1 value
4 values
Here are two sentences: Less than 20 percent of Boise 's sales would come from making lumber and paper after the OfficeMax purchase is completed . Less than 20 percent of Boise 's sales would come from making lumber and paper after the OfficeMax purchase is complete , assuming those businesses aren 't sold . Choose your answer: are the two sentences saying the same thing? OPTIONS: (A). no (B). yes
On 8 April of60 was born in Aricebo In Puerto Rico the SETI acronym for Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence a research center whose goal is to pick radio signals from other planets The only result was obtained on the first day a kind of Regular cry coming from the star Epsilon Eridani This star is 24 billion miles away from us there are those who say that it is almost impossible that quellurlo be directed to us however there are those who say that directly to us or not that day on Epsilon Eridani something was happening What is the correctly punctuated version of this sentence?
On 8 April of'60 was born in Aricebo In Puerto Rico, the SETI (acronym for "Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), a research center whose goal is to pick radio signals from other planets . The only result was obtained on the first day: a kind of Regular cry coming from the star Epsilon Eridani . This star is 24 billion miles away from us, there are those who say that it is almost impossible that quell'urlo be directed to us, however there are those who say that directly to us or not that day on Epsilon Eridani something was happening ...
Data: Houston Texans, city, Texas The Houston Texans play in Texas. Data: Binignit, ingredient, Sweet potato; Binignit, mainIngredient, Coconut milk; Sweet potato, order, Solanales One of the main ingredients of binignit is coconut milk. Another ingredient is sweet potato which is from the order Solanales. Data: Aaron Hunt, club, Hamburger SV
Aaron Hunt plays for the club, Hamburger SV.
there 'd been precious little forage for carnivores down at the bottom of broad street till dick cheney rode the meat wagon onstage . Summarize the aforementioned text in a single phrase.
cheney delivers meat to the hungry
Translate the following sentence to Czech: My brothermisplaced the key to the safe.
Myslím, že jsem vysvětlil, že můj bratr někam dal klíče od sejfu.
How is "Over 1,000ha have burned in this region, and the army has activated around 200 soldiers in a bid to bring it under control." said in Turkish? Bu bölgede 1.000 hektardan fazla alan yandı ve ordu yangını kontrol altına almak amacıyla bölgeye yaklaşık 200 asker gönderdi. Q: Translate "Papoutsis stressed on Friday that the government's new plan is also aimed at cracking down on human traffickers and would not harm legitimate asylum seekers." to Turkish? A: Papoutsis Cuma günü yaptığı açıklamada, hükümetin yeni planının aynı zamanda insan kaçakçılarına darbe indirme ve meşru sığınmacılara zarar vermeme amaçlı olduğunu da belirtti. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Southeast European Times için İstanbul'dan Alina Lehtinen'in analizi -- 18/02/11 Q: Translate "We see this as the taking of political hostages and believe that such approaches must be abandoned at once, that they are themselves the fundamental cause of the crisis." to Turkish? Yes: Biz bunu siyaseten rehin alma olarak yorumluyor ve bu yaklaşımdan bir an önce vazgeçilmesi gerektiğini, bu yaklaşımının kendisinin krizin temel nedeni olarak görüyoruz. [Q]: Resmi verilere göre, Arnavutluk'un un değirmeni sanayii 2004 yılında ülkenin en başarılı işletmelerinden biri oldu. Translate this to English? [A]: Albania's flour mill industry was one of the most successful businesses in the country during 2004, according to official data. How is "According to Seb Bytyci of the Balkan Policy Institute, however, a verdict against Limaj could actually strengthen Thaci's hand, as his main rival for the party leadership would be out of contention." said in Turkish?
Ancak Balkan Politika Enstitüsü'nden Seb Bitiki'ye göre, Limaj aleyinde çıkacak bir karar, parti liderliğindeki baş rakibi yarış dışı kalacağı için aslında Thaci'nin elini güçlendirebilir.
Answer the question...who wrote i think i'm going back??
Gerry Goffin and Carole King
Das ist das Gegenteil von dem, was getan werden müsste, und trotzdem machen Sie so weiter. Could you please translate this to English?
That is the opposite of what should be done and yet it is what you continue to do.
Add punctuation to the following sentence: Garden Flowers SweetWilliam Catchfly NoneSoPretty Rose of Heaven Silene armeria Silene coelirosa photo cultivation and maintenance planting and watering characteristics and description seeds flower colors pink lilac flowering times June jule august
Garden Flowers Sweet-William Catchfly, None-So-Pretty, Rose of Heaven Silene armeria, Silene coeli-rosa photo, cultivation and maintenance, planting and watering, characteristics and description, seeds; flower colors: pink, lilac; flowering times: June, jule, august
Другое оборудование, как правило не совместимо с IPv6, от Skype и SIP-телефонов до осцилографов и принтеров. In English? xxxxx Other equipment which is typically not IPv6-ready range from Skype and SIP phones to oscilloscopes and printers. How is "Akhtubinsk" said in Russian? Ахтубинск Q: Translate "the surveys on small depths are done without the use of explosives, but with pneumatic or common hammer, as a source of seismic energy;" to Russian? A: исследование малых глубин совершается без взрывов, с помощью пневматического или обыкновенного молотка, как источника сейсмической энергии; input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Похожие альбомы KMFDMWhat Do You Know, Deutschland? Q: Translate "Guest reviews are written by our customers after their stay at Redondo Inn and Suites." to Russian? Yes: Отзывы гостей написаны посетителями нашего сайта после проживания в отеле Redondo Inn and Suites. Q: Translate "For rent, for holidays rental, a beautiful 2 rooms apartment in the prestigious marina of herzliya pituach; into luxury..." to Russian? Yes:
Ideale per stranieri e per il personale delle ambasciate. 3 belle stanze - interamente rinnovato...
Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative (see options at the end)? , this cross-cultural soap opera is painfully formulaic and stilted . Available options: (1). negative. (2). positive.
Here is an email: Congratulations on your promotion to Manager. Brent Price, Bob Hall, Leslie Reeves, Brenda Herod and I would like to invite you to a luncheon in recognition of your promotion on Tuesday, February 6. We appreciate your contributions to the continuing success of Enron's wholesale services business. We would like the opportunity to help you celebrate your promotion. Please RSVP to Patti Thompson (x39106). Details on time and location will follow. What is a potential subject line for this email?
Promotions Luncheon for Managers
Problem: Here is a premise: Among the most frequent visitors to Penthouse magazine's Web site are employees at AT&T, Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM, and NASA. Here is a hypothesis: Employees at NASA masturbate at work. Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Sentence 1: you know it's either it's either you go out and you and you steal something or you you bash somebody over the head Sentence 2: You do not commit crimes. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: no Question: OMB will make a decision regarding approval of this information collection between 30 and 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Does it follow that "OMB will make a decision within 5 days of Federal Register publication."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Q: If actually no um, can we say that "Um, no."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no A: yes Premise: "In recognition of these tensions, LSC has worked diligently since 1995 to convey the expectations of the State Planning Initiative and to establish meaningful partnerships with stakeholders aimed at fostering a new symbiosis between the federal provider and recipients of legal services funding." Hypothesis: Meaningful partnerships with stakeholders is crucial. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no it is not possible to tell Sentence 1: um-hum because women are in every field now i mean i can't think of a field that they're not involved in Sentence 2: Women have jobs in all areas of the workforce, they are almost getting the same wages as most men, OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer:
it is not possible to tell
IN: Stepping against Danarre before the cloth can do more than slip free of her breasts Shae pins it at the waist , with her own body , one finger lifting to trace the curve of Danarre 's lips , " You what ? You want to know something . My truths will not be yours . You have choice . Why are Shae and Danarre so close ? OUT: They like each other 's company . IN: Vince begged the elephant to return the flask , until the zookeeper , rolling her eyes and trying not to laugh at Vince , wandered into the enclosure and extricated the flask from the beast 's mouth . She returned it , dripping in saliva and smelling rather disgusting , to Vince , who later excitedly offered the mangled thing and his far - fetched tale to Howard with barely an apology . Typical of Vince - the flask was perfect before he got his hands on it . Why would an elephant want a flask ? OUT: None of the above choices . IN: Did not go to sleep all day today and stayed full the whole day . Met with my CMS group for the first time today and they all seemed pretty cool . I started the bsn cycle partnered with that new Max - OT workout . I ' m hoping to get some major results by the end of next month .... now entering , the growth zone ! What might be the type of program I am working on ? OUT:
I am in a workout facility working with some new people and programs .
input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: negative Generated tweet: heyyy why dont nowone comment me :S :@ im gettin angryy nowww input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: positive Generated tweet: @DonnieWahlberg You are such a good man! I'm sure the Aussie fans will appreciate your words input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: negative Generated tweet: So gloomy I wish I was still in bed sleeping input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: negative Generated tweet:
kinda sad and confused why do guys do this?
With a breezy sweep of his pen President Vladimir Putin wrote a new chapter into Crimea's turbulent history, committing the region to a future returned to Russian domain. Sixty years prior, Ukraine's breakaway peninsula was signed away just as swiftly by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. But dealing with such a blatant land grab on its eastern flank won't be anywhere near as quick and easy for Europe's 28-member union. Because, unlike Crimea's rushed referendum, everyone has a say. After initially slapping visa restrictions and asset freezes on a limited number of little known politicians and military men, Europe is facing urgent calls to widen the scope of its measures to target the Russian business community in particular. The logic of this is that those who run Russia and own it are essentially two sides of the coin. Alexei Navalny, one-time Moscow mayoral contender now under house arrest for opposing the current regime, called for Europe's leaders to ban everyone -- from Vladimir Putin's personal banker to Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich from keeping their money and loved ones abroad. Asset freezes and visa restrictions are especially palatable options for the EU because they can be rolled out on a discretionary basis, without requiring cumbersome legal procedures and recourse. In fact Russia cancels visas for people it doesn't like all the time. Just look at Hermitage Capital founder Bill Browder who lost both his right of entry and Moscow-based money in 2005 and dare not go back. Russia also banned the adoption of its orphans by Americans in retaliation for the US's implementation of an anti-corruption law named after Sergei Magnitsky, Browder's lawyer who died after a year in a Moscow detention center, apparently beaten to death. Yet in playing the 'money talks' card, Europe must be ready for the consequences of such action. Because money also walks. As such EU leaders must be ready to accept sanctions are a two-way street and will hurt both sides. Targeting Russia's peripatetic business community would be one way of sapping their tenuous support for President Putin. And such a strategy might also turn out to have a silver lining: awarding EU countries a chance to finally deal with some of the more unpleasant sides of their patronage, including money laundering and corruption, which have inflated prize assets like London property and Picasso paintings for years. Where Europe should hold fire though is trade. Two decades of post-Soviet rapprochement and almost $500 billion worth of commerce is a lot to put at stake. It's true that any trade war would hurt Russia far harder than it would the EU - not least because 15% of the former's GDP comes from exports to the bloc. But Europe - with its hefty reliance on Russian gas - would have a hard time keeping its factories going and citizens warm without power from the east. And while Putin flexes his political muscle, open trade channels keep the dialogue going giving all sides a chance to change the subject and talk less tensely. No one can afford to cut off that lifeline, especially now with Europe's economy on the rebound and Russia's one on the wane. What are highlight points for this article?
Nina dos Santos says Europe must be ready to accept sanctions will hurt both sides. Targeting Russia's business community would be one way of sapping their support for President Putin, she says. But she says Europe would have a hard time keeping its factories going without power from the east.
What is the answer to this question? who's the highest-paid basketball player in the nba?
Stephen Curry
Why is Obama giving his economy speech at an Amazon warehouse? FORTUNE — Amazon’s announcement that it is planning to create thousands of new jobs in warehouses across the country is good news. Thousands more Americans will be working, paying taxes, and shopping. It will pull some families out of poverty and keep some others from falling into it. But the very fact that the announcement is being heralded as a big deal — and coordinated (at least in the media) with a speech on the economy by President Obama — is actually bad news. Amazon’s AMZN warehouse jobs do not in any way represent even a hint of a resurrection of the American economy. They represent only the continued slow, weak recovery from the latest recession. Structurally and in the long term, things still look grim. Nevertheless, Obama has chosen an Amazon facility as the site of his speech Tuesday, one of a series of speeches he’s giving to promote his efforts to spur the economy. Amazon is opening new warehouses in a bunch of states across the country, creating 5,000 full-time warehouse jobs and 2,000 customer-service positions in both existing and new facilities. The company boasts that the jobs pay on average 30% more than retail jobs. Yes, 30% better than not great is good. But it’s far from great. The jobs pay between $11 and $13 an hour. That amounts to about $23,000 to $27,000 a year — just a little above the official federal poverty line for a family of four. It’s hard to know how many of the people taking the jobs will be supporting families solely on that income, but no matter what, it’s clear the jobs don’t represent the kind that are needed to put the country on a sound, sustainable economic footing. They are not middle-class jobs, or they shouldn’t be. It’s arguable whether they’re adequate as working-class jobs. MORE: How the Publicis-Omnicom deal started as a joke Amazon is doing nothing wrong here, of course, but it’s also not doing much to help rebuild the economy. The jobs are comparatively fairly decent. They include health benefits and stock grants to full-time employees that the company says average about 9% of workers’ wages. The positions are a net gain for the economy at least in the short term, but they are also a symbol of its underlying weakness. As our manufacturing base continues to erode, jobs like this, while welcome, fail to serve as a panacea. So why is Obama using an Amazon warehouse as a stage setting for his speech on jobs? Amy Brundage, a deputy White House press secretary, said this to the Chattanooga Times Free Press: “The Amazon facility in Chattanooga is a perfect example of the company that is investing in American workers and creating good, high-wage jobs.” And: “What the president wants to do is to highlight Amazon and the Chattanooga facility as an example of a company that is spurring job growth and keeping our country competitive.” As the Times Free Press‘ Mike Pare notes, the median household income in Chattanooga is about $37,000. The median for Tennessee as a whole is $44,000, or just short of double the lower end of Amazon’s pay rate for warehouse jobs. Please write a summary below. The White House says Amazon's warehouses provide "high-wage" jobs. Not quite. Ron Johnson Raises $50 Million For E-commerce Venture Enjoy Enjoy Technology CEO Ron Johnson (Photo courtesy of Enjoy) The man who built Apple's Apple's brick-and-mortar stores is back at it again. On Wednesday, former Apple executive and J.C. Penney chief Ron Johnson and his new online retailing company Enjoy Technology announced that they had secured $50 million in a round of funding led by Highland Capital. The company did not disclose its valuation following the round, only noting that it had raised about $80 million to date. “Since launching in May, we have been thrilled with the high-quality experiences we’ve been able to deliver for our customers, partners and employees,” said Enjoy CEO Johnson in a statement. Currently available in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area, Enjoy allows consumers who shop on its site and partner sites to receive free hand delivery of their tech devices from experts, who can set up or install the products and train buyers on how to use them. Enjoy focuses on selling high-end consumer electronics. As of Wednesday, its site featured everything from GoPro cameras to DJI consumer drones to Sonos speakers. Enjoy’s funding comes on the heels of the launch of, which is attempting to compete with the world’s largest online retailer,, by promising lower prices. Enjoy is also looking to challenge Amazon in the high-end consumer electronics category by offering a potentially better sale and delivery experience in which a consumer can test and learn how to use a gadget. “As devices become more complicated and intertwined, Enjoy’s vision for a revolutionized customer experience represents the next stage in disruptive commerce,” said Highland Capital Partner Peter Bell in a statement. “Enjoy not only solves a major problem for customers, but offers manufacturers a valuable new channel for meaningful engagement with limited overhead.” Highland was joined in the round by the likes of existing investors Kleiner Caufield Byers & Caufield and Oak Investment Partners. Follow me on Twitter at @RMac18 or email me at [email protected]. Please write a summary below. On Wednesday, former Apple executive and J.C. Penney chief Ron Johnson and his new online retailing company Enjoy Technology announced that they had secured $50 million in a round of funding led by Highland Capital. British-Algerian journalist dies after hunger strike A British-Algerian journalist has died after staging a hunger strike in protest against a two-year jail term for offending Algeria’s president in a poem posted online, according to his lawyer. “I can confirm the death of the journalist Mohamed Tamalt in Bab el-Oued hospital after a hunger strike of more than three months and a three-month coma,” Amine Sidhoum said on Facebook. The prison service said in a statement Tamalt had died of a lung infection for which he was receiving treatment since it was detected on 4 December. He had been in hospital since the end of August. Tamalt, a dual national, launched the hunger strike on the day of his arrest near his parents’ house in the capital Algiers on 27 June, according to Human Rights Watch. The 42-year-old blogger and freelance journalist, who ran a website from London where he lived, was charged with offending President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and defaming a public authority, in the poem he shared on Facebook. A court in Algiers sentenced him to two years in prison on 11 July and fined him 200,000 dinars (£1,400). An appeals court upheld the ruling a month later. Amnesty International urged Algerian authorities on Sunday to open an “independent and transparent investigation into the circumstances” of the journalist’s death. Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said it was shocked by Tamalt’s death which had dealt a blow to freedom of information in Algeria. “Why was there such a conviction just for words on Facebook which did no harm to anyone?” said Yasmine Kacha, head of the north Africa department of RSF. HRW had urged Algerian authorities to release him in August when he was reportedly in critical condition. “The Algerian authorities should quash the case against Tamalt and send the message that free speech will be respected in Algeria,” it said at the time. Please write a summary below.
