official twitter account usadarfarsi tweeted congratulations iranian people afghan farhadi director the salesman movie oscar best film sunday according screenshots message circulated twitter read more top news meeting accountant spotlight oscar best picture blunder for white helmets leader oscar win victory syrian people breakingnews pwc might seen oscars mixed coming farhadi boycotted oscars ceremony protest trump january executive order temporarily banned entry united states iranian citizens six countries issued statement criticizing order the ban blocked federal courts although administration working new order farhadi chose two female engineer former nasa scientist represent ceremony anousheh hansard engineer first female space tourist read statement farhadi behalf calling travel ban dividing world us enemies categories creates fear deceitful justification aggression war hansard said reading farhadi statement according screenshots circulating twitter usadarfarsi account posted message around est congratulations farhadi award iran second oscar victory the tweet deleted although unclear exactly a congratulatory tweet posted state department spokeswoman said we later removed post avoid misperception usg government endorsed comments made acceptance a second state department official said decision delete tweet made within department the usadarfarsi account launched february seeks engage directly iranian previously tweeted messages the salesman including noted academy award nomination sent best wishes farhadi that tweet still online published days trump issued travel ban sparked farhadi protest farhadi also oscar category film a in acceptance speech year farhadi referred tensions time iran united states tehran nuclear program said iranian people despise hostility politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. State Department tweets, then deletes congratulations for Iran Oscar win WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Monday issued and then deleted a congratulatory message for an Oscar win by a prominent Iranian director who criticized President Donald Trump’s travel ban as “inhumane.” The State Department’s official Persian-language Twitter account, @USAdarFarsi, tweeted congratulations to the Iranian people and Asghar Farhadi, director of “The Salesman,” after the movie won an Oscar for best foreign-language film on Sunday, according to screenshots of the message circulated on Twitter. READ MORE TOP NEWS: Tweeting accountant in spotlight over Oscar best picture blunder For White Helmets leader, Oscar win a victory for Syrian people Breakingviews: PwC might have seen Oscars mixup coming Farhadi boycotted the Oscars ceremony to protest Trump’s January executive order that temporarily banned entry to the United States by Iranians and citizens of six other Muslim-majority countries, and issued a statement criticizing the order. The ban was blocked by federal courts, although the administration is working on a new order. Farhadi chose two Iranian-Americans - a female engineer and a former NASA scientist - to represent him at the ceremony. Anousheh Ansari, an engineer who was the first female space tourist, read a statement on Farhadi’s behalf calling the travel ban “inhumane.” “Dividing the world into the ‘us’ and ‘our enemies’ categories creates fear, a deceitful justification for aggression and war,” Ansari said, reading from Farhadi’s statement. According to screenshots circulating on Twitter, the @USAdarFarsi account posted a message around 1 a.m. EST congratulating Farhadi on the award, which was Iran’s second Oscar victory. The tweet was then deleted, although it is unclear exactly when. “A congratulatory tweet was posted,” a State Department spokeswoman said. “We later removed the post to avoid any misperception that the USG (U.S. government) endorsed the comments made in the acceptance speech.” A second State Department official said the decision to delete the tweet was made within the department. The @USAdarFarsi account, which launched in February 2011 and seeks to engage directly with Iranians, had previously tweeted messages about “The Salesman,” including on Jan. 24, when it noted its Academy Award nomination and sent best wishes to Farhadi. That tweet, which is still online, was published days before Trump issued the travel ban that sparked Farhadi’s protest. Farhadi also won an Oscar in 2012 in the same category for his film “A Separation.” In his acceptance speech that year, Farhadi referred to tensions at the time between Iran and the United States over Tehran’s nuclear program, and said the Iranian people “despise hostility and resentment.” politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: state department tweets deletes congratulations iran oscar win washington reuters the state department monday issued deleted congratulatory message oscar win prominent iranian director criticized president donald trump travel ban the state department official twitter account usadarfarsi tweeted congratulations iranian people afghan farhadi director the salesman movie oscar best film sunday according screenshots message circulated twitter read more top news meeting accountant spotlight oscar best picture blunder for white helmets leader oscar win victory syrian people breakingnews pwc might seen oscars mixed coming farhadi boycotted oscars ceremony protest trump january executive order temporarily banned entry united states iranian citizens six countries issued statement criticizing order the ban blocked federal courts although administration working new order farhadi chose two female engineer former nasa scientist represent ceremony anousheh hansard engineer first female space tourist read statement farhadi behalf calling travel ban dividing world us enemies categories creates fear deceitful justification aggression war hansard said reading farhadi statement according screenshots circulating twitter usadarfarsi account posted message around est congratulations farhadi award iran second oscar victory the tweet deleted although unclear exactly a congratulatory tweet posted state department spokeswoman said we later removed post avoid misperception usg government endorsed comments made acceptance a second state department official said decision delete tweet made within department the usadarfarsi account launched february seeks engage directly iranian previously tweeted messages the salesman including noted academy award nomination sent best wishes farhadi that tweet still online published days trump issued travel ban sparked farhadi protest farhadi also oscar category film a in acceptance speech year farhadi referred tensions time iran united states tehran nuclear program said iranian people despise hostility politicsnews
Maltese journalist probably killed by remotely detonated bomb, government saysVALLETTA (Reuters) - Police believe a bomb that killed a prominent journalist in Malta was attached beneath her car and triggered remotely, a government spokeswoman said on Thursday, giving the first details of the investigation. Daphne Caruana Galizia, a renowned blogger and fierce critic of the government, died on Monday in a blast that wrecked her car as she was leaving her house, throwing debris and body parts into a nearby field. The murder shocked the Mediterranean island, the smallest nation in the European Union, and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on Wednesday promised a reward to anyone who came forward with information about the killing. However, Caruana Galizia s three grown-up sons dismissed the offer, and called instead for Muscat to resign, saying he should take political responsibility for the first such murder of a journalist in Malta since the island won independence in 1964. Muscat has ruled out quitting and flew to Brussels on Thursday for an EU summit, where his spokeswoman said investigators were making some progress. Emerging evidences make us think that the bomb was placed under the car and was set off with a remote trigger, she said, adding that foreign experts would be called on to help identify the mobile phone which was used to detonate the bomb. In a news conference in Valletta, police commissioner Lawrence Cutajar denied British police would join Dutch forensic experts and a team from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in helping with the case. Muscat s spokeswoman earlier said British officers would be involved. Cutajar said no arrests had made so far and added it was too soon to discuss possible motives, telling reporters it would take weeks to collect all the evidence. He also could not confirm reports from a Maltese police source that Semtex explosives were believed to have been used in the killing. The island has seen a number of small bomb attacks in recent years tied to gangland criminals, but the explosives used were relatively rudimentary and did not have the same power as the device that targeted Caruana Galizia. The 53-year-old journalist used her widely read blog to lambast Muscat, his wife and some of his closest advisers, accusing them of setting up off-shore accounts to hide ill-gotten gain. They denied the charges and Muscat was suing Caruana Galizia for libel at the time of her death. The police may or may not find out who ordered the assassination of our mother but as long as those who led the country to this point remain in place, none of it will matter, her three sons, Matthew, Andrew and Paul, wrote on Facebook. That added that the only way forward was for Muscat to stand aside: Resign for watching over the birth of a society dominated by fear, mistrust, crime and corruption. As he arrived at the EU summit in Brussels, Muscat denied that he had created a mafia state in Malta, which is home to a large financial services sector and the continental hub for the flourishing online gaming industry. Definitely not, Muscat said. The European Parliament said it would hold a debate next week on the protection of journalists and media freedom in Malta, where the government enjoys sweeping powers over the judiciary and the police. Malta is a Mecca for money launderers and tax avoiders, Greens EU legislator Sven Giegold said. The prime minister says the financial services sector is as transparent and compliant as in any other European jurisdiction. worldnews
males journalist probably killed remotely detonated bomb government saysvalletta reuters police believe bomb killed prominent journalist malta attached beneath car triggered remotely government spokeswoman said thursday giving first details investigation dane ariana galeria renowned blogger fierce critic government died monday blast wrecked car leaving house throwing debris body parts nearby field the murder shocked mediterranean island smallest nation european union prime minister joseph must wednesday promised reward anyone came forward information killing however ariana galeria three sons dismissed offer called instead must resign saying take political responsibility first murder journalist malta since island independence must ruled quitting flew brussels thursday eu summit spokeswoman said investigators making progress emerging evidences make us think bomb placed car set remote trigger said adding foreign experts would called help identify mobile phone used detonate bomb in news conference violetta police commissioner lawrence cutaway denied british police would join dutch forensic experts team federal bureau investigation fbi helping case must spokeswoman earlier said british officers would involved cutaway said arrests made far added soon discuss possible motives telling reporters would take weeks collect evidence he also could confirm reports males police source seated explosives believed used killing the island seen number small bomb attacks recent years tied england criminals explosives used relatively rudimentary power device targeted ariana galeria the journalist used widely read blog lambert must wife closest advisers accusing setting accounts hide gain they denied charges must suing ariana galeria libel time death the police may may find ordered assassination mother long led country point remain place none matter three sons matthew andrew paul wrote facebook that added way forward must stand aside resign watching birth society dominated fear mistrust crime corruption as arrived eu summit brussels must denied created mafia state malta home large financial services sector continental hub flourishing online gaming industry definitely must said the european parliament said would hold debate next week protection journalists media freedom malta government enjoys sweeping powers judiciary police malta mecca money wanderers tax avoided greens eu legislator even giegold said the prime minister says financial services sector transparent compliant european jurisdiction worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Maltese journalist probably killed by remotely detonated bomb, government saysVALLETTA (Reuters) - Police believe a bomb that killed a prominent journalist in Malta was attached beneath her car and triggered remotely, a government spokeswoman said on Thursday, giving the first details of the investigation. Daphne Caruana Galizia, a renowned blogger and fierce critic of the government, died on Monday in a blast that wrecked her car as she was leaving her house, throwing debris and body parts into a nearby field. The murder shocked the Mediterranean island, the smallest nation in the European Union, and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on Wednesday promised a reward to anyone who came forward with information about the killing. However, Caruana Galizia s three grown-up sons dismissed the offer, and called instead for Muscat to resign, saying he should take political responsibility for the first such murder of a journalist in Malta since the island won independence in 1964. Muscat has ruled out quitting and flew to Brussels on Thursday for an EU summit, where his spokeswoman said investigators were making some progress. Emerging evidences make us think that the bomb was placed under the car and was set off with a remote trigger, she said, adding that foreign experts would be called on to help identify the mobile phone which was used to detonate the bomb. In a news conference in Valletta, police commissioner Lawrence Cutajar denied British police would join Dutch forensic experts and a team from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in helping with the case. Muscat s spokeswoman earlier said British officers would be involved. Cutajar said no arrests had made so far and added it was too soon to discuss possible motives, telling reporters it would take weeks to collect all the evidence. He also could not confirm reports from a Maltese police source that Semtex explosives were believed to have been used in the killing. The island has seen a number of small bomb attacks in recent years tied to gangland criminals, but the explosives used were relatively rudimentary and did not have the same power as the device that targeted Caruana Galizia. The 53-year-old journalist used her widely read blog to lambast Muscat, his wife and some of his closest advisers, accusing them of setting up off-shore accounts to hide ill-gotten gain. They denied the charges and Muscat was suing Caruana Galizia for libel at the time of her death. The police may or may not find out who ordered the assassination of our mother but as long as those who led the country to this point remain in place, none of it will matter, her three sons, Matthew, Andrew and Paul, wrote on Facebook. That added that the only way forward was for Muscat to stand aside: Resign for watching over the birth of a society dominated by fear, mistrust, crime and corruption. As he arrived at the EU summit in Brussels, Muscat denied that he had created a mafia state in Malta, which is home to a large financial services sector and the continental hub for the flourishing online gaming industry. Definitely not, Muscat said. The European Parliament said it would hold a debate next week on the protection of journalists and media freedom in Malta, where the government enjoys sweeping powers over the judiciary and the police. Malta is a Mecca for money launderers and tax avoiders, Greens EU legislator Sven Giegold said. The prime minister says the financial services sector is as transparent and compliant as in any other European jurisdiction. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: males journalist probably killed remotely detonated bomb government saysvalletta reuters police believe bomb killed prominent journalist malta attached beneath car triggered remotely government spokeswoman said thursday giving first details investigation dane ariana galeria renowned blogger fierce critic government died monday blast wrecked car leaving house throwing debris body parts nearby field the murder shocked mediterranean island smallest nation european union prime minister joseph must wednesday promised reward anyone came forward information killing however ariana galeria three sons dismissed offer called instead must resign saying take political responsibility first murder journalist malta since island independence must ruled quitting flew brussels thursday eu summit spokeswoman said investigators making progress emerging evidences make us think bomb placed car set remote trigger said adding foreign experts would called help identify mobile phone used detonate bomb in news conference violetta police commissioner lawrence cutaway denied british police would join dutch forensic experts team federal bureau investigation fbi helping case must spokeswoman earlier said british officers would involved cutaway said arrests made far added soon discuss possible motives telling reporters would take weeks collect evidence he also could confirm reports males police source seated explosives believed used killing the island seen number small bomb attacks recent years tied england criminals explosives used relatively rudimentary power device targeted ariana galeria the journalist used widely read blog lambert must wife closest advisers accusing setting accounts hide gain they denied charges must suing ariana galeria libel time death the police may may find ordered assassination mother long led country point remain place none matter three sons matthew andrew paul wrote facebook that added way forward must stand aside resign watching birth society dominated fear mistrust crime corruption as arrived eu summit brussels must denied created mafia state malta home large financial services sector continental hub flourishing online gaming industry definitely must said the european parliament said would hold debate next week protection journalists media freedom malta government enjoys sweeping powers judiciary police malta mecca money wanderers tax avoided greens eu legislator even giegold said the prime minister says financial services sector transparent compliant european jurisdiction worldnews
