stringlengths 5
| content
stringlengths 150
| size
int64 150
---|---|---| | # Kit Architecture
## Kit Manual and Overview
Omniverse Kit is the SDK for building Omniverse Applications like Omniverse USD Composer and Omniverse USD Presenter. It can also be used to develop your own Omniverse Applications
- [Kit Manual and Overview](
## Kit Architecture
A breakdown of the Kit architecture and infrastructure
- [Architecture]( | 526 | | # Kit Execution Orchestration
Kit is like a highway without rules. Everyone is welcome to travel on it: sleek sedans, race cars, cyclist, trains, inline skaters, etc. Such a diverse set of travelers can lead to disaster on the road. The `omni.kit.exec.core` extension’s job is to rein in the chaos. This wrangling is done by orchestrating Kit’s execution pipeline such that travelers get to their destination quickly, collisions are avoided, and lane usage is maximized.
`omni.kit.exec.core` uses the [OmniGraph Execution Framework](../../omni.graph.exec/0.9.4/Overview.html#ef-framework) to facilitate execution orchestration. | 629 | | # flow: Omniverse Fluid Dynamics
## FlowUsd :package:
Repository created: 2022-06-24 by jcarius
This is the repository home for building FlowUSD and its USD schema in the same repository.
The `master` branch remains unchanged from the kit-extension template repository to allow for occasional merging.
This README file provides a quick overview. In-depth documentation can be found at:
📖 [FlowUSD Documentation](
Teamcity Project
## Building
To build everything run `.\build.bat` or `.\build.bat --rebuild`
To build the FlowUsd kit extensions run `.\buildExtensions.bat`
## Run
## Testing
`repo.bat test`
## Packaging and publishing
### Kit Extension Registry
To publish extension to the extension registry `.\repo.bat publish_exts`.
This will publish all extensions as configured in the repo.toml.
Note that existing versions should not be overridden, so increment the version in the respective `extension.toml` first before publishing.
More fine-grained control/manual publishing is possible with `.\_build\windows-x86_64\release\ --publish omni.usd.schema.flow`.
Note that publishing needs to be run both from windows and linux.
The packages in the registry are automatically named with version and platform information, e.g., publishing `omni.flowusd` version `0.3.0` on windows yields `omni.flowusd-0.3.0+wx64.r.cp37`.
To list published packages execute `
To un-publish (dangerous!) extensions:
### Packman packaging
Note: This is currently not used
This will place the packages in `_build/packages`. Then
will upload them to packman. This allows other kit projects to include flowusd in their target dependencies with
<dependency name="omni.flowusd" linkPath="../_build/$platform/$config/exts/omni.flowusd">
<package name="omni.flowusd" version="0.1.0" />
### Updating
This repo carries a number dependencies with fixed versions. To update them proceed as follows:
- Packman.xml files in `deps`: These should be updated by merging the newest version from kit-template. Thanks to automatic repo mirroring the `master` branch of this repository is synced with the kit-template repo. The commands for updating are hence
git checkout flowusd-master
git fetch origin master:master
git pull origin master:master
If there are conflicts due to changes to files that have been deleted in `flowusd-master`, e.g., example packages, just accept the deleted version.
- Don’t forget to update the changelog!
### Using a Local Build of Kit SDK
By default packman downloads Kit SDK (from `deps/kit-sdk.packman.xml`). For developing purposes local build of Kit SDK can be used.
To use your local build of Kit SDK, assuming it is located say at `C:/projects/kit`.
Use `repo_source` tool to link:
repo source link c:/projects/kit/kit
Or you can also do it manually: create a file: `deps/kit-sdk.packman.xml.user` containing the following lines:
<project toolsVersion="5.6">
<dependency name="kit_sdk_${config}" linkPath="../_build/${platform}/${config}/kit">
<source path="c:/projects/kit/kit/_build/$platform/$config" />
To see current source links:
repo source list
To remove source link:
repo source unlink kit-sdk
To remove all source links:
repo source clear
### Using a Local Build of another Extension
Other extensions can often come from the registry to be downloaded by kit at run-time or build-time (e.g.
example). Developers often want to use a local clone of their repo to develop across multiple repos simultaneously.
To do that additional extension search path needs to be passed into kit pointing to the local repo. There are many ways to do it. Recommended is using
. You can use that file to override any setting.
file in this repo with the search to path to your repo added to
setting, e.g.:
folders."++" = ["c:/projects/extensions/kit-converters/_build/windows-x86_64/release/exts"]
`repo source link [repo_path]` - If repo produces kit extensions add them to
`repo source link [ext_path]` - If the path is a kit extension or folder with kit extensions add to
Other options:
- Pass CLI arg to any app like this:
`--ext-folder c:/projects/extensions/kit-converters/_build/windows-x86_64/release/exts`
- Use *Extension Manager UI (Gear button)*
- Use other
(or other) configuration files, refer to Kit Documentation: Configuration.
You can always find out where an extension is coming from in *Extension Manager* by selecting an extension and hovering over the open button.
You can also find it in the log, by looking either for
message for each extension or
`About to startup:`
when it starts.
### Other Useful Links
- See Kit Manual
- See Kit Developer Documentation Index
- See Anton’s Video Tutorials for Anton’s videos about the build systems. | 5,616 | | # Kit Programming Manual
## Contents
- [Bundled Extensions](source/extensions/index.html)
- [carb.graphics_optional](source/extensions/carb.graphics_optional-internal/docs/index.html)
- [omni.activity.freeze_monitor](source/extensions/omni.activity.freeze_monitor/docs/index.html)
- [omni.activity.usd_resolver](source/extensions/omni.activity.usd_resolver/docs/index.html)
- [omni.appwindow](source/extensions/omni.appwindow/docs/index.html)
- [omni.client](source/extensions/omni.client/docs/index.html)
- [omni.fabric.fabric_inspector](source/extensions/omni.fabric.fabric_inspector/docs/index.html)
- [omni.hydra.engine.stats](source/extensions/omni.hydra.engine.stats/docs/index.html)
- [omni.inspect](source/extensions/omni.inspect/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.actions.core](source/extensions/omni.kit.actions.core/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.actions.window](source/extensions/omni.kit.actions.window/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.app_snippets](source/extensions/omni.kit.app_snippets/docs/index.html)
- [](source/extensions/
- [omni.kit.clipboard](source/extensions/omni.kit.clipboard/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.compatibility_checker](source/extensions/omni.kit.compatibility_checker/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.context_menu](source/extensions/omni.kit.context_menu/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.debug.python](source/extensions/omni.kit.debug.python/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.exec.debug](source/extensions/omni.kit.exec.debug/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.extpath.git](source/extensions/omni.kit.extpath.git/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.helper.file_utils](source/extensions/omni.kit.helper.file_utils/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.hotkeys.core](source/extensions/omni.kit.hotkeys.core/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.hotkeys.window](source/extensions/omni.kit.hotkeys.window/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.mainwindow](source/extensions/omni.kit.mainwindow/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.manipulator.selector](source/extensions/omni.kit.manipulator.selector/docs/index.html)
- [omni.kit.material.library](source/extensions/omni.kit.material.library/docs/index.html)
- [](source/extensions/
- [omni.kit.notification_manager](source/extensions/omni.kit.notification_manager/docs/index.html)
- omni.kit.notification_manager: Notification Manager Extension
- USD Property Clipboard Test Extension
- omni.kit.renderer.capture
- omni.kit.renderer.core
- omni.kit.renderer.cuda_interop
- omni.kit.renderer.imgui
- omni.kit.scene_view.opengl
- omni.kit.stage.mdl_converter
- omni.kit.stage_templates
- omni.kit.test
- omni.kit.test_app_compat
- omni.kit.test_app_full_nonrtx
- omni.kit.test_helpers_gfx
- omni.kit.test_suite.browser
- omni.kit.test_suite.helpers
- omni.kit.test_suite.layer_window
- omni.kit.test_suite.layout
- omni.kit.test_suite.stage_window
- omni.kit.test_suite.viewport
- omni.kit.ui_test
- omni.kit.usd.layers
- omni.kit.viewport.actions
- omni.kit.viewport.scene_camera_model
- omni.kit.viewport_widgets_manager
- omni.kit.welcome.about
- omni.kit.welcome.extensions
- omni.kit.welcome.learn
- omni.kit.welcome.whats_new
- omni.kit.welcome.window
- omni.kit.widget.browser_bar
- omni.kit.widget.filebrowser
- omni.kit.widget.filter
- omni.kit.widget.nucleus_connector
- omni.kit.widget.nucleus_info
- omni.kit.widget.opengl
- omni.kit.widget.options_menu
- omni.kit.widget.path_field
- omni.kit.widget.search_delegate
- omni.kit.widget.searchable_combobox
- omni.kit.widget.text_editor
- omni.kit.widget.toolbar
- omni.kit.window.content_browser
- omni.kit.window.content_browser_registry
- omni.kit.window.drop_support
- omni.kit.window.file
- omni.kit.window.file_exporter
- omni.kit.window.file_importer
- omni.kit.window.filepicker
- module
- omni.kit.window.popup_dialog
- omni.kit.window.preferences
- Property Window Extension
- omni.mdl.neuraylib
- omni.mdl.pymdlsdk
- omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter
- omni.timeline
- omni.ui_query
- omni.usd module
- usdrt.scenegraph: USDRT Scenegraph API for Kit
# Indices and tables
- Index
- Module Index
- Search Page | 4,314 | | # kit-template: Omniverse Kit Extension & App Template
## Kit Extensions & Apps Example :package:
This repo is a gold standard for building Kit extensions and applications.
The idea is that you fork it, trim down parts you don’t need and use it to develop your extensions and applications. Which then can be packaged, shared, reused.
This README file provides a quick overview. In-depth documentation can be found at:
Teamcity Project
## Extension Types
- **python**
- ` + python code`
- **cpp**
- `omni.ext-example_cpp_ext.plugin.dll`
- **mixed**
- ` + python code`
- `example.mixed_ext.python`
- `example.mixed_ext.plugin.dll`
Kit --> A1
Kit --> A2
Kit --> A3
## Getting Started
1. build:
build.bat -r
2. run:
3. notice enabled extensions in “Extension Manager Window” of Kit. One of them brought its own test in “Test Runner” window.
To run tests:
repo.bat test
To run from python:
## Using a Local Build of Kit SDK
By default packman downloads Kit SDK (from `deps/kit-sdk.packman.xml`). For developing purposes local build of Kit SDK can be used.
To use your local build of Kit SDK, assuming it is located say at `C:/projects/kit`.
Use `repo_source` tool to link:
repo source link kit-sdk c:/projects/kit/kit
Or use GUI mode to do source linking:
> <div>
> <p>
> ```
> repo
> source
> gui
> ```
Or you can also do it manually: create a file:
containing the following lines:
<div class="highlight-xml notranslate">
<div class="highlight">
<span class="nt"><dependency
<span class="nt"><source
<span class="nt"></dependency>
<span class="nt"></project>
To see current source links:
> <div>
> <p>
> ```
> repo
> source
> list
> ```
To remove source link:
> <div>
> <p>
> ```
> repo
> source
> unlink
> kit-sdk
> ```
To remove all source links:
> <div>
> <p>
> ```
> repo
> source
> clear
> ```
<section id="using-a-local-build-of-another-extension">
Using a Local Build of another Extension
Other extensions can often come from the registry to be downloaded by kit at run-time or build-time (e.g.
example). Developers often want to use a local clone of their repo to develop across multiple repos simultaneously.
To do that additional extension search path needs to be passed into kit pointing to the local repo. There are many ways to do it. Recommended is using
. You can use that file to override any setting.
file in this repo with the search to path to your repo added to
setting, e.g.:
<div class="highlight-toml notranslate">
<div class="highlight">
<span class="n">folders
Other options:
Pass CLI arg to any app like this:
Extension Manager UI (Gear button)
Use other
files, refer to
Kit Documentation: Configuration.
You can always find out where extension is coming from in
Extension Manager
by selecting an extension and hovering over open button or in the log (search for e.g.
<section id="other-useful-links">
Other Useful Links
Kit Manual
Kit Developer Documentation Index
Anton’s Video Tutorials
for Anton’s videos about the build systems.
| 4,079 | | # Kit USD service []
The base for USD services. Not intended to be used directly.
- Base Class for USD Processing Services
- Multi Processing Queue Processor (to use with the service). Overwrite the `process_task` method in your subclass.
- omni.client Helpers to help services to interact with resources served from omni.client | 363 | | # Architecture
## Extensions
An Extension is a uniquely named and versioned package loaded at runtime. It can have any or all of the following properties:
1. Contain python code.
2. Contain shared libraries and/or Carbonite plugins.
3. Provide a C++ API.
4. Provide a python API.
5. Depend on other extensions.
6. Be reloadable (can be unloaded, changed and loaded again at runtime).
It is the basic building block of Kit-based Applications like Create. More info in the [Extensions](extensions_advanced.html) part of the guide.
## Kit Kernel (`kit.exe` / `IApp`)
Is a minimal core required to run an extension. It is an entry point for any Kit-based Application. It includes extension manager and basic interface. It is the core which holds everything together.
## (`omni::kit::IApp`) is the basic interface that can be used by any extension, and provides a minimal set of Carbonite plugins to load and set up extensions. It is the main front part of Kit Kernel.
C++: `omni::kit::IApp`
python: ``
It contains:
- Carbonite framework startup
- Extension manager
- Event system
- Update loop
- Settings
- Python context / runtime (edited)
It can run from either a Kit executable (`kit.exe` / `kit`) or from python.
## Bundled Extensions
The Kit SDK comes with a lot of included extensions. Even more extensions are developed outside of Kit SDK and delivered using Extension Registry.
> **Note**
> Try `kit.exe --list-exts`
# Different Modes Example
## CLI utility
Arrows are extension dependencies.
1. User writes an extension `user.tool`, which depends only on `omni.kit.usd` and ``.
2. User runs Kit `kit.exe --enable user.tool`.
Notice that only one extension is specified. `` will automatically figure out which extensions are required by resolving dependencies and will load and start them up in the correct order.
`user.tool` can for instance parse command-line args, do some processing and then exit.
## GUI CLI utility
The dependency on the UI unrolls the whole tree of required extensions. | 2,090 | | # Omniverse Kit Core IApp interface
## Loop runners
Loop runner is something that drives the application loop, more specifically - pushes update events into corresponding update event streams and pumps the event streams, thus allowing the modular bits and pieces to tick.
In the simplest scenario, the loop runner is a piece of logic that ensures that core event streams are being pumped periodically. Pseudocode of the simplest loop runner:
void update()
This is the most straightforward way to drive the Kit app, and it is possible to implement a custom version of `IRunLoopRunner` and provide it for the app to use. The default loop runner is close to the straightforward implementation outlined in the pseudocode with the small additions of rate limiter logic and other minor pieces of maintenance logic.
## Extension manager
Extension manager controls the extensions execution flow, maintains the extension registry, and does other related things. Extensions subsystem will be detailed separately, as this is the main entry point for all the modular pieces that make up the Kit app. The extension manager interface can be accessed via the Kit Core app interface.
## Scripting
The Kit Core app sets up Python scripting environment required to support Python extensions and execute custom Python scripts and code snippets. `IAppScripting` provides a simple interface to this scripting environment, which can be used to execute files and strings, as well as manage script search folders, and subscribe to the event stream that will broadcast all the scripting events (such as script command events, script output events and script error events, all bucketed into corresponding event types).
# General message bus
General message bus is a simple yet powerful concept. This is simply an event stream, which is pumped once a frame after all updates, and anybody can use the bus to send and listen to events. This is useful in cases where event stream ownership is inconvenient, or when app-wide events are established (for example, displaying a popup, or things like that) - which can be used by many consumers across all the extensions. According to the event stream guidelines, it is recommended to derive an event type from a string hash. Simple example of message bus usage:
message_bus =
subscription = message_bus.create_subscription_to_pop_by_type(BUS_EVENT_TYPE, on_change)
# Store subscription somewhere so it doesn't get deleted immediately
# Shutdown sequence
The application receives shutdown requests via the post quit queries. Queries will be recorded and the app will proceed as usual, until the shutdown query will be processed at a defined place in the update logic.
Prior to the real shutdown initiation, the post query event will be injected into the shutdown event stream. Consumers subscribed to the event stream will have a chance to request a shutdown request cancellation. If it will be requested, the shutdown will not happen. This is needed for example to show the dialog popups confirming exit when there is unsaved work pending. If the shutdown wasn’t cancelled - another event will be injected into the shutdown event stream, this time telling it that the real shutdown is about to start.
However, it is possible to post an uncancellable quit request - as an emergency measure in case the application needs to be shut down without interruptions.
# Hang detector
The app core also incorporates a simple hang detector, which is designed to receive periodic nudges, and if there are no nudges for some defined amount of time - it will notify the user that a hang is detected and can crash the application if user chooses. This is helpful because crashes generates crash dumps, allowing developers understand what happened, and what the callstack was at the time of this hang. Things like the timeout, if it is enabled - and other things - can be tweaked via the settings. | 4,365 | | # Kit SDK Overview
Omniverse is a developer platform. It provides Nucleus for collaboration and data storage. Connector API provides USD conversion capabilities. The Omniverse developer platform provides the Kit SDK for developing Applications, Extensions, and Services.
This tutorial is focused on creating Applications and Extensions on top of Kit SDK.
## Kit Apps & Extensions
The Kit SDK Extension Architecture allow developers to define Extensions and Applications. An Extension is defined by a `.toml` file and most commonly has a set of directories with Python or C++ code. Extensions can also bundle resources such as images. An Application is a single `.kit` file. These modules can state each other as dependencies to combine small capabilities into a greater whole providing complex solutions.
Throughout this document you will encounter many Extensions and Applications. You will start to think of Extensions as “pieces of capabilities” and of Applications as “the collection of Extensions”.
### Extension
- Defined by an `extension.toml` file
- Contains code (Python or C++) and/or resource files.
- Provides a user interface and/or runtime capability.
### App
- Defined by a `.kit` file.
- Combines dependencies into an end user workflow.
## Extension Architecture
At the foundation of Kit SDK, the Kit Kernel provides the ability to bootstrap Applications and execute code. All capability on top of the Kernel is provided by Extensions. Kit SDK contains hundreds of Extensions providing runtime functionality such as USD, rendering, and physics - and other Extensions providing workflow solutions such as USD Stage inspectors, viewport, and content browsers. By combining the Kit SDK Extensions with one or more custom Extensions, new workflow and service based solutions can be created. The Extension Architecture of Kit has been designed for extreme modularity - enabling rapid development of reusable modules:
- Extensions are lego pieces of functionality.
- One Extension can state any number of other Extensions as dependencies.
- Applications provide a complete solution by combining many Extensions.
- Any Omniverse developer can create more Extensions.
Here’s another way to conceptualize the stack of an Application. At the foundation level of an app we have the Kit Kernel. There are runtime Extensions such as USD, RTX, and PhysX. Also behind the scene, there are framework Extensions that enable interfaces to be created, Extension management, and so on. Finally, we have the Extensions that provide end users with interfaces - such as the Viewport, Content Browser, and Stage inspector.
Applications you create will have the same stack - the only difference is what Extensions the Application makes use of and how they are configured.
We will explore the Extensions available in Kit SDK, how to create Applications, and how to get started with Extension development.
# Getting Started with Flask
## Introduction
Flask is a lightweight and flexible Python web framework that allows you to build web applications with ease. It's designed to make getting started quick and easy, with the ability to scale up to complex applications.
## Installation
To install Flask, you need to have Python installed on your system. You can download Python from the official website: [Python Downloads](
After installing Python, you can install Flask using pip:
pip install Flask
## Getting Started
In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of Flask, including how to set up a simple web application.
### Setting Up the Developer Environment
In this tutorial, let's get the developer environment setup. | 3,680 | | # Known issues
## CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
There is a known issue using CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux using Omniverse Launcher. Include the `--no-sandbox` flag when launching from the terminal.
## Launcher (General)
- Internet Access is required to use the Workstation Launcher (Internet Access is not required when using the IT Managed Launcher.)
- Occasional graphical artifacts and errors in Launcher UI for certain driver OS combinations
- Some Connectors may be installed without the associated Application on Linux systems
- Launcher may show errors after downloading content on Linux systems | 617 | | # Publish App
## Important
For end users of your custom App or Extension, users must accept the NVIDIA Omniverse License Agreement.
## Fat Package
1. Extract the package.
2. Run the appropriate `.bat` / `.sh` file for the app in the root directory of the extracted package.
## Thin Package
1. Extract the package.
2. Run `pull_kit_sdk.bat` / `` in the root directory of the extracted package (requires Internet access). **This only has to be done once** - not every time a user wants to start the app.
3. Run the optional Application warmup script `[app name].warmup.bat` / `[app name]` if it was created.
4. Run the appropriate `.bat` / `.sh` file for the app in the root directory of the extracted package.
## Launcher Package
Launcher packages can be installed via the Omniverse Launcher. The archive should NOT be unzipped prior to installation.
1. Make sure an Omniverse launcher is installed.
2. Open up a shell and execute the following (with the appropriate absolute filepath for the zip file):
- **Windows**: `start omniverse-launcher://install?path="C:\"` [command cheat-sheet](commands.html#omniverse-launcher-installation)
- **Linux**: `xdg-open omniverse-launcher://install?path="/home/my_username/"`
- **Installation Process:**
- The Launcher initiates the installation process by downloading the required files.
- A command cheat-sheet is available [command cheat-sheet](#id4).
- The Launcher shows an installation progress bar.
- Once installation is complete, the Application is listed in the `Library` tab’s `Apps` section.
- **Note:**
- **Note**
- Reference: IT Managed Launcher (installation instructions applies also to Workstation Launcher) | 1,768 | | # Layouts & Hooks
## Hooks
Hooks – This is low level function that modifies the menu dictionary directly. Its recommend to use Layout method below
- For an example of this in action see omni.example.menu_hook
## Layout
Layout – This allows the menus to be moved/removed and renamed
- This is meant for apps to change how menus are presented
## Example layout
from import MenuLayout
self._menu_layout = [
MenuLayout.Menu("Window", [
MenuLayout.Item("Viewport", source="Window/Viewport/Viewport 1"),
MenuLayout.Item("Playlist", remove=True),
MenuLayout.Item("Layout", remove=True),
MenuLayout.Sort(exclude_items=["Extensions"], sort_submenus=True),
What does this do?
- Menu item “Window” menu is changed;
- Menu item “Window/Viewport/Viewport 1” is moved to “Window/Viewport”
- Menu item “Window/Playlist” is removed
- Menu item “Window/Layout” is removed
- Menu item “Window” menu is then alphabetically sorted except “Extensions” which is not moved
## Another Example Layout
from import MenuLayout
self._menu_file_layout = [
MenuLayout.Item("New From Stage Template"),
MenuLayout.Item("Open Recent"),
MenuLayout.Item("Re-open with New Edit Layer"),
MenuLayout.Item("Save As..."),
MenuLayout.Item("Save With Options"),
MenuLayout.Item("Save Selected"),
MenuLayout.Item("Save Flattened As...", remove=True),
MenuLayout.Item("Collect As..."),
MenuLayout.Item("Add Reference"),
MenuLayout.Item("Add Payload"),
What does this do?
- Menu item “File” menu is changed;
- Menu is now in order listed above
- Menu item “Save Flattened As” is removed
- Any other File menu items not covered in list, like “Export” will appear after layout list
- You can include items that get added only when specific extension is enabled, and missing items will be ignored
- You cannot add menu items, this will have to be done 1st by
With, user could define menu layout in .kit file to do similar as menu layout in
layout_menu = [
MenuLayout.Item("Default", source="Reset Layout"),
MenuLayout.Item("Viewport Only"),
MenuLayout.Item("Save Layout", source="Window/Layout/Save Layout..."),
MenuLayout.Item("Load Layout", source="Window/Layout/Load Layout..."),
MenuLayout.Group("Viewport", source="Window/Viewport"),
MenuLayout.SubMenu("Layout", [
MenuLayout.Item("Quick Save", remove=True),
MenuLayout.Item("Quick Load", remove=True),
MenuLayout.Sort(exclude_items=["Extensions"], sort_submenus=True),
This could be replaced by settings in .kit file:
items = [
"Default=Reset Layout",
"Viewport Only",
"Save Layout=Window/Layout/Save Layout...",
"Load Layout=Window/Layout/Load Layout...",
Utilities.type = "SubMenu"
Utilities.items = ["Viewport=Window/Viewport"]
Utilities.Viewport.type = "Group"
items = ["Layout", "sort"]
Layout.type = "SubMenu"
Layout.items = ["-Quick Save", "-Quick Load"]
sort.type = "Sort"
sort.exclude_items = ["Extensions"]
sort.sort_submenus = true | 4,545 | | # Overview
## Introduction
Stage window is the frontend UI that presents the hierarchy of the stage in the default `omni.usd.UsdContext`. And it dynamically tracks the changes to the stage and updates the hierarchy in an efficient way. User can also adjust the hierarchy of the stage through the UX. Stage window is built on top of the core widget `omni.kit.widget.stage` with customized settings.
## Layout
Following is an image of the stage window, which presents the default layout with 3 default columns: name, visibility, and type.
For each prim in the stage, it’s presented as a row in the window with several columns, and the hierarchy of the stage is presented as a collapsible tree. The columns are customizable except the default name column through the settings button. Developers can implement new column delegate to add a new column for each row also. You can refer to `omni.kit.widget.stage` for reference. | 925 | | # Lazy Loading Extensions
This extension adds support for lazy loading extensions on demand.
Typically extensions implement a window that is opened using the menu. Until the menu is clicked extension is not required. A user doesn’t have to wait for the extension to load as part of app startup.
Extensions can specify `[[trigger]]` sections in `extension.toml`:
[[trigger]] = "Windows/My Window" # menu path
menu.window = "MyWindow" # window name
menu.priority = 100 # menu priority
`` finds all extensions with `[[trigger]]` section and adds a menu entry to the menu specified in ``. When the menu is clicked the extension is loaded and the window is opened using `ui.Workspace.show_window` API.
Also this extension could setup include list and exclude list for “lazy” menus.
include_list = []
exclude_list = []
A “lazy” menu path will not be added if:
- white list is not empty and menu path NOT in white list
- black list is not empty and menu path IN black list | 1,077 | | # Welcome screen: LEARN
Show user manual of this application.
<img alt="" src="_images/Learn.png"/>
- **VIEW ON THE WEB** to launch default web browser and look at the documentation there. | 191 | | # Lines and Curves
## Common Style of Lines and Curves
Here is a list of common styles you can customize on all the Lines and Curves:
> color (color): the color of the line or curve
> border_width (float): the thickness of the line or curve
## Line
Line is the simplest shape that represents a straight line. It has two points, color and thickness. You can use Line to draw line shapes. Line doesn’t have any other style besides the common styles for Lines and Curves.
Here are some of the properties you can customize on Line:
> alignment (enum): the Alignment defines where the line is in parent defined space. It is always scaled to fit.
Here is a list of the supported Alignment value for the line:
from omni.ui import color as cl
style = {
"Rectangle::table": {"background_color": cl.transparent, "border_color": cl(0.8), "border_width": 0.25},
"Line::demo": {"color": cl("#007777"), "border_width": 3},
"ScrollingFrame": {"background_color": cl.transparent},
alignments = {
"ui.Alignment.LEFT": ui.Alignment.LEFT,
"ui.Alignment.RIGHT": ui.Alignment.RIGHT,
"ui.Alignment.H_CENTER": ui.Alignment.H_CENTER,
"ui.Alignment.TOP": ui.Alignment.TOP,
"ui.Alignment.BOTTOM": ui.Alignment.BOTTOM,
"ui.Alignment.V_CENTER": ui.Alignment.V_CENTER,
with ui.ScrollingFrame(
with ui.HStack(height=100):
for key, value in alignments.items():
with ui.ZStack():
from omni.ui import color as cl
with ui.VStack(style={"VStack": {"margin": 10}}, spacing=10):
ui.Line(name="demo", alignment=value)
ui.Label(key, style={"color": cl.white, "font_size": 12}, alignment=ui.Alignment.CENTER)
By default, the line is scaled to fit.
Users can define the color and border_width to make customized lines.
from omni.ui import color as cl
style = {"Line::default": {"color":, "border_width": 1}}
with ui.Frame(height=50, style=style):
from omni.ui import color as cl
with ui.Frame(height=50):
with ui.ZStack(width=200):
ui.Rectangle(style={"background_color": cl(0.4)})
ui.Line(alignment=ui.Alignment.H_CENTER, style={"border_width":5, "color": cl("#880088")})
## FreeLine
FreeLine is a line whose length will be determined by other widgets. The supported style list is the same as Line.
Here is an example of a FreeLine with style, driven by two draggable circles. Notice the control widgets are not the start and end points of the line. By default, the alignment of the line is `ui.Alighment.V_CENTER`, and the line direction won’t be changed by the control widgets.
from omni.ui import color as cl
with ui.Frame(height=200):
with ui.ZStack():
# Four draggable rectangles that represent the control points
with ui.Placer(draggable=True, offset_x=0, offset_y=0):
control1 = ui.Circle(width=10, height=10)
with ui.Placer(draggable=True, offset_x=150, offset_y=200):
control2 = ui.Circle(width=10, height=10)
# The rectangle that fits to the control points
ui.FreeLine(control1, control2, style={"color":cl.yellow})
## BezierCurve
BezierCurve is a smooth mathematical curve defined by a set of control points, used to create curves and shapes that can be scaled indefinitely. BezierCurve doesn’t have any other style except the common styles for Lines and Curves.
Here is a BezierCurve with style:
from omni.ui import color as cl
style = {"BezierCurve": {"color":, "border_width": 2}}
with ui.Frame(height=50, style=style):
## FreeBezierCurve
FreeBezierCurve uses two widgets to get the position of the curve endpoints. This is super useful to build graph connections. The supported style list is the same as BezierCurve.
Here is an example of a FreeBezierCurve which is controlled by 4 control points.
from omni.ui import color as cl
with ui.ZStack(height=400):
# The Bezier tangents
tangents = [(50, 50), (-50, -50)]
# Four draggable rectangles that represent the control points
placer1 = ui.Placer(draggable=True, offset_x=0, offset_y=0)
with placer1:
rect1 = ui.Rectangle(width=20, height=20)
placer2 = ui.Placer(draggable=True, offset_x=50, offset_y=50)
with placer2:
rect2 = ui.Rectangle(width=20, height=20)
placer3 = ui.Placer(draggable=True, offset_x=100, offset_y=100)
with placer3:
rect3 = ui.Rectangle(width=20, height=20)
placer4 = ui.Placer(draggable=True, offset_x=150, offset_y=150)
with placer4:
rect4 = ui.Rectangle(width=20, height=20)
# The bezier curve
curve = ui.FreeBezierCurve(rect1, rect4, style={"color":, "border_width": 5})
curve.start_tangent_width = ui.Pixel(tangents[0][0])
curve.start_tangent_height = ui.Pixel(tangents[0][1])
curve.end_tangent_width = ui.Pixel(tangents[1][0])
curve.end_tangent_height = ui.Pixel(tangents[1][1])
# The logic of moving the control points
def left_moved(_):
x = placer1.offset_x
y = placer1.offset_y
tangent = tangents[0]
placer2.offset_x = x + tangent[0]
placer2.offset_y = y + tangent[1]
def right_moved(_):
x = placer4.offset_x
y = placer4.offset_y
tangent = tangents[1]
placer3.offset_x = x + tangent[0]
placer3.offset_y = y + tangent[1]
def left_tangent_moved(_):
x1 = placer1.offset_x
y1 = placer1.offset_y
x2 = placer2.offset_x
y2 = placer2.offset_y
tangent = (x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
tangents[0] = tangent
curve.start_tangent_width = ui.Pixel(tangent[0])
curve.start_tangent_height = ui.Pixel(tangent[1])
def right_tangent_moved(_):
x1 = placer4.offset_x
y1 = placer4.offset_y
x2 = placer3.offset_x
y2 = placer3.offset_y
tangent = (x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
tangents[1] = tangent
curve.end_tangent_width = ui.Pixel(tangent[0])
curve.end_tangent_height = ui.Pixel(tangent[1])
# Callback for moving the control points
# Curve Anchors
Curve Anchors and Line Anchors allow for decorations to be placed on a curve or line, such that when the shape is moved, the decoration will stay attached to it at the same parametric position. The anchor has 2 properties for its alignment and position (0-1), and an anchor_fn to supply a callback function which draws the decoration that will be attached to the curve.
Here is an example of an Anchor on a FreeBezierCurve. The decoration can be dragged along the curve with the left mouse button.
from functools import partial
import asyncio
params = [None, None, None, None]
def moved(x, y, b, m):
x1 = params[0].screen_position_x + params[0].computed_width / 2
x2 = params[1].screen_position_x + params[1].computed_width / 2
anchor_position = (x - x1) / (x2 - x1)
anchor_position = max(min(anchor_position, 1), 0)
params[2].anchor_position = anchor_position
params[3].text = f"{params[2].anchor_position:.1f}"
def bound(curve=None):
with ui.ZStack(content_clipping=1):
params[3] = ui.Label(f"{params[2].anchor_position:.1f}", mouse_moved_fn=moved)
with ui.ZStack():
with ui.Placer(draggable=1):
r1 = ui.Rectangle(width=10, height=10, style={"background_color":})
with ui.Placer(draggable=1, offset_x=100, offset_y=100):
r2 = ui.Rectangle(width=10, height=10, style={"background_color":})
with ui.Frame(separate_window=True):
curve = ui.FreeBezierCurve(r1, r2, anchor_position=0.25)
curve.set_anchor_fn(partial(bound, curve))
params[0] = r1
params[1] = r2
params[2] = curve | 8,205 | | # Linux Troubleshooting
Instructions for resolving issues when running Omniverse-kit or Omniverse-Create on Linux.
## Q1) How to install a driver.
- Always install `.run` executable driver files, e.g., downloaded from:
- Do **NOT** install **PPA** drivers. PPA drivers are packaged with Linux distribution, and installed with `add-apt` or `Software & Updates`. These drivers are not easy to uninstall or clean up. It requires purging them and cleaning up Vulkan ICD files manually.
- **Driver installation steps**:
- Go to TTYs mode `(CRL + ALT + F3)`, or use `systemctl` approach.
- Uninstall all previous drivers:
sudo nvidia-uninstall
- The following clean-up steps are `only` required if you have leftovers from PPA drivers:
sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt autoclean
- Reboot your machine and then go to TTYs mode from the login screen:
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
- If the kernel could not be compiled, make sure to download headers and image files related to your Linux kernel before the driver installation.
- Ignore errors related to missing 32-bit libraries, and build any missing library if it required a confirmation.
### Q1) How to install NVIDIA driver on Ubuntu 18.04
1. Stop X, install the driver with NVIDIA driver installer, and restart X.
2. On Ubuntu 18.04 to stop X, run the following command, then wait a bit, and ensure X is not running. e.g.: run
ps auxfw
and verify no X or Window manager process is running.
sudo systemctl isolate
3. To restart X, run:
sudo systemctl isolate
### Installing a driver on a system with HP Anyware already configured should work just the same. Installing HP Anyware however requires following their instructions the first time around, before installing the NVIDIA driver.
### Q2) Omniverse kit logs only listed one of my GPUs, but `nvidia-smi` shows multiple GPUs.
How to support enumeration of multiple GPUs in Vulkan:
- **xserver-xorg-core 1.20.7** or newer is required for multi-GPU systems. Otherwise, Vulkan applications cannot see multiple GPUs.
- **Ubuntu 20.04** ships with Xorg 1.20.8 by default. Ubuntu 20 is known to work, but not exhaustively tested by Omniverse QA
- **Ubuntu 16** is not supported.
- **How to update xorg**:
- Update `Ubuntu 18.04.x LTS` through software update to the latest `Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS`.
- Install `LTS Enablement Stacks` to upgrade xorg.
### Q3) How to verify a correct Vulkan setup with `vulkaninfo` or `vulkaninfoSDK` utility
- Download the latest Vulkan SDK `tar.gz` and unzip it.
- Do **NOT** install Vulkan SDK through `apt-install`, unless you know what exact version Omniverse supports and you need validation layers for debugging (refer to ``). Just simply download the zip file.
- Execute the following utility from the unzipped pack.
- It should enumerate all the GPUs. If it failed, your driver or the required xorg is not installed properly. Do **NOT** install `vulkan-utils` or other `MESA` tools to fix your driver, as they might install old incompatible validation layers.
- `nvidia-smi` GPU table is unrelated to the list of GPUs that Vulkan driver reports.
### Q4) I have a single GPU, but I see multiple GPUs of the same type reported in Omniverse kit logs.
- You likely have leftover components from other PPA drivers in addition to the one you installed from the .run driver packages.
- You can confirm this by checking that `vulkaninfo` only shows a single GPU. These extra ICD files should be cleaned up.
- These extra files will not affect the output of `nvidia-smi`, as it is a Vulkan driver issue.
# Steps to clean up duplicate ICD files
- If you see both of the following folders have some json files, such as `nvidia_icd.json`, then delete the duplicate `icd.d` folder from `/usr/share/vulkan/` path.
"/etc/vulkan/icd.d": Location of ICDs installed from non-Linux-distribution-provided packages
"/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d": Location of ICDs installed from Linux-distribution-provided packages
- Run `vulkaninfo` to verify the fix, instead of `nvidia-smi`.
# Q5) Startup failure with:
A startup device lost is typically a system setup bug. Potential bugs:
1. A bad driver installation.
- Uninstall and re-install it.
2. Driver bugs prior to the 460.67 driver when you have different GPU models. e.g. `Turing + Ampere` GPUs.
- **Solution**: Install driver `460.67` or higher, which has the bug fix.
- **Workaround** on older drivers: Remove non-RTX cards, and re-install the driver after removing any GPU.
- This issue has been known to crash other raytracing applications. However, regular raster vulkan applications won’t be affected.
- If you have multiple GPUs, `--/renderer/activeGpu=1` setting **cannot** change this behavior.
3. Old Shader caches are left in the folder
- Delete the contents of folder `/home/USERNAME/.cache/ov/Kit/101.0/rendering`
- It is known with omniverse-kit SDK packages that are not built from the source, or not using the omniverse installer to remove the caches.
# Q6) Startup failure with:
GLFW initialization failed
This is a driver or display issue:
- A physical display must be connected to your GPU, unless you are running kit/Create headless with `--no-window` for streaming. No visual rendering can happen on the X11 window without a display and presentable swapchain.
- Test the display setup with the following command.
If nothing is returned, set the environment.
- Set the display environment as following persistently
export DISPLAY=:0.0
Reboot upon completion.
- `echo $DISPLAY` to verify again after the reboot.
- Re-install the driver if above steps did not help.
# Q7) Startup failure with:
Failed to find a graphics and/or presenting queue.
- Your GPU is **not** connected to a physical display. Required, except when running Kit/Create headless in `--no-windows` mode
- Your GPU is connected to a physical display, however, it is not set as the default GPU in xorg for Ubuntu’s GUI rendering:
- Choose what GPU to use for both Ubuntu UI and Omniverse rendering to present the output to the screen.
- Set its busid as follows and reboot:
<code class="docutils literal notranslate">
<span class="pre">
# Q7) How to set busid for NVIDIA GPUs
- **Step 1:** Run the following command to set the bus ID:
- **Note:** The `busid` is in decimal format, taken from NVIDIA X Server Settings.
- **Step 2:** Connect the physical display to that GPU and boot up.
- **Important:** If you have multiple GPUs, the `--/renderer/activeGpu=1` setting cannot change what GPU to run on. `busid` must be set in the xorg config, and then `activeGpu` should be set to the same device if it is not zero.
- **NVIDIA Colossus:** This involves a lot more work. Refer to Issac setup.
# Q8) Startup failure for carb::glinterop with X Error of failed request: GLXBadFBConfig
- **Issue:** OpenGL Interop support is optional for RTX renderer in the latest build, and is only needed for Storm renderer. However, such failures typically reveal other system setup issues that might also affect Vulkan applications.
- **Potential issues:**
- Unsupported driver or hardware. Currently, OpenGL 4.6 is the minimum required.
- Uninstall OpenGL utilities such as Mesa-utils and re-install your NVIDIA driver.
# Q9) How to specify what GPUs to run Omniverse apps on
- **Single-GPU mode:** Follow Q8 instructions to set the desired main GPU for presentation, and then set index of that GPU with the following option during launch if it is not zero.
- **Multi-GPU mode:** Follow Q8 instructions and then set indices of the desired GPUs with the following option during launch. The first device in the list performs the presentation and should be set in Xorg config.
- **Note:**
- Always verify that your desired GPUs are set as Active with a “Yes” in the GPU table of omniverse .log file under []. GPU index in above options are from this table and not from nvidia-smi.
- `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` and other CUDA commands cannot change what GPUs to run on for Vulkan applications.
# Q10) Viewport is gray and nothing is rendered
This means that RTX renderer has failed and the reason of the failure will be printed in the full `.log` file as errors, such as an unsupported driver, hardware or etc. The log file is typically located at `/home/USERNAME/**/logs/**/*.log`
# Q11) Getting many failures similar to: Failed to create change watch for xxx: errno=28, No space left on device
This is a file change watcher limitation on Linux which is usually set to 8k. Either close other applications that use watchers, or increase `max_user_watches` to 512k. Note that this will increase your system RAM usage.
## To view the current watcher limit:
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
## To update the watcher limit:
# This section needs to be completed in the original HTML
## Q11) How to increase the inotify watchers limit on Linux
> - **Edit** ` /etc/sysctl.conf` and add `fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288` line.
> - **Load the new value:** `sudo sysctl -p`
You may follow the full instructions listed for **Visual Studio Code Watcher limit**
## Q12) How to increase the file descriptor limit on Linux to render on more than 2 GPUs
If you are rendering with multiple GPUs, file descriptor limit is required to be increased. The default limit is `1024`, but we recommend a higher value, like `65535`, for systems with more than 2 GPUs. Without that, Omniverse applications will fail during the creation of shared resources, such as Vulkan fences, and will lead to crash at startup.
### To increase the file descriptor limit
> - **Modify** ` /etc/systemd/user.conf` and ` /etc/systemd/system.conf` with the following line. This takes care of graphical login: `DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535`
> - **Modify** ` /etc/security/limits.conf` with the following lines. This takes care of non-GUI console login:
> - `hard nofile 65535`
> - `soft nofile 65535`
> - **Reboot your computer for changes to take effect.** | 10,519 | | # Command Cheat-Sheet
## Windows
### build
Creates a release build in `.\kit-app-template\_build` directory.
Execute command in root directory of kit-app-template.
# Release build
# Help
build -h
### repo package
Creates a package in `.\kit-app-template\_build\packages` directory.
Execute command in root directory of kit-app-template.
# Fat Package
repo package
# Thin Package
repo package --thin
# Fat Launcher Package
repo package --launcher
# Thin Launcher Package
repo package --launcher --thin
# Help
repo package -h
Reference: [Fat Package](packaging_app.html#fat-package)
Reference: [Thin Package](packaging_app.html#thin-package)
### repo template new
Creates an Extension in `.\kit-app-template\source\extensions` directory.
Execute command in root directory of kit-app-template.
Once command is executed additional options are presented.
# Create a new item from a template
repo template new
# Help
repo template -h
### Omniverse Launcher Installation
Installs a package via Omniverse Launcher.
Execute command anywhere.
# Install Launcher Package
start omniverse-launcher://install?path=[absolute path to package]
## Linux
### build
Creates a release build in `./kit-app-template/_build` directory.
Execute command in root directory of kit-app-template.
# Release build
# Help
build -h
## Release build
## Help
./ -h
## repo package
Creates a package in `./kit-app-template/_build/packages` directory.
Execute command in root directory of kit-app-template.
## Fat Package
./ package
## Thin Package
./ package --thin
## Fat Launcher Package
./ package --launcher
## Thin Launcher Package
./ package --launcher --thin
## Help
./ package -h
### Note
Reference: Fat Package
Reference: Thin Package
## repo template new
Creates an Extension in `./kit-app-template/source/extensions` directory.
Execute command in root directory of kit-app-template.
Once command is executed additional options are presented.
## Create a new item from a template
./ template new
## Help
./ template -h
## Omniverse Launcher Installation
Installs a package via Omniverse Launcher.
Execute command anywhere.
## May need to run these first
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xdg-utils
## Install Launcher Package
xdg-open omniverse-launcher://install?path=[absolute path to package] | 2,454 | | # Live Layer Data
OmniUsdLiveData implements SdfAbstractData which is how USD reads/writes layer data.
The object data contains 2 copies of the tree:
- Current Tree: This is the tree as the local USD library sees it.
- Base Tree: This is the tree as-of the latest update from the server.
## Authoring a structural change
When USD calls either CreateSpec, MoveSpec, or EraseSpec we consider this to be a structural modification.
1. First we apply the modification as directed to the “current tree”
2. Next we append structural command to the currently pending “delta buffer”
3. The delta buffer is sent during the next SendDeltas (which is called when the application calls one of the Processing Live Updates functions).
4. Once the server acknowledges the update, we apply the same delta to the “base tree”
## Authoring a field change
When USD calls one of the functions to set a field or a timesample, that is not considered a structural modification.
1. First we store the modified field in a map of modified fields.
2. Next we store the modified field value in the “current tree”.
3. We set the “save count” on the field to indicate when we have modified this field. This save count is conceptually similar to the sequence number. All fields modified during the same “frame” will have the same “save count”, which is incremented every time we send a delta. We will not apply remote updates to fields which have a “save count” higher than our “most recently acknowledged update”.
4. During the next SendDeltas we collect all the modified fields and add them to the pending “delta buffer”
5. Once the server acknowledges our change, we set our “most recently acknowledged update” value to this update, so the fields may be updated by remote clients again.
Field values are only stored in memory once. The map of modified fields, as well as “current tree” all just point to the same underlying data.
We don’t build the delta buffer while setting fields because a field may be changed mulitple times prior to calling SendDeltas and we only want to store the most recent value in the delta buffer.
## Authoring child list changes
When USD modifies one of the special “children list” fields, the process is different from other field updates.
1. We set a flag on the spec indicating that it has a changed children list.
2. We set a flag on the entire object indicating that there is a changed children list.
3. During the next SendDeltas we iterate through all the specs with changed children lists and create “ReorderChildren” commands for them.
We don’t generate the reorder structural commands at the time the field is set because a children list may be modified many times per frame. We only want to generate a single “ReorderChildren” command, regardless of how many times it was modified. For example, adding 4 children in one frame will modify the field 4 times.
## Receiving updates
1. Apply the update to the “base tree”
2. Save the “current tree” as “old tree”
1. Reset the “current tree” to “base tree”
2. Re-apply any unacknowledged structural changes to “current tree”
3. Diff the “current tree” against the “old tree” to generate notices.
4. Apply reorder commands to child list fields and generate notices.
5. Apply field & timesample updates and generate notices. Remember, we ignore field & timesample changes if we have an unacknowledged change to the same field.
Steps 1-6 are skipped if the update doesn’t contain any structural changes.
We can receive updates out of order, so we store received updates in a queue and only process them in sequence. There should be no gaps, so if our current sequence number is 12, we will not process anything until we receive sequence number 13.
Receiving updates prior to “OkLatest” also skips a lot of steps, because we know that there cannot be any local changes, and we also don’t generate notices because USD doesn’t consider the layer to have been loaded yet.
## Flood Control
If there are more than 16 unacknowledged updates, we will stop sending any more updates until we have less than 8 unacknowledged updates. This is to prevent flooding the server with updates faster than it can process them. | 4,180 | | # Live Layer Details
Omniverse Live Layers allow multiple people on multiple different machines to edit the same USD layer at the same time, and be able to see each others edits in real time.
The goals of live layers, in order of importance, are:
1. **Support the full USD feature set**. Anything that can be done in USD is supported with live layers.
2. **Multiple simultaneous editors**. This includes being able to edit the same prims, and even the same attributes, at the exact same time.
3. **High performance**. The power of live layers comes from their interactive speeds. However, performance must not come at the cost of correctness.
A USD layer is essentially a hierarchy of key/value pairs. If you were to represent it in JSON, a simple layer with a cube in it might look like this:
"SdfSpecType": "PseudoRoot",
"upAxis": "Z",
"defaultPrim": "cube",
"primChildren": [
"SdfSpecType": "Prim",
"name": "cube",
"typeName": "Cube",
"properties": [
"SdfSpecType": "Attribute",
"name": "extent",
"default": [(-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)]
"SdfSpecType": "Attribute",
"name": "size",
"default": 100
"SdfSpecType": "Attribute",
"name": "primvars:displayColor",
"default": [(1, 0, 0)]
Given the above layer definition, one can easily imagine a system where you send commands between clients such as, “set /cube.size = 75” and that definitely works in simple cases. Indeed, that is exactly what the original prototype for live layers did.
Now let’s consider the various edge cases and how we solved them.
### Simultaneous Updating of Fields
Consider the following, where Alice and Bob both update the color of the cube at the same time:
This will work, in the sense that all participants have the same state at the end, but it results in an undesirable flicker for Bob. First his cube turns blue, then red, then back to blue.
We handle this case by ignoring field updates caused by other users until the server has acknowledged our own field update. This is done per-field, so we do still apply updates to fields made by other users as long as we have not also updated that same field.
### Receiving Updates Out of Order
It’s possible to receive updates from the server out of order. To prevent the chaos that would ensue, the server includes a sequence number with each update (both remote updates and acknowledgements of your own updates). If a client has update N, then receives update N+2, it will hold that update in a queue until it receives update N+1 (at which point it will process both updates). This is handled by OmniUsdLiveData.
### Handling Deleted Nodes
Sometimes a user may be editing a node that another user has simultaneously deleted. In this case, all participants ignore the edit to the deleted node. Note the server still sends an acknowledgement and forwards the edit to the other clients because there can be many different edits in the same message, and they are probably not all going to be ignored.
### Handling Renamed Nodes
If a user edits a node that another user has renamed, we could handle that the same way we handle deleting nodes (by ignoring it), however that’s not a great user experience. More importantly, it can cause divergent state: one user does an edit then a rename, the other user does a rename then ignores the edit. Handling that divergent state is not impossible, but it’s much easier to just handle renames by referring to nodes by a unique ID number rather than by name. We store node parents by ID number as well, so we can also handle moving nodes the same way.
#### Initial State
| Node ID | Parent Node | Name |
| 1 | 0 | / |
| 843 | 1 | cube1 |
| 257 | 843 | color |
| 726 | 843 | size |
Remember from the example above that attributes are themselves nodes, and the attribute value is named “default” because the attribute may have timesamples. See the documentation on
## UsdAttribute::Get() for more information about this.
## Creating Nodes
### Creating Nodes
In this example, Bob creates a node as a child of cube, and immediately sets a value. At the same time Alice has deleted the cube.
| Node ID | Parent Node | Name |
| 1 | 0 | / |
| 843 | 1 | cube |
In this case, we see that Bob needs to refer to the node by ID (to set the color) even before the server has acknowledged that he has created it. It’s obvious then that the server cannot assign node IDs.
We considered many different solutions to this problem, including referring to nodes with temporary IDs until the server assigns a permanent one, but ultimately we decided to go a much simpler route of selecting a random 64 bit number. The chance of collision may appear to be N/4 billion (where N is the number of nodes in the layer), however since the client knows which IDs are already in-use, if the selected random number is in-use, we select a new one. This means the real risk of collision is for two different clients to create nodes with the same ID at the exact same time.
## Name Collisions
### Name Collisions
The problem with referring to nodes by number rather than by name is it opens up the possibility that two clients can create different nodes with the same name.
Reconciling this case is easy on the server (just ignore the second node creation), and is also easy to handle on the client that “won” (the client whose node was created first). The client who “lost” (the one whose node creation was ignored by the server) must recognize this case when it receives the remote update for a node creation with the same name, and delete his own node prior to creating the new node.
## Children Order
### Children Order
In USD, the order of children nodes matters. USD stores them as a list of names in special fields. For example:
primChildren = ["cube", "sphere", "cone"]
properties = ["size", "color"]
If we just sent that list over like we do with all other attributes, we could easily get into a situation where two clients add child prims at the same time and set the `primChildren` field to include their own new child prim. Since the server does not merge attributes (it only keeps the most recently set one), the list would be missing a child. Additionally, renaming would also cause problems with this approach.
To solve this, we added an explicit “reorder” command to change the order of child nodes. When USD sets one of the special children fields, we convert that to a `reorder` command which references the child nodes by ID. The server (and other clients) reorder the child nodes which are listed, and leave any child nodes which are unlisted in the same place they originally were. Child nodes listed in the reorder command which don’t exist are assumed to have been deleted and ignored. | 7,248 | | # OmniUsdLiveFileFormat (Multi-threaded) Overview
## OmniUsdLiveFileFormat
OmniUsdLiveFileFormat is a SdfFileFormat plugin that represents “live” SdfLayer`s. The `OmniUsdLiveFileFormat implements the required SdfFileFormat API to properly translate “live” data into Sdf data structures.
As such, the vast majority of the code actually lives in OmniUsdLiveData.
> The OmniUsdLiveFileFormat plugin is being transitioned to a new multi-threaded implementation. Within the code-base this new multi-threaded implementation is being referred to as “live v2” whereas this original OmniUsdLiveFileFormat is considered “live v1”. “v1” and “v2” do not refer to a new version of the “live” protocol on Nucleus but an iteration on the actual OmniUsdLiveFileFormat plugin. | 762 | | # Live Layer Wire Format
Omniverse live layers encode their data in a format we refer to as a “wire format” rather than “file format” because the layers are not actually stored as files on disk on either the server (they’re stored in a database) or the clients (they’re stored in memory).
You could of course write the data to disk (and we do for unit tests), but live layers are not intended to be stored as regular files.
## Header
The first 4 bytes are a “FourCC” of either “OMPF” or “OODF”:
- OMPF is the “Omniverse Multi-Part Format”
- OODF is the “Omniverse Object Delta Format”
## Omniverse Object Delta Format
The Omniverse Object Delta Format is encoded as a flatbuffer with the schema defined here and a compiled version in packman at omniverse.nucleus-objects.schema.linux-x86_64 (note: depsite having “linux-x86_64” in the name, that package works on all platforms because it is code only).
The schema looks like this:
### OmniObjectDelta
This is the “root” of the flatbuffer, which contains:
- isDiff: True indicates that this is a “diff” rather than a “delta”. A “diff” only contains the “Diff” structural commands, which allows for some optimizations. This is used when you initially request an object from the server.
- baseVersion: Only valid if “isDiff” is true. This is the version (sequence number) that the diff was based on. This is 0 if the diff was generated “from scratch” and there is no base version. This can also be sent mid-session to indicate that a user cleared the entire layer (by calling `layer->Clear()`).
- structCommands: An array of commands that modify the structure of the tree itself. These must be applied in order.
- setFields: An array of fields to set after applying structural commands.
- timeSamples: An array of timesamples to set after applying structural commands.
- sourceFormat: No longer used. We previously used this if you created a live layer by calling “Export” from a non-live layer. This field stored the original format of the non-live layer, but we determined that it was not actually important. It’s left here for backwards compatibility.
### Structural Commands
Nodes in the flatbuffer schema are are named sections for historical reasons that nobody can remember. This document (and the code itself) uses “node” and “section” interchangeably.
#### CreateSection
This creates a new “section” which is a node in the live layer tree. This is a no-op if the parent does not exist. If there already exists a node with the same parentId and the same sectionName, this is ignored (and the node will not be created).
- parentId: The ID of the parent node. This is 0 when creating the root node (which is always sectionId 1).
- sectionId: The ID of this node. This is randomly generated (as described in [Creating Nodes](live-layers-details.html#creating-nodes)). It must not be 0, or previously used. It must be 1 for the root node.
- sectionName: The relative name of this section.
- sectionType: This maps directly to SdfSpecType
## DeleteSection
Deletes a node from the tree. This is a no-op if the node has already been deleted.
- parentId: The ID of the parent node. This is no longer used, but left in for backwards compatibility.
- sectionId: The ID of the node to delete.
## MoveSection
Moves or renames a node in the tree. This is a no-op if the node has been deleted. This node is deleted if the new parent node has been deleted. This node is also deleted if there already exists a node with the same newParentId and newName.
- oldParentId: The ID of the old parent node.
- newParentId: The ID of the new parent node (could be the same as the oldParentId).
- sectionId: The ID of the node which is getting moved/renamed.
- newName: The new name of the node (could be the same as the existing node name).
The reason we send both the old parent id and the new parent id is to determine if this was intended to be a move or a rename. For example if you just want to rename the node, you set `newParentId = oldParentId`, then if another client simultaneously moves the node, so it has a different parent id, we still apply the rename, even though the parent id no longer matches. In retrospect, we should have created an explicit “RenameSection” command to handle this case, but it is not worth changing now because that would break backwards compatibilty.
## ReorderChildren
As described in Children Order, the order of child nodes matters in USD. Child nodes are stored in the database (and in memory, for that matter) in unordered maps, and USD uses special “children” fields to define the order of the child nodes. This command is used to change the order of the child nodes, which implicitly sets those “children” fields.
- sectionId: The parent node for which we are changing the child node order
- childrenListId: Some spec types may have up to 3 different children lists. This indicates which one we are changing. The exact index depends on sectionType (specType). The mapping is in `ChildrenHelper::GetChildrenIndex`.
- childrenList: An array of children node IDs in the desired order.
If a child node in `childrenList` no longer exists, it is ignored. If a child node exists which is not in `childrenList`, its position remains unchanged.
For example if a node has the children “ABCDEFG” and childrenList indicates “GCHDB”, the new list will be “AGCDEFB”. The “H” is ignored, because it no longer exists. The nodes ‘A’, ‘E’ and ‘F’ stay in their same place because they are not in “childrenList”. The other nodes are rearranged to match the order in “childrenList”.
## DiffChangeSection
This command is only valid if `isDiff` is true. This allows for directly setting all the values of a node (and creates it if necessary).
- parentId: ID of the parent node.
- sectionId: ID of the node we are changing.
- sectionName: New name of the node.
- sectionType: New type of the node.
- sectionOrder: Order of this node in the parent list. For example if a node has 2 children, one of the children will have `sectionOrder=0`, the next will have `sectionOrder=1`
Values are set even if unchanged. For example, `sectionName` must always be set, even if the node was not renamed.
## DiffDeleteSection
This command is only valid if `isDiff` is true. Delete a node.
- sectionId: ID of the node to delete.
## SetFields & TimeSamples
The `setFields` and `timesamples` arrays are both used to set the values of fields of nodes in the tree.
They are very similar to each other, but `SetField` uses a string as the key name, and `TimeSample` uses a double.
- sectionId: The parent node ID
- keyName: (SetField) The field name.
- time: (TimeSample) The timesample key.
- valueOrExtHash: For small values (less than 64KB) this is the value itself. For large values this is the SHA1 hash of the value.
- extValueSize: Size of the value, only for values stored outside the flatbuffer.
- extValueIndex: Index of the value in the parts array (see Omniverse Multi-Part Format).
- setOrder: This is used to instruct clients to set the fields in a particular order. This was added to ensure all clients receive notices in the same order. We store this explicitly rather than relying on the order of the `setFields` array itself because fields are stored internally in an unordered map.
## Multi-part Format
The multi-part format is used whenever there are large values. Currently “large” is defined as 65,535 bytes.
The reason the multi-part format exists is because flatbuffers uses 32 bit signed offsets, so the total size cannot be larger than 2GB. Ideally nobody would create a live layer which is larger than 2GB, but our top goal is to support anything that USD can do, and USD can create layers which are larger than 2GB.
After the 4 byte identifier, there is a 32 bit unsigned integer which stores the number of parts, followed by a table of 64 bit unsigned integers which are offsets to each part.
The first part is a flatbuffer of the same format as “OODF”. The other parts are the actual values (one part per large value).
## Value Format
Field values are VtValues encoded using a method similar to how USD crate values pack data. The code is in `OmniUsdValueHelper.cpp`.
The packing format is purely a client to client contract. The server doesn’t unpack values at all.
Each value starts with a header:
* 7 bit type
* 1 bit `isArray` flag
* 8 bit version number.
* 64 bit count (only if `isArray` is set)
* 32 bit count (only for string types)
Following the header is the packed data blob. The packing algorithm depends on the type of value, and the version number.
Currently all types are at version 0. Adding a new version should be done with caution because it is not a backwards compatible change. The safest way to roll this out is to add support for reading the new version, but always write the old version. After enough time has elapsed, and you are sure that all clients have been updated, you can switch to writing the new version. An example of adding a new version is if you want to add compression to a type.
Similarly, adding a new type is not a backwards compatible change. There is not really a safe way to roll out a new type, but USD itself has the same issue with crate files. For this reason it’s safe to assume that new types are unlikely to be added (hopefully).
The list of types is defined in `UsdTypes.h` and is currently:
// Array types.
USD_TYPE(Bool, 1, bool, 0)
USD_TYPE(UChar, 2, uint8_t, 0)
USD_TYPE(Int, 3, int, 0)
USD_TYPE(UInt, 4, unsigned int, 0)
USD_TYPE(Int64, 5, int64_t, 0)
USD_TYPE(UInt64, 6, uint64_t, 0)
USD_TYPE(Half, 7, GfHalf, 0)
USD_TYPE(Float, 8, float, 0)
USD_TYPE(Double, 9, double, 0)
USD_TYPE(String, 10, std::string, 0)
USD_TYPE(Token, 11, TfToken, 0)
USD_TYPE(AssetPath, 12, SdfAssetPath, 0)
USD_TYPE(Matrix2d, 13, GfMatrix2d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Matrix3d, 14, GfMatrix3d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Matrix4d, 15, GfMatrix4d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Quatd, 16, GfQuatd, 0)
USD_TYPE(Quatf, 17, GfQuatf, 0)
USD_TYPE(Quath, 18, GfQuath, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec2d, 19, GfVec2d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec2f, 20, GfVec2f, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec2h, 21, GfVec2h, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec2i, 22, GfVec2i, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec3d, 23, GfVec3d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec3f, 24, GfVec3f, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec3h, 25, GfVec3h, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec3i, 26, GfVec3i, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec4d, 27, GfVec4d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec4f, 28, GfVec4f, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec4h, 29, GfVec4h, 0)
USD_TYPE(Vec4i, 30, GfVec4i, 0)
// Non-array types.
USD_TYPE(Dictionary, 31, VtDictionary, 0)
USD_TYPE(TokenListOp, 32, SdfTokenListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(StringListOp, 33, SdfStringListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(PathListOp, 34, SdfPathListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(ReferenceListOp, 35, SdfReferenceListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(IntListOp, 36, SdfIntListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(Int64ListOp, 37, SdfInt64ListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(UIntListOp, 38, SdfUIntListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(UInt64ListOp, 39, SdfUInt64ListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(PathVector, 40, SdfPathVector, 0)
USD_TYPE(TokenVector, 41, std::vector<TfToken>, 0)
USD_TYPE(Specifier, 42, SdfSpecifier, 0)
USD_TYPE(Permission, 43, SdfPermission, 0)
USD_TYPE(Variability, 44, SdfVariability, 0)
USD_TYPE(VariantSelectionMap, 45, SdfVariantSelectionMap, 0)
USD_TYPE(TimeSamples, 46, SdfTimeSampleMap, 0)
USD_TYPE(Payload, 47, SdfPayload, 0)
USD_TYPE(DoubleVector, 48, std::vector<double>, 0)
USD_TYPE(LayerOffsetVector, 49, std::vector<SdfLayerOffset>, 0)
USD_TYPE(StringVector, 50, std::vector<std::string>, 0)
USD_TYPE(ValueBlock, 51, SdfValueBlock, 0)
USD_TYPE(Value, 52, VtValue, 0)
USD_TYPE(UnregisteredValue, 53, SdfUnregisteredValue, 0)
USD_TYPE(UnregisteredValueListOp, 54, SdfUnregisteredValueListOp, 0)
USD_TYPE(Path, 55, SdfPath, 0)
USD_TYPE(SpecType, 56, SdfSpecType, 0)
// Crate version 0.8.0
USD_TYPE(PayloadListOp, 57, SdfPayloadListOp, 0)
// Crate version 0.9.0
USD_TYPE(TimeCode, 58, SdfTimeCode, 0)
// USD Resolver 2.0
USD_TYPE(Range1d, 59, GfRange1d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Range2d, 60, GfRange2d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Range3d, 61, GfRange3d, 0)
USD_TYPE(Range1f, 62, GfRange1f, 0)
USD_TYPE(Range2f, 63, GfRange2f, 0)
USD_TYPE(Range3f, 64, GfRange3f, 0) | 12,055 | | # OmniUsdLiveFileFormat Overview
## OmniUsdLiveFileFormat
OmniUsdLiveFileFormat is a SdfFileFormat plugin that represents “live” SdfLayer`s. The `OmniUsdLiveFileFormat implements the required SdfFileFormat API to properly translate “live” data into Sdf data structures. As such, the vast majority of the code actually lives in OmniUsdLiveData.
> The OmniUsdLiveFileFormat plugin is being transitioned to a new multi-threaded implementation. Within the code-base this new multi-threaded implementation is being referred to as “live v2” whereas this original OmniUsdLiveFileFormat is considered “live v1”. “v1” and “v2” do not refer to a new version of the “live” protocol on Nucleus but an iteration on the actual OmniUsdLiveFileFormat plugin.
See also [Live Layer Details](live-layers-details.html)
## OmniUsdLiveRegistry
This stores a list of all currently active OmniUsdLiveData objects. This is used during omniClientLiveProcess to iterate over every object to call SendDeltas. It is also used during a layer reload which happened because a remote client called layer->Clear(). We trigger a layer->Reload() in that case to generate the appropriate notices, but we need OmniUsdLiveFileFormat to re-use the same underlying OmniUsdLiveData.
## OmniUsdLiveData
OmniUsdLiveData is a concrete implementation of SdfAbstractData which is responsible for:
- Storing the actual layer data in-memory (using OmniUsdLiveTree).
