Renaming Model Pretergeek/OpenChat-3.5-0106_8.11B-36Layers-Last to Pretergeek/OpenChat-3.5-0106_8.11B_36Layers-Appended
This is a pull request aiming to rename the model Pretergeek/OpenChat-3.5-0106_8.11B-36Layers-Last to Pretergeek/OpenChat-3.5-0106_8.11B_36Layers-Appended. All related pull requests to rename this model can be found below.
Hi @Pretergeek !
Could you please open a PR in details here to rename your model accordingly? This logic applies to all your models that you want to rename
Hello @alozowski !
Sorry about the delay, I have been busy with pre-op for a surgery. I know it is the second time I ask for that models result to be renamed, apologies for that. Took me a while to settle on a naming convention.
Thank you for pointing me the way. I guess then I can make the changes myself to every file and just submit for approval?
Hi @Pretergeek ,
No worries at all. I hope everything goes well with your surgery and that you have a quick recovery!
Yes, you can open a PR for each model you want to rename in the Details for each model. I’ll review everything, including tasks like renaming folders that you won’t be able to change in the Details. Once I’ve checked everything, I’ll merge the requests along with the corresponding results and details PRs, and ping you to check the renaming on the Leaderboard
Renamed manually the request file to Pretergeek/OpenChat-3.5-0106_8.11B_36Layers-Appended
, close the PR