13 values
import unittest from django.test import TestCase from candidates.tests.test_create_person import mock_create_person from .models import CachedCount class CachedCountTechCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): initial_counts = ( { 'count_type': 'constituency', 'name': 'Dulwich and West Norwood', 'count': 10, 'object_id': '65808' }, { 'count_type': 'party', 'name': 'Labour', 'count': 0, 'object_id': 'party:53' }, ) for count in initial_counts: CachedCount(**count).save() def test_object_urls(self): for count in CachedCount.objects.filter(count_type='constituency'): self.assertTrue(count.object_url) def test_increment_count(self): self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='party:53').count, 0) self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='65808').count, 10) mock_create_person() self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='65808').count, 11) self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='party:53').count, 1)
import unittest from django.test import TestCase from candidates.tests.test_create_person import mock_create_person from .models import CachedCount def create_initial_counts(extra=()): initial_counts = ( { 'count_type': 'constituency', 'name': 'Dulwich and West Norwood', 'count': 10, 'object_id': '65808' }, { 'count_type': 'party', 'name': 'Labour', 'count': 0, 'object_id': 'party:53' }, ) initial_counts = initial_counts + extra for count in initial_counts: CachedCount(**count).save() class CachedCountTechCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): create_initial_counts() def test_object_urls(self): for count in CachedCount.objects.filter(count_type='constituency'): self.assertTrue(count.object_url) def test_increment_count(self): self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='party:53').count, 0) self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='65808').count, 10) mock_create_person() self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='65808').count, 11) self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='party:53').count, 1)
Create initial counts outside the test class
Create initial counts outside the test class
## Code Before: import unittest from django.test import TestCase from candidates.tests.test_create_person import mock_create_person from .models import CachedCount class CachedCountTechCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): initial_counts = ( { 'count_type': 'constituency', 'name': 'Dulwich and West Norwood', 'count': 10, 'object_id': '65808' }, { 'count_type': 'party', 'name': 'Labour', 'count': 0, 'object_id': 'party:53' }, ) for count in initial_counts: CachedCount(**count).save() def test_object_urls(self): for count in CachedCount.objects.filter(count_type='constituency'): self.assertTrue(count.object_url) def test_increment_count(self): self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='party:53').count, 0) self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='65808').count, 10) mock_create_person() self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='65808').count, 11) self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='party:53').count, 1) ## Instruction: Create initial counts outside the test class ## Code After: import unittest from django.test import TestCase from candidates.tests.test_create_person import mock_create_person from .models import CachedCount def create_initial_counts(extra=()): initial_counts = ( { 'count_type': 'constituency', 'name': 'Dulwich and West Norwood', 'count': 10, 'object_id': '65808' }, { 'count_type': 'party', 'name': 'Labour', 'count': 0, 'object_id': 'party:53' }, ) initial_counts = initial_counts + extra for count in initial_counts: CachedCount(**count).save() class CachedCountTechCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): create_initial_counts() def test_object_urls(self): for count in CachedCount.objects.filter(count_type='constituency'): self.assertTrue(count.object_url) def test_increment_count(self): self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='party:53').count, 0) self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='65808').count, 10) mock_create_person() self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='65808').count, 11) self.assertEqual(CachedCount.objects.get(object_id='party:53').count, 1)
A simple project to grab images from google images search ## What does it do? Get images from _google images search_. ## Why? To use context related images during development. ## Some similar services * [Lorem Pixel]( * [Place Hold It]( * [Place Hold]( * [Place Kitten](
A simple project to grab images from google images search ## What does it do? Get images from _google images search_. ## Why? To use context related images. ## How to use? ### Implement a PageFetcher This page fetcher is a simple interface to **fetch pages**. The idea is to not embed this lib a HTTP client, so you can use any http client to do the job. The interface just have a single method `fetchPage`, receiving a url and return the page as a String. **Sample implementation using OkHttp** ```java public static class OkHttpPageFetcher implements PageFetcher { @Override public String fetchPage(String url) { OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url(url) .get() // Try to keep this reader, may google change the result depending on User-Agent .addHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36") .build(); try { Response response = client.newCall(request).execute(); return response.body().string(); } catch (IOException e) { return ""; } } } ``` ### Using the ImagesApi The main class is the `ImagesApi`, with it you will be able to use this lib. It have just one method `queryBuilder`, with it you create your query to *google image search engine*. **Sample usage** ```java // Build your query QueryList<String> result = ImagesApi.queryBuilder(new OkHttpPageFetcher()) .size(800, 600) // wanted image size .query("emo girl") // text to search .listImagesUrls(); // execute the search, returns list of URLs ``` The code above returns a custom list implementation, it just adds two new methods to provide a fluent interface. With it you can access the first item or a random item on the list. ```java result.first() // will return the first url result.random() // will return a random url ``` ## Some similar services This app was inspired by these services, but they search on their database. Sometimes they doesn't have images for wanted context. * [Lorem Pixel]( * [Place Hold It]( * [Place Hold Jp]( * [Place Kitten]( ## Especial Thanks * Google Images
Update readme to provide usefull information
Update readme to provide usefull information
## Code Before: A simple project to grab images from google images search ## What does it do? Get images from _google images search_. ## Why? To use context related images during development. ## Some similar services * [Lorem Pixel]( * [Place Hold It]( * [Place Hold]( * [Place Kitten]( ## Instruction: Update readme to provide usefull information ## Code After: A simple project to grab images from google images search ## What does it do? Get images from _google images search_. ## Why? To use context related images. ## How to use? ### Implement a PageFetcher This page fetcher is a simple interface to **fetch pages**. The idea is to not embed this lib a HTTP client, so you can use any http client to do the job. The interface just have a single method `fetchPage`, receiving a url and return the page as a String. **Sample implementation using OkHttp** ```java public static class OkHttpPageFetcher implements PageFetcher { @Override public String fetchPage(String url) { OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url(url) .get() // Try to keep this reader, may google change the result depending on User-Agent .addHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36") .build(); try { Response response = client.newCall(request).execute(); return response.body().string(); } catch (IOException e) { return ""; } } } ``` ### Using the ImagesApi The main class is the `ImagesApi`, with it you will be able to use this lib. It have just one method `queryBuilder`, with it you create your query to *google image search engine*. **Sample usage** ```java // Build your query QueryList<String> result = ImagesApi.queryBuilder(new OkHttpPageFetcher()) .size(800, 600) // wanted image size .query("emo girl") // text to search .listImagesUrls(); // execute the search, returns list of URLs ``` The code above returns a custom list implementation, it just adds two new methods to provide a fluent interface. With it you can access the first item or a random item on the list. ```java result.first() // will return the first url result.random() // will return a random url ``` ## Some similar services This app was inspired by these services, but they search on their database. Sometimes they doesn't have images for wanted context. * [Lorem Pixel]( * [Place Hold It]( * [Place Hold Jp]( * [Place Kitten]( ## Especial Thanks * Google Images
<?php class EloquentBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder { /** * Eager load pivot relations. * * @param array $models * @return void */ protected function loadPivotRelations($models) { $query = head($models)->pivot->newQuery()->with('unit'); $pivots = array_pluck($models, 'pivot'); $pivots = head($pivots)->newCollection($pivots); $pivots->load($this->getPivotRelations()); } /** * Get the pivot relations to be eager loaded. * * @return array */ protected function getPivotRelations() { $relations = array_filter(array_keys($this->eagerLoad), function ($relation) { return $relation != 'pivot'; }); return array_map(function ($relation) { return substr($relation, strlen('pivot.')); }, $relations); } /** * Override. Eager load relations of pivot models. * Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models. * * @param array $models * @param string $name * @param \Closure $constraints * @return array */ protected function loadRelation(array $models, $name, Closure $constraints) { // In this part, if the relation name is 'pivot', // therefore there are relations in a pivot to be eager loaded. if ($name === 'pivot') { $this->loadPivotRelations($models); return $models; } return parent::loadRelation($models, $name, $constraints); } }
<?php class EloquentBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder { /** * Eager load pivot relations. * * @param array $models * @return void */ protected function loadPivotRelations($models) { $query = head($models)->pivot->newQuery()->with('unit'); $pivots = array_pluck($models, 'pivot'); $pivots = head($pivots)->newCollection($pivots); $pivots->load($this->getPivotRelations()); } /** * Get the pivot relations to be eager loaded. * * @return array */ protected function getPivotRelations() { $relations = array_filter(array_keys($this->eagerLoad), function ($relation) { return $relation != 'pivot' && str_contains($relation, 'pivot'); }); return array_map(function ($relation) { return substr($relation, strlen('pivot.')); }, $relations); } /** * Override. Eager load relations of pivot models. * Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models. * * @param array $models * @param string $name * @param \Closure $constraints * @return array */ protected function loadRelation(array $models, $name, Closure $constraints) { // In this part, if the relation name is 'pivot', // therefore there are relations in a pivot to be eager loaded. if ($name === 'pivot') { $this->loadPivotRelations($models); return $models; } return parent::loadRelation($models, $name, $constraints); } }
Fix condition, make sure not to include non-pivot relations
Fix condition, make sure not to include non-pivot relations
## Code Before: <?php class EloquentBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder { /** * Eager load pivot relations. * * @param array $models * @return void */ protected function loadPivotRelations($models) { $query = head($models)->pivot->newQuery()->with('unit'); $pivots = array_pluck($models, 'pivot'); $pivots = head($pivots)->newCollection($pivots); $pivots->load($this->getPivotRelations()); } /** * Get the pivot relations to be eager loaded. * * @return array */ protected function getPivotRelations() { $relations = array_filter(array_keys($this->eagerLoad), function ($relation) { return $relation != 'pivot'; }); return array_map(function ($relation) { return substr($relation, strlen('pivot.')); }, $relations); } /** * Override. Eager load relations of pivot models. * Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models. * * @param array $models * @param string $name * @param \Closure $constraints * @return array */ protected function loadRelation(array $models, $name, Closure $constraints) { // In this part, if the relation name is 'pivot', // therefore there are relations in a pivot to be eager loaded. if ($name === 'pivot') { $this->loadPivotRelations($models); return $models; } return parent::loadRelation($models, $name, $constraints); } } ## Instruction: Fix condition, make sure not to include non-pivot relations ## Code After: <?php class EloquentBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder { /** * Eager load pivot relations. * * @param array $models * @return void */ protected function loadPivotRelations($models) { $query = head($models)->pivot->newQuery()->with('unit'); $pivots = array_pluck($models, 'pivot'); $pivots = head($pivots)->newCollection($pivots); $pivots->load($this->getPivotRelations()); } /** * Get the pivot relations to be eager loaded. * * @return array */ protected function getPivotRelations() { $relations = array_filter(array_keys($this->eagerLoad), function ($relation) { return $relation != 'pivot' && str_contains($relation, 'pivot'); }); return array_map(function ($relation) { return substr($relation, strlen('pivot.')); }, $relations); } /** * Override. Eager load relations of pivot models. * Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models. * * @param array $models * @param string $name * @param \Closure $constraints * @return array */ protected function loadRelation(array $models, $name, Closure $constraints) { // In this part, if the relation name is 'pivot', // therefore there are relations in a pivot to be eager loaded. if ($name === 'pivot') { $this->loadPivotRelations($models); return $models; } return parent::loadRelation($models, $name, $constraints); } }
<?php namespace GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Repositories; use GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Contracts\Repositories\RepositoryFactory as RepositoryFactoryContract; class RepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactoryContract { /** * Mapping keys to repositories. Takes precidence over the dynamic resolution. * * @var array */ protected $overrides = []; /** * Create new instance of RepositoryFactory. * * @param array $overrides * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $overrides = []) { $this->overrides = $overrides; } /** * Get repository for the corresponding model. * If $key is null return instance of the factory. * * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null) { if (!empty($key)) { $class = null; if (array_has($this->overrides, $key)) { $class = array_get($this->overrides, $key); } else { $class = $this->build($key); } return resolve($class); } return $this; } /** * Build the path of the Repository class. * * @param string $key * * @return string */ protected function build($key) { return app()->getNamespace() . $this->laravel['config']['les.repository_namespace'] . '\\' . studly_case(str_singular($key)) . 'Repository'; } }
<?php namespace GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Repositories; use GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Contracts\Repositories\RepositoryFactory as RepositoryFactoryContract; class RepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactoryContract { /** * Mapping keys to repositories. Takes precidence over the dynamic resolution. * * @var array */ protected $overrides = []; /** * Create new instance of RepositoryFactory. * * @param array $overrides * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $overrides = []) { $this->overrides = $overrides; } /** * Get repository for the corresponding model. * If $key is null return instance of the factory. * * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null) { if (!empty($key)) { $class = null; if (array_has($this->overrides, $key)) { $class = array_get($this->overrides, $key); } else { $class = $this->build($key); } return resolve($class); } return $this; } /** * Build the path of the Repository class. * * @param string $key * * @return string */ protected function build($key) { return app()->getNamespace() . config('les.repository_namespace') . '\\' . studly_case(str_singular($key)) . 'Repository'; } }
Call to config helper function instead of an instance of the container
Call to config helper function instead of an instance of the container
## Code Before: <?php namespace GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Repositories; use GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Contracts\Repositories\RepositoryFactory as RepositoryFactoryContract; class RepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactoryContract { /** * Mapping keys to repositories. Takes precidence over the dynamic resolution. * * @var array */ protected $overrides = []; /** * Create new instance of RepositoryFactory. * * @param array $overrides * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $overrides = []) { $this->overrides = $overrides; } /** * Get repository for the corresponding model. * If $key is null return instance of the factory. * * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null) { if (!empty($key)) { $class = null; if (array_has($this->overrides, $key)) { $class = array_get($this->overrides, $key); } else { $class = $this->build($key); } return resolve($class); } return $this; } /** * Build the path of the Repository class. * * @param string $key * * @return string */ protected function build($key) { return app()->getNamespace() . $this->laravel['config']['les.repository_namespace'] . '\\' . studly_case(str_singular($key)) . 'Repository'; } } ## Instruction: Call to config helper function instead of an instance of the container ## Code After: <?php namespace GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Repositories; use GearHub\LaravelEnhancementSuite\Contracts\Repositories\RepositoryFactory as RepositoryFactoryContract; class RepositoryFactory implements RepositoryFactoryContract { /** * Mapping keys to repositories. Takes precidence over the dynamic resolution. * * @var array */ protected $overrides = []; /** * Create new instance of RepositoryFactory. * * @param array $overrides * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $overrides = []) { $this->overrides = $overrides; } /** * Get repository for the corresponding model. * If $key is null return instance of the factory. * * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null) { if (!empty($key)) { $class = null; if (array_has($this->overrides, $key)) { $class = array_get($this->overrides, $key); } else { $class = $this->build($key); } return resolve($class); } return $this; } /** * Build the path of the Repository class. * * @param string $key * * @return string */ protected function build($key) { return app()->getNamespace() . config('les.repository_namespace') . '\\' . studly_case(str_singular($key)) . 'Repository'; } }
// go.components.views // =================== // Generic, re-usable views for Go (function(exports) { var utils = go.utils, functor = utils.functor; // View for a label which can be attached to an element. // // Options: // - text: A string or a function returning a string containing the text to // be displayed by the label // - of: The element this label should be attached to // - my: The my on the label to align with the of // - at: The my on the of to align the label against var LabelView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'span', className: 'label', initialize: function(options) { this.$of = $(options.of); this.text = functor(options.text); =; =; }, render: function() { // Append the label to the of element so it can follow the of // around (in the case of moving or draggable ofs) this.$of.append(this.$el); this.$el .text(this.text()) .position({ of: this.$of, my:, at: }) .css('position', 'absolute') .css('pointer-events', 'none'); } }); _.extend(exports, { LabelView: LabelView }); })(go.components.views = {});
// go.components.views // =================== // Generic, re-usable views for Go (function(exports) { var utils = go.utils, functor = utils.functor; // View for a label which can be attached to an element. // // Options: // - text: A string or a function returning a string containing the text to // be displayed by the label // - of: The target element this label should be attached to // - my: The point on the label to align with the of // - at: The point on the target element to align the label against var LabelView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'span', className: 'label', initialize: function(options) { this.$of = $(options.of); this.text = functor(options.text); =; =; }, render: function() { // Append the label to the of element so it can follow the of // around (in the case of moving or draggable ofs) this.$of.append(this.$el); this.$el .text(this.text()) .position({ of: this.$of, my:, at: }) .css('position', 'absolute') .css('pointer-events', 'none'); } }); _.extend(exports, { LabelView: LabelView }); })(go.components.views = {});
Fix bad comments for LabelView
Fix bad comments for LabelView
## Code Before: // go.components.views // =================== // Generic, re-usable views for Go (function(exports) { var utils = go.utils, functor = utils.functor; // View for a label which can be attached to an element. // // Options: // - text: A string or a function returning a string containing the text to // be displayed by the label // - of: The element this label should be attached to // - my: The my on the label to align with the of // - at: The my on the of to align the label against var LabelView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'span', className: 'label', initialize: function(options) { this.$of = $(options.of); this.text = functor(options.text); =; =; }, render: function() { // Append the label to the of element so it can follow the of // around (in the case of moving or draggable ofs) this.$of.append(this.$el); this.$el .text(this.text()) .position({ of: this.$of, my:, at: }) .css('position', 'absolute') .css('pointer-events', 'none'); } }); _.extend(exports, { LabelView: LabelView }); })(go.components.views = {}); ## Instruction: Fix bad comments for LabelView ## Code After: // go.components.views // =================== // Generic, re-usable views for Go (function(exports) { var utils = go.utils, functor = utils.functor; // View for a label which can be attached to an element. // // Options: // - text: A string or a function returning a string containing the text to // be displayed by the label // - of: The target element this label should be attached to // - my: The point on the label to align with the of // - at: The point on the target element to align the label against var LabelView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'span', className: 'label', initialize: function(options) { this.$of = $(options.of); this.text = functor(options.text); =; =; }, render: function() { // Append the label to the of element so it can follow the of // around (in the case of moving or draggable ofs) this.$of.append(this.$el); this.$el .text(this.text()) .position({ of: this.$of, my:, at: }) .css('position', 'absolute') .css('pointer-events', 'none'); } }); _.extend(exports, { LabelView: LabelView }); })(go.components.views = {});
set -e SCRIPTSDIRREL=$(dirname $0) cd $SCRIPTSDIRREL if [ -e .git ] then echo "This scripts directory was checked out from Git so I won't update it." echo "If you want it updated from a tarball anyway, please delete .git first." exit 1 fi wget -O scripts.tar.gz tar --strip-components=1 -z -x -v -f scripts.tar.gz rm scripts.tar.gz
set -e SCRIPTSDIRREL=$(dirname $0) cd $SCRIPTSDIRREL if [ -e .git ] then echo "This scripts directory was checked out from Git so I won't update it." echo "If you want it updated from a tarball anyway, please delete .git first." exit 1 fi wget --no-check-certificate -O scripts.tar.gz tar --strip-components=1 -z -x -v -f scripts.tar.gz rm scripts.tar.gz
Fix GitHub tarball update wget bug.
Fix GitHub tarball update wget bug.
## Code Before: set -e SCRIPTSDIRREL=$(dirname $0) cd $SCRIPTSDIRREL if [ -e .git ] then echo "This scripts directory was checked out from Git so I won't update it." echo "If you want it updated from a tarball anyway, please delete .git first." exit 1 fi wget -O scripts.tar.gz tar --strip-components=1 -z -x -v -f scripts.tar.gz rm scripts.tar.gz ## Instruction: Fix GitHub tarball update wget bug. ## Code After: set -e SCRIPTSDIRREL=$(dirname $0) cd $SCRIPTSDIRREL if [ -e .git ] then echo "This scripts directory was checked out from Git so I won't update it." echo "If you want it updated from a tarball anyway, please delete .git first." exit 1 fi wget --no-check-certificate -O scripts.tar.gz tar --strip-components=1 -z -x -v -f scripts.tar.gz rm scripts.tar.gz
[ { "element": [ "base", "dib-run-parts" ], "hook": [ "root", "pre-install" ], "blacklist": [ "01-ccache" ] }, { "element": [ "base", "undercloud-install", "fedora", "boot-stack", "nova-baremetal", "os-collect-config", "neutron-dhcp-agent", "undercloud-stack-config", "selinux-permissive", "fedora-updates-testing-repository", "qpidd", "tuskar-config", "keystone-1289935" ], "hook": [ "extra-data", "pre-install", "install", "post-install" ], "exclude-element": [ "dkms", "rabbitmq-server" ], "blacklist": [ "10-cloud-init", "50-store-build-settings", "99-dkms", "99-up-to-date", "01-yum-keepcache", "15-remove-grub", "51-ironicclient", "05-fstab-rootfs-label", "15-fedora-remove-grub", "51-ironicclient", "05-fstab-rootfs-label" ] } ]
[ { "element": [ "base", "dib-run-parts" ], "hook": [ "root", "pre-install" ], "blacklist": [ "01-ccache" ] }, { "element": [ "base", "undercloud-install", "fedora", "boot-stack", "nova-baremetal", "os-collect-config", "neutron-dhcp-agent", "undercloud-stack-config", "selinux-permissive", "fedora-updates-testing-repository", "qpidd", "tuskar-config", "keystone-1289935" ], "hook": [ "extra-data", "pre-install", "install", "post-install" ], "exclude-element": [ "dkms", "rabbitmq-server", "source-repositories" ], "blacklist": [ "10-cloud-init", "50-store-build-settings", "99-dkms", "99-up-to-date", "01-yum-keepcache", "15-remove-grub", "51-ironicclient", "05-fstab-rootfs-label", "15-fedora-remove-grub", "51-ironicclient", "05-fstab-rootfs-label", "02-lsb" ] } ]
Exclude source-repositories and backlist the lsb hook script
Exclude source-repositories and backlist the lsb hook script
## Code Before: [ { "element": [ "base", "dib-run-parts" ], "hook": [ "root", "pre-install" ], "blacklist": [ "01-ccache" ] }, { "element": [ "base", "undercloud-install", "fedora", "boot-stack", "nova-baremetal", "os-collect-config", "neutron-dhcp-agent", "undercloud-stack-config", "selinux-permissive", "fedora-updates-testing-repository", "qpidd", "tuskar-config", "keystone-1289935" ], "hook": [ "extra-data", "pre-install", "install", "post-install" ], "exclude-element": [ "dkms", "rabbitmq-server" ], "blacklist": [ "10-cloud-init", "50-store-build-settings", "99-dkms", "99-up-to-date", "01-yum-keepcache", "15-remove-grub", "51-ironicclient", "05-fstab-rootfs-label", "15-fedora-remove-grub", "51-ironicclient", "05-fstab-rootfs-label" ] } ] ## Instruction: Exclude source-repositories and backlist the lsb hook script ## Code After: [ { "element": [ "base", "dib-run-parts" ], "hook": [ "root", "pre-install" ], "blacklist": [ "01-ccache" ] }, { "element": [ "base", "undercloud-install", "fedora", "boot-stack", "nova-baremetal", "os-collect-config", "neutron-dhcp-agent", "undercloud-stack-config", "selinux-permissive", "fedora-updates-testing-repository", "qpidd", "tuskar-config", "keystone-1289935" ], "hook": [ "extra-data", "pre-install", "install", "post-install" ], "exclude-element": [ "dkms", "rabbitmq-server", "source-repositories" ], "blacklist": [ "10-cloud-init", "50-store-build-settings", "99-dkms", "99-up-to-date", "01-yum-keepcache", "15-remove-grub", "51-ironicclient", "05-fstab-rootfs-label", "15-fedora-remove-grub", "51-ironicclient", "05-fstab-rootfs-label", "02-lsb" ] } ]
<ul class="thumbnails"> <% @src_images.each do |si| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= render :partial => si %> </div> </li> <% end %> </ul> <ul class="thumbnails"> <% @gend_images.each do |gi| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= render :partial => gi %> </div> </li> <% end %> </ul>
<p> <%= link_to 'new source image', :controller => :src_images, :action => :new %> </p> <ul class="thumbnails"> <% @src_images.each do |si| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= render :partial => si %> </div> </li> <% end %> </ul> <ul class="thumbnails"> <% @gend_images.each do |gi| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= render :partial => gi %> </div> </li> <% end %> </ul>
Add temporary new source image link.
Add temporary new source image link.
## Code Before: <ul class="thumbnails"> <% @src_images.each do |si| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= render :partial => si %> </div> </li> <% end %> </ul> <ul class="thumbnails"> <% @gend_images.each do |gi| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= render :partial => gi %> </div> </li> <% end %> </ul> ## Instruction: Add temporary new source image link. ## Code After: <p> <%= link_to 'new source image', :controller => :src_images, :action => :new %> </p> <ul class="thumbnails"> <% @src_images.each do |si| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= render :partial => si %> </div> </li> <% end %> </ul> <ul class="thumbnails"> <% @gend_images.each do |gi| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= render :partial => gi %> </div> </li> <% end %> </ul>
SOURCES += ../common/declarativewebutils.cpp HEADERS += ../common/declarativewebutils.h PKGCONFIG += qt5embedwidget
SOURCES += ../common/declarativewebutils.cpp HEADERS += ../common/declarativewebutils.h isEmpty(QTEMBED_LIB) { PKGCONFIG += qt5embedwidget } else { LIBS+=$$QTEMBED_LIB }
Fix builds error when using ./ script.
[sailfish-browser] Fix builds error when using ./ script. In case the browser is build using from xulrunnre-packaging don't rely on pkgconfig for finding qtmozembed.
