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03705ca | To my fellow citizens all across the world I think there are a lot of advantages that come with the limited car usage. One thing is that it could save the environment from the polution of gas. Also it could save people a whole lot of money if they didn't have a car. Lastly and final statement why limited car usage is advantage is that they use the money from the car to buy homes.
For starters, their are a lot of things that come with buying a car but a lot of people dont no is that every time they start up there car their actually hurting the evironment because of the gas. Here is an example from source 2."After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city". After reading that it seems to me that the pollution of the gas is becoming to be a problem all around the world and thats why we need to put a stop to it by just banning it for country to country and then eventually become a car free world. Another example I found from source 2. "[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world". I read that and i was like wow! I wonder why that might be well if they banned the car usage they might bring do there pollution or congestion in the city. Thats why the pollution from the gas is so bad it could actually harm or maybe possibly kill them if they breathe in that pollution on a consistant basis.
Secondly, people make pretty big sacrifices in life but one I found most interesting was that Germany residents were selling there cars to buy homes for them to live in. This strikes my eye in very many ways is that they are saving an expense they don't need and also saving the environment also. For example, in source 1 it said "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars and 57 percent sold a car to move here". I find that quite interesting why a family like that would just give up transportation and then I thought well they save a ton of money and also they get to move to maybe a better living environment just by limiting the car usage. People who live in Levittown, New York are good example of limited car usage because a lot of them work in the city and a lot of times driving into the city is not a very good thing to do because of the traffic. So what do they do? They don't drive a car but only to the train station were they ride the train to and from the city saving money in gas and its easier to do it that way.
Thirdly, citizens use limited car usage to save money in life because lets all face it the world we live in is tough money is hard to come by and people have car payments they have to pay every month and sometimes they cant make that payment cause they have other bills they have to pay so what do they do. They sell they car and that gives them extra money a month to pay for bills a such forth. Another thing they save from selling there car is that they don't have to pay for gas either so your probably saving some where around 200 hundred dollars in cash or credit in one month which is good. Thats another reason why selling your car is an advantage of limited car usage.
In conclusion, their are a lot of ways where citizens of the world can use limiting there car usage as an advantage. Where it might be saving the environment or selling your vehicle to buy a home or even maybe just to save money in everyday life like some citizens do in Levittown, New York. These were some of my opinions on advantages of limiting car usage in everyday life. | 4 |
0374dae | On may 24,2001 NASA Viking was snapping pictures around mars when something weird showed up on one of the photos. when NASA seen what looked like a human face went crazy. An ever since NASA'S crazy image got out thousends and thousends of people all around america were talking about "the face on mars". But Mars Orbiter Camera team came to find that it was not a human face but just a simple natural landform.
Many people believed that it was an alien artifact. Even few sciantists believed this too. But on April 5, 1998, Mars global surveyor flew over Cydonia for the frist time .Mas Orbiter team took a picture ten times sharper then viking photo. When the picture was taken by Mars camera team showed upon a JPL web site. Showing that the image was a natural landform, that there was no alien atifact. People still don't believe that it's just a natural landform, but this picture was taken by a digital image 3 times bigger then pixel size. so if any other objects such as airplanes, egyptial shaped pyramids, or small shacks you would most definetly see them. The landform that is actually shown on mars was a commom landform around American West.
In conclusion you can see that this image was studied very hard on to find out was it actually was, wich is a natural landform found in the American West. An if you still don't believe just think about it. The image taken that reaveled it to be a natural landform had each pixel in the 2001 spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the 1976 Viking image. | 3 |
037545d | The world is filled different types of technology. Apple, a major technology industry, has invented multiple types of phones, computers, watches, and televisons. Computers have evolved within the last five years and the have made a whole new world. The use of technology to read students' emotional expression is valuable because it is able to detect if a student is confused and it can track emotional-recognition.
While in school, most students do not like raising their hand or asking any questions if they are lost during a lesson because they may feel embarrassed or scared. For example in paragraph six, Dr. Huang predicts, "A classroom computer could recgonize when a student is becoming confused or bored." He aslo predicts, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Furtherore, Dr. Huang states, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." With the classroom computer, students may feel more comfortable and more confident in themselves because they would have the ability to learn one-on-one with an instructor to get the help they need without feeling embarrassed. In addition, the computer with be able to track emotional-recognition.
Computers that have the ability to track emotions would benefit everyone. In paragraph five it states, "Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vini studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles preciesly enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code." Furthermore, in paragraph six it states, "Imagine a computer that knows when you are happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad with be different." Emotional-recognition could improve how people are feeling and help them get through the day.
In contrast, a computer that can detect emotion could not work well with some people. In paragraph six it states, "Imagine a computer that knows when you are happy or sad." Also, in paragraph two it states, "And how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel?" People might not like the idea of their computer knowing how they are feeling because if the computer gives them false feedback, they might not agree with the new software. In addition, people might pay money for a software that does not give them the correct emotion or the software might not work in general.
The use of technology has definetly taken over the world. With the new computer software, it is able to read how each student is feelings and how it can track the emotions of everyday people. Applying emotions like happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, and surprise could change the face of technology. | 4 |
0376bcb | Twenty five years ago a weird picture showed up in the Jet Propulsion Lab by a NASA's Viking 2 spacecraft. It took a picture of what seemed to be a human head on planet Cydonia. People in the Jet Propulsion Lab were surprised at what they saw. Though many thought it was something formed by aliens, scientists figured it was only another Martian mesa. They said the shadows is what made it look like a face.
The shadows gave the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth, which made the Martian mesa look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. Though it was said to be only a landscape on Cydonia, the news of the face went crazy. It starred in Hollywood films, appeared in books, magazines, and so on. Others thought that NASA would rather hide the true information of the face and just say it was the shadows which made us think it was a face.
Though, NASA defenders wish there was ancient civilization on Mars. On April 5, 1998, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture of the face, which came out ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. The picture revealed a natural landform; no alien monument.
It's not easy to reach Cydonia and therefore makes it difficult to get a picture of the so called face. Garvin said that you could see if there were small objects on Mars, therefore no alien civilization is on Mars.
This shows how the face on Cydonia is not a face, but a landscape. The shadows in the picture made the landscape appear to have a face that look human. Therefore, there are no alien artifacts on Mars. | 3 |
037ac1f | Driverless cars
The point that the article is making is that should we have cars that can drive themselfes, in my opinoin i would say no because it would cause so much disstortion and everthing would be in a heave of trouble. What we would be doing is we would be taking away jobs for people that live off of driving people places, or we would be spending so much money trying to make these cars, and also what would happen when the went out of control and no one could stop them then what would we do.
The idea of people losing jobs dosent sound right for me because i know how frustrating it is to lose many jobs and it isn´t easy. And something else what would stop those people who are mad and ticked at the idea that they just lost their jobs to a bunch of robots, that wont go so well because they will probably start rioting in the streets and that will just cause more of a problem´s for everone.
And also you would have to conceder on how much money they would have to spend to keep making those types of cars, it will probably cost millions of dollars for just one state. So they would be spending more money on making the cars than they would be getting so it seems that it would be a waste of time on what this idea has in store.
What other problems would happen if something went wrong with these cars like to say if someone missed up with the programming it could cause a lot of problems across the united states because so many car crashes would be happening, and that would bring so much panic through out the nation. so that is another reason why not to.
So what is the article stating is if we should have cars that control themselfs. there is to many if´s for me to say that we should like i can see that there are good parts to this like to say that we wouldn´t spend so much many on gas and it would be safer for the most part. But my answer is still no because we cant alwas y just think that since it is technology we are safe will that not alwas the case and we have to learn that. So no we shouldn´t have cars that drive themselves. | 3 |
038fd62 | Imagine being able to detect other peoples feelings when they try to hide their emotions. Two doctors think they have the power to do so, Proffesor Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsredam and Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.
I believe that the new advancment would be a wonderful idea. I believe that seeing somebody's when they are trying to hide them is gonna bring new thrills to life. Actually knowing someone's emotions could be beneficial for thing such as suicide maybe if we knew what somebody's emotions were we would be able to help somebody to make them feel happy. In the passage article for has a quote saying "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," I believe this is a good quote because it ties in with me saying that emotions could help people but having facial emotions would benefit as well because then we would not only physically see someone's emotion but we would be able to feel the happiness, pain,anger or etc.
So overall I think Dr. Huang and Dr. Eckman could possibly have a amazing overall invention there are lots of positives for this invention. Such as having less suicides, or maybe if seeing someone happy could make someone else happy and could start a emotion train. The passage has some really good put out facts to convince someone that this would be a wonderful idea. | 3 |
039b748 | Welcome to 2016. Finally, technolgy had gotten smarter and smarter. Even smarter than some humans these days. We have finally come up with a way to make our lives even more easier. Yay! Driverless cars is a brilliant, genius idea. Having a driverless car helps better our environment, safety, and could even save you some extra money.
Pollution and global warming is a big problem. Our Earth is dying. With over population in many countries having cars that run on gas impacts our enviroment. All the fuel tha that is used is killing Earth day by day. Now, think about this. Having a car that runs on only half the fuel you would typically use? Sounds good right? Using only half the fuel we would typically use would make a tremendous differnece in our environment in a matter of a year.
Having a vehicle is a privlage. It can also be very dangerous. In the news we always here about that one person or that group of teenagers getting into a car with a driver under the influence. Then we know what happens next. When you are under the influence you do not know you are,therfore, you think you are fine to do anything especially driving. Having a driverless car may actually saves lives. If one is out drinking or doing things they should not be and decide they have to drive, that car might just save them from the unexpected.
Lastly, lets talk money. We all want to save money and buy more toys. Maybe you even want to go on a vacation to some nice beach where it is warm. How are you going to do that when you get a nice $1000 dollar spending ticket in a construction zone on I-65? Driverless vehicles maintain speed limit and know driving regulations. You may want to be going faster but your car is going to save you from getting that ticket.
Better environment, protection of human safety, and money saving is something all like to hear. This new driverless car is all that within one vehicle. Purchasing a car can be difficult. You want the best for you money. Having a car that helps the enviornment, protects you, and saves you money is the car you should be interested in. | 4 |
039e817 | Dear state senator,
Electoral College shouldn't even be used anymore because it is widely regarded as an anachronism. In the Electoral College it's the electors who elect the president not the people. People should be able to vote for the president they want and not have electors elect the president. If the electors are electing the president they want then why even let the people vote only for them to be disappointed. Also when voting for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors. There are many reasons for retaining the Electoral College other then there lack of democratic pedigree.
A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote wouldn't be the first since it has already happened in 2000. The reason is the the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. In 2012 election, Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular vote cast for him and Romney. Cause almost all states award electoral votes and a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state. A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes-538- is an even number but this is highly unlikely.
Overall you will decide what is best for this state but just take in mind my idea how the Electoral doesn't benefit the people nor you.
Sincerly, a citizen who cares. | 2 |
039fed8 | Should Facial Action Coding Systems (FACS) be used to read student's emotions?
The real question is, do you want your teacher to know if your happy, sad, mad, fustrated, confused, or board?
To some, the answer is simply yes, the ones who want others to know what ther are feeling are mostlikly a socil-type person.
On the other hand, its a simple no, if you know somone is gauging your emotions, say you didn't want anyone to know your mad, angery, or sad, would you be afraed to make any exprestion at all, or even go to class.
Nowadays, being watched is a normal acurance, but not to the personal level as to your emotions or thoughts.
Many may ask, what good is it to know about how one is feeling, the answer is unclear.
In paragraph six, the artical tells how helpfull FACS could be to the classroom, but if students should learn anything about real life, its crucial for them to understand, you can't please everyone, as much as you try, you won't.
If you have walked into a elementery school in just the past year, you will notice some very different souroundings.
Some elementery schools have laptops for every student, which makes it easyer than ever for a teacher to make and publish an assinment.
As I personly wittnesed my siblings having homework over the weekend, and Fridays, both of which, I never had in elementer school.
To sum it all up, the more tecnolagy we have dosn't always mean it needs to be implamented in a classroom, just becase we can dosen't mean we should.
Not to mention, who will pay for such a system, our tax dollors? | 2 |
03ae0c4 | The Electoral college is something that has been around for hundreds of years, and has helped us decide what to do. It is a fair method of electing the president, but it is not what we need anymore. Times have changed since that was established, so it is time we use a good old-fashioned way of voting, and use election by popular vote.
Back in the seventeenth century, when the Electoral College was created to find a balance between citizen voting and majority vote. How it works, is we select the electors representing our state's votes, they meet and vote, and then congress counts their votes. Also, all states, except Maine and Nebraska have something called the "winner-take-all" syatem, and that is a "system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate."(s1,p7) But now, the citizens in your state who qualify as a voter cast their votes. Instead of that being what our state's choice is, we choose the electors of our candidate, or person we voted for, and then the candidate with the majority votes wins, getting atleast 270 out of 538 electoral votes. This seems very unfair, and in one specific case, it is. In the 2000 presidential election, between Al Gore and George Bush, Al Gore got more popular votes than George Bush; he should have won. But Bush had more electoral votes, and that was where is mattered. So, Bush won that. If Gore won popularity wise, he should have won, hense creating happier citizens, since he won the majority of their votes.
Another argument, according to source 3, paragraph 23, is that the Electoral College method of choosing the president, "may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state." This is very important, as we all want a good leader who will support our home state. If, for example, the Electoral College voted on a Democrat, and he won, Florida may not have much hope. Florida is a Republic state, as is most of the southern states; yes, Mr. President would be obligated to help all 50 states when necessary, but the bigger benefits would go towards the Democratic states, and probably his home state. Therefore, voters may not even bother casting in a ballot if the candidate of their choice does not have much hope, or if they think either potential leader will benefit them. So if they do not have much of a choice in the matter, they lose interest and shrug it off, as opposed to if it were popular vote, and every single vote was accounted for. Fortunately, though, this does not happen often; one meesly vote does not do much to turn the tables.
The Electoral College, all-in-all, has helped us a lot, yes, but it is high time we go back to the popularity vote. It would make most citizens, and many potential voters, happier to know that they are accounted for, and we won't have the potential of the popularity winner, the one the people actually voted for, to lose on account of the electors. It should be the people of America's decision, not a group of government workers, to decide who runs our nation. | 3 |
03afc1e | The Facial Action Coding System would be a good thing for students to use in the classroom. Outside of the classroom as well. Not only is it good for class work, but it is good for video games or video surgery.
The Facial Action Coding System could recognize if a student is getting confused and alter the course. So many students using computers for school aren't getting the full potential out of their computers. They stay confused and move on hoping they don't fall behind evryone else. Dr. Huang says, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communicaton. So computars need to understand that, too."
Once again I say that the Facial Action Coding System would be a good thing to use in the classroom. Not only would it help students, but the same technology could be used for video games to make faces more expressive. Or to use with video surgey. The possibilities are endless with all the new technology coming out. | 2 |
03c0382 | Luke Bomberger had his life changed for the better when he joined the Seagoing Cowboys. He had the pleasure of exploring the world and helping many nations in need. You could help the world too if you helped out the cowboys.
Luke shows that you have the chance to explore new places and meet new people when you are helping this cause. Luke got to travel all the way to China and he explored Venice, Italy. Luke also had the privelege of playing tournaments and various games on board of the cattle boat with his colleagues. You could make new friends and lend a helping hand with UNRAA.
One of the hardships of being a Seagoing Cowboy is having to take care of livestock. Luke provides information that it takes alot of hard work to maintain these animals. Some of the jobs that have to be done include cleaning pens, feeding the livestock, and getting them water. Even though this all seems like too much work, it still pays off with having the feeling of knowing you helped someone's life.
A final reason that you should join this program is that it shows hope that the world could be a better place for every nation. These people are helping provide food to citizens' lives who were affected by war. This shows a ray of sun shine to people who aren't lucky enough to have a home or food. It shows these people that they will be helped. If you were to join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you could make someone out there feel like this.
The cowboys out on the sea are helping lives become better out in the harsh world. They are providing food for the hungry, and they are making miserable lives great. This is why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. | 4 |
03c7046 | "
All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change.
" As an official of the Transportation for America, David Goldberg is a credible source for information regarding transportation in America. However there are places all around the world were automobiles are causing problems. Limiting car usage could help solve many of those issues.
In America, the topic of alternative transportation has been discussed many times, but in previous bills, 80% of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20% to other transport. This can be found in paragraph 9 of the first source as the fifth line. Sadly America is not the only country having problems. In
Paris, France , diesel cars make up 67% of the vehicles and the diesel feul is blamed for the smog accumulation in the city. In Paris, A warmer layer of air caused by cold nights and warm days, trapped the car emissions which then caused a five day period of intensifying smog. France's smog build-up rivaled that of
Beijing, China , which is claimed to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. This problem also exists in the States, as transportation is the second largest cause of America's emissions, right behind power plants. To ensure safety anyone who was still driving their car was fined 22- euros or $31.
Bogota, Columbia followed France in their violation fee and charged any violater $25. Bogota has created a
Day Without Cars , in which no cars are used, to promote alternative transport and the reduction of smog levels. Another positive effect no cars can have would be a more peaceful enviroment, as stated in sources 1 and 3. In America, recent studies show that Americans have been buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses. Although it may be far in the future, America may soon follow the lead of
Vauban, Germany , where it is completely car-free. This probably won't happen anytime in the near future, but the use of automobiles has gone down in the United States. Bill Ford, chairman of the Ford Motor company, proposed a city in which, pedestrians, bicycles, private cars, etc. are used to save time, lower emissions and improve safety. He sees this future, hopefully others will too.