Mohamed Tamalt, who was imprisoned after sharing poem about Algerian president on Facebook, dies in hospital
Input: what type of paper was the bible written on? Output: papyrus Input: cities located on the bank of river brahmaputra? Output: Guwahati Input: what time did one direction became a band? Output: July 2010 Input: who was the only us president whos grandfather was also president? Output:
Benjamin Harrison
IN: School Superintendent Jack D. Dale defended Fairfax County's discipline policies Fairfax Superintendent Jack D. Dale defended his school system's discipline policies Friday after an elected leader in Fairfax County linked two teen suicides to what she called a "zero tolerance" policy toward infractions. Dale said that the Fairfax school district does not believe in zero-tolerance and never has. "We operate on the principle that students are given ample opportunity to correct their behaviors before serious consequences are applied," he wrote in a statement sent to members of the Fairfax County School Board and the Board of Supervisors. Dale was reacting to a board matter introduced jointly Tuesday by Supervisors Catherine M. Hudgins (D-Hunter Mill) and Penelope A. Gross (D-Mason). The measure cited "zero tolerance" policies and discussed the student suicides and the needs of students and families. It asked staff members to look into ways the county and school system could "partner in addressing the disciplinary process." It also raised the question of whether school personnel are missing signs of student problems. The discussion came nearly three weeks after Nick Stuban, a 15-year-old football player at W.T. Woodson High School, took his life at his Fairfax home. His family has said that, in Nick's experience with the disciplinary process, "his spirit was crushed." His death came 22 months after Josh Anderson, 17, who played football at South Lakes High School, committed suicide on the day before a second disciplinary hearing. Hudgins wrote that "many parents and students are asking whether the Zero Tolerance disciplinary policy of [the school system] lacks the ability to recognize the emotional difficulties students experience and intervene with appropriate support." In an interview, Hudgins said families had come to her with concerns. "What is stated to me often is that it feels like zero tolerance," she said. Her measure asked that parents and community groups contribute to talks on improving the disciplinary system. Dale said it was "unconscionable and a blow to those who have already suffered great pain" for Hudgins to associate disciplinary actions with the teen deaths "for the purpose of furthering a falsehood." Dale said it would be most constructive to focus on the incidence of depression among youths in Fairfax County. What is a short summary of the above article? OUT: Fairfax Superintendent Jack D. Dale defended his school system's discipline policies Friday after an elected leader in Fairfax County linked two teen suicides to what she called a "zero tolerance" policy toward infractions. Q: 'Skyfall' finishes back in first place at the box office, becoming highest grossing movie in Sony's history Daniel Craig stars as James Bond in 'Skyfall.' James Bond renewed his license to thrill. "Skyfall" surged back into first place in its fifth weekend, with $11 million — bringing its worldwide total to $918 million. Daniel Craig's third turn as Agent 007 is the most successful installment in the 50-year history of the Bond franchise. And in the process, the movie has become Sony Pictures' highest grossing movie of all time, beating out "Spider-Man 3." "I've never seen this exact trajectory on a movie — returning to first place after dropping out three weeks ago," said Paul Dergarabedian, box office analyst for "'Twilight' opened bigger, but 'Skyfall' has been building because of word of mouth. "It's transcends being just a typical Bond movie, it's crossed over to fans who want to see a good movie that has some Oscar potential." Meanwhile, Gerard Butler's new romantic comedy, featuring the hunky Scot as a soccer coach, scored the box office equivalent of an own goal. The animated "Rise of the Guardians" climbed into second place in its third weekend with $10.5 million. "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" dropped from first place to third, but added another $9.2 million, proving there was still plenty of life left in the vampire romance saga after four weeks. And Oscar buzz propelled Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln" to a $9.1 million weekend. The film has grossed $97.3 million so far. Newcomers will face the equivalent of another dragon to slay at the box office next weekend with Friday's opening of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," the first installment of Peter Jackson's prequel trilogy to "The Lord of the Rings." What are the most important parts of this text? A:
James Bond renewed his license to thrill. "Skyfall" surged back into first place in its fifth weekend, with $11 million — bringing its worldwide total to $918 million. And in the process, the movie has become Sony Pictures' highest grossing movie of all time.
What are some of our freedoms? What is the significance of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Choose your answer. Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Select from: (A). no; (B). yes;
Q: 5 free things to do during the week of July 21-26 The Going Out Guide recommends free things to do this week. In partnership with California Walnuts, chef Devin Alexander, known for her role as the chef on NBC's "The Biggest Loser," will be preparing snacks and sharing tips for staying healthy during the summer at two locations in the District. Friday. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Yards Park, 355 Water St. SE. and Saturday. Noon to 5 p.m. The parking lot of PNC Bank, 1201 Wisconsin Ave. NW. This week in free concerts: Vijay Iyer and Rudresh Mahanthappa In conjunction with the exhibition "Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation" (at the National Museum of Natural History through Aug. 16), award-winning pianist Vijay Iyer and alto saxophonist and composer Rudresh Mahanthappa join forces for a jazz concert. Thursday. 7:30 p.m. Freer Gallery of Art, Jefferson Drive and 12th Street SW. 202-633-1000. Free, tickets required. First Baptist Church of Glenarden's young adults ministry invites adults ages 18 to 35 to an event featuring performances by Black Alley, Marlee in the Mixx and Musically Yours. There will also be food trucks on site. Saturday. 6 p.m. First Baptist Church of Glenarden, 3600 Brightseat Rd., Landover. Tunes in the Triangle: Andrea Pais and Alison Carney Singer-songwriter Andrea Pais left a career in engineering to pursue music. She is a classically trained pianist and District native with a sound that blends R&B, soul and pop music. Alison Carney was raised in Washington. In 2011, the singer-songwriter released a mixtape called "AlisonWonderland." Hear these two perform live as part of the Tunes in the Triangle concert series. Thursday. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Pais) and Carney 6 p.m to 8 p.m. Mount Vernon Triangle, Fifth and K Streets NW. This week in free movies: The final screenings of the 10th annual film festival will be "Mrs. Doubtfire," the classic 1993 film starring the late Robin Williams; and "Imitation Game," the 2014 film based on the story of Alan Turing starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley. Friday and Saturday. 9 p.m. Woodmont Triangle, Norfolk and Auburn Avenues, Bethesda. Macy L. Freeman is an editorial aide for the Weekend/Going Out Guide section at The Washington Post. A: The Going Out Guide recommends free things to do this week. Q: ‘Alma Thomas’ Review Hanging in the last gallery of “Alma Thomas,” a large evocative abstract painting titled “Cherry Blossom Symphony” (1973) seems to place viewers amid hundreds of the delicate pink flowers. Or hovering above them, looking down on a sea of pink. Composed not of discernible petals, but of rosy-hued daubs of paint piled on under-layers of blues, greens and reds, it’s a marvel, the conceptual equivalent of a warm... A:
Alma Thomas was an underappreciated artist who immersed herself in a lifetime of learning and beauty.
– In June, ISIS did the barbaric: slaughtered scores of soldiers at a base on the outskirts of Tikrit. With the city newly liberated, Iraqi forensic teams have now begun the grim process of excavating suspected mass graves thought to contain some of the 1,700 soldiers ISIS claims to have killed at Camp Speicher. The AP cites an official with the country's Human Rights Ministry who says eight sites within the complex of presidential palaces are being worked on; Reuters puts the number of suspected mass graves at 12. Another official yesterday told Reuters that "initial indications show indisputably" that a handful of bodies recovered yesterday are those of Speicher victims, though DNA testing will be carried out to confirm this. The AP notes that one clip aired on Iraqi state TV showed unearthed skeletal remains still wearing combat boots. A CNN reporter on the scene describes decomposed bodies with their hands still tied together. In making its claim, ISIS released photos showing soldiers being led to trenches and then facedown in them before and after their execution. Other videos showed masked gunmen bringing the soldiers to a bloodstained concrete river waterfront, shooting them in the head, and tossing them into the Tigris. Previous reports have stated that if the number of dead is indeed 1,700, the massacre would rank as by far the largest atrocity in the country in more than a decade. Let's expand this into a news article: BAGHDAD Iraqi forensic teams began on Monday excavating 12 suspected mass grave sites thought to hold the corpses of as many as 1,700 soldiers massacred last summer by Islamic State militants as they swept across northern Iraq. The mass killings last June of Shi'ite soldiers from Camp Speicher, a former U.S. base outside the Sunni city of Tikrit, has become a symbol of the brutality of Islamic State fighters and their hatred for Iraq's Shi'ite majority. The deaths showed Iraqis that the Islamic State fighters, who have also attacked ethnic and religious minorites as well as fellow Sunni Muslims opposing them, were a threatening new kind of foe. The images of Shi'ite soldiers being machine-gunned in their hundreds, posted online by the jihadists, could rank as the deadliest single act of bloodshed during a decade of periodic sectarian war in Iraq. The exhumation of burial sites on the late dictator Saddam Hussein's presidential compound came days after Islamic State militants were driven from the city by Iraqi forces and Shi'ite paramilitaries. "We dug up the first mass grave site today. Until now we found at least 20 bodies. Initial indications show indisputably that they were from the Speicher victims," said Khalid al-Atbi, an Iraqi health official working with the forensic team sent to Tikrit. "It was a heartbreaking scene. We couldn’t prevent ourselves from breaking down in tears. What savage barbarian could kill 1,700 persons in cold blood?" he asked. Survivors of Speicher have described to Reuters their ordeal last June as the Iraqi military chain of command unraveled and Islamic State's Sunni fighters descended on Tikrit, rounding up Shi'ite soldiers for slaughter. The victims' families, who often grow angry at Iraq's political class for failing to provide them proper answers, have wondered for months about the fate of their friends and loved ones. "The only positive thing is the victory in Tikrit," said, Ali Hamad, whose cousin Kamal went missing at Speicher. "We are happy. At least the families will soon know the fate of their sons and cousins," he said. (Reporting by Ned Parker; Editing by Tom Heneghan) ||||| Story highlights A total of 47 bodies have been exhumed from two mass graves Iraqis find mass graves inside presidential palace compound in Tikrit ISIS claimed to have executed 1,700 Iraqi soldiers captured outside Camp Speicher Tikrit, Iraq (CNN) Mass graves believed to hold Iraqi soldiers have been discovered in newly liberated Tikrit. Up to 1,700 bodies may be recovered. ISIS claimed to have executed that many soldiers captured in June outside Camp Speicher, a fortified Iraqi base near Tikrit. A total of 47 bodies have been exhumed from two of the 11 mass graves discovered in Tikrit, an Iraqi government official said Tuesday. Hundreds are believed to have been executed by ISIS in June 2014 Grieving Iraqis, apparently not related to the soldiers, gathered to pray over the bodies. When the first three bodies were found, 10 Iraqi soldiers saluted the dead by firing seven shots into the air. The national anthem was played while soldiers wept. All the bodies were decomposed. Some had their hands bound, Damon said. The remains will be sent back to Baghdad for DNA tests to establish identify, said Ali Tahir, a director in the Iraqi morgue who was supervising the digging and extraction. ||||| – At least one of the bombs used in the Boston Marathon attacks had female DNA on it, investigators say, but that doesn't necessarily mean the bombers had a female accomplice. Officials gave a handful of alternate scenarios to the Wall Street Journal: A store clerk could have handled materials later used in the bomb, or a female hair could have innocently ended up on it. The Journal notes that FBI agents were seen leaving the home of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's in-laws today. Tsarnaev's widow, Katherine Russell, has been staying there since the bombings, and one official says the agents were there to get a DNA sample from her to see if it matches the one found on the bomb. Meanwhile, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has another lawyer. Judy Clarke, who was also on the defense team for Jared Loughner, has been appointed to join the three federal public defenders already assigned to Tsarnaev, Politico reports. That's because she has a lot of experience with death penalty cases; her appointment will probably lead some to speculate that she'll be able to negotiate a plea bargain with a life sentence rather than death, as she did for Loughner. The Atlantic Wire notes that Tsarnaev's attorneys have represented quite a few bombers, terrorists, and other well-known criminals, including Zacarias Moussaoui and the Unabomber.