## Code Before: SOURCES += ../common/declarativewebutils.cpp HEADERS += ../common/declarativewebutils.h PKGCONFIG += qt5embedwidget ## Instruction: [sailfish-browser] Fix builds error when using ./ script. In case the browser is build using from xulrunnre-packaging don't rely on pkgconfig for finding qtmozembed. ## Code After: SOURCES += ../common/declarativewebutils.cpp HEADERS += ../common/declarativewebutils.h isEmpty(QTEMBED_LIB) { PKGCONFIG += qt5embedwidget } else { LIBS+=$$QTEMBED_LIB }
define ["./console"], (console) -> # Temporary, until we rework the client-side input validation. T5.initializers.validate = -> # Exports a single function that finds an initializer in `T5.initializers` and invokes it. (initName, args...) -> fn = T5.initializers[initName] if not fn console.error "Initialization function '#{initName}' not found in T5.initializers namespace." else fn.apply null, args
define ["./console"], (console) -> # Exports a single function that finds an initializer in `T5.initializers` and invokes it. (initName, args...) -> fn = T5.initializers[initName] if not fn console.error "Initialization function '#{initName}' not found in T5.initializers namespace." else fn.apply null, args
Remove a temporary kludge that is no longer needed
Remove a temporary kludge that is no longer needed
## Code Before: define ["./console"], (console) -> # Temporary, until we rework the client-side input validation. T5.initializers.validate = -> # Exports a single function that finds an initializer in `T5.initializers` and invokes it. (initName, args...) -> fn = T5.initializers[initName] if not fn console.error "Initialization function '#{initName}' not found in T5.initializers namespace." else fn.apply null, args ## Instruction: Remove a temporary kludge that is no longer needed ## Code After: define ["./console"], (console) -> # Exports a single function that finds an initializer in `T5.initializers` and invokes it. (initName, args...) -> fn = T5.initializers[initName] if not fn console.error "Initialization function '#{initName}' not found in T5.initializers namespace." else fn.apply null, args
'use strict'; function Entry(relativePath, basePath, mode, size, mtime) { this.mode = mode; this.relativePath = relativePath; this.basePath = basePath; this.size = size; this.mtime = mtime; this.linkDir = false; } Entry.prototype.isDirectory = function isDirectory() { return (this.mode & 61440) === 16384; }; module.exports = Entry;
'use strict'; class Entry { constructor(relativePath, basePath, mode, size, mtime) { this.mode = mode; this.relativePath = relativePath; this.basePath = basePath; this.size = size; this.mtime = mtime; this.linkDir = false; } isDirectory() { return (this.mode & 61440) === 16384; } } module.exports = Entry;
Use ES6 class for Entry
Use ES6 class for Entry
## Code Before: 'use strict'; function Entry(relativePath, basePath, mode, size, mtime) { this.mode = mode; this.relativePath = relativePath; this.basePath = basePath; this.size = size; this.mtime = mtime; this.linkDir = false; } Entry.prototype.isDirectory = function isDirectory() { return (this.mode & 61440) === 16384; }; module.exports = Entry; ## Instruction: Use ES6 class for Entry ## Code After: 'use strict'; class Entry { constructor(relativePath, basePath, mode, size, mtime) { this.mode = mode; this.relativePath = relativePath; this.basePath = basePath; this.size = size; this.mtime = mtime; this.linkDir = false; } isDirectory() { return (this.mode & 61440) === 16384; } } module.exports = Entry;
'use strict'; /* * Core routing. */ module.exports = function(app) { var core = require('../controllers/core.server.controller'); // Define HTTP error pages. app.route('/403-forbidden').get(core.sendForbidden); app.route('/404-page-not-found').get(core.sendPageNotFound); app.route('/500-server-error').get(core.sendServerError); // Return page not found error for all undefined api, module or lib routes. app.route('/:url(api|modules|lib)/*').get(core.sendPageNotFound); // Define application route. app.route('/*').get(core.renderIndex); };
'use strict'; /* * Core routing. */ module.exports = function(app) { var core = require('../controllers/core.server.controller'); // Define HTTP error pages. (This will not work if user were to directly type in express route in the url.) app.route('/403-forbidden').get(core.sendForbidden); app.route('/404-page-not-found').get(core.sendPageNotFound); app.route('/500-server-error').get(core.sendServerError); // Return page not found error for all undefined api, module or lib routes. app.route('/:url(api|modules|lib)/*').get(core.sendPageNotFound); // Define application route. app.route('/*').get(core.renderIndex); };
Update comment to remind about existing bug.
Update comment to remind about existing bug.
## Code Before: 'use strict'; /* * Core routing. */ module.exports = function(app) { var core = require('../controllers/core.server.controller'); // Define HTTP error pages. app.route('/403-forbidden').get(core.sendForbidden); app.route('/404-page-not-found').get(core.sendPageNotFound); app.route('/500-server-error').get(core.sendServerError); // Return page not found error for all undefined api, module or lib routes. app.route('/:url(api|modules|lib)/*').get(core.sendPageNotFound); // Define application route. app.route('/*').get(core.renderIndex); }; ## Instruction: Update comment to remind about existing bug. ## Code After: 'use strict'; /* * Core routing. */ module.exports = function(app) { var core = require('../controllers/core.server.controller'); // Define HTTP error pages. (This will not work if user were to directly type in express route in the url.) app.route('/403-forbidden').get(core.sendForbidden); app.route('/404-page-not-found').get(core.sendPageNotFound); app.route('/500-server-error').get(core.sendServerError); // Return page not found error for all undefined api, module or lib routes. app.route('/:url(api|modules|lib)/*').get(core.sendPageNotFound); // Define application route. app.route('/*').get(core.renderIndex); };
Single Version Documentation ---------------------------- Single Version Documentation lets you serve your docs at a root domain. By default, all documentation served by Read the Docs has a root of ``/<language>/<version>/``. But, if you enable the "Single Version" option for a project, its documentation will instead be served at ``/``. .. warning:: This means you can't have translations or multiple versions for your documentation. Enabling -------- You can toggle the "Single Version" option on or off for your project in the Project Admin page. Check your `dashboard`_ for a list of your projects. Effects ------- Links generated on Read the Docs will now point to the proper URL. For example, if pip was set as a "Single Version" project, then links to its documentation would point to ```` rather than the default ````. Documentation at ``/<language>/<default_version>/`` will still be served for backwards compatability reasons. However, our usage of :doc:`canonical` should stop these from being indexed by Google. .. _dashboard:
Single Version Documentation ---------------------------- Single Version Documentation lets you serve your docs at a root domain. By default, all documentation served by Read the Docs has a root of ``/<language>/<version>/``. But, if you enable the "Single Version" option for a project, its documentation will instead be served at ``/``. .. warning:: This means you can't have translations or multiple versions for your documentation. You can see an example of this at Enabling -------- You can toggle the "Single Version" option on or off for your project in the Project Admin page. Check your `dashboard`_ for a list of your projects. Effects ------- Links generated on Read the Docs will now point to the proper URL. For example, if pip was set as a "Single Version" project, then links to its documentation would point to ```` rather than the default ````. Documentation at ``/<language>/<default_version>/`` will still be served for backwards compatability reasons. However, our usage of :doc:`canonical` should stop these from being indexed by Google. .. _dashboard:
Add contribution guide as an example
Add contribution guide as an example
## Code Before: Single Version Documentation ---------------------------- Single Version Documentation lets you serve your docs at a root domain. By default, all documentation served by Read the Docs has a root of ``/<language>/<version>/``. But, if you enable the "Single Version" option for a project, its documentation will instead be served at ``/``. .. warning:: This means you can't have translations or multiple versions for your documentation. Enabling -------- You can toggle the "Single Version" option on or off for your project in the Project Admin page. Check your `dashboard`_ for a list of your projects. Effects ------- Links generated on Read the Docs will now point to the proper URL. For example, if pip was set as a "Single Version" project, then links to its documentation would point to ```` rather than the default ````. Documentation at ``/<language>/<default_version>/`` will still be served for backwards compatability reasons. However, our usage of :doc:`canonical` should stop these from being indexed by Google. .. _dashboard: ## Instruction: Add contribution guide as an example ## Code After: Single Version Documentation ---------------------------- Single Version Documentation lets you serve your docs at a root domain. By default, all documentation served by Read the Docs has a root of ``/<language>/<version>/``. But, if you enable the "Single Version" option for a project, its documentation will instead be served at ``/``. .. warning:: This means you can't have translations or multiple versions for your documentation. You can see an example of this at Enabling -------- You can toggle the "Single Version" option on or off for your project in the Project Admin page. Check your `dashboard`_ for a list of your projects. Effects ------- Links generated on Read the Docs will now point to the proper URL. For example, if pip was set as a "Single Version" project, then links to its documentation would point to ```` rather than the default ````. Documentation at ``/<language>/<default_version>/`` will still be served for backwards compatability reasons. However, our usage of :doc:`canonical` should stop these from being indexed by Google. .. _dashboard:
--- - type: replace path: /instance_groups/name=prometheus2/jobs/name=prometheus2/properties/prometheus/custom_rules?/- value: name: EC2CPUCreditsLow rules: - alert: EC2CPUCreditsLow expr: avg_over_time(aws_ec2_cpucredit_balance_minimum[30m]) <= 20 labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "EC2 CPU credits are low on {{ $labels.tag_Name }}" description: "Instance {{ $labels.tag_Name }} has only {{ $value | printf \"%.0f\" }} CPU credits left and may perform badly." url: ""
--- - type: replace path: /instance_groups/name=prometheus2/jobs/name=prometheus2/properties/prometheus/custom_rules?/- value: name: EC2CPUCreditsLow rules: - alert: EC2CPUCreditsLow expr: avg_over_time(aws_ec2_cpucredit_balance_minimum[30m]) <= 6 for: 2h labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "EC2 CPU credits are low or they have not been accruing on {{ $labels.tag_Name }}" url: "" description: "Instance {{ $labels.tag_Name }} has only {{ $value | printf \"%.0f\" }} CPU credits left and may perform badly. T3 instances do not have launch credits, therefore they have 0 credits at launch. If they have not earned any credits after 2 hours (i.e. 6 or fewer credits) then there may be a problem."
Update cpu credits alert to not be noisy for t3
Update cpu credits alert to not be noisy for t3 T3 instances do not have launch credits, unlike T2 instances. This means that this alert would fire as soon as the instances were launched. Signed-off-by: Toby Lorne <>
## Code Before: --- - type: replace path: /instance_groups/name=prometheus2/jobs/name=prometheus2/properties/prometheus/custom_rules?/- value: name: EC2CPUCreditsLow rules: - alert: EC2CPUCreditsLow expr: avg_over_time(aws_ec2_cpucredit_balance_minimum[30m]) <= 20 labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "EC2 CPU credits are low on {{ $labels.tag_Name }}" description: "Instance {{ $labels.tag_Name }} has only {{ $value | printf \"%.0f\" }} CPU credits left and may perform badly." url: "" ## Instruction: Update cpu credits alert to not be noisy for t3 T3 instances do not have launch credits, unlike T2 instances. This means that this alert would fire as soon as the instances were launched. Signed-off-by: Toby Lorne <> ## Code After: --- - type: replace path: /instance_groups/name=prometheus2/jobs/name=prometheus2/properties/prometheus/custom_rules?/- value: name: EC2CPUCreditsLow rules: - alert: EC2CPUCreditsLow expr: avg_over_time(aws_ec2_cpucredit_balance_minimum[30m]) <= 6 for: 2h labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "EC2 CPU credits are low or they have not been accruing on {{ $labels.tag_Name }}" url: "" description: "Instance {{ $labels.tag_Name }} has only {{ $value | printf \"%.0f\" }} CPU credits left and may perform badly. T3 instances do not have launch credits, therefore they have 0 credits at launch. If they have not earned any credits after 2 hours (i.e. 6 or fewer credits) then there may be a problem."
" define function to turn current buffer into a scratch buffer function! s:Scratch() setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile endfunction " define commands to open scratch buffers with Scratch() command! -nargs=0 Scratch enew | call s:Scratch() command! -nargs=0 SScratch split | Scratch command! -nargs=0 VScratch vsplit | Scratch command! -nargs=0 TScratch tabnew | Scratch
" define function to turn current buffer into a scratch buffer function! s:Scratch(...) setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile if exists('a:1') execute 'set filetype=' . a:1 endif endfunction " define commands to open scratch buffers with Scratch() command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype Scratch enew | call s:Scratch(<q-args>) command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype SScratch split | Scratch <args> command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype VScratch vsplit | Scratch <args> command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype TScratch tabnew | Scratch <args>
Allow passing filetype to :Scratch
Allow passing filetype to :Scratch For convenience, :Scratch now takes a single optional filetype argument. This filetype will be applied to the scratch buffer. For example, :Scratch json will open a JSON scratch buffer. This applies to all :Scratch variants, e.g. :SScratch. The argument to :Scratch is Tab-completable, for convenience.
## Code Before: " define function to turn current buffer into a scratch buffer function! s:Scratch() setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile endfunction " define commands to open scratch buffers with Scratch() command! -nargs=0 Scratch enew | call s:Scratch() command! -nargs=0 SScratch split | Scratch command! -nargs=0 VScratch vsplit | Scratch command! -nargs=0 TScratch tabnew | Scratch ## Instruction: Allow passing filetype to :Scratch For convenience, :Scratch now takes a single optional filetype argument. This filetype will be applied to the scratch buffer. For example, :Scratch json will open a JSON scratch buffer. This applies to all :Scratch variants, e.g. :SScratch. The argument to :Scratch is Tab-completable, for convenience. ## Code After: " define function to turn current buffer into a scratch buffer function! s:Scratch(...) setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile if exists('a:1') execute 'set filetype=' . a:1 endif endfunction " define commands to open scratch buffers with Scratch() command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype Scratch enew | call s:Scratch(<q-args>) command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype SScratch split | Scratch <args> command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype VScratch vsplit | Scratch <args> command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype TScratch tabnew | Scratch <args>
{ "name": "lfg-streamtip", "version": "0.0.1", "homepage": "", "author": "Alex Van Camp <[email protected]>", "description": "StreamTip integration", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "streamtip-listener": "^1.3.3" }, "nodecg": { "compatibleRange": "~0.7.0", "dashboardPanels": [ { "name": "tip-stats", "title": "Tip Stats", "width": 2, "file": "panel.html" }, { "name": "reset-daily", "title": "Reset Daily", "width": 2, "file": "reset-daily.html", "dialog": true }, { "name": "reset-monthly", "title": "Reset Monthly", "width": 2, "file": "reset-monthly.html", "dialog": true } ] } }
{ "name": "lfg-streamtip", "version": "0.0.1", "homepage": "", "author": "Alex Van Camp <[email protected]>", "description": "StreamTip integration", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "streamtip-listener": "^1.3.3" }, "nodecg": { "compatibleRange": "~0.7.0", "dashboardPanels": [ { "name": "tip-stats", "title": "Tip Stats", "width": 2, "headerColor": "#564573", "file": "panel.html" }, { "name": "reset-daily", "title": "Reset Daily", "width": 2, "file": "reset-daily.html", "dialog": true }, { "name": "reset-monthly", "title": "Reset Monthly", "width": 2, "file": "reset-monthly.html", "dialog": true } ] } }
Add `headerColor` to panel manifest
Add `headerColor` to panel manifest
## Code Before: { "name": "lfg-streamtip", "version": "0.0.1", "homepage": "", "author": "Alex Van Camp <[email protected]>", "description": "StreamTip integration", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "streamtip-listener": "^1.3.3" }, "nodecg": { "compatibleRange": "~0.7.0", "dashboardPanels": [ { "name": "tip-stats", "title": "Tip Stats", "width": 2, "file": "panel.html" }, { "name": "reset-daily", "title": "Reset Daily", "width": 2, "file": "reset-daily.html", "dialog": true }, { "name": "reset-monthly", "title": "Reset Monthly", "width": 2, "file": "reset-monthly.html", "dialog": true } ] } } ## Instruction: Add `headerColor` to panel manifest ## Code After: { "name": "lfg-streamtip", "version": "0.0.1", "homepage": "", "author": "Alex Van Camp <[email protected]>", "description": "StreamTip integration", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "streamtip-listener": "^1.3.3" }, "nodecg": { "compatibleRange": "~0.7.0", "dashboardPanels": [ { "name": "tip-stats", "title": "Tip Stats", "width": 2, "headerColor": "#564573", "file": "panel.html" }, { "name": "reset-daily", "title": "Reset Daily", "width": 2, "file": "reset-daily.html", "dialog": true }, { "name": "reset-monthly", "title": "Reset Monthly", "width": 2, "file": "reset-monthly.html", "dialog": true } ] } }
--- - name: Install PIP packages pip: name={{ item }} with_items: - virtualenv - fabric - virtualenvwrapper - pylint - ipython - flake8 - pythonpy - termrule - speedtest-cli - name: Install gems gem: name=rumember state=latest
--- - name: Install PIP packages pip: name={{ item }} with_items: - virtualenv - fabric - virtualenvwrapper - pylint - ipython - flake8 - pythonpy - termrule - speedtest-cli - mycli - name: Install gems gem: name=rumember state=latest
Add mycli package for MySQL
Add mycli package for MySQL
## Code Before: --- - name: Install PIP packages pip: name={{ item }} with_items: - virtualenv - fabric - virtualenvwrapper - pylint - ipython - flake8 - pythonpy - termrule - speedtest-cli - name: Install gems gem: name=rumember state=latest ## Instruction: Add mycli package for MySQL ## Code After: --- - name: Install PIP packages pip: name={{ item }} with_items: - virtualenv - fabric - virtualenvwrapper - pylint - ipython - flake8 - pythonpy - termrule - speedtest-cli - mycli - name: Install gems gem: name=rumember state=latest
.index-item { background-color: white; padding-top: 50px; padding-bottom: 50px; color: #57585A; } .index-item__container { @extend .container; } .index-item__left { @include make-sm-column(6); @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) { padding-top: 35px; } } .index-item__right { @include make-sm-column(6); @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) { margin-top: 35px; text-align: middle; } } .index-item__img { width: 80%; @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; } }
.index-item { background-color: #f5f8fa; padding-top: 50px; padding-bottom: 50px; color: #57585A; } .index-item:nth-child(2n+1) { background-color: white; } .index-item__container { @extend .container; } .index-item__left { @include make-sm-column(6); @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) { padding-top: 35px; } } .index-item__right { @include make-sm-column(6); @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) { margin-top: 35px; text-align: middle; } } .index-item__img { width: 80%; @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; } }
Change background color of even index items to white
Change background color of even index items to white
## Code Before: .index-item { background-color: white; padding-top: 50px; padding-bottom: 50px; color: #57585A; } .index-item__container { @extend .container; } .index-item__left { @include make-sm-column(6); @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) { padding-top: 35px; } } .index-item__right { @include make-sm-column(6); @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) { margin-top: 35px; text-align: middle; } } .index-item__img { width: 80%; @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; } } ## Instruction: Change background color of even index items to white ## Code After: .index-item { background-color: #f5f8fa; padding-top: 50px; padding-bottom: 50px; color: #57585A; } .index-item:nth-child(2n+1) { background-color: white; } .index-item__container { @extend .container; } .index-item__left { @include make-sm-column(6); @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) { padding-top: 35px; } } .index-item__right { @include make-sm-column(6); @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) { margin-top: 35px; text-align: middle; } } .index-item__img { width: 80%; @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; } }
* Fixed `Session.getDefault` * Fixed `Session.equals` * Fixed configuration example in ### [0.1.3]( * Initial release
* Fixed `Session.getDefault` (Reported by [valZho]( * Fixed `Session.equals` (Reported by [manuelpaulo]( * Fixed configuration example in ### [0.1.3]( * Initial release
Add reporting credits to changelog
Add reporting credits to changelog
## Code Before: * Fixed `Session.getDefault` * Fixed `Session.equals` * Fixed configuration example in ### [0.1.3]( * Initial release ## Instruction: Add reporting credits to changelog ## Code After: * Fixed `Session.getDefault` (Reported by [valZho]( * Fixed `Session.equals` (Reported by [manuelpaulo]( * Fixed configuration example in ### [0.1.3]( * Initial release
const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); // Listen port const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080; // Load base config const baseConfig = require('./webpack.config.base'); // Create the config const config = Object.create(baseConfig); config.devtool = 'cheap-source-map'; config.devServer = { hot: true, host: "", disableHostCheck: true, port: PORT, contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'), watchContentBase: true }; module.exports = config;
const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); // Listen port const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080; // Load base config const baseConfig = require('./webpack.config.base'); // Create the config const config = Object.create(baseConfig); config.devtool = 'cheap-source-map'; config.devServer = { host: "", disableHostCheck: true, port: PORT, contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'), watchContentBase: true }; module.exports = config;
Fix this crashing spewage: Uncaught Error: [HMR] Hot Module Replacement is disabled.
Fix this crashing spewage: Uncaught Error: [HMR] Hot Module Replacement is disabled.
## Code Before: const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); // Listen port const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080; // Load base config const baseConfig = require('./webpack.config.base'); // Create the config const config = Object.create(baseConfig); config.devtool = 'cheap-source-map'; config.devServer = { hot: true, host: "", disableHostCheck: true, port: PORT, contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'), watchContentBase: true }; module.exports = config; ## Instruction: Fix this crashing spewage: Uncaught Error: [HMR] Hot Module Replacement is disabled. ## Code After: const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); // Listen port const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080; // Load base config const baseConfig = require('./webpack.config.base'); // Create the config const config = Object.create(baseConfig); config.devtool = 'cheap-source-map'; config.devServer = { host: "", disableHostCheck: true, port: PORT, contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'), watchContentBase: true }; module.exports = config;
language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.3" - "3.4" - "3.5" env: - DJANGO=1.8.17 - DJANGO=1.9.12 - DJANGO=1.10.5 install: - pip install Django==$DJANGO times da-vinci pillow redis shortuuid - sudo apt-get install -qq optipng script: make test services: redis
language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.4" - "3.5" env: - DJANGO=1.8.17 - DJANGO=1.9.12 - DJANGO=1.10.5 install: - pip install Django==$DJANGO times da-vinci pillow redis shortuuid - sudo apt-get install -qq optipng script: make test services: redis
Exclude Python 3.3 from test matrix.
Exclude Python 3.3 from test matrix.
## Code Before: language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.3" - "3.4" - "3.5" env: - DJANGO=1.8.17 - DJANGO=1.9.12 - DJANGO=1.10.5 install: - pip install Django==$DJANGO times da-vinci pillow redis shortuuid - sudo apt-get install -qq optipng script: make test services: redis ## Instruction: Exclude Python 3.3 from test matrix. ## Code After: language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.4" - "3.5" env: - DJANGO=1.8.17 - DJANGO=1.9.12 - DJANGO=1.10.5 install: - pip install Django==$DJANGO times da-vinci pillow redis shortuuid - sudo apt-get install -qq optipng script: make test services: redis
{ "alias": "victor.phar", "chmod": "0755", "algorithm": "SHA1", "compression": "GZ", "directories": ["src"], "files": [ "", "vendor/autoload.php", "vendor/composer/composer/res/cacert.pem" ], "finder": [ { "name": [ "*.php", "LICENSE" ], "exclude": [ "Tests", "tests", "Test", "test" ], "in": [ "vendor/symfony", "vendor/seld/jsonlint", "vendor/seld/cli-prompt", "vendor/justinrainbow/json-schema", "vendor/composer" ] }, { "name": "*.json", "in": "vendor/composer/composer/res" } ], "git-version": "package_version", "main": "bin/victor", "output": "build/victor.phar", "stub": true }
{ "alias": "victor.phar", "chmod": "0755", "algorithm": "SHA1", "compression": "GZ", "directories": ["src"], "files": [ "", "vendor/autoload.php", "vendor/composer/composer/res/cacert.pem" ], "finder": [ { "name": [ "*.php", "LICENSE" ], "exclude": [ "Tests", "tests", "Test", "test" ], "in": [ "vendor/symfony", "vendor/seld/jsonlint", "vendor/seld/cli-prompt", "vendor/justinrainbow/json-schema", "vendor/padraic", "vendor/composer" ] }, { "name": "*.json", "in": "vendor/composer/composer/res" } ], "git-version": "package_version", "main": "bin/victor", "output": "build/victor.phar", "stub": true }
Add padraic libs to phar file
Add padraic libs to phar file
## Code Before: { "alias": "victor.phar", "chmod": "0755", "algorithm": "SHA1", "compression": "GZ", "directories": ["src"], "files": [ "", "vendor/autoload.php", "vendor/composer/composer/res/cacert.pem" ], "finder": [ { "name": [ "*.php", "LICENSE" ], "exclude": [ "Tests", "tests", "Test", "test" ], "in": [ "vendor/symfony", "vendor/seld/jsonlint", "vendor/seld/cli-prompt", "vendor/justinrainbow/json-schema", "vendor/composer" ] }, { "name": "*.json", "in": "vendor/composer/composer/res" } ], "git-version": "package_version", "main": "bin/victor", "output": "build/victor.phar", "stub": true } ## Instruction: Add padraic libs to phar file ## Code After: { "alias": "victor.phar", "chmod": "0755", "algorithm": "SHA1", "compression": "GZ", "directories": ["src"], "files": [ "", "vendor/autoload.php", "vendor/composer/composer/res/cacert.pem" ], "finder": [ { "name": [ "*.php", "LICENSE" ], "exclude": [ "Tests", "tests", "Test", "test" ], "in": [ "vendor/symfony", "vendor/seld/jsonlint", "vendor/seld/cli-prompt", "vendor/justinrainbow/json-schema", "vendor/padraic", "vendor/composer" ] }, { "name": "*.json", "in": "vendor/composer/composer/res" } ], "git-version": "package_version", "main": "bin/victor", "output": "build/victor.phar", "stub": true }
ejb=javax.ejb infinispan=org.infinispan jpa=javax.persistence jsf=javax.faces messaging=javax.jms spring=org.springframework* swagger=io.swagger.annotations undertow=javax.servlet webservices=javax.jws weld=javax.inject
ejb=javax.ejb infinispan=org.infinispan jpa=javax.persistence jsf=javax.faces messaging=javax.jms spring=org.springframework* swagger=io.swagger.annotations undertow=javax.servlet webservices=javax.jws weld=javax.inject transactions=javax.transaction
Add auto detection mapping for 'transactions'
Add auto detection mapping for 'transactions'
## Code Before: ejb=javax.ejb infinispan=org.infinispan jpa=javax.persistence jsf=javax.faces messaging=javax.jms spring=org.springframework* swagger=io.swagger.annotations undertow=javax.servlet webservices=javax.jws weld=javax.inject ## Instruction: Add auto detection mapping for 'transactions' ## Code After: ejb=javax.ejb infinispan=org.infinispan jpa=javax.persistence jsf=javax.faces messaging=javax.jms spring=org.springframework* swagger=io.swagger.annotations undertow=javax.servlet webservices=javax.jws weld=javax.inject transactions=javax.transaction
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: "<to be filled in deploy_to_kubernetes script>" name: laa-legal-adviser-api-worker spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: laa-legal-adviser-api tier: worker env: development template: metadata: labels: app: laa-legal-adviser-api tier: worker env: development service_area: laa-get-access service_team: cla-fala spec: containers: - image: "<to be set by deploy_to_kubernetes>" imagePullPolicy: Never name: worker args: ["docker/"] readinessProbe: exec: command: ["docker/"] initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 livenessProbe: exec: command: ["docker/"] initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 env: - name: WORKER_APP_CONCURRENCY value: "2" - name: LOG_LEVEL value: INFO - name: LOG_LEVEL value: INFO - name: DATABASE_URL value: "postgres://postgres@laa-legal-adviser-api-shared-services:5432/laalaa" - name: CELERY_BROKER_URL value: "redis://laa-legal-adviser-api-shared-services:6379"
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: "<to be filled in deploy_to_kubernetes script>" name: laa-legal-adviser-api-worker spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: laa-legal-adviser-api tier: worker env: development template: metadata: labels: app: laa-legal-adviser-api tier: worker env: development service_area: laa-get-access service_team: cla-fala spec: containers: - image: "<to be set by deploy_to_kubernetes>" imagePullPolicy: Never name: worker args: ["docker/"] readinessProbe: exec: command: ["docker/"] initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 livenessProbe: exec: command: ["docker/"] initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 env: - name: WORKER_APP_CONCURRENCY value: "2" - name: LOG_LEVEL value: INFO - name: LOG_LEVEL value: INFO - name: DATABASE_URL value: "postgres://postgres@laa-legal-adviser-api-shared-services:5432/laalaa" - name: CELERY_BROKER_URL value: "redis://laa-legal-adviser-api-shared-services:6379"
Use renamed queue worker probes on dev
Use renamed queue worker probes on dev
## Code Before: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: "<to be filled in deploy_to_kubernetes script>" name: laa-legal-adviser-api-worker spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: laa-legal-adviser-api tier: worker env: development template: metadata: labels: app: laa-legal-adviser-api tier: worker env: development service_area: laa-get-access service_team: cla-fala spec: containers: - image: "<to be set by deploy_to_kubernetes>" imagePullPolicy: Never name: worker args: ["docker/"] readinessProbe: exec: command: ["docker/"] initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 livenessProbe: exec: command: ["docker/"] initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 env: - name: WORKER_APP_CONCURRENCY value: "2" - name: LOG_LEVEL value: INFO - name: LOG_LEVEL value: INFO - name: DATABASE_URL value: "postgres://postgres@laa-legal-adviser-api-shared-services:5432/laalaa" - name: CELERY_BROKER_URL value: "redis://laa-legal-adviser-api-shared-services:6379" ## Instruction: Use renamed queue worker probes on dev ## Code After: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: "<to be filled in deploy_to_kubernetes script>" name: laa-legal-adviser-api-worker spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: laa-legal-adviser-api tier: worker env: development template: metadata: labels: app: laa-legal-adviser-api tier: worker env: development service_area: laa-get-access service_team: cla-fala spec: containers: - image: "<to be set by deploy_to_kubernetes>" imagePullPolicy: Never name: worker args: ["docker/"] readinessProbe: exec: command: ["docker/"] initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 livenessProbe: exec: command: ["docker/"] initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 env: - name: WORKER_APP_CONCURRENCY value: "2" - name: LOG_LEVEL value: INFO - name: LOG_LEVEL value: INFO - name: DATABASE_URL value: "postgres://postgres@laa-legal-adviser-api-shared-services:5432/laalaa" - name: CELERY_BROKER_URL value: "redis://laa-legal-adviser-api-shared-services:6379"
[![Circle CI](]( [![Coverage Status](]( # libcalico Libcalico is a library for interacting with the Calico data model. It also contains code for working with veths. * It's written in Python (though ports into other languages would be welcomed as PRs) * It currently just talks to etcd as the backend datastore. It's currently focused on the the container side of Calico, though again PRs are welcomed to make it more general. ## Running tests To run tests for libcalico: 1. [Install Docker]( 2. At the root of the libcalico directory, run: make test [![Analytics](](
[![Circle CI](]( [![Coverage Status](]( # libcalico **NOTE: Python libcalico is no longer being actively developed, and as such is likely to become out-of-date and potentially incompatible with newer Calico versions and features. Instead, it is strongly recommended to use the Golang library, [libcalico-go]( Feel free to contribute patches to this repo as the maintainers will continue to review and merge community PRs.** Libcalico is a library for interacting with the Calico data model. It also contains code for working with veths. * It's written in Python (though ports into other languages would be welcomed as PRs) * It currently just talks to etcd as the backend datastore. It's currently focused on the the container side of Calico, though again PRs are welcomed to make it more general. ## Running tests To run tests for libcalico: 1. [Install Docker]( 2. At the root of the libcalico directory, run: make test [![Analytics](](
Add notice about switching to libcalico-go
Add notice about switching to libcalico-go
## Code Before: [![Circle CI](]( [![Coverage Status](]( # libcalico Libcalico is a library for interacting with the Calico data model. It also contains code for working with veths. * It's written in Python (though ports into other languages would be welcomed as PRs) * It currently just talks to etcd as the backend datastore. It's currently focused on the the container side of Calico, though again PRs are welcomed to make it more general. ## Running tests To run tests for libcalico: 1. [Install Docker]( 2. At the root of the libcalico directory, run: make test [![Analytics](]( ## Instruction: Add notice about switching to libcalico-go ## Code After: [![Circle CI](]( [![Coverage Status](]( # libcalico **NOTE: Python libcalico is no longer being actively developed, and as such is likely to become out-of-date and potentially incompatible with newer Calico versions and features. Instead, it is strongly recommended to use the Golang library, [libcalico-go]( Feel free to contribute patches to this repo as the maintainers will continue to review and merge community PRs.** Libcalico is a library for interacting with the Calico data model. It also contains code for working with veths. * It's written in Python (though ports into other languages would be welcomed as PRs) * It currently just talks to etcd as the backend datastore. It's currently focused on the the container side of Calico, though again PRs are welcomed to make it more general. ## Running tests To run tests for libcalico: 1. [Install Docker]( 2. At the root of the libcalico directory, run: make test [![Analytics](](
checks: php: true tools: external_code_coverage: true filter: excluded_paths: - 'tests/*'
build: tests: override: - php-scrutinizer-run tools: external_code_coverage: true filter: excluded_paths: - 'tests/'
Migrate to new PHP Analysis
[Scrutinizer] Migrate to new PHP Analysis
## Code Before: checks: php: true tools: external_code_coverage: true filter: excluded_paths: - 'tests/*' ## Instruction: [Scrutinizer] Migrate to new PHP Analysis ## Code After: build: tests: override: - php-scrutinizer-run tools: external_code_coverage: true filter: excluded_paths: - 'tests/'
language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 before_install: - git submodule update --init --recursive - sudo ./bin/init script: rvmsudo bundle exec rspec spec
language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 before_install: - git submodule update --init --recursive - sudo ./bin/init script: - rvmsudo gem install bundler - rvmsudo bundle exec rspec spec
Add installing bundler for rvmsudo
Add installing bundler for rvmsudo
## Code Before: language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 before_install: - git submodule update --init --recursive - sudo ./bin/init script: rvmsudo bundle exec rspec spec ## Instruction: Add installing bundler for rvmsudo ## Code After: language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 before_install: - git submodule update --init --recursive - sudo ./bin/init script: - rvmsudo gem install bundler - rvmsudo bundle exec rspec spec
from django.contrib import admin from models import Schema class SchemaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): pass, SchemaAdmin)
from django.contrib import admin, auth from models import Schema, UserSchema class SchemaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None): if obj is not None: return ('schema',) return (), SchemaAdmin) class SchemaInline(admin.StackedInline): model = UserSchema # Inject SchemeInline into UserAdmin UserAdmin =[auth.models.User].__class__ class SchemaUserAdmin(UserAdmin): inlines = UserAdmin.inlines + [SchemaInline], SchemaUserAdmin)
Make 'schema' value readonly after creation. Inject SchemaUser into UserAdmin inlines.
