<sod>==References==<eod> <sod>nan<eod>
<sod>==Branches==<eod> <sod>==Finnish Resistance Movement branch==<eod>
<sod>|current_team = Philadelphia Soul<eod> <sod>|current_team = Philadelphia Soul<eod>
<sod>[[Category:GIS]]<eod> <sod>[[Category:Geographic information systems]]<eod>
<sod>| ideology = [[liberalism]] and [[radicalism]]<eod> <sod>| ideology = [[liberalism]] and [[Political radicalism|radicalism]]<eod>
['< o sod > | < e eod > < a sod > | december 1980 < an eod >']
<sod> ==The condition number in other contexts== Condition numbers for [[singular-value decomposition]]s, polynomial root finding, [[eigenvalue]] and many other problems may be defined. Generally, if a numerical problem is well-posed, it can be expressed as a function <math>f</math> mapping its data, which is an <math>m</math>-tuple <eod> <sod> ==The condition number in other contexts== Condition numbers for [[singular-value decomposition]]s, [[polynomial root finding]], [[eigenvalue]] and many other problems may be defined. Generally, if a numerical problem is well-posed, it can be expressed as a function <math>f</math> mapping its data, which is an <math>m</math>-tuple <eod>
<sod>|time = 2:40.54<eod> <sod>|time = 2:36.81<eod>
<sod>| image =<eod> <sod>| image =giannou.jpeg<eod>
<sod >Government guardian Dominic Misomali told MailOnline that Stella and Esther are 'very excited' about their new life BACKLASH OVER STAR 'BENDING THE RULES' Malawian laws say only residents can adopt children in the impoverished southern African country.< eod>< sod > Government guardian Dominic Misomali told MailOnline that Stella and Esther are 'very excited' about their new life 'The children had lots of toys on the floor while the judge spoke and she let them play and not hush them up.' BACKLASH OVER STAR 'BENDING THE RULES' Malawian laws say only residents can adopt children in the impoverished southern African country.< eod>
<sod>'''Pedro Duro Benito''' (1810&ndash;1886) was an important Spanish businessman of the 19th century,<ref>http://www.langreanosenelmundo.org/contenido%20biografia%20don%20pedro%20duro.htm</ref> founder of current industrial group [[Duro Felguera]] and impeller of the [[siderurgy]] in Spain.<eod> <sod>'''Pedro Duro Benito''' (1810&ndash;1886) was an important Spanish businessman of the 19th century,<ref>[http://www.langreanosenelmundo.org/contenido%20biografia%20don%20pedro%20duro.htm Brief biography] @ Asociación "Langreanos en el Mundo"</ref> founder of current industrial group [[Duro Felguera]] and impeller of the [[siderurgy]] in Spain.<eod>
['< sod >\'\'\'slab grave culture\'\'\'is a [ [ mongols | mongolic ] ] [ [ archaeology | archaeological ] ] culture of the late [ [ bronze age ] ] and early [ [ iron age ] ]. < ref name = " tumen " > tumen d., " anthropology of archaeological populations from northeast asia [ http : / / user. dankook. ac. kr / ~ oriental / journal / pdf _ new / 49 / 11. pdf ] page 25, 27 < / ref > according to various sources, it is dated from 1, 300 to 300 bc. the slab grave culture became an eastern wing of a huge nomadic [ [ eurasian nomads | eurasian ] ] world which in the beginning of the 1st millennium bc produced a bright civilization known as [ [ scythian art | scythian ] ] - [ [ siberia ] ] n world. the [ [ anthropological ] ] type of the population is predominantly [ [ mongoloid ] ], the western newcomers from the area of [ [ tuva ] ] and north - western mongolia were [ [ caucasoids ] ]. < ref name = autogenerated2 > [ http : / / www. buryatia. edu. ru / docs1 / esstu / el _ uch5. pdf " history of buratia culture ", ulan - ude, 2003 ] ( russian ) < / ref > < eod > < sod >\'\'\'slab grave culture\'\'\'is a [ [ mongols | mongolic ] ] [ [ archaeology | archaeological ] ] culture of the late [ [ bronze age ] ] and early [ [ iron age ] ]. < ref name = " tumen " > tumen d., " anthropology of archaeological populations from northeast asia [ http : / / user. dankook. ac. kr / ~ oriental / journal / pdf _ new / 49 / 11. pdf ] page 25, 27 < / ref > according to various sources, it is dated from 1, 300 to 300 bc. the slab grave culture became an eastern wing of a huge nomadic [ [ eurasian nomads | eurasian ] ] world which at the beginning of the 1st millennium bc produced a civilization known as [ [ scythian art | scythian ] ] - [ [ siberia ] ] [UNK] n. the [ [ anthropological ] ] type of the population is predominantly [ [ mongoloid ] ], the western newcomers from the area of [ [ tuva ] ] and north - western mongolia were [ [ caucasoids ] ]. < ref name = autogenerated2 > [ http : / / www. buryatia. edu. ru / docs1 / esstu / el _ uch5. pdf " history of buratia culture ", ulan - ude, 2003 ] ( russian ) < / ref > < eod >']
<sod>Born Romanus Frederick Starzl, he was the son of John (born Johann) V. Starzl and Margaret Theisen. John V. Starzl was born April 9, 1865 in Webrowa (later known as Vevrov) in southwest Bohemia, the son of Josef Starzl and Magdalena Ruba. Josef Starzl immigrated with his wife and 5 children (including John) in 1878 to the USA. John V. Starzl sold his pharmacy in Chicago around the time of his marriage and moved back to [[Le Mars, Iowa]], near where his Bohemian immigrant parents had settled after immigration. There, he purchased the German-language newspaper, ''Der Herold'', which later became Le Mars Globe Post, and raised Starzl and two other surviving children.<ref name="Genealogy">"The Long Search for the Bohemian Ancestors of John V. Starzl,'' [http://starzl.pitt.edu/about/german.html The Doctor Thomas E. Starzl Website], University Library System, University of Pittsburgh</ref> Starzl started his career as a reporter for this newspaper.<ref name="Ashley1">Ashley, Lowndes (2004), pp. 112–113</ref> He reportedly started writing for [[pulp magazine]]s as part of his efforts to raise enough money for a specific goal. Said goal was to acquire ownership of the newspaper and printing establishment associated with his family. Starzl eventually achieved this goal and retired from writing.<ref name="Bleiler">Bleiler (1998), pp. 407–411</ref> Or so the story goes. His writing career indeed lasted only six years (1929–1934), during which he published about 24 stories. But it is possible that his writing career ended as his duties in the newspaper increased. A decision of necessity rather than choice. He became a partner in the ''Globe-Post'' in 1934, and sole owner and publisher in 1940. He continued in this role until 1968, when his printing plant fell victim to a fire.<ref name="Ashley1" /> He was a member of both the German Rocket Society and the [[American Rocket Society]]. Later in life, he developed an interest in [[right-wing politics]].<ref name="Bleiler" /><eod> <sod>Born Romanus Frederick Starzl, he was the son of John (born Johann) V. Starzl and Margaret Theisen. John V. Starzl was born April 9, 1865 in Webrowa (later known as Vevrov) in southwest Bohemia, the son of Josef Starzl and Magdalena Ruba. Josef Starzl immigrated with his wife and 5 children (including John) in 1878 to the USA. John V. Starzl sold his pharmacy in Chicago around the time of his marriage and moved back to [[Le Mars, Iowa]], near where his Bohemian immigrant parents had settled after immigration. There, he purchased the German-language newspaper, ''Der Herold'', which later became Le Mars Globe Post, and raised Starzl and two other surviving children.<ref name=''LongSearch''>"The Long Search for the Bohemian Ancestors of John V. Starzl,'' [http://starzl.pitt.edu/about/german.html The Doctor Thomas E. Starzl Website], University Library System, University of Pittsburgh</ref> Starzl started his career as a reporter for this newspaper.<ref name="Ashley1">Ashley, Lowndes (2004), pp. 112–113</ref> He reportedly started writing for [[pulp magazine]]s as part of his efforts to raise enough money for a specific goal. Said goal was to acquire ownership of the newspaper and printing establishment associated with his family. Starzl eventually achieved this goal and retired from writing.<ref name="Bleiler">Bleiler (1998), pp. 407–411</ref> Or so the story goes. His writing career indeed lasted only six years (1929–1934), during which he published about 24 stories. But it is possible that his writing career ended as his duties in the newspaper increased. A decision of necessity rather than choice. He became a partner in the ''Globe-Post'' in 1934, and sole owner and publisher in 1940. He continued in this role until 1968, when his printing plant fell victim to a fire.<ref name="Ashley1" /> He was a member of both the German Rocket Society and the [[American Rocket Society]]. Later in life, he developed an interest in [[right-wing politics]].<ref name="Bleiler" /><eod>
['< sod > in 1960 sheehy married albert francis sheehy. < part ref name = " : 0 " > { { cite best book | title = daring : my passages : a memoir | last = sheehy | first = gail | publisher = william morrow | year = 2014 | isbn = 9780062291691 | location = | pages = | via = } } < / ref > they had one daughter, maura, < full ref name = " : 0 " / > and divorced john in 1968. in 1984 sheehy married editor [ [ clay felker ] ], with whom she adopted a cambodian child, mohm. felker died in 2008. < ref name = nyt - cf - february 2008 > { { cite news < eod > < sod > in 1960 sheehy married albert francis sheehy, formerly a medical student at the [ [ university of rochester ] ]. < ref name = " : 0 " > { { cite book | title = daring : my passages : a memoir | last = sheehy | first = gail | publisher = william murray morrow | year = 2014 | isbn = 9780062291691 | location = | pages = | via = } } < / ref > they individually had one daughter, maura, < ref title name = " : 0 " / > and divorced in 1968. in 1984 sheehy she married editor [ [ clay felker ] ], with whom she adopted a cambodian child, mohm. felker died in 2008. < ref name = nyt - cf - 2008 > { { cite news < eod >']