Let's expand this into a news article: Accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has a new lawyer: a member of the defense team for Jared Loughner, the man convicted of killing six people at an outreach event for then-Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) in 2011. In an order filed Monday afternoon, federal magistrate Marianne Bowler appointed Judy Clarke of San Diego to join three federal public defenders from Boston assigned to Tsarnaev's case. Bowler noted Clarke's extensive experience in death penalty cases and the potential that prosecutors could seek the death penalty against Tsarnaev. "In light of the circumstances in this case, the defendant requires an attorney with more background, knowledge and experience in federal death penalty cases than that possessed by current counsel," Bowler wrote in her five-page order (posted here). The addition of Clarke to Tsarnaev's defense is sure to fuel speculation that Clarke will seek to do for the Boston bombing suspect what she helped to do for Loughner: negotiate a guilty plea and sentence of life in prison in exchange for prosecutors agreeing not to seek the death penalty. That task seems harder in a high-profile case where the crime generated widespread public anger and outrage. But Clarke has done just that in other cases. "They're looking into the lens of life in prison in a box," Clarke said of her clients in a recent speech, according to the Associated Press. "Our job is to provide them with a reason to live." The Boston federal defenders had also asked to add another defense lawyer, David Bruck of Washington & Lee University Law School in Lexington, Va., but Bowler rejected that request—at least for now. "An additional attorney at this time is neither necessary nor required," she wrote. The magistrate said Clarke had more federal death penalty experience and should be adequate to the task at least until an indictment is filed in the case. Read more about: Death Penalty, Gabrielle Giffords, Jared Loughner, Tucson Shootings, Defense Attorneys, Boston Marathon, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Boston Bombing ||||| FBI/Associated Press Remnants of a pressure-cooker bomb used in the Boston attack that killed three people. Investigators have found female DNA on at least one of the bombs used in the Boston Marathon attacks, though they haven't determined whose DNA it is or whether its presence means a woman helped the two brothers suspected in the bombings, according to U.S. officials briefed on the probe. In another development, Russian officials revealed details about contacts between the older brother and suspected Islamist radicals in the Caucasus, including Internet exchanges that led to concerns by investigators that he was trying to join up with jihadist fighters. Speaking Monday about the DNA discovery, the U.S. officials cautioned that there could be multiple explanations for why genetic material from someone other than the two bombing suspects—Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar—could have been found on remnants of the exploded devices. It could have come, for example, from a store clerk who handled materials used in the bombs or a stray hair that ended up in the bomb. Monday, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents visited the Rhode Island home of the parents of Katherine Russell, the widow of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. He died after a shootout with police four days after the April 15 bombings. "The FBI is there as part of our ongoing investigation, but we aren't permitted to discuss specific aspects of the case," said FBI spokesman Jason Pack. Ms. Russell has been staying with her parents since the bombings, and FBI agents have been seen posted outside the house since her late husband was identified as one of the bombers. Her lawyer has said she is "doing everything she can to assist with the investigation." Enlarge Image Close Dagestan Federal Security Service William Plotnikov, left, with an alleged member of the Islamist underground, in a photo released by the Dagestan Federal Security Service. Mr. Plotnikov exchanged emails with suspected Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. One official familiar with the case said agents went to the house Monday to collect a DNA sample from Ms. Russell, the culmination of days of negotiations. FBI officials also have been negotiating with Ms. Russell's attorney in recent days to gain fuller access to question her, the officials familiar with the case said. The officials said the DNA request was needed to determine whether it matched the DNA found on the bomb remnants. Ms. Russell is one of as many as a half-dozen people in whom investigators are interested as they seek to determine if the brothers had any help in the bomb attack or the days afterward, the officials said. Ms. Russell's lawyer didn't immediately respond to a request for comment about the latest developments. Investigators have no evidence that any of the associates of the brothers had knowledge of the bombing plot, and they believe that if anyone helped to dispose of evidence—a point that remains uncertain—it may have been unwitting, according to officials briefed on the investigation. Related Defense Lawyer Has Background Of Capital Cases Both U.S. and Russian authorities are trying to learn more about Tamerlan Tsarnaev's activities while staying in Russia from January to July of 2012. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone Monday and agreed to boost antiterror cooperation, officials on both sides said. Two Russian government officials said Tamerlan Tsarnaev exchanged notes over the Internet with William Plotnikov, a boxer who moved with his parents from Russia to Canada before joining militants in the North Caucasus. And they said Mr. Tsarnaev met several times in early 2012 with Mansur Makhmud Nidal, an alleged militant from the Russian province of Dagestan and suspected jihadist recruiter. The meetings happened in a mosque in Dagestan's capital of Makhachkala known for its adherence to a puritanical strain of Islam, they said. The Tsarnaevs' parents have denied their sons were involved in terrorism. Related Video: More on Boston Bombings What Police Departments can learn from the NYPD, why the GDP growth (or lack thereof) is cause for concern, Rand Paul's waffling on drones and enemy combatants and can GOP governors live up to their promises? What's News: Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was put on two watch lists in 2011 after Russian officials alerted the U.S. Some members of Congress are considering bills to ease air-travel delays. Southwest Airlines's profit drops. Photo: AP Among the rescue efforts for the more than 260 victims of the Boston Marathon bombings are crowdfunding sites that are raising funds to pay the bills that are already piling up. MarketWatch's Jim Jelter reports. (Photo: Getty Images) Mr. Nidal died in a firefight in Makhachkala last May after a five-hour standoff that ended with him throwing a grenade at police officials, according to Russian authorities. Mr. Plotnikov died two months later, in mid-July, during a raid in the hinterland of Utamysh, a village southwest of Makhachkala. Mr. Tsarnaev was in the region at the time of both raids but left Russia for the U.S. three days after the second one. He left before picking up a Russian passport that had been prepared for him at the local migration office in Dagestan's capital. "He intended to join the fighters, but he lost his contacts," one of the Russian officials said. "In the end he picked an easier enemy in Boston." The Russian officials said it was unclear whether Mr. Tsarnaev and Mr. Plotnikov ever met in person. The parents of the two boxers say they don't recall any interaction between the two. There are no indications that the two men ever boxed together, and Russian officials haven't yet produced any of the online communication that they say exists. A U.S. official said Russian authorities haven't shared any information about Mr. Tsarnaev related to contact with any suspected militants during his trip last year to Dagestan. Several U.S. officials, however, said they believe Russia has more information about Mr. Tsarnaev that hasn't been handed over. —Paul Sonne contributed to this article. Write to Evan Perez at [email protected] and Alan Cullison at [email protected] A version of this article appeared April 30, 2013, on page A4 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Female DNA Found on Boston Bomb. ||||| The team of public defenders now lined up to defend Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at his criminal trial are veteran defenders of a veritable rogue's gallery of criminal A-listers. Facing off against U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, the prosecutor of Aaron Swartz, the Tsarnaev team should make these proceedings some one of the most spectacular on American soil in decades. Despite assurance from Tsarnaev's mother that the family knew a "lawyer with a big oil company" who would find someone to represent her son, the court today determined that Dzhokhar would be publicly defended. A few members of his criminal team have been known since last week: William Fick (who represented him at his bedside hearing), Timothy Watkins, and Miriam Conrad. Fick and Watkins appear to have handled mostly local cases — Carmen "The Cheese Man" DeNunzio; a bodybuilding firefighter. Conrad's track record is much more interesting. Among her clients: Richard Reid Reid was arrested in December 2001 after attempting to light a fuse on a bomb hidden in the sole of his shoe. He plead guilty to eight counts related to terrorism, including attempted murder. In 2003, he was sentenced to a life term at the Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. In 2006, the U.S. Attorney's office tried to interview Reid without an attorney present. Conrad filed a motion to block their ability to do so. Rezwan Ferdaus Ferdaus was arrested in 2011 by the Boston office of the FBI, accused of plotting to use remote-controlled planes to fly explosives into the Capitol and Pentagon. He plead guilty and is serving a 17-year sentence at a prison in Illinois. After the Boston bombing, Mother Jones magazine questioned if the FBI's focus on Ferdaus distracted them from Tamerlan Tsarnaev. This afternoon, the team added another attorney: Judy Clarke, a specialist in helping clients avoid the death penalty, has an even more impressive client list. Jared Loughner In January 2011, Loughner shot and killed six people in a parking lot in Tuscon, also severely wounding Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Last summer, he pled guilty to 19 counts related to the crime and was sentenced to life in prison. Clarke took the case after many attorneys in Arizona recused themselves, due to a relationship with a judge who'd been killed by Loughner. She was present at Loughner's first hearing before a judge, during which he refused to enter any plea, simply smiling when asked how he wished to plead. Zacarias Moussaoui Moussaoui, the "20th 9/11 hijacker," was originally part of the plot to hijack airplanes on September 11th. After raising suspicions with the instructor at his flight school, the FBI was contacted. Moussaoui was arrested for violating immigration rules. After the terror attacks that year, Moussaoui was charged with — and plead guilty to — conspiring to commit an act of terror. For a period of time, Clarke was on his defense team. Eric Rudolph Rudolph, the long-time fugitive responsible for a series of bombings across the South, is best known for planting a bomb in Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. After his arrest in 2003, Rudolph faced the death penalty. With Clarke as his representation, he eventually accepted a deal for four consecutive life sentences. He is serving those terms in the same prison where Richard Reid is being held. Susan Smith Smith was at the center of a notorious case in South Carolina. A mother of two, Smith claimed that a black man stole her car and kidnapped her children, who were eventually found dead in a car in a nearby lake. Eventually, Smith confessed to having let the car roll into the lake herself, killing her children. Smith was found guilty and is now serving a life sentence. After Clarke took the case, the state of South Carolina banned the hire of public defenders from outside the state. Theodore Kaczynski Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, sent a series of mail bombs to university professors, executives, and business owners. From 1978 to 1995, Kaczynski sent over a dozen bombs as part of his effort to undermine the advancement of technology in the United States. After the FBI published his anti-technology manifesto, his brother turned him in to the FBI. Kaczynski agreed to a plea deal that spared him the death penalty; he, too, is housed in the Supermax prison in Florence Colorado. Clark and Conrad face a tough opponent in their most recent high-profile case: U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz. Ortiz's aggressive prosecution of accused hacker Aaron Swartz prompted enormous outcry, including a petition to the White House that she be removed from office which was signed over 55,000 times. All images from the AP. Want to add to this story? Let us know in comments or send an email to the author at pbump at theatlantic dot com. You can share ideas for stories on the Open Wire. Philip Bump |||||
Generate a sentence about this data: The Rice Boat food Italian; The Rice Boat priceRange more than £30; The Rice Boat customer rating high; The Rice Boat area riverside; The Rice Boat familyFriendly no; The Rice Boat near Express by Holiday Inn
The Rice Boat serves Italian in the price range of more than 30. It is located in riverside, near Express by Holiday Inn. They are not child friendly and have a high customer rating.
input question: The palace stands at the head of the wide Durbar Marg avenue leading south. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"Durbar Marg Avenue is far from the palace."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: no Question: Based on the premise "You're always here for me.", can we conclude that "You're never here when I need you."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no **** Answer: no Question: Sentence A: At least he meant to die trying, if he failed. Sentence B: His plan was to fail and not die trying. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Question: that stuff is expensive The stuff is pricey because it has gold plating. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Problem: Here is a premise: and all the different stuff like that you know Here is a hypothesis: I'm referring to all of the same things Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Question: Houston is really humid now Does it follow that "Houston is freezing and dry right now."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
Text: gunmen shot dead a former general in saddam hussein 's army sunday as he drove his car in the insurgent-infested city of ramadi , his cousin said . Summary: former general shot dead in western province Text: president bill clinton said on monday that he was still confident of a framework agreement to be reached between israel and the palestinians despite possible slip away of the targeted date of mid-may the two sides set for that deal . Summary: clinton still confident of israeli-palestinian framework agreement Text: media mogul silvio berlusconi battled to stay in power in italian parliamentary elections sunday with his conservatives trying to beat back a strong challenge from romano prodi , a former premier who leads a coalition ranging from moderates to communists . Summary: berlusconi battles to stay in power as italians vote Text: transocean inc. , the world 's largest offshore drilling contractor , said monday it will combine with smaller competitor globalsantafe corp. , creating a company with a full range of offshore drilling services in the world 's key markets . Summary:
transocean globalsantafe plan to combine to create new oil drilling heavyweight
Write an article based on this "Former British Olympic discuss thrower Lawrence Okoye has signed for the Arizona Cardinals after being released by NFL rivals San Francisco 49ers." Article:
Londonder Okoye, 23, who still holds the British discus record, left the 49ers last week after two seasons trying to establish himself. After franchises finalised their squads over the weekend, Okoye said: "Really excited to join the @AZCardinals. "Big thank you to everyone that has supported throughout this journey." Okoye added: "9ers fans have been awesome with me throughout my time there - will always appreciate you no matter where I'm at." Jack Crawford made the Dallas Cowboys' 53-man roster, but other Britons did not have such good news over the weekend's roster moves. Former London Warriors defensive end Efe Obada was released by the Cowboys. Rookie running back Jay Ajayi has been moved to the Miami Dolphins' injured/reserve list because of a chest injury. Manchester-born offensive tackle Menelik Watson ruptured his Achilles tendon late last month and has also been placed on the Oakland Raiders' injured/reserve list, likely keeping him out of the entire campaign. Media playback is not supported on this device
Article: The Fed then raised the Fed funds rate significantly between July 2004 and July 2006. This contributed to an increase in 1-year and 5-year adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) rates, making ARM interest rate resets more expensive for homeowners. This may have also contributed to the deflating of the housing bubble, as asset prices generally move inversely to interest rates, and it became riskier to speculate in housing. U.S. housing and financial assets dramatically declined in value after the housing bubble burst. Now answer this question: How do asset prices generally move in relation to interest rates?
What is the answer to this question? who's the highest-paid basketball player in the nba?
Stephen Curry
Q: What is the solution? Solve -71256 = -2807*k + 139269 for k. A: 75 Q: What is the solution? Solve 45*o + 1 = 50*o + 81 for o. A: -16 Q: What is the solution? Solve 233783*d + 60 = 233795*d for d. A:
Summarize: The man, who is described as middle aged, was confirmed dead at the scene by paramedics responding to the incident. The crash happened on the B4176 between Upper Aston and Upper Ludstone at about 22:00 BST on Tuesday. A 27-year-old man who was driving the other vehicle is being treated at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham for pelvic injuries. More on this and other stories from Shropshire Summary:
A man has died after two cars were involved in a crash in Shropshire.
Based on the premise "Ask at CiteHall center about advance reservations.", can we conclude the hypothesis "Ask at CiteHall center about pet supplies." is true?
Creating a visual display of your goals and positioning it where you can look at it throughout the day is a big motivator. If you don’t keep your goals in front of your eyes, it’s easy to forget them or justify procrastinating. Get creative with your board. You can make a basic 2D collage with magazine photo cutouts, or you can give the board dimension by adding small toy versions of your favorite healthy things—soccer or basketballs, pompoms, even play food like your little brother or sister has in their play kitchen. Write your #1 goal in large letters in the center, something like, “To be fast enough to score a goal.” Make sure that your goal is not a number on the scale or a clothing size. Your goal should be about how you want to feel or what you want to be able to do when you are fit. Post a picture of yourself when you were fit and happy, or when you were accomplishing a big physical feat like scoring a goal or winning a race. You can create a virtual inspiration board by “pinning” inspiring images, websites, and articles that you find on the internet. This way, you can easily flip to the board on your smartphone and scroll through it to get fitness ideas or get excited about exercising. Include images of your favorite strong women, like Serena Williams or Carly Lloyd. Include quotes like, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent," by Eleanor Roosevelt. You can also draw your goals in a journal or diary (or paste magazine clippings on the pages). This journal can become a mobile inspiration board that you can open instantly no matter where you are. If you like to draw, this creative journal can be a great way to combine fitness with your other interests. Share your goals with your parents as well. You do not have to share your journal with them, or tell them every single detail. Just make sure to clue them in on what you are working on so that they can encourage you and help you to make sure your goals are realistic. Reading articles about getting fit may also help to motivate you. Check out online fitness magazines, like Shape. Even without a subscription, you can read articles about exercise, fitness, and nutrition. Learn as much as you can about how to eat properly and exercise to get fit and stay motivated. Watching videos about how other people have transformed their bodies may also help to motivate you. You can search for things like “transformation story” or “weight loss journey” to find these types of videos. ++++++++++ One-sentence summary -- Make an inspirational board to hang in your room. Create a board on Pinterest. Draw your goals in a journal. Learn more about getting fit. Watch inspirational videos on Youtube. Q: Most often, the sensation of ear pressure isn’t a blockage at all but a brief dysfunction of the Eustachian tube in your middle ear. You can force this tube open to equalize the pressure in your ear with various easy steps, including: Yawning Chewing Swallowing Trying to exhale through your nose while pinching your nostrils closed For sinus congestion that leads to ear pressure, you can also help reduce the pressure by simply staying hydrated. Fluids help to thin the mucus causing the pressure. Try to drink at least eight cups of water each day. By adding an additional pillow and keeping your head elevated, you make it easier for your sinuses to drain properly. This will help to reduce ear pressure. Try heating a towel and then placing the towel over your ear for several minutes. You can also place a cup over the portion of the towel covering your ear to help trap the heat. If the pressure is due to sinus congestion, you can also take a hot, steamy shower. This will help to thin and drain the mucus plugging your sinuses, which will help to relieve the pressure. A: Equalize the pressure in your ears. Stay hydrated. Sleep with your head elevated. Put a warm compress on your ear. Take a hot shower. Article: If you see that food has been spilt on a toy or that it got dirt on it when your child was outside, take the initiative. Any sign of dirt or grime is an indication that the toy could be carrying disease. Your child—and by extension you—will never be well if they go back to playing with the same toys that they were using when they came down with a cold. Anytime your child seems to be showing a case of the sniffles or diarrhea, assume the worst and start sanitizing everything they have come in contact with. If other kids have come over to play, they have likely touched the toys. In the process, they could have spread illnesses from their house. Clean up immediately after a play date. Even if nothing in particular has prompted you to clean your baby’s toys, you need to clean at regular intervals. Planning for a monthly cleaning is a good rule of thumb. It can be easy to forget about big toys, like dollhouses, but these need regular cleanings too. Clean the surface and insides of larger toys. Clean the surface of the toys with your chosen disinfectant. Then, wipe away the solution and allow the larger toys to air dry. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about? Clean when you notice dirt or grime. Clean after your baby has been sick. Clean after your baby has visitors. Clean at least once a month. Remember the big items. Article: Your foal will be more comfortable being weaned in an environment that it is familiar with. About 3 to 4 days before you wean your foal, move it and its mother into a large pen. Keep them in this pen as much as possible, only moving them inside to sleep if need be. It’s best to wean 2 or more foals at the same time, so the foals can keep each other company as they are weaned. Remove 1 mare from its foal at a time, waiting at least 1 day before removing the next mare. This will prevent your foals from panicking at the same time and stressing each other further. Once the foal has adjusted to the pen, lead its mother to a new pen or stable far away. Make sure that they cannot hear or see each other, otherwise, the foal will attempt to find its mother and may end up hurting itself. It may help to feed your foal with some hay or creep feed while you move its mother to a different pen. This will keep it distracted and may stop it from panicking as much once it realises it is being weaned. Each foal will respond to being weaned differently. Some may panic for only a few minutes, where others may take up to a day to calm down. Watch your foal to make sure it cannot escape from the pen or hurt itself on the fence. Feed it as you normally would and allow it to calm down naturally before introducing its companion to the pen. Check the edge of the fence for loose nails or anything else that could hurt your foal before weaning it. It will likely spend a lot of time near the edges of the pen trying to find its mother. Once the mother and foal have been separated from each other, it will take around 1 month for the mother to stop lactating and the foal to adjust to being on its own. Give both horses plenty of time to adjust to their new living style before reintroducing them. If you bring the mother and the foal back together before the foal has been properly weaned, you’ll just need to wean them again. Make sure the mother has stopped lactating and the foal has adjusted to being apart from its mother before reintroducing them. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about?