Make 'schema' value readonly after creation. Inject SchemaUser into UserAdmin inlines.
## Code Before: from django.contrib import admin from models import Schema class SchemaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): pass, SchemaAdmin) ## Instruction: Make 'schema' value readonly after creation. Inject SchemaUser into UserAdmin inlines. ## Code After: from django.contrib import admin, auth from models import Schema, UserSchema class SchemaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None): if obj is not None: return ('schema',) return (), SchemaAdmin) class SchemaInline(admin.StackedInline): model = UserSchema # Inject SchemeInline into UserAdmin UserAdmin =[auth.models.User].__class__ class SchemaUserAdmin(UserAdmin): inlines = UserAdmin.inlines + [SchemaInline], SchemaUserAdmin)
class Stock: def __init__(self, symbol): self.symbol = symbol self.price = None def update(self, timestamp, price): if price < 0: raise ValueError("price should not be negative") self.price = price
class Stock: def __init__(self, symbol): self.symbol = symbol self.price_history = [] @property def price(self): if self.price_history: return self.price_history[-1] else: return None def update(self, timestamp, price): if price < 0: raise ValueError("price should not be negative") self.price_history.append(price)
Update price attribute to price_history list as well as update function accordingly.
Update price attribute to price_history list as well as update function accordingly.
## Code Before: class Stock: def __init__(self, symbol): self.symbol = symbol self.price = None def update(self, timestamp, price): if price < 0: raise ValueError("price should not be negative") self.price = price ## Instruction: Update price attribute to price_history list as well as update function accordingly. ## Code After: class Stock: def __init__(self, symbol): self.symbol = symbol self.price_history = [] @property def price(self): if self.price_history: return self.price_history[-1] else: return None def update(self, timestamp, price): if price < 0: raise ValueError("price should not be negative") self.price_history.append(price)
module APNS class Notification include ActiveModel::Model MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES = 2048 attr_accessor :alert, :badge, :sound, :other, :content_available attr_reader :attributes def initialize(attributes = {}) @attributes = attributes super end def payload { 'alert' => alert, 'badge' => badge, 'sound' => sound, 'other' => other, 'content-available' => content_available, }.compact end def pack(device_token) [0, 0, 32, package_device_token(device_token), 0, packaged_message.bytesize, packaged_message].pack("ccca*cca*") end def package_device_token(device_token) [device_token.gsub(/[\s|<|>]/,'')].pack('H*') end def packaged_message { aps: payload }.to_json.gsub(/\\u([\da-fA-F]{4})/) do |m| [$1].pack("H*").unpack("n*").pack("U*") end end def ==(that) attributes == that.attributes end def valid? packaged_message.bytesize <= MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES end end end
module APNS class Notification include ActiveModel::Model MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES = 2048 attr_accessor :alert, :badge, :sound, :other, :content_available attr_reader :attributes def initialize(attributes = {}) @attributes = attributes super end def payload { 'alert' => alert, 'badge' => badge, 'sound' => sound, 'other' => other, 'content-available' => content_available, }.compact end def pack(device_token) [0, 0, 32, package_device_token(device_token), 0, packaged_message.bytesize, packaged_message].pack("ccca*cca*") end def ==(that) attributes == that.attributes end def valid? packaged_message.bytesize <= MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES end private def package_device_token(device_token) [device_token.gsub(/[\s|<|>]/,'')].pack('H*') end def packaged_message { aps: payload }.to_json.gsub(/\\u([\da-fA-F]{4})/) do |m| [$1].pack("H*").unpack("n*").pack("U*") end end end end
Make APNS::Notification packaging methods private
Make APNS::Notification packaging methods private
## Code Before: module APNS class Notification include ActiveModel::Model MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES = 2048 attr_accessor :alert, :badge, :sound, :other, :content_available attr_reader :attributes def initialize(attributes = {}) @attributes = attributes super end def payload { 'alert' => alert, 'badge' => badge, 'sound' => sound, 'other' => other, 'content-available' => content_available, }.compact end def pack(device_token) [0, 0, 32, package_device_token(device_token), 0, packaged_message.bytesize, packaged_message].pack("ccca*cca*") end def package_device_token(device_token) [device_token.gsub(/[\s|<|>]/,'')].pack('H*') end def packaged_message { aps: payload }.to_json.gsub(/\\u([\da-fA-F]{4})/) do |m| [$1].pack("H*").unpack("n*").pack("U*") end end def ==(that) attributes == that.attributes end def valid? packaged_message.bytesize <= MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES end end end ## Instruction: Make APNS::Notification packaging methods private ## Code After: module APNS class Notification include ActiveModel::Model MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES = 2048 attr_accessor :alert, :badge, :sound, :other, :content_available attr_reader :attributes def initialize(attributes = {}) @attributes = attributes super end def payload { 'alert' => alert, 'badge' => badge, 'sound' => sound, 'other' => other, 'content-available' => content_available, }.compact end def pack(device_token) [0, 0, 32, package_device_token(device_token), 0, packaged_message.bytesize, packaged_message].pack("ccca*cca*") end def ==(that) attributes == that.attributes end def valid? packaged_message.bytesize <= MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES end private def package_device_token(device_token) [device_token.gsub(/[\s|<|>]/,'')].pack('H*') end def packaged_message { aps: payload }.to_json.gsub(/\\u([\da-fA-F]{4})/) do |m| [$1].pack("H*").unpack("n*").pack("U*") end end end end
Since the `Array` constructor is ambiguous in how it deals with its parameters, it is highly recommended to always use the array literals - `[]` notation - when creating new arrays. [1, 2, 3]; // Result: [1, 2, 3] new Array(1, 2, 3); // Result: [1, 2, 3] [3]; // Result: [3] new Array(3); // Result: [] new Array('3') // Result: ['3'] In cases when there is only one argument passed to the `Array` constructor and when that argument is a `Number`, the constructor will return a new *sparse* array with the `length` property set to the value of the argument. It should be noted that **only** the `length` property of the new array will be set this way; the actual indexes of the array will not be initialized. var arr = new Array(3); arr[1]; // undefined 1 in arr; // false, the index was not set The behavior of being able to set the length of the array upfront only comes in handy in a few cases, like repeating a string, in which it avoids the use of a `for loop` code. new Array(count + 1).join(stringToRepeat); ### In Conclusion The use of the `Array` constructor should be avoided as much as possible. Literals are definitely preferred. They are shorter and have a clearer syntax; therefore, they also increase the readability of the code.
Since the `Array` constructor is ambiguous in how it deals with its parameters, it is highly recommended to always use the array literals - `[]` notation - when creating new arrays. [1, 2, 3]; // Result: [1, 2, 3] new Array(1, 2, 3); // Result: [1, 2, 3] [3]; // Result: [3] new Array(3); // Result: [] new Array('3') // Result: ['3'] In cases when there is only one argument passed to the `Array` constructor and when that argument is a `Number`, the constructor will return a new *sparse* array with the `length` property set to the value of the argument. It should be noted that **only** the `length` property of the new array will be set this way; the actual indexes of the array will not be initialized. var arr = new Array(3); arr[1]; // undefined 1 in arr; // false, the index was not set Being able to set the length of the array in advance is only useful in a few cases, like repeating a string, in which it avoids the use of a `for loop` code. new Array(count + 1).join(stringToRepeat); ### In Conclusion The use of the `Array` constructor should be avoided. Literals are definitely preferred. They are shorter, have a clearer syntax, and increase code readability.
Clean up language in the array section.
Clean up language in the array section.
## Code Before: Since the `Array` constructor is ambiguous in how it deals with its parameters, it is highly recommended to always use the array literals - `[]` notation - when creating new arrays. [1, 2, 3]; // Result: [1, 2, 3] new Array(1, 2, 3); // Result: [1, 2, 3] [3]; // Result: [3] new Array(3); // Result: [] new Array('3') // Result: ['3'] In cases when there is only one argument passed to the `Array` constructor and when that argument is a `Number`, the constructor will return a new *sparse* array with the `length` property set to the value of the argument. It should be noted that **only** the `length` property of the new array will be set this way; the actual indexes of the array will not be initialized. var arr = new Array(3); arr[1]; // undefined 1 in arr; // false, the index was not set The behavior of being able to set the length of the array upfront only comes in handy in a few cases, like repeating a string, in which it avoids the use of a `for loop` code. new Array(count + 1).join(stringToRepeat); ### In Conclusion The use of the `Array` constructor should be avoided as much as possible. Literals are definitely preferred. They are shorter and have a clearer syntax; therefore, they also increase the readability of the code. ## Instruction: Clean up language in the array section. ## Code After: Since the `Array` constructor is ambiguous in how it deals with its parameters, it is highly recommended to always use the array literals - `[]` notation - when creating new arrays. [1, 2, 3]; // Result: [1, 2, 3] new Array(1, 2, 3); // Result: [1, 2, 3] [3]; // Result: [3] new Array(3); // Result: [] new Array('3') // Result: ['3'] In cases when there is only one argument passed to the `Array` constructor and when that argument is a `Number`, the constructor will return a new *sparse* array with the `length` property set to the value of the argument. It should be noted that **only** the `length` property of the new array will be set this way; the actual indexes of the array will not be initialized. var arr = new Array(3); arr[1]; // undefined 1 in arr; // false, the index was not set Being able to set the length of the array in advance is only useful in a few cases, like repeating a string, in which it avoids the use of a `for loop` code. new Array(count + 1).join(stringToRepeat); ### In Conclusion The use of the `Array` constructor should be avoided. Literals are definitely preferred. They are shorter, have a clearer syntax, and increase code readability.
A quick-and-dirty tool for working with the name graphics found in FE12's Guide
A quick-and-dirty tool for working with the name graphics found in FE12's Guide. ![screenshot]( This tool is intended to be used with the name_[faction].pkcg files found in the dic/ directory of FE12. It may work with other PKCG files, but it probably won't. To use this tool: 1. (Download the tool)[] or pull and compile it yourself. 2. Extract the name file from the FE12 ROM. I recommend using [Tinke]( to do this. All name files are located in the dic/ directory, and are labeled by faction. 3. Decompress the name file you extracted. I used [Puyo Tools]( for this, but feel free to use whatever you like, so long as it supports LZSS compression. 4. Open the FE12 Guide Name Tool, then use the Open File button to select the decompressed PKCG you created in Step 3. 5. You should now see all of the names in the PKCG in the list to the right. You can click on one of the names to make it visible in the box to the left. 6. Click the Export to PNG button to save the currently-visible name as a PNG somewhere on your computer. From there, edit the name to your liking. 7. Click the Import from PNG button to replace the currently-visible name with the name you edited in the previous step. Ensure that the imported name is 64x12 pixels large and obeys the palette restrictions from the original name. 8. If the import was successful, the PKCG will be updated (a backup is created in case you want to revert the import). Compress the PKCG with Puyo Tools using LZSS compression. 9. Open the FE12 ROM in Tinke again, and use the Change File button to replace the original name file with your updated one. Save the updated ROM. 10. Boot FE12. Your updated name should be visible in the Guide menu!
Update READMDE with build information
Update READMDE with build information
## Code Before: A quick-and-dirty tool for working with the name graphics found in FE12's Guide ## Instruction: Update READMDE with build information ## Code After: A quick-and-dirty tool for working with the name graphics found in FE12's Guide. ![screenshot]( This tool is intended to be used with the name_[faction].pkcg files found in the dic/ directory of FE12. It may work with other PKCG files, but it probably won't. To use this tool: 1. (Download the tool)[] or pull and compile it yourself. 2. Extract the name file from the FE12 ROM. I recommend using [Tinke]( to do this. All name files are located in the dic/ directory, and are labeled by faction. 3. Decompress the name file you extracted. I used [Puyo Tools]( for this, but feel free to use whatever you like, so long as it supports LZSS compression. 4. Open the FE12 Guide Name Tool, then use the Open File button to select the decompressed PKCG you created in Step 3. 5. You should now see all of the names in the PKCG in the list to the right. You can click on one of the names to make it visible in the box to the left. 6. Click the Export to PNG button to save the currently-visible name as a PNG somewhere on your computer. From there, edit the name to your liking. 7. Click the Import from PNG button to replace the currently-visible name with the name you edited in the previous step. Ensure that the imported name is 64x12 pixels large and obeys the palette restrictions from the original name. 8. If the import was successful, the PKCG will be updated (a backup is created in case you want to revert the import). Compress the PKCG with Puyo Tools using LZSS compression. 9. Open the FE12 ROM in Tinke again, and use the Change File button to replace the original name file with your updated one. Save the updated ROM. 10. Boot FE12. Your updated name should be visible in the Guide menu!
class ExpensesController < ApplicationController before_filter :find_event_and_expense helper_method :expenses_title, :expenses_path, :expenses, :expense_path, :edit_expense_path def create @expense =[:expense]) if @expense.valid? @event.fixed_expenses << @expense! redirect_to event_expenses_path( else render :index end end def destroy @event.fixed_expenses.delete @expense! redirect_to event_expenses_path( end def update @expense.assign params[:expense] if @expense.valid? redirect_to event_expenses_path( else render :edit end end def index @expense = end private def find_event_and_expense @event = Event.find(params[:event_id]) @expense = @event.fixed_expenses.find(params[:id]) if params[:id] end def expenses_title "Fixed expenses" end def expenses_path event_expenses_path(@event) end def expenses @event.fixed_expenses end def expense_path(expense=@expense) event_expense_path(, end def edit_expense_path(expense) edit_event_expense_path(, end end
class ExpensesController < ApplicationController before_filter :find_event_and_expense helper_method :expenses_title, :expenses_path, :expenses, :expense_path, :edit_expense_path def create @expense =[:expense]) if @expense.valid? expenses << @expense! redirect_to expenses_path else render :index end end def destroy expenses.delete @expense! redirect_to expenses_path end def update @expense.assign params[:expense] if @expense.valid? redirect_to expenses_path else render :edit end end def index @expense = end private def find_event_and_expense @event = Event.find(params[:event_id]) @expense = expenses.find(params[:id]) if params[:id] end def expenses_title "Fixed expenses" end def expenses_path event_expenses_path(@event) end def expenses @event.fixed_expenses end def expense_path(expense=@expense) event_expense_path(, end def edit_expense_path(expense) edit_event_expense_path(, end end
Use template methods for expenses in controller
Use template methods for expenses in controller
## Code Before: class ExpensesController < ApplicationController before_filter :find_event_and_expense helper_method :expenses_title, :expenses_path, :expenses, :expense_path, :edit_expense_path def create @expense =[:expense]) if @expense.valid? @event.fixed_expenses << @expense! redirect_to event_expenses_path( else render :index end end def destroy @event.fixed_expenses.delete @expense! redirect_to event_expenses_path( end def update @expense.assign params[:expense] if @expense.valid? redirect_to event_expenses_path( else render :edit end end def index @expense = end private def find_event_and_expense @event = Event.find(params[:event_id]) @expense = @event.fixed_expenses.find(params[:id]) if params[:id] end def expenses_title "Fixed expenses" end def expenses_path event_expenses_path(@event) end def expenses @event.fixed_expenses end def expense_path(expense=@expense) event_expense_path(, end def edit_expense_path(expense) edit_event_expense_path(, end end ## Instruction: Use template methods for expenses in controller ## Code After: class ExpensesController < ApplicationController before_filter :find_event_and_expense helper_method :expenses_title, :expenses_path, :expenses, :expense_path, :edit_expense_path def create @expense =[:expense]) if @expense.valid? expenses << @expense! redirect_to expenses_path else render :index end end def destroy expenses.delete @expense! redirect_to expenses_path end def update @expense.assign params[:expense] if @expense.valid? redirect_to expenses_path else render :edit end end def index @expense = end private def find_event_and_expense @event = Event.find(params[:event_id]) @expense = expenses.find(params[:id]) if params[:id] end def expenses_title "Fixed expenses" end def expenses_path event_expenses_path(@event) end def expenses @event.fixed_expenses end def expense_path(expense=@expense) event_expense_path(, end def edit_expense_path(expense) edit_event_expense_path(, end end
cask :v1 => 'latexit' do version '2.7.3' sha256 '45efeeea0d7bde36ba08aa663d6dd10092ec66d7622bccccf73732257e1e82f0' url "{version.gsub('.', '_')}.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => 'bc1bd88bf1d7a9770f0527652db2fc082214240a9b66684d9a95a0beaf2f260a' homepage '' license :oss app '' zap :delete => '~/Library/Preferences/fr.chachatelier.pierre.LaTeXiT.plist' end
cask :v1 => 'latexit' do version '2.7.5' sha256 '2faef9682f1450d2a4b240bcf602a84ae187e58bf62787e2185af0ee05161e6f' url "{version.gsub('.', '_')}.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => 'bc1bd88bf1d7a9770f0527652db2fc082214240a9b66684d9a95a0beaf2f260a' homepage '' license :oss app '' zap :delete => '~/Library/Preferences/fr.chachatelier.pierre.LaTeXiT.plist' end
Update LaTeXiT to version 2.7.5
Update LaTeXiT to version 2.7.5
## Code Before: cask :v1 => 'latexit' do version '2.7.3' sha256 '45efeeea0d7bde36ba08aa663d6dd10092ec66d7622bccccf73732257e1e82f0' url "{version.gsub('.', '_')}.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => 'bc1bd88bf1d7a9770f0527652db2fc082214240a9b66684d9a95a0beaf2f260a' homepage '' license :oss app '' zap :delete => '~/Library/Preferences/fr.chachatelier.pierre.LaTeXiT.plist' end ## Instruction: Update LaTeXiT to version 2.7.5 ## Code After: cask :v1 => 'latexit' do version '2.7.5' sha256 '2faef9682f1450d2a4b240bcf602a84ae187e58bf62787e2185af0ee05161e6f' url "{version.gsub('.', '_')}.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => 'bc1bd88bf1d7a9770f0527652db2fc082214240a9b66684d9a95a0beaf2f260a' homepage '' license :oss app '' zap :delete => '~/Library/Preferences/fr.chachatelier.pierre.LaTeXiT.plist' end
language: node_js services: - mongodb node_js: - "4" - "6" - "8" before_script: - cp $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/snutt.yml.example $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/snutt.yml
language: node_js services: - mongodb node_js: - "8" before_script: - cp $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/snutt.yml.example $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/snutt.yml
Fix travix config: Test only node 8
Fix travix config: Test only node 8
## Code Before: language: node_js services: - mongodb node_js: - "4" - "6" - "8" before_script: - cp $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/snutt.yml.example $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/snutt.yml ## Instruction: Fix travix config: Test only node 8 ## Code After: language: node_js services: - mongodb node_js: - "8" before_script: - cp $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/snutt.yml.example $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/snutt.yml
banal>=0.4.2 normality>=1.0.1 pantomime>=0.3.3 servicelayer[google]==1.8.4 servicelayer[amazon]==1.8.4 balkhash[leveldb]==1.0.0 balkhash[sql]==1.0.0 followthemoney==1.20.0 languagecodes>=1.0.5 psycopg2-binary grpcio>=1.21.1 google-cloud-vision==0.39.0 google-cloud-storage==1.19.0 # Development nose click>=7.0 # File format support dbf>=0.96.8 pdflib>=0.2.1 pymediainfo>=2.3.0 python-magic>=0.4.12 pypdf2>=1.26.0 rarfile>=3.0 xlrd>=1.2.0 pyicu>=2.0.3 openpyxl>=2.5.14 odfpy>=1.3.5 imapclient>=1.0.2 cchardet>=2.1.1 lxml>=4.2.1 olefile>=0.44 pillow>=5.1.0 vobject== msglite>=0.25.0 # Get rid of: # Used for LibreOffice converter service cryptography==2.6.1 requests[security]>=2.21.0
banal>=0.4.2 normality>=1.0.1 pantomime>=0.3.3 servicelayer[google,amazon]==1.8.4 balkhash[leveldb,sql]==1.0.1 followthemoney==1.20.0 languagecodes>=1.0.5 psycopg2-binary grpcio>=1.21.1 google-cloud-vision==0.39.0 google-cloud-storage==1.19.0 # Development nose click>=7.0 # File format support dbf>=0.96.8 pdflib>=0.2.1 pymediainfo>=2.3.0 python-magic>=0.4.12 pypdf2>=1.26.0 rarfile>=3.0 xlrd>=1.2.0 pyicu>=2.0.3 openpyxl>=2.5.14 odfpy>=1.3.5 imapclient>=1.0.2 cchardet>=2.1.1 lxml>=4.2.1 olefile>=0.44 pillow>=5.1.0 vobject== msglite>=0.25.0 # Get rid of: # Used for LibreOffice converter service cryptography==2.6.1 requests[security]>=2.21.0
Fix up extras install syntax
Fix up extras install syntax
## Code Before: banal>=0.4.2 normality>=1.0.1 pantomime>=0.3.3 servicelayer[google]==1.8.4 servicelayer[amazon]==1.8.4 balkhash[leveldb]==1.0.0 balkhash[sql]==1.0.0 followthemoney==1.20.0 languagecodes>=1.0.5 psycopg2-binary grpcio>=1.21.1 google-cloud-vision==0.39.0 google-cloud-storage==1.19.0 # Development nose click>=7.0 # File format support dbf>=0.96.8 pdflib>=0.2.1 pymediainfo>=2.3.0 python-magic>=0.4.12 pypdf2>=1.26.0 rarfile>=3.0 xlrd>=1.2.0 pyicu>=2.0.3 openpyxl>=2.5.14 odfpy>=1.3.5 imapclient>=1.0.2 cchardet>=2.1.1 lxml>=4.2.1 olefile>=0.44 pillow>=5.1.0 vobject== msglite>=0.25.0 # Get rid of: # Used for LibreOffice converter service cryptography==2.6.1 requests[security]>=2.21.0 ## Instruction: Fix up extras install syntax ## Code After: banal>=0.4.2 normality>=1.0.1 pantomime>=0.3.3 servicelayer[google,amazon]==1.8.4 balkhash[leveldb,sql]==1.0.1 followthemoney==1.20.0 languagecodes>=1.0.5 psycopg2-binary grpcio>=1.21.1 google-cloud-vision==0.39.0 google-cloud-storage==1.19.0 # Development nose click>=7.0 # File format support dbf>=0.96.8 pdflib>=0.2.1 pymediainfo>=2.3.0 python-magic>=0.4.12 pypdf2>=1.26.0 rarfile>=3.0 xlrd>=1.2.0 pyicu>=2.0.3 openpyxl>=2.5.14 odfpy>=1.3.5 imapclient>=1.0.2 cchardet>=2.1.1 lxml>=4.2.1 olefile>=0.44 pillow>=5.1.0 vobject== msglite>=0.25.0 # Get rid of: # Used for LibreOffice converter service cryptography==2.6.1 requests[security]>=2.21.0
class MigrateNamespacedPolymorphicModels < ActiveRecord::Migration def up ['spree_payments', 'spree_adjustments', 'spree_log_entries'].each do |table| collection = select_all "SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE source_type NOT LIKE 'Spree::%' AND source_type IS NOT NULL" collection.each do |member| execute "UPDATE #{table} SET source_type = 'Spree::#{payments['souce_type']}'" end end adjustments = select_all "SELECT * FROM spree_adjustments WHERE originator_type NOT LIKE 'Spree::%' AND originator_type IS NOT NULL" adjustments.each do |adjustment| execute "UPDATE spree_adjustments SET originator_type = 'Spree::#{payments['originator_type']}'" end end def down ['spree_payments', 'spree_adjustments', 'spree_log_entries'].each do |table| collection = select_all "SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE source_type LIKE 'Spree::%'" collection.each do |member| execute "UPDATE #{table} SET source_type = '#{payments['souce_type'].gsub('Spree::', '')}'" end end adjustments = select_all "SELECT * FROM spree_adjustments WHERE originator_type LIKE 'Spree::%'" adjustments.each do |adjustment| execute "UPDATE spree_adjustments SET originator_type = '#{payments['originator_type'].gsub('Spree::', '')}'" end end end