U.S. senator does not expect Pakistan F-16 sale to be blockedWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Wednesday he does not expect an upcoming vote on a $700 million sale of F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan to keep the deal from going ahead. However, he said there was still discussion of whether U.S. taxpayer funds could be used to finance the purchase. President Barack Obama’s administration announced on Feb. 12 that it had approved the sale of the Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) aircraft as well as radars and other equipment to Pakistan. It drew immediate criticism from India and concern from some members of Congress. Republican Senator Rand Paul in late February invoked legislation known as the Arms Export Control Act in the hope of stopping the sale by passing a Resolution of Disapproval, calling Pakistan “an uncertain ally.” Cardin told reporters he opposed Paul’s resolution and expected it would fail, with the chamber’s Republican and Democratic leaders opposing it. The measure could be taken up by the Senate as soon as Thursday. Cardin said lawmakers had concerns about Pakistan’s nuclear program, commitment to fighting terrorist organizations and cooperation in the Afghanistan peace process but generally supported the sale. “It was not controversial that Pakistan needs to modernize its air force and its counter insurgency and counter-terrorism activities, particularly in the mountainous territory of the border with Afghanistan,” he said. Congress is currently considering a request to “reprogram” some funds, in other words, use them for a different purpose than allocated in a budget bill, to help finance the deal. Cardin said he was not yet prepared to make a judgment on whether U.S. taxpayer funds should be used to help Pakistan with the purchase. politicsNews
senator expect pakistan sale blockedwashington reuters senator ben jardin top democrat senate foreign relations committee said wednesday expect upcoming vote million sale fighter jets pakistan keep deal going ahead however said still discussion whether taxpayer funds could used finance purchase president barack obama administration announced approved sale locked martin corp aircraft well radars equipment pakistan it drew immediate criticism india concern members congress republican senator rand paul late february invoked legislation known arms export control act hope stopping sale passing resolution disapproval calling pakistan uncertain jardin told reporters opposed paul resolution expected would fail chamber republican democratic leaders opposing the measure could taken senate soon thursday jardin said lawmakers concerns pakistan nuclear program commitment fighting terrorist organizations cooperation afghanistan peace process generally supported sale it controversial pakistan needs modernize air force counter insurgency activities particularly mountainous territory border afghanistan said congress currently considering request program funds words use different purpose allocated budget bill help finance deal jardin said yet prepared make judgment whether taxpayer funds used help pakistan purchase politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. senator does not expect Pakistan F-16 sale to be blockedWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Wednesday he does not expect an upcoming vote on a $700 million sale of F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan to keep the deal from going ahead. However, he said there was still discussion of whether U.S. taxpayer funds could be used to finance the purchase. President Barack Obama’s administration announced on Feb. 12 that it had approved the sale of the Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) aircraft as well as radars and other equipment to Pakistan. It drew immediate criticism from India and concern from some members of Congress. Republican Senator Rand Paul in late February invoked legislation known as the Arms Export Control Act in the hope of stopping the sale by passing a Resolution of Disapproval, calling Pakistan “an uncertain ally.” Cardin told reporters he opposed Paul’s resolution and expected it would fail, with the chamber’s Republican and Democratic leaders opposing it. The measure could be taken up by the Senate as soon as Thursday. Cardin said lawmakers had concerns about Pakistan’s nuclear program, commitment to fighting terrorist organizations and cooperation in the Afghanistan peace process but generally supported the sale. “It was not controversial that Pakistan needs to modernize its air force and its counter insurgency and counter-terrorism activities, particularly in the mountainous territory of the border with Afghanistan,” he said. Congress is currently considering a request to “reprogram” some funds, in other words, use them for a different purpose than allocated in a budget bill, to help finance the deal. Cardin said he was not yet prepared to make a judgment on whether U.S. taxpayer funds should be used to help Pakistan with the purchase. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: senator expect pakistan sale blockedwashington reuters senator ben jardin top democrat senate foreign relations committee said wednesday expect upcoming vote million sale fighter jets pakistan keep deal going ahead however said still discussion whether taxpayer funds could used finance purchase president barack obama administration announced approved sale locked martin corp aircraft well radars equipment pakistan it drew immediate criticism india concern members congress republican senator rand paul late february invoked legislation known arms export control act hope stopping sale passing resolution disapproval calling pakistan uncertain jardin told reporters opposed paul resolution expected would fail chamber republican democratic leaders opposing the measure could taken senate soon thursday jardin said lawmakers concerns pakistan nuclear program commitment fighting terrorist organizations cooperation afghanistan peace process generally supported sale it controversial pakistan needs modernize air force counter insurgency activities particularly mountainous territory border afghanistan said congress currently considering request program funds words use different purpose allocated budget bill help finance deal jardin said yet prepared make judgment whether taxpayer funds used help pakistan purchase politicsnews
Teenage IS supporter guilty of plotting attack on Bieber concert in UKLONDON (Reuters) - A British teenager was found guilty on Monday of planning to drive a car into a crowd in the Welsh capital Cardiff, with a Justin Bieber concert and a shopping center among the list of possible targets for his Islamic State-inspired attack. The 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, wrote a martyrdom letter in which he said he was a soldier of the Islamic State . Police found the letter in a rucksack in his bedroom which also contained a large knife and a hammer. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said he was planning an attack of a similar type to one near Britain s parliament in March, where a man in a van drove into pedestrians on London s Westminster Bridge before stabbing a policeman. This teenager s behavior over many months leaves no doubt that he intended to kill and maim as many people as possible in an attack reminiscent of the incident on Westminster Bridge, said Sue Hemming, head of the special crime and counter terrorism division at the CPS. He was also posting extremist content online that could have encouraged others to commit terrorist acts and downloading instructions on how to carry out lone wolf attacks. The Westminster attack was one of five major attacks this year that British authorities are treating as terrorism incidents. Five people including the policeman and the attacker, Khalid Masood, died in the Westminster incident. The CPS said the Welsh schoolboy had posted Islamic State propaganda on his Instagram account, and his Instagram password was Truck Attack . He researched possible targets including Cardiff Castle, a theater, a library and a shopping center, as well as the Bieber gig, which took place in June. The teenager admitted that he owned the knife and hammer and had written the letter, but denied intending to harm anyone. He will be sentenced in January. worldnews
teenage is supporter guilty plotting attack bieber concert london reuters a british teenager found guilty monday planning drive car crowd welsh capital cardiff justin bieber concert shopping center among list possible targets islamic attack the boy named legal reasons wrote martyrdom letter said soldier islamic state police found letter rucksack bedroom also contained large knife hammer the crown prosecution service cps said planning attack similar type one near britain parliament march man van drove pedestrians london westminster bridge stabbing policeman this teenager behavior many months leaves doubt intended kill main many people possible attack reminiscent incident westminster bridge said sue helping head special crime counter terrorism division cps he also posting extremist content online could encouraged others commit terrorist acts downloading instructions carry lone wolf attacks the westminster attack one five major attacks year british authorities treating terrorism incidents five people including policeman attacker valid maroon died westminster incident the cps said welsh schoolboy posted islamic state propaganda instagram account instagram password truck attack he researched possible targets including cardiff castle theater library shopping center well bieber gig took place june the teenager admitted owned knife hammer written letter denied intending harm anyone he sentenced january worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Teenage IS supporter guilty of plotting attack on Bieber concert in UKLONDON (Reuters) - A British teenager was found guilty on Monday of planning to drive a car into a crowd in the Welsh capital Cardiff, with a Justin Bieber concert and a shopping center among the list of possible targets for his Islamic State-inspired attack. The 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, wrote a martyrdom letter in which he said he was a soldier of the Islamic State . Police found the letter in a rucksack in his bedroom which also contained a large knife and a hammer. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said he was planning an attack of a similar type to one near Britain s parliament in March, where a man in a van drove into pedestrians on London s Westminster Bridge before stabbing a policeman. This teenager s behavior over many months leaves no doubt that he intended to kill and maim as many people as possible in an attack reminiscent of the incident on Westminster Bridge, said Sue Hemming, head of the special crime and counter terrorism division at the CPS. He was also posting extremist content online that could have encouraged others to commit terrorist acts and downloading instructions on how to carry out lone wolf attacks. The Westminster attack was one of five major attacks this year that British authorities are treating as terrorism incidents. Five people including the policeman and the attacker, Khalid Masood, died in the Westminster incident. The CPS said the Welsh schoolboy had posted Islamic State propaganda on his Instagram account, and his Instagram password was Truck Attack . He researched possible targets including Cardiff Castle, a theater, a library and a shopping center, as well as the Bieber gig, which took place in June. The teenager admitted that he owned the knife and hammer and had written the letter, but denied intending to harm anyone. He will be sentenced in January. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: teenage is supporter guilty plotting attack bieber concert london reuters a british teenager found guilty monday planning drive car crowd welsh capital cardiff justin bieber concert shopping center among list possible targets islamic attack the boy named legal reasons wrote martyrdom letter said soldier islamic state police found letter rucksack bedroom also contained large knife hammer the crown prosecution service cps said planning attack similar type one near britain parliament march man van drove pedestrians london westminster bridge stabbing policeman this teenager behavior many months leaves doubt intended kill main many people possible attack reminiscent incident westminster bridge said sue helping head special crime counter terrorism division cps he also posting extremist content online could encouraged others commit terrorist acts downloading instructions carry lone wolf attacks the westminster attack one five major attacks year british authorities treating terrorism incidents five people including policeman attacker valid maroon died westminster incident the cps said welsh schoolboy posted islamic state propaganda instagram account instagram password truck attack he researched possible targets including cardiff castle theater library shopping center well bieber gig took place june the teenager admitted owned knife hammer written letter denied intending harm anyone he sentenced january worldnews
This Reporter Just Won The Biggest Prize In Journalism For Exposing Trump’s Lies (DETAILS)The winners of the 2017 Pulitzer Prize have been announced and this year s theme was all about exposing Trump.Of particular note was the prize for National Reporting going to David A. Fahrenthold of The Washington Post, whose contribution to reporting during the presidential campaign was to unflinchingly go after Trump s lies, particularly as they related to his contributions to charity.As the Pulitzer committee put it, Fahrenthold deserved the award:For persistent reporting that created a model for transparent journalism in political campaign coverage while casting doubt on Donald Trump s assertions of generosity toward charities.During a campaign when many reporters and pundits struggled to keep up with Trump s lies, or pretended Trump wasn t lying at all, Fahrenthold decided to hold Trump s feet to the fire. After Trump repeatedly dodged questions about his donations to charity, Fahrenthold compiled an exhaustive list of charities Trump was said to have given money to and painstakingly eliminated each one. In the end, the reporting showed that Trump was perhaps one of the least charitable rich people in the country. He also ran down individual anecdotes exposing Trump has a showboating opportunist who cynically exploited charity events for PR but avoided giving any money.In one example discovered by Fahrenthold, Trump stagecrashed an event meant to honor donors, stole the seat of a legitimate donor and then left before anyone knew what had just happened. Nobody knew he was coming, said Abigail Disney, another donor sitting on the dais. There s this kind of ruckus at the door, and I don t know what was going on, and in comes Donald Trump. [He] just gets up on the podium and sits down. Trump was not a major donor. He was not a donor, period. He d never given a dollar to the nursery or the Association to Benefit Children, according to Gretchen Buchenholz, the charity s executive director then and now.It is for exposing stories like this and others that Fahrenthold has become reviled in the Trump White House and in conservative circles. He does what fearless journalism has always done: Speak truth to power.Hilariously, Farhrenthold isn t the only person to win the prestigious award for his coverage of Trump. Miami Herald cartoonist Jim Morin earned a Pulitzer for equally biting criticism of Trump. To highlight the point, his latest cartoon is a particularly brutal take down of Trump.Another loudmouth draft-dodging sanctimonious hypocrite phony patriot republican sending us to war #morintoon #TrumpSyria #ChemicalAttack Jim Morin (@MorinToon) April 8, 2017And the New York Times took home the international reporting Pulitzer for coverage that also caused Trump no shortage of headaches. The paper exposed the rampant corruption and cruelty of the Putin regime in Russia. This made things extremely awkward for Trump. He, of course, benefited greatly from Putin s willingness to undermine democracy specifically America s 2016 election. Trump has also praised the autocrat as a strong leader and at one time claimed him as a friend.It s extremely telling that so many of the top honors went to people who either directly or indirectly stood up to Trump s administration whether it be clear-eyed reporting on the corruption from within the White House or the disastrous effects of the policies they and their allies in Congress have forced upon the country. In dark days, fearless critical reporting is more valuable than ever. And with Trump already threatening to crank up censorship laws, it s a rare and powerful commodity.Featured image via Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty ImagesNews
