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Cambodia s economy is forecast to grow 6.9 percent next year, compared with a projected 6.8 percent pace in 2017, despite risks including uncertainties over next year s election, the World Bank said on Wednesday. Cambodia s political turbulence has had little impact on economic growth, which has hovered around 7 percent for the past six years. The World Bank said textile exports had moderated and the construction sector showed signs of slowing, but other manufacturing exports had increased and Cambodia was also drawing more tourists - particularly from China. The outlook remains positive, it said in a report. A possible slowdown of the regional economy, especially China, and potential election related uncertainties, however, pose downside risks to the outlook. China is now Cambodia s biggest aid donor and investor, but Western donors remain important and Cambodia has been increasingly at odds with them in the run-up to the 2018 election. They have condemned the arrest of Prime Minister Hun Sen s main rival, Kem Sokha, the dissolution of the main opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and a crackdown on civil rights groups and independent media. The government accuses Kem Sokha of plotting to take power with American help and his party of treason - charges the opposition says are politically motivated to ensure Hun Sen keeps his more than three-decade hold on power. Sweden said on Tuesday it was stopping some aid and the United States said it was ending election funding and would take further concrete steps. World Bank senior country economist Miguel Sanchez said uncertainty had affected Cambodia in previous election years, leading to postponed investment decisions and a decline in foreign currency deposits. It was temporary, he told a news conference.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Cambodia s economy is forecast to grow 6.9 percent next year, compared with a projected 6.8 percent pace in 2017, despite risks including uncertainties over next year s election, the World Bank said on Wednesday. Cambodia s political turbulence has had little impact on economic growth, which has hovered around 7 percent for the past six years. The World Bank said textile exports had moderated and the construction sector showed signs of slowing, but other manufacturing exports had increased and Cambodia was also drawing more tourists - particularly from China. The outlook remains positive, it said in a report. A possible slowdown of the regional economy, especially China, and potential election related uncertainties, however, pose downside risks to the outlook. China is now Cambodia s biggest aid donor and investor, but Western donors remain important and Cambodia has been increasingly at odds with them in the run-up to the 2018 election. They have condemned the arrest of Prime Minister Hun Sen s main rival, Kem Sokha, the dissolution of the main opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and a crackdown on civil rights groups and independent media. The government accuses Kem Sokha of plotting to take power with American help and his party of treason - charges the opposition says are politically motivated to ensure Hun Sen keeps his more than three-decade hold on power. Sweden said on Tuesday it was stopping some aid and the United States said it was ending election funding and would take further concrete steps. World Bank senior country economist Miguel Sanchez said uncertainty had affected Cambodia in previous election years, leading to postponed investment decisions and a decline in foreign currency deposits. It was temporary, he told a news conference.
China said on Saturday it will ban exports of some petroleum products to North Korea, as well as imports of textiles from the isolated North, to comply with a United Nations Security Council resolution. The Ministry of Commerce said in a statement on its website that China would limit exports of refined petroleum products from Oct. 1, and ban exports of condensates and liquefied natural gas immediately. Imports of textiles from North Korea would also be banned immediately, the statement said. (Corrects headline to make clear some petroleum exports banned)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: China said on Saturday it will ban exports of some petroleum products to North Korea, as well as imports of textiles from the isolated North, to comply with a United Nations Security Council resolution. The Ministry of Commerce said in a statement on its website that China would limit exports of refined petroleum products from Oct. 1, and ban exports of condensates and liquefied natural gas immediately. Imports of textiles from North Korea would also be banned immediately, the statement said. (Corrects headline to make clear some petroleum exports banned)
Neil Gorsuch has taken part in more than 2,000 court cases as an appeals court judge. Here are seven that offer insights into his legal views as he faces questioning this week in a U.S. Senate hearing on his nomination to become a Supreme Court justice. Frozen trucker Transam Trucking Inc v. Department of Labor, 2016 ( This case shows, liberals say, that Gorsuch rules for employers at the expense of workers. In it, he dissented from a three-judge panel that ruled in favor of truck driver Alphonse Maddin. He was fired after he disobeyed a supervisor and abandoned his trailer at roadside after its brakes froze. The panel ruled he was wrongly terminated. Gorsuch disagreed. ‘Chevron deference’ Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch (2016) ( In an immigration case, Gorsuch criticized the “Chevron deference” legal doctrine that says courts should defer to federal agencies on interpreting the law. Gorsuch said it concentrates federal power “in a way that seems more than a little difficult to square with the Constitution.” If the court were to roll back the doctrine, presidents would have less leeway to interpret the law when issuing regulations through agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency. ‘Class clown’ A.M. v Holmes, 2016 ( Republicans say Gorsuch does not put politics above the law and follows his own path. In some criminal cases, he has come down hard on prosecutors or government officials, while also sometimes defying colleagues on the bench. In this case, he decried the handcuffing and arrest of a seventh-grade “class clown” in Albuquerque who refused to stop burping in class, saying the police officer involved should not have gotten immunity from suit. Paraphrasing Charles Dickens, he said the law is not as much of an “ass” as to allow for that. ‘No trespassing’ U.S. v Carloss 2016 ( Standing up for homeowners’ property rights, Gorsuch dissented from a decision to admit evidence discovered by police officers who approached, and later entered, a home despite several “No trespassing” signs outside. He lampooned the idea that the government can knock on anyone’s door, at any time, saying homeowners might be surprised to learn that “No trespassing signs have become little more than lawn art.” Transgender rights Druley v Patton (2015) ( In a ruling highlighted by liberal activists as a sign he may be hostile to gay and transgender rights, Gorsuch joined a ruling against a transgender Oklahoma state prisoner who claimed prison officials violated her rights by denying her adequate hormone therapy and housing her with men. The court rejected her claims, saying she had not proved she would be “irreparably harmed without her requested hormone treatment.” Employee rights Hwang v. Kansas State University, 2014 ( In a case criticized by liberals, Gorsuch wrote the opinion when a three-judge panel ruled against Kansas State University professor Grace Hwang. She got six months of sick leave from the school when she was diagnosed with cancer. When she asked for more time, Kansas State refused. Hwang alleged illegal disability discrimination. Gorsuch said Hwang was a capable teacher and was legally disabled. But he wrote: “There’s also no question she wasn’t able to perform the essential functions of her job even with a reasonable accommodation.” He said the law was not intended to “turn employers into safety net providers for those who cannot work.” Hwang has since died. Religious freedom Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius, 2013 ( Liberals say this case shows Gorsuch sides with corporations over people and favors religious liberty over other interests, including womens’ contraceptive rights. Retailer Hobby Lobby argued it should not have to provide insurance coverage for female employees’ birth control, defying a rule by the administration of former President Barack Obama. Gorsuch concurred in an opinion favoring the company and expressed sympathy for evangelical Christian business owners. The Supreme Court later upheld the decision for the company.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Neil Gorsuch has taken part in more than 2,000 court cases as an appeals court judge. Here are seven that offer insights into his legal views as he faces questioning this week in a U.S. Senate hearing on his nomination to become a Supreme Court justice. Frozen trucker Transam Trucking Inc v. Department of Labor, 2016 ( This case shows, liberals say, that Gorsuch rules for employers at the expense of workers. In it, he dissented from a three-judge panel that ruled in favor of truck driver Alphonse Maddin. He was fired after he disobeyed a supervisor and abandoned his trailer at roadside after its brakes froze. The panel ruled he was wrongly terminated. Gorsuch disagreed. ‘Chevron deference’ Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch (2016) ( In an immigration case, Gorsuch criticized the “Chevron deference” legal doctrine that says courts should defer to federal agencies on interpreting the law. Gorsuch said it concentrates federal power “in a way that seems more than a little difficult to square with the Constitution.” If the court were to roll back the doctrine, presidents would have less leeway to interpret the law when issuing regulations through agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency. ‘Class clown’ A.M. v Holmes, 2016 ( Republicans say Gorsuch does not put politics above the law and follows his own path. In some criminal cases, he has come down hard on prosecutors or government officials, while also sometimes defying colleagues on the bench. In this case, he decried the handcuffing and arrest of a seventh-grade “class clown” in Albuquerque who refused to stop burping in class, saying the police officer involved should not have gotten immunity from suit. Paraphrasing Charles Dickens, he said the law is not as much of an “ass” as to allow for that. ‘No trespassing’ U.S. v Carloss 2016 ( Standing up for homeowners’ property rights, Gorsuch dissented from a decision to admit evidence discovered by police officers who approached, and later entered, a home despite several “No trespassing” signs outside. He lampooned the idea that the government can knock on anyone’s door, at any time, saying homeowners might be surprised to learn that “No trespassing signs have become little more than lawn art.” Transgender rights Druley v Patton (2015) ( In a ruling highlighted by liberal activists as a sign he may be hostile to gay and transgender rights, Gorsuch joined a ruling against a transgender Oklahoma state prisoner who claimed prison officials violated her rights by denying her adequate hormone therapy and housing her with men. The court rejected her claims, saying she had not proved she would be “irreparably harmed without her requested hormone treatment.” Employee rights Hwang v. Kansas State University, 2014 ( In a case criticized by liberals, Gorsuch wrote the opinion when a three-judge panel ruled against Kansas State University professor Grace Hwang. She got six months of sick leave from the school when she was diagnosed with cancer. When she asked for more time, Kansas State refused. Hwang alleged illegal disability discrimination. Gorsuch said Hwang was a capable teacher and was legally disabled. But he wrote: “There’s also no question she wasn’t able to perform the essential functions of her job even with a reasonable accommodation.” He said the law was not intended to “turn employers into safety net providers for those who cannot work.” Hwang has since died. Religious freedom Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius, 2013 ( Liberals say this case shows Gorsuch sides with corporations over people and favors religious liberty over other interests, including womens’ contraceptive rights. Retailer Hobby Lobby argued it should not have to provide insurance coverage for female employees’ birth control, defying a rule by the administration of former President Barack Obama. Gorsuch concurred in an opinion favoring the company and expressed sympathy for evangelical Christian business owners. The Supreme Court later upheld the decision for the company.
U.S. President Donald Trump took up the mantle of “comforter-in-chief” in a visit to storm-wracked Houston as he played with children and served up food to evacuees from Hurricane Harvey, the first major natural disaster of his eight months in office. In a widely watched test of his presidential mien, Trump comforted victims and thanked volunteers and first responders after being criticized earlier in the week for not showing sufficient empathy to Texas residents during catastrophic flooding. Trump, 71, was joined by his wife, Melania, as he passed out food and hugged, kissed and played with children at the “kid zone” in Houston’s NRG Center, a 700,000-square-foot (65,000 square meter) facility that was turned in to the city’s largest emergency shelter. The day was a rare glimpse into Trump’s interactions with everyday Americans outside his campaign-style rallies. The former real estate magnate appeared relaxed as he posed for photographs with volunteers and chatted with evacuees alongside Texas Governor Greg Abbott. “It has been a wonderful thing,” Trump said of his meetings with the children as he served food to evacuees amid shouts of “Thank you, sir.” Trump, who declared Sunday a national day of prayer, also went to a church in nearby Pearland, where he and his wife helped load half a dozen cars with boxes of supplies for victims. He said the volunteer work was “good exercise.” Trump also visited a neighborhood that had sustained flooding but had dried out to greet residents and praise them for doing “a fantastic job holding it together.” The visit came after a week of historic flooding in the area killed at least 40 people, displaced more than 1 million and dumped as much as 50 inches (127 cm) of rain. Trump asked Congress late on Friday for an initial $7.85 billion for hurricane recovery efforts. The request comes as Washington faces tough budget negotiations. The trip may have political implications for Trump. According to the Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll, almost 59 percent of the public disapproves of Trump’s performance as president. Andrew Smith, a political science professor at the University of New Hampshire, said Trump had done well overall in coordinating federal assistance and showing concern on Saturday for those affected by Harvey. But he would likely see little change in his poll numbers due to scrutiny of his administration’s other policies. “You can be as empathetic as you want but if your administration isn’t seen as competent in dealing with the problem, it’s not going to help you,” Smith said. His initial trip to Texas on Tuesday was contrasted unfavorably with the efforts of former President Barack Obama, who became known as “comforter-in-chief” after mass shootings and the Sandy superstorm that hit New Jersey in 2012. With floodwaters still present, Trump had stayed clear of the Houston area on that trip, saying he did not want to hamper rescue efforts. Instead, he met with Cabinet members, state and local leaders and first responders in the state capital Austin and Corpus Christi, where Harvey first hit, focusing on the logistics of the government response. Trump tweeted that he had seen “first hand the horror & devastation” from Harvey but reporters traveling with him said they saw no damage. “That was reasonable criticism,” said Matt Mackowiak, chairman of the Republican Party in Travis County, Texas, who has praised the Trump administration’s handling of the disaster. On Saturday, some area residents, even one on the opposite side of the political spectrum, said Trump’s visit was a positive. “It raises the morale,” Kevin Jason Hipolito, who identified himself as a Democrat, told reporters at the convention center. “When he went to Corpus I was like, ‘Man he just forgot about us.’ This shows a lot of support. It perks up morale.” But it remains a difficult task for Trump, a Republican businessman new to politics, to match expectations set by his predecessors of both parties who were widely considered politically deft at displaying solidarity and commitment to those suffering from disasters both natural and man-made. “Is he going to help? Can he help?” Devon Harris, 37, a construction worker, said at the convention center. “I lost my home. My job is gone. My tools are gone. My car is gone. My life is gone. What is Trump going to do?” Trump was cheered at both the convention center and a church he visited and appeared to crack a joke, perhaps at his own expense. While donning gloves to serve food to victims of the disaster in a cafeteria, he commented “my hands are too big,” referencing a meme from the presidential campaign in which the size of the candidate’s hands were linked to his supposed virility by his opponents, including Republican Marco Rubio.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump took up the mantle of “comforter-in-chief” in a visit to storm-wracked Houston as he played with children and served up food to evacuees from Hurricane Harvey, the first major natural disaster of his eight months in office. In a widely watched test of his presidential mien, Trump comforted victims and thanked volunteers and first responders after being criticized earlier in the week for not showing sufficient empathy to Texas residents during catastrophic flooding. Trump, 71, was joined by his wife, Melania, as he passed out food and hugged, kissed and played with children at the “kid zone” in Houston’s NRG Center, a 700,000-square-foot (65,000 square meter) facility that was turned in to the city’s largest emergency shelter. The day was a rare glimpse into Trump’s interactions with everyday Americans outside his campaign-style rallies. The former real estate magnate appeared relaxed as he posed for photographs with volunteers and chatted with evacuees alongside Texas Governor Greg Abbott. “It has been a wonderful thing,” Trump said of his meetings with the children as he served food to evacuees amid shouts of “Thank you, sir.” Trump, who declared Sunday a national day of prayer, also went to a church in nearby Pearland, where he and his wife helped load half a dozen cars with boxes of supplies for victims. He said the volunteer work was “good exercise.” Trump also visited a neighborhood that had sustained flooding but had dried out to greet residents and praise them for doing “a fantastic job holding it together.” The visit came after a week of historic flooding in the area killed at least 40 people, displaced more than 1 million and dumped as much as 50 inches (127 cm) of rain. Trump asked Congress late on Friday for an initial $7.85 billion for hurricane recovery efforts. The request comes as Washington faces tough budget negotiations. The trip may have political implications for Trump. According to the Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll, almost 59 percent of the public disapproves of Trump’s performance as president. Andrew Smith, a political science professor at the University of New Hampshire, said Trump had done well overall in coordinating federal assistance and showing concern on Saturday for those affected by Harvey. But he would likely see little change in his poll numbers due to scrutiny of his administration’s other policies. “You can be as empathetic as you want but if your administration isn’t seen as competent in dealing with the problem, it’s not going to help you,” Smith said. His initial trip to Texas on Tuesday was contrasted unfavorably with the efforts of former President Barack Obama, who became known as “comforter-in-chief” after mass shootings and the Sandy superstorm that hit New Jersey in 2012. With floodwaters still present, Trump had stayed clear of the Houston area on that trip, saying he did not want to hamper rescue efforts. Instead, he met with Cabinet members, state and local leaders and first responders in the state capital Austin and Corpus Christi, where Harvey first hit, focusing on the logistics of the government response. Trump tweeted that he had seen “first hand the horror & devastation” from Harvey but reporters traveling with him said they saw no damage. “That was reasonable criticism,” said Matt Mackowiak, chairman of the Republican Party in Travis County, Texas, who has praised the Trump administration’s handling of the disaster. On Saturday, some area residents, even one on the opposite side of the political spectrum, said Trump’s visit was a positive. “It raises the morale,” Kevin Jason Hipolito, who identified himself as a Democrat, told reporters at the convention center. “When he went to Corpus I was like, ‘Man he just forgot about us.’ This shows a lot of support. It perks up morale.” But it remains a difficult task for Trump, a Republican businessman new to politics, to match expectations set by his predecessors of both parties who were widely considered politically deft at displaying solidarity and commitment to those suffering from disasters both natural and man-made. “Is he going to help? Can he help?” Devon Harris, 37, a construction worker, said at the convention center. “I lost my home. My job is gone. My tools are gone. My car is gone. My life is gone. What is Trump going to do?” Trump was cheered at both the convention center and a church he visited and appeared to crack a joke, perhaps at his own expense. While donning gloves to serve food to victims of the disaster in a cafeteria, he commented “my hands are too big,” referencing a meme from the presidential campaign in which the size of the candidate’s hands were linked to his supposed virility by his opponents, including Republican Marco Rubio.
Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born Taylor Swiftmi sog y ny m s j n /Submit noun dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. Becoming friends with Lena without her preaching to me, but just seeing why she believes what she believes, why she’says what she’says, why she’stands for what she’stands for has made me realize that I ve been taking a feminist stance without actually saying so, she’said at the time.Taylor Swift has decided to use her platform as Maxim magazine s June cover girl to address feminism, and says her music is unfairly categorized as whiny because of society s systematic misogyny.The 25-year-old singer, who has won seven Grammy s and is worth an estimated $200 million, explained to the men s publication why she believes there is a double standard when it comes to how others analyze her music. A man writing about his feelings from a vulnerable place is brave; A woman writing about her feelings from a vulnerable place is oversharing or whining, she’said. Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born. So to me, feminism is probably the most important movement that you could embrace, because it s just basically another word for equality, she added.The’seemingly impressionable mega star, who hadn’t previous identified as a feminist, told the Guardian last August how one of her closest friends, Lena Dunham, put it into perspective for her.Approximately two months after she’spoke to the Guardian, Swift told David Letterman how empowering Dunham was, while explaining how the two became friends. She direct messaged me, and she’said We need to be best friends. I feel like you’ve been my best friend in my head for months and almost years now. So, I need to see you in person; then I will lavish you with complements in person, Swift recounted.Fortune Magazine named Swift as the world s most influential female leader in March, citing her savvy business nature.While Swift speaks of a double standard surrounding her music, it has yet to affect her album sales or stop her from selling out two or three stadium shows every week.Just this past Sunday, the Shake it Off singer nabbed eight recognitions at the Billboard Music Awards, including top female artist, top artist, top Billboard 200 artist, top Billboard 200 album, top streaming song, and top Hot 100 artist.Watch: Taylor Swift Likes Lena Dunham- David Letterman was supposed to be Her Year has in fact turned out to be five-alarm disaster for Lena Dunham, the creator of HBO s Girls. A year ago, closing out 2014 had to look pretty exciting to the 28 year-old. No matter how good or bad it was, her memoir would be released to guaranteed critical acclaim (she is Lena Dunham after all), there were two major Golden Globe nominations, and the publicity surrounding the 4th season premiere of Girls was going to be bigger than anything anyone could have ever imagined.2014 was going to be Dunham s breakthrough; the year she went mainstream. Along with the gushing reviews of her memoir and slavish coverage from The New York Times, there would be countless magazine covers, talk show appearances, and a thousand slathering articles obsessing over her every tweet and utterance. The entertainment media was on board. The mainstream media was on board. And at first it all went according to plan.Things went so well there was even talk of Lena Dunham starring in a Ghostbusters remake. You don’t get any more mainstream than that. And you certainly don’t get any more mainstream than having a best friend forever like Taylor Swift.Then, in three words, it all fell apart: Hypocrisy, lies, children. Hypocrisy: Dunham demanded people vote then it was discovered she did not vote.Lies: Dunham claimed in her non-fiction memoir that she had been raped in college by a campus Republican named Barry. She lied. And in the process indicted an innocent family man as her alleged rapist. Worse, Dunham and her publisher Random House stood silent for two months even after they knew the memoir had placed a cloud of suspicion over an innocent man.While attempting to run to Dunham s defense, Gawker tripped over itself and was forced to report their belief that Dunham s alleged rapist is wait for it, wait or it a Democrat.No one is questioning whether or not Dunham was raped. Something no one else is questioning, though, is that her behavior in this matter was breathtakingly selfish and craven.Children: Dunham s unnatural sexual behavior towards her much younger sister creeped everyone in America out not named Jimmy Kimmel.Those are just the top 3. The Wrap dug up 3 more PR disasters. The mainstream media desperately tried to save Dunham from herself, especially the cowardly and wildly dishonest Savannah Guthrie and Bill Simmons. But they just ended up sullying their own reputations.Via: Breitbart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born Taylor Swiftmi sog y ny m s j n /Submit noun dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. Becoming friends with Lena without her preaching to me, but just seeing why she believes what she believes, why she’says what she’says, why she’stands for what she’stands for has made me realize that I ve been taking a feminist stance without actually saying so, she’said at the time.Taylor Swift has decided to use her platform as Maxim magazine s June cover girl to address feminism, and says her music is unfairly categorized as whiny because of society s systematic misogyny.The 25-year-old singer, who has won seven Grammy s and is worth an estimated $200 million, explained to the men s publication why she believes there is a double standard when it comes to how others analyze her music. A man writing about his feelings from a vulnerable place is brave; A woman writing about her feelings from a vulnerable place is oversharing or whining, she’said. Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born. So to me, feminism is probably the most important movement that you could embrace, because it s just basically another word for equality, she added.The’seemingly impressionable mega star, who hadn’t previous identified as a feminist, told the Guardian last August how one of her closest friends, Lena Dunham, put it into perspective for her.Approximately two months after she’spoke to the Guardian, Swift told David Letterman how empowering Dunham was, while explaining how the two became friends. She direct messaged me, and she’said We need to be best friends. I feel like you’ve been my best friend in my head for months and almost years now. So, I need to see you in person; then I will lavish you with complements in person, Swift recounted.Fortune Magazine named Swift as the world s most influential female leader in March, citing her savvy business nature.While Swift speaks of a double standard surrounding her music, it has yet to affect her album sales or stop her from selling out two or three stadium shows every week.Just this past Sunday, the Shake it Off singer nabbed eight recognitions at the Billboard Music Awards, including top female artist, top artist, top Billboard 200 artist, top Billboard 200 album, top streaming song, and top Hot 100 artist.Watch: Taylor Swift Likes Lena Dunham- David Letterman was supposed to be Her Year has in fact turned out to be five-alarm disaster for Lena Dunham, the creator of HBO s Girls. A year ago, closing out 2014 had to look pretty exciting to the 28 year-old. No matter how good or bad it was, her memoir would be released to guaranteed critical acclaim (she is Lena Dunham after all), there were two major Golden Globe nominations, and the publicity surrounding the 4th season premiere of Girls was going to be bigger than anything anyone could have ever imagined.2014 was going to be Dunham s breakthrough; the year she went mainstream. Along with the gushing reviews of her memoir and slavish coverage from The New York Times, there would be countless magazine covers, talk show appearances, and a thousand slathering articles obsessing over her every tweet and utterance. The entertainment media was on board. The mainstream media was on board. And at first it all went according to plan.Things went so well there was even talk of Lena Dunham starring in a Ghostbusters remake. You don’t get any more mainstream than that. And you certainly don’t get any more mainstream than having a best friend forever like Taylor Swift.Then, in three words, it all fell apart: Hypocrisy, lies, children. Hypocrisy: Dunham demanded people vote then it was discovered she did not vote.Lies: Dunham claimed in her non-fiction memoir that she had been raped in college by a campus Republican named Barry. She lied. And in the process indicted an innocent family man as her alleged rapist. Worse, Dunham and her publisher Random House stood silent for two months even after they knew the memoir had placed a cloud of suspicion over an innocent man.While attempting to run to Dunham s defense, Gawker tripped over itself and was forced to report their belief that Dunham s alleged rapist is wait for it, wait or it a Democrat.No one is questioning whether or not Dunham was raped. Something no one else is questioning, though, is that her behavior in this matter was breathtakingly selfish and craven.Children: Dunham s unnatural sexual behavior towards her much younger sister creeped everyone in America out not named Jimmy Kimmel.Those are just the top 3. The Wrap dug up 3 more PR disasters. The mainstream media desperately tried to save Dunham from herself, especially the cowardly and wildly dishonest Savannah Guthrie and Bill Simmons. But they just ended up sullying their own reputations.Via: Breitbart News
Everyone suspected the’sketchy Steele Dossier was what corrupt FBI and DOJ officials used to get the October 2016 FISA warrant against Trump. FBI and DOJ officials refuse to answer that question publicly.Rep Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said in a statement: We now know that the’so-called Steele dossier was paid for by the Democratic Party in an effort to gin up negative information regarding then-candidate Trump. What the American people deserve to know is whether the information compiled by Steele on the Democrats dime was used by the Obama administration to obtain approval to conduct surveillance against Trump associates. The FBI has stonewalled producing these documents for months and their production shouldn’t be limited to closed door viewing by a small number of members of Congress. The Trump administration should immediately declassify all the documents used to obtain surveillance warrants against Trump or his associates. Immediately after his inauguration, President Trump came out swinging over the fake Russian dossier. He even went as far as to blame the intelligence community. President Trump was immediately criticized for his comments, and the media behaved as though he was insane to even insinuate such a wild theory. As it turns out, he wasn’t too far off the mark.CT Despite a hundred different ways congressional investigators have asked the question, and despite numerous on-camera questions to FBI and DOJ officials about the 2016 FISA process, no-one had definitively confirmed the Christopher Steele Russian Dossier was the underlying evidence for the 2016 FISA application to gain wiretaps and electronic surveillance upon presidential candidate Donald Trump. UNTIL NOW.Senator Lindsey Graham just confirmed the’sketchy Steele Dossier was used to get the wiretap and surveillance warrant from the FISA court. Brian Kilmeade understood what he was hearing was serious, but didn’t quite catch the’specific gravity of it. Watch at starting at the 04:10 mark: The back-story to the FISA warrant is the cornerstone. The back-story contains both the FBI and the DOJ scheme. Expose it, remove it, and the entire muh Russia conspiracy collapses under the weight of sunlight This is critical and important because the’specific use of the Steele Dossier underpins the BIG UGLY and exposes the entire top-tier apparatus of the FBI Counterintelligence Division (Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Andrew McCabe) and the DOJ National Security Division (John Carlin, Stuart Evans, Mary McCord and Sally Yates), as well as DOJ Bruce Ohr and FBI lawyer Lisa Page directly to conspiracy charges.The 2016 FBI counterintelligence operation was surveillance on the Trump Campaign and was thinly disguised under the fraudulent auspices of a FISA warrant, sold as a defense of U.S. democracy from Russia, which permitted the wiretaps and surveillance etc.The DOJ involvement surrounds legal arguments, processing of FISA applications, and use of the legal system to support the FBI operation with actionable legal framing (against Trump). The DOJ National Security Division carried out that collaboration with the FBI.Tablet Mag did a deep dive into the Fusion-GPS connection to the creation of the Steele Dossier; and more specifically how Fusion-GPS head Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby were instrumental in getting the dossier assembled and into the hands of the White House prior to the DOJ and FBI applying for the FISA warrant SEE HERE.Tablet Mag outlines how Mary Jacoby even bragged about getting the Russiagate narrative started:A Tablet investigation using public sources to trace the evolution of the now-famous dossier suggests that central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele s top-secret sources in the Russian government which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for TheWall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire.Understanding the origins of the Steele dossier is especially important because of what it tells us about the nature and the workings of what its supporters would hopefully describe as an ongoing campaign to remove the elected president of the United States.[ ] In a Facebook post from June 24, 2017, that Tablet has seen in screenshots, Jacoby claimed that her husband deserves the lion s share of credit for Russiagate. (She has not replied to repeated requests for comment.) It s come to my attention that some people still don’t realize what Glenn s role was in exposing Putin s control of Donald Trump, Jacoby wrote. Let s be clear. Glenn conducted the investigation. Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for Glenn. This assertion is hardly a simple assertion of family pride; it goes directly to the nature of what became known as the Steele dossier, on which the Russiagate narrative is founded. (read more)The Tablet-Mag outline shows the distinct trail of the finished Steele Dossier entering into the White House and how President Obama likely saw and reviewed the content.However, missing from this report is an origination angle even more nefarious.Remember, previous media reporting -in conjunction with Clinton campaign admissions- have confirmed the DNC and Clinton Campaign financed Fusion-GPS through their lawyers within Perkins Coie. Fusion then hired Nellie Ohr the wife of DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr who thereafter sub-contracted with retired British MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write/research/provide credibility for the dossier. The dates here are important because they tell a story.The origin of the Clinton effort with Fusion-GPS was April 2016. That s the’same month Fusion hired Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr, to gather opposition research on candidate Trump. It would be most likely that Nellie Ohr was in contact with Christopher Steele. DOJ Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr was later demoted for his unreported contacts with Christopher Steele and Fusion-GPS founder Glenn Simpson in October 2016; the’same month the FISA warrant was granted.However, there was another event in this April 2016 timeline which enhances the trail of the Dossier origination. [Hat Tip Katica] Check this out:In April 2016 Mary Jacoby shows up on White House visitor logs meeting with President Obama officials. In April 2016 the Clinton Campaign and DNC hired Fusion-GPS to organize the Russia research, that later became known as the Steele Dossier .(link to White House Logs)The wife of Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS), Mary B. Jacoby, with years of Russia-angled reporting including Donald Trump visits the White House in April 2016, at the’same time as the DNC and Clinton hire Fusion GPS to conduct the opposition research on Donald Trump, surrounding Russia?This timeline is entirely too obvious to be coincidental.Expand slightly and consider:April: Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, visits the White House. The Clinton Campaign and DNC then hire Fusion GPS to conduct Opposition Research , with a Russian emphasis. Fusion GPS then hires Nellie Ohr who specializes in Russian-centric counterintelligence. Nellie Ohr then contacts MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write a Russian Dossier. A month later, May 2016: Nellie Ohr s husband inside the DOJ, Bruce Ohr, is then working with FBI counterintelligence head Peter Strzok. By June 2016: Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and DOJ Attorney Lisa Page then apply for the first FISA warrant.[June 24th, 2017, Mary Jacoby appears on Facebook taking credit for the origination of the Russiagate narrative.]This timeline is so transparent it s deafening.[More from the Tablet] Simpson and Jacoby had ID d Manafort as a world-class sleazeball and they were right. A slick Georgetown Law grad running in GOP circles since the Reagan campaign, Manafort used his talents and connections to get paid by some very bad people. I would only add here that, in my personal experience, journalists are not in the habit of forgetting major stories they’ve written, especially stories with a character like Manafort at the center.So when the Trump campaign named Paul Manafort as its campaign convention manager on March 28, 2016, you can bet that Simpson and Jacoby s eyes lit up. And as it happened, at the exact same time that Trump hired Manafort, Fusion GPS was in negotiations with Perkins Coie, the law firm representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, to see if there was interest in the firm continuing the opposition research on the Trump campaign they had started for the Washington Free Beacon. (more)Mary Jacoby and Glenn Simpson Fusion GPSIf the counterintelligence FISA warrant was obtained through deception, misleading/manipulated information, or fraud; and that warrant is what led to the wiretapping and surveillance of candidate Donald Trump and General Flynn; and that warrant was authorized by FISA Court Judge Contreras who was the judge in Flynn s case, and is now recused the entire tenuous FBI and DOJ operation begins to collapse and the outline of a conspiracy becomes clearly evident.The back-story to the FISA warrant is the cornerstone. The back-story contains both the FBI and the DOJ scheme. Expose it, remove it, and the entire muh Russia conspiracy fraud collapses under the weight of sunlight.Go HERE to see the entire fascinating investigation compiled by The Conservative TreehouseWATCH President Trump tell FOX Business Lou Dobbs what he thinks about the Democratic efforts to smear him during his presidential campaign in an exclusive interview.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Everyone suspected the’sketchy Steele Dossier was what corrupt FBI and DOJ officials used to get the October 2016 FISA warrant against Trump. FBI and DOJ officials refuse to answer that question publicly.Rep Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said in a statement: We now know that the’so-called Steele dossier was paid for by the Democratic Party in an effort to gin up negative information regarding then-candidate Trump. What the American people deserve to know is whether the information compiled by Steele on the Democrats dime was used by the Obama administration to obtain approval to conduct surveillance against Trump associates. The FBI has stonewalled producing these documents for months and their production shouldn’t be limited to closed door viewing by a small number of members of Congress. The Trump administration should immediately declassify all the documents used to obtain surveillance warrants against Trump or his associates. Immediately after his inauguration, President Trump came out swinging over the fake Russian dossier. He even went as far as to blame the intelligence community. President Trump was immediately criticized for his comments, and the media behaved as though he was insane to even insinuate such a wild theory. As it turns out, he wasn’t too far off the mark.CT Despite a hundred different ways congressional investigators have asked the question, and despite numerous on-camera questions to FBI and DOJ officials about the 2016 FISA process, no-one had definitively confirmed the Christopher Steele Russian Dossier was the underlying evidence for the 2016 FISA application to gain wiretaps and electronic surveillance upon presidential candidate Donald Trump. UNTIL NOW.Senator Lindsey Graham just confirmed the’sketchy Steele Dossier was used to get the wiretap and surveillance warrant from the FISA court. Brian Kilmeade understood what he was hearing was serious, but didn’t quite catch the’specific gravity of it. Watch at starting at the 04:10 mark: The back-story to the FISA warrant is the cornerstone. The back-story contains both the FBI and the DOJ scheme. Expose it, remove it, and the entire muh Russia conspiracy collapses under the weight of sunlight This is critical and important because the’specific use of the Steele Dossier underpins the BIG UGLY and exposes the entire top-tier apparatus of the FBI Counterintelligence Division (Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Andrew McCabe) and the DOJ National Security Division (John Carlin, Stuart Evans, Mary McCord and Sally Yates), as well as DOJ Bruce Ohr and FBI lawyer Lisa Page directly to conspiracy charges.The 2016 FBI counterintelligence operation was surveillance on the Trump Campaign and was thinly disguised under the fraudulent auspices of a FISA warrant, sold as a defense of U.S. democracy from Russia, which permitted the wiretaps and surveillance etc.The DOJ involvement surrounds legal arguments, processing of FISA applications, and use of the legal system to support the FBI operation with actionable legal framing (against Trump). The DOJ National Security Division carried out that collaboration with the FBI.Tablet Mag did a deep dive into the Fusion-GPS connection to the creation of the Steele Dossier; and more specifically how Fusion-GPS head Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby were instrumental in getting the dossier assembled and into the hands of the White House prior to the DOJ and FBI applying for the FISA warrant SEE HERE.Tablet Mag outlines how Mary Jacoby even bragged about getting the Russiagate narrative started:A Tablet investigation using public sources to trace the evolution of the now-famous dossier suggests that central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele s top-secret sources in the Russian government which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for TheWall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire.Understanding the origins of the Steele dossier is especially important because of what it tells us about the nature and the workings of what its supporters would hopefully describe as an ongoing campaign to remove the elected president of the United States.[ ] In a Facebook post from June 24, 2017, that Tablet has seen in screenshots, Jacoby claimed that her husband deserves the lion s share of credit for Russiagate. (She has not replied to repeated requests for comment.) It s come to my attention that some people still don’t realize what Glenn s role was in exposing Putin s control of Donald Trump, Jacoby wrote. Let s be clear. Glenn conducted the investigation. Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for Glenn. This assertion is hardly a simple assertion of family pride; it goes directly to the nature of what became known as the Steele dossier, on which the Russiagate narrative is founded. (read more)The Tablet-Mag outline shows the distinct trail of the finished Steele Dossier entering into the White House and how President Obama likely saw and reviewed the content.However, missing from this report is an origination angle even more nefarious.Remember, previous media reporting -in conjunction with Clinton campaign admissions- have confirmed the DNC and Clinton Campaign financed Fusion-GPS through their lawyers within Perkins Coie. Fusion then hired Nellie Ohr the wife of DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr who thereafter sub-contracted with retired British MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write/research/provide credibility for the dossier. The dates here are important because they tell a story.The origin of the Clinton effort with Fusion-GPS was April 2016. That s the’same month Fusion hired Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr, to gather opposition research on candidate Trump. It would be most likely that Nellie Ohr was in contact with Christopher Steele. DOJ Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr was later demoted for his unreported contacts with Christopher Steele and Fusion-GPS founder Glenn Simpson in October 2016; the’same month the FISA warrant was granted.However, there was another event in this April 2016 timeline which enhances the trail of the Dossier origination. [Hat Tip Katica] Check this out:In April 2016 Mary Jacoby shows up on White House visitor logs meeting with President Obama officials. In April 2016 the Clinton Campaign and DNC hired Fusion-GPS to organize the Russia research, that later became known as the Steele Dossier .(link to White House Logs)The wife of Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS), Mary B. Jacoby, with years of Russia-angled reporting including Donald Trump visits the White House in April 2016, at the’same time as the DNC and Clinton hire Fusion GPS to conduct the opposition research on Donald Trump, surrounding Russia?This timeline is entirely too obvious to be coincidental.Expand slightly and consider:April: Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, visits the White House. The Clinton Campaign and DNC then hire Fusion GPS to conduct Opposition Research , with a Russian emphasis. Fusion GPS then hires Nellie Ohr who specializes in Russian-centric counterintelligence. Nellie Ohr then contacts MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write a Russian Dossier. A month later, May 2016: Nellie Ohr s husband inside the DOJ, Bruce Ohr, is then working with FBI counterintelligence head Peter Strzok. By June 2016: Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and DOJ Attorney Lisa Page then apply for the first FISA warrant.[June 24th, 2017, Mary Jacoby appears on Facebook taking credit for the origination of the Russiagate narrative.]This timeline is so transparent it s deafening.[More from the Tablet] Simpson and Jacoby had ID d Manafort as a world-class sleazeball and they were right. A slick Georgetown Law grad running in GOP circles since the Reagan campaign, Manafort used his talents and connections to get paid by some very bad people. I would only add here that, in my personal experience, journalists are not in the habit of forgetting major stories they’ve written, especially stories with a character like Manafort at the center.So when the Trump campaign named Paul Manafort as its campaign convention manager on March 28, 2016, you can bet that Simpson and Jacoby s eyes lit up. And as it happened, at the exact same time that Trump hired Manafort, Fusion GPS was in negotiations with Perkins Coie, the law firm representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, to see if there was interest in the firm continuing the opposition research on the Trump campaign they had started for the Washington Free Beacon. (more)Mary Jacoby and Glenn Simpson Fusion GPSIf the counterintelligence FISA warrant was obtained through deception, misleading/manipulated information, or fraud; and that warrant is what led to the wiretapping and surveillance of candidate Donald Trump and General Flynn; and that warrant was authorized by FISA Court Judge Contreras who was the judge in Flynn s case, and is now recused the entire tenuous FBI and DOJ operation begins to collapse and the outline of a conspiracy becomes clearly evident.The back-story to the FISA warrant is the cornerstone. The back-story contains both the FBI and the DOJ scheme. Expose it, remove it, and the entire muh Russia conspiracy fraud collapses under the weight of sunlight.Go HERE to see the entire fascinating investigation compiled by The Conservative TreehouseWATCH President Trump tell FOX Business Lou Dobbs what he thinks about the Democratic efforts to smear him during his presidential campaign in an exclusive interview.
Greens want the next coalition government to push for the removal of all nuclear warheads stationed in Germany, a document seen by Reuters showed on Wednesday. The discussion paper on defence and foreign policy did not mention the United States, which is believed to have 20 nuclear warheads at a military base in Buechel in western Germany, according to unofficial estimates. Chancellor Angela Merkel is trying to secure a fourth term through an unlikely coalition with the ecologist Greens and pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) after her conservative bloc lost support to the far-right in an election in September. NATO member Germany is not a nuclear power and in 2011 a Merkel-led government announced plans to shut all nuclear reactors by 2022 after the Fukushima disaster in Japan. Within NATO, we want to ensure that the remaining nuclear weapons in Germany are withdrawn and we want to suspend the modernization programme, read a section in the document stating the Greens position. Before leaving office former U.S. President Barack Obama announced plans to modernize nuclear bombs, delivery systems and laboratories. His successor, Donald Trump, has said he wants to strengthen and expand his country s nuclear capability. The conservatives, Greens and FDP are hoping to end exploratory discussions on Thursday and move on to proper negotiations on forming a government. They remain divided on several key issues, including immigration, reforming the euro zone and climate policy.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Greens want the next coalition government to push for the removal of all nuclear warheads stationed in Germany, a document seen by Reuters showed on Wednesday. The discussion paper on defence and foreign policy did not mention the United States, which is believed to have 20 nuclear warheads at a military base in Buechel in western Germany, according to unofficial estimates. Chancellor Angela Merkel is trying to secure a fourth term through an unlikely coalition with the ecologist Greens and pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) after her conservative bloc lost support to the far-right in an election in September. NATO member Germany is not a nuclear power and in 2011 a Merkel-led government announced plans to shut all nuclear reactors by 2022 after the Fukushima disaster in Japan. Within NATO, we want to ensure that the remaining nuclear weapons in Germany are withdrawn and we want to suspend the modernization programme, read a section in the document stating the Greens position. Before leaving office former U.S. President Barack Obama announced plans to modernize nuclear bombs, delivery systems and laboratories. His successor, Donald Trump, has said he wants to strengthen and expand his country s nuclear capability. The conservatives, Greens and FDP are hoping to end exploratory discussions on Thursday and move on to proper negotiations on forming a government. They remain divided on several key issues, including immigration, reforming the euro zone and climate policy.
Democratic Party communications director Luis Miranda is expected to leave the Democratic National Committee on Tuesday amid fallout from the party’s email hacking scandal, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Democratic Party communications director Luis Miranda is expected to leave the Democratic National Committee on Tuesday amid fallout from the party’s email hacking scandal, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Amnesty International recently put out a brilliant public service announcement in Turkey, with the hope that they will show people how absurd it is to hate the LGBT community.The video was filmed in a Turkish aquarium shop over three days and features a gay turtle. The organization put eight hidden cameras in the’shop and caught a whole lot of dumbf*ckery. In the video, potential turtle buyers walked into the’store and over to the tank where the turtles were held. They all seemed extremely eager to purchase one of the adorable reptiles, until the employee at the’shop dropped a bomb: the turtle they were interested in was gay.As soon as the man made the announcement, the customers all reacted with disgust and disbelief. One woman asked, Is it contagious? Another said the turtle can’t be both gay and healthy. A few of them even got angry with the employee for mentioning homosexuality.After all of the homophobes leave the’store, the’screen turns black and a message from Amnesty International flashes across the’screen: Homophobia and transphobia has reached absurd levels in Turkey. In last five years, it has caused hundreds of hate crimes and more than 41 hate murders. Love is love. Hate is a choice. Turkey has been in the news many times over the last few years for this very reason. In 2014, the Middle Eastern news agency Al Monitor reported about a rise in honor killings of homosexuals in the country and they told a story about an underage teenager who escaped his family s attempt to murder him: I was beaten by family members after they learned I was homosexual. After the beating, my father held a gun to my head, put a Quran in my hands and told me to repent. I somehow managed to run away the following day. My family stormed the homes of my friends and battered them, too. I have nowhere to take refuge. My life is in danger. .The teenager s story is heartbreaking, but he could still be considered lucky for now as many homosexuals in Turkey perish at the hands of their own relatives in honor killings. The video does an amazing job at pointing out how stupid homophobes are. These people were so blinded by their fear and hate that they could not think logically, and that is a common theme among the anti-gay community. They never stop and consider that maybe their beliefs are misguided and based on bullshit; it is as absurd as it is terrifying.Watch: image via video screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Amnesty International recently put out a brilliant public service announcement in Turkey, with the hope that they will show people how absurd it is to hate the LGBT community.The video was filmed in a Turkish aquarium shop over three days and features a gay turtle. The organization put eight hidden cameras in the’shop and caught a whole lot of dumbf*ckery. In the video, potential turtle buyers walked into the’store and over to the tank where the turtles were held. They all seemed extremely eager to purchase one of the adorable reptiles, until the employee at the’shop dropped a bomb: the turtle they were interested in was gay.As soon as the man made the announcement, the customers all reacted with disgust and disbelief. One woman asked, Is it contagious? Another said the turtle can’t be both gay and healthy. A few of them even got angry with the employee for mentioning homosexuality.After all of the homophobes leave the’store, the’screen turns black and a message from Amnesty International flashes across the’screen: Homophobia and transphobia has reached absurd levels in Turkey. In last five years, it has caused hundreds of hate crimes and more than 41 hate murders. Love is love. Hate is a choice. Turkey has been in the news many times over the last few years for this very reason. In 2014, the Middle Eastern news agency Al Monitor reported about a rise in honor killings of homosexuals in the country and they told a story about an underage teenager who escaped his family s attempt to murder him: I was beaten by family members after they learned I was homosexual. After the beating, my father held a gun to my head, put a Quran in my hands and told me to repent. I somehow managed to run away the following day. My family stormed the homes of my friends and battered them, too. I have nowhere to take refuge. My life is in danger. .The teenager s story is heartbreaking, but he could still be considered lucky for now as many homosexuals in Turkey perish at the hands of their own relatives in honor killings. The video does an amazing job at pointing out how stupid homophobes are. These people were so blinded by their fear and hate that they could not think logically, and that is a common theme among the anti-gay community. They never stop and consider that maybe their beliefs are misguided and based on bullshit; it is as absurd as it is terrifying.Watch: image via video screenshot
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton extended her lead over Republican rival Donald Trump to 13 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday, up from 10 points at the end of last week. The July 8-12 poll showed 46 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, the former secretary of state, while 33 percent supported Trump, a celebrity real estate developer. Another 21 percent did not support either candidate. That compared with 45 percent who supported Clinton and 35 percent who supported Trump in the five days to July 8. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has mostly led in the national online poll this year. The last time Trump came close to Clinton’s popularity was in early May, when his last two rivals for the Republican nomination dropped out of the race and party leaders started to line up behind his campaign. Trump, who is expected to become the official Republican nominee at the party’s convention next week, has since lost ground in the poll as he struggled to refocus his campaign from the Republican nominating contests to the Nov. 8 general election. Over the past several weeks, Trump has faced criticism for his past business dealings and has quarreled with Republican leaders over his rejection of international trade agreements and his promises to crack down on immigration. Clinton, meanwhile, has been dogged by criticisms of how she handled classified information as secretary of state. James Comey, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said last week that Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless” with sensitive information but recommended that the government not seek criminal charges against her. Still, Americans have become increasingly positive about Clinton this month, with half of likely voters now saying they have a favorable view of her, according to the poll, up from 46 percent on July 1. Some 60 percent of likely voters have an unfavorable view of Trump, compared with 58 percent on July 1. The Reuters/Ipsos poll surveyed 1,146 likely voters across the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton extended her lead over Republican rival Donald Trump to 13 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday, up from 10 points at the end of last week. The July 8-12 poll showed 46 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, the former secretary of state, while 33 percent supported Trump, a celebrity real estate developer. Another 21 percent did not support either candidate. That compared with 45 percent who supported Clinton and 35 percent who supported Trump in the five days to July 8. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has mostly led in the national online poll this year. The last time Trump came close to Clinton’s popularity was in early May, when his last two rivals for the Republican nomination dropped out of the race and party leaders started to line up behind his campaign. Trump, who is expected to become the official Republican nominee at the party’s convention next week, has since lost ground in the poll as he struggled to refocus his campaign from the Republican nominating contests to the Nov. 8 general election. Over the past several weeks, Trump has faced criticism for his past business dealings and has quarreled with Republican leaders over his rejection of international trade agreements and his promises to crack down on immigration. Clinton, meanwhile, has been dogged by criticisms of how she handled classified information as secretary of state. James Comey, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said last week that Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless” with sensitive information but recommended that the government not seek criminal charges against her. Still, Americans have become increasingly positive about Clinton this month, with half of likely voters now saying they have a favorable view of her, according to the poll, up from 46 percent on July 1. Some 60 percent of likely voters have an unfavorable view of Trump, compared with 58 percent on July 1. The Reuters/Ipsos poll surveyed 1,146 likely voters across the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points.