class MigrateNamespacedPolymorphicModels < ActiveRecord::Migration def up ['spree_payments', 'spree_adjustments', 'spree_log_entries'].each do |table| collection = select_all "SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE source_type NOT LIKE 'Spree::%' AND source_type IS NOT NULL" collection.each do |member| execute "UPDATE #{table} SET source_type = 'Spree::#{member['source_type']}'" end end adjustments = select_all "SELECT * FROM spree_adjustments WHERE originator_type NOT LIKE 'Spree::%' AND originator_type IS NOT NULL" adjustments.each do |adjustment| execute "UPDATE spree_adjustments SET originator_type = 'Spree::#{adjustment['originator_type']}'" end end def down ['spree_payments', 'spree_adjustments', 'spree_log_entries'].each do |table| collection = select_all "SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE source_type LIKE 'Spree::%'" collection.each do |member| execute "UPDATE #{table} SET source_type = '#{member['source_type'].gsub('Spree::', '')}'" end end adjustments = select_all "SELECT * FROM spree_adjustments WHERE originator_type LIKE 'Spree::%'" adjustments.each do |adjustment| execute "UPDATE spree_adjustments SET originator_type = '#{payments['originator_type'].gsub('Spree::', '')}'" end end end
Fix variable names in MigrateNamespacedPolymorphicModels migration
Fix variable names in MigrateNamespacedPolymorphicModels migration
## Code Before: class MigrateNamespacedPolymorphicModels < ActiveRecord::Migration def up ['spree_payments', 'spree_adjustments', 'spree_log_entries'].each do |table| collection = select_all "SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE source_type NOT LIKE 'Spree::%' AND source_type IS NOT NULL" collection.each do |member| execute "UPDATE #{table} SET source_type = 'Spree::#{payments['souce_type']}'" end end adjustments = select_all "SELECT * FROM spree_adjustments WHERE originator_type NOT LIKE 'Spree::%' AND originator_type IS NOT NULL" adjustments.each do |adjustment| execute "UPDATE spree_adjustments SET originator_type = 'Spree::#{payments['originator_type']}'" end end def down ['spree_payments', 'spree_adjustments', 'spree_log_entries'].each do |table| collection = select_all "SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE source_type LIKE 'Spree::%'" collection.each do |member| execute "UPDATE #{table} SET source_type = '#{payments['souce_type'].gsub('Spree::', '')}'" end end adjustments = select_all "SELECT * FROM spree_adjustments WHERE originator_type LIKE 'Spree::%'" adjustments.each do |adjustment| execute "UPDATE spree_adjustments SET originator_type = '#{payments['originator_type'].gsub('Spree::', '')}'" end end end ## Instruction: Fix variable names in MigrateNamespacedPolymorphicModels migration ## Code After: class MigrateNamespacedPolymorphicModels < ActiveRecord::Migration def up ['spree_payments', 'spree_adjustments', 'spree_log_entries'].each do |table| collection = select_all "SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE source_type NOT LIKE 'Spree::%' AND source_type IS NOT NULL" collection.each do |member| execute "UPDATE #{table} SET source_type = 'Spree::#{member['source_type']}'" end end adjustments = select_all "SELECT * FROM spree_adjustments WHERE originator_type NOT LIKE 'Spree::%' AND originator_type IS NOT NULL" adjustments.each do |adjustment| execute "UPDATE spree_adjustments SET originator_type = 'Spree::#{adjustment['originator_type']}'" end end def down ['spree_payments', 'spree_adjustments', 'spree_log_entries'].each do |table| collection = select_all "SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE source_type LIKE 'Spree::%'" collection.each do |member| execute "UPDATE #{table} SET source_type = '#{member['source_type'].gsub('Spree::', '')}'" end end adjustments = select_all "SELECT * FROM spree_adjustments WHERE originator_type LIKE 'Spree::%'" adjustments.each do |adjustment| execute "UPDATE spree_adjustments SET originator_type = '#{payments['originator_type'].gsub('Spree::', '')}'" end end end
var Gravatar = require('../dist/index.js'); var React = require('react'); React.renderComponent( React.DOM.div(null, [ React.DOM.h2(null, "<Gravatar email='[email protected]' />"), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]'}), React.DOM.h2(null, "<Gravatar email='[email protected]' size=100 />"), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]', size: 100}), React.DOM.h2(null, "For emails without a gravatar, use the retro default. You can override this by passing in a different 'default' prop. See for options."), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]'}), ]), document.body);
var React = require('react'); var Gravatar = React.createFactory(require('../dist/index.js')); React.render( React.DOM.div(null, [ React.DOM.h2(null, "<Gravatar email='[email protected]' />"), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]'}), React.DOM.h2(null, "<Gravatar email='[email protected]' size=100 />"), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]', size: 100}), React.DOM.h2(null, "For emails without a gravatar, use the retro default. You can override this by passing in a different 'default' prop. See for options."), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]'}), ]), document.body);
Fix example for React 0.13
Fix example for React 0.13
## Code Before: var Gravatar = require('../dist/index.js'); var React = require('react'); React.renderComponent( React.DOM.div(null, [ React.DOM.h2(null, "<Gravatar email='[email protected]' />"), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]'}), React.DOM.h2(null, "<Gravatar email='[email protected]' size=100 />"), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]', size: 100}), React.DOM.h2(null, "For emails without a gravatar, use the retro default. You can override this by passing in a different 'default' prop. See for options."), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]'}), ]), document.body); ## Instruction: Fix example for React 0.13 ## Code After: var React = require('react'); var Gravatar = React.createFactory(require('../dist/index.js')); React.render( React.DOM.div(null, [ React.DOM.h2(null, "<Gravatar email='[email protected]' />"), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]'}), React.DOM.h2(null, "<Gravatar email='[email protected]' size=100 />"), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]', size: 100}), React.DOM.h2(null, "For emails without a gravatar, use the retro default. You can override this by passing in a different 'default' prop. See for options."), Gravatar({email: '[email protected]'}), ]), document.body);
from multiprocessing import Queue, Process import time import backend command_queue = Queue() response_queue = Queue() def start_backend(): if handler: handler.stop() handler = Process(target=backend.start, args=(command_queue, response_queue)) handler.start() def get_for(url, queue, timeout): beginning = time.time() result = queue.get(timeout=timeout) if result["url"] == url: return result["body"] else: queue.put(result) return get_for(url, queue, timeout - (time.time()-beginning))
from multiprocessing import Queue, Process import time import backend command_queue = Queue() response_queue = Queue() def start_backend(): handler = Process(target=backend.start, args=(command_queue, response_queue)) handler.start() def get_for(url, queue, timeout): beginning = time.time() result = queue.get(timeout=timeout) if result["url"] == url: return result["body"] else: queue.put(result) return get_for(url, queue, timeout - (time.time()-beginning))
Revert "Quit Backend If Running"
Revert "Quit Backend If Running" This reverts commit a00432191e2575aba0f20ffb1a96a323699ae4fc.
## Code Before: from multiprocessing import Queue, Process import time import backend command_queue = Queue() response_queue = Queue() def start_backend(): if handler: handler.stop() handler = Process(target=backend.start, args=(command_queue, response_queue)) handler.start() def get_for(url, queue, timeout): beginning = time.time() result = queue.get(timeout=timeout) if result["url"] == url: return result["body"] else: queue.put(result) return get_for(url, queue, timeout - (time.time()-beginning)) ## Instruction: Revert "Quit Backend If Running" This reverts commit a00432191e2575aba0f20ffb1a96a323699ae4fc. ## Code After: from multiprocessing import Queue, Process import time import backend command_queue = Queue() response_queue = Queue() def start_backend(): handler = Process(target=backend.start, args=(command_queue, response_queue)) handler.start() def get_for(url, queue, timeout): beginning = time.time() result = queue.get(timeout=timeout) if result["url"] == url: return result["body"] else: queue.put(result) return get_for(url, queue, timeout - (time.time()-beginning))
module Hawk module Model ## # Fetches models from the remote HTTP endpoint. # module Connection def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def connection self.class.connection end module ClassMethods def connection raise Error::Configuration, "URL for #{name} is not yet set" unless url @_connection ||=, http_options) end def url(url = nil) @_url = url.dup.freeze if url @_url end alias url= url def http_options(options = nil) @_http_options = options.dup.freeze if options @_http_options || {} end alias http_options= http_options def inherited(subclass) super subclass.url = self.url subclass.http_options = self.http_options end end end end end
module Hawk module Model ## # Fetches models from the remote HTTP endpoint. # module Connection def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def connection self.class.connection end module ClassMethods def connection @_connection ||= begin raise Error::Configuration, "URL for #{name} is not yet set" unless url raise Error::Configuration, "Please set the client_name" unless client_name options = self.http_options.dup headers = (options[:headers] ||= {}) if headers.key?('User-Agent') raise Error::Configuration, "Please set the User-Agent header through client_name" end headers['User-Agent'] = self.client_name, options) end end def url(url = nil) @_url = url.dup.freeze if url @_url end alias url= url def http_options(options = nil) @_http_options = options.dup.freeze if options @_http_options ||= {} end alias http_options= http_options def client_name(name = nil) @_client_name = name.dup.freeze if name @_client_name end alias client_name= client_name def inherited(subclass) super subclass.url = self.url subclass.http_options = self.http_options subclass.client_name = self.client_name end end end end end
Add mandatory User Agent as client_name
Add mandatory User Agent as client_name
## Code Before: module Hawk module Model ## # Fetches models from the remote HTTP endpoint. # module Connection def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def connection self.class.connection end module ClassMethods def connection raise Error::Configuration, "URL for #{name} is not yet set" unless url @_connection ||=, http_options) end def url(url = nil) @_url = url.dup.freeze if url @_url end alias url= url def http_options(options = nil) @_http_options = options.dup.freeze if options @_http_options || {} end alias http_options= http_options def inherited(subclass) super subclass.url = self.url subclass.http_options = self.http_options end end end end end ## Instruction: Add mandatory User Agent as client_name ## Code After: module Hawk module Model ## # Fetches models from the remote HTTP endpoint. # module Connection def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def connection self.class.connection end module ClassMethods def connection @_connection ||= begin raise Error::Configuration, "URL for #{name} is not yet set" unless url raise Error::Configuration, "Please set the client_name" unless client_name options = self.http_options.dup headers = (options[:headers] ||= {}) if headers.key?('User-Agent') raise Error::Configuration, "Please set the User-Agent header through client_name" end headers['User-Agent'] = self.client_name, options) end end def url(url = nil) @_url = url.dup.freeze if url @_url end alias url= url def http_options(options = nil) @_http_options = options.dup.freeze if options @_http_options ||= {} end alias http_options= http_options def client_name(name = nil) @_client_name = name.dup.freeze if name @_client_name end alias client_name= client_name def inherited(subclass) super subclass.url = self.url subclass.http_options = self.http_options subclass.client_name = self.client_name end end end end end
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1"> <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>Loclock</title> <meta name="description" content="World time clock"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css"> <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="images/icon.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="images/icon.png"> </head> <body class="unselectable"> <div id="container"> <div id="list-container"> <div id="list"></div> </div> <div id="clock-container"> <div id="bars" class="rotate-90">|||</div> <svg id="clock" xmlns="" viewBox="0,0,720,720"></svg> </div> </div> <script src="js/bundle.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1"> <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>Loclock</title> <meta name="description" content="World time clock"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css"> <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="images/icon.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="images/icon.png"> </head> <body class="unselectable"> <div id="container"> <div id="list-container"> <div id="list"></div> </div> <div id="clock-container"> <div id="bars" class="rotate-90">|||</div> <svg id="clock" viewBox="0,0,720,720"></svg> </div> </div> <script src="js/bundle.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> </body> </html>
Remove namespace definition of SVG element
Remove namespace definition of SVG element
## Code Before: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1"> <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>Loclock</title> <meta name="description" content="World time clock"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css"> <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="images/icon.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="images/icon.png"> </head> <body class="unselectable"> <div id="container"> <div id="list-container"> <div id="list"></div> </div> <div id="clock-container"> <div id="bars" class="rotate-90">|||</div> <svg id="clock" xmlns="" viewBox="0,0,720,720"></svg> </div> </div> <script src="js/bundle.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> </body> </html> ## Instruction: Remove namespace definition of SVG element ## Code After: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1"> <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>Loclock</title> <meta name="description" content="World time clock"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css"> <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="images/icon.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="images/icon.png"> </head> <body class="unselectable"> <div id="container"> <div id="list-container"> <div id="list"></div> </div> <div id="clock-container"> <div id="bars" class="rotate-90">|||</div> <svg id="clock" viewBox="0,0,720,720"></svg> </div> </div> <script src="js/bundle.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> </body> </html>
package pages import ( "io" "io/ioutil" ) // StaticPage is a static page. type StaticPage struct { pageFields } // Static returns a bool indicating that the page is a static page. func (p *StaticPage) Static() bool { return true } func (p *StaticPage) Write(_ Context, w io.Writer) error { b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.filename) if err != nil { return err } _, err = w.Write(b) return err }
package pages import ( "io" "os" ) // StaticPage is a static page. type StaticPage struct { pageFields } // Static returns a bool indicating that the page is a static page. func (p *StaticPage) Static() bool { return true } func (p *StaticPage) Write(_ Context, w io.Writer) error { in, err := os.Open(p.filename) if err != nil { return err } defer in.Close() // nolint: errcheck, gas _, err = io.Copy(w, in) return err }
Use io.Copy to write static files
Use io.Copy to write static files
## Code Before: package pages import ( "io" "io/ioutil" ) // StaticPage is a static page. type StaticPage struct { pageFields } // Static returns a bool indicating that the page is a static page. func (p *StaticPage) Static() bool { return true } func (p *StaticPage) Write(_ Context, w io.Writer) error { b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.filename) if err != nil { return err } _, err = w.Write(b) return err } ## Instruction: Use io.Copy to write static files ## Code After: package pages import ( "io" "os" ) // StaticPage is a static page. type StaticPage struct { pageFields } // Static returns a bool indicating that the page is a static page. func (p *StaticPage) Static() bool { return true } func (p *StaticPage) Write(_ Context, w io.Writer) error { in, err := os.Open(p.filename) if err != nil { return err } defer in.Close() // nolint: errcheck, gas _, err = io.Copy(w, in) return err }
@use '_variables' as *; @use '_mixins' as *; .action-selection-mode { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; flex-grow: 1; } .action-selection-mode-child { position: fixed; .action-button { @include margin-left(55px); display: block; } } .action-button-cancel-selection { @include peertube-button; @include grey-button; } .video { @include row-blocks($column-responsive: false); &:first-child { margin-top: 47px; } .checkbox-container { @include margin-right(20px); @include margin-left(12px); display: flex; align-items: center; } my-video-miniature { flex-grow: 1; } } @include on-small-main-col { .video { flex-wrap: wrap; } } @include on-mobile-main-col { .checkbox-container { display: none; } .action-selection-mode { display: none; // disable for small screens } }
@use '_variables' as *; @use '_mixins' as *; .action-selection-mode { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; flex-grow: 1; } .action-selection-mode-child { position: fixed; display: flex; .action-button { @include margin-left(55px); display: block; } } .action-button-cancel-selection { @include peertube-button; @include grey-button; } .video { @include row-blocks($column-responsive: false); &:first-child { margin-top: 47px; } .checkbox-container { @include margin-right(20px); @include margin-left(12px); display: flex; align-items: center; } my-video-miniature { flex-grow: 1; } } @include on-small-main-col { .video { flex-wrap: wrap; } } @include on-mobile-main-col { .checkbox-container { display: none; } .action-selection-mode { display: none; // disable for small screens } }
Fix video selection buttons placement
Fix video selection buttons placement
## Code Before: @use '_variables' as *; @use '_mixins' as *; .action-selection-mode { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; flex-grow: 1; } .action-selection-mode-child { position: fixed; .action-button { @include margin-left(55px); display: block; } } .action-button-cancel-selection { @include peertube-button; @include grey-button; } .video { @include row-blocks($column-responsive: false); &:first-child { margin-top: 47px; } .checkbox-container { @include margin-right(20px); @include margin-left(12px); display: flex; align-items: center; } my-video-miniature { flex-grow: 1; } } @include on-small-main-col { .video { flex-wrap: wrap; } } @include on-mobile-main-col { .checkbox-container { display: none; } .action-selection-mode { display: none; // disable for small screens } } ## Instruction: Fix video selection buttons placement ## Code After: @use '_variables' as *; @use '_mixins' as *; .action-selection-mode { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; flex-grow: 1; } .action-selection-mode-child { position: fixed; display: flex; .action-button { @include margin-left(55px); display: block; } } .action-button-cancel-selection { @include peertube-button; @include grey-button; } .video { @include row-blocks($column-responsive: false); &:first-child { margin-top: 47px; } .checkbox-container { @include margin-right(20px); @include margin-left(12px); display: flex; align-items: center; } my-video-miniature { flex-grow: 1; } } @include on-small-main-col { .video { flex-wrap: wrap; } } @include on-mobile-main-col { .checkbox-container { display: none; } .action-selection-mode { display: none; // disable for small screens } }
Darkswarm.directive "validateStockQuantity", (StockQuantity) -> restrict: 'A' require: "ngModel" link: (scope, element, attr, ngModel) -> ngModel.$parsers.push (selectedQuantity) -> valid_number = parseInt(selectedQuantity) != NaN valid_quantity = parseInt(selectedQuantity) <= scope.available_quantity() ngModel.$setValidity('stock', (valid_number && valid_quantity) ); selectedQuantity scope.available_quantity = -> StockQuantity.available_quantity(attr.ofnOnHand, attr.finalizedquantity)
Darkswarm.directive "validateStockQuantity", (StockQuantity) -> restrict: 'A' require: "ngModel" scope: true link: (scope, element, attr, ngModel) -> ngModel.$parsers.push (selectedQuantity) -> valid_number = parseInt(selectedQuantity) != NaN valid_quantity = parseInt(selectedQuantity) <= scope.available_quantity() ngModel.$setValidity('stock', (valid_number && valid_quantity) ); selectedQuantity scope.available_quantity = -> StockQuantity.available_quantity(attr.ofnOnHand, attr.finalizedquantity)
Use fresh scope for each quantity field
Use fresh scope for each quantity field
## Code Before: Darkswarm.directive "validateStockQuantity", (StockQuantity) -> restrict: 'A' require: "ngModel" link: (scope, element, attr, ngModel) -> ngModel.$parsers.push (selectedQuantity) -> valid_number = parseInt(selectedQuantity) != NaN valid_quantity = parseInt(selectedQuantity) <= scope.available_quantity() ngModel.$setValidity('stock', (valid_number && valid_quantity) ); selectedQuantity scope.available_quantity = -> StockQuantity.available_quantity(attr.ofnOnHand, attr.finalizedquantity) ## Instruction: Use fresh scope for each quantity field ## Code After: Darkswarm.directive "validateStockQuantity", (StockQuantity) -> restrict: 'A' require: "ngModel" scope: true link: (scope, element, attr, ngModel) -> ngModel.$parsers.push (selectedQuantity) -> valid_number = parseInt(selectedQuantity) != NaN valid_quantity = parseInt(selectedQuantity) <= scope.available_quantity() ngModel.$setValidity('stock', (valid_number && valid_quantity) ); selectedQuantity scope.available_quantity = -> StockQuantity.available_quantity(attr.ofnOnHand, attr.finalizedquantity)
[package] name = "nickel-sqlite" version = "0.0.1" authors = ["Simon Persson <[email protected]>"] [lib] name = "nickel_sqlite" path = "src/" [dependencies.nickel] git = "" [dependencies.rust-sqlite] git = "" [[example]] name = "example" path = "example/"
[package] name = "nickel-sqlite" version = "0.0.1" authors = ["Simon Persson <[email protected]>"] [lib] name = "nickel_sqlite" path = "src/" [dependencies.nickel] git = "" [dependencies.rust-sqlite] git = "" [[example]] name = "example" path = "example/"
Switch back to main nickel.
Switch back to main nickel.