- Communication with Nucleus (through [Client Library Live Functions](omni-client-live.html)).
- Building and sending deltas.
- Reading and applying delas.
- Generating notices.
See also [Live Layer Data](live-layers-data.html)
## OmniUsdLiveTree
This class stores the actual layer data, including both nodes and field values.
## OmniUsdValueHelper
This class is responsible for packing and unpacking VtValues.
See also [Value Format](live-layers-wire-format.html#value-format)
## ChildrenHelper
This class is used to help generate a reorder command from a children list, and also for building a children list from a reorder command.
See also [Children Order](live-layers-details.html#children-order) | 2,134 | | # Load VDB
Loads a VDB from file and puts it in a memory buffer.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.volume_nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Asset Path (`inputs:assetPath`) | `token` | Path to VDB file to load. | |
| Exec In (`inputs:execIn`) | `execution` | Input execution | None |
| Grid Name (`inputs:gridName`) | `token` | Optional name of the grid to extract. All grids are extracted if this is left empty. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Data (`outputs:data`) | `uint[]` | Data loaded from VDB file in NanoVDB memory format. | None |
| Exec Out (`outputs:execOut`) | `execution` | Output execution | None |
# Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.volume.LoadVDB |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.volume_nodes |
| Has State? | True |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | tests |
| tags | VDB |
| uiName | Load VDB |
| __tokens | {} |
| Categories | Omni Volume |
| Generated Class Name | LoadVDBDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.volume_nodes | | 1,383 | | # Localization
## Status of Localization
Localization currently lacks tooling to extract the localization tags mentioned
in this document and there is no plan to implement this tooling in the immediate
future. If you would like to integrate localization in a project, the guidance
in this document should be followed and the localization tooling will need to
be written; there is a prototype implementation here but the code parsing implementation needs to be rewritten using clang’s parser
API, so that it can reliably parse code.
## Localization Overview
When writing code that handles text that will be seen by an end-user, the
Carbonite localization system (l10n::IL10n) must be used.
In C++ code, this system must be used through the
`CARB_LOCALIZE()` macro.
For Python code, bindings are provided which do the equivalent of
## Usage of CARB_LOCALIZE()
It is required that the full string literal be passed into the
`CARB_LOCALIZE()`, rather than storing it in a separate variable.
This is done to allow the strings to be hashed at compile time, as well as to
make it easy to track which strings are used in UI code, so these can easily be
extracted from the code to compile a list of strings to send to a translation
void uiCode(const char *arg)
otherUiCode(CARB_LOCALIZE(arg)); // very bad
const char *const kUiString = "Operation Failed successfully";
otherUiCode(CARB_LOCALIZE(kUiString)); // bad
otherUiCode(CARB_LOCALIZE("Operation Failed successfully")); // good
The returned value from
`CARB_LOCALIZE()` should never be cached; if system
settings are changed, the returned string from
`CARB_LOCALIZE()` may change, so
caching values may lead to stale strings showing on the UI.
Do not use line continuators inside of strings. These will look strange when
they show up in the table of translation entries sent to the translator.
Overly long strings should be broken up using string concatenation
(e.g. `const char s[] = "concat" "enation";`).
Avoid using hex escapes in strings when possible, since they can be
troublesome; for example `"\x7f" "delete"` would show up in the translation
file as `"\x7f" "delete"`.
# Usage of CARB_LOCALIZE() in scripts
The script bindings offer a function named `get_localized_string()`, which has behavior that is identical to the `CARB_LOCALIZE()` macro. Because scripts are not compiled, this function will hash the entire string on every call. If repeatedly hashing strings performs too poorly, the hash can be calculated ahead of time using `get_hash_from_key_string()`; then, the localized version of the hash can be looked up with `get_localized_string_from_hash()`.
`get_localized_string_from_hash()` does take an additional string parameter, which will be returned if that localization entry is missing. It is important that this string parameter still be the key string, so that end users will still see readable US English text in the case where the localization system broke.
Avoid the usage of raw strings in python for localization strings. The file sent to the translators will not show that the strings are raw strings, so the translators may be confused.
It is required to use the `carb.l10n` namespace when calling these functions (e.g. `carb.l10n.get_localized_string("string")`), so that tooling can extract localization keystrings.
# Localization Key Strings
The strings passed into `CARB_LOCALIZE()` are referred to as key strings. The key strings are separate from the US English translation to allow the US English string to change without having to modify all occurrences of that key string in the code.
Key strings should be identical to their US English translation, if possible, because this will make the UI code easiest to read. This will also make the UI usable (although likely odd looking), if the localization system was unable to load. Additionally, using shortened versions of the US English translations as key strings could result in unintended collisions, so that should be avoided entirely.
In the case where one US English string has multiple translations in another language depending on the context, the key strings for each translation should have a suffix added that disambiguates it.
# Formatted Localized Strings
UI strings that need formatted information in them should use the C++20 `std::format` style string formatting. This functionality is available in the ‘fmt’ package, which is available through packman. This is the best formatting style in this case because it does not have security issues if incorrect format strings are used.
If multiple formatted arguments are given in a format string, the format string should always use positional arguments. This should make the process of changing the format order more obvious to translators. For example `"you were going {} km/h in a {} km/h zone"` should instead be written as `"you were going {0} km/h in a {1} km/h zone"`.
# Management of Localized Strings
New localized strings in code must be wrapped in a `CARB_LOCALIZE()` macro. The localization tool ( will run through the codebase and extract all of the localized strings into the localization data file (localization.csv). It is the responsibility of the developers to ensure that all strings shown on the UI are wrapped with these macros or script bindings.
*the localization tool is a planned feature* | 5,416 | | # Omniverse Logging
Fast, feature rich, and easy to extend
## Overview
Omniverse’s logging system is designed around the concept of a “channel”. A channel is a stream of related messages. For example, the audio subsystem may contain channels named `audio.mp3.decode`, `audio.mp3.encode`, and `audio.spatial`. There can be any number of channels within the process and channels can span multiple shared objects (e.g. .dll/.so).
Each message logged is associated with a single channel. Additionally, each message has an associated *level* (i.e. severity). The available levels are as follows:
- **Fatal**: Unrecoverable error. An error has occurred and the program cannot continue.
- **Error**: Error message. An error has occurred but the program can continue.
- **Warn**: Warning message. Something could be wrong but not necessarily an error.
- **Info**: Informational message. Informational messages are usually triggered on state changes and typically not seen every frame.
- **Verbose**: Detailed diagnostics message. A channel may produce many verbose messages per-frame.
The levels above are sorted by severity. *Fatal* messages are considered the most severe message while *Verbose* messages have the least severity.
To give a concrete example of channels and logging levels at work, a Python programmer would log an informational message as follows:
```python"loading {filename}", channel="audio.vorbis.decode")
Logging is a helpful debugging tool for not only users but also developers. However, logging every message in the system would not only slow down the application but also provide a mountain of mostly useless data. Because of this, the logging system supports per-channel filtering of messages. Each channel has the following properties to support this filtering:
- **Level Threshold**: Minimum level at which messages should be logged. For example, if a channel’s level is *Warn*, messages with lower severity (e.g. *Info* and *Verbose*) will be ignored (i.e. not logged).
- **Enabled**: If disabled, the channel will ignore all messages sent to it.
By storing these properties per-channel, the user is able to control which channels are able to write messages to the log. For example, the user can enable all messages for the `audio.mp3` channels and only fatal messages for the `audio.spatial` channel as follows:
example_app.exe --/log/channels/audio.mp3.*=verbose --/log/channels/audio.spatial=fatal
In addition to the per-channel settings, the logging system itself has an *enabled* flag and a *level* threshold. By default, channels will respect the global *enabled* flag and global *level* threshold. However, per-channel, the user
is able to
**override** (i.e. ignore) the global settings. In the command-line example above, when we set the level thresholds, we implicitly told each channel to: be enabled, log only messages at the given severity or above, and **override** (i.e. ignore) the global **enabled** flag and **level** threshold.
::: tip
The global log’s default **enabled** flag is true and its default **level** threshold is **Warn**. Channels, by default, are set to **inherit** (i.e. respect) the global log’s flags.
This means, that by default, an Omniverse application will log all channels’ messages that are of **Warn**, **Error**, or **Fatal** severity.
Above, we covered the basic concepts of the logging system. In the following sections we’ll cover:
- How users can configure logging via the command-line and config files.
- How programmers can write log messages, configure settings, add channels, etc.
- How programmers can be notified of logging events such as a new message, new channels, etc.
## Logging for Users
Logging can be configured by the user via the command-line and/or configuration files.
### Command-Line
Log settings are specified on the command-line with the `<code>--/log/
example_app.exe --/log/enabled=false
Multiple log settings can be supplied on the command-line. For example, to enable all messages (i.e. enable **Verbose**) across all channels, but disable all audio channels:
example_app.exe --/log/enabled=true --/log/level=verbose --/log/channels/audio.*=disable
Supported command-line flags can be found in [Settings Reference](#logging-settings-reference).
### Config Files
Omniverse supports two configuration file formats, JSON and TOML. If an application’s name is **example_app.exe**, the application will attempt to read its configuration from **example_app.config.json** or **example_app.config.toml**.
An example JSON config file is as follows:
"log": {
"enabled": true,
"channels": {
"test.unit.logtest": "verbose",
"omni.core.*": "error"
The equivalent in TOML:
enabled = true
"test.unit.logtest" = "verbose"
"omni.core.*" = "error"
While each file type has a different format, their settings follow the same structure. Available log settings can be found in [Settings Reference](#logging-settings-reference).
### Settings Reference
The following settings are supported by the logging system:
- **/log/level**: The global logging level. Can be one of **verbose**, **info**, **warn**, **error**, or **fatal**. Defaults to **warn**. Example: `/log/level=verbose`
- **/log/enabled**: The global log enabled flag level. Can be **true** or **false**. Defaults to **true**.
Sets the level of all channels matching the given wildcard. The wildcard support * and ?. Values for can be one of verbose, info, warn, error, fatal, or disable. The setting supplied will override the global log settings.
More than one filter can be specified. Multiple filters are resolved in order, provided that they are set in the carb::settings::ISettings system in that order (this may be dependent on the type of serializer used).
The log system subscribes to these carb::settings::ISettings keys and changes the log levels immediately when they are changed in the carb::settings::ISettings system.
If true, logging a message does not block the thread calling the logging function. This can increase application performance at the cost of log message appearing slightly out-of-order in the log. Defaults to false.
Filename to which to log. Defaults to the empty string (does not log to file).
Severity at which a message should be immediately flushed to disk. Accepted values are verbose, info, warn, error, or fatal. The default value is verbose.
Can have a performance penalty.
If true, immediately flush each message to stdout. Enabling has a performance penalty. Default to false.
/log/enableStandardStreamOutput must be enabled.
Log each message to stdout. Defaults to true.
See also:
Log each message to the attached (if any) debugger’s output console. Defaults to true.
See also:
Taste the rainbow, in text form on the console. Messages will be colored based on severity (e.g. error message are red). Defaults to true.
### /log/processGroupId
Sets the process group ID for the logger. If a non-zero identifier is given, inter-process locking will be enabled on both the log file and the stdout/stderr streams. This will prevent simultaneous messages from multiple processes in the logs from becoming interleaved within each other. If a zero identifier is given, inter-process locking will be disabled. Defaults to 0.
/log/processGroupId = 12009
### /log/includeChannel
Writes the channel name as a part of the message. Defaults to `true`.
/log/includeChannel = false
### /log/includeSource
**Deprecated**: Alias for `/log/includeChannel`.
/log/includeSource = false
### /log/includeFilename
Writes the name of the file that logged the message. Defaults to `false`.
/log/includeFilename = true
### /log/includeLineNumber
Writes the line number within the file that logged the message. Defaults to `false`.
/log/includeLineNumber = true
### /log/includeFunctionName
Writes the name of the function that logged the message. Defaults to `false`.
/log/includeLineNumber = true
### /log/includeTimeStamp
Writes the time at which the message was logged. Defaults to `false`.
/log/includeTimeStamp = true
Can be enabled in addition to `/log/setElapsedTimeUnits`.
### /log/includeThreadId
Writes the id of the thread that logged the message. Defaults to `false`.
/log/includeThreadId = true
### /log/setElapsedTimeUnits
Writes the elapsed time since the first message was logged. The time printed will use the system’s high-resolution clock. Defaults to `none`.
Valid values are as follows:
- "" or "none": The time index printing is disabled (default state).
- "ms", "milli", or "milliseconds": Print the time index in milliseconds.
- "us", "µs", "micro", or "microseconds": Print the time index in microseconds.
- "ns", "nano", or "nanoseconds": Print the time index in nanoseconds.
/log/setElapsedTimeUnits = ms
Can be enabled in addition to `/log/includeTimeStamp`.
### /log/includeProcessId
Writes the id of the process that logged the message. Defaults to `false`.
/log/includeProcessId = true
### /log/outputStream
Stream to which to log messages. Options are `stdout` and `stderr`. Defaults to `stdout`.
/log/outputStream = stderr
### /log/outputStreamLevel
Severity level at which to log to the output stream. Accepted values are
**Severity level at which to log to the standard output stream.** Accepted values are **verbose**, **info**, **warn**, **error**, or **fatal**. The default value is **verbose**.
- `/log/enableStandardStreamOutput` must be enabled.
- Example: `/log/outputStreamLevel = info`
**Severity level at which to log to the debugger’s output console.** Accepted values are **verbose**, **info**, **warn**, **error**, or **fatal**. The default value is **verbose**.
- `/log/enableDebugConsoleOutput` must be enabled.
- Example: `/log/outputStreamLevel = info`
**Severity level at which to log to file.** Accepted values are **verbose**, **info**, **warn**, **error**, or **fatal**. The default value is **verbose**.
- `/log/file` must be set.
- Example: `/log/fileLogLevel = info`
**Enable most options: channel names, line number, function name, time stamp, thread id, and elapsed time.** Default to **false**.
- Example: `/log/detail = true`
**Enable all of the flags enabled by `/log/detail` along with the filename and process id.**
- Example: `/log/fullDetail = true`
**Indicates whether opening the file should append to it.** If false, file is overwritten. Default is **false**.
- Example: `/log/fileAppend = true`
## Basic Logging for Programmers
The Omniverse logging system is designed to filter messages generated by native code at low cost. In fact, the runtime cost of ignoring a message is a single comparison of an `int32_t`. The cheap cost of filtering messages allows developers to litter their codebase with log messages. Additionally, thoughtful use of logging channels allows both users and developers to quickly get to the information they desire.
A message can be logged with one of the following macros:
#include <omni/log/ILog.h>
void logAtEachLevel()
OMNI_LOG_VERBOSE("This is verbose");
OMNI_LOG_INFO("Þetta eru upplýsingar");
OMNI_LOG_WARN("Սա նախազգուշացում է");
OMNI_LOG_FATAL("This is %s", "fatal");
By default, log messages are sent to a “default” channel. The name of this default channel can be specified per shared object or per translation unit. See [Default Channel](#carb-logging-default-channel) for further details.
> **Note**
> Older Omniverse code uses logging macros like `CARB_LOG_ERROR(...)`. When linking to newer versions of the logging system, these macros log to the default logging channel.
While logging to the default channel is easy, the developer will quickly want to log to custom channels. To do this, the developer must first create the channel:
OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL(kMp3EncodeChannel, "audio.vorbis.encode", "Vorbis audio encoding.")
OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL(kMp3DecodeChannel, "audio.vorbis.decode", "Vorbis audio decoding.")
OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL(kSpatialChannel, "audio.spatial", "Spatial (3D) audio.")
The `OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL` macro not only defines necessary storage for the channels book-keeping, it also registers the channel with the logging system. Because of this storage allocation and registration, it is important this macro be called only once per-channel (else you’ll get compiler errors).
There’s subtlety to the statement above. `OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL` should only be called once per-channel, but that’s once per shared object. For example, if you have a DLL named `audio-mp3.dll` and another named `audio-flac.dll`, both of which contain a channel named `audio.settings`, each DLL will contain a call to `OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL` for the channel.
`OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL` should be called within a `.cpp` file and at global namespace scope.
To log to a channel, the developer simply passes its identifier as the first argument to the logging macros covered above:
OMNI_LOG_ERROR(kMp3DecodeChannel, "failed to load '%s'", filename);
// ...
OMNI_LOG_VERBOSE(kSpatialChannel, "sound source is %f meters from listener", distance);
If the developer wishes to use the channel identifier in a `.cpp` outside of the file in which `OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL` was called, the following macro can be used to “forward-declare” the channel identifier:
`OMNI_LOG_DECLARE_CHANNEL` can be called multiple times within a shared object and even multiple times within a translation unit.
In the following sections, we cover additional considerations for plugin authors, application authors, and Python developers.
### Plugin Authors
When creating an Omniverse plugin, it is necessary to call:
OMNI_MODULE_GLOBALS("example.log.plugin", "Example plugin showing how to use logging.")
This macro not only sets storage needed by the plugin, it also allocates and registers a default logging channel. The name of this channel is the name of the first argument to the macro.
For Carbonite plugins, the following necessary macro performs similar actions:
const struct carb::PluginImplDesc kPluginImpl = { "carb.windowing-glfw.plugin", "Windowing (glfw).", "NVIDIA", carb::PluginHotReload::eDisabled, "dev" };
CARB_PLUGIN_IMPL_EX(kPluginImpl, carb::windowing::IWindowing, carb::windowing::IGLContext)
In short, by default, plugin authors have access to a default logging channel. The name of default channel will be the same name passed to `carb::PluginImplDesc` (e.g. `carb.windowing-glfw.plugin`).
As described above, additional channels can be added with `OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL`.
# Application Authors
When creating an Omniverse application, it is necessary to call:
OMNI_APP_GLOBALS("", "Native (C++) example app using example.windowing.");
This macro not only sets storage needed by the application, it also allocates and registers a default logging channel. The name of this channel is the name of the first argument to the macro.
For Carbonite applications, the following necessary macros performs similar actions:
In short, by default, application authors have access to a default logging channel for use with their executable.
As described above, additional channels can be added with `OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL`.
Both `CARB_LOG_*` and `OMNI_LOG_*` macros can be called with an application. However, if you wish to log to a non-default channel, one of the `OMNI_LOG_*` macros must be used.
It is recommended that Carbonite applications should transition to using `OMNI_APP_GLOBALS` or `CARB_GLOBALS_EX` rather than `CARB_GLOBALS` since the others allow application authors to set a description for their default channel.
CARB_GLOBALS_EX("test.cleanshutdown", "Tests that a Carbonite app ends cleanly even without shutdown of the framework.");
# Python Programmers
Logging is available to Python modules via the `omni.log` module:
import omni.log
omni.log.verbose("This is verbose")"Þetta eru upplýsingar")
omni.log.warn("Սա նախազգուշացում է")
status = "bad"
omni.log.fatal(f"This is {status}")
By default, the module’s name is used as the channel name. However, the channel can be specified via the `channel=` argument:
```python"loading {filename}", channel="audio.vorbis.decode")
The global log can be accessed via `omni.log.get_log()`. For example:
log = omni.log.get_log()
# disable logging except for the "audio.vorbis.decode" channel
log.enabled = False
log.set_channel_enabled("audio.vorbis.decode", True, omni.log.SettingBehavior.OVERRIDE)
log.set_channel_level("audio.vorbis.decode", omni.log.Level.VERBOSE, omni.log.SettingBehavior.OVERRIDE)
# add a callback that can see non-ignored message
def on_log(channel, level, module, filename, func, line_no, msg, pid, tid, timestamp):
print(f"received a message on {channel} from {module} at {filename}:{line_no}: {msg}")
consumer = log.add_message_consumer(on_log)
omni.log.error("this message is ignored because the default channel is disabled")
omni.log.fatal("this message is ignored because the channel is disabled", channel="audio.spatial")
omni.log.verbose("this message will be seen", channel="audio.vorbis.decode")
### Warning
Logging in Python is significantly slower than logging in native code. 🤷
## Advanced Logging for Programmers
### Default Channel
When using `CARB_LOG_*`, `g_carbClientName` is used as the name of the channel to which to log.
When using `OMNI_LOG_*`, if no channel identifier is specified, the message is logged to the “default” channel. By default, the identifier for the default channel is `kDefaultChannel`. However, this can be overridden by defining the `OMNI_LOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL` preprocessor symbol. One way to do this is via the compiler’s command-line:
g++ -DOMNI_LOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL=kAnotherChannel MyPlugin.cpp -o MyPlugin.o
Another way is to simply define the macro before including `omni/log/ILog.h`:
#define OMNI_LOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL kAnotherChannel
#include <omni/log/ILog.h>
OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL(kAnotherChannel, "example.log.another", "Another logging channel.")
void writeToAnotherChannel()
// kAnotherChannel (i.e. example.log.another) is the default channel
OMNI_LOG_INFO("writing message to 'example.log.another'");
The default channel can be redefined multiple times in a translation unit. For example:
OMNI_LOG_ERROR("i'm logged to the previous default channel");
#define OMNI_LOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL kAlphaTestChannel
OMNI_LOG_ERROR("i'm logged to the alpha %s", "channel");
#define OMNI_LOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL kBetaTestChannel
OMNI_LOG_ERROR("i'm logged to the beta channel");
### Logging in Public Headers
The Omniverse SDK consist of many utility headers which contain nothing but inline code. Logging from within these public headers can be advantageous. Header authors have two broad approaches to log from within public headers.
**Log to the default channel.** This is the simplest approach. Here all messages logged by the header will be logged to the default channel of the module that included the header.
Something to consider is that such an approach may pollute a module’s default channel. For example, given the module, whose default channel is named, if a message from carb/extras/Path.h logs to the default channel, that message will be logged to the channel. If that header is included in another module, say example.filesystem.dll
Based on what the header is doing, this behavior can be a benefit or an annoyance. If a header is found to be an annoyance, the default channel can be changed before including the header and restored after the include. See Default Channel for more details.
**Log to header specific channels.** Here public header authors create channels specific to their functionality. An example of such a header:
// Copyright (c) 2020-2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
#pragma once
#include <omni/log/ILog.h>
// Forward declare the channel identifiers so they can be used in this header.
namespace example {
inline void myUsefulFunction() {
OMNI_LOG_INFO(kExampleUsefulChannel, "i'm helping"); // logs to "example.useful"
inline void myUselessFunction() {
OMNI_LOG_INFO(kExampleUselessChannel, "i'm not helping"); // logs to "example.useless"
} // namespace example
// This macro allows consumers of the header to allocate storage for this header's channels. It also adds the channels
// to the channel list of the module that included this header. This macro should be called once per module that
// includes this header.
OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL(kExampleUsefulChannel, "example.useful", "Output from myUsefulFunction"); \
OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL(kExampleUselessChannel, "example.useless", "Output from myUselessFunction")
Above we see this approach requires three steps:
1. Forward declare your channels with `OMNI_LOG_DECLARE_CHANNEL`.
2. Specific the new channels when logging.
3. Provide a utility macro consumers of your header can call to add your header’s channels.
The macro defined by the last step should be called once, and only once, in each module that consumes the header. Failure to call the macro will result in link errors. As such, it’s recommended the variable names used to identify the channels are descriptive in order to help guide the user to the missing macro call.
## Message Consumers
The logging system allows for clients to register an interface that will be notified each time a message is to be written to the log (i.e. a message that has not been filtered out).
In C++:
auto log = omniGetLogWithoutAcquire();
bool sawFatalMessage = false;
auto consumer = log->addMessageConsumer(
[&sawFatalMessage](const char* channel, omni::log::Level level, const char* moduleName, const char* fileName,
const char* functionName, uint32_t lineNumber, const char* msg, uint32_t pid, uint32_t tid,
uint64_t timestamp) noexcept {
if (omni::log::Level::eFatal == level) {
sawFatalMessage = true;
OMNI_LOG_FATAL("this is a fatal message");
Note, in the C++ ABI, the actual notification mechanism happens via the
`omni::log::ILogMessageConsumer` interface. The lambda wrappers in the example above are wrappers around that interface.
The `omni::log::ILogMessageConsumer` can be used to create custom logging “back-ends”. In fact, the Carbonite framework creates such a custom backend to handle parsing log settings and logging appropriately formatted messages to file/stdout/stderr/debug console/etc. Thinking “big picture”, the logging system is a router: it takes messages from multiple input channels and multiplexes them to multiple message consumers:
graph LR
log{ILog} --> std[StandardLogger]
log --> l0[ILogMessageConsumer]
log --> l1[ILogMessageConsumer]
c0(audio.mp3.encode) --> log
c1(audio.mp3.decode) --> log
c2(audio.spatial) --> log
c3(omni.core) --> log
classDef bold font-weight:bold,stroke-width:4px;
class log bold
Tests can use `omni::log::ILogMessageConsumer` to ensure messages are logged at appropriate times. As an example, consider the `MessageConsumer` class in `source/tests/test.unit/omni.log/TestILog.cpp`.
GUIs can create an `omni::log::ILogMessageConsumer` to capture log messages and draw them to a graphical element.
### Channel Update Consumers
Developers are able to register callbacks to be informed about state changes in the logging system. The following state changes are supported:
- Channel added to the log
- Channel removed from the log
- Log’s `enabled` flag updated
- Log’s `level` updated
- A channel’s `enabled` flag was updated
- A channel’s `level` was updated
- A channel’s description was updated
The callback mechanism takes the form of the `omni::log::ILogChannelUpdateConsumer` interface. See `showMessageConsumer()` in `source/tests/test.unit/omni.log/TestILogDocs.cpp` for example usage.
### Controlling the Default Log Instance
Omniverse applications are initialized with the `OMNI_CORE_INIT` macro. This macro calls `omniCreateLog()` to instantiate the log returned by `omniGetLogWithoutAcquire()`. If the application wishes for a custom implementation of `omni::log::ILog` to be used, the user can simply pass the custom instance to the `OMNI_CORE_INIT` macro. | 26,605 | | # Macros
- **NVBLAST_ALLOC**: Alloc/Free macros that use global nvidia::NvAllocatorCallback.
- **NVBLAST_CHECK**: Check macros that use global nvidia::NvAllocatorCallback.
- **NVBLAST_DELETE**: Respective delete to NVBLAST_NEW The obj pointer may be NULL (to match the behavior of standard C++ delete) Example: NVBLAST_DELETE(foo, Foo);.
- **NVBLAST_LOG**: Logging macros that use global nvidia::NvAllocatorCallback.
- Placement new.
- NvBlastActorIsBoundToWorld
- NvBlastExtAssetUtilsAddWorldBonds
- kBBoxBasedAcceleratorDefaultResolution | 826 | | # Manipulator
Manipulator provides a model-based template that is flexible for implementing navigation and editing objects, points, and properties. It’s a container that can be reimplemented. It can have a model.
## Immediate mode
It’s possible to regenerate the content of the Manipulator item by calling the `invalidate` method. Once it’s called, Manipulator will flush the old children and execute `build_fn` to create new ones. Suppose the `invalidate` method is called inside `build_fn`. In that case, Manipulator will call `build_fn` every frame, which provides, on the one hand, a maximum of control and flexibility to the scene configuration. Still, on the other hand, it also generates a continuous workload on the CPU.
class RotatingCube(sc.Manipulator):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._angle = 0
def on_build(self):
transform = sc.Matrix44.get_rotation_matrix(
0, self._angle, 0, True)
with sc.Transform(transform=transform):
sc.Line([-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, -1])
sc.Line([-1, 1, -1], [1, 1, -1])
sc.Line([-1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1])
sc.Line([-1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1])
sc.Line([-1, -1, -1], [-1, 1, -1])
sc.Line([1, -1, -1], [1, 1, -1])
sc.Line([-1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, 1])
sc.Line([1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1])
sc.Line([-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, 1])
sc.Line([-1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, 1])
sc.Line([1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1])
sc.Line([1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1])
# Increase the angle
self._angle += 1
# Redraw all
# Projection matrix
proj = [1.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -2, 0]
# Move camera
rotation = sc.Matrix44.get_rotation_matrix(30, 50, 0, True)
transl = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0, 0, -6)
view = transl * rotation
scene_view = sc.SceneView(
sc.CameraModel(proj, view),
with scene_view.scene:
## Model
The model is the central component of Manipulator. It is the dynamic data structure, independent of the user interface. It can contain nested data, but it’s supposed to be the bridge between the user data and the Manipulator object. It follows the closely model-view pattern.
When the model is changed, it calls `on_model_updated` of Manipulator. Thus, Manipulator can modify the children or rebuild everything completely depending on the change.
It’s abstract, and it is not supposed to be instantiated directly. Instead, the user should subclass it to create the new model.
class MovingRectangle(sc.Manipulator):
"""Manipulator that redraws when the model is changed"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._gesture = sc.DragGesture(on_changed_fn=self._move)
def on_build(self):
position = self.model.get_as_floats(self.model.get_item("position"))
transform = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(*position)
with sc.Transform(transform=transform):
sc.Rectangle(, gesture=self._gesture)
def on_model_updated(self, item):
def _move(self, shape: sc.AbstractShape):
position = shape.gesture_payload.ray_closest_point
item = self.model.get_item("position")
self.model.set_floats(item, position)
class Model(sc.AbstractManipulatorModel):
"""User part. Simple value holder."""
class PositionItem(sc.AbstractManipulatorItem):
def __init__(self):
self.value = [0, 0, 0]
def __init__(self):
self.position = Model.PositionItem()
def get_item(self, identifier):
return self.position
def get_as_floats(self, item):
return item.value
def set_floats(self, item, value):
item.value = value
# Projection matrix
proj = [1.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -2, 0]
# Move/rotate camera
rotation = sc.Matrix44.get_rotation_matrix(30, 30, 0, True)
transl = sc.Matrix44.get_translation_matrix(0, 0, -6)
scene_view = sc.SceneView(
sc.CameraModel(proj, transl * rotation),
with scene_view.scene:
``` | 4,348 | | # Omniverse Materials
Materials in Omniverse are supported using [MDL](#term-MDL).
The NVIDIA Material Definition Language (MDL) is a shading language specifically designed for defining and describing the appearance of materials in computer graphics. It allows artists and developers to create highly realistic materials by specifying their physical properties, surface characteristics, and how they interact with light.
## Key Features
- **Physically Based:** MDL is based on the principles of physically based rendering, which aims to simulate the behavior of light in a physically accurate manner. This enables the creation of materials that closely resemble real-world substances.
- **Modularity:** MDL supports a modular approach to material creation, allowing users to define reusable building blocks called material components. These components can be combined and layered to create complex materials with different properties.
- **Procedural Texture Generation:** MDL includes a rich set of procedural texture functions that can be used to generate textures based on mathematical algorithms. This enables the creation of textures with intricate patterns and variations.
- **Scalability:** MDL materials are designed to be scalable, meaning they can adapt to different levels of detail and performance requirements. This allows materials to be used in a variety of contexts, from real-time rendering in games to high-quality rendering in film and visual effects.
- **Interoperability:** MDL is designed to be compatible with various rendering engines and applications. It provides a standard format for material exchange, allowing materials to be shared and used across different software and hardware platforms.
For more information on MDL.
## Asset Validation for Materials
Asset Validation in Omniverse refers to the process of verifying the integrity and correctness of assets within the USD ecosystem. Asset validation ensures that the USD files adhere to the required standards, have valid data structures, and are compatible with the supported features and functionalities.
> **Attention**
> The USD ecosystem is becoming more strict in enforcing standards. In some cases this can break older assets authored previous to these changes. We have introduced an Asset Validator Extension to help fix these issues and create more robust assets. If you suspect something is wrong when you load an asset or you see a warning, please run the extension which can be found under the :menuselection:
> Windows > Utilities > Asset Validator
> sub menu. Refer to the [Asset Validator Documentation]( for more info.
## Material rules
| Rule | Result |
| --- | --- |
| Missing Material Binding API | Ensures the MaterialBindingAPI is applied to on prims with bound materials |
### Dangling Material Bindings
Ensures that the bound material exists in the scene
### Material path verification
MDL assets require absolute paths or relative paths prefixed with `./` to resolve properly. This Rule suggests to prefix ambiguous MDL asset path(s) with a `./` to enforce that it is a relative path (i.e `./M_PlantSet_A13.mdl`).
### Texture Checker
A RuleChecker which handles locating texture files automatically.
### Normal Map Texture Checker
UsdUVTexture nodes that feed the inputs:normals of a UsdPreviewSurface must ensure that the data is encoded and scaled properly
The full set of Asset Validation Rules
### Overview
### Material Templates
Omniverse comes with several template materials, including a physically based glass; several general purpose multi-lobed materials useful for dielectric and non-dielectric materials, skin, hair, liquids and other materials requiring subsurface scattering or transmissive effects; and USD’s UsdPreviewSurface.
| # | Template Name | General Use Case |
| 1 | UsdPreviewSurface | Native MDL material based on Pixar’s UsdPreviewSurface Specification |
| 2 | OmniPBR | Multi-lobed physically based material for dielectric and non-dielectric materials |
| 3 | OmniPBR_Base | A Material Graph friendly version of OmniPBR for use in building custom shading networks |
| 4 | OmniPBR_ClearCoat | Adds second glossy Bsdf to simulate a thin clear coating |
| 5 | OmniGlass | Transmissive, reflective, and refractive material |
| 6 | OmniPBR_Opacity | Adds opacity controls to OmniPBR |
| 7 | OmniPBR_ClearCoat_Opacity | Adds opacity controls to OmniPBR_ClearCoat |
| 8 | OmniGlass_Opacity | Adds opacity controls to OmniGlass |
| 9 | OmniSurface | |
<div class="line">
Multi-lobed physical material for modeling a wide variety of materials
<div class="line-block">
<div class="line">
A Material Graph friendly version of OmniSurface for use in building custom shading networks
<div class="line-block">
<div class="line">
Contains subset of OmniSurface and is designed to be more performant than the full implementation
<div class="line-block">
<div class="line">
A Material Graph friendly version of OmniSurfaceLite for use in building custom shading networks
<div class="line-block">
<div class="line">
Hair material based on Disney’s Hair and Fur
<div class="line-block">
<div class="line">
A Material Graph friendly version of OmniSurfaceHair for use in building custom shading networks
<dl class="footnote brackets">
<dt class="label" id="id5">
<span class="brackets">
<span class="fn-backref">
(1, 2, 3)
Dedicated Opacity materials are no longer necessary for objects with cutout or fractional opacity. With similar performance we recommend you use the base form of each material template. For legacy, Opacity based materials are still include in Omniverse.
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">
In order to be compliant with Pixar’s UsdPreviewSurface Specification, we have refactored the native Omniverse representation. Workflows can now include a multi-node approach to define a surface. We now support the relevant nodes from the specification.
The UsdPreviewSurface shading model aims to provide a simple and intuitive set of parameters for defining a surface appearance. It is part of the larger USD ecosystem and provides a standard way to describe surface appearances in USD files. It facilitates interoperability and asset exchange between different software tools and rendering engines, making it easier to share and collaborate on 3D scenes and assets, and as such does not require MDL.
The USD Preview Surface shading model supports various features listed below. These parameters can be defined and adjusted within a USD file, allowing for consistent material representation across different applications and renderers that support USD.
<col style="width: 22%"/>
<col style="width: 78%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<tr class="row-even">
The color of the material
<tr class="row-odd">
The emissive color of the material
<tr class="row-even">
Uses Specular workflow instead of Physical workflow
<tr class="row-odd">
Tint color for specular reflections
<tr class="row-even">
A range from 0-1 describing whether the surface is Dielectric or Conductive
0 is Dielectric (non metal)
1 is Conductive (metallic)
<tr class="row-odd">
The amount of reflectivity a surface has. Range is 0-1
0 = perfectly reflective surface
1 = no reflectivity
<tr class="row-even">
Adjusts how “thick” the clearcoat is.
<tr class="row-odd">
The amount of reflectivity a surface has. Range is 0-1
0 = perfectly reflective surface
1 = no reflectivity
| Node | Description |
| --- | --- |
| UsdPreviewSurface | Base Definition of UsdPreviewSurface |
| UsdUVTexture | Node that can be used to read UV textures, including tiled textures such as Mari UDIM’s |
| UsdTransform2d | Node that takes a 2d input and applies an affine transformation to it |
| UsdPrimvarReader_float | Node that provides the ability for shading networks to consume surface-varying data defined on geometry of type float |
| UsdPrimvarReader_float2 | Node that provides the ability for shading networks to consume surface-varying data defined on geometry of type float 2 |
| UsdPrimvarReader_float3 | Node that provides the ability for shading networks to consume surface-varying data defined on geometry of type float 3 |
| UsdPrimvarReader_float4 | Node that provides the ability for shading networks to consume surface-varying data defined on geometry of type float 4 |
| UsdPrimvarReader_int | Node that provides the ability for shading networks to consume surface-varying data defined on geometry of type integer |
| UsdPrimvarReader_normal | Node that provides the ability for shading networks to consume surface-varying data defined on geometry of vector type normal |
| UsdPrimvarReader_point | Node that provides the ability for shading networks to consume surface-varying data defined on geometry of type point |
| UsdPrimvarReader_vector | Node that provides the ability for shading networks to consume surface-varying data defined on geometry of type vector |
**Unsupported Nodes**
The following nodes are provided as null objects until they are fully supported.
- UsdPrimvarReader_string
## OmniPBR
### Overview
OmniPBR is the default Physically based material available in Omniverse USD Composer. This material can describe most opaque dielectric or non-dielectric material.
**OmniPBR** consists of the following sections:
> - **Albedo**
> - **Reflectivity**
> - **AO**
> - **Emissive**
> - **Opacity**
> - **Normal**
> - **UV**
## OmniPBR ClearCoat
### Overview
OmniPBR_ClearCoat is similar to OmniPBR but with an additional glossy bsdf layer. Ideal for car paint or any surface with a thin clear finish.
**OmniPBR_ClearCoat** consists of the following sections:
> - **Albedo**
> - **Reflectivity**
> - **AO**
> - **Emissive**
> - **Opacity**
> - **Clearcoat**
> - **Normal**
> - **UV**
### Parameters
#### Albedo
##### Display Name
- **Base Color**
- **Albedo Map**
- **Albedo Map Color Space**
- **Albedo Desaturation**
| Albedo Add | albedo_add | float | 0.0 |
| Albedo Brightness | albedo_brightness | float | 1.0 |
| Color Tint | diffuse_tint | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
**Base Color**
This parameter sets the diffuse color or tint of the material.
> Base Color: 0.1, 0.27, 0.17
**Albedo Map**
Allows use of a texture file for use in color. Should be an albedo map for best results.
> Albedo Map: inner_checker.png
**Albedo Map Color Space**
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
Possible Values:
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
| Albedo Map Raw | 8 bit 3-channel inner_checker.png | Texture Gamma: raw |
| Albedo Map RGB | 8 bit 3-channel inner_checker.png | Texture Gamma: sRGB |
**Albedo Desaturation**
Removes color saturation values through a range from 0-1. 0 is unaffected, 1 is black and white.
| Albedo Map DeSat-0 | Albedo Desaturation: 0.0 |
| Albedo Map DeSat-p5 | Albedo Desaturation: 0.5 |
| Albedo Map DeSat-1 | Albedo Desaturation: 1.0 |
**Albedo Add**
Add (or subtract with negative values) the Base Color to the Albedo Map.
<table class="docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 100%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Albedo Add: 0.15
<p id="omnipbr-albedo-brightness">
Albedo Brightness
Adjusts the brightness of the albedo map.
<table class="docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 100%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Albedo Brightness: 2.0
<p id="omnipbr-color-tint">
Color Tint
Color multiplier to Albedo Map.
<table class="docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 100%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Color Tint: 0.37, 0.3, 0.22
<section id="reflectivity">
<table class="docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 28%"/>
<col style="width: 8%"/>
<col style="width: 14%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<th class="head">
Display Name
<th class="head">
<th class="head">
<th class="head">
<tr class="row-even">
Roughness Amount
<tr class="row-odd">
Roughness Map Influence
<tr class="row-even">
Roughness Map
<tr class="row-odd">
Roughness Map Color Space
<tr class="row-even">
Metallic amount
<tr class="row-odd">
Metallic Map Influence
<tr class="row-even">
Metallic Map
<tr class="row-odd">
Metallic Map Color Space
<tr class="row-even">
### Enable ORM texture
- enable_ORM_texture
- bool
- false
### ORM Map
- ORM_texture
- asset
### ORM Map Color Space
### Roughness Amount
**Isotropic roughness of the surface.**
- Range is 0-1, 0 = perfectly reflective surface, 1 = no reflectivity
### Roughness Map Influence
**Range from 0-1 mixes roughness map power over roughness value.**
- 0 uses Pure Roughness Value
- 1 uses only Roughness Map
### Roughness Map
**Allows use of a texture file for use in roughness.**
- Roughness Map: = inner_checker.png
### Roughness Map Color Space
**Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.**
**Possible Values:**
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
### Metallic Amount
**A range from 0-1 describing whether the surface is Dielectric or Conductive.**
- 0 is Dielectric (non metal)
- 1 is Conductive (metallic)
| Metallic Amount | Metallic Amount | Metallic Amount |
| Metallic 0 | Metallic 0.5 | Metallic 1 |
| 0.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 |
**Metallic Map Influence**
Range from 0-1 mixes metallic map power over metallic amount.
| Roughness | Metallic Map | Metallic Map Influence |
| MetallicMap 0 | MetallicMap 0.5 | MetallicMap 1 |
| 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.25 |
| inner_checker.png | inner_checker.png | inner_checker.png |
| 0.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 |
**Metallic Map**
Allows use of a texture file for use in metallic surface designation.
**Metallic Map Color Space**
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
The specular reflectivity of the material.
| Specular | Specular |
| 0.0 | 0.5 |
**Enable ORM Texture**
Allows use of a “packed” Occlusion, Roughness and Metallic map instead of separate maps for each.
**ORM Map**
“Packed” ORM map texture input.
| Enable ORM Texture | Enable ORM Texture |
| EnableORM 0 | EnableORM 1 |
| ORM Map: inner_checker_ORM.exr | ORM Map: inner_checker_ORM.exr |
| false | true |
| Roughness Map Influence: 1.0 | Roughness Map Influence: 1.0 |
| Metallic Map Influence: 1.0 | Metallic Map Influence: 1.0 |
## ORM Map Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
### Possible Values:
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
## AO
### AO
#### Display Name | Name | Type | Default
- **Ambient Occlusion to Diffuse** | ao_to_diffuse | float | 0.0
- **Ambient Occlusion Map** | ao_texture | asset |
- **Ambient Occlusion Map Color Space** | | |
### Ambient Occlusion to Diffuse
How much ambient occlusion influences the diffuse map in a range of 0-1.
- 0 is unaffected, 1 is full effect.
### Ambient Occlusion Map
Allows use of a texture file for use in Ambient Occlusion.
### Ambient Occlusion Map Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
#### Possible Values:
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
## Emissive
### Emissive
#### Display Name | Name | Type | Default
- **Enable Emission** | enable_emission | bool | false
- **Emissive Color** | emissive_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 0.1
- **Emissive Color Map** | | |
### Emissive Color Map
### Emissive Color Map Color Space
### Emissive Mask Map
### Emissive Mask Map Color Space
### Emissive Intensity
### Enable Emission
Toggles Emission on and off.
### Emissive Color
Color to emit.
### Emissive Color Map
Allows use of texture file for use in emission color.
### Emissive Map Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
Possible Values:
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
### Emissive Mask Map
Allows use of a texture file for use in masking out emissive areas.
### Emissive Mask Map Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
Possible Values:
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
### Emissive Intensity
How bright is the emissive color.
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Enable Opacity | enable_opacity | bool | false |
| Enable Opacity Texture | enable_opacity_texture | bool | false |
| Opacity Amount | opacity_constant | float | 1.0 |
| Opacity Map | opacity_texture | asset | |
| Opacity Map Color Space | | | |
| Opacity Map Mono Source | opacity_mode | enum | mono_average |
| Opacity Threshold | opacity_threshold | float | 0.0 |
### OmniPBR Enable Opacity
Enable overall opacity
| Enable Opacity: true | Opacity Amount: 0.5 |
| Enable Opacity: false | |
> <div>
> <p>
> Enable Opacity: false
> <p>
> Opacity Amount: 0.5
<p id="omnipbr-enable-opacity-texture">
OmniPBR Enable Opacity Texture
Enables Opacity Map
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 50%"/>
Enable Opacity: true
Enable Opacity Texture: true
Opacity Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Metallic.png
Enable Opacity: true
Enable Opacity Texture: false
Opacity Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Metallic.png
<p id="omnipbr-opacity-amount">
OmniPBR Opacity Amount
Opacity value of material. Works in conjunction with Opacity Threshold and Fractional Cutout Opacity
<col style="width: 33%"/>
<col style="width: 33%"/>
<col style="width: 33%"/>
Enable Opacity: true
Opacity Amount: 1.0
Enable Opacity: true
Opacity Amount: 0.5
Enable Opacity: true
Opacity Amount: 0.1
<p id="omnipbr-opacity-map">
OmniPBR Opacity Map
Allows mapping of opacity to a texture file.
<col style="width: 100%"/>
Enable Opacity: true
Enable Opacity Texture: true
Opacity Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Metallic.png
<p id="omnipbr-opacity-map-color-space">
OmniPBR Opacity Map Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
Possible Values:
: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
<p id="omnipbr-opacity-map-mono-source">
OmniPBR Opacity Map Mono Source
Specifies opacity channel or evaluation of the map for opacity.
: Uses the alpha channel of the image as the source for evaluation.
: Uses the average of the RGB channels as the source for evaluation.
: Uses the luminance of the image as the source for evaluation.
: Uses the max value of the RGB channels as the source for evaluation.
<p id="omnipbr-opacity-threshold">
OmniPBR Opacity Threshold
Cutoff for determining object cutout opacity. If threshold is equal to 0, then use fractional opacity. If threshold is greater than 0, then object is opaque when opacity is greater than threshold.
<col style="width: 33%"/>
<col style="width: 33%"/>
<col style="width: 33%"/>
Enable Opacity: true
Opacity Amount: 1.0
Enable Opacity: true
Opacity Amount: 0.5
Enable Opacity: true
Opacity Amount: 0.1
> <div>
> <p>
> Enable Opacity: true
> <p>
> Enable Opacity Texture: true
> <p>
> Opacity Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Roughness.png
> <p>
> Opacity Threshold: 0.2
Opacity Threshold 0.3
> <div>
> <p>
> Enable Opacity: true
> <p>
> Enable Opacity Texture: true
> <p>
> Opacity Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Roughness.png
> <p>
> Opacity Threshold: 0.3
Opacity Threshold 0.35
> <div>
> <p>
> Enable Opacity: true
> <p>
> Enable Opacity Texture: true
> <p>
> Opacity Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Roughness.png
> <p>
> Opacity Threshold: 0.35
<section id="clearcoat">
<span id="omnipbr-clearcoat-grp">
### Clearcoat
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 28%"/>
<col style="width: 8%"/>
<col style="width: 14%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Display Name
<tr class="row-even">
Enable Clearcoat Layer
<tr class="row-odd">
Clearcoat Tint
1.0, 1.0, 1.0
<tr class="row-even">
Clearcoat Transparency
<tr class="row-odd">
Clearcoat Roughness
<tr class="row-even">
Clearcoat Weight
<tr class="row-odd">
Clearcoat Flatten
<tr class="row-even">
Clearcoat IOR
<tr class="row-odd">
Clearcoat Normal Map Strength
<tr class="row-even">
Clearcoat Normal Map
<tr class="row-odd">
Clearcoat Normal Map Color Space
# Clearcoat Normal Map Color Space
## OmniPBR Enable Clearcoat Layer
Enables clearcoat layer.
| Enable Clearcoat 0 | Enable Clearcoat 1 |
| Enable Clearcoat Layer: false | Enable Clearcoat Layer: true |
## OmniPBR Clearcoat Tint
Base color of the clearcoat layer.
| Enable Clearcoat 1 | Clearcoat Tint |
| Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Tint: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 | Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Tint: 0.3, 0.16, 0.16 |
## OmniPBR Clearcoat Transparency
Weighted blend between the material and the clearcoat.
- 0 is clearcoat
- 1 is base material with clearcoat on top
| Clearcoat Tint | Clearcoat Transp 0.5 | Clearcoat Transp 0 |
| Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Tint: 0.3, 0.16, 0.16<br>Clearcoat Transparency: 1.0 | Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Tint: 0.3, 0.16, 0.16<br>Clearcoat Transparency: 0.5 | Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Tint: 0.3, 0.16, 0.16<br>Clearcoat Transparency: 0.0 |
## OmniPBR Clearcoat Roughness
Isotropic roughness of the clearcoat. Usually 0.
| Clearcoat Tint | Clearcoat Roughness 0.1 | Clearcoat Roughness 0.2 |
| Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Roughness: 0.0<br>Clearcoat Transparency: 1.0 | Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Roughness: 0.1<br>Clearcoat Transparency: 0.5 | Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Roughness: 0.2<br>Clearcoat Transparency: 0.5 |
## OmniPBR Clearcoat Transparency
Clearcoat Transparency: 0.0
## OmniPBR Clearcoat Weight
The specular reflectivity of the clearcoat layer.
| | | |
| **Enable Clearcoat 1** | **Clearcoat Weight 0.5** | **Clearcoat Weight 0.2** |
| Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Weight: 1.0 | Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Weight: 0.5 | Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Weight: 0.2 |
## OmniPBR Clearcoat Flatten
Blends between the smooth normal and the bumped base normal.
| | | |
| **Clearcoat Flatten 1.0** | **Clearcoat Flatten 0.5** | **Clearcoat Flatten 0.0** |
| Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Flatten: 1.0<br>Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png | Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Flatten: 0.5<br>Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png | Base Color: 0.05, 0.1, 0.24<br>Enable Clearcoat Layer: true<br>Clearcoat Flatten: 0.0<br>Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png |
## OmniPBR Clearcoat IOR
Index of Refraction of the clearcoat layer.
| | | |
| **Clearcoat IOR 1.0** | **Clearcoat IOR 1.56** | **Clearcoat IOR 2.5** |
| Clearcoat IOR: 1.0 | Clearcoat IOR: 1.56 | Clearcoat IOR: 2.5 |
## OmniPBR Clearcoat Normal Map Strength
Scalar multiplier of the Clearcoat Normal Map.
| | | |
| [Clearcoat Normal Map Strength: 0.0](#id42) | [Clearcoat Normal Map Strength: 0.5](#id43) | [Clearcoat Normal Map Strength: 1.0](#id44) |
| Clearcoat Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png | Clearcoat Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png | Clearcoat Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png |
**OmniPBR Clearcoat Normal Map**
Normal map for the clearcoat layer.
| |
| [Clearcoat Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png](#id45) |
**OmniPBR Clearcoat Normal Map Color Space**
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
### Normal
[Permalink to this headline](#normal)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| [Normal Map Strength](#omnipbr-normal-map-strength) | bump_factor | float | 1.0 |
| [Normal Map](#omnipbr-normal-map) | normalmap_texture | asset | |
| [Normal Map Color Space](#omnipbr-normal-map-color-space) | | | |
| [Detail Normal Strength](#omnipbr-detail-normal-strength) | detail_bump_factor | float | 0.3 |
Detail Normal Map
Detail Normal Map Color Space
Normal Map Flip U Tangent
Normal Map Flip V Tangent
<p id="omnipbr-normal-map-strength">
OmniPBR Normal Map Strength
Adjusts intensity of the normal map.
<p id="omnipbr-normal-map">
OmniPBR Normal Map
Allows use of a texture file for use in surface bumps. For best results use the Direct X normal format.
<p id="omnipbr-normal-map-color-space">
OmniPBR Normal Map Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
Possible Values:
: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
<p id="omnipbr-detail-normal-strength">
OmniPBR Detail Normal Strength
Adjusts intensity of small surface detail.
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id51">
<span class="caption-text">
Normal Map Strength: 1.0
<div class="legend">
Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png
Detailed Normal Map Strength: 0.3
Detail Normal Map: GalvanizedSteel02_1K_Normal.png
<p id="omnipbr-detail-normal-map">
OmniPBR Detail Normal Map
Allows use of a texture file for use in small surface detail. For best results use the Direct X normal format.
<table class="docutils align-default">
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id52">
<span class="caption-text">
Detailed Normal Map Strength: 0.3
<div class="legend">
Detail Normal Map: GalvanizedSteel02_1K_Normal.png
<p id="omnipbr-detail-normal-map-color-space">
OmniPBR Detail Normal Map Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
<dl class="simple">
Possible Values:
<ul class="simple">
: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
<p id="omnipbr-normal-map-flip-u-tangent">
OmniPBR Normal Map Flip U Tangent
Flips the U Tangent vector.
<p id="omnipbr-normal-map-flip-v-tangent">
OmniPBR Normal Map Flip V Tangent
Flips the V Tangent vector. By Default, OmniPBR materials setup for DirectX normal maps. Set Normal Map Flip V = false for OpenGL.
<table class="docutils align-default">
<tr class="row-odd">
<table class="docutils align-default">
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id53">
<span class="caption-text">
Normal Map Flip U Tangent: false
<div class="legend">
Normal Map Flip V Tangent: true
<figure class="align-default" id="id54">
<span class="caption-text">
Normal Map Flip U Tangent: false
<div class="legend">
Normal Map Flip V Tangent: false
<section id="uv">
<table class="docutils align-default">
<tr class="row-odd">
<th class="head">
Display Name
<th class="head">
<th class="head">
<th class="head">
<tr class="row-even">
Enable Project UVW Coordinates
Enable World Space
UV Space Index
Texture Translate
0.0, 0.0
Texture Rotate
Texture Scale
1.0, 1.0
Detail Texture Translate
0.0, 0.0
Detail Texture Rotate
Detail Texture Scale
1.0, 1.0
OmniPBR Enable Project UVW Coordinates
Enables Projection.
OmniPBR Enable World Space
Toggles World or Object based projection.
OmniPBR UV Space Index
Allows selection of UV coordinate space to be used for mapping the material.
## OmniPBR Texture Translate
**OmniPBR Texture Translate**
Allows offsetting the position of the material.
## OmniPBR Texture Rotate
**OmniPBR Texture Rotate**
Allows texture rotation.
## OmniPBR Texture Scale
**OmniPBR Texture Scale**
Adjusts the scale of the texture.
## OmniPBR Detail Texture Translate
**OmniPBR Detail Texture Translate**
Allows detail texture offset.
## OmniPBR Detail Texture Rotate
**OmniPBR Detail Texture Rotate**
Allows detail texture rotation.
## OmniPBR Detail Texture Scale
**OmniPBR Detail Texture Scale**
Allows detail texture scale.
### OmniGlass
OmniGlass is an improved physical glass model that simulates light transmission through thin walled and transmissive surfaces.
## OmniGlass
OmniGlass consists of the following sections:
> - **Color**
> - **Roughness**
> - **Refraction**
> - **Reflection**
> - **Normal**
> - **Opacity**
> - **UV**
## Parameters
### Color
#### Glass Color
The color or tint of the glass.
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Glass Color | glass_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| Glass Color Texture| glass_color_texture | asset | |
| Glass Color Texture Color Space | | | |
| Volume Absorption Scale | depth | float | 0.001 |
**Glass Color**
- Glass Color: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
- Glass Color: 0.17, 0.72, 0.12
**Glass Color Texture**
Texture File input to drive color.
- Glass Color Texture: color_grid.jpg
**Glass Color Texture Color Space**
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
Possible Values:
**raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
**sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
**auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
**Volume Absorption Scale**
Controls how much light is absorbed through the surface.
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Glass Roughness | frosting_roughness | float | 0.0 |
| Roughness Texture Influence | roughness_texture_influence | float | 1.0 |
| Roughness Texture | roughness_texture | asset | |
| Roughness Texture Color Space | | | |
**Glass Roughness**
The amount of reflectivity a surface has. Range is 0-1
- 0 = perfectly reflective
- 1 = no reflectivity
| Glass Roughness: 0.0 | Glass Roughness: 0.25 |
| Glass Roughness: 0.0 | Glass Roughness: 0.25 |
## Roughness Texture Influence
Roughness Texture Influence
### Range from 0-1 mixes roughness map power over roughness value.
- 0 uses Pure Roughness Value
- 1 uses only Roughness Map
## Roughness Texture
Allows use of a texture file for use in roughness.
### Roughness Texture Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
#### Possible Values:
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
## Refraction
### Refraction
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Glass IOR | glass_ior | float | 1.491 |
| Thin Walled | thin_walled | bool | false |
### Glass IOR
Incidence of Refraction controls how much the light is “bent” when passing through a surface.
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<col style="width: 34%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Glass IOR: 1.0
Glass IOR: 1.1
Glass IOR: 1.491
Thin Walled
Toggles thin glass adjustments on and off.
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<col style="width: 100%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Thin Walled: true
<section id="reflection">
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Reflection Color Texture
<tr class="row-odd">
Reflection Color Texture Color Space
<tr class="row-even">
Reflection Color
1.0, 1.0, 1.0
<p id="omniglass-reflection-color-texture">
Reflection Color Texture
Allows use of a texture to map the reflection color of the glass.
<table class="docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 100%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Reflection Color Texture: color_grid.jpg
<p id="omniglass-reflection-texture-color-space">
Reflection Color Texture Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
<dl class="simple">
Possible Values:
<ul class="simple">
: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
<p id="omniglass-reflection-color">
Reflection Color
The reflected color of the glass.
## OmniGlass Normal
### Normal
#### Normal Map Texture
- Display Name: Normal Map Texture
- Name: normalmap_texture
- Type: asset
#### Normal Map Texture Color Space
- Display Name: Normal Map Texture Color Space
#### Normal Map Strength
- Display Name: Normal Map Strength
- Name: bump_factor
- Type: float
- Default: 1.0
#### Normal Map Flip U Tangent
- Display Name: Normal Map Flip U Tangent
- Name: flip_tangent_u
- Type: bool
- Default: false
#### Normal Map Flip V Tangent
- Display Name: Normal Map Flip V Tangent
- Name: flip_tangent_v
- Type: bool
- Default: true
### Normal Map Texture
Allows use of a texture file for use in surface bumps. For best results use the Direct X normal format.
### Normal Map Texture Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
- Possible Values:
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
### OmniGlass Normal Map Strength
Adjusts intensity of the normal map.
## Normal Map Strength
### Normal Map Strength: 0.0
Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png
### Normal Map Strength: 0.3
Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png
### Normal Map Strength: 1.0
Normal Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Normal.png
## Normal Map Flip U Tangent
Flips the U Tangent vector.
## Normal Map Flip V Tangent
Flips the V Tangent vector. By Default, OmniPBR materials setup for DirectX normal maps. Set Normal Map Flip V = false for OpenGL.
## Normal Map Flip U Tangent: false
Normal Map Flip V Tangent: true
## Normal Map Flip U Tangent: false
Normal Map Flip V Tangent: false
## Opacity
### Enable Opacity
- Name: enable_opacity
- Type: bool
- Default: false
### Opacity Amount
- Name: opacity_constant
- Type: float
- Default: 1.0
### Opacity Map
- Name: opacity_texture
- Type: asset
### Opacity Map Color Space
| Opacity Map Mono Source | opacity_mode | enum | mono_average |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Opacity Threshold | opacity_threshold | float | 0.0 |
### OmniGlass Enable Opacity
Enable overall opacity.
| Enable Opacity: true | Enable Opacity: false |
| --- | --- |
| Opacity Amount: 0.5 | Opacity Amount: 0.5 |
### OmniGlass Opacity Amount
Opacity value of material. Works in conjunction with Opacity Threshold and Fractional Cutout Opacity.
| Enable Opacity: true | Enable Opacity: true | Enable Opacity: true |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Opacity Amount: 1.0 | Opacity Amount: 0.5 | Opacity Amount: 0.1 |
### OmniGlass Opacity Map
Allows mapping of opacity to a texture file.
| Enable Opacity: true |
| --- |
| Glass Roughness: 0.5<br>Opacity Map: PaintedMetal02_4K_Metallic.png |
### OmniGlass Opacity Map Color Space
Texture Gamma indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.
**Possible Values:**
- **raw**: Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.
- **sRGB**: Mark texture as sRGB when reading.
- **auto**: Check for gamma/color space metadata in the texture file itself; if metadata is indicative of sRGB, mark texture as sRGB. If no relevant metadata is found, mark texture as sRGB if it is either 8-bit and has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels. Otherwise, do not mark texture as sRGB and use texture data as it was read from the texture.
## OmniGlass Opacity Map Mono Source
Specifies opacity channel or evaluation of the map for opacity.
- **mono_alpha**: Uses the alpha channel of the image as the source for evaluation.
- **mono_average**: Uses the average of the RGB channels as the source for evaluation.
- **mono_luminance**: Uses the luminance of the image as the source for evaluation.
- **mono_maximum**: Uses the max value of the RGB channels as the source for evaluation.
## OmniGlass Opacity Threshold
Cutoff for determining object cutout opacity. If threshold is equal to 0, then use fractional opacity. If threshold is greater than 0, then object is opaque when opacity is greater than threshold.
## UV
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| [Enable Project UVW Coordinates](#omniglass-enable-project-uvw-coordinates) | project_uvw | bool | false |
| [Enable World Space](#omniglass-enable-world-space) | world_or_object | bool | false |
| [UV Space Index](#omniglass-uv-space-index) | uv_space_index | int | 0 |
| [Texture Translate](#omniglass-texture-translate) | texture_translate | float2 | 0.0, 0.0 |
| [Texture Rotate](#omniglass-texture-rotate) | texture_rotate | float | 0.0 |
| [Texture Scale](#omniglass-texture-scale) | texture_scale | float2 | 1.0, 1.0 |
## OmniPBR_Opacity
See [OmniPBR](#omnipbr).
OmniPBR_Opacity was similar to OmniPBR but with the added support of opacity and opacity mapping. It is no longer needed and we recommend you use OmniPBR.
## OmniPBR ClearCoat Opacity
See [OmniPBR ClearCoat](#omnipbr-clearcoat).
OmniPBR_Clearcoat_Opacity was similar to OmniPBR_ClearCoat but with the added support of opacity and opacity mapping. It is no longer needed and we recommend you use OmniPBR_Clearcoat.
## OmniGlass Opacity
See [OmniGlass](#omniglass).
OmniGlass_Opacity was similar to OmniGlass but with the added support of opacity and opacity mapping. It is no longer needed and we recommend you use OmniGlass.
## OmniSurfaceBase and OmniSurfaceLiteBase
### Overview
**OmniSurfaceBase** and **OmniSurfaceLiteBase** are physically-based materials designed based on Autodesk® Standard Surface[^2], capable of modeling a wide variety of surface appearances, including plastic, concrete, water, car paint, skin, foliage, foam, wax, wood, velvet, etc.
**OmniSurfaceBase** and **OmniSurfaceLiteBase** come with a small set of parameters with intuitive meanings, ranges, and predictable results.
For creating simple materials, the use of **OmniSurfaceLiteBase** is encouraged. In general, **OmniSurfaceLiteBase** renders faster.
**OmniSurfaceBase** is not fully supported in RTX - Real-Time mode yet.
**OmniSurfaceBase** consists of the following sections:
- [Base (Diffuse reflection, Metal)](#omnisurfacebase-base-diffuse-reflection-metal)
- [Specular (Specular reflection)](#omnisurfacebase-specular-specular-reflection)
- [Transmission (Specular transmission)](#omnisurfacebase-transmission-specular-transmission)
- [Subsurface (Subsurface scattering, Diffuse transmission)](#omnisurfacebase-subsurface-subsurface-scattering-diffuse-transmission)
- [Coat (Specular reflection thin-shell)](#omnisurfacebase-coat-specular-reflection-thin-shell)
- [Sheen (Specular retro-reflection)](#omnisurfacebase-sheen-specular-retro-reflection)
- [Thin film](#omnisurfacebase-thin-film)
- [Emission](#omnisurfacebase-emission)
- [Geometry (Opacity, Geometry normal, Displacement)](#omnisurfacebase-geometry-opacity-geometry-normal-displacement)
**OmniSurfaceLiteBase** is a subset of **OmniSurfaceBase** and consists of the following sections:
- [Base (Diffuse reflection, Metal)](#omnisurfacebase-base-diffuse-reflection-metal)
- [Specular (Specular reflection)](#omnisurfacebase-specular-specular-reflection)
- [Coat (Specular reflection thin-shell)](#omnisurfacebase-coat-specular-reflection-thin-shell)
- [Emission](#omnisurfacebase-emission)
- **Geometry (Opacity, Geometry normal, Displacement)**
## Parameters
### Base (Diffuse reflection, Metal)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Weight | diffuse_reflection_weight | float | 0.8 |
| Color | diffuse_reflection_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| Diffuse Roughness | diffuse_reflection_roughness | float | 0.0 |
| Metalness | metalness | float | 0.0 |
This layer models the base layer, a statistical mix between diffuse reflection and diffuse transmission components.
This parameter sets the weight of diffused reflection or metallic reflectance.
This parameter sets diffuse reflection color of the dielectric surface or reflectance value of metallic surface by the probability that light is reflected or transmitted for each wavelength.
**Diffuse Roughness**
Oren-Nayar surface roughness coefficient, simulating view-dependent diffuse reflection. At 0.0, the surface behaves similarly to a fully Lambertian reflection. Higher values are suitable for powdery surfaces like dust, sand, dried clay, concrete, etc.
### Diffuse Roughness
- **Diffuse Roughness: 0.0**
- **Diffuse Roughness: 0.5**
- **Diffuse Roughness: 1.0**
### Metalness
- **Metalness: 0.0**
- **Metalness: 0.5**
- **Metalness: 1.0**
- **Metalness: Texture**
The metallic reflection is modeled as a GGX microfacet conductor BRDF. The absorption coefficient and complex index of refraction are computed from the base color and the specular reflection color. The base color controls the metallic surface appearance, and specular reflection weight and specular reflection color parameters only affect the edge tint.
See [Thin Film](#omnisurfacebase-thin-film) section for more information.