21st Century Wire says Yesterday a US F/A-18E Super Hornet is reported to have shot down a Syrian Army SU-22 jet near the village of Rasafah, south of Raqqa. Washington claims it was an act of collective self-defense because the Syrian jet had dropped bombs near US-backed forces. Syrian officials in Damascus deny the US claims, stating that their plane was downed while conducting a strike on an ISIS position. According to a statement released by Damascus, the US act of aggression in Syria airspace was a flagrant attack was an attempt to undermine the efforts of the army as the only effective force capable with its allies in fighting terrorism across its territory. Officials added that, this comes at a time when the Syrian army and its allies were making clear advances in fighting the (ISIS) terrorist group. US officials are claiming that pro-Syrian regime forces on the ground attacked the US-backed Kurdish militias under the SDF brand (Syrian Democratic Forces) near Tabqa outside Raqqa, after which time the US-led Coalition planes engaged Syrian military. US officials then claim that a Syrian planes dropped bombs near the US-backed forces. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issue this statement: We call on the United State and all others who have their forces or advisors on the ground [in Syria] to ensure the coordination in our work. Zones of de-escalation are one of the possible options to jointly move forward. We call on everyone to avoid unilateral moves, respect Syrian sovereignty and join our common work which is agreed with the Syrian Arab Republic s government. 21WIRE reported earlier this week how the presence of US and UK troops on the ground inside of Syrian sovereign territory may be provoking an escalation of an already tense situation in both Raqqa and in the region around al-Tanf. US-led coalition forces are supposedly there to train and assist anti-ISIS militias, but also anti-Assad rebel militias too. The US also also trying to impose self-styled deconfliction zones around al-Tanf.In recent months, the Syrian Army have been making huge advances against ISIS positions. This latest US attack on Syria indicates that the US do not want the Syrian Army involved in the liberation of Raqqa presumable to be able to stage-manage and control the operation and media coverage for its global audience, as the US did previously with Mosul in Iraq.A clear pattern has emerged with almost every US strike against Syrian forces inside of Syria in each and every instance, the main beneficiary appears to be ISIS.Based on past incidents where US forces have attack Syrian military assets, in each instance the US attacks have benefited ISIS on the ground leading many to conclude that the US Coalition forces are helping ISIS to gain strategic advantage against the Syria Army on the ground.Back in September 2016, US had attacked and massacred over 80 Syrian military soldiers after a Coalition airstrike on Dier Azor a US attack which allowed ISIS to strategically advance past Syrian Army defensive positions. In addition to aiding ISIS on the ground, this act by the US also ruined any chance of a viable ceasefire agreement with Russia and Syria at the time.A similar events took place on June 5, 2017 when US-led coalition forces attacked what they called pro-Syrian regime forces near the town of al Tanf in southeast Syria, claiming the Syrian forces including some 60 troops, had somehow entered what the US claim was a well-established de-confliction zone. The US strike helped to take pressure off of a retreating ISIS in the region.In addition to this, the US cruise missile strike Syria s Sharat airbase near Homs killed some 80 people, supposedly in response to an alleged ;chemical weapons attack at Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib Province.According to Aleppo MP Fares Shehabi, the US missile attack should be viewed as an act against an airport that is solely dedicated to fighting ISIS in Syria. And this attack is illegal, it s stupid. As it stands the US presence in Syria is in violation of both US and International Law. STAY TUNE FOR MORE UPDATESREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire SYRIA FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 21st Century Wire says Yesterday a US F/A-18E Super Hornet is reported to have shot down a Syrian Army SU-22 jet near the village of Rasafah, south of Raqqa. Washington claims it was an act of collective self-defense because the Syrian jet had dropped bombs near US-backed forces. Syrian officials in Damascus deny the US claims, stating that their plane was downed while conducting a strike on an ISIS position. According to a statement released by Damascus, the US act of aggression in Syria airspace was a flagrant attack was an attempt to undermine the efforts of the army as the only effective force capable with its allies in fighting terrorism across its territory. Officials added that, this comes at a time when the Syrian army and its allies were making clear advances in fighting the (ISIS) terrorist group. US officials are claiming that pro-Syrian regime forces on the ground attacked the US-backed Kurdish militias under the SDF brand (Syrian Democratic Forces) near Tabqa outside Raqqa, after which time the US-led Coalition planes engaged Syrian military. US officials then claim that a Syrian planes dropped bombs near the US-backed forces. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issue this statement: We call on the United State and all others who have their forces or advisors on the ground [in Syria] to ensure the coordination in our work. Zones of de-escalation are one of the possible options to jointly move forward. We call on everyone to avoid unilateral moves, respect Syrian sovereignty and join our common work which is agreed with the Syrian Arab Republic s government. 21WIRE reported earlier this week how the presence of US and UK troops on the ground inside of Syrian sovereign territory may be provoking an escalation of an already tense situation in both Raqqa and in the region around al-Tanf. US-led coalition forces are supposedly there to train and assist anti-ISIS militias, but also anti-Assad rebel militias too. The US also also trying to impose self-styled deconfliction zones around al-Tanf.In recent months, the Syrian Army have been making huge advances against ISIS positions. This latest US attack on Syria indicates that the US do not want the Syrian Army involved in the liberation of Raqqa presumable to be able to stage-manage and control the operation and media coverage for its global audience, as the US did previously with Mosul in Iraq.A clear pattern has emerged with almost every US strike against Syrian forces inside of Syria in each and every instance, the main beneficiary appears to be ISIS.Based on past incidents where US forces have attack Syrian military assets, in each instance the US attacks have benefited ISIS on the ground leading many to conclude that the US Coalition forces are helping ISIS to gain strategic advantage against the Syria Army on the ground.Back in September 2016, US had attacked and massacred over 80 Syrian military soldiers after a Coalition airstrike on Dier Azor a US attack which allowed ISIS to strategically advance past Syrian Army defensive positions. In addition to aiding ISIS on the ground, this act by the US also ruined any chance of a viable ceasefire agreement with Russia and Syria at the time.A similar events took place on June 5, 2017 when US-led coalition forces attacked what they called pro-Syrian regime forces near the town of al Tanf in southeast Syria, claiming the Syrian forces including some 60 troops, had somehow entered what the US claim was a well-established de-confliction zone. The US strike helped to take pressure off of a retreating ISIS in the region.In addition to this, the US cruise missile strike Syria s Sharat airbase near Homs killed some 80 people, supposedly in response to an alleged ;chemical weapons attack at Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib Province.According to Aleppo MP Fares Shehabi, the US missile attack should be viewed as an act against an airport that is solely dedicated to fighting ISIS in Syria. And this attack is illegal, it s stupid. As it stands the US presence in Syria is in violation of both US and International Law. STAY TUNE FOR MORE UPDATESREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire SYRIA FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
The Nye County Sheriff s Office just arrested three men who went on a drunken rampage through a protected area of Death Valley National Park in Nevada.On April 30, Steven Schwinkendorf, 29, Edgar Reyes, 35, and Trenton Sargent, 26 used a gun to shoot off gate locks meant to prevent entry into the protected area surrounding the Devils Hole geothermal pool.The Death Valley pool is the only known habitat for the rarest species of fish in the world, the Devils Hole pupfish.According to authorities, once inside the protected area the men fired the gun several more times, shooting out motion sensors and damaging sensitive scientific equipment.One of them urinated on the ground, while another decided to use the protected spot as a place to vomit.According to a statement released by the Nye County Sheriff s Office:Their unlawful visit ultimately culminated with at least one of the’suspects stripping off their clothes and entering the water of Devils Hole. The’suspect(s) in the water stomped around the’shelf area of the critical ecosystem before swimming around the deeper water, leaving behind a pair of dirty underwear when finished.The’statement goes on to say:The intrusion is believed to have resulted in the death of at least one endangered Devils Hole pupfish, and fisheries biologists are trying to ascertain’the extended damage that may have been done to food sources and egg sites which could lead to more loss of a species whose numbers are now below the last count of 115 in existence.Security cameras captured footage of the rampage. The Center for Biological Diversity and the National Park Service offered a $15,000 reward for the capture of the three men, saying their actions constituted a crime against the’shared natural heritage of all Americans.Now that they’ve been identified and arrested, the men face up to a year in prison and fines of up to $50,000 each.Here s more on this story via Newsy on YouTube:Image credit: Video screen capture via Newsy on YouTube
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Nye County Sheriff s Office just arrested three men who went on a drunken rampage through a protected area of Death Valley National Park in Nevada.On April 30, Steven Schwinkendorf, 29, Edgar Reyes, 35, and Trenton Sargent, 26 used a gun to shoot off gate locks meant to prevent entry into the protected area surrounding the Devils Hole geothermal pool.The Death Valley pool is the only known habitat for the rarest species of fish in the world, the Devils Hole pupfish.According to authorities, once inside the protected area the men fired the gun several more times, shooting out motion sensors and damaging sensitive scientific equipment.One of them urinated on the ground, while another decided to use the protected spot as a place to vomit.According to a statement released by the Nye County Sheriff s Office:Their unlawful visit ultimately culminated with at least one of the’suspects stripping off their clothes and entering the water of Devils Hole. The’suspect(s) in the water stomped around the’shelf area of the critical ecosystem before swimming around the deeper water, leaving behind a pair of dirty underwear when finished.The’statement goes on to say:The intrusion is believed to have resulted in the death of at least one endangered Devils Hole pupfish, and fisheries biologists are trying to ascertain’the extended damage that may have been done to food sources and egg sites which could lead to more loss of a species whose numbers are now below the last count of 115 in existence.Security cameras captured footage of the rampage. The Center for Biological Diversity and the National Park Service offered a $15,000 reward for the capture of the three men, saying their actions constituted a crime against the’shared natural heritage of all Americans.Now that they’ve been identified and arrested, the men face up to a year in prison and fines of up to $50,000 each.Here s more on this story via Newsy on YouTube:Image credit: Video screen capture via Newsy on YouTube
Who knew, that one of the wealthiest entertainers in America and the New Black Panthers biggest cheerleader, has a sister who is also a perpetual victim of racism? When she’s not beating the’shit out of her brother-in-law Jay-Z in an elevator, Solange Knowles is a professional victim of racism. Beyonc s crazier less talented sister recently attended a concert, as a fan not as a performer, and wouldn’t you know it, racism reared it s ugly head. Apparently someone asked her to sit down and since she is black, it was a hostile act of racial aggression.If you have nothing better to do, and haven’t already witnessed the circus that ensues when a celebrity husband cheats on his celebrity wife with another woman, forcing the’sister to even the’score in an elevator, you can watch it here:Back to the Solange and her racist manifesto, where she goes to great lengths to explain’the racism she encounters in just about every aspect of her life, like the time she got pulled over or the other time she had to show her passport crossing an international border. She describes the perpetrators of racism as, a product of their white supremacy and are exercising it on you without caution, care, or thought. The main point of this crazy thing was what happened to her at a recent concert. It s written from a weird 2nd person perspective, but this is what I was able to figure out:Solange took her 11-year-old son to a Kraftwerk concert. They arrived late, despite Solange s claim that she is a big fan. Right off the bat an elderly black usher had to tell her son to stop vaping. Solange claims her young son was not vaping, so therefore it was racism.It gets worse. Solange was standing up and dancing when someone behind her asked her to sit down. She refused to sit and eventually someone threw a slice of lime at her. Again: racism. She turned around to confront whoever threw the lime but nobody s white privilege would let them admit to it. For the third time, she experienced racism.Granted, this is a one-sided explanation of things. It s entirely possible that Solange was being rude and obnoxious and the people behind her gave her a gentile reminder to behave herself in public. Then again, maybe none of this stuff even happened.The crazy level rises significantly when Solange tries to put her harrowing experience in perspective by saying:You constantly see the media having a hard time contextualizing black women and men as victims every day, even when it means losing their own lives.Shit, can you believe she almost died in this racist lime attack?She then says that she isn’t claiming this incident was racism, even though she’said it many times, and chides the media for potentially reporting it that way, followed immediately by this:This is why many black people are uncomfortable being in predominately white spacesFrom there Solange rants about all of the racism in America and ends with the odd statement that she has many white friends. You know, to prove she doesn’t hate white people or something.Via: Downtrend
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Who knew, that one of the wealthiest entertainers in America and the New Black Panthers biggest cheerleader, has a sister who is also a perpetual victim of racism? When she’s not beating the’shit out of her brother-in-law Jay-Z in an elevator, Solange Knowles is a professional victim of racism. Beyonc s crazier less talented sister recently attended a concert, as a fan not as a performer, and wouldn’t you know it, racism reared it s ugly head. Apparently someone asked her to sit down and since she is black, it was a hostile act of racial aggression.If you have nothing better to do, and haven’t already witnessed the circus that ensues when a celebrity husband cheats on his celebrity wife with another woman, forcing the’sister to even the’score in an elevator, you can watch it here:Back to the Solange and her racist manifesto, where she goes to great lengths to explain’the racism she encounters in just about every aspect of her life, like the time she got pulled over or the other time she had to show her passport crossing an international border. She describes the perpetrators of racism as, a product of their white supremacy and are exercising it on you without caution, care, or thought. The main point of this crazy thing was what happened to her at a recent concert. It s written from a weird 2nd person perspective, but this is what I was able to figure out:Solange took her 11-year-old son to a Kraftwerk concert. They arrived late, despite Solange s claim that she is a big fan. Right off the bat an elderly black usher had to tell her son to stop vaping. Solange claims her young son was not vaping, so therefore it was racism.It gets worse. Solange was standing up and dancing when someone behind her asked her to sit down. She refused to sit and eventually someone threw a slice of lime at her. Again: racism. She turned around to confront whoever threw the lime but nobody s white privilege would let them admit to it. For the third time, she experienced racism.Granted, this is a one-sided explanation of things. It s entirely possible that Solange was being rude and obnoxious and the people behind her gave her a gentile reminder to behave herself in public. Then again, maybe none of this stuff even happened.The crazy level rises significantly when Solange tries to put her harrowing experience in perspective by saying:You constantly see the media having a hard time contextualizing black women and men as victims every day, even when it means losing their own lives.Shit, can you believe she almost died in this racist lime attack?She then says that she isn’t claiming this incident was racism, even though she’said it many times, and chides the media for potentially reporting it that way, followed immediately by this:This is why many black people are uncomfortable being in predominately white spacesFrom there Solange rants about all of the racism in America and ends with the odd statement that she has many white friends. You know, to prove she doesn’t hate white people or something.Via: Downtrend
Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore said there is no doubt in his mind that Donald Trump will go through with banning Muslims from the United States, just like he’said he would.Speaking to Variety, Moore said that he has already done his grieving over Trump’s win, which he’saw coming long before it became a reality. I went through my five stages of grief months and months ago when I realized he was going to win, he’said.Moore said that he has taken him literally and seriously since day one, which is why he fully expects Trump to do all the horrible things he’said he would on the campaign trail, like building a wall along our southern border to keep out all the rapey Mexicans. You do have to take Trump at his word, Moore said. I still hear people say, Oh, he’s not really going to build the wall. Oh, he is going to build it. He knows that he’s got to deliver at least a version of the wall. This, Moore explained, is why he absolutely believes Trump will go through with enacting his Muslim ban. He s shown how he’s going to do it, Moore said. He s going to get away with it by making it a ban on Muslims who come from the following countries. He needs just enough cover for his crowd to say, Oh, he’s being reasonable there. He s not banning all Muslims. Moore also said that he was profoundly affected by Meryl Streep s powerful speech denouncing Trump at the Golden Globes. I had tears in my eyes, Moore said. It was so powerfully delivered by the perfect person. She was talking about human empathy. It was not about being a Republican or a Democrat. It was about: Have you no decency, sir? Trump’s supporters like to say that they’don’t take what he’says literally. But that is a mistake. As Maya Angelou said, When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. We know who Trump is. And we also know it s going to be a long four years.Featured image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images For AFI
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore said there is no doubt in his mind that Donald Trump will go through with banning Muslims from the United States, just like he’said he would.Speaking to Variety, Moore said that he has already done his grieving over Trump’s win, which he’saw coming long before it became a reality. I went through my five stages of grief months and months ago when I realized he was going to win, he’said.Moore said that he has taken him literally and seriously since day one, which is why he fully expects Trump to do all the horrible things he’said he would on the campaign trail, like building a wall along our southern border to keep out all the rapey Mexicans. You do have to take Trump at his word, Moore said. I still hear people say, Oh, he’s not really going to build the wall. Oh, he is going to build it. He knows that he’s got to deliver at least a version of the wall. This, Moore explained, is why he absolutely believes Trump will go through with enacting his Muslim ban. He s shown how he’s going to do it, Moore said. He s going to get away with it by making it a ban on Muslims who come from the following countries. He needs just enough cover for his crowd to say, Oh, he’s being reasonable there. He s not banning all Muslims. Moore also said that he was profoundly affected by Meryl Streep s powerful speech denouncing Trump at the Golden Globes. I had tears in my eyes, Moore said. It was so powerfully delivered by the perfect person. She was talking about human empathy. It was not about being a Republican or a Democrat. It was about: Have you no decency, sir? Trump’s supporters like to say that they’don’t take what he’says literally. But that is a mistake. As Maya Angelou said, When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. We know who Trump is. And we also know it s going to be a long four years.Featured image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images For AFI
Notre Dame students are freaking out over Vice President Pence s planned commencement speech. Once again, the college snowflakes are trying to shut down free speech. How will these students ever survive in the real world?The college is breaking with a 60-year tradition by not inviting the’sitting president to speak. Instead, the University President announced Pence s scheduled visit noting he’s a native son : It is fitting that in the 175th year of our founding on Indiana soil that Notre Dame recognize a native son who served our state and now the nation with quiet earnestness, moral conviction and a dedication to the common good characteristic of true statesmen, said Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. With his own brand of reserved dignity, Mike Pence instilled confidence on the’state level then, and on the world stage now. We are proud to welcome him to represent the new administration. Notre Dame students protesting VP Pence as this year s commencement speaker because it makes them feel unsafe FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) April 12, 2017 University of Notre Dame students have begun a #NotMyCommencementSpeaker white board campaign to protest the invitation of Vice President Mike Pence to speak at Commencement.Last week, seniors Immane Mondane and Jourdyhn Williams invited students to take photos holding white boards with direct quotes from Pence that are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, offensive, or ostracizing to members of our community, along with the hashtag #NotMyCommencementSpeaker. Alternatively, students could also write about why they feel unsafe with the presence of Mike Pence on our campus, with daily opportunities to have photos taken with their whiteboards through the week.Once all the photos have been compiled, the organizers plan to share them on social media in hopes of starting a discussion about Pence s invitation. For me personally, Pence represents the larger Trump administration, Mondane told The Observer. His administration represents something, and for many people on our campus, it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity. While the photos do not appear to have been posted yet, Mondane provided The Observer with several examples of the complaints that students shared.One student used a quote from Pence favoring traditional marriage, writing on their board, Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal status with heterosexual marriage -Pence #NotMyCommencementSpeaker. Another read, Because I am the daughter of Immigrants Family of LGBTQ folks. Read more: Campus Reform
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Notre Dame students are freaking out over Vice President Pence s planned commencement speech. Once again, the college snowflakes are trying to shut down free speech. How will these students ever survive in the real world?The college is breaking with a 60-year tradition by not inviting the’sitting president to speak. Instead, the University President announced Pence s scheduled visit noting he’s a native son : It is fitting that in the 175th year of our founding on Indiana soil that Notre Dame recognize a native son who served our state and now the nation with quiet earnestness, moral conviction and a dedication to the common good characteristic of true statesmen, said Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. With his own brand of reserved dignity, Mike Pence instilled confidence on the’state level then, and on the world stage now. We are proud to welcome him to represent the new administration. Notre Dame students protesting VP Pence as this year s commencement speaker because it makes them feel unsafe FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) April 12, 2017 University of Notre Dame students have begun a #NotMyCommencementSpeaker white board campaign to protest the invitation of Vice President Mike Pence to speak at Commencement.Last week, seniors Immane Mondane and Jourdyhn Williams invited students to take photos holding white boards with direct quotes from Pence that are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, offensive, or ostracizing to members of our community, along with the hashtag #NotMyCommencementSpeaker. Alternatively, students could also write about why they feel unsafe with the presence of Mike Pence on our campus, with daily opportunities to have photos taken with their whiteboards through the week.Once all the photos have been compiled, the organizers plan to share them on social media in hopes of starting a discussion about Pence s invitation. For me personally, Pence represents the larger Trump administration, Mondane told The Observer. His administration represents something, and for many people on our campus, it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity. While the photos do not appear to have been posted yet, Mondane provided The Observer with several examples of the complaints that students shared.One student used a quote from Pence favoring traditional marriage, writing on their board, Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal status with heterosexual marriage -Pence #NotMyCommencementSpeaker. Another read, Because I am the daughter of Immigrants Family of LGBTQ folks. Read more: Campus Reform
Donald Trump has been wasting taxpayer dollars on his personal vacations, protection for his giant golden tower in New York, security at his golf clubs, and pretty much everything else you can imagine ever since he assumed office, but if you needed an example of how bad things are we can’t even afford to pay the Secret Service agents protecting him anymore.CNBC reports that more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year thanks to the crushing workload Donald Trump has brought them.The Secret Service has a big job with the Trump family. Not only do they have to protect him as he jaunts from golf course to golf course, but they are also forced to protect his sniveling children on their business trips both in the United States and abroad. The president has a large family, and our responsibility is required in law, Secret Service Director Randolph Tex Alles said in an interview. I can’t change that. I have no flexibility. The Trump family is such a big problem that Alles says that without more funding, he won’t even be able to pay agents for work they have already done:The compensation crunch is so serious that the director has begun discussions with key lawmakers to raise the combined salary and overtime cap for agents, from $160,000 per year to $187,000 for at least the duration of Trump’s first term.But even if such a proposal was approved, about 130 veteran agents would not be fully compensated for hundreds of hours already amassed, according to the agency. I don’t see this changing in the near term, Alles said.As the Trump family continues to bleed the country dry with their constant vacations and business trips all of which require Secret Service protection Congress is actually considering giving them more money to flush down the toilet as they are forced to pay for hotel rooms, travel, and even $60,000 (and growing) in golf cart rentals.The’solution isn’t to give the Trump family more money. It s time for Congress to take action to limit travel or pass legislation that would exempt personal vacations and business trips for the President s children from requiring Secret Service protection once the agency s budget has been exhausted.It s time for the Trump family to begin living within the country s means.Featured image via Getty Images/Alex wong
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump has been wasting taxpayer dollars on his personal vacations, protection for his giant golden tower in New York, security at his golf clubs, and pretty much everything else you can imagine ever since he assumed office, but if you needed an example of how bad things are we can’t even afford to pay the Secret Service agents protecting him anymore.CNBC reports that more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year thanks to the crushing workload Donald Trump has brought them.The Secret Service has a big job with the Trump family. Not only do they have to protect him as he jaunts from golf course to golf course, but they are also forced to protect his sniveling children on their business trips both in the United States and abroad. The president has a large family, and our responsibility is required in law, Secret Service Director Randolph Tex Alles said in an interview. I can’t change that. I have no flexibility. The Trump family is such a big problem that Alles says that without more funding, he won’t even be able to pay agents for work they have already done:The compensation crunch is so serious that the director has begun discussions with key lawmakers to raise the combined salary and overtime cap for agents, from $160,000 per year to $187,000 for at least the duration of Trump’s first term.But even if such a proposal was approved, about 130 veteran agents would not be fully compensated for hundreds of hours already amassed, according to the agency. I don’t see this changing in the near term, Alles said.As the Trump family continues to bleed the country dry with their constant vacations and business trips all of which require Secret Service protection Congress is actually considering giving them more money to flush down the toilet as they are forced to pay for hotel rooms, travel, and even $60,000 (and growing) in golf cart rentals.The’solution isn’t to give the Trump family more money. It s time for Congress to take action to limit travel or pass legislation that would exempt personal vacations and business trips for the President s children from requiring Secret Service protection once the agency s budget has been exhausted.It s time for the Trump family to begin living within the country s means.Featured image via Getty Images/Alex wong
The Trump administration plans to name a Washington-based academic and former White House official, Victor Cha, as the next U.S. ambassador to South Korea, an administration official said on Tuesday. Cha is a former director for Asian affairs on the White House National Security Council and served as deputy head of the U.S. delegation in multilateral talks with North Korea over its nuclear program during the administration of President George W. Bush. An administration official said he expected the appointment, which will be subject to a Senate confirmation hearing, to be announced “soon,” and added that it had “been in the works for a long time.” The move came as President Donald Trump faced perhaps his biggest foreign policy challenge over North Korea’s pursuit of a nuclear-tipped missile capable of hitting the United States. Cha, a Korean American, will replace Mark Lippert, a political appointee who served in Seoul during the Obama administration. Cha did not respond to a request for comment. He is currently the Korea Chair at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies and director of Asian studies at Georgetown University’s Department of Government and School of Foreign Service. In a op-ed published in the Washington Post in July, Cha called for a new approach to diplomacy towards North Korea, arguing that China must be a central part of future negotiations and should pay for Pyongyang to halt and roll back its nuclear and missile programs. South Korea is a long-time U.S. treaty ally.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Trump administration plans to name a Washington-based academic and former White House official, Victor Cha, as the next U.S. ambassador to South Korea, an administration official said on Tuesday. Cha is a former director for Asian affairs on the White House National Security Council and served as deputy head of the U.S. delegation in multilateral talks with North Korea over its nuclear program during the administration of President George W. Bush. An administration official said he expected the appointment, which will be subject to a Senate confirmation hearing, to be announced “soon,” and added that it had “been in the works for a long time.” The move came as President Donald Trump faced perhaps his biggest foreign policy challenge over North Korea’s pursuit of a nuclear-tipped missile capable of hitting the United States. Cha, a Korean American, will replace Mark Lippert, a political appointee who served in Seoul during the Obama administration. Cha did not respond to a request for comment. He is currently the Korea Chair at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies and director of Asian studies at Georgetown University’s Department of Government and School of Foreign Service. In a op-ed published in the Washington Post in July, Cha called for a new approach to diplomacy towards North Korea, arguing that China must be a central part of future negotiations and should pay for Pyongyang to halt and roll back its nuclear and missile programs. South Korea is a long-time U.S. treaty ally.
FOX News is announcing that President Trump believes the Paris Accord is a bad deal and wants to jeep his promise to put Americans first. We say Amen to that! This is another mess Obama got us into that President Trump has to get us out of! The’statement from the President will be any moment:THIS IS A GLOBAL REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH and will hurt Americans!OUR PAST REPORT ON THIS ACCORD: John Kerry and Al Gore are jubilant that we’ve struck a deal (sort of) to limit carbon emissions what a couple of jokesters these guys are. It s really embarrassing that all these important people came together to discuss the weather and NOT our most pressing topic of what to do about terrorism. This is what happens when you let the liberals rule unicorns and rainbows:John Kerry told fellow negotiators, it will help the world prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already here and also for those that we already know are on our way inevitably. He added the pact would prevent the worst most devastating consequences of climate change from ever happening. A deal to attempt to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2C has been agreed at the climate change summit in Paris after two weeks of intense negotiations. The pact is the first to commit all countries to cut carbon emissions. The agreement is partly legally binding and partly voluntary. Earlier, key blocs, including the G77 group of developing countries, and nations such as China and India said they supported the proposals. President of the UN climate conference of parties (COP) and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: I now invite the COP to adopt the decision entitled Paris Agreement outlined in the document. Looking out to the room I see that the reaction is positive, I see no objections. The Paris agreement is adopted. As he’struck the gavel to signal the adoption of the deal, delegates rose to their feet cheering and applauding.John Kerry told fellow negotiators, it will help the world prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already here and also for those that we already know are on our way inevitably. He added the pact would prevent the worst most devastating consequences of climate change from ever happening. Former U.S. vice president Al Gore says years from now, our grandchildren will reflect on humanity s moral courage to solve the climate crisis. And they will look to December 12, 2015, as the day when the community of nations finally made the decision to act. South African environment minister Edna Molewa calls the pact the best we can get at this historic moment. She’says it can map a turning point to a better and safer world but she added that developed countries still have to cut emissions more and help poorer nations to counter the effects of global warming.READ MORE: BBCRead more: AP
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: FOX News is announcing that President Trump believes the Paris Accord is a bad deal and wants to jeep his promise to put Americans first. We say Amen to that! This is another mess Obama got us into that President Trump has to get us out of! The’statement from the President will be any moment:THIS IS A GLOBAL REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH and will hurt Americans!OUR PAST REPORT ON THIS ACCORD: John Kerry and Al Gore are jubilant that we’ve struck a deal (sort of) to limit carbon emissions what a couple of jokesters these guys are. It s really embarrassing that all these important people came together to discuss the weather and NOT our most pressing topic of what to do about terrorism. This is what happens when you let the liberals rule unicorns and rainbows:John Kerry told fellow negotiators, it will help the world prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already here and also for those that we already know are on our way inevitably. He added the pact would prevent the worst most devastating consequences of climate change from ever happening. A deal to attempt to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2C has been agreed at the climate change summit in Paris after two weeks of intense negotiations. The pact is the first to commit all countries to cut carbon emissions. The agreement is partly legally binding and partly voluntary. Earlier, key blocs, including the G77 group of developing countries, and nations such as China and India said they supported the proposals. President of the UN climate conference of parties (COP) and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: I now invite the COP to adopt the decision entitled Paris Agreement outlined in the document. Looking out to the room I see that the reaction is positive, I see no objections. The Paris agreement is adopted. As he’struck the gavel to signal the adoption of the deal, delegates rose to their feet cheering and applauding.John Kerry told fellow negotiators, it will help the world prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already here and also for those that we already know are on our way inevitably. He added the pact would prevent the worst most devastating consequences of climate change from ever happening. Former U.S. vice president Al Gore says years from now, our grandchildren will reflect on humanity s moral courage to solve the climate crisis. And they will look to December 12, 2015, as the day when the community of nations finally made the decision to act. South African environment minister Edna Molewa calls the pact the best we can get at this historic moment. She’says it can map a turning point to a better and safer world but she added that developed countries still have to cut emissions more and help poorer nations to counter the effects of global warming.READ MORE: BBCRead more: AP
A leading Peruvian opposition lawmaker on Monday called for the country s Vice President Martin Vizcarra to govern the country if Congress ousts President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski over graft allegations he denies. Enough political parties have committed to backing a motion to oust Kuczynski in a scheduled vote in the opposition-run Congress on Thursday. Kuczynski has repeatedly said there was nothing improper about recently disclosed business ties that he once denied having with Odebrecht [ODBES.UL], a Brazilian builder at the center of Latin America s biggest corruption scandal. If Kuczynski does depart, Vizcarra would be authorized to carry out the rest of Kuczynski s scheduled 2016-2021 term. Congresswoman Luz Salgado denied her party, Popular Force, which has a majority in Peru s single-chamber Congress, would seek to topple Vizcarra as charged by opponents. If he (Vizcarra) does his job well and assumes the role that history if offering to him, he ll have our corresponding support, said Salgado, a key leader in the party. We re thinking about what s best for the country. We re not trying to find fault in anyone. Kuczynski and Vizcarra s offices declined requests for comment. No major policy changes are expected if Kuczynski were replaced by Vizcarra, a former governor of a copper-rich Andean region and Peru s current ambassador to Canada. But the political crisis has spooked investors in one of Latin America s most stable economies. It s going to have an important impact on the economy. Investments are going to be delayed, said Carlos Galvez, the chief financial officer of Peruvian miner Buenaventura. A 79-year-old former Wall Street banker, Kuczynski was part of a rightward shift in South American politics when he was elected last year. His fight for survival underscores the risks facing political leaders with long business resumes as graft scandals roil the region. Kuczynski has described Popular Force s efforts to unseat him as an authoritarian attack on institutions, and criticized the party for not giving him more time to defend himself. We look like a banana republic. Without a proper procedure, Congress is just usurping the presidency, Housing Minister Carlos Bruce told journalists on Monday. Popular Force said it only hopes to uproot corruption and was acting within the bounds of the constitution. The party emerged from the right-wing movement started by the country s former authoritarian president Alberto Fujimori, who is now in prison for graft and human rights crimes. It is now led by Kuczynski s defeated electoral rival Keiko Fujimori. New elections, which would be the worst-case scenario for investors, would only be called if both Vizcarra and Second Vice President Mercedes Araoz leave office before 2021, a scenario Araoz ruled out in an interview with Reuters on Sunday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A leading Peruvian opposition lawmaker on Monday called for the country s Vice President Martin Vizcarra to govern the country if Congress ousts President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski over graft allegations he denies. Enough political parties have committed to backing a motion to oust Kuczynski in a scheduled vote in the opposition-run Congress on Thursday. Kuczynski has repeatedly said there was nothing improper about recently disclosed business ties that he once denied having with Odebrecht [ODBES.UL], a Brazilian builder at the center of Latin America s biggest corruption scandal. If Kuczynski does depart, Vizcarra would be authorized to carry out the rest of Kuczynski s scheduled 2016-2021 term. Congresswoman Luz Salgado denied her party, Popular Force, which has a majority in Peru s single-chamber Congress, would seek to topple Vizcarra as charged by opponents. If he (Vizcarra) does his job well and assumes the role that history if offering to him, he ll have our corresponding support, said Salgado, a key leader in the party. We re thinking about what s best for the country. We re not trying to find fault in anyone. Kuczynski and Vizcarra s offices declined requests for comment. No major policy changes are expected if Kuczynski were replaced by Vizcarra, a former governor of a copper-rich Andean region and Peru s current ambassador to Canada. But the political crisis has spooked investors in one of Latin America s most stable economies. It s going to have an important impact on the economy. Investments are going to be delayed, said Carlos Galvez, the chief financial officer of Peruvian miner Buenaventura. A 79-year-old former Wall Street banker, Kuczynski was part of a rightward shift in South American politics when he was elected last year. His fight for survival underscores the risks facing political leaders with long business resumes as graft scandals roil the region. Kuczynski has described Popular Force s efforts to unseat him as an authoritarian attack on institutions, and criticized the party for not giving him more time to defend himself. We look like a banana republic. Without a proper procedure, Congress is just usurping the presidency, Housing Minister Carlos Bruce told journalists on Monday. Popular Force said it only hopes to uproot corruption and was acting within the bounds of the constitution. The party emerged from the right-wing movement started by the country s former authoritarian president Alberto Fujimori, who is now in prison for graft and human rights crimes. It is now led by Kuczynski s defeated electoral rival Keiko Fujimori. New elections, which would be the worst-case scenario for investors, would only be called if both Vizcarra and Second Vice President Mercedes Araoz leave office before 2021, a scenario Araoz ruled out in an interview with Reuters on Sunday.
The two Rohingya Muslim brothers, six-year-old Mohamed Heron and four-year-old Akhter, held each other as they showed burns on their arms and torsos that their uncle says resulted from Myanmar s armed forces firing rockets at their village. Two of their siblings, one seven years old and the other a 10-month-old infant, died in the attack, according to their uncle, Mohamed Inus. Their father was held by the military and has not been heard of since. These two children survived when our village was fired on with rockets, Inus told Reuters at Kutupalong refugee camp, near Cox s Bazar in Bangladesh. They were among a number of Rohingya who showed their wounds to a Reuters photographer who visited Kutupalong and the nearby camps at Balukhali, Leda and Nayapara. (Click to view the photo essay) Fleeing along with other villagers who abandoned their scorched homes, the boys reached Bangladesh after a three-day trek. At Kutupalong, they were treated for three weeks for their burns at a M decins Sans Fronti res (MSF) clinic. Since the ethnic violence erupted in late August, thousands of Rohingya have crossed the border each week, often travelling for days and even weeks, trekking through forests and over mountains, with many making a hazardous river or sea crossing on the last leg of their flight to fellow-Muslim Bangladesh. Bangladeshi hospitals and international aid agencies are struggling to provide medical care for all the refugees, many of whom have suffered horrific injuries and psychological trauma. Since the crisis began, Chittagong Medical College Hospital has received 261 casualties suffering wounds from gunshots or explosions, according to its director, Brigadier General Jalal Uddin. Sixteen have died from their wounds and some have been crippled. We have had to amputate the limbs of some patients, Jalal Uddin said. Sadar Hospital in Cox s Bazar had treated 1,467 Rohingya since the exodus began for injuries including bullet wounds, broken bones, and cuts inflicted by knives or machetes, residential medical officer Shaheen Abdur Rahman Chowdhury said. More than 600,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since Myanmar s military launched what it described as clearance operations following a series of attacks by Rohingya militants on security posts in Rakhine state in late August. Rights monitors and fleeing Rohingya say the army and Rakhine Buddhist vigilantes have mounted a campaign of arson aimed at driving out the Muslim population. The U.N. rights agency said it was a textbook example of ethnic cleansing . Myanmar, an overwhelmingly Buddhist nation, rejects the charge, saying its forces targeted insurgents of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, whom it has accused of setting fires and attacking civilians. At the camps in Bangladesh, other Rohingya victims of the violence recounted the horrors they had lived through. Anwara Begum, 36, said she woke to find her home in Maungdaw township, in the northernmost part of Rakhine state, in flames. Before she could get out the burning roof caved in on her and her nylon clothes melted onto her arms. Her husband carried her for eight days to reach the Kutupalong camp in Bangladesh. I thought I was going to die. I tried to stay alive for my children, she said, adding she was still waiting for treatment for her burns. His right arm swathed in bandages from the knuckles of his hand to well above the elbow, Imam Hossain, 42, lay exhausted on the roadside near the Kutupalong camp. He was returning home after teaching at a madrassa in his village when three men attacked him with knives. The next day, he made his wife and two children leave with other villagers fleeing to Bangladesh. He reached Cox s Bazar later. He was still searching for his family. I want to ask the Myanmar government why they are harming the Rohingya, he said. Why do Buddhists hate us? Why do you torture us? What is wrong with us? Suffering burns to his limbs and torso, Mohamed Jabair, 21, had feared that he had also lost his sight in an explosion that ripped through his village home. Knocked unconscious and badly burned, Jabair was carried by his brother and others for four days to Cox s Bazar. I was blind for many weeks and admitted to a government hospital in Cox s Bazar for 23 days. I was frightened that I would be blind forever, he said. Jabair said money sent by relatives in Malaysia had run out and he could no longer afford treatment. Bowing to show deep cuts arcing across his scalp, 17-year-old Nur Kamal described how soldiers assaulted him after they found the young shopkeeper hiding in his home in Kan Hpu village in Maungdaw. They hit me with a rifle butt on my head first and then with a knife, Kamal said. His uncle found him unconscious in a pool of blood. It took them two weeks to get to Bangladesh. We want justice, Kamal said. We want the international community to help us obtain justice. Her husband, daughter and one son were killed when soldiers fired on Kalabarow s village in Maungdaw. The 50-year-old woman was hit in her right foot. For several hours, she lay where she fell, pretending to be dead, before a grandson found her. During their 11-day journey to Bangladesh, a village doctor amputated her infected foot and four men carried her on a stretcher made of bamboo and a bedsheet. As we walked through the forest, we saw burnt villages and dead bodies. I thought we would never be safe, she said. Abdur Rahaman, a 73-year-old merchant from Maungdaw, was ambushed while walking on a mountain path with other refugees. A machete thrown at his feet severed three toes as he ran from his attackers. With his foot bleeding through a tourniquet made from his longyi, or sarong, Rahaman walked for two more hours, before his nephew and friends carried him across the border. Our future is not good, he said. Allah must help us. The international community has to do something. Curled up in a ball, 11-year-old Ansar Allah shows a large, livid scar on his right thigh - the result of a gunshot wound. They sprayed us with bullets, as our house was burning, his mother Samara said. It was a bullet half the size of my index finger, she said, before adding, I can t stop thinking, why did God put us in that dangerous situation? Setara Begum, 12, was among nine siblings in their home in Maungdaw when it was hit by a rocket. I saved eight of my nine children from the burning house, but Setara was trapped inside, said her mother, Arafa. I could see her crying in the middle of the fire, but it was difficult to save her. By the time we could reach her, she was badly burned, Arafa said. Setara s father carried her for two days to Bangladesh. The young girl received no treatment for the severe burns to her feet. Her feet healed. But she has no toes. The trauma has scarred her psychologically. She has been mute from that day, and doesn t speak to anyone, her mother said. She only cries silently. Her face heavily bandaged, Momtaz Begum told how soldiers came to her village demanding valuables. I told them I was poor and had nothing. One of them started beating me saying, If you have no money, then we will kill you . After beating her, they locked her in her home and set fire to the roof. She escaped to find her three sons dead and her daughter beaten and bleeding. Momtaz fled to Bangladesh, where she spent 20 days at the MSF clinic being treated for burns to her face and body. What can I say about the future, if now we have no food, no house, no family. We cannot think about the future. They have killed that as well.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The two Rohingya Muslim brothers, six-year-old Mohamed Heron and four-year-old Akhter, held each other as they showed burns on their arms and torsos that their uncle says resulted from Myanmar s armed forces firing rockets at their village. Two of their siblings, one seven years old and the other a 10-month-old infant, died in the attack, according to their uncle, Mohamed Inus. Their father was held by the military and has not been heard of since. These two children survived when our village was fired on with rockets, Inus told Reuters at Kutupalong refugee camp, near Cox s Bazar in Bangladesh. They were among a number of Rohingya who showed their wounds to a Reuters photographer who visited Kutupalong and the nearby camps at Balukhali, Leda and Nayapara. (Click to view the photo essay) Fleeing along with other villagers who abandoned their scorched homes, the boys reached Bangladesh after a three-day trek. At Kutupalong, they were treated for three weeks for their burns at a M decins Sans Fronti res (MSF) clinic. Since the ethnic violence erupted in late August, thousands of Rohingya have crossed the border each week, often travelling for days and even weeks, trekking through forests and over mountains, with many making a hazardous river or sea crossing on the last leg of their flight to fellow-Muslim Bangladesh. Bangladeshi hospitals and international aid agencies are struggling to provide medical care for all the refugees, many of whom have suffered horrific injuries and psychological trauma. Since the crisis began, Chittagong Medical College Hospital has received 261 casualties suffering wounds from gunshots or explosions, according to its director, Brigadier General Jalal Uddin. Sixteen have died from their wounds and some have been crippled. We have had to amputate the limbs of some patients, Jalal Uddin said. Sadar Hospital in Cox s Bazar had treated 1,467 Rohingya since the exodus began for injuries including bullet wounds, broken bones, and cuts inflicted by knives or machetes, residential medical officer Shaheen Abdur Rahman Chowdhury said. More than 600,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since Myanmar s military launched what it described as clearance operations following a series of attacks by Rohingya militants on security posts in Rakhine state in late August. Rights monitors and fleeing Rohingya say the army and Rakhine Buddhist vigilantes have mounted a campaign of arson aimed at driving out the Muslim population. The U.N. rights agency said it was a textbook example of ethnic cleansing . Myanmar, an overwhelmingly Buddhist nation, rejects the charge, saying its forces targeted insurgents of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, whom it has accused of setting fires and attacking civilians. At the camps in Bangladesh, other Rohingya victims of the violence recounted the horrors they had lived through. Anwara Begum, 36, said she woke to find her home in Maungdaw township, in the northernmost part of Rakhine state, in flames. Before she could get out the burning roof caved in on her and her nylon clothes melted onto her arms. Her husband carried her for eight days to reach the Kutupalong camp in Bangladesh. I thought I was going to die. I tried to stay alive for my children, she said, adding she was still waiting for treatment for her burns. His right arm swathed in bandages from the knuckles of his hand to well above the elbow, Imam Hossain, 42, lay exhausted on the roadside near the Kutupalong camp. He was returning home after teaching at a madrassa in his village when three men attacked him with knives. The next day, he made his wife and two children leave with other villagers fleeing to Bangladesh. He reached Cox s Bazar later. He was still searching for his family. I want to ask the Myanmar government why they are harming the Rohingya, he said. Why do Buddhists hate us? Why do you torture us? What is wrong with us? Suffering burns to his limbs and torso, Mohamed Jabair, 21, had feared that he had also lost his sight in an explosion that ripped through his village home. Knocked unconscious and badly burned, Jabair was carried by his brother and others for four days to Cox s Bazar. I was blind for many weeks and admitted to a government hospital in Cox s Bazar for 23 days. I was frightened that I would be blind forever, he said. Jabair said money sent by relatives in Malaysia had run out and he could no longer afford treatment. Bowing to show deep cuts arcing across his scalp, 17-year-old Nur Kamal described how soldiers assaulted him after they found the young shopkeeper hiding in his home in Kan Hpu village in Maungdaw. They hit me with a rifle butt on my head first and then with a knife, Kamal said. His uncle found him unconscious in a pool of blood. It took them two weeks to get to Bangladesh. We want justice, Kamal said. We want the international community to help us obtain justice. Her husband, daughter and one son were killed when soldiers fired on Kalabarow s village in Maungdaw. The 50-year-old woman was hit in her right foot. For several hours, she lay where she fell, pretending to be dead, before a grandson found her. During their 11-day journey to Bangladesh, a village doctor amputated her infected foot and four men carried her on a stretcher made of bamboo and a bedsheet. As we walked through the forest, we saw burnt villages and dead bodies. I thought we would never be safe, she said. Abdur Rahaman, a 73-year-old merchant from Maungdaw, was ambushed while walking on a mountain path with other refugees. A machete thrown at his feet severed three toes as he ran from his attackers. With his foot bleeding through a tourniquet made from his longyi, or sarong, Rahaman walked for two more hours, before his nephew and friends carried him across the border. Our future is not good, he said. Allah must help us. The international community has to do something. Curled up in a ball, 11-year-old Ansar Allah shows a large, livid scar on his right thigh - the result of a gunshot wound. They sprayed us with bullets, as our house was burning, his mother Samara said. It was a bullet half the size of my index finger, she said, before adding, I can t stop thinking, why did God put us in that dangerous situation? Setara Begum, 12, was among nine siblings in their home in Maungdaw when it was hit by a rocket. I saved eight of my nine children from the burning house, but Setara was trapped inside, said her mother, Arafa. I could see her crying in the middle of the fire, but it was difficult to save her. By the time we could reach her, she was badly burned, Arafa said. Setara s father carried her for two days to Bangladesh. The young girl received no treatment for the severe burns to her feet. Her feet healed. But she has no toes. The trauma has scarred her psychologically. She has been mute from that day, and doesn t speak to anyone, her mother said. She only cries silently. Her face heavily bandaged, Momtaz Begum told how soldiers came to her village demanding valuables. I told them I was poor and had nothing. One of them started beating me saying, If you have no money, then we will kill you . After beating her, they locked her in her home and set fire to the roof. She escaped to find her three sons dead and her daughter beaten and bleeding. Momtaz fled to Bangladesh, where she spent 20 days at the MSF clinic being treated for burns to her face and body. What can I say about the future, if now we have no food, no house, no family. We cannot think about the future. They have killed that as well.