Leave your mare and foal in a field for 3 to 4 days. Take the mare out of sight and earshot of the foal. Give the foal time to calm down before introducing its friend or nanny. Keep the mare and foal separate for around 1 month.
Problem: Add spaces: Thelatterisidenticaltothatinthemainscenario. Spaces added: The latter is identical to that in the main scenario. Problem: Add spaces: ThereisDaylightSavingsinPueblarightnow Spaces added: There is Daylight Savings in Puebla right now Problem: Add spaces: Moreandmoreoften,adriver’sattempttosqueezeacarintoaparkingspaceendswithdentsandscratches. Spaces added: More and more often, a driver’s attempt to squeeze a car into a parking space ends with dents and scratches. Problem: Add spaces: ContactEAGamesCustomerService(telephone,e-post)–Howtomakemoneyononlinecasinos Spaces added:
Contact EA Games Customer Service (telephone, e-post) – How to make money on online casinos
Background: Arthur Asher Miller (October 17, 1915 - February 10, 2005) was an American playwright, essayist, and figure in twentieth-century American theater. Among his most popular plays are All My Sons (1947), Death of a Salesman (1949), The Crucible (1953) and A View from the Bridge (1955, revised 1956). He also wrote several screenplays and was most noted for his work on The Misfits (1961). The drama Death of a Salesman has been numbered on the short list of finest American plays in the 20th century alongside Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night and Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire. Context: In 1940, Miller married Mary Grace Slattery. The couple had two children, Jane and Robert (born May 31, 1947). Miller was exempted from military service during World War II because of a high school football injury to his left kneecap. That same year his first play was produced; The Man Who Had All the Luck won the Theatre Guild's National Award. The play closed after four performances with disastrous reviews. In 1947, Miller's play All My Sons, the writing of which had commenced in 1941, was a success on Broadway (earning him his first Tony Award, for Best Author) and his reputation as a playwright was established. Years later, in a 1994 interview with Ron Rifkin, Miller said that most contemporary critics regarded All My Sons as "a very depressing play in a time of great optimism" and that positive reviews from Brooks Atkinson of The New York Times had saved it from failure. In 1948, Miller built a small studio in Roxbury, Connecticut. There, in less than a day, he wrote Act I of Death of a Salesman. Within six weeks, he completed the rest of the play, one of the classics of world theater. Death of a Salesman premiered on Broadway on February 10, 1949, at the Morosco Theatre, directed by Elia Kazan, and starring Lee J. Cobb as Willy Loman, Mildred Dunnock as Linda, Arthur Kennedy as Biff, and Cameron Mitchell as Happy. The play was commercially successful and critically acclaimed, winning a Tony Award for Best Author, the New York Drama Circle Critics' Award, and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. It was the first play to win all three of these major awards. The play was performed 742 times. In 1949, Miller exchanged letters with Eugene O'Neill regarding Miller's production of All My Sons. O'Neill had sent Miller a congratulatory telegram; in response, he wrote a letter that consisted of a few paragraphs detailing his gratitude for the telegram, apologizing for not responding earlier, and inviting Eugene to the opening of Death of a Salesman. O'Neill replied, accepting the apology, but declining the invitation, explaining that his Parkinson's disease made it difficult to travel. He ended the letter with an invitation to Boston, a trip that never occurred. Question: Did he win any awards for his work?. Whats the answer?
earning him his first Tony Award, for Best Author
Q: Translate "Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader and former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj visited Albania last week." to Turkish? A: Kosova'nın Geleceği için İttifak (AAK) lideri ve eski Kosova Başbakanı Ramuş Haradinay geçtiğimiz hafta Arnavutluk'u ziyaret etti. Q: Translate "Police arrested ten people, including two Serbian nationals, for the murders of Croatian journalist Ivo Pukanic and his weekly's marketing director, Niko Franjic, officials said on Thursday in Zagreb." to Turkish? A: Yetkililerin Perşembe günü Zagreb'de yaptıkları açıklamaya göre polis, Hırvat gazeteci Ivo Pukaniç ve haftalık dergisinin pazarlama müdürü Niko Franjiç'in ölümüyle ilgili olarak, ikisi Sırp uyruklu olmak üzere on kişiyi tutukladı. Q: Translate "By Natasa Radic for Southeast European Times in Bjelovar -- 19/04/10 Photos by Roberto Aquillotto for Southeast European Times" to Turkish? A:
Nataşa Radiç, Southeast European Times, Bjelovar -- 19/04/10 Fotoğraflar: Roberto Aquillotto, Southeast European Times
How is "Well, you tell Springsteen that I'm the boss of this arena." said in Czech? To je zvláštní. How is "Whoop-dee freaking do!" said in Czech? Co je to za kripla? How is "You know what?" said in Czech? Něco na památku How is "Open up in the Prince's name!" said in Czech?
Otevři ve jménu prince!
input question: The palace stands at the head of the wide Durbar Marg avenue leading south. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"Durbar Marg Avenue is far from the palace."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no output answer: no Question: Based on the premise "You're always here for me.", can we conclude that "You're never here when I need you."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no **** Answer: no Question: Sentence A: At least he meant to die trying, if he failed. Sentence B: His plan was to fail and not die trying. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Question: that stuff is expensive The stuff is pricey because it has gold plating. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Problem: Here is a premise: and all the different stuff like that you know Here is a hypothesis: I'm referring to all of the same things Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Question: Houston is really humid now Does it follow that "Houston is freezing and dry right now."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
Hasek started playing hockey at the age of six in his native Czechoslovakia. As he explains: They held a tryout for 5-year-old boys and my father took me there. I didn't even have real skates. I had those blades that you screwed onto the soles of your shoes, but I was tall, and the 9-year-olds didn't have a goalie, so they put me in with them and thats where I fell in love with the game of hockey. Before the start of the next season, Hasek was traded to the Detroit Red Wings in an attempt to lower the Sabres' payroll and to send Hasek to a more competitive team. He was dealt for Vyacheslav Kozlov, a first round selection in the 2002 NHL Entry Draft and future considerations, which eventually became the draft pick of Jim Slater. During his first season with Detroit, Hasek posted a career high 41 wins with just 15 losses, helping the Red Wings earn the President's Trophy with the league's best record. In the playoffs, he led the Wings past the Vancouver Canucks, the St. Louis Blues, the Colorado Avalanche and eventually the Carolina Hurricanes in the finals to win the Stanley Cup. During the conference finals against Colorado, he became the first goalie to be awarded an assist on an overtime game-winning goal in the post-season after passing the puck to Wings captain Steve Yzerman, who then assisted Fredrik Olausson in scoring the final goal of the third game of that series. He also set a record for most shutouts in a post-season with six, broken the year after by Martin Brodeur with seven. That summer, Hasek officially announced his retirement so that he could spend time with his family and other hobbies. However, after Detroit's first round loss to the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim in the following season, he expressed his desire to play again. This created a difficult situation for the Red Wings, who had two years left on Curtis Joseph's three-year $24 million contract, which had a no-trade clause. Detroit was also under pressure knowing that the rival Avalanche would be looking for a goalie to replace Patrick Roy after his retirement. With Manny Legace also on the Wings' roster, Detroit now had three potential starting goalies. In the 2003-04 season Hasek injured his groin after playing just 14 games. On January 9, he and the team agreed he should rest his injury for two to four weeks. Hasek privately told general manager Ken Holland that he would not accept any pay while he was injured. On February 10, he announced that he was not going to continue to play that season, surprising the Red Wings management. He eventually revealed that he refused about $3 million of his $6 million salary. In April 2004, he underwent groin surgery in Prague, and returned to his hometown of Pardubice to recuperate. Ask a question about this article.
Were any awards won?
How is "The people who constructed Europe did so with a long-term vision and a keen sense - following the fratricidal wars that divided us - of the importance of specific policy." said in Finnish? Ne, jotka rakensivat Euroopan unionin, tekivät sen katsoen kauas tulevaisuuteen ja ymmärtäen todella hyvin - kansamme jakaneiden veljessotien jälkeen - erityisen politiikan merkityksen. How is "This is what we are calling on the Member States to do and we expect them to show commitment." said in Finnish? Tätä me vaadimme jäsenvaltioilta ja odotamme niiltä sitoutumista. How is "The Commission has now resumed a study of the pros and cons of parallel imports (which according to Svenska Dagbladet of 29 September 1998 had been shelved), the findings of which are to be presented to the Council." said in Finnish? Komissio on nyt käynnistänyt uudelleen selvityksen (25. syyskuuta 1998 ilmestyneen Svenska Dagbladetin mukaan keskeytetty), jonka tarkoituksena on selvittää rinnakkaistuonnin edut ja haitat, ja jonka tuloksista neuvostolle kerrotaan myöhemmin. How is "What discussions has the Commission had recently with the Chinese authorities concerning its relations with Taiwan?" said in Finnish?
Mitä keskusteluja komissio on käynyt viime aikoina Kiinan viranomaisten kanssa sen suhteista Taiwaniin?
input: The tooth is checked at the later visit and when all the infection has cleared the tooth is permanently filled fixed: The tooth is checked at the later visit and when all the infection has cleared, the tooth is permanently filled. input: They are rarely of a malignant nature they will grow within the space but not spread to the surrounding organs fixed: They are rarely of a malignant nature; they will grow within the space but not spread to the surrounding organs. input: Longmen Grottoes photos China photos of China China pictures fixed: Longmen Grottoes - photos, China, photos of China, China pictures input: Furthermore principles for calculation of product specific emissions in the first 100 years after deposit as well as principles for incorporation of land use as an environmental impact category fixed:
Furthermore, principles for calculation of product specific emissions in the first 100 years after deposit as well as principles for incorporation of land use as an environmental impact category.
Problem: Instead, a legally separate, electricity system operator will be established within National Grid, the government says. The new system operator will have distinct employees, directors and offices from other National Grid electricity subsidiary companies. National Grid welcomed the move. In a statement, the company said it was best placed to deliver the system operator role during a time when the energy landscape is changing rapidly. National Grid owns and operates key parts of Britain's energy infrastructure. It charges generators regulated prices to transport electricity across its power network. But it also balances supply and demand across the network. It's this system operator function that critics say should be separated out of the overall group. Last year, MPs on the Energy Select Committee called for the introduction of an independent system operator. They warned that despite efforts by National Grid and Ofgem to mitigate the potential for conflicts of interest between its dual roles, the issue appeared "intractable and growing". Attention has focused upon National Grid's role in developing interconnector cables to import power from abroad. Critics say that, as the system operator, National Grid could prioritise sourcing electricity via these cables rather than from other sources of generation. Pointing to the situation in the United States, the then chairman of the committee, Angus MacNeil, stated that: "The Independent System Operator model has worked in the USA. It is time for it to be brought to these shores." But National Grid's chief executive, John Pettigrew, had argued against a break-up, saying that he was not convinced that creating a separate system operator would be beneficial to customers. The company had also warned of the potential disruption to the energy sector and the risks to security of supply that a break-up could bring. What was that article about? A: National Grid has escaped calls to be broken up to prevent conflicts between its dual role of owning and operating key parts of the energy infrastructure. Problem: The timeframe for the transition is unclear but a statement from the club says they intend to begin the search for a new Shamrock Park boss "shortly". Europe's longest-serving manager has been in the post for almost 29 years but recent results have been poor. The Board say they are "very grateful to Ronnie for his offer of assistance". The Ports' disappointing run of form, including five straight defeats in all competitions, has seen them drop to seventh place in the Irish Premiership, leading to protests from a section of the club's supporters. Last week Portadown directors gave their backing for McFall to remain in charge "until the end of the season" but it remains to be seen whether that is still the case. "The Board fully support the current Manager, Ronnie McFall, who has been a tremendous servant to the Club, as Manager for almost 30 years," read the statement released on Thursday. "Ronnie has recognised that the time is approaching for the Board to be thinking about a possible successor, and has kindly offered to help in the process and facilitate a smooth transition. "The Board recognise that to succeed someone of Ronnie McFall's stature will be a daunting task, but we will try and ensure, to the best of our ability, that we identify a suitable person who can take the club forward and bring more of the success that the club's loyal fans have enjoyed and deserve. "It should be recognised that the Directors are also passionate supporters and we trust that the great PFC fan base will rally round, support the club, and we can all look forward to more successful days ahead." The statement also questioned "the motivation and desire" of some of the club's playing staff and announced the appointment of former Newry City manager Pat McGibbon to the backroom staff, "initially filling the vacancy left following the resignation of the club's physiotherapist Melissa Harrison". "We are sure that with his extensive playing and coaching experience, he will be an invaluable asset to the club," they said. McGibbon had been linked with the current managerial vacancy at Derry City and this week ruled himself out of contention to become the new boss of Glentoran, having been the initial favourite for the job. What was that article about? A: Ronnie McFall's tenure as Portadown manager looks to be approaching an end as the club are to initiate a process to find his successor, with his help. Problem: Neil Parnell, 52, of Nottingham fell from Bristley Ridge, between Tryfan and Glyder Fach at about 15:00 GMT on Saturday. His body was airlifted to Ysbyty Gwynedd where he was pronounced dead. A post mortem revealed he died from natural causes. An inquest will not be held. What was that article about? A:
A man who died after falling a "considerable distance" from a Snowdonia mountain has been named by the North West Wales Coroners Office.
there are a lot of aspects about the law the average person does n't know . '' `` so i 'm average ? thanks . '' `` you know what i mean . i was just using you as an example . '' `` why are invisibility cloaks illegal ? '' `` what 's the first thing you would do if you were invisible eureka and ander sat at the table , arguing with their eyes over who should speak first . dad kept glancing at ander . a disturbed expression fixed on his face . `` you look familiar , kid . '' ander shifted . `` we 've never met . '' while the water heated , dad stepped closer to the table . he tilted his head , narrowed his eyes at ander `` ash sent him here for a couple of weeks to check into what you were saying about a rogue dark-hunter . '' she arched a brow at keller . `` is that what alexion told you ? '' he tensed as if he realized he might have done something wrong . `` well , yeah , but then i called ash myself and he corroborated it . '' good boy that he had n't taken the man 's word `` excellent , i 'd hoped you would . my apologies for scaring you with the thought of losing your position within locke , adam . you are a valued member of our teaching community , but i believe this position will likely suit you a lot better for the time being , '' said colt . `` thank you , dean colt , i wo n't disappoint you , '' said
Q: Translate "This will happen because America's failure is one of the stages in the plan of the organizers of the September 11 attacks." to Russian? Yes: Случится это потому, что неудача Америки является одним из этапов плана организаторов 11 сентября. Q: Translate "Her strength lies in the maturity and dignity that she lends to her Bharatnatyam style." to Russian? Yes: В Доме Черноголовых состоялся праздничный концерт в честь празднования 64-й годовщины Независимости Индии. Q: Translate "It is about 1200m far to the sea, 30 m. to the nearest shop, café (It is possible to order breakfast or lunch there) and 250 m. to the lagoon. There is a post office, chemists, hospital and emergency opposite the house." to Russian? Yes:
До Куршской косы – 250 м., до моря – 1200 м., до близжайшего магазина, кафе ( можно заказать завтрак и обед) – 30 м. Возле дома, на другой стороне улицы, находятся почта, аптека, больница и скорая помощь.
Input: One of the ironies of Wednesdays flight of SpaceShipOne is that those who had the worst view of the flightand the drama that unfolded during the ascentwere the members of the media who came to report on the event. Output: Science/Tech Input: AP - The Atlanta Braves made another huge pitch for success, getting Tim Hudson from Oakland. And the Seattle Mariners added another slugger, grabbing Adrian Beltre off the free-agent market. Output: Sports Input: Witnesses in the trial of a US soldier charged with abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib have told the court that the CIA sometimes directed abuse and orders were received from military command to toughen interrogations. Output:
AMD Debuts Dual-Core Opteron Processor AMD #39;s new dual-core Opteron chip is designed mainly for corporate computing applications, including databases, Web services, and financial transactions. What is this text about?
Premise: "We'd appreciate it." If this premise is true, what does that tell us about whether it entails the hypothesis "We wouldn't like it very much."?