### Metals
- **Nickel**
- Metalness: 1.0
- Base Color: 0.649, 0.610, 0.541
- Specular Color: 0.797, 0.801, 0.789
- **Gold**
- Metalness: 1.0
- Base Color: 0.944, 0.776, 0.373
- Specular Color: 0.998, 0.981, 0.751
- **Copper**
- Metalness: 1.0
- Base Color: 0.926, 0.721, 0.504
- Specular Color: 0.996, 0.957, 0.823
### Specular (Specular reflection)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Weight | specular_reflection_weight | float | 1.0 |
| Color | specular_reflection_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| Roughness | specular_reflection_roughness | float | 0.2 |
| IOR Preset | specular_reflection_ior_preset | enum | ior_custom |
| IOR | specular_reflection_ior | float | 1.5 |
| Anisotropy | specular_reflection_anisotropy | float | 0.0 |
| Rotation (rad) | specular_reflection_anisotropy_rotation | float | 0.0 |
This layer models a GGX microfacet dielectric BRDF under the coating layer. Due to Fresnel, this layer is not energy conversing. Thus the energy that is not reflected is transmitted to the underlying layers.
This parameter sets the amount of the specular reflection. Lowering this value increases light transmission through the object’s volume.
| Specular Reflection Weight: 0.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 0.5 |
| Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: Texture |
| The effect of skin oil residue on the surface | |
When metalness is greater than 0.0, this parameter sets the edge tint weight for the metal surface.
| Specular Reflection Weight: 0.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 0.5 | Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 |
| Metalness: 1.0<br>Specular Color: 0.1, 1.0, 0.72 | Metalness: 1.0<br>Specular Color: 0.1, 1.0, 0.72 | Metalness: 1.0<br>Specular Color: 0.1, 1.0, 0.72 |
This parameter sets the color of the specular reflection. While some metallic (conductor) surfaces have colored specular reflections, dielectric surfaces have only achromatic specular reflections.
| Specular Reflection Color: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 | Specular Reflection Color: 0.0, 0.7, 1.0 |
| Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 |
Setting the specular reflection color for dielectric surfaces other than white is not physically correct.
When metalness is greater than 0.0, this parameter sets the edge tint color.
| Specular Reflection Color: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 | Specular Reflection Color: 0.0, 0.7, 1.0 |
| Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0<br>Metalness: 1.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0<br>Metalness: 1.0 |
This parameter sets the surface microfacet’s irregularities that cause light diffusion. At 0.0 simulates a perfect and smooth reflective surface, while increasing the value causes reflective highlights to diverge or appear blurred.
| Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.0 | Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.25 |
| Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 |
Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.25
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.5
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Roughness: 1.0
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Roughness affects both specular reflection and specular transmission.
Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.0
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.25
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.5
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Roughness: 1.0
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0
Roughness can create effects like torn surfaces, galvanized metal, or surfaces with fingerprints and smudges.
Smudges on Clay
Galvanized Metal
IOR Preset
This parameter presents a list of known IORs (index of refractions) for various materials, including glass, ice, diamond, skin. One can use custom IOR by setting this parameter to ior_custom and a value for the specular reflection’s IOR parameter.
This parameter sets IOR (index of refraction), which affects surface Fresnel reflectivity. The IOR defines the ratio between reflection on the surface front, facing the viewer, and the surface edges, facing away the viewer.
At values above 1.0, the reflection appears stronger on the surface edges and weaker on the surface front. At values less than 1.0, the Fresnel is disabled, and the specular reflection appears as a uniform highlight over the surface.
At high values, the surface will look similar to a metallic surface. If a metallic look is desired, the metalness parameter is encouraged instead since the range [0, 1] can be easily mapped with an input texture.
| Specular Reflection IOR: 1.0 | Specular Reflection IOR: 2.5 | Specular Reflection IOR: 5.0 |
| Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0 |
IOR affects both the specular reflection and the specular transmission.
| Specular Reflection IOR: 1.0 | Specular Reflection IOR: 1.5 |
| Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0<br>Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0<br>Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0 |
| Specular Reflection IOR: 2.5 | Specular Reflection IOR: 5.0 |
| Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0<br>Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0 | Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0<br>Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0 |
This parameter sets the specular reflection anisotropy. Reflectance changes based on the surface orientation are called anisotropic. If the reflectance is uniform in all directions and does not change based on the surface’s rotation or orientation, it is isotropic.
At values above 0.0, the surface transmits and reflects incoming light with a directional bias. Thus it appears rougher in a specific direction.
| Specular Reflection Anisotropy: 0.0 | Specular Reflection Anisotropy: 0.5 |
| Specular Reflection Anisotropy: 1.0 |
## Specular Reflection Anisotropy
### Specular Reflection Anisotropy: 1.0
### Specular Reflection Anisotropy: Texture
## Rotation (radians)
This parameter sets the orientation of the anisotropic effect in radians. At 1.0, the anisotropic effect is rotated by 180 degrees. For brushed metallic surfaces, the anisotropic effect should stretch out in a direction perpendicular to the brushing direction.
## Specular Reflection Anisotropy Rotation
### Specular Reflection Anisotropy Rotation: 0.0
### Specular Reflection Rotation: 0.5
### Specular Reflection Rotation: 0.75
### Specular Reflection Rotation: 1.0
## Transmission (Specular transmission)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Enable Transmission | enable_specular_transmission | bool | false |
| Weight | specular_transmission_weight | float | 0.0 |
| Color | specular_transmission_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| Depth | specular_transmission_scattering_depth | float | 0.0 |
| Scatter | specular_transmission_scattering_color | color | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 |
### Scatter Anisotropy
- **Parameter:** specular_transmission_scatter_anisotropy
- **Type:** float
- **Default Value:** 0.0
### Dispersion Abbe
- **Parameter:** specular_transmission_dispersion_abbe
- **Type:** float
- **Default Value:** 0.0
This layer models a GGX microfacet BTDF within a homogeneous medium interior to the object, under the specular reflection layer. It shares a few key parameters with the Specular reflection layer, including Roughness, IOR, Anisotropy, and Anisotropy Rotation.
If thin-walled enabled, the surface appears double-sided, represented as an infinitely thin shell. Upon specular transmission, the incoming light is not refracted to the opposite side. The refraction index sets to the surrounding medium.
If thin-walled disabled, the surface is considered to be a boundary of a finite-sized solid object. And according to the specular reflection layer, the incoming light refracts when entering and leaving the object.
### Note
**Specular Transmission vs. Geometry Opacity**
Specular transmission controls the surface transparency, while geometry opacity controls the surface visibility. One can use the specular transmission to create a glass surface and then use the opacity to cut the surface.
### Note
In the RTX – Interactive (Path Tracing) mode, if refraction appears black, one may need to increase **Max Bounces Specular/Transmission** and **Max Bounces** in the render settings panel.
Please see RTX Interactive (Path Tracing) mode render settings for more information.
### Enable Specular Transmission
Enables specular transmission layer
### Weight
This parameter sets the amount of light to pass and scatter through the surface. At 0.0, the surface is completely opaque, while at 1.0, the surface is fully transparent.
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id158">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Weight: 0.0
<figure class="align-default" id="id159">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Weight: 0.5
<tr class="row-even">
<figure class="align-default" id="id160">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Weight: 0.75
<figure class="align-default" id="id161">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Weight: 1.0
<p id="omnisurfacebase-specular-transmission-color">
This parameter sets the transmission color, which affects the travel of refracted
rays in the volume using
Beer’s law
Therefore red colored glass gets a deeper red as refracted rays travel deeper in
the volume. A transmission color close to black makes the interior of the volume
very dense. A darker transmission color can be used to render deep-ocean water,
orange juice, and similar materials. Color and
<span class="std std-ref">
’s positive
values are used together to set the extinction coefficient (sigma_t) of the
interior volume to the object.
<div class="admonition tip">
<p class="admonition-title">
For a realistic result, specular transmission color should not be set
to saturated colors, i.e., pure red (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).
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<col style="width: 33%"/>
<col style="width: 33%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id162">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Color: 0.95, 0.35, 0.035
<figure class="align-default" id="id163">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Color: 0.65, 0.25, 0.025
<figure class="align-default" id="id164">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Color: Texture
<p id="omnisurfacebase-specular-transmission-scattering-depth">
This parameter sets the distance traveled by refracted white rays before their
colors turned into the transmission color by
Beer’s law
At 0.0, the interior medium to the object is null, and transmission color tints
the material’s refraction. Decreasing the depth increases the volume absorption
and scattering, which makes the volume more opaque.
The effect of depth depends on the absolute size of the objects, and hence depth
is a scene scale-dependent parameter.
<div class="admonition tip">
<p class="admonition-title">
For a realistic result, one should model to a real-world scale and set
the depth to 1.0.
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<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id165">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Depth: 0.0
<figure class="align-default" id="id166">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Depth: 0.1
<tr class="row-even">
<figure class="align-default" id="id167">
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Depth: 0.5
<p id="omnisurfacebase-specular-transmission-scattering-color">
This parameter sets the scattering coefficient (sigma_s) of the interior medium
to the object. The scattering color describes how much “refracted rays” are
scattered while traveling inside the medium. The light’s red, green, and blue
components are scattered by different amounts when the scattering color sets to
a non-grey hue.
Ice, opalescent glass, and honey are a few examples of materials with a high
scattering coefficient.
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Color: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Color: 0.3, 0.05, 0.0
<p id="omnisurfacebase-specular-transmission-scatter-anisotropy">
Scatter Anisotropy
This parameter sets the scattering directionality or anisotropy of the
“Henyey-Greenstein” phase function of the interior medium to the object. At 0.0,
scattering sets to isotropic, and light is scattered uniformly in all directions.
Values above 0.0 biases the scattering effect forward in the direction of the
light, while values below 0.0 biases the scattering effect backward in the
opposite direction of the light.
<col style="width: 33%"/>
<col style="width: 33%"/>
<col style="width: 33%"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Scatter Anisotropy: -1.0
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Scatter Anisotropy: 0.0
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Scatter Anisotropy: 1.0
<p id="omnisurfacebase-specular-transmission-dispersion-abbe">
Dispersion Abbe
This parameter sets how much the index of refraction varies across wavelengths.
Lowering the abbe number increases the effect of dispersion. When thin-walled
enabled, dispersion has no effects.
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Dispersion Abbe: 0
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Dispersion Abbe: 1
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Dispersion Abbe: 5
<span class="caption-text">
Specular Transmission Dispersion Abbe: 10
## Subsurface (Subsurface scattering, Diffuse transmission)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| **Enable Subsurface** | enable_diffuse_transmission | bool | false |
| **Weight** | subsurface_weight | float | 0.0 |
| **Scattering Presets** | subsurface_scattering_colors_preset | enum | scattering_colors_custom |
| **Color** | subsurface_transmission_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| **Radius (mfp)** | subsurface_scattering_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| **Scale** | subsurface_scale | float | 1.0 |
| **Anisotropy** | subsurface_anisotropy | float | 0.0 |
This layer models the effect of light absorption and scattering within a homogeneous medium interior to the object, where the exiting rays leave at a different surface location than the incident rays.
Subsurface can be used to create materials like plastic, marble, skin, wax, milk, and leaf.
In the path-tracer mode, the subsurface component is calculated using the “Random Walk” technique. The Random Walk uses a stochastic or random process to trace the effect of light scattering through an object, with no assumption about geometric features of the object, i.e., local surface flatness, concavities.
In the real-time mode, the subsurface component is calculated by combining the diffusion profile and path tracing techniques. The diffusion profile is based on the Monte Carlo simulation result that describes the distribution of energy coming out of a semi-infinite flat surface of the scattering medium.
If thin-walled enabled, the subsurface represented as the diffuse transmission of light through an infinitely thin shell.
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Note
<p>For a correct result, properly constructed geometry is required, i.e., no self-intersections, closed or geometry with thickness, proper normal directions.
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Note
<p>If subsurface appears black in the path-tracer mode, one may need to increase
## Max Volume Scattering Bounces
In the render settings panel, you can adjust the **Max Volume Scattering Bounces**. In practice, 32 bounces would be a good starting number.
Please see [Render Settings](#) for more information.
### Table: Max Volume Scattering Bounces
| Max Volume Scattering Bounces: 1 | Max Volume Scattering Bounces: 4 |
| Max Bounces: 64 | Max Bounces: 64 |
| Max Volume Scattering Bounces: 8 | Max Volume Scattering Bounces: 32 |
| Max Bounces: 64 | Max Bounces: 64 |
## Enable Subsurface
Enables diffuse transmission and subsurface layer.
## Weight
This parameter sets the amount of diffuse transmission and subsurface scattering. At 0.0, the surface is represented as diffuse only surface, and a higher value increases the visibility of diffuse transmission and subsurface scattering.
### Table: Subsurface Weight
| Subsurface Weight: 0.0 | Subsurface Weight: 0.5 | Subsurface Weight: 1.0 |
## Scattering Presets
This parameter presents a list of known subsurface scattering colors and radiuses for various materials, including apple, milk, ketchup, skin. One can use custom values by setting this parameter to scattering_colors_custom and set a value for color and radius parameters.
## Color
This parameter sets the color of the subsurface scattering effects. When incoming rays reach the surface, they will get tinted by the subsurface color. The subsurface color and radius parameters determine the absorption and scattering within the medium interior to the object.
### Table: Subsurface Color
| Whole Milk | Skin |
| Subsurface Color: 0.950, 0.930, 0.850 | Subsurface Color: 0.999, 0.615, 0.521 |
<p id="omnisurfacebase-subsurface-scattering-color"><strong>Radius (mfp)
<p>This parameter sets the scattering radius, which describes as the mean free path (mfp). The mean free path is the average distance that rays travel before scattering below the surface and within the volume.
<p>As the rays travel through the volume, they bounce around and emerge from the surface at different locations. This value corresponds to the average length the ray travels between each bounce. The higher the path length is, the further the ray is allowed to scatter within the volume.
<p>At 0.0, there will be no scattering effect. Lower values mean scattered light is absorbed quicker, resulting in a more opaque look. At higher values, the surface appears more translucent.
<p>The scattering radius can be different per spectra.
<p>For example, skin material would have a higher red value in the radius since red light (620-670nm) penetrates and scatter deepest into the skin compared to green and blue lights.
The effect of radius depends on the absolute size of the objects, and hence radius is a scene scale-dependent parameter.
This parameter scales the effect of scattering radius or the mean free path distance. If the scene is not modeled to scale, the scale parameter can be used to adjust the scattering effect. Lowering this value makes the object more diffuse, while at a higher value, it becomes more translucent.
The *Scale* parameter is adjusted based on the scene unit; if the scene scale is in meter, the scale of 1.0 corresponds to 1.0 meter.
This parameter sets the scattering directionality or anisotropy of the “Henyey-Greenstein” phase function of the interior medium to the object. At 0.0, scattering sets to isotropic, and light is scattered uniformly in all directions. Values above 0.0 biases the scattering effect forward in the direction of the light, while values below 0.0 biases the scattering effect backward in the opposite direction of the light.
> **Tip**
> Unlike hard materials, i.e., jade and marble, water-based materials, i.e., orange juice, ketchup, and skin, exhibit strong forward scattering.
**Coat (Specular reflection thin-shell)**
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| **Weight** | coat_weight| float | 0.0 |
| **Color** | coat_color | float | 0.0 |
| Roughness | coat_roughness | float | 0.1 |
| IOR Preset | coat_ior_preset | enum | ior_custom |
| IOR | coat_ior | float | 1.5 |
| Anisotropy | coat_anisotropy | float | 0.0 |
| Rotation (rad) | coat_anisotropy_rotation | float | 0.0 |
| Affect Color | coat_affect_color | float | 0.0 |
| Affect Roughness | coat_affect_roughness | float | 0.0 |
| Normal | coat_normal | float3 | state::normal() |
This layer models GGX microfacet dielectric BRDF top coating. Due to Fresnel, this layer is not energy conserving. Thus the energy that is not reflected is transmitted to the underlying layers.
The coating simulates an infinitely thin shell dielectric layer, i.e., glass, enamel, lacquer, over the surface. It can create materials like metallic car paint, carbon fiber, oily skin, and wet asphalt.
This parameter sets the amount of surface coating. Lowering this value increases light transmission through the object’s volume.
> **Tip**
> For a realistic result, this parameter should be set to less than 1.0.
| Coat Weight: 0.0 | Coat Weight: 0.5 | Coat Weight: 1.0 |
| Coat Weight: 0.0 | Coat Weight: 0.5 | Coat Weight: 1.0 |
This parameter tints all layers below the coating layer. In the real world, lights scattered by underlying layers are tinted when transmitted through the colored coating.
<span class="caption-text">
Coat Color: None
<a class="headerlink" href="#id208" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Coat Weight: 0.0
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.35
<figure class="align-default" id="id209">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_white" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_white.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Coat Color: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
<a class="headerlink" href="#id209" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Coat Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.35
<figure class="align-default" id="id210">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_green" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_green.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Coat Color: 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
<a class="headerlink" href="#id210" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Coat Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Weight: 1.0
Specular Reflection Roughness: 0.35
This parameter emulates the effect of absorption within the coating medium.
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<figure class="align-default" id="id211">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_white_base_no_coat" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_white_base_no_coat.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Without Coat
<a class="headerlink" href="#id211" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Base Color: White
<figure class="align-default" id="id212">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_white_base_cyan_coat" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_white_base_cyan_coat.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Coat Color:
<a class="headerlink" href="#id212" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Base Color: White
<figure class="align-default" id="id213">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_yellow_base_no_coat" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_yellow_base_no_coat.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Without Coat
<a class="headerlink" href="#id213" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Base Color: Yellow
<figure class="align-default" id="id214">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_yellow_base_cyan_coat" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_color_yellow_base_cyan_coat.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Coat Color:
<a class="headerlink" href="#id214" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Base Color: Yellow
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">
The reflection color is set to white for this layer.
<p id="omnisurfacebase-coat-roughness">
This parameter sets the surface microfacet’s irregularities that cause light
diffusion. At 0.0 simulates a perfect and smooth reflective surface, while
increasing the value causes reflective highlights to diverge or appear blurred.
<div class="admonition tip">
<p class="admonition-title">
Roughness can be used to create effects like torn surfaces or surfaces
with fingerprints and smudges.
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<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id215">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_roughness_0p0" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_roughness_0p0.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Coat Roughness: 0.0
<a class="headerlink" href="#id215" title="Permalink to this image">
<figure class="align-default" id="id216">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_roughness_0p5" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_roughness_0p5.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Coat Roughness: 0.5
<a class="headerlink" href="#id216" title="Permalink to this image">
<tr class="row-even">
<figure class="align-default" id="id217">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_roughness_0p75" src="_images/rtx_material_omnisurfacebase_coat_roughness_0p75.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Coat Roughness: 0.75
<a class="headerlink" href="#id217" title="Permalink to this image">
<figure class="align-default" id="id218">
## IOR Preset
This parameter presents a list of known IORs (index of refractions) for various materials, including glass, ice, diamond, skin. One can use custom IOR by setting this parameter to ior_custom and a value for the specular reflection’s IOR parameter.
## IOR
This parameter sets IOR (index of refraction), which affects surface Fresnel reflectivity. The IOR defines the ratio between reflection on the surface front, facing the viewer, and the surface edges, facing away the viewer.
At values above 1.0, the reflection appears stronger on the surface edges and weaker on the surface front. At values less than 1.0, the Fresnel is disabled, and the coating appears as a uniform highlight over the surface.
## Anisotropy
This parameter sets the specular reflection anisotropy. Reflectance changes based on the surface orientation are called anisotropic. If the reflectance is uniform in all directions and does not change based on the surface’s rotation or orientation, it is isotropic.
At values above 0.0, the surface transmits and reflects incoming light with a directional bias. Thus it appears rougher in a specific direction.
## Rotation (radian)
This parameter sets the orientation of the anisotropic effect in radians. At 1.0, the anisotropic effect is rotated by 180 degrees. For brushed surfaces, the anisotropic effect should stretch out in a direction perpendicular to the brushing direction.
## Affect Color
This parameter controls the saturation of diffuse reflection and subsurface under the coating layer.
In the real world, refracted rays exhibit internal reflection within the coating medium, which can go back down to the underlying surface to reflect again, thus making the surface more saturated and darker. `Affect Color` can be used to emulate this effect. At 0.0, this parameter has no effects.
## Affect Roughness
This parameter controls the roughness of the specular reflection, and specular transmission under the coating layer.
In the real world, refracted rays exhibit internal reflection within the coating medium, which can go back down to the underlying surface, which may scatter due to the roughness of the undercoating surface. `Affect Roughness` can be used to emulate this effect. At 0.0, this parameter has no effects.
# Base and Coat Layer
Coat Affect Roughness: 1.0
## Normal
This parameter sets the “normal direction” for the coating layer, which affects the Fresnel blending of the coating layer over the surface. The coat normal can create surface effects like raindrops, imperfections in car paint, or glazing on the food.
> **Note**
> The “coat normal” only affects the coating layer and has no effects on the underlying surface normal.
### Droplets
### Scratches
# Sheen (Specular retro-reflection)
Display Name | Name | Type | Default
--- | --- | --- | ---
Weight | specular_retro_reflection_weight | float | 0.0
Color | specular_retro_reflection_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
Roughness | specular_retro_reflection_roughness | float | 0.3
This layer creates an energy-conserving retro-reflective sheen BRDF. Sheen simulates surface micro-fibers, with axes oriented parallel to the surface normal, creating specular highlights at grazing angles.
Sheen can create soft backscattering materials like fine powder, dust, satin, leaf, and peach fuzz on the skin.
## Weight
This parameter sets the density and length of micro-fibers. At 0.0, sheen has no effects.
### Sheen Weight: 0.0
### Sheen Weight: 1.0
## Color
This parameter tints the color of the sheen, i.e., micro-fibers.
### Sheen Color: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
### Sheen Color: 0.75, 0.07, 0.45
## Roughness
This parameter sets the sheen effect roughness. Micro-fibers diverge more from the “surface normal” direction at a higher value, resulting in a softer look.
## Emission
### Display Name
### Name
### Type
### Default
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Weight | emission_weight| float | 0.0 |
| Emission Mode| emission_mode | enum | emission_lx |
| Intensity | emission_intensity | float | 1.0 |
| Color | emission_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| Use Temperature | emission_use_temperature | bool | false |
| Temperature | emission_temperature | float | 6500.0 |
This layer adds directionally uniform EDF under the coating layer, which describes the light-emitting properties of the surface.
It can create materials like an incandescent light-bulb, glowing lava, and LED panel.
### Note
In the RTX – Interactive (Path Tracing) mode, to reduce the noise in the indirectly lit area using emissive materials, one may need to increase the **Total Samples per Pixel**.
Please see RTX Interactive (Path Tracing) mode render settings for more information.
| Total Samples per Pixel: 8 | Total Samples per Pixel: 32 |
| --- | --- |
| Total Samples per Pixel: 128 | Total Samples per Pixel: 512 |
This parameter sets the amount of light emission from the surface.
| Emission Weight: 0.0 | Emission Weight: 0.5 |
| --- | --- |
| Emission Weight: 0.75 | Emission Weight: 1.0 |
**Emission Mode**
This parameter specifies the physical units to use for the emission intensity.
1. “Nit” is the unit of luminance and describes the surface power of a visible light source. The overall illumination of the scene changes depends on the size of the light source.
One nit is equal to one candela per square meter. 1 nit = 1 cd/m^2
The candela per square meter is the base unit of luminance. Candela is the base unit for luminous intensity.
A light source that emits one candela of luminous intensity onto an area of one square meter has a luminance of one candela per square meter or one nit. As an example, a calibrated monitor has a brightness of 120 cd/m^2 or 120 nits.
2. “Lux” is the unit of illuminance and describes the total amount of visible light that a light source emits. The overall illumination of the scene does not change depending on the size of the light source.
One lux is equal to one lumen per square meter. 1 lux = 1 lm/m^2
A light source that emits one candela of luminous intensity from an area of one steradian has a luminous flux of one lumen.
A light source that emits one lumen of luminous flux onto an area of one square meter has an illuminance of one lux. As an example, very bright sunlight has a brightness of 120,000 lux.
This parameter sets the emission intensity. The emission mode parameter sets the physical unit for this parameter.
A few examples of illuminance under various lighting conditions:
| Lighting Condition | Illuminance (lx) |
| --- | --- |
| Sunlight | 100,000 - 120,000 |
| Daylight | 10,000 - 25,000 |
| Overcast | 1000 |
| Twilight | 10 |
| Full moon | 0.05 – 0.3 |
| Ceiling lamp | 400 - 800 |
| Table lamp | 200 - 300 |
| Candle light | 12.57 |
This parameter sets the emission color.
| Emission Color: Rainbow | Emission Color: Lava |
**Use Temperature**
Enable the use of color temperature value instead of color.
::: note
This parameter will override the default emission color, including any textures assigned to the emission color parameter.
**Temperature (Kelvin)**
This parameter specifies emission color using a color temperature in the Kelvin unit. Lower values are warmer, i.e., redder, while higher values are cooler, i.e., bluer. The default value of 6500K is close to D65 illuminant, the white point in sRGB and Rec. 709 color spaces.
| Emission Temperature: 3200.0 | Emission Temperature: 5000.0 | Emission Temperature: 6500.0 |
| Use Temperature: Enabled | Use Temperature: Enabled | Use Temperature: Enabled |
## Thin Film
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Enable Thin Film | enable_thin_film | bool | false |
| Thickness (nm) | [Thickness Value] | [Type] | [Default] |
| thin_film_thickness | float | 400.0 |
| IOR Preset | thin_film_ior_preset | enum | ior_custom |
| IOR | thin_film_ior | float | 1.52 |
This layer models a reflective thin film when a metal and or specular reflection layer presents. Due to interference, a view-dependent iridescence effect occurs when the thin film layer thickness is close to the visible spectrum.
It can create materials like a peacock feather, burnt metal, soap bubble, and car paint.
**Enable Thin Film**
Enables thin film layer
**Thickness (nm)**
This parameter sets the thickness of the thin film layer in nanometers. At 0.0, the iridescence effect is disabled.
> **Tip**
> A typical soap bubble thickness is about 250 - 600 nanometers. By contrast, human hair thickness is in the range of 40,000 - 100,000 nanometers wide.
**IOR Preset**
This parameter presents a list of known IORs (index of refractions) for various materials, including glass, soap bubble, diamond. One can use custom IOR by setting this parameter to ior_custom and a value for the specular reflection’s IOR parameter.
This parameter sets the refractive index of the thin film layer.
> **Tip**
> The refractive index of water is 1.33, and a typical soap is 1.5. For a realistic result, the refractive index of the thin film should be less than soap and greater than water, i.e., 1.34 - 1.49.
## Geometry Section (Opacity, Geometry normal, Displacement)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| **Thin Walled** | thin_walled | bool | false |
| **Enable Opacity** | enable_opacity | bool | false |
| **Opacity** | geometry_opacity| float | 1.0 |
| **Opacity Threshold** | geometry_opacity_threshold | float | 0.0 |
| **Geometry Normal** | geometry_normal | float3 | state::normal() |
| **Displacement** | geometry_displacement | float3 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 |
### Thin Walled
This parameter sets the surface as an infinitely thin double-sided shell with a refraction index of the surrounding medium, so refracted rays exit immediately instead of entering the medium.
Thin-walled is ideal for geometrically thin objects, like a sheet of paper, soap bubble, and leaves.
“Dispersion” has no effects when Thin-Walled enabled.
When Thin-Walled is enabled, “subsurface” is represented as the diffuse transmission of the light through an infinitely thin shell, i.e., translucence.
## Enable Opacity
Enables the use of opacity
## Opacity
This parameter controls the travel of rays through the surface. At 0.0, the surface is invisible to the cameras, while at 1.0, it is completely opaque.
It can create render-time geometric detail on low-resolution and thin geometries.
### Tip
Unlike transmission, renderers are optimized to use opacity to quickly skip over empty parts of a surface with a few operations.
## Opacity Threshold
This parameter controls the opacity threshold. At a value lower or equal to the opacity map, the surface renders completely transparent. At a value greater than the opacity, the surface renders fully opaque.
## Geometry Normal
This parameter replaces the surface geometric normal with the one evaluated from a map. “Geometry Normal” has no effects on the coating layer.
## Displacement
This parameter sets the direction and distance of position modification of the surface.
### Important
This feature is not supported yet.
## Presets
Base comes with an existing library of presets. These presets can be used as a starting point for creating new materials.
- Gold
- Foam
- Rubber
- Jade
- Car-Paint
- Car-Paint Metallic
- Glossy Paint
- Two-tone Car-Paint
- Peanut Butter
- Skim Milk
- Whole Milk
- Glossy Paint
- Two-tone Car-Paint
- Chrome
- Ceramic
- Clay
Skin 1
Skin 2
Skin 3
Skin 4
Maple Syrup
Orange Juice
Dusted Glass
Frosted Glass
## OmniHairBase
OmniHairBase is a physically-based material designed base on Walt Disney’s Hair and Fur Model [3], capable of modeling near-field stylistic and realistic hair, fur, and fiber.
OmniHairBase comes with a small set of parameters with intuitive meanings, ranges and predictable results.
It consists of the following sections:
- Color
- Specular (Specular reflection)
- Diffuse (Diffuse Scattering)
- Emission
- Geometry (Opacity, Geometry normal, Displacement)
## Parameters
### Color
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Base | base_color_weight | float | 1.0 |
| Color | base_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| Melanin Presets | melanin_concentration_preset | enum | melanin_concentration_custom |
| Melanin | melanin_concentration | float | 1.0 |
| Melanin Redness | melanin_redness | float | 0.5 |
<span class="std std-ref">
Melanin Randomize
The hair fiber absorption can be controlled by setting the color parameter or adjusting the melanin concentration parameter.
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">
In the path-tracer mode, overlapping hair fibers with low melanin concentration or light-color dye may appear dark. To reduce the darkening, one may need to increase the
Max Bounces
Please see Render Settings for more information.
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<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id318">
<span class="caption-text">
Flamingo Hair Dye
<div class="legend">
Max Bounces: 4
<figure class="align-default" id="id319">
<span class="caption-text">
Flamingo Hair Dye
<div class="legend">
Max Bounces: 256
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">
In the RTX – Interactive (Path Tracing) mode, to reduce the noise within hair fibers with low melanin concentration or light dye color, one may need to increase the
Total Samples per Pixel
Please see RTX Interactive (Path Tracing) mode render settings for more information.
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<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id320">
<span class="caption-text">
Icy Light Blue Hair Dye
<div class="legend">
Total Samples per Pixel: 8
<figure class="align-default" id="id321">
<span class="caption-text">
Icy Light Blue Hair Dye
<div class="legend">
Total Samples per Pixel: 32
<tr class="row-even">
<figure class="align-default" id="id322">
<span class="caption-text">
Icy Light Blue Hair Dye
<div class="legend">
Total Samples per Pixel: 64
<figure class="align-default" id="id323">
<span class="caption-text">
Icy Light Blue Hair Dye
<div class="legend">
Total Samples per Pixel: 256
<p id="omnihairbase-base-color-weight">
This parameter sets the brightness of the hair fiber color.
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<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id324">
<span class="caption-text">
Green Ombre Dye
<div class="legend">
Base: 0.1
<figure class="align-default" id="id325">
<span class="caption-text">
Green Ombre Dye
<div class="legend">
Base: 0.25
<tr class="row-even">
<figure class="align-default" id="id326">
<span class="caption-text">
Green Ombre Dye
<div class="legend">
Base: 0.5
<span class="caption-text">
Green Ombre Dye
<a class="headerlink" href="#id326" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Base: 0.5
<figure class="align-default" id="id327">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnihairbase_base_w1p0" src="_images/rtx_material_omnihairbase_base_w1p0.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Green Ombre Dye
<a class="headerlink" href="#id327" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Base: 1.0
<p id="omnihairbase-base-color">
This parameter sets the hair fiber color by adjusting the absorption within the hair
fiber volume. The color parameter can create a dyed or art-directed hair look.
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<figure class="align-default" id="id328">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_pretty_purple" src="_images/rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_pretty_purple.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Pretty Purple
<a class="headerlink" href="#id328" title="Permalink to this image">
<figure class="align-default" id="id329">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_rainbow" src="_images/rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_rainbow.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
<a class="headerlink" href="#id329" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">
For dyed hair, one should set the melanin concentration parameter to 0.0;
otherwise, melanin and pheomelanin will darken the dye color.
<div class="admonition tip">
<p class="admonition-title">
For realistic hair color, set this parameter to white, and adjust the
melanin concentration parameter instead.
<p id="omnihairbase-melanin-concentration-preset">
Melanin Presets
This parameter presents a list of known melanin concentration values for different hair
types. One can use a custom melanin concentration by setting this parameter to
melanin_concentration_custom and enter a value for the melanin concentration parameter.
Melanin concentration “presets” are including:
<table class="docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 49%"/>
<col style="width: 51%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<th class="head">
Fiber Color
<th class="head">
Melanin Concentration
<tr class="row-even">
<tr class="row-odd">
Platinum Blond
<tr class="row-even">
Light Blonde
<tr class="row-odd">
Dark Blonde
<tr class="row-even">
Dark Brown
<tr class="row-odd">
<p id="omnihairbase-melanin-concentration">
This parameter sets the melanin concentration, which controls the hair fiber’s
primary color. At 0.0, hair fiber appears completely translucent, while at 1.0,
pigments blocking refracted rays. Thus the hair fiber becomes black.
<table class="docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<col style="width: 50%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<figure class="align-default" id="id330">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_melanin_0p025" src="_images/rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_melanin_0p025.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Platinum Blonde / Silver
<a class="headerlink" href="#id330" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Melanin Concentration: 0.025
<figure class="align-default" id="id331">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_melanin_0p05" src="_images/rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_melanin_0p05.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Shimmering Sands Light Blonde
<a class="headerlink" href="#id331" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Melanin Concentration: 0.05
<tr class="row-even">
<figure class="align-default" id="id332">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_melanin_0p1" src="_images/rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_melanin_0p1.jpg"/>
<span class="caption-text">
Sun-Kissed Light Blonde
<a class="headerlink" href="#id332" title="Permalink to this image">
<div class="legend">
Melanin Concentration: 0.1
<figure class="align-default" id="id333">
<img alt="rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_melanin_0p2" src="_images/rtx_material_omnihairbase_color_melanin_0p2.jpg"/>
## Melanin Concentration
### Blonde
- Melanin Concentration: 0.2
### Light Brown
- Melanin Concentration: 0.35
### Brown
- Melanin Concentration: 0.5
### Dark Brown
- Melanin Concentration: 0.75
### The Crow - Black
- Melanin Concentration: 1.0
## Melanin Redness (Pheomelanin)
This parameter sets the melanin redness, which is the ratio between brown eumelanin and red pheomelanin. At higher values, the hair fiber becomes redder. The melanin redness has no effects when the melanin concentration parameter is 0.0.
### Melanin Redness (Pheomelanin): 0.0
### Melanin Redness (Pheomelanin): 0.5
### Melanin Redness (Pheomelanin): 0.75
### Melanin Redness (Pheomelanin): 1.0
## Melanin Randomize
This parameter randomizes the amount of melanin concentration within hair fibers.
> **Note**
> The melanin randomization is not supported yet, one may map a texture noise to the melanin concentration parameter instead.
### Melanin Randomization: 0.0
### Melanin Randomization: 1.0
## Specular (Specular reflection)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Roughness | specular_reflection_roughness | float | 0.2 |
| Anisotropic Roughness | specular_reflection_anisotropic_roughness | bool | false |
| Azimuthal Roughness | specular_reflection_azimuthal_roughness | float | 0.2 |
| IOR Preset | specular_reflection_ior_preset | enum | ior_custom |
| IOR | specular_reflection_ior | float | 1.55 |
| Shift (deg) | specular_reflection_shift | float | 3.0 |
This hair model classifies light paths based on the number of internal reflections. Light paths are named after their event type. The first three light paths are R, TT, and TRT, where R indicates a reflection and T a transmission event.
These primary light paths are modeled as separate lobes with a dedicated longitudinal and azimuthal roughness. In contrast, longer light paths are implicitly accounted for a fourth lobe without additional parameters.
While the fourth lobe needs no azimuthal roughness, the longitudinal roughness of the fourth lobe is set to longitudinal roughness of the “third lobe”.
This parameter sets the longitudinal roughness of the reflection along the hair fiber. At 0.0, reflection becomes sharp and bright, while at 1.0, a deviation based on specular_reflection_shift in degrees, for a very rough reflection.
**Anisotropic Roughness**
This parameter enables the use of the azimuthal roughness parameter. When disabled, the roughness parameter controls both longitudinal and azimuthal roughness.
**Azimuthal Roughness**
This parameter sets the azimuthal roughness of the reflection in the hair fiber’s tangent direction when the anisotropic roughness parameter is enabled. At a lower value, the reflection looks sharp, while at a higher value, reflection wraps around the hair fiber, giving a smoother look.
One could consider azimuthal roughness as a phase function of the hair fiber’s volume, which changes the translucency and affects the multiple scattering albedo.
| Anisotropic Roughness: Disabled | Anisotropic Roughness: Enabled |
| Azimuthal Roughness: 0.0 | Azimuthal Roughness: 0.1 |
| Roughness: 0.2 | Roughness: 0.2 |
| Anisotropic Roughness: Enabled | Anisotropic Roughness: Enabled |
| Azimuthal Roughness: 0.3 | Azimuthal Roughness: 0.5 |
| Roughness: 0.2 | Roughness: 0.2 |
**IOR Preset**
This parameter presents a list of known IORs (index of refractions) for various materials, including hair and wet hair. One can use custom IOR by setting this parameter to ior_custom and a value for the specular reflection’s IOR parameter.
This parameter sets the index of refraction. Individual hair fibers are modeled as dielectric cylinders, with hair fiber reflecting off and transmitting into the fiber depending on the IOR.
At a lower IOR value, hair fibers exhibit strong forward scattering, while at a higher IOR value, stronger reflection.
> Tip: The IOR for typical human hair is about 1.55. A lower value can give hair fibers a muted look, while a higher value gives a wet look.
| Muted and thick hair | Wet hair |
| IOR: 1.2 | IOR: 1.8 |
**Shift (degree)**
This parameter sets the angle of the hair fiber’s scales. values above 0.0 shift the primary and the secondary specular reflections away from the hair fiber’s root, while values less than 0.0 shift the specular reflection toward the root.
Recommended values for human hair:
| Hair Origin | Scale angle (degrees) |
| Piedmont | 2.8 ± 0.2 |
| Light brown European | 2.9 ± 0.3 |
| Dark brown European | 3.0 ± 0.2 |
| Indian | 3.7 ± 0.3 |
| --- | --- |
| Japanese | 3.6 ± 0.3 |
| Chinese | 3.6 ± 0.4 |
| African-American | 2.3 ± 0.4 |
## Diffuse (Diffuse Scattering)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Weight | diffuse_reflection_weight | float | 0.0 |
| Color | diffuse_reflection_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
It adds a Lambertian diffuse component for greater control over the look of hair fibers.
This parameter sets the weight of the additional diffuse reflection component. At 0.0, the hair fiber exhibits specular scattering, while at 1.0, completely diffuse scattering.
> Note
> A healthy-looking human hair fiber does not have any diffuse component. However, the diffuse component can create effects such as makeup, dirty or damaged hair, and fabric threads.
This parameter sets the color of the diffuse scattering component.
## OmniHairBase Emission
### Emission
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Weight | emission_weight | float | 0.0 |
| Emission Mode | emission_mode | enum | emission_lx |
| Intensity | emission_intensity | float | 1.0 |
| Color | emission_color | color | 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
| Use Temperature | emission_use_temperature | bool | false |
| Temperature | emission_temperature | float | 6500.0 |
This layer adds an additional directionally uniform EDF, which describes the light-emitting properties of the surface.
> **Note**
> Realistic hair fibers do not have any emissive property, and these are just for artistic control.
> **Note**
> In the RTX – Interactive (Path Tracing) mode, to reduce the noise in the indirectly lit area using emissive materials, one may need to increase the **Total Samples per Pixel**. Please see [RTX Interactive (Path Tracing) mode render settings](rtx-renderer_pt.html) for more information.
### Weight
This parameter sets the amount of light emission from the surface.
### Emission Mode
This parameter specifies the physical units to use for the emission intensity.
and describes the surface power of a visible
light source. The overall illumination of the scene changes depends on the size
of the light source.
One nit is equal to
one candela per square meter
. 1 nit = 1 cd/m^2
The candela per square meter is the base unit of
is the
base unit for luminous intensity.
A light source that emits one candela of luminous intensity onto an area of one
square meter has a luminance of one candela per square meter or one nit. As an
example, a calibrated monitor has a brightness of 120 cd/m^2 or 120 nits.
2. “Lux” is the unit of
and describes the total amount of visible light
that a light source emits. The overall illumination of the scene does not change
depending on the size of the light source.
One lux is equal to
one lumen per square meter
. 1 lux = 1 lm/m^2
A light source that emits one candela of luminous intensity from an area of one
steradian has a luminous flux of one lumen.
A light source that emits one lumen of luminous flux onto an area of one square
meter has an illuminance of one lux. As an example, very bright sunlight has a
brightness of 120,000 lux.
This parameter sets the emission intensity. The emission mode parameter sets the
physical unit for this parameter.
A few examples of illuminance under various lighting conditions:
| Lighting Condition | Illuminance (lx) |
| Sunlight | 100,000 - 120,000 |
| Daylight | 10,000 - 25,000 |
| Overcast | 1000 |
| Twilight | 10 |
| Full moon | 0.05 – 0.3 |
| Ceiling lamp | 400 - 800 |
| Table lamp | 200 - 300 |
| Candle light | 12.57 |
This parameter sets the emission color.
**Use Temperature**
Enable the use of color temperature value instead of color.
> **Note**
> This parameter will override the default emission color, including any
> textures assigned to the emission color parameter.
This parameter specifies emission color using a color temperature in the Kelvin
unit. Lower values are warmer, i.e., redder, while higher values are cooler,
i.e., bluer. The default value of 6500K is close to D65 illuminant, the white
point in sRGB and Rec. 709 color spaces.
## Geometry (Opacity, Geometry normal, Displacement)
| Display Name | Name | Type | Default |
| Enable Opacity | enable_opacity | bool | false |
| Opacity | geometry_opacity | float | 1.0 |
| Opacity Threshold | geometry_opacity_threshold | float | 0.0 |
| Geometry Normal | geometry_normal | float3 | state::normal() |
| Displacement | geometry_displacement | float3 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 |
### Enable Opacity
Enables the use of opacity
### Opacity
This parameter controls the travel of rays through the surface. At 0.0, the surface is invisible to the cameras, while at 1.0, it is completely opaque.
#### Note
Although it is not physically correct, one may reduce the opacity to create softer-looking hair fibers at the cost of increased render time.
| Full Look | 50% Hair-Thinning |
| Opacity: 1.0 | Opacity: 0.5 |
| 75% Hair-Thinning | Haircut |
| Opacity: 0.25 | Opacity: Texture |
## Opacity Threshold
This parameter controls the opacity threshold. At a value lower or equal to the opacity map, the surface renders completely transparent. At a value greater than the opacity, the surface renders fully opaque.
## Geometry Normal
This parameter replaces the surface geometric normal with the one evaluated from a map.
## Displacement
This parameter sets the direction and distance of position modification of the surface.
### Important
This feature is not supported yet.
## Presets
OmniHarBase comes with an existing library of presets. These presets can be used as a starting point for creating a new hair look.
| Black | Auburn |
| Brown | Blonde |
## References
- Georgiev, I, Portsmouth, J., Zap, A., Herubel, A., King, A., Ogaki, S. and Servant, F. (2019), Autodesk Standard Surface. Autodesk White Paper.
- Chiang, M. J., Bitterli, B., Tappan, C. and Burley, B. (2016), A Practical and Controllable Hair and Fur Model for Production Path Tracing. Computer Graphics Forum, 35: 275-283.
- Keis, K., Ramaprasad, K.R. and Kamath, Y.K. (2004), Studies of light scattering from ethnic hair fibers. J Cosmet Sci. 55(1): 49-63. PMID: 15037920.
## Color Space
Texture Slots in Omniverse Apps contain a dropdown allowing the selection of color-space. Choosing the correct color space is critical to correct visual output and should be set to match the Color Space of the image being used. As a general rule, data images like Normal, Roughness, Metallic, etc. are best using RAW while full color images like Base/Diffuse Color should be set to sRGB. Auto can be used to help guess the color space but should be used cautiously as it can guess incorrectly based on several factors.
| Color Space | Result |
| Auto | Assigns the Color Space based on metadata or bit depth of the image. Checks for gamma or color space metadata in the texture file. If the texture is 8-bit or has 3 channels or if it is 8-bit and has 4 channels, the image is read in sRGB. Otherwise read the image in RAW. |
| sRGB | Applies sRGB to Linear color transformation. |
| RAW | Uses texture data as it’s read from the file. |
## Applying Materials
In order to assign a material to an object, the material must be added to your stage. This can be accomplished several ways. Using drag and drop, you can drag your material to an empty part of the Viewport or to the Stage panel. If you wish to use one our the Omniverse materials, you can use the Create menu.
Once a material is in the scene, the material can be assigned to any location. With your object or scene location selected, you can assign the material by going to the Details panel and selecting your material in the dropdown under **Materials on selected models**. If an scene has multiple material, a searchable list box will open so you can select the appropriate material to assign. You can scroll through the list of materials or type the name or partial name of your material.
## Apply a Material to a Mesh
1. Select the mesh you want to apply a material to.
2. In the details panel look for the heading “Materials on selected models”
3. In the dropdown under that heading select the material you wish to apply.
4. At this point your material is applied to the selected mesh and adjustment of the material inputs should present themselves as changes occur.
## Search Material List
Sometimes the dropdown list can become exhaustive in length, a search widget found at the top of the dropdown can help alleviate this issue.
While menu dropped down:
> 1. Select Search bar at top top of drop-down panel.
> 2. Type character string in material name.
> 3. Select appropriate material.
## Drag and Drop Assignment
In Omniverse USD Composer, materials can be dragged from the stage and dropped onto assets or prims based on the selection mode you are in.
- If you have Object Selection Mode enabled, dragging a material from the stage onto an object will replace the material of ALL prims that make up the selected asset.
- If you have Prim Selection Mode, dragging a material from the stage to an object will replace the prim where the material is dropped.
## Creating Materials
Materials can be easily created in Omniverse USD Composer using the Create > Materials menu.
Creating materials can be done in 2 common ways.
#. Create a material on a mesh : This method is when you want to create a material in your scene AND apply it to selected meshe(s).
#. Create a Material in a scene : This method simply creates a material inside the scene’s look folder but does NOT apply it to a mesh.
> IF your model does not have UVs, you will need to enable “World Space UV” to display textures.
### Create Material on Mesh
For a quick easy way to apply a new material to your mesh you can create and automatically apply the material by simply selecting a mesh or several meshes before creating a new material.
1. Select the mesh you want to apply a material to.
2. Select Create > Material > Omni PBR, Omni Glass, etc.
3. In the status bar (bottom right of screen), you will likely see a 0% bar for a few moments. Wait until it completes and disappears to confirm it is fully loaded.
4. In the Stage window, Select the Looks folder and Find the shader you selected (ie: Omni PBR). Feel free to rename this as desired.
5. If the material is fully loaded, you should see inputs for the material in the Details panel.
6. At this point your material is applied to the selected mesh and adjustment of the inputs should present themselves as changes occur.
### Create Material in Scene
There are times when you may want to pre-build a series of MDL’s and you do not want to select the meshes each time as a needed step. In this case, you can simply create the materials first, fill them in, and later apply the materials to selected objects.
1. Deselect all by left clicking a blank area in either the Stage or the Viewport.
2. Select Create > Material > Omni PBR
3. In the status bar (bottom right of screen), you will likely see a 0% bar for a few moments. Wait until it completes and disappears to confirm it is fully loaded.
4. In the Stage window, Select the Looks folder and Find the shader you selected (ie: Omni PBR). Feel free to rename this as desired.
5. If the material is fully loaded, you should see inputs for the material in the Details panel.
6. You can now fill in the materials input properties as needed to set it to your desired materials look however it has not been applied yet and will not display.
## Material Selection
As materials are an intricate part of the visual process, Omniverse USD Composer has several selection methods for working with Materials.
### Looks
Whenever a material is added to a scene, it will be stored in a “looks” directory in your Stage. This is where all material references are shown and managed.
> When a USD is nested, it will carry its looks folder with it. Therefore it is possible to have several looks folders in the appearing in stage, one for each imported USD is possible.
### Scene Material Quick Linking
With an asset selected, Click the arrow to right of material input to “jump” to the bound material.
## Locate MDLs on your Nucleus
Floating MDLs (MDLs existing in a reachable Nucleus Path) can be quickly located from the stage.
Select a **Shader** in the scene and locate the Details panel.
Select the Right Arrow next to the module will quickly jump the Content Browser to the MDLs location on the nucleus.
Using the Folder icon will allow reassignment to a different MDL.
Note: Locating MDLs with this method only works if your material exists on the Nucleus, therefore materials generated from the “Create” panel will not be located by this method as they exist as direct system references and not a particular location.
## Finding Objects attached to a Material
Selecting all objects bound with a specific material in your current scene can be quite useful at times.
In the Stage, Right Click on a material and choose “Select Bound Objects”.
## Material Swap
Allows you quickly swap one material for another while maintaining any USD connections for the target material.
### Choose a Target Material
To use the material swap tool, simply select a material you wish to replace in your content browser, then while highlighted, select “User Selected”. The Material to replace input window should now reflect the path to the material you expect to replace.
### Choose a Source Material
Next, choose a material in your browser you wish to use to replace. Press User Selected again to populate the input with the path to the source material.
### Swap
Once swapped, the target material should now have the same properties and settings as the source material. Any assets using this material will be updated.
## UDIM Support
### Overview
Omniverse USD Composer has UDIM support done in a way that is both convenient and powerful. By using the standard naming conventions used in a typical UDIM scenario, you simply replace the UDIM number with `<UDIM>` on ANY texture file input to invoke UDIM support.
### Using UDIM’s in Omniverse USD Composer (Video)
### Drag and Drop assignment of UDIM sequences
By default, file sequences of UDIM textures are displayed in the Content Browser as discreet file names and thumbnails. UDIM sequences can be displayed compactly through the Options dialog. Enabling **Display UDIM Sequence** displays the sequence as a single file name with the UDIM tile numbers replaced with the UDIM token. Dragging and dropping the sequence to a texture parameter on a material inserts the sequence into the material.
To open Options, click the 3 lines in the upper right of the Content Browser. **Display UDIM Sequence** is persistent and will save with your configuration.
Manually replacing the UDIM frame number with the UDIM token is still applicable to any MDL parameter texture input.
### Example UDIM Sequence
If you have a sequence of textures slated for use in a UDIM prepared mesh like this…
Simply replace the number with `<UDIM>` in any MDL texture input dialogue.
Note: Using UDIMs instead of multiple material assignments can benefit larger scenes/meshes by easing the assignment of a multitude of textures by its naturally automated process.
## Primvars
Primvars are additional data attached to a geometric object. The data is defined as a USD token and value pair and can be accessed using an MDL data_lookup node in the Material Editor. The data can then be used to drive shading parameters for rendering.
## Expanding Your Library
You can expand your library of MDLs by writing your own custom MDLs and importing them. You can also use Substance Designer to develop MDLs using a visual interface.
For more information on Writing your Own MDLs
NVIDIA MDL Language Specification
For more information on Substance Designer and MDL
Substance & MDL
### MDL in Substance (Video)
These videos show how to begin your journey into creating MDL files in Substance Designer. Once created they can then be used in Omniverse USD Composer by copying the created MDL into your Omniverse Server.
Part 1
Part 2 | 129,709 | | # Overview — Omniverse Kit 52.0.1 documentation
## Overview
The Omni MDL extension provides access to the MDL SDK Python bindings. This low-level binding is automatically generated from the C++ API using SWIG. With only a limited number of exceptions, it offers the same functionality as the native API using a nearly identical set of functions and classes. For detailed API documentation, examples, and the source code, please consult:
- NVIDIA Ray Tracing Documentation
### MDL in Omniverse
The MDL SDK relies on the neuray API which is shared with the NVIDIA Iray renderer. At its core, there is a database that stores the MDL modules, their definitions, and calls. Calls are instantiated function definitions along with their parameters. Since parameters can reference other calls, they describe entire material graphs that correspond to the USD materials composed of USD shader nodes. This means that MDL provides the implementation of the abstract material description in USD.
The binding itself is independent of Omniverse and Kit. To be able to work on the same database as Omniverse, another extension, called omni.mdl.neuraylib, is used.
Getting an `INeuray` instance is the first step for all MDL SDK development:
import omni.mdl.pymdlsdk as pymdlsdk # low-level MDL python binding that matches the native SDK
import omni.mdl.neuraylib # interface the OV material backend
# acquire the neuraylib instance from OV
ov_neuray_lib = omni.mdl.neuraylib.get_neuraylib()
# feed the neuray instance handle into the python binding
ov_neuray_handle = ov_neuray_lib.getNeurayAPI()
neuray: pymdlsdk.INeuray = pymdlsdk.attach_ineuray(ov_neuray_handle)
For accessing the materials used by the active renderer, an `ITransaction` is needed. Instead of creating the transaction directly using the `IDatabase` component, call the `omni.mdl.neuraylib` functions for proper interop with Omniverse.
# acquire the neuraylib instance from OV
ov_neuray_lib = omni.mdl.neuraylib.get_neuraylib()
# create a transaction after loading so we we can see the loaded module
# we also request a handle from omni.mdl.neuraylib to initialize an omni.mdl (Python Binding) transaction.
ov_transaction_handle = ov_neuray_lib.createReadingTransaction()
transaction: pymdlsdk.ITransaction = pymdlsdk.attach_itransaction(ov_transaction_handle)
## Python Usage
For a more complete example, please see the Python usage page.
## User Guide
### For more examples on the integration in Omniverse, please visit the documentation of omni.mdl.neuraylib.
### For more MDL SDK examples, including Python examples, please consult the examples on Github.
### CHANGELOG | 2,705 | | # DLL Boundary Safe Memory Management
Passing pointers across DLL boundaries could lead to heap corruption if the DLLs use different runtimes. Each runtime has its own heap manager, so attempting to free memory in a DLL that was allocated in a different DLL is unsafe. However, it is desirable to be able to pass pointers, or objects that contain pointers (such as a string), across DLL boundaries. In order to achieve this, Carbonite provides memory management functions that are DLL-boundary-safe.
There are three available functions: `carb::allocate()`, `carb::deallocate()`, and `carb::reallocate()`. These functions are analogous to `malloc`, `free`, and `realloc`. These functions all use an internal memory management function in `carb.dll`/`` ( `carbReallocate()` ), so that all allocations and deallocations use the same C Runtime, and thus are safe for use by different plugins.
## Linking
The functions mentioned above are `inline` functions that all depend on a function (`carbReallocate()`) located within the Carbonite dynamic library (`carb.dll`/``). Using these functions means that the Carbonite dynamic library must be loaded before the functions can be called.
However, the default definition of this function is weakly-linked, meaning that it is possible to build plugins which implicitly require the Carbonite dynamic library to be loaded without the hassle of explicitly linking against Carbonite’s import library or dynamic library. If strong linking is required (i.e. for an application using allocation functions prior to loading the Framework), `CARB_REQUIRE_LINKED` may be set prior to including `carb/memory/Memory.h`. | 1,671 | | # Visual Scripting Menus
## Window -> Visual Scripting
OmniGraph functionality appears in a few of the main menus. The first one is in the *Window* menu, and it lists the available UI panels and windows that can be opened for interacting with OmniGraph.
Both the *Action Graph* and *Generic Graph* entries will open up one of the [Visual Graph Editors](GraphEditors.html#omnigraph-graph-editors) window in which you can create and modify an OmniGraph.
The *Node Description Editor* entry directs you to a window in which you can visually create an extension and framework for Python nodes, including the .ogn file and a template for your node implementation. The [Node Description Editor](NodeDescriptionEditor.html#omnigraph-node-description-editor) is experimental and temporary, however you can use it as a gentle introduction to the world of node writing.
The *Toolkit* entry opens a window containing a debugging interface for users that want to peek into some of the internals of OmniGraph. Inside the [Toolkit](Toolkit.html#omnigraph-toolkit) you will find entries that allow you to inspect various facets of the OmniGraph data. The contents of the window evolve as new features are introduced.
## Create -> Visual Scripting
In order to support a more consistent experience when creating new objects OmniGraph has added an entry into the *Create* menu that enables creation of simple OmniGraph types.
Through this menu you can create new instances of the three main types of OmniGraph - [Action Graph](../Glossary.html#term-Action-Graph) , [Push Graph](../Glossary.html#term-Push-Graph) , and [Lazy Graph](../Glossary.html#term-Lazy-Graph) . The difference between them lies only in their primary method of evaluation. An [Action Graph](../Glossary.html#term-Action-Graph) will evaluate when triggered by an event. A [Push Graph](../Glossary.html#term-Push-Graph) will evaluate every time the application updates, or “ticks”. A [Lazy Graph](../Glossary.html#term-Lazy-Graph) will evaluate only the subsection of a graph that has changed since the last evaluation.
## Edit -> Preferences
Like many other subsystems, OmniGraph has a set of user-configurable settings. They can be found in the *Visual Scripting* panel of the *Preferences* window.
| Edit Preferences Menu | Visual Scripting Panel |
| --- | --- |
| ![Edit Preferences Menu](_images/EditPreferencesMenu.png) | ![Visual Scripting Panel](_images/SettingsEditor.png) |
## Settings Editor
## Window -> Property and Window -> Stage
These two menu entries, though normally applied to USD stages and prims, have specialized features added to support OmniGraph.
In the stage window you can see the special icon that indicates an OmniGraph prim definition. Different colors indicate different graph types - green for Action Graph, pink for Push Graph, and yellow for Lazy Graph. The prim types are **OmniGraph** for the main graph prim, and **OmniGraphNode** for the prims below it that correspond to nodes in the graph.
In the property panel the prim properties are divided into three sections when OmniGraph nodes are present. The top section “**OmniGraph Node**” represents the OmniGraph-specific interface to the attribute values, explained in Property Panel. The middle section “**Compute Graph**” is an OmniGraph-centric representation of the attributes on the node. The lower section “**Raw USD Properties**” presents the prim’s property values as USD sees them.
In many cases the contents of the bottom two sections will be very similar but occasionally a node will not store some of its data in USD, only storing it as temporary data in Fabric. | 3,628 | | # Menu Layout
This extension adds support for menu layout on demand.
Menu layout defined with could be replaced with [[settings.exts."".menu_layout]] in kit file.
For example:
layout_menu = [
MenuLayout.Item("Default", source="Reset Layout"),
MenuLayout.Item("Viewport Only"),
MenuLayout.Item("Save Layout", source="Window/Layout/Save Layout..."),
MenuLayout.Item("Load Layout", source="Window/Layout/Load Layout..."),
MenuLayout.SubMenu("Utilities", [
MenuLayout.Group("Viewport", source="Window/Viewport"),
MenuLayout.SubMenu("Layout", [
MenuLayout.Item("Quick Save", remove=True),
MenuLayout.Item("Quick Load", remove=True),
MenuLayout.Sort(exclude_items=["Extensions"], sort_submenus=True),
could be replaced with:
items = [
"Default=Reset Layout",
"Viewport Only",
"Save Layout=Window/Layout/Save Layout...",
"Load Layout=Window/Layout/Load Layout...",
Utilities.type = "SubMenu"
Utilities.items = ["Viewport=Window/Viewport"]
Utilities.Viewport.type = "Group"
items = ["Layout", "sort"]
Layout.type = "SubMenu"
Layout.items = ["-Quick Save", "-Quick Load"]
sort.type = "Sort"
sort.exclude_items = ["Extensions"]
sort.sort_submenus = true | 1,782 | | # Root Menu Order
This extension adds support for root menu order on demand.
Menu order can be specified in `[[settings.exts."".menu_order]]` sections.
For example:
window = -7
Tools = 80
Layout = 90
Help = 100
``` | 283 | | # Kit 105 Upgrade Migration Guide
## Welcome!
## Kit Extensions Upgrade
> ### Visual Studio 2019
> ### Issues with USD
> ### Kit SDK
> ### Update premake.lua
> ### Update Python Include Paths or Links
> ### Update Boost Links
> ### Common Errors
> ### Usd 22.11 and Python 3.10 Updates
## Python 3.10 Upgrade
> ### Breaking Change: must call super `__init__` function
> ### Breaking Change: DLL load behavior
> ### Breaking Change: Boost upgrade to version 1_76
## Schema Development
> ### Introduction
> ### What’s Changed? (Relevant Release Notes)
>> ### 22.11
>> ### 22.08
>> ### 22.05
**Breaking Change: Applied API Schemas, Inheritance, and Built-Ins**
Inheriting </APISchemaBase> and Applying Built-Ins To Represent Dependencies
What do I need to change?
Accessing API Schema Attributes
**Breaking Change: Schema Kind**
**Breaking Change: Retrieving Schema Type Names**
**New Feature: Auto-Applied API Schemas**
**New Feature: Abstract Typed Schemas and the Schema Registry**
**New Feature: Codeless Schemas**
**New Feature: Additional GLOBAL Schema Metadata to Define Use of Literal Identifier Names**
**New Feature: Defining Sparse Overrides From Built-Ins**
**Ar 2.0 (Asset Resolution Re-architecture)**
Breaking Change: IsSearchPath() Removed
Breaking Change: IsRelativePath() Removed
Breaking Change: AnchorRelativePath() Renamed
Breaking Change: ComputeNormalizedPath() Removed
Breaking Change: ComputeRepositoryPath() Removed
Breaking Change: ComputeLocalPath() Removed
Breaking Change: Resolve() Signature Changed
Breaking Change: ResolveWithAssetInfo() Removed
Breaking Change: GetModificationTimestamp() Signature Changed
Breaking Change: OpenAsset() / ArAsset Signature Changed
New Feature: OpenAssetForWrite() / ArWritableAsset
New Feature: ArAsset Detached Assets
**API Breaking Changes**
Arch Filesystem
● Arch.Filesystem
● ArchFile removed
pxr.Tf Python Module
● PrepareModule to PreparePythonModule
● IsSearchPath() Removed
● IsRelativePath() Removed
● AnchorRelativePath() to CreateIdentifier()
● ComputeNormalizedPath() Removed
● ComputeRepositoryPath() Removed
● ComputeLocalPath() Removed
● Resolve() Signature Changed
● ResolveWithAssetInfo() Removed
● GetModificationTimestamp() Signature Changed
● OpenAsset() / ArAsset Signature Changes
● Sdf.ChangeBlock(fastUpdates) to Sdf.ChangeBlock()
● GetResolvedPath return type changed
● ApplyCollection to Apply
● “Master” to “Prototype”
● GetAppliedSchemas: Now filters out non-existent schemas
● SchemaType to SchemaKind
● Property Names of MultipleApply Schemas now namespaced in schema spec
● GetMasters to GetPrototypes
● All properties now prefixed with “inputs:”
● UsdLux.Light to UsdLuxLightAPI
● UsdLux.LightPortal to UsdLux.PortalLight
● UsdLuxLight.ComputeBaseEmission() removed
● UsdLux.LightFilterAPI removed
● IsNodeGraph replaced with IsContainer
● Material bindings require UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI to be applied
● Populate/ComputeSkelBinding/ComputeSkelBindings now require a predicate parameter
● Removed glew dependency
Other Breaking Changes
● plugInfo.json now requires schemaKind field
Non-Breaking Changes
● Added HdxTaskController::SetPresentationOutput, i.e., for AOV buffering 0
Dumping Ground
● Schemas removed in 20.08 to 22.11
● Schemas added in 20.08 to 22.11
# Welcome!
It’s no easy feat to roll out 2+ years of contributions to Python, Visual Studio, and the USD Ecosystem in Omniverse– thank you for taking the time to use this guide to navigate the myriad incompatibilities introduced in this massive upgrade.
For the latest Omniverse Forum posts related to Kit 105 migration, please go
## Using the USD 22.11 and Python 3.10 Kit SDK Downstream
The upgrade is currently still a MR to kit integ-master (MR 21860). The latest builds for the TeamCity Omniverse Kit Publish job can be found [here](#kit-sdk) for how to edit your packman.xml files accordingly.
For local source linked builds, the 22.11 Python 3.10 branch branch is in the usd-rels fork, on branch merge_pxr_22.11-py310 here: [here](#kit-sdk) Once cloned, a clean build can be done by calling kit\\rendering\\build.bat \--devfull
## Kit Extensions Upgrade
This section on upgrading Kit extensions contains information about breaking changes necessary to get building.
A fair amount of the toolset that we build on has been upgraded. This includes a new version of Visual Studio (2019), Boost 1.76, Python 3.10 and USD 22.11. These changes do impact Kit Extension developers and this next section will walk through some of the changes needed to upgrade an Extension to support all these changes.
The following steps assume that your Kit Extension is based on the Kit Extensions Template. The steps here should help the upgrade process but might be different depending on how the repository is set up to build.
### Visual Studio 2019
The first step is to make sure your Extension is compatible with Visual Studio 2019.
- Update your host-deps.packman.xml
- Change your premake dependency to a more recent version. Currently, this is “5.0.0-beta1+nv1-${platform}”
- Make your msvc dependency compatible with Visual Studio 2019. Currently, this is “2019-16.11.17-2”
- Also use an updated version of winsdk which is “10.0.19608.0”
- Next, you’ll need to update your version of repo_kit_tools in repo-deps.packman.xml. This updated version is needed so that premake will use the Visual Studio 2019 generator during the build process. This will require repo_kit-tools version 0.9.4 or later
These updated dependencies should get the Extension repository pulling in the necessary dependencies for a Windows build using Visual Studio 2019
**NOTE:** An issue was encountered where the Extension(s) would still issue Windows build errors if built from a normal Windows Command Prompt. Switching to a Visual Studio 2019 Command Prompt fixed the issue. The exact build error was:
TRACKER : error TRK0005: Failed to locate: "CL.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
TRACKER : error TRK0005: Failed to locate: "CL.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
### Issues with USD
The main issue that we are aware of when building a USD plugin, such as a SdfFileFormat plugin, against Visual Studio 2019 is an optimization that the compiler makes with release builds. Visual Studio 2019 enables the “/Zc:inline” option by default, we need to make sure that this option is disabled otherwise USD will not be able to construct your USD plugin in a release build.
