AchievementsThe school has won a Schools Drug Prevention Charter Award for its efforts in anti-drug education icarried out jointly with local units of the Rotary Club and the Soroptimists Club of Great Britain, as well as with the Bradford Bulls rugby club.
By 7 April 1862 he was appointed bishop of Gap, received his episcopal consecration on 29 June 1862 from Archbishop Jean-Joseph-Marie-Eugène de Jerphanion, with bishops Louis-Antoine Pavy and Jean-Jacques Bardou serving as co-consecrators.
SpeciesSubgenus Afrolimonia Alexander, 1965L. angustilamina (Alexander, 1956)L. basilewskyi (Alexander, 1962)L. buxtoniana (Alexander, 1956)L. comoreana (Alexander, 1959)L. crassibasis (Alexander, 1975)L. discobolina (Edwards, 1923)L. discobolodes (Alexander, 1974)L. dispar (Lindner, 1958)L. ditior (Alexander, 1946)L. familiaris (Speiser, 1923)L. igalensis (Alexander, 1937)L. illiterata (Alexander, 1937)L. imperspicua (Alexander, 1929)L. indra (Alexander, 1968)L. irrorata (Enderlein, 1912)L. joanae (Alexander, 1975)L. ladogensis (Lackschewitz, 1940)L. lophema (Alexander, 1958)L. loveridgei (Alexander, 1937)L. lucrativa (Alexander, 1956)L. nigricaulis (Alexander, 1956)L. nyasaensis (Alexander, 1920)L. obuduensis (Alexander, 1976)L. oligacantha (Alexander, 1956)L. oligospilota (Alexander, 1937)L. omnifulva (Alexander, 1957)L. oresitropha (Speiser, 1909)L. plutonis (Alexander, 1924)L. poecila (Alexander, 1920)L. praetor (Alexander, 1945)L. rhanteria (Alexander, 1920)L. rhizosema (Speiser, 1909)L. shawi (Alexander, 1921)L. sokotrana (Alexander, 1920)L. subapicalis (Alexander, 1930)L. trunculata (Alexander, 1976)L. uniflava (Riedel, 1914)L. vilhelmi (Alexander, 1924)Subgenus Goniodineura van der Wulp, 1895L. acrophaea (Alexander, 1930)L. apicifusca (Alexander, 1978)L. apsellia (Alexander, 1978)L. banahaoensis (Alexander, 1929)L. bellula (Alexander, 1931)L. cerinella (Alexander, 1978)L. circumscripta (Alexander, 1934)L. clauda (Alexander, 1937)L. clitelligera (Alexander, 1929)L. delicatior (Alexander, 1940)L. ephippiata (Alexander, 1936)L. erythromera (Alexander, 1935)L. familiaris Osten Sacken, 1882L. forcipata de Meijere, 1911L. hassenana (Alexander, 1930)L. hopkinsi Edwards, 1928L. imbellis (Alexander, 1924)L. immetata (Alexander, 1935)L. indica (Brunetti, 1912)L. kraussiana (Alexander, 1972)L. lacrimula (Alexander, 1956)L. lantauensis (Alexander, 1938)L. luteithorax (Alexander, 1937)L. magnisiva (Alexander, 1968)L. malaitae (Alexander, 1978)L. melancholica (Alexander, 1931)L. montivagans Alexander, 1915L. neofamiliaris (Alexander, 1931)L. nepalica (Alexander, 1958)L. nesopicta (Alexander, 1940)L. nigriceps (van der Wulp, 1895)L. nigricornis Alexander, 1915L. novaebrittanicae (Alexander, 1924)L. parvistigma Alexander, 1920L. perluteola (Alexander, 1972)L. perparvula (Alexander, 1931)L. perparvuloides (Alexander, 1935)L. phaeonota (Alexander, 1940)L. phaeozoma (Alexander, 1972)L. pictoides (Alexander, 1972)L. rarissima (Alexander, 1934)L. signaticollis (van der Wulp, 1895)L. siva (Alexander, 1971)L. subfamiliaris (Alexander, 1931)L. unistriolata (Alexander, 1931)L. veitchi (Alexander, 1924)L. viridula (Alexander, 1922)Subgenus Gressittomyia Alexander, 1936L. xenoptera (Alexander, 1936)Subgenus Laosa Edwards, 1926L. bipartita (Alexander, 1936)L. charmosyne (Alexander, 1958)L. diphragma (Alexander, 1934)L. dolonigra (Alexander, 1956)L. falcata (Alexander, 1935)L. fuscinervis Brunetti, 1912L. impensa (Alexander, 1967)L. innuba (Alexander, 1941)L. iris (Alexander, 1950)L. joculator (Alexander, 1959)L. kariyana (Alexander, 1947)L. manobo (Alexander, 1931)L. noctipes (Alexander, 