this reporter just won the biggest prize in journalism for exposing trump lies details the winners pulitzer prize announced year theme exposing particular note prize national reporting going david fahrenthold the washington post whose contribution reporting presidential campaign unflinchingly go trump lies particularly related contributions pulitzer committee put fahrenthold deserved award for persistent reporting created model transparent journalism political campaign coverage casting doubt donald trump assertions generosity toward campaign many reporters pundits struggled keep trump lies pretended trump lying fahrenthold decided hold trump feet fire after trump repeatedly lodged questions donations charity fahrenthold compiled exhaustive list charities trump said given money painstakingly eliminated one in end reporting showed trump perhaps one least charitable rich people country he also ran individual anecdotes exposing trump showboating opportunity typically exploited charity events pr avoided giving one example discovered fahrenthold trump stagecrashed event meant honor donors stole seat legitimate donor left anyone knew happened nobody knew coming said abigail disney another donor sitting days there kind rocks door i know going comes donald trump he gets podium sits trump major donor he donor period he never given dollar nursery association benefit children according wretched buchenholz charity executive director exposing stories like others fahrenthold become revised trump white house conservative circles he fearless journalism always done speak truth farhrenthold person win prestigious award coverage trump miami herald cartoonist jim mori earned pulitzer equally biting criticism trump to highlight point latest cartoon particularly brutal take loudmouth sanctimonious hypocrisy phony patriot republican sending us war morintoon trumpsyria chemicalattack jim mori morintoon april new york times took home international reporting pulitzer coverage also caused trump shortage headaches the paper exposed rampant corruption cruelty putin regime russia this made things extremely awkward trump he course benefited greatly putin willingness undermine democracy specifically america election trump also praised autocratic strong leader one time claimed extremely telling many top honors went people either directly indirectly stood trump administration whether reporting corruption within white house disastrous effects policies allies congress forced upon country in dark days fearless critical reporting valuable ever and trump already threatening crank censorship laws rare powerful image via olivier imagenes
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This Reporter Just Won The Biggest Prize In Journalism For Exposing Trump’s Lies (DETAILS)The winners of the 2017 Pulitzer Prize have been announced and this year s theme was all about exposing Trump.Of particular note was the prize for National Reporting going to David A. Fahrenthold of The Washington Post, whose contribution to reporting during the presidential campaign was to unflinchingly go after Trump s lies, particularly as they related to his contributions to charity.As the Pulitzer committee put it, Fahrenthold deserved the award:For persistent reporting that created a model for transparent journalism in political campaign coverage while casting doubt on Donald Trump s assertions of generosity toward charities.During a campaign when many reporters and pundits struggled to keep up with Trump s lies, or pretended Trump wasn t lying at all, Fahrenthold decided to hold Trump s feet to the fire. After Trump repeatedly dodged questions about his donations to charity, Fahrenthold compiled an exhaustive list of charities Trump was said to have given money to and painstakingly eliminated each one. In the end, the reporting showed that Trump was perhaps one of the least charitable rich people in the country. He also ran down individual anecdotes exposing Trump has a showboating opportunist who cynically exploited charity events for PR but avoided giving any money.In one example discovered by Fahrenthold, Trump stagecrashed an event meant to honor donors, stole the seat of a legitimate donor and then left before anyone knew what had just happened. Nobody knew he was coming, said Abigail Disney, another donor sitting on the dais. There s this kind of ruckus at the door, and I don t know what was going on, and in comes Donald Trump. [He] just gets up on the podium and sits down. Trump was not a major donor. He was not a donor, period. He d never given a dollar to the nursery or the Association to Benefit Children, according to Gretchen Buchenholz, the charity s executive director then and now.It is for exposing stories like this and others that Fahrenthold has become reviled in the Trump White House and in conservative circles. He does what fearless journalism has always done: Speak truth to power.Hilariously, Farhrenthold isn t the only person to win the prestigious award for his coverage of Trump. Miami Herald cartoonist Jim Morin earned a Pulitzer for equally biting criticism of Trump. To highlight the point, his latest cartoon is a particularly brutal take down of Trump.Another loudmouth draft-dodging sanctimonious hypocrite phony patriot republican sending us to war #morintoon #TrumpSyria #ChemicalAttack Jim Morin (@MorinToon) April 8, 2017And the New York Times took home the international reporting Pulitzer for coverage that also caused Trump no shortage of headaches. The paper exposed the rampant corruption and cruelty of the Putin regime in Russia. This made things extremely awkward for Trump. He, of course, benefited greatly from Putin s willingness to undermine democracy specifically America s 2016 election. Trump has also praised the autocrat as a strong leader and at one time claimed him as a friend.It s extremely telling that so many of the top honors went to people who either directly or indirectly stood up to Trump s administration whether it be clear-eyed reporting on the corruption from within the White House or the disastrous effects of the policies they and their allies in Congress have forced upon the country. In dark days, fearless critical reporting is more valuable than ever. And with Trump already threatening to crank up censorship laws, it s a rare and powerful commodity.Featured image via Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty ImagesNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: this reporter just won the biggest prize in journalism for exposing trump lies details the winners pulitzer prize announced year theme exposing particular note prize national reporting going david fahrenthold the washington post whose contribution reporting presidential campaign unflinchingly go trump lies particularly related contributions pulitzer committee put fahrenthold deserved award for persistent reporting created model transparent journalism political campaign coverage casting doubt donald trump assertions generosity toward campaign many reporters pundits struggled keep trump lies pretended trump lying fahrenthold decided hold trump feet fire after trump repeatedly lodged questions donations charity fahrenthold compiled exhaustive list charities trump said given money painstakingly eliminated one in end reporting showed trump perhaps one least charitable rich people country he also ran individual anecdotes exposing trump showboating opportunity typically exploited charity events pr avoided giving one example discovered fahrenthold trump stagecrashed event meant honor donors stole seat legitimate donor left anyone knew happened nobody knew coming said abigail disney another donor sitting days there kind rocks door i know going comes donald trump he gets podium sits trump major donor he donor period he never given dollar nursery association benefit children according wretched buchenholz charity executive director exposing stories like others fahrenthold become revised trump white house conservative circles he fearless journalism always done speak truth farhrenthold person win prestigious award coverage trump miami herald cartoonist jim mori earned pulitzer equally biting criticism trump to highlight point latest cartoon particularly brutal take loudmouth sanctimonious hypocrisy phony patriot republican sending us war morintoon trumpsyria chemicalattack jim mori morintoon april new york times took home international reporting pulitzer coverage also caused trump shortage headaches the paper exposed rampant corruption cruelty putin regime russia this made things extremely awkward trump he course benefited greatly putin willingness undermine democracy specifically america election trump also praised autocratic strong leader one time claimed extremely telling many top honors went people either directly indirectly stood trump administration whether reporting corruption within white house disastrous effects policies allies congress forced upon country in dark days fearless critical reporting valuable ever and trump already threatening crank censorship laws rare powerful image via olivier imagenes
Iran sets December 10 court date for jailed Iranian-British aid workerLONDON (Reuters) - Iran has told jailed Iranian-British aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe that she will appear in court next month accused of spreading propaganda, her husband, Richard, said on Thursday. She s been told she will appear in court on Dec. 10, he told Reuters. He said that he understood she would appear in court charged with spreading propaganda. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a project manager with the Thomson Reuters Foundation, was sentenced to five years after being convicted by an Iranian court of plotting to overthrow the clerical establishment. She denies the charges. Zaghari-Ratcliffe s fate become a major political issue in Britain after Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson made remarks on Nov. 1 that appeared to cast doubt on statements from her employer about what she had been doing in Iran. The Thomson Reuters Foundation, a charity organization that is independent of Thomson Reuters and operates independently of Reuters News, said she had been on holiday. Johnson told a parliamentary committee he understood she had been teaching people journalism before her arrest in April 2016. He later apologized for his remarks. The Thomson Reuters Foundation said she had not been training journalists in Iran. Iranian state television has said Johnson s comments showed Zaghari-Ratcliffe s guilt and that she was involved in spying. worldnews
iran sets december court date jailed aid workerlondon reuters iran told jailed aid worker nazanin appear court next month accused spreading propaganda husband richard said thursday she told appear court told reuters he said understood would appear court charged spreading propaganda nazanin project manager thomson reuters foundation sentenced five years convicted iranian court plotting overthrow clerical establishment she denies charges fate become major political issue britain foreign secretary boris johnson made remarks appeared cast doubt statements employer iran the thomson reuters foundation charity organization independent thomson reuters operates independently reuters news said holiday johnson told parliamentary committee understood teaching people journalism arrest april he later apologized remarks the thomson reuters foundation said training journalists iran iranian state television said johnson comments showed guilt involved spying worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iran sets December 10 court date for jailed Iranian-British aid workerLONDON (Reuters) - Iran has told jailed Iranian-British aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe that she will appear in court next month accused of spreading propaganda, her husband, Richard, said on Thursday. She s been told she will appear in court on Dec. 10, he told Reuters. He said that he understood she would appear in court charged with spreading propaganda. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a project manager with the Thomson Reuters Foundation, was sentenced to five years after being convicted by an Iranian court of plotting to overthrow the clerical establishment. She denies the charges. Zaghari-Ratcliffe s fate become a major political issue in Britain after Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson made remarks on Nov. 1 that appeared to cast doubt on statements from her employer about what she had been doing in Iran. The Thomson Reuters Foundation, a charity organization that is independent of Thomson Reuters and operates independently of Reuters News, said she had been on holiday. Johnson told a parliamentary committee he understood she had been teaching people journalism before her arrest in April 2016. He later apologized for his remarks. The Thomson Reuters Foundation said she had not been training journalists in Iran. Iranian state television has said Johnson s comments showed Zaghari-Ratcliffe s guilt and that she was involved in spying. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: iran sets december court date jailed aid workerlondon reuters iran told jailed aid worker nazanin appear court next month accused spreading propaganda husband richard said thursday she told appear court told reuters he said understood would appear court charged spreading propaganda nazanin project manager thomson reuters foundation sentenced five years convicted iranian court plotting overthrow clerical establishment she denies charges fate become major political issue britain foreign secretary boris johnson made remarks appeared cast doubt statements employer iran the thomson reuters foundation charity organization independent thomson reuters operates independently reuters news said holiday johnson told parliamentary committee understood teaching people journalism arrest april he later apologized remarks the thomson reuters foundation said training journalists iran iranian state television said johnson comments showed guilt involved spying worldnews
Trump: ‘There Is No Drought In California’ — Offers This Conspiracy Theory Instead (VIDEO)Donald Trump told an audience in Fresno, California on Friday, that there is no drought in California. This has to be the most absurd claim that Trump has made during his campaign. During the event, Trump implied that the water shortage in California was created by the government and environmentalists. We re going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous where they re taking the water and shoving it out to sea, Trump told the crowd made up of mostly California farmers. They don t understand it. There is no drought, they turn the water out into the ocean. California has been in a state of drought for half a decade. In 2015, the drought was less severe than it has been in previous years. Though to claim that there is no drought and to imply that California s water shortage problem has been solely caused by poor water management systems is ridiculous.Trump pointed towards efforts to keep the Delta Smelt, or a three-inch fish as Trump referred to it in his speech, from going extinct as an example of environmentalists and the big-bad-government stealing water away from farmers. While water has been redirected in a last-ditch attempt to save the species from complete extinction, the idea that it has had any major impact on farmers is nothing more than a flimsy talking point.Trump is pandering to California farmers who are trying to get legislation passed to build new water infrastructure that would help farmers out. It s probably just due to the fact that he is Trump, that he has chosen to do so in such a ludicrous fashion. I m personally surprised that Trump is spending so much time trying to win over voters in California, a state that is certain to vote blue in November.You can watch the event below in full.Featured image via video screenshotNews