Write a question about the following article. But today they had an open face shrimp and egg sandwich . I got one and with my first bite I just got this incredible memory flash of sitting in the plaza in Brussels and eating a shrimp and egg stuffed tomato ( with baguette of course . ) It was so incredible . Question:
What might have been the best thing about my meal ? Select from the following. a. It made me remember another meal that was fabulous .; b. It made me want to make baguettes for dinner tomorrow night .; c. None of the above choices .; d. I got to have something that I had n't had since I was in Germany .;
A third type of solution to the problem of the direction of time, although much less represented, argues that the laws are not time-reversal symmetric. For example, certain processes in quantum mechanics, relating to the weak nuclear force, are not time-reversible, keeping in mind that when dealing with quantum mechanics time-reversibility comprises a more complex definition. But this type of solution is insufficient because 1) the time-asymmetric phenomena in quantum mechanics are too few to account for the uniformity of macroscopic time-asymmetry and 2) it relies on the assumption that quantum mechanics is the final or correct description of physical processes.[citation needed] If it is possible to answer this question, answer it for me (else, reply "unanswerable"): What asymmetric phenomena are common in quantum mechanics?
. Translate this to English?
Translate the following sentence to French: Order No. 1991-R-140 dated May 17, 1991 - City of Lethbridge, mileage 110.95 Taber Subdivision.
L'arrêté no 1991-R-140 du 17 mai 1991 - ville de Lethbridge, point milliaire 110,95 de la subdivision Taber.
Context: The Cardinals' seventh game was an NFC duel with the Buccaneers at University of Phoenix Stadium. In the first quarter the Cardinals took the lead when QB Max Hall made a 3-yard TD pass to WR Larry Fitzgerald. The Buccaneers replied with OLB Geno Hayes returning an interception 41 yards for a touchdown. The Cardinals led again in the second quarter with RB Beanie Wells getting a 1-yard TD run, but the Buccaneers went on a scoring rally with QB Josh Freeman making a 47-yard TD pass to WR Mike Williams, and CB Aqib Talib returning an interception 45 yards for a touchdown. This was followed by kicker Connor Barth hitting a 21-yard field goal, and in the third quarter with RB LeGarrette Blount getting a 15-yard TD run. The Cardinals also went on a rally to take the lead back with RB LaRod Stephens-Howling making a 30-yard TD run, which was followed by ILB Gerald Hayes recovering a fumble and running 21 yards to the endzone for a touchdown. Then QB Derek Anderson found Fitzgerald on a 5-yard TD pass. The Buccaneers scored once more to take the win with Blount getting a 1-yard TD run. With the loss, Arizona recorded back to back losses for the first time since the 2008 season, and fell to 3-4. Question: How many touchdowns were scored in the second half? Answer:
Write a sentence about a restaurant with all the following attributes: name = Alimentum, eatType = restaurant, food = Italian, priceRange = £20-25, customer rating = high, near = Yippee Noodle Bar
An Italian restaurant called Alimentum has a high customer rating. It is located near Yippee Noodle Bar. It is averagely priced.
US oil prices turn negative as equity rally fades Susana Gonzalez | Bloomberg | Getty Images Oil workers change a drill pipe on n the Laurus oil drilling rig off the coast of Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico. Stocks on Wall Street rallied earlier on expectations that a positive U.S jobs report for August, due on Friday, would feed into the Federal Reserve's decision on the timing of a rate hike. Adding to the support for oil was the European Central Bank's pledge to keep monetary policy loose and to act promptly when needed, due to weak inflation and growth forecasts. Read MoreExpect more wild swings for crude oil: Technician In China, markets closed for public holidays for the rest of the week, helping oil prices stabilize from weeks of huge swings due to the equities collapse there. Over the past two weeks, U.S. crude has see-sawed, climbing almost 28 percent over three trading sessions into Monday—its biggest such gain since August 1990. It had plunged to a 6½-year low of $37.75 early last week. Brent has been similarly erratic, gaining 28 percent over the last week in August to a one-month high above $54 before dipping back under $48 on Wednesday. Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Wednesday showed U.S. crude stocks rose by 4.7 million barrels in the week to Aug. 28 to 455.4 million, the biggest one-week rise since April. Read MoreSaudis to talk output cuts when crude dips below $44: Trader Harry Tchilinguirian, head of global commodity strategy at BNP Paribas, said Friday's weekly data on the U.S. oil rig count would be pivotal to direction. The rig count has risen for six consecutive weeks so far. Any drop will alleviate oil's weak outlook. Please write a summary below. Crude futures lost steam after rising as much as 4 percent on Thursday on the strength of equity markets. Q: Biggest Loser Winner Rachel Frederickson Says Maybe She Went Too Far Frederickson responds to fan outrage about her weight, says she does not have an eating disorder Rachel Frederickson in the Season 15 finale of 'The Biggest Loser' The Biggest Loser trainers looked aghast when an emaciated Rachel Frederickson took the stage in this season’s finale. The winner of the show had lost a record 60 percent of her body weight (155 pounds), putting her BMI below a level that doctors consider healthy. Now, in a new interview with People magazine, Frederickson concedes she may have taken her training regimen too far. “Maybe I was a little too enthusiastic in my training to get to the finale,” she says in the interview published Wednesday. Frederickson is now 5’4″ and 105 pounds (down from 260), putting her BMI at 18.0. Doctors consider below 18.5 BMI to be underweight, and the fashion industry in places like Israel and Madrid forbid models with a BMI under 18.5 from walking the runway. Frederickson told People that for three months before the show’s finale, she worked out for six hours every day and stuck to a 1,600 calories-per-day diet. When Frederickson revealed her new figure in the final episode of this season, fans took to social media to complain that the show had pushed her too far. Frederickson didn’t look healthy but dangerously skinny, they said. Twitter and health blogs speculated that Frederickson had likely developed an eating disorder in trying to win the $250,000 prize money. It wouldn’t be the first time: Kai Hibbard, who was a finalist on the show’s third season, told Jezebel that competing on the show had given her an eating disorder. But when People asked Frederickson if she had an eating disorder, she just said, “I am very, very healthy.” The show’s producers are backing up up Frederickson. “Rachel passed all the required medical tests ensuring she was healthy,” said Dave Broome, the show’s executive producer. The production team closely monitors contestants throughout their time on the show to ensure that they don’t go to extreme measures to win, Broome said. Still, Frederickson’s trainer Dolvett Quince said he was “shocked” when he saw her on stage. ”The first thing that went through my mind was, ‘That’s just too much,’” he said. What are the most important parts of this text? A: Frederickson responds to fan outrage about her weight, says she does not have an eating disorder Distance no barrier in job search How do I conduct a long-distance job search? A long distance job search doesn't actually differ very much from a local job search. In the 21st century, much networking is done by phone or e-mail anyway, so where you are sitting while you do your networking matters less and less. Once you know where you want to search, work your plans for relocating into your networking scripts. It doesn't need to be detailed. "I am relocating to Boston this spring and am in the process of researching employers in the alternative energy field" is all you need to say to let your contacts know that you aren't down the street. The rest of your conversation will be standard networking fare. You provide a brief overview of your qualifications and ask your contact for information about their company or field. If your contact is someone you want to know better, towards the end of the interview, let him know that you are planning to make a trip to the area at some point and ask if you could come by the office when you do. Usually, the answer will be "yes." Keep a list of the people you would like to meet. When you feel like you have enough people to make the trip worthwhile, or when you get your first interview and know when you will be in town, call your list of contacts and arrange to meet as many people as possible. In reality, you will probably meet as many people face-to-face in your long distance search as you would if you were searching locally. totally disagree with this bland "nothin' to it" take on a long distance search. I have done three myself, and was the trailing spouse on two others. Fla., WA., ID, VA, MD, MA. Things differ region by region, from attire to hours to attitude. An engineer in Atlanta is a different breed of cat than one in Sil. Valley, trust me. A lawyer in Miami would hardly recognize her counterpart in D.C. Instant-return email is the norm in someplaces - 11:35 p.m.? - while almost a breach of etiquette in others. Company cultures, the geographic region and even socio-economic status vary within seemingly similar positions and careers. A legal associate who lives well in Boise has a counterpart in Arlington who is brown-bagging it. Group interviews in the tech world are nothing like the private offices of the halls of D.C. Business entertaining demands are high in Richmond, nonexistant in Portland, Ore. Work may seem an apples to apples comparison but I beg to differ, what look alike is not. Posted by: FloridaChick | June 23, 2010 9:38 PM Report Offensive Comment Summary:
With cell phones and e-mail, distance is no longer a problem when it comes to looking for a job.
1. The film confirms director Audiard as a master of visual mood, in this case one of barely expressed emotional panic. 2. A French movie that reclaims some of the urgency and breathless enthusiasm of the movies we loved in the '70s. 3. It's a tense, jumpy, sometimes amusing work that posits the inherent duality of everything. And, most definitely, the intriguing duality of people. 4. Duris' performance is more finely tuned and less frenetic than Keitel's enjoyably over-the-top job, and the film's emotional chords resonate in more satisfying and complicated ways. 5. The lead performance by Duris is interesting in the way that he reminds us of Keitel's performance (at times the resemblance between the two is uncanny) while still finding a new and unique approach to the character. 6. With 2005's The Beat That my Heart Skipped joining Read my Lips, Jacques Audiard is asserting himself as a powerhouse in the new wave of French directors. 7. Takes an excellent film that was very much a part of its time and place and re-imagines it as an excellent film that is very much a part of this time and this place. 8. The conceit of a strongarm hoodlum doubling as a concert pianist seemed really silly to me back in 1978, and it seems no less silly today. 9. A French film that takes the hard-boiled poetics of American noir and squeezes them into an explosive, compacted knot of anguish and violence. 10. The Beat That My Heart Skipped, in which Audiard has tightened the story while opening it up, works precisely where Fingers failed. Based on these individual reviews, what is the critic consensus?
Stylish and visceral, this able remake is infused with realism, grit, and a taut performance by star Romain Duris.
Problem: Does "The system will then warn the user of imminent system shutdown until the system has cooled, whereas a flashing power button that alternates between green and red is an indication of a "General Hardware Failure" unlike older models where three of the quadrants would light up red." answer the question "How does the 360 S then react to an overheating situation?" A: yes Problem: Does "Ideally, this plan would benefit from the opening of a second front on Philip's eastern frontiers with Flanders and Boulogne – effectively a re-creation of Richard's old strategy of applying pressure from Germany." answer the question "John focused on trying to retake what?" A: no Problem: Does "The Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Tan (d. 110 BC) and his son Sima Qian (145–86 BC) established the standard model for all of imperial China's Standard Histories, such as the Book of Han written by Ban Biao (3–54 AD), his son Ban Gu (32–92 AD), and his daughter Ban Zhao (45–116 AD)." answer the question "Which person had authored the Book of Han?" A:
1. It is 21 kilometres north-west of Bururi and 12.6 kilometres southeast of Vyanda and south of Muyuga by road . 2. By road it is located 21 kilometres northwest of Bururi and 12.6 kilometres southeast of Vyanda , and south of Muyuga . yes 1. Sally used Jones as an example of how adopted Indian children were not treated as equals to white children . 2. Jones used Sally as an example of how adopted Indian children were not treated as equal white children . no 1. The campus newspaper , `` The Oklahoma Daily '' , is produced daily during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer semester . 2. The campus - newspaper `` The Oklahoma Daily '' is produced weekly during the autumn and spring semesters and daily during the summer semester .
Translate "There is no reason to disregard these rules and come up with a different solution in this current proposal on the SPE." to German?
Es besteht überhaupt kein Anlass, diese Vorschriften zu missachten und im aktuellen Vorschlag mit einer anderen Lösung für die SPE aufzuwarten.
Write a movie review. are very expressive Q: Write a positive (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) movie review. A: compassion , sacrifice , problem: Generate a short movie review that has positive sentiment. generated: shiver-inducing input: Generate a short movie review that has "negative" sentiment OPTIONS: - negative - positive. output: a listless and desultory affair . Write a movie review. punchy dialogue Write a movie review.
's no surprise that as a director washington demands and receives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luke
Here is a premise: "A woman with a gray shirt and dirty white apron works with wood." Here is a hypothesis: "The woman was crafting a wooden toy for her child." .Does the premise tell us whether the hypothesis is true? Possible answers: (i) yes (ii) it is not possible to tell (iii) no
Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = Cocum, eatType = pub, priceRange = high, customer rating = average, familyFriendly = yes. A: Cocum is a pub with a average customer rating. It has a high price range and it's children-friendly. Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = The Phoenix, food = Italian, priceRange = high, area = riverside. A: If you are looking for Italian, do not go to The Phoenix in riverside. You will find expensive food and bad customer service. Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = Cotto, eatType = coffee shop, food = Indian, priceRange = moderate, customer rating = 3 out of 5, area = riverside, near = The Portland Arms. A:
Cotto is a coffee shop providing Indian food in the moderate price range. It is located in the riverside. It is near The Portland Arms. Its customer rating is 3 out of 5.
question: As enthusiasm for war rose among the English populace, privateers began to attack Dutch ships, capturing them and taking them to English harbors. By the time that Charles II of England declared war on the United Provinces about two hundred Dutch ships had been brought to English ports. Dutch ships were obligated by the new treaty to salute the English flag first. In 1664, English ships began to provoke the Dutch by not saluting in return. Though ordered by the Dutch government to continue saluting first, many Dutch commanders could not bear the insult. Still, the resulting flag incidents were not the casus belli as in the previous war. To provoke open conflict, James already in late 1663 had sent Robert Holmes, in service of the Royal African Company, to capture Dutch trading posts and colonies in West Africa.:67 At the same time, the English invaded the Dutch colony of New Netherland in North America on 24 June 1664, and had control of it by October. The Dutch responded by sending a fleet under Michiel de Ruyter that recaptured their African trade posts, captured most English trade stations there and then crossed the Atlantic for a punitive expedition against the English in America.:68 In December 1664, the English suddenly attacked the Dutch Smyrna fleet. Though the attack failed, the Dutch in January 1665 allowed their ships to open fire on English warships in the colonies when threatened. Charles used this as a pretext to declare war on the Netherlands on 4 March 1665. Answer this question: How many months after the English attacked the Dutch Smyrna fleet did the Dutch allow their ships to open fire on English warships in the colonies when threatened? answer: 1 After an emotional Monday night win against the New England Patriots, the Saints traveled to FedExField in Landover, Maryland for a Week 13 matchup against the Washington Redskins. In the 1st quarter, the Redskins scored first with Jason Campbell throwing an 8-yard touchdown to Fred Davis. Shaun Suisham then kicked a 32-yard field goal to go up 10-0. In the 2nd quarter, the Saints finally scored with a Garrett Hartley 34-yard field goal. After a defensive stance, Drew Brees threw a 40-yard touchdown to Marques Colston which tied the game 10-10. The Redskins retook the lead with Jason Campbell connecting with Devin Thomas for a 10-yard touchdown. With the Saints now down 17-10, Brees and the Saints attempted to drive the field. Brees' pass attempt to Jeremy Shockey was intercepted by Kareem Moore. Robert Meachem then ran into Moore, stripped the football, and returned it for a 44-yard touchdown. In the 3rd quarter, the Redskins kicker Suisham made a 28-yard field goal. The Redskins then extended their lead with Devin Thomas catching a 13-yard touchdown pass from Campbell. The Saints' Hartley made a 27-yard field goal. In the 4th quarter, Shaun Suisham and Garrett Hartley traded field goals. After a field goal miss from 23 yards by Shaun Suisham, the Saints, only down by 7 points, now had the opportunity to tie the game. Drew Brees and the Saints offense drove the field in 5 plays, in 33 seconds and capped the drive with a 53-yard touchdown pass to Robert Meachem to tie the game 30-30 at the end of regulation. The Saints completed the comeback with Garrett Hartley's 18-yard field goal for the first lead in the game and the win 33-30 in overtime. With the win, the Saints improved to 12-0 and clinched the NFC South title. Their 12 wins also tied a single-season franchise record set in the 1987 and 1992 seasons. Who caught the touchdown that tied the game? A: Robert Meachem Q: The Dolphins, still looking for their first win of the year, stayed at home for a Week 3 match-up with the Tennessee Titans. Miami drew first blood in the first quarter with kicker Olindo Mare kicking a 40-yard field goal. In the second quarter, the Dolphins got a bit of a scare as Titans QB Kerry Collins completed a 27-yard pass to TE Bo Scaife for a touchdown and the lead. In the third quarter, Miami reclaimed the lead with QB Daunte Culpepper getting a touchdown on a 5-yard scramble. However, the Titans didn't go down quietly, as kicker Rob Bironas kicked a 22-yard field goal for Tennessee, putting the game in a 10-10 tie. Fortunately, in the fourth quarter, Mare finally helped Miami get win #1 with a 39-yard field goal. How many points combined were there at the half? A: 10 P: Due to economic, social and security developments that are affecting the region in recent decades, the focus is now the change from net immigration to net emigration. About 10 million Mexicans live in the United States. 31.7 million Americans listed their ancestry as Mexican as of 2010, or roughly 10% of the population. According to the 2005 Colombian census or DANE, about 3,331,107 Colombians currently live abroad. The number of Brazilians living overseas is estimated at about 2 million people. An estimated 1.5 to two million Salvadorans reside in the United States. At least 1.5 million Ecuadorians have gone abroad, mainly to the United States and Spain. Approximately 1.5 million Dominicans live abroad, mostly in the United States. More than 1.3 million Cubans live abroad, most of them in the United States. It is estimated that over 800,000 Chileans live abroad, mainly in Argentina, the United States, Canada, Australia and Sweden. An estimated 700,000 Bolivians were living in Argentina as of 2006 and another 33,000 in the United States. Central Americans living abroad in 2005 were 3,314,300, of which 1,128,701 were El Salvador, 685,713 were Guatemalans, 683,520 were Nicaraguans, 414,955 were Hondurans, 215,240 were Panamanians and 127,061 were Costa Ricans. Answer this: Which countries in Central America in 2005 had under 500,000 of their population living abroad? A: Hondurans Problem: The Mongols' greatest triumph was when Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty in China in 1271. The Yuan dynasty created a "Han Army" out of defected Jin troops and an army of defected Song troops called the "Newly Submitted Army" . The Mongol force which invaded southern China was far greater than the force they sent to invade the Middle East in 1256. The Yuan dynasty established the top-level government agency Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs to govern Tibet, which was conquered by the Mongols and put under Yuan rule. The Mongols also invaded Sakhalin Island between 1264 and 1308. Likewise, Korea became a semi-autonomous vassal state and compulsory ally of the Yuan dynasty for about 80 years. The Yuan dynasty was eventually overthrown during the Red Turban Rebellion in 1368 by the Han Chinese who gained independence and established the Ming dynasty. Which army did the defected Song troops join, the Han Army or the Newly Submitted Army? Answer:
Newly Submitted Army
Generate a correctly punctuated version of the following text: And he would not for a long time
And he would not for a long time.