President-elect Donald Trump planned to meet with Vice President-elect Mike Pence in New York on Tuesday to discuss key appointments as moderate Republican Mike Rogers was jettisoned from the transition team. The departure of Rogers, a former congressman who was chairman of the House of Representatives intelligence committee, indicated Trump may be leaning away from some establishment figures as Pence takes over the transition team. “Our work will provide a strong foundation for the new transition team leadership as they move into the post-election phase, which naturally is incorporating the campaign team in New York who drove President-elect Trump to an incredible victory last Tuesday,” Rogers said in a statement. Rogers, who worked on the transition team led by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for six months, said he would continue to advise Trump. Pence took over the transition leadership from Christie last week. Trump and Pence will be “reviewing a number of names for key jobs” during the meeting at Trump Tower in New York as lists for the leadership positions begin to narrow, Trump spokesman Jason Miller said. “If the vice president-elect is getting together with the president-elect to discuss names, then I would say that it’s serious, obviously,” he said on Monday. Trump, a businessman who has never held public office, and the Pence-led transition team are working on picking members of his Cabinet and the heads of federal agencies. Tuesday’s meeting comes as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a longtime Trump friend and supporter, emerged as a leading candidate to be U.S. secretary of state. “Well, that’s possible,” Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway teased on Fox News on Tuesday, when asked about the Giuliani report. John Bolton, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, was also under consideration for the high-profile job, a source familiar with the situation told Reuters on Monday. Giuliani became one of Trump’s closest advisers during the campaign, functioning as a vocal defender on cable news programs and introducing him at many rallies. Giuliani has also been mentioned as a possible attorney general or homeland security secretary. Trump’s choice of Republican Party insider Reince Priebus to be White House chief of staff was heralded as an indication he wants to work with members of Congress, where a number of Republicans had opposed his candidacy. However, Trump’s appointment of Steve Bannon as chief strategist was roundly criticized by members of both parties who denounced the former Breitbart News chief as having made the website a forum for the “alt-right,” a confederation of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. Bannon has been calling Republicans in Congress to build relationships with lawmakers after years of thumbing his nose at establishment figures in the party, according to website Politico. People who received the calls, which included rank-and-file members as well as leaders, said the main message was that the Trump administration expects a very close relationship with Capitol Hill Republicans, Politico reported.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President-elect Donald Trump planned to meet with Vice President-elect Mike Pence in New York on Tuesday to discuss key appointments as moderate Republican Mike Rogers was jettisoned from the transition team. The departure of Rogers, a former congressman who was chairman of the House of Representatives intelligence committee, indicated Trump may be leaning away from some establishment figures as Pence takes over the transition team. “Our work will provide a strong foundation for the new transition team leadership as they move into the post-election phase, which naturally is incorporating the campaign team in New York who drove President-elect Trump to an incredible victory last Tuesday,” Rogers said in a statement. Rogers, who worked on the transition team led by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for six months, said he would continue to advise Trump. Pence took over the transition leadership from Christie last week. Trump and Pence will be “reviewing a number of names for key jobs” during the meeting at Trump Tower in New York as lists for the leadership positions begin to narrow, Trump spokesman Jason Miller said. “If the vice president-elect is getting together with the president-elect to discuss names, then I would say that it’s serious, obviously,” he said on Monday. Trump, a businessman who has never held public office, and the Pence-led transition team are working on picking members of his Cabinet and the heads of federal agencies. Tuesday’s meeting comes as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a longtime Trump friend and supporter, emerged as a leading candidate to be U.S. secretary of state. “Well, that’s possible,” Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway teased on Fox News on Tuesday, when asked about the Giuliani report. John Bolton, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, was also under consideration for the high-profile job, a source familiar with the situation told Reuters on Monday. Giuliani became one of Trump’s closest advisers during the campaign, functioning as a vocal defender on cable news programs and introducing him at many rallies. Giuliani has also been mentioned as a possible attorney general or homeland security secretary. Trump’s choice of Republican Party insider Reince Priebus to be White House chief of staff was heralded as an indication he wants to work with members of Congress, where a number of Republicans had opposed his candidacy. However, Trump’s appointment of Steve Bannon as chief strategist was roundly criticized by members of both parties who denounced the former Breitbart News chief as having made the website a forum for the “alt-right,” a confederation of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. Bannon has been calling Republicans in Congress to build relationships with lawmakers after years of thumbing his nose at establishment figures in the party, according to website Politico. People who received the calls, which included rank-and-file members as well as leaders, said the main message was that the Trump administration expects a very close relationship with Capitol Hill Republicans, Politico reported.
43 days and counting Characterizing the military s mission as a fight against violent extremism, Obama insisted that soldiers need to rise up against Trump if they feel he is pushing policies that are ill considered.Obama told the troops, each of us has the universal right to speak your minds and to protest against authority; to live in a society that s open and free; that can criticize our president without retribution. Obama went on to insist that a proper U.S. policy against violent extremism is a long term policy. So rather than offer false promises that we can eliminate terrorism by dropping more bombs or deploying more and more troops or fencing ourselves off from the rest of the world, Obama said, we have to take a long view of the terrorist threat. And we have to pursue a smart strategy that can be sustained. In the time remaining, let me just suggest what I think should guide this approach. In addressing the war-torn Middle East, Obama insisted that global warming forms a large part of that conflict. A changing climate is increasing competition for food and water, which, he claimed, drives the conflict in Syria and other nearby nations.Obama also blamed the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for violent extremism in the United States. Somebody who is trying to kill and willing to be killed is dangerous, particularly when we live in a country where it s very easy for that person to buy a very powerful weapon, Obama insisted. The president also defended Islam against the charge of extremism:We are fighting terrorists who claim to fight on behalf of Islam. But they’do not speak for over a billion Muslims around the world, and they’do not speak for American Muslims including many who wear the uniform of the United States of America s military. If we stigmatize good patriotic Muslims, that just feeds the terrorists narrative. It fuels the’same false grievances they they use to motivate people to kill. If we act like this is a war between the United States and Islam, we’re not gonna lose more Americans to terrorist attacks, but we ll also lose the’sight of the very principles we claim to defend.As to the rise of ISIS, Obama insisted it was not given aide by his actions of pulling out of Iraq in 2011 but was instead given succor by the policies of George W. Bush. By 2011, Iraqis wanted our military presence to end, and they were unwilling to sign a new status of forces agreement to protect our troops from prosecution if they were trying to defend themselves in Iraq, Obama proclaimed. In addition, maintaining American’troops in Iraq at the time could not have reversed the forces that contributed to ISIL s rise. Breitbart
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 43 days and counting Characterizing the military s mission as a fight against violent extremism, Obama insisted that soldiers need to rise up against Trump if they feel he is pushing policies that are ill considered.Obama told the troops, each of us has the universal right to speak your minds and to protest against authority; to live in a society that s open and free; that can criticize our president without retribution. Obama went on to insist that a proper U.S. policy against violent extremism is a long term policy. So rather than offer false promises that we can eliminate terrorism by dropping more bombs or deploying more and more troops or fencing ourselves off from the rest of the world, Obama said, we have to take a long view of the terrorist threat. And we have to pursue a smart strategy that can be sustained. In the time remaining, let me just suggest what I think should guide this approach. In addressing the war-torn Middle East, Obama insisted that global warming forms a large part of that conflict. A changing climate is increasing competition for food and water, which, he claimed, drives the conflict in Syria and other nearby nations.Obama also blamed the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for violent extremism in the United States. Somebody who is trying to kill and willing to be killed is dangerous, particularly when we live in a country where it s very easy for that person to buy a very powerful weapon, Obama insisted. The president also defended Islam against the charge of extremism:We are fighting terrorists who claim to fight on behalf of Islam. But they’do not speak for over a billion Muslims around the world, and they’do not speak for American Muslims including many who wear the uniform of the United States of America s military. If we stigmatize good patriotic Muslims, that just feeds the terrorists narrative. It fuels the’same false grievances they they use to motivate people to kill. If we act like this is a war between the United States and Islam, we’re not gonna lose more Americans to terrorist attacks, but we ll also lose the’sight of the very principles we claim to defend.As to the rise of ISIS, Obama insisted it was not given aide by his actions of pulling out of Iraq in 2011 but was instead given succor by the policies of George W. Bush. By 2011, Iraqis wanted our military presence to end, and they were unwilling to sign a new status of forces agreement to protect our troops from prosecution if they were trying to defend themselves in Iraq, Obama proclaimed. In addition, maintaining American’troops in Iraq at the time could not have reversed the forces that contributed to ISIL s rise. Breitbart
Can you believe a first grader was investigated for whether she intentionally misgendered a fellow student who decided to identify from a boy to a girl? This is just too much for a young child to process. You really won’t believe what this little girl went through. What would you’do as a parent of a child who was punished because of misgendering ?APPARENTLY, MISGENDERING IS A THING NOW A Californian first grader was sent to the principal s office this week after allegedly misgendering a transgender student. The incident reportedly took place at California s Rocklin Academy, in the’school playground, where the female student called her biologically male classmate by his given name apparently unaware that the boy now identified as a girl, according to Fox News. This innocent little first grader sees a classmate, calls him by the name she knew him last year and the boy reports it to a teacher, claimed Karen England, from the Capitol Resource Institute. The little girl gets in trouble on the playground and then gets called out of class to the principal s office. During her visit to the principal s office, the child was reportedly investigated to determine whether or not she had bullied the transgender child by calling him by his original name. After about an hour it was determined the little girl made an honest mistake and she was not punished or reprimanded. But she was terribly traumatized by the incident, Fox News claimed.After the child returned home upset, her mother wrote a letter to the’school. I stressed over and over with the principal that I am all for protecting the rights of [the transgender child], but my children have rights as well, wrote the mother in her letter. It makes me sad that my daughter felt like she was punished for trying to be kind to the kid. In response, the mother was allegedly told that whenever there is a pronoun mishap with this biological boy who now claims to be a girl the’school must investigate. Read more: Breitbart
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Can you believe a first grader was investigated for whether she intentionally misgendered a fellow student who decided to identify from a boy to a girl? This is just too much for a young child to process. You really won’t believe what this little girl went through. What would you’do as a parent of a child who was punished because of misgendering ?APPARENTLY, MISGENDERING IS A THING NOW A Californian first grader was sent to the principal s office this week after allegedly misgendering a transgender student. The incident reportedly took place at California s Rocklin Academy, in the’school playground, where the female student called her biologically male classmate by his given name apparently unaware that the boy now identified as a girl, according to Fox News. This innocent little first grader sees a classmate, calls him by the name she knew him last year and the boy reports it to a teacher, claimed Karen England, from the Capitol Resource Institute. The little girl gets in trouble on the playground and then gets called out of class to the principal s office. During her visit to the principal s office, the child was reportedly investigated to determine whether or not she had bullied the transgender child by calling him by his original name. After about an hour it was determined the little girl made an honest mistake and she was not punished or reprimanded. But she was terribly traumatized by the incident, Fox News claimed.After the child returned home upset, her mother wrote a letter to the’school. I stressed over and over with the principal that I am all for protecting the rights of [the transgender child], but my children have rights as well, wrote the mother in her letter. It makes me sad that my daughter felt like she was punished for trying to be kind to the kid. In response, the mother was allegedly told that whenever there is a pronoun mishap with this biological boy who now claims to be a girl the’school must investigate. Read more: Breitbart
This is truly a chilling story of organized voter fraud We reported on a massive voter fraud operation was discovered in Democratic Broward County, Florida ealier this week: amazing citizen journalist Mike Cernovich broke this story this morning at Danger and Play. Florida residents have been complaining that they’re not getting their absentee ballots. Chelsey Marie Smith, was working full-time at Broward County Supervisor of Elections main office blew the whistle on the voter fraud scheme:LIVE on #Periscope: Breaking news! Voting fraud uncovered in Florida #MAGA3X Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 4, 2016The Florida State Attorney is actively investigating the fraud case that involves Secretary of Elections Brenda Snipes: Source: FL State Attorney investigators are actively reviewing Broward County Voter Fraud Case Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 4, 2016 Democrat Dr. Brenda Snipes was appointed by Jeb Bush in 2003 and is no stranger to controversy. On October 20, the Sun Sentinal reported that former Oakland Park Commissioner Anne Sallee noticed something troubling about her vote-by-mail ballot. It is missing Constitutional Amendment 2, the medical marijuana question.Sallee, now Broward chapter director of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association, knows her way around government. Yet she’said she’spent a week unsuccessfully trying to get someone at the Broward elections office to pay attention to her complaint.She was cleared on Wednesday of another election snafu, the early posting of primary election results. Her office also was criticized for sending out inaccurate voter ID cards, and for printing ballots for November that include the word no in the yes line on the county s transportation sales surtax question.There were multiple reports that Hillary personally met with Brenda Snipes days ago:There were multiple reports Hillary personally met with Brenda Snipes days ago. No photos, but where there's smoke Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 4, 2016According to a former Secretary of Elections Department employee, there is a secret room where Democrat insiders fill out those absentee ballots.The woman provided her sworn testimony via affidavit.The affidavit by Chelsey Marie Smith accuses Broward County officials of filling out blank absentee ballots to officials who she’saw filling the ballots out at the Supervisor of Elections headquarters. Via: GP Page 1:Page 2: Source: FL State Attorney investigators are actively reviewing Broward County Voter Fraud Case Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 4, 2016
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This is truly a chilling story of organized voter fraud We reported on a massive voter fraud operation was discovered in Democratic Broward County, Florida ealier this week: amazing citizen journalist Mike Cernovich broke this story this morning at Danger and Play. Florida residents have been complaining that they’re not getting their absentee ballots. Chelsey Marie Smith, was working full-time at Broward County Supervisor of Elections main office blew the whistle on the voter fraud scheme:LIVE on #Periscope: Breaking news! Voting fraud uncovered in Florida #MAGA3X Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 4, 2016The Florida State Attorney is actively investigating the fraud case that involves Secretary of Elections Brenda Snipes: Source: FL State Attorney investigators are actively reviewing Broward County Voter Fraud Case Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 4, 2016 Democrat Dr. Brenda Snipes was appointed by Jeb Bush in 2003 and is no stranger to controversy. On October 20, the Sun Sentinal reported that former Oakland Park Commissioner Anne Sallee noticed something troubling about her vote-by-mail ballot. It is missing Constitutional Amendment 2, the medical marijuana question.Sallee, now Broward chapter director of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association, knows her way around government. Yet she’said she’spent a week unsuccessfully trying to get someone at the Broward elections office to pay attention to her complaint.She was cleared on Wednesday of another election snafu, the early posting of primary election results. Her office also was criticized for sending out inaccurate voter ID cards, and for printing ballots for November that include the word no in the yes line on the county s transportation sales surtax question.There were multiple reports that Hillary personally met with Brenda Snipes days ago:There were multiple reports Hillary personally met with Brenda Snipes days ago. No photos, but where there's smoke Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 4, 2016According to a former Secretary of Elections Department employee, there is a secret room where Democrat insiders fill out those absentee ballots.The woman provided her sworn testimony via affidavit.The affidavit by Chelsey Marie Smith accuses Broward County officials of filling out blank absentee ballots to officials who she’saw filling the ballots out at the Supervisor of Elections headquarters. Via: GP Page 1:Page 2: Source: FL State Attorney investigators are actively reviewing Broward County Voter Fraud Case Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 4, 2016
The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday narrowly approved a bill to repeal Obamacare, handing Republican President Donald Trump a victory that could prove short-lived as the healthcare legislation heads into a likely tough battle in the Senate. The vote to repeal former President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement, which enabled 20 million more Americans to get health insurance, was Trump’s biggest legislative win since he took office in January, putting him on a path to fulfilling one of his key campaign promises as well as a seven-year quest by Republican lawmakers. It marked a reversal of fortune for the Republican president who suffered a stunning defeat in late March when House Republican leaders pulled legislation to scrap Obamacare after they and the White House could not resolve the clashing interests of Republican moderates and the party’s most conservative lawmakers. Trump has called Obamacare a “disaster” and congressional Republicans have long targeted the 2010 law, formally known as the Affordable Care Act, calling it government overreach. But despite holding the White House and controlling both houses of Congress, Republicans have found overturning Obamacare politically perilous, partly because of voter fears, loudly expressed at constituents’ town-hall meetings, that many people would lose their health insurance as a result. With Thursday’s 217-213 vote, Republicans obtained just enough support to push the legislation through the House, sending it to the Senate for consideration. No Democratic House members voted for the bill. Democrats say it would make insurance unaffordable for those who need it most and leave millions more uninsured. They accuse Republicans of seeking tax cuts for the rich, partly paid for by cutting health benefits. The legislation, called the American Health Care Act, is by no means a sure thing in the Senate, where the Republicans hold a slender 52-48 majority in the 100-seat chamber and where only a few Republican defections could sink it. As Republicans crossed over the vote threshold to pass the bill, Democrats in the House began singing “Na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye,” a rowdy suggestion that Republicans will lose seats in the 2018 congressional elections because of their vote. Within an hour of the vote, Trump celebrated with House lawmakers in the White House Rose Garden. “I went through two years of campaigning and I’m telling you, no matter where I went, people were suffering so badly with the ravages of Obamacare,” Trump said. “We are going to get this passed through the Senate. I am so confident.” PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS The treatment of people with “pre-existing” conditions was one of the central issues in the House debate on the bill and is sure to resurface in the Senate. Obamacare prevented insurers from charging those with pre-existing conditions higher rates, a common practice before its implementation. It also required them to cover 10 essential health benefits such as maternity care and prescription drugs. The Republican bill passed on Thursday would allow states to opt out of those provisions. While insurers could not deny people insurance because of pre-existing conditions, they would be allowed to charge them as much as they want. In an analysis released on Thursday, healthcare consultancy and research firm Avalere Health said the Republican bill would cover only 5 percent of enrollees with pre-existing conditions in the individual insurance markets. Republicans have argued that their bill would give people more choice and reduce the role of government. In a push to pass the bill before members leave on Friday for a week in their home districts, the House voted before the bill was assessed by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimates its cost and effect on insurance rolls. Republicans have said the bill will be scored by the CBO and other fixes will be made before the Senate votes. Health insurers, such as Anthem Inc, UnitedHealth Group Inc, Aetna Inc and Cigna Corp, have faced months of uncertainty over healthcare’s future. So have hospital companies, such as HCA Holdings Inc and Tenet Healthcare Corp. Obamacare expanded Medicaid, the government insurance program for the poor, provided income-based tax credits to help the poor buy insurance on individual insurance markets set up by the law, and required everyone to buy insurance or pay a penalty. The Republican bill would repeal most Obamacare taxes, which paid for the law, roll back the Medicaid expansion and slash the program’s funding, repeal the penalty for not purchasing insurance and replace the law’s tax credits with flat age-based credits. In a sign of the challenges ahead for the legislation, nearly every major medical group, including the American Medical Association and the American Hospital Association, and the AARP advocacy group for older Americans, strongly opposed the Republican bill. Many said last-minute amendments further eroded protection for the most vulnerable groups, including the sick and elderly. “I’ve already made clear that I don’t support the House bill as currently constructed because I continue to have concerns that this bill does not do enough to protect Ohio’s Medicaid expansion population,” said Republican Senator Rob Portman. While the bill’s fate in the Senate is uncertain, its House passage could boost Trump’s hopes of pushing through other big-ticket items on his agenda, such as tax reform. The previous failure to overhaul healthcare legislation had raised questions about how much Republicans could work together to help Trump fulfill his campaign pledges. “Anything that they (the Republicans) get done, that they accomplish, popular or unpopular, will show that they have the ability to make progress and to get things done and work together,” said Randy Frederick, vice president trading and derivatives at Charles Schwab in Austin, Texas. “This puts the idea of tax reform a little bit closer to reality, simply because it’s shown that they have figured out a way to negotiate and work together,” he added.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday narrowly approved a bill to repeal Obamacare, handing Republican President Donald Trump a victory that could prove short-lived as the healthcare legislation heads into a likely tough battle in the Senate. The vote to repeal former President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement, which enabled 20 million more Americans to get health insurance, was Trump’s biggest legislative win since he took office in January, putting him on a path to fulfilling one of his key campaign promises as well as a seven-year quest by Republican lawmakers. It marked a reversal of fortune for the Republican president who suffered a stunning defeat in late March when House Republican leaders pulled legislation to scrap Obamacare after they and the White House could not resolve the clashing interests of Republican moderates and the party’s most conservative lawmakers. Trump has called Obamacare a “disaster” and congressional Republicans have long targeted the 2010 law, formally known as the Affordable Care Act, calling it government overreach. But despite holding the White House and controlling both houses of Congress, Republicans have found overturning Obamacare politically perilous, partly because of voter fears, loudly expressed at constituents’ town-hall meetings, that many people would lose their health insurance as a result. With Thursday’s 217-213 vote, Republicans obtained just enough support to push the legislation through the House, sending it to the Senate for consideration. No Democratic House members voted for the bill. Democrats say it would make insurance unaffordable for those who need it most and leave millions more uninsured. They accuse Republicans of seeking tax cuts for the rich, partly paid for by cutting health benefits. The legislation, called the American Health Care Act, is by no means a sure thing in the Senate, where the Republicans hold a slender 52-48 majority in the 100-seat chamber and where only a few Republican defections could sink it. As Republicans crossed over the vote threshold to pass the bill, Democrats in the House began singing “Na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye,” a rowdy suggestion that Republicans will lose seats in the 2018 congressional elections because of their vote. Within an hour of the vote, Trump celebrated with House lawmakers in the White House Rose Garden. “I went through two years of campaigning and I’m telling you, no matter where I went, people were suffering so badly with the ravages of Obamacare,” Trump said. “We are going to get this passed through the Senate. I am so confident.” PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS The treatment of people with “pre-existing” conditions was one of the central issues in the House debate on the bill and is sure to resurface in the Senate. Obamacare prevented insurers from charging those with pre-existing conditions higher rates, a common practice before its implementation. It also required them to cover 10 essential health benefits such as maternity care and prescription drugs. The Republican bill passed on Thursday would allow states to opt out of those provisions. While insurers could not deny people insurance because of pre-existing conditions, they would be allowed to charge them as much as they want. In an analysis released on Thursday, healthcare consultancy and research firm Avalere Health said the Republican bill would cover only 5 percent of enrollees with pre-existing conditions in the individual insurance markets. Republicans have argued that their bill would give people more choice and reduce the role of government. In a push to pass the bill before members leave on Friday for a week in their home districts, the House voted before the bill was assessed by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimates its cost and effect on insurance rolls. Republicans have said the bill will be scored by the CBO and other fixes will be made before the Senate votes. Health insurers, such as Anthem Inc, UnitedHealth Group Inc, Aetna Inc and Cigna Corp, have faced months of uncertainty over healthcare’s future. So have hospital companies, such as HCA Holdings Inc and Tenet Healthcare Corp. Obamacare expanded Medicaid, the government insurance program for the poor, provided income-based tax credits to help the poor buy insurance on individual insurance markets set up by the law, and required everyone to buy insurance or pay a penalty. The Republican bill would repeal most Obamacare taxes, which paid for the law, roll back the Medicaid expansion and slash the program’s funding, repeal the penalty for not purchasing insurance and replace the law’s tax credits with flat age-based credits. In a sign of the challenges ahead for the legislation, nearly every major medical group, including the American Medical Association and the American Hospital Association, and the AARP advocacy group for older Americans, strongly opposed the Republican bill. Many said last-minute amendments further eroded protection for the most vulnerable groups, including the sick and elderly. “I’ve already made clear that I don’t support the House bill as currently constructed because I continue to have concerns that this bill does not do enough to protect Ohio’s Medicaid expansion population,” said Republican Senator Rob Portman. While the bill’s fate in the Senate is uncertain, its House passage could boost Trump’s hopes of pushing through other big-ticket items on his agenda, such as tax reform. The previous failure to overhaul healthcare legislation had raised questions about how much Republicans could work together to help Trump fulfill his campaign pledges. “Anything that they (the Republicans) get done, that they accomplish, popular or unpopular, will show that they have the ability to make progress and to get things done and work together,” said Randy Frederick, vice president trading and derivatives at Charles Schwab in Austin, Texas. “This puts the idea of tax reform a little bit closer to reality, simply because it’s shown that they have figured out a way to negotiate and work together,” he added.
History shows that we can, if we must, tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea. Those words were written by former National Security Adviser Susan Rice on Thursday in the New York Times, in arguing for appeasement towards Kim Jong-un.It was also the perfect symbol of everything that was wrong with Barack Obama s feckless foreign policy and it explains why the world that President Donald Trump inherited is so dangerous and unstable.The Obama administration believed it was worth living in the’shadow of terror and nuclear aggression as long as the U.S. could maintain a dignified posture that could not provoke anyone. BreitbartNoah Rothman of Commentary Magazine wrote a brilliant article about the death rattle of Obama s reputation . In his article, Rothman reminds us of the ineffective and dangerous path former President Barack Obama took our nation down, and why the’successes of President Trump are forcing his corrupt inner circle to speak out against Trump in defense of Obama s failed legacy.The members of Barack Obama s administration in exile have become conspicuously noisy of late even more so than usual. Former CIA Director John Brennan accused Donald Trump and his administration of engaging in outrageous, narcissistic behavior typical of vengeful autocrats by threatening proportionate retaliation against countries that voted to condemn the United States in the United Nations, as though that were unprecedented. It is not. James Clapper, Obama s director of national intelligence, all but alleged that the president is a Russian asset. Perhaps the most acerbic and incendiary series of accusations from the former Democratic president s foreign-policy professionals were placed in the New York Times by Obama s national security advisor, Susan Rice. In her estimation, America has abdicated its role as a force for good. Rice s attacks on the Republican administration deserve the most attention, if only because they are the most apoplectic. Donald Trump’s recently released national-security review paints a dark, almost dystopian vision of the world, Rice contended. His world is full of hostile states and lurking threats. Rice claimed that there is no common good in Trump’s worldview. What s more, there is no international community and no universal values. There are just American values. Rice acknowledges that Moscow is a threat to regional stability and peace, Western values, and U.S. sovereignty. She implies that Trump is a menace because he declines to recognize that. In fact, it was Obama much more so than Trump who has failed to see the obvious.Barack Obama was inarguably the least Atlanticist president since the end of World War II. Within a year of Russia s brazen invasion and dismemberment of the former Soviet Republic of Georgia, Obama scrapped George W. Bush-era agreements to move radar and missile interceptor installations to Central Europe. In 2013, the last of America s armored combat units left Europe, ending a 69-year footprint on the Continent. By 2014, there were just two U.S. Army brigades stationed in Europe. The folly of this demobilization became abundantly clear when Vladimir Putin became the first Russian leader since Stalin to invade and annex territory in neighboring Ukraine.A year later, Putin intervened militarily in Syria, where U.S. forces were already operating, resulting in the most dangerous escalation of tensions between the two nuclear powers since the end of the Cold War. Putin s move in Syria should not have come as a surprise; Barack Obama outsourced the resolution of the Syrian conflict to Moscow in 2013, if only to avoid making good on his self-set red line for intervention in that conflict despite the norm-shattering use of WMDs on civilians. Even Rice s chief complaint about Trump, his failure to condemn Putin s brazen intervention in the 2016 election, didn’t elicit a reaction from Barack Obama until the final month of his presidency.By contrast, and to the’surprise of just about everyone, the Trump administration has been tough on Russia. Trump has ordered harsh sanctions on Moscow s Iranian allies for violating United Nations resolutions a course the Obama administration declined to take even if it allowed Hezbollah terrorists with direct links to Putin to operate with impunity. He ordered long overdue airstrikes on Putin s vassal regime in Syria, halting any further use of chemical weapons in the process. Trump not only declined to lift Obama-era sanctions on Moscow, as many feared he would, but expanded them. This administration closed Russian consulates and annexes in the United States. It has targeted Putin allies like Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov under the Magnitsky Act the’same act that Kremlin cutout Natalia Veselnitskaya lobbied the Trump campaign to scuttle. Trump has even gone so far as to open U.S. arms sales to Ukraine, representing a significant blow to Putin s ambitions in Europe. It is without a doubt that Trump now has a stronger record on Russia than Barack Obama ever did. No wonder Susan Rice is so angry.Rice further alleged that Trump recklessly accused China of being an avowed opponent of the U.S. rather than just a competitor, and then insisted that China has not illegally occupied its neighbors. Tell that to Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, or Taiwan, each of which lay claim to strategic territory in the South China Sea that the People s Republic seized and turned into forward air and naval bases. Rice suggested that Trump’s realists decided to lump Beijing in with Moscow, not because it is a rising military and economic power, but because they wanted to placate American nationalists. Though this White House declined to defibrillate the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement back to life when it inherited its corpse, it has done a far more comprehensive job of working with Beijing to isolate Pyongyang than Obama did. As the North Korean nuclear crisis intensifies, China has backed fresh sanctions on North Korean financial institutions, cut off all access to Chinese iron, lead, and coal, and may even scale back petroleum deliveries to the Stalinist state by as much as 90 percent. And all in the’space of one year.Rice contended that the document failed to itemize the discrete identities on whose behalf the U.S. should labor: LGBT people, people in poverty, people with AIDS, people under 30, et cetera. Rather, the document insists that all mankind, regardless of conditions or accidents of birth, are objects of U.S. interest. Rice complained that climate change is no longer viewed as a threat to national security. Good. Climate change is not itself a threat to American national security but a threat multiplier, as the weather has always been. Save for some valid concerns about the prospect of an overly restrictive immigration policy and the precariousness of U.S. free-trade obligations, Rice painted a picture not of a radical administration but one that is returning to a familiar status quo ante. In nearly all respects, it was Obama s White House, not Trump’s, that adopted an ideological foreign policy and rendered the U.S. and the world less safe as a result.Even as early as March of 2017, it was clear that the Obama administration s foreign-policy professionals were quite insecure about how posterity would remember their stewardship of American interests abroad. They had every reason to be. For now, at least, the Trump administration has declined to govern as Trump campaigned; not as a populist firebrand but a conventional Republican. Susan Rice and her former White House colleagues have every reason to worry, but not for the United States. Their reputations, however, are another matter entirely.To read the entire article, click here.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: History shows that we can, if we must, tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea. Those words were written by former National Security Adviser Susan Rice on Thursday in the New York Times, in arguing for appeasement towards Kim Jong-un.It was also the perfect symbol of everything that was wrong with Barack Obama s feckless foreign policy and it explains why the world that President Donald Trump inherited is so dangerous and unstable.The Obama administration believed it was worth living in the’shadow of terror and nuclear aggression as long as the U.S. could maintain a dignified posture that could not provoke anyone. BreitbartNoah Rothman of Commentary Magazine wrote a brilliant article about the death rattle of Obama s reputation . In his article, Rothman reminds us of the ineffective and dangerous path former President Barack Obama took our nation down, and why the’successes of President Trump are forcing his corrupt inner circle to speak out against Trump in defense of Obama s failed legacy.The members of Barack Obama s administration in exile have become conspicuously noisy of late even more so than usual. Former CIA Director John Brennan accused Donald Trump and his administration of engaging in outrageous, narcissistic behavior typical of vengeful autocrats by threatening proportionate retaliation against countries that voted to condemn the United States in the United Nations, as though that were unprecedented. It is not. James Clapper, Obama s director of national intelligence, all but alleged that the president is a Russian asset. Perhaps the most acerbic and incendiary series of accusations from the former Democratic president s foreign-policy professionals were placed in the New York Times by Obama s national security advisor, Susan Rice. In her estimation, America has abdicated its role as a force for good. Rice s attacks on the Republican administration deserve the most attention, if only because they are the most apoplectic. Donald Trump’s recently released national-security review paints a dark, almost dystopian vision of the world, Rice contended. His world is full of hostile states and lurking threats. Rice claimed that there is no common good in Trump’s worldview. What s more, there is no international community and no universal values. There are just American values. Rice acknowledges that Moscow is a threat to regional stability and peace, Western values, and U.S. sovereignty. She implies that Trump is a menace because he declines to recognize that. In fact, it was Obama much more so than Trump who has failed to see the obvious.Barack Obama was inarguably the least Atlanticist president since the end of World War II. Within a year of Russia s brazen invasion and dismemberment of the former Soviet Republic of Georgia, Obama scrapped George W. Bush-era agreements to move radar and missile interceptor installations to Central Europe. In 2013, the last of America s armored combat units left Europe, ending a 69-year footprint on the Continent. By 2014, there were just two U.S. Army brigades stationed in Europe. The folly of this demobilization became abundantly clear when Vladimir Putin became the first Russian leader since Stalin to invade and annex territory in neighboring Ukraine.A year later, Putin intervened militarily in Syria, where U.S. forces were already operating, resulting in the most dangerous escalation of tensions between the two nuclear powers since the end of the Cold War. Putin s move in Syria should not have come as a surprise; Barack Obama outsourced the resolution of the Syrian conflict to Moscow in 2013, if only to avoid making good on his self-set red line for intervention in that conflict despite the norm-shattering use of WMDs on civilians. Even Rice s chief complaint about Trump, his failure to condemn Putin s brazen intervention in the 2016 election, didn’t elicit a reaction from Barack Obama until the final month of his presidency.By contrast, and to the’surprise of just about everyone, the Trump administration has been tough on Russia. Trump has ordered harsh sanctions on Moscow s Iranian allies for violating United Nations resolutions a course the Obama administration declined to take even if it allowed Hezbollah terrorists with direct links to Putin to operate with impunity. He ordered long overdue airstrikes on Putin s vassal regime in Syria, halting any further use of chemical weapons in the process. Trump not only declined to lift Obama-era sanctions on Moscow, as many feared he would, but expanded them. This administration closed Russian consulates and annexes in the United States. It has targeted Putin allies like Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov under the Magnitsky Act the’same act that Kremlin cutout Natalia Veselnitskaya lobbied the Trump campaign to scuttle. Trump has even gone so far as to open U.S. arms sales to Ukraine, representing a significant blow to Putin s ambitions in Europe. It is without a doubt that Trump now has a stronger record on Russia than Barack Obama ever did. No wonder Susan Rice is so angry.Rice further alleged that Trump recklessly accused China of being an avowed opponent of the U.S. rather than just a competitor, and then insisted that China has not illegally occupied its neighbors. Tell that to Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, or Taiwan, each of which lay claim to strategic territory in the South China Sea that the People s Republic seized and turned into forward air and naval bases. Rice suggested that Trump’s realists decided to lump Beijing in with Moscow, not because it is a rising military and economic power, but because they wanted to placate American nationalists. Though this White House declined to defibrillate the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement back to life when it inherited its corpse, it has done a far more comprehensive job of working with Beijing to isolate Pyongyang than Obama did. As the North Korean nuclear crisis intensifies, China has backed fresh sanctions on North Korean financial institutions, cut off all access to Chinese iron, lead, and coal, and may even scale back petroleum deliveries to the Stalinist state by as much as 90 percent. And all in the’space of one year.Rice contended that the document failed to itemize the discrete identities on whose behalf the U.S. should labor: LGBT people, people in poverty, people with AIDS, people under 30, et cetera. Rather, the document insists that all mankind, regardless of conditions or accidents of birth, are objects of U.S. interest. Rice complained that climate change is no longer viewed as a threat to national security. Good. Climate change is not itself a threat to American national security but a threat multiplier, as the weather has always been. Save for some valid concerns about the prospect of an overly restrictive immigration policy and the precariousness of U.S. free-trade obligations, Rice painted a picture not of a radical administration but one that is returning to a familiar status quo ante. In nearly all respects, it was Obama s White House, not Trump’s, that adopted an ideological foreign policy and rendered the U.S. and the world less safe as a result.Even as early as March of 2017, it was clear that the Obama administration s foreign-policy professionals were quite insecure about how posterity would remember their stewardship of American interests abroad. They had every reason to be. For now, at least, the Trump administration has declined to govern as Trump campaigned; not as a populist firebrand but a conventional Republican. Susan Rice and her former White House colleagues have every reason to worry, but not for the United States. Their reputations, however, are another matter entirely.To read the entire article, click here.
U.S. House of Representatives’ Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that Republicans and Democrats should join together to pass timely relief for victims of Tropical Storm Harvey, which has been hitting Texas with historic flooding. “Republicans must be ready to join Democrats in passing a timely relief bill that makes all necessary resources available through emergency spending,” Pelosi said in a statement. She also said that because the National Flood Insurance Program is expiring at the end of September, lawmakers must move quickly to ensure that affordable flood insurance continues to be available.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. House of Representatives’ Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that Republicans and Democrats should join together to pass timely relief for victims of Tropical Storm Harvey, which has been hitting Texas with historic flooding. “Republicans must be ready to join Democrats in passing a timely relief bill that makes all necessary resources available through emergency spending,” Pelosi said in a statement. She also said that because the National Flood Insurance Program is expiring at the end of September, lawmakers must move quickly to ensure that affordable flood insurance continues to be available.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Friday that he and U.S. President Donald Trump would discuss trade and economic issues at a working lunch and he was “optimistic” there would be good results from the dialogue. Abe said he was “fully aware” of Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateral trade accord. But he said Japan and the United States had agreed on a new framework for economic dialogue. “I am quite optimistic that ... good results will be seen from the dialogue,” he said, adding that Japan was looking for a fair, common set of rules for trade in the region.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Friday that he and U.S. President Donald Trump would discuss trade and economic issues at a working lunch and he was “optimistic” there would be good results from the dialogue. Abe said he was “fully aware” of Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateral trade accord. But he said Japan and the United States had agreed on a new framework for economic dialogue. “I am quite optimistic that ... good results will be seen from the dialogue,” he said, adding that Japan was looking for a fair, common set of rules for trade in the region.
Days after a long-running Indonesian television comedy aired last month, its producers got a letter from the broadcast commission warning that a male character in the show was dressed and behaving like a woman and could violate broadcasting standards. We evaluated the show...we immediately reminded our staff to be careful because we are minimizing LGBT content on our network, said Anita Wulandari Prasojo, head of marketing and public relations at Trans7, the private television station that aired the show Opera van Java last month. She may have to do more than that in the future. Indonesia s parliament is considering national legislation that would ban lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) content from TV screens by the end of the year. The draft bill, which Reuters reviewed, would revise the broadcasting law to scrub content with LGBT behavior . Broadcasts and advertisements that show lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender behavior would be banned. It does not explicitly define LGBT behavior . Lawmakers told Reuters the ban could include dramas with gay characters, traditional folk or comedic performances with cross-dressing or effeminate men, and broadcasts advocating LGBT rights. It would be the latest measure targeting the LGBT community in a rising tide of hostility in the world s third-largest democracy. Indonesian police last week briefly detained 51 people, including eight foreigners, at a gay spa in Jakarta, one of several raids targeting the LGBT community. LGBT is not criminal, but if it enters the public sphere, if it s broadcast to the public, then of course it must be regulated, said Bobby Rizaldi, a member of parliament involved in drafting the law. Another MP, Hanafi Rais, said LGBT is an abnormality . It is destructive for our younger generations. If the content has no educational qualities, and is only for commercial or advertising purposes, then we must reject it, Hanafi said. If the content was aimed at fixing the abnormality , then it would be allowed, he added. The United Nations human rights office on Friday condemned anti-gay crackdowns in Indonesia, Egypt, and Azerbaijan. Arresting or detaining people based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity is by definition arbitrary and violates international law, UN human rights spokesperson Rupert Colville told a news briefing. In May, police detained 141 men at another gay sauna, and reportedly strip-searched them before marching them almost naked from the venue into police vehicles. Photos were then shared on social media in what activists considered an abuse of power and violation of privacy. Police have used a controversial anti-pornography law that outlaws any physical display of sexual relations to justify the raids. Activists say the law is too sweeping and can be abused to target the LGBT minority. Homosexuality is not a crime in Indonesia, which has the world s largest Muslim population, except in the ultra-conservative Aceh province which enforces Islamic law. Programs like Opera van Java , are a regular fixture on Indonesian TV. Drawing on Indonesia s traditional performance arts and folk tales, they often depict transgender and transvestite characters. The transgender community, known locally as waria - a contraction of the Indonesian words for woman and man - is largely accepted in most parts of the country. The entertainment industry fears the proposed broadcasting restrictions could end up further discriminating against the LGBT community. This is a serious issue that can impact our industry because it will stifle creativity, said Nanda Persada, head of the Indonesian Association of Managers for Artists. LGBT artists have had to adjust their behavior to avoid sanction. They can t be as expressive, he said. Artists have been told in programming meetings at private TV stations not to be over the top and scripts have had to be rewritten, Persada said. Prominent gay rights activist Dede Oetomo said the draft law was misinformed. It did not take into account local cultures where transgender people are an accepted part of society in which traditional performances, based on ancient myths, can feature transgender characters. It just shows the ruling elite has lost touch with our traditions, Oetomo said. It s already difficult to be LGBT here. ..but in the long run, we will continue to protest and fight, he said. The draft legislation, put forward by the commission on information, is pending approval from a plenary session of parliament later this year.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Days after a long-running Indonesian television comedy aired last month, its producers got a letter from the broadcast commission warning that a male character in the show was dressed and behaving like a woman and could violate broadcasting standards. We evaluated the show...we immediately reminded our staff to be careful because we are minimizing LGBT content on our network, said Anita Wulandari Prasojo, head of marketing and public relations at Trans7, the private television station that aired the show Opera van Java last month. She may have to do more than that in the future. Indonesia s parliament is considering national legislation that would ban lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) content from TV screens by the end of the year. The draft bill, which Reuters reviewed, would revise the broadcasting law to scrub content with LGBT behavior . Broadcasts and advertisements that show lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender behavior would be banned. It does not explicitly define LGBT behavior . Lawmakers told Reuters the ban could include dramas with gay characters, traditional folk or comedic performances with cross-dressing or effeminate men, and broadcasts advocating LGBT rights. It would be the latest measure targeting the LGBT community in a rising tide of hostility in the world s third-largest democracy. Indonesian police last week briefly detained 51 people, including eight foreigners, at a gay spa in Jakarta, one of several raids targeting the LGBT community. LGBT is not criminal, but if it enters the public sphere, if it s broadcast to the public, then of course it must be regulated, said Bobby Rizaldi, a member of parliament involved in drafting the law. Another MP, Hanafi Rais, said LGBT is an abnormality . It is destructive for our younger generations. If the content has no educational qualities, and is only for commercial or advertising purposes, then we must reject it, Hanafi said. If the content was aimed at fixing the abnormality , then it would be allowed, he added. The United Nations human rights office on Friday condemned anti-gay crackdowns in Indonesia, Egypt, and Azerbaijan. Arresting or detaining people based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity is by definition arbitrary and violates international law, UN human rights spokesperson Rupert Colville told a news briefing. In May, police detained 141 men at another gay sauna, and reportedly strip-searched them before marching them almost naked from the venue into police vehicles. Photos were then shared on social media in what activists considered an abuse of power and violation of privacy. Police have used a controversial anti-pornography law that outlaws any physical display of sexual relations to justify the raids. Activists say the law is too sweeping and can be abused to target the LGBT minority. Homosexuality is not a crime in Indonesia, which has the world s largest Muslim population, except in the ultra-conservative Aceh province which enforces Islamic law. Programs like Opera van Java , are a regular fixture on Indonesian TV. Drawing on Indonesia s traditional performance arts and folk tales, they often depict transgender and transvestite characters. The transgender community, known locally as waria - a contraction of the Indonesian words for woman and man - is largely accepted in most parts of the country. The entertainment industry fears the proposed broadcasting restrictions could end up further discriminating against the LGBT community. This is a serious issue that can impact our industry because it will stifle creativity, said Nanda Persada, head of the Indonesian Association of Managers for Artists. LGBT artists have had to adjust their behavior to avoid sanction. They can t be as expressive, he said. Artists have been told in programming meetings at private TV stations not to be over the top and scripts have had to be rewritten, Persada said. Prominent gay rights activist Dede Oetomo said the draft law was misinformed. It did not take into account local cultures where transgender people are an accepted part of society in which traditional performances, based on ancient myths, can feature transgender characters. It just shows the ruling elite has lost touch with our traditions, Oetomo said. It s already difficult to be LGBT here. ..but in the long run, we will continue to protest and fight, he said. The draft legislation, put forward by the commission on information, is pending approval from a plenary session of parliament later this year.
