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<s>[INST] How many people are affected by Problems with Taste ? [/INST] Roughly 200,000 people each year visit a doctor for a chemosensory problem such as a taste disorder. Many more taste disorders go unreported. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] Changes in Body Functions Researchers continue to study how various changes in normal body functions cause high blood pressure. The key functions affected in high blood pressure include - kidney fluid and salt balances - the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system - the sympathetic nervous system activity - blood vessel structure and function. kidney fluid and salt balances the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system the sympathetic nervous system activity blood vessel structure and function. Kidney Fluid and Salt Balances The kidneys normally regulate the bodys salt balance by retaining sodium and water and eliminating potassium. Imbalances in this kidney function can expand blood volumes, which can cause high blood pressure. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system makes angiotensin and aldosterone hormones. Angiotensin narrows or constricts blood vessels, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Aldosterone controls how the kidneys balance fluid and salt levels. Increased aldosterone levels or activity may change this kidney function, leading to increased blood volumes and high blood pressure. Sympathetic Nervous System Activity The sympathetic nervous system has important functions in blood pressure regulation, including heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. Researchers are investigating whether imbalances in this system cause high blood pressure. Blood Vessel Structure and Function Changes in the structure and function of small and large arteries may contribute to high blood pressure. The angiotensin pathway and the immune system may stiffen small and large arteries, which can affect blood pressure. Genetic Causes High blood pressure often runs in families. Years of research have identified many genes and other mutations associated with high blood pressure. However, known genetic factors only account for 2 to 3 percent of all cases. Emerging research suggests that certain DNA changes before birth also may cause the development of high blood pressure later in life. Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits Unhealthy lifestyle habits can cause high blood pressure, including - high sodium intake and sodium sensitivity - drinking too much alcohol - lack of physical activity. high sodium intake and sodium sensitivity drinking too much alcohol lack of physical activity. Overweight and Obesity Research studies show that being overweight or obese can increase the resistance in the blood vessels, causing the heart to work harder and leading to high blood pressure. Medicines Prescription medicines such as asthma or hormone therapies (including birth control pills and estrogen) and over-the-counter medicines such as cold relief medicines may cause high blood pressure. This happens because medicines can - change the way your body controls fluid and salt balances - cause your blood vessels to constrict - impact the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, leading to high blood pressure. change the way your body controls fluid and salt balances cause your blood vessels to constrict impact the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, leading to high blood pressure. Other Causes Other causes of high blood pressure include medical conditions such as chronic kidney disease, sleep apnea, thyroid problems, or certain tumors. These conditions can change the way your body controls fluids, sodium, and hormones in your blood, which leads to secondary high blood pressure. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Diabetes ? [/INST] Studies have shown that most people with prediabetes develop type 2 diabetes within a few years, unless they change their lifestyle. Most people with prediabetes dont have any symptoms. Your doctor can test your blood to find out if your blood glucose levels are higher than normal. Losing weightat least 5 to 10 percent of your starting weightcan prevent or delay diabetes or even reverse prediabetes. Thats 10 to 20 pounds for someone who weighs 200 pounds. You can lose weight by cutting the amount of calories and fat you consume and by being physically active at least 30 to 60 minutes every day. Physical activity also helps your body use the hormone insulin properly. Your body needs insulin to use glucose for energy. Medicine can help control the amount of glucose in your blood. Ask your doctor if medicine to control glucose is right for you. Learn more about prediabetes here. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Sometimes, cancer cells break away from the malignant tumor in the prostate and enter the bloodstream or the lymphatic system and travel to other organs in the body. When cancer spreads from its original location in the prostate to another part of the body such as the bone, it is called metastatic prostate cancer, not bone cancer. Doctors sometimes call this "distant" disease. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Problems with Taste ? [/INST] Taste, or gustation, is one of our most robust senses. Although there is a small decline in taste in people over 60, most older people will not notice it because normal aging does not greatly affect our sense of taste. Problems with taste occur less frequently than problems with smell. How Our Sense of Taste Works Our sense of taste, along with our sense of smell, is part of our chemical sensing system. Normal taste occurs when tiny molecules released by chewing or the digestion of food stimulate special sensory cells in the mouth and throat. These taste cells, or gustatory cells, send messages through three specialized taste nerves to the brain, where specific tastes are identified. Damage to these nerves following head injury can lead to taste loss. The taste cells are clustered within the taste buds of the tongue and roof of the mouth, and along the lining of the throat. Many of the small bumps that can be seen on the tip of the tongue contain taste buds. At birth, we have about 10,000 taste buds scattered on the back, sides, and tip of the tongue. After age 50, we may start to lose taste buds. Five Taste Sensations We can experience five basic taste sensations: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami, or savory. Umami is the taste we get from glutamate, a building block of protein found in chicken broth, meat stock, and some cheeses. Umami is also the taste associated wtih MSG (monosodium glutamate) that is often added to foods as a flavor enhancer. The five taste qualities combine with other oral sensations, such as texture, spiciness, temperature, and aroma to produce what is commonly referred to as flavor. It is flavor that lets us know whether we are eating an apple or a pear. Flavors and the Sense of Smell Many people are surprised to learn that we recognize flavors largely through our sense of smell. Try holding your nose while eating chocolate. You will be able to distinguish between its sweetness and bitterness, but you can't identify the chocolate flavor. That's because the distinguishing characteristic of chocolate is largely identified by our sense of smell as aromas are released during chewing. Food flavor is affected by a head cold or nasal congestion because the aroma of food does not reach the sensory cells that detect odors. More information on this topic can be found in the topic Problems With Smell Smell and Taste Closely Linked Smell and taste are closely linked senses. Many people mistakenly believe they have a problem with taste, when they are really experiencing a problem with smell. It is common for people who lose their sense of smell to say that food has lost its taste. This is incorrect; the food has lost its aroma, but taste remains. In older people, there is a normal decline in the sense of smell and the taste of food shifts toward blandness. This is why people often believe they have a taste problem. When Taste is Impaired Problems with taste can have a big impact on an older person's life. Because taste affects the amount and type of food we eat, when there are problems with taste, a person may change his or her eating habits. Some people may eat too much and gain weight, while others may eat too little and lose weight. A loss of appetite, especially in older adults, can lead to loss of weight, poor nutrition, weakened immunity, and even death. Taste helps us detect spoiled food or liquids and it also helps some people detect ingredients they are allergic to. A problem with taste can weaken or remove an early warning system that most of us take for granted. A distorted sense of taste can be a serious risk factor for illnesses that require sticking to a specific diet. Loss of taste can cause us to eat too much sugar or salt to make our food taste better. This can be a problem for people with such illnesses as diabetes or high blood pressure. In severe cases, loss of taste can lead to depression. Taste Problems Are Often Temporary When an older person has a problem with taste, it is often temporary and minor. True taste disorders are uncommon. When a problem with taste exists, it is usually caused by medications, disease, some cancer treatments, or injury. Many older people believe that there is nothing they can do about their weakened sense of taste. If you think you have a problem with your sense of taste, see your doctor. Depending on the cause of your problem, your doctor may be able to suggest ways to regain your sense of taste or to cope with the loss of taste. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Quitting Smoking for Older Adults ? [/INST] Many former smokers who are 50 and older say that their main reason for quitting was for their health or due to their doctors advice. Another common reason smokers quit is to be in control of their lives and to be free from cigarettes. A lot of former smokers also said that pleasing or helping a loved one was a big part of their decision to quit. These all are good reasons. The most important reasons for quitting are the ones you decide on for yourself. </s>
<s>[INST] How many people are affected by Osteoarthritis ? [/INST] The chance of developing osteoarthritis increases with age. It is estimated that 33.6% (12.4 million) of individuals age 65 and older are affected by the disease. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Osteoarthritis ? [/INST] Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis among older people. It affects hands, low back, neck, and weight-bearing joints such as knees, hips, and feet. Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage, the tissue that cushions the ends of the bones within the joints, breaks down and wears away. This causes bones to rub together, causing pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Diabetes ? [/INST] People with diabetes should - do aerobic activities, such as brisk walking, which use the bodys large muscles to make the heart beat faster. The large muscles are those of the upper and lower arms and legs and those that control head, shoulder, and hip movements. - do activities to strengthen muscles and bone, such as sit-ups or lifting weights. Aim for two times a week. - stretch to increase flexibility, lower stress, and help prevent muscle soreness after physical activity. do aerobic activities, such as brisk walking, which use the bodys large muscles to make the heart beat faster. The large muscles are those of the upper and lower arms and legs and those that control head, shoulder, and hip movements. do activities to strengthen muscles and bone, such as sit-ups or lifting weights. Aim for two times a week. stretch to increase flexibility, lower stress, and help prevent muscle soreness after physical activity. Try to exercise almost every day for a total of about 30 minutes. If you haven't exercised lately, begin slowly. Start with 5 to 10 minutes, and then add more time. Or exercise for 10 minutes, three times a day. (Tip: you dont need to get your exercise in all at one time.) For more information on exercise and older adults, see Exercises To Try or visit Go4Life, the exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging. Always talk with a doctor before starting a new physical activity program. </s>
<s>[INST] what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Scientists continue to look at new ways to prevent, treat, and diagnose prostate cancer. Research has already led to a number of advances in these areas. Dietary Research Several studies are under way to explore the causes of prostate cancer. Some researchers think that diet may affect a man's chances of developing prostate cancer. For example, some studies show that prostate cancer is more common in populations that consume a high-fat diet, particularly animal fat, and in populations with diets that lack certain nutrients. Research on Testosterone Some research suggests that high levels of testosterone may increase a man's risk of prostate cancer. The difference in prostate cancer risk among racial groups could be related to high testosterone levels, but it also could result from diet or other lifestyle factors. Genetic Research Researchers are studying changes in genes that may increase the risk for developing prostate cancer. Some studies are looking at the genes of men who were diagnosed with prostate cancer at a relatively young age, such as less than 55 years old, and the genes of families who have several members with the disease. Other studies are trying to identify which genes, or arrangements of genes, are most likely to lead to prostate cancer. Much more work is needed, however, before scientists can say exactly how genetic changes relate to prostate cancer. Prevention Research Several studies have explored ways to prevent prostate cancer. In October 2008, initial results of a study on the use of the dietary supplements vitamin E and selenium found that they did not provide any benefit in reducing the number of new cases of the disease. A few studies suggest that a diet that regularly includes tomato-based foods may help protect men from prostate cancer, but there are no studies that conclusively prove this hypothesis. According to results of a study that was re-analyzed in 2013, men who took finasteride, a drug that affects male hormone levels, reduced their chances of getting prostate cancer by nearly 30 percent compared to men who took a placebo. Unlike earlier findings from this study, this new analysis showed no increased risk of late stage disease due to use of finasteride. Stopping Prostate Cancer from Returning Scientists are also looking at ways to stop prostate cancer from returning in men who have already been treated for the disease. These approaches use drugs such as finasteride, flutamide, nilutamide, and LH-RH agonists that manipulate hormone levels. In 2010, the FDA approved a therapeutic cancer vaccine, Provenge, for use in some men with metastatic prostate cancer. Provenge may provide a 4-month improvement in overall survival compared with a placebo vaccine. Other similar vaccine therapies are in development. Research on New Blood Tests Some researchers are working to develop new blood tests to detect the antibodies that the immune system produces to fight prostate cancer. When used along with PSA testing, the antibody tests may provide more accurate results about whether or not a man has prostate cancer. Researching New Approaches to Treatment Through research, doctors are trying to find new, more effective ways to treat prostate cancer. Cryosurgery -- destroying cancer by freezing it -- is under study as an alternative to surgery and radiation therapy. To avoid damaging healthy tissue, the doctor places an instrument known as a cryoprobe in direct contact with the tumor to freeze it. Doctors are studying new ways of using radiation therapy and hormonal therapy, too. Studies have shown that hormonal therapy given after radiation therapy can help certain men whose cancer has spread to nearby tissues. Scientists are also testing the effectiveness of chemotherapy and biological therapy for men whose cancer does not respond, or stops responding, to hormonal therapy. They are also exploring new ways to schedule and combine various treatments. For example, they are studying hormonal therapy to find out if using it to shrink the tumor before a man has surgery or radiation might be a useful approach. For men with early stage prostate cancer, researchers are also comparing treatment with watchful waiting. The results of this work will help doctors know whether to treat early stage prostate cancer immediately or only later on, if symptoms occur or worsen. </s>
<s>[INST] How many people are affected by Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among American men. It is a slow-growing disease that mostly affects older men. In fact, more than 60 percent of all prostate cancers are found in men over the age of 65. The disease rarely occurs in men younger than 40 years of age. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Balance Problems ? [/INST] Have you ever felt dizzy, lightheaded, or as if the room were spinning around you? These can be very troublesome sensations. If the feeling happens often, it could be a sign of a balance problem. Balance problems are among the most common reasons that older adults seek help from a doctor. In 2008, an estimated 14.8 percent of American adults (33.4 million) had a balance or dizziness problem during the past year. Why Good Balance is Important Having good balance means being able to control and maintain your body's position, whether you are moving or remaining still. An intact sense of balance helps you - walk without staggering - get up from a chair without falling - climb stairs without tripping - bend over without falling. walk without staggering get up from a chair without falling climb stairs without tripping bend over without falling. The part of the inner ear responsible for balance is the vestibular system, often referred to as the labyrinth. To maintain your body's position, the labyrinth interacts with other systems in the body, such as the eyes, bones and joints. Good balance is important to help you get around, stay independent, and carry out daily activities. Learn how your body maintains its balance. When People Have Problems with Balance As they get older, many people experience problems with their sense of balance. They feel dizzy or unsteady, or as if they or their surroundings were in motion. Disturbances of the inner ear are a common cause. Vertigo, the feeling that you or the things around you are spinning, is also a common symptom. Balance disorders are one reason older people fall. Falls and fall-related injuries, such as hip fracture, can have a serious impact on an older person's life. If you fall, it could limit your activities or make it impossible to live independently. Many people often become more isolated after a fall. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly more than one-third of adults ages 65 years and older fall each year. Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths. Learn other ways a fall may affect an older adult's life. BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) There are many types of balance disorders. One of the most common is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV. In BPPV, you experience a brief, intense feeling of vertigo when you change the position of your head, such as when rolling over to the left or right, upon getting out of bed, or when looking for an object on a high or low shelf. BPPV is more likely to occur in adults aged 60 and older, but can also occur in younger people. In BPPV, small calcium particles in the inner ear become displaced and disrupt the inner ear balance sensors, causing dizziness. The reason they become displaced is not known; the cause may be an inner ear infection, head injury, or aging. Labyrinthitis This is an infection or inflammation of the inner ear that causes dizziness and loss of balance. It is often associated with an upper respiratory infection such as the flu. Mnire's Disease Mnire's disease is a balance disorder that causes a person to experience - vertigo - hearing loss that comes and goes - tinnitus, which is a ringing or roaring in the ears - a feeling of fullness in the ear. vertigo hearing loss that comes and goes tinnitus, which is a ringing or roaring in the ears a feeling of fullness in the ear. It affects adults of any age. The cause is unknown. See a fuller list of balance disorders. There are many ways to treat balance disorders. Treatments vary depending on the cause. See your doctor if you are experiencing dizziness, vertigo, or other problems with your balance. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of Osteoarthritis ? [/INST] Pain and Stiffness in Joints Different types of arthritis have different symptoms. In general, people with most forms of arthritis have pain and stiffness in their joints. Osteoarthritis usually develops slowly and can occur in any joint, but often occurs in weight-bearing joints. Early in the disease, joints may ache after physical work or exercise. Most often, osteoarthritis occurs in the hands, hips, knees, neck, or low back. Common Signs Common signs of osteoarthritis include - joint pain, swelling, and tenderness - stiffness after getting out of bed - a crunching feeling or sound of bone rubbing on bone. joint pain, swelling, and tenderness stiffness after getting out of bed a crunching feeling or sound of bone rubbing on bone. Not everyone with osteoarthritis feels pain, however. In fact, only a third of people with x-ray evidence of osteoarthritis report pain or other symptoms. Diagnosis To make a diagnosis of osteoarthritis, most doctors use a combination of methods and tests including a medical history, a physical examination, x-rays, and laboratory tests. - A medical history is the patient's description of symptoms and when and how they began. The description covers pain, stiffness, and joint function, and how these have changed over time. - A physical examination includes the doctor's examination of the joints, skin, reflexes, and muscle strength. The doctor observes the patient's ability to walk, bend, and carry out activities of daily living. - X-rays are limited in their capacity to reveal how much joint damage may have occurred in osteoarthritis. X-rays usually don't show osteoarthritis damage until there has been a significant loss of cartilage. A medical history is the patient's description of symptoms and when and how they began. The description covers pain, stiffness, and joint function, and how these have changed over time. A physical examination includes the doctor's examination of the joints, skin, reflexes, and muscle strength. The doctor observes the patient's ability to walk, bend, and carry out activities of daily living. X-rays are limited in their capacity to reveal how much joint damage may have occurred in osteoarthritis. X-rays usually don't show osteoarthritis damage until there has been a significant loss of cartilage. Questions Your Doctor May Ask It is important for people with joint pain to give the doctor a complete medical history. Answering these questions will help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis: - Is the pain in one or more joints? - When does the pain occur and how long does it last? - When did you first notice the pain? - Does activity make the pain better or worse? - Have you had any illnesses or accidents that may account for the pain? - Is there a family history of any arthritis or rheumatic diseases? - What medicines are you taking? Is the pain in one or more joints? When does the pain occur and how long does it last? When did you first notice the pain? Does activity make the pain better or worse? Have you had any illnesses or accidents that may account for the pain? Is there a family history of any arthritis or rheumatic diseases? What medicines are you taking? A patient's attitudes, daily activities, and levels of anxiety or depression have a lot to do with how severe the symptoms of osteoarthritis may be. Who Can Provide Care Treating arthritis often requires a multidisciplinary or team approach. Many types of health professionals care for people with arthritis. You may choose a few or more of the following professionals to be part of your health care team. - Primary care physicians -- doctors who treat patients before they are referred to other specialists in the health care system. Often a primary care physician will be the main doctor to treat your arthritis. Primary care physicians also handle other medical problems and coordinate the care you receive from other physicians and health care providers. Primary care physicians -- doctors who treat patients before they are referred to other specialists in the health care system. Often a primary care physician will be the main doctor to treat your arthritis. Primary care physicians also handle other medical problems and coordinate the care you receive from other physicians and health care providers. - Rheumatologists -- doctors who specialize in treating arthritis and related conditions that affect joints, muscles, and bones. Rheumatologists -- doctors who specialize in treating arthritis and related conditions that affect joints, muscles, and bones. - Orthopaedists -- surgeons who specialize in the treatment of, and surgery for, bone and joint diseases. Orthopaedists -- surgeons who specialize in the treatment of, and surgery for, bone and joint diseases. - Physical therapists -- health professionals who work with patients to improve joint function. Physical therapists -- health professionals who work with patients to improve joint function. - Occupational therapists -- health professionals who teach ways to protect joints, minimize pain, perform activities of daily living, and conserve energy. Occupational therapists -- health professionals who teach ways to protect joints, minimize pain, perform activities of daily living, and conserve energy. - Dietitians -- health professionals who teach ways to use a good diet to improve health and maintain a healthy weight. Dietitians -- health professionals who teach ways to use a good diet to improve health and maintain a healthy weight. - Nurse educators -- nurses who specialize in helping patients understand their overall condition and implement their treatment plans. Nurse educators -- nurses who specialize in helping patients understand their overall condition and implement their treatment plans. - Physiatrists (rehabilitation specialists) -- medical doctors who help patients make the most of their physical potential. Physiatrists (rehabilitation specialists) -- medical doctors who help patients make the most of their physical potential. - Licensed acupuncture therapists -- health professionals who reduce pain and improve physical functioning by inserting fine needles into the skin at specific points on the body. Licensed acupuncture therapists -- health professionals who reduce pain and improve physical functioning by inserting fine needles into the skin at specific points on the body. - Psychologists -- health professionals who seek to help patients cope with difficulties in the home and workplace resulting from their medical conditions. Psychologists -- health professionals who seek to help patients cope with difficulties in the home and workplace resulting from their medical conditions. - Social workers -- professionals who assist patients with social challenges caused by disability, unemployment, financial hardships, home health care, and other needs resulting from their medical conditions. Social workers -- professionals who assist patients with social challenges caused by disability, unemployment, financial hardships, home health care, and other needs resulting from their medical conditions. - Chiropractors -- health professionals who focus treatment on the relationship between the body's structure -- mainly the spine -- and its functioning. Chiropractors -- health professionals who focus treatment on the relationship between the body's structure -- mainly the spine -- and its functioning. - Massage therapists -- health professionals who press, rub, and otherwise manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body. They most often use their hands and fingers, but may use their forearms, elbows, or feet. Massage therapists -- health professionals who press, rub, and otherwise manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body. They most often use their hands and fingers, but may use their forearms, elbows, or feet. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] "DASH" stands for "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension." This is the name of a clinical study that tested the effects of nutrients in food on blood pressure. Study results indicated that you can reduce high blood pressure by following an eating plan that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, and that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, total fat, and added sugars. The DASH eating plan also includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts, and has reduced amounts of red meats, sweets, added sugars, and beverages containing sugars. A second study, called "DASH-Sodium," showed that eating less salt also lowered blood pressure in people following either the DASH eating plan or the typical American diet. But those following DASH, especially those with high blood pressure, benefited the most. For more information on using the DASH eating plan, see Your Guide to Lowering Your Blood Pressure with DASH. </s>
<s>[INST] How to diagnose Problems with Taste ? [/INST] Doctors can diagnose a taste disorder by measuring the lowest concentration of a substance that a person can detect. The doctor may also ask a patient to compare the tastes of different substances or to note how the intensity of a taste grows when a substance's concentration is increased. Scientists have developed taste tests in which a person responds to different concentrations of a substance. This may involve a simple "sip, spit, and rinse" test, or the application of a substance directly to the tongue with an eye dropper. By using these tests, your doctor can determine if you have a true taste disorder and what type it is. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes Problems with Taste ? [/INST] Yes. Certain medicines can cause a change in our ability to taste. The medicines that most frequently do this are certain antibiotics and some antihistamines, although other medications can affect our sense of taste as well. If your medicine is causing a problem with your sense of taste, your doctor may be able to adjust or change your medicine. If not, he or she may suggest ways to manage your problem. Do not stop taking your medications unless directed by your doctor. Your doctor will work with you to get the medicine you need while trying to reduce unwanted side effects. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Alcohol Use and Older Adults ? [/INST] If a person drinks too much or too often he or she may develop an alcohol use disorder (AUD). An AUD can range in severity from mild to severe. On one end of this spectrum, drinking might cause sickness, depression, or sleeping problems. More severe symptoms include drinking more than intended or craving alcohol once youve stopped drinking. AUD can be a lifelong disease in which people have a strong need to drink, cannot control their drinking once they start, and over time need to drink greater and greater amounts of alcohol to get high. Older adults who develop a severe AUD become physically dependent on alcohol. When they stop drinking, they can get nauseated, sweaty, shaky, and restless. These withdrawal symptoms can cause them to start drinking again to feel better, even though doing so can lead to physical or psychological problems. Learn more about alcohol use disorder. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Alcohol Use and Older Adults ? [/INST] Some people with an alcohol use disorder are treated in a facility, such as a hospital, mental health center, or substance abuse clinic. Treatment may last as long as several weeks. This type of treatment typically involves detoxification (when a person is weaned from alcohol), medicine, and counseling. Learn more about treatment settings for alcohol problems. Use the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator to find a treatment facility. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Anxiety Disorders ? [/INST] Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or making an important decision. However, anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. These feelings can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. (Watch the video to learn about the types of anxiety disorders. To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) Anxiety Disorders in Older Adults Studies estimate that anxiety disorders affect up to 15 percent of older adults in a given year. More women than men experience anxiety disorders. They tend to be less common among older adults than younger adults. But developing an anxiety disorder late in life is not a normal part of aging. Anxiety disorders commonly occur along with other mental or physical illnesses, including alcohol or substance abuse, which may mask anxiety symptoms or make them worse. In older adults, anxiety disorders often occur at the same time as depression, heart disease, diabetes, and other medical problems. In some cases, these other problems need to be treated before a person can respond well to treatment for anxiety. There are three types of anxiety disorders discussed here. - generalized anxiety disorder - social phobia - panic disorder generalized anxiety disorder social phobia panic disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) All of us worry about things like health, money, or family problems. But people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are extremely worried about these and many other things, even when there is little or no reason to worry about them. They are very anxious about just getting through the day. They think things will always go badly. At times, worrying keeps people with GAD from doing everyday tasks. Learn more about generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Social Phobia In social phobia, a person fears being judged by others or of being embarrassed. This fear can get in the way of doing everyday things such as going to work, running errands, or meeting with friends. People who have social phobia often know that they shouldn't be so afraid, but they can't control their fear. Learn more about social phobia. Panic Disorder In panic disorder, a person has sudden, unexplained attacks of terror, and often feels his or her heart pounding. During a panic attack, a person feels a sense of unreality, a fear of impending doom, or a fear of losing control. Panic attacks can occur at any time. Learn more about panic disorder. Anxiety Disorders Are Treatable In general, anxiety disorders are treated with medication, specific types of psychotherapy, or both. Treatment choices depend on the type of disorder, the persons preference, and the expertise of the doctor. If you think you have an anxiety disorder, talk to your doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Balance Problems ? [/INST] You can help your doctor make a diagnosis by writing down key information about your dizziness or balance problem beforehand and giving the information to your doctor during the visit. Write down answers to these questions for your doctor: - How would you describe your dizziness or balance problem? - If the room is spinning around you, which ways does it appear to turn? - How often do you have dizziness or balance problems? - Have you ever fallen? - If so, when did you fall, where did you fall, and how often have you fallen? Tell your doctor as much as you can. - What medications do you take? Remember to include all over-the-counter medicines, including aspirin, antihistamines, or sleep aids. - What is the name of the medication? - How much medication do you take each day? - What times of the day do you take the medication? - What is the health condition for which you take the medication? How would you describe your dizziness or balance problem? If the room is spinning around you, which ways does it appear to turn? How often do you have dizziness or balance problems? Have you ever fallen? If so, when did you fall, where did you fall, and how often have you fallen? Tell your doctor as much as you can. What medications do you take? Remember to include all over-the-counter medicines, including aspirin, antihistamines, or sleep aids. What is the name of the medication? How much medication do you take each day? What times of the day do you take the medication? What is the health condition for which you take the medication? See a video on describing symptoms and health concerns during a doctor visit. </s>
<s>[INST] Who is at risk for High Blood Pressure? ? [/INST] Not a Normal Part of Aging Nearly 1 in 3 American adults have high blood pressure. Many people get high blood pressure as they get older. However, getting high blood pressure is not a normal part of aging. There are things you can do to help keep your blood pressure normal, such as eating a healthy diet and getting more exercise. Risk Factors Anyone can develop high blood pressure. However, these factors can increase your risk for developing high blood pressure. - age - race or ethnicity - being overweight - gender - lifestyle habits - a family history of high blood pressure. age race or ethnicity being overweight gender lifestyle habits a family history of high blood pressure. Age Blood pressure tends to rise with age. In fact, about 65 percent of Americans age 60 or older have high blood pressure. Race/Ethnicity High blood pressure is more common in African American adults than in Caucasian or Hispanic American adults. Compared with these ethnic groups, African Americans - tend to get high blood pressure earlier in life - often have higher blood pressure numbers - are less likely to achieve target blood pressure goals with treatment. tend to get high blood pressure earlier in life often have higher blood pressure numbers are less likely to achieve target blood pressure goals with treatment. Overweight You are more likely to develop prehypertension or high blood pressure if youre overweight or obese. The terms overweight and obese refer to body weight thats greater than what is considered healthy for a certain height. Gender Before age 55, men are more likely than women to develop high blood pressure. After age 55, women are more likely than men to develop high blood pressure. Lifestyle Habits Unhealthy lifestyle habits can raise your risk for high blood pressure, and they include - eating too much sodium or too little potassium - lack of physical activity - drinking too much alcohol - smoking - stress. eating too much sodium or too little potassium lack of physical activity drinking too much alcohol smoking stress. Family History A family history of high blood pressure raises the risk of developing prehypertension or high blood pressure. Some people have a high sensitivity to sodium and salt, which may increase their risk for high blood pressure and may run in families. Genetic causes of this condition are why family history is a risk factor for this condition. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] Medicare Part B is medical insurance. It helps cover medical services such as doctor's services, outpatient care and other medical services that Part A doesn't cover. Part B also covers some preventive services, such as flu shots and diabetes screening, to help you maintain your health and to keep certain illnesses from getting worse. Enrollment in Part B is optional, and most people who choose it must pay a monthly fee, or premium. There may be a late enrollment penalty for Part B if the person doesn't join when he or she is first eligible. For important information about Part B, visit to view or print copies of "Your Medicare Benefits" or "Medicare & You." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") You can also contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) which gives free health insurance counseling and guidance to people with Medicare -- or to family and friends who have authorization to help someone with Medicare questions. To get the most up-to-date telephone numbers, call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) or visit (TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048.) Under "Search Tools," select "Find Helpful Phone Numbers and Websites." To sign up for Medicare Part B, call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778. If you are getting benefits from the Railroad Retirement Board, call your local RRB office or 1-800-808-0772. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Anxiety Disorders ? [/INST] All of us worry about things like health, money, or family problems. But people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are extremely worried about these and many other things, even when there is little or no reason to worry about them. They are very anxious about just getting through the day. They think things will always go badly. At times, worrying keeps people with GAD from doing everyday tasks. People with GAD cant seem to get rid of their concerns, even though they usually realize that their anxiety is more intense than the situation warrants. They cant relax, startle easily, and have difficulty concentrating. Often they have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Physical symptoms that often accompany the anxiety include fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, trembling, twitching, irritability, sweating, nausea, lightheadedness, having to go to the bathroom frequently, feeling out of breath, and hot flashes. When their anxiety level is mild, people with GAD can function socially and hold down a job. Although they dont avoid certain situations as a result of their disorder, people with GAD can have difficulty carrying out the simplest daily activities if their anxiety is severe. Learn more about generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Choosing Treatment There are a number of ways to treat prostate cancer, and the doctor will develop a treatment to fit each man's needs. The choice of treatment mostly depends on the stage of the disease and the grade of the tumor. But doctors also consider a man's age, general health, and his feelings about the treatments and their possible side effects. Treatment for prostate cancer may involve watchful waiting, surgery, radiation therapy, or hormonal therapy. Some men receive a combination of therapies. A cure is the goal for men whose prostate cancer is diagnosed early. Weighing Treatment Options You and your doctor will want to consider both the benefits and possible side effects of each option, especially the effects on sexual activity and urination, and other concerns about quality of life. Surgery, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy all have the potential to disrupt sexual desire or performance for a short while or permanently. Discuss your concerns with your health care provider. Several options are available to help you manage sexual problems related to prostate cancer treatment. Watchful Waiting The doctor may suggest watchful waiting for some men who have prostate cancer that is found at an early stage and appears to be growing slowly. Also, watchful waiting may be advised for older men or men with other serious medical problems. For these men, the risks and possible side effects of surgery, radiation therapy, or hormonal therapy may outweigh the possible benefits. Doctors monitor these patients with regular check-ups. If symptoms appear or get worse, the doctor may recommend active treatment. Surgery Surgery is used to remove the cancer. It is a common treatment for early stage prostate cancer. The surgeon may remove the entire prostate with a type of surgery called radical prostatectomy or, in some cases, remove only part of it. Sometimes the surgeon will also remove nearby lymph nodes. Side effects of the operation may include lack of sexual function or impotence, or problems holding urine or incontinence. Improvements in surgery now make it possible for some men to keep their sexual function. In some cases, doctors can use a technique known as nerve-sparing surgery. This may save the nerves that control erection. However, men with large tumors or tumors that are very close to the nerves may not be able to have this surgery. Some men with trouble holding urine may regain control within several weeks of surgery. Others continue to have problems that require them to wear a pad. Radiation Therapy Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Doctors may recommend it instead of surgery, or after surgery, to destroy any cancer cells that may remain in the area. In advanced stages, the doctor may recommend radiation to relieve pain or other symptoms. It may also be used in combination with hormonal therapy. Radiation can cause problems with impotence and bowel function. The radiation may come from a machine, which is external radiation, or from tiny radioactive seeds placed inside or near the tumor, which is internal radiation. Men who receive only the radioactive seeds usually have small tumors. Some men receive both kinds of radiation therapy. For external radiation therapy, patients go to the hospital or clinic -- usually for several weeks. Internal radiation may require patients to stay in the hospital for a short time. Hormonal Therapy Hormonal therapy deprives cancer cells of the male hormones they need to grow and survive. This treatment is often used for prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. Sometimes doctors use hormonal therapy to try to keep the cancer from coming back after surgery or radiation treatment. Side effects can include impotence, hot flashes, loss of sexual desire, and thinning of bones. Some hormone therapies increase the risk of blood clots. Monitoring Treatment Regardless of the type of treatment you receive, you will be closely monitored to see how well the treatment is working. Monitoring may include - a PSA blood test -- usually every 3 months to 1 year. - bone scan and/or CT scan to see if the cancer has spread. - a complete blood count to monitor for signs and symptoms of anemia. - looking for signs or symptoms that the disease might be progressing, such as fatigue, increased pain, or decreased bowel and bladder function. a PSA blood test -- usually every 3 months to 1 year. bone scan and/or CT scan to see if the cancer has spread. a complete blood count to monitor for signs and symptoms of anemia. looking for signs or symptoms that the disease might be progressing, such as fatigue, increased pain, or decreased bowel and bladder function. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Osteoarthritis ? [/INST] Treatment Goals: Manage Pain, Improve Function Osteoarthritis treatment plans often include ways to manage pain and improve function. Such plans can include exercise, rest and joint care, pain relief, weight control, medicines, surgery, and non-traditional treatment approaches. Current treatments for osteoarthritis can relieve symptoms such as pain and disability, but right now there are no treatments that can cure osteoarthritis. Exercise: One of the Best Treatments Exercise is one of the best treatments for osteoarthritis. It can improve mood and outlook, decrease pain, increase flexibility, and help you maintain a healthy weight. The amount and form of exercise will depend on which joints are involved, how stable the joints are, whether or not the joint is swollen, and whether a joint replacement has already been done. Ask your doctor or physical therapist what exercises are best for you The following types of exercise are part of a well-rounded arthritis treatment plan. - Strengthening exercises. These exercises strengthen muscles that support joints affected by arthritis. They can be performed with weights or with exercise bands, inexpensive devices that add resistance. - Aerobic activities. These are exercises, such as brisk walking or low-impact aerobics, that get your heart pumping and can keep your lungs and circulatory system in shape. - Range-of-motion activities. These keep your joints limber. - Balance and agility exercises. These help you maintain your balance and reduce the risk of falling. Strengthening exercises. These exercises strengthen muscles that support joints affected by arthritis. They can be performed with weights or with exercise bands, inexpensive devices that add resistance. Aerobic activities. These are exercises, such as brisk walking or low-impact aerobics, that get your heart pumping and can keep your lungs and circulatory system in shape. Range-of-motion activities. These keep your joints limber. Balance and agility exercises. These help you maintain your balance and reduce the risk of falling. To see examples of exercises for older adults, see Exercises to Try or visit Go4Life, the National Institute on Agings exercise and physical activity program for older adults. Weight Control If you are overweight or obese, you should try to lose weight. Weight loss can reduce stress on weight-bearing joints, limit further injury, increase mobility, and reduce the risk of associated health problems. A dietitian can help you develop healthy eating habits. A healthy diet and regular exercise help reduce weight. Rest and Relief from Stress on Joints Treatment plans include regularly scheduled rest. You must learn to recognize the bodys signals, and know when to stop or slow down. This will prevent the pain caused by overexertion. Although pain can make it difficult to sleep, getting proper sleep is important for managing arthritis pain. If you have trouble sleeping, you may find that relaxation techniques, stress reduction, and biofeedback can help. Timing medications to provide maximum pain relief through the night can also help. If joint pain interferes with your ability to sleep or rest, consult your doctor. Some people find relief from special footwear and insoles that can reduce pain and improve walking or from using canes to take pressure off painful joints. They may use splints or braces to provide extra support for joints and/ or keep them in proper position during sleep or activity. Splints should be used only for limited periods of time because joints and muscles need to be exercised to prevent stiffness and weakness. If you need a splint, an occupational therapist or a doctor can help you get a properly fitted one. Non-drug Pain Relief and Alternative Therapies People with osteoarthritis may find many nondrug ways to relieve pain. Below are some examples. - Heat and cold. Heat or cold (or a combination of the two) can be useful for joint pain. Heat can be applied in a number of different ways -- with warm towels, hot packs, or a warm bath or shower -- to increase blood flow and ease pain and stiffness. In some cases, cold packs (bags of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel), which reduce inflammation, can relieve pain or numb the sore area. (Check with a doctor or physical therapist to find out if heat or cold is the best treatment.) Heat and cold. Heat or cold (or a combination of the two) can be useful for joint pain. Heat can be applied in a number of different ways -- with warm towels, hot packs, or a warm bath or shower -- to increase blood flow and ease pain and stiffness. In some cases, cold packs (bags of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel), which reduce inflammation, can relieve pain or numb the sore area. (Check with a doctor or physical therapist to find out if heat or cold is the best treatment.) - Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). TENS is a technique that uses a small electronic device to direct mild electric pulses to nerve endings that lie beneath the skin in the painful area. TENS may relieve some arthritis pain. It seems to work by blocking pain messages to the brain and by modifying pain perception. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). TENS is a technique that uses a small electronic device to direct mild electric pulses to nerve endings that lie beneath the skin in the painful area. TENS may relieve some arthritis pain. It seems to work by blocking pain messages to the brain and by modifying pain perception. - Massage. In this pain-relief approach, a massage therapist will lightly stroke and/or knead the painful muscles. This may increase blood flow and bring warmth to a stressed area. However, arthritis-stressed joints are sensitive, so the therapist must be familiar with the problems of the disease. Massage. In this pain-relief approach, a massage therapist will lightly stroke and/or knead the painful muscles. This may increase blood flow and bring warmth to a stressed area. However, arthritis-stressed joints are sensitive, so the therapist must be familiar with the problems of the disease. - Acupuncture. Some people have found pain relief using acupuncture, a practice in which fine needles are inserted by a licensed acupuncture therapist at specific points on the skin. Scientists think the needles stimulate the release of natural, pain-relieving chemicals produced by the nervous system. A large study supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) revealed that acupuncture relieves pain and improves function in knee osteoarthritis, and it serves as an effective complement to standard care. Acupuncture. Some people have found pain relief using acupuncture, a practice in which fine needles are inserted by a licensed acupuncture therapist at specific points on the skin. Scientists think the needles stimulate the release of natural, pain-relieving chemicals produced by the nervous system. A large study supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) revealed that acupuncture relieves pain and improves function in knee osteoarthritis, and it serves as an effective complement to standard care. - Nutritional supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have been reported to improve the symptoms of people with osteoarthritis, as have certain vitamins. Additional studies have been carried out to further evaluate these claims. It is unknown whether they might change the course of disease. Nutritional supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have been reported to improve the symptoms of people with osteoarthritis, as have certain vitamins. Additional studies have been carried out to further evaluate these claims. It is unknown whether they might change the course of disease. - Folk remedies. These include the wearing of copper bracelets, following special diets, and rubbing WD-40 on joints to lubricate them. Although these practices may or may not be harmful, no scientific research to date shows that they are helpful in treating osteoarthritis. They can also be expensive, and using them may cause people to delay or even abandon useful medical treatment. Folk remedies. These include the wearing of copper bracelets, following special diets, and rubbing WD-40 on joints to lubricate them. Although these practices may or may not be harmful, no scientific research to date shows that they are helpful in treating osteoarthritis. They can also be expensive, and using them may cause people to delay or even abandon useful medical treatment. For general information on alternative therapies, see the Complementary Health Approaches topic. Medications Doctors consider a number of factors when choosing medicines for their patients. In particular, they look at the type of pain the patient may be having and any possible side effects from the drugs. For pain relief, doctors usually start with acetaminophen because the side effects are minimal. If acetaminophen does not relieve pain, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen may be used. Some NSAIDs are available over the counter, while more than a dozen others, including a subclass called COX-2 inhibitors, are available only with a prescription. Other medications, including corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, and topical creams are also used. Reduce the Risks of NSAID Use Most medicines used to treat osteoarthritis have side effects, so it is important for people to learn about the medicines they take. For example, people over age 65 and those with any history of ulcers or stomach bleeding should use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, with caution. There are measures you can take to help reduce the risk of side effects associated with NSAIDs. These include taking medications with food and avoiding stomach irritants such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. In some cases, it may help to take another medication along with an NSAID to coat the stomach or block stomach acids. Although these measures may help, they are not always completely effective. For more tips on how older adults can avoid side effects, see Side Effects in the Taking Medicines topic. Surgery For many people, surgery helps relieve the pain and disability of osteoarthritis. Surgery may be performed to achieve one or more of the following goals. - Removal of loose pieces of bone and cartilage from the joint if they are causing symptoms of buckling or locking (arthroscopic debridement). - Repositioning of bones (osteotomy). - Resurfacing (smoothing out) bones (joint resurfacing). Removal of loose pieces of bone and cartilage from the joint if they are causing symptoms of buckling or locking (arthroscopic debridement). Repositioning of bones (osteotomy). Resurfacing (smoothing out) bones (joint resurfacing). Joint Replacement Surgeons may replace affected joints with artificial joints called prostheses. These joints can be made from metal alloys, high-density plastic, and ceramic material. Some prostheses are joined to bone surfaces with special cements. Others have porous surfaces and rely on the growth of bone into that surface (a process called biologic fixation) to hold them in place. Artificial joints can last 10 to 15 years or longer. Surgeons choose the design and components of prostheses according to their patients weight, sex, age, activity level, and other medical conditions. Joint replacement advances in recent years have included the ability, in some cases, to replace only the damaged part of the knee joint, leaving undamaged parts of the joint intact, and the ability to perform hip replacement through much smaller incisions than previously possible. For more on joint replacement see the Hip Replacement and Knee Replacement topics. Deciding on Surgery The decision to use surgery depends on several factors, including the patients age, occupation, level of disability, pain intensity, and the degree to which arthritis interferes with his or her lifestyle. After surgery and rehabilitation, the patient usually feels less pain and swelling and can move more easily. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Surgery is a common treatment for early stage prostate cancer. It is used to remove the cancer. The surgeon may remove the entire prostate -- a type of surgery called radical prostatectomy -- or, in some cases, remove only part of it. Sometimes the surgeon will also remove nearby lymph nodes. Side effects may include lack of sexual function (impotence), or problems holding urine (incontinence). </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Knee Replacement ? [/INST] You can learn more about knee replacement from the following resources. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) Information Clearinghouse National Institutes of Health 1 AMS Circle Bethesda, MD 20892-3675 Phone: 301-495-4484 Toll Free: 877-22-NIAMS (226-4267) TTY: 301-565-2966 Fax: 301-718-6366 Email: [email protected] Website: American Physical Therapy Association Website: Arthritis Foundation Website: The Knee Society Website: MedlinePlus Website: </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of Glaucoma ? [/INST] At first, open-angle glaucoma has no symptoms. It causes no pain. Vision seems normal. Without treatment, people with glaucoma will slowly lose their peripheral, or side vision. They seem to be looking through a tunnel. Over time, straight-ahead vision may decrease until no vision remains. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] High blood pressure is often called the "silent killer" because you can have it for years without knowing it. The only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure measured. Complications When blood pressure stays high over time, it can damage the body and cause complications. Here are some of the common complications, along with their signs and symptoms. - Aneurysms. These occur when an abnormal bulge forms in the wall of an artery. Aneurysms develop and grow for years without causing signs or symptoms until they rupture, grow large enough to press on nearby body parts, or block blood flow. The signs and symptoms that develop depend on the location of the aneurysm. - Chronic Kidney Disease. This disease occurs when blood vessels narrow in the kidneys, possibly causing kidney failure. - Cognitive Changes Research shows that over time, higher blood pressure numbers can lead to cognitive changes. Signs and symptoms include memory loss, difficulty finding words, and losing focus during conversations. - Eye Damage. This condition occurs when blood vessels in the eyes burst or bleed. Signs and symptoms include vision changes or blindness. - Heart Attack. This occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart doesnt get oxygen. The most common warning symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain or discomfort, upper body discomfort, and shortness of breath. - Heart Failure. This condition occurs when the heart cant pump enough blood to meet the bodys needs. Common signs and symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath or trouble breathing; feeling tired; and swelling in the ankles, feet, legs, abdomen, and veins in the neck. - Peripheral Arterial Disease. This is a disease in which plaque builds up in leg arteries and affects blood flow in the legs. When people have symptoms, the most common are pain, cramping, numbness, aching, or heaviness in the legs, feet, and buttocks after walking or climbing stairs. - Stroke. A stroke occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a portion of the brain is blocked. The symptoms of a stroke include sudden onset of weakness; paralysis or numbness of the face, arms, or legs; trouble speaking or understanding speech; and trouble seeing. Aneurysms. These occur when an abnormal bulge forms in the wall of an artery. Aneurysms develop and grow for years without causing signs or symptoms until they rupture, grow large enough to press on nearby body parts, or block blood flow. The signs and symptoms that develop depend on the location of the aneurysm. Chronic Kidney Disease. This disease occurs when blood vessels narrow in the kidneys, possibly causing kidney failure. Cognitive Changes Research shows that over time, higher blood pressure numbers can lead to cognitive changes. Signs and symptoms include memory loss, difficulty finding words, and losing focus during conversations. Eye Damage. This condition occurs when blood vessels in the eyes burst or bleed. Signs and symptoms include vision changes or blindness. Heart Attack. This occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart doesnt get oxygen. The most common warning symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain or discomfort, upper body discomfort, and shortness of breath. Heart Failure. This condition occurs when the heart cant pump enough blood to meet the bodys needs. Common signs and symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath or trouble breathing; feeling tired; and swelling in the ankles, feet, legs, abdomen, and veins in the neck. Peripheral Arterial Disease. This is a disease in which plaque builds up in leg arteries and affects blood flow in the legs. When people have symptoms, the most common are pain, cramping, numbness, aching, or heaviness in the legs, feet, and buttocks after walking or climbing stairs. Stroke. A stroke occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a portion of the brain is blocked. The symptoms of a stroke include sudden onset of weakness; paralysis or numbness of the face, arms, or legs; trouble speaking or understanding speech; and trouble seeing. How Blood Pressure Is Checked Your health care provider usually takes 23 readings at several medical appointments to diagnose high blood pressure. Based on the results of your blood pressure test, your health care provider will diagnose prehypertension or high blood pressure if your systolic or diastolic readings are consistently higher than 120/80 mmHg. Once your health care provider determines the severity of your blood pressure, he or she can order additional tests to determine if your blood pressure is due to other conditions or medicines or if you have primary high blood pressure. Health care providers can use this information to develop your treatment plan. Some people have white coat hypertension. This happens when blood pressure readings are only high when taken in a health care providers office compared with readings taken in any other location. Researchers believe stress, which can occur during the medical appointment, causes white coat hypertension. Preparing for the Test A blood pressure test is easy and painless and can be done in a health care providers office or clinic. To prepare for the test - dont drink coffee or smoke cigarettes for 30 minutes prior to the test - go to the bathroom before the test. A full bladder can change the reading - sit for 5 minutes before the test. dont drink coffee or smoke cigarettes for 30 minutes prior to the test go to the bathroom before the test. A full bladder can change the reading sit for 5 minutes before the test. To track blood pressure readings over a period of time, the health care provider may ask you to come into the office on different days and at different times to take your blood pressure. The health care provider also may ask you to check readings at home or at other locations that have blood pressure equipment and to keep a written log of all your results. Whenever you have an appointment with the health care provider, be sure to bring your log of blood pressure readings. Ask the doctor or nurse to tell you your blood pressure reading in numbers and to explain what the numbers mean. Write down your numbers or ask the doctor or nurse to write them down for you. Write Down Your Readings Ask the doctor or nurse to tell you your blood pressure reading in numbers and to explain what the numbers mean. Write down your numbers or ask the doctor or nurse to write them down for you. (The wallet card on the right can be printed out and used to record your blood pressure numbers.) Checking Your Own Blood Pressure You can also check your blood pressure at home with a home blood pressure measurement device or monitor. It is important that the blood pressure cuff fits you properly and that you understand how to use the monitor. A cuff that is too small, for example, can give you a reading that is higher than your actual blood pressure. Your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist can help you check the cuff size and teach you how to use it correctly. You may also ask for their help in choosing the right blood pressure monitor for you. Blood pressure monitors can be bought at discount chain stores and drug stores. When you are taking your blood pressure at home, sit with your back supported and your feet flat on the floor. Rest your arm on a table at the level of your heart. After a Diagnosis If you're diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor will prescribe treatment. Your blood pressure will be tested again to see how the treatment affects it. Once your blood pressure is under control, you'll still need treatment. "Under control" means that your blood pressure numbers are in the normal range. Your doctor will likely recommend routine blood pressure tests. He or she can tell you how often you should be tested. The sooner you find out about high blood pressure and treat it, the better. Early treatment may help you avoid problems such as heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. See tips for talking with your doctor after you receive a medical diagnosis. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] People who choose Original Medicare may wish to consider Medigap, a type of Medicare supplement insurance. Medigap policies are sold by private insurance companies to fill gaps in Original Medicare Plan coverage, such as out-of-pocket costs for Medicare co-insurance and deductibles, or for services not covered by Medicare. A Medigap policy only works with Original Medicare. A person who joins a Medicare Advantage Plan generally doesn't need (and can't use) a Medigap policy. For more information about Medigap policies, visit to view a copy of "Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") You can also call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Doctors may recommend it instead of surgery or after surgery to destroy any cancer cells that may remain in the area. In advanced stages, the doctor may recommend it to relieve pain or other symptoms. Radiation can cause problems with impotence and bowel function. The radiation may come from a machine, which is external radiation, or from tiny radioactive seeds placed inside or near the tumor, which is internal radiation. Men who receive only the radioactive seeds usually have small tumors. Some men receive both kinds of radiation therapy. For external radiation therapy, patients go to the hospital or clinic -- usually 5 days a week for several weeks. Internal radiation may require patients to stay in the hospital for a short time. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections ? [/INST] Symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the bladder may include - cloudy, bloody, or foul-smelling urine - pain or burning during urination - strong and frequent need to urinate, even right after emptying the bladder - a mild fever below 101 degrees Fahrenheit in some people. cloudy, bloody, or foul-smelling urine pain or burning during urination strong and frequent need to urinate, even right after emptying the bladder a mild fever below 101 degrees Fahrenheit in some people. If the UTI spreads to the kidneys, symptoms may include - chills and shaking - night sweats - feeling tired or generally ill - fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit - pain in the side, back, or groin - flushed, warm, or reddened skin - mental changes or confusion - nausea and vomiting - very bad abdominal pain in some people. chills and shaking night sweats feeling tired or generally ill fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit pain in the side, back, or groin flushed, warm, or reddened skin mental changes or confusion nausea and vomiting very bad abdominal pain in some people. Symptoms May Vary Symptoms may differ depending on age, gender, and catheter use. In some elderly people, mental changes and confusion may be the only signs of a UTI. Older women and men with a UTI are more likely to be tired, shaky, and weak. They are also more likely to have muscle aches and abdominal pain. In a person with a catheter, the only symptom may be fever that does not have another likely cause. Germs without Symptoms Some people may have germs in the bladder or urinary tract, but not feel any symptoms. If a urine test shows that you have germs in your urine, but you do not feel any symptoms, you may not need any treatment. If you have germs in your urine but you feel okay, talk to your health care provider about whether antibiotics -- the medications that treat UTIs -- are needed. Diagnosis To find out if a person has a UTI, the health care provider will ask about symptoms. He or she will then test a sample of urine. The urine test looks for bacteria that may cause the infection. The urine test also looks for white blood cells, which the body makes to fight infection. Because healthy people sometimes have bacteria in their urine, both bacteria and white blood cells must be in the urine to diagnose a UTI. If a person has UTIs often, the health care provider may order some extra tests to see if the persons urinary tract is normal. (Watch the video to learn more about what to expect when seeking help for a bladder problem. To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Regardless of the type of treatment you receive, you will be closely monitored to see how well the treatment is working. Monitoring may include - a PSA blood test, usually every 3 months to 1 year. - bone scan and/or CT scan to see if the cancer has spread. a PSA blood test, usually every 3 months to 1 year. bone scan and/or CT scan to see if the cancer has spread. - a complete blood count to monitor for signs and symptoms of anemia. - looking for signs or symptoms that the disease might be progressing, such as fatigue, increased pain, or decreased bowel and bladder function. a complete blood count to monitor for signs and symptoms of anemia. looking for signs or symptoms that the disease might be progressing, such as fatigue, increased pain, or decreased bowel and bladder function. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes Quitting Smoking for Older Adults ? [/INST] Yes. Smoking is the leading cause of cancer in the United States, and it increases the risk of many types of cancer, including - lung cancer - throat cancer - mouth cancer - nasal cavity cancer (cancer in the airways of the nose) - esophageal cancer (cancer of the esophagus) - stomach cancer - pancreatic cancer (cancer of the pancreas) - kidney cancer - bladder cancer - cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix) - acute myeloid leukemia (blood cancer). lung cancer throat cancer mouth cancer nasal cavity cancer (cancer in the airways of the nose) esophageal cancer (cancer of the esophagus) stomach cancer pancreatic cancer (cancer of the pancreas) kidney cancer bladder cancer cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix) acute myeloid leukemia (blood cancer). If you smoke, you are up to 10 times more likely to get cancer than a person who has never smoked. This depends on how much and how long you smoked. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Anxiety Disorders ? [/INST] Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that is very useful in treating anxiety disorders. It can help people change the thinking patterns that support their fears and change the way they react to anxiety-provoking situations. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy can help people with panic disorder learn that their panic attacks are not really heart attacks and help people with social phobia learn how to overcome the belief that others are always watching and judging them. When people are ready to confront their fears, they are shown how to use exposure techniques to desensitize themselves to situations that trigger their anxieties. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes Osteoarthritis ? [/INST] Osteoarthritis often results from years of wear and tear on joints. This wear and tear mostly affects the cartilage, the tissue that cushions the ends of bones within the joint. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage begins to fray, wear away, and decay. Putting too much stress on a joint that has been repeatedly injured may lead to the development of osteoarthritis, too. A person who is overweight is more likely to develop osteoarthritis because of too much stress on the joints. Also, improper joint alignment may lead to the development of osteoarthritis. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] Medicare Part D helps pay for medications that a doctor may prescribe. This coverage may help lower prescription drug costs. Medicare drug plans are run by insurance companies and other private companies approved by Medicare. A person who joins Original Medicare and who wants prescription drug coverage will need to choose and sign up for a Medicare Prescription Drug plan (PDP). A person who joins one of the Medicare Advantage Plans will automatically receive prescription drug coverage through that plan if it's offered, usually for an extra cost. For more information about Medicare Part D, visit to get free copies of "Your Guide to Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage" and "Compare Medicare Prescription Drug Plans." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") You may also call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] Medicare Part A is hospital insurance that helps cover inpatient care in hospitals. Part A also helps cover skilled nursing facility care for a limited period of time, hospice care, and home health care, if you meet certain conditions. Most people don't have to pay a monthly premium for Medicare Part A when they turn age 65 because they or a spouse paid Medicare taxes while they were working. If a person is hospitalized, Medicare helps pay for the following services. - Care - general nursing - Room - semiprivate room - Hospital services - meals, most services and supplies Care - general nursing Room - semiprivate room Hospital services - meals, most services and supplies If a person is hospitalized, Medicare does NOT pay for the following services. - Care - private-duty nursing - Room - private room (unless medically necessary) - Hospital services - television and telephone Care - private-duty nursing Room - private room (unless medically necessary) Hospital services - television and telephone For important information about Medicare Part A, visit to view or print copies of "Your Medicare Benefits" or "Medicare & You." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Osteoarthritis ? [/INST] For many people, surgery helps relieve the pain and disability of osteoarthritis. Surgery may be performed to achieve one or more of the following. - Removal of loose pieces of bone and cartilage from the joint if they are causing symptoms of buckling or locking (arthroscopic debridement). - Repositioning of bones (osteotomy). - Resurfacing (smoothing out) bones (joint resurfacing). Removal of loose pieces of bone and cartilage from the joint if they are causing symptoms of buckling or locking (arthroscopic debridement). Repositioning of bones (osteotomy). Resurfacing (smoothing out) bones (joint resurfacing). The decision to use surgery depends on several factors, including the patients age, occupation, level of disability, pain intensity, and the degree to which arthritis interferes with his or her lifestyle. After surgery and rehabilitation, the patient usually feels less pain and swelling and can move more easily. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of Problems with Taste ? [/INST] Symptoms Vary With Disorders There are several types of taste disorders depending on how the sense of taste is affected. People who have taste disorders usually lose their ability to taste or can no longer perceive taste in the same way. True taste disorders are rare. Most changes in the perception of food flavor result from the loss of smell. Phantom Taste Perception. The most common taste complaint is "phantom taste perception" -- tasting something when nothing is in the mouth. Hypogeusia. Some people have hypogeusia, or the reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and savory, or umami. This disorder is usually temporary. Dysgeusia. Dysgeusia is a condition in which a foul, salty, rancid, or metallic taste sensation will persist in the mouth. Dysgeusia is sometimes accompanied by burning mouth syndrome, a condition in which a person experiences a painful burning sensation in the mouth. Although it can affect anyone, burning mouth syndrome is most common in middle-aged and older women. Ageusia. Other people can't detect taste at all, which is called ageusia. This type of taste disorder can be caused by head trauma; some surgical procedures, such as middle ear surgery or extraction of the third molar; radiation therapy; and viral infections. Why a Diagnosis Is Important If you think you have a taste disorder, see your doctor. Loss of the sense of taste can lead to depression and a reduced desire to eat. Loss of appetite can lead to loss of weight, poor nutrition and weakened immunity. In some cases, loss of taste can accompany or signal conditions such as diabetes. Sometimes, a problem with taste can be a sign of a disease of the nervous system, such multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, or Parkinsons disease. Do You Have a Taste Disorder? If you think you have a taste disorder, try to identify and record the circumstances surrounding it. Ask yourself the following questions: - When did I first become aware of it? - What changes in my taste do I notice? - Do all foods and drinks taste the same? - Have there been any changes in my sense of smell? - Does the change in taste affect my ability to eat normally? - What medications do I take? What are the names of the medications? How much do I take? What is the health condition for which I take them? - Have I recently had a cold or the flu? When did I first become aware of it? What changes in my taste do I notice? Do all foods and drinks taste the same? Have there been any changes in my sense of smell? Does the change in taste affect my ability to eat normally? What medications do I take? What are the names of the medications? How much do I take? What is the health condition for which I take them? Have I recently had a cold or the flu? Talking With Your Doctor Bring this information with you when you visit the doctor. He or she may refer you to an otolaryngologist, a specialist in diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. An accurate assessment of your taste loss will include, among other things - a physical examination of your ears, nose, and throat - a dental examination and assessment of oral hygiene - a review of your health history - a taste test supervised by a health care professional. a physical examination of your ears, nose, and throat a dental examination and assessment of oral hygiene a review of your health history a taste test supervised by a health care professional. Tests for Taste Disorders Some tests are designed to measure the lowest concentration of a substance that a person can detect or recognize. Your doctor may ask you to compare the tastes of different substances or to note how the intensity of a taste grows when a substance's concentration is increased. Scientists have developed taste tests in which the patient responds to different concentrations of a substance. This may involve a simple "sip, spit, and rinse" test or the application of a substance directly to your tongue using an eye dropper. By using these tests, your doctor can determine if you have a true taste disorder and what type it is. If your doctor suspects that nerves in your mouth or head may be affected, he or she may order an X-ray, usually a CAT scan, to look further into the head and neck area. Once the cause of a taste disorder is found, your doctor may be able to treat it. Many types of taste disorders are reversible, but if not, counseling and self-help techniques may help you cope. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Yes. Any of the symptoms caused by prostate cancer may also be due to enlargement of the prostate, which is not cancer. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned in question #10, see your doctor or a urologist to find out if you need treatment. A urologist is a doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the genitourinary system. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of Paget's Disease of Bone ? [/INST] Pain may be a symptom, especially among people with more advanced Paget's disease. Affected bones also can become enlarged, misshapen, and more fragile and likely to break. Misshapen bones tend to be most noticeable in the legs, skull, and spine. </s>