- In premake.lua make sure that you add the ”/Zc:inline-” buildoption for release builds to disable that behavior
- If you are curious about why this needs to be done you can read more about the issue [here](#kit-sdk)
### Kit SDK
Next, we’ll need to point our Extension at a kit-sdk dependency that includes all the changes necessary for Usd 22.11 and Python 3.10:
The kit-sdk dependency is usually declared within kit-sdk.packman.xml if using the Kit Extension Template
- **[email protected]**
- **[email protected]**
We will also need to correctly import these new upstream dependencies from our kit-sdk dependency:
- In target-deps.packman.xml (or kit-sdk-deps.packman.xml) make sure that you are importing both the python and nv_usd dependencies from kit-sdk
- Make sure that your import path is pulling from all-deps.packman.xml in Kit
- filter to include “python”
- filter to include “nv_usd_py310_${config}”
This only needs to be added or changed if you extension depends on nv_usd. So if you see a dependency like nv_usd_py37_${config} make sure that it is updated to nv_usd_py310_${config}
At a minimum, your target-deps.packman.xml should be updated to look something like:
- If you are pulling your nv_usd or python dependencies directly, it might be a good time to update your dependencies and import directly from Kit’s all-deps.packman.xml. This will help align versions of Python and USD with the supported version of Kit for your Extension. For example, if you are declaring your python and nv_usd dependencies like the following:
<project toolsVersion="5.6">
<dependency name="nv-usd_${config}" linkPath="../_build/deps/usd_${config}">
<package name="nv-usd" version="20.08.nv.1.2.2404.6bf74556-win64_py37_${config}-main" platforms="windows-x86_64"/>
<package name="nv-usd" version="20.08.nv.1.2.2404.6bf74556-linux64_py37-centos_${config}-main" platforms="linux-x86_64"/>
<package name="nv-usd" version="20.08.nv.1.2.2404.6bf74556-linux-aarch64_py37_${config}-main" platforms="linux-aarch64"/>
<dependency name="python" linkPath="../_build/deps/python">
<package name="python" version="3.7.12+nv1-${platform}" platforms="windows-x86_64 linux-x86_64 linux-aarch64"/>
- Both python and nv_usd dependencies should be updated to use importing, i.e:
<project toolsVersion="5.6">
<import path="../_build/${platform}/${config}/kit/dev/all-deps.packman.xml">
<filter include="python"/>
<filter include="nv_usd_py310_${config}"/>
<dependency name="nv_usd_py310_${config}" linkPath="../_build/target-deps/nv_usd/${config}"/>
## Update premake lua
We should have all of the necessary dependencies for MSVC 2019, Python 3.10, Boost 1.76 and USD 22.11 correctly set up. The next part of the process is updating the premake.lua scripts for each extension. Unfortunately, each one of these premake.lua scripts can be different depending on what’s required to build the extension. For example, if your extension is purely Python no changes to premake.lua should be necessary. But if your extension depends on USD and links against Boost for Python bindings it’s very likely that premake.lua will need to be updated
### Update Python Include Paths or Links
If you have an Extension that creates Python bindings for a Native Extension, you’ll more than likely need to tweak some include paths and links in premake.lua.
- In premake.lua for each Extension search for usages of “python3.7” and update to “python3.10”. Typically, these will be limited to “includedirs” and “links” in premake.
- This should be as simple as search and replace but YMMV with complex build scripts.
- The important part is that the Python 3.10 headers and binaries can be found when you go to build / link your Extension.
### Update Boost Links
If the Extension you are building depends on Boost, include paths and links might need to change. This is definitely the case with Windows as the DLL includes the MSVC toolset along with the Boost version number in its name. These values are now vc142 and 1_76, respectively.
- For convenience, the link_boost_for_windows function can be used. When calling “link_boost_for_windows({“boost_python310”})” that should correctly link against Boost for Python 3.10 using the vc142 toolset.
### Common Errors
The location of the omni.usd binary has changed. To properly link against omni.usd you will need to change the library path to find it:
- libdirs {"%{kit_sdk}/extscore/omni.usd.core/bin"} -> libdirs
- **Unable to find Python headers / library for building Python bindings**
- The following error usually means that an include directory within a premake5.lua build script might be misconfigured and not set to the correct directory
- **Within your premake5.lua scripts a couple examples of incorrect paths:**
includedirs { target_deps.."/python/include/python3.10**m**" }
includedirs { target_deps.."/python/include/python3.7m" }
includedirs { target_deps.."/python/include/python3.7" }
- **These include directories should be set to the following now that Kit is using Python 3.10**
includedirs { target_deps.."/python/include/python3.10" }
## Usd 22.11 and Python 3.10 Updates
From here, the Extension repository should at least be able to find all the necessary dependencies, build and link against them. The next part will be to make any necessary changes for Python 3.10, such as calling `super().__init__()`, and USD 22.11. These changes can vary wildly between repositories and developers should refer to all the documentation in this guide on how to properly migrate their repository.
## 22.08
- Added the apiSchemaOverride feature to usdGenSchema that allows a schema definition to explicitly define sparse overrides to properties it expects to be included from a built-in API schema.
## 22.05
- Changes for usdGenSchema:
- Disabled inheritance for multiple apply API schemas, now that built-in API schemas are supported for multiple apply schemas.
- Fixed issue where schema tokens with invalid C++ identifiers would be generated. These tokens will now be converted into a valid identifier. Tokens beginning with a numeral are now prefixed with ‘_’.
- Added ability to generate C++ identifiers using property names and values exactly as authored in schema.usda instead of camel-casing them by specifying useLiteralIdentifier in the GLOBAL schema metadata. This is helpful in scenarios where schema.usda is generated using utilities like usdgenschemafromsdr instead of being hand authored.
- Fixed Python 3 compatibility by explicitly included the None keyword in reserved list.
## 22.03
- Changes for applied API schemas:
- Multiple-apply API schemas can now include other multiple-apply API schemas as built-ins.
- `"prepend apiSchemas"` must be used in schema.usda to set built-in API schemas on another schema.
- Applied API schemas authored on a prim can no longer change the type of a property defined by that prim’s type or built-in API schemas.
## 21.11
- Updated connectedAPIBehavior so that APISchemas can now provide connectableAPIBehavior by explicitly registering a new behavior associated with the APISchemaType or by providing plug metadata to configure the connectability behavior. Note that the latter can be used for codeless schemas.
- Single apply API schemas can now include built-in API schemas and can auto apply to other single apply API schemas. API schemas are now only allowed to inherit directly from UsdAPISchemaBase.
- Applied API schemas can no longer inherit from other other applied API schemas, which allows UsdPrim::HasAPI() to be a much faster query. Non-applied schemas may still inherit from other non-applied schemas.
## 21.08
- Added support for “codeless” USD schemas that do not have any C++ or Python code. Changes to these schemas’ definitions do not require any code to be recompiled; instead, the generatedSchema.usda just needs to be regenerated via usdGenSchema and reinstalled.
- Added ability to specify allowed prim types for API schemas in the customData dictionary for the schema in schema.usda.
- Added UsdPrim::CanApplyAPI and CanApply to all API schema classes to check if an API schema can be applied to a prim based on the restrictions above.
- API schemas can now provide connectability behavior, which can override behavior based on prim type.
## 21.05
- Updated usdGenSchema to not error when generating a dynamic schema and libraryPath is not specified.
- Fixed usdGenSchema to honor apiName metadata for auto generated tokens.h. This results in correct doxygen documentation for the correct API names.
- usdGenSchema now adds a type alias for abstract typed schemas, which means abstract typed schemas now have an official USD type name which is registered with the UsdSchemaRegistry.
- Auto apply API schemas in USD can now specify abstract typed schemas to auto apply to, indicating that the API should be applied to all schemas that derive from the abstract schema type.
## 21.02
- Added support for auto-apply API schemas. This allows single-apply API schemas to be automatically applied to prims using one of a list of associated concrete schema types instead of requiring the user to manually apply the API schema.
- Renamed UsdSchemaType to UsdSchemaKind to disambiguate between the schema type (e.g. UsdGeomSphere) and kind (e.g. non-applied, single-apply, etc).
- Deprecated functions using the "schema type" terminology in favor of "schema kind".
## Breaking Change: Applied API Schemas, Inheritance, and Built-Ins
As of v21.11, USD no longer supports inheritance chains for API schemas (although still fully supported for IsA schemas). The primary reason for this breaking change was the need to make `UsdPrim::HasAPI<SchemaType>()` more efficient by not continuously checking derivation chains. To that end, support for inheritance was removed from API schemas. Instead, API schemas have the ability to define built-ins, which are semantically similar to defining inheritance chains, but more performant from a USD run-time perspective.
Unfortunately, this has a significant impact to our own custom schema
definitions (particularly physics) and requires that these schemas be
migrated to conform to the new requirements.
## Inheriting `
All API schema types (both single and multiple-apply) are now required to inherit `
class "MyAppliedAPI" (
inherits =
) {
To simulate inheritance and define a dependency chain, USD has introduced the concept of built-ins. This is the inverse of the auto-applied API schema feature - when an applied API schema is applied to a prim instance, all applied API schemas declared as built-ins are applied as well. Built-ins work recursively such that if SchemaType1API declared built-ins of SchemaType2API and SchemaType3API, and SchemaType2API declared built-ins of SchemaType4API, then applying SchemaType1API to a prim instance will also apply SchemaType2API, SchemaType3API, and SchemaType4API.
> All built-ins specified must be either single-apply API or named instances of multiple-apply API schemas (IsA schemas cannot be built-ins).
Declaring an applied API schema type as a built-in involves placing it’s schema type name in the prepend apiSchemas attribute of the schema type that uses it as a built-in:
class "ExampleSchema1API" (
inherits =
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "singleApply"
prepend apiSchemas = ["ExampleSchema2API"]
) {
This definition states that when ExampleSchema1API is applied to a prim instance, ExampleSchema2API will also be applied as a schema built-in to ExampleSchemaAPI. This mimics inheritance in the sense that applying ExampleSchema1API will always also apply ExampleSchema2API, so all attributes from both will be present on the prim (as you would expect in the normal inheritance chain).
**Note: A schema can have a stronger opinion on a property that may come from one of its built-ins if it declares the property itself. This is useful to override the default value of the property. Be careful not to do this unintentionally and do things like e.g. change the type of the property!**
Multiple-apply schemas have an additional set of consequences since they must always be applied to a prim instance using the same instance name. This results in the following:
- If a multiple-apply API schema is listed as a built-in without an instance name, it is always applied to the prim instance using the same instance name as the schema type declaring the built-in.
- If a multiple-apply API schema is listed as a built-in with an instance name, it will be applied with a suffixed instance name that combines the built-in instance name and the instance name of the schema type declaring the built-in.
For example, consider the following definition:
class "MultipleApplySchema1API" (
inherits =
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "multipleApply"
prepend apiSchemas = ["MultipleApplySchema2API"]
) {
Applying MultipleApplySchema1API to a prim instance with the instance name foo will also result in MultipleApplySchema2API being applied to the prim instance with the instance name foo. Now consider a slight modification to this definition:
class "MultipleApplySchema1API" (
inherits =
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "multipleApply"
prepend apiSchemas = ["MultipleApplySchema2API:bar"]
) {
In this case, applying MultipleApplySchema1API to a prim instance with the instance name foo will result in MultipleApplySchemaAPI2 being applied to the prim instance with the instance name foo.
applied with the suffixed instance name foo:bar.
Note that built-ins apply to IsA schema types as well (that is, you can define a list of built-in API schema types that are applied to a prim instance of the IsA type). In this case, inherited types will inherit the built-ins from their base types.
### What do I need to change?
Based on this breaking change, there are two things that must be done in existing schemas:
- All applied API schemas must be changed to inherit from `
- The existing inheritance hierarchy must be converted to a set of built-ins (see examples below)
As an example, consider three applied API schemas Schema1API, Schema2API, and Schema3API, each currently inheriting from the one before as so:
class "Schema1API" (
inherits = </APISchemaBase>
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "singleApply"
) {
class "Schema2API" (
inherits = </Schema1API>
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "singleApply"
) {
class "Schema3API" (
inherits = </Schema2API>
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "singleApply"
) {
To convert these, each would be modified to inherit APISchemaBase and to prepend the schema type they inherit as follows:
class "Schema1API" (
inherits = </APISchemaBase>
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "singleApply"
) {
class "Schema2API" (
inherits = </APISchemaBase>
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "singleApply"
prepend apiSchemas = ["Schema1API"]
) {
class "Schema3API" (
inherits = </APISchemaBase>
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "singleApply"
prepend apiSchemas = ["Schema2API"]
) {
Since built-ins are recursive, we get the properties that we would expect from all three applied schemas when applying Schema3API to a prim, just as we would in the inheritance scenario.
### Accessing API Schema Attributes
Unfortunately, using the API schemas becomes a bit more burdensome than it is with inheritance. Prior to this change, a developer could modify any of the inherited attributes via the most-derived type:
Schema3API schema3API = Schema3API::Apply(prim);
int x = schema3API.GetSchema3Attr1().Get<int>();
double y = schema3API.GetSchema2Attr1().Get<double>();
This same approach does not work with built-ins, and so it is necessary at the current time to acquire the different API schemas in the built-ins set to set the attributes on each appropriately:
Schema3API schema3API = Schema3API::Apply(prim);
int x = schema3API.GetSchema3Attr1().Get<int>();
Schema2API schema2API = Schema2API(prim);
double y = schema2API.GetSchema2Attr1().Get<double>();
This requires (extensively) refactoring existing code, especially for schemas like physics that have API schemas that are heavily inheritance based. The expectation is that this will be addressed by USD to make this more developer friendly.
### Breaking Change: Schema Kind
From v21.02 onward, what used to be schema type is now referred to as schema kind. This change was made to disambiguate the schema type name (e.g. Schema1API) and what kind of schema it is (e.g. single-apply, multiple-apply, etc.). While the impact is small, it does require:
- Regeneration of the schema classes such that the GetSchemaKind method is generated over the GetSchemaType method (which will return a UsdSchemaKind not a UsdSchemaType)
- Code changes in any code that uses those methods of the schema (or associated methods of the UsdSchemaRegistry to reflect on schema types).
In practice, since the values of UsdSchemaKind are the same as the old UsdSchemaType enumeration, this means replacing any code that calls GetSchemaType with calls to GetSchemaKind and using UsdSchemaKind as the return value, on both schema types themselves and any code involving the UsdSchemaRegistry.
Also, if your plugInfo.json is missing the schemaKind field, it may silently fail to load.
For details on API breakage, see:
[Other Breaking Changes: Schemas: pugInfo.json: plugInfo.json now requires schemaKind field]
### Breaking Change: Retrieving Schema Type Names
From v21.02 onward, the GetSchemaPrimSpec method on UsdPrimDefinition has been removed. This method was used to get the “schema prim spec”, from which the schema type name of an e.g., C++ type could be retrieved. While there is no direct replacement on UsdPrimDefinition, similar functionality can be found in the UsdSchemaRegistry singleton object via the method GetSchemaTypeName:
/// Return the type name in the USD schema for prims or API schemas of
/// given registered \\p SchemaType.
template <class SchemaType>
static TfToken GetSchemaTypeName() {
return GetSchemaTypeName(SchemaType::_GetStaticTfType());
### New Feature: Auto-Applied API Schemas
An auto-applied API schema refers to a single-apply API schema that will be automatically attached to a set of prim instances of one or more defined schema types. This is a new feature that requires no migration of existing schema content and has two advantages:
- An existing schema set can be extended with additional attributes without having to modify the original schema. That is, if a schema Schema1 supplied a set of attributes, and a developer decides that there is an additional set of attributes that are directly relevant to prims that have Schema1 applied, then they can create a new schema Schema2API containing those new attributes and declare that it should be auto-applied to all prim instances of type Schema1 (in the case of typed schemas) or for which Schema1 is applied (in the case of API schemas), without modifying Schema1 itself. In the case of IsA schemas, the auto-apply rule would trigger on the specified schema being applied to a prim instance as well as any inherited type of that schema being applied.
- All prim instances that satisfy the auto apply to criteria automatically get the new schema applied without developers having to explicitly call Apply on each prim they want the schema to apply to.
The mechanism for defining this in a schema definition is via the apiSchemaAutoApplyTo attribute of the API schema type’s customData dictionary. This is an array of token strings defining the names of the schemas applied to a prim instance that trigger the auto-apply rule. Note this is an or set, not an and set (only one of the listed schemas need be applied to a prim instance for the auto-apply rule to trigger). For example, if a developer wanted to auto-apply a new schema type Schema1API to all prim instances of type UsdGeomMesh, their definition would look as follows:
class "Schema1API" {
inherits =
customData = {
apiSchemaAutoApplyTo = ["UsdGeomMesh"]
token apiSchemaAutoApplyTo[] = ["UsdGeomMesh"];
Note that this functionality only applies to single-apply API schemas (as multiple-apply API schemas require an instance name to be specified on application).
The above technique is applied at schema generation time, which is sufficient for a broad number of use cases. USD also has an additional mechanism for supplying this information which applies later in the pipeline (i.e. after schema generation has occurred and is distributed). This is referred to as plugin defined auto-applied API schemas. This allows developers to specify additional auto-apply rules that may only affect a subset of schema consumers. While an uncommon use case, USD allows this type of auto-apply schema to be specified directly in the plugInfo.json file via the AutoApplyApiSchemas key contained in the Plugins.Info key. Representing the example above in the plugInfo.json file would look as follows:
"Plugins": [
"Info": {
"AutoApplyAPISchemas": {
"Schema1API": {
"apiSchemaAutoApplyTo": [
## New Feature: Abstract Typed Schemas and the Schema Registry
Prior to v21.05, USD did not record abstract typed schemas as official USD type names in the schema registry. This effectively meant that developers could not refer to these abstract typed schemas in scenarios such as auto-apply of API schemas. This minor change makes abstract typed schemas first class citizens in the schema registry, and their type names can be used in auto-apply scenarios to capture a large number of prims who’s schemas are derived from the abstract schema. That is, consider the scenario below:
Figure 1: Abstract Typed Schemas with Auto-Apply
In this case, AppliedSchema1API will be auto-applied to all prims of type ConcreteSchema1, ConcreteSchema2, or ConcreteSchema3. Prior to this change, AppliedSchema1API would only have been allowed to specify one (or more) of the concrete schema types to auto-apply to.
## New Feature: Codeless Schemas
v21.08 introduced the concept of codeless schemas. These schemas have no generated code - only the type definition. This makes them easy to distribute, use, and iterate; providing a data contract without binary distribution issues (although codeless schemas are still discovered through the standard USD plug-in system). You may already be taking advantage of this feature - it was cherry picked into NVIDIA’s v20.08 USD source and made available to usdgenschema. Codeless schemas can be declared by adding the skipCodeGeneration attribute to the GLOBAL schema metadata. Note that this will cause all schemas defined in the schema.usda file to be codeless, so if you want both codeful and codeless schemas be sure to separate out their definitions into different schema.usda files.
As an example, let’s define a codeless schema for the following simple scenario:
Figure 2: Codeless Schema Example
over "GLOBAL" (
customData = {
bool skipCodeGeneration = true
) {
class "Schema1API" (
inherits = </APISchemaBase>
customData = {
token apiSchemaType = "singleApply"
int schema1:property1 = 5 ()
int schema1:property2 = 2 ()
The downside to codeless schemas is that you don’t get the nice wrappers for accessing properties on a prim associated with that schema that are available through the code generation. All property access must go through the generic API’s available on UsdPrim.
TfType schemaType = UsdSchemaRegistry::GetAPITypeFromSchemaTypeName("Schema1API");
bool hasApi = prim.HasAPI(schemaType);
if (hasApi)
int schema1APIProperty1Value = 0;
int schema1APIProperty2Value = 0;
assert(schema1APIProperty2Value == 2);
assert(schema1APIProperty2Value == 5);
## New Feature: Additional GLOBAL Schema Metadata to Define Use of Literal Identifier Names
In v22.05, USD added the ability for schema authors to specify that property names should be generated verbatim as written rather than the normal behavior of camel-casing them. This is a minor change, but helpful in scenarios where the schema.usda file is auto-generated by a tool rather than hand authored (e.g. usdgenschemafromsdr). To invoke this behavior, a new metadata key was added to the GLOBAL schema metadata:
over "GLOBAL" (
customData = {
string libraryName = "exampleLibrary"
string libraryPath = "."
bool useLiteralIdentifier = true
Adding this metadata informs usdgenschema to attempt to use the written property names verbatim. Note that normal rules still apply for identifiers, and usdgenschema will make the property name a valid identifier (via TfMakeValidIdentifier) if it is invalid, even in cases where useLiteralIdentifier is set in the GLOBAL metadata.
## New Feature: Defining Sparse Overrides From Built-Ins
In v22.08, USD introduced the ability for an API schema to perform a sparse override of a built-in’s property. In this scenario, an API schema may have an opinion on the default value of a property from one of its built-ins, without defining or owning the property itself. This is functionally similar to an over for the property, where the API schema defines a stronger opinion of the default value. Consider the following:
Figure 3: Sparse Overrides on Built-Ins
This new functionality can be taken advantage of by adding the apiSchemaOverride to the customData dictionary of the property.
class "Schema1API" (
) {
uniform int schema1:property = 5 (
class "Schema2API" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["Schema1API"]
) {
uniform int schema1:property = 2 (
customData = {
bool apiSchemaOverride = true
In this scenario, Schema2API has declared Schema1API a built-in and provided a sparse override of the schema1:property default value. Note that when doing this, the property must be declared with the exact same type and variability (e.g., uniform int in the above example), otherwise the override is ignored. Also note that this functionality is only available to API schemas and does not apply to overriding properties via IsA schema inheritance.
## Ar 2 (Asset Resolution Re-architecture)
### Introduction
## The Public Interface to Ar (Asset Resolution)
The public interface to Ar (Asset Resolution) has changed significantly, hence the version change from 1.0 to 2.0. While it is a significant change, the functionality is mostly the same but provides better hooks for cloud-based asset backends such as Nucleus. The parts of Ar that changed mostly relate to removed and renamed methods. In most circumstances, methods were removed since they really only applied to Pixar’s way of resolving assets. Other methods were renamed to more accurately convey their intent.
## Breaking Change: IsSearchPath() Removed
Search paths are no longer a part of the public interface of Ar 2.0. This was done for good reason as not all asset management systems support search paths. Internally, an implementation of Ar 2.0 can support search paths but there is no publicly available method such as ArGetResolver().IsSearchPath(). Originally, this method was made a part of the public Ar interface so Sdf could perform the “look here first” approach when resolving an SdfAssetPath that fit the criteria of a search path. If you are using ArGetResolver().IsSearchPath() it might be a good time to assess why you are using it before migrating your code as there is not an out-of-the-box solution. If ArGetResolver().IsSearchPath() is used in a lot of places we could add a utility function to mimic it’s behavior.
In order to migrate your code to check if an asset path is a search path it will need to pass the following checks:
1. It is not a URL prefixed with a scheme such as omniverse:// or https://
2. It is not an absolute file path i.e starting with / or \
3. It is not a file relative path:
- a. Does not start with ./ or ../
- b. Does not start with .\ or ..\
A C++ implementation would be:
// Add the C++ Implementation similar to what we are using in OmniUsdResolver_Ar1.cpp
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: IsSearchPath() Removed
## Breaking Change: IsRelativePath() Removed
As a part of the process to decouple assets from the filesystem, ArGetResolver().IsRelativePath() was also removed. While sometimes useful, it also made for a confusing API when paired with ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath(). It would make the caller think that you need to check if the asset path was relative before calling ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath() which was not always the case. If you find that you’re calling ArGetResolver().IsRelativePath() on asset paths before ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath() a better way to migrate your code would be to use a utility from Sdf:
auto stage = UsdStage::Open("omniverse://some/asset.usd");
const std::string assetPath = "./geom.usd";
// SdfComputeAssetPathRelativeToLayer works for both Ar 1.0 and Ar 2.0
// It will also handle all the edge cases dealing with things like anonymous layers,
// package relative paths, etc.
const std::string assetId = SdfComputeAssetPathRelativeToLayer(stage->GetRootLayer(), assetPath);
If you find that you do need to check if some string is relative, TfIsRelativePath() could be used. But it’s important to understand that TfIsRelativePath() will only work with filesystem paths. For example, TfIsRelativePath("omniverse://some/asset.usd") would return true. So only use TfIsRelativePath() if you’re sure it’s a filesystem path and not a URL.
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: IsRelativePath() Removed
## Breaking Change: AnchorRelativePath() Renamed
ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath() was correctly renamed to ArGetResolver().CreateIdentifier(). The reason for this method being renamed is to clarify its intent which is to create an identifier for an incoming asset path. The incoming asset path may or may not be relative, but ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath() was always called to make sure the returned result was a valid identifier that could be consistently resolved.
const std::string anchor = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";
const std::string assetPath = "./geom.usd";
##if !defined(AR_VERSION) || AR_VERSION < 2
// Ar 1.0
const std::string identifierAr1 = ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath);
// Ar 2.0 - The ArResolvedPath is required for the anchor to indicate to the ArResolver plugin
// implementing _CreateIdentifier that the anchor has already been resolved
const ArResolvedPath resolvedAnchor(anchor);
// Ar 2.0 - Note how the anchor and asset path order are switched
const std::string identifierAr2 = ArGetResolver().CreateIdentifier(assetPath, resolvedAnchor);
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: AnchorRelativePath() to CreateIdentifier()
## Breaking Change: ComputeNormalizedPath() Removed
ArGetResolver().ComputeNormalizedPath() has been removed since in most cases it was a redundant call. Most ArResolver plugins would return the normalized form of an incoming asset path in ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath(). However, ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath() was vague as to the expected result. ArGetResolver().CreateIdentifier() clarifies that its returned result should be in its final normalized form.
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: ComputeNormalizedPath() Removed
## Breaking Change: ComputeRepositoryPath() Removed
ArGetResolver().ComputeRepositoryPath() has been removed. A repository path, or repoPath, was a very Pixar specific way of identifying their assets within Perforce. For the majority of their assets they could compute the resolved path or local path to a repository path (identifier) in Perforce. In some ArResolver plugins a resolved path can not be computed to its repository path (identifier). For this reason, an ArResolver plugin would just return the incoming path as-is and adds to a confusing ArResolver interface.
In order to migrate your code the call to ArGetResolver().ComputeRepositoryPath() should just be removed. The OmniUsdResolver would just return the incoming path, nothing was actually computed since client-library does not support converting a resolved cached path to the URL it was resolved from.
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: ComputeRepositoryPath() Removed
## Breaking Change: ComputeLocalPath() Removed
ComputeLocalPath() has been removed and replaced with more accurately named methods. In Ar 1.0, ComputeLocalPath() was called in SdfLayer::CreateNew to redirect a new layer to some local path on disk so it could still resolve. Ar 2.0 clarifies the interface by adding CreateIdentifierForNewAsset / ResolveForNewAsset methods
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd";
// Not completely necessary but makes sure the assetPath is absolute + normalized
const std::string identifier = ArGetResolver().CreateIdentifierForNewAsset(assetPath);
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().ResolveForNewAsset(identifier);
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: ComputeLocalPath() Removed
## Breaking Change: Resolve() Signature Changed
Resolve() has changed the return type from std::string to ArResolvedPath. The ArResolvedPath type is just a shim around std::string to clarify the interface when an ArResolver plugin can expect to receive a resolved path. One of the confusing aspects of Ar 1.0 for an ArResolver plugin implementation was when you were receiving an unresolved asset path or a fully resolved path. This led to numerous subtle bugs when the plugin would assume a resolved path but would actually be receiving an asset path since everything was just typed from std::string.
The code required to support this change can be done in a few different ways and should be handled according to preference or coding style:
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";
// In Ar 1.0
const std::string resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);
// In Ar 2.0
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);
// or to support Ar 1.0 + Ar 2.0
auto resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);
Another very important aspect of Resolve() is that USD no longer assumes that the returned result will point to a normal file path on disk! It is expected that Resolve() can return things such as URIs where any file system calls, i.e ArchOpenFile() and ArchGetFileLength(), will not work correctly and more than likely fail. If you are currently using any file system operations on a resolved asset path your code should be updated to use the ArAsset / ArWritableAsset abstractions so you can properly read / write data. See the sections on OpenAsset() / OpenAssetForWrite() for examples on reading / writing.
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: Resolve() Signature Changed
## Breaking Change: ResolveWithAssetInfo() Removed
ResolveWithAssetInfo() has been removed and separated into two methods;
Resolve() and GetAssetInfo(). GetAssetInfo() accepts an asset path and an ArResolvedPath as input to accurately find all the information related to the asset. The ArResolvedPath can help with asset management systems that might need the identifier, along with the resolved result of that identifier to accurately return the ArAssetInfo with all the correct information.
// In Ar 1.0
// Note that assetPath would typically be the identifier returned from AnchorRelativePath()
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";
ArAssetInfo assetInfo;
const std::string resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().ResolveWithAssetInfo(assetPath, &assetInfo);
// In Ar 2.0
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);
ArAssetInfo assetInfo = ArGetResolver().GetAssetInfo(assetPath, resolvedPath);
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: ResolveWithAssetInfo() Removed
## Breaking Change: GetModificationTimestamp() Signature Changed
GetModificationTimestamp() is another method that changes the return type to clarify what was expected to be returned for ArResolver plugin implementations. The return type for GetModificationTimestamp() changed from a VtValue to an ArTimestamp. The ArTimestamp is a more suitable type for external APIs to correctly sort and compare an asset’s modification timestamp due to its guaranteed comparison overload operators. These operators are important for a library such as Sdf to correctly reload layers, since the asset representing the SdfLayer needs to be sorted and compared based on the time the asset was last modified.
// In Ar 1.0
// Note that assetPath would typically be the identifier returned from AnchorRelativePath()
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";
const std::string resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);
VtValue timestamp = ArGetResolver().GetModificationTimestamp(assetPath, resolvedPath);
// In Ar 2.0
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);
ArTimestamp ts = ArGetResolver().GetModificationTimestamp(assetPath, resolvedPath);
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: GetModificationTimestamp() Signature Changed
## Breaking Change: OpenAsset() and ArAsset Signature Changes
The change will mostly affect ArResolver plugin implementations, but is still a breaking change. OpenAsset() has changed its signature to ensure const-correctness. In Ar 1.0 this seemed like a bug, or oversight, where an ArResolver plugin would modify its own state when opening an asset for reading. This has been corrected in Ar 2.0 to guarantee that OpenAsset() is indeed const and will not modify its own state. The only required change here is for ArResolver plugin implementations to update their function signatures to mark it as const-qualified. This change also allows a const-qualified function to call ArGetResolver().OpenAsset() along with the virtual methods exposed by ArAsset such as GetSize(), GetBuffer(), Read(), etc.
Additionally, the type of resolvedPath has changed from a std::string to an ArResolvedPath.
Using OpenAsset() for reading assets has been supported since Ar 1.0. But now that ArGetResolver().Resolve() no longer assumes a file path on disk being returned, it’s very important to use OpenAsset() when data needs to be read from an asset path. Typical usage can look like the following:
// In Ar 2.0
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);
auto asset = ArGetResolver().OpenAsset(resolvedPath);
if (asset) {
// get the buffer to read data into
std::shared_ptr<const char> buffer = asset->GetBuffer();
if (!buffer) {
TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Failed to GetBuffer()");
size_t bytesRead = asset->Read(buffer.get(), asset->GetSize(), 0);
if (bytesRead == 0) {
TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Failed to read asset");
// buffer should now contain bytesRead chars read from resolvedPath
For details on API breakage, see:
API Breaking Changes: Ar.Resolver: OpenAsset() / ArAsset Signature Changes
## New Feature: OpenAssetForWrite() and ArWritableAsset
One of the big features of Ar 2.0 is the ability to write data directly to the underlying asset management system in an abstracted, and extendable, way. ArGetResolver().OpenAssetForWrite() is a hook in an ArResolver plugin implementation to assist and control how something is written to the asset management system. This new feature allows for things like streaming writes without the need to directly link against custom libraries like client-library. This greatly simplifies the process of getting new assets into asset management systems such as Nucleus, and is natively supported across all of USD through facilities like SdfFileFormat plugins. A very naive implementation could look something like the following:
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";
// if writing to an existing asset
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);
// or if writing to a new asset
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().ResolveForNewAsset(assetPath);
// create a buffer that contains the data we want to write
const size_t bufferSize = 4096;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[bufferSize]);
// put some data into the buffer
const std::string data = "some asset data";
memcpy(buffer.get(), data.c_str(), data.length());
// open the asset for writing
auto writableAsset = ArGetResolver().OpenAssetForWrite(resolvedPath, ArResolver::WriteMode::Replace);
if (writableAsset) {
const size_t bytesWritten = writableAsset->Write(buffer.get(), data.length(), 0);
if (bytesWritten == 0) {
TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Failed to write asset");
// close out the asset to indicate that all data has been written
## New Feature: ArAsset Detached Assets
Detached assets are a new way to completely separate an ArAsset from the underlying asset management system. In some asset management systems its possible for assets to continuously receive updates. Updates like this can cause instability if the asset is in the process of being read into memory and the asset changes from underneath it. GetDetachedAsset() on ArAsset is a place for an ArResolver plugin to perform any necessary steps to ensure that the returned ArAsset will be consistent for reads throughout its lifetime.
## API Breaking Changes
## Base
### Arch
### Arch Filesystem
#### ArchFile removed
# Usd
## Ar
### Ar Resolver
#### IsSearchPath() Removed
For a detailed explanation, see: Breaking Change: IsSearchPath() Removed
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | * [ar 2.0] Add identifier API to ArResolver<br/>* [ar 2.0] Remove filesystem path operations during layer lookup<br/>* [ar 2.0] Deprecate ArResolver functions slated for removal<br/>* [ar 2.0] Remove deprecated relative/search path API from ArResolver<br/>* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation<br/>* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf<br/>* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from pcp |
| | | |
## IsRelativePath() Removed
For a detailed explanation, see:
- Breaking Change: IsRelativePath() Removed
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | - [ar 2.0] Add identifier API to ArResolver<br/>- [ar 2.0] Remove deprecated relative/search path API from ArResolver<br/>- [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation<br/>- [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf<br/>- [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from usdUtils |
| | C++/Python Find Regex: | (?<=\W)IsRelativePath(?=\W) |
| | C++ Example Before: | SdfLayerHandle layer = stage->GetRootLayer();<br/>std::string assetId("my/");<br/>ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();<br/>if (resolver.IsRelativePath(assetId)) {<br/>std::string anchorPath = layer->GetIdentifier();<br/>assetId = resolver.AnchorRelativePath(anchorPath, assetId);<br/>}<br/>std::string resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetId); |
| | C++ Example After (all versions): | SdfLayerHandle layer = stage->GetRootLayer();<br/>std::string assetId("my/");<br/>assetId = SdfComputeAssetPathRelativeToLayer(layer, assetId);<br/>std::string resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetId); |
| | Python Example Before: | from pxr import Ar, Usd<br/>stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>layer = stage.GetRootLayer()<br/>assetId = "my/"<br/>resolver = Ar.GetResolver()<br/>if resolver.IsRelativePath(assetId):<br/>anchorPath = layer.identifier<br/>assetId = resolver.AnchorRelativePath(anchorPath, assetId)<br/>resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetId) |
| | Python Example After (all versions): | from pxr import Ar, Usd<br/>stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>layer = stage.GetRootLayer()<br/>assetId = "my/"<br/>resolver = Ar.GetResolver()<br/>if resolver.IsRelativePath(assetId):<br/>anchorPath = layer.identifier<br/>assetId = resolver.AnchorRelativePath(anchorPath, assetId)<br/>resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetId) |
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’ has no member named ‘IsRelativePath’
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver” has no member “IsRelativePath”
* C2039 ‘IsRelativePath’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’
Python Error Strings:
* AttributeError: ‘Resolver’ object has no attribute ‘IsRelativePath’
AnchorRelativePath() to CreateIdentifier()
For a detailed explanation, see:
Breaking Change: AnchorRelativePath() Renamed
Reference Commits:
* [ar 2.0] Add identifier API to ArResolver
* [ar 2.0] Remove deprecated relative/search path API from ArResolver
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf
C++/Python Find Regex:
C++ Example Before:
const std::string anchor = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”;
const std::string assetPath = “./geom.usd”;
// Ar 1.0
const std::string identifier = ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath);
C++ Example After (AR2 only):
const std::string anchor = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”;
const std::string assetPath = “./geom.usd”;
// Ar 2.0 - The ArResolvedPath is required for the anchor to indicate to the ArResolver
// plugin implementing _CreateIdentifier that the anchor has already been resolved
const ArResolvedPath resolvedAnchor(anchor);
// Ar 2.0 - Note how the anchor and asset path order are switched
const std::string identifier = ArGetResolver().CreateIdentifier(assetPath, resolvedAnchor);
C++ Example After (branched):
const std::string anchor = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”;
const std::string assetPath = “./geom.usd”;
#if defined(AR_VERSION) && AR_VERSION > 1
// Ar 2.0 - The ArResolvedPath is required for the anchor to indicate to the ArResolver
// plugin implementing _CreateIdentifier that the anchor has already been resolved
const ArResolvedPath resolvedAnchor(anchor);
// Ar 2.0 - Note how the anchor and asset path order are switched
const std::string identifier = ArGetResolver().CreateIdentifier(assetPath, resolvedAnchor);
// Ar 1.0
const std::string identifier = ArGetResolver().AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath);
Python Example Before:
from pxr import Ar
anchor = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”
assetPath = “./geom.usd”
# Ar 1.0
identifier = Ar.GetResolver().AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath)
Python Example After (AR2 only):
from pxr import Ar
anchor = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”
assetPath = “./geom.usd”
# Ar 2.0 - The Ar.ResolvedPath is required for the anchor to indicate to the ArResolver
# plugin implementing _CreateIdentifier that the anchor has already been resolved
resolvedAnchor = Ar.ResolvedPath(anchor)
# Ar 2.0 - Note how the anchor and asset path order are switched
identifier = Ar.GetResolver().CreateIdentifier(assetPath, resolvedAnchor)
| Python Example After (branched): |
| --- |
| ```python
from pxr import Ar
anchor = "omniverse://some/asset.usd"
assetPath = "./geom.usd"
resolver = Ar.GetResolver()
if hasattr(resolver, "CreateIdentifier"):
# Ar 2.0 - The Ar.ResolvedPath is required for the anchor to indicate to the ArResolver
# plugin implementing _CreateIdentifier that the anchor has already been resolved
resolvedAnchor = Ar.ResolvedPath(anchor)
# Ar 2.0 - Note how the anchor and asset path order are switched
identifier = resolver.CreateIdentifier(assetPath, resolvedAnchor)
# Ar 1.0
identifier = resolver.AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath)
``` |
| C++ Error Strings (Linux): |
| --- |
| * ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’ has no member named ‘AnchorRelativePath’ |
| C++ Error Strings (Windows): |
| --- |
| * E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver” has no member “AnchorRelativePath”<br/>
* C2039 ‘AnchorRelativePath’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’ |
| Python Error Strings: |
| --- |
| * AttributeError: ‘Resolver’ object has no attribute ‘AnchorRelativePath’ |
### ComputeNormalizedPath() Removed
For a detailed explanation, see: Breaking Change: ComputeNormalizedPath() Removed
| Reference Commits: |
| --- |
| * [ar 2.0] Remove ArResolver::ComputeNormalizedPath<br/>
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation<br/>
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf<br/>
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from usdUtils |
| C++ Find Regex: |
| --- |
| (?<=\W)ComputeNormalizedPath(?=\W)<br/>
NOTE: ComputeNormalizedPath was never wrapped in python, so no python changes are necessary |
| C++ Example Before: |
| --- |
| const std::string assetPath = "./geom.usd";<br/>
const std::string anchor = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";<br/>
ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();<br/>
// Ar 1.0 - in theory, AnchorRelativePath might not return final normalized form<br/>
const std::string normalized_id = resolver.ComputeNormalizedPath(resolver.AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath)); |
| C++ Example After (AR2 only): |
| --- |
| const std::string assetPath = "./geom.usd";<br/>
const ArResolvedPath anchor("omniverse://some/asset.usd");<br/>
ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();<br/>
// Ar 2.0 - CreateIdentifier should always return final normalized form<br/>
const std::string normalized_id = resolver.CreateIdentifier(assetPath, anchor); |
| C++ Example After (branched): |
| --- |
| const std::string assetPath = "./geom.usd";<br/>
ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();<br/>
#if defined(AR_VERSION) && AR_VERSION > 1<br/>
// Ar 2.0 - CreateIdentifier should always return final normalized form<br/>
const ArResolvedPath anchor("omniverse://some/asset.usd");<br/>
const std::string normalized_id = resolver.CreateIdentifier(assetPath, anchor);<br/>
// Ar 1.0 - in theory, AnchorRelativePath might not return final normalized form<br/>
const std::string anchor = "omniverse://some/asset.usd";<br/>
const std::string normalized_id = resolver.ComputeNormalizedPath(resolver.AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath));<br/>
#endif |
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’ has no member named ‘ComputeNormalizedPath’
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver” has no member “ComputeNormalizedPath”
* C2039 ‘ComputeNormalizedPath’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’
ComputeRepositoryPath() Removed
For a detailed explanation, see:
Breaking Change: ComputeRepositoryPath() Removed
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | * [ar 2.0] Remove ArResolver::ComputeNormalizedPath * [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation * [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf * [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from usdUtils |
| | C++ Find Regex: | (?<=\W)ComputeNormalizedPath(?=\W) NOTE: ComputeNormalizedPath was never wrapped in python, so no python changes are necessary |
| | C++ Example Before: | const std::string assetPath = “./geom.usd”; const std::string anchor = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”; ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver(); // Ar 1.0 - in theory, AnchorRelativePath might not return final normalized form const std::string normalized_id = resolver.ComputeNormalizedPath( resolver.AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath)); |
| | C++ Example After (AR2 only): | const std::string assetPath = “./geom.usd”; const ArResolvedPath anchor(“omniverse://some/asset.usd”); ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver(); // Ar 2.0 - CreateIdentifier should always return final normalized form const std::string normalized_id = resolver.CreateIdentifier(assetPath, anchor); |
| | C++ Example After (branched): | const std::string assetPath = “./geom.usd”; ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver(); #if defined(AR_VERSION) && AR_VERSION > 1 // Ar 2.0 - CreateIdentifier should always return final normalized form const ArResolvedPath anchor(“omniverse://some/asset.usd”); const std::string normalized_id = resolver.CreateIdentifier(assetPath, anchor); #else // Ar 1.0 - in theory, AnchorRelativePath might not return final normalized form const std::string anchor = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”; const std::string normalized_id = resolver.ComputeNormalizedPath( resolver.AnchorRelativePath(anchor, assetPath)); #endif |
| | C++ Error Strings (Linux): | * ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’ has no member named ‘ComputeNormalizedPath’ |
| | C++ Error Strings (Windows): | * E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver” has no member “ComputeNormalizedPath” * C2039 ‘ComputeNormalizedPath’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’ |
ComputeLocalPath() Removed
For a detailed explanation, see:
Breaking Change: ComputeLocalPath() Removed
| | | |
# Table 1
## Reference Commits
* [ar 2.0] Introduce ArResolver::ResolveForNewAsset
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf
## C++ Find Regex
NOTE: ComputeRepositoryPath was never wrapped in python, so no python changes are necessary
## C++ Example Before
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd";
const std::string resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().ComputeLocalPath(assetPath);
## C++ Example After (AR2 only)
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd";
ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();
// Not completely necessary but makes sure the assetPath is absolute + normalized
const std::string identifier = resolver.CreateIdentifierForNewAsset(assetPath);
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = resolver.ResolveForNewAsset(identifier);
## C++ Example After (branched)
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd";
#if defined(AR_VERSION) && AR_VERSION > 1
ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();
// Not completely necessary but makes sure the assetPath is absolute + normalized
const std::string identifier = resolver.CreateIdentifierForNewAsset(assetPath);
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = resolver.ResolveForNewAsset(identifier);
const std::string resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().ComputeLocalPath(assetPath);
## C++ Error Strings (Linux)
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’ has no member named ‘ComputeLocalPath’
## C++ Error Strings (Windows)
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver” has no member “ComputeLocalPath”
* C2039 ‘ComputeLocalPath’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’
# Resolve() Signature Changed
For a detailed explanation, see:
Breaking Change: Resolve() Signature Changed
Also see:
GetResolvedPath return type changed
## Table 2
### Reference Commits
* [ar 2.0] Update Resolve API on ArResolver
* [ar 2.0] Add identifier API to ArResolver
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf
* [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from pcp
### C++/Python Find Regex
C++ Example Before:
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd";
ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();
const std::string resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetPath);
auto myAsset = resolver.OpenAsset(resolvedPath);
C++ Example After (AR2 only):
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd";
ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();
const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetPath);
auto myAsset = resolver.OpenAsset(resolvedPath);
C++ Example After (all versions):
const std::string assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd";
ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();
auto resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetPath);
auto myAsset = resolver.OpenAsset(resolvedPath);
Python Example Before:
NOTE: in most contexts, you will feed the resolves of Resolve() to a function that now expects an Ar.ResolvedPath object, such as ArResolver.CreateIdentifier, so NO CHANGES are needed
However, if you formerly attempted to use the resolved path as a string, changes will be required:
from pxr import Ar
assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd"
resolvedPath = Ar.GetResolver().Resolve(assetPath)
Python Example After (all versions):
from pxr import Ar
assetPath = "omniverse://some/new/asset.usd"
resolvedPath = str(Ar.GetResolver().Resolve(assetPath))
C++ Error Strings (Linux):
* cannot convert 'const string' {aka 'const std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>'} to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath&'
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* E0312 no suitable user-defined conversion from "const std::string" to "const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath" exists
* C2664 'std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::OpenAsset(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArTimestamp pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::GetModificationTimestamp(const std::string &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &) const' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArFilesystemAsset> pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArFilesystemAsset::Open(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArTimestamp pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArFilesystemAsset::GetModificationTimestamp(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArFilesystemWritableAsset> pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArFilesystemWritableAsset::Create(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::WriteMode)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'std::string pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::CreateIdentifier(const std::string &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &) const' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'std::string pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::CreateIdentifierForNewAsset(const std::string &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &) const' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAssetInfo pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::GetAssetInfo(const std::string &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &) const' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArWritableAsset> pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::OpenAssetForWrite(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::WriteMode) const' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver::CanWriteAssetToPath(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &,std::string *) const' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'const std::string' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath &'
Python Error Strings:
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'capitalize'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'casefold'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'center'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'count'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'encode'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'endswith'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'expandtabs'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'find'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'format'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'format_map'
* AttributeError: 'ResolvedPath' object has no attribute 'index'
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isalnum’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isalpha’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isascii’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isdecimal’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isdigit’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isidentifier’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘islower’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isnumeric’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isprintable’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isspace’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘istitle’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘isupper’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘join’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘ljust’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘lower’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘lstrip’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘maketrans’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘partition’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘replace’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘rfind’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘rindex’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘rjust’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘rpartition’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘rsplit’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘rstrip’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘split’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘splitlines’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘startswith’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘strip’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘swapcase’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘title’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘translate’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘upper’
* AttributeError: ‘ResolvedPath’ object has no attribute ‘zfill’
## ResolveWithAssetInfo() Removed
For a detailed explanation, see:
- Breaking Change: ResolveWithAssetInfo() Removed
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | |
| | - [ar 2.0] Update Resolve API on ArResolver | |
| | - [ar 2.0] (Re)introduce API for computing asset info | |
| | - [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation | |
| | - [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf | |
| | C++/Python Find Regex: | (?<=\W)ResolveWithAssetInfo(?=\W) |
| | NOTE: ResolveWithAssetInfo was never wrapped in python, so no python changes are necessary | |
| | C++ Example Before: | const std::string assetPath = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”;<br/>ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();<br/>// In Ar 1.0<br/>ArAssetInfo assetInfo;<br/>const std::string resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().ResolveWithAssetInfo(assetPath, &assetInfo); |
| | C++ Example After (AR2 only): | const std::string assetPath = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”;<br/>ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();<br/>// In Ar 2.0<br/>const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);<br/>ArAssetInfo assetInfo = ArGetResolver().GetAssetInfo(assetPath, resolvedPath); |
| | C++ Example After (branched): | const std::string assetPath = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”;<br/>ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver();<br/>#if defined(AR_VERSION) && AR_VERSION > 1<br/>// In Ar 2.0<br/>const ArResolvedPath resolvedPath = ArGetResolver().Resolve(assetPath);<br/>ArAssetInfo assetInfo = ArGetResolver().GetAssetInfo(assetPath, resolvedPath);<br/>#else<br/>// In Ar 1.0<br/>ArAssetInfo assetInfo;<br/> |
# C++ Error Strings (Linux):
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’ has no member named ‘ResolveWithAssetInfo’
# C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* C2039 ‘ResolveWithAssetInfo’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver’
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolver” has no member “ResolveWithAssetInfo”
# GetModificationTimestamp() Signature Changed
For a detailed explanation, see:
Breaking Change: GetModificationTimestamp() Signature Changed
| | | |
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: |
| | * [ar 2.0] Require Unix time for asset modification times |
| | * [ar 2.0] Add ArFilesystemAsset::GetModificationTimestamp |
| | * [ar 2.0] Make ArResolver::GetModificationTimestamp optional |
| | * [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 implementation |
| | * [ar 2.0] Remove Ar 1.0 support from sdf |
| | C++ Find Regex: |
| | (?<=\W)GetModificationTimestamp(?=\W) |
| | NOTE: GetModificationTimestamp was never wrapped in python, so no python changes are necessary |
| | C++ Example Before: |
| | const std::string assetPath = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”; |
| | ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver(); |
| | auto resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetPath); |
| | // In Ar 1.0 |
| | VtValue timestamp = resolver.GetModificationTimestamp(assetPath, resolvedPath); |
| | C++ Example After (AR2 only): |
| | const std::string assetPath = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”; |
| | ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver(); |
| | auto resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetPath); |
| | // In Ar 2.0 |
| | ArTimestamp timestamp = resolver.GetModificationTimestamp(assetPath, resolvedPath); |
| | C++ Example After (all versions): |
| | const std::string assetPath = “omniverse://some/asset.usd”; |
| | ArResolver& resolver = ArGetResolver(); |
| | auto resolvedPath = resolver.Resolve(assetPath); |
| | // Ar 1.0 or 2.0 |
| | auto timestamp = resolver.GetModificationTimestamp(assetPath, resolvedPath); |
| | C++ Error Strings (Linux): |
| | * conversion from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArTimestamp’ to non-scalar type ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::VtValue’ requested |
| | C++ Error Strings (Windows): |
| | * C2440 ‘initializing’: cannot convert from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArTimestamp’ to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::VtValue’ |
| | * E0312 no suitable user-defined conversion from “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArTimestamp” to “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::VtValue” exists |
# OpenAsset() and ArAsset Signature Changes
For a detailed explanation, see:
Breaking Change: OpenAsset() / ArAsset Signature Changes
# Sdf
## Sdf.ChangeBlock
### Sdf.ChangeBlock(fastUpdates) to Sdf.ChangeBlock()
‘fastUpdates’ is an early OV-only prototype and has long been deprecated, and has been removed from the API in nv-usd 22.05, to avoid conflicting with the “enabled” parameter added by Pixar in USD v22.03
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | * [ar 2.0] Conform ArResolver::OpenAsset for Ar 2.0<br/>* [ar 2.0] General cleanup |
| | C++ Find Regex: | (?<=\W)OpenAsset(?=\W)<br/>NOTE: const signature change not relevant to python |
| | C++ Example Before: | class MyResolver<br/>: public ArResolver<br/>{<br/>…<br/>AR_API<br/>virtual std::shared_ptr<ArAsset> OpenAsset(<br/>const std::string& resolvedPath) override; |
| | C++ Example After (AR2 only): | class MyResolver<br/>: public ArResolver<br/>{<br/>…<br/>AR_API<br/>std::shared_ptr<ArAsset> _OpenAsset(<br/>const ArResolvedPath& resolvedPath) const override; |
| | C++ Error Strings (Linux): | * cannot declare variable ‘resolver’ to be of abstract type ‘RESOLVER_SUBCLASS’<br/>* invalid cast to abstract class type ‘RESOLVER_SUBCLASS’<br/>* ‘virtual std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::OpenAsset(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath&) const’ marked ‘override’, but does not override<br/>* ‘virtual std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::OpenAsset(const string&)’ marked ‘override’, but does not override<br/>* ‘virtual std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::_OpenAsset(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath&)’ marked ‘override’, but does not override<br/>* ‘virtual std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::_OpenAsset(const string&) const’ marked ‘override’, but does not override<br/>* ‘std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::OpenAsset(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath&) const’ marked ‘override’, but does not override<br/>* ‘std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::OpenAsset(const string&)’ marked ‘override’, but does not override<br/>* ‘std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::_OpenAsset(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArResolvedPath&)’ marked ‘override’, but does not override<br/>* ‘std::shared_ptr<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::ArAsset> RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::_OpenAsset(const string&) const’ marked ‘override’, but does not override |
| | C++ Error Strings (Windows): | * E0322 object of abstract class type “RESOLVER_SUBCLASS” is not allowed:<br/>* E0389 a cast to abstract class “RESOLVER_SUBCLASS” is not allowed:<br/>* E1455 member function declared with ‘override’ does not override a base class member<br/>* C2259 ‘RESOLVER_SUBCLASS’: cannot instantiate abstract class<br/>* C3668 ‘RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::_OpenAsset’: method with override specifier ‘override’ did not override any base class methods<br/>* C3668 ‘RESOLVER_SUBCLASS::OpenAsset’: method with override specifier ‘override’ did not override any base class methods |
| Python Find Regex: | (?<=\W)Sdf.ChangeBlock\([^\)]+\) |
| Python Replace Regex: | Sdf.ChangeBlock() |
| C++ Example Before: | SdfChangeBlock changeBlock(true /* fastUpdates /);<br/>// OR<br/>SdfChangeBlock changeBlock(false / fastUpdates */); |
| C++ Example After (all versions): | SdfChangeBlock changeBlock; |
| Python Example Before: | from pxr import Sdf<br/>fastUpdates = True<br/>with Sdf.ChangeBlock(fastUpdates):<br/>doStuff() |
| Python Example After (all versions): | from pxr import Sdf<br/>with Sdf.ChangeBlock():<br/>doStuff() |
| C++ Error Strings (Linux): | no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfChangeBlock::SdfChangeBlock(bool)’ |
| C++ Error Strings (Windows): | * E0289 no instance of constructor “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfChangeBlock::SdfChangeBlock” matches the argument list<br/>* C2664 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfChangeBlock::SdfChangeBlock(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfChangeBlock &)’: cannot convert argument 1 from ‘bool’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfChangeBlock &’<br/>* warning C4930: ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfChangeBlock changeBlock(void)’: prototyped function not called (was a variable definition intended?) |
| Python Error Strings: | WARNING<br/>In general, if you do:<br/>Sdf.ChangeBlock(fastUpdates)<br/>…then NO errors will be raised, as it will interpret this as<br/>Sdf.ChangeBlock(enabled=fastUpdates)<br/>…which will not error, but not behave as expected!<br/>It will error if you do, ie:<br/>Sdf.ChangeBlock(fastUpdates=True)<br/>Traceback (most recent call last):<br/>File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module><br/>Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in<br/>ChangeBlock.__init__(ChangeBlock)<br/>did not match C++ signature:<br/>__init__(struct _object * __ptr64, bool enabled=True) |
| Python Replace Regex: | Usd.CollectionAPI.Apply |
| --- | --- |
| Python Example Before: | from pxr import Usd<br/>stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>prim = stage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim”, “Transform”)<br/>coll = Usd.CollectionAPI.ApplyCollection(prim, “MyCollection”) |
| Python Example After (20.11+ only): | from pxr import Usd<br/>stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>prim = stage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim”, “Transform”)<br/>coll = Usd.CollectionAPI.Apply(prim, “MyCollection”) |
| Python Example After (branched): | from pxr import Usd<br/>stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>prim = stage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim”, “Transform”)<br/>if hasattr(Usd.CollectionAPI, “Apply”): # >= 20.11<br/>coll = Usd.CollectionAPI.Apply(prim, “MyCollection”)<br/>else:<br/>coll = Usd.CollectionAPI.ApplyCollection(prim, “MyCollection”) |
| C++ Error Strings (Linux): | ‘ApplyCollection’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI’ |
| C++ Error Strings (Windows): | * E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI” has no member “ApplyCollection”<br/>* C2039 ‘ApplyCollection’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI’<br/>* C3861 ‘ApplyCollection’: identifier not found |
| Python Error Strings: | AttributeError: type object ‘CollectionAPI’ has no attribute ‘ApplyCollection’. Did you mean: ‘BlockCollection’? |
## ApplyCollection to Apply
## Usd Prim
### “Master” to “Prototype”
IsMasterPath to IsPrototypePath
IsPathInMaster to IsPathInPrototype
IsMaster to IsPrototype
IsInMaster to IsInPrototype
GetMaster to GetPrototype
GetPrimInMaster to GetPrimInPrototype
| Reference Commits: | Deprecate “master” API in favor of new “prototype” API on UsdPrim<br/>Remove deprecated USD instancing “master” API |
| --- | --- |
| Python/C++ Find Regex: | (?<=\W)(?:(IsPathIn|Is|IsIn|Get|GetPrimIn)Master|(Is)Master(Path))(?=\W) |
| Python/C++ Replace Regex: | $1$2Prototype$3 |
| C++ Example Before: | if (UsdPrim::IsMasterPath(SdfPath(“/myPath”))) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (UsdPrim::IsPathInMaster(SdfPath(“/myPath”))) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.IsMaster()) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.IsInMaster()) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.GetMaster()) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.GetPrimInMaster()) { TF_WARN(”…”);} |
| C++ Example After (22.11+ only): | if (UsdPrim::IsPrototypePath(SdfPath(“/myPath”))) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (UsdPrim::IsPathInPrototype(SdfPath(“/myPath”))) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.IsPrototype()) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.IsInPrototype()) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.GetPrototype()) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.GetPrimInPrototype()) { TF_WARN(”…”);} |
| C++ Example After (branched): | #if PXR_VERSION >= 2011<br/>if (UsdPrim::IsPrototypePath(SdfPath(“/myPath”))) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (UsdPrim::IsPathInPrototype(SdfPath(“/myPath”))) { TF_WARN(”…”);}<br/>if (prim.IsPrototype()) { TF_WARN(”…”);} |
if (prim.IsInPrototype()) { TF_WARN("...");}
if (prim.GetPrototype()) { TF_WARN("...");}
if (prim.GetPrimInPrototype()) { TF_WARN("...");}
if (UsdPrim::IsMasterPath(SdfPath("/myPath"))) { TF_WARN("...");}
if (UsdPrim::IsPathInMaster(SdfPath("/myPath"))) { TF_WARN("...");}
if (prim.IsMaster()) { TF_WARN("...");}
if (prim.IsInMaster()) { TF_WARN("...");}
if (prim.GetMaster()) { TF_WARN("...");}
if (prim.GetPrimInMaster()) { TF_WARN("...");}
Python Example Before:
from pxr import Usd
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
prim = stage.DefinePrim("/myPrim", "Transform")
if Usd.Prim.IsMasterPath("/myPrim"):
print("is master path")
if Usd.Prim.IsPathInMaster("/myPrim"):
print("path is in master")
if prim.IsMaster():
print("is master")
if prim.IsInMaster():
print("is in master")
master = prim.GetMaster()
primInMaster = prim.GetPrimInMaster()
Python Example After (20.11+ only):
from pxr import Usd
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
prim = stage.DefinePrim("/myPrim", "Transform")
if Usd.Prim.IsPrototypePath("/myPrim"):
print("is prototype path")
if Usd.Prim.IsPathInPrototype("/myPrim"):
print("path is in prototype")
if prim.IsPrototype():
print("is prototype")
if prim.IsInPrototype():
print("is in prototype")
prototype = prim.GetPrototype()
primInPrototype = prim.GetPrimInPrototype()
Python Example After (branched):
from pxr import Usd
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
prim = stage.DefinePrim("/myPrim", "Transform")
if hasattr(Usd.Prim, "IsPrototypePath"): # >= 20.11
if Usd.Prim.IsPrototypePath("/myPrim"):
print("is prototype path")
if Usd.Prim.IsPathInPrototype("/myPrim"):
print("path is in prototype")
if prim.IsPrototype():
print("is prototype")
if prim.IsInPrototype():
print("is in prototype")
prototype = prim.GetPrototype()
primInPrototype = prim.GetPrimInPrototype()
if Usd.Prim.IsPrototypePath("/myPrim"):
print("is prototype path")
if Usd.Prim.IsPathInPrototype("/myPrim"):
print("path is in prototype")
if prim.IsPrototype():
print("is prototype")
if prim.IsInPrototype():
print("is in prototype")
prototype = prim.GetPrototype()
primInPrototype = prim.GetPrimInPrototype()
C++ Error Strings (Linux):
* 'IsMasterPath' is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim'
* 'IsPathInMaster' is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim'
* 'const class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim' has no member named 'IsMaster'; did you mean 'IsModel'?
* 'const class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim' has no member named 'IsInMaster'; did you mean 'IsInstance'?
* 'const class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim' has no member named 'GetMaster'; did you mean 'GetName'?
* 'const class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim' has no member named 'GetPrimInMaster'; did you mean 'GetPrimIndex'?
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* E0135 class "pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim" has no member "IsMasterPath"
* E0135 class "pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim" has no member "IsPathInMaster"
* E0135 class "pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim" has no member "IsMaster"
* E0135 class "pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim" has no member "IsInMaster"
* E0135 class "pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim" has no member "GetMaster"
* E0135 class "pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim" has no member "GetPrimInMaster"
* C2039 'IsMasterPath': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim'
* C3861 'IsMasterPath': identifier not found
* C2039 'IsPathInMaster': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim'
* C3861 'IsPathInMaster': identifier not found
* C2039 'IsMaster': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim'
* C2039 'IsInMaster': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim'
* C2039 'GetMaster': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim'
* C2039 'GetPrimInMaster': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim'
Python Error Strings:
* AttributeError: type object 'Prim' has no attribute 'IsMasterPath'
* AttributeError: type object 'Prim' has no attribute 'IsPathInMaster'
* AttributeError: 'Prim' object has no attribute 'IsMaster'
* AttributeError: 'Prim' object has no attribute 'IsInMaster'
* AttributeError: 'Prim' object has no attribute 'GetMaster'
* AttributeError: 'Prim' object has no attribute 'GetPrimInMaster'
## UsdPrimDefinition
To get the list of apiSchema tokens that are authored on the prim (whether they exists or not), use `GetPrimTypeInfo().GetAppliedAPISchemas()`
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | * Refactoring some of the functionality in UsdPrimDefinition for how we build prim definitions… There’s also one minor functional change in that API schema names that can’t be mapped to a valid prim definition are no longer included in the composed API schema list of a UsdPrimDefinition that is built with them<br/>* GetAppliedSchemas no longer will return old schemas |
| | Python/C++ Find Regex: | `.GetAppliedAPISchemas\(\)` |
| | Python/C++ Replace Regex: | `.GetPrimTypeInfo().GetAppliedAPISchemas()`<br/>WARNING<br/>You will likely not want to indiscriminately replace all occurrences of GetAppliedSchemas() with GetPrimTypeInfo().GetAppliedAPISchemas()<br/>Instead, you must decide on a case-by-case basis whether the intent was to:<br/>* get all “successfully applied schemas” - including “auto apply schemas”:<br/>* GetAppliedSchemas()<br/>* ie, do not change<br/>* This will likely be most use cases<br/>* get all authored “potentially applied schemas” - including possibly non-existent ones<br/>* GetPrimTypeInfo().GetAppliedAPISchemas()<br/>* ie, replace<br/>* This is useful in situations where you want to, ie, update outdated assets |
| | C++ Example Before: | `auto appliedSchemas = usdPrim.GetAppliedSchemas();` |
| | C++ Example After: | `auto appliedSchemas = usdPrim.GetPrimTypeInfo().GetAppliedAPISchemas();` |
| | Python Example Before: | # In v21.08, this will print<br/># [‘ShadowAPI’, ‘NoExistAPI’]<br/># In v21.11, this will print<br/># [‘ShadowAPI’]<br/>from pxr import Usd, UsdLux<br/>stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>prim = stage.DefinePrim(“/World”, “Cube”)<br/>prim.ApplyAPI(UsdLux.ShadowAPI)<br/>prim.AddAppliedSchema(“NoExistAPI”)<br/>print(prim.GetAppliedSchemas()) |
| | Python Example After (all versions): | # In both v21.08 + v21.11, this will print<br/># [‘ShadowAPI’, ‘NoExistAPI’]<br/>from pxr import Usd, UsdLux<br/>stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>prim = stage.DefinePrim(“/World”, “Cube”)<br/>prim.ApplyAPI(UsdLux.ShadowAPI)<br/>prim.AddAppliedSchema(“NoExistAPI”)<br/>print(prim.GetPrimTypeInfo().GetAppliedAPISchemas()) |
## Usd SchemaRegistry
### Usd SchemaRegistry
### SchemaType to SchemaKind
For a detailed explanation, see: Breaking Change: Schema Kind
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | * UsdSchemaRegistry can now query about schema kind from the schemaKind plugInfo metadata that is generated by usdGenSchema for schema types. This is directly exposed through the new GetSchemaKind functions added to UsdSchemaRegistry.<br/>* Intermediary release work for the transition to schemaKind nomenclature from schemaType.<br/>* Removing the deprecated GetSchemaType and static schemaType from UsdSchemaBase.<br/>* |
- Updating usdGenSchema to no longer generate the deprecated schemaType
- Removing the backward compatibility in UsdSchemaRegistry for schemas that have not been regenerated to include schemaKind in their pluginInfo metadata.