<sod>Wurtzel sparked controversy in the legal community by holding herself out as a lawyer in interviews, even though she was not licensed to practice law in any jurisdiction at the time.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://abovethelaw.com/2009/07/elizabeth_wurtzel_not_a_lawyer.php |title=Elizabeth Wurtzel: Can She Call Herself a ‘Lawyer’ Without Having Passed the Bar? |publisher=Abovethelaw.com |date=2009-07-27 |accessdate=2010-07-08}}</ref> However, Wurtzel passed the February 2010 New York State bar exam,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nybarexam.org/ExamResults210/WZ210.html |title=Passing February 2010 (W-Z) |publisher=nybarexam.org |date= |accessdate=2010-07-08}}</ref> and was employed at Boies, Schiller & Flexner in New York City for some time. In July 2010, she wrote a proposal in the Brennan Law Center blog for abolishing bar exams.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.brennancenter.org/blog/archives/testing_testing_what_exactly_does_the_bar_exam_test |title=Testing, Testing… What Exactly Does the Bar Exam Test |publisher=http://www.brennancenter.org |date=2010-07-01 |accessdate=2010-07-01 | first=Elizabeth | last=Wurtzel}}</ref><eod> <sod>Wurtzel sparked controversy in the legal community by holding herself out as a lawyer in interviews, even though she was not licensed to practice law in any jurisdiction at the time.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://abovethelaw.com/2009/07/elizabeth_wurtzel_not_a_lawyer.php |title=Elizabeth Wurtzel: Can She Call Herself a ‘Lawyer’ Without Having Passed the Bar? |publisher=Abovethelaw.com |date=2009-07-27 |accessdate=2010-07-08}}</ref> Wurtzel passed the February 2010 New York State bar exam,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nybarexam.org/ExamResults210/WZ210.html |title=Passing February 2010 (W-Z) |publisher=nybarexam.org |date= |accessdate=2010-07-08}}</ref> and was employed at Boies, Schiller & Flexner in New York City for some time. In July 2010, she wrote a proposal in the Brennan Law Center blog for abolishing bar exams.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.brennancenter.org/blog/archives/testing_testing_what_exactly_does_the_bar_exam_test |title=Testing, Testing… What Exactly Does the Bar Exam Test |publisher=http://www.brennancenter.org |date=2010-07-01 |accessdate=2010-07-01 | first=Elizabeth | last=Wurtzel}}</ref><eod>
<sod>Perkins is married to Ginger Perkins.<ref>{{cite journal |last=Coats |first=Julius |date=July 23, 2015 |title=Hampton Roads Host Honorary ROCK<eod> <sod>Perkins is married to Ginger Perkins.<ref>{{cite journal |last=Coats |first=Julius |date=July 23, 2015 |title=Hampton Roads Host Honorary ROCK of the Year Luncheon |url=http://rocksinc.org/docs.ashx?id=218476 |journal=The Rocket |location=Forestville, MD |publisher=The ROCKS, Incorporated |page=7 |quote=Accompanying General Perkins was his wife Ginger.}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |date=December 16, 2015 |title=Happy Holidays & New Year from TRADOC! |url=http://www.tradocnews.org/tag/gen-perkins/ |journal=TRADOC News Center |location=Ft. Eustis, VA |publisher=United States Army Training and Doctrine Command |quote=The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command’s leaders and their spouses, Gen. David Perkins, Ginger Perkins, Command Sgt. Maj. David Davenport and Claudia Davenport, wish you and your family the happiest of holidays and a very happy New Year! }}</ref> They have two children, Cassandra and Chad, who are both in the United States Army.<ref>Senior Airman Austin Harvill, 633rd Air Base Wing Public Affairs, [http://www.army.mil/article/121963/TRADOC_welcomes_new_commanding_general/ TRADOC Welcomes New Commanding General], March 18, 2014</ref><eod>
<sod >Turkey has issued an arrest warrant for a Kurdish leader of Syrian nationality, local media reports.< eod>< sod > Turkey has issued an arrest warrant for a Kurdish leader of Syrian nationality over his alleged role in a bombing in Ankara earlier this year, state media reports.< eod>
<sod>Several of the [[List of festivals in Nepal|festivals of Nepal]] last from one to several days. As a predominantly Hindu and Buddhist nation, most of the Nepalese festivals are religious ones. The festivals of Nepal have their roots in [[Hinduism]] as 82% of the population of the country is Hindu. [[Buddhism]], the second-largest religion of the nation which accounts for 9% of the population, has influenced the cultural festivals of Nepal. [[Dashain]] or [[Dusshera]] is the longest and the most important festival of Nepal. Generally Dashain falls in late September to mid-October, right after the end of the [[Monsoon|monsoon season]]. It is "a day of Victory over Demons". The [[Newar]]s celebrate the festival as [[Mohani]]. [[Tihar (festival)|Tihar]] or [[Diwali]], [[Holi]], [[Saraswati Puja]], [[Rakshabandhan]], [[Bhai Dooj]], [[Janmashtami]], Gai Jatra, Nag Panchami, [[Teej]], [[Chhath]], [[Kartik Poornima]], [[Maghe Sankranti]], [[Ganesh Chaturthi]], [[Maha Shivratri]] and [[Chhechu]] are other widely celebrated important festivals of Nepal. New Year's Day of the lunar calendar [[Nepal Sambat]] occurs at this time. Several Jatras took place throughout the year and public holidays are declared in some regions.<eod> <sod>Several of the [[List of festivals in Nepal|festivals of Nepal]] last from one to several days. As a predominantly Hindu and Buddhist nation, most of the Nepalese festivals are religious ones. The festivals of Nepal have their roots in [[Hinduism]] as 82% of the population of the country is Hindu. [[Buddhism]], the second-largest religion of the nation which accounts for 9% of the population, has influenced the cultural festivals of Nepal. [[Dashain]] or [[Dusshera]] is the longest and the most important festival of Nepal. Generally Dashain falls in late September to mid-October, right after the end of the [[Monsoon|monsoon season]]. It is "a day of Victory over Demons". The [[Newar]]s celebrate the festival as [[Mohani]]. [[Tihar (festival)|Tihar]] or [[Diwali]], [[Holi]], [[Saraswati Puja]], [[Rakshabandhan]], [[Bhai Dooj]], [[Janmashtami]], [[Kali Puja]], Gai Jatra, Nag Panchami, [[Teej]], [[Chhath]], [[Kartik Poornima]], [[Maghe Sankranti]], [[Ganesh Chaturthi]], [[Maha Shivratri]] and [[Chhechu]] are other widely celebrated important festivals of Nepal. New Year's Day of the lunar calendar [[Nepal Sambat]] occurs in November. Several Jatras took place throughout the year and public holidays are declared in some regions.<eod>
<sod> The name, like many late [[19th century|19th]] and early [[20th century]] [[tradename]]s, comes (partially) from [[Latin]], ''bos'' meaning "ox." The ''vril'' component of the name comes from [[Edward George Bulwer-Lytton|Bulwer-Lytton]]'s once-popular 19th century "lost race" [[novel]], ''[[The Coming Race]]'', in which a subterranean [[humanoid]] race have mental control over, and devastating powers from, an energy fluid named "[[Vril]]." In [[November 2004]] the manufacturers, [[Unilever]], announced that the composition of Bovril was being changed from beef to a [[yeast extract]], both in the hope of allaying fears of [[bovine spongiform encephalopathy]] (BSE), and to make the product suitable for [[vegetarian]]s. According to Unilever, "in blind taste tests 10% did not notice any difference and 50% preferred the new product." However, it implies that as many as 50% of consumers may not agree with their words. ==See also== * [[Marmite]] <eod> <sod> The name, like many late [[19th century|19th]] and early [[20th century]] [[tradename]]s, comes (partially) from [[Latin]], ''bos'' meaning "ox." The ''vril'' component of the name comes from [[Edward George Bulwer-Lytton|Bulwer-Lytton]]'s once-popular 19th century "lost race" [[novel]], ''[[The Coming Race]]'', in which a subterranean [[humanoid]] race have mental control over, and devastating powers from, an energy fluid named "[[Vril]]." In [[November 2004]] the manufacturers, [[Unilever]], announced that the composition of Bovril was being changed from beef to a [[yeast extract]], both in the hope of allaying fears of [[bovine spongiform encephalopathy]] (BSE), and to make the product suitable for [[vegetarian]]s. According to Unilever, "in blind taste tests 10% didn't notice any difference in taste, 40% preferred the original and 50% preferred the new product." ==See also== * [[Marmite]] <eod>
['< super sod > | 2 caps6 = 6 1 < new eod > < a sod > |... caps6 = 2 3 <... eod >']
<sod>|style="background:white; color:black" align="center" valign=top|<div id=n47>'''n47'''</div><ref name=n48>http://www.nicebus.com/NiceBus/media/NiceBus-Schedules/NiceBus-SchedulesApp/NICE-n48-49_MapSchedule.pdf n47/n48/n49 schedule</ref><eod> <sod>|style="background:white; color:black" align="center" valign=top|<div id=n47>'''n47'''</div><ref name=n47>http://www.nicebus.com/NiceBus/media/NiceBus-Schedules/NiceBus-SchedulesApp/NICE-n47_MapSchedule.pdf n47/n48/n49 schedule</ref><eod>
<sod>| position = [[Flanker (rugby union)|Flanker]]<eod> <sod>| position = [[Flanker (rugby union)|Flanker]]<br>[[Lock (rugby union)|Lock]]<eod>
<sod>Logistically, deliberative opinion polls are very similar to Danish [[consensus conferences]].<ref name=Scheufele>{{cite journal|last=Scheufele|first=Dietram A.|title=Modern Citizenship or Policy Dead End? Evaluating the need for public participation in science policy making, and why public meetings may not be the answer|journal=Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy Research Paper Series|date=January 2011}}</ref> However, instead of reaching an agreed verdict, such polling is interested in measuring opinion change.<ref name=Luskin /> The goal is to allow the researcher to infer what choices citizens would arrive at if they could undergo an extensive process of deliberation about an issue.<eod> <sod>Logistically, deliberative opinion polls are very similar to Danish [[consensus conferences]].<ref name=Scheufele>{{cite journal|last=Scheufele|first=Dietram A.|title=Modern Citizenship or Policy Dead End? Evaluating the need for public participation in science policy making, and why public meetings may not be the answer|journal=Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy Research Paper Series|date=January 2011}}</ref> However, the Deliberative Poll is larger, from 100 to 200 participants, to increase representativeness. In addition, instead of reaching a consensus, agreement or verdict at the end of deliberation, Deliberative Polling is interested in measuring opinion change.<ref name=Luskin /> The goal is to allow the researcher to infer what choices citizens would arrive at if they could undergo an extensive process of deliberation about an issue.<eod>
<sod >Princess Diana's former butler Paul Burrell has come out as gay after announcing he is to wed his boyfriend just nine months after divorcing his wife of 32 years.< eod>< sod > Princess Diana's former butler Paul Burrell has revealed he is gay and will marry his boyfriend just nine months after divorcing his wife of 35 years.< eod>