## Code Before: [package] name = "nickel-sqlite" version = "0.0.1" authors = ["Simon Persson <[email protected]>"] [lib] name = "nickel_sqlite" path = "src/" [dependencies.nickel] git = "" [dependencies.rust-sqlite] git = "" [[example]] name = "example" path = "example/" ## Instruction: Switch back to main nickel. ## Code After: [package] name = "nickel-sqlite" version = "0.0.1" authors = ["Simon Persson <[email protected]>"] [lib] name = "nickel_sqlite" path = "src/" [dependencies.nickel] git = "" [dependencies.rust-sqlite] git = "" [[example]] name = "example" path = "example/"
<section id="about"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h2 class="section-heading">Палаточный ИТ-лагерь Дюна</h2> <h3 class="section-subheading text-muted"> Это яркий палаточный фестиваль в самый разгар лета! ☀ Площадка соберет множество топ-менеджеров, спикеров, разработчиков, маркетологов и многих, многих других. </h3> <!-- <div class="row"> <div class=""> <iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> --> </div> </div> </div> </section>
<section id="about"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12">Что такое Дюна?</h2> <h3 class="section-subheading text-muted"> Дюна - это тематический палаточный ИТ-лагерь, который пройдет 13-15 июля 2018 года на берегу Волги, на территории базы отдыха "Дубровка" в Энгельсе. На Дюне будет всё, что необходимо для отличных выходных: доклады про технологии, науку и дизайн, спортивные развлечения, вкусная еда, пляж, диджеи, вейк-борд, кикер, шашлыки, кальяны и многое много другое. А значит это идеальное место для того чтобы провести лучшие ИТ-выходные с коллегами и друзьями. <br/>И помни: все что было на Дюне, остается на Дюне. </h3> <!-- <div class="row"> <div class=""> <iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> --> </div> </div> </div> </section>
Add new text to about
Add new text to about
## Code Before: <section id="about"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h2 class="section-heading">Палаточный ИТ-лагерь Дюна</h2> <h3 class="section-subheading text-muted"> Это яркий палаточный фестиваль в самый разгар лета! ☀ Площадка соберет множество топ-менеджеров, спикеров, разработчиков, маркетологов и многих, многих других. </h3> <!-- <div class="row"> <div class=""> <iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> --> </div> </div> </div> </section> ## Instruction: Add new text to about ## Code After: <section id="about"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12">Что такое Дюна?</h2> <h3 class="section-subheading text-muted"> Дюна - это тематический палаточный ИТ-лагерь, который пройдет 13-15 июля 2018 года на берегу Волги, на территории базы отдыха "Дубровка" в Энгельсе. На Дюне будет всё, что необходимо для отличных выходных: доклады про технологии, науку и дизайн, спортивные развлечения, вкусная еда, пляж, диджеи, вейк-борд, кикер, шашлыки, кальяны и многое много другое. А значит это идеальное место для того чтобы провести лучшие ИТ-выходные с коллегами и друзьями. <br/>И помни: все что было на Дюне, остается на Дюне. </h3> <!-- <div class="row"> <div class=""> <iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> --> </div> </div> </div> </section>
/* * Copyright (c) 2020, s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at */ module org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi { exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.validation; requires transitive org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api; requires org.slf4j; }
/* * Copyright (c) 2020, s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at */ module org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi { exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.validation; requires transitive org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api; requires org.slf4j; // Annotations requires static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation; }
Add a requirement on annotations
Add a requirement on annotations Do not rely to get these transitively, add a requires static. Change-Id: Ibf06934bcdf808e1bdc47cdb8097adc9d5650606 Signed-off-by: Robert Varga <[email protected]>
## Code Before: /* * Copyright (c) 2020, s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at */ module org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi { exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.validation; requires transitive org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api; requires org.slf4j; } ## Instruction: Add a requirement on annotations Do not rely to get these transitively, add a requires static. Change-Id: Ibf06934bcdf808e1bdc47cdb8097adc9d5650606 Signed-off-by: Robert Varga <[email protected]> ## Code After: /* * Copyright (c) 2020, s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at */ module org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi { exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.meta; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.source; exports org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.spi.validation; requires transitive org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api; requires org.slf4j; // Annotations requires static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation; }
certifi==2017.7.27.1 chardet==3.0.4 codacy-coverage==1.3.6 coverage==4.4.1 idna==2.5 pkg-resources==0.0.0 py==1.4.34 pytest==3.2.0 requests==2.18.3 urllib3==1.22
certifi==2017.7.27.1 chardet==3.0.4 codacy-coverage==1.3.6 coverage==4.4.1 idna==2.5 py==1.4.34 pytest==3.2.0 requests==2.18.3 urllib3==1.22
Fix unmeetable dependency on pip requirements
Fix unmeetable dependency on pip requirements
## Code Before: certifi==2017.7.27.1 chardet==3.0.4 codacy-coverage==1.3.6 coverage==4.4.1 idna==2.5 pkg-resources==0.0.0 py==1.4.34 pytest==3.2.0 requests==2.18.3 urllib3==1.22 ## Instruction: Fix unmeetable dependency on pip requirements ## Code After: certifi==2017.7.27.1 chardet==3.0.4 codacy-coverage==1.3.6 coverage==4.4.1 idna==2.5 py==1.4.34 pytest==3.2.0 requests==2.18.3 urllib3==1.22
require "./converters" module Discord module REST # A response to the Get Gateway REST API call. struct GatewayResponse JSON.mapping( url: String ) end end end
require "./converters" module Discord module REST # A response to the Get Gateway REST API call. struct GatewayResponse JSON.mapping( url: String ) end # A response to the Get Guild Prune Count REST API call. struct PruneCountResponse JSON.mapping( pruned: UInt32 ) end end end
Add a mapping for the response of the prune count endpoint
Add a mapping for the response of the prune count endpoint
## Code Before: require "./converters" module Discord module REST # A response to the Get Gateway REST API call. struct GatewayResponse JSON.mapping( url: String ) end end end ## Instruction: Add a mapping for the response of the prune count endpoint ## Code After: require "./converters" module Discord module REST # A response to the Get Gateway REST API call. struct GatewayResponse JSON.mapping( url: String ) end # A response to the Get Guild Prune Count REST API call. struct PruneCountResponse JSON.mapping( pruned: UInt32 ) end end end
require 'spec_helper' module Voynich::ActiveRecord describe DataKey do before do allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:plaintext) { 'plaintext-data-key-generated-by-amazon-kms' } allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:ciphertext) { "encrypted-data-key#{SecureRandom.hex}" } allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:reencrypt) { "encrypted-data-key#{SecureRandom.hex}" } end describe "#reencrypt!" do let(:data_key) { DataKey.create!(name: 'data_key', cmk_id: Voynich.kms_cmk_id) } it "re-encrypt and save ciphertext" do before = data_key.ciphertext data_key.reencrypt! expect(data_key.ciphertext).to_not eq before end end end end
require 'spec_helper' module Voynich::ActiveRecord describe DataKey do before do allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:plaintext) { 'plaintext-data-key-generated-by-amazon-kms' } allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:ciphertext) { "encrypted-data-key" } allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:reencrypt) { "encrypted-data-key-new" } end describe "#reencrypt!" do let(:data_key) { DataKey.create!(name: 'data_key', cmk_id: Voynich.kms_cmk_id) } it "re-encrypt and save ciphertext" do data_key.reencrypt! expect(data_key.ciphertext).to eq "encrypted-data-key-new" end end end end
Update reencrypt spec to use fixed key string
Update reencrypt spec to use fixed key string
## Code Before: require 'spec_helper' module Voynich::ActiveRecord describe DataKey do before do allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:plaintext) { 'plaintext-data-key-generated-by-amazon-kms' } allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:ciphertext) { "encrypted-data-key#{SecureRandom.hex}" } allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:reencrypt) { "encrypted-data-key#{SecureRandom.hex}" } end describe "#reencrypt!" do let(:data_key) { DataKey.create!(name: 'data_key', cmk_id: Voynich.kms_cmk_id) } it "re-encrypt and save ciphertext" do before = data_key.ciphertext data_key.reencrypt! expect(data_key.ciphertext).to_not eq before end end end end ## Instruction: Update reencrypt spec to use fixed key string ## Code After: require 'spec_helper' module Voynich::ActiveRecord describe DataKey do before do allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:plaintext) { 'plaintext-data-key-generated-by-amazon-kms' } allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:ciphertext) { "encrypted-data-key" } allow_any_instance_of(Voynich::KMSDataKeyClient).to receive(:reencrypt) { "encrypted-data-key-new" } end describe "#reencrypt!" do let(:data_key) { DataKey.create!(name: 'data_key', cmk_id: Voynich.kms_cmk_id) } it "re-encrypt and save ciphertext" do data_key.reencrypt! expect(data_key.ciphertext).to eq "encrypted-data-key-new" end end end end
[![Dependency Status](]( Pair Columbus Challenge Progress
[![Dependency Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( An easy way to check your progress on [Pair Columbus challenges]( Remember, you don't need to be a member of Pair Columbus to work on the challenges (though if you want to [join us](, that would be awesome). ## Features Enter a GitHub username to see which challenges that user has completed. Progress keeps track of this by assuming that you have completed any challenge that you have submitted a pull request. Please note that this may have false positives if you are contributing to a project, or send a pull request with an incomplete solution. If you need help with a solution you're working on, feel free to ask around on your pull request for that challenge. ## Usage You should [install Node.js]( first. ```shell npm install npm start ``` If you run into issues with rate limiting, please [register a new OAuth application on GitHub]( and set the `PROGRESS_ID` and `PROGRESS_SECRET` environment variables to your client ID and client secret (respectively) before you start the app. Progress is also deployed on [Heroku](, which will automatically deploy the app whenever you commit to `master` (and it already has the client ID and client secret set up. ## Stack These are the technologies used by Progress itself, not the technologies covered in the Pair Columbus challenges. - [Node.js]( - [Express]( - [GitHub API v3]( - [Bootstrap](
Add information to the readme, along with a Code Climate badge
Add information to the readme, along with a Code Climate badge
## Code Before: [![Dependency Status](]( Pair Columbus Challenge Progress ## Instruction: Add information to the readme, along with a Code Climate badge ## Code After: [![Dependency Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( An easy way to check your progress on [Pair Columbus challenges]( Remember, you don't need to be a member of Pair Columbus to work on the challenges (though if you want to [join us](, that would be awesome). ## Features Enter a GitHub username to see which challenges that user has completed. Progress keeps track of this by assuming that you have completed any challenge that you have submitted a pull request. Please note that this may have false positives if you are contributing to a project, or send a pull request with an incomplete solution. If you need help with a solution you're working on, feel free to ask around on your pull request for that challenge. ## Usage You should [install Node.js]( first. ```shell npm install npm start ``` If you run into issues with rate limiting, please [register a new OAuth application on GitHub]( and set the `PROGRESS_ID` and `PROGRESS_SECRET` environment variables to your client ID and client secret (respectively) before you start the app. Progress is also deployed on [Heroku](, which will automatically deploy the app whenever you commit to `master` (and it already has the client ID and client secret set up. ## Stack These are the technologies used by Progress itself, not the technologies covered in the Pair Columbus challenges. - [Node.js]( - [Express]( - [GitHub API v3]( - [Bootstrap](
- project: templates: - nodejs8-jobs - nodejs8-publish-to-npm - release-notes-jobs-python3 check: jobs: - tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-oooq: files: - ^src/.*$ - ^webpack.*$ - ^package.json$ - ^npm-shrinkwrap.json$ - ^.babelrc$ gate: queue: tripleo jobs: - tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-oooq: files: - ^src/.*$ - ^webpack.*$ - ^package.json$ - ^npm-shrinkwrap.json$ - ^.babelrc$
- project: templates: - nodejs8-jobs - nodejs8-publish-to-npm - release-notes-jobs-python3 check: jobs: - tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-containers: files: - ^src/.*$ - ^webpack.*$ - ^package.json$ - ^npm-shrinkwrap.json$ - ^.babelrc$ gate: queue: tripleo jobs: - tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-containers: files: - ^src/.*$ - ^webpack.*$ - ^package.json$ - ^npm-shrinkwrap.json$ - ^.babelrc$
Fix the missing undercloud jobs
Fix the missing undercloud jobs The old defined undercloud job is instack-undercloud based which has been dropped as of Stein. This replaces it with the containerized version. Change-Id: I90ada83a715f9a9631d474413a1d66befd02eaab
## Code Before: - project: templates: - nodejs8-jobs - nodejs8-publish-to-npm - release-notes-jobs-python3 check: jobs: - tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-oooq: files: - ^src/.*$ - ^webpack.*$ - ^package.json$ - ^npm-shrinkwrap.json$ - ^.babelrc$ gate: queue: tripleo jobs: - tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-oooq: files: - ^src/.*$ - ^webpack.*$ - ^package.json$ - ^npm-shrinkwrap.json$ - ^.babelrc$ ## Instruction: Fix the missing undercloud jobs The old defined undercloud job is instack-undercloud based which has been dropped as of Stein. This replaces it with the containerized version. Change-Id: I90ada83a715f9a9631d474413a1d66befd02eaab ## Code After: - project: templates: - nodejs8-jobs - nodejs8-publish-to-npm - release-notes-jobs-python3 check: jobs: - tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-containers: files: - ^src/.*$ - ^webpack.*$ - ^package.json$ - ^npm-shrinkwrap.json$ - ^.babelrc$ gate: queue: tripleo jobs: - tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-containers: files: - ^src/.*$ - ^webpack.*$ - ^package.json$ - ^npm-shrinkwrap.json$ - ^.babelrc$
from setuptools import setup description = 'ssheepdog' long_desc = description setup( name='ssheepdog', version='0.0.1', url='', install_requires=[ 'django-celery', 'django-kombu', ], description=description, long_description=long_desc, author='SheepDogInc', author_email='[email protected]', packages=['ssheepdog'] )
from setuptools import setup description = 'ssheepdog' long_desc = description setup( name='ssheepdog', version='0.0.1', url='', install_requires=[ 'django-celery', 'django-kombu', 'south', 'ssh' ], description=description, long_description=long_desc, author='SheepDogInc', author_email='[email protected]', packages=['ssheepdog'] )
Add a couple of dependencies
Add a couple of dependencies
## Code Before: from setuptools import setup description = 'ssheepdog' long_desc = description setup( name='ssheepdog', version='0.0.1', url='', install_requires=[ 'django-celery', 'django-kombu', ], description=description, long_description=long_desc, author='SheepDogInc', author_email='[email protected]', packages=['ssheepdog'] ) ## Instruction: Add a couple of dependencies ## Code After: from setuptools import setup description = 'ssheepdog' long_desc = description setup( name='ssheepdog', version='0.0.1', url='', install_requires=[ 'django-celery', 'django-kombu', 'south', 'ssh' ], description=description, long_description=long_desc, author='SheepDogInc', author_email='[email protected]', packages=['ssheepdog'] )
Backup PostgresSQL to S3 (supports periodic backups) ## Usage Docker: ```sh $ docker run -e S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key -e S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret -e S3_BUCKET=my-bucket -e S3_PREFIX=backup -e POSTGRES_DATABASE=dbname -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_HOST=localhost schickling/postgres-backup-s3 ``` Docker Compose: ```yaml postgres: image: postgres environment: POSTGRES_USER: user POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password pgbackups3: image: schickling/postgres-backup-s3 links: - postgres environment: SCHEDULE: '@daily' S3_REGION: region S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: key S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: secret S3_BUCKET: my-bucket S3_PREFIX: backup POSTGRES_DATABASE: dbname POSTGRES_USER: user POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password ``` ### Automatic Periodic Backups You can additionally set the `SCHEDULE` environment variable like `-e SCHEDULE="@daily"` to run the backup automatically. More information about the scheduling can be found [here](
Restore a SQL backup from S3 to PostgresSQL ## Warning This will potentially put your database in a very bad state or complete destroy your data, be very careful. ## Limitations This is made to restore a backup made from postgres-backup-s3, if you backup came from somewhere else please check your format. * Your s3 bucket *must* only contain backups which you wish to restore - it will always grabs the 'latest' based on unix sort with no filtering * They must be gzip encoded text sql files * If your bucket has more than a 1000 files the latest may not be restore, only one s3 ls command is made ## Usage Docker: ```sh $ docker run -e S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key -e S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret -e S3_BUCKET=my-bucket -e S3_PREFIX=backup -e POSTGRES_DATABASE=dbname -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_HOST=localhost schickling/postgres-restore-s3 ``` ## Dropping public If you wish to drop the public schema (drop schema public cascade; create schema public) then set the environment variable DROP_PUBLIC=yes. This is useful for situations where you wish to restore a database which currently has data / schemas in it.
Update readme for postgres restore
Update readme for postgres restore
## Code Before: Backup PostgresSQL to S3 (supports periodic backups) ## Usage Docker: ```sh $ docker run -e S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key -e S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret -e S3_BUCKET=my-bucket -e S3_PREFIX=backup -e POSTGRES_DATABASE=dbname -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_HOST=localhost schickling/postgres-backup-s3 ``` Docker Compose: ```yaml postgres: image: postgres environment: POSTGRES_USER: user POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password pgbackups3: image: schickling/postgres-backup-s3 links: - postgres environment: SCHEDULE: '@daily' S3_REGION: region S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: key S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: secret S3_BUCKET: my-bucket S3_PREFIX: backup POSTGRES_DATABASE: dbname POSTGRES_USER: user POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password ``` ### Automatic Periodic Backups You can additionally set the `SCHEDULE` environment variable like `-e SCHEDULE="@daily"` to run the backup automatically. More information about the scheduling can be found [here]( ## Instruction: Update readme for postgres restore ## Code After: Restore a SQL backup from S3 to PostgresSQL ## Warning This will potentially put your database in a very bad state or complete destroy your data, be very careful. ## Limitations This is made to restore a backup made from postgres-backup-s3, if you backup came from somewhere else please check your format. * Your s3 bucket *must* only contain backups which you wish to restore - it will always grabs the 'latest' based on unix sort with no filtering * They must be gzip encoded text sql files * If your bucket has more than a 1000 files the latest may not be restore, only one s3 ls command is made ## Usage Docker: ```sh $ docker run -e S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key -e S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret -e S3_BUCKET=my-bucket -e S3_PREFIX=backup -e POSTGRES_DATABASE=dbname -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_HOST=localhost schickling/postgres-restore-s3 ``` ## Dropping public If you wish to drop the public schema (drop schema public cascade; create schema public) then set the environment variable DROP_PUBLIC=yes. This is useful for situations where you wish to restore a database which currently has data / schemas in it.
Admins (nduca, sullivan) can add contributors to the project. There are three steps: 1. Check that the person has signed the Contributor License Agreement. You can check [here](http://go/check-cla). If they have not signed, please redirect them to [this page][cla] and wait for them to sign before adding. 2. Add the person's github account to the [catapult] team. 3. Add the person's email to the [commit queue list]. Because there is no API to retrieve a person's GitHub ID from their email address or vice versa, we cannot automate this into one step. [cla]: [catapult]: [commit queue list]:
Admins (sullivan, benhenry, nednguyen) can add contributors to the project. There are three steps: 1. Check that the person has signed the Contributor License Agreement. You can check [here](http://go/check-cla). If they have not signed, please redirect them to [this page][cla] and wait for them to sign before adding. 2. Add the person's github account to the [catapult] team. 3. Add the person's email to the [commit queue list]. Because there is no API to retrieve a person's GitHub ID from their email address or vice versa, we cannot automate this into one step. [cla]: [catapult]: [commit queue list]:
Update admins in adding contributors docs.
Update admins in adding contributors docs. I put myself first instead of using alphabetic order so that people bug me by default. Hope that's okay! Review-Url:
## Code Before: Admins (nduca, sullivan) can add contributors to the project. There are three steps: 1. Check that the person has signed the Contributor License Agreement. You can check [here](http://go/check-cla). If they have not signed, please redirect them to [this page][cla] and wait for them to sign before adding. 2. Add the person's github account to the [catapult] team. 3. Add the person's email to the [commit queue list]. Because there is no API to retrieve a person's GitHub ID from their email address or vice versa, we cannot automate this into one step. [cla]: [catapult]: [commit queue list]: ## Instruction: Update admins in adding contributors docs. I put myself first instead of using alphabetic order so that people bug me by default. Hope that's okay! Review-Url: ## Code After: Admins (sullivan, benhenry, nednguyen) can add contributors to the project. There are three steps: 1. Check that the person has signed the Contributor License Agreement. You can check [here](http://go/check-cla). If they have not signed, please redirect them to [this page][cla] and wait for them to sign before adding. 2. Add the person's github account to the [catapult] team. 3. Add the person's email to the [commit queue list]. Because there is no API to retrieve a person's GitHub ID from their email address or vice versa, we cannot automate this into one step. [cla]: [catapult]: [commit queue list]:
def constant_number(): return 42 def constant_true(): return True def constant_false(): return False def unary_sub(): return -1 def unary_add(): return +1 def equals(vals): def constraint(x, y): return (x == y) ^ (x != y) return all([constraint(x, y) for x in vals for y in vals]) def use_break(limit): for x in range(limit): break return x def use_continue(limit): for x in range(limit): continue return x def trigger_infinite_loop(): # When `break` becomes `continue`, this should enter an infinite loop. This # helps us test timeouts. while True: break
def constant_number(): return 42 def constant_true(): return True def constant_false(): return False def unary_sub(): return -1 def unary_add(): return +1 def equals(vals): def constraint(x, y): return (x == y) ^ (x != y) return all([constraint(x, y) for x in vals for y in vals]) def use_break(limit): for x in range(limit): break return x def use_continue(limit): for x in range(limit): continue return x def trigger_infinite_loop(): # When `break` becomes `continue`, this should enter an infinite loop. This # helps us test timeouts. # Any object which isn't None passes the truth value testing so here # we use `while object()` instead of `while True` b/c the later becomes # `while False` when BooleanReplacer is applied and we don't trigger an # infinite loop. while object(): break
Modify the infinite loop function
Modify the infinite loop function Don't use `while True` b/c BooleanReplacer breaks this function's test. This is a bit ugly but until Issue #97 is fixed there is no other way around it.
## Code Before: def constant_number(): return 42 def constant_true(): return True def constant_false(): return False def unary_sub(): return -1 def unary_add(): return +1 def equals(vals): def constraint(x, y): return (x == y) ^ (x != y) return all([constraint(x, y) for x in vals for y in vals]) def use_break(limit): for x in range(limit): break return x def use_continue(limit): for x in range(limit): continue return x def trigger_infinite_loop(): # When `break` becomes `continue`, this should enter an infinite loop. This # helps us test timeouts. while True: break ## Instruction: Modify the infinite loop function Don't use `while True` b/c BooleanReplacer breaks this function's test. This is a bit ugly but until Issue #97 is fixed there is no other way around it. ## Code After: def constant_number(): return 42 def constant_true(): return True def constant_false(): return False def unary_sub(): return -1 def unary_add(): return +1 def equals(vals): def constraint(x, y): return (x == y) ^ (x != y) return all([constraint(x, y) for x in vals for y in vals]) def use_break(limit): for x in range(limit): break return x def use_continue(limit): for x in range(limit): continue return x def trigger_infinite_loop(): # When `break` becomes `continue`, this should enter an infinite loop. This # helps us test timeouts. # Any object which isn't None passes the truth value testing so here # we use `while object()` instead of `while True` b/c the later becomes # `while False` when BooleanReplacer is applied and we don't trigger an # infinite loop. while object(): break
cask :v1 => 'doubletwist' do version '3.1.2' sha256 '47975cc7517a6cf8c90362536a7feb53f0ff8af7d45866481d37cad2fcae4dac' url "{version}-kronos-patch1-r11040/doubleTwist.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => '63ad1487f6e129aa79b9724f9191a52aa1a31ec0c26de63a9d778c1dd709a815' homepage '' license :unknown app '' end
cask :v1 => 'doubletwist' do version '3.1.2' sha256 '47975cc7517a6cf8c90362536a7feb53f0ff8af7d45866481d37cad2fcae4dac' url "{version}-kronos-patch1-r11040/doubleTwist.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => '63ad1487f6e129aa79b9724f9191a52aa1a31ec0c26de63a9d778c1dd709a815' homepage '' license :unknown app '' zap :delete => [ '~/Library/Application Support/doubleTwist', '~/Library/Preferences/com.doubleTwist.desktop.plist', '~/Library/Caches/com.doubleTwist.desktop' ] end
Add zap stanza for doubleTwist
Add zap stanza for doubleTwist
## Code Before: cask :v1 => 'doubletwist' do version '3.1.2' sha256 '47975cc7517a6cf8c90362536a7feb53f0ff8af7d45866481d37cad2fcae4dac' url "{version}-kronos-patch1-r11040/doubleTwist.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => '63ad1487f6e129aa79b9724f9191a52aa1a31ec0c26de63a9d778c1dd709a815' homepage '' license :unknown app '' end ## Instruction: Add zap stanza for doubleTwist ## Code After: cask :v1 => 'doubletwist' do version '3.1.2' sha256 '47975cc7517a6cf8c90362536a7feb53f0ff8af7d45866481d37cad2fcae4dac' url "{version}-kronos-patch1-r11040/doubleTwist.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => '63ad1487f6e129aa79b9724f9191a52aa1a31ec0c26de63a9d778c1dd709a815' homepage '' license :unknown app '' zap :delete => [ '~/Library/Application Support/doubleTwist', '~/Library/Preferences/com.doubleTwist.desktop.plist', '~/Library/Caches/com.doubleTwist.desktop' ] end
This package wraps the [libgeoip C library]( for access from Go (golang). Install with `go get` and use `godoc geoip` to read the documentation. There's a small example in the `ex/` subdirectory. You can download the free [GeoLite Country]( database or you can [subscribe to updates]( ## Examples file := "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat" gi := geoip.Open(file) if gi == nil { fmt.Printf("Could not open GeoIP database\n") } if gi != nil { country := gi.GetCountry("") } // Setup gi6 by opening the optional IPv6 database and then: country := gi6.GetCountry_v6("2607:f238:2::5") fmt.Println(country) ## Contact Ask Bjørn Hansen <[email protected]>. The package MIT licensed, see the LICENSE file. Originally based on an example from [email protected].
This package wraps the [libgeoip C library]( for access from Go (golang). [![Build Status](]( Install with `go get` and use `godoc geoip` to read the documentation. There's a small example in the `ex/` subdirectory. You can download the free [GeoLite Country]( database or you can [subscribe to updates]( ## Examples file := "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat" gi := geoip.Open(file) if gi == nil { fmt.Printf("Could not open GeoIP database\n") } if gi != nil { country := gi.GetCountry("") } // Setup gi6 by opening the optional IPv6 database and then: country := gi6.GetCountry_v6("2607:f238:2::5") fmt.Println(country) ## Contact Ask Bjørn Hansen <[email protected]>. The package MIT licensed, see the LICENSE file. Originally based on an example from [email protected].
Add build status image to readme
Add build status image to readme
## Code Before: This package wraps the [libgeoip C library]( for access from Go (golang). Install with `go get` and use `godoc geoip` to read the documentation. There's a small example in the `ex/` subdirectory. You can download the free [GeoLite Country]( database or you can [subscribe to updates]( ## Examples file := "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat" gi := geoip.Open(file) if gi == nil { fmt.Printf("Could not open GeoIP database\n") } if gi != nil { country := gi.GetCountry("") } // Setup gi6 by opening the optional IPv6 database and then: country := gi6.GetCountry_v6("2607:f238:2::5") fmt.Println(country) ## Contact Ask Bjørn Hansen <[email protected]>. The package MIT licensed, see the LICENSE file. Originally based on an example from [email protected]. ## Instruction: Add build status image to readme ## Code After: This package wraps the [libgeoip C library]( for access from Go (golang). [![Build Status](]( Install with `go get` and use `godoc geoip` to read the documentation. There's a small example in the `ex/` subdirectory. You can download the free [GeoLite Country]( database or you can [subscribe to updates]( ## Examples file := "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat" gi := geoip.Open(file) if gi == nil { fmt.Printf("Could not open GeoIP database\n") } if gi != nil { country := gi.GetCountry("") } // Setup gi6 by opening the optional IPv6 database and then: country := gi6.GetCountry_v6("2607:f238:2::5") fmt.Println(country) ## Contact Ask Bjørn Hansen <[email protected]>. The package MIT licensed, see the LICENSE file. Originally based on an example from [email protected].