– A recent MIT grad fell to his death while climbing on the campus' famed engineering dome. Authorities say Nicholas Paggi, a 24-year-old who graduated in 2015 with degrees in engineering, computer science, and physics, fell off the Great Dome of the Barker Engineering Lab while with friends on Tuesday night. The dome is known as a site for stunts such as students hanging banners, but Paggi's family says he and his friends that night had no grand plans other than hanging out. "He came down the side of one of the roofs, came across the front and slipped going back up the other side," mom Helga Paggi tells WBZ-TV. His brother tells the New York Post that weather played a role: "It was raining, and he slipped." Paggi worked as a software engineer at a firm based in Lexington, Mass., but he remained a consultant in the school's D-Lab, which develops technology for poor nations. The director of a tech group who worked with him there echoes a common refrain: Paggi was a brilliant programmer. "Nick was well-read, had a great sense of humor, and I always enjoyed having conversations with him discussing the future of technology and artificial intelligence," he says, per school newspaper the Tech. "The world has lost a kind soul and great thinker." Paggi's family has begun a crowd-funding campaign to establish a scholarship in his honor at his high school in Toms River, NJ. (This UConn student was killed in a freak accident in October.) Expand this summary.
CAMBRIDGE (CBS) – The call came into Cambridge Police for a 24-year-old trying to climb a building and falling multiple stories. His family confirms Nicholas Paggi, a 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate, died after climbing onto the roof near the infamous MIT dome. “He came down the side of one of the roofs, came across the front and slipped going back up the other side,” his mother Helga Paggi tells WBZ-TV from her home in New Jersey. Police had trouble finding him to assist, but when he was located in the bushes they say there was no pulse. His mother believes it was all for fun, and MIT students say pranks are not uncommon. “Try and leave their mark, getting into the nooks and crannies of the campus,” said student Skyler Kaufman. Nicholas Paggi was an accomplished computer programmer who was with roommates that are still graduate students at MIT. “He took his school and work very seriously and was successful at both,” said his mother. As a student, Paggi worked at MIT’s D-Lab which develops new technologies to help impoverished nations and remained a consultant. His sudden death is now a shock. “He was one of the greatest computer programmers I’ve worked with,” said Dr. Rich Fletcher, director of the group. “He was a great mentor to all students, it’s such a loss to all of us.” ||||| The goal of this fund is to support a scholarship as a memorial to Nicholas Paggi.Nicholas Paggi, 24, currently of Cambridge, MA, born and raised on the Jersey Shore, passed away suddenly on April 26, 2017. Nicholas was born in Long Branch, NJ and grew up in Bayville, NJ. Nicholas was a graduate of Saint Joseph’s Elementary School, the 2011 Valedictorian of Monsignor Donovan High School in Toms River, NJ and received dual Bachelor degrees in Theoretical Physics and Computer Science in 2015 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has been a software engineer at Ab Initio in Lexington, Massachusetts for the past two years.An article about Nick from MIT's school newspaper, "The Tech."Nick was first and foremost a scholar. He had an amazing aptitude for science and math and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He was a brilliant software programmer and problem solver. His code has been described as having grace and style. He rarely was seen without his trusty and colorful backpack that carried his Mac Book to capture spontaneous coding ideas and some light reading on topics such as string theory or Java classes.This scholarship will be given to a graduating high school senior at the high school Nicholas attended, who plans on pursuing a degree in physics or computer science. The scholarship will be determined by family members of Nicholas Paggi through an essay process. ||||| MIT graduate and ‘brilliant programmer’ dies on campus Nicholas W. Paggi ’15, who graduated with degrees in computer science & engineering and physics, died on campus last Tuesday night due to a hacking accident, family members told WBZ-TV. He slipped from the dome of Building 10 while climbing it in the rain. He was a software engineer at Ab Initio at the time of his death. While at MIT, he was a resident of Bexley Hall and Senior House, and a member of the MIT sailing team. Paggi worked as a UROP student in D-Lab’s Mobile Technology Group during his last three semesters at MIT, and continued to contribute as a consultant over the past two years. Rich Fletcher ’89, director of the group, said that Paggi was a brilliant programmer who developed low-level C-code libraries for the group’s mobile health apps and wrote “difficult multi-threaded Android code that no one else could do.” “He was a thoughtful and patient mentor to the other students in the group,” Fletcher said. “Nick was well-read, had a great sense of humor, and I always enjoyed having conversations with him discussing the future of technology and artificial intelligence. The world has lost a kind soul and great thinker. We will miss him very much.” Paggi’s death “appears to have been an accident,” Sarah McDonnell, media relations manager at the MIT News Office, stated in an email to The Tech before the cause of death was known to the public. The news office has not responded to further requests for comment. In an email to the MIT community, President Rafael Reif wrote that “our hearts go out to Nicholas's family and friends as they cope with this unexpected loss,” and encouraged anyone affected to reach out to Mental Health and Counseling, Student Support Services, Graduate Personal Support, and MIT chaplains. Paggi’s family has created a memorial scholarship to honor him. The scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior at Paggi’s high school who plans on pursuing a degree in physics or computer science. Update 5/3/17: The article was updated to reflect the cause of death and the creation of the memorial scholarship. |||||
Q: Does "For example, short-term memory can be broken up into different units such as visual information and acoustic information." provide a valid answer to "What are some examples of units that short-term memory can be categorized in to?"? OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Problem: Does "Following news that combined Ottoman–Egyptian fleets were going to attack the Greek island of Hydra, the allied fleet intercepted the Ottoman–Egyptian fleet at Navarino." answer the question "What three countries sent their Navy to Greece?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Does the sentence "They intermarried largely within the colonial community, developing an ethnic group that had a cultural tradition infused with American notions of political republicanism and Protestant Christianity." provide a valid answer to the question "What did African Americans moved to Liberia keep from America?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Question: Choose your answer: Is "Gombeenism refers to an individual who is dishonest and corrupt for the purpose of personal gain, more often through monetary, while, parochialism which is also known as parish pump politics relates to placing local or vanity projects ahead of the national interest." a good answer to the question "Which crisis in Ireland involved bribery, cronyism and collusion?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer: no QUES: Q: What concept does yoga accept the differentiates it from Samkhya? A: In Indian philosophy, Yoga is among other things, the name of one of the six āstika philosophical schools. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no QUES: Q: What is Nigeria's local vehicle manufacturer? A: In 2013, Nigeria introduced a policy regarding import duty on vehicles to encourage local manufacturing companies in the country. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS:
Here is a dialogue: Lee: what was the name of the song again Roy: I'll send you the link once i get home Lee: okay..... waiting Write a short summary!
Roy will send Lee a link to the song when he gets home.
Q: Translate "On Diseño - Proyectos: Residencia de estudiantes en Castelló": Spanish --> English. translate: On Diseño - Projects: Student residence in Castelló Q: Translate ""Bolas de algodón o una pequeña cantidad de bateo de dejar de fumar": Spanish --> English. translate: " Cotton balls or a small amount of quit batting Q: Translate "Por tanto, hay un destino de felicidad, de unión plena con Dios, que sigue a la fidelidad con la hemos quedado unidos a Jesucristo en nuestro camino terreno.": Spanish --> English. translate:
Therefore, there is a destiny of happiness, of full union with God, which leads to the faithfulness with which we are united with Jesus Christ on our earthly journey.
Q: Raleigh (/ˈrɑːli/; RAH-lee) is the capital of the state of North Carolina as well as the seat of Wake County in the United States. It is the second most populous city in North Carolina, after Charlotte. Raleigh is known as the "City of Oaks" for its many oak trees, which line the streets in the heart of the city. The city covers a land area of 142.8 square miles (370 km2). The U.S. Census Bureau estimated the city's population to be 439,896 as of July 1, 2014. It is also one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. The city of Raleigh is named after Sir Walter Raleigh, who established the lost Roanoke Colony in present-day Dare County. Raleigh is home to North Carolina State University and is part of the Research Triangle area, together with Durham (home of Duke University) and Chapel Hill (home of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). The "Triangle" nickname originated after the 1959 creation of the Research Triangle Park, located in Durham & Wake Counties partway between the three cities and their universities. The Research Triangle region encompasses the U.S. Census Bureau's Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Combined Statistical Area (CSA), which had an estimated population of 2,037,430 in 2013. The Raleigh Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) had an estimated population of 1,214,516 in 2013. Answer the following questions: 1. what is Raliegh home to? 2. what makes it a triangle? 3. when did this nickname start 4. is it growing slowly? 5. what is another nickname? 6. why? 7. who is the city named for? 8. what did Sir Walter Raleigh do? 9. is the city named for him? 10. what county is it in? A: 1. home to North Carolina State University 2. combination of three cities and their universities 3. it gets it after the creation of the Research Triangle Park 4. Not slow. It has an estimated population of 2,037,430 in 2013 5. it called "City of Oaks" 6. Because have many oak trees 7. unknown 8. he created the lost Roanoke Colony 9. Yes named after Sir Walter Raleigh 10. Wake County Q: Lisa never had the chance to know her father. He and her mother divorced when she was just a young child. Even though he didn't move far, he never came to visit his children. Lisa often wondered about her father. What did he look like and what was he doing? All she knew was his name: Jeff White. After Lisa grew up, she became a nurse at a hospital, where she would help provide medicine and comfort for patients in their final days. A few weeks ago, she received a new patient whose name was Jeff White. When Jeff came into his room, Lisa asked him if he had any children. Jeff told her that he had two daughters, Lisa and Elly. Lisa couldn't hold her tears back. She told him, "I am Lisa, your daughter." Jeff embraced her, saying that he was not a good father. And the daughter held his hand and kissed him. Then Jeff began to sing This Magic Moment. Jeff could have just weeks left to live, so Lisa wanted to make the most of the time she had with him. Lisa also brought her kid to the hospital to meet their grandfather. The kid made cards for him with the words, "I love you." Answer the following questions: 1. What's the name of the story's main character? 2. What's her father's name? 3. Where did they finally meet? 4. Were they close when she was growing up? 5. Why not? 6. Why didn't they live together? 7. What was Lisa's job when she was older? 8. When did she meet her father? 9. What did Lisa ask Jeff? 10. What happened after he answered her? 11. How did he respond? 12. Did he say anything? 13. What song did he sing? 14. Was Jeff going to get better? 15. How long did he have to live? 16. Who did Lisa bring to the hospital? 17. Why? 18. What did the kid make? 19. What did the cards say? 20. What was the kid's name? A: 1. Lisa 2. Jeff White 3. at a hospital 4. no 5. he never came to visit 6. Her parents divorced 7. a nurse 8. A few weeks ago 9. if he had any children 10. She told him she was his daughter 11. he embraced her 12. that he was not a good father 13. This Magic Moment 14. no 15. possibly just weeks 16. her kid 17. to meet their grandfather 18. cards 19. "I love you." 20. unknown Q: CHAPTER VI WORK!" said Mr. Robert Vyner, severely, as he reclined in a deck-chair on the poop of the Indian Chief and surveyed his surroundings through half-closed eyes. "Work! It’s no good sitting here idling while the world’s work awaits my attention." Captain Trimblett, who was in a similar posture a yard away, assented. He also added that there was "nothing like it." "There’s no play without work," continued Mr. Vyner, in a spirit of self-admonition. The captain assented again. "You said something about work half an hour ago," he remarked. "And I meant it," said Mr. Vyner; "only in unconscious imitation I dozed off. What I really want is for somebody to take my legs, somebody else my shoulders, and waft me gently ashore." "I had a cook o’ mine put ashore like that once," said Captain Trimblett, in a reminiscent voice; "only I don’t know that I would have called it ’wafting,’ and, so far as my memory goes, he didn’t either. He had a lot to say about it, too." Mr. Vyner, with a noisy yawn, struggled out of his chair and stood adjusting his collar and waistcoat. "If I couldn’t be a chrysalis," he said, slowly, as he looked down at the recumbent figure of the captain, "do you know what I would like to be?" "I’ve had a very hard day’s work," said the other, defensively, as he struggled into a sitting posture—"very hard. And I was awake half the night with the toothache." "That isn’t an answer to my question," said Mr. Vyner, gently. "But never mind; try and get a little sleep now; try and check that feverish desire for work, which is slowly, very, very slowly, wearing you to skin and bone. Think how grieved the firm would be if the toothache carried you off one night. Why not go below and turn in now? It’s nearly five o’clock." Answer the following questions: 1. Was there a Captain? 2. What was his name 3. What is the first thing that was said 4. By who? 5. Was he sitting 6. in what? 7. Was the Captain sitting 8. What does Mr. Vyner want 9. Did he get out of his chair? 10. Did he yawn? A:
1. yes 2. Captain Trimblett 3. WORK! 4. Mr. Robert Vyner 5. yes 6. a deck-chair 7. yes 8. someone to waft him gently ashore 9. yes 10. yes
Can The Flash catch the Roadrunner? Who is faster, the Flash or the Roadrunner? Please tell me if those questions are the same. A: no Who are the most popular writers on Wattpad? What is the most popular genre and topic on Wattpad? Please tell me if those questions are the same. A: no What are some TV shows/ movies with a scene where a female falls, specifically, face-first into something like a cake, a mud puddle, pie, etc.? What are some TV shows/movies with a scene where a female falls face-first into something like a cake, a mud puddle, pie, etc.? Please tell me if those questions are the same. A:
Solve -2524 = -19*p - 2695 for p.. What is the answer??
question: known languages english, arabic, russian Capitalize this past sentence correctly. A: Known languages English, Arabic, Russian question: there are two ways to deduce the money from your taxes: Capitalize this past sentence correctly. A: There are two ways to deduce the money from your taxes: question: original full audio subtitles Capitalize this past sentence correctly.
A: Original Full Audio Subtitles
Answer this question. In one of only 2 unanimous elections by the U.S. Electoral College, George Washington was elected to the first ever presidency in what year?
How is "It is about 1200m far to the sea, 30 m. to the nearest shop, café (It is possible to order breakfast or lunch there) and 250 m. to the lagoon. There is a post office, chemists, hospital and emergency opposite the house." said in Russian?
До Куршской косы – 250 м., до моря – 1200 м., до близжайшего магазина, кафе ( можно заказать завтрак и обед) – 30 м. Возле дома, на другой стороне улицы, находятся почта, аптека, больница и скорая помощь.