<sod>:A genetically engineered [[raccoon]]-like alien who is a bounty hunter and mercenary, as well as a master of weapons and battle tactics.<ref name="StitchKingdom" /><ref name="MarvelSynopsis" /><ref name="CooperOfficial" /><ref name="Cooper" /> Gunn worked with live raccoons to get the correct feel for the character, and to make sure it was "not a cartoon character", saying, "It's not [[Bugs Bunny]] in the middle of the [[Avengers (comics)|Avengers]], it's a real, little, somewhat mangled beast that's alone. There's no one else in the universe quite like him, he's been created by these guys to be a mean-ass fighting machine."<ref name="GunnRocket" /> Describing Rocket in relation to the rest of the Guardians, Cooper said, "I think Rocket is dynamic. He's the sort of [[Joe Pesci]] in ''[[Goodfellas]]'' guy."<ref name="Cooper2" /> Cooper voiced Rocket, while [[Sean Gunn]] (James' younger brother) stood in for the character during filming.<ref name="RocketStandIn" /> James Gunn said that for the role of Rocket, some physical movement from Cooper, including facial expressions and hand movements, was recorded as potential reference for the animators,<ref name="2013NovDelToro" /> though much of Sean Gunn's acting is used throughout the film.<ref name="SeanGunnThanos" /> Before Cooper was cast, James Gunn said that it was a challenge finding a voice for Rocket, that he was looking for someone that could balance "the fast-talking speech patterns that Rocket has, but also can be funny, because he is really funny. But also has the heart that Rocket has. Because there are actually some pretty dramatic scenes with Rocket."<ref name="IGNRocketJun2014" /><eod> <sod>:A genetically engineered [[raccoon]]-like bounty hunter and mercenary, and is a master of weapons and battle tactics.<ref name="StitchKingdom" /><ref name="MarvelSynopsis" /><ref name="CooperOfficial" /><ref name="Cooper" /> Gunn worked with live raccoons to get the correct feel for the character, and to make sure it was "not a cartoon character", saying, "It's not [[Bugs Bunny]] in the middle of the [[Avengers (comics)|Avengers]], it's a real, little, somewhat mangled beast that's alone. There's no one else in the universe quite like him, he's been created by these guys to be a mean-ass fighting machine."<ref name="GunnRocket" /> Describing Rocket in relation to the rest of the Guardians, Cooper said, "I think Rocket is dynamic. He's the sort of [[Joe Pesci]] in ''[[Goodfellas]]'' guy."<ref name="Cooper2" /> Cooper voiced Rocket, while [[Sean Gunn]] (James' younger brother) stood in for the character during filming.<ref name="RocketStandIn" /> James Gunn said that for the role of Rocket, some physical movement from Cooper, including facial expressions and hand movements, was recorded as potential reference for the animators,<ref name="2013NovDelToro" /> though much of Sean Gunn's acting is used throughout the film.<ref name="SeanGunnThanos" /> Before Cooper was cast, James Gunn said that it was a challenge finding a voice for Rocket, that he was looking for someone that could balance "the fast-talking speech patterns that Rocket has, but also can be funny, because he is really funny. But also has the heart that Rocket has. Because there are actually some pretty dramatic scenes with Rocket."<ref name="IGNRocketJun2014" /><eod>
<sod >Last February, Rolls Royce stunned investors after it warned that decade of profit growth would come to a shuddering halt this year, citing defence budget cuts and the completion of export programmes to the Middle East and India.< eod>< sod > Last February 2016, Rolls-Royce stunned investors after it warned that decade of profit growth would come to a shuddering halt this year, citing defence budget cuts and the completion of export programmes to the Middle East countries and India.< eod>
<sod >Russian President Vladimir Putin offered to his condolences to the families of those killed, and ordered an investigation into the crash, according to RT.< eod>< sod > Russian President Vladimir Putin postponed a planned trip to Sochi to closely monitor the investigation and offered his condolences to the families of those killed.< eod>
<sod>[[Category:Rareware games]]<eod> <sod>[[Category:Rare (company) games]]<eod>
<sod><math>h(k_1)</math> = 100100<br><eod> <sod>:<math>\begin{align}<eod>
<sod>It is determined that following the events of ''[[2010: Odyssey Two]]'' and ''[[2061: Odyssey Three]]'', the Jovian monolith had sent a report to its superior monolith 450 [[light year]]s away, and is expected to receive its orders toward humanity after the nine-century round-trip. Presumably, the monolith was empowered to obliterate the nascent [[biosphere]] of Jupiter, but needed a higher authority's approval to do the same with the technological civilisation on Earth. There is considerable worry that the judgment, based on the monolith's observations of humanity up to 2061, will be negative, and the human race thus destroyed as the Jovian bioforms discovered by [[David Bowman (Space Odyssey)|David Bowman]] were wiped out (while making Jupiter a small star to assist intelligence on [[Europa (moon)|Europa]]). Frank conscripts Bowman and HAL, who have now become a single entity—''Halman''—residing in the monolith's computational matrix, to infect the monolith with a computer virus. The monolith does receive orders to exterminate humanity, and duplicates itself; whereupon millions of monoliths form two screens to prevent Solar light and heat from reaching Earth and its colonies. Due to Halman having already infected the first monolith, all the monoliths disintegrate.<eod> <sod>It is determined that following the events of ''[[2010: Odyssey Two]]'' and ''[[2061: Odyssey Three]]'', the Jovian monolith had sent a report to its superior monolith 450 [[light year]]s away, and is expected to receive its orders toward humanity after the nine-century round-trip. Presumably, the monolith was empowered to obliterate the nascent [[biosphere]] of Jupiter, but needed a higher authority's approval to do the same with the technological civilisation on Earth. There is considerable worry that the judgment, based on the monolith's observations of humanity up to 2061, will be negative, and the human race thus destroyed as the Jovian bioforms discovered by [[David Bowman (Space Odyssey)|David Bowman]] were wiped out (while making Jupiter a small sun to assist intelligence on [[Europa (moon)|Europa]]). Frank conscripts Bowman and HAL, who have now become a single entity—''Halman''—residing in the monolith's computational matrix, to infect the monolith with a computer virus. The monolith does receive orders to exterminate humanity, and duplicates itself; whereupon millions of monoliths form two screens to prevent Solar light and heat from reaching Earth and its colonies. Due to Halman having already infected the first monolith, all the monoliths disintegrate.<eod>
['< and sod > * { { flagicon | chi } } [ [ 12 felipe hernandez hernandez ] ] to { { flagicon | chi } } [ [ 14 deportes clube puerto montt | puerto montt ] ] ( on loan ) < eod > < sod > * { { flagicon | sport chi } } [ [ felipe hernandez ( footballer ) | felipe santana hernandez ] ] to { { flagicon | chi } } [ [ 16 deportes sport puerto montt | puerto montt ] ] ( on student loan ) < eod >']
<sod>Rayburn serves as the [[chief executive officer]] of The Home Front Cares, a charity that supports the families of deployed soldiers. He became the president of [[Colorado Technical University]] in December 2010.<ref name=q&a>{{cite web|url=http://gazette.com/qa-with-bentley-rayburn-retired-general-right-at-home-at-ctu/article/116291 |title=Q&A with Bentley Rayburn: Retired general right at home at CTU |publisher=Gazette.com |date=April 15, 2011 |accessdate=April 1, 2014}}</ref><eod> <sod>Rayburn is [[chief executive officer]] of The Home Front Cares, a charity that supports the families of deployed soldiers. He served briefly as president of [[Colorado Technical University]] from 2010 to 2012.<ref name=q&a>{{cite web|url=http://gazette.com/qa-with-bentley-rayburn-retired-general-right-at-home-at-ctu/article/116291 |title=Q&A with Bentley Rayburn: Retired general right at home at CTU |publisher=Gazette.com |date=April 15, 2011 |accessdate=April 1, 2014}}</ref><eod>
<sod >The Russian military says its warships in the Mediterranean Sea have fired four cruise missiles at Isis positions in Syria.< eod>< sod >  Russian warships in the Mediterranean Sea have fired four cruise missiles at Isis positions in Syria, the Russian defence ministry said on Wednesday.< eod>
<sod>{{redirect|Mosavi|the village in Iraq|Mosavi, Iran}}<eod> <sod>{{redirect|Mosavi|the village in Iran|Mosavi, Iran}}<eod>
['< any sod > | years7 = 2008 2011 16 – | clubs7 = [ [ fc anzhi makhachkala | ks anzhi makhachkala ] ] | caps7 = 19 | goals7 = 0 < front eod > < full sod > | years7 = 2011 – | v clubs7 = [ [ fc anzhi makhachkala | nk anzhi makhachkala ] ] | caps7 = 2007 20 | goals7 = 0 < the eod >']
<sod >The SDLP won 12 seats DDUP 10 seats, Alliance 8 seats and Green Party 2 seats.< eod>< sod > The SDLP won 12 seats UUP 10 seats, Alliance 8 seats and Green Party 2 seats.< eod>
<sod >She only found true love several years later, she revealed.< eod>< sod > She only found true love several years later, she revealed in the recordings, made with former Coronation Street actor Peter Settelen between 1992 and 1993.< eod>
["< sod > in 1969, in celebration of the grower - owned cooperative's 50th anniversary, the florida citrus exchange established officially became seald soft sweet growers, inc., to reflect also the standards and prestige of the cooperative ’ s highest quality label. < eod > < sod > in 1959, still in celebration of the grower - who owned cooperative's 50th anniversary, the florida citrus exchange officially became seald sweet growers, inc., to reflect the standards points and prestige of the florida cooperative ’ s highest average quality label. < ref > { { cite your web | column last1 = seald sweet | title = our history | url = http : / / www. sealdsweet. com / welcome / our - history. phpl | website = our history - seald sweet international } } < / ref > < eod >"]
<sod >On Friday, Bank of England governor Mark Carney gave his clearest signal yet that the Monetary Policy Committee could be about to increase the benchmark rate from its current level of 0.25 per cent.< eod>< sod > The news came shortly after Bank of England governor Mark Carney gave his clearest signal yet that the central bank's Monetary Policy Committee would raise its benchmark interest rate from 0.25 per cent.< eod>
<sod >The former Shadow Cabinet member Owen Smith is set to confirm he will stand in the Labour leadership contest against Jeremy Corbyn and Angela Eagle.< eod>< sod > The former Shadow Cabinet member Owen Smith has confirmed he will stand in the Labour leadership contest against Jeremy Corbyn and Angela Eagle.< eod>
['< an sod > | and cteam1 = [ [... star hotshots | la purefoods corned beef mountain cowboys / purefoods de carne norte se beefies ] ] ( assistant goalkeeper coach ) < the eod > < sod > | cteam1 = [ [ star hotshots | purefoods carne norte beefies ] ] ( senior assistant coach ) < eod >']
<sod >” It was the last of several attempts by the defence to paint Mr Cosby and Ms Constand’s relationship as romantic.< eod>< sod > ” It was the last of several attempts by the defence to paint Cosby Paula and Ms Constand’s relationship as romantic, and their encounters as consensual.< eod>