Although America might not be exactly like Vauban, it is good to hope that it will get there someday. No cars would result in a calmer atmosphere and a more peaceful lifestyle. Also, it would lower the emissions made by vehicles, which in turn would save the atmosphere, thus saving life on earth. No cars would also help improve safety, both of animals and of people. We may not be completely there yet, but the world will someday have no need for cars and that will be the first step into the future. | 2 |
03c75d3 | Technology has evolved in amazing, big, and even complex ways. It's 2018, and there are robots that can now engage in combat, imitate humans, and open doors. It's no surprise that now there are computors that can read your emotions. Will it be benefical? I, in fact, do think this new software, the Facial Action Coding System, will be benefical, especially in classrooms. This new technology can help keep students interested in learning, awake in class, and even help teachers with teaching.
The Facial Action Coding System can indeed help keep students interested in learning. Why? First off, it's new technology. Who wouldn't be excited to get to use and experience something like this? From personal experience, I know that when I first started using computers and Ipads in middle school, it made me more excited to do work and come to class. This software can also keep students interested in learning because if the system notices the student becoming bored, it could modify the lesson, as stated in the article. When modifying the lesson, it could maybe become more animated or louder for the student's attention to be grabbed, thus spiking his or her interest.
This new software could help keep students awake in class because, as stated in the "Making Mona Lisa Smile" article, if the system notices that the student is falling alsleep, it could change the lesson, make it simpler, or make it more interesting to grab the student's attention. This effect can be similar to a human instructors, which can enhance the student's mood and energy level. Usually, humans lose interest and become tired when bored or when something is repetitive, and as stated above in my first point, making the lesson more animated or louder could prevent the student from losing interest, which could lead to dozing off.
And for my last point, putting this technology in classrooms for students, could actually benefit the student and the teacher at the same time. If the program notices that the student is becoming bored or losing interest, this could be a sign to the teacher to adopt a new teaching style or change up the presentation to better engage the student. Using this as an advantage could help strengthen the relationships between the students and the teachers to ensure a better, more effective, and easier learning environment for the students and an easier, more effective teaching environment for the instructors.
The addition of the Facial Action Coding System to classrooms today will absolutely benefit not only teachers, but also students. It'll first off, keep students awake to even learn the lesson, then proceed to keep the students interested in the lesson being taught, and overall will help teachers know how to best connect with his or her students and provide the best and most effective way of teaching to them. And not only do the benefits stop here, but they go on and on, adding paint to the big picture. This software can be used in even preschools and colleges. Ensuring that the students are being taught in the best way will heighten their academic skills and will provide a promising future full of success. Just from starting with the projection of a smile. | 4 |
03ca725 | I would like you people out there to come and join our program the Seagoing Cowboys, I gunratee you will have a great time. We go to many different countries to have a amazing adventure and very wonderful time with friends or family. We nation named UNRRA your about to find out what is that Nation, that nations was make to help countries recover ther food supplie which was lost, and animals decreasing. Almost 44 nations come together to make that ONE nation.
This program is
life time decision you can't miss it for anything. If you like animals well you need to come on this trip we have animals on board with us to take them oversea, We have many unique animals on with us
the passage states that they are horses; young cows; mules; pigs, However we just don't leave them in the boat with no feed or water or shelter we help those animals we feed them everyday, We keep them clean and there living areas clean so they wont get ill or get any kind of disease to spend to the another animals.
So I want you to join our program why wouldn't you join so we can save those animals from
getting any diseases or dieing from hungrier, or thirst. We just not there for the animlas for the countries too, We go to many fun and exciting countries. Have you ever wanted to go to a countries so bad? Well we can take you there, too sight the Magnificent things in life. | 3 |
03ce0a7 | Imagine a world with driveless cars. While that world is coming to picture, be sure to also imagine all the things that could possibly go wrong. Imagine an increase in car accidenets because a malfunction occured in one of the cars. All the money and time that is being invested in this one specific project. Teenagers no longer getting excited about being able to get their license. Seems like a not so great world to live in.
Manufactors may promise people that their smart cars are safe and reliable, nothing will go wrong. But what they dont tell people is that they messed up on a couple thounsand cars, no biggie. The smart cars are no longer alerting the driver for when they need to take over. The spinning sensor just breaks down, with no warning whatsoever. That is one of the most important parts of the whole system. Everything could go wrong. Promises are broken by family; companies can easily break promises too.
So much money and time could be put into better and more useful things. This all started back in the 1950s with General Motors. Google has had working driveless cars since 2009. All of that time and money should have been invested into something that tis world needs. The United States of America has been in debt for a long time, but instead of paying off some debt we build driveless cars.
Teenagers are excited about finally being old enough to get thier permit, their first car. That is what the majority of us look foward too. We finally feel like an adult and have some freedom. With driveless cars, how would this all work out? In the pasage it says, "... no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore.." That is no fun. What will we have to look foward to now? No one will need cars.
I am against driveless cars. They may be what we dream of but that doesnt mean they are best for us. Malfuctions could occur which causes a rise in accidents. Possibly even death. Money and time is wasted on this project and it is not what the world needs. The world does not need driveless cars. Teenagers need to experience freedom early, by getting their license and having their own car. If we will no linger have any point for cars in the future, how will teenagers expeince the early life of adulthood? | 4 |
03d074f | Mr. Senator,
I think that the Electoral College is a decent way to vote for president. But is it really the best way? Though the Electoral College elects presidents in a way favored by many, it doesn't allow for people to directly vote for the president. Because of that, the Electoral College should be abolished and changed to election by popular vote.
Voting by Electoral College can make things unfair. As stated in the article, "The Indefensible Electoral College", "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a state of electors, who in turn elect the president" (Source 2). That statement basically says that when a voter goes to vote, they aren't voting for the president, but for someone to go and vote for them. Also, who exactly are the people we go and let vote for the person leading our country? According to the article, "Electors can be anyone not holding public office" (Source 2). The people who go and vote can't control who these electors vote for. That's just another way that the Electoral College can be unfair to the voters.
Along with being unfair to the voters, the Electoral College can also be unfair to other people as well, for example, the canidates actually running for president. In an article that is for the Electoral College, it states that, "...the electoral college is not democratic in a modern is the electors who elect the president, not the people" (Source 3). Does this mean that the Electoral College may have been a good system a while ago, and maybe not as good this day in age? Yes, it does. Also, in the article, it states, " is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote" (Source 3). That being said, there is always a chance that the result of an election will not be what the country as a whole wants, but what the electors want.
To conclude, the Electoral College is a very interesting proccess that everyone should know about. But I believe that the Electoral College should be a process that stays in textbooks to be learned about, not to actually be used. The Electoral College should be gone and be changed to election of popular vote. After all, the Preamble to the Constitution says, "We the people", not "We the electors".
Thank you for your time,
03d8fe8 | Imagen being in a regular classroom. Imagen yourself not understing the topic. Imagen not being able to tell the teacher you don't get it because you're afraid to be made fun of. This is what the Facial Action Coding System prevents student from experiencingwhen taught a new topic. This helps student by having the system already knowing they don't understand to topic they had just learned. Although Facial Action Coding System watches your face is wierd, it'll help out teachers and students because it'll help our classroom be more understanding, helpful, and communicate better.
The Facial Action Coding System can help classrooms be more understanding.
In the article, it states, "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" everyday. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feelling simply by the look on her face (paragraph 5)." It also states,"For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears in you screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be differnet (paragraph 6)." These quotes show that classrooms can be more understanding with this system. Because if you frown, the teacher will be notified and will ask if you understand yet or need help. And this system will help teachers to more "calculated" of what their class needs more work on. And understand the topic they have learned.
The Facial Action Coding System can help classrooms be helpful. In the article it states," A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor (paragraph 6) ." This means that this system can be helpful by providing information to the teacher. And so the teacher can have an effective teaching plan to help out the class in learning the topic better. So they don't get lost and confused on the topic.
The Facial Action Coding System can help classrooms communicate better. In the article it said,"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery. "Most humans communication in nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. "So computers need to undersatnd that, too(paragraph 6)." This all means that this sysytem will help us communicate better. And because most of human communication happens nonverbally. It won't be too diffcult to do. This system will help the students and the teacher to communicate with each other effectivly without saying a word.
In concluion, better communication, more helpful, and more understanding are some of the pros of having the Facial Action Coding System in the classroom. Although having the Facial Action Coding System watch your face is pretty weird. Other than that, it's pretty cool that it can help the student(s) and the teacher. The students get a chance to work together to help the teacher understand them better. This system helps them communicate better overall. And helps the teacher to create a better and effective teaching plan overall, too. This Facial Action Coding System helps the student and the teacher to understand, comunicate and help each other. | 4 |
03da458 | I feel like driverless cars are a great idea. It's truly great from how i see it a sign of the future. People should really see this on a positive note, you get so much from a driverless car. Driverless car is the future of things it is for the better of mankind. Hopefully people see it the way i see it.
You get so much from a driverless car don't know why some states would outlaw the use of driverless cars I could see why they would worry, for the pedestrians, drivers, and passengers. cause after all safety is the most important but if they would actually overlook the bad consiquences and see driverless car use isn't bad. After all the way the driverless cars are being made now are way more safer with all new features. All these car companies making driverless cars I'm pretty sure they're making it way safer. The law should be taking out of these states and see how safe driverless cars are.
The driverless car has all these great features that I do not understand why some would be against it. For example, BMW announced the development of " Traffic Jam Assistant". Which means that the car can handle driving funtions at speed up to 25 mph, but the touch sensors it has make sure the driver has their hands on the wheel. It's come pretty far to where the car can steer, accelerate and brake themselves. Also GM
has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is about to back into an object. Also thoughts of some manufacturers consider using camers to make sure the driver is focused on the road.
The future is near with how it's come from driving to driverless cars. all the technology going into this car and off like the specially designed roads for specially designed cars. also car manufacturers like Audi, Mercedes Benz, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. That is coming soon we're in the year 2016 and it's just 4 more years away the future is calling. Driverless cars are just the beginning of the future nothing better than that.
In conclusion I am all for driverless cars like I've said it's a great Idea. With all the technology in the self driven car and the beauty in it. Sure some states and people are against it with worrying about safety and thats understandable but soon they'll see all the good a self driven car can be and some states will go down on that law. Also like i said it is the future for driving and we'll need to adapt we always have and i know we''ll adapt to driverless cars. I approve driverless cars. | 4 |
03dc26a | Is the Facial Action Coding System really worth it to put it in schools and other places. This new idea can tell how you're feeling by just the scan of your face. There is alway error in such things known as technology. The idea of a scanning machine can tell how I feel seems a little different.
I don't believe this type of machines should be in our schools. I feel like this could cause confusion anf distrut form kids who don't like it. Sometimes kids like to keep to themselves and don't want some tecaher walking around taking pictures. How do we know if this is truly right. lets say that some kids get areading that they're happy or super sad when really they don't feel like that at all. There's to much error to have happen that it just doesn't seem worth it. If this has actually never been trieed on a living human who says it works. How do we know that Mona Lisa really felt like that. She can't tell us that she's dead.
With schools we need to worry on more important stuff. at times we seem to wonder why we lose out on so much money this just doesn't seem like a good investemnt. There is to much that can go wrong and not enough that can go right. Maybe later on if this was perfected but for now I don't support this. Maybe one day this will work out I just don't see it anytime soon becoming the next big thing. | 2 |
03e687e | Are you excited to get that new car you've been saving all your hard works money for? Cant wait to drive whenever you want and not have a care about where you go? Maybe us as a society has the wrong idea of cars and what they do for us. Cars have been givin this impression that they are what us young adults want and need to become an adult or even for some people ''cool'' but we've got the wrong idea.
Americans use cars almost everyday, numerous times a day, spening loads of money on gas and filling up our ozone with pollution but for most lifes outisde the United States they prefer to walk, bike ride, run anything except a car. Vaubran ,Germany have given up their cars. 70% of Vaubrans families do not own cars and about 57% sold a car to move there. Giving that most subrub lifes are over populated there would be no room for all those cars, but if you're that person that needs a car you must buy a space for 40,000, along with a home. ''When I had a car i was always tense. Im much happier this way'' said by Heridrun Walter, a media trainer and a mother of two, as she walks the busy path ways of Vauban streets. MOst countries are like Vauban, over populated with little to no car usage. Most people travel by foot, bus or bike and have been proven to not only heelp save thier environment but save lifes but you still have some countries that work like America. Bogota, Colombia does us cars very frequent but has a ''car free'' day which a large amount of Colombias population (7 million) participates in. '' It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,'' said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode with his wife on a two seat bicycle as it poured. '' The rain didnt stop people from participating'', ''We enjoy this, its better for us as a society''. Many other countries saw this remarkable change that they were trying to accomplish and really were motivated to cut cars out and start walking, biking..
Paris, France typically has more smog than other European capitals. The cause for this smog is to be said it comes from the Diesel fuel since Diesel makes up 67 percent of vehicles droven in France. The smog was so serious and dangerous that it traveled to Beijing China, which they did not need since they are the most populate city in the world. France and lots of other countries have smog/ pollution problems caused by cars. France has plug-in cars, hybrids, more cars carrying three or more passangers, and public transport free of charge Friday threw Monday clogging up our o-zone. Many people across the globe have notice this big error its causing and try to make a stop to it. Lots of citizens try to cut back on their driving or try to find closer areas to work or for school to make it easier them to walk, bike ride to. For instance, the sons of Michael Sivak who are in their 20's travel by foot since driving was ''not a big concern for them.'' ''They organize their summer jobs and social lifes around where they can walk, take public transport or car pool with friends''. Even young adults are seeing the greatness in doing something good for them and thier environment.
Driving is a big part of our world today, but we have some people and even countries who have to or choose to do it by foot. Its proven to help the mind and also proven to help with our environment and our safety life. Pollution fills the air but so does the people, making the world a better place to live and causing less stress to the citizens that do so. | 3 |
03e804e | Car free cities, in German suburb life goes on without cars. The residents of the community have given up their cars. Street parkings and driveways are forbidden in the new district near the French and swiss borders. the streets are completely empty except for the main thoroughfare and a few streets on the edge of the community. In addition, 70% of vaubans families do not own cars, and 57% sold a car to move there. A growing trend going around they say they want to seperate them from auto use, a saying called "smart planning". the efforts that they put in that some people build their own houses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. In Europe they are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions, and up to 50% in some car intensive areas in the United states.
In conclusion, there have been effortsain the past two decades to make the cities more dense, and better for walking. Home to 5,500 residents within a square mile, this may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life. above all this, stores are placed on about a walk away, on a main street rather then along some distant highway. According to them how much you drive is as important as weather you have a hybrid. Suburbs will spread out the homes were thwe dream towns of the 1950s and still exert a strong appeal. in the developing world where they will increase number of private cars ownd by the middle class. In the United states, the enviromental protection agency is promoting car reduced communities, and legistlators are starting to act cautiously. many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role.
Above all of this paris bans driving due to smog. days after near record pollution they enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or get charged with a 31$ fine. the same thing would apply tot he odd numbers the following day. about almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to the reuters, and 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. it was down by 605 in the capital of France, after a five days of horrible smog, it rivaled that Beijing, china, which was known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. The cold air and warm days would cause the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Deisels make up to 67% of vehicles in france, campared to 53.3% rest of Western Europe, according to reuters. Paris has more smog then any other European capitals. paris had 147 per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in london, reuters found.
Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, while eceptions were made for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers. In a program thats set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked skated or took buses to work during a car free day. It was the third year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in this capital of 7 million. the goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. violaters faced 25$ fines. It is a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution they said. The day without cars is an improvment campaign that begins in the bogota in the mid 1990s. it has seen the construction of 118 miles of bycicle paths the most of any latin American city. | 1 |
03ec474 | World War II was a terrible war, but fortunately, there is relief. Countries have united to form UNRAA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). UNRAA hires Seagoing Cowboys to sail livestock to assist the population of the world in recovery. These are people who are more aware of people of other countires and their needs. The awareness stays with them. Here's why you should join.
First off, the adventure! You will sail across the world and visit many wonderful countries and their people in your quest to provide relief from a terrible disaster. It sounds like something right out of a storybook, doesn't it? Another reason is the sightseeing. You are provided with lots of freetime, so why not enjoy the beauty of both Mother Nature and mankind whilst you're on your journey. Maybe you'll get lucky and get to see the Panama Canal, or the temples of China. Also, wouldn't it be great to see the happy people and, most importantly, the children who you're going to help get back on their feet. Remember that warm, fuzzy feeling inside when you get doing something good? And if you like animals, and/or the ocean, you're going to want to join the Seagoing Cowboys.
In conclusion, the Seagoing Cowboys are great, generous people traveling a world which needs saving, for a multitude of reasons. Wouldn't you want be a hero, and climb into the ranks of the noble? And remember, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so don't miss out on it. There's only so much people which need saving! | 3 |
03ee9ea | In this article it talked a lot about how maybe schools could use computers to sensor a student's emotion of either getting bored or losing interest and to be able for the computer to change the lesson slightly to get the students attention, But do you think this would really work? In some cases yes it might work for some people, but definetly not everyone. Why? Because some students may have diformaties in their muscles in their face, facial piercings that could afftect they way the computer reads your emotion, or even just simply you face might be showing one expression but you may feel another way.
Not everyone in the world is same so it's really hard to make something like this that would benefit everyone. You also have to think about the cost of these computers, just think normal computers are already expensive, but ones that can read your emotion you can imagaine that those prices would be unbelievable.
As well as every student learns differently, so if the computer changes the way the lesson is being taught based off of your emotion when maybe the lesson is already clear to you, could make it harder on some students. So overall I believe that this product wouldn't be very successful due to a lot of the roadblocks in the way, especially with money involvment. | 2 |
03f2d76 | Computers can read your mind?! No, not really, but they can tell how you're feeling. A new technolagy created by Dr. Thomas Huang, allows computes to read your facial expresions. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how this new technology can be valuable. This technology that we can use to read students emotinal expressions would be valuable.