trump there is no drought in california offers this conspiracy theory instead video donald trump told audience fresco california friday drought california this absurd claim trump made campaign during event trump implied water shortage california created government environmentalists we going solve water problem you water problem insane it ridiculous taking water showing sea trump told crowd made mostly california farmers they understand there drought turn water ocean california state drought half decade in drought less severe previous years though claim drought imply california water shortage problem solely caused poor water management systems pointed towards efforts keep delta smell fish trump referred speech going extinct example environmentalists stealing water away farmers while water redirected attempt save species complete extinction idea major impact farmers nothing flimsy talking wandering california farmers trying get legislation passed build new water infrastructure would help farmers it probably due fact trump chosen ludicrous fashion i personally surprised trump spending much time trying win voters california state certain vote blue watch event image via video screenshotnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump: ‘There Is No Drought In California’ — Offers This Conspiracy Theory Instead (VIDEO)Donald Trump told an audience in Fresno, California on Friday, that there is no drought in California. This has to be the most absurd claim that Trump has made during his campaign. During the event, Trump implied that the water shortage in California was created by the government and environmentalists. We re going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous where they re taking the water and shoving it out to sea, Trump told the crowd made up of mostly California farmers. They don t understand it. There is no drought, they turn the water out into the ocean. California has been in a state of drought for half a decade. In 2015, the drought was less severe than it has been in previous years. Though to claim that there is no drought and to imply that California s water shortage problem has been solely caused by poor water management systems is ridiculous.Trump pointed towards efforts to keep the Delta Smelt, or a three-inch fish as Trump referred to it in his speech, from going extinct as an example of environmentalists and the big-bad-government stealing water away from farmers. While water has been redirected in a last-ditch attempt to save the species from complete extinction, the idea that it has had any major impact on farmers is nothing more than a flimsy talking point.Trump is pandering to California farmers who are trying to get legislation passed to build new water infrastructure that would help farmers out. It s probably just due to the fact that he is Trump, that he has chosen to do so in such a ludicrous fashion. I m personally surprised that Trump is spending so much time trying to win over voters in California, a state that is certain to vote blue in November.You can watch the event below in full.Featured image via video screenshotNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump there is no drought in california offers this conspiracy theory instead video donald trump told audience fresco california friday drought california this absurd claim trump made campaign during event trump implied water shortage california created government environmentalists we going solve water problem you water problem insane it ridiculous taking water showing sea trump told crowd made mostly california farmers they understand there drought turn water ocean california state drought half decade in drought less severe previous years though claim drought imply california water shortage problem solely caused poor water management systems pointed towards efforts keep delta smell fish trump referred speech going extinct example environmentalists stealing water away farmers while water redirected attempt save species complete extinction idea major impact farmers nothing flimsy talking wandering california farmers trying get legislation passed build new water infrastructure would help farmers it probably due fact trump chosen ludicrous fashion i personally surprised trump spending much time trying win voters california state certain vote blue watch event image via video screenshotnews
Swiss stop seizing income from asylum seekers to pay for upkeepZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland will stop seizing income from some would-be asylum seekers to help pay for their upkeep, the government said on Wednesday, scrapping a rule that has drawn scrutiny by human rights groups. The government now imposes a special fee confiscating 10 percent of income earned for up to a decade by foreigners provisionally admitted to the country. This ends as of the start of next year. The change applies to foreigners who have been ordered to leave but cannot be sent back to their native countries because this would violate international law or put them in danger. Many end up staying for years. The cabinet called the change a way to promote employing foreigners already here at a time the country is trying to rein in immigration. A quarter of the Swiss population is foreign. Eliminating this fee reduces the administrative burden on employers. On the other hand it makes it easier for people who have been provisionally admitted to start work, it said. Stefan Frey, spokesman for the Swiss Refugee Council human rights group, said the move was a gratifying first step by the government. We welcome this as an individual measure but the work is far from done in the area of provisional admissions, he said. Switzerland will still require arriving asylum seekers to turn over to the state assets they have worth more than 1,000 Swiss francs ($1,014) to help offset costs they trigger, the State Secretariat for Migration said in response to an enquiry. Broadcaster SRF in 2016 revealed the Swiss practice, which in similar form had drawn sharp rebukes for Denmark. worldnews
swiss stop seizing income asylum seekers pay upkeepzurich reuters switzerland stop seizing income asylum seekers help pay upkeep government said wednesday scrapping rule drawn scrutiny human rights groups the government imposes special fee confiscation percent income earned decade foreigners provisionally admitted country this ends start next year the change applies foreigners ordered leave sent back native countries would violate international law put danger many end staying years the cabinet called change way promote employing foreigners already time country trying rein immigration a quarter swiss population foreign eliminating fee reduces administrative burden employers on hand makes easier people provisionally admitted start work said stefan free spokesman swiss refugee council human rights group said move gratifying first step government we welcome individual measure work far done area provisional admissions said switzerland still require arriving asylum seekers turn state assets worth swiss francs help offset costs trigger state secretariat migration said response enquiry broadcaster sr revealed swiss practice similar form drawn sharp rebuke denmark worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Swiss stop seizing income from asylum seekers to pay for upkeepZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland will stop seizing income from some would-be asylum seekers to help pay for their upkeep, the government said on Wednesday, scrapping a rule that has drawn scrutiny by human rights groups. The government now imposes a special fee confiscating 10 percent of income earned for up to a decade by foreigners provisionally admitted to the country. This ends as of the start of next year. The change applies to foreigners who have been ordered to leave but cannot be sent back to their native countries because this would violate international law or put them in danger. Many end up staying for years. The cabinet called the change a way to promote employing foreigners already here at a time the country is trying to rein in immigration. A quarter of the Swiss population is foreign. Eliminating this fee reduces the administrative burden on employers. On the other hand it makes it easier for people who have been provisionally admitted to start work, it said. Stefan Frey, spokesman for the Swiss Refugee Council human rights group, said the move was a gratifying first step by the government. We welcome this as an individual measure but the work is far from done in the area of provisional admissions, he said. Switzerland will still require arriving asylum seekers to turn over to the state assets they have worth more than 1,000 Swiss francs ($1,014) to help offset costs they trigger, the State Secretariat for Migration said in response to an enquiry. Broadcaster SRF in 2016 revealed the Swiss practice, which in similar form had drawn sharp rebukes for Denmark. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: swiss stop seizing income asylum seekers pay upkeepzurich reuters switzerland stop seizing income asylum seekers help pay upkeep government said wednesday scrapping rule drawn scrutiny human rights groups the government imposes special fee confiscation percent income earned decade foreigners provisionally admitted country this ends start next year the change applies foreigners ordered leave sent back native countries would violate international law put danger many end staying years the cabinet called change way promote employing foreigners already time country trying rein immigration a quarter swiss population foreign eliminating fee reduces administrative burden employers on hand makes easier people provisionally admitted start work said stefan free spokesman swiss refugee council human rights group said move gratifying first step government we welcome individual measure work far done area provisional admissions said switzerland still require arriving asylum seekers turn state assets worth swiss francs help offset costs trigger state secretariat migration said response enquiry broadcaster sr revealed swiss practice similar form drawn sharp rebuke denmark worldnews
MUST WATCH Trump Ad Highlights Hillary’s War On Women: Bill, Monica And Other Perverts Make Guest AppearancesThe days of Hillary s past being off limits are officially over Bill s escapades and sexual assaults with various women throughout their marriage will all be coming out in this election. Stories about how Hillary threatened victims of Bill s sexual assaults are beginning to emerge. Hillary s closest friend, ally and top aide Huma Mahmood Abedin is also an enabler of a perverted husband, former Democrat NY Congressman Anthony Weiner, who thanks to Andrew Breitbart, was caught sexting several women during his term as a NY Congressman while his wife, Huma was pregnant with their first child. Birds of a feather Enjoy his latest Instagram ad here:Hillary and her friends!A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Jan 7, 2016 at 9:19am PSTHere s Trump s tweet announcing his new Instagram ad:Hillary and her friends! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2016left-news
must watch trump ad highlights hillary war on women bill monica and other reverts make guest appearancesthe days hillary past limits officially bill escapes sexual assaults various women throughout marriage coming election stories hillary threatened victims bill sexual assaults beginning emerge hillary closest friend ally top aide human manhood begin also enabled reverted husband former democrat ny congressman anthony einer thanks andrew breitbart caught setting several women term ny congressman wife human pregnant first child birds feather enjoy latest instagram ad hillary friends a video posted donald trump realdonaldtrump jan there trump tweet announcing new instagram ad hillary friends https donald trump realdonaldtrump january
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: MUST WATCH Trump Ad Highlights Hillary’s War On Women: Bill, Monica And Other Perverts Make Guest AppearancesThe days of Hillary s past being off limits are officially over Bill s escapades and sexual assaults with various women throughout their marriage will all be coming out in this election. Stories about how Hillary threatened victims of Bill s sexual assaults are beginning to emerge. Hillary s closest friend, ally and top aide Huma Mahmood Abedin is also an enabler of a perverted husband, former Democrat NY Congressman Anthony Weiner, who thanks to Andrew Breitbart, was caught sexting several women during his term as a NY Congressman while his wife, Huma was pregnant with their first child. Birds of a feather Enjoy his latest Instagram ad here:Hillary and her friends!A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Jan 7, 2016 at 9:19am PSTHere s Trump s tweet announcing his new Instagram ad:Hillary and her friends! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2016left-news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: must watch trump ad highlights hillary war on women bill monica and other reverts make guest appearancesthe days hillary past limits officially bill escapes sexual assaults various women throughout marriage coming election stories hillary threatened victims bill sexual assaults beginning emerge hillary closest friend ally top aide human manhood begin also enabled reverted husband former democrat ny congressman anthony einer thanks andrew breitbart caught setting several women term ny congressman wife human pregnant first child birds feather enjoy latest instagram ad hillary friends a video posted donald trump realdonaldtrump jan there trump tweet announcing new instagram ad hillary friends https donald trump realdonaldtrump january
Bundy Case Ruled a Mistrial – Will Federal Case Soon Crumble?Mark Anderson 21st Century WireThe Greek philosopher Plato was credited with saying, Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens. Well, since longtime Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his sons, and his other compatriots have demonstrated they possess a strong sense of principles and justice, perhaps a little justice in the life of the American state is possible which is no small thing in an age of nearly universal tyranny and injustice.This welcome ray of light became apparent in Las Vegas on Dec. 20 when U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro declared a mistrial in the current high-profile proceedings involving Cliven, his sons Ryan and Ammon, and Ryan Payne.This prompted members of the Bundy family and dozens of their supporters to leave the courthouse on that Tuesday in a state of elation, even with the presence of protesters who, holding signs that read, Keep your Bundy hands off public lands, appeared to be paid agitators for billionaire leftist revolutionary George Soros, as one protestor basically admitted.Back in the spring of 2014, the above-named four defendants who ve become emblematic of the plight of Western ranchers resisting heavy-handed federal land controls were accompanied by other Bundy siblings, and by scores of supporters from across the nation, all of whom gathered near Cliven s ranch in Clark County, in southern Nevada, to exercise their First and Second Amendment rights.On that basis, these brave souls, some of whom were armed in an open-carry state, protested the actions of well-armed Bureau of Land Management agents, FBI agents (including SWAT units) and contractors, when these officials showed up, set up shop, and finally moved to impound Cliven s cattle over flimsy allegations of unpaid grazing fees on public lands. The impoundment attempt, on April 12, 2014, was unsuccessful, however.But while the government retreated that day after a lengthy and often tense standoff, a 16-count federal indictment was eventually handed down. Cliven, Ammon and the two Ryans were among nearly 20 initially indicted in this now-legendary federal case, which hasn t gone particularly well for prosecutors ever since the first of several planned trials started in February of 2017.Thus, the government, despite spending millions of dollars, has seen its case steadily deflate to the point where, as of now, the only things that remain, according to a legal observer, are for Judge Navarro to receive briefs from the prosecution and the defense by 5 p.m. Dec. 29 (when a hearing may take place). Those briefs will consist of arguments to enable the judge to decide whether or not to fully dismiss the case.The mistrial happened around 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time Dec. 20, as Navarro told the jury to go home . . . it s over, recounted Roger Roots, a legal expert and author who has observed virtually every trial proceeding firsthand.He said that after Judge Navarro reviews the briefs, an open hearing will be convened at 9 a.m. on Jan. 8, according to the court schedule as of this writing. If she rules for dismissal Jan. 8 without prejudice, the indictment remains in force and federal prosecutors technically could reset the trial of Cliven and the three others, reportedly on or around Feb. 26. But if she rules for dismissal with prejudice, then the indictment is dissolved, according to Roots.Roots said a dissolved indictment would mean the government would have to go to the trouble and expense of convening a new grand jury in order to seek a new indictment which would be double jeopardy and therefore a probable constitutional violation.And while Roots said the government conceivably could appeal the mistrial ruling to the Ninth Circuit, at this point he does not believe the government would jump through all the necessary hoops