A Saudi cleric who said women should not drive because their brains shrink to a quarter the size of a man s when they go shopping has been banned from preaching, state television said. Saad al-Hijri was suspended from all religious activity after advising against allowing women to drive in a speech that contained comments diminishing human value , the broadcaster quoted a spokesman for the governor of Asir province as saying. Ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that bans women from driving, despite ambitious government targets to increase their public role, especially in the workforce. Women in the kingdom are also bound by law to wear long robes and a headscarf and require the consent of a male guardian for most legal actions. In a video identifying him as the head of the religious edicts department in the southern province, Hijri asked what the traffic department would do it if it discovered a man with only half a brain. Would it give him a license or not? It would not. So how can it give it to a woman when she has only half? he said. If she goes to the market she loses another half. What is left? A quarter...We demand the traffic department check because she is not suitable to drive and she has only a quarter. The comments sparked anger on social media, which is hugely popular in the kingdom. Twitter users shared the video, many criticising it and making jokes about his remarks, under the Arabic hashtag Al-Hijri_women_quarter_brain Some users posted pictures of Saudi female scientists and academics in response and questioned Hijri s own intellectual capacities. His suspension, ordered by the provincial governor, was aimed at preventing the spread of views that spark controversy and do not serve the national interest, the provincial spokesman said, according to Ekhbariya TV s official Twitter account. Any others who used religious platforms to preach such views would also be banned. The government s modernizing reforms, backed by Saudi Arabia s business class, have sparked tensions with influential clerics upon whose support the ruling family relies. Some clerics have millions of followers on social media.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A Saudi cleric who said women should not drive because their brains shrink to a quarter the size of a man s when they go shopping has been banned from preaching, state television said. Saad al-Hijri was suspended from all religious activity after advising against allowing women to drive in a speech that contained comments diminishing human value , the broadcaster quoted a spokesman for the governor of Asir province as saying. Ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that bans women from driving, despite ambitious government targets to increase their public role, especially in the workforce. Women in the kingdom are also bound by law to wear long robes and a headscarf and require the consent of a male guardian for most legal actions. In a video identifying him as the head of the religious edicts department in the southern province, Hijri asked what the traffic department would do it if it discovered a man with only half a brain. Would it give him a license or not? It would not. So how can it give it to a woman when she has only half? he said. If she goes to the market she loses another half. What is left? A quarter...We demand the traffic department check because she is not suitable to drive and she has only a quarter. The comments sparked anger on social media, which is hugely popular in the kingdom. Twitter users shared the video, many criticising it and making jokes about his remarks, under the Arabic hashtag Al-Hijri_women_quarter_brain Some users posted pictures of Saudi female scientists and academics in response and questioned Hijri s own intellectual capacities. His suspension, ordered by the provincial governor, was aimed at preventing the spread of views that spark controversy and do not serve the national interest, the provincial spokesman said, according to Ekhbariya TV s official Twitter account. Any others who used religious platforms to preach such views would also be banned. The government s modernizing reforms, backed by Saudi Arabia s business class, have sparked tensions with influential clerics upon whose support the ruling family relies. Some clerics have millions of followers on social media.
Uzbekistan has abruptly recalled thousands of school teachers, college students and healthcare workers from cotton fields, halting a practice condemned abroad as forced labor, government officials and other sources told Reuters on Friday. The Central Asian nation is one of the world s leading cotton exporters and for years it has mobilized the students as well as staff at schools and clinics to pick the autumn harvest. It phased out using minors in 2015 under international pressure that included boycott campaigns. Officially, the work is voluntary and paid at about $0.005 per kilogram. In reality those who refuse risk expulsion or the sack unless they bribe an official or hire someone to work in their place, sources said. The harvest started this month but late on Thursday the Tashkent government ordered the cotton pickers home, said a district official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment. The government declined to comment. A central government official who also asked not to be named said an order barring the use of such workers had in fact been issued in August. On Thursday Tashkent warned regional governors they would be sacked if they fail to comply with it. The district official said regional governments have been ordered to hire unemployed locals for cotton picking instead. Several students and a school director, who all requested anonymity, said they had been ordered to return to class or had their trips to the field canceled at the last moment. Despite ending the use of child labor, Uzbekistan ranked among the top five worst offenders in the Global Slavery Index compiled last year by activist group Walk Free Foundation. The group estimated that almost 4 percent of Uzbekistan s population - then 31 million - lived in modern slavery, putting it second only to North Korea by that metric. The move to end the practice follows reforms by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev who took over the former Soviet republic after the death of strongman leader Islam Karimov last September. Mirziyoyev has moved to liberalize foreign exchange and travel regulations and had about 16,000 people struck off a blacklist of potential extremists, reforms that may help him rebuild ties with the West and attract foreign investment.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Uzbekistan has abruptly recalled thousands of school teachers, college students and healthcare workers from cotton fields, halting a practice condemned abroad as forced labor, government officials and other sources told Reuters on Friday. The Central Asian nation is one of the world s leading cotton exporters and for years it has mobilized the students as well as staff at schools and clinics to pick the autumn harvest. It phased out using minors in 2015 under international pressure that included boycott campaigns. Officially, the work is voluntary and paid at about $0.005 per kilogram. In reality those who refuse risk expulsion or the sack unless they bribe an official or hire someone to work in their place, sources said. The harvest started this month but late on Thursday the Tashkent government ordered the cotton pickers home, said a district official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment. The government declined to comment. A central government official who also asked not to be named said an order barring the use of such workers had in fact been issued in August. On Thursday Tashkent warned regional governors they would be sacked if they fail to comply with it. The district official said regional governments have been ordered to hire unemployed locals for cotton picking instead. Several students and a school director, who all requested anonymity, said they had been ordered to return to class or had their trips to the field canceled at the last moment. Despite ending the use of child labor, Uzbekistan ranked among the top five worst offenders in the Global Slavery Index compiled last year by activist group Walk Free Foundation. The group estimated that almost 4 percent of Uzbekistan s population - then 31 million - lived in modern slavery, putting it second only to North Korea by that metric. The move to end the practice follows reforms by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev who took over the former Soviet republic after the death of strongman leader Islam Karimov last September. Mirziyoyev has moved to liberalize foreign exchange and travel regulations and had about 16,000 people struck off a blacklist of potential extremists, reforms that may help him rebuild ties with the West and attract foreign investment.
A senior Chinese diplomat said on Friday China has made its best efforts to resolve issues on the Korean peninsula, ahead of U.S. President Donald Trump’s state visit to Beijing next week when he is expected to press China to do more on North Korea. Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang said the North Korean nuclear issue would be an important topic up for discussion at the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Trump. China firmly opposes conflict on the Korean peninsula and believes using force is not the correct way to resolve the issue, Zheng told reporters at a briefing in Beijing. China and the United States have a shared interest in peace and stability on the Korean peninsula, Zheng said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A senior Chinese diplomat said on Friday China has made its best efforts to resolve issues on the Korean peninsula, ahead of U.S. President Donald Trump’s state visit to Beijing next week when he is expected to press China to do more on North Korea. Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang said the North Korean nuclear issue would be an important topic up for discussion at the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Trump. China firmly opposes conflict on the Korean peninsula and believes using force is not the correct way to resolve the issue, Zheng told reporters at a briefing in Beijing. China and the United States have a shared interest in peace and stability on the Korean peninsula, Zheng said.
President Barack Obama will nominate U.S. Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, Democratic Senator Charles Schumer said. Schumer, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, confirmed the decision to Reuters as he exited a Democratic leadership meeting in the U.S. Capitol. “It’s an excellent choice, a bipartisan choice. If the Republicans can’t support him, who could they support,” said Schumer, who represents New York.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Barack Obama will nominate U.S. Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, Democratic Senator Charles Schumer said. Schumer, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, confirmed the decision to Reuters as he exited a Democratic leadership meeting in the U.S. Capitol. “It’s an excellent choice, a bipartisan choice. If the Republicans can’t support him, who could they support,” said Schumer, who represents New York.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: THERE MAY BE SOME THAT WOULD CHANGE A FEW OF THE DESCRIPTIONS BUT THIS IS PRETTY DARN CLOSE:
On Tuesday morning, CNN Carol Costello completely shut down an interview when a conservative guest (and passionate Donald Trump’supporter) went off on a ridiculous rant about Hillary Clinton.The CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello interview started to go south toward the end when one of Costello s guests, Trump fan and Newsmax host Steve Malzberg, tried to derail a discussion about the Republican front runner s misogyny and sexist rhetoric by targeting Clinton and her husband. Malzberg bragged about the business mogul s approach with women: When you get one-on-one, especially if it s Hillary Donald Trump will go places nobody is willing to go, where the media at this point isn’t willing to go. Bringing up Clinton s women who say they were intimidated by Hillary. Having them come forward and speak. A litany of issues that you can’t even imagine. Costello interrupted Malzberg and said, I m thinking that might not be a winning argument for Donald Trump right at this moment. Which is absolutely correct, considering that Trump has been pummeled for his recent comments that women should be punished for seeking abortions.But Malzberg foolishly continued on, even though Costello s objections were backed up by fellow guest Judson Phillips (who is a Ted Cruz supporter). Malzberg added: Do you know how many young women in this country don’t even know that Bill Clinton was impeached? No. Maybe they’ve heard of Monica Lewinsky. They don’t know the women that have accused Bill Clinton of sexual improprieties and that say they have been threatened and intimidated by Hillary Clinton. Then, Malzberg decided to bring up another truly bizarre talking point Clinton s involvement in an old child abuse court case from 1975. Malzberg started: A girl who was raped by a pedophile that Hillary Clinton bragged about getting off. Shocked that Malzberg would even mention this, Costello started to shut him down, saying, Oh, come on. Malzberg cried, Wait, wait, let me finish! while Costello refused to entertain’the conversation. He argued: What do you mean? You don’t want to hear it? That Hillary Clinton is on tape bragging about, as a lawyer getting off on a technicality. That woman now says, Hillary ruined my life. That s not fair. Costello had had enough of the insane conversation, and said, I m going to leave it there, and goodbye. Thanks for joining me before ending the interview abruptly. You can watch the awkward moment unfold below, at about the 5:45 mark:In Clinton s memoir, Living History, Clinton addressed that 1975 case, confessing that she had only been out of law school for two years when she was assigned that case. She’said that although she didn’t feel comfortable with the case, she couldn’t very well refuse the judge s request. Clinton knew she had an ethical and legal obligation to defend him to the fullest extent of the law , and did her best. After that case, Clinton went on to set up Arkansas first rape hotline.Featured image via screencapture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: On Tuesday morning, CNN Carol Costello completely shut down an interview when a conservative guest (and passionate Donald Trump’supporter) went off on a ridiculous rant about Hillary Clinton.The CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello interview started to go south toward the end when one of Costello s guests, Trump fan and Newsmax host Steve Malzberg, tried to derail a discussion about the Republican front runner s misogyny and sexist rhetoric by targeting Clinton and her husband. Malzberg bragged about the business mogul s approach with women: When you get one-on-one, especially if it s Hillary Donald Trump will go places nobody is willing to go, where the media at this point isn’t willing to go. Bringing up Clinton s women who say they were intimidated by Hillary. Having them come forward and speak. A litany of issues that you can’t even imagine. Costello interrupted Malzberg and said, I m thinking that might not be a winning argument for Donald Trump right at this moment. Which is absolutely correct, considering that Trump has been pummeled for his recent comments that women should be punished for seeking abortions.But Malzberg foolishly continued on, even though Costello s objections were backed up by fellow guest Judson Phillips (who is a Ted Cruz supporter). Malzberg added: Do you know how many young women in this country don’t even know that Bill Clinton was impeached? No. Maybe they’ve heard of Monica Lewinsky. They don’t know the women that have accused Bill Clinton of sexual improprieties and that say they have been threatened and intimidated by Hillary Clinton. Then, Malzberg decided to bring up another truly bizarre talking point Clinton s involvement in an old child abuse court case from 1975. Malzberg started: A girl who was raped by a pedophile that Hillary Clinton bragged about getting off. Shocked that Malzberg would even mention this, Costello started to shut him down, saying, Oh, come on. Malzberg cried, Wait, wait, let me finish! while Costello refused to entertain’the conversation. He argued: What do you mean? You don’t want to hear it? That Hillary Clinton is on tape bragging about, as a lawyer getting off on a technicality. That woman now says, Hillary ruined my life. That s not fair. Costello had had enough of the insane conversation, and said, I m going to leave it there, and goodbye. Thanks for joining me before ending the interview abruptly. You can watch the awkward moment unfold below, at about the 5:45 mark:In Clinton s memoir, Living History, Clinton addressed that 1975 case, confessing that she had only been out of law school for two years when she was assigned that case. She’said that although she didn’t feel comfortable with the case, she couldn’t very well refuse the judge s request. Clinton knew she had an ethical and legal obligation to defend him to the fullest extent of the law , and did her best. After that case, Clinton went on to set up Arkansas first rape hotline.Featured image via screencapture
Turkey called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s immediate ouster on Friday, voicing support for a U.S. missile strike on one of his air bases and saying the creation of safe zones to protect civilians was now more important than ever. Turkey, a NATO member and part of the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, has long argued there can be no peace in Syria under Assad. But following a rapprochement with Russia, it had appeared in recent months to accept the possibility of the Syrian leader staying on in a transitional role. “It is necessary to oust this regime as soon as possible from the leadership of Syria,” Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters on Friday, in a hardening of Turkey’s tone. “If he doesn’t want to go, if there is no transition government, and if he continues committing humanitarian crimes, the necessary steps to oust him should be taken.” His comments came after the United States fired cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase from which, it said, a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched this week. It was the first direct U.S. assault on Assad’s government in six years of war. President Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said the U.S. action marked “an important step to ensure that chemical and conventional attacks against the civilian population do not go unpunished” and said a no-fly zone should be enforced. Erdogan himself has yet to comment on the U.S. missile strike but was quoted late on Thursday, before the U.S. action, as saying Turkey would welcome U.S. military action in Syria and would be ready to assist if needed. The stance could complicate Turkish efforts to repair ties with Russia, damaged in November 2015 when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet near the Syrian border. Relations have gradually been repaired since August, and Russia and Turkey jointly brokered a ceasefire in the Syrian city of Aleppo at the end of last year. “There is a struggle for power between Russia and the United States over the future of Syria and Turkey is stumbling back and forth between the two,” said Metin Gurcan, a former military officer and security analyst at the Istanbul Policy Center. “This is a period where Turkey shouldn’t make sharp U-turns ... sometimes we’re extremely pro-Washington and sometimes pro-Moscow. That could lead to Turkey being perceived as an inconsistent, unpredictable and therefore unreliable actor.” Cavusoglu said the coalition had been informed of the U.S. missile strike and that he had spoken by phone with the French and German foreign ministers, although he did not say when. He also said contacts had been initiated with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Turkey called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s immediate ouster on Friday, voicing support for a U.S. missile strike on one of his air bases and saying the creation of safe zones to protect civilians was now more important than ever. Turkey, a NATO member and part of the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, has long argued there can be no peace in Syria under Assad. But following a rapprochement with Russia, it had appeared in recent months to accept the possibility of the Syrian leader staying on in a transitional role. “It is necessary to oust this regime as soon as possible from the leadership of Syria,” Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters on Friday, in a hardening of Turkey’s tone. “If he doesn’t want to go, if there is no transition government, and if he continues committing humanitarian crimes, the necessary steps to oust him should be taken.” His comments came after the United States fired cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase from which, it said, a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched this week. It was the first direct U.S. assault on Assad’s government in six years of war. President Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said the U.S. action marked “an important step to ensure that chemical and conventional attacks against the civilian population do not go unpunished” and said a no-fly zone should be enforced. Erdogan himself has yet to comment on the U.S. missile strike but was quoted late on Thursday, before the U.S. action, as saying Turkey would welcome U.S. military action in Syria and would be ready to assist if needed. The stance could complicate Turkish efforts to repair ties with Russia, damaged in November 2015 when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet near the Syrian border. Relations have gradually been repaired since August, and Russia and Turkey jointly brokered a ceasefire in the Syrian city of Aleppo at the end of last year. “There is a struggle for power between Russia and the United States over the future of Syria and Turkey is stumbling back and forth between the two,” said Metin Gurcan, a former military officer and security analyst at the Istanbul Policy Center. “This is a period where Turkey shouldn’t make sharp U-turns ... sometimes we’re extremely pro-Washington and sometimes pro-Moscow. That could lead to Turkey being perceived as an inconsistent, unpredictable and therefore unreliable actor.” Cavusoglu said the coalition had been informed of the U.S. missile strike and that he had spoken by phone with the French and German foreign ministers, although he did not say when. He also said contacts had been initiated with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
A bill to slash funding for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Internal Revenue Service and other financial regulators passed a key committee in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday after a long partisan fight. The expansive legislation would also place a halt on the payday lending restrictions that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently proposed. The Appropriations Committee voted 30-17 to approve the bill allocating funds for financial services and general government, which now goes to the full House. One of the committee’s senior Democrats, Jose Serrano of New York, warned that the “bill in its current form will be vetoed.” The Senate must still pass accompanying legislation. After that, both chambers will reconcile their bills into a single piece for President Barack Obama to sign or veto. Congress has tangled over budget laws for years, and federal agencies frequently rely on temporary continuing resolutions for funding. Republicans cast the bill as a way to streamline agencies and hold them accountable for spending decisions, while saving taxpayer money. Democrats attacked what they called “riders” to the bill, such as a measure to stop the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rule and one to prevent corporations from being required to disclose political donations. They also said cuts to the SEC would hobble the agency in carrying out its duties and implementing the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law. Earlier this month the CFPB, charged with shielding consumers from financial fraud, proposed rules to limit short-term borrowings known as “payday” loans, which can charge interest as high as 390 percent. Critics say the proposal will cut off credit to poor people who may need small loans during emergencies. Representative Steven Palazzo, a Mississippi Republican, proposed an amendment on Thursday to delay implementing the rules until the bureau reports to Congress on their possible effects, saying he was concerned they could force people to turn to loan sharks. Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz had been one of the few members of her party to oppose the rules, and had sponsored a bill to delay CFPB rules for two years. Wasserman Schultz, who is also a U.S. representative from Florida, reversed her position in the last week. She told the hearing on Thursday the proposal is “inarguably a step in the right direction,” adding, “I stand with the CFPB in its efforts to protect Americans from predatory lending.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A bill to slash funding for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Internal Revenue Service and other financial regulators passed a key committee in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday after a long partisan fight. The expansive legislation would also place a halt on the payday lending restrictions that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently proposed. The Appropriations Committee voted 30-17 to approve the bill allocating funds for financial services and general government, which now goes to the full House. One of the committee’s senior Democrats, Jose Serrano of New York, warned that the “bill in its current form will be vetoed.” The Senate must still pass accompanying legislation. After that, both chambers will reconcile their bills into a single piece for President Barack Obama to sign or veto. Congress has tangled over budget laws for years, and federal agencies frequently rely on temporary continuing resolutions for funding. Republicans cast the bill as a way to streamline agencies and hold them accountable for spending decisions, while saving taxpayer money. Democrats attacked what they called “riders” to the bill, such as a measure to stop the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rule and one to prevent corporations from being required to disclose political donations. They also said cuts to the SEC would hobble the agency in carrying out its duties and implementing the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law. Earlier this month the CFPB, charged with shielding consumers from financial fraud, proposed rules to limit short-term borrowings known as “payday” loans, which can charge interest as high as 390 percent. Critics say the proposal will cut off credit to poor people who may need small loans during emergencies. Representative Steven Palazzo, a Mississippi Republican, proposed an amendment on Thursday to delay implementing the rules until the bureau reports to Congress on their possible effects, saying he was concerned they could force people to turn to loan sharks. Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz had been one of the few members of her party to oppose the rules, and had sponsored a bill to delay CFPB rules for two years. Wasserman Schultz, who is also a U.S. representative from Florida, reversed her position in the last week. She told the hearing on Thursday the proposal is “inarguably a step in the right direction,” adding, “I stand with the CFPB in its efforts to protect Americans from predatory lending.”
Seven U.S. senators urged Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday to press Bahrain’s government to do more to promote political and social reform, adding to recent concern in Washington over that country’s human rights record. The letter said the United States should be prepared to consider “tangible consequences,” including reconsidering arms sales, if a recent crackdown on opposition continues. “Bahrain’s failure to address the legitimate grievances of its citizens has strained the country’s social fabric and invited outside actors to take advantage of the deteriorating situation,” six Democratic lawmakers and one Republican said in a letter to Kerry, a former Democratic senator. “Indeed, we believe the government’s harsh crackdown on the political opposition undermines the country’s stability and plays into the hands of Iran,” they wrote, calling themselves “deeply alarmed.” State Department spokesman John Kirby said he was aware of reports about the letter, but had not seen it. Asked about whether U.S. arms provided to Bahrain could be used against the opposition, he said, “We always have concerns about the end use of items that are inside the foreign military sales program.” Bahrain, which hosts the United States’ Fifth Fleet and is seen by Sunni-ruled Gulf kingdoms as a strategic bulwark against Iranian influence, drew U.S. and United Nations criticism this month when it moved to strip a top Shi’ite cleric’s citizenship and closed the main Shi’ite opposition group. A State Department report, first reported by Reuters, found Bahrain’s national reconciliation efforts after it crushed street protests in 2011 have stalled, and said the Western ally in the Gulf has not implemented recommendations to protect freedom of expression. “We continue to urge the government of Bahrain to reverse their recent harmful actions,” Kirby said a news briefing on Thursday. Earlier this week, the State Department said Bahrain’s plan to try an activist for tweets condemning its prison system and involvement in the war in Yemen is worrisome to the United States. The letter was led by Democratic Senator Chris Murphy and also signed by Republican Marco Rubio and Democrats Patrick Leahy, Ron Wyden, Bob Casey, Chris Coons and Tim Kaine. It asked for more information on specific actions President Barack Obama’s administration is taking to press Bahrain’s leadership on the issue.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Seven U.S. senators urged Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday to press Bahrain’s government to do more to promote political and social reform, adding to recent concern in Washington over that country’s human rights record. The letter said the United States should be prepared to consider “tangible consequences,” including reconsidering arms sales, if a recent crackdown on opposition continues. “Bahrain’s failure to address the legitimate grievances of its citizens has strained the country’s social fabric and invited outside actors to take advantage of the deteriorating situation,” six Democratic lawmakers and one Republican said in a letter to Kerry, a former Democratic senator. “Indeed, we believe the government’s harsh crackdown on the political opposition undermines the country’s stability and plays into the hands of Iran,” they wrote, calling themselves “deeply alarmed.” State Department spokesman John Kirby said he was aware of reports about the letter, but had not seen it. Asked about whether U.S. arms provided to Bahrain could be used against the opposition, he said, “We always have concerns about the end use of items that are inside the foreign military sales program.” Bahrain, which hosts the United States’ Fifth Fleet and is seen by Sunni-ruled Gulf kingdoms as a strategic bulwark against Iranian influence, drew U.S. and United Nations criticism this month when it moved to strip a top Shi’ite cleric’s citizenship and closed the main Shi’ite opposition group. A State Department report, first reported by Reuters, found Bahrain’s national reconciliation efforts after it crushed street protests in 2011 have stalled, and said the Western ally in the Gulf has not implemented recommendations to protect freedom of expression. “We continue to urge the government of Bahrain to reverse their recent harmful actions,” Kirby said a news briefing on Thursday. Earlier this week, the State Department said Bahrain’s plan to try an activist for tweets condemning its prison system and involvement in the war in Yemen is worrisome to the United States. The letter was led by Democratic Senator Chris Murphy and also signed by Republican Marco Rubio and Democrats Patrick Leahy, Ron Wyden, Bob Casey, Chris Coons and Tim Kaine. It asked for more information on specific actions President Barack Obama’s administration is taking to press Bahrain’s leadership on the issue.
Demonstrators in major U.S. cities took to the streets on Sunday for a fifth straight day to protest President-elect Donald Trump, whose campaign manager said President Barack Obama and Democrat Hillary Clinton should do more to support a peaceful transition. Following several nights of unrest, crowds of people marched in parks in New York City, San Francisco and Oakland, California, according to social media. A few thousand joined a march at the south end of Manhattan’s Central Park, beginning at a Trump property on Columbus Circle and walking toward the real estate mogul’s skyscraper headquarters less than a mile (1.6 km) away. They chanted: “Say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcomed here,” and held signs such as “White silence = violence” and “Don’t mourn, organize.” One protester said demonstrators were reclaiming what the American flag he was holding stood for. “The flag means freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equal protection under the law and other values like diversity, respecting differences, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press,” said Daniel Hayman, 31, of Seattle, who was in New York for work. “We’re trying to reclaim the flag and push forward those values.” Thousands in several cities have demonstrated since the results from Tuesday’s election showed Trump, a Republican, lost the popular tally but secured enough votes in the 538-member Electoral College to win the presidency, surprising the world. Largely peaceful demonstrators in urban areas have said Trump threatens their civil and human rights. They have decried Trump’s often inflammatory campaign rhetoric about illegal immigrants, Muslims and women, as well as allegations, which he denies, that the former reality TV star sexually abused women. Dozens have been arrested, including 71 in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday night, according to police, and a handful of police injured. In San Francisco on Sunday, about 1,000 people marched through Golden Gate Park toward a beach where they chanted: “Let’s make waves.” They held signs such as “I resist racism” and “Down with the Trumps.” Across the bay in Oakland, thousands of protesters joined a festival-like atmosphere, holding peace signs and blowing soap bubbles in the sunshine. Many had brought their children, aiming to hold hands around the 3.4-mile (5.5-km) circumference of Lake Merritt in a popular urban park. Civil rights groups have monitored violence against U.S. minorities since Trump’s win, citing reports of attacks on women in Islamic head scarves, of racist graffiti and of bullying of immigrant children. They have called on Trump to denounce the attacks. Trump said he was ‘so saddened’ to hear of instances of violence by some of his supporters against minorities, according to a transcript released on Sunday of an interview with the CBS program ‘60 Minutes.’ Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, said on Fox News on Sunday that she was sure many of the protesters were paid professionals, although she offered no proof. Suggesting a double standard, Conway said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that if Clinton had won the election and Trump supporters had protested, “people would be freaking out that his supporters were not accepting election results.” “It’s time really for President Obama and Secretary Clinton to say to these protesters: ‘This man is our president,’” she said. Republican House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan told CNN on Sunday that protests were protected by the First Amendment as long as they were peaceful. Neither Obama nor Clinton has called for an end to the protests. Obama told Trump at the White House on Thursday that he was going to help Trump succeed, “because if you succeed, then the country succeeds.” Clinton told supporters at a New York hotel on Wednesday: “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.” Trump on Sunday attacked the New York Times for coverage he said was “very poor and highly inaccurate.” “The @nytimes sent a letter to their subscribers apologizing for their BAD coverage of me. I wonder if it will change - doubt it?” Trump wrote on Twitter. The newspaper published a letter in Sunday’s editions from publisher Arthur Sulzberger and executive editor Dean Baquet, not apologizing, but thanking readers for their loyalty and asking how news outlets underestimated Trump’s support. The Times plans to “hold power to account, impartially and unflinchingly” during the Trump presidency, they wrote.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Demonstrators in major U.S. cities took to the streets on Sunday for a fifth straight day to protest President-elect Donald Trump, whose campaign manager said President Barack Obama and Democrat Hillary Clinton should do more to support a peaceful transition. Following several nights of unrest, crowds of people marched in parks in New York City, San Francisco and Oakland, California, according to social media. A few thousand joined a march at the south end of Manhattan’s Central Park, beginning at a Trump property on Columbus Circle and walking toward the real estate mogul’s skyscraper headquarters less than a mile (1.6 km) away. They chanted: “Say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcomed here,” and held signs such as “White silence = violence” and “Don’t mourn, organize.” One protester said demonstrators were reclaiming what the American flag he was holding stood for. “The flag means freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equal protection under the law and other values like diversity, respecting differences, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press,” said Daniel Hayman, 31, of Seattle, who was in New York for work. “We’re trying to reclaim the flag and push forward those values.” Thousands in several cities have demonstrated since the results from Tuesday’s election showed Trump, a Republican, lost the popular tally but secured enough votes in the 538-member Electoral College to win the presidency, surprising the world. Largely peaceful demonstrators in urban areas have said Trump threatens their civil and human rights. They have decried Trump’s often inflammatory campaign rhetoric about illegal immigrants, Muslims and women, as well as allegations, which he denies, that the former reality TV star sexually abused women. Dozens have been arrested, including 71 in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday night, according to police, and a handful of police injured. In San Francisco on Sunday, about 1,000 people marched through Golden Gate Park toward a beach where they chanted: “Let’s make waves.” They held signs such as “I resist racism” and “Down with the Trumps.” Across the bay in Oakland, thousands of protesters joined a festival-like atmosphere, holding peace signs and blowing soap bubbles in the sunshine. Many had brought their children, aiming to hold hands around the 3.4-mile (5.5-km) circumference of Lake Merritt in a popular urban park. Civil rights groups have monitored violence against U.S. minorities since Trump’s win, citing reports of attacks on women in Islamic head scarves, of racist graffiti and of bullying of immigrant children. They have called on Trump to denounce the attacks. Trump said he was ‘so saddened’ to hear of instances of violence by some of his supporters against minorities, according to a transcript released on Sunday of an interview with the CBS program ‘60 Minutes.’ Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, said on Fox News on Sunday that she was sure many of the protesters were paid professionals, although she offered no proof. Suggesting a double standard, Conway said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that if Clinton had won the election and Trump supporters had protested, “people would be freaking out that his supporters were not accepting election results.” “It’s time really for President Obama and Secretary Clinton to say to these protesters: ‘This man is our president,’” she said. Republican House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan told CNN on Sunday that protests were protected by the First Amendment as long as they were peaceful. Neither Obama nor Clinton has called for an end to the protests. Obama told Trump at the White House on Thursday that he was going to help Trump succeed, “because if you succeed, then the country succeeds.” Clinton told supporters at a New York hotel on Wednesday: “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.” Trump on Sunday attacked the New York Times for coverage he said was “very poor and highly inaccurate.” “The @nytimes sent a letter to their subscribers apologizing for their BAD coverage of me. I wonder if it will change - doubt it?” Trump wrote on Twitter. The newspaper published a letter in Sunday’s editions from publisher Arthur Sulzberger and executive editor Dean Baquet, not apologizing, but thanking readers for their loyalty and asking how news outlets underestimated Trump’s support. The Times plans to “hold power to account, impartially and unflinchingly” during the Trump presidency, they wrote.
Russia s foreign ministry has summoned a U.S. diplomat in Moscow to hand him a note of protest over plans to conduct searches in Russia s trade mission complex in Washington, which should soon be closed, the ministry said in a statement on Saturday. It said it has summoned Anthony F. Godfrey, a deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The ministry called the planned illegal inspection of Russian diplomatic housing an unprecedented aggressive action , which could be used by the U.S. special services for anti-Russian provocations by the way of planting compromised items . The closure by Sept. 2 of the consulate and buildings in Washington and New York that house Russian trade missions is the latest in tit-for-tat actions by the two countries that have helped push relations to a new post-Cold War low. The Kremlin has said the moves to close the Russian facilities pushed bilateral ties further into a dead end. On Friday, the Russian foreign ministry also said the U.S. special services were prepared for searches in its consulate in San Francisco. Some media reported that a smoke was billowing from a chimney of the building. Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the ministry, said it was part of a mothballing . In relation to this, the windows could be closed, the light could be turned off, the water could be drained out, the heating appliances could be turned off, the garbage could be thrown away, essential services could be turned off and many other things, she wrote on social media. Moscow last month ordered the United States to cut its diplomatic and technical staff in Russia by more than half, to 455 people to match the number of Russian diplomats in the United States, after Congress overwhelmingly approved new sanctions against Russia.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Russia s foreign ministry has summoned a U.S. diplomat in Moscow to hand him a note of protest over plans to conduct searches in Russia s trade mission complex in Washington, which should soon be closed, the ministry said in a statement on Saturday. It said it has summoned Anthony F. Godfrey, a deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The ministry called the planned illegal inspection of Russian diplomatic housing an unprecedented aggressive action , which could be used by the U.S. special services for anti-Russian provocations by the way of planting compromised items . The closure by Sept. 2 of the consulate and buildings in Washington and New York that house Russian trade missions is the latest in tit-for-tat actions by the two countries that have helped push relations to a new post-Cold War low. The Kremlin has said the moves to close the Russian facilities pushed bilateral ties further into a dead end. On Friday, the Russian foreign ministry also said the U.S. special services were prepared for searches in its consulate in San Francisco. Some media reported that a smoke was billowing from a chimney of the building. Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the ministry, said it was part of a mothballing . In relation to this, the windows could be closed, the light could be turned off, the water could be drained out, the heating appliances could be turned off, the garbage could be thrown away, essential services could be turned off and many other things, she wrote on social media. Moscow last month ordered the United States to cut its diplomatic and technical staff in Russia by more than half, to 455 people to match the number of Russian diplomats in the United States, after Congress overwhelmingly approved new sanctions against Russia.
It s no secret that Donald Trump’s second-in-command, Mike Pence, is a bigot. He first rose to national prominence amid a sea of scandal over a sweeping law that he’signed as governor of Indiana that was clearly designed to discriminate against LGBTQ people. In fact, the law was so terrible that the’state s largest newspaper, the Indianapolis Star, devoted an entire front page to a message to Pence: FIX THIS NOW. After that, Pence s approval ratings plummeted, and it became clear that there was no way he could get re-elected, even after soliciting the help of the Koch Brothers, and therefore became Trump’s running mate instead.Now, since Pence s bigotry is so well known, he is generally not well received at events where people have objections to overt discrimination against marginalized groups of people. To that end, it should come as no surprise that the graduates at Notre Dame walked out when Pence spoke at their commencement. Of course, Pence s fellow bigoted Republican senator, Tom Cotton, is fuming that the’students had the gall to stand up for what they believe in. Cotton told NBC News via a statement: It is especially unfortunate that students walked out of the vice president s speech on Sunday because if any young people needed to hear how important freedom of speech is to our country, it would be them. I think the vice president deserves credit for speaking out on the’spread of intolerance at college campuses and I know he deserved better treatment than what he received this weekend. No, Senator Cotton, Pence deserved exactly what he got, and then some. It s really pretty simple: If Pence wants people to stop treating him like a bigot, he needs to stop acting like one. This is a man who regularly and openly expresses hatred against any group of Americans who aren’t just like him and makes the laws to match. Tell me, sir, if this were an overt racist or anti-Semite speaking at commencement, would you be defending that person as well?Didn t think so. Bigotry is bigotry, and Mike Pence exudes it in spades. Hopefully, he is humiliated like this everywhere he goes until he’simply refuses to appear in public again.Featured image by Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It s no secret that Donald Trump’s second-in-command, Mike Pence, is a bigot. He first rose to national prominence amid a sea of scandal over a sweeping law that he’signed as governor of Indiana that was clearly designed to discriminate against LGBTQ people. In fact, the law was so terrible that the’state s largest newspaper, the Indianapolis Star, devoted an entire front page to a message to Pence: FIX THIS NOW. After that, Pence s approval ratings plummeted, and it became clear that there was no way he could get re-elected, even after soliciting the help of the Koch Brothers, and therefore became Trump’s running mate instead.Now, since Pence s bigotry is so well known, he is generally not well received at events where people have objections to overt discrimination against marginalized groups of people. To that end, it should come as no surprise that the graduates at Notre Dame walked out when Pence spoke at their commencement. Of course, Pence s fellow bigoted Republican senator, Tom Cotton, is fuming that the’students had the gall to stand up for what they believe in. Cotton told NBC News via a statement: It is especially unfortunate that students walked out of the vice president s speech on Sunday because if any young people needed to hear how important freedom of speech is to our country, it would be them. I think the vice president deserves credit for speaking out on the’spread of intolerance at college campuses and I know he deserved better treatment than what he received this weekend. No, Senator Cotton, Pence deserved exactly what he got, and then some. It s really pretty simple: If Pence wants people to stop treating him like a bigot, he needs to stop acting like one. This is a man who regularly and openly expresses hatred against any group of Americans who aren’t just like him and makes the laws to match. Tell me, sir, if this were an overt racist or anti-Semite speaking at commencement, would you be defending that person as well?Didn t think so. Bigotry is bigotry, and Mike Pence exudes it in spades. Hopefully, he is humiliated like this everywhere he goes until he’simply refuses to appear in public again.Featured image by Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images
Ukraine risks reversing progress made under a $17.5 billion aid-for-reforms programme from the International Monetary Fund, IMF first deputy managing director David Lipton was quoted as saying on Friday, urging the government to improve anti-graft efforts. There are risks of going backwards, Lipton told online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda in an interview during a visit to Kiev to meet Ukrainian authorities. We certainly agree that the creation of an anti-corruption court is an important next step. We encourage the government to do that.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Ukraine risks reversing progress made under a $17.5 billion aid-for-reforms programme from the International Monetary Fund, IMF first deputy managing director David Lipton was quoted as saying on Friday, urging the government to improve anti-graft efforts. There are risks of going backwards, Lipton told online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda in an interview during a visit to Kiev to meet Ukrainian authorities. We certainly agree that the creation of an anti-corruption court is an important next step. We encourage the government to do that.
Former U.S. intelligence officials who worked for both Republican and Democratic presidents urged Congress on Monday to renew an internet surveillance program they said has stopped militant plots and helped policymakers steer through international crises. The program, authorized under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, allows U.S. spy agencies to eavesdrop on and store vast amounts of digital communications from foreign suspects living outside the United States. It will expire on Dec. 31 if Congress does not act. “We have personally reported to our Presidents - Republican and Democratic - and to the Congress details of plots disrupted based on information from Section 702,” the former intelligence chiefs said in letters to congressional leaders that were seen by Reuters. “We strongly urge the Congress to reauthorize the program and continue allowing the intelligence community to protect our country,” they wrote. The letter’s signatories include former directors of U.S. national intelligence, the CIA and the National Security Agency; and a former attorney general. Rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, oppose the law in its current form because it sometimes incidentally collects communications of Americans. Those communications can then be subject to searches without a warrant by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for criminal and national security investigations. The Senate Intelligence Committee is expected to privately vote on Tuesday on a bill to reauthorize Section 702 that privacy advocates say will largely lack their reform priorities. Senator Ron Wyden, a Democratic member of the panel, sent a letter on Monday urging committee leaders to allow a vote to take place publicly, saying the bill “will have enormous impact on the security, liberty, and constitutional rights of the American people” and should be debated in the open. A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives earlier this month introduced legislation intended to install new privacy protections for 702 surveillance, including a partial restriction on the FBI’s ability to access American data that would require agents obtain a warrant when seeking evidence of a crime. The former spy chiefs’ letter was sent to the Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate and House, and heads of the Senate and House Intelligence and Judiciary committees. Implementation of the Section 702 program, they wrote, has received positive reviews from the independent Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. The letter was signed by former directors of national intelligence Dennis Blair, James Clapper and Mike McConnell; former attorney general Michael Mukasey; former CIA director John Brennan; former NSA chief Keith Alexander; and Michael Hayden, who led both the CIA and the NSA.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Former U.S. intelligence officials who worked for both Republican and Democratic presidents urged Congress on Monday to renew an internet surveillance program they said has stopped militant plots and helped policymakers steer through international crises. The program, authorized under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, allows U.S. spy agencies to eavesdrop on and store vast amounts of digital communications from foreign suspects living outside the United States. It will expire on Dec. 31 if Congress does not act. “We have personally reported to our Presidents - Republican and Democratic - and to the Congress details of plots disrupted based on information from Section 702,” the former intelligence chiefs said in letters to congressional leaders that were seen by Reuters. “We strongly urge the Congress to reauthorize the program and continue allowing the intelligence community to protect our country,” they wrote. The letter’s signatories include former directors of U.S. national intelligence, the CIA and the National Security Agency; and a former attorney general. Rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, oppose the law in its current form because it sometimes incidentally collects communications of Americans. Those communications can then be subject to searches without a warrant by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for criminal and national security investigations. The Senate Intelligence Committee is expected to privately vote on Tuesday on a bill to reauthorize Section 702 that privacy advocates say will largely lack their reform priorities. Senator Ron Wyden, a Democratic member of the panel, sent a letter on Monday urging committee leaders to allow a vote to take place publicly, saying the bill “will have enormous impact on the security, liberty, and constitutional rights of the American people” and should be debated in the open. A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives earlier this month introduced legislation intended to install new privacy protections for 702 surveillance, including a partial restriction on the FBI’s ability to access American data that would require agents obtain a warrant when seeking evidence of a crime. The former spy chiefs’ letter was sent to the Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate and House, and heads of the Senate and House Intelligence and Judiciary committees. Implementation of the Section 702 program, they wrote, has received positive reviews from the independent Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. The letter was signed by former directors of national intelligence Dennis Blair, James Clapper and Mike McConnell; former attorney general Michael Mukasey; former CIA director John Brennan; former NSA chief Keith Alexander; and Michael Hayden, who led both the CIA and the NSA.