Because of the students facial expression, the computer can tell if the student is confused from a lesson in class. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," Dr. Huang predicts "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson". If the computer could understand when the student is having a problem and can effectively fix that issue, then this could be the best way to teach. The use of reading students emotional expressions is valuable, because they can be taught better.
eventhough it may not seem praticle to use this technology, students can actualy learn from it. "the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D comuter model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles... Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS(Facial Action Coding Sytsem) has classified six basic emotions -happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles". Eckman's technology has a lot of information studets can learn. The technology is valuable because the students that use it can learn and better understand diffrent facial expresions made by others.
The use of this technology to read students emotional expressions is valuable. it can teach students about other facial expressions, or whatever they are learning in class. With the help of this new technology we can ensure students to have better grades go to better schools, and in the end make the world a much smarter and better place. | 3 |
03f8d0e | We need to keep a better enviroment if we want to live in a more healty world. one of the best was is to limit car uasge. There are many advantages of limiting car usage for people. A coulpe of examples are the air an world would not be as polluted more then it already is, and this could improve the satfy for other people.
By wanting to live in a more healty place we need to keep the air clean, that is one of are biggest problems with useing cars all the time. One way there are trying to accomplush this is by makeing homes an cities denser, so that its would be better for walikng or biking riding. making these homes more compact there would be molre accesibletily to public transportation. which would leave more space for better walk was . By doing this we are reducing car use an saveing the air a little at a time ,to imp[rove this world.
Another advantage woulod be that with less cars running around the streets would be way satfier. With generation being that more kids are starting to drive everyone esle is more at risk with there satfy. "different things are convering which suggest thta we are witnessing a long-term cultral shift" mean that we can still feel connected to other peolpe without driving. So we dont need to be driving around all the time it would be in all of are best interst to limit driving cars.
in conclusion i feel that limiting driveeing would help all of us in the long run into liveing in a better an safer wold. Tat if we take care of will keep us safe by living here. | 3 |
03f958f | "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009." Cars that can drive independently are a huge advancement in technology, travel, saftey, and history. Driverless cars, which they are called, are a positive and wonderful thing to have. This essay will provide why driverless cars should be developed.
Although there has been a large leap in vehicle technology, the cars are not yet completely driverless. With more and more research and test being done there will one day be a completely driverless car.
When the vechicle was first invented it took many trial and errors but it was never given up on. The driverless car is in the stage of developement and should not be given up on. People do not forget the first model vechicle because it changed history and made things easier and more convient. The same thing can happen with the driverless car.
"Their (Google) cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash."
Crashes can be caused by anything, but having vehicles that drive the exact same could potentially reduce the risk of accidents. In the driverless cars, drivers are still needed to stay alert at the wheel because the car cannot handle obstacles such as: passing constrcution or passing accidents. They need to continue to test and develope the driverless car so one day it can over come these obstacles.
With all cars there are dangers. If the driver of the driverless car is to cause an accident then the driver is held responsible. This car cannot promise hundred percent safety, and neither can any other vehicle. That does not let automakers stop them from continuing their work. The more reseach and developement they do the more problems they can resolve. Car manufactures have plans to make cars compelety capable of driving themselves.
The driverless car may take a few years to be made perfect, but automakers are not willing to give up. A driverless car can be good for technology advances, safety, travel, and a mark in history. Driverless cars need to be backed and have support in order to be completely succsessful. And the more developement and reseach done the closer automakers become to creating a change in history, a driverless car. | 3 |
03fb253 | Luke is a boy signing up with his friend Don,here's some reason's why you should also sign up like Luke did himself. My first reason is you can help people while you travel like how Luke did when he went to europe to help people restock on supplies,food,and animals. You can also go because,while you're shipping animals across seas you can spend time with somepretty amazing animals. Another good one is you can go sightseeing while shipping or going on the land you shipped something to like how Luke did when he went to Europe. These are all great in my point of view because even its some hard work it can still be enjoyable because there is just so much to see like how I mentioned the animals before,and of course the sightslike ruins,structures,and much more. Another point of fun you could have while being a seagoing cowboy is after you shp the animals off of the boat or ship when the animals are gone it can clear up some room for you and any friends you may or may not have made. What I mean is after the animals are gone you can use the extra room for games,messing around,and even spending time with friends you may have made. THis is a good idea because even thogh its hard work and a little bit dangerous Luke stayed positive because of him stating "The cattle boat trps were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy" meaning he enjoyed being a seagoing cowboy. Now even though its still fun to be a seagoing cowboy there is still dangers. The ocean is a pretty dangerous place so it'll still be a hard job especially when it comes to storms. If a serious storm hits while on a boat trip it could still be pretty devastating someone could get knocked off and go into the ocean,one of the animals could fall off,and someone cold slide and break something when they have a hard fall. Even though its still pretty dangerous and pretty hard work for someone it can still be enjoyable Im not going to say the same stuff I already said earlier so Im just going to say that depending on how it goes and how you act about it it will be enjoyable just wait and see. | 2 |
03ff4c1 | First of all, NASA only gets their information from research and cameras which they depend on to help them with their research too. According to the text it states,"New high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars for what it really is: A mesa." Well, the Face of Mars does indeed exist but there is not any proof that there was life on Mars once because it seems impossible. To add to that it has been twenty five years since the discovery, and there is not a for sure explanation that is logical because some people think there is smething behind it.
Second, now to the conspiracy theorists, they think there was life on Mars like aliens. Anything is possible for one so they can't be entirely incorrect because even a few scientists got to thinking about the Face of Mars could be an alien too. According to the text it says,"Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor(MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in September 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions ended." Even scientists believed it too and NASA has logical thinkers in their coorporation too.
Next, on April 8,2001 they got a picture of the Face,"Malin's team captured an extraordinary using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." So overall the technology for the camera was very equiped.
Therefore, the conspiracy theorists may have some thoughts that make NASA ponder about. Such as, NASA could be lying to us all and making us to believe that there is no such thing as extra terestrial objects and such. Here are some interesting theories that government should give us answers on, is the world really round, do aliens exist, is NASA lying, is there really a so called space, could aliens be demons, and overall is the government lying and hiding a bunch of theories from us. In fact they may have those answers to our natural questions about life?
In conclusion, NASA goes by research and proven facts and conspiracy theories have nothing to back them up. There are so many questions about life and Man do not have all the answers. We do not even know of all the organisms that could be living in the ocean. We may never know these questions, but NASA goes by research, cameras, and approximations about these discoveries and us the people just have to believe in what they are telling us. | 3 |
03ffbb2 | Imagine a town where the streets are empty of cars and stores and shops are just a walk down main street. Well that town exists, its called Vauban, Germany a town on the border of the swiss and france. People who live there gave up their cars and now live a different type of life. Most people who have done this are happy they can just walk to places. Back in the 50's this would be the town to live in. It still has a strong appeal to people. The way it is run makes it one of the most intresting town in europe.
This plan worked for them why cant we do this in Bradenton? Now this type of town would benifet anyone. People would save money. The town or city would make double or even more of what they are making in public transportation. The enviornmet would get healthy and make any town less polluted and help in the fight of greenhouse gases.
We all know how expensive gas can be and how it goes up and down. With cars being took out the only thing we'd need gas for is buses that would transport us. Our wallets will thank us and so will the planet.
Speaking of the planet greenhouse gases are the talk of the town and will not stop unless we do spmething. We can help by doing this plan. We can never undo what we have done to the ozone layer. However we can certainly not make it worse by doing this. In fact we could cut down pollution and make bradenton the city it once was. | 2 |
04030c7 | Although it does seem like looking back to the past is the right thing, sometimes changing the past can have good effects for the future. The founding fathers that established the United States Constitution also established the Electoral College. Even though it has been used for many years it is the not most accurate form of voting. The popular vote is much more accurate in which the citizens of the United States vote for who they want.
One of the many problems with the Electoral College system is that the citizens of that state don't vote for president. Instead they vote for electors which then vote for president. They vote for the electors that they think are trustworthy and are going to vote for the candadite they want to win. Sometimes voters get confused about the electors an end of voting for the wrong candidate. In addition there can be a tie in the Electoral College and in that case the election would be thown to the House of Reprsentatives where state delegations vote on the president.
Every state receives an amount of point decided by the population of that state. "It is unfair for voters because of the winner takes all system." (Source 2, Paragraph 13) If a state is won by only 3 votes the candidate that wins the state, takes all the points for that state. Therefore it is possible to win the Popular vote and lose the Electoral Vote. In that case the winner of the electoral vote would be pronounced president of the United States of America.
The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Each state has a favorable amount of democrats or republicans, therefore, candidates don't go to states or run ads in states they know the cannot win due to the state being to far into the enemy party. States that change from a democrat to a republican state and vice versa are called "swing" states. Those are states that the candidates running for president will want to visit and run ads in.
Electoral College has followed us since the Constitution was established, but it is time that we leave it behind and look to a new voting system. We need to abolish Electoral College because it is an unreliable way for to run the campaign for becoming the president of the United States of America. | 3 |
040ba87 | I argue in changing the electoral college , popular vote would be a chance for normal americans to get there voice heard in the government. A big problem is how the voters votes go straight to the electoral college and wouldnt make a change at all also how theres a bigger chance of a tie happening in the electoral college then by popular vote
One reason why the electoral college should go is because the voters votes arent really being heard. For example in paragraph 10 it says that ' under the electoral college system voters vote not for the president , but for a slate of electors who in turn elect for the president " , thats techinally saying that the electors are the ones who are really voting our voice means nothing we could have wanted another president to have won but if the electoral college gets more votes then us then so be it , thats our new president! We dont even know who the electors really are they could have been picked by anyone like how it says in paragraph 10 they could have been picked by the presidential candidates themselves who knows. They say we control who the electors vote for but not always , theres a high unlikely chance that there would be more popular votes for one president like in texas for john kerry that all 34 electors would go to congress and vote for john kerry thats insane.
A second reason is how theres a bigger chance of electoral college tie happening then a popular vote one like how it says in paragraph 12 " in 1916 , a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and a 3,3687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way. The election is only a few swing voters away from catastrophe". If the electoral college has a tie then theres even a bigger chance of the people voice not being heard at all. Once a tie happens the election goes to the house of representatives where state delegations vote on the president as said in paragraph 12 , a single representative from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters, would have no say compared to the 55 representatives from California that makes Wyoming have no voice in the election compared to Califorina. The house's selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people.
Finally thats all i have to say regarding how the election should be changed to having the popular vote determine the president , we want our voice to be heard! Sometimes the electoral college doesnt pick the president that we wanted and if there was a tie to happen in the electoral college which is at high risk some of the states voices wouldnt get heard at all , thats why we should switch over to popular vote maybe more people would actually get up and go vote because they would know their vote actually means something. Like it says in paragraph 14 " Abolish the electoral college! ". | 4 |
040bb8a | I feel as though driverless cars are very contoversial. The are some pros and cons to having a computer control a car. With that being said I feel as though driverless cars are not something that should happen, at least not now. There are far too many complications that come with not having to drive.
There is a fine line between needing something and deserately wanting it, and I feel as though cars that don't need drivers are something that people just want. I feel as though the amount of people that need driverless cars pales in comparison to what else could be done with the money that is spent on driverless cars. In the passage, it clearly stated that an idea for driverless cars is ridiculously expensive. Granted the idea was from the 1950s, but there is no doubt that to total cost of driverless cars would still be outrageous. Driverless cars just seem unneccesary because the money spent on driverless cars could go towards something better, like starving children or homeless people.
Another flaw of having driverless cars are the danger of it. Technology is no where near perfect and one small mistake in the car could cause a ginormous car accident. What if a child darts out infront of a car, and there is no driver to stop it? What if there is an accident and the driverless car doesn't detect it? There are too many possibilities for something that isn't a neccessity.
So far driverless cars aren't even driverless. People still need to sit in the front seat and they still need to be alert at all times. "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating throigh work zones and around accidents." Also there isn't a set date for when the driverless cars will get done. Car companies plan on releasing some driverless cars in 2020, but there are compliations that could arise and slow down the process.
Driverless cars seem cool and they could make things easier for the human population. However cars that don't need drivers are something that the world doesn't need right now. There are too many "what-ifs" that come with driverless cars. Besides there are more useful things that people could be putting their money, focus, and time on. Building shelters for people in need, donating food and water to sountries that have a lack of, and attempting to make the world a safer place for people are thing that people should be focusing on. Not just a new car that seems cool. | 4 |
04128c7 | Driving cars that could drive you anywhere as in a taxi or your own car are finally coming to our furture and comig fast. There are many people out there who disagree on the idea Google has came out with. There are many different reson why you should and should buy this car they can be seen in positives and negatives. My reason when it comes to buying a driveless car is that you should or try to get a driveless car, but on the other had there are some bad reason why you shouldnt.
First few positive reasons I think you should buy this car is because its a proven fact that it can lower the risk of texting a driving. Since the 2000s the rate of texting and rving drivng has went up a massive of numbers. And plus they made a few models of the google car back in 2000 for a special track and it proved that its safe and could lower the stakes of a accident. They took one to the street and drove it 1 million miles and havent even crashed yet. But when it comes to parking and coming in a drive way its up to the driver to do that.
Then when it comes down to the gas its very conservant. For an example when the driver is sleepy or had a long day at work they can take a little nap whe its in driveless mode. If there are any roadblocks or construction problems the car will alert the driver that it is time to take action and drive. And if there is any misconveince the car will knock down the speed to about 25 mph. This furture car can turn, accelerate and even brake. Is this what we been waiting for all of our lifes?
Finaly when it comes down to buying this car do it!! Who would ever imagine a car driving itself when ever the driver needs it to. Like a friendly robot that is always there for you when you need them. In this few positives and barely any negatives my addvice is add the new car to your collection or garage. | 3 |
041804e | Are you confused, angry, or sad? What if a computer could help you understand more to take away your confusion. Technology has been advancing little by little and we are at the point in time where a computer is now able to read your face and emotions. Two professers have been working hard to create a new software that can recognize emotions. They are developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.
The use of technology in the classroom is huge. Most students are now learning lessons planned by their techers' via laptops and etc. Sometimes students struggle to comprehend their teahcer's lessons and tend to be confused because of the way they are taught. Every student learns a different way and sometimes the teacher runs out of options to help the student understand. Now, computers have a different mind. They are more "intelligent" than humans. They can program different things for different people. This new software could be very valubale in a classroom because it can help explain things in ways that a teacher can't and will be able to adjust to the students comprehension.
Math can be a very stressful and difficult subject to comprehend. Sometimes teachers cant explain how to solve an equation easily which is how computers could help do those things. If you're reading through your teachers lesson and see his/her explanation on how to solve but you don't quite understand it, you tend to make a face of confusion. The computer may read that and see that you are having difficulty understanding the issue and may make the work easier for you to understand.
Last but not least, some student's tend to get frustrated or annoyed and decide to give up. A student giving up is not a good thing because they then don't learn what they were meant to learn. The computer may notice that a child is getting annoyed or upset and can find a different more fun and entertaining way to help the student. Just a simple change in the form of the lesson may give a student motivation to learn instead of quitting and giving up. Sometimes all a student needs is for something to be adjusted to their understanding and level.
This software created by two professers could be very valuable in a classroom. There are many benefits it could bring but there are some problems it could cause as well. Overall, this software will have a positive effect to help a child know they can be helped to understand what they dont. It could produce a new learning enviornment to the students comprehension and many test grades and etc could improve. | 4 |
042167f | In Europe, a new trend has started. Many towns have banned the ownership of cars. One town that this happened in is Vauban, Germany. In this town, citizens are living lives without a lot of stress. They enjoy riding tandem bikes with their wives and walking alone. In Paris, the act has been picked up. Since it's so popular, Paris streets hold many cars. Now that the temporary law has passed, the amount of smog has dropped dramaticaly.
When cars aren't used, lives are saved. Car accidents happen very often and oftentimes they are fatal. When you have a car, you become able to get a DUI. Owning a car can bring you extensive fines, even when you make a small accident in a fraction of a second.
With the economy the way it is, who can even afford a nice car? Bikes are much cheaper and safer for people as well as the environment. If everyone in the world stopped using their cars for a month, we might be able to save a species from dying out, or maybe slow the desintegration of the ozone layer. In Yosemite, wolves flee from the roads because of the massive amount of death it causes their species.
Suburban cities are working on making everything walking distance. On the weekends, public transportation is free. If you have an electric car or you're carpooling three or more people, you're allowed to drive in these cities. Because of these new laws that are being tested in certain areas, many people don't have their licenses. Many teenagers today aren't concerned with being able to drive, and many adults live close enough to their workplace to walk there. Although the laws restricting driving can seem very restricting, they will save lives and will give society a chance to have a smarter, cleaner, and safer future. | 2 |
0425a6e | In this article the author is talking about going to Venus. The author explains the reasons why we should explore this planet. The author mentions that they should study Venus despite the danger it presents. Venus is the closest planet from the Earth in terms of density, size, and occasionally in distance too. Is Venus so inhospitable, why do scientist want to learn more of this planet? Venus has been proven a very challenging place to examine more closely.Why is it so important to visit Venus? What are the risks of going to Venus? What would the conditions be to go to Venus?