1967)L. pavo (Alexander, 1964)L. regalis Edwards, 1916L. riedelella (Alexander, 1934)L. rotundifolialeos (Young, 1990)L. suffalcata (Alexander, 1964)L. taficola (Alexander, 1948)L. transversalis de Meijere, 1916Subgenus Libnotes Westwood, 1876L. adicia (Alexander, 1948)L. alexanderi Edwards, 1925L. alternimacula (Alexander, 1962)L. amatrix (Alexander, 1922)L. aptata (Alexander, 1949)L. archboldeana (Alexander, 1959)L. astuta (Alexander, 1932)L. atroguttata (Edwards, 1932)L. augustana (Alexander, 1978)L. aurantiaca (Doleschall, 1859)L. basistrigata (Alexander, 1934)L. buruicola (Alexander, 1942)L. carbonipes (Alexander, 1930)L. chrysophaea (Alexander, 1934)L. citrivena (Alexander, 1938)L. clintoni (Alexander, 1936)L. colossus (Alexander, 1971)L. comissabunda (Alexander, 1935)L. consona (Alexander, 1936)L. crocea (Edwards, 1916)L. depicta (Alexander, 1942)L. diaphana (Alexander, 1942)L. divaricata (Alexander, 1924)L. djampangensis (Alexander, 1934)L. duyagi (Alexander, 1929)L. eboracensis (Alexander, 1935)L. elachista (Alexander, 1971)L. elata (Alexander, 1931)L. elissa (Alexander, 1947)L. falsa (Alexander, 1935)L. fastosa (Alexander, 1959)L. ferruginata Edwards, 1926L. flavipalpis Edwards, 1926L. fuscicoxata (Edwards, 1932)L. garoensis (Alexander, 1921)L. grammoneura (Alexander, 1962)L. greeni Edwards, 1928L. greenwoodi Alexander, 1924L. griseola (Alexander, 1934)L. henrici (Alexander, 1932)L. hollandi (Alexander, 1936)L. howensis Alexander, 1922L. igorata (Alexander, 1929)L. illecebrosa (Alexander, 1930)L. imponens (Walker, 1859)L. impressa (Walker, 1856)L. inattenta (Alexander, 1967)L. infumosa Savchenko, 1983L. innotabilis (Walker, 1864)L. inusitata Edwards, 1927L. invicta (Alexander, 1964)L. ishana (Alexander, 1967)L. kaulbackiana (Alexander, 1963)L. kinabaluana (Edwards, 1933)L. klossi Alexander, 1927L. kusaiensis (Alexander, 1940)L. laetinota (Alexander, 1963)L. laterospinosa (Alexander, 1972)L. libnotina (Alexander, 1934)L. limpida Edwards, 1916L. longinervis (Brunetti, 1912)L. longistigma Alexander, 1921L. luteiventris Edwards, 1926L. majorina (Alexander, 1972)L. marginalis Bezzi, 1916L. megalops Edwards, 1926L. minyneura (Alexander, 1978)L. muscicola (Alexander, 1942)L. neopleuralis (Alexander, 1964)L. neosolicita (Alexander & Alexander, 1973)L. nerissa (Alexander, 1959)L. nigerrima (Alexander, 1934)L. nohirai Alexander, 1918L. notata van der Wulp, 1878L. notatinervis Brunetti, 1912L. onobana (Alexander, 1936)L. opaca Bezzi, 1916L. oralis Edwards, 1928L. palaeta (Alexander, 1942)L. perkinsi (Grimshaw, 1901)L. perplexa (Alexander, 1951)L. perrara (Alexander, 1931)L. philemon (Alexander, 1962)L. pilulifera (Edwards, 1933)L. plomleyi (Alexander, 1937)L. poeciloptera Osten Sacken, 1881L. praeculta (Alexander, 1959)L. pramatha (Alexander, 1965)L. puella Alexander, 1925L. punctatinervis Edwards, 1928L. punctatissima de Meijere, 1915L. punctithorax (Brunetti, 1918)L. quadrifurca (Walker, 1861)L. quadriplagiata Alexander, 1932L. quinquecostata (Alexander, 1936)L. quinquegeminata (Alexander, 1950)L. recta (Edwards, 1928)L. rectangula (Riedel, 1921)L. recurvinervis (Alexander, 1930)L. regina Alexander, 1920L. restricta Alexander, 1924L. riverai (Alexander, 1929)L. rufata (Edwards, 1931)L. rufula (Alexander, 1962)L. sabroskyi (Alexander, 1972)L. sackenina (Alexander, 1929)L. sappho (Alexander, 1943)L. scoliacantha (Alexander, 1972)L. scutellata Edwards, 1916L. semperi Osten Sacken, 1882L. sharva (Alexander, 1965)L. simplicicercus (Alexander, 1967)L. soembana (Edwards, 1932)L. stantoni Edwards, 1916L. strigivena (Walker, 1861)L. subamatrix (Alexander, 1960)L. subfasciatula (Oosterbroek, 1986)L. subocellata (Alexander, 1959)L. subopaca Alexander, 1923L. sumatrana Edwards, 1919L. suttoni (Alexander, 1935)L. tartarus (Alexander, 1965)L. termitina Osten Sacken, 1882L. terraereginae Alexander, 1922L. thwaitesiana Westwood, 1876L. thyestes (Alexander, 1950)L. tibiocincta (Alexander, 1964)L. trifasciata Edwards, 1928L. trisignata (Walker, 1865)L. tritincta (Brunetti, 1918)L. trukensis (Alexander, 1972)L. tszi (Alexander, 1949)L. undulata Matsumura, 1916L. univibrissa (Alexander, 1967)L. viridicolor (Alexander, 1962)L. vitiana (Alexander, 1956)L. willowsi (Alexander, 1936)L. xanthoneura (Alexander, 1953)L. zelota (Alexander, 1933)Subgenus Metalibnotes Alexander, 1972L. beardsleyi (Alexander, 1972)L. caledoniana (Alexander, 1978)L. delandi (Alexander, 1934)L. edgari (Alexander, 1972)L. fijiensis (Alexander, 1914)L. hebridensis Edwards, 1927L. jocularis (Alexander, 1940)L. knighti (Alexander, 1978)L. orofenaae (Alexander, 1947)L. perhyalina (Alexander, 1973)L. persetosa (Alexander, 1956)L. semiermis (Alexander, 1921)L. sentifera (Alexander, 1972)L. tongana (Alexander, 1978)L. toxopei (Edwards, 1926)L. veitchiana Edwards, 1924L. watti (Alexander, 1973)Subgenus Paralibnotes Alexander, 1972L. biprotensa (Alexander, 1972)L. immaculipennis Senior-White, 1922L. manni Alexander, 1924L. obliqua Alexander, 1922L. samoensis Alexander, 1921L. subaequalis Alexander, 1921Subgenus Paralibnotes Alexander, 1972L. bidentata (Skuse, 1890)L. bidentoides (Alexander, 1972)L. brunettii (Alexander, 1921)L. centralis (Brunetti, 1912)L. mopsa (Alexander, 1934)ReferencesCatalogue of the Craneflies of the WorldCategory:LimoniidaeCategory:Nematocera generaCategory:Diptera of AfricaCategory:Diptera of Asia
His son, Malcolm Pirnie Jr. (1920–1997), followed in his footsteps as chairman of the consulting firm Malcolm Pirnie Inc.
References Category:Populated places in Bandar-e Gaz County
On All About Jazz, Doug Collette observed "In keeping with Antonio Sanchez' multi-faceted ownership of this project, the leader's playing is as authoritative within this structured setting as in the looser atmosphere of the other album: the composer/bandleader simultaneously underlines the melodic and rhythmic motifs of each interval and, at the same time, maintains a flexibility that allows his counterparts to express their personalities as fully as he does".
Martin may hold the distinction of having seen more Red Sox games in person than any other person, having spent 32 entire seasons with the club's broadcast team calling games on TV and on the radio, which meant he saw more than 5,130 regular and postseason Red Sox games.
In Icelandic, Ý is the 29th letter of the alphabet, between Y and Þ.
She then taught art classes in the San Antonio, Texas public schools for several years, before moving to Paris to continue her art studies with M. Ingelbert.
The MHP also ruled out any prospect of a coalition government that receives support from the HDP after the June 2015 general election resulted in a hung parliament, even rejecting CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's offer of Bahçeli becoming Prime Minister in such a coalition.
Category:Populated places in Quảng Bình ProvinceCategory:Communes of Quảng Bình Province
Devon won the competition for the third time defeating Durham in the final.
He graduated from Broadgates Hall, Oxford in 1580 with a Bachelor of Civil Law degree, and a few years later was called to the ecclesiastical bar at York.
OverviewFinal standings (groups)Final standings (general)ResultsTop goalscorers Players sorted first by goals scored, then by last name.