### C++/Python Find Regex:
### C++/Python Replace Regex:
### Python Example Before:
from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom
myStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
myPrim = myStage.DefinePrim("/myPrim", "Xform")
myXform = UsdGeom.Xform(myPrim)
myUsdModel = Usd.ModelAPI(myPrim)
myUsdGeomModel = UsdGeom.ModelAPI(myPrim)
myCollection = Usd.CollectionAPI(myPrim, "MyCollection")
assert myXform.GetSchemaType() == Usd.SchemaType.ConcreteTyped
assert myXform.GetSchemaType() != Usd.SchemaType.AbstractBase
assert myXform.GetSchemaType() != Usd.SchemaType.AbstractTyped
assert myUsdModel.GetSchemaType() == Usd.SchemaType.NonAppliedAPI
assert myUsdGeomModel.GetSchemaType() == Usd.SchemaType.SingleApplyAPI
assert myCollection.GetSchemaType() == Usd.SchemaType.MultipleApplyAPI
### Python Example After (21.02+ only):
from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom
myStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
myPrim = myStage.DefinePrim("/myPrim", "Xform")
myXform = UsdGeom.Xform(myPrim)
myUsdModel = Usd.ModelAPI(myPrim)
myUsdGeomModel = UsdGeom.ModelAPI(myPrim)
myCollection = Usd.CollectionAPI(myPrim, "MyCollection")
assert myXform.GetSchemaKind() == Usd.SchemaKind.ConcreteTyped
assert myXform.GetSchemaKind() != Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractBase
assert myXform.GetSchemaKind() != Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractTyped
assert myUsdModel.GetSchemaKind() == Usd.SchemaKind.NonAppliedAPI
assert myUsdGeomModel.GetSchemaKind() == Usd.SchemaKind.SingleApplyAPI
assert myCollection.GetSchemaKind() == Usd.SchemaKind.MultipleApplyAPI
### Python Example After (branched):
from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom
myStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
myPrim = myStage.DefinePrim("/myPrim", "Xform")
myXform = UsdGeom.Xform(myPrim)
myUsdModel = Usd.ModelAPI(myPrim)
myUsdGeomModel = UsdGeom.ModelAPI(myPrim)
myCollection = Usd.CollectionAPI(myPrim, "MyCollection")
if hasattr(Usd.SchemaBase, "GetSchemaKind"): # 21.02+
assert myXform.GetSchemaKind() == Usd.SchemaKind.ConcreteTyped
assert myXform.GetSchemaKind() != Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractBase
assert myXform.GetSchemaKind() != Usd.SchemaKind.AbstractTyped
assert myUsdModel.GetSchemaKind() == Usd.SchemaKind.NonAppliedAPI
assert myUsdGeomModel.GetSchemaKind() == Usd.SchemaKind.SingleApplyAPI
assert myCollection.GetSchemaKind() == Usd.SchemaKind.MultipleApplyAPI
assert myXform.GetSchemaType() == Usd.SchemaType.ConcreteTyped
assert myXform.GetSchemaType() != Usd.SchemaType.AbstractBase
assert myXform.GetSchemaType() != Usd.SchemaType.AbstractTyped
assert myUsdModel.GetSchemaType() == Usd.SchemaType.NonAppliedAPI
assert myUsdGeomModel.GetSchemaType() == Usd.SchemaType.SingleApplyAPI
assert myCollection.GetSchemaType() == Usd.SchemaType.MultipleApplyAPI
### C++ Error Strings (Linux):
- ‘UsdSchemaType’ has not been declared
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdClipsAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBasisCurves’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBoundable’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCamera’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCapsule’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCone’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCube’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCurves’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCylinder’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomHermiteCurves’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomImageable’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMesh’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomModelAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMotionAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsCurves’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsPatch’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointBased’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointInstancer’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPoints’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomScope’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSphere’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSubset’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformCommonAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformable’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXform’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxLightFilter’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxListAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShadowAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShapingAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdMediaSpatialAudio’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdModelAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderProduct’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettingsBase’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettings’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderVar’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSchemaBase’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeCoordSysAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelAnimation’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBindingAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBlendShape’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelPackedJointAnimation’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelSkeleton’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdTyped’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUIBackdrop’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUINodeGraphNodeAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUISceneGraphPrimAPI’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolField3DAsset’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldAsset’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldBase’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolOpenVDBAsset’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolVolume’ has no member named ‘GetSchemaType’; did you mean ‘_GetSchemaType’?
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAPISchemaBase’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdClipsAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBasisCurves’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBoundable’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCamera’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCapsule’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCone’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCube’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCurves’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCylinder’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomHermiteCurves’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomImageable’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMesh’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomModelAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMotionAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsCurves’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsPatch’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointBased’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointInstancer’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPoints’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomScope’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSphere’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSubset’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformCommonAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformable’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXform’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxLightFilter’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxListAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShadowAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShapingAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdMediaSpatialAudio’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdModelAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderProduct’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettingsBase’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettings’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderVar’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSchemaBase’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeCoordSysAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelAnimation’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBindingAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBlendShape’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelPackedJointAnimation’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelSkeleton’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdTyped’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUIBackdrop’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUINodeGraphNodeAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUISceneGraphPrimAPI’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolField3DAsset’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldAsset’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldBase’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolOpenVDBAsset’
* ‘schemaType’ is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolVolume’
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAPISchemaBase” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdClipsAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdClipsAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBasisCurves” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBasisCurves” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBoundable” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBoundable” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCamera” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCamera” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCapsule” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCapsule” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCone” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCone” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCube” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCube” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCurves” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCurves” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCylinder” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCylinder” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomHermiteCurves” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomHermiteCurves” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomImageable” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomImageable” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMesh” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMesh” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomModelAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomModelAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMotionAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMotionAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsCurves” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsCurves” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsPatch” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsPatch” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointBased” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointBased” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointInstancer” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointInstancer” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPoints” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPoints” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomScope” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomScope” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSphere” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSphere” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSubset” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSubset” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXform” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXform” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformable” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformable” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformCommonAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformCommonAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxLightFilter” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxLightFilter” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxListAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxListAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShadowAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShadowAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShapingAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShapingAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdMediaSpatialAudio” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdMediaSpatialAudio” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdModelAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdModelAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderProduct” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderProduct” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettings” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettings” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettingsBase” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettingsBase” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderVar” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderVar” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSchemaBase” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSchemaBase” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeCoordSysAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeCoordSysAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelAnimation” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelAnimation” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBindingAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBindingAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBlendShape” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBlendShape” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelPackedJointAnimation” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelPackedJointAnimation” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelSkeleton” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelSkeleton” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdTyped” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdTyped” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUIBackdrop” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUIBackdrop” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUINodeGraphNodeAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUINodeGraphNodeAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUISceneGraphPrimAPI” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUISceneGraphPrimAPI” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolField3DAsset” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolField3DAsset” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldAsset” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldAsset” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldBase” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldBase” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolOpenVDBAsset” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolOpenVDBAsset” has no member “schemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolVolume” has no member “GetSchemaType”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolVolume” has no member “schemaType”
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdClipsAPI’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBasisCurves’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBoundable’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCamera’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCapsule’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCone’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCube’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCurves’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCylinder’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomHermiteCurves’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomImageable’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMesh’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomModelAPI’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMotionAPI’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsCurves’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsPatch’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointBased’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointInstancer’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPoints’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomScope’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSphere’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSubset’
* C2039 ‘GetSchemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXform’
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformable'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformCommonAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxLightFilter'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxListAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShadowAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShapingAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdMediaSpatialAudio'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdModelAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderProduct'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettings'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettingsBase'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderVar'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSchemaBase'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeCoordSysAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelAnimation'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBindingAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBlendShape'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelPackedJointAnimation'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelSkeleton'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdTyped'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUIBackdrop'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUINodeGraphNodeAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUISceneGraphPrimAPI'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolField3DAsset'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldAsset'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldBase'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolOpenVDBAsset'
* C2039 'GetSchemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolVolume'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAPISchemaBase'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdClipsAPI'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdCollectionAPI'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBasisCurves'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBoundable'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCamera'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCapsule'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCone'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCube'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCurves'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomCylinder'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomHermiteCurves'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomImageable'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMesh'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomModelAPI'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomMotionAPI'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsCurves'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomNurbsPatch'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointBased'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPointInstancer'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPoints'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomScope'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSphere'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomSubset'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXform'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformable'
* C2039 'schemaType': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomXformCommonAPI'
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxLightFilter’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxListAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShadowAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxShapingAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdMediaSpatialAudio’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdModelAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderProduct’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettings’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderSettingsBase’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdRenderVar’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSchemaBase’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeCoordSysAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelAnimation’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBindingAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBlendShape’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelPackedJointAnimation’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelSkeleton’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdTyped’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUIBackdrop’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUINodeGraphNodeAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdUISceneGraphPrimAPI’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolField3DAsset’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldAsset’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolFieldBase’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolOpenVDBAsset’
* C2039 ‘schemaType’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdVolVolume’
* C2065 ‘AbstractBase’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘AbstractTyped’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘ConcreteTyped’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘MultipleApplyAPI’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘NonAppliedAPI’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘schemaType’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘SingleApplyAPI’: undeclared identifier
* C2653 ‘UsdSchemaType’: is not a class or namespace name
Python Error Strings:
* AttributeError: ‘Animation’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Backdrop’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘BasisCurves’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘BindingAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘BlendShape’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Boundable’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Camera’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Capsule’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘ClipsAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘CollectionAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Cone’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘ConnectableAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘CoordSysAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Cube’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Curves’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Cylinder’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘CylinderLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘DiskLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘DistantLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘DomeLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Field3DAsset’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘FieldAsset’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘FieldBase’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘GeometryLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Gprim’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘HermiteCurves’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Imageable’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘LightFilter’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘ListAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Material’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘MaterialBindingAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘MdlAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Mesh’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘ModelAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘MotionAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘NodeGraph’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘NodeGraphNodeAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘NurbsCurves’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘NurbsPatch’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘OpenVDBAsset’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘PackedJointAnimation’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘PointBased’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘PointInstancer’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Points’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘PrimvarsAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Product’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘RectLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Root’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘SceneGraphPrimAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘SchemaBase’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Scope’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Settings’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘SettingsBase’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Shader’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘ShadowAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘ShapingAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Skeleton’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘SpatialAudio’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Sphere’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘SphereLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Subset’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Typed’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Var’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Volume’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Xform’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘XformCommonAPI’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: ‘Xformable’ object has no attribute ‘GetSchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘GetSchemaKind’?
* AttributeError: module ‘pxr.Usd’ has no attribute ‘SchemaType’. Did you mean: ‘SchemaBase’?
## Property Names of MultipleApply Schemas now namespaced in schema spec
ie, the schema spec for CollectionAPI’s “includes” relationship was formerly just includes
Now, it includes a template for the instance name, and is:
Use `Usd.SchemaRegistry.GetMultipleApplyNameTemplateBaseName(` to return just the “includes” portion, as before.
Functions for dealing with the new templated names can be found in [UsdSchemaRegistry]:
- [GetMultipleApplyNameTemplateBaseName]
- [IsMultipleApplyNameTemplate]
- [MakeMultipleApplyNameInstance]
- [MakeMultipleApplyNameTemplate]
| | Reference Commits: |
| | Changing how we specify properties in multiple apply API schemas to make the namespacing more explicit. |
## Usd.Stage
### GetMasters to GetPrototypes
| | | |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | * Deprecate “master” API in favor of new “prototype” API on UsdStage<br/>* Remove deprecated USD instancing “master” API |
| | C++/Python Find Regex: | (?<=\W)GetMasters(?=\W) |
| | C++/Python Replace Regex: | GetPrototypes |
| | C++ Example Before: | for (auto const& master : myStage->GetMasters()) |
| | C++ Example After (20.11+ only): | for (auto const& prototype : myStage->GetPrototypes()) |
| | C++ Example After (branched): | #if PXR_VERSION >= 2011<br/>for (auto const& prototype : myStage->GetPrototypes())<br/>#else<br/>for (auto const& master : myStage->GetMasters())<br/>#endif |
| | C++ Error Strings (Linux): | * ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdStage’ has no member named ‘GetMasters’<br/>* ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfWeakPtrFacade<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfWeakPtr, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdStage>::DataType {aka class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdStage}’ has no member named ‘GetMasters’ |
| | C++ Error Strings (Windows): | * E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdStage” has no member “GetMasters”<br/>* C2039 ‘GetMasters’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdStage’ |
| | Python Error Strings: | AttributeError: ‘Stage’ object has no attribute ‘GetMasters’ |
## UsdGeom
### UsdGeom.Imageable
- **UsdGeomImageable has removed convenience APIs for accessing primvars**
- **Primvars for derived types of UsdGeomImageage, such as UsdGeomMesh, must be accessed through the UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI**
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | Deleting deprecated primvar methods from UsdGeomImageable |
| | C++ Example Before: | PXR_NS::UsdStageRefPtr stage = PXR_NS::UsdStage::Open(boxUrl);<br/>PXR_NS::UsdPrim prim = stage->GetPrimAtPath(PXR_NS::SdfPath(“/Cube”));<br/>PXR_NS::UsdGeomMesh mesh(prim);<br/>PXR_NS::TfToken name(“pv”);<br/>mesh.HasPrimvar(name);<br/>mesh.GetPrimvar(name);<br/>mesh.CreatePrimvar(name, PXR_NS::SdfValueTypeNames->Float); |
| | C++ Example After: | PXR_NS::UsdStageRefPtr stage = PXR_NS::UsdStage::Open(boxUrl);<br/>PXR_NS::UsdPrim prim = stage->GetPrimAtPath(PXR_NS::SdfPath(“/Cube”));<br/>PXR_NS::UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI primvarsAPI(prim);<br/>primvarsAPI.HasPrimvar(name);<br/>primvarsAPI.GetPrimvar(name);<br/>primvarsAPI.CreatePrimvar(name, PXR_NS::SdfValueTypeNames->Float); |
| | C++ Error Strings (Windows): | * error C2039: ‘HasPrimvar’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’<br/>* error C2039: ‘GetPrimvar’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’<br/>* error C2039: ‘CreatePrimvar’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’ |
| | C++ Error Strings (Linux): | * ‘HasPrimvar’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’<br/>* ‘GetPrimvar’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’<br/>* ‘CreatePrimvar’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomGprim’ |
### UsdGeom Subset
- **Material bindings authored on GeomSubsets are honored by renderers only if their familyName is `UsdShadeTokens->materialBind`. This allows robust interchange of subset bindings between multiple DCC apps.**
- **Assets can be repaired via the Asset Validator extension, see [UsdMaterialBindingApi].**
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | Update UsdShadeMaterialBinding::ComputeBoundMaterial |
## UsdLux
### All properties now prefixed with `"inputs:"`
- **… including shaping and shadow attributes**
- **Assets can be repaired via the Asset Validator extension, see [UsdLuxSchemaChecker].**
- **Property Name Changes, By Schema:**
- **Light:**
- intensity to inputs:intensity
- exposure to inputs:exposure
- diffuse to inputs:diffuse
- specular to inputs:specular
- normalize to inputs:normalize
- color to inputs:color
- enableColorTemperature to inputs:enableColorTemperature
- colorTemperature to inputs:colorTemperature
- angle to inputs:angle
- radius to inputs:radius
- width to inputs:width
- height to inputs:height
- texture:file to inputs:texture:file
- radius to inputs:radius
- length to inputs:length
- radius to inputs:radius
- texture:file to inputs:texture:file
- texture:format to inputs:texture:format
- shaping:focus to inputs:shaping:focus
- shaping:focusTint to inputs:shaping:focusTint
- shaping:cone:angle to inputs:shaping:cone:angle
- shaping:cone:softness to inputs:shaping:cone:softness
- shaping:ies:file to inputs:shaping:ies:file
- shaping:ies:angleScale to inputs:shaping:ies:angleScale
- shaping:ies:normalize to inputs:shaping:ies:normalize
- shadow:enable to inputs:shadow:enable
- shadow:color to inputs:shadow:color
- shadow:distance to inputs:shadow:distance
- shadow:falloff to inputs:shadow:falloff
- shadow:falloffGamma to inputs:shadow:falloffGamma
UsdLuxTokens name changes:
- angle to inputsAngle
- color to inputsColor
- colorTemperature to inputsColorTemperature
- diffuse to inputsDiffuse
- enableColorTemperature to inputsEnableColorTemperature
- exposure to inputsExposure
- height to inputsHeight
- intensity to inputsIntensity
- length to inputsLength
- normalize to inputsNormalize
- radius to inputsRadius
- shadowColor to inputsShadowColor
- shadowDistance to inputsShadowDistance
- shadowEnable to inputsShadowEnable
- shadowFalloff to inputsShadowFalloff
- shadowFalloffGamma to inputsShadowFalloffGamma
- shapingConeAngle to inputsShapingConeAngle
- shapingConeSoftness to inputsShapingConeSoftness
- shapingFocus to inputsShapingFocus
- shapingFocusTint to inputsShapingFocusTint
- shapingIesAngleScale to inputsShapingIesAngleScale
- shapingIesFile to inputsShapingIesFile
- shapingIesNormalize to inputsShapingIesNormalize
- specular to inputsSpecular
- textureFile to inputsTextureFile
- textureFormat to inputsTextureFormat
- width to inputsWidth
Reference Commits:
- Updated the schema in usdLux to have all attributes of Light and its inherited types use the “inputs:” prefix (with the exception of treatAsLine and treatAsPoint)
- Shadow and Shaping APIs are now connectable. All attributes on these APIs have been given the “inputs:” prefix
C++/Python Find Regex:
Python Example Before:
Python Example After (21.02+ only):
from pxr import UsdLux
Python Example After (branched):
from pxr import UsdLux
if hasattr(UsdLux.Tokens, “inputsAngle”): # >= 21.02
C++ Error Strings (Linux):
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘angle’; did you mean ‘angular’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘color’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘colorTemperature’; did you mean ‘inputsColorTemperature’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘diffuse’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘enableColorTemperature’; did you mean ‘inputsColorTemperature’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘exposure’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘height’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘intensity’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘length’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘normalize’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘radius’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shadowColor’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shadowDistance’; did you mean ‘inputsShadowDistance’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shadowEnable’; did you mean ‘inputsShadowEnable’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shadowFalloff’; did you mean ‘inputsShadowFalloff’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shadowFalloffGamma’; did you mean ‘inputsShadowFalloffGamma’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shapingConeAngle’; did you mean ‘inputsShapingConeAngle’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shapingConeSoftness’; did you mean ‘inputsShapingConeSoftness’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shapingFocus’; did you mean ‘inputsShapingFocus’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shapingFocusTint’; did you mean ‘inputsShapingFocusTint’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shapingIesAngleScale’; did you mean ‘inputsShapingIesAngleScale’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shapingIesFile’; did you mean ‘inputsShapingIesFile’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘shapingIesNormalize’; did you mean ‘inputsShapingIesNormalize’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘specular’
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘textureFile’; did you mean ‘inputsTextureFile’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘textureFormat’; did you mean ‘inputsTextureFormat’?
* ‘struct pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’ has no member named ‘width’
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “angle”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “color”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “colorTemperature”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “diffuse”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “enableColorTemperature”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “exposure”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “height”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “intensity”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “length”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “normalize”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “radius”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shadowColor”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shadowDistance”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shadowEnable”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shadowFalloff”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shadowFalloffGamma”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shapingConeAngle”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shapingConeSoftness”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shapingFocus”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shapingFocusTint”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shapingIesAngleScale”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shapingIesFile”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “shapingIesNormalize”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “specular”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “textureFile”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “textureFormat”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType” has no member “width”
* C2039 ‘angle’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘color’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘colorTemperature’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘diffuse’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘enableColorTemperature’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘exposure’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘height’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘intensity’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘length’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘normalize’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘radius’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘shadowColor’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘shadowDistance’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘shadowEnable’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘shadowFalloff’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘shadowFalloffGamma’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 ‘shapingConeAngle’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType’
* C2039 'shapingConeSoftness': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'shapingFocus': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'shapingFocusTint': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'shapingIesAngleScale': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'shapingIesFile': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'shapingIesNormalize': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'specular': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'textureFile': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'textureFormat': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
* C2039 'width': is not a member of 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxTokensType'
Python Error Strings:
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'angle'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'color'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'colorTemperature'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'diffuse'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'enableColorTemperature'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'exposure'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'height'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'intensity'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'length'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'normalize'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'radius'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shadowColor'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shadowDistance'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shadowEnable'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shadowFalloff'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shadowFalloffGamma'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shapingConeAngle'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shapingConeSoftness'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shapingFocus'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shapingFocusTint'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shapingIesAngleScale'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shapingIesFile'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'shapingIesNormalize'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'specular'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'textureFile'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'textureFormat'
* AttributeError: type object 'Tokens' has no attribute 'width'
UsdLux Light to UsdLuxLightAPI
Reference Commits:
* Creates the new single apply UsdLuxLightAPI applied API schema in preparation for migrating lights to having an applied LightAPI
* Updates in usdLux to replace references to UsdLuxLight
* Deleting UsdLuxLight and UsdLuxLightPortal
C++/Python Find Regex:
C++ Example Before:
auto myStage = UsdStage::CreateInMemory();
auto sphereLight = UsdLuxSphereLight::Define(myStage, SdfPath(“/sphereLight”));
auto sphereLightPrim = sphereLight.GetPrim();
if (sphereLightPrim.IsA<PXR_NS::UsdLuxLight>()) {
std::cout << “It’s a light!” << std::endl;
if (sphereLightPrim.IsA<UsdLuxLight>()) {
std::cout << “It’s a light!” << std::endl;
C++ Example After (21.11+ only):
auto myStage = UsdStage::CreateInMemory();
auto sphereLight = UsdLuxSphereLight::Define(myStage, SdfPath(“/sphereLight”));
auto sphereLightPrim = sphereLight.GetPrim();
if (sphereLightPrim.HasAPI<PXR_NS::UsdLuxLightAPI>()) {
std::cout << “It’s a light!” << std::endl;
if (sphereLightPrim.HasAPI<UsdLuxLightAPI>()) {
std::cout << “It’s a light!” << std::endl;
C++ Example Before (branched):
auto myStage = UsdStage::CreateInMemory();
auto sphereLight = UsdLuxSphereLight::Define(myStage, SdfPath("/sphereLight"));
auto sphereLightPrim = sphereLight.GetPrim();
if (sphereLightPrim.HasAPI<PXR_NS::UsdLuxLightAPI>()) {
std::cout << "It’s a light!" << std::endl;
if (sphereLightPrim.HasAPI<UsdLuxLightAPI>()) {
std::cout << "It’s a light!" << std::endl;
C++ Example After (branched):
auto myStage = UsdStage::CreateInMemory();
auto sphereLight = UsdLuxSphereLight::Define(myStage, SdfPath("/sphereLight"));
auto sphereLightPrim = sphereLight.GetPrim();
#if PXR_VERSION >= 2111
if (sphereLightPrim.HasAPI<PXR_NS::UsdLuxLightAPI>()) {
std::cout << "It’s a light!" << std::endl;
if (sphereLightPrim.HasAPI<UsdLuxLightAPI>()) {
std::cout << "It’s a light!" << std::endl;
if (sphereLightPrim.IsA<PXR_NS::UsdLuxLight>()) {
std::cout << "It’s a light!" << std::endl;
if (sphereLightPrim.IsA<UsdLuxLight>()) {
std::cout << "It’s a light!" << std::endl;
C++ Error Strings (Linux):
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’ has no member named ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’ has no member named ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’ has no member named ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’ has no member named ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’ has no member named ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’ has no member named ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’ has no member named ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’ has no member named ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’ has no member named ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’ has no member named ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’ has no member named ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’ has no member named ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’ has no member named ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’ has no member named ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
- ‘UsdLuxLight’ is not a member of ‘pxr’
- ‘UsdLuxLight’ was not declared in this scope
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
- C2039 ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’
- C2039 ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’
- C2039 ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’
- C2039 ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’
- C2039 ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’
- C2039 ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’
- C2039 ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’
- C2039 ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’
- C2039 ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’
- C2039 ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’
- C2039 ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’
- C2039 ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’
- C2039 ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’
- C2039 ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’
- C2039 ‘UsdLuxLight’: is not a member of ‘pxr’
- C2065 ‘UsdLuxLight’: undeclared identifier
- C2065 ‘UsdLuxLight’: undeclared identifier
- C2672 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim::IsA’: no matching overloaded function found
- C2672 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim::IsA’: no matching overloaded function found
- C2974 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim::IsA’: invalid template argument for ‘T’, type expected
- C2974 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdPrim::IsA’: invalid template argument for ‘T’, type expected
- E0020 identifier “UsdLuxLight” is undefined
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight” has no member “GetLightLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight” has no member “GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight” has no member “GetLightLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight” has no member “GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight” has no member “GetLightLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight” has no member “GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight” has no member “GetLightLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight” has no member “GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight” has no member “GetLightLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight” has no member “GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight” has no member “GetLightLinkCollectionAPI”
- E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight” has no member “GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight” has no member “GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight” has no member “GetLightLinkCollectionAPI”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight” has no member “GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI”
* E0135 namespace “pxr” has no member “UsdLuxLight”
Python Error Strings:
* AttributeError: module ‘pxr.UsdLux’ has no attribute ‘Light’
* AttributeError: ‘SphereLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘SphereLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘CylinderLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘CylinderLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘DiskLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘DiskLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘DistantLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘DistantLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘DomeLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘DomeLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘GeometryLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘GeometryLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘RectLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetLightLinkCollectionAPI’
* AttributeError: ‘RectLight’ object has no attribute ‘GetShadowLinkCollectionAPI’
## UsdLux LightPortal to UsdLux PortalLight
## UsdLuxLight.ComputeBaseEmission() removed
This function existed “solely as a reference example implementation of how to interpret [UsdLuxLight’s] parameters.” It has been removed, and there is no replacement. If you were making use of it, you will have to add your own implementation - this function would duplicate the old behavior:
GfVec3f ComputeBaseEmission(const UsdLuxLightAPI& light)
GfVec3f e(1.0);
float intensity = 1.0;
e *= intensity;
float exposure = 0.0;
e *= exp2(exposure);
GfVec3f color(1.0);
e = GfCompMult(e, color);
bool enableColorTemp = false;
if (enableColorTemp) {
float colorTemp = 6500;
if (light.GetColorTemperatureAttr().Get(&colorTemp)) {
e = GfCompMult(e, UsdLuxBlackbodyTemperatureAsRgb(colorTemp));
return e;
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | Deleting UsdLuxLight and UsdLuxLightPortal |
| | C++/Python Find Regex: | (?<=\W)ComputeBaseEmission(?=\W) |
| | C++ Error Strings (Linux): |
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’ has no member named ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’ has no member named ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’ has no member named ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’ has no member named ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’ has no member named ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’ has no member named ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* ‘class pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’ has no member named ‘ComputeBaseEmission’ |
| | C++ Error Strings (Windows): |
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight” has no member “ComputeBaseEmission”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight” has no member “ComputeBaseEmission”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight” has no member “ComputeBaseEmission”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight” has no member “ComputeBaseEmission”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight” has no member “ComputeBaseEmission”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight” has no member “ComputeBaseEmission”
* E0135 class “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight” has no member “ComputeBaseEmission”
* C2039 ‘ComputeBaseEmission’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxCylinderLight’
* C2039 ‘ComputeBaseEmission’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDiskLight’
* C2039 ‘ComputeBaseEmission’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDistantLight’
* C2039 ‘ComputeBaseEmission’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxDomeLight’
* C2039 ‘ComputeBaseEmission’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxGeometryLight’
* C2039 ‘ComputeBaseEmission’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxRectLight’
* C2039 ‘ComputeBaseEmission’: is not a member of ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdLuxSphereLight’ |
| | Python Error Strings: |
* AttributeError: ‘CylinderLight’ object has no attribute ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* AttributeError: ‘DiskLight’ object has no attribute ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* AttributeError: ‘DistantLight’ object has no attribute ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* AttributeError: ‘DomeLight’ object has no attribute ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* AttributeError: ‘GeometryLight’ object has no attribute ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* AttributeError: ‘RectLight’ object has no attribute ‘ComputeBaseEmission’
* AttributeError: ‘SphereLight’ object has no attribute ‘ComputeBaseEmission’ |
## UsdLux.LightFilterAPI removed
## UsdPhysics
## UsdPhysics Schema Changes
## UsdPhysics uses USD stock schema.
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | UsdPhysics API |
| | C++ Example Before: | #include <usdPhysics/tokens.h> |
| | C++ Example After (all versions): | #include <pxr/usd/usdPhysics/tokens.h> |
| | C++ Error Strings |
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/articulationRootAPI.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/collisionAPI.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/meshCollisionAPI.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/collisionGroup.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/distanceJoint.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/driveAPI.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/filteredPairsAPI.h’: No such file or directory |
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/joint.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/limitAPI.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/massAPI.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/metrics.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/rigidBodyAPI.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/materialAPI.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/scene.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/prismaticJoint.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/revoluteJoint.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/sphericalJoint.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/fixedJoint.h’: No such file or directory
* Cannot open include file: ‘usdPhyiscs/tokens.h’: No such file or directory
## UsdRender
### UsdRender.SettingsAPI
#### UsdRender SettingsAPI removed
## UsdShade
### UsdShade.ConnectableAPI
#### Explicit ctor required for shaders and nodegraphs
See also:
| | Reference Commits: | Python Example Before: | Python Example After (all versions): | C++ Error Strings (Linux): |
| | UsdShade API concept separation | material.CreateSurfaceOutput().ConnectToSource(shader, “out”) | material.CreateSurfaceOutput().ConnectToSource(shader.ConnectableAPI(), “out”) | * no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI&’<br/>* no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI&’<br/>* no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI&’<br/>* no known conversion for argument 2 from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI&’<br/>* no known conversion for argument 2 from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI&’<br/>* no known conversion for argument 2 from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI&’<br/>* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’<br/>* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’<br/>* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’<br/>* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’<br/>* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’<br/>* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’<br/>* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’ |
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdAttribute&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType, const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName&)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken&)’
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* E0304 no instance of overloaded function “pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource” matches the argument list
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2665 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource’: none of the 15 overloads could convert all the argument types
* C2664 ‘bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectionModification) const’: cannot convert argument 1 from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &’
* C2664 ‘bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectionModification) const’: cannot convert argument 1 from ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial’ to ‘const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &’
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectionModification) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectionModification) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectionModification) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectionModification) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeShader' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeMaterial' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* C2664 'bool pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource(const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::TfToken &,const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeAttributeType,pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::SdfValueTypeName) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeNodeGraph' to 'const pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdShadeConnectableAPI &'
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Attribute, NodeGraph, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Attribute, Shader, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Attribute, Shader, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Attribute, Shader, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, Material, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, Material, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, Material, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, NodeGraph, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, NodeGraph, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, NodeGraph, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, Shader, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, Shader, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Input, Shader, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, Material, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, Material, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, Material, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, NodeGraph, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, NodeGraph, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, NodeGraph, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, Shader, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, Shader, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(Output, Shader, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, Material, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, Material, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, Material, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, NodeGraph, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, NodeGraph, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, NodeGraph, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, Shader, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, Shader, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Input.ConnectToSource(Input, Shader, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Output.ConnectToSource(Output, Material, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Output.ConnectToSource(Output, Material, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Output.ConnectToSource(Output, Material, str, AttributeType, ValueTypeName)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Output.ConnectToSource(Output, NodeGraph, str)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Output.ConnectToSource(Output, NodeGraph, str, AttributeType)
did not match C++ signature:
## Material Bindings Require UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI to be Applied
- All code which authors material bindings should Apply() UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI to the prim upon which the binding is to be authored
- Current default is to post warnings at runtime, but still apply material bindings if is not applied
- May set USD_SHADE_MATERIAL_BINDING_API_CHECK env var to change behavior:
- allowMissingAPI
- silence warnings and apply materials even if MaterialBindingAPI not applied
- warnOnMissingAPI
- current default
- print warnings, but still apply materials even if MaterialBindingAPI not applied
- strict
- future default
- only apply material bindings if MaterialBindingAPI applied
- Assets can be repaired via the Asset Validator extension, see UsdMaterialBindingApi.
### Table
| | Reference Commits: |
| | BindingAtPrim should return early if the prim doesn’t have a MaterialBindingAPI Applied. |
| | Runtime Warning Strings: |
| | * Found material bindings on prim at path (%s) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim |
## UsdSkel
### UsdSkel Cache
#### Populate/ComputeSkelBinding/ComputeSkelBindings now require a predicate parameter
To maintain the same behavior, pass UsdPrimDefaultPredicate as the predicate; if you wish to allow instancing of skeletons, use UsdTraverseInstanceProxies instead
### Table
| | Reference Commits: |
| | Adding UsdImagingPrimAdapter::ShouldIgnoreNativeInstanceSubtrees(), which allows an adapter to disable instancing of itself and its descendants… Adding `predicate` flag to Populate, ComputeBinding and ComputeBindings methods of UsdSkelCache. |
| | C++/Python Find Regex: |
| | (?<=.|->)(Populate|ComputeSkelBindings?)\( |
| | Python Example Before: |
| | from pxr import Usd, UsdSkel<br/>myStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>myPrim = myStage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim”, “Transform”)<br/>mySkel = myStage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim/skelRoot”, “SkelRoot”)<br/>skelCache = UsdSkel.Cache()<br/>mySkelRoot = UsdSkel.Root.Define(myStage, “/myPrim/skelRoot”)<br/>mySkel = UsdSkel.Skeleton.Define(myStage, “/myPrim/skelRoot/mySkel”)<br/>skelCache.Populate(mySkelRoot)<br/>binding = skelCache.ComputeSkelBinding(mySkelRoot, mySkel)<br/>bindings = skelCache.ComputeSkelBindings(mySkelRoot) |
| | Python Example After (21.02+ only): |
| | from pxr import Usd, UsdSkel<br/>myStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()<br/>myPrim = myStage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim”, “Transform”)<br/>mySkel = myStage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim/skelRoot”, “SkelRoot”)<br/>skelCache = UsdSkel.Cache()<br/>mySkelRoot = UsdSkel.Root.Define(myStage, “/myPrim/skelRoot”)<br/>mySkel = UsdSkel.Skeleton.Define(myStage, “/myPrim/skelRoot/mySkel”)<br/>skelCache.Populate(mySkelRoot, Usd.PrimDefaultPredicate)<br/>binding = skelCache.ComputeSkelBinding(mySkelRoot, mySkel, Usd.PrimDefaultPredicate)<br/>bindings = skelCache.ComputeSkelBindings(mySkelRoot, Usd.PrimDefaultPredicate) |
## Imaging
### Glf
#### Removed glew dependency
| | | |
| | Reference Commits: | * [Glf] Removed glf/glew |
| | C++ Find Regex: | (?<=\W)(GLEW|Glew|glew)(?=\W|_) |
| | C++ Example Before: | ```cpp
// Generally code will include one or the other of these, not both - they are
// both replaced by garch/glApi.h
#include “pxr/imaging/glf/glew.h”
#include “pxr/imaging/garch/gl.h”
void gl_functionality_example() {
if (GLEW_KHR_debug) {}
if (GLEW_ARB_bindless_texture) {}
if (glewIsSupported(“GL_NV_conservative_raster”)) {}
#if defined(GLEW_VERSION_4_5)
if (GLEW_VERSION_4_5 | GLEW_ARB_direct_state_access) {}
``` |
| | C++ Example After (21.02+ only): | ```cpp
#include “pxr/imaging/garch/glApi.h”
void gl_functionality_example() {
if (GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(KHR_debug)) {}
if (GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(ARB_bindless_texture))
if (GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(NV_conservative_raster)) {}
#if defined(GL_VERSION_4_5)
if (GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(VERSION_4_5) | GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(ARB_direct_state_access)) {}
``` |
| | C++ Example After (branched): | ```cpp
#if PXR_VERSION >= 2102
#include “pxr/imaging/garch/glApi.h”
// Generally code will include one or the other of these, not both - they are
``` |
## Python Example After (branched):
from pxr import Usd, UsdSkel
myStage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
myPrim = myStage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim”, “Transform”)
mySkel = myStage.DefinePrim(“/myPrim/skelRoot”, “SkelRoot”)
skelCache = UsdSkel.Cache()
mySkelRoot = UsdSkel.Root.Define(myStage, “/myPrim/skelRoot”)
mySkel = UsdSkel.Skeleton.Define(myStage, “/myPrim/skelRoot/mySkel”)
if Usd.GetVersion() >= (0,20,11):
skelCache.Populate(mySkelRoot, Usd.PrimDefaultPredicate)
binding = skelCache.ComputeSkelBinding(mySkelRoot, mySkel, Usd.PrimDefaultPredicate)
bindings = skelCache.ComputeSkelBindings(mySkelRoot, Usd.PrimDefaultPredicate)
binding = skelCache.ComputeSkelBinding(mySkelRoot, mySkel)
bindings = skelCache.ComputeSkelBindings(mySkelRoot)
## C++ Error Strings (Linux):
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelCache::ComputeSkelBinding(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelSkeleton&, pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBinding*)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelCache::ComputeSkelBindings(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot&, std::vector<pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelBinding>)’
* no matching function for call to ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelCache::Populate(pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelRoot&)’
## C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* C2660 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelCache::Populate’: function does not take 1 arguments
* C2660 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelCache::ComputeSkelBinding’: function does not take 3 arguments
* C2660 ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdSkelCache::ComputeSkelBindings’: function does not take 2 arguments
## Python Error Strings:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Cache.Populate(Cache, Root)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Cache.ComputeSkelBinding(Cache, Root, Skeleton)
did not match C++ signature:
* Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
Cache.ComputeSkelBindings(Cache, Root)
did not match C++ signature:
// both replaced by garch/glApi.h
#include "pxr/imaging/glf/glew.h"
#include "pxr/imaging/garch/gl.h"
void gl_functionality_example() {
#if PXR_VERSION >= 2102
if (GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(KHR_debug)) {}
if (GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(ARB_bindless_texture))
if (GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(NV_conservative_raster)) {}
#if defined(GL_VERSION_4_5)
if (GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(VERSION_4_5) | GARCH_GLAPI_HAS(ARB_direct_state_access)) {}
if (GLEW_KHR_debug) {}
if (GLEW_ARB_bindless_texture) {}
if (glewIsSupported("GL_NV_conservative_raster")) {}
#if defined(GLEW_VERSION_4_5)
if (GLEW_VERSION_4_5 | GLEW_ARB_direct_state_access) {}
C++ Error Strings (Linux):
* pxr/imaging/glf/glew.h: No such file or directory
* GL/glew.h: No such file or directory
* ‘glewIsSupported’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GlfGlewInit’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_3DFX_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_3DFX_tbuffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_blend_minmax_factor’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_compressed_3DC_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_conservative_depth’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_debug_output’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_depth_clamp_separate’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_draw_buffers_blend’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_gcn_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_int16’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_int64’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_interleaved_elements’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_multi_draw_indirect’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_name_gen_delete’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_occlusion_query_event’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_performance_monitor’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_pinned_memory’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_program_binary_Z400’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_query_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_sample_positions’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_atomic_counter_ops’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_ballot’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_stencil_export’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_stencil_value_export’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_sparse_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_stencil_operation_extended’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_texture_texture4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_transform_feedback3_lines_triangles’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_transform_feedback4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_layer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_depth_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_instanced_arrays’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_program_binary’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_texture_usage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_timer_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ANGLE_translated_shader_source’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_client_storage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_clip_distance’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_color_buffer_packed_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_copy_texture_levels’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_element_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_fence’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_float_pixels’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_flush_buffer_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_object_purgeable’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_pixel_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_rgb_422’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_row_bytes’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_specular_vector’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_sync’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_texture_max_level’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_texture_packed_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_texture_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_transform_hint’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_vertex_array_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_vertex_array_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_APPLE_ycbcr_422’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_ES2_compatibility’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_ES3_compatibility’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_arrays_of_arrays’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_base_instance’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_bindless_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_blend_func_extended’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_buffer_storage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_cl_event’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_clear_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_clear_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_clip_control’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_color_buffer_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_compatibility’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_compute_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_compute_variable_group_size’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_conditional_render_inverted’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_conservative_depth’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_copy_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_copy_image’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_cull_distance’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_debug_output’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_depth_buffer_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_depth_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_depth_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_derivative_control’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_direct_state_access’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_draw_buffers_blend’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_draw_buffers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_draw_indirect’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_draw_instanced’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_enhanced_layouts’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_explicit_attrib_location’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_explicit_uniform_location’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_fragment_program_shadow’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_fragment_program’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_geometry_shader4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_get_program_binary’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_get_texture_sub_image’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_gl_spirv’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader_int64’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_half_float_pixel’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_half_float_vertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_imaging’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_indirect_parameters’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_instanced_arrays’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_internalformat_query2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_internalformat_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_invalidate_subdata’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_map_buffer_alignment’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_map_buffer_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_matrix_palette’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_multi_bind’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_multi_draw_indirect’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_multitexture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_occlusion_query2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_occlusion_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_parallel_shader_compile’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_pixel_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_point_parameters’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_point_sprite’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_post_depth_coverage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_program_interface_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_provoking_vertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_query_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_robustness_application_isolation’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_robustness’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_sample_locations’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_sample_shading’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_sampler_objects’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_seamless_cube_map’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_separate_shader_objects’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_atomic_counters’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_ballot’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_bit_encoding’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_clock’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_draw_parameters’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_group_vote’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_image_load_store’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_image_size’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_objects’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_precision’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_stencil_export’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_subroutine’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_texture_lod’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shading_language_100’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shading_language_420pack’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shading_language_include’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shading_language_packing’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shadow_ambient’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_shadow’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_sparse_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_spirv_extensions’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_stencil_texturing’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_sync’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_tessellation_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_barrier’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_border_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_compression_bptc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_compression’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_env_add’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_env_combine’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_env_crossbar’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_env_dot3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_filter_minmax’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_gather’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_query_levels’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_query_lod’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_rectangle’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_rg’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_stencil8’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_storage_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_storage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_swizzle’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_texture_view’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_timer_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_transpose_matrix’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_uniform_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_array_bgra’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_array_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_blend’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_program’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_viewport_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARB_window_pos’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARM_mali_program_binary’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARM_mali_shader_binary’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARM_rgba8’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATIX_point_sprites’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATIX_texture_env_combine3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATIX_texture_env_route’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_draw_buffers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_element_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_envmap_bumpmap’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_fragment_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_map_object_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_meminfo’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_pn_triangles’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_separate_stencil’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_shader_texture_lod’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_text_fragment_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_texture_compression_3dc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_texture_env_combine3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_texture_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_texture_mirror_once’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_vertex_array_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ATI_vertex_streams’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EGL_KHR_context_flush_control’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EGL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ERROR_GLX_VERSION_11_ONLY’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ERROR_GL_VERSION_10_ONLY’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ERROR_NO_GLX_DISPLAY’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_ERROR_NO_GL_VERSION’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_422_pixels’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_Cg_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_EGL_image_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_YUV_target’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_abgr’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_base_instance’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_bgra’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_bindable_uniform’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_blend_color’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_blend_equation_separate’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_blend_func_extended’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_blend_func_separate’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_blend_logic_op’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_blend_minmax’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_blend_subtract’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_buffer_storage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_clear_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_clip_cull_distance’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_clip_volume_hint’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_cmyka’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_color_buffer_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_color_buffer_half_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_color_subtable’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_compiled_vertex_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_conservative_depth’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_convolution’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_coordinate_frame’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_copy_image’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_copy_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_cull_vertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_debug_label’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_debug_marker’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_depth_bounds_test’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_direct_state_access’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_discard_framebuffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_draw_buffers2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_draw_buffers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_draw_instanced’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_draw_range_elements’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_external_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_float_blend’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_fog_coord’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_frag_depth’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_fragment_lighting’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_blit’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_geometry_point_size’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_geometry_shader4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_geometry_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_gpu_program_parameters’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_gpu_shader4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_gpu_shader5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_histogram’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_index_array_formats’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_index_func’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_index_material’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_index_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_instanced_arrays’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_light_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_map_buffer_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_memory_object_fd’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_memory_object_win32’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_memory_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_misc_attribute’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_multi_draw_arrays’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_multi_draw_indirect’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_multiple_textures’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_multisample_compatibility’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_multiview_draw_buffers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_packed_depth_stencil’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_packed_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_packed_pixels’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_paletted_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_pixel_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_pixel_transform_color_table’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_pixel_transform’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_point_parameters’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_polygon_offset’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_post_depth_coverage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_provoking_vertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_pvrtc_sRGB’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_raster_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_read_format_bgra’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_render_snorm’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_rescale_normal’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_sRGB_write_control’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_sRGB’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_scene_marker’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_secondary_color’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_semaphore_fd’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_semaphore_win32’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_semaphore’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_separate_shader_objects’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_separate_specular_color’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_group_vote’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_image_load_store’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_integer_mix’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_io_blocks’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shader_texture_lod’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shadow_funcs’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shadow_samplers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_shared_texture_palette’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_sparse_texture2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_sparse_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_stencil_clear_tag’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_stencil_two_side’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_stencil_wrap’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_subtexture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture3D’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode_rgb9e5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_bptc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_latc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_cube_map_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_cube_map’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_edge_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_env_add’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_env_combine’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_env_dot3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_env’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_filter_minmax’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_integer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_lod_bias’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_norm16’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_perturb_normal’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_rectangle’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_rg’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_shared_exponent’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_snorm’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_storage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_swizzle’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture_view’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_timer_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_transform_feedback’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_unpack_subimage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_vertex_array_bgra’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_vertex_array_setXXX’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_vertex_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_vertex_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_vertex_weighting’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_win32_keyed_mutex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_window_rectangles’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_EXT_x11_sync_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_GET_VAR’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_GET_FUN’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_GREMEDY_frame_terminator’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_GREMEDY_string_marker’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_HP_convolution_border_modes’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_HP_image_transform’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_HP_occlusion_test’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_HP_texture_lighting’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_IBM_cull_vertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_IBM_rasterpos_clip’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_IBM_static_data’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_IBM_vertex_array_lists’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INGR_color_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INGR_interlace_read’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INTEL_conservative_rasterization’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INTEL_map_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INTEL_parallel_arrays’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INTEL_performance_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_INTEL_texture_scissor’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_blend_equation_advanced’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_context_flush_control’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_debug’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_no_error’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_parallel_shader_compile’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_robustness’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_KTX_buffer_region’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_MESAX_texture_stack’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_MESA_pack_invert’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_MESA_resize_buffers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_MESA_shader_integer_functions’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_MESA_window_pos’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_MESA_ycbcr_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NO_ERROR’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NVX_conditional_render’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NVX_gpu_memory_info’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NVX_linked_gpu_multicast’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_3dvision_settings’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_bgr’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_bindless_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_blend_equation_advanced’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_blend_minmax_factor’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_blend_square’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_clip_space_w_scaling’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_command_list’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_compute_program5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_conditional_render’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_conservative_raster_dilate’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_conservative_raster’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_copy_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_copy_depth_to_color’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_copy_image’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_deep_texture3D’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_depth_buffer_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_depth_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_depth_range_unclamped’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_draw_buffers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_draw_instanced’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_draw_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_draw_vulkan_image’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_evaluators’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_explicit_attrib_location’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_explicit_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fbo_color_attachments’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fence’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fill_rectangle’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_float_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fog_distance’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fragment_program2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fragment_program4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fragment_program_option’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fragment_program’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_fragment_shader_interlock’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_framebuffer_blit’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_framebuffer_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_geometry_program4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_geometry_shader4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_gpu_multicast’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_gpu_program4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_gpu_program5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_gpu_program_fp64’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_gpu_shader5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_half_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_image_formats’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_instanced_arrays’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_internalformat_sample_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_light_max_exponent’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_multisample_coverage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_multisample_filter_hint’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_non_square_matrices’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_occlusion_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_pack_subimage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_packed_depth_stencil’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_packed_float_linear’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_packed_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_parameter_buffer_object2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_parameter_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_path_rendering’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_pixel_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_pixel_data_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_platform_binary’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_point_sprite’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_polygon_mode’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_present_video’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_primitive_restart’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_read_depth_stencil’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_read_depth’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_read_stencil’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_register_combiners2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_register_combiners’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_sRGB_formats’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_sample_locations’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_counters’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_float64’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_float’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_int64’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_buffer_load’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_thread_group’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shader_thread_shuffle’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shadow_samplers_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_shadow_samplers_cube’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_stereo_view_rendering’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_tessellation_program5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texgen_emboss’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texgen_reflection’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_barrier’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_border_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_compression_latc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_compression_s3tc_update’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_compression_s3tc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_compression_vtc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_env_combine4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_expand_normal’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_rectangle’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_shader2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_shader3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_texture_shader’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_transform_feedback2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_transform_feedback’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vdpau_interop’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_array_range2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_array_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_program1_1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_program2_option’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_program2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_program3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_program4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_vertex_program’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_video_capture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_viewport_array2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_viewport_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_NV_viewport_swizzle’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_OES_byte_coordinates’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_OK’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘W_OK’?
* ‘GLEW_OML_interlace’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_OML_resample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_OML_subsample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_OVR_multiview2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_OVR_multiview’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_PGI_misc_hints’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_PGI_vertex_hints’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_alpha_test’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_binning_control’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_driver_control’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_extended_get2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_extended_get’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_framebuffer_foveated’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_perfmon_global_mode’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_tiled_rendering’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_QCOM_writeonly_rendering’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_REGAL_ES1_0_compatibility’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_REGAL_ES1_1_compatibility’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_REGAL_enable’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_REGAL_error_string’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_REGAL_extension_query’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_REGAL_log’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_REGAL_proc_address’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_REND_screen_coordinates’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_S3_s3tc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_clip_band_hint’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_color_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_detail_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_fog_function’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_generate_mipmap’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_line_texgen’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_multitexture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_pixel_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_point_line_texgen’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_shared_multisample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_sharpen_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_texture4D’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_texture_border_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_texture_filter4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_texture_lod’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIS_texture_select’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_async_histogram’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_async_pixel’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_async’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_bali_g_instruments’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_bali_r_instruments’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_bali_timer_instruments’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_blend_cadd’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_blend_cmultiply’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_calligraphic_fragment’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_clipmap’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_color_matrix_accuracy’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_color_table_index_mode’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_complex_polar’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_convolution_accuracy’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_cube_map’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_cylinder_texgen’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_datapipe’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_decimation’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_depth_pass_instrument’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_depth_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_dvc’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_flush_raster’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fog_blend’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fog_factor_to_alpha’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fog_layers’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fog_offset’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fog_patchy’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fog_scale’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fog_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fragment_lighting_space’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fragment_specular_lighting’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_fragments_instrument’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_framezoom’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_icc_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_igloo_interface’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_image_compression’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_impact_pixel_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_instrument_error’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_interlace’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_ir_instrument1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_line_quality_hint’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_list_priority’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_mpeg1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_mpeg2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_nonlinear_lighting_pervertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_nurbs_eval’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_occlusion_instrument’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_packed_6bytes’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture_bits’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture_lod’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_pixel_tiles’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_polynomial_ffd’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_quad_mesh’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_reference_plane’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_resample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_scalebias_hint’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_shadow_ambient’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_shadow’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_slim’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_spotlight_cutoff’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_sprite’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_subdiv_patch’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_subsample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_tag_sample_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_add_env’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_lod_bias’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_mipmap_anisotropic’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_multi_buffer’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_phase’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_range’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_scale_bias’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_texture_supersample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_vector_ops’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_vertex_array_object’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_vertex_preclip_hint’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_vertex_preclip’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_ycrcb_subsample’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_ycrcba’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGIX_ycrcb’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGI_color_matrix’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGI_color_table’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGI_complex_type’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGI_complex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGI_fft’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SGI_texture_color_table’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SUNX_constant_data’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SUN_convolution_border_modes’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SUN_global_alpha’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SUN_mesh_array’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SUN_read_video_pixels’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SUN_slice_accum’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SUN_triangle_list’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_SUN_vertex’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_1_1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_1_2_1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_1_2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_1_3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_1_4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_1_5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_2_0’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_2_1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_3_0’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_3_1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_3_2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_3_3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_4_0’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_4_1’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_4_2’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_4_3’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_4_4’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_4_5’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_4_6’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_MAJOR’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘TBB_VERSION_MAJOR’?
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_MICRO’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘TBB_VERSION_MINOR’?
* ‘GLEW_VERSION_MINOR’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘TBB_VERSION_MINOR’?
* ‘GLEW_VERSION’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘PSTL_VERSION’?