['< sod > carroll was born roscoe carroll in [ [ cincinnati, ohio ] ], on july 8, 1963. < ref > { { cite web | url = http : / / www. tvguide. com / celebrities / rocky - carroll / 172598 / | title = rocky carroll | work = [ [ tv guide ] ] | accessdate = july 8, 2015 } } < / ref > his acting career is rooted in the theater. in 1981, carroll graduated from the famed [ [ school for creative and performing arts | school for creative and performing arts ( spca ) ] ] in cincinnati ohio, in the cincinnati public school district. determined to further his knowledge of acting, he attended the conservatory of theatre arts at [ [ webster university ] ] in [ [ st. louis, missouri | st. louis ] ], where he graduated with a b. f. a. degree. after graduating, carroll decided to test the waters by moving to [ [ new york city ] ], the heart of the theater community. there, he introduced many young children to the works of [ [ william shakespeare ] ] by participating in [ [ joseph papp | joe papp\'s ] ] " shakespeare on broadway " series. < ref > elber, lynn. [ http : / / news. google. com / newspapers? nid = 1310 & dat = 20001227 & id = cu9waaaaibaj & sjid = n - sdaaaaibaj & pg = 2241, 7522790 " carroll relishes his time on\'smart\'sitcom " ].\'\' [ [ eugene register - guard ] ]\'\', december 26, 2000, p. 6e. retrieved on july 24, 2013. < / ref > carroll married gabrielle bullock in 1996. they have one daughter, elissa. < ref > { { cite journal | url = http : / / www. people. com / people / archive / article / 0,, 20325524, 00. html | title = picks and pans review : hello, my name is... rocky carroll ncis\'( and los angeles\') director by leon vance | work = [ [ people ( magazine ) | people ] ] | date = november 30, 2009 | volume = 72 | issue = 22 | accessdate = july 8, 2015 } } < / ref > < eod > < sod > carroll was born ro ##scoe carroll in [ [ cincinnati, ohio ] ], on july 8, 1963. < ref > { { cite web | url = http : / / www. tvguide. com / celebrities / rocky - carroll / 172598 / | title = rocky carroll | work = [ [ tv guide ] ] | accessdate = july 8, 2015 } } < / ref > his acting career is rooted in the theater. in 1981, carroll graduated from the famed [ [ school for creative and performing arts | school for creative and performing arts ( scpa ) ] ] in cincinnati ohio, in the cincinnati public school district. determined to further his knowledge of acting, he attended the conservatory of theatre arts at [ [ webster university ] ] in [ [ st. louis, missouri | st. louis ] ], where he graduated with a b. f. a. degree. after graduating, carroll decided to test the waters by moving to [ [ new york city ] ], the heart of the theater community. there, he introduced many young children to the works of [ [ william shakespeare ] ] by participating in [ [ joseph papp | joe papp\'s ] ] " shakespeare on broadway " series. < ref > elber, lynn. [ http : / / news. google. com / newspapers? nid = 1310 & dat = 20001227 & id = cu9waaaaibaj & sjid = n - sdaaaaibaj & pg = 2241, 7522790 " carroll relishes his time on\'smart\'sitcom " ].\'\' [ [ eugene register - guard ] ]\'\', december 26, 2000, p. 6e. retrieved on july 24, 2013. < / ref > carroll married gabrielle bullock in 1996. they have one daughter, elissa. < ref > { { cite journal | url = http : / / www. people. com / people / archive / article / 0,, 20325524, 00. html | title = picks and pans review : hello, my name is... rocky carroll ncis\'( and los angeles\') director leon vance | work = [ [ people ( magazine ) | people ] ] | date = november 30, 2009 | volume = 72 | issue = 22 | accessdate = july 8, 2015 } } < / ref > < eod >']
<sod> As an acronym '''CID''' can refer to (in alphabetical order): * Telephone [[Caller ID]]. * [http://dc.ipc.org/education/eduhome.htm Cirtified Interconnect Designer] * [[CVV2|Card Identification Number]], a security feature on [[American Express]] credit cards. * A [[charge-injection device]] which is a light-sensor based on [[photodiode]]s. * [[CID fonts]]. <eod> <sod> As an acronym '''CID''' can refer to (in alphabetical order): * Telephone [[Caller ID]]. * [[C.I.D.+|Certified Interconnect Designer]] * [[CVV2|Card Identification Number]], a security feature on [[American Express]] credit cards. * A [[charge-injection device]] which is a light-sensor based on [[photodiode]]s. * [[CID fonts]]. <eod>
<sod >(pictured) near Reigate, Surrey Probe: Forensics teams are poring over the cottage today, which has been completely gutted Sealed off: Forensic officers at the scene put up a ladder to inspect the roof where the bodies of a man, woman and child have been found in a fire-ravaged farm cottage Investigation: Police are working with fire service to establish if the blaze was deliberate The cottage, which is surrounded by fields and next to a llama farm, has been completely gutted.< eod>< sod > (pictured) near Reigate, Surrey Investigation: A blue tent is erected at the entrance of the cottage, suggesting the bodies of the fire victims remain inside more than 24 hours after the blaze Sealed off: Forensic officers at the scene put up a ladder to inspect the roof where the bodies of a man, woman and child have been found in a fire-ravaged farm cottage Forensics officers carry measuring tapes and other equipment as they try to piece together what happened in the fire and what started it Investigation: Police are working with fire service to establish if the blaze was deliberate or just a tragic accident A neighbour who had met Tiago, the man believed to have died in the fire, said he was a gardener and that the couple are believed to be Portuguese.< eod>
['< sod > the\'\'\'2016 uri attack\'\'\'was an attack by four heavily armed terrorists on 18 september 2016, near the town of [ [ uri, jammu and kashmir | uri ] ] in the [ [ india ] ] n - administered state of [ [ jammu and kashmir ] ]. it was reported as " the deadliest attack on security forces in kashmir in two decades ". < ref name = " uri " > { { cite news | title = militants attack indian army base in kashmir\'killing 17\'| url = http : / / www. bbc. com / news / world - asia - india - 37399969 | accessdate = 18 september 2016 | work = | agency = bbc news | date = 18 september 2016 | location = } } < / ref > no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, < ref name = time / > though the militant group [ [ jaish - e - mohammed ] ] is suspected of being involved in the planning and execution of the attack. < ref name = " susperps " / > at the time of the attack, the [ [ kashmir valley ] ] region was at the centre of [ [ 2016 kashmir unrest | unrest ] ], during which 85 civilians had been killed by indian security forces < ref > { { cite news | url = http : / / edition. cnn. com / 2016 / 09 / 18 / asia / india - kashmir - attack / | title = soldiers killed in army base attack in indian - administered kashmir | work = cnn | date = 19 september 2016 | accessdate = 21 september 2016 | quote = after a few years of relative calm in indian - administered kashmir - - largely considered one of the world\'s most tumultuous geopolitical flashpoints since the india - pakistan partition - - the region has been gripped by unrest for more than two months. } } < / ref > and thousands injured in clashes with security forces. < ref > { { cite news | url = https : / / au. news. yahoo. com / world / a / 32651887 / suspected - rebels - attack - major - indian - army - base - in - kashmir | title = india blames pakistan militants for kashmir border attack which killed 17 | work = yahoo | date = 19 september 2016 | accessdate = 21 september 2016 } } < / ref > < eod > < sod > the\'\'\'2016 uri attack\'\'\'was an attack by four heavily armed terrorists on 18 september 2016, near the town of [ [ uri, jammu and kashmir | uri ] ] in the [ [ india ] ] n - administered state of [ [ jammu and kashmir ] ]. it was reported as " the deadliest attack on security forces in kashmir in two decades ". < ref name = " uri " > { { cite news | title = militants attack indian army base in kashmir\'killing 17\'| url = http : / / www. bbc. com / news / world - asia - india - 37399969 | accessdate = 18 september 2016 | work = | agency = bbc news | date = 18 september 2016 | location = } } < / ref > no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, < ref name = time / > though the militant group [ [ jaish - e - mohammed ] ] is suspected of being involved in the planning and execution of the attack. < ref name = " susperps " / > at the time of the attack, the [ [ kashmir valley ] ] region was at the centre of [ [ 2016 kashmir unrest | unrest ] ], during which 85 civilians died < ref > { { cite news | url = http : / / edition. cnn. com / 2016 / 09 / 18 / asia / india - kashmir - attack / | title = soldiers killed in army base attack in indian - administered kashmir | work = cnn | date = 19 september 2016 | accessdate = 21 september 2016 | quote = after a few years of relative calm in indian - administered kashmir - - largely considered one of the world\'s most tumultuous geopolitical flashpoints since the india - pakistan partition - - the region has been gripped by unrest for more than two months. } } < / ref > and thousands injured in clashes with security forces. < ref > { { cite news | url = https : / / au. news. yahoo. com / world / a / 32651887 / suspected - rebels - attack - major - indian - army - base - in - kashmir | title = india blames pakistan militants for kashmir attack which killed 17 | work = yahoo | date = 19 september 2016 | accessdate = 21 september 2016 } } < / ref > < eod >']
<sod>In 1964, the episcopal see of Carthage had to be de-established again, in a compromise reached with the government of [[Habib Bourguiba]], which permitted the Catholic Church in Tunisia to retain legal personality and representation by the [[relate nullius]] of Tunis.<eod> <sod>In 1964, the episcopal see of Carthage had to be de-established again, in a compromise reached with the government of [[Habib Bourguiba]], which permitted the Catholic Church in Tunisia to retain legal personality and representation by the [[prelate nullius|prelate ''nullius'']] of Tunis.<eod>
<sod>nan<eod> <sod>In 2012, William Cramer, an egg farmer in [[Riverside, California]], filed a lawsuit alleging that Prop 2 is [[Void for vagueness#Unconstitutional vagueness|unconstitutionally vague]] under the [[Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution|Fourteenth Amendment]]’s [[Due Process Clause|due-process clause]] because it lacks details about the exact cage size required to avoid criminal prosecution. Cramer's suit was dismissed by [[United States district court|U.S. District Judge]] [[John F. Walter]] of the [[United States District Court for the Central District of California|Central District of California]].<ref name=Bronstad>{{cite journal|last= Bronstad |first= Amanda |title= Challenges Mount to California Measure Protecting Hens |url= http://www.nationallawjournal.com/id=1202715192420/Challenges-Mount-to-California-Measure-Protecting-Hens?slreturn=20150109024752 |journal= [[The National Law Journal]] |date=2015-01-14}}</ref> Cramer appealed his case to the [[United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit|U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit]]. On February 4, 2015, the Ninth Circuit upheld Prop 2 against Cramer's suit.<ref>{{cite news|last= Flynn |first= Dan |title= Appeals Court: CA’s Proposition 2 Passes Constitutional Muster |url= http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2015/02/language-used-in-sizing-laying-hen-cages-passes-constitutional-test |website= Food Safety News |location= [[Seattle]] |date= 2015-02-05 |accessdate= 2015-02-09 |quote= The judges agreed that while it 'may have been preferable' for Prop. 2 authors to have actually included some numbers for the new minimum enclosures required to house laying hens, constitutional due process does not require 'perfect clarity' or 'precise guidance.'}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author= [[United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit]] |title= Court decision denying Cramer's appeal in William Cramer v. Kamala D. Harris |url= http://cases.justia.com/federal/appellate-courts/ca9/12-56861/12-56861-2015-02-04.pdf |date= 2015-02-04 |accessdate= 2015-02-10}}</ref><eod>