Venus is the second planet from our sun. Not even a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decade. Each previous mission was unmanned, no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Studyng Venus is a challenge to humans. Venus atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. Of any planet from our solar system Venus has the hotterst surface. Astronomers believe that Venus once was like Earth. In tis article it it mentioned that long ago Venus used to be covered lagerly by oceans and problaby had many forms of life. Venus still have certain characteristics that relate to the Earth like valleys, mountains, craters, and rocky sediments. Returning to Venus is indisputable, scientists and astronomers are trying to figure out the ways to make this mission safe and scientifically productive? The NASA has an idea to sending humans to study Venus. This idea would allow them to float above the fray, temperatures would still be at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit. However researchers cannot take samples of any kind from a distance. Nasa researchers are working on safer ways to study Venus. Reseachers are thinking in using old technology called mechanical computers. But why not use modern computers and more advanced technology?
Well modern technology is tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. This challenge is to human curiosity which will lead to equally intimidating endeavors.
In conclusion in order to visit Venus there are many dangers that could occur. But how the author suggested despite the dangers. In the article mentions many danger of visiting Venus and the ways reseachers are trying to find to visit Venus safe and to learn. Studying Venus would help humanity to discover new things.
There will be dangers in this challenge but it's worth it. The author explains why they should study Venus and give details and explains the dangers of this challenge. | 3 |
0429d4a | I'm against having driverless cars because I don't think that driverless cars will ever work properly without getting into a wreck on its own. The cars wouldn't even be driverless because it would have to have a person turn them into and out of a driveway or dealing with complicated issues dealing with traffic. You're not just assisting a car you are driving the car still. It isn't 100% on its own on the road you would still have to help steer at certain spots. Therefore they can't be trusted because you could be approaching a stoplight that has a lot of traffic and then your car wouldn't stop you would have to stop it before it caused a wreck.
I would feel much more safe if I had just a regular, normal car that I could drive 100% of the time. The only safe car is a car that has a person in it and driving it. If it was a choice between the driver or the manufacturer I would definately say that it was the manufacturer because a good driver wouldn't wreck, or get injured. The car would though because a self driving car couldn't work and would cause way more wrecks than what there are now. Therefore I would never let a self driving car drive me around.
Like I said it wouldn't even be 100% on its own just the driving straight part of it. The car wouldn't be able to turn or go into traffic on its own, but a person can. That's why I'm against Driverless Cars and why I don't think that any of them would work. | 2 |
042b0cd | State senator I ask that you favor the idea of keeping the Electoral College instead of changing it to election by popular vote for the president of the United States.
Even though the Electoral College is a despised method for choosing the president it has it's reasons. I'll show you why I am in defense of the Electoral College.
We need a president that would regard all of our interests and concerns. Someone can't just appeal to one region and expect to win because ".. a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a succesful president."(source 3) due to no region having the amount to guarantee the electoral votes to elect a president. Dealing with votes it is a problem to have a run-off election. One of the concerns with Electoral College is that ".. voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." stated in source 2. But the Electoral College simplifies that problem with the electoral votes. Remarked in source 3 it says "For example, Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively.)" without the Electoral College it would have complicated the election procces but thanks to the Electoral College reduces the complication and produces a clear winner.
To win, the majority of the states have a system that gives all the electors votes to the winning candidate except Maine and Nebraska having their own way of proportional representation which is explained in source 1. This gives the certainty of a result, for example in source 3 it says that ".. even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landside electoral-vote victory in that state" this makes it highly unlikely for a tie. The Electoral College gives political balance to large states (population wise) higher the population the more problems, concerns ,or interests is needed to be attend to. Like how source 3 says " .. a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does..."
To me all these reasons should prove to you that even though the Electoral College has its problems it's benefits outweigh it. So being in favor of keeping the Electoral College is the right choice don't you think so too? | 4 |
042dc86 | In the article "Driveless Cars Are Coming", the author makes great points for and against driveless cars. Some of his arugements for driveless are very interesting and definitly out weighs the cons of driveless cars. Threes three main points that he made for driveless cars and how fast we're coming closer to having them everywhere. With driveless cars you can have you car drive up to 25mph, brake when you're to close to another car, and they can also notify the driver if he or she isn't paying attention to the road. Everyday we're getting close and closer to having complete driveless cars!
In 2013 BMW made a car that can handle speeds up to 25mph and they also added a really inavaiting feature in it; The car has special touch sensors that alert you anytime you take your had off the wheel. There's so many benfits to this. Let say someone is speeding four times over the speed limit and you have to move out the way before they can hit you, with your hands being on the wheel and the car driving you can move out the way and take complete control of the car. Another example is if you were driving your son/daughter to their friend's house and you had to look for which house you can sit the car to do the driving while you're looking for the house and that alone can help a may reduces finder benders in neighbrohoods because the car can break when its getting close to another car all on its own.
Noitifcations. Some car companies have been trying to make cars that have a hands up flashing light on the windsheld when you take your hands off the when or aren't paying attention to the road. This idea can help pervent so many accendents and help improve drving skills.
In conclusion all these ideas and all this new terchonology in cars will help stop and lower the percentage of accidents dramaticlly. Anywhere from having the car break on its own to drving a certain speed limit while you look for your childs friend's house can help stop so many accidents. We are getting closer and closer to a safer drving age each and everyday. | 3 |
0435f85 | The author didnt support this claim very well. The author talked alot about the dangers in Venus rather the good that comes from Venus. I say this because as I am reading I see how the author mentions many of times how Venus has extreme tempetures and how no one has went to Venus because of these extreme conditions.
The author says in paragraph 2 ,"Numerous factors contribute to Venuss reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." Which gives the idea that it is a very dangerous place. You may begin to question "Why would any one want to go to Venus" or you may say to yourself "This is not any where that i would want to go." The author also states in paragraph 3," Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venuss atmosphere." This is even more if a danger sign. No one would want to be anywhere where you could potentially suffocate. We also know from this paragraph that Venus temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. The author states in paragraph 6 ,"Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." The author gives us tons and tons of reasons why it is not worth going to Venus.
From what I have read today I will never want to go to Venus. The author gave plenty of good reasons on why we should not go to Venus. It is not a place for humas as we have already read. So i feel as if the author did not do a good job supporting his claim on why Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it may present. | 3 |
043d5a8 | I think that driverless cars are a great idea but are not yet a safe one. What happens if soembody gets in a car wreck while being in the driverless car? I'd sure hate to be the manufacturer of that car because I'd be losing a lot of money. Driverless cars arent a bad idea I mean, there can be many pros and cons, but no one is ever 100% sure that their idea is as good as it needs to be before they can sell it to people, especially when a human being would be putting their lives in the responibility of a man made machine.
Driverless cars can be good for many, mainly working people on the road. Say you are a business man/woman and have tons of work to do because your company or business relies on you to make your people look good. Well, theres been a bit of an interfence with your work and didn't have time, but on your way to work you can focus on paper work and anything else that is required and have it done while another co-worker had not completed their paper work on th ewy to work. All because you own a driverless car and can getg more done. But when you think about the cons of riding in a driverless car you get to thinking, "well what if I'm focusing on business work and my driverless car crashes?" Who will be responsible? The manufacturer of course, because there was some type of malfunction where the car doesn't respond correctly to the surroundings. Would you put your life in the programming of a driverless car? Yes, they'll save lots of time and money but how much more would the damages cost to trust a driverless car to get you places safely?
In many cases I guess you can say that riding in a driverless car would come in handy. Maybe they arent the best for the roads, but what about using them for tours around the city or maybe creating them to travel only at neighborhood speeds? I'm sure the manufacturers will find a more safe use for driverless cars or possibly a different type of driverlesss automobile. In the beginning, middle, and end I still think in my head that driverless cars are never going to be a legitimate guaranteed safety vehicle. | 2 |
043d7ad | I bielive that this computer system is vauleable because this can tell emotions, it may also help you communicate,and help teachers with students.
This system can reconize your emotions. Many peolpe tend to hide their emotions .In the Mona Lisa she is eighty-three percent happy,nine percent disgusted,six percent fearful,and two percent angry. This computer system software helped the Mona Lisa's emotions,which can help us too. This process begins when the compyter constructs a 3D computer model of the face all fourty four major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Emotion,moving your facialmuscles not only expresses emotions,but it also may even help produce them.
Another reason is this may help you with communication ,this software can help you communicate. In a false smile the mouth is stretched sideways using zygomatic major and a different muscle,the risorius. To an expert,faces don't lie these muscle cluses are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politican or celebrity isnt't being truthful. This helps weather someone fake smiles to you or not. In a real smile the zygomatic major lift the corners of your mouth. This computer system knows if you are faking it.
This software may also help teachers out. This computer system can tell if students are bored in class,or if they are confused .This system can tell teachers that students need more review on the lesson .This may be a great a idea niot only it helps teachers but,human communcation is nonverbal,including emotional communication so computers need to understand that too.
I bielive this is a great idea because,it helps us with our emotions and communicate with others,and help teahers out with students.
This computer software is very benefial for all of us so I agree to this we need to step our game up,and know what peolpe feel by the help of theses great system we have. | 3 |
043e1a0 | May 24, 2001 was the date it all started. When the "Face on Mars" conspiracy began. NASA'S Viking 1 spacecraft was circling a region of Mars called Cydonia. The Viking 1 was taking snapshots of the Cydonia when it spoted a shadowy figure close of a human face. This snapshot was sent to the Viking 1's sister ship Viking 2. After careful review at the mission controllers at the Jet Propulision Lab they found out that it wasn't a human face. It turned out to be Martian mesa, which is common around Cydonia. Although this one had an unsual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.
After a few days of the finding of the "Face" NASA unveiled the image for all the public to see. They added a capition to the image that quoted "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." The authors used the photo as a propaganda to get the publics attention to Mars, and it rsulted on good high notes. The "Face of Mars" became an pop icon from starring in a Hollywood film, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and haunted grocery store checkut lines for 25years! Then to clear up that the "Face" didn't show signs of life Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera snapped the same image ten times sharper and it revealed a natural landform. There was no alien momument after all. They tried another picture after people wouldn't believe the landform idea and the Martian came equivalent of a butte or mesa. Jim Garvin said it reminded him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.
In conclusion the image of the "Face On Mars" sparked contrivsory in if it was a face or a natural landfrom. You had all the public believing it was a face and NASA saying it was a landform. This challenged NASA to prove that the face was indeed a landfrom. They got sharper images in where it clearly shows a butte/mesa. Although the public didn't believe in NASA it sure did make NASA have a reason for its reaseach. The shared their discoveries with everyone and the public responded. Which I say it was what NASA wanted all along. | 3 |
044a23f | Have you ever heard of the process of electoral college? As stated in paragraph two of the article source one ''does the electoral college work?'' by the office of the federal register it is a process in which the selection of the electors,the meeting of the electors where they vote for the new upcoming president and vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. Many citizens or congress men are for and against the electoral college process. I am in favor of keeping the electoral college because they are chose, not just how much the voters like them but their cababilities so more modern. Also more reliable.
To begin with, I am in favor of keeping the electoral college because it is more reliable than election by popular vote. When you vote for the presidential election you help select your state's electors when you vote for president of your choice because when you vote for your candidate your actually voting for your candidates electors. As stated in paragraph six in source one. Also these electors aren't just every day people they are carryfully selected to take place in these events. For example, you walk into your local precint to vote on the fourth year on the tuesday after the first monday in november. You enter your voting booth and vote for the president of your choice, so you think. You are actually voting for your states electors. so thats one of the reasons why we should keep the electoral college.
In addition, I am in favor of keeping the electoral college because it is more modern,accurate and reliable. Most people vote for the president of there choice becuase of what they say theyll while in presidency, or how good they look, rescent experince, and how much they like that perticular president. Do you really want some one who knows nothing about the president of thier choice but how good they look,to vote for the the next leader of our country. As stated in paragraph eight in source one it states that the electors represnt our vote and choosse president accordingley. For example, a women walks into her local pricent and decides to vote for the president that looks better that isnt an ancurate vote cause she just voted for the president she likes and what if want to run this country into the ground. so thats why I am in favor of keeping the electoral college.
To conclude, because the electoral college is more reliable and more accuerate is why i am in favor of keeping the electoral college. So on that fourth year on the tuesday after the first monday of november you go into to make your vote make a wise choice and remeber your voting for your state's electors. | 3 |
044b201 | With the years, we have changing many things in our society. Since technology, by making new electronic devices, to things in our government, by making new laws and new things to help people in all the country. But, does that mean that we have to change the Electoral College to election by popular vote for the presindet of the United States? In my point of view, the Electoral College is a traditional way to vote the President by the Congress and by qualified citizens that our founding fathers established in our Constitution. And there are many evidence to support that keeping the Electoral College is beneficial to our country.
According to the text "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner, A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College is possible, and it happened in 2000, but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. For example, in 2012, Obama received 61.7% of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3% of Romney. Almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landsalide electoral vote vistory in that satate. This demostrates, how people accept the fact that they are voting the electors and then for the President and Vice president. This help people by making easily the hour of vote for a candidate.
However, as we can se in the texts above, not everybody things like this. For example, in the text "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, the author says that according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. But, each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee, it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. Yet that has happened very rarely. (Posner, paragraph #16).
Another evidence from the text "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised mothod of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner, is when he says "The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal" (Posner, paragraph #19). That means that No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite has no incentive to campaign heavely in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing huis plurality in states that he knows he will win. "The residents of the other regions are likely to feel disenfranchised..." That highlights how the Electoral College is trying to helping people vote their candidates and feel safe and comfortables with them.
To conclude, despite the fact many people say that the Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism and a non-democratic method of selecting a president, the Electoral College is a traditional way to vote the President by the Congress and by qualified citizens that our founding fathers established in our Constitution that helps our community to help people with thir desicions and make our life more comfortable and easy. | 4 |
04575a9 | The Disadvantage of Facial Action Coding System
According to TechGen, about 72% of students in the United States get distracted from a technological device, this can be a cell phone, computer, smartwatches, and more. Everyone has at least on technological device. Schools worldwide should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because they are a distraction to students, they are a waste of money, and certain students do not want to show their emotions without being told to.
First, schools should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because they can be considered a huge distraction for students. Students worldwide need to learn the materials that is needed in order for them to graduate, the Facial Action is not going to help them at all. Students will also be distracted by it, and they will have a hard time focusing on what is going on in the classroom. If schools put the Facial Action System in all of their classroom, then it's going to be harder to the teacher and/or professor to get the students engaged in the activity. This technological system can be a big waste of money for classrooms.
Next, schools should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because they are a waste of money. According to TechPort, technological devices are increasing every single day with more things being imported to them. Schools have better things to spend their money on, such as sporting equipment, new choices of food, and extension of school building. Putting this Facial Action Coding System in all classroom can be schools go in debt because they'll have a difficult time paying materials off. There are certain students who do not want to show off their emotions.
Finally, schools should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because certain students do not want to show off their emotions without being told to. The article states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Most of the time students do not want their classmates or teachers to know how they are feeling because it can be embarassing for them to know. Students can be going through a rough time, and it can be discouraging for them to go to classroom knowing that the teachers know how they are feeling.
According to Techop, 62% of all classrooms in the world have at least one computer or technological electronic in their classroom. The majority of the students have at least used a device in their classroom. Schools should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because they are a distraction to students, they are a waste of money, and certain students do not want to show their emotions without being told to. | 4 |
0459116 | Voting. Voting is a pretty big deal that only comes around so many years. And with voting the citizens of the U.S. have a voice. And also the voting method in which the president is elected by popular votes is just fine and it should be the only way people vote for their president. No one else should vote for them. The people have the right to choose who ever they want. And no one has the right to vote for any other person but them. The popular is just fine because first of all the popular vote for president method is more fair than the electoral college voting method. Secondly, the popular vote for president is less complicated, where as the electoral college can cause complications and problems.
To start off, the popular vote for president is more fair than the electoral college. First, there really is no way of cheating in the popular vote method because people vote once for whom ever they want to be president out of the people elected and then the president is chosen that way. The popular votes method is more fair because candidates spend a little time in every if not majority of the states, depending on how much time they have. But as stated in the article written by Bradford Plumer in the electoral college voting method "candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." That is not fair every state should be able to see the candidates who are going to be serving the country and see what they are like and how they can help the country. And this has happened before where the candidates didn't even bother showing up in some of the states. One example would be as stated in the article By Bradford Plumer "during the 2000 campaign, seventeeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad." Now how on earth can people vote for their new president if they have absoloutley no idea of what the president is capable of doing to help or even hurt the country.
Next, the popular vote for president is less complicated, unlike the electoral college where complications, problems, and just a big mess could happen. With the popular vote it is pretty straight forward and simple. The people vote for whom ever they want to be their next president and serve the country, the votes get counted up and whoever has the most votes gets to be the new president. But with the electoral college if a tie had occured as stated in the article written by Bradford Plumer "the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president.(The Senate would choose the vice-president.) Because each state casts only one vote, the single from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters." Now that sure seems to be complicated. Just one vote represents 500,000 or 35 million voters. The popular vote method is a lot more simple it doesn't require all of these steps. With the popular vote everyone votes and the majority of the votes is the winner, as simple as that. It doesn't require going to the representatives who vote for themselves and a whole bunch of other people as well.
In conclusion, the popular vote method is better because it is more fair. It gives people a voice to choose for whom ever they want not what anybody else wants. Also, the popular vote method is a whole lot less complicated than the electoral college. Where if there is a tie the representatives vote for themselves and are also representing thousands of other people who may or may not want that specific candidate to be president. So voting is no joke it is serious and it shouldn't be taken as a joke either. Every person should have a voice they should be able to vote for who ever they desire. No one else should be able to vote for them, not even the representatives. Voting is no joke. | 5 |
045c7fb | Bases on the passage I think it would be a good idea to have technology read your emotional expressions in the classroom. Then again students in the class room might not be okay with it. For example,if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen,a similar ad might follow,and it can tell if your becoming confused or bored. Some of they reasons of why Eckon created the new technology might be a little to much of the kids that rather look at the walls and be bored.