* ‘GLEW_WIN_phong_shading’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_WIN_scene_markerXXX’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_WIN_specular_fog’ was not declared in this scope
* ‘GLEW_WIN_swap_hint’ was not declared in this scope
C++ Error Strings (Windows):
* E1696 cannot open source file “pxr/imaging/glf/glew.h”
* E0020 identifier “glewIsSupported” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GlfGlewInit” is undefined
* C1083 Cannot open include file: ‘pxr/imaging/glf/glew.h’: No such file or directory
* C3861 ‘glewIsSupported’: identifier not found
* C3861 ‘GlfGlewInit’: identifier not found
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_3DFX_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_3DFX_tbuffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_blend_minmax_factor” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_compressed_3DC_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_conservative_depth” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_debug_output” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_depth_clamp_separate” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_draw_buffers_blend” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_gcn_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_int16” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_int64” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_interleaved_elements” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_multi_draw_indirect” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_name_gen_delete” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_occlusion_query_event” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_performance_monitor” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_pinned_memory” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_program_binary_Z400” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_query_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_sample_positions” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_shader_atomic_counter_ops” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_shader_ballot” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_shader_stencil_export” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_shader_stencil_value_export” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_sparse_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_stencil_operation_extended” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_texture_texture4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_transform_feedback3_lines_triangles” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_transform_feedback4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_layer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_depth_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_instanced_arrays” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_program_binary” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_texture_usage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_timer_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ANGLE_translated_shader_source” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_client_storage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_clip_distance” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_color_buffer_packed_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_copy_texture_levels” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_element_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_fence” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_float_pixels” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_flush_buffer_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_object_purgeable” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_pixel_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_rgb_422” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_row_bytes” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_specular_vector” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_sync” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_texture_max_level” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_texture_packed_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_texture_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_transform_hint” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_vertex_array_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_vertex_array_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_APPLE_ycbcr_422” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_arrays_of_arrays” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_base_instance” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_bindless_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_blend_func_extended” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_buffer_storage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_cl_event” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_clear_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_clear_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_clip_control” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_color_buffer_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_compatibility” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_compute_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_compute_variable_group_size” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_conditional_render_inverted” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_conservative_depth” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_copy_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_copy_image” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_cull_distance” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_debug_output” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_depth_buffer_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_depth_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_depth_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_derivative_control” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_direct_state_access” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_draw_buffers” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_draw_buffers_blend” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_draw_indirect” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_draw_instanced” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_enhanced_layouts” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_ES2_compatibility” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_ES3_compatibility” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_explicit_attrib_location” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_explicit_uniform_location” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_fragment_program” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_fragment_program_shadow” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_geometry_shader4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_get_program_binary” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_get_texture_sub_image” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_gl_spirv” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader5” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader_int64” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_half_float_pixel” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_half_float_vertex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_imaging” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_indirect_parameters” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_instanced_arrays” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_internalformat_query2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_internalformat_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_invalidate_subdata” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_map_buffer_alignment” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_map_buffer_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_matrix_palette” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_multi_bind” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_multi_draw_indirect” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_multitexture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_occlusion_query2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_occlusion_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_parallel_shader_compile” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_pixel_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_point_parameters” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_point_sprite” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_post_depth_coverage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_program_interface_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_provoking_vertex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_query_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_robustness” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_robustness_application_isolation” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_sample_locations” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_sample_shading” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_sampler_objects” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_seamless_cube_map” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_separate_shader_objects” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_atomic_counters” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_ballot” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_bit_encoding” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_clock” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_draw_parameters” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_group_vote” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_image_load_store” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_image_size” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_objects” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_precision” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_stencil_export” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_subroutine” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_texture_lod” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shading_language_100” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shading_language_420pack” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shading_language_include” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shading_language_packing” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shadow” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_shadow_ambient” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_sparse_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_spirv_extensions” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_stencil_texturing” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_sync” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_tessellation_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_barrier” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_border_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_compression” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_compression_bptc” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_env_add” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_env_combine” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_env_crossbar” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_env_dot3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_filter_minmax” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_gather” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_query_levels” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_query_lod” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_rectangle” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_rg” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_stencil8” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_storage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_storage_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_swizzle” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_texture_view” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_timer_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_transpose_matrix” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_uniform_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_array_bgra” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_array_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_blend” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_program” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_viewport_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARB_window_pos” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARM_mali_program_binary” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARM_mali_shader_binary” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARM_rgba8” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_draw_buffers” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_element_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_envmap_bumpmap” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_fragment_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_map_object_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_meminfo” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_pn_triangles” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_separate_stencil” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_shader_texture_lod” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_text_fragment_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_texture_compression_3dc” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_texture_env_combine3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_texture_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_texture_mirror_once” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_vertex_array_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATI_vertex_streams” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATIX_point_sprites” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATIX_texture_env_combine3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATIX_texture_env_route” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EGL_KHR_context_flush_control” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EGL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ERROR_GL_VERSION_10_ONLY” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ERROR_GLX_VERSION_11_ONLY” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ERROR_NO_GL_VERSION” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_ERROR_NO_GLX_DISPLAY” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_422_pixels” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_abgr” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_base_instance” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_bgra” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_bindable_uniform” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_blend_color” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_blend_func_extended” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_blend_func_separate” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_blend_logic_op” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_blend_minmax” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_blend_subtract” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_buffer_storage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_Cg_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_clear_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_clip_cull_distance” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_clip_volume_hint” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_cmyka” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_color_buffer_half_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_color_subtable” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_compiled_vertex_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_conservative_depth” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_convolution” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_coordinate_frame” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_copy_image” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_copy_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_cull_vertex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_debug_label” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_debug_marker” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_depth_bounds_test” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_direct_state_access” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_draw_buffers” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_draw_instanced” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_draw_range_elements” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_EGL_image_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_external_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_float_blend” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_fog_coord” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_frag_depth” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_fragment_lighting” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_blit” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_geometry_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_gpu_program_parameters” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_gpu_shader4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_gpu_shader5” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_histogram” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_index_func” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_index_material” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_index_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_instanced_arrays” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_light_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_map_buffer_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_memory_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_memory_object_fd” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_memory_object_win32” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_misc_attribute” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_multi_draw_indirect” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_multiple_textures” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_multisample_compatibility” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_multiview_draw_buffers” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_packed_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_packed_pixels” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_paletted_texture” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_pixel_transform” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_point_parameters” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_post_depth_coverage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_provoking_vertex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_pvrtc_sRGB” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_raster_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_read_format_bgra” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_render_snorm” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_rescale_normal” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_scene_marker” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_secondary_color” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_semaphore” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_semaphore_fd” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_semaphore_win32” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_separate_shader_objects” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_separate_specular_color” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_group_vote” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_image_load_store” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_integer_mix” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_io_blocks” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shader_texture_lod” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shadow_funcs” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_shadow_samplers” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_sparse_texture2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_sparse_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_sRGB” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_EXT_sRGB_write_control” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_stencil_two_side" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_stencil_wrap" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_subtexture" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture3D" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_array" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_buffer_object" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode_rgb9e5" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_bptc" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_latc" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc" is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_env_add" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_env_combine" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_env_dot3" is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_filter_minmax" is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_integer" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_lod_bias" is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_norm16" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_object" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_perturb_normal" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_rectangle" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_rg" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_shared_exponent" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_snorm" is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_storage" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_swizzle" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_texture_view" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_timer_query" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_transform_feedback" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_unpack_subimage" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_vertex_array" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_vertex_array_bgra" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_vertex_array_setXXX" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_vertex_shader" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_vertex_weighting" is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_window_rectangles" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_x11_sync_object" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_EXT_YUV_target" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_GET_FUN" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_GET_VAR" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_GREMEDY_frame_terminator" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_GREMEDY_string_marker" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_HP_convolution_border_modes" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_HP_image_transform" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_HP_occlusion_test" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_HP_texture_lighting" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_IBM_cull_vertex" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_IBM_rasterpos_clip" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_IBM_static_data" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_IBM_vertex_array_lists" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_INGR_color_clamp" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_INGR_interlace_read" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_INTEL_conservative_rasterization" is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_INTEL_map_texture" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_INTEL_parallel_arrays" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_INTEL_performance_query" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_INTEL_texture_scissor" is undefined
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* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_context_flush_control" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_debug" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_no_error" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_parallel_shader_compile" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_robustness" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_KTX_buffer_region" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_MESA_pack_invert" is undefined
* E0020 identifier "GLEW_MESA_resize_buffers" is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_MESA_shader_integer_functions” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_MESA_window_pos” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_MESA_ycbcr_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_MESAX_texture_stack” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NO_ERROR” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_3dvision_settings” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_bgr” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_bindless_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_blend_equation_advanced” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_blend_minmax_factor” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_blend_square” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_clip_space_w_scaling” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_command_list” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_compute_program5” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_conditional_render” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_conservative_raster” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_conservative_raster_dilate” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_copy_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_copy_depth_to_color” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_copy_image” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_deep_texture3D” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_depth_buffer_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_depth_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_depth_range_unclamped” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_draw_buffers” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_draw_instanced” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_draw_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_draw_vulkan_image” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_evaluators” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_explicit_attrib_location” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_explicit_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fbo_color_attachments” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fence” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fill_rectangle” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_float_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fog_distance” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fragment_program2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fragment_program4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fragment_program” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fragment_program_option” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_fragment_shader_interlock” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_framebuffer_blit” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_framebuffer_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_geometry_program4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_geometry_shader4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_gpu_multicast” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_gpu_program4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_gpu_program5” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_gpu_program_fp64” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_gpu_shader5” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_half_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_image_formats” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_instanced_arrays” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_internalformat_sample_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_light_max_exponent” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_multisample_coverage” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_multisample_filter_hint” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_non_square_matrices” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_occlusion_query” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_packed_depth_stencil” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_packed_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_packed_float_linear” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_parameter_buffer_object2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_parameter_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_path_rendering” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_pixel_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_pixel_data_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_platform_binary” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_point_sprite” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_polygon_mode” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_present_video” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_primitive_restart” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_read_depth” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_read_depth_stencil” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_read_stencil” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_register_combiners2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_register_combiners” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_sample_locations” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_float64” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_float” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_int64” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_buffer_load” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_thread_group” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shader_thread_shuffle” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shadow_samplers_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_shadow_samplers_cube” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_sRGB_formats” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_stereo_view_rendering” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_tessellation_program5” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texgen_reflection” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_compression_s3tc” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_compression_s3tc_update” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_compression_vtc” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_env_combine4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_expand_normal” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed” is undefined
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* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_shader3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_texture_shader” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_transform_feedback2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_transform_feedback” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vdpau_interop” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_array_range2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_array_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_program1_1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_program2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_program2_option” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_program3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_program4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_vertex_program” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_video_capture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_viewport_array2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_viewport_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NV_viewport_swizzle” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NVX_conditional_render” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NVX_gpu_memory_info” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_NVX_linked_gpu_multicast” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_OES_byte_coordinates” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_OK” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_OML_interlace” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_OML_resample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_OML_subsample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_OVR_multiview2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_OVR_multiview” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_PGI_misc_hints” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_PGI_vertex_hints” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_alpha_test” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_binning_control” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_driver_control” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_extended_get2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_extended_get” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_framebuffer_foveated” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_perfmon_global_mode” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_tiled_rendering” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_QCOM_writeonly_rendering” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_REGAL_enable” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_REGAL_error_string” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_REGAL_ES1_0_compatibility” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_REGAL_ES1_1_compatibility” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_REGAL_extension_query” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_REGAL_log” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_REGAL_proc_address” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_REND_screen_coordinates” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_S3_s3tc” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGI_color_matrix” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGI_color_table” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGI_complex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGI_complex_type” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGI_fft” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGI_texture_color_table” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_clip_band_hint” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_color_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_detail_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_fog_function” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_generate_mipmap” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_line_texgen” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_multitexture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_pixel_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_point_line_texgen” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_shared_multisample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_sharpen_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_texture4D” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_texture_border_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_texture_filter4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_texture_lod” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIS_texture_select” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_async” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_async_histogram” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_async_pixel” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_bali_g_instruments” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_bali_r_instruments” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_bali_timer_instruments” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_blend_cadd” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_blend_cmultiply” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_calligraphic_fragment” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_clipmap” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_color_matrix_accuracy” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_color_table_index_mode” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_complex_polar” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_convolution_accuracy” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_cube_map” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_cylinder_texgen” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_datapipe” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_decimation” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_depth_pass_instrument” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_depth_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_dvc” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_flush_raster” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fog_blend” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fog_factor_to_alpha” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fog_layers” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fog_offset” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fog_patchy” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fog_scale” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fog_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fragment_lighting_space” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fragment_specular_lighting” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_fragments_instrument” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_framezoom” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_icc_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_igloo_interface” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_image_compression” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_impact_pixel_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_instrument_error” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_interlace” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_ir_instrument1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_line_quality_hint” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_list_priority” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_mpeg1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_mpeg2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_nonlinear_lighting_pervertex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_nurbs_eval” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_occlusion_instrument” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_packed_6bytes” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture_bits” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture_lod” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_pixel_tiles” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_polynomial_ffd” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_quad_mesh” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_reference_plane” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_resample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_scalebias_hint” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_shadow” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_shadow_ambient” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_slim” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_spotlight_cutoff” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_sprite” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_subdiv_patch” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_subsample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_tag_sample_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_add_env” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_lod_bias” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_mipmap_anisotropic” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_multi_buffer” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_phase” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_range” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_scale_bias” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_texture_supersample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_vector_ops” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_vertex_array_object” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_vertex_preclip” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_vertex_preclip_hint” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_ycrcb” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_ycrcb_subsample” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SGIX_ycrcba” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SUN_convolution_border_modes” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SUN_global_alpha” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SUN_mesh_array” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SUN_read_video_pixels” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SUN_slice_accum” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SUN_triangle_list” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SUN_vertex” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_SUNX_constant_data” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_1_1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_1_2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_1_2_1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_1_3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_1_4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_1_5” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_2_0” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_2_1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_3_0” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_3_1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_3_2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_3_3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_4_0” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_4_1” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_4_2” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_4_3” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_4_4” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_4_5” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_4_6” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_MAJOR” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_MICRO” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_VERSION_MINOR” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_WIN_phong_shading” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_WIN_scene_markerXXX” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_WIN_specular_fog” is undefined
* E0020 identifier “GLEW_WIN_swap_hint” is undefined
* C2065 ‘GLEW_3DFX_multisample’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_3DFX_tbuffer’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_blend_minmax_factor’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_compressed_3DC_texture’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_conservative_depth’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_debug_output’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_depth_clamp_separate’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_draw_buffers_blend’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_gcn_shader’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_int16’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_gpu_shader_int64’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_interleaved_elements’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_multi_draw_indirect’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_name_gen_delete’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_occlusion_query_event’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_performance_monitor’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_pinned_memory’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_program_binary_Z400’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_query_buffer_object’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_sample_positions’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_atomic_counter_ops’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_ballot’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_stencil_export’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_stencil_value_export’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_sparse_texture’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_stencil_operation_extended’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_texture_texture4’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_transform_feedback3_lines_triangles’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_transform_feedback4’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_layer’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_depth_texture’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_instanced_arrays’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_program_binary’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt1’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_texture_usage’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_timer_query’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_ANGLE_translated_shader_source’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_APPLE_client_storage’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 ‘GLEW_APPLE_clip_distance’: undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_color_buffer_packed_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_copy_texture_levels': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_element_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_fence': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_float_pixels': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_flush_buffer_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_object_purgeable': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_pixel_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_rgb_422': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_row_bytes': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_specular_vector': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_sync': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_texture_max_level': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_texture_packed_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_texture_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_transform_hint': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_vertex_array_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_vertex_array_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_APPLE_ycbcr_422': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_arrays_of_arrays': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_base_instance': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_bindless_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_blend_func_extended': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_buffer_storage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_cl_event': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_clear_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_clear_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_clip_control': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_color_buffer_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_compatibility': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_compute_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_compute_variable_group_size': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_conditional_render_inverted': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_conservative_depth': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_copy_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_copy_image': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_cull_distance': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_debug_output': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_depth_buffer_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_depth_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_depth_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_derivative_control': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_direct_state_access': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_draw_buffers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_draw_buffers_blend': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_draw_indirect': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_draw_instanced': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_enhanced_layouts': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_ES2_compatibility': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_ES3_compatibility': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_explicit_attrib_location': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_explicit_uniform_location': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_fragment_program': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_fragment_program_shadow': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_geometry_shader4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_get_program_binary': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_get_texture_sub_image': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_gl_spirv': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_gpu_shader_int64': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_half_float_pixel': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_half_float_vertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_imaging': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_indirect_parameters': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_instanced_arrays': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_internalformat_query2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_internalformat_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_invalidate_subdata': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_map_buffer_alignment': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_map_buffer_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_matrix_palette': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_multi_bind': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_multi_draw_indirect': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_multitexture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_occlusion_query2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_occlusion_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_parallel_shader_compile': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_pixel_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_point_parameters': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_point_sprite': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_post_depth_coverage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_program_interface_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_provoking_vertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_query_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_robustness': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_robustness_application_isolation': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_sample_locations': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_sample_shading': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_sampler_objects': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_seamless_cube_map': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_separate_shader_objects': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_atomic_counters': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_ballot': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_bit_encoding': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_clock': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_draw_parameters': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_group_vote': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_image_load_store': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_image_size': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_objects': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_precision': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_stencil_export': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_subroutine': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_texture_lod': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shading_language_100': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shading_language_420pack': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shading_language_include': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shading_language_packing': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shadow': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_shadow_ambient': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_sparse_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_spirv_extensions': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_stencil_texturing': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_sync': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_tessellation_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_barrier': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_border_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_buffer_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_compression': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_compression_bptc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_env_add': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_env_combine': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_env_crossbar': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_env_dot3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_filter_minmax': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_gather': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_query_levels': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_query_lod': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_rectangle': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_rg': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_stencil8': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_storage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_storage_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_swizzle': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_texture_view': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_timer_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_transpose_matrix': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_uniform_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_array_bgra': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_array_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_blend': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_program': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_viewport_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARB_window_pos': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARM_mali_program_binary': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARM_mali_shader_binary': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARM_rgba8': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_draw_buffers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_element_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_envmap_bumpmap': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_fragment_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_map_object_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_meminfo': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_pn_triangles': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_separate_stencil': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_shader_texture_lod': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_text_fragment_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_texture_compression_3dc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_texture_env_combine3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_texture_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_texture_mirror_once': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_vertex_array_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATI_vertex_streams': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATIX_point_sprites': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATIX_texture_env_combine3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATIX_texture_env_route': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EGL_KHR_context_flush_control': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EGL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ERROR_GL_VERSION_10_ONLY': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ERROR_GLX_VERSION_11_ONLY': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ERROR_NO_GL_VERSION': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_ERROR_NO_GLX_DISPLAY': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_422_pixels': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_abgr': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_base_instance': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_bgra': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_bindable_uniform': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_blend_color': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_blend_equation_separate': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_blend_func_extended': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_blend_func_separate': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_blend_logic_op': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_blend_minmax': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_blend_subtract': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_buffer_storage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_Cg_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_clear_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_clip_cull_distance': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_clip_volume_hint': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_cmyka': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_color_buffer_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_color_buffer_half_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_color_subtable': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_compiled_vertex_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_conservative_depth': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_convolution': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_coordinate_frame': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_copy_image': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_copy_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_cull_vertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_debug_label': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_debug_marker': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_depth_bounds_test': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_direct_state_access': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_discard_framebuffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_draw_buffers2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_draw_buffers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_draw_instanced': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_draw_range_elements': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_EGL_image_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_external_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_float_blend': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_fog_coord': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_frag_depth': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_fragment_lighting': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_blit': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_geometry_point_size': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_geometry_shader4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_geometry_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_gpu_program_parameters': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_gpu_shader4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_gpu_shader5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_histogram': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_index_array_formats': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_index_func': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_index_material': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_index_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_instanced_arrays': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_light_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_map_buffer_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_memory_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_memory_object_fd': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_memory_object_win32': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_misc_attribute': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_multi_draw_arrays': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_multi_draw_indirect': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_multiple_textures': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_multisample_compatibility': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_multiview_draw_buffers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_packed_depth_stencil': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_packed_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_packed_pixels': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_paletted_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_pixel_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_pixel_transform': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_pixel_transform_color_table': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_point_parameters': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_polygon_offset': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_post_depth_coverage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_provoking_vertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_pvrtc_sRGB': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_raster_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_read_format_bgra': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_render_snorm': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_rescale_normal': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_scene_marker': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_secondary_color': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_semaphore': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_semaphore_fd': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_semaphore_win32': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_separate_shader_objects': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_separate_specular_color': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_group_vote': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_image_load_store': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_integer_mix': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_io_blocks': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shader_texture_lod': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shadow_funcs': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shadow_samplers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_shared_texture_palette': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_sparse_texture2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_sparse_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_sRGB': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_sRGB_write_control': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_stencil_clear_tag': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_stencil_two_side': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_stencil_wrap': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_subtexture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture3D': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode_rgb9e5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_bptc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_latc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_cube_map': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_cube_map_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_edge_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_env': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_env_add': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_env_combine': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_env_dot3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_filter_minmax': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_integer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_lod_bias': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_norm16': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_perturb_normal': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_rectangle': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_rg': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_shared_exponent': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_snorm': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_storage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_swizzle': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_texture_view': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_timer_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_transform_feedback': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_unpack_subimage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_vertex_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_vertex_array_bgra': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_vertex_array_setXXX': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_vertex_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_vertex_weighting': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_win32_keyed_mutex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_window_rectangles': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_x11_sync_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_EXT_YUV_target': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_GET_FUN': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_GREMEDY_frame_terminator': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_GREMEDY_string_marker': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_HP_convolution_border_modes': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_HP_image_transform': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_HP_occlusion_test': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_HP_texture_lighting': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_IBM_cull_vertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_IBM_rasterpos_clip': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_IBM_static_data': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_IBM_vertex_array_lists': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INGR_color_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INGR_interlace_read': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INTEL_conservative_rasterization': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INTEL_map_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INTEL_parallel_arrays': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INTEL_performance_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_INTEL_texture_scissor': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_blend_equation_advanced': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_context_flush_control': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_debug': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_no_error': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_parallel_shader_compile': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_robustness': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_KTX_buffer_region': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_MESA_pack_invert': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_MESA_resize_buffers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_MESA_shader_integer_functions': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_MESA_window_pos': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_MESA_ycbcr_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_MESAX_texture_stack': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NO_ERROR': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_3dvision_settings': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_bgr': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_bindless_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_blend_equation_advanced': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_blend_minmax_factor': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_blend_square': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_clip_space_w_scaling': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_command_list': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_compute_program5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_conditional_render': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_conservative_raster': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_conservative_raster_dilate': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_copy_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_copy_depth_to_color': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_copy_image': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_deep_texture3D': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_depth_buffer_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_depth_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_depth_range_unclamped': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_draw_buffers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_draw_instanced': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_draw_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_draw_vulkan_image': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_EGL_stream_consumer_external': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_evaluators': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_explicit_attrib_location': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_explicit_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fbo_color_attachments': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fence': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fill_rectangle': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_float_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fog_distance': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fragment_program2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fragment_program4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fragment_program': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fragment_program_option': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_fragment_shader_interlock': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_framebuffer_blit': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_framebuffer_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_geometry_program4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_geometry_shader4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_gpu_multicast': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_gpu_program4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_gpu_program5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_gpu_program_fp64': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_gpu_shader5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_half_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_image_formats': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_instanced_arrays': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_internalformat_sample_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_light_max_exponent': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_multisample_coverage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_multisample_filter_hint': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_non_square_matrices': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_occlusion_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_pack_subimage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_packed_depth_stencil': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_packed_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_packed_float_linear': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_parameter_buffer_object2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_parameter_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_path_rendering': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_pixel_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_pixel_data_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_platform_binary': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_point_sprite': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_polygon_mode': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_present_video': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_primitive_restart': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_read_depth': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_read_depth_stencil': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_read_stencil': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_register_combiners2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_register_combiners': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_sample_locations': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_counters': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_float64': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_float': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_atomic_int64': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_buffer_load': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_thread_group': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shader_thread_shuffle': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shadow_samplers_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_shadow_samplers_cube': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_sRGB_formats': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_stereo_view_rendering': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_tessellation_program5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texgen_emboss': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texgen_reflection': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_barrier': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_border_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_compression_latc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_compression_s3tc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_compression_s3tc_update': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_compression_vtc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_env_combine4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_expand_normal': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_rectangle': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_shader2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_shader3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_texture_shader': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_transform_feedback2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_transform_feedback': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vdpau_interop': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_array_range2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_array_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_program1_1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_program2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_program2_option': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_program3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_program4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_vertex_program': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_video_capture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_viewport_array2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_viewport_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NV_viewport_swizzle': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NVX_conditional_render': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NVX_gpu_memory_info': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_NVX_linked_gpu_multicast': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_OES_byte_coordinates': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_OK': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_OML_interlace': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_OML_resample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_OML_subsample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_OVR_multiview2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_OVR_multiview': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_PGI_misc_hints': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_PGI_vertex_hints': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_alpha_test': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_binning_control': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_driver_control': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_extended_get2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_extended_get': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_framebuffer_foveated': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_perfmon_global_mode': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_tiled_rendering': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_QCOM_writeonly_rendering': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_REGAL_enable': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_REGAL_error_string': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_REGAL_ES1_0_compatibility': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_REGAL_ES1_1_compatibility': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_REGAL_extension_query': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_REGAL_log': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_REGAL_proc_address': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_REND_screen_coordinates': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_S3_s3tc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGI_color_matrix': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGI_color_table': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGI_complex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGI_complex_type': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGI_fft': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGI_texture_color_table': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_clip_band_hint': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_color_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_detail_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_fog_function': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_generate_mipmap': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_line_texgen': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_multitexture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_pixel_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_point_line_texgen': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_shared_multisample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_sharpen_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_texture4D': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_texture_border_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_texture_filter4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_texture_lod': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIS_texture_select': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_async': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_async_histogram': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_async_pixel': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_bali_g_instruments': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_bali_r_instruments': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_bali_timer_instruments': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_blend_cadd': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_blend_cmultiply': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_calligraphic_fragment': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_clipmap': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_color_matrix_accuracy': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_color_table_index_mode': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_complex_polar': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_convolution_accuracy': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_cube_map': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_cylinder_texgen': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_datapipe': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_decimation': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_depth_pass_instrument': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_depth_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_dvc': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_flush_raster': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fog_blend': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fog_factor_to_alpha': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fog_layers': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fog_offset': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fog_patchy': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fog_scale': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fog_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fragment_lighting_space': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fragment_specular_lighting': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_fragments_instrument': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_framezoom': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_icc_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_igloo_interface': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_image_compression': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_impact_pixel_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_instrument_error': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_interlace': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_ir_instrument1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_line_quality_hint': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_list_priority': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_mpeg1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_mpeg2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_nonlinear_lighting_pervertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_nurbs_eval': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_occlusion_instrument': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_packed_6bytes': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture_bits': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_pixel_texture_lod': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_pixel_tiles': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_polynomial_ffd': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_quad_mesh': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_reference_plane': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_resample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_scalebias_hint': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_shadow': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_shadow_ambient': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_slim': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_spotlight_cutoff': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_sprite': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_subdiv_patch': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_subsample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_tag_sample_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_add_env': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_lod_bias': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_mipmap_anisotropic': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_multi_buffer': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_phase': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_range': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_scale_bias': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_texture_supersample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_vector_ops': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_vertex_array_object': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_vertex_preclip': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_vertex_preclip_hint': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_ycrcb': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_ycrcb_subsample': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SGIX_ycrcba': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SUN_convolution_border_modes': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SUN_global_alpha': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SUN_mesh_array': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SUN_read_video_pixels': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SUN_slice_accum': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SUN_triangle_list': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SUN_vertex': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_SUNX_constant_data': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_1_1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_1_2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_1_2_1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_1_3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_1_4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_1_5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_2_0': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_2_1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_3_0': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_3_1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_3_2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_3_3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_4_0': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_4_1': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_4_2': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_4_3': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_4_4': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_4_5': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_4_6': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_MAJOR': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_MICRO': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_VERSION_MINOR': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_WIN_phong_shading': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_WIN_scene_markerXXX': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_WIN_specular_fog': undeclared identifier
* C2065 'GLEW_WIN_swap_hint': undeclared identifier
* C3861 'GLEW_GET_FUN': identifier not found
* C3861 'GLEW_GET_VAR': identifier not found
Python Error Strings:
* AttributeError: module 'pxr.Glf' has no attribute 'GlewInit'
## Other Breaking Changes
## Schemas
### pluginInfo.json
#### plugInfo json now requires schemaKind field
Without it, schemas may silently fail to load.
For more information on schemaKind, see:
[Breaking Change: Schema Kind]
TODO: more investigation / details
## Non-Breaking Changes
## Imaging
### Hdx
#### Hdx TaskController
##### Added HdxTaskController SetPresentationOutput
It seems that when SetPresentationOutput was originally added in 22.05, calling it from UsdImagingGLEngine / omni.hydra.pxr’s SimpleUsdGLEngine.cpp may have been required, but in 22.08 the functionality was moved to HgiInteropOpenGL
Reference Commits:
* Adding SetPresentationOutput to HdxPresentTask, HdxTaskController.
* Adding UsdImagingGLEngine::SetPresentationOutput.
* [UsdImagingGL] Removed most direct use of GL from UsdImagingGL… Also, we no longer explicitly set the current draw framebuffer binding as the presentation output in the task controller since the fallback behavior in HgiInteropOpenGL is to present to the current draw framebuffer.
## Upgrading assets and test files
The previous sections cover most of the changes you need to perform to your code base, i.e. C++, Python files, as well as compilation and interpretation errors. After following the previous fixes you may still find that your assets or test files (i.e. your USDs) have stopped working.
We have implemented forward compatibility tests in Omni Asset Validation. This is an extension implemented in Kit, at the moment of writing this document (03/23/2023) the latest version is 0.3.2. Please refer to the documentation on how to quickly use it with the graphical user interface.
For the scope of this document, please select the Rules of the category USD Schema. Those rules will help you out to fix all your documents. Below you will find some of the common problem:
### UsdGeomSubsetChecker
# Table of Contents
## UsdGeomSubsetChecker
| | | |
| | Problems | * GeomSubset has a material binding but no valid family name attribute. |
| | See | * UsdGeom.Subset |
| | Resolution | * Enable USD Schema / UsdGeomSubsetChecker. * Adds the family name attribute. |
## UsdLuxSchemaChecker
| | | |
| | Problems | * UsdLux attribute has been renamed to USD 21.02 and should be prefixed with ‘inputs:’. |
| | See | * All properties now prefixed with “inputs:” |
| | Resolution | * Enable USD Schema / UsdLuxSchemaChecker. * Asset Validator will create a new attribute with the prefix “inputs:” for backward and forward compatibility. |
## UsdMaterialBindingApi
| | | |
| | Problems | * Prim has a material binding but does not have the MaterialBindingApi. |
| | See | * Material bindings require UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI to be applied |
| | Resolution | * Enable USD Schema / UsdMaterialBindingApi. * Asset Validator will apply UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI to your prim. |
## UsdDanglingMaterialBindingApi
| | | |
| | Problems | * Prim has a material binding but the material binding is not found in the stage. The stage may not render properly. Example: |
| | See | * Material bindings require UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI to be applied |
| | Resolution | * Enable USD Schema / UsdDanglingMaterialBindingApi. * Asset Validator will unbind all bindings to your prim. |
## Dumping Ground
### Dumping Ground
A place for extra notes / incomplete items that we don’t want to forget
### Schemas removed
- UsdLuxLight
- UsdLux.Light to UsdLux.LightAPI
# UsdLuxLightPortal
- UsdLux.LightPortal to UsdLux.PortalLight
- UsdMdlMdlAPI
- UsdRenderSettingsAPI
- UsdRiLightAPI
- UsdRiLightFilterAPI
- UsdRiLightPortalAPI
- UsdRiPxrAovLight
- UsdRiPxrBarnLightFilter
- UsdRiPxrCookieLightFilter
- UsdRiPxrEnvDayLight
- UsdRiPxrIntMultLightFilter
- UsdRiPxrRampLightFilter
- UsdRiPxrRodLightFilter
- UsdRiRiLightFilterAPI
- UsdRiRisBxdf
- UsdRiRisIntegrator
- UsdRiRisObject
- UsdRiRisOslPattern
- UsdRiRisPattern
- UsdRiRslShader
- UsdRiTextureAPI
# Schemas added
- UsdGeomPlane
- UsdGeomVisibilityAPI
- UsdHydraGenerativeProceduralAPI
- UsdLuxBoundableLightBase
- UsdLuxLightAPI
- UsdLux.Light to> UsdLux.LightAPI
- UsdLuxLightListAPI
- UsdLuxMeshLightAPI
- UsdLuxNonboundableLightBase
- UsdLuxPluginLight
- UsdLuxPluginLightFilter
- UsdLuxPortalLight
- UsdLux.LightPortal to UsdLux.PortalLight
- UsdLuxVolumeLightAPI
- UsdPhysicsArticulationRootAPI
- UsdPhysicsCollisionAPI
- UsdPhysicsCollisionGroup
- UsdPhysicsDistanceJoint
- UsdPhysicsDriveAPI
- UsdPhysicsFilteredPairsAPI
- UsdPhysicsFixedJoint
- UsdPhysicsJoint
- UsdPhysicsMassAPI
- UsdPhysicsMaterialAPI
- UsdPhysicsMeshCollisionAPI
- UsdPhysicsPrismaticJoint
- UsdPhysicsRevoluteJoint
- UsdPhysicsRigidBodyAPI
- UsdPhysicsScene
- UsdPhysicsSphericalJoint
- UsdRenderDenoisePass
- UsdRenderPass
- UsdShadeNodeDefAPI | 393,641 | | # Missing Pieces
## Structural Pieces
### Node Type Version Number
Every .ogn file is required to supply a node version number using the `"version": N` keyword. With an AutoNode definition there is no version number, partly due to the fact that it is less useful for this type of node type definition. In particular for an AutoNode definition:
- the node types are not serialized so the version number would not persist
- there is no mechanism for updating a node from an earlier version number, if one was requested
### Node Types Not Implemented In Python
It may seem obvious but is still worth mentioning that all AutoNode definitions create node type definitions for node types that are implemented in Python. The decorator is in Python and the function it decorates is in Python so it is natural that the node type stays in Python. This does not preclude using Python libraries such as Warp to move the Python code to other languages such as Cuda or C++, however that is something the user would have to do.
### Generation Of Documentation, Tests, And USD Example Files
One of the side benefits of having a definition in a .ogn file is that the code generator can take that definition and create other useful outputs from that definition. In particular it is typical to have node type documentation automatically generated, which is a restructuredText file containing a nicely formatted page with the node type metadata and all of the attribute information.
Similarly a set of standardized tests can be created that test basic node operation, including reading the node type definition from a .usda file to confirm that things like default values behave correctly. With an AutoNode definition this is less useful to have since the whole point is rapid development and extra elements such as documentation and tests are more suited to more permanent node type definitions, where they might belong to an extension or be indexed in a library for easy discovery.
### Attribute Documentation
While the node type documentation can be pulled from the decorated function’s docstring there is no similar location to attach such information to the input or output attributes. As a result the attributes will be undocumented and
when users are interacting with them they will not have that information available.
An easy workaround to this shortcoming is to embed the attribute information in the function docstring, much in the same way as you might see in regular coding documentation styles. For example, here’s a function that uses the Google developer documentation style.
import numpy as np
import omni.graph.core as og
import omni.graph.core.types as ot
def autonode_documented(a: ot.point3d, b: ot.point3d) -> ot.vector3d:
"""This node type is an example of one where the intent of the attribute values is not easily apparent
from their names. For that reason the documentation for what they are is embedded here in the function
docstring. The function itself is calculating the normalized vector between two points. The attributes
are documented explicitly here to provide more information to the user.
a: Point considered to be the origin of the vector
b: Point considered to be the ending point of the vector
out_0: Normalized vector from point a to point b
return (b - a) / np.linalg.norm(b - a)
### Attribute Metadata
Like node types, attributes also have useful metadata such as `ui_name` that is not possible to provide directly. Some metadata values will take on useful defaults while others, such as `minimum value`, will just be absent. It is an implementation detail about attributes that while their structure is specified in the arguments of a decorated AutoNode function, or in the .ogn file, the actual Attribute object is copied from that structure and contains its own unique metadata.
For that reason, you can work around the missing metadata if you really need to by accessing the attributes directly and modifying the metadata after a node of the new type has been created. Here is a brute force method to get all nodes of the type `omni.graph.normalize` and set the output attribute’s UI name to “Normalized Vector”.
import omni.graph.core as og
import as ogn
for graph in og.get_all_graphs():
for node in graph.get_nodes():
if node.get_type_name() != "omni.graph.normalize":
node.get_attribute("outputs:out_0").set_metadata(ogn.MetadataKeys.UI_NAME, "Normalized Vector")
### Custom Naming Of Attribute Outputs
As you have probably noted from the examples, the output attributes all have numbered names such as `out_0`, `out_1`, etc. whereas node types defined through a .ogn file have explicit names. The name of an attribute is intentionally immutable so there is no API that will let you assign a new name to the output as there is for setting the UI name through the metadata. Short of doing something heroic, like setting up an indirection table to remap all of your attribute names from the ones you want to use to the numbered names, there is no way to use a more meaningful name for the output attributes.
### Attribute Memory Types
In a .ogn file you can specify an attribute’s memory affinity using the `memoryType` keyword, either at the node type level or on a per-attribute basis. What this does is to cause the generated code to request the attribute’s value on the appropriate device without need for user intervention. With the AutoNode wrapping around the actual data retrieval there is no access to allow specification for attribute values to be retrieved from anywhere other than the CPU.
Outside of a compute method you are still free to request that the data be retrieved from any arbitrary device but inside the decorated function you are restricted to CPU access only.
### Extended Attribute Types
While you can specify extended attribute types as part of an AutoNode decorated function argument list you will be unable to resolve the attribute types to a concrete type at runtime. Therefore they won’t be very useful types as they will never contain real values.
Instead, stick with concrete data types. AutoNode functions are meant to be simple anyway so overloading a function to handle many different types of data is against its purpose. Favor a quick function that adds two integers together over a more complex node type definition that reads the underlying types and dispatches the correct add code to the resolved data type values.
## Defining Methods Other Than compute()
As you might have guessed from some of the above limitations, there are some features on the node type that rely on access to other functions that might be overridden in a node type implementation. The more common ones of these are `initialize()`, `initialize_type()`, and `release()`.
As `AutoNode` functions are not full fledged class objects it is only possible for them to override a single function, which will always be the `compute()`. (In fact it actually wraps the function in some helper code that sets up and tears down the data for the function call.)
Some features of these extra functions can be handled in other ways, such as the use of the `metadata` keyword in the decorator arguments, or the brute force addition of attribute metadata seen above. For anything more complex you are better off creating a full node type implementation with a .ogn/.py file pair.
## Accessing Node And Context In compute()
As the decorated function assumes every argument passed in to it is an input attribute there is no room for accessing other types of information. In particular, in a normal `compute()` override the function will have access to both the node and the context of the current evaluation. (In generated node types the information is further wrapped in a more feature-rich database class.)
Although the node and context are available in the wrapper function they cannot be accessed directly as they have not been passed in to the decorated function. However you can make use of the Python `inspect` module and some implementation information that the arguments will always be named `node` and `context` to look up that information.
import inspect
import omni.graph.core as og
import omni.graph.core.types as ot
def autonode_access_node() -> ot.string:
"""This node type is an example of how to use the inspect module to access the node that is evaluating
this function as its compute. (The context could be accessed the same way.) The node type takes no
inputs and returns as output the full path to the node being evaluated. It relies on some implementation
details not changing but for the most part should be reliable."""
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
return frame.f_locals.get("node").get_prim_path()
## Emitting Errors And Warnings In compute()
The database generated when using a .ogn file has some useful utilities, one of which is the ability to log an error or a warning with the node so that the UI can report on execution failures. As the `AutoNode` function has no database this convenience cannot be used.
Fortunately the logging capability is in the node’s API so all you need to do to manually log messages is to access the node using the inspect module as above and call the log function with the appropriate logging level set. Here is an example that uses both warnings and errors to provide status information to the UI.
import inspect
import omni.graph.core as og
import omni.graph.core.types as ot
def autonode_logging(numerator: ot.double, denominator: ot.double) -> ot.double:
"""This node type is an example of how to use the inspect module to access the node that is evaluating
this function in order to log error and warning messages. The function divides the first number by the
second number, providing an error when the denominator is zero and a warning when both the numerator and
denominators are zero, otherwise returning the first number divided by the second."""
if denominator != 0.0:
return numerator / denominator
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
node = frame.f_locals.get("node")
if numerator == 0.0:
node.log_compute_message(og.Severity.WARNING, "Indeterminate result from dividing 0 by 0")
node.log_compute_message(og.Severity.WARNING, f"Infinite result from dividing {numerator} by 0")
# While you can also log an error by setting severity to og.Severity.ERROR, it is better to use an
# exception so that the compute function will fail and no further computation will take place.
# if numerator == 0.0:
# raise og.OmniGraphError("Indeterminate result from dividing 0 by 0")
return 0.0
## Creating New Output Bundles In compute()
Normally when you want to output a bundle you would construct one using the generated database’s convenience function
for doing that. You can also implement this yourself, however you need to emulate that same convenience function, which
requires access to both the node and the context via the inspect module.
import inspect
import omni.graph.core as og
import omni.graph.core.types as ot
def autonode_output_bundles() -> ot.bundle:
"""This node type is an example of how to use the inspect module to access the node and context of evaluation
in order to construct a bundle for use as an output value.
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
node = frame.f_locals.get("node")
context = frame.f_locals.get("context")
new_bundle = og.BundleContents(context, node, "outputs_out_0", read_only=False, gpu_by_default=False)
new_bundle.add_attributes([og.Type(og.BaseDataType.INT)], ["fizzbin"])
return new_bundle
## Accessing Per-Node Data
As with the message logging, the generated database provides access to internal state data that is associated with each
individual node. This data is controlled by the user. Again since there is no database with an
AutoNode node type
this feature is not available, though with the help of the inspect module it can be implemented locally with not
too much effort:
import inspect
import omni.graph.core as og
import omni.graph.core.types as ot
unique_id = 57
per_node_data = {}
def autonode_per_node_data(increment: ->
"""This node type is an example of how to use the inspect module to access the node that is evaluating
this function in order to create per-node personal data. This particular example provides a monotonic ID
that increases for each node created by maintaining a local per-node dictionary that uses the node's
internal ID as a key.
nonlocal unique_id
nonlocal per_node_data
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
node_id = frame.f_locals.get("node").node_id()
if node_id not in per_node_data:
per_node_data[node_id] = unique_id
unique_id += increment
return per_node_data[node_id]
## Saving The Node Type Definition
As the node type definition is created at runtime there is no artifact to be referenced to find that node type
definition in another session. Although the node type definition may have a particular extension associated with it
there is no guarantee that merely loading that extension will recreate that node type definition. Indeed it may be
impossible if some of the parameters used in its creation are session-dependent, such as date of creation.
To warn the user that they might be saving node types that cannot be retrieved a warning will be issued when a file is
saved that contains an instantiated node of any
AutoNode type. And in future when required extensions are saved
with the USD files any extension called out in an
AutoNode definition will be included.
## Concrete Extension Dependencies
Further to the above, it is quite possible that an
AutoNode may have dependencies on specific extensions. These dependencies will need to be managed to ensure that the
AutoNode can function correctly in different environments.
# AutoNode
A decorated function could have dependencies on any arbitrary extension that is currently loaded. For this reason, it's also possible that another user running the exact same decorated function may not get a functioning node type if they do not have the requisite extensions enabled.
Again, another reason why nodes with these types will not be silently saved as they could cause the graph to become non-functional when read into another session. | 14,665 | | # Model-View-Delegate Pattern
Omni.ui graph widget strictly follows the model-view-delegate pattern. The model is independent of the UI, so that you can have different delegates (looks) for the same model or different models use the same delegate.
We define `GraphModel` as the base class for graph widgets’ model, which is the central component of the graph widget and manages the graph data. The node and port themselves could be any type to suit your application.
`AbstractGraphNodeDelegate` is the base class for graph nodes’ delegate, which defines the look of the nodes. Each node could have several different expansion states: open, closed, minimized. Moreover, different types of nodes could have different delegates. We use `GraphNodeDelegateRouter` as a condition “map” to assign the delegates based on the condition of the nodes.
`GraphView`, defined in omni.kit.widget.graph, is coordinating the above model and delegate, providing the workflow and managing model and delegates.
Everything needed for the Omni.ui graph is done in Python. There is no C++ required. But the core is in C++ so still quite fast even for large graphs. | 1,146 | | # omni.avreality.rain
## Classes Summary:
- **PuddleBaker**
- Bake puddles into dynamic textures
- **WetnessController**
- Controller for scene level wetness parameters
## Functions Summary:
- **bake_puddles**
- Bake puddles into the matching shaders in the scene
- **gather_drivable_shaders**
- Returns all shaders for the drivable surface of the scene and a matching accumulation map texture name | 407 | | # omni.kit.scene_view.opengl
## Classes Summary
- **ClipMode**
- Members:
- **OpenGLSceneView**
- OpenGLSceneView: An omni.ui.scene.SceneView implementation that will draw the scene with OpenGL.
- **ViewportOpenGLSceneView**
- OpenGLSceneView: An omni.ui.scene.SceneView implementation that will draw the scene with OpenGL. | 333 | | # omni.kit.usd.collect
## Classes Summary:
| Class | Description |
| [Collector](omni.kit.usd.collect/omni.kit.usd.collect.Collector.html) | Collector provides API to collect USD file with its dependencies that are scattered around different places. |
| [CollectorException](omni.kit.usd.collect/omni.kit.usd.collect.CollectorException.html) | General collector exception. See :class:`.CollectorFailureOptions` for options to customize exception behaviors. |
| [CollectorFailureOptions](omni.kit.usd.collect/omni.kit.usd.collect.CollectorFailureOptions.html) | Options to customize failure options for collector. |
| [CollectorStatus](omni.kit.usd.collect/omni.kit.usd.collect.CollectorStatus.html) | Collector status. |
| [CollectorTaskType](omni.kit.usd.collect/omni.kit.usd.collect.CollectorTaskType.html) | Internal. Task type of collector. |
| [DefaultPrimOnlyOptions](omni.kit.usd.collect/omni.kit.usd.collect.DefaultPrimOnlyOptions.html) | Options for collecting USD with ‘default prim only’ mode. |
| [FlatCollectionTextureOptions](omni.kit.usd.collect/omni.kit.usd.collect.FlatCollectionTextureOptions.html) | Collection options for textures under ‘Flat Collection’ mode. | | 1,208 | | # omni.kit.usd.layers
## Classes
| Class Name | Description |
| AbstractLayerCommand | Abstract base class for layer commands. |
| AutoAuthoring | (Experimental) USD supports switching edit targets so that all authoring will take place in that specified layer. When it’s working |
| CreateLayerReferenceCommand | Create reference in specific layer. |
| CreateSublayerCommand | Creates or inserts a sublayer. |
| Extension | Extension Class. |
| FlattenLayersCommand | Flatten Layers. |
| LayerEditMode | Layer edit mode. |
| LayerErrorType | Layer error type. |
| LayerEventPayload | LayerEventPayload is a wrapper to sent from module omni.kit.usd.layers. |
| LayerEventType | Layer event types. |
| LayerUtils | LayerUtils provides utilities for operating layers. |
# Layers
Layers is the Python container of ILayersInstance, through which you can access all interfaces. For each UsdContext,
# LayersState
# LinkSpecsCommand
Links spec paths to layers.
# LiveSession
Python instance of ILayersInstance for the convenience of accessing
# LiveSessionUser
LiveSessionUser represents an peer client instance that joins
# LiveSyncing
Live Syncing includes the interfaces to management Live Sessions of all layers in the bound UsdContext.
# LockLayerCommand
Sets lock state for layer.
# LockSpecsCommand
Locks spec paths in the UsdContext.
# MergeLayersCommand
Merges two layers.
# MovePrimSpecsToLayerCommand
Merge prim spec from src layer to dst layer and remove it from src layer.
# MoveSublayerCommand
Moves sublayer from one location to the other.
# RemovePrimSpecCommand
Removes prim spec from a layer.
# RemoveSublayerCommand
Removes a sublayer from parent layer.
# ReplaceSublayerCommand
Replaces sublayer with a new layer.
# SetEditTargetCommand
Sets layer as Edit Target.
# SetLayerMutenessCommand
Sets mute state for layer.
# SpecsLinking
# SpecsLocking
# StitchPrimSpecsToLayer
Flatten specific prims in the stage. It will remove original prim specs after flatten.
# UnlinkSpecsCommand
Unlinks spec paths to layers.
# UnlockSpecsCommand
Unlocks spec paths in the UsdContext
# Functions
- active_authoring_layer_context
- Gets the edit context for edit target if it’s in non-auto authoring mode.
- get_all_locked_specs
- get_all_spec_links
- get_auto_authoring
- Gets the Auto Authoring interface from Layers instance bound to the specified UsdContext.
- get_last_error_string
- Gets the error string of the API call bound to specified UsdContext.
- get_last_error_type
- Gets the error status of the API call bound to specified UsdContext. Any API calls to Layers interface will change.
- get_layer_event_payload
- Gets the payload of layer events by populating them into an instance of LayerEventPayload.
- get_layers
- Gets Layers instance bound to the context. For each UsdContext, it has unique Layers instance.
- get_layers_state
- Gets the Layers State interface from Layers instance bound to the specified UsdContext.
- get_live_session_name_from_shared_link
- Gets the name of Live Session from the url.
- get_live_syncing
- Gets the Live Syncing interface from Layers instance bound to the specified UsdContext.
- get_short_user_name
- Gets short name with capitalized first letters of each word.
- get_spec_layer_links
- get_spec_links_for_layers
- is_spec_linked
- is_spec_locked
- link_specs
- lock_specs
- unlink_all_specs
- unlink_specs
- unlink_specs_from_all_layers
- unlink_specs_to_layers
- unlock_all_specs
- unlock_specs
unlock_specs | 3,549 | | # omni.kit.widget.live_session_management
## Classes Summary
### LiveSessionCameraFollowerList
Widget to build an user list to show all followers to the specific camera.
### LiveSessionModel
omni.ui Model for omni.ui.Combobox, which can be used to build customized combobox
### LiveSessionUserList
Widget to build an user list to show all live session users of interested layer.
### LiveSessionWidgetExtension
## Functions Summary
### build_live_session_user_layout
Utility function to build an user icon widget with user information.
### is_viewer_only_mode
When it returns True, it will follow rules:
### stop_or_show_live_session_widget
Stops current live session or shows widget to join/leave session. If current session is empty, it will show | 756 | | # omni.usd.commands
## Classes Summary:
- **AddPayloadCommand**
- Base class for all **Commands**.
- **AddReferenceCommand**
- Base class for all **Commands**.
- **AddRelationshipTargetCommand**
- Add target to a relationship
- **BindMaterialCommand**
- Bind material undoable **Command**.
- **ChangeAttributesColorSpaceCommand**
- Change attribute color space undoable **Command**.
- **ChangeMetadataCommand**
- Change object metadata undoable **Command**.
- **ChangeMetadataInPrimsCommand**
- Change prim metadata undoable **Command**.
- **ChangePropertyCommand**
- Change prim property undoable **Command**.
- **ClearCurvesSplitsOverridesCommand**
- Clear Curves Splits Overrides **Command**.
- **ClearRefinementOverridesCommand**
- Clear Refinement Overrides **Command**.
- **CopyPrimCommand**
- Copy a prim to a new location
| Command | Description |
| CopyPrimCommand | Copy primitive undoable **Command**. |
| CopyPrimsCommand | Copy multiple primitives undoable **Command**. |
| CreateAudioPrimFromAssetPathCommand | Create reference undoable **Command**. |
| CreateDefaultXformOnPrimCommand | Create DefaultXform On Prim undoable **Command**. |
| CreateInstanceCommand | Instance primitive undoable **Command**. |
| CreateInstancesCommand | Instance multiple primitives undoable **Command**. |
| CreateMdlMaterialPrimCommand | Create Mdl Material undoable **Command**. |
| CreateMtlxMaterialPrimCommand | Create MaterialX Material undoable **Command**. |
| CreatePayloadCommand | Create payload undoable **Command**. |
| CreatePreviewSurfaceMaterialPrimCommand | Create Preview Surface Material undoable **Command**. |
| CreatePreviewSurfaceTextureMaterialPrimCommand | Create Preview Surface Texture Material undoable **Command**. |
| CreatePrimCommand | Create primitive undoable **Command**. It is same as `CreatePrimWithDefaultXformCommand`. |
| CreatePrimCommandBase | Base class to create a prim (and remove when undo) |
| CreatePrimWithDefaultXformCommand | Create primitive undoable **Command**. |
| CreatePrimsCommand | Create multiple primitives undoable **Command**. |
| CreateReferenceCommand | Create reference undoable **Command**. |
| CreateShaderPrimFromSdrCommand | Load the shader specified by ‘identifier’ from the SDR registry and create and a shader prim under |
| CreateUsdAttributeCommand | Create USD Attribute **Command**. |
| CreateUsdAttributeOnPathCommand | Create USD Attribute **Command**. |
| DeletePrimsCommand | Delete primitives undoable **Command**. |
| FramePrimsCommand | Transform a primitive to encompass the bounds of a list of paths. |
- **GroupPrimsCommand**: Group primitive undoable **Command**.
- **MovePrimCommand**: Move primitive undoable **Command**.
- **MovePrimsCommand**: Move primitives undoable **Command**.
- **ParentPrimsCommand**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **PayloadCommandBase**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **ReferenceCommandBase**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **RelationshipTargetBase**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **RemovePayloadCommand**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **RemovePropertyCommand**: Remove Property **Command**.
- **RemoveReferenceCommand**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **RemoveRelationshipTargetCommand**: Remove target from a relationship
- **RenamePrimCommand**: Rename a primitive undoable **Command**.
- **ReplacePayloadCommand**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **ReplaceReferenceCommand**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **ReplaceReferencesCommand**: Clears/Add references undoable **Command**.
- **SelectPrimsCommand**: Select primitives undoable **Command**.
- **SetMaterialStrengthCommand**: Set material binding strength undoable **Command**.
- **SetPayLoadLoadSelectedPrimsCommand**: Base class for all **Commands**.
- **SetRelationshipTargetsCommand**: Set target(s) to a relationship
- **ToggleActivePrimsCommand**: Undoable command to toggle the active state of prims.
- **TogglePayLoadLoadSelectedPrimsCommand**: Base class for all **Commands**.
| Command | Description |
| ToggleVisibilitySelectedPrimsCommand | Toggles the visibility of the selected primitives undoable **Command**. |
| TransformPrimCommand | Transform primitive undoable **Command**. |
| TransformPrimSRTCommand | Transform primitive undoable **Command**. |
| TransformPrimsCommand | Transform multiple primitives undoable **Command**. |
| TransformPrimsSRTCommand | Transform multiple primitives undoable **Command**. |
| UngroupPrimsCommand | Ungroup primitive undoable **Command**. |
| UnhideAllPrimsCommand | Base class for all **Commands**. |
| UnparentPrimsCommand | Base class for all **Commands**. |
| UsdStageHelper | Keeps the stage ID or returns the stage from the current context |
Functions Summary:
| Function | Description |
| active_edit_context | |
| ensure_parents_are_active | OM-70901: It will ensure parents are active. If they are not, it will change the active |
| get_default_camera_rotation_order_str | |
| get_default_rotation_order_str | |
| get_default_rotation_order_type | |
| post_notification | |
| prim_can_be_removed_without_destruction | A destructive remove is one that will not only edit current edit target, |
| remove_prim_spec | Removes prim spec from layer. |
| write_refinement_override_enabled_hint | | | 5,376 | | # omni.usd.editor
## Functions Summary:
- **get_display_name**
- Gets display name from the metadata of the prim.
- **is_always_pick_model**
- Whether selecting this prim should always pick the enclosing prim with kind:model or not.
- **is_hide_in_stage_window**
- Whether the prim should be hidden in the stage window or not.
- **is_hide_in_ui**
- Whether the prim should be hidden or not.
- **is_no_delete**
- Whether the prim should be removed or not.
- **set_always_pick_model**
- Sets metadata for prim to instruct selection whether it should always pick the enclosing prim with kind:model or not.
- **set_display_name**
- Sets an user readable name for the prim to instruct UI to display it.
- **set_hide_in_stage_window**
- Sets metadata for prim to instruct stage window to display/hide the prim.
- **set_hide_in_ui**
- Sets metadata for the prim to instruct UI whether it should be hidden in the UI or not.
- **set_no_delete**
- Sets metadata for prim to instruct UI whether the prim can be removed or not. | 1,046 | | # omni.usd
## Classes Summary:
- **AudioManager**
- **EngineCreationConfig**
- EngineCreationConfig structure.
- **EngineCreationFlags**
- Specifies the flags for the hydra engine creation.
- **OpaqueSharedHydraEngineContext**
- **PickingMode**
- Members:
- **PrimCaching**
- **Selection**
- omni.usd.Selection manages all stage selections and provides APIs for querying/setting selections.
- **StageEventType**
- Stage Event Type.
- **StageRenderingEventType**
- Rendering Events.
- **StageState**
- Stage states.
- **TransformHelper**
- **UsdContext**
- **UsdContextInitialLoadSet**
| Specifies the initial set of prims to load when opening a UsdStage. |
| --- |
| UsdExtension |
| UsdWatcher |
| Value_On_Layer |
| An enumeration. |
Functions Summary:
| attr_has_timesample_on_key |
| can_be_copied |
| can_prim_have_children |
| check_ancestral |
| clear_attr_val_at_time |
| Clears attribute at specified timecode. |
| copy_timesamples_from_weaker_layer |
| correct_filename_case |
| create_material_input |
| duplicate_prim |
| Duplicate prim. |
| find_path_in_nodes |
| find_spec_on_session_or_its_sublayers |
| Finds spec in the session layer or its sublayers. |
| gather_default_attributes |
| get_all_sublayers |
| Gets all sublayers from local layer stack of the stage ranking from strongest to weakest. |
| get_attribute_effective_defaultvalue_layer_info |
| get_attribute_effective_timesample_layer_info |
| get_attribute_effective_value_layer_info |
| get_authored_prim |
| get_composed_payloads_from_prim |
| Gets composed payload list from prim. |
| get_composed_references_from_prim |
| Gets composed reference list from prim. |
| get_context_from_stage |
| Gets corresponding UsdContext of the stage if it’s found. |
| get_dirty_layers |
| Function Name | Description |
| get_edit_target_identifier | Gets the layer identifier of current edit target. |
| get_frame_time | |
| get_frame_time_code | |
| get_geometry_standard_prim_list | |
| get_introducing_layer | This function will find the local layer that defines this prim, or the first introducing |
| get_light_prim_list | |
| get_local_transform_SRT | Return a tuple of [scale, rotation, rotation_order, translate] for given prim. |
| get_local_transform_matrix | |
| get_prim_at_path | |
| get_prim_descendents | |
| get_prop_at_path | |
| get_prop_auto_target_session_layer | Get property auto retarget layer. |
| get_sdf_layer | |
| get_shader_from_material | |
| get_stage_next_free_path | Gets a new prim path that doesn’t exist in the stage given a base path. If the given path doesn’t |
| get_subidentifier_from_material | Deprecated. Use {py:func}`omni.kit.material.library.get_subidentifier_from_material` instead. |
| get_subidentifier_from_mdl | |
| get_timesamples_count_in_authoring_layer | |
| get_url_from_prim | Returns url of Prim when authored reference or None |
| get_world_transform_matrix | |
| handle_exception | Decorator to print exception in async functions |
| is_ancestor_prim_type | |
| is_child_type | |
| is_hidden_type | |
Checks if layer is locked or not in this usd context. Layer lock is a customized
Checks if layer is writable on file system.
Whether the given file path is a supported readable USD file or not.
Whether the given file path is a supported writable USD file or not.
Gets a list of file extensions about readable USD formats.
Gets a list of file extensions (without dots) about readable USD formats.
Gets a string that includes all readable USD file formats supported by Kit.
Gets a description of all readable USD file formats.
Gets the regex that matches readable USD files.
Removes specified property from the prim.
Deprecated. See :func:`.set_prop_val` instead.
Sets the edit target of stage by layer identifier.
Sets the value of property.
Sitches prim specs specified by path scattered in all sublayers
Gets a list of file extensions about writable USD formats.
Gets a list of file extensions (without dots) about writable USD formats.
Gets a string that includes all writable USD file formats supported by Kit.
| 方法名 | 描述 |
| --- | --- |
| writable_usd_files_desc | Gets a description of all writable USD file formats. |
| writable_usd_re | Gets the regex that matches writable USD files. |
| add_hydra_engine | add_hydra_engine(name: str, context: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext) -> omni.usd._usd.OpaqueSharedHydraEngineContext |
| attach_all_hydra_engines | attach_all_hydra_engines(context: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext) -> None |
| create_context | create_context(name: str = ‘’) -> omni.usd._usd.UsdContext |
| destroy_context | destroy_context(name: str = ‘’) -> bool |
| get_context | get_context(name: str = ‘’) -> omni.usd._usd.UsdContext |
| get_context_from_stage_id | get_context_from_stage_id(stage_id: int) -> omni.usd._usd.UsdContext |
| get_or_create_hydra_engine | get_or_create_hydra_engine(arg0: str, arg1: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext, arg2: omni.usd._usd.EngineCreationConfig) -> omni.usd._usd.OpaqueSharedHydraEngineContext |
| merge_layers | merge_layers(dst_layer_identifier: str, src_layer_identifier: str, dst_is_stronger_than_src: bool = True, src_layer_offset: float = 0.0, src_layer_scale: float = 1.0) -> bool |
| merge_prim_spec | merge_prim_spec(dst_layer_identifier: str, src_layer_identifier: str, prim_spec_path: str, dst_is_stronger_than_src: bool = True, target_prim_path: str = ‘’) -> None |
| release_all_hydra_engines | release_all_hydra_engines(context: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext = None) -> None |
| release_hydra_engine | release_hydra_engine(arg0: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext, arg1: omni.usd._usd.OpaqueSharedHydraEngineContext) -> bool |
| resolve_paths | resolve_paths(src_layer_identifier: str, dst_layer_identifier: str, store_relative_path: bool = True, relative_to_src_layer: bool = False, copy_sublayer_offsets: bool = False) -> None |
| resolve_prim_path_references | resolve_prim_path_references(layer: str, old_prim_path: str, new_prim_path: str) -> None |
| resolve_prim_paths_references | resolve_prim_paths_references(layer: str, old_prim_paths: List[str], new_prim_paths: List[str]) -> None |
| shutdown_usd | shutdown_usd() -> None | | 6,696 | | # Modules
## Ar
The Ar (Asset Resolution) library is responsible for querying, reading, and writing asset data.
## CameraUtil
Camera Utilities
## Garch
GL Architecture
## GeomUtil
The GeomUtil module contains utilities to help image common geometry.
## Gf
The Gf (Graphics Foundations) library contains classes and functions for working with basic mathematical aspects of graphics.
## Glf
The Glf module contains Utility classes for OpenGL output.
## Kind
The Kind library provides a runtime-extensible taxonomy known as “kinds”. Useful for classifying scenegraph objects.
## Ndr
The Ndr (Node Definition Registry) provides a node-domain-agmostic framework for registering and querying information about nodes.
## Pcp
The PrimCache Population module implements core scenegraph composition semantics - behaviors informally referred to as Layering & Referencing.
## PhysicsSchemaTools
Omniverse-specific: The Physics Schema Tools provides tools for the representation of physics properties and behaviors in a 3D scene, such as gravity, collisions, and rigid body dynamics.
## Plug
Provides a plug-in framework implementation. Define interfaces, discover, register, and apply plug-in modules to nodes.
## Sdf
The Sdf (Scene Description Foundation) provides foundations for serializing scene description and primitive abstractions for interacting.
## Sdr
The Sdr library provides a runtime-extensible taxonomy known as “kinds”. Useful for classifying scenegraph objects.
| Module | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Sdr | The Sdr (Shader Definition Registry) is a specialized version of Ndr for Shaders. |
| Tf | The Tf (Tools Foundations) module. |
| Trace | The Trace module provides performance tracking utility classes for counting, timing, measuring, recording, and reporting events. |
| Usd | The core client-facing module for authoring, compositing, and reading Universal Scene Description. |
| UsdAppUtils | The UsdAppUtils module contains a number of utilities and common functionality for applications that view and/or record images of USD stages. |
| UsdGeom | The UsdGeom module defines 3D graphics-related prim and property schemas that form a basis for geometry interchange. |
| UsdHydra | The UsdHydra module. |
| UsdLux | The UsdLux module provides a representation for lights and related components that are common to many graphics environments. |
| UsdMedia | The UsdMedia module provides a representation for including other media, such as audio, in the context of a stage. UsdMedia currently contains one media type, UsdMediaSpatialAudio, which allows the playback of audio files both spatially and non-spatially. |
| UsdPhysics | The UsdPhysics module defines the physics-related prim and property schemas that together form a physics simulation representation. |
| UsdProc | The UsdProc module defines schemas for the scene description of procedural data meaningful to downstream systems. |
| UsdRender | The UsdRender module provides schemas and behaviors for describing renders. |
| UsdRi | The UsdRi module provides schemas and utilities for authoring USD that encodes Renderman-specific information, and USD/RI data conversions. |
| UsdShade | The UsdShade module provides schemas and behaviors for creating and binding materials, which encapsulate shading networks. |
| UsdSkel | The UsdSkel module defines schemas and API that form a basis for interchanging skeletally-skinned meshes and joint animations. |
| UsdUI | The UsdUI module provides schemas for encoding information on USD prims for client GUI tools to use in organizing/presenting prims in GUI layouts. |
| UsdUtils | The UsdUtils module contains utility classes and functions for managing, inspecting, editing, and creating USD Assets. |
| UsdVol | The UsdVol module provides schemas for representing volumes (smoke, fire, etc). |
| Vt | The Vt (Value Types) module defines classes that provide for type abstraction, enhanced array types, and value type manipulation. |
| Work | The Work library is intended to simplify the use of multithreading in the context of our software ecosystem. | | 4,085 | | # Choosing Names
## Brand (Company/Person) Name: `my_name`
For example, for extensions or applications created by the Omniverse team `my_name` is `omni` like `omni.kit.window.extensions` for an extension or `omni.create` for an application.
We recommend that you use a clear and unique name for that and use it for all your apps and extensions.
### A few rules to follow when selecting it
1. Don’t use a generic name like `bob` or `cloud`
2. Don’t use `omni` as this is reserved for NVIDIA Applications or Extensions
3. Be consistent. Select one and stick to it
## App Name: `my_app`
When building applications you might want to namespace the extension within the app name they belong to like `omni.code` for an application where we have then `omni.code.setup` etc.
For that name you have more freedom as it is already in your `my_name` namespace so it should not clash with someone else’s “editor” or “viewer”.
It would then be acceptable to have `my_name.editor` or `my_name.player` but you still want to think about giving your application some good identity.
## Shared Extensions
Aside from the extension you build specifically for your App there might be some that you want to make more generic and reuse across applications.
That is very possible and even recommended. That is how Omniverse Shared Extensions are built. We have them in namespaces like `omni.kit.widget.`
# 代码块示例
## 命名空间示例
通过这种方式,当其他开发者或用户想要开始使用你的扩展时,可以清楚地知道这些扩展来自于你(`<my_name>`)。你可以在 `extension.toml` 文件的仓库字段中说明它们的来源。 | 1,574 | | # omni::graph::action
## Namespaces
- [omni::graph::action::unstable](#namespace-omni-graph-action-unstable)
## Classes
- [omni::graph::action::IActionGraph_abi](#exhale-class-classomni-1-1graph-1-1action-1-1iactiongraph-abi) : Functions for implementing nodes which are used in `Action Graph`.
## Functions
- [omni::graph::action::getInterface](#exhale-function-iactiongraph-8h-1acff3a43835cd8c6231ecd89ceac77e10)
- [omni::graph::action::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE](#exhale-function-iactiongraph-8h-1acc8de5a676f064024f926775fc01a1c5) | 537 | | # omni::graph::core
## Namespaces
- [omni::graph::core::ogn](#namespace-omni-graph-core-ogn)
## Classes
- [omni::graph::core::AttributeObj](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1attributeobj) : Object representing an OmniGraph Attribute.
- [omni::graph::core::AttrKey](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1attrkey) : Handle type representing attributes, which require two parts to be valid.
- [omni::graph::core::AttrKeyHash](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1attrkeyhash) : Make sure to warn developer if an incompatibility is introduced.
- [omni::graph::core::ConnectionCallback](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1connectioncallback) : Callback object used when a connection is made or broken between two attributes.
- [omni::graph::core::ConnectionInfo](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1connectioninfo) : Information passed to define the opposite end of a connection.
- [omni::graph::core::ConstAttributeDataHandleHash](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1constattributedatahandlehash) : Hash definition so that [omni::graph::core::AttributeDataHandle](#exhale-class-classomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1attributedatahandle) can be used in a map.
- [omni::graph::core::ConstBundleHandleHash](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1constbundlehandlehash) : Hash definition so that [omni::graph::core::BundleHandle](#exhale-class-classomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1bundlehandle) can be used in a map.
- [omni::graph::core::CreateGraphAsNodeOptions](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1creategraphasnodeoptions) : Parameters for IGraph::CreateGraphAsNode.
- [omni::graph::core::ErrorStatusChangeCallback](#exhale-struct-structomni-1-1graph-1-1core-1-1errorstatuschangecallback) : Encapsulation of a callback that happens when a node’s error status changes.
- **omni::graph::core::FileFormatUpgrade**: Callback object to instantiate for use as a callback when an older version of an OmniGraph file is read.
- **omni::graph::core::FileFormatVersion**: Encapsulates the information required to define a file format version number.
- **omni::graph::core::GraphContextObj**: Object representing an OmniGraph GraphContext.
- **omni::graph::core::GraphInstanceID**: Permanent value representing an instance.
- **omni::graph::core::GraphObj**: Object representing an OmniGraph Graph.
- **omni::graph::core::IAttribute**: Interface to provide functionality to access and modify properties of an OmniGraph attribute.
- **omni::graph::core::IAttributeData**: Interface to data belonging to a specific attribute.
- **omni::graph::core::IAttributeType**: Interface class managing various features of attribute types.
- **omni::graph::core::IBundle**: Interface for bundle attribute data.
- **omni::graph::core::IDataModel**: Interface to the underlying data access for OmniGraph.
- **omni::graph::core::IDataStealingPrototype**: Retired prototype.
- **omni::graph::core::IGraph**: Interface to an OmniGraph, several of which may be present in a scene.
- **omni::graph::core::IGraphContext**: Use this interface to pull data for compute node, and also push data to compute graph/cache.
- **omni::graph::core::IGraphRegistry**: Interface that manages the registration and deregistration of node types.
- **omni::graph::core::INode**: Interface to a single node in a graph.
- **omni::graph::core::InstanceIndex**: Temp value representing an instance during a compute or a loop.
- **omni::graph::core::IScheduleNode**: Retired feature - use EF in order to customize execution flow in OG.
- **omni::graph::core::NodeObj**: Object representing an OmniGraph Node.
- **omni::graph::core::NodeTypeObj**: Object representing an OmniGraph NodeType.
- **omni::graph::core::OptionalMethod**: Helper struct to make it easy to reference methods on a class that may or may not be defined.
- **omni::graph::core::PathChangedCallback**: Callback object used when a path has changed, requiring a path attribute update.
- **omni::graph::core::AttributeDataHandle**: Object representing a handle to a variable AttributeData type.
- **omni::graph::core::BundleHandle**: Object representing a handle to an OmniGraph Bundle.
- **omni::graph::core::ConstAttributeDataHandle**: Object representing a handle to a constant AttributeData type.
## Classes
- **omni::graph::core::ConstAttributeDataHandle**: Object representing a handle to an AttributeData type.
- **omni::graph::core::ConstBundleHandle**: Object representing a handle to a constant OmniGraph Bundle.
- **omni::graph::core::DataModelEditScope**: Scoping object to enter and exist editing mode for the DataModel.
- **omni::graph::core::HandleBase**: Template class for defining handles to various OmniGraph data types.
- **omni::graph::core::IBundle2_abi**: Provide read write access to recursive bundles.
- **omni::graph::core::IBundleFactory2_abi**: IBundleFactory version 2.
- **omni::graph::core::IBundleFactory_abi**: Interface to create new bundles.
- **omni::graph::core::IConstBundle2_abi**: Provide read only access to recursive bundles.
- **omni::graph::core::INodeCategories_abi**: Interface to the list of categories that a node type can belong to.
- **omni::graph::core::ISchedulingHints2_abi**: Interface extension for ISchedulingHints that adds a new “pure” hint.
- **omni::graph::core::ISchedulingHints_abi**: Interface to the list of scheduling hints that can be applied to a node type.
- **omni::graph::core::IVariable2_abi**: Interface extension for IVariable that adds the ability to set a variable type.
- **omni::graph::core::IVariable_abi**: Object that contains a value that is local to a graph, available from anywhere in the graph.
- **omni::graph::core::NodeContextHandle**: Object representing a handle to an OmniGraph NodeContext.
## Enums
- **omni::graph::core::eAccessLocation**
- **omni::graph::core::eAccessType**
- **omni::graph::core::eComputeRule**
- **omni::graph::core::ePurityStatus**
- **omni::graph::core::eThreadSafety**
- **omni::graph::core::eVariableScope**
- **omni::graph::core::ExecutionAttributeState**
- **omni::graph::core::IGraphEvent**
- **omni::graph::core::IGraphRegistryEvent**
- **omni::graph::core::INodeEvent**
## Functions
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
- **omni::graph::core::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE**
## Typedefs
- **omni::graph::core::AttributeHandle**
- **omni::graph::core::AttributeHash**
- **omni::graph::core::BucketId**
- **omni::graph::core::ConstPrimHandle**
- **omni::graph::core::ConstPrimHandleHash**
- **omni::graph::core::ConstRawPtr**
- **omni::graph::core::CreateDbFunc**
- **omni::graph::core::DataAccessFlags**
- **omni::graph::core::GraphContextHandle**
- **omni::graph::core::GraphHandle**
- **omni::graph::core::HandleInt**
- **omni::graph::core::has_setContext**
- **omni::graph::core::has_setHandle**
- **omni::graph::core::IVariablePtr**
- **omni::graph::core::NameToken**
- **omni::graph::core::NodeHandle**
## Types
- `omni::graph::core::NodeTypeHandle`
- `omni::graph::core::ObjectId`
- `omni::graph::core::PrimHandle`
- `omni::graph::core::RawPtr`
- `omni::graph::core::TargetPath`
## Variables
### Variables
- `omni::graph::core::INVALID_TOKEN_VALUE`
- `omni::graph::core::kAccordingToContextIndex`
- `omni::graph::core::kAuthoringGraphIndex`
- `omni::graph::core::kInstancingGraphTargetPath`
- `omni::graph::core::kInvalidAttributeHandle`
- `omni::graph::core::kInvalidGraphContextHandle`
- `omni::graph::core::kInvalidGraphHandle`
- `omni::graph::core::kInvalidHandleIntValue`
- `omni::graph::core::kInvalidInstanceIndex`
- `omni::graph::core::kInvalidNodeHandle`
- `omni::graph::core::kInvalidNodeTypeHandle`
- `omni::graph::core::kReadAndWrite`
- `omni::graph::core::kReadOnly`
- `omni::graph::core::kUninitializedGraphId`
- `omni::graph::core::kUninitializedTypeCount`
- `omni::graph::core::kWriteOnly` | 8,150 | | # Ndr module
Summary: The Ndr (Node Definition Registry) provides a node-domain-agmostic framework for registering and querying information about nodes.
## Python bindings for libNdr
- **DiscoveryPlugin**
- Interface for discovery plugins.
- **DiscoveryPluginContext**
- A context for discovery.
- **DiscoveryPluginList**
- **DiscoveryUri**
- Struct for holding a URI and its resolved URI for a file discovered by NdrFsHelpersDiscoverFiles.
- **Node**
- Represents an abstract node.
- **NodeDiscoveryResult**
- Represents the raw data of a node, and some other bits of metadata, that were determined via a `NdrDiscoveryPlugin`.
- **NodeList**
- **Property**
- Represents a property (input or output) that is part of a `NdrNode` instance.
- **Registry**
- The registry provides access to node information. "Discovery Plugins" are responsible for finding the nodes that should be included in the registry.
<tr class="row-even">
<tr class="row-odd">
<dl class="py class">
Interface for discovery plugins.
Discovery plugins, like the name implies, find nodes. Where the plugin
searches is up to the plugin that implements this interface. Examples
of discovery plugins could include plugins that look for nodes on the
filesystem, another that finds nodes in a cloud service, and another
that searches a local database. Multiple discovery plugins that search
the filesystem in specific locations/ways could also be created. All
discovery plugins are executed as soon as the registry is
These plugins simply report back to the registry what nodes they found
in a generic way. The registry doesn’t know much about the innards of
the nodes yet, just that the nodes exist. Understanding the nodes is
the responsibility of another set of plugins defined by the
Discovery plugins report back to the registry via
s. These are small, lightweight classes
that contain the information for a single node that was found during
discovery. The discovery result only includes node information that
can be gleaned pre-parse, so the data is fairly limited; to see
exactly what’s included, and what is expected to be populated, see the
documentation for
<section id="how-to-create-a-discovery-plugin">
How to Create a Discovery Plugin
There are three steps to creating a discovery plugin:
Implement the discovery plugin interface,
Register your new plugin with the registry. The registration
macro must be called in your plugin’s implementation file:
This macro is available in discoveryPlugin.h.
- In the same folder as your plugin, create a ``plugInfo.json``
file. This file must be formatted like so, substituting
"Plugins": [{
"Type": "module",
"Root": "@PLUG_INFO_ROOT@",
"LibraryPath": "@PLUG_INFO_LIBRARY_PATH@",
"ResourcePath": "@PLUG_INFO_RESOURCE_PATH@",
"Info": {
"Types": {
"bases": ["NdrDiscoveryPlugin"],
"displayName": "YOUR_DISPLAY_NAME"
The NDR ships with one discovery plugin, the
. Take a look at NDR’s plugInfo.json
file for example values for
, and
. If multiple
discovery plugins exist in the same folder, you can continue adding
additional plugins under the
key in the JSON. More detailed
information about the plugInfo.json format can be found in the
documentation for the
module (in pxr/base).