DESCRIPTION = "Open Asset Import Library is a portable Open Source library to import \ various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel" LICENSE = "BSD" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=bc4231a2268da8fc55525ad119638a87" DEPENDS = "boost" SRC_URI = "${BPN}/files/${BPN}-3.1/${BPN}-${PV}" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ccd4788204509da58a3a53c7aeda7a8b" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "da9827876f10a8b447270368753392cfd502e70a2e9d1361554e5dfcb1fede9e" inherit cmake FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/cmake"
DESCRIPTION = "Open Asset Import Library is a portable Open Source library to import \ various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel" LICENSE = "BSD" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=bc4231a2268da8fc55525ad119638a87" DEPENDS = "boost virtual/libgl" SRC_URI = "${BPN}/files/${BPN}-3.1/${BPN}-${PV}" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ccd4788204509da58a3a53c7aeda7a8b" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "da9827876f10a8b447270368753392cfd502e70a2e9d1361554e5dfcb1fede9e" inherit cmake FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/cmake"
Add missing dependency on virtual/libgl
assimp: Add missing dependency on virtual/libgl Signed-off-by: Tom Hochstein <[email protected]> Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <[email protected]>
## Code Before: DESCRIPTION = "Open Asset Import Library is a portable Open Source library to import \ various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel" LICENSE = "BSD" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=bc4231a2268da8fc55525ad119638a87" DEPENDS = "boost" SRC_URI = "${BPN}/files/${BPN}-3.1/${BPN}-${PV}" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ccd4788204509da58a3a53c7aeda7a8b" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "da9827876f10a8b447270368753392cfd502e70a2e9d1361554e5dfcb1fede9e" inherit cmake FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/cmake" ## Instruction: assimp: Add missing dependency on virtual/libgl Signed-off-by: Tom Hochstein <[email protected]> Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <[email protected]> ## Code After: DESCRIPTION = "Open Asset Import Library is a portable Open Source library to import \ various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel" LICENSE = "BSD" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=bc4231a2268da8fc55525ad119638a87" DEPENDS = "boost virtual/libgl" SRC_URI = "${BPN}/files/${BPN}-3.1/${BPN}-${PV}" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ccd4788204509da58a3a53c7aeda7a8b" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "da9827876f10a8b447270368753392cfd502e70a2e9d1361554e5dfcb1fede9e" inherit cmake FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/cmake"
Postfix Blackhole ================== A simple postfix blackhole container. Running ======== `docker run -it -p 25:25 feathj/postfix-blackhole` Note that `VIRTUAL_HOST` environment variable can be added if run with dinghy client `docker run -it -p 25:25 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=postfix-blackhole.docker feathj/postfix-blackhole` Inspired heavily by =================== [docker-postfix]( [smtpblackhole](
Postfix Blackhole ================== A simple postfix blackhole image. Useful for integration testing applications without actually sending smtp messages. Running ======== `$ docker run -it -p 25:25 feathj/postfix-blackhole` Note that `VIRTUAL_HOST` environment variable can be added if run with dinghy client `$ docker run -it -p 25:25 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=postfix-blackhole.docker feathj/postfix-blackhole` Or from docker-compose.yml: ``` postfix: image: feathj/postfix-blackhole ports: - "25:25" environment: VIRTUAL_HOST: "postfix.docker" ``` Inspired heavily by =================== [docker-postfix]( [smtpblackhole](
Add docker-compose sample to documentation
Add docker-compose sample to documentation
## Code Before: Postfix Blackhole ================== A simple postfix blackhole container. Running ======== `docker run -it -p 25:25 feathj/postfix-blackhole` Note that `VIRTUAL_HOST` environment variable can be added if run with dinghy client `docker run -it -p 25:25 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=postfix-blackhole.docker feathj/postfix-blackhole` Inspired heavily by =================== [docker-postfix]( [smtpblackhole]( ## Instruction: Add docker-compose sample to documentation ## Code After: Postfix Blackhole ================== A simple postfix blackhole image. Useful for integration testing applications without actually sending smtp messages. Running ======== `$ docker run -it -p 25:25 feathj/postfix-blackhole` Note that `VIRTUAL_HOST` environment variable can be added if run with dinghy client `$ docker run -it -p 25:25 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=postfix-blackhole.docker feathj/postfix-blackhole` Or from docker-compose.yml: ``` postfix: image: feathj/postfix-blackhole ports: - "25:25" environment: VIRTUAL_HOST: "postfix.docker" ``` Inspired heavily by =================== [docker-postfix]( [smtpblackhole](
fn main() { let home = std::env::home_dir().unwrap(); let mut sbt_jar = std::path::PathBuf::from(home); sbt_jar.push(".sbt/launchers/0.13.13/sbt-launch.jar"); let sbt_jar = sbt_jar; use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt; let err = std::process::Command::new("java") .args(&["-Xms512m", "-Xmx1536m", "-Xss2m"]) .args(&[&"-jar".as_ref(), &sbt_jar.as_os_str()]) .arg("shell") .exec(); println!("error: {}", err); if let Some(err) = err.raw_os_error() { std::process::exit(err); } std::process::exit(-1) }
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; fn exec_runner<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(args: &[S]) { use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt; let err = std::process::Command::new(&args[0]).args(&args[1..]).exec(); println!("error: {}", err); if let Some(err) = err.raw_os_error() { std::process::exit(err); } std::process::exit(-1) } fn main() { let home = std::env::home_dir().unwrap(); let mut sbt_jar = std::path::PathBuf::from(home); sbt_jar.push(".sbt/launchers/0.13.13/sbt-launch.jar"); let sbt_jar = sbt_jar; let extra_jvm_opts = [OsStr::new("-Xms512m").to_os_string(), OsStr::new("-Xmx1536m").to_os_string(), OsStr::new("-Xss2m").to_os_string()]; let java_args: [OsString; 0] = []; let sbt_commands: [OsString; 0] = []; let residual_args: [OsString; 0] = []; let mut exec_args: Vec<OsString> = Vec::new(); exec_args.push(OsStr::new("java").to_os_string()); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&extra_jvm_opts); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&java_args); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&[OsStr::new("-jar").to_os_string(), sbt_jar.into_os_string()]); exec_args.push(OsStr::new("shell").to_os_string()); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&sbt_commands); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&residual_args); let exec_args = exec_args; exec_runner(&exec_args) }
Define arg groups & extract exec_runner
Define arg groups & extract exec_runner
## Code Before: fn main() { let home = std::env::home_dir().unwrap(); let mut sbt_jar = std::path::PathBuf::from(home); sbt_jar.push(".sbt/launchers/0.13.13/sbt-launch.jar"); let sbt_jar = sbt_jar; use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt; let err = std::process::Command::new("java") .args(&["-Xms512m", "-Xmx1536m", "-Xss2m"]) .args(&[&"-jar".as_ref(), &sbt_jar.as_os_str()]) .arg("shell") .exec(); println!("error: {}", err); if let Some(err) = err.raw_os_error() { std::process::exit(err); } std::process::exit(-1) } ## Instruction: Define arg groups & extract exec_runner ## Code After: use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; fn exec_runner<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(args: &[S]) { use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt; let err = std::process::Command::new(&args[0]).args(&args[1..]).exec(); println!("error: {}", err); if let Some(err) = err.raw_os_error() { std::process::exit(err); } std::process::exit(-1) } fn main() { let home = std::env::home_dir().unwrap(); let mut sbt_jar = std::path::PathBuf::from(home); sbt_jar.push(".sbt/launchers/0.13.13/sbt-launch.jar"); let sbt_jar = sbt_jar; let extra_jvm_opts = [OsStr::new("-Xms512m").to_os_string(), OsStr::new("-Xmx1536m").to_os_string(), OsStr::new("-Xss2m").to_os_string()]; let java_args: [OsString; 0] = []; let sbt_commands: [OsString; 0] = []; let residual_args: [OsString; 0] = []; let mut exec_args: Vec<OsString> = Vec::new(); exec_args.push(OsStr::new("java").to_os_string()); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&extra_jvm_opts); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&java_args); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&[OsStr::new("-jar").to_os_string(), sbt_jar.into_os_string()]); exec_args.push(OsStr::new("shell").to_os_string()); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&sbt_commands); exec_args.extend_from_slice(&residual_args); let exec_args = exec_args; exec_runner(&exec_args) }
{ "manifest_version": 2, "name": "MercadoLibre Más Vendido", "description": "Encontrá de manera rápida el artículo más vendido que estés buscando en MercadoLibre con esta extensión", "version": "0.0.3", "icons": { "16": "assets/mercado-libre_16.png", "48": "assets/mercado-libre_48.png", "128": "assets/mercado-libre_128.png" }, "page_action": { "default_title": "Busca el más vendido" }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "http://**", "https://**" ], "js": [ "src/content_script.js" ] } ] }
{ "manifest_version": 2, "name": "MercadoLibre Más Vendido", "description": "Encontrá de manera rápida el artículo más vendido que estés buscando en MercadoLibre con esta extensión", "version": "0.0.3", "icons": { "16": "assets/mercado-libre_16.png", "48": "assets/mercado-libre_48.png", "128": "assets/mercado-libre_128.png" }, "page_action": { "default_title": "Busca el más vendido" }, "browser_action": { "default_icon": "assets/mercado-libre_128.png" }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "http://**", "https://**" ], "js": [ "src/content_script.js" ] } ] }
Fix grey icon on block extensions
Fix grey icon on block extensions
## Code Before: { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "MercadoLibre Más Vendido", "description": "Encontrá de manera rápida el artículo más vendido que estés buscando en MercadoLibre con esta extensión", "version": "0.0.3", "icons": { "16": "assets/mercado-libre_16.png", "48": "assets/mercado-libre_48.png", "128": "assets/mercado-libre_128.png" }, "page_action": { "default_title": "Busca el más vendido" }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "http://**", "https://**" ], "js": [ "src/content_script.js" ] } ] } ## Instruction: Fix grey icon on block extensions ## Code After: { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "MercadoLibre Más Vendido", "description": "Encontrá de manera rápida el artículo más vendido que estés buscando en MercadoLibre con esta extensión", "version": "0.0.3", "icons": { "16": "assets/mercado-libre_16.png", "48": "assets/mercado-libre_48.png", "128": "assets/mercado-libre_128.png" }, "page_action": { "default_title": "Busca el más vendido" }, "browser_action": { "default_icon": "assets/mercado-libre_128.png" }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "http://**", "https://**" ], "js": [ "src/content_script.js" ] } ] }
/* eslint-disable */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // !!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!! // // // // This file is auto-generated by scripts/ in the repository. // // Please refer to the script code to learn how to update the source data. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient'; export type TeamProfileGetResponse = WebAPICallResult & { ok?: boolean; profile?: Profile; error?: string; needed?: string; provided?: string; }; export interface Profile { fields?: Field[]; sections?: Section[]; } export interface Field { id?: string; ordering?: number; field_name?: string; label?: string; hint?: string; type?: string; is_hidden?: boolean; } export interface Section { id?: string; team_id?: string; section_type?: string; label?: string; order?: number; is_hidden?: boolean; }
/* eslint-disable */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // !!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!! // // // // This file is auto-generated by scripts/ in the repository. // // Please refer to the script code to learn how to update the source data. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient'; export type TeamProfileGetResponse = WebAPICallResult & { ok?: boolean; profile?: Profile; error?: string; needed?: string; provided?: string; }; export interface Profile { fields?: Field[]; sections?: Section[]; } export interface Field { id?: string; ordering?: number; field_name?: string; label?: string; hint?: string; type?: string; is_hidden?: boolean; possible_values?: string[]; } export interface Section { id?: string; team_id?: string; section_type?: string; label?: string; order?: number; is_hidden?: boolean; }
Update the web-api response types using the latest source
Update the web-api response types using the latest source
## Code Before: /* eslint-disable */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // !!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!! // // // // This file is auto-generated by scripts/ in the repository. // // Please refer to the script code to learn how to update the source data. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient'; export type TeamProfileGetResponse = WebAPICallResult & { ok?: boolean; profile?: Profile; error?: string; needed?: string; provided?: string; }; export interface Profile { fields?: Field[]; sections?: Section[]; } export interface Field { id?: string; ordering?: number; field_name?: string; label?: string; hint?: string; type?: string; is_hidden?: boolean; } export interface Section { id?: string; team_id?: string; section_type?: string; label?: string; order?: number; is_hidden?: boolean; } ## Instruction: Update the web-api response types using the latest source ## Code After: /* eslint-disable */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // !!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!! // // // // This file is auto-generated by scripts/ in the repository. // // Please refer to the script code to learn how to update the source data. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import { WebAPICallResult } from '../WebClient'; export type TeamProfileGetResponse = WebAPICallResult & { ok?: boolean; profile?: Profile; error?: string; needed?: string; provided?: string; }; export interface Profile { fields?: Field[]; sections?: Section[]; } export interface Field { id?: string; ordering?: number; field_name?: string; label?: string; hint?: string; type?: string; is_hidden?: boolean; possible_values?: string[]; } export interface Section { id?: string; team_id?: string; section_type?: string; label?: string; order?: number; is_hidden?: boolean; }
language: go go: - 1.7 - 1.8 script: - go build $(glide novendor) - go test -v $(glide novendor)
language: go go: - 1.7 - 1.8 install: - go get script: - go build $(glide novendor) - go test -v $(glide novendor)
Install glide prior to using it :)
Install glide prior to using it :)
## Code Before: language: go go: - 1.7 - 1.8 script: - go build $(glide novendor) - go test -v $(glide novendor) ## Instruction: Install glide prior to using it :) ## Code After: language: go go: - 1.7 - 1.8 install: - go get script: - go build $(glide novendor) - go test -v $(glide novendor)
language: java jdk: - oraclejdk8 node_js: - '7' services: - mysql - mongodb cache: yarn: true directories: - node_modules before_install: - pip install --user codecov - nvm install 7 - npm install -g yarn - yarn install - "mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({setParameter: 1, textSearchEnabled: true})' admin" install: - cd mr-gui && yarn install && cd .. - mvn install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -B -V before_script: - mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS metadata_registry; grant all on metadata_registry.* to 'root';SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE;" -uroot script: - mvn test - cd mr-gui && yarn install after_success: - codecov
language: java jdk: - oraclejdk8 node_js: - '7' services: - mysql addons: apt: sources: - mongodb-upstart - mongodb-3.0-precise packages: - mongodb-org-server - mongodb-org-shell cache: yarn: true directories: - node_modules before_install: - pip install --user codecov - nvm install 7 - npm install -g yarn - yarn install - "mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({setParameter: 1, textSearchEnabled: true})' admin" install: - cd mr-gui && yarn install && cd .. - mvn install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -B -V before_script: - mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS metadata_registry; grant all on metadata_registry.* to 'root';SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE;" -uroot script: - mvn test - cd mr-gui && yarn install after_success: - codecov
Use newer version of mongodb
Use newer version of mongodb
## Code Before: language: java jdk: - oraclejdk8 node_js: - '7' services: - mysql - mongodb cache: yarn: true directories: - node_modules before_install: - pip install --user codecov - nvm install 7 - npm install -g yarn - yarn install - "mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({setParameter: 1, textSearchEnabled: true})' admin" install: - cd mr-gui && yarn install && cd .. - mvn install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -B -V before_script: - mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS metadata_registry; grant all on metadata_registry.* to 'root';SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE;" -uroot script: - mvn test - cd mr-gui && yarn install after_success: - codecov ## Instruction: Use newer version of mongodb ## Code After: language: java jdk: - oraclejdk8 node_js: - '7' services: - mysql addons: apt: sources: - mongodb-upstart - mongodb-3.0-precise packages: - mongodb-org-server - mongodb-org-shell cache: yarn: true directories: - node_modules before_install: - pip install --user codecov - nvm install 7 - npm install -g yarn - yarn install - "mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({setParameter: 1, textSearchEnabled: true})' admin" install: - cd mr-gui && yarn install && cd .. - mvn install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -B -V before_script: - mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS metadata_registry; grant all on metadata_registry.* to 'root';SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE;" -uroot script: - mvn test - cd mr-gui && yarn install after_success: - codecov
<mat-expansion-panel> <mat-expansion-panel-header> <mat-panel-title> {{description.friendly_name}} </mat-panel-title> </mat-expansion-panel-header> <p>{{description.description}}</p> <app-generic-form [schemaUrl]="schemaUrl" [layoutUrl]="layoutUrl" (onSubmit)="submit($event)"> </app-generic-form> <app-visualization-view *ngIf="data !== undefined" [type]="description.output_type" [data]="data"> </app-visualization-view> </mat-expansion-panel>
<mat-expansion-panel> <mat-expansion-panel-header> <mat-panel-title> {{description.friendly_name}} </mat-panel-title> </mat-expansion-panel-header> <p>{{description.description}}</p> <app-generic-form [schemaUrl]="schemaUrl" [layoutUrl]="layoutUrl" (onSubmit)="submit($event)"> </app-generic-form> <app-visualization-view *ngIf="result !== undefined" [type]="description.output_type" [data]="result"> </app-visualization-view> </mat-expansion-panel>
Fix variables reference in aspect-view
Fix variables reference in aspect-view
## Code Before: <mat-expansion-panel> <mat-expansion-panel-header> <mat-panel-title> {{description.friendly_name}} </mat-panel-title> </mat-expansion-panel-header> <p>{{description.description}}</p> <app-generic-form [schemaUrl]="schemaUrl" [layoutUrl]="layoutUrl" (onSubmit)="submit($event)"> </app-generic-form> <app-visualization-view *ngIf="data !== undefined" [type]="description.output_type" [data]="data"> </app-visualization-view> </mat-expansion-panel> ## Instruction: Fix variables reference in aspect-view ## Code After: <mat-expansion-panel> <mat-expansion-panel-header> <mat-panel-title> {{description.friendly_name}} </mat-panel-title> </mat-expansion-panel-header> <p>{{description.description}}</p> <app-generic-form [schemaUrl]="schemaUrl" [layoutUrl]="layoutUrl" (onSubmit)="submit($event)"> </app-generic-form> <app-visualization-view *ngIf="result !== undefined" [type]="description.output_type" [data]="result"> </app-visualization-view> </mat-expansion-panel>
// Check that basic use of win32-macho targets works. // REQUIRES: x86-registered-target // RUN: %clang -fsyntax-only -target x86_64-pc-win32-macho %s -o /dev/null
// Check that basic use of win32-macho targets works. // RUN: %clang -fsyntax-only -target x86_64-pc-win32-macho %s
Remove dev/null redirect and x86 backend requirement from new test.
Remove dev/null redirect and x86 backend requirement from new test. git-svn-id: ffe668792ed300d6c2daa1f6eba2e0aa28d7ec6c@210699 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
## Code Before: // Check that basic use of win32-macho targets works. // REQUIRES: x86-registered-target // RUN: %clang -fsyntax-only -target x86_64-pc-win32-macho %s -o /dev/null ## Instruction: Remove dev/null redirect and x86 backend requirement from new test. git-svn-id: ffe668792ed300d6c2daa1f6eba2e0aa28d7ec6c@210699 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8 ## Code After: // Check that basic use of win32-macho targets works. // RUN: %clang -fsyntax-only -target x86_64-pc-win32-macho %s
'use strict'; module.exports = function yo(controller) { controller.hears('yo', ['direct_mention'], function(bot, message) { bot.reply(message, 'Yo!'); }); }
'use strict'; module.exports = function yo(controller) { controller.hears('yo', ['direct_mention'], function(bot, message) { console.log(message); bot.reply(message, 'Yo!'); }); }
Test on the Yo COmmand
Test on the Yo COmmand
## Code Before: 'use strict'; module.exports = function yo(controller) { controller.hears('yo', ['direct_mention'], function(bot, message) { bot.reply(message, 'Yo!'); }); } ## Instruction: Test on the Yo COmmand ## Code After: 'use strict'; module.exports = function yo(controller) { controller.hears('yo', ['direct_mention'], function(bot, message) { console.log(message); bot.reply(message, 'Yo!'); }); }
{ "base": "semantic/", "paths": { "source": { "config": "src/theme.config", "definitions": "src/definitions/", "site": "src/site/", "themes": "src/themes/" }, "output": { "packaged": "dist/", "uncompressed": "dist/components/", "compressed": "dist/components/", "themes": "dist/themes/" }, "clean": "dist/" }, "permission": false, "rtl": false, "version": "2.1.6" }
{ "base": "semantic/", "paths": { "source": { "config": "src/theme.config", "definitions": "src/definitions/", "site": "src/site/", "themes": "src/themes/" }, "output": { "packaged": "dist/", "uncompressed": "dist/components/", "compressed": "dist/components/", "themes": "dist/themes/" }, "clean": "dist/" }, "permission": false, "rtl": false, "version": "2.1.6", "autoInstall": true }
Add autoInstall option to prevent user prompt when running on automated deployment
Add autoInstall option to prevent user prompt when running on automated deployment
## Code Before: { "base": "semantic/", "paths": { "source": { "config": "src/theme.config", "definitions": "src/definitions/", "site": "src/site/", "themes": "src/themes/" }, "output": { "packaged": "dist/", "uncompressed": "dist/components/", "compressed": "dist/components/", "themes": "dist/themes/" }, "clean": "dist/" }, "permission": false, "rtl": false, "version": "2.1.6" } ## Instruction: Add autoInstall option to prevent user prompt when running on automated deployment ## Code After: { "base": "semantic/", "paths": { "source": { "config": "src/theme.config", "definitions": "src/definitions/", "site": "src/site/", "themes": "src/themes/" }, "output": { "packaged": "dist/", "uncompressed": "dist/components/", "compressed": "dist/components/", "themes": "dist/themes/" }, "clean": "dist/" }, "permission": false, "rtl": false, "version": "2.1.6", "autoInstall": true }
'use strict'; require('../node_modules/babel-core/register'); var src = [ 'tests/lib/*.js', 'tests/lib/parser/properties/*.js', 'tests/lib/parser/l20n/*.js', 'tests/lib/resolver/*.js', 'tests/lib/context/*.js', 'tests/lib/env/*.js', ]; module.exports = { dot: { options: { reporter: 'dot', }, src: src, } };
'use strict'; require('babel-register')({ presets: ['es2015'] }); var src = [ 'tests/lib/*.js', 'tests/lib/parser/properties/*.js', 'tests/lib/parser/l20n/*.js', 'tests/lib/resolver/*.js', 'tests/lib/context/*.js', 'tests/lib/env/*.js', ]; module.exports = { dot: { options: { reporter: 'dot', }, src: src, } };
Make mocha work with babel6
Make mocha work with babel6
## Code Before: 'use strict'; require('../node_modules/babel-core/register'); var src = [ 'tests/lib/*.js', 'tests/lib/parser/properties/*.js', 'tests/lib/parser/l20n/*.js', 'tests/lib/resolver/*.js', 'tests/lib/context/*.js', 'tests/lib/env/*.js', ]; module.exports = { dot: { options: { reporter: 'dot', }, src: src, } }; ## Instruction: Make mocha work with babel6 ## Code After: 'use strict'; require('babel-register')({ presets: ['es2015'] }); var src = [ 'tests/lib/*.js', 'tests/lib/parser/properties/*.js', 'tests/lib/parser/l20n/*.js', 'tests/lib/resolver/*.js', 'tests/lib/context/*.js', 'tests/lib/env/*.js', ]; module.exports = { dot: { options: { reporter: 'dot', }, src: src, } };
Categories:Office License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:"PassAndroid" Summary:View Passbook files Description: Displays Passbook (*.pkpass) files & shows the Barcode (QR, PDF417 and AZTEC format). It can be used also when offline. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.3.1,231 commit=2.3.1 prebuild=sed -i '/play_services/d' build.gradle && sed -i '/android-sdk-manager/d' build.gradle gradle=NoMapsNoAnalyticsForFDroid Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:2.3.1 Current Version Code:231
Categories:Office License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:"PassAndroid" Summary:View Passbook files Description: Displays Passbook (*.pkpass) files & shows the Barcode (QR, PDF417 and AZTEC format). It can be used also when offline. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.3.1,231 commit=2.3.1 gradle=NoMapsNoAnalyticsForFDroid prebuild=sed -i '/play_services/d' build.gradle && \ sed -i '/android-sdk-manager/d' build.gradle Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:2.3.2 Current Version Code:232
Update CV of "PassAndroid" to 2.3.2 (232)
Update CV of "PassAndroid" to 2.3.2 (232)
## Code Before: Categories:Office License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:"PassAndroid" Summary:View Passbook files Description: Displays Passbook (*.pkpass) files & shows the Barcode (QR, PDF417 and AZTEC format). It can be used also when offline. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.3.1,231 commit=2.3.1 prebuild=sed -i '/play_services/d' build.gradle && sed -i '/android-sdk-manager/d' build.gradle gradle=NoMapsNoAnalyticsForFDroid Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:2.3.1 Current Version Code:231 ## Instruction: Update CV of "PassAndroid" to 2.3.2 (232) ## Code After: Categories:Office License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:"PassAndroid" Summary:View Passbook files Description: Displays Passbook (*.pkpass) files & shows the Barcode (QR, PDF417 and AZTEC format). It can be used also when offline. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.3.1,231 commit=2.3.1 gradle=NoMapsNoAnalyticsForFDroid prebuild=sed -i '/play_services/d' build.gradle && \ sed -i '/android-sdk-manager/d' build.gradle Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:2.3.2 Current Version Code:232
if [ -e Makefile ]; then make -j10 distclean fi; #Make a clean install always if [ -d /tmp/arm-eabi ] then rm -rf /tmp/arm-eabi fi; #Build Configuration ./configure --prefix=/tmp/arm-eabi --target=arm-eabi --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --program-transform-name='s&^&arm-eabi-&' --with-gcc-version=SaberMod --with-binutils-version=2.23 --with-gold-version=2.23 --enable-gold=default --with-gmp-version=5.1.1 --with-mpfr-version=3.1.2 --with-mpc-version=1.0.1 --with-gdb-version=7.6 --with-sysroot=/ --enable-threads=single #Build the toolchain make -j10; #Install the toolchain make install;
export CC=gcc-4.8; export CXX=g++-4.8; #Make a clean build if [ -e Makefile ]; then make -j10 distclean fi; #Make a clean install always if [ -d /tmp/arm-eabi ] then rm -rf /tmp/arm-eabi fi; #Build Configuration ./configure --prefix=/tmp/arm-eabi --target=arm-eabi --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --program-transform-name='s&^&arm-eabi-&' --with-gcc-version=SaberMod --with-binutils-version=2.23 --with-gold-version=2.23 --enable-gold=default --with-gmp-version=5.1.1 --with-mpfr-version=3.1.2 --with-mpc-version=1.0.1 --with-gdb-version=7.6 --with-sysroot=/ --enable-threads=single #Build the toolchain make -j10; #Install the toolchain make install;
Build with host gcc 4.8
Build with host gcc 4.8 Change-Id: I2730ec563b3675c3ac9ab1b5e49bcc30c0675a88
## Code Before: if [ -e Makefile ]; then make -j10 distclean fi; #Make a clean install always if [ -d /tmp/arm-eabi ] then rm -rf /tmp/arm-eabi fi; #Build Configuration ./configure --prefix=/tmp/arm-eabi --target=arm-eabi --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --program-transform-name='s&^&arm-eabi-&' --with-gcc-version=SaberMod --with-binutils-version=2.23 --with-gold-version=2.23 --enable-gold=default --with-gmp-version=5.1.1 --with-mpfr-version=3.1.2 --with-mpc-version=1.0.1 --with-gdb-version=7.6 --with-sysroot=/ --enable-threads=single #Build the toolchain make -j10; #Install the toolchain make install; ## Instruction: Build with host gcc 4.8 Change-Id: I2730ec563b3675c3ac9ab1b5e49bcc30c0675a88 ## Code After: export CC=gcc-4.8; export CXX=g++-4.8; #Make a clean build if [ -e Makefile ]; then make -j10 distclean fi; #Make a clean install always if [ -d /tmp/arm-eabi ] then rm -rf /tmp/arm-eabi fi; #Build Configuration ./configure --prefix=/tmp/arm-eabi --target=arm-eabi --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --program-transform-name='s&^&arm-eabi-&' --with-gcc-version=SaberMod --with-binutils-version=2.23 --with-gold-version=2.23 --enable-gold=default --with-gmp-version=5.1.1 --with-mpfr-version=3.1.2 --with-mpc-version=1.0.1 --with-gdb-version=7.6 --with-sysroot=/ --enable-threads=single #Build the toolchain make -j10; #Install the toolchain make install;
language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.2" - "3.3" - "3.4" # - 'pypy' # dbm test fails, remove for now... before_install: - sudo apt-get install strace install: - pip install . - pip install -r dev_requirements.txt python-coveralls # See - sudo rm -rf /dev/shm && sudo ln -s /run/shm /dev/shm branches: only: - master - test script: - doit pyflakes - py.test - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]]; then doit coverage; fi after_success: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]]; then coveralls; fi notifications: email: on_success: change on_failure: change
language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.3" - "3.4" # - 'pypy' # dbm test fails, remove for now... before_install: - sudo apt-get install strace install: - pip install . - pip install -r dev_requirements.txt python-coveralls # See - sudo rm -rf /dev/shm && sudo ln -s /run/shm /dev/shm branches: only: - master - test script: - doit pyflakes - py.test - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]]; then doit coverage; fi after_success: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]]; then coveralls; fi notifications: email: on_success: change on_failure: change
Remove Python 3.2 from Travis CI build matrix
Remove Python 3.2 from Travis CI build matrix Signed-off-by: Chris Warrick <[email protected]>
## Code Before: language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.2" - "3.3" - "3.4" # - 'pypy' # dbm test fails, remove for now... before_install: - sudo apt-get install strace install: - pip install . - pip install -r dev_requirements.txt python-coveralls # See - sudo rm -rf /dev/shm && sudo ln -s /run/shm /dev/shm branches: only: - master - test script: - doit pyflakes - py.test - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]]; then doit coverage; fi after_success: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]]; then coveralls; fi notifications: email: on_success: change on_failure: change ## Instruction: Remove Python 3.2 from Travis CI build matrix Signed-off-by: Chris Warrick <[email protected]> ## Code After: language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.3" - "3.4" # - 'pypy' # dbm test fails, remove for now... before_install: - sudo apt-get install strace install: - pip install . - pip install -r dev_requirements.txt python-coveralls # See - sudo rm -rf /dev/shm && sudo ln -s /run/shm /dev/shm branches: only: - master - test script: - doit pyflakes - py.test - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]]; then doit coverage; fi after_success: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7' ]]; then coveralls; fi notifications: email: on_success: change on_failure: change
<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> # Build Instructions ## <a id="overview" class="anchor" href="#overview">Overview</a> <p class="intro"> This section provides links to the build instructions of the RabbitMQ server and available client libraries. </p> <div class="landing-box"> <h2>RabbitMQ Server</h2> <p> See <a href="build-server.html">server build instructions</a>. </p> </div> <div class="landing-box"> <h2>RabbitMQ Java AMQP client library</h2> <p> See <a href="build-java-client.html">Java client library build instructions</a>. </p> </div> <div class="landing-box"> <h2>RabbitMQ .NET/C# client library</h2> <p> See <a href="build-dotnet-client.html">.NET client library build instructions</a>. </p> </div> <div class="landing-box"> <h2>RabbitMQ Erlang client library</h2> <p> See <a href="build-erlang-client.html">Erlang client library build instructions</a>. </p> </div>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> # Build Instructions ## <a id="overview" class="anchor" href="#overview">Overview</a> This section provides links to the build instructions of the RabbitMQ server and available client libraries: ## RabbitMQ Server * [RabbitMQ server](/build-server.html) * [Java client library](/build-java-client.html) * [.NET client library](/build-dotnet-client.html) * [Erlang client library](/build-erlang-client.html)
Convert one more tiny doc page to Markdown
Convert one more tiny doc page to Markdown
## Code Before: <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> # Build Instructions ## <a id="overview" class="anchor" href="#overview">Overview</a> <p class="intro"> This section provides links to the build instructions of the RabbitMQ server and available client libraries. </p> <div class="landing-box"> <h2>RabbitMQ Server</h2> <p> See <a href="build-server.html">server build instructions</a>. </p> </div> <div class="landing-box"> <h2>RabbitMQ Java AMQP client library</h2> <p> See <a href="build-java-client.html">Java client library build instructions</a>. </p> </div> <div class="landing-box"> <h2>RabbitMQ .NET/C# client library</h2> <p> See <a href="build-dotnet-client.html">.NET client library build instructions</a>. </p> </div> <div class="landing-box"> <h2>RabbitMQ Erlang client library</h2> <p> See <a href="build-erlang-client.html">Erlang client library build instructions</a>. </p> </div> ## Instruction: Convert one more tiny doc page to Markdown ## Code After: <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> # Build Instructions ## <a id="overview" class="anchor" href="#overview">Overview</a> This section provides links to the build instructions of the RabbitMQ server and available client libraries: ## RabbitMQ Server * [RabbitMQ server](/build-server.html) * [Java client library](/build-java-client.html) * [.NET client library](/build-dotnet-client.html) * [Erlang client library](/build-erlang-client.html)
Read about the details and goals for the app [here]( ## Ruby version * Ruby 2.2.2 * Rails 4.2.6 ## Database * Postgresql ## Local Development Clone this repo. Bundle with `bundle install` Create DB `createdb db/development` Run migrations with `rake db:migrate` Start the server with `bin/rails s` ## How to run the test suite `rspec /spec/.` ## Deploy to Heroku [](
[![Build Status](]( ## Project Spec Read about the details and goals for the app [here]( ## Ruby version * Ruby 2.2.2 * Rails 4.2.6 ## Database * Postgresql ## Local Development Clone this repo. Bundle with `bundle install` Create DB `createdb db/development` Run migrations with `rake db:migrate` Start the server with `bin/rails s` ## Test DB Simple setup: ``` rake db:test:prepare ``` Manually reset DB: ``` bundle exec rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=test ``` ## How to run the test suite `rspec` or `rake spec` ## Deploy to Heroku [](
Add info for setting and resetting test DB
Add info for setting and resetting test DB
## Code Before: Read about the details and goals for the app [here]( ## Ruby version * Ruby 2.2.2 * Rails 4.2.6 ## Database * Postgresql ## Local Development Clone this repo. Bundle with `bundle install` Create DB `createdb db/development` Run migrations with `rake db:migrate` Start the server with `bin/rails s` ## How to run the test suite `rspec /spec/.` ## Deploy to Heroku []( ## Instruction: Add info for setting and resetting test DB ## Code After: [![Build Status](]( ## Project Spec Read about the details and goals for the app [here]( ## Ruby version * Ruby 2.2.2 * Rails 4.2.6 ## Database * Postgresql ## Local Development Clone this repo. Bundle with `bundle install` Create DB `createdb db/development` Run migrations with `rake db:migrate` Start the server with `bin/rails s` ## Test DB Simple setup: ``` rake db:test:prepare ``` Manually reset DB: ``` bundle exec rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=test ``` ## How to run the test suite `rspec` or `rake spec` ## Deploy to Heroku [](
machine: ruby: version: 1.9.3-p392 services: - elasticsearch test: override: - bundle exec rspec spec-unit - bundle exec rspec spec - bundle exec rake konacha:load_poltergeist konacha:run - bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance - bundle exec rspec spec/screenshots
machine: ruby: version: 1.9.3-p392 services: - elasticsearch test: override: - bundle exec rspec spec-unit - bundle exec rspec spec - bundle exec rake konacha:load_poltergeist konacha:run - bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance
Disable screenshot tests (for now)
Disable screenshot tests (for now)
## Code Before: machine: ruby: version: 1.9.3-p392 services: - elasticsearch test: override: - bundle exec rspec spec-unit - bundle exec rspec spec - bundle exec rake konacha:load_poltergeist konacha:run - bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance - bundle exec rspec spec/screenshots ## Instruction: Disable screenshot tests (for now) ## Code After: machine: ruby: version: 1.9.3-p392 services: - elasticsearch test: override: - bundle exec rspec spec-unit - bundle exec rspec spec - bundle exec rake konacha:load_poltergeist konacha:run - bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance
import {Coords, DoneCallback, GridLayer as LeafletGridLayer} from 'leaflet' import {GridLayer, GridLayerProps, withLeaflet} from 'react-leaflet' type DrawTileFn = ( canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, coords: Coords, z: number ) => HTMLElement class MutableGridLayer extends LeafletGridLayer { drawTile: DrawTileFn constructor(options) { super(options) this.drawTile = options.drawTile } createTile(coords: Coords, _: DoneCallback) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = canvas.height = 256 this.drawTile(canvas, coords, coords.z) return canvas } } interface GridualizerLayerProps extends GridLayerProps { drawTile: DrawTileFn } class GridualizerLayer extends GridLayer< GridualizerLayerProps, MutableGridLayer > { createLeafletElement(props: GridualizerLayerProps) { return new MutableGridLayer({drawTile: props.drawTile}) } } export default withLeaflet(GridualizerLayer)
import {Coords, DoneCallback, GridLayer as LeafletGridLayer} from 'leaflet' import {GridLayer, GridLayerProps, withLeaflet} from 'react-leaflet' export type DrawTileFn = ( canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, coords: Coords, z: number ) => void class MutableGridLayer extends LeafletGridLayer { drawTile: DrawTileFn constructor(options) { super(options) this.drawTile = options.drawTile } createTile(coords: Coords, _: DoneCallback) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = canvas.height = 256 this.drawTile(canvas, coords, coords.z) return canvas } } interface GridualizerLayerProps extends GridLayerProps { drawTile: DrawTileFn } class GridualizerLayer extends GridLayer< GridualizerLayerProps, MutableGridLayer > { createLeafletElement(props: GridualizerLayerProps) { return new MutableGridLayer({drawTile: props.drawTile}) } } export default withLeaflet(GridualizerLayer)
Correct return type of DrawTileFn
Correct return type of DrawTileFn
## Code Before: import {Coords, DoneCallback, GridLayer as LeafletGridLayer} from 'leaflet' import {GridLayer, GridLayerProps, withLeaflet} from 'react-leaflet' type DrawTileFn = ( canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, coords: Coords, z: number ) => HTMLElement class MutableGridLayer extends LeafletGridLayer { drawTile: DrawTileFn constructor(options) { super(options) this.drawTile = options.drawTile } createTile(coords: Coords, _: DoneCallback) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = canvas.height = 256 this.drawTile(canvas, coords, coords.z) return canvas } } interface GridualizerLayerProps extends GridLayerProps { drawTile: DrawTileFn } class GridualizerLayer extends GridLayer< GridualizerLayerProps, MutableGridLayer > { createLeafletElement(props: GridualizerLayerProps) { return new MutableGridLayer({drawTile: props.drawTile}) } } export default withLeaflet(GridualizerLayer) ## Instruction: Correct return type of DrawTileFn ## Code After: import {Coords, DoneCallback, GridLayer as LeafletGridLayer} from 'leaflet' import {GridLayer, GridLayerProps, withLeaflet} from 'react-leaflet' export type DrawTileFn = ( canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, coords: Coords, z: number ) => void class MutableGridLayer extends LeafletGridLayer { drawTile: DrawTileFn constructor(options) { super(options) this.drawTile = options.drawTile } createTile(coords: Coords, _: DoneCallback) { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = canvas.height = 256 this.drawTile(canvas, coords, coords.z) return canvas } } interface GridualizerLayerProps extends GridLayerProps { drawTile: DrawTileFn } class GridualizerLayer extends GridLayer< GridualizerLayerProps, MutableGridLayer > { createLeafletElement(props: GridualizerLayerProps) { return new MutableGridLayer({drawTile: props.drawTile}) } } export default withLeaflet(GridualizerLayer)
There is no direct communication between the Listener and the Worker. ## Daemon / Master The Daemon process opens a pipe. When the Master process starts, it writes its pid to the pipe, and the daemon reads it and exits. If the read fails, the daemon exits with an error status. ## `self_pipe` Each process has a `self_pipe` that it uses as a sleep timer. When the process has no work to do, it performs an `` on the pipe. If a signal is received, the signal is recorded and a `'.'` is written to the pipe, which causes `` to finish. This helps avoid race conditions between the main loop and signal handling blocks.