And the winner is the Anti-Billionaire or the guy who detests rich people or how about the guy who made a LOT of people rich during his campaign, but did absolutely nothing for the less fortunate with his windfall. In fact, we’reported about hundreds of homeless people who were kicked out of a venue they used as a warming hut on the coldest night of the year because socialist Bernie Sanders (who cares so much for the poor and underprivileged) was about to host a rally in that venue. Oh well the’show must go on who has time for homeless people who likely won’t vote .right hypocrite Bernie?The’small-dollar fundraising juggernaut that has kept Bernie Sanders s insurgent White House bid afloat far longer than anticipated has generated another unexpected impact: a financial windfall for his team of Washington consultants.As donations surged this year, the Sanders campaign ratcheted up its spending each month, racing through an astounding $45 million in March alone.By the end of March, the’self-described democratic socialist senator from Vermont had spent nearly $166 million on his campaign more than any other 2016 presidential contender, including rival Hillary Clinton. More than $91 million went to a small group of admakers and media buyers who produced a swarm of commercials and placed them on television, radio and online, according to a Washington Post analysis of Federal Election Commission reports.While the vast majority of that money was passed along to television stations and websites to pay for the advertising, millions in fees were kept by the companies, The Post calculated. While it is impossible to determine precisely how much the top consultants have earned, FEC filings indicate the top three media firms have reaped payments of seven figures.Sanders s money blitz, fueled by a $27 average donation that he repeatedly touts, has improbably made the anti-billionaire populist the biggest spender so far in the election cycle. The campaign s wealth has been a surprising boon for vendors across the county who signed on to his long-shot bid.The large profits stem in part from the fact that no one in Sanders s campaign imagined he would generate such enormous financial support. So unlike Clinton, he did not cap how much his consultants could earn in commissions from what was expected to be a bare-bones operation, according to campaign officials.A campaign spokesman declined to comment on whether Sanders feels the high fees earned by his media consultants are appropriate. Via: Washington Post
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: And the winner is the Anti-Billionaire or the guy who detests rich people or how about the guy who made a LOT of people rich during his campaign, but did absolutely nothing for the less fortunate with his windfall. In fact, we’reported about hundreds of homeless people who were kicked out of a venue they used as a warming hut on the coldest night of the year because socialist Bernie Sanders (who cares so much for the poor and underprivileged) was about to host a rally in that venue. Oh well the’show must go on who has time for homeless people who likely won’t vote .right hypocrite Bernie?The’small-dollar fundraising juggernaut that has kept Bernie Sanders s insurgent White House bid afloat far longer than anticipated has generated another unexpected impact: a financial windfall for his team of Washington consultants.As donations surged this year, the Sanders campaign ratcheted up its spending each month, racing through an astounding $45 million in March alone.By the end of March, the’self-described democratic socialist senator from Vermont had spent nearly $166 million on his campaign more than any other 2016 presidential contender, including rival Hillary Clinton. More than $91 million went to a small group of admakers and media buyers who produced a swarm of commercials and placed them on television, radio and online, according to a Washington Post analysis of Federal Election Commission reports.While the vast majority of that money was passed along to television stations and websites to pay for the advertising, millions in fees were kept by the companies, The Post calculated. While it is impossible to determine precisely how much the top consultants have earned, FEC filings indicate the top three media firms have reaped payments of seven figures.Sanders s money blitz, fueled by a $27 average donation that he repeatedly touts, has improbably made the anti-billionaire populist the biggest spender so far in the election cycle. The campaign s wealth has been a surprising boon for vendors across the county who signed on to his long-shot bid.The large profits stem in part from the fact that no one in Sanders s campaign imagined he would generate such enormous financial support. So unlike Clinton, he did not cap how much his consultants could earn in commissions from what was expected to be a bare-bones operation, according to campaign officials.A campaign spokesman declined to comment on whether Sanders feels the high fees earned by his media consultants are appropriate. Via: Washington Post
U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday ordered reviews of major banking rules that were put in place after the 2008 financial crisis, drawing fire from Democrats who said his order lacked substance and squarely aligned him with Wall Street bankers. Though the order was short on specifics, financial markets embraced Trump’s signal that looser banking regulation is coming and pushed bank stocks higher. The Dow Jones U.S. Banks stocks index closed up 2.6 percent. .DJUSBK [.N] At a White House forum on Friday with U.S. business leaders, including JPMorgan Chase’s (JPM.N) CEO Jamie Dimon, Trump said his administration expects “to be cutting a lot out of Dodd-Frank.” That will involve a lot more than issuing an order, said former Democratic congressman Barney Frank, co-author of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law that raised capital requirements for banks, restricted their trading by means of the “Volcker Rule,” and created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to guard against predatory lending. Trump “can’t make any substantial change in the financial reform bill without Congress,” Frank told Reuters. “The language in the order doesn’t do anything. It tells the secretary of the Treasury to give them something to read. The tone of it is to weaken the bill.” Trump and other critics of the Dodd-Frank law say its regulations have hindered lending. At the meeting with CEO’s on Friday Trump said, “I have so many people, friends of mine, that have nice businesses that can’t borrow money...because the banks just won’t let them borrow because of the rules and regulations in Dodd-Frank.” Despite such criticisms, recent data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis showed U.S. commercial-bank lending at a 70-year high, climbing steadily since late-2010. Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren who lobbied for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau accused Trump of forsaking middle and lower-income individuals to help banks. “The Wall Street bankers and lobbyists whose greed and recklessness nearly destroyed this country may be toasting each other with champagne, but the American people have not forgotten the 2008 financial crisis - and they will not forget what happened today,” she said in a statement. Trump’s adviser leading the deregulation effort, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, was previously a top official at Goldman Sachs (GS.N). Billionaire investor Carl Icahn, meanwhile, is counseling Trump on regulation across the government. One order signed by Trump requires the U.S. Treasury Secretary to submit possible regulatory changes and legislation modifying Dodd-Frank in 120 days, according to a White House official. Trump’s pick for Treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, also a former Goldman banker, has yet to be confirmed by the full Senate. Meanwhile, a memo tells the Labor Department to review a “fiduciary rule” for brokers offering retirement advice that was finalized in 2016. While early reports said Trump wanted to push off the rule’s implementation, originally slated for April, by 180 days, the order did not mention any delay. The Labor Department late on Friday said it was considering legal options for delaying. Representatives of the six largest U.S. banks – JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), Citigroup Inc (C.N), Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N), Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) and Morgan Stanley (MS.N) – either declined to comment or did not have an immediate comment. Bankers, lawyers and lobbyists privately said Trump’s order would not do much immediately. Also they said that they would prefer less-extensive modifications to Dodd-Frank after spending billions of dollars complying with the law. Many want to make it “a little bit more user-friendly,” said John Kanas, chairman of BankUnited (BKU.N), a lender with less than $20 billion in assets. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling, a Republican, told reporters at the White House that Trump’s approach reflects legislation he has drafted to review Dodd-Frank. Hensarling is expected to re-introduce his bill allowing banks to choose between complying with Dodd-Frank and holding more capital later this month. Trump could also make changes simply by appointing new personnel or not enforcing rules. “A lot of the regulations of Dodd-Frank required a bit of a cop-on-the-beat if you will, to ensure enforcement and if you have a different cop-on-the-beat, they enforce different rules, or they enforce the rules differently,” said FBR & CO financial policy analyst Edward Mills. Many regulators, though, were appointed by Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama, and intend to complete their terms. Trump cannot fire heads of independent agencies, including the three top bank regulators: Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, Comptroller of the Currency Thomas Curry, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Chairman Martin Gruenberg. In addition, the term for Richard Cordray, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director, stretches into next year. Republican lawmakers are pushing Trump to fire Cordray, but a federal court’s decision allowing him to has been stayed pending appeal. Meanwhile, some U.S. financial policy leaders want to keep the law. Chicago Fed President Charles Evans said on Friday Dodd-Frank “has largely been helpful” and led to a banking system with “more and better capital.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday ordered reviews of major banking rules that were put in place after the 2008 financial crisis, drawing fire from Democrats who said his order lacked substance and squarely aligned him with Wall Street bankers. Though the order was short on specifics, financial markets embraced Trump’s signal that looser banking regulation is coming and pushed bank stocks higher. The Dow Jones U.S. Banks stocks index closed up 2.6 percent. .DJUSBK [.N] At a White House forum on Friday with U.S. business leaders, including JPMorgan Chase’s (JPM.N) CEO Jamie Dimon, Trump said his administration expects “to be cutting a lot out of Dodd-Frank.” That will involve a lot more than issuing an order, said former Democratic congressman Barney Frank, co-author of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law that raised capital requirements for banks, restricted their trading by means of the “Volcker Rule,” and created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to guard against predatory lending. Trump “can’t make any substantial change in the financial reform bill without Congress,” Frank told Reuters. “The language in the order doesn’t do anything. It tells the secretary of the Treasury to give them something to read. The tone of it is to weaken the bill.” Trump and other critics of the Dodd-Frank law say its regulations have hindered lending. At the meeting with CEO’s on Friday Trump said, “I have so many people, friends of mine, that have nice businesses that can’t borrow money...because the banks just won’t let them borrow because of the rules and regulations in Dodd-Frank.” Despite such criticisms, recent data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis showed U.S. commercial-bank lending at a 70-year high, climbing steadily since late-2010. Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren who lobbied for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau accused Trump of forsaking middle and lower-income individuals to help banks. “The Wall Street bankers and lobbyists whose greed and recklessness nearly destroyed this country may be toasting each other with champagne, but the American people have not forgotten the 2008 financial crisis - and they will not forget what happened today,” she said in a statement. Trump’s adviser leading the deregulation effort, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, was previously a top official at Goldman Sachs (GS.N). Billionaire investor Carl Icahn, meanwhile, is counseling Trump on regulation across the government. One order signed by Trump requires the U.S. Treasury Secretary to submit possible regulatory changes and legislation modifying Dodd-Frank in 120 days, according to a White House official. Trump’s pick for Treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, also a former Goldman banker, has yet to be confirmed by the full Senate. Meanwhile, a memo tells the Labor Department to review a “fiduciary rule” for brokers offering retirement advice that was finalized in 2016. While early reports said Trump wanted to push off the rule’s implementation, originally slated for April, by 180 days, the order did not mention any delay. The Labor Department late on Friday said it was considering legal options for delaying. Representatives of the six largest U.S. banks – JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), Citigroup Inc (C.N), Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N), Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) and Morgan Stanley (MS.N) – either declined to comment or did not have an immediate comment. Bankers, lawyers and lobbyists privately said Trump’s order would not do much immediately. Also they said that they would prefer less-extensive modifications to Dodd-Frank after spending billions of dollars complying with the law. Many want to make it “a little bit more user-friendly,” said John Kanas, chairman of BankUnited (BKU.N), a lender with less than $20 billion in assets. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling, a Republican, told reporters at the White House that Trump’s approach reflects legislation he has drafted to review Dodd-Frank. Hensarling is expected to re-introduce his bill allowing banks to choose between complying with Dodd-Frank and holding more capital later this month. Trump could also make changes simply by appointing new personnel or not enforcing rules. “A lot of the regulations of Dodd-Frank required a bit of a cop-on-the-beat if you will, to ensure enforcement and if you have a different cop-on-the-beat, they enforce different rules, or they enforce the rules differently,” said FBR & CO financial policy analyst Edward Mills. Many regulators, though, were appointed by Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama, and intend to complete their terms. Trump cannot fire heads of independent agencies, including the three top bank regulators: Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, Comptroller of the Currency Thomas Curry, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Chairman Martin Gruenberg. In addition, the term for Richard Cordray, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director, stretches into next year. Republican lawmakers are pushing Trump to fire Cordray, but a federal court’s decision allowing him to has been stayed pending appeal. Meanwhile, some U.S. financial policy leaders want to keep the law. Chicago Fed President Charles Evans said on Friday Dodd-Frank “has largely been helpful” and led to a banking system with “more and better capital.”
Facing slumping poll numbers and a shakeup of his team, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump takes a detour from the campaign trail this week to visit his golf resorts in Scotland. Trump leaves Thursday on a three-day trip centered on the grand reopening of Trump Turnberry, which the New York businessman bought in 2014 and renovated at an estimated cost of $290 million. He will also visit his other Scottish golf property in Aberdeen. His visit to Scotland, the birthplace of his mother, comes as Britain votes on Thursday on whether to remain in the European Union. Trump has said Britain would probably be better off if it left the EU. He will hold a news conference on Friday when he will doubtless be asked to respond to the vote. Trump’s trip abroad comes at an unusual time given the political calendar. With less than a month left until the Republican convention in Cleveland where he is to be formally nominated, Trump is lagging in fundraising and campaign organization and taking heavy fire from Democrat Hillary Clinton, his likely opponent in the Nov. 8 election. He is under pressure to adopt a more presidential demeanor and strengthen his campaign organization after a rocky period in which he criticized a U.S.-born federal judge as unfair because of his Mexican heritage and took fire for his response to the killing of 49 people at an Orlando, Florida, nightclub. Just this week, he fired campaign manager Corey Lewandowski at the urging of family members alarmed at the direction of his campaign. It also emerged that he had only $1.3 million in cash on hand at the end of May to fund his campaign, compared with Clinton’s war chest of $42 million. His poll numbers have also dropped. After sealing the nomination seven weeks ago, Trump was basically tied in national polls with Clinton. But she has crept ahead in many polls in the past two weeks. Trump and his aides see the Scotland visit as a chance to showcase his far-flung business empire and job-creating abilities. Aides said the trip also reinforced his ancestral ties to Scotland and his love of family, with his children playing an important role in his business dealings. But many Republicans see Trump’s trip to Scotland as a waste of valuable time. “It has nothing to do with running for president,” said Republican strategist Rick Tyler, who was a spokesman for former presidential candidate, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. “It speaks to the non-seriousness of the campaign when you’re taking time off the campaign trail to leave the country for a place where there are no voters.” Trump’s golf properties are among his proudest business possessions and he is particularly proud of Turnberry, where the British Open has been played four times, including the famed “Duel in the Sun” in 1977 when Tom Watson edged Jack Nicklaus by one stroke. Limiting the trip to his golf properties means there are likely to be fewer chances for missteps like 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s gaffe-filled trip to London, Jerusalem and Poland four years ago. But it offers little chance for Trump to burnish his foreign policy credentials. “Traditionally, nominees take overseas trips to build their foreign policy chops,” said Republican strategist Scott Reed. Trump is not meeting British Prime Minister David Cameron, who has denounced Trump as divisive for his proposed Muslim ban and anti-immigrant rhetoric.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Facing slumping poll numbers and a shakeup of his team, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump takes a detour from the campaign trail this week to visit his golf resorts in Scotland. Trump leaves Thursday on a three-day trip centered on the grand reopening of Trump Turnberry, which the New York businessman bought in 2014 and renovated at an estimated cost of $290 million. He will also visit his other Scottish golf property in Aberdeen. His visit to Scotland, the birthplace of his mother, comes as Britain votes on Thursday on whether to remain in the European Union. Trump has said Britain would probably be better off if it left the EU. He will hold a news conference on Friday when he will doubtless be asked to respond to the vote. Trump’s trip abroad comes at an unusual time given the political calendar. With less than a month left until the Republican convention in Cleveland where he is to be formally nominated, Trump is lagging in fundraising and campaign organization and taking heavy fire from Democrat Hillary Clinton, his likely opponent in the Nov. 8 election. He is under pressure to adopt a more presidential demeanor and strengthen his campaign organization after a rocky period in which he criticized a U.S.-born federal judge as unfair because of his Mexican heritage and took fire for his response to the killing of 49 people at an Orlando, Florida, nightclub. Just this week, he fired campaign manager Corey Lewandowski at the urging of family members alarmed at the direction of his campaign. It also emerged that he had only $1.3 million in cash on hand at the end of May to fund his campaign, compared with Clinton’s war chest of $42 million. His poll numbers have also dropped. After sealing the nomination seven weeks ago, Trump was basically tied in national polls with Clinton. But she has crept ahead in many polls in the past two weeks. Trump and his aides see the Scotland visit as a chance to showcase his far-flung business empire and job-creating abilities. Aides said the trip also reinforced his ancestral ties to Scotland and his love of family, with his children playing an important role in his business dealings. But many Republicans see Trump’s trip to Scotland as a waste of valuable time. “It has nothing to do with running for president,” said Republican strategist Rick Tyler, who was a spokesman for former presidential candidate, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. “It speaks to the non-seriousness of the campaign when you’re taking time off the campaign trail to leave the country for a place where there are no voters.” Trump’s golf properties are among his proudest business possessions and he is particularly proud of Turnberry, where the British Open has been played four times, including the famed “Duel in the Sun” in 1977 when Tom Watson edged Jack Nicklaus by one stroke. Limiting the trip to his golf properties means there are likely to be fewer chances for missteps like 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s gaffe-filled trip to London, Jerusalem and Poland four years ago. But it offers little chance for Trump to burnish his foreign policy credentials. “Traditionally, nominees take overseas trips to build their foreign policy chops,” said Republican strategist Scott Reed. Trump is not meeting British Prime Minister David Cameron, who has denounced Trump as divisive for his proposed Muslim ban and anti-immigrant rhetoric.
The epidemic of black men being killed at the hands of police officers in America has not gone unnoticed on the international stage. According to aAccording to a report by a United Nations working group, which will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday, this situation constitutes a full-blown human rights crisis that is reminiscent of the days of lynchings. Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching, said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.The U.N. report draws a stark comparison between modern day fatal shootings at the hands of law enforcement and the lynchings of blacks that swept the nation in the 19th and 20th centuries. The report comes as racial tensions in America have boiled over yet again in the wake of more deadly shootings that have rocked the country.Historically, the majority of African Americans killed in lynchings were hanged. The Equal Justice Initiative released a report in 2015 which said that between 1877 and 1950, an estimated 3,959 black people were murdered in racial terror lynchings throughout the country s southern states.The U.N. report follows a January visit to the U.S. by a five-member group, which was chaired by Filipino law professor Ricardo A. Sunga III. The group says that despite efforts at reform, they still remain extremely concerned about the human rights crisis facing blacks living in the U.S., and this is especially true considering protesters are once again flooding the’streets of American cities to protest the killings of still more black men in recent days. In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency. The experts group pointed out that these killings go unpunished because the investigation is biased and tainted from the beginning since police departments are investigating their own. Adding to this is the fact that prosecutors have discretion when it comes to presenting charges and U.S. law enforcement officers are not held to international standards for use of force.To address the’situation, they’recommended that the U.S. institute a system to reliably track police killings nationwide and instances of excessive use of force. They also said that racial profiling must be brought to an end, which is a rampant practice and seriously damages the trust between African-Americans and law enforcement officials. The group also said that improving race relations will also require education that must be accompanied by acts of reconciliation in order to successfully overcome the bigotry that plagues the U.S. and the past injustices that have been perpetrated against black people on American soil. The report added that the lasting negative effects caused by enslavement and racial injustice must be recognized by both federal and state laws.Featured image via video screen captures
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The epidemic of black men being killed at the hands of police officers in America has not gone unnoticed on the international stage. According to aAccording to a report by a United Nations working group, which will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday, this situation constitutes a full-blown human rights crisis that is reminiscent of the days of lynchings. Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching, said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.The U.N. report draws a stark comparison between modern day fatal shootings at the hands of law enforcement and the lynchings of blacks that swept the nation in the 19th and 20th centuries. The report comes as racial tensions in America have boiled over yet again in the wake of more deadly shootings that have rocked the country.Historically, the majority of African Americans killed in lynchings were hanged. The Equal Justice Initiative released a report in 2015 which said that between 1877 and 1950, an estimated 3,959 black people were murdered in racial terror lynchings throughout the country s southern states.The U.N. report follows a January visit to the U.S. by a five-member group, which was chaired by Filipino law professor Ricardo A. Sunga III. The group says that despite efforts at reform, they still remain extremely concerned about the human rights crisis facing blacks living in the U.S., and this is especially true considering protesters are once again flooding the’streets of American cities to protest the killings of still more black men in recent days. In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency. The experts group pointed out that these killings go unpunished because the investigation is biased and tainted from the beginning since police departments are investigating their own. Adding to this is the fact that prosecutors have discretion when it comes to presenting charges and U.S. law enforcement officers are not held to international standards for use of force.To address the’situation, they’recommended that the U.S. institute a system to reliably track police killings nationwide and instances of excessive use of force. They also said that racial profiling must be brought to an end, which is a rampant practice and seriously damages the trust between African-Americans and law enforcement officials. The group also said that improving race relations will also require education that must be accompanied by acts of reconciliation in order to successfully overcome the bigotry that plagues the U.S. and the past injustices that have been perpetrated against black people on American soil. The report added that the lasting negative effects caused by enslavement and racial injustice must be recognized by both federal and state laws.Featured image via video screen captures
Arab foreign ministers on Sunday urged the United States to abandon its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital, saying the move would increase violence throughout the region. The announcement by President Donald Trump on Wednesday was a dangerous violation of international law and had no legal impact, the Arab League said in a statement after several hours of meetings attended by all its members in Cairo.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Arab foreign ministers on Sunday urged the United States to abandon its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital, saying the move would increase violence throughout the region. The announcement by President Donald Trump on Wednesday was a dangerous violation of international law and had no legal impact, the Arab League said in a statement after several hours of meetings attended by all its members in Cairo.
Donald Trump thinks African-Americans are worse off now than they have ever been, and President Obama just took him to the woodshed for it.During a rally, Trump declared that African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape than they’ve ever been in before. The assertion suggests that slavery was a picnic for black people and that Jim Crow was heaven on earth.But President Obama set Trump’straight during an interview with Good Morning America at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. You know, I think even most 8-year-olds ll tell you that whole slavery thing wasn’t very good for black people, Obama told Robin Roberts. Jim Crow wasn’t very good for black people. What we have to do is use our history to propel us to make more progress in the future. Here s the video via ABC.President Obama also slammed those who think racism no longer exists in this country simply because he was elected to the presidency or because some black people make a lot of money. It s unrealistic to think that somehow that all just completely went away, because the Civil Rights Act was passed or because Oprah s making a lot of money or because I was elected president. You know, that s not how society works. And if you have hundreds of years of racial discrimination it s likely that the vestiges of that discrimination linger on. And we should acknowledge that and own that. As President Obama said, Donald Trump could learn a lot from a visit to this museum. To think that black people had it easy as slaves is offensive and it s almost as if Trump thinks they would be better off going back to being slaves. So he’s definitely on a slippery slope, and while that may get his white supremacist supporters frothing at the mouth, it does nothing to help him get black people to vote for him.Featured Image: Jim Lo Scalzo-Pool/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump thinks African-Americans are worse off now than they have ever been, and President Obama just took him to the woodshed for it.During a rally, Trump declared that African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape than they’ve ever been in before. The assertion suggests that slavery was a picnic for black people and that Jim Crow was heaven on earth.But President Obama set Trump’straight during an interview with Good Morning America at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. You know, I think even most 8-year-olds ll tell you that whole slavery thing wasn’t very good for black people, Obama told Robin Roberts. Jim Crow wasn’t very good for black people. What we have to do is use our history to propel us to make more progress in the future. Here s the video via ABC.President Obama also slammed those who think racism no longer exists in this country simply because he was elected to the presidency or because some black people make a lot of money. It s unrealistic to think that somehow that all just completely went away, because the Civil Rights Act was passed or because Oprah s making a lot of money or because I was elected president. You know, that s not how society works. And if you have hundreds of years of racial discrimination it s likely that the vestiges of that discrimination linger on. And we should acknowledge that and own that. As President Obama said, Donald Trump could learn a lot from a visit to this museum. To think that black people had it easy as slaves is offensive and it s almost as if Trump thinks they would be better off going back to being slaves. So he’s definitely on a slippery slope, and while that may get his white supremacist supporters frothing at the mouth, it does nothing to help him get black people to vote for him.Featured Image: Jim Lo Scalzo-Pool/Getty Images
Cooperation between Russia and the United States in fighting terrorism will be complicated if possible at all due to a draft U.S. sanctions bill targeting Moscow, the RIA news agency cited prominent Russian senator Franz Klintsevich as saying on Wednesday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Cooperation between Russia and the United States in fighting terrorism will be complicated if possible at all due to a draft U.S. sanctions bill targeting Moscow, the RIA news agency cited prominent Russian senator Franz Klintsevich as saying on Wednesday.
- Source link:;
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: - Source link:;
The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday requested more documents from the Department of Justice and the FBI related to its ongoing Russia probe, including any on U.S. President Donald Trump’s dismissal last week of former FBI Director James Comey. Republican Mike Conaway and the panel’s top Democrat, Adam Schiff, said in a statement that they were seeking the documents as part of their own ongoing probe into alleged Russian interference into the 2016 U.S. election.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday requested more documents from the Department of Justice and the FBI related to its ongoing Russia probe, including any on U.S. President Donald Trump’s dismissal last week of former FBI Director James Comey. Republican Mike Conaway and the panel’s top Democrat, Adam Schiff, said in a statement that they were seeking the documents as part of their own ongoing probe into alleged Russian interference into the 2016 U.S. election.
President Barack Obama will meet for the first time on Tuesday with Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, to discuss budget priorities and ways to work together this year, the White House said on Friday. The get-together with Ryan, which also will include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, will provide a gauge of how much or how little legislative common ground the three leaders share as Obama completes his final year in office. “We certainly believe that there are areas of cooperation for the year ahead,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. It will be Obama’s first formal face-to-face meeting with Ryan since he was elected speaker three months ago. “While the House is focused on a bold agenda for 2017, the speaker appreciates the opportunity to see if we can find any areas of common ground in the year ahead,” Doug Andres, a spokesman for Ryan, said. During a closed-door meeting on Thursday with Democratic lawmakers, Obama said he does not expect Congress to get much done this year, according to an aide who was in the room. The White House has said there are only a few items on Obama’s legislative wish-list that have any chance of passing through the Republican-controlled Congress. They include reforming mandatory minimum prison sentences for non-violent drug offenses and taking steps to address an epidemic of heroin addiction and prescription drug abuse. Obama also wants Congress to approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, but he faces resistance from Democratic lawmakers concerned about the TPP’s impact on jobs and the environment. The White House announced on Friday that Obama’s top legislative aide Katie Beirne Fallon, who was popular among Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill, is leaving after helping Obama secure enough votes for fast-track trade negotiating authority, the Iran nuclear deal and a budget deal. Fallon will be replaced by her deputy Amy Rosenbaum, a former aide to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. Obama’s meeting with Republicans comes one week before Obama delivers his final budget proposal to Congress. It also comes as Obama tries to make good on a pledge he made during his 2008 campaign to close the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Obama is set to deliver a plan to Congress about closing the prison that will include measures to house a small number of detainees in facilities in the United States. Lawmakers strongly oppose that idea.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Barack Obama will meet for the first time on Tuesday with Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, to discuss budget priorities and ways to work together this year, the White House said on Friday. The get-together with Ryan, which also will include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, will provide a gauge of how much or how little legislative common ground the three leaders share as Obama completes his final year in office. “We certainly believe that there are areas of cooperation for the year ahead,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. It will be Obama’s first formal face-to-face meeting with Ryan since he was elected speaker three months ago. “While the House is focused on a bold agenda for 2017, the speaker appreciates the opportunity to see if we can find any areas of common ground in the year ahead,” Doug Andres, a spokesman for Ryan, said. During a closed-door meeting on Thursday with Democratic lawmakers, Obama said he does not expect Congress to get much done this year, according to an aide who was in the room. The White House has said there are only a few items on Obama’s legislative wish-list that have any chance of passing through the Republican-controlled Congress. They include reforming mandatory minimum prison sentences for non-violent drug offenses and taking steps to address an epidemic of heroin addiction and prescription drug abuse. Obama also wants Congress to approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, but he faces resistance from Democratic lawmakers concerned about the TPP’s impact on jobs and the environment. The White House announced on Friday that Obama’s top legislative aide Katie Beirne Fallon, who was popular among Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill, is leaving after helping Obama secure enough votes for fast-track trade negotiating authority, the Iran nuclear deal and a budget deal. Fallon will be replaced by her deputy Amy Rosenbaum, a former aide to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. Obama’s meeting with Republicans comes one week before Obama delivers his final budget proposal to Congress. It also comes as Obama tries to make good on a pledge he made during his 2008 campaign to close the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Obama is set to deliver a plan to Congress about closing the prison that will include measures to house a small number of detainees in facilities in the United States. Lawmakers strongly oppose that idea.
The top U.S. Senate Republican struggled on Wednesday to salvage major healthcare legislation sought by President Donald Trump, meeting privately with a parade of skeptical senators as critics within the party urged substantial changes. Republican leaders hope to agree on changes to the legislation by Friday so lawmakers can take it up after next week’s Independence Day recess.. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday abandoned plans to seek passage of it this week because Republicans did not have 50 votes to pass the bill. For seven years, Republicans have led a quest to undo the 2010 law known as Obamacare, Democratic former President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement. Trump made dismantling it a top campaign promise during last year’s presidential campaign but policy differences within the party have raised doubts Republicans can achieve a repeal. Democrats have unified against the bill and Republicans control the Senate by a slim 52-48 margin, which means McConnell can afford to lose only two Republicans. So far at least 10 - including moderates and hard-line conservatives - have expressed opposition to the current bill, although some indicated they would vote for it with certain changes. McConnell, with his reputation as a strategist on the line, met with a procession of Republican senators in his office on Wednesday. John Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate Republican, said party leaders will talk to every Republican senator who has concerns about the bill or is undecided. The House of Representatives passed its healthcare bill last month, only after striking a balance between the center of the party and the right wing. Now McConnell must find a similar sweet spot. During a lunch meeting on Wednesday Republicans made presentations on potential fixes. Senator Rand Paul called for jettisoning more parts of Obamacare to get conservatives on board. Senator Mike Rounds suggested keeping a 3.8 percent Obamacare tax on high earners’ investment income, which the current bill would eliminate. Rounds said the tax could pay for more Americans to receive the tax credits that help pay for health insurance. Senator Bob Corker, who also supports keeping the tax, said one of the issues he was focused on was helping lower-income Americans pay for health plans. “My sense is there’s a good chance that issue and other issues people are trying to get addressed can be addressed,” Corker told reporters. Trump said the bill was moving along well and predicted a “great, great surprise” but did not elaborate. Maine Senator Susan Collins, a moderate, said it would be “very difficult” to reach agreement by Friday. Collins and other centrists were put off by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s projection on Monday that 22 million people would lose medical insurance under the existing bill. Finishing the legislation’s revisions by Friday would be “optimal,” Cornyn said, so the CBO can analyze the new version.. Even then, Democrats could mount a forceful resistance. They have repeatedly said they will not discuss a repeal but have expressed openness to negotiating improvements. The Senate’s top Democrat, Chuck Schumer, proposed Trump call all 100 senators to Blair House across the street from the White House to craft a bipartisan bill fixing Obamacare but Trump said did not think Schumer’s offer was serious. McConnell said Democrats had refused “to work with us in a serious way to comprehensively address Obamacare’s failures in the seven years since they passed it.” The legislation has triggered protests at the Capitol and police said they arrested 40 people, including cancer survivors, on Wednesday for blocking Senate offices. Obama’s 2010 Affordable Care Act, which passed without Republican support, expanded health insurance coverage to some 20 million people but Republicans call it a costly government intrusion. The Senate bill rolls back Obamacare’s expansion of the Medicaid government insurance for the poor and cuts planned Medicaid spending starting in 2025. It also repeals most of Obamacare’s taxes, ends a penalty for not obtaining insurance and overhauls subsidies that help people buy insurance with tax credits. For graphic on who's covered under Medicaid, click: (This story fixes attribution of quote in 10th paragraph to Senator Corker from Senator Rounds.)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The top U.S. Senate Republican struggled on Wednesday to salvage major healthcare legislation sought by President Donald Trump, meeting privately with a parade of skeptical senators as critics within the party urged substantial changes. Republican leaders hope to agree on changes to the legislation by Friday so lawmakers can take it up after next week’s Independence Day recess.. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday abandoned plans to seek passage of it this week because Republicans did not have 50 votes to pass the bill. For seven years, Republicans have led a quest to undo the 2010 law known as Obamacare, Democratic former President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement. Trump made dismantling it a top campaign promise during last year’s presidential campaign but policy differences within the party have raised doubts Republicans can achieve a repeal. Democrats have unified against the bill and Republicans control the Senate by a slim 52-48 margin, which means McConnell can afford to lose only two Republicans. So far at least 10 - including moderates and hard-line conservatives - have expressed opposition to the current bill, although some indicated they would vote for it with certain changes. McConnell, with his reputation as a strategist on the line, met with a procession of Republican senators in his office on Wednesday. John Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate Republican, said party leaders will talk to every Republican senator who has concerns about the bill or is undecided. The House of Representatives passed its healthcare bill last month, only after striking a balance between the center of the party and the right wing. Now McConnell must find a similar sweet spot. During a lunch meeting on Wednesday Republicans made presentations on potential fixes. Senator Rand Paul called for jettisoning more parts of Obamacare to get conservatives on board. Senator Mike Rounds suggested keeping a 3.8 percent Obamacare tax on high earners’ investment income, which the current bill would eliminate. Rounds said the tax could pay for more Americans to receive the tax credits that help pay for health insurance. Senator Bob Corker, who also supports keeping the tax, said one of the issues he was focused on was helping lower-income Americans pay for health plans. “My sense is there’s a good chance that issue and other issues people are trying to get addressed can be addressed,” Corker told reporters. Trump said the bill was moving along well and predicted a “great, great surprise” but did not elaborate. Maine Senator Susan Collins, a moderate, said it would be “very difficult” to reach agreement by Friday. Collins and other centrists were put off by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s projection on Monday that 22 million people would lose medical insurance under the existing bill. Finishing the legislation’s revisions by Friday would be “optimal,” Cornyn said, so the CBO can analyze the new version.. Even then, Democrats could mount a forceful resistance. They have repeatedly said they will not discuss a repeal but have expressed openness to negotiating improvements. The Senate’s top Democrat, Chuck Schumer, proposed Trump call all 100 senators to Blair House across the street from the White House to craft a bipartisan bill fixing Obamacare but Trump said did not think Schumer’s offer was serious. McConnell said Democrats had refused “to work with us in a serious way to comprehensively address Obamacare’s failures in the seven years since they passed it.” The legislation has triggered protests at the Capitol and police said they arrested 40 people, including cancer survivors, on Wednesday for blocking Senate offices. Obama’s 2010 Affordable Care Act, which passed without Republican support, expanded health insurance coverage to some 20 million people but Republicans call it a costly government intrusion. The Senate bill rolls back Obamacare’s expansion of the Medicaid government insurance for the poor and cuts planned Medicaid spending starting in 2025. It also repeals most of Obamacare’s taxes, ends a penalty for not obtaining insurance and overhauls subsidies that help people buy insurance with tax credits. For graphic on who's covered under Medicaid, click: (This story fixes attribution of quote in 10th paragraph to Senator Corker from Senator Rounds.)
President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries cannot stop grandparents and other relatives of United States citizens from entering the country, a U.S. judge said on Thursday. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson in Honolulu also opens the door for more refugees and deals Trump a fresh courtroom defeat in a long back-and-forth over an executive order that has gone all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. The state of Hawaii had asked Watson to narrowly interpret a Supreme Court ruling that revived parts of Trump’s March 6 executive order banning travelers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, as well as refugees for 120 days. The Supreme Court last month said the ban could take effect, but that anyone from the six countries with a “bona fide relationship” to a U.S. person or entity could not be barred. The Trump administration then interpreted that opinion to allow spouses, parents, children, fiancés and siblings into the country, but barred grandparents and other family members, in a measure Trump called necessary to prevent attacks. Watson harshly criticized the government’s definition of close family relations as “the antithesis of common sense” in a ruling that changes the way the ban can now be implemented. “Common sense, for instance, dictates that close family members be defined to include grandparents. Indeed, grandparents are the epitome of close family members,” he wrote. A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment. Trump’s order is a pretext for illegal discrimination, Hawaii Attorney General Douglas Chin said in a statement. “Family members have been separated and real people have suffered enough,” Chin said. Chin had asked Watson for an injunction allowing grandparents and other family members to travel to the United States. Hawaii and refugee groups also had argued that resettlement agencies have a “bona fide” relationship with the refugees they help, sometimes over the course of years. The Justice Department said its rules were properly grounded in immigration law. Watson said the assurance by a resettlement agency to provide basic services to a newly arrived refugee constitutes an adequate connection to the U.S. because it is a sufficiently formal and documented agreement that triggers responsibilities and compensation. “‘Bona fide’ does not get any more ‘bona fide’ than that,” Watson said. Melanie Nezer, vice president of global refugee advocacy group HIAS, said the ruling should mean that refugees can continue to be resettled in the United States, beyond a cap of 50,000 set by the executive order. That limit was reached this week. “We are thrilled that thousands of people will be reunited with their family members,” said Becca Heller, director of the International Refugee Assistance Project. More than 24,000 additional refugees should be allowed to travel to the U.S. under Watson’s order, she estimated. Watson did not grant everything the state of Hawaii sought, however. He rejected a request to categorically exempt all Iraqis refugee applicants who believe they are at risk due to their work for the U.S. government since March, 2003, as interpreters and translators, for instance. Watson also refused a blanket exemption for those eligible to apply to a refugee program aimed at protecting certain children at risk in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. The roll-out of the narrowed version of the ban was more subdued than in January, when Trump first signed a more expansive version of his order. That sparked protests and chaos at airports around the country and the world.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries cannot stop grandparents and other relatives of United States citizens from entering the country, a U.S. judge said on Thursday. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson in Honolulu also opens the door for more refugees and deals Trump a fresh courtroom defeat in a long back-and-forth over an executive order that has gone all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. The state of Hawaii had asked Watson to narrowly interpret a Supreme Court ruling that revived parts of Trump’s March 6 executive order banning travelers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, as well as refugees for 120 days. The Supreme Court last month said the ban could take effect, but that anyone from the six countries with a “bona fide relationship” to a U.S. person or entity could not be barred. The Trump administration then interpreted that opinion to allow spouses, parents, children, fiancés and siblings into the country, but barred grandparents and other family members, in a measure Trump called necessary to prevent attacks. Watson harshly criticized the government’s definition of close family relations as “the antithesis of common sense” in a ruling that changes the way the ban can now be implemented. “Common sense, for instance, dictates that close family members be defined to include grandparents. Indeed, grandparents are the epitome of close family members,” he wrote. A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment. Trump’s order is a pretext for illegal discrimination, Hawaii Attorney General Douglas Chin said in a statement. “Family members have been separated and real people have suffered enough,” Chin said. Chin had asked Watson for an injunction allowing grandparents and other family members to travel to the United States. Hawaii and refugee groups also had argued that resettlement agencies have a “bona fide” relationship with the refugees they help, sometimes over the course of years. The Justice Department said its rules were properly grounded in immigration law. Watson said the assurance by a resettlement agency to provide basic services to a newly arrived refugee constitutes an adequate connection to the U.S. because it is a sufficiently formal and documented agreement that triggers responsibilities and compensation. “‘Bona fide’ does not get any more ‘bona fide’ than that,” Watson said. Melanie Nezer, vice president of global refugee advocacy group HIAS, said the ruling should mean that refugees can continue to be resettled in the United States, beyond a cap of 50,000 set by the executive order. That limit was reached this week. “We are thrilled that thousands of people will be reunited with their family members,” said Becca Heller, director of the International Refugee Assistance Project. More than 24,000 additional refugees should be allowed to travel to the U.S. under Watson’s order, she estimated. Watson did not grant everything the state of Hawaii sought, however. He rejected a request to categorically exempt all Iraqis refugee applicants who believe they are at risk due to their work for the U.S. government since March, 2003, as interpreters and translators, for instance. Watson also refused a blanket exemption for those eligible to apply to a refugee program aimed at protecting certain children at risk in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. The roll-out of the narrowed version of the ban was more subdued than in January, when Trump first signed a more expansive version of his order. That sparked protests and chaos at airports around the country and the world.
Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir said on Thursday he would support the governor of the country s Gezira state in 2020 presidential elections if Mohamed Tahir Ayala decided to stand. Bashir, who came to power in a 1989 bloodless coup and is wanted by the International Criminal Court to face charges of war crimes in Darfur, has said he plans to stand down in 2020. If Ayala runs for president in 2020, I will support him, Bashir said in a speech broadcast on state television. Ayala, the head of the Gezira branch of the ruling National Congress Party, later on Thursday commented on Bashir s support, saying he would back the Sudanese president if he ran for a third term in office. The demand of the Gezira people and my demand is for 2020 to be the year where Bashir is elected for a third term in office. That s the demand of all of the Sudanese people, Ayala said at a public gathering the president attended.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir said on Thursday he would support the governor of the country s Gezira state in 2020 presidential elections if Mohamed Tahir Ayala decided to stand. Bashir, who came to power in a 1989 bloodless coup and is wanted by the International Criminal Court to face charges of war crimes in Darfur, has said he plans to stand down in 2020. If Ayala runs for president in 2020, I will support him, Bashir said in a speech broadcast on state television. Ayala, the head of the Gezira branch of the ruling National Congress Party, later on Thursday commented on Bashir s support, saying he would back the Sudanese president if he ran for a third term in office. The demand of the Gezira people and my demand is for 2020 to be the year where Bashir is elected for a third term in office. That s the demand of all of the Sudanese people, Ayala said at a public gathering the president attended.
A super PAC backing Ted Cruz s presidential campaign is using the confederate flag to promote their candidate and attack another Republican.The Courageous Conservatives PAC is now calling primary voters in South Carolina with a robocall that attacks Donald Trump and Governor Nikki Haley for their supposed opposition to the pro-slavery symbol.The ad and robocall start with audio of Trump’stating, Put it in a museum, let it go. It goes on to state that Trump’supported Haley in removing the battle flag from a memorial on the’statehouse grounds. People like Donald Trump are always butting their noses into other people s businesses. Trump talks about our flag like it s a social disease, the robocall said.It said Trump ridiculed our values and that voters should send Donald Trump and his New York values back to Manhattan. The creators of the ad said they have called 80,000 homes in the’state so far with this racist message, in the hopes that it will cut into the considerable lead most show for Trump.The ad comes after the tragic shooting of black churchgoers by a white supremacist in Charleston pushed Haley and other lawmakers around the country to finally begin moving the flag from state property.The confederate flag was erected in many southern states in reaction to the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s.Of course the confederacy was a separatist movement that declared open war on the legitimate U.S. government in order to defend the evil institution of slavery, in which black people were kept as property and free labor.Despite the Republican Party s own report in which it indicated that its loss of the 2012 election came about in part due to its candidate s inability to reach out to racial minorities, there is still a strong base of support within the right in favor of racist causes. This is just more evidence that the party simply hasn’t done the work to exclude open racists from their shrinking coalition.Featured image via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A super PAC backing Ted Cruz s presidential campaign is using the confederate flag to promote their candidate and attack another Republican.The Courageous Conservatives PAC is now calling primary voters in South Carolina with a robocall that attacks Donald Trump and Governor Nikki Haley for their supposed opposition to the pro-slavery symbol.The ad and robocall start with audio of Trump’stating, Put it in a museum, let it go. It goes on to state that Trump’supported Haley in removing the battle flag from a memorial on the’statehouse grounds. People like Donald Trump are always butting their noses into other people s businesses. Trump talks about our flag like it s a social disease, the robocall said.It said Trump ridiculed our values and that voters should send Donald Trump and his New York values back to Manhattan. The creators of the ad said they have called 80,000 homes in the’state so far with this racist message, in the hopes that it will cut into the considerable lead most show for Trump.The ad comes after the tragic shooting of black churchgoers by a white supremacist in Charleston pushed Haley and other lawmakers around the country to finally begin moving the flag from state property.The confederate flag was erected in many southern states in reaction to the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s.Of course the confederacy was a separatist movement that declared open war on the legitimate U.S. government in order to defend the evil institution of slavery, in which black people were kept as property and free labor.Despite the Republican Party s own report in which it indicated that its loss of the 2012 election came about in part due to its candidate s inability to reach out to racial minorities, there is still a strong base of support within the right in favor of racist causes. This is just more evidence that the party simply hasn’t done the work to exclude open racists from their shrinking coalition.Featured image via Flickr
On Wednesday morning, Donald Trump announced that he would be launching a full-scale investigation into why so many women and minorities were allowed to vote for his opponent voter fraud, including those registered to vote in two states. Depending on the results of his investigation, President Asterisk says he plans to strengthen regulations to ensure that only white, straight men get to vote for the rest of time our elections are fair and only corrupt government officials and brutal foreign dictators have a say.I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2017even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2017Now, Trump is completely wrong about it being a crime to be registered in two states. Voting in two states is a crime. But let’s humor him. Let s say that is voter fraud. He really doesn’t have to look far at all to find someone.Trump’senior advisor Steve Bannon is a lot of things: he’s an anti-semite, a white supremacist, a douchebag, and an alleged domestic abuser. He s also a proud registered voter in the’state of New York and in Florida.Bannon registered to vote in New York shortly before the election and cast his ballot for Trump in only that state. But he is also registered to vote at the home of a friend, Andy Badolato, in the Sunshine State. He changed his address in Florida in August, shortly after reports surfaced that he was previously registered at an abandoned house. Bannon did not commit voter fraud in any way, but according to Trump he is a criminal simply because he has an outdated registration in Florida.This must be uncomfortable for Trump, whose false claims about what does and does not constitute fraud has nailed one of his senior minions, but it s likely that he will ignore it because it doesn’t quite fit his narrative that millions of people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton, and that is why he lost the popular vote.Did you ever think you would see the President abuse the powers of his office to satisfy his ego and push a debunked conspiracy theory? Yeah, we didn’t either, but here we are.Featured image via Getty Images/Mark Wilson
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: On Wednesday morning, Donald Trump announced that he would be launching a full-scale investigation into why so many women and minorities were allowed to vote for his opponent voter fraud, including those registered to vote in two states. Depending on the results of his investigation, President Asterisk says he plans to strengthen regulations to ensure that only white, straight men get to vote for the rest of time our elections are fair and only corrupt government officials and brutal foreign dictators have a say.I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2017even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2017Now, Trump is completely wrong about it being a crime to be registered in two states. Voting in two states is a crime. But let’s humor him. Let s say that is voter fraud. He really doesn’t have to look far at all to find someone.Trump’senior advisor Steve Bannon is a lot of things: he’s an anti-semite, a white supremacist, a douchebag, and an alleged domestic abuser. He s also a proud registered voter in the’state of New York and in Florida.Bannon registered to vote in New York shortly before the election and cast his ballot for Trump in only that state. But he is also registered to vote at the home of a friend, Andy Badolato, in the Sunshine State. He changed his address in Florida in August, shortly after reports surfaced that he was previously registered at an abandoned house. Bannon did not commit voter fraud in any way, but according to Trump he is a criminal simply because he has an outdated registration in Florida.This must be uncomfortable for Trump, whose false claims about what does and does not constitute fraud has nailed one of his senior minions, but it s likely that he will ignore it because it doesn’t quite fit his narrative that millions of people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton, and that is why he lost the popular vote.Did you ever think you would see the President abuse the powers of his office to satisfy his ego and push a debunked conspiracy theory? Yeah, we didn’t either, but here we are.Featured image via Getty Images/Mark Wilson
Donald Trump is not going to like this at all.The Republican nominee s pathetic effort to draw Hispanic voters to his campaign has failed miserably, especially after his disastrous trip to Mexico and the immigration speech he made afterwards.Trump visited our southern neighbor to discuss the wall and who will pay for it, only to be told that Mexico will not pay for it. Defeated, Trump was so humiliated that he claimed there was no discussion about that particular topic, only to be embarrassed once more by Mexican officials when they called him out on his lie.In fact, Trump doubled down on his immigration plan, declaring that there will be no amnesty and that Mexico will pay for the wall.In other words, Trump’still wants to deport 11 million people and is suggesting that he will somehow force Mexico to pay the bill for something they’did not build nor support.And that s exactly why Hispanic Chamber of Commerce CEO Javier Palomarez went on Morning Joe on MSNBC on Thursday morning to declare Trump’s campaign done for among the Latino community.Palomarez began by pointing out that net immigration across the Mexican border has basically dropped to about 20,000 people, which might as well be zero in a nation as big as ours. Then he revealed that the 20,000 are those who are leaving America instead of coming in. That blows Trump’s entire premise for a wall out of the water.Joe Scarborough asked Palomarez what his take is on Trump’s effort to have it both ways by suggesting that maybe he won’t deport that many people while also repeating his draconian immigration plans to his racist conservative base. He s painted himself into this box, Palomarez replied. He s damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t. He really had to come back out and fire up his base, but in reality he hasn’t done anything to help himself in terms of growing the number, so I think he is done for with the Hispanic community. Palomarez said that Trump will never see the White House without a decent portion of the Hispanic vote, and then he dropped the hammer on the Republican nominee with a single word of Spanish. I don’t know if you guys speak Spanish, but I want you to remember this one word: Payaso. It means clown. This guy is a complete clown. Palomarez went on to say that Trump has laid to waste any outreach effort Republicans have made after the 2012 Election and there s no going back. Here s the video via YouTube.There is no way Donald Trump can possibly make amends with Hispanic voters with two months to go. Any such attempts would be seen as desperation from a failing candidate whose poll numbers have only imploded since the RNC Convention in July.Hillary Clinton is poised to win the Hispanic vote by even larger margins than President Obama did in 2012, and Trump is so despised that his presence at the top of the ballot could be disastrous to Republicans down the ticket.It s too late to appeal to Hispanics for their votes, and Republicans know it. The only ones who don’t are delusional Trump fans who really believe he is going to win the election and they are going to be devastated when the results are revealed on Election Day.Featured image via screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump is not going to like this at all.The Republican nominee s pathetic effort to draw Hispanic voters to his campaign has failed miserably, especially after his disastrous trip to Mexico and the immigration speech he made afterwards.Trump visited our southern neighbor to discuss the wall and who will pay for it, only to be told that Mexico will not pay for it. Defeated, Trump was so humiliated that he claimed there was no discussion about that particular topic, only to be embarrassed once more by Mexican officials when they called him out on his lie.In fact, Trump doubled down on his immigration plan, declaring that there will be no amnesty and that Mexico will pay for the wall.In other words, Trump’still wants to deport 11 million people and is suggesting that he will somehow force Mexico to pay the bill for something they’did not build nor support.And that s exactly why Hispanic Chamber of Commerce CEO Javier Palomarez went on Morning Joe on MSNBC on Thursday morning to declare Trump’s campaign done for among the Latino community.Palomarez began by pointing out that net immigration across the Mexican border has basically dropped to about 20,000 people, which might as well be zero in a nation as big as ours. Then he revealed that the 20,000 are those who are leaving America instead of coming in. That blows Trump’s entire premise for a wall out of the water.Joe Scarborough asked Palomarez what his take is on Trump’s effort to have it both ways by suggesting that maybe he won’t deport that many people while also repeating his draconian immigration plans to his racist conservative base. He s painted himself into this box, Palomarez replied. He s damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t. He really had to come back out and fire up his base, but in reality he hasn’t done anything to help himself in terms of growing the number, so I think he is done for with the Hispanic community. Palomarez said that Trump will never see the White House without a decent portion of the Hispanic vote, and then he dropped the hammer on the Republican nominee with a single word of Spanish. I don’t know if you guys speak Spanish, but I want you to remember this one word: Payaso. It means clown. This guy is a complete clown. Palomarez went on to say that Trump has laid to waste any outreach effort Republicans have made after the 2012 Election and there s no going back. Here s the video via YouTube.There is no way Donald Trump can possibly make amends with Hispanic voters with two months to go. Any such attempts would be seen as desperation from a failing candidate whose poll numbers have only imploded since the RNC Convention in July.Hillary Clinton is poised to win the Hispanic vote by even larger margins than President Obama did in 2012, and Trump is so despised that his presence at the top of the ballot could be disastrous to Republicans down the ticket.It s too late to appeal to Hispanics for their votes, and Republicans know it. The only ones who don’t are delusional Trump fans who really believe he is going to win the election and they are going to be devastated when the results are revealed on Election Day.Featured image via screen capture
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Thursday the policies that allow immigrants to seek asylum in the United States were broken and subject to “rampant abuse and fraud.” In a speech at the department’s Executive Office For Immigration Review, Sessions said too many immigrants were taking advantage of the rules, and urged Congress to pass legislation that could make it harder for asylum petitions to be granted. Overhauling the U.S. asylum system was on a list of immigration proposals the White House sent Congress over the weekend that President Donald Trump wants in exchange for a legislative fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Most of the principles, including a crackdown on the influx of Central American unaccompanied minors, are likely to be non-starters for Democrats. Sessions did not announce any specific policy shifts in his speech but urged Congress to act. “Congress must pass the legislative priorities President Trump announced this week, which included significant asylum reform, swift border returns, and enhanced interior enforcement,” he said. He said there were “loopholes” in the law that allow immigrants, whom federal officials determine have a “credible fear” of returning to their home countries, to be released pending a hearing before a judge. He also advocated for imposing and enforcing penalties for “baseless” asylum applications, elevating the threshold standard of proof in credible fear interviews, and expanding the ability to return asylum seekers to safe third countries. After they pass their credible fear review, many people simply disappear and never show up at their immigration hearings, Sessions said. He blamed the Obama administration for a policy shift in 2009 that allowed them to be released from custody, and said he believed many peoples’ credible fear claims were simply a “ruse to enter the country illegally.” Human Rights First, a group that provides pro bono legal assistance to refugees, said the attorney general’s comments mischaracterized asylum seekers as “threats and frauds.” “These individuals are not criminals,” said senior director Eleanor Acer in a statement, “they are mothers, teenagers, and children desperate to escape violence and persecution.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Thursday the policies that allow immigrants to seek asylum in the United States were broken and subject to “rampant abuse and fraud.” In a speech at the department’s Executive Office For Immigration Review, Sessions said too many immigrants were taking advantage of the rules, and urged Congress to pass legislation that could make it harder for asylum petitions to be granted. Overhauling the U.S. asylum system was on a list of immigration proposals the White House sent Congress over the weekend that President Donald Trump wants in exchange for a legislative fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Most of the principles, including a crackdown on the influx of Central American unaccompanied minors, are likely to be non-starters for Democrats. Sessions did not announce any specific policy shifts in his speech but urged Congress to act. “Congress must pass the legislative priorities President Trump announced this week, which included significant asylum reform, swift border returns, and enhanced interior enforcement,” he said. He said there were “loopholes” in the law that allow immigrants, whom federal officials determine have a “credible fear” of returning to their home countries, to be released pending a hearing before a judge. He also advocated for imposing and enforcing penalties for “baseless” asylum applications, elevating the threshold standard of proof in credible fear interviews, and expanding the ability to return asylum seekers to safe third countries. After they pass their credible fear review, many people simply disappear and never show up at their immigration hearings, Sessions said. He blamed the Obama administration for a policy shift in 2009 that allowed them to be released from custody, and said he believed many peoples’ credible fear claims were simply a “ruse to enter the country illegally.” Human Rights First, a group that provides pro bono legal assistance to refugees, said the attorney general’s comments mischaracterized asylum seekers as “threats and frauds.” “These individuals are not criminals,” said senior director Eleanor Acer in a statement, “they are mothers, teenagers, and children desperate to escape violence and persecution.”