The Teams event of the tournament 2015 BWF World Junior Championships is held on November 4-8.
Claridge's daughter, Charlotte "Lottie", married Brigham Young III, a son of Brigham Young, Jr. and his wife Catherine Curtis Spencer.<ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=67U3AQAAIAAJ&pg=RA1-PA44&lpg=RA1-PA44&dq=Edith+Grant+Young&source=bl&ots=HXS1vnUHRO&sig=WQnonr1bQ4RDJmO5IjJtYr3Ht9A&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Nr2WUf3GOIiqyAGexoHwBA&ved=0CE0Q6AEwCg#v=onepage&q=Edith%20Grant%20Young&f=false Susa Young Gates, Genealogy of the Family of Brigham Young"], Utah Genealogical Magazine: "some have incorrectly said that Lottie's husband was Brigham Spencer Young, but Brigham Spencer Young was actually the name of one of her sons"</ref> One of Claridge's sons, David Claridge, was a member of the Arizona House of Representatives.
Balcells took 10th place in the Finn.
He was educated at St David's College, Lampeter and Wycliffe Hall, Oxford; and ordained Deacon in 1937 and Priest in 1938.
The spider is paralysed before being dragged backwards to the nest site where it is hidden on a plant while the burrow is rapidly excavated.
The drama takes place on an afternoon before an Oscar party.
He was president of the Council of Ministers from 1816 to 1827.
A full-time medical officer assisted by two dispensers look after the health of cadets.
Since then, Stiles and Drewe have revised the show.
|}|}|}|}|}|}|}|}NotesReferencesAdditional sources Baier, Paul R. (1973).
In 2002–03 season, the club was playing in the Iraqi Premier League until it relegated to Iraq Division One in the 2005 season where it remains.
Francis Leslie may refer to:Francis Leslie (pirate) (fl.
The DAR Solo entered production in 2008.
Awards Knight of the Order of Saint Stanislaus, awarded in 1776.
She belonged to the playwrights of the Spanish Golden Age.
Nowadays Angren is often referred to as a ghost town.
The Witcher video game series from CD Projekt Red features garkains as a type of vampire.
It refers more generally however to any similar regime of verification of conformity to some standard, e.g.
It was contested by Wrexham and Cardiff City at the Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff.
The estate were known as "Bornholm vederlagsgods".
The jet segments contrast highly from the helicopter segments in the complete lack of available power-ups and additional weapons beyond a machine gun and bomb.
Kumar and his family members personally donated over $1.5 million to Trump.
In 2004, Barmak won Best Foreign Language Film at the Golden Globes for his first feature film, Osama.
After graduating from high school, he joined J1 League club Tokyo Verdy in 2002.
Tuvalu withdrew its recognition on 31 May 2014, since establishing diplomatic ties with Georgia.
The Aragonese Way () is a route of the Way of St. James beginning at the French-Spanish border at the pass of Somport and joining the French Way (or Camino Francés) at Puente la Reina in Navarre.
Pardes House Grammar School is a 10–16 independent Orthodox Jewish secondary school for boys in Finchley, London, England.
In the early 1920s, Walburga Oesterreich kept her lover Otto Sanhuber in the attic where he lived for many years.
Alberto Sánchez bettered the men's hammer throw mark, while María Eugenia Villamizar won her third straight women's hammer title with another championships record.
The programme was a fusion of talk show, how-to and situation comedy.
The Donelson Party passed the Indian Cave entrance on their way down the Holston River in 1779 to settle present-day Nashville, Tennessee.
Podraje is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Nowy Korczyn, within Busko County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, in south-central Poland.
Picture bookThe year 2017 saw public efforts under way to render It Takes as a picture book, an announcement that was made in February 2017.
Competition recordPersonal bestsOutdoor600 metres – 1:16.73 (Liège 2003)800 metres – 1:45.75 (Rehlingen 2003)1000 metres – 2:22.13 (Sondershausen 2002)Indoor800 metres – 1:47.67 (Lisbon 2001 – former national record)1000 metres – 2:19.77 (Piraeus 2002)1500 metres – 3:49.05 (Ghent 2006)ReferencesCategory:1975 birthsCategory:Living peopleCategory:Belgian male middle-distance runnersCategory:Sportspeople from KortrijkCategory:Flemish sportspeople
Boutheina (also spelled Bouthaina or Buthaina; ) is an Arabic given name for females.
While the Congress's name mentions the French language "in Canada", the organizers explicitly addressed their invitation to all the French speakers of America.
Section 2Bottom halfSection 3The nationality of Mrs JH King is unknown.
It is often thought to have been centred in Kirman, though firm evidence is lacking.