<col style="width: 10%"/>
<col style="width: 90%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Finds and returns all nodes that the implementing plugin should be aware of.
<tr class="row-even">
Gets the URIs that this plugin is searching for nodes in.
<col style="width: 10%"/>
<col style="width: 90%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
<dl class="py method">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPlugin.DiscoverNodes">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<em class="sig-param">
<span class="n">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-return">
<span class="sig-return-icon">
<span class="sig-return-typehint">
<span class="pre">
Finds and returns all nodes that the implementing plugin should be aware of.
<dl class="field-list simple">
<dt class="field-odd">
<dd class="field-odd">
) –
<dl class="py method">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPlugin.GetSearchURIs">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-return">
<span class="sig-return-icon">
<span class="sig-return-typehint">
<span class="pre">
Gets the URIs that this plugin is searching for nodes in.
<dl class="py property">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPlugin.expired">
<em class="property">
<span class="pre">
<span class="w">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
<dl class="py class">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPluginContext">
<em class="property">
<span class="pre">
<span class="w">
<span class="sig-prename descclassname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
A context for discovery.
Discovery plugins can use this to get a limited set of non-local information without direct coupling between plugins.
<col style="width: 10%"/>
<col style="width: 90%"/>
Returns the source type associated with the discovery type.
<col style="width: 10%"/>
<col style="width: 90%"/>
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
<dl class="py method">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPluginContext.GetSourceType">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<em class="sig-param">
<span class="n">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-return">
<span class="sig-return-icon">
<span class="sig-return-typehint">
<span class="pre">
Returns the source type associated with the discovery type.
This may return an empty token if there is no such association.
<dl class="field-list simple">
<dt class="field-odd">
<dd class="field-odd">
) –
<dl class="py property">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPluginContext.expired">
<em class="property">
<span class="pre">
<span class="w">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
True if this object has expired, False otherwise.
<dl class="py class">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryPluginList">
<em class="property">
<span class="pre">
<span class="w">
<span class="sig-prename descclassname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
A list of discovery plugins.
## Methods:
### append
### extend
## Attributes:
### resolvedUri
### uri
## Class: pxr.Ndr.DiscoveryUri
Struct for holding a URI and its resolved URI for a file discovered by NdrFsHelpersDiscoverFiles.
### Attributes:
- **resolvedUri**:
- **uri**:
## Class: pxr.Ndr.Node
Represents an abstract node. Describes information like the name of the node, what its inputs and outputs are, and any associated metadata.
In almost all cases, this class will not be used directly. More specialized nodes can be created that derive from `NdrNode`; those specialized nodes can add their own domain-specific data and methods.
### Methods:
- **GetContext()**: Gets the context of the node.
- **GetFamily()**: Gets the name of the family that the node belongs to.
- **GetIdentifier()**: Return the identifier of the node.
Gets a string with basic information about this node.
Get an input property by name.
Get an ordered list of all the input names on this node.
All metadata that came from the parse process.
Gets the name of the node.
Get an output property by name.
Get an ordered list of all the output names on this node.
Gets the URI to the resource that provided this node's definition.
Gets the URI to the resource that provides this node's implementation.
Returns the source code for this node.
Gets the type of source that this node originated from.
Return the version of the node.
Whether or not this node is valid.
→ str
Gets the context of the node.
The context is the context that the node declares itself as having (or, if a particular node does not declare a context, it will be assigned a default context by the parser).
As a concrete example from the `Sdr` module, a shader with a specific source type may perform different duties vs. another shader with the same source type. For example, one shader with a source type of `SdrArgsParser::SourceType` may declare itself as having a context of 'pattern', while another shader of the same source type may say it is used for lighting, and thus has a context of 'light'.
### GetFamily
- **Description:** Gets the name of the family that the node belongs to. An empty token will be returned if the node does not belong to a family.
- **Returns:** str
### GetIdentifier
- **Description:** Return the identifier of the node.
- **Returns:** NdrIdentifier
### GetInfoString
- **Description:** Gets a string with basic information about this node. Helpful for things like adding this node to a log.
- **Returns:** str
### GetInput
- **Description:** Get an input property by name. `nullptr` is returned if an input with the given name does not exist.
- **Parameters:**
- **inputName** (str)
- **Returns:** Property
### GetInputNames
- **Description:** Get an ordered list of all the input names on this node.
- **Returns:** NdrTokenVec
### GetMetadata
- **Description:** All metadata that came from the parse process. Specialized nodes may isolate values in the metadata (with possible manipulations and/or additional parsing) and expose those values in their API.
- **Returns:** NdrTokenMap
### GetName
- **Description:** Gets the name of the node.
- **Returns:** str
### GetOutput
- **Description:** Get an output property by name. `nullptr` is returned if an output with the given name does not exist.
- **Parameters:**
- **outputName** (str)
- **Returns:** Property
### Parameters
- **outputName** (`str`) –
### GetOutputNames
- **Function**: `GetOutputNames()`
- **Returns**: `NdrTokenVec`
- **Description**: Get an ordered list of all the output names on this node.
### GetResolvedDefinitionURI
- **Function**: `GetResolvedDefinitionURI()`
- **Returns**: `str`
- **Description**: Gets the URI to the resource that provided this node’s definition.
- Could be a path to a file, or some other resource identifier. This URI should be fully resolved.
### GetResolvedImplementationURI
- **Function**: `GetResolvedImplementationURI()`
- **Returns**: `str`
- **Description**: Gets the URI to the resource that provides this node’s implementation.
- Could be a path to a file, or some other resource identifier. This URI should be fully resolved.
### GetSourceCode
- **Function**: `GetSourceCode()`
- **Returns**: `str`
- **Description**: Returns the source code for this node.
- This will be empty for most nodes. It will be non-empty only for the nodes that are constructed using NdrRegistry::GetNodeFromSourceCode(), in which case, the source code has not been parsed (or even compiled) yet.
- An unparsed node with non-empty source-code but no properties is considered to be invalid. Once the node is parsed and the relevant properties and metadata are extracted from the source code, the node becomes valid.
### GetSourceType
- **Function**: `GetSourceType()`
- **Returns**: `str`
- **Description**: Gets the type of source that this node originated from.
- Note that this is distinct from `GetContext()`, which is the type that the node declares itself as having.
- As a concrete example from the `Sdr` module, several shader parsers exist and operate on different types of shaders. In this scenario, each distinct type of shader (OSL, Args, etc) is considered a different source, even though they are all shaders. In addition, the shaders under each source type may declare themselves as having a specific context (shaders can serve different roles). See `GetContext()` for more information on this.
### GetVersion
- **Function**: `GetVersion()`
- **Returns**: `Version`
- **Description**: Return the version of the node.
### IsValid
- **Function**: `IsValid()`
- **Returns**: `bool`
- **Description**: Whether or not this node is valid.
- A node that is valid indicates that the parser plugin was able to successfully parse the contents of this node.
Note that if a node is not valid, some data like its name, URI, source code etc. could still be available (data that was obtained during the discovery process). However, other data that must be gathered from the parsing process will NOT be available (eg, inputs and outputs).
Represents the raw data of a node, and some other bits of metadata, that were determined via a `NdrDiscoveryPlugin`.
- `blindData`
- `discoveryType`
- `family`
- `identifier`
- `metadata`
- `name`
- `resolvedUri`
- `sourceCode`
- `sourceType`
- `subIdentifier`
- `uri`
- `version`
- `blindData`
- `discoveryType`
- `family`
### Property: family
### Property: identifier
### Property: metadata
### Property: name
### Property: resolvedUri
### Property: sourceCode
### Property: sourceType
### Property: subIdentifier
### Property: uri
### Property: version
### Class: pxr.Ndr.NodeList
- append
- extend
#### Method: append
#### Method: extend
class pxr.Ndr.Property
Represents a property (input or output) that is part of a `NdrNode` instance.
A property must have a name and type, but may also specify a host of additional metadata. Instances can also be queried to determine if another `NdrProperty` instance can be connected to it.
In almost all cases, this class will not be used directly. More specialized properties can be created that derive from `NdrProperty`; those specialized properties can add their own domain-specific data and methods.
- **CanConnectTo(other)**
Determines if this property can be connected to the specified property.
- **GetArraySize()**
Gets this property's array size.
- **GetDefaultValue()**
Gets this property's default value associated with the type of the property.
- **GetInfoString()**
Gets a string with basic information about this property.
- **GetMetadata()**
All of the metadata that came from the parse process.
- **GetName()**
Gets the name of the property.
- **GetType()**
Gets the type of the property.
- **GetTypeAsSdfType()**
Converts the property's type from `GetType()` into a `SdfValueTypeName`.
- **IsArray()**
Whether this property's type is an array type.
- **IsConnectable()**
Whether this property can be connected to other properties.
- **IsDynamicArray()**
Whether this property's array type is dynamically-sized.
- **IsOutput()**
Whether this property is an output.
### CanConnectTo
- **Parameters**:
- `other` (Property) –
- **Description**:
Determines if this property can be connected to the specified property.
### GetArraySize
- **Description**:
Gets this property’s array size.
If this property is a fixed-size array type, the array size is returned. In the case of a dynamically-sized array, this method returns the array size that the parser reports, and should not be relied upon to be accurate. A parser may report -1 for the array size, for example, to indicate a dynamically-sized array. For types that are not a fixed-size array or dynamic array, this returns 0.
### GetDefaultValue
- **Description**:
Gets this property’s default value associated with the type of the property.
### GetInfoString
- **Description**:
Gets a string with basic information about this property. Helpful for things like adding this property to a log.
### GetMetadata
- **Description**:
All of the metadata that came from the parse process.
### GetName
- **Description**:
Gets the name of the property.
### GetType
- **Description**:
Gets the type of the property.
### GetTypeAsSdfType
- **Description**:
Converts the property’s type from `GetType()` into a `SdfValueTypeName`.
type, and an inexact mapping. In the first scenario, the first element
in the pair will be the cleanly-mapped Sdf type, and the second
element, a TfToken, will be empty. In the second scenario, the Sdf
type will be set to
to indicate an unclean mapping, and the
second element will be set to the original type returned by
<dl class="py method">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.Property.IsArray">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-return">
<span class="sig-return-icon">
<span class="sig-return-typehint">
<span class="pre">
<a class="headerlink" href="#pxr.Ndr.Property.IsArray" title="Permalink to this definition">
Whether this property’s type is an array type.
<dl class="py method">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.Property.IsConnectable">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-return">
<span class="sig-return-icon">
<span class="sig-return-typehint">
<span class="pre">
<a class="headerlink" href="#pxr.Ndr.Property.IsConnectable" title="Permalink to this definition">
Whether this property can be connected to other properties.
If this returns
, connectability to a specific property can
be tested via
<dl class="py method">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.Property.IsDynamicArray">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-return">
<span class="sig-return-icon">
<span class="sig-return-typehint">
<span class="pre">
<a class="headerlink" href="#pxr.Ndr.Property.IsDynamicArray" title="Permalink to this definition">
Whether this property’s array type is dynamically-sized.
<dl class="py method">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.Property.IsOutput">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-paren">
<span class="sig-return">
<span class="sig-return-icon">
<span class="sig-return-typehint">
<span class="pre">
<a class="headerlink" href="#pxr.Ndr.Property.IsOutput" title="Permalink to this definition">
Whether this property is an output.
<dl class="py class">
<dt class="sig sig-object py" id="pxr.Ndr.Registry">
<em class="property">
<span class="pre">
<span class="w">
<span class="sig-prename descclassname">
<span class="pre">
<span class="sig-name descname">
<span class="pre">
<a class="headerlink" href="#pxr.Ndr.Registry" title="Permalink to this definition">
The registry provides access to node information.”Discovery
Plugins”are responsible for finding the nodes that should be included
in the registry.
Discovery plugins are found through the plugin system. If additional
discovery plugins need to be specified, a client can pass them to
When the registry is first told about the discovery plugins, the
plugins will be asked to discover nodes. These plugins will generate
instances, which only contain basic
metadata. Once the client asks for information that would require the
node’s contents to be parsed (eg, what its inputs and outputs are),
the registry will begin the parsing process on an as-needed basis. See
for the information that can be retrieved
without triggering a parse.
Some methods in this module may allow for a”family”to be provided. A
family is simply a generic grouping which is optional.
<col style="width: 10%"/>
<col style="width: 90%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
Get a sorted list of all node source types that may be present on the nodes in the registry.
<tr class="row-even">
GetNodeByIdentifier(identifier, ...)
(identifier, ...)
Get the node with the specified
, and an optional
list specifying the set of node SOURCE types (see
) that should be searched.
<tr class="row-odd">
- **GetNodeByIdentifierAndType** (identifier, ...)
- Get the node with the specified `identifier` and `sourceType`.
- **GetNodeByName** (name, sourceTypePriority, filter)
- Get the node with the specified name.
- **GetNodeByNameAndType** (name, sourceType, filter)
- A convenience wrapper around `GetNodeByName()`.
- **GetNodeFromAsset** (asset, metadata, ...)
- Parses the given `asset`, constructs a NdrNode from it and adds it to the registry.
- **GetNodeFromSourceCode** (sourceCode, ...)
- Parses the given `sourceCode` string, constructs a NdrNode from it and adds it to the registry.
- **GetNodeIdentifiers** (family, filter)
- Get the identifiers of all the nodes that the registry is aware of.
- **GetNodeNames** (family)
- Get the names of all the nodes that the registry is aware of.
- **GetNodesByFamily** (family, filter)
- Get all nodes from the registry, optionally restricted to the nodes that fall under a specified family and/or the default version.
- **GetNodesByIdentifier** (identifier)
- Get all nodes matching the specified identifier (multiple nodes of the same identifier, but different source types, may exist).
- **GetNodesByName** (name, filter)
- Get all nodes matching the specified name.
- **GetSearchURIs** ()
- Get the locations where the registry is searching for nodes.
- **SetExtraDiscoveryPlugins** (plugins)
- Allows the client to set any additional discovery plugins that would otherwise NOT be found through the plugin system.
- **SetExtraParserPlugins** (pluginTypes)
- Allows the client to set any additional parser plugins that would otherwise NOT be found through the plugin system.
## GetAllNodeSourceTypes
Get a sorted list of all node source types that may be present on the nodes in the registry.
Source types originate from the discovery process, but there is no guarantee that the discovered source types will also have a registered parser plugin. The actual supported source types here depend on the parsers that are available. Also note that some parser plugins may not advertise a source type.
See the documentation for `NdrParserPlugin` and `NdrNode::GetSourceType()` for more information.
## GetNodeByIdentifier
Get the node with the specified `identifier`, and an optional `sourceTypePriority` list specifying the set of node SOURCE types (see `NdrNode::GetSourceType()`) that should be searched.
If no sourceTypePriority is specified, the first encountered node with the specified identifier will be returned (first is arbitrary) if found.
If a sourceTypePriority list is specified, then this will iterate through each source type and try to find a node matching by identifier. This is equivalent to calling NdrRegistry::GetNodeByIdentifierAndType for each source type until a node is found.
Nodes of the same identifier but different source type can exist in the registry. If a node ‘Foo’ with source types ‘abc’ and ‘xyz’ exist in the registry, and you want to make sure the ‘abc’ version is fetched before the ‘xyz’ version, the priority list would be specified as [‘abc’, ‘xyz’]. If the ‘abc’ version did not exist in the registry, then the ‘xyz’ version would be returned.
Returns `nullptr` if a node matching the arguments can’t be found.
### Parameters
- **identifier** (NdrIdentifier) –
- **sourceTypePriority** (NdrTokenVec) –
## GetNodeByIdentifierAndType
Get the node with the specified `identifier` and `sourceType`.
If there is no matching node for the sourceType, nullptr is returned.
### Parameters
- **identifier** (NdrIdentifier) –
- **sourceType** (str) –
## GetNodeByName
Get the node with the specified `name`, `sourceTypePriority`, and `filter`.
### GetNodeByName
Get the node with the specified name.
An optional priority list specifies the set of node SOURCE types (NdrNode::GetSourceType()) that should be searched and in what order. Optionally, a filter can be specified to consider just the default versions of nodes matching `name` (the default) or all versions of the nodes.
#### Parameters
- **name** (`str`) –
- **sourceTypePriority** (`NdrTokenVec`) –
- **filter** (`VersionFilter`) –
### GetNodeByNameAndType
A convenience wrapper around `GetNodeByName()`.
Instead of providing a priority list, an exact type is specified, and `nullptr` is returned if a node with the exact identifier and type does not exist. Optionally, a filter can be specified to consider just the default versions of nodes matching `name` (the default) or all versions of the nodes.
#### Parameters
- **name** (`str`) –
- **sourceType** (`str`) –
- **filter** (`VersionFilter`) –
### GetNodeFromAsset
Parses the given `asset`, constructs a NdrNode from it and adds it to the registry.
Nodes created from an asset using this API can be looked up by the unique identifier and sourceType of the returned node, or by URI, which will be set to the unresolved asset path value.
`metadata` contains additional metadata needed for parsing and compiling the source code in the file pointed to by `asset` correctly. This metadata supplements the metadata available in the asset and overrides it in cases where there are key collisions.
`subidentifier` is optional, and it would be used to indicate a particular definition in the asset file if the asset contains multiple node definitions.
`sourceType` is optional, and it is only needed to indicate a particular type if the asset file is capable of representing a node
# Definition of Multiple Source Types
Returns a valid node if the asset is parsed successfully using one of the registered parser plugins.
## Parameters
- **asset** (`AssetPath`) –
- **metadata** (`NdrTokenMap`) –
- **subIdentifier** (`str`) –
- **sourceType** (`str`) –
## GetNodeFromSourceCode
Parses the given `sourceCode` string, constructs a NdrNode from it and adds it to the registry.
The parser to be used is determined by the specified `sourceType`.
Nodes created from source code using this API can be looked up by the unique identifier and sourceType of the returned node.
`metadata` contains additional metadata needed for parsing and compiling the source code correctly. This metadata supplements the metadata available in `sourceCode` and overrides it in cases where there are key collisions.
Returns a valid node if the given source code is parsed successfully using the parser plugins that is registered for the specified `sourceType`.
### Parameters
- **sourceCode** (`str`) –
- **sourceType** (`str`) –
- **metadata** (`NdrTokenMap`) –
## GetNodeIdentifiers
Get the identifiers of all the nodes that the registry is aware of.
This will not run the parsing plugins on the nodes that have been discovered, so this method is relatively quick. Optionally, a "family" name can be specified to only get the identifiers of nodes that belong to that family and a filter can be specified to get just the default version (the default) or all versions of the node.
### Parameters
- **family** (`str`) –
- **filter** (`VersionFilter`) –
## GetNodeNames
Get the names of all the nodes that the registry is aware of.
### Parameters
- **family** (`str`) –
## Get the names of all the nodes that the registry is aware of.
This will not run the parsing plugins on the nodes that have been discovered, so this method is relatively quick. Optionally, a "family" name can be specified to only get the names of nodes that belong to that family.
### Parameters
- **family** (`str`) –
## Get all nodes from the registry, optionally restricted to the nodes that fall under a specified family and/or the default version.
Note that this will parse all nodes that the registry is aware of (unless a family is specified), so this may take some time to run the first time it is called.
### Parameters
- **family** (`str`) –
- **filter** (`VersionFilter`) –
## Get all nodes matching the specified identifier (multiple nodes of the same identifier, but different source types, may exist).
If no nodes match the identifier, an empty vector is returned.
### Parameters
- **identifier** (`NdrIdentifier`) –
## Get all nodes matching the specified name.
Only nodes matching the specified name will be parsed. Optionally, a filter can be specified to get just the default version (the default) or all versions of the node. If no nodes match an empty vector is returned.
### Parameters
- **name** (`str`) –
- **filter** (`VersionFilter`) –
## Get the locations where the registry is searching for nodes.
Depending on which discovery plugins were used, this may include non-filesystem paths.
## SetExtraDiscoveryPlugins
→ None
## SetExtraDiscoveryPlugins
Allows the client to set any additional discovery plugins that would otherwise NOT be found through the plugin system.
Runs the discovery process for the specified plugins immediately.
Note that this method cannot be called after any nodes in the registry have been parsed (eg, through GetNode*()), otherwise an error will result.
### Parameters
- **plugins** (DiscoveryPluginRefPtrVec) –
SetExtraDiscoveryPlugins(pluginTypes) -> None
Allows the client to set any additional discovery plugins that would otherwise NOT be found through the plugin system.
Runs the discovery process for the specified plugins immediately.
Note that this method cannot be called after any nodes in the registry have been parsed (eg, through GetNode*()), otherwise an error will result.
### Parameters
- **pluginTypes** (list [Type]) –
## SetExtraParserPlugins
Allows the client to set any additional parser plugins that would otherwise NOT be found through the plugin system.
Note that this method cannot be called after any nodes in the registry have been parsed (eg, through GetNode*()), otherwise an error will result.
### Parameters
- **pluginTypes** (list [Type]) –
## Version
### Methods:
- **GetAsDefault** ()
- Return an equal version marked as default.
- **GetMajor** ()
- Return the major version number or zero for an invalid version.
- **GetMinor** ()
- Return the minor version number or zero for an invalid version.
- **GetStringSuffix** ()
- Return the version as a identifier suffix.
- **IsDefault** ()
- Return true iff this version is marked as default.
## GetAsDefault
## pxr.Ndr.Version.GetAsDefault
- Return an equal version marked as default.
- It’s permitted to mark an invalid version as the default.
## pxr.Ndr.Version.GetMajor
- Return the major version number or zero for an invalid version.
## pxr.Ndr.Version.GetMinor
- Return the minor version number or zero for an invalid version.
## pxr.Ndr.Version.GetStringSuffix
- Return the version as a identifier suffix.
## pxr.Ndr.Version.IsDefault
- Return true iff this version is marked as default.
## pxr.Ndr.VersionFilter
- **Methods:**
- GetValueFromName
- **Attributes:**
- allValues
## pxr.Ndr.VersionFilter.GetValueFromName
## pxr.Ndr.VersionFilter.allValues
- allValues = (Ndr.VersionFilterDefaultOnly, Ndr.VersionFilterAllVersions) | 39,554 | | # Node Registry Model
## Node Registry Model
![Permalink to this headline]()
Now let’s look at how we build the node list in the left panel of our example to show all the available nodes.
First of all, we need a model to manage the node data and we use a tree-view model for that in the omni.kit.graph.editor.example. Our NodeRegistryModel is derived from the basic `ui.AbstractItemModel`.
Each tree leaf item is derived from `ui.AbstractItem` which is used to encapsulate the data of the item which could contain the name, icon, url, etc. These data can be described by different value models inherited from `AbstractValueModel`.
There are a couple of important model APIs to define the tree model. `get_item_children` is the function to return the nodes at each level. For example, in the above image, the return value when input item is None will be [General, Miscellaneous], and the return value when input item is Miscellaneous is [Backdrop, Scene Graph, Input, Output].
`get_item_value_model` returns the value model which is the model that defines how each tree item is presenting its data. In the example, we only used the SimpleStringModel. But any model derived from `AbstractValueModel` will do, so you can define your own value model to describe a certain type of data.
## Node Filter
![Permalink to this headline]()
You probably noticed that there is a search field above the node lists, where you can search desired nodes with partial input. The results will be filtered to be the nodes matching the search input. This is done by controlling the visibility of the tree item in our example. If the item has name or information matching the input, the visibility is true otherwise false. The group visibility is controlled by each of the items inside. As long as one of the sub items is visible, the group visibility will be true.
## Quick Search Model
![Permalink to this headline]()
In the example extension, when you press the Tab key on the canvas, you will see a pop up window of QuickSearch. This will show all the nodes which are registered with quick search in the extension, which is a quicker way to find the node you want if you have many extensions registered to the quick search.
It is trivial to implement QuickSearch. You will need to create a new model for that, NodeRegistryQuickSearchModel in our example. It could be very similar to the NodeRegistryModel discussed above. The only difference is `get_item_children` will return all the nodes available grouped by different registrations since we don’t want the hierarchical look like the node registry panel.
To register with QuickSearch, we just need to import QuickSearchRegistry from omni.kit.window.quicksearch and register NodeRegistryQuickSearchModel with QuickSearchRegistry() using `register_quick_search_model`. You can create a tree delegate for the quick search. In the example, we just use the default GraphEditorCoreTreeDelegate from graph core. | 2,953 | | # OmniGraph Node Library
Here, you can find definitions, descriptions, and examples of OmniGraph nodes. Each OmniGraph node belongs to a category, which is our method of grouping nodes together by function.
## Bundle Nodes
- Bundle Constructor
- Bundle Inspector
- Copy Attributes From Bundles
- Extract Attribute
- Extract Attribute Type Information
- Extract Bundle
- Extract Prim
- Get Attribute Names From Bundle
- Get Prims
- Has Attribute
- Insert Attribute
- MPiB Inspector
- Remove Attributes From Bundles
- Rename Attributes In Bundles
## Common Nodes
- Aim Constraint
- AnimCurve
- Arkit Array To Blendshapes
- Arkit Blendshapes To Array
- Array
- Articulation Controller
- Assign Material To Mesh
- AttributesToColor
- Audio Player
- Audio Player Streaming
- Audio2Face Core Fullface Instance
- Audio2Face Core Regular Instance
- Audio2Gesture Instance
- Audio2Gesture Streaming Instance
- AugBgRandExp
- AugContrastExp
- AugConv2dExp
- AugCropResizeExp
- AugCutMixExp
- AugImgBlendExp
- Augment
- Augment
- AugMotionBlurExp
- AugPixellateExp
- AugRotateExp
- Avatar Receiver
- Average Normals
- Bind Material
- BlendShape Deformer
- Blendshape Solve
- Bounding Box 2D
- Bounding Box 3D
- BoundingBoxLegacy
- bundle to usda text
- BundleGather
- Calculate camera position when looking at a prim.
- Calculate Mesh Tension
- Camera Groundtruth
- Camera Relative Position
- CameraCCMSampleTask
- CameraCfa2x2EncoderTask
- CameraCFAToMipiTask
- CameraCompandingTask
- CameraComSinkTask
- CameraDataReaderTask
- CameraDataWriterSampleTask
- CameraDataWriterTask
- CameraDefaultEmbeddedLinesTask
- CameraDownScaleTask
- CameraEmbeddedLinesSlicer
- CameraEquidistantProjectionTask
- CameraEtHdrNoiseTask
- CameraOutputInplaceTask
- CameraParams
- CameraRenderNodeTranslatorTask
- CameraRGBEncoderTask
- CameraSiLTranscoderTask
- CameraTimeCodeWriterTask
- CameraVideoEncoderTask
- CameraYCbCrEncoderTask
- Check Goal 2D
- ColorCorrectionMatrixTask
- Conveyor Belt
- Count
- Count
- Debug Draw Lines
- Debug Draw Points
- DecoderRTSensorBatch
- Decompose Matrix
- Deformed Points to Hydra
- DeltaBlend Deformer
- Differential Controller
- Displace
- Dope
- Draw Lines
- Draw Points
- DrawLines Node
- DrawPoints Node
- EgoDynamics
- EgoTransform
- EncodeDataComponents
- Example Basic Instance
- Example Keyframer Instance
- Example Node: Adjacency
- Example Node: Smooth Points
- Example Selector Instance
- Example Vector Instance
- Export Houdini Geometry To Stage
- export USD prim data
- Extract Animation Graph Pose Bundle
- Face Signal Receiver
- Float Array Tuner
- For each node
- Force Field: Conical
- Force Field: Drag
- Force Field: Linear
- Force Field: Noise
- Force Field: Planar
- Force Field: Ring
- Force Field: Spherical
- Force Field: Spin
- Force Field: Wind
- FrameGate
- Frame Gate
- FreespaceCompute
- GenericSinkNode
- GenericTerminalNode
- genproc: curve instancer from curves
- genproc: extract points from prims
- genproc: point instancer from curves
- genproc: prim to transform
- GeomCurve
- Get Animation Graph Joint Transform
- Get Animation Graph World Transform
- Get Joint Xform
- Get Pointcloud Python
- Get Points
- Get Prim at Path
- Get Prims
- Get Skeleton Data
- Get Skeleton Prims
- Get Xform
- GPSSourceNode
- GpuInterop Cuda Entry
- Great GrandParent Path
- Group
- GXF Context
- Holonomic Controller
- Houdini Digital Asset Node
- Houdini Session
- IDSDataProcessing
- IDSNumpyTranscoder
- IDSVizTranscoder
- Import Data Components
- import USD prim data
- IMUPlotNode
- IMUSourceNode
- InstanceIdSegmentation
- InstanceIdSegmentationLegacy
- InstanceIdSegmentationReduction
- InstanceSegmentation
- InstanceSegmentationLegacy
- InstanceSegmentationReduction
- Interval Filter
- Jiggle Deformer
- LidarAccumulator
- LidarFileReader
- LidarPointAccumulator
- LidarPointCloudCSVWriter
- LidarRTSensorBatchFileReader
- LidarRTSensorBatchFileReader
- LidarRTSensorBatchFileWriter
- LidarVisualizer
- LidarWebVisualizer
- load texture 2d
- Log Uniform Distribution
- Make prim look at target
- Material Randomizer Node
- MaterialAnalyzer
- MaterialScenarioReader
- Math Operation
- Matrix Constraint
- Matrix Inverse
- Matrix Mixer
- Matrix Multiply
- MergeAttributes
- Modify Animation Target
- Motion Path
- Multinomial Distribution
- Non visual sensor (radar/lidar for now) groundtruth
- Normal Distribution
- NVIDIA IndeX distributed compute technique
- Offset Deformer
- omni.anim.PinConstraint
- omni.deform.Mush
- omni.deform.Shrinkwrap
- omni.deform.Softwrap
- omni.graph.DeformByCurve
- omni.graph.ExportToHydra
- omni.graph.ExtrudeAlongCurve
- On Frame
- On Frame
- On MIDI Message
- On OSC Message
- On Time
- Paint
- Passthrough
- Per axis pose
- Pick-and-Place Controller
- PointInstancerEditingBrush
- Pose
- PrepSinkLidar
- PrimPaths
- Prox
- Quintic Path Planner
- RampParameterTest
- Random
- Random 3f
- Randomize light properties
- Randomize Population
- RandomTransform
- Raw Points Receiver
- Read USD Attribute Range
- ReadComponents
- Receive Audio Stream
- Receive Livelink
- Remap Values
- Render Preprocess Entry
- RpResource Example Allocator Node
- RpResource Example Deformer Node
- RpResource to Hydra Example Node
- Sample Combine
- Sample Rotation
- SampleTexture2D
- SampleTranscoder
- Scatter Node: 2D Polygon Scattering
- Scatter Node: 3D Scattering
- scatter points
- Scatter Points from Camera
- scatter points group
- scatter points modifier
- scene visualization: curve visualizer
- scene visualization: point instancer visualizer
- scene visualization: point visualizer
- scene visualization: tri mesh visualizer
- SelectTransformTRS
- SemanticOcclusionReduction
- SemanticSegmentation
- Sensor Initializer
- Sequence Sampling
- Set Animation Graph World Transform
- Set Pivot
- Set Points
- Set Timeline
- Set Visibility
- Set Xform
- Shared ST
- Signal To Rig Mapper
- SineWave Deformer
- SinkPrepRadar
- SinkPrepUSS
- Size to Scale
- Skel Composer
- Skeleton Joint
- Skin Deformer
- Skin Deformer
## Nodes
- Skin Reader
- Stanley Control PID
- Stream Livelink
- Surface Gripper
- Texture Randomizer
- Timeline
- Timer
- Timesample Points
- TimeSamplesPlayer
- Timestep selector
- TranscoderLidar
- TranscoderLidarUDP
- TranscoderRadar
- TranscoderRadarUDP
- TranscoderUltrasonicUDP
- TranscoderUltrasonicUDP
- transform bundle
- Trigger Gate
- Uniform Distribution
- Update Animation Graph
- Update data studio core
- Update Tick Event
- Usd Setup Holonomic Robot
- USD Skel Anim
- USD Skel Reader
- USSReceiver
- VehicleDynamics
- VehicleTransforms
- Visualizer
- VizTranscoderRadar
- VizTranscoderRadarCfar
- VizTranscoderUltrasonic
- Where Indices
- Write Animation Graph Variable
- Write Carb Settings
- Write Physics Attribute
- Write Physics Attribute using Tensor API
- Write Physics Attribute using Tensor API
- Write Physics Attribute using Tensor API
- Write Prim Attribute
- Write Semantics
- Writer
- Xform Constraint
- Y Translate Deformer
## Constants Nodes
- Constant UChar
- Constant UInt
## Constant Nodes
- Constant UInt64
- ConstantBool
- ConstantColor3f
- ConstantColor4f
- ConstantDouble
- ConstantDouble2
- ConstantDouble3
- ConstantDouble4
- ConstantFloat
- ConstantFloat2
- ConstantFloat3
- ConstantFloat4
- ConstantHalf
- ConstantHalf2
- ConstantHalf3
- ConstantHalf4
- ConstantInt
- ConstantInt2
- ConstantInt4
- ConstantInt64
- ConstantPath
- ConstantPi
- ConstantPoint3d
- ConstantPoint3f
- ConstantQuatd
- ConstantQuatf
- ConstantString
- ConstantTexCoord2f
- ConstantTexCoord2h
- ConstantTexCoord3f
- ConstantTexCoord3h
- ConstantToken
## Curve Nodes
### Curve Nodes
- Closest Point on Curve
- curves: point on curve
- curves: pushout curve points
- Get Curve Data
- Resample Curves
- Transforms to Curve
## Def Pi Nodes
### Def Pi Nodes
- Bend Deformer
- Field WeightObject
- Flare Deformer
- Magnet Deformer
- Sine Deformer
- Twist Deformer
- Wave Deformer
## Examples Nodes
### Examples Nodes
- Abs Double (Python)
- Clamp Double (Python)
- Compose Double3 (Python)
- Count To
- Decompose Double3 (Python)
- Deprecated Node - Bouncing Cubes (GPU)
- Deprecated Node - Bouncing Cubes (GPU)
- Dynamic Switch
- Example Node: Compound
- Example Node: Cpu To Disk
- Example Node: Extract Float3 Array
- Example Node: Gpu To Cpu Copy
- Example Node: Multiply Float
- Example Node: Multiply From Prim
- Example Node: Render Postprocess
- Example Node: Render Postprocess
- Example Node: Simple IK
- Example Node: Simple Multiply
- Example Node: Simple Sine Wave Deformer
- Example Node: Sine Wave Deformer
- Example Node: Sine Wave GPU Deformer
- Example Node: Sine Wave Prim Deformer
- Example Node: Sine Wave Prim GPU Deformer
- Example Node: Time-based Sine Wave Deformer
- Example Node: Universal Add Node
- Example Node: Versioned Deformer
- Example Node: Z Threshold Deformer
- Example Node: Z Threshold GPU Deformer
- Example Node: Z Threshold Prim Deformer
- Exec Switch
- Int Counter
- Multiply Double (Python)
- PositionToColor
- Sine Wave Deformer Y-axis (Python)
- Sine Wave Deformer Z-axis (Python GPU)
- Sine Wave Deformer Z-axis (Python)
- Subtract Double (Python)
- Test Singleton
- TestInitNode
- Universal Add For All Types (Python)
- VersionedDeformerPy
### Flowcontrol Nodes
#### Select Gate By Index
#### Select If
#### Select Value By Index
### Flowusd Nodes
## FlowUSD Nodes
- Flow Blocks
- Flow NanoVDB Readback
- Flow SimTime
## Function Nodes
- Append String
- Ends With
- Is Empty
- Slang Function
- Starts With
- To String
- To Token
## Geometry Analysis Nodes
- Length Along Curve
## Geometry Generator Nodes
- Crate Curve From Frame
- Create Tube Topology
- Curve Tube Positions
- Curve Tube ST
## Graph Action Nodes
- Blend Variants
- Branch
- Button (BETA)
- Clear Variant Selection
- Combo Box (BETA)
- Countdown
- Counter
- Delay
- Flip Flop
- For Each Loop
- For Loop
- Gate
- Get Variant Names
- Get Variant Selection
- Get Variant Set Names
- Has Variant Set
- Multigate
- On Closing
- On Custom Event
- On Frame
- On Gamepad Input
- On Impulse Event
- On Keyboard Input
- On Loaded
- On MessageBus Event
- On Mouse Input
- On New Frame
- On Picked (BETA)
- On PlaybackTick
## Graph Action Nodes
- On Playback Tick
- On Stage Event
- On Tick
- On USD Object Change
- On Variable Change
- On Viewport Clicked (BETA)
- On Viewport Dragged (BETA)
- On Viewport Hovered (BETA)
- On Viewport Pressed (BETA)
- On Viewport Scrolled (BETA)
- On Widget Clicked (BETA)
- On Widget Value Changed (BETA)
- Once
- Placer (BETA)
- Rational Sync Gate
- Read Widget Property (BETA)
- SdInstanceMapping
- SdInstanceMappingPtr
- SdLinearArrayToTexture
- SdOnNewFrame
- SdOnNewRenderProductFrame
- SdRenderVarDisplayTexture
- SdRenderVarPtr
- SdRenderVarToRawArray
- SdTestPrintRawArray
- Send Custom Event
- Sequence
- Set Prim Active
- Set Variant Selection
- Set Viewport Fullscreen
- Set Viewport Mode (BETA)
- Set Viewport Renderer
- Set Viewport Resolution
- Slider (BETA)
- Spacer (BETA)
- Stack (BETA)
- Switch On Token
- Sync Gate
- Write Widget Property (BETA)
- Write Widget Style (BETA)
## Graph Particle,Particle Nodes
- build triangle mesh acceleration tree
- collider
- destroy field
- direction force field
- drag force field
- emitter
- euler angles to quaternions
- flowemitter
## Omni Particle System Core Nodes
- flow emitter
- geometry replicator
- merge particles
- noise force field
- point instancer
- radial force field
- ramp modulator
- simulation space
- solver
- st panner
- triangulate mesh
- visualizer
- vortex force field
## Graph Particles, Particles Nodes
- BillboardMesher
- BoidsField
- Collision
- DestroyField
- DirectionField
- DragField
- EmitFromPoints
- Emitter
- EndOfLifeDelete
- FlowEmitterPoint
- FlowEmitterSphere
- FlowManager
- FlowSettings
- GravityField
- MedialAxisField
- NoiseField
- ParticleInstancer
- ParticlesToPoints
- ParticleSystem
- PhysxApplyCloth
- PhysxApplyMass
- PhysxApplyRigidBody
- PhysxParticleSystem
- PhysxSettings
- PhysxSolver
- RadialField
- RampModulator
- SetColorAttribute
- SetDisplayAttributes
- SetFloatAttribute
- SetIntAttribute
- SetVectorAttribute
- StorePrevTransform
- STPanner
- Visualizer
# Graph Postrender Nodes
- OgnSensorVisualizerViewport
- SdFrameIdentifier
- SdPostCompRenderVarTextures
- SdPostInstanceMapping
- SdPostRenderVarDisplayTexture
- SdPostRenderVarTextureToBuffer
- SdPostRenderVarToHost
- SdPostSemantic3dBoundingBoxCameraProjection
- SdPostSemantic3dBoundingBoxFilter
- SdPostSemanticBoundingBox
- SdRenderProductCamera
# Graph Scatter,Scatter Nodes
- [Beta] Scatter Camera Surface
- [Beta] Scatter Test Surface
- ScaleScatterPoints
- Scatter
- Scatter Prim Mask
- ScatterBakeMaskToTexture
- ScatterCombineMask
- ScatterFileTexture
- ScatterGroup
- ScatterInvertMask
- ScatterMaskFilter
- ScatterOutput
- ScatterSlopeMask
# Graph Simulation Nodes
- SdSemanticFilter
- SdSimInstanceMapping
- SdSimRenderProductCamera
- SdTestInstanceMapping
- SdTestRenderProductCamera
- SdTestStageManipulationScenarii
- SdTestStageSynchronization
- SdUpdateSwFrameNumber
# Input Gamepad Nodes
- Read Gamepad State
# Input Keyboard Nodes
## Input Mouse Nodes
### Read Mouse State
## Isaaccore Nodes
### Isaac Compute Odometry Node
### Isaac Create Render Product
### Isaac Create Viewport
### Isaac Depth to Point Cloud
### Isaac Generate 32FC1
### Isaac Generate RGBA
### Isaac Get Viewport Render Product
### Isaac Read Camera Info
### Isaac Read Env Var
### Isaac Read File Path
### Isaac Read Simulation Time
### Isaac Read System Time
### Isaac RGBA to RGB
### Isaac Set Camera
### Isaac Set Viewport Resolution
### Isaac Simulation Gate
### Isaac Test Node
### Scale To/From Stage Units
## Isaacdebugdraw Nodes
### Isaac Debug Draw Point Cloud
## Isaacgxf Nodes
### GXF Camera Helper
### GXF Configure TCP Server
## Isaacgxf Publisher Nodes
### GXF Build Pose Tree Frame map
### GXF Publish Differential Control State
### GXF Publish Image
### GXF Publish IMU
### GXF Publish Pose Tree
### GXF Publish Range Scan
### GXF Publish Timestamp
## Isaacgxf Subscriber Nodes
### GXF Subscribe Differential Control Command
## Isaacrangesensor Nodes
### Isaac Read Lidar Beams Node
### Isaac Read Lidar Point Cloud Node
## Isaacrobotenginebridge Publisher Nodes
## Isaacrobotenginebridge Publisher Nodes
- REB Publish Differential State
- REB Publish Range Scan
- REB Publish RigidBody3 Group
## Isaacrobotenginebridge Subscriber Nodes
### Isaacrobotenginebridge Subscriber Nodes
- REB Subscribe Differential Command
## Isaacros Nodes
### Isaacros Nodes
- ROS1 Camera Helper
- ROS1 Master Status
- ROS1 RTX Lidar Helper
## Isaacros Publisher Nodes
### Isaacros Publisher Nodes
- ROS1 Publish Bbox2D
- ROS1 Publish Bbox3D
- ROS1 Publish Camera Info
- ROS1 Publish Clock
- ROS1 Publish Image
- ROS1 Publish Imu
- ROS1 Publish Joint State
- ROS1 Publish Laser Scan
- ROS1 Publish Odometry
- ROS1 Publish Point Cloud
- ROS1 Publish Raw Transform Tree
- ROS1 Publish Semantic Labels
- ROS1 Publish Transform Tree
## Isaacros Service Nodes
### Isaacros Service Nodes
- ROS1 Teleport Service
## Isaacros Subscriber Nodes
### Isaacros Subscriber Nodes
- ROS1 Subscribe Clock
- ROS1 Subscribe Joint State
- ROS1 Subscribe Twist
## Isaacros2 Nodes
### Isaacros2 Nodes
- ROS2 Camera Helper
- ROS2 Camera Helper
- ROS2 Context
- ROS2 Context
- ROS2 RTX Lidar Helper
- ROS2 RTX Lidar Helper
## Isaacros2 Publisher Nodes
### Isaacros2 Publisher Nodes
- ROS2 Publish Bbox2D
- ROS2 Publish Bbox2D
- ROS2 Publish Bbox3D
- ROS2 Publish Bbox3D
- ROS2 Publish Camera Info
## ROS2 Publisher Nodes
- ROS2 Publish Camera Info
- ROS2 Publish Camera Info
- ROS2 Publish Clock
- ROS2 Publish Clock
- ROS2 Publish Image
- ROS2 Publish Image
- ROS2 Publish Imu
- ROS2 Publish Imu
- ROS2 Publish Joint State
- ROS2 Publish Joint State
- ROS2 Publish Laser Scan
- ROS2 Publish Laser Scan
- ROS2 Publish Odometry
- ROS2 Publish Odometry
- ROS2 Publish Point Cloud
- ROS2 Publish Point Cloud
- ROS2 Publish Raw Transform Tree
- ROS2 Publish Raw Transform Tree
- ROS2 Publish Semantic Labels
- ROS2 Publish Semantic Labels
- ROS2 Publish Transform Tree
- ROS2 Publish Transform Tree
## Isaacros2 Subscriber Nodes
- ROS2 Subscribe Clock
- ROS2 Subscribe Clock
- ROS2 Subscribe Joint State
- ROS2 Subscribe Joint State
- ROS2 Subscribe Twist
- ROS2 Subscribe Twist
## Isaacsensor Nodes
- Isaac Compute RTX Lidar Flat Scan Node
- Isaac Compute RTX Lidar Point Cloud Node
- Isaac Compute RTX Radar Point Cloud Node
- Isaac Print RTX Lidar Info
- Isaac Print RTX Radar Info
- Isaac Read Contact Sensor
- Isaac Read IMU Node
- Isaac Read RTX Lidar Point Data
- Isaac RenderVar To CPU Pointer Node
## Material Interface Nodes
- Umm Select Target
- Umm Source
- Umm Target
## Math Array Nodes
## Array Nodes
- Array Fill
- Array Find Value
- Array Get Size
- Array Index
- Array Insert Value
- Array Remove Index
- Array Remove Value
- Array Resize
- Array Rotate
- Array Set Index
- Extract Attribute Array Length
- Make Array
## Math Condition Nodes
- Any Zero
- Boolean AND
- Boolean NAND
- Boolean NOR
- Boolean Not
- Boolean OR
- Boolean XOR
- Compare
- Each Zero
- Is Zero
## Math Conversion Nodes
- Break 2-Vector
- Break 3-Vector
- Break 4-Vector
- Make 2-Vector
- Make 3-Vector
- Make 4-Vector
- To Degrees
- To Double
- To Float
- To Half
- To Radians
- To Uint64
## Math Operator Nodes
- Absolute
- Add
- Arccos
- Arcsine
- Arctangent
- Atan2
- Ceiling
- Clamp
- Compute Integer Array Partial Sums
- Cosine
- Cross Product
- Distance3D
- Divide
## Omni Graph Nodes
* Dot Product
* Easing Function
* Exponent
* Extract Source Index Array
* Float Remainder
* Floor
* Get Look At Rotation
* Get Rotation
* Get Rotation Quaternion
* Get Translation
* Increment
* Interpolate To
* Interpolator
* Invert Matrix
* Magnitude
* Make Transformation Matrix from TRS
* Make Transformation Matrix Look At
* Matrix Multiply
* Modulo
* Multiply
* Negate
* Noise
* Normalize
* Nth Root
* Random Boolean
* Random Gaussian
* Random Numeric
* Random Unit Quaternion
* Random Unit Vector
* Rotate Vector
* Round
* Set Rotation
* Set Rotation Quaternion
* Set Translation
* Sine
* Subtract
* Tan
* Transform Vector
## Omni Volume Nodes
* Load VDB
* Save VDB
## Physx Blast Nodes
* Authoring: Combine
* Authoring: Fracture
* Authoring: Stress Settings
* Events: Flow Adapter
* Events: Gather
* GeneratePoints
## Physx Character Controller Nodes
## Character Controller
## Controls Settings
## Spawn Capsule
## Physx Contacts Nodes
### On Contact Event
### On Contact Event, Advanced
## Physx Immediate Queries Nodes
### Compute Bounds Overlaps
### Compute Geometry Bounds
### Compute Geometry Overlaps
### Compute Geometry Penetrations
### Compute Geometry Bounds
### Compute Mesh Intersecting Faces
### Generate Geometry Contacts
## Physx Scene Queries Nodes
### Overlap, Box, All
### Overlap, Box, Any
### Overlap, Prim, All
### Overlap, Prim, Any
### Overlap, Sphere, All
### Overlap, Sphere, Any
### Raycast, All
### Raycast, Any
### Raycast, Closest
### Sweep, Sphere, All
### Sweep, Sphere, Any
### Sweep, Sphere, Closest
## Physx Scene Vehicles Nodes
### Get Vehicle Drive State
### Get Wheel State
## Physx Triggers Nodes
### On Trigger
## Scenegraph Camera Nodes
### Get Active Camera
### Get Camera Position
### Get Camera Target
### Set Active Camera
### Set Camera Position
### Set Camera Target
## Scenegraph Nodes
### Add Prim Relationship
### Append Path
## Core Nodes
* Constant Prims
* DestroyEntity
* Find Prims
* FindEntity
* Get Graph Target
* Get Graph Target Prim
* Get Parent Path
* Get Parent Prims
* Get Prim Direction Vector
* Get Prim Local to World Transform
* Get Prim Path
* Get Prim Paths
* Get Prim Relationship
* Get Prims At Path
* Get Relative Path
* GetGraphTargetId
* Is Prim Active
* Is Prim Selected
* Material Randomizer Node
* Move To Target
* Move to Transform
* Randomize light properties
* Read OmniGraph Value
* Read Prim Attribute
* Read Prim Attributes
* Read Prim Material
* Read Prims
* Read Setting
* Read Stage Selection
* Rotate To Orientation
* Rotate To Target
* Sample Population
* Sample Rotation
* Scale To Size
* Scatter Node: 2D Polygon Scattering
* Scatter Node: 3D Scattering
* SpawnEntity
* Translate To Location
* Translate To Target
* Write Prim Attribute
* Write Prim Attributes
* Write Prim Material
* Write Prims
* Write Setting
## Script Nodes
* Script Node
## Sound Nodes
* Pause Sound
## Play Sound
## Stop Sound
## Spatial Nodes
### Order Matrices by Distance
### Order Points by Distance
### Order Prims by Distance
### Raycast
## Tagging Nodes
### Tag Points from Prims
### Tag Prims
### Tag Prims from Ramp
## Time Nodes
### Read Time
## Tutorials Nodes
### Example Offset Node
### Python Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Array Pointers In Cpu Memory
### Tutorial Node: ABI Overrides
### Tutorial Node: Array Attributes
### Tutorial Node: Attributes With Arrays of Tuples
### Tutorial Node: Attributes With CPU/GPU Data
### Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Array Pointers In Cpu Memory
### Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Data
### Tutorial Node: Attributes With Simple Data
### Tutorial Node: Bundle Add Attributes
### Tutorial Node: Bundle Data
### Tutorial Node: Bundle Manipulation
### Tutorial Node: CPU/GPU Bundles
### Tutorial Node: CPU/GPU Extended Attributes
### Tutorial Node: Defaults
### Tutorial Node: Dynamic Attributes
### Tutorial Node: Extended Attribute Types
### Tutorial Node: Internal States
### Tutorial Node: No Attributes
### Tutorial Node: Overriding C++ Data Types
### Tutorial Node: Role-Based Attributes
### Tutorial Node: SIMD Add
### Tutorial Node: Tokens
### Tutorial Node: Tuple Attributes
### Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough
### Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough via ABI
### Tutorial Python Node: ABI Overrides
### Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Arrays of Tuples
### Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Simple Data
### Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Add Attributes
## Tutorial Python Nodes
- Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Data
- Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Manipulation
- Tutorial Python Node: CPU/GPU Bundles
- Tutorial Python Node: CPU/GPU Extended Attributes
- Tutorial Python Node: Dynamic Attributes
- Tutorial Python Node: Extended Attribute Types
- Tutorial Python Node: Generic Math Node
- Tutorial Python Node: Internal States
- Tutorial Python Node: State Attributes
- Tutorial Python Node: Tokens
## Ui Nodes
### Ui Nodes
- Read Pick State (BETA)
- Read Viewport Click State (BETA)
- Read Viewport Drag State (BETA)
- Read Viewport Hover State (BETA)
- Read Viewport Press State (BETA)
- Read Viewport Scroll State (BETA)
- Read Window Size (BETA)
## Viewport Nodes
### Viewport Nodes
- Get Viewport Renderer
- Get Viewport Resolution | 22,739 | | # Node Description Editor
The OmniGraph node description editor is the user interface to create and edit the code that implements OmniGraph Nodes, as well as providing a method for creating a minimal extension that can be used to bring them into your application. The window can be opened through the **Window -> Visual Scripting** and will look something like this when you open it:
The files it will create include the .ogn file that describes the node contents, a basic .py file that provides a template for writing your node’s computation algorithm, and the `config/extension.toml` file required by any extension to make nodes visible in the Omniverse environment.
Follow along with the external tutorial to see how this editor can be used to create an OmniGraph node in Python.
> **Warning**
> This editor was created as a quick prototype to help users who are not very technically proficient get up and running with creating OmniGraph nodes. There are many shortcomings in this editor and there is a plan to replace it with something more robust, complete, and modern in the future. You can use it for basic implementations but for anything more complex you will want to consult the documentation on **OmniGraph Nodes** and the **OGN User Guide**. | 1,257 | | # OmniGraph Node Architects Guide
This outlines the code that will be generated behind the scenes by the node generator from a .ogn file. This includes the API presented to the node that is outlined in [OGN User Guide](#ogn-user-guide).
As the details of the generated code are expected to change rapidly this guide does not go into specific details, it only provides the broad strokes, expecting the developer to go to the either the generated code or the code generation scripts for the current implementation details.
## Helper Templates
A lot of the generated C++ code relies on templates defined in the helper files `omni/graph/core/Ogn*.h`, which contains code that assists in the registration and running of the node, classes to wrap the internal data used by the node for evaluation, and general type conversion assistance.
None of the code in there is compiled so there is no ABI compatibility problem. This is a critical feature of these wrappers.
See the files themselves for full documentation on what they handle.
## C ABI Interface
The key piece of generated code is the one that links the external C ABI for the compute node with the class implementing a particular node’s evaluation algorithm. This lets the node writer focus on their business logic rather than boilerplate ABI conformity details.
The actual ABI implementation for the `INodeType` interface is handled by the templated helper class `OmniGraphNode_ABI` from `OgnHelpers.h`. It implements all of the functions required by the ABI, then uses the “tag-dispatching” technique to selectively call either the default implementation, or the one provided by the node writer.
In turn, that class has a derived class of `RegisterOgnNode` (defined in `OgnHelpers.h`). It adds handling of the automatic registration and deregistration of node types.
Instantiation of the ABI helper class for a given node type is handled by the `REGISTER_OGN_NODE()` macro, required at the end of every node implementation file.
## Attribute Information Caching
ABI access requires attribute information be looked up by name, which can cause a lot of inefficiency. To prevent this, a templated helper class `IAttributeOgnInfo` is created for every attribute. It contains the attribute’s information, such as its name, its unique handle token, and default value (if any). This is information that is the same for the attribute in every instance of the node so there is only one static instance of it.
## Fabric Access
This is the core of the benefit provided by the .ogn generated interface. Every node has a `OgnMyNodeDatabase` class generated for it, which contains accessors to all of the Fabric data in an intuitive form. The base class `OmniGraphDatabase`, from `OgnHelpers.h`, provides the common functionality for that access, including token conversion, and access to the context and node objects provided by the ABI.
The attribute data access is accomplished with two or three pieces of data for every attribute.
- A raw pointer to the data for that attribute residing in the Fabric
- (optional, for arrays only) A raw pointer to the element count for the Fabric array data
- A wrapper class, which will return a reference object from its `operator()` function
The data accessors are put inside structs named `inputs` and `outputs` so that data can be accessed by the actual attribute’s name, e.g. `db.inputs.myInputAttribute()`.
## Accessing Data
The general approach to accessing attribute data on a node is to wrap the Fabric data in a class that is suited to handle the movement of data between Fabric and the node in a way that is more natural to the node writer.
For consistency of access, the accessors all override the call operator (`operator()`) to return a wrapper class that provides access to the data in a natural form. For example, simple POD data will return a direct reference to the underlying Fabric data (e.g. a `float&`) for manipulation.
Inputs typically provide const access only. The declaration of the return values can always be simplified by using `const auto&` for inputs and `auto&` for outputs and state attributes.
More complex types will return wrappers tailored towards their own access. Where it gets tricky is with variable sized attributes, such as arrays or bundles. We cannot rely on standard data types to manage them as Fabric is the sole arbiter of memory management.
Such classes are returned as wrappers that operate as though they are standard types but are actually intermediates for translating those operations into Fabric manipulation.
For example instead of retrieving arrays as raw `float*` or `std::vector<float>` they will be retrieved as the wrapper class `ogn::array` or `ogn::const_array`. This allows all the same manipulations as a `std::vector<float>` including iteration for use in the STL algorithm library, through Fabric interfaces.
If you are familiar with the concept of `std::span` an array can be thought of in the same way, where the raw data is managed by Fabric.
## Data Initialization
All of this data must be initialized before the `compute()` method can be called. This is done in the constructor of the generated database class, which is constructed by the ABI wrapper to the node’s compute method.
Here’s a pseudocode view of the calls that would result from a node compute request:
OmniGraphNode_ABI<MyNode, MyNodeDatabase>::compute(graphContext, node);
OgnMyNodeDatabase db(graphContext, node);
getAttributesR for all input attributes
getAttributesW for all output attributes
getDataR for all input attributes
getElementCount for all input array attributes
getDataW for all output attributes
getElementCount for all output array attributes
return db.validate() ? OgnMyNode::compute(db) : false;
## Input Validation
The node will have specified certain conditions required in order for the compute function to be valid. In the simplest form it will require that a set of input and output attributes exist on the node. Rather than forcing every node writer to check these conditions before they run their algorithm this is handled by a generated `validate()` function.
This function checks the underlying Fabric data to make sure it conforms to the conditions required by the node.
In future versions this validation will perform more sophisticated tasks, such as confirming that two sets of input arrays have the same size, or that attribute values are within the legal ranges the node can recognize.
## Python Support
Python support comes in two forms - support for C++ nodes, and ABI definition for Python node implementations.
For any node written in C++ there is a Python accessor class created that contains properties for accessing the attribute data on the node. The evaluation context is passed to the accessor class so it can only be created when one is available.
The accessor is geared for getting and setting values on the attributes of a node.
import omni.graph.core as og
from my.extension.ogn import OgnMyNodeDatabase
my_node = og.get_graph_by_path("/World/PushGraph").get_node("/World/PushGraph/MyNode")
my_db = OgnMyNodeDatabase(my_node)
print(f"The current value of my float attribute is {my_db.inputs.myFloat}")
my_db.inputs.myFloat = 5.0
For Python node implementations the registration process is performed automatically when you load your extension by looking for the `ogn/` subdirectory of your Python import path. The generated Python class performs all of the
underlying management tasks such as registering the ABI methods, providing forwarding for any methods you might have
overridden, creating attribute accessors, and initializing attributes and metadata.
In addition, all of your nodes will be automatically deregistered when the extension is disabled. | 7,814 | | # OmniGraph Nodes in omni.graph.index
## NVIDIA IndeX distributed compute technique
- **Version**: 1
- **ID**: omni.graph.index.indexDistributedComputeTechnique
- **Language**: C++
Integration with NVIDIA IndeX distributed compute technique
## Timestep selector
- **Version**: 1
- **ID**: omni.graph.index.timestepSelector
- **Language**: C++
Selects a timestep from time input | 383 | | # NVIDIA OMNIVERSE LICENSE AGREEMENT
This license, including the terms referenced is a legal agreement between you and NVIDIA Corporation (“NVIDIA”) and governs the use of NVIDIA Omniverse for both individuals and Omniverse Enterprise Subscriptions. By accessing or using Omniverse and the associated services, as applicable, you are affirming that you have read and agree to this license.
This license can be accepted only by an adult of legal age of majority in the country in which Omniverse is used. If you are under the legal age of majority, you must ask your parent or legal guardian to consent to this license.
If you are entering into this license on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the legal authority to bind the entity to this license, in which case “you” will mean the entity you represent.
If you don’t have the required age or authority to accept this license, or if you don’t accept all the terms and conditions of this license, do not use Omniverse.
You agree to use Omniverse only for purposes that are permitted by (a) this license, and (b) any applicable law, regulation or generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions.
## 1. Definitions.
> 1.1 “App” means a NVIDIA application. An App is typically a user persona specific tool, service or workflow.
> 1.2 “Batch” means a NVIDIA batch processing tool for rendering and microservices.
> 1.3 “Configurator Runtime” means software-based tools or applications that facilitate the customization or modification of digital or physical products by selecting or adjusting the features, components or design elements of a product through a digital interactive interface.
> 1.4 “Connector” means a NVIDIA plug-in between Omniverse Products and certain third-party content creation tools or a file format converter.
> 1.5 “Connect SDK” means the NVIDIA software development kit and associated libraries for developing Connectors which enables Apps, and other software applications to communicate with each other.
> 1.6 “Content” means a NVIDIA audio asset, 2D asset or 3D asset.
> 1.7 “Contribution” means any code, in source code format or object code format, or any other information or content, that you make available to NVIDIA by any means (e.g., via submissions to forums, or via the Exchange, or NVIDIA’s GitHub Omniverse repository, or through email or otherwise), except for: (i) those portions of your applications and extensions developed on top of Apps and Extensions without modifying the Apps and Extensions, and (ii) derivative works of Content as authorized under Section 2.1 (e), which are not Contributions.
> 1.8 “Enterprise Support” means your access to the then-current support offerings for the Omniverse Products described at.
> 1.9 “Exchange” means a feature of the Launcher that allows the exchange of Omniverse Products with other Omniverse Licensees.
> 1.10 “Extension” means a uniquely named and versioned software package that enables new capabilities, workflows, UIs or services in Kit.
> 1.11 “Feedback” means suggestions, fixes, modifications, feature requests or other feedback regarding Omniverse, including proposed changes.
> 1.12 “Kit” means a NVIDIA toolkit including Extensions for the development of applications, microservices or plugins.
> 1.13 “Launcher” means a download manager for Omniverse Products.
> 1.14 “License Portal” means the website and its subdomains, including (but not limited to) the associated software and services, from which certain Omniverse users can obtain designated Omniverse Products not generally available from the Omniverse Website.
> 1.15 “Mod” means user-generated content developed using the NVIDIA RTX Remix App, usually using existing content as a foundation.
> 1.16 “Nucleus” means a NVIDIA application that enables collaboration services.
> 1.17 “Omniverse” means the Omniverse Website, License Portal and Omniverse Products.
> 1.18 “Omniverse GitHub Repository” means the repository at.
> 1.19 “Omniverse Licensee” means a third party who is separately licensed by NVIDIA to use the Omniverse Products.
1.20 “Omniverse Products” means the NVIDIA published content that can be downloaded from the Omniverse Website or the License Portal such as the Launcher, Nucleus, Connectors, Connect SDK, Apps, Kits, Batch, Extensions, Content, and Utility Tools each as available at NVIDIA’s discretion exclusive of Third-Party Published Content.
1.21 “Omniverse Website” means the website and its subdomains, including (but not limited to) the associated software and services.
1.22 “Project Content” means a game, application, software, or other content that you develop using Omniverse Products.
1.23 “Public Distribution” means to provide Omniverse or otherwise make a copy available, or to make Omniverse functionality available to third parties.
1.24 “Third-Party Published Content” means any content from third party publishers available to Omniverse users.
1.25 “Utility Tools” means tools for use with Omniverse Products for troubleshooting, diagnostics, performance analysis and maintenance.
## 2. Licenses.
2.1 Grant to Omniverse Products. Subject to the terms of this license and payment of fees (where applicable), NVIDIA grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable (except as described in this license) license to use the NVIDIA Omniverse Products as follows:
- Install and use copies of the Launcher, Nucleus, Connectors, Connect SDK, Apps, Kits, Batch, Extensions, Content, and Utility Tools subject to the applicable limitations of your license (for example, your license type and duration),
- Install and use a single instance of Nucleus Enterprise Subscription License that is bridged with the NVIDIA Omniverse Cloud, and such Nucleus instance can be accessed by any number of NVIDIA Omniverse Cloud users,
- Configure Omniverse Products using the configuration files provided (as applicable),
- Modify and create derivative works of source code provided by NVIDIA as part of the Apps and Extensions, and any Public Distribution (i.e., intended for Omniverse Licensees generally) which includes Apps and Extensions (including as modified by you under this license) must take place either through the Exchange or through a fork of the Omniverse GitHub Repository,
- Modify and create derivative works of: the sample or reference source code delivered in the Utility Tools, and the Content,
- Distribute Connect SDK (unmodified or as modified by you),
- Distribute those Extensions that are identified as samples (unmodified or as modified by you),
- Distribute snippets of any Extensions, up to 30 lines of code in length, online in public forums for the sole purpose of discussing the content of the snippet, or distribute such snippets in connection with supporting patches and plug-ins for the Extension or other Omniverse Products, so long as it is not to aggregate, recombine, or reconstruct any larger portion of the Extension,
- While you have Enterprise Subscription Licenses for Omniverse Products, redistribute the software components listed at (unmodified or as modified by you) to the extent they are incorporated into a Configurator Runtime that runs on the NVIDIA Graphics Delivery Network (GDN) service. You must enter into a separate agreement with NVIDIA to use the GDN service,
- Distribute extensions or applications, other than a Configurator Runtime, that you develop using the Kit and/or Extensions, provided that the Kit itself is not distributed and that Extensions are only distributed pursuant to the grants in subsections 2(f), 2(g) or 2(h),
- Distribute Content (unmodified or as modified by you) as incorporated into your products or services for the purpose of enhancing your work, but not deploy or distribute the Content on a stand-alone basis,
- Distribute user generated content that you develop using Omniverse, such as video, audio, stills, Mods, models, 3D assets and screen captures, and
- Execute batch jobs using Omniverse Products obtained from the License Portal, such as rendering, on compute nodes up to the number of GPUs authorized in your license.
2.2 Terms for Third-Party Published Content. On Omniverse, users may find content from third party publishers, as available from time to time. NVIDIA encourages you to review the license, privacy statements and other documents (as applicable) for the Third-Party Published Content that you choose to obtain, including so that you can understand how the provider may collect, use and share your data. When you obtain Third-Party Published Content delivered by NVIDIA, NVIDIA may also share your registration information and information about your use with the third-party provider. NVIDIA is not responsible for the licenses, privacy statements or practices of other companies or organizations.
NVIDIA does not provide any warranties or support, nor shall NVIDIA be liable to you or third parties with respect to use of Third-Party Published Content. Any claims related to your use of Third-Party Published Content is solely between you and the licensor.