Donald Trump has been crucified by the leftist mainstream media, GOP RINO s and Democrat leaders non-stop for his brash outspoken ways. But after 54 years of voting for Democrats, and getting absolutely nothing but a permanent ticket to their inner city plantation, his tough talk is starting to resonate with minorities who want to make a better life for themselves. They want to see a President who truly cares about seeing them succeed and isn’t just in this race as the next step in his political career This is not going to set well with pandering Hillary Quanell X, leader of the New Black Panther Party in Houston, Texas, said this week on a local news program that black Americans should truly examine Donald Trump’s outreach to the black community and reexamine the relationship that black voters have with the Democratic Party.America s in trouble. And I want to say to black and white people, only a fool fights in a burning house. This house is on fire.Read the transcript of Quanell X s remarks:Donald Trump last week went to Milwaukee because of the rioting behind the police shooting of a young African-American male by a black officer and the city was being burned down in certain parts of the black community by protesters so Donald Trump decided to go to Milwaukee and speak about the conditions of America and why he felt black people should vote for him. He even went on to lay out reasons why he felt we should.Let me say this to the brothers and sisters who listened and watched that speech. We may not like the vessel that said what he’said, but I ask us to truly examine what he’said, because it is a fact that for 54 years, we have been voting for the Democratic party like no other race in America. And they have not given us the’same loyalty and love that we have given them. We as black people have to reexamine the relationship where we are being pimped like prostitutes, and they’re the big pimps pimping us politically, promising us everything and we get nothing in return.We gotta step back now as black people and say, we’ve gotta look at all the parties and vote our best interests.He spoke directly to black people. And I want to say and encourage the brothers and sisters. Barack Obama, our president, served two terms. The first black president ever. But did our condition get better? Did financially, politically, academically, with education in our community, did things get better? Are our young people working more than what is was before he came into office? The condition got worse. So now we as black people have to do and remember what the honorable Elijah Mohammed said. No politician can save the black community; we’ve gotta do it ourselves.Via: Breitbart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump has been crucified by the leftist mainstream media, GOP RINO s and Democrat leaders non-stop for his brash outspoken ways. But after 54 years of voting for Democrats, and getting absolutely nothing but a permanent ticket to their inner city plantation, his tough talk is starting to resonate with minorities who want to make a better life for themselves. They want to see a President who truly cares about seeing them succeed and isn’t just in this race as the next step in his political career This is not going to set well with pandering Hillary Quanell X, leader of the New Black Panther Party in Houston, Texas, said this week on a local news program that black Americans should truly examine Donald Trump’s outreach to the black community and reexamine the relationship that black voters have with the Democratic Party.America s in trouble. And I want to say to black and white people, only a fool fights in a burning house. This house is on fire.Read the transcript of Quanell X s remarks:Donald Trump last week went to Milwaukee because of the rioting behind the police shooting of a young African-American male by a black officer and the city was being burned down in certain parts of the black community by protesters so Donald Trump decided to go to Milwaukee and speak about the conditions of America and why he felt black people should vote for him. He even went on to lay out reasons why he felt we should.Let me say this to the brothers and sisters who listened and watched that speech. We may not like the vessel that said what he’said, but I ask us to truly examine what he’said, because it is a fact that for 54 years, we have been voting for the Democratic party like no other race in America. And they have not given us the’same loyalty and love that we have given them. We as black people have to reexamine the relationship where we are being pimped like prostitutes, and they’re the big pimps pimping us politically, promising us everything and we get nothing in return.We gotta step back now as black people and say, we’ve gotta look at all the parties and vote our best interests.He spoke directly to black people. And I want to say and encourage the brothers and sisters. Barack Obama, our president, served two terms. The first black president ever. But did our condition get better? Did financially, politically, academically, with education in our community, did things get better? Are our young people working more than what is was before he came into office? The condition got worse. So now we as black people have to do and remember what the honorable Elijah Mohammed said. No politician can save the black community; we’ve gotta do it ourselves.Via: Breitbart News
Apparently, Bristol Palin thinks musicians have no right to have their own opinions or choices.Ever since Election Day, Donald Trump and his team have been desperately trying to find an A-list artist to perform at his inauguration in January. But none of them want anything to do with him.In response, Trump posted a pathetic tweet claiming that all A-list celebrities are asking him for tickets to the inauguration and that he’s the one rejecting THEM.The’so-called A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they’did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2016Trump is making it sound like he’s insanely popular among relevant celebrities even though it s been clear for over a month that they’despise him.And Sarah Palin s hypocritical abstinence-only crusader daughter decided to throw a temper tantrum about it on her blog.If Donald Trump were still just a regular old billionaire and threw a party at Trump Tower in New York City, celebrities would be lined up out the door, and the most famous artists would be pining for a chance to perform. But because he will be inaugurated as the next Republican president in January, these same mega-celebrities, who would normally drool over an invitation to sing for the president, want no part of it.Trump’s inauguration team sought out some of the world s greatest musicians, but nearly all of them have refused for fear of backlash or to stand against him politically.Isn t it amazing how not cool it is to be conservative in the public eye? Either Hollywood is that far off or we have so many sissies we have in the’spot light too scared to stand for what they believe in!Except Trump isn’t just a reality TV star with a big mouth anymore. Throughout his campaign, he used divisive hateful racist sexist language and called for policies that go completely against what many celebrities stand for. So by refusing to attend and perform at his inauguration, these celebrities are making it clear that Trump will not be able to use them to claim that they somehow support him.When Trump threw parties in the past, things were different. He was just a businessman with money. But now he is threatening everything America stands for. Also, just because certain celebrities clamored to sing at President Obama s inauguration doesn’t mean they ll automatically perform for Trump. Bristol Palin is acting like Trump is entitled to be adored and admired by everyone and that celebrities should just kiss his ass.But that s not the way the world works. In fact, Republicans made that clear by the way they have treated President Obama over the last eight years. The level of disrespect was unbelievable and no conservative crybaby can honestly say that any right-wing celebrity like Ted Nugent would have respectfully performed at one of Obama s inaugurations if they had been asked, especially since they said so many nasty things about the Obama family.But Bristol went even further by listing the names of celebrities who have refused or allegedly refused to perform for Trump. It appears she wants them to be punished. The problem is that these top entertainers have fan bases so large that they can easily say good riddance to conservative fans and not see much change in their star power and revenue stream.Speaking of revenue streams, clicking through the rest of Bristol s rant means you will be bombarded with pleas to buy her books and her mommy s books. Because being grifters is the Palin family profession and there are a lot of gullible conservatives out there to fleece.The bottom line is that Bristol Palin doesn’t matter and she never will. She’s just the’spoiled brat of America s village idiot who refuses to let go of the fact that America rejected her ignorant unqualified mom eight years ago.Featured image via Inquisitr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Apparently, Bristol Palin thinks musicians have no right to have their own opinions or choices.Ever since Election Day, Donald Trump and his team have been desperately trying to find an A-list artist to perform at his inauguration in January. But none of them want anything to do with him.In response, Trump posted a pathetic tweet claiming that all A-list celebrities are asking him for tickets to the inauguration and that he’s the one rejecting THEM.The’so-called A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they’did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2016Trump is making it sound like he’s insanely popular among relevant celebrities even though it s been clear for over a month that they’despise him.And Sarah Palin s hypocritical abstinence-only crusader daughter decided to throw a temper tantrum about it on her blog.If Donald Trump were still just a regular old billionaire and threw a party at Trump Tower in New York City, celebrities would be lined up out the door, and the most famous artists would be pining for a chance to perform. But because he will be inaugurated as the next Republican president in January, these same mega-celebrities, who would normally drool over an invitation to sing for the president, want no part of it.Trump’s inauguration team sought out some of the world s greatest musicians, but nearly all of them have refused for fear of backlash or to stand against him politically.Isn t it amazing how not cool it is to be conservative in the public eye? Either Hollywood is that far off or we have so many sissies we have in the’spot light too scared to stand for what they believe in!Except Trump isn’t just a reality TV star with a big mouth anymore. Throughout his campaign, he used divisive hateful racist sexist language and called for policies that go completely against what many celebrities stand for. So by refusing to attend and perform at his inauguration, these celebrities are making it clear that Trump will not be able to use them to claim that they somehow support him.When Trump threw parties in the past, things were different. He was just a businessman with money. But now he is threatening everything America stands for. Also, just because certain celebrities clamored to sing at President Obama s inauguration doesn’t mean they ll automatically perform for Trump. Bristol Palin is acting like Trump is entitled to be adored and admired by everyone and that celebrities should just kiss his ass.But that s not the way the world works. In fact, Republicans made that clear by the way they have treated President Obama over the last eight years. The level of disrespect was unbelievable and no conservative crybaby can honestly say that any right-wing celebrity like Ted Nugent would have respectfully performed at one of Obama s inaugurations if they had been asked, especially since they said so many nasty things about the Obama family.But Bristol went even further by listing the names of celebrities who have refused or allegedly refused to perform for Trump. It appears she wants them to be punished. The problem is that these top entertainers have fan bases so large that they can easily say good riddance to conservative fans and not see much change in their star power and revenue stream.Speaking of revenue streams, clicking through the rest of Bristol s rant means you will be bombarded with pleas to buy her books and her mommy s books. Because being grifters is the Palin family profession and there are a lot of gullible conservatives out there to fleece.The bottom line is that Bristol Palin doesn’t matter and she never will. She’s just the’spoiled brat of America s village idiot who refuses to let go of the fact that America rejected her ignorant unqualified mom eight years ago.Featured image via Inquisitr
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned her supporters on Tuesday against complacency as opinion polls show her holding a clear lead over Republican rival Donald Trump with two weeks left until the Nov. 8 election. Clinton told voters in Florida, one of the battleground states where the election will likely be decided, that Democrats could not afford to relax. “I hope you will come out and vote because it’s going to be a close election. Pay no attention to the polls. Don’t forget, don’t get complacent, because we’ve got to turn people out,” she told a rally in Coconut Creek, standing in front of a large sign reading: “Vote Early.” Trump also campaigned in Florida on Tuesday. He blasted recent spikes in premiums for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Trump promised to repeal and replace the healthcare law as soon as he takes office. “This is why we have to drain the swamp and repeal and replace Obamacare immediately, and I’m the only candidate running for president who will do it,” Trump said. On Monday, the U.S. government said the average premium for insurance plans sold on for 2017 rose by 25 percent compared with 2016. But with polls showing Trump trailing Clinton, Trump has asked his campaign to cut back on work identifying candidates for jobs in his future administration and focus instead on bolstering his chances on Nov. 8, according to two people familiar with the campaign’s inner workings. An average of national polls on the RealClearPolitics website since mid-October gives Clinton a lead of more than 5 percentage points, as Trump fights off accusations that he groped women and faces heavy criticism for suggesting he might not accept the result of the election if he loses. Trump denies the accusations of sexual misconduct and says the election is rigged against him, although he has not cited widely accepted evidence to back that up. On Tuesday, Trump told Reuters that Clinton’s plan for fixing the Syrian civil war would “lead to World War Three,” because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia. In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, playing down a long-held goal of U.S. policy. Clinton has called for the establishment of a no-fly zone and “safe zones” on the ground in Syria to protect noncombatants. Her campaign responded in a statement later on Tuesday noting that both Republican and Democratic national security experts had deemed Trump ill-prepared to be commander in chief, and accusing Trump of “parroting” Russian President Vladimir Putin and playing on Americans’ fears. Colin Powell, who served as Republican President George W. Bush’s secretary of state and was chairman of the U.S. military’s joint chiefs of staff under his father, Republican President George Bush, said on Tuesday he would vote for Clinton. The two candidates have sparred in recent days over the U.S.-backed Iraqi military push to take the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State, which Trump described as a “total disaster.” “He’s declaring defeat before the battle has even started,” Clinton, who was secretary of state during Obama’s first term, said on Tuesday. She urged supporters to participate in early voting, which began this week in Florida. “Nobody should want to wake up on Nov. 9 and wonder whether there was more you could have done,” Clinton said. Clinton also appeared on Tuesday at the Univision studio in Doral, Florida, on “El Gordo y La Flaca” (“The Fat Man and the Skinny Woman”), a long-running entertainment show aimed at Latinos. The appearance underscored the importance of Latino voters in the battle for Florida’s 29 electoral votes. Clinton maintained a commanding lead in the race to secure the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House, according to Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project results released on Saturday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned her supporters on Tuesday against complacency as opinion polls show her holding a clear lead over Republican rival Donald Trump with two weeks left until the Nov. 8 election. Clinton told voters in Florida, one of the battleground states where the election will likely be decided, that Democrats could not afford to relax. “I hope you will come out and vote because it’s going to be a close election. Pay no attention to the polls. Don’t forget, don’t get complacent, because we’ve got to turn people out,” she told a rally in Coconut Creek, standing in front of a large sign reading: “Vote Early.” Trump also campaigned in Florida on Tuesday. He blasted recent spikes in premiums for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Trump promised to repeal and replace the healthcare law as soon as he takes office. “This is why we have to drain the swamp and repeal and replace Obamacare immediately, and I’m the only candidate running for president who will do it,” Trump said. On Monday, the U.S. government said the average premium for insurance plans sold on for 2017 rose by 25 percent compared with 2016. But with polls showing Trump trailing Clinton, Trump has asked his campaign to cut back on work identifying candidates for jobs in his future administration and focus instead on bolstering his chances on Nov. 8, according to two people familiar with the campaign’s inner workings. An average of national polls on the RealClearPolitics website since mid-October gives Clinton a lead of more than 5 percentage points, as Trump fights off accusations that he groped women and faces heavy criticism for suggesting he might not accept the result of the election if he loses. Trump denies the accusations of sexual misconduct and says the election is rigged against him, although he has not cited widely accepted evidence to back that up. On Tuesday, Trump told Reuters that Clinton’s plan for fixing the Syrian civil war would “lead to World War Three,” because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia. In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, playing down a long-held goal of U.S. policy. Clinton has called for the establishment of a no-fly zone and “safe zones” on the ground in Syria to protect noncombatants. Her campaign responded in a statement later on Tuesday noting that both Republican and Democratic national security experts had deemed Trump ill-prepared to be commander in chief, and accusing Trump of “parroting” Russian President Vladimir Putin and playing on Americans’ fears. Colin Powell, who served as Republican President George W. Bush’s secretary of state and was chairman of the U.S. military’s joint chiefs of staff under his father, Republican President George Bush, said on Tuesday he would vote for Clinton. The two candidates have sparred in recent days over the U.S.-backed Iraqi military push to take the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State, which Trump described as a “total disaster.” “He’s declaring defeat before the battle has even started,” Clinton, who was secretary of state during Obama’s first term, said on Tuesday. She urged supporters to participate in early voting, which began this week in Florida. “Nobody should want to wake up on Nov. 9 and wonder whether there was more you could have done,” Clinton said. Clinton also appeared on Tuesday at the Univision studio in Doral, Florida, on “El Gordo y La Flaca” (“The Fat Man and the Skinny Woman”), a long-running entertainment show aimed at Latinos. The appearance underscored the importance of Latino voters in the battle for Florida’s 29 electoral votes. Clinton maintained a commanding lead in the race to secure the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House, according to Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project results released on Saturday.
The rancorous political debate over sexual identity unexpectedly prompted the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to reject an energy and water spending bill on Thursday after Democrats attached an amendment to protect the rights of transgender people. The legislation, which would provide funds for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Energy in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, failed on a 112-305 vote, with 130 Republicans and 175 Democrats opposing the legislation. The outcome was such a surprise that the House Appropriations Committee initially announced the bill had passed and was forced to retract the statement. Democrats blamed Republicans for opposing a Democratic amendment to bar federal contractors from government work if they discriminate against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Democrats failed to attach the same measure to a separate House spending bill last week. “In turning against a far-reaching funding bill simply because it affirms protections for LGBT Americans, Republicans have once again lain bare the depths of their bigotry,” House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement. But Republicans accused Democrats of working to sabotage the House appropriations process by voting 6-175 against the bill after they had succeeded in amending it. House Speaker Paul Ryan said his own decision not to keep legislation under tight control had created conditions for “more amendments from both sides of the aisle ... and, yes, more unpredictability.” “That’s what happened here today. It’s unfortunate, because this is a very good bill,” Ryan said. He vowed to continue pushing the energy and water bill, along with other appropriations measures. Democrats said they opposed two Republican amendments. One would prevent Washington from witholding federal funds from North Carolina over its law on LGBT bathroom use. The other would have stopped the Democrats’ LGBT amendment from affecting religious workplace exemptions. The White House had already threatened to veto the legislation over other provisions that Democrats said would undermine the Clean Water Act.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The rancorous political debate over sexual identity unexpectedly prompted the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to reject an energy and water spending bill on Thursday after Democrats attached an amendment to protect the rights of transgender people. The legislation, which would provide funds for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Energy in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, failed on a 112-305 vote, with 130 Republicans and 175 Democrats opposing the legislation. The outcome was such a surprise that the House Appropriations Committee initially announced the bill had passed and was forced to retract the statement. Democrats blamed Republicans for opposing a Democratic amendment to bar federal contractors from government work if they discriminate against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Democrats failed to attach the same measure to a separate House spending bill last week. “In turning against a far-reaching funding bill simply because it affirms protections for LGBT Americans, Republicans have once again lain bare the depths of their bigotry,” House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement. But Republicans accused Democrats of working to sabotage the House appropriations process by voting 6-175 against the bill after they had succeeded in amending it. House Speaker Paul Ryan said his own decision not to keep legislation under tight control had created conditions for “more amendments from both sides of the aisle ... and, yes, more unpredictability.” “That’s what happened here today. It’s unfortunate, because this is a very good bill,” Ryan said. He vowed to continue pushing the energy and water bill, along with other appropriations measures. Democrats said they opposed two Republican amendments. One would prevent Washington from witholding federal funds from North Carolina over its law on LGBT bathroom use. The other would have stopped the Democrats’ LGBT amendment from affecting religious workplace exemptions. The White House had already threatened to veto the legislation over other provisions that Democrats said would undermine the Clean Water Act.
A day after the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on counterterrorism at Stanford University in California.The’speech was billed by the campaign as an opportunity to highlight how now is a time for steady leadership when we must stand in solidarity with our European allies and respond firmly to defeat ISIS. Both Democrats and Republicans have pointed out that by contrast to Clinton former Senator, former Secretary of State Donald Trump’s foreign policy ideas have been haphazard, contradictory, and overall would endanger the country.On ISIS and the Belgium attacks, Clinton directly rejected Trump’s kneejerk response that America needs to build his beautiful wall because, Walls will not protect us from this threat. We cannot contain ISIS we must defeat ISIS. Clinton took direct aim at Trump’s recent reckless claim that America should pull away from NATO and our allies, pointing out that while Vladimir Putin already hopes to divide Europe, it could be even worse because, if Mr. Trump gets his way, it ll be like Christmas in the Kremlin. .@HillaryClinton: "If Mr. Trump gets his way, it'll be like Christmas in the Kremlin" POLITICO (@politico) March 23, 2016She also went after Ted Cruz, noting, slogans aren’t a strategy for global peace and security because loose cannons tend to misfire. She also called for reigning in Cruz s reckless rhetoric about carpet bombing of targets, saying doing so would be a serious mistake, instead she’said, What America needs is strong smart steady leadership. Clinton also echoed President Obama s condemnation of Cruz s proposal to send patrols into Muslim neighborhoods, It s hard to imagine a more incendiary, foolish statement and said: It s wrong, it s counterproductive, it s dangerous. In what is likely to be a consistent counterpoint to Trump’s desire to make America great again, the former Secretary of State said, America is a great nation. Instead of the aggressive, dangerous moves supported by Trump and the GOP, Clinton called for a plan that would rely on what actually works, not bluster that alienates our partners that would allow the United States to defeat ISIS.Featured image via Twitter
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A day after the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on counterterrorism at Stanford University in California.The’speech was billed by the campaign as an opportunity to highlight how now is a time for steady leadership when we must stand in solidarity with our European allies and respond firmly to defeat ISIS. Both Democrats and Republicans have pointed out that by contrast to Clinton former Senator, former Secretary of State Donald Trump’s foreign policy ideas have been haphazard, contradictory, and overall would endanger the country.On ISIS and the Belgium attacks, Clinton directly rejected Trump’s kneejerk response that America needs to build his beautiful wall because, Walls will not protect us from this threat. We cannot contain ISIS we must defeat ISIS. Clinton took direct aim at Trump’s recent reckless claim that America should pull away from NATO and our allies, pointing out that while Vladimir Putin already hopes to divide Europe, it could be even worse because, if Mr. Trump gets his way, it ll be like Christmas in the Kremlin. .@HillaryClinton: "If Mr. Trump gets his way, it'll be like Christmas in the Kremlin" POLITICO (@politico) March 23, 2016She also went after Ted Cruz, noting, slogans aren’t a strategy for global peace and security because loose cannons tend to misfire. She also called for reigning in Cruz s reckless rhetoric about carpet bombing of targets, saying doing so would be a serious mistake, instead she’said, What America needs is strong smart steady leadership. Clinton also echoed President Obama s condemnation of Cruz s proposal to send patrols into Muslim neighborhoods, It s hard to imagine a more incendiary, foolish statement and said: It s wrong, it s counterproductive, it s dangerous. In what is likely to be a consistent counterpoint to Trump’s desire to make America great again, the former Secretary of State said, America is a great nation. Instead of the aggressive, dangerous moves supported by Trump and the GOP, Clinton called for a plan that would rely on what actually works, not bluster that alienates our partners that would allow the United States to defeat ISIS.Featured image via Twitter
Watch NAACP s Cornell William Brooks, who was at loss for words Thursday after he was asked a hypothetical question about allowing a Congressional White Caucus to be formed during a debate on CNN s Anderson Cooper 360.The racially charged exchange began during a discussion of President Trump having asked an African-American reporter from a black-focused new radio outlet if she knew the leadership of the Congressional Black CaucusThe best part of the video comes when Cornell William Brooks DEMANDS an apology from Lord for using KKK member David Duke to make a perfectly logical analogy of how dividing our lawmakers down racial lines could get very ugly if it s allowed to continue. Frankly I used to think the Congressional Black Caucus, when it was first formed, was a good thing, Lord began. I changed my mind on this. I don’t think there should be any caucuses in the House of Representatives that are divided by race. I mean, heaven forbid, if David Duke got elected and wanted to form a Congressional White Caucus, that would be appalling, he’said, explaining his change of heart. Sir, Jeffrey, that is I m looking for a word here. Beyond it s completely preposterous. To compare the Klan to the Congressional Black Caucus, Brooks smilingly replied, visibly upset by the analogy his fellow panelist drew. You would be okay with a Congressional White Caucus? Really? Lord shot back, interrupting Brooks explanation of the Black Caucus s purpose. I didn’t say that, was Brook s immediate reply. Daily Caller
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Watch NAACP s Cornell William Brooks, who was at loss for words Thursday after he was asked a hypothetical question about allowing a Congressional White Caucus to be formed during a debate on CNN s Anderson Cooper 360.The racially charged exchange began during a discussion of President Trump having asked an African-American reporter from a black-focused new radio outlet if she knew the leadership of the Congressional Black CaucusThe best part of the video comes when Cornell William Brooks DEMANDS an apology from Lord for using KKK member David Duke to make a perfectly logical analogy of how dividing our lawmakers down racial lines could get very ugly if it s allowed to continue. Frankly I used to think the Congressional Black Caucus, when it was first formed, was a good thing, Lord began. I changed my mind on this. I don’t think there should be any caucuses in the House of Representatives that are divided by race. I mean, heaven forbid, if David Duke got elected and wanted to form a Congressional White Caucus, that would be appalling, he’said, explaining his change of heart. Sir, Jeffrey, that is I m looking for a word here. Beyond it s completely preposterous. To compare the Klan to the Congressional Black Caucus, Brooks smilingly replied, visibly upset by the analogy his fellow panelist drew. You would be okay with a Congressional White Caucus? Really? Lord shot back, interrupting Brooks explanation of the Black Caucus s purpose. I didn’t say that, was Brook s immediate reply. Daily Caller
In the looming tax reform and infrastructure spending fight on Capitol Hill, President-elect Donald Trump may find unlikely allies among Democrats, says the lawmaker soon to be the party’s top tax-law writer in the U.S. House of Representatives. Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts, who is in line to become the top Democrat on the House tax committee, said that in some crucial ways, Trump was more closely aligned to Democrats on tax issues than to his fellow Republicans. Citing the example of tax cuts for the middle class, Neal said Democrats were “more likely to be allies” to Trump than Republicans in Congress. A House Republican “blueprint” for overhauling the tax code “still overwhelmingly favors people at the top. ... I am open to a middle-class tax cut that we should pay for,” Neal said in a recent interview. The Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research group in Washington, said Trump’s tax plan would give middle-class households an average tax cut of $1,010, or 1.8 percent of after-tax income. The center said Trump’s plan would give much larger tax savings to high-income taxpayers. Trump’s advisers have said that lower tax rates for the wealthy in the Trump plan are offset by loophole closures, resulting in no net tax cut for high earners. The center said that House Republicans’ tax “blueprint” would give middle-class households an average $260 tax cut, much smaller than Trump’s. It added that three-quarters of the blueprint’s tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent. On infrastructure spending, another component of the emerging fiscal policy debate, Neal said he did not accept the $1 trillion price tag on Trump’s plan or its emphasis on revenue-producing projects. He said, however, that he saw infrastructure spending as an important job creator for blue-collar constituents that Democrats should back. “We traditionally have been the party of infrastructure investment and it tends to be investment that puts our people to work,” said Neal. “We need to do something that’s conducive to more investment and more job creation.” The Trump team and Republicans in Congress are trying to hammer out an agreement on tax reform by early 2017. Trump advisers have called for bipartisan legislation. Representative Kevin Brady, the Republican chairman of Neal’s tax committee, said on Wednesday he had invited Democrats to offer their best ideas on tax reform. With Trump due to be inaugurated on Jan. 20 and Republicans in control of the House and Senate, hopes are running high for the biggest tax overhaul in 30 years. Businesses are eager to see a cut in the 35 percent corporate income tax rate. Trump wants it down to 15 percent, while House Republicans want it cut to 20 percent. Neal has been in Congress since 1989 and is known in the business community as a moderate. He is replacing Michigan Democrat Sander Levin as the committee’s ranking member. He said the odds of a tax reform deal were “at best 50-50” given the range of political and economic interests involved. It would be hard to cut the corporate rate below 28 percent, he said, without endangering tax breaks popular with the middle class, including deductions for home mortgages and charitable donations and the employer-sponsored health insurance deduction. Lower rates and infrastructure spending should be paid for with revenues raised from repatriation of $2.6 trillion in U.S. corporate profits now stashed overseas, Neal said. The repatriated profits should go to capital investments and infrastructure, not stock buybacks or dividends, as happened after a Bush-era tax holiday more than a decade ago. “It strikes me that there is some room to talk about how that money might be invested in America, and then we can argue about the rate once we’ve decided the parameters of what we think it might be moved for,” he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In the looming tax reform and infrastructure spending fight on Capitol Hill, President-elect Donald Trump may find unlikely allies among Democrats, says the lawmaker soon to be the party’s top tax-law writer in the U.S. House of Representatives. Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts, who is in line to become the top Democrat on the House tax committee, said that in some crucial ways, Trump was more closely aligned to Democrats on tax issues than to his fellow Republicans. Citing the example of tax cuts for the middle class, Neal said Democrats were “more likely to be allies” to Trump than Republicans in Congress. A House Republican “blueprint” for overhauling the tax code “still overwhelmingly favors people at the top. ... I am open to a middle-class tax cut that we should pay for,” Neal said in a recent interview. The Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research group in Washington, said Trump’s tax plan would give middle-class households an average tax cut of $1,010, or 1.8 percent of after-tax income. The center said Trump’s plan would give much larger tax savings to high-income taxpayers. Trump’s advisers have said that lower tax rates for the wealthy in the Trump plan are offset by loophole closures, resulting in no net tax cut for high earners. The center said that House Republicans’ tax “blueprint” would give middle-class households an average $260 tax cut, much smaller than Trump’s. It added that three-quarters of the blueprint’s tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent. On infrastructure spending, another component of the emerging fiscal policy debate, Neal said he did not accept the $1 trillion price tag on Trump’s plan or its emphasis on revenue-producing projects. He said, however, that he saw infrastructure spending as an important job creator for blue-collar constituents that Democrats should back. “We traditionally have been the party of infrastructure investment and it tends to be investment that puts our people to work,” said Neal. “We need to do something that’s conducive to more investment and more job creation.” The Trump team and Republicans in Congress are trying to hammer out an agreement on tax reform by early 2017. Trump advisers have called for bipartisan legislation. Representative Kevin Brady, the Republican chairman of Neal’s tax committee, said on Wednesday he had invited Democrats to offer their best ideas on tax reform. With Trump due to be inaugurated on Jan. 20 and Republicans in control of the House and Senate, hopes are running high for the biggest tax overhaul in 30 years. Businesses are eager to see a cut in the 35 percent corporate income tax rate. Trump wants it down to 15 percent, while House Republicans want it cut to 20 percent. Neal has been in Congress since 1989 and is known in the business community as a moderate. He is replacing Michigan Democrat Sander Levin as the committee’s ranking member. He said the odds of a tax reform deal were “at best 50-50” given the range of political and economic interests involved. It would be hard to cut the corporate rate below 28 percent, he said, without endangering tax breaks popular with the middle class, including deductions for home mortgages and charitable donations and the employer-sponsored health insurance deduction. Lower rates and infrastructure spending should be paid for with revenues raised from repatriation of $2.6 trillion in U.S. corporate profits now stashed overseas, Neal said. The repatriated profits should go to capital investments and infrastructure, not stock buybacks or dividends, as happened after a Bush-era tax holiday more than a decade ago. “It strikes me that there is some room to talk about how that money might be invested in America, and then we can argue about the rate once we’ve decided the parameters of what we think it might be moved for,” he said.
Venezuelan siblings Jeremias, 8, and Victoria, 3, were in their pajamas and preparing to go to bed when a tear gas canister smashed through their family s kitchen window in early July. National Guard soldiers were pelting the building in this highland town near Caracas with tear gas canisters as they searched for opposition activists who had been protesting against unpopular President Nicolas Maduro for over three months. Amid screams and insults from neighbors, soldiers stormed the building and arrested dozens of youths, according to the children s mother, Gabriela. Gabriela and her husband Yorth hid the kids in their bedroom closet as the apartment filled with thick gas after seven canisters crashed in. The guards did not enter their apartment, but the family was unable to sleep that night and the apartment reeked for days. After that, the kids changed. Jeremias cried and begged to leave Venezuela. His younger sister, previously not even scared of the dark, was terrified every time she heard a loud sound - an object falling, a truck, or thunder. She would say: The soldiers are attacking us and cry, said Gabriela, 30, a nurse by training. That was the trigger for us that we had to get the kids out of here, otherwise it would be even worse for them psychologically. A month after the incident, the family sold what it could, packed three suitcases, and left Venezuela by bus with around $250 in their pocket, joining droves fleeing the country. Out of fear of reprisals, Gabriela asked that their surname and country of residence not be published. Her children s case highlights the lasting psychological toll the OPEC nation s economic and political crisis is having on its youngsters. Venezuela, home to the world s largest crude oil reserves, has spiraled deeper into chaos in recent years as Maduro - the narrowly-elected successor of leftist firebrand Hugo Chavez - has cracked down harder on the opposition amid a painful recession blamed by economists on his socialist government s interventionist policies. Recently, months of protests demanding early elections interrupted schools, leaving kids holed up at home or exposed to violence. A crippling recession has spawned shortages of products like milk and diapers, while rapid inflation means toys or school uniforms are unaffordable for poor families. There is no recent data examining the psychological effects of the deprivations on children, but teachers, psychologists, rights activists and two dozen parents interviewed by Reuters suggest it could have a heavy toll. From a young age, children are being forced to think about survival, said psychologist Abel Saraiba at Caracas-based child protection organization Cecodap. He said around half of his 50 patients have symptoms linked to the crisis. Children are more prone to anxiety, aggression and depression, and could also struggle to relate with peers because they see the outside world as hostile. That could be another hurdle in Venezuela s eventual reconstruction. Maduro blames the opposition for traumatizing children and others via protests that often turned violent, with hooded demonstrators throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. He says his government, which did not respond to a request for comment, has done more for children than previous administrations, pointing to youth orchestras, sports programs and vacation camps. It is lack of affordable food - a kilo of rice costs around 20 percent of a monthly minimum wage - that is putting the most strain on children from poor families. Some low-income families have little choice but bring their children to rough food lines at supermarkets or send them to work or beg. Parents say childrens games include pretending to find food at the supermarket. In the most dramatic cases, kids suffer malnutrition and disease. High up in Caracas sprawling Petare slum, waiter Victor Cordova juggles three jobs while his wife Yennifer cares for their three daughters and a baby boy in their tiny home. The girls sometimes wake their parents in the middle of the night asking for food, and spend much of the day inquiring when government-subsidized food boxes will arrive. They re always asking me: Mommy, when is the food box coming? Will the food box have milk? I can t get it out of their heads, said Yennifer, 26, rocking little Aaron. I tell them they re too little to worry about that, that they should only worry about studying. But they re little sponges, they absorb everything. A minority of parents, appalled by once-booming Venezuela s collapse into misery, try to hide the crisis from their kids. Accountant Suset Gutierrez tells her two sons in the decaying industrial town of Ciudad Guayana that nighttime gunshots are fireworks from parties or exploding car tires. I ve had to vary the stories because they ve wanted to know about the parties, said Gutierrez, 47, whose kids also asked why they don t have more milk or pasta at home. I ve had to invent that it s because the cows have fallen ill or because heavy rains in other countries mean there s no wheat. Outside Venezuela, Gabriela and her husband, who used to work as a company administrator, have found work selling flowers and at a cafe. They see their children steadily improving. Once the family gets more economic stability, Gabriela said she will seek psychological help for them. They re happy. The eldest tells me, Look, there s candy here! said Gabriela, laughing. But if someone even suggests the possibility of going back to Venezuela, he starts to cry.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Venezuelan siblings Jeremias, 8, and Victoria, 3, were in their pajamas and preparing to go to bed when a tear gas canister smashed through their family s kitchen window in early July. National Guard soldiers were pelting the building in this highland town near Caracas with tear gas canisters as they searched for opposition activists who had been protesting against unpopular President Nicolas Maduro for over three months. Amid screams and insults from neighbors, soldiers stormed the building and arrested dozens of youths, according to the children s mother, Gabriela. Gabriela and her husband Yorth hid the kids in their bedroom closet as the apartment filled with thick gas after seven canisters crashed in. The guards did not enter their apartment, but the family was unable to sleep that night and the apartment reeked for days. After that, the kids changed. Jeremias cried and begged to leave Venezuela. His younger sister, previously not even scared of the dark, was terrified every time she heard a loud sound - an object falling, a truck, or thunder. She would say: The soldiers are attacking us and cry, said Gabriela, 30, a nurse by training. That was the trigger for us that we had to get the kids out of here, otherwise it would be even worse for them psychologically. A month after the incident, the family sold what it could, packed three suitcases, and left Venezuela by bus with around $250 in their pocket, joining droves fleeing the country. Out of fear of reprisals, Gabriela asked that their surname and country of residence not be published. Her children s case highlights the lasting psychological toll the OPEC nation s economic and political crisis is having on its youngsters. Venezuela, home to the world s largest crude oil reserves, has spiraled deeper into chaos in recent years as Maduro - the narrowly-elected successor of leftist firebrand Hugo Chavez - has cracked down harder on the opposition amid a painful recession blamed by economists on his socialist government s interventionist policies. Recently, months of protests demanding early elections interrupted schools, leaving kids holed up at home or exposed to violence. A crippling recession has spawned shortages of products like milk and diapers, while rapid inflation means toys or school uniforms are unaffordable for poor families. There is no recent data examining the psychological effects of the deprivations on children, but teachers, psychologists, rights activists and two dozen parents interviewed by Reuters suggest it could have a heavy toll. From a young age, children are being forced to think about survival, said psychologist Abel Saraiba at Caracas-based child protection organization Cecodap. He said around half of his 50 patients have symptoms linked to the crisis. Children are more prone to anxiety, aggression and depression, and could also struggle to relate with peers because they see the outside world as hostile. That could be another hurdle in Venezuela s eventual reconstruction. Maduro blames the opposition for traumatizing children and others via protests that often turned violent, with hooded demonstrators throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. He says his government, which did not respond to a request for comment, has done more for children than previous administrations, pointing to youth orchestras, sports programs and vacation camps. It is lack of affordable food - a kilo of rice costs around 20 percent of a monthly minimum wage - that is putting the most strain on children from poor families. Some low-income families have little choice but bring their children to rough food lines at supermarkets or send them to work or beg. Parents say childrens games include pretending to find food at the supermarket. In the most dramatic cases, kids suffer malnutrition and disease. High up in Caracas sprawling Petare slum, waiter Victor Cordova juggles three jobs while his wife Yennifer cares for their three daughters and a baby boy in their tiny home. The girls sometimes wake their parents in the middle of the night asking for food, and spend much of the day inquiring when government-subsidized food boxes will arrive. They re always asking me: Mommy, when is the food box coming? Will the food box have milk? I can t get it out of their heads, said Yennifer, 26, rocking little Aaron. I tell them they re too little to worry about that, that they should only worry about studying. But they re little sponges, they absorb everything. A minority of parents, appalled by once-booming Venezuela s collapse into misery, try to hide the crisis from their kids. Accountant Suset Gutierrez tells her two sons in the decaying industrial town of Ciudad Guayana that nighttime gunshots are fireworks from parties or exploding car tires. I ve had to vary the stories because they ve wanted to know about the parties, said Gutierrez, 47, whose kids also asked why they don t have more milk or pasta at home. I ve had to invent that it s because the cows have fallen ill or because heavy rains in other countries mean there s no wheat. Outside Venezuela, Gabriela and her husband, who used to work as a company administrator, have found work selling flowers and at a cafe. They see their children steadily improving. Once the family gets more economic stability, Gabriela said she will seek psychological help for them. They re happy. The eldest tells me, Look, there s candy here! said Gabriela, laughing. But if someone even suggests the possibility of going back to Venezuela, he starts to cry.
You can say what you want to about Trump but this is a great little Instagram spot from him. It gets the point across quickly. Not under my watch-A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Aug 13, 2015 at 7:53am PDT
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: You can say what you want to about Trump but this is a great little Instagram spot from him. It gets the point across quickly. Not under my watch-A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Aug 13, 2015 at 7:53am PDT
Republicans are no friend to women, that much is obvious. They have been steadily passing anti-choice laws in red states for some time now; in fact, many women in these states have literally no access to reproductive health services due to these draconian bills. Well, one entrepreneur has an awesome way for women everywhere to be able to take out their frustrations on anti-woman Republicans: By bleeding all over them every month.Etsy shop Cute Fruit Undies has come out with a line of period panties meaning panties that can be used in the place of tampons or sanitary pads that feature the faces of anti-choice GOPers right on the crotch. You can choose from many different politicians Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and more. Here are the photos used for the design: The panties themselves are super cute, and they even come with heat packs to help with the cramps so many women suffer through during menstruation.The makers of the panties say that they are made up of the faces of politicians who have actively worked to pass legislation that will hinder women s access to abortions, birth control, and Planned Parenthood, and therefore you should bleed all over em. The panties are also super healthy, as they are absorbent and anti-bacterial. You can also buy sets that include crop tops that match as well.I don’t know about you ladies, but I ll definitely be getting some of these. Oh, and the best part? Three dollars of each sale goes to Planned Parenthood locations in states affected by these politicians crazy laws.All images via Cute Fruit Undies/Facebook/Buzzfeed
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republicans are no friend to women, that much is obvious. They have been steadily passing anti-choice laws in red states for some time now; in fact, many women in these states have literally no access to reproductive health services due to these draconian bills. Well, one entrepreneur has an awesome way for women everywhere to be able to take out their frustrations on anti-woman Republicans: By bleeding all over them every month.Etsy shop Cute Fruit Undies has come out with a line of period panties meaning panties that can be used in the place of tampons or sanitary pads that feature the faces of anti-choice GOPers right on the crotch. You can choose from many different politicians Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and more. Here are the photos used for the design: The panties themselves are super cute, and they even come with heat packs to help with the cramps so many women suffer through during menstruation.The makers of the panties say that they are made up of the faces of politicians who have actively worked to pass legislation that will hinder women s access to abortions, birth control, and Planned Parenthood, and therefore you should bleed all over em. The panties are also super healthy, as they are absorbent and anti-bacterial. You can also buy sets that include crop tops that match as well.I don’t know about you ladies, but I ll definitely be getting some of these. Oh, and the best part? Three dollars of each sale goes to Planned Parenthood locations in states affected by these politicians crazy laws.All images via Cute Fruit Undies/Facebook/Buzzfeed
President Donald Trump will sign an order on Tuesday aimed at making it easier for companies to produce energy in the United States, administration officials said on Sunday. Under Trump, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is aiming to aggressively roll back Obama-era environmental regulations. Trump plans to sign the executive order at the EPA to reduce “unnecessary regulatory obstacles that restrict the responsible use of domestic energy resources,” a White House official said. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt told ABC’s “This Week” the order would help reverse the Obama administration’s anti-fossil fuel strategy. Pruitt has publicly doubted the scientific consensus that human actions are the lead cause of climate change. His installation at the EPA last month reinforced the view on both sides of the political divide that America is ceding its position as a leader in the global fight on climate change.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Donald Trump will sign an order on Tuesday aimed at making it easier for companies to produce energy in the United States, administration officials said on Sunday. Under Trump, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is aiming to aggressively roll back Obama-era environmental regulations. Trump plans to sign the executive order at the EPA to reduce “unnecessary regulatory obstacles that restrict the responsible use of domestic energy resources,” a White House official said. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt told ABC’s “This Week” the order would help reverse the Obama administration’s anti-fossil fuel strategy. Pruitt has publicly doubted the scientific consensus that human actions are the lead cause of climate change. His installation at the EPA last month reinforced the view on both sides of the political divide that America is ceding its position as a leader in the global fight on climate change.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT:
So true! The freebies promised to Americans on the backs of tax paying Americans need to stop! The truth is the government really should provide protection, secure borders, infrastructure NOT freebies! Amen Bill!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: So true! The freebies promised to Americans on the backs of tax paying Americans need to stop! The truth is the government really should provide protection, secure borders, infrastructure NOT freebies! Amen Bill!