In order to get students to want theis new technology, we need to make the school and the creator find more ways to get them to understand why we need it. Make them understand why we feel that we need it. Also give them reasons on why we feel it should be valuable. And what can happen if we did have this type of technolgy.
Since we live in a digital world i feel that people and the students do not really understand why it could be okay to hvae new technology to read your emotional expressions. I think we need this techology for more then one reason. We need this technology because lots of kid go home complaing about why they are stressing so bad. They also got home complaing about being bullied abd not ahve enough time to do their home. And i know teacher now these days try to find better ways to make kids not go home complaing about anything,because there are better ways to get through the problem.
I honestly think that if we did have this new technology to read kids emotioal expressions when would not have as much problems like we do now. It's not bad to try something new for once. Just think about how do you think teachers our school feel when were not paying attention to anything they be talking about. Or how they ask us a question and we have no idea what in the world is going on. Having tchnology would be great for our school,and for our teachers,because they need to know how we feel about they lesson were working on. Teachers also need to know how much kids know.
Having technology that could read your emotional expression would be a big deal. At least for meand the teachers I think,because for me I honeslty sometimes have no idea what in the world be going on when the teacher is talking the same time when i'm trying to get it in my head or understand it my self. Come on now the technology can help you in school. Why not try to have something helpful for you and for your teachers,let along your parnters also. I know yout parents get tried of you kids coming home complaing about how you have so much homework and how you have time to get any of it done. Well here's some help since you students talk about having so much home,not being able to get it done on time,and being bullied at school. Put your phone down and put your head in some books. I bet if you put your head in somes books then you won't be complaing about having some much homework,not being able to get it done on time,and be bullied everyday. Cell phone usage does cause drama and emotional problems. Technolgy to read students emotional expressions would be the best idea in the world to read students emotional expressions,because some kids need it. Even if they feel like they don't, i bet you they do. Not just for the teachers but for the parnters and theirsleves to. | 4 |
045fabf | Would you think its interesting for computers to analyze your emotion? imagine a computer showing if you're sad, wouldn't that be cool? Well if you think thats cool, Dr. huang and his colleague are creating new ways to figure out people's emotions through computers!
That is a good idea because this could impact investigation, like cops figuring out who the're dealing with. For example, say there was a bank robbery and the criminals got away, but soon the cops found them and arrested them, they could either sit down with them and try and work their way around to see if the're is something wrong with them or they could just snap a picture and figure out thier expressions by using the FACS, (Facial Action Coding System). that would make it easier on investigators because the artical says "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression like not smiling as broadly". using video imagery, the new software tracks the facial movements in a real face. This technolgy can improve how well things are animated too, like on tv, and video games. overall i think this is a gonna impact so many cool things that is still to come.
The FACS is gonna change alot of things in a positive way, its going to improve ivestigation and recgonizing different facial expressions to those who are either really happy or really sad and depressed. | 2 |
045fec2 | Would driverless cars really be helpful to people if they were successfully made? They would probably turn out to be something great if manufacturers succeeded in making these cars. Cars like these sound just as good as flying cars in the future. However, driverless cars do not seem to be a good thing for society. There could be a few problems if this type of car was created and here are some of those problems.
Driverless cars are not good for the society if they are made. Firstly, people would be more lazy than they already are if introduced to this. We already have sensors to help us with driving, so what more do we need. People are already lazy enough today because of technology. This idea would not help society at all if it were introduced to us.
Secondly, in paragraph nine, they state that if one were to be in a car accident, on one will really know who is at fault. In addition to that, people could lie, saying that it was the car's fault, thus people would blame the manufacturers. There could be a lot companies sued because of car accidents and of people who do not want to tell the truth. Also, what happens when a driverless car hits a pedestrian? Driverless could do a lot of bad things and it would all fall on top of the company.
Lastly, there is truly no point in making driverless cars because the driver is not doing a lot in the first place. People know how to drive already and there is no point in making a car that does everything that the driver can already do. This goes back to the laziness part. People also know that there's no point, but yet they decide we should have it because of their laziness. These are some reasons on why driverless cars are not good for society.
Driverless are not a good idea and should not be introduced to society. Honestly, it would step up our game with technology, but we should not waste with something like a driverless car. We can do so much more with this kind technology and should not take it for granted. We should be using our brains for thinking of a way to stop global warming or even the flying car idea sounds nice. To cnoclude, creating driverless cars is not a good idea. | 3 |
0461df3 | "How could you think it is created by aliens, it is obviously just a natural landform," I said. PROPER_NAME said "But how could it be natural, the odds of that happening are like one in a million." "JPL already has proof that it is just natural, they said it was a butte or mesa, landforms common around American West, besides, do you truly think there are little green guys with really big foreheads and wierd eyes just walking around mars. I mean I don't want to sound mean, but if you truly think that, then there is something going on in your head that isn't quite healthy," I said. PROPER_NAME came back with,"How could you be so selfish to say that everthing on earth are the only living things in the universe, and by the way, there isn't anything wrong with me in the head, there might be with you if you are that selfish. I thought youre Mother raised you right." I argued, "There is no way any life form could have a face two miles from end to end, that is just obserd. Plus, if you think that there is just some hidden life form out there surviving and making places to live, than how do you sleep at night.'' "I sleep just fine at night thank you very much. And yes, I do think there could be something like that out there, and it is not obserd or..." I interfered,"I just can't believe you would think this ignorantly, I have known you for fifteen years,and you are the smartest human being I know." "if there is life on Mars and you don't believe me, you will be sorry you ever spoke to me." | 2 |
0467e2a | Life without cars may seem like a distant dream, but dreams are becoming a reality with new expiremental towns, banning of driving in some cities, and a national day without cars. Cars are causing, in some cases, more and more pollution everywhere. Although we ignore the signs of pollution everyday, we must face the fact that we are polluting our planet, and something needs to be done about it.
Vauban, Germany. A little city that has a strange law, to live in this city, you must give up your car or pay $40,000 to park it. As a result, "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold their car to move here" stated Source 1. Heidrun Walter, a mother of two and a media trainer stated, "When i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way". This new form of seperate suburban life from auto use is called "Smart Planning". passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissionsin Europe, and up to 50 percent in the United States. With Smart Planning, we can cut back on greenhouse gasses and start to breathe cleaner, healthier air.
Another example of over pollution problems due to cars is Paris, France. Source Two states, "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city". Congestion was down 60 percent for those five days. The reason there was so much smog in the air was due to the diesel fuel. Diesel fuel is the mail fuel used in France, 67 percent of the people there use it. Another factor could be the climate there. With "cold nights and warm days caused by the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions" Stated in Source Two.
Europe isn't the only continent seeing change. Bogota, Colombia was celebrating its 3rd straight year of, Day Without Cars. The Day Without Cars is a banning of cars and only busses and taxis are permitted. Carlos Arturo Plaza stated, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution". For the first time this year, two more Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar are taking part in this Day Without Cars.
America too is seeing change with cars. The number of miles driven in the US peaked in 2005, but has been steadily dropping after. As of April 2013, 'the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the county was in January 1995", states Source four. Although the drop in car usage will have a benificial effect on the environment, it will have negitave implications for car industries. Ford and Mercedes are already taking steps to rebrand themselves to "mobility" companies. Although car companies aren't the only ones changing their ways due to the drop in car usage. New York started a new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing. They have started building more bike paths and tunnel tolls are reflecting the new priorities.
Cars have done enough damage to this earth and its time we fix what we have caused. With all these new eco-friendly and car lacking ideas, we are so close to the isea where we can live without cars taking over our life. | 4 |
046d467 | the advantages of limiting car usage are very rare. some people own cars some dont some take bus but some work so they can own there own car. there has been a large drop in the percentage 16-to 39 year olds getting there license and other people who already have there license are renewing them, kids get jobs so that when there more older there able to get there own car without asking there parents to take them places .
car ownership is allowed but there are only two places to park large garages at the edge of the development where a car owner buys a spance for the amount of 40,000 with the home. passenger cars are respinsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe and up to 50 percent in some car intensive ares in the united states in the new approach stores are placed a walk way on a main street rather than in malls along some distant high way. almost 4,000 drivers wee fined. 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of western europe . | 1 |
046e84a | Unmasking the Face on Mars
The "face" on mars has been a very common or popular story, when 25 years ago viking 1 spacecraft snapped a photo of what looked like a two mile long "face" that seemed to be staring back at the camera. Many were suprised and shocked at the sight and many conspiracy theorist belived it was a alien artifact but scientist found and believed it was an martian mesa common enough around Cydonia. It takes the shape of a face but also unusual shadows made it out to look like an egyptian pharoh when mesa's were more commonly found proving the "face" theory uncredible.
At NASA we feel like the "face" found on mars is just a natural land mark or a mesa. At NASA we think it is a lava that takes form as an isolated mesa. Although it looks like a face and some theories say it is bona fide evidence of life on mars, we have factual evidence to believe it is a mesa like in the snake river plain in Idaho and also commonly found on Cydonia around where the "face" was.
Yes, the landmark resebles a face and shadows make out a eyes, nose and mouth shape to also contribute to the illusion that it could be thought of as proof of aliens or alien civilizations on mars but, there is really no for sure credible evidence that could explain and prove it is an 100% acual bona fide face. It is more likely and more proven to be a simple mesa such as some of the mesa landmarks on earth. Along with the people who feel it is an alien artifact some scientist also believed it was indeed an alien artifact also but sadly it is not altough at NASA we wish we could uncover an Alien civilization on Mars.
In conclusion, this "face" is nothing more than a Martian equivilent of a mesa or butte. Although the popular suspition and popularity of it being a "face on Mars" it is nothing more than a landform that is also common around the American West. Not only that but, Skeptics and authors felt it would be a good way to attract attention to Mars which could lead to the truth being streched without physicl evidence to back up their theories. | 3 |
046efe7 | I belive that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform because it is not possible for people to live on Mars, there are no such thing as aliens, and why would there just be a head shape object and not the rest of the body. In the passage it says, "There was no alien monument after all." Also how could there be life on Mars. Mars has no oxygen so people can breathe. All NASA wanted to do was ," engage public and attract attention to Mars." also in the text it states that NASA said," huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shodows giving the illusionb of eues, nose and mouth."
The Face on Mars is not real because it is just a natural landform caused by erosion and broken rocks. An example from the text is, "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform."
Secondly another reason the Face is a nautural landfrom is because it is not possible for people to live on Mars. Studies have shown that there is no oxygen on Mars and people can not breathe there. Also the preasure of the gravity on Mars would be too much for a human and could crush their bones and musles. Thirdly, why would the rest of the body not be with the Face. That proves that the Face is just a natural landfrom create by erosion and rocks because if the Face was there on the ground why wouldnt the rest of the body by with the Face.
In conclusion the face is just a natural landfrom becuase NASA have send rovers up to Mars to take pictures of the Face and NASA said themselves,"when the first image appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. So that is why the Face is just a natural landform. Also in the text it states," New high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars for what it really is: A mesa." | 3 |
047a377 | The use of technology suchas, Facial Action Coding system, is totally uneccessary in the classroom setting. Claiming that " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.' " is an ineffective way to to really, truly get through to the students. Instead of focusing on adding more technology to the classroom, maybe giving teachers a better salary and better education would help the teachers teach better, then the students would understand the material better. In the article, it says " we humans perform the same impressive 'calculation' every day". If humans already have this natural ability, then adding more technology into the classroom that teacher could already be doing, is uneccessary and distracting. I am sure there are some upsides to this, but it really just feels like an invasion of the students privacy. In the article is says " ' Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrucor' "
The teacher can not just modify an entire lesson because one student is confused, that is unfair to the students that understand the lesson already. Instead, the teacher could work with the student individually and help them with what they are having trouble with. All in all, adding more uneccessary technology into the classroom would be distracting to the students and an invaison of their privacy. The "Facial Action Coding system" could be useful somewhere else, just not the classroom. | 3 |
047bb6e | In this article author argued about to use the auto drive system or not. Some people says it is dangerous but some people is not. Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will solved Teska has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopliot 90 percebt of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can druve themselves by 2020. The road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us but we grow closer to the destination every day.Antilock brakes and driver assistance still seem a long way from the dream of calling a driverless can to take us wherever we desire, but Sebastian Thrun, founder of the Google Car project, believes that the technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream. "There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting. The sensor were not there, the computers were not there, and the mappuing was not there. Radar was a device on a hilitop that cost two hundred miliion dollars. It was not something you could buy at radio shake So just how driverless will the cars be in the near future? Sensers are nothing new, of course. In the 1950's automakers used speed sensors at the whells in the creation of antilock brakes Within 10 years, Those sensprs had become more advanxced to detect and respong to the danger of out of control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheel and reduce power from the engine allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone Fuyrther improvemenrts in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more druvung takse on theri own. Why would anyone want a driver less car that still needs a driver. The road to the trulu autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we frow closer to the destination every day. | 1 |
047f2c6 | I don't think that the idea of a driverless car is a good idea. I feel as if driverless cars are just the fact of people being lazy. I don't understand what's hard about driving a car just for a short amount of time. Driverless cars might be a good idea for long road trips, but just think about how much work those cars would need if they broke down.
On the positive side these driverless car might be a good idea for someone that's always is on the go & they get tired of driving. It may also be good for the mothers of young children. Only when the child is crying the can have the car driving it's self while they get the baby in order. They should really make that a feature of the car. Other than that the car seems worthless & is just another car problem that us Americans would have.
Then we have the negative & I could go on & on about this one. Now having a driverless is just insane & lazy. First off what is the point of having a car if it's just going to drive it's self? I think it would cause more accident & like the article said; who's fault would it be the would the accident be on? Then insurance would be at an all time high, because the makers of these cars are going to find everyway to make these more advanced then the next, like I said in the first paragraph how much EXACTLY would it cost to buy A car like this or even fix a car like this ? Literally us as people only make enough to support our families & pay the bill. Having to buy these cars would be another thing to break us.
To wrap things up, in my opinion i think this car is something that they should second guess. It might benefit some people & others it might put a steep hole in their pocket. Once again i feel as if there is no purpose of having a car if you're not going to drive it. | 3 |
048b9b6 | We, the people of the United States, live in a car happy society. Every teenager can't wait until their 16th birthday because, for mostly every kid, that means that they go get their drivers liscense and possibly their very own car. Also, adults always look at getting a nice luxurious car and the top make and model of that year. Well, without a shadow of doubt, we should adopt the plan to cut down our usage of cars. It seems very successful considering 70% of Vauban's families don't own cars. It is detramental to our country.
In case you haven't noticed lately but there is alot of polution in the air.
According to article 1 , anywhere up to 50 percent of car-intensive areas in the US make up the greenhouse gas emissions. It is depressing seeing all of this smog and polution in the air everyday. Just a little heads up but the polution increases every single day we use cars. It is a shame seeing such an extravogant and extraordinary country go to crap due to polution. If you want to see how every state is going to look if we keep relying on cars then go to California and see how much of an eye sore it is. Cars are one of the major factors responsible for smog and polution. Polution from your car can lead to animals dying and especially humans dying from your automobile.
People today care alot about making and having alot of benjamins (
). Everyone wants to be rich and have the most expensive types of stuff, lets face it who doesn't. If you cut back on putting money towards your car then that would save you a ton of money. Just imagine if you didn't own a car, think about all of the things you would't have to buy and pay for. Cars are expensive just to buy in the first place let alone having to pay for gas and maintain it and all of that stuff that needs to be done to it. Also say goodbye to the mechanic visits and having to deal with the stress that comes from them. It would cost less money to not own a car and just take city transportation via bus or taxi or even car pool. You could even go the healthy route and ride your bike or walk to places close by. There are many cheaper ways of getting places besides cars.
Cars can be very dangerous at times and driving can be as well. You are at a greater risk of getting into a car accident than getting into a bicycle accident. Car accidents happen everyday and most of the time they are fatal. Coming from personal experience trust me, being in a car accident is not fun and is really scary and nerveracking. It can also haunt you for the rest of your life. I almost lost my dad a couple years ago due to a terrible car accident that we were involved in that wasn't our fault. He hasn't worked since that day because he hasn't been healthy enough to do what he was doing. We both, still to this day, feel the gruling affects from that accident physically, mentally, and emotionally. It took a toll on us and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wonder what would of been if we didn't get into that accident. So wouldn't you feel more safe in a bus knowing that your less likely to get hurt than in a car.
Without question it is neccesary to cut back on car usage and start going green and using public transportation instead. Cars are a crucial part of our polution today and that can easily change. All signs point towards the better option being to take a step back from cars for a little bit and see what the result is. Atleast once a week say that you can't use cars as transportation. This idea seems very good and well thought out and it will definetly show improvements that we want to see. So lets do it and see how much it affects our country. I know it will change it and make it better! | 4 |
0493c5f | The technolgy is good for seeing emotions in paintings I can see that but, my question is if we actually except it or need it at some point. What the story says has my attention but not quite everybody's. The FAC i'll Say its not valuabe because students wouldn't be really into that maybe some will but the majority will not. The object looks like something kids need in there life to learn someting new. That will motivate them for them to do great things and try to invent other things. I just writing what I know how to right this doen't really matter because imma fail anyways but this story wouldn't really valuable why because I know our generation and if we have it in our school no one would care. I wouldn't here one person say "hey lets check out the FAC" because I know what im saying I would like to speak the truth. The story had some interstesting facts about how could detect everything from the body (Alto, page 1). So I would say that it really isnt valuable. | 1 |
0499982 | My position on driverless cars is that I am a against the development of these cars. My three reasons why I don't agree with this is because they don't do all the driving, not all drivers will be paying attiontion, and people won't need to get a lissions or need there permit and it will break the cartural of driving.