for a new indictment.Notably, what helped make the mistrial a reality was Navarro s findings (reached during hearings on exculpatory evidence that the government has been withholding) that the prosecution had committed several Brady v Maryland violations including not disclosing to the defense the existence of surveillance cameras, including those trained at the Bundy homestead.Also included is not disclosing the fact that concealed snipers were stationed around the area at the time of the 2014 standoff; not disclosing the existence of maps of the snipers positions; and, among other things, not disclosing threat-assessment reports which include government admissions that Cliven and company are not dangerous people.SEE ALSO: Nevada Residents: Public Land Belongs to the People, Not DC Notably, family patriarch Cliven, as a matter of principle, stayed in prison despite a recent hearing in which the court allowed him to leave jail under house arrest. He has been jailed since early 2016 and has suffered from health problems.Cliven based his decision on the fact that a few remaining defendants which had included his sons Mel and Dave until they, too, were granted house arrest are still in jail awaiting a final trial that s been scheduled to take place sometime next year. Moreover, Ryan and Ammon Bundy, as well as Ryan Payne, all were recently released under house-arrest rulings, after an equally grueling amount of time behind bars.During a recent on-the-air interview, Cliven s daughter-in-law Briana, who s Mel s wife, told Free Speech Zone host Jim Lambley of KSDZ-FM The Twister out of Nebraska that in the almost two years that Cliven has been behind bars, several more grandchildren of his were born. Yet Cliven, despite such a strong emotional attachment to his large family, still chose to remain in jail to honor the others still imprisoned.On a Dec. 20 appearance on the same radio show, Briana added, Over 3,300 hundred pages of evidence that could ve helped the defense have been withheld and have been turned over to the defense in the last two weeks . . . . It was absolutely intentional and she [Judge Navarro] said she believes it was intentional because of what they withheld. Briana, who understands that even one, let alone several Brady violations, normally would be expected to lead to a full dismissal of the case right away (rather than carrying on with more hearings) added, however, that the Bundy siblings all are wearing electronic ankle bracelets and cannot leave their house-arrest locations before 7 a.m. and must return by 7 p.m., even while they are prohibited from congregating during Christmastime. But we re still winning here, Briana went on to tell KSDZ host Jim Lambley, while adding that even though a dismissal was hoped-for, rather than a mistrial, the upside is that any further proceedings will provide an opportunity to expose even more evidence that the government has withheld.Lambley replied: The government is just digging a deeper hole for themselves; the government is the false accuser here, that s all there is to it. Mr. Roots, who s cautiously optimistic about the remainder of this case, said that given the mistrial ruling, the few defendants still behind bars have a dramatically improved chance of never going to trial. Cliven won t go home until this case is all the way over, Roots remarked, moved by Cliven s ironclad principles.This article was originally published at The Truth HoundREAD MORE BUNDY RANCH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Bundy Ranch FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TVUS_News
buddy case ruled mistral will federal case soon rumble mark anderson century wirethe greek philosopher plato credited saying justice life conduct state possible first resides hearts souls citizens well since longtime nevada rancher clive buddy sons compatriots demonstrated possess strong sense principles justice perhaps little justice life american state possible small thing age nearly universal tyranny welcome ray light became apparent las vegas district judge gloria navarro declared mistral current proceedings involving clive sons ryan amon ryan prompted members buddy family dozens supporters leave courthouse tuesday state relation even presence protesters holding signs read keep buddy hands public lands appeared paid aviators billionaire leftist revolutionary george sorts one protector basically spring four defendants become emblematic plight western ranchers resisting federal land controls accompanied buddy siblings scores supporters across nation gathered near clive ranch clark county southern nevada exercise first second amendment basis brave souls armed state protested actions bureau land management agents fbi agents including seat units contractors officials showed set shop finally moved compound clive cattle flimsy allegations unpaid grazing fees public lands the impoundment attempt april unsuccessful government retreated day lengthy often tense standoff federal indictment eventually handed clive amon two ryan among nearly initially indicted federal case gone particularly well prosecutors ever since first several planned trials started february government despite spending millions dollars seen case steadily debate point things remain according legal observer judge navarro receive briefs prosecution defense hearing may take place those briefs consist arguments enable judge decide whether fully dismiss mistral happened around pacific time navarro told jury go home recounted roger roots legal expert author observed virtually every trial proceeding said judge navarro reviews briefs open hearing convened according court schedule writing if rules dismissal without prejudice indictment remains force federal prosecutors technically could reset trial clive three others reportedly around but rules dismissal prejudice indictment dissolved according said dissolved indictment would mean government would go trouble expense conveying new grand jury order seek new indictment would double jeopardy therefore probable constitutional roots said government conceivably could appeal mistral ruling ninth circuit point believe government would jump necessary hoops new helped make mistral reality navarro findings reached hearings exculpatory evidence government withholding prosecution committed several brady v maryland violations including disclosing defense existence surveillance cameras including trained buddy included disclosing fact concealed snipers stationed around area time standoff disclosing existence maps snipers positions among things disclosing reports include government admissions clive company dangerous also nevada residents public land belongs people not dc notably family patriarch clive matter principle stayed prison despite recent hearing court allowed leave jail house arrest he jailed since early suffered health based decision fact remaining defendants included sons mel dave granted house arrest still jail awaiting final trial scheduled take place sometime next year moreover ryan amon buddy well ryan payne recently released rulings equally ruling amount time behind recent interview clive brian mel wife told free speech zone host jim gamble the twitter nebraska almost two years clive behind bars several grandchildren born yet clive despite strong emotional attachment large family still chose remain jail honor others still appearance radio show brian added over hundred pages evidence could helped defense withheld turned defense last two weeks it absolutely intentional judge navarro said believes intentional withheld brian understands even one let alone several brady violations normally would expected lead full dismissal case right away rather carrying hearings added however buddy siblings wearing electronic ankle bracelets leave locations must return even prohibited congregation christmastime but still winning brian went tell kids host jim gamble adding even though dismissal rather mistral upside proceedings provide opportunity expose even evidence government replied the government digging deeper hole government false accuser mr roots cautiously optimistic remainder case said given mistral ruling defendants still behind bars dramatically improved chance never going trial clive go home case way roots remarked moved clive ironclad article originally published the truth hundred more buddy ranch news at century wire buddy ranch filessupport subscribe become a member
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Bundy Case Ruled a Mistrial – Will Federal Case Soon Crumble?Mark Anderson 21st Century WireThe Greek philosopher Plato was credited with saying, Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens. Well, since longtime Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his sons, and his other compatriots have demonstrated they possess a strong sense of principles and justice, perhaps a little justice in the life of the American state is possible which is no small thing in an age of nearly universal tyranny and injustice.This welcome ray of light became apparent in Las Vegas on Dec. 20 when U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro declared a mistrial in the current high-profile proceedings involving Cliven, his sons Ryan and Ammon, and Ryan Payne.This prompted members of the Bundy family and dozens of their supporters to leave the courthouse on that Tuesday in a state of elation, even with the presence of protesters who, holding signs that read, Keep your Bundy hands off public lands, appeared to be paid agitators for billionaire leftist revolutionary George Soros, as one protestor basically admitted.Back in the spring of 2014, the above-named four defendants who ve become emblematic of the plight of Western ranchers resisting heavy-handed federal land controls were accompanied by other Bundy siblings, and by scores of supporters from across the nation, all of whom gathered near Cliven s ranch in Clark County, in southern Nevada, to exercise their First and Second Amendment rights.On that basis, these brave souls, some of whom were armed in an open-carry state, protested the actions of well-armed Bureau of Land Management agents, FBI agents (including SWAT units) and contractors, when these officials showed up, set up shop, and finally moved to impound Cliven s cattle over flimsy allegations of unpaid grazing fees on public lands. The impoundment attempt, on April 12, 2014, was unsuccessful, however.But while the government retreated that day after a lengthy and often tense standoff, a 16-count federal indictment was eventually handed down. Cliven, Ammon and the two Ryans were among nearly 20 initially indicted in this now-legendary federal case, which hasn t gone particularly well for prosecutors ever since the first of several planned trials started in February of 2017.Thus, the government, despite spending millions of dollars, has seen its case steadily deflate to the point where, as of now, the only things that remain, according to a legal observer, are for Judge Navarro to receive briefs from the prosecution and the defense by 5 p.m. Dec. 29 (when a hearing may take place). Those briefs will consist of arguments to enable the judge to decide whether or not to fully dismiss the case.The mistrial happened around 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time Dec. 20, as Navarro told the jury to go home . . . it s over, recounted Roger Roots, a legal expert and author who has observed virtually every trial proceeding firsthand.He said that after Judge Navarro reviews the briefs, an open hearing will be convened at 9 a.m. on Jan. 8, according to the court schedule as of this writing. If she rules for dismissal Jan. 8 without prejudice, the indictment remains in force and federal prosecutors technically could reset the trial of Cliven and the three others, reportedly on or around Feb. 26. But if she rules for dismissal with prejudice, then the indictment is dissolved, according to Roots.Roots said a dissolved indictment would mean the government would have to go to the trouble and expense of convening a new grand jury in order to seek a new indictment which would be double jeopardy and therefore a probable constitutional violation.And while Roots said the government conceivably could appeal the mistrial ruling to the Ninth Circuit, at this point he does not believe the government would jump through all the necessary hoops for a new indictment.Notably, what helped make the mistrial a reality was Navarro s findings (reached during hearings on exculpatory evidence that the government has been withholding) that the prosecution had committed several Brady v Maryland violations including not disclosing to the defense the existence of surveillance cameras, including those trained at the Bundy homestead.Also included is not disclosing the fact that concealed snipers were stationed around the area at the time of the 2014 standoff; not disclosing the existence of maps of the snipers positions; and, among other things, not disclosing threat-assessment reports which include government admissions that Cliven and company are not dangerous people.SEE ALSO: Nevada Residents: Public Land Belongs to the People, Not DC Notably, family patriarch Cliven, as a matter of principle, stayed in prison despite a recent hearing in which the court allowed him to leave jail under house arrest. He has been jailed since early 2016 and has suffered from health problems.Cliven based his decision on the fact that a few remaining defendants which had included his sons Mel and Dave until they, too, were granted house arrest are still in jail awaiting a final trial that s been scheduled to take place sometime next year. Moreover, Ryan and Ammon Bundy, as well as Ryan Payne, all were recently released under house-arrest rulings, after an equally grueling amount of time behind bars.During a recent on-the-air interview, Cliven s daughter-in-law Briana, who s Mel s wife, told Free Speech Zone host Jim Lambley of KSDZ-FM The Twister out of Nebraska that in the almost two years that Cliven has been behind bars, several more grandchildren of his were born. Yet Cliven, despite such a strong emotional attachment to his large family, still chose to remain in jail to honor the others still imprisoned.On a Dec. 20 appearance on the same radio show, Briana added, Over 3,300 hundred pages of evidence that could ve helped the defense have been withheld and have been turned over to the defense in the last two weeks . . . . It was absolutely intentional and she [Judge Navarro] said she believes it was intentional because of what they withheld. Briana, who understands that even one, let alone several Brady violations, normally would be expected to lead to a full dismissal of the case right away (rather than carrying on with more hearings) added, however, that the Bundy siblings all are wearing electronic ankle bracelets and cannot leave their house-arrest locations before 7 a.m. and must return by 7 p.m., even while they are prohibited from congregating during Christmastime. But we re still winning here, Briana went on to tell KSDZ host Jim Lambley, while adding that even though a dismissal was hoped-for, rather than a mistrial, the upside is that any further proceedings will provide an opportunity to expose even more evidence that the government has withheld.Lambley replied: The government is just digging a deeper hole for themselves; the government is the false accuser here, that s all there is to it. Mr. Roots, who s cautiously optimistic about the remainder of this case, said that given the mistrial ruling, the few defendants still behind bars have a dramatically improved chance of never going to trial. Cliven won t go home until this case is all the way over, Roots remarked, moved by Cliven s ironclad principles.This article was originally published at The Truth HoundREAD MORE BUNDY RANCH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Bundy Ranch FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TVUS_News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: buddy case ruled mistral will federal case soon rumble mark anderson century wirethe greek philosopher plato credited saying justice life conduct state possible first resides hearts souls citizens well since longtime nevada rancher clive buddy sons compatriots demonstrated possess strong sense principles justice perhaps little justice life american state possible small thing age nearly universal tyranny welcome ray light became apparent las vegas district judge gloria navarro declared mistral current proceedings involving clive sons ryan amon ryan prompted members buddy family dozens supporters leave courthouse tuesday state relation even presence protesters holding signs read keep buddy hands public lands appeared paid aviators billionaire leftist revolutionary george sorts one protector basically spring four defendants become emblematic plight western ranchers resisting federal land controls accompanied buddy siblings scores supporters across nation gathered near clive ranch clark county southern nevada exercise first second amendment basis brave souls armed state protested actions bureau land management agents fbi agents including seat units contractors officials showed set shop finally moved compound clive cattle flimsy allegations unpaid grazing fees public lands the impoundment attempt april unsuccessful government retreated day lengthy often