At least four people were killed by a powerful earthquake that hit Mexico on Tuesday, local officials said. Two people were killed in the central state of Puebla after a school collapsed said Fernando Clemente, a civil protection official in the state. Two more people died in the State of Mexico, governor Alfredo Del Mazo told local TV, and Mexico City Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said there were no reports of deaths yet in the capital but that some people were trapped in burning buildings.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: At least four people were killed by a powerful earthquake that hit Mexico on Tuesday, local officials said. Two people were killed in the central state of Puebla after a school collapsed said Fernando Clemente, a civil protection official in the state. Two more people died in the State of Mexico, governor Alfredo Del Mazo told local TV, and Mexico City Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said there were no reports of deaths yet in the capital but that some people were trapped in burning buildings.
Karma it s a beautiful thing A massive makeshift refugee camp has been established in Lake Como, the popular and secluded celebrity hideaway in Italy where Hollywood A-lister George Clooney keeps a home.The migration of hundreds of people from Arab nations, Africa, and Asia was triggered following the Swiss government s decision to close its southern border with Italy.Now, waiting for smugglers to lead them into northern Europe, groups of migrants are camping out in tattered tents around the Lake Como resort. dwellings, clothes and trash are scattered around the Northern Italian town s railway station, where dozens of new families and refugees have flocked. migrant camp is, oddly enough, just steps away from the front door of immigration activists George and Amal Clooney s multi-million dollar lakeside mansion in Lake Como, according to the Daily Mail.The power couple has spent some time talking about the migrant crisis. The Clooneys met privately with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in February and praised and thanked her for her leadership during the crisis.The Clooneys have taken refuge from the Hollywood spotlight in their summer home in Italy for years. Last year, Page Six reported that Clooney was mulling putting his Lake Como villa on the market due to ever-present and intrusive paparazzi.It is unclear if the recent deluge of refugees pouring into town will have an affect on Clooney s decision to sell or not. BreitbartRead more: Daily Mail
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Karma it s a beautiful thing A massive makeshift refugee camp has been established in Lake Como, the popular and secluded celebrity hideaway in Italy where Hollywood A-lister George Clooney keeps a home.The migration of hundreds of people from Arab nations, Africa, and Asia was triggered following the Swiss government s decision to close its southern border with Italy.Now, waiting for smugglers to lead them into northern Europe, groups of migrants are camping out in tattered tents around the Lake Como resort. dwellings, clothes and trash are scattered around the Northern Italian town s railway station, where dozens of new families and refugees have flocked. migrant camp is, oddly enough, just steps away from the front door of immigration activists George and Amal Clooney s multi-million dollar lakeside mansion in Lake Como, according to the Daily Mail.The power couple has spent some time talking about the migrant crisis. The Clooneys met privately with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in February and praised and thanked her for her leadership during the crisis.The Clooneys have taken refuge from the Hollywood spotlight in their summer home in Italy for years. Last year, Page Six reported that Clooney was mulling putting his Lake Como villa on the market due to ever-present and intrusive paparazzi.It is unclear if the recent deluge of refugees pouring into town will have an affect on Clooney s decision to sell or not. BreitbartRead more: Daily Mail
Based Stickman, aka Kyle Chapman became famous on social media after he was one of the first Trump’supporters to fight back at a California Trump rally after violent Antifa thugs randomly began cracking skulls and stabbing people who dared to openly supporting our President. Americans were fed up with watching innocent Americans being physically harmed and threatened while police officers stood down and watched the violence unfold. Once Kyle Chapman took the lead and started fighting back, other Trump’supporters joined him. It wasn’t long before the Antifa cowards stopped attacking innocent Trump’supporters.Here s a short video showing Base Stick Man in action, as he takes the lead in defending his fellow Trump’supporters who were being attack by a large mob of violent Democrats:Communists/Anarchists start a fight they cant finish @ UC Berkeley #March4Trump Andrew Quackson (@AndrewQuackson) March 5, 2017Today, Kyle Chapman (Based Stickman) and conservative Latino activist Robert Herrera were on the’streets of New York showing their support for President Trump when Chapman noticed a 15-yr. old girl proudly displaying a communist poster her mother allegedly purchased for her. Chapman questioned the young girl about her knowledge of communism and asked her if she’s aware of the millions of people who have been murdered throughout history at the hands of communist dictators? The 15-yr. old girl s mother can be seen videotaping the exchange until she realizes that her daughter is actually getting an education about the ugly truth about Communism, at which time she asks Chapman to stop engaging her daughter while videotaping her. As the mother-daughter duo walk away, the New York City police officer who witnessed the entire exchange can be seen stepping up to congratulate Chapman on a job well done. The unidentified police officer remarks about how he appreciated the way in which Chapman conducted himself with civility. As the officer begins to move away, he can be heard remarking, Facts hurt people s feelings .Watch:Although Based Stickman was arrested and charged with assault for defending himself and other Trump’supporters from Antifa thugs, it hasn’t slowed down his enthusiasm for defending President Trump or innocent Americans who are simply exercising their First Amendment Right. America could use a thousand more Kyle Chapman s and Robert Herrera s
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Based Stickman, aka Kyle Chapman became famous on social media after he was one of the first Trump’supporters to fight back at a California Trump rally after violent Antifa thugs randomly began cracking skulls and stabbing people who dared to openly supporting our President. Americans were fed up with watching innocent Americans being physically harmed and threatened while police officers stood down and watched the violence unfold. Once Kyle Chapman took the lead and started fighting back, other Trump’supporters joined him. It wasn’t long before the Antifa cowards stopped attacking innocent Trump’supporters.Here s a short video showing Base Stick Man in action, as he takes the lead in defending his fellow Trump’supporters who were being attack by a large mob of violent Democrats:Communists/Anarchists start a fight they cant finish @ UC Berkeley #March4Trump Andrew Quackson (@AndrewQuackson) March 5, 2017Today, Kyle Chapman (Based Stickman) and conservative Latino activist Robert Herrera were on the’streets of New York showing their support for President Trump when Chapman noticed a 15-yr. old girl proudly displaying a communist poster her mother allegedly purchased for her. Chapman questioned the young girl about her knowledge of communism and asked her if she’s aware of the millions of people who have been murdered throughout history at the hands of communist dictators? The 15-yr. old girl s mother can be seen videotaping the exchange until she realizes that her daughter is actually getting an education about the ugly truth about Communism, at which time she asks Chapman to stop engaging her daughter while videotaping her. As the mother-daughter duo walk away, the New York City police officer who witnessed the entire exchange can be seen stepping up to congratulate Chapman on a job well done. The unidentified police officer remarks about how he appreciated the way in which Chapman conducted himself with civility. As the officer begins to move away, he can be heard remarking, Facts hurt people s feelings .Watch:Although Based Stickman was arrested and charged with assault for defending himself and other Trump’supporters from Antifa thugs, it hasn’t slowed down his enthusiasm for defending President Trump or innocent Americans who are simply exercising their First Amendment Right. America could use a thousand more Kyle Chapman s and Robert Herrera s
The Trump administration on Wednesday moved to amend the starting date of its proposed 90-day travel ban on people entering the United States from six Muslim-majority countries in a bid to keep its legal battle alive. The amendment appears intended to avoid the administration’s legal case at the U.S. Supreme Court becoming moot on grounds that parts of the executive order have expired. Challengers to the ban, who say the order is intended to discriminate against Muslims, have said in court papers that it should expire on Wednesday, 90 days after the executive order was due to take effect on March 16. A memo issued by the White House, as the Supreme Court considered two challenges to the ban, said parts of the order put on hold would not expire before they can go into effect, and the start date would be when court injunctions were lifted. The move is part of administration efforts to have the high court rule that the controversial ban should immediately go into effect after Trump’s first attempts to impose travel restrictions were blocked by lower courts. Omar Jadwat, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union, which has challenged the ban, said the need for the revision was a sign of the ban’s legal flaws. “And yet again, these revisions underline that the one thing the president has consistently wanted throughout is a Muslim ban,” he added. Lawsuits by Hawaii and Maryland challengers argued that the order violated federal immigration law and a section of the Constitution’s First Amendment, which prohibits the government favoring or disfavoring any particular religion. The Trump administration has said it is needed to protect national security. Soon after the memo was issued, Acting Solicitor General Jeff Wall filed court papers saying that it resolved “any doubt” about the order’s effective date. If the case was moot, the nine justices would have no reason to rule on it and lower court rulings against the administration would remain in place. The Supreme Court on Tuesday gave the Trump administration more time to file papers responding to an appeals court ruling on Monday that upheld a block on the travel ban. The court’s action likely delayed any decision on administration requests for the ban to go into effect until at least next week. Federal judges in Maryland and Hawaii blocked Trump’s 90-day ban on travelers from Libya, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The Hawaii judge also blocked a 120-day ban on refugees entering the United States. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals largely upheld the Hawaii injunction on Monday. In the second case, the Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, on May 25 upheld the Maryland judge’s ruling.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Trump administration on Wednesday moved to amend the starting date of its proposed 90-day travel ban on people entering the United States from six Muslim-majority countries in a bid to keep its legal battle alive. The amendment appears intended to avoid the administration’s legal case at the U.S. Supreme Court becoming moot on grounds that parts of the executive order have expired. Challengers to the ban, who say the order is intended to discriminate against Muslims, have said in court papers that it should expire on Wednesday, 90 days after the executive order was due to take effect on March 16. A memo issued by the White House, as the Supreme Court considered two challenges to the ban, said parts of the order put on hold would not expire before they can go into effect, and the start date would be when court injunctions were lifted. The move is part of administration efforts to have the high court rule that the controversial ban should immediately go into effect after Trump’s first attempts to impose travel restrictions were blocked by lower courts. Omar Jadwat, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union, which has challenged the ban, said the need for the revision was a sign of the ban’s legal flaws. “And yet again, these revisions underline that the one thing the president has consistently wanted throughout is a Muslim ban,” he added. Lawsuits by Hawaii and Maryland challengers argued that the order violated federal immigration law and a section of the Constitution’s First Amendment, which prohibits the government favoring or disfavoring any particular religion. The Trump administration has said it is needed to protect national security. Soon after the memo was issued, Acting Solicitor General Jeff Wall filed court papers saying that it resolved “any doubt” about the order’s effective date. If the case was moot, the nine justices would have no reason to rule on it and lower court rulings against the administration would remain in place. The Supreme Court on Tuesday gave the Trump administration more time to file papers responding to an appeals court ruling on Monday that upheld a block on the travel ban. The court’s action likely delayed any decision on administration requests for the ban to go into effect until at least next week. Federal judges in Maryland and Hawaii blocked Trump’s 90-day ban on travelers from Libya, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The Hawaii judge also blocked a 120-day ban on refugees entering the United States. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals largely upheld the Hawaii injunction on Monday. In the second case, the Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, on May 25 upheld the Maryland judge’s ruling.
Amateur president Donald Trump signed was forced to sign a bill today to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 election despite his reservations to tighten sanctions against Moscow. The 71-year-old Twitter-addict did not hold a signing ceremony. In late July, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill giving Congress the power to block any effort by the White House to weaken sanctions on Russia. That move was a direct challenge to Donald Trump’s authority. So, Trump really had no choice here especially since his campaign is the focus of the probe into Russia s meddling in the presidential election last year. The legislation was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress.The bill limits Trump’s ability to lift or waive sanctions against Russia. The bill keeps in place sanctions imposed by the Obama administration last year. Trump’s limited power has unnerved the thin-skinned alleged president."I built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars." Steven Shepard (@POLITICO_Steve) August 2, 2017Trump’s statement:.@POTUS signing statement on sanctions bill Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) August 2, 2017Politico reports:It also allows the U.S. to deny entry and revoke visas for individuals who have engaged in certain activities, such as selling arms to the Syrian government or abusing human rights.Before the bill was signed, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson revealed that neither he nor the president approved of the’sanctions, believing they hinder the administration s attempts to restore relations with Russia. The action by the Congress to put these sanctions in place and the way they’did, neither the president nor I were very happy about that, Tillerson said on Tuesday. We were clear that we didn’t think it was going to be helpful to our efforts. Russia responded to the’sanctions by ordering the U.S. to cut its diplomatic staff in the country by 755 people by Sept. 1st.Trump has maintained that former President Barack Obama did nothing in response to Russia meddling in our election process, but that s untrue.Before the election, the Obama administration issued several warnings to Moscow about its activities and he expelled dozens of diplomats, as well as closing two Russian compounds.Trump was just humiliated by being forced to take action which he didn’t want to take.Photo by Steffen Kugler /BPA via Getty Images.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Amateur president Donald Trump signed was forced to sign a bill today to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 election despite his reservations to tighten sanctions against Moscow. The 71-year-old Twitter-addict did not hold a signing ceremony. In late July, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill giving Congress the power to block any effort by the White House to weaken sanctions on Russia. That move was a direct challenge to Donald Trump’s authority. So, Trump really had no choice here especially since his campaign is the focus of the probe into Russia s meddling in the presidential election last year. The legislation was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress.The bill limits Trump’s ability to lift or waive sanctions against Russia. The bill keeps in place sanctions imposed by the Obama administration last year. Trump’s limited power has unnerved the thin-skinned alleged president."I built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars." Steven Shepard (@POLITICO_Steve) August 2, 2017Trump’s statement:.@POTUS signing statement on sanctions bill Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) August 2, 2017Politico reports:It also allows the U.S. to deny entry and revoke visas for individuals who have engaged in certain activities, such as selling arms to the Syrian government or abusing human rights.Before the bill was signed, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson revealed that neither he nor the president approved of the’sanctions, believing they hinder the administration s attempts to restore relations with Russia. The action by the Congress to put these sanctions in place and the way they’did, neither the president nor I were very happy about that, Tillerson said on Tuesday. We were clear that we didn’t think it was going to be helpful to our efforts. Russia responded to the’sanctions by ordering the U.S. to cut its diplomatic staff in the country by 755 people by Sept. 1st.Trump has maintained that former President Barack Obama did nothing in response to Russia meddling in our election process, but that s untrue.Before the election, the Obama administration issued several warnings to Moscow about its activities and he expelled dozens of diplomats, as well as closing two Russian compounds.Trump was just humiliated by being forced to take action which he didn’t want to take.Photo by Steffen Kugler /BPA via Getty Images.
This is gonna be a tough pill for the left to swallow after working so hard to stack the courts In a victory for the Trump administration, the Supreme Court on Monday lifted key components of an injunction against President Trump’s proposed ban on travel from six majority-Muslim nations, reinstating much of the policy and promising to hear full arguments as early as this fall.The court s decision means the justices will now wade into the biggest legal controversy of the Trump administration the president s order temporarily restricting travel, which even Trump has termed a travel ban. Today s unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security, Trump’said in a statement. As President, I cannot allow people into our country who want to do us harm. I want people who can love the United States and all of its citizens, and who will be hardworking and productive. He added: My number one responsibility as Commander in Chief is to keep the American people safe. Today s ruling allows me to use an important tool for protecting our Nation s homeland. The court made clear that a limited version of the policy can be enforced immediately with a full hearing to come in the Fall. An American individual or entity that has a bona fide relationship with a particular person seeking to enter the country as a refugee can legitimately claim concrete hardship if that person is excluded, the court wrote. As to these individuals and entities, we do not disturb the injunction. But when it comes to refugees who lack any such connection to the United States, for the reasons we have set out, the balance tips in favor of the Government s compelling need to provide for the Nation s security. The justices decided to review the broader constitutional issues over executive authority on immigration with oral arguments to be held in the fall. FOX News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This is gonna be a tough pill for the left to swallow after working so hard to stack the courts In a victory for the Trump administration, the Supreme Court on Monday lifted key components of an injunction against President Trump’s proposed ban on travel from six majority-Muslim nations, reinstating much of the policy and promising to hear full arguments as early as this fall.The court s decision means the justices will now wade into the biggest legal controversy of the Trump administration the president s order temporarily restricting travel, which even Trump has termed a travel ban. Today s unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security, Trump’said in a statement. As President, I cannot allow people into our country who want to do us harm. I want people who can love the United States and all of its citizens, and who will be hardworking and productive. He added: My number one responsibility as Commander in Chief is to keep the American people safe. Today s ruling allows me to use an important tool for protecting our Nation s homeland. The court made clear that a limited version of the policy can be enforced immediately with a full hearing to come in the Fall. An American individual or entity that has a bona fide relationship with a particular person seeking to enter the country as a refugee can legitimately claim concrete hardship if that person is excluded, the court wrote. As to these individuals and entities, we do not disturb the injunction. But when it comes to refugees who lack any such connection to the United States, for the reasons we have set out, the balance tips in favor of the Government s compelling need to provide for the Nation s security. The justices decided to review the broader constitutional issues over executive authority on immigration with oral arguments to be held in the fall. FOX News
Pope Francis urged Colombians skeptical of a peace deal with guerrillas to be open to reconciliation with those who have repented, speaking hours after a top rebel leader asked the pontiff for forgiveness. Dear people of Colombia: do not be afraid of asking for forgiveness and offering it, he said, at an emotional meeting that brought together victims of the 50-year civil war with former guerrilla and paramilitary fighters. The Argentine pope, leader of the world s Roman Catholics, is visiting Colombia with a message of national reconciliation, as the country tries to heal the wounds left by the conflict and bitter disagreements over a peace deal agreed last year. Francis flew to the city of Villavicencio in Meta province, a vast cattle ranching area which was a hotbed of right-wing paramilitary and Marxist guerrilla violence during a conflict with successive governments. As he arrived, former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel leader Rodrigo Londono, now the head of a new political party, issued an open letter to the pope asking for forgiveness for the suffering the group inflicted. [nL2N1LP0UZ] Your repeated expressions about God s infinite mercy move me to plead your forgiveness for any tears or pain that we have caused the people of Colombia, Londono, who goes by the alias Timochenko, said in the letter. Tens of thousands of ecstatic people in this humid area of savanna and shantytowns packed the roads as the pope, riding in the front seat of a simple car, passed by on Friday morning after his plane arrived from the capital Bogota. The pope s afternoon prayer meeting in Villavicencio with about 6,000 survivors of the brutal conflict was the centerpiece of his five-day trip to overwhelmingly Catholic Colombia. He listened to personal accounts from four people, including a woman who joined a paramilitary group when she was 16, a former FARC guerrilla, and two victims of violence between the guerrillas and paramilitary squads. One of the victims, Pastora Mira Garc a, told how she lost her father, husband and two children in the conflict. To great applause she urged forgiveness to break the cycle of violence and said she could now name the unnamable and forgive the unforgivable . On the wall of the stage was a destroyed statue of Jesus Christ recovered from a church attacked by the FARC in 2002 in the rain forest village of Bojaya. About 80 people were killed as they sought refuge from rebel bombings inside the humble church. The plaster figure, without arms or legs, has become an enduring symbol of the war. As we look at it, we remember not only what happened on that day, but also the immense suffering, the many deaths and broken lives, and all the blood spilled in Colombia these past decades, the pope said. Conflict between right-wing paramilitary squads, Marxist rebels, and government forces since the 1960s has killed more than 220,000 people and left millions more displaced. Now Colombians are deeply polarized as they prepare to receive 7,000 former fighters, such as Londono, into society. Many are furious that under last year s peace deal, FARC leaders accused of kidnapping and murder will avoid jail sentences and may receive seats in congress as members of a new political party. [nL1N1DN22O] Francis addressed this hesitancy head-on. Undoubtedly, it is a challenge for each of us to trust that those who inflicted suffering on communities and on a whole country can take a step forward, he said. Let us heal that pain and welcome every person who has committed offences, who admits their failures, is repentant and truly wants to make reparation. As he left Villavicencio, he stopped to pray at the Reconciliation Cross, a memorial to survivors and those killed during the war, and planted a tree as a symbol of peace. Earlier, Francis celebrated a Mass for hundreds of thousands of people on a muddy field to beatify Pedro Maria Ramirez, a priest who was killed in 1948 during a period of political violence known as La Violencia, and Bishop Jesus Emilio Jaramillo, killed in 1989 by the National Liberation Army (ELN) for suspected collaboration with the military.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Pope Francis urged Colombians skeptical of a peace deal with guerrillas to be open to reconciliation with those who have repented, speaking hours after a top rebel leader asked the pontiff for forgiveness. Dear people of Colombia: do not be afraid of asking for forgiveness and offering it, he said, at an emotional meeting that brought together victims of the 50-year civil war with former guerrilla and paramilitary fighters. The Argentine pope, leader of the world s Roman Catholics, is visiting Colombia with a message of national reconciliation, as the country tries to heal the wounds left by the conflict and bitter disagreements over a peace deal agreed last year. Francis flew to the city of Villavicencio in Meta province, a vast cattle ranching area which was a hotbed of right-wing paramilitary and Marxist guerrilla violence during a conflict with successive governments. As he arrived, former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel leader Rodrigo Londono, now the head of a new political party, issued an open letter to the pope asking for forgiveness for the suffering the group inflicted. [nL2N1LP0UZ] Your repeated expressions about God s infinite mercy move me to plead your forgiveness for any tears or pain that we have caused the people of Colombia, Londono, who goes by the alias Timochenko, said in the letter. Tens of thousands of ecstatic people in this humid area of savanna and shantytowns packed the roads as the pope, riding in the front seat of a simple car, passed by on Friday morning after his plane arrived from the capital Bogota. The pope s afternoon prayer meeting in Villavicencio with about 6,000 survivors of the brutal conflict was the centerpiece of his five-day trip to overwhelmingly Catholic Colombia. He listened to personal accounts from four people, including a woman who joined a paramilitary group when she was 16, a former FARC guerrilla, and two victims of violence between the guerrillas and paramilitary squads. One of the victims, Pastora Mira Garc a, told how she lost her father, husband and two children in the conflict. To great applause she urged forgiveness to break the cycle of violence and said she could now name the unnamable and forgive the unforgivable . On the wall of the stage was a destroyed statue of Jesus Christ recovered from a church attacked by the FARC in 2002 in the rain forest village of Bojaya. About 80 people were killed as they sought refuge from rebel bombings inside the humble church. The plaster figure, without arms or legs, has become an enduring symbol of the war. As we look at it, we remember not only what happened on that day, but also the immense suffering, the many deaths and broken lives, and all the blood spilled in Colombia these past decades, the pope said. Conflict between right-wing paramilitary squads, Marxist rebels, and government forces since the 1960s has killed more than 220,000 people and left millions more displaced. Now Colombians are deeply polarized as they prepare to receive 7,000 former fighters, such as Londono, into society. Many are furious that under last year s peace deal, FARC leaders accused of kidnapping and murder will avoid jail sentences and may receive seats in congress as members of a new political party. [nL1N1DN22O] Francis addressed this hesitancy head-on. Undoubtedly, it is a challenge for each of us to trust that those who inflicted suffering on communities and on a whole country can take a step forward, he said. Let us heal that pain and welcome every person who has committed offences, who admits their failures, is repentant and truly wants to make reparation. As he left Villavicencio, he stopped to pray at the Reconciliation Cross, a memorial to survivors and those killed during the war, and planted a tree as a symbol of peace. Earlier, Francis celebrated a Mass for hundreds of thousands of people on a muddy field to beatify Pedro Maria Ramirez, a priest who was killed in 1948 during a period of political violence known as La Violencia, and Bishop Jesus Emilio Jaramillo, killed in 1989 by the National Liberation Army (ELN) for suspected collaboration with the military.
Here s yet another reason to be very suspicious of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton:Via Free Beacon: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton struck a deal with the State Department while serving in the Obama administration that allowed her to take ownership of records she did not want made public, according to recently released reports.Clinton and her then-deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were personal materials and unclassified, non-record materials. Judicial Watch made the revelation after filing a FOIA request with the State Department and obtaining a record of the agreement:The newly released documents show the deal allowed Clinton and Abedin to remove documents related to particular calls and schedules, and the records would not be released to the general public under FOIA. Abedin, for instance, was allowed to remove electronic records and five boxes of physical files, including files labeled Muslim Engagement Documents. The released records included a list of designated materials that would not be released to the general public under FOIA and were to be released to the Secretary with this understanding. Electronic copy of daily files which are word versions of public documents and non-records: speeches/press statements/photos from the website, a non-record copy of the’schedule, a non record copy of the call log, press clips, and agenda of daily activitiesElectronic copy of a log of calls the Secretary made since 2004, it is a non-record, since her official calls are logged elsewhere (official schedule and official call log)Electronic copy of the Secretary s call grid which is a running list of calls she wants to make (both personal and official)16 boxes: Personal Schedules (1993 thru 2008-prior to the Secretary s tenure at the Department of State.29 boxes: Miscellaneous Public Schedules during her tenure as FLOTUS and Senator-prior to the Secretary s tenure at the Department of State1 box: Personal Reimbursable receipts (6/25/2009 thru 1/14/2013)1 box: Personal Photos1 box: Personal schedule (2009-2013) STICKY FINGERS CLINTON:A physical file of the log of the Secretary s gifts with pictures of gifts was also handed over to Clinton. Gifts received by government employees is highly regulated, and often strictly limited. However, gifts that are motivated by a family relationship or personal friendship may be accepted without limitation.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Here s yet another reason to be very suspicious of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton:Via Free Beacon: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton struck a deal with the State Department while serving in the Obama administration that allowed her to take ownership of records she did not want made public, according to recently released reports.Clinton and her then-deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were personal materials and unclassified, non-record materials. Judicial Watch made the revelation after filing a FOIA request with the State Department and obtaining a record of the agreement:The newly released documents show the deal allowed Clinton and Abedin to remove documents related to particular calls and schedules, and the records would not be released to the general public under FOIA. Abedin, for instance, was allowed to remove electronic records and five boxes of physical files, including files labeled Muslim Engagement Documents. The released records included a list of designated materials that would not be released to the general public under FOIA and were to be released to the Secretary with this understanding. Electronic copy of daily files which are word versions of public documents and non-records: speeches/press statements/photos from the website, a non-record copy of the’schedule, a non record copy of the call log, press clips, and agenda of daily activitiesElectronic copy of a log of calls the Secretary made since 2004, it is a non-record, since her official calls are logged elsewhere (official schedule and official call log)Electronic copy of the Secretary s call grid which is a running list of calls she wants to make (both personal and official)16 boxes: Personal Schedules (1993 thru 2008-prior to the Secretary s tenure at the Department of State.29 boxes: Miscellaneous Public Schedules during her tenure as FLOTUS and Senator-prior to the Secretary s tenure at the Department of State1 box: Personal Reimbursable receipts (6/25/2009 thru 1/14/2013)1 box: Personal Photos1 box: Personal schedule (2009-2013) STICKY FINGERS CLINTON:A physical file of the log of the Secretary s gifts with pictures of gifts was also handed over to Clinton. Gifts received by government employees is highly regulated, and often strictly limited. However, gifts that are motivated by a family relationship or personal friendship may be accepted without limitation.
U.S. industry groups have told President Donald Trump’s administration that they want two main things from his promised regulatory overhaul: a speedier permit process and simpler environmental rules. Associations representing the drilling, refining, mining, and building industries have submitted hundreds of pages of documents to the Commerce Department and Environmental Protection Agency in recent weeks, outlining regulations they want to see eliminated or modified. The comments, many targeting the EPA, come in response to a pair of executive orders Trump signed during his first weeks in office, meant to cut the regulatory burden on companies. Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress have already moved to rescind a slew of Obama-era environmental protections, including some aimed at combating global climate change. The EPA’s regulatory reform office alone has received remarks from more than 65,000 people and groups, many of them criticizing the regulatory rollback plan as a potential threat to public health. But business groups have embraced the plan, calling it the best chance in more than a decade to reshape the regulatory landscape and boost growth, without undermining air and water quality. “Last time I remember this was 2001. That was the last big opportunity to make some changes,” said David Friedman, vice president of regulatory affairs for the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers industry group. That year, then Vice President Dick Cheney chaired an energy task force that produced a National Energy Policy report, a road map to boosting domestic systems and supplies. Much has changed since: U.S. oil and gas production hit all-time highs during the administration of former President Barack Obama, helped by high crude prices and improved drilling technology. This time around, industry groups appear focused on easing the permitting process for new facilities and installations, according to a Reuters review of the comments. A common refrain, for example, is for Trump’s administration to reject a planned tightening of ozone rules under the U.S. Clean Air Act’s National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Several groups said this would expose them to increased permitting hurdles for operations and new facilities. Several groups mentioned other permitting requirements under the Clean Air Act that they say are redundant. These include the New Source Performance Standards, the Maximum Achievable Control Technology rules and the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. “We have one proposal to replace eight different regulations with one that achieves the same environmental benefit but substantially reduces the cost of compliance,” said Rosario Palmieri, vice president for regulatory policy at the National Association of Manufacturers. The American Petroleum Institute representing oil and gas companies and the Edison Electric Institute, representing electric utilities, are seeking changes in the way companies must account for greenhouse gas emissions. Comments from members of the public and environmental groups revealed worries that this process would undermine environmental protections. The EPA’s comment period ended on May 15. Jeff Baker, a military veteran and energy investor from Alabama wrote: “I implore you, as defenders of our nation’s health and security, to avoid shortsighted steps that might create prosperity for a few in the short term, at the expense of the many in the long term.” Trump’s administration requested the comments from industry as part of two similar and concurrent processes, stemming from his executive orders. The first order, issued on Jan. 24, directed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to review which U.S. regulations were burdens for domestic manufacturing. The Commerce Department solicited feedback from industry as a result of that order, with a March 31 deadline. Ross told Reuters in an interview last week that the department was condensing the comments into a series of recommendations that could be presented to Trump as early as this month. [nL1N1IB240] The second order was issued Feb. 24, directing all U.S. agency heads to launch a process to identify regulatory burdens. Each agency has its own timetable. The EPA, which is taking the brunt of the feedback, started its public comment period on April 11 and closed it this week.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. industry groups have told President Donald Trump’s administration that they want two main things from his promised regulatory overhaul: a speedier permit process and simpler environmental rules. Associations representing the drilling, refining, mining, and building industries have submitted hundreds of pages of documents to the Commerce Department and Environmental Protection Agency in recent weeks, outlining regulations they want to see eliminated or modified. The comments, many targeting the EPA, come in response to a pair of executive orders Trump signed during his first weeks in office, meant to cut the regulatory burden on companies. Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress have already moved to rescind a slew of Obama-era environmental protections, including some aimed at combating global climate change. The EPA’s regulatory reform office alone has received remarks from more than 65,000 people and groups, many of them criticizing the regulatory rollback plan as a potential threat to public health. But business groups have embraced the plan, calling it the best chance in more than a decade to reshape the regulatory landscape and boost growth, without undermining air and water quality. “Last time I remember this was 2001. That was the last big opportunity to make some changes,” said David Friedman, vice president of regulatory affairs for the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers industry group. That year, then Vice President Dick Cheney chaired an energy task force that produced a National Energy Policy report, a road map to boosting domestic systems and supplies. Much has changed since: U.S. oil and gas production hit all-time highs during the administration of former President Barack Obama, helped by high crude prices and improved drilling technology. This time around, industry groups appear focused on easing the permitting process for new facilities and installations, according to a Reuters review of the comments. A common refrain, for example, is for Trump’s administration to reject a planned tightening of ozone rules under the U.S. Clean Air Act’s National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Several groups said this would expose them to increased permitting hurdles for operations and new facilities. Several groups mentioned other permitting requirements under the Clean Air Act that they say are redundant. These include the New Source Performance Standards, the Maximum Achievable Control Technology rules and the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. “We have one proposal to replace eight different regulations with one that achieves the same environmental benefit but substantially reduces the cost of compliance,” said Rosario Palmieri, vice president for regulatory policy at the National Association of Manufacturers. The American Petroleum Institute representing oil and gas companies and the Edison Electric Institute, representing electric utilities, are seeking changes in the way companies must account for greenhouse gas emissions. Comments from members of the public and environmental groups revealed worries that this process would undermine environmental protections. The EPA’s comment period ended on May 15. Jeff Baker, a military veteran and energy investor from Alabama wrote: “I implore you, as defenders of our nation’s health and security, to avoid shortsighted steps that might create prosperity for a few in the short term, at the expense of the many in the long term.” Trump’s administration requested the comments from industry as part of two similar and concurrent processes, stemming from his executive orders. The first order, issued on Jan. 24, directed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to review which U.S. regulations were burdens for domestic manufacturing. The Commerce Department solicited feedback from industry as a result of that order, with a March 31 deadline. Ross told Reuters in an interview last week that the department was condensing the comments into a series of recommendations that could be presented to Trump as early as this month. [nL1N1IB240] The second order was issued Feb. 24, directing all U.S. agency heads to launch a process to identify regulatory burdens. Each agency has its own timetable. The EPA, which is taking the brunt of the feedback, started its public comment period on April 11 and closed it this week.
The U.S. Democratic Party’s 2016 policy platform calls for reviews of trade deals, wider health coverage through public programs such as Medicare, and federal investigations of fossil fuel companies accused of misleading shareholders on climate change, according to a draft version released on Friday. The committee drafting the platform last weekend approved the document, which spells out the party’s policy priorities. It still must be formally adopted at the Democratic National Convention, to be held in Philadelphia in July.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. Democratic Party’s 2016 policy platform calls for reviews of trade deals, wider health coverage through public programs such as Medicare, and federal investigations of fossil fuel companies accused of misleading shareholders on climate change, according to a draft version released on Friday. The committee drafting the platform last weekend approved the document, which spells out the party’s policy priorities. It still must be formally adopted at the Democratic National Convention, to be held in Philadelphia in July.
Almost three years after Kurdish fighters defeated Islamic State in the Syrian town of Kobani, residents still mourn the dead and feel abandoned by their foreign allies as they struggle to rebuild. Islamic State s defeat in predominately Kurdish Kobani in early 2015 helped turn the tide against the ultra-militant group and marked the start of a more open U.S. military relationship with the Kurdish YPG militia. But much of the town near the border with Turkey was destroyed, leaving it facing a huge reconstruction challenge and in need of help from the allies that had supported the fight to defeat Islamic State, including the United States. Electricity still works only a few hours a day and regularly cuts out. The internet, using a Turkish communications signal, is expensive and unreliable. That, local officials say, is because aid quickly dried up, and the town s problems could soon be replicated across parts of northern Syria as Islamic State cedes ground. There were never (reconstruction) projects that reflected the scale of destruction, said Khaled Barkal, a vice president in the local government. Kurdish ties with the West are complicated by local rivalries and alliances, and by Kurdish efforts to assert autonomy in areas captured from Islamic State. Local officials also accuse the West of trying to appease NATO ally Turkey, which sees the YPG as an extension of the PKK, a Kurdish group waging an insurgency against the Turkish government. Turkey doesn t want life to return here, Barkal said. Ankara opposes the YPG role in capturing Arab-majority areas such as Raqqa, saying it threatens demographic change. Kurdish self-assertion in Iraq and Syria has also brought charges of mistreatment of Arabs, which officials deny. Western diplomats in the region say support for the YPG in the battle against Islamic State cannot extend to bolstering a Kurdish-led project to cement an autonomous region. Washington opposes plans for autonomy in northern Syria, with the international community seeking a nationwide resolution to Syria s more than six-year-old civil war. The people of Kobani fear more upheaval lies ahead. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wants to win back control of all Syria, and Kurdish-led authorities are seeking to cement regional autonomy through elections, which could increase tensions. Residents say they willingly paid the price of defeating Islamic State and are grateful for U.S. help in the victory. But the price was high, in terms of lives and destruction. Shereen Hassan was among the first fighters killed defending Kobani, which was under siege from Islamic State for four months. Family members learned of her death when they tried to call her and Islamic State militants answered her phone. They said: We ve killed your daughter and we re posting a picture of her head on Facebook , Hassan s brother Ednan Hassan said at their home. The image was later posted, showing a grinning militant holding the 19-year-old s severed head. Fighters are buried in a military cemetery on the edge of town where yellow YPG flags flutter above gravestones. Portraits of dead Kurdish fighters dot the walls of the local administration and hang from rows of lamp posts. The violence did not end completely when the battle for Kobani was won. In June 2015, months after Islamic State was defeated in the town, the group launched a raid that killed nearly 150 people there including 11 members of Hassan s family. Such experiences have militarized society and the small scale of aid leaves people unwilling to rely on outside help. The international community left us, Hassan said. Before the war, every home had a gun. Now it s every man. Men in the town run a night watch, taking turns to drive around armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles. We protect ourselves, said locksmith Khaled Aldamr, cutting keys in his shop. Aldamr, whose home was leveled by an air strike, said business had improved for him, but that reflected the scale of the damage that during the fighting, not an improvement in the local economy. When Daesh (Islamic State) came, they kicked down doors to occupy houses, breaking the locks. People need new ones, he said, pointing at a pile of locks displayed in the window. His services are required as new buildings spring up where homes were reduced to rubble. Many are empty so far. The population of Kobani and nearby areas has neared its original 200,000 after people returned, Barkal said, although only 40,000 live in the town itself with fewer inhabitable spaces. Kobani is tired. I m lucky. Many have no work, Aldamr said. We hope to rebuild better than before, which could happen if skilled Kurds abroad come back or send money. But we re trapped. Borders are closed. Turkey closed its crossing with Kobani in 2015, and has since built a concrete wall that stretches hundreds of kilometers along the frontier. Goods come through Iraq s Kurdish region, or are smuggled from areas under Assad s control. People complain of a lack of medicine. Despite the problems, and the possibility of more violence, the people of Kobani say they will not give up. We ll defend ourselves against whoever comes, to the last drop of blood, Barkal said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Almost three years after Kurdish fighters defeated Islamic State in the Syrian town of Kobani, residents still mourn the dead and feel abandoned by their foreign allies as they struggle to rebuild. Islamic State s defeat in predominately Kurdish Kobani in early 2015 helped turn the tide against the ultra-militant group and marked the start of a more open U.S. military relationship with the Kurdish YPG militia. But much of the town near the border with Turkey was destroyed, leaving it facing a huge reconstruction challenge and in need of help from the allies that had supported the fight to defeat Islamic State, including the United States. Electricity still works only a few hours a day and regularly cuts out. The internet, using a Turkish communications signal, is expensive and unreliable. That, local officials say, is because aid quickly dried up, and the town s problems could soon be replicated across parts of northern Syria as Islamic State cedes ground. There were never (reconstruction) projects that reflected the scale of destruction, said Khaled Barkal, a vice president in the local government. Kurdish ties with the West are complicated by local rivalries and alliances, and by Kurdish efforts to assert autonomy in areas captured from Islamic State. Local officials also accuse the West of trying to appease NATO ally Turkey, which sees the YPG as an extension of the PKK, a Kurdish group waging an insurgency against the Turkish government. Turkey doesn t want life to return here, Barkal said. Ankara opposes the YPG role in capturing Arab-majority areas such as Raqqa, saying it threatens demographic change. Kurdish self-assertion in Iraq and Syria has also brought charges of mistreatment of Arabs, which officials deny. Western diplomats in the region say support for the YPG in the battle against Islamic State cannot extend to bolstering a Kurdish-led project to cement an autonomous region. Washington opposes plans for autonomy in northern Syria, with the international community seeking a nationwide resolution to Syria s more than six-year-old civil war. The people of Kobani fear more upheaval lies ahead. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wants to win back control of all Syria, and Kurdish-led authorities are seeking to cement regional autonomy through elections, which could increase tensions. Residents say they willingly paid the price of defeating Islamic State and are grateful for U.S. help in the victory. But the price was high, in terms of lives and destruction. Shereen Hassan was among the first fighters killed defending Kobani, which was under siege from Islamic State for four months. Family members learned of her death when they tried to call her and Islamic State militants answered her phone. They said: We ve killed your daughter and we re posting a picture of her head on Facebook , Hassan s brother Ednan Hassan said at their home. The image was later posted, showing a grinning militant holding the 19-year-old s severed head. Fighters are buried in a military cemetery on the edge of town where yellow YPG flags flutter above gravestones. Portraits of dead Kurdish fighters dot the walls of the local administration and hang from rows of lamp posts. The violence did not end completely when the battle for Kobani was won. In June 2015, months after Islamic State was defeated in the town, the group launched a raid that killed nearly 150 people there including 11 members of Hassan s family. Such experiences have militarized society and the small scale of aid leaves people unwilling to rely on outside help. The international community left us, Hassan said. Before the war, every home had a gun. Now it s every man. Men in the town run a night watch, taking turns to drive around armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles. We protect ourselves, said locksmith Khaled Aldamr, cutting keys in his shop. Aldamr, whose home was leveled by an air strike, said business had improved for him, but that reflected the scale of the damage that during the fighting, not an improvement in the local economy. When Daesh (Islamic State) came, they kicked down doors to occupy houses, breaking the locks. People need new ones, he said, pointing at a pile of locks displayed in the window. His services are required as new buildings spring up where homes were reduced to rubble. Many are empty so far. The population of Kobani and nearby areas has neared its original 200,000 after people returned, Barkal said, although only 40,000 live in the town itself with fewer inhabitable spaces. Kobani is tired. I m lucky. Many have no work, Aldamr said. We hope to rebuild better than before, which could happen if skilled Kurds abroad come back or send money. But we re trapped. Borders are closed. Turkey closed its crossing with Kobani in 2015, and has since built a concrete wall that stretches hundreds of kilometers along the frontier. Goods come through Iraq s Kurdish region, or are smuggled from areas under Assad s control. People complain of a lack of medicine. Despite the problems, and the possibility of more violence, the people of Kobani say they will not give up. We ll defend ourselves against whoever comes, to the last drop of blood, Barkal said.
Just another classless act in the life of President Barack Obama President Obama s Twitter account, which is run by his Organizing for Action staff, follows 636,000 accounts. Many of them you might expect: Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry. Even Mariah Carey and Snoop Dogg don’t really raise an eyebrow. But several accounts on the presidential follow list fit a different theme: Asa Akira, a porn star who has 653,000 followers and, in her Twitter bio, states I have an award-winning asshole. Joanna Angel (390,000 followers), who describes herself as a multiple award winning punk porno princess; Penthouse Pet Of The Year Nikki Benz (808,000 followers); and Ashley Steel (138,000 followers), who writes that she is a Porn Star, Doggy mama, Happiness Junkie, XXX Model, Buddhist, & Total nerd. So why is the official Twitter account for the president of the United States publicly following adult movie stars? Of course, American porn stars are just as American (and just as worthy of the President s ear) as anyone else, but this interaction is nonetheless an unusual move for an elected official s campaign-managed social media account.Neither the Organizing for Action campaign nor the White House immediately responded to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Joe Rospars, Obama s principal digital strategist for both presidential campaigns, said that he was not available to comment.The current presidential candidates seemed to have been more intentional about their follow lists, if for no other reason than that Twitter had blocked auto-following before the’start of their 2016 campaigns. Nikki Benz, Penthouse s 2011 Pet Of The Year, has followed Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump. None of them have followed back. Via: Fast Company
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Just another classless act in the life of President Barack Obama President Obama s Twitter account, which is run by his Organizing for Action staff, follows 636,000 accounts. Many of them you might expect: Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry. Even Mariah Carey and Snoop Dogg don’t really raise an eyebrow. But several accounts on the presidential follow list fit a different theme: Asa Akira, a porn star who has 653,000 followers and, in her Twitter bio, states I have an award-winning asshole. Joanna Angel (390,000 followers), who describes herself as a multiple award winning punk porno princess; Penthouse Pet Of The Year Nikki Benz (808,000 followers); and Ashley Steel (138,000 followers), who writes that she is a Porn Star, Doggy mama, Happiness Junkie, XXX Model, Buddhist, & Total nerd. So why is the official Twitter account for the president of the United States publicly following adult movie stars? Of course, American porn stars are just as American (and just as worthy of the President s ear) as anyone else, but this interaction is nonetheless an unusual move for an elected official s campaign-managed social media account.Neither the Organizing for Action campaign nor the White House immediately responded to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Joe Rospars, Obama s principal digital strategist for both presidential campaigns, said that he was not available to comment.The current presidential candidates seemed to have been more intentional about their follow lists, if for no other reason than that Twitter had blocked auto-following before the’start of their 2016 campaigns. Nikki Benz, Penthouse s 2011 Pet Of The Year, has followed Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump. None of them have followed back. Via: Fast Company
U.S. President Barack Obama intends to veto by Friday evening legislation allowing survivors and families of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, the White House said. White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters the president will veto Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act within the constitutionally mandated 10-day window, which ends Friday evening. The Obama administration opposed the bill on grounds that other countries could use the law as an excuse to sue U.S. diplomats, service members or companies.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Barack Obama intends to veto by Friday evening legislation allowing survivors and families of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, the White House said. White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters the president will veto Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act within the constitutionally mandated 10-day window, which ends Friday evening. The Obama administration opposed the bill on grounds that other countries could use the law as an excuse to sue U.S. diplomats, service members or companies.