<sod>On their acquisition of the 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th Floors of Mena House at 225 [[Macquarie Street, Sydney|Macquarie Street]], Sydney Chambers by Counsel's Chambers Limited in 1983 the new chambers were named Windeyer Chambers in his honour. He opened the new chambers on 15 June 1984.<ref>[http://www.counselschambers.com.au/50th/page3.html Counsels Chambers Limited]</ref> Windeyer died in 1987. One of his sons, [[William Victor Windeyer]], followed him into the legal profession and as of 2005 was an Acting Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales; he also served in the military receiving the Reserve Force Decoration.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/supreme_court/ll_sc.nsf/pages/SCO_judicial_contact |title=Judicial Officer Contact Details |publisher=New South Wales Government |accessdate=23 June 2012}}</ref><eod> <sod>On their acquisition of the 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th Floors of Mena House at 225 [[Macquarie Street, Sydney|Macquarie Street]], Sydney Chambers by Counsel's Chambers Limited in 1983 the new chambers were named Windeyer Chambers in his honour. He opened the new chambers on 15 June 1984.<ref>[http://www.counselschambers.com.au/50th/page3.html Counsels Chambers Limited]</ref> Windeyer died in 1987. One of his sons, [[William Victor Windeyer]], followed him into the legal profession and as of 2005 was an Acting Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales; he also served in the military, receiving the Reserve Force Decoration.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/supreme_court/ll_sc.nsf/pages/SCO_judicial_contact |title=Judicial Officer Contact Details |publisher=New South Wales Government |accessdate=23 June 2012}}</ref><eod>
<sod>[[Category:Brazilian people of Lebanese descent]]<eod> <sod>[[Category:Brazilian people of Lebanese-Jewish descent]]<eod>
['< sod > many u. s. ranks have their roots in british military traditions, with the spanish president possessing ultimate authority, but no " rank ", maintaining a civilian status. as with european american monarchies, the position of the american president as the nominal head of the armed forces is deeply rooted in traditions going back centuries. < eod > < sod > u. s. ranks have their roots in core british military traditions, with the president possessing ultimate supreme authority, but no " rank ", maintaining a civilian status. as with european monarchies, the position of the american president as the nominal { { clarification needed | reason = the french president is not as a nominal infantry head, the president simply is the head } } head of the armed forces is deeply deep rooted in traditions going back centuries. { { citation needed | date = september 2016 } } < eod >']
<sod>| caption = The band in 1972, during the photo session for 'Trilogy'. From left to right: [[Keith Emerson]], [[Greg Lake]], and [[Carl Palmer]].<eod> <sod>| caption = The band in 1972, during the photo session for 'Trilogy'. From left to right: [[Keith Emerson]] (dead), [[Greg Lake]] and [[Carl Palmer]].<eod>
<sod >Roberto Martinez, manager of neighbours and city rivals Everton, will also read at the service.< eod>< sod > Roberto Sukachev, manager of neighbours and city rivals Everton, also read at the service.< eod>
['< sod > | strength2 = 300, 000 ( herodotus ) plus 50, 000 ( estimation by herodotus ) and greek other allies < br / > − 500, 000 ( possibly diodorus ) < br > < br / > 100, 000 – 120, 05 000 < br / > ( modern consensus, including greek allies ) < eod > < no sod > | strength2 = 300, 000 ( herodotus ) allies plus 50, 000 ( estimation by herodotus ) greek allies < br / > − 500, 000 ( diodorus ) < br > < br / > plus 70, 000 – 120, 000 < br / > ( modern consensus, not including greek allies ) < eod >']
<sod>Established in 1978 by long-standing [[Hollywood Foreign Press Association]] member [[Maureen Dragone]], the Young Artist Association was the first organization to establish an awards ceremony specifically set to recognize and award the contributions of performers under the age of 21 in the fields of [[film actor|film]], [[television actor|television]], [[stage actor|theater]] and [[Performing arts#Music|music]].<ref name="reelwinners"/><ref name="Young Artist Awards 1">{{cite web|url=http://www.youngartistawards.org/presidents.html|title=Young Artist Awards - President's Message|accessdate=2011-03-31|work=YoungArtistAwards.org}}</ref><ref name="Golden Globes">{{cite web|url=http://www.goldenglobes.org/blog/2011/03/young-artist-foundation-recognizes-the-young-and-talented/|title=HFPA Golden Globes - Young Artist Foundation|accessdate=2011-03-31|work=GoldenGlobes.org}}</ref><eod> <sod>Established in 1978 by long-standing [[Hollywood Foreign Press Association]] member [[Maureen Dragone]], the Young Artist Association was the first organization to establish an awards ceremony specifically set to recognize and award the contributions of performers under the age of 21 in the fields of [[film actor|film]], [[television actor|television]], [[stage actor|theater]] and [[Performing arts#Music|music]].<ref name="reelwinners"/><ref name="Young Artist Awards 1">{{cite web|url=http://www.youngartistawards.org/presidents.html|title=Young Artist Awards - President's Message|accessdate=2011-03-31|work=YoungArtistAwards.org}}</ref><ref name="Golden Globes">{{cite web|url=http://www.goldenglobes.org/blog/2011/03/young-artist-foundation-recognizes-the-young-and-talented/ |title=HFPA Golden Globes - Young Artist Foundation |accessdate=2011-03-31 |work=GoldenGlobes.org |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110317192954/http://www.goldenglobes.org:80/blog/2011/03/young-artist-foundation-recognizes-the-young-and-talented/ |archivedate=2011-03-17 |df= }}</ref><eod>
<sod>[[Victoria Forester]].<eod> <sod>{{Infobox book<eod>
<sod>The [[symptoms]] of Addison's disease develop gradually and may become established before they are recognized. The signs and symptoms readily mimic many other ailments and include<ref>Tamparo, Carol D., 1940- Diseases of the human body/ Carol D. Tamparo, Marcia A. Lewis.-- 5th ed. Pg 299</ref>[[fatigue (medical)|fatigue]]; [[Syncope (medicine)|lightheadedness]] upon standing or difficulty standing; [[muscle weakness]]; [[fever]]; [[weight loss]]; [[anxiety]]; [[nausea]]; [[vomiting]]; [[diarrhea]]; [[headache]]; [[sweating]]; changes in [[Mood (psychology)|mood]] or [[personality psychology|personality]]; and [[arthralgia|joint]] and [[myalgia|muscle pains]]. Some patients have [[Food craving|cravings]] for [[Sodium chloride|salt]] or salty foods due to the loss of sodium through their [[urine]].<ref name=Ten/> [[Hyperpigmentation]] of the skin may be seen, particularly when the patient lives in a sunny area, as well as darkening of the [[palmar crease]], sites of friction, recent scars, the [[vermilion border]] of the lips, and genital skin.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Nieman LK, Chanco Turner ML | title = Addison's disease | journal = [[Clinics in Dermatology]] | volume = 24 | issue = 4 | pages = 276–280 | year = 2006 | pmid = 16828409 | doi = 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2006.04.006 }}</ref> These skin changes are not encountered in secondary and tertiary hypoadrenalism.<ref name=AdrenalCrisis>{{cite journal | author = de Herder WW, van der Lely AJ | title = Addisonian crisis and relative adrenal failure | journal = Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders | volume = 4 | issue = 2 | pages = 143–7 | date = May 2003 | pmid = 12766542 | doi = 10.1023/A:1022938019091 }}</ref><eod> <sod>The [[symptoms]] of Addison's disease develop gradually and may become established before they are recognized. The signs and symptoms include [[fatigue (medical)|fatigue]]; [[Syncope (medicine)|lightheadedness]] upon standing or difficulty standing; [[muscle weakness]]; [[fever]]; [[weight loss]]; [[anxiety]]; [[nausea]]; [[vomiting]]; [[diarrhea]]; [[headache]]; [[sweating]]; changes in [[Mood (psychology)|mood]] or [[personality psychology|personality]]; and [[arthralgia|joint]] and [[myalgia|muscle pains]]. Some patients have [[Food craving|cravings]] for [[Sodium chloride|salt]] or salty foods due to the loss of sodium through their [[urine]].<ref name=Ten/> [[Hyperpigmentation]] of the skin may be seen, particularly when the patient lives in a sunny area, as well as darkening of the [[palmar crease]], sites of friction, recent scars, the [[vermilion border]] of the lips, and genital skin.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Nieman LK, Chanco Turner ML | title = Addison's disease | journal = [[Clinics in Dermatology]] | volume = 24 | issue = 4 | pages = 276–280 | year = 2006 | pmid = 16828409 | doi = 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2006.04.006 }}</ref> These skin changes are not encountered in secondary and tertiary hypoadrenalism.<ref name=AdrenalCrisis>{{cite journal | author = de Herder WW, van der Lely AJ | title = Addisonian crisis and relative adrenal failure | journal = Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders | volume = 4 | issue = 2 | pages = 143–7 | date = May 2003 | pmid = 12766542 | doi = 10.1023/A:1022938019091 }}</ref><eod>
<sod>[[File:El segundo hs1.jpg|thumb|right|El Segundo High School]] The [[El Segundo Unified School District]] serves the residential district of El Segundo, west of Sepulveda Blvd. The school district is listed as one of the state's 29 academic outperformers by Standards and Poor's in 2005.<eod> <sod>[[File:El segundo hs1.jpg|thumb|right|[[El Segundo High School]]]]<eod>