tense standoff federal indictment eventually handed clive amon two ryan among nearly initially indicted federal case gone particularly well prosecutors ever since first several planned trials started february government despite spending millions dollars seen case steadily debate point things remain according legal observer judge navarro receive briefs prosecution defense hearing may take place those briefs consist arguments enable judge decide whether fully dismiss mistral happened around pacific time navarro told jury go home recounted roger roots legal expert author observed virtually every trial proceeding said judge navarro reviews briefs open hearing convened according court schedule writing if rules dismissal without prejudice indictment remains force federal prosecutors technically could reset trial clive three others reportedly around but rules dismissal prejudice indictment dissolved according said dissolved indictment would mean government would go trouble expense conveying new grand jury order seek new indictment would double jeopardy therefore probable constitutional roots said government conceivably could appeal mistral ruling ninth circuit point believe government would jump necessary hoops new helped make mistral reality navarro findings reached hearings exculpatory evidence government withholding prosecution committed several brady v maryland violations including disclosing defense existence surveillance cameras including trained buddy included disclosing fact concealed snipers stationed around area time standoff disclosing existence maps snipers positions among things disclosing reports include government admissions clive company dangerous also nevada residents public land belongs people not dc notably family patriarch clive matter principle stayed prison despite recent hearing court allowed leave jail house arrest he jailed since early suffered health based decision fact remaining defendants included sons mel dave granted house arrest still jail awaiting final trial scheduled take place sometime next year moreover ryan amon buddy well ryan payne recently released rulings equally ruling amount time behind recent interview clive brian mel wife told free speech zone host jim gamble the twitter nebraska almost two years clive behind bars several grandchildren born yet clive despite strong emotional attachment large family still chose remain jail honor others still appearance radio show brian added over hundred pages evidence could helped defense withheld turned defense last two weeks it absolutely intentional judge navarro said believes intentional withheld brian understands even one let alone several brady violations normally would expected lead full dismissal case right away rather carrying hearings added however buddy siblings wearing electronic ankle bracelets leave locations must return even prohibited congregation christmastime but still winning brian went tell kids host jim gamble adding even though dismissal rather mistral upside proceedings provide opportunity expose even evidence government replied the government digging deeper hole government false accuser mr roots cautiously optimistic remainder case said given mistral ruling defendants still behind bars dramatically improved chance never going trial clive go home case way roots remarked moved clive ironclad article originally published the truth hundred more buddy ranch news at century wire buddy ranch filessupport subscribe become a member
Japan ruling coalition seen winning around two-thirds majority: KyodoTOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s coalition is on track for a roughly two-thirds majority in Sunday s general election, a survey by Kyodo news agency showed, as its conservative rival led by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike appeared to lose momentum. Japanese go to the polls on Sunday to elect representatives for the country s 465-member lower house, the more powerful of Japan s two-chamber parliament. The Kyodo poll, conducted by telephone between Oct. 15-17, showed Abe s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) poised to win about 280 seats in the 465-member lower house. Combined with its junior coalition partner Komeito, it is likely to retain about two-thirds of the seats, Kyodo said. The ruling bloc held a two-thirds super majority before the chamber was dissolved for the snap election. About two-fifth of voters polled were still undecided, suggesting they could still sway the results, it said. The Party of Hope, which Tokyo Governor Koike launched last month as a reformist, conservative alternative to the LDP, has lost momentum since the previous survey, Kyodo said. The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDPJ), formed this month by liberal members of the Democratic Party, is set to beat out the Party of Hope to become the leading opposition party, at least doubling its representation, Kyodo added. A Reuters corporate survey published on Wednesday showed Japanese companies overwhelmingly want Abe s coalition to stay in power but also want it to lose seats, suggesting they want political stability but don t want to hand him a landslide victory. worldnews
japan ruling coalition seen winning around majority kyodotokyo reuters japanese prime minister shine abe coalition track roughly majority sunday general election survey kyoto news agency showed conservative rival led tokyo governor yuri like appeared lose momentum japanese go polls sunday elect representatives country lower house powerful japan parliament the kyoto poll conducted telephone showed abe liberal democratic party dp poised win seats lower house combined junior coalition partner komeito likely retain seats kyoto said the ruling bloc held super majority chamber dissolved snap election about voters polled still undecided suggesting could still sway results said the party hope tokyo governor like launched last month reformist conservative alternative dp lost momentum since previous survey kyoto said the constitutional democratic party japan cpj formed month liberal members democratic party set beat party hope become leading opposition party least doubling representation kyoto added a reuters corporate survey published wednesday showed japanese companies overwhelmingly want abe coalition stay power also want lose seats suggesting want political stability want hand landslide victory worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Japan ruling coalition seen winning around two-thirds majority: KyodoTOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s coalition is on track for a roughly two-thirds majority in Sunday s general election, a survey by Kyodo news agency showed, as its conservative rival led by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike appeared to lose momentum. Japanese go to the polls on Sunday to elect representatives for the country s 465-member lower house, the more powerful of Japan s two-chamber parliament. The Kyodo poll, conducted by telephone between Oct. 15-17, showed Abe s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) poised to win about 280 seats in the 465-member lower house. Combined with its junior coalition partner Komeito, it is likely to retain about two-thirds of the seats, Kyodo said. The ruling bloc held a two-thirds super majority before the chamber was dissolved for the snap election. About two-fifth of voters polled were still undecided, suggesting they could still sway the results, it said. The Party of Hope, which Tokyo Governor Koike launched last month as a reformist, conservative alternative to the LDP, has lost momentum since the previous survey, Kyodo said. The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDPJ), formed this month by liberal members of the Democratic Party, is set to beat out the Party of Hope to become the leading opposition party, at least doubling its representation, Kyodo added. A Reuters corporate survey published on Wednesday showed Japanese companies overwhelmingly want Abe s coalition to stay in power but also want it to lose seats, suggesting they want political stability but don t want to hand him a landslide victory. worldnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: japan ruling coalition seen winning around majority kyodotokyo reuters japanese prime minister shine abe coalition track roughly majority sunday general election survey kyoto news agency showed conservative rival led tokyo governor yuri like appeared lose momentum japanese go polls sunday elect representatives country lower house powerful japan parliament the kyoto poll conducted telephone showed abe liberal democratic party dp poised win seats lower house combined junior coalition partner komeito likely retain seats kyoto said the ruling bloc held super majority chamber dissolved snap election about voters polled still undecided suggesting could still sway results said the party hope tokyo governor like launched last month reformist conservative alternative dp lost momentum since previous survey kyoto said the constitutional democratic party japan cpj formed month liberal members democratic party set beat party hope become leading opposition party least doubling representation kyoto added a reuters corporate survey published wednesday showed japanese companies overwhelmingly want abe coalition stay power also want lose seats suggesting want political stability want hand landslide victory worldnews
Senators seek to block $1.15 billion U.S. arms sale to Saudi ArabiaWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. senators introduced a joint resolution on Thursday seeking to block the U.S. sale of $1.15 billion of Abrams tanks and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia, citing issues including the conflict in Yemen. The measure was introduced by Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee and Democrats Chris Murphy and Al Franken, the latest indication of strong disapproval of the deal among some U.S. lawmakers. “Selling $1.15 billion in tanks, guns, ammunition, and more to a country with a poor human rights record embroiled in a bitter war is a recipe for disaster and an escalation of an ongoing arms race in the region,” Paul said in a statement. In August, 64 members of the House of Representatives signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to delay the sale. The Pentagon announced on Aug. 9 that the State Department has approved the potential sale of more than 130 Abrams battle tanks, 20 armored recovery vehicles and other equipment to Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which implements foreign arms sales, said that General Dynamics would be the principal contractor for the sale. Introducing the resolution, the senators cited the conflict in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition in support of forces loyal to the exiled government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who are trying to oust Iran-allied Houthi forces from the capital, Sanaa. Human rights groups have criticized the coalition’s air strikes because of the deaths of civilians. “Thousands of civilians are being killed, and terrorist groups inside the country, like al Qaeda and ISIS, are getting stronger. Until the Saudis’ conduct changes, the U.S. should put a pause on further arms sales,” Murphy said in a statement. Some congressional aides questioned whether Congress had the right to try to block the sale, since it has been more than 30 days since Congress was notified about it. But the four senators said the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 allows senators to force a vote on an arms sale by a president. Human rights activists applauded the resolution. “Congress’ silence would signal to the Yemeni people that U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is unconditional – no matter how cruel the parties’ methods of warfare or how unwilling they are to make peace,” Scott Paul, senior humanitarian policy advisor at Oxfam America, said in a statement. politicsNews
senators seek block billion arms sale saudi arabiawashington reuters four senators introduced joint resolution thursday seeking block sale billion abrams tanks military equipment saudi arabia citing issues including conflict yemen the measure introduced republican senators rand paul mike lee democrats chris murphy al ranked latest indication strong disapproval deal among lawmakers selling billion tanks guns ammunition country poor human rights record embroiled bitter war recipe disaster escalation ongoing arms race region paul said statement in august members house representatives signed letter urging president barack obama delay sale the pentagon announced state department approved potential sale abrams battle tanks armored recovery vehicles equipment saudi arabia the defense security cooperation agency implements foreign arms sales said general dynamics would principal contractor sale introducing resolution senators cited conflict yemen saudi arabia leading coalition support forces loyal exiled government president manor had trying oust south forces capital santa human rights groups criticized coalition air strikes deaths civilians thousands civilians killed terrorist groups inside country like al qaeda isis getting stronger until saudi conduct changes put pause arms sales murphy said statement some congressional aides questioned whether congress right try block sale since days since congress notified but four senators said arms export control act allows senators force vote arms sale president human rights activists applauded resolution congress silence would signal yemen people support coalition yemen unconditional matter cruel parties methods warfare unwilling make peace scott paul senior humanitarian policy advisor fam america said statement politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Senators seek to block $1.15 billion U.S. arms sale to Saudi ArabiaWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. senators introduced a joint resolution on Thursday seeking to block the U.S. sale of $1.15 billion of Abrams tanks and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia, citing issues including the conflict in Yemen. The measure was introduced by Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee and Democrats Chris Murphy and Al Franken, the latest indication of strong disapproval of the deal among some U.S. lawmakers. “Selling $1.15 billion in tanks, guns, ammunition, and more to a country with a poor human rights record embroiled in a bitter war is a recipe for disaster and an escalation of an ongoing arms race in the region,” Paul said in a statement. In August, 64 members of the House of Representatives signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to delay the sale. The Pentagon announced on Aug. 9 that the State Department has approved the potential sale of more than 130 Abrams battle tanks, 20 armored recovery vehicles and other equipment to Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which implements foreign arms sales, said that General Dynamics would be the principal contractor for the sale. Introducing the resolution, the senators cited the conflict in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition in support of forces loyal to the exiled government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who are trying to oust Iran-allied Houthi forces from the capital, Sanaa. Human rights groups have criticized the coalition’s air strikes because of the deaths of civilians. “Thousands of civilians are being killed, and terrorist groups inside the country, like al Qaeda and ISIS, are getting stronger. Until the Saudis’ conduct changes, the U.S. should put a pause on further arms sales,” Murphy said in a statement. Some congressional aides questioned whether Congress had the right to try to block the sale, since it has been more than 30 days since Congress was notified about it. But the four senators said the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 allows senators to force a vote on an arms sale by a president. Human rights activists applauded the resolution. “Congress’ silence would signal to the Yemeni people that U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is unconditional – no matter how cruel the parties’ methods of warfare or how unwilling they are to make peace,” Scott Paul, senior humanitarian policy advisor at Oxfam America, said in a statement. politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: senators seek block billion arms sale saudi arabiawashington reuters four senators introduced joint resolution thursday seeking block sale billion abrams tanks military equipment saudi arabia citing issues including conflict yemen the measure introduced republican senators rand paul mike lee democrats chris murphy al ranked latest indication strong disapproval deal among lawmakers selling billion tanks guns ammunition country poor human rights record embroiled bitter war recipe disaster escalation ongoing arms race region paul said statement in august members house representatives signed letter urging president barack obama delay sale the pentagon announced state department approved potential sale abrams battle tanks armored recovery vehicles equipment saudi arabia the defense security cooperation agency implements foreign arms sales said general dynamics would principal contractor sale introducing resolution senators cited conflict yemen saudi arabia leading coalition support forces loyal exiled government president manor had trying oust south forces capital santa human rights groups criticized coalition air strikes deaths civilians thousands civilians killed terrorist groups inside country like al qaeda isis getting stronger until saudi conduct changes put pause arms sales murphy said statement some congressional aides questioned whether congress right try block sale since days since congress notified but four senators said arms export control act allows senators force vote arms sale president human rights activists applauded resolution congress silence would signal yemen people support coalition yemen unconditional matter cruel parties methods warfare unwilling make peace scott paul senior humanitarian policy advisor fam america said statement politicsnews