2.3 Promotional Offerings. NVIDIA may, from time to time, offer free or discounted pricing programs covering certain uses of Omniverse Products, as examples for evaluation or academic use. NVIDIA may stop accepting new sign-ups or discontinue a promotional offering at any time. Standard charges will apply after a promotional offering end or if you exceed the promotional offering use terms. You must comply with any additional terms, restrictions, or limitations (e.g., limitations on the total amount of usage) for a promotional offering as described in the corresponding offer terms.
2.4 License Types.
Omniverse Products obtained by individuals from the Omniverse Website under this license may be used commercially, provided however that (a) an authorized user can only use Nucleus, Connectors, Apps and Kits without Enterprise Support with one other individual in your entity or its affiliates to create Project Content without purchasing Subscription Licenses and (b) use of Batch by an individual is limited to two GPUs. For clarity, an entity and its affiliates may have multiple groups of up to two individuals creating Project Content without purchasing Subscription Licenses. Omniverse Enterprise Subscription Licenses are required for an authorized user to use Nucleus, Connectors, Apps and Kits with three or more individuals in your entity or affiliates to create Project Content. The License Portal contains Omniverse Products available under Subscription Licenses.
Omniverse Products in the License Portal are licensed under the license types below; and not all license types may be available for each Omniverse Product. Your order, license key and/or the product description will indicate the features of your license. If a product description indicates more than one limitation, for example GPU, each such limit may not be exceeded.
- “Subscription License” means a license with a fixed duration and inclusive of certain Enterprise Support for the duration of the license. You may have the option to purchase additional Enterprise Support for the duration of a Subscription License, based on NVIDIA’s then-current service offerings.
## 1. Definitions.
- **GPU**: For on-premise deployments, it refers to the number of physical GPUs in the computing environment accessed by the Omniverse Product. In a cloud computing environment, it refers to the number of GPUs attached to the compute instance on which the Omniverse Product is installed. For per GPU licenses, NVIDIA requires one Omniverse Product license for each GPU. For Omniverse Products licensed under the Agreement to run on computing environments or compute instances without an NVIDIA GPU, NVIDIA requires one Omniverse Product license for each computing environment, or compute instance.
- **Named User License**: A license that may only be used by a single named authorized user. Such authorized user may not re-assign or share the license with any other person. If the named authorized user is no longer employed or no longer requires access to Omniverse Product as part of his or her job, you may re-assign a named user license to a new named authorized user. You shall track the names and the access period of individuals in conjunction with the use of Named User Licenses.
## 3. Distribution Requirements.
These are the distribution requirements for you to exercise the distribution grants described above:
- **3.1**: For Omniverse Products distributed that contain NVIDIA source code, you shall include the following notice: "This software contains source code provided by NVIDIA Corporation."
- **3.2**: The terms under which you distribute Omniverse Products must be at least as protective as the terms of this license (including, but not limited to, terms relating to the license grant, license restrictions and protection of NVIDIA’s intellectual property rights).
## 4. Authorized Users.
You may allow employees and contractors of your entity or of your subsidiary(ies) to access and use Omniverse from your secure network to perform work on your behalf. If you are an academic institution, you may allow users enrolled or employed by the academic institution to access and use the Omniverse from your secure network. You are responsible for the compliance with the terms of this license by your authorized users.
## 5. Limitations.
Your license to use Omniverse is restricted as follows:
- **5.1**: You shall use Omniverse exclusively for authorized and legal purposes, consistent with all applicable laws, regulations and the rights of others.
- **5.2**: You may not combine the use of paid and unpaid Omniverse Products to bypass paying license or service fees to NVIDIA. If three or more individuals in your entity or its affiliates collaborate to create Project Content, Subscription Licenses are required.
- **5.3**: You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble, or remove copyright or other proprietary notices from any portion of the Omniverse Products or copies of the Omniverse Products.
- **5.4**: Except as expressly provided in this license, you may not copy, sell, rent, sublicense, transfer, distribute, modify or create derivative works of any portion of Omniverse, including (without limitation) in any publicly accessible software repositories.
- **5.5**: You are not licensed to use Omniverse Products to provide a service to third parties as a hosted or managed service without having a separate agreement with NVIDIA for this purpose. You may contact [email protected] with a request for a license.
- **5.6**: You may not indicate that a product or service developed with Omniverse is sponsored or endorsed by NVIDIA.
- **5.7**: You may not bypass, disable, or circumvent any technical limitations, encryption, security, digital rights management or authentication mechanism in Omniverse.
- **5.8**: You may not misuse, disrupt or exploit NVIDIA servers for any unauthorized use, or try to access areas not intended for users, or upload to NVIDIA servers any malware (such as viruses, drop dead device, worm, trojan horse, trap, back door or other software routine of such nature), or use NVIDIA servers for any form of excessive automated bulk activity, or to relay any other form of unsolicited advertising or solicitation.
- **5.9**: You may not use the Omniverse Products in any manner that would cause them to become subject to an open source software or shareware license. As examples, licenses that require as a condition of use, modification, and/or distribution that the Omniverse Products be (i) disclosed or distributed in source code form; (ii) licensed for the purpose of making derivative works; or (iii) redistributable at no charge.
- **5.10**: Unless you have an agreement with NVIDIA for the use of Omniverse in critical applications, you may not use the Omniverse Products with any system or application where the use or failure of the system or application can reasonably be expected to threaten or result in personal injury, death, or catastrophic loss. Examples include use in avionics, navigation, military, medical, life support or other life critical applications. NVIDIA does not design, test or manufacture the Omniverse Products for these critical uses and NVIDIA shall not be liable to you or any third party, in whole or in part, for any claims or damages arising from such uses.
- **5.11**: You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless NVIDIA and its affiliates, and their respective employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, fines, restitutions and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees and costs incident to establishing the right of indemnification) arising out of or related to your use of Omniverse outside of the scope of this license, or not in compliance with its terms. If you are prohibited by law from entering into the indemnification obligation above, then you assume, to the extent permitted by law, all liability for all claims, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees, costs and expert witnesses’ fees) that are the stated subject matter of the indemnification obligation above.
- **5.12**: You may not distribute or disclose to third parties the output of the Utility Tools where the output reveals functionality or performance data pertinent to NVIDIA hardware or software products, results of benchmarking, competitive analysis, regression or performance data relating to the Utility Tools or NVIDIA GPUs without the prior written permission from NVIDIA.
- **5.13**: You may not replace any NVIDIA software components in the Omniverse Products that are governed by this license with other software that implements NVIDIA APIs.
- **5.14**: You may not use the Omniverse Products for the purpose of developing competing products or technologies or assisting a third party in such activities.
## 6. Updates and Support.
NVIDIA will at its sole discretion update the Omniverse Website, License Portal and Omniverse Products that are available from the Omniverse Website and License Portal. NVIDIA and you may consent to update over the air your version of the Launcher. Except if pursuant to an accepted order, NVIDIA is under no obligation to provide Enterprise Support services. Unless revisions are provided with their separate governing terms, they are deemed part of the Omniverse Website, License Portal or the Omniverse Product, as applicable, and governed by this license.
- Log-In Information.
> You are responsible for maintaining your NVIDIA Account log-in information secure for your use only, and for the activities under your account. You agree to notify NVIDIA of any known unauthorized use of your NVIDIA account.
- Pre-Release Versions.
> The Omniverse Website and/or Omniverse Products identified as alpha, beta, preview, early access or otherwise as pre-release may not be fully functional, may contain errors or design flaws, and may have reduced or different security, privacy, availability, and reliability standards relative to commercial versions of NVIDIA offerings. You may use a pre-release Omniverse offering at your own risk, understanding that such versions are not intended for use in business-critical systems. NVIDIA may choose not to make available a commercial version of any pre-release Omniverse offering. NVIDIA may also choose to abandon development and terminate the availability of a pre-release Omniverse offering at any time without liability.
- Components Under Other Licenses.
> Omniverse may include NVIDIA or third-party components with separate legal notices or terms as may be described in proprietary notices accompanying the Omniverse component. If and to the extent there is a conflict between the terms in this license and the license terms associated with a component, the license terms associated with a component control only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.
> To obtain source code for software provided under licenses that require redistribution of source code, including the GNU General Public License (GPL) and GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), contact [email protected]. This offer is valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of the distribution of this product by NVIDIA CORPORATION.
> It is your responsibility to have appropriate rights or licenses for content you use to create Mods.
- Ownership.
- Feedback.
> You may, but are not obligated to, provide Feedback to NVIDIA or a NVIDIA Affiliate. Feedback, even if designated as confidential by you, shall not create any confidentiality obligation for NVIDIA. NVIDIA and its designees have a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, publicly display, modify, create derivative works of, license, sublicense, and otherwise distribute and exploit Feedback as NVIDIA sees fit without payment and without obligation or restriction of any kind on account of intellectual property rights or otherwise. You represent and warrant that you have sufficient rights in any Feedback that you provide to grant the rights described above.
- Contribution.
> If you make a Contribution as described in this license, you hereby assign to NVIDIA all right, title, and interest (including all copyright, patent, and other intellectual property rights) in that Contribution for all current and future methods and forms of exploitation in any country. If any of those rights are not effectively assigned under applicable law, you hereby grant NVIDIA and its designees a non-exclusive, fully-paid, irrevocable, transferable, sublicensable license to reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, make, use, have made, sell, offer to sell, import, modify and make derivative works based on, and otherwise exploit that Contribution for all current and future methods and forms of exploitation in any country. If any of those rights may not be assigned or licensed under applicable law (such as moral and other personal rights), you hereby waive and agree not to assert such rights. NVIDIA will use the Contribution as it sees fit without payment and without obligation or restriction of any kind on account of intellectual property rights or otherwise. You represent and warrant that you have sufficient rights in any Contributions that you provide to grant the rights described above.
- Data Collection.
> 13.1 Collection Purposes. Customer hereby acknowledges that Omniverse Products collect the following data for the following purposes: (i) configuration, operating system and installation data to optimize for better performance; (ii) feature usage data to improve stability and understand user workflow; and (iii) performance logs for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes. Further, NVIDIA may require certain personal information such as name, email address, and entitlement information to deliver or provide Omniverse Products including the Enterprise Support services to Customer and its authorized users.
> 13.2 If you are using Omniverse Products without purchasing a Subscription License, you can opt-out of data collection by visiting, and you can exercise the data subject rights by visiting. If you are using Omniverse Products under a Subscription License, there is no data collection by default and you can opt-into data collection by visiting. Subscription License users can exercise data subject rights by submitting a request in Enterprise Support portal.
> 13.3 Omniverse may contain links to websites and services. NVIDIA encourages you to review the privacy statements on those sites and services that you choose to visit so that you can understand how they may collect, use and share your data. NVIDIA is not responsible for the privacy statements or practices of sites and services controlled by other companies or organizations.
> 13.4 You should review the NVIDIA Privacy Policy, which explains NVIDIA’s policy for collecting and using data.
- No Warranties.
- Limitations of Liability.
- Termination.
- 16.1 NVIDIA may terminate this license upon notice if: (i) you fail to comply with any term of this license and the non-compliance is not fixed within thirty (30) days following notice from NVIDIA (or immediately if you violate NVIDIA’s intellectual property rights); (ii) you commence or participate in any legal proceeding against NVIDIA with respect to Omniverse; or (iii) you become the subject of a voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy or any proceeding relating to insolvency, receivership, liquidation or composition for the benefit of creditors, if that petition or proceeding is not dismissed with prejudice within sixty (60) days after filing, or if you cease to do business.
- 16.2 For Omniverse Products for which NVIDIA indicates a fixed license duration (i.e., a Subscription term), your license ends at the earlier of the expiration or termination of the applicable subscription term or this license. For Omniverse Products for which NVIDIA does not indicate a fixed license duration, either party may terminate the license at any time for convenience with 30 days prior written notice. Each service ends at the earlier of the expiration or termination of the service or this license, or upon the expiration or termination of the associated license and no credit or refund will be provided for any fees paid.
- 16.3 Upon any expiration or termination of this license, a particular license or a service any amounts owed to NVIDIA become immediately due and payable and you agree to promptly discontinue use of the affected Omniverse Products and destroy all copies in your possession or control. Upon written request, you will certify in writing that you have complied with your commitments under this section. Upon any termination of this license all provisions survive except for the licenses granted to you.
- General
> 17.1 Applicable Law. This license will be governed in all respects by the laws of the United States and of the State of Delaware, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is specifically disclaimed. You agree to all terms of this license in the English language. The state or federal courts residing in Santa Clara County, California shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute or claim arising out of this license. Notwithstanding this, you agree that NVIDIA shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies or urgent legal relief in any jurisdiction.
> 17.2 No Assignment. This license and your rights and obligations thereunder may not be assigned by you by any means or operation of law without NVIDIA’s permission. Any attempted assignment not approved by NVIDIA in writing shall be void and of no effect. NVIDIA may assign, delegate or transfer this license and its rights and obligations, and if to a non-affiliate you will be notified.
> 17.3 Audit Rights. During the term of this license and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, NVIDIA or an independent auditor will have the right to audit you during regular business hours to check for compliance with the terms of this license. Audits will be conducted no more frequently than annually, unless non-compliance was previously found. If an audit reveals an underpayment, you will promptly remit the full amount of such underpayment to NVIDIA including interest that will accrue (without the requirement of a notice) at the lower of 1.5% per month or the highest rate permissible by law. If the underpaid amount exceeds five percent (5%) of the amounts payable to NVIDIA during the audited period and/or if the audit reveals a material non-conformance with the terms of this license, then you will reimburse NVIDIA’s reasonable audit costs. Further, you agree that the party delivering Omniverse licenses or services to you may share with NVIDIA information regarding your compliance with this license.
> 17.4 Export. Omniverse is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You agree to comply with all applicable U.S. and international export laws, including the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce and economic sanctions administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). These laws include restrictions on destinations, end-users and end-use. By accepting this license, you confirm that you are not currently residing in a country or region currently embargoed by the U.S. and that you are not otherwise prohibited from assessing or using Omniverse.
> 17.5 Government Use. Omniverse is, and shall be treated as being, “Commercial Items” as that term is defined at 48 CFR § 2.101, consisting of “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation”, respectively, as such terms are used in, respectively, 48 CFR § 12.212 and 48 CFR §§ 227.7202 & 252.227-7014(a)(1). Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government or a U.S. Government subcontractor is subject to the restrictions in this license pursuant to 48 CFR § 12.212 or 48 CFR § 227.7202. In no event shall the US Government user acquire rights in Omniverse beyond those specified in 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19(b)(1)-(2).
> 17.6 Notices. Please direct your legal notices or other correspondence to NVIDIA Corporation, 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, California 95051, United States of America, Attention: Legal Department. If NVIDIA needs to contact you about Omniverse, you consent to receive the notices by email or through Omniverse. You agree that any such notices that NVIDIA sends you electronically will satisfy any legal communication requirements.
> 17.7 Force Majeure. Neither party will be responsible for any failure or delay in its performance under this Agreement (except for any payment obligations) to the extent due to causes beyond its reasonable control for so long as such force majeure event continues in effect.
> 17.8 Entire Agreement. This license is the final, complete and exclusive agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter of this license and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings and agreements relating to this subject matter, whether oral or written. If any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision of this license is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. Any additional and/or conflicting terms and conditions on any other documents are null, void, and invalid. Any amendment or waiver under this license shall be in writing and signed by representatives of both parties to be valid.
> 17.9 Licensing. If the distribution terms in this license are not suitable for your organization, or for any questions regarding this license, please contact NVIDIA at [email protected].
(v. January 12, 2024) | 33,489 | | # Abs Double (Python)
Example node that takes the absolute value of a number
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.examples.python` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Num (inputs:num) | double | Input number | 0 |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Out (outputs:out) | double | The absolute value of input number | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.examples.python.AbsDouble |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.examples.python |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | Python |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Abs Double (Python) |
| Categories | examples |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAbsDoubleDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.examples.python | | 910 | | # Absolute
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Input (inputs:input) | ['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int', 'int64', 'int64[]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]'] | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value | `['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int', 'int64', 'int64[]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode', 'timecode[]', 'uchar', 'uchar[]', 'uint', 'uint64', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | The scalar(s) or vector(s) to take the absolute value of. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Absolute (outputs:absolute) | `['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int', 'int64', 'int64[]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode', 'timecode[]', 'uchar', 'uchar[]', 'uint', 'uint64', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | | None |
# Node Reference
## Absolute
### Description
The `Absolute` node applies the absolute value operator to each scalar value of the input. The structure of the result, including arrays and tuples, will mirror that of the input.
### Inputs
| Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `float` | The original “Input Value” with the absolute value operator applied to each scalar value. The structure of the result, arrays and tuples, will mirror that of the input. | None |
### Outputs
| Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `float` | The result of applying the absolute value operator to each scalar value of the input. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.Absolute |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| tags | absolute |
| uiName | Absolute |
| Categories | math:operator |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAbsoluteDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 4,467 | | # Arccosine
## Arccosine
Compute the arccosine (in degrees) of a scalar, array of scalars, vector, or array of vectors; in the latter three cases the arccosine operator is applied to every single scalar element in the corresponding structures. Note that each scalar element must lie in the domain [-1, 1], otherwise the computation will return NaN.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value (inputs:value) | ['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]'] | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Input | | | |
| Scalar or Vector | | The scalar(s) or vector(s) to take the arccosine of, where each scalar value lies in the domain [-1, 1]. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Result (outputs:value) | | | |
| ['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]'] | | | |
## Metadata
### Metadata
#### Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.Acos |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Arccosine |
| Categories | math:operator |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAcosDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 2,630 | | # Add
Add two or more values of any numeric type (element-wise). This includes simple values, tuples, arrays, and arrays of tuples. If one input has a higher dimension than the other, then the input with lower dimension will be added to each element of the higher-dimension input.
- scalar + tuple = resultTuple (where resultTuple is formed by adding scalar to each element in tuple).
- tuple + arrayOfTuples = resultArrayOfTuples (where resultArrayOfTuples is formed by adding each element in tuple with each corresponding element of each tuple in arrayOfTuples).
- scalar + arrayOfTuples = resultArrayOfTuples (where resultArrayOfTuples is formed by adding scalar to each element of every tuple in arrayOfTuples).
To add/remove addends on this node, select the node and press the small “+”/”-” buttons in the bottom-right corner of the “Inputs” widget in the “Property” window.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| A (`inputs:a`) | `['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4]', 'frame[4][]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', ...]` | | |
First number or collection of numbers to add.
B (inputs:b)
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Sum (outputs:sum) | ['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4]', 'frame[4][]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int', 'int64', 'int64[]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode', 'timecode[]', 'transform[4]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar', 'uchar[]', 'uint', 'uint64', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]', 'vectorh[3][]'] | Sum of the inputs | None |
<section id="inputs">
<th>Default Value
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<p>The element-wise sum of the input numerical values (with preserved typing).
<section id="metadata">
<col style="width: 30%"/>
<col style="width: 70%"/>
<td>Unique ID
<td>Has State?
<td>Implementation Language
<td>Default Memory Type
<td>Generated Code Exclusions
<td>Generated Class Name
<td>Python Module
title: 示例文档
author: 作者名称
date: 2023-01-01
# 标题1
## 子标题
### 列表
- 列表项1
- 列表项2
### 代码块
print("Hello, World!")
### 引用
> 这是一段引用文本。
### 表格
| 列1 | 列2 |
| --- | --- |
| 数据1 | 数据2 |
| 数据3 | 数据4 |
### 链接(仅文本)
### 图片(删除)
### 脚注
### 分隔线
### 脚本(删除)
// 这里原本是脚本内容
``` | 11,250 | | # Add Prim Relationship
Adds a target path to a relationship property. If the relationship property does not exist it will be created. Duplicate targets will not be added.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.action_nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| Exec In (inputs:execIn) | execution | Signal to the graph that this node is ready to be executed. | None |
| Relationship Name (inputs:name) | token | Name of the relationship property to be modified or added. | |
| Prim Path (inputs:path) | path | Path of the prim with the relationship property. | |
| Target Path (inputs:target) | path | The target path to be added, which may be a prim, attribute or another relationship. | |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| Is Successful (inputs:success) | bool | Indicates whether the operation was successful. | |
<code class="docutils literal notranslate">
<span class="pre">
Whether the node has successfully added the new target to the relationship.
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.action.AddPrimRelationship |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.action_nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Add Prim Relationship |
| Categories | sceneGraph |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAddPrimRelationshipDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.action_nodes | | 2,235 | | # Boolean AND
Boolean AND on two or more inputs. If the inputs are arrays, AND operations will be performed pair-wise. The input sizes must match. If only one input is an array, the other input(s) will be applied individually to each element in the array. Returns an array of booleans if either input is an array, otherwise returning a boolean.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| A (`inputs:a`) | `['bool', 'bool[]']` | Input A: bool or bool array. | None |
| B (`inputs:b`) | `['bool', 'bool[]']` | Input B: bool or bool array. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Result (`outputs:result`) | `['bool', 'bool[]']` | The result of the boolean AND - an array of booleans if either input is an array, otherwise a boolean. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Descripton |
| --- | --- |
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BooleanAnd |
| Version | 2 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Boolean AND |
| Categories | math:condition |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAndDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,644 | | # Any Zero
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Tolerance (`inputs:tolerance`) | `double` | How close the value must be to 0 to be considered “zero”. | 0.0 |
| Value (`inputs:value`) | `['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4]', 'frame[4][]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]']` | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value | Any of: 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int', 'int64', 'int64[]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode', 'timecode[]', 'transform[4]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar', 'uchar[]', 'uint', 'uint64', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]', 'vectorh[3][]'] | Value(s) to check for zero. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Result (outputs:result) | bool | If ‘value’ is a scalar then ‘result’ will be true if ‘value’ is zero. If ‘value’ is non-scalar (array, tuple, matrix, etc) then ‘result’ will be true if any of its elements are zero. If those elements are themselves non-scalar (e.g. an array of vectors) they will be considered zero only if all of the sub-elements are zero. For example, if ‘value’ is [3, 0, 1] then ‘result’ will be true because the second element is zero. But if ‘value’ is [[3, 0, 1], [-5, 4, 17]] then ‘result’ will be false because neither of the two vectors is fully zero. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.AnyZero |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Any Zero |
| Categories | math:condition |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAnyZeroDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 2,939 | | # Append Array
Combines the input arrays into a single new array in order of the inputs and the elements within each input array.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Input0 (`inputs:input0`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]']` | | |
The first of the two arrays to combine. The elements in this array will come before all of the second input array’s elements in the final output array.
<tr class="row-odd">
Input1 (
The second of the two arrays to combine. The elements in this array will come after all of the first input array’s elements in the final output array.
<section id="outputs">
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<tr class="row-odd">
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<th class="head">
<th class="head">
<tr class="row-even">
Array (
The second of the two arrays to combine. The elements in this array will come after all of the first input array’s elements in the final output array.
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<span class="pre">
<span class="pre">
<span class="pre">
<span class="pre">
A new array containing all of the elements in the “Input0” array followed by all of the elements in the “Input1” array.
<section id="metadata">
<table class="colwidths-given docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 30%"/>
<col style="width: 70%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<th class="head">
<th class="head">
<tr class="row-even">
Unique ID
<tr class="row-odd">
<tr class="row-even">
<tr class="row-odd">
Has State?
<tr class="row-even">
Implementation Language
<tr class="row-odd">
Default Memory Type
<tr class="row-even">
Generated Code Exclusions
<tr class="row-odd">
Append Array
<tr class="row-even">
<tr class="row-odd">
Generated Class Name
<tr class="row-even">
Python Module
``` | 6,965 | | # Append Path
Generates a path token by appending the given relative path token to the given root or prim path token
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Path (`inputs:path`) | `['token', 'token[]']` | The path token(s) to be appended to. Must be a base or prim path (ex. /World) | None |
| Suffix (`inputs:suffix`) | `token` | The prim or prim-property path to append (ex. Cube or Cube.attr) | |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Path (`outputs:path`) | `['token', 'token[]']` | The new path token(s) (ex. /World/Cube or /World/Cube.attr) | None |
## State
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
## Parameters
| Type | Descripton | Default |
| ---- | ---------- | ------- |
| Path (`state:path`) | `token` | Snapshot of previously seen path | None |
| Suffix (`state:suffix`) | `token` | Snapshot of previously seen suffix | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| ---- | ----- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.AppendPath |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | True |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| tags | paths |
| uiName | Append Path |
| Categories | sceneGraph |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAppendPathDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,453 | | # Append String (Deprecated)
Creates a new token or string by appending the given token or string. token[] inputs will be appended element-wise.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Suffix (`inputs:suffix`) | `['string', 'token', 'token[]']` | The string to be appended | None |
| Value (`inputs:value`) | `['string', 'token', 'token[]']` | The string(s) to be appended to | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value (`outputs:value`) | `['string', 'token', 'token[]']` | The new string(s) | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.AppendString |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| hidden | true |
| uiName | Append String (Deprecated) |
| Categories | function,internal:test |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAppendStringDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,543 | | # Append Target Paths
Generates new targets by appending relative paths. Array inputs will be appended element-wise.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Input0 (`inputs:input0`) | `['string', 'token', 'token[]']` | The relative path to append. Must not start or end with /. (ex. Cube, Xform/Cube). | None |
| Root Targets (`inputs:rootTargets`) | `target` | The targets to append relative paths to. If empty uses the stage root. | None |
| Metadata | | `allowMultiInputs` = 1 | |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Targets (`outputs:targets`) | `target` | The new target with paths appended. (ex. /World/Cube) | None |
# Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.AppendTargetPaths |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Append Target Paths |
| Categories | sceneGraph |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAppendTargetPathsDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,543 | | # Append Targets
Combines the input target arrays into a single array. Duplicates are skipped unless “allowDuplicates” is true.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Allow Duplicates (`inputs:allowDuplicates`) | `bool` | If false, the path will only be added the first time it is encountered. If true, all paths will be added in order. | False |
| Input0 (`inputs:input0`) | `target` | Input target array. | None |
| Metadata | | `allowMultiInputs` = 1 | |
| Input1 (`inputs:input1`) | `target` | Input target array. | None |
| Metadata | | `allowMultiInputs` = 1 | |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
## Targets
| Targets (outputs:targets) | target | The output target array. | None |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.AppendTargets |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Append Targets |
| Categories | sceneGraph |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAppendTargetsDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,295 | | # Append Array Value
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]']` | | |
## Inputs
### Array (inputs:array)
The array that serves as the starting point for the modified output array.
### Value (inputs:value)
The value to be copied to the end of the output array.
## Outputs
### Array (outputs:array)
The modified output array.
# Array Append Value
## Inputs
| Input Type | Description | Default Value |
| `int64[]` | | |
| `int[2][]` | | |
| `int[3][]` | | |
| `int[4][]` | | |
| `int[]` | | |
| `matrixd[2][]` | | |
| `matrixd[3][]` | | |
| `matrixd[4][]` | | |
| `normald[3][]` | | |
| `normalf[3][]` | | |
| `normalh[3][]` | | |
| `pointd[3][]` | | |
| `pointf[3][]` | | |
| `pointh[3][]` | | |
| `quatd[4][]` | | |
| `quatf[4][]` | | |
| `quath[4][]` | | |
| `string` | | |
| `texcoordd[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordd[3][]` | | |
| `texcoordf[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordf[3][]` | | |
| `texcoordh[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordh[3][]` | | |
| `timecode[]` | | |
| `token[]` | | |
| `transform[4][]` | | |
| `uchar[]` | | |
| `uint64[]` | | |
| `uint[]` | | |
| `vectord[3][]` | | |
| `vectorf[3][]` | | |
| `vectorh[3][]` | | |
An array computed from the input array with the “Value” element added to the back.
# Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayAppendValue |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Append Array Value |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayAppendValueDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 4,685 | | # Fill Array
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]']` | | |
## Inputs
### Array Size (inputs:arraySize)
- The array to be copied into the output array attribute. Essentially sets the size of the output array since the actual values will all be overridden.
- None
### Value (inputs:fillValue)
- The value to be repeated in the new array.
- None
## Outputs
### Array (outputs:array)
- The new array filled with the specified value.
- None
# ArrayFill Node
## Inputs
| Input Type | Description | Default Value |
| `int[3][]` | | |
| `int[4][]` | | |
| `int[]` | | |
| `matrixd[2][]` | | |
| `matrixd[3][]` | | |
| `matrixd[4][]` | | |
| `normald[3][]` | | |
| `normalf[3][]` | | |
| `normalh[3][]` | | |
| `pointd[3][]` | | |
| `pointf[3][]` | | |
| `pointh[3][]` | | |
| `quatd[4][]` | | |
| `quatf[4][]` | | |
| `quath[4][]` | | |
| `string` | | |
| `texcoordd[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordd[3][]` | | |
| `texcoordf[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordf[3][]` | | |
| `texcoordh[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordh[3][]` | | |
| `timecode[]` | | |
| `token[]` | | |
| `transform[4][]` | | |
| `uchar[]` | | |
| `uint64[]` | | |
| `uint[]` | | |
| `vectord[3][]` | | |
| `vectorf[3][]` | | |
| `vectorh[3][]` | | |
## Description
An array computed from the input array whose individual elements have all been set to equal the value of the “Value” input attribute.
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayFill |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Fill Array |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayFillDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 2,534 | | # Find Array Value
Searches for a value in an array, returning either the index of the first occurrence of the value or -1 if the value is not found.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]']` | | |
## Inputs
### Array
- **Type:**
- **Description:** The array in which “Value” is to be searched for.
- **Default:** None
### Value
- **Type:**
- **Description:** The value to be found in “Array”.
- **Default:** None
## Outputs
### Index
- **Type:** int
- **Description:** The index of the first occurrence of “Value” in “Array”, or -1 if no instances of “Value” are found in “Array”.
- **Default:** None
## Metadata
### Unique ID
- **Value:** omni.graph.nodes.ArrayFindValue
### Version
- **Value:** 1
### Extension
- **Value:** omni.graph.nodes
| Has State? | False |
| --- | --- |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Find Array Value |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayFindValueDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 3,264 | | # Get Array Size
Returns the number of elements in an array.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[2][]', 'uint[3][]', 'uint[4][]', 'uint[]']` | | |
# Inputs
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array ( `inputs:array` ) | `string[]` | The array whose size is to be determined. | None |
# Outputs
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Size ( `outputs:size` ) | `int` | The number of elements in the array. | None |
# Metadata
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayGetSize |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Get Array Size |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayGetSizeDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,716 | | # Get Array Index
Returns a copy of an input array’s element at the given index, where the index can take any value in the domain [-arrayLength, arrayLength). Indices that are positive indicate positions counted from the beginning of the array, while negative indices count from the back of the array.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]']` | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (inputs:array) | ['bool', 'colord[3]', 'colord[4]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[4]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[3]', 'double[4]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[3]', 'float[4]', 'frame[4]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[3]', 'half[4]', 'int', 'int64', 'int[2]', 'int[3]', 'int[4]', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[4]', 'normald[3]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalh[3]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointh[3]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatf[4]', 'quath[4]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'timecode', 'token', 'transform[4]', 'uchar', 'uint', 'uint64', 'vectord[3]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorh[3]'] | The array that will be searched by index to find the corresponding element’s value. | None |
| Index (inputs:index) | int | The index into the array. Indices in the domain [0, arrayLength) correspond to the usual element locations in the array, e.g. an “Index” of 2 equates to the third element in the array. Indices in the domain [-arrayLength, 0) correspond to array indexing starting from the back of the list, e.g. for an array of size 5, an “Index” of -5 equates to the last element in the array (i.e. the element at position 4), an “Index” of -4 equates to the second-to-last element in the array (i.e. the element at position 3), etc. Attempting to compute this node with “Index” values outside of the [-arrayLength, arrayLength) domain will result in a runtime error. | 0 |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value (outputs:value) | ['bool', 'colord[3]', 'colord[4]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[4]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[3]', 'double[4]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[3]', 'float[4]', 'frame[4]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[3]', 'half[4]', 'int', 'int64', 'int[2]', 'int[3]', 'int[4]', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[4]', 'normald[3]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalh[3]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointh[3]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatf[4]', 'quath[4]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'timecode', 'token', 'transform[4]', 'uchar', 'uint', 'uint64', 'vectord[3]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorh[3]'] | A copy of the value in the “Array” at the specified “Index”. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayIndex |
| --- | --- |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Get Array Index |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayIndexDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 3,808 | | # Insert Array Value
## Insert Array Value
Creates a copy of an input array with an element that has been inserted at the given index. The indexing is zero-based and clamped in such a way as to ensure that values of “Index” <= 0 result in the element getting inserted at the beginning of the array, while values of “Index” >= arrayLength result in the element getting inserted at the end of the array.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]']` | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (inputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'float[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'int[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]']` | The array to be copied into the output array prior to element insertion. | None |
| Index (inputs:index) | `int` | The index at which a copy of “Value” should be inserted into the output array (which in turn is a copy of the input array). The indexing is zero-based and clamped so that values less than or equal to zero result in “Value” getting inserted at the front of the array, while values greater than or equal to the length of the array result in “Value” getting inserted at the back of the array. | 0 |
| Value (inputs:value) | `['bool', 'colord[3]', 'colord[4]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[4]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[3]', 'double[4]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[3]', 'float[4]', 'frame[4]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[3]', 'half[4]', 'int', 'int64', 'int[2]', 'int[3]', 'int[4]', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[4]', 'normald[3]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalh[3]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointh[3]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatf[4]', 'quath[4]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'timecode', 'token', 'transform[4]', 'uchar', 'uint', 'uint64', 'vectord[3]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorh[3]']` | The value to be copied and inserted into the output array. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (outputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'float[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'int[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]']` | | None |
# Array Insert Value
## Inputs
| Type | Description | Default Value |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `double[2][]` | | |
| `double[3][]` | | |
| `double[4][]` | | |
| `double[]` | | |
| `float[2][]` | | |
| `float[3][]` | | |
| `float[4][]` | | |
| `float[]` | | |
| `frame[4][]` | | |
| `half[2][]` | | |
| `half[3][]` | | |
| `half[4][]` | | |
| `half[]` | | |
| `int64[]` | | |
| `int[2][]` | | |
| `int[3][]` | | |
| `int[4][]` | | |
| `int[]` | | |
| `matrixd[2][]` | | |
| `matrixd[3][]` | | |
| `matrixd[4][]` | | |
| `normald[3][]` | | |
| `normalf[3][]` | | |
| `normalh[3][]` | | |
| `pointd[3][]` | | |
| `pointf[3][]` | | |
| `pointh[3][]` | | |
| `quatd[4][]` | | |
| `quatf[4][]` | | |
| `quath[4][]` | | |
| `string` | | |
| `texcoordd[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordd[3][]` | | |
| `texcoordf[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordf[3][]` | | |
| `texcoordh[2][]` | | |
| `texcoordh[3][]` | | |
| `timecode[]` | | |
| `token[]` | | |
| `transform[4][]` | | |
| `uchar[]` | | |
| `uint64[]` | | |
| `uint[]` | | |
| `vectord[3][]` | | |
| `vectorf[3][]` | | |
| `vectorh[3][]` | | |
## Description
A copy of the input array with a new “Value” inserted at the specified “Index”.
## Outputs
| Type | Description |
| --- | --- |
| | None |
# Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayInsertValue |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Insert Array Value |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayInsertValueDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 5,812 | | # Extract Attribute Array Length
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| Attribute Name (`inputs:attrName`) | `token` | Name of the attribute whose array length will be queried | points |
| Attribute Bundle (`inputs:data`) | `bundle` | Collection of attributes that may contain the named attribute | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| Array Length (`outputs:length`) | `uint64` | The length of the array attribute in the input bundle | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Descripton |
| Metadata Name | Metadata Description |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayLength |
| --- | --- |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Extract Attribute Array Length |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayLengthDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,445 | | # Remove Array Index
## Remove Array Index
Creates a copy of an input array with an element that has been erased at the given index, where the index can take any value in the domain [-arrayLength, arrayLength). Positive indices index from the front of the array, while negative indices index from the back of the array.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string']` | | |
## Inputs
### Name
- **Type**: `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']`
- **Description**: The array to be copied into the output array prior to element deletion.
- **Default**: None
### Index (inputs:index)
- **Type**: `int`
- **Description**: The index of the element that should be removed from the output array. Indices in the domain [0, arrayLength) correspond to the usual element locations in the array, e.g. an “Index” of 2 equates to the third element in the array. Indices in the domain [-arrayLength, 0) correspond to array indexing starting from the back of the list, e.g. for an array of size 5, an “Index” of -5 equates to the last element in the array (i.e. the element at position 4), an “Index” of -4 equates to the second-to-last element in the array (i.e. the element at position 3), etc. Attempting to compute this node with “Index” values outside of the [-arrayLength, arrayLength) domain will result in a runtime error.
- **Default**: 0
## Outputs
### Array (outputs:array)
- **Type**: `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']`
- **Description**: A copy of the input array whose element at the specified “Index” has been erased.
- **Default**: None
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayRemoveIndex |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Remove Array Index |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayRemoveIndexDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 4,290 | | # Remove Array Value
Creates a copy of an input array where the first occurrence of the given value has been erased from said array copy. If “Remove All” is true then all occurrences of the value are removed.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]']` | | |
# Inputs
## Original Array
### Type
### Description
The original array that serves as the basis for the output array.
### Default
## Remove All
### Type
### Description
If true, removes all occurrences of the value from the output array.
### Default
## Metadata
### Description
hidden = true
## Remove All Found
### Type
### Description
If true, removes all occurrences of the value from the output array.
### Default
## Value
### Type
### Description
The value to be removed from the output array.
### Default
# Outputs
## Array
### Name
Array (outputs:array)
### Type
### Description
### Default
## Array Remove Value
### Inputs
An array computed from the input array with the specified values removed.
### Outputs
- **Found (outputs:found)**
- Type: `bool`
- Description: Set to true if a value was removed, false otherwise.
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayRemoveValue |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Remove Array Value |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayRemoveValueDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 3,965 | | # Replace Array Value
Creates a copy of an input array where the first occurrence of “Value” is replaced with “New Value” in said array copy. If “Replace All” is true then all occurrences of the value are replaced.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]']` | | |
| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |
| Starting Point Array | The array that serves as the starting point for the modified output array. | None | None |
| New Value (inputs:newValue) | ['bool', 'colord[3]', 'colord[4]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[4]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[3]', 'double[4]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[3]', 'float[4]', 'frame[4]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[3]', 'half[4]', 'int', 'int64', 'int[2]', 'int[3]', 'int[4]', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[4]', 'normald[3]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalh[3]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointh[3]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatf[4]', 'quath[4]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'timecode', 'token', 'transform[4]', 'uchar', 'uint', 'uint64', 'vectord[3]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorh[3]'] | The value to replace “Value” with in the output array. | None |
| Replace All (inputs:replaceAllFound) | bool | If true, replaces all occurrences of “Value” with “New Value”. | False |
| Value (inputs:value) | ['bool', 'colord[3]', 'colord[4]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[4]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[3]', 'double[4]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[3]', 'float[4]', 'frame[4]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[3]', 'half[4]', 'int', 'int64', 'int[2]', 'int[3]', 'int[4]', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[4]', 'normald[3]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalh[3]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointh[3]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatf[4]', 'quath[4]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'timecode', 'token', 'transform[4]', 'uchar', 'uint', 'uint64', 'vectord[3]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorh[3]'] | - | - |
## Inputs
| Input Name | Type | Description | Default |
| Array (inputs:array) | `['bool', 'colord[3]', 'colord[4]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[4]', 'double[2]', 'double[3]', 'double[4]', 'double', 'float[2]', 'float[3]', 'float[4]', 'float', 'frame[4]', 'half[2]', 'half[3]', 'half[4]', 'half', 'int64', 'int[2]', 'int[3]', 'int[4]', 'int', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[4]', 'normald[3]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalh[3]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointh[3]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatf[4]', 'quath[4]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'timecode', 'token', 'transform[4]', 'uchar', 'uint', 'uint64', 'vectord[3]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorh[3]']` | The value to be replaced in the output array. | None |
## Outputs
### Outputs
| Output Name | Type | Description | Default |
| Array (outputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | An array computed from the input array with some values replaced. | None |
| Found (outputs:found) | `bool` | Set to true if a value was replaced, false otherwise. | None |
# Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayReplaceValue |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Replace Array Value |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayReplaceValueDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 5,362 | | # Resize Array
Creates a copy of an input array with a new size. If the new size is larger than the input array’s length, then zero values will be added to the end of the output array. “New Size” values less than 0 will be treated as being equal to 0.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', ...]` | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (inputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | The array that serves as the starting point for the resized output array. | None |
| New Size (inputs:newSize) | `int` | The new size of the output array. Negative values are treated as a size of 0, which will create an empty output array. | 0 |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (outputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | An array computed from the input array with the resizing operation applied. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayResize |
| Version | |
Has State?
Implementation Language
Default Memory Type
Generated Code Exclusions
Resize Array
Generated Class Name
Python Module
omni.graph.nodes | 3,433 | | # Reverse Array
Creates a copy of an input array whose member element ordering has been reversed.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]']` | | |
# Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (inputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | The original, unreversed array. | None |
# Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (outputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | A copy of the input array whose member element ordering has been reversed. | None |
# Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayReverse |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | |
| cpu |
| --- |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Reverse Array |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayReverseDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 3,143 | | # Rotate Array
Shifts the elements of an array by the specified number of steps to the right and wraps elements from one end to the other. A negative step will shift to the left.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]']` | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (inputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | The original, unrotated array. | None |
| Steps (inputs:steps) | `int` | The number of steps to shift the output array elements, where negative values mean shift left instead of right. Values will wrap back to zero when “Steps” % arrayLength == 0. | 0 |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (outputs:array) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]']` | A copy of the input array whose member elements have been rotated. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArrayRotate |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Rotate Array |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArrayRotateDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 3,431 | | # Set Array Index
## Set Array Index
Creates a copy of an input array where an index-specified element has been given a new value. Positive indices index from the front of the array, while negative indices index from the back of the array. “Index” values in the domain [-arrayLength, arrayLength) will always be valid for this node type. If “Resize to Fit” is true and “Index” >= arrayLength, then the output array will be resized to length 1 + “Index” and fill the new spaces with zeroes before applying the new element value.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]']` | | |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Output Array (outputs:outputArray) | ['bool', 'colord[3]', 'colord[4]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[4]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[3]', 'double[4]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[3]', 'float[4]', 'frame[4]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[3]', 'half[4]', 'int', 'int64', 'int[2]', 'int[3]', 'int[4]', 'matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[4]', 'normald[3]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalh[3]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointh[3]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatf[4]', 'quath[4]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'timecode', 'token', 'transform[4]', 'uchar', 'uint', 'uint64', 'vectord[3]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorh[3]'] | The modified output array. | None |
# Table of Contents
## ArraySetIndex
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (outputs:array) | ['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]'] | A copy of the input array whose index-specified value has been set to “Value”. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ArraySetIndex |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Set Array Index |
| Categories | math:array |
| Generated Class Name | OgnArraySetIndexDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 3,431 | | # Get Array Slice
Returns a section of the input “Array” between the index values of “Start Index” and “End Index” (or the end of “Array” if the input “Use Length” is true). The index values will be truncated to be within the range of the input array. If “Start Index” is greater than or equal to “End Index” then an empty array will be outputted. Note that the element at “End Index” (assuming said index is not greater than or equal to the input “Array” length) will not be included in the final result.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (`inputs:array`) | `['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]']` | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Original Array (inputs:array) | ['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]'] | The original array, before the slicing operation is applied. | None |
| End Index (inputs:end) | int | The end index into the input array. If this value is less than or equal to “Start Index” an empty array will be returned. A negative value indexes from the end of the array. Values less than -arrayLength will be treated as 0, while values greater than arrayLength will be treated as arrayLength. | 0 |
| Start Index (inputs:start) | int | The start index into the input array. If this value is greater than “End Index” an empty array will be returned. A negative value indexes from the end of the array. Values less than -arrayLength will be treated as 0, while values greater than arrayLength will be treated as arrayLength. | 0 |
| Use Length (inputs:useLength) | bool | If true, use the length of the array as the value for the “End Index” rather than the actual value stored on the attribute. If false, simply use the actual value stored on the “End Index” attribute. | True |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Array (outputs:array) | ['bool[]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4][]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int64[]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[2][]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4][]', 'string', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode[]', 'token[]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar[]', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3][]'] | | |
<section id="array-slice">
<h2>Array Slice
<tr class="row-odd">
<th>Default Value
<p>A new array containing a subsection of the specified input “Array”.
<section id="metadata">
<col style="width: 30%"/>
<col style="width: 70%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Unique ID
<tr class="row-odd">
<tr class="row-even">
<tr class="row-odd">
<p>Has State?
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Implementation Language
<tr class="row-odd">
<p>Default Memory Type
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Generated Code Exclusions
<tr class="row-odd">
<p>Get Array Slice
<tr class="row-even">
<tr class="row-odd">
<p>Generated Class Name
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Python Module
| 6,621 | | # Arcsine
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value (`inputs:value`) | `['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]']` | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value (inputs:value) | `['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]']` | The scalar(s) or vector(s) to take the arcsine of, where each scalar value lies in the domain [-1, 1]. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Result (outputs:value) | `['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]']` | | None |
# Metadata
## Metadata
### Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.Asin |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Arcsine |
| Categories | math:operator |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAsinDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 3,276 | | # Arctangent
## Arctangent
Compute the arctangent (in degrees) of a scalar, array of scalars, vector, or array of vectors; in the latter three cases the arctangent operator is applied to every single scalar element in the corresponding structures.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value (inputs:value) | ['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]'] | | |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Scalar or Vector |
| | The scalar(s) or vector(s) to take the arctangent of. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Result (outputs:value) |
| | | |
The original input “Value” with the arctangent operator applied to each scalar value, all of which will have values (in degrees) lying in the range [-90, 90]. The structure of the result, arrays and tuples, will mirror that of the input.
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.Atan |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Arctangent |
| Categories | math:operator |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAtanDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes |
| 3,766 | | # Arctangent2
## Arctangent2
Computes the angle in degrees between the positive x-axis and the vector from the origin to the input point ("X Axis", "Y Axis") in the range [-180, 180], also known as the 2-argument arctangent. The inputs can take the form of simple values, tuples, arrays, and arrays of tuples. If one input has a higher dimension than the other, then the input with lower dimension will be repeated to match the dimension of the other input (broadcasting), and the output will have the same shape and size as the higher-dimensioned input.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Y Axis (inputs:a) | ['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normald[4]', 'normald[4][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalf[4]', 'normalf[4][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'normalh[4]', 'normalh[4][]'] | | |
| X Axis (inputs:b) | Description | Default Value |
| ['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode'] | The y-component of the vector whose angle to the positive x-axis needs to be determined. | None |
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Vector X (x-component) | | The x-component of the vector whose angle to the positive x-axis needs to be determined. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Result (outputs:result) | ['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode', 'timecode[]', 'vectord[3]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]', 'vectorh[3][]'] | The angle in degrees in the range [-180, 180] between the positive x-axis and the vector, also known as the 2-argument arctangent. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.ATan2 |
| --- | --- |
| Version | 2 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Arctangent2 |
| Categories | math:operator |
| Generated Class Name | OgnATan2Database |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 4,432 | | # Extract Attribute Type Information
Queries information about the type of a specified attribute in an input bundle
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Attribute To Query (`inputs:attrName`) | `token` | The name of the attribute to be queried | input |
| Bundle To Examine (`inputs:data`) | `bundle` | Bundle of attributes to examine | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Attribute Array Depth (`outputs:arrayDepth`) | `int` | Zero for a single value, one for an array, two for an array of arrays. Set to -1 if the named attribute was not in the bundle. | None |
| Attribute Base Type (`outputs:baseType`) | `int` | An integer representing the type of the individual components. Set to -1 if the named attribute was not in the bundle. | None |
## Attribute Information
| Name | Value | Description |
| Attribute Component Count | int | Number of components in each tuple, e.g. one for float, three for point3f, 16 for matrix4d. Set to -1 if the named attribute was not in the bundle. |
| Full Attribute Type | int | A single int representing the full type information. Set to -1 if the named attribute was not in the bundle. |
| Attribute Role | int | An integer representing semantic meaning of the type, e.g. point3f vs. normal3f vs. vector3f vs. float3. Set to -1 if the named attribute was not in the bundle. |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.AttributeType |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Extract Attribute Type Information |
| Categories | bundle |
| Generated Class Name | OgnAttrTypeDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 2,544 | | # .ogn Best Practices
## Customize Your Node Type
### “icon”
You can add a custom icon in the form of a .svg file to represent your node type in the graph editors. The easiest way is to put it in the file `OgnYourNode.svg` alongside your `OgnYourNode.ogn` file. If you do this then you do not need to add the “icon” keyword to your .ogn file. If you put it in any other location, for example if you want to share a single icon among multiple nodes, then use the “icon” keyword to specify the location.
The image should be evocative of the function of the node type, yet not overly complex. Here are some examples for a node type that capitalizes a string.
| Okay (from category) | Better (shows result) | Best (shows function) |
| ![GoodIcon](_images/GoodIcon.png) | ![BetterIcon](_images/BetterIcon.png) | ![BestIcon](_images/BestIcon.png) |
### “categories”
Choose a meaningful but targeted list of “categories”. The node type library groups node types using this information so by specifying them you put your node type definition alongside other similar ones. Here’s what you might put in for a node type that multiplies two matrices together.
| Okay | Better | Best |
| “math” | “math:operator” | [“math:operator”, “math:matrix”] |
### “ui_name”
This is the name that users will see in the interface so make it meaningful! The .ogn will give you a default based on your node type name but you can usually come up with something better if you name it manually. It’s usually better for the name to answer the question “what does it do” rather than “what is it”, as you would prefer the active voice over
# the passive voice in documentation.
## description
### “description”
This is the core piece of information that your node type definition uses to convey to the user exactly what the node type does, and why they would want to use it. It should fit into a reasonable sized tooltip, and not contain any specialized formatting. That can be reserved for the more detailed documentation you can add by creating a pre/post documentation file (e.g. OgnYourNode.pre.rst and, where you write sections of restructuredText that will appear before and after the automatically generated node type documentation). It should also be read as a complete, grammatically correct sentence.
The text of the description should be detailed enough to get a basic understanding of how the node type works, with attribute-specific details in the respective attribute’s descriptions. You will have to balance the need for precision with the desire for brevity.
| Okay | Better | Too Far? |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Concatenate two strings. | Output the string that results from concatenating the two inputs strings. | Creates a single output “Result” that is formed by taking the input string in “Prefix” and appending the input string in “Suffix” to it. For example, inputs of “hello” and “world” will create the output string “helloworld”. |
## attribute-definitions
### The attributes also have user visible facets that should be made clear in order to make your node type more understandable. In particular, the user should be able to look at the attribute names and descriptions and relate them precisely to their function in the node type, knowing what kinds of values to use for inputs and what will appear on the outputs.
### “attrName”: “ui_name”
As with node types the attributes will have a specific name that the user sees and interacts with in interfaces such as the property panels and the graph editor. The UI name should be as descriptive of the attribute as possible without being overly long, cluttering up the interface. In our string concatenation example above the names can substitute for more verbose descriptions.
| Good | Better | Best |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A | First | Prefix |
| B | Second | Suffix |
| C | Result | Concatenation |
### “attrName”: “description”
As with the node type, the description is the primary source of information for the user on exactly how an attribute will be used and what values inputs can take. It should also be sized and formatted to fit into a tooltip, and read as one or more complete, grammatically correct sentences. The attribute “Prefix” above might be described as follows:
| Good | Better | Best |
| --- | --- | --- |
| First string. | First half of the output string. | The first part of the string that will form the concatenated output. |
### “attrName”: “type”: “execution”
Attributes of this type are used for the Action Graph to define and trigger subsections of a graph for evaluation when certain events happen. As all attributes of this type are essentially used for the same thing the wording for their descriptions should be consistent.
The naming conventions are already somewhat consistent for the generic execution attributes, usually “inputs:execIn” for input signals and “outputs:execOut” for output signals. Special purpose node types that contain multiple execution attributes, such as **omni.graph.action.Countdown**, use a variety of different names that are more indicative of their exact function, as they should.
Normally, the descriptions will tell the user what values are represented by the attributes, however these types of attributes have a limited set of values that are generically described elsewhere so the descriptions in the node type definitions should tell the user when they are triggered.
| Commonly Seen | Better |
| Input execution | Signal to the graph that this node is ready to be evaluated. |
| Commonly Seen | Better |
| Output execution. | Signal to the graph that evaluation should continue downstream. |
| Good | Better |
| Triggered after duration ticks is finished. | Output execution signal, triggered after the node has been successfully evaluated a total of “Duration” times after the input “Exec In” signal has been triggered. |
| Triggered every ‘period’ ticks | Output execution signal, triggered every “Period” successful evaluations, stopping after the “Finished” execution pulse is triggered. |
| Generic | More Specific |
| Signal to the graph that this node is ready for execution. | Signal to the graph that this node is ready for execution. When the node executes with this signal active it plays the clip from the current frame. |
### “attrName”: “type”: “bundle”
A “bundle” type is used as a short form for “a bunch of attributes that will be defined at runtime”. Often, the definition of what is expected in a bundle is partially or fully known when constructing the node type so that information should be surfaced as part of the attribute description.
| Good | Better | Best |
| The input bundle. | Input bundle representing a mesh to be operated on. | Bundle minimally consisting of a **pointf[3][]** attribute named “points” and a **normalf[3][]** attribute named “normals” defining a basic mesh structure. |
| Good | Better | Best |
| Bundle | Mesh Bundle | Points and Normals |
## General Naming And Description Tips
You can go a long way to figuring out if your names and descriptions are intuitive by looking at a graph in the graph editor and trying to read it as an english sentence.
As an example (where descriptions are **bold** and names are *italicized*) - take two *Constant Integer* values, **Add the two values together** to get the *Sum* of them. Using the *Sum* as an *Index* into an *Array* of values, **Select the element at the *Index* position in the *Array*,** and put the result in the *Selected Value*.
Here are some more specific tips that will help make the user’s experience with your node type more pleasant.
- **Avoid short forms in user-facing names and descriptions.**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| pts | Points |
| int | Integer, 32-bit Integer |
| xform | Transform |
* **Explain or provide references for any terms that are not obvious from context.**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| This node type lets you access a Variant Set | This node type lets you access a Variant Set. For more information on Variant Sets see |
* **Be precise with names whenever possible.**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| Input Value | Angle |
| Output Value | Cosine |
* **Include in the description the conditions in which a node type compute() can fail.**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| Sets the output to the result of the numerator divided by the denominator. | Sets the output to the result of the numerator divided by the denominator. Fails if the denominator is approximately equal to zero. |
* **Be wary of ambiguous verbs. In a node type that multiplies two matrices describing the output as “The modified matrix” could either mean “A copy of the matrix with the modifications performed on it” or “The original matrix, modified by the multiplication”. The difference is important as the second implies that the original matrix is lost.**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| The modified matrix. | The product of the two input matrices. |
* **Use roles when they are appropriate.**
| With This Description | Avoid | Prefer |
| The points to deform. | float[3][] | pointf[3][] |
| The color whose luminance is to be computed. | double[3] | colord[3] |
* **The name of the attribute need not repeat the type unless it is need for clarification.**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| Prefix String | Prefix |
| Largest Integer | Largest |
| Blended | Blended Color |
- **UI names are always capitalized, and multiple word names are separated by spaces.**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| transform | Transform |
| BlendedColor | Blended Color |
| xAxis | X Axis |
- **When input attributes are equivalent, more generic names can be used. For example although the names are generic there is no confusion here between the inputs.**
| Name | Attribute Description |
| A | The first of the two strings from which to find the longest. |
| B | The second of the two strings from which to find the longest. |
| Longest | The longest of the two input strings A and B. |
- **When referring to the attribute names in the node type description use the UI name since the UI is where the text will be read. In particular you can always omit the “inputs:” and “outputs:” namespaces when referring to attributes.**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| The longest of the two input strings “inputs:a” and “inputs:b”. | The longest of the two input strings “A” and “B”. |
- **Nodes are “executed”, attributes are “computed”**
| Avoid | Prefer |
| When the node evaluates, calculate the output ‘RESULT’. | When the node executes, compute the output ‘RESULT’. | | 10,944 | | # Blend Variants
Add new variant by blending two variants
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Blend (`inputs:blend`) | double | The blend value in [0.0, 1.0] | 0.0 |
| Exec In (`inputs:execIn`) | execution | Signal to the graph that this node is ready to be executed. | None |
| Prim (`inputs:prim`) | target | The prim with the variantSet | None |
| Set Variant (`inputs:setVariant`) | bool | Sets the variant selection when finished rather than writing to the attribute values | False |
| Variant Name A (`inputs:variantNameA`) | token | The first variant name | |
| Variant Name B (`inputs:variantNameB`) | token | The second variant name | |
## Inputs
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | Variant Set Name (`inputs:variantSetName`) | | |
| | `token` | | |
| | The variantSet name | | |
| | | | |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| Bundle (`outputs:bundle`) | `bundle` | Output bundle with blended attributes | None |
| Exec Out (`outputs:execOut`) | `execution` | Signal to the graph that execution can continue downstream. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BlendVariants |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Icon | ogn/icons/omni.graph.nodes.BlendVariants.svg |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Blend Variants |
| Categories | graph:action,sceneGraph,variants |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBlendVariantsDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,952 | | # Boolean Expression
NOTE: DEPRECATED AS OF 1.26.0 IN FAVOUR OF INDIVIDUAL BOOLEAN OP NODES Boolean operation on two inputs. The supported operations are: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| A (`inputs:a`) | `bool` | Input A | False |
| B (`inputs:b`) | `bool` | Input B | False |
| Operator (`inputs:operator`) | `token` | The boolean operation to perform (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR) | AND |
| Metadata | | `allowedTokens` = AND,OR,NAND,NOR,XOR,XNOR | |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Result (`outputs:result`) | `bool` | | |
## Boolean Expression
### Syntax
### Parameters
### Returns
### Example
### Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BooleanExpr |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | Python |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| hidden | true |
| uiName | Boolean Expression |
| Categories | math:operator |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBooleanExprDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes |
``` | 1,682 | | # Deprecated Node - Bouncing Cubes (GPU)
Deprecated node - no longer supported
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.examples.python` in the Extension Manager.
## State
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Translations (`state:translations`) | `float[3][]` | Set of translation attributes gathered from the inputs. Translations have velocities applied to them each execution. | None |
| Velocities (`state:velocities`) | `float[]` | Set of velocity attributes gathered from the inputs | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.examples.python.BouncingCubes |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.examples.python |
| Has State? | True |
| Implementation Language | Python |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| --- | --- |
| uiName | Deprecated Node - Bouncing Cubes (GPU) |
| Categories | examples,internal:test |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBouncingCubesCpuDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.examples.python | | 1,037 | | # Deprecated Node - Bouncing Cubes (GPU)
Deprecated node - no longer supported
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.examples.python` in the Extension Manager.
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.examples.python.BouncingCubesGpu |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.examples.python |
| Has State? | True |
| Implementation Language | Python |
| Default Memory Type | cuda |
| Generated Code Exclusions | usd, test |
| __memoryType | cuda |
| uiName | Deprecated Node - Bouncing Cubes (GPU) |
| Categories | examples,internal:test |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBouncingCubesGpuDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.examples.python | | 1,057 | | # Branch
Activates an execution output signal along a branch based on a boolean condition.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.action_nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Condition (`inputs:condition`) | `bool` | The boolean condition which determines the output direction. | False |
| Input execution (`inputs:execIn`) | `execution` | Signal to the graph that this node is ready to be executed. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| False (`outputs:execFalse`) | `execution` | When ‘Condition’ is False signal to the graph that execution can continue downstream. | None |
| True (`outputs:execTrue`) | `execution` | When ‘Condition’ is True signal to the graph that execution can continue downstream. | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.action.Branch |
| Version | 2 |
| Extension | omni.graph.action_nodes |
| Icon | ogn/icons/omni.graph.action.Branch.svg |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Branch |
| Categories | graph:action,flowControl |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBranchDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.action_nodes | | 1,640 | | # Break Matrix2
Split matrix into 2 vectors. If the input is an array, the output will be arrays of vectors.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Matrix (`inputs:matrix`) | `['matrixd[2]', 'matrixd[2][]']` | Input matrix(s) | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| X (`outputs:x`) | `['double[2]', 'double[2][]']` | The first row of the matrix | None |
| Y (`outputs:y`) | `['double[2]', 'double[2][]']` | The second row of the matrix | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Descripton |
| --- | --- |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BreakMatrix2 |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| tags | decompose,separate,isolate |
| uiName | Break Matrix2 |
| Categories | math:conversion |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBreakMatrix2Database |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,356 | | # Break Matrix3
Split matrix into 3 vectors. If the input is an array, the output will be arrays of vectors.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Matrix (`inputs:matrix`) | `['matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[3][]']` | Input matrix(s) | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| X (`outputs:x`) | `['double[3]', 'double[3][]']` | The first row of the matrix | None |
| Y (`outputs:y`) | `['double[3]', 'double[3][]']` | The second row of the matrix | None |
| Z (`outputs:z`) | `['double[3]', 'double[3][]']` | The third row of the matrix | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BreakMatrix3 |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| tags | decompose,separate,isolate |
| uiName | Break Matrix3 |
| Categories | math:conversion |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBreakMatrix3Database |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,515 | | # Break Matrix4
Split matrix into 4 vectors. If the input is an array, the output will be arrays of vectors.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Matrix (`inputs:matrix`) | `['matrixd[4]', 'matrixd[4][]']` | Input matrix(s) | None |
| Output Type (`inputs:outputType`) | `token` | The type of output vector: Double3 or Double4 | double[4] |
| Metadata | | `literalOnly` = 1 | |
| Metadata | | `allowedTokens` = double[3],double[4] | |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| W (`outputs:w`) | `['double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]']` | | |
## Matrix Breakdown
| X (outputs:x) | Code Block | Row Description |
| X (outputs:x) | ['double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]'] | The first row of the matrix |
| Y (outputs:y) | ['double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]'] | The second row of the matrix |
| Z (outputs:z) | ['double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]'] | The third row of the matrix |
| W (outputs:w) | ['double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]'] | The fourth row of the matrix |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BreakMatrix4 |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| tags | decompose, separate, isolate |
| uiName | Break Matrix4 |
| Categories | math:conversion |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBreakMatrix4Database |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,737 | | # Break 2-Vector
Split vector into 2 component values.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Vector (`inputs:tuple`) | `['double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]']` | 2-vector to be broken | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| X (`outputs:x`) | `['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]']` | The first component of the vector | None |
| Y (`outputs:y`) | `['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]']` | The second component of the vector | None |
<section id="vector-components">
<h2>Vector Components
<tr class="row-odd">
<th class="head">Component
<th class="head">Type
<th class="head">Default Value
<tr class="row-even">
<p>The first component of the vector
<span class="pre">'double[]'
<span class="pre">'float'
<span class="pre">'float[]'
<span class="pre">'half'
<span class="pre">'half[]'
<span class="pre">'int'
<span class="pre">'int[]'
<tr class="row-odd">
<p>The second component of the vector
<section id="metadata">
<table class="colwidths-given docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 30%"/>
<col style="width: 70%"/>
<tr class="row-odd">
<th class="head">Name
<th class="head">Value
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Unique ID
<tr class="row-odd">
<tr class="row-even">
<tr class="row-odd">
<p>Has State?
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Implementation Language
<tr class="row-odd">
<p>Default Memory Type
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Generated Code Exclusions
<tr class="row-odd">
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Break 2-Vector
<tr class="row-odd">
<tr class="row-even">
<p>Generated Class Name
<tr class="row-odd">
<p>Python Module
| 3,581 | | # Break 3-Vector
Split vector into 3 component values.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Vector (`inputs:tuple`) | `['double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'int[3]', 'int[3][]']` | 3-vector to be broken | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| X (`outputs:x`) | `['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]']` | The first component of the vector | None |
| Y (`outputs:y`) | `['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]']` | The second component of the vector | None |
## Vector Components
| X (outputs:x) | Description | None |
| ['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]'] | The first component of the vector | None |
| Y (outputs:y) | Description | None |
| ['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]'] | The second component of the vector | None |
| Z (outputs:z) | Description | None |
| ['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]'] | The third component of the vector | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BreakVector3 |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| tags | decompose, separate, isolate |
| uiName | Break 3-Vector |
| Categories | math:conversion |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBreakVector3Database |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,833 | | # Break 4-Vector
Split vector into 4 component values.
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Vector (inputs:tuple) | ['double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'int[4]', 'int[4][]'] | 4-vector to be broken | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| W (outputs:w) | ['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]'] | The fourth component of the vector | None |
| X (outputs:x) | ['double', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[]', 'half', 'half[]', 'int', 'int[]'] | The first component of the vector | None |
## Vector Breakdown
### X (outputs:x)
The first component of the vector
### Y (outputs:y)
The second component of the vector
### Z (outputs:z)
The third component of the vector
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BreakVector4 |
| Version | 1 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| tags | decompose,separate,isolate |
| uiName | Break 4-Vector |
| Categories | math:conversion |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBreakVector4Database |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes |
``` | 1,850 | | # Append String
## Installation
To use this node enable `omni.graph.nodes` in the Extension Manager.
## Inputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| A (`inputs:a`) | `['string', 'token', 'token[]']` | The string(s) to be appended to. This input determines the output type. | None |
| B (`inputs:b`) | `['string', 'token', 'token[]']` | The string to be appended. | None |
## Outputs
| Name | Type | Descripton | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Value (`outputs:value`) | `['string', 'token', 'token[]']` | The new string(s). | None |
## Metadata
| Name | Value |
| Unique ID | omni.graph.nodes.BuildString |
| Version | 2 |
| Extension | omni.graph.nodes |
| Has State? | False |
| Implementation Language | C++ |
| Default Memory Type | cpu |
| Generated Code Exclusions | None |
| uiName | Append String |
| Categories | function |
| Generated Class Name | OgnBuildStringDatabase |
| Python Module | omni.graph.nodes | | 1,231 |