In Milan, in May 1917, Bolshevik revolutionaries organised and engaged in rioting calling for an end to the war, and managed to close down factories and stop public transportation. The Italian army was forced to enter Milan with tanks and machine guns to face Bolsheviks and anarchists, who fought violently until 23 May when the army gained control of the city. Almost 50 people were killed and over 800 people arrested. In September 1917, Russian soldiers in France began questioning why they were fighting for the French at all and mutinied. In Russia, opposition to the war led to soldiers also establishing their own revolutionary committees, which helped foment the October Revolution of 1917, with the call going up for "bread, land, and peace". The Bolsheviks agreed to a peace treaty with Germany, the peace of Brest-Litovsk, despite its harsh conditions. In northern Germany, the German Revolution of 1918-1919 began at the end of October 1918. Units of the German Navy refused to set sail for a last, large-scale operation in a war they believed to be as good as lost, initiating the uprising. The sailors' revolt, which then ensued in the naval ports of Wilhelmshaven and Kiel, spread across the whole country within days and led to the proclamation of a republic on 9 November 1918 and shortly thereafter to the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Which occurred first, the October Revolution or the German Revolution? A: he October Revolution After their big road win in Washington, the Eagles hosted the winless Miami Dolphins at muddy Lincoln Financial Field and won 17-7. The offenses struggled in the first quarter, and the first points would actually come via special teams in the second quarter, when Ted Ginn Jr. returned a punt 87 yards to paydirt for Miami. Later in the quarter, McNabb, who had already thrown two interceptions, was hit as he threw, spraining his ankle. David Akers came on to make a 34-yard field goal, and McNabb left the game. A. J. Feeley was spun up to play quarterback, but threw an interception of his own on his first drive. In the third quarter, Correll Buckhalter took the ball in from eight yards out for the go-ahead touchdown, making it 10-7. Feeley, after some helpful runs from running back Brian Westbrook, connected with receiver Jason Avant to increase the lead. The defense played a strong second half, and Westbrook carried seven times on the final drive, which killed the final 6:40 of the game. Without McNabb, Andy Reid leaned hard on Westbrook, who shattered his career-high with 32 carries, while picking up 148 yards. McNabb's post-game x-rays were negative. The win marked the first time Philadelphia had won consecutive games all season, as well as allowing them to reach .500 and remain in the playoff hunt in the NFC. How many of Westbrook's carries occurred before the final drive? A: 25 The Cardinals' seventh game was an NFC duel with the Buccaneers at University of Phoenix Stadium. In the first quarter the Cardinals took the lead when QB Max Hall made a 3-yard TD pass to WR Larry Fitzgerald. The Buccaneers replied with OLB Geno Hayes returning an interception 41 yards for a touchdown. The Cardinals led again in the second quarter with RB Beanie Wells getting a 1-yard TD run, but the Buccaneers went on a scoring rally with QB Josh Freeman making a 47-yard TD pass to WR Mike Williams, and CB Aqib Talib returning an interception 45 yards for a touchdown. This was followed by kicker Connor Barth hitting a 21-yard field goal, and in the third quarter with RB LeGarrette Blount getting a 15-yard TD run. The Cardinals also went on a rally to take the lead back with RB LaRod Stephens-Howling making a 30-yard TD run, which was followed by ILB Gerald Hayes recovering a fumble and running 21 yards to the endzone for a touchdown. Then QB Derek Anderson found Fitzgerald on a 5-yard TD pass. The Buccaneers scored once more to take the win with Blount getting a 1-yard TD run. With the loss, Arizona recorded back to back losses for the first time since the 2008 season, and fell to 3-4. How many touchdowns were scored in the second half? A:
Sentence: Trane, which manufactures building management systems, has a revenue of $10,264,000,000 and a net income of $556,300,000. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Trane, product, Building Management System; Trane, revenue, 10264000000; Trane, netIncome, 556300000 Sentence: Atlantic City International Airport is in Egg Harbor Township, N.J. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Atlantic City International Airport, location, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey Sentence: The footballer Alan Martin played for Motherwell Football Club at their Fir Park ground and is currently a member of the Scottish National under 21 football team. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alan Martin (footballer), club, Motherwell F.C.; Motherwell F.C., ground, Fir Park; Alan Martin (footballer), club, Scotland national under-21 football team Sentence: Walter Baade, a graduate from University of Gottingen, discovered 1036 Ganymed, and died in West Germany. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
1036 Ganymed, discoverer, Walter Baade; Walter Baade, deathPlace, West Germany; Walter Baade, almaMater, University of Göttingen
Q: The Buccaneers took a 7-0 lead after a 14-yard touchdown pass from Josh Freeman to Earnest Graham. Carolina tied answered with Matt Moore completing a 37-yard touchdown pass to Steve Smith. Tampa Bay scored a 35-yard touchdown pass to Mike Williams to take a 14-7 lead into half time. Connor Barth scored two field goals in the second half, and Tampa Bay won 20-7. The Buccaneers defense dominated Carolina, holding Jonathan Stewart and DeAngelo Williams to 43 and 54 yards rushing, respectively. Matt Moore completed only 6 of 16 passes with one interception, while being sacked four times. Moore was benched in favor of rookie Jimmy Clausen, who was unable to rally the Panthers. Josh Freeman passed for 178 yards and two touchdowns.With the win, Tampa Bay improved to 2-0. How many combined rushing yards did Jonathan Stewart and DeAngelo Williams have? A: 97 Q: Von Heideck studied art in Zürich. In 1801, he entered the military academy in Munich. Since 1805 he was in the Bavarian army, he took part to the campaigns in Austria, Prussia and Tyrol, then in Spain after 1810. In 1814, with the rank of Major, he accompanied the crown prince and future Ludwig I of Bavaria to the Congress of Vienna. In 1826, he went to help the Greeks fight for their independence against the Ottoman Empire, during the Greek War of Independence. In 1827, he took part under the orders of Thomas Gordon to the attempt to help the Acropolis of Athens. In 1828, Ioannis Kapodistrias named him commander of Nafplion and a few month later military governor of Argos. In 1830, he went back then to Munich and got back his rank of colonel of the Bavarian army. He started again to paint. In 1832, when Otto the second son of Ludwig I of Bavaria was designated to become king of Greece, Heideck was nominated to the regency council. It is traced, that he lived at Kasern Straße 12 in Munich around 1850. The Heideckstraße in the quarter Neuhausen of Munich is named in honor of him. How many years after entering the Bavarian Army did Von Heideck travel to the COngress of Vienna? A: 9 Q: Himachal Pradesh has a total population of 6,864,602 including 3,481,873 males and 3,382,729 females as per the final results of the Census of India 2011. This is only 0.57 per cent of Indias total population, recording a growth of 12.81 per cent. The scheduled castes and scheduled tribes account for 25.19 per cent and 5.71 per cent of the population respectively. The sex ratio stood at 972 females per 1000 males, recording a marginal increase from 968 in 2001. The child sex ratio increased from 896 in 2001 to 909 in 2011. The total fertility rate (TFR) per woman in 2015 stood at 1.7, one of the lowest in India. How many more men lived in Himachal Pradesh in 2011 compared to females? A: 99144 Q: The Mongols' greatest triumph was when Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty in China in 1271. The Yuan dynasty created a "Han Army" out of defected Jin troops and an army of defected Song troops called the "Newly Submitted Army" . The Mongol force which invaded southern China was far greater than the force they sent to invade the Middle East in 1256. The Yuan dynasty established the top-level government agency Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs to govern Tibet, which was conquered by the Mongols and put under Yuan rule. The Mongols also invaded Sakhalin Island between 1264 and 1308. Likewise, Korea became a semi-autonomous vassal state and compulsory ally of the Yuan dynasty for about 80 years. The Yuan dynasty was eventually overthrown during the Red Turban Rebellion in 1368 by the Han Chinese who gained independence and established the Ming dynasty. Which army did the defected Song troops join, the Han Army or the Newly Submitted Army? A:
Newly Submitted Army
Translate to German: It was designed by the Viennese architect Ruppelmeyer. In that year the Bulgarian Prince Alexander Battenberg accepted as a present from the Council of senior clergy at the Greek Bishopric the ...
The Ethnographical museum in Varna is in a house built about 1860 as well as in an annex which is harmoniously connected with the old building located in 22 Panaguyrishte Street.
Q: Translate "520" to Finnish? A: 520 Q: Translate "I can only hope that Mr Nielsen will be successful in the forthcoming discussions within the Commission." to Finnish? A: Voin vain toivoa, että komission jäsen Nielson saavuttaa menestystä komissiossa jatkossa käytävissä keskusteluissa. Q: Translate "On 8 December 1998 the Commission published an initial assessment, revealing that banks throughout the euro zone were intending to abide by the recommendation." to Finnish? A:
8. joulukuuta 1998 komissio julkisti alustavan arvion, jonka mukaan kaikki euroalueen pankit aikoivat noudattaa suositusta.
Äänestimme tekstiili- ja vaatetusalaa vuoden 2005 jälkeen käsittelevän mietinnön puolesta. Which language is this? Language: Finnish Lausuitte monia totuuksia, ja minun on myönnettävä, että sallin teidän ylittävän puheaikanne roimasti tunnustuksena erittäin säännöllisestä työstänne tässä istuntosalissa. Which language is this? Language: Finnish Neuvosto ja parlamentti keskustelevat niistä pian, ja toivomme, että keskustelusta tulee hedelmällinen. Which language is this? Language: Finnish Tuloksena on selviä parannuksia, joista merkittävimpiä ovat johdonmukaisen terminologian ja ennen kaikkea johdonmukaisten määritelmien käyttö, jolla varmistetaan lainsäädännön johdonmukaisuus. Which language is this? Language:
For most people, it has become a travel essential. Taking your smartphone or tablet away on holiday keep you in touch with what's going on back home, as well as offering a chance to monitor 'work emails.' But a 'digital detox' revolution is taking place - a chance to embrace the holiday free from modern technology and reminders of home life. The Red Mountain Resort, in Utah, US, is an adventure spa next to Snow Canyon State Park and offers a real 'disconnected' break. Digital Detox Holidays offer the chance to leave your smartphone at home and enjoy all the luxury; pictured is Lake Placid Lodge, in the Adirondacks, US. The temptation to scour work emails on holiday has led to more and more people looking for a digital detox. In an age where it’s becoming increasingly difficult to unplug, a third of Brits say they regret spending too much time on their mobile device while they’re on holiday. Half of all Brits polled admit to checking work e-mails while away and four in 10 say having access to social media is 'very important' to them when they’re abroad. One website showcasing the spots around the world free of Wi-Fi and phone reception, have reported a five-fold increase in customers in six months, report The Independent. Their website slogan reads: 'Since you became increasingly addicted to your devices, we have been selecting hotels that are offering detox holidays to help you de-stress.' This spot in Essex, the 'Lifehouse Spa, has a strict tech-free policy in their grounds to enable you to be at peace with the world. Recognized as 'one of the world’s nine amazing yoga retreat destinations,' Via Yoga in Mexico is the escape you’ve been waiting for. The Teton Lodge at Jackson Hole, US is the perfect accommodation for the people who like winter sports and visiting nature parks - you won't even miss your smartphone. From remote beach huts, to garden lodges and mountain lodges, the company aim to find the perfect holiday where the smartphone is reduced to useless. Locations are marketed in the US, the Caribbean, and even a 'Lifehouse Spa' in Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex. Kimpton Monaco residence in Chicago, US Offers a 'black-out' option, with guests surrendering all devices upon check-in. A unique luxury ranch nestled in British Columbia’s picturesque Cariboo region, the Echo Valley Ranch & Spa, Canada offers ultimate serenity. Alison Couper, of, said: ‘Going away on holiday should be a time to take stock and unwind, whether you're lying on a beach in the Seychelles or snowboarding down a mountain in Canada. ‘While smartphones have their plus points while on leave from work, using them to check the weather or view maps, it seems travellers would benefit from switching off their e-mails to disconnect, restoring a little more of the all-important work/life balance.’ Write highlights. Half of Brits admit to checking work e-mails while on holiday, while a third regret spending so much time on them. Rural getaways are becoming more popular in 'digital detox' revolution, many with no signal and no Wi-Fi. Offers a chance to leave smartphones and tablets firmly switched off and enjoy the sights and scenery. Problem: Two lawyers representing a woman who. claims to have had sex as a minor with prominent U.S. criminal defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz have filed a counter-defamation. lawsuit against him. Former federal judge Paul Cassell and Florida plaintiffs. attorney Bradley Edwards filed the lawsuit in a Florida circuit. court, accusing Dershowitz of initiating a public media assault. on their reputation and character, according to court documents. In a filing in Florida federal court last week, Cassell and. Edwards said their client, identified by Buckingham Palace as Virginia Roberts, was forced. as a minor by financier Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with several. people, including Dershowitz and Prince Andrew. Two lawyers representing Virginia Roberts, pictured here with her husband Robert Giuffre in Denver, who claims to have had sex while a minor with prominent U.S.criminal defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz, filed a counter-defamation lawsuit against him. On Monday Dershowitz, who was part of O.J. Simpson's 'dream team', filed defamation suits in both London and the U.S. based on the lawyers' public statements about the case and he urged Prince Andrew to do the same. In a sworn statement in a Florida. federal court, he denied he had sex with an underage girl on. Epstein's private plane and island. Buckingham Palace has also. denied the allegations against Prince Andrew. In their lawsuit, Cassell and Edwards said Dershowitz. defamed them when he accused them of 'deliberate misconduct and. unethical behavior warranting disbarment' during several. interviews with U.S. and international media outlets. On Monday Dershowitz, who was part of O.J. Simpson's 'dream team', filed defamation suits in both London and the U.S. based on Cassell and Edwards' public statements about the case and he urged Prince Andrew to do the same. Controversy: Prince Andrew, pictured here in Verbier, Switzerland, has been linked with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and accused of having sex with Virginia Roberts when she was a minor. Cassell and Edwards said Dershowitz made defamatory. statements in 'reckless disregard' in order to support his claim. of innocence. 'I'm thrilled that they sued me, because this gives me an. opportunity to depose them and prove beyond any doubt that they. concocted the entire story out of whole cloth and that they did. not do a proper investigation and that they have falsely accused. me,' Dershowitz said on Tuesday. Dershowitz said in Monday's filing that the allegation. against him was a 'deliberate lie.' He said that while he had. flown on Epstein's plane several times, Roberts, named in court papers as Jane Doe #3, was not on. any of those trips. Lawyers: Dershowitz slammed his accuser's lawyers, Brad Edwards (left) and Paul Cassell (right), for naming him in the lawsuit. He claims that they failed to carry out proper investigations - which they have denied. Questions: Prince Andrew is photographed with Virginia Roberts in 2001, left, and she is also pictured with her father, right, when she was seven. Roberts accused the prince and Dershowitz of having sex with her. He also said he had been to Epstein's island. once, for a day, and was with his wife and daughter the whole. time. Also on Monday, Dershowitz filed a motion in federal court. to enter in a lawsuit brought against the U.S. government by his. accuser and other women who say Epstein sexually abused them. The women say the government's 2008 plea deal with Epstein,. which allowed him to serve jail time on state charges but avoid. federal prosecution, violated their rights. Dershowitz, a Harvard University professor emeritus,. represented Epstein against the sex crime charges, for which. Epstein served a 13-month sentence after pleading guilty in. 2008. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article. Summarize this article. Answer:
Alan Dershowitz has filed defamation suits against two other U.S lawyers. He is accused of having sex with Virginia Roberts when she was a minor. Dershowitz says that the two lawyers representing her have defamed him. Those two lawyers are now counter-suing him for defamation. Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards say their character has been attacked.
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: attraction, lake, run a long lake that runs through tourist attractions Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: sit, station, track, train two sub trains sitting on tracks next to a station Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: bow, celebrity, take
celebrity takes a bow during curtain call following her debut performance .
I believe the maximum that commanding officers can get is 60% of one month's pay. Translate to French
Je crois que l'amende maximum qui peut être imposée à des commandants peut atteindre jusqu'à 60 p.