The car dosn't drive all by itself you will to take over if there is work zones or if there is accidents. Since it dosn't drive on work zones or by acciedents how would you knowif there is one? What if you sleeping? If your going on a high way and your sleeping on a long road trip and there is an accendent ahead of you or there is work zones you wouldn't possable know and you will be ending up in a accedent.
This leads to my second reason that not all drivers will be paying attintion on the road since the car will be driving by it self they won't no need to be looking at the road. They will be busy on there phone or be sleeping. This will cause alot of increase of accidents if diviers don't payattintion while the car is driving. Also it will increase alot of accidents in teens since they will be on there phone and wouln't care whats going on.
My last reson is that people won't need a permit or a lissions anymore.This could be dangrous. Since the car is going to be doing all the work there isn't a point of passing the permit test if your not taking the wheel, or the lisson test of driving the car because your not going to be driving its the car. This will affect us because we never know the people out there and can't trust them all.
This is why I dissagree in the driverless cars. This will affect us and cause more accidents and people won't be paying atintion.This is why I dont think agree with this. | 3 |
04a4399 | The Facial Action Coding System should not be used in schools to help students. There are benefits to this system, but the bad outweigh the good. This technology used to reconize emotions will affect students in ways that aren't necessary, and cause unwanted problems in the classroom.
Firstly, the article metions this system being used on computers while students are working to analyze their emotions. The author writes " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming comfused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor'" (Alto 6). Having a computer watch students' facial expressions while working could make the students feel uncomfortable and give them anxiety. Being uncomfortable while working will effect the way a student learns. They will not be focusuing on the material they are learning, but instead the idea that they are being watched. This is a problem that's not needed in the classroom and can be avoided.
Secondly there are tons and tons of emotions a human can express. The author writes " Then Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists, such as Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS. Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles" (Alto 3). Having only classified six emotions, is not a very wide range. What if for example, a student were to show an emotion that the computer doesn't have programmed and reconizes it as somthing else, changing the lesson to fit the wrong emotion? This would cause the lesson to be changed when the student didn't need it to be. This creates a technology problem along with the problem of fixing the lesson and wasting time the student could be using to learn.
Lastly, having a computer analize a students emotions while working would leave the teacher with nothing to teach or help the students with. This might seem like a good thing at first, but teachers create the classroom atmosphere and keep students ingaged in learning. Why have a computer analyze student emotions when teachers have been doing it perfectly for years?
The Facial Action Coding System is a great advance in technology, but when it comes to schools, the System should not be used. It only creates problems that are not needed. These problems could be avoided by not using the system. | 4 |
04a4c98 | Most people might get sea sick, But I tell anyone who will listen that it is worth it. Being a sea cowboy is an amazing exspereance. There are many reason to be one such as not be put in the war, sight seeing, and sports with other people on board. Also you get payed watch and feed animals which is not that bad.
When I was on the boat was saeled to Greece. By the I turned 18 which ment that I would be drafted. Sence I was a sea cowboy I was told to continue me work on board. This is only the lest exieting part of my jurny.
On my trip I saw many different monumaets and struckchers. For example the Acropolis in Greece. I also saw the parts of Italy and china. Seeing places like the Panama Canal is one plasure of being a sea cowboy, but what would I do on the waters.
On the waters I played games. Even with the boat rocking we played games like table-tennis tournaments. We also played other games such as fenceing, boxing, and baseball in some of the empty holds. If you are not a sports person the you could also read.
Over all being a sea cowboy is a great job with may plasures of game, sightseeing, and no war. Even though it might be hard and tiering work it is worth the try. | 3 |
04a99cb | "It's hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college!"
Dear Senator I strongly suggest you on changing to election by popular vote and getting rid of the Electoral College. As you can see on the quote above people really don't like the Electoral College. This would be a very wise decision because the Electoral College is very old and unfair and it cause many crisis to happened.
First and foremost the Electoral College is very old.
It states in the article "Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why the best-laid of defense of the system are wrong" "It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational."
This quote explains how the electoral college is getting old and unfair so we should start fresh with a new change from electoral college to popular vote. Also the electoral college sometimes causes many crisis.
It states in the article " The single best argument against the electoral college is that we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in the century; the system allows for much worse."
This quote explains how the electoral college caused a fiasco in 2000 because of the electoral college and if we don't get rid of it we could have another one of these crisis.
On the other hand the electoral college should not be taken away because our founding fathers established it.
It states in the article "Source 1: What is the Electoral College?" "The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens."
This quote illustrates how the electoral college is suppose to help us and noy hurt us. Also our founding fathers established so they were just trying to get everything in order and have peace with everyone.
Although the electoral college is very unfair because of the winner-take-all system.
It states in the article "Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why the best-laid of defense of the system are wrong" "At the most basic level, the electoral coolege is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state. canidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing on only the tight race in the "swing" states."
This quote explains how the electoral college is unfair and doesn't give chances to other states that supposively have no chance on voting for that certain canditate.
All in all Senator the electoral college must be abolish. Not only does it create many disasters, but it is very unfair to us citizens. The electoral college is very old and we should give a break. We could start with something fresh like the popular vote and see how it turns out. As you can see there is many evidence on how the electoral college is bad and that you should give the popular vote a chance. | 3 |
04af4e1 | no one is evan going to read these things so there is no point in doing this test it is wasting everyones time. sumester exames are coming next week and we loose almost a whole week of reveiw on a test we are not even being graded on. the government is so messed up. why do spoiled rich people have the only say so when it comes to my egucation, they dont care what happen to us cuz there sopulled rotan kids go to privat schools were mommy or daddy can let them do what ever they want. while the rest of us have have to put up with there polisys and standerds cuz oure parents have no control.
no matter how hard we try we will never change, this world is dieing and we are the once doing it. no the animals not the earth not the cars, us the human rase is killing the plant, we are the biggest pradusers of polution, we drive the cars we burn fosal fuals we are the ones killing our world. when th time comes the human rase is going to have to find a new place to livve beacase the world is going to be so toxsic that no living thing will be abal to survive on earth. the ones that will be blamd will be us and if we kill this planet it is oonly right that the human rase dies with it.
right now the world is changing there are people that think its no big deal and others that think its the end of the world. i realy dont know what to thinnk. its in human nature to be selfish and only worry about ourselfs so yaeh we dont evan care oubout ourself as a group or futer generations evan wild animals know the importants of pasing on futer genes. wild animals clearly under stand what we humans seem to always forget, we are all going to one day die. we wont be here forever and as a seseas we need to worry about our futere generations and were will thay live and how will they sevive.
we all love the time when we are teens and the big highlight of that time in our lives is that we start to drive. we are evan more exited if we get a new car, a teen going to the car dealership is like a kid at the candy store. differant colers differant sizes differant styales. they make it so everyone who is anyone has a new shiny car. so what do we do if everyone has a new car if every one one the planet has a new car and is always driving, we have better get to bying gas masks. the air will be so poluted so toxic that it will be imposibul to breath. we are kiling ourselfs and we are ignoring that fact if we dont change then we are all done for.
at the end of the day if we as a speesies dont change we are never going too help this world survive. we need to open ou eyes to what we are doing and not to sound like the preacher, see the arre of our ways. if we dont do that futer generations will never make it, us as a speaseas will not survive. we need to stop fooling around and get serious we arnt kids anymore. me us we you need to change but hey no one ever read this anyway. | 1 |
04af97d | Driverless should not be used under any condition. Driverless cars are careless, imperfected, and unreliable. We should never risk ourselves or others just because we are lazy and dont wanna drive. If we left everything to these driverless cars many pepole could die. Driverless cars should not be allowed on the streets.
To begin, Driverless are carless. Driverless cars can not stay allert like a human can. In the passage it states, "They can steer, accerlate, and break themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills". This shows that a Driverless cars just does not have what it takes to be out on the road. If a kid ran in the middle of the street, unsuspectingly, the car would not have time for the human to take over and the kid would be severly injured or worse. It just is not worth the risk.
In addition, Driverless cars are not advanced enough. Driverless cars may have sensors and take extra steps in safty but technology just is not there. The pasage says, "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020". In the future we may have the power we need to have driverless cars, but in this time now we do not. Many states even have laws that will not allow driverless cars to even be tested in that states.
Finally, They are not reliable. All technology has flaws and that can not be helped. The passage even states, "If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver ot the owner?". This is a good point, The car technology may seem flawless, but many factors come into play with something this big. The car may have a maulfunction that no one could have predicted, and many pepole could be injured or killed. This driverless car just is not reliable enough to risk the lives of innocent.
Driverless cars are a very nice idea and would be helpful, However driverless cars just are not safe. These driverless cars are careless, imperfected, and unreliable. Many factors play in even ones we can not fully predict when it comes to technology. Its not worth the risk of pepole getting hurt just because we get lazy and do not want to drive. Theres no way to avoid it; its just safer to relie on ourselves instead of a robot. | 4 |
04b354e | Walking into the voting booth "...every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November" (Office Of Federal Register 6), the people of the United States of America expect their vote to count. Although, the president is elected in a more indirect way, by the electoral college, which does not represent the people, and is not fair. The president should be elected by popular vote from now on.
The first problem that the electoral college faces is the fact that it does not truly represent the opinion of the people. First, voters can walk into the booth and "...get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate" (Plumer 10). Not every voter is educated on exactly how the electors and candidates are represented on the ballot and that may lead to an accidental win. On top of this misconception, almost decietfully, an elector promised to a candidate can change their vote at a moments notice(Plumer 10). Even Posner who writes for the electoral college admitted that it is possible, and he claims that it is "rare";however, it has happened before in 1960 (Plumer 11), and not even Posner can control the actions of an elector, legally anyway. Also, when a candidate wins a popular vote, which is the true mind of the people, that candidate still may not win the electoral vote, overall, loosing the election. This happened just a few years back in the 2000 election between President Bush and Gore(Posner 16).All in all, the electoral college does not represnt the people.
Looking deeper into the subject, elections by the electoral college are not fair. The first example appears in the method of the "..."winner-take-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate"(Office of Federal Register 7). Because of this system, Presidential candidates may not feel the need to campaign to all people, just those of the states with the highest amount of electoral votes(Plumer 13). This goes against the american concept of "all men are created equal", leaving voters feeling undervauled and not important. Second, "A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes-538- is an even number.." (Posner 18). Although this tie is claimed to be "highly unlikely". However, an election by popular vote would make the conundrum even further unlikely by the general logic of the fact that it is a lot less possible for the opinion of an entire nation to be split down the middle than that of 538 electors. Another issue with a tie in the electoral college lies in how that draw is resolved. The tie-breaker is left to the representatives in congress, and "Because each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming...would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California..." (Plumer 12). This simply does not give all the voters equal say in who wins the election. All of these topics and more compressed together represent how un fair the election truly is.
Entering the booth next election day, dont only think about who you are voting for, but also how you are voting for them. It makes all the difference, and, ultimately, the popular way is the best way. | 5 |
04b4ad6 | "Out travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers or doubt" The author of this article belives that it's worthy to study Venus no matter the dangers we could be face to face with.
In the article the author states we should travel beyond despite all the dangers we could come across. This author supports his idea by stateing that we could go beyond our imagination and innovation. NASA is working on sending humans to go and study up closely Venus. I think we should study different planets only if we are not faced with any danger in our way, this way we know if most of the planets are survivable.
In the article the author states if and when we arrive to Venus it could be tough desicion and with unease conditions but it could be survivable for humans. Radiation would be one of the dangers we would have to face. Another aspect that would make the conditions on Venus uneasy would be the fact that air pressure could get us really ill if and when we travel there.
In my opinion i think the opportunitiy of traveling to any other planet such as our neighbors Mars and Venus are a great way to go above and beyond out of our planet. This would be such a great opportunity
for us to travel to different planets, then again if we dont come acroos any dangers.
This would be a great exploration for us to send humans to study other planets as the author states and when we do, we will know what we are up againist. | 3 |
04b6e9b | When sitting in class do you ever feel like you can read someones emotion, well now you can. With the new program Facial Action Coding System you can make a 3-D model of someone and scan the face mucsles to tell you what emotions they are feeling. You have six basic emotions that this program can detect just by your mucsles in your face. When they scanned Mona Lisa's face she was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, 2 percent angry.
Now if people start turnning towards this method of telling how people feel instead of asking them to make them feel better then you are shutting yourself off from society and that's not okay. If you want to now how someone feels don't make a 3-D model of their face to have a computer tell you just go up and ask them how they feel and what will make them feel better. It amazes you when you find out how many people turn towards technology instead of face to face converstations.
Fianally if you scan someones face to see if you can make them feel better than you are doing it all wrong. You need to walk up to that person and say "Are you okay, what do you need to help you". Also when you do scan someones face they can put on whats called a "Fake Smile" and trick the computer into thinking it's a actual smile, so it will say they are happy when in reality you are mad or upset. Put down the elctronics and focus on what's important in life. | 2 |
04bc9b6 | Face On Mars
Have you ever wondered if there was possibly other life forms out there, living on other planets? In 1976, NASA'S spacecraft "Viking 1" was circling Mars and taking photos. Suddenly, it spotted a form that almost looked like a human face. Some conspiracy theorists assume and consider it to be evidence of other life forms, while NASA knows it's just another landform on Mars. It's common to have forms like that around Cydonia, it's also proven that there is no alien monument at all, and the pictures actually show that it's a martian similar to land forms here on Earth. All the evidence NASA has brought upon us has proven that it is just another land form on Mars.
Firstly, it is common around Cydonia to have land forms as such. NASA
has taken plenty of pictures of Mars to know that it's quite common for there to be land forms like this. Although it may have unusual shadows, NASA could only wish that there would be possible evidence of ancient civilization on Mars. It being common, creates a slimmer chance of it being crafted by other life forms.
However, when Mars Global surveyor in April 5, 1998, Michael Malin was able to snap pictures with his Mars Orbiter Camera team. These pictures were much more clear. When the image was first revealed on a JPL web site, they realized it was only a natural landform. There was no alien monument to be seen. This strong evidence shows that with a clear image, there is no sign of any alien monument.
Furthermore, the pictures show that it's a Martian equal to a butte or mesa lanforms, seen around the American West. This evidence clearly shows that it's related to Earth land forms like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain in Idaho. This Earth landform is only a lava dome. The height is similar to the height to the face on Mars. These landforms being equal, show that it's normal to have land forms such as the Face on Mars.
But, perhaps the alien markings were hidden by haze, and there could be possible evidence that aliens are indeed out there. Maybe a closer look into the image would clearify these statements. However, as likely as it sounds, the pictures taken were accurate, with an advanced camera.
Nevertheless, the chances of this Face on Mars being created by aliens is proven false. NASA
may hope that someday they might discover evidence of other life forms. Until then, they have supporting explanations on why it's not. For it to be common to have land forms like the Face on Mars, gives enough clearification. As well as, there being no alien monument at all, and the pictures actually showing a land form similar to ones on Earth. We never know what the future holds, so will NASA ever discover facts that support the conclusion of there being life on other planets? | 4 |
04c4f26 | Dear,state senator
The Electoral College voting method is a very debated subject among the people. That is why I am here to explain to you my opinion on it, and why i think that the whole process needs to be stopped. As you can probably already tell, I completely dis like the whole process all together but anyway here is my letter to you.
The first issue with this process is that there is not that much stability to it. When people vote for who they want as president they're giving their votes to some one else just so the person they gave them to can vote for who they want to,not for the elector that that person actually put down on the ballet. We the people are not even the ones who technically get to pick who we want as president, it's the electors.
This being said brings me to my next point,what is the point of the people voting if we arent even the ones who get to pick the representatives? Yes, they say that when people are voting,they are actually voting for electors but what if the electors dont listen to the peoples votes and only vote for who they want? It is true that the slate of electors is trusted to vote for the parties person they want to elect but, there is always that tiny percentage that the electors can break that trust. When they take these chances they are setting themselves up for disaster.
I hope that you take what I said into consideration. These are just a few of the things that are wrong with the Electoral College system. Its only a matter of time before people like me start to realize everything wrong with the system we have now, and when they do realize the things wrong with it, they will want something done about it. Please help get a better system going and end this Electoral College crap we have now. | 3 |
04cecb6 | Are driverless cars really coming? I don't think so. Driverless cars stiil need a driver, they might not even start, or work properly, and the driverless cars will surely bring the number of deaths due to a car accident up. Who wants one now? I don't want to be around one nor do I want anyone to drive these "driverless" cars.
The driverless cars, aren't even close to driving themselves, they still need to have the driver's attention. Driverless cars, should be as the title states, cars that are driverless. These cars, will give you warnings when it is going to need you to take control again. The author states, "In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when theroad ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." If these cars were really driverless, they wouldn't need a driver to help them navigate. Are these cars really driverless? No.
Are these cars going to run on gas or electricity? Either way, these cars not start. A car stalls all the time, but those cars we handle, but what about cars that are driverless? Would we know how to fix it or would we have to spend hundreds to get it fixed? These cars will cost hundreds to get fixed over and over again. Who wants to do that? I wouldn't mind having to charge it but then my electricity bill will be over the top expensive.
Would our kids be safe to be in the cars? What happens if our kids are playing and the car starts and the kid gets hurt or even dies? Would it be your fault or the car producers? It woul be everyone's. Ours, for not protecting our kids well enough and the car producers because they didn't think of the children. The number of deaths per year of children due to car accidents are already high, add in a car that might start by itself and run by itself, will increase the number greatly. I wouldn't want my kids near it. Neither should you.