`Resqued::ListenerProxy` opens a Unix domain socket to communicate between the Master and Listener processes. Resqued uses a socket (instead of a pipe) because the socket is bidirectional. Also, a socket can be transferred between processes more easily, which allows new listeners to reload the environment in a simple way, by starting via `fork`+`exec`, rather than just `fork`. The Listener process sends information about the lifecycle of worker processes that it controls. When a worker starts, the listener writes `"+#{pid},#{queues}\n"`, e.g. `"+21234,important,*\n"`. When a worker exits, the listener writes `"-#{pid}\n"`. The Master process broadcasts dead worker PIDs to all running listeners. This allows a new listener to wait for old workers to exit before starting their replacements. These messages are just the pid, `"#{pid}\n"`, e.g. `"21234\n"`. *Does the dead worker broadcast need to go to all listeners? Or just the current listener?* ## Listener / Worker There is no direct communication between the Listener and the Worker. ## Daemon / Master The Daemon process opens a pipe. When the Master process starts, it writes its pid to the pipe, and the daemon reads it and exits. If the read fails, the daemon exits with an error status. ## `self_pipe` Each process has a `self_pipe` that it uses as a sleep timer. When the process has no work to do, it performs an `` on the pipe. If a signal is received, the signal is recorded and a `'.'` is written to the pipe, which causes `` to finish. This helps avoid race conditions between the main loop and signal handling blocks.
Document the master <-> listener communication.
Document the master <-> listener communication.
## Code Before: There is no direct communication between the Listener and the Worker. ## Daemon / Master The Daemon process opens a pipe. When the Master process starts, it writes its pid to the pipe, and the daemon reads it and exits. If the read fails, the daemon exits with an error status. ## `self_pipe` Each process has a `self_pipe` that it uses as a sleep timer. When the process has no work to do, it performs an `` on the pipe. If a signal is received, the signal is recorded and a `'.'` is written to the pipe, which causes `` to finish. This helps avoid race conditions between the main loop and signal handling blocks. ## Instruction: Document the master <-> listener communication. ## Code After: `Resqued::ListenerProxy` opens a Unix domain socket to communicate between the Master and Listener processes. Resqued uses a socket (instead of a pipe) because the socket is bidirectional. Also, a socket can be transferred between processes more easily, which allows new listeners to reload the environment in a simple way, by starting via `fork`+`exec`, rather than just `fork`. The Listener process sends information about the lifecycle of worker processes that it controls. When a worker starts, the listener writes `"+#{pid},#{queues}\n"`, e.g. `"+21234,important,*\n"`. When a worker exits, the listener writes `"-#{pid}\n"`. The Master process broadcasts dead worker PIDs to all running listeners. This allows a new listener to wait for old workers to exit before starting their replacements. These messages are just the pid, `"#{pid}\n"`, e.g. `"21234\n"`. *Does the dead worker broadcast need to go to all listeners? Or just the current listener?* ## Listener / Worker There is no direct communication between the Listener and the Worker. ## Daemon / Master The Daemon process opens a pipe. When the Master process starts, it writes its pid to the pipe, and the daemon reads it and exits. If the read fails, the daemon exits with an error status. ## `self_pipe` Each process has a `self_pipe` that it uses as a sleep timer. When the process has no work to do, it performs an `` on the pipe. If a signal is received, the signal is recorded and a `'.'` is written to the pipe, which causes `` to finish. This helps avoid race conditions between the main loop and signal handling blocks.
* Initial release.
* Add an option for a detach_if callable, which can contain logic to determine whether to remove an object from the pool. ### 0.1.0 (2014-02-14) * Initial release.
Update changelog for detach_if feature.
Update changelog for detach_if feature.
## Code Before: * Initial release. ## Instruction: Update changelog for detach_if feature. ## Code After: * Add an option for a detach_if callable, which can contain logic to determine whether to remove an object from the pool. ### 0.1.0 (2014-02-14) * Initial release.
if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then if ! command -v brew -f &> /dev/null; then echo "No proper installer found. Please install homebrew" exit 1 fi INSTALLER="brew install" elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux"* ]]; then echo "--> Sleep to wait nix-env ready" sleep 300 # Source /etc/profile, it will set up nix, shadowenv and other goodies . /etc/profile if ! command -v nix-env -f &> /dev/null; then echo "No proper installer found. Please install Nix" exit 1 fi nix-channel --update && nix upgrade-nix INSTALLER="nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA" else echo "Unsupported system: $(uname)" exit 1 fi ### Install utils UTILS=(direnv ripgrep neovim fzf fd tig diff-so-fancy chezmoi) for i in "${UTILS[@]}" do $(echo "$INSTALLER $i") done ### Apply dotfiles chezmoi init --branch=chezmoi chezmoi apply ### Post hooks # neovim ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim # vim-plug nvim --headless +PlugInstall +qa # tpm $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then if ! command -v brew -f &> /dev/null; then echo "No proper installer found. Please install homebrew" exit 1 fi INSTALLER="brew install" elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux"* ]]; then echo "--> Sleep to wait nix-env ready" sleep 300 # Source /etc/profile, it will set up nix, shadowenv and other goodies . /etc/profile if ! command -v nix-env -f &> /dev/null; then echo "No proper installer found. Please install Nix" exit 1 fi nix-channel --update && nix upgrade-nix INSTALLER="nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA" else echo "Unsupported system: $(uname)" exit 1 fi # ### Install utils # UTILS=(direnv ripgrep neovim fzf fd tig diff-so-fancy chezmoi) for i in "${UTILS[@]}" do echo "--> installing $i" $(echo "$INSTALLER $i") done # # ### Apply dotfiles # # chezmoi init --branch=chezmoi # chezmoi apply # # ### Post hooks # # neovim # ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim # # # vim-plug # nvim --headless +PlugInstall +qa # # # tpm # $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
Debug remove source etc profile
Debug remove source etc profile
## Code Before: if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then if ! command -v brew -f &> /dev/null; then echo "No proper installer found. Please install homebrew" exit 1 fi INSTALLER="brew install" elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux"* ]]; then echo "--> Sleep to wait nix-env ready" sleep 300 # Source /etc/profile, it will set up nix, shadowenv and other goodies . /etc/profile if ! command -v nix-env -f &> /dev/null; then echo "No proper installer found. Please install Nix" exit 1 fi nix-channel --update && nix upgrade-nix INSTALLER="nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA" else echo "Unsupported system: $(uname)" exit 1 fi ### Install utils UTILS=(direnv ripgrep neovim fzf fd tig diff-so-fancy chezmoi) for i in "${UTILS[@]}" do $(echo "$INSTALLER $i") done ### Apply dotfiles chezmoi init --branch=chezmoi chezmoi apply ### Post hooks # neovim ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim # vim-plug nvim --headless +PlugInstall +qa # tpm $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins ## Instruction: Debug remove source etc profile ## Code After: if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then if ! command -v brew -f &> /dev/null; then echo "No proper installer found. Please install homebrew" exit 1 fi INSTALLER="brew install" elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux"* ]]; then echo "--> Sleep to wait nix-env ready" sleep 300 # Source /etc/profile, it will set up nix, shadowenv and other goodies . /etc/profile if ! command -v nix-env -f &> /dev/null; then echo "No proper installer found. Please install Nix" exit 1 fi nix-channel --update && nix upgrade-nix INSTALLER="nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA" else echo "Unsupported system: $(uname)" exit 1 fi # ### Install utils # UTILS=(direnv ripgrep neovim fzf fd tig diff-so-fancy chezmoi) for i in "${UTILS[@]}" do echo "--> installing $i" $(echo "$INSTALLER $i") done # # ### Apply dotfiles # # chezmoi init --branch=chezmoi # chezmoi apply # # ### Post hooks # # neovim # ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim # # # vim-plug # nvim --headless +PlugInstall +qa # # # tpm # $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
================= Managing Projects ================= Users must be associated with at least one project, though they may belong to many. Therefore, you should add at least one project before adding users. Adding Projects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a project through the OpenStack dashboard: #. Log in as an administrative user. #. Select the :guilabel:`Identity` tab in the left navigation bar. #. Under Identity tab, click :guilabel:`Projects`. #. Click the :guilabel:`Create Project` button. You are prompted for a project name and an optional, but recommended, description. Select the checkbox at the bottom of the form to enable this project. By default, it is enabled, as shown in :ref:`figure_create_project`. .. _figure_create_project: .. figure:: figures/osog_0901.png :alt: Dashboard's Create Project form Figure Dashboard's Create Project form It is also possible to add project members and adjust the project quotas. We'll discuss those actions later, but in practice, it can be quite convenient to deal with all these operations at one time. To add a project through the command line, you must use the OpenStack command line client. .. code-block:: console # openstack project create demo This command creates a project named "demo." Optionally, you can add a description string by appending :option:`--description tenant-description`, which can be very useful. You can also create a group in a disabled state by appending :option:`--disable` to the command. By default, projects are created in an enabled state.
================= Managing Projects ================= Users must be associated with at least one project, though they may belong to many. Therefore, you should add at least one project before adding users. Adding Projects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a project through the OpenStack dashboard: #. Log in as an administrative user. #. Select the :guilabel:`Identity` tab in the left navigation bar. #. Under Identity tab, click :guilabel:`Projects`. #. Click the :guilabel:`Create Project` button. You are prompted for a project name and an optional, but recommended, description. Select the checkbox at the bottom of the form to enable this project. By default, it is enabled, as shown in :ref:`figure_create_project`. .. _figure_create_project: .. figure:: figures/osog_0901.png :alt: Dashboard's Create Project form Figure Dashboard's Create Project form It is also possible to add project members and adjust the project quotas. We'll discuss those actions later, but in practice, it can be quite convenient to deal with all these operations at one time. To add a project through the command line, you must use the OpenStack command line client. .. code-block:: console # openstack project create demo This command creates a project named ``demo``. Optionally, you can add a description string by appending :option:`--description PROJECT_DESCRIPTION`, which can be very useful. You can also create a group in a disabled state by appending :option:`--disable` to the command. By default, projects are created in an enabled state.
Fix typos and enhance description
Fix typos and enhance description In section 'Adding Projects', 1) “demo.” below might need to be changed to '“demo”.', 2) 'tenant-description' might be better if changed to 'project-description' Change-Id: Ib7a96c86ae95c95563aa51e9c4241103c922676e Closes-bug: 1604670
## Code Before: ================= Managing Projects ================= Users must be associated with at least one project, though they may belong to many. Therefore, you should add at least one project before adding users. Adding Projects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a project through the OpenStack dashboard: #. Log in as an administrative user. #. Select the :guilabel:`Identity` tab in the left navigation bar. #. Under Identity tab, click :guilabel:`Projects`. #. Click the :guilabel:`Create Project` button. You are prompted for a project name and an optional, but recommended, description. Select the checkbox at the bottom of the form to enable this project. By default, it is enabled, as shown in :ref:`figure_create_project`. .. _figure_create_project: .. figure:: figures/osog_0901.png :alt: Dashboard's Create Project form Figure Dashboard's Create Project form It is also possible to add project members and adjust the project quotas. We'll discuss those actions later, but in practice, it can be quite convenient to deal with all these operations at one time. To add a project through the command line, you must use the OpenStack command line client. .. code-block:: console # openstack project create demo This command creates a project named "demo." Optionally, you can add a description string by appending :option:`--description tenant-description`, which can be very useful. You can also create a group in a disabled state by appending :option:`--disable` to the command. By default, projects are created in an enabled state. ## Instruction: Fix typos and enhance description In section 'Adding Projects', 1) “demo.” below might need to be changed to '“demo”.', 2) 'tenant-description' might be better if changed to 'project-description' Change-Id: Ib7a96c86ae95c95563aa51e9c4241103c922676e Closes-bug: 1604670 ## Code After: ================= Managing Projects ================= Users must be associated with at least one project, though they may belong to many. Therefore, you should add at least one project before adding users. Adding Projects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a project through the OpenStack dashboard: #. Log in as an administrative user. #. Select the :guilabel:`Identity` tab in the left navigation bar. #. Under Identity tab, click :guilabel:`Projects`. #. Click the :guilabel:`Create Project` button. You are prompted for a project name and an optional, but recommended, description. Select the checkbox at the bottom of the form to enable this project. By default, it is enabled, as shown in :ref:`figure_create_project`. .. _figure_create_project: .. figure:: figures/osog_0901.png :alt: Dashboard's Create Project form Figure Dashboard's Create Project form It is also possible to add project members and adjust the project quotas. We'll discuss those actions later, but in practice, it can be quite convenient to deal with all these operations at one time. To add a project through the command line, you must use the OpenStack command line client. .. code-block:: console # openstack project create demo This command creates a project named ``demo``. Optionally, you can add a description string by appending :option:`--description PROJECT_DESCRIPTION`, which can be very useful. You can also create a group in a disabled state by appending :option:`--disable` to the command. By default, projects are created in an enabled state.
from django.apps import AppConfig class BitFieldAppConfig(AppConfig): name = 'bitfield' verbose_name = "Bit Field"
import django from django.apps import AppConfig django.setup() class BitFieldAppConfig(AppConfig): name = 'bitfield' verbose_name = "Bit Field"
Add django.setup to the AppConfig
Add django.setup to the AppConfig
## Code Before: from django.apps import AppConfig class BitFieldAppConfig(AppConfig): name = 'bitfield' verbose_name = "Bit Field" ## Instruction: Add django.setup to the AppConfig ## Code After: import django from django.apps import AppConfig django.setup() class BitFieldAppConfig(AppConfig): name = 'bitfield' verbose_name = "Bit Field"
{ "name": "@cognigy/cognigy-client", "version": "0.0.1", "description": "The cognigy client can be used to connect to the cognigy brain from a server project.", "author": "Cognigy GmbH", "license": "MIT", "main": "index.js", "typings": "index.d.ts", "scripts": { "prepublish": "tsc", "build": "tsc" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "dependencies": { "isomorphic-fetch": "^2.2.1", "": "^1.7.3" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/isomorphic-fetch": "0.0.33", "@types/": "^1.4.29", "typescript": "^2.2.2" } }
{ "name": "@cognigy/cognigy-client", "version": "0.0.3", "description": "The cognigy client can be used to connect to the cognigy brain from a server project.", "author": "Cognigy GmbH", "license": "MIT", "main": "index.js", "typings": "index.d.ts", "scripts": { "prepublish": "tsc", "build": "tsc" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "dependencies": { "isomorphic-fetch": "^2.2.1", "": "^1.7.3", "@types/isomorphic-fetch": "0.0.33", "@types/": "^1.4.29" }, "devDependencies": { "typescript": "^2.2.2" } }
Add type-definitions to dependencies instead of devDependencies so the consumer project installs the types.
Add type-definitions to dependencies instead of devDependencies so the consumer project installs the types.