Question: This is some data: The Golden Curry food Fast food; The Golden Curry customer rating 5 out of 5; The Golden Curry area city centre; The Golden Curry familyFriendly no; The Golden Curry near Café Rouge. Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer: The Golden Curry, near Café Rouge serves fast food in the city centre. It has a customer rating of 5 out of 5 and is not family-friendly. Question: This is some data: The Golden Curry food Fast food; The Golden Curry customer rating 5 out of 5; The Golden Curry familyFriendly yes. Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer: The Golden Curry offers fast food in a child friendly setting. Customers rated it 5 out of 5. Question: This is some data: Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) CREATOR Gardner Fox; Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) CREATOR Tom Lyle; Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) ALTERNATIVE_NAME "Mark Desmond". Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer:
The comic character, Blockbuster, has the alternative name, Mark Desmond and was created by Tom Lyle and Gardner Fox.
Premise: "The attempt was futile." Based on this premise, is the hypothesis "The attempt at fixing the road was pathetic. " true?
it is not possible to tell
gulfstream , one of the u.s.-based long-range aircraft manufacturers , opened an office in hong kong to enhance customer and product sales in asia . A summary about the text above: u.s. aircraft manufacturer opens office in hk a palestinian militiaman was wounded monday by a burst of bullets fired at his car in the west bank town of hebron . A summary about the text above: militiaman wounded in shooting president vladimir putin gave the russian orthodox church credit sunday for helping revive `` family values '' and maintain social order in russia following the collapse of soviet communism . A summary about the text above: putin praises church on orthodox easter officials of the cabinet-level fair trade commission -lrb- ftc -rrb- said friday that they have formed an ad hoc group to investigate whether there is any manipulation of commodity prices by traders in local market . A summary about the text above:
fair trade commission investigating consumer price hike
Problem: Write a brief sentence. Answer: A person is cleaning the area near his home. Problem: Write a brief sentence. Answer: A girl is with a dog. Problem: Write a brief sentence. Answer:
A woman walking alone.
[Q]: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all of Fitzbillies eatType restaurant; Fitzbillies food Fast food; Fitzbillies priceRange £20-25; Fitzbillies customer rating high; Fitzbillies area riverside; Fitzbillies familyFriendly no **** [A]: Fitzbillies is a Fast food restaurant and coffee shop in riverside area with an average price range of £20-25. It has a high customer satisfaction rating, and is not kids-friendly. [Q]: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all of Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) CREATOR Gardner Fox; Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) CREATOR Tom Lyle; Blockbuster (comicsCharacter) ALTERNATIVE_NAME "Mark Desmond" **** [A]: The comic character, Blockbuster, has the alternative name, Mark Desmond and was created by Tom Lyle and Gardner Fox. [Q]: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all of The Vaults eatType coffee shop; The Vaults priceRange less than £20; The Vaults customer rating low; The Vaults area riverside; The Vaults near Café Brazil **** [A]: The Vaults is a coffee shop located near Café Brazil in the riverside area. It has a customer rating of low and a price range of less than £20. [Q]: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all of 63 POINTS_AGAINST 406 **** [A]:
The total points agains the score of 63 are 406.
What is the title of this article: Backup and Restore, the backup component of Windows, is deprecated. It still ships with Windows 8 and continues to work on preset schedules, but is pushed to the background and can only be accessed through a Control Panel applet called "Windows 7 File Recovery".:76 Shadow Copy, a component of Windows Explorer that once saved previous versions of changed files, no longer protects local files and folders. It can only access previous versions of shared files stored on a Windows Server computer.:74 The subsystem on which these components worked, however, is still available for other software to use.:74 Title:
Windows 8
Question: What percentage of marine life died during the extinction? Is It is also known as the "Great Dying" because it is considered the largest mass extinction in the Earth's history. a good answer to this question? pick from the following. - yes. - no.
question: Triple: Olympic Stadium (Athens) LOCATION Athens; AEK Athens F.C. GROUND Olympic Stadium (Athens) answer: The Olympic Stadium, located in Athens, is the home ground of AEK Athens FC. question: Triple: Strada eatType restaurant; Strada customer rating 1 out of 5 answer: A restaurant with a lower customer rating of only 1 out of 5 is the Strada. question: Triple: Giraffe eatType pub; Giraffe food Indian; Giraffe area city centre; Giraffe familyFriendly no answer: The Indian pub The Giraffe is not family friendly and can be found in the city centre. question: Triple: Albany, Georgia IS_PART_OF Dougherty County, Georgia answer:
Albany is part of Dougherty County in Georgia.
Translate from Spanish to English: El modelo de evaluación de los aprendizajes English:
The learning outcomes assessment model
Problem: Wwo sentences: Grass ' plea will leave Rite Aid 's former vice chairman and chief counsel , Franklin C. Brown , to stand trial alone in federal court starting Monday . If accepted by the judge , Grass ' plea will leave Rite Aid 's former vice chairman and chief counsel , Franklin C. Brown , to stand trial alone next month . Do they have the same meaning? Answer: yes Problem: Wwo sentences: Officials said the data will be used to verify whether they had stayed beyond their authorized time . Officials said data will be used to verify whether travelers have exceeded their authorized stay . Do they have the same meaning? Answer: yes Problem: Wwo sentences: In other words , Cablevision is obligated to pay for YES Network 's lawsuit against Time Warner Cable . Ironically , Cablevision will be footing the bill for YES ' lawsuit against Time Warner Cable . Do they have the same meaning? Answer: yes Problem: Wwo sentences: The identical rovers will act as robotic geologists , searching for evidence of past water . The rovers act as robotic geologists , moving on six wheels . Do they have the same meaning? Answer:
Please check if these have the same meaning. pick from the following. a). no. b). yes. Mille Lacs County , Minnesota , United States is a municipality in Princeton Township . Princeton Township is a township in Mille Lacs County , Minnesota , United States .
Washington (CNN) -- The gay Oregon man who helped overturn the state's decade-old ban on same-sex marriage is featured in a campaign ad for a Republican Senate candidate -- and he now finds himself on the receiving end of some criticism from LGBT activists. Ben West and his husband, Paul Rummell, became high-profile figures in Oregon's gay rights community this year when they challenged the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage and won. Now West is backing Monica Wehby, the Republican nominee and same-sex marriage supporter who's challenging Sen. Jeff Merkley, a Democratic incumbent with a long record of fighting for LGBT rights. Some simply can't fathom electing a OPTIONS: - Ben West, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - CNN, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Democratic, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Jeff Merkley, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - LGBT, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Monica Wehby, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Oregon, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Paul Rummell, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Republican, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Senate, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - U.S. Senate, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Washington, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - Wehby, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. - West, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. ===== Republican, while others say they have a hard time buying Wehby's position. Sam Allardyce appears to have fallen into line with the West Ham board over the future of Ravel Morrison - if the midfielder works hard enough. The 21-year-old looked to be set for a season on the fringes of the Hammers' first-team with Allardyce unconvinced by the attitude of the former Manchester United youngster. But co-chairman David Sullivan publicly disagreed with Allardyce, insisting the club were keen to tie Morrison down to a long-term contract. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Morrison score two outrageous goals in England training Another chance? It seems Ravel Morrison could be back in the fold this season for West Ham ‘Sam has said Ravel is not part of his plans but we do - as a board - see him as part of our plans,’ OPTIONS: - Allardyce said last week. - David Sullivan said last week. - England said last week. - England Under-21 said last week. - Hammers said last week. - Manchester United said last week. - Morrison said last week. - QPR said last week. - Ravel Morrison said last week. - Sam Allardyce said last week. - West Ham said last week. ===== David Sullivan said last week. (CNN) -- A spokesman for Illinois Sen. Roland Burris resigned Thursday in the wake of new disclosures about requests that Burris raise money for disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich while seeking a U.S. Senate appointment. Sen. Roland Burris, who is under fire to resign, arrives at a Chicago City Club luncheon to speak Wednesday. "I initially began helping the senator on a temporary basis because he is a long-term friend who I served several years when he was [Illinois] attorney general," Jason Erkes said in a written statement to CNN. "It is now time for me to get back to focusing on ... my newly formed strategic communications business." "You know the real OPTIONS: - Allegations Burris ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Blagojevich ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Burris ... Stop the rush to judgment." - CNN ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Chicago City Club ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Erkes ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Illinois ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Jason Erkes ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Rod Blagojevich ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Roland Burris ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Senate ... Stop the rush to judgment." - U.S. Senate ... Stop the rush to judgment." =====
Burris ... Stop the rush to judgment."
input question: Generate a sentence, and then tell me the concepts included in that sentence. output answer: Sentence: politician shakes hands of children after casting his vote for the general election . Concepts: cast election hand input question: Generate a sentence, and then tell me the concepts included in that sentence. output answer: Sentence: ingenious ideas for decorating a baby nursery on a budget Concepts: decorate idea nursery input question: Generate a sentence, and then tell me the concepts included in that sentence. output answer: Sentence: mangroves in trees in the tide Concepts: mangrove tide tree input question: Generate a sentence, and then tell me the concepts included in that sentence. output answer:
Sentence: stained glass window of deity Concepts: deity stain window
Article: There different types of references, depending on the position for which you’re applying. References can also take one of several forms. Phone calls, emails, questionnaires, and letters of recommendation are all common. Be sure to review the applications instructions carefully to make sure that you secure the right kind of reference. The most common type of reference is a professional reference. In this case, your referee should be able to attest to your ability to get the job done. Another common type of reference is a personal reference. In this case, your referee should be able to attest to your character. If you have a LinkedIn profile, you have the option of obtaining a LinkedIn recommendation. Different reference types often require people to serve as referees. Make sure that the person you’re asking can provide you with kind of reference you need. Ask yourself, “Who will be most able to discuss my qualifications for this position?” Don’t limit yourself to former or current employers. Co-workers, former teachers and professors, ministers, and even your attorney might be able provide you with a strong reference. If you’re applying for multiple positions, consider asking different people to serve as referees for different positions. Make a list of reasons why you’re asking a particular person to be a referee for you. Include details like the basis and extent of his or her relationship with you, his or her professional qualifications, and the kinds of things he or she will be able to say about you. Not only will this list help you narrow down your list of potential referees, it will also come in handy when you actually ask for references. This might seem like a no-brainer. However, you’re going to want to provide your potential referees with useful information about yourself. An updated resume will serve them better than an out-of-date one. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about? Determine the type of references you need. Pick the right people. Update your resume. Article: Look around at all the floor that will need to be covered. This includes everything bordered by walls, but also less obvious places like the floor inside of closets. Sketch the floorspace out on a sheet of paper for reference. Run a tape measure down one side of the room to get its length. Move the tape measure and record the other wall in the same way. Write these measurements down on the sketch you made for reference. If there aren’t any obstructions or unusual aspects to the room, the length and width will be enough to calculate the area. Take the length and multiply it by the width to get the area of floor space in square units. For instance, if one wall is 10 feet (3.0 m) and the other is 8 feet (2.4 m), multiply these to get a total floor space area of 80 feet (24 m) square. If there are any closets, obstructions, or angled areas in the room, you’ll start with this basic area and adjust it with a few more calculations to get the actual total amount of floor space. If you have a simple room with no obstructions or unusual shapes, look up an online floor space calculator. Enter the length and width measurements, and the calculator will compute the area. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about? Map out the entire floorspace. Measure the length and width of the room. Multiply to get the area. Use an online calculator for a quick solution. Article: Your foal will be more comfortable being weaned in an environment that it is familiar with. About 3 to 4 days before you wean your foal, move it and its mother into a large pen. Keep them in this pen as much as possible, only moving them inside to sleep if need be. It’s best to wean 2 or more foals at the same time, so the foals can keep each other company as they are weaned. Remove 1 mare from its foal at a time, waiting at least 1 day before removing the next mare. This will prevent your foals from panicking at the same time and stressing each other further. Once the foal has adjusted to the pen, lead its mother to a new pen or stable far away. Make sure that they cannot hear or see each other, otherwise, the foal will attempt to find its mother and may end up hurting itself. It may help to feed your foal with some hay or creep feed while you move its mother to a different pen. This will keep it distracted and may stop it from panicking as much once it realises it is being weaned. Each foal will respond to being weaned differently. Some may panic for only a few minutes, where others may take up to a day to calm down. Watch your foal to make sure it cannot escape from the pen or hurt itself on the fence. Feed it as you normally would and allow it to calm down naturally before introducing its companion to the pen. Check the edge of the fence for loose nails or anything else that could hurt your foal before weaning it. It will likely spend a lot of time near the edges of the pen trying to find its mother. Once the mother and foal have been separated from each other, it will take around 1 month for the mother to stop lactating and the foal to adjust to being on its own. Give both horses plenty of time to adjust to their new living style before reintroducing them. If you bring the mother and the foal back together before the foal has been properly weaned, you’ll just need to wean them again. Make sure the mother has stopped lactating and the foal has adjusted to being apart from its mother before reintroducing them. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about?
Leave your mare and foal in a field for 3 to 4 days. Take the mare out of sight and earshot of the foal. Give the foal time to calm down before introducing its friend or nanny. Keep the mare and foal separate for around 1 month.
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Asiaa on tarkasteltu Madridissa kahdesti vuodessa kokoontuvassa Euroopan kaasualan sääntelyfoorumissa, johon osallistuu komission, kansallisten sääntelyviranomaisten, jäsenvaltioiden, verkonhaltijoiden ja -käyttäjien sekä maakaasun kuluttajien edustajia. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Vaihtoehtoisesti voisimme päättää luopua siitä kokonaan. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Hän on pyytänyt minua välittämään teille vilpittömät pahoittelunsa siitä, ettei voi ottaa osaa tähän tärkeään keskusteluun tänään. Kuten monet teistä luultavasti tietävät, varapuheenjohtaja Frattini osallistuu tänään oikeus- ja sisäasioiden neuvoston kokoukseen Luxemburgissa. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
Jokaisen kalatuotteiden markkinoinnin järjestämisyrityksen on siis perustuttava kalastustoiminnan suojeluun ja tasa-arvoiseen kehittämiseen niin, että se pohjustetaan paikallisten erityispiirteiden mukaan ja että sillä suojellaan pientä ja keskisuurta sekä rannikkokalastusta, joka muodostaa merkittävän tulolähteen, kuten myös merkittävän työllisyyssektorin, varsinkin rannikkoalueilla ja saarilla.
Read this article and answer this question In the first quarter, the Buffalo Bills scored first with a 17-yard rushing touchdown by running back C. J. Spiller to lead 7-0. In the second quarter, the Bills scored again with a 5-yard rushing touchdown by C. J. Spiller to lead 14-0. The Bills continued to extend their lead when quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick threw a 10-yard touchdown pass to tight end Scott Chandler to lead 21-0 at halftime. In the third quarter, the Chiefs finally scored with a 33-yard field goal by Ryan Succop to make it 3-21. The Bills answered with a 49-yard touchdown pass from quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick to wide receiver Steve Johnson to make the score 28-3. The Bills continued to dominate with an 88-yard punt return touchdown by Leodis McKelvin to lead 35-3. In the fourth quarter, the Chiefs finally got going with Matt Cassel throwing a 33-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Dwayne Bowe to make the score 10-35. The Chiefs managed to score again with Matt Cassel throwing a 5-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Dwayne Bowe. The Chiefs fantastic effort in the fourth quarter was not enough, the final score is 17-35 as the Chiefs fall to 0-2. Which player had the most first half touchdowns?
C. J. Spiller
During the early months of World War I, Kars was a key military objective for the Ottoman army. Ismail Enver who pushed the Ottoman Empire into World War I, needed a victory against the Russians to defend his position. He collected an army on the eastern border. The army was badly defeated under Enver's command at the Battle of Sarikamish January 2, 1915 against Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich. This defeat was more due to the winter weather and bad planning, given the fact that Russians were actually preparing to evacuate Kars. With the loss of the eastern army, Ottoman defenses crumbled with further small battles and the Russian army succeeded in advancing as far west as Erzincan. The collapse of the Russian army after the 1917 revolution left only thinly spread Armenian units to resist the inevitable Ottoman counter-attack. Before the end of World War I in 1918, the Ottoman army reformed with what was left from the middle-east branch and tried to build a line between whatever seemed to be left on their east border. The newly declared First Republic of Armenia captured Kars in April 1918, which was eventually handed back by the future Soviet administration. That same year in March, the Baku Commune was established in the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The commune later became the Centrocaspian Dictatorship, in turn conquered by the Islamic Army of the Caucasus, then shortly by the Triple Entente and finally the Bolsheviks. Defeat on other fronts caused the Ottoman Empire to surrender and withdraw forces. Both the Armenian and Azerbaijani Republics ended up being part of the Soviet Union in 1920. Based on the above article, answer a question. How many months after the Baku Commune was established was Kars captured?
Write a sentence not in English.
Es ist das bekannteste arabische Bauwerk auf der ganzen Welt...