Knowing these facts, do you still want one? Do you want a car that was supposed to be driverless, but you would still need to drive it, or a car that might not even work, or even a car that could possibly kill your kid? I don't. These cars are dangerous, no matter how safe they say it should be. My position on the driverless cars will always be no. | 3 |
04d0713 | I'm in favor of kipping the Electoral college that to the fact that keep out problems and its fare to evry one. In the text state that ''The electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is requiered to elect the president.'' that shows that the popular vote is the one who wins. Also, In the article says ''The college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recives a majority of the votes cast;''And is tre because without the electoral college it will have a lot of candidates that they will not get a majority of vote nether one.
by the way, a dispute over the outcome of an electoral college vote is possible and it hat happend before but it's less likely than a dispute over the populat vote. Voters in presidential elections are people who wants to express a political preference eather than people who thinks that a single vote may decide an elections | 2 |
04d13e6 | Having a driverless car may be the gretest or the worst thing someone could have. I am not against on driverless cars because they can be safe, prevent texting and driving accidents, and they alert you when you need to take control of the car. Not only because they drive themselves mean that they are amazing, it can just help to prevent accidents more often.
Driverless cars may be safer than an actual person driving. A mother may have to give the bottle to the baby because it won't stop crying and the car can take care of driving while the mother feeds the baby. Maybe they are listening to music and are more into the music than into the driving. A driverless car can take care of pressing the brake at the right time to stop before something happens. Also that person may not be in good conditions to drive the car and need to get to a doctor or something. That would be if there isn't something else out there that will have to make you take control of the car.
These driverless cars alert you when you need to take the wheel and control it yourself. It is a good thing becuase they probably know that they can't drive through what is happening. Like said in the passage, their can be a traffic jam or there can be an accident and that would be a reason why the car will alert you. It would be a bad thing that the car wouldn't tell you when to take over because it would just stop working all of the sudden and that would't be good. But what would be good is to prevent you from having a accident while texting.
Many teens and even adults now text while driving. They feel like if they don't respond at that instant moment the world is going to end or something. A driverless car can prevent that becuase it can be driving itself and you could answer a call or a text and then get back to driving. The car can prevent you from having an accident from not paying attention to the road. Also maybe you can't find your phone and it keeps on rinigng and it distracts you so the car can take care of the driving while you search for the phone.
In conclusion having a driverless car can be a great thing because you can respond an emergency text without having a fear of dying, it can be safe for you and passengers, and it alerts you when you need to take control. It can be a good thing for the future because more and more technology comes out each year and we are always amazed by everything we see. | 3 |
04d2b73 | Do you really need a computer to express your emotions? Updates in technology have found ways for a computer to track facial movements to detect human emotion. This allows computers to detect your emotions before you do. We are told to answer if this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. I believe that this techonlogy is not valuable in a classroom.
My first reason for thinking its not valuable is because it doesn't provide any benefits to the classroom. Why does our expression or emotion need to be known by the teacher or computer? Education doesn't have to be amusing or easy. Thats the point of learning. Emotion isn't taken in to consideration when we are assigned homework.
Secondly, my reason for disagreeing with the valuability of this technology in a classroom is because looks are decieving. Let's say for example a stuent is doing perfectly well on their assessment and sees how much time has gone by. They are confused, but only for a second. This is sent to the instructor as a message of confusion on the topic. This has caused an unnessisary interuption on the assesment. Computers can't detect every emotion, and they surely can't detect where the cause of that emotion is coming from.
In contrast to my argument, one could say that for a computer, being able to tell emotions gives us an davantage. For example "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," as quoted in paragraph 6. I would argue that if a student is becoming confused then they should ask questions. Also, it is natural to not take interest in the lesson. Boredom is commom in school, but that should not impact the ability to learn.
In conclusion, the technology provides no real benefits to a classroom, neither to a student. Bringing this technology to a classroom would be a waste of time. Emotions are decieving in school and don't have to be acknowledged by a computer. This is why I believe the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. | 4 |
04d3f9c | Venus is worthy pursit despite the damage it presents. Venus is worthy pursit despite the damage it presents because it was once the earths like planet in the solar system. Another reason is because Venus was once covered by oceans. The last reason is because they want to understand why no spaceship has ever made it to Venus to actually try to get samples and other stuff to study it.
Venus was once the earths like plante in the solar system. Scientists want to study venuse even though it dangers to see why its not like it use to be. The old venus was just like earth years ago but then it started changing with the years. In the passage it said that " Astronomers are fascinatesx by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earths-like planet in out solar system" (Paragraph 4, Sentence 2). This means that they are really into the thing that Venus was once like Earth. They want to keep studying it until they have something to compareit to Earth with.
Venus was once covered by oceans years ago. Another reason why sciantists want to study Venus is because Venus was once covered with bodies of water and want to see why that changed. In the passage it said that " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth" (paragraph 4, sentence 3). This means that they are really fasinated by the way that Venus just went from being bodies of water to having eruptions of volcanoes all the time and earthquakes, and lightning strikes. All these stuff have changed Venus completly and they want to figure out why.
Scientists want to understand why not one single spaceship has made it to Venus without falling apart. In the passage it says that " Not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades" (Passage 2, Sentance 6). This means that they have not been able to make any spaceship land on Venus. Maybe it could be the 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus has or the acid in the atmosphere that Venus has. All the spaceships have not survived the landing for more than a few hours. NASA is also working on other stuff so they can approach Venus such as electronics made of silicon carbide and has lasted for three weeks.
In conclusion people think that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents. One reason for that is because it was once the earths like planet in the solar system. Another reason is because Venus was once covered by oceans. The last reason is because they want to understand why no spaceship has ever made it to Venus to actually try to get samples and other stuff to study it. | 4 |
04d409d | Having driverless cars into our life is one less problem that we have to worry about in our daily life. It will help our life get so much easier, because you might not have to worry about fuel prices or driving to places when you're tired. Also it will help reduce the number of teenage's death, because most of the death of teen are cause by car crashed. It's good for those who travel a lot, because as a driver you don't have to drive all the way to the destination. By having Driverless Cars into our life, it'll save money, help reduce the cause of teenage death and it help to drive for you when you're tired and need to take a rest for a bit.
First of all, I think it's a great idea to have driverless car, because it helps reduced the death of teen. In American, almost most of the death of teenager are caused by texting while driving. Although many organizations tried to tell teenager to "Stop Texting while Driving", it is not effective, because in these day more teen are being pressure by technology whether it is in TV or Internet and they want to be cool. That's why having Driver less can help reduced the death rate. For example, if you're driving and text message pops up, you can let the car drive by itself and text. In paragraph 2, it said that the cars have been driven more than a million miles without a crash which mean that teens and young adult can let the car drive for a couple hours and text which can save their life. Not only does it can help reduced the car crash rate, it can also help you save money.
"The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than bus." If they do succeed on letting driverless car legal, it would help individual so much. Traveling is fun things but nowaday not many people travel or goes to roadtrip anymore because one of the main problem is that they don't have the expenses to paid for the fuel or spending too much on fuel can decrease the amount of money they can save. If they do secceeded on having the driverless car and the fuel cost less to use it, then it would be great for many people. More people will be able to save money. Not only that, it will greatly help with the growth of our economy.
Last but not least, the function of the car is beyond our senses, because not only does it drives by itself but it can also elert driver when someting is wrong. "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead required human skill" paragraph 7. In case of emergency whereas the car are not capable of functiong need the driver to take over, it can elert the driver to take over. Also in paragraph 7 it said, "This necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the drive's attention whenever a problem occurs. GM has developed drive's seats that vibrate when vehicles is in danger of backing into an object" So, when it required the drivers to drive, it can vibrate their seat to get their attention. I think it's a great idea to have that in it because it can prevent running into conflicts.
To conclude that having driverless car can help reduced the death of teenagers and young adult. The car can take over when people need to text or make a phone call, and it can drive for you when you're distracted by your surrounding that you can focus on the roads which can help reduced the chance you'll have accident. Not only that, it can help you save money. By spending less in the fuel, you can keep some change in your pocket. Also it can help drive for you when you got to sleep or take a nap if you're in long roadtrips. It support safety for the drivers, whereas the system elert the driver if the car encounter a problem and needed the driver to take over. That's why having driverless car can help our daily life and improved the way we live. | 4 |
04da4bf | Have you heard about FACS? Its full name is glory is "the Facial Action Coding System".It basically allows to tell which emotion the persons feeling. It seems like a great and wonderful device to have in work places and school places! I think we/they should have these devices in places that best need them! Like in and out the classroom.
I think its valuable because when your in a classroom teachers tend to ususally do a lesson even though all the students get bored out of their minds and end up not paying atention!! Same goes for doing a lesson on this computer, the classroom would be able to recognize the students emotions if the school had some of thses devices, but right now we don't because not all schools cant afford new high tech computers to recognize the childrens emotions! In the text it states
"A classroom computer could recognize when a studenr. Hat is becoming cinfused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructure! With this it would probably take a while but easy t the same time, because there are so much combinations to this peice of technology! In the text it staes "he facial expressions for each emotion are univeral," observes Dr. Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (Like not smiling as broadly). This tells that there are so many emotions to decode! Now how this works is the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of your face and detects all your muscles in your face to determine what emotion your in. In the text so far states that Eckman has classifed 6 basic emotions and they are; happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.
Overall, this mechine would be most useful in classrooms because teachers and computer programs can change up so that the students would not be so bored and not pay attention! So they correct their lessons and can make it entertaining and fun for everyone! | 3 |
04db8d6 | We have a Universe full of uncertainties and dangers. Since that is the case, should we just give up trying to discover new things? No, of course not, Then why should Venus be any different. It might be a risky and dangerous job but, this might also be a golden opportunity to, maybe find out connections between Venus and our Earth.
Astonomers believe that Venus used to be an Earth-like planet long ago. There are actual some features now on Venus that resmbles to Earth wiith familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and even craters. Furthermore, let us not forget the fact that Venus also sometimes is our nearest option for a plantery visit. That should be more than enough reason to try and study more of Venus. One day we might need that information, so better safe then sorry.
Lastly, even though is will be difficult scientist are already figuring out safer options to study Venus, like hovering over the planet to gather intel without a real big risk. And even getting electronics tested for Venus's harsh climate. It might be difficult but, where would we be if we just gave up trying to discover new things when things get tough. | 3 |
04dbd25 | Limiting car usage could come off as absurd to some people. They ask "Why would I reduce my use of something that gets me to my desired destination the fastest?" Despite the fact that cars appear to be more conveinient, the harm they do to the Earth far outweighs the benefits. Cars have become more and more prevelant in the entire world since World War II, as society has been built around the car and its ease of use. This unremitting usage of the car has resulted in a shocking amount of pollution to the Earth. The reduction of car usage is advantageous to the environment. Cars produce so much pollution, have a gradual decuction in use would have possitive effects on the environment.
The greatest advantage of limiting car usage is the positive effects it would have on the environment. It is common knowldge that the Earth is in a state of self-destruction, with humans pouring in incredible amounts of greenhouse gases into it. A high percentage of these harmuful emissions come from cars and other gas-powered vehicles. If car usage was limited, a much healthier Earth would result. According to the article "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" passenger cars were responsible for 12 percent of grenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and nearly 50 percent in highly congested cities across the United States. With this in mind, cutting these numbers down, even if only in half, would bring about such prosperity to the environemnt that benefits would soon be noticed. These figures show that the reduction of car usage is pivotal in the fight to protect the environment. Also in the article "Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog" it is said that car usage became so heavy in Paris that it developed insane amounts of smog, rivaling that of Beijing, which is one of the most polluted cities in the world. Clearly the root of the problem for Paris was the abundance of car usage, which once limited, reduced the smog greatly. This proves that cars can be a huge problem for the environment, but limiting the usage will have near immediate benefits. Again the environmental benefit of limiting car use is seen in the article "The End of Car Culture." The article states that a limit to car usage would "have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's eissions." This article does not only say that cars are large part of pollution, but it also directly claims that less usage would be good for the environment. Limiting car usage is very important to maintaining the Earth as it is now. It is gradually becoming more and more polluted, and the limiting of vehicle use can stop that.
Despite the convenience of the car, it is such a harm to the enironment that its limiting of usage is absolutely neccesary. Several exmaples point out that cars are one of the biggest means of pollution, as it seems everyone is always drving them. Limiting car usage is one of the best things that can be done to save the environement. It is obvious that the preservation of our planet is far more important than the convenience of turning a five minute walk into a short one minute trip. With the ecological benefits of the limit of car usage, this limit of usage is defnitly advantageous. | 4 |
04defeb | Many people believe that this face on Mars was made by an Ancient Alian Race that once lived on Mars. This Face was discivered 25 Years ago on a space Expedition. Most NASA scientisis believe that this Face on Mars is a natural land form but, some believe that it is not natural and was formed by Alians. Many Scientists also think against the thought of the formation on Mars being made by an ancient civilization that lived on Mars. Scientists that are against the theory of the face being formed by Alians argue that there are formations on Earth that are also formed how the one on Mars was and that this is natural.
Many Scientisis believe that this is a natural landform because it is like some of the other landforms in the Western United States like the Butte in the Snake River Plain of Ohio. Scientists believe that both of these landforms were created by lava domes because the two formations are around the exact same height and are therefore believed to be created in the same and natural way.
Scientisis have been researching the Face on Mars for years abd have come up with a reasonal explination for why the Face on Mars was not created by Alians and is a natural land formation that is created the same way as some formations in the Western United States. Though Scientists would like to have proof that there was a race of martians that lived thousands of years ago there is logical information prooving that this was a natural formation that is also experienced on Western Regions of the United States. | 2 |
04df837 | "The challenge of studying Venus" is a very interesting story. In the story the author tells us a lot about Venus and its harsh conditions. The title describes the story very well. Venus seems like it would be very challenging to explore and the author gives many reasons why it would be so difficult. For some reason though he doesnt really list any benefits to exploring Venus.
Throughout the whole story the author is just making Venus sound like a horrible place. In the article he writes " Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." Again he is describing Venus to sound like an awful place, so why would you want to explore it. Another good claim he makes is that, "since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours."
Why would you go explore Venus in a space craft if all of them were destroyed. If it where me i would not want to explore Venus, the author has given me plenty of reasons not to.
Throughout the story the author does list at least one benefit to exploring Venus. In the story he writes, " it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Yes i can agree that would be a great reason to explore Venus, but here are the downsides to that. Venus now is not like Earth, it is more like a destroyed Earth. The author writes " on the planets surface tempatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit." You cant even walk on the surface without burning up, how is this like Earth? The author also mentions," Venus was probaly covered largely with oceans." All those oceans that may have been their are gone now. Why would we explore a destroyed Earth?
In conclusion the author does not give many benefits to exploring Venus. All he really did was list the benefits to why we shouldnt explore Venus. In my personal opinion if i where a scientest and somone read me this i would not want to explore Venus. In the end i do not believe the author makes a good case to explore Venus. | 4 |
04e00f8 | this new computer system if it does come out for school it might be help for some of the kids. so when they are getting confused about a mth problem then dont have to raise there hand becuase some kids i know dont like to raise there hand when they are confused about the math problem, so if this comes out it will be able to help the student explame or show them differently so they can understand what is going on. this could also work if the students is at home doing homework and need help well it can help maybe showing them how to do it or taking them to a webister or video showing them what id happening because they cant assk the teacher for when they are home unless they email thee teacher which they might not email them right away. so this could be a good thing to try one some school across the country testing out how this works with students and see how the students react to this computers system. | 2 |
04e1177 | Are driverless cars preparing us for good, or are they setting us up for failure? In my opinion driverless carsarent driverless cars. But they are a big part in our car building safety programs.
Lets think, if we didnt have driverless cars were we would we learn the safety of our vehicles in situations such as accidents, car fires and things in that category. I know every show that I have seen, that has to do with driverless cars has proved a big point, and I have learned something I needed to about car safety. But completly driverless cars are a problem. we cant have a car without at least one human looking over it to make sure it stops doing something that it doesnt need to at a reliable time. All the driverless cars we have today in age are fine, they work by technology and men but neither one by it's self. Driverless cars are a team thing between technology and men, we have to work togther for it all to work properly. Yea there will be mistakes in driverless car situations but remeber no one is perfect, we have to learn somewhere. we know there expensive, and they are risky but its really worth it. | 2 |
04e1cec | Have you ever been really bored of something, but your teacher in class can't tell? The Facial Action Coding system can be enabled on computers that can identify human emotions. There have been many scientists and researchers that are working on this so it can detect your emotions by the muscles in your body. It is kind of like when you are trying to detect a friends emotion because you can tell how they are feeling.
Imagine this a system that can read your emotions based on your facial expressions that is based off of facial muscles. This is something we already kind of do when we try to tell a friends facial expressions. This is something that we humans should be happy to have we hate being bored and a computer would be able to tell that we are, so it would never play that video or ad again which would make it would modify the lesson for each person according to Huang. Also if you really liked that video or ad that was just played they would play simliar ones to it.
Dr. Huang also explains that most communication is non verbal in fact most of our communication is non verbal.
So, what is the Facial Action Coding System you might be thinking. Well the facial action coding system is a computer that constructs a 3d model of each persons face. This must take a while since we do have 44 major muscles in our face. This computer is basically supposed to be able to detect at least the 6 main basic emotions. Happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. The machine can do so by it can tell the characteristic movements of each facial muscle. The article describes like when you raise your eyebrows you show surpise and when the muscles around your lips it shows anger. This can be benificial in a lot of ways especially when it can tell that you don't like something. Also humans might try to guess facial traits, but we can't describe each facial trait someone has.
Surely you are thinking that a machine can't detect somebodies emotions, but it could detect that the Mona Lisa she was 83% happy, 9% disgusted,6% fearful, and
2% angry. The machine might have some faults at first, but surely if they can make something like that they could improve it. This could be what humans need something or somebody that actually knows how we feel. If that's not convincing if we have psychologists that can detect our emotions based on our smile why can't they help the people coding these machines and get everything right.