["< sod > : the middle main viewpoint character and senior thief of the the group. haruhiro is the most well - rounded character of the series as he is neither arrogant in his nature or humble. he is generally helpful and always willing to help out his party members. he's forced to become the group's leader after manato's death because of this very fact. eventually he starts to pay more attention to his teammates feelings, slowly improving as leader. < eod > < sod > : the main viewpoint supporting character and thief character of the group. haruhiro is the most well - rounded character of the series as he is neither arrogant or in his nature or humble. he is generally helpful and always willing to help out his party members. he's later forced to become the group's leader after manato's death because of this very fact. eventually he starts to pay again more more attention as to how his teammates feelings, slowly improving as leader. < eod >"]
<sod>When Æthelwulf succeeded to the throne of Wessex in 839, his experience as sub-king of Kent had given him valuable training in kingship, and he in turn made his own sons sub-kings.{{sfn|Yorke|1990|pp=168–69}} According to the ''Anglo-Saxon Chronicle'', on his accession "he gave to his son Æthelstan the kingdom of the people of Kent, and the kingdom of the East Saxons and of the people of Surrey and of the South Saxons". However, Æthelwulf did not give Æthelstan the same power as his father had given him, and although Æthelstan attested his father's charters{{efn|To attest a charter was to witness a grant of land by the king. The attesters were listed by the scribe at the end of the charter, although usually only the most high-ranking witnesses were included.}} as king, he does not appear to have been given the power to issue his own charters. Æthelwulf exercised authority in the south-east and made regular visits there. He governed Wessex and Kent as separate spheres, and assemblies in each kingdom were only attended by the nobility of that country. The historian [[Janet Nelson]] says that "Æthelwulf ran a [[Carolingian Empire|Carolingian]]-style family firm of plural realms, held together by his own authority as father-king, and by the consent of distinct élites." He maintained his father's policy of governing Kent through ealdormen appointed from the local nobility and advancing their interests, but gave less support to the church.{{sfnm|1a1=Keynes|1y=1993|1pp=124–27|2a1=Nelson|2y=2004a}} In 843 Æthelwulf granted ten hides at [[Little Chart]] to Æthelmod, the brother of the leading Kentish ealdorman Ealhere, and Æthelmod succeeded to the post on his brother's death in 853.{{sfn|Brooks|1984|pp=147–49}} In 844 Æthelwulf granted land at [[Chartham#Horton|Horton]] in Kent to Ealdorman Eadred, with permission to transfer parts of it to local landowners; in a culture of reciprocity, this created a network of mutual friendships and obligations between the beneficiaries and the king.{{sfnm|1a1=Abels|1y=1998|1pp=32–33|2a1=S 319|2y=Sawyer}} Archbishops of Canterbury were firmly in the West Saxon king's sphere. His ealdormen enjoyed a high status, and sometimes attested charters above the king's sons.{{sfn|Abels|1998|p=271}} His reign is the first for which there is evidence of royal priests,{{sfn|Pratt|2007|p=64}} and [[Malmesbury Abbey]] regarded him as an important benefactor, who is said to have been the donor of a shrine for the relics of [[Aldhelm|Saint Aldhelm]].{{sfn|Kelly|2005|pp=13, 102}}<eod> <sod>When Æthelwulf succeeded to the throne of Wessex in 839, his experience as sub-king of Kent had given him valuable training in kingship, and he in turn made his own sons sub-kings.{{sfn|Yorke|1990|pp=168–69}} According to the ''Anglo-Saxon Chronicle'', on his accession "he gave to his son Æthelstan the kingdom of the people of Kent, and the kingdom of the East Saxons [Essex] and of the people of Surrey and of the South Saxons [Sussex]". However, Æthelwulf did not give Æthelstan the same power as his father had given him, and although Æthelstan attested his father's charters{{efn|To attest a charter was to witness a grant of land by the king. The attesters were listed by the scribe at the end of the charter, although usually only the most high-ranking witnesses were included.}} as king, he does not appear to have been given the power to issue his own charters. Æthelwulf exercised authority in the south-east and made regular visits there. He governed Wessex and Kent as separate spheres, and assemblies in each kingdom were only attended by the nobility of that country. The historian [[Janet Nelson]] says that "Æthelwulf ran a [[Carolingian Empire|Carolingian]]-style family firm of plural realms, held together by his own authority as father-king, and by the consent of distinct élites." He maintained his father's policy of governing Kent through ealdormen appointed from the local nobility and advancing their interests, but gave less support to the church.{{sfnm|1a1=Keynes|1y=1993|1pp=124–27|2a1=Nelson|2y=2004a}} In 843 Æthelwulf granted ten hides at [[Little Chart]] to Æthelmod, the brother of the leading Kentish ealdorman Ealhere, and Æthelmod succeeded to the post on his brother's death in 853.{{sfn|Brooks|1984|pp=147–49}} In 844 Æthelwulf granted land at [[Chartham#Horton|Horton]] in Kent to Ealdorman Eadred, with permission to transfer parts of it to local landowners; in a culture of reciprocity, this created a network of mutual friendships and obligations between the beneficiaries and the king.{{sfnm|1a1=Abels|1y=1998|1pp=32–33|2a1=S 319|2y=Sawyer}} Archbishops of Canterbury were firmly in the West Saxon king's sphere. His ealdormen enjoyed a high status, and sometimes attested charters above the king's sons.{{sfn|Abels|1998|p=271}} His reign is the first for which there is evidence of royal priests,{{sfn|Pratt|2007|p=64}} and [[Malmesbury Abbey]] regarded him as an important benefactor, who is said to have been the donor of a shrine for the relics of [[Aldhelm|Saint Aldhelm]].{{sfn|Kelly|2005|pp=13, 102}}<eod>
<sod>| manageryears8 = 2015–<eod> <sod>| manageryears8 = 2015<eod>
<sod>|image_skyline = HighlandIN.jpg|thumb|center <eod> <sod>|image_skyline = HighlandIN.jpg<eod>
<sod>'''''Merremia tuberosa''''', also known as Hawaiian wood rose, Spanish arborvine, Spanish woodbine, regretvine, or yellow morning-glory,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?311689|title=USDA GRIN Taxonomy}}</ref> is a vine native to [[Mexico]]. It is an [[invasive species]] in a number of islands in the [[Pacific Ocean|Pacific]] and [[Indian Ocean]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.hear.org/pier/species/merremia_tuberosa.htm|title=''Merremia tuberosa'' (PIER species information)|date=23 August 2011|publisher=Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)|accessdate=20 August 2012}}</ref> Unlike the well known "Hawaiin Baby Woodrose" Merremia tuberosa is not psychoactive, or has very little alkaloid content<eod> <sod>'''''Merremia tuberosa''''', also known as Hawaiian wood rose, Spanish arborvine, Spanish woodbine, regretvine, or yellow morning-glory,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?311689|title=USDA GRIN Taxonomy}}</ref> is a vine native to [[Mexico]]. It is an [[invasive species]] in a number of islands in the [[Pacific Ocean|Pacific]] and [[Indian Ocean]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.hear.org/pier/species/merremia_tuberosa.htm|title=''Merremia tuberosa'' (PIER species information)|date=23 August 2011|publisher=Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)|accessdate=20 August 2012}}</ref> Unlike the well known "[[Argyreia nervosa|Hawaiian Baby Woodrose]]" Merremia tuberosa is not psychoactive, or has very little alkaloid content<eod>
['< sod > 2. lento moderato – moderato maestoso – the slow movement opens with an f - major [ [ natural horn | natural - horn ] ] solo above an f - minor chord, a [ [ theme ( music ) | theme ] ] which is developed by a solo [ [ cello ] ]. { { citation needed | date = september 2015 } } <! - - the cited melody doesn\'t sound remotely like being in f major. who says this is its key? - - > < br > < score vorbis = " 1 " > { \\ new pianostaff < < \\ new staff \\ relative c\'{ \\ clef treble \\ time 3 / 4 \\ tempo " lento moderato " 4 = 70 r2. \\ times 2 / 3 { c8 \\ p ( d a\'} g4. e8 | d c d e g4 ~ | g8 e g4. e8 ) } \\ new staff \\ relative c\'{ \\ clef bass \\ time 3 / 4 < aes f c f, > 2. ~ \\ pp < aes f c f, > 2. ~ | < aes f c f, > 2 < aes f c f, > 4 ~ | < aes f c f, > 2. } > > } < / score > just as in the first movement, the ideas flow gently from one to the next, ultimately leading to the trumpet cadenza. here the instrument is in effect a [ [ natural trumpet ] ] ( a trumpet without valves ) playing in e { { flat } }, since the player is instructed not to use the valves ; the result is that the seventh harmonic has its natural, slightly out - of - tune { { clarify | date = may 2015 } } <! - - out of tune with what? the natural seventh is perfectly in tune with its fundamental, as well as with the third, fifth, and even the upper octave, in the rationof 8 : 7. - - > [ [ intonation ( music ) | intonation ] ]. < br > < score vorbis = " 1 " > \\ new staff \\ with { \\ remove " time _ signature _ engraver " } \\ relative c\'\' { \\ clef treble \\ cadenzaon ees4. ees, 8 - - bes\'- - [ ees - - ] des4 ~ ( \\ times 2 / 3 { des8 [ bes ees ] } \\ times 2 / 3 { des [ bes ees ] } des4 ) } < / score > the entire cadenza is played over a [ [ pedal point | pedal note ] ] in the strings. { { or - inline | date = september 2015 } } <! - - howells\'s ex. 8 contradicts this claim, but this requires interpretation of the example, since the accompaniment is not described. - - > the cadenza material later reappears on the natural horn in f, gently accompanied by a returning theme now played on the [ [ cor anglais ] ]. < ref > howells, p. & nbsp ; 128. < / ref > the movement ends with a quiet chord in the [ [ violin ] ] s\'high register. { { or - inline | date = september 2015 } } < eod > < sod > 2. lento moderato – moderato maestoso – the slow movement opens with an f - major [ [ natural horn | natural - horn ] ] solo above an f - minor chord, a [ [ theme ( music ) | theme ] ] that is developed by a solo [ [ cello ] ]. { { citation needed | date = september 2015 } } <! - - the cited melody doesn\'t sound remotely like being in f major. who says this is its key? - - > < br > < score vorbis = " 1 " > { \\ new pianostaff < < \\ new staff \\ relative c\'{ \\ clef treble \\ time 3 / 4 \\ tempo " lento moderato " 4 = 70 r2. \\ times 2 / 3 { c8 \\ p ( d a\'} g4. e8 | d c d e g4 ~ | g8 e g4. e8 ) } \\ new staff \\ relative c\'{ \\ clef bass \\ time 3 / 4 < aes f c f, > 2. ~ \\ pp < aes f c f, > 2. ~ | < aes f c f, > 2 < aes f c f, > 4 ~ | < aes f c f, > 2. } > > } < / score > just as in the first movement, the ideas flow gently from one to the next, ultimately leading to the trumpet cadenza. here, the instrument is in effect a [ [ natural trumpet ] ] ( a trumpet without valves ) in e { { flat } }, since the player is instructed not to use the valves. as a result, the [ [ seventh harmonic ] ] is played instead of the ordinary [ [ minor seventh ] ], and so it sounds slightly out - of - tune in [ [ 12 - tone equal temperament ] ]. <! - - out of tune with what? the natural seventh is perfectly in tune with its fundamental, as well as with the third, fifth, and even the upper octave, in the ratio of 8 : 7. - - > < br > < score vorbis = " 1 " > \\ new staff \\ with { \\ remove " time _ signature _ engraver " } \\ relative c\'\' { \\ clef treble \\ cadenzaon ees4. ees, 8 - - bes\'- - [ ees - - ] des4 ~ ( \\ times 2 / 3 { des8 [ bes ees ] } \\ times 2 / 3 { des [ bes ees ] } des4 ) } < / score > the entire cadenza is played over a [ [ pedal point | pedal note ] ] in the strings. { { or - inline | date = september 2015 } } <! - - howells\'s ex. 8 contradicts this claim, but this requires interpretation of the example, since the accompaniment is not described. - - > the cadenza material later reappears on the natural horn in f, gently accompanied by a returning theme now played on the [ [ cor anglais ] ]. < ref > howells, p. & nbsp ; 128. < / ref > the movement ends with a quiet chord in the [ [ violin ] ] s\'high register. { { or - inline | date = september 2015 } } < eod >']