Senators raise alarms about shelving retirement advice ruleWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. Democratic Senators on Friday raised concerns over the possibility that President Donald Trump’s administration will permanently shelve the “fiduciary rule,” aimed at preventing brokers from recommending inappropriate retirement investments. The most senior Democrat on the Senate committee overseeing pensions, Washington’s Patty Murray, and two of the party’s liberal stars who advocated for the rule, Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren, wrote to newly confirmed Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta about reports that he was looking for a way to freeze the rule and make it “stick.” Earlier this month, the National Association of Plan Advisors cited Acosta as saying he was seeking the long-term freeze in a meeting with Republican Senator Tim Scott, of South Carolina. He added that he was in constant communication with the White House and “recognized the urgency of the situation,” the group said in a blog post citing a “communication from Scott’s office.” Scott’s spokeswoman Michele Exner told Reuters she did not know what the two discussed in their meeting, what Acosta had said, or anything about the communication cited. Labor Department Spokeswoman Jillian Rogers said she would ask Acosta, currently in Germany, about the conversation and if permanently paralyzing the rule was a department priority. Approved last year under former President Barack Obama, a Democrat, the rule was intended to ensure that financial advisers put their clients’ interests first, and to protect consumers from buying unnecessary investment products that line brokers’ pockets. Heavily criticized by Wall Street and Republicans for potentially raising the cost of investment advice, the rule has faced a rocky time becoming effective, with Trump last month delaying its enactment date, originally April 10, for 60 days. Trump has also ordered a review of the rule. “Instead of meeting with all stakeholders and considering multiple points of view, you appear to have prejudged the outcome of the review,” the senators wrote in a copy of the letter seen by Reuters. They said an analysis accompanying the rule’s release that found conflicts of interest would cost those saving for retirement $17 billion annually. They warned there are “steep legal standards” that the Labor Department would have to meet to “justify further delaying, substantially revising, or rescinding this rule.” politicsNews
senators raise alarms shelling retirement advice rulewashington reuters three democratic senators friday raised concerns possibility president donald trump administration permanently shelves fiduciary rule aimed preventing brokers recommending inappropriate retirement investments the senior democrat senate committee overseeing pensions washington patty murray two party liberal stars advocated rule cory booker elizabeth warren wrote newly confirmed labor secretary alexander costa reports looking way freeze rule make earlier month national association plan advisors cited costa saying seeking freeze meeting republican senator tim scott south carolina he added constant communication white house recognized urgency situation group said blog post citing communication scott scott spokeswoman michele einer told reuters know two discussed meeting costa said anything communication cited labor department spokeswoman million rogers said would ask costa currently germany conversation permanently analyzing rule department priority approved last year former president barack obama democrat rule intended ensure financial advisers put clients interests first protect consumers buying unnecessary investment products line brokers pockets heavily criticized wall street republicans potentially raising cost investment advice rule faced rocky time becoming effective trump last month delaying enactment date originally april days trump also ordered review rule instead meeting stakeholders considering multiple points view appear prejudiced outcome review senators wrote copy letter seen reuters they said analysis accompanying rule release found conflicts interest would cost saving retirement billion annually they warned steep legal standards labor department would meet justify delaying substantially revising residing politicsnews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Senators raise alarms about shelving retirement advice ruleWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. Democratic Senators on Friday raised concerns over the possibility that President Donald Trump’s administration will permanently shelve the “fiduciary rule,” aimed at preventing brokers from recommending inappropriate retirement investments. The most senior Democrat on the Senate committee overseeing pensions, Washington’s Patty Murray, and two of the party’s liberal stars who advocated for the rule, Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren, wrote to newly confirmed Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta about reports that he was looking for a way to freeze the rule and make it “stick.” Earlier this month, the National Association of Plan Advisors cited Acosta as saying he was seeking the long-term freeze in a meeting with Republican Senator Tim Scott, of South Carolina. He added that he was in constant communication with the White House and “recognized the urgency of the situation,” the group said in a blog post citing a “communication from Scott’s office.” Scott’s spokeswoman Michele Exner told Reuters she did not know what the two discussed in their meeting, what Acosta had said, or anything about the communication cited. Labor Department Spokeswoman Jillian Rogers said she would ask Acosta, currently in Germany, about the conversation and if permanently paralyzing the rule was a department priority. Approved last year under former President Barack Obama, a Democrat, the rule was intended to ensure that financial advisers put their clients’ interests first, and to protect consumers from buying unnecessary investment products that line brokers’ pockets. Heavily criticized by Wall Street and Republicans for potentially raising the cost of investment advice, the rule has faced a rocky time becoming effective, with Trump last month delaying its enactment date, originally April 10, for 60 days. Trump has also ordered a review of the rule. “Instead of meeting with all stakeholders and considering multiple points of view, you appear to have prejudged the outcome of the review,” the senators wrote in a copy of the letter seen by Reuters. They said an analysis accompanying the rule’s release that found conflicts of interest would cost those saving for retirement $17 billion annually. They warned there are “steep legal standards” that the Labor Department would have to meet to “justify further delaying, substantially revising, or rescinding this rule.” politicsNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: senators raise alarms shelling retirement advice rulewashington reuters three democratic senators friday raised concerns possibility president donald trump administration permanently shelves fiduciary rule aimed preventing brokers recommending inappropriate retirement investments the senior democrat senate committee overseeing pensions washington patty murray two party liberal stars advocated rule cory booker elizabeth warren wrote newly confirmed labor secretary alexander costa reports looking way freeze rule make earlier month national association plan advisors cited costa saying seeking freeze meeting republican senator tim scott south carolina he added constant communication white house recognized urgency situation group said blog post citing communication scott scott spokeswoman michele einer told reuters know two discussed meeting costa said anything communication cited labor department spokeswoman million rogers said would ask costa currently germany conversation permanently analyzing rule department priority approved last year former president barack obama democrat rule intended ensure financial advisers put clients interests first protect consumers buying unnecessary investment products line brokers pockets heavily criticized wall street republicans potentially raising cost investment advice rule faced rocky time becoming effective trump last month delaying enactment date originally april days trump also ordered review rule instead meeting stakeholders considering multiple points view appear prejudiced outcome review senators wrote copy letter seen reuters they said analysis accompanying rule release found conflicts interest would cost saving retirement billion annually they warned steep legal standards labor department would meet justify delaying substantially revising residing politicsnews
Cher Does NOT Hold Back On Twitter As She Calls For Death Of Michigan Governor (TWEETS)When it comes to the safety of our drinking water that comes out of our taps, we are left to trust those who are elected to keep us safe and work in our best interests. However, what s been happening in Flint, Michigan over the past few years is criminal. Flint s city manager was held accountable to Gov. Rick Snyder (R) alone. They, alongside other officials denied that there was lead contamination in the Flint s water.As Rachel Maddow reported: For more than 18 months, state and local government officials ignored irrefutable evidence that the water pumped from the Flint River exposed [residents] to extreme toxicity, the complaint reads. The deliberately false denials about the safety of the Flint River water was as deadly as it was arrogant. Calling officials conduct so egregious and so outrageous that it shocks the conscience, the complaint cites the specific experiences of a few plaintiffs and their families, all of whom allege they have been challenged by similar health ailments since high levels of lead and copper entered their bloodstreams.These conditions include skin lesions, hair loss, chemical-induced hypertension, vision loss and depression. Of the four families described in the complaint, two had ceased to drink Flint water after a certain point and used it only for washing and cooking but still said they were exposed to many of the same ill effects. Finally admitting to the toxicity in Flint, Snyder declared a state of emergency and apologized, but for many it is too late. The U.S. Justice Department has now opened an investigation into how things could have gone so devastatingly wrong for so long. This is following an EPA investigation that began last November.Needless to say, people are utterly outraged, and justifiably so.Taking to Twitter, legendary artist Cher called Snyder out by name and asked that he be jailed. Then going a step further, called for the death penalty. She said: Gov. of Michigan is a murderer. HE made the decision to give people poison water, and now must sign disaster bill. Children will never recover. #jailforRick WTF is going on with power. Mad, greed driven, killer. Incompetent politicians? They are criminals! Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan. #firingsquadworksforme GOV.Of MICHIGAN IS A MURDERER?HE Made Decision 2GAVE ppl POISON WATER,&NOW MUST SIGN DISASTER BILL.CHILDREN WILL"NEVER"RECOVER? #JAILFORRICK Cher (@cher) January 6, 2016WTF IS GOING ON W/POWER MAD,GREED DRIVEN,KILLER, INCOMPETENT,POLITICIANS?THEY R CRIMNALS GOV.RICK SNYDER OF MICH. #FIRINGSQUADWORKSFORME Cher (@cher) January 6, 2016And while asking for a firing squad could seem a bit over the line, the passion behind her tweets is palpable. People are upset, and have every right to be outraged. Citizens were poisoned. CHILDREN were poisoned, and people need to be held accountable. It will be interesting to see if Snyder himself will resign and face trial. This criminal behavior needs to be accounted for.Featured image: YouTube/Flickr/TwitterNews
cher does not hold back on twitter as she calls for death of michigan governor tweets when comes safety drinking water comes taps left trust elected keep us safe work best interests however happening flint michigan past years criminal flint city manager held accountable gov rick snyder r alone they alongside officials denied lead contamination flint rachel middot reported for months state local government officials ignored irrefutable evidence water pumped flint river exposed residents extreme toxicity complaint reads the deliberately false denials safety flint river water deadly arrogant calling officials conduct egregious outrageous shocks conscience complaint cites specific experiences plaintiffs families allege challenged similar health ailments since high levels lead copper entered conditions include skin lesions hair loss hypertension vision loss depression of four families described complaint two ceased drink flint water certain point used washing cooking still said exposed many ill effects finally admitting toxicity flint snyder declared state emergency apologized many late the justice department opened investigation things could gone devastating wrong long this following epa investigation began last say people utterly outraged justifiable twitter legendary artist cher called snyder name asked jailed then going step called death penalty she said gov michigan murderer he made decision give people poison water must sign disaster bill children never recover jailforrick wtf going power mad greed driven killer incompetent politicians they criminals gov rick snyder michigan firingsquadworksforme michigan is a murderer he made decision ppl poison water now must sign disaster will never recover jailforrick cher cher january is going on mad greed driven killer incompetent politicians they r criminals snyder of firingsquadworksforme cher cher january asking firing squad could seem bit line passion behind tweets capable people upset every right outraged citizens poisoned children poisoned people need held accountable it interesting see snyder resign face trial this criminal behavior needs accounted image
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Cher Does NOT Hold Back On Twitter As She Calls For Death Of Michigan Governor (TWEETS)When it comes to the safety of our drinking water that comes out of our taps, we are left to trust those who are elected to keep us safe and work in our best interests. However, what s been happening in Flint, Michigan over the past few years is criminal. Flint s city manager was held accountable to Gov. Rick Snyder (R) alone. They, alongside other officials denied that there was lead contamination in the Flint s water.As Rachel Maddow reported: For more than 18 months, state and local government officials ignored irrefutable evidence that the water pumped from the Flint River exposed [residents] to extreme toxicity, the complaint reads. The deliberately false denials about the safety of the Flint River water was as deadly as it was arrogant. Calling officials conduct so egregious and so outrageous that it shocks the conscience, the complaint cites the specific experiences of a few plaintiffs and their families, all of whom allege they have been challenged by similar health ailments since high levels of lead and copper entered their bloodstreams.These conditions include skin lesions, hair loss, chemical-induced hypertension, vision loss and depression. Of the four families described in the complaint, two had ceased to drink Flint water after a certain point and used it only for washing and cooking but still said they were exposed to many of the same ill effects. Finally admitting to the toxicity in Flint, Snyder declared a state of emergency and apologized, but for many it is too late. The U.S. Justice Department has now opened an investigation into how things could have gone so devastatingly wrong for so long. This is following an EPA investigation that began last November.Needless to say, people are utterly outraged, and justifiably so.Taking to Twitter, legendary artist Cher called Snyder out by name and asked that he be jailed. Then going a step further, called for the death penalty. She said: Gov. of Michigan is a murderer. HE made the decision to give people poison water, and now must sign disaster bill. Children will never recover. #jailforRick WTF is going on with power. Mad, greed driven, killer. Incompetent politicians? They are criminals! Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan. #firingsquadworksforme GOV.Of MICHIGAN IS A MURDERER?HE Made Decision 2GAVE ppl POISON WATER,&NOW MUST SIGN DISASTER BILL.CHILDREN WILL"NEVER"RECOVER? #JAILFORRICK Cher (@cher) January 6, 2016WTF IS GOING ON W/POWER MAD,GREED DRIVEN,KILLER, INCOMPETENT,POLITICIANS?THEY R CRIMNALS GOV.RICK SNYDER OF MICH. #FIRINGSQUADWORKSFORME Cher (@cher) January 6, 2016And while asking for a firing squad could seem a bit over the line, the passion behind her tweets is palpable. People are upset, and have every right to be outraged. Citizens were poisoned. CHILDREN were poisoned, and people need to be held accountable. It will be interesting to see if Snyder himself will resign and face trial. This criminal behavior needs to be accounted for.Featured image: YouTube/Flickr/TwitterNews