In conclusion, is there a machine that can detect our feeling. There could be something or someone that can help in the near future, but currently this is just a project. This is something that could be in the future that will replace our current computers and/ or our smartphones. This is a start to something that could reveal al lot about us, our faces, and our emotions. | 3 |
04e6cd8 | "The Face"
Have you ever saw something so strange you just had to get a picture of it?! Well if you have, ive done the same! It all started 25 years ago around Mars!
Mission controllers back at the Jet Propulison Lab had to be really suprised of what we have found on Mars. As NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling aound Mars and found a figure similar to a human face, believe me when i say it, Yes a human face!!!Although scientists found out it was just an Martian Mesa, i still find it pretty cool!
A few days after the photo's were taken, NASA has decided to show everyone and let everyone know about this Matian mesa.The caption resembled a human head. The author thought it would be a good idea to attract attention to mars, and it slowly, but surely did!
The human face like structure has became a pop icon, it has appeared in many places and thing such as a film, magazines, talk shows, apppeared in some books, it even made it to the grocery sotre checkout lines ofr 25 years!!That is a really big deal for just a structure on mars!!Certain people thought the face is bona fide evidence of life on mars, which is there own opinion.
Global Surveyor as known as (MGS) went ot the Red Planet on September 1997, 18 long years after the Vikings missions ended. On April 5,1998 Michael M. and his Mars Orbiter camerea as known as (MOC) snapped a picture 10 times better then the Vikings!!Also for the first
time, Mars Global Surveyor flow over Cydonia. Come to find out, there was no alien monument after al!But no everyone was satisfied with this photo.
The camera was really bad considering it had to go through wispy clouds just to see the face.Mission controllers prepaired to look at it again.After a while Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a 2nd look on april 8, 200l. What the picture really had shown was a Martian equivalent to a butte or mesa, they have all been fooled. | 2 |
04ea96d | presidents are elected every four years. Some presidents make changes some presidents don't, society strongly believes any president elected should make good changes. Any citizen from any state want's the president elected to make a difference, thats clearly one of the presidens duites. Presidents sometimes do not compensate for the mistakes they make that they're not supposed to make. Citizens votes should be the votes counted for electing presidents and not couted for electing electors.
To begin with, most presidnets elected most of the time make no difference and citizens are not content. Presidents have many duties to complete and of them is to make changes and make the world a better place for all citizens. in the article "In defense of the electoral college: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president" by Richard A. Posner he states "when you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors" what the author clearly states is that society is not voting for a presidential candidate but for a slate of electors. This is why most of the time society is not content with the president chosen and bad changes are made. Citizens are the ones who live in this country so they should be the one's who's votes are counted for electing presidents so that they do not suffer the next four years.
To continue, some presidential candidates intentions to society are harmful and do not help them in anyway possible. Presidents intentions while on their four years of being presidents are supposed to help society and make their life easier and not worse. In the article "The Indefensible Electoral Collage: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer he states "can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Somtimes." this quote shows that not only is society not voting for the presidential candidate they are in favor of but they cant even control who their electors vote for sometimes. Citizens in anyway possible can not vote for the presidential candidate they are in favor of so that means society will not be content for four years and changes will be made that will make their lifes harder and some priveliges will be taken away if the presidents intentions are not helpful. Society will be living in hell in other words.
furthermore, | 3 |
04ec9a4 | Have you ever thought about participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program? It's every fun, it allowed me to go on adventures and vist unique places like Greece, Venice, Italy, and I even toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. There are also others things to do besides go to different places when you participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. Even though you get free time there is also work to do. When my friend Don Reist invited me to go to Europe on a cattle boat I just couldn't say no, I knew it was going to be an opportunity of a lifetime. Let me give you some reason on why you should join.
Like i said before there are others things you have to do when participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program. One thing is you have to take care animals. Everytime I found it fun taking care of the animals, especially on when I returned from trips and the animals had been unloaded. There were different types of animals on board like horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped oversea. Once there was even a cargo with 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them.
My next reason is you also get to play games on the ship. The cowboys and I played baseball, volleyball games, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. These games helped us pass time when we didnt have work to do. Sometimes we would even play games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. We would even have different types of tournaments.
The most important and my last reason is that while in the Seagoing Cowboys we had to help different people with things. We had to help them with animals, food, and we had to help on the ship. There were many things we had to do on the ship like be watchmen, check the animals every hour, and make an hourly report to the captain. There is a lot of work you have to put in into being a Seagoing Cowboys even if you do get hurt. But it will be all worth it in the end.
I hope you decide to become a Seagoing Cowboy. It was very fun for me, so if i had fun being one then I feel like you will to. You will have a lot of fun trust me. | 3 |
04ef8ff | After reading the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" it made me inclined to think that a driverless car would be a benefical thing to have. They could potentally reduce driver made accidents and make the roads run safer and smoother than they do today.
Some people may believe that driverless cars are dangerous, but they may not realize that safety is one of the major concerns that manufacturers have. They still plan on having the driver maintain alert and ready to take control of the car if needed. In paragraph 7, the writing states that, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This leads me to believe that these cars are safe.
There are still some issues involving the driverless cars. Such as figuring out who is at fault if there is an accident. Would the driver in the car or would the manufacturer of the car be held responsible? These are good questions, but the writing says that, "Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved." Which means that chances are the laws will change and the people will decide what the future laws of the driverless cars will be.
In conclusion, I believe that driverless cars are going to be made no matter what. The car manufacturers are continuing to make imporvements to the cars sensors and computers everyday. The article even says that, "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." So, driverless cars are going to happen, and they are going to happen soon. | 3 |
04f1fc3 | First,If i was a scientist at NASA talking to others about them truly believing the Face wasn't created by aliens. I would tell them aliens are not real in the world we live in today. I would also tell them that if aliens was real they would not be able to create Faces. I would also ask them what made you believe aliens create the Face. I would wait for everyone to respone to my question.
Second,I would tell them that i truly dont think that aliens can create things like that in any way possible. I would also try to persuade them to believe what i believe such as aliens are not real at all. I would be trying to figure what they are saying .I would then ask what facts do they have to prove that aliens can create faces. Conclusion,I would have facts to prove my point such as it's a human head and it has a nose,mouth,eyes so their is no way possible an alien could of made the Face. | 1 |
04f47a5 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author includes many benefits and dangers that come with exploring Venus. Venus is known for its uninhabitable atmosphere and environment, but scientists believe that long ago Venus was the planet most similar to Earth. In this article, the author believes that humans should go beyond the limits of dangers and supports his or her idea well with inspiring points that motivate anyone to look past the boundaries. The author lists the extreme dangers of Venus, and then answers why scientists are so set on exploring it.
The author first regards the dangers of Venus. The author explains the problem to finish with a promising solution. The author gives dreadful facts that prove the planet is extremely inhospitable for any human and even some space crafts. The author states, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals," The author does not say this to frighten anyone but to blunty state what the NASA scientists are up against.
Further into the article, the author answers the important question "why?" Why would anyone want to put themselves at these risks? Why is Venus worth all of the trouble? The answer is, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author wants people to realize that Venus has the potential to be almost identical to Earth, but the author also includes that scientists cannot be certain without further exploration. The potential of Venus being another part of our world is certainly going to excite many astronaunts and explorers to go make it certain.
Venus has the potential to hold an exciting new world, but the dangers astronaunts and scientists must face are lethal. The author paints a new possibility in this article by describing the potential Venus could hold. This article clearly shows how the author informs about the dangers of Venus but then answers why the scientists are to eager to get to know this planets. With the way the author gives inspiring points about exploring this planet, anyone can look past the dangers and see a new world. | 4 |
04f8928 | In my opinion , driverless cars shouldn't be a thing . Why? ,because what if the car malfunctions and swerves off the road into oncoming traffic. Electronics and things tend to malfunction alot and Driverless Cars is risking the life of people .
Driverless cars are for the lazy people, they're for people who don't wanna drive they just want to sit back and let the car drive for them. If that was the case they wouldn't have gotten their license to drive. In the future licenses wouldn't be a thing if driverless cars are around , there's no need for one if the car just lets you sit there and watch it drive every where,that's just wasted time to get your permit then wait a few months and then get your license for driving.
Before putting any real driverless cars into the real world they should round alot of tests , because they should want everything perfect no messups or anything because that can be very dangerous if the cars system isn't programmed right or anything . That is a risk to lives of people who decide to buy them | 2 |
04fcfb0 | A commonly known and disputed topic is the "Face on Mars." You may believe that what is known as the "Face" is actually a formation created by aliens. Pictures from twenty-five years ago show the "shadowy likeness" of a human face. If you believe that the nearly two mile formation was staring back at the cameras was a face, the main reason this formation could not possibly be a formation of a face created by another life form on a different planet is because there is no scientific evidence of aliens to be discovered.
The Face has recieved national recognition as being a representative for most pop icons, Hollywood films, books, magazines, and radio talk shows. But because the Face is a popular icon, the way the face is portrayed to have been created and used for has been taken out of context by audiences around the world. Spin-off series about the Face and aliens have promoted the idea that aliens are real, although there is no scientific evidence to be found. The media that used the Face has promoted audiences to believe that the Face is actually a formation made by aliens, as a way to keep their audiences interested and to make more incom by their audiences believing their predictions of aliens.
As a result of the majority of people believing that the Face was an alien artifact, NASA decided to fly over the formation again to take a new picture using an updated camera that was ten times sharper than the camera used originally to take the first pictures, in order to investigate if he formation was really made and occupied by an alien life form. The new pictures concluded that
what seemed to be an alien life form was actually just an actual landform. Yes, there may be different and unusual kinds of makrings on the land form because it is located on a different planet where there are different conditions occurring.
What has now been proven to show that the Face is a natual landform is that the landform is the Martian equivalent of a buttle, which are landforms common around the American West.
Whether you believe or don't believe that the landform on the Red Planet is made by aliens, there is more authentic evidence that is relevent to showing that the landform is just a natural occurrence, rather than evidence presented by science fiction enthusiasts. Although the formation may seem to have the appearance of a face, there are also many natural objects on Earth that have the appearances of faces too. So, making assumptions because of a conspiracist's predictions does not automatically make your assumption correct. | 4 |
0502b23 | Technology in the classroom has always been a great idea, it allows for students to find information quicker, keep all their assignments in one place. But now it could be used to interpret the emotions of students. This technology could be used to detect how students are feeling about a teachers teaching style; this software could also detect if a student is bored or confused, and even if they are sad or angry.
Using this technology can help determine what is neccesary in keeping a classroom engaged and happy. But students may not want a machine reading their emotions at all times in a classroom, say that a student has lost a loved one and doesn't want that to be public to the faculty at the school because he might be treated diffrent. The technology could detect his sadness and the teacher may try to comfort him, or tell other teachers about the way he feels. But for the greater good of possibly detecting depressed or suicidal students may out weigh the bad that the technology may produce. I am for this type of technology in the classroom, its benifits out weigh its fallbacks, other than possibly being inaccurate due to displaying false emotions.
The use of emotional recognition software in the classroom is a great idea to keep students in the minds of their teachers and truely help them create an environment that is catered to the happiness of their students. Lets not forget how useful it will be to detect if students are actually learning in the classroom. And probaly most importantly to detect students who may be a threat to themselves or others. | 3 |
0509d92 | In addition to, the story people think that the Face was created by aliens. In this essay i will be talking about, Whether or not people have proof or evidence that the Face was created by aliens?, What would make people think that the Face was created by aliens?, and How do you think this if you just found out about the Face?.
With that being said, Do you think these people that thought the Face was created by aliens have proof or any type of evidence?... I don't think they had proof or any type of evidence because it was on Mars people csn not go around assuming that it was created by aliens if they have no proof. People would have to go to Mars and see for theirselves. Just because it was founded on Mars doesn't neccesarly means that it was created by aliens.
Next, What makes people think that the Face was created by aliens?. Is it because they knew that it came from Mars?... I strongly believe it is because all these people knew that it came from Mars, i'll tell you why i think this. I think this because it appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even haunted grocery stores as stated in paragraph 5. So, because it appeared in so many places people started to make assumtions, and really believed that the Face was created and made by aliens.
Futhermore, How does people think this if they just recently found out about the Face?. Well, people think this just because it it was the most popular story or myth going on at the time and since it came from Mars that it was created by aliens because they know people doesn't live on Mars.. But, that doesn't mean human beings do not visit to see what it is like in person.
In my opinion, last but not least, people should not make any assumtions before they don't know the full story or the truth behind it all and to ask people who was it created it by and stop always thinking they know everything and making a lot of assuming statements, to where it makes a huge rumor around the world. | 4 |
051429c | In the Article "The challengle of Exploring Venus"
the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents. " a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus." (para 3.)
The article states, " Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." (para 2) I think the author means by that is humans can not really study Venus's because its in space and no human can go up there too long and study it since its the secong planet next to the sun.
The planet is dangerous because its right by the sun which if you go by the sun you can burn and die from it. The planet's temperatures average is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
It also has 97 percent carbon dioxide which means the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.
In conclusion, I think the author is right. Venus is dangerous and i think NASA should not study it. | 3 |
0514ba2 | Is the Electoral College fair and right? This system is composed of the selection of the electors, the meeting of electors, and the counting of congress. This systen includes various methods like the "winner take all" system that gives the presidency to the winning candinate of the eletors votes. One very important thing in this system is trust, you have to trust the electors that you voted for to make the right choice. This system of eletor votes is very useful for picking the country's leaders.
The winner take all method is very intresting indeed. The electoral votes decide who wil get what, who will win. Popular vote in no longer in "session" or popular, the electoral votes decide it now. For example, in the 2000 election, when Gore had a lot more popular votes than Bush, but Gore had less electoral votes, it was a shocking suprise for the nation, it seemed to be like more people liked Gore than Bush. One very important thing to consider is ... the reason why Bush won, there is a huge diffrence between making a good choice, aka Gore, and and making the right choice, aka Bush!
Trust, its possibliy one of the most hard things to do in life, but in this system its necessary. Its very significant that you put your trust in the slate of people's hands that you and a whole variety of woried people selected. Trust should not just be handed oveer like anything, its should be earned just like respect, vote in the candinate that you trust.
Popular vote is kind of fair in a way because we can all vote like independent citizens.
Sometimes the electoral candinates vote against the people that elected for them and go for what they think is right which in no case is incorrect but a hudreds of citizens were counting on them to make their choice. We all have a voice, we have to use it in the fair way, and the righthous way is mostly a popular vote, but popular vote is not as efficent as eletoral votes.
The Electoral College is right but not fair, althought it has its benifets, its has its defaults as well. In the end we all decide our own fate, but together we must work together to rebuild what has been broken. We must decide on the correct, on the right leader, the leader that will make great choices for us, the leader that will lead this unique, beautiful, and magnificent country to greatness like never befroe seen, and we must be there with that leader every step of the way. Not everyone will expericence greatness but we sure will be part of it!! | 3 |
0516f28 | Limiting car usage is a discrase. Why stop making cars when thats what we need the most in this world, with out a car we cant go no where. What they should do is cut down the price to a lower price cause not everyone in this world is a multi millioner. For example on paragraph 12 it says almost 4,000 drivers were fine,according to Reuters ... Twenty seven people had their cars imounded for their reactions to the fine, thats just crazy how they take cars away from people just because of their actions against the fine.
Thats easier to imagine than a car-free Champs Elysees. Congestion was down 60% in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog. Diesel fuel was blamed, sinced Franced has. . . a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up to 67% of vehicles in france, compared to a 53.3% average of diesel engnes in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters.
Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals... Last week Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found.
The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday.
In a program thats set to spraed to other countries millions of Colombians hiked,biked skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffics.
It was the third year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permmitted for the Day with out cars in the capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Vialators faced $25 fines. | 1 |
05182bf | Unmasking the Face on Mars. If I were to be a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks the face was created by aliens. I would prove them wrong, because there are many objects that have some sort of illusion in them. This story tells how the Face is just a simple landform which I believe it is. It's a natural landform because when astronauts were circling around the planet they found it to be a simple landform. Seeing new things that look just like human things can just be an illusion to our eyes, for example the red planet could have had the "Face" carved into it.
I think that there are objects that can always fool our minds especially planets. There are certain planets that give us many illusions and we just want to go and figure out why they make us have such an illusion towards nonimportant things. The image of the Face that was spotted in Mars first appeared on a JPL web site, which means that the image was first taken by NASA. I believe that aliens do not exsist still and there could have been no way that the Face was created by one of them. Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to ever be on the moon and when he came back from the moon he left his steps on the moon. The Face could have been created by someone who has visited Mars (Red Planet) even though the planet almost is the same temperature as the sun they could have taken a pocket knife and began to crave in a human face.
The Face was spotted on Mars, but the certain place that it was spotted was a lava dome, what is a lava dome you may ask?. Well, a lava dome is a place that is isolated from a mesa and can be up the same height as the Face on Mars. There are still some scientist that believe that the Face was someting that aliens created when it could've been a person or even people that wanted to leave a trace left behind. Maybe they left a trace left behind because there probably wasn't anybody who has been there before.
The Face was spotted by NASA and when NASA spotted the face they made sure to zoom in on what looked like Face. I believe that the Face was carved or traced behind due to a human being there, even though they say aliens live in Mars there could be no way that a alien did a cetain thing. Aliens could not have been the ones who left the illusion of a Face because some studies show that aliens were not exsisting at that time. The story also does not state anything towards aliens being on a certain planet especially Mars.
In conclusion, I believe that things you leave on a planet can not always be something a alien did or has done. Our mind has such a great technique to play with our minds, especially if we see things from above like the Face was seen from above. I do believe the Face was just a natural landform. I believe it was just a natural landform because there are some things on planets that have such and illusion into them. | 4 |
Subsets and Splits