<s>[INST] How to diagnose High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, here are questions to ask your doctor. - Your Blood Pressure Numbers - What is my blood pressure reading in numbers? - What is my goal blood pressure? - Is my blood pressure under adequate control? - Is my systolic pressure too high (over 140)? Your Blood Pressure Numbers - What is my blood pressure reading in numbers? - What is my goal blood pressure? - Is my blood pressure under adequate control? - Is my systolic pressure too high (over 140)? - What is my blood pressure reading in numbers? - What is my goal blood pressure? - Is my blood pressure under adequate control? - Is my systolic pressure too high (over 140)? What is my blood pressure reading in numbers? What is my goal blood pressure? Is my blood pressure under adequate control? Is my systolic pressure too high (over 140)? - Healthy Lifestyle Habits - What would be a healthy weight for me? - Is there a diet to help me lose weight (if I need to) and lower my blood pressure? - Is there a recommended healthy eating plan I should follow to help lower my blood pressure (if I dont need to lose weight)? - Is it safe for me to start doing regular physical activity? Healthy Lifestyle Habits - What would be a healthy weight for me? - Is there a diet to help me lose weight (if I need to) and lower my blood pressure? - Is there a recommended healthy eating plan I should follow to help lower my blood pressure (if I dont need to lose weight)? - Is it safe for me to start doing regular physical activity? - What would be a healthy weight for me? - Is there a diet to help me lose weight (if I need to) and lower my blood pressure? - Is there a recommended healthy eating plan I should follow to help lower my blood pressure (if I dont need to lose weight)? - Is it safe for me to start doing regular physical activity? What would be a healthy weight for me? Is there a diet to help me lose weight (if I need to) and lower my blood pressure? Is there a recommended healthy eating plan I should follow to help lower my blood pressure (if I dont need to lose weight)? Is it safe for me to start doing regular physical activity? - Medications - What is the name of my blood pressure medication? - Is that the brand name or the generic name? - What are the possible side effects of my medication? (Be sure the doctor knows about any allergies you have and any other medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and dietary supplements.) - What time of day should I take my blood pressure medicine? - Are there any foods, beverages, or dietary supplements I should avoid when taking this medicine? - What should I do if I forget to take my blood pressure medicine at the recommended time? Should I take it as soon as I remember or should I wait until the next dosage is due? Medications - What is the name of my blood pressure medication? - Is that the brand name or the generic name? - What are the possible side effects of my medication? (Be sure the doctor knows about any allergies you have and any other medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and dietary supplements.) - What time of day should I take my blood pressure medicine? - Are there any foods, beverages, or dietary supplements I should avoid when taking this medicine? - What should I do if I forget to take my blood pressure medicine at the recommended time? Should I take it as soon as I remember or should I wait until the next dosage is due? - What is the name of my blood pressure medication? - Is that the brand name or the generic name? - What are the possible side effects of my medication? (Be sure the doctor knows about any allergies you have and any other medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and dietary supplements.) - What time of day should I take my blood pressure medicine? - Are there any foods, beverages, or dietary supplements I should avoid when taking this medicine? - What should I do if I forget to take my blood pressure medicine at the recommended time? Should I take it as soon as I remember or should I wait until the next dosage is due? What is the name of my blood pressure medication? Is that the brand name or the generic name? What are the possible side effects of my medication? (Be sure the doctor knows about any allergies you have and any other medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and dietary supplements.) What time of day should I take my blood pressure medicine? Are there any foods, beverages, or dietary supplements I should avoid when taking this medicine? What should I do if I forget to take my blood pressure medicine at the recommended time? Should I take it as soon as I remember or should I wait until the next dosage is due? </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Knee Replacement ? [/INST] Knee replacement may be either total or partial/unicompartmental. In total knee replacement, as the name suggests, the entire knee joint is replaced. You will likely need a total knee replacement if you have damage to several parts of your knee. In partial/unicompartmental knee replacement, the surgeon replaces just the damaged part of the knee. You may be able to have a partial knee replacement if only one section of your knee is damaged. However, when one part is replaced, there is a chance that another part will develop arthritis, requiring further surgery. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Knee Replacement ? [/INST] Treatments your doctor will likely recommend before knee replacement include - exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee and improve flexibility - weight loss, if needed, to reduce the load the knee must bear - walking aids such as canes to reduce stress on the joint - shoe inserts to improve the knees alignment - medicines to relieve pain. exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee and improve flexibility weight loss, if needed, to reduce the load the knee must bear walking aids such as canes to reduce stress on the joint shoe inserts to improve the knees alignment medicines to relieve pain. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] Blood pressure rises as body weight increases. Losing even 10 pounds can lower blood pressure -- and it has the greatest effect for those who are overweight and already have hypertension. If you are overweight or obese, work with your health care provider to develop a plan to help you lower your weight and maintain a healthy weight. Aim to reduce your weight by 7 to 10 percent over six months, which can lower your risk for health problems. For example, if you are overweight at 200 pounds, try to lose 14 to 20 pounds over six months. After that, you may have to continue to lose weight to get to a healthy weight. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels as the heart pumps blood. If your blood pressure rises and stays high over time, its called high blood pressure. High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work too hard, and the high force of the blood flow can harm arteries and organs such as the heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes. </s>
<s>[INST] Who is at risk for Prostate Cancer? ? [/INST] Scientists don't know exactly what causes prostate cancer. They cannot explain why one man gets prostate cancer and another does not. However, they have been able to identify some risk factors that are associated with the disease. A risk factor is anything that increases your chances of getting a disease. Age Age is the most important risk factor for prostate cancer. The disease is extremely rare in men under age 40, but the risk increases greatly with age. More than 60 percent of cases are diagnosed in men over age 65. The average age at the time of diagnosis is 65. Race Race is another major risk factor. In the United States, this disease is much more common in African American men than in any other group of men. It is least common in Asian and American Indian men. Family History A man's risk for developing prostate cancer is higher if his father or brother has had the disease. Other Risk Factors Scientists have wondered whether obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, radiation exposure, might increase risk. But at this time, there is no firm evidence that these factors contribute to an increased risk. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] Original Medicare is managed by the Federal government and lets people with Medicare go to any doctor, hospital or other health care provider who accepts Medicare. It is a fee-for-service plan, meaning that the person with Medicare usually pays a fee for each service. Medicare pays its share of an approved amount up to certain limits, and the person with Medicare pays the rest. People in Original Medicare must choose and join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan if they want to get Medicare prescription drug coverage. For more information about Original Medicare, visit for a free copy of "Your Medicare Benefits." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Diabetes ? [/INST] Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death for people with diabetes. Controlling the ABCs of diabetes -- your blood glucose, your blood pressure, and your cholesterol, as well as stopping smoking -- can help prevent these and other complications from diabetes. - A is for the A1C test - B is for Blood pressure - C is for Cholesterol. A is for the A1C test B is for Blood pressure C is for Cholesterol. - The A1C test (A-one-C) shows you what your blood glucose has been over the last three months. Your health care provider does this test to see what your blood glucose level is most of the time. This test should be done at least twice a year for all people with diabetes and for some people more often as needed. For many people with diabetes, an A1C test result of under 7 percent usually means that their diabetes treatment is working well and their blood glucose is under control. The A1C test (A-one-C) shows you what your blood glucose has been over the last three months. Your health care provider does this test to see what your blood glucose level is most of the time. This test should be done at least twice a year for all people with diabetes and for some people more often as needed. For many people with diabetes, an A1C test result of under 7 percent usually means that their diabetes treatment is working well and their blood glucose is under control. - B is for Blood pressure. The goal for most people is 140/90 but may be different for you. High blood pressure makes your heart work too hard. It can cause heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. Your blood pressure should be checked at every doctor visit. Talk with your health care provider about your blood pressure goal. B is for Blood pressure. The goal for most people is 140/90 but may be different for you. High blood pressure makes your heart work too hard. It can cause heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. Your blood pressure should be checked at every doctor visit. Talk with your health care provider about your blood pressure goal. - C is for Cholesterol (ko-LES-ter-ol). The LDL goal for most people is less than 100. Low density lipoprotein, or LDL-cholesterol, is the bad cholesterol that builds up in your blood vessels. It causes the vessels to narrow and harden, which can lead to a heart attack. Your doctor should check your LDL at least once a year. Talk with your health care provider about your cholesterol goal. C is for Cholesterol (ko-LES-ter-ol). The LDL goal for most people is less than 100. Low density lipoprotein, or LDL-cholesterol, is the bad cholesterol that builds up in your blood vessels. It causes the vessels to narrow and harden, which can lead to a heart attack. Your doctor should check your LDL at least once a year. Talk with your health care provider about your cholesterol goal. Ask your health care team - what your A1C, blood pressure, and cholesterol numbers are. - what your ABCs should be. - what you can do to reach your target. what your A1C, blood pressure, and cholesterol numbers are. what your ABCs should be. what you can do to reach your target. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Alcohol Use and Older Adults ? [/INST] There is not one right treatment for everyone with alcohol problems. In general, many people need more than one kind of treatment. Medicines can help people with alcohol use disorder quit drinking. Meeting with a therapist or substance-abuse counselor or with a support group may also help. Support from family and friends is important, too. A doctor can help a person decide on the best treatment. Making a change sooner rather than later makes treatment more likely to succeed. Learn more about treatment options for alcohol problems. Learn more about available types of alcohol treatment. (Watch the video to learn more about getting help for alcohol use disorder (AUD). To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Glaucoma ? [/INST] The optic nerve is a bundle of more than 1 million nerve fibers. It connects the retina to the brain. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people - age 65 and older - under age 65 with certain disabilities who have been receiving Social Security disability benefits for a certain amount of time (24 months in most cases) - of any age who have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), which is permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant. age 65 and older under age 65 with certain disabilities who have been receiving Social Security disability benefits for a certain amount of time (24 months in most cases) of any age who have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), which is permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant. Medicare helps with the cost of health care, but it does not cover all medical expenses. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes Diabetes ? [/INST] Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. In an autoimmune reaction, antibodies, or immune cells, attach to the body's own healthy tissues by mistake, signaling the body to attack them. At present, scientists do not know exactly what causes the body's immune system to attack the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas in people with type 1 diabetes. However, many believe that both genetic factors and environmental factors are involved. Studies now are underway to identify these factors and prevent type 1 diabetes in people at risk. Type 2 diabetesthe most common form of diabetesis caused by a combination of factors, including insulin resistance, a condition in which the bodys muscle, fat, and liver cells do not use insulin effectively. Type 2 diabetes develops when the body can no longer produce enough insulin to compensate for the impaired ability to use insulin. Get more details about who should be tested for diabetes. </s>
<s>[INST] what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Anxiety Disorders ? [/INST] Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all treatment advances. Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease. The National Institute of Mental Health at NIH supports research studies on mental health and disorders. To learn how clinical trials work, see Participating in Clinical Trials. To see NIH-funded studies currently recruiting participants in anxiety disorders, visit and type in "anxiety disorders." Clinical is the NIH/National Library of Medicine's registry of federally and privately funded clinical trials for all disease. To see personal stories of people who have volunteered for clinical trials, visit NIH Clinical Trials Research and You. </s>
<s>[INST] What is the outlook for Knee Replacement ? [/INST] Recovery from knee replacement extends long after you leave the hospital. Preparing for recovery requires learning what to expect in the days and weeks following surgery. It requires understanding what you will and wont be able to do and when. It also means arranging for social support and arranging your house to make everyday tasks easier and to help speed your recovery. Find Someone To Stay with You Because you will not be able to drive for several weeks after surgery, you will need someone to take you home from the hospital and be on hand to run errands or take you to appointments until you can drive yourself. If you live with someone, you should have them plan to stay home with you or at least stay close by, in case you need help. If you dont live with a family member or have one close by, a friend or neighbor may be able to help. Other options include staying in an extended-care facility during your recovery or hiring someone to come to your home and help you. Your hospital social worker should be able to help you make arrangements. Prepare Your Home for Your Recovery To prepare your home for your recovery, stock up on needed items before you leave for the hospital. Make sure you have plenty of non-perishable foods on hand. Prepare meals and freeze them to put in the microwave when you need an easy meal. In the first weeks after surgery, you should avoid going up and down stairs. If your bedroom is on the second floor of your home, consider moving to a downstairs bedroom temporarily or sleeping on the sofa. Set Up a Recovery Station Set up a recovery station at home. Place a sturdy chair where you plan to spend most of your time sitting during the first weeks after surgery. The chair should be 18 to 20 inches high and should have two arms and a firm seat and back. Place a foot stool in front of the chair so you can elevate your legs, and place items you will need such as the television remote control, telephone, medicine, and tissues where you can reach them easily from the chair. Place items you use every day at arms level to avoid reaching up or bending down. Ask your doctor or physical therapist about devices and tips that may make daily activities easier once you get home. Devices you may find helpful include long-handled reachers to retrieve items placed on high shelves or dropped on the floor, aprons with pockets that allow you to carry items while leaving your hands free for crutches, shower benches that let you sit while you shower, and dressing sticks to help you get dressed without bending your new knee excessively. Safeguard Against Falls Because a fall can damage your new knee, making your home a safe place is crucial. Before your surgery, look for and correct hazards, including cluttered floors, loose electrical cords, unsecured rugs, and dark hallways. Bathrooms are likely places to fall, so particular attention is needed there. A raised toilet seat can make it easier to get up and down. Grab bars in the tub can keep you steady. Textured shapes on the shower floor can minimize slipping. Gradually Increase Activity It is also important to exercise to get stronger while avoiding any activities that can damage or dislocate your new joint. Activity should include a graduated walking program (where you slowly increase the time, distance, and pace that you walk) and specific exercises several times a day to prevent scarring, restore movement, and stabilize and strengthen your new knee. Remember Follow-ups Your surgeon will let you know about follow-up visits. Even after you have healed from surgery, you will need to see your surgeon periodically for examinations and x-rays to detect any potential problems with your knee. By preparing for surgery and recovery and following your doctor's advice, you can get the greatest benefits from your new knee with the least risk of complications for many years to come. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Anxiety Disorders ? [/INST] Anxiety disorders are a collection of disorders that include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia, and panic disorder. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] If tests show that you have cancer, you should talk with your doctor in order to make treatment decisions. Working With a Team of Specialists A team of specialists often treats people with cancer. The team will keep the primary doctor informed about the patient's progress. The team may include a medical oncologist who is a specialist in cancer treatment, a surgeon, a radiation oncologist who is a specialist in radiation therapy, and others. Before starting treatment, you may want another doctor to review the diagnosis and treatment plan. Some insurance companies require a second opinion. Others may pay for a second opinion if you request it. Clinical Trials for Prostate Cancer Some prostate cancer patients take part in studies of new treatments. These studies -- called clinical trials -- are designed to find out whether a new treatment is safe and effective. Often, clinical trials compare a new treatment with a standard one so that doctors can learn which is more effective. Men with prostate cancer who are interested in taking part in a clinical trial should talk with their doctor. The U.S. National Institutes of Health, through its National Library of Medicine and other Institutes, maintains a database of clinical trials at Click here to see a list of the current clinical trials on prostate cancer. A separate window will open. Click the "x" in the upper right hand corner of the "Clinical Trials" window to return here. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes Dry Mouth ? [/INST] People get dry mouth when the glands in the mouth that make saliva are not working properly. Because of this, there might not be enough saliva to keep your mouth healthy. There are several reasons why these glands, called salivary glands, might not work right. Medicines and Dry Mouth More than 400 medicines, including some over-the-counter medications, can cause the salivary glands to make less saliva, or to change the composition of the saliva so that it can't perform the functions it should. As an example, medicines for urinary incontinence, allergies, high blood pressure, and depression often cause dry mouth. Diseases That Can Cause Dry Mouth Some diseases can affect the salivary glands. Dry mouth can occur in patients with diabetes. Dry mouth is also the hallmark symptom of the fairly common autoimmune disease Sjgren's syndrome. Sjgren's syndrome can occur either by itself or with another autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Salivary and tear glands are the major targets of the syndrome and the result is a decrease in production of saliva and tears. The disorder can occur at any age, but the average person with the disorder at the Sjgren's Syndrome Clinic of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) is in his or her late 50s. Women with the disorder outnumber men 9 to 1. Cancer Treatments and Dry Mouth Certain cancer treatments can affect the salivary glands. Head and neck radiation therapy can cause the glands to produce little or no saliva. Chemotherapy may cause the salivary glands to produce thicker saliva, which makes the mouth feel dry and sticky. Injury to the head or neck can damage the nerves that tell salivary glands to make saliva. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] How Tumors Form The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally, cells grow, divide, and produce more cells as needed to keep the body healthy and functioning properly. Sometimes, however, the process goes wrong -- cells become abnormal and form more cells in an uncontrolled way. These extra cells form a mass of tissue, called a growth or tumor. Tumors can be benign, which means not cancerous, or malignant, which means cancerous. How Prostate Cancer Occurs Prostate cancer occurs when a tumor forms in the tissue of the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. In its early stage, prostate cancer needs the male hormone testosterone to grow and survive. The prostate is about the size of a large walnut. It is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate's main function is to make fluid for semen, a white substance that carries sperm. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among American men. It is a slow-growing disease that mostly affects older men. In fact, more than 60 percent of all prostate cancers are found in men over the age of 65. The disease rarely occurs in men younger than 40 years of age. Prostate Cancer Can Spread Sometimes, cancer cells break away from a malignant tumor in the prostate and enter the bloodstream or the lymphatic system and travel to other organs in the body. When cancer spreads from its original location in the prostate to another part of the body such as the bone, it is called metastatic prostate cancer -- not bone cancer. Doctors sometimes call this distant disease. Surviving Prostate Cancer Today, more men are surviving prostate cancer than ever before. Treatment can be effective, especially when the cancer has not spread beyond the region of the prostate. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Knee Replacement ? [/INST] The main reason to have knee replacement surgery is to ease pain and disability caused by arthritis or other joint problems, while preserving movement. Less commonly, it is used to correct some kinds of knee deformity. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] Only a small amount of the salt that we eat comes from the salt shaker, and only small amounts occur naturally in food. Most of the salt that we eat comes from processed foods -- for example, canned or processed meat, baked goods, and certain cereals, and foods with soy sauce, seasoned salts, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and baking soda. Food from fast food restaurants, frozen foods, and canned foods also tend to be higher in sodium. </s>
<s>[INST] Who is at risk for Glaucoma? ? [/INST] Encourage them to have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once every two years. Remember -- lowering eye pressure in glaucoma's early stages slows progression of the disease and helps save vision. Get tips on finding an eye care professional. </s>
<s>[INST] How to diagnose Paget's Disease of Bone ? [/INST] An Underdiagnosed Disease Experts believe that Paget's disease is underdiagnosed; people with a mild case and no symptoms may never know they have the disease. Or, they may receive a diagnosis by accident when x-rays or other laboratory tests done for another reason reveal Paget's disease. When symptoms do occur, they usually appear gradually and, in the early stages, may be confused with those of arthritis or other medical problems. Sometimes a person may not receive a clear diagnosis until the disease progresses and complications develop. Diagnostic Tests X-rays are almost always used to diagnose Paget's disease, but the disease may be discovered using one of three tests: - x-rays - an alkaline phosphatase blood test - or a bone scan. x-rays an alkaline phosphatase blood test or a bone scan. Bones affected by Paget's disease have a distinctive appearance on x-rays, which may show increased bone density, an abnormal bone structure, bowing, and enlargement. X-rays of leg bones may show very tiny fractures called microfractures. The enzyme alkaline phosphatase is involved in the normal growth of new bone. Having higher-than-normal levels of this chemical in the blood, however, may be a sign of Paget's disease. The alkaline phosphatase blood test measures the level of this substance. A bone scan provides a picture of the affected bones that doctors can use to see how far the disease has progressed. If a bone scan done for another reason suggests Paget's disease, the doctor can order x-rays to confirm the diagnosis. If the Disease Runs in the Family Early diagnosis and treatment of Paget's disease is important. Because Paget's disease can be hereditary, some experts recommend that the brothers, sisters, and children of anyone with the disease talk to their doctor about having an alkaline phosphatase blood test every 2 to 3 years after about age 40. </s>
<s>[INST] Who is at risk for Diabetes? ? [/INST] Here are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes. - being over 45 years of age - being overweight or obese - having a first-degree relative -- a parent, brother, or sister -- with diabetes - being African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian American or Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American/Latino. (Watch the video to learn more about native Americans and diabetes risk. To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) - having gestational diabetes, or giving birth to at least one baby weighing more than 9 pounds - having blood pressure of 140/90 or higher, or having been told that you have high blood pressure. - having abnormal cholesterol levels -- an HDL cholesterol level of 35 or lower, or a triglyceride level of 250 or higher - being inactive or exercising fewer than three times a week. - having polycystic ovary syndrome, also called PCOS (women only) - on previous testing, having prediabetes (an A1C level of 5.7 to 6.4 percent), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG) - history of cardiovascular disease (disease affecting the heart and blood vessels). being over 45 years of age being overweight or obese having a first-degree relative -- a parent, brother, or sister -- with diabetes being African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian American or Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American/Latino. (Watch the video to learn more about native Americans and diabetes risk. To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) having gestational diabetes, or giving birth to at least one baby weighing more than 9 pounds having blood pressure of 140/90 or higher, or having been told that you have high blood pressure. having abnormal cholesterol levels -- an HDL cholesterol level of 35 or lower, or a triglyceride level of 250 or higher being inactive or exercising fewer than three times a week. having polycystic ovary syndrome, also called PCOS (women only) on previous testing, having prediabetes (an A1C level of 5.7 to 6.4 percent), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG) history of cardiovascular disease (disease affecting the heart and blood vessels). </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Paget's Disease of Bone ? [/INST] Yes. Some complications from Paget's disease respond well to surgery. Joint replacement may be helpful in people with severe arthritis of the hip or knee. Surgery can also realign affected leg bones to reduce pain or help broken bones heal in a better position. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Osteoarthritis ? [/INST] People with osteoarthritis may find many non-drug ways to relieve pain. Below are some examples. Heat and cold. Heat or cold (or a combination of the two) can be useful for joint pain. Heat can be applied in a number of different ways -- with warm towels, hot packs, or a warm bath or shower -- to increase blood flow and ease pain and stiffness. In some cases, cold packs (bags of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel), which reduce inflammation, can relieve pain or numb the sore area. (Check with a doctor or physical therapist to find out if heat or cold is the best treatment.) Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). TENS is a technique that uses a small electronic device to direct mild electric pulses to nerve endings that lie beneath the skin in the painful area. TENS may relieve some arthritis pain. It seems to work by blocking pain messages to the brain and by modifying pain perception. Massage. In this pain-relief approach, a massage therapist will lightly stroke and/or knead the painful muscles. This may increase blood flow and bring warmth to a stressed area. However, arthritis-stressed joints are sensitive, so the therapist must be familiar with the problems of the disease. Acupuncture. Some people have found pain relief using acupuncture, a practice in which fine needles are inserted by a licensed acupuncture therapist at specific points on the skin. Scientists think the needles stimulate the release of natural, pain-relieving chemicals produced by the nervous system. A large study supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) revealed that acupuncture relieves pain and improves function in knee osteoarthritis, and it serves as an effective complement to standard care. Nutritional supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, have been reported to improve the symptoms of people with osteoarthritis, as have certain vitamins. Additional studies have been carried out to further evaluate these claims. It is unknown whether they might change the course of disease. Folk remedies include the wearing of copper bracelets, following special diets, and rubbing WD-40 on joints to lubricate them. Although these practices may or may not be harmful, no scientific research to date shows that they are helpful in treating osteoarthritis. They can also be expensive, and using them may cause people to delay or even abandon useful medical treatment. For general information about alternative therapies, see the Complementary Health Approaches topic. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] The general number for Medicare is 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. You can also visit The "Medicare & You" handbook is mailed out to all Medicare enrollees in the fall. It includes detailed information about all aspects of Medicare. On the following pages you will find phone numbers, web addresses, and names of publications that provide detailed information about various aspects of Medicare. If a person needs to sign up for Medicare, call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 or go to to find out more. Your State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or SHIP, gives free health insurance counseling and guidance to people with Medicare -- or to family and friends who have authorization to help someone with Medicare questions. To get the most up-to-date SHIP telephone numbers, call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) or visit (TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048.) Under "Search Tools," select "Find Helpful Phone Numbers and Websites." For information about enrolling in Medicare Part A or Part B, visit and view a copy of "Medicare & You." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") Or, you can contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program. For information about Medicare prescription drug coverage, visit to get a free copy of "Your Guide to Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") If you have questions about Medicaid, you can call your State Medical Assistance (Medicaid) office for more information. Visit on the web. (Under "Search Tools," select "Find Helpful Phone Numbers and Websites.") Or, call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) to get the telephone number. TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. To find out about Medigap policies, visit to view a copy of "Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") You can also call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. To find out about PACE (Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), which provides coverage for low-income, frail, older adults who get health care in the community, call your State Medical Assistance (Medicaid) office or visit PACE to find out if a person is eligible and if there is a PACE site nearby. Several states have State Pharmacy Assistance Programs (SPAPs) that help people who qualify pay for prescription drugs. To find out about the SPAPs in your state, call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. For more information about the Medicare Summary Notice, including a sample MSN and information on how to read it, visit and select "Medicare Billing." Or call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) and say "Billing." TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. For information about appeals, visit to get a free copy of "Your Medicare Rights and Protections." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") You can also call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) to find out if a free copy can be mailed to you. TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. To find out if a patient is eligible for Medicare's home health care services, call the Regional Home Health Intermediary (RHHI). An RHHI is a private company that contracts with Medicare to pay bills and check on the quality of home health care. To contact an RHHI, or get local telephone numbers for your State Hospice Organization, call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) or visit TTY users should 1-877-486-2048. To compare home health agencies in your area, you can use Medicare's "Home Health Compare" tool. Go to and under "Search Tools," select "Compare Home Health Agencies in Your Area." For more information on Medicare coverage of skilled nursing facility care, visit to look at or print a copy of the booklet "Medicare Coverage of Skilled Nursing Facility Care." (Under "Search Tools," select "Find a Medicare Publication.") </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] Hospice care is a special way of caring for people who are terminally ill (dying) and helping their families cope. Hospice care includes treatment to relieve symptoms and keep the individual comfortable. The goal is to provide end-of-life care, not to cure the illness. Medical care, nursing care, social services, drugs for the terminal and related conditions, durable medical equipment, and other types of items and services can be a part of hospice care. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Urinary Tract Infections ? [/INST] Because most UTIs are caused by bacteria, bacteria-fighting medications called antibiotics are the usual treatment. The type of antibiotic and length of treatment depend on the patients history and the type of bacteria causing the infection. Bladder infections may eventually get better on their own. But antibiotics can make the symptoms go away much more quickly. People usually feel better within a day or two of starting antibiotics. Drinking lots of fluids and urinating often may also speed healing. If needed, pain-killers can relieve the pain of a UTI. A heating pad on the back or abdomen may also help. Learn more about treating urinary tract infections. </s>
<s>[INST] Who is at risk for Diabetes? ? [/INST] Diabetes is a serious, life-long disease. It can lead to problems such as heart disease, stroke, vision loss, kidney disease, and nerve damage. More than 8 million people in the United States have type 2 diabetes and dont know it. Many people dont find out they have diabetes until they are faced with problems such as blurry vision or heart trouble. Certain factors can increase your risk for diabetes, and its important to know what they are. Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. In an autoimmune reaction, antibodies, or immune cells, attach to the bodys own healthy tissues by mistake, signaling the body to attack them. At present, scientists do not know exactly what causes the body's immune system to attack the cells, but many believe that both genetic factors and environmental factors, such as viruses, are involved. Studies are now underway to identify these factors and prevent type 1 diabetes in people at risk. Learn more about the causes of type 1 diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes -- the most common form -- is linked closely to overweight and obesity, high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol levels. Many people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Being overweight can keep your body from using insulin properly. Genes also play an important role in a person's risk for type 2 diabetes. Having certain genes or combinations of genes may increase or decrease a persons risk for developing the disease. Here are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes. - being over 45 years of age - being overweight or obese - having a first-degree relative -- a parent, brother, or sister -- with diabetes - being African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian American or Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American/Latino. (Watch the video to learn more about native Americans and diabetes risk. To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) being over 45 years of age being overweight or obese having a first-degree relative -- a parent, brother, or sister -- with diabetes being African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian American or Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American/Latino. (Watch the video to learn more about native Americans and diabetes risk. To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) - having gestational diabetes, or giving birth to at least one baby weighing more than 9 pounds - having blood pressure of 140/90 or higher, or having been told that you have high blood pressure. - having abnormal cholesterol levels -- an HDL cholesterol level of 35 or lower, or a triglyceride level of 250 or higher - being inactive or exercising fewer than three times a week. - having polycystic ovary syndrome, also called PCOS (women only) - on previous testing, having prediabetes (an A1C level of 5.7 to 6.4 percent), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG) - history of cardiovascular disease (disease affecting the heart and blood vessels). having gestational diabetes, or giving birth to at least one baby weighing more than 9 pounds having blood pressure of 140/90 or higher, or having been told that you have high blood pressure. having abnormal cholesterol levels -- an HDL cholesterol level of 35 or lower, or a triglyceride level of 250 or higher being inactive or exercising fewer than three times a week. having polycystic ovary syndrome, also called PCOS (women only) on previous testing, having prediabetes (an A1C level of 5.7 to 6.4 percent), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG) history of cardiovascular disease (disease affecting the heart and blood vessels). Learn more about the causes of type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they usually have prediabetes -- a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. People with prediabetes are more likely to develop diabetes within 10 years and also are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Prediabetes is increasingly common in the U.S. adult population. In 2012, about 86 million people in the U.S. had pre-diabetes, and 51% of those 65 or older had prediabetes. Learn more about prediabetes. Gestational Diabetes Some women develop diabetes during the late stages of pregnancy. This is called gestational diabetes. Although this form of diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born, a woman who has had it has a lifelong risk for developing diabetes, mostly type 2. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Balance Problems ? [/INST] Mnire's disease is caused by changes in fluid volumes in the inner ear. People with Mnire's disease can help reduce its dizzying effects by lowering the amount of salt (sodium) in their diets. Limiting alcohol or caffeine also may be helpful. Some medications, such as corticosteroids or the antibiotic gentamicin, also are used to treat Mnire's disease. Although gentamicin can help reduce the dizziness that occurs with Mnire's disease, it occasionally destroys sensory cells in the inner ear, which can result in permanent hearing loss. Corticosteroids don't cause hearing loss; however, research is underway to determine if they are as effective as gentamicin Learn more about the treatments for Mnire's disease. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Paget's Disease of Bone ? [/INST] The Food and Drug Administration has approved several medications that can stop or slow down the progression of the disease and reduce pain and other symptoms. These medications fall into two categories: bisphosphonates and calcitonin. Doctors most often prescribe one of the four strongest bisphosphonates, which are risedronate, alendronate, pamidronate, and zoledronic acid. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Diabetes ? [/INST] Diabetes is a very serious disease. Over time, diabetes that is not well managed causes serious damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart, gums and teeth. If you have diabetes, you are more likely than someone who does not have diabetes to have heart disease or a stroke. People with diabetes also tend to develop heart disease or stroke at an earlier age than others. The best way to protect yourself from the serious complications of diabetes is to manage your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol and avoid smoking. It is not always easy, but people who make an ongoing effort to manage their diabetes can greatly improve their overall health. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Diabetes ? [/INST] Type 1 diabetes, which used to be called called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, develops most often in young people. However, type 1 diabetes can also develop in adults. With this form of diabetes, your body no longer makes insulin or doesnt make enough insulin because your immune system has attacked and destroyed the insulin-producing cells. About 5 to 10 percent of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. To survive, people with type 1 diabetes must have insulin delivered by injection or a pump. Learn more about type 1 diabetes here. Learn more about type 1 diabetes here. Type 2 diabetes, which used to be called adult-onset diabetes or non insulin-dependent diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. Although people can develop type 2 diabetes at any age -- even during childhood -- type 2 diabetes develops most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 diabetes usually begins with insulin resistancea condition that occurs when fat, muscle, and liver cells do not use insulin to carry glucose into the bodys cells to use for energy. As a result, the body needs more insulin to help glucose enter cells. At first, the pancreas keeps up with the added demand by making more insulin. Over time, the pancreas doesnt make enough insulin when blood sugar levels increase, such as after meals. If your pancreas can no longer make enough insulin, you will need to treat your type 2 diabetes. Learn more about type 2 diabetes here. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] In most cases, the goal is probably to keep your blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg (130/80 if you have diabetes or chronic kidney disease). Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80. Ask your doctor what your blood pressure goal should be. If you have high blood pressure, you will need to treat it and control it for life. This means making lifestyle changes, and, in some cases, taking prescribed medicines, and getting ongoing medical care. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Medicare and Continuing Care ? [/INST] Here are some questions to ask when considering choosing a nursing home. You may want to make surprise visits at different times of the day to verify conditions. - Is the nursing home Medicare- or Medicaid-certified? - Does the nursing home have the level of care needed (such as skilled or custodial care) and is a bed available? - Does the nursing home have special services if needed in a separate unit (such as a ventilator or rehabilitation) and is a bed available? - Are residents clean, well groomed, and appropriately dressed for the season or time of day? - Is the nursing home free from strong, unpleasant odors? - Does the nursing home appear to be clean and well kept? - Does the nursing home conduct staff background checks? - Does the nursing home staff interact warmly and respectfully with home residents? - Does the nursing home meet cultural, religious, and language needs? - Are the nursing home and the current administrator licensed? Is the nursing home Medicare- or Medicaid-certified? Does the nursing home have the level of care needed (such as skilled or custodial care) and is a bed available? Does the nursing home have special services if needed in a separate unit (such as a ventilator or rehabilitation) and is a bed available? Are residents clean, well groomed, and appropriately dressed for the season or time of day? Is the nursing home free from strong, unpleasant odors? Does the nursing home appear to be clean and well kept? Does the nursing home conduct staff background checks? Does the nursing home staff interact warmly and respectfully with home residents? Does the nursing home meet cultural, religious, and language needs? Are the nursing home and the current administrator licensed? </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Anxiety Disorders ? [/INST] In social phobia, a person fears being judged by others or of being embarrassed. This fear can get in the way of doing everyday things such as going to work, running errands or meeting with friends. People who have social phobia often know that they shouldn't be so afraid, but they can't control their fear. People with social phobia tend to - be very anxious about being with other people and have a hard time talking to them, even though they wish they could - be very self-conscious in front of other people and feel embarrassed - be very afraid that other people will judge them - worry for days or weeks before an event where other people will be - stay away from places where there are other people - have a hard time making friends and keeping friends - blush, sweat, or tremble around other people - feel nauseous or sick to their stomach when with other people. be very anxious about being with other people and have a hard time talking to them, even though they wish they could be very self-conscious in front of other people and feel embarrassed be very afraid that other people will judge them worry for days or weeks before an event where other people will be stay away from places where there are other people have a hard time making friends and keeping friends blush, sweat, or tremble around other people feel nauseous or sick to their stomach when with other people. Learn more about social phobia. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Quitting Smoking for Older Adults ? [/INST] One of the keys to successfully quitting is preparation. A great way to prepare to quit smoking is to create a quit plan. Quit plans - keep you focused on quit smoking strategies that can help you be confident and motivated to quit - help you identify challenges you will face as you quit and ways to overcome them - can improve your chances of quitting smoking for good. keep you focused on quit smoking strategies that can help you be confident and motivated to quit help you identify challenges you will face as you quit and ways to overcome them can improve your chances of quitting smoking for good. Use these steps to create your own customized quit plan. Pick a Quit Date. Make a list of reasons to quit. Decide where you will get support. Decide on your Quit methods. Plan how to avoid your triggers. Plan how to overcome cravings and urges. Decide how to reward yourself after certain milestones. Plan what to do the day before your Quit Date. Here are some quit plan resources. - Check out Worksheets for Your Quit Plan on this website. - See "Start Your Quit Plan Online Today" at SmokeFree 60Plus, a quit-smoking website from the National Cancer Institute. - Learn about the Quit Guide from the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Check out Worksheets for Your Quit Plan on this website. See "Start Your Quit Plan Online Today" at SmokeFree 60Plus, a quit-smoking website from the National Cancer Institute. Learn about the Quit Guide from the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of Glaucoma ? [/INST] Symptoms of Glaucoma Glaucoma can develop in one or both eyes. The most common type of glaucoma, open-angle glaucoma, has no symptoms at first. It causes no pain, and vision seems normal. Without treatment, people with glaucoma will slowly lose their peripheral, or side vision. They seem to be looking through a tunnel. Over time, straight-ahead vision may decrease until no vision remains. Tests for Glaucoma Glaucoma is detected through a comprehensive eye exam that includes a visual acuity test, visual field test, dilated eye exam, tonometry, and pachymetry. (Watch the animated video to learn more about testing for glaucoma. To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) A visual acuity test uses an eye chart test to measure how well you see at various distances. A visual field test measures your side or peripheral vision. It helps your eye care professional tell if you have lost side vision, a sign of glaucoma. In a dilated eye exam, drops are placed in your eyes to widen, or dilate, the pupils. Your eye care professional uses a special magnifying lens to examine your retina and optic nerve for signs of damage and other eye problems. After the exam, your close-up vision may remain blurred for several hours. In tonometry, an instrument measures the pressure inside the eye. Numbing drops may be applied to your eye for this test. With pachymetry, a numbing drop is applied to your eye. Your eye care professional uses an ultrasonic wave instrument to measure the thickness of your cornea. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes Problems with Taste ? [/INST] Loss of taste may be permanent or temporary, depending on the cause. As with vision and hearing, people gradually lose their ability to taste as they get older, but it is usually not as noticeable as loss of smell. Medications and illness can make the normal loss of taste worse. Common Causes Problems with taste are caused by anything that interrupts the transfer of taste sensations to the brain, or by conditions that affect the way the brain interprets the sensation of taste. Some people are born with taste disorders, but most develop them after an injury or illness. Among the causes of taste problems are - medications - upper respiratory and middle ear infections - radiation for treatment of head and neck cancers - exposure to certain chemicals - head injury - some surgeries - poor oral hygiene and dental problems - smoking. medications upper respiratory and middle ear infections radiation for treatment of head and neck cancers exposure to certain chemicals head injury some surgeries poor oral hygiene and dental problems smoking. In many cases, people regain their sense of taste when they stop taking medications or when the illness or injury clears up. Medications.Taking medications can affect our ability to taste. Some antibiotics and antihistamines as well as other medications can cause a bad taste in the mouth or a loss of taste. One type of taste disorder is characterized by a persistent bad taste in the mouth, such as a bitter or salty taste. This is called dysgeusia and it occurs in older people, usually because of medications or oral health problems. Upper Respiratory and Middle Ear Infections. Respiratory infections such as the flu can lead to taste disorders. Radiation for Head and Neck Cancers. People with head and neck cancers who receive radiation treatment to the nose and mouth regions commonly experience problems with their sense of smell and taste as an unfortunate side effect. Older people who have lost their larynx or voice box commonly complain of poor ability to smell and taste. Exposure to Certain Chemicals. Sometimes exposure to certain chemicals, such as insecticides and solvents, can impair taste. Avoid contact with these substances, and if you do come in contact with them and experience a problem, see your doctor. Head Injury. Previous surgery or trauma to the head can impair your sense of taste because the taste nerves may be cut, blocked or physically damaged. Some Surgeries. Some surgeries to the ear nose and throat can impair taste. These include third molarwisdom toothextraction and middle ear surgery. Poor Oral Hygiene and Dental Problems. Gum disease can cause problems with taste and so can can dentures and inflammation or infections in the mouth. If you take several medications, your mouth may produce less saliva. This causes dry mouth, which can make swallowing and digestion difficult and increase dental problems. Practice good oral hygiene, keep up to date with your dental appointments, and tell your dentist if you notice any problems with your sense of taste. Smoking. Tobacco smoking is the most concentrated form of pollution that most people are exposed to. Smokers often report an improved sense of taste after quitting. When To See the Doctor Be sure to see your doctor if you have had a taste problem for a while or if you notice that your problem with taste is associated with other symptoms. Let your doctor know if you are taking any medications that might affect your sense of taste. You may be able to change or adjust your medicine to one that will not cause a problem with taste. Your doctor will work with you to get the medicine you need while trying to reduce unwanted side effects. </s>
<s>[INST] How to prevent Urinary Tract Infections ? [/INST] Changing some of these daily habits may help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). - Wipe from front to back after using the toilet. Women should wipe from front to back to keep bacteria from getting into the urethra. This step is most important after a bowel movement. Wipe from front to back after using the toilet. Women should wipe from front to back to keep bacteria from getting into the urethra. This step is most important after a bowel movement. - Drink lots of fluids, especially water. Fluids can help flush bacteria from the urinary system. Water is best. Most healthy people should try to drink six to eight, 8-ounce glasses of fluid each day. (Some people need to drink less water because of certain conditions. For example, if you have kidney failure or heart disease, you should not drink this much fluid. Ask your health care provider how much fluid is healthy for you.) Drink lots of fluids, especially water. Fluids can help flush bacteria from the urinary system. Water is best. Most healthy people should try to drink six to eight, 8-ounce glasses of fluid each day. (Some people need to drink less water because of certain conditions. For example, if you have kidney failure or heart disease, you should not drink this much fluid. Ask your health care provider how much fluid is healthy for you.) - Urinate often and when the urge arises. Try to urinate at least every 3 to 4 hours. Bacteria are more likely to grow in the bladder when urine stays in the bladder too long. Urinate often and when the urge arises. Try to urinate at least every 3 to 4 hours. Bacteria are more likely to grow in the bladder when urine stays in the bladder too long. - Urinate after sex. Both women and men should urinate shortly after sex to flush away bacteria that may have entered the urethra during sex. Urinate after sex. Both women and men should urinate shortly after sex to flush away bacteria that may have entered the urethra during sex. - Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes. Wearing looser, cotton clothing will allow air to keep the area around the urethra dry. Tight-fitting jeans and nylon underwear should be avoided because they can trap moisture and help bacteria grow. Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes. Wearing looser, cotton clothing will allow air to keep the area around the urethra dry. Tight-fitting jeans and nylon underwear should be avoided because they can trap moisture and help bacteria grow. Cranberry Juice Drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplements may also help prevent UTIs. Some studies have shown that cranberry products make UTIs less likely, especially in people who get UTIs often. But in other studies, cranberry products did not help. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the symptoms of Diabetes ? [/INST] Many people with diabetes experience one or more symptoms, including extreme thirst or hunger, a frequent need to urinate and/or fatigue. Some lose weight without trying. Additional signs include sores that heal slowly, dry, itchy skin, loss of feeling or tingling in the feet and blurry eyesight. Some people with diabetes, however, have no symptoms at all. </s>