After her step-father began beating her mother, a terrified six-year-old child rushed to the phone to call for help.Through her hysterical sobs, she told the emergency dispatch worker that her mommy and daddy are having a fight. As the worker tries to get more information, Lisa pleads with her to please send the police. This has been going on forever and ever, she’sobs. A few moments later the little girl can be heard hysterically screaming at her step-father, STOP IT! We can’t see what s happening, but we can hear the anguish and terror in her voice as she begs the 911 operator to send help. He hurt mommy Can you just send the police please, she cries.After the operator instructs her to go and unlock the door so the police can get into the house, the little girl returns to the phone.At this points we hear her scream He just knocked my sister out, then saying My little sister. The-four-year-old. There s another scream, OH MY GOD. He s got the baby. Listen to the heartbreaking call below, via FacesofChildAbuse on YouTube. The recording, now known as the Lisa Tape, is used by agencies across the country to educate people on the impact that domestic violence on children.After listening to the call, I had to find out what happened to that little girl and her family.I found out that Lisa, her mom and her siblings made it out of the’situation alive.Today, Lisa Floyd is an advocate for survivors of domestic violence.Sadly, many domestic violence stories do not have the’same kind of happy ending this one does.Every nine seconds another woman living in the United States will be the target of violence from a husband, boyfriend or intimate partner. These attacks result in more than 2 million injuries to women and 1,300 deaths, annually.We know that every year at least 3.3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes.Like Lisa s younger siblings, children who live in homes where domestic violence occurs are as 1,500 times more likely to become the targets of abuse.According to the National Domestic Violence Center, 50 percent of men who engage in violence toward an intimate partner, also abuse their children.Yet sentences for perpetrators of domestic violence remain shamelessly lenient in the United States. For example, the minimum sentence for someone convicted of domestic violence in the’state of California is probation. In Florida, it is five days in the county jail. In Louisiana it s four days, at least 48 hours of which must served without the benefit of parole, probation or suspension of sentence.Even more shocking, the average prison sentence for a man who kills a spouse or intimate partner in the United States is two to six years.Is it any wonder that at least 60 percent of domestic violence perpetrators repeat the violent behavior?When you listen to Lisa s tape and hear the terror in her voice, or when you look at the’shocking statistics that show us how many women and children suffer horrible acts of violence at the hands men like Lisa s step-father, and then you compare those things to the consequences that our society considers reasonable, it s nothing less than shameful.Domestic violence remains the leading cause of injury to women in the United States. It s also the number cause of homelessness for women in children in the United States.Those statistics aren’t going to change until we stop letting the perpetrators off the hook with a slap on the wrist.*image credit: wikimedia commons
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: After her step-father began beating her mother, a terrified six-year-old child rushed to the phone to call for help.Through her hysterical sobs, she told the emergency dispatch worker that her mommy and daddy are having a fight. As the worker tries to get more information, Lisa pleads with her to please send the police. This has been going on forever and ever, she’sobs. A few moments later the little girl can be heard hysterically screaming at her step-father, STOP IT! We can’t see what s happening, but we can hear the anguish and terror in her voice as she begs the 911 operator to send help. He hurt mommy Can you just send the police please, she cries.After the operator instructs her to go and unlock the door so the police can get into the house, the little girl returns to the phone.At this points we hear her scream He just knocked my sister out, then saying My little sister. The-four-year-old. There s another scream, OH MY GOD. He s got the baby. Listen to the heartbreaking call below, via FacesofChildAbuse on YouTube. The recording, now known as the Lisa Tape, is used by agencies across the country to educate people on the impact that domestic violence on children.After listening to the call, I had to find out what happened to that little girl and her family.I found out that Lisa, her mom and her siblings made it out of the’situation alive.Today, Lisa Floyd is an advocate for survivors of domestic violence.Sadly, many domestic violence stories do not have the’same kind of happy ending this one does.Every nine seconds another woman living in the United States will be the target of violence from a husband, boyfriend or intimate partner. These attacks result in more than 2 million injuries to women and 1,300 deaths, annually.We know that every year at least 3.3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes.Like Lisa s younger siblings, children who live in homes where domestic violence occurs are as 1,500 times more likely to become the targets of abuse.According to the National Domestic Violence Center, 50 percent of men who engage in violence toward an intimate partner, also abuse their children.Yet sentences for perpetrators of domestic violence remain shamelessly lenient in the United States. For example, the minimum sentence for someone convicted of domestic violence in the’state of California is probation. In Florida, it is five days in the county jail. In Louisiana it s four days, at least 48 hours of which must served without the benefit of parole, probation or suspension of sentence.Even more shocking, the average prison sentence for a man who kills a spouse or intimate partner in the United States is two to six years.Is it any wonder that at least 60 percent of domestic violence perpetrators repeat the violent behavior?When you listen to Lisa s tape and hear the terror in her voice, or when you look at the’shocking statistics that show us how many women and children suffer horrible acts of violence at the hands men like Lisa s step-father, and then you compare those things to the consequences that our society considers reasonable, it s nothing less than shameful.Domestic violence remains the leading cause of injury to women in the United States. It s also the number cause of homelessness for women in children in the United States.Those statistics aren’t going to change until we stop letting the perpetrators off the hook with a slap on the wrist.*image credit: wikimedia commons
President Vladimir Putin launched one of his most stinging critiques of U.S. foreign policy on Thursday, listing what he called some of the biggest betrayals in U.S.-Russia relations. He declined to say if he would run for a fourth presidential term in an election set for March, though he is expected to stand after dominating Russian politics for 18 years. Instead, he used a high-profile televised discussion with foreign academics in southern Russia to reach back to what he regards as the darkest days of U.S.-Russia relations. Opinion polls suggest that harsh rhetoric towards the West plays well with many Russian voters, who credit Putin for restoring national pride and standing up to what they see as Western encroachment. Asked by a Germany-based academic to identify what mistakes Moscow had made in its relations with the West, Putin told the Valdai discussion forum in the Black Sea resort of Sochi: Our biggest mistake was that we trusted you too much. You interpreted our trust as weakness and you exploited that. Visibly angry at times, Putin cast Russia as the wronged party and its post-Soviet leadership as too naive and trusting. Unfortunately, our Western partners, having divided the USSR s geopolitical legacy, were certain of their own incontestable righteousness having declared themselves the victors of the Cold War, said Putin. They started to openly interfere in the sovereign affairs of countries and to export democracy in the same way as in their time the Soviet leadership tried to export the Socialist revolution to the whole world. Putin said U.S.-Russia relations were in a lamentable state, referencing an unprecedented anti-Russian campaign in the United States, the closure of Russian diplomatic facilities there and pressure on Russian media by U.S. authorities. He did not single out U.S. President Donald Trump for personal criticism, but said Trump s behavior was unpredictable as a result of political foes who were preventing him from fulfilling almost all of his policy pledges. Putin said the United States was trying to squeeze Russia out of European energy markets with its latest batch of sanctions, which Trump grudgingly signed into law in August after Congress approved them. The recent sanctions package adopted by the U.S. Congress was openly designed to push Russia out of European energy markets and to force Europe to switch to more expensive liquefied natural gas from the United States, even though the volumes there are not yet sufficient, he said. He criticized Trump s predecessors, describing how he believed the United States had betrayed Russia in the 1990s by not reciprocating what he called the unprecedented access Moscow gave Washington to Russia s secret nuclear facilities. He said the United States had flouted nuclear and chemical weapons treaties, saying Moscow had diligently complied with the same pacts only to be repeatedly let down by the United States. His speech and ripostes in a punchy question and answer session that followed often sounded like a history lesson. The United States had tried to stir up separatism in southern Russia in the 1990s, said Putin, something he said he knew for a fact from his stint leading the FSB spy agency. The 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and NATO s 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia were bad, he said. And in comments that could have been drawn straight from the pages of the Cold War, Putin accused the United States of upsetting the strategic nuclear balance by modernizing its arsenal of weapons. Russia would develop new weapons systems, he pledged, if it was forced to, and if the United States withdrew from a landmark arms control treaty the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty Russia would hit back fast. From our side, the response will be instant, and I want to warn, symmetrical, said Putin. (This version of the story was refiled to fix a typo in the headline)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Vladimir Putin launched one of his most stinging critiques of U.S. foreign policy on Thursday, listing what he called some of the biggest betrayals in U.S.-Russia relations. He declined to say if he would run for a fourth presidential term in an election set for March, though he is expected to stand after dominating Russian politics for 18 years. Instead, he used a high-profile televised discussion with foreign academics in southern Russia to reach back to what he regards as the darkest days of U.S.-Russia relations. Opinion polls suggest that harsh rhetoric towards the West plays well with many Russian voters, who credit Putin for restoring national pride and standing up to what they see as Western encroachment. Asked by a Germany-based academic to identify what mistakes Moscow had made in its relations with the West, Putin told the Valdai discussion forum in the Black Sea resort of Sochi: Our biggest mistake was that we trusted you too much. You interpreted our trust as weakness and you exploited that. Visibly angry at times, Putin cast Russia as the wronged party and its post-Soviet leadership as too naive and trusting. Unfortunately, our Western partners, having divided the USSR s geopolitical legacy, were certain of their own incontestable righteousness having declared themselves the victors of the Cold War, said Putin. They started to openly interfere in the sovereign affairs of countries and to export democracy in the same way as in their time the Soviet leadership tried to export the Socialist revolution to the whole world. Putin said U.S.-Russia relations were in a lamentable state, referencing an unprecedented anti-Russian campaign in the United States, the closure of Russian diplomatic facilities there and pressure on Russian media by U.S. authorities. He did not single out U.S. President Donald Trump for personal criticism, but said Trump s behavior was unpredictable as a result of political foes who were preventing him from fulfilling almost all of his policy pledges. Putin said the United States was trying to squeeze Russia out of European energy markets with its latest batch of sanctions, which Trump grudgingly signed into law in August after Congress approved them. The recent sanctions package adopted by the U.S. Congress was openly designed to push Russia out of European energy markets and to force Europe to switch to more expensive liquefied natural gas from the United States, even though the volumes there are not yet sufficient, he said. He criticized Trump s predecessors, describing how he believed the United States had betrayed Russia in the 1990s by not reciprocating what he called the unprecedented access Moscow gave Washington to Russia s secret nuclear facilities. He said the United States had flouted nuclear and chemical weapons treaties, saying Moscow had diligently complied with the same pacts only to be repeatedly let down by the United States. His speech and ripostes in a punchy question and answer session that followed often sounded like a history lesson. The United States had tried to stir up separatism in southern Russia in the 1990s, said Putin, something he said he knew for a fact from his stint leading the FSB spy agency. The 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and NATO s 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia were bad, he said. And in comments that could have been drawn straight from the pages of the Cold War, Putin accused the United States of upsetting the strategic nuclear balance by modernizing its arsenal of weapons. Russia would develop new weapons systems, he pledged, if it was forced to, and if the United States withdrew from a landmark arms control treaty the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty Russia would hit back fast. From our side, the response will be instant, and I want to warn, symmetrical, said Putin. (This version of the story was refiled to fix a typo in the headline)
Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) struggled Friday on MSNBC to explain what the Democratic Party stands for besides opposing President Trump.Waters has been one of the most outspoken critics of Trump in Congress, repeatedly calling for his impeachment and insisting that if investigators connect the dots, then his campaign s alleged collusion with Russia will become apparent.Given Waters public profile as a staunch Trump opponent, MSNBC host Katy Tur asked the lawmaker what Democrats actually stand for beyond opposing Trump’s agenda. Congresswoman, what do the Democrats stand for other than being against Donald Trump? Tur asked. What do you stand for other than trying to get Donald Trump impeached? Everyone knows that I am the ranking member of the Financial Services Committee and that I have spent many, many hours and days implementing the Dodd-Frank reforms, Waters responded.The California Democrat proceeded to frame her work on Dodd-Frank in the context of opposing Republicans, which Tur noted. We pushed back on the Republicans, we fight against them, Waters said. [They] attempt[ed] to go get rid of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau before we came up with the reforms under Dodd-Frank. Tur pushed back. Are Democrats focusing enough on their ideas? she asked.Waters then went on to explain how effective the Democrat Party has been in their organizing efforts to disrupt town halls where Republican political leaders are speaking to their constituents. Listen, if you have not been keeping up with the town halls that have been going on, Waters said, referring to the protesters at many Republican’town halls, where we have basically organized America around the [Affordable Care Act] and protected Obamacare and the thousands of people who have come out who now are very much informed about the difference between Obamacare and Trumpcare. WFBWhat Maxine doesn’t understand is that when Tea Party members attended town hall meetings across American and challenged their elected leaders on reckless tax legislation they’didn’t need to be organized by the Republican Party. Tea Party members weren’t just targeting Democrat politicians, they were targeting anyone who they felt wasn’t representing the people who elected them into office.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) struggled Friday on MSNBC to explain what the Democratic Party stands for besides opposing President Trump.Waters has been one of the most outspoken critics of Trump in Congress, repeatedly calling for his impeachment and insisting that if investigators connect the dots, then his campaign s alleged collusion with Russia will become apparent.Given Waters public profile as a staunch Trump opponent, MSNBC host Katy Tur asked the lawmaker what Democrats actually stand for beyond opposing Trump’s agenda. Congresswoman, what do the Democrats stand for other than being against Donald Trump? Tur asked. What do you stand for other than trying to get Donald Trump impeached? Everyone knows that I am the ranking member of the Financial Services Committee and that I have spent many, many hours and days implementing the Dodd-Frank reforms, Waters responded.The California Democrat proceeded to frame her work on Dodd-Frank in the context of opposing Republicans, which Tur noted. We pushed back on the Republicans, we fight against them, Waters said. [They] attempt[ed] to go get rid of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau before we came up with the reforms under Dodd-Frank. Tur pushed back. Are Democrats focusing enough on their ideas? she asked.Waters then went on to explain how effective the Democrat Party has been in their organizing efforts to disrupt town halls where Republican political leaders are speaking to their constituents. Listen, if you have not been keeping up with the town halls that have been going on, Waters said, referring to the protesters at many Republican’town halls, where we have basically organized America around the [Affordable Care Act] and protected Obamacare and the thousands of people who have come out who now are very much informed about the difference between Obamacare and Trumpcare. WFBWhat Maxine doesn’t understand is that when Tea Party members attended town hall meetings across American and challenged their elected leaders on reckless tax legislation they’didn’t need to be organized by the Republican Party. Tea Party members weren’t just targeting Democrat politicians, they were targeting anyone who they felt wasn’t representing the people who elected them into office.
Who could forget Mitt Romney s second and third debates with Barack Obama? After the first debate, most Americans were pretty sure that Mitt had successfully exposed Barack as the amateur that he is. But something strange and unexpected happened when Mitt came back for round two. Either he was given bad advice, or he just decided he really didn’t want to be President after all. Whatever the case, the next two debates for Mitt were abysmal. He clearly rolled over and played dead, while Barack, with the help of his co-debater Candy Crowley, lied to the american people, as Mitt stood by idly and never uttered a single objection. That was the night Mitt passed on the keys to the White House in favor of civility. Sorry America, but civility doesn’t work with the Left who has shown a clear pattern of winning at all cost no matter the consequences America is counting on Trump to use every resource available to take down Hillary in the first debate. If Hillary enabled her husband to prey on, rape or to use his position as President of the United States to gain sexual favors in the Oval Office, we expect Trump to bring it up. We also expect him to answer to all of the women who claimed Hillary threatened them if they spoke out against her perve If Hillary really is the champion of women that she claims to be, she’should be ready and willing to defend herself. Please Trump, we beg of you don’t pull a Romney! It s up to Hillary Clinton whether or not the first presidential debate ends up including an exchange over her husband s White House affair with Monica Lewinsky, Republican Donald Trump’said Monday night. I don’t think I m looking to do that, Trump told Fox News host Bill O Reilly when asked whether he was planning to bring up the affair something Trump raised in media interviews during the primaries. I don’t know what I m going to do that exactly. It depends on what level she hits you with, if she’s fair, if it s unfair, Trump’said. But certainly I m not looking to do that. Trump, who slashed through his GOP opponents one-by-one in televised debates during the primaries, said he ll decide on the’spot whether to launch personal attacks on Hillary Clinton based on whether she treats him with respect. I have absolutely no idea. I think this. If she treats me with respect, I will treat her with respect. It really depends, Trump’said.Watch here: People ask me that question, oh you’re going to go out there and do this and that. I really don’t know that. You re going to have to feel it out when you’re out there. She’s got to treat me with respect. I m going to treat her with respect. I d like to start off by saying that because that would be my intention, he’said.One longtime Clinton advisor isn’t so sure Trump will unilaterally disarm when it comes to Lewinsky. You can’t put it beyond Trump that Monica Lewinsky will play a role in this debate, former Clinton and White House counsel Greg Craig told Politico in August. She’s got to be prepared to deal with the [Clinton] Foundation and Wall Street and super PACs and all of that. They need to be less focused on dealing with his policy proposals and more on dealing with the unexpected. He s going to be in attack mode, probably the whole time, Craig said.At several stages in the campaign, Trump has brought up Lewinsky, Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broderick, Whitewater, the death of former Clinton aide Vince Foster, and other 90s era scandals and allegations. Via: Daily Mail
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Who could forget Mitt Romney s second and third debates with Barack Obama? After the first debate, most Americans were pretty sure that Mitt had successfully exposed Barack as the amateur that he is. But something strange and unexpected happened when Mitt came back for round two. Either he was given bad advice, or he just decided he really didn’t want to be President after all. Whatever the case, the next two debates for Mitt were abysmal. He clearly rolled over and played dead, while Barack, with the help of his co-debater Candy Crowley, lied to the american people, as Mitt stood by idly and never uttered a single objection. That was the night Mitt passed on the keys to the White House in favor of civility. Sorry America, but civility doesn’t work with the Left who has shown a clear pattern of winning at all cost no matter the consequences America is counting on Trump to use every resource available to take down Hillary in the first debate. If Hillary enabled her husband to prey on, rape or to use his position as President of the United States to gain sexual favors in the Oval Office, we expect Trump to bring it up. We also expect him to answer to all of the women who claimed Hillary threatened them if they spoke out against her perve If Hillary really is the champion of women that she claims to be, she’should be ready and willing to defend herself. Please Trump, we beg of you don’t pull a Romney! It s up to Hillary Clinton whether or not the first presidential debate ends up including an exchange over her husband s White House affair with Monica Lewinsky, Republican Donald Trump’said Monday night. I don’t think I m looking to do that, Trump told Fox News host Bill O Reilly when asked whether he was planning to bring up the affair something Trump raised in media interviews during the primaries. I don’t know what I m going to do that exactly. It depends on what level she hits you with, if she’s fair, if it s unfair, Trump’said. But certainly I m not looking to do that. Trump, who slashed through his GOP opponents one-by-one in televised debates during the primaries, said he ll decide on the’spot whether to launch personal attacks on Hillary Clinton based on whether she treats him with respect. I have absolutely no idea. I think this. If she treats me with respect, I will treat her with respect. It really depends, Trump’said.Watch here: People ask me that question, oh you’re going to go out there and do this and that. I really don’t know that. You re going to have to feel it out when you’re out there. She’s got to treat me with respect. I m going to treat her with respect. I d like to start off by saying that because that would be my intention, he’said.One longtime Clinton advisor isn’t so sure Trump will unilaterally disarm when it comes to Lewinsky. You can’t put it beyond Trump that Monica Lewinsky will play a role in this debate, former Clinton and White House counsel Greg Craig told Politico in August. She’s got to be prepared to deal with the [Clinton] Foundation and Wall Street and super PACs and all of that. They need to be less focused on dealing with his policy proposals and more on dealing with the unexpected. He s going to be in attack mode, probably the whole time, Craig said.At several stages in the campaign, Trump has brought up Lewinsky, Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broderick, Whitewater, the death of former Clinton aide Vince Foster, and other 90s era scandals and allegations. Via: Daily Mail
The fourth round of talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade agreement have been prolonged until Oct. 17, two sources in Mexico said on Tuesday, as negotiators gathering in Washington were expected to start tackling difficult issues. The round of talks due to begin on Wednesday is expected to include discussions about including quotas for U.S. content in autos, a major bone of contention for Mexico, Canada and many companies. Previously, the talks were due to end on Oct. 15. The news was first reported by Bloomberg earlier on Tuesday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The fourth round of talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade agreement have been prolonged until Oct. 17, two sources in Mexico said on Tuesday, as negotiators gathering in Washington were expected to start tackling difficult issues. The round of talks due to begin on Wednesday is expected to include discussions about including quotas for U.S. content in autos, a major bone of contention for Mexico, Canada and many companies. Previously, the talks were due to end on Oct. 15. The news was first reported by Bloomberg earlier on Tuesday.
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen told his cabinet on Friday he had no fear of Western sanctions after some U.S. senators threatened to push for travel restrictions over his arrest of the main opposition leader, the government spokesman said. Hun Sen s critics accuse him of destroying democracy in Cambodia to ensure that he wins re-election next year to extend more than 32 years in power. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz said he would push for a travel ban on top officials if opposition leader Kem Sokha is not freed by Nov. 9. Senators John McCain and Dick Durbin have also called for travel restrictions if the crackdown continues. Hun Sen told a weekly cabinet meeting that sanctions by Western donors don t worry him, the government spokesman said. Samdech said he doesn t have wealth abroad and there is no necessity for him to step on U.S. soil, Phay Siphan told Reuters, using Hun Sen s official title. Kem Sokha was arrested on Sept. 3 and charged with treason. He is accused of plotting to take power with the help of unspecified Americans - an accusation he denies. The government has also asked the courts to dissolve Kem Sokha s Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and Hun Sen has called on its members of parliament and other elected officials to defect to his Cambodian People s Party (CPP). Pro-government media said one parliamentarian and some local councillors had defected. Kem Sokha s daughter Monovithya Kem said that if he were not released and the pressure ended on the CNRP, it would mean that next year s election would lack legitimacy. Hun Sen s government cannot survive without that legitimacy, she told Reuters. Cambodia would become a pariah state if the government doesn t reverse course soon. Western countries have called for the release of Kem Sokha and have intensified lobbying. In an unusually direct statement from Japan, visiting vice minister for foreign affairs Iwao Horii called on Thursday for a free and fair election next year. Japan is Cambodia s biggest aid donor after China. He expressed the expectation that Cambodia s next national election will be conducted in a free and fair manner, Hironori Suzuki, Counsellor at the Japanese Embassy, said in an email to Reuters. He expected that the general election would be held in a way that the international community will welcome. Hun Sen has been increasingly isolated from Western donor pressure by his strong relationship with China, which has become by far the biggest giver of foreign aid as well as the biggest investor in Cambodia.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen told his cabinet on Friday he had no fear of Western sanctions after some U.S. senators threatened to push for travel restrictions over his arrest of the main opposition leader, the government spokesman said. Hun Sen s critics accuse him of destroying democracy in Cambodia to ensure that he wins re-election next year to extend more than 32 years in power. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz said he would push for a travel ban on top officials if opposition leader Kem Sokha is not freed by Nov. 9. Senators John McCain and Dick Durbin have also called for travel restrictions if the crackdown continues. Hun Sen told a weekly cabinet meeting that sanctions by Western donors don t worry him, the government spokesman said. Samdech said he doesn t have wealth abroad and there is no necessity for him to step on U.S. soil, Phay Siphan told Reuters, using Hun Sen s official title. Kem Sokha was arrested on Sept. 3 and charged with treason. He is accused of plotting to take power with the help of unspecified Americans - an accusation he denies. The government has also asked the courts to dissolve Kem Sokha s Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and Hun Sen has called on its members of parliament and other elected officials to defect to his Cambodian People s Party (CPP). Pro-government media said one parliamentarian and some local councillors had defected. Kem Sokha s daughter Monovithya Kem said that if he were not released and the pressure ended on the CNRP, it would mean that next year s election would lack legitimacy. Hun Sen s government cannot survive without that legitimacy, she told Reuters. Cambodia would become a pariah state if the government doesn t reverse course soon. Western countries have called for the release of Kem Sokha and have intensified lobbying. In an unusually direct statement from Japan, visiting vice minister for foreign affairs Iwao Horii called on Thursday for a free and fair election next year. Japan is Cambodia s biggest aid donor after China. He expressed the expectation that Cambodia s next national election will be conducted in a free and fair manner, Hironori Suzuki, Counsellor at the Japanese Embassy, said in an email to Reuters. He expected that the general election would be held in a way that the international community will welcome. Hun Sen has been increasingly isolated from Western donor pressure by his strong relationship with China, which has become by far the biggest giver of foreign aid as well as the biggest investor in Cambodia.
Set to host the Winter Olympics in February, South Korea conducted a series of security drills on Tuesday to prepare against terror attacks ranging from a hostage situation, a vehicle ramming a stadium and a bomb-attached to a drone. Police and firemen were among around 420 personnel participating in the exercise, held in front of the Olympic Stadium at Pyeongchang, just 80 km (50 miles) from the heavily fortified border with North Korea. During the simulated drills, members of a SWAT team shot down a drone with a bomb attached that was flying toward a bus carrying athletes. In another part of the mock exercise a terrorist took hostage athletes on a bus, and tried to ram the vehicle into the stadium before being gunned down by police. Officers in gas masks also removed a chemical bomb. Anxiety on the Korean Peninsula has been rising in recent months due to a series of missile tests by North Korea as it continues its pursuit of nuclear weapons in defiance of U.N. sanctions and warnings from the United States. Please keep in mind that accidents always happen where no one has expected, South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon said. Please check until the last minute whether there are any security loopholes. Lee did not mention North Korea, but South Korea s Defense Ministry on Friday flagged risks that North Korea could resort to terrorist or cyber attacks to spoil international events. Some 5,000 armed forces personnel will be deployed at the Winter Games, according to South Korean government officials and documents reviewed by Reuters. Pyeongchang s organizing committee for the 2018 Games (POCOG) has also hired a private cyber security company to guard against a hacking attack from the North, tender documents show. To minimize the risk of provoking an aggressive North Korean reaction during the games, South Korea has asked Washington to delay regular joint military exercises until after the Olympics, the Financial Times reported. A spokesman for South Korea s defense ministry said on Tuesday that nothing has been decided.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Set to host the Winter Olympics in February, South Korea conducted a series of security drills on Tuesday to prepare against terror attacks ranging from a hostage situation, a vehicle ramming a stadium and a bomb-attached to a drone. Police and firemen were among around 420 personnel participating in the exercise, held in front of the Olympic Stadium at Pyeongchang, just 80 km (50 miles) from the heavily fortified border with North Korea. During the simulated drills, members of a SWAT team shot down a drone with a bomb attached that was flying toward a bus carrying athletes. In another part of the mock exercise a terrorist took hostage athletes on a bus, and tried to ram the vehicle into the stadium before being gunned down by police. Officers in gas masks also removed a chemical bomb. Anxiety on the Korean Peninsula has been rising in recent months due to a series of missile tests by North Korea as it continues its pursuit of nuclear weapons in defiance of U.N. sanctions and warnings from the United States. Please keep in mind that accidents always happen where no one has expected, South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon said. Please check until the last minute whether there are any security loopholes. Lee did not mention North Korea, but South Korea s Defense Ministry on Friday flagged risks that North Korea could resort to terrorist or cyber attacks to spoil international events. Some 5,000 armed forces personnel will be deployed at the Winter Games, according to South Korean government officials and documents reviewed by Reuters. Pyeongchang s organizing committee for the 2018 Games (POCOG) has also hired a private cyber security company to guard against a hacking attack from the North, tender documents show. To minimize the risk of provoking an aggressive North Korean reaction during the games, South Korea has asked Washington to delay regular joint military exercises until after the Olympics, the Financial Times reported. A spokesman for South Korea s defense ministry said on Tuesday that nothing has been decided.
Joe Rambo Biggs and David Rodriguez videotaped themselves crossing back and forth from the US to Mexico. It s shocking to see just how open our southern border is with Mexico!This is how easy it is to cross our southern border Joe Biggs (@Rambobiggs) May 8, 2017 What comes to mind when you watch this video? Terrorism? Drug trafficking? Crime?
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Joe Rambo Biggs and David Rodriguez videotaped themselves crossing back and forth from the US to Mexico. It s shocking to see just how open our southern border is with Mexico!This is how easy it is to cross our southern border Joe Biggs (@Rambobiggs) May 8, 2017 What comes to mind when you watch this video? Terrorism? Drug trafficking? Crime?
Maybe Hillary should be hiring someone to handle her social media. Hey maybe she could hire her top Aide, Huma Abedin s husband. We hear he knows his way around Twitter, and isn’t he out of a job?
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Maybe Hillary should be hiring someone to handle her social media. Hey maybe she could hire her top Aide, Huma Abedin s husband. We hear he knows his way around Twitter, and isn’t he out of a job?
The Department of Justice is now arguing that the president can’take money from foreign governments. Why? The DOJ is arguing for Trump because the Citizens for Responsibilities and Ethics in Washington filed a lawsuit against Trump’stating he is violating the Constitution by accepting foreign money.According to reports, Trump is taking money from foreign governments for hotel room fees and golf club fees when traveling to different countries for affairs having to do with our country. However, CREW (Citizens for Responsibilities and Ethics in Washington) still says Trump is violating the Constitution by accepting money from different countries when traveling and they say that he’should have stopped doing this before he took office.Although CREW filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration, the Trump administration thinks that CREW lacks legal standing even to be able to file the lawsuit in the first place.It doesn’t matter if the Trump team thinks they’don’t have enough legal standing for this because CREW already filed the lawsuit against Trump and his team during his first week in office as our president.In fact, CREW had this to say about the lawsuit that they filed against the Trump administration: We did not want to get to this point. It was our hope that President Trump would take the necessary steps to avoid violating the Constitution before he took office. However, he did not. His constitutional violations are immediate and serious, so we were forced to take legal action. Since the lawsuit by CREW was filed during his first week in office, there have been several more plaintiff s that have come onboard against Trump. Some of these new plaintiffs added to the lawsuit against the Trump administration include some restaurant associates, restaurant workers, and even a woman who books banquet halls for hotels in Washington D.C.Featured Image by Pool/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Department of Justice is now arguing that the president can’take money from foreign governments. Why? The DOJ is arguing for Trump because the Citizens for Responsibilities and Ethics in Washington filed a lawsuit against Trump’stating he is violating the Constitution by accepting foreign money.According to reports, Trump is taking money from foreign governments for hotel room fees and golf club fees when traveling to different countries for affairs having to do with our country. However, CREW (Citizens for Responsibilities and Ethics in Washington) still says Trump is violating the Constitution by accepting money from different countries when traveling and they say that he’should have stopped doing this before he took office.Although CREW filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration, the Trump administration thinks that CREW lacks legal standing even to be able to file the lawsuit in the first place.It doesn’t matter if the Trump team thinks they’don’t have enough legal standing for this because CREW already filed the lawsuit against Trump and his team during his first week in office as our president.In fact, CREW had this to say about the lawsuit that they filed against the Trump administration: We did not want to get to this point. It was our hope that President Trump would take the necessary steps to avoid violating the Constitution before he took office. However, he did not. His constitutional violations are immediate and serious, so we were forced to take legal action. Since the lawsuit by CREW was filed during his first week in office, there have been several more plaintiff s that have come onboard against Trump. Some of these new plaintiffs added to the lawsuit against the Trump administration include some restaurant associates, restaurant workers, and even a woman who books banquet halls for hotels in Washington D.C.Featured Image by Pool/Getty Images
For anyone who s paying attention, Hillary just got caught in ANOTHER big lie Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has no recollection of the dinner conversation recounted by Hillary Clinton to FBI agents, as documented by journalist Joe Conason in a forthcoming book.Conason s anecdote, reported Thursday night by The New York Times, recounts a small dinner party at Clinton s Georgetown home toward the beginning of her time as secretary of state, with former secretaries Madeleine Albright, Henry Kissinger and Condoleezza Rice also in attendance. During that dinner, Conason reports, Albright asked the former secretaries to impart advice to Clinton. Powell told her to use her own email, as he had done, except for classified communications, which he had sent and received via a State Department computer, Conason wrote in his book Man of the World: The Further Endeavors of Bill Clinton, of which the Times said it acquired an advance copy. Powell, according to Conason s account, told Clinton that his use of personal email had been transformative for the department and thus confirmed a decision [Clinton] had made months earlier to keep her personal account and use it for most messages. A spokeswoman for Powell s office issued a statement following the Times story: General Powell has no recollection of the dinner conversation. He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department. At the time there was no equivalent system within the Department. He used a secure State computer on his desk to manage classified information, the’statement continued. The General no longer has the email he’sent to former Secretary Clinton. It may exist in State or FBI files. Watch here:Powell s pushback comes amid an ongoing legal dispute between Clinton s lawyers and Judicial Watch over whether the conservative legal watchdog group can depose the former secretary of state as part of its lawsuit over State Department records.Read more: Politico
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: For anyone who s paying attention, Hillary just got caught in ANOTHER big lie Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has no recollection of the dinner conversation recounted by Hillary Clinton to FBI agents, as documented by journalist Joe Conason in a forthcoming book.Conason s anecdote, reported Thursday night by The New York Times, recounts a small dinner party at Clinton s Georgetown home toward the beginning of her time as secretary of state, with former secretaries Madeleine Albright, Henry Kissinger and Condoleezza Rice also in attendance. During that dinner, Conason reports, Albright asked the former secretaries to impart advice to Clinton. Powell told her to use her own email, as he had done, except for classified communications, which he had sent and received via a State Department computer, Conason wrote in his book Man of the World: The Further Endeavors of Bill Clinton, of which the Times said it acquired an advance copy. Powell, according to Conason s account, told Clinton that his use of personal email had been transformative for the department and thus confirmed a decision [Clinton] had made months earlier to keep her personal account and use it for most messages. A spokeswoman for Powell s office issued a statement following the Times story: General Powell has no recollection of the dinner conversation. He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department. At the time there was no equivalent system within the Department. He used a secure State computer on his desk to manage classified information, the’statement continued. The General no longer has the email he’sent to former Secretary Clinton. It may exist in State or FBI files. Watch here:Powell s pushback comes amid an ongoing legal dispute between Clinton s lawyers and Judicial Watch over whether the conservative legal watchdog group can depose the former secretary of state as part of its lawsuit over State Department records.Read more: Politico
The White House confirmed to FOX Business that Priebus would be heading back to Washington D.C. after the’stop in Saudi Arabia, part of the president s visit to the Middle East, and insisted this was always part of the administration s plan.Natalie Strom, assistant press secretary at the White House, told FOX Business, It has always been planned for Reince to return to Washington following the Saudi Arabia portion of the trip. It s a big week in D.C. for the president s agenda with our budget release coming soon and discussions continuing on tax reform, so he’s needed back at home for that. When asked which other officials would be coming home, Strom said, Only a few senior administration officials are staying on for the whole trip, which is typical for these kinds of trips. They re attending the’stops that most pertain’to their responsibilities. Off the top of my head I know that Secretary [of State] Tillerson and General McMaster won’t be on for the entirety. As FOX Business reported Friday, Priebus s position in the White House is once again in jeopardy as National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney are a few of the candidates under consideration to replace him if the president decides to go that route, according to sources close to the’situation.On Friday, the White House did not deny the possibility that Priebus could be replaced.While the administration may believe it s typical for some officials to stay and others to head home, according to experts outside the White House, it s unusual for a chief of staff to head home early on such an important trip. FOX Business
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The White House confirmed to FOX Business that Priebus would be heading back to Washington D.C. after the’stop in Saudi Arabia, part of the president s visit to the Middle East, and insisted this was always part of the administration s plan.Natalie Strom, assistant press secretary at the White House, told FOX Business, It has always been planned for Reince to return to Washington following the Saudi Arabia portion of the trip. It s a big week in D.C. for the president s agenda with our budget release coming soon and discussions continuing on tax reform, so he’s needed back at home for that. When asked which other officials would be coming home, Strom said, Only a few senior administration officials are staying on for the whole trip, which is typical for these kinds of trips. They re attending the’stops that most pertain’to their responsibilities. Off the top of my head I know that Secretary [of State] Tillerson and General McMaster won’t be on for the entirety. As FOX Business reported Friday, Priebus s position in the White House is once again in jeopardy as National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney are a few of the candidates under consideration to replace him if the president decides to go that route, according to sources close to the’situation.On Friday, the White House did not deny the possibility that Priebus could be replaced.While the administration may believe it s typical for some officials to stay and others to head home, according to experts outside the White House, it s unusual for a chief of staff to head home early on such an important trip. FOX Business
A new ad from a conservative super PAC absolutely destroys Donald Trump, and it uses his own words to do the job. The commercial comes from Our Principles PAC, and it showcases ordinary everyday women reading a series of horribly sexist and misogynist quotes from current Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.A few choice quotes from the ad include:These are the’sorts of quotes that have terrified the Republican establishment about what Trump would do to the party in the general election. Even with candidates without misogynist comments like these on the ballot, Republicans have struggled to convince female voters. In 2012, 55 percent of women voted for Barack Obama, a number that was almost the’same at 56 percent in 2008. Even when John Kerry lost the election in 2004, he’still got 51 percent of the women s vote.You can hear the audio of Trump himself making many of these sexist comments in a story compiled by Buzzfeed. They went through Trump’s appearances on radio shows like Howard Stern:Trump appeared upwards of two dozen times from the late 90s through the 2000s with the’shock jock, and BuzzFeed News has listened to hours of those conversations, which are not publically available. The most popular topic of conversation during these appearances, as is typical of Stern s program, was sex. In particular, Trump frequently discussed women he had sex with, wanted to have sex with, or wouldn’t have sex with if given the opportunity. He also rated women on a 10-point scale.This Super PAC ad is designed to derail Trump’s path to the Republican nomination, but it may be too late for that. But a similar ad, broadcast from coast to coast by Democrats and their affiliated super PACs would likely be extremely devastating.Featured image via YouTube
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A new ad from a conservative super PAC absolutely destroys Donald Trump, and it uses his own words to do the job. The commercial comes from Our Principles PAC, and it showcases ordinary everyday women reading a series of horribly sexist and misogynist quotes from current Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.A few choice quotes from the ad include:These are the’sorts of quotes that have terrified the Republican establishment about what Trump would do to the party in the general election. Even with candidates without misogynist comments like these on the ballot, Republicans have struggled to convince female voters. In 2012, 55 percent of women voted for Barack Obama, a number that was almost the’same at 56 percent in 2008. Even when John Kerry lost the election in 2004, he’still got 51 percent of the women s vote.You can hear the audio of Trump himself making many of these sexist comments in a story compiled by Buzzfeed. They went through Trump’s appearances on radio shows like Howard Stern:Trump appeared upwards of two dozen times from the late 90s through the 2000s with the’shock jock, and BuzzFeed News has listened to hours of those conversations, which are not publically available. The most popular topic of conversation during these appearances, as is typical of Stern s program, was sex. In particular, Trump frequently discussed women he had sex with, wanted to have sex with, or wouldn’t have sex with if given the opportunity. He also rated women on a 10-point scale.This Super PAC ad is designed to derail Trump’s path to the Republican nomination, but it may be too late for that. But a similar ad, broadcast from coast to coast by Democrats and their affiliated super PACs would likely be extremely devastating.Featured image via YouTube
Around 120,000 displaced people - mostly Rohingya Muslims - in camps in Myanmar s Rakhine state are not receiving food supplies or healthcare after the U.N. and aid groups suspended operations following government accusations of supporting insurgents. Nearly 400 people have died in fighting in the far north of the state after Rohingya militants attacked police posts and an army base a week ago, provoking a major army counteroffensive. The impact from the conflict has now spread, including to the state capital Sittwe further south, where some 90,000 Rohingya have lived in camps since an outbreak of communal violence rocked the city in 2012, killing nearly 200 people. A further 30,000 Rohingya are housed in camps elsewhere in the state, while a small number of ethnic Rakhine Buddhists displaced in the 2012 violence also live in separate camps. As a result of the disruption of activities in central Rakhine state, many people are currently not receiving their normal food assistance and primary healthcare services have been severely disrupted, said Pierre Peron, a spokesman for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The U.N. and international aid groups had already evacuated all non-critical staff from the north of the state amid intensifying fighting and after the office of national leader Aung San Suu Kyi repeatedly published pictures of World Food Programme (WFP) energy biscuits allegedly found at an insurgent camp. Suu Kyi s office also said it was investigating aid groups support for the insurgents in one incident. Now contractors working for the WFP, a U.N. agency, have refused to carry food to the camps in Sittwe and elsewhere. Staff with international aid groups who run clinics inside the large, densely populated camps have also been afraid to show up for work, leading to the closure of facilities, U.N. sources and aid workers told Reuters. Local staff were afraid of being intimidated by Rakhine Buddhist hardliners, and some worried about being attacked by Muslims, the sources said. Sanitation is also a major problem - contractors cleaning latrines in the camps have also refused to work and the latrines are overflowing in the monsoon rains, increasing the risk of cholera and other waterborne diseases, they said. The treatment of Myanmar s roughly 1.1 million Rohingya, who have long complained of persecution in Buddhist majority Myanmar, is the biggest challenge facing Suu Kyi. The top U.N. human rights official, Zeid Ra ad al-Hussein, has criticized Suu Kyi s office for irresponsible suggestions that aid agencies may have assisted Rohingya militants calling themselves the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA). #WFP Aid & #ARSA terrorists : #Myanmar Govt asking #WFP, Aid for civilian or terrorists? #Rakhine #Myanmar, said Suu Kyi s spokesman, Zaw Htay, in a tweet on Thursday. Tin Maung Swe, secretary of the Rakhine state government, confirmed that workers have refused to work for the WFP. Laborers who carry the WFP food bags don t want to contract with them any more. People who have made contract with WFP refused to work for them, he said. He added that residents were disgusted with the organization following the government s accusations. Tin Maung Swe also said that the government was trying to find a different way to support the organization . Rakhine Buddhist leaders have long bemoaned the presence of international agencies, who they accuse of favoring the Rohingya. Aid offices in Sittwe were sacked during 2014 riots. The discovery at a suspected militant camp on July 30 of WFP-branded biscuits intended for malnourished children had further stoked tensions even before last week s attacks. Accusations against the U.N. have been spread on social media by nationalist hardliners, stoking fears of another outbreak of communal violence in a state that has long been divided along religious and ethnic lines. International aid agencies operating in Myanmar issued a statement on Thursday condemning the insurgent attacks and subsequent violence, and urging all stakeholders to cease the spread of misinformation . The OCHA s Peron said the disruption was already being felt. Humanitarian aid normally goes to these vulnerable people for a very good reason, because they depend on it, he said. In addition to the closure of camp clinics, Rohingya who have been referred to the main hospital in Sittwe for more serious complaints were finding it hard to travel there, said the hospital s chief doctor Kyaw Naing Win. There have been some constraints for them to come to the hospital because of the tighter security control after recent clashes, he said, but added the hospital did not discriminate against them. Kyaw Naing Win said he arranged for the state government to provide security for 17 Muslim patients who were discharged from the hospital on Thursday. Even before the recent violence Rohingya camp residents faced severe restrictions on their movements around Sittwe. Talks between government and relief agencies are scheduled for next week, aid group sources told Reuters. Possible solutions might include the government providing security escorts for food convoys, they added. (This story has been refiled to remove extraneous words in paragraph 6)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Around 120,000 displaced people - mostly Rohingya Muslims - in camps in Myanmar s Rakhine state are not receiving food supplies or healthcare after the U.N. and aid groups suspended operations following government accusations of supporting insurgents. Nearly 400 people have died in fighting in the far north of the state after Rohingya militants attacked police posts and an army base a week ago, provoking a major army counteroffensive. The impact from the conflict has now spread, including to the state capital Sittwe further south, where some 90,000 Rohingya have lived in camps since an outbreak of communal violence rocked the city in 2012, killing nearly 200 people. A further 30,000 Rohingya are housed in camps elsewhere in the state, while a small number of ethnic Rakhine Buddhists displaced in the 2012 violence also live in separate camps. As a result of the disruption of activities in central Rakhine state, many people are currently not receiving their normal food assistance and primary healthcare services have been severely disrupted, said Pierre Peron, a spokesman for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The U.N. and international aid groups had already evacuated all non-critical staff from the north of the state amid intensifying fighting and after the office of national leader Aung San Suu Kyi repeatedly published pictures of World Food Programme (WFP) energy biscuits allegedly found at an insurgent camp. Suu Kyi s office also said it was investigating aid groups support for the insurgents in one incident. Now contractors working for the WFP, a U.N. agency, have refused to carry food to the camps in Sittwe and elsewhere. Staff with international aid groups who run clinics inside the large, densely populated camps have also been afraid to show up for work, leading to the closure of facilities, U.N. sources and aid workers told Reuters. Local staff were afraid of being intimidated by Rakhine Buddhist hardliners, and some worried about being attacked by Muslims, the sources said. Sanitation is also a major problem - contractors cleaning latrines in the camps have also refused to work and the latrines are overflowing in the monsoon rains, increasing the risk of cholera and other waterborne diseases, they said. The treatment of Myanmar s roughly 1.1 million Rohingya, who have long complained of persecution in Buddhist majority Myanmar, is the biggest challenge facing Suu Kyi. The top U.N. human rights official, Zeid Ra ad al-Hussein, has criticized Suu Kyi s office for irresponsible suggestions that aid agencies may have assisted Rohingya militants calling themselves the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA). #WFP Aid & #ARSA terrorists : #Myanmar Govt asking #WFP, Aid for civilian or terrorists? #Rakhine #Myanmar, said Suu Kyi s spokesman, Zaw Htay, in a tweet on Thursday. Tin Maung Swe, secretary of the Rakhine state government, confirmed that workers have refused to work for the WFP. Laborers who carry the WFP food bags don t want to contract with them any more. People who have made contract with WFP refused to work for them, he said. He added that residents were disgusted with the organization following the government s accusations. Tin Maung Swe also said that the government was trying to find a different way to support the organization . Rakhine Buddhist leaders have long bemoaned the presence of international agencies, who they accuse of favoring the Rohingya. Aid offices in Sittwe were sacked during 2014 riots. The discovery at a suspected militant camp on July 30 of WFP-branded biscuits intended for malnourished children had further stoked tensions even before last week s attacks. Accusations against the U.N. have been spread on social media by nationalist hardliners, stoking fears of another outbreak of communal violence in a state that has long been divided along religious and ethnic lines. International aid agencies operating in Myanmar issued a statement on Thursday condemning the insurgent attacks and subsequent violence, and urging all stakeholders to cease the spread of misinformation . The OCHA s Peron said the disruption was already being felt. Humanitarian aid normally goes to these vulnerable people for a very good reason, because they depend on it, he said. In addition to the closure of camp clinics, Rohingya who have been referred to the main hospital in Sittwe for more serious complaints were finding it hard to travel there, said the hospital s chief doctor Kyaw Naing Win. There have been some constraints for them to come to the hospital because of the tighter security control after recent clashes, he said, but added the hospital did not discriminate against them. Kyaw Naing Win said he arranged for the state government to provide security for 17 Muslim patients who were discharged from the hospital on Thursday. Even before the recent violence Rohingya camp residents faced severe restrictions on their movements around Sittwe. Talks between government and relief agencies are scheduled for next week, aid group sources told Reuters. Possible solutions might include the government providing security escorts for food convoys, they added. (This story has been refiled to remove extraneous words in paragraph 6)