He was 27 years old, and a Rifleman in the 4th Battalion, 8th Gurkha Rifles, in the Indian Army during World War II when the following deed took place in May 1945 for which he was awarded the VC.
It was described by Knull in 1928.
Residents and town officials are working on additional improvement plans.
Perennial veldtgrass is a common name for several species of grass in the genus Ehrharta which have become invasive in English speaking countries:Ehrharta calycina, the invasive perennial veldtgrass of North AmericaEhrharta erecta, the invasive perennial veldtgrass of Australia
Modern studies and uses There have been some modern studies of the oil's chemical constituents and their antifungal and cytotoxic effects.
CareerHe directed films such as Shuttlecock (1991), The Fall (1999), The Dinosaur Hunters (2002) and The Killing of John Lennon (2006).
A short walk from the car park takes visitors past the main art sites to the foot of Ubirr Rock.
It was created to protect the lives, property and constitutional rights of people in Yankton.
Hildebrand, Grant, and Miriam Sutermeister, A Greek Temple in French Prairie, c Marion Dean Ross Chapter, Society of Architectural Historians, self-published for regional libraries, 2007Hildebrand, Grant, Suyama: A Complex Serenity, Marquand Books with University of Washington Press, Seattle and London, 2011.
There are 3 streets.
It was also during this time that Roy found out he had a living relative in the form of Jim Harper, the clone of his great uncle.
on December 30, 2009.
Henri Beau, 1863–1949.
Philippine language may refer to: Filipino language, the native and Spanish name for Standard Tagalog, a Central Philippine language Philippine languages, a proposed branch of the Austronesian language family Greater Central Philippine languages Central Philippine languagesSee also Proto-Philippine language
The relevant patents by Barco were purchased by INFITEC GmbH in 2010.
Kilburn, 1986densecostulata
In 1979, the building was listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
The Supreme Court of Brunei Darussalam are appointed by the Sultan of Brunei to sit in judgment of the most acrimonious contentions in his realm.
ReferencesCategory:Companies based in Kennebec County, MaineCategory:Buildings and structures in Kennebec County, MaineCategory:Tourist attractions in Kennebec County, Maine
Category:Prehistoric mammalsCategory:Mammal taxonomyCategory:Norian first appearancesCategory:Late Triassic first appearancesCategory:Miocene extinctionsCategory:Fossil taxa described in 1880
AchievementsGinge has climbed overall 168 country high points.
The Race for Hope – PA is held annually in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, beginning at the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
The narrator sees a condor and wishes to ask it about the people he knows who have died.
The continuing firm changed its name to Reed, Veach and Wurdeman Associates in 1969, and evolved into telecommunications engineering and billing.
HistoryFounded on 25 August 1919, already dissolved on 25 October 1919 and merged with the Christian National Party to form the Christian National Union Party.
Champion Nation Recordings & MVD Distribution "Rise" - Liquid Stranger and Heavyweight Dub Champion.
Specifically, it stated that anyone who had citizenship of undivided Korea and had retained it up to the promulgation of the new citizenship law, as well as descendants of such persons, was thenceforth a citizen of the DPRK.
Anthony was also featured on the ABC series, Hungry Beast in 2010.
The Catholic Church of England and Wales however said that the creation was "monstrous" and says that the later destruction of it is unethical.
Modrá Hůrka lies approximately north of České Budějovice and south of Prague.
Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 12 (CCL12) is a small cytokine belonging to the CC chemokine family that has been described in mice.
This is a list of lists of PlayStation 3 games.
ReferencesCategory:EburodacrysCategory:Beetles described in 1884
Botkins High School is a public high school in Botkins, Ohio.
At the 2006 census, its population was 423, in 121 families.
Opener Darwin Telemaque then put on 43 with captain Julian Charles before retiring hurt, and two wickets from Guyana captain Roger Harper sent the Windwards to 85 for 6.
ReferencesCategory:Populated places in Dubica, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Because of this, the Chilean press christened her "La Fiera Vip" (The Beast VIP).
FilmographyAnimation Ah!
Koretz served as Mayor and City Councilman for twelve years before being elected to the State Assembly.
ReferencesCategory:14th-century birthsCategory:1393 deathsCategory:People from CornwallCategory:14th-century English peopleCategory:English MPs January 1377Category:English MPs 1393Category:English MPs October 1377
This is a list of oil refineries.
At a press conference, he deemed the termination unacceptable and dishonest.
No fees are required to obtain the card.
C.09Category:1910s German military reconnaissance aircraftCategory:Single-engined tractor aircraftCategory:Aircraft first flown in 1917