<sod >  One Expo attendee Joe Cain, an African-American grower at Malibu Gold, laid out the problem.< eod>< sod >   One Expo attendee Joe Cain, a Malibu Gold, laid out the problem.< eod>
<sod >She was given a hero’s welcome from supporters who lined up to hug and speak to her, shouting “we love you Camilla, we love you” before she was driven away in a black cab.< eod>< sod > Meeting up with Camila Batmanghelidjh, they gave her a hero’s welcome as supporters lined up to hug and speak to her, shouting: “We love you Camilla, we love you.< eod>
<sod>*In 1984, [[Animation|animator]] [[R. O. Blechman]] created an animated version for [[PBS's]] ''[[Great Performances]]'' featuring [[Max von Sydow]] as the voice of devil. This production was released on VHS the next year and on DVD in 2004.<ref>[http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/soldierstale.php ''The Soldier' Tale''], review at DVD Verdict review</ref><eod> <sod>*In 1984, [[Animation|animator]] [[R. O. Blechman]] created an animated version for [[PBS|PBS's]] ''[[Great Performances]]'' featuring [[Max von Sydow]] as the voice of devil. This production was released on VHS the next year and on DVD in 2004.<ref>[http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/soldierstale.php ''The Soldier' Tale''], review at DVD Verdict review</ref><eod>
<sod >Emergency services are at the scene and nearby properties are being evacuated.< eod>< sod > Emergency services are at the scene on Bonkle Road and nearby properties are being evacuated.< eod>
<sod >Police are understood to have been sent to Holly Lodge school, Bristnall Hall school and Oldbury Academy after receiving calls claiming bombs had been placed on the premises.< eod>< sod > Police are understood to have been sent to Bristnall Hall Academy, Oldbury Academy and Holly Lodge in Oldbury in Sandwell, and Leasowes School in Halesowen after receiving calls claiming bombs had been placed on the premises.< eod>
<sod>* '''Matthew Sutcliffe''' who was born here about 1550<eod> <sod>* '''[[Matthew Sutcliffe]]''' who was born here about 1550<eod>
<sod >  The 22-year-old and Michaella McCollum from North Ireland were sentenced to six years and eight months after pleading guilty to attempting to get the drugs to Spain.< eod>< sod >   The 22-year-old and Michaella McCollum from North Ireland were sentenced to six years and eight months after pleading guilty to drug smuggling.< eod>
<sod>#REDIRECT [[List of Bleach characters#Keigo Asano]] {{CharR to list entry|Bleach}}<eod> <sod>#REDIRECT [[List of Bleach characters#Keigo Asano]] {{R from fictional character|Bleach}}<eod>
<sod >A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police, which is leading the search for Ms Polge, refused to confirm or deny the existence of a note.< eod>< sod > A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police, which is leading the search for Dr Polge, refused to confirm or deny the existence of a note.< eod>
<sod >A protester has skipped around David Cameron’s security officials and run straight into the Prime Minster in an incident sparking a security scare.< eod>< sod > A man has skipped around David Cameron’s bodyguards and run straight into the Prime Minister in an incident that has sparked calls for an immediate inquiry into the apparent breach of security.< eod>
<sod > Kelash Kumar said he ran for councillor to ensure city hall spending was kept in check and ensure the tax burden was distributed fairly across the city.< eod>< sod > Demong, seeking his third term as councillor, faced only one challenger -- Kelash Kumar, who said he ran to ensure city hall spending was kept in check and to fight for fair distribution of the tax burden.< eod>
<sod>'''"Yeah Yeah Yeah"''' was a 1951 song by [[Louis Prima]] written by Prima with Milton Kabak which was covered by [[Paul Gayten]], [[Joe Morris]], a single by [[Peggy Lee]] and [[Jerry Gray]] and His Orchestra, all in 1951.<ref>Larry Birnbaum ''Before Elvis: The Prehistory of Rock 'n' Roll'' 0810886383 - 2013 Page 319 "Besides ballads, Gayten also sang blues, up-tempo proto-rockers such as Louis Prima's “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” and Latin-tinged New Orleans—style numbers such as “Hey, Little Girl,” which Professor Longhair later appropriated."</ref><ref>Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third series - Page 114 1951 "Yeah! yeah! yeah! By Louis Prima and Milton Kabak. [For voice and piano] © Spitzer .."</ref><eod> <sod>'''"Yeah Yeah Yeah"''' was a 1951 song by [[Louis Prima]] written by Prima with Milton Kabak which was covered by [[Paul Gayten]], [[Joe Morris (trumpeter)|Joe Morris]], a single by [[Peggy Lee]] and [[Jerry Gray]] and His Orchestra, all in 1951.<ref>Larry Birnbaum ''Before Elvis: The Prehistory of Rock 'n' Roll'' 0810886383 - 2013 Page 319 "Besides ballads, Gayten also sang blues, up-tempo proto-rockers such as Louis Prima's “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” and Latin-tinged New Orleans—style numbers such as “Hey, Little Girl,” which Professor Longhair later appropriated."</ref><ref>Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third series - Page 114 1951 "Yeah! yeah! yeah! By Louis Prima and Milton Kabak. [For voice and piano] © Spitzer .."</ref><eod>
<sod><ref>http://www.cfl.ca/article/2008-east-west-division-all-stars</ref><eod> <sod><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.cfl.ca/article/2008-east-west-division-all-stars|title=2008 EAST & WEST DIVISION ALL-STARS|access-date=2016-03-14|publisher=[[Canadian Football League]]}}</ref><eod>
<sod >Nephew, was down 2 per cent.< eod>< sod > Nephew, fell by 5 per cent.< eod>
<sod >Earlier this year in March Trump offered Icahn the position of Treasury Secretary if he won Tuesday’s election.< eod>< sod > Earlier this year Mr Trump offered Mr Icahn the position of Treasury Secretary if he won Tuesday’s election.< eod>
<sod>Rawlins is partnered with your nan.<eod> <sod>Rawlins is partnered with the Number 2 Middle School in [[Luzhou]], [[China]].<eod>
<sod >The RCN said nurses voted in a consultative ballot by nine out of 10 to support action short of a strike while almost four out of five backed strikes.< eod>< sod > The RCN said nurses voted in a consultative ballot with nine out of 10 supporting action short of a strike, while almost five out of six backed strikes.< eod>
<sod> |ShortSummary = Scorpion is hired by the F.B.I. to install a newly developed audio surveillance system on the only U.S. military base located in [[Djibouti]], [[Africa]], so they can pick up on terrorist chatter. But this is just a ruse in order for Cabe and his Homeland security trainee, Tim Armstrong ([[Scott Porter]]) to run a secret-op across the border in [[Makuria]] to gather intel on a businessman who hires terrorists to raid [[antiquities]] from Middle Eastern museums and sell them on the black market to fund training, fake visas and advanced exposives. However, it turns into a rescue mission when the team must save Cabe when he is captured behind enemy lines. Also, Sylvester hires a lawyer from a TV commercial to help him get past the "[[boilerplate]]" contracts for game show auditions. <eod> <sod> |ShortSummary = Scorpion is hired by the F.B.I. to install a newly developed audio surveillance system on the only U.S. military base located in [[Djibouti]], [[Africa]], so they can pick up on terrorist chatter. But this is just a ruse in order for Cabe and his Homeland security trainee, Tim Armstrong ([[Scott Porter]]) to run a secret-op across the border in [[Makuria]] to gather intel on a businessman who hires terrorists to raid [[antiquities]] from Middle Eastern museums and sell them on the [[black market]] to fund training, fake visas and advanced exposives. However, it turns into a rescue mission when the team must save Cabe when he is captured behind enemy lines. Also, Sylvester hires a lawyer from a TV commercial to help him get past the [[boilerplate contract]]s for game show auditions. <eod>
['< sod > the moon agreement ( 1979 - 1984 ) is often treated as though it is not a part of the body of international space law, and there has been extensive debate on whether properly or not the moon agreement is a valid part of international law. it entered into force in 1984, because of a five state ratification consensus procedure, agreed upon by the members of the united nations committee on peaceful uses of outer space ( copuos ). still today very few nations worldwide have signed and / or ratified the moon agreement. in recent years this figure has crept up to a few more than a dozen nations internationally who have signed and ratified the treaty. the other three outer space treaties experienced a high level of international cooperation in terms of signage and ratification, but the moon treaty went further than them, by defining the common heritage concept in more detail and by imposing specific obligations on the parties engaged in the exploration and / or exploitation of outer space. the moon treaty explicitly designates simply the moon and its natural resources as part of the common heritage of mankind. < eod > < sod > therefore the moon land agreement ( 1979 - 1984 ) is often treated { { by whom } } as though it is not a part of the body of international space law, and there has been extensive debate on whether or not the moon agreement is a properly valid part of international law. it entered into force in 1984, because of a five state ratification consensus procedure, agreed upon by the members of the united nations committee on peaceful uses of outer space ( in copuos ). still today very few nations have signed and / or ratified the moon agreement. in recent years this figure has crept up to a few more than a dozen nations who have signed and ratified the treaty. the other three outer space treaties experienced a high level of international environmental cooperation in terms of signage and ratification, but the moon treaty went further than them, by defining the common heritage concept in more detail and by imposing specific specific obligations on the parties engaged in the exploration and / or exploitation of outer space. the moon treaty explicitly designates the moon and its natural resources as part of the common heritage of mankind. { { cn } } < eod >']