## Code Before: { "name": "@cognigy/cognigy-client", "version": "0.0.1", "description": "The cognigy client can be used to connect to the cognigy brain from a server project.", "author": "Cognigy GmbH", "license": "MIT", "main": "index.js", "typings": "index.d.ts", "scripts": { "prepublish": "tsc", "build": "tsc" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "dependencies": { "isomorphic-fetch": "^2.2.1", "": "^1.7.3" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/isomorphic-fetch": "0.0.33", "@types/": "^1.4.29", "typescript": "^2.2.2" } } ## Instruction: Add type-definitions to dependencies instead of devDependencies so the consumer project installs the types. ## Code After: { "name": "@cognigy/cognigy-client", "version": "0.0.3", "description": "The cognigy client can be used to connect to the cognigy brain from a server project.", "author": "Cognigy GmbH", "license": "MIT", "main": "index.js", "typings": "index.d.ts", "scripts": { "prepublish": "tsc", "build": "tsc" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "dependencies": { "isomorphic-fetch": "^2.2.1", "": "^1.7.3", "@types/isomorphic-fetch": "0.0.33", "@types/": "^1.4.29" }, "devDependencies": { "typescript": "^2.2.2" } }
app/views/search/_search_type_nav.html.haml %li{class: ('active' unless @type == "users"), role: "presentation"} = link_to search_path(q: @q, type: nil) do Scrapers %span.badge #{@unfiltered_scrapers_count} %li{class: ('active' if @type == "users"), role: "presentation"} = link_to search_path(q: @q, type: "users") do Users %span.badge #{@owners.total_count} %li{class: ('active' unless @type == "users"), role: "presentation"} = link_to search_path(q: @q, show: @show, type: nil) do Scrapers %span.badge #{@unfiltered_scrapers_count} %li{class: ('active' if @type == "users"), role: "presentation"} = link_to search_path(q: @q, show: @show, type: "users") do Users %span.badge #{@owners.total_count}
Maintain filter settings when navigating types
Maintain filter settings when navigating types When your on the scrapers search results with 'all' selected on the filters, if you move to users results and back, 'all' should still be selected. Add the 'show' param to the type navigation links. Issue raised here
## Code Before: %li{class: ('active' unless @type == "users"), role: "presentation"} = link_to search_path(q: @q, type: nil) do Scrapers %span.badge #{@unfiltered_scrapers_count} %li{class: ('active' if @type == "users"), role: "presentation"} = link_to search_path(q: @q, type: "users") do Users %span.badge #{@owners.total_count} ## Instruction: Maintain filter settings when navigating types When your on the scrapers search results with 'all' selected on the filters, if you move to users results and back, 'all' should still be selected. Add the 'show' param to the type navigation links. Issue raised here ## Code After: %li{class: ('active' unless @type == "users"), role: "presentation"} = link_to search_path(q: @q, show: @show, type: nil) do Scrapers %span.badge #{@unfiltered_scrapers_count} %li{class: ('active' if @type == "users"), role: "presentation"} = link_to search_path(q: @q, show: @show, type: "users") do Users %span.badge #{@owners.total_count}
export function initialize(container, application) { application.inject('route', 'storage', 'service:storage'); application.inject('component', 'storage', 'service:storage'); } export default { name: 'storage-service', initialize: initialize };
export function initialize() { let application = arguments[1] || arguments[0]; application.inject('route', 'storage', 'service:storage'); application.inject('component', 'storage', 'service:storage'); } export default { name: 'storage-service', initialize: initialize };
Remove Ember 2.1 deprecation warning
Remove Ember 2.1 deprecation warning Updates the initializer to remove the deprecation warning in Ember 2.1 caused by having two arguments (container, application) in the initialize function. This uses the backwards compatible safe method described in the deprecation pages (
## Code Before: export function initialize(container, application) { application.inject('route', 'storage', 'service:storage'); application.inject('component', 'storage', 'service:storage'); } export default { name: 'storage-service', initialize: initialize }; ## Instruction: Remove Ember 2.1 deprecation warning Updates the initializer to remove the deprecation warning in Ember 2.1 caused by having two arguments (container, application) in the initialize function. This uses the backwards compatible safe method described in the deprecation pages ( ## Code After: export function initialize() { let application = arguments[1] || arguments[0]; application.inject('route', 'storage', 'service:storage'); application.inject('component', 'storage', 'service:storage'); } export default { name: 'storage-service', initialize: initialize };
web: build: apache ports: - "8080:80" links: - redis - nuxeo1 - nuxeo2 volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./logs:/logs:rw nuxeo1: build: nuxeo hostname: nuxeo1 links: - redis - es - db environment: distribution: lastbuild volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./share:/share:rw - ./logs:/logs:rw nuxeo2: build: nuxeo hostname: nuxeo2 links: - redis - es - db environment: distribution: lastbuild volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./share:/share:rw - ./logs:/logs:rw redis: image: redis:3.0.4 es: image: elasticsearch:2.3.5 db: build: postgresql
web: build: apache ports: - "8080:80" links: - redis - nuxeo1 - nuxeo2 volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./logs:/logs:rw nuxeo1: build: nuxeo hostname: nuxeo1 links: - redis - es - db environment: distribution: lastbuild volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./share:/share:rw - ./logs:/logs:rw nuxeo2: build: nuxeo hostname: nuxeo2 links: - redis - es - db environment: distribution: lastbuild volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./share:/share:rw - ./logs:/logs:rw redis: image: redis:4.0.1 es: image: db: build: postgresql
Upgrade ES to 5.6.2 (+redis to 4.0.1)
NXBT-1917: Upgrade ES to 5.6.2 (+redis to 4.0.1)
## Code Before: web: build: apache ports: - "8080:80" links: - redis - nuxeo1 - nuxeo2 volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./logs:/logs:rw nuxeo1: build: nuxeo hostname: nuxeo1 links: - redis - es - db environment: distribution: lastbuild volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./share:/share:rw - ./logs:/logs:rw nuxeo2: build: nuxeo hostname: nuxeo2 links: - redis - es - db environment: distribution: lastbuild volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./share:/share:rw - ./logs:/logs:rw redis: image: redis:3.0.4 es: image: elasticsearch:2.3.5 db: build: postgresql ## Instruction: NXBT-1917: Upgrade ES to 5.6.2 (+redis to 4.0.1) ## Code After: web: build: apache ports: - "8080:80" links: - redis - nuxeo1 - nuxeo2 volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./logs:/logs:rw nuxeo1: build: nuxeo hostname: nuxeo1 links: - redis - es - db environment: distribution: lastbuild volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./share:/share:rw - ./logs:/logs:rw nuxeo2: build: nuxeo hostname: nuxeo2 links: - redis - es - db environment: distribution: lastbuild volumes: - ./deploy:/deploy:ro - ./share:/share:rw - ./logs:/logs:rw redis: image: redis:4.0.1 es: image: db: build: postgresql
var environments = { devLocal: {server:'http://localhost', port:3000}, devDocker: {server:'', port:3000}, devDeployed: {server:'', port:3000}, production: {server:'', port:3000} } module.exports = environments.devLocal;
var environments = { devLocal: {server:'http://localhost', port:3000}, devDocker: {server:'', port:3000}, devDeployed: {server:'', port:3000}, production: {server:'', port:3000} } module.exports = environments.production;
Add new production IP address
Add new production IP address
## Code Before: var environments = { devLocal: {server:'http://localhost', port:3000}, devDocker: {server:'', port:3000}, devDeployed: {server:'', port:3000}, production: {server:'', port:3000} } module.exports = environments.devLocal; ## Instruction: Add new production IP address ## Code After: var environments = { devLocal: {server:'http://localhost', port:3000}, devDocker: {server:'', port:3000}, devDeployed: {server:'', port:3000}, production: {server:'', port:3000} } module.exports = environments.production;
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, InvalidPage from django.contrib.syndication.views import add_domain from django.contrib.sites.models import get_current_site def get_site_url(request, path): current_site = get_current_site(request) return add_domain(current_site.domain, path, request.is_secure()) def do_paging(request, queryset): paginator = Paginator(queryset, 25) # Make sure page request is an int. If not, deliver first page. try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: page = 1 # If page request (9999) is out of range, deliver last page of results. try: objects = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): objects = return objects
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, InvalidPage from django.contrib.syndication.views import add_domain from django.contrib.sites.models import get_current_site def get_site_url(request, path): """Retrieve current site site Always returns as http (never https) """ current_site = get_current_site(request) site_url = add_domain(current_site.domain, path, request.is_secure()) return site_url.replace('https', 'http') def do_paging(request, queryset): paginator = Paginator(queryset, 25) # Make sure page request is an int. If not, deliver first page. try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: page = 1 # If page request (9999) is out of range, deliver last page of results. try: objects = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): objects = return objects
Make site url be http, not https
Make site url be http, not https
## Code Before: from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, InvalidPage from django.contrib.syndication.views import add_domain from django.contrib.sites.models import get_current_site def get_site_url(request, path): current_site = get_current_site(request) return add_domain(current_site.domain, path, request.is_secure()) def do_paging(request, queryset): paginator = Paginator(queryset, 25) # Make sure page request is an int. If not, deliver first page. try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: page = 1 # If page request (9999) is out of range, deliver last page of results. try: objects = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): objects = return objects ## Instruction: Make site url be http, not https ## Code After: from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, InvalidPage from django.contrib.syndication.views import add_domain from django.contrib.sites.models import get_current_site def get_site_url(request, path): """Retrieve current site site Always returns as http (never https) """ current_site = get_current_site(request) site_url = add_domain(current_site.domain, path, request.is_secure()) return site_url.replace('https', 'http') def do_paging(request, queryset): paginator = Paginator(queryset, 25) # Make sure page request is an int. If not, deliver first page. try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: page = 1 # If page request (9999) is out of range, deliver last page of results. try: objects = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): objects = return objects
from daiquiri.core.settings.django import * from daiquiri.core.settings.celery import * from daiquiri.core.settings.daiquiri import * from daiquiri.core.settings.logging import * from daiquiri.core.settings.vendor import * from daiquiri.archive.settings import * from daiquiri.auth.settings import * from daiquiri.conesearch.settings import * from daiquiri.cutout.settings import * from daiquiri.files.settings import * from daiquiri.meetings.settings import * from daiquiri.metadata.settings import * from daiquiri.oai.settings import * from daiquiri.query.settings import * from daiquiri.serve.settings import * from daiquiri.stats.settings import * from daiquiri.tap.settings import * from daiquiri.wordpress.settings import * # override settings from (which is checked in to git) try: from .base import * except ImportError: pass # override settings from (which is not checked in to git) try: from .local import * except ImportError: pass
from daiquiri.core.settings.django import * from daiquiri.core.settings.celery import * from daiquiri.core.settings.daiquiri import * from daiquiri.core.settings.logging import * from daiquiri.core.settings.vendor import * from daiquiri.archive.settings import * from daiquiri.auth.settings import * from daiquiri.conesearch.settings import * from daiquiri.cutout.settings import * from daiquiri.files.settings import * from daiquiri.meetings.settings import * from daiquiri.metadata.settings import * from daiquiri.oai.settings import * from daiquiri.query.settings import * from daiquiri.registry.settings import * from daiquiri.serve.settings import * from daiquiri.stats.settings import * from daiquiri.tap.settings import * from daiquiri.wordpress.settings import * # override settings from (which is checked in to git) try: from .base import * except ImportError: pass # override settings from (which is not checked in to git) try: from .local import * except ImportError: pass
Add registry settings to testing
Add registry settings to testing
## Code Before: from daiquiri.core.settings.django import * from daiquiri.core.settings.celery import * from daiquiri.core.settings.daiquiri import * from daiquiri.core.settings.logging import * from daiquiri.core.settings.vendor import * from daiquiri.archive.settings import * from daiquiri.auth.settings import * from daiquiri.conesearch.settings import * from daiquiri.cutout.settings import * from daiquiri.files.settings import * from daiquiri.meetings.settings import * from daiquiri.metadata.settings import * from daiquiri.oai.settings import * from daiquiri.query.settings import * from daiquiri.serve.settings import * from daiquiri.stats.settings import * from daiquiri.tap.settings import * from daiquiri.wordpress.settings import * # override settings from (which is checked in to git) try: from .base import * except ImportError: pass # override settings from (which is not checked in to git) try: from .local import * except ImportError: pass ## Instruction: Add registry settings to testing ## Code After: from daiquiri.core.settings.django import * from daiquiri.core.settings.celery import * from daiquiri.core.settings.daiquiri import * from daiquiri.core.settings.logging import * from daiquiri.core.settings.vendor import * from daiquiri.archive.settings import * from daiquiri.auth.settings import * from daiquiri.conesearch.settings import * from daiquiri.cutout.settings import * from daiquiri.files.settings import * from daiquiri.meetings.settings import * from daiquiri.metadata.settings import * from daiquiri.oai.settings import * from daiquiri.query.settings import * from daiquiri.registry.settings import * from daiquiri.serve.settings import * from daiquiri.stats.settings import * from daiquiri.tap.settings import * from daiquiri.wordpress.settings import * # override settings from (which is checked in to git) try: from .base import * except ImportError: pass # override settings from (which is not checked in to git) try: from .local import * except ImportError: pass
module Pomo class Task #-- # Mixins #++ include Growl ## # Task name. attr_accessor :name ## # Length in minutes. attr_accessor :length ## # Verbose task description. attr_accessor :description ## # Task completion bool. attr_accessor :complete ## # Initialize with _name_ and _options_. def initialize name = nil, options = {} @name = name or raise '<task> required' @description = options.delete :description @length = options.fetch :length, 25 @complete = false end ## # Quoted task name. def to_s name.inspect end ## # Check if the task has been completed. def complete? complete end ## # Start timing the task. def start complete_message = "time is up! hope you are finished #{self}" progress (0..length).to_a.reverse, :format => "(:progress_bar) :remaining minutes remaining", :complete_message => complete_message do |remaining| if remaining == length / 2 notify_info "#{remaining} minutes remaining, half way there!" elsif remaining == 5 notify_info "5 minutes remaining" end sleep 60 { :remaining => remaining } end @complete = true notify_warning complete_message end end end
module Pomo class Task #-- # Mixins #++ include Growl ## # Task name. attr_accessor :name ## # Length in minutes. attr_accessor :length ## # Verbose task description. attr_accessor :description ## # Task completion bool. attr_accessor :complete ## # Initialize with _name_ and _options_. def initialize name = nil, options = {} @name = name or raise '<task> required' @description = options.delete :description @length = options.fetch :length, 25 @complete = false end ## # Quoted task name. def to_s name.inspect end ## # Check if the task has been completed. def complete? complete end ## # Start timing the task. def start complete_message = "time is up! hope you are finished #{self}" format_message = "(:progress_bar) :remaining minutes remaining" progress (0..length).to_a.reverse, :format => format_message, :tokens => { :remaining => length }, :complete_message => complete_message do |remaining| if remaining == length / 2 notify_info "#{remaining} minutes remaining, half way there!" elsif remaining == 5 notify_info "5 minutes remaining" end sleep 60 { :remaining => remaining } end @complete = true notify_warning complete_message end end end
Prepare progress bar for immediate printing. (A change to my commander lib).
Prepare progress bar for immediate printing. (A change to my commander lib).
## Code Before: module Pomo class Task #-- # Mixins #++ include Growl ## # Task name. attr_accessor :name ## # Length in minutes. attr_accessor :length ## # Verbose task description. attr_accessor :description ## # Task completion bool. attr_accessor :complete ## # Initialize with _name_ and _options_. def initialize name = nil, options = {} @name = name or raise '<task> required' @description = options.delete :description @length = options.fetch :length, 25 @complete = false end ## # Quoted task name. def to_s name.inspect end ## # Check if the task has been completed. def complete? complete end ## # Start timing the task. def start complete_message = "time is up! hope you are finished #{self}" progress (0..length).to_a.reverse, :format => "(:progress_bar) :remaining minutes remaining", :complete_message => complete_message do |remaining| if remaining == length / 2 notify_info "#{remaining} minutes remaining, half way there!" elsif remaining == 5 notify_info "5 minutes remaining" end sleep 60 { :remaining => remaining } end @complete = true notify_warning complete_message end end end ## Instruction: Prepare progress bar for immediate printing. (A change to my commander lib). ## Code After: module Pomo class Task #-- # Mixins #++ include Growl ## # Task name. attr_accessor :name ## # Length in minutes. attr_accessor :length ## # Verbose task description. attr_accessor :description ## # Task completion bool. attr_accessor :complete ## # Initialize with _name_ and _options_. def initialize name = nil, options = {} @name = name or raise '<task> required' @description = options.delete :description @length = options.fetch :length, 25 @complete = false end ## # Quoted task name. def to_s name.inspect end ## # Check if the task has been completed. def complete? complete end ## # Start timing the task. def start complete_message = "time is up! hope you are finished #{self}" format_message = "(:progress_bar) :remaining minutes remaining" progress (0..length).to_a.reverse, :format => format_message, :tokens => { :remaining => length }, :complete_message => complete_message do |remaining| if remaining == length / 2 notify_info "#{remaining} minutes remaining, half way there!" elsif remaining == 5 notify_info "5 minutes remaining" end sleep 60 { :remaining => remaining } end @complete = true notify_warning complete_message end end end
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url # Page patterns. urlpatterns = patterns("mezzanine.pages.views", url("^admin_page_ordering/$", "admin_page_ordering", name="admin_page_ordering"), url("^(?P<slug>.*)/$", "page", name="page"), )
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url from django.conf import settings # Page patterns. urlpatterns = patterns("mezzanine.pages.views", url("^admin_page_ordering/$", "admin_page_ordering", name="admin_page_ordering"), url("^(?P<slug>.*)" + ("/" if settings.APPEND_SLASH else "") + "$", "page", name="page"), )
Use Page URLs without trailing slash when settings.APPEND_SLASH is False
Use Page URLs without trailing slash when settings.APPEND_SLASH is False
## Code Before: from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url # Page patterns. urlpatterns = patterns("mezzanine.pages.views", url("^admin_page_ordering/$", "admin_page_ordering", name="admin_page_ordering"), url("^(?P<slug>.*)/$", "page", name="page"), ) ## Instruction: Use Page URLs without trailing slash when settings.APPEND_SLASH is False ## Code After: from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url from django.conf import settings # Page patterns. urlpatterns = patterns("mezzanine.pages.views", url("^admin_page_ordering/$", "admin_page_ordering", name="admin_page_ordering"), url("^(?P<slug>.*)" + ("/" if settings.APPEND_SLASH else "") + "$", "page", name="page"), )
import classNames from 'classnames'; import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import Util from '../Util/Util'; const CSSTransitionGroup = React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup; export default class ListItem extends React.Component { render() { let defaultClass = ListItem.defaultProps.className; let classes = classNames(this.props.className, defaultClass); let Tag = this.props.tag; // Uses all passed properties as attributes, excluding propTypes let attributes = Util.exclude(this.props, Object.keys(ListItem.propTypes)) || {}; if (attributes.transition) { return ( <CSSTransitionGroup {...attributes} className={classes} component={this.props.tag}> {this.props.children} </CSSTransitionGroup> ); } return ( <Tag {...attributes} className={classes}> {this.props.children} </Tag> ); } } ListItem.defaultProps = { className: 'list-item', tag: 'li' }; ListItem.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string, tag: PropTypes.string };
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import Util from '../Util/Util'; const CSSTransitionGroup = React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup; export default class ListItem extends React.Component { render() { let Tag = this.props.tag; // Uses all passed properties as attributes, excluding propTypes let attributes = Util.exclude(this.props, Object.keys(ListItem.propTypes)) || {}; if (attributes.transition) { return ( <CSSTransitionGroup {...attributes} className={this.props.className} component={this.props.tag}> {this.props.children} </CSSTransitionGroup> ); } return ( <Tag {...attributes} className={this.props.className}> {this.props.children} </Tag> ); } } ListItem.defaultProps = { className: 'list-item', tag: 'li' }; ListItem.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string, tag: PropTypes.string };
Fix duplicated classnames being applied to list items
Fix duplicated classnames being applied to list items
## Code Before: import classNames from 'classnames'; import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import Util from '../Util/Util'; const CSSTransitionGroup = React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup; export default class ListItem extends React.Component { render() { let defaultClass = ListItem.defaultProps.className; let classes = classNames(this.props.className, defaultClass); let Tag = this.props.tag; // Uses all passed properties as attributes, excluding propTypes let attributes = Util.exclude(this.props, Object.keys(ListItem.propTypes)) || {}; if (attributes.transition) { return ( <CSSTransitionGroup {...attributes} className={classes} component={this.props.tag}> {this.props.children} </CSSTransitionGroup> ); } return ( <Tag {...attributes} className={classes}> {this.props.children} </Tag> ); } } ListItem.defaultProps = { className: 'list-item', tag: 'li' }; ListItem.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string, tag: PropTypes.string }; ## Instruction: Fix duplicated classnames being applied to list items ## Code After: import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import Util from '../Util/Util'; const CSSTransitionGroup = React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup; export default class ListItem extends React.Component { render() { let Tag = this.props.tag; // Uses all passed properties as attributes, excluding propTypes let attributes = Util.exclude(this.props, Object.keys(ListItem.propTypes)) || {}; if (attributes.transition) { return ( <CSSTransitionGroup {...attributes} className={this.props.className} component={this.props.tag}> {this.props.children} </CSSTransitionGroup> ); } return ( <Tag {...attributes} className={this.props.className}> {this.props.children} </Tag> ); } } ListItem.defaultProps = { className: 'list-item', tag: 'li' }; ListItem.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string, tag: PropTypes.string };
title: Information leakage issue in the sanitycheck module link: cve: CVE-2016-3124 branches: master: time: 2016-03-07 13:04:57 versions: ['<=1.14.1'] 1.14: time: 2016-03-07 13:06:15 versions: ['<=1.14.1'] reference: composer://simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp
title: Information leakage issue in the sanitycheck module link: cve: CVE-2016-3124 branches: master: time: 2016-03-07 13:04:57 versions: ['<=1.14.1'] reference: composer://simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp
Remove the 1.14 branch, not really needed.
Remove the 1.14 branch, not really needed.
## Code Before: title: Information leakage issue in the sanitycheck module link: cve: CVE-2016-3124 branches: master: time: 2016-03-07 13:04:57 versions: ['<=1.14.1'] 1.14: time: 2016-03-07 13:06:15 versions: ['<=1.14.1'] reference: composer://simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp ## Instruction: Remove the 1.14 branch, not really needed. ## Code After: title: Information leakage issue in the sanitycheck module link: cve: CVE-2016-3124 branches: master: time: 2016-03-07 13:04:57 versions: ['<=1.14.1'] reference: composer://simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp
In January 2014 Github Team [announced Deployments API]( and you can use it with Capistrano 3. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'capistrano-github' gem 'octokit', github: 'octokit/octokit.rb', branch: 'deployments-preview' And then execute: $ bundle Require github tasks and set `github_access_token`: ```ruby # Capfile require 'capistrano/github' ``` ```ruby # deploy.rb set :github_access_token, '89c3be3d1f917b6ccf5e2c141dbc403f57bc140c' ``` You can get your personal GH token [here]( ## Usage New deployment record will be created automatically on each `cap deploy` run. To see the list of deployments, execute ```bash cap production github:deployments ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it (<my-github-username>/capistrano-github/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request
In January 2014 Github Team [announced Deployments API]( and you can use it with Capistrano 3. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'capistrano-github', github: 'capistrano/github' gem 'octokit', github: 'octokit/octokit.rb', branch: 'deployments-preview' And then execute: $ bundle Require github tasks and set `github_access_token`: ```ruby # Capfile require 'capistrano/github' ``` ```ruby # deploy.rb set :github_access_token, '89c3be3d1f917b6ccf5e2c141dbc403f57bc140c' ``` You can get your personal GH token [here]( ## Usage New deployment record will be created automatically on each `cap deploy` run. To see the list of deployments, execute ```bash cap production github:deployments ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it (<my-github-username>/capistrano-github/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request
Update the Readme to use Github repo.
Update the Readme to use Github repo.
## Code Before: In January 2014 Github Team [announced Deployments API]( and you can use it with Capistrano 3. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'capistrano-github' gem 'octokit', github: 'octokit/octokit.rb', branch: 'deployments-preview' And then execute: $ bundle Require github tasks and set `github_access_token`: ```ruby # Capfile require 'capistrano/github' ``` ```ruby # deploy.rb set :github_access_token, '89c3be3d1f917b6ccf5e2c141dbc403f57bc140c' ``` You can get your personal GH token [here]( ## Usage New deployment record will be created automatically on each `cap deploy` run. To see the list of deployments, execute ```bash cap production github:deployments ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it (<my-github-username>/capistrano-github/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## Instruction: Update the Readme to use Github repo. ## Code After: In January 2014 Github Team [announced Deployments API]( and you can use it with Capistrano 3. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'capistrano-github', github: 'capistrano/github' gem 'octokit', github: 'octokit/octokit.rb', branch: 'deployments-preview' And then execute: $ bundle Require github tasks and set `github_access_token`: ```ruby # Capfile require 'capistrano/github' ``` ```ruby # deploy.rb set :github_access_token, '89c3be3d1f917b6ccf5e2c141dbc403f57bc140c' ``` You can get your personal GH token [here]( ## Usage New deployment record will be created automatically on each `cap deploy` run. To see the list of deployments, execute ```bash cap production github:deployments ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it (<my-github-username>/capistrano-github/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request
--- title: My Second Post! date: "2015-05-06T23:46:37.121Z" layout: post readNext: "/hi-folks/" path: "/my-second-post/" --- Wow! I love blogging so much already. Did you know that "despite its name, salted duck eggs can also be made from chicken eggs, though the taste and texture will be somewhat different, and the egg yolk will be less rich."? Yeah, I didn't either.
--- title: My Second Post! date: "2015-05-06T23:46:37.121Z" layout: post readNext: "/hi-folks/" path: "/my-second-post/" --- Wow! I love blogging so much already. Did you know that "despite its name, salted duck eggs can also be made from chicken eggs, though the taste and texture will be somewhat different, and the egg yolk will be less rich."? ([Wikipedia Link]( Yeah, I didn't either.
Tweak wording on the fake blog post
Tweak wording on the fake blog post
## Code Before: --- title: My Second Post! date: "2015-05-06T23:46:37.121Z" layout: post readNext: "/hi-folks/" path: "/my-second-post/" --- Wow! I love blogging so much already. Did you know that "despite its name, salted duck eggs can also be made from chicken eggs, though the taste and texture will be somewhat different, and the egg yolk will be less rich."? Yeah, I didn't either. ## Instruction: Tweak wording on the fake blog post ## Code After: --- title: My Second Post! date: "2015-05-06T23:46:37.121Z" layout: post readNext: "/hi-folks/" path: "/my-second-post/" --- Wow! I love blogging so much already. Did you know that "despite its name, salted duck eggs can also be made from chicken eggs, though the taste and texture will be somewhat different, and the egg yolk will be less rich."? ([Wikipedia Link]( Yeah, I didn't either.
"use strict"; var Router = require("../router"); exports.testValidAcceptHeader = function (test) { var results = Router.prototype._parseAcceptHeader("application/json"); test.deepEqual([{ "type": "application", "subtype": "json", "params": {} }], results); test.done(); };
"use strict"; var Router = require("../router"); exports.testValidAcceptHeader = function (test) { var results = Router.prototype._parseAcceptHeader("application/json"); test.deepEqual([{ "type": "application", "subtype": "json", "params": {} }], results); test.done(); }; exports.testValidAcceptHeaderWithParams = function (test) { var results = Router.prototype._parseAcceptHeader("application/json;q=3;v=1"); test.deepEqual([{ "type": "application", "subtype": "json", "params": { "q": "3", "v": "1" } }], results); test.done(); };
Add test for media type w/ params
Add test for media type w/ params
## Code Before: "use strict"; var Router = require("../router"); exports.testValidAcceptHeader = function (test) { var results = Router.prototype._parseAcceptHeader("application/json"); test.deepEqual([{ "type": "application", "subtype": "json", "params": {} }], results); test.done(); }; ## Instruction: Add test for media type w/ params ## Code After: "use strict"; var Router = require("../router"); exports.testValidAcceptHeader = function (test) { var results = Router.prototype._parseAcceptHeader("application/json"); test.deepEqual([{ "type": "application", "subtype": "json", "params": {} }], results); test.done(); }; exports.testValidAcceptHeaderWithParams = function (test) { var results = Router.prototype._parseAcceptHeader("application/json;q=3;v=1"); test.deepEqual([{ "type": "application", "subtype": "json", "params": { "q": "3", "v": "1" } }], results); test.done(); };
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- vim:fdl=1: --> <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve"> <t t-extend="ViewManager"> <t t-jquery=".oe-view-manager-header" t-operation="before"> </t> </t> </templates>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- vim:fdl=1: --> <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve"> <t t-extend="ViewManagerAction"> <t t-jquery=".oe_view_manager_header" t-operation="after"> <div class='.oe_extended_form_view'></div> </t> </t> </templates>
Extend ViewManagerAction to add fromview
[IMP] Extend ViewManagerAction to add fromview bzr revid: rgaopenerp-20120611092619-6l8h7atm43fimeg6
## Code Before: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- vim:fdl=1: --> <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve"> <t t-extend="ViewManager"> <t t-jquery=".oe-view-manager-header" t-operation="before"> </t> </t> </templates> ## Instruction: [IMP] Extend ViewManagerAction to add fromview bzr revid: rgaopenerp-20120611092619-6l8h7atm43fimeg6 ## Code After: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- vim:fdl=1: --> <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve"> <t t-extend="ViewManagerAction"> <t t-jquery=".oe_view_manager_header" t-operation="after"> <div class='.oe_extended_form_view'></div> </t> </t> </templates>
module AdhearsionASR class Plugin < Adhearsion::Plugin config :adhearsion_asr do min_confidence 0.5, desc: 'The default minimum confidence level used for all recognizer invocations.' end end end
module AdhearsionASR class Plugin < Adhearsion::Plugin config :adhearsion_asr do min_confidence 0.5, desc: 'The default minimum confidence level used for all recognizer invocations.', transform: { |v| v.to_f } end end end
Transform minimum confidence setting to a float
Transform minimum confidence setting to a float
## Code Before: module AdhearsionASR class Plugin < Adhearsion::Plugin config :adhearsion_asr do min_confidence 0.5, desc: 'The default minimum confidence level used for all recognizer invocations.' end end end ## Instruction: Transform minimum confidence setting to a float ## Code After: module AdhearsionASR class Plugin < Adhearsion::Plugin config :adhearsion_asr do min_confidence 0.5, desc: 'The default minimum confidence level used for all recognizer invocations.', transform: { |v| v.to_f } end end end
Ruby version: `2.0.0` or above. Jekyll version: `3.3.1` ## Usage ### Development ```ruby jekyll serve ``` ### Production ```ruby jekyll build ```
- Ruby version: `2.0.0` or above. - Jekyll version: `3.3.1` ## Usage ### Development ```ruby jekyll serve ``` ### Production ```ruby jekyll build ``` ## Collaboration Travis CI will build `master` branch and run `bash ./`, which would push the build result to `release` branch. ## License Apache 2.0
Update readme add collaboration & license
Update readme add collaboration & license
## Code Before: Ruby version: `2.0.0` or above. Jekyll version: `3.3.1` ## Usage ### Development ```ruby jekyll serve ``` ### Production ```ruby jekyll build ``` ## Instruction: Update readme add collaboration & license ## Code After: - Ruby version: `2.0.0` or above. - Jekyll version: `3.3.1` ## Usage ### Development ```ruby jekyll serve ``` ### Production ```ruby jekyll build ``` ## Collaboration Travis CI will build `master` branch and run `bash ./`, which would push the build result to `release` branch. ## License Apache 2.0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <array name="load_local_libs"> <item> arm64-v8a; </item> <item> armeabi-v7a; </item> <item> x86_64; </item> <item> x86; </item> </array> </resources>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <array name="load_local_libs"> <item> arm64-v8a; </item> <item> armeabi-v7a; </item> <item> x86_64; </item> </array> </resources>
Drop no longer supported Android architecture
qt: Drop no longer supported Android architecture
## Code Before: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <array name="load_local_libs"> <item> arm64-v8a; </item> <item> armeabi-v7a; </item> <item> x86_64; </item> <item> x86; </item> </array> </resources> ## Instruction: qt: Drop no longer supported Android architecture ## Code After: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <array name="load_local_libs"> <item> arm64-v8a; </item> <item> armeabi-v7a; </item> <item> x86_64; </item> </array> </resources>