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: cher does not hold back on twitter as she calls for death of michigan governor tweets when comes safety drinking water comes taps left trust elected keep us safe work best interests however happening flint michigan past years criminal flint city manager held accountable gov rick snyder r alone they alongside officials denied lead contamination flint rachel middot reported for months state local government officials ignored irrefutable evidence water pumped flint river exposed residents extreme toxicity complaint reads the deliberately false denials safety flint river water deadly arrogant calling officials conduct egregious outrageous shocks conscience complaint cites specific experiences plaintiffs families allege challenged similar health ailments since high levels lead copper entered conditions include skin lesions hair loss hypertension vision loss depression of four families described complaint two ceased drink flint water certain point used washing cooking still said exposed many ill effects finally admitting toxicity flint snyder declared state emergency apologized many late the justice department opened investigation things could gone devastating wrong long this following epa investigation began last say people utterly outraged justifiable twitter legendary artist cher called snyder name asked jailed then going step called death penalty she said gov michigan murderer he made decision give people poison water must sign disaster bill children never recover jailforrick wtf going power mad greed driven killer incompetent politicians they criminals gov rick snyder michigan firingsquadworksforme michigan is a murderer he made decision ppl poison water now must sign disaster will never recover jailforrick cher cher january is going on mad greed driven killer incompetent politicians they r criminals snyder of firingsquadworksforme cher cher january asking firing squad could seem bit line passion behind tweets capable people upset every right outraged citizens poisoned children poisoned people need held accountable it interesting see snyder resign face trial this criminal behavior needs accounted image
35 YR OLD MARINE VET’S DEATH IS FAULT OF VA HOSPITAL: Gave Him Toxic Mix Of Drugs, Then Botched His ResuscitationWhere is the outrage? The investigation into the culpability of the VA took one year before they finally came to this conclusion! # VetsLivesMatter but not enough for Obama and his regime to act with the same amount of enthusiasm and sense of urgency they showed in determining the cause of thug Michael Brown s death. Is the life of a US Marine killed by the very government entity assigned to care for him not as important as a common neighborhood thug? It took Obama s DOJ only 7 months after the death of thug Michael Brown to determine the entire Ferguson Police Department engaged in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the First, Fourth, and 14th Amendments of the ConstitutionAn inspector general s report faults a Wisconsin Veterans Affairs hospital for the accidental overdose death of a Marine Corps veteran that sparked outrage and legislation aimed at strengthening guidelines for prescribing painkillers.The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General found that Jason Simcakoski s death at a Tomah, Wis., VA center in August 2014 was tied to a toxic mix of prescribed drugs and also faulted VA staff for botching resuscitation efforts once he was found. The Tomah VA has been dubbed Candyland for what some say was wanton overprescription of opiates.Simcakoski, 35, served in the Marines from 1998-2002 and suffered a head injury. He sought care for anxiety attacks at the Tomah VA, where his family said he struggled for years with no improvement despite a long list of medications. He was found unresponsive Aug. 30, and the report found that the two psychiatrists who prescribed drugs to Simcakoski did not talk to him or his family about risks associated with the drugs.The report also criticized hospital staff for a chaotic resuscitation response and failing to have the proper drugs on hand to counteract Simcakoski s overdose.In response to the report, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., who requested the investigation, released a statement saying the sacred trust we have with those who faithfully serve our country has been broken and it needs to be fixed. This report confirms that the Tomah VA physicians entrusted with Jason s care failed to keep their promise to a Wisconsin Marine and his family, Baldwin said in a released statement. I have all the evidence I need to conclude that the VA prescribed Jason a deadly mix of drugs that led to his death and that those responsible for this tragic failure should never again serve our veterans and their families. The Tomah VA said in a statement that it s saddened by Simcakoski s avoidable death and is committed to learning from it and improving care for veterans, according to the Associated Press.Earlier in the year, the oft-criticized VA Office of Inspector General had defended closing an earlier investigation into alleged overprescription of opiates at the Tomah VA without finding problems in a tersely worded press release that began with this John Adams quote: Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. Some lawmakers jumped on that report at the time to criticize then-acting VA Inspector General Richard Griffin for what they perceived as his failure to point out problems within the scandal-plagued VA. Griffin resigned under pressure in June.On Friday, the Inspector General s office defended the earlier Tomah report. We continue to stand by our earlier Tomah report on opioid prescription practices, VA Inspector General spokeswoman Joanne Moffett said in an email. Yesterday s report notes the patient was not at the time dependent on opioids and that according to VA outpatient prescription records, no VA provider prescribed oxycodone or other Schedule II opioid analgesics. The IG s report notes that one of the drugs that likely contributed to Simcakoski s death was buprenorphine, an opioid derivative, and that he had struggled with opioid dependency in the past.The report on Simcakoski s death recommends local VA officials determine whether anyone should be punished and that the facility director review their medical emergency procedures.Via: Stars And StripesGovernment News
yr old marine vet s death is fault of va hospital gave him toxic mix of drugs then botched his resuscitationwhere outrage the investigation capability va took one year finally came conclusion vetslivesmatter enough obama regime act amount enthusiasm sense urgency showed determining cause thug michael brown death is life us marine killed government entity assigned care important common neighborhood thug it took obama doj months death thug michael brown determine entire ferguson police department engaged pattern practice conduct violates first fourth amendments constitutional inspector general report faults wisconsin veterans affairs hospital accidental overdose death marine corps veteran sparked outrage legislation aimed strengthening guidelines prescribing department veterans affairs office inspector general found jason simcakoski death tomas va center august tied toxic mix prescribed drugs also vaulted va staff nothing resuscitation efforts found the tomas va dubbed candyland say canton overprescription served marines suffered head injury he sought care anxiety attacks tomas va family said struggled years improvement despite long list medications he found unresponsive report found two psychiatrists prescribed drugs simcakoski talk family risks associated report also criticized hospital staff chaotic resuscitation response failing proper drugs hand counteract simcakoski response report tommy baldwin requested investigation released statement saying sacred trust faithfully serve country broken needs fixed this report confirms tomas va physicians entrusted jason care failed keep promise wisconsin marine family baldwin said released statement i evidence i need conclude va prescribed jason deadly mix drugs led death responsible tragic failure never serve veterans families the tomas va said statement saddened simcakoski available death committed learning improving care veterans according associated year va office inspector general defended closing earlier investigation alleged overprescription operates tomas va without finding problems herself worded press release began john adams quote facts stubborn things whatever may wishes inclination dictates passion alter state facts evidence some lawmakers jumped report time criticize va inspector general richard griffin perceived failure point problems within griffin resigned pressure friday inspector general office defended earlier tomas report we continue stand earlier tomas report opioid prescription practices va inspector general spokeswoman anne moffett said email yesterday report notes patient time dependent opioids according va outpatient prescription records va provider prescribed oxycodone schedule ii opioid analgesics the ig report notes one drugs likely contributed simcakoski death buprenorphine opioid derivative struggled opioid dependency report simcakoski death recommends local va officials determine whether anyone punished facility director review medical emergency stars and stripesgovernment news
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 35 YR OLD MARINE VET’S DEATH IS FAULT OF VA HOSPITAL: Gave Him Toxic Mix Of Drugs, Then Botched His ResuscitationWhere is the outrage? The investigation into the culpability of the VA took one year before they finally came to this conclusion! # VetsLivesMatter but not enough for Obama and his regime to act with the same amount of enthusiasm and sense of urgency they showed in determining the cause of thug Michael Brown s death. Is the life of a US Marine killed by the very government entity assigned to care for him not as important as a common neighborhood thug? It took Obama s DOJ only 7 months after the death of thug Michael Brown to determine the entire Ferguson Police Department engaged in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the First, Fourth, and 14th Amendments of the ConstitutionAn inspector general s report faults a Wisconsin Veterans Affairs hospital for the accidental overdose death of a Marine Corps veteran that sparked outrage and legislation aimed at strengthening guidelines for prescribing painkillers.The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General found that Jason Simcakoski s death at a Tomah, Wis., VA center in August 2014 was tied to a toxic mix of prescribed drugs and also faulted VA staff for botching resuscitation efforts once he was found. The Tomah VA has been dubbed Candyland for what some say was wanton overprescription of opiates.Simcakoski, 35, served in the Marines from 1998-2002 and suffered a head injury. He sought care for anxiety attacks at the Tomah VA, where his family said he struggled for years with no improvement despite a long list of medications. He was found unresponsive Aug. 30, and the report found that the two psychiatrists who prescribed drugs to Simcakoski did not talk to him or his family about risks associated with the drugs.The report also criticized hospital staff for a chaotic resuscitation response and failing to have the proper drugs on hand to counteract Simcakoski s overdose.In response to the report, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., who requested the investigation, released a statement saying the sacred trust we have with those who faithfully serve our country has been broken and it needs to be fixed. This report confirms that the Tomah VA physicians entrusted with Jason s care failed to keep their promise to a Wisconsin Marine and his family, Baldwin said in a released statement. I have all the evidence I need to conclude that the VA prescribed Jason a deadly mix of drugs that led to his death and that those responsible for this tragic failure should never again serve our veterans and their families. The Tomah VA said in a statement that it s saddened by Simcakoski s avoidable death and is committed to learning from it and improving care for veterans, according to the Associated Press.Earlier in the year, the oft-criticized VA Office of Inspector General had defended closing an earlier investigation into alleged overprescription of opiates at the Tomah VA without finding problems in a tersely worded press release that began with this John Adams quote: Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. Some lawmakers jumped on that report at the time to criticize then-acting VA Inspector General Richard Griffin for what they perceived as his failure to point out problems within the scandal-plagued VA. Griffin resigned under pressure in June.On Friday, the Inspector General s office defended the earlier Tomah report. We continue to stand by our earlier Tomah report on opioid prescription practices, VA Inspector General spokeswoman Joanne Moffett said in an email. Yesterday s report notes the patient was not at the time dependent on opioids and that according to VA outpatient prescription records, no VA provider prescribed oxycodone or other Schedule II opioid analgesics. The IG s report notes that one of the drugs that likely contributed to Simcakoski s death was buprenorphine, an opioid derivative, and that he had struggled with opioid dependency in the past.The report on Simcakoski s death recommends local VA officials determine whether anyone should be punished and that the facility director review their medical emergency procedures.Via: Stars And StripesGovernment News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: yr old marine vet s death is fault of va hospital gave him toxic mix of drugs then botched his resuscitationwhere outrage the investigation capability va took one year finally came conclusion vetslivesmatter enough obama regime act amount enthusiasm sense urgency showed determining cause thug michael brown death is life us marine killed government entity assigned care important common neighborhood thug it took obama doj months death thug michael brown determine entire ferguson police department engaged pattern practice conduct violates first fourth amendments constitutional inspector general report faults wisconsin veterans affairs hospital accidental overdose death marine corps veteran sparked outrage legislation aimed strengthening guidelines prescribing department veterans affairs office inspector general found jason simcakoski death tomas va center august tied toxic mix prescribed drugs also vaulted va staff nothing resuscitation efforts found the tomas va dubbed candyland say canton overprescription served marines suffered head injury he sought care anxiety attacks tomas va family said struggled years improvement despite long list medications he found unresponsive report found two psychiatrists prescribed drugs simcakoski talk family risks associated report also criticized hospital staff chaotic resuscitation response failing proper drugs hand counteract simcakoski response report tommy baldwin requested investigation released statement saying sacred trust faithfully serve country broken needs fixed this report confirms tomas va physicians entrusted jason care failed keep promise wisconsin marine family baldwin said released statement i evidence i need conclude va prescribed jason deadly mix drugs led death responsible tragic failure never serve veterans families the tomas va said statement saddened simcakoski available death committed learning improving care veterans according associated year va office inspector general defended closing earlier investigation alleged overprescription operates tomas va without finding problems herself worded press release began john adams quote facts stubborn things whatever may wishes inclination dictates passion alter state facts evidence some lawmakers jumped report time criticize va inspector general richard griffin perceived failure point problems within griffin resigned pressure friday inspector general office defended earlier tomas report we continue stand earlier tomas report opioid prescription practices va inspector general spokeswoman anne moffett said email yesterday report notes patient time dependent opioids according va outpatient prescription records va provider prescribed oxycodone schedule ii opioid analgesics the ig report notes one drugs likely contributed simcakoski death buprenorphine opioid derivative struggled opioid dependency report simcakoski death recommends local va officials determine whether anyone punished facility director review medical emergency stars and stripesgovernment news