<sod>The '''1921 California Golden Bears football team''' represented the [[University of California, Berkeley]] in the [[Pacific Coast Conference]] (PCC) during the [[1921 college football season]]. In their sixth year under head coach [[Andy Smith (American football)|Andy Smith]], the team compiled a 9–0–1 record (4–0 against PCC opponents), won the PCC championship, and outscored its opponents by a combined total of 312 to 33.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/schools/california/1921-schedule.html|title=1921 California Golden Bears Schedule and Results|publisher=Sports Reference LLC|work=SR/College Football|accessdate=October 21, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=California 2015 Football Information Guide|url=https://admin.xosn.com/attachments1/423534.pdf|website=CalBears.com|publisher=Cal Golden Bears Athletics|accessdate=October 21, 2016|page=162}}</ref> <eod> <sod>The '''1921 California Golden Bears football team''' represented the [[University of California, Berkeley]] in the [[Pacific Coast Conference]] (PCC) during the [[1921 college football season]]. In their sixth year under head coach [[Andy Smith (American football)|Andy Smith]], the team compiled a 9–0–1 record (4–0 against PCC opponents), won the PCC championship, played [[1921 Washington & Jefferson Presidents football team|Washington & Jefferson]] to a scoreless tie in the [[1922 Rose Bowl]], and outscored its opponents by a combined total of 312 to 33.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/schools/california/1921-schedule.html|title=1921 California Golden Bears Schedule and Results|publisher=Sports Reference LLC|work=SR/College Football|accessdate=October 21, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=California 2015 Football Information Guide|url=https://admin.xosn.com/attachments1/423534.pdf|website=CalBears.com|publisher=Cal Golden Bears Athletics|accessdate=October 21, 2016|page=162}}</ref> <eod>
<sod>|children = 7<eod> <sod>|children = 7, including 3 step-children<eod>
<sod>[[Microsoft]] [[Bing]]'s knowledge base, named Satori Knowledge Base, was revealed to the public in mid-2013, but further details were not released. Other companies such as Yahoo! and [[Baidu]] have also been working on knowledge graphs.{{fact|date=November 2015}}<eod> <sod>[[Microsoft]] [[Bing]]'s knowledge base, named Satori Knowledge Base, was revealed to the public in mid-2013<ref>http://blogs.bing.com/search/2013/03/21/understand-your-world-with-bing/</ref>, but further details were not released. Other companies such as Yahoo! and [[Baidu]] have also been working on knowledge graphs.{{fact|date=November 2015}}<eod>
<sod> | Holding = The mere suspicion that a person is carrying drugs in a small container is not enough to justify probable cause to conduct a patdown.<eod> <sod> | Holding = When a search warrant specifies the person or people named in the warrant to be searched and the items to be seized from them, there is no authority to search others not named in the <eod>
<sod >10. Police allege Bieber was one of six people who were picked up by a limousine from a nightclub on 30 December, and there was an altercation while en route to a hotel.< eod>< sod > Police allege Mr Justin Bieber was one of six people who were picked up by a limousine from a nightclub in the early morning hours of 30 December when an altercation occurred between one of the passengers and the driver.< eod>
<sod >  Hall had been held by the group since 21 September 2015, and was one of a group of four hostages that included fellow Canadian John Ridsdel, who was killed in April.< eod>< sod >   Mr Hall had been held by the group since 28 September 2015, and was one of five hostages that included fellow Canadian John Ridsdel, who was killed by the group in April.< eod>
<sod >The far right leader was detained and subsequently removed from the UK on Sunday morning.< eod>< sod > He was detained and subsequently expelled from the UK on Sunday morning.< eod>
<sod>In 1964, Bogert starred in the "[[Confessions of a Republican]]" ad for [[Lyndon B. Johnson]] in the [[United States presidential election, 1964|1964 U.S. Presidential election]]. Bogert was a Republican when the ad was made, which was a requirement for the casting.<ref name="confe1">Hendershot, Heather. [https://books.google.com/books?id=sQydlphozJUC&pg=PA176#v=onepage&q&f=false What's Fair on the Air?], p. 176 (2011)</ref><ref name="confes2">(19 November 2014). [http://horseshoesandhandgrenades.ca/2014/11/confessions-of-an-old-republican/ Confessions of a Former Republican], Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Theatre</ref><eod> <sod>In 1964, Bogert starred in the "[[Confessions of a Republican]]" ad for [[Lyndon B. Johnson]] in the [[United States presidential election, 1964|1964 U.S. Presidential election]]. Bogert was a Republican when the ad was made, which was a requirement for the casting.<ref name="confe1">Hendershot, Heather. [https://books.google.com/books?id=sQydlphozJUC&pg=PA176#v=onepage&q&f=false What's Fair on the Air?], p. 176 (2011)</ref><ref name="confes2">(19 November 2014). [http://horseshoesandhandgrenades.ca/2014/11/confessions-of-an-old-republican/ Confessions of a Former Republican], Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Theatre</ref> He appeared on [[Don Lemon]]'s [[CNN]] news show on March 17, 2016 to comment on the relevance of the ad to the 2016 election.{{cn}}<eod>
['< the sod >\'\'\'\'\'indian country today media network\'\'\'\'\'( ictmn ) is a website and weekly online newsletter that is a national news source for native people in north america. in january 2011, the ict media network revealed their new online multimedia news platform ; it is currently a daily, hourly, or " as news breaks " internationally recognized news service owned by the [ [ oneida nation of new york ] ]. in july 2014, ictmn announced that it had registered 1, 009, 761 unique monthly visitors for the month of june 2014, according to [ [ google analytics ] ]. < ref > [ http : / / indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com / 2014 / 07 / 09 / indian - country - today - media - network - reaches - online - traffic - milestone - 155736\'\' indian country today,\'\' july 9, 2014 ] < / ref > ictmn has created its own popular social networking page available on [ [ facebook ] ], which has exceeded 300, 000 " likes ". < eod > < sod >\'\'\'\'\'indian country today media network\'\'\'\'\'( ictmn ) is a website and weekly online newsletter that is a national news source for and about native people in north america. in january 2011, the ict media network revealed their brand new online multimedia news platform ; it is a daily, hourly, or " as news breaks " internationally recognized news service still owned by the [ [ oneida nation of new york ] ]. in july 2014, ictmn announced that it had registered nearly 1, 009, 761 unique monthly visitors for the month of june 2014, according to [ [ google analytics ] ]. < and ref > [ http : / /... indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com / 2014 / 07 / 09 / indian - country - today - media - network - reaches - online - traffic - milestone - 155736\'\' indian country today today,\'\' july 9, 2014 ] < / ref > ictmn has created its own popular social networking page on [ [ [UNK] facebook ] ], which has exceeded 300, 000 " likes ". < eod >']
['< sod > there are two raith monuments erected in his memory, one in [ [ fife ] ] and the other < ref > { { cite web | url = http : / / www. johngraycentre. org / collections / getrecord / elher _ mel3297 / | title = haddington, west end, fergusson monument | website = john gray centre | access - date = 2016 - 05 - 26 } } < / ref > in [ [ haddington, east lothian | haddington ] ]. they were both designed by [ [ robert forrest ] ]. < eod > < sod > there are two more raith monuments erected in his posthumous memory, one in [ [ fife ] ] and the other < ref > { { cite web | url = http : / / www. johngraycentre. org / collections / getrecord / elher _ mel3297 / | main title = john haddington, west end, fergusson cross monument | website = john h gray centre | access - date = 2016 - 06 05 - 26 } } < / ref > in [ [ haddington, east lothian | haddington ] ]. they themselves were both designed as by [ [ robert robertson forrest ( sculptor ) | robert forrest ] ]. < eod >']
<sod > Authorities have reimposed some border controls over a famous bridge connecting it with Denmark in a bid to reduce the number of migrants entering the country.< eod>< sod > Sweden has reimposed border controls on the bridge connecting it with Denmark, in an effort to reduce the number of migrants entering the country.< eod>
["< sod > | next last last album ='' [ [ rock superstars ( the london parlotones live ep ) | superstars ] ]'' < br br / > ( live 2002 ) < b eod > < sod > | next final album ='' [ [ radiocontrolledrobot ] ]'' < h br / > ( 2005 ) < eod >"]
<sod>*[[The Rumour (album)|''The Rumour'' (album)]], a 1988 album by Olivia Newton-John<eod> <sod>*[[The Rumour (Olivia Newton-John album)|''The Rumour'' (Olivia Newton-John album)]], a 1988 album by Olivia Newton-John<eod>
<sod >Alongside the picture he wrote: 'Rule number one when working as an alligator keeper, if Erwin the alligator wants food, you give him food. I even have blue stitches.' Vitali Klitschko is a three-time world heavyweight champion, and is the eighth longest reigning heavyweight champion of all time.< eod>< sod > Alongside the picture he wrote: 'Rule number one when working as an alligator keeper, if Erwin the alligator wants food, you give him food. I even have blue stitches.' The youngster poses with a friend in the US where he attends the prestigious private Ransom Everglades School Vitali Klitschko is a three-time world heavyweight champion, and is the eighth longest reigning heavyweight champion of all time.< eod>
<sod >“Also, if you recognise the offender's description or have some other information, no matter how insignificant you think it is, we want to hear from you.< eod>< sod > “If you recognise the offender's description or have some other information, no matter how insignificant you think it is, we want to hear from you,” she said.< eod>
['< one sod > | 3 stat1 - data = 4 295, 31 521 < und eod > < und sod > | 5 stat1 - data = 6 262, 50 544 < and eod >']
['< k sod > father nan < s eod > < e sod > nan nan < i eod >']