<s>[INST] How to diagnose Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] The doctor may order other exams, including ultrasound, MRI, or CT scans, to learn more about the cause of the symptoms. But to confirm the presence of cancer, doctors must perform a biopsy. During a biopsy, the doctor uses needles to remove small tissue samples from the prostate and then looks at the samples under a microscope. If a biopsy shows that cancer is present, the doctor will report on the grade of the tumor. Doctors describe a tumor as low, medium, or high-grade cancer, based on the way it appears under the microscope. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the complications of Knee Replacement ? [/INST] While new technology and advances in surgical techniques have greatly reduced the risks involved with knee replacements, there are still some risks you should be aware of. Two of the most common possible problems are blood clots and infection. Preventing Blood Clots Blood clots can occur in the veins of your legs after knee replacement surgery. To reduce the risk of clots, your doctor may have you elevate your leg periodically and prescribe special exercises, support hose, or blood thinners. Preventing Infections Infection can occur when bacteria enter the bloodstream from skin or urinary tract infections. To reduce the risk of infection, your doctors may prescribe antibiotics for you to take prior to your surgery and for a short time afterward. Other Complications Other complications, such as new or ongoing pain, stiffness, fracture, bleeding, or injury to the blood vessels can occur. Serious medical complications, such as heart attack or stroke, are very rare. Warning Signs To Watch For To minimize the risk of complications, it is important to recognize signs of potential problems early and contact your doctor. For example, tenderness, redness, and swelling of your calf or swelling of your thigh, ankle, calf, or foot could be warning signs of a possible blood clot. Warning signs of infection include fever or chills, tenderness and swelling of the wound, and drainage from the wound. You should call your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. It is important to get instructions from your doctor before leaving the hospital and follow them carefully once you get home. Doing so will give you the greatest chance of a successful surgery. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Paget's Disease of Bone ? [/INST] Early Diagnosis is Important Although there is no cure for Paget's disease of bone, it is treatable. Treatment is most effective when the disease is diagnosed early, before it causes major changes in the affected bones. The goal of treatment is to relieve bone pain and prevent the disease from progressing. Medications Are Available The Food and Drug Administration has approved several medications that can stop or slow down the progression of the disease and reduce pain and other symptoms. These medications fall into two categories: bisphosphonates and calcitonin. Both medications work by stopping or reducing the excessive breakdown of old bone that leads to excessive formation of new, but weaker, bone. People with Paget's disease should talk to their doctors about which medication is right for them. Bisphosphonates Six bisphosphonates are currently available for patients with Paget's disease. Doctors most commonly recommend the strongest ones, which include - risedronate - alendronate - pamidronate - zoledronic acid - tiludronate and etidronate are not as strong but may be appropriate for some patients. risedronate alendronate pamidronate zoledronic acid tiludronate and etidronate are not as strong but may be appropriate for some patients. Some of the bisphosphonates approved for the treatment of Paget's disease, including risedronate and alendronate, are also approved for the treatment of osteoporosis. However, people with Paget's disease must take higher dosages of these medicines for shorter periods of time than people with osteoporosis. Calcitonin Doctors also may prescribe calcitonin to treat Paget's disease in some people, although it has been found to be less effective than bisphosphonates. Calcitonin is a naturally occurring hormone made by the thyroid gland. Your doctor may recommend that you repeat calcitonin treatments with brief rest periods in between treatments. The nasal spray form of calcitonin is not recommended or approved to treat Paget's disease. Surgery Surgery may be a treatment option for some people. Hip or knee replacement surgery may help people with severe arthritis. Surgery can also realign affected leg bones to reduce pain or help broken bones heal in a better position. Nutrition and Exercise Good nutrition and exercise are important for bone health, and that is true for people with Paget's disease as well. Women over age 50 should consume 1,200 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily. Men between the ages of 51 and 70 should consume 1,000 mg of calcium a day, and men over 70 should consume 1,200 mg per day. People ages 51 to 70 should consume at least 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily. People over age 70 should consume at least 800 IUs daily. Calcium keeps bones strong, and vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Exercise is very important in maintaining bone health, avoiding weight gain, and keeping joints mobile. However, people with Paget's disease need to avoid putting too much stress on affected bones. They should discuss their exercise program with their doctor to make sure it is a good one for them. Finding New Treatments Recently, there have been major advances in the treatment of Paget's disease of bone. Research into new treatments continues. Some researchers are trying to identify the genetic and viral causes of the disease. Other researchers are learning more about bone biology to better understand how the body breaks down old bone and replaces it with new bone. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Alcohol Use and Older Adults ? [/INST] Most people with alcohol problems can be treated successfully. People with an alcohol use disorder and those who misuse alcohol and cannot stay within healthy drinking limits should stop drinking altogether. Others can cut back until their drinking is under control. Changing drinking habits isnt easy. Often it takes more than one try to succeed. But people dont have to go it alone. There are plenty of sources of help. (Watch the video to learn more about getting help for alcohol use disorder (AUD). To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) A doctor can help decide the best treatment for people with alcohol problems. Many people need more than one kind of treatment. Medicines can help people with an alcohol use disorder quit drinking. Meeting with a therapist or substance-abuse counselor or with a support group may also help. Support from family and friends is important, too. Making a change sooner rather than later makes treatment more likely to succeed. When treatment is successful, people have longer and longer periods without drinking alcohol. Finally, they are able to stop drinking or stick to healthy drinking limits. But treatment does not always work. Relapse is common among people who overcome alcohol problems. People with drinking problems are most likely to relapse during periods of stress or when exposed to people or places associated with past drinking. Learn more about the treatment process for alcohol use disorder. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] Abnormal blood pressure is higher than 120/80 mmHg. If either your systolic or diastolic blood pressure is higher than normal (120/80) but not high enough to be considered high blood pressure (140/90), you have pre-hypertension. Pre-hypertension is a top number between 120 and 139 or a bottom number between 80 and 89 mmHg. For example, blood pressure readings of 138/82, 128/70, or 115/86 are all in the "pre-hypertension" range. (Click the table on the right to see the stages of high blood pressure in adults.) The ranges in the table are blood pressure guides for adults who do not have any short-term serious illnesses. People with diabetes or chronic kidney disease should keep their blood pressure below 130/80 mmHg. </s>
<s>[INST] How to prevent Balance Problems ? [/INST] Scientists are working to understand the complex interactions between the brain and the part of the inner ear responsible for balance. They are also studying the effectiveness of certain exercises as a treatment option for balance disorders. An NIDCD-supported clinical trial in benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV) showed that repositioning maneuvers work well, and offered clinicians a range of choices in selecting the treatment best suited to each individuals unique needs. NIDCD-funded researchers have created a virtual reality grocery store. This virtual store is a computer-simulated environment that seems to be a physical place in the real world. It is designed so people with balance disorders can safely walk on a treadmill as they practice looking for items on store shelves. The goal is to help reduce a person's dizziness in confusing environments. NIDCD-supported scientists are also studying the use of a vestibular implant to stop a Mnires attack by restoring normal electrical activity in the vestibular nerve. This nerve conveys balance information to the brain. The device uses the same technology found in a cochlear implant, a medical device that currently provides a sense of sound to people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Anxiety Disorders ? [/INST] In panic disorder, a person has sudden, unexplained attacks of terror, and often feels his or her heart pounding. During a panic attack, a person feels a sense of unreality, a fear of impending doom, or a fear of losing control. Panic attacks can occur at any time. People with panic disorder may have - sudden and repeated attacks of fear - a feeling of being out of control during a panic attack - an intense worry about when the next attack will happen - a fear or avoidance of places where panic attacks have occurred in the past - physical symptoms during an attack, such as a pounding or racing heart, sweating, breathing problems, weakness or dizziness, feeling hot or a cold chill, tingly or numb hands, chest pain, or stomach pain. sudden and repeated attacks of fear a feeling of being out of control during a panic attack an intense worry about when the next attack will happen a fear or avoidance of places where panic attacks have occurred in the past physical symptoms during an attack, such as a pounding or racing heart, sweating, breathing problems, weakness or dizziness, feeling hot or a cold chill, tingly or numb hands, chest pain, or stomach pain. Learn more about panic disorder. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Paget's Disease of Bone ? [/INST] Enlarged and Misshapen Bones Paget's disease of bone causes affected bones to become enlarged and misshapen. Our bones are living tissue, and our bodies are constantly breaking down old bone and replacing it with new bone. In Paget's disease, however, old bone is broken down and replaced at a faster rate than normal. The new bone is larger and weaker than normal bone. Paget's disease can occur in any bone in the body, but it is most common in the pelvis, spine, skull, and leg bones. It may occur in just one bone or in several bones, but it does not affect the entire skeleton or spread from affected bones to normal bones. Common symptoms include pain, misshapen bones, and a greater chance of broken bones. Complications Paget's disease can also lead to complications, such as arthritis, headaches, hearing loss, or nervous system problems, depending on which bones are affected. If not treated, Paget's disease can reduce a person's ability to perform activities of daily living, thereby reducing quality of life. Although it is the second most common bone disease after osteoporosis, Paget's disease is still uncommon. According to Bone Health and Osteoporosis: A Report of the Surgeon General, an estimated 1 million people in the U.S. have Paget's disease, or about 1.3 people per 100 men and women age 45-74. The disease is more common in older people and those of Northern European heritage. Men are more likely than women to have the disease. Cause is Unknown Paget's disease is named after the British surgeon, Sir James Paget, who first identified the disease in 1877. Researchers are not sure what causes it. Heredity may be a factor in some cases. Research suggests that a close relative of someone with Paget's disease is seven times more likely to develop the disease than someone without an affected relative. However, most people with Paget's disease do not have any relatives with the disease. Researchers think the disease also may be caused by other factors, such as a slow-acting virus. A Treatable Disease The good news is that Paget's disease of bone is treatable, especially if it is diagnosed early. In recent years, the Food and Drug Administration has approved several medications that can stop or slow the disease's progression. In some cases, surgery can help patients manage the symptoms and complications of the disease. </s>
<s>[INST] what research (or clinical trials) is being done for Glaucoma ? [/INST] Through studies in the laboratory and with patients, the National Eye Institute is seeking better ways to detect, treat, and prevent vision loss in people with glaucoma. For example, researchers have discovered genes that could help explain how glaucoma damages the eye. NEI also is supporting studies to learn more about who is likely to get glaucoma, when to treat people who have increased eye pressure, and which treatment to use first. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] Through research, doctors are trying to find new, more effective ways to treat prostate cancer. Cryosurgery -- destroying cancer by freezing it -- is under study as an alternative to surgery and radiation therapy. To avoid damaging healthy tissue, the doctor places an instrument known as a cryoprobe in direct contact with the tumor to freeze it. Doctors are studying new ways of using radiation therapy and hormonal therapy, too. Studies have shown that hormonal therapy given after radiation therapy can help certain men whose cancer has spread to nearby tissues. Scientists are also testing the effectiveness of chemotherapy and biological therapy for men whose cancer does not respond or stops responding to hormonal therapy. They are also exploring new ways to schedule and combine various treatments. For example, they are studying hormonal therapy to find out if using it to shrink the tumor before a man has surgery or radiation might be a useful approach. They are also testing combinations of hormone therapy and vaccines to prevent recurrence of prostate cancer. In 2010, the FDA approved a therapeutic cancer vaccine, Provenge, for use in some men with metastatic prostate cancer. This approval was based on the results of a clinical trial that demonstrated a more than 4-month improvement in overall survival compared with a placebo vaccine. Other similar vaccine therapies are in development. </s>
<s>[INST] How to prevent Balance Problems ? [/INST] An ear infection called otitis media can cause balance problems. Otitis media is most common in children, but adults can get it, too. You can help prevent otitis media by washing your hands frequently. Also, talk to your doctor about getting a yearly flu shot to stave off flu-related ear infections. If you do get an ear infection, see a doctor immediately before it becomes more serious. Learn more about otitis media and other ear infections. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Glaucoma ? [/INST] Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma. In the normal eye, the clear fluid leaves the anterior chamber at the open angle where the cornea and iris meet. When the fluid reaches the angle, it flows through a spongy meshwork, like a drain, and leaves the eye. Sometimes, when the fluid reaches the angle, it passes too slowly through the meshwork drain, causing the pressure inside the eye to build. If the pressure damages the optic nerve, open-angle glaucoma -- and vision loss -- may result. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] Today, many different types of medicines are available to control high blood pressure. These medicines work in different ways. Some lower blood pressure by removing extra fluid and salt from your body. Others affect blood pressure by slowing down the heartbeat, or by relaxing and widening blood vessels. Often, two or more drugs work better than one. Here are the types of medicines used to treat high blood pressure. - Diuretics (water or fluid Pills) flush excess sodium from your body, which reduces the amount of fluid in your blood and helps to lower your blood pressure. Diuretics are often used with other high blood pressure medicines, sometimes in one combined pill. - Beta Blockers help your heart beat slower and with less force. As a result, your heart pumps less blood through your blood vessels, which can help to lower your blood pressure. - Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors. Angiotensin-II is a hormone that narrows blood vessels, increasing blood pressure. ACE converts Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II. ACE inhibitors block this process, which stops the production of Angiotensin II, lowering blood pressure. - Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) block angiotensin II hormone from binding with receptors in the blood vessels. When angiotensin II is blocked, the blood vessels do not constrict or narrow, which can lower your blood pressure. - Calcium Channel Blockers keep calcium from entering the muscle cells of your heart and blood vessels. This allows blood vessels to relax, which can lower your blood pressure. - Alpha Blockers reduce nerve impulses that tighten blood vessels. This allows blood to flow more freely, causing blood pressure to go down. - Alpha-Beta Blockers reduce nerve impulses the same way alpha blockers do. However, like beta blockers, they also slow the heartbeat. As a result, blood pressure goes down. - Central Acting Agents act in the brain to decrease nerve signals that narrow blood vessels, which can lower blood pressure. - Vasodilators relax the muscles in blood vessel walls, which can lower blood pressure. Diuretics (water or fluid Pills) flush excess sodium from your body, which reduces the amount of fluid in your blood and helps to lower your blood pressure. Diuretics are often used with other high blood pressure medicines, sometimes in one combined pill. Beta Blockers help your heart beat slower and with less force. As a result, your heart pumps less blood through your blood vessels, which can help to lower your blood pressure. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors. Angiotensin-II is a hormone that narrows blood vessels, increasing blood pressure. ACE converts Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II. ACE inhibitors block this process, which stops the production of Angiotensin II, lowering blood pressure. Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) block angiotensin II hormone from binding with receptors in the blood vessels. When angiotensin II is blocked, the blood vessels do not constrict or narrow, which can lower your blood pressure. Calcium Channel Blockers keep calcium from entering the muscle cells of your heart and blood vessels. This allows blood vessels to relax, which can lower your blood pressure. Alpha Blockers reduce nerve impulses that tighten blood vessels. This allows blood to flow more freely, causing blood pressure to go down. Alpha-Beta Blockers reduce nerve impulses the same way alpha blockers do. However, like beta blockers, they also slow the heartbeat. As a result, blood pressure goes down. Central Acting Agents act in the brain to decrease nerve signals that narrow blood vessels, which can lower blood pressure. Vasodilators relax the muscles in blood vessel walls, which can lower blood pressure. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Prostate Cancer ? [/INST] There are a number of ways to treat prostate cancer, and the doctor will develop a treatment to fit each man's needs. The choice of treatment mostly depends on the stage of the disease and the grade of the tumor. But doctors also consider a man's age, general health, and his feelings about the treatments and their possible side effects. Treatment for prostate cancer may involve watchful waiting, surgery, radiation therapy, or hormonal therapy. Some men receive a combination of therapies. A cure is probable for men whose prostate cancer is diagnosed early. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) Glaucoma ? [/INST] Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve and result in vision loss and blindness. The most common form of the disease is open-angle glaucoma. With early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. (Watch the video to learn more about glaucoma. To enlarge the video, click the brackets in the lower right-hand corner. To reduce the video, press the Escape (Esc) button on your keyboard.) See this graphic for a quick overview of glaucoma, including how many people it affects, whos at risk, what to do if you have it, and how to learn more. See a glossary of glaucoma terms. </s>
<s>[INST] What is (are) High Blood Pressure ? [/INST] Older adults should limit their sodium (salt) intake to 1,500 mg a day. That's about 2/3 of a teaspoon of salt. Here are tips to reduce salt in your diet. - Buy fresh, plain frozen, or canned with no salt added vegetables. Choose foods packed in water instead of broth or salt. - Use fresh poultry, fish, and lean meat, rather than canned or processed types. - Use herbs, spices, and salt-free seasoning blends in cooking and at the table. - Cook rice, pasta, and hot cereal without salt. Cut back on instant or flavored rice, pasta, and cereal mixes, which usually have added salt. - Choose convenience foods that are low in sodium. Cut back on frozen dinners, pizza, packaged mixes, canned soups or broths, and salad dressingsthese often have a lot of sodium. - Rinse canned foods, such as tuna, to remove some sodium. - When available, buy low- or reduced-sodium or no-salt-added versions of foods. - Choose ready-to-eat breakfast cereals that are low in sodium. Buy fresh, plain frozen, or canned with no salt added vegetables. Choose foods packed in water instead of broth or salt. Use fresh poultry, fish, and lean meat, rather than canned or processed types. Use herbs, spices, and salt-free seasoning blends in cooking and at the table. Cook rice, pasta, and hot cereal without salt. Cut back on instant or flavored rice, pasta, and cereal mixes, which usually have added salt. Choose convenience foods that are low in sodium. Cut back on frozen dinners, pizza, packaged mixes, canned soups or broths, and salad dressingsthese often have a lot of sodium. Rinse canned foods, such as tuna, to remove some sodium. When available, buy low- or reduced-sodium or no-salt-added versions of foods. Choose ready-to-eat breakfast cereals that are low in sodium. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the treatments for Anxiety Disorders ? [/INST] Most insurance plans, including health maintenance organizations (HMOs), will cover treatment for anxiety disorders. Check with your insurance company and find out. If you dont have insurance, the Health and Human Services division of your county government may offer mental health care at a public mental health center that charges people according to how much they are able to pay. If you are on public assistance, you may be able to get care through your state Medicaid plan. To learn about more mental health resources, see Help for Mental Illness, from the National Institute of Mental Health at NIH. </s>
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